Newspaper Page Text
^mnenncnle, rtt., it\)\ v jcmng. v, . . Ered Stirtan." and "The ltc^.eaof tbe Kitrb.-n." Tbe Tokaa Pamily. i; . ,,i ~ i.u t, 1?1K." J. W. WaJlaek. I>.ii-?*K.?" Idg M t'arotte." Mra. ) ITaai ami M,*? Raa Heraaa, oi YMi-K- i bjbbyti i: ??:??,.? aaa] r,., kitiuok." Waii i k> lint.Ki:. - ?' Kitni." Bflag Lydia tl a paa ? _ Cmiidunik MllllllBbEB ?! N"- T'M Broadway. i i Stiiniiier Nii;lit's Con errt. Tbeodor* I si. .1 m*tbb Tin ki i ?:. v nt Praa< laoo Ifiaatj > Onomc59 Sotircs. A Lll : -SlEE POETEAJT .. e? .... tf, piiJ, oa rec-lptof ? THB Ta-niaa, NewT.i.k t '? BoweJ coini.] i ? i controlled l>y iiaing .rt.rln._ \.r"VH IALITIE3?E*ALM1 '??>? CTSBraaWw.t. !t. Y.; ' ??'??"?? Beatea. H | \. IDENT Pa5l l< II - BI rHE M TERM& OF TBM TMIBI J imi v TBE) l*10pat a'uuim. jm:mi-\\ ii ki v I i.n.i m. Mail Mil" - ? :"i an iiiiin. i - . ln au extra . clob of tm *aEn .; aaa ttoM. tTT Dattai tka PtaakaaBtaa] CaaaaaJffa w?*wi'l r*" . ? ii>iiiin<t at tbe BBBM rate. v. I EKLY TKI1HNK. To I *ra. .ti ? 1,, \ LMESOr M'liltfRtBPRB, ' ''? , ' ' -. tl ' ' *. ! . l - I tyi'HK WEBELI diirinc the I ,,\. :, i , Oaa aUllBBBBO, from oay. Ad ' I>M!Y'h;:i ?|'"1 * PW-**** Bi mi-Wki k?, .'?.. dfi ntum in tne papar. ItlD "h,T' alwava prca nre a di tfl on New-lork .. oatafwava Btration feo haa baen andthepn ? tratiou tha .tal authontiaato protertion a?nn . B^gahM Mitan '.. , aa ?>.-*. I BB I Itiv.i-vr. KaTW-YBtB ].,;i -:;,. JCTUI * ABTPAIOK, L872. CAMPAB3B TBA43T8 OK rOT PRKS1 will be publishefl al ?lll,. '| BIBl Bl "lll. 1. W BDJG TH1 Tka folkrwiag an ready, ra aampklol fotaa: No. i. p?0< ? DI14. ~ OF Tltr LlBEKAL Rl tio" n i ll'f";,;1:: - of tbe dolliit. _ . QBBELRT't ! im, i:i,,..-. R from tbe boui i , . ,,. r oopyj 13 m per 100; , ;..r OOPPi ? tat a _ No. 1. r ln tbe V , p.T eopy! U M tn r 100; I ?P7! 2-> lollar. I ? if, ' LBTBRI I BreaCB \T BT. leOOTfl, l Langnaga. Prtoa, aaaM aa ao. s. No. 4. Tiii Pan tfurim r tn rb; a Rbttbw or GRAwra ??4-a i.riff. piti.y, and i ,t ua blundi -. i II ,? i Prt; t.10 i*r l.tHX). If fecnt ? | , i , ,,],.. ; ..ii fOI tl 30. Tm Pabbbb 0 ? ?? ( Atll-tl'.N - ? - , i i -:r. i portrall oi I iiniiiati ,1 ( ,,ier. No. 9. Tn PLAITOBB um THB CANDtDATB, lB le.ifl.'f fonn ntalnlBK thefull text of tiu (iiiiiiiiiati i ui, and M . - . i tseover the wbole eronnd and anawer . nta per 100, or , ?,. ? nta i-lTIOO. 17 lM, H1, ,,, gA CBOaAPBB Form , t ,r ltiiil a -:iKle e,.|>>. . . 1 . t.pv, 3cent?; 3 coplea r |io: . okabt a im. BBBAH, Mai IL full. BALtTBOai ?? 'be pn liuita aud other I imp N... 7. 4TBRLT BPI 1 11 AT BT. I ., ;i. i ol ,i. I'.'l.tanee ? HlVelltlOll. . . ob ..... i 11 v on> OaABfTi Bella mdlatluROraut; "Tbel oiored Bace," . . ? PoilRbkeepali . Maj tter of wttkavawaii CHIlt. -h [at kBiABi \ ? mi raa oata r. AU b Tlll: BblBBBB, .New-Yorli. bo Bpamd t'i?' Suinnicr in il,,.,., m mallod t i tii.'in by l,,,:,-,,!, I.. !', .->:??. I'i 71 !"T inoiith. aaa MoNDAV. HEPTEB1BEB 2. 1871 ?j , ; ... akagaof tk. i ? 11*'1* torilj to tbe Drdted Btatea. ? -= Tbe ? WilllHiu baa ariivt-.l at Betlin. =-: rtif Mi aaaat/i UU'i lletl to tiu T)j(. i anta baraod at eea Au>. || r ara mtssing. B d arttb LttU IVaT. I ai..! 1.18 tak i deatroyed aOoY< raatM Bl t:a.u laat Mmiday, aud kiiidi, waaBak i, m t i' urad Mbm n. Tlie emjdoy<5(i of the (' - to ron trititite larcelv to tka Ailiiiiiii'tratioii i le.tlon fmid. i oaa. b> Wiii. ??? I i. I ?_ A lii^li toin il youii^' K?' at I>reijtville, Vii^iniii, hag lx < n hiaHilgitkg in the Eafc aiiuisc niciit of almotiii^ :in intiiiiali iiicnd of li tcr tlinitifii UM BwaTI nf I jiiil. W? (ionbf if tln* ut.uld liii.iiiMtlcrcd BBBOd loiin tvcii BBMttf Um Pajk. ^ We aaBBB t'? !?(? iu n eyeM of aocidcuN l.v J ln- ai.iii.iir N-irrairiuia. tt cauic ncar Kliaiinw: the l<it<- t.l tiu Mctia aml liit iimIIc mi Sattuday niKht. BaM cainc into tk)lUaat>E x\itIa an unknowu bcliooiici' in tiu- St.niid, and aajajuaal liy laaBjaaJajj ht r tu^incs in tiine. Mr. Lyman Trctnain dwlarps tliat in lii<4 opinion the prcncnt ((.ntest ir. the hamc OOM vvhuli fiiiK BaajB r.iirinK BaBkM the hakjllllllllg of tlic lU-btdlion, iM-twccn Ufpajkj aml tnason. Hf Tint-t be I little bbbbbbbI M bbBbbbb oi. whicfa r-.ile llC lS nilinilie.'. M blfj (fllef gJBJ tllC tieklt wa? a ol Bti< liananV Catoiflal aml JoluiH'Hi"* paiiy, aml )ic waa himstlf a very prt-tty Rpcfiinfii ol a gpoBiing RebeL Tlic Japaiu ??? atc aj.i.nn ntl;. aJkBEf (n nn dwEBBate ?!iat V. taih .I to a?'4'4uniilir>li. H in rcpolicd that, rns wxm a> Um Mikado rctnins witti liia flifi of elgM veeeelg trotv Iii- t mt of in*|Httion nf the kmthern provii (ictiiiiti* ariioii will be ti!cti to (.on.,.)- tu ici.cnt ..I tbair "intnl? .n.. aiut'li. hv Uic way, waa a btroii^ tcuionbii.ui.?<? jiRuinst tho Jaoanoso cl.lini to tributo. At prcHcnt the chances of tho buocoas of ?uoh au cxiM-dilitm BtMBfl very wlitrhl, enpoclally a* China thr.-atciiH to join with Corea iu rcsUting tho inviudon. _ I.iborals of Vcnnont! bear in mind that tlionijh u initiority in your own State, you aro in fnll iconrd with B majority in tho I'nion, and tliat cvory vojo you cast to-morrow, thouirli it hlinulil not clect a *_Bgle candidate, will t.l! powoifully on tho canvass in otlu-r States. Twcnty ihousind votcs for your State tichet is your quota of Vivc Millions of vot.