ptass i sbarga. t
,.f the aaras with
mend took tus dupait ai
da? was ..i, ally bolted by the Basse, Hb a
r-imtu-r?. w. r.u. i kj .? burgs law A, th? palls
Bsapss H mJOMm cut hi
ivm b tton,.. . .m of t
ISfthWtth ? I ' 1' t'.ent, Win
ut ?nul hem
lbs si_l
be was a perfect p (,f
stntiKth. A m k of unusual iBIekasss
ported ?i bags bead <>:i brawa]
kpsBrefrest! ray eyas protruded trom mat
, h lbs
asH>s . .dittos aad v
tin? s ,illt * '
Hi the kU-_ room ? OS III?? part <>
the eaterpi M ? asare d 'p nd. 'i apon
Ibofeagblj frl?htnalas lbs mrtt, raised |
-nil i ?va? Uapertaal that tbs nurs?. si
i.sof tbe ph]
?-??I,,.. g, the patieat was convinced thai
n b) sloiiti.
i- a very light sapper- positiv
? to tin nuis,' t.l a dlsStilBTOd brain?pas.
it by the lia!, boy, m In?, ,
rpoathe "salt
I llU'C.
??u ui John seated Iteall
>?t?>f tbe bed. Baab was tbe sows stlo'eloek,
aftei u.e isborsof tbe daj
till :SlXfl mi in i
Thru - converaatloa oa the part,
u all al .'.m- claimed I
. tt onetime is the si
?? iu- ? led m asking him how h
.ii'iir \. it ii iin? yoaag wm
- u...
? lever mi
m "
? 'h a Ju
i in re tust been t
?nu? would m
ilion-. - i oiiipaiiv if?; tlie
... . - pi ?', :
? the ?In
. ha? lag d
t ,r b-rt ; .wm 1
answered not s word Having penetrad that
u Jerry, thi? mr
?IOa_t1 ..| , i,\ -,?: I -1.
. i.iu.i
bal ihe nur?, remained rj
,.. "J,i
. .
ii.- out or bed
sheet ami ion
omen) almoai shriaki
?? jr.. aad mai
at, ami ike i.itt.i bal lbs
? - uiiiiin. both in limb and ?
?? I'm hen
- tor an in-ti
?iih ... . Ins bead, -
ir somet?
?.mi r
drtbl "
"Ye si Ustei i ? ? .mit for ?
the am - ' ,| tbe patlenl ?
. i ? .it withdrawn
a moment t in? fear t
he mi. i u _ Ti??- i porter was t
i re - I, the patient Indnlg
uiiiii.'ioiiiun.-. lines from a sont; whleh be be
to tbS nur-?- - ' i
?and raaalna os in a rambling manner alt
, leared, Bong bis arm an
Ike direct ion >.i tbe nurse, ? ho had now moved his t
to tbe bead of the bed, and aad tbe satisfaction ol i
lbs nurse i . take . ul Us watek, al
tot i th.- pnlsc of tbe do
la i . had kepi blmsell awake daring t
bt pre? ion.-,
-?i i ? stiehl th?- better maint
Dl that Un- l
130 per m?nate,
: III h AHA, I. <>\ Till R1
ig, rambling conversation with Jeiry,
ubi. h ti,.'nui was accused ol being ..t one.
an,i . .andendiog iti a violent rag
log bis intention to p? out. final
... to tie Unir on l
??ni.-<?f u,' it from tbe aune. La n
Lu il.? t??-...' i , , ,-n'il a mi, .
adjelnlna ? It with a boon?, mounted tbe t
low, and sprang up oa the sill at
ah sat to Jump Into thi below, Ail Uns m
i.ut the wo ? had to w_i
. ,|il ir.- hlUI
au>I bs Ki-lltted to h..\e tin qui te elambi r upon t
': in l.y the auk ? ?. at thi
acres?iln?r, " Murder ! murder I wata-h I" He frantieal
appeal?*! to lb?
ii.i, at? o .'. ami an - ? bai . . a,in as
i ike b m. dodged ami Jumped about on Uu
wonderfuluiauuei lui s lame man o? his siseandan
Tb" i d with an excited crowd, who w?
ni in? tbe door in van .ulule.-* on ;
of breaking il town, when, after a few sti .
m m -? around the walal an
. aiin-.i in iu- ??d iu the main room, i be nurse sal dos
111? m th.-1? 'I I bor. i., 11> i xbausted, sud seemed tofo
i. i undlug on Ihe door and clamoi
He iin u got on In- t. ? t aft? i
moment'? d loa to bl
??ati 'In,- pottei- bad by tn.
Untares b. ot the confusion, and entered tb
rooa ping i rowd I Man
Unties, more timid, remained in the hall and survey?
lb. i-.
between bs teeth in lnii/.y as the] imagined, but, ;i
. ii. r.
-? I Will !? I. inou?, nt alone iwlh th?
in,,;!.. i in,ui ; i must ban
Ihet mon.
i. and pointing
to several . the dim light of I
of bis Imp?t
? r t" and very much n?ur?'
le nal ipe. Hi
deUv? ?lection ol bimaeU uu?l tn.
hotel ? iih . . . ality.
" ii. EI< i perfectly quiet
liou, 1 uuld think mat a p
) nut else could
mild - ? ho u.,,
tin- act ol retiring.
" 'i . ; I must.'..,. tome on?
? ' . t-.
pulse, itinl. o
: taken i
? ..f water, i.?!? wet in toe-water won
ntly thrown at the nm -?
-mi ? the window, Th?
Ill loll?.
riattoii.'U hu?.-,i beeide it, eitiiei an .uard ?u that ht
mlsbtsseap butaer, mvuk tne p<>rur to tin.
pea Lb? ?tau anu beliavlag that
tieat had foreseen, u? tbe
ol tilr?
phyn -
ft persas?sd ss rasara t.? t, r who
Ut i a
'lilt Of
ieetee wa? tafssased tinst
??nt BBS ad ,,f the
bromide s??.I n i? IhS
nur?. .... - , d .,?, t ?.
last dan
I la Shaw t.? minds already pre)_diea-,d the insanity
of the paaag
The t? ? ?.. heim ;,t |
k .il S '
? door barricaded, aad eomparattrs
q?i. t ruled toi tbs s-osasat.
WAT' BBB ?r TIIK _F.I?ir_l. Si t
BS the
nurse was Instantly reoof to be
ogawokaat I) ,:.,-;:.? ? mi " by
several reyUea U> bia ?liasoanoctetl raamrka.
A the
science of langoaga thtxUy saS8S?lB ??hi.n
manner. Tho BB-SS BBB-Bt-taai B BtaUd -Henee. Ti
? Mini Hal Hs Impressksaa sin
?it d,e out duiiiiL-n ?hurt of i|itiet,
r deliberately turned over on hta dee aad si
leaving the .v itcher? on the ahn for He momentarj
turn of a violen! att irk.
\ passing lire engine awoke him. and ?pringing te
? a f tu!? m fear whal thai could be '.
"That," rt piled one ol the atten 'ant", evidently )
en ? i?'ke, "laoi da perfectly ?
iilll'M I
ter mi Interesting strug.le with the
m whit-h the patient Improved bl?opportunll
. i nil an Insane p ?on rolab
verj ill ? . the "am iteur liinaU? " ?
" ''?
