Newspaper Page Text
i?cmcmfi, cic, Sino frxmnf. .m? i?'?! !:\ llni'-v. ' i "David G w. ?i Uat.r.t t-oai>???. _ <--, -iiinmnr N i . ? " ' ?CG9 XotlClG. , OBTRA-I ?t I, oa rtr-lpt o( Al! la?',. ! Id lvll.1. -? " lis- Paid ? _, ,? . _ I?,o ' ,;:m - !*?_. ?? i.,,,-, .-i por lias. II lili?. ? Mtaon m tas papar. ? : i I o? o? - j , i) ; 15 for a ?RANT'?. li teal a I ' {?$ Tu. RAI BEAI i i? I OBM ' MO: Of lin ? ' ' II? ' Mil till. Illll'l l!. fork. op totvn mav ? i (es. ? n will find ?t ?, in. the 'MitriTTH'r in tin rou ? I to them ??>? ? .nib. ?_i THURSDAY, AU ?tin '.".Un, m : ' T.* tie paid by Fraaea to : gotlated ? !?v the Qraat Sa? pai -I'i ' les?, linnk* n , ?i|..-ln ' t- ware lu .i built : 1 .. ' ' . Mr. f.oni-vil!.' vhieh Mr. lMun?:? 1 i- distributing lliioiiis'li |be Washington Poet-Offlce do mot beloaa to him. Thia shows, it Mr. Do?ean is ?1, tli it t Committee o off hi- hand ? the whole OPOC? I ? ? LI erponl of Weal Vi n?, de in tins paper, thai the eleetioa In thai State turned purely ?m local leonee, both candidates lot Governor being supportera of Mr. Greeley, rTTid (.en. tMoiit nut having been mentioned in tl - i nun beginning to end. The Ni?\ ember in- ?i large m.? i '??it>. "i-li ?- ]>li ;:.- ?I v.iili the probable reeall of the ' , o?-?'. We eball not gel ?out li B ??:.? -, !?i ; (linii- ; lint \n, )..,vi- 1i.h1 | deal ut niuurw tn< m ov? it, and ho .??int thai il m cue o? ? ?II will ' "t ?? entitled t.? oak what the \> i i. "' isking. i : ?-. .\. :.. 1.1 to, it what the moral victory. We pttbH-h onotl liment "' :;' of the Am? rican ?4 non f?.t the A.iv.?:a. m? ,- ,,] Sdenoe. Jt in cfekko ?.'i iiii??i'i? ,1.1 di? - ion u to the di m-; tin- dupooition to be mu?le ni ?in ( .. n--i iiiii, miiity ; and the much of tin- morality and, _p< . ?if the iiciini'.ti tin. .. gome carious ?n- were aleo giren on tin- fru? t.on ..i m ?-t important mi ?- in .?( internai ?iiiliiiiiD-ti.itioii whfehohonld engage the atten? linn , ii'siiii m (?f Mexico i- the ?.IIJiprHrtrtlOH Of thO OdiO . Of kl(l)l.lj) juiiK- To Joy wo pabliah tin- b-telligenee that tin? Governor o? Sinaloa baa been seized by a gang ii -idatpfOTO and ?aiiieil into the moun? tain?. If thia ? i i v < raioo la not promptly checked ?t mny oxteiiil to foreigners, which will be a ?m.?. a . -,ll, ll.'Mllii by Mi. J.oiitwi m, has I Itil?u'!,-!. ( <l ..Tl ?-|]iiliiiill V. II,. abBuid h-torproiatioi by Mr. DeugUai o-M- Tai law in i'r'-'l I? lofcaOOO at?od '?' bonded warehoaaoi between the 6th of Jane .m,: let of July ?>? ?? tmnm? rear? The Attorn y-General ralea tlmt oil tohaoeo with ooneompt-on alnco the 1st of Jolj ...',,.,-t only ?" tin- reduced tax?e, it ia rather late ia Ihe aeaooa to arrire d thia i lew of the maUer la queotion, !,?, , hing to a a the Administration, Dwledgfag one oi its hlna hive not hithertothonglii that Cot?- waa m fot the Gnal poopl in .!,u-e!*- to ha alarmed ?boat carrying thai But it seemi tlnit the genera] panic reached even there. Thej considered II m ?. --..i> in their Convention at tfti i K iKiiiiin.itiiii: Got, Woahbnrn Governor, to cael aboat tor moans to ae? rarte all the odda and onda of faction In Ho? to help elocl him. Tiny adopted a pro? hibitory liqnoi la* reoolntkm? and one oqaarely declai Whether they will gain or lose more rotea by ,,|is **? pedient reniai-a to i?o seen. The resolutione ..n the whole, with these exceptions, wordy than aignifioant. One ? ? i them had the tu i abuae the Liberal I not following the good example let l?y Dr. Loring, who made o long apeoch without ac cuaing Mr. Greeley, Mr. simmer, u Mr. Trim bull ? no? r, ', i of the campaign hare boon marked l>y ao high ? moral tone and ao <?"!> Bcientiona ? view of pubUe law no thai ol Judge Qaton, at Chicago, on Tueaday. He ,.- briefly bat with admirable the ignorance aad contempt of law continu ?- by the Administration, and thou, ? .