OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, August 22, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-08-22/ed-1/seq-3/

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Tna iKumii oil arc.? or in?ttability akd rk
PYrnu TV cVfcfc-a Ao*.
WT aura? toaBB-B.
rrv aitowtr? ?nMB ?a? a MaMa*. li aai wr,tt?<? *~ TV Inri?
aJuZi tlXettir J..U..IWB h?l beta r*i??*?11? ii??. t?t twatrlb-t?-U>
_ Mlrr- aa-J aft.-r he S._ See? BS-Bi-ftd by til'' ar,?i??*j:m| editor ?hat
gmak natrXMte nn.nl W|U0;? naviiai II wa? BiuvBtft.???I.? ?r
jjal-f r-? ttv mabtrnt lunar, a-.rt ?apt ii lb? ,._l.<- ,.?? r a wri-i, when
a va? rr.-r.ir. with tbe ?taU-meat thai ilie |.r,?in?at Ol
Wat pea*'?who il ?pt?ari nu; tot? ant a ataaig.nr h!? ?
moonrra ratar-bad tr^maplriiirv tVtrriSieVn il* publication ta
TV l?4??><~-l<-;t ABAS?.- Br. virrrlfT "?? ?? ?IB?
m aa V?oi-<l roir-ar?>iKlr_t of TV In.lrn.ndnl. alww
i aaatlartloa ?r. it? P-?a Jew-? u Baa w?-B??J wiU n?i?;vprw-Ut ?>B
toar ol kin wwt r. ? mi cturar'tt. anoerth.
la-rljun ?V?l: ?t?J tWi. loo. ?olaltkrtam.iB?; il? rrli.- i ?
__ ?a i bat M < ?ib? ei b.? .?B i?i.u?r
te ortUr that ai? ira.?c<- ?IkvbIo b?I Bf* ihiseanwi ! aad jiiJln.B? de-fr.??*
a? Xke ?Miaaatabe. ia?a I ? ha? a?u?*l. by a gvalk-MB who w.? a taltn
aalaaaBa.il g i?l.<or 01 hi? r??r?r far ar??l? ?it year?, ?a- ?a Intim?t*
Caea?la*?4Ba.,t.>B<Tafar CrorWi far amrr Uwa a qnartajr oil??
?. ?ac?.? an aaiaa-t ot uafa.rB.ru and a ?r.nt of paibaaaa-l?
?Star, nr* ndxtgnrt to A?*r.r?n yitaraalia??.?*M.l
? ? ? *| speak a. .n A-oliitouUi, its one who took
aa earnest though humble part lu the movement for
Iminesliat" and nmsondltlonal emancipation Inaugurated
By ?arrieon Wim that devoted and alear attrhtsd
an.in,1,1,?ii of human right? I have never until now found
?jsyself at serum? disagreement. I waa with him in tho
oraraiii/athin of tlie Urat AuU-Slaverv Society la l**-'t*t,
with tan?) all through tbe great oouilicl of which he was
t!t> honored leader, and with him finally when, the
(Lit*? having bee-, I, he retired from the
work ol autw-slavery agnation, to devote himself to tbe
"Lew dull?-? taught by ties new occasion." In the pseeeai
cr?,s be m h??art ami soul for the reelection of Grant,
while I am with eqnal ?tarneatncM In favor of Oreeley.
Hiving read ?II that he hit? written upon the ?nbjeet,
OttA nuto-h that ba* Iws-n written by other emlneul men.
m) <v!iM-.t>oti remains clear, that the eloctlou of Mr.
would promote the tv.st Interest, of the country
* nelfiire of tlie whole people. I have Ini'ii inti
_?a!<iy aaajaalatad with him for almost thirty years, and,
? |H>rt.ou of that lime,
afoiisliv ai?se*r?t!iUHl with him, with every onportnnitv to
?bnervo ins courre, furin an eeUtii-te of the governing
principie? of his life, ami study all hi. ihs. uliarltie.-- of
t ? and character; ttnd I do not hesitare to
an) rli.it I snail vota- for him m the full conviction tbat,
If pipe tod, he wnl tx? true to hi? record a? a Republican.
pant SO sd__b_tster l,it- tiovermueut a. thereby to honor
__. country ?uni himsell.
It ?s all??gf-.l that Mr. Oreeley 1? a wavering, unstablo
re. ,,. ib >m mde to side in political affairs, and
?Batata 1"' haut a ?leady ooutao in the ctuitliotiug (m rent.?
?f iK't.t?. al i>i'i:?i''U. I have read or hoardthis allegation
a au:, ?ut always with fresh nstonishinent.
Uou .. ? a<aiuaiiiu-,1 v?ith Ins life can houcstly
bin>, ?- liuM bin? such a charge is U? me a mystery. If
tbe? st be Is doggedly pcrdatent In every
tatugthui i. .never relinquishing a priucl
pie omet avoa'ed, nor "Tnt'ria t?> i>rt?-.s _ favorite measure
eren i hasard of his own personal and p??rty
Jnt?T, - fool iit'Siiri'ri??', for m this then- would
_?? men than o ?emblanee of truth. This charge of laate
BlBtj reipaaiedayapeelBeetions. liowcould
u i?, i t?a thti tn_er atdriifaulanailiinamay bs laiililpllnil
_ir. oro? i? y. for lrttfi*~*t. has been a rroteottOBiat from
boyhood. Ha? he n<?t been f,, twt>isteut In advocating a
T.?:?II-s to provoke too BaattBty of many of bisinr'v
ir.,ml-,..;.. incur the ohaxae of pia?eadedaeaaI wBaa
?>tit he ? .ny sign of wavering ujion that ques?
tion f It 1? alleged, but most uni?irly, thai his aaoept*
a..?, of I ...tiut.ati platforui is u ?ran r, for the
aa.p of offloe, of his Uf.-long views upon this hul.icct.
If there is a waiver, it was made long before be aooe.pted
the CllWllnaall iioininatioii. \S ;_? be flat one of tho
founders of the Republican party I And ?lid he ever m
an>i tu?t that part) iBaald eoasasll itself to his doctrina
?f l'rotecuon 1 Did Be n:>t, 1b In. ilevotiou to the prm
elpies and >i'jerts of that party, welcome Free Ti adera
a> Its ranks, ami frequently aapport tBea foi ofBos I His
attitude in respect to the Tariff is unchaueed. aave tbat
?ebenes tbe Bepublican paxty otteq paltered with tu.tt
flie-'ion ni a douille ?on**, using language meant to
-??..i u.t.i r? m interpr?tations in cUB-rent localities, the
i. IBepubUcatasfraBkly and honestly ronfeas ibfilt
i : y to agree upon the aubjoct. consenting that it
eball not I?. made a party question, but, for tho nka Of a
?as?red ani?n in matter* o? mt.ro rimsslng; iniporia-cc,
eball ab de of opinion in the C
Wstriits. Practically tins is Just what the Bepablican
aaiiy baabeeaaoaspeUed to ?io from the be?-aninf;
end if Mr. Greeley if a tinner in ti.is respect, his sni
begun floin tin? bear that ne entered tt,.it pnrty, aad
ta in bo sen?o aggravated now. But I may be told
teat he Is false to his Tariff views In pledging BlB-Wlf
^forehand not to voto a Froe-'Tnvle Re'veuue bill if
ugress ahoiild pas? one Not tat the pledge is <
tent with the view of the veto potter which he has al
wTayaBcldand often expressed, viz.: Tout that power
should never bo exercised by a Preaideot merely ltocaiis??
an pa???' i by ? oMieaa i? loeoafllot altb blsep-D
loin, but on,y ?a hen, in ni.s solemn judgment, it is in lou
CUit vt ith U?r ( ?-in.tltut.on, or when the legislative body,
fur paity puritoste, ha. disregarded and defied tho ex
?ireos will of the people. As President he vwll i?o at per>
ect lil-crty to urge in. Tariff views upon Congres?; but
If tbat body t? found to differ from him, he will ba
Is'iind, ;.ot riM-rely by what bo say. In his letter of at>
oepliti.e?-, bnt eejually so by the views of his whole life,
KM Wi defeat tbe will of t.,? people by tbe "One Mau
lower" in t lie form of a voto. Sorely, there is no in
BBsMBtr m
bit. (?raseley, remembering hi. own struggles with
r trom the outs't ,,f ins public
earsyr'a'.r,,- rl nd of workuurmen, seeking
, :e ttiem with a Meuse of tbe dignity of then
eaU-ftC?aad to load them through Industry, virtue, ?nid
IBritt, to Independen ?. WBaaaaaaa aval wavered la
this good cause I Hao he not been wllllngeven to ?ncur
the misrei icsc.,t itions ami scofls of unthinking men
while testing ?ysteius sud arrangement? designed to
make the bobs oi to.i wlaer, happier, and mort prosper?
ous! What it louii' ?f his experiments have seemed
to f.ill bo ?rood and < aaa always aaaaaad
In ineir undertaking? I Again. Mr. Urcloy lias boon
e bie-long t-a.u>: _ the rum fiend under
every disguise, v ver waver tn this good
cause, <M'ii ni i he interest of his political party 1 Are
not cunning partisan? ot tie Administration even now
BBBBlni to _lu nato trou? him the votes of our dorm?n
d;i/. his well-known opposit.en to
thou-drinking bsbttsl Ho? ho ever showu any want
of K. -t Um gaUoa i
Wavi red lb bln,pl>o*ltioa to lo.se vit-.tsof lau,
gatlou. ami of mvoroel lit? ho not aiway. beon a
i raolog, piizi-flght
Inx, and Lndrt-d allureineut?, by vshich so many young
lueu ate yeai .y ruined I I?id ho not urge reform m the
Cougres* n U m until even his party as?
sociate? l?st pattsaeel And la the great struggle to
em?; the extasm-iou of Shivery, to resist the t?-i?cal ol
the i .,.,; the Missouri eo-apnaalaa.
to ? ive the v.rg.u ?. -,? from the blig?t and
eurne ot human tMiiiilag". was he not alike faitnful and
aantateatl OU ha uoi execrate aad deuouace the ln*
laiij.. i (.-?I upon the country by
Un- treachery ot w.;-i.r and thb cunning Idaudlsb
Baaats of his own pobti il id,.!, Henry Clay 1 \S
ail t; . .-i of wsvenDg or instability t
?lid ,' UK att? wpt made in the Peace
Coi.gn - of l-til. uy souje ol Ml ln.'St eminent men, ta
settle th.- (iirhiuitK-s batweaa the HortB aad Bouta by
eousigriiiiea larg? ?*r.rti..ti of IBs terntory of the United
Bastes im, m.-i,, tn, cum oft tveryl lu ail thi* w_??
thtr. any la?k of eoura^e orflnnaessl Let prejudice
be silent ? Inie M a ?iti? stion.
Bot Ha m?,-.!.? rlaai i barga brought against Mr. (ireo
ley U tuat I a , ,?rru|?t ami di-gtaoeful bar
gmu wnh Ue Demecratk party, aad consente?!, if that
party |__g l'resitlont, to a?d it in carrying
oui design? inoouiiiatibie with Republican principle?
endt.'ie welfare of the country. Where, save in th?;
evil imagination of the authors of this .Baise* is the
evidenc* ol such a baigaiu t Tho flwaaattaa i. pre
posterou?. at wat with piobabiluy, and coutrary to tlie
whole current of Mr. <;r? city's public and private life,
lie Is as incapable ot auch a 1? irgain, e.pross or Im?
plied,-, be would be t>? commit a burglary, or murder
bis own wife am! children. Va office is high enough
even to t'inpf him u? commit ?nth a crime against tno
country .r bring such diagraoe upon himself; and thus?*
who thua accuse blu? are cither lauoraut of hi? character
or loiinl. .1 in party passion aofl bate. Hi. position, it
s**u,* t?, uie, neither require? nor suggest? ?ucb an ac?
cusation. I: amauvtii* ev.r struck by lignn.irig v,?th
out ?ny agency of bis own, Mr. lireeley'? nomination for
the Pi fell upon him flUSOllclted. I have the
best of reuttxiir, foi in utviiig, aH?, from a,y intimate ac
?a-ainuiiii ?- with hi? principle? and habiu, I do most as?
suredly iH-.,e\e, there .?nota B?nala miman being wiiu
reu tratBfall* say that he solidU-l nis ?upptirt, eltner at
Cin.'iniiaii or iiaitiuior?. or ut any time befor?-. or since.
11?- i? uiiiU-r no *> rt't pledge*? either at tbe
.North m the ?souta, und __? incurred no obligations at
vrar with patriotism or sound moral?. ? ? ? ?
Ali, ?, ?it tin- I?eini?t ratic i?artv has nominated him, and
Ute Daasaaratta party is a immI purty, whose ?lu. should
i?e\? ? have !"i git enees, eiti.tr in tins world <>r the ncxl.
