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LOCAL POLITICS. THE APOLLO HALL DEMOCRACY. O'Brien's rmikre to contkoi. tiik r..\-:' invi UNUunu. The Eiifiitivc Commute?' of the Apollo Hall BrRBRRRBBJ all M called together tint week, for the ynrrxoH-if a*certaiiiing the views t-f Hi?' RBBBBB-R on the Vrr?identiai ?jucstmi., and the choice Bl deleeate? U? t_? LoomTillr Cuuvcniion. Win. C. Bairett. who 1* talked of a*" U?e IBaBBBBt tt Win. 11. Wiikham in the tti*.iriTiaii?Iii|. ol lln OBBBBBBBB.-BBBBBl u reporter of Tiik Tmm RB, y ?tentai, that there was BR doubt tl.i.l it,. OR__*Mt. aaaa? m ? i li (RfBtaai 1Mb week for tt? r?-rlH*<> a tread Y ?tat?"?! Aiaiicueof ?.111? of III?' ?Wer ?ml mon' lutluenlial member* of the ("omi-ltt?* mue In M an ?v?nin_ or two up... and thl? eoncluaiou wai? it-ached. 11.?' call fur trie niectiti- BJBBB). have BUB kBBfli t-t-fort if ?o many of th?' member? of tl>? * ??in MUM h?'* BBl BMa out ?if town. Mam lia vi been BBBl 1er. BB IB BlH M R pood representation on IfeSBBBM API the UK?, tiuc It iRBRRRTMi Iv tin- fi lends ol O?TBM tint hi? ?.-'.?'lin gif acadmp delegate? tu Hi? laRRBH illc will be RRRllRi through Hi?' ORRRRRttRRR almost without op,><>M Dot. The original BBBl ol declaring BBBBlf for tirant Bar? l?c<u abandoned, of u-iiig apparent that h ? rityol the members of the committee would ui.t ?RRJpRfl it. It ha? then fore l.ceii deemed more BBfBB-B-l to tl?? BRRM indirect j?! m of supporting (?rant. h> endeavoring to draw ?.If lutes fr?.u. tin- I.iOt-ral c.tudl Bat. ? t.y means of a ?tnupht-out Democratic nomination. It i* assert?-.! by tunny of th?. oldest merulH-rt. of the Com ?iltu-e thai it m doubtful I* O'Bnri. BM ' ouut on a Buaj.'rity t?> further ln> M _BBM . He ?.(?y ban- a majority ?u tlie l.tgl.t ni tlic fRBBBBBd ineetiup, but it will feR i . ,?c u BBBR proportion of the member-H o? the ?igan.aation haw- bBRRRRR disgusted with hi? court??- ami do i.. : w ?h lo.l.e identified with it any lonper. If ? ?etc lihil BRRB taken RB th?- RRRBBMJB of the '.?st ineet i* believed that a iiiuiorii.v ol tlic ni<'t_l>era would bave l-ccii found to favor tat libel? i -undulate??, and the Bti-neiof Ut.M.te:? wl.utii tin i ri iircHcnt, it i? iiKsirted, i.n a Un- c.iiiilidai??? li.tiiini itt il at Haiti linn n . lu repnueiitatiM ? ni the Deling BBS] "I <\.i> Stale m ti?i Union. _ ?DENI l I 111 (?AMi'AH.N RRADQUABTERB. Tiic In ;.(l(iiiHtt?is of tin- Ubanl Kcpublican Nail?.nai F.xcculive t omuiittoe were \i?it?d lu a targe liiiml < r of ?H-rm>ri- >? -t< r.l.n, ?nuong whom were Si-nu t< i l.>iiiait TlBBlBBll. Illinois; the lluu. I? I.Phillip?. iiinii.i-, ti.. iK'ii. i w. i.i:ti. Brrrbb? Maat; Baaf) Wu'k.r, BRRRBB, Man*.; T. T. BrewsUT. Syracuse, IS Y , (liarle* O. Daws, M-aaachueette; A. I'. M.liai. Wmchist? r, Va; Edward A. Random, J?-r BBJ i.:.. M I \Mi 1! DbBBB-day of r.*ie ,/r,A,i*r?,ir,i SRmirad .i m MBiaart? WiPrijMr, n. y.; jam.-* u. ?Un. >. ( ,il?kill. N. \.. V. Brown, (?leutiiiiu, DaiflBBRB Ci.iii.H.N Y i H in \ K. K. laibbock, Teia* ; 11. S. Lut. Ixm k, ^an J. m . CBLj llirau. (ii-ei, ?nRRBBjRRBi N- Y'.: Amina Ja? lson Ki'illy, Philadelphia. Penn.; Oen. J. J. .1. Hlair Moon', lllair County, Venu; C. II. Ki<u- . ? i ? - worth of Illiuois waaalao in tl.? i ty dm nig the day. He was on hi? way to Maine -iU.8ci.atoi Trainiiiui: and D. 8. Phillip? to take au ?ctive |.nii in tin i-am-iaiim. Ti.c hea?ii|ii.nt?':st.f Hi' Qraal BaaaBB-aa b_mbUtr t'on.initti i i'iiM tit? .1 a dull api? BBBBRB, ) .?tenlav. The Hon. W. V. Chandhr had roiip to Wanhinirton, and the alt ike ?rBls RBRBtatlai letteielK-ttaiUiliKtotltt- BBBRBBI t. lu? Soldier.-' Sailor?' Conventloti al Piltslmrph, and U>e colored ( onvi to l?e held ou Bci>t. o in Fa ne ull Hal!. P. ?'on. The tnana(t?Ti of the colored Convention t?r?' i.. I it to Heart tfct BRrtiRRR of Frederick -)(.iii;!a??. lut i; le not pro that his onpaireinenti ?aw ill i? mnl hint t?, ..tteinl the m??ioii. The visit ore who called diiriHar the da> RJRRR! \V. F. Clark, Tcxa* ; Allen Tenny, Nor wn li. Conn. ; Win. F. Y'ouiii', Flue-in?, and otlx n?. Tin.- i arpe number (if visitor? yester? day i?t tin In ..?.i|U,,rt? i? ot tin DeiniHaaitie National En ? iitiv? Coiiiiintiee Ainonp the nuiiiN-r were Senator Km-, ta i a- -, of I iiliforma, wn? will leave the city lor li.? Pi?? itn .oast on ?.jitur lay. to take an iKtiv? part in IL? ?.itiipaipn: Senator R. E, Fentori, New-Y'ork ; fA?-liH7?.: Imiimij Triuiit.illl. Illlnoii?; i-i-tiov. I.iiI.Ikk k. )?x.i- (nil K,'trii??t.rtli and J). I.. Phillip?. Illinois; IL?- II? n Mr. Han?, M.?- tin- II"d. (TarkRon ft la Her, tl? Hon. llora?-?-F, ( ??ike. .Iii.lpi? ."peiicer. and II. A. ( .lu?, .'n paiHiio n? for -tne .it -tin pio?ei utionof IL. ? inpaii'ii in Maine ata niakinp at the headquarter?. The n ? M .i?? iniivinp proopoetl are HRROBiM hi Hen ;lt i i . ' . l_r_awOTt-, and otheie Iroin the feat. T hey reprcent that the I.ll^-ral? are protsciutmik U)c cainp.ii-n with pr? at RAVBOMBORai ai'.?l \ ifor, and iron, ; rvation theyexpreo* tbontmooteon Bd( n? ?? In th? ?net ?.? of th? LtlH-ral ti< ket, not only in I Lxhoul tin Weol Tin- Hon. Aiipu?tu? Kl.ii, na?ai itn li.-a.i.ju.ut? l? diulrip rio ?lav. re. eivini; Ho rtatton lo peraon, and dlroctlng tu? workoft-i IVuiiii.tli e with tli?- aid o? Manir BOBEl, t_0 -AMtfOtary, THK LIBERAL lvAIHK ATldN MKLIINO. 'I'hc 'Iiiiiiitiutiv li.itilicalioii Connuittcc niel at Tiiininani Mali 'i-leldai atl.riioi.n. Al??triioli S. ?uliii.ti, to, k tit. ekair, and RBBBBaBBi that, with all deference to II.? pi? ??. the reiiniililUK m-sn?od? of the i"i inii.iti? ? would Le i.ii'ate. Th? Committee decided JBRBBBflBB UM P-QJCCl ol Initldinp ,i tent orwipwatn. ?_e ine? ?int wili iiicordiriply U- held on Thursday. S?-j,t. 12, in U., ?<|.i.uc .ititl il.? viciiiiti. Itrtei Hall, which will ?eat ?.5??.. and the larpcr and ?mailer Tammany llallis, iil.ii !. ?rill r. l|?4ililllBlj ijWRBBilJBBJt willalno l?c n.- i'.. It i- c-fu,.it. i! the tin-work?, orri.mienta lion, und petieral RrBBBJBBBBBBI will <?.?t HMRB _B eRottwill Ik- mad? to RMBM Hi*- lollowmp HjM-aK(i?: rtcuaUti? !-uu.iier of MaKeachu?? :t?. Schurz and Klar of JRihm.ui,, Tniirmati _ Ohio, Truinltiill of Indiana, and Ci?-?? rli of < aliforrua ; et s? tiatoi Hendn? k? of In diana; I ta.ii MRW I ?? : K, 1'. !.. ink? of MBBBM-BRBBttB and M. C. Kerr ot Indiana; (;..v?