Newspaper Page Text
??* NEW-YORK, THURSDAY. AUGUST '-22. 1*72. PRICE FOUR CETm V^ AXXI1.N?-9,792. THB^UTICA CONVENTION. GEN JOHN A. 1>1X HOMWATED TOR QOV KKNCK 1IY THF. (?KANT BEPUBUI _ V1TH14.N \M1I1 .-I'l l I Mi's vHTOKY-KOl'.KKT ?ON ll I Ol I Ol IIIi: WAY UV A i I HuM IIOISK STAU ? ALI. HlMsKVI IS?. Mil BBOtTTaD IX.WN?KVF.KYTHIN?. AKII INCH? HKHHtKIlAM>-i;V,N. J. C. BOBIKBO* M'V IHATBO rOl 1 !f I Tl N VMl.i'VI !!N(.K ? A IIAUMI RaM I'l CIIOIIM. I.HY TBIKHHAPn TO THF TKIBIN1 ! TItica. An?. 2i.-Tlic Tetona min-paO?> Tliuimw W??d.hi.?ma?le??tir of th. -greatest ?. ?fi , rl8| lat BBBttBBtlBB, Bf acclamation. ?.filin. John A Dll 'or the flrat place on th? Crk'' "I th, (iimii Hi.1. Contention. It I* admitted.m .i.Ish?ih that tho ?a..,- wa? il.wil Bf Mr W? ed .:i .. mast. r,y minnrr. The old nan. aimidin*: * tm-twortla.v authority, had BJvBB tho Cn-tom hou-e .-fill Bit Ul ""del ?tan?? clearly, last BaSBt, that HO Republican hart the ?lightest or Ih IBB . l.ct.d. ami that if WBBld M I tkito run A.H. Corn? U for Meut? tiant ' lt>teaiBlBaTtl aeaaaasaaaai?tj 'hose aot m the secret that I'.x w..?eut of the tl, Id. IIS Hum, W tinned m the Conv.litlot. BBtU Bftef th. ft I sja?<i? had got into a marl over tho other candidato. The had already twi?.- direi fed th, , ;. rk i?, call the roll, when an in,known man reel on tin Ma*.'?', and, lit a short and ?an iu'.'y prip.iicd r-isuh. j.n ?-? titctl the name of John A. DtX H,. . ly ,li ::\er??l. and "' It? . ? h_ what ?(. mid to Ik imit,? use enthusiasm and I -t of great county rife; ...i.i,t> ui.n. .inn? d its uitci tlon Of ibrowiiiara solid vote l,.r l..x.:u,.' ...nilidat??.ift.ri.iti.liih.te was withdrawn Tl.. ?1? t.? ll Of th? Bl BBBB skillfully arrant-?'. by a gnat atari"* Tn<* a-ataBBa ataa mined out M l* Mt ?.??? * ( huk. Mr. Weed's substitute m th. Ota aontii a ; let tin ict. i an himself, though he has BBBB u the ( it.? for two day. did not dare to expose hi? ?nat? ion d nervous syitcm to the rough shocks of the phj si ral route?! A? \oit forroepondont anticipated, the day ha? r.ot 1 without some unplea?ntit oxhi'.itioti? of ill-fe'l ii,t. ?i?i, Van Wyib open? d the bail by B malicious ?|t? ? aa, which Bt concluded by reading an editorial from ? cnt-ining ati insidious attack I -.?t..who had been all day the accepted candidate fnrCoyeroor. Van Wyck began by l?cwa.ling th, i;r.ii:t.v if t*. i r-Is. He since.? . tin di? ll,- wished the grand old standard -bear, r? of other years witc with them to? day; he felt nail not to BM them here. After the extract from fat had tx-cn unction by theCeti. ..ll 'he proceded to comment. He was at a .it found ition Thr Tioitt (prolonged a*e*af Bert lataiiBflBd tho speaker, ?m.?(?(??? ,ie.i by m rai tara tatd < v ledtj Uta! ar aad heard ?ata?a from copperhead? during the war IP i BBBB If had no knowledge of 111?' BBB111 Bf the lit Lu k on Mr K. ' i'tson. but K WaafpOSSlbls tt.ero might Beaaaaeftoaaatatloofoi I . tamta* he hoped it was a tl.. ti.?h attack on the part of llu Time*. W'oodford tliottrht that a arreat wron? ha?i BBBB don, an honest and aid'- roan, without knowledge on the part of the author of the fatal eons?ipnkB)BB if might pti.ilnrf. The cr>,nil:daf. w BOB chura. 1er w Bt t!r.? BBBath'(' had nothing to do but to r. ad un hi? past reputation. II? aBsBerad the lajBk*teeB article had ?rot into the paper oti Bf the adatar? Mt. Woodford did tli? BBB! lo > aeld to ?mouth over au ugly mutter, but the truth is that tin- CuMouvhmise party, m ho?headed b?, Knn.yor Cornell, Collector Arthur, Sharp? Postmaster Jones, axe here In for???had determined tc slaughter llohcttson, aad that gentleman well krmwi whence cafi.e the (lows that have prostratid him. .Iiidg? 1UU itsonv BBBM was hn.iliy withdrawn tiy Mr. Jumes Hu?t?il, aj,],< ?nance in the Coriyentiori. this m.1 luii?:, in the place of one of the Westch? .?ter delega tioii. BBB ? gnat Mirpti.??. Mr. HiiSTod's l?ame was a*ri?t?d With chiefs wich if was BTBI'TIBrf i'l ft BBTlBI Is i n g. in ?ally M.T'joMtl that Bt wa? anti-Grant. He iu.,1 .-?ciiator Hols rt.-on are mm h pleased wilh the lot it,al rea adtea ikej Ban leees**** It turn.? out today that Mr. Opdjkc must bo i.drted to who haie declined, with thanks, to Bt a eatniida'e for (.,-.(mor. Mr. E. Ix-lathld Smith 8fBBl78sa*ed In the (mwntion, to-day. and afterward rep? at? ?1 the ?1?, liiration, that thouirh he jK-rsonally pn-fi-rnd Kolxrt ?aon to Hu, he f< It certain that the former coii!d rut be elected. It has b.eri the policy of most of BM I aBaearsaad aalafaBBi toar t.. ?iaim the tarai tdt tat ?rant Ihpui.ln an Stat?- ticket by an immense majority. But C' ?i. Van Wyck arid Mr. Smith seem BB have a rery proper ?aateaBBt fm su? h BIBB si? mm bii.'. BB. Char!? ?? .s-jw-t . er tun! very little t?. say today, but lie BBaVBl .mi truthful ntnaik. In the middle oi Itatl B|BBBI lor Hit, he obtaii.? ,1 the 11.?or am! I?'i:aii to -j? ak by say BBg that he a? knowledireil how m,l,ly ?ien. D ?v-r\?d his country. Here h? was interrupted t.\ pre loiiK',-,1 eheernii.'. imi.-t *?*?( r?-stor?-d BB i-pi tel In? remark, and Hiram t*t BsartBfBag whs renewed, Partial ?juict airain intervening, he ?juit-tly flulshed the m ntenoe l.y aal in?; that (ien. lin hinl held ottie? and BBT*I ! Bit BBBaarj for ?o many fBBIB that he thouirht he had Barrad it . nouirh?a remark which ha* at (least the semblance oftrutn. Marshiil SharjK- ji-rf rm? d the friendly service ?>f wlthdrawiiie; Survey?u (oincl! as a candidate for L cut.!,ant ?, iidiin: fieri, C. Itobin BBB . ! Hrooiiie in his paite, Kobinson was sui,j.urte<l hv lin.-t ,.! tli, e-? ,|.|e.,j,|i ,,[, (he platform, and was the can? dida!? of tin Federal official.-. II ? nomination wa? ' : >.'. ?Bel ii.t.i.?t. Senator Thayor of Troy wa? '- | oppon? t.t, and is certainly far better ?iiialifled toim-ide over the Senate should, I? some miracle, a ??rant ci.mlulate I.?-?-l??t?s(l. It is not probable that Mr. Tbtiyi-r i- at all trout, led by his f.tilure to r? ? ? i\ < -the uaniinatlon, eonsldenuK that hi? deleat, aluna: with Dix, WOiil?! Im- in.vitanie. Ti.e i.latfnrm r?BBaatM i? a* commonplace and empty as it i? BBBB** to ?,:,v., n , The only resolution which Keim, t., cuntan. BBr*B*B|| I* one Bettina* forth that it woiil.l I-. a pleasure t<? m-e the canal enlarared for ?team naviiration without aaBBBBe*? th. |i<,pic id tl? Stute, Otearr? ? btcbbibb a BBaeaaj tor Bra **areeatv Taav b?-iu?r ? floe cne? j.tiou and utterly havrmteb?. wa* embuilied in Hatee. ( onkliiJK's home oraran oo?(*ratmaUd the delegates ye*t.-ril.iyl that there was no slate, ami that In tin? Con? vent, un th.y were at full litis-ny i?, ?elect whom they pleased a? candidate*. It turn? out, however that everything was pr? arranged. B. Platt Uu-j^ntei, the temporary chairman, bored the Convention for half an Hour a***BB elaborate n? BBB abualve of Mr. ?reeley Though destitute of eit?er force, eloQuence irttMi- or wit, it* cumbrous classic alliwiou? and pointless puns showed that Its author muet either Luve tsmif/ut It rt'inly-ma<!e from aome sophomore or occupier! several hour? in p.e?TarBaa It and ? ommittiug It to memory. The address of Mr. Wbe? 1er. the iH-rmaiK-nt Chairman, had been set np in Tkt PMaa Herald ?ltloe and distributed amona the re? porters before the Convention was called to order. Mr. Win? irr gait a vtry at??1? version of it. Though intist ing that another arreat war was imminent, that the Re? bellion was not yet conquered, and that (?rant was the ?nly man that could preservo the country from destruc Lion|l?y KuniKiwd?T, h' y? t had the good taste |to re? frain from comparing Mr. Orecley to 8atau, hi? sup porier? tx? the fallen angel?, and Grant and his houi-o liol?! ta-oops to Mi? hail and the auge]? of light, as Car penter had done. Carj?enter, however, has txien Col? lector of Internal Kevi-nut, and hopes to be numbered eatKin/r toe anaeU again. R>XiULAR REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS. B. FLATT CAKI'EXTER MAKE? A jBODKI. RENOM 1NATION M'KK? H?VIVII) PICTCRK t)F THE AL CIIAHA4.TEB OK THE GREF.LEY ri'?wP.Iw?tC'T~A P0?'nrAI. BVEEt'll FROM THE ?LATro?l?T CHA1KMAN-A mOH-BOUKWN? lUartkUL PBB88 DISPATCH J Utica, Aug. 21.