-s in tho wliole rountiy, and tliat would insiire tin- (lioi.c of two-thirds of tho Klectors by th* fii.nds of ( BB- JUmva. Uring out :! 1 vwnty Tliotisand votos! Tho <:iii>-.tchi-s froni S|iain confirm tho enor aatjoi Kadical BBMBBB in Iho lata bIboHbBB, tban party havin, brnuirht in 294 DoputioH to WJbB j>iil?lic;iiis..- n.l ?J.'is.-.itti-riiiirCoii.-.rvativ.-.-. Troni Wa_hi**gton wt- ,iro infonned that <".< n. noIjIc.s hftl .-oiioltid.-d to st.y in Spain, and that tho Kini/s! havc roqn. atcd that Siitraata s in.portinont retpi-st for hia roc.ll be coiisnl ered BJ not hnvii.tfb- I BBttaB, H- BM '.-?-_?? to tlio .-in.. BOBg Bboot Abolit.on and KtTorm iu Cttbd BB- 1' K'i.o. w** wffl, pe__ap?, whon Cbbb Ib lYaO, hut ot whk- 'horo *B Bfi BtOaBB-l to-da.v. If tho horHblo Btfajj ?*-* W-*8- Ufl ___? <??,,?,,,!? ,lnns?i.t to BC tTBJ, it will furniRIi anoth.-i Lrr.l.le paool of tho utl.-r fa.luro of tho Jndiati poli.-v ol' iho AdininiMiation. 1 he .hi,). I.ittlo Kavi-n, v,h?. bl aVfttd to havc rom niaiidod tho auu.k .ii.oi. tho ayagOB train of |',,rt LjOB BBd tO BBTB B-fll-d in the nnitd-r ..I tho drirers, ;s otM ol tl wbo wwe 80 latoly petted and lilled with niixtd meta pliois ly thoir "(Ir. at Fath.r" Bt WBgfc-Of t.m. Aflkld all the lioirorof tho story th.rt- la ono nn i-li nt wliioh OBBvB B irrotenipii' ligt ovoi the vvliclo; Iho QrOTI rnin.-nt BBeorl WBB niiio niiles behi'id tho wagons, and canio Bp in tiino tO BOB the M.'toi'oiia BBTBfBfl 1,. ap iivit a hill-top with B-OfltB of triuiiiph and dei-rion. We havo B pieCB of f--r.ituit Otlfl hut valuahlc tihuo tor our QlaUri friends. Whon a BJI nth inan Of niahue \<ai\- and cmi'i'-iit pofdtioo liavts hia bobI iu Eorope Bad ooBiea -ome La tho midst of BB MCltiDg CBBTBfla in bia own Btate wiUbOBl Ihformiog anybody of hia inton tiODS, it ia Efl tO p M nie- be liieans to keep th.m to hio-aelf BBtU be ia re_dj to de e*_ie them. An ounce of l-cf would tTOOTiaoe tlM. Impati to whon) thia woi.l is ad ,li,-.aa.-,l in i to Jjiropo to wony liim, diap-ttja-Bg tbe taoB, pnial pub liaher bow liiiBg to New-Yorli Harboi to boai liim, l.'.i..i:,inf.' hia aick room with rjoflUBJ inon, (hlicat.-I.v iaBiBBBa.Bg that B P-l-B b' foi bim, : - ??__ eal ouiatcl to captore bo radepe_*dent aodspirited a geati. 1'ian as the HOB. At dr.-w 0. Ctiitin. Uo i- alowly jtoovoriiitr ITom hia iilaeu. Wh?B he ir^ rcady be w'l doubtleaa inionn his f.'ilow-citi/otis of liis fiewB aod mteBtiona la tho pn k Bt poB**ite of b-Uib, Oatil tiiiie, ti'. obc b i b right to BpeBk for bim, and lf b j men BeD him B-Ort tbey will havc trmiiil.' in tbe d. iivery. Mr. John AV. Fnuier of PIiilaAielphia ? lOBM BBB iinst John P. liartranft Ciiin ioii-(if:int oindidato for QOTBTBOI of IV .lis-.haiii i. Fortbelasl six jreanHaitnuift lias beeB Anditor-Otntral of tho Stato, and as siicli it was bisdatj to collcct and account for pariona taxea leriod on (oiporations. One of th. si- U a taa per ta_ oa tbe tn-i_lit tram ported by tbe MTeral railroads. it Bppe_ra in tho JBBl SJtU WBB paid l>.v tbe Delaware and Hadaon CompBBy bj th.-ir a_ no of tbia ta\; in ? flral of HaxtTB-fl ' ? -BB DBidi in 1- - | Bj in 18CU, hothing ; in 1870, -. 9,0*0. ntore niay havtr beea paid by tbe Ckanpaaiy, bnl tbe abore BBB-I are tbOM BBt doWB in Uiirtranft's ollicial raporl-, We havc beBrd tbat the Company now pay b apecia] ttx on the eoal mined by thema . . ; tliat aneb eoal, wbiefa ia the hulk of llbii tuniiaj.-. , i.H not BBbjed tO tho tnaaage tax. [f ourimpression in this i<?-j>4 <i is coii'-ct -., ,.o atill unable to aoBonnt for tba paymeat ol 16,940 In 1806, of aothiag ia 1800, and of| 1010 1,870. Tho BCCOBBtg wiih a liiiiiihor of other railroads are in .similar oonftudon. _ As tbe W:'noiit and Maino eleetioiu ap proarh, people ;iro bnatiBg ap theii laal year. Alnianaes, and WOndei-Og bow nnieh tho Lih .1:1 Baoremenl will ebaaige Laal year'a Ivepiib iiiajoriti.-s. Bol tliat Isnl what th<y want to know. Tbe latest eh-ctions arere compaiBr tivily tiiiimiM.) fa:i', atiii, in bot! ij old Commonwealths, overwhehniiif-'iy Ke|)iililiean aa t ii. v hav. alwaya beef*, tba majoiitiee arere y<-ry low. Tbe y. n (il a J'r.-aidential election, <ni tbe contrary, ahraya eails .>ut i fnll rote, and BhOWB tho iiepul.lican Jiarty at ila BOBt, Wbajt chang< i is the Ubtnral B_oremen1 going to inake on tbe r*-pnblio_B BUajoTitiea ol 1808, whon (iraiit yva - a befbtl?that is the .juestion. In ihto (tbe b ?-, Btate chctiuti there), the Termont majority WBB only ?_*80O; but in 18^9 it was27,3il ou the State voto, whilo, two nioi.lh.a lat.r, n awelled th<- BBJority for liiant to e*Vl_aV How -_-? will it comc to domi,' as BBBeb for him t_B_B tini.? In 1^71, the ttepabtteM majority i_ M line was onlv 10,681 ; hut in tho laBt I'i. -i.'i.ntial yoar it B-i in the State election 2<i,4U(i, while for (irant hitnself if was 28,030. What will it do for him, this tiino? COll.l) nn BU81NB&8 INTEBESTB BTANJ) 111 N, ithd Tboinai ll-rpby oor A. J5. Cornell, ac-ordinf.' to the Adniini^tration organ, BOW rnna tbe Bepnblicaii party of New-Yorfc. Mi. Heary Clewa, the organ t.