Newspaper Page Text
-VmnormrntB. -?:., ff hie Crcnint*. RPti Im . and at 8: " A Utt*t Prt-m." W. II _..-_arl. \\^, -At 1| and at I ? '* I'--'"' Beard." .j... Lidia Ihampaaa. Cnrnui Pam Q___d__". Saaa-fl- (Of-.t'fl Oaa mti, Tbeodara TaVataa_ ^^^^^^ Xouccs Thi -oaa. ii !??? arer d.. ? 'I" 'be ,_ Ij re-___or_ ? a nrw la.rh" U . a. i.-.thal ia . ' ?".'_ A l.ll . -SlZI POBTRAI ..f A' . ? ..... I nf ? - - M . ?" Mflt-MM Tna,., Ri . 1 i m| by thoae ? Has I'm!> cvi i: 1' I ______ IALITIKS -i'vi M I'hiia ; 11 a. TRRM8 ci THR TR1RVRR. lutv. "i. tm -w. v .ii. - 1,910 par aaaaaa. i'.' " - paraa. Hi k; v L ui m .i Mai er?. S-jK>r auuum. A ?1 v e r t i a i n g 1. a t .*_. Paiiy a' ' pjfi .. rir-'I *?1 prr linc. Ltmi-Wi ;. Im i*ne, _5and50eeotapar Uae. ? . aud $5 |..'i imi-. A-oor.ling to posiiiou >u tlio paper. 11 ia.... Bab la -.. i nr. M-.. New-York. BATURDAY, AUG! 8T 17. 1878. Thc ( mai "t-a.. in aflflfllaa j-aaaarfla7. iM-i.i.i. 1-1 >..:. | 1 1 iii'i-ciiiiit ..f tik- t-< I.* t.ration ,,1 t ? Ua Part] I'r.i. f.f.iii.1 111 t Vi.rrc Ifl lii.i7.ii wlll pruii.ililv ba Bfl . . \ I .-? iitiii.- Kcpulilif is ini? 'i.I. > . ? ?'. ,-i.l.-il. 1 .t I'l.rt-iii.itith a.iit K.r M, II. I \i,,.\ Blalf ma'lr 11 i-ainpaiirn .p <-. ti al J. . are r.-port. .1 fllflag tlie ...IK-nril : Twetilv DaaMfltal ' I a third nouiinatinn for tn.' i't, .1,1,1,1V li, l.l au iiifor.iial coiiforciiee anal ad 1 v, ith.nif . 1 -..:..-? ?! daflalta aaadaatflaa. _=__* .1 1 iii.-n II I- ? ... I on tiall in tlie Attorney Oaa. 1 - Oraal Repabl Uaaa wata haM la Haa Tatk .. ri.i Klaflfl OoaaOaa - Th. I.llaerai I lonwy liave t alletl n UL ___=_-. Oolai, ll__, 115. ir._. Tlu iiiioin. ? Thc aeaaoa for jai.-iuvakin.* seen).. to htn fully hi t in. Thfl liii-t roniarkablo oscapo "l Ihfl a-M-B-BCI tfl thal <>f thirty bojfl who have gottettt iiv.iiy tttm thc Mato l.Yfortu Behoo] in fVeatboro', aMaaaachofletta, Th? facl haa fl iliiect paraonflJ beariag apoa thfl chara I tlu- lx)>f. an.l kocpers. Thfl] maat Ih , .1 liitii, in au i_-.iitiitiou . 1 U_*f___rded i.n.l w.ll c-.raped. <>nr di jiat( in 1 dflflMII-bfl n M.ii"_lar cirrus ?flCflM in im lllinoia rillaga, when rhinocerofl broke lnflflM 11.1111 li is ki-opeis, killed two n:i jxi'iiiiiiiciiiiif's and gfl>Tfl tlic audii noe M o*_ t'a liagly Uyelj moiiKiit. Tba affcct ot" such on nnciios sliould ln- to teaeh groator ttn niiil tMttn in thfl manaconieiit of menu ? n. s. 1 '? 111 thfl ett.-et K.illy will bfl to add nn ily lo thfl popularity and tiaetile o.'ijiacity of thfl uuicorn. Tho l.nrnard triul diawi near it . etoflfl. Jadffl Van Cotl -ondadedyeaterdaj on behalf of tlio itnjit .tchmoii* in fl J.iiof aii'i flfl -|.( (?<?'?, ;iid thfl Court bM been alnn'-t ever amro in aecret - aaion. Tbara Ua fltroog oon ti.lonro f< li in Saratoga thal tbe rerdict will Ix- in f.nor, in.r iii.Iv nf n i!iov;il, hm of dis ajiialifii-.-ition. Bal flffl li.ivo so flhort ? tinio to orail i'.r tbfl Baal diii-.HH) ilmt it would bo M'.iiirU unif'i irhilc t.? ttUmt linie in con J'Tt '.'(' ;iic ^l.-i'.tly pleaaed at tha ead of tlio noaat prise ii_rlit oa the Lowai Potoaiac. Plra -1 (iiu tagi r.n.l two -oboo-Mn laadod with paaiaiiififfl aroal dowa to Cow Kivoi to thfi featld aad Jojoaa pafl_a_r_ ?'?' arms h.'tvai'on two iulii in-* n.iiiiod Mii.o .nnl O'Hal.l wui. Thcy araitad aoari** all .lay. Thc v>n* tlflaaaa ?itii t li*- emcaTfl aoaoa did uot urrivo. Tho ainatours wont homo d__gaata_L The v?--ult ia ono ko hfl oommendod. Tho bantfl may Iw and tlii.vos, and nrolubly aro, bul in this flflflM tlny won* tho instrunients of 1 riitlitoous paaifl-Baoal to th.-ir patrooi. Wo may now rcaaoaablj hopc thero will novor be aaathflf liouo.-t ot boaoraW*. ptiat li^'ht iu thi.. ?oiinfry. .Jr-' - - ' \ t< l?A_ri.ii*i '.-ii. li wo juiblish thi.s nioniini' b.ivif* iiitlo groaad for b?pfl thal war be taraea Y.i.i/.H aad thc Argeat-aa Bapablk will ha avoiti.l. Ai thfl .i-i- now fltaada BraaU in in the jio^ition of failme to afoiio foi Uh broaoh of itrs t:o.ity oMigatiOBA bj aoooptiiiK thfl iiiopo.-itiiiii- ol thfl Aik'ontino Kuvoy. Of tlie oh.iractor ct thflafl i>i<.jxisitions wo .'iio without aaj iafonaatkm. bal Um fact that the Ibpublic b?J mauif*Mtfld a di>i)osition to iwittlo the paadiag qaaatkflM by pttuttti aego tiatioiiH is 111 fltnog ooi,tn>t with the military preparations which a*tM j.roinpt to make. When wo considci that thfl pojuilaliou and military power of tho _.mpirc and thn KepnbJic are in thfl pmportjon of ton to one, the tttnt ti Ihfl lorinor is very laggeatlvaj ol agj.reis-.ive iflfldgBfl apaa thfl w.ak.i poWflT. J)A IYES O.V A DM1MS I EA I IOR EI TRA VA I.AM E. It ia not our busines-. t.i t< a< h tho Graal manaKeir* how to eondiicf thoir eampaigO ; but we must W ladalgad in I friondly word to Mr. Paflraa. That geatl_a>? h ttm anhiag Bpi-orhes, if wo aro not mistiikeii. in mpport of the Kenomination ticket. Will hfl T: - *" * - * Jook up hi- own Ipceeh on 1'iiblic Kjpondi ttir.M, dolivor.d iu Ihfl IIouho of K.-pro.. nta tives, Jan. 18, 1870, and 1.11 us what ho thinks about it now T " The Adiiiiiiiritration of An " drew Johnson," Kaid he, in that a.i.lress, * aurrendereil to tlie alle-ration tliat it ha.l " been proflij-ate in eipenditires. The peoplo *' tried it upon tbat charge and found it *- guiltr, and took froui it the aceptor of " power, and put it in our handh upon our " profeaaiona of economy in the admifiistration "of tbe publie aervice. What ia the lirat evi "dence that we have put forth to the country "of our dit-poaition to cairy out our plodgea ." Why, with a reduced arniy and navy and a conatautly d____a__h_ag d* bt, the -_t___atflfl for the fimt fiacal year of I'r.ttm nt I'rant's Ad ininwtration exceeded by nearly $50,0OJ,000 the appropriationa for the Iaat year of the A.l miniatration of Mr. Johnson. " And back i>f "thia too,'' continued Mr. Dawes, "is what ",.,.