Newspaper Page Text
mata., v _ VM "_?? <l "M&, NEW-YORK, THURSDAY. AUGUST 29, 1H7-?. PRICE FOUR CENTS. V """ Aal' ??.???v. CAMPAIGN INTELLIGENC m maim: i ?JEN. BAKU hams in? nisi iPKETll in 1 ? i PORTLAND AM IMMI ?t*81 0 I?? 01 ? \i m RUM a i m i is LUBHtAUSM. * ?it ni? dtutif r went t? ! iblll SI II? .il'.iiirl where ii?- tun sereral leadlas. Basnet tbe pert/. ? S'lliMk In- ?MS .It i> en oit |. ' tn.'till'-', at satas ssUea from Ihoeitj ?Beit erowd ?^s. Ball t,, held ooaaMeiahls ]><>? t...n "i iTir- erowd, ?? lamp? ptatforas-was ?r.?? ,1 la front of th?? hotel, ?bleh " "" --iH ? ??ruin-t IBs ?'.it AS m" U ? bv |B . . w/Sff I llllll'll mtli 'it I I mini tlio Ik ino.T.its. (?, t, ; ,'in. ?I . isrw in,mites punt 8 o'clock, itti.l ? < i h, <i ii. i,.oi i . in !.. speak m lb.' Un . 1 tl I: 1 ' ' 'I. Bf i, . . ? ,i a<?) ?an rittsrae, ??'.?i pcapls elena, ihs Una, v.t cotitrittnti ?ii is ttio gathering wooldMia~e ban n KNatei but for Itio ? Inuii. Tu.? torchllgbl COI ira D. Tlio pr<" ded ''i7 Porll.ii'l I'.-ii.ii Mi.? v eheered at. i t m ir.'ti.'.l in I" Ihreag nuil took position in front of tin? stand c ' iront sud it..'...I,.I to m..k. oii.i ol ttio in, aad iii i > . . ft I. ..; ;t la to r?.?ri. tn ii ttiat rt bad alao to be on ?lit to i in sood ' tl tha State, when he ?t ?lo;- I aden In ttu . ,1 tin? pro i toi g to il.iy Ik tin i"' fr<;i.. rife which tti ind no tbe ) and al changes al the i;.--i ; and Ii ? i ,i that no ; t?. I: ' ?o t I purest i ads of tbe la ? tul. tt ? ' id? t tn ? Itouor. . . ity on tin- eat ti.i ? ? ?r.i I i. ADDR1 BSE9 A? IMM1 v A? ? ? i - ' NK.I tor Tnunbull w mi I ( ?I ,11. T ? . ? li can conta al? ? ?';? ?i i" ii- at most capa? i ? ' WO llollls, in at eon? !!'? Hi?, i ii.| I of He show? ? el erben held up to tl -it ?hi? al ? . t-iii i ' ' * t ? 1 ? ? out tl I on' . i- ? speaker in .It t ii unit :.. . ?ill. I ' Ii Uto 11 i III.. J ? tl, ein? au? if the pi? s.-ni i-iiiivii III? Uli al,.? . ? MASSACHUSETTS i i I . -i ? <is\ ; \ I |..N Al U.i?.. i ?, i ?. UBI KM M n.'MI -. s? I i;?'M ? lUKLl ?I i.\t-l\ 1. PLATFORM. ii.? . m im. nui Boston, Aug. 18.?Two mon have been h.-l.l today in tl, ,r,.f the t r.. I'm llcai ?> i, and thai of lb. I'lli"' ,',. ton',, t va- ?It. ri.U.I |,y '.IK' ?I, '.??.-.t? -, 'i n?.'U'J'U I" f' ' . I'.nt ? r diiin't i'r? i . ttoii tor tin- Mcntna hon, ?ml it sciiioi i. foregone eoaelo < ? urn mouni be li tn.iiii: pceeent, and objected t? reao-at ? wbleh resulted In M3 rotee f o? . M for Bal lar. Botne of tl i ntlj had to.iK'? of bis, bal Um ah ?? n anticipated by iaoat oi then. Tbea Ihasaaaai I 1 isbbBiB util tb<- r. soil w? ?ui iHinn.??i, whoa there \... >leapplause, 'in. r.- was ?i i? arm ? ?Hit? -t for tin iiniiimatiori for Lient, t .i ' (, ?. nor In tit. in il, on..,? Tal Lot of JJill.-r lard ot iV'.tii-'i i, i.ti.i the eanraai '(? W|(s I;-. . aliow. il ?i .. tOtBl II-.:m' * ' nt 4 O'lltK'k wile n.;l. tl< !?? ?uti'S initi i? ft Ufo!' the rote for Llcntenant-oovornor was tatou, ?nut >et 'In- totnl rote ? .iM wa.s l. : baa 'li?- total titinitoT of Baleaste* repastad, ami its; : mm the to" ? WOte ?.t ??in ? . ??iittiii?;" iii.i.l. , and ?I thai lbs -tull?:. .,.' Btoddard, tin no n.i? of th.. j.tit... in ia.or ui tin- ft?; in? r. The resalto! tin- -tllTt niTT T-lkrt I lad Btoddai UKilii.ii to nominate Tultx.t I?}' fl?? lainatioli v. a - 1>V a Mi..UK -. ot.- IBS not of th? t?? -'t if lbs BBBB Bt Jaat | An uiiususl dlatarbanre for a KaSSashasoMo State CaBYCattoa waa caaaed kP lbs sppaaiBBOS <?! m?, mal . tiotix from ("h?rl.'*t?itvii. in wbii'b i-.ty IhOIBbaa loi,. lxx.ii a feii'I ?iitti.tir Jti'iiui.iii'iuia. Tln-.v Bada IOB txu vi'.'T em? ut, divi'iedjn two vtaaj,obese two shall? uw l, ?ilnl lioiiiiliiit.'.! Bats A?lts of isSSBBSSS I- SB fes-lBBtBStbosasBOBlsM ?loth Ssieeaaiaaa sasw la? asjd u??.lay, mut .noli ?-?AJ?...I ?hat Un- slecllot ol the ' BUBVdBBB i??_??1. -N.-itiu ? o' Hi.- ii.,. .?..,,,,. ,. adttsttiud but lin- leader* of eiwli _am?a tti?- Ilooi hi jrrltiU- ui' .?t? xvlloii? from ?Mtbei- town?, and saehlBS MOlArd til.' < .'.-. 'I (Jill Ills ixil-l Of low. USO! . Beardp-titut./.aadtBoatbst aaSBOtas so MasoB*bBbIbsBo ol "Baaotloa?? sM . . ,,,,,t, |ir< lellt.'d til? ?I? aker Iron, l>. In?,' In i I ?M-iit ws? aBlOBM tor ?all .m boui m in .1 ?. i.i i was fluall/ SBtUod ?' ? * vot<' vr,,l' sraitwii-, ?no ji"i:.?