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,__-*-? ^-m-m. I__E_L. mx V?-?XXXil.N?-9,7H7. NEW-YORK, I'llIDAY. AUGUST 16, IH72. PEICE POUR CBNTR THE barnard cask. of nn Bmnmia op. UH n.Acn OOBCLBSn B_B BLABO-UTB 11 FA ? ttJOtn VAN OOTT BBOIBB TIIK PIBAL Alt-.f bii.M roit TBB PB0B1 Cl nOB?AB -JWO. ks MKM IKOltAHI.K. IBY TB&BQBAfB TO TllR TWm fll : B_JUT0OA, Aiik- 15.?Tlurc is now B i>v<i'.a .hiiit _, thai tha ladaaa af iba TTaarl al haaaa-a artB <??? ioi ttiiii.ij.uuiiii. i,t of lha Oaart ior time ta ataaara ?|ain,.,.ih aaflan ihag cii.-Ht thaa, Iaa lha Baaaaal lBlt?'H. llllK llt a 88M of K-V?t COUBei|U.'UCC Blld tl"')' itghtlr aaaaaaaaaa lhal M alll ha an bapaeaaal nntt.r vl futm. i.fiiiti,.-. l'i,foi for the of the luan.lM i. of thi- I'ourt wbo were rush enouich to expect au city return tlu- weok to tliclr hotues, Mr. Beach Ui.oI.' i. two lieurn' j,,!) of tlio . tliiilnlng up for tlic defetise tiiie itmriiiii).'. ii.- flwaB Bfljata ou ?be tut'.H-. f of rn-* jicrsei ntion, to thc aif.i:i.ft of iiiiiiiv membera ot tho Court, aome of wlun. ir. tty cxprv.ssed thclr opluiou ??! it.- it.iiiUu i.-us frequ. ney. Onc of his % tflWfl lakeu to-d.-.y waa thal lf tho OaaH coudciiiued Barnard aaaaaal thaaa aaaattlMweia on vbaaa appiication ._ Ithal lt.f.:,anl'_ iiijiiiiition iu ti,. i - itt,whieh i.d t? iba htaak-apal Um B_aa_ aaaM ha ah-rta baa. tba haaatat-M of coirupt uo'i ?iii, wBaiaa Gartfii alaa aaaaa in for a brgc shnro of Mi B~aeh*a BtteBtto*-,aadwaa flaaeaaeed aaaaweathj ?f i.. in f. it wiii ba i. ni. tii'.-rcd ihat Oarrajrahaxaaa i iiaatloa. wdyaa Baraard, while Mr. Beach alalan H baaiaa laaetdthal iici_j;uiityofpc.-iiii.ary eormi pflaaaaaverDr.Q-aahaahaab'a ?Matwlth tin ia >i?niai. nt taiaajerd t.) thc aha ? tlie r, tbal it aal tn.Tc'.y n fuiluro of ineniory, aud euiiiiaai ti. a tho wactby Paat*_**i **fMeaae wu* u aatalallfla af iba nbaiaji of Brfha-tah-Bfl. tmt bfl oui aal taaj t....t u alaa abawafl -BBaaaay wtth flah. B. etat.-u iiut ha .'?? i .a"t wiii.t aaha tin aaahgttl of Blak. Be did not adnirc l.i- chara.t.r, hafl it wa. his duty tfl aefiini htaaaafaraa H afaealai on BanaiB. Buthi. BflMaM .UUtnciit w.i'. ln lafljaH to liarnard's boast ahaal ghrtag lha patronage of lha Ooail tu ka LMi ada Hc wci.t aa far aa to aay that .--..iy aaaaahaa af ti.. Oaart i tha patnaaca la -rteada rathcr thaa to ? - was parfeetTQ* pcopar, aml Baraard waald do it ItfdM over apmu if 1.. an 8 afldallUd. jtr. vak tott's BSFLY. Thorcpiy ?,f Mi. V.ui OaM \-.i-.wulely di ff- r. nt. I tti apeeah af hta mtm ptaaaatlaaa oppeniut. Dladala aag te eahar apaa aar/afl-aaaal detiunciation of thc m ataaiaaahoaaaf bia kgal adrtMraaijr.hfwhaaihaaaa been t-ne . allcd a "subtle aud stcaltby oUMtxy af tha Bar As*ociation," Mr. Van Cott, with hie fntwatda, aaked the very question of Mr. Beach whith evi ivl.o ly wanted aahad, aml which diipfcl- at onoe thfl tttm of Ihfl latt*r>-intiiiiciit at'atit tho venoiuous pur.uit of his -lleiit for 15 years. Why, qucrled Mr. Van Cott, has thls hoetility been Ba peueral aud so continuou_i>ii tli. parl of the pnm, tho bar, and the comtuuiiify I Oeo. O. Bar? aard Ib yct a yontig maa. He ha* enjoyed ?xtraordlnary opportuuities in puhlic posttious to **ln an endurinu reputati'in aud to draw to biiii.elf the. _e. t.ert, the nfl.-ctlon, BBd thfl confld. -i.a e af the ift-opie. wharahava their enemiei come from I Have thev Bprtmft out uf tti.- grouadl Mr. Van Cott la atanced a vivui contraal ta, U_ll ill-r. initc.l in riiicf-Juptk-o Ncl-on of tlic Bnpreme Courl ol tin I'mt. 'l BUIm, vrhose aervieea for half a century hare BOTer c?il-_ forih the env. tn.iiied uttack of a hostila- ai.d \ eaoajth and ralnilv a Mr. v.ui Cott ahowad thal tha BMoaaal of the learaed 4i)nti__ja_i waa laiiueious. that tbara waa a daap aaatad ff.'ii.soii for all thia, aad it eoald befonad limply and tolely Iii tho corrnpt ttud dtvilish uial |.oiiduct of thc r.-poLidiut hiiuaelf. MB. BEACII'8 A.SAriTg REI'Kl.t_ED. Tbc -peaker took up the attack upon the comi)Oi.lti'an ?I the (ourt Ju. t Whflflfl Mr. Bflflflb left it, and proueded to completc thc Rrfrnment in a way Btahahlf entncly forel ga to the lntention or de.lrc of the latter. flo far froui ihero belni* any ftar that the Court was aniinated hy political nnimo-itle., it wat hoped insteiid thfll tlie Court -..uld be divided upon thc liue Of tho polltieal aftiuiti'B of ite u-cnilx-r-. and eo gmttM thc Judguient of two tulrd. fur tlie convietlon and condemnation of tbe acauxi d. Mr. Van Cott repaid the dl-courtcous alluslon lo the mana?erB as "diinunies," t'V a.klni* what M.^-i- Ji.u;:< fr. lieyuolda, Amh we, and rov.ii..i.d had d"no in tha way of a-i.-t .nc apon the other nide, a* thoae eminetit aenUemen bad prinelpalij oocupled time tims far dutiim thc trlal in rc-titiKCB'm'y upon their ctiaus and looktafl wtea. with an ocoaaloaal aaroaatle ..mie t.i aceompaay tbat uf Mr. lieaeh, Ibe hit waa axoeedlnfly effective, aud w-i r. hBlii.l bv tbe, ,...1 .md aup But Mr. Vau Cott -ut.f.'nuentiy eraditad ai deaerved. e boumliy eaatlaatad Mr. ii. ach for his Uck of proprl ety in coiititiuniiv readiDS- and quotlnjf new*pain-.a- t.i tiio IXiurt, and atrlkma out ritflit and left at thellurA* MH-latioti. wbiehreally liar uo-taudiugiil tlus Court, A atrong point was uiadc ofthe fact that tbe defense ild had a.iv.ji.ap-- never tx-fore aaloyad i.y p aoeoi-d ficriM.ii aa a i'i?-at Htate pro. oeution. Tn. teSTiuiouy for be proae. utlon on thc trla. iT-iii.-tjiiti.iliy the laflie ll pu tho pi.-iiiiiiiiiiry laTeatlxatloiL and Dotwlthatandinfl the time tbe defenae han-imc bad to rebul the etddeneei iley !m,' faik'd 'b do it. A< Mr. Vaa#>tx\ lald. the de leiiee lu-; had th- ? ' uea lor the pros ?eut-on ftndali the te'stlmony, wh le thc pro. eeuiia.ii ha-. had to work ln the alark. to au-i-t with taetloa ue\(.r be? fore eiup.oyed, for tit-ru wiu the eomiuon petit lareiiiy plea of not put ity, and nu eiifw.r ajaa alTen to ~ind cn*ed from tha eharfleala thc an, i-1. Tiie c. iil-i ce of Dr. Q-ackenboi- wa. dla Meted aad ahawa to be . inbterfuge, and u.>t ?nly that. ?ut a ri'.iculour) mir, fa.r hc ha.l only iciue lOTWard Ut the Iaa inoni.nt t" belp hia patron oal of a aoraa-, aad when he di.l, he waa tlntly eontradlcted by tl.a* \. i v patioti. 'ln*? hiaiir of ailjo.iriiineut urrivini:, the further irguuienl waa] wtpoued until-Don-LDg, aad wll] pteha* hl> aaaupjf nuiol ol the day. TBE CL06ING AKGi .Mi..\.s. aKl> 01 HB. B-UCIl'fl OKATIOK?MK. VAN OOTt'fl AI'l'KI Mi !(.) BBau, paaaa dutatob j SaRAhk.a, ktXR. Ij.?Tlie Court im t al 10 a. m u mimImib piaaaat aaaaaal for tlie conUaaed ha arga_aaafl. Hfl mii, at the ; u.i a.ljniiiini.. i.t y.-ierday, ho waa calliug tho atteution if tha (onrt U thc fact that Conii-Odort Vau acrbiit kaaoghi aa aaBaa U nowrmMMjmtm Baaaa, m otder te M-tt:. the Erle HllflBll-B. and tlu. aettoa "a oppoBf.l to the lai-t kg Ymk uud Oould. Btill, Ju.-ti. e Barnard. ln the Fall uf IMI, reiuieicd a JadfflBB-t a_;aluBt K.fla ""I QaakL Thi- lhawad that he waa not, m ?haa_ee, elwaya aetiac la tha lataaaal of thusc par tit-a Mahawafl, ta Ua eoatnur**, that he was an niti.-i n,,. aailaeefraptih* Jadfla, raadarlaB Jaifiaala aol favor'il thi- man i."1 Ihat luan, but in i.t\oi of ju.tne (any. Caaaaul tbaa paaeeeied U aaalala the vrigiuot thB Ullaattoa. whieh waa m aa (ffort made by (oinniodoi.