*- man who hai. h. rotofore been in this " Houae kuowa as the milliona of dollars that " will come back on thoso Appropriation bills "from tbo othcr end of the Capitol."' In almoat trtry item of expenditure he ahovred a large increaae. The -tetiretary of thfl* Xiivy, to lw auro, wpoko of wavinp jkjmjm tmtm tho iirticlifl of Bflfli] bflt Mr. 1 i.isfl i rorainded him that tho whole os tuiiiili" fo; flOfll flliirinj-* tho p:utt lw? ycars was only _tVBi*B it year; nnd Iho Poflt mBBffT flflBIW-l ynttrnWi to BBYB $.*),00l)/X)0 by Ihe nholilioii of tho Fr.nikiiik'|>iivilo;.'o, " wlion ";i'i _M Bflflfll bo'i >'ii liy this Govcrninoiit BBfll "thii'y lottfllfl a dflj ?-> ovoiy membei BBBi * * t: i rt >.; *-.' 11 th?* i:i.liis Bl Iflfljfllfl. pOfltflfB wouhl "j.ay IflflB i im" ?.')(1!),000." Mr. DflWfli nni forgOttCD l'i** (loiiHiirinfloii of tlio ( \ Umtmgmtktt ol tll(" Kxt'C'itiVO Ih'p llt IlH'it ?" I "I ?? in. i righl to eompUiao- theothaa eadof Ika ",\\tii:*.io, thut wilhiill its urofosNioiiH ot eenn "omy aii'l i.'fliuotioii of nwimfWinij Bflitfl "' **? "Di-|i:ii'tiiioiit??, withaD tho ln MtliiiiiK. hy i'h' "giajph oi othflTwiae, of iis parpo-fl of ro.duc "tion, thstfl ifl nol ..'io of thflfl. Df|B_ttBI?rtB "that. docfl not c-tiiiiito to-day, ia tho book I "hiivo before mo, for nn in.i.Mse of oxpendi " tan ovt-r iln- appropriationa ot Iflfll Jflfltfi uvn "only one,and tlut i.~. tht poor*unpopulflrAt "torai-y i.,noi il. J bflffl UU Bflt BflflMM ol "thk ifl-uiiiik.itiii" tcait of hia ahafaatar thal it. "is eontoinplated Bfl flflfl otliiioiid ot' thisCapi " tol to leli.-.e h:m ir.mi furlher publii-st l vieo "and todrivo. him into private lifo." Thoro was | gTOftl tO-do in tho Qraat OBBBp whiu Mr. UftWflB Blfldfl tliat wpocch. Ihfl limisi h..l.l COBRXflaaaMai all llow at, liim. and --cn. iTinTor T'x7T7-T.fti-'l ever so many pflgflB of The O'luhe iu a violent'attcmpt Ut prore thfll two and two make three; oM. .tho. gg^jgenta of Mr. DflWM novor Wflffl rofutod; thfl-y Wttt strictly true of Uio Adiiiiiiist.rat.ion thflfl and they might ba repeatfld with aqafll trath ot tho Admiiiistration uow. Tho inerouse haa gOBB on from year to year. liy tho redne tion of (ntereet nnd tha ledflct-on of tlt; army and navy certain iloniH of outlay h.ivi' bflflfl diniiinshed, iind Mr. Houtwoll li;tt- thns lx-flii eaflbled to iaaka an utt.-ily bb TranantaUfl pretenaa ot ooonomyi bot tho ordiuury i*xpoii*?es of tho Q?T? riimont in 1H71, a- ara ahowfld b ttm weeha t_ft ta espofliof tha arithmetieal falhiiiea of tha Beeretarj of tln Troasury, weie H l>or cent highaf than Ifl \j___t_ 88 I>or cent highaf thflflfl ifl t**3*\ -ind BO .an 115 por Oflflt Uffhfll tlian in 1810, Now if Mr. DflflTflB wouid only tflll Il?i' pa >ple <.t Maaaanhnanlta what ha reaily thiafra abofll it! _ TBE LAST PBILLIPPIC. This year has bflCfl AHfld willi i \ti,ionlinar.v o\.-nis liiiil utti -lanoos, bfll none have bflflB BBflffl Bnrpriaiag and aaore grotaaqne tbaa Mr. Welidcl) PbilUpo'a advooai-.v ol GflB. QlflUt, When, four jreflll n?o, bfl was BC-OiBBte. foi tin* 1'; -..1. in-.., Mr. I'liilliji.-. tO use own langoaga ifl his lettfla jn.-i pubtiahad, " ? m " phatteally denled Qea. Qnuit'i fltneaa ftw " tha I'rtsidcncy. Doi.hd hy tha Bepubli " can paaaaj I went froaa iit \- to (it> proteatiog " a train st his eleetion. lfl pnv.iK* wiih Mr. " and othflra 1 argaed long aad ?' arnestly BfBtflfll thfl l_B* of patting BBCh fl " man into such an offlflfl. At iliat time tln-y " Bflfl only hia u'reut in-rils, and BUpportfld " liim heartily. Tho dofcet. of liis Idmilii-Ttl.. "tion are no Bflipiifle tfl BB *. I BO iy ???ay, withoat boaatiog, 1 propheaied "those defeetfl. I do uot wish to Uda " them to-day. 1 ent 'lt'l.v Bflfl l wil.h Mr. Sumner "as lo tha gISTfl f.uikand intolerableinsoloncc. '?of tha Aflliiiinistritioii ifl tho s.into Domingo "liiiiitr. 1 tliinktlio fn (|iioiit patting ot Ifllfl* "tivos into oflice liiLrlily objeetionaMe, and thfl 'sad cari'or of Wflbfltfl. is warniug flflOflgh "againat any man in public. lifo ven " tniinK to aetopt ",'ifts from UfliBg liien.'' Bflt now Mr. Thillips has di terinini-d to siij.[..irt (!en. (ir;int for roilcrtioii to tho pOBl /or wliicli lie thinks liim inconiiiet(tnt. Hfl haa bflt ono. real wroa for thifl?hia intoasa penOBflJ hfltrod of Mr. Qroalaji and thfll ean? not doicntly bo avowed. He is thenfore drivdi tO invent reasons, and, bl ing prtflBtld .Cot timo, and Inrionsly tngyj, hirt inventions are doHtitnto even of jdansihility. lle j.reteiids to like Gen. (irnnt's Irdiaii policy, whoflfl Iflflfllta aro pedihition and BMfllflCre j hfl tinds his oonduct of Poifligfl iill'airs adinir ahle, when thoy hflflfl lowered onr flag Bfld dfliaeiedited our naino in noarly ttttty COOOtrj under hoaveii ; ho praises lns ilnaiit iai BBflnage ment, hnowiflg that QflB. (Jrant is as igflomat of tiiiiiiice its of Hindoo thflologjf ; and, tin.ill,, discoveis in him tho Iflfl] and true tbolitiooiflt und friend of the iiokio. Uut he does not UflfBB lonp eveii on this heated pflMgjrifl of the man he dflflpiflfla lfl his lieart. He hasten.s to pour out hia roooflj on the man whom bfl socrotly hoofllfl and invio; honors nn one man of Reiiins nimt honor anothor, envics as a inan of Btflttlfl flfld hitler iiatiiro nuist BBTJ B fruitful, honi-licent, jiuil popnlfll career. He BhfligflB Mr. Grefl ley not with batflg the duoe, but tho aeeoinplico of a BflhflflBfl to rene v t!io Bfl hollion aml destroy tho Uuion. ln his tvild furj, hfl BBja Jofl'i'ison Dflflfa has avowed this eonspiraey ifl a speech, nnd (Jroeley's snppoit _____ eonfess it ! The Liheral Hopnhli:*aiiS know thifl, aml ahct it. " Thoy flra hj pocntflfl, "not dupes. They know well th" |>1 l; flfld, "for the (tako of flflVflb are flriiUflg to " help it." One of the eonscijiienei s ot thia tiondish plot will be to put Governmont bonds down 20 per cent. The wealthy Democrats know this, and are hiiying iiiillions of Conf.derate bonds, wMflh Qreelej will pay, and BO make uj) all lossos. Weiidell rhilli|)S writos this and sig is his itatiie to it. ls it merely a fit of BBgOTflmabla pMaiofli or tha bflgtafliflg of hiaaaityl He coriiinues ifl the wuno Htr.iin of uttorly reckless lury to flttflflh Mr. Greeley. He Bfljra ha was never an anti-Slavery BBBB "flflt even a loyali-t. "You and I know," he way.. to the eolored inon he is flddlflflaiflfc "thflt thflflfl "ijnarlers of tho loyalty of Tm: Tfllfll nk was "sinii^plod inta it lfl his AbflflBMfl.