Newspaper Page Text
>^7?, ? ? a:. rate *-?Or* JLn%- ?- , ?/?I r'ViX r- ??mtoKirr*2r,wir it???. 1. II ft -I ?(! NEW-YORK. riUDAY, AUGUST 30, IH72. PRICK FOLK CBNT& Yot" THE MAINE PANVASa PKNBBBSB Of M'A- OaHPAW-l SENAT?"- \i ?' - >? -Un BEB. HABLA1 -T BAN ,i BBNATOB 1 i.? .l-iit ?li ? ?>N> I " __,, ?,. BE. Ill? Lint?AN AITKAI. to im ubebai ro COW BACK. . ira to ti". Btv ' ? ," t i , Nur.'iu u , 11, .it? ?i t?, th? ban by aimslUhipsiesslua at shew! BWbmb. Hei lUS-'l " UBI twi i:t' ??'leu out ?>( tin- < '? I (' .H"' ??.m ''? , icctoral ,,.. f,,i Qiaal ii. ?.."i '"-' i" mrntmi tint _B f. u.i. ii?'t a."i. thai : Si B iiti tn tie- I'?.I'd ?-' I ' ?? t?> Ik? ? ? I ' ^?p ?? lalB tin ir fcrliiiic? i un they ii-.i t i, ? <: tin rod. Be is d ,H, tinitof im-; In BslllBSOfS SI 1 I .' out. "i .i.'i.'t -Bow hau mm it th? | sspssSed *" -?t. bul B Baal look to-day as if they were to <ol Brach ta it. men who rot together at Baltti laatlally ??i? ata?? rs all tin Ir lives, and as ?t*ai Ultl ; eras ? J'l, |,. . .. ,i. ;,'..- i" . ! Kiii.u N.,'1. ?or?), tin - t tt...t in i,. .. red thai ."? , -, Opinions, ?aaaaar sad stheraex] they left the Bopnb lti.tii. raasdi .ti"" ss tal - ?' thoasaa li ter? with tin-in. Lut they hara taken bat low. I ?seeders Ihoaghl that if they raeesed the ; wwold ?but thej ?i ?lut sad wouldn't, Ek* Basra '?? . -.'? - i <?? ii-(iI '"' : i - ; '.un waa scot t to lbs i ? a ' X;.,u, i cf Keataakj Is. ?? sed of Ku?Klux and nothlBf eise. She South was . I" M... U lie. III. 11" ri...-.', n 01 LIBERAI BCCCES8 tN BALI II \l\l ? I>l?l III. ! ?. IHY Tl.l K'.UAI-ll Tt> Til- TKIIil'NK. 1 WaBBINOTOVi At.--. .'?.-?A litter received he," ? lay from tht Boa. F. A. Fthe? tbe laboral eaadt (i ,-,? - -n .'_?..inst tiic sea Is lau <>t Bob? Bias ' "-t r? tinned from a tour through tue dislike*, sail that the at ' saeesss i ? ii.'i.t. He tliii.i ?i Ihs >!:? iiiiiini? is lavlskl] Bsedbj Iks Oraa?party, la regard t.>t'i<- sotara <?f Ipoakei I : ?i tin i.. ? in the belief that in- win t??- defeated, BOtwttBssaadlai tin \ . ' ? him. POLTTICAL PBOei AN BXCITKD I'l.'I'II \M> \V AMMAIII? CAN \ i - ?ill. l'il-1 Ii . INGB1 -? DI8TB] HALE?A LIBERAL ntlUMPB t*Bl - Dl '? i D. DEBT OP THF TBB Hochland, Me.. Aug. 87.?-To begin t p.?.in? ? in,. taking a lik'iit' ?i oan ??> ?t haymow; then i- ?t eoaBaaratloa ut osee, linea w< ra sei ss bm ??? ?? t ; pai ly spirit i ople m" *- J? Ihs i. i . s >."i old fossil, tin- otl *? There's aothla' in 'es i ?! politics." For in ly, tiiul ut this lit. m with 1 ck about 1 ( of tbet with a i the rest of I But no ? : with v Public afl t tllMll lin* ?* ?if ? ? - ? In? ti tlireui! ' luden' i.? |", then fair!? | : | - . tin' B * > ?mi' i i ? which ?nd an - i the leai lag of the old Republican party for a m ralorgan wbo supp?t ' .tul r.roMii i? rrmrthNi ss Intolerable and nneadurable by the (?ram ' ? - ; ' : ' , . lie, 'I.. . " ,.f one v. bo rated v?-nli them - t- ...? '.?ti dreadful ut I ? , - . ! " ('u|i i i.l'tioii? nut deter th? a leaving the ?"llU'llt d? relop pa to " trj un ?? i ?-'?ni?." i ? l.ui.i Tbe ('..itiitt. - .,? w.i-' ? Kaes ? in. ii i? . "in , ?, ssade up ?.f laulat? . rj towa mu? settlement ngl ami .-.-i, ad every other 1 t - lin- hiiri'ks t.f locality" : the Interior sresl <i. - u.i- ? sas . .t....? : : ..f the > -- of rc a?-lltlllt-nt It. . ail whlcl title lit . HI. lit ill til" ' morn f. t. .1.1" II.:.. v' "at'.l t.v t&S (ii'.uit k?-i?ii: ? ? ton approved bli i Bpoetsfly Bb ? while rihs, who is sapposted by ths liberals, has arsai per ?.oi'tilii-iii. i-a fl?- . .,. i (,,,. an m, in.;,. _. ;..i ? . :>. ltd BS _ < '?.iitfi? b-in.iij. II?- i,. tiiakiji^r ?,->.. . ? BBS ii- OB-TOMS, Sl-Biplag the dlatliel sklag aes-U every aicht- Mr. Bale, Lrtidly preswr-.l l.y -is aiit.ip>iii?t. h,i* ben Ob in, iw nil i ir?-?:y ujimi IhS aid of In? Mandat _ W,i?l, bBBSsa aad elsewhssB. Assoag these, Ihs Isentary ..f witlt?!>? advert??. <t by bis ofldal ut.. , Sad baft iiiiult- SpeeehSS la IhlS vi.uuty. Of .?.urce, lu* remarks were chl? fly dire, ted to tho-?- "part BUM" who had not ?nth? ly approved of bl_ illegal settSBS ;? tary of the Navy. Auother champion in Mr. 1! , ? vioeiath? uoioiiou* "sniiervisor i'.rry " of Berti ( BIS lina. Thh? man, who 1b a r.|.rt-.viitative BOtpsC^BBVSr, is the same who comforted Becretary Delano with reaj dl.spatehei? all throutfli tlie North Carolina ? kctlon, sad bar? now a IsBfl of from tbe SSOBS of tuf nlln i.u lahSSS to JkIj. out th.- cauce of (?ratitli-m in li.? If. 1. ft an unwholexajuie r>'[ pa liehlnd hut? B_M he follow.d the BSMS until | of SBSBSB-hagBBBI to the South! but In- return!., high iu the favor of the Administration, to the locality of tun fumier fltiandal defeat?, to ?bow th. paa> l.i. " how tbe thing is worked." Till* Supervisor of In? terim) Kev,.-ue n_ay do weU in North Carolina, but in Maine, where hi* peculler gifu are BBtsnEMi. it i? not hk< ly that Ins .labore will do much more lor Mr. Halo than to ?how.t-o desperation of a SBBM W_tt BSedl auch help us thi?. ?enator Hamlin haa also SOBtribated hin mite U)??anl the euthtwiaam which Mr. Hai.- stahl t?, ZOU?e id IhtsSlt-rlSS. Mr. Uamlin's 8t?x-k in, ho far baa eeein? ?I mili to I* of MsssSSSasaSS Hi* lin.' *?f areuuieiit la that if Oreeley It elet t,-<i gka m, t?.? ,M)t w?l be paid, Toomba and Ilavit will lie xu Uie, CBblaet, and we Shal have MOthSS war of Slavery ami iBOSSSlOB. Tbla aortof thiug mght do for tbe backwoods, i a? "{ Cot?? not ?oeui popular or effecUve ainouir the i-U-lli_, _t people ol Maine. The .?-i.eral aapeft of the canvHM lu tbla ditiru t i? hubly SaaSSBBB-SBi Uale'a majority at tin- i??t ( <IU. grata ele. tion wtu 1,210 in a total vota- of lb,'j(,i. Tin fm.t that two |BpptMS-B-S tLilieral aud (irantj are now rua aiugU>4:et/j.r m th? i-iiue dUtriet.'aud that ont> Tike?n '?oeivcathea-iitir?- L?.?L'nK.ratic atreugth aud BSBSft ttomt Hi . Hi'publkami, would of lUelf^udlcate eiciy probal.iiit) of -?ike'a electton. Hut _b_f*S chante, ur? lesaeo??il t.y atiry day'* lap?-, a? lite couteat w?-rn on. Tbe bltt?-r / and vindictive denunciation with which hi* parti-u.? / trUit the K?pul/ii<aiiH aho aiiuouin.; their hSSSB-BBB I to vote for i'ike diaguata many geueroua aad tbougbtful men who _<.rt-r will re_ouuoe the di? vine tight of votln-.'. At B-SWSSSJSi fur in at_nce, where Huit live?, I Had that Ixti BsfBEHSBBS have speed to SBSt their vote? for J'ikc. An that town ??