\ Parker of New-Jer?.? y and W.iil.t i o? \ fill IB TbiUbbbI Coniiei I Icut, Hciiiionr Bl MB TRR-i aud Kaiidolph of New Jeracy ; Coi. A. K.Mi< lur<- of l'< nii?.vlva'.iiu; ( Bvur aii'l li M. T. Hunter of Virpmia ; (i. H. Fendle ton _nd W. S QfBRRbBCt of Oblo; FtancU Kernaii, and 3. Q. Adani? of Manna? hi.sett*. KIN<;s (civi y LIBERAL ?KTOBUCAll IKIMAKILS. Tin Kcpiil.liciiii Grncral Comniifdi Of Kinp? ( BRMaRBBR?ri rijeeiinp. last meetinp, at | htawyer? Hall, at FBBBBl Rad Jai ?I?., Brooklyn, Judpc Lut; -Hi. (hair. ?_rW|RI*jHh ( BBBBB-M ? ltrptirt?-d in foior of holdinf- Ba__I_l in the. BBfRRBl %avr?l? RI I t?un? ou Ai)j.v ?.'?, troui 7:710 to 9 j.. m.. to ele? t Bare ?It I? pate? to AK-cuihly Dlstru t Convention? to be b.nloi. Aup W at I? |>. hj., to choose three delegates to UM 1..1-? ral 11? piibin an Mate ( OBTOatlOR at Bj ra. u.?c OR Sept. 4. Th> plaaai for holding the piimarieh m the sriarioua ward- ?.:> it _fBBBBl BB MlBWRi Fir?: I s^cn.', tarne *_**J | MotUtb? >? FcliI WukdatTtoa Mali Ad?_?-?|., PifU. Hn,l?or, ??? tvO )'r,?t*.i , ??itTitt?); ?evemh ?nft.r: Hall Filtra aad c.a?M't ? . , - >., i^t?>.-?L Bll?-I*?alli tnd Kiirb I??.'.) * tl? ; Tettb, N?>. 117 L?tini??W.n-?i. Blevei.t; nilum and Flatliuth-tiea. : Twelfth. No. J?U HtailUiB-tte Tttriti-a Ra 111 fsooil, SnUi ?i., Knurtee?th. N?,. 64 l?r?_d ?t. ; Fif aoratb. Noitb ??sroBd tad Loot?rd^u. . BUtMlk, tu an, Hall. Metr. role aaui K??n ?t?. N?i?nu-?nlh Linertl Hepnblirtn Het>l'|iurtert *ln?ii[? ?tt. . Kiyhu-e. tl. Kle.u ? Hoa?l, Broadwa? tnd Mvrti?-av? B.oeaiLtl IMm Ball Cl?u;?r ?I tod Diviiiootve.; Twentielh Ra, RH< . - ?.?t. ir?i Nt, _ D?K?ll, ?... , T?enlv ?eroud Hr?a-;ui.-1. n, FRtW tmt Ninth iL ; Sen Lot?, Brown i Hall' All?.' ?<? tin Aisecrriitly I).?iri< t Conventian? are to t?e held at the lollowmp plaie? : Flrat Pittnr. No ?1 Fsitoi it Recoad If* M t <,ur-?t ; TMrl fan?ill ?nd < ?tluutt.i? ?? . FonrUi nul Vs.^ntl?; Fifth lifir, >?, aadNi.?M Knit I'i.u.l -ay (??-eral .Vient)., Ra. Ill Ktnith ?Ala'.k ?i Lik-ttll. Ii-tti.|tatiti, i. ? . Siutl Hctv -_?> II. t? K..I V. Tort. The coiiitniir.-. aoeeptedtbl realpnation? of Charles Hton? .iiiii M M Kt.ti.iiMiii ot tin 1 luid Ward, und o*a> firuicd Itkl < lection of A. J. Orni*blo aud A. I). Wheclock to fir tin linaiacit*. DH ILLNTH Of THK ( ANVA8S. The huhiIk-i ?if men on the pay-roll? of tfctf BrvK.kiin Na\; Yard roneidera?.ly exea-sed? that for WM- I. ,.? | ft l ? nttOOJI w-?-:e maile. A C4iloii(l Qn_| and VViIrob Campaipn Club hc_ luxu i,ip,ii?iK_ at Stapletoii, r-, 1., with (?. M ?athlaa as Proid? nt Kol-ert Anderson, Vice-Prealdeni ; WlIliaHi K Jackaoti, Secretary; ami Henry Roiunaon, Treaaur? i A Otada? and Brown banner w?r raiw-d in %p\ma Fur u.a. Wi-eti better -RRBBB) on Tuewlay eveninp. The Ham h -m I.v..? MOBRRoR rhe ?hair, und spimeri u.1 dr?*M? -.., :. u. ...neu ,(i ?mJOmt i>. K. Shield? ol F..K1 tuaK, BBR Aiiotliii <.niUy ??id RroWn Campiaifrn Club wa? -r,....!/? | lu?; _!**, M N,_tb-avc. and F.fte? nthst., in to? lowci Ntioii or the Sixteenth Warrt m a ?amn.i, wa? . u, ted I'r. ?Went. an?i John oai.'?,,,er Brareury Si.rrn.g sjareche. w-r* ?mu? by the? d'Ut .. '* ,De rnt>l The Liberal ncpublicaim of Queenn County auet m (?iiivi-tiou, yealierday.ut u,c ORbbMrbbb near IRiivola. An.en J B^RRBBR of Hempatead, pttwUng th lea-,.noii? wer?- present from I^,uK lalaixi dtv an?) ?li Um on.? i town??. A (< iiutv (entrai CoiumitiA ?v.,h UeieaiaieN Ia, ihe Liberal K. publican But? Convent,.,. ??ere elected. " The lid Assembly District (ireeley and Brown Campaign Club held an enthusiaatic meeUnx at IB* bea.iqu.i_ te>t. >0. 164 Cliat_am-?t., laat eveninp. Tiiiriy en i* r*on* aiarued the roll, which now oompriact tBe nana? ? of aboot 60U member*. (Maori addreaar? were ?einen ?I km tu li.eideiii, Mark Laiiigan ; Col. F s ??BM. Henry Mcllu.h. and other*. 1-a Dernncratic ward aaaociatione of \jong taUa-d City held meetlnp? for canapaip- la Tiaeaday marht Oo). t?morge T. White addreaaed that ?tB* rtwn Ward In mit of Ureoley au^ Browii, aad BBTRRgtRlBI?R BRRR RJBfJ ? ?BVajT? | tk?BOr Ir UtR Fourth ?nd Fltth romrnltteos wry sp,;l to Nfw-uni the? orn_nta_tlou of a Ureeley and Brown Cam? paign Out? at A?t*?rU. The " HoyH in HI..?'" of Enxtchi ?tar, W?t tmmhm Immmj, nave ?elected the following offim?: W. <i. Thlsl?eton. Captain; f. 0? Bl?miiT, Klr?t I.iotiten ant- Atitlrow HrldrTeman, Mt't-oml I-cutonaul; James II. Hiiic'cr QMartcrrnester; W. II. Johnson, First Berircaut ; F F, ftvnind flergoant; J. II. Shepherd, I'roal iiini c H. HalxMK-k and w. fit. Spark?, Vice l'ioslileiit? ; S It. Harper, HecreUry ; and Andrew llrltlfc? -man, Treasurer. Tho GNMBBBB Democrrit? of tho Sixteenth Ward Inlil a spirited mooting, last night, at No. I A?', Sev? ern have The following ??(fleer* wore elected: Adolph Schleich? r, rrr?ltlont; II. King, Vice-Presldent ; I?. I\ It? i? liiitilt, Secretary; Chas. SfhaofTcr, Corresuondlng Secretar* ; and Jat'oli Denutb, ?r.. Trras-ircr. A com? mittee of flv?'wa? appoint?.ti, consisting of J. Help. J. I>? . <;. Rioacl, I?. Luoerger, and M. MeUler, to eapertntead IB* ? lection of delegates for the OeaUal Committee. 'Tin Kxenitive Committee of the German ?In-iliy ?md Ht-own Central < irgimizntfoti, Anthony Kit-kliofT, I'rotddcnt .hold a meeting al (iuntzcr's Hull, No. lie Kast Fourteenth st., lust night. The Finance Committee, consisilng of Dr. Fondor Meirson, Pttu Cook, c. Kinkel, Henry WolUnan, ami E. schlicgting, rt-iKirU-d progrese. The Committee on Organization. i-t>iiHii.iiHK of Henry Peters, Franz K??e*IiUir, Jacob Wci dctker, Clin?. KaWr, mu? l'iit'khafTt-r, also pre? sented ?i report, after which tho Kx.ftitivc Committee adjourned lo ?mp 3-, The meeting culled by the Int Artrieinbly Dis tricl Tammany Hull Committee, fur the purpose of In? dorsing (?rcelcy and Brown, was hohl at No. 72 Ureen wich-st. lact evening. More than f?00 ??ersons woro pros i'iit, and considerable enthusiasm wa? manifested. It was voted that tt ciiiniiiiii?'?' from each Wlml In the dis tnct bo appmiiti'd fur the parpeoe of raising ?t tireoley ami lirtivm liaiiner in a ?liort nine. n\u akei-, lacbiduijt Assistant Distrlel Attorney Bulliraa, MdnatM the meeting. Tu. oAeen were William Havis, l'rcai ?lent ; Micha? 1 Uiftus, -MfatetJ ? 'The Xltli Assembly District (?reeley ?nul Brown Campaign club met at Hixth-ave. and Thirtieth st.. last evening, John 8. (Uluiore providing. The Execu? tive Committee reported that it had aoenred tho use of tli? ? h.ill d?nnt; the ran vans, ?md n-t-oii? un- tul? ?1 that it 1 Im kept open every ????lu exeepl Baaday i"r III? UM uf the members. Carried. Samuel, jr., ?incluir was tit. ted a delegate t?