Newspaper Page Text
?ti . ,. ., _ . .ra NEW-YORK, MONDATfl 4UOU8T 10, 1H72. PRICE POOR CKMS. V01' aXXXIl.HW,?,IW 1 TUI. DKAMA. MU Ol'KNlMl SF.ASON. ? \ 11AM' A\'I> i.I'M'WI. T11F.AT1..CAI. NRW.. Tlio t\xe.iUx i. BMM tttn ir. ord.T. BbtlM, paaflaaka, n. flaa a. mo |Nfll Baal thal .mi Binaaaaaa IBa aaaa i liafl, n?atariir a ifliaaa- Baaaa, Bai IM rea-itar aaaaeaflla *ea?>n 1 aaa iiaactii- rhaatae BflflflflBBBflafl? tawaai ma mmt Oaaaa ?aaaa wtfl aiiarc ou WeflTaiHar._??; Kifiu-Avi-nii. rk...... ?ii. rcfiiiii... its tmtmtmwmm ara-Heeauiiea ti..-.-.?..>? ???? laMte tmm Bflertei flMalaceB_?aa.laarhlehaUtjM,. feaaaa* wtoaa mi aa. ..,",-.-> Jata -aaaa tbe e_n- l-JI a waa. Wfl ?_.,??- ?'?., ara aal aaaaaaaa, aal tkay are e>aak uc, .,?,,,?. ,Mit?ot laii i" arreefl ******? ***"**?: momrpmrittMAUmjon tat all aaaa iaa afl eawe. m IhtoreaflMMM thfl t? tfaahai ??? t,lp *,I',,'"'"t N"''s"" "? ?._.l_uiitiy fr.atu thoae ol m? Vcral ot ilfl laailllBIBIB ** I ?r. tftnutrdto tl.ii.t. Ifeflfl U.e aeverai _oa..a<-er? have ? -teand expedleaeyaf maWi.iK ,?,-,.? eeflaa_eaae ... T__4 la irilewif.lo... ? lll.ll ,,:?i ttrtrlbatea th,-,, mm aa ^p ., .???_.. UflBBBfl l..> v.i'1 lallil Ii'l . i BOOV-ft T1IF.ATKR. DoaCj-H I'l'it't- i>- I'r.-vio.isly a)iiio'<l, -,,11 mb attl lue play ol "Tiio BflUe." Thia la a p:,it?..?. aai :? a-,. awaaa ta llaflfl rala itaenirtn i? i,_wii?h i? tl.o woret bfli we know about it. -rteflr_f_____i ??._. Jmi Pfllaaaarffaa iviishJcw). a aaa-BBlU ata* bf Mmma, Bfak-Maa and n.atra.n. ln tn.. ma. I ll waa aei * Hfl* i M a fltafleeBallaa The , v.iMi.i, ..I it aaa aaaflTa Bg Kr.IaopeU Lewi*. ?.,,,. ,,,,,1 ua, ma ttUi wMhgreaBflaiiiiB, tm mmr Uaa I i . . i ? ? BBI Th.nt-r. Ig, , i, tf part in H ir- Utttt <-f Uitthia*. tbe keepcr of an im. iu BJaaea Wa ??? |BtaaaaleB ky Mr. Henry _r-rla*aafleowe_l peaaaaalefl.aalaa___a Mm fawous. .. U, .1 for ibe laaaflathal a finKiiiK"' aei i ." aaflBirlflM witb tbo eaa* dn.tof it- i i aai thc i?)rtrayalof ita b.r,.'a exi?ri ,,,,, i,: i , ui..tion*. Thc. e aro of an awful character ii,v..Hii'K aaoeeeafal crinie, horrible apprihcnaion, b u.i.k aa ajp "t aaaaaaa aaa t.rror, fluctuations ofphy_; aal aale aafl aaealal Mtare.a flalllai |*-*-_rai*alal tbo fUtmt ? .i-b..'.i.i'."i Kiui.atKi tiie iitiiii treaajr afawlM au- hajalaaa flaelB Afl aaafre la Aatk aad pamfui, imt luiiof imtii aud aawer.aad it obTleaaly I.iihih Mm flealf-B Bl fr.i-rcdy .n fliaaatna l'tty wtt in tl.c BBia-a .uui hflarta of aii Bihilflera. Ra t.M.,,,,.f,?. aal jretenabled to aaaak. "Tb" BtW wflaM Bflflfla to t>oa eee-perl gUj, aad v. 11 aaed ... Uaa ta Ik il aaa perrl woald Maa to ..?? iii.j-ii.t ? I .#-> ntial, to r.ii.i'iii it i.'im i""""'"'^' mtmmmtokmg) aaa. Ita akayletold la lhe I _,,i,Kii;,_, Ini I'nlt Muil t,iietle: -Fiftccii veera befon tha- riatag el Ibe eartala, MaUUm,theBoel a.f uu aohern ln ri. iad of M'mt.-r. : ? ' tbo iroid he earried lo Je- who hw Im-.-u foi ? at. Tlu ii ?_.,??_. bj ' - ' ? ti to lnin the tmnu: ? '?? Be hai pro?p< red, enjoyi ,f ni- fellow-cltleena, and oecupln amn m :.t. Btill tb.-.i-ii-e of li - . ? .! iiiv bauDted by tii<* J alcdce iu which theJ. a had ? . tni. tbe door of tbo ui.i'.r.c. (Foi the lart tbat , . and tli" andi nce, '.,. ue u.i l.y the dramatitper ,. ,v plee l the pre( edent ol tr,* .mi i.f tha P'-m-i iu tbc (. .?? t 'llauil'' i l Omttmat't menlal aud bodily itren?t_i ta if-.uir cTflftlualiy lioderm '?' lhe t<" ture .f rtuiorae than l.y the ceaseless dread "f tii.rov.iv. II it. a loeked cbamoor li-nt 1. - i> im.i-.-li t>> t.. Vc:ti__? tn i.i-- ? a-p. He keepH .oi.-tniit >? ,t. li ovei hia ? J| . MTUlity tn l.a Hl Inii?i fortune upon , . who I iterj "f i 1 Ii'.tl.lii. 10 tlll I"-' I'l't-' o much to ke< puwnke tlu u , . . fn.-u ti,... ind l.i- ftiend. aud ? ?,,. r.,, : iv ,.f tbe 'ini' ol the in ii l( t ol th. i' rther, JtfafMa. haa aeen at ti,. )? , ol n li' alii,- nta, lii n Btate, eoofeMdoB a.r ta:.- mo-rl n,, m-i.. -t of their )i\' ?? flii-tMai haflteni ihe unloi ol PA W*A Annttte, ktxA tbc wcddlng f.a-t i>* oelebr.-teit At -, ii br a fearfui dream, -,!,,,. !? >' bolofl-lcal itud**. The n?, in, idcuti Liuoaol the itory are r - pmdaoed in tbe fislon wltfl enbanoed and ret dlatorted otett, MatAia* la half eenflelou tbat beladreamtuK, but la ' i II, ? . . i utilt of ju ri..- morder ol Ibe Jew, and, le ipite of bla ? ?. ? inefl-n. rl?l lo , .: ..f Btfl fUtlt. lia ? i ta nj i , tnl Iuui. imt I- iiifiiil.ii 'I em v ii . fl it Ity, . -i-iflirir, haa P-Tiflha 'l by ln.- own banil. a.-nt. i li ina.Inp ii the prlfloner. Whi , iinlw:-. Il, aiavKcn. Irom Ina concB a wao flboflt of kla fomet Uu ihe nrin- of ina v,i(c and ehlld. iuc nuialUh; Iiut it Lan Ucn ;>un Ihla. ii. ' Mr. Ji.oiea W. Wali.-uk W_d I.(?r^0I)ate Sfuthint, and tUoae who are a.-tii'.mniial wi'h tbe (onatitutlou of bia luiud .iL'! tb.- iir:,'n,-ini:t:w, .'..--ioiiat'-, ti.-tiiiilctt* oualtty ?f hi" Umtgt rairiciit v,iil fflflWalfB Ihat he flMfltatadlfl the |,?rt a conirenlal aml ample opjiortuuity. We have a.r. ...Iv priatfld OB thfl Htti insf.?the e,i?t of r>arr* with win. h "Ti,?- ii.-iN" wiii Bfl aa t< ii at Baalh'i Ibaater. ajaai lUfltflfHa piayera aaaaaafll iu Mr. 1 .? y fnr MTI ;:.. Tho .tali-f of tbe oll BB-ratttceaN Mr. Valler, Mi-- ___*-- w.ils, Mr. F. (.. Baaaa, Mr. Veaaa. aad Mt. L-abaH Paleeaaa. i . .-..,? aflaajM by Ml_? B.ila 1'uTe.i,.,n._ It in uot a very __K_.ioufl choicc, bul perhap-- ,t 1^ t! I ".ic ir.'-t available. Tbc mo-t hnlUant fo'n.'iij i__dfle-teialaetreeeiaAaaertefl would ho non. i f,,i ii,,- Btatlea ta Bootb'a Tbeat. r. Mlea Pata - .-xiK-rli'iic.'d and useful. Tlio ai;w facca at tbi. house are Mlaa Charhitte <'r..u.|.tuii. au Beflreea of great forc.', Misa Millle * ? t, a chfiinLerrnald player, Mr. Gaorge _Ja-< kt. _, flflfljttal (ouiidiao, Mr. Sol Huiith, an aiaaeaafla aeeeatrla _____aelali and two or tbree othcr gmtUmmn wat aheea eeUfeerwe areunacquaintci. a*, a whole tbc eo_u_>auy aeoma well aelected for Itl purpoae ?tbe mie-inale tmgmmti flfl ',0 ratiece-wion of ?? ntaiT," lu n d -f.u,daril flnflBflfl, Mr. WaOaflB. Mr. and .*>' I HflflB Mtt NlliffOii). au.l Miiaf ( iiarlottc Cuahmau are umoiyctbe atara for *a,b'"-< aiiv. nt BiraageaMata have haaa aa-BB-Bflafl aaasflr, dui Iaa tbc lat. laeeeai haa t. cn BeaafBBy alaaaa. 'i aflM lafNaaea, tha baataaaa orKaniraiion.ete., ? ?f ilr> inaiii- iit.? hflflfljfli, and. taada aafollowg: Propric ? tor atd Manacer, Mr. Kdwiu Bootb; Buaiue_a Managcr, Jfr J 11 Ma.' : Trcaaun-r, Mr. J. A. Boolb; 6ta_e -fatumi;!. Mr. It. W. Wulkr, Costnmor, Mj. Joyce; Baaak Arti.t. Mr Vhtbam: i'lompter, Mr. R U Pi.iii.noti; Baud tlBfllT. Itr IM. Mollenhauer.?Mr. Bootb hiumlf do.-a not .i laafl io a.-t la ?w-Yoik tbis aeason, bofl will uiako __next.ud.-d peeflaaBtflafll Kaiiruf the tlieatfical rltio* mtX kUtm ol ti..- UflftMdBtat. h. .;kam) omi aor*tE. Tiu "i??umi,' ui tlu- (inuud Opcta Haaaa, infbn tbc manu-a'ctnent of Mr. An-rnttiu Daly?an i.u pairt_-_( c-vint ii, Ib. history of U_;it tbeatii? will Ix asff.-i.-u-a ^'i Wt.iiic.t__a flfaalaa. T"* eartala exteal tbe lll: of Ul:* _uin Im-.-ii < r.i,tllil__.l-iv c_ p,ri)U. ntal It takf-a a\,i?-*_ MW, und taket it liud.