-??!, loaea none of Ita foree through its judicial gravity, be arraigna the ?ml anil political character of the men who control Gen. Grant He refera with doe i;> to the fad thai illegality and corrup? tion have become reniai offenoea la high tit. hut doc-?, not on tlii- BOCO '?it loM oi courage. There baa never been so '? of the brain and heart of o hat which carried Gre< ley and 1 um,i?,11, and Bchara and Palm? r, ?uni otb? - like them, to Cincinnati. The work ao well begun ia well continued. There la good n i - that this is t!:o laal Adminia tration w? for years eonduoted <?n tl,. ??id ayatem o? apolla and corruption. The Mucceaa oi the Lin tal movomenl i? aaoured v hi i Judge I aton ???? nei illy join ______ / ' \ i- Y COMMITUEA I I ?milion which ?m? publish thia morning of the narrative of Thb Tbibcmi reporter win? was lately Incarcerated in Bloomingdale In -.m?- Asylum, i- ni i onfined to the circu? oi hia commitment. Tin lindir will rapidly follow. Bol careful leaders of the pr?sent atatement, which i devoted to i ; the Insufficiency of the medical teat, tl lationa of tin- institution by it- own o the utter laxity of tlio law, and the criminal evasion oi and anirit, will find in it food for d it, ?"oi occasion for gr?ai i, grel m | t adignation. It cleai tabliahes, to our mind, the abeolute need of -i \ei"! ?? In the first place, in regard to Ihe medical teat. Insanit] is oneof the mo i peculiar and unfamiliar of i Verj fea phj iciana ever encounter cast - in ordinary practice; and facilities for the stud; of it in it- various .1 ni'ii. il al dents in moat collegee. ooantrj ito treatment i? a -;?? ei,,! Btudy and jn.iet ice. The "c\ "perta" in insanity in thia country are iiliiio ? ? employed In the man I lona for insane patienta, ely one Ired familj ?- ?.in? Knows the legal procesa i..i com mit ting these sufferers. II nee the law, in selecting "two reputable phyriciana" as its agents, appointa those specially and absolutely .int oi it- requirements, il nol indeed anacquainted with the medical conditions ol the aubject to be examined. The legal forma and the onforcement of the law- are intrusted to the low? of our judicial officers, and in this litv to men without ony n information and little thorough ! :gal training. The natural consequence i-, thai both mi and h gal examinations are unskillful and insufficient, and the foi iurred ovei without thought or -onaideration for the per sonal liberty involred In the procoedin Any eommitmenl without the regular fan?? tico ii>i?n'?rcit'h> by jury muai be defective and unjust. Iiiinoi lotto,Iowa,and other Mill? - have It turned, ?n oic'i aftOT ju.-t such agitation aa that through which we are ii?>w passing In this State, to thia ancient t. m. The oommitmonl by a regalar family physician, familial with the phyaiealand men? tal condition of the aubject foi one or more -, has been ? ayatem employed at t?nea in various states, im* it is open to the objection m delay in the treatmi -it ol a disease which re? quire? in-taut can-; and it isroMonablototap thai as doctoreare mortal it mighl frequently happen thai a family physician, confident in hi- own si.?11 or baring a regard for hia own would dt ein,, to Bend a ?' itieal to otb? i rare and to eweH other pareea than his own. The gr?ai argement against the pnblic ex? amination by jory i- the publicity neei to that procesa, and thia is naturally magni iii d in tin- ey? s of fri, uda of the afflicted pi r? bobs. Bat wi. i. it ii clear that the dis mployed as a cloak for crimei publicity appeara to he absolutely ae ", and to the ?my s.v-tela. il We would : protection t?. all, we mus? return. This protection i- accord l to crimi ia the right of the anfortnaate. The argumenl agaiaat th.- ayatem that it will cause delay in the treatment of the iaaaac i- not sound, tor theim iii.t-i eommitmeot to await examination by jury can be made with a? much propriety a- that of one accused of criiue. It reqnirea neithei argument nor {.lustration, -Ulli a.