Hut ha? not ti??- Bepubllcan party always Iteen glad to
draw reaaatta from tb? Daaaearaabpaaayl Whemxoarne
Or.ml, a.i.l Batter, ami Morton, and Koruey, and l*ogau,
and ?, ..miredr of otiu-r. I And when, pray, did the Re
publirjtu pai ty ? l'?.?e it? doors against Ltenxicratic re
?_ruit>,eiliierat tbe North or tbe Houlhl La It not even now
willing to pay a bounty on such recruits, and boning
it may find enough of them to defeat Mr. Oreeley I
wV'ould there not h* great rejoicing among tbe friend,
of (?en (.tant in any city or town in which tbe Deino
ermts auo.ilii meet in a body and come over to their
aide 1 Would Oeu. (?rant become thereby any
tbe lea. a Republican, or the Philadelphia plat?
form be thereby turned into a mockery f I trow not.
Bow, if iK-mooruts may consistently and honorably go
as individual? or in squad? to the Republican party, and
caattneir ratea far Gaa. <*?-ant, wnare i. the inconsist?
ency and ? here the dishonor wucn tbe great body of the
Qsaseratlo party, "forgetting the thing, that are be
mttd/'even in? own miis against Liberty and Justice,
BMtrebes by s ?ponuneou? movement, with maje.tio
sfeso, upon a Republican plstform. and. as an earnest of
w_a*iC*rtly ln *? doing, nominates as it? candidat/; for
*/**M*ta ?ue ot the veteran founders of the Republican
Pety. wUoat -tal t?r Republican principle? and measures
? -^l'*" "** si?atemeiit, and who tut. not taken back a
word that he ever wrote again?! the Iremoeiatlc party
r a ^ * wLeu ll BUppoi tod Blavery I
I do not hesitar* to say that the Democratic party, ln
seeing thi. coirac, presented the ?ublimeat spectacle
ever witi.e-sed in Am? rioMi politics?the spectacle of e
criai p_rty lonqueruuf Itself, setting aside Its old
?eadci? __(i taking a '-new departure" in tbe neme
and m the interest of Justice aud Freedom. I do not
J_5__ l?-t bard headed old men in tbe Baltimore
? o??eiiti(,?i wrpfover thta apecUiele like children, aud
rejoieod with joy unspeakable, when at last they ?aw
their party lifted from the ?lough lulo which It had
been east by reckleM and unprincipled lesalersi aud
BUttd on the firm foundation, laid et Cincinnati. Let
those who thluk that men are by nature children of the
Devil, snd incapebltaor a noble action, sooff if they will,
aad try u? ner*ueds tin*maclves that the revolution thus
prvtlauittd ta_4 oo btU<r impulse tuso a thirst for ofBce,
?-S*** *'uultiou t?r power aud pelf. I em glad to think
tetter of hotoau nature, and to believe tbat tbe pledges
asede el Baltimore wer? made to be kept. It is my firm
belief that. If it were uosatbls for Ilorac? Oreeley In the
PreaMieotlal tlutir to dUbonor hi? record a? a Re?
publican, the fir?t mea to be eshemed of him. and to
rebuke aud repud?ele bim. would be bis new allies lu
tke Democratic party. Why, when we bave seen tbe
Uepubliceu psrty slowly aad pelufelly, end In spite of
Jteelf. developed from a p?vty formed merely to resist
tae e11?n?ton of Slavery into a party of emancipation
aad -quel enlranobiesi-eut, should we be so incredulous
as to tee test, that at laat ths Democratic perty. so long
?Jsfstded. baa -?Wanted to the sssna high ground. 1 It
la is Ute nature of tiiiuga, aaa seeonllu? to tue law of
wMBBaa arvareaa. that this evoat aBeald i
i to pavea ; and for my part I relolee that I bave lived
to wtineas It. Tnls is one of tbe i? volution? that will
never go bookward. Henceforth, In this coun?
try, ?he rirhtaof men. irrespective of raoo or color, are
to be admitted and defended by all partie?, aad oppor?
tunity i? to bo affnrtletl lor tl??' ?Hseusaloii aud sctlle
lii, lU of other questions that have w.iltn.1 long fer a
solution. Tho?? wh?> four Unit if Mr, On?, ?lev is elected
the ?i.uutry win fall back, through the mfiueuoe of hi*
Democratic ?upporter?, late I ho ?lough from which It
lui?? m fortunately In ? u ?1? livered, d?. not nuderstand
tho time* In which they live. Tliey remind me of Ihe
sailor Who, having fallen from the masthead, eouvul
Btveli s"ir?d and held on to the tilftail for fear that he
should full lu? k ! I*-1 us not Indulge such ill grounded
and irinlioual fear?. _
?y??? Tke (>|j?<s??,wAei rv?m?a*fs?l?il
Hut for tbe IVnitl.'iitiiil carnpaiim there
Wee d not I ave been admit.! >f Mr. QreeleVai accepting
an iiiviLition to ilsli the Cincinnati Exposition. It Will
I?, mich Beert extensive, ami vastly moro attractive
than tho Exp??*tti?na of the American Instituto, over
whl? h he formerly presided. In fast. It will Iu many
respsets l?e a thing of unprecedented interest in this
coin try. Now, wo can't see that the fact of Mr. Or. ?
nomination ?tumid make It Impossible for him (o visit
this Kxpntitii.il. Of course, hi? iiisan.ite enemies, would
abuse him for cumin*'. They abuse him lor BvBrj
thing he does ??r ?av?. If he walk through the street? of
Now Yot K, thev ?ay ho desire? to attract attention. If
he work on his farm nt Obappuqua. they say he seel?? Ui
draw a crowd around him. If he visit his native plai'e iu
New-Hampshire, they ?ay ho Is tu pursuit of notoriety.
Whether he stay at homo or BB ?broad, whellier he wear
a white bat or u black one, whether he Ih ? i? liee.nl or
1.1.?i ?Miious, wl? th?a ho walk ou fool or drive in a cat -
n.ige, or ride ia a railway car, whether he move among
tbe people, er shut himself up In hi? own lionise, he i?
vililiod tor It. If he were lo take notice of thl* avort of
thing, hit life would Un-winc a uiusauoe to him.
To the Editor of Tht Tribune.
Sin : I extract the inclosed from your ?hbw?
of the Bth lnst, It recall? to my min?! some facts con?
nected with tho last dsy? of "Bully Ilrooks" (It ts dese?
cration to speak of the dead In this way), that will show
that this Impulsive, oversensitive man, may win from
the Northern patriot at lea?! a sigh of commiseration.
I was conversing with the Hon. Thomas Ami,rey Dcbloia,
brother-in-law to the lamented Win. Pitt F? ?senden,
When tho subject turn??.! upon Preston Hrooks, wi.ore
?ud leu domlso had ro? ently l.ci-u reported by the public
press, no remarked that " a brother of his O. Deblois,
esq.,hnd lived a neighbor to Mr. Brooks, and greatly
esteemed him as an honorable gentleman, who repro
the extreme ultraism ..f the South." He said,
further, that "after that Ill-Judged and greatly-to-bn
d. jilor?-d assault of Mr. Brooks upon Mr. Sunnier, Mr.
Brooks retirrned to his constituent? a mont mortified
man. He became the recipient of Innumerable cane? of
every description, every one of whloh camo upon him
like a stab. The Beethern public upheld him, and
boasted about him, but Mr. Brook? wan well aware that,
he had lost caste with gentlemen. His warmest friends
abttalned from continent, and the avlaer and bolter part
of them condemned htm. ne felt that ho ?ufl'ered from
an incipient social ostracism, aud he aoou after hi? re?
turn died?died of chairnn."
I recollect thla conversation well, of which tho above
Is the substance, and re;?"at It now a? a comment upon
Mr Sutnner's remark to Mr. Hlalne : " You entirely mis?
apprehend me when you introduce an incident of the
past aad build on it an argument why I should not sup?
port Huraco Greelev. What him Presto-i Brooks to do
with the. Presidential election t Never while a ?ufTorrr
did anybody hoar me speak of him In unkindness, and
now, after the lapse of more than half a generation, I
will not unite with you in dragging him from tho grave
where he sleeps to segravate the passions of a political
oui, tint, aud arrest the longing for concord." Very re
spfot/nlly your?, Elizabeth Oakeb Mmitii.
l'atchoffue, L. I., Aug. 9.1R72.
To the Editor of The Tribune.
?ta: Since Clarke's appointment as Poat
maeter at QatoBBtBB, IBB Tii:m.'ne has not come to hand
as promptly as before. Thl? petty business is but a
part, however, of the tactics of tho Orant men headed by
Co v. Darle, who arc working hard to provoke trouble by
humiliating and Inaulting our best citizens ; but our good
people are, while doing all they can lo uni tbe cloctiuti
...f urea ley aad Brown, determined not to give Oavl? and
hi? associates any excuse fur declaring martial law, iu
order to curry the ?state for (?rantand Wllnou. w. f. n.
ou/rra.'on, Tcxat, Aug. 13, 1872.
George Kingpland, in whose account.-) a
heavy default wa? recently found, had been employed
aa bookkeeper of the Hudson County National Bank of
Jersey City for a number of years, aud held the entire
confidence of its olh, eis. He was a lucuiber and the
treasurer of St. Mark's Church, and lus family
was well known and respected, bi* father
being a prominent public mau. A short time since
leave of absence was granted to young Kingslaiid
to via.it Europe for lu altb, and a handsome present of
money was given by the bank to assist him In making
the trip comfortably. He sailed accompanied by his
wife and the II? v. J. F. Butterworth, his pastor and
present rector of Ht. Mark'* Church. Mat to leaving he
requested a fellow ciork not to look over his book?, or
attempt to make up hi? balance? as he would return lu
Mason to do the work himself. After his departure,
however, tho (?shier directed tbe August balances te Ik
,1. About this tine- u rumor reached the bank
otlici rs that Kinirslaud had t>cen Intimate with a fast
woman in New-York, and inquiry |tistiii"?l the report. A
close examination of King-laud's iiook? was at unce .midl?
and ?lisi'i-epaucif.s were found in theaeeoeate, the first to
Uie amount of tl.oue, betau "' tarerai ihe bank. Farther
investigation brought to light B Berate Of false entries,
w hi'h showed an ar>?tra'-t)on and a loss to the bank, as
tteted by the ottlcers, of 117,1?)?.
Th?- president of the Bauk, John Armstrong, and A. A.
Iliirdenl'ergh, the caahier, Informed a TB1BUBB reporter,
yesterday, that a part of the defaloatl'.ii ? lies in the at
count kept With Kingsl.iiid as Treasurer of M. Matk's
Church. He deposited smnll sum?, and add. 1 to thin
figure? on entering them in the books of the bank. The
balance of the defalcation resulted from hi? IBBMtlTlllf
deposits early iu the mo ruing, and iu variably giving
them credit on the cash book, but not on tbe ledger
Kings-land's boud? are for BS,000, and his sureties are ?aid
to Ih- food. The actual loss ih comparativelv .iii.il!, as
tbe bauk is ?aid to havo a surplus of BI80.O00, and cannot
thcieforo be seriously injured by the default.
I)r. Johii Emilie Houard, the American pliyn
iclan sentenced by the Spanish military authorities of
Ci? nfuegos, Cuba, to eight year?' imprisonment at hard
labor at a Spanish penal settlement named Conta. BB
the north-west coast of Africa, arrived in tilla cuy. ou
Tuesday in the English steamer Alexandria from Cadiz.
Dr. Houard gives a vivid description of his sufforlngs
while In the custody of the Spanish officials. He states
that he was arrested in December, 11-70, at midnight, and
conveyed to Jail on a charge of aiding the Cuban in
surgents, from the fact that a medicine ? -heat hearing
some traces of his name had been found In their posses?
sion. Although he proved his Innocence, and six mem?
bers of the court-marUal voted "not guilty" and only
two "guilty," he wa? sentenced to eight years' Imprison?
ment at hard! labor, not withstanding the Judge Ad?
vocate General had only asked for six year*.
Captain-Oeneral Valmaseda approved the sentence, aud
designated Cents, Afrlra, ss the place of Imprisonment.
From Cieufuegos he was taken to Havana, plac'-d iu
lions, and kept In the fortress La Cubana, whence be
was conducted in irons to Cadiz, suffering from tbe most
shameful treatment. After 19 month?, imprisonment, 14
lu 1 i.-nfuegim, one tn Havana, and four la Cavils, be wa?
pardoned, while at Cadiz, by King Amadous. He pro?
tested against the pardon, as he had not committed any
?iffoiiM, and claimed his liberation a* a matter of right.
He is much vexed at th?' conduct of the State Depart?
ment, which has questioned hi* American ritieeuahip.
Dr Houard says that ho Is a native of Philadelphia, and
has never renounced bl* American cltirembip. When?
ever he procured paper* from the Spanish autborltlee it
waaalwaya as an American, his name being registered
at th?. American ('emulate. He intends to proceed to
Washington, and make a formal claim throneh the Wale
lJepartment npon the HpanUh Government for damages,
incurred directly and indirectly. He will not return to
Cuba, aa he believe* the attempt would cost him bis life.