-* aas? Ut. Hale ? mtOortty of 171 at the last election. i' i-it. tu BS 't ti??it tin? USMljIBOl WlH I I" ? I'' ?in.IT Mt. Ha't lion., v .to I?..- v f tMOfl with tin Bepob_ . ??- ' ' HMkkl-i the moat <leaper_te effort? to canton li nioeratie I i-., i i ii? .a i. v.liolU n "ii... .? Ihl .'?i'i o- 11. ii,.- rade vot?'? i-i Invoked t.? -ilt'i-ly tin ileU "ii l Ike i- ? i.on..?u t?' i? a very .?.. i? iront m m l?i ? iu?e In - ?1 id to ? ? i 1) "i In'" ? bul It .' n? .lui v tor nli lioiiii Hi'iiin. t -its. to ?u|i|M.rt Mi i: -n . Kor all mat. lion? ?.ii. tin Democrat? auaad oa tit? r,ami ?eh otion seen? assured. ubsbal meeting in in invii'K-iimi foa un S I A i I . To the F d it or a/ The Tr i ft u n t. Silt' ; We lui?! ?Hi OOt-dOOl? in??'tiiiL' .''t Kci Mi. ti :.i-t ? v. nui.-, mt? iiiicti tiy ut least MM people. The II.m. lliiil.oil (i .Ionian BteSadsd. ?""I "I*'-?'? '"" Wan natif i.v Hi?- Hon N.0, latflciotin of Ilmli-ctiii, Me .-mil I T. William-, I tliink tin'fi'ilin- SB tlio l.ih '?? i- minli criiiii-i r itiiiu mIuii 1 hfl the t? n days aim. The DaMMMMMlB BUB iBBTBg B more nctin a ut. ami the liberal i: p ihUoa-s ttjtm to M tod firmer. I'll.Tt- ?ti-., man) men, too. who are counted ro? Urant m in?, l think, will caat tbelr Tote? accretljr fOT, al thou h tliej maj uotvotefoi KlmbalL Real Dow la t.iiiu>i" ?m" urecley on Temperance ?rounds, sod it eos -alt rattle 'I't'iiiiH loma1 vote, which will be east foi Pe? li im, the (?i.?ni K' im!, n m candidate for Governor, will ',,?,?'. !.. . .. n '"i i,?i i ii v and Brown. The ?o in- eonaluen .1 at an Indica ?.f what will be ?tone In November, u the work It kept up until November, ] bar? atronj hopes that Ux State a I slvi s ?be ral m ijorl ? *-. He., -\ ? i _? '.'-. lHT'i'. I 8 BLANTON DUNCAN < I VVEXTlOlt. i vti-i R? i 'i 11 AI POOTMA-TEl l l'MI'M'- I l! MMIHG lllll la il 1-VII ill CONVENTION?BB 1 . KNI8HE8 Um l Mi Vis AM? GENES?L liorit i v DfPOBMATION l<> A BOO?8 DELEGATE. IBi iBLBoamu? m im 'iKii.i ai i WhOBTN? ION, klXtJ. SO??The ?videne? that the ??riiii part] fa ooperatlng with th? I I b-M_m_b iii? till ? i ,nt? ami hui.i,v iiicin vuii Bobotaattal bobbM inn'?, i? ?ii'tiiu.iii.iii!...- iiaiii. Senator Bsrlaa'a papar, \i I n Ii Is in i.iiii.irily Interested in the mutter of (Mag 'ii' pa it y pr__lng. \aa-ti iilay atti uil'ii (I to deny IhS Xtt I thai tin ^'r.'ii^-iit out Iieiiioi lid.? hiiil Lin it iiur.M (1 liy the Grant party, or that tin I,oui?\ illt m..Minent had I?-? n t.i-tciti! liy tlietn, ami tin' di lilil? Mai i' l'i'iitcil today. The hem s'y of The Chremttlt w ?t.iti ?m i?t in.'iy bS |uil-cd whsM n Is Blated thai ini'.-i. ii lift ?.ii. ?if nie Daaeaa Ut a iiiiieiit.i weic |u int .-il ?il |I? own BB-M ami paid tat by the Graat Committee la tils city. These deaaasaats lim. lie. n cir.tii.itoii until i tin fui a ni slgaataress- Kcp NMMtattves ?. i'o?t.r .uni j. n. ri.iii. in ths llaaratarj ol tin- (iiiitit iiiiiiuiut'i , J. M. I. la.tu.'!-, u In? i- Vo?t Ina-ter.f this ( iiy. and who in tint ofli. f lia? Ml? 111 to . lawsol Coagresa whlehheB violating ever? u.. \. ii arderlo show that the ?.unit Commltte? were Aoingt irj wcoh at this end of the line for the Loalsi ...c i m it iiiioii, n rt.-i.n letters ware addreaaad M I'ti-tiii.ii-ttt Edmonds, sad his aasweii than ta ars gh en ! .n first?i an I'laiei to tin- tu i.-on m ti.,.i ? ol them for a lot of U- i baacan etrealai ss followi i imiiv Hiriiiii.AN CoMoaam Exi ctmva i COMMITTBB,WaSHIMOTOM, Ana Zl.lBTS. J Mr. nowKLi. : Lai Mr. Jay ?or hsvs lot ol Do?ean ( ir (liiil. .1 M. i I m next -'tis in reply to n rci'iiest for passes to altead at LoM_ni_o_aa amanfactured delegah : A ni.'. ?2. 1K7. la reply to yours of this day, I hav< to i . that we lune no im ?ms of in-lit m n ? .? paste?, and r-r? ii i i??f under? take their purchase. Wr Bend s few samples ol docu im ut?. but have otbi rt that would be applicable abonld j mi u? v., i. i, t om nabil .> to m. it tb? ?. .|ti,.. t ftrat made la your not? Vcrj re?nectf ully. roui obedient aervant, J M l.i.ui IM. 1 i ( .t o la?, m . c-?J., tttt i ni The third letter ol tha Postai i (ton la IISIillltlllK ihn III.H lltH. I Bead two package? Vea Vork Tinte* ? . rfulsrs, ffls .I!ll lit? ililll I ' '? J ' ?i moment J ML Bun BDI Ihe last letter was written after Jad i i ? ?!.- bad besan to wonder if he had not bei n sold. I'Nlos BBPOB-ICAM COMOBBSSIOMAI EXBCtJTP ( .?mm iNuruN, I). C, Auk. _, 1ST3. i got; I ?li.ill be ?it In.meat l.,'ilf-?.. Ip \. . ?ait oi tin (loci.m. ill you a.-k lor Ihlfl mOTOlng. Vi.ur?. tnili. J. .M. BOHI BDS. In ?itlilitinn to ott.i i ( \,?it m i, tin n hundred?ol ?,o.-tti., ' r ) i.iil ,.-, wha ha-vs received the following m ths ??aii.??ii-.? i hen : v> ttSB-MotoM, I?. ?'., July n, mil In _B BTB : I ? i- -? i u .?i . in active .! ? mi your ill- ti t t w Im id.tnupportMi ' ley, and will cooperate in the Louisville Convention ? ol buili lut-u in eaeb county Imm?diat? it. J. M. I.I.M1MI-. . ? u ? .1 . A DKLEOATION IBOM IOW \. Dei Mo-Nsa, low/o, Kxxg. -'.?.?Tin- Btnight* (?ut DoBsoeralB of tha State al Iowa held a bums eoave? Uea m ity u?t alght, sad soleeted damaatas la the ? ?n. Rcttolutloni \.i r. adopted pi t. ?tins u_aln?1 the tale of the party r. Horace Oi a- ti .)?? ? un that defeat on true principles Is better than rietorj ?m ?in Inglorious pottey. T\\(? I ROM MIC?IGAJf. Ja? 'c-C'V. Auf. -B^-The str?i?i:lit Democ ti i Btloa, to ?lay. elected C c Burland sad ( tv. d Groom deli gate? to the -oultvllle Convention. THE ARJEOA I DIAMOND MINES, WHAT LONDON BBOK1 Rl >\T. T.i Miiiv, Aog. -'??.? Kiitiir, I.cvi-r-iiu ?\ Co., . o, .momi brokers. In ?. oommunieatloa to tin tily editor _ ?Ik li?os. -;iv tli.ttiifiw BMMtlhS BgU BS Aiii.'i.'.iii i .un?- to tin- (?ly and booghta large onmbei of dlamondi La the rough, paj lag ao atteattea what w i to the ?a ii-lil or ((Utility of the ?tone?. Tlie-c, tiny In i mate, win- um d bj tha -? leged dMeovers-a of tha (liainoml ii'inl? in An/uliii toMi.-iiiin tin ii iiswrtloii?. il.i ?toter. ( tiliiiueillilit.' lljioli the :il'o\e (aiinimuiii al ?on. t ipri mm ?i-1? nu -ii un ut thai ?Posts. Iisthsai ??ml Baiiow aad (on. McClellaa Bhoold havobeea tadaood to allow n.i i lulu?.a to ba ((iiiiii-ct? ii wiih tin- Arisoaaoaterptisi. \\ Il AI ?.IN. M'( I, lATf. San Ki:\\ti?i(>, klXg. -!?.?(??'ii. McClelhui di i .im ? ,?i.j publie n f i'ii'iii. aad aays his vlstt hai ao eonaeetloa v. it ti tha DtaassBd rlHtog Oompaay, Ba knows ?nit M-rv little about dlamaad mutter?, sad i? not even eel'tiim that the ?linni ?ruin exhibited (?line liom na. __________________ fij RIOZJS CASUALTIES, TWO MEN Kii.l.i.i? OT A KAUJtOAO ii:ain. Teuu 11 m ii, Aiif.'