>'l for ward cas town instead t<f _MB SBBOBBSO, su. h as In? of latf iu tliat i.iy. It Is lit OOSh U??? - I, iru-t, and ea?b ?.-?!' B 'A'1 lf M w;l!? kixil i .-?.., I . ,| it would eiM-anger t??.'? I? ?-W ii cf BB| ?iiai.t BOB-BBS ?b? ??ay ruu BB-B-B QMMu ICdUh?. I'i lauii-K h bu? . 11? as fst'Sident of Hie i'om? t.twui F-s debt.fed m pit pAtipf fWSJh*W WS% ?u.l mat i it|'|tli.ii'i ?I tliit'it-iaiit II'' k-iii- an olBlie i. \.< w tilth.? i ut thf 1?. ?m m n a n i ai': m re?a 1 to both Mate iin'1 n..iiu?aii ai mi?. I - .t.!ii,iiii?na I..II, i burning that, su ' tlon? .if A nit,?- ?t v r.n.l 01 ? . !.. ' . k raed, Is ?? s all Hal any mm i , i, i . ,, DC ? ? ? bare? <>f '" . v ii?,?- it II. .??.mli ? matt? i Im.? Balde." and thai ti t Pa-omlnaHes parti trer been tin- opponent of reconciliation. ''"'"' 'iM ? i? r. mai kail ft.t i,ni i. lag sxeepl ?t* eOseaeeol usual uhii?i of i lie liberal l'ait ? II mad. im uuiitte Funnier ,ir Hank?. TlK' . - It eaSBS from tl,. ' mittee. Wltheol ?Mulle. 1 ??? Irai Bad ?' ? -, lone th.? riiiii,iifi|.hi:i aoaslaastaaaaad Hs ministration. The real af He platfors ?.''mir.,!. Tii..? tin? proeccutlon el tie i Ivll wai tar tupi?re_i?>n f i m.. Rebellion, t??? ? ? id?.pt< it (!!-? for Hi.- restoration of civil government? in . :ui,i the polie ? i?t fu I i tut toward the people lb? reof, h lit all time? li.aiit hala.lfii/i(l l?\ 1.1? ? it ml?. ? l< m? i and m. ,'i..uiiii,ii? without a parallel In tue hittory, ti,; (.ut n-,11?- ?.i Hi? in ia". it i i nt it . nuts tlmt Ihej an I In til] ?, iv i oik y of reeoncll Hoi uttei Ij disproved bj ,: tji- it. i twelve \tt, ?.tiiiti t?an anwot ,,?? Ulpt, fUl I In tall Ol a ?l'lppoHed aitvaltl upon tin fair fume of I hi eouu \\, in , i.,? t.. t mi\ n ?nal Hint If ill ? m nation wi re to - u? billl itlon of the Ri i a a. 1 ii dei iif uljrn poli' y ol the Republican party, would ? the pin?.?? i Ion ol 11 r, t Ijr rlitnlnlsl ol the ii?. dnien In tin lr \><t ?on ind bou . pul III gl jroiiardt and ?-?order, and irlnn ?pread aben i* ami -in .,ii unit i i ' ? ? the fut ' ,.al i?.ii m? ni, w iih a \ n m ?u n? i i .t redit, \t rted . i. and i tti.triiiiii I the (_?? mi I prosperity, aud that the am mwol the I* ? m? I'lihin mit n'Ms ni i be fu? . "'.I me il. ?|'t i.-ttt i ealitii'iilt i! I . ?. . t . ? ? lu rod t unvietii of a lire time d< prlvi - blui ul all eonfldeu? iinmiii iin'ii w.i- it'i, i li upon ;i parti m- bad al all 111 ; ; .It t .1, Mat.? upon ' Intpln d a .t ? sentiment ol humanity oi patriotism, and in., love count i ? ?I'lc. ? ml. Thai tl ? a.'iti t ? i? terve b) uui vui. bm ? on bj tb< a Ul ? i.t.s tut", at iiiivfl init- Hit- |tt n.-i. :? ived f-Ul _e Impel ?,?? I by th ? er of a nutbinat which im. at. undo their im nnii t., tiivMi between u?. in aud tneli i?, i it. ? ?/. That tii' I ? partyrt ciiii-i object ol all political ???oeiatlon and etfori ihee Null??l? O? lu m. nu . nt?'lilil? I . t.m . ? o pnncip all in Jl- |ni\\i i in t tilha-l at th ?mili. .t um lin mi Un- tolutiouol the |01 \l 1 1.. laborer; thai II willdireel ail Ifi policy it? tbi .i?i\-? n< i.l hi? iMfif -I? ; Hin il ici "fin.. - i i.c ... ? ? ? , but "i i mi ??[ ail v. ' . la! oi -.. ' Is illanil -n ilt ni i In-Ill UK tin |i|iitnii I mi. a . to? li? (a nij?i . i ? i nal we heartlly approve ol lb? recoirnitl nf Un riachl - ' m Ibe nth i la - ! ni Mai '."i tj ;. .- -nili:ii.-i- oooqual lei i . bail i In .'. .. ? :?? u tl i ? i- nt woiuc n liini ?an ' i t M'n --um at the ball bes, ? il. That lia ' 11,(001 - be n mim! ni 11 - . i ' lue and p iui?ei i? .Hill ? ? ?nl prohibition i com ? '..i,-, iimi linn t. nt. The nominees for Governor and I i .,?. i.? i .i?. ?. 1 A I. "I i.i ) ' Mil PROUIBITIOM ( i.n\ I Mi. iMl\ ? iii.v- MADE?DR. MINI I: is c-ivii1 i I 1 IM I.TE H?: ?PH - |iti : i ConVf 1 ' ladowi i W.i-s . \ ..!? i.l Ih. ' ' . f ?iliva-- en mil (? I.i}' WOUld Dot 1.? ? ? v, Mi \ lew Of the 1' ? thi iv I ? n t.i |.|t -. i in? the lnniiia ?il Un i , ? inn. ' day, li . ib) n tuai h. r leadership In the nation, her I , ? iiiy and h. litiitii nf ili?- rum trade, would mold themaclve? to the will of th :. Dfftb both i the fun n.i and afternoon, and H . decid? M be ttO minimal... I. al th. i :..i thoee who (mild ni? \ ..i? fur the candidat? i < other part : ? i?, in Unit i . i . ai favo cf i.itt It y 01 (.i.i,I U ..t it will I t- Imposalbl Ui . fOl Hi unit I?' in!? ; , ? i mu Hi?