- we pu-cut in the aarratireelsewhere, to prore tl'i abeurdity of thi '? : ?mina tioB by police .i?' i be truth la that in hundreds of cases Hke that cited, there i- no examination such aa i- certified to in every ( "in nil m? at form and required by the Tin- magistrate allows no evideace ia defense ; tin- prisoaei i- not brooghl before him,though illy without eooBsel, and therefore, in , tin- client ol Hie court The motive ?i tin- applicant tor eoauaitmoot ia Unques? tioned : hi-s ? tci i* not [nqi ?n d into ; hi- name i? not aaked. The ataadiag of the physiciaaa i- not prored, though tin? law requires that the Coart ?hall h? satisfied that in "two reputable pbjsicians.n The wholi procesa oi depriving the ahaeat eitisen of bis pe? ?nal Id? it.? i- a more formal pi. lOBg lout III? M I \ I,-, lined him to an unreflecting machine. ' Institut] m was reara ago one ?it IttmtattoM o? (ho Umd, m 1 r....ii.iiy. It ha? b d -t-Wisbed to om Mt?B-BC-0_ tl.:.t its prCBWt .-ml'."'" .late* bal .1 few v.-.u-i l,:?li;-?^.m<>?.? h demoralised witbb. Ike ltd art ? i , p. ,t ?v.ti tit im "if' "? regulations arc -ii,,,!iy ?11 thai ma be asked, ?- ?? rounded with all Ike safeguards wbieb expe rioDM in tin? iniuiir.<iii''iit of innl ln.ii?! Bt. It is ibOWB, ho'AeVcl, Ly thfl n ni I , ire putdish, that the moa! ... of these bit disregarded, Bl ? time whea ll u.i? tialinal I" that tin? Strictest fig ilaaoe .(Id ba i '? A >AU" ",l" D* 1..-I n rim into the LqrlUB i? ?iiiiln.1 disregard of all tba regulations, ami in tIn- taco nt the .1 i,nation of the Assistant Bnperintendenl thai special lastructione bad been latelj I to accept no patient without Indorse?icnl l?y a i I-Yerno. <>l the In ?tntk?. Here are proved nol onl] Ineffleienl m idical mu? inadeqnatt li al examination ami mal? administration ol tbe law, bul ?liminai negli - ,i i,i dt liberate violation o? the nut i <?i the establishment it?rlf. Ami while the narra? it ve, cien m Las nnflnished state, airead] reveal? thai the management needs reform, it , we think? ? (inclusive ei idenee in favoi ..t the Immediate repeal ol the present system and the enactment >.t laws requiring ? more thorough medical test and more public snd judicial commitment of insane pen?is? CABP1 T-BAGOERS- BJ ?' Ll ? )F THEIR BULE, of course, there Is s gn loose talk about the reconstruction and regenerat?on of tin late aad dob Frt thej ni" not to be i. dored t<> the foil ilu.?h ??f ?i new prosperit) by Mr. Henry Wilson's bea lo Ha' Preedm m, oi by an] spa tirades sbont tbe value ol Liberty. 11 e pros? perity of a State is determined bj statistics, ami these frequent]] are not dull reading. If you look into the census report <>t 1870? and find that since IE 10 there bas been a decline ol One-Fifth in the ana of Improved lands - tab s ander the political control o? Carpel Baggers and Preedmen mainly in? fluenced by < orpi ' ' U yon lind ?u the un - th ? line of from Third to Two-Thirds in the valuation of farms ? i- one fact Then it' .von And in states which have been comparatively free from the Carpi t-Baggers, Ken ky, Virginia, Mis? souri, A-?ansas, Tennessee States which ? wasted bj the wai -it yon find In these hardly any decline?thai is another Kentucky is an illustration. Her valua? tion of lam! lu? advanced [rom $291,493,953 to HO. Booth ('. rolina has bad o gov? ernment in which Carpet-B ig erj h the positive and tbe old White element the tive quantity ; and Und ? there bave fallt n in value ? >m -I t * ? v ? i i. In Kentucky, hat fear, the Improved bind lias tun np From 7, . ? l ; i|i South hs - b ti ,i ui ' li.if One Third. South Carolius has been governed |j 'u ?ii m ?li agents ol the Grant lustration ; Kcntm It ' - her? tl til!' . blooms like a gardt a?South (anilina pron ??< -, troles, there i i a great chaiij -? there, to into a desert, This proves, ir it i?i??