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THE UTIOA CONVENTION. ?m < Q-rt-M- ?*?"? Pirat Paar. element* of the Union, and to demonstrate to the world that wo mean to iKseBcre by our fidelity what our ?oldtors won hy their valor. Oneo alaore to t)i<> eouflict, iru-uda, stitaulated, as we go. b> tin- niiiciu .?ranre of tier past aaci-lUena and our past tritimpbs, and by tea laomorv of the thousand? of our brave *on* who lie in naauj a distant valley, lu unknown sepulclier?, aa* who rast ander the waU?r? and above tiu, il .n ..s m dr? asoleas slumber I And when under tbo lio,! vered us lit our former trille, the right shall sobieve new triumph?, the loyal hearts. 'tiouiiUia to uio.i.iuiu, aud imui *oa to ota, will shout in i-lan ?oclalni. " Tka twad ?r-p I'tiri??'? esvare li *??*, Ataaebor .. ', ,h.< .inri, Aad load ?t.l cieer, arisi? riser wa efca*r. Her >toii weaaiae ring?, tierral.! Hurrah I It shake, the wsv?. ll tamalera ?a uv ?bore. ??a? _?. ,. ... !?_, OMt heart, ?ae k??J, Oae BBfiaa i-ienaore." The C?mn?itt>?. o_ l'i : maner.t Or^anlzation made fur? ther the tollowio?; i? i ? Bl BIDBBTTB O.?-*?'W. (llark. Uea. U. 01 Hi a?, Wia. I*-wn Hear? I "lew*. liav L Mr A? .bar, K. O. Liphaaa, S4e?trt I, Woodf?r,1. M.-r ? ?N ??? ,?? C. U Oaftltaa, 1'karlasH. VtaWn l?r,, 4. I). Nan. J?hn Lroa, la l'arap, K. A. AlbertTer. Pater Memrk, lil.TAKIKS. Mwood Taora. m. W?ol??v. RirhanI A Klraer. L A. Utftati. I I'. Trjaratea. Jobs I. 1'arkri Oe?x A. BrtaitreU. Aataa V. Kaiilev, W.IIsj?J A i lliiffti (?ardmr. from tin? Committee ?>h ('<?ii(?-?rc.l Heat*. ru|?orts-??1 that tn?- dcle.g_tlon fn?m th?? 1st Dlstriol Of .V.-w Y??rk. , ..ii-.stii'ir <?f A. ?'. M. Hioith and 4'h.iries B. Lewi?, elect? i! umlei the call of the (leueral li.nmut tee. wei?n regular!?' eiecte.i, and re.'omiiK''l that the oonte*.lii'i; delegatiaa l.o allowtiBftoats uik.u ibe floor of tbe Co-V'.wtiori. Agreed tu. THE PI.ATr*OBM. E. Del-field Smith, from ?jie ^?^luitt'.'.e ou l'latforni indj_??oli?lioi)s, ?iiXii?Tttoi? the following winch wa* unanintoiisly adopted : I. Jtrwsl'vtt. Tli: tt:- r.<!.tf?l porno?? of trorrrniBCnt ia the sr?-nr!tr if tal?i4*?sl Bberty, ami equality (.?fun-the law; thai th,-retiro t? potete, ?rider ..u;. pretest* ,.i ?b? parti which outturn! Slai.rr ?roaarki ?? ta* w?r. ?ml r'-sirs" reroutnetloa, would n.?r*?e. ... tfeal ?*,ar,t? ti.,1 deati h baa ateiiliiv m ?--?e?i ui?*- lirrc!,:., ? ?..U |ba| thr lawlrtsnoat ?wich ???? ?i?i i <n Male*, and whici hts bea-a rb<s-l*<t i . >,, ?t Natioaal Oo?rrTn?s".t, i- oatortllv rii.bittt n-J br th? istae "' tbe Ml tat br la? ir^t.tuiiuue, aal inn-taiulr t'l eitsl fcv Ik* Bat? of t l>-in--.atir rraturation ; we b?lier?, lb? r. f r?\ ?'.it ia? ?>?? i ' ?'rchBij-ti'.B of tb* lXiuitM-.-tllc {.arty an iu.ui ?. Tl ..'!r require* that the reform Ib the tBl*rc4t of ? i ,. irh was so auip^otnlv licifim last ?rar?, aaattsl lumui., Kju?; tal punra-d th,-twu.-ii, ? t> ".ment. J. The tniiciiilr. aa I t. ?t r. ..( thr K?e?>Bt>lir?B parti, with Ihr s|t?tle?a rhartA'l. - ..;, are the tTurtut.-c? tballlici cU-clioi, wetkl ?. _ra ?:??-. tatMul, ?nil eBriest ?dmiuutrstiua of Ihr State UoTrratteat 4. That Ike i. t, the pnrpo??, (he s-gacums ;0sl?ni*nt, lb the laeorta] ? saw 'w illustrious ?eerl S ?,r?-jt, bai? rommriMl.-d him to lb" k^aruar?! jud?ai tits , . ?nit that with him for a K?dtu vt ?aunot ib Ihe future nor more than IB the put fail of surr.'??. 5. That ta Sei , ;i..rj'n?? Vir*-Pre?i?l*nt, we preaeal t title sin an wl, . . ,,wb ?bartrliT and rttoit*. wuhual ail ??BliUuas a?B. h,.- maje bu war fronts bsrable rouilitioii in life, 11 tli? ?ToBt rttl nl Ai tal wao, eVnia* a lonjt pnblir rir.s-r. bssra alwtjs thr tl >? ?...,k . : .if even ju?t a l??t pin,- ? B ? ,,,J on the ?ilatftirtn a )'hii??i-l[.:..a b> ih? I' N il t.aal tloavenboa, we roubjeuii? awaii * 1. Ir ' tin* that the ro-tinaed s?if>???.? of .he Kcuai.iirac parti a lit a sad tirogrea? wr !.. anm ?ppruv. I? i!if lite Repabiran I mien non at v ... (?rani ! . tur uioat eaineit auJ boBurable rffor? i fur tl oae valor ttved the I'-irm tre bekl in ?aSitag ksasi - are s u-rni teat, and ibi ' . . tfetloil lo til th? ?"?lier? .m?- ,.i??tn?si and eran BaaaraWy : -hit ti ;.?'. , I, aal bwiaetli-aJ ?" . -. t?.? tone Ix-iobJ ail pant ?it-i'l"? ..f rr.t ? lit ?' debt hy the taioont of $6 6fIO..'0.i. |? .. ' tbe Demoerstic manat?. nrntof our Bist-fiLinisi'S. ana i? :>. si-ikioa rontrast with th- ; l,MS ?iure Mar. ' '? v nal taxe? of murr tbaa ?<. ? -u~ tu tbe _e?jui?l>i.t, - '. ?J. Tb?l llrlorai _??t rorn. froin the partv whir* ttv?<t Ih? Colon i nd leajallaes] l.heriv tnJ whiib is BOW, la Ibis Slstr, ia the brat? tiw* of tbe wurt ? u ''ourt?, reiieemiug tbe muoiciptl tdtu.n ?trail : .?' l???|.pta! wat, a?.to'ed rurS.leBfe t? the elector? of .N.? ?ork tutasiA.L .. tat ? a trat ob, wlioie traita are ? aad petes, aad to eat?: ration wbirti taall o- in*; ?>t-k tti boiio.-tlilc eaoir tnd a ii.iiable p,iverB_eul to Ibis ?'wittiiiiii 11 I hit ?,? wt'.tome lo oar rankt honest Demurrttt who ?parut, nb.cb f.-uki to tllv th-;m with the Jis oardssi el meits of tl e K. pabliea* party. ' li. That the lime la* c.._e wbra the mala of t'.r Flat. at Nf? Yo'i ahaalat be tdaitt!, b. tn eniarfeiBeut of tbeir lis-k? to , aad made ta merre of the n?ti,.ii Sa a'i eeoaotticjl ta. t. foot repair will b*i_!l aad lhai t*..ih o i.thoBi burdeniag the tti;. fers f il.? I rat nation from II ? Owrern: -...>oal higiiwain.f ? .it.;.. Ibe ?r- - ?! debt ..f the State lu t-?_ila baring t lot? perMtl i.? raBfeiid betriuf t luwrtte of;:'. Bat ??? i ui-t vita | ,cin:.. Btaapwily ttwl has ?ttended th* -ins! a Uie cublrul of the Uepubiictu ^.rti 14. I w. ?-ritefti., r. ...-..!?? ihr ?ervicea o( the tble ?n>l ? failed Sute?. ? -."--,. r'.?; ~ vie?. "CBrr?.-f. ?. bpencei move?! that ib?> ConventlOB proc.-. d *.? iioiniii'Ue candi, iu the fOUowlBf ordei': ?,..i ?mor. Uaateoant-Oovernor, OuueMaiaTiaB al large, rJBaal ? I'tiiiii.--lime:. Prison InspecUif, aud tbit-e tn, tors ut large; tliut - in each case !>e given tes, and th it when tho ?loiijiii.uiiiiis an- m..,;.- iu. tsunventton will pmeeed ?t MSB U> liailoL a . TMR NOMIVATIOS TOR (iuvilisol; Mi. Jobasen of 1,: tarward the name of Gen. John < . i...?.n,?,,li. Mr. , ??: Ail.any nominated Win II 8oberL-(ni. [Appla .' -uulli i?n?c??<??!-.. at souj. lengt!, MB of Mr. Bobertson. and .Ijiui . . ? >f tJit Y?.nu*; lU'PUOli? ans .f r! ? u was a uiau whoui tbe p4'?n?!,?<'i in, arouBdaad elect. Mr. i, atad Martiu I. Xownsend )f K'ii Mi.-?.ii ki-ti of SaratoiTa seconded the nomination of Judtre II ibcrtson. Qea VaaWrel ? iad the nomination of-in j',d roturado ui ... I un.v ui.Kiinl seatlmenl toward tb,' <. srbo bad be? u aaniad. but becau?.- in- ???ul! i : Bag a l?ele bichar if we I w jo le!t ?Hie 1? g ou tllft hviii ..! r-. .i -t-.i.'. i -is.) n,- r<-ii,i an article Jjom l> limes ol r.'-.iai, iiitiiuatn.g that it ?would ? ' r Robertson of Weetcbeeter, and he thongnl ; ? . .. to nonrJnate bbi taaa upoa v, ...,in uoui.i i bi that quarter, [fil ... m ui no Coopei nead I [Laugbt-riiiiii a|,|,,.i tae.] Let at i?- w.uv. i?.m't lei at refu*e i?, lisien iu iln.-e l. i.'s. liin't let u? drive away from aa tbe suppoi addlttoa te tboee whom we have driven away le ta- peat: wboat face? us. .i t,, ohoor and wi, , led to thrill in laaat ?i.nveii lii.n- Let I ??.. u ii!?mt Mhi.i.i tliel'O ? ;,n I? no dui? mil Be bo qaeatloB ami aa hiss?? l to naase blaBaaa but was uu . Koblnton. .. .....?! . ?.if any Biiaieatlon had boi'ii lu n-1., .i IvumTt?<aii, that .Hi,I tliul ]>ai?-r would c,,!i.(i it. Heaaid* uomlaatee bj tin? Convention would i ? Mr. Daridsuu of.'. oated Freeman Clarke,of Hoi -i.. 1.1 _r?_ wrong h?id i- an excellent iij.hj, with,.