- 1 all. THE I IBOfi !.! I i i.i I i u ?. i i i Pill \ ( o\ vi \ i IOI i ? ft '??li i HI Mi'.i K- i nUfOM K. luv ?i.i BOB-IB TO nu -BUM \. ? I'l TROIT, Aog. '?^.? In i(iii,. ? itl] ; reporter of The Vntem, tilasaornlng, i; I rd rrevelliek tin- I're-nii nt of the National I i .i ra? Congn --. v. ia. h Mm " I!ai?|.i ulna tu ?" In Pel , u,- i ,,,, | droppi l down tu no , j w through It in a nrnute. Wby, Sir, there waa nut a mao i i lave in a at 1111, n, |) connected wltl 1 'i.iiient it. m it?flntlaaugnraUon, I appointed ers-j Mal Bau ?ni?. Cvnunlttee m tin lly, am! Lin.', .ii: : . i in it n,.,i, in t|M. count! ? ?-. n ptomim nt.. ld< ntlfl? ?! ? ith i m, ami pel a? i< v. - % bod i ? t.. repressai ?M ?rorklngnaea i.f tbe roar alb h i knew not aaa -?ember, it appean ? that they were He creature? of < laneron aad others ol that ?art. gol leatthea and paldtoaaai ttbel.avilie ni"i' ;' - ?! '-i r? i.'? ? i..? ill ? i I tul. limit ..i.'s l ni,\. nil.ui. anil inr.n.i i. .1 Ma in i,, . ,,, He nun,m,iiu,i, ? t,i,, ,,,, i.. mm traaaparaai tha,, whoa aobodj laowa, _ np t" n? (.i.'i kaawa v.h. re, seel a call that liu'i been rescinded bj n- anHar,prasnmlagto rapresaal abodj lawliebaol one Sl Hit iu |WM kliuwii, taking iij?,,- tlt.lii?. Kit? tt,, BkMaaa ezpaasa, aad an n.r th.- parpaaa af arglag u.. in.iiiiiitlii.i. ul Charle? (>'< ,,?,,, ,,, ,,,, i.,,,^.,,, | ,,,,?,. nal., ( t i.tiilmu. All intclli?flit m. n , .?i, tliaw tlar-ir ??a cum ai-ti'i? M I. SB PMsUanl ..tu., l?allsasl l-ilttir llni.'ii, ini.ii.'Uiiif it a fraud, und h MasSS-MBl uttt inlH of low paUttS-MH t., IsadWlal Hit vti'kiiit'iii. n o? tino eininti v " III JMEAFBU NdTEf?. Cardlna] AngeloQoagliadead sadde_l? v__w. _. .1 mtm* II. war ' ? ? lit l .i-t National Bank of Oarrrttavill, ?? ? ?-, i., i... i li.- ne t u?..? i : ?n Paul iiiii|.|?'iiii n.? n m ? ? ' '* ? ' - - ? ? -i_ ,.. Tbi i nitaal ?? ? mmtrotaing arrived ..... i< ??--' ? 10 ? 1'iee'ttl:.' at Sa I I ., ... i ' , ? n ... Prot ifn: ?. '?. ?. I ia T Ytie narines, named tyt i I a . ., , ?l v. . . ,. r ?' ,, . _ ? |? tltr M.l? Pu.'t. ?? ?I, ?il .: .1,1 ... , | ,. , al -? ?-.'.???? k it ?? , , ?i???I ?t?i?- ilitt tk*i alntfl il?? k rti kl..isr o?,?.. ?. Tl a. sr? mi.tromt* U ????u ?ett. at., :.?. 1.11.1,1 , ,rt | ?, rk, rt liCrt.r ?aa itmuimUfM al fi_?H" ?* km ?fitKb FOREIGN NEWS. STAIN. ( (iMl't III lilt ||(.\ III III1?' I Mil in I ?Ml I WC f 11 Al Mil. '?I. MAM hMTO AM..v.. I|,l ?, i , i --i i i CANDIDAT--. m ?i.Mi., \vi BbssSbj, lag. 3". ISTJ. Complete returns ci tl'" alsetioBB for bbcw t.. i- .,f ti.. ( oi?, 11,;,i, i., i t..? lead. Ihej SB ii alphnntlsts. - Us?t* tatets, wi R-pnbUraaa, :".<t ta SaSloals wen- al ?Sillo CBSS ami Admira! M*ltS-SPS BBN BSBOBB the wiotcssfal OaWrilHft?? BeSoi flss Basas vas defeated a <iis|,.it, _ to tin Sards rep*** -Bal ?? BBado-OstUsts ?mi. Bed aad robbed -. lailwaj rtattoB m lbs Pies-so. of .. :iui, m it-, 1.1, graph alw ? Troops Bat? Bb i -. i?. .i t., t?o- |.i?i<.'. i,nt at in-' aeeaaats ibora had bsci i. on. o.n.tii with tho laaiTgeats f' hui" ? b ? Porto hum : i ti i - i- r. I.icios, O/edBI Ml..'., ?'? A ili.-[ I. from Oportobringi into lligenee of a mai i,. .,i thai i ?? >. attoa?-d stth ;? Batel i.h.(?bis :?'-- of i f> i b? si I .-,- ? on dnrlni s to? i t IBs eatraaee of the BarB? t aad i,, i ..i,, . thirty. ? i ?.: ? ? I SOCO CI II.,. I" ?" ?l I I. \-.! I is 11 : IEN1 c i m ?AB IMil Ml 11 I PAID to OKRSAMT. LOBDU?, B/t ? ? Ii. rlin jooniBls stab ilmi tbe ftt m b Qov . -rnitii i.i a 111 ? .'loin, o? ?in i- traten! of anotl : i , irai um. iiiini \ m ? i CUBA. A LOAD le m NU.oiiAiii rOPORCBABI !*_?_? I I MM N < I 11T MAIN. LOBDOK, W Wim Tl,? evening papers mention ;i romoi thai fl ? ,,i,,i, i ??( r ? .% in Cabs b arrtn \iitb iiistin. inns iroin the iToriehmal Qoronunent to tn i ,'ii.iii ?? loan ot .'.'??>..i'ii, ib.- ?itnonnt to be trade?, ?I to Spain for the Indcpendeoce of Cnbe; that, although ii,r in.. Mm,,it (,o\< iniiii ni have littli ? believe die oSer Bill streostl ? ? ?**> owers, M I I KOVEMKKTf 01 < I ' i?i \Z -A GOVERNOR CA? 