. Mu?Dttring a atom, last Bight, Jonathan BlfSS am! John Ma?t, v.hilt in.n | in a wacaa, were run 0V_ Bad iiiKtaiit!}- killed try a fut-t tin n mt tlic IiiUiiii.aiH'li.- and ?St. Lnui? Kuiiroad, mar Uiia city. a m BOOHn M NK-n\ _ UTH lost. DsTBon1. Auk- ?Mt?Ib i alona, tbeoebooiiei M? i k? i was eaas-wd aad saai la i~_e MlaMgao. The i aji alii anil lour men were drowned. A VAKMSil 1'A'TOKY B?BNKD AT AI.I1ANY. Alhany, Auk?-t*??A tiro, thin aft? moor, d? ?triiyeti Holt'? w?i ami vurnirh factory in liioatl -t.. to ?.'etler with two frame dwelluif?. Holt'.? Ion- l? e? tliuated at iMOh Bad i? partly mver'd hy lii-mrulu f. T?a- other loh*?-?; Hiimuiit to almut Ii/mi, KAVA<;r- or IHK 001X01 WORM D AI.AIUMA. IfONTOOMEBT, Auk? 2!).?Trust wort liy report! from ui? parla tt AJahaaM lefvasaol thai ths laataaslisa ol cotton I.y worm? i? more th(iroiigh than <-vcr deforc. liny have cuten the l.-av?-? until the laida are hare Ml after a front. Tha Baked condition of the ?ii?,nt rcM-aN the fact thai the mature fruit?.?.-.- ,< not so groat a? ?i? nil at till? M'Himu nl the year. 1'ear? (?f ?lino?! lllllver.-al tiankiii|iti v SSBOMg the jilanter? an- cut? riainci], No une cijk.iI? the crop will eiiual that of lart u-ai. Till: NEW RI8II01' OF RICHMOND. W'ii.minoton, N. C, Aug. 20.?The liight Bel J?ihil ??IhlMiiiK, Vlc.-AjMistAilir of North Carolina, i?tceiicti to .lay from l'ope Plu? IX. at Komr the hull areatlug him Btekopol Hiebmond, Va. He retainajurl?? filetioB ovei Worth Carolina, Hi?h??p ??ii>i?(iu? waa i?orn In lu'.'iiiiuit- in lKii. ami was conaeeraU-il Vicc-Ap?iatollc of lSurtii Carol.uu Auk 1?, l?6n. (Hl.MFS AM) fitVtTiTW IT TELEtiKAPFI II.i-h Marra, who -hot^Ald-noOM M( ?Mullen, at r-liauein,,? -? ?rrtli, 1 la-: -t<lil In si. A-enit??. -Al|ilu?us Cat?? wuh iKTiti.'iitiilty, Bud if II BMB f*eei [,?,,. f tX j. ftmoptmtk S II by kratil I * It?, _ ?.???JajMOa Krai I v. aiMirteraf No W I'mnklin-'t.. ?V*iub, 1.1| il?o?,t ik.t'rltsiv jrnrrili? iimI ?t? iitatull, tilled, lit Mawtasatal mAmm itllhii ?Cast, Timothy Bor__ o. the at hiranaa livi-liue. -_Biit|T b????*ittu_lt,rd.l??i.u.. si- Hr? l,.rk. wbil? ot.t (un???? '-'?????Ut., yuinrtl tit l.?|?, ?a? Itkati ?UtolltilkoM, FORK.ON NEWS. THE TREATY or w U t-EIOTON. Ml I HBO (?I TBE A RBITBATOBft vi ?ni<i> EHE QUESTION Ol IBTEBE-1 OB TBB ABOI AWABDI I?. Ol m i a. Ilmn-day, Aue. 39. II The ?Jabaan ci.-iiins Arbitration Ooarl "t 11.0'elOCl Hi;.- aft, moon, ami urn. ?? IfcS B until a. n'l-l.ii li, wli.ti it ii.l'.iui . ,1 .ml l" 'i ' tit ft i Only the tin a i lu? i il..;? nu.! the mm? tary of tin- II BBS! peeSOBt HMQBSBBBBBI the i?:a> ut? nl of Int. on tin bsbbbbBj Bwasded, wMek ?.is t<? have l.icii.lit ii]i t.-<la\, na- r. -II...I tor fn'iire >li < .;? sad the ? oui i debated a prapoottteaBi ui.i.,, ? . m tu,,?- m its sssstssB la aseses. Ihs Osar! i-1 ti,?- i ? t ? ?_ i ? m i(h lahm-on details, ?in?! the psa i an '.n.'i.ii-i. ici sa sarty eosapleuoe ef th* west n i. _ OEEA1 I'.?lTAlN. ( 0B1-1 r t? ?s ?.i un ?i a 11 i ?.i mi; w\i Beor? roa i m. m w roEKCEn ibal pae i mi i l.i 01 ? .?I ins "l-i I -TOES. [QBIItW.TkBISdej. ABB- th, 1? Tin- iii(?n/c statue al sir Walter Bt min h i-in i- ssected m (.ut tai r..,i>. EBwYesh aeapleted sad win be shipped from i rmo.11 <u\ laBBenaw. Tul? is th?. iii?.(? wer- ?.f I' sd ill ?-.?.Hand (OpOl tally f"i An ? itta. A lui* the _0?Bgutahsd iinvelii-l an.I pH? t ?Inch is Is SB BM st. Loak will ?-?Kin i?. tiiii?iicii. B resal? altea opi is iii heaaaahln have tailed u. coaw ejai at. cf aatalai -|,i i.itioin- u. SOttOfl illloat. -? AIVIR1A. fill 0OB1 lll'iN 01 I HI IX IMIIM ? ( AIM ("1 Vu WA. 'I'liiirs.iii' . Aiiiru?' - '. I- ? Tim- ta E-bbtcm Carlottt Is Caat riakiagi then le bo hop* bbbsbvci sf bet moesery. ii.r.i. may i-. ? xj.i eted at say bmbm bI POBTUOAL. Hilf BUBBI i Oil LUBOX. Lobbow, -hat-day, Aag. tt, wn 'I I.? -teamship James Stepheaaoa ?raabon OST LIshOB ?lui on ?i BOJ t-'' t ? ? -1 ? ? Calcutta i- LSI Tu?-lia?-.-, iik? " aadarau wen ?. rod OPINIONS ABROAD ON AMl.liK'AN POLITK BOMl OOBJBCTUBBB BT ABBBICABfl OE TB1 PB< ??i i i? ..i < \M'iu\ 11 ? nut i ni: PB! ?H'' N ??il |M. .s? <?! i B6U8BMEB. [ni..- an (K? ssioBALOoBaasroBi i tn ot t\ II, .mi. ?u WO il ?? Iiain?. .Itiiy ',."..?Siiitcd 1 math the trees "i the Karata! Qrsaads, watchlai n.< ??lui.In n In,.mil nuil liiiiii' as I In i slnuil in every] re)" an toiii.ii. . I lis'.n t.. it gntty of ].r.?iiiiii.'iit Auk i .m-, WhO an d-BCaSSlBg tin- I'll'-ni. ni ai I i a in |,.11 s'il B an earueetneca tti I I laliabnea to Bare,a Qceasaas t<. ihraa their ahouldera. Orsafa sappset aie le?-? aaaawtaa than tin-., w< i". Baity in ti"' Baan laipwsslhhi nun.? in i?' it. take place wheaOreelej CaraS ?r-BSldSBl : non .'?I'd-?- hac taken IhS plaOOOd " SBb . Mini I con. Itule that if .Mr. (.nM-i.-i II the IdlOl 1 ?? I r. |..ilt ll i 111 to he. SS 11. II at indeed lie a |t. lililf bate raei ee.i. dso wall wlthoal brslna But to tin 0OB1 ( i 'II.tu hin h i "11, !.. liia.i. " Ore? a-i ;? a- ' .-it .u. le i" "u seat Pr?sident," m, a Westen man. ".-.- i _n that I shall faws i '. if I I,?kit at rouge el notr. I have |aat n-i-n? a letter from the eilitorof-. ion kimw what lui in? n iiit'.ii. u, i ii,? sapa ?. Ids u? dedans thai Orset will cart] the State. Xhe fact hi that we Dssaasratss tirad at -<?' ti.. < oii'i!]it;..i letageaaadef the holy aas ..f idiiMii. Tob Yankees bars not the ; i,"..,.;, ni t;,, v .u ti," Ninth has boon ptaaden ? t . at ???? i i ? -? i -. adt eat oren trosi it >? eat Booth to pHlsge. ??n<i ?the funded in locking tke rerj Mfi Mood "i th pc i". i;,, iuaetbe8outfa rebelled and was properly pui lohed, shall ihe be sianail flowa i y basras ealUag tin i uti.e BepabUcansI Dska Lsutsiaas 1st exaasBt Witii, , a lew years Adatlalstratloa od th? n..t?' is in daagei ..; Shall Miel, thill?.'? I .'litll.Ue f.a.r ) ' I] lia? speed l? Is this pean f 1*1 likely to .< in. m iiiu'iii i ?u? ? " j baa 11 am! know - (reta i? i mi II.. |.. opIS al. I i.-lit- ? " v,ii li'i'iitiin an?." panned another Wi lernet " u-? in is regard h Dea* sts ? lUspa of Bataa,e ereatares without honor oc principle, ready to - i ii 11 Idee of tin war f. t Un ? . i . and rejfalalai power? Bow i wanl rcu that we knew Savory t<> be dead? sad bats sol tb ?tight? -t Intel tton to revive IL Wi if ? WOUld, anil in Would in I If WC .'"ill.. Wh. u ; eov. 11 ha i it is quite i.alble for a 1 ? . be at bowest geattaaan aadakmrol bk . m wii be inuih near, i a ti m- eeneeptloB of ti,?