Newspaper Page Text
.-n?.. vvYii ?vo. ti *?lf? NEW-YORK SATURDAY. AUGUST '*. I?72. PRICE FOUR CEIVTH. ____:_________ NOM,I CAROLINA IXTXTIC I . M.I IAHT UBERAL VICTORY. TI1K tuNM i:\AT1VK SI ATI. TICKKT WXMt H ' AD. -1V1 M V.liMtlTY ? I1\ I lli'.IKAl. C x CHOSE* TISPATCII.] \Yn Miv.?.,\\ Anir. _.- Meniiiion ai el.ctul Qej not by from ...iMU to l(U?o majority. Tl.i Cona ?\ati-. csi..i\f certainly el< dedaii ?i ei.i. . leatioi tin- Rg__g_ ! ' doubt. It is thouirht that Koren (Coql beat? Smith in thai distiict hv about HO tage? THE TBI?MPH OP REFORM. CKhim; mi i:m RTC - ' ?'' ' ' IIOLDEB-l.llii:K4I. flIIVS IN H'l wi :' (oimii:?HERtaSOX'fl m ?.mini v PHOBAI n mi. ut-si 1.1 in Tin: I , . >\>m;v Mill. 1 ROULA n BE. [IlY TKI.M.KAIMI Tt) TM, IUluiii. ft Ifl ? ? 1 ho int. rc-t in tho le.siiH of election Atta aad in the leant ahute. All day 1 the teierr-.i'.ii oliieo, which i? the headquarter?. tlw reception of the new?, ha? bien tlin>nj;t-d v journalists ?mil politicians, who have been cagi . - : in ii for dispatches and spectihitini; 00 rcault. Tlie office-holders -who rnn the Adn ?i un. Line in this. Statt have In , :, an.vtl' but ahm i fill dailni fha Jay. Thai talked la? tin- ?iioniit,":. when for a lam hour* BBBBMl ?mpiirt; I - were rcpottctl, but no If liputes atmld make it :it all pinhal.Ic Caldw v M - In ti I Bad this afternoon they general!? gave slate ti, kit. ill..'. I :'"u'( editorially that Men.mon was BtobBBljl elect Lat? r in tin- eveiiinp they were ( rahly Hal over the return? from .Tohnaton nnd Chath; i 'iiii??i v. in j'.. iiu- dt B_a of San to t'oncresa. Oaao more tiny made their ariji? ?nee at the telegraph oftice nnd loudly boasted t_e_ tietoi . Bat they did not have mn It MtJ about UM Mate ticket, mid with o i?r tara <?-.? options generally eoawaded t! tl., m v, a by Bboul 2,000 Baajotii i.., . hi ?i tin- i. n-poiis? wan raaaired turn Um ..longt <f th. \Vt-:< in North t'arolina Railroad. T Cuiim rviitiMt have never doubted that the Wl st, co:;: then large pains, ?md it requir only the annomicemeiit that a material CtN m;?!c in Qm live toimtic? first ?aport, tu DMka BOOM of the more enthusiast . tvamtit majority for Morrirao At lliib time, "1 hours after the polla v ? PCattciH'. ? i\i ii lioni Ma Uhl half tbe eoonttee ia the State. Fie?ibobtm of tht th, n port.- ai. t.. :itl.\ ? empi?te, while from Othc only one ? tare l'if ?nets hatt been heard from. 40 eo_otiee whieh ia 1870 gata Sblpp, DaaBoetal candidate foi Attorney-General, 1,07"), Merriiiim ip.-ijoiitv, cali iiliitcd from eatfanateeaa abort ? , e_atiea ? ? all over tl ? are b, Ueved generally lepreeentatlye In tbedrehara tor. If ti it the same iai. tl.,- r, iiiiiindei- (?? the State, Mi inn.,'ti's mujoiit woald i,.- about 8,000, It would ha unsafe, betreva toptedicl BO l r> o.'.ibb- a l,suit as this. as the cbaniri Min c the ?lei t inn of 1830 ara ao great that rery litt I be plut cil nu aat??all s based on th v ' then |t> ? ! I ? tl,, ,. turns thus far icceivcd indu ale that Mtirimoii i thit.'d, The t.r.ii ill fota of Waka County is: For - nor?Mi'iiitiioii. 8,309; I'aldwil For Co? paaa Ifiigji Ciani-'e County (ultti-ial ? <? doi Merrimt? l.'ii.->: Calda U, i.oil. Coaigr n, 1,W8 hinitli. 1.: Wiliniiii-i . root?Mi nimoi 1.1 l'i; ( aiiUtll, -.131. In.- BtOOd:8hlB] (Mem.', (i^: Phillipe Rep.), Ifito. \, : . ! fiiiln tithe tin 1st or Hid Mistiiits. but the CenaarratiTtathia] theyhai. . I to claim tin- latter f,,r Wad tlell by a small niaj'.nty. From th. I?? the retiiriis thus in rat aired, with the exception <, ib-i linn ,,f Cobb, tin- Adtnlnl ndldate though the rttaraa <m which this opioion is base, an- niostit from the vuiuity of Cobb'ahomo,whan )? svmilil iiatiiiuily i ? Jadgja< lent of (ir.mtV Benomioatl ?a ConTeotiao and th? man OB wheao the Ailministration a WaahiDgjton expended more money than on aaj ? itainly defeated. s the Xih Dittricl are JtA f0 '?? I from, but it is not believed thai it can chant" t?a- retad! !? i ?? - ... ,,,-.. delegation in < KB ted live n,ember. trhttetbe Ada auti itionhat gained the additional ?bsti ;,,',?,? apportionment. Ithiaateaiag from Johnatoo and Chali I .,,. thd d( f- it -i Rimji is. the ' did .t. ?..1 (.;--. ?tain. John sta,,'i. ii.. .uunty m which Smith, the Ailuum Candi . . aj/hli h h;.s lcriii'-v!-, ?. ,.j.>iity,h.i- tart :? rsiniiti 11 mnj.iiity. }(,....... :,ls', loMB about 800 BB Ihi vote ,.t -s;., |a Chathiilil'.v. Thia to the pet i Um Korth 1 : ?'. which is now under tin- eootrol "f l!' Con] ,nv, and h is bun wry "i ii..,:iev daring the cam. '' ? ? when \, i h. fa EaOowiag ara Radica] audoritiea bj '.unities, with gainaoi loaaet: Wake, I anklin, ! ; . B ? ' nk.'.iVi, ga| 1 : Halifax. ?-""", gala, 100; ' aa, 141, : ? ti. Tha ;iin, ipally ibnv.-d li,,m Kadi ?ai araieea i h.- lolhnriag ara C_aaartatira nia loritidd: Hettford 100, gala, W | WiUoa, lt7, lota, BBibarlaud, 100, im?h. ?? Onalow, 194, loaa, !,,--, 180; Alain:!!.. NO: Bobaaon, i If; Bladaa, m, gain, 8 B; Manly, &*>. Kam. 1,1 '. losa. 1 ti; Lincoln, ggO, ]"^'1;r;: ? gain, M ; Darla, 111 gala. 97; 1 McDaweU. BOO, gala, ivj; ituike. ir,, ",.?. ,.-,. Catawha, NO, pda, ?: I'oibi; .,,. Utt, igi, i,,,,,,,..,. 1 '??'?? Roekingham, \w.i, loaa, Ifgi Meehleaborir.250,gala, ?; Raah, ?_,] 1?kga?a,77? i.?.,i,,i,i. ?g, i.,,,,-.,; Cabarrua?85,ajain, Tin-tiiuat ,.?,', itant vi. un>? lathaalacfka wsi.i day uas the , h , tion of a majority ol Conacrvative Btaataeta la both branches of the HtHtf Lejfiblature 'ibis L' rat ta th- Ooiaiivatives tl,- tb?ire of a 1 mud s:;,t,, Miiatoi, in the ,,]ate uf John |',,r,l, w|1(1 H ???hrtblv moi?, naBBBlluBJ toamajtiiii, ,,i Hag laeojile of North Carolina than aii>?nthei BBBB. >??:,atoi 'I i[,ton. lu the udmimble ?ampa?Kii BBeei haa mbit h lu- mad- la this state, ?_? ?out tt) iMBgralaku tha aajaada that the, *,.,,. ainiut fodraiu t_. n paalaad the:i j<ld van,,-. __. *J**f. Vaine, tfho M BtahBhaJ tin- BMtl BOPBlai man m tha Mata, It tara ta be the ehoka <.f lb* Coaaet? vative?, aliuoal without oprumition. Tha l'ier* m thd ?o_atrj id greatlj ladahtid la the i-n^prur of Jke Halnah Jtu.lg Stu?. u.ij to it? ?djUita, Meaera. fitune and Wwdaou, for a large prt> portion o? the ?k? Uob rot?me mmI _?? lb? duy mul to-day. THE NEWS IN WASHINGTON. Till I ,\. Ill MINI I NAIIATl'l? ? lil.K. II I I-l> HOP Ot IHK AHMIM-llt AIIOMMS? A I ?I - 1 ? ? v ! :, | iji.v,;. AN IMI.l.l.Klh.NT KKI'Olil 111 .?