OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 02, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-08-02/ed-1/seq-1/

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ir?, vvvii a:o. (? "?7"?
V"' AAA1J.n vj,f.w.
-a. -
TOGsran m hamikmiy??nooimAewo
POUT;? nm am. rAsn w the srATK
ooautmw iu"?.toral ticket.
Dek Hoon, Auk. l.-Whatwr doubt tt
neay be es to ?10 possibility of i .versing the enorE
??sTwlar party vote of this ?ate, the singularly ua|
atre spectacle of to-day cannot but confirm
encourage MM Literal faith. Cntil to
fcardly the mont sanguine BemUr ci the |
N?M hare ventured upon a certain o.iu
?I U?e poliueal tendency of the people, aside from
Marked determination of the Democrat*, who hav
?ae made the canee of Greelry and Brown their <
lewa with it? moderate radicalism, clings "with pe
ten** to the tradition of party, and know ihr tin?
aosl earnest Liberal? have at time* despaired of <;ui<
la* the slufg?jh tide to a revolution and reform. Then.
the IU' well persisted iu of denying the existence of LI
?1 ixiii in the remote counties, had produced a depres
aflcit. and there were honest men who came to-day fea
hat half the count ?-a would refuse repr?sent?t
jtfsxk the completely opposite result. No Convent
aowever regular it be, could present equally eomr
delegations. Iowa seldom varies fiCT Republican
?erity, and It remained with the gathering of to-da
ndieatc the ratio of dissection in the several eoiinl
aud loshow that many of the 40.000 majority nt tin
?lection have Joined bands with the Lib?rai?, it
?hown that of that 40.000 at least lS.nr* Germans w?
all out -&,ooe of them Democrat?, and the reman
?-?publicans. The concurrent evidence of
nemuers further proves th3t local canses t
pe rated in many populous localities to change
??oiitical currant, and that aside from its intxi
bu rit or strength the Liberal tirket will receive ni
>coted ace? ??ion froui unsuspected quarters. More t
this, it has shown that the letter of Mr. Sum:
?there it has come into the hands of the c
aaratively few colored voters of this ft;
ha* worked a surprising revolution in t
direction, and that it is an indisputable fact that
?runt party count without the facts in assuming
olored vote en mas?1. Another point brought m <
?< nee m the free aud friendly interchange of the t
. volitions wax that the Baltimore action of
vmocraoy gave Liberalism an impetus of e\
marked endurance than the Cincinn
invention. Distrust, it kj s.hown, is now giving pli
o a hearty admiration for the conciliatory work of t
two great parties, and is succeeded by an equally eaj
?puIt of anxiety to Join hands in the amiable temp.
i. that word alone?" Conciliation." The friends of 1
orm mean to make battle, and tbe leading men of t
.?arty resent hotly any |mM tt.at Iowa will tai
Vbmd Indiana. Illinois, and Minnesota in the n<
reformation. Bo w ith her head men In council and 1
remoter hamlets represented, Iowa < lamm through I
?cost tntell.gent spokesman the forbearance of tb<
who doubt, and the succot of those who wish well
jiauonul reform.
As foreshadowed by the demonstration!- n>t nicht, t
double Convention of RepuMn.u- ?rats
?lay was In every sense significant and imposing. I
el..incs, which is not ,'m'cuniou.i d tt verv great TH'litii
aenionstratioiir, whatever maybe its politn.i
?ions, took the day in holiday fashion, and tbe strc<
paai the Convention bavi b? i | crowded in i'mrth
July style. The Liiiei.il party, embracing ?n this ?
title the entire lh inwrney of Iowa ami tully ? tlutd
.?b.c._Jf'publK^.-. win repreeaitjeflby thelr^motl al
?nd most tMsted leaders. Out of loo counties. M
rates were present from Vi, a large; number than
?wsually represented in a Btate Convention. The ?
Abolitionists who have been identified with I
Aiuce it* formation w< , I ' t? d, and thi
?character and patfjdMM greatly strengthen? d the han
?f the active, woikerr. If high spirits, full imuiU:
and personal obaru'ter f0 for anything, the Eiben
Judging from the 200 ormore gentlemen that fenedd ?
Republican Convention to-day, take tbe liest material
tkc old Republican party, sr.rt brine to the new all tl
enci gy und enttup.asm which built up and eOBselUkkU
Xii<- die organization. The imnien-f ha': of H
Vou?e was filled to overflowing when tike stated MMl
business came, and many of tit delegates found sea
?Kyoto rood
The organization wa- (fT"' .ami the Ho
*n. Merritt abaaafl (hairtnaii Mr. Meriitt .?
kne Convention at length, dwelling on Uh
??Ived, and exciting great cntbu-iahtu at IfedpTCdpl
i r-versing the Grant machuiet-.
On tbe.a.'^ombling of the Convention afti r the no<
?wess, pending reports from Committee-, ::? lui
H <,r?h?? 1! amoved that the various dele.
Lab. rjli-in of Iu-.va by a brief review of the
?ach I?i-tri< t. Not all M halt of tbe nuuiru? nuiurx
present had Um t t. -ti?v. ton on the part ot IbddC w i,
did speak there wa? tbe najt drift. A>
L.neialism, not noisy, but earu< st ami (?.',
clif> Permanent urt-anizatioi. brought foiwani'it ,
Jm ajout oi-jni liiWi iniien^ot Iowa lor ITenUent. I)
??_ A. QUMrt. He made a ' ?refill address, argu.ng tt
?u??' . iLi ?it supiKirted by such u.i i. ...-I
?et<>Bn:?iU befort i.uii. and cuned forward as it. now
ksy the thinking He concludt
With the siiiirularly apt eipr? scion of Mi Linc<iln, in h
??mous exhortation lor charity for all and ?
expressing bis belief tbat by the ei | , i.
? . ?.. ' ??? inuient of tbe people for tbe Iddjp
i by tbe panto, shall not perish from the fate of u
h. While awaitmg regular biisini ss. tbe selection i
tie i urnuiiM'o wa* made, which embrace? somt i
) most conspicuous Republican* in the Hat?. the in
it - . ??? H. Pcho?tld, G. M. Davis. Col, .
) ii^vck, A. Biusch of BlackLawk, L. B. lltllaaa. A. I
kl. ?>pard, Ma.ior K. 1?. Keilogc, Coi. J. 11. Keat!c>, A I
" IDs. ley.
<fining to tbe busioes- of the platform, the followin
bitf' exiiressioii, riitcianig tin t.ni.nnai. j>pi |
?? iimously di ? on:
' >. the Liberal Bepablicani of Iowa, in convention at
nunciation ol the principesa upoi
b w?idesire to act tn the present campaign again
i be corniiit,. ns. u ran nies, abuses, and nejiotiMn at tin
'') now in . tnO ?f our tJtaU and Oi
reaffirm the Liberal Republic*]
? ' : fully indorse the onunnatioh oi Hoi
>??- UraU Brown as candidates for thi
ind \'1< ' I'p-snlonfy of the united]
*?? ? -i tbe coojiirationol all tbe element- n
?v-itiou to the riomiuee? and platfortn of the Phila
ua < onseiitiou. aud thus?-adlierii.g lo the same, ant
one pledge, one hearty support to the non
'?iieinuati tkmvention anof of this Convention.