- motive H<-r-.iiit ri,; leadlas I? iii,,ci;it - t li.? ii ii ai an it present.' ?' 1 In I,.tin . !. I I letted M I i an a.liiii b?fete tin- Aarlealtaral Pair,aad ?. npltel sddree li V..I-' ti.ii? begins ?.tun,, i i?. m..i nit "i Mtwaaooi (li .ti of him, 1,1.1 .1 lulu CXttt I all m ..und t?. ti.all h,.s in-it pl..i- nt. tin Bd : ;,.,,,, , i, m i i laid: -1 nope, Hi Oreeley, tkal foe enjoyed yoai self, and tkal yon will lake tuno N-;''' neapteaeaat u,,|in -? mi. of our city.' * Oh yea,' replied! .r,.,, i, ? -?_ I'll BSaat, in.lee.l ; I.ut I 'ie mu.iphunt '" _iak> ??ome bodybs a', lit. ni \ boots I' it appears," ecatlaued tin speaker,Mthet then was a nearo employed-, tbe hotel at which Oreeley stopped vas satertalnpdi profound admiratloii for the phUooopber, and taped to be i ..ii-.' Ihe |Mi.s-tsM,r of i-??i,i.- iiorll.ui "' ?., ,. lag Oreeley's beets eatslde kB bed-tens mot Beabo's ? iiin.ti'iiaiiii elioiH- witk a light tkal ni.? n m i ,.,,; ,-n lam? m ??a. ii, beeasM IHamlasted miii an l?sa, ' Uh,it's in a litii'I ('thotl'.'li! Halnho. 'A Imut ,,f ?m other in,ike will tit M well.' N' BsflShS bOSBSflfr, (irce ley'a l.nots in triiitii].h, ami r?-j>l.?<-?-'l Hit tu ,mi, another j.alr that evidently fail, tl t" r.:ii/e (he !. !iili,.s,,ii||,r'K ideal. IheaBaashs weecnlj too atad to aep ?.?i,, One Ice's sit".?, tnit thai wm before Grantlani (it ov? red an enemy edthe seen La Ihs editor of iiu saU-filavery 'iiiiiti m '? "All my fa tu i ly v.i >e K.-t.? I -." IOOtlSt>e I younii T.-nne seeaa, " aad i weal Into the < onfodetatesray to laht (BI ?...veri. Ill-kill luv lit . wn? lead) to l nid il Uli, foi.i hi two>, was m , rtsoaed Ban Months,aad now I can tiolctiinly nay alii?. ukIi I ?lid all tide to tla.i I am a true Union man. I love the S?n< and Htrlties, am; w. ie it m inv ??.wer to nui. Slavry bHBOttOW I would aet do it. i believe the eoaatrj to be tar better without it. Bat earpet-baafsn be u?. i,?u.ts that ?at un out ot beeas anl In n,e, ami ws ciuuiot i??-ar the Infliction naeb loaaei (nir only salvation is in | t ! ..iffC "' I I ? ,,?_ ft)1(i I hhall Mite for (?reel. ??,." "If ?i t ry it,.r kBBB (.'reeley a? hi.? fri? nil- k.-uuv turn " si,|. - ., B-pBbllOaa vi in. ?s gtvtag in? sappetl t.? Oraat, ?- ben weald not be a ilnill,! ?tlioiit Ins ele? tit'll. I knoii him Woll, and bB Hen m ins. ntii. titiii?h fi.r ihe ntiui, i,iu u Bnbeea ta.- I?.it?it of thi- Ann i., an j.nSB to liuirli at QnOley'l bat aad etsthtaa? bean lbs peeple_icee_sc MnaaaM ivith liull.ioiiery. This B WI ? ? 11 *-., I > 11 it in f.? t, ,,,??.. iliHlitl.i I i-hall throw inv vu tk'lit irt.i the halan. (? for ??rant. " llci. > Brlsdofli (H J.'.i shaafel Si il ' a? Cajit. (uttle weald niuark. H The Berth flnlans Ihel Ihs s nti ^Mtttaa Cre.le.i BBtthoeShS of|.'.tttm- pMS Boau and neterlag Ihs Batea ..- it ave," *spra my ^-ftsgalshed ?sathstasr aad .xi;.i?. i. "I le-fyaa boasstta that unit is ueltheroiu . \|,. , tatum n,,i ?ur dSSSn, It is tin. that tb? i. it- a ?luati iiiiiiiitii.i etas thai ?tin bans th? North and would HkIiI if IgBBBfl win pOBBBBlS| hut tin i kiiow j?erfc tly wed that nSBB-BBC| Is okSSBd aud that their only hOBS B In rceoi.filiation. The rest of **j are pSBpBted to Ik- K"?"l . iliicii*. We bear no BMBBl toward ?In North; on the contrary, wt are bound to it by the SSSBBSt MM of love and tMeadekta, No ?.lie ban l.'Ht more than I hv t!? ?Hr. o,,,, j |v,.(1 lh SBtSSBB luxury, ti?>? I bai. not. n,K, i,?t I d?, ,,?, , ,,Ml plain. I accept .lestlny. My fate m jU(lt_ Thoae a ho ?linn.? ii,u?t |iay the fiddler. We <j>,| ?nine very tall danr liiK, and itiiin take tin SBBBB tBBBesa I admit the rljcbt ,ltl,. National (iovrnineiit to dUfrainhlae lea?lln< Rebela and conflacat?? proj>ertv, but I do not admit the rlitht to be plundered I \ North? :i, Koundrela. Be,.ftui4. theaecarpet bagger? an- filendaof the premnt Adiulula txatlon, and because thtre i? no possibility _f n-rorui while tirent remain* lu offloe--for I Snow (?>__t well and bis privat?; virtu?-. IWI? llty to friend*, 1? pui.i*. ^?(?^1 doe* tb.- r-outh i... in (.n.l<> with,. ^a, not eijM 11 office , all we a?k i? juatiee. We have ?nfft-red long enough, aud unleaa you .Northernere de*ire t_ t^ halod ly the ritiug ?taerstnii, you win pat your ,**_! Ian to the wbeol. nnd help u? out of the BgOgfe. The Poiiihcrii Baagoaa are ss Osauaatod hy the party i? I'.nvtr as to Ik- hoi?? ISBSrj They rate BS fhi'V sis tolil. am! ?ire a--iin ?I that (,i., |. a BM 'l,,n of Havery. They ? rt too Ignorant to appreciate tbi lion, hence oik- race I? like.y to lip ?lirayeil BgM-PM "'?' Other." ?' We aro helncover (-??Titriii /. u ' t t.iines m a Ltheral Bepahlteaa "Ths ia-saMoaaf am raal aoMMtry. with un dlvetaa laten la, IsMwalsatf-goverasseal. Grant'a Ad-iiaMrtratloa hasdoat morethaaaay sthertohriag ahouf a fat] ?l.-iiiL-en.ii? ?:ate of things. Thccil - at pr?sent, but it la sa bastoi n <?? aatteipata tha ? i I I ? iili.ilization. coiiiliiiied With the pcr-niiiilit v so power fulli itiforce-l ?it |.r.--. ni. is fnial to tin- Lcpul.lic. To remain K tin I;. ?nililiciiii party after it BBS BS?BSd la he i iiatitmai in m tu, m, iiiy fu n,,. Mhaaf kaeptagthal party alive, strike* mi u? tr?-.i?on to the country. W gladly .'lake huiitl ? with tha lit-motiat-t if thev ar. t.. lian i my road, -haoppaaa thai Inpnhhflaas bavs a inoi.i poly of viitiie is BsrproBBoly rnii? nions. Part? Is mit lung ; principles ?ire i \ ci , thing." " win look ni Pruastot aad __? a leasaa Iroat ths t?>i ?i i ..t lu-mai. k." ai'.-neil aiiotlu i Di um. int. "AlBMSS Bad l.nni.iiie ?m <-.iit.|in it il provint I .-, di-i nitt-'iitt d wlthth-b lot. aad battag Q-naaay. Baal bio tha osa (pu rur? doing: 1*. i st-< utiiij_ the paoplol Ba Tin V ?ne n. iik m-, i-vi ii ci it in em i. h tin -,? prow i .?' - ?n thai BtOSpSBilj mai n, tun lie tin-Ill tn the chain;.? of govern nient. Bake people bbso rtaHj OBcafortabteaad pee tttfln ?u tha roi it oi revolution. Be BoMthetaMfs aae rataad. \\!.vii'.t glveasaehaaa la leeooaratol Da yoMSMp? I?o-e that Northern pilliu-'c of Ktate In ?curie-? will BM ,-rca-i our ?i.> aity f "And look at out foreign p ? rn '?.inns an Ainiiicaii irvtag shroad. "fitaea th. Ma MBBsa lassa, ?inc.' RasselPa in-uit ta Aamriea ta the II?.u ?of Lord-, and tha hiiuil.!.- pi.- eaten liy u- w,th altji'.