_ N A lull TIl'ION. IHY TLID KAI'H TO TUL TB1B.BB.1 W' Aug. ..-'I'll- ?x< it.ii.uil o\rr t Noitli Carolina election Iniu niiiliiiu?'?! tlinuiplio the (lay and eveniup. 'I In- nioiiiitttr dispatch showed so complete :t I.ii.nal triumph in the 0 V ill-, Mute, thxt it PiK'ii In-? nut?? v.nil'lv ?i om-sti. of rr-apnitiide. In Administiatioii ?limiter?, ai amonp such ottee>bolden ?f arc lift at tl point, ttwtc tru a fnlii'tr o? pobMto deapoa ency. Ak?| in tin- BftetiMMn. tin- Adnrtnletnttli corretpondentt in can totally, ami ?li>iiat< Loh pt-tir. Ill ll?lt tp till dUmilMWT TJ l.-l.ial l>alroiiapo at :.'l tin' dioi'ptnp t>l-liil> "f til?' ?iliuc liol?l( J he Sen tary of tin- Int. i i..i bail, i itied a dispati at lus It? partiiifiit. iul.ii.Mad t>> U-BBalt from 01 I of liis faitliful Collntois of Internal l.'e\oniio Kaliit'li. ?laiiiiiiia-tli?'State for the A.liniiiistiatii by ld.ooO majority, all " mythical storii ? ati?l Coppt head lies " to tin- contr.i, v BOtn itlistandinp. Ha went up niuotif? the I<\vn1 rlcrh?. and QCB. BbhCOt trim li 1.1 sw.un ft-arfull.v in tin- iiiiui.iiii?, vei ainiiiiil cuipTatiilatiug and to Ik- ciiir:atniat? l.y loyal contractor! and o-Bee-aaeketa? Next, tl 1'it-aiiUiit of tl,?' Philadelphia (.'n.ivclit ?on, .lud? Settle, ?<nt n iiis?nt<!i t-. th.- PoataBaatcf-Oai ?ni. vim fortunately happened to I??- lit-r?-. 1 ??.?ut tin- m vy import au t anmiiino?tnent thi In-was ?lei tnl t<> Conprtf?, and claiming lik?> _.'??> fort u ne for four inure (?rant repn-senfativc?. Tbc tin- White RotBM WM invaded l>y t? leprani and ('.?"is. Deni and BabOOCi ri ad them and Miiilci for tin- itiionnntioii WBt nil flattering:, and the mil mm | w- u ?!.i' duplicated and foiwaidi-tl tot1. oilici-s of lb?' ii\al Aiiiiiiiii-tialioii OlfBBt on tli AM'tiiie. (.In such food aw this, l!n- city was (ad HwgllOII tin ?lay until evening set in. and tht' regular ai. tiuMMortby Akmh iatdl JTcss repoit. hemm airain t K id to the Administration its defeat by a ina.i?u ? t \ ?Mil i xi iiilintr tlio first statement, la? 1 (!isj>at?h tli.'it is iitiivid her to-niirlit, up to a late liour, ?ontirtii the Administration defeat, and in the lanpuage of Liga Triaciiry ofl'u ial, " Grant may musid.-r bin sell locky ii he ci'ini-s outoi the Worth Carolina flgti wiih ont Congre.sman BDd enough of the I turo to pu m nt a two-lhiid OppotttiOB niajoiity." Senator Tiptoii arri\??l here this Bocniaf _rt!l North Carolina, intending, alt? r a lew dins' IMt t enter the eaatpt-gB la Waal Virginia: bot, hi que nee of a lilit'iam n.civ. I to-day. antiotiiieini wiious illness in his family, he left tonight for V bnaka. Ht say. lie has no doubt whatei ei thai tl i (onseivativis have carried North Carolina bj a least 10,000 majority, find even a nun h huge YOt* Would not iisloni.-h Lim. Bt ?#?) nearly three weekt in the State, sj?fakin/,- nearl; ?v,iy day and sometime.-? twi?? a day,ami tratclini iltil. lli r.iva he MM Warned hv the l.lhcrul not to bt intlm-need l.y the dispatches iron the BtatO which eatne iirsr, beCWBM Ut i.i tut district? ivi re more accessible- 1< the t?l-graph, und tint qoltt. I Bhowilll v.oul<l he iuad?' in the lii; t d_ pstcbcB, Hi s.iystha th?ted nt wherein the lna\y Liberal trarkwa dom have i., t yet been heard from. Hotaithatand Inf that, even the liist i? tuiiif., and all of them, ban been?BTorahle to the Liberal ticket Hedoeen ? \j" i ; l'i obtain definite ? n tonnai i .ji a_ to niajuritiei le 1"H > in.lay K Monday. KW !;.' 11 ? ii.TAii.s Of Tin; 'us-! ?ivviivi: '. k top.y. IBY TELEOHAITI TO TUR 1KIH NK I IiAi, Friday, Aup. 2,1872. Tu?. ( ? ?.- n i.'iM- have .-. im il l.irirely in IBt ni'.n ?'Hirit'.i ? cf Klpi ii'iiilif, Warren Halifax, mul North a, including a Btl DtattTt iu Haiifiu Ceuiitv. ?wind Co-DBty, heretofore eo_ttlder_0 d(uibtfu) MU t'ivt- a Omettrai fotnotlM, L.u-ire Coaeaiiellte catat i I ia Carterei < ounty, whir h will _ivi fnin _;o to 175 innjonti ; IHII.lTl. The Hon. TV. M. Kohbins, M? -ii.tu r. f Coagrtattltel trou the Rowan (\TIth) District, tel'irrai'li-, that r. turns from tin. west an- very luvoiu !.. l;.m m t'ouatv bas pone ( nn.scr\ ative hy 5'Ki in;i.ii.ii!\ or iiimi . The Aituiii'l -tratinn men claim Uninsvs iik lounty l.y fri.ln |M t" MO ?nalmity. 'i.rd County pives thi I Jorlty. I>.i\ ,oS( ?:; Coi.i.ty ti'.\i s t!,i. A.'.i.i.. -tr.i?uui t.. kl t M majority. :. t-.1Mi ihijM Hi E lj-'< "lu!" ' !1M- (.'Ulli i.l . Raal ( ounty f very close; the _fH< l:,l oanvasf. required to determine the ratait. Xkit ? <>ui.lj, (.'.w I.l In u.i i ratk uiajonty in 1- I Wayne Coaatj haefaai AdmlolttraUon ob iht Ptate Ueketbf lWuiajmlty, an A(liiui.,-ti ittet ?-a I n of 170. 'lTif ; -, itiM- . ain'ldate for s. .,-,|. ..'.iuliuip County i Miiniiioii :r.O ma , a gala ?if M ?'a the i?, moi ratk umj- rltj Ial Tbe dial veattra toaaty te laptrl m Irt?ell, :. tiii'ii-. fiolii ?il! Lut une Jin i m, t ati'l Kl'-1- 'he :, nt,. 'Hi.- other pietilacl will make it mure than ?nd, a train of o\< r _(rj mi the DetOO 111<- ..f i-7'i. Oabarrni County, all bat eax '.;:.' .m by about 20 majority, Mttttaea Ml riiajuiitv, a clin ?if aaoel Ml i n Bbipp't n t". ^lajoiiti' /..r A-.'i'-, Ooaetrrstita, for Ooa D the county la tri? a gala of Ml. Cakaerai - : -.alive tn tin ?-'.it.? s?nat'-. A tpUl In tht l'"ty thire ha4 ui.nte this remit doul.'tfiil. Connervatlve Cmi B "ii wati last BlfM ' "ii- 'l (ii-l ilu'iiilliii, now seen,- to bt I laeted mj fiuiu IN to 500 liiaji.iity. Beaetof Baattaa telegraphi thai Iben ur-^ uservatlve pains in even ? ? ?; m eoiirily. lOrN'MiAl. KKhNS IilSPSTCH.' WUHWOTOll, Auf. I?! a. in.?A ppe.ia) ili! Ii. C, to ft? Patriot of thl- city. says: ? I . mil fr<.m in th!? diMri? t are BOt r< ry ?att or one, but show ? learly how tbt tMt sets, a- tar us to ui fiom the Coaeetrattrt gate, as eeatfarad vrtth the mte of 1,70, when the Ktate went J)i ii?. i ial,. by over .?i.ntv, Is iminti-rriipt.4 und ?le. :.|.d. The elec? tion of J. M. I>ai h (i iiiiservatui i tu ? impres? from the Vlh lM.