> Hie General Committee, The Cota mitte? ?m Member??d wa? Instructed t.. tnak?- ? revision of toe r?? II. Twenty-live new mem bars wen- e.cited last evening. The EvtTiitive Coininittec of the Sainu?. ! A. Lewi? Campaign Association met on Tuesday evening ?l it?- rtx'tiih m University-place. H. L Kuoedler called the meeting to order. Some one ??ffcred a resolution that th? Association should lndors?- (?ntiit, and tin? at once iTeat.-d a scene of exc?teme?! aad dtoordsr, In ?i?itc ?if all ? fl.'rtt- t.? hieak up tlit? Dwet-M, tM (iiceley men pie-..m rein.iineil, and, b_Bf in tin? majority, finally restored .?nit r. The committee appointe?, to wmt t?n Ohbv mlaaloner I*ewla witb ? testimonial ami r?solutions re ported that it w?ta lui. itilculiuii la? support the l.ilicrai caudidata-s. A meeting of the XVlh Asseiiibly Distiict Grant au?l Wilmn ( ?tinp.iigti t'luli was held h*tt caciiiiig at the head'iu.irters, No. IM WcH Tlnrty third <t. Th. Club ?ilnatly iiumliii- Mi inrinhers, and s? ven new uames w? re added la?t VlmmihM, ?ioukI' UN t ntire num? ber present was only iilsmt U5. Tlicre was little cnthusi astii, and upon the iiiquiry of the President if any one had anything to onVr for the *:o?>d of IB* cause, there Atas noreeponae, The Club Boeepted an inAitatton i" be prt-.?eut in u luitiy at the eolored nn-n's Oranl and Wii-uii ratification meeting to be held in BepubUeau Hall, at Broadwaj aad Twentjr-tkird-et., on Aug. 3C The only ?peechmade was by one of the memben o? tin-? lub. w in, arged tbe ncctmlt j nl takuu nme mearorei toward a uianB-iiiei tint;, and said it looked as il lb? Uwkj party w..?ii<! ?;et tbe appel hand in tbe district _ilesa nit nu u wi re more aotlre, as w?th only ?m<- cluL the Qreeley nun bad ha?i a maaaaaMtlag, while tin Grant elubs bad bad none, Uioukii UMN van MTMal aasoclatio-- iu th? dlatri? t. THE DRAMA. GRAND OI'KKA IIOIIIB WMIWIWIIIIBI The CIp?Mi-I of tiie (iMiikI Opern BOOM BOd prtsluctlon of " I*e Rol Garotte" will be i>o?tpoiied till next Monday, Auirust 'tf. Tickets Issued for last evin Iuk?wh> n tin- thentii Wat to have been opened remain gaod for the first Mgbt. Thi.~ pustpouciiiciit, wean tlesiretl to state, has Ix-en rend?re?i netcssaiy bf the iliseovery of some tl< fe< t in an important piece of ma?-Iiincry, im? ported from France, vvhii h only arrived on Tuesday. The delay may , aftei all. prove fortunate, Pince by next Mouilay tho distressing heat now pn valent may possi b!.V have given plac? t.. inore etiduriilile wrathiT. The tht-ater, in ?m h as wc have had to bear lately , is really a place of mal ?nfferinir. THE TURF. BABATOOA KACE mfii-.ting? POD-fl H DAT?BLOT Il ?AI WDM THK HD?DU RACK, HARRY RAS* IRI THK TAVti AND THRKK-Vl AK1KR MII.H RA? K, AM) ORTOLAN TIIK THBBB-QUABTBB MILE 1>AMI. Saratoga, Ah/*'. 21.?The tour ilayH of the ne-tting now in progress hare been highly auc c?'?sful to the Association p?'Cuniarilv, iiltuough th?-y are exceedingly liU-ml in the distribution of eonu>li n.i-iil i ty lick't- to the inore dlf-tiiigui.-ln-il visitor*, ami, Jii.Igiiig from l'Usent indu-atiniis, tin? meeting i? likely to prove the most profitable ever held here. There i? little or no probability of Harry Baswtt's ninnriig at tin pre-l-lit liii-etilig th?- proposed four lu,I?- in ittli airain-l Mil's u]i?i|uale?l ncord of 7 l'JJ, though sin h a match would undoubtedly attract an attendance) of many thousands, and would most e.xiitiiii,- Brent la turf !. The hurdle race to-?la.v wa? won by lllind Tom, Mag his first vu -toit sin? ?? J? lining- s.?!d him t.? Mr. Donahue this Spritig, Gao proved a formidable opponent la the hands of W. Mi?lg?h, aad ?as OBly lieaif.ii by l n?< k. aftei | brilliant flni-h. In tbe MMOd raoe. Harry Ilas sett hi?l only one Oppoaeat, bis ? ? l < l rival. Mary Iaiiiisp, .nul he won allboiil srer being extended. Intbelasi rai-e, a dash of a mil?-ami a ?piaiter, tbe speedy half brotaerto HarryBassett, Ortolan, lient a ftpltl of six horte? with ease; Jumpingon" with IBs lead, ami winning m . race ft ?Jin eini to ? mi. im. RAl DM. Ibe Bardie race opened tbe day's ?port, ami wa? a baadtoep t?>r all ages, for u pans of tf-no, MM la IBs wla> ii'-r and IKHi to tin-sei ??ml liotse ; two miles over eight hurdlca. The horse* which were i-ntcrid and Itirttil were J. H. Tully's bay gelding Vesuvius, Jos. Ixmahu??'? brown bone iiiiiid Tom, H. c Dawaoa'i bay bant <>an. ami .1. ( i'Donnell's Irrown ? ??it. by Asteroid, lo tb ig Blind Tom sold for MM ; Gao for $17(. ; Vesuvius, ?120. and the Asteroid colt, *16S. A .ootl start wa? effected, Gao Jumping off first and eleai ing the first bardie opposite th?. sad ol the grand stand in fine style, Blind Tom alongside btm, Vesuvius tinni. and Ibi Asteroid coll last Going around the appei turn Oao Increased ir.- had eon siileiaiilv, and us he went over th?- second bardie, OB the i.ii'.kstie'cli, In- wai ill lengtbi ahead of Blind Tom, tin latter ten lengths before Ibe other two, who w? n abreast a* they lamped tbe bardie. Vestnrlaa now fell into the rear. The third :m?l fourth hiii?tles matt leaped m th?- sann- relativ- order,aad astbey pasa i the stand ?ui the first mile Gao was t?.n leagftl before Blind Tom, with Vesuvius and the Asteroid colt ?otuu distance behind. Tiie fifth bardie was taken by Gao ten lengths In front of Blind Tom, Vesuvius follow? ing, but the Asteroid <?..t bit toe top t ail Bard, rolled ovi r, and threw hi? ruler, just a? he ha?! done iu the steeple-chase on the teooad day. lllind Totu now began to gain steadily on Gao, the latter holding hi? lead up to the last hurdle, which he took a length before Itliud Tom. After a brilliant finish, (iaftney land? ?I I'.liml Tom a wiuner by a neck from oao ; Vesuvius ten lengths l?e blud. Time, a:55?. ?eaasama Fiarr Rail?Horiilr ra> ? ; li?r*ii.a|i fur all afrra ; two mile?, ?rrr ciftkt burdlaai weigku lo br ?ai. intirtsi ?m tin- Bnnula. of the tturd ilat. ?u?l ratrm Ui tM? mail* at lb* uiaal ti_e ot rloiiBg; ?.40' to tbr winarr ; ? .? arrnnrl bort*. J. PonaiiBi'i Blind Tom. br. b.. 6 rrar?, br Star Dtrii nut of Mar ?r?riar. 1 H I. D?w?on? Oto. b. b., ???.1, [,r Jrf. Pan? eat of NiBelt*......'.''. i J H. Tullsi'i Vraonnt b. s, t jeari, b? V.ixlrk? oat of Liur h>rrr.,. 3 U'DoBBrll'ib. c,4 ;cin. br A?t*roid out of I,??, u.lrr.S Tita*?3:161. Sbcoid R_ta-PBr?? 0M). Kor all ntn, 2| mil*?. I? MrliMirl - <'?>'? H.rn Ba.?n. cb _, 4 reara, br LetlBi-B. dan l taarr Bird. | 1. W. VVVIdoB'? M?ri Louim, gr. si., 4 ?ear?, br LinktBiBi, dam Hot rrri?