-The Republicen State Con venUon met In the Opera House Una morning. The Con veutionwaa called to order a little after noon, by A B Cornel), Chairman of the Hut? Central Cemmlttee Oen. c. H. Van Wyck moved that B. Platt Cerpenter ot Du*bess be appointed temporarj Chairman. Agreed to unanimously. BPEECn Or MR. CARPEBTER. Mr. Csvrpanter, od taking the chaar, ?ddrtiaaed the Con r?ntj??j ?ubsuntially as follows : 1 thank you for this manlfesuuon of yoor confidence. Tbearraaion is Indeed a momenloti* one. The form of *?}mvitou' *Bat*e*B It be vapor or anbstanec. again Cs-nv front*you. 'ihe rrpre*euUtlve? of the aWagonlefio ?Bk?-Bei have ft ttraetaer their let aeree, aad Uaur niitural creation la a rambdatc with two face*-. ?<m<n atixloit- for Bille* (B hi. warfare against the tea-teas ot a i.miiih-. ?** htmUtmnaftraaaa,aata ;."<*,;,?; ,,' ? ttar'Wool thai 1?; nan inn over their eyes. N? ?wrloT-l danger MB forobod? tl, ? Republican party when each s ban and such ala* Stall lie town together. T?r stai?daid;beaier at t>l ppooaiuon la noteffor bUforolbleI?aadBektoBwpoai Although be dm enacted for year? ?t hi? ? happen ? a Bomber bttrteia.Be m??n American buabandr) ?Timbo, unfriendly aeverthateM pronounced Mm c belter ju<lg< .?f carrot- Itaa of character. ?Applause in? BDppoBeddevotion le principie, however, reoiplved ?..tal ?fu? k - hen, la exchange lor a few promised tott ? lie bartered away the right loadvoeata in? Ion? liloliset doctrine ol Protection. Before u-suming the robe? of ? h m,lair In* political i< nowr? bad beea limited t?> l r< ti .ion bis law te libel and bailmeata, hm hobby to ai .mu From tbesealou? Instigator of lervlle feeds be be , oie tbe petulant adv?cate ol Beeeeakm, aad after thi rebellion nuiiiiii'ii?'. ?i bti original srj of "Oa u Klcbmoud " wan ii.? more ridiculous or abort I V( ?I ,,, ?m be bii preeent Cessna ton, with tin phlioeopher room ted on lu? Roumanie, leadlo m? inotirv retainers bllaa with hanger for ofliciai pbi [applause] and shouting, "On t?' WashingtonI'"*Oa u ihr Treasun !" (01 n i? written, " Can tbe blind lead the blind? ?hall the) not i?ith lull lata tbe tha??f It i? noi nmrv. I?,ii? that. 111.11?. il with the malignity that inspired ?Miii his desertion, be -houid strive to take bis old de lamer* by the band aad hi- old ?rapportera by the Beta, Batofwhai ?inn i? hi? patrtousml lu ibr darkest hour? of ihr Bebellion, wbea -onthara vaka bad BssuBMd the form of desperation; when the Northern Dpvei lacking courage, wai llred aitli new ardor; when tin- ?rr? it rrpubiit-an In-art was trui .ti,?l tl? termination waa stamped apea every brow?but one, then, at tbe critk-al momeai ul the natloa's life, whea the bravery of her ?on? ?van the ?uticty <>f the Republic, mighl have aaaa aaaa elimb iii(* up IBs araBB7 Q__a-_aa shore wMI Bti back to his native land, this dooghty leader, robust In frame, bnt fainting m spirit, showing to the world she whit? eoat, the white bat, and the white teat-Mr. [Long i oaaiDui ti and nproarioui applsase.] Tbu?, as who vas the promoter ot hostilities In peace, becama la war the advocat? ol imiTcnder. Where i? -oatbern chivalry, toe valiant to raise the white Bag even when diseretlon rouneeled, ami surrender weald have ben honorable, if m ibaUnow go Into battle led by thli areb-fomeater of dis .nul Ihr white feat Iit-r hero of Ni igara I | Applause.] Where Is Democratic oonsisU-tey, whea a party win abandon its laat principies te - greedy huai far the spoil. 1 Appropriately may their orator? proclaim. " half a leal is better than no bread," t.? a party wheat vision does aal eztaaa beyond tho loaves and Banes. [Applauae.] M la Impossible that the non bone.t rank and ni?' al that party living prosperonsly am? eon tentedly and? i s e?"<l governamat, with no argument imt tin' pettj ipoQs tint? held our tedlaaulvlagvtewi before tbem, eau be transferred, body and ?oui, at the bidding and through tbe intrigue of selfish leaders, to era? e tbe funeral procession ot s parfldloaa canal. They know thai their Imported staadard-baara. ivas anas powerful as Thi TbiboitboI the BetmbUean party, tben assumed to act as Its oenaor, and afterward abandoned n because he eould not be tolerated a> dictator. At ths New-York nut-tin?:, before ?Cincinnati, they heard from bis lipa the explanation that, becau* bewasanabli to i tk we teal Republican State Convention, he had de . .1. ,f possible, to rain the part) "'?tt held U : bal ....i not advanced far enough te Indorse the be nltfu doi trui,' a bien he would now promulgate, thai tbe Incendiary who applies the torch, eqnallj wi?n the brave unman who extiugtilabes the flam? ?-. Is aatttlad to ? redit uu.i reward fat aaflag the structure. mi. i'nm miKni.1, ?i i B-DBQI OB (?rantikm. Th, > Be ast join u.? immoral,t thraeg la aarattag Iron?a brave general who came almont penniless from a tlnwhieii hB (Mias ami pantetaaac bad saved tin Ktpui.h? [anteBM tha latosa al gratttadatfeBi a leyaaa peopk have aaatawad. ner ti>? ihayBadaaaaalaa fei feign? ?i ladlawatt?i te the teet u,?,t ol ;k?,i?io Owvem ment servants R appears thai a elender half dosen are r. lat.',! within the ninth degree of blood aBtelty to the President Tbey know that the presenl Administration baa been the most suceeasful f..i half a eentary, They i.. i>, (ii.iiit [applause] the man wbe mod ' ? atbed hii triumphant sword al the iir?t whlspi i i. pubhi Is safe,"and who, leadlas the vante the movement loi national tranqulLUty, has achieved m il.o-?- .ion,m- victories through which, testing merit by practical results, be Is Justly distinguished as the first civilian <?f in? time, and ttuy eoneede that by the gentlest healing rem?di?e ami i<> the extent sf human ?kill he lia? ekwed IBs gaping wound, of wnr. leaving no dfridteg ehaemsavi m the uneven vein ol I hi Pbibi bb agitator, who defeat. ny and fiab rnltj. and leeks for discord as hla only stepping-stotM to power. ....-, ?in i BtTBBaAl AMBBBT1 Mini i i? BOl BB ?.lam? B, ?till, n ?lend? i pr?t? xt for disalf, ?tioii i? tin- fact that complete aaxaaaty has not yet been extended t?, a hand ful ol the mam aatOttoW traitor-. Yet h( re the hi toriau n.ay aaarck thi watia^i aaaalsbi rali teanfaanJtelte thi terbearanee aad ferglveaeaael theBayahtteaaAd mlniatratloB. N,?t punished, but limplj dented the ptii - ol gudlng the deatlnie. of tbe Republic, are te?eli the twice BMW who staked theii Livesand their fortan? upon ihelr treason. Soured aaabittea, arrayed _]y, ignorei u?< tea? manlty la all tbe past, and monrna thai thi cbii I plotu r.? against ihn nation are not made its trusted mm nenian. I Btrange thai hlatori iboul : m nd down Uirougb long wail over the self-immolation of tbe o wbogave th? n live, al Thermopylv, or thai mi ihould drop a tear al ti? raierai tha twlee boo who rushed nit?