price four cBirra
- m
aajjir nisTOKKAL BUllfl ???_ __"_r**__\"__
TH, AlluiKXl-A l-cnlXH BUTBBaiUlI
noi I ..i fll i:xi.-nir.
..-iuttuu. iBfll i.r.-M'.ur t-tli. rr.-M
,1 election. ita i--.t..u. h--.- ITOWB teta aaa al
alt.i.'-l iiiitu.iiul .u.|N.rt:it.. <-. FaDiBf jusl befora th.
BBBl Nox.ml'ir (.ui-. it< BWfl Guh.-ri.ator.ril v-tr
baa bbbb traflaaatli Briatakafl aa tflfl k.-.v....i.- afl Iflfl
triu.m.l. wliu'li Mi4'4-f.-.li iliu llichroa.hr can i
tlirnitiou. Aft<r"M.ii..pfxv..iit forCnv. K'.it in
IbflflBBBflM aaaflaal al IMb. whea -tarriaoawaa
lllTl"*'"""' l?'"I'l.' BMBJBB tc f-a>. "i.nMuiu.'
aaa^flflaoflfltbfl Yuunr Bal tbe Btafla w.-.u Dea>
Bctatta ti.-- "ix ...-m raar, au.l aflfld bo tbrough
tbfliMfljItoBaafltaflaitaitt-Ti*^" afl Tajlor, thoaexl
WbiflPiflflaflBBt aflar HiiiTiM.ii. Mataa iflMialnad,
in.li-.J, bopal Ml. Dexfl-K-iatif BBtll .?*, wbon
Aiiaoii P. M..M 11. WBfl raa flBtha IVoWWtioa aad
Krj..'x-N..tl.iuL'liik?'t.xv-K(l<'.t<-.!.at.(ltl'.?*i'"? """'
man mbbbUbi I flarflflybfldy bj d.-icating tbe b
lore doninani partgr by oTota ai flflVW, Ib a nt*}
? ,r. baaafl f.u.r Baadadfltra ta tbe
in Ul. Wboa tbe Kii(iv.-N."'liiiikf OTganl-atioB dis
mmpntei, Mataaaflata BarfflBaxl tbe pohUeUmby
r-ekctiai M.uiiil aa tbe W.-pubii.-uu ii.-k. t bj a
-lurality. Iu'tlir fulb.wit.ir year. 185ft, |_oagfa
BermMieaqlroa wim defeated ln tbe aattoa,
Haiaa ?-ien.-.l a BflflBbliean Qotttmt, H_miibfll
..,. i.v a baaaarflflfl i.u.i"tity. berh-f eonteat
thal BotaMe tiflaorj Bitboari ekiimiiiir to bave
r,v.-.i..iii.r to tbe bbbVobbI daetflaai and aa aflflia
t!,, [': BB (lul BOt flfl flfl M.iinc tUd. Fttm tb.it tlinc
aatil tba area ut. tlu EUpobUoaa maiunty m tht
?ii sn-iirc, raaflinf fr!"n 10,000 to I8,u00
i.rdioatilv. bal riiiiiii'if,'iiT. |o I much Iflrgex lijruro
duritii; th- >.;:- ?'. tha PTflfltdoBtial ehition. 'Ibo
latf. BtToi arhflfl,
.ih.!. i tha iiiln.'..' iiibiii. il unlitary p o;m
britv af Qraat aafll ('hunberl-iiii. tha lattar ?raa
i Goveraoa by aboal 8M00 laajodty, la a total
1 . . P -iliutial elr-ction whieh
. i thal yt-.ir. tbr- total rotfl
fi 11 ii! lo t-HSSS, "f Whieh OlaV-t htul a majority of
iu ?? 00.
Tb.- pBflflBBl aaflflflBB, Uka tbat uf 1850 (wboa Maine
8MM*avr?d Iai Bi pobl aaaiaai la (-i-it.- ol a bmrj m>
ttoaal iini'iity Bflaiaal tiu- BflM party, baa bflon
., !,',ti*ui.-!vofl iiitiuu.il iaaaaa. The Libeaala
havc Bafldfl a gallant tght on tht iu" < s-itv forfl
ifu.ti ui tbe pablie aerricfl, the faatkfl of
rr...'I.iiiaiiun betBjflca North an.l Booth, aod tlie
of a knorwledfllat au.l fofltorioi thfl
ni. ity uf tl---.- Bfll :.".'-? Thfl A.iiniiiiH
tratio-ia*- hara eoatflBteal thaanaaTrea wtth im
gthe Bottrefloa tha Lii'.-rais. aaafltHna; tbe
I .1,, ir . .iiidulatcn i.ii'l Bflflflhfltfl, und flfl
f. mliiiL' tl.* ii iiiiiludmuiir-iiatU'ii ?>f thfl (ii.v.-riiiiii-iit.
Bal ticitiifr party ha I looal aaflBttoaai
havo bxeflB aflata to aJBoaaa ueopl ta tbct-aso
v. r.riiaiu, arhaaa raap Baflbtitty fot tht Cidar
I ;,',\ bflfl BBflaia bim ? nr mi- s in fu.mc iristiinrrH in
?piu of tl.. a. Bjaahar Btfltae bhal" Ihoy
. make H all iiybt aaxl Wiiit.r" Fnr the
ha ahole dtaeaflflkBi haa BflflB flf aataOBal
i*ii. itioBfl or "f perao_al cbiniK ter.
i ti.i.i. - p. Kiruiiuii, tha Ubfltal * aadldate forOtyr
araar, oaa poi la aoaaiaaflloB bj baa Dontoa-taoj af
Maioe, before thfl Uharal paatyaf the rcuntry araa
fanly iii.uiii/.'l. Afl?r bifi.ixvt! Moininatiui, Bfl flrflfl
,, ? ? t! li -ii...- r-17i< (' "tivtntion at Halti
nicn whkh iicniiiiai.d Mr.Oiflflfloj. Babflefljaeatl.
. iaflBtflfld by tbe LibflBfl] BepahUeaBi of
-li xvitlimit ii-iy <-\p('rt.iti'.ii of Lis
. iKillu-r Tflfl 'litn.l Bfl BOI any
Bthaj i*-.-oi2iii-i-(l i*7vi?on?-iit of Lib. ml rrinripb-s BflB
i.naflad Iha opLaloa thal the nexv party
woul.l 1? abl.- toil'im. tbini; ui"i'.- Iban lar_'oly re
fliiicTbc irri'.-rity oi thfl H. j.ii).li(:iii? m thfl Iflflf
yoar; tbat ware ita<-lf ? aahstaotia]
,. Ar.d v.in' Hm eaaiBBiflB opaaafl and Lib
(.r:iu | ?' ? *|..*i-i. tiu'i "i 10,000 baaa
.1 I, ;. il.li. .in liuiiiTity iu Maiae, uon.- cl
th* -.. 1. -I it .i.i.? any i-ril*-tilation for tbo prodii-al
_??? ..I mi.iicv iu ..'tiiii'tiiii.' tlu-vutcrsof the Btatfl,
|b? ... -? BaflBBBOa of au anny flf flfBOB
bolojera, aad tbi I \pVat. All
oftl.es.- an ilii-a|';'liaii.'(a(t a pavty-.-i-iirely lodfod
iu poflrca, ... * ?; to thfl flxtaat thal thajrhaTflhean
- ta. Miiii'.v haa lit.-i.iiiy Iflarad
like w.il. i. ai,il. v.b.-re <i]"-n and BhBBaalaaa attetupt
i baaa flroald aol iu h.tfe. it bi-. bflflfl Ufld ba
tl,, v iptinrr ineii-nria isitb whidi the
Ml.o.t A(liuiniaiinti."ii iiiiin.ii2.Tt4 un-fainiliar. The
? iit liu- inoney, tbe piflfltfl whfllfl tb.-v
:f, uud tbe jflrflBBflfl far wfaMh they oaed tiiis
K.rrui'ticii fiiiul, are known and noted. Notabh ia
*)llr. ,',,?. _ Matrkta of Blainfl and
I.al, i bria Iw-biTtd bim fl f'trtnne "made
i? poUl ? BPbflDBflB run-; and the otb.r ia
, i i,h -Btbflfl-tB-law. J>iit. more
i_:u, _. ll -v j.i.atniuater in Maine
_, ;UI Tiu- ikhule armyof
.l.v iBflNflflfld by Hlainc's ciinnina;
BMHMMjTMBflBt, ia BOt dratit. And with I lu-aiitifiil
d* fi-r.-riii ;.. n i- fitneas af tbtn_fl,tha Qraat party
?xiured llu ir oftiee-holdere irom otber Btfltflfl into
Hahafl BflflB theaiump was bare of ffllBBflflflfl talent.