- u and deliberation. Heeompll uii'ii?? i ihr i,,,,, s i,?, n j, per ui widespread influence, i too late to be ntel ana euHwei.d. Mr Robertaon can only stead apoB his past repuuiiiuii, ami thus mail turn thlt siiait lroa in? tioix-*: braatL What It a character worth if Bat?ele i?ar?iTi],ii m i aewapepei caa elpt it all awayl He believed J/.r i?eter*? ass.m.t on Mr. Ron. was m n erroi which luveatlgatloL explau.uion would dls'lpate. He had Beard thai pro)i?j: t Itiin In ihe Jimetiitnrf early last* -' tiny tlionetit lie ?lid not, at the beginning o round as i.> .should m .vi air of reform, out in ?tu?- tune R.?U?ri??ii did t-ake Hold in? u ui al ., .1 ?liii noble work in Um of reform. He bad reason io laulieve, too, that the now aboeal rwapoiiaion i i.t. : ..f ;/?? io,,.?, su. joues had BBbaaqueatly become -..t.-ii-.t with bi* course, and would ?or.In -mi. [Applauae.] A ?a? ii gate *: uu ' ? ? ? 'U!>)- prcseuteu in, ija.ii, ,,f (,. u Aieiuiidi'i K. Ulren. ,,oi. 1,"I >? v, Y". V, substitut?- forThurlow Weed, lose aud named Uea. Joiiu a. lux, whereupon there was loud and loin? i out?nued applaus . Be ? il?l It ws* unuecs-enary f"t BlkB to tell BBB tie vas, t.ut lie would nay that bo would ?Jian io In? support lai^e uuiu ber? of the buin ?i !'? mi eral ? "f tin- iMate. n Bel. \. .i that hi? notiiinatioii would Incnase tue Itopunn, a? majority to ?oo.txjo. iRe'n?? i 't applauae ami three eb? r?.| Mr. E Detafleld smith i ?at lo aeoaed tu!? in)miiiaii?u, and bimiS' ?,: : u es. Mr. 1. h. ri?? n rol "^ toepeal In behalt ',f .i , ivilian, a? civilian- had BOB? ?. 111. < fxjj the oohi - en. Mr. bpeuccr spoke lu lilgb termr ,,t Judge i; Mr. William Hum. jr., ol New-York urged Iba l aim* Of Judge Roo? ?.! V?. si? lusti r, w ln> uad beta inn and I.iilhful iu ??>? I wbleB Bt lud B?ht, und would poll a beavlei vote than any other man nameral. Mt. ( . .. - ol >? w- York, iu behalf ol tbe bank ers am? buaiues? men oi Nea Yoik, legatOIcss ?,f party, aaid the iiomuiatioii of Join? A. L?ix would ?m BBOrt for th. partj In i.. Ut centeat than any otu?-i that ?sould Ix- named. l>eiegs)>H rr-.ui OnUrlo, fefcraoa, laaax, Oayuga, Berkla d Madison, each forBsseoanty, ??w'i.iKie?] Uea. i >i x Mr. m a mi BBo-esl ;b<- nomination of Gen Di\ bj a. i la n...i".n. Tho Cha ? put ti.. motion, but a? there ware ;? few vuioe? in U,?-m Kali?-! . iiiiiioiiii, cd the uomiua tion lias Uot mail, bv an .uaiatloll. Mr. Hur?U'?i. afur remark? highlyeoejpllment_rj to withili?-* In? n.uiie, aud pi? dgol V? ? -1 toOoo. I?x. (?.r.-at ?tj?. i Mr. Townsei, I. (jVeni llai.n.son and Diven. and Mr. ?"barke w?i withdrawn by their respective countn'*, each pied "port t?. uea. pix. Mr brui-et ranawea hit mottoa, thai ul? be bobu nati'.i 17 acclauniuun, which wat carried amid ?n thusiastic appluii??'. IheChalrmau tt.iu atiiiouucedOeii.liDt as tho nomluoe. SOMIMA11A" A I Jr.? ll.MM MlU.ltMlll. Tbe<;i_ilr aun.iiJicod in?! tiii "ixt butine** wa ?ounuatiou ?,f JJ? .iKiJiut liovernor. Mr. Mae Arthur of Troy, Boa i B. Thayer of Keaaselaer County U?;u ( uiiu? <>i tU., aacoaded tins nomuiatiou. ?.. u. bbai p ol Ulster, atetad that in.- Bon. A It Cornell hiving wit-Brawn m? name, be nominated Oeu John O. Holnrwin Mr. iiuested on l.ehalf of West rbesU-r County ?u.staii.??! Uie uoujiiiHtion. .?senators ?ftiai tr, MniJougai ??r ? la) ug?, and variou? other? secoud e<?tue liomlriation of lit-u'. Roiiiuson, und various others that of Tbayi i. The roU beiUK called (ieti. Robinson stood W!. Benatot rii?>e< 171. iii chatrmaa aui.ouuccd (Jen John C Roi.insoi. non,in,????I.. [OBaara.] Mi. Dertoa mov, d thai the rjoni'oatloii be mmu, uuaiuuiou*. Agi?'? d lo. A rs.c<MW? was tuen i.?k?u until eight o'i lock. IVI.MM? hKssio.N, 73k* ?OoDTsntlou t-eastciubleU at 8.>i p. m , when the l'ha?r announced s? first in order Ute nouiUistioD of Con Ifressiiisn-at U_r<re. Mr. Beyes of Albany nominate- Lymnn Tremata. Mr. Hmythe of Ttoga ?ooondnd the nomination. Mr. I>eteber of King? presented the name of Btewsrt I*. Wood ford. . Mr. Tretnain suggested that a. New-York had the Governor it would be wise to reorganise other parts of the Mate. We had also two Oeneral? already on th? Hektar, and It was advisable now to reorganl.e the civilian eli'inent. ( Applause.I Mr. Hackett of Saratoga also secoudod Mr. Trcinsiu's laaaarka The?-e wa? something due to other parts of the Kiste than New-York. We dep?nd upon the Northern section Of the Htni.? for h heavy vote, and the Convention should recognise that section in franilng Its ticket. .... Mr. Charle. H. ?peucer of New-York, in behalf or a l?ge majority of the New-York delegation, urged tho claims or _*._. Woodford. _ The nomination of Mr. Tretnain was Indorsedit.y sate, from 8t Lawrence, Wayne, Greene, trie, ami Otsego Countle*. withdrawal or OBw. woonroan. * i Gen. Wood ford ?aid : Genti.-mkb or TiiK OOBVKirrioB : Six years apo. in the midst of that struggle between Prescient Johnson and Congress, upou tho Issue of which depended the purity and stability of popular representative government, tin? greut Republican party of this State honored me willi ? our iiuuiniiit ion a? Liouteuant-Goverrior. The people Intloraed that nomination by am election Two year, ago. In the mitist of that ?truggle between MBHB and ??< -oiiom> on the one side anil the urUUd fern s of UM Tamui-tiv and Brie coinlnusti?n? upon the other, yon again houorcd me with your nomination a. Governor. In the .trug?? that followed 1 was beaten. To night, the unit?*- delegates of Bay county again pay me the gi.,.0. honor of presenting' my usine as a candidate for the nomination a. Congics-man-at-large. I am not Insensible to tlii? action. It touches mv heart very deeply; luit, gentle? men,) have mi ambition so dear that Ido not always ^??ivl it t-ybor?iualo to tho welfare and ?ucees? of the ep-Dia-an party. Kot thai I hold party as above pnn unie, bat bacanas IBs ideas of uur gnat organization arc tho very life-blood of the nation, und because the fontluued triumph of those, [Ideas aro necessary to Ho! u?.iirctl protection of the entran ? liiseil negToe?, to the complete pacification of the Southern state?, to the hearty r?conciliation of all sections, and to tin- stability ot the Bnaneialand busi MSI Int? n Bta t?f IBS country. Relieving this, it liecomes my duty, as it Is my j,l, asure, to contribute all ttiat I ?i In -unity of our party, und the incccea ot our , Hi-r. la this spirit, I withdraw mv nitiiie before the Convention, und pledge my heut liest support to all your nominee?. The ? liairtnan announced the next buslne.? to he the Domination of Canal Ooaunlsatoaer. After several can? didate, had been named, th?' Beer? tary callad las roll of ? ,'iinti, s. and the Chairman uiiuouii'e.l that Mr. (?rave? 1 votes: Mr. Oalse?aro, BB: Tabey,SI; Browne, 6. Ba Mr. Ezra Uraves was deelureil the nominee. EI.ECTOKS AT l_BBB, The next business wat? the uomiuatiou of three Presi? dential Kl<'ctors at Large. E. Dclafleld ?smith, after speaking in lagh term, of tho one ho was about to name, nominated Freden.'k Daag-BM to head the Presnleutlal ticket. [Great and loiig-couiinued applause.) The t'hulr put the ijuetstion, ami it wmcarried uiianiinou.iy. Mi. \S in. A. liarlmg named iliuil Satur Of New York. The Chair put the ?luostion on this nomination, and it WM earil?'?i. Mr. C. i . Norvell named (leoige Wm. Curtis, anil rpokeof ins merits. Mr. Baxter .?i CBanttUMna named George W. Patterson. Gen. Curtis named Stewart !.. ,v.Uord. fl, natal Wlnslow and C. E. tsuilth of Albany, alnl Other de,?gates, se, olid? id Ibis II. Un mat lOB, when, oil motion o? Mr. mii\ th of Tiegu, the iioiiiiii-t.un was made bv ai claioatlon. (ieli. Woodford VII ,--tiled out, all'l briefly thanked the Convention for the, honor aaanRUd upou him. MBXB-01 BLBOIBB- _BB KA1B committeb. The Chair t lieu announced thai the suverul C,,ngre?s ,!tttogattaBM would name their candidate? for 1'iosldeii tial Electors and the in? nib? rs of the .