NF.warAIT.R ?BEL s. "ITS.
t AS?.
Loo?b J. Jennini?, editor of Die Time?, ap?
peared at the Tomb? rolle?? Court, yesterday, to answer
the charge of lltvrl preferred against htm by <5en. Jiidson
Kilpatrlck. Hi? waa accompanied by ?Jen. Arthur. Col?
lector of the r?,rt ; Henry Clew?, Jackson 8. Bchtutr. -?
B. Morgan, anil ex-Judge Hooper 0. Van Vorst. Chaun
??ey Bchaeffcr appeared "? BafcaM al Ota. Kllpntrtck. Tim
f? llowtng in the complaint on -which the suit 1? V
!-. , o ? I ui ?T V ??T Pirran t. st?tf a* J?'?w Yob?, (?an ABB
l?,an o? K?wY..?a. ??? -H"?l. Jo I?'? Bd??t? fk. of Aator ll"0?e,
...? that o? J?'T ntb, I IB at thr fit? aad l ooi.l? of New York. ?M
I . a.? Je??!??? ?W ??lawfail?. aram-la^l? ao.1 ?lali?.oo!? e?mp??' ?>'d
i ?hli.h t? ? eert?l? newspaper pnnteal ?tel p?l.ii?hed br hin, Inthe t IT
?e-1 fae-ii afore*?.!, a eerui? laU?, ????.:?'<_? ii.a>.eio_, ?ml defama
?or? libel ?f ??>l eoicer?!?? ihia d?noue?! i? the word? follewia?, te ?It
I AfWe-ed Yk-lom* artwl?a.??l?.l. I Th? ln?Mt farther aar? that h? t? tbe
Eaa ?f U,?l mim ?ne ??? f?r??rly Minuter or
U?Uad BUM? t? l'aiHi and that the MM lalae, drfaoiatorr
reler? la. a_t ?aa latendeai. !.. ?aid Jriinuga. to ?feet iijanoaalr
?W iIumM, ?f lb? iepa?i.eat, and thit tbe ?aid 111?Ion? liiateraenU la
?wd artifi? ?re wholl? f?'?e and untni?, ??d without an?
aaeaWitii'? ?hiteur ta fntl. l?<po?ent furt?ier ?a?? thai lb? aaaeied
?Tf? of theaaid new?r>aper railed The New lor* Time' eontalBa ?aid
l.l* defaaiatorj and ?Hflill II 1,1*1. and lh?t the aa J lihai ?aa ?a that
alai ??A ?ear aforeaaid ualawfi.ll? ami Biahe.oaalr pn? Iithed h? th? Mid
_*?i? J. Je??t??a with talent to injar* a?d del??? he ???I1 Barn? or
Ikh ??t???tt Wher.'iol? o?|o?ei,i |.r?n that the aaiil LoOiM J. J?D
??am ?tat be ?rreateal anal de?it with w the law iLr>e'.a.
- - - H J. Kitrmtint.
Whfn.liitlciHoif.ii. had taken hi? tttfl Mr. Schaffer
?Mil tli.it lue client il- in imleil the ntlleat investigation of
tl,i tharin loiitmiiiil i- IIk ?mile referred to, a? hi?
?private cbaiai ter hhiI in? standing before tho people
?were alike involved, in,,I Ii tin- i haute were proved false
tin slanderer should bt )>ini shod a? Hen. Kilnatriik
?waa obliged to ?i?** ai Burlington, Vi.. last night, ami
?raoddqui iiti.v ii.n!.I not be present, counsel would aug
ire?t a postponement in.til Mondar.
Judge Van Varal ??mi tli.it hi? (Vu it would waive ex?
amination, autl waa preparedto furiiiKli mo aiiioiint ..f
? ' ??.? i,? appearance lor trial In t_c C'vUIt ol Ot-iicr.il
?Battons. ___????>? i
Judgt peg-an (?aid that bail would not t.e rrqnlrc.i in
the oaae of I juraon ol the pii.-ontr's Mauuiug. All theu
A dispatch from t__CO_. Me., state? thut Oen. Kil
imiru k ha? brought ? Miit tor libel, against 7Ae ?uinyor
IHitly Whig and Courier, plfidne hi? iluinairea at
?ihI ttiiit a writ ol .ittHthujeut WMlervdd jT**tarday.
Orange H. Sti-veiirt etati-d, last eTt_iag?thal
1m? would brin? ?euil Imruedlately aBHiu>t 7Vi< Sttr?ork
Timu for piihlMiihK thr fillowintr pai-gnii '
aay'a laaur. which be clHimn ia Ubeloua:
?? oransi II DtuTini ?.<? arreatecl.yratdt
t.iiiv?- lit uli 1,'ti-- "f lh( i'enoral Of) e, ua complaint of
Iiiiftfn l. ii-j,.) nf tin Huffman Bouae,ckaraiac ala
?with fci?.-orv
Mr Tracy, in u httir wi.tt. i. ro-torl.iv f,,Mr. Stevcna,
My attention ha? ?veon called to an article in The Time?
?,1 tlii? woruim?. copied from the new i t o Inn, ne, in win, h
fou _n t Irruid with forgery, and ?tatliig ?l?.it JTOB h?TB
?it ti BllttllWI t Waa ni vor iijf,,rini-il t.f JOB BRCBl un?
til I aaw it p_Mtaai?d In the limes, und a* the BIBttat bt
tlHI ua waa entln-ly fureiarn to Midi ? ('tiarce. 1 am <le
?in.iiH of atatlBglbat ?ach articit? ware falaaluevcry
, alai. _
AiimoNAL oosnucn turn naan ptvinte
('oinniisfai^nirr- Suthiiland, Vnn Voii-t am
3i..|ne? met, yeaurday nfterunon. in tbe t_p___rtl tin
jrU.iiid of Alileititn, to reaunit- the exftmlnotion of atree
j.,\.i,t- K.iitracti.. The flrat case waa that of Ml I>, wii
B*r rtKulatiuic raetinty-nlutb-?t. from Ninth to Tenth
awe?, t A. FiHTtu?. ttatU ilitiuei I, t, ,-tltiid to the Ben
?ral uafuvoralilo mauset in wim li Ihe work wna ih.t
lormed.autl characteriatdl the pttotd taM lor the litadmi
tv- ?c?ndaloua. The caw was then t
11 ? ta??- of Ji.hn L. Brower waa called, und Mr. Vandf-r
?i-.i ?tated that an njuLtti. L Iiii'l bata i'ut ?pon tb<
?ci.i.ii ol the Cou.mie.nuil re ii. tio.irlDK any te?tlinonj
, . ? \i ti. tin- u.iiti.ii t A'.', .
kii oui ml m ' . tO-By. Notice of an i xteuriiiiu..f tho in
?.auction order in tk i lIMariattaflBlaal tk
? ?.ii.aieniilty et al., latati kB Jadat liait of the It
prt'tne Conrt. _at ?i)m> MtTt? ni't'.i the f'.'iiini
1>.. i in?.-- o.iitr.,. t ? ie 'i,r ivk/uliitiiiK the aide-walks o
leiith ate., frmi. Miiiih.itt.iii to Ott hundred aud-?fty
ftnilth et.
The cafe of Sunth ,-ui.l Nuirmii hud l-een closed, tin
?iiinacl tor the. projierty-ow uer? lunuediately bttttaatt)
aaked t.. ti.r.i tt.i n..,:io, ratpaaai, e. t .11111 _ that -, '., I ,
pu oeriT own. ie \m i, ptatta! abodtttrtd to frlve theii
teeliuiout, aa there waa auch a tr;m-|>.iront fratid iijk t
thr f.Ki ti the u.iitiuct that it demanded a mort
thorontrh Investigation. Mr Stn,h?n *ald that, ao far M
be erae concerned, he wished t" hate the matter re
?lined, a* there ?ire u,aiiy priijierty-owiitTs who li?t
i.c\?r heard of any invi ftiifation, and who winhedti
i.mry. Mr. l~wrence oppoaed thia, and Coiiiniie8ionei
Ja,|,lex ?aid that tin ,.im had Lien closed, and tbe ai g
nature? of the t onun.--inner* ulre.uly ,tttai lied, (oui
BitMtiouer Huihei utn.i ...nil bedaabted hi.- pownr to re
aaaathaaaaa. Thi matt4_*wa?finallytto/erifd.
The in it laiae w.i- tti.it ,.f L. 1) Mo,.re for regulating
In,o hiuiilrod-*!nd-tl'inti-eiith--t.. betWMfl Third ave. bio
i 1.1 Mullein Ki? et. John low. It* agent, tea
dihed that he hail examined the fl iitjrlng and curl,
attune?, and found t?l w.rkiiivoiy prior condition, nn,
? I y at variance with the specification?. Ht pro
?lilted ?tut I men? of I lie flutTKUiir and KUttor-BtODta, ?I,
t. et.tied that the It reel was 1- in. In s l? low grade
J-iaiiilaJ-ckHi.il. -"a boa'
t.u.ider, ?ud Thon ? a butcher, corroborate!
tins testimony I. I? ard 11. Tracy, i blel engineer Ol tin
C u.ioh vnnliit.'. t .-:.: I .i. :? . . ? neral natiir?
?>f tbe North Km ; I!' contract Ti
tlie work t?, hi jierfi.iiued with this kind oT tnaterl.il
and that tbe foiiudaOon ahoiild be of mitty tal th. liit
?-.me wae ?d.)..,iniet! nuul l<,-,tay.
The vohtract of Tlioinao Owens for retrulfltii?/. itt.
I.thave. fioni fine-lumdred'auri . to imo
1,,until ,1 and Unity eighth st.. w,i> -,Ln ladt I
*| iieaia fnmi tho Iddtteoat that the aoMract, whlcl
?a? aigtied in '.sTti, waa inade upon the basi. of an oK
eurvey. The pro|<erty-ownera along the line .1 tbtttratl
removed a great deal of the tint, and the ctcavaUoi
was tbns retlut ad from 14,60o sijuare yards to about Too
Tin aaatatti in hi.- report stated that aa atdtaan In
?t?, tion would eonrlnce any oue that the amount of ?l
lag ueceaa&iy w.10 Infinitely larger than was reqnliad bj
the e*t!uiato. ?I.,',- iheamoonTof excavados -^
j.i.ij.ortionafely lehs. Joseph B. Miilloiidt-, one of _ti
?111 viyor?, ?nd.Mu hael Ke.iiy, the ?-siiniee of Mr. Owen?
l< etifli'd that then had been not,illusion wiih any o
tbe illy autnornlee. i.ut that the ?nil had Leen bone?tl'
lierfornn'ii 11. ?ocortanc* wltb tbe ??t?mate of IBM, fat
lilibed m tin proper Monicipal Department There 1
tUjjooatUJ due apon tlrt?contract, I-eeaaewad j>"et
1 Adjourned.
1NVJ MU.All??' III Uli M AU (oM\!!-l,.\'-|?>:
UOIO?I lUTICn AM) ritiviIJ ..ES ? TH1
Mm, MKMM,- uau?vxD iuk um.