Afiind of failles ;. would 1? IV? D
d manner wal
" fu, ?ome nine. Hi- was not intern n d w
Taking i it? r and flm ? He pati
v iiitf'l to throw u Into He face t.:
i . dthougb iluiie m .. playful manner,
? ? ,i i i ? '?nl the -la?
in a mil ' Will taken fta.iu the hand of '
followed a tilenoe ol ?verel minutes, afti r wl
tie patient, raam il r of the do?, ?
ne tin- medical ttudeul In) ?
ol ?leal tlill'u.-?cncs.? and prolixity.
toward morning. tbe medical Btudeul i
. h u um apartment, aad tt i
concluded to bave a "aoene." The m
t o '.. partlnllv i ,
by the e tii.ii??. ni
sprang toward the dooi In the wildest mauner demi
lug to i? let out. Tbe nurse glided throuab tbe open
ii ?fier him, and la
hall tort amnl " h ! Watch '?
-i . pera In evi rj p irl or I
m . re awaki ned, and In lea? I ti in a munit', fo ir pert
rushed up ata it wat the m itter.
1? o. u: ?
Home one, He patient doe- not knoa who
wob the nurse until the return ol the medic il atilden
Lab r.uiuiii'i attempl was mad? toefle? t a
the _?!de window In the adjoining room. Pernada
violence were tueceeded bj paaitlve moment?,
former filled with desperate effort? lo encape, and
limited abuse ol tbe nur em ?the totter .?aha rsdandai
i |b mi all subjects.
BO n us 00 THK rnvM' i Ut.
PajUght bsbmi at last Abor respoaded to Hal
pull. People began Is bbsvs ap aad dawn Hs It
MM di?i?at(hed in dm
!? Lsekrow srrired sbeat RM ?? m.,and reeel
fron lintli the iiiil-o and HS P_d_al .-Uni. ni a d- IS
account of Hs
t.'i..'i to hear as punted in all Its horror bj
without r.miit'1 lt. The Doetoi doabttesa aecounted
iwnets of the patient's pulse by the fael that
bmroughly tired out. Tbennraa reported thai
patieni bad not taken any medicine; that in bis i?
really dan?
a company with the phj Iclan, who lubsequei
. ihii thi patieni wa? dung) rouslj inaane.
Al i?' 0 .?:.? ? Hi' l'ai.? itl's ti .?nl Tor
? ?in ?ii thai nurae was tn ated t?? "a rt
friend waa motioued to accompany tbe nui
haii. und the iiniiitinaiy itiii-..? aere it alndlsphty
i m lung uanative oi He "b i
with tin i ? "i ' '
ol tin black ?mall-pox." - Irt? nd met
at ihf hotel and wat Infon m d by him, In replj
.i in. pallen) bad passed a m
tying in effect that no doubt now remained ol
ui- iiir.V. i in- friend request! .1 tbe doetoi
; . in,i ?.I '.. bo dan
Ulf pala .Il a
to avoid the necessity of keeping him anj longer In 1
hotel or under the oare ol tuai
like in the nui ild noi remain nm
another nlKbt." The friend then departed in qneat
un i?. miiIi i ...inn.- Uiat the t
pbysii lau, should be at the hotel al l o'cloi i?.
Tbe interval between tin departure ol hi- friend a
the uppe nain e ol the two] i ? ?t d mil
In tbe same mauner at the night, though perbap? li
.? ?i a- used. Borne i or attacl
lint.! were present ail moming. 11 M o'i ? I
ll^ht dinner was ordered, of the nbytlcl
was now niomeutnrllj expected, and noi without soi
auxiety, for should the deception fall now, He "gai
was up. i In In- mind oi i
coming consulting aura-eon a? a venerable perton?
who wo i m exhaust evert talent be i.ose
..i a 'lisa i
imais-i ? when, m company with He!
pll.l -it'lall- , ?n-' n, 111 til ni.nui lit?
perhaps ? yeai pproacbed the i., and i
newcomer, i>r. c. E, BeUiuirton ol No. 157L tiugti
ace., placed hit hand upon the patient's ioieli
temples and pronounced bim h. The path
look no notice apparent!! o ice ol the pi
e ..?us. luMiiis' hit whole thought?, centered on ?
pu -' and I (I " '.
then drew forth Un ir wat? be? and In due form fount
tin pulsation?, i be Irst ?> id
ji. i minute. The ? ? ?? itlenl hoi
:? eliug and na eived h s tal I .. i t lieu
i to the oilier end of the room and ?t consultation I
.... d, tn which He nurse and medical student, It It i
iii'Viii. particip?t? ti. i
11 tl.BW iiaiiuv.
I he i'iili.-itltati"ll ?
elosed, and Hey bad rel
Ma- in-all?-, the twofrtoadsof He yonnj
the room, amok to th i i fol tbi nm e, who, altbon
he wa- amply protected bj
ttimulated to performfalthl
uf a lady, wkose toadei laadi wei - the i?
tienl .? lu t
multitude of eouaseton then
was lylag <m He bed, ?* ased np wiH Hi goings on,"
the i and He fi u ? ?,i oni
Il M.t
larb |that be " John, we
g the coinluK m a ?fu- h a .mi j,
v. ron* - i.. ?I.I be rent arned, it d tii . ml Ini
- on in- arm
-initial the violent attackt which the young madma
bad made upon hi ui, and the horror? ol the long nigh
Ladii m tbe hull to bear Hi painful ?tor;
I aad when It waa told and the narn.or summed up b
impression? in tbe i.-i
another such a night," tin? admin , ithetl
f >n i"ii in i hronlcling Hi mental a?
t rr itle mo ida nr k ? n-intii aud friends wbo bad be? a coi
hm ?i m i lunger ol tin friendi
t ' i.ii'iim ih ti lu? t ompauion would . ed dm
lug Ida absence bj tneae morbid but wi
anecdote?, weut down Broadwaj to Dr La?
ra tbe if-ui! ol in.- un- la- ii i on-, lit it i, m.
'ul I" Mas I ?
"Oh! I ' i v v. i
i aome unknown i rouna man'? hi
bet n iiiiM-iii. d, and after th? ich bi maul
it ?..liai e. h, tti i to take him t
n lend and
baa ?? e-auuui I the pat ent t and we liai ?
temporary brainal disorder. If he m.i.\? al tin hot?
another night you must dischargi thai nurse, foi wnon
Uae young nal bat talen a like, and wbo
perhaps, la not wbolrj competent "
After a -m.11. un ? ?rt ?
? mbodtod in He preced?
irri igt ami drovi rapidly up town o
.|"f Dr. Billington, ami taond him .it hi s i
Lexlugtou-av< Hastily iutroducing himself, tin
i I'll Ultfl I hi
.' that nlgbt from the he I
? i '
Assent waa w h obtained and the dril i wai
directed to l-o to the bot? -, i le oo? upantt of tbe i irriage
?i? lilt- May thi
in adrnltt? d that hit ?
of the patient had been hasti and u il bi dei?
meaaurenpon tbe statement? _.? his pi.
brother, corroborated a? they were by the nurse. The
' ? ' the
patient would be required, and received a reply the
ueK-tive. bofarasiu bimsell m,i- concerned, th( phy?
-.nd. be bad no doubt that tbe patient's ni
dlaordered and be bad no deal ?
? ? ? ui- Bl "i ? ?'. ; m ,,.
tine.Ot that the man v. .?
On arriving al the bob , u ?w ,i thai Dr.
'?'?1 ill 111- nil, , . J|, pfu
im althnuifh
be wat at tbe door oi tbe muni, bi declined on the
ground Hath? waa ?atlsfled with the result? ol tbe in-i
t and Uiat In . h ,,, ,,
iraul n im? tin return ul hi- u ???, ,,,?
l?r. Lockrow nut keeping hit appointment, u.. two
friend? and the c-o_sultln?t physician entered thi
riageandwenl In search ol him. He mined the parti
? a minute?, and the drivei wai dire* ted to prove? d
baste t.. Ui,- Jt ii, rsou Market I ; lhl.
yuan,- ma? u ... -ludcniuiyu?t.uj; t_f uvx Wltlj th, *_,._..