Th? PflaflflMBBMW-B-flaeBa] wius Ihaaa, aud ao was tbe
faflaBBBfltar of V'-xv-OrleaiiH. Cabin.-t Miiiiateru,Con
gntusimn and Seiiiitors, an aflflBB tbruiit;, BBfll ull fcr
*rere taraod mtu thflfleklof laiiortoearn
th. .i Baflflflfl BBfll Bflflf llu iu if they could. But the
nioat piixii iiul oi any of tb*w BfljaBMlflBi perhu|?,wa?
t)i?. rii.nl untttta*Um whieh waa observed toward
tboae Bepabbefloa wbo Hhowed any si.rn af joining
the Lilxial oiifauiziition. To BflBBflfltothfl new
party wau to be called a traitor. Tbrough
flbfl mIioI. eauvaas a aort of military dia
?-ipliiie Itaaa been obtM-rved, and the pithy
aayiug tl.at I'na Administration is a camp
ha* irwn aiiiiiiiiilly illnstrated by tho camp
goverument whieh haw been adruiniaier*d by the
Orant maiiBBrerr). One of the Grant organs in Maine
apoke ui Mflflb.. tb. e_-K.t.el irueiTillii, as "the gal
laiit tririi[H-i of \ irtntiia," but Suinuer waadenounced
B? "a trail.ir;'* tbe faet that hfaabj. goeii forOrant and
BBMBBBrflaaaBflfl i.nikeHal] thla difterence in tenna.
Au.l th'a lutter, relentlcaa war whi. h haa been Wflgj-d
B#ainrJf an honuat cxpreiwion of politii al opinion h.-us
Ik^-u iKiti-utiiil enougb in hh inflaBflflfll to det<-r
manv .if tha fimiri, M.-nKitive souls "who see the right
-ml y.-t thfl wmug pursue"' from eipreshing their
owi. i onvicliona. It is a dreadf ul Lhing to lcave an
old party : the Jicioi-Hof 18.W found it so; they ol
lK7_r,l__v while the. beuelit l-.v their experieaaBfl,
And tlr.a pn4uliar featurc of the Maine canva?i ia
tht- t-ipi.ii._ti.ui nf ihe f-uixe of the large doubtful
v.'tiug el? tn* iit in the 8tate. Nevt-r. jn-rhapB, giiioe
the old tnala of Frejt-SoilerK, who are now Kepubli
rana. v.-en-there bo _lany men in Maine who were
niu-omtiiitted ou lbe lBsne Txhich everybody is dia
curVMng. I bflfla doubtful onea are aasociated with
tb*- Ht-p.iblieaiis. BflflflBBB a Krjmbliian and yet
be afraid to aay juat bow one ia going to vote, doea
not piomiao much for oaea (irautimn. Conflidenng
that Grant haa "the rik-or of the game'' m Mairxe,
it btaiuii. to ri-uMin that bi* frieuda are ready eno.igh
to d* elare tbeiuanlvca. A doubtful Repnblican doen
not w-em likely to vote for l'erham and
Grant | and there are many such men in
the iSUite wliich chiKiaea a OofflBBOB l" day.
i'or more tban 1'j IObBB the Kepubhcanaof Maine
bave bad BBBBBOBl i>er!*- t .irtrikjiir-atmn "t nu.v Stati-,
ln tbe Cnioii. niilir-c H mav t* that flf lafllflflfl Ib*
MfllbBflflBBBBBf* l'.ixaj-ixe, and wid*-1\--raiuifying
party uia'biiu-ix bflfl Ik*.n liibiifliei'-iif ihisytuii**
pflrf-fltflflflflVflflBflf tlu* Maflfl, J. .* ii tht mi-aagera
ast at fault. 1 ii< n bBbbbbbA of the majority in tlua
election range from b.OUO to -MM ihe l.iberaiB,
arbo bava an luiperfect orgauization, put it liou
8/too to lo.ooc. BoiBfl of Hw fltarfl BaafBiBfl ttA of
M-K'; but they only(ru.*c?.wil.lly at t-iBiiiBipiilicant
tlmirc. ., .
The only donMful OflOgnBB Difltatal Ifl tl > tn,
F. a. lihfl laalBBflfl <!"' IflM ait- *moa
Hiir ?i__jBflB_-Je^_alW?irafl ? little ..v. r l.-tjo.
Mr PftabaaaBBlflaBaafll aea-eaB, imt hoc toueht
_k_i__i th, ? 1:1.1,1..i.e of Ihfl AiluiniiKtrntionnnrltlie
,..;, ?f BeaatOf C'han.U.r, Hui.-'- fiitlicr-m-luw
Tl,. him. in ai'itc ol Ihflflfl i1.1p.Mli1u4r-ntJ.-ol1-Ji1.-t
sn.-csa. a Uro.i. i.rol.iil.ility that HBfl will Ik*
,!, ?.ll,y . kdiiiII r.....i .ritv. Tl.c T?t l?.>tr.?-t. ...
wli.,1. YY. II. Clituird ia -flfljiflflfli toJ.H- nnrleiKh.
Qi udI Hepublican,lalaai hopafal. *?hoa?h *c?a ri*
...,,.. uberala who thtah thal Cliahfld nm arflf
co,,,,' tkfl 1.4M IiV,,..lil..iiu ...aji'iity ta tliat DibIiu-i.
notwit-jtaadiaghia uupoool bm the Navy-.ar.l
m Kitteiv t.,.1.1 whj. I. todtaw .inli.ii.l-.-d MBBlflrafl
HMDtfl, S,icl,iin,M.,t w?iil,lt.inr.*rei.t wot.der. Mr.
< im.,1,1 La aa iini.-1'.-i'.'l''''' l><'?i".'ti.t. aaa ni Mr. .1..
i-V.-rd i.f thfl 0. b\ flJBpflfl-Bfl Court. an.l ih reck
oned 11 v,n flhk flfla*all BflflflBaala. bbbe, ia th.-11.1
,, Aloa-o OareeloB is thfl Uherfll *********
-iL-ain-t Wm. r. Prjei hfl-iflfl?eh?flflfli ? 1.?ti..u.
Speaket Blaia-'i 1-* thfl UM -Hflflrkt, where Thos. s.
LiuigiHtlic Lilieralrandidate; bal thia adroit aud
unMnii.iili.usi.oliticiii.i OW-fl thfl State politiealiy.
A BBBfl lll Iflfl than Uainl.'i. whfl BBfl akaolittely BO
,-,,,,4., i.n.-.- whata-ar, B-Bina bbbb pow.-rful in
Ihfl Btatfl thaa both HiaiBtim Haa-tta a"?i Mornil
r.'llMliritooiK-. Hfl is I ?flJBBtaB-' tflMfla-BJ.******
HU IhflM frotn lYiii.sylv:mia as B Bflho*
t, acher, tahtag with him all thflflrt. and anfl
?i thfl WOIflt Hliot.l of politiciatis m tli.it
Btate, Bo wall haa m aaa. Ua opportnmt.c-fl tim
1, imiitv 111 i.li man. thO-ffa hfl borrowcd liicni-.v
to Biafcah-i ait -1 mi' loCoagrflBBj and hfl aow IioWb a
l.nn t-np ob Hi" i4.ii.iua a_ Ihfl Baaaa ta which ho waa
BBfflraad fla adre-tawr, ? tow raan -fa. Hta
d.'tcit wonld bflfratafal ta thfl haaafl of Moinii,
beiwe. n whoaa and Blatafl ihtrt Ifl an autimt bod
thongha temporajr tmmt nwo*M ho o ******* to
th.- fotan ot tha fl-tatai.-t, who hatfl hhh tot Ua Oflfl
]...tic nia -Whilfl they vot.- tor him; lor they tfbgttd
him aaa oarpflt-hflciflf w_^tfa?Bih a miUionan..
oMiisnot ad.'lli.r'.s worth of property in the Stat.-.