'Mu- St?it?- ( ?itiiiiiis-iioin-rs nsiiiiicil tlxir in
?eatigatioii yesterday morning in tho house on Randall'i
Island Tbe Hon. Nathan Ml_gp and I)r. Ordnm iii\ ,.1
tbe C'oinmlftsinn and Messrs. - liam, and Hi r
der, Managera. were present. In regafd to the fourth .-p,
?ifJtation, charging that proper religious Instruction wai
X)"t protlded for the inmate?, Mr. fctmng cited por
tloD? of the act of incorporation and the by-laws
II? te-t tod that the manageif.? nt Wat m.t ItfttTltll
lh.it the Ki,man Catholic* bad solicited the separation 0
tbe children of their 1 hurt h from ll_ Protestants for th?
IiuriXHM- of hattafflkta instructed In their pecailar be
lief, but this, iindei trie rules of the Institution, was tie
i.ied ; that ?complete record was kept girlug the panal,
?jdja, religious HialaBBf, ftatral tharacttr, and cauae of
?ommlftal of each Inmate ; that no inmate wa. (Ionic.
an interview with ant minister 01 prie,-t.
Letter? from father lJur?ii.]uet to Ikt BtT. X>. reine
wrere wad, in which he declined to carry out a BtOTlaM
1 ?rraiigenient to gire ?lecture to the children on Sunday,
?fur Dr. Teirce happened the BH vit, t, ujion the ground
that a pneat should have tbe boy? all to himself. II,
*1m. ?uu-d that wbenerer a atranger is Inrited to the
.?bapel be U cautioned particularly to conflue hltuacl?
?txiitly to the teaching? of the Bible and to hare no de?
nominational disecarte.
Iir Kradfonl K. Pur. e. ?'fiaplaln of the institution
une? ?wa. said that tbe Board of Managers, in appoint
lug him. bad made hiu. acquainted with the rules of the
relabllshment ; that he had frequently Invited Roman
< athollc prieata as well a* Protestant min?atela ; that he
frennenllv conversed on religious sublet ta with fbe pu?
pil?, and he hud M mi beta lepelled In anv P.omuu Cath
.?iln ?joy?, he had always ?mI? t., a_j niiotl thai
Was called : - 1-t.c.ik from the Ueak freely ;
?lo anything but administer roar aacramenU," in ie
?iiird t.. tin ,011.1. 1,0 icatiSdd that Falbai Doranqoet, Ib
?*)ue insume ?1 Ua-t. hud been Invited toaddraadtbe
troya, and tb.il he h^il attended 01.ee aim expressed great
Aniixfu, tu.,. , thai be bad not udtDliilMen d the sa, ra
11,..,t. biniMif i?,r al|,,w,.,| ?mer? t., do m, lu Betet
keftr.l su. n a requ.-! ?;, ,(,,? j.at t of thi iBaatd*, and if
thi.v a,.,, m the condition torc? ve su.-h sacrament? he
??thou).I 1 unaidi 1 them ?1 ?uhieci? for di?. bar?
?operlBtoadenl Joue. t.M,fi, ,1 ,..?[ Vornan Catholic
- were-.Jiow.iMo .hut ?ick boy? in the hospital,
U a ?LOlV __i0.b00?^.?, ,,tlM*r doemuenta. Mr ?Iron?
?-id taat lie had Un, shown Kou.an t athi.lic tract? ?7
b?M,k? by ?omi of tbe ?...y? hut had ?ute-i made tbe
? ?dlgbteet attempt u> take them awayT
I II llallock said he reinembeied wery well the dla
.t.argijl iM.v. Wi?, Kenner who htZ'uZi? ?-??rS a
?Awa?st Hie u.aliagemi nt , that he Wtua/iout 17 tear?
ind hla degree of InU-lUgeno* wa? v^y moderate
. ?Did tbrtt he WM not truthful nor honeat ; Ihe vtit'ie?.
I wnuid nol believe him under oath. In regard lo'tne
-?-??Jitf that Ixiys wen aj?enii?ed agaliut tEwr rellgiom 1
?j-iujiies. Ur Peine ilenie4 it utterly. I
father Jguaiiiu- l?y naud mf bt FraneU Xarjer-? C_V
Irge testified that once a wet? he culled at tlu- Uoiia? ?f
It? fug?-, autl w_t ?i;enejialJy permutad by Mr. Jwue? to
n*it the boya' hoaxuUl, but he h_td not be*n able to r_li
?se ?liria' hoajiital ; Uutt be had o?e? requested Jaat be
remUr by a mother ho vl?lt on* ot the boya on the
_laad, but bad Ueeti rrfiiaed by tbe Buperluteud. nt,
atutet tbe legaiatlon?; that be IumJ ?Iway? abaUin.n
IroiB dlatrlbuiing U-acU among the boy?; tlmr
J* to toe rellglou? iuatniction in the Honse the
Bible is a Proia-aiaut uw>. and the UirU'a Prayn? na? _
is.ii luding at:iiU.ni- whi, L the Homan < aibone? have m,t
at toeir vartMia. u_4 iu ?uto Vtmiummti of CbarK? ,
had a school boose, one floor of which lo u?e?l hv the fir
rn.n (intholie rlrrtry ami chllriron fi?r service*, while tlio
other fluor wai ue? 'I l'\ ""' Protestante ; (hut fitiiti alone
was ni i considered ?litlK'Icnl by 111? Church, bul n
i,intcii ii. _..."i v..nie mu? Hi?- obeerranoe of the tarnt
Beata; he hada_l_ed whether than won.) any cull? for
linn m'tin girlt' hospital, but had neve, beard of any
demand for lnin ; if -Mt choice of Sabbath M rvi.es wore
left to tbe Ki.iii.ui Catholic inmates they w ould Dreier to
hear the priest.
Julia O'Brien testified that ?he had been eon ne r ted
with tlio Institution fot M reata, mul had bata matron in
the dirts' Department su year? ; had never known a girl
to a?k for a prieet, except in one case, three or four
year? aim, when the nqottt Wat i.-rnnted. In reward to
tiie e|M i itii mi'iu charging tin- officers with withholding
lii'.iiiy l'urne I bl the boy?, Hupi rliitcndcnt Jome 1.
scribed tbe ?h. e-shop system, winch Bat been Introduced
tor tin- par poet of taoouiaalaB the target ton to Itai t a
trade b>which tbey cm 1. ml ?n, boncal life ait. i tin ii
dlachargf. it wat thowa that th*' tai-laat
of tlio bov? In thl? ?hop from Jan. 21 t? J' l.v
19 have been r.t.M M, und Hint the money, lea? forfeit?
for flue?, is depo. lted for tb?tr ben? lit in a ?avinir? bank.
Th?. are furiiUli.il with pass-books, and ?an draw the
money from tune to time. The Une? lni|io?e?l are for the
??-tablir.liiiiciit of a iiii'liiiK rmitii. hi vera 1 iBBlttatol
thesbop testified that they wero not i-heated, but that
they were lined for breaking Uie rule? at the institution.
K. II. llalioek, principal of the f<iinday-s< nool, Kdgar
Ketehan, Maaamr, und Nicholas 0. ?lei.ier, ammba? af
ihe Exiciitive Ooaunlttoe. gave additional teatlmony,
alter which the Coiuiuissionersadjouiii-d until Saturday.
CIIAl:..! Sa
At a Meeting yesterday morning m this
City of r. piesei trttivee, of the Erie, tb? New York Central,
and tlio I'ennsylvania Railroads, a reduction of from 4.
to 60 per cent in the tariff rale? fer the BtOtWBlO
transportation of freights was agreed upon. The follow?
ing tal.'.c of tl.c ?Id and new nitc* pa lun.ilred weight,
for ttrst-? las* frei,lit, will indicate the very _uaiejr.?i
change? v hi.li have ')\en made ;
'" " > o w ~ V. Id " ? "Vow OM
K !? Bat'. Bato. Hito.
7 i | p?. 4? -? Drttarl Mrh. M
i . 49 (12 K.laawiio. Mub.... 10 1
l?_,0. 4" H ?Mro.I'l. M 1?
?j? l>. (ei liai t'.i.im?.. Ill. 1. Ill
l.'iieiiiii.ti. O. "0 1 I*
Dartaa, O. ?6 1 N
Tolralo.ti. ?. 96
KrmiviUe, lud. Ri? 1 4.
luiuinii- 71 11?
Je-rno-iille, lud... 1. 1 _.
?niorr. Ill. H
Kr . M ? 39
"aohriHe. Tenu.1 ni 1 ?Y
M 1 omit, Mi-. M 1 ?"??
St. _..?e|,>,a. Mi..1 :? 2 "0
Milwaukee. W m. It 1 -S
Tl?i? reduction appiiea only to freight? westward
bound, a? it is cuttomary for the Eastern rond? to HOBO*
lish the tariff on freights from the Eist. It is believed
that thl? movement It not designed to brin lit the public
io much a? would appear at first night, but 1? prelimi?
nary to a v ry ? ouniib rabie increase in .harpes.
Contracts ?re ...id It r\i-t 000VOOB the rail?
road? und many persons and compaulc? for carry?
ing goods for specified term? of years at
fixed rat?s. If the roRds ehould raise? their seal* or
price? ?t oiue, tbaat contractors woubl not be effect? >l
thereby, but would fall back npoa their agiaaiaeuta. It
is rumored, how? ver, that nllured by the dlmlnlahed
charge?, theooBtracit will be voluntarily relln<iuish.-d
by them, after which the railroad, will be at liberty to
agree upon such tt seule* of pruts as ?111 be satiifactory
It ii..- tin.-. Ki' u'. tr.uii: line?. If this theory of the re?
duction In- (lie tr if inn. the length of the period during
Which the ae*. lurid will be In effect will depend upon
the eooraa pnrsoed by thoee lat? n ?tad In tht contra? in
which Have intliien.r?! the ?ictlon of the railroad COlllpa
The Betid of Audit apjnovcd the following
i l.i n.- yt Mcril.iy, M d ordered t!n m tobe paiil :
Anmn H.-rriek ind oilier? f'.r prmtii :?. +\*? : T. Hril'-r M?er.. ?or
! ii,,- Kin Hijurtuiii.t in Iiieeml.er. IIYI, .
Ko.|u?. fi.rle.sl lerrieoi. O-'ilO; A um? Dodfi. ?orviro. a? exiraiaer to
th* Boh-1 of Audit, ?H4?. B3| Hiuiel J?rkion, ?orTieo? ?? ex.iiniie-1
tin tlirl If l?tt* Off* ~*l lm Thibi'H. ?iirertniuf, _,l(i.:?)3 9u.
( aODimltaloaei Van Nort olIer.il a resolution, which w?s
adopted, that the cluiiu? .of the several Polio? und < i vil
Justice? of thl? city for ?alarle? from f-ept 1, 1871, to
Jan. 1, ltn, be allowed nt the rate of |_.ooo per annum.