-lls oa, ia tbe Bbaa. Mr. JJci.ry ClB-1 ' vca dul what a rtirnj.l. miaded poblk baa aiaditad to Tlmrlow w.-od. Whon that vcteian had failed. the UKtuto Clewa CABB0 in and rdiowed liim liow t(, ,io lt. CleWB, not Wced, tho orf.'an IBMVemtOB, out of his own, nniiiii. Dix! And Clewl tells all Wall Str.'t, (a/hicb, BJ < vorylH.dy know.s, WBitj for liis v,-..)d on i vi-lythi.i..- that the oaa-fie-a in ..i ;l,t I ..tiiit.y t.-innot run th?- risk of Mi. (iiii-l.-y'- .l'.iioii. I I."--i.vs this! VVoll, ], [ ?. | how iniieh of CBVaaj (he b-fc-BBBI la lof iheCoiintry oould Bt*___! 6-Oi niore we inTite the fitt.-mion of bnt-Beea mefl to tbe <;, i.i .'i.i n i ? Mr, < |. ., - ?, - tbi tn *?urei ol tbe Branawick and AJbany Railroad Cnnipa_y. and tbe ageal apponil. .1 Ii. i 11 in VV.ill-M. MM hotids ol i'i. siat.' .,) (.. ii M.i, laaqed Ib _W ot the coiintrntKin of thftl i <> i-1. Bn/J AlgO t_e l?onds of the laflroad ad by tbe stai.- of ' i. i.y ;,. i, |- ipt un', ilatioa ii- i i ou tba ,?; tb to tba bj. bbbI IvOBB, oi lM__g af*ihf. fihryy*- r,, ?.Trrrtion", eo_a**ra ud. Uv a fcniatic vinl.dion of taaBM iiii.|tiit4?.i-* and fflT rupt laws,on the 16th day of June, 1871, at IH tin.c 140 n.ilc* of tbe road had been (aftcr a fa-hio.,) aaBBBaataal beeI Um Company bmn g.ntitl.-.l t4. tln. Pj4>44.e.I.of ^.^^Xl tn 1^^. ?? Ich. a .sitm thau #5,180,000 had ^*~* and ? by the Um. ,;-'";,"t;)t^; fonotis IMII... k, and turned Oftfl *> ?JTJ Cl.WH 10 lloow on UM Wall-sl. at... ; niarkcbs. Mr. Clcws swears ... tl,.- M? ?? Wbicb he Htibniitted to the Qwa?^Uffc> Kt. Coniniittce <pa*-o Wa\ ??* ? Mfcj, tinn 1.148 BBBBB a fBaMBEi bEajk - ^u.,?fon,.n,^i,,,,,,faaa,,,last,,,ulf, "Jtheretohasa.dcdby .-.wh adTEB*flfl ini ..m,ouspart.os.,.KaK-din.l.fe.T?n,?.onof ? "ulroadsin ,l,c Wcslcin and Southern *tatc . - Z htler rmmm our prefnence, fwm *,?* "Iggag* desire to aid as ropuUy II peaE?l ? ?? ncKt.tialioi.N, Wo.cin aml, mmcc th, ..Wa.,o.l.cp.,scittm.c. lltMaM%WI? ..t(,1)Ii,(,(a,?o,u,u?e,Moa.lca.. tlmt.v uu) mu "ilollaiW Ol.scivc tlic patriofisu. aml pbilau tiUOVjOtMt. CSOWB. Waaat ina-ti.l.cciit bc ncficcncc! To l.tdp alonir Bfl eiit.-ijii iflfl m wliii-l. BOt .| dt.llarof privalc capital was to be m veajted, he will ortwride the .???nstituiiou of Georgia to baeaeUM sute with uiilimitr.ldeht, and Witi Kodlikceontcinpt foi tlie laws lie Wlll llood UM matlets witli livu iiiillions of bomls instead of the thioe auitionzctl by Um laws. ThUg <locs he rcpair the mTEgflfl of BFEE. llnt Mr. mfoinis Wall Strcct tliat Um btUlflBBM iii(.ic>ts.?f tlic Countiy couldn't -taml Mr. Grcclcy's clcction. "lsitnot poaMblc," aoino nftdfll niay aak, "that Mr. Clcw> was n_'iiorant ol the foflt thal "tbetfl was an ovcr-issiic of bonds ?"' Mr. Clcws bimself profeswea tbe uionl profound and univcisal iu'iiorame ot tlic ,md affairi of Um raikoad ai whicb he wbj treaa> iiiit. aa will as of the tBEaaHhitlBB aad lawg of the Statc of GrBaEghti BjbEBEj bBoaaej wafl la tiiiKtcl to caic Had BB tabtrwal anvtliiiiK' ?1 UM actual aaMtB, ba*. BE baEfMBawal that Um boodg wcrc piciiiatiirdy imloist ,1. h.ul BB1 at tention beca eaOed to the tortaBaffltal Uw of the statc, be iwean poaitiTEli tbal be Beret WOUld l.avc advat.ccd a dollar to Um BbIKmI rang and wo.ild have ].r.?mi?tly dcebncl to receive the boodg (patfea 106, 1* ?j MfJ Bfll 1?. had LmplMil .?oniid.ncc in Bnfug B. Bol 1,,,'k, and i.cvcr "dtiul.tcd tliat the 15i,.n>ni.k * - .iii.l Ali.anv enterprlae wbe booea. and fair. Ui.. ,i,ii,iiikc eooftdeooe Ib r.allo.k's and Kim baU'g l.oiicaty is only,'h,d by btl bclicl in bJg OWB tboroiiKh and coniplctc l^ii-.tanif oJ ,.vcrvlhiii'-c coniictti'tl witb laaMTgiaV ThlB U ? !? ..,,? gnd ntbstaoce of bla Utree aibdavita. ii,. onjike Um tautdldale he wpporU foi the Vi.'c-Pic-i.l.iic.v, is B Know-Notliin^, Btld is williBg tO Nwcar to it cvciy hoiirm tl.c Bul there i^ oim UdBff Mr. Oetri aaoee know. He knowi that the twutd busincHs in teresta of the Conntry oobM n't utand Mr. iircclcv's tltclion. We rc-n-t to mj tl...t there Btt eet ,UI1 jioiiiona ot Um tc^iiiiony t.ikcn l.v Um Ccoi-ii BoEttl lnv.-;:-.itiiieJ Coffl mittcc whit* co:.ilict witb Hr. CloaJE. WilLiaa McLcmlon gweare (patfo 8i) Utoi he wai onc of Um tMiiinetoii foi boUdiitg Um load; that l,c OMTefBed bl AuLrnst Ot Scptcm ber, 1919, wiUi H. 8. PiBuaoy, Bfeeri of Um rail load and of HetaTJ Clcws; told hnn they ibofll to tlic 00th luilc-poVi, aml WOUld ..,,011 be Bble t0 *e4 more OOOdBJ at Nvlneli Kini.ry laoghed and told M.-L.mdon thal be bul geea the bomls ao to UM UOth baflavpoaj two inontlis bcloic in tlic of HeOI] Clcws in Ne-A-Yoik. I'iiiiicv IhiiimII gafean (page W) to bBTinfwapned Mr. ciewsoufom OriTe difT. r, nt OCkMBaOOg in the Wintor fd 1860 and '70 to be vcry careful ia big dcalin^s witb UtOBB paitiw (Bul loek, KirabaD & Co.); tiiat bia dtal v.itli thcin were execcdingly dingor ..ii-, and that tlic pBltiefl were irrospOO.