-r Kood uua plr4.. Iti-t cHcapci fr.uu tbe uioral bliubt of aa.ct ;u tion -.itli un- laataa. i um.i Meeataaaa M__aaa4l_aM of tbc lat. J tflBBePltk,*- , ALd It baafallen iito tbc hauda of _ mmtmt **!. ',ard work, who fttlfPftt what bi 'im" l>cli?...^ ,i., vha if. iboiouiibly ineai-iieat iu Bfl ^u. .t ut turUt'if. aafl -.b.f.tijoys Haafflflflaafll aaaaaia] _? aa a. raaabla toiufuture. lataktafl |Xja*a.n.,oii of tl*'- l?ii.-a, Mr _>_1y haa at one* c_uu_i*ed ita pbjal.iil condjtKa **tu)ff ma-hinery of nov?l<-taraeter and .jitraurdliinri l apucity hflfl tietu Iutrodi_e*__ Every pon ot the kaaaba uui aaabeea rede?orat?d. 'ivpaiut ing and fildiuf ol tht bou^e ta* been reDewed. ^w ti-Iwt.arj.. ta b_r?? Ucn laid. TJ.c uld opera boxej and tbe, bflleflay aBBaa. havo men pltc-io ild parlor arin rbalrf, of a luiui l__u>l.v couifortable kind. a BflflBBfl tmm Bar tadiea haa be- ti tgmmtgkti wltk Vtbat veatibule wbit h ail play-g-er* mu?l r?ine_ui^*r aa tb. ,-noat i'oiiiii)._|ioua j.nd in-Kuifl.-c-it BflBflag tho-f of ull the tbrali.f ,i, _Luier,ca. Thit veatibul*- _fl_fl htru tmUttttt mto a pic Buft jraiiery, di-i>_iv.u_ aaflbj at nrt hy Mr. BiertUdt, _lr. Dubufe, Mi. L.uiit fBtmmmL uud tttm trixtft ot lueril ami dialinetiou Ta. ttm UMttUi out J i.(a. .1 ai.d jiidiclou-, aii'i Ha lar_.Ui.aal cfloa I tt, I* a aiafxt_ut!.il aaflhaaafla to tbe irood w.irk vt dlaaeuii i.atiui.' | ,ii., iv.i IhbaadaaffMaatlaaatttt_Bat4_,aa __a part of ti_ (aaaaal pabHa, for worka of ari. ?- >.aWiit.n_ aud w ;il_r-;r %.. ,<l Ti) _oll''-tlOf_a "f laad pi.iiaaift Ihc iwople hav. l-eaa ..I .r.l.'d u lii? , ty gt mmwmttktgttMmmoamygt. i. \t haaad tbey wili ???<* fllatfeflBfla. liial if ln. io i*. (hfl ?..?u.i) ut IMttxttJaUHgamUAiudn. '.o\*iii*tt i,A*i told* ol ra_M_), bfll 1-een |fllbflflll in ttt* tt* pnlnt NflflBBB. 0*** IWBler, Mluiird Lcwfl-. h. W. Bearcy. Loul* ****__ OMTp W. Davto... and 0.0. Oiirim-l-li. TUe Iflflfl artUt bM MBfltfli > fltfl-Tifl flfl fl******** *_** lacaalfllerofll hia maaterpiece. Thie artlat, lt wlll be te ineiiibi red. Mflfl the r.-iuarkable tBJflflBBB 1" ??"V Thenter. He certiiinly pon.?eaae? a ponitlvo geiuiii* I" thia afyle of nrf Tiie eompany BaflBflBfl hy Mr. BflflB-flfl-flf tbe f.illowlnifiMflrfdrincrB: m* Hr<.uprl,i.n, -U.tflrrl Craic. i^^ Vm.1 ?_-'"' M.rvin CoMrn, I'Uae Heiaar. ?*.- *?."" , Jo un Cr,*.. T-e Majilioa Yoavly, I w '^"/V*- *' Mn. Jobn Wm-.1. Baaa Hewt^. 3'" ?m? ' BilabieU. ^"""T.^;. Kal ?Msrr BeToY.rr; a?Ks Mfl.l i.U.Bfl ll<'W^>1. Mr Mflfll alono 1- a tow.r of MrenRth. Mra. JnhiiWoorl.Mi. Bflflfl Bfl.lflflaafl tho HaJUtflflfl flM ?i,l,i.vont.H an.l v.-rv -BflflBfl. Mr. BoflflttflflhaB Mfla a _______ itfalaai?, fli a fl1"""'"' _m*t*aw, * rtm Bdelpbla aafl ta Duataa, bUefl Bflfflflfl ha* won dn-.tii.o tlon in I_uiiflioi). Kr.ui. ther-tiei-of lhat city eotne. al-.., Mr CflM Bctaaa, Mr. .1. A. Mi-iide, and Mr. Julian Croa*. IU nillmi-?- tlW* flaVe-B. Mary rfltuart is the i (iinle ai-ti r nf Xtuart BBflea, to fflfl. Bl ? r taln of Ibfl Ullfllillll ln Mflfl_M___ Mina Ella Dletr, wbo baflfl beer. flflflfl aa Mrs. c:v.n. r. Ih tl.e i-lder flflt A Wflfl Uflflfl Dletr of the Fiftb Avoiiue TlPati-r, nml ic at BW 8 iho more talonted, beautltul. aud IflflMflMflfl flflflfl Mr. ( lun H.ri-ee iiiaken bla .ieb.ut ln tbia eountry. In a-ldition to thaaa P-BfBN Mr. Daly h??cn?:n?<<la.'0 lei-tcd . 'iioru.4 of 40 Yoiee* fr.itn tln It.ilian, Fr.iuti. Bfl I BflflBfl oi?-ra BBBBfflflfl Utfl'ly *'? New-York. Tlila ri.tiil.intttionof fom-Hli liiauifi-mly i-tron~. uml, even lf be abould imt Bflflflflfli flfl'"1 " Lt UA CaroUe." bis i Bflflfll | are fflflfl 'cr flflflflflflfl ?Hb BflflBB-bflfl Biflfl. Thi* pldOflpbflWflflrer,flflflflflacaoel chanco of maklnj.,a hlt. Itlsai*oinl)inati-)iiof BflflBfl-__?_?- aml .?p.*ctu<'le. H tiiejoint wiuk <.r QflBaflah aad latlifl ttbflfl baflfl pn-i.t. .Iiu r.n lfl i.n.Un LflflB?. Mr. Paly bm him.-.-lf ailaptidatrati-liillonof ltto the Aineibaii flMfl Mr. hai nn .-nt..1 an apflitii'OiM fnr ltn terminnti IB, Vblfl Wlll I"' ?fiown f"r UM tli-t tinn" when the pico- ia ,I.i.,.-nt li.etiran.l OfBfl HflflB. UmV_ MMflftielflfl ?t. aatflflflfl at.,1 property will bo w-eil, aml fiouie 2C0 p.-r MMVUlpaiH Iflflfl, ln tbfl r. pi'.'.-.nt.itimi. Tlu _allae?flKB*et Aep-rodoettoa afapafeaal on au ciir.i ordinnrv m aie, Uotli a- tfl ext.-nt uml as to coat The liii.-iliiM*, orcaiii/al"-", fl'-, "f Ut QtWmi Ogttt Boaaa,flflU ."(?f.rtlianilninv c.reer, at.:n.U thflfl) M laaflflfl nml .-I iffl Mm ..*? r. Mr. Aflfl?lta Pfltjr; Bi fl .,. H Miiiiai;. t, Mr. D. ('<'. T ..wnley; Tr.-a.-urcr, Mr. A. Ap jb'ti.i. ; llan.l 1. ailei, Mr. Rabfll t BflflfM 11 UmihlBlflU, Mr. Tboiiiiis K.-lly Bfld Mr. Williiitii Pn.itli. Mr. 1'alv'n ___.__- tn __nre trnmAmf evenin/ Bflflfll rt '? ?'< tim Craud op en I."-!' '?. v.iti.M.i li ii-I'.iiiui Opera OBflapaay, hi,-. hflflfl BOtfld mi au eailn-r day. fl/fl do flflfll lo.-k witii fa\ oa int! e gter Ine tflSfleaey to Rive public entcrtatn meataattbfltbflfltemta thiaettyea the Babbath Dey. im- -i,i' a wboloaoiBIfilrmrj Htawyettk* tm*etw*a interesfa tliat BN invr.lvcil. FiFTii AVi:srr. THflATEBi Th. ilit.* bssiffiied tur the rcopflning ot tht __-,,:., ? iiu al r ia lajr, Bepu aitx r oomaeaelag wiU be lta faortb. Tbi aatoh m i.iih'-ri.i.umb-r tbeeotapeteal bmii* flti.f Mr. AocflBtfllfl Dai. . i'l.ii iri.flii iu B-aeral . 'i,-ii nlly -Wfl l: ac.iuaiuled witb tbfl bbflOf] of the ii iBtbe hlatorjf <?;' HTflrfll fortanate hite aad iad 1 . u.mi. ly, nf " l'ii.u l'lon." "K. rnuiflle." -'Mai, ^.Ifl",'' " B iral-v-.i," "Di\ 'ii'." ami "Arti<!i- 17." Tbeae wtott abrowdl/ ierlaed i d ebaeaa. flflfll tba aaaa* ibwwdaeafl wbleb preaipted and (.-uiflle.l their BBflflflflfl may uf BflBVBB fl triiiti-d tu ln\-iai iimi jiiupiifl-iito kiiuii-e.i i flfl DaHagtba flraeatloa now dtawniK to B elun- Ibfl F.l'tb Av.-tuto Thi-aN-r 1ms i aad ni!--. .I..t.-.l. Mr. Oai- be i.ii aaa ttt ?? ,.,,,.,[ ? .... 1 ha' Adflflf i ?iiiti.riuui wltb au aaabttloafl fn-". ?i.,v.in_ Ibfl CI'-M'niiii; uf A m-w Itflfft hfll K" ii lun!, an.l tln.- lu* hfll B piovnl-d witb B BBW tyttem vt fo-.i-ii-.ius. Mr. jain.-i Bobeita hafl Btoebad tfl .ieea Mflfll -..Hli lnimy new p.nutin^, tbe fi uit of four iimnibi , iiiiirat, -*ell-<lu_cu?d Utxir. TUo BBflflflBl-a I Bti baffl li-en lemi.wit, and it-pla a-fll Vttb t-uaui-li-fll tbairl nf bluo iiud lironte. Tbe privato busea Uavo b??< .i i fiiralibafll Be* ewtgt tt mr* Uen law. Ibro-iboal ?? tbeater. In l.rief. tbflB-BCflbflfl W-n lliiiunigliiy Ifl '?? IBb< l ami heaw-lflflrli iu tetyp Ibal la< rWI atlj i flfltlj aad _p pmu.lly U.-I1I11I. Ibfl companv i-iiK.iKeJ fiT tbi of 187J-.J eniiaiata of the followliiR gtg**)**) I Il.irlra ' AVillUa Oa?. ._e, i.otii,t:l i.ikr. Laa * l flai] I 0 II Hitkw.'ll, Dw-fn Kaw.-rii, (1. )'. lfl- II .-, l>. IV'LiI._,. y (1, , ,t. 11 Hut...', 0 fl.fl.lf'.r. Vi. IU. . Mr.Bit.ea. Miit Urfftti Finai Hi.raul, _r% c, ll i. t I.'tiflU li.ti, Hirah Jiwitl. KataC-flitaa, Mirv Cir?. Xnlila M.irtiaier, BaaaDat RaMnaflfliwaflB, Maaftflbao. it Mill ln- uli-r\eil, flflfl old favor.tei. M,-iJ.NMil a.i.i Mra. Abbutt are cutitcly new ari|iiir-i Ufllll. flUI IbB )0?Bl flBBfll Ih' Iflflfl of .Mr. fl,tuuv Clarke to thia tbeater w.ll pleaw luauy piT*ciis. In Mr. ilflbflB tlio -(Kiiiipaiiy aiquiren ouo of Ibfl bflfli iKloiBof tbia K-'Ui raliou. Ibfl (b hut af Mra. AbbflH ?... attenlion iii tlio BBafflfl of Ibfl fl Bflflfl. Wltb roffliaaea hafl to ii> i tateatfl ami to th>..