* How Bflfli they know iti Hfl fOflfl ou ia thfl-flflflfl crazy way. "lf his (iJreeloy's) lettflCB tfl lifl "oolu are ever publiwhed, thfl woihi will Mfl, " what you and I bave always known," that Ih- waa on tho side of tho Confeiloraey. Mr. Phillipa .lajB Mr. Suinin r liimsolf baw Bflfflf Kot a kind word trom Thk Tkiih'NK ! ln rt-adiiiK two flfllflfl? of this BflflpOfltflflBflfl letter, Wt bave exporienced no einoiions but those of flflBflflflflflflflt and jiity, to wee n inan of Ki-nius and of the antecedentu of Mr. 1'hillip. wo helph-wsJy ?nder the control of a blind personal aniiuosity. Hut before heclofflewheallowwhiuiwelf to utter a word which flflflflfla to bo merely absurd and i.oeoinos Hfl attompt.. tfl Btif up an iKtiorant and excitahie peojilo to acts of violonco. At a iiioin.-nt when puhlie oniei is aheaily BMMBfld lfl thfl South by the maflhiiiationsof BOrdidfl-MMfflffflfl-i Mr.J' MNflBBI this wild cry of alarm into the earn of the nervous and fritfhtened hlacks. "Vote, every one fll you, for Grant, as you "value property, life, wife. or chiid. If (Jroo "ley is eleeted, arm, ooiicontrai-ft, flflflflflfl] your "property, but organize 1 >r d.-.r.-.iis i. Vou will "n?-ed it BBOfl and wadly." And all thiw flflflflflflfl Mr. Grooley dofunded Liucoln iu Ml. aud Uraut lb IWd, ag?un?t tho imj.i-t and p&ssioaate deimn.iationa of Mr. Wendell PMUtpa._ THE 9ROROIA WORRRETE8 The particulir ttm Bt Caipeta-Bag robbery which we parpOM now to r.ttki ifl tliat con nocteil with lhe issties of ihe ouri.ncy nud gold baadfl ..f 1H70. Hy an act of tli" l.o;_i. latuie, '.'7, 1871V than aai BaBthoriaed aa Mmt tt taja millioii- of ruiToncy IioihIh for ten., pBipon-b to be tiikcii up, liincolcd, and re? turn.-<1 I" Ihfl Stato 'l'i. ataiiior flO MMM M thfl qiiartoilv gpld baadfl. iiiiilioii.c.l l'.v an m t apjirovdl Bept. I"), lt*t\\ could bc 111 <i- i niv. In tbfl OttTf pgll Ol t87t_ thrio mflliOBfl of gdld l>oii<l-i wcro prepared and pland :.l thc di. pnsitinii of (inv. Ilullock. At tliat finic thfl two million. of i un. ncy baadfl v'cro in the baadi of Bttrf Oewi iV ('..., thc l*eaith Natioaal Baak, [aad Mr. Ba?oll Bage, all of thiH eity, beinj- held by tlu ni Bfl seciuity for lOBBfl in;iilo to lhe Btatfl. ln M.ucii, 1OTI, Haaafbal L Kimiiall eaaM lo tlu-* city with iiiHtrm tions Irom liov. litillock to take op Um eaireacj boada aald by Itr.Clewa aml the l'ouilh Nalional Baak, and return thi ni lo tlio Stalo un cancele.l. Thobaal | "! renderod their enireiiey bonds tO!, hnl tbelatter, lafltcad ol rataraiag to the Btate Treaaaiy M dineto.l, hjpoAeealad $120,000 with .1. r.ooniiiiu, Johaatoa ..?* Co* an.l $80000 with A. Q. -Tohaa, Preaideol <>f tbO FaltQB 15^ _o? Jlrooklyn, aml reeeived oa boffi hyp!_3e?-l-on? ?bSey en I.U prttate ioeoaat Maaan. Beg*. an.l Clewfl receiired tl"' gold bonds, but l.fnsi.l tO gTti Up MU enr loniy boada. reUiaiag both m .we-atMf f,,r claims ?gaiaal thc btate. The [BTefltigatiog Committee in tli. ir I reeogaise the vali.lity of tbfl e-flifl-fl of the Fourth Baal aad Mr. Bage, pro iimiii.o the ciiiieiaiy bOOdl M ?'f BO lNB-_.Bg 1,,1,'e agaiaat the. Btate, aad alao repodiatethe gold aml currcM'.v boada beld by RearyClewa a\ Co. aa aeeaiity tm tbelr elaim. Tbey aaj that "Mr. Clewa reeeired the gold boada f*?r " salo ; that tl'cy woro liever pl.ieed lli hi> "baada aa eoBateial iecarlty, an.l thal he "ii.i.;a])pri'])ii..te<l ovci $800y000 of the " oi tbe BtaU by peyiog Um drafta ud ootefl "ot Uullock ami Blodgett, when hfl knew t'i,it "the money in hi* baadfl Btifl-Bg tttm tbeflfllfl ",,l lhe. Btatfl (gold) bonds could only I"' ap " plie.l to thfl payini nt of p;u-.t. dofl boadfl and "ciiiipons, and bonds and tOOpOOfl falliag du., " ol thfl St ito." Wfl think the f'oiiimi't' ? aie rlght. Mr. Clews was boldlag the property ol Um Btate <?t Qeorgia, bo. tbe pri rate funtl-s ..I Bafoa B. BaBock. lt was bia daty tO rc-peet the COBfltitHtlOB ;:;"1 lav.sol the State, not to follow blindly thfl BUUldatea oi tho. aooaodrel who bappeaed to li"l?l t!" offlee of <'.o\iruor. A.liiiitiiii.' it te hare been (oa-titution;:l ntteily to igBOffl thfl Btatfl Ti-MBorer aad the h ? " l? of dia bundag p ibl c m Beya l.y Hranaat, Ihi a.ithoi. 'ii', tbe 'l'i bt ada limi.ed ihe appli n of tbe proeced. to tht< t \ - ,./. the payaifBl ol ptaat dae i -?* i.?1 -. the payiaeat ,,i iatenwl coapona, aad te such othcr par poeea aa lie Legialataw nrdgbl direct. Thi Legialatare aaade ao farthee appropriation fiom thifl fnnd- IM oa now aee what beeanc ot tbe nioiicy whi.ii paaaed throagh the baada of Mr. Clows. I. Kiinlull, wlm, as Mt. Clews n.l mits in hia testiiuoiiy, " tOO many BOtei* "piisis on haijal eonsistent wilh hiisiness pru "ih-ii!:e,*" oaraed a eeatrolBag iatereel in the Qeorgia Natioaal Baab al Atlaots. Witb thifl bank Kimbaii had aa eeeouat, aad BaBoektwe aeooauts, oae M8peeial'1 aa Qoreraor, aad tbe Other individnal. 'I'he-e tllMfl ae.oiints wero treated by tlio olliccr.. of thfl baak as in bd bat one only. A tSOOSidl i.ible -h ue of tlio money rcceivi d bv Mr. CleWfl Irom thfl Bfllfl of tbe gold bonds?tobe cx.ict, the-il ni of $481,6861. ?was drawa out by Bolloek aad Kiuiball .'ind jilaced wilh the Q-BTgia N itioual J'.ank tO tlie eredit of the ";' aeooaat, i>? i the FtM of Oetober, 1871, at ahieb time BaBoeb bad mado his loal * ttttMU* froin Qeorgia, ln-* individnal aci'ount was overdiawn $68,067 06, and Kinili ill'.s account was o\ n $85,000. Tbere was $181,969 <'ai :a the eredit <>f the " Bp ''ial*' BCOOBOt. Thereiipon tbfl offlceil ot this mo.lel l. mk proceeded to balaaee ae oountfl by traaaferriag $88^067 88 tnrn thfl "S])cc;ar' acoiut to i;ie t the il.'liii.'iicies of tbc other two! Tha caahfaw tt the bank i.