-t l.uiiiility, I'm BSt-MMOd to look an LiigH-hiiiiui m tin-face, jnhn Bright was ri -in in iihaaiMidoilslMgom ment "i the case sa ' attorn ? Ism.' sad i esa b ?? do hope fui the preservation of (mertran dirait] ir mi. li un n a? Grant are put Into the Vi bite Bouse." Aadwhai do the -ngliab May the Prealdentlal elecuosl Society aayi nothing, because II knowsnoth m- ami eares aothiag. Tboee of th? people who are ronvertant witl.i politic? cordially Indorse Greeley, Liberata who have riaited America are heartily In bla favor. Cooaertatlvea denounce blm a? though he were the ? i um of the earth \ . , a military man, baa tome I'laimt to n apt ctablllty lu Kugliab eye?, bul a jour naliat '? What the Court ignore?, inoba and ca?da Jetplae, therefore the Prest i- not likely to befriend a tranant lautic representative ? but it ihr London limes la to be i- u Mil. "ii i? aiMiavs well to ii.-t. n to tin- advleool nil''- ?-ll.-llilf.-t, ?lllll take Hie tolir-e liltt-l iill-liri'lt lil tllt 1'?" li the United ?-titt-. putt tin- excellent theory into t?.a, Boraea Or?ele] will be the aexl Pretldent? K I. CUBA. in I'I I4B 01 IN?t RGENT8? ?B1 - i.? IN Ml M< VAX -DMIMISTBATION. IIwana, An-. 8_? The 1'ieiiio st.ils thai the Bpaalsh non clad Baa_HM_a win nosalB saly s few liais longer at New-York. The Sp-mi-h war-SChOS-OI < tiinioi, im oiti m .-M-i, was baraed at ssaoaharwayto n.iMiii... IB em hoard wan laved. A, speeiBl dispatch to the i oo ? to i, i .a--nial il,, in-ui'|."iu?, iKi-iroim'.ai'ni'k? .1 the town of Reamatnuaaguaa. ia the Eastern Depart? ment, and were repulsed bj (he garrison, which eon alated of only 10 men. The firemen of CTenfuegea are L'util oning _naenoda de Cochino?. The Diario ?ays the acting Captain-General will send to the Minister ol War at Madrid hy the next BteBwmt a plan oi the campaign, |q which the establishment of ol torilfii ! p..-t- i- a prominent feature. The Board ol A ?fa un? n of bave taken In band the removal of abuaes m tin- Huait Ipal Admlnlati ition, tue Mon .u economical reform?, and the continuance of work? for the Improvement of tbe city. Donjon : aa.ii i i?c prime mover la the?? tefoi ma. rPOBTO RICO. IM -III 01 I I I < I lOBi I?> TIIK ? ? ?III i -. Ilw\v\. Aul', f_?The diction for.mem? in i? ni Hit Costos sots i ?eil held la Porto Rico. All tin dlarrtctssre reported t" have retaraed Radical ii.tit - except that of tbe capital, Hau Juan, which el ? i I ? rath.-. WASHINGTON. A (i HEBTDfO?P4L8N BErOHTS ABOUT ? ?.i ? i? i u. MOI -MSB Is?un . l\ .-iii.i -i. . i.i;i in? \;:.?. Ilil lll.r'.liU'll To .'III llUBI'NB.I B_aa_MOTOM, Thur-ijay, Aiii'. 20, ion . !,!. a'li 1 ?1.11111- In la'e ' hoars,'retaraed laLoag Bra_eh to-alght, attaaded hy i ? ? . I'"i,. r, hi? M ' ritary. I . , it In IB he .,, ii of his finie ai tha White Boose. TssBsrdav in-im.i ?m intt n it-w with the editor al Ma aa_eaal arajao legardh | aaaaa dassagtag stateasaata lately made BgataSt I un BMd vin. Il were hy alllhorlty denied 111 the BSWSpapSt in i|iie -iioii today. H.-ierul other friends, iiii'iiid.i';.' n ? ma i? of th.- ramyalga Couunlttee, alas had Mag ooa veraattsaa wtta tha Prastdsat, a Cassasl BMMttBgarss hold to dsy. aad tear bbsmbb_s alisa?led, i, imelj. Messrs. Pish? William?, Belkaap,aad ?n - \ . i] i? one .,1 : he membei -. no Iraportaul hi ii, L'outrai-) to reporta, no Information whatever hat been received from tbe Geneva Ai titui regarding ?my agreemeul at to the ?um to be awarded to the united Htatet In p " mi at i : the Alabama ciuiiii-, ?nal to fiir a- till- Goverumeal la Informed bo ? knownImplylnarthat thi ?mount bas beans ?i I In;- tar. [I : ? n-U 01 lount to be received by the United state* will be known nut- after the dissolution ol the Board. Beeretarj Dateao haa geas sgatn toOhhi for hi? health. ?ry BoatWell is still 0a his farm al (?niton. Bei retary Pish aad Mr. Oeswatt reiurmii from IhetreoaM ti, i? -ni. n< as i" be preseat al the Cabinet meeting | da]'. I', la -nil I- . \pe? It il In !? to 1 l,"l ! I' 1 a sinnt visit, (?en. ?'owiiii, A--i ;,iut Secretary of tbe Interior, I? still shseat on his Yellowstone excursion. , il u Ian announces in hit paper of to-day that lo? hn? been earnest-] pn ? >i to a u : la li.c canvass in M line. in '-m. r S).iini. r siL-net!, yaotarday, Ihiaiyaia worth of the tin.onii aad. tit OhT- tlITT*Tt wi.r?i of Hi. ? nliiate?, )il-t e\eelltetl at tin iiiireall of Baazravteg and Prlntlna. Half of each batch a |..ii. in i tu i in- a - uatanl i rea?urei at N fork, md a ijii.,1 u r oi < .oh denomination to Philadelphia, and -as? ilar pa? safe? to Boston. COL -OOm PACIFIC Hvll.WAY. Sis li; VN! 'i-i o, An/. 'J;?.?An ?;rr;i;i._i'iiiriit has h.eii ?-il. t icii whereby ? oi. ThomasBeotfi Texas Pa? cifie Railway Company tueeeed? to ?ill the. riL'hts ?ud ?ii-operty of the s.m hi. go ami 80a Bs-iaadOnaspaay, rseatvas tha ihghI tt waythraagh ^?m Dtsgs CM?y aad Coaaty, ISO acras al tide lands so Baa Maga Bay, aad a terminal dep?M lot Borattag a apaaa aCOMhjrljaafaoi The Texaa Company haa agreed to put three partira o| t ni ineera Into tbe field si onee to locate tin- routa, sad to i't-i-'iii the work of ? oii?tru. non from fian Diegoea?l wtiiu at -?i" 11 a-1 in- i i rn- is finally located. Loa Angele? ami tint Bernardino Couutn-s offer to vote auhaldioa to aal Un i litcrpnse. _ THE TOUBQ MLS'.- Mill nilii-TiAN ABOOCtA noB. LOCBPOBT, Aflff? -!???Thi BBBBtl ('onviiilioii of the Voaag Men's Mute < 'hristiau As-ocialioii ha? Just I,ceii luid in tlu? illy. Uctwtcn 75 and loo delegate? from a 11 road aero ta atteadanos. Tin- tasstoashavabssa pleasant and profitable. The following officer? wert elected for tbe enauins rear: Preatdeat. John J. Platl ol ptfaghkeepeU?? Viee-Prealdenta, tas Bsv. l>. B. ,-t. itiii us ot New-Utrecht, C. ?, llinlreih m Lockport, p. ii. Pannina ol Utica, J. h. Keaklaa M BmbbIo: ,s,, it (?in-, i?. L. K"ii.c. of Cornell University, and i,co. w. Leeaard of Aubara. Tin- Bsemben ol the Cob \ eutlon weit formall) web umed and aocwll] eatertatned on luc-iiai evening by ths Loekpoti xOMBg Men's Chrtttlan A.itlea. Ths CooToettoa adjoumed thla t-vfitln?.'