-' ..t I I en'i ll I "in mitl'-e. and the foUoW-Bg were name?!, and ?lei'tod and appointed by ti?e contention : l?i?t. Klecior,. ?Ulf I'onmittee. 1 licit,.' VV. , K H. . ;. ? '-iii.i: v\ ; v j. il. B. ( Istia. N IT-?.? 4. a?t.l?t a J . .S.l.iu II*. I 5. William I.. , LaatoJ. l'!.:l..|'? r?. Willi?in LaimMwr. liorr Clew?. :. Prater-?Basas. Jar?, m. I'iii-mm. 8 JtlBr? W. l'arr iiu.-i, Qariaaf 1?. Jot,, W. M.-.n. llrar? W l.iMugb. Il M William Ha* 11. Pan I h Sru'ii,. 1. :??.r>) M. Ba?tM, I Jab. 0 Baw-I . llenrjr H. Womthaat. 14. hli?_i M. BiBir-na. iota .s.u. .?-i*?-, II Hitirllb J.>a>-i>h II. kaatsay. Mt T-0IB41 Culemio. Jowrph S 8iaart 17. In, I.i llenrr K. Jtras?. S I' t;.-no i ?fi.,a. 1?.'a SiDfurd. mt? ?Blur .srjitoB. ML liolirsr K-likpr. 1! Baft Bill I J, U. ilmr? Bl, |.?.,rr. I .sa i.ucl ( aaiabell. L.n Mat,*:.-*. ...?B f. le OU. lo-.?n~i U. Vlmi. '?a Jufao ll. i J?.??- B Kaaas. . Ki ic .?i , lama* h UiMbsa-., W. Andrew I) B C?nr?.l rtbo-iaskri.i ?7. Bai.?/ K J..ti_.?a. A. t?. C..I--.1 ??i. M.rtin llulta .Saioarl h. Ila.iina. 29. Oeorire H. Si.-kL?. J ,1,b 11. Mu Ui. Moaea C. -ic-ar-ton. W i, l'ir.-ll. 31. PiiBtal R hratt Jiaie? I). W.rrau. . V l?OD KorlUB. ilr-IV O h.ll.:,. On motion ol E. Pelafield ftiuth. Jackiaoii B, ftchnltz ?Ba made a member ot tho CommitU-e at Largo. On motion, the State Committee was autliurizeil to nil any vacancy IB the Committee, and also any vacaueic? that mm occur lu the Eiectoib. The Couveutiou thcu ad |..uined mne die. THE POLITICAL FIELD IS MAISE. THF. CABTi-M OBOWIMG w\l:.M ? B1TBCTITI LIllKliAI. -l'KAKKKs? MR. OB?BI*lft VIMT. iKKuM an OCX'A.MONAL OOBBB-BOBBBBTOf run n_BO_n ] l'uRXi.AN?, Me., Aug. 1U.?The politiml can raaa n, Mataa Is fairjy muuguiat.? ?1 ami |>roinise? to be ?puiicd to an ile.-i,?-. IT-fB fi-flTI-B District i? vigorously contest! d by iiojiular Lltieral candida it?, who are warmly apportai by gf Ml i.un.lnus ,,f iU'|,ul> lieans and the J'.in??? nicy, alino-t vtilhoiit exc,?,iiou. TBb UBaaal aaBtfMaai fm Oavacaar, IBs Hon. I _ai ?? ? P. Kimball. is expect-ed to outrun his ticket by some thou? sand, of vi?t???. No more jiopular candidato could have [?.?en nominated. Col. Tlion?.?? B. Lang of Augusta, who ba? jii?t l??-eu nominated for in Sptakcr lilalm's district. Is a strong man, and will poil a very large Ite publtcaii vote--laiger, probably, than the other Liberal uomiii?-es tor ( oiigr? ? can hop? for. lit: ii(? foinial ri-iiuest to allow the use of hi. jame a? a caudi .late from more than Mt Hcpuhli? uu.?, whose expressioii of confidence m him finally indiieeil iiim toaOCapttBa nomination. The ??tin r , amlidate-. me Wduain II. ?'i.f ford in the 1st Mstriet, N.uu ui Farw.ll m the 11,1. Mar? celin? Emery iu the IVth, and Frederick A. 1'ifco In tb, Vth. ,\ce!lent -penkers have been at work, and the numlier ih daily in, i, using. Theodore lilton has spoken hi marly all the larg<> towns with gTtat cffi'ct, and, it is UtldtTstooil, Will eolitinue until the ?lay of ele, lion, Si |,t. y, ?iHttklng every day ami evening. J. T. Withows and Miajor James llaggerty have be? u ? i gagid not only in sp? -king with marked result., hut have aided iu per fei'tiug the details of organization throughout the ?jiate. The lion. Li-ouurd Mwett of Illinois, OB a visit to his Ba tlve Htat?, d'teruiineil to turn hi? -'ay to pi ?' tu d ,,e count for the Liberal cause, an i In? been mak? ing a .series of strong address?-, to his former neighbors of Oxford ? onnty, and to the p., |ile of Portland, Bangor, Hath, and other places. Last we?'k he ?poke to very lug? midien??-? at .-oiitli l'_n, mil Augusta. The known Intim?t y v. huh t-xlsitil bttwi.-n Mr. bwett und i'i.siil.-iit I.ineoln alwajs s?-ciiie?l hua at? tentive audience? of llepublnaii?. Ma,.,r Haggiuty I? ex iieoted to remain in the cauva?* until it? ?lose Kenator Iloolittle. who ha? don, \. 11 . l!. . ? ,w work, ;? only tem? porarily absent, and will lesunie li? labors very ?ooti in various part?,,f the State, den. N. f, liatik-, BaaaiOl Trumbull, and Hetiator Sumner are expected to -j, ?-:tk M'veral tunes in the |>riiici|?al towns. Aueuig olher ?i? tk.-rs who are about to take part in the ?an vans I? Mr. Ilewson, a practical Muie-cutter, who ha? mude a , .,,><? ,stiinat< ?,r the cost of the stoiie. WMhi m the pub? lic building? in Washington, New-Yoik. llosloii, and ut other p.?lots, will expose the enormous f: and? that BB*/B he, a Miiiilllail under .Secretary Iiout v.eli's a,liniiilHtra ti',11. it be denied thai tnareis gnat need ,,f aala jaaraalaaapoastaa the Uaavalaaaaa. The prtnei pul impers of Ksa Kiigiau.l hat? I I an-.l to ba new-pa pera ?u a? the Liberal mm, taeot is ooneerned. i.,,-v litiinri., m fHi a- |>.,^-il,,.'. all fa. t-, and affect to believe tiist the K.foiin oruaade is nut a small affair. Abla aaw. pavai arcnimeats, wldelj circulated, would do much to progr?s? throughout the -tata. Mr. Ureeley'a \ iki. to the Slat?-, moie than ativ otler eviit ul tu, i_nijMigii, lius aroitscil tlie mleiisi and i in thusiMin of the people. It has had gnat Influence aiiioug the waveiiiig Kepublii an? The poUttUf ngird manifested for him was . gnat .urprlse to tas adh?rent, or the virent party, ami hud th.- affect .,f ,i;?c,,uraging ma.O of their speabsra. Tue Oiant m, ? ting here would ha-.*- proBeo up bed it not been for the opportune arrival ot B|iea_er itiuine, who took the stand and carried Uim meeting through to the end, with tho loss uii half in- ___u*n_e. Mi. Orealey's Ki>eeeh at th. ? in ii,..:nthih place un Wednesday creeled ad. ,i?|.-,l ripple Hinong ih.- ?vnr fed oflliiHl louruels. It has ?Iones t??t deal ot good _u uv,., ,,?. .ut,., xh. lm tudli h >? whii d Hat? m d to it was i umpos? d maik edli of mea of matin uy and even middle m?,?aay of them beiugol very venerable ?ppearai.i>i;. Tun piesenee oi all i-iusaes ol the uommunlty seemed t.- renow the -(cue? of mo m the pi. Mat ,|?y OOVt-B-B-B KOMISATIONM. Can?Aoo, An/?, yi.-riie lhmbbIsbI Un ixth Him..:? District have noaunaled for Cosa-re?? N. K VA olthlngtoll Mkuphi?. Tenn., Aug. 31.-L Q. C. Unart?, nomi nai? ?1 f?r ( otigres? by to?; Couservetive Oouvt ntloo ?>f the l-t Mississippi Hl.trict today. 11? was a inouib' r uf Congress iu 1MB _____________________ PERftONAL-HY TEI.EOKAI'II. _I'rof. Wiiielii-ll id tint Mulligan Stale Cni rfr?i!/ liaa lumfloi lk? fieaileaej nt tbf S,ri*u^. IN 1 , (loi ? rr ?I'lie Uou. A. s. Parier, ai-Uaitad States *u mnmMAtat at Miaxaia F?>i, /ttt-jrJ?;, l; M ?Ua a rf ?v/. -?7. ?ul '?* Ll' ?tV'1 I ' ' ?' '' I . GENERAL CONVENTION Ni A GRAUT TKJKKT IN IOWA. A Ql'IKT r-OKVKHTION?A IHOII-TONEI) Si ONOIIKKLKY ? WKLI.rl.TIlK NKORO l'UEAt I)K(_.ARKfl FOR OREKLRT. |1IT TKI.KOBArU TO TUB TBJnt!BR| DM Moinkh, Ani?. 21.?The (iriinl, |g| can r?tate Convention met here at 10, o'clock t Tin' Hon. M. M. Waiden wa? selected at u?nij Chairman, and Jacob Rich and R U. button. S? ries. The various committees were appointed, ai ( '.nivel.linn a.lji.iiriie.d until 1 o'clock. Upon re; bllng, Ihe Convention organlzod l?ormanently, wl Bon. Robert Lowry of Hrott County as Pre* aud Rich and button aa Heoretarles. Mr. Lowr? reeding to tbe platform, made s short BBBBBBj In he declared that Horace ?n.ioley was not the fat tin? Republican party, but lta Judas. The Repu parly, l.audltiit by Grant, wquIj! jioeonip_?h lti siou only when Democrats an 1 Behalt "were ( from the land. Wo have had an Arnold, F.ll Andrew Joliiisou, and now we have a Horace Qf When Satan tool, him up Into the mountain and ah linn th. White Hoii-e, with It? patronage and powe: told him that ho should have all of these If he wou || li ad. r to the I>i iiKMTatie party, Horace ?it.