- Vand.ii.iit t<> irct control of the Erie Rall? road ' aa-* ":*l(1 '"'? "" ai*ea_Bi B aafl yet aadfld, lt is _ Bialtci of -T'i.t and o.ui'ibttdownig iinportasiee ; it I. no .'" "? aaaaaaal laflaeaat, or aa aaataat aoa> flned t" ?'".'? tmt m tw.., 88 thlee luen. Va-t flflflfl. nit-ra -'I tatareeta ara nnd have Ih-.-ii lnvulvcd in it; nor wai. Judi-'e Baraard tha MtjlMm whobadbecomecon Mfllfld Wltb thB iitl.-atioti; otlier eiuineiit Judgea bad taien ?(:i"'i ataallai taafl raapaeta 'an.- way ur another nith that laaaa kg Ja'i-e Bataard, aad ifthm Court eun mmmMWttwM raadeeaa ali Oaaaaal then called atttiil-ioii t.iai.oiii'i iii-tance of what hfl teriued ijutonly lu*t and whM, I'i't I.o i.l adi.aii ..n the part of Judf-e Bar? nard ; Bfl ief> rr. <! t" !),.-injiiiietiuii ui?jn the New-Yoik City aflB. i-.l- When ntlicr Judgesshrauk fruiu the respou albillty .fi.<l?. Baraard, with a Imlduesa worihy the meuioraiia . xample. (>f tbe paat, eamc to tbc rescue of the intf t? -'. a.f th. jw uplc. How, he a*k.d, oun this ac? tion Ba i" "ii'-il.d with Ihi 'li.upi- uf eorruptiun so fll|> pflflBI" aiail pertina. loti", hitn 1 Tliis.Court'roay ?M Bha ha aaaaaaaa. hat* ha -ui.mitted, he was unde a?-r\iiif iaf tha (hji-c of ii. in?,'i-oiTupt mid un-crnpulous. ajam hatM/aaiaaf aaai and u of thaaa have t-wn epent ujK'ii tb?: heni h. Iii- wbole life baa been sciui.ii la-d af, paefUHJM- BB *aaa_*a ba* ever been befure, aud yet what do you flndl Tli. CutnuiitUe of tbe Asai-mlily, wt)Rl, I....1 iiia.l.- a ttmt llormiiih exauiiuatiuii, declar. that they could uot cbsrge Iuui witb petuniary crrup Um. hAk.VAhli IM.KMOl'BLT I'I 11. I...I' OaaBBfll tbi ii referred to the witue_- Oarvey in a straln of a<athinK Barcasm, saytiiK that tbc u.i.Ht paafln___a plflflBBBM of th. a<ce la bere to Impcacb the upriifhtui-Ni of a Judge who had in.vailed 1,1. liiirjuitioa. He siibuut ted that th?- Uttmwmg ot aurh a wituesn (Miuld not have weifibt haaa ua thaa aafaefadM the _aarlaaBBlaa paea ont by >'_*k to ihe ? blld of Judge Baruard, und r. lated tke elrcamatauce* uf that e.ent. lie aiked if a man niarryl.ifla woiuan mu. t rej.-et bridal irifts IfC-auae he la a Judg. H< alw, referred to llre rtatt. r of the tlK-ira, BBBbaBhnl 'he MBflN tlmt |not only tht re apondent Jhnt a tmgkmf esteeuied phy-idaii tu tbe elty MMBBad dueetly that tbe ebalrs were pirchaM-d aud paid for by Judge Barnard. ln lutieliii* the tlu eat of Judge Barnard that, -Bf-Bf. Blllfla OU? a?t ol wouu.Lrelii uut uf tbe State, hc waa going to \mttBtt P?1' >b? cvun-tJ aaid Uie Uut wm i-?l it kfl flBaflfl flBBh a It WBfl -flaaifl Bl Ikfl flflltt "? I'lc:-* ui.try, uud yit that UflMafl i? liroujiht bere to anow tliat thia JiiiUo waa ei.BaKrdJn au uulawful cruaa<le aRuluat lhaet imtti.-H. it wi.s .n't raaaaaafclfl la iBnpaai ??afla UUt ur any flflM fllflfl nlxmf to ***__* U an unlowful iu t would fa into ii put.lli* botel und openly prononnco tiln intentii'iiR, to tkal tln (?_? lie wim ajfltBC to *flTnr a*r.iltint would lu ur il. Hut kfl a.1 i.l drive thflM partirs out of tlio Ht..!.-. i r tiu y l.-ft. .-nni wbyl na ?aafl_aal iwk<dif tiu**." men were i/ullty cf ohstructinj: tl.e prorcedlnirs of a court, oucht tlicy not to he driven out of tkfl Btntol wtiut araiaa artaalaaki bn tki re tkaa tkaaa wim BaM our rourttfl in rontcui|.t aud who aet tlu m-i Ivc* up agalunt their flaCNflfl I Mr. Ilcarli tkaa n fcrrrd to tho HaH?B-BF Iflvrn l>y tho witness, Jflflffl l'.trdi-c.r, Bfl Ic liulecciit exprfl-enloim BMflfl aaa <>f by Jaflffl Baiaarfl, nnd *aid tliat it waa i.n.vid tkal aaaaakaaflaaa Btoflaaya ifflBiatawaaarflfl on Jaflga Baraarfll eaknflar. BaaB tnll|aaay, aaaaa p.-rte.l I.v anytblna whaterex imt tl.e wltness's flUtar i.n-t.t, ai.d eontradlcted bj tka r.(..r.i aud aereralwlt aeaaea, would, before a Jury, be antlrely and proinptty K -ii . ted. C-ounael then nf. m d totke chargc tbatJotue Barnard a|.|.iutitf.i his im-ndH a? ret. rc.s, aml u.uiu t.iini.i tbal ti.i.- araa entirely righl ut.d proper. wno mi .ui.l -iiv (liit n JuiIko "-hiiulil ui'i'.'lnt lii-) I'l.? in!'- t.i aet aa referoea I Counecl thea ref-erred to a publleatlon appearlng ainmltaneoaaiy ia h aewepepet la this rlty nml in JJcw-York MWflpapert, to tho eff.-rt tlio Btrnflflfl kjr the n "-poiidfiit nnd his coiinsol wao to aave lnm fimn Uisqualitlration. li.? denled the autement, imt aald ll waa a Uttta siiiculur that theaaatatementaskooM .ipi";.r Mti.ultaneouslv lu tbe newepapera of thia rUlaae and ot tne elty ofHaw* York. He aleo referred t.< th. appearaaea kara of an ill iflim t,( (1 [ona flittini; aboat aiiKflii'.' thr mi-iiilieia cf tbiaCourt. whlaperlnB -u tbelr eara thal anleaa IBa ia> ?pondenl ia conrlotedll wtll bc the death of tka areat 1.. tn... t.iti ? partv. Will, Sir.-aid foutiNil, it tln. death of tka greal Detnocratio partr dependa apaa tkfl 9*_ ? r. .iii.l jii.-iu''- < 'I thia Court, tlii-n Irt it -I;.- iiu.i paaa away. Connael then referred, la tertnsof matbltterneaa, tc the part tke pabllc preea kad taken in th,- , in.-un.-t Jti.i.;*- Barnard, aad In exertln* uu it fiii.tirt- on the Court, und aald ti.i- pra< ttoe bad L-rcMti tO B fl-tupi i..l"'.i-i Bbose. Mr. Itciich llirn i-losed his arffumi nt witb aa eloquenl peroratlon, eltoiUn*applaaae from the apeetatora wbea he louk lns seut, Uio rn .-uii i.t aupprea MK. VAN COTT'S ABOUMXKT. JoflflB TflB t'ctt, of coim.-el for Ihfl iicHcuticn, tben pcaeaaflafl taaaaka thackaiflcai8Baflflat?aa4 la uegm umg, referred to tho rei-poudeut'ti n.iiiind'H nttucks apaa tkfl paaaa, thi-, und cthi-ra, and asked how lt vai tkal tkla laflpoaflflflfl had _o waxwy flaaaaaa Tiiis i. -]. ti.i.nt waa blaaaafl wnh gaaUtlafl wafl cuicuiated to' f? hiui Iricufll in-.ti.ul of i :n mi.??-, und yet, nc flflBdtBfl to the i-uiiiiMl, he is eurroundid hy enciuus. iii aakad aaala hew waa it lhal ha kaa aU th.* eiicuucs. Do they coino out of the ground, or unist then not bo MHBt aoofl fliaaaaa f..r eaa?tna ererj body ta tnrn agabut iimi Tbe ootmael then referred to tbe reproaekea eaal ii ] ...ii the liitr Afl-aoeiatloa by tke reapondent'i (ciiti-ol, and dcii-iidcd tbat AaBoelatloa from ln 1I?* alao lictiitd fl.iln-r n iiiark-*. aml devlaratlonaof tbal eonnael, nnd tinn procooaed t" atate lhal tke Impeachmrnt cf tln.- rr-t. iul. nt had Ik-cii i'.riit iti'.i aeoordlna to tbe Conatltntlon aud lii-AH of tbe ii. , iinir."i thal the mo le ol d. :. nae adopted by ? ,...i..1. nt waa witbout precedent. Iti ull fprmer iiiip?-.'i( i.tni-nt caRi-8. tiu* reapoodent anaw.?red la datall, .lMiiir tlu-law iiiul tlu-lacl. lu tiu-cin-e i.o BBTfl OBlT tbe petty larceay plea of uut imilty?a (aneral denial. Thns tbe proaeentloa, after elaborately detalllng tke ihaiu't-K, wi-n-di piiM-d cf tl.e opportunlty of koowlna tthii tbe di feaae waa to >-<*. lu QliiatraUon, be irefi rri d to tka teatlmony concerning Ika ekalra. We were iad, taid th.- tifliiii-c!, to thal there woald be raui d a .-iiic-.ii.iti of Identlty aa to thoae rbalre. Hnt wu timl tbe identlty ci tlu- ekalra i? admitted, and tbeir one a Itneaa (uamed, be tbougbt, Quackenbuah) tea-Ufled tnut tba ebarrswero ordarodto be iu.clc. nnd tben at-da tba reapondent aweara tkal ke houirht the ebalra laaflf uiaut-.auu paid im tkaaa nu lha -si>ot. uie NtBl in.ii..