The contracts for building the wroufrht-iron
highway and foot bridges across the tracks of the Har?
lem Rail road at Forty-fifth, Forty-alxtb, Forty-seventh,
Forty-eighth, aod Forty-nlntheu. have been awarded,
und the work has been begun. Tbe one at Forty nfth-*t.
will bave two spans?one of no feet, and the other of 131
feet. Tbe roadway will be ?jo feet in width, and there
will be a aidewalk l feet wide on each side. The founda?
tion will rest npon spruce piles, l? inches in dlameUr,
and will be composed wholly of gneis?. The abutment?
will be built of granite, faced and finished
in the beat maeaer. The railing* will be
made of wrought iron, of ornamental iteaign.
The plankln'ar will be that of beat yellow pine. The
other four bridge? are to be aimilar In design lo the
Fortv-Ofth-it. one, and it is Intended that all of them
shall be highly ornamental. Tbe Furty-sixtb, Forty
seventh, and Horty-nluth-*t. hrldge* will he n**d by foot
p?as**mgers. Tee coat of tbe one at Forty-flftb-at. will Is.
about #16,000. According to tbe terms of tb? contract
they are all to be completed by Jan. 1,187*.
A riN40?ution forbidding the Auditor to an ?lit
and tbe Controller to pay any bill* incurred with the
approval of R M. Whiting, )r, ("omminaloner. and re
qutwBttng the tlorporatiou (^unael to furnub a ?tale?
ment In regard to tbe legality of the Board of
m* Works aa aew teeealiia. wee bbbjbjbJ bi ?*$m
man Wyrte of tbe Seventh Ward of Rrooklyn, to
be staered to tbe Ootntnon CuunrJI on Tuesday, but Its
presentation was prevented by other bit-l?eas. Under
Uie law providing for the reorganisation ot th? Cnmml?
slon of l'ublle Work?, the Minor of Inooklyu wat au
thorlr*?-?! to appoint om? mrinU-r, and the < ??ntroller nod
Auditor two member?, but If they could not agree hetorn
Jalv 3 the Tax Cuihctor was instructed
to add hla vote.. Trie Mi. tor rho?e Mr. Kuv-Icr,
and the Auditor ami Controller agrood upon Ixirtu
Palmer. Th? r?' wasaaartoua conflict m recari to the
third meinlHT of the Hoard. Controller Hrhrooaler'. can
t?ldate was Mr. Wlittlnt?, nod Auditor Fluiurman,8 was
Hila. M. hut* her No compromis.? ?'em??! possible, and,
on Ju'y J, they eaBed In Mr. Burrows, the Tax Collector,
and the result of the total ballot wn? the eh ciion of R.
M. Whiting,,|r.,?s i ouiiiilshlonir of City Work?. On the
following nay lie juHtiiled a? sui I? OoBiuuaaiouer, but on
July B. doubt having h??Mi ralaed a? to the legulitv of hi.
election, he was chimen by the Auditor ami <"?.ntroller,
ami .clin took the oath of aaaoe. IBs validity of Mr,
Whiting's election mid the le.ality of the. Hit? of this
IloaJtl ?nue bir accoHSlou or?- again i|ii, tioueii.
Turn) KiversHlr Park prtijoct, wiunii ba?s met
?KBapposition at every step of its pi-ogrcs. for the last
five years, Is again to I?' retarded bv the action of
Messr?. Devlin. Miller, and Trull, attorneys for over 50
contestant?, who dispute the correctness of tbe Commis?
sioners'report, confirmed at the Into Oeneral Term of
the Sir reme Court. Th? law BafBBBI that the srxjcuirs'
attorneys ?hall l?< ? et veil with Ute ? ? n id? <i order of con*
firm-tie i from the Court I" for? further proceedings
can ensne, so as to ?fiord the contestants an opportunity
to appeal to the Appellate Court for a review of the
decision of the Supreme Court. Th?-law also provides
that khi'h an appeal niu.t be niaalo within CO days after
the service of tin- order of confirmation. The order of
confirmation will probably be n rved on Mesara. Devlin,
Miller, and Trull, to day, and they will carry th? matter
at onne Into the Court of Appeals, and ask that 11m
report of the Riverside Park Commissioner?, a. eon
Armed by the Huprenie Court, be overruled on tho fol?
lowing ground. :
The appeal states In general terms that there Is an
error In as.eH.lng lot? on the north side of Heivi-nty-flrot
st. for benefit in a larger sum than is BSeeaaed upon the
southerly sble of the ?..me. sine?, for although nearer in
an air line to the j'.irk the imlv _*:eess to It Is by the
street, anil conse?|iieiitlv there is no difference In the
lfm in ? onferred, ami Braes the disti-u tion la, baited <>u
a false principle ; that tho lots lying nadar water cannot
lie .-f-?. - -?'?I for benefit under the net ; that the pars !? of
no possible adraataire to their piap?a ly. which is only
valuable for commercial purpo-cs, and ln regard to a
portion ?,f the lots the title is not vested in them fully,
as th.-i?. non , t tin- Common Council by ntdluance is
re<|uired; and rhat they cannot be assessed for a pros?
pective or merely pOMtUfl adtantage but. on: v tor actual
benefit. Tbe extrat?r?lliiary amount of the as
BBBBBBi nt affbrds ci>uclusive evldenec that an
arraueeaa rala i? applied in making the aas?'ju!
un'iit by busing it upon an enhanced valuo of the
land in market for geaerai pmivomea af Baa aud for sal'-,
when as tbe assesKinent should be ha-cd on the actual
ben? til conferred by the Improvethiiit upon the land?
owner atvtessed. Tue court? have uniformly appib'd
hitherto (o su? h eases tho principle that the burden Of
an assessment must be in. lasured by the ticnetlt ? ?>n
fe.rieti. The law savs that " a person or company owu
ing u mt in the vicinity of a public improvement la u??t
liable to be UiUM'Secd for benefit if, by the t<ruiH of the
grant, it tan be appropriated only toaapeetBe use,
which cannot be reudereil more advaiiiageoua bv the
opening of a street or ?aplaro in It? n? igliborhootl, but
tno company may be assessed for ben? Ut to adjoining
lots not ?<? restrirteri *? it-. ? of th?. principal exceptions
taken was on the ground tt.at, according to the ?latin?',
the property is uot ixiuvey id in tie simple aud .,!?->
lutely t>. the city, but only for the puipose? of a park,
mid that the awards an?l uivssments siiould be greatly
r.ii.iK-d. it la claimed that tha areaertj lakaafortha
Riverside Park muy be u>i.tudune<i m the future aud
llKd foljnil billig li.il pov -
It will probable be 'six months, at least, Itefore the
cajje will Ik' decided by tin Court o? Api??la, and mean?
while all work in tho Park will l?c eu?p<mle I.
Judge Tuppou issuoal, yesterday, M order re?
quiring the authorities of Long Islaml City to show
cause why th corder l'art-eli's order of am st of II rgeant
Lewis Smith ihould not be vacated. Moses J R? ed, a
oonducUiron the Long Island Railroad, wa? arrested by
Bargaa?I Smith, charg? d with collecting Illegal fire. He
ws? acquitted by the Kct.-order, ami then obtained the
arrest ef Smith on a charg, uf falte imprisonment.
Junio. II. ElraoBB, a stot-lioldi : of the Ea?t New-York
aud Jam.ioa Railroad, applied, ye.terday, to Judge Tap?
pen for an injunction rentra.mug the Company from col?
lecting a Judgment of fa.oon atra\ii?t hirn for subscriptions
to file capital ?lock ef the Company. I>..> is.ou reserved.
The -taten Island Balitead Company made application
to Judge McCue, yesterday, for an order to ?how canse
nu Friday BCXt, Why the bidgiuen? ouiained In the case
of Ma,lames Laadera and Maddc.D ?hould not be released
freaa the real estate of Uu Oearpaay. Tue application
was di-nu d.
Corueli?.s IieKiiiiunl, a h,.atinan, of No. Cin Watrr
?t, wa? arru.ntd at th? K??ri M?tk. t Poire ( ?on. ;?itenlar ?birfrd
wit. ?teali'.r tour mttt of nu' from lier No. I1' Ka*t Riier. I?,* proper
t? ?I sa.u.1 _.r(.i. u(N?. 1SJ Wli **).?,i ?t. ai.<l t,.?l*>?.Da of ?an>e ,n a
jonk ?tere. Deauc'Dd wa? hell in ?10'' to ?timer
At the Jafl?nOB Market Police Conrt, ye*ter<l?v,
Jinnee Powler toraiaittfd Ptter Dark of No ',? kinjr^t., for brt-iiBf
into Ui? l.ijnor la-Ma of Wii'i.u, ll.ubt-i, at Varirt ?-.?I li.Hiat?-u ??'.?.
8D Mondar mgtt. aad ?leahae mob r a?. I !?|Bor-Patrick Daffr rf Ba.
tJ'. h*-T??i,'.'i ?t* Wat >nd kirk*, hi? wife on Tarada; uiabt ??i.rnlall?
Uial .1., ? al prt-?e?l toi.ba-1 u, _> r U?l. l'af v wil U*rl. J u,. IB default
of #>, i">, o*.l ..Join, tta.n.-ell? becB-M liiloiirated on TarBdar ?fi?r
Boon, an.l wa? rohl**d of ew? ib nouer and a paaaacr tirket to Kaioor.
lit ? ?? i; ???.'J to a tuai^r of ibioiiratiuo, au) diK-a?-g?U.
LKCti-KiNb-AliO. .1.
?e^rVrv Court? Chamber? ? Hv Judge Rarrett ?
Mann., ist lxiwantteic and oUe-'i ??Sf* Bur?-, of .eruion I'.rd.i Raff
? (l I ?rwn. ? Moiion f.r in ritr? iliuw.Lra Ut-aird Cl.uuui.?*? a?rL
br? il*?. - Am.liralion driiml IN? BM-k) l,?rt_?.lo_*w ?fl t'.skurn
r. ? Moiiuu oaatas, will, *> 1(? ataW ba-r??? *tx. Je**ay n ?I.
?Mo:i..o (rnnlfid. wnb *10 t??U. K:U|atnrk aa?t. Jcaip <?! ?I? Mo?
tion ?tr?nt?-?!, with *.L twt. lt*..up?on 'I ?I. ?gt. I'ntrliard.- M'.Uob
rra,.t??i Tin- MotB?l Lie ln?u.?L<-?- Ok, of N. V. a.l. tkc New
YwTi Matcti t'u? A-.u-nliou i? nhrd t-, U.? Im btb
In M t. rale 71). let a it' ' re* t*- prepare?! in rom: l.ant? lt*rrrw,tb. la
roe ui??ter of i-tiie.? of 1'riru K> iloach M II. loh??? mor'.eirt di?
StSMl? af rt-o.r.1 ?Orner printa?! Merr? II ?f?. Preblr? ?Moll? a for
r?. ?irr nraut<?i. Iiarrin|rk.n art Naai, -Alten.i..n la ta iietl lo Ut i?M
?entesre uf n?w rale Ti, le? a dw-.m- he i.npamj n, rt,B,pltauce t-arr
irheruwe.B a?rt. (ireen. - Motion d?nis, witb 910 ro?U flta're?
mfk Mutt.?MoHou fr?ni?_ ?od ?S-?sBM M MSl U, uke proof of I be
Bill bTIUH. It.' eienpl. .' ? iM. t . -irt Willi OplBl?.
? .Hi ill ...nTenieut ?ie-?t Alien, mi Nil??i, ? Mvlion ?r?Bted,
it, r, ? i, r ?i p.. ?leo. ob faroiibiLf act-Tit/ ifi It,? amount of tit aaaeis
?,enl I? l*r ?pproia?'.
t Al I St th Tho DAT.
?rill.l I < e?i - ( niMki Haiirll .' ?<?(*n? ?I It ?. a. ? ( .*???
.'?"?.I... ?I 11 m
O?, .Hakrr et al. aft Jewell el sLl '?* -?u.> Ml Saa?.
.'? M *r? a?L ll.if'.t?. "' VV. i.i rt ?I. ?rv burirl rt al.
?* K?:un ?(- B?lhn I S3.. H p. .Bord f l (ai a|i lluntuif
H..I ..rntllet a>. ill Roitmmil i?.i ?l?,
al. j ll.Ti.aipiiD. rt ?I art. Mrtrt
C? Haiat ?it Kaaie. ?? ?1
tj. SaBit aft. Pun?. O.l: 172. At.-??.! ?rl. IllJ-in.
TTCBBBA1 An,, n.
Maili fnrRnrt.pe ?1? l'iv_...in. t l?en*.urK ?nit H?-,l.?rr pa? ???????
?B.p (?ini.r.a ca* .1 11 a. a.. A Hupp.t?<tuuin Mail Baa foot of
1 L.K ?1.. IIM...ten i? el..??- al I I ?,. ftaamauip ?all? at 1 p at . fmia
foot of Tliird-.l.. lloU.keo.
? all litter* arptiailKl m SappleBentarr Mall? n.tut beprt|?.'. w.tb
daot.le poatase. I
Mail? for rtinao N P , aad HatraBi. per iteas-bip Morrt, (?nit.
cia?e at I b. a?. A Soppleaieiiiar? Mail on Piti No. 4 ft. U.. i? cloted ?I
't'.Oyn.. Nteamilap ?*i ? ?I J p ??