'i i in U I'.', Kii'V m li i:-. San Prakcibco, Aug. 2&--Tin- steamer Mon? tana brings I ?t<. adrices ir? m Weatern Mejtloo, has dial torces aad ions toward ( hiln ihna. i be ob.. el "f thli :, not known. Stores, tbe i ,-,i i,i i oren or ? . Binaloa, thesubarbs ol m ,,-iiifii,-. was i i?caugol kidnapp i ,coin |,.,-, .1 oi i at i n i.? i Huldiers, and carried Into ih? tains? _ u? is ?i?.i?. i. b d toi ? - - , ? i i 11. - ? ? 11 - it lEJ'ICIAl I-.: I I l -.' I . . I.- from The Zteo EVps?V? fits of Mexico is ?I.leas 1.i the pea of Mr. Goo. \v. Clarke, tbe editor, who has aotr been lachante "f that joui o been a , )? .,,:-.,. ? s. . ; - .uni mon m ? s on tb< pr? -?i. iltoatlon should th. President] I lh< ?" I bu 'lit.!' dutl. . . sud ? .in-' i,,i. h,- ?t,,t<, of .mm, i\ la sn nu nation t,. tliooe . i. m. ni.? tb.ii ban- been trsrrinc against what the) el? .'..I OoTerumenl hi m soi,-ai...- i Vi?u nos bare a p.-.?. .-int niotletoea lie s ill of the people, ind be In, it? - them lo si rept I I ?.,..' Mi L? rdo eiiuni t in- soui i.i i i -i. the - guar liall be m, obstruction to the steal le ? sei ? ?-> of ?lu -1. i,- i. ? ?. I nan. ?? to Ihn . ? - m of i be ell .are imt ,, m,-., .;,,. .tb ,' in \\ ill remon a? to. . h -< ?i "|.|.in oui of ibepr. i, and a. ? h is in, gu ... ... , ? ? r the i?-? ? |>!? -, and ' I.i.-. In , i ' not In tb? ? . i...i ibi rcpn ?-> ntativ? ?n tit? si. ? i , I tin |K>Ili1 .noI Uni Ho ; . mu,,, km ,,, uol ,, ? a initi'i and I. n.l.'l I,.? in in. pill up, ' I! 'lit I I '" 111 III? I. It ? prut ,. ? < ? I _ SI h Hi - t'a.41 \LIIk s. ' nt i in.. 1 ! . ? The 1'i,I1ii,.i:i . \?,ii -? trata trou B? ton ran oil r , this ii.,,, h ; i., i : ill s.if. I > , bt rs m .t <>ii. : r were ihre ? .i. t m ii.? h,i:. ti . n fron 11 ' feral bom ?. BOILER i OTO. Cleveland, Aug. 88. il. boiler in tlie . m , ..i Braira, Boanell .!..,., m Vonni.-st.iiMi, ? pioded h - n. rniag, sad lbs Breaaaa, i barabtr, was Instantl* killed. ? large pasee of tbe ? ol \v Hikrn Quingtoj aad m I I'll Ml- tjnili?". .ui i |,i:,|, ami fatally iiinii'.i Mr.iiiiiui,-. Boppedaboai on, in..t,lb. t.ii.iam. t ist ?noun, Ang v- lb. boil, da ? .. ii ?,, OaUlpolis exploded restordar, kking John Jon.--, tl?.' pfoprli tor, aad two nun -aun ding t wo iitii'-i . a ??( Boom i. ( ,i'i/i i>. Porti un?, Ang. t?. il. steamship F-Bn '1" - I t OTO) ...i. Cap? ( ". ... tw.'.-n thai ],.,.nt sad Sa "'. M. a i .,;ji. ,, ,|. witti (a jit. n,,. BBd ? i. w -i-v.ti in immix r, l in?.-1.. in t iiotioni I,, reeeel ft Beatoa at s a. m. tad al i |, m. wa? Miik i,i n ?rbli Iwlad sad ."i. III.' BAB Mil U B1 B-fcD i\ HAINE. 'i-. Ang. -."? a in,' broke oui ti t t night, mu, ,, ?t,,. entire!) destroyed, logetbet wtth ? Utrgi saaatli) al liiinl.? r. rhroagt Dm ' ; i, ,,,,.? !r,,,,, g | Balte, S ad Bagase, tbe dwelling-bonscs sad .'i',i,.ia',|, qnsatit) nfloBbei Ban -..?nt. The mills vaed bj Lawreaoe bos. aad Vias. ?t Batter. lbs i"?- teaatlsaated si l-MSj lasaraaee, UBSfli an hi is.?i? i mi laoratios. Cob boo, Aug.,? Afire at u.??i-t<?.k, III.. '"*' Bight, '? ?' Hot. i aad ? MheB al kOBSSS. 'li,- In? i? ?:,,i,al,,| at UlQSW. WApmW aafl tsdpBBB. -baSrakyaal hmmdlaij Mista. i.VNdl I AW IN KIN?- JU(, J'KIM.M M KlIi.Kl? HT. ?..-I |w, Auk- W BSBBB iflfB n^?> tlTS tl??|.? ihil(K-i. nainetl M. Vldiaiitl ami \\ n?.-lit. ?-ot ml.? s (Banalal Bajas I n>. Isasaa, n?_Kb Wrlfbtwas kill??. . ml r.a'i, woun.i.ii .Mt-riellaadwas plasad m .tun. aad i bake? ou, t aaal BRh ?? Poaj " Doa .nil :. Sedad bor??- flu. i u,, u?. P, , u|i(| j,,^),, ,,,,,, |fc ??ou u. i ., i,.u?i ??r sOBssaabteried lbs lad aad kibe.i ih'Ui m, i . ,i..i dan? i ? i HU IINN-VIVAMA li llidl.Kl S ? (?MMNATH?!? 1'AHKHt.? IsAJfDIRb, Pi mi., Aujf. NL?Tkl ii'lli.iirne.l n.? Jl'ii|f "I "H BSaiBSSta, BBS BBS tuilesvoi II'K tO <l-.?t B . . i? '??: .'tt'i, t,, ?!?,, J|?. ctiUI.UU of lie?* w?lls from lii Is' '?' ?> I'loti.b. i to At?; H i, ?,,, _, |,| ibis BtUrnoou til S,H-ni-ei's Opera House P |, aamol pr.-n'. ?"?r, sadabaal M p?sSa*en attsadtag. Rcmsis Worn ev?r> aisirtcisiteptthe tl ItttirL-ur?- ej,ow iu_kkuI Bitty 111 the iiiiiM'in. ii' f.? furry enf t-B fhmm ?SMMcssfaUp, IhaBt Peteral.n-ir..* m saeoad la Import ant ?