(. iios*. Ap to the Tolcj iujum tion, Ihfl i aaaai i aald tlu re w.ts nothiuR very N-Barkaklfl in thut. lt va,;s _ttOgn UmM thk liiiumtion bhould is.-tu", uud It waa Iflfloadl but it reqaired a flraak*fl aiffloaaafc Mr. r.i-arh?Tiuit mur cn thfl flaflct ic ahov eaaaa. Mr. Van Cutt-It makea no AtflBMiue. A wei-k'n ar^ru ment was requlred for tS?^ liiinmtiiui. Whflflaaa Kibk aud his afUfloclatcs watfl at'U" to ffll iultiiittlous at onee. Mr. Beach?So did Pole? afti-ivvaid. Thnu mur an order to show caune, aud upon that was the flfftBBMBt Mr. Van Cott?I ropeat, this was au nijuuction vhuli lt M-i.- j.i riictiv rlfkl umi propai to Iflaae, aad Ika aitneaa .-ti.iti.-ui, wbo -" iind It, aald It waa, aml ni \i-rtln!"-- lt -ua- tn.t l^sncd Mith tbe prowptltode ?>? uh which Injunc twna laaued at the luslauoe ol liok uud otbera Vjtug up $8,000,000, aye, 130,000,000. CouumiI theu exanilned die charge thut Jiuiire Tiarnarrt bad fleelarod tbal ke aad won tke poettlon ol Jedge, and flAith it the patroaaae nttachrd to tke offl- e. Won what, nnd bow,nnd fictn whom t Wky, aaldConaaal. tbiaJodfe la lini'i-a. iiiii'ie apoa his min U -tiun'iiy. Ho fleelaree thut thf i'..!i"i..!.'.? oi tbe office belonned to him to gi\o whoni he pk-a.-pd. Connael then examlned ns to wbal .vas tbe ctti.(. of arefereeand bladutlea; he was a jndva: bow woald it look Ior a judt'f to appciut juroraj flflbaf s.flit cf men ahonld tbeae refereeabi i tbeaa nu-n who n ofl to a cttifl.'.' t" hol'.l tlu ir bearinica. aud then aiort-iifvid of tue reaponaibllltlea of publiclty attachiQK . dKo ou the txUL'hl Bhould tluy he protegea of a JifllCfl theu fartber d?-taili-d tbe ilutifsofa reuri-e, audpclntidout tbeOpportunltlafl they liave for m.ikiuK iiioiifv out of aoJton. Tkla refarae ini-*itii.--i-. Counat-l said, bad exc,led, uml vny ln.-il.y-J.excited, tbe jnill^tiiitl'flli ainl (('!"if'i.niilii.ii of tlu yn-rr, so gt*Wt u'i Hiui-.- l.udit L-t'tfl.'inv. Wby. aajd Counael, LordChancel lor Mfl.n-t'.rid waa arralnged, lmpeacbed, Onafl und eoa iiuiii latbeToweri i LoaaoaforaxflrefeaBflthafBtaiaBflfl of his conrt lu tbia way. Mr. Iicui-b?lu thal way vrt-rc L0t the oillccs sold for a Judae VaaCott?Ti -. - t; Seqr wett td)A and for a prlee, tmt Lord Manafleld claliued tbat ae had a rbcbl to ?elitbemi that it ?..ia putroiiMue cf tln- ofBee belong HiK to lnm ; Ibi BB-Bfl as it ir- tl.iiln'd lll this li. <-. ( illlisel dMflt I.T M.lii.- tllilf llpl'll thi- I'Cilit, aml Hn -i referred to otber char?ea,**amonB them tbe preaenl of 110,000, tu a clulil of the JudKe'ifl, uud i-.nd that the pros< cutloii did not c&arge tbia preaenl waa made t-i the jiuiii-c aa dii.-'-t payment for aarrloaa, bnl the laferanee cleatly is that the preaenl wua uiade tO atfett tbo dia? poaitlon of tbe Judjte. Flakwaa uot tiu* aaaa to aaakfl ? iob praaanta wltboat a parpoaa. Ilc in-i.-ted that thi.s . n was utt.iiy uiif>.|>iuiiifd, utt.riv nnezonaed. Hnt Wbal an exhliiulou we have in this ceu*e. (iiu. d.iv a irift la ininle l cn aticilur day the l.ank hoo k ir t.ikfl-n tO tke iiousc ct n fourtfSiin to ptoic to his mis treaa lioa mm b money Ki-k kad Aree. Aa lo tke doco iiitii'usof Jiui-'?i Barnard'a konaa, wa Barfl the tc-.ti 11..111V ct two wltoeeaee, Andrew J. Oarrajr and his ? i Johu. Hoth ti atfllfj tbal tbe work waa done. and lt was cliihoiiite uml worth 11,000 ; tlmt Jndaw Bar* iiiu.i i.idi-i'f.i lt done, aaylna thut ha kad leaaTwaad and tbat it woald ba all rUbt On thfl other band, ?o bara tbe atatement af tb* JvAge tbat Oaxrer waylald bim aud a-k. d blm wheu lns iainily would I.o out of |. wn, mi tliat lu- could go aud touth up his houae; tliat he linl go aod toui h uj' tka bonae- .n.l " a Uttle palatlng u). her. aad tbere." uu I, be i" llered, " palnted aome law I.ici? ,flii Un ...I..-." viiis all. KoW.Whlah Inllit" uiuat probeble atocj i IBB PBOfOBIllWa of Tin: PB0BBCVTIOB. T)ic oannflfil thea -t.itni lhal Ihe i-ic-tiution___flt tiu*-* foliowiaff pr>iposit,ous: lirtt: That all rl-hta of i^rscns or property nre beld und. >? tlu law, aud nr.- tli>- aubjfl i t Ol lfl k'u! d>-llt.ition. tatemi: Tkat tbere tt an eaiabllabad eaaaa cf justiec wblcb ir obllgatory with tboae wbo urf cuarfc't-d with Uio iu ll. iiii aduiiliistialic'i of tlie State. Tkirdt Tlmt ull wllllul Tlolatloneof rttl.t, nnd nll wlll f.n tlepartnree from the estabUabad eourae of j ur t u a by ib,i-i- wboexerelae Indlclal fuBcttona, to tbaneceaaary wron| und mjury ol suitci? lor Juatlte, are luipcacbublc Fonrth: Tliat whmher such violatlona of \egn\ riRhta, aud such departuree from tke eetabllahod eoane of ju-tnc were Intentlonal, ls a uiattei of inft-rt-nce froiu the intiinsic etroa_wtaiteea ei aaaa eaae, and from tbo i-xtrii alfl luctn show laa the if laii'.u cf the Jud^.i to tho partlea, and tlu- probable motlree from wblek he a.te.l. Fifth: That the flale, cr flielay, or partial adtniiilstra tlcu of Justlce, or tbo exen-ise of jinlu funi-t.oiis, or tbe i'riuri|-l. of |ia'i..!iairc, ls judiclnl corrupt ion. _H_ttki That t ln- well-bela-ffol aaelaty and usefulnesain lha "iiK-fl miiiiIic that tbe Ju.iKf ahoalfl so deaaeaa Blm* Belf la reapeel of hla Jafllelal -aetious ns toinsiiiic c-.nii deuce lu the Judifo und lu the Court, and that any demeaaor of the _\wAge_ a? Jud?e, whicli basa uatuml teudeney Justly to impair thal eoBfldaaee Ifl a flagrada tion of the otMce ol tbe Court which calls for bis MBBVal Iroui othOAi. tieteuth. Tliht ln ettch of tlie aevernl parlleulflrs mker* spi i-ifli'd the resiK.ndi-iit has baaa proved to he kuiiI> of aud corrupt couduet iu bia oflfeflh titjhth: That the entlre puuishinent wltleh the niild provirion of the (.'on-tltutlon pamltfl should be ii.ili.icd on au accuwd who shall l>e louud icullty of such enor lnous offenses invol\ iuk luituense losa to the parties and a -" tbe dfl'Kradution of that dejiartiuent of the licv.-in ini-ut on w tueh tb, bcciuity of soclety most abaolutoly d.'l-.Ildr. Tbe eoiinael then proeeeded to ergne theae polnt. at IflBJtlk. ptflaflBllBg the facta and clrcuuistauces of tbo eaaaa ivfarred to lu tbe cborKea. aud di?cua?luir tbo of tke uetion of Judgo Harnard in the varloua caaea The hour oi a arrtved Tiefore Judge Vau Cott had coiicliKh fl, aiid tbe Court adjourutd till to-uiorrow moru ing. _____________ BOBDVBAE, TKOl HLM-i flfllMM THK INVADIK-TIIK OLP ai TliolilTiKS BBBTOBBO 11 oMoa. IIavana, Ang. 14.?Tbt- Simnisli war Ht^Bmer Tornado baa rtturued Ui IIavana. Bhe lelt Onioa, Hon dunw., aa the ?th liist., and reporta that on tha mornlriK cf tl.e 7th, Mendieta pr.s laimefll l.iinMif ITealdent and iiittiiifuruti-d flaBaaaBBBa fer un aUBBB un I'resldent Medi Bfl, uud seiied the tMBlflfl fflMB-l at Oiuoa aud Port ( ..rtt'r. Ou th.-Wtli ult^. M.-iidifltu rfl-lurned to Oiuoa after capturiiiK Truxillo, aeei.u.puiiled by Mi-dina. Wl?, gwdet rcit.nii Kuaraiit.. -, recojrnlaed Mi-ii'dietM aa Frealdeut. Hoth ware iodned ln tbe boiiao of tbe Bpaaiab Coaaul. Gen. Baachea. aeeood ii.iou. in.iiMl ../ M. -.Iltiii'- (...('?(?, k -in "<'l of tbia, and not lieiiiK aaUaB. d w.tu tbe arraDBeaaaat, ciden-.i M. dlna n arnat, aurroundad ih.r Boaae, ami rauinr. d Hefllaa la nis alt-ii'iuB-room, allovviuif MeodicU to ?x.apc. Ou Uae PKb F..i.