? nation Ineid
un juin nt't condition into ?
fhiiiuii :-. v\ n. n to.- ,v-e passed in. hotel without
ttoppiug, Dr. i... Iron ? iprt
. to th. drtvi ? '
friend- narked that be had underttood thai .
mi.?nd e inn nation of tl ,,? _U(j
that In '" .!? mm ht hur ordi red the driver
to -o .o ??.' ??? to Hs Police I mm. Di
k marked thai be had advised tin?
.???'. ;? be led wiih
?af the consultation, aud that it ?eemed u. .uv tu
? ? Ht pa " the patii ut? irl? ud? n -
i that be i ad auppoa. d th ?i tii ,, .,!>,,
bei .im. t nn\ un t 'i thai thi \ uung
I -"i !? ?!? .1. and thai o ?.t-1 xjn
?? -t Both |
ithliiif'I th i t.'it il liiu, t .,,,
! bill! In a it
? ,- made t" i
. it the
i tin- poilooeourt il.-iwi, physician??ait the
pailent'a uncle alighted and Mint up Bwrs, leaving th? ir
( uiijpui.ialt Hi the culTia_( .
l'lilne .Iiustiie .Inli? ("i m..- -BUBI in his l.,,r?te
KHtin. and Un l?l Bfttl h*Uf ?
?' -nt) .t? M,i- pui 11" Un m. 'I ?
Muntered lato Hs mom, i ijcai Is '? ?
tt? ?I that bo
to obtain an order to i aefhoo i<?
lllt,(,ii?ii.fc'(Ule Asjliiiii, and that Un phisiciaii? were in
,.,t might i? rt i ? -.1.
taralai o, ihs Clerk ol HaCoort?
oatn un. " '-he tolMrWlBg S_M
l'.iil i 'm BT, -.'? i'?i> I'l-lliii i .?ut?, o/ ,\>n '
1'iiy mut County ?i Hete fork. .? Arihm Loci
Nu. _?J j ?t., In He ? ?'s of s. a-Yorl ;
i I agton of Ma i*i Lexington-ave., in
Ihat JaUll .1. ' ' I - .i?n! Is - , fit! dit
i aa to eudangei bit own person, and
,?. i <> "' othi
?hey havo person? 1 ?aid ?Ota-il?? i .
11 .'i ?mm hi.?
. in.n
- .mrroollthi ' evil. _id ot Lb? I
,?.,., ,,? iita seta, amo i
., ,,,? u,. aiol no.i' ?? kg lo I ol I
hum in nun.I. . .
?worn lief.
JilMs ' .1 tics
| in u V. B LOOBBOW, ' I- Btl ' ?
The phjasriaas bat?as ssssmajj iworn to tba tratb
rUfloate, the I the foOowl
order of eoaunitiaoat, wbh b bad bs s prep i
( I. ik of the ('.' :
-? . .isn Ill-I BlOf POl ICI '"il il
i,, the Po -.?'?-" m . "i *'" Bl
i to :
When irs t" the i I, I"
Justin , In and for said oil/, by the e\ Idem*?, und r .?i
i?i??t in \- Ihnr Iaoekrow of No. BUreatJoai
i i Billlngton of Nu. ht i. singt
; , . s!,, S In. su Iiit .lam, . .1
tri Insane, and by reason of such Insanity, Is so tai d
I in b ? senses as to en I s nicer bu oa n
i m- person and propertj ol others, if permitted to go
large : an i b i eg imlnal it
would be dangerous i<> penal! lbs ?ml ( Ban
nt Isrge:
Therefore, in tbs name of tbe People of the State
N York, j. the
? immandod to cause thi is i I uti
apprehended, and t.? be safely locked up In the Li -> 11
,\-t 11 ?t at Bio .m : 'i - ' ?le, m the Clt] of N
aecure place, provide i?\ the ?.rrnors ol the Alo
resolut I
of tbe-Uperviaursol tbeCitj and County ol
pt i in motion for the <"i Bnement o
?nil to o.' i!i"iit v. iih secordlnc t?. law,
(ii.'.-n under mj band and ??? tltl Is nth day of Angu
A. o. uns Jobs ' ?>\. Pou? s Justice
- iiiinitiii.'iit ?vas than banded I
l m itic's" klmua la, sa I after s shorl ? onvi :
| | ot tbS i oust m '.Mi,' li hS BSB rl.-'l Unit t
Justice- win.mi wont.i spea tbe doors ol i
t.. tin? patient, and thai It would be unnecessarj toi
t...u a permil ?mm the Man igei ? ol Bio. u
much as the phi ?ielans In i barge' were bono i bj : ii
pa] beed tothe marristrate's order, the part] retir
(i mu tin i hauib r- m .li?
lt had oug t.. swear away a m u
di pi ?? him ot his liberty, and to eondemn bim (odres
exile in a mail hon.-.-. It a matter of ten ml
and two legal blanks. 1
.rate's time was precious; acquaints.? ami politic
friend* were walling for bim In bis private room ; vlsl
.?.ith th. Court were torn
,,l n would be Impolite to question the ubllltj
motives ol i
?ter '.? tbe Court, and yol i
questions w m Ithei bis s mm m
bis address were given ; be bad
said twenty word* before the ( 1er! ol tl
b oI never teen Ihe ]>h> sli
ble," as 11*?- las n iiuirod, or thej nu.iit be ven
.. i , h.n u ti t and ,
nenee the Court was In s state of unlnqulsitlve Ign
, ,ii made no i Bon to enlighten Itself, \ n to
n qui .t oi .i
.m,i on iin- sworn opinions of two unknown pbysh-iaii
ib.- patient's pulse, been with hi
i coincided a Ith tbe ?? leu
ii acquaintance, while the other m bopeie
of the , i
i ig linst the ron n g maii't
;, mit ?triekei . ?
? lance w itii tne laws ol Ibi
v,-\. Vork, IMS, p. m., .r. don M - ?. tb. i
tbe ( "ui't bad "made thai out" In .
ma. ,i i,,iiii? i bambei to Bn tb
.,s .-. 11
Th?- pin-i. in? and tbe two friends -imi" rapid!) i
the hotel wh( re the " madman" was canSned ander tl
charge of the nui i I il Intel
non had i>. en i?>: I. the can
tin- v of one ol tbe
, low him t" question them In n nit
i'? patient's condition ; but owing to the i iteness of tl
hour?11 was then after I p. m.?tbii
; a was dot? tiiiii?. il to take tbe patient i
Bio. i I ' ' rl; ,.r the (
ni,int would open tbe doors
asylum, and tbe two frieuds aft?
t i an n ?>h ed t.. m .!.?? the attempt 11
niled tin? deeision on I
the patient did not like the nurse, and thatitt
much is tier to remo? - ">m th
: i and 'i, t ul a retreat t I
dale, lu view, however, of contingencies, th. vouu
medical student i ?y tin pa I.
aide u those in i b asjlnturefu
blm of th.- dl ..i i. red hi > n s il from
in. i, i . Ol (?ovei not s, all 1 i ' I
agrvi ?i i?1 rei .
i it the hot. i .m.I Its oe. up mi
hastily slighted. One of the p itii t. itopi?*
at iin , th,- ? to settle tbe bill, sud tb?
the two physicians snd the attendants. The 1rs
?,? en- packed lu h iste, sn
??on,in, i, .1 down hi m - t,, i i ,
deatli.i) of I
who w.r.i senti v ai the dooi ? ol i hi lr rooms or In Hi
halls, anxious to a i ei lain ?
uni ,i hit rtiaoi del
ever] window on thai tide of tbe hotel bsd it? t?male o.