-( . Jewc-tt, tbfl flsoiil flf i>r'imi-'' li WttkgnmWl utary, Tbo buislnrsa ori,'!iiii/..iti"ii, Ac, ef the Flftt ATBBflfl Tbt-akr la Bfl fnllowi: HflBflflflTi Mr. AiiRUeti;i I> ly. Iiaie bTbiibbjw. Uf. Jflba Hflifl] Baad Lafl-ter, Mr. II;i.i \ * y li. Dodworth; Maatflf M.u li.ui.-t, Mr. TboOflB K.lU-y; Supcr.iitenileiit of Uflbtfl aml Oflfl. Mr. AV. Bfld I.v; IBflflflflSflB", Mr. JflBBBB Vi. Mflfltiflfl] ; Bflflflflfli Muu agrT. Mr. Joaeph II. Tfl.oker. Thoi.p. niiiK I'lay of the BeflBflfl *orffl bi I nr*'.' cniinly, i'.lustrative, it ls Mflfl. ef axal e(K*ial life. Ii BOflBflfl ?bfl pen flf Mr. BBflflflflfl 0. Uowaril, th<- autiu.r of " Hara i.Utled " Diaiuondh"-a ffllicitoiii and prominine apiH-llation. One actuo in tflfl, Bflfflf-llf palnted by Mr. Bflflflftfli Wlfl BbflW tbe -Ktanil aaloon of a faahionable New York Club. " Diamonda'' will bo f<>l lowod, we are told, by a new drauia, from tbe flflfl of Mr. M..?i-nth?i, Ihe atith'ii- af tl.e well-known play of " Deho i h?' (?'ixiib, tbo Ibtaabea">, pmtiaiIflfl IflflleaflHi nf.- in lierlm. Tbia pieco la uuilerntood to bavo been purcha-std directly fiom the author. It waa by a for tunnte uae of the hflflfl?bflfl of Mr. Moisentbal that Mr. Daly ftrat hro.nrht hluniclf into public notice aa a play wrigbt; atnl lt la oertainly KTBtlfylnit to nbaerve tbia uunifestatlon, on Ut part, of pr.i.tlcal thankfuluegii and Kood-will towanl that autbcr. Tiie name of Mr. MflflM ibal'H utw play Wfl flfl imt b-arn j but we aro uwiurcil tbat lt wlll I'fl. BBflflflflfl! d liy ii new comedy froui tbe brilliant uiiu.l of iliet Harb?the tirnt uttempt of tbe wiiut iti drauiiitic tii-ii.iii an 1 anotber by Mr. BaflfltM, wrltii-D, it is iilit-K, d, witb a particular vlew to UltiiiK tbe chief im-uibt-ra ot Mr. Daly'a company with parta flflflflflflfl to their takiitifl. Tlie manager will payfl.ouoa pflfl ii Ma fl?aVia*a e**we*_t flaHaj nn mu?> mim ut money which, iu our opinion, Ifl a kooiI d. al mnru tbau uuy coniudy ia worth tbat Mr. Bardou has ever yet. wrlt t'-n. We tblnk, too, tliat lt Im the litertiture of the *___? Kliah, and not of the Fiench, lanKnago that oiijrht to be IfllflBBl aa Ibfl Ana rn __i Hta-ge. However, Mr. Daly haa Uml lns pl.iua well, andit la quite evident tbat tbe Fiftb Avei.ui-Theatir willlie a conopicnoua polnt of luterent iluiin-K the next 40 weeki-. SAN FBANCI9CO MIN8TRELS. The San FkflBdflflfl Min-trc.*?d??ar to all lovers of Kthiupiati MlMitre.lay aiulaiire to be klndiy weleumed after tbeir Iouh ai.m-i.efl-- piiriK).^. aooa to reauu.o tbi ir eatate of aooty glory. Tlielr home hereafter will be tbe tli.-ater wbicb waa known laat Humiuui the St. JflflBBfl. Tln-n- they will buiKt Into fr.illc and aong neit Muiubiy nlirlit, rattlni-C tbe .nbiUiut bntie- and aiuitins the undii latin-ir flflfl Tho baud, ua hlthcrtn, will ooinpriao acv? eral of tne bA?t perfonnera upon tlie ttage ln thia eape ciul walk-lta leadera beingMr. iitrch, Mr. BflflBflfl and Mr. Wambold. Our anclent Je*tcr, the Merry Turile, however, will appear no more. Mr. Ibrnard retlrea. He baa iniit-b eontrlbuted to the iuiioceut pleaaure of tbe public | and lt aeauia pmper to expreaa the bope tbat he mny alwaya en)oy that eaay oompetenco of fortane and eniiifortable cbner of mlnd wblcb are rewarda moat flttiUflf to the homorona p.'illoaopher. MIM KI.I.ANKOI'8 MESTIOV. With refrrcncf to the Bflfflflfl] fTit<-rpri?rB pri'jei tfl-d aml in contemplatlon for thn new aeaaon at Wallack'ifl Tbeater, the Ufltflfl Bquare Theater, Fechter'a Tluater, ttn I.)nHim, the Olyiuplc Thenter, Nlblo'a 0aitk-ii. Ihe Acidim> of Mu?lc. tho New York Ctrcua, aud otber reputable placea of puhlie nmuai-ment, we fball flnd Btime toapeak, ln ample and mluute detall. I'ur Ibfl prt-tent it ia enough l.i note tbe contlnu auofl-of tbe I.y (im Tiiiimpfl-ia Hurlemiui- Troujie at Wai l.iik'i. Tbeater, ia " Hlne Kekrd." and tbat of Mr. and Mrt. W. II. I. iiifai'l nt Ihe Oiyiople. Tbeater, lu ?ke(< BflB cf flbfliaatflf uud iu lijfbt flCviaudy.Ibe romiu* of )ti M,h readv to tl.e Aiad my xd Muaic, aaiilKiied for U.t-'itb llf ffl( |.( , Wlll Im . 1. lUll Wltb Ji,. allilill.l. illlll. . pHtifl.ii. Ihe luxly ui.l lu- i-i ell, We ln i?-ve, _ox Ahylock. i uti* ia. wa aff told, BOiae prpbabljty tbat kU ? T. H (.. II. l-ntu... I PiWM, John TlroutrhanTa dmrnn "f "Tlie l.lly of fflflBB" wlll he produced at the Wjfll Theair*. Hflfl Bflfli T.-uipi.., who han hflflfbi tt"- p"?r- -flflJfli ftt ***t **** to pcrnonatr ,t, hrrolno-./<",H ?/ ?**? II '" l_"_.lMl tbat Mr. Ii.iiUKl._u. flaafll* *Ut - *ork hifl rnnit. rpie.e ; nnd MM it wm n.ily af'.r h.-'irlni? Bi." Temple re l.ear-e the part of tbe h.roitie. aml t>* witlaflcd of her ea.m.ify to a?-t i?. tlmt h. "... roafld ia bbb th.- play ta Mr. Ma hawe flflfl of thia plcco any tnm for lfl Iflfll Mflf or llvo fflfl) **Dt* vaKuely remember that Miaa ( ThOBBBeefl otioe ?Btad ln lt in the Bflflfl an.l in Han tflflfllll U ***** tfl a capltal BflflM, Bfld Its ,iutl."r> BflflBfl la a t******? ot Ua lllliniflll Wh- H-v. i Bflfflfli U . ann.flt fall to wlnthotishtfulattentun. (lf ?l?? Hclen T.uiplo we know lllllflllj WtmXtWg I but Wfl hflflfl that flM hflfl aeted aurreaalully ln tbeater. oaUidfl A New tttt, Bflfl wfl are told that ahe poKHOHieifl real ttilent. power. and beauty Ifl which Bflflfl BM will mak. a h't if Ibfl i'. fi aehatiee.... ?? The Red IflflM Bflfl* fl?Htf und merlt to BB un knnwn-la alao dfliwn on tlu olyuipn- proRraiuuiO. Mr. W. n. Tnpe gsxx-e a Nfl-Bflfl from BflflflflflflM Bfli other pflfl* af the Wflflflfl Mflflflfl North AflflflBB, Ma.?.-.,on tln lflih -BBB, Mi. Pflfl h caruc.-tnc._ii and perm-ven-nee ln Mfl dlffl.-ult and BBBBBflbflt tflflb-BflB,bfl lelf.ho-en v...-i.ti..n. rrierita aucceaa....Mll.". /-?)"" wlll a.-t at Wood h Bflflllfll In October....At IfldTI Opera Mflflflfl, hl ?'???'? tm-re, the rfjrular Bflflflflfli wtt hesin on the 16th of Hep* IflflBbflf, wltb Mlfa Cl.arlott.fl IbaaafflflB- The Ilolllduy ?BflM Tl.eater will be reopened on the 26th M Aniruat. IU company wlll eon.-i.-t of Ro>.i Band, oilvla Bflfli Mro. Oerinon, Miu* Orton, MlM M. LlvliiK-loue, MIhi Hiockman. Mlia BflflffBfl Mr*. Wlr-o, J. L. BflflMj Vi. g, Ixiwrr, n. 0, Huiltb, deorce HflWflfli flflflflfl A. ffltaBflflfl. J- V, Kilbouine, K-lward Thorne, Hurry IVaraon. and HflflflfB. F.tipafrlck, fMBflfl Melnur, faBBB-M) and fflflfl, Tb.? BflBM eorpa flBB-flflfl Mll.-. I.U'iinr.ll, BBfl Viment, .nni the PflBflBBBflflBBB lfl. Mr. J. F. Keller tn <jMflB ?ana*-r....From Lnmloii, ** learu, by private letti r, thut Mr rmn T.iylor'H "Bflflfll ? Ali\fl-,"at Ibe Qieen'aThiMter, tt a ureat Bflflflflflfli ?'",| that the enjfttKeiuetit there of Mr. and Mrf. Bandmann, who aet in iti prineipi.l flflffll Bflfl, flflflflfl iiiilefltu'' 1) prolon^ed. OrielnaMy it wai for four weeka. The Tondon Timet ot Jijly SO ttt*l "The primipul U****l dr.f ..f a flflflflfl HoKlicr, etiri-mely BflflflflfBbB at every polnf, who la taflflfl! to Bfld-tfl ueurly every concelvabl-i form if moral tmtttg ninl BflflHBfltlflB Tho opp.irtuiil flflfl f..r iIlnplayinK the utronKeat wralb and IflflflBflfflfll flflflflfl nro many aud varlmia, aud Mr. Hnnduiat.n-*) ,-tl..,-t . tt tho lymii.tliie* of Ml Bflfl-BBflfl I?BBflfl * iippi.iailiiM th-) lii.?rv.'l..u-.. BB-flCflflBBflB, the irrah'l penilli.nty of hn fflffflnBBMI BBfl BflflflftafB BflfMBt" i ii. v : the r.