Commtulonar VaB Nort said that he had Induced the
vaiinuB ga-? companic? to consent to a considerable re
ducti-u in the priic of aat fumithed to the city, i.ro
Vlded th.-ir bill? f?>r the pattyear are paid: that these
billa were pretented to tht Bu?i<i tome montni ago; that
do action had Boea taken oe them, and that tin- longer
ihev nmaiiied unpaid the longer the city wouiil pay a
bleu price for gas. Controller (lre?-n repHctl that the
m ?.mi it--' bill- wero examining, aad that they
Would probably in- re potted on at the next meeting.
Tlio followinp is City (Tiaiiilicrhiin I'aliiicr'R
ntatemeiit of balances, receijits, and payments for tho
i D-lBf July 31:
Bl a li -? .1
Jnir .' For. t ta. Pirmrnt?. Ji.lr I
nil timiit oii.tit.ni 13 a__j,7i. io oi.utrin WQi.itd.mi ?4
Bi ? -| '
I. enfin.. 4J1.464 4I ru.4M.Ce 134,000 00 381.924 01
BlnkiBt land
lutorerl. 1l*,114 PO 218,833 01 147,16.11 779,1.2 111
Iti"r.?t ?'ti Citl
.loci?.. 45,120 66 3M.165 06 4.2CS 19 -99,122 .'.J
B'irJ of Ap
!? rt ..r.i.ent . 2.T.754 61 13,5nC 0. . 211 2M bl
I?u,r-ll on ( :j
?ud Caaal?
?tio-kii (|ald). ? 2,3" 32 Mi in ni -j, ?pr. nr. 7 ?lr> r>
Co Tir-iur...... 44.'i.i ,.'. 'S 100.440 76 H.47J-0 463.4M4 20
T?UH ... 01,021,121 40 0l,0?8.l__ 1. $ 1,_54,_. 23 *>7,l-4,.7_ M
The Drookb'n M__MMI*keopcil ?in- nstiti
UL1I1 r tin p-liie iiiohit'Uli'n of the sale of lager -bei r en
BtiDday?, and about 80 deoOBEl hoM a WM tttBO yOtOl nl.-.y
ut Ha. 4M Fuiloii-et. to adopt mt-aurea aaetOtBTJ to ob
tain a ino.litli iiti,iii of the o
AUgUr t VoiIm'M wat ilp, : ::ian, and T:
tpeech la Oormaa, tha tubetanot ol vhioh wat that bt
aad bata arrotted lat? Banday wlthoatjatti .,? 11.
had allowed L^ haitaadar to raaaala at bobm, and hli
iiiiuor KiiooD wat clou d, yatwkta tkajpaaktt-ooaaed
hi? ?ton- toe . iiiiin, two policciiii li.liu IU? Bl
a_rottkanatttdMm. latapi 11. Hamm nldtoottoe
?,i rmant had been oppreeted to the old eoaotr., aad in
?nppoaad that tbey could bt free hen, mid not be eon
MAiitly under the eyes of a policemen. He denounced
the pollee order iu refeienee to the okla|ngol tin
saloon? on Suudavs, ai il i-i.-nmi-d that then- aere better
n fulatkrat Lo new-Tort ?"its. ?when tttt Bxc?m Board
traaaaatad us owa Baaaiei Police Oomml?
siiiiu t Kaiifinaiiu we? di iioiiiiei d by the ?peaker,
who said tti.it tin. (Ormer had broken hi?
promise? to the Germant, it ?rat. hi claimed, tha duty
of ( oinmissioiier Briir,? to oppose the oi?i-r of the
jioiii c, ?.ut in- in 'ii-vi d there had been mine ainlater 'ii -
situ m view nbeii the order wa? laaaed; the polte?
ronld,be better employed looktat for and anestmg the
thieve? amt vagalmlida who inlest the i itv. 11>.*n in p.-t
s, i ut, n g bone? lagei boei tallera The Oermaat, |be
laid, ri-pu t ilie Ihm, but daten IhO miserable ?unter
(nice rtaorted to by the police, lie tdfinttad thai a
committee be appointed with power to taaaaa counsel
todetermim the legality of the police action. The peo.
pi,- ought to have th-- jri\ lege of taking ? little ,
lue i ..i 11 on Sunday if they are orderly,
.Mr. w andar the next tpaaki r, bald thai the Oertaaat
should be ulloviiil to sell leer on hululai, ami Bt wa
oppoaed to the lioiH ? sneaking In the bai k dooi to arrt?l
a man who was orderly and well behared Mr. k- .
laid the Excise Commissioners Informed iniu that the
law was enforced ai the Inttance of the Po let Coomi?
sloners. Then- were i.ihki lagtr-heet -i lien in Brookli n
?ndKeaaell held thai if they nnlted theyucoald gel
their rights." Ha wat appoaed to making a politiual
iiioieinnt mu ut tins iiiattii, but i.e bellered thai the
oppressive order i_.ue<l by a partisan Comml
ehould is- rPslsVrd,
mt -oiiitiniit- of Indignation lmviug beea paattd, tin
Ulti-tillg U'I'i'i'al'Iii il.
A nun bei "i Oenaaa lager-beer laloaa^Beapera held a
preliminary meeting at the Boweri Qardea yeaterdaj
afternoon to ? ttect ?n otganitatloc t..r the prote? tton ul
the lagai mii rettlllagtrade from browtrt'extortions,
and to ol'ti.in a inoilifli atlon of the Mnnl_,v law. ('.'
s, tiinitt was iicet, ii tempor?r] President,aad a com
mit tee ?as appointed to obtain a plan ?I ptrautueai ?>r
k.mi/.,it ion. _
l'atrick Murphy of Nu. H Ki vingt mi .-t.
uiade a couiiilauit U'forc I're-i.ii ut BtBWttlk against
Patrtteaa John Klernan of the Fourth freiinct.
Murphy ?t?te? that be wa? standing in front of bi? phi? c
of bu. lues?, at >'o. IT North William M.t with MOM Bthai
printer?, when Oflicr Khrnan upiiroached and wltliout
warning caught him roughly by the collar. Murphy gg.
?ilulned that ho was att?-ndlng to bt? business, lmj
Kieruan instantly knocked him down with his club mul
?truck hirn on the Body several tiin. s. Mr. ti'Meitra, tin
fon man of the printing office, corrobor?t? ?1 this t*-.u
ninny. Kieruan m ii?mate aflrmad thai fin-rc had
beea a disturbance In North WiWam-st., and upon bis
orderrtng tin i rowd ol hum to disperse, the romplauutnt
?praoalorwardand grasped bis i illar. in the trreatla
(hut follow, d, bo Wa? compelled to uochietlub in sell
Patrolman Van Raotl of the nirteentb Piedaetwat
Charged with hu\lng a^milti-d In- superior ofllcei,
ItoundHin.iii Patrick M.-lii, and betrtot Inu with his
?mil. Holly tMtlfled tint he remonstrated with Van
Kau.it for huMiiK be? n tbttnl fioiu ho? Mat IM" mci an
hOOX, and that \ ,.ii llau-t l.hnckeil iniu iluwn und Struck
him with his liiil.. urtleer Van l?a net ?ftlrmt-il, m de
fense, thai upon his aiaeting the roaadamaa aadaasar
mir in in thai he had beea oa imot. Baaadtataa Meiiy an?
swered that It was a lie. iiti'i struck Idm with his club.
To protect him.'', if he tbeu strut\ b_ek ttl M>H>. He?
fen ed to the full liiurd.
Tlie < 'oniaiirifiiiiitTB of Pulilic Doekd in?!
yestt-rdsv Hiiperlhlendent WOOtOTfl It MPOMti the
eouipjetmn Of th? following: An addition of 112 f??t by
WtOrlorJta P^HOVII Hiver; un addition of ?i f? et tu
to to the inner ?nd of the plat ?t the foot of Thirty
flftb-st , North filter; the new pier Bl the foot of Oliver
st.. iN-twtui PIMbHm a_ and :i4. Last finer. Th-? rapid
progr?s? of work on the addition of il'.' fe? t If 4<ito i'ier
No AH, North ttivi-r. and on the new pier 'joo feet by*I ut
the f<a_it of One. hundr?d ?nd twenty ninth er.. North
iHviT, w_a also m-'rtt-A. Hectl.u Hiipi-riiiteiirleul? of
tlio I)i uor line ut lmviug l<|n.rt?.| Ihe upei.ing of rev
eral ?ewer culvert'. ?Iouk i/n bulkhead Un?
by the l>e|i?itui. nt of I'.,m;. Wiikx irtthoul
penults, that bepartmeni was reqaeated f.i nppiv tor
Uie uKawj jn-rici'?. ?'o recoinwendalloj. ol Prof. ll< ni v
?il? in ll of tin I ..... 'I l liU s I ,,.. ; ,:,, ,r, , a I. minimi,
H__ ,?.. p!<?( thai .li" pli. mi, il iln-.igiiiL's ?lepoaiiiMl
on th?; kwnth-wrat ?nor? of t-lnU u hlitui U ?luplietl |
from the ?cow? In parallel line?, a* near the ?bore ?a
,o,m ? ?TtlTat, by the action of the r?ea. he . redgIrtg.
iViil "merge Ini., tbe natural apronlnir of th.- si ..,,..
HiMllcavo ??iKoli.U-iUboal? to bcwildi i vnaaela tiKking
u el... ' Tl- i.-iMoiiatrants ?-amst the boAdlng
a lu I ii,Kb.mr.lHtlhefo.?l..f Maiil.n lam- Will has,
;; s?ro'id'iiia.'^ ti''lo.f the lUeclive Commltli e at 2
p. ui. on Monday. ?