< thi Jawi ol death ,.t Balaklava. The v...?u.,-: lympathy and the higbeat admiration attend unselflsh devotion t" conntrj and to duty; but when in hli aspirations far llbei .. la retarded in each i...,, h by the croas or guillotine, ami Inally, itttt rthe alow progn m ,.l centurie, hla hope.are reallr.? il. beneath aa American ?kv, there II tittle berelsm In attempUag to tear down the only govi ruaient that would piot? it ?.im. Bpartaeaa with hi. to riadlaton und? rtooh to abolish Roman uavery. and orgnni-tea ? aetfrUe army routed foiiHiil after connu!, and ouiv by ilivinion? Iu tin rank? wa? prevented (rom i>n.i UiminK on i vera*] entend nation from th, Capltollae Hill. Ultimately defeateil in? captive army were erushed in the Apptea Way. John Hrown ?aiiplau?, ] with hi*?eon-of snaloie.slliimul ix?n Hie t-lii,' tiling iu Amern a. wa? aapUired befOTS he had Ksthi red hi.- forcea, and swung from the sallows al Harpers Kerry. In each case the world, although ?\ m pathizlng with the purpose, abhorred tin ajaaas ami juetlfledtbe judgment as neeessan i,,r the seeurity ol government. Hut our unpromoted ;??o eannol plead In mitigation th? hii/her Impulses of the ?oui. Not for iiiKTty, but to perp?tu?t? s d? basing testltntion, already marked fol decay, they pre? ipiLatedlthc horror? of a? itil vu upon a peo pie. Lnjancleut ames tnere would have been i.?,;? xemptlqn from forfeiture, und life would have ta sa ?pared only tbroiiKh eommatat-M from deata to bond age. Mure recently, Lnglaud in me icy would have ex? iled, or with antempered ?rath, would have blown team to atoms at the eaaaea'a monta. Bvea aaw, Oataaaay wou.d ? xact payineiil of the war deb?,, and a large lu. demuity f?,r futur?- *.'??,?d behavior,quartering upon tbem a standing army to watch aa they tolled to make up the deficiency. ltut our humane (;o\cr?ment no condition as ta tin war debt, exacted no citiupfiu?atiou for loan to nwrrowiu? hounetioid? bereaved la the strag? gle, and demanded no |iectiiiiary indemnity; and it adopted tbe policy <?i granting numen a? compniu n i und a? rapidly as would be compatible with na? tional seearitv; and under that ienient policy the lant three hundred Will la due time receive thai pardon winch by right they can Bevel demand. With a magnanimity that adornn the victor, and a spirit of re? onciliation that han been ttw? Sparingly reciprocated by many of the re Stored, tht-rrenident ban been foremost In recomuiend ing the removal of the disabilities entailed i?> the war. Yet m the light of recent outrage? iicrpetratrd by those who must tm\c forgotten th?-mmitle m charity that the ?overnment had thrown ever their prev u.ns crime., there 1. among tbe friend* of permanent peace a growing wntiment that amnenly wiould be graDKfl only an a return for uewborn patriot inui, and that the "due time" ought not to arrive until every hull, ,i recipient of the nation'?! unbounded grace * ? *w? faltn navr hbaanlad the reaulu of the war ana forever abandoned the bereatoa that lea to it. That i.iiaougnt not U'arrive so long a. torture nhal) haunt 7*Jm\\\\amm?g.l1? S*****, or the Sal vaaeaatwia d-__-____w? tl'? ,ar"'' l'?lU?e< ??so demand, thai a,d,imn?,^ h1ux1,'1u hUinM ,M- Pro1r?- ?'.v g<??l order n rr w ,rrt.trd ",','u'1,y to Ufe and property, und not by -BBwAasssr*a Ra?11"" ati>,Dl_!'LL k"Bl'LT8 0F BBBBUR- ELBCTIOB. At the^beginning of the rebellion rel^l sympathiser. ..eslrt.1 to arm our soldier, with tbe olive branch Inntead l_rr? Tfh V'8Vl?g Ma,U>d S* ,b'! olive branch warriors, of the North and the Ku-Klux of the South In a dastardly appeal to rever*.th? i?^^_? . ______ of battle, nh.?uid 1_.|.,??D\Uin.?i?T\*V^ "****. all trea*ou, of ail Buljieuae,., . ,i *U' 'orgetiulneaa of and law. The B-**S5SS_l In ?ESS 9***-**** reconciliation, and frateraTtV_.n*i ?et,*ulD'_uSf B__5i clou? liberaU-m that woultfCd in ?? ?lth,hcI,fri,11 memory of the ?ilrJii-_-_L?_jH-??- _teaTaths humterthan tbatof the glorious A,^r ?m flred uv?n. death in Its heroic defen^^.^^^?^kocouxtod the vacillatUig reprewntativoottbe_?tV.^^"M,l',u? the Republic would i-h_ upon the ?_^?""?oiraty and Convulsions would ruin both enu-r__r_,_,Trt*1,J,y? every Ivond repreaenhng ? porU-_ o1f_-S _-_?t_Aiu_r??il at once a mournful remembrance of an ?r_iv.i7 ?"". liouand a bond of onion between IU holder anrtM.-* r'.M ' and every penaion that mnm? B"g*!___ or orphan, would depreciate in value a. tbe ii?.._.?r w ahould be conducted by bl. unstable adnimi.t?-?1 The debt.linoreover, U already lar.e enougti wIUiomi _T diug hwt),QtA),t*JO to pay for former slave., ?hum _E in ley', spasmodic 'dlsunloui.m would have doome4 t,, . '* petual bondage, had not the sword ol Urant lannian-L made all Columbia free. "wiauaej WBAT THE RLl't ULI? AB t'ABTT HAB DOBB. The party which you represent bae entered opon the holy rnlMlon of maintaining tbe Union which It ba. pre? served and of perpetuating tho liberty which it ha. made universal. Tbe tree of liberty wm planted by our forefather, upon American ??-??, and here It was pro tavte?! r?w their fosteriug cere and Irrigated by tbelr Jilood. by tbe ?teedy "growth of a century it. roou Bave become firmly nM*e._?ltii in that noil and n branche, extend at roa. a coutfnent ; and when m re ?cat U)iMtt tnsytf^ MUgbt to shiver iig lordiyui-ul, that tr?o wa? r.-tuvlaroraled and reHAJietlflcd by i patriotic hlooil that was shed iinmiiil It. And no no when it I? sought witli r??i?ant hand* to hew II doe prostrating with it the bright?-?! totB* a patriot ei eherlab, a potent ami dtflialTT vmo.. lu Novemb will say to him vl,,, wield? Ihe at at (lripi.a(|ii:i : "Sti Where, you an-; haik, if you choose, among your hv scrub?; but. woodman, ?pare that tree." (ApphauM H? pul,h? ans who havo Baea ali?nate?! ifirniii deceit aad inlsrepie.-eiit.itK.ii, will return with aliicn to their long ?h. . i-ll??l faith. welOOBSed bai'k to duty at triumph. A large i la*.? of D'-miH-iats. wl?? pr?t r onl to misrule, ami ataiulitj lo iinoertainty. will repudia the candi.Int.- ol intrigue, doubly nominated only I doabh dealtag, ami give t<> Oraal and Wilson a ngoroi So the Republican purl), joining hand? wl lovera <>f good government arerj win re, will Malerei utiprec? dent.',i i ir'uiy at the coining election Hy ,B*H action to du It ?h .i'l Im- yours I?. e,mil Unite large to the de.Hire?! result, to assure a p?'riiiaiieut ie.leu.ptn of the Kvnpiro and ?elect for It a high poslllon the viclorloiiM Republican column. |Applini??'.) Or tlemen of flic ( toa volition, what is your ph-amire 1 At the cumin ion of hl? ?pooch Mr. Carpi-liter wi gneted with thr.-? ? h. .rs. C A MeCartev of Henai I.kt County, .lutin T. Norton of Kings, and Col. Joh Manly of ."aitiiraugu? were ap|Kiiuted t< mpoi arv Hocr. taries. A committee of two fn.m each ptdiclal dUkrii on eontesteil seat? and a committee of two from eav iiidielal ?hstrict un , ermatient organization wer?! o dru,I. The roll of delegate? was then , ailed When N. v. Tot* Wats Balled, Mr. Kitiarsley handed In list Bf cunt? ?ting d?liait, | fiom the Is. District. It v?i tratered that tin- amanee of i?..ti, tho regulars, asad coi testtints In-n ad in the roll, ami the conti'st Im- s?tt!? aabaaqaaatl]. vTben Thttrtow Weed's name wa? rea iheie wa? gi-<-,it applause and thiec cheer*. Jame? Thompson moved a resolution in favor of Ih enlargement of canal?, and that they l?e made fr? ?'? ? ferred. 