-??I-? and lift the party whuu had nurtured and iioui him. The Committee on Resolution? reported a pial favoring economy nud reform, opi?.?itng land grai railroad?, in favor of encouraging Immlgratiou b; tlonal legislation, and indorsing the Administr?t: lii ant and favoring hi? recloction. The iiomiaiati candidate? wii? dcclareil the next order of busl J. T. Young of Monroe County was n-.initiated for rotary of Stato on the first ballot, dipt. Win. Ch wa? noil,in.itcd for Treasurer on tho second bi John Rune-ell, tho present incumbent, was nomlr for Auditor by acclamation. Mr. Aaron Brown noin.:iat- d Bf aa lamation for BOg-EBB of the !? Laud Ofllcc. T. M. Cutts, the llrst incumbent, iioiiiiD.itcd for Attorney-deneral on tin- in ?at Baila* Uov ?. ??, Kirk wood iitn! C. Woolwcbbe.r of Hul.i Boaalnated by acclamation for Electors at Li The (aUBWBBI District Kl.-etor? were BfeSBBi : I. 8amnel RtisjM-l ; II. J. T, Lane ; 111.11 'He!!; T. W. Eaateaaa ; V. B H .Oilmen ; VI J H *7ea vu. w. B. Daagaa ; TTTf 1* T Haten j ix. ivudi Woodbuiy. i ii?- BBaai Oaaaxal OaaBatfttaaolaetel Jacob ?aa. Ninety couiitle? out of 100 were r? pr. MB Very little enthusiasm pi.v,tiled In Ih.? Convent The ticket ?elected i? regarded a-s au anti-Harlati tie Th.- t'i.tivealion aujoiirnod with choer? for (liant Wlls.,1). This evening there wa? a torch-light pi speaking. Et-4Jov. Kirkwood, John A K,is?.,:i, J l.ine .mil others inn,le s|.? lies iiund i ousidorable en! Riaoiii. The mooting had been advertised fm HV< w elks, l.ut tho crowd iu attoudali. o WBB unite .-.ui.ill. Wm. Welle?, the noted colored ptBBdB "t of the St d., kaie.i ?oi i.icelcy, d.-Jay, in a ???' m ?' orcd i>n uif. L?BOi l.T.l'OKM. A HMB>*0 RATIONAL honvkntiuN'?v.) nomin riOMfl M AMI: -I'N?II. ( !.?s]| I. l'I'KiiRT TO I DOMI OB-SLIT AM) lti.o.VN ?OBAJR I HOI MOBO HY Till; i and ui.i'DUM AMOa I ion? C.i.i'MP.r.?4, 0.? Aiiff. 21.?-In answer to t tall of the ('?i.ill'iu.ili of the Liefit,vu Committee of I National Labor lleform party, ?-leven deL-gatcs who |. tl ipatadlatht LahorOaaraatlaB h?id m IMt <'ity i. ti iirn.u.v. BBBMBMai Bl I'uniciiiioii in Un? clly to-d? and or^'illllcd by i-lncting K. M. I"tirtt ,,f ?liana, President, and A. Q, Qum roll of I nol?, SfcioUry. 0 lta WM pi,?cut fr, Indiana, Illinois, and Missouri, aud eight fr, Ohio. Massachusetts was represented by proxy. T <'.iiniiii"te.- ,,ii i;,.-,.lu?.,,i,.- reported n Mklatkvaa deelerl ?l iiit,a|H'?licut at thu late da> to nominate cuid. Ul foi President und Vice -President ; that BB Labor 1 formel? Will not bo represented at the ?Hill Presidential election, tin? lcavm all iiuu.'i? r? Ui- i.aiior i ' n ?, ? : i party f.'..? to voto aa tb deem i?, it, thai th?? t '?niael m a*i Bet Mm advocate? Labur Reform to u-,, all their clfort? to advalue the pri ripies of Labor Reform, and for a system of orgnm; ,tiou for the futuro government of the party ; advisli all Labor Reformer-, in that i'l ? BB BThBtt the) have i caniJiilates of thcr <i\i;i to BBBI f..r rho?e who ha' proven BBBBMfltfM most in sympathy with the pnticiiil of LabBB Reform, and recommending the maintenance MettBCt organization Bl all hBBBBia Mr. Hugh Cameron of Kansas, a? a nilnorltv of t! Com?iiittee, ?iihmitted resolut ton? ?leclaritig it t?> l>o tl duty of the Labor lb fanners to at.ide l,y the de? ??ion . the Cincinnati and RalUiimro ?'invention? and siipjK? Ureeley and Drown. AflBt B I?T0l| iiii.jority report was adopted, only Mr. OBBOBBB votm against it. A letter was received from Henry R? ene., Hecretary of the Land llafoini ABB04 i itinti of NYw-Y ,rl declaring tluit tho Iutei ior l>?i>;n t iin-nl under Draal Bt Bqaaadeied minion? of aerea of tho ?.ui.iic leads ''"' proving tbem to be bo friends of rbelaborina mau; aa that ao between Oreeler and Qranl tha I.ain.1 Refon men nhoilld Vote let thu former, a? I hi? mo likely 10 ?nil atice tho iBtOtBOBl Bf Iaht .mil laborers. The letter was pla, ?,1 ,.n tile, tresott lion wa? adopt. ?1 c.iiitin.niiir the National Kto.utiv ? i.iiuijiiiei' appointed hy the former Columbus! un?en Hob, aad .uji..oii/.ing th. i mmlttet to flu va? - where no Labor organlxatlona exiit, ind pn vnllllg that Mates II. WhieE \ m ain n-i intu? sliall III them on th? i-, .pi, ?t of i In- ( 'ommit lee. Tho ? oiivt-ii tion then adjourned ?in?" ?/?f. A -?MALL < a.NVr.NIION IN M l?? \( 111 tgBTf*?N? kCTIOM 1AK1.N??.Lu. B. M Mil, I Xlli.ltl I III.M ro MAIN I UN I III n; PABTI ,.i:?.AMZA TIOM? a DBBFOlfDBin LBTTKB tBOM -? M OsBAMBBtUM. IBT TKI.II.iltAI'll TO THU ilillll'NB I Boon Fi'.AMiMiiiAM, Auk? -21.?Thi Stat( 1 ouvi'iilion wa.? not ,i s,i, i, ??. Only .5 dcU-gatei n,n' in BB* n,Ian, e. and enn t MM ill liiim!. i IB B ? 111 l,l('d a? to tin- |il'.|..r i.iiii.,' to pill-ne. A pol Hull o the ialapBBBfl were in favor of nomiiiating a eainlldat? for tseraraoe, but aaathat fu ti,m. whose toatlaoah pH vailed, thought an there was no national tiiki t in th? field It WBB BBBBBB t? BB_B I Mat?' c^iudldal?'.-.. lictitlc linn favoring tho latter Idea thought the I?ib-?r imrty Bad better l>0 ullowe.l to III Ide II). lie! Ween QlSSJBJ aiol limit, to cording to choice. A platform was .idopii ?! alter repeated rejMirtH ami siilntltute?, and BBMMg it.? features wa? n ? lallll for ti-ii hours woi li for women sud chlldnti. and a .en-ni ol t.i-u. (.rant's A.luiini-tiat:,,ii for only partially enforcing the Eight-hour law, und ihat only In particular hua.;!.. - ,. , | ..f pul.lic I nid and the present system of finalice were also denounced. Two attempts to .ensure Wendell Phillips failed ol a lll.ll'int V Vote. The must lm|M.rtant speech during the proceed, lngs was by Mr. i.toiyo E. McNeil, ll, puty of the State Labor llureau II.? said ho consider.-.1 this the n .-st import mt C't'ivi-iitioti they liad ev.r lu-!?!. It wa? for thi'in to say whether the I.ilxir Bj f.nn tnnw-iiient waft to die for the pre?, nt or tiny w.r. tocairy it on to success. Wo have been diiiile.l in suiillmeiil? and opinions in the past, MM he, and wo have at BBBBOel too many ii-uies for the lals.ring people. T'icv have not know n what we are or where we stand, im.1 for this reason the?' have not gone with us. The ?|M-akor read a letter from Mr. K. M. Chamli.rliii, und then ;.as,.',i to a consid?ration of the (iratit and ?ircelcv parties, lie ?aid they Were both our natural foe? and ciild not In- with u?. Whoeier take? ?lde? ?Ith eitti, r of them 1? also a foo. Th. in was BBBBBBJ to expi'Ct from either the (?rant OB 'ircil.y party. The former It u coward, claiming a victory to which it is not entitled. It* courue has alwuy? been vac? illating, mid Iu Its poll, y iu liberating the negroes acted only for ?elf-iiiot?<tioii. The other party was originally, and always has Imcii, opposed to the system of a man owning bis own lalw.r. It has doue nothing for the Lahor movement, and proposed ta do nothing. Mr. Mc.N'eil continued his consideration Bf the two political partial at some lriigth, and closed by urging tbe I?abur It, loiiiicir. to sin k to their par' v. Mr. R. M chaiiil.erlin, formerlv Labor Reform candi? dat?- for (?ovirtior. takes | vcrv d. spun lent vi-tw of tbo hltnatloii, In the MleWtafl htti-r : lo (iro B, McNEil.. Iji.aii Mm : I have not been able to find time to writ?' anything us I would like, i feed almost disheartened io ma- si? many of Ihoaa wluui, we hud supposed hid giwn Ile n elv,m to the service of humanity carrle?! away by the ex. it.-nietit of the hour, and pronoun, uiar for one or the oilier uf those punies which will continue which? ever gel? the, the force and vioieii'?' of the pii'sent in,In -.trial slavery of workingmcD. li we mean anv'liinr?, we menti the ?mancipation of the lalM.i-ers of m?rt<-ty Irom tlie ?lavery of tli.? wag?-? ?yiteiu, a ?ysl? m that dwarf? their fa?ultie?, Uke? away th? lr Independence, and for?at? tbem lato a ?tat? t.f unnK-rtUd and uiineneaaary pov? rtv. If. i*'i getting the high purposo with which w.