<? In the region, ami B-_SI the operator?? tin if lui in. breagkt Info He awioaieal ? la fa? ll] -..: Un? i.., ,.i |, ,.i. , ? ii He) lavs nut lui n ? m? a :??:?. ' I tin m fruiii js_lagt_ etkai llatai is, sad sa effort Uto Is smmIc f" ST? la .'in. this ff.lii,-. [f ?tu i- .ni ai t' . Ulf eiiinhliiil tidll Will hf .1 \, iy ;?,-,.,. rfUl i .' ! II" (IT t t m, Un nil Starlet? HS pelea nf i null- .nl' ? e and bold lue more firm. H.i:,lll\<; lo.\. Illl (,| Ml \ A Al:i III ATIUN ? TIAA- BtMTION 1.1 is i.,v i,| \, vN lytfj IDMINI?TBA I D.s. till TUMBAN to nit: Tii?, O/asmumitom, \i?anida?. log..-. HT_ ?i ? ??? -1111111 last ni.:iii tor H i'i' i'H tag ??? ...i ...i, rpoudence received from ils ? 'ii Bgl nt af (,, ,., ... Ig ,, il? in ' meet ie? i. . wiih iia resal?s nf the m tlon ol the Ueaeva I ? Arbitration; He aw arda nad?is livor af Hei Mal? au Un?a- , ? a. 1,1 -.?. l-ii, lint la- thinks iliti-f who L |.I ' tl t i and jmiit Ion ...... n i thai I au ( ii.lmt nt tu U t I .. ? ... n.m | ,*, mi, mit. | t? mi the tiaas '.* i I.Bg Bk-rtlona la i ? ? , 111.. tl, aad thf polis fur tin-nu pt.uii ni in...t. im Preaidenl '. . rr? -i.i? nt win be required to t?. opened aad ? ia? day. The following I? to i i ?..?m Blanti ? l.ill l-\ II I . v iirtun, and urn il the < ton it iiliuii l.u-ii;. a |.. i a ni organization we Will iu'l ?"' able i?? n.?, u..! - ayatemal cally, I tend roa a fen circula i i ? trlct of ( 'olutn u i a ill i" t wo di i two ? at? - nuil, i the ? a I m ai-. .i tbould ?in ?n. to give add [tl i in 11 ti tin deal Conven UOB fOI i.iiMuv Domcam, Tila proves eoaelntivelj Hal Ike Blanton Duncan cir? cular?, tamed by t_ Oraal Coaunltte? oftbeli nun ?.-t utag uji, ami aot bit property, M?lais?, d, im PBl '?? I ". \-i'!\.. I'm?, l.r 00 rAXATlOK. . ?M'A U ll.? - AH Hu i. nu the i'.. au ni to daj to p tj Uk It n -i? 11? aud i.i ?in hua m regard to matter? pertaining to their i Ji' pai Inn nl Bu in< of an unimport ml lie elkai.n ?tl, win. h h?U tut i.liii.latfil during tin- ill?-' lit ,? nf tin in-nil m, -\s ill he browghl lufnif the Cabinet The I'.- Ils -i? eplng Ion, bul tal wiHlecretarj Pun. Ike latter, to-day.communicated t. the ri- -i'!i nt the latest lnt< ill? i ll ?? Tribunal o? A i bl? ade ?i- labora bj He middle of September, in a m.min r ?ill I 'nr (itivf rinn, ul, 11,u- .au,m m m-' |u? ]:n '.nal. i-1 t ihiiis detailed last June to rwrall mes foi . .. i.? i ..i. win k unlit r He tap? rinh -denes of Col. MeCaulej repori J ? ?"wa? il i-1 Angust will be bo mud li .other m on H to mi ail Hs eiea la the ranks. The results obtained are verr . ?I in the di't if nt ( Mi N. .!., fur ? imbei of ? ? than New-York, with eight time? the popu ilion. rue er, M i -., limit i i lie i orainand m I.lint '?'? l ' . I n . .' - i. - ? ? ' i tr<-tii ? ? ' . I I ue, who it direct? '1 to i - m U un, Acting Aatl taal Secretary of Hs ft ii'i.n ot i be Ar- rnej Oeneral, lull nf Un am? o? .lu?a I . 1 I In an export bondi I 11 . Itbdrawn tar eonaumpllun oi f.ttnit ? - ? ?aw upon He - ? ?it m t.i 1 - u?: . ? ? ? ? ?! ii? Bt. I i.i -, i,., t |n u, . m riiiiii m in.?him., IHnik Nu. US, ?h? h i appra priatlon b] i > i pro . [I tblt ahouhl not be done, II lions will be toi warded In oui tutfai leut ful Tin | i ?. pai Intent, Is led i ot '.. ? is . , ihed Bj Hs r? gal itioas of Ang. ?.', or mamarse ? ?blp-buildinK, th u tue it - HAVIG ITIOa OP THE UPPER li 11 -, \, -A. reeoonoia tcd by competen i im-iiait 4 tl above i eyond ? ? i ? ? r i. A I I at. ai nu tb ' .'tiiii. in run In ? "' ' ? the Hi u i ?-.i ; urtkin ol iiif Sort? rn r.uiii' K? Iroad, i i . tern trade of Montana. i. ?.I PHI ' i BAH PI .'- iTEKH PI nM.hi;. PrOTIDEXC-, All'.'. Ms?In tin- I'oil il s . ? in i 1'iuiii i r :? rf( ted to the .nal ..n!. reda warrant i _ - Tin: MOBTIIERM OHIO PAIR (i.i \ i i .wi?. .\ m-. "-. -I in- third ?i o n 11.-i I m?-? t .ui.m .. ni if gin m ?, DSXl lieilith. '? ' an.I ? -I rni'Ills nf tin ,ud improved I_< premlnmi thi? ?easou will amouut ?. nf ?tlicb ? 1? lui I? AC? iliKNTTo m:\ahi1: wii.-ov. I'niiii. im?, hug. 'JH. ?Seiialdi Wilsun irai l,ii,ii I.tit tltiu n h.\ a run a Ma v Meat 1-81 Bight? bOteS taped ?uh a tev. itlghi brat? -? THF. DIIRD STATUS ITB-___ rilfIC FohM?I Mi'MinE. Aag. M? The i oited -teses -rs_?r YsBlir. m kirk ?St ?l_?i?t r?t,rri, rrltuiU ?I II.? .Nurf. Ik Hir, Ytr.l, ?larit'tt th? MM tmW, MB (??'? pre j.r.I I" ji?? IL* I ??'' '?iii?'?"I? Ur!.. ... ,..- ? ? | ? l.i. ? .ff.?r? ?'..?iii.