^bb; and on tWO diU'eieiit . . < u-aons bc WBrnod Mr. Cb ws that be taktrnfM the bonds were issucd in advinrc ol the work. To thi? olr. Clowa rejilicd tliat lie UtOOgfai1 he COllld tike BBIB Of liinipelf. W. K. De ci.iiV.nreid 6vrcar? (iko 15] to haviiiK told Messis. Lcwis L Foldor, t'unfi.leiitial agBbtte of Mr. C'.owb, flat tho bonds were tinnlulcnt, nud tlut Cler* would inake biinsclf liable for nfgotiatinj fetlf 86 euritiori. Jainots H. Lcdlic (pago 53), ow.ter of tltiity-tive lionds of (ao Brnaawick aad Al b.iny Uailroad Company, at'J oua o? tho oon ti.utors for biiild:rr the road, teslilios that bo bad a coiiveo.iiion witb C.'jws in the Fall of 1371 -bout the ovor issno of UmbB bond?, in. wliicb be told Clewa that tho bomls LataMBa aaaBai of the work were wortblest. "CaVfrB lafiiei HaBl ho knew "nothint,' about it. I told bim be did know " it, beOBOM be knew that tho laaa of road was "not coin|i!i t''d, and that bomls ot the " whol" line had bBPEbbI and imloi>e,l ; " aud tiu n Clcws rcplicl, ' laVsl ia' uone of my " ' husiness.'" Liistly, tO coni|,lctc the tcsti mony that lbnry Clcws knew, as far btMk as Novcinber, 1870, tliat Um bondl bfl ?a.a sclling WOrfl iaaajed without waiiant ol law, B/g copy lioni pakje U of thfl rapflai ot the Bflflai Invcs UgBtiBg Coiiiinittce the followius' extraet from thfl lettci of N. 1>. Aiigier, Statc Tretisurcr : Statp. Trf.a^orf.r's nrrirF., I ati.aj?ia, oaoaotA, Mir. ii -ii. ign. s gfj4V Tlios. J. BlMMONS, C'Auirm.iri yiornf OBBB ?("'. Allanl't. Oeorjia. 1)1.ak Silt: lu aiiawer to your Itiquiri.'a iii BBfaift, firat, n, Maaora, CkiBn | Oo. aaaaEadrlaatl bjr u..- .ia ta lafoi mfJity, a a nt lawaa aaat illeuality of tho Iximla IiwumU i>y Qcrg. IMMonE. I bBPfl Bl ?av, tbat la tho tuotitk of Novoniber, 1970.1 aarg lu; aaa, Alton Auicier, a letter of intiodtieti ni to JkU-saM. dflWa A Co. of Niiw Vork, Wlth iMtreettaastf hiiii,a!teri?reaoutiug ?aul letter, to notlfy M, an (:.,-\*.a ii Oa, fxplieitlv- BB r.Kar.1 to tlieat) fiacta. g\l tn j- aon was r-erfertly fnuiiliar witti all theae fa, gaj, I Blmpt* uolitlodhliu, verlialk), M BCBOBBt tliea*) faota rorcitUp aad rxplicitiy to Meair*. Clewa & (*o.; and from :il. ttci of M. -r- < - * C... to " H"ti J'Hiti Harria, bbbm baaatac, JUtaata, Q*mBm%,n da"i Wtnnlm a. i< i. I laoalfl imlicti that tnyriDii hadfaitlifully|wrforDi?d tli'lailiitv. lu tliia letter reftrred to, Metiara. Clt-wa ,V Co. aa> : - Mr. Altou Anirif r ,?f Atluiita r>r ?-? .it-1 BB ;i letter fiotii Hi-ii. N- Ia Ana;ier, your akaBB lr i-ni.-r, nud iip?n il?. -tr.UKth of tliat letter of Intnidt,. tion Mr. Altou Aiixi'-i haaaaafla aafkal BtataaaaaBB m i"ijt;uu v> tiie laowtla ol > ><ii bkaaa, ^ud the Baaaaw ..r tksk laaa wl.H'li. if cieliieil, woultl very st-rloualy mjiire taa ItaBaV |BJ aud vaJue of ta^ M laVl aBBEEJ ln thin uiarket and In L'jiiduii" Mr. CUws tbinkrt the biisiness int?n-sta of tlc Conntry eonld n'l -t i:id Mr Olfgaaw/l glofl tion. Mr. Clcws ia partly riifht. Thfl aBJaaaMflfl itileicsts of bis honsc inir:hf goftaf from the liostility ol Um BEW AiliniiiiHti.ition to smli IwlndUBg and smli ssmihIIc b. Wc have madc no utt. ini.t to show in this, or in picvioits EtUflaaBj thfl gfltterBJ r.ncility Ol tbil Hinnawick and Alhauy H.ulroa.l busi rjgBBIi hOW tlic r.ud was |fl wrct.hclly bmlt gg oo) taa bc lit lor nsc; hOW Heiiiy OlflWfl u, to bavc olii-foillth ol v>iut thfl eoii tiattoia tnadc; liow the duty of ccrtifyiu;* and indorVifiL' tl,c bou<k wliicli. b* the aet ,,f i-i;i, \mis rafltfld in Um Treaattrer, Mi. r, wai UbImii fiwrB ilm oflMer, ky Uw ni f uf 1870, ani friinft ried M T? ilbii k, .Minply becatwo tbo iicArturcr wiw bvu^l ?ud tlic Govornor was not. Some of the?r> pninta aro tonchod on iu a careful article in The JfafJBB ricr of Atifa'UHt :i1, part of whieh we leprodueo in anothrr coluinn. We havo Himply en iBBIIIIBd t?> throw light on the qucslion wheth.-i Jlenry Clew* is BB0PB kin.vo tban fool. H,- claiins to be mmply the hitter. Hut ho insists that the IBBB-BMBJ WllBBBfa of the Coun (,y ,-onld n't atand tho election of Mr. (Jreol.-y. TllK OBJNT atbM-BHOW. Wl.eth.r Iho l.oui.svillo Conveiition shall or nliall not tM able to tind two Dcmoeiats abovo tl,.- giade of Hriek Pomeroy and Mosby to aece|.t lta noininations, tt will not be possible Jor gbe Crant inanageis to ovado the re sponsibililv of their bantling. Klanton Dun cjui, who waa a Wbig and then a Know Nothiug. bo tong an be wa* B_ytodjr, La aim ply their tool. They printed cnv.-lop.-s, frankcd and direet.-d nino-tenths of all the cirrtilars sent out to drum up volunteers for this Convention. Aff indiic. d ,m A.aSistant rOBtlllBBtfir flflBflTBl tO Blfl his Htibordinate poslmastors to tind Di-moerats in their respce'.ive lo.alitics who would iceeive and BCt upoii thoso (ireiilais. Tltt-y furnished the inoney on whieh sev.-ral seore of dead baBta bare t.eeu sent to I.-.uisvillo iu their iiit.i.'-t. They h.ive pnt up this job for their OWD ppofit, hoping thureby to raapai otioiiKli from tho Liberal caudidates to lot (inmt aUp in by a plurality. The J'residont who had ihioe-fourths of tho Klo.tor- in 180 irt iinw r.-dii.i'd to this d.-speralo oxtremily. The. Tv\o-t.-ini in.ina-'ors thns betray their eunsiioiiMH-'s that tbe peoplo are agamst thein. All the l.ib.raU ajfc is a s.juaio issue and an iiiKon.slraiu.-d vote hoiiestly coimtod. Hut thoso who b.