-teniiiiti of Bflflfl dkiuty in tho pre"Hflfl of uny cik iiin-I iii.-e l.kely tn aud de-troy B." _A m w tiieatci i-to M 1'iiiit in Vi( iii..i for Ibfl l.xhi l.iiu.u Bflflflflfl nf flflzf year. IbBN will be room I.-r MB ____?laaan la Iba aaataBf?- Ibfl dtroetaf latfl M iiuron Bebwaifl, ________________________ WAEBIBOTOB, HEAMTOWflt POB BOUflBflt? OBMBTBBItflt |f1 li I.HliH.M'll l'i ffll lKlHl Bl I VB-BBfl AWAJ, 1". IW 'Uu (_iini-terina*ter Qflflflffll Mfl U* Bflflflfll fl cireiilar, MflrtaftafflVBBfltofl ta fllflfl fl iMBMBflfl ta etwgWam heaflstoaefl ?r flflfl htaflba Bfl Ua ttwnt ta Iba ?Ba?1 UllllUlJ (tllkfllflfl? I'tulcr tim aet M OflflflflMMM-i are ri-fl|'in- I. at"l th"r.) ii Bf flltfltH BfBfOBfllattBBM lo pay for thflflfl. bfl ti.i- I Bfll aaflek * flfl flflffl ;,,.,,,, i . i.,., will hfl- BBbei for hf tfl War I)i partn | nt from Um aezt Oflflfroea, -Baabbtoekatbbbbb af flkaswa mid ' i i- tfl i'?- m.irki'd witii Ibfl nutntier of tln paWfl, fn, ? hm "i 'tm Hol'lbr, aml Mfl, flflUfflfl, l-fl-" ,i?'i,-. ? i.' :. am! plflflfl flf d.ath. Iba -f'ti'" flfl Mflflfl for u kti.-wi toMlen are to ix- ?arbfl with lfl Bflaah) i iu,-! tba i. ...-.i'i "Uabaew- U, -M. BflMtar." i'i". _.a ba tom l?e<J Iai faraaBtaa any kind of MflM for any iiuiul.i'l flf ?rrr..?; Ibflffl hfl flfl Bfl -OadHlflfl Ifl-flttflg tfl ii.nt.-...ii, ii.-i.. -'.-ia . m.u Aa, fflflfl. on ..nipo-flte BflfBflfl ..a i.-r the ni t- Ibe Deaarfleat.flftflf roeei-iaa all ol , , ., . ii beal Hiiit.-fli. In ? theaaiue k:uii--i .'one or blo.k lu all ' -rn-r- _ _ ____ li,,., ,,i... . .. in.- Sapervlaora >.f Inter.ial It>v ri e? whea Ibe ht'ih rbaogea were Pn ' ' BB i rl-Uy, and wlll rrlaaffl bi a dai or two. BBRMfl ? 11IMB Itffl ClMTTABOOOi r.\nAiit..N BBfl i Bntfl _____ *M* I)i-!*AT< II J A BUit?-tii*:iit. -raa receutiy- \t ur-lv.iy pubilihed that clintun Hflfl* fl-Mflfl MWiMflM >' lfl hflflB flflh-fll before the Bflfl I fl-i.iioi.-..."ii on l.ifli.'ifl i. . Auifl iie.'iu ClaimH f'ir .1 liy Ibfl a taflflfl -ii.'l coutloculiAAii "f l.ioikiiii.-ri.nuerii flflfll tbiir Bflflfflflfl flflflflfl tho Ib-liel ... i.v il.. Aiiiei'i. .rn (...\fl.uiu. nt. Ou lmi'.itry at ihe .ih .i of the Couiuii? ion ai lo tbe correetueso of the i-uteniiut, Mr. Oflflh Mfl 8?<??"tary, eald tbat wbile he ? f fiw-1 author...'il l'i KiTo tln amonntof the elainrn of HrltL-h auUi-ei*. conadflshau it a confldcutial matter, it I.Btad Ibal tim bbb?fl i in tba aewspaperpublleatloa laBatirolTeiroa* . n.i. fm iimi-, tint "Aut of lfl ^o ????? tbaafhr dia p.?.- i of li -.- than three perfcnt of tbfl aa-oaal i la med waa awaidefl. fllaifeaawflef ol caaea uu a__aarrer, atnl Bome on priKifi, icad. for tiie Mi.-ptciubiT scr-eioa uf tln: i oiuiniaaiou at Kl Wpflrt, II. f. Tiu followiiiK-hflthe IflO t? il ('- i'i -n!-!it OrantV 1''' | flflltalai Ut iuvitat.oa t" Bll k*UtU.Mfli Ptkiitiih Mimi IV'i- i *?? T..I. li. ('., Ant. ", ,8T*' PttmBka.1.1 Bbtik M anff____mm_m, Miai AlUi?k?i>4iufiiuv. I.. H.rfl, I nrttniil tfcw lii lariU ul th.- H-.inl ?f Tr kil .flti??i. f.irwi. - ' 1* ttil yortt rltr ii?l bnwlnal . ,. iiiitUM u.r.ui tiv i ? -r I h?i- fll-???? i.i..wi tt tbu ....I ? .. ? J" mU tlie ('iliin-ft oo tli' ml.J' *- 1 an flromiwhr-l. ii-i.t relartnitlT, ift.r i' i r,i.,,iil-i'ii.D, lo ln .ut thil il u Ml (n-U-i1"'* (ur ai W if-'it. r..a llt |?ntli'mfi U> 1MB ??? ir? 'lod?*>t?il tMi la?ltiBii, that (, ..? r.r _trt. h .:?' i(flt r?cnt? tl,f. fiinplinn-iit, fc. .-.u.r i| n |n.|f(K?ileiit "l ri i r pj'tv {.rf.i.fl-t. .?t i ..i,.. wh. ii pirtr fn I '?( mn. h |k. ibiiaM ini-.i! to I'liit-ir'.iriui.l.-r ln uri'nirT rlrriinntiuei-i, iud inrt.ruWljr l'i u ibt rou: il Ur mn, witboit U> |irtr. ,.|..,-ii, rfl iad | .i,..r!tT trxl etttjw',. n .. <>.,r ?-? ir ".'. r.iuntrf. W illi rrnrt.-t n.iritir'i of U ******** Om iiiitilrou lo imt jwtr c'lr, lOfll li'-ti in/ l*il wubn t'jr iti fuUn. ,nlf, ?nj tijfld-tfuIlT, roiir oli^i'nt KmnL ' ' ' f. 8. Onxrt. Tbe Iiiti-riial Kevenne OJlce haa submltted tojthe Miorm-y (".. Bflflfll for hla d.iiHion tbe i|ue?tion whether Mflflflfl* plaeed ln lwnd after the 6th ol June la liable to the old or t?i 'he. new rate oftax. The fBflflMflfl ban IflflflM-Mfl tho followidK OflBBBB BB-Bflflfll Miiui) S*l?ir, (Viniul Of ?eul - Clotibii lt Nrw I .rk; M '. . ('-____] i.t t fllfl.inl ., ?:''iii..-<f., K Iw.ii.l .-I. ll"' ? "*>*al ..f .'.f Ar^fn.lir Ji'Pn'.li- lt -.W-Klflphu; Vinrfol Mi?wl Hrrifl. Virf C,,uiul ol I'.rluiil il Mot-ilf, iud Tbf-u.lore l-'rulli.ii|biai, C?Mal uf lull-.l il Flii.'ifldilpliii. JUF EBIOBOi LAVLEBBBemm MUBOMB AND LIN( I LAW IN rBBBj-fB. NihiiviLLE, Aug. 18^-On tLo Blgfcl ti tlio 10th of Auituit, Henry Wad- (eolored) went Iflflfl the t>< d rfliorii of John Hhelby, flflrflg near Itoae Hill, Stefl-art i otinty, Tenu., aaflflfl hli thmat while anlrep. Mri. Wade awoke, nereanioil md awooned. Her acream arouaed a brother of Shelt.-, who waa aleeplnK on the porch aud who, aeeing \Wd- eouitnij from tlio room, irrappled wltb hlm and a aruitgle euaue?l. Wade flually K<)t away, obtained a fenci-rail, auJ taflflfl bl* autagonlit with a blow ou tbe head. He tlu n atleinpted to BBflflfl but waa captured. Tbe folowuig nlirht Wade waa taken by a party of uieu fruu the K-ard, carrled Into tho Wflfl lfl. huug to a tree, ani hia bo-ly rlddied wltb bulleta. Wade had been tUacharted bv John Bhftlby from em ployment. and had tbrcitened revenK?". J?hn Hbelby may recover, hnt then la uo chaucc for hla brotber, wboae akull ia cruahed. llllLADELPIIA nl'lTIANI^M. Phii.aueli'HIA, iug. 18.?A bloody afl'ray took place on Baturday. about mldulgbt, at Front and Blegel-nta., durlng whicl Michael Clark aud Peter Mealey were beaten aud cut almoat to death. Tbey were attacked by elght or Iei peraona la front of a \arltty ?Imw. Clark r?<^lved leep and dan^eroua cuta ln tbe left breaat, flflflflfl aid ahdomen. Mealey waa cut In dlffrrent parti of Ibe t?dy, and li terrlbly Injured In the head ln th. kl< ki'.f li. __-..;laii!_. Both men are tfMf In acritlcalicoudltlon Jobn Hoitaa and Edwanl flo Carty, alleged to bavobern ronremed ln the attaek, are in I'uiitody. Clark ani McCarty bad a dtflpute !:i Uie rarb part of tbe eveunft abont the Juriaaictlun of the _io._rd ef Hct-th in reitaln eaaea. A B.lV'AUB HU8BAND. IJoston, Aug. 1(.?Jamt'B McElbna.y, a glnaa IflJowcr, uire flJMM SO.ahot bla wlfe, aa*? 11, laal ?v. ninrf. at tbe bouae of b( r faber In tho MMMMfli Dlatrlrt, and rlfurharjced two barrea of bla revolver at bla own head, mnn tinn oevere hut not dana?roua wou.nU. Mra. Mo Elhaney waa -hot Inihe temple, and dled In 11 uilniitea. Tlu- luuiiin r MMflflflBflM eaoape byjumpiu* froiu tbe f.-..I,diiory windo* but w"*a arreat.ed. MeKlhai.ey m reported to be a a?*ady. Induatriuua workuuin, w< rib BflflflMflffflMfl IflBBBBflf- bflflfl ? BfllfflBB tttW*eBm*, flflBBB eompelled hi-wlfe tc leave hlm aud go to ber fatbera houae wltb tbelr lafflBit. l.:_ GENERAL FOREIGN OTBWB. IIU. TBBATI OF WAsIlINiiTON. rrnt kuion ok tiie amf.kioan . lpit.kmi-nt akv aaaoMflvra. .ir.