{Ali Irtleri atvtmixai ?n Suppleia? tttrr Mm? MM b? prepaid wil.
loable isstUf e. I __
A M?)l fat Kal.fat B. R. >? e!t?ed at tbe Sew Tor* P??l f??ee e-eeTy
Thurwl?? al e ? rluc* p. n. hiaaaabip ?a?l* Iroa. l"??r?B_<). M?., ?a
Frutal at ' p m.
A Pr..??,?B Cl..?M| Mil M obIt ?tut b' lb? W."lama k Union aad
lairi.n Line HUa-obilM.
Letter |?i?Uie to all the Weit Indie?, eiewpt wbes foicr ?tireet wMl
be 18 mili tLt baif buaoe Piper. 4 ?eat* t?-b abjeb aiail be prepauL
Mull for Rt.Tr??.?-?, Brael. U>? ArgebU-e Repnbhr. ?edlndir?.
etc.. In tbe itmanrjlp Sootb Amenr?, eloM at 1 p. BV. bteaiaa-lp
??ill al I p. m . trom I',?' No ?., N K
A l?ir~-i Otnata Mail la ?eat t.i t??a Ln?. Meaisib.p Mill at 1 p. ?.,
from Pier fuel of Tbu-d-it.. Hoboleo.
Mail? for Hart?, ele., tj t-t .l__.hn. I'errtt. ?loac al > p. a
.t*_u.?bii ?alia ?t 3 p ?_
?ATt-HDAT. Aro 24.
Maili for BarsM n* (JweatbiUiWB ?bd l.irrrit! i*r ?tea-iibir 1 ii?
ef Mnatrwal, elan* ?11 ?. ?? No Supplement?r? Mali. hiram.L.p uil
al lu a. m . from Pier Na. 46 N. tk
Mail? for Europa, na Southampton and Bremm per ateamal.u. Maia,
elo?e al 11 a. ?. A Happie-waiare Mall oa Piei a faut of I L.id at-,
tb.lK.kea 1? claaed at 1 p. a. SteaaMkip ?ail? ?II p. a
A ?irert (JtrniaB Mail .? ?eat i.r lie? libe.
| All letter?.-Bpoarlad it bupple-ieni_r? Mail a>*t be prepaid ?in
floul.le poaiaft. I
Mull lor rrasre na Breit an I Hiere, per Heat-ilir Praae?,
w..l ?...?? at 1 a. ?? Sieaai?b?i ?ail? ?it? ?a., tr..u. Pier N... MBB.
M?>l? for Be? Weil b. the ?teaa??bip Osa W Clj-.S tiost at 2 ?. Bk
rSU__?_?p __? at 3 a, bl, turn Pier Bo. to E. U.
Boa n?m. Ill I ?<_, mm. C.it I Mast rusa..B.U
e ?.a war?? turn ?????. a
(?.ni? Hool....)0:? I 0?i i l?l?_d ... Ill?, i II?.. list* ferry... 0;?
?i"? waiBit iMii r.a? -? B
baadi boo-, ...ItrU ' Oot a laiasfl . .1114 i Hill 0?M torn.- 0 4?
Me_w??hip f'lBbrta (N O I rit-hl Haatbar? Kau-uA fe C?.
Slea-sklb llanaa (B. 0.1, BnrktB?ariB. Htr-sro (?elricb? k Co
Steaai^,,;. 1 ity of lla.ttw.or. Bowlaad. New-Orle
(??In??- S Ca?
ta?, C n m...?-? a
Me?__l..p PaBBie. Pbbiob PbilaSalpkua. I*anlard Steambip la
BteaaiaSip WaawatU Pub New Bedford P.rpia-B k Wood.
f?.aaj-a-ip Blka B. Terr;, Hairaar Brwber- N t'., Marra; KrrrU *
rtuaa-Jrla B B. Falrebild, Troat, Pbna-npl.? JAB. Bnf|s.
MaaB-Mp Berarlr. Pierre Pbikale.ipbia
paik H.iuiK. hpjn (But.). Bartlaea. Boawiiwrc, T?Wa? ? Boe?
Hait H.i.ierard (Bort) Moetk. Cork for orerr? Faaeb. Bdee k Co.
Harl AnMkip*, Uam. Bk Croli na WilaiUrtoa, Pel . Hoese Hie?.
Urn Harr; a Anbre; iBr ), Bnni B?rbv .???. 0 T AT A !?-.#__
llr.r h.ntiua Aa*-Mo ilUi I, Caatrllo. A Don A P Afra?U k Co.
Uni CeaUar, Btaale;. Bwaawa T-e_???wi <? Kuoltr
Hri| VV?_lerer (Br l. Oilltat. Lieerpooi, B<.;d k U'i*ck?S*
n... < ?prrri Blaaekar.. Uaara?;.
(.r.r (?r???B?r?. M?aw??kwi. Pi.rt fijsiB.
Mehr PtinuBclia. Williaaw, Muni?.?,?.
BcSr. B. F. Walta Ailw.rd ? >l,,i
Sefc?. Owr?Bt IB? I, wsaforS Ani,|ua.
Bekr Beiipa? ?.????bei. haiao,,?!
Bebt. EST WilU-BM (Br ?. Ml, Bbai-rtkMrt
?. b. -sow na? (Bf 1, T?wd, <.i_w-itowi, ?.? JB-BBafi
thmmh_ W;asoks. OswtS, Mlikaial r.i, Petal m? Berfoik ?igt
Bkla Ht ottf (f?rt). Timm, ?svaa? ? 4ar*, aaHk aaagar.
f*rk Balso?. Kwwrrr, ll?e?a? 9 'Urs, wilh ?wci?.
?er Tl.,? f ,??h (., H*w liste?). ISP., Ba?a?aes, f. B., t ?art,
"'? *?!*' mU s?*ta?*??a.
Hrttrn????? Hoaanee (Br ), ??????b*, Potat-a-Pltr* M Atrt, ?,th
??Star a*4 ?.kl iraa.
aJ /,"? *??> tl.?Amte?], ?hip Sea (J.il. BBB Aasrai tSBJ Bi-atUJ,
from Kl?r ?
,eaai>sat Mow??>a. v?.. An?. ?.-taas! at ?w i^ia??.?.*. u?\
n."**? ?Ult. ,r*"' Artntaa*. P*aac>oal. btrk? (lasa-?a Larek**?. ?or
S.i?_? wl!JO,a?||tl f?. a.?nt*virlr-,; br.p T?i,]m? RloBd?, f.r
JuiiB, j? d"7 me"?rt. f?* l'erai???wi J?ka BaaJefawe, Bf St.
mUm7CS**h i"* -' -TU? AIUb Luv, lUaaalhit Iaa-paa. Katela?,
^*_?-?on A(B,_ 7 trn1fti ^ ^ J '
I.*.il. m*".t7?"- a-*- ?I.-la. N..rtk-Orm??B IJovitt i4*4W??J.lp
atita.^ ____??**? New Yora As?, In. for Hresteu. Wariel
ai lui, pan int*rvt?v. ^
Jo'is,''!^"? "' *,_*,-T-N' '???? UM ?teara???? City ot N*w ?.rk
tkilT^vuiT? '" ?* " hf ?U?'-^l. .?.^ ?wait?*<>??
WMuir3t?. "SJ'- T? '^""V1 Tr-aaatlaal BJ ?'?mraai's taeamalap
"?'_*J **""' frul? MU AuS. 11. a/rlv? Beta al ? IrtSS
I Cor ??text HAip une? tee il/KA Ptttye.l
Narw-YoaK. Wt?dneaday, Aag. m. 1871.
There wa-t but on? tiwuiaetititi at the Ex
ehnnge ml? morning, vis.: By Joiiepti BtcOolre, acting
by order of tin, Hni.rnno. Courtaud under tho .Mrecllon
of Henry J. Ciill.-n, jr..rofr-Hv, of the prorierty known as
No?. 49 and 47 ltowery. known a* the Htaot Theater and
Hartmann'? Hotel, also the fonr-stery brick-bourto on
the rear and fronting on (!hryrtl?vs??,( known as No. ft?
Site of tho plot of ground i* as follows: Starting from
the sonth wost-rlv corner of No. 4.1 Bowery, running
easterly ?9 feet K4, lucho?, thence ?outherlv 40 feet, thence
easterly 7 feet and 8 inch??, tiienoe souther, v 30 i.e',
tin neo easterly ISO feet 7 Inch"? to the, southerly comer
of N.-. ?1 ( hrysti.' st., Ih.-tneo north, rly fronting on ?aid
?treet 2.1 f?'<t, theaet woHterly K? f.?ot, thence northerly
73 f?M.-t, thetii-e we.?terly lf.J feel ta lito northerly Barere
of No. 47 Bowery, thence southerly 3'J feet 10| inchee to
place of beginning.
Thl? prop??rty wna Brat advertised to be sold on the nth
lust., but, tor BBBM reason le tier known to tho referee?,
WBt 1 tjoiirrie.l until the HUli, tie tl again adjourned until
r?>-Iii\, when the property was sold, or at least knocked
?I.mi, to a Mr. B/Os. A. Martin for ll'jj.uoi, a price looked
BBBB hv tzperta a? lieiiui very innen h? low Its nval
vame. The iinctiuiieer hiinm-lf minuit? d that, h ?I till?
pr?.|iertv beta sohl on tho dar as flrsit advertlsesl, It
would un.'uni,te.ii> huvo broti.irlit a very much BieaBtl
pnoo, hut, owing to tho numerous adjou? iniiente, v?tv
many of Utrtec who undo.il.te.ily i.oul.i have beea will?
ing t?. hi 1 the prie up to ttWBatalBg near Hie n al value
of tile property Mere a.-ve ut, baring j rol. ahly hcioiii"
tired and disgusted with the absurdly fareteai ataaaer
of p .itiK.niag until a tajaren leal Umr (to iuien)eite?i par?
tie?) the saU-t inail?? in. (1er legal urd? r.
At private sale, V. K. 8t"v.u-;ou A ?on have ?old tho
house aim km aa the w? *t si.io ..f M uliaae .n?'., between
Beventv-ivvonth and sevo.ity-f-ighth-?t*., Wfeet 10 In.-tics
south,i lv fr,.m the sonth-w??st comer of Seventy-iMirhrh
*t., the lot lioliur IJ feet J melier iront and rcr by ?4 t?i?Bt
deep ; price. $H,M? ?ash.
To-uioirow (ihursday), the ful lowing legal ?alo* are
noted t?, take placo at t io Kxehsnge :
B? M*ll?r, Wllkln, i Co, fafal sal?, u?dt r Uie d-r?rtion ?f PM?p L.
Wilao?, r-r? at, loi ?OilKJ.ll, aiUi il ? I,a llitp lb. re..:,, IcahM ,.u th?
tortb mir of i??*-h3ivlr*.l and.'.ws-at, toartli at.. I&o f?*l r.rt of llii'
tve. ; aid, ?B.i-r ite ilirrctinB of bom? ?.'. Lew,?, refer??:, one M, B)a Bt,
with Uie nnpriiveiii a, t th'rejuii, lnoaie?! *n the ?ist >i.I? of Kci.Ui-av*.,
So feel north o'T?.rt.eih K. ? al-.,, a I??*! ?ale <f lot. iV'i 4 1, ?a the
eatl aide of uoniefirO, 77 fee; a larh-? .?utl? of .ScvrBl? ei_bVb-?U
?'RW-TOBk ?1ITT.
noBleTan), ? i, 11.11 ft I ?f llrthat, 75ilJ8i7!?il.S3.9.ei4,f?i0
Jane?; ss, 71 ft * ef IU.-S, *Ua*b. M
fiber S It, e > (N.. tat,, BatBB. 3M?)
I*ih-?t. a ?, llii.dfl? ?.(Jd-tve, -l?a-.K?inh,?l
BBB ?t. ts, ??'>'. ft eof.lth sv?.'?ilae.ii'UilJu.t, ) psrt. I') if)
j7*i!-st,BS, ??i flw?fMb-a??.'.'ji?i.9. ?D.oDO
Jlh at, t s, r.'^ fl w <,f |mh-?.v* Jit ,8.1). i?0n
Mth-al. b s. Ill) ft * of on, ?v?, ??100.1.) ,. ?M
it,lB)ft*afetb-ar?, JitlOO.S.1 *?'VM
?sih-tt, 11, :a??n wof i?;-.,*,, .iiiai.it i a l.'tinu.?. 2,r?ou
ItBtBa*. ??, iM P.w.f At? A.2 iM.i.Noo?ib>1
lli'.ii Bt, a a isoflwofili ?, Uiltslll. lii.70)
lit aie, w a !?i.li ft 1 of Ji), ?I. '/JilOJ. ?Mat
In ire. t s 6uf: b of .V,t . -i, .11. 8,.'50
4 h ave c s, li.Z B ? of 77lh 1, util??..( .. m
T*B ?:. ? 1, l"< U e of lth-?ve.i?iill?.J.J '".<','
Vtbare.e a^J.lrtstf t?'.h?', ttsJflO. l.',r?o
lllh trt, 11, Mal fi B of 9bth-?t. fSl.'ixlUO. tfkm
Il ?t?. Ko B* 4 fears, per ?ear. BI.?00
I -t N.. 46t 8 ?ear?, ps-r ti'.r. 1.2"6
Uli. 4i. No SU. rtniisleal, t r?sr, with pnn.fg.-, p*r rear. i.*iO
Citn Itcal (Estate for Sale.