- ?taru-d out. we bt found vs i angling among tin-fa, tinu? of our euoum-, taking ?hies upon the ?inn., il.-d Issue? which they pre? sent, or iidv'.N'atllig the BleoUOBtaf their calidnlate?. what auawer ?an we make l<? the silent toller* of tin? natloo*wbo want ao o-ioe? but only Juatloe. for having ai. ind.'lied their cause to engage ,,? ?ne side, or In tbe ?triiggl??? ot their op|M>n??uul Whlchevarol these partiel triumphs, do you not ?tippoae that ?o far a? we are con i . in,,! tbey will go on the aame aa lieforet Men will ,1.m tin! that In the distribution of wealth a lntli? loss in,m heut, ?fore l.o filched from tho?.' who produce ll, and the eiee.iflve, the Mgt?lature, the linlge?, the polk | and aoldiery will me??t ilien, with older*, resolve?, and muaketa t" keeji ih.?,? m theti pi?.... _e ?fotaeJaa lu famous outrtag*}* ou the uatutal ughl? of uauiU-Q. wo FIVE MBOES MURDERED. M.YitrsviLi.F., Mo., Aug. 21.?An atrocious murder was brought to light yesterday by the arrest of a mau named Oshorue, at (Termout, a .mall town 13 mile? north-west of this city. It ap? pear? Oshonie was travellug with a team and covered wagon, und ?topped for ?ome purpose, when some men wore attracted to the wagon by the stench proeoding from It. Upon examining the wagon rive dead bodies wore found. Osborue confessed, at the end of a rope, that the murders were committed by one Williams, ne?r llolton, Kansa?, and that he (O.bornei was em ployed to take the bodies out of tin way. He confessed that h? had traveled with 111!? loud ?vu days. From s m. nioraiiduiu fourni on tho body of one of the victims, It I? inferred that they w, re a party of mover?, cou?i?t lug of ft Mr. Om?, Id? wlfo, and two , hll,lr,n. and a j ouiig m-n named Dlrklnson, who is supposed to be a brother of Mis. urns. The parly had traveled from MHiuesoU to Houthern Kansas, and were probably on the way to Nebraska. The last memorandum made by the young mau was at or near llolton. Tho Coroner held an inquest yesterday and the l>o?ly WeJ-u burUd at CI. r?'mot. Mherlff Wray ha? ju*t returned hem, end saya that though ha saw the prisoner et Cler nioiit, ihc ptoplo would not git i? Ulm up It is thought that <l?horii? will bo o-oculoil by Ut? pctiplu whu hevo him ui ?juerge. mut ref?ma the raw? of the htad. Tin, Grant and flrerv l?y perils? pr?pose to maintain thera a. they ?re. 1*he ??raiit ami t?r??? I.-T parUt? ere our natural foes, and those who go with them cannot bo with us. He who Is not for u? Is against us. B. M C*M_jiBBi_-ur. m 0KOR0IA. THF. STRAIOHT DKMOCKATIO ri.ATrOBIt. Atlanta, Aug. 21.?Tho pliitform adopted yesterday by the Convention of Htralght Denioorets de elarsd that the ttoveninieiit of the United Mate? is limited to the power? delegated by the State, for specific Purpo?e?, having no original Inherent power whatever; that the Union Is federal In chsr-cter, inospeble of ex? istence without the States; that the perpetuation of the Union depend, upon tho preservation of the integrity of of the 8tate?; thet the right of local Btate Government, the ?ub|eetlon of the military to the civil authority, end habeas corpu?, in timo of peace, are not subject to any y'.]aHl", '?''utit'itlonal obligation on the part of the a, ?- vo_rnmet,t of auy kind whatever, but tl?e vaovertimont I. under solemn cou?titutloual obligation Bol?toun, i fere la Ih.*,. matter?. _?___ "n<]_r,,">"'l that Alexander II. Stephen? I? the author of tho platform. UKANT KKIMJIJI.ICAN CONVENTION?JUDGE DAW SON NOMINATED Kuli (?oVKKNOB. Atlanta, Aug. 21.-The (.rant State Itapnb llosn Convention met to-day. Seventy-two counties were represented. Judge Dawson A Walker was nom? inated for Oovrrnor, and an electoral ticket elected. Kesolutlons Indorsing the nomination of Oraut and Wil? son wore adopted. THK TF.yNES.SKK DKMOCRACV. UKN. CIIKATIIAM NOHINATKI) FOU C0N?;KBJ8? EX-PKB8IDBBT JO-VSO-ft DBLS04TB. BB Tlltr. -BOB THK CONVKNTION-J. ft, KOWI.LB KI.Kl IX)! AT LABOR. [BI TBLBORAPII TO TUB TRIDORB |, Aug. 21.-Ttie Democratic Stale Convention to nominate Congressman and an adir El? ? -tor for the State at Large, met this morning. About ia <?,,untie? wenIt.-|ir.'seiited. Tho county delegation? favoring th?.- iiommatloii of Andrew Johnson declined to participate. The two thirds rule was adopted by t mii ill majority. The galleries wero crowded with spectators, win? were iinti, iptting un > xrit?'.! contest between th?I friend.? of Johu?ou and cheath.ini, hut so soon a. Itwa? ascertained that Johnson would not come Ix'foro the Convention, ami that the J?>hn?oti del?gate? tren) with? drawing, all interCHt In the result subsided. Cheatham virtually had no op?>oHltton in the Convention, but a proposition to nominate him by acclamation was voted down stiil a ballot procceih-d with In the regular way, with thn following result: Q8B. H. V. che.itham, BU vote?; iho Hon. Johu M. Fleming 69 votes, end Andrew Johnson h votes. Ou motion the voto of the Convention was then declared unanimous for Cheatham. Ho ap peareil on ihr s'uiuil and made a short speech, declaring himself for (ire?'ley ami for peace. For Ele. tor tor tlie Htato at Large Joseph fl. Fowler was nonilii:?f.-.| on the third ballot, ?ift--r win.h the i'om ventlon adjourned. It is pretty treuerally understood tliRt Johnson will run as su mdep??n?leiit can?t,i .? THK SOUTH CAROLINA KKNOMISA I?ONISTS A PA' KID AM) DISOKDKKI.V ?'? )N V11M ION ? N'i.iiis?; lOOOMI-l.-iiKi??BBOBOBfl IIAVF. Till. MUDKIIV- IHK KIN'i CANDIDAT!. IHK l'A? OBI 11 BOB OOTBBMOB. HIT Tl.l.r.i.lMCII TO THF. TRIBIINB.I COLOMBIA? An?. 21?The QtBSt Kcpiililiciui Hala Convention, for the nomination <?f Htato ?HI? ttM, met here to-day, but illd not effect a permanent orgatil .atloii. Dii-orilri ? hara, t.'i./i I 'In I,, and It was evi? dently lia. I,. .1, money hav in*: been fieely ytjmt to iiouuiKitloii?. F. I. Moses and D. II. Chamberlain uro the m Ml ptaaBtal :i* ?? ivlidati ?? for the tioiiiiiiatuiii for (Jtov ? i ii??r, the cliaiiii ? 1,,-inif in the favor of the latter, who I? Hie HBBMBIS "t the King. No nominations had bi'Oii iiiaiio ui? to D .?'. leak p. in. ApiMarane, s indicate that no i'. foi ms in ?l.?' govi riimeut of South Carolina Will b?, uia'io. The Convention U couipoded uuiuly of ignorant black?. THK coNMiricrr OB-IT BSPUBLIO-t-tB. TiiKv nmom rai i'im.ADKi.rniA owtbv ii??n ? raj N?>\iiN?.H')N or ri:i:?!DiM i \i. 11 ? ? roBB?OB?, h twin dbbuubobi m LIBBBAL MoVKMI \T? A STHAIOIIT DEMO? CRAT SPEAKS. Haktkoiid, Ami,'. 21.?The Republican Con? vention fur the nomination of Presidential Elector.? met in Allyn Hall, to-day. John I,. Houston of Enfl.'ld was temporary, und (ico. II. Wallons of Now HaVLMi pe? nia lient (li.urnien. The Convention had among it? iinm her? very many of tho representative Republicana of the M it, O. W. Stow and II. I). Hmith of Houtning toii, prominent Republicans, who havo been announced a. supporter, of tireeley, declared themselves a. uiiro -? ivedly for (ii-itnt. Mr. .Stow -ail if the (?rerley inen w, If d? pen, ling upon such BBffttal tiny vv,,ul?l heroine bunkriipf. Mr. Smith i? a prominent tctnpcraiiro man, and it? ted with that party 1 t?f year. He ?aid he ?hould KMpport fjtaal ami Wilson most cordially. The Conven? tion passed the following r?solution: Ilesolcrd, Tiiat wo heartily approve of an?l Inilor?.' the platform adopted by the Bepublieen Convention at Philadelphia, and the nominations <?f See. 0.8.Oraal nod Henry Wilson for President and Vice-Pr?sident, and cordially commend them to the people of this mate as tly worthy of tlu-lr eontliletire and support. The Eie. tors nominated were: At hirtre, Henry P. naven of Nevv-I.ondon, and Henry Famam of Now Havti; IJt Di-triet, Julius Converse of Htafford; Il?l District, Charles Hen? ?!!