-..vA,ai(iir.lay Anr 17. 1*^9. Tlu- Kiipplcrrir*nfnry BflgllllBtl wt thfl Amer Maa aaaaaal Baflara aba -toavtel ArtMaaltflB Baaa aaaa pabllabad ln paniphlct forni. Tlio -VfflBBBBBI fll Mt, B*rarta flflnaai Mfl flaaea of thc paaapfl-et, Ibaai al Met.r*. fit-hini* aud Wflltfl ure Icw ext--uiled. M. Haaaipfii of thc Iloanl nf Arbi.r.ition lu- pmir 'o llcrt.e. Ilr. will return on Monday Ifl ttflM t<> bfl BBBB it it ttn,g of thn Court. MM T.'Utir.l.'ii, Iir Knun.l.'il I'.iliutr. an.l I'n.f. II. r-inrd are ftBBbb-fl the Rev. Merlc d'Auiiiinic, tlic hiaturiuii ol ttn- li. fi iin.iii.iii, at Mon etli-r. (-KKAT HI.ITA.N. IilIAIl-f-il lll) IIIIIT IN ItK.I.KA-T?IllK IMI'l itiAi (oflvaasaoa ta asauv. 1.1'vi.aiv. Hu.iir.tay, Au*. IT, itli. Fnrfhn (dwieflfl from Rllfflfl. Baa__IBI tha aei imi. iii.'urc of tbc r.utina; tbere on Tbtir-'lay. Tb. re woro H.vcral colll-iotiH BfltWflflfl BMbl a.f rinte-fntit* uud Catbolla prai. i -.loii?, durlnar Wbleb a bflffll Bflflflhflflfll ?icraoni rerclvo.l Inluriea of fl BBflflflflfllflBB UtttMOU ture. Tbo eutire clfy waa ln fla Bfeaavel ( x> itcin.n'. aud ibfl A-Btarhaaaaa waaa bi iy (aaaaal hy tbe mo?t ao tlvo exirtloti-.f tbe police. Munyof tlie flflflflN were arre-ted. Adlapaf.-b )u-t rc l froin RdfBfli BBBBBfl tliat tbi riot. tiavc hrokeii out ufrcah, anal tliuf MVBBfl 1Vhtin_- in now gnlag nu, fl bflBIW k of tlie poliieaml -i v> r.ii Mtm ? li.ivi- baaa wiflBbad hy thr- aaflb, The /.'.'i'i/ *feaaa*_M-aa_Bi tkt BtmmaTmttPt rayerl that tlio nieitlnir nf tlio Kinpcrnr* of (i.-ruiany, gtW*U,WM Au-tri.i, af II' rlln, la. for the tiun?'-c aaf lellHBfl ptttMUg IBBatlaai iu Barapaaa aaflleaa] n brtteaa I. .M...N, A.iir- l", 1*1.. Diapatehca frum BeUaal ap to noon to-day i-tiit.- iba IMarbaBflflfl ti" w aaattflaal threaah Bab flrtBj Blflbl flBfll latfl OBBdaj. abiI a<ra aal yct eaaad. Tiie p>ttm tm divi.b.i iuto feafltfla Catbetle aafl I'r.'t. -tii.t Boba Wbl ii' vi r tlu v roitic in flflBttt I tBfllfl 1.) a flpht. Tbe poliro u-iti). < If"i f tn atop iho rlotlnjr. Thcy had kaaa ebT-fled ta firc on tbc rleiera on Batb -ide. aai many af tba lath i wero wourid. .1, Tmaip", with (aai bnvntu't., iinw ..,? rupy lhe |.riti< .trcot- atul BBflf Ibfl flMba :i|>arf. Tho .ir,ujceeaa "f Iba i"th Baaj-aaal huvc arilaatf ifl BeMaat frun Dabtta, aafl] eaaatababB*** fleaitafl latatba elty from all paita No BflTBeflB aro reporf.-d klllcd, bul; Ibe flsxttflflwal tt a-o gnti tba'it i- laaaaaalblfl tefrt .ii.o.,iti part ralera I HASt I im KhiiiK \tionx of iii i roar. I'ari*?. Hafurdny. 17, is... Thc report tlmt the Gtonaaaa ara fort-fyiag Pa'lfurf, iu \ i.i'Lli.ii of their treafv ebllfl-tlOBfl, Ifl un i.iicii t.i!,. aUboataajfaaaflatlea. Tbejrba-re oaly . mpla-'.-.l lli, v,,1 k-which were li'-irnn by thc Kr.'t.cli . ??andaal flartaB Iba fleaa of Belfert, and whi.h :? at iii ,'1 __4alehed ,-f.ita-. Tiia' Hon. H. CBeheack, ' ted Btataa Mim-Ur tn B-Blaad. baa urrici al Il.ivre. |0M nallors of (he Uatted MabM -t.aiuer Coaajreafl, wbi _ i-< l_ia( tn tim kaffboref Charttaarr, r.. i titly alj-,i,vi nd lli tbc w.if. I tba- body of M. Mltluii. I. ' . f nf. tlm Oba rvutory at that part, aba had beea . fot - ti,.- linu-, _ai i- BBpaea d la ba. i .,.. ,i. uiaiiy drowaed. AISTRAIAMA. MAIL M'.llVli |. lu Ml.l.liol IiM.- I 11 K( IIAI'IIK COMMI Nn AIIHN--1MI.N i: OOLD. San VtkMi k\M n, Au>r. Mf?Thfl Au-tt.ili.n Bdrteea by Iba ft?. n_-i.ii> Uabe, wbleb eoaaeetad i.t IfaaalalB irtib tl.o AbbIibIIbb -Bail ateaa-er, aa aa foi lewai <>i, lb> reeepttae tt tta atw? tbat Caaaraai itai f.ui.-.i tn BabflMllaa Webb'a iieaiiaab iba i- ? _. i. - ii tom im,' .h-i'.it. iici an iiK'ut la Safljtaad Ifeaaa Sew Bealb Watea to Di_rcha?c ut l.-aat two lari{0 Htcani.i'a fnr tho Oilifornia Haa. Ibfl I'mker Mlni-try Bflfl bflflB ii-cbct.-.l. Tho l'aiiiaiucnt ,.f VflW h<aiith Wai. - ia now iu BBflflBBB. (Blaa-flBBI Bflfl imw r.-.'.-i\.al in Soutli Ausiruiia nino ,|a\- f r. -in l."iulon. Iu IbB |BBf-B t of Vi. tni i.i, aft<r tbccoll:il'-cof Il?) Diiiri'V A.luillilatrutloi). Mt. Frau.-U aucoeeded ln foniiin_: u BBW min: try, wlii.b, lu tftU of aoaatorul letter fi oui tho < ith .U.i BI.hop,*BBj laiafl his foiiowcrs to voi< m ti- '. aaa BBata-Bed al lu* Taa.inanl.1 a lan.l lllde of _*??**-.** afnnped the rourae ofthe Ii Bf DaT-B, cau-iiiK -':' ?"' r"" ?* wbleb devaatated a te.Ke aeeliou of tbc m;rr ?< .'. ,,?.,,, . ?-. ,uy. Advleoa reoelve-l ln ?j Inej from rUI r.T'ii-'tit tliat ii th'" atfcinpf to . x-.-.:. ? t'raiika, fnr the luunlcmf \Sil' .mMuir, iiit.-r tbe ilrop r.-il ti/* ...IK) .UpiH-.I. tbe pn-?'..>?) B?l bla aru.? fiao, -,-i/.-.l liolil nf tlieropc, a.Kl befired tbe tpecUtowto enl imn ,|.iwnor aiia.ot huu. Ho wafl ttttaewa aad llnaliy repricv.-.l. Meaara. Waid. Thuraton. Clarkaon, uud -.waiintoti li'if foruied.i mw bUnlatr-f frv I I. Iutcuifly .old weather nr. vaiic.l iti the .-lou.nern prtninc. - trl N. w z.-.-.b.ti'l. The Waporl Biv. rwflt ,,\, r .o niat iicavy tea.n- tTOont i on tbe lee. Inc -bip 1/i.tbalr nail-.1 troui Au. Ul.iud J Ay C for N.w \.,iK,witU ii carflo 'l t).,x aml i."iiii. ib" iteaa-er Iferflda enr rnmit.-r.'.l O Imn -ic.-inc, tbe UlOfll f' rr itl ? i v. r rxy l on the N. w-realnnd eoatta. I e Colon I P - blflbl*' louii'lim. ii lc i .'?.i-Koliif.-iiualitlef. CENTRAf. AMKRICA. AC-IOfl OF tiii: imiii. rATBB OOflfl L ia im . v-k ". thk kix;au hi i:\vmit?BOAl mi,'-. Pawma, Aag. 7.?I'lic Uatted Btatea CoaaaJ_ Mr. I". rry, after cxa.iilnluK iuto tbc aiTair.i nf tho tlllbii t.-riiiK ilaaflBer LUgaB Btea-atl, ba- a. id. 11.> baal Bfafl iho Btcatnci- to Mr. Mulrhor Apuero aa tbe attorney of Mr. nutcber, tlm owner. Mr. Amie.o U a pasaen Ker hy Ibfl Kl-Hik' HBB to New-York. Ho kocb to MBi out a new eaptain for tbe Edirar Stewart. Oa Hbfl nd Btt. waa a -I'i.i'ed baal ra.e in tbe har norof 1'iinama be-ween two ll-oar boata iMlonKini? re tDectlvcly tothe United Htatea BflaaflB. r- I.iranae and t_Jlfon_u.. Tbo mn waa H mUefl, aafl the CaMfornla'a rreiv won ln .? u.luule.. and .0 aeeonda. Ei-Prealdent Dnenaa ol Balvedof wltb xc t apa. bta frlara, whn were azaclled froui -?ulvudor, have artiv. d iu l'auauia. ? Mi:xico. RKI'OitTS OF MlMTAHir OI'KKAl loNS. Nkw-Uhi-kan-i, La., Aiiff. 17.?Oi*n. Rorlia telefrraplia from Mont. rey tbflfl I.e... Ceballoa haa marcbed to the City of __fl__flfl. ?'"ta K'>?-'H to Paleos to Bflflfltafl tbc aurrender of Treviuo'a forccn. lvdro Martl nei nnd bla troopfl have BBW submitted. (iarcla do la Cadoiia nn r.'fu-iiiK to aurrender. wa- aurpn-oil und oap tiircil tocetber w)tb hl? coiiimand. K.?lia tcle_T'.ph-) that be ia i>oaitive the revolutlou baa tcruiiuat.-al. CUBA. nrxi'RN or r.ov. to spain?-tate or T'!K IN.LIiKK.TION. Havana, Aug. 10, via Kky Wttt, Aug. 17.? Oov. Zabalia aaile?l for Hpuln yeHtcrday, notwltb.itaud inK laaaaBa ta aaaaal ehaBea that he would not pn. La ConitatwUx publlahca lntereatinK partieulara of moveinents of the Inaurgenta in the central department. On the niKht of thc Mtb ult., th.y inadea rald on the N*ue . ita. and l*neno PrinciiK* Rallroad, aud burneil a bridKo. It waa repairel by tbe Hpanlarda the next day, and cou_ tn-.-nieationrcatored. TUe SDauiah rtoumi ot opcratloaa Inthe for the paat two weekfl etatea that IU rebela and _lve Spanlarda have beeu kill.