< he- ,t. iii:,,,,t, ,1 *:r, -,., f,,r thc Itiaal .fedlnn, whl. h tbe Biitlah Conaul pald; bal Baaehoa fallad ta heay hia prumiRt) aiidcanlel Mc.lina a ui i-oiier lo 1 aiiiayagita fortriai. BaaehealeftOiDoaaB lha Bd laat, tha.aawa and eaatle remalnlng ir.."i"< nnttl thearmalol Ucn. Osorio, on tlie, 4th. 1'ievia.iis fo Bituchet a de partore heexecuted Oen. Cbamoro, and rciuici to ni low tiie gpanlab (".wul t,. leare. hit on the 7th, after refl-tabltehina the old aathnrt llea Tho Torn.-ido BTrl-wd at Oipoi aa the Ith Boata wltb people we**. aooa aloaaatde, i- aap poaed, .oi.!aii,in? Uendleia, aaktng an aaylum BboarO, whieh tbecmnnumderrernaid. Tbe HrltMi war steaiti.r Danae retnaini at Omoa. n .a- loppoaed tbal tranflnllllty h. eoni|ili r-.?*Ubli_h*d. In eonarquen..I wa I. Vl.lllln.'.f. I .1 .(.!:. h. ('.IllliUI, bl'iinia-ii, Blld Alua 1.' i.n BMiahaata suiicr aarlaael**. _ VRASr.S DRIMKRR or BJM8ELF. iii: is HATism:n with tiif. . rrrATio..?tiii-* n_BO. DOUOLAM iNi.KiNt I Y?illl. OOTBBB* MI.ST BOBIBBM AIII.Mill. TO At l.ust; __B__BCB-*-aOhWBBt_l DMBOBBBR ON THK CIV1I. IlIIJ-IITS III I.I.. "Wasihngton, Aup. 15.?Karly in tlic aftcr noon the PraaMeM bi ttt aadaala-ly eagaaal M ttmttt* MMm wttbaaraaalaf Ma-rtaefla, ah- tiy on poUttaaltfla i< , tmm wiiichtttappaaai that hc a _at_BM witbtha Whaa lie wai asked about tho BOflflai tMgkt of nadariflb Dflaabaa ho lapaad that if DaaB* Inss dial not cotnplaln BflflflBM he wm not invltcd hy him to dinncr, ho did not see whv iBflflBM -Uinner slioul'l cx hlblt so iuui b anxicty, lf not lndliriiation, BfOB lhe s.tb Jcct. Thc slmplo fact was that the f-anto Iloiiiluiro lioni MBataaMBat wtth thati Baaaalai/. haataa aaBad ta aaa* niit thclr report, ha thaaa tai 'Une wilh him. j'i,d,iiak Daaflfaaa not aatag attB tho OaaaaBaa-aaaia, he did not at tho time thiuk of him. nor of othcr*. who a-? ompanl.d thn cxpeditlon : hut lf B.icol and Douzlass had BflflB with tho Commi. aaaaaa they aaald baaa Baaa ina lafei in tho Mvttatfaa todiniier, Wblab was in'ormal and, liuv ItiK no t.fiii'i.ii BialBnaam v. Bata*n r. ihi Piattdflal aayaaaMl Ua Barpeaa thal Ka aaaM aaaBM Ba aaM ahaal aa haaaatatial mii't. r, thattinerely eoncertieil his own he-fl-b-M. IhaPraaldaal Naaubad that no pabba ******* mttflaauA i'> BiialaaBM baa f/tMhlaataa,mMttmttt to it al Laaf Braaah. BB aaaaa aaal M ******** ti,,i.i> aaaaal Bheafalfljatirrr-'-T for MM parpaaa. The Execiitivc Man. km bw. been for some tiinc tm.lcruo Iiib cxten. lve rapatra, it MMfM aaaM rarts, MaMilaf thoae ailliaaB d hy the IYc. i.lctit's family. tt na uiit'iiant ablc condition, the pTBflMm "f thc wnlls an-l celling havtefl fall' ii Bai the rnof belng Iii a leaky couditii'ti. Tlic i.iiivtr-atliiii tnri.lnf on tho reuiark of BaaaMf "imiiier, to thc cIT.-.t Ma lire.-lcy is a better frlcnd to tl,,', k man than I'lciduit (irant, the rc lillnl that ho had never prct.-mle.l to be, as he ha.l re pcat.-dly .alal, an OttgM** Aboli!i...n.-t, Bal ho fa.m.d enian, "I'iition as n war mca.u.e. Wlien thii was n-mii-ii, m tt"'i.-t.t thfl hiiiiot ibeaM ho aaafanad ta?aha tha fl-fteo-Bpata. aad ta aMea ttmsei imd ba di ni" ratad b_ the fuii paaaaaBoa of Ma rigiit .,f Baa* men. lli" .icw., Imwever, on the euhjert of filovery wero well known, exprc.-cd lnletters to Mr. W.-shbnrn and nthcrs and (-xt. ti-ivcly puiill-hed, and hence this now a inatter ol tUgttk b tho of the K.nv.rf.itlon ho thal wl.ih_JI*"a FlMMaal should bo in accia.d wll- th.. laaalM Prln ttgUt of Ma party whl. -h BMa tad him, it waj es that he abould cnforci tho l.iwg wliich may bo nim ted, aad ii'iinini. tcr Ma lararaaaiat not iu thoin t. rest of a pnrtv, but In tln.-vo of tho cntlio country. win'' iio hifl bad no ?ablBdaatdflMatMaflflaflfl-BMB H' nator Hiimiicr, he wai pct-'eetly willlnrf to placc hia acta flflalaM Henator Hutuner'i word.. Iio said Hiimncr did not _B8*ff himsclf -ii-h a mti fti' ini to the black nun as he |ir...,--o,l to hc.whcn he was uot affltag to have a nvii I ikIiU bill staiial ou its own nients, laeaMMg oniy a majority vote, but ln-istliiK on a bill of his own as au auitndmeut to tho Ainncsty lnll, which coiil.l not Be BflaaM without a majority of two-thirds. C.irpenterV'.rivil BUbtt lnll. howi vcr, wa_ Piiss. ,1 darfaf Ma ahaaaaa uf BaaaaM laMaVi and os t!ie fact* sliow iuui h to his siirprise. lha ri aaaaaal alaa a-nni Mai it wiii hc toon hy The fon greitional Glolrthtt KenatorHiiuincr did n.'t vote Wt ull on tho Joint resolution rei oniDie.iiilii_r the ratllkatlon of the Flrteenth Amendraent to tbe Con.titntlon of tbe 1'iiitcd IMflaa Tlila nincndiucrtt, siticfl ratifled, pro vidoa that tho rlght of attnBBBfl- tho United 8tatei to Tote shall not bo dcuied or abn l_ed by tlie Unlted Mates ur hy any Btate on accoutit of raee, color, or previous condition of arr.itude,aai Oaagl-MMMu Traatad wtth iba power to eafa_aa this artu-io by acfljaa* imate iBfllalaflia Mr. Hiitmier, tho I'rc?ldcnt said, dodged u vote on this Joint resolution. WJBBJRQTON. ABBITAI of rnroiPKNT orant?tiii. cah: hf TIIK Kl-KI-lX PUaOBEBfl tO BE 00B8ID I lill) AT A Ci-UBBI Ml.l.iiM.?i'lal.ll Nl'lil* ( IV1L |BBY1CB HKICKM. [BV TBIBBBUTI TO IllK THIRI NF. | W-tflflBBBiaa. Thuisdiiv, Auir. IB, lSTO. ri.-l.leiit Orant arrived kere to-da.\, iu aflaatdaBM with lha pi. dntiou of li.a. Hai.U, ]. lll iday, Mai whlla thaaa waa aaahaahtta Milalatp ut to ihe time of Ma niriMi), yet the Cliicf Ml|aiiall Waa hkely to turn up hara nt filmost any time, nud without any Mra-al noti'C. IflaaaflBif Mlaaa> wha returned haaa 't'.il:,'., WM Ml ft'-t tt BM ut tl.o White Haaiis.', and w-B followed elo-ely Bf IMM-Bflh I ' " a < MkWI-11, who BBBM M Itive an accomit of hl- -tawardshlp and to t,, 1ns t-iuef aaaaathttfl of tbM waa-kafal aaaa paiga of his in MMhlflaa n-huii ChaawaB tt modest eiioiii-h tn iiiink ono of thaaaatt -UHrralaaa flaaadaaf tbe pn IflM (cntury. A Caiilnct meetiiiK wlll he held to , moi iuw to take MaM action on the Ku-Klux rcpurt uf Col. Wliltdy, and U eunslier somo rotitlue tm. ii..--, afdr which the Prealdeut wlll a*Miii ihabfl tho aust of wTaahMftaa froa his feet. Ono liniaort ani uiiittei t" bc atiti.-l in CaWael BMettaa t.i ?aorrow is whether tbe Prealdenl and tablnet ?hall acei i't thc af tho (iialtaiioo|_a Board of Tiade to \ tliat piaic Bnd I/iokmit Monti taln. Thc Prealdenl haa laforaied ex(,..v. Baad af (.(..U'l.i, WhO N BOW here,thst Mii- iiiMliili.'II sh,,11 I.e earefully deMberated npon, aad aa aaa wai iaat M wnt IngoytSatQTttay. lha ea-OirarBW la aol too laaaalne, ?aaa waa. alao lafona-d tbalthli Inrltation must take it < haflcea wltb otbera. and tba ln tlie-.- httie toetalatatten the i'residcnt was averse tolhowlnir favorltlsm. li.iiiin Porter, who returns wilh tlie I'rcMdeut, uud who a.?? ? -m pnuled that itl-titif.iiisli.-il .._h ial in his late t.lp tlirounh New-York BtaM aad lhe Lake (iiainpiuiu reaioa, suys ihc .ntiiiif ir.Mi. of tlu- people towaid <_iaut I. e\eu (treater uow thau at the th _._? ol thc war. Tho praetlccs witb IMMMM to appointmenta unil.-r the new Civil Servlc. rulcs contiuuc toexcite paM aaaa tdahiton thc part, nut unly uf applicauta, but uf thoso clirki who have held pusltiuns for somo tiinc, aud who are conscnuently iu tho lin* of promolion. The frros.cst kind of favorltlsm ls charged upon the cxamiuers, ln couferring ttrllflcate.a. upiMi souie applicauta whoac ex. auiiiiutioiia have been of thc most trivlal chara.