-trlct| is almost certain. The KailieaU are u.hast ut the heavy Couservutlvu pain? in th? lr best pre? itu ts 'll.i? 1? the chief battle-cround, and the returns from , n . nu t are looked foi with (Not utixiety. liuM ness has bien totaliv totpaadl I durlnp tlio duy in this ?..! th<- merchantri are actively enpaped in fhe VBfl of the elei Hull. There Wim no di-lurhaiu e. (fct ballotinp proceeded quietly, but | |grgc nuriitirr of -tioro wen- (leteited and Mapped la fraudulent votliiir. A full vote has been polled, and as yet no arrest? have been made." ihe MoBBtehei received by several private persons her?, from North Carolina contain little ft finit,, luforma tloo, thouph generally iDrtlcatl-e of a Liberal success. AB aOtaaaeaaaat, thire has been cousl?|erable rejoicing iu the Democratic and Liberal hcadijuarters. The (irunt men are nut iuclia??l to admit that the rt-.ults can be known at thi? early hour. A special Ultpatch to The Tntriot, dated I_iblKh, \ c . 1 a. m , Just received, confirms the larpe Conner'vatlve' paiiu. in the ??stern and western ?oniitii-. r_tmrru? County give? a Con_crvatlve gain of ___ overShlnti'? vote of ma i (Liberal) || elected In the Vth Iiiatriet. reH County .:. it? a ? '?m. t-rtttive c.unity tleket iiiul gtTOI a large khiii to the Htate ticket. The Iti-pulili. ' - - llu re ha\i ?on Juli l> gn ?n up the election. Mernuion? itisjoilty )? now e*tiuiat(x1 at, and the l?gula.... lu-uioeralir by 73 maiority on joint ballot. in. .-nte?t in the I Vth I.,? i, a? yet doubtful with ehaaaM in favor of Kog?_r_. the Uberal esudnlaU. Nothiugil.iuiveha.yet U-.., re??lved from the lat lOatrici. though Carter (Lil?eral) i. probably elet-Usd. 'Uli u.a. Augu.f _- _ a. iii.-lteiurii? fr??, .7 count ie? "'?iKiitep-aitivHy tin ea.ti.,1 ?f M?rrimo,,, the Con ?ervstlve .?iwliUat. f?r .?ovirw.r, ?it vat ot eight (Jon pressmen, aad *"> MMaJlUtlB" on a.lolnf ballot In thr? !_**__. tare, thereby aleettag Baaatl ?.rant Batted Matea Sena? tor in place (,f J'ihti l'o?l, AflnitnlatriilluD. The Admin? istration puity uve up the election, the only question ?icing that of mu?,Titles The election wu* quiet and or? derly thlaaghflOl the Kite. The contiHt in the IVtl? Dta trlrt i? n? V( f doubtful. :hongh the chnnce? are In favor i?f nngm?. CmMumlitt BM tatDiatrtel I laodoabt? rat,buttttta( '?'' OoagieaaBBaa aie paaaahty fleeted. wit min'.iov.n. c? aiir. i?ta Raaktaghafli ?"'' ?'?" tint Coimti-s (heOaaaanratitathave gajaed Tbc Re pubUcaaa bate ga iaai m CBawall COaatg. Tue returns indicate (lie defeat of Settle for Con gres?. The proha hlhtl, ?> are tlia' the 'cu-i natives hate carril d six out of the tlghl CttgltM ilttTlirtT At Kinatou, In I.euolr (-..tiiity, M, itimoi. | ileedtl ret**. Tin re (ddUMtoeXlM bo n aaooabM ,i, ah? ol MenlBtaa'i i U i Boa i,y a iaalalta uialoiliy. This eiv, . Cildwoll, Radical, for ?; majority. Halifax, one af lha hei m ???itiea, -?trea a ft mot ralk ?ah ?,f Bearlj Tlie election of Wad1.,!', Ii. ino, I i', !.i ('...iK'ri-s rroin tlie Mid District is conic led. The Ptali lia? BtlbdMy gOM C ??-ervative l.y from f ,000 to 10,000 miij.rlty Nearly luij county yet leard r, porta Df o? rada Ibbbbb. Ill Rui kllif. iiiilll and Cutout Ci,.n,-?, tho COO 'na? tives have trained. The Republicans bate BjBB?ti M OBjaanH County. The return? Indicate tho defeat of gaatlu ftt CBtajcaa The probabilities are thattfceCha servaliios have c.illid six out of the eight OBagfaBB I,it: t-. At Kinstni. In I>'iicir Comity. Merrimon , ,??, i ta ralea Tiire aeeaaa to ?__aj no rea-m. uble tlouht of Mi rriindi'? il< t ti. n I y a del ulvc majoi lty. .nix.i: n i ? i sin i. BLU BJOfl -. Wa.sHini.ion, I?. C, Auk. 2.?Jnilp- Battit leli-irriipli, ,1 to l,istma?t< r-(i,'lierai ('regwell ihn ?ftcr i.Bftaylagtl .i ht s oie! t<.i wiiii ihre.-otiici Rtfafe lu?ncaadMatea (or Ceagsaad,aal probably u fifth in Haftfe ciiiobi,.,. ^ TM LE OF J BTHsATj D HAJORIT1E8. Bl rnr.NIIL.s. I8?l. I?.;.?. j f*Biaaii?a.i ? (i.,?rR?,oii? ipail Baa l'?i,iwnl. B?rr.mi>_ i , Ahuiinnec. ?<? m?.- -'-" Alexander. ?"i ...? Aileghuuy. 1" ' ... Allr-Oll. ?*fl IBB Aehe.?-" ...? '" Beaufon. ?- I. IN - l'? II it-. 1. j I . 450 - i; .,,?ii.II I ?:?.? 100 Brunswick. Hl? .... BM - Buncombe. II '? lior..? Burke. i")'J ...? 1*6 i -barrai . - ? 1("3.? Caldwell. *M Ml .? *,lf> ( itiiid. ii. MB.- M> ret. : Wi.- ...j ? i.i'S. no - < Meaba. ? ?'? MM.? *"*> Chatham.l?jl '?-". BOB - i berohea.*iJ tai.? I I ?howan. .- . IN ? I lay . 115 ?13.- M t le,\i!.in,I. i" HIT. Columbus. U ...? *BB ( TilVeU.BM MM.U " - Cumbei and.KM iis4.? ( illilluck. 4O0 B81.- 6?J Data. . vi ? Davidaoo.n ' ?-?. W ? Dark. Tat.? Dnphii.MM Uli.- 6*0 Edgecombe. __ !-??..IBM ? Foraythe.n ? .... l ? ? Franklin.IBM i4U. it - i, istou. ...- Ml (latee. - *<oS.? *?> i.ii),,m (Hew County) .? ? Grsntllle.IB* IBM.n< ? On ;.e. CKS. ui ? (iiuiford.I'll 1MB.- M Halifax. '4 UBI .MM - It.mutt . MO ... ll.iiiiond. ... Henderson. ~ ~< ... BM ? lleitforil.835 W.- 10O II..1,. M3 ~M. Iredell. '" IM1.? Jaekaon.ltl "m.? MB .lolilistou. ?' .- "HO Jama ._ MB ? I-enoir.UT? BM. 160 - . - . 7!?.- 64? ?on. '?? lot ? Maitin.MM I'*' . H- - Mi Is,Will. 4S> ..- '.(?1 Meektenbwg .... Ml - - - ? Mitchell. S4. 4(0 - Montgomery.. Ml ? Meara.BM ??.? N.ifh.Its? li-l.- l.i New Han,.ver .... .I""' - Northampton.IBM Ml . MB ? One*?*.Ill '?'?.? ' ? iirnnire. - I i i-.iii.i. (lewi . ' .? ? Paeqaotnah .M i I I - BM ? Perqulman?. ' I. ? Pertta. ? i-iit. l"s 37.1 . Bulk. BM Mt . MB - Kandolpb . i .n?' ? Bleliliuiliil..1144 MB - Bobeen. .? I ' Rorklngham ... i ?- UM ..? Row , . .....1091 i - ....? ?' ; rford ... ? paon.i- i ..? ly. 4-- . - .? . ?? - ....? I..1?! - .- - . . roll. ...? i ? i?n. ? . ...? . Vi.,ke. . . 674 - r, n. . ? Waablnctofl.?!'? I ... MB ? aj itaaga. . I I ....? a* Wayne . i ?) .IM ? V. Ik, - .1117 ? in.lili i'ii.? Ml Yatlkln. .... U - ? Va oey. ....? Total MaCOl 14,Ut7 1 ? , -' : . ."11. Alili-Alil 575. Mainiii> at uiiKt i'oiim ni.on in . : . TIDINGS FBOM SORTS I AROLLN \. i;i., i rii-.v t,i Tin: M MtJ IH tmt CITT. 'l in- rJectka letnnM frw_ Narth Carolina y, -t- i.lai, a- ii]?.i ted in lha BMtatBg M I everybody. As tha warthy rilMn lath hia aeara h h Ua CaaarlM aawafjaaai ?',l1 bJi (?ffeo nt the l.reakfiat tat-lc, ho ?n* h> Mtaaad thai North CBrattaa'araa tmc. Tha tttOt of h.iti.