Tlie wiirkmrn employed at tho Hrouldvn
N.ivy Ynidilid not rtteite tin ir waftt on Jal]
regular payday. They uaually receive their wages on
the lt'th and 26tb of euch mouth, and it It Mated by Umso
who profess to be a, iiuainted with tho fact?, that the de?
lay result? from the absence In North Carolina of Bocre
tary Iloutwcll. Tlie Secretary of tbe Treasury transmit? to
the Paymaster, Mr. Kidrfdgc, the amount of the ?emi
monthly requisitions ?cut by the latter to tin- Secretary
of the Navy, who draw? a warrant for tho ?urn? dcslg
nated on the Pnited htates Treaaury. The officer? ata
tloned at the Navy Yard, ?ho?c ?alarle? havo ?lso been
vtitlilield for several day?, were paid off yesterday, ?in!
aaaaraatti wtta inven to the vBakaati tttt n?y aaaM
have their demanda met next Tucdav. Mr. Nixon,
Assistant l'ayniaeter, said to a fM?11 reijorter yceti-r
day :
Ha delay In paling the men hat not been occasioned
hy the absence el ihe raaiei.ny ef Ihe Ireasuxy from
Washington, and the wheel? of ( ?ovetiiuieiit caunol I?'
stopped b? tl?- failure of any chief of n ,|, partunnt to be
at bis office. J'rovision M aiwiits lu.idc for tmtt
emergencies. I apprehend that tbe trouble arise? from
tin-fai t that July is tin- Hist inoiiili of (In- liM.il year,
and the Department la engaged lu balancing tbe yeai I
account*, and hence then- i? an nnavoldabld d?lai IB
si iiding the funds. We are accustomed <> make
???' l?o pav-rolls; one evciy fortnight, and
the o.l?r^;ery_jm'..t!i? Jt*L-*.?M..XL*
were ?Ot paMo.. wie loi.,. as U-iat. ine.r win ce |....ja ??
fullfilnount of one.iiliri.wagisl.efoi- Mm: 10, whl.ii I'?
ll!?'next regular pay day. and probabli win reniMtU'.
amountdue on Au* f.. ?tH enstom I? to fill out thepay
r,,'!-,. and make a requisition on tti?-*(Tctary (,r the Navy
ai s..,,,, as poaatola alter ihe 1st and 1Mb of BVCT nontb,
at, aitoi.cciv.'tlie money by the lOili und IM h. TU
?an s ?arrant la ?cnl to tin- United Hint, i I r, asm, r Mi
Himiiier.wlin semis us ilralls on the t-ub- in asm;v, in New
York, tor tbe iitnount. Alllnuigh Mi. ."?.inner M BIM
al.sent, I feel aWllllld tbat the il? lay ai.-. > trim, IM
eaaa? i bave mentioned.
The rei.orter conversed with several workmen, who
stated that they bad been greatly in. entenlein-eil ht the
delay, and that ll.c-r If dlfttdl and creditor*?
coning i m pa tu nt. TWO hundred and ?fly now in.. ban
its and laborera were employed at the Navy Yard \<
terdnv. The United States itMIMI Tb11b|?????-?.* aimed al
noon "from Washington, and ?ailed for Newport at .1 p. m.
The Tall.ipoi.ia bTOOght a number of peaddBgera. Mo
took m tow ii atoaai latmcb tor tbe torpedo ?tall?n al
Newport. An.out- the \ laiton al tin- Hbt. Yard rctter
(hty. were Adiiui.tis Walk* and Miingli.tin.
Tin. iit'N'ir.iis pom FIBS.
'J lirouirliout Wtilnisil.iy night tin- Loflf
Island City Fire Department v\a*l;opt taillaiIa at ?dtl
ou the romain? of the oil factory lia. T.-ie fiamos m und
ar.Hi-id thr- Maadard Oil Ooaapaaj '? warka van aabdai I
on Tuesday, ai,tl fiave i,,. further troiii.it- BBtil Bboal M
p. m. Wednesday, v hen tiny bloke out on . of the
whai-vee, but aftci burning with gnat Jury loi Mai
hours, they wem again extingui-hcii. The
bulls of the ship T j.i? mid Bart I-.l
ward, which were stmml, I BbO-t HI totl
from the premise* of Horatio Nel-oti. :,t BaieBBWBdd.
I'l.iit.niM'ii. however, te Bam with anabated fury. Ea
1.11.1- were fci pt at that point actively at work during
Wednesday night. Vp to ? late hour la-t Bight the bulls
mi.' still ?fl?ne, thougn th? peUce-boal Beneea bad
been engaged :ttl et] In pumpini: water into them. 'I'llI
actual lot* ot the Oil ? oiiipanv I? still unknown.
A tiuniUi-of river thieves iulost the r-lu?, and three
were arreated yesterday, and subecqBeutlj romuiltved,
III tin- Astorill PoUCf Coiul.
At ;i un it in a- of tlie Ni w-Ymk Sociily of
I'li.ctiolil I.iiLiii.,1-, it; tlie geographical rooms of
l,it,per Institute,! _ W.du, m1.,v, upap, i on narrow | MafJI
lallioada. pillion hj F. J. Qaaataa? wai ttad by Prof.
Thurston. It) a paper on the fame nib)' -et, icol ala
previous UMIIillnt. Ml CltBtttd had tt_?(libad for
n.iri'w ,.', i : broad I an advantage of lt.ll
pet ceta In read bed and road Dotubuttlua. fteaaailag
the aubiect, he ?bowed a antingol I per cent in ti,< com
of station-; ol a pti cenl in eon ol car-Chopa, a?.;
and ol J1.07 per cent ofl the co*i ol rolling r-t... k. rae
aver.tgi' saving would bt BMH per Mat, The i ontttry
estimate ol Mr. Beymoar. ha*ed ob the BappoatttoB that
the - ,\ Ing In i ,.-f ol rolling ctc'lt would be only that of
;. ..,, gtta_ini? k . tien taken from the orater of cars and
engines, win ?botrii to i"- fallaeioni by tbe fact that
Hiere wouldbe'adiminution in the il? of axles, etc.,
properttoaatd It the u - at .1 canjre. The objection thai
Darrow-caage trata? could not be ma at a ?peed equal to
ihat of broiui gaiiL-c-, wn- tbown to hi practically tnwup
portable, a? nanirrr ara?ar train* could easily rua at tai
..?j! ni ot i.road gauge trail,.-. When tht reading ?ral
concluded, tbe pap?' v a* infonaally dlaraaaia. Mi
l'.uin,igt partlc-larly favoring btoad gaagjtt.
LEI il us i SOM i ni- f?tOPi r
To the F.dxtor ot Tht rriltai,
r^iu: At ii i;it<- l.i.nit :niil WllaOfl liin-ting
wh.thl attende.1 1 wa- witnesa to a graceful , on,
pltateal to your tapatttal Baaaei ol reporting
tho m?-, ?.id ai i bellete Ifeal way tl .i. ag
baataatt is iiouioi to pay in ti,? long tu,r,
I take pltataN i ? .!? nt for y.uir dB
i oui,ig. m,:.' r. ? ., ?
spi aki i for au ai.-i. ..?,.! WBI BMl
t!|. -o?LiCWh.it grilfl i::.;,,iry i " 1.. w t::,t ),.:;?>: ..
.:" Tu. reporter, rathei beaitatingly, replied:
??Tin Tumi .st." lu.;, .ol of i.oing rebuffed aa hi ?i
de nt. y e\]? licil, the reporter W.i. I in m. -il lute it fli' :
with tin in.i'.in-, ,i)ii, andallttb gratefully ?aid b
aaake i fait .that'i all i ..-i??." r-i.ii.-d the
r-p. ,ik. I "I know toil \< ill. I goto 'I III TBIBI III
pot a ?ya, t" lind out wbat'i going on on both side.-, " I
hop, yon will continue the nt-' poliej ol Instraetto?
jrourreporten to gifi "i:,.i and iqaan " report- ,,i
"both ildi -." r*i i:, i?iv_i.
RAUM WIM AM. lili. I HTM AVr.M'l II Ml I 1
I,, tht J. it i I i. i B/ I in 7 r i ti ii ?i t.
Bib ; J, i- i h mi, :, (I thai the H?breu congi*.
g.,'i.iii wor.hiinng la tin Kitth At, nue -J,,i,j,|. will,-nil
Dr.Wita o. i m.? t.nat t'. tail. th. meantplaeei?f the
i b preacher In that charth. a ?.ihm. Biyaell, who
takes consul? ran c mtiie-t In thd lit" ral ,ii,,l BVOdOl - ;t,
tcii'it m ,, ?of ih. A merleta Bebtew?, I bare often woa
<I. I t(l \V ll> t III- oi.n Amel ?en i. .lew klio? Ii among ( ien
tllea aa th. bead and btata el Jet l*h n form, aad a tn.t
ttattt HIM) mI.'I?ii. u.i,, not long iigooflo.e.', ,i
pulpit in New v,,ik, ?hen "th. i ih MBBtaattoai paj ?aeh
eaanooat Miarttt t,, leeart firat-elaa? taleat T%u
ptaaeker, H k well naderatood, repteatata the hrtelll
(aa? i ot ii,, , ..non miiea aad Iha Batata al ne nllgtoa ;
both me Jini,;,,! aci oriiiiHit. | thought either none ol
the Hoi.ion c BfBBgt M Bl Mt hi ? nci.'Ji .n.'t ,i:.. i .|
to otl. r ;, |?.l|,it to the Vi, | Pri dont of thd Pre, Eh
llglooa Aasoclatioo, aad the rational ezponndei ..t fewua
and tin- Apostli a, or tbejrdo not ear* foi tht U repul ition
ainongua (ientilea I, appaan I waa niatafci-n; th,-r,
laaHebrew cougregaUon In oar city fai enough ad
ranced lo call to n- pulpit lueh ? man. We cannot hate
loo many auch In New-York. W? need that pacify lag
and enlightening ?plrlt. The liberal portion or oui
people will be glad tobar, Di W ta* among u?, ?nd will
look upon him ad Ho- enlightened mediato! between
.low and Oentlle, II money will do it, hundred- of oal
aidera wiUbe ta?ad read] cbeerfolly t.ntribute their
mile* to bring the man to Ne? York The fault-finding
and misrepresentations _l,.ul Ur. Wlae, lor his reform
i,.?Minent in religion? matters, hia marrying a Hebrew
t? his brother's widow.?ornea ont) from i u__l minority
of ihe Israelit,,,, ?mi has n,, lympatby or approval with
th.- large body of Uu? race or religion, m noue with n,e
i.e?,,ie outside ol th, ?,. Hii . ii,,,,. ,? ?ll??U. a,?, ,bf ,,.
Uabacollegi fora thorough education for the Jewish
minority In tin- louniiy i,n,| 14 wurlJ. reepoaad In all
?*5*w* Tl;l in
Am- lark. Jail ta is72.
Till. HUE.
I.<'MJ(.N, AllR. l.-'llu' Boal ,M?ifllllJI nt
eveaj of thd ?lomiw.i rate, to-iiay mtt th.- um for th.
'.lw'""1 ?"?i ,w" t"1"' - and a half, which was won by
I atoniu-, ii?. Derby vl, tor. Albert VI. tor was s. com!,
a.i.lNerdure third. Only five horMs r,.n. .M.ii.lment. I
fo en"-"i' ,',",u"V?,,,,,",' f-r?"?"*. Tl,e?,e?ing |,?t l?.
,!!;!'';;: ;:;?'.? afa_i?i p.vo_,S?flve to
Ilire * iZtnU 1 "'"'' "'"' ',"1" ?"" aiilffht Vol
,,', ' M ,"'l"w"'??' '-? awmmary el the race :
, '"'...'".l.. I im tain. ><l a,.,,,,.,,, ?I i. i ,?..?.. . I
,>??,,?) a..??raiga, ?ui ?,! tl,?. atakr?, tl.rw.iear? ,, ,1 i? ,.,.. - ai,,,. :
1'tiL'i > i, , r i ?. .i. r|" " '" ?airf i Bi"i,r i
??I.? ot ??L*,r?i. "*?', *"rt' ""? ""??' ??* ***m BM
ii..? m .?;V,I,?* _,. ","T' ""' ?.Bill MMBm
U ?ll.iw?) ?' ,, wr":;a Ur*'- 'a "? to,,?'!., 53
l_?M. tL?,? , i* !?"* /'?I?rti,.?.: Ttro?,,?r?-uid,
I),,,,r..ta,.ul, V ;, ''' 1"'1"-;",M l-?.r A. US???.*?