-. t Timt?trM. Third Rue?.?Par?? *4?i. y0? all afea, lx-itrn aasieai allowed 1 ft. Three tjaart? ra of I nii'e. t'trroll k Conft br. b. Ortolta. I ?ra., br Pourrai I, oat of fiairr Bird. 1 files ? t'o'?ir f Nema i m., br LiiblulBf. tlaia 1'icilr Jopaoa ... 't T. B. k W if Pan?'? k. r. Pi?vt_?.nt. 3 ?,*.. hv Aneroid, dial Kiirj.. 1 J. K. gellr'? b. f. Sollle MrlBtjn-. 3rra.. h/ ?tar Pin?, out of -are . 0 Jtiart Tl.?iii|iaoii'? hr. ui laila-ba, t|ed, br Bobbi?- iVoiltad, da? l*?rliolt. 0 . \|n orniaei'i b. I Kmr Heort ,?> rra., br Lenof to?. i1?b Tok?r... 0 I?. M< l'an.el?, to.'? h _ Ka.le.B Mar, I ?r. . by t'?p? Ujawaj, ittui MUr ol Indu. 0 W JeBBiara'ab. r. Daw Ka>* > ?ra., I.? Lri.igl.iii. Oafli loot. t, lilt TIIK IIAMl'TON ?VAKK HACB9. Si'KiNfiUKLi?, Mu??., Aug. 21.?The first rar? on the Hampton traes, to-day, was the tret for tl.OOU, for horM-s that have never trotted better thHU three uiin rjtes ? MOO to first, *:??1 t?> ?e??nil, 111?? to third. Tnrre wen- eight entiles, but only three horse? sUrted. The following is tbe ?rawtar. H ?e_.,,jr.'.b.,.8. V.U.....I * I J J. J. Boawii'? b ?. t oiare .? 1 ? ? J. J. toawsr'* blk. ?a. ?elli?.3 1 3 dit. TUa?-7:?ir IMi, K:3?; tM. Tiie aexond raoo wa?. for h?lse*, that niter trtitted l*?t ter than 1:M ; a |l..'s?i purse ; ttfOo to first, HW to second, tl'?? to thud. Tho follow nig i? the ?MM A Inkor-jn't b. ia. Jeooi?.I I 1 I "' II Jimi'i ?i t ( n.?u Pria?.I 112 J. MeJUt-? a. at. Y?u?r Tkara.1 ?ft 1 J. B. 1*44. b. r HriUI?.? ? ? * 1. V I>o|?'?h ?. Jin Irna? .i I 3 il. U. P. Caraaaker'a kit ? Lait Mlllrr.Sis. _ 1i_? -2 .'tl. ?.U, 1 J_) . 1:?H Tne ronning rac*. a uanh of two uille?, for a taoo purse -*M0 to ttrst, n? u, aeeond, ttb to third-waa won by II. (i-ff-cr'a hr. e. l_rd bjrruu lo i di?, fcr. c. Astronomer, ???-?_; ?b g. TautuMu,?, U_rd, sud bib. g. Major Ma baa, Bmitu. HOME NEWS. THKRMOMKTKB TRiTI'KKDAT AT llH'-KINPON't?. IN PARR HOW. ? -BI.-78" Noon-sC 3 p.a.--44" Midi^hl-TW0 PROMINKNT ARRIVALS. St. Niekolat Wolii?den. ?L V, Kanwworlh. M. C, tnd C. R Ohtrg. of llilnc.o. R. Tin, Mtvorof Trdo Jipta, (lea. L <J Riwbob ?ml II. K. Smith ot Ohio tad Parmaatcr K. D. Jaid. I'. ?L A.... Altor tinute tl. ?. J. F. Il titr?t ft of FeanailviBli... Uotna* Houle? Uta. John C. B~ckiBnda;e of Untura, and l'tfn ?tie:? ( lark ltd T.l froe, l). H. N.vj....<*.. /Irai? Molel-John B. Ootih of Woreatlor. MtM.ATe--For* <Yo-l-?,.n. Newtoa, I). S A .aal (l.l ft R. Mtrrn of Alt.anv. Metropolitan Jtr.ttl Thomaa W. Conwai nr New Orb-ant and K S. I-in.l.? ol Hiltimore Finn Armut II VI?ln?i?erv..r-<.. neral II. B. Sarkrl, I . S. A , Com a.?l..r?J.W Frailer. U. X. Ntvy; ei-Conf-reatnitn F. K. Woodhriilt-e ol Vrrmont lb? lie?. R. BatRMI nt Srotlaoil. C 8. Boabnell of Ne? Havea Thomaa II Hint of New-Orlrttt, tnd 'I'hoaii l . burtnt .. Hi. J.tmtt Hot,I-Th? llor. Jobo J. Vtn Alh-n of Witkin?. N. T., tnd ( . C. Oilman of I???.. ..(I.ltey f/rmte?J. li. I.o-her of Pawlin?. N. T ....Oron.t Ven-ral Hotel-The linn. H. Muagrove of Mlu-alnpl, and ( hiei-Kngibet-r lBberwotd, U. B. Ntvr. NEW YORK CITY. A fino cotton pliint was inhibited, yesterday, at the Colton Exchange. Tho Stock Exchange, yesterday, indefinitely extended the period for I lie registration of South Cane Una bond?, and admitted t?. tin- stock I Ut tho flr-t mort? gage gold bond? of the Milwaukee and St. Paul Hallway. Erie, yesterday, advanced from 4oi to 4!)J on the re?-elpt ot cable dlapatchc* from Ixnidon annoui.clug the rise then- from 3?| to MB, Messrs. Somalia and Mr Henry had anive.l at London, and ttn-.r presence WB? believed to have ?something to do with the advance. Superintendent Thome reported to the Hoard of Police, yesterday, that during the week past 184 mile? of sired.? were ?? ...ui.-il for the first time, 17 mile? for a sec.1 tune, and live uiilc-t for R third tlBM ; ?MJ1 load? of RR-RR. and 'i.M.i load? of dirt were removed, the total RRRtSftM work BRRRffff?ttl H The Stadt TlieatH and Hartmann1? Hotel. No?. 45 and 47 I'ajwcry, with the brick house No. .1 (Tirv?tie ?t.. were soldat auction. ic-tirday, at the Ex? change Salesroom. The bidding was very ??''-"id. Ilin.UB.lH-ing tlietirst o_.-r. The proi?erty wa* Unally sold to Win. H. Martin for tm.lMJO. Justice Kinnassa Yuri, Mayor of the City and County of Tokl, Japan, accompanied by P.. Iwamf and X-tRBOi-R Tomlta, rWted the cuy BtJX ymUirUj, ami were receii.d bv C<d. .Inline who. after esenrlliig tliem through tmt l.ulitling. took th. m lo Um new l ourt _p_M and iiitrodiiceil th? ? !" .ludpe .-. dgiiick. The Holtoken, and perhaps some other f< iiy lines, take tin precailllou of haling the whet I? for in.air? ing tin- boats on the inside rather than the out-t.I? of the gearing traun- work to which tiny are utta. I...I -Bl wheel* "it. n i evolve with gnat rapidity,and the danger of knocking down passenger? in this way i? obviated. The "wheat comer" in Chicago has b<?cn the prim-,pal tlienn- if dl?ciis?ion on Hie Produce Kai-Innig, where prices have been serioil-slv dl-turtied. Old RfRjTR ton ?late, how. v.r. Ill,it the etli-i t will dl-aatroua her*, aa the ?it.-ciil.itn.ii waa confined alim.-t axcliialvoly to Chicago, New-Yoik dealers bu\ in- utood ill. ?.!. UM supplementary Scliiit/.-ufc-t of the Xcw Yoik society will take place to in?,Mi.w, ttoginiinig at id a. m. Tin nib r. -t of the day will be centenal In the last piece, thai tt the eagle. Th?- marksman who .?ho.ill tins down will tu i rowned king for tin- coming year bj .'." rotinf lidie?. Various priii s are offered tor target ?hootllip. The Kev. Hugh Stowell Brown of Liver pool will arrive BBXt Saturday, and the Iiaptisf pa-tors of New-York and its \n itiily will meet BBB at the Fifth Avenue Hotel n, the evening. He will preai-I. at IfeR Madison Avenue Baptist Church On Sumlay morning. Rl the ntecnit ?t. Church In the afteraoon, had at Ba-ROR I'iai'e church, Itiooklyn. in the . -v? lung. The Committee OB Street? Of the Hoard of Al.l.-rineu Will meet soon to take te?timony in referen' e t.. the proponed widening of the sidewalks ami roadway of Fifth ave., from Washington ??piare to Thirty fourth ?t., and of Broad?By, from Sei? ntoenth to Tw.-nty Hccoini st?. Th? property holden on Fifth .m. tit strongly opposed to the proji?? tul mipnm-im-ht. The match between the English eleven and the St. (?corgi Club of this ? lty ha? been arranged for Sept. is ami 19. The ? o! lue St. (?corge ('.ill. w ill begin to practice at oil'-?