Bzeefrthifl awa baodao-M residenro at Aiignsta.
Bul hia defeal would hfl ? graatar rqttaf ta tha ee___
tiy. Baaa toflfla "i Ihflfla bw bmb who ha-radoM
in'nic to deflBaral-ai r..nirr,w aad aahaach ita bbbb*
hflflB than a fflflri-ration oi Pflfll CoilfHflfllBBB Efl thfl
IVth Dtatrkt, Itai-aallafl l.in.iy. Uberal, ia oootflflt
infrthc li.-M with B, P. Hei- .-y. His iflahof-lflflfl
The Lilieral inovcrncnt in Maine hflfl atloided maR
nlBe<-?t -ajyii tu-itiea for a BBneralahlp whtah has not
beea fO-tbooaoiBf. Tho n-prising litw been aBBBB
tii.llya popular one; but it has ttoi bflflB manni-cd
m ithcconomy. Only few i-p( .-.kcrshavc hflflB bronght
into the Statc, and thos<- have not always hflflB ub?1
prudently. They have. loflt many -ffflfltaaitiflfl of
being hi.ii.l.iiiiil have bflflB Bflfltt about withont niucli
rd reaee ta aayptaa. l-.-spite thcso drawhaohfl,
tha rK-ntinieut of tho people, iflfuniiiiBtakably Llb?
eral; the uudercurrcut, uo fjequently rclVrred to
I.v reporters and correnpond.-nte, is iiower
inlly wlth tho Liberals. Pronerly (b-v.lope.l,
this wonld havo won a real and ovcrwlu lnnti
vi(t"i-y iiiMainc to-day; and. at anv iatfl.it is the
BBM piflflBBfl el grcit BBflBfll ln r.iift.r. Tbe Lib
n.ilshavcf'iiir-'ht atr.un.-t pnat oddfl, aud with dis
BdTaatafljea a bk h WOBld havo rowed oidiuaiy men 1
but couuty and tOWB cuninittces and itl(li^iduals
bare miido a _-ood hi-'ht; tliey tflflfl-~fl a nobb r T<>nh
thaa they will Bowwaah. Bat th.- aaaapaifa will,
iicicith.hss. doflfl hrillinnth, and will pevo an
;u 11111 ral.Ifl ili-.eij.liue of the mw levies of the Lil.cral
jtkwt*aa*r*akm. _, , Ll','"'~, . ,,
Oattrmor.. -Bldnar Perbam. rh.tlta P. Kmiini. .
Comgraaa.. 1. J?lni H- Burl. l?b. Willia.u II. < liff-rd.
.'. ?Wlilliiin P. I IV. . Ali.li/'i'f.n ."!?
3. 'Jatnei Q. Bl-lne. T_-_mu.& Lauff.
i. Siiiiiii.-l F. li.-rs-y. MarcellaaEmerr,
ureufl 11..IC. 1 n-'i'-iMt a pi
^,?r K?p. IrrtA. VVllO,* VllU'. Mai.
|s?0-.,'ivrrni'i ? .-"".? ttfiNIt
USaO-Preal-eiil.6_,8H M^aa VIM* -.s.ua
lb?4?Ooreraor.r.i,:v<9 4?..t? lfla^aea 1
is.i4-PreaideDt. ....61,801 u.211 106,?14 17.5W
is(,s (tovernor.Ituoi m.iSt 131.368 20.u1
m??,_)?r-Miinit.7i'..'.'i 4A.MI iii.'..-.i M^aa
is?0 (."vcriiur..-.I..'.7c4 _,?si aiua. ...,,'a*
flSTflr-Oereraoi.M.01I *?,7_a n.iit h..*?
IHTi?Ooreroor.t?*,i85 ?7,6"8 lui.ooj .
? v.i 11 di iricumbenta. ....
t lu 1860tbe Hreckliiri'lr-r* olertoral tl.-ket re.civcl
a.aaa ratea, ;iuil tin- h<-:i U.tkal 1.0*6, wbleb .irc uoi lu
ciuiled Ui tlie w-ule vule as nivcu _l.u\. .
LBTTBB FKOM tiik i.im .i:ai. (AM>II>\IK K(.R
001 1 .UMHt?A CAM'li. MAiEMEM Of ___
plete a? we ea? iiiafec it. bflfl tbt doul.tiiu vota-a are no
larjre that lt ia Inipor-mlile. to predlft ttic reaitlt with any
(iii-lnty. Many towus report 10 per cent, and tioarly
all 6 per cent, of the entire votu as -oubtful. I have
lookeU the retuni*. over carefnlly, Bad h;ive OOflM to tho
followlng coiicluslon: That we ahall n d__N tl"- I-idieal
niajorlty of 1?63 about 10.000. Y'ou will aee by re.ern..r,
to the returns that the UadicaLa (arriwl the State in 18aa
by 19,300 majority, on a;voto of 131,700. IflflHaBflflfl tm
vote thia year at ttMtfl, bikI think we t-hail throw uot
loss than 60,000, leavinK their majority about 11,000 or
11,000 legr. than ln '68. In this cstiuiate I do not elaira
any portion of the doubtfal votes. If we i?et one-half or
one-thlrd of them it will BflflBWfl the majority atill more,
unlefl* the voto 1? largcr than I i-timatc; tmt I am by
no mtaDB aauiTuinc of fBtttafl many of the doul.tful
votcb; ludeed I shall not|be nurpri_ed lf BfltflffflBflaBl
not only get tbe doubtful votes, but many
who do not now claim to be doubtful,
a? they bavo Jplrnty of money and Hireakera,
and are _aa_ln_ akillful ua<- of all the party appllain-ea
lo getall the doubtful votea.aiid WIOlalBlBB??JJTBflfflflBt
bleof the votera who bBTfl BBflfl-f declarcd for Ureeley
and Ilrown.
Our opponentB rlaim a majoiit v of 15,000 votea. but I
do not think they expeet to te't more thau fiom 6,000 to
10,000, and they eannot BBBflfll tliat Balaai tln v tlunk
tbey can rcclalm many who have openly deelared
___l_?t them.
We have done all wc eonld iu an honor.iMc way, and
are all hopetfulUiat we Bhall not diaapiroint our fnenda ui
otht r mctio-r. <>f the (-..iiiitrv, and cci tainly _____ aot
anleaa Uiey expeet loo mnch of nn. We arr oonfldent we
ahall reduce their majority of 18W (aud this la the ouly
teat vote fur seven ytair) frmii C.uxi u. li.uoo; il wi do
either lt wlll ?how a chanKC nuftkieiit to carry one-tblrd
more Btatea thau we necd to alflfll Mr. Ureeley. Wlth
tbe?e reault-. we ahall feel that our fileudri ln ul! parta of
the uaaallj ihaaM lx aatiatled. Wlth klndeat refrarda,
I remaln your?, i4iUi BfltflflflBi Q I'- Kimhai.i..
To the Hon. Auiruatua Hehell.
PortUimt. laei.t. 1,, ia7_.
IUi.ka-t, S?pt. 7.?LaaUaff baek from tkfl
laat Vflrt-Bfl-flflV before electlon lt ean be neen that for
a week paat irreat proj-reaa baa been made by tbe __b
erala. Thi ir flflBBJBTi 'l.termination aud dl?ri|,)iuo hare
continaally lnereaaed, perrading both leadera aud
manaeii. A inrprulnn amonnt of work ba* Irtven flone.
True .Ilarmou, a prondnent Kepubllcan of thla (onnty,
ia .Imn- aplendld mlaalonary work, having oome from hia
preaent reaideuce at Poriland. Ari-t-aaiuua to'l.ilii-raliam i
continue. A promlnent m< rehant of tbia f Ity, hitberto a
Republicau, returned frotn the Weat thia morulLf, and
auiinULi-e4 hia datermlnation to aupport Ureeley, Capt.
("haa Ilaker, a leadinti bualneaa man who eoiniiiauded a
batu-ry durluif the war, la a meniber of the Llberal Btate
t'ommutie for tbia rouuty. ('. I*. Carter, thu well
kuowa ahlii-bulld. i, ia earni-lly for Uiceley and
Urown. H H. (orter, another of tlie flrm, ib
the Uberal caadldate for County Treaeurer.
Banford II Matthewc-.a large aaab and bllud mauufie
turer, hitberto for Urant, 1? uim- for tbe Lltieral rauae.