-tar, while wlthholdlng them frum otbera who bavo run the gauntlet of questions without a fallure. Va.auii.-s in tbe higher clerkshlpa are now thrown open to iroueral cornpctitlon, and the placei Klven to now men wbo have no othcr rocouimendatiousttiau Ihat they tn *T,,Tutu\l examlucrs, or elsi have ttOO* p.-w.-rful klnds uf pu lt u liifliiencest.a.kof them which lt would uot l* wlse to o iiKise Huch, th.u far. ii tha groanlhardeaaf aaaa pTaint made a.ainst tho MorklnRS uf thu l'n sideut s uew Civil Scrvlco inlea in all quartera. (nEHKRAL PBKS-. PI-PAT.1I ) Whcn thc Clark letter waa publiihed, assertlnj?, upon tho allcKed authurlty of Oen. O. O. Huward. that the Presidcnt bad orderedi tkat a court-martiiiUfe ReaMfl^M iiiiure the (Iisiiiissu>of thfl , cadet, Tha H.'. retary _fW_? af aaea tclcKraphed to Ucn. Howard iu the ful lowtiiK t^rrns: Bfli UMBBB Bflfl >? "fi SiEisft^eferj*!? CTjij Hi-Til ??_ "ii, " i tBjaaaaa, B-..-aawaar-.-g /"?**? _7-._t K. aaS-l ? -omrl nirtnl foi lh. trl-1 of etdrtnt ? BMB BMMM 8 t.l I'uliil. I -_.. rr^l.f-l iw. ot ikr^ MUrr. !-*??---? frtJ, "bo ____M?a_-l_. 3B i. ttt, u.r.. MMtM 1mm mtmUm ???...?? Ba, ??! -_w. m lh? in*'???? tom *f. mfV_J*_;! urr I u-t lh?t ro. wlll M mi.e *p tb- CaMl M ?* cbbm IU tmmtk ? ?*- -a. aai aaaai ^"w.1'__^ 8*---u-t tt w*. Anotbcr teltgrtttx waa aaut for ward, Aiif. 8, calllng for an tmroe.llal* anawer to the above. Uen. ""Jfr'd ltun)ps tbe staten.-nt aa false In the followlng r-spouae. TV Hon W. W. BiutsiP. HetrtUtry of * or, H atkiyton. li I . Vuur Ufl.irin* -f Aif I .ui 3 *t* ttn non?nl rwt tttt. Ut I Urk I. ratruiolf n.liuk.1. for I s.??r kti i-_h ? rotttntiloa witt tbo Boe rourt tl WM, ludC-Bl. _?l-?? nn). io-ili-e ? r-port ' O. O>. Brt?.._?? , l. I. Army. TELEGKAI'IIIC 50TE8. The London Slaodard BflfB that the Paria cor tm'Tti,,,l ol th? H.miB Ilorrnn-wl lu iiilmit-l to M. Tbltt* i.i ?5SSTMW5a|.tl kmU*i. Woagk uu .11..,.! t. mk. ?<,i_i" m-iuiD t" ttmm . TheDentaironvenfion. ln acsirlon lt lliaiton, .hMMtoa-wwhaeBM. ?:'rI*.,'.,,'^l, Va^a______l H...u._, \ irr Prf.i'.f*., I'r '" "'"? ?' ?'_*"? '?i.-'- T ' "?"'"I"-* h?-,.t.,. l.r ('. H-.lU.l of Bpriuflrkl. [^"_*^?_l** i.i.f. Of m b i-.?M ?' ?'i.K-??i if-BS'i fla Jafla aaaa mmm l v.i.' iii mu ?t?i-Bfl oui t* kgi ** ttkktta. HORACE GREELEY IN MAINE. HIS VIBCH AT 1'Ol.TI.ANI). WHAT "HAROAINS" HK IIAH MADE?NOT AN OHKK nOUMDj NOT A KBtl AI-KID. [Mr. Grocley's purpoac.on histrip Kaatward, wan t.. i.ifli.l; i. fj, ii pottiblr; tnd Tns Tkiiii'-b hli, 0|i to tiiii tlitf, iUifll.lj Mogbt tc furthrr bii wi-b-r., i ?l to ???. I BBBI - to ioi..r thr nrw* in hli fmor, bj rrrrainir-^ fram dr*rn[itioni of bia rrfl-rplloiu., or irr irroitl whitri, r of hii nwnrrrornU inii i?>iufl/t, MI? linl im|irti.,llr fuiui.linl I,/ Ui?- uon ptrtino Aiw.-cnU- IVm. On Wi-btMbr ?'?M. .kowrr. r, tiiii boii pirtiiln iK'Uffl hilrd _? <u? plrtrlr. Mr. Ortrltj bul ihit tfUrmooD ttmVtaA, for Ihe tnt time In li? eaniptiirn, a pnpunl iprrrb, car-rfull*' unltrn oot iml rrxil trom U* mtnimcnpl. Bi th The llerald toil Tke Han, iliHTtitl'.ii, llt \mto r.xtro 9tm_aaaaalB to b? hk??ii/ u?n*n.ttwi. tmt MaHafl B in antifll-r iri...ii f-.r pnliliritien la thrir liiuranf li.t iti-il ?ur_i..|r. Tbt A.?'-' -:?-.! I"..-.-. .IriivrrrJ lt iftci J, Iltr.ilj'. pip. rt bad RdB* lo prr*. Wr pirsra". il Lrrmitb.) IjAhii:*a and Ci'.ntikmfn: It ifl cortainly true thut throughoutthe eourae ofmy life, an far ua I have been connt'ftctl witii public aflaira, I have 8tnigKl<_l, with ?such cnpacity aa God han givcn me, for, lirst, impar tial and univcraal liberty ; Ki-cond, for tho unity and grratncM of our common couutry; third, ar.d by no incans letu-t, when the former end wan attained, for early and hearty rerouciliation and pafltfl among our (?(iiintryinen. l-'or theae jrreat enda I havo strug glcd, au.l I hflflfl tho isBiio of tho thlrd ia not doubt ful. I tuoronghly comprchrnd that no por-onal BBB sid.riition BH drawu togcth. r this vust a.*u_->nib]y. Otlu r, highcr, aud giaiid.-r i iiii'i.lci.iti.uis bflffl col 1. i. il you ariiiiiul mo to-<lay. [Clieers.] Mr. (,'liair iiiaii, it i-ja jiart of tim utivviiUeii law of our eountry tliat a cat.diihito for I'lt-aideiit mriy not iti.ikc bjh eiihafl iu viiidicatiou and couutu-nrlation of the principlcfl wheretipou ho is Hiipport<<1, nor tho BBBBBJ which his eleetion ia intcnded to ptoniflflte, thongh a candidatfl'' for Vicc-I'rcHi dent ia under no uk li inhibition. I not iin-ii-ly n< (|iii(.-co in tlio'rc.-tiictioii, I NB> fflaltt,fltfl tUnt Ut pi'opiiety. Thn tiMiiptatiuii to ini.-ii-pnit and iiii.-ir. pri i-fli-nt a ctindidato for tho highfli |."i-i ia ho great, tho incana of circulatmg aucli perveisiotiH aiiii.iiK people who will never aee a word of tlu-ir refutation aio bo vaat, that u camli d.'ito has no moral right to Hubjeet his friends to tho penlflS U uuu t brave, if not invite, by tnking a part in the caiivasfl. (Chccrs.l Yet there is ti trutb to bo utti nil m l.chalf of those who havo placed me bc fi.ifl' tlio American pcoplo in myproscnt attiunh-, whieh Iflfll ttflfli Buch honor that I elaini thfl pri.i b g<- of Matimr it hflM and now. ttt IIIHC1..1 l-I.OMl.-Kl) TO A.NY OM*. Tliis is that trutb: No peraon has ever mado tln- Lu t tliut ho prop..M ?l to .npport, or actti tually did Mipport my nomiiiati.ui, ahflthB at Cin iinii.iti, at H.iltiiiioii-, or in tho.iclioii which resultxl in aending dclcgutca to i-ither (.'onveiitioiia, tlie ba-is of a elaini to olliee ut my BBBfl. No one wbo favored my nomination before cither On \t-ntion, or at citlur Coiivfl ntion, has sought oilico at my hflBdfl eitlier te himself BB nny OBM Illflfl; uor hflfl any ono auggestedto ttt that I might atrciigth. n 1113'.-. lf a.i ? caiuliiliito by promiaing to appoint any ono to any important ofiico whatever. [i.oml cln?<BB.] In a very few iustanccs?leaa than .1 dozen, I aui suro ?certain of tflfl BM-lB fry of politiciar.s have, siuce my iloublo nomination, hinted to mo by letter that I inight iucreaac my chance of eleetion by pmniiKiug a pobt-oflicc or Homo other place to my volunteer cor reijpoii.lciitH nspectively. I havo not usually re sponded to thflflfl overtuies, but I now givc a pafltfll iiutice that, should I bo flflfltfld, I will considcr tmt eliiiuia of theso untimely BflB-fflflta after thoso of tho moro modc-t and rcticeut shall havo beeu fully batihtied. [Loud cheers.J In two or threo iustancea I have Baflfl ;. - la (tay whether I would or would not, if alactad, ? *? fino my appoiutments to Bapuhliflaoa. I answer theso by poiut ing to that pluuk of tho Ciiniiiuafi platfonn vhflfllm all who BflflMax in tlio principlca thi-i. in flfli foitli aie cordially inviteil to participate in their establishmeut and viniliciiti-'ii. I neveryet heard of a man who iuvited his BeiflB-HIW to h?l|) hha raiso a hoiifiC, and proceedt d to kiek them out fll it bo Roon aa the roof was faiily over his hflflfl. For my own part, I recornizo every honest man who approves and Bflfl-M. to the Cinciiinati platfonn flfl my ixilitical brother. and aa such fully eiititlnl to my coiitiil'iitf and fiieiidly regard. [ChBflta.] .vt) l-LKDijii TO BBl BOVBI i-WK 111- BBOOBD BB AMNIMY. One other point demimds a Wfl.rd. 'llmse :tilvei-o to mo aid. what pladflafl I bBTfl.fl-rea lo ' liiDly hflBflOfl lfl tbe I'nion to BBBBN their favor and mpl'.it. I.'in.