\. ? thing, that meddli some pnce with tbe ,! a.Lu? ? I a Stale ma] be utterly mil that guardianship li'?" that which the G . rament bas extt nded to it i ward bad a? aie leading si i inga Foi a boj o years ; and that it yon ran -taten in the inter? ests of a Party, you will noon ran them courajring dec The l'ai i ? all p ? ? for instance! That State, in 11 ? i? > 11 _rti a coalition ot Liberal ??' |> iblic ma and Dem?crata, t!i iroughl] treed it-cll from Carpet Bag domination. What is the result 1 Al once there is an Incrcast in the area of unproved .lands?an incrca i a hieb baa been making progrt --.?,' t ?ne?. ? un pare ? hi? ., Ufa t leoi -i i, where, during the same period, the area of im? proved land baa steadflj diminished. It waa ? Such is the result of, which, we take it, Is the full flower of Baggery, Bo in Missouri, where the] have had Universal Am? nesty ami ('.rat/, Brown, the Improved aerea i in up m ten :?? 615. Pal this against Alabama, where the ares ol cultivation bat been reduced bj Fifth I Land goes np in value in Missouri in the ten yean trom I . 108,04. ?it trois down in Alabama from $175, . 101 in tlie .?ame time I Conslut r two oilier States in the matter of taxation I In Arkansas, utterly given up to the Carpet-Bag taxes are -i.? greater than In 1860, against a decline in land vaines of Otic Half. So in Louisiana, the State and local debts In 1800 amounted to on] ro they had reached the frigfa Ful aggregate ot | iMi.tiii. with taxes doubled and the area ot cultivated land diminished l.y One-Fifth; while land valm- bad run down from - . in i? .i to 1-8,0 0,000 in 1870! li' re are the resolta of Grant pacification and . Grant nianagemenl ! They can prove Dothing except that the Inter, ta ol labor have been grossly mismanaged in tln>?e States in which tin- old White population has been crushed out ol all em rgj and nst fulness bj a horde of harpies which baa ased the Black lu i im its own purposes which does n't want it industrious, intelligent, and educated, be? cause it i .m make noon money out ol it while it remaina Indolent, stupid, and buy. Thia i the -i i;> of thinga which a i? proposed indel Lnitely to perpetuate by giving tin- present Administration another foni yt its' Ii ise .?t power. We folly agree with Th Chicago " wht n n says that the Pr?t dmen n? ? d the I?. t a id not the Blackest <-<>\. rntnent Atan] rate, Carpet-Bagging i.? not for Iheii ; moral any more than foi their mat >rial good. i PS ;< i i ? u. i i n BERLIN. lit preparations i ig on for the meeting at Berlin of three of the most power? ful wvt i. igna ..i Europe, forriU] remind na ol the immense authority for good <>i foi evil which each indi!idnal ih them can ex< over the lives ilII(i propertj of man] millions of people. At present it is for? tunate tor the people thai the interests of ilieii sovereigns prescribe s policy of peace. Tim Mime three mi?is ,?,. twelve y< i at Warsaw. 'I he parp?se of that meeting significant of the policy oi the Empei.t ;. by whom it w.i? effected. That polit ? arose from the necessity of Rossis for reenpe through peace, and bei interests could be promoted by the guaranties fot ? h.- maintenanee ?.i |. whkh the meeting of the thret rulen would establish, To-day the biteresta oi Germany .-?ill i.est be subserved bj ? similar policy; ami as tin- bnclinationa of the Emperor William are sot oa th.- whole opposed to the material welfare ?>i bia country, be is prepared toadopt n measnre for the \.i <>i in-s eonntrj which ' a.illy _| i ?<? Ins o.i n pun ^_M tllU UiVvtLUg ip ?It/l \ax>s??U<:xi lo .m i molo schemes of Bggraadltomeut Ihere ore iiiniilo insriiiranciri. On ilo? part of Gerraaaf we hare thi following mateim-nt of ? ifaeet. which II well-known to axpeoBi only the, opiniona oi the Got-aaai GorenaaoBti "The Msigoificaaoeof this great erent ia universally "acknowledged, since the penoaal rapprooke "mint of the BMMjarohi tola itself mi evidence "that their political e__OarO_l are ;,?| in "tin? direction of a f)'-nilly "iftratondtng '?The aorereigna eeoembJe millier t<? oppose "an touninent danger, aoi andei the preaauie "ol cinicai extoraal relatioao, neithei toeom ''iiiuitc on ]in pai'itiiins for war BfB-B-l | "coiniiion ciiciny imr to diseOBI the tORBS of "a formal and ?