-h thiit. "ti.* laaaoa theso iteeofl were thaa "chai'K'd is, tiiat. (lov. Bailoch hai told the "offleera of lhe >>ank, in laagaage and " mauuer tliat co ild tti bfl BiflOBderatOOd, ??that all adraaera aaada to 11. I. Kimbaii, or "il. I. KiflBball tt Ct}*, or to his own cuiiont " accaiint, sliould bc ki'cuh.I by depoflitfl to ?'thi.s 'Spoci.P aeooaat.* Legal proeeedioga have been etniiiiu ncod agaiaat the bank tm thi.s n.iriev. Ta eoaelode thii ehapter, lat the readar ask himself wh.t bfl would think of fl Loadoa baaker abo, iganriag the Coafltltatioa, the law.s, the Troa .uior, aad the CoiiiioII.t of the State oi New*York, should adTaaea aaaaay oa the Hole ord r of the (.ovenioi, to bfl appm piiiited io tin- private aaa of mon whom the baakei hiui-clf more than . u-ape, ted to be thieves! If u l-ondnn baaker did this h. wonld do pieeisoly what Mi. Clows BflCflBfl lo liavo done. h'.t.'i i" thfl inslance aOOTfl Btatfld nnd in tlie BBM of the lirnnsui. k aml Alhaiiy Kailroad. _ TAEElMi FROM TBR TEETH OUTWAEM. There ifl BO doahl llut the figbl ii) M une ifl to |m a hot aaaa Up ta i laaaai period tbe Hciiomin ilii.nists were ho Hiire of their victory that thfl cinviiss i.i that State thre.itone.l to be eniiipai.'itiv. Iy decorous und dull. Bnt Ilie Rif*;iH ot lhe r.ipnll. i.icroioiii.' Qreeley ?ova* nient hiive (.''"?''" s" olitriisivi-ly evida-nt that the oHice-holderrt an.l e_pcotants in thi; Qraal inteiesl affl becoiiiin1,' hoiioiisly alarinod lot their plaeea. Mr. Blaiae lirst raahed ba aa bnl.lon BBd BBi himself iu the way of e_MMt__B ment at tha baada ?>f Mr. Baaaaar. Now Mr. ll. iiilin eoaaaa braraid __ad glrefl toagaa also, in what an ii.linirinp BeWBBBItai callri lhe " plaiiiest nn.l bliintest fashion." His apeeeb at BaafBI Waa eeitainly plain, iii iho H;n-e Ihat it was not Bill Bl lill). an.l as ocrtainly blunt, in that it wiih dcHlilute of isliarpness. Thut it wuh ram blinK an.l iiicuhi rent, tlmt what it r?aid in onc miiiiite it contradictod in another, wuh inerely tho nalniiil laaait ol the lact that u ha.l or.i tor was flafltai-dag a bail caiisc. He bOfBfl hy Hayin^' that the Deaaaeiatk p.iriy Brighl baia gaidad nn dead, aad thea aaat oa to aaoar how daageroiiii lt still was. Ile H.iiil it wiis 011 Ita kaa B beggiog for lli. n said it abowed ao hik'h. oi peaitaaee. Of eoarae hc mcaiit Bothiag l'.v ull tliis, un.l was m.-n Iy talkinK tol tal .'s K.ike. It ivas lhe BMM whel. hu ?.n1 ti.e w.iole li-ht of the oppo.dtioii wuh to gtl oilia'c. lt is of o.iiiiH.) true Ihat a good in iiv men in botb p.irtii-s havo politiijil impi ratioiis, bal Mr. H.iinliii caunol look in lus ghihri witli u fuce und toll thu vefnrun pollHdin he eeea Uiero, thut ho bulie.o* tho oiTiee-aaflUflg cjiirit BBBflBg tho Libor.ils h.-ar* any relation to tha flflBBB_flldiflg raflJB amonif the ilraiit people. The Bflflfltor triaa bflrd to eoBviiiee bbnaelf thfll thflflfl i^ no Ubflffll BBflTBBBBfll to speak of. He si.ys it v-iis i (insidi ai opc I itiii*. ..iit. as Bflflfll a-s Qflflhflfll L. Hoynton of BflBfOt join.-d it e'.iT.vl"?l\ < l?e left The Senator hfll l larj."' Bfld ptofltflbleflipfltiflBflfl of Maine politiea, but wi- tl.inl. ha orentatea tha - flfl when ho Bflfl ?_??'?"- U* BflflflflBMlfl of M ? Boyntoa haa dflatroyod tha partj. lt eonld Miii.l ,i Mihr shnrk. II Hflflflibfl] H.tinlin ahonld join it tflfl i*lionl?l not ghr? ap the c:iriv,i--. In fact. thi B?fltflf a.linits thfll fl ttm Ri i iblieflBi tmi, eliag to Um rnia ?>f tha Ui,-,?].-> Bflflflfl. "lhit,v ln* ob-iives, -ir.ii.-h, ??Wfl fllon't th. in. Wt don't vmi: "Cbarlea bnmnai -. boi y**t <'-nl Dthfliaaa, "nnd wo don't Wflfll Bflflkflf" TMl U ttt> tflifllj j.hilosophiflal. H<' tak.-s as BBflfli. Bflflfl i'iii ia his looaefl flfl il?' lofltor, ****m_ hflviag hfld his bet enl off in ? saw-mill, Kiiivi v .1 Ihe h.'viicil iiiiiiilnis wiih cointemiit, ainl said, " lin glfld to get rid of 'flflfl. Took tU ?? n.y uioiiev *.. keep 'tin iii ahoi Tie Senator would not closo withont prophe and we mii-t -iy ue l.n.e r.ucly Bflflfl R i,. i.i -[.ei-iuuii of such woik. Ib* U lt so bflpp] ovi-i tln- thOflghl tha! of tbfl BlflB of br.iins wiio om ol his party tjnit h?; etjti full rete to his imagtofltioiitiand predicted that Mr. (ii'ooley " w.iiild nol ge. a Bingle fl-l?-etoral "vote" He even deflfl ribed the proeesa hy which this n-.-ult naa to ba gaiflflfl. Lol Maine gire li, i "ol(l-fii*hio!i.ii in.i.ii.rity," let 1*. nn-ylvama, Ohio, and liuliaiia. .md alljln- oijier Stajjff ifl'-iioiid with (i.ri-ive Oranl mnjoritiea, .nni ihe thing is done. It la nn ttty aa making BtflflBp speeelies. Ihit wo hojie tlie ,'? BfltOI not betting his eoonomiea ra tlmt. reanlt. Doea '?' Beem poaaiUa thfll adnll male eiti z.-iis flflfl lifltflfl tfl Ifldl drivel as ihisT (.nly tiie Life-long hflbil <>f aajing what hedoea noi nn.iii, eonld begnflflflfl eWeriymflfl Intoatand ing up before a large amnberof hifl neighbora and telling tben whti ho asd tbej know tobe -llly nn.l filise. lle BflJB -'ihey .loll't W.illt "' Tiiiinbtill ainl BaflBflBf flfld Siiiui/.'- when ln* an.l hi.; heii.-r.s know they hiive in.t left thoir .,1'i.ils iu tho partj. He Baya there are BO Uberala in Maine, wlnn ln- knows there ara n, ni-.. lli -.i: ? Ilr. Oreelej will noi ge! bo electora] voto, when he kaowa ho is nortallj aliaitl ho will get mon* thflfl Qfl-k IIrant. VVhat i*::n bt- hoped hon men who ch.iitor s.ieh inan. tolly . How ean politiCB ba made ii.'it.r vlul.' -in ii miafl rule the dominanl partj 1 _ CAULD AM//.. The " Etflflflona foi Bnpportiag Grant," being broken rietaala irai-Bed dtoi froaa TU Btt* iii') Pott, eniitinii.