-d durliig that time. In an edltorUl artule upon the aituatlon, tho Viwirio aaya: " We are now _t the middle of Augaat, and the mdlcatlon" are that a Winter campalj-n airainat the liiaurainta will Im> neceaaary. Wenre convlnced that init campalffB ol mi-TS wlll be aa lt abould be. the laat we will bare to iBfltata." Tlie Ihario aaya that. H Wttam Kiirv aiiflliieut tr, wlU be at tlie diapoaal of the 0__fl* iimnllit ?in-.lia'f tohe.lite in lhe laauri-entfl with a elnle of bayoutU. Oen. tea wlll tliortly return to liavaua. RAILROAD ACCIDKyTS. A TREArnF.ROUS BRIIX?E?PEVERAI. MEN Ht'RT. DixgiiamtoN, Aiik- 17.?The eviMiiiiKfipreKB traln rorulnir eaat ou lhe Albany and Suaqucbaiina Rall? road, laat evcnlnif, waa throwu from the traik l.y a creck 1,,,,lK->' tbat had been uudermln.-d by IiikIi water, about two mllea nortb oflbla elly. The enKlne, tender, ba<{ jraiie 'ar> -n<* on" co*r** were rontt.lerahly da.nao I. john Kelly of Albany1, a brakeman, wa* caugbt between twocai-aand probably fatally injured. < Mer rihuw, tbe (HiJinecr, flrcuiau. and ba?i*a<t( ina-ter were all allBl't'V luJiir-d. The paaaenflert) earape.l uuburt. Tlie -ni.f . r-rtk la mtci f.-rmu witb the rtiii.iinia' of tralna on the Ryracuae and IRlUKhamton Rallroad. Tbe flBffll ol tho L'tu a and Chciango Valley Rallroad aaa dclayed laat nlflbt and .bla .oormnir. A LOOOMOTIVE ANI) UAOUAOF. -AR WREfKED Phii Air i i'i ia, Aug. 17.?A Delaware, Lacka wauna and W. -t ru RalfToad Iraln rau .afl the track at Henr-ffille, i'liio , at al nut io p. ni yeaterilay, .!'_?-_a U>c wrtch of ?be tocoioi.te ai>a .?aaaa aar. The bflflfBBM i.ia-f.r ,l.,hn t_*tt*P_ fl*na killed, and Ibe BflflflBflflf atnl Bffl hflflflaaaa were BflflMaflly ttijurcd. Tbe BBflBBflfflfli BBflflflfld ntihiirt. A WBBTBBB UEBTEET. ISrOBTBD Bflb-MAIMl OB TBI BBMEMIfrfi MeBTUU, Aflfi 17.?Karly tli'n rnortiin-_r ft fl.-herojati dl--ov-r. (I the Utflfl it. atu-r llcteti Ilru.'ki loattaa down aticaia weet BeaA Cbeeba Cbato, laa *Bm BbOTfl Mflfll Bfld apprirently aoandniied. lle n.wt-d ont 18 tln- *t. .inui-, iu I'le ix Uii f.n', .iti'l 1'till'd her to-vard the liiitik.liut l" (on reflflblflf if -i" a I'.-p.i, wltb n phot Kitn on Im ku. e, in a BUtof faalBflW, Bflleap cn the Inivcr iflflh, bfl flflfla a* tbfl bflfli airflk tbfl bflib;tfl negm -laried up, leapt I Bflbflffl. and ran latfl Hn- w flfla lfl ilih.-i-nuii bo.irded tl.o MBflf-flf flfli fflflfl fraees of a deaperateatraccle,tbfldeekabelflf wafl flfli Mflflfl. if" t'l.'ii.amel.. tiii-.lty inii reporbad whal hebad done aad -I- ii. Hiii,M-.|u.-ntiy the Oraad rower, romnt. Loitl-, atiiv.-.l 1..-I.-. iiriiiKitifl? ii nii-mage frnm tbe Magla trate at Bradley'a lan.llnar. m mllffl BbOTfl here, st.illng tliat fh<-ercw of ll.e Helen Urnnki and tfl !>n> pnet.ira an.l faiuilh-a of B tradlng botit Which tllfl Brookfl Iia.l t.flW.l up tli.-re, bad bei-u luur.ler. d ami thfl boata Ai.-lit.ui <? waa at oacedlapatrhoden the -t. iiini-r .loliii OreitOB, Tl.e report bfl that Capt. WllU mi Pottaud uii Irotlur, the proprletnin of Ibe tradlng boat, togetber thi Ir w??ea and two danghtera, wero aii uiunli-iL-fll aud tlnir bflfl-flfl throwti itifto tbfl rivi-r. A FATAI. QIARRKI.?TIIE NKGI.o'3 STORY. MBB-PBMb Aiik'. IH.?Lat(THilvi((-t fnnii l?ia?l 1. \r I.anilliiKaic t'i it flflflfl after tlie tflfl MMflf Ba*A* arnvi-fll tinn- wnh :l ,-tradiiiK l.oat .lame-Triiinbull went on iioar.i.iiii.i MMflflraabbaffltfifltaf Mtb tho mai BU' ery. Cipt. VWtt onli r.-.I him to dflfl-flt, to whl ib Ti um llilll replleil with onpioliiiinn Bftflflfll and d to throw VWtt oi. rifloani. l'ott then t-iok up a .-bot Llin, und onl.r.fll Tl?flhflll flfl tfl hflflfl ii iimi.iii weal I--f.r." .iii-tifl.- BaU aafl iwflta out ii v uri.iut, BBflflflflfl I'uttof nt.niiiii.' HfflMB WttbOOl ii lii.ine, upou Wblflbtbfl latter w.ii ..iu-t.d I.i B eolored con-tftiiie, aad tafeaa hfltaflfl a BB-flkflaflfl. h>-) flflflfl laavtafl h'T lnfant with tWfl women BB lfl hflai,flfll flflB" pflflilfll him. After waltim.' Bfl-fl flflflltf AwtB, l'ott' i.ioilter, taflftafl troiilih-, took lfl MM over Mlalaad flfli. (ii, and iiiit.l. tflfl to th.- ibflffl. That r.ig-if Imwn iuir, the eolored Boafltab-B, ill. aml Bflflafl I I I iiatii, took a ab-fVpfflaaafl twa aaaro-fl tatotbaB tet* I Iflfll atnl ordi-ri-'l Iflfll tfl ttfWtate ?* nml land al.ove IflfflflaB-B-fli whiiii waaflaaa, "?ClU".," one of tbo BflgfBflfl* Baffl that r.n huidlng, Down.tiu iind hii party Bflflflflfli Mflflfl tfl IflflBB-B (lulet under iienaliyof d.-.ith. bowuing nml bla i ompiul. in then Bflflflfll i ant lonr*! v taward tfl '""i. wbleb hoanlffll, aml mioii ult.T a luml i rv w.i-lunr.t, tlu-u -i\.-ral ?lu.t- ln quieh aaeeflflfllBB. ' ( ln *?" tflfl aaw them paraalaa Capt Pott'fl brotber, who ii;i<l Jomped a-iii.i'e.i.n<l iliius'.in bim. Vi lii-tin i be wa* killed oi nol be doea not know. Pott waa tbe oaly oae bbbb bjr"CbeB," aadbethlokfl two other naen, ooeof whom waa named EtoblnaoD, two women, aafl tarea cblldrea. were kllh 't andtbrownorerboard. Wben"C_ee" and hla partner -.I. i. ii Bllei i io iin ooat, tbey aaw ao aae bat Downlnir. Ti iint.nll. aiiit Ki. i, WBO bmflfl tul.i tlie baf, and tm eniire purtv not iiniitk. "Cbee" remeabera nothing ir, mitii Um (-.'.it waa i.n.'ii'i iiy uie ii.-i.'iu. > i. i? ita ted laat njfbt, rhenhe lumpedaahore aad made hla way t.i'-'-. when du- wtldeel ezettem afl v.nni!. a.i ii.ill.lii>-- I.ii'l li.-eii i.ei. of I'fl't. Ot un I while Downlng aud hla pwrtj diaappeared: and, from tbe faei nai tbe boefl bad beea pfuaderoa, Ifl ia le.-u. <i tbe whole ? <n v ha* baen ?ardati i. POLITICAL TNTELLIOBNCE. THE CAHVA IN BT. LAWBENCE COUNTY. , A I.AKCL MI-.KMV; AT MADU1D-PflCCIi b'. 61 fl. mi. ii. mV.viii flBTi |BY Ti Ll ' TiAl'll TJ TBI nUfll ffl.| Maduii), Bl< l.wvKF.Nfllfl (Oi sn, Aujr. 18.? A( a BBflflttafl Bflld lu tbfl Town Hall Hat ur.lay \. R. I'eck, au o.-i reeaflfli aafl a leadlng BepahUeaa, la 11>< abalr, Oflfl. flT. u. Befl wtwty, A Be* Totk, waa latro .l.l.eil, who i-i' kfl tOTtWO hnuri ou tln: BflflMflfll tfl flMUM palfa, ii aaa liata?i ta flvith rioaa attaatlaa bjf <"ii'' <-f tbfl lar-. il, il.. ii.ii i ver ffltbflffli ttl IbB flflM Bl i politlcal im-'(iiiK, composcd of WflBflflfllflfl. and farm_n .i'iii tlnir wtvaa frnm tln* BBlfbbafbaad atel a.!]. t.ii.i, low 1, uiany ofwhom bflflflflflBfllfl and r lfl boar a flpiUBflrla IfTflT flf TBllBl BaflBTOflB. Tli-" thiurmau of tbfl 'irant (Tub here, who was pr.-ieuf. aui who had praaatad al ? Qiaal Baeattaf fln a wafl afo, BflkaflWiBflBfl IA Ibeiifl'cel-y BBBfltttW Wflflflfl* fl? tfl larcerof tho two. (icn. Merrltt wai alao p and beiffl called Bflflfll iiiinle u fow reinurk^. A (ir.eli-y nnd BfOWa ('lilb ia alKWlt to ba foriucl, whi, b will li.iv." niiiii.t IBB lueuihern, ?ud inust Iflflflfl ll i,'(i<?'l lu >!?) vemm-r. _ WKST VIRflJIN'IA. THK BUHflOfl THIS WK.V.K. Aii i-lcction \sill \>o, MM in W'*-' Virginia on Tliui-lay to flflflflfl whether or not tbfl CoaetltHtioa fiained ny the late Cotiv.