< I of W.tterbury ; Hid District. I. i, m? Iln-icsof Thoiupsoii; IVHi Di-trict, Oliver Hoyt of Htamlord. The Eleclors uro all well-luiown busiuo?? men. After the i]??nilmiti..n? wer?' ma le, Cr-n. J. R. H.iwloy. who r, turn? d fi.Jin Far. ?ie on M .nday. was called out and r??? eived wi?h gn it applau??' and cheer?. Ho re? vi. w?d the -ituatlon, ?!? n iiineing the contest of (ireeley as ascraniblo and a farce discre?!itiib]o to Itepubliean i,,... M nment, and claiming tintI whether the , uulnlatis or Itnir follower, are contrastod the arirumont m over wtn linlii.-ly for ??rant anil Wilson. Tine?' ?liecr? for (ii ii Hitwiev were iciveii at the close of his ?peech. The (jsmeral called for three oheers fer craiit and Brilaon, which wer? given with aatBaalaaBa. Tho OaavaatlM theu a?!j ?iiriicl. _ _ __ _ . . . After the adjournment. Mr. O. W. Hewett, a .?traitrht Demoerat, of B? ky Hill, wa? dlseovered m the m ill and culled on for a ?poeca He pronounoed the nominal ion of Qreeley et Cincinnati and Beltlaaoree f_Ke,ajadno . .i,-.-i??in D.inoerat could ?upisH-t it. Ho preferred (?rsnt t?> Oreeley, bal should support the uo-iineo of tho Louisville Couveutlou. MISSOI'Kr I.IIUMtAI.s DKMtMKATIC AND MltKltAl. KKIMIIMCAK CON VKNTI0N3 AT JKKFKKSON CIT?. St. Lofis, Aug. 21.?Tho Democratic ?State Convi ntion met In Jefferson ( ity at noon to-day. with (;..n. William Shield, of St. Louis temporary chairman After iippolntlnr' the u?usl C ?niinlttees, B recess was taken until the afternoon. It I. not expected that auy nominations will bo made to-day. The Liberal R?'publleun Convention met at the same linn-aiol p!a>'-. Mr. iSehuitcr of M. Jt'??'ph temporary Chairman. A Committee of 15 was appointed to confer with a similar Committee of tho Democratic Convention, and a Committee of three wa? npi?)inted to notify that Convention of the uetion taken. After a brief roces? the latter Cominitt??' r<pnrt?'?l that they had been well re r? lved by the Democratic Convention; und tho Conven? tion then adjourned until 10 o'clock to-morrow uiorniug ARKANSAS. CLAYTON'S roNVKSTIOS? JI'DUK nAXTEK THK i'koiiaiu.k BO>laTBB l'oit OOT-U-BOB. I.iiii.K Uo( k, Aug. 31.?The Grant KeimMi cau bUt? Convention assiimhled to-day. Kvery county wa.s repreaeuted. A temporary organization wa. eir.-.tcl, and the Convention inljourneil until 7 .?'.lo. k ?>. m. It is certain that Judgo Uaxtor of Hatesville will bo nominated for Governor. , GENERAL POLITICAL NW ADMINISTRATION TACTIC8 IN NOH CAROLINA. in 0.Dl NU OVRR TUB KU-KLUX TRUM POLITICAL UWWW ffACBDBP JUKIKf |BT TRLBOBAPII TO TUB TKIB?IIH Ralkioil Aug. 21.?It ?8 tho undoubted termination of the Administration to bring nono o Ku-Klux cates lu thu Mato to trial before the Pre? tial election. A new district wa? created in this? at the last session of Congress, for the avowed pu of dlsrwslngof tho Kti Klux Indictment*. Judge who was appointed to tho new dlsirh t, hold hi.' Court at Halisbury, last week, and began Jils sessl? Asbeville on Monday of uds week. The Jui Salisbury, which wa? summoned by U. H. Marshal row, was so oomplelely packed that not a single servative or Liberal was upon it. No Ku-Klux was dl.posed of. No news has been rc-wived Asbeville slnoo the session of the Court t began, but it Is learned from an Administration so that noue of these cases are to come up at thai p The Injustice of continuing these cases from one tor the Court to another, and forcing the prisoner? to u a journey to the point where the Court i? held twi three times a year, and to remain there several i with their witnesses at their own expense, can onl appreciated by those who know tho poverty of the ti aud seo how much they suffer iu ? oust.pionco. Man them have been entirely ruined. The onl?/ motive ( be conceived for not disposing of these cas?,? at i 1? that the Administration would lose the contr? many men if their canos wen? tried, and would have less mode of securing their voles, or at leaat thel; lease- during the coming campaign. TIIK ENKOHCEMKNT ACT TO UK USED BY 1 ADMINISTRATION? f?ll TO M SUP VISOR OK ELECTIONS. IBr TfflUBiri TO TIIK TKllIl'NK I Washington, Aug. ill.?It is POpottod hi on authority that i-aimot he doubt?-?!. .1u Ige Bl ha? already taken step-i t<) havo the Enforcement Act amended at the last BBBataB of Congress, put info f, in North Carolina at the coming Presidential elect. und that ho has Hied a recommendation with the Cir? Court for the itppointmeulof United Stale? Commi.iaio Shatler of Raleigh to be Cuici Supervisor of elections the District of North Carolina. The pretended authot fur thl? appointment is the lJth section of act of Congress, approved February ?*?, 1-171, t the amendment approved Juno 10,1H7-. Judge Brno It 1? reported, has not yet Joined Iu the rccoiumendatl Shaffer, Uie man who is to manage the election In Noi Carotina In the Lubtrost of Oraut, and who is to bl nuder hi? command Deputy United States Commission at every voting product. 1? one of the most odious of I carpet baggers in that .-Hate. He lirM appeared ther? a Register in Bankruptcy, and ?luco then ho has bt United Btato? |Coiiiiiii?sloner. He, has l>een accused several instances, of remaiidiui: men to Jail before gin fhetn a heating, as woll as generally disregarding t rights of citizens who have b?x>n brought before hi lie is also the ?amo man who, ou the day before the li election, publi.ile d m f*f lira, th?, AIn.iM-tiatloa org at Raleigh, a card, to which was attached his ??III? siguaturo, requi'stiug tluat persons challenged for lll-u voting should report the fact? to him, a United BB* oilleer, as the (lovernment intetid"d |0 investie;at?: such challenge?. Secret Service Agent II.?ter print?vl similar car.I in OBBBBBBBBBj which he signed a? au oft!? of the United BBBBM Department of Justire. i?,,r'! '!..? BBBB* Wate published for the purpose of lutlr dating citiZ'Tis In tho MBtfeami of their duty aa chi lengers, and were IdBBBi upon h :c, oui-ide of Admin tration circle?, a? a mo?t outrageai!? prostitution Federal otlicial position to Influence a State election. WASHINGTON" GOSSIP. TUE ADM1MS1 KATION AIDING- TIIK BIB-klOa-. OOT l.olISVlLI.E MOVEMENT?CONNU IK H PROSPECTS. |BI TKLktOBAPH TO TIIK TBIBUNBl Washington, Aug. 21.?Tli? Ailmiiiii-itratio Committee hero ??tut out to day ?SMOi copie? of the 11 cular of Rlautou Duncan ? ailing for the election of <lr ogatos to the L.uisville Straight-out Convention to It po?tmusters, internal revenue orHrers, and marshal throughout the United Statos, with the polit? rc.pj?-?! " Will you bo kind enough to place this circular in th hand? of active Democrat* iu your couuty I" Tim ui most secrecy was observed, only a few of tho clerk being allowed to put them up, the envelope? being di rooted und (ranked with Logan'?, Harlan'?, Hays'?, am Plait'? signatures by the regularly detailed clerk? wh BBl as frankers. The Straight-out Democrats of thl? ?listi let have en deavored for several evenings t?> hold a meeting lo ele?' delegates to the Louisville Convention, but on account o tbe slim .11 tendant e havo detcnuinoil to put off the dec tiou of delegate? for two weeks. About 10 mouthers onl; are enrolled In tho club. Col. Alexander of thi? clfy received, to-day, a lette from David Clark of Connecticut, wherein tho mo? encouraging report? are given of the canvas? in thai State. Mr. Clark ?tato? that s.tXJi) voters who have here tofore BOBaB with the oi?l Republican party, have aire uly enrolled theuwelvcs a? members of tho Liberal organiza tion ; and that If the Republican disaffection, wbick in. reas..'? every day, should ?top where it now is, tin Stato would be lo?t to Urant l>y iimjority. THE INDIANA CANVASS. A ll.lTTKKlNO UK? KITION To BBBTATOB IIEN DRICK.S?HE MAKES A\ AIU.K -d'EIICH. IBl TELBGKAl'II TO TUB TIlllU'N K. I Hartford City, Ind., Au?'