-. The In-t d.n'? ?.ores in the match l.itwreii the St. ???orge and Manhattan Clubs at Hob,.. ken, resulted i.-'-iln In favor of the former by a ?, -a.- of 47 to ;(4. Talbot and Hal ward leil tie -, oie-. The Board of Ai.iiortionment authorized, yesterday, the issu?-of bonds as follow?: City park Im prov? m.-nt bonds, t?i0,00n worth, 1400,000 of which will bt applied lor II.i- pill tlietlt of tin- BBMHUtl bnrroweil by the Di-partment Ol Parks under the old organization j RBRRRRBMBl howl?, ffiOOfib? worth, for the payment of cont i actors for bunding Mw-TI and regulating and grading street?. The ferry stages of the Xmth-.'ive. nnd Twcnty-third-st. line were withdrawn on Monday moin lug, and work was BBJBB BR tin newcior?-town railroad, which will connect the two ra M -, Ali M force of n,i n l? employed, and last ceiling the traci foundation had been m ally OOBiplet-d from the North Km r to Sevi nth avc. it is expected that tin can will or ruuuiug in about lour we. i -. The annual meeting of the (?rand Lodge ol IfeR independent Orte ri odd PBObwr of tins stare wa.? continued, y.a-t. r.lai, at the Teutonia Aanembly Kooiii?, in Third-iic, M. W. firaiid M-8t?r I^icy presid? ing. There wn? n full at tendance, a RRBBR sition to admit members who bad beenfeanipenaed Im ilion- than ten years, to subordina!?- lodges, n? uon-hen ? ti. i.ii niemiii-r-, ?a? rejected aft.-r an animated debate, A debate then followcd upon I he aim miiiniit proposing to In.1.1 tin- election of grand "Mi'i a - Mi dl?tm t gi.iutl i oli.iujtti . -, but the .|iie?t;ori wa? not MtUod. The Board of Health ytslcrday adopted the following ?aintari ordinaiiiB : " All l"BRRBI engaged in th.- l.n-iti? ?? of l.oiliup or n-ndeftrig fat, lard, o? animal inattir ?hall RBBRR tin- R r ip or roldiuun t,> l.<- ?o dried or Other?in prepared B* t?. ??lei-Iually di-pi,-. e sin a'l noil? rial of all ? Ibn-iv?- ??lor?, and ptl M v.- ; le Mme OBI ,r?-ly inoffenalre, immediate!] after the remoral thereof from the r?-? ep'ai-le? m whteb the rendering procoai mai be coii.iucte.i." Th.- ramilles residing In the following bouses are ordered to leave tbem: !fo. Ml Baxter-it., N... i. Mult? n ,--!., N... vi Bayard ?t.. No?, ta, 44, and 4(i Allen st., and No?.. If, '??'. and B Oak st. \\ 01 knien are lavini: ? )>a\ciueut on the walks of ('mot, Park which has n< i?r before b??ii uiu ??! in this country. It is lortued of BRRfe Minpiy ground lo ponder and li.-iti < ? I !.. a l? nip? ratine of not les? than j<m. . While hot. this ponder is ?pu ail c-ti nlv with a rake oit r a bed oi 1 -fin? nt and 1- th?..1 |i.- ? ?. d bj rollen Into a pavement, with neither Joint* nor ?earn*, and Imperrl oui to water, n inri.I? perfectly smiinlh aad IImiir j? 1,0 tlii-f. 111111I, or ?Xlialatioli?. it cull be e,i.?lll IWOpt, im not n.?.n- slipper] than granit?, and 1- nol acted upon 1,v the heat. The roil; of win? h It li made I? Imported from Val de Tiavers, Neiichatel, hwltztrlaud. BB0OILTK. A ipedal committee of the Huanl of Ah!? r iinii ami Mipi-rilsors will go to Albany ii-at we? k ami endeaYor te obtain a large redoctloo In the eonnte tax for State purposes. Tlic amount a?-.--?,-.! 1? $i,m?i.i,?i. Baanid Wintllcy, UM brother i.l Itn, Fanny Hid.-, who killed (?corge W. Wuteon, na.i admiited to bail j-c-terilay in l.'.ta?. by .ludg.- Pratt. \v|n<l!,.v la linder an indlctim-nt as an BcetMBOrj before tl-e I.tct. His hoiidsmen are Oliver Bleukley and JoaepB Dattaa. Peta l'o^reity and James Toner, liquor dealer.-?, who were arrest<'d by the police for keeping tin 11 saloon? .pen on Sumlay, mere tiled helor?- n kmr, injii-uie iieluiar'e tiuirt, yesterday, and found not guilty. I_R 0R-RRRR who arrcaieii them were in Bttlsea'a .Ire??. LOXG ISLAND. Lonh Island City.?The Commoii Council, by u unanimous vole, rescinded, on Tuesday, a rc?olu tion previously passed making The Jiecietc a <-or'toratlou pup-r?The Poll??- Commissioners ba?1 1 id. n-?l that pollcetnen entering saloon? or ?moklng while ou duly shall kR lii-inl-wd. Hempstkaii?The Hoard of Trust?es have contracted with Jame? V. Itourdett lo build a cell lor; pris oner? to cost t_t. 8TATEN ISLAND. Pout RiCHMOND.-The Presbytetian Society of Caatleton is erecting a new church at Beiucnt and Castletou-aves., at a cost of BUMOM RIVLII COINIIKS. MoitKisAMA.?Josepli Wandler han Ix-en sen? tenced to ?11 months' Imprisonment in the? State Prison for stealing a watch and chain from Otto llach. Nrw-KociiKLLE. Owlne to the dlibnndnicnt of the National Ai?i?oeaiti?.n of Junior lia?. |?.,|| r?_-?>M .., principal clubs of Wc?tch,??ter Count) have ' formed a neworganirauon. The u., _t?_ _?Vt Wednesday at this piar?-. ^ J UBXl TKKMOHT.-deorge W. Knowlton of No. 330 Wlthers-st X KW- JERSEY. jEHfiET CiTT.-The ??ody of a malo infant was found floating in the f. rry ?lip ynter.lay morning The b.?ly of a newly-born colored . hild wa? found ???t.rday buried in the meadow*. Mary Peterson, Its mother, a colored girl living in the tenement house at South Hevrnlh-st. and N?wark_ve.. wu a^cusivl of klll he^chhl""?;-." 'A"? the crtr?w that _-L"i-__y '^i'^ ,,v ?"other colored girl, Anna BBB, The mother 1? too 111 te be removed, and |a watchcl by th? ____? w Jr\Zt*hm dri!ielle0,rr*J,e,MX' ,*n,', -wo'addmaa??te?h. ironi the dtseaae, were r.-ixirteiU ve?t*e.i_4. ..._,?..,.. -. ? ' .M????iiiy Binnu lu the I'rnnsvli uiiik rta__J___?K ""'?.">-? ^rhu.b-n,t>__ ra by mistake a local train irutcadof the Philadr i.hia eipn -, and on finding their mistake attemi'te-l to toav? the Ualn after it wa* in uioUou. TlK _r ?athindid _n_^t"2J,uT__^,V.r_J,rew?^ ol the laat ear. Tba ?toupie Wed at No 1 ail Mr,,?a ?t Philadelphia, and ware ?m_?L5_ _-"_, ??u? the watering place*. ????? HBWARX.-llayor Rieord bat lMUed a proclamation aulhorliind the ladiacnrniaate RRMffeRat it uuniu.aled tomt... lai nm+nAM jumbirMm Uv?? wai ui? place to -morrow.... The Midland R-tread, it la eipected, will be open by fret. I_James Dunn mu? Martin Creo han watf thr??wn from it wagon, yesterday, and badly hurt . The County l.iiiiatic Astliim Is completeil, and will In? read/for patteata this week .TbeOoagreaa tloual Church of Hi.lcville-ave. banoalhid th?' K? v Mat thew C, Julien of Now York. IloiioilKN.- A will known citizen, Wm. f?ootlall, <li'<I yesterday at bis residence In Bloomfleld-st., from m n rio? received last week In falling down stairs. Mr ?loo<r all had for a number of year? been connected with the orchestra of Wailack's Theater. Mf.KTcuuB.?Dennis Conway, a laborer, was killed on the Midland Railroad, on Tuesday. He was eaught by a stone-cur and crushed to death. POLK? NOTE8. Aluni.? Messing, age IS, of Ho. 1 CUot0H-fli| "?