-w.r: No man or aoflBfln la all tha ________ ever ui-k.'fll of nn*. eith-r diiutl.v OT tliroiiRh anotber, any fliBflfl pledgc tbau in giveu in all my acts and Wttit ttWB Ihfl liour of I.ei-'a ttltmitt dowii to tlus iiiuiiieiit. So 'iMHitli.-rn man has ever hinted to me an flipfl lititioii, bafa, or wish that tho Bflhfll i**\ wlulher Confcilerato or State, nhould la) a?ntiiii??l or paid by the I'nion; and 110 Southern man who eould bfl fllflB-tad to a Legialaturo or mado colond of a militiii legiment ever flflflB-ted the penaioning of Kebel BOldienOt PWJoi tbem, even M a NBBOtfl po-atliility. All who nfliiiiinat. .1 flflfl wen- perfe. tl.v aware that 1 ii|.h.-l.l and juritiln fll IVflleral BflfltB-B-hlin to atippre-- tbfl Ka Klux cnSiiiiii'V and outiage. ; thongh I UE IflBf ago Umm '!,?- air. ntioii. ly ua I nowd... thut eoinpl.te amiicty aml paB-BB oblivioii of Iba bloody, l.att f ..1 pi..-t a aald do ttm? f"i tbfl aajffl-aaaai ami m tei i-xtii.cti.'ii of etich oiitrag. 8 than atl the f..rco bills aud buapetisioiiaof BBflflfll flMfflfl ever devised by man. Wmiig and ttmtA miist bo ettp preaaed and piii.i-b.d, but far wiaer and no 1,1, t. is tho!..n. the policy, by which thev are pn-vcuted. [Loufll chefl-ring.] From thoae who IflffOtt mo in the South I bave heard but ouo demand ? Juatice; ono d.ain?Keconclliation. They wish to la- h.artily reiinite.l aud at pfl'ac. with tho North, ou any t?Tii_s which do not involve a BBlMfl. of their manlKaul. THey aak that th.-y shall bo regarded and tr.-at.-l by tho Fed.ral authonties as citizeiifl. not eulpritB, bo long aa they obey aud np hold every law cotiBiatent with equity and right. They deairo a mlo which, aliko for white and black. aball eacourage induatry and thrift, and (li.-cnurago rapacity and villainy. They cheriah a joyful hope, io which I fully concur, that be? tween the 5th of NovenilKT a'ld the 4th of March next quite a uuniber of the (Joveruorsand other dig nitariea who, iu the abuacd nsme? of Kepublicaniam and loyalty, bave for yeara be?ii piling d.-bta aud taxea upon their war-wanted States will follow the Vhflaaaaaja eiample of Bulloek of Georgia, aud soek the ahadea of pnvato life. The darker aud denser those sliadH the better for themaelvea and for man kind. And tbe hope that my eleetion may haaton this urnch deaired bepra of the thieviug carpet baggera, haa reconciled to the neceeaity of aupiKirt ingfbe many who would otherwiae have heaitated aud prolnibly refnaed. [Loud eUtUmwn THB NATIONA1. VERDICT FOR RE.'OKM. fellow Citizens; Th* d?p<m?*l and partially ex UedTaminany Kinghaeatolen alK)ut$HO,(Xin,Ooij froui the City of New-York. That waa a moat gigantio robbery, and huxled its contriven and abettora from power and ?plendor to impotency and tnfamy; but tha thiering carpet-baggera have atolen at*leant thrice this auiount?atoleu H from the already impoverished aud ne?tly, and they atill Ilaunt their pro-aperons villainy in the high plaeea of tha land, aud are ad<ln>aaed aa ILuKtaM.- and Kx ?_>ncy. I think 1 hear a voice from the bflflflfll people of all the Matflfl <le. luring tbat tbia mm_mUj aball be gauiltil and inaoleat no longer, at furttu-at, than to the 4th of Man h next. Uy thfll time BBBB eriniinala will bave heard a flflflh-BBl venliet pro nouiKed that will flflfljflfl -BBB to fold tluii lenta ltko the Araiia aud aile.illy ad nl away, aud thut I truat will k thv tud ot tb .11 ifltv-fl-i'"B Bl Uiv -tf. ei xb_ aaed aaaMaCaareeaaarji and <i"' w.ii-iieingcf bM peo['lc. [I.i.ud nnd IflBg c.intiiiiic.1 che.ii.iK-) ? AN KNTIUHIASTIC I'OIM H__J UKCKITION. Kl I'I ("I' OP TIIK .'Ol'. IAN'1) __*BBCH**?A VISIT TO AlUl.TA?BBIOBTBBIBO UBBBAL I'lto.-liiCTs. | IIV IBUMBil-l TO TIIK THIill NK.I Phrti.and, Auff. 15.?Tho roiTption of Mr. drea iiv in . Bflfl i? BB t,:"''fi,r "' tM mM Rratify in. kind. IflM alfbli it w.if Ma Baaa-aaaaa aaafllaalaa of BB Maada that Mt at the I'lty Hall resultcd In li.-i i.i. ,i aaad tu the cuusc. His aaaertlaa that no man ha.l ever aBJBB-Md the pwymWtA M the. ii.-l,, I laM afl peiisiouinK Hehcl soldlors was a . Iininl rcfutntion of the sl.nidi rs poisteiitly told ln the Maino canvas aud une old Ka puhllcan of York County went home to ito to work for tho I.i ta. ral ticket, and proinises twenty moro re. rutts In a BMM town Whfch Uie Crant pap. r. huvc hoa-ted held not one (ireeley Itepubliean. Th)? mornlnx tho Journey to Att B-BflMwaa BBBtfead bymuch enthiiMi.-sm.crowdsbeini* gathar. fl M flaiifaat. Brunswlck, Kiclimoml, anal Oardiai r. Mr. (in-cley flfflbfl only once, and that was at Brunswlck. On arriviiiK at ASgB-M Ht noon hc pro tc( ded to the of OaL EflMBi wh'-rc, ln comp iny with a laaaa MaaM. inclinllnir Mr- ?J-DMaa of New York and the Hon. Ix-onard Swettof |I!llnoi., he paitook of a lnnch. An MuBflBM Baaaaataa kal aaeaaahtad, m. lu.iin* eor talnly not less thnn 8.0C0 people. Ihfl UhaaflJ I'l-t.I't t'otivi ntion wns lu sesslon, and aft. r tho nominatlon of I'ol. Lutitf as Ilie (Oinpetltor af BfaafeH Blatn.', mcctlngs wero MgBBlanB ln doors and i.ut, and spceches wero m,ula- hy Mr. Hwett aml Major Hagiterty. This evenlng Mr. Wllllaiiis nnd othors are speaklnir. The out-door BMattaawaa tmtf l-rge, and haadieM could not get within ttmm ot the speaker's voiee. Tlils raeetlng waa presided over by Dr. John Benson of New-York, n prominent Itepubliean at this point. Mr. Oreeley ap pflamd on tho platform, and howed his acknowledg ments to the miiltltude, refralnlng for the time from ipa-llll Mr.CSwctt made a flno and convinchig ad IfflMa Tho whole day has been a brij;ht ono fer tho Uberal innvcment, and its lnfluenoe will M felt in thc impend-tiR crl.l.. Mr. (ir.elay return. here tflalghl ua a lato train, and in the niornlnfr rroceeds ta) i'.ve li. a. li. He WM he expects eritl.-lsm of his speech li. re, Lut wnen he le;inied Imw 0BagBflfl8BBM Blalne, Fryc, aad fllhflH WflN mi. rcprescntiiiK him and iis-uU Iiik Ma intclll).'. me of th.- people, ho felt that lt was otilyjust that he should ?Ivc utteranee to the truth. All tliat B wanted lu Matne ls moro Liberal Repuhllean . is, and If cnotiKh fop-iMe aud jmln ious men could i,t adiled to tlie forcc, the tldc could he mado to carry tho Iiii ial lh -publican cause surely on to succom. tiii: visit to akhsta?two rrrUCBBf IBBBBBfli BBBM BMBAT0BL1 AllOU-TA. ABff. lo.?Mr. (ireeley 1( ft Tort laml at I o'i-lock tlils tnornlnj., on a special train mu lhe Maine ( ctitral Haliioad, for AuRiista, accoiiipani.-d Ly Iln- Baa. "'. P. Kluiball, A. K. Phurtletr, B-Bflflb Kui|?ht, Wiu. (.. Twonibly, C. H. Ha.kiU, i.' II. I hase, an.l otlicrs. At tbfl . toppinic-pliicia Blaag tho route MaM rruwil.-i eollected, all ati'un-liu_ to pot a gli.npso of the l'i.-nl. utlal caudidato- At l-'rcoport Mr. (ireel.-y camo upon the platform uf the tar and shook hands with the people. On his arrival at lirun-wi, k Mr. Oreeley was K-ected with deafenlng chcors and mu-tc, and, in rc. Bffaaaa to the calls uf thc people, was Introdiictd by tho II,m. Wm. It. Field, and sald: Ladiks a.m> OUTUDOMI I should he Mtt lf T had tltne to vi-t llil- town, with lN'V of learnlaa and tho naawaad aal__ar wha aa worthlly dl* re, t- its atarghtfl an.l guard. ttl hunor. I tkt I WBB I had time tu make a r visit, fur thouifh I aui na.t l .tram-'er to your town, 1 doubtlcss aai M .nany >af ymtt people. i came uiuoiiK you once bafora, whaa tha eoaa> paiiy ahlah tarreaad-d mo was fawat tbau lt is now Iiut I a.n iinchauKcd ln mind and purpo- ., s..ft.,ncal weahal. i trust, i.y a life piotraeted bikI __*_aaed by the work giveu me, nut . tili eaaentlally the tomt man tliat I ?as th.ii. BotwlthBta-dlngthecarlcatareawilh which you have l,e,n |aliunilantly iimudatcd, you Uud tiiat I .