/% ?OKk. i'HIIU KH WILL UK lib.? KlVtli \T TIIK LrTOWB
OIKIChS, N ,? *Oj ?Vrs; 1 ti.rrr kco?? ?t., or iwi IVttl TwcBty-loinl
at ap to I b a., st r?{ular oitir* rate?.
U0?8T PRE? REGISTER, with new eom
L pi??? Mapat K. ?. ?.'. ta* 44 *???*'. vtl.thle inforuittiou ot real
tttate, ew. V. ?L BTKVIa'Nso.S k HON.
11 1'iaest. aal2Jo Kiflhsv?.
A" PAKK-AVK. 4 Story Higfe-Stoop lli?.~
roatl, ? buill m-.!sTB tad n>? v-lv tmuini BllulS N STUNK
l)WKLL!?li tu lb? Biott leliset k,rati..B oa Ihsl Avtaue. BBBk, lot W
mm, tor stl? bj V. g NI BTBBBOB k 8?)?1
11 1'iBe-it. ?BdUb Kinii-are.
IXJtottlicotcr Countn Real CCstate for ?n'e
r trot? 1 lo 20 s*ree rarti. ?e?f Rve Beach , iiUuiin water Tiew ;
ki(b he?'.I? ataaBaei food M?**r, for t?,?is, sear railioaJ deput,
?awafm tud|oo?l tcboal?.?Bje, Jta?24 1*72
IH.ACKWKLL ?ft Co., ii UBBarreT.
tong 3?tunb Heal Cotntf for ?alc.
, LuTB. UvT* LOTH.
%1 CO. S 7 IU $7 oa
Ll'I Lid NO I .(MS, &i!.e feet, Is the Iowa* of BABYLON ?.!
IBM P. oa it?? Bniiik Bide Railroad, Lon( Island, sre now be m t?kl tl
?avVn liOLLAUS eac!. al tie l)B<* of the NATIONAL BLKBAIJ
(IK MIiiKATIO.N JO Bute st., or si tie principal OBc* of th?
_*>. B. R. ii. Baeretarr. M EAMOS, Pr*?i,l*ol. New-Yort^
L^Ll'SHIMi, L. I.?For BALE?A uaiulK??oie
JL BCII.JIN?, LOT; loesiion all Ibatesu be desired; 1? m?nate*'
rtlk from either of two iler-it?; 2J trato? eteb way .lailf. S Irainl oa
B?od?v; b*st railriad that leave* New-Tori; tdjae?nl to t.'Boolt,
ehtrrhe? store?, ke. ; ft? tad other mudem in.yro?'m?iite in the Tilla*? ?
priea. ai^iV', leriaa ?-?li. AJlreu J. A. O . ll.ul,.'.Jl, I*. ?)., New-York.
Nem-Jeraen Bcal (Estate for Sale.
??KKIl'KK, !lo..?.4l W?st Thlrtraeetind-at.. or MM Wt*i Twcut, liiirJ.
tl., up lo ii p. ai., al rea-ular ?Be? ralo._ -
l?0k SALE?A(AJoi?i?|r tlio pleiisaiit vil?a?ce
X of Westleki, N J.. PJ mil?? vU ("?Blral rUiiroal, a thoie? PROP?
ERTY t? tl arre? <.f bi*h roltla* land lr.og oa bolo si ?es of Boulk ?ve.,
too?! t?i?-?Uirv ?Kstern ouill ho?ite, 9 room?; lauadrr. ciater?. ? t?v*r
lslllnr??s'llofrBr>'V'il*r; good ban, ?od ?II B>e???BrT oBtboildlop, la
root ,.niVr; Bb?t4tiee of fnit. A l?rf? ponioB ?f lb? pi??? I? ''l1,,1?
ad ?lot?, ?lach will ?ooo conuuaBd giMid prnvs. Address WIL?
LIAM DAVIS. TnbBBt OBet. N. T.____
^^)U SALE, or will EXCHANGE for land?
One or Two eleratt HOl'SBB al Ros*llr, New Jert*;. Addreta
II..1 L?-*,/. ().. N?T?.Yovk._ _
I ARGE FARM on Central Railroad, near
J d?u"l loitablafol taiUr.? ap into Huildia? Plots, for SALB ob
?asi terme. BDI.AND k WlllflN??. 5 MaaHt
XTl-ftoperiJcf ?llkltal? fit Bal? ?nd Beat^ AJdr?.
,,m ,m THKOIX.KK A?BRs'. Mnrrlitaara. K.J.
' KgY kaailBoa? Two-Btor/ tal At?c IlOl'BE, wiui better, balk,
tic. tLil or.? ?ere of LAJ4U f.r aal? b.w. and 00 easv ?nu.
"*'*" BL'iaNU k WHITISO, S BeekmtB it
ORANiih, N. ?I-, and Vldadal^flt??^.^
line ?tretv proi*rtj for sale, real, ar etebso**. I. II (JhBRI,
?JH Nastfeo-tt., 'amer Libert?. Orsagt ?kVe. oppoaiat main d?po4.
Q _ MIXCTES from Liborty-st., cxprcan train?
BJO b? '*u raihotda. Low fa ret Freqaeat <?osauiuB.r?u*aB. 4>iy
?a?l well anante.! 12-r?4,m COTTAOK. wlli ?aoden eoa?enleae?a, ?*,
bath Be StIIBB*B. ?*** art?BB, wae. ?Iaai*saal B*B Beta Two
?ibbI?. from tepol ttd 12 miBut-aa ?*_f">?? ???'?'?' u_l_0r?3slu
?a-l <l,<ibi* ls>i?li???. L?rt7?f Ho???. wlU suBU. If flame. Two
?jTTaffiSS? .-J?5. B.*r ?tt_5_g??^_Wf?_
trsl K K. ?t.V.J |. ?I ?ddre?? VILLA PROrKRTT. J?411 IU, Klisa
bath B. J.____^___-?______
ConntrD Real tfctau for Oak.
OrrtCKN Not ?4| Ws?l Tkirtjaansotd tt.tr MB West Tatavyiair*
at. ap to ? p- ?-, at n-fulsi- oBoa ??????
V- Jsawa Riftr, Va.-I ?fer k'Oll HALE bt LAND King ib Ik?
()<???T of Cb?rle? OU, ??.. II mUm tnm Wllleov Wttarf ? pabU*
latdlut o? J??e. liver Th* *B*.e Kana coatalaa brk*rv?; ?11 tfrea,
iia r.tatmi ?ud la a fo.?l stale ?f mluvtli?a. th? balate? la food oak
aau itine It ? iboB?b( b; ooaipe'.eut Jadfea thai frota 1,1Mb 10 1,000
ewrtta of plie wood mai be eat. kuviBf a saBeienev for fans parpo???.
B*i?BB?fkiui verv d??lr?W?. C?av?ai?al to eh?rcbe?, ?chonU. ?a*
wiih't 'wo m...? of tbe ? ourt boas* The tbor? viltahr? ettste rs? b*
tsutasavsil (or bib* tk-j-aMad dollars (Bt,0tW|-.ai,tut eaab, ab* btUte?
?mtaai*. tksf?rn?ij petatean ???ared be lies otpropertf.
mm^ AaWreaiDR. WB jA'PBHAB,
Wllleai? Wharf I*. O. l,b?u>e Cuy fo??i;, Vt.
1 ? ? .?.I ?' lt?d?r*iooa Btall?*; 127 aar?. ?iu Urn aad aa?
tutlitl buid.iia. fo ttUadld order. Addres. rATBBlOB IBOM 1.'..
Pawrao? I? J ; 0? 0*r?. I? Cmjmkan tl, K T._
1 ^fil_f?"ACR?S oFLAND for SALE io
1 4?0?M' Wtal Virfltlt. Thl? ir?*i is weil wtt*r?d. well Urn
t?r*0 sbvaada ib <?aal_ro?, ?ad all, ?ecsM?bke Is sasrkat; wall a*?p??d
lo.eiL.i>| tro!.i' Will till wb?U ?r ?trt Aaplv u, J R. BYPIlf.H.
Attunie? at Law 12* rsoarlb s___H-, Itlla/ielphla. Pata, i *f, l?f?r
Bttioi in bt?Stai?d air HBCLAIB. Tnk?tmt()*_, B?w I?rt
O?aitiM Home.
T*>arr*??f la? Und, well ?dsplad in frail* of til k1?d?. ?Wfeuble*
.i**i ? 1 >>.<????, |r.i* A? , Id arr.a la lain, laid oat 11 walks sad
rtvt*, tad p!?il>d ?ilk triade aad ?w-sftattl law??.
View oi 15 f ft* Muet
lai Estent
la Every Direction.
A BJBl ??-?? ?ritt. U MBBBj tvtafc **a*lt**vb?^a? aas k?ara 1 t.tre a?a*k
Be*** is fail BBBM. b*?d* iptiVt,
tWT ' '
tide I
.???? ?-"? ???_ _ ? , ^.^ .??? ? ?"?w ? ? ? ? 1 4M ?WWW, ?,?W?l _???
? is rail be.riaj, beaid? ?ral?*, Mart, gnaw ka. ? 1 kowis rvwa?
?Vori TB? BWBaaa at* Bag ? ?a? k?*ar*e?aa??l?ii?tai*(,l?<
tb. b??eli ?f ? ?*al?**l?i? a aaa4 t<?aa4tfwi, kaaJUnl. ?W evwry
, BB*BB1 BBBsa ?a aa* aBBBBa laaaa
tfonntrn ?eol Qfslate btJLWlt._
IVOR SATiPTorHij^anKe for other property,
1 I,,M aera? Ten- Und, well locate?: " - J
L. w"'tTT?Ts?v,i 11 W --??a????. Atari?; ai-Law.
(UTEVKNHON & Co., ,___
Oarreatas. Tasas.
BhBBBBMBS, flew. H. (i?. Preaitl.wit Anvriesn Kiehaage Baal, ?l.
T.; K Kete'inm It? Nt-nr ?t. ; A. H. Mnwtcra. Bo. 17 Hsattr-?-. S. \ .
A. V. W Vas Vaa-Ma, 4? rWat.
Cittj propcrtn to Cet.
np? LET?A -m HASFMENT. with two
X iitcbi, aaiutble fur Brean and Ft? Haaerj, earner Tuirtr-tlnrd bC
and Urtadwa; aad N.iU, ?re.??Id itaad.
WM. ?. -A-BOB, H twaat,
ryo LET?F?RNiai???) HOUSE, No. ?J Weit
J. Porti-B.atb-al. Appi; oo the prmian to A. J. LKWIS.
*Xtictiott Gale? of Real <f-hi..
AJ. RLKECKFR, ?SON & Co., AuctwiiMrB.
a WKUMOHlAY, A?g ?.
Al It, at RTeaSanre Salewrwom. Ill Braadwae. B. T.?TOMPKfXB
AVR.. IlKOtiKLYH-oUa aa e_t aid*. KM feet ?wath of Mrrt e ?re.,
aad i l*,t? oa lb? ?. .-. norner of Wlloo.Bb;-???. i alt re?H; t.r tarne
diite i?iproTtaa-?t; neighbors??. enenajpuouaijle, and eioae to kone
Mipa al 17 Ced.r ?t., B. T.
?. ?oi?k ir., Aatuaaee..
(Saec???or to Joh??oa k Millar )
I-?re.. Ns
Ba. 3a H?*a_u-?T.. ?to?, tann-er. Maw tin
a-il k-toto pru-ptl; Bold ?a*? Btckari.ad limn .alia ?f ?toeki.
Fanm?r?. Mereba-lia?. km.
tov&tm ano iarms CDantc?.
WANTED to"R??vT^A~B_-?_i^^
Biiliol ur aafBrni?hNl, will? looi? rrouid. well -totted, and a.>t
?rrar 44 rainot?-? from Mow-York; Horth Hirer preferred; auat be n?_r
depot; BMdetaU ?enI. Add rear P U. 1 , Tnban? OBre.
?nnrmer Retreat
A few rood r.*sm? ?ill nnoecapml, to be bad at Uli? (arurite plate of
Suiurarr rr.'.trt for New kirk baanea? men. l*baae ?.bo wiab to lad real
e-joraii-nt anil comfort for llieir famille?, ib eaa; diataaoa iroia th' <-n;,
an?! irneiitil; atu-nti-tn to batiatKB, .'.onkl joto lb? lingbtow Hoaae,
where tb.-r will Ind Lrst-t.'aia aecoinaotiationi at rerr renoBtbl?
tbarfea. Mae ri.bm? an?! h_tmng. J. OL LONl?, Proprietor.