-i, iii llio shape of B halid i.iii, to e.ieui.ite throii.'h the Biaila tradex the )?..?,' ...-??.. . ? , r .i: ?; ?' . I .fl'i r.ii|... . ' ? ? ? i'.v -- nl to oa i thfl . . ? ;.ii iitl ?? m I '-'ii'), bi llith ii or direrted by it, wants to timl out whether we aro < -.piaily diagliatfld or diverti'd. : io-i.'i'i-t impoftantpoinl in Uie doenmaad i* theannonni i niefll thfll tbe Orant Adflriniatration "hi- BBflnflgfldonrPoreign *Bain awkwardTj'' :iu- only MQOBTBghlff thing is that " certain " nii-'aki-s are not likelv tfl be P-peiitoil." lt strikea us, if ara Bflflfll .**ubinit to ftrar jreara n,fl,ie of Grantiam, ooteinpted by bope of a ,,.,.],, t...n, i].,ii ii - i- ratber eold eowfort li d.M-n'i wm in Ihe <li-h ap in the lflflflt, eitlu-i, t<> recall whal TU Et****} Ptti sai<l oi tln- Doctflt ;i goo- defll Iflfll than a hmdred jean flgo, arbaa il tald bb fli bia ^ignorflnee," ,,| " kis OOfltempt f')i law and doeency." and lu.w botti B(?;???" bfleanbgdflilj more and more ?? prominent;" irhen it flrerrad that "if the time *? wen- not bo ihort, and tha vote iu the 1'lnl " ado-phia Coarefltiea m?t flbeadj amagflda "C-ii. Grant wonld probably ba drrren out ?'of tbe ciiiva-s by thfl better aease " of his own party.'' The BtJtti** Pmi then lookini; for BOfl-fl <aiiili?lalo with "t ". tiiii.i< ter above renroaeh11 n ith bobm " knowl "edgfl and i .vpeiirii- ? ot political life, withont "iniiial eontempt fai tiia awtfltiifli traditiona, "ii". l feelinga bI othec lanflfl;* and with a hnowledge ol the aorld enflhling him "to "difltiiiflgniah betweei boneat men and thieflee!" Tbeaa wen- the plni whieh The Enatwg l'i>*t th.n Btaoh into tha Doetor. Now it drawa them all Oflt, ki?is tho wouiuL. intlicti'd by itsill, pflbliflhcfl lll it-i-antation, and fttTfliahffl i.iiil.-made electioiiffl-rin".' BBflttfll in bchalf of tJ?. l)o.ior! Now it tells us thflt "<ien. ?' at lflflflt Mid when hfl camo into "olliee to impi'OYi" the I'ivil Scrvh'i'," while "Mr. Cioiley loflfl n't know how to try." It is niolancholy to mark this brilliant writer thflfl sacritii-mi: eoniiattti Bflfl-M BO epigflflBBflBBtifl jioiiit. What is theliflfltflflflfl anhfltflflt?_yh?? luitn Mr. Orant ti^ng Bfld not ioiag it, aad Mi. Ondflj "n"t kaoflriag how to tryT" An-n't tldnga whii'ti nre 0Q_flfll to thfl flflflflfl thiiii: aqofll to one anotber? We hflflfl tricd lo Iimi out what "rot kflOwiag how tfl try' ?BflBfli but wo hflfll tinil in vain; only we Blfl sati-lied that if BOflflfl v.ritirs did n't ?know how to try'' to bfl smart, it would n't be so tiyiag tu t tu ir rafldwfl. ru.isiiiso. Our Iflflfl- i's .ilieiulT know that tho postal laara eoflfliiflf 'I"' **w _nMMBB____ofl <?f (Jrant eampaigll doouinenti are entirely ditlbn-nt _____ thoae whieh an: applird to docuiiKnts in thfl int flflfll of tirofllov Bfld Hrown. Cofljtflfl of The Sen- Yurk Time* ire frauked by tlio thou snnd flfld si nt out frnm WT?hlflgtW aud New Vork, and no postimster presumes to Htop them; but when CoflglflflflflBBa BOflflflfflU tries to tiaiiK iTbundlo of -ipooches on the other side, our nealoiis Hnstaiaster discovers that I cireiilar ti BOflflfl f?ort kas been folded with the docuiiifl-nt i.nd so rcfiflen to let them pass. Senator \\ ilson BBfldfl Ifllffl bundles of his speeches (uot hifl Know-Nothiii-i? speech, nor hifl dfl'W ipOOCh). fankod but undirected, thtflflfjl the mails, and Doetor ("iraut's post inastt is dist il'iite tlieD. Hut if ft Liberal or DflflBflOrfltk Coii^ri ssinan should use hi.-. frank iu the same way, what i howl then; would be about itt The law restrict* the Frankinu privileKO of Seiiatfltrs _____ K. piosi'iitiTivi-H " to covt-r their " corrcnpoudencfl, all priited matter iiwued by "authority of Cflflfl__flflfl. iml all spee<*hes, pro "<-ei dinK", ?"d debates it t'oii|frfl,'-?." Now the Grant coniiiiilt?'<'8 are lortditiK the mail.*) with eainpaign ifli iiiiieiits which by no stretch o. fancy can bc btOOfht within any of thflflfl catoKoii's. Heio, for instince, is a \ gP ti one hiindred bhink envelopfs, fr.uik. u oy .'. EL riatt, M. ('., and wnt throiiKh tho Kflfl Vork I'ost-Oflice to a certain a<l dicss iii Hioad-st. They do not coiitain Mr. I'latt'H eoneapoiulearc nor proceed iiiKH in Coiiktcss, nor anything printed I.v aiitliorily of aithflt Bflflflfll but (Iny BWflt chef iCtruvra of Mr. I'rivalo BflfltfltflflJ noflglBflfl I'fttent Iteady-niade Ktlitoiial aud Cheap Bflflk Coneorii, entitled "Horaee ftlflfl* "loy, 'the ChauDauua Saue.' What he KflflXffl " Pn.Hiwn Polit.irirs-Ol.ino'"' U bis "FfllMflBl ITlllfllll * Here nre flflfl-'e* of *? s.inio vuliiablo work. frankod by tn,'*' WB*, .J. If. Ko'cliuni of N'ew-Yoik. Not. J* **y piiMses, in sbort, that instancefl <>f a sin'i'ar flbuflfl are imt bfOOghl to onr notice. Now tlien, PflBfl-Dflfltflfl .lolies, plflBflfl tflO Bfl by what authority of law you send out dOflB ineiits not j.iiiiiiil bj authority of CoOgtt-fl I from yotit' offloi wiihout payment ol pootflgfl I far Grant Congreaflmen, aad .-i?>p them Eaa Illfl. !f.V > i|. \_____mtl__, ll ' l ? BIA AEBIBQ fOE EOBB. \V<- hflTfl Bflflfl Bfl illusfr: tion of thfl Bttflf Uckof jirimiplo wlneh difltJBgniahflfl tlu" Grant tln my of polHtea thflfl thfl ipeetade ol Gefl. IJeiijaiiiin P. Hiiller eLflBBOTiflg fflfl "foui '? jeaia more of fliant's rule.'' There are not two public mflfl ia tbfl eountry who have I I pn I fl< ?l a heaitier eontempt for eai-h other than tln- I'li-iili'i.t of tha Dsited Btatea and the di-.:iii<_'iii.-hi <l liK-inber bflfli Ihfl Hfth Wfl ii i.t of UflflflBfll ifaflflflttfl. Thflflfl aro not two po? litical opponenta who have done more toini ire ?.11 li Other, or who have appurenlly IBgarded eflflh other as BBOtfl daflgaroofl to tho public WflflL Tln ir mutiial abhorreneo bt-iran in thfl fllBj and or.