. ntime a Committee appointed to confer with i
i !?r detail from the Democratic Convention, whicl
? ns holding a simultaneous session, reported an Lie?
oral and Btate ticket, comprising the following Kcpuol:
AM and Democrat? :
Aierior? of l.aryf-CfTi. Fitz Hetry Warren of De
?koines. H. B. tlaka ei Imbuijue
tttfrrUtry of Xlalt?Ut E. A Giltiert of Dubuque.
Treasurrr-U J. Kbolf.
'vrfitor?J. I'. Caaaad.v.
' ':<rrn*n Ornerai- A. J Case.
?eyatir of the Land Ofhco- Capt, Jacob Butler.
< >' tbe Klectors, <.eu. Warren Is a Republican, and Mi
?sie is a Democrat. Two lueinhcri of the Htate ticke
Kepublicaus and three ait lH-mo< rats. Tb? com
? i ,-tion was accepted with hearty unanimity by Un
1 - lonsiilting toumittees. Both sides were anxlou
? .rmony aud concession, tbe Dem?crata declanui
?? ensenes pcrfecth williug to s.b,de tue decision of thi
Ob?rai-, with whom, to a great pj|?t, the burdtu ?
liattie must rest in the campaign. Th<
?t however, after a aappjal (?<..b(ja
W?r, settled tbe matter in accordance wilt
?hat they deemed the popular wish, snd thi
i nonlous rivalry for concessions was brought to at
?*w. When the list cauu btlore tbe two conventions H
*rvp< r style less delay was experienced in the ratiftea.
t)-* ot an adjustment in keeping with the wish of both
le'he matter ot district electors that was left to thi
' ?agree* Nominating Convention, to select the liest waj
of ?ji* ting tbe general preference of localities, hatlsfied
??"b this good work, the Convention was pnt in still
l-eiter humor by the reception of a rile tal eh annooucing
(*eo. Banks's letter In support of Greelej and tbe Liberal
easjse, to which Mr. Grlnnejl moved an answer ol
eV?citation on the part of tbe Couventioa te be sent tu
?w? General.
Amos or THK ?PjapcftaTK eOtrVS^fkML
The Democrats, assembling at about 'In siti.e time as
tbeir repreeeutative compatriots, carried tin business of
Car day successfully until the ?ppoiatment ?I t i'ou,unt
%M on Conference was brought up, when a geestion of
precedent created a ?llgkt wraagle. but finally \)n way
?as aaowu to satuf y tbe desire? ot two dietmct bodies
Mtluw for a similar purpose Gen A. v Dodav in*
?tiled over the AmrmMy and carried the work thrnmrh
fo the all-important point of Joining hand? with, tin?
Liberal Convention In too?! order Mi celerity. The.
8fate Committee appointed for the Democratic I.iltcral
vmir consist? of John Wiscuihu, K. H. Thiiycr. O. W.
Burton, A. K. Eaton, N. B. Hoi brook. T. O. Walk.) i 1
Williamson, M. Holbrook, and C. L. Ost. ?. H?I platform
adopted 1? brief and pointed
nVno/tv?*. That we approve of and Indorse the action of
the lute Democratic Convention at Baltimore, in placing
m nuiniiiaiii>u Horace (ireeley fot President, anil B.
Oratz Brown for Vtce-Prcsident, and in adopting it*
platform of principles.
,<?</. Tint ui the State ticket U?? day presented by
the folnl action of tin Dea?hcratl< ami Liberal state
Contentions we recognize citizens Of integrity, worth
and ebllitv. wHukc election would best subserve the
interest* of the ?Hate, and to whom we pledge our cor?
dial and undivided support.
This brief outline conclude? the ?rasi?n of one of the
most eminent und emphatic Democratic Conten? inns
lately held here, and inspires both panics with the live -
li< st expectation of tlctory to Otaba,
Escort?*?! by a committee from the Liberal body, the
Convention, on adjournment, marched la a coluum to
the public square of the City Hall, and, both ajHaUajM
cheering the other, the two jTeslding officer", Cii u.
Dodge and Mr. Merritt, exchanged anlutatiou*. and for
an hour or more spcechis of congratulation wer? de?
livered, Oen. Fitz Henry Warren, Mr, (lrlnne.ll, and Ca?
sius M. Clay In turn appearing. The evening was de?
voted to a Litt?ral jubih* ; IM street* wore BUed with
marctimg-jucn, music, torches, transparencies, and ban
in, A t th?n>rlhc1paJ hotel l'a-nii? M. Clay addres-cd the
people, and temporary platform? were occupied by speak?
er* of loca! noto1. The greatest part of th? procession,
uniformed in white hat* and white coat?, was coin
posed of the Young Men's Republican Club, supple?
mented by the Greelev Cadets. The people of the town,
who trusted to the organ who?c responsible editor edits
tue Poet-Office, were greatly enraged at the spectacle
of the Contention held to-day. and at this tjuite unex
ported exhibition of Liberal strength in the city of Des
Moine*, when the ollli-e people have steadfast I v claimed
there were no Liberals. The demonstration la more sig?
nificant and eiicourafing from the fuet that it had only
twenty-four hour? premeditation, and wns carried for
. ward exduslt ely by the young men who have heretofore
a!ii?d but llttic jii polltifs.
?Bl FOB ?iOVF.KV'OR ?GBOWIMG I .ll'.l.ltAI.
lkni.iNe.ioN, August 1.?Tbt- l>? iimkt?ic.v and
UtxTal Republican* held Matt <'out-cut inn- here.to -day,
the formera (ti levan, the latter mats assembly. This is
tin mo-t uufacombl? time of tin year for the numeucal
mu teat <'f Otueeatlaai or avbHi aatfcanaaa of any kind
in tl.!s Mate, is tbc farmers .ne busy ?icttlnp in tin .r h.it
and grain and are therefore very unwilling to leave
11 h . In swte ot this treat drawback, however, the.
.itteudaiict at both ("inventions to-day was very good
and more t lian made ap in respectability. earm>-fiicss
and enthusiasm -Alia? it lacked m mimbi i *? Tin N ?? N
aboal aal at the Liberal Coareattoa, and
l,i n i .tine from ?\>i> -4 ? 'm.Ii ot Hi' Malt, ? olivera?'
(MM with many tl Hum reveui a vitality m the mim '
ment Wim L :s eartaialj toalabtai la tbia genaraUr
aaajbttffai the least sensitive of states to paBUtal
In towTs vhrre on tbe w afJiiBC the (;?o|i-y
{..:'?(< lui i iTMu.Ua on Vh?flng?rs. they are"
now numbered bf scores, to say notb ng at those on the
finie. Au OM t?rmer from the northern part of tin
M.ite. who \.',t?d for C.iant in 1?*, 1 ift to -day Irfi M
m rex of fraai BMMVai Iti tritf to be present nt the
Coom rition. said : "It Qftatej mail's a good gain in
Nattai I ;? win In tin BMttvoadtrtaljvav'
ingfrumth? (?i.int aWl to ours that <\er raa taw." It Is
aoa ?eacraUl coa edad thai al k rdoftke
I.? l - ?tan - ?ta, aad that
R ? and, i cu? iBftoa, <'? i < "un
ti? - at aaj '
TbeO acted .n tac most aarfeci aanaoa/,
.il.il ail h' '1st ! s, . n i i?, .as: Dight, that Ihr i:\.in ht
tin (tienda ol Meaan. Hotrobla and Oardaer,lo
regard to tt.? go?in.orsinp. migai aataatoa aoaat ili
fe?iing, ItVM aaticabl] let! ed n ta? eoaference-toetB
byatTiaa; Mr. H ? I ? ?? l place oa the electoral
Ticket. The i .tndidaw s are , \ ? :\ thmt that could be
ili- red. Ml A. B. (..irdi.ir, the iioi/iluee tfr ?.ovi i not t
:.,. aaaB t ?atabai al ta? BepabUaaa iaii>. ami
has in (i tin in-i.oiaiiii poatttoa oi Bpaakaraftkt Haaat
ana M ptfiilai all orei the
and Un ?.i ' ' ii i n here, fi elini;
-?n ot Ml iioii.iiiiiion, iinlu-ti iniisly
? | - mu? alai 'i al ii?- trat aot ta
! Iiv m til tin- ii.ov 'in' n,. -Mr. W 11 B ?nuhan . tin
dab 'hi l. <?'"'n. m ?um inui. la a War Democrat,
and wae one ol th< t;isi oi biaparty thai i an.< aal pni
ai M. ?.leiiey. H' h a man of ladepeiident
ami known ,,ml lior.oied ttirmicliout the .'?lat? .