I.ike caaea are repoited all over ibe rouutry. Tbeae
Berioua defe-Uone bave no offaet. Tba aumut la ail oaa
Wfly.andthe I.lberalflareronfl.lent of riatio* a Btrong
vote for Pike. lu tBia tmj und oounty, where the o*po
altion to Hale'B renoiulnation waa utrongeflt, ouuv
(Irant RepubliraiiB will vote *.|uarc_y for llke. Oov.
Harri-ian waa announoed to aal.ln aa a Orant ni.-4-t.i_,
but failed to appear. flba D.-mooraU waiu-.l upon I..
(irant Commlttee un.l tendored tbo nervloe* of the ll.ti.
J. K. Tarbox of MaaaaeliUc-*tU. wbo waa waitiuitt
BBONflfl a Oreeley meetin* In a i-.|_bb-ri_a town iu Me
, | i.ii,,'. Thla i,rl_lib.,.lv ofT'-r (-Bflfl o( appre. Iatl(_,
and wai- deilined without th ttmt,
tiik okant _tBB i-B-ABB ?t.i. tiu: BtMJH*
im UBBBAU DKAWTHI it...i*i.e TO i"i|
l:i -M'LT.
roIlTl-ANH, S.pt. H.-.\ sllI?|.otl(T of Btataj
made a HalBBUBBl h.re.l:,*t i.lBl.t. tual. tliev had t?
mmt tn. ir (e-rraflB, Bafl Bm Urt aal Iflara k iaAtb mt
tin' UBiTBl apaaaaa la tt.at thia aaaraai b 9tatf**nnoim
BWlbtaaa Ibfl nnn.lier of doubtful vot. ra ia greater BJ
far than BVflfl l-f.-i. . nnd Bfl BB_r?_flfl aM BflBTfl tbe
myatirv. Ihflflfl k nn Bfltflflfll pflBfflflflflB the BBBl "I
everybody to vote to-morrow, and tb.ro -ro
th.nir-inda who have nut Mi anvbody how they will
vote TBeielBOiie el. uieiit Bf tta_ttb -I I.U" ral weak
BBBI wldel. tlie laat few IflfBhBffl ?l.tii...l. The Orant
lt,e bv an orgaiilml plan and e.neeli.lfund have braBjBj
boine ei.rv ti.t.r. Y.rt.r.l.ii tbt Inriiin Bg traln"
Bjaaabl io ..vi fr. Kbfla tt tbmt i aaaaa BflflB aO .(uarter*.
(in tho Uberal aMfl there haa tx'.-n ********
of the kind Be-aMa ex.'Pt thr,mr-h indivin
ual etTort ln a few j-BBlHIaa Itaa wlll
n,,!,e more than 2.000 fflBM dlfferenoe ln tbfl B**? *>
n.nrrow. All the me.-w." raiaed have bei-n BBIIIUW
,- ,?,id,dln other direellon*,.ind il lu.a been utteily lm
MflMblfl to arcouipliah tlim importaut work. TbtXt na
Beea M-i.n-.iy a HaaM to tne A-U-UlaUallaa b*
penditure tn pet out the BBBfl man aud purdu."'
tbfl niarkel.ililo vote*. A fund for tln
aBBraaaa k tbt* ? t m aaab laglalanra UflB-ict, and it -a tu
Naaaiflflinlnii . floofl. -Btaata noidi.-raaaar,bal BM
veriUbletrtitli, thr proofof whieh Is abiiudant. POTflfl
Wfltfl th. re r.,.1. illlia? Iflla of BBBflfl liolder*-, and nevrr
Y.it ao ui.i. h inoncy raiaed fiom abroad.
A new Mek waa broiij-ht to llgbt to-day. - aeWflpaper
Ba-aarafi baa been paa .mt to the tbmt thal Mr. Kiav
i.aii Ja ta|>?-Mfl at the BMBBiaBflfl OaBfaatlaBaboal
to Hr.t4eml.le, for Ihfl BflBf-fll Bl BflllBBfl hfcfl with fl
eerlaii. mt. r. af. At tlie saine tlmo -BlIBlBlfl
luaikid aaBflu-iatlal" und aMnaaflJ Ifl laa
knnwii tciiipeiance nn-n BBMBf Ibe UbflimlB BBfll
Deawentahawabaaa aaal thtaaahthfl tofrOBm bare.
baffllaBi Ifl lha Bflaai ofthfl iirjuor mt.-r.-.-t, *.<'t-af.>r
Kiint.aii aaaaaai ba B aarc to ko ajrabelB-lag tba ITo
hiiitiiiy lawfl. A BflflN "1 BBBBl forj-erlea- have been
i....u_lit tt. lit-ht to-n.Kl.t, und lt will bo im
peaalbta to ooaatfl-ael tbttt mtatmtt ******
in this in.iuitliai.' vu Hiitv. How gerioufl
Ibflicaall mavl.efaii't be foretold, hut lt ha? been
Iil.iv.-d Bl H"- h'.-t eaid in Ihe aliaineler-a 1 unvii- of thr.
orant __a___ffl-fl- All the Conjrrriis DIMricm are conr.-.l.-d
? (ii.mtitra bv .liri'i.-fl iuai"iiliia BXflflffl tlie
K.fili.in whieh Pike and iliil<-are makliiic a ll.ht, the
N ult of vsliii li ia di.iibilul. I'.-itlaiid ln so
aleea laal ao aan Ial a-M pata it aaTtbtafl bal OoabMaL
TiioLi'ieralH bave put a ntr.ri._- tii k.-t tn noinination, and
an nn-tty aure BB clr-.-t | BOBllOfl .-f lt ln any ev. nt. 'ln.'
ttdloluiuf' towna also abow BcaBflBlB gaiua. The cam
1 i.a-t Blgbl bnlUaiitly for the Llberal rauce.
The (irant men had BBgaaai tl"' t?o irreat halla lor the
lact three nlKbt", eomiieliiiirf the opiioal.luii t(i no Into tbe
? trcct, hut Ihfl nirilit priived fiir aml warni, and tmt "harp
practlce wnrked;<liKariter to the ]:.iii,mliiiiticiil.-ta. (Ine
.,f tiu- halln waa tolerably well fllled at the ap BBBB. ,,llt
aal IjHaatajaiihiaaahIbfl BMfltt-A *h;'1' flOtaaraei
beforeM a'atoak, Ia tne other ball, whicb was brii*
iiiintly llyhted, not u pflBflflfl wa? Btirrinjr, thou^'ti the
iiaii'l played direitly ln front ; nor did tln ir
liyrtiteiliniiB flro. the Admlniatration beart, ninl
the Wbole afljir waa eonaplcnously a failure.
J,,hn I.. Hmlth ninl ("nl. Bt ff.itt of New-Y.irk were the
only afflfl-MBB on the. other hiind, Market-*(|iiar? wai
tlir.iiir.-etl at Iflfl ' al' Bt libfl-fllfli nnd Bhflfl tbt lalul had
ptaffli tbelr flrat piece ih.ro wiro not leaa
thau C,000 people to hear and f.ee. The fir.t Bfleabfl.
wa? tbo BOB, K. <?? 1'. n iu. Wtfl WM ln blfl
i.i at vi -rn. iii wm Mlawflfl i.y the Baa. Caarlafl LBti
Waaflbaij aa* Baataa. irbfl apafea al iiinth, uddreaaiug
hiniflrif to the baataaaa phaaBaoi ttB a?waafl aBB >a
,,.|i, ut ,n., t. Iba ll"n. t'hBrles F. Klmbnll made a
i,ricf aad .-i'liii.'i apoaab fum tho hakflaf
ut 1'reiiio ?aflaa. wim h waa faatfaraa iy
,i].|,i imicd. OMaatwaretbaa B-afla ..r (;eD. Ainiei-on,
iba ITlB-liaal tt tbt flU-llBj who reaponded,
BBflaBBBfl ? t?iiiult of ii|i|r,.iin*. It waa a now
juu-t el. veti. but the tliron/ preaeed around,
an.l Mr I'errin w:m npnln BBaaaV out, and l-pe-c to
B IBI lflUW'1 liaail IBI tha flrtl partah cloek atruck the
mi.inii.'1't baar. Il waa a aaafaMaaal MMBaaaa, the b_t*mb
? in | ei wim li wa* -flkaawlflOfflfliflB all h-iida.