'Ihe ChatT antioiinced tho Cominlttoi- on Cn-th nlial a I su tl? t .tin ni i It? ii on He?,lint iu: is, a? follow? : A. t>l?lrl<1 .Smil!, of S?w ?nrk William llenr? Antl.on ?r New-Yn? ('. C. N.irvell ?I llii-hmmil. Sirw.rt !.. Woialfoni ,.f Kibk?. WiUl ai I Itniiii >n ?f l'aster, ?hart*. H Smith ?I Alusn?, Win. A Ssrkeil of Mar: n.K?, Wrlli S. llH'tiiiMin nf Franklin, Carol K. Snail? of li... el <i. Kort ..f <law?tt. ll'n, Siunii ,.f Tin?-?, I W Uwighl . Toiapkina. K. (i Upl.ain ,,( Oolario, I. H MurKan uf Mourue, 1. 1 lti.?trn t.r Ki4*'Bra, llri.r? Van Arrmao uf Cattar.u^ua I'l?-(liair ann.iimccd the us the Commit to on Organization : 1. Isaae Dation uf New York . Join I). I.bwmb >.f New York. B Bl, phi D 11 Frenrli ,.t Saffolk , Mows 1) ?t*re? of ?trans:*. J. (ie?.rf? I Sliaip? of I l?t*r IVter S. Wioloopof Colaraui?. 4 J. V. Ue/aer ? Washington, il. K Jam.? ?f M Lawrence S Uta? IbcbIIb of J. If* ?on. P. ('. (sstell.. ?. Onrirls h Joli? II. Si-lkrv-f of Tumpkias Haas ll Jobason of Hr?H,ine. 1. John 1. I'srler of ? amirs ; John II. (/SB of Wtvne. o. Willanl MrKiostr) of t'h?oi?u.|??, sail Vola?, ti Knap of 0?nreee. Mr. Parker of Cayug? moved ttiat the res|,eetiv? dis trief? shall name their respc-tiii- member? of tin, Slat tien? ral Committee ; adopled. It was tiinvcil that w he the Convention adjourn, it be till 4 p. In. ; adopt? .1. I wrv? voted that a commute?' of one from each Cougr.-s District be appointed to nominate ihree ?lector? at large and that, after the upon nomination, the eh, lui? ?lioul. Is ? lioMti by eBBB vote. It wa? voted that the candidate? lor ('?.ngressmin. a ?asarae be voted for In open convention. A reces? wa then taken until 4 o',IBM k p. in. aftkrmh.n BathalOM. The Conventloti was i ailed lo in der at 4::to p. in. J. V Dai toi?, from tato ( omiiiittce aa Permanent Orgaulr.a'lrejHirl? d Un Hon. W. A. Who. -lor of Kr?nkln Ciintv for permanent Chairman, which ua? accept???! ():. taking the ?hail, tat. Wh. ? lei .uhln ??-.. .1 in? I BBrBB tlou it? follow?: Sl'KK? H <?K last ? III M.I.II. ?.i.NTi.F.MKN B* IBTBOUSlfBBIKMII I gratefully appre ei:it?, tlie honor you confer upon me In sihitltig me V preside out \oiir ileliln ration?. The Republican part' of tin Kmpiii Slate again | heels ml?, line ?,f iiattlc In tin maicillo?*conflict which, m common with it? br? ihren ., the Union, It inaiigiirat?d in the mteroht of human free dorn,and conducted through years of uiipiir,nlele?l Wa and natiom.l and Individual sulh-rmg to a < onsumm.iti.i crowned with assured national iiiiiti. and w hich furthe emicted absolute humiiii cojualttv before the law as tli one supreme, iiiichaiigable rule for everv foot of on brnad coiitiuental .I011..1111. The parry again lift? ?1 standard, upon Which ,??1 in?, ?tod intone? BMktB IB s|.l? mlent than ever ether standard bore, be 1 lie thov are victor?- 11. t merely of a materia nature, but of priiieipl.? eternal in their Baten and coiis4-?|in-ni ???, iiiiieii an In aaTeetaad control th? welfare and .?.-tiny of the counties? million* w ho an-1< fin. 1 Beeiet m tin? western world 1 tee rear fas ? Ltahl np with Inspiration al the men reference to i.? 1.1 ord Ol the noblest DoUtll al orgaui/.it Ion cur horn ut until. I knov? how th?- mi-moni-- ..t tee last fee ereatfal yean crowd upon you as von ci.nfioiit the new machluatloiia ot IBB old ? ?inspirator- again-t the I'nioti, who have marahalatd lo n? li aid, f,,, a aew a-,mit t rerjr political camp-follower, ever) daeappolnled, atari .1, and revea 1 ta pi ice-hunter in the Lara. Again the cloud ol 1 and disiiiiinii uvir-pr? ..?I? the nation .1 -k.i a? a pall. The thunder storm of battle la la oar ?ai ?, and rail armies en gage la,i?idiv coiifliit. opee tbeleeaeof which hang? our nailon,ii ?a?sleme ihe shadow becloud? ivcry hamlet, every huiiie, and aver] heart. Disorder. in Lays, blttei dlaappolntment, an in t>, aaeertalatjr, and ti? longing deatrt tor vlcterj ?train our evtrj Bewerel ? iidiiiuiiec to Ih,- highest strain. BBAltl s iui:*(ii:i,iMi;i si i:\ 1, 1 ?. You rememlter from wha: quarter relief flrsl ?.nue, and whose military prowess at lh,nelson gii? the in ?i substantial eheck to tho swelling and mlv.iiiiing tl.h if tli? Rebellion. Thl? is not the place to sketch the de tan- of th?- luteilin. but wl."?. h|,?,i| Beei not even now m..r?> rapidly through his 1 ein? n? he n<nils Ihe wild,'? |oi, the rajituroiis gla.lne*?. winch h ? ievi rj loyal hcut oa that April BaorBlaa eben lu* glad tidings w? re tla-l.. .1 tl.i. i.-h the land that Ihe I.rave Rebel aiuii ol Nortbeni Virginia which had ??> long aud s?i ili-halillv In,nie the fuiiiine? ,,f the in :, ? .lifedei.K > upon its . ai.ui?-!.? bad at last pun? (Liu 1. under the Im htm a bo, Urotigb the wllderne? and mataj a bloody, hani-tought il? id. bad patiently rjtireued II *i.ii uncel?utinr pur puss and teii.iciiy, until al last, ?l Api?auiattut, Hi. gigantic li. belilon lay pteatrate al in- fret I in,i,r in? guidance tht 1.?><1 of I, 1 ll.? had delivered 11? from the eligen, ?es o? wal. nuil Wt cali? ,,,it ,,1 QB lurii.u>- hi at v. iti. nitiiup.tii. .1 iiatioi.aiiti aad the rademptloB of the r.? ? a t. s?- perpetaal enalavenaenl Bad been the otBclally plu, iaime.l pui|M?s?- of Ihe new goveriiiiieni which the HebelUoii w..* teearabhsth LHdev? 1 ottaei w.?r jl.hl such nth ti'iiitiuu I \Vcll san* thi liOcili-loMug Wh?tiet ?: ' Km! we,tar?, I?, our ?ftoiii of |?r?i?r A?! r,.r ?iiir.- l!i?:i : I li?- la? ? ' Wb?B w?t tier hi? mint baaal, On r an/ I.ox- in Uaii, Blr?-trb*<| as now, swattM tin ?n. I How I,,*? pair. Annri.t utth an,! m?ik and Ule, In ll.:? woii.lsr of mir dat?. H bea tli?- ?rurl r,?l of'war llloaaoiut will) riKt,i?nu? law, A.i'l tii? wrath of ma?, i? praia* " How the land ranis'with th< plaudit*, of the great OBB tiiin whu had pi?,ved it? deliverer, aad bow even j,atrn,tie heart wen! out in gratitude to hnu for hlr priceless service? ! Ksch of the groat polltleal j.artlos at the North sought hi* acceptation of ?upport tor the highest of all earthly honor?, the Proaldeucy of the great Republic. Th?- Democratic parti would tain ban bidden Ils Ignominious aliatenieiit of the Reliollloii In the shadow of his gri-iit Aerate, rea<tv Ihea av? now, under Whatever galea 01' . to -I?,il ha, k into t lie pi. 1? es of i?.wer and trust from winch it been hurli'd by an outraged and Indignant peuple. Bel the brave BBBB who had thwarted the traitor? in their attempt to over? throw the Oovernmeiit, and whu hasl foiled the renegad? .lolinsun ?n his elToith to rub the country of the Just in? sult? of the war, ?punie?! all proffers of the Democratic party, ami adhered to that which had state.1 uj, hi? hiiiiils in saving the country from dialntcgratlou and ruin. The Republican party elevated (leu. Grant to the Presidency,and now point? with tn?t pride to the result?,.f hl* Administration a* Illustrated by hi? unfaltering fidel? ity to hi? principle?, the ?aim- and .liser?-?-1 uae of unusual pouor? conferred uinin him by Congre??, the ?toady and ?nf?- reduction of th?? debt and taxation, the removal of intricate foreign complication?, the arrowing respect for ?iur country abroad, a wl*??, lieneflccu _.aud humane Indian policy, ami the advancement ?srHho nation In every element or wealth, growth, and power. With una hated confidence In hi? exalted love of country, ?tern in tegrltv, Bail ?ellBBee? and iu? i? ???