-li.-vo that M OM good term de -si'ivos annthor," (whence it follows that two Kood tetJBB doserve two more, and BO on BB .lotinitely.i praetically .onteas th.U Ihey must. divide their opponcnU or be bcateii. As be tw.-.-it "Jiatit aml (Jiioloy they -co tliat tin pt-oplo havo altoady deeided against QlBBl ; but if they ean indiiee a quarfcr ol a niillion or 10 who pt.-fer (lio.lov to ihrow away th. ir fOtaa, they Btay stillhope. Ilence their I.ouis \ill<- Conveiition, of whieh they d.-fiay tho eoM and must boat the responsibility. TBE LATB VIBABTBMB. It is tenible tO icth-et how inany hundrods ot lives. every day in tho year, eveiy hour of the day, depi-nd BpOB tho -oiiudiiesa of a lnt ut nia.'hii.oiy, or the prudeliee, rtolf-pos.scs.s40n, and intclligeiieo of a obfM IBM man. TbOBB who trnst theinstlves io tho paBBBBgBI atiaineis whieh plovv tho wat.-is of the M.iind and the llud-on Kiver. r.ek littlo of thep.nls wliiih eii.oinjiasa their royBgBi Bttd the in uun.erable OfftM-antions whieh are stipposcd to havo lie.-n taken m ailvan.-e againM eolli-iuii, Bgaiaal iit.-, igai-Bl wntk, or fot the pnejt vation of life in BBJea of a.-.-ident. Any ono of it thousaiid tliings niay gO W-OOg and involvo tlu- nioat awful tBB-H r.0J n.?<kf. TbC disariaii^einoiit of a >t( am-puinp ni ij pjfa/- ?p Iho v.--ol Io tho flauio-, as tlu- liienvillo wu |ifeB up. Tbe breakmi: <>f a roiten rope Btay pcepeat tbe timely launehiiif,- of a boat. A drOWP] lookOBl niay not aee an approaehini: resaeL An m conipeti'iit pilot niay Blbdodge difltanei -, and put hia h.lm the ItTOOg B7BJ. And iu the honr of df-kget a coplain niay bBBB eontiol of his patwengers and ei.w, and many Btay petiab rot lack of discipline. We nev.-r kaOW whon dtlft care ha- bBBB takt n tO'BTOidall these daiiKers. We DJB-I alnav.a irust tO BOBBJ liiiknown aud iiivisihle authoiitv for tin propet ovc-i.sight Of tho BBip and h.r eipiip nients, and the proper care in the st|?<tion of the offleera. Wo havc only one BtoBBaof pto ddlng ta* our own safety; that is by _0*_-t.g to a riKorous accountability thore who make IheniRPlvos reripousible for our Uv.a. Steain boal "actidouti,*' propoily ao IBlled, an- al BiOdt enknown. Coiliiion, lirc, cxplosion an fe-JMMt i_vaii>ibly Iho icsiilt of arruiiinal . are BPIBBjaTBI r,cuiewlierc. A wretk oa the open BBB itl oftCB a disastr-r whieh no huaian pniden.e or ioiosight coiiM r-rcveut'; the loai of a Btrtftrner on iuland Bjataffl ran biirdly lx- any tl_ ii bJm thau tUe Nawlt oL tuans uii_ui.iuap.'e mont. Iu tho fiPt Bhock. ot tho newa from SfoninaT ton wo foi'boic tommeutiiiK' itpoo a tragedy whotfi c:u;-es vfcro but imperfectly knoaya. 'l BB Capta.U l--d chie' OBBvBCB o? the Metis had B-OWI a BTjiril ol' teli-sacrifice and a eortain ejr:. c? grdi^nlry in Utt bour of trial whieh uLipoaed tverybotly to bcliev.- of them the best. B_t aa B_tl ded accmnts ol the eatas tropho are rcccivotl it-becomea ch-ar that, how ever the ac ident may liave otig*Ba_Bd, niosi of tho fatalit) must IBBI npon Capt. B-rton. ahouldcrs. Prlmarily the fault of the ."lliaion sopins to lio with the s,chooner. The Btate BjBjateOfw-B captains of the tWO fBBBtll -RJ directly at variani'- with BBeh other. bvt we think it clear that Capt. liurton of the M.-tis ia tho nean-r the truth. His pilot, l'almcr, aayi he ?aw the bciImoimbt _mai abfot to _pb niinutes btforo BBB BtnbBB, BBB sehoom r h.-iiif. then two BwBBtl BJ. the poif ileti) how. Capt. BartOB bLm aaya tbal be bbw the aehoo_er,a red tight, whi. h ha coiddnot nave m\u unles, he h;td beeu on her BBai fid??that is to BBf, the achooner was nearer the shoro. Tbe h.-liii of tho Metis waa tli.-u put to porf, BO as ta DBM the schooner on the starboard rido. In this statement both the captain aud tho pilot agree. The captain of the Nettie Cn-h ing saw the Metis about tho BBBM tinio that BBB saw him, but he dcelarcs that the prope'ler was in.aliore, that il to aay, on his port Hlde. " We were rtteeriug cleai,'' he adals, ? whon just Bl bwB* reached Bl she gave a " Hheer acrosa our bow aud stnick ttfl on the "atBt-OBld sitle of the stem." Anybody who will take the tronble to make a diagram of the JrOrdtioU of tllO tWO VfJBwil BJaD S4>4> ftt 11 glatiee thut this is impossible. If the Metis had been inshore, that is to say, on the star boanl Badeof the schooner, and .shecring acrosB lni how bad stmek Inr on the BBBJboard BMbB, BBB would either havo . iiished her own liovv or e.Hcape.l with coinparativ.-ly littlo injitry. The faet is, howev.-i, that the Metis was Bt-VCk abn-a^t of the pilot-house, on the port riide, aud the Hchooner BBai her bowsprit, without suffeiing any injury to the htill. The BMBB, bilitj is, th.-refore, that in tho confusion of a d.tik, stormy night, the helmdinau of the achooiu l uiirtook the positionof the piop?*ller, and, siipiiosmi; her to bo on the port BBBB Bl" itaad <?t tho stailioH-d, attempted to go otit lidc her, whon ho should havo gone tin- otlur way. This suppoaition acouuts for tho iu juried to both vesdt-Ls, but the other doi-s not. Hut if Capt. Hurton waa blameleits in re spoct to the cMlision, his conduct aft<iwai(l r*4-eni? to havo be.