INi. -Ml asim; OF QBBEt_T_ uh ii"N.
ihv tki Baaara fo thi tbibubk.1
Arin sta, Bepii 8.?t.eti. Etaakfl addra-Bwal
an immi na.- auill.-iii-c here last niglt, wa- loudly eheered,
andciticiiii-lv ?> UIflfl" '"??''? IL- -I'.ki- air.iii.-t the iiflurpa
ti,,naof tbB Adminifiiratioii. and Afl-BieO that tlie lib*
eral platform meaiit la.aco to thi coimtry, while the
Grant pl.itf'irin im ant l i-.il war. mt m pulilieiin par.v
cami! into eiiatt inu BflralBfll Bai tf l-bWlfllBB I the Lili?
eral party raiii.' bkbl exlaU'iit-.i iinln tlie BBBB8 (ircuiii
ataiicea. Orwifa Uovtruuieut ia lueli/iiir' lnto a mllitary
taapat-Bb __a?aaflHaa af Orflfllayafll ?*?? tiieeouu
try peaee and proa| erity. Tiu- Houth Wflflrta BOaflflb BBfl
Wlll BCCept (ireeley'a elcetion ii?at<>?.[i thut the North
alflbaaracflarjlbnioa and de-ne- pawtbraafhflattha
eouiitr. , wlth the eonaequent pronixrily whieh lt will
brlng. He apoko of Ihfl c.rriiption ol ihe Ouvernmcut.
BayniK the BBVflBflfla were liu _er thau iver before. Tbe
ofBee-bolderB are forcliiK (Jrant'a eleettoii upon tbe peo
|ile. Grant'B elcetion means trouble, klgh taxation, and
a corrupt (ioveriitiieiit ; Greeley'fl eleaUou meana peaee,
reront iliatniii wlth the Bouth, and ftnucral proiperlty.
(iin. liiuika I-1.M..-.1 wlth an ardeut apiaal __ favor af I~l>
eral Itepuliiieiiiilnii. There waa rn at enthualaara
throii|{liout the ad.lrean, and it IU closj the gpeaker was '
rcwanleil with laad and contlnued cbflarln^r. The meet
iti_ was a aBBMfll ln every way, and g_>d n-sulu aro au
iiiiimtcd. _
Ban.'or, S?i?t. 8.?Yi'su-rday, hc la*?t day of
preparaUi.ii for tlie OflatBfll ?t the pollit4>.i_urr(iw, waa a
day of exiiteiiie .t In thlfl elt v. Tlie tbmt men, by great
effurt, aldral by tbttt oraanlzatioua of lannera and torch
liKht bflaflflBBi -.i. i i-f tli'.l iu Illllii_' NufjiubeKa Ilall, laat
evenlnK. where irfii. Ii. F. Huller, ln i atrueeb of about
tuo hour*. ni ,i i led (.i-n (irant, aml o_ru(iliehed all wbo
oppoae him, if BtronR terroa aml prcphetlc auyin_ can
reault ibiuch dlriu-ter la tbt ciiintry. At an early hour
tbe LiUrala irowdid City llull to lfa iimoflt rapaeity, to
liaten to ;a Bpeecb by oen. 8. F. Ury of Ohio. and
hiiiiilrrda wbo were aniloua to hear t_> elot.uent orator
(?(iiild not flnd atandlni- room wlthin sotudof bla voioe.
At tbe cleae of tbe mectlni.-. about l,u*_ people be-deil
by a band of iini.-i. inarrbed lo the r, ai_eri(-e of Wm. II.
M.Ciiliaon Uroadway to aerenade Tlfcodore TiltOB tn
n i nirnition of tbe eflleient aervlce he hua perforued lu
tbe Llberal campalgu In thlaHtate. Mr.Tilton reaironded
ln a bappy apeech of about 10 inlimt. * ii-ugth, and after
tbreo roualng tbcera for Oroeley aud Htuwu aud Cbarlefl
P. Klmball tho MTensdera retlred, tB*mamt in the ??ng
of tbe '?Cbappa.jua Farmer" aa thej tnarched down
Tbe Admlniflti-tloniata are recelvlnj murh oomfort
from a local matt*-r whieh came up, yeaterday, making
It expedleut fur one of tbe candldatea numlnaUMl l.y tbe
Uberala for Btate Kepreaentatlve to wltbdraw hia Baaaa.
If tbia (l'Mra not reduee tbe Lil^ral vote tbe Orant party,
It ia aaid, will caxry tbe city l.y a very ?__]! majority, lf
atall. _
NoBTnEABT, Md., Hept. 8.?About daylight
ou Baturday a lar_e boiler axploded ln \_f MiCulh.gh
Iron CouipaBy'* Kolllnn kflll. The boder -.arted ln tbe
middle, aud e_c!i pieee waa buried throujh tbe tulll o
flUtame of aeveral bundred feet. Airred Iloiorait, Jobn
McLrtiweli, and llrury houlden bave died from injurtea
recelvad by tbe exploalon, aod aome othera were allfbtly
injureii. A nuinber of peraona aaeapafl by aot belsa ln
tba-r aaual plaeea. Aa laouaat wiu be belfl te-amrow.
CiO|UBCnn*-fl as to tiie amoi'nt AWAiii.Kn
lonoo*. taa*, 8, ir,i,
The Obttrrtr diisfredita tlio fflaiflflfl ntat4'
la.-i.ta hitherto made by tho preas "f the amount cf d:.in
iiijes awarded by the (l.-neva Triln.nal ,-ia pre.ni.tuie.
had ?..yi< ibaaa aaa ha aa flflflbt Ibal at tho flaal nittinc *>n
-Btarflfl* that :ini*"unt waa praetlcally drtt r'nineii ; BBfll
it ...-titii.it* - ii nu tli.it tba luuip aillii 14 prolmlily BBflBl
-i.neo.oro aterlins-. Tlu- tm* eriaiufy nn lo tlie uuinuiit of
tlie Bwiiui ?f il.uiiHir* t- ln tli* I'nltod r-tatea unacUled MM
niarket for cooboIh, nn Kuiuni...
QflflSTA, fopt. 8, 1873.
It in rumorrd here that thfl Bflflld flf Ail.i
tri.tii.ti lua ai4 urtleil to tlie t'uit.-.i Htatea B4BBMM8B1 to tlie
?B80BBI Bf ?.1.510,(00.
A iliiuicr BBfl i-'lven to the Arbltr.itor? I.y the City of
(.i i< v.t, lii.t nlitlit. H ?aa b inoat BflflBBM lory BBBjbT.
M. (iirtiret, on tho pirt of hi* feilow-j-ltl'eiu', flflaBBBBfl
tliat Uie pflBflBBafl of tho An.ltratora was an houor to
flaaafls*aafl bflboflflfltbfltflll n-itiuna wnuui foiiow tiu
exiiinpli- of Etiplaiiiluiidthc Uuileil.tatea in <?<-ttlln_th<-ir
iliir i* iire-i tlirough ?ucli a pcaceful appeal to ri BBBfl atul
Jii-ilr*-. (iiiiiit !-i lopla ropilod wllli wuidi af B8BBB BM
tlu- (ifyof Gene.va. He tuok occaabon to a|i-.ik of the
Biuti who had aebBrtTfld liiilufondcnre tn llaly, Couut
(ir.niir, wlio-e fiicnd bfl waa protid to huvc been, and
added tlnif QflflflBB waa douhly di-ur to buu :ia tlu blitb
_ l.i.?<? uf the uiutuer of tliat _n at stnteniiiiiu.
x !'.ii,.| o > .I.*-1 . .* ii to tho lueml.erw of tho Iioard of
Ailiitr.itn,ii iu the Uutil Ifl l;i 1'alx todiiv. Couut
IcloplflBMdaaapsacb, but aataflBflafl laiaartBaB I
liu: on tho work of tho Arbltratora BB8 BBBl* Iba diniu-r
ki hoii.Tof the Oflflflta ArbltratorH at !!? nu , Bfl am***>
Iny, tlio l'Jlli inat., will ronrludc with B BTflBfl feto.
Of tiik OLOflfl Ofl in. -BBITBATIOB ? TIIK
AMul.ST AWAi:i)i:i> Th flfl A SNOI'Nill.M .XI
(.1 KSTKiN.