Of tM ? ?i '??' .'?? - ' '? electon Matara, HorroMa? Rand,
and Bishop an Ptaaotfate, aaat Matara Paveraaad LaaVl
PjapaaHaaaa Mi I aaat - . Deaaaerat, The Oaavaa
new aid -? < ?> fcaalaeai ? :t. greatpreaptaeai and tittle
i }.<? raso uai r*i < owixtmii.
Xhaliaaral CenTaattoa ?^ aaDed to order a few
minutes past u by Mr. ' ha i ,es < l< me ite. Chairman of
the Hat? < lUiinlttee, and or. bis nom nation Hei,r\ <
Adams of Ht. AU>;.i;s was ,.hosi n tenij.orary Chairman.
.Jume- . I. M> Lean of Rutland ami > Hiiirv Wiley of
VeM itanddph van avtaa aaarpeeaey secretaries. Mr.
Adams mad? I in? f apM at HI taking the chair. On
irotioi, ot J H. H Blltl cd hpringneld. a Committee on
Permanent Organization was appointed t'y the chair.
The ?'in.m 'iii reported the names of the following
gent;' mai. *' ht attoan of the Coir-eritiun. and they
wer?? ULaiiimoiisi.v ? '?<-ct'-d PreatitBl Tin Hon lunn-l
Roltert* cf Burlington; Viet lT^sidents, W. n.
Albee of PjrtegAald, Brljn PltrptVl al Rut
laud; BOgrtlttllflt. H? i i \ K Field of Montpellcr,
1 Henry Wiley of Randolph. The following ?talc Ten
tral Oaattaittee vat appointed
?i ?-;.. idMaoaOe B. Blajtdell. Oraaae Co.
D. L. Kent. I'.emiiiigt<in Co. W. (i Llkms. Orleans < o.
(,eo Ash.iv, ChMUinlen Co.J li. Wood a aril. W.i-h. ( o.
,1. H. Clement.CaledoniaCo.E. D. Hab n, Wtadavr ? o.
A O PefJord. I'Yariklio f'o ?."' Mate. Wiiidhnm Oo.
l> ? Bweet (irand Isle lo ,1 A Halifbnry. Rutland???.
il. A. Tfatrraiait. Laawfllli Beat x < a aal lapaaaaaiad,
At !2j a n-cess was taken to await the result of th?'
deiibeiations if the (oiiinie | on mitte?. The Con?
vention met hf.Mii; at o i oek. Mr. ItoliertH in the than,
in Confertne? < ninmitte? reported i iai the following
named ?reritlemen had be? n ag/eed DpOI for th? nominees
of 'h? Conv? ntiou :
fff,r^rnor--The Hon. A B. ?iardner cf Bennington
t.\tittriiti?t-(l<Hmu,r?V1 H. H lilniMiiiiii ol Hl?we.
I f, HNtrer?Henry (hase of Lyndon.
PtaaMtaaial Mvtwt tae Hon. W. T BanvhM of
beiiuingtoi., Thomas C. I'uwi-rs of W? oiIshm k. the Hon.
J. I Lad?! ot Aibmah. the U?m Ja.pci Rand ol Ht
Albans, Uolomon Bishop of Morwpellor
The D? m'Ki.it.? ( on\ention ?a* called to order at 11
oi.oikb.vMr H. B. Huiith ot Milton, Chairman of the
Matt Castrai OttaaatMaa, Oea, W. Fisk of MtaiMtii
Vaaakaaaj U-mpolar.v aad peimaneut ?hairnian, and
I I Mi?.ill-of Boiton, H. (. PhasMaf ol Hiainfleld,
I Algei of liurlitiglou. and C. B. Ri-asael of North
Hin Kecr? Une* A Committee on Credentials was ap
II I Mi, and who? ti i > wer? engaged m their duties Mr
T. H. MeQtaaai of Boltein addressed the Con?
vention ,n ,i atreag Oneiey and Brown s|tee?h.
Th?' Committee on Credentials reported that 72 towns
i were represented t>v |M neligate*. The report wae ae
, eepted A Ooanattteeon Resolution" was < inmeii as fol
' I?iwb ; B H Mealier of Borungton. I N. ,1'ihnson of
Mortaaeld lohn ??in of Rutland, A. I'. Child* of Ben
nington. Onus? W Farwell of Dorset. On motion ot
John Cain ol Kutland, the member* of the Contention'
from eivli count) ataataattd a delegate to
?omitose a ??immittee which should confer with a
i (ommitte?-from th? Liberal Repultli? an Convention and
eelert a list of candidates for ihe Htate officer? and Preet
defitlal electors On motion of Mr Biugham of Hfowe
Me*?ra. H. P Hmitb. of Mtltoi,. ?,eo W Alken ?if Troy,
llnam Atkms of Montpelie/.J M Week* of Lyndon, ?nil
P. P Puialley ot Burlington were re-elected the s?tate
c^ntirtl (ommittet for the ensuing >ear. A ret*? was
th*n taken.
Th* Convention reassemb ed ?t 3 o'clock. The Com?
mittee ol Conference reported rhe name* of the candi
dates which had beer decided upon i he r? port waa
adoi'ted amid loud ? bearing The Committee on Reaolu
tions reitortrd the following
?um^td Tout ?, ?|tt>ru*r uatf laOvrtt lb' !??!' o?' vimu at tt*
IxiLi.i r?l ' Jtktixitl ? uiml ou, bU? ?1 B?li.B.??r "o lbs *tli <.f Ja<)
latt and thai ?w ?IU ri?f Lr?rt* W?i r?r4ikl ?apport t* It? i-?odVtiVs?.
Hin>\na Tl?t mt ?m ?epjornar ?adiii?'?* iah ?!?? uuanutad, Md
IKV ?.' L' i,oiti i. ut*u>? I, i iIhni <?*rL"i
A vote of thank* to me i^hcer? of the (invention wu
poaaed'aiio adioaromeat taacie.
Claries I. Le?an?! Lae pun La-wl tbe Claren
??? n.u. ?aaaaaapahe tiao,*?,
i i?*n,eut (iiuiit. with Konatot ConkliDg and
,hM|At>> i<*u*t T*?ai MM awavW
3:50 A. NI.