-M'liisive alliance foi a apeeial "ind; and yet they haM- a comnioii pnrpoOO "before them?the preoerration andooaoolida -, ,,i the peace of Europe." from St. Peterab?rg we bare the sanooneemeat thai tin ? onfeifiii (? "m unaided bf all Meompetenl politieiaaa sa the aealiag of a "mutua! policy ol peace. The present noion "of ihe three Powera has not the aigoificance ??oi ?i eoalitioa for menacing other States, aad " for prodacing i-011)1.In ?(ions. It to inteaded " i,, secare Europe al foi sa possible horn " fiiithci (oniin.ilion, and ia ly to " the advantage ?>f all eountri? llowcM r, we are not in need of eaj oiticiiil ssaaraneei "i Cabiaet Ifiaiatera m Germany 01 Raasia >"? Aaatria to aatisfj oar? selves that no acheva of aggrandisement is intended. It is as will Known to the world as to iln aorereigna oi i i those countries that m? ?ni?(jiiai.- alliance foi sggrea 1rs ] Biposea i :? 11 In? formt d between them on a common fassis. There h evciy reaooB to beliere that originally ao m?enle toriHalc wat designed In) wich lu __perora ol Germaay and Anstria foi the purpose of adopting u common ayatem ol o?p? position to tlio Pope. The unanimity with which the Gorentmenta of iio'li of those i m,m ia? bare proceeded againat the Jesu?ta . the aiiiiounci'inent of the proposed vi-n oi the Emperor Francto Jooeph to Berlio, i? .lulu.m! of U The conference m cms to hare acquired gi importaBoe from the reoolatioa of the Em peroi oi Raasto to postpone a propoacd joor my to Berlin until the time of the coofereaoe which bad already been arraaged to t ike I'l.ii i?. The who!?' 11 .n.-.:.'ion bean the i amp of Prince Bismarck'? peculiar genius. Hia relations with the Busaian and Auatrian Gor? ei Hineilt- in ii : .'nod. i the plan of be coming a mediator betwi n them. 11 Count A i, di.i - j mil} consent II itbto with reluctance, Prince Gortschakoff did so the more willing]] i. auac be waa weD aware of the sdvanl tge winch would accrue to Russia ? the june ol Europe should be secured until the reorgani cation of h . 'il. O? ? ?I, and the exU naive foi hould be completed. After that time, there is no reason to hope I >i guarantiee of peace, Aa ai i ? i? -i m. a harmony of bub : may cam e a m ol ordei ; but the a,a iden i iy at any time I? uiination. V? a ? lie tint- h il III l he HI i I'M n -l ? n HectioB that the que .lion of pea? i Is on oo mo foundaf ion than t ? of an) one of the three wvi rt?, juat resolved . ' o _ w l i i? tibor ol 1.1- lu .-n (omul than ?h" jov ?ni gentli mau m its the young 81 lie ?f X? . ula in the Upper House oi < ongress. The Hon. Jamea W. N | i ?cut to govern the I' of W,, -.. bj I'n ??den! Lim Din in ". .1 all his - ncirie? to the wollt .n M- .ii.ii- a -a," ?i un spaniel) Settled district, and when the budding State came into thi family, as " n irar measure," In ; he took bis i united Stab - 8? nator oi that rot tea borough, lie drea the abort term, hi- colleague, \\ . M. Stewart, baring been allotted the long one. Nyo was reflected n 1807, and hia b i m ol cons, quently e in i-. i- 1.. ? latine which will choose his successor i- yel to be elected; the old Legislature liad a Rep?blica- majority ol three on joial ballot; bal two members of the Houae were classed as independent Republi? cans. The contest foi Senator baa already begun, and promiaea to make i striking tea tore in the Tit -nh anal i am <? -? Senator Nyo, since hi- second ;?mu h has been an sctire aad officions nun.her of tin- Kitchen Cabinet, lie i? the funuy man ol the B ni "i " Brudd? i Bones'1 i-i the troupe of Household It natora. 1 ia do( in -iv uul.inilly thinfa of such a jolly -oui; he dearl) lores a joke, and does nol hesitate to bare ?i si the txpenae of his master. Bal he lorea patroaara more; there la hardly '?I lul job thai hi-, not had his fiagei ia it ; nor a Eat otfice which be baa not been ' *. tg beg toi a re tiner. But it must be acknowledge- thai !i has been more atten? tive to hia rotes on dil.- moa-ur.