Wasimmhon, ^cpt. 8.?Thfl AdininiMnilion
Iai reciTved olllci.il ich-iuuphie iiili.i BWliofl lioiu
(CBflTfl thi.t tho ari itratii'ti on the Aliili.iin.i ( luln.a
laa heefl elaaafl, aud tbal iba reaflll af lbe fl I ri
mi ho praaBfllflBtfld aa lalarflapBflBt* ttfllattaaattoa
laa lioen received heie aa lo the auiountof the awaid to
Be I'tiiti ii Mataa, aal haa bbbbB i? aatiBfacwry to Ibaflfl
(f our <.lli* t-ia ln (,i iu \ a who have BflflB liifonned *.f tlio
luaia ol aetti* in* nt Bflfl thu iiuiouiil of luouey iillowed.
i BaamlMir af the CBbbMflwba haa baattbaaflflflflty in
BfflM .1 Bf * viiy Mflf tukou in tlie Treaty and under lta
pniviiuinf., from the orgntilzatinn of thi Jolnt Hiifh
.'..uiiiiiaaii.il tn the preaeat i.uu-, heUflfflB that the award
ji the L'mted Btatea will be from p-flaflflfll to BflyHflfltfl in
BOafl, WhlflB will io Hiitirf.u-tory tfl thla (Inv. rii.ncnt. Bfl
saya that tho Amenean uiemiiera of tho Jolnt Baflfl Oom
B i 8B were uiiaiiinioiialy of tho oplnion that 113,000,000
would ho it Jiiat and auilable aum for BflfllBBfl
Ib pay tor tba flcatr aclaoa afl our raaaah aad tbflaapouflafl
lueuireil iu litliiir,' out BBl ve.-ael.i uud _aflfBBfl theui
iifiuiit fi i iha atatara "f tho -Jfl-aaaa, Ib8aaafla_h and
ataata* Utabeflavflfll tbat aaa tiu-aum Ixafl B|?a hj
Uie Armrican Commiaalonora. Durinur tlie BiMtnira
of the. OaflBBBB?BBB, M waa anuuiinced to UM lirltiah Com
ini-bi noiti lli.it tba AiiiTicnn in.flflbBBB vsero pr. pi.i< tl
lfl BtBM BB amount thoy would tuko ln bulk in liayu.riit
of the (liilitia, but thia offer waa decline.l. M-:u!i - n
ii,BBM to ha donc by the Arbltratora but insi.-i Uhfldflaa
mi nta.fliiially aud eo.upare tho vunous i,:n. UflflBM
ia ii,. ii, aa atraalj Baaflflaaafl hg laleflrBphi aiU ta done
toiiurrow. Tbaflaiataataal bbm not *'xi> rttoh-oow
the anionnt to be r.-r.-lved from Knifla.id iiuttl iho laat of
the prcutiit wrek. It ia alao enpeeted (hat at about the
(.amt-tiuie IbflBaBperor of (i.-rmany will announce hla
aea?BMB iBfarfltflfl the Raa faaa baaaflary qu.-ti.ii,
whii h, it ls pretty well underatood, will bo lu favorof
the Uuit.d 8tatc8. _
AND (OIT.T DINNI-'.K?TOKt ill.K.IIT IIO" flfl1
(?ItlN IS lliK flf fllflfl,
lliiKii^, Patttrday, t?opf. 7, 1871
A 4.rnti(l iiiilitary pfflBaj iu honor of the
-MBflBBal taBMBBlfl iJcrliti, look BBMB to-day, lfl wlilch
tho thr*v Kmpi-rora hoaded tholr reajieelive reclmeuta.
The flde-t .i.u afl the OkBBB TrliKO, Fredori'W Wllll.un,
iviri the orderof i<t. Andrtw, whieli w.ia confi-rrcd ou
hlai Ihla BJBiBlha thj Iha faar Tho jiarado aaawltV
aaaaad byan lmmcnae cunconrao of jioople. Aditilcal
Ald*.u nnd a nuniber'of tlio oflict-ra of tl.e Ameriean
BfljaaflflBfl xxill purticlpalo iu tho feslivltlcs In
houor of tlio lini*eilal vlaitors to Beilin. This
evenlng a Tourt dluurr was glvon at the
IuipirUil pftlaie. Tlxt BBBBMBMa Williaui ptivt
the toaat, " OuraueaU." Tlie Euipcror of Austrla pro
poacd, "Tho heallh uf tl.e (.cniiiiu BflBflflBflfl aud Ina
family." The Ciar Alex.t'.i.b8*8 tflBBl wua, " Tho vi.llant
(*i iman Ariuy." The foatixitu-a of tho dny tenuliiBted
with ii ini.natiT tonhlicht BBflSBMBBI thia eveuiuif and
tho pkivtiiiT 0*tho Pmaalns latloo hy 1,124 intini* mne,
wlocted from the bauda of all tho Uermau ri-jrlmeuta for
tlnir pniiiTi i.r>. There vcro 4(X torcli-ltonrora In the
,.,a-iou. Tho entire rlt.T w_n brilliautly lllumlnated
nnd inult.tndosof pooplo Uronuod theatroots. The Czar
Aloxandor haa made fllfllfl Fr.-d.riik Clnirlo'. and Fred
et ii fll ilenry Albert, Field MarshalM of the BBBBBB Army.
IlERl.lrl, Hopt, 8, 1871.
Tlie throo F.mpcr.Ts drovo ln flha Tliieriraru-n thln
BMBatflfli and at '2 B*88fl8w thiu afternoon we.tit to Pots
(iiiin. i'i.in i- (.?i i ababBflfbafl u longaaaflhvflaaa yestcr
day with ITluec HistDattk.
Ixi.vnolt, Bept. 8, 187X
Tbo failure of Lamb, Na?h &l Co., biiiikers
aud lommiaslon mercbaita, ia anuounced. Their liabtll
ti* a are aUted at x'200.(joo Ikiveral tfrma afl 8t. Thonia
aud Porto Itlco are auid to be aufferer- by thia failure.
Mr. tardwell, the 8ecre;aiy of fiate for War, will en
Urtaln tho forei_n rcprokeutathes at Aldi-rshott, on
Frtduy, whore tbey wTil wltneee the uuuu.-ux en of ihe
Tho new commcroal treaty now in procc?a of neiro
tlatlon tataaaB Euitlaud aud Frauce haa been ao tnodi
fled 88 to make it luueh leaa objectionable to the Kngliah
?BBBBB The Freueh Goveruinent deelaroa that tho
Biui-nduionta are not ln the intereata of proteotion, and
that thore will Bfl no further abflBflBfl m the French
dutleB on raw materials. lt la only proposed ln the
treaty, aa it now aUnda, to eetabllah tbe followinK eotn
pj-naatory dutlea: On cotton r_anufaetureH, _ per cent.;
on Bllk dc. Ik l*r cent.; ou wooleu, '2| or 3 pertent. The
Fr.'iich aie hopeful of Ui-_otiatiu_ luuiiar trealln wltb
other Powera.
ANI> iMK BPflflBawl (ioVKU.NMENT?OBflflaW"
MaaBflflflk ik'pt. 8, 1871.
The report tbat tbe Spamnb Govcrniiiont
baflnamtattitfea iflflfli of ??? "? ?flBafla, the flflBaaaaaai
Miulater. ia foroutlly aaflflBflflBBBflj and ln offli iai dr*Ten
it la well known tbat tho Mluixter'a relatlonB witb tbe
tjpaniab Uovornment are of tbe friendlieat eli_ra4 tat.
Ab otaanlied airltatlou aKalnHt Slaxery will aoon be
lnauKi*. atod. A tenea ol public meetlnaa are to be beld
iu Madrid, Bevllle, BBBBBBBBi and other larco eitlea.
I'l-titioua for tbe abolitioa of Mlavary lu tbo Bpaniib ool
OI21I28 will be tlrt ulated, and aa aoon aa the (ortea rneeta
will lie BSflflflBtal lo that bod. , lu order that prompt
a* tlun may be t?kken. Tbe new Beuate will conalat of 144
MlotaU-rial aud 18 (>pp<*itioii membera. Tbe Carliat
bandlta are iuaklna reiiuiaitlona for food and arnie ou
the lahabiUnta of Catatluuia.