\J Tealll ne 'i f.-uia Caiakiil, N. Y, tecrm.i,'.* br IV 6??i no ?Ii.?
road is the country and nearer In Hau o 9. T. (it; than any other
Hotel ontiiaCatskiU; ?len lion ?bore th? HadMi R.??r, 3 ?XW /art;
?lew ?Heading crer iboat 1)0.0 squat* rnilet; ?nnrpa-wd far beaarr
br in; in ill? world; celebrated for its iT?gortting ?tmoipher? ; temper
atara at all time? IS to U degroes lover thorn .V. Y. CUt i telecranh la
_M BsM
Or.en fro-a Ja.e I t, OTto'ssr I. JAS. B. -BACU. A??nt al Ca-k'fl
f..r I HAS. A. BKACH 8 MOUSTAl?! HOL'SS sTAGKa .?..SI?
( 'ARHJAUES, will mu it..:ada.iet in til? amral of th? train- of IS?
II. K. Railroad ?nd the baa;? fro.u Albaur aad Bar-York.
_CHAS. L. BEACH, Propriet?r.
?pH I l' 1 E N A Ni. U WHITE" SPIiPlil.'li
\J BPKIMOS 1IOTKL. Midltoa Co.. K. Y., torn for tn?t?. Board,
H? to Sib per weak. Liberal arnt-feonaU aiaue with families C.r
enlari olitaioad br i?l-sr or at Wldiwurili Uvate, /.fth-ira. ind Thir?
teenth -.. _D P. PBTIiRS. _
pETTIPANGt HOUSE, ?_??x, Ct., w?l be
?. read/ for t.oardan Ju?? ISOl A taar tu_ti>,B or ?ool?r ipot ra?
Bot h? foaad ?a loaaae-jeol. See?? ml??' new of th? r,??r sa ?a? ?id?,
?oanUiai, rail?; and railroad oa ?la otkar; ?pleai?d dnra?. roau??tic
Mwntr;. noisjiD breasaa id tba moniiB(; M? breetri tbroarh th? dar;
?.. r, 1-i.niot?; II cania ?ach paid for tu??, IS bubbU?' noa, b; rail
t.- ?s Prnwlek Hall ?id Long (?land Soand; Isrf?, hi|l aad ?ool rooms,
?*wl; litad ap. tanca dail; emaBOjiieatiua with B?w York b; boat ?r
Mrs. S*a|.)B board?r? ob ?a?; Umit. For particular! addreii H. L.
l-.HCKB. Piwprulor. E?mi. Ct., Jus? t, 1172. Saad far ?at of ih?
V i ?. i : M 5 N I SI j M??fTkT?cJME, " Poultney,"vE
> - i :r. J. BiWMA.I, 1> D, Pr?^. Dpi. fr?ai Ma; 1. Ip??ul ralei
?e tj a ! ?a and M_aoa ba-rdara.
A CC A I. U C~H"(JtTsl?7TtAl^VV^^
Holet?i', Brulf?, W??t*_ic?ur Coaotr. B. Y. will ohi Jane 27.
M. K. MEAt), PropriBlor.
Conbon ^?-ertiBementfi.
TflSKPlfjA^KSMli'.NX?T^?ale^ U Nor
?J ion K.> Kale, L.iD'ioo, klni/lanJ, i? eirueatlr r*i|it.-?ied to wnte bam? to
bu ?niiiHi? parent?, or ?hoakl ?nr retdor of tl,i??.i?>-rl.?> meit kiow bl'u,
w,ll t'.er k',.11; liitorni him tbat he >-?b wnte tn eoBMesce to bit piren??.
Ile wu'at l'eu: ?au-r. Ueea-a Count?. M rbgia, in'.} 5,1**V MsM ?', i?
i'.at. , o t?l.B|. bare be*B recnrrsl UfansSUSS leipeetiBf tb* il,..rt
?ill te tbn.kfuli.? rex-eired t.; bu pan-at?, at 14 Nortou fol?ate, London
?larbl- an? ?latc ftlantelt.
T^KTrTiTK?TstIii_l?IiTBi^^ marble
/\? i/11,. rt'iil.Xs, 1*4 and 1 Jo Ka.-. Kirnieealb-it. Marble ?ad
Marolt.ici *t?al* La I ilir.^, M-ijU CoanUn, Moou-it.U, It |BSBi that
?*?r com.wtlri.in Mar .le wrniair 'or tbe tr.le._
elrgaa: des-e.-?. Slate work of ?ter; dearnpttoa. MAKBI.r. and
BfCrOO hak rala r. ?. stkvvart t c?., _w __i _n Weit
Tw?-.oiT-t?,r .?t.. o? ? bloek w*it of Slilli-aT?^_
-l^HE ?'EN'U'IYN 8LATE Co. have rci?i?ved
X to U>e.. raw ? .rarvoai, llBroa-aqBan. Foorih-?r? , and tteewa
teentb it., and arc olferlng a lant* ???..rlinent of MANTRI.s, ORA IE?.
Ac, cuj?naiuf uuraj e?e.aal aud ?uiqua dc*i?at, at pr.ct el?a-augiug
e.uipe .?on.
?nXCURSIOX.?A beautiful, pleaaiut, Lcallhy,
J and chsap BXCUBBIOR tn iBd alona; Kockawa; Bea<-h for mile?
brlbeSOl.TH r.Ihl. KAILROAU. Do not fail to ?ojo; it Train
loare i_*o?crelt and Crtod-iL fern-a al i tad Id s OL, tad 1, 4, and 4: 30
p. m ; retojruini fa ro nl Maaoa.
?ieamboais ant) finiroad?.
An?^??ANT~_iid TROY by Day Line Boat?
C VIBBARD ?nd DA5IKL D11KW-. (ir??_ea*:ait U,t IT).
Israre Vt?tr;it. Pient 1:*??. a., and I hirtr-foarth-it.. it 1:41, land
in? al Yuntera, T-rrjlown and Niack (bj farrj-aoat), l'w'kcsp?,?. ?l.ina
betk. Tir ii. CaUkill ?ad Huia..n.
Tnp tnkeu to t'u-taa?, W'??t Pulat, Cars wall ?ad iltwknrfh, nuii.ii
aim* ..;, SI.
, ,-<t,u_ for all point! Weit ind North.
Hpeeiil tramits rtARAI'OOA ind ?HABO* um? ?rwalai._
FOB __
Ian nr >t (. oimu?, West Point, Cornwall, Ncw-H?nil>ttrg?, Millos, an>!
Il/de Park.
from Vr?trr-ft.. Pier 18, r \ K.tY AKTK-"OOH, it ?:M?'data._
I', i H h I.L lea?? Pier Jo. H. a, foot Norto Moore at dailr, Baiardari
?irtpled, ?top,!-., makinr ?urt conu?ctio_i with ill traiai toit.f aorta,
?ait tad wait Tick?:? io.m ma burafe checked to all ?oiiti aa
Ktr.iu.arr aad Siratoja and Tro/ aad Boiioa kailroiiU._
1WR R0XD0UT, landing at CozzenB, Corn
wan, Newbarcb. Milton, Ponehkt?p?ie nd _?opni. I he ?to?_
t.,?U TIl'iMA? OOBBBUi i.i.l JAMES W. BAL?VT1A Ubi? DAIL!,
?t 4 p. ?A. P.er J4, .1. a, fost H-rriaaa-?t_
I BOATCO.-OBt? Harriaoa-tt. Pi?r. Stra. CHRYBTRBAB. aailr
at 31 p. m., except Banda/i. for Yoakar?, Lrn-eto?. Tarr;towa, Nrack.
R Uke. Hirrmraw,O. Pt. V*rpl?aek?, and Peekiklll; ADELPHI ?t
? p. m. f.,r l?u_l*w?o i.Y.iDker?, H??t?B(?, D. Kbit;. T Town. .. SiBf. aa?
lla?ar*tr?w> ALEXIS ?t I. (?r lSM-at , Ba|l?wood, Yo-k?r? B?*tin(>,
D. Ken;, In.a?-to?. T. Tawa, aad M;??-. Mra?t aad T. Towb P?nr; ?oa
with H. ?. traiaa. _ B. LAIB Agi.
Tbe larareat ?ad Boat ?aaaaiteeBt rirar SttaaMi? ia IS? world.
One ?f the ?bor? ?taa-Mra will leae? Piar Bo. 41, North Blear, ??err
alrraoon |Maada;i,ttr?pt?d) it I ?'cloak. arrirta| It ALBA.1T ia time
10 eacaeet with railroad irai;.? Weit. North and Bait
BKTl'llNINO l???c til ii?.mb..?t Unding an tks srrlral ?f ?on??4
In? train? fro? lb? Wait, ft >r.k aad Bait.
Ttr .u,b at-keu ?a? be obUiiad it tb? OBc? oa th? Wbirf, it Dadd'i
Bipre??. ?4? Bratdw?;. aad Bo 1 Caart-lt. Brooklra. baicife ?hackad
to lUdeitm-Uoo. rr?igklr??i??4 ?a?i Ik? kaar uf ?*p?rtar?.
Si M. ataaain l?*r? P?ek-?lip for 5?w Uar?a at 3lSaU.ll
p. a. caoBMtiBs wtb th? railroaA.
FOR RRIDGEPORT, and all pointa ou Houaa
Mai? ?nd N??.ata?k liailrou?. Pare $1. Steaaar* klar?
Ca-Mrtaa-BB. at 11 a??n tad 11 niiht Itaadar? ?iwptodV
?l a P- Ok, tram Pier 11. .N. R., ?uu: ef Bobinaoa-aL
t .? . ?r. i. BOST?N, ?J4 li. T. PI!OVID_.??CB. St
l'.r? lira to -OST.-, S I tk T? r?oVll>_SChl, ?a.
Fr*i||t ?t iovr??l rate?. Coaaeet at Preeideace with Boato? aa? Pre?
aad Pre?. It Wanwtor *. B.'i tor all Maawrtasi N. tai ?Uto? asd low?
! INK - r..r Lu>0 -BLA.tCU isd STaTIOMN ob NBW-JEB
KEY Ml i llkR.1 RAILROAD. ,u BKANi Hk.< aad 1'oS.M.i Tl?).s.?
Hiaa-Mra coaieenaf with train? at Baadr Hook ??a?? Plat M, {(?th
Bleer, M follow?:
PLYMOUTH ttix'I, 6 t5 *. at., throagh to Del?w?re Bar.
JEssR II, ?rr, O-.tn a. at.. Wantowa. ?_ Toaa litti.
PLYMOUTH BOCB. 4 p a., EXPRESS tai Loa? Bxaaak, Ihr trog k to
D?l?w1r? Bar
IsVISB HOTT. 4 o ?. a.. WA)-TRAIN to Loaf Braaeh ?si?.
Th? ?:4J, 9:40, tad 4 p. a. cosnt?t for Bad Bask, aad tha tw? .altor tor
Part Moaaoath.
All lia n? nop at Long Bra ora.
BXI.TRWUB TICKim la Stsd; Heok asd "ton. good for eithar ?f
lb? ?bot. trip? or boat?, al.
0. W. BENTLET. Qaasisl Manager IM Br.?Jw...
P. P. PIBCH. Altai. Pi?r ld._ _____
?0UTI1 SIDE R. B. OF L, I.
JOKE 1. 1171
Prsa Eaoaaeart asd Uraad it Pt-rlaa, B. T.
I a. a. -M?il fur PalcbogM boat to Kir, laUad.
S a. a.?Acwoaasdalioa to I?Ua.
1 S> B-?Aer?aa?dit??? far Roekiwa; ?sd Bakrto?.
JiM p. a -lipfw? fur Pitcb?f-t b_t to Pira liUaa.
4 f a kapraaafor MerrUk aad B-riaaa;.
4 ? a. at?AcaoauaodatioB to Patrb??u?
1:10 p. at?Accoauaadatioa t? Babrlu?
?? ?? B. at -Atteoauaodation to M?rn?k.
Ali ira:??, ?i.-eut tb?) Tt coiaart M Tall?; Strata tor
tad ill a-twpt 3;JO asd -? for Raekawir.
C. W DOCOUS Baparlato-iMt
I,.,,, | S?? !??? aacaplad), ill 111 a
Kr?a P1KB 'AH, Berth ftleer, laH ?i M.trar ??
TW world raaswaed lUiw.r.
Cast. A. 0. ?I-MOB?. Casi a M 81 MM OB I
TarasMCr?^ rwato to Tasstas, Middsakwc' Pira?-* B?w iad
f.n Martha? wi?,?rd. Bislaasst, ?sd all Mat? ?a th? Sssth Sk?m
?It ?oaCod Bailw.r AhS. ?uo?fjk tick?!? w rraa.uaaa, BMeh
karg. LowwU. _???_. Bas-ss, Misaiair. bmms PlmssSii, tfes
?lili! M'lV.TTAl.fH, aad ail poiau ?artk. Pr.?_i?tB- ?salt? atan
,..?i.f k; Ball'? c?labr-tod kr-a. md. asS?arts, hssss P?r tiekato aad
auto r??a?. ip-l; al Ml Bioalwar ; MS Brohdw??, atanor Sana? i
BrsaSwSf. ?orB?tTw.al; third ? . 0*kf. B?a~_ ohm. M4 Bioms?;
aad S. 4 Cuait ?t. Braokl;?, ar ?I th? ?Bee ?a th? Ptot. ^'
A. P. BAl-OB. Bsssrlstossasl
B. B. M A BO A M Otasrsl P?.i|ki Agaat
aUIOB ABU MABaaOOK P-l tha Uto.itTay ?ard? asd iVsrl
Il ?la? tirmx th? SesalatMa, M__SBaa> 4a. *t
iss.?wiaai -S?_aBaPBB-_. r?__?k. .11
hm ?f ?II road?.
otan ra?,r*_ ?ad rirar
?ttamboato an? Hailroad.).
a> roRWiou i>> va
1m\\>**at. W?rr?t'er, Fltehha't;, Gr.i,,? J??rtl<???. ItrmfL Un
naer, N'iehn?, Mmu.e.?t*r, OaneorJ, l-alawr. Oraul?li?ro. tal latar
sasariaiw pweat*.