-s than to the distribution of ofie?. !t ia not possible that be ?an be re?leteil. The fight ia bow narrowed down to J, p, dones, who it a mining superintendent, ami Wut. Sharon, agent in Nevada ol fin great corporatioo, tin- Bank of Californa. These two nun are sharp, sctire, am onscrupuloua stock operators, sad hate i ? h other most conlially. Bo bitter the fight be? ? -line that it i- coaaidared e< i tain the de? feated candidate will ofj.? the other and tarn all Us strength agaiief him in a pop? tor election. Both are Gran men for thia aioo. Mu ?l?ment of distord ia the Senator ship, and oo the Lasae ol tie oaarasa tm Um Legislature will also largeV depend the politl cal complexion oi the Statt I In- Nevada people -a> tie) ire tired of bt big represented ia the B?nite b) unie poUti i cal sdventurera, They ban jo ? ? ip< d from ? the threatened infliction of Mr. lit Loag, ?. B. ' Hioister to Japan, who waadrawa oat of the i last BeBBtorial eonteet by |he promise <?f the in which he now- boldi He wm ready to ? .in i ?'??' ?<? ? canraaa, bol tv? again disposed ol by other pronitoeo, sad baa btarned to Japan, where, after a certain faalibn, he represents the Great RepoUie. Bal Bbaator ?ye, with hia fun sad love ol fat thiBgs, has helped to j tin- Repnblicas nu?ority to the Bta e Graatfea. ,n,?I n re h ire both ; i i-i lu popularity to i, and it i- not that elfter will are? be a powei to the Bfir? r Btate. Ia the - late ??lection ,,i igm the misrule of the coi rapt party, beaded bj -. aatoi i Nyo aad .-i. ti.ui. had m reducid tin- (?laut majority of thai L !.. Bradley, Democrat, waa elected Goreraor i>v i,nvi, orei Ihe Repablieaa candidate; and c. \v. Kendall, Democrat, was -, to Congreoa oi ? i rbos Pil b, B poWi can, bj I SO majority, ?i- from N. rad i ???; . ftii the l.iii.i il m, ? ? .. i b) ik -Kg.u./ ?I '.ca-il. 41 Ui^o ,u t-Ubt ?'? ' I Bradley la i ?to. The State sliMely ?r/api IliSSS with California, whS?OS It WBS ehielly peopled] and the gsnerons eathasiaea. which prevails for the l.iln-r.i.1 ticket bo that Btate has swept ovei tbs moontaina iiit.l Is beginning to bavn its efbet on iho ranks .?t the Nevada Bepublieanaj the Deasocraey havo already wheeled into line andel the Liberal banner, [here it ao alt ? lion for <!<>??. 1:101 i this year ; but, whether ne meare ti Liberal Senator m p?aos of Nye "i not, ws shall undoubtedly aee in majority tor G-reelej un I _ R HEN AND WHERE, 1'ive hundred people, who of course must be inten ite I ,n thi written t?. know when and where Dr. Grant mule the following extraordinary declaration i "Sir, i i trs H" it.'iii.t in tbs ?? rid ui ?i tbs ssls _>J_et i.? Hi- restai iin s ?.f tbs Dalos i Bill tbougb, i ? i ? ? i , D - y nun Is m i.i'tit b .i p. n., -, ?i .ii.ii \i!n i met t i ?ii.ii bs cob n, ? \?,,i i,.?- f,,r n- ,,l.j. t ,in\tl. i bave <i, or Unit tbs Government d its tbs psrpoB - ??t Hi.- x ; . m.m .oui n soldier thst I wlfl not mi, . t<> tbS "Hi. r -..I.- ;inil .'ii?! iny lut with that pi ? Th? exl from The Bandolpk (Mo.) f ili:i-n, which BByi lit it '?rant mad" remarks in Ringo. banking-boose hi _f< tico, M..., in reply to a sterling Union man win? bad ?aid to bim : " Wiiit do yon bonestlj "think be n tl ohJecl of this war on the pari " of the Federal Qovernmt nt I" I It tiom d there at the time aa I of 1 Illinois Regiment of Infantry, lie hadn't mui-lt to do there at ili.u tint ?, and might well have been walking :?i?-?nt and making auch observations in offices and elsewl Whin this statement ol Mr. Grant's original hostility to Emancipation was ?rsl made, the II.'in.initiation journals with one loud voteo declared it to be alie. We give our authority, and we have m? doubt of the substantial truth of the story? li the Nepo-Bepnblieans want ih.- resurrection style ol controversy, they can lu- i ,i -il} un omino l : Me? tn ?s, Lut. if the M - ind 11 - . .?.in. Ai n meetin description held 1 hi?_. M;i?s., on tbe 23d ?n.?t., the Rev. Dr. Webster, presiding elder ..i tbs Charleston District, ? i m,mi evi ? a the Methodist Cbnrcb I man (name no? given) if Qreelej baggers would not be worth a straw." ??? that if intelligent I I ? will seriot the in s i this, they will irable in the in t'l.