QUMB <>*' T,,E tBBBBBB or tiie cobgress or
The IIifit'E, eatorday, Bept. 7,187
The seaaion of tbe CongreiM* of the Inter
uaMonal Boclety termiiiati-d to-iiay wltb a aflcret meet
in?. It haa been do. nl.-d that Mew-York luatoait of
London ahall Ixx lbe aeat of tbe Ucneral Couucil.
Tba naxt t'onirraaa ol the Boclety will be beid
at aouie towu ln HwlUerland. Tbe deJegatea
Bie tu dlne to_ethar toiuorrow at Amater
_am, and will subaequently hold a publlo meetlnx
fii Krench dalogatea BitbdreB from thfl Coa;
areaa, tvacaaafl they wara aaahlfl tfl ttva tha IaUraa
tloiial Boelety Into a poiiticalorganizatlon.and were alao
?Haaatlafled wltn the tranafor afl tin> (lononil Oounoll to
Amerli-a. He,BMMM Not*. 1 and B M Cafl Ameriean braneh
of tlu* Internrttlonul Soelety wrro rofuaod roprcaent.itiaa
ln tha ConicrcBa. Tbo Peaec League of Tlie BBflBM Mfl
addreaJiod ciiiunitininatiotia to the Fu.perora of Rtu-ala.
(I. iinuny, and Ausfrla, in faror of tbe malntenance of
the BMMM of Europc.
Axi8Tr.itiiAxi, Hop?. f>, 1872.
The BBBflB Ol of tbe Inteniiituuii'l. here. tOOmf, BflflB8B
(,nr (|.iiotiy. Mr. Oaaapa of Baa for* bbbb* "> |
ridn uiiiik tbe ?eatlBfl "f tflfl taiperora at Berlm.
Dr.siKU iivk ITUK in mr CflJflTOfl OF flflrrflOflfl.
BB8 BB. Hut.ir.li.y. BapMj. 7, 1.7X
Tlie villaire of IflaBflfla. lfl '?"' C^tOfl flf
Grlr-oiis.wn.a ti.arly do?trt'jo,| by fcfl BBl BMtt 0 I
hiiii.lre.lainUuei.iy BBBBM,bflflbla mai.> BflbBfl and
flaarBBBBBBflB, flfl* Iflfl-flfl.
ootnmn BBooBma boba i-kx<kai.i.k.
ClTT OK MBSIOO, Bfl_B? 1. tht IlAVANA, S. pt.
a.-TlierevolutionlH*Uii.k: Bflfl. TbB IBBBBrt in NflflBfll
toOal'inot chango. are ron'radiotrv. Two WBBBflfl at
llu- i -.ij.itiil, in io\ <? witb a 888*884*1 lfl I'"' BflaBT, :?>'l *??
were jealoua of BBflfl other, (Oflflbl a dm 1. 0B8 BB8
aruiedwith an ordinary flaflBBr, -""l thfl othirwitb a
?aflfet BBBB8 from a horn. Tho flaal waa fougbt BflflaBfl
iu. tothu ruliaof the . o.li, with other wnineii as BCC
BBflB, Tlu-woman with lue 888.8 laflgBI kil.cl Bfl* an;
tagoid.-r. The BBflaflaMflfla and tne BBflflflrflfl were at I
Ooin.z I'i,lii.io. v.l.o w.ia*.ffercl tl.e Mlnistry of tho
iiit.-ii..rbv J.iiire/. .iiul laarflflflfllejaaa, d.iiii.i- io aa
cept. Tho polltual Journals HBBBB tho report that
Aiuerl.au pntmm ure iidvoi.ttlng the Auioric tn oceupa
tion of tbe Htatt? of T.nuiniiip.ia uud fll uva Lflflfl, The
rupttuoof the Mixed (?niBiui'-ioii lucnaaes tlie oxcite
in* n(. Tlu; prea_ publirh tlie Ameriean vcraton of Iba
rupture, aud no pupi-r Buutaius Oti/uian's coiuse. It M
reported that Lerdo will reinove (uizinan.
Diaz d< uiauda aa a conditlon to his layincr down bls
iirma that the (joxerumeut citend tUe terma of amncsty
bo aa to includo thoae who tuok p^rt in the rebellion
uud are htill holding otlic.-s aud military poMtion., and
ihe appointinont of a new dato for tlie Frcsidcntiai olcc
'ioii, ao that all pailiea ean partielpato ln the clectlons
lor BieiBoera ot 4_B_arefl8 ln diatrieu whero tiagr.iut
itbiises Bcalaal free aunriiiTo have aeoarrafl. Dlaz ott.-ra
all hla iiitluenee umoi.a hia a<lhorent8 in favor of tho
pacinoatnui ol tlie eountry. lt u> atfltflfl that L*-ido ui
n oda to exteint tbfl aiiui.-Hty term, bul reftibes to com
ply a iih tlie rest of Diar-'a demunda.
Matlaa Komero (ontinuea traveiina ln Yucatan. Nu
ineiouacomjiialnta are mado agaiu.it II* ruandez, Gov
ereor ot VeraCrna. Tho ouerrero butugeata tontmuo
to refaac BButeaty, but propoae to eeud a ? -oiumiseion to
thfloapltaJ Themail from (iuadalajara to Mexico baa
ugain beea roblt. <l. Tho public la aaaured that tralua
betaeon Vora Cruz au.l the capital will run by the nrst
of Jaunary. The KiikIIMi cupltuliMa buildlng the road
eonnnue t.. h*-ih1 ui.irlnuery aud materiala iu nnmeu.e
?piautitiea to BflflOBipllBh their object.
Havana, .Sept. (J, via Key. Wf.st, Sept. 7.?
When Iba C'oiiiluntia recentlv spoke about sen.ling monoy
out of tba eountry, lt referred to 8pani8h patrlota partlm
rarly, not to sympathizern witb tbo revolution. Tho In
t.u.li nto of Havana addressed the aasemblcd
inorchanU yeaterday. in regard to breaking
up muuggllng and dcfraudlng tho Treae
ury. Tbe Intendento cxpreased tho hope
that the aMBBbaaaa would aid tbe Oovcruin.nt. Tne
BMlllllBBla promised to cooperate with the Government,
provnled the meaaureis made general and wlthout any
ex.eptioii. In cane tbo mcrchanta do not volnntarlly
Baaaa 'lefnunliiik' the (iovennnent, the Intandonte wll
take tho s.-vorest BMBBBffla po-.sible. He says he ls confl
il. nt Bfl haflafl "hle BB deatroy the . resout nefartous prac
ticea. The Colonial BkUBBBfl of 8pain decreea that the
Hpanish Iiank abaU dlrjcontinue lbe issue ot ll aud 83
blllK, and retire such bllls already ln clreulatlon.
An advertlsement appcarcd iu yesterday's THario
aaklng the clerka of Havana to afuemblo on Suuday
aftcmoon at the Spanlah Caaino for the purpoie of devla
ing meaua to abollah the uystem r. quiriu. them to work
on Sundaya, and on otner daya from C ln tlio mnrnlng
OU after loat nlghl, and only allowiuif tiiom to beaii
m nt from tha eatublirdimeiit iu whieh they aie emplnyed
tol i rew li.iiiaon iilf.iL.iie.-'iiiidaya. To-day the Diarto
iiuiilitho. a .anl from the Direetora of the Caaiuo de
| ,,?? uicJuan ortir, tha laaderofthfl movemenf, whieh
, mled togite tho clerka somopiivlleges that will H4
Hiuiil.iio their eundliig to that of cl*-rk8 in otli-r
i-iiuntitea. Bfatiuc that Ortiz haa abused the good fiuth
of thfl inario by hwertlug au itdvi iti-*-nu-nt whieh only
the I'reauleut of the Cavsliio l? authoi izct to lasue. >Iiu li
,.,, ItBBMMll |.rev;illaailiolig the elerk.4. WBO.bOWflTflX, m
t. u.l in obUln -".ne ailevlatlon of tboir treatuieut by
eonferrlng with their employera and reaaouuig witb
tbem luatead ul utteiuptliiK to promot.- a riot, aa dnl the
KiiiehuitiU laat r-imdav. A unlou of the ilill*-r* nt traflea
.uul profefli-oufl la iiiiiicpiite.l for the piirpo?. of, at aOfltfl
fuliiie day, BBahlBB BB t;"iuitiib.e arraugemcut|l)elwccu
tlu- (iiiploieri-aiideiiiploxcs. _______ ?