-w afur thfl war. When BflflflB Wflfl fl candi'late for the BOI nation for CoflgTfl -s in W?, Gen. Orant, throuirb his friends Waslibiirne and Uawlins, left no in.-ans untried lo d.-IVat Iiiin, and when Butler sueee?*dod, tha (Irant I.cpiiblieans ran Kiihaid H. Dana RB fl bottiag caiididate, so thfll thfl baltlc bfl" tWflflfl Hut l.r aml Gn nt bocaine pcrfectly open I,. th.- world. rhfl General of the annj aent Bpeakeni to can vas ?s Ibitl.-r's distiict for Mr. Jiana; othoial reeords dflfllflg-flg tfl thfl hero of Pflfl Piahflt flflflfl fcflfllj **___***& fltno Iln- War Deputmeiit ; Glflfll dflfllflTfld thfll Huller's military eareer bfld bflflfl B Bflriflfl oi Saaeofl, aad hi- befldqptflrten tha ecntat of B bill'.'of iil.itives and pdsoiiiil fiioutls, Whfl fnrniahfld thfl Bonthen amj *__?? flflppUflfli aml whoflfl diahoneflt praetieea ha (Grant) ha.l oiiifl'inliy espofled. Qtm. George H. Gordon, profeaflfling to apeflk as Gnnfa penonfll friend, denoaneed Butler oa the Btnmpaa a thiflf Bfld ? tiaiKii'. Kilpatriek, Bfl flflothflfl Wflfld of Grant, was om* ol thfl BBOflt etl'eotivo spoakors ob tbe Daafl aidfl. And after thfl 4th ?f Mareh, Butler bariag beea retnrfled to Coogrefla by bb inereaaed majority, thfl new Pwldflflt re warded both Gordon and Kilpetriek wnh offlcefl, and flflii'-ifil lereral importanl poflitioiifl to Mr. D.iii.i. In t.iA- iiieaii time Geo. Bntler had aoi ipared hia tongne either. He bad writtee to Mr. W. Joflofl of Neeaah, Wi-.. Ang. _?-, IBBti "Grant'fl eleetion will be a ini-foi-tuiu-, bfl "CMIflfl it wi!l put lfl a man withont a head "or heait; [odiffeiflBt to h'linan BflflMflf, and "impoteot to goTern;" and thongh h<* eonld not. dnring the eanTasa, make mnflhof a fight againat tha ehiaf cflodidata of tlie party to .-.I to belong, Ua flentiflflMBta ;.; Grant wflre irell oaderatood, ir:d tttty* bodj looked Eorflenriona eonfliet flfl flooa bi the M.i-I CongRflB ffll w'-ll lo WOflk. Thfl jiiniziinoiit flith Whlflh ik'' spoedy I ".'.'U't* Ol theae two renomoofl eneaaifla was leeeired ha.s not yet einiiily died Jiway, and even now men raiafl -theii ejea la wofldflf when tln-y luar Butb-r eall for four jflBIfl moro of "iiih ?? loituin ." four years more of the man who is '?imlirtereiit to huiiiiin BalforiBg; aml inipo " tont to gevern." 1 ,.r in this case there aro BO dflfld laflflflfl that havo bflflfl Bflfli away, no now proftBflJofl-l Of prineiph-- upon whieh former eiu-tnic- eould boBorablj Rgiee. li Crant waa beardeafl aad Incompetenl in IW7 ha is beflrtleflfl flfld !?? eompetent uon ; aaj more, liis woral detecta may bave beea only Bnapeetfld before he bfl .iiiin- President, but bow thej havo been pror-ed. So, too, if Gen. Bntlerprored hlmflelf in ihe anny a traitoi. B thieft and B niiliiaiy bnmbng, whal has }.. done ?lne? thea to ra tiiove his repntathm, exeept to wnrk ttt thfl reiioiniiiation of thfl BBflfl who otljcially ex poflfld Ul dishonesty ! Of eoOTflfl, if (irant and Bntler, thinking Rfl thoy do of flflflh other, inkc pleaavn la flflflh othn's bo?p?y, it ifl not for us to quarrel with their taste. Hut, under the cireumstaneos, Uon. Butler inust e.v OOflfl us if Wfl decline to aect-pt him as an au? thority leapeciting thet?toflfld?jbfldj Whfl-nevor Mr. Batttf WUflflfl) is cortiered flfflfl! hi.s Kiiow-N?)tiiiii? iflfload, ho btflflka oai wiih Baaaa sn.-li reiuark as this: " llorn iu oxtn-inc foewtij, hflfing mdarad ihe hurd M Ihfl flfl?flf Dflfaatj are too iiften hflflfld to oiiiluiT." Bat wheu tho quivsl ion, ?? Mr. Wilson. were. JOfl a Kiiow-NothitiKf" ispre.-aed. he huists flflt Bgaifl with his " Honi in BXtflBflBfl pflfl ertv " Ut*, tm, "but, Mr. Senator, can't you till ?B fl l.i-ther you wen- or were flflt a B_OW-.-fn.iMng f" *? Bon in extrcme poverty," &c, &c. " Did you or Dotbaloagto tha K. 9. ord.-rt" "Barfltaestnaaa poNcity," Ut. &c. "Say yi-s or no, inan, wiii youf" "I'.fl.iti in atllMaa gOt*_f.m Ihfl faet is. Mr. Wil sun's '? t'Ntrcnie pnvi'i tv " ninl " hurd lol " are gfltttag lfl ba lather 11 Lor.*. Hflla nnt I.y any uu-ans thfl lirst Anuiicaii who has been horn in flXBMBflflgflVHlg, and aftanreid has made histnark inthe world. More over. Mi. WiKoii's Klocutiouary Hurst No. *J is alao grttiflgfl bttlo stale. "All my life," he says, "I hai 11 beeiabod a brttfd hopflb i- <??. I bat allflMfl witih mit distinctiou of tiolor. ruce, or natioiiality should flflwa (oitiplct.* htx'ity and flflflflt (Miualiiy!" Thflfl why, in the iiiiiiic of 00111111011 eoiisistency, did you join thfl Know N.itl.iiii.-fl I I><>ti 't ___rt Bfl for answer the ohi ttnie, "Baaa laefltmaflepormtj,"*Xt*,hnt l.t u.s havo your nai NflflaaflB-rgatflg into the IflflgB. And now The EttUt Adrertiter join-*) tho r.tnks of the jouriials in tlu* < Ulice-Holdeni' party which have dis( ovcred that Mr. QlflfllflJ lfl Bfl oni<iiial S.'cossi.,n ist. \Vhat then does that well-iiieaiiimr jourual think of tho traitorot-s (irant Heinthlicans, hflfldfld bflOflflfla Coiikling, who soiiKht tflflflflri?tfl thifl oriRinal Sfli-essioiiist as theBhflflflfl candldate of their party for (iovernor of New-York, voted for him iu Convitilion, aflflBBfld cr.-tlit with tho puhlie after Wflldflflflflflflflfl tha] ha.l,did forcehini toaccrpt tl.eir noniinalion in a hopelesa coutest for Controller, and. after all that, insisted BflMflmflflB 011 noiiiiiiatii.K' hiiu, whilo he lay on a tUk bfld, 'or OaflgNflfl iu adistrict whore he did n't leside, aml Wfllfl h ho was even uiutl.ln tO visit flluriiiK thfl BflBfflflB- NVliai is to h." said of the ehfllflOtae of the pai ty Uflfl-flfl who :ik:mii an.l BgB-B iBBBBtad on bflT-flg this oriifinal Secossion ist head their tnikfltB whafl th.-y Bflfldfld him, flfld who are BOW horror-striiken ut his heresies when tln-y are hi dflflgafl from him f Mr. W.