Wli MINCTON, Aug. '>.-Mnt few additional returns
ha\o boon received, but it is conceded In M '.... neaily
all the leading men o? both partios that Merriiiion
hne carried the Ntate. The latest just received from
Concord nays tliat in the 12 townships
in Caharras County, Mem mon haa a gam of vsao
on tho vote of 1HT0. A few Republicans here say the
result in doubtful, but The Star estimates that Mtrri
mon'ttmajority will be about MM Jke Journal's
estimate is a little higher. The l'o*t, a Republican
paper, conc?d?e that Mcrriuioii is elected by a small
Washington, Anp. '2?'?:30 a. m.?A dispatch wan
received here, to-night, from Senator Ransom of
North Carolina, addressed to the editor of The
Patriot, sn.vinp that the State of North Carolina had
certainly gone largely Democrain .
Another special dispatch says Leach has defeated
Settle in the Vth District.
Tbirtut.tpi Ufe Tovtuhivt Tib.
Wilmington (2d Wcrd).. 1M Frtgceotnlio . 1M
Kalotgh (township)_ 218 Magnolia. is
Wake Korest.100 Ouldsburo. US
Llbertj . 3? Weldmi. 66
Itirliv McimiI .. 31 North-WesU. 94
Rufleld. HS1 Warsaw.Gain
EXCITEMENT in Washington.
WASUINinoN, Allg. 1.?All til? D0WI CeiltciM
heic have been thronged during the. cntlro evening to
ascertain the result in North Catolina. No State election
within uienior> has excited in this city so much interest,
and great dissatisfaction kj expressed at the meager dis?
patches rcceiveil. From all sources thus far beard from,
there seems to tie little doubt of a Conservati\c
diclory. This judgment M IPMhbi fej comparing the
presi nt vote so far us In alii from with that of ls7(>, ami
by considering the largo g.uus on the part of the CoU
earrattTdji in the twnbtfnl districts. Bvaa Um Draal
men do not appcui'to doubt that su ol Ust i ighl (on
.grcsMucn will tie loi lia (iiioley ticket, and that
the legislature will la- largely in favor of the
Liberals. In addition to this, all sources agree that the
Liberal candidat?; is elected by a large maturity. Many
In aw bets have been mole that Mi rrimoii, the Deino
i ratio candidate IM *?ovi?moi. Id I '??> U d In lo.uoo major
ity, and although many wagi is hue 1m ? ?!! offered inat the
Di mocrats Hi.iild < it 11 > lie !-late, no t.ikol- have Is'eii
found, and tin (?rant ptvpll Ht Mtt to bit ? v i ri M
majorities. Although tin virer have icon mti i rupted,
and trustworthy reiurns meager, on account of the
storm/, which prevented free rnrnmnatcatl
ini"it on all Mm is largely in favor of the Liberal deket.
. -"? *
RFCF.TVINfi fiTF: V'f.ws in-this city.
At 7:m0 p. ni. l;iHt evening ?x oplc begiin In
,ii tin l..le ral K'-publicati Heudiinaitiii", and in a
shoit time the rooms were crowded. At 1(1 p. to. I dis
piiti h wai. (Ml ived frmn North Ciiroliii i, as follows:
Abbottstoni. at D?mocratiegain ot< .whin
the Slate gavi 1,000 Dem. ( I dir majoriti .
Thir- was ri i erred with three . lo 11.. Hi -
mm tOUM I h im? latle headquarters, to bd s|<odily re
tin mil. biarlng the following from Honshu Kim-min I
The few returns received show largo Democratic
gains. All light.
This w,.s received nlso with cheers, and ?rnmiiliat.lv
tin ?taflet I ol. Allen received the following lioin 1). It
rrosjs-el- are brightest. C >Tisot v.'itlvrs a*e gnining
even ?hen. No doubl about refit JiiW.
ihii e cheers were given lor Noith Carolina, three for
the I ?i hum rni ,c Committee, and. on the suggestion of
Senator S.WOK1- of l/>ii>;.iiia. tIn???? Oktlt Mtt given
lor the Litioru! Kep.ililnaii ( "inimit?e with I
Al the (Iraut Headquarter- tbe same di.-patihcs were
read. 1'he Democratic Headquartcri wie thronged
illli llig the i nlire evening. Augustus Si In 11 presiding.
At ll:J(i p. in., two private dispatch''.- t,, Klii.iti Allen
?iir ii coned fro in W.I don, H. ('., as follows:
In Raleigh, Meinmor. talus'-1?!', iti Wiliinn.'ton. -ciotnl
Ward. UO. Northwest township 340 I gains
thu-far. from i-very <|ii:iitsi hearit frein. Ralelfh In 11
loi BAbipd gi\ 01 0 < 'oiisitv alive gam tk
All t.HAVK yi'K.-lliiNs .-AID In l;l. BJ I I l.l.I? I1Y
aky ( am: am? an amki;ii an i:i ROH nut
I/IXDO?, Thursday, Aug. 1,1872.
A dispatch from (?nieva tn-da.v say-* there
aie absolutely no part?cula!.- obtain,iMo of thi- ptMl ? d
nigs of the latest sittings of the TiIbiinal of Arbitration.
The gem ral statement is put forth, on apparently eren
lble authority, that nil grave ijticstlons have ta>eu
settled, arid that the Arbitrators are now stmlvmg the
details of tin- irrospenlive niljnsfineiit. No official com
munlcation-will, however.be turni-hcd to the press until
tin final settlement, which is likely to lie roe pad iniirh
sooner than has been ex im cted
Another dispatch suvs tin Luglish ropicsentatn ? ?
have presenteil to the Hoard a supplementary case eetah
llsblng, in flic iM'lief of the sign?is, that England faith
fully executed her laws in eounei turn with the ( talad
prate cruisers. The American agents have lu consr
OJVdMd submitted a ri tort, to the effect that the nuestlon
cannot be judged from ths mere local point of view of
tin I.ngli>h law alone, and arguing that England's
liability for the ravages committed by the prlvtOOttt
ai I0M principally from hi r uon-fulfllliiicnt of the maxlm-i
of international la?.
Mahkiii, Thurrday, Angnst 1, 1ST3.
When the (VirDu reaweirvliles, in Septeniher,
the (?overument will submit a project for a luan uf
060,(100,000, to te devoted to tbe improvement of tbe
iitiiitn !??> of the island ol <mba, The Isinds to lie offered
under this prffject will carry lnten-st (also representing
a sinking fund for the cancela?.m of the bond?? at the
rate of eight per cent j*r annnm. This interest and
sinking fupd it id proponed to draw froin the ( uban war
subsidy and from surplus Cuban revenues.
?muN, Thursday. August 1, Ml
XkSM (MH of Aoiutic (liolct.1 have oaunc?!
in this (.ilv.
ranci and raoom ot walks to tue
I/i)ND<il?, Thursday, Aug. 1, IST J.
This afternoon, while? Mr. (vladtdom and the
Hon. Acton Ayrtou, Chief (Commissioner of Work? sud
Ilulldlngs, were witnessing some experiment? witb gun
cotton |in tbe gardens attached to the 'Treasury build
lugs, a quantity of that material prematurely exploded
with a tremendous report. At first gravo fears were
entertained that those gentlemen were injured, but tbe
contrary proved to be tbe case, and with tbe eiceptlon
of the breaking of about loo windows id the Treasury
building, no damage was sustained
The American fleet, comprising the men-of-war Wa
bash, Congress, Plymouth, WaohuseU. Itrooklyn, sod
Hbenandoah, now at anchor in tte harbor oi Southamp?
ton, was Milted,?astar&ey, br tbe Prinoe and Prtuoess
of Wales. As tbe steam yacht conveying the distln
gulshed visitors approaofced the aquadron royal salutes
were fired. Hear Admiral James Aldan reoeived the
Prime and Prinoesaou bis fiagsbip,aud subeequanily en
tertatned them at lnaebeon. Aiming tbe company con?
gregated on tbe flagship at tbe reception of their Horal
t Highnesses were Minister Heheuek, rien. William T
HlMiLuan.Hr. Wiiluuo Tbewseen, United ?tales Comal
at Rnnthampton, and the Mayor of that city. In th*
evening Admiral Allen and the principal officers of the
fleet dined with the Prince on the royal yacht Victoria
and Albert, which ratatl was brilliantly Illuminated.