. 21.?A committee went from here, yesterday, and escorted Senator Hen ducks to this place. After ?upper, he held an informal ree. plain at the llot??uau House, where his " Hoosier " follow citiz??ns did full homat*o to his abilities and excel IBBBB of character. This morning, largo delegation? came in from surrounding towns with bands playing and banners Hying. They gathered at 1 o'clock in tho Court-house yard, receiving Mr. Ileudricks with demon? strations of esteem. The Senator ?poke eloquently and i Ucctively for nearly two hour?. lie was folio a cd by Jobu S. Maol>ouald, an ex-Member of Congres?, from ?iraut County. The Liberal Republicans rallied In fuil force, atid the demonstration was on? of tho largest anil most enthusiastic ever In-ld horu. Mr. Hcndrick? speaki to? morrow at Rochester. _ TIIK TEMPERANCE PARTY OF NEW-YORK. THE UOHIBJUB-O- YESTERDAY?A CONVENTION TO BB HELD NEXT MONTH. Syracuse, Aug. 21. ?The Committees of Conference recently appointe! by the various (temper? ance organization? of tho State to call a Btate Con? vention, to bo hold after the nomination? of tho several political parti.-?, met In joint MBBBB BBBB* to-day, and dct.-rmineil to call a Union State Ti'iiiperance Conven? tion, to meet in this city ou the l'Jth of September next, at i o'clock p. m., to Isa 0OBIBOOOd <?f two delegates ap ?..,iiite.l by the Temperance Electors of each Assembly Matiiot. v\ ho favor me promotion ,r t. nperaaoo reform by political action. Th? movement appear* t?. be In the interest of Independent nomination?, and tn foreshadow a full leuiporauco Uc-oi tor Stale oilicu? iu the present oauvaa*. CAMPAIGN NOTES. Tho Hon. Thoinaa Steore, List year tho Democratic candidat.? for (?ov. rnor of Rhode Island, now an editor of The I*roridenre Journal lOrant), made au address, last evening, at a Urant and Wllsou meeting m WoousockeC Mr. Morgan has a cartoon in this week'? is stio of Frank Letlie'i Ulnttratetl Sttcspaper setting forth the progress of tho Administration to imperialism. The face? and attitude? of tho courtier? grouped around the "Government" are admirably sketched and compose.!, and the sullen mid sodden majesty of the figure occu? pying the throue ha* rarely boeu equaled. The Li lierai Uepublicau ami Democratic (ongress Couveuiiou ol the Vlth Ohio District met at Toledo yesterday. Conference Committees were ap? pointed, but were unable to agree. Tho Committees ad? journed until this evening, when the Democrat* nom? inated F. 11. llunl by acclamation, and Hiram Erect?-, Liiieral.for oledor, who itocillnert The LiiMial Commit? tee, after tiassiug a resolution repudiating the nomina? tion of Mr. Huid, adjourned without makiug any uoai lnatlon. The New-York Star gives the following advice to the discordant organ?: "The Albany Evenina Journal thinks it highly improper for Mr. Oreeley to leave his homo or ?how huuselt to tho people. The Timct I? un? willing that he shall NBBsBB hi? friends at home. Ho, between them, the coming President lin? a poor ?how for peace anv where, (?rant is eternally on the go ; seldom in hi* proper place at the seat of Oovcruuient ; often wholly unlit to Bo liiillBtiM and now aJioo*t dally get* ?iff some t oiiiiiioii plaee spo?'?h io a few curioaity *?'<sk.r? If (Jraut will oui) go on a campaign tour, rxbil?! mm self to the people, and make hi? maudlin speechri Mi Oreeley oau well afford to play the h.omlt until alter o.octlou." _________________ THE WEATHER. WAB PariBTBlT9T, 1 Orrira or th? (mar m...i?i. orricr.a. > w_taiBoteB. P. c. abb bj, ibbj i a? aa > Bunotmt fur tha oust lutantv-iuur ?our? The haronnUr baa ( hlghft OTt* Ihe tsoiltll??r Suites, With light to flesh Wluii? and gemir ally clear weather. U ha* UUou trwui Us oast aud mldiUo AUaiilto gogit .?_. _? I iW I to the trnvr Missi-s.pi.l. aril the lows?!^Jg__g_, central north of UK?- Superior ?^rtlr cijndl weather has prevailed over the New-Kn?l?nd and Midd.e Mtetea, with occasional arias of rain. ____,_, ,u? n_-> Clear weather vorv irenerslly nortli west of ?no <>?? Vsiley, wllh fr<?sh to brisk southerly winds ;r<?iu K ??_?* t?. Lekes MIcldiMn ?nd Superior, followed by norfherlr to aaatailr alude, and clear and clD-nu? wea'.'ior Bro_ Nt,hi_.-if t to *?t i ProbahilitUA clear weather irnrienillr twatioSM over ?he rVm'timnx Rhmm east of the Mississippi. Bouthorly w.urt? at* partly ?loudy weather lor Sew-Euflend, sou u-riy w south westerly ?lud? for the Kiddle Hi?u-.*. Ir.rr-.??ib* to fre-sh and bri?k, with cloudy weal her sod ?*'??* or ran from the northern port)??, of Ohu? to tho noriheru por tien of New -Eagtaad. _,_____?__? Northerly to we?t?-rly winds and Osr and ?**___* weather extend e_?tw_rd to l*ake Mlohi<sn end N BlBan Illinois and Missouri by moriuiiit -did over lowr Moal K*ii by evenlm, _ ?IINSTROKKS. Tho follownw caw-as of dentil and pro?trc? tlou from the heat wi-re rejiorfe?! yesterday John Baatsr, a*;?- a\ am eropl ,yt at The- K'entng Mitt. who was prostrated last Hunlsv, died at IMlnvue l?na |) yeat.i ilav. Oeorir?) I)od?on. ??*<? ?S, ?In-d from sunstroke at N ? BT Kwrn-st., Brooklyn, yesterday Jane s <;air!*on, am >'?, nflifr-n an ! M irev aves , -"?*? aeaatraafe in Faitea-st.. immklyn, aud ?eut t?< 1.1? hoii*? ycst?rday. Arthur ?Smith, s litrhterman, s?o 45. of M.ilisonst, New-Yorlt, wa? ov-ituon?? bv IBs beat, wlnl" w." BlBB <>? the sI'Mip Nellie, ?t the f,,.?' ,?r V in *.' , li. nta.ya Ho fell into the liver .?nd vas uiowi, ? I THE STATE OP TRADE. IX)?IK.-,TI'' MtR-KTs. WiLwi-nro? N <:., An., il -.Sp.ri*t rarpeiMae ira? ?4 ?H?. Boata ?r.ti at +1 tat Btr.,nrd, + I '-, f.,r Lew No 1 . 0 ) T? ?a. K.I. T..I 10 for M... I _?> f.,r Ki'.r? P,J. 0**9 In, I,,- PU*. S'. "el tat I'. Ir. i',:*) f,r Win I.,? ',l?a. (nil- I I. ?I *1 ? fa? llarl, ?liilai tallow Utp. *? *i l..r V,r<i? I at Uomtf at ? ?ATTLK MAKKKT4 (hi, to.,. An?. II -a? ?.int. for tktm l?r. 'if* ??!??. ?wra, 11.741 ? ? eep ' alt ' ? . >- M t<i lari- rempta, 1?.>Utlor? r?ni? - -, I Ft? * ??<*?} "A ; 0?a4 to I'ri.B. . -, - M '. ,.?. t, !?', r - / ?' ,'?-., r.?, .-lai? 4, d??i . '.hr~?aSi J ?r*a II. ? i .<*.-! ..' ? t*| <\,t\ ?) au**\ ?t at .id>*i PASSENGERS SAILED. FOR I.IVKRI'OOI,-/? il"??Vr> ?.-..'., \v H -M'. ? t,*?r?M. Ml?? K W H?:.. H. B R ...? iir. Kmixa. H' in* Urn. Job? ll.-h.rlvm lb*.. Be. .ell Mr 1*4 Mr?. K a Ubbwek W. II. r. MtMH , '1 K??n. Mr v? JM-? 'i>. ?ir.i? I'.,- lad *?.IS Marrar, J. H. Mi Bit, J. O. Ma?ra, Mr ?MB. I V Wmt more an ! iB?iut. nurae and m-id, .1 K Hait?n. K. L W ,'hrwp *ai :i ekiUraa ?nd ?. mm. C La-tana, R. J Narlf. I S rV?Ba S. Al.*<a?i? W. It *S*,l,r ?Ira. Bl_r?ua-. .? B Ohm ai?. Jan. Bv||uw?,T. W. .Mr-ac W II 1 ?_!-* M,,. W-,_-?_. a M. (juuei. Mr. .0.1 Mr? K. W ?MIS, M ??jMIEMa -a*l __. I PASSENGERS ARRIVED HtDM HAVANA /? ?I*.???/,;, <-,-?.-n/ "U?. Ai( it -JiaH l?u. BB . ?. Bayat Wa. II. Klw.wl. D I. l?ai I'_j ?? Ah,??Isa Am A)U*U. b. H. l',?|.-r. K. U l'irtor. All Cnarl*i / i I EST SU IF NEU I ffkr ?'A^r .s'.'.i/) VMM *>^ Third Pigf I AKKIVKI?. ritrainthip I're? *nt City, Cartu, lira-a? t ?r, II ?it- iwU* laJ ?mm*. 'a 1 -.'? . . :p laaar Bad BiS-BBVI K-iinnnl I ?. I'..-.' ? i fi?r<?*. . ? l? OM lliiatialoB Stoaaia-i> t*a Ma-ama-ip Vol?t.*r, Btoniga?., l_ tl : Bii w'a ib-W tat t*?M ? lapt St??tm?hi!i Co Bark Tariatt Bar.) asdasa ?ir.lil lidar*. with n.lriaJ - >?> ltr i Bwptaaa ? S (il BltM??r, Kl? J?n..,rn it 4a;?, w,i_ , iS-a. Uni ( aprrra. Ilictalioru. KoixlMt tut Bang.?. a. HiLismo-_n?s ami r.???rwr?ii Cor-j*lit, S?* K K |" ,M*r ??r -n?.r?. Ma:i?S*W. Prondr-Bri-. i ? ?iwji, Taaataa. Auua M. l?i. ariuuu, S** llar*?. J J CI,,,.. Baarsatoa i. 0 0. Kiiiiu? R Al*taa,lr?. Mtrrarrt Ki*?-. Il-ton Klin t Birbeoea. Pr..r?l*n-* Wia M. llnwi l'r..,_**-*. i il. N*w 11.?.-,. >ar.h Jasa. Naoa-ri Arn.t. llV-lM 1 A. Iln.