-?I ability to administer the affair? of (?overnmeut, thr Republican party, through it- ? linsen representative?, has, by acclamation, again made him its standard-bearer. ? ?en. (iraut encounters In the pending canvaa? the nppnaltion and Intensified hate of his old enemies of the battle-field and the ballot box,who, tienten and hnuiillatedutirvery point for the last rj year?, have, lu lhi)ixde?peratiuu, made ahollow, hypo? critical, huckstering alliance with straggling malcon? tent?, bave donned the garb am! stolen ?In- countersign of that party, aud are now seeking to pava? Its pickets, to capture by fraud what they failed to capture h> f,,i 1 ?-. They will meet their Appomattox In Novemlx-r uext, and trail their hybrid banner to the great chieftain who their own leader has laid " has never heeu defeated and. never can be." I DI'TT Or BKW rORB. Where anal) the Empiae State ?land in this great struggle, upon which hangs the momentous ?rueatlon ?whether the Union shall drift from its misorings or re*t firm until it becomes Impregnable upon Its new founda? tions 1 ??hail tbe pilot who guided the national ?hip safely through the dsrk night of the Rebellion and the wild waves of aaarchy, remain at tlie helm, or shall It be 1 oiiiidcd to one who has never renouueed the doctrine openly proclaimed by him, that a portion of the crew bave the right to mbtlny and break up the vc?*el at their jsieaaure, and who haa now t>**3oiae aurety fiar the politi? cal dogma* of hi? late principal at Richmond, tue arch traitor of the Rebellion t ?hall the party which valuly ?truck at the nation'a life be*-perm!tu?d to clutch tbe nation'? new birth, to cru*b out the rising hope? aud pii.gri-?? of an umaucipaled race, and to turn bevek the nation in It? un?uri?aa?i?-d advance to Imperial greatuea* 1 Men and brethren, whatever chaathaement may be deserved hy our national sin*, we mutt hope that thl? humiliation and disgrace will be ?parad us. In the llngcrliig illsa?trous days of the war ?iew York never failed to reapond to every exigency sud demand of tbe loyal catue. n?ir best blood and un ?tinted treasure were freely laid upon the National altar Let no one doubt her in this crisis. Bke will not be found wanting, our dnty to-day Is to furnish her standard bearers to lead her to new .vletory Let ilnsm be naeu of tried, anarwervlng fidelity to Republican l?nn ? pie?, who carry no banner but that of the uulveraal Repuhlican Party, of unimpeachable personal Integrity, cid ui?|u<?tli.iu?ble captacily for pablio affair? The miaaaou of Hi? Kepiablaeava party m nut yet ended, lu trleu.pti io thi* contest Bj needed to renaent the aew ~ *ee BiB*h>atie FOREIGN news. ??? TliK TUKATY OF WASHINGTON. Bl MMAItY OF TIIK Altt'.UMENT OF THE AMBaUCi ooraan pobum-bd in ueneva?_o-R_i OF Tin. ?BBIIBHOB1 OKHRV?, Wedtwtaday, Aug. al, 1871 A lou? BBB-BBBiy of the BRBBBBBtell of Mesar Wal te, EvarU, and? luahlug before the Alabama Clalii Vrbltratl.iii'lril.uinil U puhllshi-tf ii, the titeis? Timi u?- aaaaaallaipagalhi conduct of tho iirit_?ii Qatat ment In relation to torn <'<>ufederal? cruisers, not on Mr altewh-g tiicm to (?cape, but beeaaaa thry vara i ?ul?a.:iiurnlly wired and were permitted t? coal In 15:1 Inh aaaSB-al ixirts. The iioiu-,1 0f Arbitration met to-dt at noon, and at 3:15 p. m. ad)ournr?l until Prlday. ? luformaiioti lui. yet been given to the public. mol-Si W THE AMERICAN AIK.IMKNT?TH SITTIMi? OK TIIK ARHlTRATOI{?. into- >tBeoi_---_B_jiOB__-__fo_nvropnBi_B-SBi (?kmiva, Atip. I!.-T)ie "BrgB-BBBlr" Biilmiitt?' to the Tribunal by U?r (lounsrl of Uie United Ktat. ?ate | a portly volume ?f M pane... It in dlvuled lui ill chapter.-, with an appendix. Thc?r are as follows : liitroilintiou. II. The controversy subml'.tcd to arbltr Horn III. (ienoral discussion of quo.Uon.of law. V maaaBaaaaaa ? eaatdarattoaa v. Meteae-at of the pm el pal lacts, gewral aud particular. VI - ) Hi.?toii?al accounts of the several cruisers. X (?iiisnleratlon of the duties of (ireat Britain a? estai jtetol and rcioginii.-d by the Tnalv, In I. ?aril to 11, offending raaaala aad it.? tallara t? fuinii them a? laaaa <?f ?ai,i raaa i?. xn. Tin- teflan af ( Brftala t?, th till itsdutie?.. XIII. Ba n.ituiv and Bb-IIBBI of damage claimed by the United .SLitcs. The uppcinlii contain lour not??? In the form of n-pli.m to sp.'? l al point? In th llrltmh Case and (?muter-Caso. The volume in nlgued b U. Cushing, Win. M. Evarts, ami M K. WalU'. Th? title.? ol UM ? haptrrn show Unit the work has bee done in the un?.-t thorough ami comprehensive maiiuei Home parts, ludeed, seem to overlap one another, i?u this la to t?c explained by Hie fact that, in th? part-Hi of latior among the counsel, it w_? impossible to preven nonio r?p?titions. These, however, detrai't frtun th B/aaaeirj rather thaa tram tha tarea <>f the aigaaMBl The English argument, win, h in due to the single Liai: of sir koiiiiiieii Palmar, m fcaaallfal in form, style, am arrange mon ta, but it lack- the >uu.ty win, h mark? it rival. There runs through the American ogam m, iat a vein of almost contemptuous irony It seldom. ItfBBtMlN Into flippancy, 1? Bata furced, and always sharp aud appropriai? The lone of t lu- volume 1? eminently grave and sols-t but the scoriiliileav with which British fallacic ar .-?.wi-pt gf?| rgalaBB it anything but dull. It in f resh an? antactalalag from beglsaiag to end, and, afl thlBga ? aa Hidervd, in perhaps the inosl r? spe?-tabli: of the Au.erlcai contribution,, aa Ito Alabama Claims. The first fiv ?Ii.iji'ii- an- m tha nature of .?catloldiug, the lii-t<uii a BSftteM bei.ig tha foundation. Tln-.v are devoted to plae ink tin- question cleuily aud accurately, L BMWang parts of tin- BBfttah aigiiiiKiit-, am flung tin: groaai for tha aiaaa tonaal work. Tn, inn?! importaiit < liapK-r in that entitled "Thi failure ol Qraal Hnt.nti to fulfill its duties." It fiils sixtj pages nud nppeai? to In'th?.' work of one hand, and tha the hand of a ma r. r.| It in a close, uninterrupted argu meut, covering all the leaultig point, of the question and ?In.iiiglt?? conclusions home, with irresistible h-M Thestyl? i> in fn.'slinesfl, vigor, and conclue neu*. Tin- only criticism one ?an make 1.? that it _ea_B too stnmg-that the argument, compared with thost which it haata aaewar, la too much like driving tac.? with a sl-'dgt huiuini r. Of all the iloruuii-nt* called forth by thi. I ?tig controvert)? and I have read th?'iu all with mote or les. care?the twelfth chapter of tin-boot In qu.?-!,.> . ..;:... If, lu toy opinion, tue mont ma.-ii i.y presentation ot tin- SM . The uttli tiheatBB in mainly an argument for the indi i.. i damage?, both an to their admissibilit? under tin IVBafty, Bad a. to their value an a ha.-ls for a pecuniary award. It Is not certain that Ute learned counsel en I.: i,l on Una part of their work without reluctaucr. II irSaid that Mr. Kvarl? expressed himself against I lit iii'lirci-t claim? before leaving America, and a residence in 1'.ul? ha.? hardly worked a change iu his mind. Hut thedat) ,?f taaaaal B te obey their employers; ami a? tin ??mpli'.vt i in tin? ? Bat had BMkia claim for the expensen of the war after Ito i li* of tiettynburg, then' wan no ?nurse for the conns?I but to argue the claim. Aa to the Interpretation of the Treaty. I supp?t th?-y really held the official A a,en i .ni \??-w. fin v iert.niily argue it wiih extra? ordinary force. It I? worthy of notice, however, that they generally sj?eak of th- indirect claims, as "claims for tin In? ii ;,-cd rates of insurance, for the tianslci o( ihtpplng, A .," ttin* covering witn un ainbiguoii- " ,v. ." Ill?