-fa,t!,.ii w.iii whi'ii BtpahUaaaa I - : ?mb! DaaatttaM alUn iaaaraagftaM UmM homes f,.r BaMaaM must have ban puzzliiur to those who did not know the taut, A? geuUjuiei) tune together, however. !? [kf car-, UM 'a'taci-s, 'ijgj ?t Kree?._*fof?eTs, and hagaa M LutnfiKit" TtMrb, ttT?, irenO. ' wai ehangitrTi of Ah?M aratt tata to gtagahaMI ? I.low - hithtilo j.lai id, a:,,l then, I loi th the netfa from tho old N., il, BtaM tva.? (.T.ttif y in?f only to the opponents ot ih" Administration. The knot? BjataMred uhout the dif? fer, nt iiew(,j,,i|.oi MjMbMi iioth to lag? tho baUattaa aal to BJaBBfl the earln at uddltlunal liiif'.,rruatloii which might henceived l,y tt leprapli, afforded au amuaing and not aalattrattltt itagy? it was enif>iii_ M ata the leonl with which the readers of Th? Time? caw tho fact of a Liieral victory couBdeptly an? nounced, and that the Chairman of O on? Cirant? iioiiiliintlnkf Convention bu?l been defeated for Con,:rc??. I'nzzied l,y the conf?n ?Bag statement?, some waud.nd fiuni one I,nil. tin hoard to another, and thence to a third, occasionally rulil.liii.' their eye? aa If doubting the correcliics? of their vuion. A tow ardent euppoit er? of the present Administration bravely held out to tbe lait, *nd with tm? partisan xeal iiroti?ltd that ml reporta except tboae favorable to their hide were utterly unworthy of credence. As the day wore ou the croups ecattered from tbe office! of tbe morning to tboae of the afternoon newspaper?. Tbe election waa everywhere t_e autdect of conver?? tlou throughout tbe day, but the only queatlon remain? ing for debate at evening wa? that of th? actual ma? jority. MOM AT THE POLITICAL IIFADQIAnTERi?. Tho lixt-iti-iiiiiit at tlif LilHTul Jk'piiblitaa National Kiecutlve Committee Headquarter? ut the (ili-nham Hotel (Oiitiiiued una; bated throughout the day. A large BfcBBBBJB of BBjaajM tallied to obtain Information concerDlug tue result lu North Carolina. In the confualon.only a ?mal 1 MBBMM?B of the Lames were reglntercd. Among tho iiiiiniier were rW-u?tor Frank V. Blair, MhMOuri ; Bamnol IiaakaiD, Norwalk, < t. ; D. Pratt, Batb: L. J. T. O. Prince, Boston; John J. Key, Terre Haute, Ind. ; D. A. Htephen?. Ann Ailmr. Mich ; Ira B. Wheeler. Ellxttbeth, N. J: ??" (iov. r. O. Hibert. Loulalaua | I. !.. Bayue, NewUrleans; M. KHi Hirer, editor of Ihr Jtu tih Units, John H. Mitchell. IlrldKeton, N. J; J*??** *? Helleck, North Bergan, N. J ; Benjamin draham Hann, New Jeraey, Jubn DagMBtt Hunt, Hiiiiiiiilt, N, J; John |Jauiea, Han Antonio, Te?a?; Wiu. J. Wheeler. New-IJrleana, L?. ? H. II. Baowlea, Pen?aeola, Kla.; Col. E. t. Wiiliauiaou, POSTSCRI PI 3:40 A. IT!. 'Hi; VI.K. LATEST I'KOM NORTH CAl.ULI THE ACSOl'lATK!! !____? OLAMM A MAJORITY 1 MIKKlMON Off ll.'.M 4,000 TO 6,000, A MX iI'OMsnit.y SEVEN) (ONSEUVATIVE C< '???? MLS. IMMMI IHM liisi'A riif | Rai.fioh, Aug. '?.-The election returns come slowly, hut information i_ to hand to ?af.-lyi.h the election of Merrimon, the Conservative outdid for ?ove mor, hy f.,,,,, t$m to ?,000 majority. 1 Cottl -i have made latf? train, in I aea-ata .-..untie? M fttr as heard from, ami gains many of the Kasten counties, and the Republic in Mime of the colored -muni, s, particularly la . IVlh Coiigress District. The Republicans an? little hopeful tn-iii^ht. QaMi a number ?u count are not heard from, butCm-irviiive p&ni aro ( peeled in those se. lions. Tno result may sninnicd up about as MkrWl : ConnenatiM -iit-li.kit . h-ctctl l.y from |?00 0,000 majority ; Conservative Congrotsmen tlect in th.- IIId, Vth. Vlth, Yllth. and Vlllt!, District .Smith, K? iml,In an, < 1. ? t??l m?i Rotan in the IV Di-tii.-t by ?ome 400 majority ; Thomas, Republic;! -lotted bl (be lid District, with Cartan-t Conn doubtful in tho 1st Duatii.t. '1 he Legi.-l.tun- u lie largely Democtatii on a joint ballot. The fe.-lii is still intense, although evi rylhing is foleta Wn.MiMii.iN, ?ag, ..?Meriimon's uiHj.iity m \ riously estim?t? d lit.m .1,000 to ttfiOO, The j.iub.-.l. ity in that Smith (Republican) ia elected in the R high District hy a very Pinall niajoiity. The Co servativi-M certainly ?-bet six out of eight Congres men, and possibK se\, n. Misnouri; ??. t. Makarhaaaa, BaMeay laaaui Tboim itinrk, laaaqrtfaaMi fahaeoa, Coiattaat, Qe Joui, jt^iin.ii, wiinniiKfoii, x. c. Tin. following Ml BHBBt trtat r. reived ilui i n _; the day: Rr.. klr.lnm (o.,n'r fair, of :?0, irrarn the ?In-tinn of I.-ich ia t, iM.|.!.,t. I ?-. W. I,. Mini?. Chiinnin V.r. Hey ('..-. r-'rwi fnnrihlr frnm ?II ?retimi?, L_r,e giim m V>nr, ll.ii.ij AUm?ii<., ihn ceuiii_i f.Sirrra). flrnr.1, pA-i?t Tl ?JoodloF.. K.fti tlirr. nin in Wirren Townilip. If lit W cil mtiit l.rr twt ? w II nrrv tb. St.i'r t.r |. .. (Sl-aeii,) ??iiM'.f Mf-rlmon nvt-r (Tiipp. f.irrr.rr .4tl>.rn?r--Ornr r, I ? boal .'.UaO. Jl. rrir_oii'? n-a, ..r;t. a. II l?- il .."t I put I? tbe TOI?. l.-i. . ' v\ s. _I*i?-, |-|,?,ric?i. a 00_-GBATO____TOBI ? m? i ?ah. The following ciri'iilar will I?<? isstteil to-il;i; from the hca<l?m.irter? ?J? the DeflMKtBtk und Lim i I. puhlkHn Corntiutti'i RBAB .'I'.MlTKIIH I'lM'" l'ITI' URI I-inERAf. f r.rnrii has Cij.viiirri.ts, New-TOBB, Aug. .', IfTX, . The National DtBBMtatk and Liberal Republi can Committees disire to coagrataltte the ?'i up! of the I'nited State-i m ho aro in favor o reform in the QororaBBenl apon the magniii.eii \ii (ory nchii \ed by the people of North Carolin:! \?lttial!y (leiidilig M it dues th. l'lesidelltial CM! t.-I. When it is recoil? etc?! that in no period in on countij's history have such unwarranted mean been used to intimidate a freo people, the r.stil is all the more gratifying and glorioii.. I., each State fa\ ding, union, am peace. a,i,. with its rasters in totilribiting t< the overwhelming A f> M I f an Administration tha \;iii:ly altet" ' ?; to p.-rpet i':\'o its power h] nieansiit onceeztraoi ? i of-!. Om liundr.d guns j ill he ... 1 in I i icit] BtBOOB, to morrow (B?tard lyi, In h DOi of tlie fit tory, ?(NUI i- OUBLI Y VU " .vn\i;-ii<.i si. tq\ _BI AV_r. ? i .-? t. Horace ?'.rci-1'.v was at Tun Tuiiicnf. offlci thi-. morning. Htovtrti ira? ?mm noised ?round, ani m inn in- made hl? exit, u ? few mtnatee befi re ? ?reell-'l \.l!'l il l'-|f,e' on of BBplaUM 'I'll ?rarly a thousand -ok*?. The Phlloaopter of Chati pti|u"i w.ia tittire-l in iv biie MBit nn.I feel a loose ami loiiK prray aipn ecu ., ana wore a straw aal venr nach ob tue back ai blab? id. Re teemed to take m the sitictiimi ni :i Klanee, uid paablBx hit hat far? ther baik on hit bead nod hi? ir^ctaelei f.iitin-r ever in- aoee, he raa Mroet PrlntiDif .; i jmiij" ii in o ear N ? the m oii-oi: ii? . lim-. The crowd IBUowed aad mrroooded the car, Impedini lia ptaareea ta an luttant i-.ipled bj -.e "f tin- eartoat,who ?risked tbe nblloaopber. Plnally, after a (real deal of bead ?h?kln? bad keen gaee iiimugb, tbe ear ?raa allowed to prex d, mneh tu tbe appareil I u lion uf tin-1" in1' i O-flU-BTTS ?? ? THE ! LBOUNA il.I., non. Till "Mi " U i I UM.1 " nmOBM \Tl.iX. Our spieiitl (listi.itchrs from North Carolina ?eoiiiiiiiiinir the only reliable Information to in- eh tmiieii ut tins hour?,ii?