-.r. loci. d-al^.V r,,U,?l"*,",f:,f '" """' hoU' O--'-??- ?'"I
V.^,i.r."""" ' V."? W '???..?*? otUyutt. I
mp?I/w: : ; - ? ?'?. .?.*.?.,.?:??.Vf..;; '
;,ItaS?u/_vr;'o!.u" '?' *'?? Sb?bab;..?.av,,*,,.,;,',;;?. '
A MAUVl.I, <ir M-i i.i,
Tin- followifur ?hth.T,.ri.ilf.ii.. of tl? timer?
bo wunessed J... KU,,,,,. vt,,,,,,., :?,,,..,,,???,,?
mi e.at-Myat le M ?, ,.10?r(li( f ? ?.? ^^ " JJJ
we, the undersigned, herel.v ,. r,.t? ,. . . ? ?
HiOtt, OB June S. |S7:J. wl ,' * . '', ","" "? ,"."*,,,..J"?;
ii? mile ,,, a:iMl ??To . ... ," ' J ' "" ?'>-iol'"rU
?ol? wkauvVr .,,..i '"aslng it les? ; ami we me
any, .mi. in ,ii e.illei] ui?,i, _. ,.,. .,, ,, _,,,.,?,.
?i, ii,,m ...i,.?, i ., . _, , M' no sn, to ?unman
111? HUM r r ,1II ll>. I. I ,1 li/ll' ..VII ?1. , ? ..
tend. Bl Ol the ,??r.e. ?, udi\ &. ^s^'UnvlVlZi
?i II tli i I,,, ... a ...... *",,li Mr. HftVt'H 11114*11*
Lu ? aa_ fW-MHdll*
Et*?l%^mE A'*^'w wi.biis.m,
'..a, '.v ' N'ca-'l' t(.__-:r? tltd_ighi.-lO"
?f. ,\ir/,/,l_ji //ofol -On. N. i>. Bauk? of llnanvehn
aril.. Boa. Balha-UI Tawaaa. ?I Alb???, Ik? Hon. II L. HaunU ? f
l.uan.aai, Urn. Jot.? A. Ilt_.t_r ef 81 Io.au, R II Mi/ ?f (?-?Tie,
nil Ailniloin ?ieneril ('?-BBItiia of Miu>eha_rtU.-_fB?a?arl?
J/.l?l?lUn.B Bon and Coonl lo Mnolobelln ?f ike Freneb L-ititioB. ?..
ft/Ik Avrnt llottl? ?'.aaavler Y. V. MtHair. ?. 8. B?rr i Jal?" *?
de II. Itiml.e? of New-Orloao?. .a-?? Joaoph Potter of Wkllohilo S Y ,
R. Kr?ni_ol ?f fVriori?aH?_r, Ir* II"? 8- Wa-Uard of V?naao4. O??.
W II. Vin III ?f OH?. 1B.I ???liain<-l I'll?? of W.lilil?!,,m.IleO' /o '
ititn lintel ?,en I vt. .Sherman I'. 8. A.. ?a_ Jnhu K Mrli?n..'i_- of
Philnl.lpbl?....?. rkm.it llnut-fommooott ?. U W orlen, U. 8. N???.
....aille* lliuee?itm Alrin f. llar?; iif Iw-aaa.... CI iren/Um Jlo:el
-lloorirorl Oapaft. of Boatiia-tttor lloute John ?Ja? Vaiaar of
Poqgbki k ?Juooa l'bilaeloljihi?-ttofnatk 1 toute?Y.X
r?in?:rra_aaa C. V. Colror of r*iio?rl??ai?.....Vri?-l'or* Hotel?4J? ?.
S. K. M.rrio of Ali.ai.v. < ni II. ltlalo ?f Virkitinr?, ?ad N..r__10
Wi.rJ ...?,>??_ fi?lrulJ/ol?I-4'onii???4?r?kroh_-l,V.B. Birr.
Mu. u ht Toiniikins-nquarc at 5 p. m.
Two new palace car? UN plai-eil upon tic
Fleviited Kadruad, yester.sy.
HiiiiiiK July 170.Ml pottfali incliuling 39,
(i.V.i women, Baal the publli tni'li?.
Ilnif of I'ier No. 4C Knut River, eaiik, witli
100 tun? of scrap-iron, lut night.
Controller Creen paiil, yesterday, to the De
p'litincut of Public Pinks, fur getier.il purposes, liO.OOO.
The free readinff-inom of the Coojier Union
Will be tloaod lor ri palraOO Ail;;. S, und ?I.l Im) n 1'Jm tieil
on An?;. It,
Two lnniilred nm t-ix new put ?cuts were
triiteilnl Ihe MtBBalt.B KjfQ Bad __M lio-pila!, No. i-.i
L.iel Ihlft] loiirth-.-t , duuiiK .Inly.
_l>r, li, M. Levt-rson will read a paper on
" Common Ben?e nnd fou mon School*," before the Lib
i ml ClUts ID I'ly[Upton lliil. thl- evi iilli?;.
The Hetril of the ltd lii.u.iYy It. Hard <le
itnnttof BttOBdiaJt-lt mieral will meet in the ?tore of
Ve.n Brotbart, al No id Pnaat tt. trtontot~ *-j"
Mitchell Hurt, the liatliim-Ht. pawolnokir,
dud on WcdncMl.iy ?tin wa.? buried ynterday. 11 a
propertvBnioiiiit-.toftlii.it fci.nrm oon. lie and Matai"
virfna iToiin-r purchase! __,wt tharta ?>f l-did-ere.
Railroad eto, k whin it was very low, ami bOVOtOBM
held it.
1 hi- cashier nl III?- ( uMnm-honne ri-c?-iv?-(l,
\i -i.-iil.iv. m BBBSMOfl of ilur.e?, tijmtjmt, BB tXI
ahatjtftjMaJMaa tht aavaal oaoallj reeetred la tot
day. Till? is In emisi qui lee of tlie 1 i-.tiut lull III the.
nd the withdrawal ci foods Iron tha oaatadjr of
th?- llew-niie In-pardiient.
JudK?' i'l'utt Kraiitu!, ji-teidny. :t ni.'iiiikiin'H
to compel the Hoard of Aiktil lo ?How the cli.iin of John
Mouirhtiilln for lull, Mlot] " - ClOtt in tin-I'liniii.e lie
pertinent. The application being oppoai d ob tha ground
th.il ll"ii?ht.?liii hii.l iml woi keil, the pin.null'.-, counsel
?rgatd i ''.it ti.ei ? i.ii'i beta ao ?ml for him to do.
Tin- J.ip.mi eu- Unilia-sy left th?8 city in tin
Pteiimir IirKtol \e.aterdiiy. 'Ihcywlll be met by a com
?,ilti-c at FBll Ur. 11, tin- unn iiiiitr, und H_M00 tOOOrttd
to BtOtOB. win ii :t li.iii'ini t u ill bt k'l'-i n in the evening,
nuil ;in iiddiiOt in ele In K.tlpii W.ildo BtMttOO. Tin
Embassy will ?ail for ?B__and lu the Caaacd tOtooMl
Qlympto?on Aiijrunt o.
'1 lie strike of the lonpshoreineii con tinned,
ycHfi-ril iy, but Is ?till limited to the Runt;.-? formerly nt
work ni*m PlMI HtOb 11, I-1, anda7, N.B. No attempt, were
made Mtattt-tdata the MW workmen, who nro rapidly
acquiring t satisfactory irotclency In their dnttea. Tue
'longshoremen ol the BtunlnKton Steamship Company
wi re tbOBl in |o1b t bea ta t strike, y iterds r moi nia'.-,
batthi m. i-.i.-i nf \..ii.-e.s offered wat aoceptadbxfM
men, au.l they ? ontiuuc-d work.
Trederitk J. llrodiriek, ago M, wad anested
yesterday, charged with foriciiiK the ladOttOBMM ?f
J.mieH AHhui to a thin! of . _e_OB0t fer IPki. drawn In
f.iMii of the latter, on Veil?, F.irgo ic Co., by Arthur 4
( o. ot Au?tlii, Taaaa, Mr. Arthur had rii'e.veil the tlr-t
aad a eood ol i u intiipe, but neetei ted to promptly pre
eint i.'iein (apersoa. Meanwhile Broilencb presented
tin- th.nl, bat, falling to ettabUth his kdeatlt], payment
rated lie then bad tha draft caabed by Jacob
i tata,whoohtalai d lOaflMmey. Babaequently Mr. Arthiti
persona Hi presented ihe first of exchange, g_j found
tii.it tin- third bad bataalioady paid.
'lli. tunera] ?>f tie late Bead DtaytOB, ihe
actor aad mmgtr, tooi ploM yattatday BttanMta.ats
1>. m.. from l>r. llouuliUuV Cinucliof the T*nBlf 1"! I
n i Thitty-nliith ft., n, ?\r MadNon-ave. The edillce
vas tiled ? th MMBBMBI meiiilien? of the dramatic and
maslcal profession. The Rer. Dr. Hoasrbtoa eondocted
tlie lanera] tervicet, merely readlna the Epiaoopal i.unai
?errioe.wlthoal comment The ?hoir coatlatadaf .Mr.
- up .--i. tenor; J, R. tboaat, bartteat ; M.^? Howaoa.
?opraDO, aad Buts Baton. _Jt", with Ueorite ff. '!
as urgaoist Afi> r t:,. s. r\ !? et the rematas wore taken m
tin i yptatt ll.ili ( ? lu.-iciy foi mi? uucnt.
Among the passengein who arrived nt this
|Mitt by .-ti .uiioliip Ratttai on 'liifrtday, wero BIOBBld
POttar, I'loi.h nt, and J. M. i.iiiut. lOtOMMJI ?if the
?iriuiii Draal BaQroad, Ea_1tad. and Jame? AUport.