? ti j... nt ? w iii bei . - mil., ?.mini ?
m..t hi sidewalk. '
t lit i . Ictim, andtbe driver w.i? di
.ii: baste to I lie Bloomlngd tie l.un trie A
lient, who was accompanied only !??. his two friend
s,,, u bei ami ratl ...,i , ind I ie ?._ i id
w.i- nol ' nit.' ti. .1 b] ;
ing up
\n,I ye( within t I \? lure tin
id I.' ell ' '<: I
i.n w here his
? itlirop'
novel, s t me h 11 been hustle I ini t
driveu by I)
" II lluille ? l n : 11. i ? 11 -1 ! . .'1,1111
could ?" it dos n in-, re? onmenl
oi iii>
? .n -pu
atom a rainsi pi. lake .?
ven il un., -'? : .n- and the 1
I at. iu - ; ..?. a a ci im? | 111 lit
It It'iss il llli.ulM .
It .'? ? ir) al tin- point to r.'ir.i
m "i ?? it'. .,i,n Commit
|. ?? pli i ita the .nitnt-si.A p itients inl
It has beca stated that Dr. Loekrow oa tbe pn
1 ? wot i ,
,.r With the legal 1 | |||
suggt -te.i thai ?i \
the mi o. ? i? "i the Bloot
c 'iiiiniit, e . n,. lud? - Jame
II. I;, ....
Wall-el . D, Colder M
II. M o | ..; Mo, 7? Wall ?t., O
?1 Kotiert .1. I,inn.-Lui o? No. 1 . olgbth
' .'.no ig ol tliat day, tin?!? ..,: -, the patu nt'a
uneli bad called upon Mr. James II ti ils office
m Wall -t . and be? n inform? i tbal tbe 1
of this State required tbat a Lunaci Warrant, issued upon
the e? t m,.' .!? - "t two repu , ?,.. 11(,
.u Insanity, should lie pro. ured
m a Polloe Justice. .Mr. Bankei also stated thai the
committee bad speclallj Instructed bim to take
of new patienta, and that ho would n [uin -.
ti.intwo , 1, m regard tothe Daymen) ol
board-money, which wss required In advs
if thirteen s - I loi i he Ol?
w?-. k - being retained In all casi _h the jut uni
wen removed before the moutb closed
.tel ?. in res .i.i to th. patli nt'- i ondltlon
the speaker di i nol ?? -i. to ?? a its pa
tu-ut inn preferred to w,tb the
physician m order to be oonvlnced thai tbe ?
?iin.i'i, was not Incurable, n ilso said, that in addition
p I m :nl\,une. a against
damage topi inert] bj the Inmate's rlolence; and thai
,i permil mual be granted by a member of tbe Asylum
Committee, with whom tbe payment of bos
arranged, before tbe patient woui.l be allowd to enter
th. .sylum.
rendered tin
mission into tbe Asylum in the evening witbou i
..irern. I] d.tful. it will be. bowi rer, thai
iin regulations o? the Asylum, and the seal ol .. ??untie
? mu.t:??.-, wi
ti?.- h. ? s in? v., n- in eii urge oi in, in-ti
?nu i?. il M BBOI t it ton tt PBACTfCB,
'Hi. >ve ap to the door of the Asylam aboal
sp m, aad tba patieat*s aaels abgbtodaad loartajrhli
friendajwent in quest of |the physician in
l?a\nl 1. iliowii. .-s.?im-i n,i, ?,,,!, ,,i, ^.,, ?Bt Of town, ami
his Junior subordinate, Dr. Barril?, bad been lofl m charge
oI I in institution. The paln-nt'- um,, h ml. .1 to lu.
wai i mi and tt ?ted th it the p
was m tin , arriagi i>: i. u ri
been obtained from auj member ol the Asylum
- snswered tint bs had called upon Mr
Banker in tbe morning, and had li rned what the legal
t. l'Ut II,' ',,' ? ,1,' ; tile li
p lu., atet Hi il l
to th.- lateness ol ihe hour, to obtain a ,
ant m, mi?! ol the Asylum Committee, tuen
? il Ik-lux; m Un v hunt. ol Wall it.; tb it be b id
? form i al the i'.ie I ottrt that lb? warrant
would open the doors ol inj In? a? isylum within the
' -nit a permit from a in. ml., r
"' "" Asyl nu t .,i,miitte? was m? ne? dad ; and
' be patient Immediately umu-r
?eatuii . bim to the Institution,
j ,i eom
uimitted t" u , imi Blooming
Institution, ?mil und? i i.
IS fl.,ini-t it? will al I In
'"' ' '""" <>l m iii,...-ti,iie Its iimi.ii.-s were private
.'r'-' ?? ? ' : ' ' s right t ? li a , ? oi alUill
?: pli nature,
? . Doctor, tbs patlaal Is bare, aad i
him for tut night. I mil p..) what .
I will s.-,?i yog a permil sud | .
.11.., of tie M,,,,| ,,. row '
_t??_? Ns"-lv' .un under ttioseoon
U_ (180) was then paid on the following
?>.?_i?il i._ _, BtwaisiMts A.ttra. A??- It. lt-t
OkmSeZ fmu ' , ".T - "- *** ? **-?? ? ' *~ <
? was thsa oomimt i.-.i tram lb? ? i rlagatato
* '? BasTi . ,i- with the
patient, sUswlag Bis Ufsra^Bsrsstafaa saasassBpsa
Ibaartarj sstbs raaagaua-feaad lasssto lo tost tbs
Dr. Huirill te t|? vi?i?,r-What It hi* Umt BSBM t
, feel I
Itm patirtit, yr.ry slowly-i ,u,nl __.%.w , aU/at IbS
ssms, I siippote.
-,,,,,?1_! \ A P1*** Toen just sut'k eaar* as
need nave no fsar*.
i'l. BUITUl __a naf_?Lei,?.t _ ...?_., ,_.. ?___, th_
I |t o? afa ihtrt, cd. ? e blag bit ?i..t,. t?. p m ?
content?, and placed them In He hand? of the
The patieni Meink hand? with his un, h-, aad WBS 00
? l.n o?,i in an ?tiendan! t ? the warda f..? tell I p
tienta. I ? ?? foun . i of the path nt', iked a h
the regulattona m re In n gnrd to ,rs, an i
Ui o tke rrtendi of the patieat would be admitted i
any day Bnndar. The two friend? reiJnto.
.-?? and ui ovi
! ?. ? \ ...i nation of tbe patieni by the phyatolaa lauto
l.'--i i im n one mi'
togneaaal itoftbepul?? No Informant?
\.,n iii ai in re ird i ' th? f' it un 4 , ?,_nd n
Inqul nt the temperament, coi
tlon, or personal ha I? ol the man, or the proh-hl
?anaea ??t bi?denanrement Th? patient'? oecnpatlo
Indi ? ?I a-'?. ? ? ?i11>
in th ?' In- ba l boon travi ling ?).lontl
on the Mlssii sij'i' and In the Soul thai i
h ni formel.. ?? es n pi m Ur il prtnl t No n :
. made to ll ano bad tig ted the ce
., the main point? I ? liscut me i wei
i u |i.., m. m ..i thi .".nd and the m ? italnln
? pemil,
A I 1 l(?lll Ulli IIM'.O.