-? rr llir-?o ll .Nun tt?mndhgi Li?, C,.in???atlrr Pit-Si?. Ill?? "' OOetl mst Nt, .-atin? imeot, It-it. L fc?tt; 1 I,, I ?m: It.? Matt Pi?- .-.. i i ? ' ? ' ? ? - - l 'mrk. At.i.t.i.t Halt, Mlii? ? ? f I I? I . ?. si- it nom* iliat n-r ., ? t(?.-i an is ttiat a?rtn?n. ?lu UU is ?,ti* to supi-rr-s It. pOOTMAflSn Al'l'(il.MKi) AM) CGOnuU I'.i.i in. NT _l. I). \V,-iiim.lev, Am:. >. Tlie l're.ul.-iit ln_ ap lrru?ir.| U-r (oil.??:??, PMO-MSBMI flSSSMB C ??apr?. ??/l.troa. Ill ? LaliVr 0 Pr?t?. al Katftlark, Cott. ? E,tori? ( . D? lmhn?, al Vtr ??m?a i i) N' . Air,.,,.1-, Mi Iti.n.?;. ?i liri^-n?, C?l., Aislir.?. E. (,,.rt?n. ?It bltl?o.?t?. g.T.t J.,1,0 K llr-tty. .' . i tr i'r.tiilriit Baa?aaagaktM t_a i ,u. .. i . ??. . f-MSata _a_r wa M?,?i C-i.?ul (i.urral ..I t o?la Mira l..r Ui? ?Ul? ot C.,il..n, ?, r ..m Wlllfrlfl I . ???1 uf I ...u Hum ,.t rtii Er?' r:.?-... W a li.-a I ?s.Bl.f t kil m hsliiavi?, kd??m tliiutu. -.?uni d (.kill ?t PhllMltll.-?. ,lr THE LUNACY LAW TESTED. BOW TO DIPBIBO-1 a BANE Mis am? WHAT IT 00 ? ' t -. il SCS AT PAULI AV BTAMWAflOa (CMINUi TO THE CO-HTISO Ol Nil I'M-.' ? AN EXPERT DRCTDEB - LUSAC. CASI IS LESS Ml VN' <t\t'. \IIM ! ft II' I II ' oom bits wrrnoor nil' EXAMINATION i:i QUIRED iv 1.1 B . (,M . ,..; i u vis?. I in; EXAKISATIOS STAB MADI -nil. ?it. I,, i.i l.? CIOSB (>i Mil. AST] im, ' It? l-ll?.-K SAW. I'll?' [(['.. Il w It'll follows ?(?'tills til.? .-tl?: : i ist i i? portai m ob [ilnomi. ,;, insane Aaylnm. Tho teat of tho law of commitment and tbe inquirj lato the management of tho asylnm an so distinct that tl wm found ad? visable is "?. ? i - '?' ?. nay, in order to gire tuno f..r ? tin- preparation of the arti. I? ? i natives .?f lim adventun? m etting . I and ''m . '?i1 11. uoci .'.ml ' ;' n at will foUos ui Saturday. I'ltn i MS,and sill detail tb? reporter's salTeriogs fir four days in the W d Patienta, Tbo commitment of this report?- i" thi \ grew oat of an indirect invitation l>> Dr. Ds Brown Superintendent, who in conversation with ..?i,- of 1 - for Tin: Tribcxi stated tv in,.t u..' in:it"i'-' men t to snbni (1 it' ! Inspection "i thi ? bols _q lam, bal l( thai they ?lid not d? mand pablic Inquiry i-i n l'i th I Mr. ;iii?1 Mr . li I iuir f"i tb ?on ti:;,i lie institution was aprivi that the friends of tboas eooimitted were entitl hare the names and condition of tl Mtioti was act? ?i opon. I of friends that tbo names of those in thi I kept a i ft a til I?' < in fully raspe?te? t - .i eopj of 11 given ti,.- reportar, showing tin' pre? Ism objet t u : '"II IM'l. Ibe ; , first, to test the ne ' i.ti.iu'.-ii?-. ,,f in? inlty by reputar ph] pra? ?? tin-ii iw of eonuBitment,aad tbo manner idmlnlstrati m ; third, t.. m ike i>? rson of the condition of tbe institution and the method .?r treating patienta. i. t,. <'in|i?.iy two i i '" somndlC bis pu r |., im'I ].only I In-s ai .--' lb"i. tiitii t? i-'ii iiis.init ? aad 'i. oelre them. i i. rii,' charge Is nade thai pin ?it lans on commit patienta whom the) have never b foi tn m an} perl >?f 'in-. itjr twophyi ? win, ire strangers t.t ?ill .? incei m t in. [f possible avoid prodoi i "f. in orderto ? .? if it be trae, a? alleged, that Police Ju ? men without inquiry. Besare thai t, know blm. i\'. \ : ?my papen of eon lag any affidavit whale, r. 1 ? ? I mop tbe name of one of tbo persons committing C secret, I . roi not in? ?., , | mil,,i ?uni received on lar papera? V. End the? as brief and nnsstiafsetor] tllegtd can lessness of ib.- m \ i. ut s, rve iin- treats ?"i 'i- nlarly s,'ti reference to the manner, language, habits ami disposi? tion of tbs k" pers a ml pby?n dans ; tin appointments ol ?m-, eleanllnesaof b >K bedding (said t" - qnentl I llitli ?. librar] . a ? ; the f.i. Its preparation, amoaat tt su|i?,ii. ?>, bow eooked aad served; and ? r.,i treatment la ?rarda aad pi . methods of punishment, privo. _-? . J ?. VII. It n i 1 !.<> .oiniiiiitilration I iiiiitt'.l with Mends, WWI beimprot -, prs dng tbe Institation bal asking to be taken u?v..y. t?. see i Superintendent trill stopthena. Usofsiga-lllaassaad siskaaansssaas sppeali aad <??? .?u-? ? f,,i- rah vi 11. Ph] ith esnalring at tl moral of patienta to . lion. Will have writ .',..? ? i red? If phvsi? > in sngg . o tor tWO "r tO Kings! "Ulity . i. aad thence t.. B ?a t. IX, ] . I ' un..t?o-1 ut Court, il- :'. m is served. It v. ?. v. bai follows that em h ?if : i, except the I Witb \m .suit 11 - , Left to illustrate in I. ? THE BEFOBTEB BTOST. A Ti.'triM. reposte. sniTSd in thil I tag i '. -t tsr ihedmitb the ? ? r, to !? u'ii i- - then for bis ,-,,rM. I to I ! ?