The Teachers' Congress has d? elded to take immediate
steps for the organisation of a universal teacher*'asso?
ciation. TV aaai ?;,| Mttety will M under the presi?
dency of the Teach? rs'Association of ?lern va, Switzer?
siakTlis?; mtaottn or prf? uii'i PTOWM
A rtiapaflafl from San Francisco yentenlay
ainioui.eed the lino!poratInn of the Sau Francis'?, and
New-York Mining Company, with a capital of
tio.ooo.oon. The Company was formed to work the
new diamond fields near the, headwaters of; the Rio
Colorado Chiquito. The exact location of the mines.
which are said to have been discovert da year since by
two miners nanu d Am old and Slack, Is unknown, as the
Compauy declines to | give Information on that
point, hut states that It has located 3,000
acres of land which cover the principal deposit. The
trustees of the Company are Allied (}. O'Neal, William
I-ent, Tliomas H. Hi thy, and Maurice Dore of Ban Fran?
cisco, and oaliuiel L M. Ilarlow and Gen (leorgo H. Mc
Cl? lian of New-Yotk. den. McClellan has for a Mag
time believed in the existence of the si mines, and was
informed of the discovery two months ago.
Two or three days since a telegram was *ent from San
Francisco to ??en. McClellan and Mr. Ilarlow, inviting
thetn to act M Trustees of the new company. They
mi i ptei or, condition that proper jierson* in California
unit?'?! in the undertaking. They have received assur
anees to that effect, Oen, M'Ciellan has not been
elcetcd President of the company, as lias liecn Bjawtod,
The op?rations of the Company have htta very si in t
hitherto, hut it is ?anl that the Company now has eh \i I
men employed M working the mines. Jt lias in the Hank
of California a large nomber of diamonds, a dozen of
which have been tut. and about four pounds of rubies,
sapphires and emeralds, i In y have also one rough dla
mond, weighing im ra?ate. The em? raid? are said to be
of good size, but of pale color. It is claimed that those
gems were all washed out of 1? tuns of gravel.
Tin taMaaatei ratet of an t? ?200,000. Maat
of the sapphires are as largo as pigeons
eggs. Several of tho stones have atta submitted to
Messrs. Tiffany A CO, of this city, by whom tint have
haai ?ut and jironoiini 1 .1 of tin laatl quality. A sam?
ple bag of gravel, said to have been taken mili-enim
nately from the mines, has btta brought to this city, and
on tnmlng the gr.it el over with the hand, it is said to
display wealili altiio-t lievol.il riiliceptiou.
It Is a matter ?,f tradition that tbt > itOOt. bfllWt tin
titne ot Corte/, ii'i mil large supplies of precious atoaei
from tlie cotintit noith of the Gil.i l:iver, mil many
small gems have been brought from that region within
HW past few yeais. A number of rubies and ameralds
of little ratet were brought from Arizona six
yours ago by Col. Altiert ft Kvaus, and
wi is- plated ill the C.ililtiet of Wells College
at Auburn, |B tbia Slate. The sloi k of the lump.ill, is
offered In 8aa Fraaetaeo at ato. it is not probable thai
iil.-it iptlons will be reii'll'ed III tlllseitV.II- It
that the greater pmtiun of the itoab baa been already
lal ? n, tin Bank ol California baring ?ubaeribed to the
as teal ??! '.
ii .isiiisn TON.
rturncti chmwit tot fabci <>i omi pjp>
?in nVMB?PI to TU runii NB.)
WA-lllM.Tit.v, Thursday, Aug. 1, MM,
Senatorfnmnerreceivedto-da? enoiher huge h.iteii of
letter-and telegrams congratulating linn upon hi! re
i. ut de. h,ration in behalf of Oreel y. 8omn of these
in- from prominent Republican* In Massachusetts VfettJ
names the Senator ibw s not i are to make public just at
patatal From the Individual resiauise* and assurances
winch he has already received and is stiil rccctlng. the
. i i on) nine? III m in the itelief ih.it liiaiit will not
i arry more than foui Matoa BtXl ?all.
Vt. L. Chaliiller, - ? ? t ,rt of tbt N it >????? ? '- ' : Bt Si
plllillcllll Kxci-lltlte I'olil'nlttee and rl A- l-l '
i,im of the It- i-iii.v. while here a few days aaVh raM
that all Committee w ? N leeiiting franti. appeals for
Meinet from all partt tf UM emititry. urging that ills
foi ? warded immediately or a! I would be l..-t. Chandler also
-aid Mai tin' I "ii i in 11 r ? I were :..> ditnh-d in conn, n ami
I latea pian to in- piir-in 'i m tbt pr?tent campaign,
ih.it the) v, naaelrea tad ererjbod)
else III the Bffl seilt i I MB,
Ml retai v Kone- m 'i i- hitherto been punid that Ii h i
uoi beta aaeoaej teoaa ' abtael ofl ti - who v.i re i ttflagad
ill elei linio cilliL- li'UI- Hi behalf Ol Ibe Adln u ?' : it Ion
II ha- hi .'Hi d i.i- man linig order? no? . howewi. and
will le. m- lor Ml mi'' in M we' k to btta (ht d
loi linns of the Ad ni i n i-l ill ion In thai State.
Architect Mullett leliirne.I In M to ?lay . win m he was
iminediately he-ieg'-il In tbt repl'e-cntatlt c- ot the
ov. tiers of varioii--lone i|u um-. who were aBSteM M
le.n n H'inethiug of tin aw inl- to bt tenet on the MM
for material to erect tea at? l'"-t OMtt al Chieago. Mr.
Mullett decided th i' M would not make the a'.vard.
notll he bad visit, .1 fin- \ ai ions ,|iian is? eon? erned and
fully satisfied blaMttl i-1" tea iraatttr ot the stone, then
pioxitnily In nut igriiiiii, t In teapoaatbllttj of II.I in ik
mg bids, arid teatr ability to talall all tea reqaiiaanaato
of their aoatraota.
Oen lliiti.uilt w i? :n the ni v tO-dar, and to hi
kdaateJavaUaa Meada at expressed alataetf rateei
laajitatomlj ti to bis preaptttt la Peaaeylraata. Aa>
. otdtaa to hi? statements in re lie has no Idea ot reel?
mg, l>u' thi'iU? he ran matt" the run u# well as any oilier
Ailniinlstcatiou man In blattete. Hishtghe-t l stimates
of in? own aiaJbritjdo aol aaeeed Mtftaad tin- ta
admits has gol lo oe worked for.
The ii'in/i i eaten Carewiafr. fltatt'i organ, raa b
il.ii llarl.iii, to 'lay editorially demands that ail thoso
eblks m the ilepiiltllieuts who lefuse to pay the ,-. .