- n Republican victor, in thai State, reversing if- i ? III i ?I complei "ii ;i- rede? ted l'\ the el. ct i ou ni 13T0. If tins lieIleiii" u slum hi be born? , in by su.|Oenl ?nd fuller Intelligence. It will ?bow tint tin- - ri rolotlon" hu I - - flj pwtponed.,time, tin- ehartcter ?f th.- Aaaoelated Preeadi? pntcbe? in- leat neo Hum the ?tat? meatt "f ten tetra ri-oiiii. nt in BBotber .-oi'iinii. nil. km ii. "i OBAKTUM 101 M?i:i?. . - (J__L) At iniiliiiglit our diHpatchee are suffieieutly il -ii'iite io Indicate Hut the Lineral mov? m.-iii ha? iwepl ite of North Carolina. With auch a reault a? It U Immaterial wbetber the malorltv will be lo.oooor 2.i,(i?j?'. 'Hi'- Imporienl contideration li that Or ?allem, which m nepotlim, robbery, tad ? tti.-i?i eorrapUoa, is do mu il. Tue Old IV. nth Mule, Ihe tli-t to pluliouiice beraelf ilni e tin campaign opened, baa ipoken In no nn i el-tutu tone?. Her volee eoaade tae knell at the party of Addition. lUviaion, and Bllenoe, foretelllajt tbe attar om 11 ii row await? i' In November, when the people of every State will rally to the itandard of tbe Roue?! Old Farmer of Cbappaqaa, i i eead him to tin-w lute House bj iiiuujoii y luferior oaly to thai whlehBMde WaahiOBtoo, at hli Ant election, the Bntnltaoat chotee ot the nation. '?. ?? U?--1 THF. DIPOBT-JtOB Ol TIIK IU'.Ml.r CAKVOT BI OTBBB-TIMATI l?. / . Tht hnxiklyn r.iujl' I />- ) We tir.siiine m? politician donbtt that Ninth c.iroiiii.? in?s i? unv Kone Democratic, A fewdeaperat? Mpers and polltlidana teem to hope that, by wave well uaderttood, tbe election ofBcert eao put the Kadu-ai ticket Ht the hort'l of the poll, while the people Bl ver riT??'.-.l It. \V. do not believe tl. i can he doue at all, und w?-?re constrained to beiievt? it eaanot be attempted without eoateqaeaeea we bei?' to see follow uo state conteet, however oofalrij? roadorted. ContideilBC the fact tbm the true vote of the State us felrii eaal and a? it ?boulii t.? eoanted, bat |ooe ax-latl Oea urant'? im tueduite frieuils, we maintain that the ? iKUiUcain e of the event of jdtenlay cannut tie over it iteit. On tbe proportion? Of that event wo still defer comment till they are revealed in detail. Baton the event Itself la groee, tbe comment previously pret>_ed tr-it? with reiterated aud wit_ latliled force. A I1AUI? I'liiMT I'.I.IiiHK. THF. (?KANT rAItTT. ? //-.,? hfrmmt). North Carolina, alwaj i i do-tp-tf-U State, has. afwi a liutli i .uiti-Meil battle, i!e. lared amtlnst the Re put.beau p_*ty. Our deli-at lu N.nth Carolina, if defeat It peovt to ne, culi iml I?- elnirp-.l to the defection of auv large nuiulwr of tin party. The ?loriou* canva?? mail? In tl.e face uf the violen?-?'and lntlrulilation of the Op? position, the ?oll.llu of th? colored element, ami tin meager uialorltv of the D?mocrate prove thl?. Hut it will not doto ueeoaalthe efteetal tht? rever???. Tne Hepubltcau partv of tbe North to win, BUM work. The caiupalgntbl? t'all will kB no ?bain battle. It will re; iiulre the ?terueit reaoliillon and the uT''Hte?t eflort to win. If omnt u to lie eleeted it mint be by the ratee of tl..- ?treat KR.ti in, Middle, aiul Weiatern State?. I'eun ?vlvaala WtUbt Hie tinning point uf the ?trugnle, und we lind ourselve? crippled beie hy a ticket unvwutlr. if our |i?rty and It? eau?e. It out ..f the tb-l.l, mul (irai.t would ?arty tbe Htate hr a greai?_r m-jmlty thau at (cave hitn four yeara ?go. ?ETTLKS THE l'ltl >II>r.NTIAI. COMTBST. ttmrnm The WtPf-Ytrt lltmld tlndt 'l'lif rcrtitlt i-* y?'t in dotilit. although the nui;. ..u..ii- ?H'iui t?. im un ii asui Coaetrvatlvt vote evi i that of lbTu, ? Inn tin- Di'tuoi latic caudbtate for At torne* - tieueral wa? elected in m-nily 5,000 majority. It ?e?'tu? laeradlblc ttiat the Admlnutrution can kav? an ti? i ? d defeat lu a Htate wbn _ every ??lvantaire wa? on Uielr ?ide; where they buve c-uc.ntrsted nlnantn' r-aniia to Innire nu. i,-?, where tliey have held mai?? 1 tien i\.-r ?in..- lli?- el.-, of the war. with a ?liiifle excep? tion, var) inn from ..uou to ..,000. If thl? ?hould provr to Ik- the c?-e It will uo doubt be regarded generally?? settling tbe I'reeideutlal couteat. Indeed, the ftepunh cau?. hy the vigor and bitterneaauf their vauvaa?, have ?iguidid their conviction that a defeat In North Caro? lina at thi? i i'l,?- would render their ultimate ?ucee?? iioim le??. It I? iHM-aitile l hat ?II i? not yet lo?l. hut that tbe liiigeiii'giiie?itintie? may,after all.give North Car?ibnato the Kr pub-Han?. It will be or utile value to Ibout nuw, for tho people will fee] that it Is a black victory, due to ignoranee and prejudice ami not to reason, und won, it may l?e, by fraud and not by t l?gitim?t? vote. A WKT Itf.ANKRT Poll TIIK OIIAVT PARTY. *Vn?4 ni,twi-,irHri?M(/??| Tho disput?nos iiieivcii from thin St?,M le.llo II,) rui.111 t.liliiulit Huh ., r.a.|lleIlUe.Ut tu. un Oil VBd iiilileved yesterday ovei the, Grant Administration. The retorna nhow linndxmn,' isetnoeratlc gain? In all tl.o election dtatrlct* yet heard from, and a? these are di? tii.tsiii which the negro voU' exists in iMgaaat?M Itrengtb, Bad where the Administration orators have been most active, the news Is likely to bo letter and lutter us the mine distant and le?a populous parts of the Mate uro heard Irom. The i.'init par,y i? beotOB in ifs OWO stroug holds, and the remaining returns, whn h will becoming In ior the antatet three or four days, will swell the greattmiiiipli over tho Admlnl-tiatlou wl,i< h K already assured. Wen,old bate afforded to lose tins State, bat tho (?rant paity could not. They have ac ciiiinifiy everted IheaaaelVaa to theataaaat. This sur prising remue of North I'srnliua from the clutcin lot the Administration virtually decide? tho Presidential ii.iit, at. ft will fall like an en, ruions, dripping Vet blanket on the whole body of Cram's supportent, extln gun-lnng their? confidence and sending a cold shiver to the extremities of the Bartr. PeBaie the niontli end? the Ri'piinlie.-tii deaerti-i? will bo ntimbcrcd by hundred? of thousands. 