On Hs leal uioioiii- Um two frtoads failed npea Oa
OS-?l Waul .tl .N . a influ?'. I of th
,.,,ii ??. ?ud ?? q>i ? -. i t n. a ?? llllngi sss i" pai 11
ii.iiaiife nt u,, boaOlssoasT, Kr. Ward asid Hat la la
i?u auUinrit) id ret rive thu flaaBSJ MllSl BBMld
ai Un- a?, i u m. IL- Un n naked if a permll had bai i si
i. Bad ?m reo ring in an ?ei la Hs nesj itl
that he WOMld bS rST) hapji;. i ?le then till.;
laal .?s toi
? ,, .if llritiill.n. into tl
A?.L ar.
Be? Irk II ?? , tttO p?
bl li.tarl an . '
| anil id ?tit "I . ? liurul.
? ?tlon of |h? it '
'. ?,
? ble .''?- Hie t'il6.liu?ui ?f Hi? ?ba,.nn?ill
i? tli? rrrt' ?I Ik?
' ,
: II
An.' then sent to Hs Isylaai with Hs pai
uni Bad th ils board bmbsj. MS, or ats
weel all m m da Ivered, sad tnu fol
mordet '? ??'
, ? t
Hat morning
in.i ha.I acted \. ? Igkt.
what n costs ro mpsi in i sane m __
: having i man's reason iwon
. aad of condemning him to i mffnemenl in i mad
bou? ' ipp .i './ 'Be in.
oa lug tabla.
\?iin> it. PI
Paid Oraud Central Ho . j SO
and peppei mini.
?- iii in Loekroa.
i .1 ilfltudenl. f> o?
Paid Jola Maeklln. I
Paid Di Btllii ii. m ??i
Paid H
itra oo u.lam .
?' .i ii... ?. Bin
Paid Pare?. Fee?, and M
Paid un, nine we? _..
A morning journal jresterdaj publi hod the
II .a former toa it* ??'?
g that It bad
?em to i m ?
I u.i!. lull del f, '? 1 :
. the proper m in
ui Hs Asylum st present 11 wss not considered ol
Ule patil lit h.ld Ut ell It'll
however, by ?
i- published it a ?
and i ro
Tt Iht Editor of 1 i une.
-m ? ' - r li
1 eau u ?tifj to the
t a. Ill - a-sisi
? n. Mr. Verplank. The
to i f -iii-iit the Inmates: are km lly, i hei ry, aud pit
ami u ?'.-: tutloo m ittera would be
' ?. Uni m in ni tbi ttei il ?ni- are brutal, ? oai -??,
i.nmh pum i ia"
to ih? in in Heb depai tmeutaa.
(?tin rt an ? .. :. and kind. The
. u? . -i" ted um. ?
?n the
department. v-i> often the attendants si oui
? k- alen patienta bave|to "re
is, ? the morning, And in
tome ml in thou
.in,' pictori?
als oi provided; no .lad? luoi-uiug paper it
I very i
:..... -.. ?ui a a- ?
plaj ? ulso tli dilapid ed. There i
r ?II Hie Inn I I? -
, ' i ami |>i..n . ? alter
.n. al v.,m la m ?? ilsorv,
I u t.I proi i.i.-.l s t. ?I and v.. ia rally
?...un- are la
, i
Bl li? ' I to help then
the meal i- hurried aud not cheerfu \
i.. rriea and fresh uulk lot ? ???? b id from the
there it uo -tun in tbi supply, but tbe I.! ought
i asaut, aud " taken oui
iwed to go OUI and
come m on ? ? " ?lone a thin the \
limits. !"? ut? A
i ummittee vlsli the i "nee a month, go
throu-h th. i look into in.' room?, manl
"i the lumati
let toward the pati?
otbel ' ?.-.. i - ol ? " u -?? i" thi i? iii depart?
ment, un re i- mi i to Im o " patieni. lu,"
i,m rather, o ry, tod -? b ir? them .. -non a.
I ' ? : a.Ig the '?
, t , patieni i \ -ton - ?? ?
hut made up tli di Ucti ro > ?" the muiutainiug of the
New-) ? ids iy. rbe v itieuts iielouglug
to wealthy faallM-s were eharifed high rate? for board,
,\ ?., i"a week;those of |.i and more moderate i.uiu
.. i , ,,|, ,i to !" gri atlj wantl ig was He
more ii-fipii-tit nui unexpected visit? of the warda or
Uhu i.i the i- - ? is to have
a gr? ao i over.iKhl ol the attendants
?ui: Mali. ?.M-.TB 01 un. -SI U M.
i -iiMiisv iv \ posmi lAMi iNMMi. "i ra?
ni IM.I- r>- \M. S-t I.I 11.
To the Eat Of of Tke l r t t, u n e .
-in . ii Itam tter ol univi ? - t to the hu?
manitarians ove tbi? whole ?tountr) thai l_s TatntTMB
..i New V"ik haiao unmistakably eapouaed He I ?
tin- oppressed Ins?tea of Insane aaj lunas.
i ad a ?ynopla of Iowa't iw, aa the shorter n
publishing 't M rai t h r<?it _ o my dire? I pi i lonal agency
tin bill wa? draft-d and pa??ed, and 1 know it? utility
and value to tbe b?nate? of everj - lum lu the land, i
11-o a di-n-ne ot tbe principle of the bill, to ?due ite
th< people into tl) thit net tor ererji
Maie m mu Untos ?ourafoi tl.ppi
i . r W, ri?
.Vu. i.- .i tn.
Mi- PaekardwO tho wife of aPresbyterlss
lii.ii nf Mint, -no, til., ant Wl I by htm on
, I ,? !?
wltoh gava ase haaaad sr guardian tbe rUHIsfossa?
liiiti.I "i i Mif. ni infant WltkOOl SVidaaSSk Mis
a-.o.w.i r. .i-..!! ?"i (imiiiiiiin . let was Hal Hs rsfused
o. ,u . i |ii un .i. ? u i,c ui total -sprat t]. tad Bj gttlae to her tiers to a Bibb bI - lallselarehwai
lajurlag Hs eaass o Ckrist, wkiek ke fell sail <i spos to
defendb] Imprisonlgker. Bhewai k.-pt in prison for
mi,. riil moutba ol
the was kept with He dangerous patients, belnj
. ? 'I n. III.' hair of lie i In ad llliulll Ulf room . .
? he kiiiw- and forka ?nd turn
a li u . ?. Inn led ?I i" i : mi ' r pel
n.nod to mi fool H the ground?, and out off fi
? Hill Ham ? till H |, |,,!s
i?v ""t. i "t Un n ?i.i,, | aba did not know ol b
until I In? thi ' e y u , h ni e i|?-' I, 11?
band Bed thi Stats to avoid a BBob and proseentlon
Packard appeaod before th llllnola Legislature
Feb. 1
n lallj ' . . .1 .. i. pea| ul tbi law pel uiittlug bu
to Imprlton tbeli wires wltloul evldeuce of In
i station ''.a- tl.. m id? ol Hi .1.??? i
lum, and He Huperutendent was dismissed i
oi the State, a? amended m lei these clrcumatance?,
ettabllabe? the inquirendo lun?tico bj |ury, before
whom the perton uiat,,lit. i.. insane moat appear, and
iniy m., riarbt itiimntM im it n n.---? -s t.. o? exam
ineil b) the |urj I' of Iowa referred to il ?" l""
Vide?, 1" u?'hi?,,!,, that i tl-tiliiiL.', oininill.e one "- ?"em
a . lllj I? tu he ?ppo|u?d ?O III?' l.??'..rllnl, w h.
arespofi!1!-.?!. They, m Bneoi Hem, mus? m?" ?'?" " "' ""'
two nisi m,? one. a m ?,iii mil lu s iftei ' ' uiu'iii
ami condition ol p.itlntta. ami ?.-?? if i??> H"' l!,1l,r"l?
eriy detained or uiiiu-'iy puoel in.? " un> ?r.- un
kindly lu-attHl, th.-mtitM are ?uthorlied to n
?ny employ? of the iiittiuitlon nullt) "l auch
ami ?m b employ? ?
ih?- saiiie m,,. ,?r Uu priainun, ni thai would be lui
I..- tlmilai treat mem ..f .,u,, \..