1k* t?w ?'d sitoBch ?'??*??rt
CIT? ?i?' l.<?-ION,
Cm OF l?B7W-TOBg.
CITY O* I-eTrtiTTTrR sa?
Win luv? !f?w Tort ?tail? (?r?n'f?T? ?T?vpl*?ll ?t - o'eloe? p. ?, traa?
r*r S-. <?, N.,rU r.tr f ol of C?iu,l ?sd Wtlt*-?*?.
ForNewl?-d<?*i?rf Norwirl., taer tmhamutt will >*."?_ ???**?
foi im thoie ptNBU. vie Veraiotl l'rBlfai, N?rr?.?J>, aad Wor?>t*t?T, tad
Duet.??, Hsrtford. arel Bf- K*ilro?*V _ _ _
Im Ul ??*?*? aao rafcaa tos ??wigk4, *?*_.? ?? ?* **_.? f_l, *
K?e:S k-fwr. W v- rAJJAfeX, Afrat
H?w-York, Jon* 1. 1*72. _ ,
V1 Paa??r>r?r ?,?d Fr*??-ht f?*;-?! io B*?-Y*rt. f..?4 of L b*?*T-s4. (?*?
?.rt? ai So?*rriii> w.th BwatB ltrs*?J> B. K. : at II?a?;.to? Jo**??*? ?"?>
tbe Deleware. Larkawaana ta* W??i*ra Bailrotvli at Pr,i,llr>*e?f ?u*
ll, it>?H 1 aid Butyiaekfiri I. i?i?-i: ,?4 ?I Ball? wi-h ?b.
V.II?t raailrosd ?taHil ex?ai>*4s?ioaa. fofBtla? a ?t. r*?? lin? to PUtwMr??
tniih? Wei?, w.tbotl eUant-? of ears; alao ta Oatrsl i'??B*rl?>aa*a ?a*
Ntw- York Sut?. _?_ _.?.??
Coisuaeteiu Jolv to, l?:.',-Letv? stew-York tt r?lk??rt.
I-U a. ?.- - Wtf Trata for Somervnl? ?ad Fiamla/wo.
7?. m.-l'or East.',. BetJith??. Bath. Htv>, i ink. Wllke*Atarr?.
Pittsto?. BihsBov (?it? Mt. Cferriel, fluktea, Tuniiiajnof?. Tow??*?,
Wtierl?, 4i*. <looo*rta?i Jasen?* wi?h Del.. Lav? A Wean. m. K
ta.-a.-MOK.SI.su l_Pll?7tl.4 dtlljr (asorat bol???/, .'of K*.t?,?
All*?town Harrfaham aad ike W?al. loaned? ?I Bottwrvil'? 6?r
F..?a?B(toB; st kaaloo I?r Maacb Ckss? W,.?abarre ?.-aitva W.I
hamapor?. Erie, ke.
hi: ?? a. m? Wsv Train for )V?n>*rr.!l?.
U:Ui p. m. ? War ?'raiB for button.
I p. m.? For Plriaiatron, Laatoa, Allfut??vn lt?0'b CBaaB, Mt?i?r,o*
(Itr. Hailttoa, Wiil?*4?rr*. Srraatoa, Bcavi.Bf. Loluab?. Latvastrr,
tpkrtt?, Petwille. Harr,? .arg kc
2:'?i p. ?L?Por .????rvillr.
>.lut. m.-Por Piaiol.tl?.
4 p. st.- Par Soib- r?.l.?.
4:30 p. au?Porhaatoo, Al'ettown, tad Mwrb Clrt-k. r?.???.'??!
;?a*tioB wilh D*l. Lack. A W,?t R R
?. ?. m?tor S??i?rvili? aad KleuaiogK?.
6:30 p. ra. ?Kur Som-r
tp ?.?BVIKINO KXI'KEi"?. d.?ll? for Esste? B.??.l,i*h??a. Al*a
lowa Besdiaa. llamador?, i'lltatmrtii. Chicago. a*J I .aeiaiiau.
7p m.?Por s?????rlii?.
T.JO p. m.-(E?lgnnt, -P r Paitos.
? aod 11:? p. btu-Po,' P*n?a?nl
Por Bliiabsib al 5:4^, fc-,15. Mil. Tjn, 7.11, 7:45. I:"?, 9-.W). ! Ll.
UK?, 18:30, ll:?10. 11*5? ?,; 12 oi. ,.'4J. 1 Of. J '?a ; I
3:ti. 4:t?S. 4:li, 4:7*, 4:45. y.W?. :li. J:JU 5:0, t;00, t:J0. 7:iB. 1.JI,
7;4i,r.J0. ?-.i?, ?:4?, |i?3u. ll.*). I.:0.i n ?
T?ekeu for thi W,.t ?_ be oMauo? tt ta* ,?** of lb? r*atr?l JtUil
r??tdof NewJ?-tev foiHor I.i!^ii-u.???w.Iori; ?ud ?l tue ttitUptl
kotols sod tlek?4 otSew is Naw-?e. t I
? ? ? ? , ? kL li. Kit-KEK, S?rw.wt???44e?.t,
H. P. Baldwi?. General Pss*?ng?r Agrti.
MHR^IH ASf) l;??liX I'lVISIOt
J4?W BBOAI) liAL?l. LINK to Walt* Uip. ".rr01i''tt>?~, iVrtatM?,
B.nfi.?m:?3 S.iwu, -, au.. Otw/tgo. WITHOI I i.HAM.e, (iPIAKS.
''?I ? ' S ' Y, ' - ? i;. ,? - .? ., ? .,. rr .,
glT?lMKKAi:RAM,KMkNT?. 'r-? ??*,?* MuM.A i I ,!? I |47?.
kill i !.. I tUAD UAI '.K I.Xi/hr.?- > IKAl.S. v.a l)o.*tou i
rana dirxtlr t. ?aifh f?' ,--,,,.'
weg?, witbwil c s?re of ?aara, eunaee',,i ? ,. k ,t
W?serlo? a.u a.??o? ti. K.. aa,. u oenaioB w.ia L. aui J. a. at. for
ginglton. Wii???b?rr*. P ITstuB. lie.
7:ii a. ?. B XPKB- M M Alt. 'ntilB. ?oao*?1inr at !)?bv1!> ?V.tli n???.
toa BraacB. at Dover wjrli_ < healer I . b. al 1 . _ ?<,
for A?dovrr?i<d Sewloe. at Washitgtot wi.b , B R.
for Water 4?ap, Stroodibnrr, ss-r-jitoB 43r?at B-?!. Btaftwat*** s/.*.
e??e. aad Otwtiro. aa* tt la.!.i|,?o?/f ?i. . Let . . ?
LeUigb Villa? K. B. tut ill Dotula oa ll.na?, roaui?.
?.-??m.. PHILLIPeBURO BXPBBS? a' ,?, at 5ewtrk, Mutlseo.
M.ir.-isUiWB. snd im?r?i?, st? stitioa? eo-ineots ?t W?t. rio?, ?iib s ?a*?
Ba.lro??!: ?t Pbillipsb:.*? with B*l Del. R. R. for Be!?kl.r.-. anil LeouS
aati ?a?H;aah*B,.a it. K. aid L*bigh Va.1er K. k. fsr litii, lui. An u
tuen, Misch ?bask. WiiLesbsrre, Besdirg sod litmibarg.
4:7ft . ni. BROAD QACOE t.YPR?'sS TKA'.V via I'ttertw* and
Baoatot, rut direr.Hr tbroogb to fcraaton and Bingtaamtoa wiliioufe
eh???;? of <??!?. atonplut at pnricij?! slatioas. CouosMt.i,?' at Dovvr w.;a
Chester it. B . sad al Watirito w.in Saswet R. R.
3:40 p. a. PHII.I.IPSlll'ii?. KXHi.l^-J e-mais-t? al Ooytr wU* fb??
ter R. R., et Wan-rloo wiih Bus**! R. K. s ?I ta I'uit.ipal arr ?S I,e
b,eh iwl Saa^teetii-.a R. R., ?ad LeMgb Vallar B. R- for livjil. '.? us,
AiVntowB. Beittint, H?rri?h?rg. ?ad lb? West.
4:40 p.a. riACSKlT. I'OWX ii.\I'RI>'s rono'et? w -b Cbi'ttat aVt,
ted with Baasei K. R. for Andov r, NewtoB ted krtakliB.
?:?J p. m. LOVPrl Ekj'
Por M.lERISTO'iV.S. at1:ti, ?:M, ll:*t, 12:00 ?., J;30, 3:40. 4:20,
?V.'O. t*? 7 p rn.
)or SI'M.Mli'tt 7:1'. 7:3?. 9:10, 10.10. tad 11 :K s. ta. 2J0. 3:40,
4:3?. 5:I(i, 6:CO. 7:0? tnd t
P.,r t 04.N01 aod t?OlTH OrtA.XOR, 7:15. ttlt, t:10. 9:40. H:l?,
ttd 11:00?. et, 1:10, 2:3t. 3.30, 4:3u, 4:50, ?;?, 6wj, 7-U), I:?,, 9.1*,
sad U.IIO n.
PtrNIA'ARK. tt 7 li. 7:30. 7:W. lid. o-lfj. 9:40. *ll?:10, 10 4?,
11:00, a.m.,a?s! I2:l?7) ?... "1:10, 2.00. ?2:30, 3:20. o:4?. 3:>., ?4 I
4 0, 4:4C, i>:20. 5:10, b:?j(). *6:20. 7:00, *l:u0, i:3'), 9:15. ?ad l'3:At t. m.
1 nu* aiarktd * step tl East .N?w?-I.
Uawa New-Yora for BLOOMPIELD tad MOSTO.AIR, tt 7:il,
1:5 >, tad 10:40 a. m., tad 2:00, 3:20, 4:CI. .':.u. ?:.'?/. sad ,.:?? p. ta
_A. RBASOBkR, iSapenttea-leBV
?^RIK RAILWAY.?Summer Arranjs?i'mfiit of
j i ran? takln* ?ffecl June 17, 1872. From ('h?arx-r?-?t llefart (f?r
Tweu'i Unrd-?l. ?*e aoU, b*l?w).
9 a. a*.??'ineiontli tod Otear? fiar Kirr**s. i?nwi?r-Ri>ota
<o?,:.<.? lo B?lalo aod >'.??tira Ptlla. tad bleepiBg loteaet l*
lia. wi.?Ki?r?-<i Mtil for Bnftlo tad Miagar* Es!!? Iirtwiof
kiiioia (.oi.-h ... Su..|'....hsnna a .-,-.. irh-a U, ileat,^.
&~iO p. OS. I .flit Express, ??.tipil.?; Coaelir? to Ba?lalo aad .Niagara
7iOU p. na? (Hall?) Clodeiat. and ('hieago Nv'tt Ezpraa. ?ji?epia(
Cuarb.-B through lo C'ibc coaii, BaiYalo, .Niagara Falb), ud lk?'.ea
F? PortJerm, ?:t?, ?:0?), I LOO, aad "11:15 a. m., 4:30, S-.30, ?ad '7.00
P'For OetbeB tod Middl?tow*. *7:30, 1.00, ?a;30. 11:00, tad 'll.Us. m.
3:30, llJO, t:J0 tel '17:0') p. lu.
For Warwick. tt:lX) 11:00. a, ! (11:15 a. m.. 4;? p. rn.
For Newburrb, (%*, f:00, snd 11.00 s. a. sVBL 4:?. aad 5:7? p sa.
For Biffera. .7:10. 8:'?>. 18: ?J. I1.-0C. ??4*11:1?*. av. J:J0 4-00,5:00,
5:30 t;00. t6::?n, *7:(10. tad *1I:J0 p ra.
K.H Ridtewoisd. It.!: .kue, All'od.l?, tad Ranjaev'i. 17 3a>, ?:??, . ? 30,
11:00 *l!:15a. m, 3:'?i. 4:0* ScOi?, S:00. tt: to, 7:"). tod ?! I 30 i. *,.
For Pattrsoc, C:45, -TOt, 8:10. r?:Ju lu.Ju. lia/,, ?llllls, WL, I2.ee
?l *l;4i. 3:30, 4:00, 5:00, 5:li, f:30, b:U0, '(.:>?. ?TOO, 1:15, -11:9. p.m.,
tad ' i2;u0 miiltiizbt.
Pol Rutberfard Psrk tad Paste,.-. ?15 '7:10, 18:1*. lOrOO II ?1
t. a., 12?., -1:41, 3:J0, 4.W. J:U, 6.00. -6:30, BIB p. ?. iad-lj
F?r H??k?tsark tad Wsv 5:00 1:15. tad ft:45 t. ?., 1:00. 4:0* 5:1?