10HEWN SEWS. FRANCE. TIIK AITIIINTK ITY Of TIIK I.IVIN' -TONi: I.ET Tl-.K.S 001/DTK D. Pabis, Friday, Aug. 2,1871. Le Tcmjt*. is inclined to doubt tho authenti? city of the Livingstone letter? published by Mr. Stanley. It quotes the opinion of the (Jernian geographer Kiepert, wbo discovers various geographical blunder? lu the letters. He think? that purt of the narrativo wa? in? vented tiy Mr. Stanley, ami beata the whole 1? valueles?, ami hints that It Is possible that Stanley never ?aw Ur. Living? tone. MEXICO. a ttmnuL Amrttn pboclaimto?a nw EMOTION TOW PUHDIM1 ? ?lit >KU i.I >?DKFKX DAIIONs i,\ IHK HtnVIIKK. Matamoros, Aug. 1.?The military authori? ties to-day announced that a general amnei-ty had lieen proclaimed, embracing all persons engaged In the recent revolution, and restoring them to civil and political rights. Congres? ha? ordered a general election for President of tho Republic, to occur shortly. ? Tho Col? lector of Customs at this port has issued an official notice of ttio aatension of thd old t.irltt 00 the frontier _ tun, s of peine, and lapwing higher duties. The whole coun? try i-.|,ii,t. The Insurgent? are taring ,l.,?n their arms .'in.I submitting to the ??ovei-uiiient, which Is extending all l'tiitv in order to HSniire perfect peace. Dispatches received here rtpdtt the interior as ipn, t. BiiOWNSviLi.F., Aug. 1.?Tho ?vidence taken to _av be? fore the Frontier Commission ou Depredation? implicates (,,n. Ciiiilna iu asi-lsting thieve? lu blinking the herd-1 af st.'li u c.title over the Rio < ?ran,le, and feeding his troops ou tho meut, soiling the- hubs for hi? own benefit, ?tud eMahllehlng that M Mlle* at the most feitilo country In Ti us, opposite the camp ol the Kickapoo iudiaus, n an teftled on account of the insecurity ,, r life ami prop? erty from the raids of Indian?, headed by Mexicans. FATAL ACCIDENTS. A ni?AKKMAN CRUSHED?A S.Ul.oK KM.I.I.IL BotfOV, Aug. 2.?The hoily o? Fi-unk lie* Nally of Ninth Cambridge, a brukeman on tho Boston ami Maine Railroad, was fourni lying ou the track of tho Fitehbiirg Haliroad, near I'm tor'? atutlon, this luornliig, in a terribly mutilated Condition. James Morry, baiOBga ing to the crew of the sehoouer Montebello, was killed If afternoon, by falling from the masthead. VICTIMS Off TIIK LOCOMOTIVE. I'lioviDKNCK, It. I., Aug. 2.?In \Y< ion socket, ill M BMW Blag. Attxendet Baraapaaef Maataloaa drota his horse on tlie I atildad track, when the animal stopjied, nnd the train from Worcester struck the team, killing the man and hors.', and ?buttering tyio carriage. Al.It.4Nr, Aug. a.?Hoincr li."until was killed ftt Brewer inn erotttag,atatOhttttaaogo, today, by eagtat go, 148. Kn -1nei r Beard and I woman wero badly Injured at the same time. Tlie woman's name was not obtained. KILLED BT A FALLING RAX. Lowr.1.1., Aug. 2.?Nt lu uiiith BwCfttt, while einp'.oji ii ;n the toiihiruitioii of a mill, WM loataatly killed thla af:. moon bv a falling bean,. BB2AJUKOOV a (ANAL TT??Ji aat.BBll DAMAGE. Si'itiNi.i ii.i.i), Mass., Auj,'. 2.?The wall of tin: DBfBM I.onoI at ilolyoko gave way early this morning, between the two head-gntea at the now Massa s..It pap.t mill. A raging flood poured through the bleach, carrylug evet> thing it for a distance of 'M> feet, ami empt , mg itself into the eccoud level of tho .anal. A messenger wss Immediately despatched to tho main gates at the ,1am, ami they were closed aa speedily ,;:,?, the water gradually subsiding. The sight re,,tied wa? one of wreck nnd ruiu. About 60 net of the htaty Maat aaaalatafl was demoiisheii, and a hole M MM wide and from 30 to 60 feet deep, was utewed along the norih side of tl | MtaaaaeM mill to the i noil, fht l.iige BadarajOOOd "jail nice," constructed of bru k. B as torn to fragments, the "penstock" wa? batana anara m tha cent? tad the wails af lha miu were undermined for e eondMernbld distance. Had it not toi the prompt eroelng of the gate* al tha ,i.,nj, tho mill itaoit would hare i? en ?*epl away. The dan the property In Ih* rlelntty is eathnated al about |3s,000. Several hundred met and t. am. are at work making repair? which, it is honest, will enable the mills to start ., Tim - lay next. PBBtffDBHT i.i:\NT AT WATERToW V. \V\ri.UT,,wN, N. V., Aiii:. 0.?President Grant and his p.ntv M-it- ?! tins placa today, Tho Ttaalflaul sp. k.- ?j /?:iuw i to tic Bdjefla who ajad?atad M nativa l.iiii : - t Aller an abatate of more than 20 years I fail to reeog Biaa a Mag)? one ,,f all the hraee i now see betota bm aa familiar to me then. Your city has altered \erv mucli indeed atnee l la-t saw it. At that time i was ? iMnten* ant ?tatioiied al Baehett'a Harbor, which place I expect t,. -, | before I return. Senator Con kiln c also spoke aa follow? : If I had a thousand ton es ami each von I trumpet tniigued, I could not ezpt_M to ton my satisfaction at beiioldlng thi- i aal a ?-. mi,l?ge i on,,- lui! to-day to we I , ,,uie tbe President of ihe t'uitc.i Stated, Becoaaa beta on m. political errand. The Pr?sid?e! is not a man f.,i making speeches. He Is a man of word?: but thaw words are deeds?do, , wi.l lue as long as the hi t.iry of our country. The proprtetle? of the evocation pr me from making aiiv extendedremaiks, ami I lha therefore, only repeal how Mtla?ad I urn 10 see you 1.. toda). J_ Favorable reports from tiii: C-DROTB Sr. Loi i? Au*,'. 2.-A Idler fioiu Hobt CaasphaU of thla etlgvo aaagBber at the IadlaaOaaaa alun, bas been received here, with Information from ff MB to July 24. Mr. Bcedo of tho Central Supei aaadaaay? who had baaa la tha tTtotlta aad flhagM agi n, les, reports encouragingly of tho condition i Indian mutter-? m that section. All of the Chey? nt tribe, except a few old men ami women, and tho en*i trilie of Arrapa hoes, wore In, and expressed deiernilu tion to ki, ii the pedCd aud to attend the V.'achlta ooiri. Nothing has been heard from Ihe KioWas, but thej .. expected to be present also. - THE KH.rATRICK LIHEL SUIT. l?Ai.i, X. ('., Aug. 2.?Dette tin- BCMCJ 0 New VoDk has arrived here, having been sentdown by Th Sete-Tork Time? to work up Oen. Kilpatnck's record f. uso lu the pending suit for 111*1 reteiitly inttitnted I the latter against Mr. Lsjul? J. Jenulng? tho editor, that Journal._ ANOTHER IN3ANK ABYLUM VICTIM RELEABEb Hi Ki.iNoroN, Vt., Aug. 2.?A hearini? WM bad to day before Judge Smaller, of the