?in,i i., Mauairer of the Midland Ituilroad, Etigl.iinl,
Ihe party were nttiwd by C J. Iir\ ilgo?, M.m
,1,-iit- PlieetaW of !li<- Onad Trunk Itiiiro.nl, C.iii
,,,iu. uei bare beeo itcppln? at ibe tlllaey Iloiei.
i , | dined ?'' lieiinoni. os laal erenluB. aad
llns' Iiiullilllir \...l I'll.i- tht ste.ilnlio.it Jliu.lil
Urea fui Bluaay. Frsa_ lr.y the> will proecbd hv
?p? rial train t" Montreal, unie?? they de? ble to go down
Lake Champlatn 'finer beadrjnarteradurlag their ?isy
in Am. n. ?.-? ?ni. h?- nt afootraaL theTltll It partly fot
pleasun and parti, t" nexotlate for a con nee Uvn of the
i .n, .li .i Trunk Ballroad? whleh la i.ug.iy owned
br British capitalist?, with the Northern Pacific i.
mul. bj which tin-?'.iic.il.i i.uiii'i Trank ?m.I tersely
e..iili"i'oiie ni the !,!? nl I lu on?, h loiili ? BttWeOB the Al
1,1, .. .1 I I
Ciinin.lli i Befara .I'l ooU) jroot? rdo., ?
of Aaaeaameal fumi boad al I i.
1 lives to ill? m III? >tt It 1 ol ?f'."l,?.;v| U! will- n.iiil
?ti lb. i nil,, tor- tem% > 'lining July.
licaths l;i-t wnk, ,'.Hi, iadll___Bg si\r;i linin
-mau pol iilnl Unco fioln -|M.tt. il Iciel.
The tonnl> institution- Contain 8,198 iiiniati f-,
m. Iinliiig NI I'.iti? in- m i bt l.uiiiilic Asi him.
roiiiiiii.-ioin r of Cliiuiiii. CoiT, who v\:t>
! n-..mi.? Habbed ? I t-Bblyaeaa Boehe, It eaa
Llh-'ll III. .
Nearly :>'*> foot efa?dpeii wow tadtoa t?.
( n un i -n , M -i' ni. ?' . .ni" I i i,l. i Li il., d at tOB 'A;
tin- lu M ...i tu il.
'1 lie colored people ol this city celebrated
Ho- re. urnm ? ol l.iinin.-ipatioii Daj by B fOOtlVOl tl
M -, n!. an Hi ii ie ii il n da j.
I in- l'iiik i'oiiiiiii.-sioiKmore building o road"
OOJ whnheiiil.ii..':'- the Proapatl R.i \ mi, nuil the
Wilier i'iiiiiiii-Mniii- propose to atk fM au liijuiii ii.iii
.i_.uii! i Un-1 ontrasao? t m tin work.
I in- jraefatl Williaiu 1'. I.i-i- mul. Mund ol
the Iirimkly n Vmht (Inn, Iniva lie.-n miiti lied for a r.ne
of m nui' s in v, ladrad mu? ratai a, bm ?? Makt of ii.ioo.
tin-coin-e und oi hri partlealart to Im deojiioil upoa bj
Auiriisi '.
The Water Coanioaionen tgata debated
( oiiimi--ioiii i svii.i ut':. retolatioa to dlsehargt ?in?
cariste, yeeterday. Corporatloa Coanael DeWltl nid
thai be was laeliard to nunk thai i; tin men aid no
Ml , I, (in l ?in ln< cnlitle.l to pu.
faONG i-i.ANH
LoiHl loi am? Ci'iv.?The lli -v. W. F. lii-ne
db tot liiii.nl.ill.in. H. Y.,ha? bceu culled B] the l..i-t
iiM . 1'i.iptist Chare!_Tin- bod] tl t f.in.iie tafaal wa?
luuiiil ilrnwiii-il .it A-:i.ii i. >i- teril.iy.
ill mimkaii ? John T. Fovrler wiii taken to the lunatic
BtytOMOl l'ouirhU.. p-n., a few days mu_i-, BBBaTlaM
In en pronoun.?? il it toadlBted lnn.itii l>\ lu-, liii-htnnn
and trust_The buililiii?; Of tin new blick pool tiutn-c.
ll.l- Ill-Ill Iwj-'Uli.
Wim ir.i.i?.?Franei? Nolan, an emploie in the Wiutl.-ld
fuiiiiiU rjr.i ttt^hnni M. ?at teal to tht cooaty i.ul,
Wi Mm silav, for rouimiiUnt- BO lmlcceul ?i.tauli upon a
little girl, age 4.
Minkh a.-Tin QaOBM ? oiinty faiipeivlsor? will hold
n m.-eiiiiK here to-.Ui lo ? nii-nler Ihn loeutiou ol the
( unit-bouse.
i-'i.i hhini.. a bead Bm bata eaoaaed by tin? town to
im m-ti it weekly oa?_cer_s,al aaaspaaeaol Itou.
r.nii".i iiAMi'ii'V Tin ?umy ?onn ha. miiMiiied, and
i- daatafllai "" ? Mpo
JntSI ( ri v.?-TlnT'oliiM' roiiimissioiK i - h? hi
a?|Miial uicetiiiK, >?r.t?nlay, and B?OOtOd laaulBtlBOO
a'.itlinii7ii,e thi i-.-ue of warrant? t?i iiay salarie? of the
licp.iltliitMits uinli r tin I . ontr.d. The pay rn|! of the
I'liici licpartun nt fron. Jiih IS, M duly 111. iiuioiinl.? to
Pi.Ws lt| thai ol the Ho-pital, tJi; .5. An the olh . - of
tin Coanaiatteaen have hem ?i? < i ir?-<t v.i. int by the
Attorney Oeaetal, aad at the Ooveraor has appointed
new Commiaatooera, II is tboaahl thai the transaction?
of tin- oi,i Beard areuiefal. It I? itated thai tht m?
? oiiiiiiih-luneri, will, in? ?oon n? they receive tlnir BOB.'
uii--n.li-, t.ike t .reihte poeaataloa of the Departiu.ut.
....The hciiooii.i BllUbeth ran Into tin- l.rie ItalTway
ferryboat Jame? Klhk, jr., yeHterdav. nnd ?tove lu a tnir
lion ol tbe liMllen' cal,m, Iml n )iir.d BO I?er?<io .
-u-ii.e ?iiiTlnan,? harxf.1 with mlsdeuieauor In demand
in?.' i xi i a-ivi nuil from Mr?. ChriHiina Lauic, wa? bel I in
Ifioobsil, y?'?ter?lay. to appear for trial....The Unirai
?allst Hm lety, the Hi v. A.A. Thayer nuHtor. haa pur
eh,i-.-.i the Me.lit Chnrah, npur Library ii.ni. on
Hi .?ceii Might-. The building will lie thoroughly r. nu?
tated, ami opened for ?4jl vice N-plelllher I The r>upei
uletiilint ot th,. J.rnry ? 11 y noise car line? ha? pro
hibit? it smoking ou tbe front platform?.
Niw Aiik ?Ur. I. HiiiKlit haa liern appointed IBMBM
st the Marine ilemlervou? u, tin? ? llv.... Ihe paving of
Bouth Braad-at. wlfl h? iiie-n.,i ba Nov. l&... jobuA
Kaiahardt, a pcaaa-Mal maattOta? ?lied rattentaj
Iruu. r-iiv. rtliurn.- h... i? ,11 _n r .-?.t.-.l loi perjun m
H?*, _rm_; lo the piiwa? ?alun of prop?ity which |?. Wad
? tl i.vvi 1.1.. ?Au loque?! hiut t^eii held ?in the trody of
Hi ur) Koliliiiaii, riuinil ib-Hit In Mm vvhimIs ,,i, H?tur?l..>
IU? . ?11 ? ?iiiiug miii 1 lo?.1 dont?, ?nd retoae loaive
any niforiu.itkiu of ih? 11 proceeding?.
I4.K4. lu.?s, n . au ?ffray oeeurred, ?eateida? I?
taten*1, A. Vaudibeol How .?it ami Wurrou Uiaad
who, It la reported, wm arresten on a charge ol felomoa?
assault and held to ban.
K*?iw*t.-J?iiics Thornton, a tailor, of Thirty flfth-st.
New-York, ?Tad nil nor and Uill, ,1 bv thd 7 a. in. train,
ft steidity morning, between this ilty ami I, mien.
ri.AlNriKl.n. Vieddlo Miflford, a?! 7, *i lhts *Mf,
kiln il Uiiiisi if, yeslcrUay, while playing with B pi-lol.
John Hrtnlon, fig-? 11, of No. IH Kootvvelt-?t., who
fell ?TtrboanliJanr? the aew?Lo/'? eieard?B Tar?da?. diiat ynv nttr.
Williiim (!urrv, aoe S3, a acaman on the Hteamatiip
lit? ?f Pan?, waa drowDisi whii? katai ?| at Pier No. 43, North K.itr,
Ua, .?' l.il,|.
An nnkno%vn womnn, airo >?>, wrw fntinrl ??"It on
?). ?olrwala at Mo. 7 ll...??T?H at , i.llci iay ?tierno?!), ?ad Mid ?Lit
bunt taken tu tl,, Fourth Pi? inrVHtaiior..
Alficil Ifiisnell ?f N',1. 2.T2 Kan', Thirty tliird-st.. wa?
?tnirk SB Hi? li??<l r,/ a ?Viri? llirown at Inra ti ? ?oma atrkirr?, ?I Be. 41
Wrat Foitjn.nth at., ???Unlay, ?nd r?-<?i"wl ? ?trete ?ralp wo?n4.
The atable of Iflebael Mi-Nntli, at Fifty-tliinl -at.
Bad K.Htrlha??., Sn?th HrMkUo, waa ao, ?n Ir? bf bo??, as? ?tai./
d.?'o rial reatcniay. J.iia?, ?*?), iruarel tif I ?nliurntal I or?(.anr.
In the Vnrkville Police Court, vc^fenlny, James
M,( t,, Hii Dasala, _ttt_? Rooner, and John t'ahll men |oc?rH np
far l_tt.ug ?n.i r?Wa?| Jam.? Conror, at th? foot of lortj anti. ?;.,
K.ito Comwllv. anrniiirriint just laafVii attempted
?nii-.> b? j?m|,in^ laM th? North ItiTrr from IVr N, . IB R., ?eatrr.iay
aft* nit,on, wl,il? ?n??t,<". Hb? waa fiafiftl t,r OI_er liartr of M
Twratj?,l_ Prwinrt, and take? Ui Caal.e t.an..n.
Policeman John Illooilgood of the JefTerRon Market
('?,.ol rt.arifo,! (>ror?v Moor?, ? Botoriona thief, with ?raod larrroy. 1 ba
I r . in had been iiilim?!? with Mr? Blomlgiwul, awl afur inducing bet
to eloue ?i'.h bim. ?loir (La farnitare of lllood(Ood'a lion?*.
A dry foodfl ?tore at No. UN PawtBf, kept hy IT.
Uaaar, waa ?ttartd hr t>?r?;lar?. e?rlr rSSlaadsf ?nmOif, aad ?ilk ?;on>la
worth 03.00,, were. ?tolla, Mr. f.ian? r, who 11 v. _ n?rr hi? liar?, wa?
alarnt with hi? fata?Ir at a ball ant. I ararl? .'. a. m and up ,n returnln?
iln.orrrrd th? linrslarr. Aa tbe ature wal li?;hle<l ihrnurh.?? the r ,?br,
and rvrrr part wa? TtntiUi from the atrret, it la Ui-aRM that tl?