-n r. ckloss tO the laat _figree< It is ?. l'aiu that Uie crush occurred no later at any rato than ii:i'>; it was uot until 5 that tho Meti-* s.jnk; th.< distanee liotn -hotc was only livo taflea; and jti no ;\ttiiii[ii B as made tu li. ,ii h the \i--.1 until tbe ,\,itri had gained .aiiih lieadway tbe Bttenipl Wai UMteaa. Capt. ljuitvu aay* lUu tollisiuu bauueued at 3:40; IVilriek, the fireman, aaaaa it-'WO; Mr. G. O. Guild, a paaHeuger, aayd 3:45. It waa a full bonr after that, aecurdinir. to the fireman'rt rttatenient, when the propeller waa put toward nhorc, and by that, tiine the watcr covcrcd the forecaatle bbE k and she wiw entirely iiiiniiin utrenble. In thfl ineantime ahfl had IflgJ or iifU'on iJiimit.'H lookiuu; for tho schoomr, and then bad asjaja on her cotirHc. Capt. Itnrton rtayn he BBBi thfl inaten and pflot bfllow to iflfl if shc was inakiiiK any watcr, and they report<:d <die was not. The tiremaii, on the contrary, when he beard the Brbbbb of the col lision, " went forward aml i'oiind the iirst '?niatc iiailini? on a board and ranvas to keep "oiit the watei.'' It in inconcfivablc that witl, B niodeiatidy eareful .xaniination the cxtent of the BBBkBaffl sbonld not then have been dis covcred ; yet wi: aie told that tbe otlicers siip pOflfld the liijtiry to bfl ineoitsiderable,?whicb they had no liudncss to smppose,--the Cupfain inadc no exainination in person, iind thfl ship procccded for at Iflaakt an hour bflfflSl any nlarni was iriven. Tcn Bf liftccii minutcs aft, r Um passciiKeis had been aronsed the Metis wtnt down. When tlic laaa of tbe vesscl was scen to bfl incvitable thete wa.s no disciplme BBBOBg thfl erew boc iMianiifltioa of the vumengerx M, ii and wonicii w. ic not ar-.ine.l until tho watei was alroady orei the eabin floota. No spcul BZiirttoBfl were made to BBTfl the wonicn and ehildreii. Th, te waa no elliuenry in nianuin^ thfl boais; aml hOW thfl transfer of pci.-ons to the boata was itajalatad ia ori ,|, ?t gajCBsffa f'oii, UM lact that thfl onlv OflM which HMti.c.i ihore broiiir!.! a dlreotot of thfl steainsbip company aml live dcek-haiids, aml nol anotlicr sonl. The pBaaaEgfltfl Erho eflOBped either lloatcd ashore on fratfiicuts of thfl wreek or kept taMBaaelrefl aborfl watcr by nicans of Um lifc-prcscrvers imtil thev were picked np by other vcssels. There ITfltfl only three boats. and it niay bfl doubtcd whcthcr lliey wtrc in t otiilition foC iiiiniediatc laflBBehiof. From ODfl tEalBfl Of anotlicr they seein to have l.ccii nearly u-' vct | BBB in Whfca. scv, nty pflOph lloatcd for bOVtl on BB OpflB ralt could not BBTfl Im'CU tOO boistciotis fog a life-boat. Au ofhYial inve-tij-'alion ll to bfl made into tlic OBEBefl and circiiiti-taiiccs of thfl fliEBfltor. From this wc ahall probably bari, who was at laiilt in thfl collision, and whefher thfl Mctia WBfl pio|?ily ,i|iiip;,c.l aml in.uuied for UM cincr^cmy which overtook hflT. I'uf whatcver the omVial .jiidjjiiicnt niay BBJ, it will be mipossiblc tO iieiaiiadc inaiikind thal when Um vcsscl was siruck only twenfy BEoB Btea ftoni ihorfl, aad was ahlfl to keep in motioti and nbcy Bflf hebn for more than an hmir atierward, cvciy cieaturc on board could not have been brou^l.t gafelj to land. W? ean ima-'iiH' no taPCTmfltamwi wMch will tweoae Capt, Buitoii from not knowini: thfl OOndlUoB Of bla ahip inimcdiatcly aff.r tiu- collision. The eaafl of tbe Hicnvilic bi v.ry diflarent. Bere there was pflriutpfl eajfllflflflagaai in Um pieciutions iu-ainst iire; there wEB ecrtainly .?airlcssticss in tiie ineatis provided to I X Hngnlib it. Tbe itflaiB pasipa, w* are told, wonld not work. Whcthcr they were 01 i-,'inally defective. OT had been disanamreil by Befflect, ii [g ].osMbly m.l tOO laic to leai.n; at any ratc, an attcmi.t ibtTOid be made (0 lix the rcspoiiaibiliiv fOff thhl fatal d. tcct where it beloikgB. Ibtt it is Lrratifyiiitf tO bfl alilc to lc.'ord that with thfl BBBM Lralhintiv which Borton rltaplayed on the KoUa, .Mamy on the liu umIIc , oinl.ined perfed diseiphnc and eool ncss. DBBfabg ncarly foaV honrs the crew fooght bravcly BasjaEal tho fire, and when all hope Of aubduiTJf the Uames was cxliau-t,?l Um ail boats wett lanmhcl, and the I>a> gengBca and crew embaikod. Now lct BJ have a rfgid (xaniination into both UMflfl lllflBfllflffl ln both there was a gTBTfl faulr soineuhcrc, and if i: caniiot bfl (letccted and piinishcl onr sfcimiboat baWB are njaolcBE, and wc may look for two or three jinveiitiblc ilisasters every IflEflflfll. BoBBfl of the .pialities of ^rcatness are rc(iiiircd of thfl coininaiiiler of B pa-seii-.'er >t,amci. BfETflEJ is not etMOfh. Seaniaiiship i.^ not flBWltafh. A poitly bearim:. ? Btat \oice, | inairnitiecnt maniicr, aml thfl ability to IWflakT at deek hands aud emiifrants, cven UkBBfl virtucs are not all wc a.-k. Bot thfl citptain nmst have thfl >kdl Of a thoioiiKh BBflor, thfl scicntidc knowlclK'e of an en^inecr, the eyes of abgUBj Um powcr to eouiuiand, tm imperturbable ,.bflflfl, a faiiltlest jml-iii.nt, and a soldier's U'tiliantry. Anybody in charp' of a who is not conscions of poaaaaatakj thflflfl flJDJai* (ications will do well to Iflflh MEBM other pro fessiou. _^_____^_____? WBO IS 8BBAT9M WILBWS FOMOBMt Sevcral days BfO B bttcr was printctl in iicw>papers iricmlly to Senator Wilson, ad .Irea.