- singular claim on account of the prolongation of the war. This mav be iinintcti'ioiial, but it B so tr? )>u? utly n-'M ated a? to !)?? ?ignilliaut. This . hapt-r baa I??-? ? re prtatad in a small pamphlet for general circulation. With It ai- i.i.nt? ?1 > ?in? 1- [i"in many, leading l-'urop? Bl pubiii-.itlon? -some of tlntn t?f irreat authority .?ilslalu lng Ito American interpretation of the Tr?at> . The Tribunal taafe a four days' vacation teat week, nr CMiding to sum?' aatharlttea, in Beato that the Ai.i, iicaii representatives might confer with their l?overtiment ; in ?..riling ta Bay awa Information, in ordur thutthe ar? bitrators might -tmly up BBSM knotty i?oiuU. TI ere uro a few rumors abroad which have the value of cur? rency ami high probability. Thr first Is that th? Tribu? nal has reeehed the cane of the Florida, aud tfiv? 'ijuilg mini for the iiiiti?! Matan Ito aaaaad B tha^tatto MM of the (?eorgia B \?ldi?t? 4 OtA guilty ha? been ng lntered. The thud repot! in that the Hoard in now en gaged on tt"' ease of the Hhenandoufi, and tl ml? It rather B-BM dilflcult than the others. Ido not ,i,i,n?l to vouch for any of tln-sr riimuis, but of the second it mav ba sal?l that it is in harnuu.y w ifh what l understand t,> be the espeetattoaa ?>f iheAmeri cans. Tho (?eorgia wan built at Olangow, and .ailed In rlrciimitunee? les.? clear than thus?'of wine of her enli? sants though elsewhere than in Oreat Britain shr would have' hem arreated. l'ublic opinion h?T?' leems to t* settling dowu to tbe expectation that the Alabama, the Florida and the Bbenandoab will be condemned, and no others It wiisexpocta'd that some public communica? tion would be mail?', totlav. for the brnellt of the British I'arilamrut, which will !>?? prorogu.'d on Thursday. But the Tribunal declined to authorise any degree of pah? llclty, aad It Is hardly probable that the Kugllsh Oev* erutnaul will violate this rule by anv revelattoaa. ihose attached to the <"url agree In th?- opinion that nothing will be publlslii'd till the close of the work. Al'HTRIA. THE EMI'KRORS OF OKKMANY AMD AUSTRIA TO MKET AT ISCIII.. I*t?;i?<)K. Wednesday, Aug. 11, 1873. Thi Kiiiperors of Germany and Austria, un accompann d y their Ministers, will meet at Ischl ou the Wth of August, and remain there four days. THK RIOT IN IRELAND. TOE CONDITION OF BELFAST WORSE THAN if tl BCnooi nOFiffn destroted?the al THOKITIES I?IIHII Lojii?oi*, Wednesday, Aug. .1, igii. A dispatch tont from Belfaat, la?t eveninK, My* the Hty was quieter than it had been during the day, though the rioting waa not ended. Tho prisoners captured by the civic and military aathorttie? wore oon veyed to Jail under a gtroug escort of troop?. No demon ..rations towsrd s rewue were made. The municipal buildings were ?trougly guarded, and the itreets of the city were petrolled by cavalry. A dUpatch from Lur gan .ay. the disorder, there have been suppressed and the town U now quiet. A dispatch from Belfa* thi. morning ?ays : During the rioting ye.terday a policeman named Moore was ?hot snd killed. There were also a number of other casualties. The mob, when nut engaged In destroying bou-e., sssaulted individual.. Many respectable per? sons were most shamefully treated, Including Mr. Ben fin, the editor of The Northern Star, a Cathollo. JournaL All the schools tr? tbe city and most of the mill, ere closed. Nine msgl.trates are ?now on duty. Although tbe ?treeta were patrolled last evening by the military, crowds collected, and the excitement and the rioting was continued. Thirty of the rioters were arrested yes t, i da> snd lodged In prison. At midnight the city was comparatively quiet, though oecaelonal shots were beard. It is rer>orte_ that several personal encounters but ween rioters snd special constables have occurred. Tbe hope, or tbe i.storation of quiet, which ware ex? cited, yesterday, by the rather more peaceful state of af? fair?, bave not neea realised. The condition of tbe city, a. shown by the report, received at headauarters, was worse thaa ever, last night. The authorities are power loaa agam.t the depredators, though supported by an ?reed feree of felly 1,000 men. The school boose, have been drstroynd, and It is with the utmost difficulty that saute ul tho ehurshee an mimo t? tree, shering their fate. Oreat mismanagement on the. part of the authori? ties Is suspected, and tbe general dissatisfaction I. so great that the respectable cltlicn. Intend to form vigil? ance commit tee. fur the arrest ami summary punishment ofi.ffeii-era. MIHC'KI.LANKIM'K BOTH- TOPIC?. THE LONDON I'llKSS ON THE CONVICTION OF JIHM.l. BARNAKD. I*D-mw,N, Wcduenday. Au?. 21. WTi. The London juurnuU heartily approve the verdict of the Court of Impeachment lu the ca <? of Judge n.irnaril. The rare for the 'lb rt ettp was ?ailed. yesterday, by the vessel, belonging i<> the Royal Albert Yacht Club, and wa. won by tho lioua. The loua wa? second. _ KUYIT. THE INVESTIOATION INTO THE CONDUCT 01<*'N SUL-OENEKAI. I.I I LEK. LoHiHir?. Wednenlay, Aug. 21,1*7. OMlMpMiMM from Alexandria, Wgffa, says the investigation Into the recent shootlugatLiir there hau MM coneludt ?1, lint no venlicl has tuen render.?! on ar? mo nt of tlie absence'of Conniii-Ueueral Hatler. Tho evidence' taken by tho Commission of Investigation bear, strongly against Uutler. TIIK NRW DOMINION. PROCLAMATION AOAINST ENLISTMENT? FOR THE CUBAN ARMT. Montreal, Ah??. 21.?It hnviritf come to the knowledge of the Government that certain per???ti- in the Dominion are organizing a warlike expedition in nul of the r?'lH Ilion in the Island of Cuba, a proclamation has b?;en Issued by tho Governor-General warning all parti? s of the consequences of Infringing International obligations of neutrality. WABBJNOTQN. THE NEW POSTAI* CARD!*?INTERNAL REVENUE MATTERS?AN Or'r'ICE-IIOLOEKV HANK. |Sr TKLrKiKAI'll I'd Tilt OUBBBS.J Wahhinc?ton, Wednesday, Aug. 21. W7-. Tlie new postal card iust adopted by the I'nst-Ottice Department will Is- of a light amber color, five Inches by three aud one-eighth iu size and will weigh about ouu and one-fourth drams. On one ?>de will be a head of the Ooddaaa ?f Liberty, with tho legend "United otates Postal Card." Tula tide als,. Matates the direction : " Write the supers?Tlptiou on this ilde and the communi? cation on the other." The Internal Revenue Bureau ha. made its expected raid on the brewing interest, and order, were issued to-day directing gangers to reiraiigeand remark all ca.-. used for the sale of beer, and where they contain more than their pret'-udod capacity, to mark them to the r-ize above, or turn them over to the brewers to bo cut down. An application at the int-rna! Revenue Bureau tor per* mission to distil \?hi.?k) from cantelopea under the ex? emption allowed ft ult distiller?, was refused tr,-dav, on tl,?- -round that the law recognize* thos?- only a? fruit distiller? who distil from apples, peaches and grapes. The r-tcou?! National Uauk of Waabingloti, with a capi? tal of finu.ou), will begin business lu ten days or two wt-el.s. Their collateral Ixiicl- have already b?-en de? posited iu the Treasury. John C. McKeldin ha.? been BheeM President, and F. H. ?assaway of the Treasury, Assistant Cashier. Those moat prominent among the stockholder? are Leroj K. Tutfle, Assistant V. 8. Treas iinr; Win. A. Rtehardsrjfl, Asslst-Bt Secretary of tbe Treasury; Thaa. I?. Tulloek, Collector of Internal Reve? nue; ,tien. tico. W. Da.loch of the Frccdmcu'r Bureau, Oeu. 0. Evans, and Lewis Clephan?', ex-Collector. Ay ILLINOIS TRAGEDY. TnRF.E LIVES SACRIFICED ? A MURDERER LTNCHED. St. Louis, Auk. '?I.?The Dcmoerat has a ?l?e< ial from Olney, III., which says that on Saturday last J.