M i- requin .1 Hal tbe Buimrtutendi nt kei y the addreu
''"I i ?J.f the Vlaiting Committee posted up
ward of bla laylum, and even Inmate is allowed to writs
when or what u.. ? i,,....,. to n? Oommittaa?, or to aay
other perton, provided tbe lettei goes througk the Oobb
mlttee't hands. Por this i?uip.isu the iiiinaie? are to be
furiilsiietl W1||, tUtlonerj, H Un V ale In a ? OlldltiOU to
! with it. Ai.v lettei 0" a ?ral? l to lusan.?
|t. l-fiis by thi? ? iinuillt. e mus? '. I ?-Ted t? them
unopened ?ml unread bi Uu? Hupei uleMleiH i'??i
nii.'i '? llitj i lieivitlilden a , u
111) put ?.t, ,.!,?! ..n> oi :?' plou-m
I? to be jiunUhe- M iin|,rl?<iiiiii'i?t not .-?
|| ag . ? ?. .
ei kin ji lurauu ytitoua u to bo t??c_
fur what it i? aurti_
m utbliks- i>ay ffr tits inssifjaT a rntoT
CI a?s r..i ai. Ai'.si is; n. ; DKBATB?I__BK8B
?ufova nu. ^1111 !? ? mi Korsn sn oi
. ??. RBI.
Dtm .?t i-, Au_. M.?Tbe Association bas gives it.- If U|i lu baril WOCk. S
saospUoB af a few hasta1 rids oa a railroad yi I rday,
tin- whole Ums Bas shea derated t,. madiaspapsrsla
- cf.t?. smajorit] I thi ara, as nsaal, M
Barely 11 rh 11 : i il in tin-Inlet nil ?uto possess but litt
ular Interest. It Is a relief from anh work when, i
sight, ?i r. tilv I' I,. ..ire i? delivered ; sad the
thron ? . rbtsd sodleaee thai IsstiSed kyfka?
'ineiit nppl.ui .? tlu-ir Sppn 'i itiofl of l'i,,'. HocaS-Sf
fort ? to pal I BS faOtS 'ii 1,1
shape adaptad to gaaaral tampiabeiisloii. raralsl proof that, reieiii'i- ' ?m Slwayi bS mti'le atlr letiw, if
only its prof, ,.?,r- win tike iiie troaMs t>> pnssal u la
un sgn ?
mi' catan m ami ?ivirr nnre
lbs proceeding* ibis moralag before the l
led Into sections, and wei ' ?- w bal
proasls d for tba mosaeat to basosss s pallttoal dlscos
-ii"i. The Pmsedenl M ? ?stationbad ssads i I
ramarl - , I bj Comt
m rafea im i ta b ging tbs Ooverameal t.. apply tba
surplus of the Chinese Indemnity Fund to sstabllsh aa
AsMricsn eollega tn Chins It will bs recollected that
i disposal of this fund bas asea raeoms-eadsd By
it. Buchanan and Lincoln, Be? retai t
Beward, >uti tad others, it botas,
been frequently explained in Tbs TBiBtma,aa aasoaal
whleh Chins overpaid in tattling for daamges la United
States Ditlseos, winch, when in tor m illy landen .
Chinese Governs it, ws lot lini t. wltB I h
th ?t proseare on tbe subject would bo hurtful to \?.ati<
prisa. Ha batter ass of Ittbaathal propoood, aad bow
already sanctioned by rasolntions of aun] prominent
es snd public i.o'lii-s. eoald post i,
The following i. is n por) i
When-it*. A Surplus fi"iii tin
.1." amountlug now, it Is heliovi d, t,,
>i'.ii..?mi, rnuialus in possession ol tit.- t uited Stab
t; t? the opinion ol ? irpius
i la l equity t,. the United States; ami
whereas, a bill Is now [lending In Congress will,
poses to appropriate ol this surplus for the education
of \n Chinese in tbe ntuguages, Utera
i ol the respective nations, to facilitate com?
mercial, diplni ., 1,-iitiiie intercourse between
,? es, .m i toi
knos lodge .uiioiik. m, n ;
' i thi American I lion for the Ad
vancement of riclence heartily indorses the purp
the aforesaid lull t.? di vote to the u-,-? of e?tuo tlion ami
?- m . tuna anj poi lion ol tbe lo-calli d "Cbln ???
Indemnity Pond" which m ly equltabhr remain In tbe
m ot the Govermnenl of tbe UTfltod
la expatiating upoa tbs propriety at this naolattoa,
I'le-nb'ii! -.lull li allinleil to the UUM . untv of the present
position of the inn,i m the'hands <>r the I
Grovernnent, itaee II ol irad a premium (Or trump d up
, i nui-, aad abi ulj ?.;, ad h . i '.. i ? thai
that I II remained maeh longer on ippropi u
lese?la su would be Intro
? It, and tm ? ? i i>- .-n't ir tba
m tbe Smithsonian funds, which lbs Government had
to n,,. .o,,,i ?it,-i the i
? m w GOBI t : ? i ? i un i ?.
--? t n',? was aew to ti irii all tba
im ??.i?, t - oi -.i \ ? il, m, i ? mol ion
and ,'nniioieii the tuggestlon ?>r Pre-, but smith, thai
the fund was not safe In the bands of the Govern
Be declared that this Insinuation was made b I i
Smith without foundation In fact, and simply for politi
i h,- astonishing waal efeourteay iu t iii.-t
?i.h, win-h was only she Bed t?> s oeil t.? arder,
ed extensive inquiry as to who the speaker was.
?im-?.t tin- .v, m Viiibi-ii pr?s nl Went ti -.1 nun
examining physician of a life Insuran ? ?. who
-iik? notoriety in i rariety af sraj *. sitber from tors ol
it or to advertise bis insurance company. 0 igtothe
? It Ol ills, till (IL- It. ??
spoke ol him during the day ' He
? ? ms done with whon the A.latlon, under
the "previous question," passed tbs t wlutioaoaths
- ? Indemnity Pund, s tb si debate.
lb for.-.on . at event of the day, in which
Claw-hammer to'-t put, lei sas meation some of the
stinor proceedings. It was neotrod tl ? latlon
is the absence of a signal station at Dubs ?
i tbe importan? s of meteoro
observations, aa i h .? i?. ).: ra ords ol t ila satara
torBByears; aad the Associai in respectfullj n
the War D, part me i ition hi re, if prao
iu the paper pre B tndrews
of Ohio, It will bs recollected thai .i aula polal mads
W.i- li
. frames bother within saullan ?a; that
their subsidences had usuallj taken pl?celo so equable
a manner that the] told boriaontnllj parallel, as
ran- ini I lain of . oal might I"' ?
by something like a ltd. lbs discs - m on Prof. An
,ir,-i\ .'s paper was postponed to this morning. Prof.