-ndcll l'hillips, bfl"in?invited to m:iko I.rant ^flflflflflfl in Verinont. setit his " IflgBBflfl," adduiK. however, thut he " fclt dflflftj tho ladflflflrihoBta 1111 portane<" af (Jiant's i-lectioti." lt is straiiiro to iimi a thinkimfnian bke Mr. 1'hillipn thus tikuiK ntWM la an adjective. " ladflBcrihahlo iinportance" does n't BBBBfl aajthtBg. It may ineaii oipully that Mr. (Iriuit's eleitioii would l>e a MaflBtflg or ? curse; anmathlflg ta ba wiahad for or flaaflflofltadi War, l.i nine, and pflfltDaOOfl are flf "' 1111 portanoo)" hat tha ahflflfla would t>e laBpaepatlj ipltfld to Mr. l'.'Haiiiateiirellorts 111 isilitn-s. whieh Blfl 4 au iuiportuiioe which can lx> BBfl?J and luielly dctv Ihfldi TWJaflfl*7iiria /aar?Ila pabHahlflg BBflflfl?flflal' Uflfl camimu.. shiei? 111 the (Jcniian Iflflgflflffl. Tnt*mAmm*i tha paal ipaoflhflaaf leflflflflflBflflfl-. lu-r and Schur* aro now i.-.idy l..r deliverv, flfld? Btogndhj ei Ut, Oiwalflji lh? BMflah af Mfl. OnbIbi at Portland, Mr. iMhorn lioruiau Bflflflflh at ("Lu it.'') aro iu ifl.i-niii itifljii. 0RE8WELL*a OASK i\-(iiiv HJUDM "OBf-Lf. tiik cHOBparmiaa olaim?-rna roerMABiw OBBBBBL OOMMITTUM H{AI.i>.1- A HCAVHIBO l.'al.i'l VI. V|. rai . i. i.. ii .k i ? -"'., 'a'l.h , Aui'. 10 r.lair fld ' fla Idi IU'.i (a i nii' ? l'i r< |il- I.) y 'ti.ii.-' a ii.- tm lir) (ilioulii i- i.....i fn,,11 iiotir.iiiff miv ni'r< i- |> i, ,'lfi ..\. I, l ,? , ? ? S-.iVrl roll'. 1 tf,V,a Dl,' lx-.,.>la-. MMflfl Wlio'll lin _a-l I. . d tur ma but littiia niftiriD.i.i. n aaaaaaataar Iiii pUalr*** i? t-nonml flharaflflflr A* tn Poalmaai r-Caneral'a complalnt, taal i.?- hafl a owiM'il. I |o tra\ .1 :, ITO inllftfl to dcteud Iilinwlf him '.st ebarge uiade l.y S-iii'or Triiiuliiill nfid him**;'. ihawa ky tka Haa al tkt 'iioiie th.ii BOthaaflflaflB ? i,i, t,_- Beaator 'i, ,,. . . jmi liiiijuif had iaa?. lu W;ialiiii?l,in un tti.i lli'.r ot X'.ir. II.hima Mfl ...Illl I.'i.'. IHM f' 'Maa < I' >rt Wa* .'. f.'ti.j Pafllmai Cn iwttl thal I iuui tnvoii-,1 i,u.n) miirvi tomaka. Tha ?ral wu.. uu ulii- it of tn.. UtltM Mak ? lUMa to II llia lolll lll Hliy I'lirt .'f fll' l " ? tiik oaoaai aaaM 11 mm. II." then Kav.i a l.ri.-r ata'etueiit nr ia|.t..rr ..f t':e f'lmr jMiiiiiain' ilaiari. ,|,]i.riii'_ In,fuii .)..-. v i nf l-:.:. nii Im whioh thal , i i.i.-i hafl aaaa i>'-f n aeUla I, aa I brlotly tin- rl,.tri.-i'. Baflfl a.-uiMt ilr Qmrtl, iiutler c.iiiir i.f nutliorily to lnve*ai_ ii-, . . . . -.. tii* atalaafl of Qaaraa Ohacp. -alaa, Mrtt tf wutt Jmy, l - . hfl had allow.d lilm MAttUk, WMk t Mtt iiutiiyia.' w.ih aaai aaaflaa. ti.._t ihfl prct.-i>d<_t .?laim of OBflTfflaatBa wa* a palp.ible BBfll iiitiniti.atcd fraud, lmvitiic hflfla fully ''?;1'" uini under themit of 1-.',:, l.y I'ostniaaU-r ..Omaral llr.iwn, aji.lhylilm flnally iin.l c.nclutalv.ily ?.atU-?l. tM gmU ot, third, tlmt Mr. Crc.wt.ll wm pTf-ctly f-uiliiar with tlio wli.le cuso, antl know it to bc n fraud, and, rvo _BOW-Mt, Wa allowance of thn olaim wa* ao act afl paaa < irriiption; fourth, that Mr. Cn-.well cannot iflO BBi l.iinncif under any con-tructlon of Baaaai "f July. 1 'Al. ii.-'aii-w) Btt tttmmmmmtm Mt pa*-a?>i of ihafl __t mukII aaaBlalBUBtr" ? trt1*r -*?- rr"''*' '11"> *** W'lf wun uhtainod by ileccivliu, Couirros*. and the I'o-tr ?Mflt-r-Oaaacal and Ua lafla Baatataat, BatM, *ho Ut tt tm th.,t gatgaam, bMbb* in ti.<* de BepUaa, Hm Bnt kkwrgk wa- aa-att-afl evcn Dy lhe NflBBBBflBfl OaaflCfli Ifl hfl Inw. BBi hol for Ihfl lalenwalllua af Oaaai-aa, tba aaaaay aa al ??n jmi i Iaa ttaoM ahflrga.thattaagttmmtM ? A C,,ml y-.iuiug xrnn ii pTiiniuUr-n ttm, t I' aij>:tl?l*_ . ,. i, hafl aal haaa aaaaad e-*ea 'av Paalaa MBaa-Oaaaaal :i, wha,, in Ua Ioiik anat lahaiaa iafaaaa haaa, had ?,,, .;?:.! aaa aarfl a- to it. laaBtsa. Mi waa tlia- I'luiuiy iiid-ifonalb!.. Pfl-M fll IBfl ahfl-fl ,,.,. i-BfliaaaatatOaaafBl hai mtalai * thaa tand mile* t" def.-nd hlBBllf. mtt >" Baali Bfli *'?) 1L_IUi Clt?l_ilBa_flg I*"*-atiyiiiiii- hat a I althoaehhawaflthfl panaa latewha-a dla iait. inflfl h...i .-oinaiiitt.-.i tha laiaallaa?laa aai i-aBaaaaaat M tlic . l.iitu. Tl.o IBflaflh of Mr. DaVflfl wat r fcrro'l to at ,m ininaflBfl of tho fraud, ahlahapflflflh0aaa*-?aa in ,iiii-.'-ii hf a .i.iiiniiiioii. -/Bta rap?ItBf tha i : :.i, aaaa ahtah tinm 0aaa**aaa hafl paa tuxo ?eTafal Bjiiflffflflfrhni hUh alaa i I rbldiliaa th? il nl Ihu CliaaBBBBlaa a_alaai th_a?- viaa Ha dlfltn-fl cf raaflaaaalii nnaiial Olaaa-aa. H" *aa i'" tuiiifl-TT*-? lhal aaaa lha Paaaaaaaflarfl '..t-.i...,i* .i,, ,,'ia)'<? iia- kaawtttfl hflafraad, n ? h laaaa ,,., |.,.n.-.l thfl ? i aiiilr.:.iillrui.-d thfl ? PaM ?')..? I lir.iv.-ii, r.'jc. -I.n-' thc Bla UB. ,-'"1 ?*? i.u iii,--ikuof a-znm.-i.t, wimt waa not tr.ic. Paaa i n.-i-i- (i'ticn.i .'ia .-A-cii wa* coBipaliafl h/lha aaaal July, UU, l" lllaa llia) cUiin. wa* it uol hi- alui.r, if tlif act wn* haatllf aai haaflalaally paatail. aa w? kaewa, ta lapart tho Baattaa la Oaaaflaaaffli tmm M l.t. -r if - I hon I c*i au mraaauiBB in naiii'.r o- thr cl-jb. Pat aiaiyapalnur t****lfl******* ***-**-*" .-1 afcawa that i uaMBBiDf flaaiial Pr?** aa laiaad A Ut pmtmmmt .'.lutioti. in Mr. Oraaa . i, ia. I ha ;,...! nothing to do with Ha paflflBBa, MMk BB hifl I I ,,a ,i tekaaa ha aaya, apaflhli i al Charpi aalaa: He neBtoOaacraaa Iaa ici.-f. wii.-n th* maittcr MflM !??',,r.- fi,.' l'...-t Otfl'-o fomm'.iro. I ,.,/ 0-Jlfld UB n UM lor hiicIi liiloni.j'la.ii a-< I oould fllve. I iwpUefl la *-TU i,i -,'i.iini the t.utt. li baa 1. 'cn ,'i...i.'a'.l ni'"''""'!'y , ...t itlu ..i _.i\'- tUC f.itt-to th.'< ouiuilt t.-, but l repllfld that I ha i tnoAe * dadalon flflalaat ih*> ,tl.|i!i,_,ti.ui of ? -nrp-aalHB to n-?p..-n theca*-,*) ii w u " rm adjtiltrat'i." Beaa waa tha I -? :...f r.>*t.?i->t'T f*"neraiOr_*w-n tlni tha l'o t Oa__fl OhflBflBflaaS hai called upon hlfl. f,,r tlu fMfla, and that h. had r.plied ln writiin,* Wh.