-tili praaerra .ouicthinit of the bumanfocm. i tliiink y,,u for this kind wt-kome, and will no MlfM tax your aitculiou. At Oardlner Mr. Oreeley was met hy a committee ef reocptiou from Augusta, coiislstinir of Col. Thoinas B. Iflaa ttmm Ric-'. and otbers. At Kichmoud and Ual low,ll Mr. Oreeley'a appcarance brought forth enthuel astlc cheers from the erowd, and ho went upon the plat? form of tbe -tatlon and sbook all cordiailly hy the hand. Tlic party arrived at Au-xtsta at 11:43 a. m. An immense (fwil had assembled, there belng at MM 4,000 ln the ,1.1'-at und streets. Near by carriages were awaiting tho party. and, amld tho cheera of tbe m.tltitude and tlrln/ of Hiilutes, the prooesslon, precedod by two baml- of i?n-i,, anal a cavaleade of 110 hc -seuien, went to thai haaaa of Col. Thomal 9. Laug. with whom Mr. Oree? ley dincd. After dltilng bo proceeded to tho balcoDy of tlie CBahaM Houec, WlMb bad Ixen decorated with ll.ii,'! and arranged for puhlic t*fM-1aff _Ir. Oreeley spokc as followi: I.U'ics am. OBBTLBBBB! I BM tlie ;:ie-t of the an? tl,,.illl.-. ol thc citv. Tiiat raaaon aloae aroold hav pta me from maklnfl a pniitical sjieech; but, more o-er, I had no intentionof uiaklng such aspeo.-h arhen I ,- nu,- hi re. 1 am aj.'iirn.'ili.-t, aud that oct upation baa caiiia .I aii that i bave ipaat, aad Um little l hara kept. I expect to llve by tbat profeaalon as hmg us I kaya a Iiviiik to 'carn. I thank -ini'i-U" f,,r tl?' eoralial and the intiniUcent aupimrt wl,i,li iho people ..f this-tato huvc dvaa ""'? 1 kare ofton ,? un- eooraa af jraan, kad oplnloni -^ tn. n mu bave dlffered from your-. It would kara baan v.-rv unwlM for bm to aaaaaaa ihat .luriug thi. __ne ai?i nuihl theae dlftereneaa i Md alwan heea rlaht, aaa ?.?> inuiiy g?o(l in-ii, so man. 1'i.ivo men wbo dlffered tttm BM had alwaya bceu wrong. I do uot inppoae i-a>. 1 know tkal I have MHBetlmei baaa wrou*:; Imi iu thn perii.d. wlnlc I luivc H'en i'.,.t;.-a liaa anal fall, at aatae time siink in adversiiy, aud aguin Boarlahlna ln pros.p.-iitv, i iiiin- workad wita party and hara aaaa ou iv, I.ut I have ncvcr been the llavfl of part**. winu i fouud thal parttea would not aoeon pllah what ln my eonvlctlous was right, I Bara IM party go, aud havo clung to my , om a tioiis. Wbatever may be tha result ,,f the preaent , .ii s iaa, Uie inovi'iiu-iit 1,,'gun at t'iminuati haa air.-aaly Hd'umpll-h.'.l miicli; It has done iiiinh lo reflMTI tbe bat. a- .uol whioh have oiitlivcl thclr |u. tlllc in'ii and 11 kaa bronabl oar people to tbat point wbara ih<-y no lODger iriuwph lu the power oi destruyiugeaci uthci'. Mr. Oreeley left An.n-ta for Portand at 6 p. m.. ar rltrlafl at the lait.T piace at I p. BB. To-moiTa)W iimrumg at-:in oYlo, k, ho lcavei Bortlaud for I'ortsmo.ith, and tli. in | ln the afternoon f..r Hye BiaM. THE LOUieVILLE PEACE JUBH-OJ L,,iT>vn.Li:, Aug. 13.?Tho Committee of In* vitalioti a,f the Natlonai l'eace Jubliee will, to-uiurruw, puliiiih the followmg: T" ai i L'lTRHi rt Pttcn ,M ths WnnLD: K-nloi-kr'win-l- mirot ili.llr in.,t<? tbe loT.n. ..f yr..-r tn.l fr.. ftmotaamm t_MO?l,out tbe l oki-, i_n-r.l_M of ,y*.t ilnfrr-iic-t, who uow uuiur in t _??!._ W y?r Df-tr?i_ tiie K-Jsral I'moB and ruoi wili usuiuj the ne..|.l* to ??thfi tot.t--r oo the 11th in. Ilth of S-pterober neit, ?< tiie Cltj of LooJiTill*, lo tbe 5?tioo?l Tmt* K-ubioo, Io eo upereU lu io tfairt to aulte dti-ro? of erttr ttt* la ?_<?_ boo'le of alefotioa tnd fel owihip u wlll rutore eerl Mtab-ih U-tiafl ciuldeuce la ooeellib jietrliitinn ia erer* p?rt of our r,,n ii.'ii. fnaut*. K-oinf I. ?ili ?'h jaetnot throuiboot the Ito. lo i-.-iu'r Iiut- br irt preMoce toweni miking the nvi_..r?i.;e la the ?on?!i of oui beloied C--01-7 M t r>nt_coit of peece ?nd iilr-rty, Tbe invltatlon la sLj-ned by tbe most dlstlnRUlsbed men ln the State, lncludlna; Gov. P. H. Lealie, tho Uon. Oarrett DaaM tbe ilon. H. I>. McHenry. the Hon. J. B. Beck, the Hon. John M. Rlce, tho Uon. J. D. Wln-tandley. the Hon. M. <'. Kerr, the Hon. H. T. Pope, the Hon. H. O Ptlles, the Hon. II. W. Bruee, tbe Hon. P. D. Mulr, tho Hon Bd. Croaalau-, tho Hon. Joa. H. Lewls, tbo Hou! Ueo. M. Adarus, tbe Hou. C. M. Clay. tbe Hon. H V. etaudUera, tho Hon. ?. Mallory, the Hon. W. F. Bullock, the Hon. T. E. Bram lette Col. J. P- Johnson, Oen. Baall Duke, H.-ury Wa4> ter-on Col. Jaiues A. Dawson, Qcu. Wllllain Preston, Dr, 1). W. Yandell, tbe Uon. T. 0. Mil'reery, and ihe Uuu. W. B. Uoke. U A CALIFOBNIA AFFRAY. San Fbancisco, Aug. 1...?Capt. I_eroy of tbe Colorado Uteam Navi*-itlon Company waa ahol dead by o Chlnaman at Fort Yuma. The Cblnaman U a botel keeper, and Leroy refnaed to pay for liquor wbicb be bad ordered. A qnarTel emued and I_eroy llred on tho Chlnaman. mlssln? blm. Tbe Chlnaman then fired, breakin-; Leroy'e rlght arm, whereupon the latter Kraaped bis platol ln the left band and flred two more ?hote before he wai killed. mn i lUMEr. AND C__?UALTCI?-BY TELEfiRAPn. .... John Hatch. a married man, kgt 32, coniinitUnl ?uin-e ?t Ctpr Klne-elk, WedmeerUf. ....Cflfi Juhn Cochramv of the brig Harriet An-!u Juntnd ov_.bo_rd -??? U. ??d Vu drowued. .. ..Tbomaa Puneh of Boeton, kgt _3. waa inBtantly killeal el tUlein oo #a_M_Mf b. Juupnm frun ? norto? Intm. 1) (' W. Norcom. a native of North Carolina ?Dft ii Cali-_rnie pl-ueer, tonimtled iuletJe ?? Sluckloo, C__, We-aee ity. In tlie Suporior Ctiinituil Oaart at Boaton, i_r_-rd_7. Willi.* Jooee.w.i eeoieared M B ;.ar. li.rl n-oi u. ttie M.I. IT i.?>. ....A MMMBM MB Slattery, N. S., statoa that ti.e ?'.in Corlfli. of Wial-or, N. Ba, ?-.t ??I'"'- ?? ????? *?'??** -*B| 1?, ??d I.e. ,_ t d?ojrroa. p._ii__o. Tbe erew MM m?-d. Tlie c-rju I* Inub. ttkeu oal iu ?o-ii .uirr. Isiiac Meeaa late poatmasterat Oinlen, Utah, kt.brta ? on . rl-rKf ot ai'?,?"". IB a potltt* ???"-> .1 ttn Kr._r,_f., Ui (bw -_-t N.U-e.l ?' *?U L-l" OUg. u* "?* Ive-nl a. >a e.Uull ?' ?--.*' kaii. OHOBPKNJflNO. ?? (JI.'ANT ANI) THI F'OST-OITICi: liKI'ART MKNT. DKTAII.H rBON ITS IN'( KITIOV T(. II- I'VU, (lf OM <)l IIIK (HUUTBfll IWIMDUI !*? A'l 1 IMITKI). To the Editor of The Tribune. Snt : Iknowthat you bave b.?? n greatly pleawl in tim.-s pflB witb tbe aetion of Mr. J. A. J. (,'rc-f woll, I'o-I ii..-i--ti-r_< icriiTiil, iii euilcavoriiiK to pflflflflfl a n-peal of tiio I'raiiking l'rivilege. I know tbal you have Bflflfll ci'tially outraged at the defeat of all liis elliirt-. by IhB BBB BflBflflfltifll King which con trolled tlio Pblladelphia Onvention, renoininate<l (ieti. (Jrant, ond (IkI.kiiI Uflfltfifl favor ct tli?" r peal of the Franking l'rivilege. 1 know ulno tliaf, dflabflflB li coitscinience of your *wmm*mmmtB U bis favor, aided by bis aetion on this aubjeet, you havo at various HflflB spokcn wannly of Mr. Cn ? well'B condnct on one or two minor poinfa; but I do not recall anvthitig in Thk Tiiiiii MBtmmW viixli catingor even fully tlucidating tln- gieal I'horpi'ii ning case. l'ully aaatir.d that no fi .eii.labip for anv individiiiil, in or out of Gen. Giant'a CflM* net, will prevent you fiom givirtg a eandul luaring to the trutb, I beg your aftention, aml that of ymir readera, to the following atraighf forward and indi.