. A IDMJ1 LAU MOKMON KAID. Salt LaKI tlTT, A11+:. _?.?Hy onlr?r of a Mormtui Jtl-tic?' of the 1'. ace. the police thi? afternoon Iiiatle ?1 tit -1 ? lit oil two house? of HI fame, and With axe?, ami knives demolished ail the furniture therein, worth probably tl".o"o. Hureau?, lM-datcad?, picture?, carpet?, and all, were rbopped lo piece?. A rou?ideral?le amouut of mon?) and iowtiiy, it i? taid, WMtakea. -heezolte i,i, ut itiuoiiK the eltlsena on account of this destruction of property Is lateaaa. Naeh bad feellna prevails, and threat? Hre made lo ercaalss V1 id lance Cuminitiec? and " ?ieaii oui " iirixUaui Youiik'? house, A DKMOUAL1ZLI) CAITAIN AND CHF.W. K'CKi.AM?, Aug. Ha?the captain aud one of the crew of the Un?.ihk ?chooiiei Eiang.liue of liloureaU-r were arretted. laat niK-t, for plundering the ves- I of riffflug. and coiiiuutt.d to the lock-up. During th? Bagbl I'?' i-iali-? line Wii. cut adrift t.y the reiualu ,t,?i of ihe crew, and the reveuue cutter MtCulioch of Poriaaud ha? been telegrapbed to go In pursuit of her. am TKLEtlKAI'HIC NOTES. ....The cngiue makers of Berlin, l'ruasi?, are on a a__a ....Tlie Firtt Nationul Hunk of Lima, O., with a cspl-l *' S?~.i*". ou* l"r? ??tliuntrtl In l.rfin l.i.tturts _Associ?t?' Jusiice Miller of tin? U. 8. Supreme l',?rl liii?i?ul.?l ?s itiun-Uua rr?!,?.iilti(| u,. tlirrrttir? sf a? 1. n.t riitt sat firtlsn.! ? sosl hum i?itrl?r-si ?il? Ut ?.,,1 m ll.r r?ual. ? Ititl? !? ptttud ?n4?r ?uutrtil ol Um? roarta I? an u. _.. i_Lfgt?t_?ii| wii_ai BMMMBBBSI ?ntt -? am? d Urn taaat CAMPAIGN C0RR-8P0NDBN< O?B POLITICAL PBOTEUS. a iiw BOBB raen abooi oeb. dix? To the Ld t tor of The Tribune. Mit: The frii'niN of (?en. i.rant, daw n to a v. lei.'iit period, h.-ive It.-cn cxtii'ssin" iiiiieli re??, at what they (all tin- " iiic?)ii?!?!,iii i " t.f DeSBOa Insapporting Mr.Oreeley aod tin- "intjon aasten? ..f Mr. Oreeley in -t? ? ? i?t?nt_- tin- support "i tonner pollticsl oppooenta. A Midi? nut snewet tlfsn flic "dead past'- is fourni in I ttviag BBB? which traite Mr. Oreeley sad lu- pi .ir Miii'ii,i-t?-i-s. ot whatever nun?-: bat for then , I ii' i in, i it |. lu,;,, il tiiaf til! I. !"H II"'' I I". "< ' hi-t.'ii.y" ?ill bo dropped BBBJBBtheeapporten Oraat sat. DIE, ai lead la the Btate "? tit w-York. It there be aaj pan v. Inn iag oBu n in Ha gift, M'hicli (?en. Dix h?i im! given in In adhesion, 1 la. t has ic.t.iiiily c?c:ip".| inv untie?-. II.? lias In ,., '?. i Bard-Shell Democrat, ;i II. nun rat, a i.uciianaii Ihtiitn rat. a " V. at l?.-:i'' ?.r pro-Ma very Republican, an BUti-Slavi Republican, s Preeidenl Jehneon Ban, a Grant 1 publican, a Liberal Repabltcan (Just before I Cincinnati Convention), ami. linallv. a (?rant I. iiiiiiimtiti.'iii?! 'tu?' sfter the Cincinnati Convenu? Ami u is a _tngalai fait (ae Mr. Weiler would m "an cxtiiiolilinall CO in. ,(!.'.ii'."? all . ? --ii" . baogt?s liai" eoni arred ?ith ?? ?hange ?if that "tule in tin- u'i.iirs of uni.'' \\ In? when taken at tin? flood,leads OB tofortBBC to "nomination" for ?.nice, if not a mais i?, an ofli. :u tually in hand. I pr?same that ?ill tin- political rbaracteristi whichI ha??- above indicated is belonging to Oe Dix at one tian or another of bis vari -at?.I pnbl career, are ?anilla, toasoetof your rea.! that il.'ii.ttniiiati.iii Wim h bIbBB?SI l.iui Democrat1 '' ?>r pro slavery 1?'? an. I proco? tli.n fine, to elucidate this transition epoch in h political history from Buchanan Denoeraej t.. l.i: ? .'In Republicanism. It Ie known to everybody ta (few-York that M ThnlowWeed reprennted tin MConservative" win of the Republican patty. Inthoyeat ISM in- ws saxioosto patehaee the peaceful scceniono? M Lincoln to the Pneidency by ssaUag hash eoocet siOBS t.. the pro-Slavery prop.i.ati.list- of tin- Bootl At a little latee ?late in- advocated the "in.r.i. Btate proposition" m the? lateral <.? si; very, AftCS the war had lieiiun. li vchein.-tilly and steadily le-istetl all "?IS?t,till ? BBO tbe institution of Slavery in the seceded sttt. until, filially, at the begtHBiagOf tin' Mar i")','-', wh? it w,,s obvioBS ihn Preeidenl Lineobi haddetei mined do longer t<> spare Slavery in tin- prooecntioi ol the uar. this veteran journalist retired fmin th Press, avii.i. .lu became he could n<> longet symps tbise with tbe objeete for which the war was then tu Im pri.t-e? Hied. Ill ?la Allan,/ Eit liitit/ Join mil o? .Ian. li, In,.',', a leiv day? befOM remit?;' lim it? cumin, t, Lc denonneed the anti-Slavery wingo the Republican party, bertnef, u he said, it wa attempting t.. "aarraw th.- mi-hiv straggls to t ational existence down t?. an Abolition crusade." i feu ?l.i \ > ai er this indignant utterance, nepublicl? withdrew bran ?he Juana Ermita, .i-mrnni, au. SBslglttrtl the bdlow mi; n BSOBS for In-.1. . i-i??ii : Our counti-y is in itntneiliate ami mini iti" nt danger. differ widely with mi party about h." best nx ins o entables the rebellion, the difference i? rula li recoin lia!.'.1. 1 call lieitlicr ImproM otbi riewe noraurrender inv own toleran convietloua. Tu. latir? ni living in itrlfe with thon whom Ihavi ?,,il .r ?it lidia? lag la prenotad, l bave not besi tiled in pnraulng tbe path "t peace h tbe path ot duty it tboae wbodlfier ? it h me are right, and tbe country U ..lined s.iviy thrum:,, u? preaeut struggle, all nul u well and " _abagj hur." Su. h weit- the views ff Mr. Weed a' this time, ant it i- not dii.Rillt to pencil.; why it wn that, u ifl] such (i]iiiimii?. he favored no warmly the nominal im: ef Gea. Dix as the ReanbUeaa nandbiste ?m G**? eiiiiir ?f .\cw-Y.?r!v in the Autumn of Iflfl, whSB (?en. Wadsworth was aonlnsled in Ida stead by th. m?in- earnest wingof the party. <!.'ii. DiZWUtheO know ii a.s a " War I hinocraf." that i? a Hin It .nan ltemociat n ho was sustaining tin- war ?n tin- th. oiy that Slavery lias t.. Le tl.iiiia.e.l a.? little M ponible ?a character which sBbetant?aDy identified him \iitli pm-Slavery Bepoblicansof tin- Thnrlow Weed -i booL Ami fioin tt_ time onward, for th.- s?ia. >? 0? Several months, (i.'ti. Dix cnntiiiucd to he a pin Blavery BepnblieaB?eapportfag tbe war, bat <>pp?.s Ing th.- policy .?f Emancipation. As late as October, ? liiul him t-iill pSOteSt?Ig iifjain-t Mr. culn's Emancipation I'm; lunation. In that month be addressed a lottos t<> the M War D?*mooracy* of ?isin, in wbieb he wiote nfoUowa. (leite the extract (Tom Tht tjVaBraal /isMUfranrofOct The in. i-dire which has pr.i.lit.1 perhaps more Us Ion ihm an? oth. r i- t'i" President'* Emancipa , reclamation. I.?? lily abouM not have adviaed it. : believed that it would prove practically m iperative -, tbal it would ?nil n ich negros* who nw within our c. i ut ml, and they were, bj tbe lawa .?f war, if we <iin.... s?. to regard them, tree wltbout it. I: la purely a war m.a-i'. : ami if the war ibonld nan to-morrow, it n i m ?.I, .i-e to he practically operative, except whru it has been executed. Tins i?, uowen r, a question of In t. r? retstlon for the Courts, ami it (Iocs not become me t.? mill, tpatn their deci-ioii. Su. h wen tin- views of this " pro-slavery Etepnb h, ai.." it " War 1?. iiioi'iat." .liivn t ? the i miinitia? tion ol Mr. Lincoln, when. ? it ii Mr. Weed, he ?I.