_s ?lre-aned wliil. 1 it:iia| id II* rim, ?I Ibf fool of (Huikr-lt te.-rdar. Michael Troy, ape .'t?. B filll l'*ll 'TIT, of No. 76 OiiTrr-it .?.*.! ?I UxP?rk II0.01UI. jr-Urnia., fraat injarie? re.eierd br ? loar) of Iran tailin? 1|k>b boo. M_a Winters of Newark, wit*? thrown fioin tl.?? nlitfnnn ?f rar So. I"1' of 'tie Thinl-ar?. line, ?bile larnin? ? ? ar?e ?a Printin?* -quire, re*t?rd_r. bb?1 wi? ?eeereiy injured Morrit/Smolensk v. ??/?' m\wt No. 51 Norfolk-st., die.1?! Bellerae llwpiul. ymUmmy, from mjui.e* re?ei?.-0 ti/ b. 1st o?o orer br a rrowtown rar it ?'anal tnd H?*? ?I? on An? 1 (Jeorge s?<itt. lariat,hR* dB?ol One-hundred-aad* fl?, rirhili??!. ?n?l st N:< winlr.iwaeJ ?t W?hin?t<?? I'oiat Oae-kuB-r?--a~?l-?*reat? ?fUi-?_, Hortli hut? wbile MMsg, ? In? ?I?? ereDin?. Herman Hani?, charjre?, with BMaoltinf, with in? tent t?. kill, M?n l?old?tia? w?? I.? M ?.-?terrlf. t.jr I). paly Sheriff Jir? el? Ib e?'? bail ... Mirti? Ball, rhar?r?l kf Andrew K??rBn?e. I ?ill, tppropnatm? lo hi? t>-B tue *~1 31 wtufb wa? l*ft to Oie pfc-Bb. 17 hi? l.rolher, wa* held in el30 bail. An inquest watt held by Coroner Keetian, vector at,, o? tle-hodr ">f Charlaa L. Bab-h Vire I'nuripil of I' Sri,.?.I f?a'|?, are HI, wb?> ?lie?l IroiB ? ?elf-artiaiairtered doar ?', n.iri I. 1.. .1. Sand?? niiibt l?e?-e??e?l bail l*en tfll*ie?l kj - bad beeorae erewtl? depre?ae<t. A ?erdirt ?f ?u.r.,1.. wii.;? ,.(>,,1-i,- bwit 1 teaiponr? t>.< nauoa 01 Bund ?- r? atiere?!. NKWAKK UUHNRUAI, EXHIBITION. Allhoiiiih there were more fBOdfl P-BBBd in the Kink at Newark, yesterday, all the space aboil? ?1 to exhibitors Is not yet occupied. Th?1 managers ?ire uutir ing in their l Hort? to g? t the plane till? 1, luit -.unie ol fhc rnanufacturers arc bac-ward in getting their good? in pitea Newark is cell brnted for its jewelry, the mai.n fa? turoof wlili-h form? one of Its chief source? of Mtttb There WM ""?? e.,.I jewelry placed In the Kink yes fer.lnv \;-i'i"l at I'S.nOO. It l? flllit] ?letratit ami t.istt ful design* of cha,ns, sleeve-tiutl<?n?, lock? 1 Amoni: the O* -in? is a 115.non diamond pin. a I? '?,!?Ml 1. taire diamond rlntr. and a tt.000 eme*BM ring. There are ais?? some tun- ipeet-MMef itot- euttinc, acetes, aaoetbysts, andpnoaa agates Bome beeattfal and ? baste di siaru.? of silverware are exhibited. The haines- aiol Trunk manufacturers make rr fttir? ?how, sum?- ol tiie tpectmeas being exceedingly tsetefal ? 11 pattern. Tin- ulrt*maketi nil ?< ease? with ?inisvv sliirte lltt??l Willi ?lei'vi tiuttoii? andstinis. In lbs iii.t? ii.ii? 1 ? ?!? p.n ttni-rit en- Reiter eajctae warfci isiy in a corner. In tee same room aw several jar? of prepared bones, showing tbesevi ral uses t<? wbteb II..s?? usually ?iHersitr ,ul 1 le* may lie put. '1'tn-ri all jarsol bom i for 1 rtll tins;, bones fot ?alf urease, for glue, and Unally for Hour. No uiiplianant odol I From t be Jars even wben tin bds are raised. Th? Art Oallerj Is a mlserablj Us tied room eltbet bj ?layer night. Aside from the place occupied bj Mr? Bpeneer'i " TYuth um ailing Fais? ihood," no good li.nt .an I?- anlese tbe asaaageaeal put u?? a Pea mon Dornen la tin l tilling. _ _ _ BOSOM -OMOBBOBB-DDI IN UROOKL VN. There was ?t sliirlit disturhance in Mrooklyn, 1 i-t . te mug, Let we? | tin- po.ue and a s'ang ??! stnk? r?. lie International Elevator Coinpany which is loadme tin ?t< amsliip tinut Western with grain at the Atlantic I),,i k ?lis. harg. d, last latwr?ay, tram it? employ two mini hers of the Longshoremen's li-otectlve an?l BeneTolbBl r?ociety, ami M Monday employed noti-snci.'ty m?n in tin ir pi.n ?. IBs s?.iiety deaaaded that its _eatben shniiltl be r??iiisl.itetl iiikI the oatSlden dl-?tli'iii:eil ?it one?-. Thi- leijin-.-t bring pi ri'tnpNitily refu-?.!, tii" ya, cnty Ui'ii la the of sixty luuin?liat?ly st.rilek, and made threats, rbxtv i):irri>!tnen|wiM MM '" IBC Ha-m ii'iil. r ?'omm.iiiil of Capf. Ferry ami rein urn-,I on 'duty all day, bat tbe striken made un sttempl at violence ami contented themselves wltb tbreateaing to bring frieii'i- from N?ia-York tu demolish the company^ elevators. Wbea tbe new workmen, however, let? tbe elevator, at | |i m , (??i bones in New-York, they were M lowed by aboat MOaotiety mea. iWbo tana rtoaes ami other miss lies, and attempted te eaaas a ka_d-ta>hand oonfll i. BergeantCornell, with ? reserve el M men, kept th?. DM)b bat ft until the workmen nach. .1 Furuian and Fultoii-sts. a ru-h forward, siioiiiing anil tbrowlng aBeaUes, Tbe police then ebarxed apon tbem, and scattered tbem by a ?igorooa u*c of tbe ? lui?. Ho arrests wan nade, aad it is i" ueved that no one wa? -erioiisiy injured. Otberveesels an t.? dlaeberge tbelf earcoea at the Wall-.-t. ami Kuipiie store? t?.-?lav. ami. in anticipation of further attempts M rtoteaM from tbe 'Loacsbonmea win? l?ate smirk, special details of pollee will be placed on guard to prut?? t iln wm Km. n. ( Uli \I, I'AIIK IMi'KflVIMIlNTi?. At fi meeting ol the l'nik CoB-B-iBBtOBBIBi yi st? r.l.iv, the srmr.d annual report of the 1>? purtmer.f as pn ieaMd by tt.t I'n-uli ni wa.? nidi nit to 1.? printed, and lust r il?'tliiis wire given to the _Mft_Ml II" pi ?l'are the groiiinl und lay the foiin.lalu.ii ol tin iiopos. ,1 luiililiiig iiiteiided for UM Mnseuiii of Natural History. The I'ark Commlssioners have been consulting for some time past wilh den. hlialer M re.ard to the loi.ition ol thepio posed parade ground. Tin- lawn Iirst spokiu of will protntbly Ba di?e inled and ?oiin- othi-r loeation clio?en. although the CommisMoner? have not y-1 ?le? the latter. lb? Bcottmonaatenl which baa been rabeeribed for by the Beotcb Ksidente of this ritj will probablj be < r. ? ted on ti..- Mall In the Central Park, about w north of tbe Bhakespean monument, it will i>e placed apoa a pedestal of red kberdeen aranit?. IT? base will be h feel square, and tbe eatin hiebt will be 28 feet. Xbe ?tatuo elll i?.- received la a few days from Edin? burgh, when 11 has hi.,, modeled .?ft?-r the original statue m Uroaveaor-square. The statue m ill e.??t 'I in- plan? of th?- proposed National Museum an till la complete, bul the rough drawings thai have been mad ? give promise of a Ten imc building, it will pr i_?biy be i? ?nr ?tories m bUht, exclusive ef a mansard roof, which will tM highly oraameataL Broad aad exteaelvs stairs will lead to tie Cr?ai of Um baildtac, A WAHHANT FOBOB-I aJU-UTBU. For BOBM time i?:i>t tin- Statt ?uilioiiiii?