-fTernon White and Henry Houltz had a dispute while working at a threshing machine near that place. White went to his house, a quarter ot a mil?? distant, got his gun, returned and shot Houltz In the abdomen Just a? he was mounting his horse to leave the place. Houltz died in a few moment.. Houltz's wife wa. so terribly ?hocked at the event that sho also died Monday night. Whit?- iravc himself up Baturday evening. Intense ex? citement prevailed in the neighborhood Suuday and Monday, and about 1 o'clock Tuesday morning a large crowd of mon broke open tbe Jail, took White out, and hung him to a MS in tho Court-house yard. mm A RESIDENCE III RNED. Louisville, Auk. 21.?The n-nidenc?? of C. (i. Damisor, at Parkland, mar this cJty, was burned down llii? evening. The loss is t.<',000; insurance, tl?.iXJO. The tire was the work of an incendiary. A ( ONFLAGRATIoN ON A WIIARU. Boston, Auk- 21.?A tire on the BmsBi wharf this luitruiug duui-gcd the buildiiiK ami stuck of Timothy Remick .V Co., dealers in wool, cotton waste, and gunny cloth, to the amount of about tlo.OoO; Insured. ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE. Duiicqck, Aug. 21.?The annual setieion of th? American Association for the Advancement of Science began In the Congreirational Church this morn ttg, about 150 tneinlier? being In aitendance. The re? tiring President, Prof. As.-? Oray of Cambridge Univer? sity,,ailed the meeting to order. After prayer by the lies-. Mr. Young, Prof. J. Lawreuoo Smith of Louisville took tin?chair. Various committee,? wore appointed, a number of now member, were admitted, and scientific subject? were assigned to the proper sections. Eighteen papera were flleil with the Secretary for future reading. A public reception was held this evening. Senator W. 11. A'll.-on delivered tin? welcoming addl-tass, which was responded to by Prof. Gray. The Convention then ad? journed until 10 o'clock tomorrow mortjlng, mm THE MACE-O'RALDWIN F1A8C0. Collier, W. Va., Aug. 21.?About 200 rough?, thieves, ami sporting men, with Maee aud o'HaldwIfi. arrived at Collier's Valley, near the State Une between Pennsylvania and Virgiuia. A ring wa? pitrlie.l at 6 p. m. Mace was tbe first to enter, won the toss, and occupied the north-west corner. After an hour', deliberation the men could not agree upon a ref? eree, aud that ended the fight, amia much dissatisfac? tion. The pugilist, then proceeded to bteubenville, to meet to-morrow. IM THE CHICAGO WHEAT MARKET. CniCAOo, Auk- 21.?There are no new devel? opment, to-day in regard to the commercial crisis, except that many of the firms which wer? yesterday reported as having failed are today asserted tobe abundantly able to meet all liabilities. There 1. a marked Inclina? tion to purchase wheat at tbe present prices, which, are generally believed to be below the intrinsic value of the grain. aw THE PHILADELPHIA POST-OFFICE BITE. Wa_niNOTON. Aug. 21.?The Commissioners ap poiaM. by Seerftar? Bootwtll to leWxt a lit. for ths sew thtt ohm tat loort-beaje Id Pbiladelphls, Ban reeoaiaaea'lrd Uul U? l'alrerslt; lot ob t_a ?rast tide of MiBth, asar CkaaUat-?!,, b. -ted tot that par p*ae. Tke UaiTeraitr offers a lot oo the awl aide af Blatt-.*., ?10? th? baiUtap thereon aad adioiaiaf propertiee, for er?S,0U0, aad ?1m a farther lot. with tb? balkllsgi t-ereon, roBBertlat- with tbe afomaM prvpertr sa thi watb sad exleclin. ta t'huloiKt. wtU . froutoa that ?treet of ST teet 1 liach, for a 119.000, or tb? two pro pernee foi e?0n,il00. Sh.iall it am ?leatrable to hare tbe lot coaipaaa tbe ?.Bra CbratBii-at. fcoat, ail Iba proper?; I/tag baiwa?. lb? l'al*?raltr prup rrt? tad Nielb-aL, Wfather with tb? baildius theraoD, I? olWO fur ei*5,U3 13. Additiooal Wta <>? Iba weet, with t frost ?a Cbattaat-i*, are ofarad for alifitlO, aad a lot oa tbe rau tb-rsef fol B?.OOO. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. _A Board of Jiaval Officers, for the examination of uSren fur promotion, will coates? la Waa-laftoB Sept. 2. ... .A Treasury warrant for $o?>,-28, lo settlement ?f tbe geatuil; wax clatsM, was ??at, /?sterdaj, to tb? Oetcruof af tbat BUK?. ....The Treasury Department will begin (Aug. 26), the paraMBl of tbe latereit, wiikoat rabat?, oa ito T?a Pun, baad?, .a? Beptl. ... .Complaint is made by Victoria papera that the beata?? of be?,?g asd ?elBaf Cblaa waoea - eam?l oa ope?lr la dal aaas af law. ... .A telegram from Tronville eayB the Qarde Re Kbhealae Baa. wbirh hai Jatt ratarsed froia Aaertta, li ta play before ?at-eal ThUri, ta-day. ....Utah mining news for the last few day. has b*?a ?Buaaallj e?co?ta?iB<, la ?aa? taata-rea aaarly a qrurtar af a ?>! Iloa baila?; W?a paid la atsb ?a BbBBBBI af adalig p?pert/. _The Oovernor of Britiah Colnmhta haa dtstrib ?t?d ?waH ibmh? tb? Io?-_bi ?a BSaaaa Blear as ??mpwcaauoa far tka iwHiiiiI barBia. ot -Kir ?UU(?s by Uanlexa. All - sow 'laiei ?ad new tarai U raae-aed. _The reunion of the Orand Army of the Repub? lic far Maia? tax.? place at PorUaad, y??t?Mlar. Ths bear? rala laa-b tka ?rii??l? br lb? bmhwiu tra?a _|l>t. aad Balayad Um uauiwtea u, ta* Ulaad ?mil aaaa. tiun. Perbaaa aad ?tef ?rare *?wa| tb? (?eat?. ....Pnuidentlirant haa directed Colleetor ?Smith la BaaaBBaa a? mrfm\ *o ?i xu tneb ?t tb? a?>pa- aad Luk B?a Baileoad, Mi Orwaalaa. ma prtaelpai ?torhW-wr, Safiaa ?a ?f tl. IBM mm? sommai y, palmam amttL | A DOUBTFUL RECORD. Ofif. WII.SOX AS A KNOW NOTHING. HIS OLD POLITICAL ADVI4KK AND ?OD-i'A IHKIl ?taTRJCt THI MATTKR. To the Editor of The Tribune. Km: C?en. Wilson ha.? lately written a letter, ir which tl ?1<> Bael quote tlie exact wonls, lor at thia iriouient it, is not before BBB) h< BBBMBm ?le claree that stoaaBl "?ver written or BBBB a wor?l apainsf the o?ju;il uglitsof all, of wliaU v??r cree?i, ?olor or I.irfhpliMe. 1 have Liken the tro iblo to r?> f r?eh my recollect ions of ?i ptir?'or two ? f lien. Wil? son's political life, an?l give yon th. nnii? ??? ?I ea.rreav pon<ieneo. In IHM, (Jen. Wilson wa* the RepnMiran candidate for fiovinior in ttf?raB?(iiiliaritf?, After ac? cepting that nomination, lx-itig at llhlt timi'. as It af forward turn?*! out, I member of the Eaov) Nothing Order, he att? ?uleil the know-Nothing rjtott Citiveii ti'iu. joined iu nominating Henry J. (...nlnejr m < undidat?? for Governor, and biuusel' v,ite?l. and pri? vately urged his friend?,, not member*, of the Order, to vote, fur (?ardner ag-ainet the candidat?- of the rt> publican party, himself lM-ing thai candidate, Gard? ner wiisel?cf?'<l by a i cry large majority : Wil-.?n re ceived about 5,000 vote?, and the lyogiilaturc In l*>th InaiiclioH was almost unanimously Know Nothing. The election of United ?States Senator devolved upon the legislature. Wilson want? ?1 to go to the BBB?***, ills tiiefnls, and 1 was one of tiieoi, wanted him to ko, provided his election could not bo ?Jaimed as an indorsement of trie pr.?e< riptive le nets of Know-NiithininBin. Tin? legist-aura w<ae IN-rhaps alwoif equally ?livide?l Istw.-?: i Know Nothings who lielieved in a creed which ilwv hail sworn to. and thune who didn't. One wini: wi?*. to Ix? cheated, and the problem was how to do it in Qa*. Wilnoii'ti iiiH-r.-stM. Ju?Ure Kiussell. now Col l?