-re ln thit reply I Why h.i* it never been furni*hed to the pu,:,,-I No menlionof nuch a latt-B w.i- BM4a by Mr. Ilill, who*|ioka. for Iho Coiiiiuitti'i'. ani M 1* Baflfl-** tiaaai oven in Mr. t'rcsweU'* lcttor to Sciiiiti'i- BaBBBaf, tha i ti -fl-BBB of thc laaaai ChaaflB-Maa. Aa for Maaaalt hfl ,11,1 n ,t lit*itato tfl ass-rt aa hi* bellef, that no _uch | tflar wfla ever wrltU'U. Tlio -peech of Mr. IIill, v?Do followed Mr. Diwm, coucltisivoly t*how* that no auch li'ttcr w n wrlttcn. Mr. IIilI nay* : Mr Baeahar, lha paaata eeiaaetai with tiii* ca?e were referred ux tu? lu the Poal oiliaoiotuinittee f.,r lavrmiignr tion. I oallefl a.n th.' ro-:iii.i.i'c-(i.-ii.-ial .nad flfl." rt.ilu.-d that there arare aaaattled etelawi aafl that he tuouicht tn .ti.'v wu.* du.* upon tho eontraet* nawittled and UBMld i,iit ba a'auii'l aol'' how _aach. I uerer -ap i?.-i..| nor ,!o I think that any luemirer of tlie .'.minit t.ia i.vor B-ppaaed that any aaaaaflaaaMa *um wa* flaa ciioriHiiniii., tmt under the iniureaslon from rep ri-.iiitati.iiii made that a Htnall halflBBa aa y w i* due all ha\ iti).' tmpliCit col,ll.I. lla e lli tlie l'o..:in.i. .-i < J n-ral to niv.'*ti.ate the caae, thejr felt tbal they .-oil l af'ly leara it iwith him. Htc liow udn.itly tl.l- Poataaa-iter i leneral daealred Ibla trn-.titi? eoainiliae. Ha lella tn ? tbat iherwere naaettlad elauaa. whlla be now admiu that be bad blnMell deokled thal th.-y wc.- fu.iy iiltlflfl* re* adjuAieala bf Pofltmaater-GeaaiBl Browa. ?? II.- told the Coiniiiiti,'.'." *ay? Mr. Ulll. " that -om. talDfl wa-i dlM on tl.euj," while H.i li.-ro ii.liula- ti,_.t l,f/ Iad all been p.iid up by l,o-.tiiia-.U-r-(.e.i,.-ral Hru? n. Nottce how ,-urefully Piifflflfllar-OfMfleral Um woll Kuar.l'd a)(ain*t Blaraalaf tbe Co___uttter. ne could not tcll how niuch wa* .lu? bul aal in-alli aud thua tho Coruniitree was impii-XM-d wit- Iii eoDfldeaee and referred tbe whole ii.att.-rto.niu !., aiidit anal allow tin* hiii-.1I balance. Tue Couiinittce waa rery .l.-ftly iiaii.ii.u ladaafl. Ihap aara bbbBb to im lu've thaaa waa iu*t ?atrafl*h mauoy daa to r.-.|.nro t..a aaaaaaa ol ihla reaolntloa but uol enov-b t? main* >t n.-rc-aary for the uomunttee t.> axaaalaa kaia ti.?- a a.i r tborouKbly. if.Mr. nnl wa* io t>? ballavaa, und i.. ,? waa mi Uo.ibt ?I II, thfl r.i-tniaat.-r-l, d. Ul. i atcly tleccivcl tlie roiimiit..-.-, aad thua oitaeiouod lue pa?*aK~) of Ihfl act of July, 1HT0. iKKHWEU'l. I-AKTSKH , lIultl'KNMNi* AlTUIIKaT. Tlie attorneyabip ?f K.ilc. the former Ua -,...n.. r of Crcawellandl.l* late Fir?t fljflflataal Paa OB BflBt ?_.? BBBBl, and who niainr'l t'i'* .natter ilirotiKb OflaflBaaa, au.l wlio then had and etill en'oys aaal lent.. 1 i.-liti tn wltb Mr. Creaflwell, alao abowa Ihfl BBthlfl "f MM Utmm > BBB Aitiiaiu<h aaaatac Maattll had, on tha n ai M th.- .-? i...u. aaae ted that Chorpeuuitix waa atc. )M>d ali tmt WMk Mtm, and bia aaMHtiate* flBg-gfli tfl I'.iui'.K I Ifl BM th-flagh Oaaaaaaa utt.-riy aaa?alhp af b.ii.i, yrt Mr (i.twcll uicrta BflBB BM Mr. BariBtfl anr. .i erable man. Xhfl par alaa data "f Barte- r.-i,*u.iiiuu ao* not been -t .t -I li> Mr. irt-.-iweil. bal it ? flfl ' ?" ' ? ?-_-_? to ptepaifl a brief of oae h,in.ii.- I y.ip'-t ou wuir.i .... re wa* allowed .44...--0 Ofl a claim f?uit'.i onlv ..-_?? . ,..r |11._M0lu tbo Courl o. .'laim- IbU ptvTed I irle io iw a very etiinuiu|- lawver, eertalal*-. I'.i 1111- all tlie-e fact* t")!cth.r. 11. lmpa J.iry would beutatfl to couvi.t UraawaU ul hatog a party la tut aiiilM-inloiia Irau.l froin il* tacepUoa t.. lU (!.'?<?. !"? pa-*a_c of tha rc.,.uiaoii 1* l.ud ai hlaawa ik-ut hi Mr. llili.and he aaaaot wngrte ***__? omlot imt, > ..r.e Ile dlil not iirojaihi' to ban.n .-pitlieln Wllli |?.-il li l ha lia.l thaflMr. Creflwall had riNia|Hrf 1 ?uu a aiHiioucot claliuaut to tafcfl froni xa<- ii.-.i.. .. .i ttuitlllouof .loilara topay a in?n lo Whoai >.r. i?..w ? nhs.'rn-(l ti.e Uoterameai did nol ow< .uo rwl t-<.... 1-1 laborad iiofoua. or Mr. Qraawell a_ui_?ia 1...r.,> . tinia! and uuiiuportaui uialU-. ? lul.- all lai 1.r...l facU alleiied bv Mr. Trinubu l ai.d lum- 't h.u " ? a lnuoiad. Mr. Olafaall nad f-ni-i.i 10 *itiid ..>? Uon fronilt.-.?'?.. Bellnquooilet by u^d mp '"?" ? ? ' perfaetatonaofepU___Ua-iJi)jr aiu-rvu ,i.,.i... torual uvrotechin-a. Ile ai.owed <.???( 1 ?-'?' ?' ' ' Uiere IU UOtbtBjC ln the a.i of 1*- ""*t '''?.?'" ? tha l'o.-tiiiaat.'rilci.cral to flltor thf aun- "' *?'"-?>? tli.-a.-t of 1*67 by tm .iia-i.-rU'iic ..1.1 ?'???;-" tlll 1 .- Iioilna la : fl ( . showii 10 bc out of .v.-rv ki cUn... a .. _ wa*tlicn .-otnltielitHd OU. Ha' nimv, . ..... ... - __\o iiiiiloubtlUK rred( _-(.-(>--?>-"_. ib'-. t , ._. 1 fborpeBBlDfl an.l iii..tool* an.i 1.. 1 rer. Umkom .-, tho UrK'-tt BBai poaalblo ou the uiotl w 1.11..l.a. i'?? ? 1 a oaaaati -Bbbbbj eafaaaa aaaaaaai ur oi.a.-... Hi-thcti pa??e.l to the aBMeW-flBlafl Bapaa* > ? tieuate l'oatOitlto Coiuuiltto.-, uud ?no?.d n? .i.a from the apeeohea of rteuatora Truiniuil. M fll U . I i-i.)ii. Itajard, (a_-*_i.rly. aud olbera tbat tha. i.jk.ii Wa uot ae. eptod aa aaUflfactory. aud that. a* a BM invcatiK'altoi) of Un* lui.|uit..u* buvn v. ., ..I , -ver Ih'cii had. There waa not cveu lha pret.._ o ? anilnluc wltaeaaea. Ihi" b? totua ?? ? ?? " " wuh .rcat *o 111,1 mul fui>. mn had aatl dlav.rj ? wlnr,w, Thia l'oalui i-lei tic 1.1 al .1.11 bc. . 1 1 aruiity of arroflfl eaurapatoa.aad yt waa n-i bOltm by Proatdeat Uraat. wm ?a-a ......di.?_. eleeUoa. He piopo*-..! to hold hitti to tbe "-i- - of k.cplittf in .'Itice a.oirupt r.ii.u.e. lll ? tl.l.'i.t 111 u.e beili 1 Ui-t Ihfl I-.-' pl ??"?''?' ?*??*?' '"' t'-i upaud.iiDco.ii taoeorrapi 1 na "" ."??"' ' ,,?.i,.he dlauiMaed Mr. J v J i nmm??! >" ?'"? " ' kiepiii. ot hia aaaal ahief. ?-* fl_??-owi n ..? . .. pr..f..ui,,l iiii|.i'?->-io" h.u-. aud win '*> .'.r.u.-.i.i ?? - .'...cpaliiii .locnnonl. Jtwao W. Kcll i.f ..loon.ii'K ?>". DL. *vritoa to The thirayo ttt Mmt hfl Bflfl Jdk' Dafl ?' ? - ?** ?? ?' thorlteabiui to auuouuoe bia in-f.uiiou oi y-...... i_r M.. i.rnoler.