? I wti-n th.' policio?? o? dnt? ?a? at a autant part of
In? 'beat.-' The tbietf? ?n?er. ,| Hum?? the all??-w?? of a t?n.ii.?-i t
k*__ i? Kli/alx-tb-ar., and, acalirg a ?bed, iwialwt aw?/?a iron bar
gsaidhtfj a i. ...'. . .
?UP. b AUS MID TlllAL.
BABMABD di.kkndku n iikamimi?a?-in, K
el \VIIM;--Ks Knit TlIK DKI'IA-K.
BaSATOOA, Aiijk. 1.?The first day of th?
liefen?!'In the impi ;i, him ii? tnal uf Hurnard has been
extremely unfortunate fit tlie accused, nnd haa mudo
him an object of pity. den. Frank Blair, who was ab
?,'!,' M'.at.r.luy, sti|,idled the biet link in tho proof
iiLMJnit Hartiaid, nnd the prosecution, after calling
lleatnbib, the < bambers Clerk, once more, rested their
i ..-i. well autlafleil with the. p roof ho carefully and com
1'.,' \ pn -enteil, (nil. lilil? te.-l.tlcii that ho was otic
Of UM < mu un Midiht? ?ppi linted to inventi^rnte the affairs
of the I'm..ii I'.k ill,- Rattraai 0MBpa_7, nnd remem
beri-,1 the Staaalea w ln-n the election for directors of the
company, in iv.9, was aiimniarlly and wautonly broken
up bjr Rarnard'? Injunction. A few days after, ho ami
M-ver.ll iibers, Including Judge Barnard, were con?
versing la the lunch-room of tho Astor BeBBB,
in reference to tills ?afttr. Barnard, tho hero of the
liniment, was giviiiif a lively, humorooi description of
MM events cuiiue, toil with tht UMflBlMI against the
I'liion Patita lUllroail.aiiil of theeffect of his injunction,
wblcli he compared to a l),,iiib.?h?ill falling aiming tiie
dliaetott? Thu uirtation, emphasized by the \ un.?laat
b-,iktattat? and flashing eyes which those familiar with
.Indie ll.tinard'a manner know ?o well, kept the ,-(,iu
jiany in a roar until Barnard's boast that he had " driven
one iet ..f .1-d .-.ooiiiidiels out of Qie State, and was going
to rime out uno ther" was uttered. The joke wat tat
serious, now, and the tu.tliee too evident, and (on.
Ball (allai to perceive anything humorous in an aatti B
wliii h was the precursor of such dire pecuniary . ? i *
Mr. l.i ach labt red in vain in cioss-cxatuinatlon to elicit
from the witness that the remark of Barnard ?at
simply intended to amuse, and that It did not indicate
unv evil iuteniiuu on the part of the defe ditnt it) I
tin ,,!.ler.
nt Beunlah*! tettlRwmT the b'?.s tail the bet:.
tlM fVlftntt. tltaeBgb tt IWOtTI to an> tUiniC that would
tend f,, BXCalpatt and BOBMMB4 Jildife |liiiriiard. Bt
pr...iiiced tho undtrtakitig book for tlie ft?tVkm\tvA
was eraiiiincd upon it. On cross-examination Beamish
Matai ti?t in einbt years Bartiard hud granted b? twe-u
26,000 and 30,000 orders?a tolerably.good bill of work.lt
la true, so fur as tbe ijuantity is concerned, but the ,|,ial
ityofitmu?t be measured by the half-ruined corpora?
tions that have suffered thereby ; the distrust of New
York courts of Justice, ?,? pi ,v rent as to be quote?l
MMBM proverbs; tho winks and grins of Erie and other
conspir?t,,m when bo;listing of their DOWtrOTtl the Ju?
diciary which Banard'd aaailalattattea has made pos?
sible, and finally the bagt and ill-bred lniltations of hi?
r*?kleda_aaa trkltk Ufl example has induced in
other [weahtl J,ii1k*os in New-Vi rk City who will
probably la the n>-ar (Man stand up to
brava aa bilgaaat pabde, as this man has itaa.
Another part of Beami-h's te?fiinony ?caredly att_t
eoliiinellf, lllld tlie i|lle-tl.,Il ..f it.j \,.f.i,.tv ..in !??? ,to
.id, ,1 by many N. W'TOTk lawyers, who have been in tho
babitof frciuentliig Baruard'a Court. He swore posi?
tively thai li.irn.ir.l bad inter ho.u.l :it,,tte.l motions
tu Chambers before _ o\lo,k; th it tlieru had never
boon ;, tttant tatt baftta him whore the wife, aa ile
f. i,,laut, apfBBgl d in ? ourt, uud that he never saw a
leaiatloa caattd in caarl by BaraatCt vta?B? and
had Betet heart Mai mj aaj thing to eaaat la*/.
to langha B I - I int bei .'.me ,leil
ant, itiid I . Involuutarlly at his i
?eeiaingli fot nppro\ai. Ho finally deelarrt tiiit
ha art "aatti htart Bataart Mrf aajrlUag that
??er that at i-'.r.ius. .I.-11 are, and appropri?t? .''
T?I last i. nt. m o l.r<..t_-111 sml!.-s to the faces of all
In tbt , "iiit-rooiii, a? well us to the face of Barnard hini
M If, and it wad ii pttttfl ">' t'ooil autliority that i liai; i
.1 it lv on H'-aini-li's ,iultting|the stand ht was laughed
;,? rjjj a ?few-Tort Jn IgBJ for his ?tupid crimination of
limi-elf. la fact, the same Truii'ni: reporter who ti-ti
|i.; twt laya B_a can tatttaibtt positively an occasion
Wfeta Beauii-h loaned back in his chair and |.,lned lu the
i.iiigb win, h un into!,.led r.i. ?tions leuiitik of Barnard
: ,.i. raahrt, Mr. Patttaa hMrt to nis query of wh.-tiier
Bataart hrt a;\\.,y^ bata Iteotow and ptaagr, Ihtliwl
aal a i ?a .ilitleation "In tout Jinlcnient." ami Beamiah'.
ailirmatttt .iii-uer reiidti.d uune,ttttktfj any further
illustration of his id. ,i- of ni.ii-alirv. His in, xact state?
ment.'., whleh i ui?rgetii' paotid would tall IV i, wttt pta
,djttlj du tii.iiL- aattaatty ta Attccaj tht entile nuce of
In? te-liinoliy.
The pioseciitlontieie retted, and >!? aattaBt?l-h.Andrew s,
_ i.o.l-, .,n.i Town-end Bald .i . oiiaiilr.ilion, which ia>
suit A la the calling tl Win !.. M. riielps. No response
sagte. Tliive tthttt weie ..t'.led Bjrt failed to show
themselves. Mr. I'.eynol.ls then -tate.l that they had
t. ii, siii.pi n,ie,I in the ragjalat way, ami he asked for at
I Bl lhl. BlB. wliiili wen> grant..!. Mr. Beach then arose,
and wiili m. iutle moi t?lcutioii^iuuouuced that they had
tahaaaart trtrtt wttottttdi and aaly on? was ptaatali
and Hi. h loii' M MBB BBMbMB-BI to ask the liiduigen. o ,,i
an adjournment until ui'.iniiig. Iht following name?
who then road at the wA?MBMt for the defense :
Wm. I.. It Phelpt, Jn". Ml ?amara. Jno. W. Van Valf
eubiirg. Walter s. rnuioli, Wm.'.Knibrton, A .1. Vender
!?... i. Aiiciutiis I. iiiown, N. T. Quackenbot?, Joba H
.? r. A. i ,;tkcv Ball, Horace Andrews, Jobii B. 1>"\ 1m
Wieks W. Culver.Beuj. Wright, Jno. W. Frank, Jao. n
Fellow?, W. K. Howe, Hamilton W. Kobiuson, Kb hard
Hoopo, II. M. Builiiinitii, Mr. Neills Ith? la?t three nil
Supreme Court offloers], M. L. Btoddart, Wafc Bucklej.
jn,,. ii. Btrahta. aad Awxaadet Haaa
Attuchun nta were Issued for all. The absence of tlioat
?rttaetata la unpleasantly significant, and a gem,.m
fooling of pity was f. It by all toward the d?tendant, thtir
seemingly deserted by the friends of hi* pro-penty, Tht1
Conil unanimously grauted him the latitude that lay i_
llicir power, ?uni adjourned until to-nlorrvvv.
t un m. i ?, Atiir. 1.?A tlifipati'h funn Fort
Balljr. Irahirla. reeelvtd al .sioui city, yattartaji layi
tbe Yellowstone expedltiou which usaembled at Forl
Klee for tht l'iii Btmt if guardiujr the aurveylng party ol
tlie Not ib.! u l'a. I tic Bui ll oad, w,\i all iiiylr to Uiaieh on
tin tiii'iniiig of July IB, and undoutitedly left at thai
tune r.ii- imliaiis aft Ilty hostile, and It Is uhuost cer
tain that tin y ?ill attack tlie party. It is it-ported that
tin \ tiled lulo a beul of rattlu tieliiiiging to tbe escort
Beat fort lice, killliik' several, but did uot succeed in
itaapedlag the hart.
Teetarta1 wa* laaoa day fat iw>i r at the Chayaaat
Ak' n. I , and many hostile Indian? came lu. Tliev made
u laid on (!,<? fen | i.oit at the Agen. J, and the military
had to be called out t,, teeoter it. A courier is expected
t.. arrive at Fart Sail] kaadai or two, when tho latest
aewi from the eifadltloa ?m ba received.
|Aun? iurrm?uia.|
I'ur Bathing Iiilant?? Bl KNKn's Kai.i i-i,.N.
\'isit K. I.,,kii*s now Cl?tainf un?! Pyi'ing;
(ll.r i?l)rwlai,,i.ii li;,..on'. (l?l. ,.f llr^., -.
? I Braadwa?:draaaaa,?kaaili .?<? |u?i, la,?? f??:rian, .lore?, a.., bd*a
lii,,;.. rl-at,. I, ruait, paal*. ???la ilrau-J 111? atw.
I)iiii|.l',\'.i TSAtV I'owdkk la n pVI_ linking
>-. ii Kuii w.'igbt, >? i i i m. ami I Mtaaa
rPIIK ln?nt iilan- in Maw-York l?> bur reliable
B Mai h.a taaotoaoada r4r> r?abl?a?ll?J?w?lrr, ?ad BUrBag BUVW
*'U,?t frwaaaw, I? syiliiKh, ?7 K.liuiii. l^-aai-Tii a anwlallr
pll'RK PAINTS and foi,oKS.--JullX W.
? 'It-i Bl I ,,,v III lui.t .-?V,. V?rk. Sir.i.u, I? Pun
I'...'a a? I la.ui lu, .aluplr Uh,I aa.l BftSS lot.
?KC0NI) HANI) SAKKS liaiujjflit, Su)<!, M
J B?rU?fl?d. Bl ?lidia . Mi ?. . ? . N.? l-i?