United States Diatrlct Court. In the habeas corpus caao of Col. J. A. Stockton of Pittsburgh, Penn., who recently escaped from the Vermont Insane A?ylum, after a confinement of th, oe reara. After a full hearing he was adjudged ?ano and discharged. _ PERBONAE-BY TILEORAPH. _Miss Ague? Ethel, the American actrea?, ?ailed ???trnlir Irua ll??rr, fur 5rw Turk. _K_-(?ov. Tlioina?, the newly appointesl Arnerl faa aiBt?l?r U rtm, arrl.?,! at l'allao. oa Iba ateaiaf of U? M at Mf, aatl urvtMilail oa th? Ivllowlaf dar I? Ida CaoilvL TELEGRAPHIC NOTI?. ....The Uttal number of emigranU who sailed Ir.? i.,?, rpuul lur ?aici'.ca darlag Jal/ waa 11, a?. .. ..Anderson, the allegeil forger on the Bank of Britiah North Amone*, ?u takes to ?ataaaak ,?i?r_?. ...Comniitaioner Wavreha? hold the Wilsons, at Sa??aaah BN ?lolatlaa of Um Ka'lbrwiatBl Act, >? t?,W> UU ?ack fol apirraxaae? txfor* Ika l'aitail ?tat? t'oart. _John (niftuev. chargtMl with th? munler of IViirk Kab?? au 7. waa rou.i.Ual la t_ Suuanur ('?art at Baial?, ?aalalda?, "f toarUr la lb? Irai ?*fn*. H? will ? aaalwMad W da?. ....Tbelinuid .National Kiyoaition of IVru was laf.,ra-lli ?larucil al lama. ? lb? l?l*f J'lf. kat woal4 ha li,aa??r?l^ |,f \AA 1'iaalJrBl H?Bu, tk? aafcl??c?a?J ot Ik? aallwaal iaikoa? Iraca at Per?. OUK ORIENTAL W7E8T? 'iln: .jaiwni.m. in POSTO? A BOABfi "1 1KADE HANQLET ?IMEUEsT i BPI I.< IIBI IJY KAI.I'll WALDO BBUEBBOM ? ?/'i tu i? i n ;.ci.:mi'ii t i rn TBfkM nki B i.UC B. -Th? l'.?.stoii Ihiaid iif Tr gave to Im eiiii-.i- tml-a-n, ai the Itevere ilouw i afternoon oa? .f the ti nent eut. -italnoteuta ever give ; thi?ii(it?-i. a: t drlaah tin- _tatahttt t? thoEmi? left their apnrtuicutn, an.), after being introduced in j parlor? to a ilbtttngulabed company of Bout , Befahlt men, l hey were eicorieii lo the ?n dining hull, I'm ?nient A. II. I.ic?- ??ailing the w wlLh ErubiisHa.b.r Iwakiiru on hin aim. Other mcuil of the Eiiihaiany were attended by S-crvtary ffoulw Judge Hoar, Kaluh Waldo Kmcimii, (iov. Waahliurn, O. VV, Holmes, Mayor (>_stoQ. ami other?. Tin- uum of person* i?n m Ml ?a* lniiit?-d to __??, ami tbe buU the eonip-in-, was untie up of the-ol, ! in? u of the? Tin re trete m iaataMfcM MNfl Ihi Jhpaatat m flags ami ?.lower*, which ?ere provided niMaunimer proftuion. T?? bill . f fare wa? priute?! Japan?-??' ami American, and due deference to heath tnm wa? ?.liown In the oniianlnn of tbe euHtomary invo tlon. rreniib-nt Uice gave a grnceful welcome to tbe ? tlnguUbed vlaltor? in opening tbe, after-dinner remar I nod regarded the visit of thc?o of Japan a< I r?cognition of the principle? which hive made Eure end AiiiTi. a - up. c u,fly powerful among 'he count-let ihn earth. "We welcome them," he -aid. "to bm fniiiihar uci|U:iliit:ini e with our form of government, our method a of a<luiiii.___aii. and to our doiiieatn stitutuuis, habite, .m.i ?..n-..- . betaute at eaa> hnt regard their vl?ll at In ataM mcaenr? reeiproeal re.ponse to the kuuliv advaaeoo m??ie our own Govemineut Just it) year? ago, under the au? c.-s of Commodore PeiTJ " Iff I hi D proponed the heal of the Tennoof Japan, - hieb w.i? drank with Jii'hn MBB Iwakata than retpeoded, bit tdfrece hetaatrai laied to the company by oao hie oeeretariee. lie Starti thanked tie , ompanv, and iluoiigb th.-iu the wtiob- pi pie of the Chit. 'I Stntee, for the kind mid courteoii? w I come which they h id everywhere roeived, and hop tor the ?'outiuii.'tui e of the friendly relation? w im ii i ;-'..! between hit ooaatrj tad the people of thu L'mi. '?ii1''', ?-losing witi a complimentary allaelaa to Pre dent (Iruiit, who, ?im the ohVuil representa! ive of Ame i .i, had > ti' i.'led a welcome to the Kujhiuuiv. ?t-Judgc and Colin tor fintee!!, who h._g probah do tie mor.- f. liking in beha'f. if the Pr?-?ldent than at other man living, on ac uutit of hi? facile power n.iikmg a ple.-vi.aiit apology fur the ino-t uuple___tu thing?, w,is called up io pel form this dutv once more, an succeeded a? usual, lie laid I timber of vrry go. thiUK?, exprc-iiig a hope that if the Jap.mew? followed i oui foi'tialcpn they would ?top slmif of n duciug Hi tarta* ratee on tbe flxot ?lay of August. Be likened tb Tenuo of Japan to Preddtal Orant, and by M??hre reiinirkhf.iii ly earned bin applause, i-h ill I mention if Am-, there are rumora thai even thl ? uqtteot da vote of the i'r<--nil ut't w ill not longer woi .. .. ..i the Cualoui h.ei.e -hrine.) Th.- two ra?a tu s i.f theeveaiBCever, ?a. the beet win- hy Ju.if-c llo.ii and Mr. Lui.-i^on. n DOB BOABl N ki. ii. Mn. I'm.-hum am. i.iMi i.mkn: It in the fein iiy n oui n-latioti to nui- distinguished gue.-t- to-ntghr and tin peat teaatif ahlafe tiny rtfatatat that with them wi have at tt-hnaaat t.. tedia, [aaflaaat.] Ihaeaaai ?huh Mparatat Iheb teaaan? tad tan i-., ami long m.iy it he, the l'a. itii (Lean. [] In Joining you ID welcoming them to the hospitably nf oat mate, our cif., and our peopl?-, 1 feel dial we can bent Impies? upon them tbo ngaid and NtpeCI which We f. i , for their nii.-Muii and III otyect by glvii,. them simply (ah I unih-istntid is tho Intention nl the Authoririe? and the Atooetattoa who welcome them lo Bootoaj the fulleel opportualtj of examination and laapectlon o? what we have t.. ?ee. I ii" not know that our distinguished _;u?--f- are aw.ire that.deeplte tbe little knowledge win, Il we hid of the 111 In lung tin n.iiiie of iheir country ha- I.e.-.une a v? i nacular in our langnage. I looked It onl la Webeter*! Dictionary Jnii before I left home. [Laughter.] I have if, a? fol low?: "Japan, to ever with a thleBBaal M haul brilliant ramlah." [Laughter.] That wat before we knew anything bnt tut nuttlde of them [laughter ami applaueej, and when we Know tt_ m much lee? than a a do toaday anil hope to for tin- iut1ire. lint I m BE to ?ay ,o mu frnmis here thatl hope the receptloa of them will not five tin m any oecaaloB for making aaimilar word m th. Japan, ?*?? language of Aiim-ii. a. [I/lught< r ) !.. t t hem ?te u? not In a boattfttl, not in a pfatelyttng, not in a valnglorlout ?pit it. Tht oaly thing la ear re ligion whi.-ii we il.-lre now to mention for in?-. ?