-t.-r mined to support Mr. Lincoln an against Gen, MY i. Lin -that is, his "War Uciin.? racy" paused into "" for .surely then- Batet was a lutter I-, BO of " War Ireliiocrut" tlnin (?en. Met'It-Han. Mill "J.iiu olnisin" wa.? Csebls in (?en. l)i\. ?.ir.after lam .?In was dead and Johnson liad siicceeil. .1 tu t ".n? 1 *i ?? -1? 1? lt( V. lie till?! (?en. Diz, with Mr. Weed, in the " arm-in-arm C..n v.ntiuii" of lv?-',, at Philadelphia, and the " Lincoliiisiii" of Loth lapsed into ''John s.iiii.-ni." till in the etas of Dix " .I.?liii?(iiiisin" uas rewarded by a fat Federal oilic?- m New-York, and nltimately by th.- French mission, sine.- his retire imtit ll.'in that pMl he has Ije.-n Waiting lor soine thingeln t.. "turn up." even baviai baderpentatime at on.- time. ..s h?? tttlls us. of seeing something good . ?nut- out of the Cincinnati Convention. I)i?a?> pointed ill this, he has tie!.1111111. d to go for Grant, at l.-a?t until aflci the n??\t el?>etion, ami the l tica (iiiiveiitii'ii, beiag surely pteeaed to lind a candidate, hasieiied i.? acept him pro hoc vice. Mr. Weed has 1.n bVb in pUMIIIllag the h'.nni of a " nomination" I'm his pr..-Maxen tuend of ls-.j and [Mb, but ho La? succi.'ded at last. And now I am euriuiis 1.. know what elan of po? p?, an- paiti'iilavly ezpeeted t" snppoit (?en. Dix on the "record " he has mad.: for himself. Certainly no kind of " Heiiiocrar?" SBB support him, f?r theru has lieeii no kind of Di-moci-ay which tien. l>ix has not paof-BBSd and hetiuy.-d. ('?-rtiuiily no kind of " RafBhllbaBB " S_B sitpi??! t him, ffir there has basa no kind of lit -puhln aiiisui which he hat? not emlured, ciiitira.ed, ami deserted. j He is a very MSpeetahls man, as the Ihike (?r1 Hilt-kiiiirham in his tlay was a veil BSSpeesahSB man ; but still Drydcii'H porliaitiirc of the latu?r is ?><|tially applical'le to our "Ziinri.'' - A until a?) various that be ?eemed to be Not nit.-, hut all mankind's . pit?me : Htiff 111 ..pinion?, always In the wroiiir, Win evei-ttilng hy start?, aud nothiiiK long." ^ ITu#/?i?i(//.?'?, Aug. .7, UU. HisTORK-CT. l'EiNNSYLVANIA LIHKRAI.S. AN OLl> AUOI.ITIONI?sT'h VIEWS OS TH? OhBTAM in OUI-?i OOUBTli To 'he Editor of Tkt Tribunt. Sut: In The Tkihine of Aug. .6 I find an exposure of the op?-ratiou* of J. II. Platt and Jam.?? Ilm l.m. lu truiikiiiK (?Hint documeuta tu varions uart? of tbe country. T_?-*e rentleuieti muet i"- iu?lu?trloua ?-orkera to aupplr even tbia wctlon with the document* which are acnt under their frauk?. The \em York RSSBJ la oil??. > .1 by ?tump ajH'iikera gratia for the cauipalgr, ea|H'i-iitllv t?. Trihin- mit.acrl tiers, aud hired ?unv-naera are now tramping parta ot (.'heater t'ounty to make an ace unite Un. o Hurtruufl and* men. li tbla it plan to t? ?im Ju ?t bow much to cheat In order to aecure Usu-ua-f i i tittt.ou l That then an to be tjeet firauds SMOMgh, if peoatMe, to defcal Bnel lea a th? of prominent Grant wire-pull i ? ''. " We will (?uni Hartranf. In." The opposition to Hartman in i beater County has roused the fears of te* Gram men t<> tuck a piieh thai tbey ?re balding km ettaata i very nlgbt. the only effei t of whl( b, a? fSi . n. , rat? in favor "t fin - ley, and ta convince Intelligent Republicana (bat Hartranft'a deal lugs with Verkt s, Mai k. i A-' o. are Miv -n-pi. ion? If the Oreoley Republicana elsewhere nnmber bail the i or, a we have lure, m proportion to the votera, we ?(mil be able to give tbe Keyatone otate to th? Liber?M Be have gained constantly - ? M lire - Domtaatlon by the Ilemoeratt, u I though the Grant men attempt ba m :k- capital bj i known Git-eley Republican? bav< changed to Grant, an (?i i. ahoi moxnrr, In h)i, V SfMMTS, t lush r to.. F, on.. \ *t? LIBERAL PROS] ECM W "HI'). _N EKCO?BAOIBQ wiw oi no ?m \tion?A CARRPCL CAMVg - 01 mi. < ONGRI H D_ i '.u ? - ROPI m CARRTI-G r M -LI i- OBI OP mi. 1 WEB 11 POB IBB UBRB ILO. PS II' r I. ?I il or of I li i Iii | Bibi Dorias tlu- pool two aaoBt-o l h?i I'.-i-oi n-, ami from B Basra 1 hsv?.a and cross i amtoi i n pi? ??-nfative r. i<h ni-, ai ti from the remainder of tin? counties I have received letters. Bow If human toettsseayh good for anything, an haws al h iowa atopaOBao-B who I,. fort?n 1 y and l!mw n. Oft nene we i a it iini v t .m get .?'.'??i to vote tha DaassaraOle Mots ticket la Octohec, aad thai will gira BeO-toaOfOMOR ?. of tin. mu? ?u i-? ?. i could give you detalla from en i f i BMMtj ?iiiil orten from tof iislup?. in sTsry in-iaii?'.'. m Bay ssUssate, i k its lahaa tin- tow ? 11 um lu?- reportad of sotares ira smbM Bars ihorough ? a aaa aattoa and mu-t tight arotj lash of tha groa ?i, bOl tliat mu? may- rely upon will l?- done. With victory in O.-tohcr, we cm c-uitit upon tie- I? i-ia. r.itic vote within one per seal la Novemb? r. Be are itotarmlaad Is lie Mile 111 I It tOher, il.-lll MB have ill? toree?. I.? doit. AS to the Cong-re-- |i-fr:?!-. I ??' ?I least 1.? out ol the ?a. im I We ?.'lllll co? | three more with a hope of victory. Ai to tola I will gtva poo ?ooas of the reasona for th faith whfa b la la aas l-i Jii-ii.u r. lit i. -thi- fight for the long term i betweea Bggtoetoa sad flsjhr. with ths rota of b_g raga lu our favor, and it et it linly cliiuot !??? ?t.-i leased on oar tide this year, n. wan ao asea spots, aad Baylor win be elected. Tin MMtrt tona M bet . (Bop?) aad Dodda (Dees.), n?iii in. ? baaeas ?n favor ?iTaft. Dodd?, ns a memlM-r oi tlie I..-: i?i.ilute In-t Mir, for the Ad.i.r llipior ! IW, :: -in III rar lie Q nn.iti? will not forgive. I think Doddl w i!i lie In atea, ?illlnnigh tin tule o..'?, i mi ?.. -ti'.iig t .mt our Gen-SB Im i. I- no! al! atOP to scratch tlic.r ticket?, and llnni.;, lit lilln l?de tiiioiigh. Hi. Iii?-i Kit -i.?II. re the light i.? beCWOOB BayOS aii'l i:.inning, witii the rah __et year to fares al 1 Still I think Banning will seal ahn. Boyas to pepata. with the people, is an ? tceltent canvsss ., sad I local hold apoa several potential politteal toteas wfttoO will tell In hie favor. Ben ptoa of the RhtM hour law in tbe i ire, and nfdfe tha Trades entona, Uli? '.. Ol ?i HM _'aill?