1-00 ttd b:30 p ui., ltd Satantan onir, It uulaight
Par Ur.'adaia aad War, &00, 8:15. aud l?:4i am, 1:00. 1 CO. 5(00
aad 6:00 p. ?., aad Rarorlari oui?. 12 00 mijtutht
F?r Spricf Waller a*4 Wa.V' ?;J?. Bl*. t*45. "i- 'hf?l) *? **. IrSO. *??*?
1:00 tad 6?Ce p. so., sid Sstirlsnoalr, I'.':'?, miltrlit.
Piir Kng!ew?wd 5:00, 7:4?, -*?0 a. is.. 1:30, 3:15, 4:15. 4:44, 5:30. f:JO,
?a* '7:45 a. ta. Salurdtrt 0*1?, U:0U uKtoigbL
P?i Ui-ttskJl, 5:00. 7:4?. "9-00 am.. I: J?, il?, 4:15. IcJO, t??. tal
*7:45 p. m. BatnrUva ool?, 12:00 mulaitbt
F?r Lppu i'lermoBl. a, BBL *J a m.. 1:30, 4:i:, 4:4i, 5:3u. 130
tad t7:!; p. m. Satar.'iiTt ?rolr, II nd.inijbt.
for l'i' rannt ?ad Nvaek. 7:4? aad ** a. m.. >ad 1:?. 4:49. t?:3*
8:an sad 17:4? n, m. BaJRirdars nalv, 13 ratdaight.
It'. B.?T.a bi leavingCbsao^ers-st. oa eve* n?unor hall ..??.a leave
Twentr-tbirt-sL 1? amant*? earlier thin thave time. Th? 5 a. at,, lit)
p. a., sad '2 m.dLlgbt ?n.ns start from, t'ha-ailx-rt-at. onlr.
I?. B.?Trt.n? on tbe > itH ol K. J. leaving ('bsmbers-sl. *B aa?r?
ter k?irt l?iv? fwwiti -third-el. 30 ?.mat?? ear..??- tb?? sb?.T? ttava.
Tlckeu for p????re and f?r ApsrimeBts it Lrrawiag Koo? aad Bleep
ral (.oaehea eaa be o ?ined. tad oedtrt 1er th? rheehin? ?nd trtsslrr ol
btggaiie au? be left at lb? Cw???aj"t i)Be*??241. :??.. ?n I ?I Basal
er?; ; 4 Court-it., Brooklrn ; 1 Mo*Ur?i*a*rv-ti. J?nei ( ity , tt tl* Coar>
paBv*s Ikapot?. tnd of ?rent? st tb* principal bo4?'t
?Dtilr. tSiadivt onlv. tOwsban Biadars oal?. <N>s<-? oalv
?)OHB N. ABBOTT, i.o I l'?*?"? Agt. _
jj* ?llilMtR ARRA.'.t.tMENT. CuMilh.N. ING II I ?. I?;.?,
Pas?eattr:Suti.iiilnJ(ew-Y.rl,cor. ofTaenit-e.-reiih-at. aad Potntb as*.
Kntrsne* on Tw?nti-?*?enth-??.
F?v Itew-?Iavea 7, ? (Bt-I, 11:33 a. m. ; 12:15 (Kt). 3 (El ) 145,
4:30, 5:311. ?nlSlEtip. m.
For Bridgeport, 7, f(Ei.), 9, 11:30 a.m.; 12:15 (Ri.l. 3 lBi.|, 3:4?,
4:30, 5:J.i. fid? (Ex.) p. >.
Por Milforl tnd '?tratf.tri, 7, 11:30 t. m. ; 3:45. 4:311. tail *, 30 p. ?.
PorPtirleld, Bout'port, aod Wettport, 7. 9, 11:30 t. ir., J 43, 4 30,
tod 5 30 p. to.
For B*w?* N ?rwfelk. T. 6 (Kx ), t, 11:30 a, m.; 12:15 (Bi.), 3 (Hi.. J:4?,
4:30 (Ka.), ?JO. *:J0, ?nd 8 (Ex) p. ?a.
F?rDtrieu, 7, 9,11:30 a. m.. 3:4?. 4:30, 5;30, aad ?:30 p.m.
For Htamford. 7. I (Br). 9. 10, 11:30 t?.. 12:1? (Ki>. 1:1?. J (la a,
3:?^, 4:3? (Br). 4:4?, 5:10, 5rt?, 6.?. 7:1?, I (Ex.) D. m.
PorlirWBwicb and interansliate BttUoat, 7, 9, H), 11:30 a. m. . 211
3:4? 4:4?, .':30 6:56.6:30, 7:15 p.?.
?Suodaj Mail Train l??vea Tweo?.j?seveBth-?t. Hew-lort, tl 7 p. ?. fo#
BotioB. via both Spriu?fe|,i Lin* -ad Sb?r? Li?.
Por Boston, vit ftprin^fi?ll, 1' s. rn . 3 and 8 p. a.
For Boston, via Bhor?- Lib*, IJ:I\ J p. m.
Vat Hartf.^d aad Springaelt. ? a. ?. ; 12:15, 3 sod 8 p. a?.
For >?*J**lt. K. I , I l m. and 12:1?p. ?., to Wlrkford Laa?tit|. eaa?
tbrttnr w'.tl, ttartner Eolta a*ro*s Narragauarlt Uav.
For Cona?rtient River Railroad, 8 ?. ?.. 12:1? p. ?., toOisrs-aleW. 1
p. ?.. to Montreal aad Whit* Mouotains.
PorHanfonl. Provaleaee and KiahtiU aUI!roa,l, 8 a. at : 11.15 p. m.
For Suore Line Ran wir. tt s s. ra. to .Sorwieb tad I'ruiids-ae?. I2:U,
3, to24?w-Loo4o? ?ad Nor.urb, 4:'k) p. ?., to ?'oao. River tad H p. sa.
For ("????eticat Voller Rulrotii. ira. and 3 p. aa.
For New H tien aad Nnrlbaapton klailroad, Is. aa. ; 3 ?. m, to BortB?
aaptoo tad IV lihtmaburvb.
For New llarea. MUdletow* tnd Willimtfetic Rail-rota! (Air Loe*
I ?. ?. tad 3 p. m.
For Houaatoi.tr Rallrnad. I a. Bt. and 3 pm.
For iXaaga.uek Railroad. 3 a. ? , J p. at-, aod 4:30 p. ?. to Walsrbarv
For DenWv aad Norwalk Raj,road, 7, ?, aid 'J a. m., 17:15 ami
4:30 p.m.
For Kbcpaog Vtllej Railroad, vit Dtobarv tul Nonrtlk It. R., 11 ?a.
aad 4:30 p. ?.
For New ? aattn Railroad. 11. ? ; 12:15. 4:30 aad 5:30 p. ?.
Coaasodinaa iltepi*f-aara art aitaehed t? 8 p. ? trti . tnd tit? t*
laada? mall trttn oa ?Ttbrr he?. l)r?w?g-roo-n ?an ?liar!?,! to tb* t
a. m,, 11:1?, tad 3 p. ?. train?.
Paaaarnger? ean proeor* lirkrt? to tor poiat r*aeb*d ?ver Dut road si
th* iJepotol th? New-York ?ad N. wlttven R. R.. ror r?*1l a*l*?t*
at. aad Poarth-sve. : slao st the oBr*t of tbe SrwYork I a*<ler ?a
? Doll's Errir-?., No ?Ml llroaiwt? tud No 1 ?'..?rial . Hr.- ',!,? ?_
b? leavlog iaiul.it- uoUce. can bnve their baa up a il -si .or.. ?! . b?rk*l
frawa readtar? lo de? callo?. _ J.tBk? It. iloil
*.* JBRhET DIVISION -Pttt*?g?r 1>?|k.U Ii .Nrw Y?rl. torn ?I
1 ortUntlt tad De?bro?>rt-,U Freigb? 'ee*iv?d tl I ,cr l'a), No.lb
Rl??r, tad PraBtvlritit K., i ? 1 Drpoi. Jersrr Chi
Adounsl Jut? 1, la'.**.
5-90 t. m.-W?i train ?r Btostmia^bsirgh aid ,tle,ra-?lial* atatoatv
? *. ?.?BatraatmaillssT Bllesiiile. Likwnv Falla ?ad taatrwmnais
lt:40i. ?.?Wsi tnl? for Bl.?,;: ,l'.elf ici ittermni.iie italMta.
1 p at.?War ariia t?r W?rt< odvlr ?ad latoratediaw ?itlma?
3:40 p. ?.?War Inn for M.d llrtown tad iit?no?-di?i? ?uiiva?
4:3S p. ?a.?Rtprata trail lor Harketaaek. Pairrwa? W ?trtvixIrksV
F..UH.?. klid.::?u?wo. B'.lr.vill?. tad Utivt-ty Falkt.
5:10 p. m.-Wa; tritt f.r Bi?umiii?aalr sad iitrr??dittr stau?**,
1:10 a. m. - Wa? anit for t*orS*ud?ki ?ud rais rat, .m* ?tk'i,.e?v
RBTl RNINQ-Leare lll'Bvllle. 5:5? a. tv, 3:50 u. ?,, ?rat? I* Nrw
York, l?:40 r ?.. I 20 o. ?. Leave Libert? K?ll? ':06 a.*. tad )
a.aa.; imn n Nrw York. 10:40 ?. m.. tiM ?. m. Lear* Bkhisratwa
?I t a. p, tad7r ? , 4.?tad lilUp.?,-, trriee it New Un. I" M
rar. H:?< a. m . t:tS a, ? . and 1*1? s. ?.
. _ JOHN BRADlJt?.
Wa H. ?u?, Bapu N?w J.,?*, Diviaie?,
_ C?B?ral Tiak?4 A**al
1* fAIYta BAIlBOAD-4>s?ta??vri?? MONDAY, JUNK H l*W
Taroagb tra?as will leav? Ortad ( ? t.-a! D* <*
1:0* a av. t'bieaaw tau M?.4?l*?>ai Bttw?**, ?Ilk dnw.sg no? cara
ikrv??k la Wttortowii a* Bi>eb??t*r.
1.00 t. ?.. SpaaeiaJ tVjipr??t, with dnanng room can atr >?r?toe* tal
Bi Alosa?
Ititt a. kV Ipeclal ('k?aa*? Bxprtwa ?ilk drtw.og r?v?. ?at? a? Btfta
aad ?iu.i FalU
11 00 a. ?. Njrik?m ?ad Wattera Exprtaa
3:4* p ?, Bpeelal Dnwiag room Trakt tor ?-? etog? an ? ?g tl >4t
*:*t a ?-, Meatlwal Xiprwa?. ?IU iltepug eart frwm B?w Y?k I* Bk
lite p. av, Bapntt, oailv. ?itk tkM?ag ?art fat Watorl???, Of?W*?
barg, tad Ctaaaasana.
I 00 p ?., ptr.g* tU?r*a. avltb B*Ma*JB ? tor kVaktalsi, tutxit,
tad K ,t*an Ftllt ; skat .or Litleago. v? a?*h 1. t. aad M. C
_ TTt? are? l_
II tt p. ?, Bipraat. ?nib ?toeaia?-ear? tor T?*f tal Ataaa;
c. a. KirDaukVutatiui ru-cm.t ag.ii.
at litt aast t k ?. ?.. U.Jo, 4.SS, M?, 4:Jv. i M' s ?, il
?Igbt Far Philadeltk'.t vl? Ctaataa, ?a ???Il p- ? F<? BaLTI
M?aB ?al WAsuiNOTOB ?w T? WUT, ?ta Balafiaa, art
a. ? I ?a?-l ??)? f m Foi Uto *OCTM ??*> a ? ?d a:3B? ?. sa. folk
aaaa raUsjaatn to Bill man tad WtaWagttmjtoU/. ?a t:?W a. ? avala,
w utMi ttau?. F?e UV* We*T, ?1* aN??a*v1vaa?* jatllnad-k? a. tr,
tt* i ?s- ??Ti e- , ? ?avisas? t?a*B**^**B*j?****4toa??t:?*.
? ud m tkrwagk fro- Nrw Y.rt to haartsu-t* CtM?** ?ad I*taa?
vilkt, w.u?al eksigs P^l?aa Paiave? ?an ?r? **?_***i M ikr tl *0? a. ?.,
?ail? aad raa ?r.??gk to Pliukars-k CtaeittaB, I*tajatvilks. sal t\
U?ii wllk?^?ks?g. fill?? flirt? ?riiri iSmM II lH W" >,
sa., ?al ra? ataaart fea? B*w t?,i t* l*ie?ss?lL F?n W,Tae, ?al
i-kl?H?. witiHMi ^aas?iv TiaktSa far tai? tt tmt ?7 NtBt?*a**j ta., **>??,
?ts^eil??.???.__.* ?4? ktiw4Wwti (-iHuir) Ta?M ?atotl .'il. Ji JsT^V
AVJ.4*Atalurr.ti*?iMiaitT*a r *? isnaaika ?sMiaaet.

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