?tata atada apea tara for pottttaal parptatt be rc
iiioteil. The departments are now being thoroughly
? aiivas-ed by Adiiiilli-tl'alloii agent.- fo, ?iiIim riptlons t.'
'liant'- vbning i nu-e. The various Slate associations
her? bar? also taken the list of clerks credited to their
-I ite^, ?ml sent Iheiii letters iiuportutiing for a tithe of
the meager sal.u n- paM tln-n
othei exauiplei) ?how how thoroughly ?lnperati\e an
tin- l'iesideut s rule-toi I lie ?atona "t the ? itll Sertlie,
espei-lallt lu NhPard to einiuiliatloii-. which hate lOUii
to be iegaided M UM moat melancholy humbugs. A
lady, an applicant foi a department posliion, after pus.
ing an eiamiuatioii which the board declared to be un
paral atad, wi? iiitoriiiiMl by the Hoard that, not having
i he, piop?i political influeine. her application would
have to Ik- passed OYW m btbaM of a much inferior coin
pet I tor, who was Indorsed by a responsible Congre?*
man. The follnvriug extract from Fred. Douglass's
paiHi. published heie, and which is a strong supporter
of Grant's ret lei lion, ^ives another cTllibition of the
fan e whit h the now' r?gul?t Ion- have in t tune :
A fi lend of ours was a couipetltoi for one of the va?
cancies In a bureau of th* Interior Department the
other ter/i hat lor some unaccountable reason to him, as
he felt that he bad proted hi? competence according to
the test of fifties* adopted by the 1'rtsifleut, the position
was refused him. On Inquiry m the proper quarter.
however, he was informed that though he had passed a
moat successful crimination, and came fully up to the
standard of qualifications laid down In the (inl Sert in
BtMna rules, the Hoard of Baaattettt had adopted
another test which would cvludc hliu trum an appoint
nu-ut. Th?\> had iiet nleii that no one beyoud the age of
:ii years could Iks appointed to the poeltion for which he
was a competitor, and n> he wa? rejected. I* this Just
or autlnii i/i d t
The Commissioner uf Internal Reveuue offers to per?
sons not officers of the Ooverumeiit rewards under the
a? t approved July 0, Iffft fur informatiou that shall lead to
Cu iietection of person? guilty of violaUng the Internal
Revenue laws or coiimviug at ?uch violation, the reward
m no ease It exceed su per cent of the amoiiut of tines.
penalties or forfortureo. One hundred thousand dollar*
was appropriated bv Congress lor the purpose.
The number of distillerie* in operation July l was 2IB,
and at this datr It is iM; producing rapacity July 1, *j17,
en fallona; producing capacity today, il9,l?3 gallons, an
Increase of lest gallons dally. This Is a heavy Increase,
tn consideration of the fact that 4V distilleries less were
running. It is thought at the Internal Revenue Rureau
that the distiller* were taking advantage of the change
of law. All the liquor they could manafarturc and put
into warehouse prior to Aug. 10 can be removed undec
th* tax of 60 cents per gallon AH warehoused on and
after that date It subject to a tax of ;o cuiitt per gallon.
Although tbe tobacco regulations of the Treaaurr De?
partment proscribe a steel die for canceling tobacco
stamp?, and make Aug. 1 tbe last day of issuing tobacco
from a manufactory under tbe old system of stamping,
tbe D?partaient is disposed to he liberal with tbe mann
facturera In construing the regulation. These steel
dies are furnished by tbe Government and loaned by
collectors, and In many Instances It will be the fault of
collectors, In falling to apply at headquarters for eaaael
lii* dies, If manufacturer? fall to comply Wlta the reg"'?
Uou?; and If Mlxures be made, they will a? a general thing
be aareijr ?n? /bras?,
The MoKNfNi, Htab Okfk e, Wh.mini.ton. N.
C, Aug. 1.-The old North Ktate sends greeting to
Horace (?recley. The indications all point to the
election of Mcrrimon by a decisive majority. Con?
servative? here are offering to bet any amount on his
election, hut even the Administration men, who still
have a portion of the (Irant corruption fund h ft,
will not wager one Ieut on the result.
Twenty thousand majority in November will attest
the confidence reposed in you by North Carolinians.
\V\f H. Bpiknakd,
Chairman Conservative Kxo. utivi Committee.
KaLBIOH, Tliursgay. Aug. 1, Mtt
The returns thus far received show Conserv?ti\c
gains amounting to 1,:W,\ while the Radical gains
are 4.16.
Later.?It is generally conceded that Merrimon is
elected by at least 5,000 majority.
Brunswick?Merrimou, 50; Dunlin- Mi rriiiion,600.
A dispatch just r<( | iwd fiom Conenid leyutta t Icit
eight out of 11 townships have been lieaid from.
and they give Merrimon M majority, B gain
of 203 over Shipp's voto in 1H70. For
Congress, Aslic Conservative, has in the same town?
ships 2-14 majority, again of 288. The majority in
the whole County will proliahly he 250.
Tlie following is a list of State udaVxW and Con?
gressmen proliahly elected all Ant ?Administr?t inn
except the one printed in Italii s :
Oewrndr.Aooimm B. Merrimon.
J.irut. Uirrernor.ton HoeBBd.
Attorney Uctirrat.Wii.i.iam M Miter.
Irraxurer.JOHN W. OkUiAM.
Seerttary of Statt.Ions A. ftoaUCK.
A '"litor.?.Coi.i.mt I.EVKsrtMRpi:.
Huji't fuhiir I*HnttHm..1Xnu*vu MKNt?l M1A1 i.
?a*/! Cu//fic fiara? .Justin 11. ?ti-Ahii.
< 'otigrrstmen.
1st District Doubtful.
II.I lii-ttiet-CAuraV? /?. Thmnn*.
llll Di-ttiot Alfred M. Waddell
i vth District Bion H. Bocera.
vth District Jansea at. Leach?probably.
VU h Dlstriet?Thomas B. Asiie.
Vllth Dislni't-W. M Itobhiiis.
VHIth District-11. H. Vami
?mnxracTKD <;.uns n rap kajtsbvpabt
Of rin. si a ii:?did Tin: RXOBOBfl FOLLOW
-i mm:it's advht-:??riiK inn- BROW ad
Kai.kkiii. Am:. I IfXllHII from 11 towns nnd pre?
cincts give the CoiiservatiM s paioaoftOO over the
Shipii vote of 1*70.
The following are tin est ?matul DBJOl. I it I in the
counties at UaTM hcanl limn :
Meikleuburg. Conservative majority, 'SA); Con
?-I lvalue L'alli, ISS,
Ko? au. ("on si u val;1 e majoi itl. 45(1 : CnnserV.it i\ t
Ins?. Up,
Davidtoa, (.'oiiservative pjaJwHj, 100; CoBtl
tire gala, M.
Johnson Men iinon. Ml
Wake-Caldwcll, 4M
N..itli.itiiptoii-('iilil\M'll, 000.
(lu il ford?Merriinnu, Ml
Beaufort -Cahlwell, 126.
Way ne Moninion. 100,
t ?aM h Cal.lwcll, ?50.
Alamanee Meiiitnon. 100.
(?rauvillc?Caldw. 11, Hp,
Franklin?Merrimon, 15.
Wairen-Caldwe.il, 1,200.
Wilson?Merrimon. 200.