-ed to (citaiii (?cntiaiis in Hrooklyn, ,lei,\ Irjjj that Mr. Wil>on BTflt bOEB a Know NoUiiBff. T eharge bad before baot with an ajnUgtMBBJ aml evasivc answer from Mr. Wil aoii.and had been coiielusively ptovcl. Wlicn this flat contradictiou aiipcaicd, in blfl iiilci.M aml in Bfl appaicntly anthcntio foini, wc BBtfE Seinitoi \\'ilaou the bcnetit of it, but took oc casion at the BBBM time to show its fal-ity. llut the Sonator. on tlakdlBf Um letter in Au kftista, Maine, deuouuefd it as a foffBty, aml we haatm to glre publicity to tbis statcnieut also. Tbcre remains a mystcry about the matter which OOghl to l>e clenred up. Mr. Frevett, with whoni UM coricapomlciiec BtBfl ln 1,1, has placed the letters iu our bands for hifl own JLWtitication. The t'acts are thflflfli On tlle Ba of afojy, Mr. Freveit and eleveu other (jeiinans Of Brooklyn wrotc to Mr. Wilaon, annonnciu^ theniselvis gg l'avt.rable to QlBatt, bttt desinnK' to bfl iuformel whether Mr. uas ever I Kiiow-N'oihiiikr, as reported in soine pHjrer4 and il.nied in OaBfltB. Ol thfl 27th of An^'ust Mr. l' received ifl rcply the letter which Mr. Wilson m>w deuouuees as | forircry. Itis datcd in Natiek, Atifccust ba. postuiaiked " BoBtOE,n and bcars the trank of Senator Wilson. lt ifl writtflB in tjlciuiaii, and si^'ned "Ucnry Wilson per H. A." It ia bapQOBlB)lfl to state whcthcr thfl frank is a forgery or not. If it is, it i? lutticiently sun??aMfoJ to paal ihe Hcrutiuy of the Hoston and Post ()tliC4.a. Senator Wilson will do will m.t to contcnt hiiiiscll uith a siiuplt lcpmliatiou of tbifl let? ter. The laLMn are iniiiortant tO biBa, aml shoiild bfl DfOflBpUy ?tate4l. The M.-c.ilictl forgarj is ? cBtpgotica. teplj (o Um letter ad dnaiirrl i<. bin by Freveit amlothcrs. lt j.iir pOBtB tO have b?'cn wntt*i,, not by his liau.l, but by that of au ainaniieii.^is .n -e, ictaiy. lt OOaBBfl unslainped tmni Ib.ston, baaWaaaf bin frank. It ll wiittcu to his politiral fricuds, and pobUahed iu bis intenst. If it iBa forfery. it ia a forfflrj foi Iii* bcnclil aloiic, tottmlcd on iiifomiation wliicli could oiih bkYfl cunic liom him or hi- fiicmlly coireapoitfieiit. k erlme hlVI bccll t'OIItll. lt ta-4l |,i lla.sial lll Ml. \\ ila.itl'^ cletiioii, aml it bcliOo\e? ltint more fli.m ?>'> oue else to asxcitaiu who han coiuuiitled it. TAKTY INTOLEKANCE. TIIK ol'INlONH OF AN AVKKA-GK VO'lKi;. ia, II. To f*a Kdilor of Th? Tribune. BBB] BBBM I BHl BfBBBB :,rOB I BaBfB BBBB ?orn?. what in a BBBflki I toneliod utmii in that BMBa miinieatioii aa a BBBJ-I *__*_N "f tho eativ.i--.. '..? vvit, th? utt.r iiitol.-i.iiii'.: of ditl. BBBM Bk bBB BBBBB ta i.i ita BBly f. atiir.-, and I eoiild only woiid.T at it aa it khw. What I BBfpBBai two montln atto was t<? BB a piud IIBlBIBJ 'ampaign, with a BBBBt BB-I of fiiii aad bb4m and apiikd.fliiK'sn in it and v.-ry b_f_B of tho aad s.:ttiii? tOaVwa-M1 ?f tOBth, and el.-ii. Lifii? B_ tiflta, and aaOw-Jag, BBd viob-nt talk. his ktowi. to ba BBB BMat rccklortrt and bitt<r, un.l positively fwBBflBBBB I .-v.-r kti.w. I havo ber-n trying to tindemtaiid it, but I eonf.-ss it is beyond nie, for it rveeniH plain aaMMgh that tw-BB Bl no 8-U for any sueh thing. We aro not at war- eertamly ; that ia all over. Aa Kapablkarid wo lm pliahc.l vastly nior.) thau tl, BBBBt BBBB-_BB of ua exp?ct<;dr? had any ri?hl BBeBJMJBi ap*MBM when tb? party was leBBBfld. W* bBBB K"t all through with Slavery, an.l elim hed th.; lroaineae be joiid poaa-bt?it/ of r.'T.-rsal by ? : ' j tho ( li.itt.-N thi-ms.lvi'S, and oiik'-inHini'?if I uiay BBBB jj, BOld t-l bcat thmnjht of our philanthrophy aad BoUtiaal aeeabtaflty in tbaanatti r?f tba aafcaaBeaal out of the r.-ar-h of everytbim? but nvolution. All .1 - t out for and a thoiisainl lim.'H h_s l*w.n aaaarad Baapiy an.l Inaraf dbly, aad ??' tbe i aa! af it westandin fn.nt oi bBBBM ?.-" "'? klW, with tho paga tiiriiwlhehindtis. It s n tho onlerof nattiro that, with all (?__ Bl l?inplidW, then- bBOB-I BB B BBW crystallization j __k* BM Btaf partiis should fall B?adM and < oi.-iliiin; I Wbynotf EfBB if this la BpBIBBBBltMBtW / inenly, aad tbe 0.0 a.-tln r Mr. Qf_B> Icy orG.-n. Grant BBOBM ba !'ri-nl--f, it dOM not f.illnw bi-eitise my tn iifhlior and I BBBB _aBwa*afotl a.-t.-.l toif.tther in op[xmiti,m to Slavrv Mt it wa shonld Bgrae oa th - p-rsonai aaerita af*_Mat_w. And .'.?riaitily t-ON Bl BB BafBBg B li-bility that WB shonld if tho two BBBJ tlii-nri.-s. What BaM BOOfel BB B-fBatad *__BwB_t ahotild ho at thid endiiig BBd liB| of QhaptMB just sttcli a BfBaa-Bg IPBT, and nitor n1111-rliu_c. and inixiiiif. aad, if i'"" I'1 ' a_a__.II ao, nniddleof politios BBd BBB- " I __?_ m.-n who havo bt : ... f1)41r bbI it BBeaaa to bm tba an > and _M nafnral BOW Bad BBB ? *?_-? waiiante.l the expootation. Uut iust.-adof taUag it phlloeBBbtoBlly ?rbtbb trv'-iitf to ba ree.iin il.'d t.i it. I t'-iei iii-ii aii r IBB 1 m^ I'.-ttiti. v.-ry anirry aa 1 ' ' atil _U I huve no ataka v,i al-.-..