\ ?I \\,,r 'i.-n. . llogisl Of lilil?" -
1 himself ?is of opinion tba' a ooal
a im |g not unfrequentiy .1 tided sad sattral)
?operated by dlvisloos whleh gradually i
m tbe extent ol ama) loot Bs mentioned a particular
Instance out of a groa) m,mi where this separation was
: iii .t tbs mini sould no longer on M la
a, mult IfJ m?-' tbs ino-t peratsteni <>f tba so .1
- ,,f Illinois as ?- tin- Big Maddy," he eoaalderod it
tin best in the State, Its imparities being eomnarativ ly
It m highly bituminous, and ooa wed la
I iron b] tin- Blessoas furnace. Prof. C i oi
testimony to the dl, Ision snd -? p tea
ti,.n of coal wants to the extent ol ."> feel In nol
manj yards. i?r. Postar eoald nol agres with Prod
Andrews In bis denial of tbs .separation ol
?m.I Dl t SO nist u,,',- in nr BOS
Pa?, referred to by eminent geological . where
seven .seam-, unite,! |. on, In ,i thicks \ wi re
itfterwai'iijwuieiv separated. Prof. Aadmws was swan
of the, facts 'it,-, 1. 11.) ?111 not iloubt that th. re were
bs nf tii" sort, but in gaaaral bs did
.,-?,- tii?! there were frequent Bases whan seams
separated widely. Beams of eoal ai s rule, with ran
exceptioas, won of yaraUrt l?vala tram aalform
BOW IBS ii'.Mi'itii.tM i. l'lltm; ftililll?.
Asth" day won oa, sosm of tbs m .re Inqu
memben ascertained thai tbs Indli Idnal they had d
Claw-hammer, had entered tbs fold of the I
within but a f. w boon; lad.I eonld
Bave entered it, not havlnjr paid his done ? thai bs earn
a.? tin- reprea al ittrs of some Iksspen. ?
was i" make an a Mies, oa tbs Bold water qui il
Borrow night? i i urd sotad thai ? I
Palmer, of some eminence 11 sa s irasals of lets
bad almost .. i ;i member of the
itlon. Now Prof. B. C Bwallow,
ift ologlst, bad a piper annoum '-.I for tin- aft? i noon, en
i.i wine a Social and National Blessing,"
ami c?a? hammer gave oui during the ?lay Intim
th ti in- expect? ?I t" demolish the dootriue of that bead?
ing. An abstract of Prof. Swallow's pap i. which w.n
\oag ,,,,,i pi to the details of win.-.
making, will be found - H bad
eon, liiile.l the Wading of bin paper wloii Mr.
I'.ein. 1 arOSI , ?III?!, Hl toi,es of the il,'. l'est
gravity, i tpnssed hi? regret ut the
m, ni?" of U i- d
to ?rtvo by description tbe Impressiou of horror al tbe
i u ? ? m i'i"t uied to itt. ? t in i
? man who bad once been prominent In tb. ?t . u
Law moveuii ' ? the growth and mana
facture ol ? iue ie??nied to blm altnosi Incomprehensible,
C_in to onler contlned bim to certain topii if. prin?
ted to the position th ?i abunda
. prevent tho use ??t stronger ?Innki ro
? ie p.unt tint m, n will have stimulants, and that
: th m tea, coffee, ? oa, iu . Di Palm? r as
aerted that the alcohol which existed in wines and li
quor* was th. Iplelnthem. A. wonder
ug up among memo? r?. Quest
order were raised upon this remark, and twenty men
...i their feel al on? Prof. Basnetl In vain ap
. , f the Chair, whi. h was tothe
?hat ih. remark was In urd went
on. He said that experiments with various wines and
liquors adiuinlstered to animals Indicated thai the pro.
portion of aleobol contained, and uothlug else, ?aster
mined the? it- u irsof contradk-tton ?. r?
mi cm i - 1,- 1? | ,.,. i i.,.,- m a new poiut ot
but tt, i. red it'" n. "h' .?t duk.-m.slou h-.ui
n. it.-, in Uarisborne moved thai Prof. Palmer be al
lowed l" oouiluu?! U..- discussion m lio ws
had begun il Prof.Bwalloa wished to a.ljourn to some
other lime ?Mat place, The pending ri-solution was
ailii-udcl that lb?' 'Us, ilssloii In ' "Ullne.l I" Ih, -,
t, , paper. Prof. P..'.mer pro,
?A. ,k .-. rant Europe, bi '? ?' I" r
rung ?un'?, U to au U lw ?
made ttr. ug wine, two oi it, . ?oiild
therefore be equivalent to one gluss "t wiiisky.
A? i<> drunkenness mueb de|iended upon tbe rue, tin?
climate, and the habitat i I the people. Druuk? i
now ex? eedingli rife In Krauce. Uui
i ?as onl. prevented bj p?.ii> e rearula
il..n-. mu now it is fl .n.n iu Palmer
?Men. | -? , ol ..:. tire ?? ? U? of
the UI , . tin ie ,a L_u.ui.iy atevaleat ?uid siuguisrly fatal.
.?uni wnuu.l up with an obi -tyb- tniai abstinence
lecture, amid an amoaal of ?xeit.-uieut ami .-x.iajjHira
tiou o? masaban qua. anpaiaBi
tut i.osiuti run KSNS.
A' this point il_U_U w?-limit-11 M>- lire uitr.ii
any one sp? i "'',' 1J
Btiautam aaASvs Btiaataa la hs luu-war?! for
tlaniutlmruf tho pap? r f,, MB4S- l?r. W liibl, . dlapol. bf J
sonn- itoint? Pass ?? itiure ami the Ie.
Ums that gnpea would stay ^u iho viuo ai.o? gppanmt
ma ?m liy no m. ?n? '? I ,. .,??,,.
'h Dr. Palmer mad? himself beard upon ihn
?n hl?
o look in. ly. Than i.r
witn dlcnity; andi In tone? thai aere ibtolutely ?tonnent
"" ""<> ,H?t he mi- ,.,a,|. the
I. ?111?. ruf the \ss ,,.?.,,,??. ,;,, ! j
the de?
i " ...' ,
r.-pli.-d 0, th.- -?.,t?.,?....',' ',,, ,',_'
: ' -ui,.. i ,i a.,"i temed I
I!, i I .
condition as the alcohol lu pure mm?. \ ..
. iiji la-i i?,, fii Mr. Palmer ami I , ,? la
which the latter adverted o. 1i ', ,?.
Ihe III! ill ll
III- 111
? ? of alcohol In wine where be claimed
: a. mi. all
of Uu . W|,en
?ml ?bowed boa al? ohoL. opium, i ol
Noi hing but t he limit ol
I? seit lu . ,
i ifterward uembi i ?
through tli?
u the ruliuga ol tbi
nient of the ? i
! thai of Dr. rn?t, i. u. o if waa thi mo I d
ted in ?li.- A.dation. Tom
iiii'.'i -, though mucb i i
tbe whole ad | ring ?ru bru-l
Tin: lau 0MMWI0B ok immii -
??? i. Prof. i. - i .?r ? BBBbrldas wat
not Intended so mack tor the sstontll i
? _ He leeturer comment I , nlng any Im
tontioato laiparl kaowlsdgs to He Mteaibsri
iiitiii Mil.i ifoniieii a eonalderable portion sf hi?
e. By taking some one feature or |x
t a. how I !u ? ,
can in- riven of the entin ? - i
n alun t ?m in in., id ?
linea i oa?
-i. ? nevertheli - - -
lions determined tb il a in d apa i bone
'nal. Prof. Mon
?rated tn! ? l.v il: iwlng a tt
and then reconstructing I igmeuts an
? i.. loped from it by a few more line.? . i
exhib ?
? . ! M
accuracy ol d lineatfon, but In rapidity !??