-pr which 1 trtint if f. und In theii-s, " t,?..l ha? made ot one blood all tlie nailon? of BMaWhe dwell upon the earth.'' [Applause.) If they ? .?it tm.t iu ear Metal o* political institution?, la oar ?i-booi.s aad college?, In our institutions of charity and learning, in our m.uiiif.ictoiies and aoththopt, among i ur meicliaut? and Ira.bis, aOMBg our farnn-r. or m II: homei Ol nut people, mil thing Which they call look upon with lut? lli'^.-iif interest, and from which they ran derive na? ful luggettloaa we welcome them to th.- whole lias of the privilege. [Apulauae.l Bui I ilenire for one t i evpi. ia the conviction we In oat nun have lum-h t . learn from tbeai at from other nation?, [apalaaiul and a? an expression of molest \ I would auk that as they ?re leaving oBrehoKt m xi week the. may lake with them tille si nt inn nt M lOpllcabll to them, that that nation I- in the surest path M prOKree? and elevation which the moat ? earl? -? > - u? own uefeiis and iim-r, conatanUy and peraiatently eeeka to amead t...-uj, [Ap? plauee which broke into ? beata i MR. noBMOBt Hi i '':i. Ia introdui-iug Balpa fTaataKaa re ?_, ^ti , to him BB one of the hrilliaiil minds whOBS BUM ha? ex tended whtriiTar trrltrfiTr. tttTbbtt bM ttreagthat la are known and u -pc< ti d. Mr. l.un rson nail, in be. imiug, that lie had hardly anv fame, but ?till, he mid, the great aetertt at thlt oeeaetoB, the interest? of thl? eompeny might give valor to a greatei coward _aaa myaitU. [Apflaaae.] i ihara with tbit oompnny the ren|?-i t and Intereel with which ther regard thlt Emnatey. It ;s full of roaaace to us. Hither come t people ? ith whoa our hmtory ha? beea little oceoptod.a people who have hid dea team ?elvee in their alow and private national growth. It i? i.'i fear?, a? I understand, ?lace Kareo Polo saw on the ihorea of the Teltow lea eae gr.-at island, aad that Island was the three latead? of .Japan ?Niplinn ami Yeeeo and Klaeeoo, Celumboe, it n-. ma, took this I' of Mam. pok ?, i,, hfinrt?, and when he arrived at Cab i ht thought he had nrrn.-datJapaa. He had mmm there,but be thowe?! niaiikiiiiltlie un tona theii i i Japan, and Pretldaat till more luiiini It. Not l think until lgM wat Comolodore Perry tent bj Preeldenl Plilmore to make a treaty ?mi Japaa. Bo?Iowwaethe progreet "f aequaiotanee with tlu- u ilion wboee ?? pn lentativi a we greet toHtlahtl There ii s..m. thin.' rer_ Interesting In the history of iu al nation. I remember thai In my college tayooai fu.f.-surta Oreek aeed to ball n- tlwayatablt reeorde Of hiatOCy, "All tends to the ui> K ml ;" ?ml H slow was tins ptagrett thai only bow tha thraadi an gathered up of relation between thefhrtheal laetaud the llirlllestl West. The Inlllnll blla Itttlf every el;iii,. on im. ine itogulai lelectlona whieh Itehawadlaai pealing to America for itn galdaaoe ami atalataae? in weatern civilization, the hrave and ample inanin i Iu whlih it h i.- s- Il t its piipi'.n.iis joiiiig mili, toours? hii'.la ;.nd i oil.,; i and to learn ita artt, le a greet honor to n? Wlldon und P. noble heart. There m humility here at well a? ninbitlon.* e I am very gla?l to be apprised bv a very i-nmp. t. al crltlo In art that in certain arta there haa beea ae Mch - uc.eet In other nations a? iu Japan. [ApptaBtB.] That la tb" broatee, and n<>t eanr ?o, nut in the artt of design, when applied to outllno drawing?, are more masterly tbau are to In- foumt in Europe or America, and 1 uav?- te nay that I think the American government, the American Btattty,awee great thanks to the enlightened policy of Prealdcnf Plilmore, who iu i*_-_ _eut Couimodore Petty to that country, u"d introduce.l a new thought into hi? Bmbaaay.. Inetead "f sending t<> what im ?nppo?e<i a comparatively foreign anil unrelated country, io ?ay the .tant, to tbo civil nation??tu.tea.l of m in)in_ !n-.?U teal the heal of our rlvillcati..u. He sent the very tx-it Inetrumenti ami inveutlon? that the country could command. He sent tfkt ?teamboat, he sent the taleatepa, ht teat tat telecraph, h?- ?ein ?u tlioKe Instrument? and mach?n, a wblel hid lately attracted aad etreagtheaed West? rn dvllltatlaa. TliU gift w?? gratefully and uohly nnhcd. and ln?fantly uuder?tood and remade In that country. There is ?ouie thing t?e#lde? art in Japau that la interesting, namely. ? certain strength in tbe . institution and charneter of tb?' Japaneae, which ?eemato have beea n reeled by maat of laatt taalBrnal m hoiars who have honored our eoaatri. n.iun-ii, a eet tain forte Of Bund Billed to religion which mark? tin .i tl.'ility to their chief?. I uuder?t.ind that a man in Japan Who tlmUthat he cannot raise tl:?- >.?ung man whom bo li?? undeitaken to guard and atleinl to on an equality with the on btel el the claee, ami I above tho?? BhO are not bl? equils iu rank, be nufler? ?i much pain that he cannot return to thai eoaatlJ, and be I U drawn into a reaVilutlon that l? seli-???-rirlce, and he i , prepared lor the ?ublde of him?. If rather than that hK | fidelity to bl? chieftain ?hall fail- It i? a very remark.i tile tr?it. W?1 don't undemtand It lu our loo?e, mercan tlie, popular civilization (ipplaiiscj ; but It 1? a pro dlgiou? power to tbo?? people Hint posne?? It. Our friend? here, I am told, are more than other? deeply uiteresN'il In education. Tbey have ln?ieed lion ore?, me (I am ?pilte iiudc-ci vm_ of that bouori wllb in ?uine? in regard to that, au.l 1 winb I could help then, wlah any of u? could. The be?t advice I can giw i - them 1? to ?av that Iu the next week, in thin ? i | I understand, 1? to be held a meeting of the Nation Uoard of Edueatlou, In which, among other g.-utle.i . and officer?, !? Mr. Harri? of 81. Loui?, In Missouri, w h 1? tbe head there of city education, and I? beside (be i itor ot the only journal of ?peeuUttve philosophy Ml in thi? country. He I* a very learned mau, and, able, a? I under_t?nd In thl? partlcu'ar ?ubject efetlui tlon. I should wikIi my friends to ttehah-ta_e>_ii anee, a? I doubt not he would he very glad to ma their?. 1 dou't Bnow any person that couhladvlee t.a. better on the ?ubject. Mr. Boutwell wae called up afterward, although at until the company had heard from Oliver Wemlc. Holme? an original poem, which wa? quite a? brillu.r aa any of hi? prevlou? effor? of tbe sort, but 1 cannot allow the telegraph to distort tt. Our dear Beerctan . whose hand? are ?o tightly cUuped on t.. Treasury gold bag? that he cannot let go to ?hate haud? " over the bloody cliaaiu," made a falrtv good ?peecb emlrodytu? ?ome mild and safe ?iMtom whieh the i oiupauy thought ?ell of.