> of M.s-;-?!p;,i hav?- t?e> n \ery iniii li eoiireinril t.. lind l?irgt uumbers of fraudulent wair.itit?. p.iri?oiting to S_?i iM from the Auditor's office, in g?n? ral circulation. The fal-e warrant? aro excellently eontrived imitations of tin- form- in a? tuai u?i\ anil pui|?..rt to Is- pr??[?erlv antl ??Hi. i.illj sign.-il by I hi Auilitoi. '1 he Mfiiaturi s, ef eeane, 11 _ ?- tii? form M the begat ? anaat, ai? u t r?-r ?> n? til.ou-, iiml the w..iiaii!- an absolutely worthless. Hies?) .?p.ii nil? warrants were honored lor a lime, an?! about IsWdM i? said t<> htm ''?en {Mid ont of the Htate Tr?asur\. Ill? meal detci tue for. ? ?lid it? l???t.liut fall??l at tir?t, ami the ebasS wa.? to be giM'ii up when it wa? ?li? eoveied that the spurious warrant? were made to order in N?w York. From the l>istrict-Attoru?-\ 'n othm IBs new? was carried to that of Superintendent-Celso. Tbe tlrwt, ami?<> fur the only p?rsou who has fallen Into Capt. Irving-? tniis i- named Cunningbem, ami i? said to be tin engimer w he furnlabed the plates from which the roun j ? ? 11 ? -11 warraata wen- printed Immediately on being,Cunningham was conveyed to tbe I entrai Polie? Station, wi.? n he wa? promptly Incarcerated la the art? vate cell attach? d to the ?let? til'vo office. A RE< ( Hill OF CHUE Coroner Kertiati whmi an iii<|iirst. yesterilav. Ml the bodi <?f I't'bir.i.i K!ir.a.aii. ire 40. killed br Mreral wnan.ii in the ne. i ?id rbeit. luairied wilk a knife br her boibinl. Mark Kin ?u?n ire ti. a ihoemikrr lilt Thundir. in tbrir iptrtairnt?, at Ho. 4?'J K ,it r?*ieuieenlii ?I. H'ltir???* laatinrd no baring leeo tbe aaatilt, rerdirt wu rendered ifi.nit llintgin, wh<> wn prrirnt darin? tbe inqaett, and ?eeaied to luten inte.liiienilv to ll.<? ertdtui-e. nerio?ilj twntin? bit hit In hi? -eaawhne. He bii been ? dr.u k.r-i tnd when WBSabd lern.ed t?. tie intoiietted He ,'?,_, i? tiiv? kSSS under tiratrnrnt fur a nerroui diKitr. He wa? ?t bal ?eut I? IsHaia? Il SB nuil ander t iat>p?.?ilinB thai be wtt iBtanr, bnt was nil>??<|U?nlly Iran?. frn ,1 lu tbe looii?. An iB-iuert ?? bel.l. T??'ir!?. m ?!,? bo?lf of Catherine Galtuher, ?fa4, ?Bo w?i lilletl. Ii?t Tbumlaj.h; a blow i.u the bead fmiu an ironinf kuirti. ?bid) fell or wu Uimwu In in ill?- lire ricauc of Hi. apiri BirnU of M?rj IroBBrllv, on the tdirrl (loor of the tenement hoo?e Mo. 2.? Kilt Twelflh ?t.. where it?-pao-ntt of de?e?Kdal?o reiided Thi >?; deute ibowe?l tluit deretard wa? ultrin? in the jarrl with b> r brother; tlitl the ts,ir.l wit ?Ito.Mn? a?im?t the rallia? ol Ibe lre-e?<-ane and 11. at Marr Douurili ltuflnugl; threatened lu throw it down an. u, that labaeqaCBtlr ibe Iniard ?i? leen to ftrike the fener. ai.d ?linee off, itnk)-? th* rhil.l on tl,e beul The nnionrr .bnir.t that il e wa* oa tbe Ire-eea-ape ?t tbe tune, but ?.e jury Indinf a verdict a?aln?t brr. ?br waa brld to t?il is SI '??.. I'on.aer lielj an .niae?t, je?tenl?v. i,-: r!? |,,?1, ,,i \\ m K'nu. I?e 4 of His 44.1. Wett l-irtr-?ar?n<l'?t.' who w.? killed hr t t,|..w ? u the k?ad ?itn a itoue. tbroan tiy John (loerf. lut Ntturdii ui^bl dunu|( an affrar in bt-r fathri ? .?l.Kin. tlu.r? ?Iat..l thai be wtt a It. Iiorer, l|*d 34, of No. SU. Weit Kiftt ?*< ?i tut pletded not fuili;." A rrrtliri beiB|i rendered ?riiuil 1,im, br wa? roinuiilteil. i*rl*r Malonr. ,te in. ?f ?errat? ?eroadd. tad Kir.i at.-., wat ?trtiek ?n Ibr heul with I car book l>> IB auki.ow. Bitu tt MutjieeoBd I?. u,d fercuBd air., jetterdar, tnd reren?*! a ?rreie rut. A LOCOMOTIVE EXPLOSION. Savannah, Alf. 21.?The ltH-oniotivo PIoridB on the Ati.uiiu and (?ulf Uoad, this afternoon, whet ?n.iiieer and tiiem.ui were scalded, and John M. If m k*. who wa? staudniK hy the tr_c_, was morlally injured and died an hour afterward. id (lulf Uoad, exploded lta huiler at \ eu ali?.ni ten miles from this city. The I l_aaM_M_MM i IU'bneit'b Cocoaine WhmtS? hair glo??y. - _.....?inf and ..,? OB?, IDII..O.I. iMil,?ti?,i ,>?? ., ^,M-art.) kraaeh at ?J4 Br.,???- ?r??*?a ikawU ?a?wtM. .a??? faalkar?, |ia?a?, Sa. ???? a'.i.r *iaaa*4. ?..a. M.u ...u ,,...,? ??, ... Grocer? and Family Sinitilv Dealer- eell Doo? i ?i . 11?-? ?? w i,ta It i? tke I *.t Val? a? ?4Wr. ^?*BB-'1B-?B????w??--M-_??.._??__?__MMM,^_M??a???Bja_____MM 'IMIE beat plaee in New-York to buy reliable A W.Mk??, l??r>-_.aa.. nek l-t-iaaak-J?w?lrr SMIMartas Silrrr W??4.?| Pra*MW la ?grill ? n r.u. K Diaaiaa?. a tfti.? 1j MAINE*' POKTAHI.F WI?1H)W VENfP l.*'li?B imikRHIl.I. S I o M Dun I ?KCdNU HAND HAFKM MoughtTA]?7~W O-^-iaswt KIIIU H-aarSi !?!_ ' AUTUMN. 1872. WHOLESALE Hosiery, Gloves, and Underwear. A. T. Stewart & Co Have for sah full and complete a? sortments of Foreign and Dornest Hosiery, 04 specified below, which a. offered to the Trade nt prices tin nut he it for their interest to careful i examine the goods before purchasing HOSIERY. Full and carefully selected line: as follows : Misses' and Ladies' Fleered Whit Cotton Hose, Misses' and Ladies' Merino Hose, Misses' Fancy Wool and Cash mer Hose, in All Stylrs, Ladies' English and French Fane Wool Hose, HALF HOSE. From our own Manufactories h Europe, and from the best Jlincklei and Nottingham makers. Men's Superfine and Siiperstont Browi Coll?n Hall' Hose, Men's Merino and Scotch Wool, Men's Scarlet Cashmere, &c, fa all the varieties manufactured. 6L0VES. To this branch of the business we have (jiven most careful and thorough attention, and the stock offered con? tains nearly everything choice and desirable that can be found in this and Foreign markets, comprising MISSES' GLOVES, fa Lisle, Silk, Lisle Berlin, and Cloth, from the lust (?erman, French, and English makers. LADIES' GLOVES, fa Lisle Silk, Lisle Berlin, amd (loth, Call-Lined and l'nlined, English Buck and Calf Gauntlets, ROWie of these goods being in Two, Three and Four Buttons, in new and desirable colors, MEN'S GLOVES, fa Lisle Berlin, Cloth, Calf and Buck, Lined and I nulled, including the best styles, from well-known English and other makers. UNDERWEAR. Our supply of these goods will be very compkte. Early orders should be given, especially for the goods of OUr Own Manufacture, 01 the long continued strike in England has di? minished the supply of many styles, and may have an effect to materially reduce the production later in the season. SILK UNDERWEAR. Our stock is larger and more com? plete than ever. We keep a supply from the lightest weight to the heavi? est -0-thread goods, fa all rises, up to 38-i_dt Ladies' and 48-inch Men's. All are well-known makes?including George Brettle's ? standard brands. The quality and weight are war? ranted a? represented. They are put WB specially for first-class retail trade. Broadway, Chimben? and Reade-sti. TIFFANY & 11, U!wIO\-SQl ARE. HOTKT/nn IM HKIY?'H WITH I'liNDANTH, CIIATKIaAINKH. KANH, TAUiA.v?, nf-HLUDKI iioni.i.H, IM ill.VK-, ?II.V-R OII.T, S1LVRB -OXTDI.? B. L SOLOMON & SONS, 657 and 659 Broadway, Haritf aearlr ri.rapleted the iaiproreiaesU tat their BalU1?ff, will, ON AUGUST 1, Ope-s their Sit Kkwr*, eoBaerted br I'atMnfer Kl?r?