-r. It hum not be understood <? hare iin- ??-.*?-*t ol?j( ctioa to whi I i? u "polit On the contrary, when clergy , snd bitti i ly maligni d for preach og against Slavery, ?re did onr best to defend . red censure. Bul ti,. i pit aching ?um. . iking th?; pulpit a pi ? In? i, tn be trumpeted. Webster bs ! ? arm Iks himself, we fane, I be Long m ? ? - i.r.o i ?mi ,,. . i . would not de the appropris public iii'.iii-', i ) e i r foi ?? Hut neither the Unit -I HI it* i I ?? -.?in.- m , >r on,i ?il. Il Ul \.<i.l." _/.'. , ,, eeley believes thi- ?d payment ?. r : Ji clearl* do? ? ; and we are tun Inn .????! bj Mi l bat such is also bis opinion ; and he never, till very re cently, heard tint, another- ? ? t by any one? ? in i ion i regard the n I ' oend ments as du tuda, having do legal validity. But Ibe Liberal movement is not based npon gentlemen _ opi iinns,hnt npon the Cincinnati I iiii.ii I 'I. i, i. n m. Will Tin I itrobi.lf .oi..I ? -.-. that . , .?? subject I It i - , . 1 liinry Wil? ling about th Ding men,weinen, snd children; and , di a ppoae that "t ' will 1?' ;.t least mor ally responsible, Al Hudson, the other night, the hin .il?, n i m im It he exhibited was unusnallj large, somber, and terrible. Should Mr. Greeley i?? elected he d< flared thai there would be another Rebellion - this time in Washington I By these nntimel Mi. Wilson, we appi. bend, will lead thoso who don't l,i,,ii\ licit'i lo'.i! li- Hii.iL'i-. We who tin luio rt I'l.v i?. de? lare him one of tbe men in the country, Witness his denial of In? ulii Knot? -Nothing! .t.i. It .tii-. m .is i ?of the Printers' ? it? in Albany made a good hit in resolving th all previous Presidenta of the United States have I.. i n di.iwn front twool llie prof jaiotis, tin- lau i id the army, into which a majority of the people are de i ii im entering, it is _l ..n.1 propel that the m," ban! t o? the country should have a repn live in thi t.-.'' ?. ! mir. Wl a we come to think n hou i it. there is really no reaaon a bj tbe President .?In. il.l always !? an attornej it-lavt or a general. mi ? Why nol a banker T Why notaprintoi ' Whj not a doctor! But .-.?? forget. We iia\ e i do? toi now. *? Heavens! ben's another! We have airead] men? tioned that at I...t..I.>n. ( ?In.?, on ih? .'?;!i ins, Matilda rletcher made a tpeoch for Grant .Now, from Hillsdale, Mich?, oomes tbe thrilling informa? tion thst on the 21st lost Mrs. Hazleti addn mi a is, mostly of ladies, in the same behalf. There is anothi r.i Idenoe. M??s Fletcher (at cord? ing t<> report I " bandied Bumner Trunibull, Bchnrs, tin.I t.r. .ley in a powerfnl manner." n. Mis. ? ? ?i to bave "abused Bumner, >?.!iiir/, and .itii.'i traitors U> tbe Republican part]." Mr. Trum Lull ami Mr. Or?ele] sppeat I ipedexcori? ation it Hillsdale. _o glad '. A . lirions ? u red al t he '? lamilt? n i Meet in ? lay. A babe about sis months d ? i tbe railway eai->. It raa takea to tbe pulpit and exhibited t<> the eon* ?on; anda childless, oharitahle couple, Mr. un.I Mi?. \ ?' sed to adopt the little ? it iras christened "Hamilton Ashbnry i\*bworth,'' .mil -.i-iiiit-.l to have got into s good thing, when, un? fortunately or otherwise, the mother <>i tbe babe made her appearance, claimed it, and carried it off? li turned out that the babj had i.a abaadoni h> it* mother, but '?> a ? i ad, beat tb -. aud ate ? traordiit? >) _i mdmotber. W'.ll, now. this is n't ,i!iit ?. thonld n't bat I . iudt. I. ind lo ? rritrs from ?ui ich, Kw n ?r I i,i. i,, / , o log the diplomats aud consuls ovar bei-to aee how ? ni politii .IK ? l found '.nt one Qroeley ..I .-?.-ii Im- iras p ..mut'-? election?' w ?? have ao doubt >>t it. lint l.t as ?i?'? iaU] admire I i . I mies lir.nil, . . in I i ?on:. , HM ul . Ill '." WOllld . irai boms, THE ILLINOTtS CAMPAIGN. 0AT0-T8 SPEECH AT CHICAOa NT ACT?StJSPI NSIOV OK Tltn w::ir or RABIAS ? tlmtt 01 iti'. I'.l I 1.IOX ONLY?