-t.ti i',.,i?-t II*- ristra), M?w-ll,?.n. H*??i?l,?on, Ua.Ua lia. 1 ?uul.?:i W ,_. kiri, K.H _.,*r Iri?, Kill It .t H | ,'- ?* l?*U?. I*rw-i l-D.-j>. J?. Hh.-li?? l'-r?l?nl (X s*nati?r l?t?titwa or, Fall t-ror. Mu?.??. MrwH?,*a. '. .iwi^li. (It:l?ri<l. Ilr. H-*T?JH. S?. Harbor r i??.,,?.>r. y.ilWM Kal* .?'rii.tou. l'io? I I - ? : 1 .?.-lia?? t'iVtii*aea. Ai.i.i HiiaV-t^, I'-o, 1-, ??. H ? ?)*,n. ll<(hvia. l)?rl. Mauitoru IwSa H'iiirt, l'r.,,,k-a*r. M. !.. Newton P-i-j l?ino? Ana? Jiouha l'i?oi*.,t|. hapi.-r, .- ' h????, (??? 11,? _ ?>at?inon. Provil. K. a Trier, tlti.lorl. t .? I**!.i*l. Prantetvia, A. ? Mura. Il-ritorl Hoatan. _. M. M rout. Kail K,.,,. 1, b Drew. -ol~i>.?rl llt.prraa. KaKIport. Me Tfca?, H.Il Mtoa,n*rUM J.l. M.?'l..-t?. K?H II .-r. A.r-111,.1 N*. -nllari, Aaai? <'-*.>? ?iKOnpon 8 ?ir**? Kali K.?*? ?Mar .Su.a<l?.| litm/i. Paatu.-ket J B AI?-?, NaatartcV \KiaH*eKrl> M IIAKTS Iil.ANl?. Sehr Cirroll lHutt?. Micblll with ln?le ,-,-lir. tVia. McLeaa. Miu-ilt Brr'l'tnl w,U) l_a S.l.r. t< P. Hill -. Koekport. Ml?-. Bah? Minctu.-. Ht?iekt?a. weh ItuaV-r. S. br. I IM h. Hu. Hill. ViB?(h?vea SA1LKI) >.??ii.?hi|.< llanaa. fsr Brtmeu. PaJ'.ii f or S-.'t-rdl? , Se**ti? ?a4 Wwouaiu for Lirrrn.??! ; t'i'y ..f 'iilreitoa. for New Orleaa?, rtnlB. Carv_aa, br Chaflnto? aflBB?aaasawn, ?iuht, s. w.-, eioB?i) ?ai t__y >i?u >r*. DOMKSTI0 PORTS. lt...T,s AaC II? Arrived. L.?, i , I ? ) .at, bng Uinr.o. from Phil-lelptii?. -af?_?Sa, U?., ? ,t< ?.?.Sailed, ?toamtt-u llauu.ill?. for B*w Torl. i diRL-r,?. Ans; 21 ?Arrre.1. ?teamabio File.?, fr?! B?!'-??n?. Baltimore Baak Koahery. To Ike r !<?., ?f the Faming Watt I I ?a. Bf Ihi? adroit eialou of tli* IxL-jlar? ano-i'i ??? ?S^afj Cjh.OO". all .f wbirb woold b?'? hwB ?arn.1 if tue baut h?l li?w ^w oue of M?k?is'? Sara Pk.?t?it..r? No bank i? ?ecur? williout n, ?_ w* w.ll tr.uon.trit*> to tho**.a4**> e?te.l4i Uier will fiuor as with ?a ?i?BHB?t|.m. Having l?e?n pr?eti,?llr tea,*.) lor the -,.l lar., r.?r? M know wS?S w? ?r? olfiriof; an.) p.*.)?;* au.I butoieH repul?l.oa of loe pial U.'lk J ear year, a? to it? rt-1,' Thiai* wnrthf ilir attention of ererr baa?, b?ak*r. j?w*l*r. or aaf ?as baria.'.-> keep rilual.le ??...?I?, >.|. ;'? ?? ?,,k? la?M ralvato.aal Mai"tin k 0. Saf? M.n-if.eturer?, tni Hruadwir MARRIED. GitODWIN-WILDKlt-Brookltn, AmtnatN, bf'hsR*. Or Q__aB Mr tln.on <i...,lw.nof Br.ioklm am) Mil Mirr M Wili*r?i Br.aoklyu. dau*(bter o? t?e late Joha N Wilder, a*,)., at Albaaf KKNNKD?-WIl.L.s-ln thii'ii?, on W*4ne?Uf, Aaa>al I?, i?r Iks Kar ? M. Paafelar, H-:ir? J. Kenuclr of A'.Iilu, ?i? , to Cam? r*. Will? ol Bruwklra. No card i All Soltoe? of Marrmge? mmtt be indornd with fmtl name and addreii ^^^^^^^^^^ DIED. ?CKBBBAB?0a r_u?, Uth ,u?t., -Bwehaseal aBaM ?i:?*?. M?r; J.??*p!,i?.- A-knina, w.f- of Heur; A*k-rm?a. la ta.- Wth isa. of lier as?, T-e rrlaure? and fnanJa of th? faailr ira nupwctfitllr laritad t.i a'-*aa tbe funeral from the Thirtieth?. M?th?dia4 ?'n-ir^b. betwiea Ki^wUB and .Ninth ire.?., on ThurwUr Auat-it 11, at 1 oVi*-k p. _ BA?LCH?Ob Mondif Anrn.t 1?. I "bar!?! !_ _0t?h, late th* t'-a-i? pal .,f G B N" 11, ????! U re?r?. ?on of lOr. Wi||,?ja .. Uaate. R. latir?? ?ni frietki?, th.- Department of Bnhlle Inainu-Uoa Cilf o? B??r Y..rk alio th? ?eh.*al .>?r*r? of the Sernnteenik Wars, ?ad thai Trn-te . of tli* F.:..i Ii' ieminarv, ire .DTitrsl to ?lte?j4 Iba? faaeral t| the Fnen.l? MeetiB.ho.w. iu Fifte-nth-.t.. hetweea Sacoad sad TbirS. ?re. , tin? 11 uuraoav) afternoon, at 4 o cock. N?W losa l.iiiiKti l'ti h ?: ?hi? irtrmruti >? ?r. reqa**te<l tn ttten.1 the fnnersliof Prof {t'harie. L. B?n!e. .,? r Ule'ellaw? uiember and (orreapuadiua-iSecrrtarT. frwai lae Fne-d? M?el,a?; liowMa eonier F fteeiitb at. iu.1 Kitherforl p!?r?. it 1 i?!yl. I. * 1 '?'iiwlarB ?ftenioM D. T. (?AKI/NBB. s*-r-t.rr l'i)L'l'?)N~Sa.l.tenir, ?t Lake ije..r?;e, oa Moula, U,? I ?th ia?t, l^crs l,?.. ?ife of i liarle? B Col'on. Bel?ti?e? ?nd fne:id? ?re mriie.1 to alteial ike funeral from ?-? lata r?_. EMM. fa 0MM I'e . Br.Mkl.rn, thi. altornooa. Tbur.tU;, Ud eut . al ? o m ?k p. m. JBNKI.Vtt-The finerai of Mr?. Jalia M Jtakla? will tat.pia-e tram the l?uulr reai.le_.-e, Ht W-il h.erentl, ?l .u l'r:llr. . al iul U. o'eli?*k p. m. Kelatire? and frlenel? ?r? rewpeetfullr lanted to ittewJ IIAKNKY-Ii Jener ? ity. M Moadar BMBBB- Aa^aat li, al ?baiera ia fantotu. ?iaaaie, j?r.u,.?i .-Util of njlua A. a_d Ctirtia? a a. U-raar, >??d 14 -uinth?. Fnen.l? ?nd relatire? ?re re.peetfail.? ia.'ted to ?'tofl 'h. tVin*r?l Irtm 111? r>-?i i.n.e ol' h.? paient?. No. LU liro.e ?L, J*r?o? (' tr. ?? I hara dar, lli* tu l??(. _t t o'ciuck p ni., without further note-e. LKVRRKVUB?SBd.ienl? tt Sir?i.?ita Spnn?-?, .>a Sartbstk e.'-tl?.. Aa?;a?l it __.?? t'., w'iie of i. W. (J. L<n?ri4(?. la IM Ai. ptat o? ta ?tte The rela.T?? ?n.l fn* of tl,e firail? ire rr-pe^tiull? ,?nu?d ti ?'tewS ber faawral, ?t her Ule leudenre. No ?t Waat a?la ?L, ?a Tharalar ?fteraoou, at 1 ?Cock. ? thoui tur?i^r ui?iuiioa. MAXWELL-!? tMaUfB, oa Wednesday A ?Molt II. Ifll, Jiba Mai wall, agtid 63 ??ar?. Botica ol fuaeral hereaAer. QUIBIBB 41 Sariiotra. ?a l'ueoiar, \aimx h\ l'art U?f, meat d?a.nwr ?f H.B.-r aud ('?tharlne M Dlnutetl. aot It r.nrn. Funeral ?*"ie?B ?t tb? re.idea.-e of ber pareuU. No /?.) Weat Thtrtf <-i<b'.h af.. oa Iburadai. ltd mit, ?t 11 ta'clovk t. u- l?l*-n?nl at New Mirra. Coas. BrUO??MAK-R-At tbe M ?hlint?. N J ?b Wada-alar. An,Ml II. Brt.litet, wile of Daniel SehooBauker. ib lb? ?S?k rant at Ire ut*. Reitere? ?ni fneud? of the familr ?re reap?, tfu.., ian-?l X* tUa.1 to? fuueral at her l?te reaileuee, Ho. Ul K??t Thirtr tl-rl ?t , on Fnda/. ?II inat., >t IOS?) ii'elock a m. ?uccidi Noiift-e I Irrenth Dlatricl I Iherul K.pablicaa Asswelatlw?. A BKMUB. will be ueid ?I Uradoiiirter?, M-?b-?ra aa. Tbirfl^b ?t ?? WKi?NhM?Al BVBBIBO, Ai?; il ?H o .-l.e k V.ier? ,? 4 tit?ele? ?ad Brown ?re inrited to enrol' >i raetatiei- ot XL* A?.- ? m. t_--MAK J FlIlllAN. P-r Irai. Kutia.a SooixtBT, -aeret-rr._ ~A ?ran. Rally ?? thi* ia f??or .i tlrtkKi.Kt u,j _iu?w(?7S XXI.' I-wall I??.'ret ?ill lake pla*e lili? i I har-la. I HV BNINH. under the ?Bipie-? of 'be liewoer.t.. Ltl?ral ltep..l?,..-aa H.,1 ?aa i ? *_. It their mom? Malioner'? Hall _a?t -i/hl, ? ?'in rba ?at' >w<m ? *-?ker? will ?ddreasU* MaM-f: laa.e ibu?,--? tbe Mm J *s (T liueioMtll, J-UH? S. 1'hinaol Soaib t'aroi.n, .'. VL Staate- tt M?w ?__L A Lile-sis?* 1'artralt H'lKAl K tiRF.Bt.RT (Ha.1 ?? I bu', .'?i M An ?.IwiraM- ' kenear. ?ad lb? be?t I -hot?- . o h ?? e.- Nal*, awlt abl* U ?e ha-, ib parlora. Mirar ?a. ,ai club looar. S.- ? '... ?o ?idi ., iu :..-? l a- d? I oa iveasst at On? Dollar. ^Adqraa?_ IHK rKIUI XK. M. w Twrk (M?. Th.- Fla? til < -?..paiiua. HABDiM)MBn| iTaMTI n rl.vxiK OUT. The ?ta.4 i? le.Bi lite lira at li?a II >r?e?> Ur ?elar. Vot aal* ?r?y ?berc. 1 he t?a.? ?applu?) b? IHK AMKR,i-AN NrtW? !'.?? l'-itral ll|ii*n. ?ni 1. it int. i.. N'i FLt'iS1 am, |'< ?ITS HMi- ...Nf-HS IKtN?l'A?KM IK? i ! I U I iNNHHs. k?J. .11 MUM- . !>.,,. -, r..|.i',wll.l ir.elry Hal? sail Tap?-?. I HI M\:i k Co It W.-rea 1. Maaa-trsaiwrs ?I ail kin la al t AMI'Wt.N k?dl IPMRSr.4 Anala a I -., Pl?f ?M Bnaarr Manafartarrra far i ?ahn Un ?n-l IUI Fl i. ft)?. .?.New York ri-.- vt,,rfcui.*,..m. i, ? PrmtotsUvo I ????, M Blanek'i ?4., i.?r ihr pr*??aUo<i ?uj rwJr.?e n irau,??*?, a?Miitwaa upon >.,ill?.?jau? wUo ,-. n?i ,u bouael.o I MTtee IKliUKkt*) (?"Ills I.-. rRADKSVADMK.I . I ?U o ?? I ... -r. a? I are ?aai.te.1 iu ?bialuiB. *apl.? ta*n '<*({? ?. k ba*w beru-aataaJ ?re .auircied to .??? ?i.n naaaiBia i VI I?,? a*" rk??a? " P-si-tlBIc?" >alirr>.- Pbe Ma . i., Ba tea ?^i SA1UR11AI A... -aa? .: >??A.? WMiNKe DAY at Ui?. ou ni'JHsDAY at It ? *,.??-.* ?a l?l.iiAY at 6 as? II sat. i ' ?1 IvieiiS. 1*4 *