-< tor at ilo?ton, undertook th?; dirty job Ciid.T his manipulation?, Rob?rt IJ. Hall, Senator from Plymouth, add rinsed a letter to Gen. WttaBBk? Tho General brmiglit hi? answer to BB* for IBTsaaVal and criticism. I put it in the beet rihape 1 could <;<>? sisteiitly with its answering its ?louble purpose, and said as I handwl it to him, "There it is. now throw it mt?. the lire. Yon ?re rolling in the mud for iiotliing ; you will be elect*?! Senator just as surely without sending tin? letter." Here it is : [Here Mr. Hml giv? s the .etter which Tnr. TKlBrrR priuted yesterday on it? ?'?litonal patte.) The General was el??oted and took his in the Senate. A few days after, the following coi r>'??poiid onre appeared : From TV .4mfrt>n? ?Vf/iri. nVi?rii?7f?-w f.. S,, Feb. 19 ISS!. WaABireTOB, rea, n, ihsc. Dear Bin ; Referring you lo my ??in??, lal.-i r. i the teat two weeks, i Bare to a-k you how far I have aorreetly repro-eriteil your vt?-w? In mv comment? upon your letter of ??Oth January and tbe articles in The Hotton Lee, whicn I have Copied I Iu other words, do yuti ur not riOo?ful/.?> the doctrine of State Rights, ao fur as to uenatt the ?<-v eral State? 10 regulate tbe ?jm-stinti of 8l?v?ii m their mude within their 8tate limitai Do you or not eulertain the opinion that Oooarreaa hat power to Interfere with Blerery in the Btatet l Do you ?r not recetralar that ?'h.giiiTj?lw" ?lootrln.? which permit*, you a* a BtBaBBT .-Srd the binding obligation* ?if tbe ('?iiir-iiuitmu I Do?* the American orgaaliaflon in Maaaachuaetta em Bra? t the nueetion of Slavery among those fur tin? rogu lation of which that organisation wa? formed f Your answer at yuui earl??: convenience will oblige, Your obidieiit tervBBl, (Signed) Vi.sIasia.v Ei.u?. Kdltor American thrgnn. HRNArn CBTAafBBB. K? !.. ID, IHM. D?arPir: My answer to your lUiiuiry shall Ih- hraet ami eipllcit. Firtt: I fully recognize the doctrine of Stat? Right? In it? application to Slavery a? well a? to any other of pnr? he concerns. The Virginia and Keiiiueky n-solution? of lTW, iu the maiu, as I think, correctly ?.-t forth thai doc? trine. Tue whi'l.?-iihj.'cr of Slavery witBta Hint?- limits should bo left ab?..i.llel> to State K'irlslatioi.. Second: My leepouse to your ?eeou?l question i? in? cluded iu my answer to y our first. I do not euieruiiu ihe opinion that Coaifreaa dm any power to inter/ere witb (Slavery as it exiata under otate law*. I hint: Even' man who believes lu a Hod must neces? sarily believe that there is a law parauiouut lo all human law, and that this lav i? r.. be obe\'?<! hy men in publu and private life, rather than auy human law m conflict with IU Hut I BBI nothing in the ( .institution of Ihe United Btatet. as I understand the OoneUtuliisn of tto United State?, which require.? me, a? a BBBBtBT from Massachusetts, to do anything In cunnict with tlie law of (iod. If 1 thought otherwise, 1 w?,ul?l not Ukoanoalll to support t)?<- Constitution of the United st..t,--. Fourth : The American organ!*tttOB of Ma*<??.<'bii?-Mta doe? not embrace the ?juostlon of Slavery .uning th.wae? for the regulation of winch ll whs teratetf. The people of Maseachiiactt? have fixed OplntOBS, In which most of the member? of that organlratlon fully con?ut, against the support or allow,?lice uf hlavery by tiatloiiii. ?ta*B* tion. They entertain the mo?t profound < oui U non thai th.- harmony and report of the country, and the highest Interest of the master and the slave, .lemand that tho National Government ?Imu?d be relieved from allein i.ectioD with re.?puiis)biiity tur Slavery, aud Unit this disturbing iiucatiiiu should be hit to the people of the Htates where it exists. While they do not so. I. to :m|M,*e t iu-se e.i?i\ lot ions and ?.tuliions upon then taluta < ill/en? of other btate?, or to pioscnbc ihem for not ml;, ?ou ? urnug In there cuuvictiou? and npiii.uu?, they will ?ui?. mit to i?. diciatiuu or pru??ription trote an] boi . el anea or section of tin? country. [?Bt a Henatei IronMaaaia? ?liu.setts, shall claim for the opinions of her (.?-..ule ,,u the freed,.m of utteram e, aud all the liill.ieii? | BDOB Ho action or Con^reus anil the ailmluistiali .n ut UM (!o> ??ruinent, which aBBBBter from Virginia can ? l.ilm for the opinions of the people of the ancient Dominion. (digued) Your? truly, aIlmui Wilhjk. Vespasian Ellis, esq. I hardly need say that this letter waa not siih. uiittcd to me for revmioii. It will be that the two lettera are cvi.leutly ttdapteil to dillinut latitudes. The letter to HalJ, while indirectly and gingerly stigpestinfc Know-NothiniidoctriueM. ishlie?l with platitttii.'s toioh as " love to all men Baal hatred to none," and irranting to " men Imrn in tli.'??' lands the protection of just aud ?'qttal laws." (Obaervp how cunningly this phraseo'gy seems to admit tho right to vote aud hold ?dlice, but iu fa? t ?ealBB it.) The letter to Ellis assoit? emphatn ally aet Irin? - Bf Stute Itight? aii'l non-iiiterfcreuce with Slavery, which were thought necessary to conciliate Southern Know-No things in the then approaching Presidential cainpaigii ; and his answer to question Fom ?x prcas ly d?3clared that the Slavery ?iiiestion was ignored by the party whose doetriuea BB had solemnly sworn to support. In onler to niiderstand theBignificance of Wilson'e anawer to the first question, it should he retienib? red that the Know-Nothing Legislature of Massaihu setts paiiBed a very atringeut l'ersonal LU* rty law, which was making a great deal of trouble m the " American ? party, and Gen. Wilson was ..ill?.I upon to disclaim the doetriuea of that law. Hence the necessity for his professing State Jtiglit*. dm trine. It would be well. Mr. Kditor, if yon would publish the resolutions of '96. It would also be a valuable con? tribution to political history if you would lopul.lish the Know-Nothing ritual, which was made public, about this time. Our naturalized B*s*a*M, toward whom Gen. Wilaou is now so sweet, should kave au opportuuity to read the oath? which the U. (uiblicau caiiiliilate for Governor in Ma<>gachiiH?<'tt>. tonk. East Walpole, Mam., Aug. ID. f, W. hiau. TUE UTAH INDIAN TrWJl'BI^f?. 8 LT Lake CItt, Aug. 21.?DiapatctVa from San Pete are favorable to the peaceable ?ettlement of tbe Indian troubles. Tabby snd Douglass, two influ? ential chiefs, have agreed to meet In council to-day with ? portion of their tTrlbea, and It Is thought tho Cin tan and White River baeaa will retire at once to their n>a*r>rva? tlona Gen. Morrow ta on the ground with trooy*. ready for tvtrtlon if the negotiations fail. The Bbiverntes, Kapotas, Elk Mouutain. I te?, and Navajoes, attbongh (till Ivosule will probably be brought to term* of peace. A man named Rlcharu r-mlth. and not Indien*, a* at tiran anpiMsed, committed the mnnleroais aaaault on a tele-graph ?iperator at Mount '"-?-Tatst Bu?th was arrested and confessed his guilt. CRIKltB AXD CABCALriEa-HY TaXEURAPH. ik?'?oi?.*??aiyrt.Miller P*?*1**11 tltim ??11?* ??**??? 4BB _a^L- *-*__""* Sajony. ? negro, aged 30, ctTiminitteei awleitt? ?? iWlav ??seal??. .1 BaMaierv. ??^??laa? laaaai^as ?a ewaT t?s|?j*sM* at* laBBtwBl ?a^a^taaata. ???-sas. ?a ?aa ?..VL".1^ D* PPgwBJataa, arm of N. Swretaukn, United ?t*t?* issaawsi foi MiHit^iasBBi, Caaalj, V?., ?.*? ??is*????, __al BB)?L ?Thlkt *a ? , leasar* ?iranio* duwa tke Ara? Kiver. ^^7 _l*- ? H**! IfT*nt'?? Reibluaon, a col?xred lunntk wee .?t^tjeSaiae.aaarAl AtyWaa. BkatMaV ?a. l??a*w M?_kT ?t?a? Wuiwav. ?aaaae wi??v?l B*ai**i, ?k? ?t??k_ ?? u?*^* ? . '<iA?*JrW*r\l mantmt in the metier of ib? aheet ?m l?_?* ~"^ -*? ?^.kaaasT. ?teTu?' *