(?KANi'.S ( (>lti:l IT A l?VI?r M niB ' ivii, IKBVI? S?POLITICS-- MOBA-ITI ? HI rHBI \u >is , DAB . Chicago, Aag. ??.. judge ?J. l>. (Von's :? ?n,?, >. t for . .?itiii? n? pateta sf in? bOSimb ! nu ?Moid tMMI r y,r. 1 :' ?'" MMaaeaass ,? MwdH. Ui.-Ui.? i: , ,,?.. terilli..: t- Repabllels , ,,, ? writ of Sal llHIIII.I . r . ,,|,.. . " "r '''' H ' i ? r nl ? - a " ?if.n un ? tttmlmt ! I? ??.'. || .?r 1,1? ?ill.| -, t, Mi..: Illltllnl' ' ' '''if W?, ! fin,',, i),n ? in te ti,. ? a,,,: -, rnai p? -, ? dt? not r t ?. i. i ? i v bring tue t .ist- niiiiif tu nur?, i?. ., llir? ? tli.ut ?t?J danger. ' t n.1.1 I ,. - ? i where tlti? arbitrary powei haal ? .1. observo tin? win kinds t?f the l. i l>) wl eu ?. , i-ii m '..iif-t ?i n ., .Hi-it -i. ?n li in,a, im- \, ?ting, ?i.'k "?iii ?, in.r. i. ? torn ion o? win li lie cao r In? in t ol . WiM) li a- ' r 1 ? , to bring thi |.,. ..?. r tx I ?re tonie civil i ' ? ally t>r tin. t.i. -i I..- a niti , ? ..lit. __ i ? >|\V ? ' | ?i Mifii who i finiiii'iit BO ? BSO-d, provided Vit ? i im i|,-jii i rod nf ? ? .-it of beta | ?. lag ih? pabUesB.),i>fiv limii'll il.iilit!, Init I" . . . ? . ?I?! nal ???? huhu ai-ut legal ?in, n | aid tu?? ?' ?. .? ti.i|.?i n ? ? ? i .in it . a i ruih? . I be 1 luvi Mi aii'illit r m il s , . . ..t ? I lu tin? ? i I. I all -in,. . a mu Li.tvei mi I il?: n df the |?nvl ? ? ..lit, a i?.i-.? ? ?-ii.? i im III IlK ' ? d h ited - ? , wl ok- to tin-1 u-iprelu ii-i a m . it ; . , ? . . t m upon _lm, mi o with i lament ?bit i (J. .1 11 '. ? 111 111- 1111 f ni lin ir u ? ' ? ? | . up to Ins ? i ? ? . . ? i , ; . , . ?? . trtiiii the Southern : . ? .i i' ii -, ?, . r m linn uni ose ?uni '. . I i ii.ijtf l.iat I lit' IHl' : i m. I I lau , \ . It i- lat? lin? .at tillage ..llil W ill? ll tt? / ? .- on, " .n n on more Mus \M' 11,1 11111)1.1..'?, Ill.ll >l?tll ? , .1? H ?nun R .1 ?m. i, niiii in whom we ows ;? a If ,f| I.? I ? i .? ? i ? ' -i m live a i ? ' t . upon i uni ,ii ?n . im iiif.i in the f.iiii|>i)f tt .m i mi t - iletuiata. .:? ne) li.-iiUl-e ill !!'_ , . i,t him, bu I that ei - ttlf Ulii-tl toi t ; .ail.mi it it Ihn! it W-? without Um advice of tu- polillos] loaden t Vt',10 H III.?, . , -I ?m, at, lo : 1.1 a* If hluuelf ' ? ' ii'y t? acrompliah Unit which Im hui and rtel i ?b t'ont ? n- hl. t,w n v.. a.,.a -s. ins mil i Um lein t o? run ; in?,h? 1 ?und the po . .:,. 11 i lui '? ' ? ! ni one of wbloh is .Ml In? if lii-, whole Its ')u one ildi ami like n? . m ai.. i iiit, . ? i III? li ; till 'a despicable cbtiractrr he fully appi i cl ited : Hi moa un, arhom Im knew Mr. Lincoln bad reltovi il ol (he \l U ?!t'|..i, I in? :?'. '. a? i> II? .i'.iiil..!-? ? to taint - publii aoundal; Morton, ? - s : . mill' il lilil? m I - 1.1 m in. i tel ;, whose besotted In tern pura.had . t . ? .. - .. a a.i .1 an.! .it in.? n? n bon e lu W ! ?' i??-r? I Mr. or.nt \t .. i\ ? t.? him ; w_ it a t a ? ? linn tn ? mil ;? f .?( met? i ability and of iiii-p.iiif a ia a ?''i" ??"i ' i .n nf ? over him, he ebo 1er . rol and pra ?- the r. las ?>f iilt ol tiio m"-. which . i .l.llllllli-i?'.llliill BBg If the g ? n. v ?l,ould . ? I .-?'i?'-' ni itlve? i might ' ule iin.t a* in Un- n mi? i Ui?u tb< bead of tu.- Administration wl the actual power, bul mtnout i ? ? ? ?'" " l ' "' 1U itii. ion -i in;? ?i.o i. riCi a the .. _* In? utti.i.ii poalUoB to pal iiiiiii.i m in- pocket, he w_a 4 i .',?,1. II,- Wl? i,,ni-)if i hs ?:.-.? i ?il 111 I lit- Hall -t l'a,H a Ii ,ni,-r of the earth > ? ? ; ,'.?. '. "i I ?. i-k .?. .. I nit u . ?ii pabUe Ufa sad p -? lit-linn nt tlif time ot Which! il'e.ii?, .uni tin?) mill-ear i,!,? witaessthal l ' " ,vr ,.,,i the ?li ni-?- Then ? tl .?ll If.?' bUl f i?:-. - - - i ... il. H. In . ?. till il I li it i- I ? i i h ?ve '??. a -i b_i [..nil a I l.i-i m.- iii'|i' il i? I'm? i.un?-- uieu lien-. ''? ?' '? , are tin destiulea of the rouutry mu?l ??? "?? be ? ?? i,- ., tlioite who luual V AU{> | to l>, .",', ll the a .I? to .... .o..! i?!. ? i",|r IIUU . an do more than we, who muai ? un i . m Un? pub . - , ? ? ...?in.) ? ,,..... ..n.. -,'., l 'Ml ,, , r ?offer ? , ' ?.I... i?ubUc ion.?u, - ' | ?