- ' '. Bis owa proper saaw , -?? that?If sect t.'Tly Institut'.I. Oatbeereaiag af Ann. H hs re IstssadhlsaaaMOB i.i ( ?< Dtral il itel, ?uni ?.? m. ii. al once bt gaa t.. attrtaet lbs etBeaUsa "f - , s i.y glrlagto sB Mti'. sasw. ii'.i th. i, u mil,-i of ni'.., iinti'v. Tin? eoettaaed during tbe in?: part "f tbs atsbt? Be did nor oeoapj ids bed, in.! sal al lbs window. Ti? .-.iry t.? yam. \ ?in.-.- tho haggard appearaaas m totherSlehs , : ,.. ? Bed quietlg, sad swath coming ef a friend who \. .t., i.i.. am tB d sa ?rlldrumors which tbs hall-bo ?> ?<-ij.i_il_ui eatad al lbs ?!<"? At is u. m. ti..' frisad seat ap his card, aad whs ssa> ducted by oao af tbs hall-barato tbo apastasoat. I .? it" (foe thas tbs reporter will be knowa kasa? liter) waa fOand acatad asar tbs wiadow, artth his head burled ina pillow? Two carpet-hags wem oa tba _<x?r, andapparaattj i-ni aoi beenssovedfrom tbs piaas ?t? which tbey had booa set dowa by tbe potter, Tbo liaii iiov ?I ?tt tii" dooraatd the friead raabad to tbs it by tin; band, laj I the i :ni'-, "Olad to tee you, eld boy I" ? kti atij .1,.! ? atan, e, for in be muttered that be did s - tace ornaos I or attempted i.? obtrndc Blsptirsoa upon lbs patient, reminded blm of Incidents of HP ilntanee, mentioned the name of the pa ancle, and sU m.m iroui inn itapor aad ladaes nun t.? recognise a t uiaiiitalii.'U .?siiili-n ml,n,,-, ihaklag i walklag up aad dowa ttic room with bis Baads alassad steal bis temples. Meanwhile thehall-boj aras steading m the doorway, tapping his beadwltb bit kaaekles suggestively, sad plainly latisuttng mat tin? patisat's srttswars i Ttn- fii.-ii.i bastlly looked the <'?' or, ami after ? Inquiries at the offloe went Lneearchol a physician, a number >.f .?tt u owing t?? tin' bal ol tin- hour tlU ? arch Was tor a Ion.- tlnn- ? ?.?fill. w laat a pin ??' ??>'? ?a-, loiiinl in Aunty si. who wan wil iniiiist.r nut., th.) pattaat. Th.- pbystelsa only t to Bave ?m oitiiint' oi tu.- ,?..?.? baissa ?join?; to ta. hotel. lbs (Beta Bars briefly reeapitabuad: The y.?un?r man had bsaa iraraUas Booth, aad Bad BsaasasklaRbw? t'llc.til-; b?; .iirili'4 >?>' l!ie la?t Hti'.iiller ttaSS STOW? Oriaaaa. sai i?a?i raglstarad on tin- psavtsas uikIu al th. betel, lastsad ol k< > 111 x la leasah si Meada hs bad at sa pasad al th.- hot.'i while sattas v,'r> attSBgoIyi bs sasa? pUiaaSaf sata la bis head ??mi sal sal tsaassnsahls fnaadB Balked -bout W? r.xjm <?X' tt.-.ii.., m?i????i absard qosstleas, ba.i ev-teatly sal add lava sa the B <i. Tin? mini' mau Bad StWBfS SSBB ot a BSSfWaS HSBfl BUflBBt, ,.iu ii,-.'.iiit> BBS imt bereilttar.? Il hi? family. Proas these facts tbs physselsu draw bieeaaeta ?' I?n:ule or dru.i:. <1" Bs Bad Bad m..ay .in li | tv- Bs know Ju-t What t" d"- IS sun mon th,. hoy's tin, :.: n-rtui.i be .mi?. ,'.-?s..ry. Brandy aad pepaanalaS we | nun. i.mi sroaad B* mas bs bad baaa?"di ml mgp 'i" the BKA-i't ot iN-iNirr a PAJUTBS. The fib ml BB? PBysM ?SB l'i", e? ,1? .1 f.i tin hw-i . ? fnnti.l BBS palleiit siltm. at the wltnlow ga?xig vatas' ? lnt?> tin- ? ?nirt ,?ti?l in?-(litatiUK ttl>P'tr?*iitly- a fatal hay, Ha sprang Is hi* feet .md pretended t<> reooi*olse th^ ,,ii, eulllii. bun liy th.- tainlllai- nail?.' of ? riiutnp. Min." Tiirtiui?; BSMs to the pattBBt. frn-nd th?: ilotor triiiiupluitiHy rSSSBSBSdi MTbal*S the way lotty ail act.'' Ine pb>sitiau tbvo r?it tbe ? r. tr?r i.?? .?ir.? sad nu nt-ii ital ? i rstara ? -au? ? ?era and dub of (be leaf After a ? ? marked: M1 m. -.. we ?. ; order I ?ml? and pepper li ? sad Bungled with it pepi Uetoatlp, aad th? ? ..?I. i i . uM r rrabrtl-S fur a time, pa He physii . nf in. in t n iiiui.-. i i\ im would trea: good In- ttitl uf hit II?' el Aftei val? I ..s !? Ill< p? 1 the p III . : r> ti, ami U ?monad. M t: . I .. ? 111. 