-ntloii shall MflflflBfl tbfl ? lawof tbe State, Aprovlnlon ta to bo voted ou a< pai.ito.y which poruiita white, und none BtflflBfl, t-. be . !?. (a d or Bffafltafl to offlee. AmoiiB the -soctiotis to ho voted on en uinifle are two prnvldinK that nu IflfljBttf law ahiill ever l)c enacted by tho L"gl Uturo aud that whito ainl eolored BflrflOM oliail imt hfl tauubt in the .Siiiiie Bflbaola. The terma uf oOloc of tho Htnto offleiala aro in uio four yean inatead of two, and tho fliovernor ia iurll^iblc for a scc oud term immediately follow ing kta Hr*t. It h gener* nlly ((ineedeil to bo very doubtful whether the Conntltu tion will be approved by a m.\|or!ty of votera. DflflflB tbe provlaionti of thn new inatrumunt, whl.-h Li not yet tbfl fiindam.'htal law ..f the Stnte, au eleetion li t. |. held on the naiue day for State ofllcora and CouKretw iu. n. Bflflfll if the OaflaBflflfl-f ia adopied the vaiidiiy of the geueral eleetion would lie qneitionable, aud IbB perplexity w.ll no dotibt help tbe oppoultiou. Nothing otitaide of Loumaiia flflf be more cbaotio than tbe atti tude of parllea, If flre may judge from the eanilidatcs to ho voted fur this week. Both a-ipiranta for Governor aro Democrata, the Republicana aupportiDg Jaeob, the preaent Governor, who runs aa an lude pendent candnlate. In tfl Iit Dl-strbt, Dafii. tlie pr.-* nt ii.i-miier. a Dcmuorat, ruiiHaaan iudept-udent cauillilate, an.l u supported by the lb-publieana. In tl.e Ild District thero b* uo Deuiocratio canibdate, and tbo Hon. Cbarlea J. Paulkni-r hn? written a letter ln which he takce the ponltion tbat t'je eleetion for OflflBBBBBflBBBfl eannot be leifally held on Ibfl-*flajr( bfl muit take place on tho fourth. Thuraday in Ootob?r. The Kepublieana have mado no uoniinatlona. The followlug la a li-t U the candldalea for the uioru iuiportant offlcca: Il*?o.-riiii: Indepewlrat, Governor.Johnaou N. fl.'auiden?John J. Jneob. .1 uAtdii-.Kitward A. Kenuett_A. M. Jaeob. Tieoinrer_Johu H. liiudelt.It. B. (iardner. Iflmif fl.fla Wrarr M- kmtm*we....W. lt. H. Fn< k. flWp. )?<;A<io/a..BenJ. W. iivTno.J. II. Hardaieke. Con_irett? I. Hfl-iOainin .Vllixiii.*John J. Davli II..-.Ward II. Lnmnn. IH.'Prank Hereford.J. Briabln WalW.-r, Should 'be Coiiatitution be defeaUtd, tbe eleetion for CungrciMiueu autlbuto offlcera will hfl heldon Thuiaday, Oe(. 14. ?Wtmletx ot the IUM Con?r?M. NORTH CAROLINA. OiTICIAL VOTE FOB CONGBESSMAN, THIRI) DI3 TBICT. Iflfl. l?Tfl. ltwrn. ?fl*..*i*)_irr.o!?^ fl-^,H-fl?..n_, .-OMaawaa-., R-I. IXrm Ailia. Lili. Aim. Ub. Couotit, AfiniC For. CiMwtll MrrnM-oa. Mi Kir. WilVIL Hbiilen. ... 1,111 Blf.... 1,H_ l.JflXfl.... i,?3 UM Briliiswifllt.. tii Aat... 708 711.... 700 7tt ('.illen-t ... 131 915.... 739 ajttmom 739 1,063 ColUlubilB... Ml 961.... 89- 1.1H5... 676 _ttt t'lin-lK-rrnd. 1.715 1.1H4.... 1,8-0.... 13T4 1,90. UapllU . l.lflw 1,41'J_l,0i_? l.TW... I.IUI Mflfl Hjtnctt.... 69.) (Jl?..? 693 77"fl... 7J7 760 Moore . >**> WB.._* fWl 1.065.... HW 997 N'w-U'otdt. 3.71.1 Ufl... Ml* t_WA....t_tU -,_?? OuelOW. ll'J 6?_).... 49*1 *_?!.___ _*A ?9?J SauipaoU.... 1,410 1.339.... 1,434 1,6*7.... 1.445 1.677 T0t?l.IMW ttaW..*Jm_mt mmw*Amoj*m**tW l-._-_ Majnrlty for Alfred M. Waddell. 719; ni-^Jortty for Mer rimon. Mfl majority againat CooTentlon in 1*71, 1,071. In Bruniwick County too ?otea were retnrned for Neill A. McKay. and ln Hampaoo 9 for N. McKay, wblcb aro lnclnded above ln the vote for Selll McKajr. onicial returna of the vote for tkivernor bave now been re.-ctvr-l fretn H5 of the ?3 eountioa. C-MflflBfl majontv wlll be about l.ioa TKLBfllKAPHIC NOTEA Ilattie Wilnon and MrB.TI)omi?B<'n. _ir<.*alitiit<-*i, Msm.tti-I titiuie la IU imt lw?n ia Vir|.ui r.t'. friiU., b. ukiuf BBBBBBa .The Bnsanvillo atafe wae If^bfld near Keno, NiTiflli irnibnik l(h( Utww. foxttttti, ioJ htihwijafil. B? _,4j ?K IUW.L ....Nineof theboyfl whoeM*ape*tl Bflflfl- K_ffoiiii Bcbool il'. Mm , ?? Tbun-Jij, wtrei-iptiiad Ikt txmr 11(11, taa i?iiiil utl. ii f rt.U .. .Tlifl ?t?'ann'i-(,'olorafllo. wbifh aailflxl for Japan aid ( Iim .'roa -ia Yrtarlaro. Iilif-tir, rirr.n1 fll.. ln mi ir??iuir. Tla Par.a-aa atraax*, aa4 txl) # It.liae ta tfrttit oa board. _llen. Hmilh, Siirveyor of IbflCflflfl? al Mein uk.t. Um* M.Hfl a kofti?a ?(ilr u?. I ??( tbt Baaahja,tad luilr Mir.i Amittmhi aBk*aa?a|?ariia,t?.?a?n-l'? *'"**>. |.M. TIIE PERUVIAN REV0LUTI01I mmilllHHI Of MM IH AMKKKAN i'OI.ITK s. ATIEMPT Of TIIK MIXBBfEfl <Mf WBl I'? H*K? BmaaLf DicraToa? rm A-**.--tv ..ior. oa PI'K**I1)KNT BALTA? l.l-.MON-l l( I ri.a.N OV TIIB I'oiMi.Ai'K in FU'iiii oi oaraa. Ry our niaili from l.iin.t nml ('iill.W'in iVrt, whi.'h nrc _-. l.afo as the _-f!i <.f J.ilv. fii, patrtb flbt tfl lin ve been reci-iv.-.l of tb. ihorl laddi lalre retetatlaa mul ,-oiiut. ri' voliif-.i.n f. i.n b ;-?-.-.-t.t>. I I ti'hn fonimr . if v. Fron. fii <? tUUttm tt tlg\.a ? tl ', flfl ' I i i'.'i of Juir, tim i wae opcned for tlic purpo. e tt f-udc iv.nti. f.. ..r-iv at BflBM .-."I.itlon of tbflajaestlon*. arl.ingoutof the ele. riona of ML Tbc twn.n-at'l. ? -frii-_!iii_' for ?BBtflflBBBB' ur'- ttla-c Bf Mr au,.! fll I'r. kltttt, HM Iflfll r i. rcuiiur tho a-alatatmo of tho Qnverntncnf IMon ' 0 ? -?aj-cii,ii'|,i ni (aaaaal eeaaatta ?, U aaa thaeafl IflBBeeaMa ba vflaaafl aaaa a ipaewJactoa r??ir-r?iii.-; ti.t. ?Itl-?Uraaalt. aaab aaaa Aa I laaai BflflBflbh ed <>f ti?, fliaafllb nf tin- On uaa aaal. tb * pawew af 'bc Bappeeb . r- af Mr. P.f-.ln, tho _,.rsonal BflB-tttefl iii'l infi.n nr<- ' I ti.e rivul!..-, aml tbe rBBBflflflflf Bf-Bfl W n'" - i.l.lo ii..tiri of, rcMi'm...... afltaflBB-B th.t were , ireulat. ?!. Hut Mr Pardu'a a.lher*. tfl lu Iloii-fa aoon made th. tr nuruiicr known. It bad bflflB tfeflflLgbf tliat tho BBBBI-B "f lha ...?v. rnuietit to tro'iro I'.io e'.i 'i"ii <f I'r. Arcnaa to tbo 1'rc. id.' i li.ur (bta ji >li< v and Ideaa BflflffllUj ronfonnliiit to tbeflflflf .'ol. lla't i) w< r>- afa iiuii b timrc bapflfltflflj c'i ir.u it tii.ui BBI '?? '. prov.-.l Ifl tbe reallty. In evcry aeaMun Mr P.iM'.'a aaaafl I I i...ii brtaaapbaal; flfteea af hi- a-rttBaaa bad b '> reeecatoed aa i.-K-.iiy ateeted 'o tho po-ition ..f nenaiora au.l lA', and It Wflfl pflflbab-B thal blfl proaflfWta woald miiiiliaa to bataMaa. I*caaaaat Balta b .1 adoplaithinnnawaai bla Ina lateal .ttm Ibtaofltaa (wbflflfl taflfli aai .?> baaai p aalea ti,, j.i ,af Aii.u-t) tn tii aaa*a*aae_ra|*_i ? i it waa tlun naagbl Ibal i raaj aeel .T lif II Irlll.lV.-.l. Gen. Outia ir.'f, tin-Mlir-t.r of uiilcr H I - a ' roiniatratlnti, bad foi-.i IflM UBM BflflB 'a.i'.' Bnafl 18 Iu.lucf tbo Pri'-idi nt to . ii'. r Intn fl pla* f'T..1.1 th.' cl.'ffi.ui-i, tn effect, by a roupd'etxl '." a-'ia.m t!M piiwei af ? Dtetalia arei Iba i<-1> i.?ii<*. i"r Ma eajra l'all.i li-t.ii.d tulbo lii.lniiat.otia of Ul tmm mr. l-a|* -I'C.'lily liecnmiii),'r..ii\ iini'il, frntil tb'* itr i'U'lo of i'.iii Bjreea. tbat tba u.ajotiiy of tbat be4_*were4eei-h tarerof tbaetoettea ta Hta Piealdaaajref Daa Ha al r.11.1.., tbfl eypeaaat aftba ?tda-inletratloe, ba ?'?> i to wilbdraw from rbe projo. t. flfl MflBflfl bfli thb -Bb r inlniitloii been BBeWB to OaM. ttt ?', MBB B. , "ti IbB ...I ..f .lul;. , Illl. d tlm . i;il ar ii front 01 'I.c '.om "?'." 1 t I'.I., ee witb tnai_>. au l atMlerv, for it'ly t.M.k ftii I da'llt i.ri-".la I. SCtlt llilll tar . I .-o COIIllll' 11,,'l.t ln HM t" '?? bamab-i defltaeafl btaBBaU b*ayaa_-i CMefi a"<i tlo- city uinl.