THF. AI i-EffTHM OK l'iioi'BiHT'iii Off ron is am, ro<
TA?BABT? IB CAlL?? TO mm%9km% BOW IN WOtB Ol<
PBF.IMRKU I'OIl REAL TsK, AM. V'llV |!KI?,, OTT-M I I'. , |
l.NTOsoMR Of Tim UBM MTBA I__t tOAUT. A*?
NjnMMI op TitgsE ?icon? n <;i'aha.nth-:iamaki?io
?aiwaooaa-aaowwaaaee naonaouuaa????- i?o?i..,m?oo_?aaa_?
-__a_aoa.,<H_..,.,__,n.w. ,?, VI li Y 1,0. ._,.<? o..o... .,? ??., . ... ,_i
a?a?ea___a_uo\ioc.u4,i,ij(/u .a??ovaru.,?w-v.;<iw?_,%H-..i
V? ???
S Good Number
<"*>?<>?nvt?t>oonnnnr,nonnoo aaaaa<MyM>mxv_i_<yw_ _. <,q
??Ml?.. ? ?SM 4lK __._MM',__OCMk.?n?4HM^.,.?
."?.OU... U....UO... >OQ> ... ...i.h.KKW?
Hearth and Home
0<i<>'N>iW)ntrw)oiVK>^4_4>4r>4ri4Vvi) ...... .,,_, ,,, , , , , , ,
(MM !MM)'J4H>W<KKMKiOOtK>*HH. MMMQI " <KMJt>? ? ... 1..
This Week.
i_r<ti.'.nfi4VH)i)oooo<><K>oo^c>or homm.?.? c ((???'?bOfOMMI
Look at It.
OOa? ? ?
l.4.(MHVlI^onoOlVV?4f??^?. i ' < * ? t < . . . ? ? ? ?
? Mi'tiMHI' iii^>fiO??04>Oo I('R -"Alk, . ????
hj ail NtujileaVn. at?; fcj th? PttMiibfr*- <-??
u .1 , , ,
OKAMjE jUDD k Co.. 24?. Itioar?t/aT NY.
l?K? . , ,,
in ?^^><^C^>?>i^^O<<0<?(M0^?O*)4^4^O4W<><rQ<J0<t fKlf?O4_K?f.0iV'4 ' ' ' I
? -.4i<,Oti4)Oiill*Hr|?4MM l)|i|i|.i . . , 1*.
Great American Tea Co.
Pit. i.'r. Nh, 14 aad Dee. 26. If 71 Maid. 1.
The U?t, /R??^fL Entirely fifemt
Best, rhfapcsf, lffl?w frii;?h -1"1 Su'
ami Most '.'?? -; prior to olhrr
EFFECTUE. cJj?j??E..TI\i;iTM!r[:.,
It l? ?l?r?i? rri'lr Tor In.taal ?*e pei?n-llj- aloipl? lc rje, 1, , ?'
(?run-p? ?n.l .Scient n it? ?rlinn
It .1 in IsllV -??- l.y St. iin.hin?. Minnfirtor-r?. R?ilr,-.-..'. :.wl 1 1?
fiipirlT.^.a thr.'ughout tlir roinitrT. ?tul hu 11ml Milli.u? .1 l)all?i?'
__r?_ i.f pre| sit]
Tb?<-oreTiiiiiet;t r)?l ?_i?ple_ it for the proiertin? of Hi?-, t?SM a
.!. . ?... I'.-vi. S.i i f..r V?, ..per. ?\..-||l?r ?A
? ? I ION BRnTHBBM.W i ir.rlv ?..
J ' LIT, l)A VKNP4IBT It Ca., Il C'birnher. .<
M-IV I? rit.
i'lilVAi L DU LLI.l. OS ?ml other building?, b? 8TKAM ?i WAf.l.
('or H. '?ton .?n.l Piissi ?I Nra-Tor.
(th. i,M"?t ?nd lama? -naliliibn.rnt "f th? kind ia Ihr Cmled Mal? ?).
l.r-i u. 1..1- tau..bl?U ?_! .?limit.. iurriiihc.1 on ?p|>tie?ti?a
?itnationa 0.antf?--_f_mai-8.
.1 rOBK TKllilNh WILL Bl BEI B1VBD AI TUR IT'loV? tt
Ol-.'l? KB, Nu?. -M Wut Thu'. wriarl-.i-, ur -U* Will Taiut? U..1-.
it.. ap tu - p. ?_,, it regular oflSc- ran?.
?itnationo CDanicd?ittalco.
4 d\ i.i;ii>k.mi:nis FOR tuf. n:
OWH B,XSS.I?I BTssl Thirtv ?eeoi:.-.t., or Jo? Well I ?rot? ta,ni
It , up to 'I (> m., ?t rr-alir ptUir nun._
"?.i.l. wiiii want COMPETENT I?ETr7,
A mile nr f-iu?l?, for -ilv or roantry. larb 11 r.a>hni?a ?iu-11?,
ganlrnci?, wailrrv, ?rrraau, farm hanili. ro.it?. i?dr*?iual_a. ?Kitr.... r
ourar?, irimitrM?-?. laaaitrriar?, hua?r-or?r??. 4... r?n h? ?i.,i.-_ laa?
liatclf .? < iBTBBTBB't oLD-BSTaB-lt-llll KMPHi?M.Bl'
BOC8B, 1 > B ???: t -i.u'h .t ea>r SutS-as?._
T~TiiuROn_IIl.Y COMPETENt Youu- Mini
/-> wuhea 1 lltullou ?'i ?'A' IIU.l.S inJ l.AULiKNKK M
ftrttet?f th? ctr* of h?r?i. i-arriasr?. baracu, ?ard?-?, |[ruaa.l>. kr
ood irfrr.iu? j "
?it. Kuoin 11.
uhlimn- ml wi;liO|l to tw rrurr-11? im-fa! ; (oaMi n-t'rr.ii.? , ?-???- -.-]
rr?-..-. A.I.iica? ur rail 11 So. 4 Writ Kuurtli-i
[irrt^tir tbe c?re el hor*?*, cirr.gr.. U?n.eii, ganlri, jiuaa.'- I. ?
ul.lia.iag aii-I ?ii.. at to Ur (entntllv uarfuli go?al rrft-rr-nce. *i?o - "I
?rat? A llrrw Wl 1.1.1 AM. No. 4 Wr.t ...orib ,... K.h.m I i.
i*PHE RIGHT MAN fortba right place.-A
1 |,r. 1 r.l Am.-ri.i? fru t rultnrirt. farmer, siirkct firl. a.' t
.Uairr. a Ml'lAlTON u r'ORKMAN ?nJ M PKK'.NTKN I'l NT ?n a
ln.it l?rm ?r |-ral!?uiiD'i ?umuirr rr.idra.r. A.J lew, tur H .?'? bii
M H .?ter I eui.l,, N ?.
\VTX'r?:n-EMPLl ?Y M FS T a? attendant foi
? r a:i ureLiii, i'T ? TouoK m?n u? ext..-r-.rui-?. t?ie toa of a eWr?.
m?a ; <^h i?t?n Uitiily prrferred. Pl.'?i? ?ii-i??l A. W B.?ft.-J
?..-;. I? ... V Y._
WANTED?A SITUATION by a o?an pira?
r T t ,i!]_ :h?-?uiif?rtureol?ll ???_ri.no? uf Kiiflwb Wrii.a/ .il
r.ipr.rif Ink?. Krrneb ?ou 1>?'1.._ >.u? _Ua.kia(. AJ.li.?.- Hl.ti K
ISO, 1..' ... .'rire.
OKI i. l'M, N ? -4) W11I Tbirtr-ar.?a_-._, or JUt Watt Toealr Uur?
?t., up to a p. m., ?t regular otic? rito?. _ _
olo lAmeilcar.), ?hoTl i.-..-_i:oi?.l ?ith tl? Wbolaii!e Ur; 14<?4?
sal Bu.t au. Mio? trade, to ??II tbe LMl'IMK BOX Ol'K.NKUfi ..,
,-.?? reonrrd ? ?i:-<ry fi-|'?rae.k. Addreaa bBflKB MAM In
TlKIMi CO . 1? fimtt at tiiMot._
\V AN 1'K11?SEA LENG HAYKR-On?>capable
TT of engrtriag de-tgai ?pou ?etli ?u 1 tir?u letur taltiu??. ????
?prik hugliihi _.h?1 ?igei ?D.i run.Unt iit-iuou In oo? of tie eal?_l
?eal rn^ririug ?lUb.lfhnr?!? in '.lie r,.nul,-?. At?MSS A II PAHVIW,
Ait'ertnlog ?geni i 'iii'iiimii. O-io. Sea, laiple? of ?ork b> asit
\V?NTE1>. iu*i? I'lifilwhTiiK UiHw-A yi?iin?r
TT MAN. Iimlliir wllb buiiaeM g'neiillr. ?bo writ? ? g.o? Leui.
AJ.re?? l?-Bedi?lel?, ?.th rrfei-oee?. Urn 4,5:?._
\\vANI.;i>-.\ youri^ mini for SHIPPING
TT I l.KUK. Maaliead good refrrrnre?. AJ.irra?
). ?' Bui 1.;?, Tnbaae OB.a
W w 1 ED?A oomp?t*nl i IV11. BNCiKEi ?
f T i?r ..i, w?rk A?M. f. O bu? l.JiO. Norme? 4 eaa
Mini I.l HI
ol ?Il tbe i-elel'.iled ai.lrn. bulb
KH.i |-i?lol? Aamanitioa of all liada, aad!
S_, u.....l...a.a?aHn?eL,?;isK ?_._,_.,, (JM,MM
IS M??i. t, Mb?.
WR'i?ATrE^?oor'iin i \mI'.s 2sl_???bV
I light pr?*.i_oa. ?rill be wkl cb?.,.. laqaira ?I A. BAl BliAK I -".
Ml W *!i.n??.. Boo? 14_^ -?
\ I Mrl)ALH-Ver? Old .?.I K.i? - lie iul_Kn_er uttn fc.r ?? e
).,?. lll?ltll uf Col?, ?nd Me-lil. _???ugi?g U the e?ttte ?I ? .????
??? uf t'h?rl??iua, Utal? d?e???ed. ?_- ?, .'ik
Appl.e.tlo- made I? ?M ?I 4 b.rle.U.0, Suulb Carobaa. ?U? ?eel* ?->
prouip. .ltec.ua. tut a ha? .1 ?be tut- arlll be f?r?M4-d W J^^,
M A4 DA M (i KA Y" may be t-?naultetl lor uB J
i>i_?a_<-. ?f ib? ski?. Bwiliisi, W?tlw_l-tii.?ss?tj^a_a*j ^
.u,. uu..-. ?f u. bv.iv. t? ?' mmit mi ?>-^" ?"?**?
tfa?Ji, I. Ul. 1 ??'') ^ 4rW,W? i?14". ?? ???