-putable recital <>f tho notorioui facts conn-ect.-d with this eaae. I am t;i<. more anx ious that it abould BflfliVfl wido aft.-ntioti, aince flflfl] of the promises currently Mflfl BBBflfl-fltl ly aft> r rinludelphia waa that the Preaident would lighteu tho ship for the eainpaign vnyage by throvvingovei board the Cabinet mini.-ters aba bad BflflBfl ?*<? BBBfl f.iiiiiileritig it. Tlio crew heard tbo aniioiiiieemet.a with tho greate-t pb-aatire, and BflflflfBBi it witii candid faith. To this honr there hns b?in no sign of keeping tho pledge, and it ia MB cb-ar that Pre-idetit (irant intends _t tttwi tt fall with tbo imn who suiround bJB With Mr. BabflflOBt who paid tho Iflfltt (liim allbflflflflB thority of law; with Mr. 1'isli, wlu. tr.ukl.d t<i Spain, abandiiiied mir citi/eiis iu Cuba, and blui. dfltad hia way through the AlflBflflBB flflflflttflfliB-l tfl a rate never attBflflflfld iu Ibfl abflflfl history i-t blunderlng diplomaey in all the nationa of tba world; with Mr. iioutwell, who aliMiidly elanna b__ creaaed ceonomy when tbe tigim-a aliovv im-u-.-i ul extravagance ; with Mr. D.laim, abflflfl ? Bfl-ff-fl '??? tions with -South'tii raihoads ar(* iioturinu-. aud Ibfl Imii- of whoso time Ifl given t<> them rath. i tbau t > Govcrnmeut Im-iin ? ; an.l, linally. w ith Mi .1. A. J. Cn .-well, with whom thia ChflflflflaBfcflfl Wia attempDfll. In ltsil, Mr. Qflflflffl ('liorpenning flatOfld into B roiiliact with tlu- l'..-1-Oiiieo Deffl-tflBflflH to flflffff thfl mails from Salt I.;ike City to San C.ilifor nia, for whieh U WM t" lfl* \*t ..ll.'-xi g* BUflflflfl* In IBte, Mr. Cboii). nn iu uri-ceivcl a x-eot.d i i.uii.u I withau iflflMflflfld eoMtgtmttmmtti pltABtgm ai. ntim, and aa all mail contract-ar<- iinuli- for four years, Mr. C'liorpeiining would bave BBflfli entitlid upon the full pflflteflBBflfl af both BflflllfltB tfl thfl aum of $100.<XKi, aa stipulated entiip.-i.saii.iii. I' p.nrs froui the r.-cords of thePost-fl Uli< '? 1 lepartoifl . that upon tln*- ailllflaflppltofltioa fll Mr. Ohflflpaa* nin-.', and for his own beitelit. BBB flbaflflaffl Ibfl ori-inal routc waa made by wbicb he waa enaldid ln aviul himself ofa flflfld flBON pflBflBBfl. U WitiD r. Iu Wtt, Mr. Clioipfl-iiiiitig r.-flciveii ? new flaaflnd which waa aubsequ.-uily aiiuulh-d by PflaBflflBtaa General Holt for the rea.soii? Bfl dflalfllfld ifl hifl Bfl B baiuhvritiiig?that Ilr. ClflBfflflfldafl "bB i)"t **t* f,.riiu'ii, or eaaaad to ba amiaiBflad, Iba larriefl la compliance with tha term- flfld Ifl-ffl-Iflaflflfllfl B t I Kii-1 contract. but bas PBBaaflafl-f -B-M B da en.' In VEB, Mr. Chor." fl-flJflfl UA tunieil Bf 1"iflflfl tho Post-Ortice IVpaitmeiit B ? <laiiuuii for increased MBflponafltifllfl flrflf flfld I tho atipulati-d pi'i<<* ia his contract, and waa . allowed tbe stini of .:?."???<? ard some odd iloli.i xj*T: th. u set up a < laiin t.i bfl paid t'u im 1.aaad dh m ? ? up the coaat. Aflatfld by tbfl ehaagfl "f toWU wtwAa afl hir laajflflB and for his bffl flfli, Bfld aN?. an flflbl ? ti.illiil allowanre of *tj__t_g I'<) illitiulii tu.iiilb. I-t, ofJuly, IML The flflflfl wta, tlurei.'ie .napaajad, andnew elaim detii-d. Bflbaaajflafltlji haflrarBT, Mr. CboCpflBB-Bgdld reci-ivi- an allowonee of :- '? ? 0 thfl la-t siim bflb-f f'T itier... (1 V(i''i "1 BUll lilthougii tha toiitra.t ^aciflllj pcorM dl iti ti. ?flflfl VV.'I'e tolM'CiU.I'-'l w.(ln.ut !.(..?.-Ito fls.-iubt. Ifr. Chorpenning hav ing aBBflflflfld BflBfflll, ik xt :t| - pflflledteCoofjiflflBflfl-Aflaaaaad d U natttaai. ltitmn pa?ed, iii-.'l. r wbieh bfl h. .i-.n! - more, aml thtt Ihfl flfllebtflfled flflflfl 11 i d B be cl"-eil Eotfl I > r. N'flit 1-0, hfl.wevel-. fn. ||r. Cll( up with an..t'...-r eUln ei %t Uen e-iliuined by* 1' --I ma.-l ??:'-(?? - IB BflflWfl tliat ollicfl-r deeidi-.s tliat lns loiin. : ... li.ial. aml that tlie caae was .( - Mr. t'hi.ria-iinniK n>-_-1 pWBflnlad thi- flflfll rkfaa t.i l'i-tnia-'i r-(ieiier:tl ll'.l', who flflfflBfld ta * tiiiii ir. It is next pfliaBfllfld t"> Mi. I'imr. ui,.., aft.-r esamiiiiiti.'ii, Bflflb-B tl.e ii.ti.ti nl PoflflflMM? t.-r-iJ.-ii. iai Bmna laal Chatfi.Iflfl aettaa p.ars before ib.'Cont "f flliim*". vfll- " '" ?' 9______0. Tha Gniii-t of <'itiuii aflflia raafflraafl Iba action of Mr. Hrown M Iflfll, aml tbfl < flfli ifl < ' Ilr. ChflBp-flfl-B-Bg flaxl aaf-alad Ut t>" Caai (/lii'.mittee oa ciitiui-. Bad, aBaHlhBflfl-Hflfl Iba BrflBBIB ')'' I"l ext.-l.-ive, ?,l* ;il.:;lll flflflflK" ccaaful tbt BBBBflatflflhad f.>r bfliflfl Btttl i-fMah Mr. CboriH-iininu's flflfll flttflflBpfl] Wflfl ???? PaBBBB-B ter-General Bandall. Gov. Kandall exuiiniied ti. caae, ayd deelared it linally Bfltlad tf tttttttttttn (ieiieral Ikown. rre-ideiit JohBBBB '-??.- BflB :.|' p. aled to, and. baving re'i'K-ted Mi BflfldflDtail Bflflfl tho case, Kr. K.u.dall d.-clini'il t.> <'o B It baving baafl well known tbat tlu- aition ?>I Mi Kandall was hflflfld upou tbfl B0Of1 Bflfldfl m ?'?**> caee by his aecouit aaaiatant, Mr. (i<??.. ft. MaJ-flBaa, the next movement of the Chorpenuiiifl ifaffaJBfl againat Mr. MeLellan ; flflfl.flfl HdflaBBBB ??? flflflaal tirat appeared aaan active co-work. r wiih tln* ftt moters of this job. Hm PfllflBMBBI bflABfltt Mr. fflbfl aon aud tbo Goneral-in-Ghiof w.-ie BkflB Mttdl] and cordial. G.n. Grant ha.l _*A r.-turned from an extended 8outhern totir, undertakfl-n at the BflflflB of Presideut MBBBj ???! b'**1 lUdiU' a BfBl U which no menjion waa BBBfl of Ku-Ivtux. but. 011 the contrary, the -South.-rn pflflfl* vv. re n BttBBBd sufflciently loyal to warrant the recuiwtrnclioii meaaurea of Mr. Johnaon. As I have said, the next Chorpenning d<xlge was the |attempted removal of Mr. Mcl.ellau. V.n . Grant therefore wrote an autograplnc btt*r to Mr. Johnson, nrging the removal of Mr Mcljellan for the reason that he waa an Eaati-rti man. cal, and anopponent of Mr. Johnaon. and BB-b-f the appointmeut in bis steail of Mr. Gilea A. Smith. a Weet-rn man, and an ardent supporter of tbo President. At tbe sanio time Mr. J.ihn-ou waa in duced to order rostoiaater-General Kandall to re open the case. Gov. Kandall, hfliwever, firmly by the position be had taken, flffflBM B At torney-GeneralStanbery asto his right to rwoja't this caee, and Mr. Stanbery decided that it eonhl not be reopened bv order of the President or otberwise. Mr. M<*Le.lan waa Btill ret?ine.l. But npon the incoiuing of Grant Mr. McLellan's removal was one of the very flrat made, and Mr. Giles A. Smith waa appointed iu hia plaoe, BBiM Seeoud Aaaiataut I',Hfltiui?Mt?-r-Geuer_l ?BflflflB the chief of the contract ofllce. This siffuiti cant appointmeut wtw ap**efllily followed by that of Mr. George Earle aa Firat Aasistant Pontma*t4*r-Gfl"U eral. Mr. Earle being tke late jxirtm-r of Mr. (rmttwll, Md alto tke tUtnm of the Chorpenning Eitg. Mr. Childa. for manv yeara chief elerk of th?? O-MNll Oftlce was at onee reuioved to a reniote d. ak. aud it would aeein tbat tlu* P.ait-OlBce IVpartmei.t hail thua been coni|.b*t. ly organittd iu the u.tereBt of tb.* Chvr_^au_-?? Km-I. _*ul au uiwi_K>.WU. fWi