.ai. Me dr iMs with t'oth band
grow before tbe eye? of the ?port?t or even I
turer ine.t h? ? ? .
unquestionably ooe oi I .- ,. m
be I If Ve.
('. u mi creature? have the power? ' \
water ? ill mi?
. . ? n?i
than a lump ol wel glue, yet ran form any
i'.ii-i of them I digestive <?rg ma.
ol thi -?? exhibit, ten.;.ly, ?hap
infill mean-, of locomotion. In animal waa than draws
i bre a out ai I i
all bad no ip ? ??? Hi ?bape a hen at
? .,??: .? il: f.t i, ; irti.illv. or, at the
i oral-Hi.ik'i u lug both, be naked tbi
audiei oe to witness 1
nicht, 1 foun I m> ?elf u-porte ?
, - M. re tbi i
of - ?It
muy i , I
in muscles, but by litt lent of ? ich
which, by
tl. ?m- a - r the ptirpoa
bes u -\t coi i
on the ? i ?bore b it opportuuith - ?? ? natu
an- ii, ? one v? bo llvea in the li
rinin the peu " ?
known to tli I I '?
most ? nnii-, having bla mouth in the
tin end "i his aii
i... omoto i- app. n
il n the watei 11
.. i.-lu ? to travel be atl
tu a bat can bed before 1 I
??v.? motion ' a inch
It Mit!?, s into the ?and, and then, by contr?ctil
foot, draws the shell alo r it. Aatbe) woi
?bore,these freah-water mussel? mane groo vet
-ami n-, m ?mil tin vein be tracked; in last, wb< i
am a t
i- ml ni it. There it another freah-water sb litl-i? i
-it.i??: s that of an animal which swims bj
uu.' ami eli eater oui
from b i n ?i na- two
m inii'i . ig anus m i'- i pire of
uu- ? V..1- one ol the most curious sketched by the
r. The cut?
ti-h do, but ?. pump? ii ..?. lo front so thai
It ?WillM
tbi j... - tai ward. 1 -. ih ol
Hugo is marred In but description hi al i m
mistake?, lie describe? It aa a cuttto-ttab ; b
? - Intel nal
oi gana, or thi ????. are i xaci ly eo
cut tie ti-he? are eoneemed, Hut tiio
? I. -? rlptiou might applj with at i
external itotnaeb, lirer, I mine. Th?
blunder that Hugo made maj be iccounted for bj
; tat after studying up l be cuttle-H?h on tbore, ua
m.- to his library, iu?1 a?l of lookiuir up He f i
motd poulpe mil ? i.k of natural history, he looked np
1 nu-, and Uni? oui), could an animal hat i
created In i ne half of who? | !
<?niv be true of an anemone, the other half oui] >
cuttli iiMi. And tue animal which I ? us
tain the universe i.n i
a -.l'n- fui . | hey move i>v
.?.li si if k Olli (
!.. .m.! aie u-id in bold pan t?f the bodv ?
i,?amis, ??i while part expands the r<
and Htm the worm la drawn forward ii
a ? ?. tbe inmiii n angle-worm i
air tbe aii-'lew Tin. admitted Hat be neve i
via- ,i - bi .nl and a bleb Ita tail,
though that it baa a head aud toll Is veryevldeni. M?
ih. u -.puke uf tbe lut .u?, ?? i of ti?" ' r?i-i
He drew a lobster, aud ?bowed bow the aoimal r
forward with bl? le? or lump? backward by
atrokea with bt? tall i. ' ?-? I on tbe ? I
r th" I'jbater't tb iuld< i
lUtl IB.
i m .i th? i? ?ii ew a stries of th tli ? ????
g iiiim-. by thi w
a aide or 8 segment. 01 tin extension i i
the relationship wa? traceable between tue moat
... adage? and :., form id H>h pinching
own lobster. Al Hit point, bj a few
-? with laughter, lu addition to tbe more
be had il? - lid the lob?t< r claw n apt to
tb? hand-* u
? ?ii eye m.l mouth upon II "' the
'.i.i'i am i Hai Ha lobst? i to? beeo-sse
?lu me.
in e.imui.a.- rontand hvmenop ?
. whn li the lectun
? , i tint ?monit m
with bird?, if tbe wing? ai move rapid! r
? hopiM r ii
.,'ifi being accuatomed to ? u?o
the other legwithoul kickina,although ordln i ?
to lot mu?s' mi order to lump) a gre it di i
some days have elapsed _ft?i the tase ol t leg, ind Ha
?upper has I'e.oine Impressed with thi fact I it
every time be kick? with tbe remaining tear be tin <
over, the kicking or Jumping function la entirelj
In u.. museum ?I Boston there la a grasshopper thai hi???
i ili.'ii mi .? -I" ? m lu. li pierced '?? h ii
ami killed It, abowb
an Lient?.is hlgbei ? " elme- mite 01 " ?kip
p,r" I. ' Bd tall toi ? mi-,
.u.,1 pulling : * ?part m th a ?i ip i
I111..1U..11 nl tins on tho ttoaklBBfd vta-? ex,.-,-.l.ugly
curioua . , , , ,
The mu-? 1- nal 1 ? ' - form? <) Una
lubjectol Illustration, rben the bull frog th
lump walk, of ?mho- appeal d upou the I
i? -.t the make wild u ept
Its locomotion I
s bit 1? .n. thi u-' as ilnst the .
of tin'- ribs, sctuatod bj powerful mu cle? It i
Uiat 11 ? snake, though capabli of tbe moat rapid move?
ment on Hs ground, be pat on a ti like
thai "l gtoM "' \.iiii.-i.?'il m.I, he mi.?Mr?.. . mUi
im 1?, nm make no foi ward pro) .'y
u a tnaki to im.v.- m
il., tiled lation
of tunotiont performed bj th
tin- bird?, aud tin - . ? ..i tb? u
to tbelr variout modet ol feeding, wen
lie mas are to become tie oraaaaof it?.
itoiit-oi the bird are bridged, and tru.I, and uiodi-ed
-o aa to give the i. quiait? powei. b
teuded and
- ? 'i.Ui. The o iid.iu-i n?i.
Close the !.? - Mln 11 the M. ? _?*??
in n 1 the leg thus tbe bird roo. ? i" ?"''
the fowl alWai ? -hut- . I MfU
them because ihiiuiii- the leg draw? the tendons. Tin?
Itjou of l?ie aiai 11. tue bal oui- nigau
In thi g??ing
ep the lunetiont of the <mea
. 1 ol u?.- i.n ' "' bighsr the
_r_deol aul I r tn? power ot the aiBBtog
- than that of locomotion The in.tukey
.uu ami nanti for u great vanetj ol other i?ur
.. n.-.-ir. ami the leuuall iimukey
lueansol it- aim-. At
la?? with man the urm bei ? phallc appenakMB?
ami 1? i." long, 1 .,.-. ,1 for purpoaetol locomottou, ualea*.
iiednvet a laud-car. Step lo ?top .um'-tho
towel ?u?.- we m ij ti i ?' H? Improvement of ..r??a
tlld of IllUCtlOli llUUi "i I? ?h 1(1 .it
lea ?here uulv He lowoi ?nun? ?tr? eiupnij ?
upper i?ecouie sasha-Msiy Um
???Ken? siiArKt? by tiiK N-Kiui ?>r ruawaaa.
\ ,?: St I-iiii? m ado ?ome ouer.'stiag
.m at.?- husHOe itiuu af m?r \ ana aa i??- Bi??Bt?
uieuu ui .it? kooM uau. tin? year, -Uwvwo. i__t t_o_