- that wa all baa-flB dttaeaa la tbe raealt, |H red ia thg ta ?. load, rla b-nt, and profatn-. baBM a BBBM BBB piobaMy hh 1,,,,,,,-t l arith Ummb _bb_ yi-ar pr.ipo-i-s to fote BgaiBBl tln-m thi.a. BOvhaiB K.-|inh!ieans, an 1 both w;!i rote forBMBta .miv Ii.iv.- baea bal aoa ' t_?p dill'.'i'a.s Bl th.'ir BB ril-, and tl;.": i. in.nn! i', u.l bal aaaa th.'tn. Weil, 1 d atand it, bal I dotbaak Qodit wiHbeo niiiuths taon . ' ",ir livi-.s, ..r at leaat t-J aaol tobe aa__a__d of ourstdves in. I suspe.-t v.-ry fow of M w'io ar?> aroaMM-BJ ta BBB* ke Bok- n n "'? takiag a -aad La j__g j,, \, ; | ,;i v,.t- t.r tlu BBtaal Oreeley k the Botaal Otaafc Rte iP-taaB rotea havc- bbi Idaal Qtaaleya aad i.i- il ' aad ahail v.ite fur th 'in. Tbe JMh _nd-baBea eaa* dulateistoaliof BB, [ lw-_0B, BBgJ inodel ovt-r whieh W( i-jaeot-rj _, Btoldiag oal Into baroie a_-t_re and a-Bad bi d 1'i.ini wh_.' ae pai amldi.atortion. Aii, If BB-B %i BB BBO-ld !? npon OBBTM -BB .'-andidal.- w.- thinl. BB Bt- votingj for. aad th.- aaa ara t-iak traace rotiag Bga how wi.l.-Iy wo shnuld all di__C t_BM Baeh other, and form _M a< I V.ry litrh- UkelihWrd af B ohple Wo BOBBB-BBM have pO_.___l di I ifl our ]wst-t.:lii<5 whiih i.. k. pt in tin-vill.i. ? ;? hittlio tendi-ney to h.-at and BBgi t is MM B t! al BM moro disi.'ii et of tbB frC'llietlters oi ITOfd la.liti eal topies, tO savu th.'ir teinp.-rs. IfM Btt__B witb Biwaaaik w;is aaade tB_^_MraTaai_gb] tlu lawyar of oar plaea, who fai bb aetipa Oraat man. Tho talk had ran ipnte lu_h, h:ul BMM princi iitiliy to tiic ntppfl-fll ii dBBBaaita af Mbb caiidiilat.-s ; BB BBB alde Cia t w.? ebapged witli driink.-nn. H and diabani _? lnilitary re. ur.l a___bly oi -i? aad oa il)-- other, (Jnel.y was .Irir.d witli M-Bg a ?y;>" t-.Avai.i. a T-Buaaay l_jpnblle_B? aad b I'roo lover. It warf not an aMpirit-iBdaaata. b B lull of it the taayat tatd: "WtuT, I BBppeaa bbbpj bbbb are liolh Btwtty had. BBf if QneUy had he.m noiainited Bl i'liiiadelpliia an.l t.ratit at llaltimora, I havo n-it tbe h-ast _0_M w-' _B0_ld ba ealling Greeley ii saint and Ci.tnt BBBBBB BBBB.11 1 the i'1'in.i.i I; ? ? . ..ul I a.davatood aesI dap tbat tba " tt_a aa :." ,.i tho ]>arty, harlnalni ^^ - r, bad leal i aa* tid'tiee in mr l'lnnd ;1),- law. or, " No m.vti would talk tbal ?..>," tbay lald, " whoso ha _rl w m la tha i a i-i'." it is aaeerhownlitM.- grala of phlloaoaf.y dropp<Hl into that kind of a di-en-sinn M)t__B a good fiiny tblaj-i and twfj BMB to lookfatg BBBM in th, faeo in a hlaak, da/i-d wav, ns thfTPfb Un-v w. m asham.-il of HWBtrthlngi I hi-r.i_:ht to h? alMiitt oae pbiloaopbar bo tbe thooaand roteta - il ) m aaald Bad ihaM ia tliat piii'i.ruoa?to go aroaad abaa abey ha\e tin-e ompty-headad, aaaT] i...k- aboat oaadidataa, aad ot*____l tiu-ir gabbla wtthasiii*(i? grain of OOBUBOB fiortdO. I aiu iucliucdto think tbal tba politkd of this eaiiiji | lipet-aMM T_eteareaomerery exi le in the w,.rld whodon't -om.-lii.w BOBflB to l,irvav,> . .isily. Th?y an-y.iy heiieat in.-a, ' ut they hrive ha:-i IHlfre m their faei-a and a MBiiOf BO-M-MM gOod-BM lli thoir Bb-BJMC that is not attiative. ll ia n,,t th.-ir fatilt that they do not 00aBBtOB_-d the id- a of teenta-ilia tion ;?tlu-y are BMMM BB, ll la B gtwBl BbBbl m th.-ir taNp havo otit?rown thawarof WM, if indoed they have. lne, BJfl inis.-ily of ayadflM and grievauccrt, and tnaaari Bg aot7_BBalaBMMM ni' th.-.iii to BB unhappy over. I LbBJM |I BBB BM uinhai itahlo in crtvliting to thiH t-lement the only eanieel aad -igiaaa tboaghI la Ibe party af tha _d___a_aBBBB_a_ It sei'in.a ti) BB) that as th, e.ntril id. a af the I.iheral party iathisoneof nconeiliation around whieh all tba |ia-i i issii.-s, so the e.-ntral opptMking thoiiKht is that of th.> irieeoneilahltvs wbo BBBBBBtf btdirtva the Sonth Ihonld Im- .1 by B Bolil } of distmst. The men who thiiiii tx ItVM the -ni. kMOf IbtMga tM vide np.illllll-lli.ini ipieation. AafagBvBjM Silliordl nate are lli,- peti v pe-BODa] Laauca and the thousand dilliri-nees that make-ip thr> d's.ord. If t_tn are BM r.-ady to forgive and for_et, bMM Bfl 8BB> tainly loo sull.-n and r.-lctitless. Tho inarrow of it all is whethi-r w.- .-Uall lontiuae to pnmsh and ptinish ilh-Kallv anil without l'onn ol law Mbagha to pTovern. BB Ln I . \niKH f .'iiiiied.uf, An_. :<>.. UWB. The IBaip flBMiBT is t .? la: at tir.ia' e.unpaik'ner whieh ha-4 re.-w-!ied BB It? No. 1 h;m tho followmit: ?? llernrs-(Irt-eley t.> th.- QoVBb-BBBBI in IBM ? k.-aap no faltti v,itU tliw BOffahPa t-l tf IflBl B BBM-tM BtBB Wblofe y?U an- 10 Wliat then ;h bg l;aa aried faithfuliy tUc thi-.-e j.-.n'.* tor wi.ii ii in ta-l _aap liim la IM BwM aat- Ifee a_r - mt m be B BfeM _bmb. i t.. it. and n.itii th,- w it- m eadtxl bia p14^*' '?' "l the lald v M|I_a liitt.r vva-re l!ie t-x.ii t worda Of llor-a. ?? l-mey. Mpttbl NBW-YOBJI iiili.i m.. I WBr-l timiof t.' O.-.V..' tMiiiai ti, ? uihioB ti, ai Tti.t. an -. \ i .1 i! !.ihii.-?tions in this igaaa iess.ind iinpii.l. nt a*t Ihat ;iho\ e qn..t. d ; hut ?ne is.iiloae. \\ B_0*M MBI bflfJ BJB IM MM ? aiOB t.hheiof the niii\iii.c uia.v lll.d hitii .it tll?? tlllieO ol l he 6a?_ry a_Ml*T. 1.} l.:. .. v?i?*a#a>B V.'e v Bowlea, by Ih.atinie.Uiitik.-. ? BCbBMBBIBlBBI