11.. th ut atom m u i iitiu?If .??Oi i 1 ;'i i th ? e i . ? Id Hs path m harts n -i u. re '. lu?a n. ??a, ..i.i. i'."i. blag sosal . . \t mm Unas Hs atteudaal in tb ? do. On ?aid m a tow yo . ?? i. bal saee." Afteri He pi i ? lu. i. i ?. He ?li ? , i were saut? ? ? | Un ? I t ? i ? Dr.l row i ? with He other, a ? i toemp l'i ? I IV ! , . ill II ' ' ; ? to Di i ? learn ?i Hat he and nui', le ? i the young n Ibj . .'a ?n ? , of den '? ? he tend . 1 ai iii! to I [ Dr. Lock ? t ? . | EXA-D1 Be ' ? _aml peculiar; le log Incessantly, nn I with the ?lu I 'ir' m imm tie illl-t that _ ' l tl h.ill cxcruciutiii-l.v. 10 . OUl I n'l ' SB had done - I br the et lid keknoti what be - .I h?' appeal Hal Dr. Lockmwi ttudent, aud a .thing mix! in.un, . tl down the patient'? thi Ike Bxaminstl i tt so latin-, sad i did imt andel itaad I ? ? iii I - all I ' ? '. I ' ? nextd : i'.?n .Mi- j Bdlag trary mail, in tin ? . il ?.mill Ih? expedl < i m iii ? linn. 1 led \s i i ti it ? views. Ihs young ? r sad (as ? r him. If tin? ph> -i :--r. onsultlng wlH ? ' WOald re? a IVS BBOM ? gat? -.-, wt .'! ami -rood ; but, ho add?.I, " It waa a ?erlous in liter U) d I i.'i-auf ami I" I. Bl li.iu Bad too t,iiat eaation . naduothe observed.?? At 4 p. m. In the afternoon tbe patient wu? ink. n to Ha letal aad lodged la aconfertaUe laaa. Tin- phy riSB-ButSngOSSttSaS warn fan r.illy iint'il. ti is? i ti - ?tmettona were faithfully followed. The pb tielan wat fiiiiiii'.s. ? i. ? Be muh' the tn-.,? iin-nt uf th.- In IpasSBl study. A li-t nf tMSSJSIBSM n-ii- N ftl.Ill-hl- If. ' ?, illl't nliu nf Ulf- '.?..? Mills inoni-il to the I,"tfl. I'll" pliv-l. l,m and Me I ? ? 01 left u cha ' tot Ha sight, sad awi ? peetaatty waa aflorded fur an Impartial, naprajadtoad leiiKiiifiit of H ? patient'i esadittsa. lili. mSICt-BS Allomo 10 ihiaw l_B_ OWB is raaai h It would hive In mi an f.i-v lnatt. r '.? i BSM 11 flrat pbyaiclaa and his partner to ?tan eerl I? mm a? t<? Hepattont's Insanity,?uu-i they would have don? t tiny M? re i-uliviii. tl thai In Wa? iii atie aad Hs Paltos .lu-;.? <? woald lave eoosa-KSed ih. ; iu.it_ man t.i tho asylum on their ?jen B< itesi itboatqaeattoa, fur il ln.ii.l-li '?? . ai.iinl ?.- f\;.., ij tu kl. where Here an ? OT t "lilj t Bl 'u . '. .11 in-all. under He insti -othra from the oeses Hs bbpsbOb? w_? to takeaoaadasadvantasjB of the lunacy eu_ctu?ent*, ?t? employing either lgasra_t at sarrapl phyaM Oil the contrary tho law was o si--,| u In ii. I fttmlitioii?; ? BB-S as (In? ability of th.- m t phytlclan >-:?? ?i<>? -in.m .1 bS mi- f..-< 'ha: -?-?I ; ami Ihf tun linn miiohmiiii . a poaag aaa?'s ?auity were ?i.le, c?n.-fieutioua phyai - goad -i.tmiiiirt m Un ?i profs Osa, not uaae? t|ll,UIiti-(l Mltil till? H]t. 1'lai ills. ...f, ami until (?. BBBBSMO tin- law? Tin- lepreteutatioiiri which w.n- made con? iemlag the i ??? sad the phyatotoBS wefs left to draw their lufereuc?-? from th? ..induit sad physical condition of the panent. Ttm vtiuiiac niait h.? i besa -r.i\. i a?,-s.iiith, led lese itofe 114 Nt-uairli all-, had ItSPPSd ?t the hut? I BfOOl froBlh.? Meada, and when lu ?-nJ htad n-fumd to r.? -guif hit :iit?m!, aud was-ctlu? lu th.- atraille in.inner ?Inch tint physirUu wa? lu-lt? ?1 to ? The patient? feoagSS friend, peril.?,?s, iiiauifeatfd undue haste m ui-hliiK' tn have him -nil to lllixiiii!ii_d.ilf wnhniit de? lay, but this zeal was iiutl.-rat? d by the caution of the uucle, who .ii?.?ted that jhe physician? thould ?-arefully rBBSBSM the SSOO, It ?uould be added Hal Dl. l-ikroW declined posltliely to pit??? Judgment ou lite tuM-alter the first liit-r\ u w. and lna.le every effort to dojuttleeta HOCeSS by VafJClOg the patient fri'iiu.ntly, by o*?u?-lll_0 Wtth HS iiai?e in regard BS tin- patient's ?> uiptoui? au4 cuiidui.t, and hi u-kiiiK a ttudent In medicine to walch ittoBI Btosely throii-hout the nuilit. Ill? M. Ill Mill! llll M l.M . Llttln time ..a. i,?, ,? ,.,,?I4pm? ?- r?...-? ii?, aer*k?S al .lohn Ma I n, rc?._?U)c ti \.i. lit fat Thirteenth-*.., v liocluimcd to b* a pr..f>.?Muu?! iij,:?? ??/ to ytttC i? iierirnoM ?of? i .bad i? ted tu cur??- m ?heNew-Vuk ?aofatal BBdK-c'?r.i?-?ii?. icaeapeneui-eii n he cure of bBBBBS p..tieul?. lot oi. learning Uni il? preMiit c!iau.~? VBfl pc uoiiiioed lu? tine, he it?!)' BSbsi with .-?i.leul SSBSOSO k " 1- In? vciy i loi. nt I Do I lmux any personal tO-B lier I" (with an uiiruutakable Hiberni-u BBOB-M Ou lieiug a??_rcU that hv wa?ui nvdanger, Mr. M?t>H