( I In Lilii I il. la-t i . ?I '.? Mite, nil! it . i a lit lit nil r i Bass. Mm W. Boaa, ths lAheral eaodM ?ta, M a man al large wealth, anil, as a (?, h. will en it the BSMd voto of iu-ioiuitiy-in i?. Trastwerth) retarw IrssaewBt] t ollllt V ill Ills lll-tl It t, B lli'll I have Ml lilt (I hy IIClMill.ll vtattatloM, simw LBN UheralRepublic? -. Hi vtiu i? elected a tafly. lVlll L)i?ri:l' T. ? II. re WO lia-. ? "M H'oiiie, and with Wilian.? a? a , an lldato, ?nul ? Republii in- a! 11 a i v known, indenting? palar eaadMato like (,um kie to light, we do?, 'i bave any toara "t t! salt, aotwlthstondlag the Sohlten'Boiae do ?0 much relied apOfl b] the cliet.ll'. Vin i?i-iiui r. Demo? rat* Vi id i u-i an t. - Tin- district i o i u ? , ? ;-. h.,Mj beso . .ii our tiien-l- beea Baited Te in e.<?ri?> agatasi u? i -1."?'.'?, inn th ? ? in-iiii ?- i? oil? .ut ah a*, apea ??in i wood thiar candidate, aad mat, with the Bu pi Om tectioo? from Grant, would i ?atlVovt i asi our ?Heads got mt.? (ft ? . Bard 1? a m 1 t popular man in tin-district, ?mt I te ?i he canno! overcome the Uheral Repabifa sa bah from in- owa Coaveadoa, Tue i ?"'i was nui based apon opposition to Bard, of tin? claim that 111 a l.cpiit'l.c m di-U let tlu i an ! siiould he a Lit,, nil Rl i.nltlI? an. VMril Dam r. ?D? mot l.itit? hy LI'--, ?i.d no spots. Real will be eli VIII i u I n -run r i- a.- lii-t u- bj . ? i . ... i. I pre ?une, hop lees, OaraomlaattonIsaol j i ma.h i- ths Draal aaadldato, IXtii Iu?ii:iii I ?j. nut it ?t niiaiiii Bare tor lien. Morgaa. Bolapopalaa with evetybedy. Be ?till ateo get .?ou?e (.rant RepohUcan rates,sad shot wttl LBMOraa?-) Bepahtteaas sircad? ?a-ottod win tasan hi * ?iici'i-?s. Xru lusri.-iiT win i?.? fought harder than sei s?het? Bothcaa??dates ses popalaraad rieh Tnej wui p..u cM'i-y rate in the district, bal I have entire eooOdeaei ?'?ah.lity tohiat Be-BS ?.lily .'..?votes t i o.i la I'liie. Lilt kB W?] I"-' !<? BMM rail' M. . a few lain ral Bspabtleaaa. Ws Ba~eaUeadJ bmbbBb? ta the district |omt.'i .'??i (?recle.. BepabUeaas, of whaaa nuie-teuths will vote lor ?-loan,'. I Hunk In- will lie ele.ted. Certainly, there will he no legitimate appli in? . known topeUttoal warf in- which w?!l l??? l.-it unusetl. xiiu Di.-i'itiiT. -Bash win aaiaahtodl) baatBaadlp. I wa? in that tectlon of the State lust week, and saw tuen from all parts of tin- |di?tr|. t. and I f. el c.titl lent thai In r.iu count s.ilelv upon l..>i?i (?tvelei Lcput.ii. an?, all of whom will vott? for Na-li, who has ?tlw.iy- BOOB n RepubUoea. Bandy Is thi Bsoel paoi.Bead PretoMtoM< 1st ta Ohm, which Will 1"' against In in in sue!. MOMM-M as Hocking ami m .oil?. \a?h is ?? BBsdsrato P-saasMea i-t, aii'l ?? in favar of a "ni'liciiiiis tarill " Bs ISSBld SB !?.- ail aliie -tuiiiiM-r. aadl is vi ry popular in hi? di?trict. Tiie voto to be si eroo . ? -it Mini I)i?ntii ;.?This ili?tr.. f 1? I?. BBS?netto k] ?."it I'll l.i-t Mai - M.:t-. ami .lewett's Is the Strongest tiolul niitioii that could have beea made Bf th?; Lilnrals. Xlllru DisTiticT. -Tliis is DiiuiMTiitie by ?,n I, which Suiilhard, hy the aid of the Lila ral ltcpnhlicaii?, will large!v ineron?e. XIVl'll I)l?l!tuT.-Thi. I? Dem,,,Tat;.. 1>\ l.7l(i. Lerry't mai?.nil will not to lOBB than 1,000. xvtu Disruit t.?Tin? ptesaats ths i.t kstoswattag tight in tike Mats. The UhSSBl. ??mlidat. . ( L. PaO-BBMB, has no superior us u stamp .?jx-nker lu the State. He has, always he.-ti a It? puliilciiti of the straighte-t ..I. .nul. of course, w ill pall the full I.!'.eral strength. Hin. Bass's friends are s,, utterly di?-i -led li- fie unan? BBOd to overthrow their idol that very many of them will proha'i!) ?cratch Dinfortl. Tin- -BtBOttoa l- I I taiuly gnat. I wa-in cmti county of the district last week, and, with the exception of Babaaal (li.uifortl's residence), J fouiul u|?'ii opi'o?itoii to Diiiford from QraalBspJhtaaas?aad 1 ?earthaBoTS ail tt iin-m ?au he whipped In. Again. Poonnau will get the colored vote of Ida ?lint i i.t, ?nine ?oo in BBOSBag. He wa? au open advocate of negro suffrage, and Daiiford oupoM?d it. The Liberals claim l,80? Republican vote? m the .ii? trlet, and I think it p, rfe. tly ?af.? tola) Usm% no that cien the XVth District I? not utterly hop, le_. XVIIth District-Till? ha? 2,_:i again?! us. ?,ut I think Richard Hrowu has a fair chance for an election. There are at least I.OOn Liberal Republlean? In trtct, ami he will carry a personal vote out of the ?hop? over which he bj . lin-f of at least sfni. He I? the eamU date of the Prohl-ltloaUta as well .is of the Liberals Will in Dumui r ? Here the I.dierais have nude no nomination as icJ, hut with the large d?tection from ??rant at < merlin. It i? thought that Mu in.?. the (?rant', has to eta work helme him, not w it lirUuding hi? niait ullv of AIM in la?( veal's vote. XlXril DisiTKli T li.trtield's). -Th.? Is | Tloag-.ilust u-, and will Ik- reduced at least one half, ?liir frleut'.s in A?htiiliul?t claim 1>?) i.r.ilev Kt-puollt an?, and I h_ve m. doatrt thei will have la??'. XX ill DlP-TKliT. ? 1'his was i,.?,: against us laut year. and i? by ao assaas a kopelem dlatrtoi, Be hue in Cay. ahoga County, by an aotaal cunt, full ;i,t??i Grealey Ri publleans, mostly Germen?. In CtoveUad then? are very few Auiei-icans who dai?- du lare for (?reel.-y. The ?itTimm-? however, arc at Ie-?Lst,ixiii or ? noo ?trong, and they are ?uhataiiUiilly a iiiilt*for Or.. 1?\ and Hrowu. Larsons Is th.- tirant nominee, and the lion Ring will ?IM'U'I thoasaada to lecure In? election, bal the Oermaua an- as ti lie SI ??. ??!, and with a )uoj??'i' raij.lldaU- we will give him a hard tight. LiBKaAL. _U'.?i*lr'<l. Uliio. Aug. |B 1S72. ? M'UAIUHH To the Editor of Tht Tribunt. ?Sin : I ol?je? t. Thi? display at tiie Giant National t'uiaaittr?! hssil?_itrr? oi a <h??t;r ptaea It.ilriirr " if l?a k?. Mm notr?i|?tt. in tbr .h?,. ??I ' ? ttl-k raisbrtr f,?t? ?ilk "btgft?lt ?fhlootl " as B. ?ail " t blsrk -ttk, Bhlawu? t.' I.sjI ?|to?," ?a? " l?iiog four ln.lri ' it r.i.trDllt nVslilrJ lo aitatli. Jut? BMMBO It? rniaplttat. i?4r?d, tbout " Uir ?tarn?forUb? frrlilaj ?hith a II??tl par mn ?-fill f??l in in r,?sii??t?," ?ai, ?s s ?isttrr ?fitas?os baaaiailr. tlu i'.aats itisitl ?Ds?n tbt ?f llir ?;ina?au wki't ??kt kia " Mal ? Irtliit" a? ssiilrsssiit. Autl ?tul? .a? sr? ?t it, ?kr aol, tat ika mi. ?1 thr lislicsl? J.tlia 1 hitiua., irquira sil ooatu??ra ?a las .Urtrl? ka ?ttk-riw u?sir w?r?i frwu? tkr wiaduwt i? ?In. k Ikr; u. 4>,plsj?W uu r?ckl??i M?NBtto of in? ???tivii mi tant?, lotut*. ? ,. Alie lora, Ai? ?. UTdt