Suiitli, (?i.uit Republican candidate for Congress,
lias M majority in Raleigh en y anil township; this
1- B Conservative gain of 2o2aiiiee 1S"C
Balaigh toWBdhip gives a Conservative gam
?.i na.
Wake Foffl gives Merrimon loO gain.
Nothing i- mi (lei isive. though the chances are in
laMii i>i iln- election ol MenApaoo.
The City ol QeUabOM gives Merrimon 404; Cald
\m11. ,",J1 ; | Ci Iiservatiw tain ol .
Heaiifort County ? Mon load City :;nd towl
give SB Conservative majtirity. Capa BdABI
ej('onsiiviitn - naporttj.
\ ili-pat(li from Weldoa repetid .1 Conservative
gam "I" 58 rotdt on the State ticket. The vote in that
cits '.vas the largest ever polled. Twelve negroes
voted the CoaeerrattYd ticket.
I he following are scattering return? from
the towns in the State ?is tar at rei i-ivcii at niid
niirlit :
l'!a\ion, .lnhiiMiii ( 'o.iniv ? Mi n luioii, '.70; Cahl?
well, ms, CoaearvBtive pato, 80.
Franklin TeWBdbip ? Meirimon's majority, SB.
Cimsii -vative gain. .'??.
Weldou Conservative gain. ?23.
Heavy gains an- reported in Northampton County.
Booa Hill, Johnson .County, IM Rail.cal majority
? small Conservative train.
Wake Forest Township, Wake County, Conserva?
tive gaiii-ll".
High Point, (?uildford Co - Meiiimon 146; Cald
wi'll, 14.s; Leach, lt7| Settle, 10.-. Couseivative
gain. V.l.
Newhirn. Beaufort Co.?Conservative pains,
.lames City. Craven Co.?Consci \ atn | gam. 200.
Cliarlotte. Mecklenberg Co.. Radii al gam, lb; the
county will give ? Cdnsirvative gain of IfJL
Company's apope, ftJaMMkep Co., Conservative
gain, &l.
(iri'i nsiboro. (iiiltmi! ?County?Settle's majority
loi Coligiese,, l'.'l. Radical gnu.
Kittn 11, (Iranville County?For Congress. Rogers,
IIS| Smith, 231. Merrimon, 151; CaldwaD, 2^2.
CoiiHiTviitivi' gain. in.
Riskyiiitiiiiit Towiishiji, Consei vative gain, KL
Township near Ivockymouiit. name not | vei .
Coaaen atite gaiu, 4'J ; all in Nash County.
KntieUl, Halifax County?Conservative gain, 75.
Matrat Hill, Kdgecumbe County?Conservative
gain. ?(i.
Durham Township?Congress, Rogetajt majority,
Nalioaul, Northamjiton County-Conservative
gam. i.'..
Magtialin, same county. Conservative BB
T'liomasville, lliiiidson County, Radical gain 150.
Hi iiihrson. Merrimon, 2^4 ; CuldweU, :>54 ; Rogers,
22f>; Smith, 358; Conservative gam 5.
Wilson, Wilson Connty, Conservative majority
75. Raleigh, (.'aldwell's majority 534.
The first Rcunblicau gain reported is from Rogue
Swamp of 50 vote?. Holden Township, in Wayno
County, gives a very email Radical gain. Watson
County gives 200 majority for Mernunm.
??(.KNrKAI. I'kKs.s LilS'I'ATt M I
Wii.MiMiiDN, Aug. l.-The election was one of the
most quiet that ha? been held in tboo city for years.
1111 sincas was generally suopended. A large voto
was polled, and the ntmoet exertion made by both
sides. The city return? are not yet in.
Abbotebnrg townahip. Bidden County, wad the
liist return received, and gives Mernmon a majority
and gain of about 40 voted over the vot* of MP*
when the Conserv?t! ved carried the Htate by nearly
5.000 majority. The vote for Attorney-General in
1870 will be adopted for comparing the gain? and
l?ete* in the preeent election.
In Weldon, Halifax County. Merrimon gain? 100
on the vote of 1870. Thid id oondidered a very favora?
ble indication for tbe Conaervativee.
Nortbwed? township. Brundwick County, giveo
Mernmon a gain of 34 vote? on the vote of 1870.
The Conservative* in this city are offering bet* to
Mir amount on Merrimon'? election, with no taker?.
Liberty give* a Coudervative gain of 30; Rocky
Mouut. ill ; Knlield. 88; two on-t mets m Edgecouubc,
I25? Wilson five* a gain but the ainoont i? i?,f
utdtri dtetorod Irom CeJunbue indicate a ecneid
?rable Conservative griin: Magnolia gire* 19Con
eervative gain ; Ooldsboro git.-a 1SB gain,
The s,? nuil Wird m tins city give? Merrimon '?#>
C'alilWell, Wli ?l ('iillM'lt.ilitc (Mill ?if IM,
Warsaw, Duplin ('minty. gitts Mi rniiiiui IH
CaMwcll, 148, a small Corniervat ite gain.
Merrimon gain? ?X? m Kahigh.
THKIlt I N-A Ilsl-A? lOltY NATI KK.
Raiki?H. Aug. I.?The inl? rest in MM remilt of lb?
electniii is very MMteM in Kahigh t?i mglil. Soon
after sunset the news paner men established
thetnaelves in the telegraph <itli'?\ and
traaa joined by about a down Federal ofli??
holderw, who soon began to receive di*
pati lies from other official? stationed in other
cities. Next, the < <iiiiiiian<l.'itit of the trwi* ?la
turned hero ?initial, and then the crowd ? ame in
tilling the enure room. Hut MM ah nf MM telegraph
oflice ?at nut aun ?able to the Ailiuiiiistnitniii iiien ;
alinoet all of MM returns incite?) mili
c-ateil Conservative gains. .nul they wain
ordered the Mayor's ofuce to Ml pMPMbpJ
for t?em, and reinnve?! their MbttaftM riera
to that place, taking along the (?rant correspondent*
with them. They hate been exceedingly blue and
discouraged all ?lav. ami are no inore aasaaahM thin
et tiling, having evidently mail?-up th?'ir mnnl* to
be luateij. All of the returns thus far n-ciittil
indicate that the tule t?i-?l;iy was the largest etir
? as! m tin- State. Tins ?inn-awe in the east when I UM
negroes pr?domin?t?' means nf cours?' gains for tin
Adiiiiiiistriitinn, while in the W-st it means tntniv
for the Cnii-i'i tati\?.s. All of MM returns roceivt?'.
tn-iiigli! me ftjtj uii-ali-factiirv. a* far M M?MtMMaJ
the result is concerned, foi scteral In tho
lust jilai??? it is iinp<is-ilili' to tell on tvhul tote th?'
gains or losses Npgfted arc cotiipiiii ?I. Whencvel
they are sent by active ('oiiserv.itive BelftleteJM
they arc gams or losses ot i i the vote fur A Itn: net
General tat 1010, hut vhere i !.??>? an aaat by tbetelt
graph operators tiny mat refer t?i the tut? ?d IKu
Ol to the v?ite nil t lie ( '"list It lit K'lllll CoiivitiI inn m
1871. Another PMMM ?lit the MtMHsTtakJ returns
lei eiveil to-night : :\i I Mil l'l'M how i he Male has
gone, ils a change in th?- toting law has been mail?*
abat?tete, I'rcMour" to thai tune taaVtejt) une not
r?'?lllirc?l to Mite at lie pn fillet where tint were
registered, ?nul the ticgnn*. therefore, flocked info
the cities and large low aft ami their voti s ap? aped
in the returns from MMM httate or taWtte, Now
?t'ly man has to tote m the prcciin t where
In is i,gi-t?ieil, and this fact mut make
apparent Ciuisertatiti trains in the ??tie? win I. an
In aid from tirst, but w tin h mit be nontialiaral a ben
the returns tnuu the totviiships mine in. Still th?
reports teeeiteil up to midnight arc vert encourag?
ing, and the nio-t experienced Conservative poll
tu unis here feel ten conlulent that the Stale MM
gnne for Italianas bv ? Majority of about 0
The retliniF of the tote for Hie nbi I* of ?oagrttl
IN ?tell innre llieilgic l?i;i!i .liose .it the State tl'ket.