-r m.i ri i.ii IBW. QfllhUflfl thflB pro. cecded to ?'l?-< Ooaaieaa umi place K.iar.N tbrou^huua ilieciiy. Befleea tepaiat--(abewe**er,all th.-m. n.'-.-i of a.i , ? n\. 01 l?-? . K pr.t. it! Tikiii. n'.i ...i-i-lilir:.rioti *'.,-..'.- That wbei lb< L. - pobli ? ttkte of > li '? ,? ?? ? . P"'l it.- .1 i-i' ui lc reprraentatl 1 ii.ti. .I i.y tl,.- people, n u-i.iiitio.i .1 order uaa 1 ? en rtia. turbed. tteonel ; Thai iu h an outrai - to Hovci-.'icni), ii'i'i tlie 1 1,1-of tl..- natlonai . -. - - tlonlntl..1. ,|.'i 1,1..!,,,".a-, ni,:??*?) uja ii,. - itu.i ot the . tuu- ol lu-ii treaaon to th.tuiti. 'i'!,..t a Itboul 11 iltln/t it-. lf th 1 > ,-i-inie,. "i',.;i---. ln Ita pr liuilnarj tu .11 romaln illent, I.luaeit wonld bo i, flrvfll iluti-fl .t u?,a to the nation. Fourth: tbat II otu 1 ti,ii,-i,ii! t.? ia'.-.. nt. a d... nii..nt a bl .1, tru'. n .' ? tbe pablie aentlment, will caaae tbe gaemirjr ol tbt tl or* nl -11 11 ua, abominabb 1 luie to I 1 - ? Ithi-reb. devlarea: t'irtt: rhat li contcni.ui tbi ni.!. aaaumed in tlieae nionic-nta by a part ol th. ?! fo'...?, and baiiii- n-|i..n.n.!?? before lhe natioi ? U1..1 ., il..-.,_.ii?:-, aii'i a.. ..i.,|.- . 11 >". < ibooi autlawfl! Si-niiit: rhatlt. illauponth. poopl. and t ial [mu a.f the ann*. wblrb b.a-a i-etnulned faltbiu tu 1,iii.i:.- order and tbe infltitationfl. to bring h ch 10 tba patb oi duty tbaaa >.im ;.,i\. .. .tni.-i p iMk ttW 1 l'unil. r-d,' n 1. _?!. r, an.l B) atr.iiKtb na Ibe u-ntriwr, tlu- pepriaflfl IBflflla-i ta awa.O further dcvclopuient. ainl to ni.lo tboir lluic. rbal Uaaa waa aafl taaaT-B-fl-tflflai flattarraafli i I la Baaaa ln,* a < iibmi'f, no re.poii iiit inau wiahlun ?flflfl.With blm; tho Diploinatio Con*" rcfu. <i 0 ?Iflfl biui a- tbfl I*i?- .l.-i-1 ..f t... .nuiitry ; tb. _.u..v .mi. inoaieut wa-(luuiui-liiiirf by couiinuul au.l bBBff ?'? ? aortinn-.; thc i:..vv tto ' out ?.) .e.uiiid i.rnti -.<-.. i.^ai.i-*, tbo aaaaaaaa Baarpation. Banka aml coiuu.ei.. tal.lbilinienffl wer?> all .To-f.l, Oab-flBflBttm ? ??> ttttg mean* ln bla power to obtaln funda, but non Wflfi ' roiu.iue. Tlic newapaj^-ra, fearful nf prnaevulioi.. < l.-< al their otticc -.; tli<- pooi.'''. [??' "'? ul mt'-cii.-., aui cv> ,. f li.n-._i iiitant on reaiat.m..*. w. . ? Icariul ..f r.? atreetfl, and, Indeed, a pa'ifcct nu*m of Bnn u- < >'.' tintortuna'c L.iu.i. Kvoita lBflk(-Bflfl Ifl -BtaflBl u*' racka", anal In Callao with want api^nred tn bu -01110 KUiali.u miud lo l?-.?! ? tory. Panloaud,?,ii-.ioal io( :i l.a 1 t n [aflaahaaa o:- to iba Bbfja al war. Oufhe nioriilnc of J ily Ja. t:. I BB ? < I lao, di-.tiui tly beard in I.1111.1. anuoun.-.-d .1,. :.i .n-t aonio .-tcpe wcro t;;'.i"ii to a-? it the j. ??? - ? .-? 1 .: excitement iner-a-cl lu the capital. i .?). (ititicrrei, the hMilier of the Datator and I1I1 Mim-f. r of War. waa'.ed with ahom nml itiipi.. .',. n> .11 the railway depot. ReplylnK to the tbre.tfl attb biHi. volver, he waa Inst.intiv atta.ltc.l witu th. -atn. w.-apon, and ln a tnoment lay dead on the paaaBBeaf _Ba ?>? nmtiiute.i thc corntie lu a flbaflh-Bf aaaaaa BB i ".a v titroti -h Ha a iT'itts aftbaaaaato].I ta.,- i it.-.'?.mii from tbeir baada Ibfl aawa waatan d rarrlerl to tlu* Dlctator 111 tb" P.ila.-c I nt tbe laaa "f Bfl abflaf Baaaaaa. ba I taan .""i i ttmt io thebarrai-rt-, WMU BtkM wm OtttU t, ui MU I ..n rhno aud then. The comuiand ??> canicl .nio clf.-.t w.lh uut lo-a of tlm.'. Tlic uiifortiin itc I*..-?_!.I- v ? . dlscovered ill in bfli w'nu thc flflaaBBflfl eu tered. The prinelpal of tlu aa uuii'd. BBBl drcw bi- pi-t..| and . hot tbe Prealdeut tbree tun.-a, eaeh I. .11 ii,rtn I'ug * f.ital wourd, and, by his order. , tba - . 'i.iiy iug him pierced tbe iuanliuutc Ihx'.y wiin ilxu bflflflaflfla flatheiinfl baatilv toif. ther, v, uh -ii.ti ii,.|incr< nt anna aa eould BB prtM iiro.1, tbfl pcop!.- r. -..l\..i t.. aiabfl .11, . t taek upon <fiitierr.-i. At 1I1U1 BflflflflMMl aflflaeaavfl ttmmg of tho jiroiiiin.-ut iii.-n of tin- |?.;.nli'r parl v. nna"U' ta further eontaiii their ladlflaatton, aad qnl BtolMprern tlic faf airu.ilc 111..111. Bt fer i.i'i'.ii. Iln* (.iiurr.'r. iiwo.l aud territled at tbc urcat mar "f lm neopli ?? bflflrd ln ttttty part of tlm cltj, **Death to tia u.i ' called hia few rematuinir trooi.ti lo*retb?e, aud 011 foot rnarched, wifh pl-K'l in Iim.kI. 1.1 tlm ...rt ..( BawtaCflAa llua. ln tue aubuibf of tiie eltj.aad tban laraadal my. foi. Heicucla Zcvalloa, the llr-t \ i. . r,.-lil,'.' ol llio Ita-i.iilillc, uow put binir.. lf at tlic of tbo maaa. a, aml waa halle.1 wltb vivaa and,...,-. < oaattta tlon and tbe law waa the ruilj niir cry ol tim ponunv .-. Pro.-ee.iing to tbe Unverniiient HoiiKf, r<>!. IflvalhM .?. . urued tlie formal flliaefloa of pabUc iffi ra, aai ..ii,te<l u caiiiii.-t eeaapeaad ol od-m ot tho moal ai*tin(*alaaed nien of th.- ciilntry?KilH'iin, KHa-A i-uei... Morul... lun -'i ai, umi ln ...ujuui Umi ilic.t- n.. B I... apcedllv took tlm ncccaaarv atep.? .,? plr-.-iM- piilillo or d< r. Tbere wa- hardly any aaaaaait*. for thia. Iii* iwo ple, altboUKll ilituua.-ly cacltcil, only had ono nl,,.-. t. tlm Miniiuari puiiith'.i. i.t of ( T.i I f .r ?tlll dt-tl.-.l bla pat-U-ffl. 1. iter 111 tbe ef enliiK lt Ifc. _,_,... evideut to huu tbat tbe remnantfl of hl? followera in the fort ltaelf were dcaertinn hia ea.i*e. Tiiere waa bnl one caode left .--capc. Wrappi-tl lu _ . I.ruk aud with a wlde-lappeal bat, b. aflBBMBd BbBBfl froui the fotlre-r. aud had prix crdol throu_U Ibr* cil> to lha BaaflB BWaefl. wbea be wae reeoflnlaefl. Ba nuih. d iu?..? (lruKK'lfct'a thop, where he waa apee.llly -ui 10111 d.-.i by tlie i-ri.wd. Iu leaa tliue tbau it taken .0 truu-rrl ... theae worda, all tbat vm loft on BflfflB of T.arnaa Iiai_ 1 re. waa a bl.KxIy, dlaflirured nia-a of hiiiuaii fl.-.ii Tiio peeatoi exultlnu lu thoir rUtmy, dr-Kted tbe body t'i Uii prinelpal a.iuar-, and banir.a.1 lt to ,1 I-.Yu, ;..?t. Uu the uiorn'iur uf the zTih of July, tbe eorpa.'- 01 tbo lH.l.i tor uud hia l.rothcra, uake.i, eovered ?llh irore au.l iuu.1,* -.wiuiriun froui tbe blub tnwera ?f tbo irreat Cbthfl dral. ifatedat and by twenty tbaaaaafl p.opi. ; tii.ii.o tnev were lowered and bume.l la aaa.? iu 11,0 prlii.ipal afaaia. Tlm lo** of ilfe. wiii pr.ili.ihiy 111.1 ? a i-t-ed iwo, aud tbe city la pcrfectiy irauquil. Fmmm\km\ a AT BOriTON?A 1)1.0.'K OP 5II0B STOHI8 DE-TROYED. Bixiton, Aug. 17.?A iir_ broke out early thia aaBabaj -n tho eixht-atory graiitte biock Na.a. an 10 M Pearl-at. Muaw, Taylor A fo., Joaepb Haiia A Bon, N. I). .'anterbury, and K. W. Kiueraoa oeeuph-d Noe. M to tt; C. W. Wcatcr, C. E. Juhuson, aud J. H. van A Co., No. M; t'l-Il'U A Tbayer, flaa n aud M. M.Rt lut tia iu A fo , K. P. Phillp-a A . o , and IMwaid l^.iu.iii/ A ?'.. , ia. upuiita of Nii-. _o aud iti, will be tbe larfleat loaera. Tbo eutim i.:.? L, la ??. <-.ipi. d by bootaiid ahue atorra. Tbc dautaire wlll prvuably aiuount to |to,.aji", wbieb ia -.upiaoaod to be fully 111. itir-d. _____? Mm*RtmtftBk>"PLOl'R MII.I* Bl KN1.D. K.KHK9TKK, Aug. 17.?The I'li-aix Flcuriag Mlllr.. at llrowii'a, wen- de-troyed l.y ttre thit% inurulnK. Tbe loaa on thc butldiui* la 130,000; iua_rauce. II..000. Tbe loaa ou the ito. k, about tflfBDO, la toretod bg. lutunmt.