_?r, with aa eaU*. NEW STOCK of Furi-?turo. Curtain iHaterialf, Paper Banging*? Furniture Covering*, Tlirrors, A.?-., ace. Kap?*!?1 ?ttcBtloa ?'..?a to ietignm/ of M?atela aad all kind? of hiKl wood work. 657 and 659 Broadway, orPorTK BOXD-8T. R. Its He ASIATIC CHOLERA? DYSENTERY. CHOLERA MORFirS. EEVER AND AGUE, OOBBD AMD PBBVBBTBB 11Y RADWAY'S HEADY RELIEF. RHEUMATISM. HEUR?LQU. DIPHTHERIA. INKI-I ENZA, BORE THROAT, DIFFIC1XT BREATHING, KH.IhVK!) IN A KKW t(l.-|-lK?. HY KADWAT8 READY RELIEE. BOWEL COMPLAINTS liSSSSBSflSi diarrhea, *t:nleri laorrrni. or painful dlaehtrt'? froi? th? bowel? ?re ?topieal lu fifteen et h. .nutra br ukti.? K_t '?? ? liradr Relief. No *-tion or luUunuutioB, bo weakaea or laantaile, will follow the at? ot the K. B. -clirf. ACHES AM) PAINS. l..r bea.liehe. whether nek or oerrm?. rhmmitiifli, l_ml ?ro. p.ia? ? I,.: ? ?iluta in the buk, >; ::n-. ..r U?MTBl fttOM in ?r <l "? I - plean.r. iwcllm?-. of la? Mat*, p u la the bavait, hearthan.. aad pun. of til kind?, Ridotr ? Basil Belief arill a ia.u,.-;...'. aaa? ?ial iu r.iniinoed ate lor a few da?i eiert t pe.rmiae.ut ?re. IT.r* C?lenla, DR. RADWA.'S Perfeetl? tut?lete, elei.Dtl? roate.1 for the care of all d:?er.lei- .if the rtumath. liter, howei?. kldaeri. h.a-der, terroaa di?*?-?? beadath?, r. r.?ii?,?tion. <-<>?t.?*n*t?. ir?'1i.-'?t._ <)r?pep?ii. bilioaanraa. bilioaa ferer, inflammation of the bowel?, p '*?. ai.d til ?Jerrci;? u.? i?:*?.i tl*e inter .al rial at- Wirrtr.ted to etfivi a por.'.ire. enr?. Price. H ttttt pet boi. Hold br Dniflrut?. Dr. RADWAY _ Co., 3'A WARRK.1 ST. S A V E MOTIIERiS BBBTUn LAOt-DOi FAB-BA, The Mother's Milk 8obstKutr, _Itce?iT?lr naei ?ml ?-eonim*??.!*?! bj th?- moat emin*ni phr.iriana. (v.l.! I.? Dn,?ati?U ?uJ Urorei*. II. ASTIE A- Co., Wol.? Afrenta, IS Moatb William ??., New-York. INFANTS. Y O V R THE PEOPLE'S MAGAZINE? BDIT-D BT Ed war? E. Hale. 94 PKR TKAR. OI_D AND NEW. IIIIIliB M M Hi: H NOW KKADV. For tale try all ?tank and Seiet Dealers. KOUERTS BROTHEKT-. l'ubliriberi?, 1 111 u ii.lnii_ti>ii.?t.. I'o-ion. Herring's Safes 431 A- QM BROADWAY. 008BBB MURRAY ST., HI4 8B7 UUBlBUT-fT- PHILADELPHIA. PA, 4. biAif: st.. CnOABO, ILL. 3;| 0t-P?lt,nB4__n lb* .lonraal of t'oBiroiree ?: Mir.-b 14th, in rpMkiaa; of llimir'i Sale?. BaJSI .Voir Mut 'he hvmtout i huago MerekatUt are rtbml? Irifl. they retnemlei- vhvte Sajet Hood ilitjtrt, und prttn red money ana pap, ? i n'Ira ali eise vat dtttroyed." WiW^^M PRIVATE UWBLLI? fiS and other l._t!;nr_ br 8T-AM or Vt ATIK ?Ahkii SMI ! II i lo . Cor H> ..?loo lud Uraan*-?.. N?w York (the sMska ?ad Urged ??UblitliBicnt of the kiad ia th? i'litad State?), DeMTiuti?.- p?rBpb,?U ?ad *?tiai?u? run.?bad oa aoplirilio.) Boles bn -\nct10n A. MaawiB. Aacuoaeer. BY BANliS, MERWIN _ Co., Broadway, eor. ?Ih-lt.?Sal?? ?f Bosk?. Work? of Art. FaB?r ti???,. Ku-tiit?r?, h?. C-IrO. A. LEAVITT fc Co. (late l*^.vitt. " -M SmhtifB It Co.), C'liBtOB Hall. Ai-or puee. Por the Saxa k, Aeensa of libbibhi. Collbhtiox? ?i Bottsa, Pii*ti?.??, ?w ail kiad??f Litbbixt rBoriarr_^_ ?I. .Ihn M. 1'bapbk k Co.. Aarrtioa??.ra. THE DELAWARE, LACK AW ANN A ANI> WKSTkllS KA'.LKDAl? COBTAJfT will aell iUO.DOO taa? SIKA5TU.N COAL, at pablie ?BC'loo .n WRIINKHIIAY Aa?. W. a? 11 o Cloak o..on, at K> _trhtu_e-pla?-e. .VlMUhL H 1*0 AN Prr*M?eaU ?Iiic.UanrouB. A STEADY, THOUGHTFUL MOV? m th? __ RKIHT UIUKCTIOX.-Tlie senoo? IxaeAl? of THK IMH'BI.R CilAMUBR, for rellrrtnf the liek bra teparat? recepaon ol the 4ia rhirset of th? ?irk for medieal enaiiBatioa tUraeuas tier ?tie? tlon of th? iutell.fenl miod? of 111* coujir?. In a?* re-tor?-? '.??Ith aad gire* a* Linter life; Ihn i? ?ch?o? ml tralbfal. In id'it, n t?, tie. tbore. It pro*?* to bi of better thtpe?obl.iat;?for n.awi erer> ?ar B?e thin the old round po', whl.'b .?Jiht n>?. r to hire hail an *i?u??w will, eivinird people* See citettlira. lor ?ala fraeral!? I? I tu ?a Croekrrr Merrhant?. 4.. _ n??TICi-L\;o()l?s 1 OK ALL KIXDS. PlRKWORKs". t-AOa, LAVTKR.f. TOKIH-H, BAltiKt?. UMl'OHMH, tr. JOelPB B PURDY J. arvl M MaMea taa*. _KtUMiihe?l 1H41._ N??-York._ CTEAM ENGINES FOR SALE.??One i?-bare* i) power, PaafeM huitlne. with tieat?r l'utap. aad ftps? , M, ?,, Chorar power K?.t_rr ta??B?. I'aa ho ?e?n ia rwaaiu^ onU-r. tupi? al BKARDrl - IT MM! Mi.? mi md .'?I kroai ?I. Printing. V?I?OTE it ?JANES. STATIONERS, PR1NT O IBS ??d SL*N_ _tK)lt MA?I rAlTl KBttS. Mo. Si KaKwa ?C ULAN S BOOR.? mai? k> aa. ptlUra. Urier? mn*Hat\ WM. EVERDELL'? SONS, 104 Fultou-et. VT LITkltKiKArmi STIAM JOB PRINTRRS ?ad I.AHBL MANlirACTbRRRS. (foiuoiaiicm Notier?. BOARD of APPORTIONMENT ami Al'IHT. ?Publie Untie? I? hereh, (Iraa. is roaformitr with lerliwl, t'h?iiler ? ni the U?? of Ne? \?.k *-arte,l Jiauarr ?? l?C.' thai aa Bdio-irwe?! public aiajet B? of ike IL.arl uf ApportlaaaBeal taal AtSil ?f th? ( it; and Ctwutv of Hm lurk, will be held ia th? USr? of the fw?p trulWroft-aCitr i.f N?w Yorl. li th? New York Cwauti fw?rt BsBBB, Thurada?. th? Md da? of A ?ful Inri, al II ??lock M. Datad'Mew York. A??. 11. l*U. RlrtURD A. HT?B.RB). _ _Clerk to B*ard at App?. ??? ??ww_ DartaTBBirT or Pi au? t'atamas ?as i'o?bb?tio?, ? t'oraer of Third ?re. ?ad B.eiecih ?t Xi? 1.U Aaa. IS. ISTi. I PROPOSALS for CARPENTER, MASON, ami ?la,r work at I. Y. fit, ?arlara for the lasaaa aa WanPi ItlaaA. Prupuaa-. waled ?*! ladoiwed. will n? rw-BrW h? IA? f ?BI ?ilia ?4 Pahll? Ibariile? aad t'orr-rtioB at their M-B*. aatll t w-rlwrk the lilt last., far th? t'lrpanter, Maton, Uwa aad Plaat*lBf ??kalli ?Bieal Ward in Ihc .S?w Y.o-k lit? Aa/laai br the I aaa a? ?a War*? Liana! HSparat? | rvuwaal? ?ar *?*b parwa ?r th? work t?. h? ranuah??!. The plaaa tad ip~,ilra__ for Ik? ah?*? work au e? ruaiaed and a* laSxraatio? oUainad al th? t?_o? ?*f kUawwh a banda, AtnkitanU, "?. ? Broad ?. JAMB?? BOWU. irt? SB W. ?R-aNAM. jANBS a BICMOUKll AlhaABhMh nUUB. ,.?k r? S?