The result in the fllM Diatriei is ?Inul.iliil.
ami mat lie Im ^-? . ? ?;ii dajfft M HM tole ?n
that I*i-tlict Is close, anil si tel.il ol I hi .enti?
tles tcry uni?te. I In at?j tnttn tit
fr?ta m the v?tete Diatriei it BaaaJart, ami tea
only news from then i- that th?- !'?insert ante- i .im
aaadt a gam in the lid Ibstrii t. Charlea If. l'honnis.
Adminstratioii. is son K alteted bj from 7 IM to '"
(ii majority in the 111 ? I Distint : A. at Wa?hlell is
*:irely reflected, I BOOffe im ?st m?ate can y et he mad?
of his majority, in the lYth Diatl let. The elet Hal "t
the Hon. Sinn H. Bogan it tcry probable
Mattering retano have been reoaiTtd imm VTakr*
Jolnison. Hath, Franklin ami Oraai ill?* Cniinties. all
of wl'.'ch lll?lic?lt? till! the ('otisei v.'llit e* hate
ga.ncii over the tote fol Sl.ipp m 1970, vhen
these count'es i 'oiiiliitieil trate Ilion than
UKW Democratic majority, In the Vth Dtetriet,
J. ht I.i-ikI. Cniiset t atite. will iirnbablt baal
Bettle by aven -mall audarity. A few return*
hate been ni eiveil froaa Alamance, Goilforttaad
1 ?at I'lsoii ( onnties in tins ?listin t. and Cooaei tat re
gaina are repotted in each. This and the Poarth
District are the moat doubtfnl in the State, Two n I
tin Sixth District, Thomae8. Aabe, Coaeervative, '
will hate between l.isnj ami 2,000 ma.niitt o>?-i
Dockary, the present member, Mecklenberg ia the
nnly county in this diatriei heard from, and thai
will give a Coneervative gain over Shipr/a vote) in
1OT0. In tin- "V" 111 ! i District there i- no doubt ol
the election ol W. M. Bobina, Conservative, by al
least MOO avdoritj Rowan Comity is tea
only one m tbia diatriei tot heard boat, aim tin
Administration pant ?eema to have made a gam
then'. Noretnxns from theVIIIth Dtetriet can be
received lnfore to-lnerrow afti-nioon. but there ,*
lint th?'-lightest doQbl that If. B. VaBX I -, ( mseita
uve. iaehoaea by a' least 8,000 majority.
GOOD M HAViuH OP THI i'i.oii.i i \ i R1 wiiKltK
SAN'K (?I- I 111! IM I. -I >> IIMKNT.
IBT ti i.Ki.i. leu i i ran naa* ai i
Kai.vii?h. Aug. '.. ? A innre <|iiiet and orderly ele,
tion than fh.tt in RaMtfft to-ilay neter took place
Tito pella veta tayetiedal tvjtnae, ?m?l Mthadttata
hiimln'd* of aegroei bad already nthiteil ahevl
the VOtitl'.' plaies atill il?iw<!e?l ii]i te tin
bOXea, 'ach eager to ht the lirst t?i lb
P?)sit his ballot. iTi.e ?ity ?if atetetgh
iadivided into thiee prei no ts, the iii.tuipal MM
beiiiir at the (oiii't-iii'iise. where MrVaVteed Im.ii-m
veta provided. Hi?- minieii men .itter they h.ni M
posited their ballots, remained ii, the BMMM alamt
the Conrt-houM . as tlmiigh ?1? terninu ?I to M-e it out
and know tlie result of theeh 11 uu< before going home;
but, although the streets mar when- MM rottet;
tnok place were lilleil all il.iv with liegrties tl.it
were quiet and orderly, and I saw or beard ?if i <
?listiirhiince of any kind anywhere in MM i ity. tin?
cause of the imiver?al ?jun-t ami gMd milei p
ing in Kaleigh a* ?lsewliere. it MM lagM ? nforce
inciit of the State law prohibiting the sab?
ot liquor alt? r 0 o'clock on the night before th??
? -?et tmu. ami before 0 ?? '? lt)CM on the innrniug nf the
day after. This plan is not I tali?-, a* it geveraUy
is :ti N?'w-York. and tiien has been no ilrniii- ? Mat ?
lure dining the day. laV MHB ul tbe aaltet atad
hire precluded entirely the |djpj ai ?? Metal
ballot, and prevented the few negroes
wim iiesiie?! from toting th?- Liberal ticket. The
law priitulcH that the back ?d fin' tu act* shall con
tain no device. Thil pint ismn was mad?' tn pre
tent the inspectas ol ele? tmn or other* ?m?n know
mg how any person von?l. but the law has betel MM
struwl to prohibit ant pinitcd indorsement on
the back of the tn k?t. and so it was
necessary for the inspectora to open eveit
tnketto ascertain teM vbtthbM t?i put it I his
entirely ?lcfe.it??! the intentinii of th?' law. 'Vhn
colored men m every I ity and tea n m tin? State who
desired to tote the liberal ticket were prevented
timing'1 i?**'??1 tn,',r n'llotvs. and the loiiHtrii? tion
referred tornade it aMMMMHl for them t<> ?aat a se?
cret vote.
Dispatches from ?vert part of the Stat, report the
same quiet ami gosl oraet that has prevailed in
Kaleigh. This is the more creditable t?i tin I Ibera
trnm the fact that the Admiiiistvatuui part
?lone so much to provoke term Many i |
sharji and dishonest practi??* have airea?! i
referred to in letters and dispatches t, I'm
ThiMi-NK from this State. They eaaaad i?. \
to register under difieretit naiue? at more than o?e
polling-place; they imported negroes, from South
Carolina and Virgiuia; they published card* nit,
eially signed by I uited States oOetete, warning Lib
?rals not to challenge negroes who attempte?l to t ote
illegally: they incited the negroee to attack thoeeof
their number who dared te think for themselves and
vote for the Liberal ?audidatee, and they have alan
derod the people most outrageoualy, saving that
they were all disloyal and bent on le
vivmg the Rebellion, reorganiiing the Kn-Kliix.
imd havmg bloody attraya in at leaat
KXJ different place? in the State to-day. No quiet.
cnlci 1 y law abiding, forbearing people were ever s >
cruellv misrepresented eg have the people of Nonh
('andina been during tbe present cam?
paign. They are cailed Kebela and Ku
Klux, when, in nearly thre? week? ??mstaut
trat elm? through the State, I have vet M se?
tbe first Cnited State? tlug bearing the name of
Grant, while there i* hardly a city in which (?reeicv
flag? may not lie aeen. It the Liberal? I. ,t. the
In mi. a? much as they are accueed of ?bun? tin v
hare a strange way ef abeviog it.

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