Tlu ireiuh iblp Jaiiuen BeTTlB. Capt. nuo, from Macao
Annl 6, arriv.-.t ou tbe 4th iunt.. brini-'tiig B l .ir*.o of
( liin.-*'. Tho Chiuainen mutlnled Hliorfly afl^r U-iiviiik
XliK uo, aml .t )a u iioiti-il that tbfl c.ii.tinn klU.-d eeveral
of th.-ui. Wnipplnga wero mactieed ilurlng tbe eatlra
pnaaare. Tlie tUiuaiuea anlvi *1 lu a hornblo ennditlou.
-.ltv-hxe out of Jou died dnruig tho pasaage. The aur
MMir- .... laiuiiiiK' prea.-ut.-d ,i ai, k? niiig apMaraaofl;
DMOj were BBflhla lowalk. only Freueh aud Bpanlab
reaa* h-, priuiipalli the former, aie c-Ukiaged iu lUc coolle
Havana, Sopt. ?.?News froui Porto Kico by
mail and lBllt|IB|B_ gives a aad pieture of iitfaira on that
irland, and hints at outbrcaks. Capt.-Gcn. La Torro re
fuaed to use the troops to eoinnel tue nativea to vote in
favor of certuin caudidatea, and the nativea, belni,' m
lintuen.ao n*i\Jority, elect?d their c-ndidatea. lncludTiiir
aeveral who bad nlgned tbe mamfeato demanding the dl8
anulng of tho voluntoi-rs. The Conaarvatlve. or Spanlah
BBTtTi ub?i?lued from votlug, eiu.-ei)t at the capital,
wbere they eleeted (Jeii. 8aua. Ou tho day subseuin-ut
to La Torre'a arrival ou tbe lalaud, he caled the BaflOtta
of the regular army together, aud indicated tbat, oa a
eonveuianee aud neceaalty, tbe ?rim- abould faflfl au.l
,1, t.-ruiiuo uih.u a .andidate from the Uiatrlct of the
Capital, ankiiig Uie voluutcer oltlcera to do tbe
aauie. They all refused to eomply wltb the re
iitii.-t. Tho C'aptala-Ueiieral coullscatcd the edl
BflB of tho liuUtut, uewapaper, tbo or*_an of
the ultra-t4pairlah party. The Vus de Ouba aa> e
the ei.uduit of eertaiu partiea, meanlug (Jen. LaTorre,
BBafla tfl tbfl bbbb afl abflXaaaaa Autniea. Iba nBtiveaof
Um lalaad are oTfltjoyed at the opportuuity to elect can
iliilat.ri who are tmo repreaenttttiveri *.f tbeir ldeaa, aapl
rationa, aud wanta. The ultra party of Cuba are
ih ignued at theae occurreueea in I'orto Kico. kuowlng
tlmt a h uji-al'iiltiun delegatiou froui Forto lUco in tlie
CorUfl muat ueceB8_rily mllueuce the alavcry tiueatlou lu
Cuba. ____-__-_______-_-_-_
Palo, Kan., .Sept. 7. ? A hornblo double
BM8BB8 oceurred aeveu milea from thla place laat BfflB
lug. Culeb Schercer, a wualthy farmer hviug ln Osa
wattonue t'ownabip, ln a nt of inaaulty produeed by do
meatlcgrlevaucea, murdered hia daughter, Mrs. Wallace.
and daugerouBty wounded hiaottu wife ?nd hla daugh
t?r"? huaband. The latter, Mr. Wallace, ln defendlng blm
^?if, rtruch SoherciT with a club, killlng bim iBitantly.
Tbewounda recelvcd by Mra. Hcbercex aud Mr. Wall-ce
are prouounccd m... ::.l.
A Mi.ii'- BBTBIOB.
Chicago, Sejjvt. 7.?On Tburaday night C. J.
Dieffaubachar abot and kilied a man nained Melated, at
Vlrgliiia, Caaa Couaty, lli. J-tet Dlght a mot> attacked
the Jall la Beardatown. whero Uletfeubaeher waa oon
flued, with the avowed ptirpoae of hauidng bim. The
aii w?a well guarded, au.l the mob were rtrpulaed. In
revenge, the outlawa aet lire to tbe town. and betore the
flamea couid be exUngaJabed an entire tjlock of tbe
beet bulldlnga ln the place waa deatroyed. The eieite
ment ln the vlllage u UUnae, and more trouble ia ao
A POST-OrriCE BOBBER arkested.
Bostob, Sept. 8.?WiUiam Pi-abody, a youuj.
man employed ln the newapaaer departmoul of the rjoat
offlce ln Ubie clty, waa axreated tbia toronoon lor the Lar
reny of lettera, by Charlefl Fleld, BpeclBl Agent ol tho
Puet-Offlce Hepartnient. Bereml lettera wera found on
bim at tbe tlme of hia arreat. He haa beeu amployed lu
tbe Poet-Offloe here for tea yeara.
Sam Fkanct?co, Stpt. 8.?Tbe Apacbofl are
commlttiug an anuaual uumber of depradafioua and
murdera ln Bouthern Arijwua. Lleut. Read waa mtrr
dered tn DflTla Cafien. betweea Tueaou and Camp Crl^
lenton, on tbe 17th of Auguat. Hia compaulon, Corporal
Black, waa captured, aaa M aupiHiaeo to bare been ear?
ried o* for torture.
Lirn.n Boat. h*pL :.-<<<>??? Hadkf has
Bfl-i.il ii.illtary crder- ln IflfflBfll Ifl N|fl *****___ '*""'
l-pliiitn uiid the (iovi rn.ir'- guar.N BflBB aBBfl tberi rflfl
t. i.l.d. .rn_ nere ]?ined 1.. . omp.inii aof mllltU at I'rr
rj _ stiiti'.n. ln tha bordernf l'"pe Cflflflfl-*. The ord. rfl
uii.lt r whiili t'ntia.ii la aetlnir Bfltfl not publiahed iinfll
Ui. iieit diy i.ft.r Ipli.im 1111.1 Ml BBBBBfl atarteil. Bfl
Oiiniaia arflaa la baaafl aaaa awrtiaaa __Bflflfl_aaflo
fi.tiitiiii, waa laaflflfl-f BaaflBrafl Ihfl psleaaara fBaBer
?ui.i ll.ll.? wlnie ll. Ina ei!-ti"ly. IlodBdii'- atatemeul lll
Bflbaaaaealfl that aa Bept i bbBb, hi* aafaap, Wtbakmtx
au.i < .uin, (iu- iiiti.i'1 wm r-ftaffaa. ol Datflfl tkaf
: a nunib. rof .iriiicd li.en. A* ttie> paaafliBflr*flflfl>
abep.aaban fllataaai Bfljeoj-.THItai IBIatar-flai at
them, klllliir,'Mi. W,.\. iiii-l nA tliev n.le awa> the> MBO
flr. .1 at aeieral BBBBfl B-flfl- bflflBBM and feiie. BBB-BflBB lia.
baa warriiiif. for aaaaoal paaaaaa flaBaaafl Ifl Iflfla Mafla
and doeg not be!i. ve he ,-au execute tbem. The people
an- miieli ex. it. (I, an.l uiany of tbflflfl uiider atin
(iii the otii.i baaa, lha Bar. J. i*. m. nflbflraaa.
d. I-uty eleik, inakea a flworu rtafenicnt that IJnilaon n
fl.iieuietit la all fa'.ae ; tliat li<- (lli. ~i ttm) w.ia nn . y. -
-, uud tlmt WUIiaiii- ru'lc n.oii_- ??"' PBTrBBBBBl la
troataf PalatflB-. Beaao. ii.oktuK into tka mmt, and
tlu-'i paflflfld Blaag tbe paveme-l to Paloter'a ahop, and,
ki nu- ruiiit.i, ba aad Blefeaa bttb Irafl at Iflfliflflt
r iii.ter laaa bbb iii- floaMe-banetofl BbaHB-B and kBb ii
Iiii kox. DotON iii,d W.lii.iina tata away. tlriug baek
aa-reral eiwtn at flba paafla arba hflppahoi baba-Bflba
atr> eta. lln BBBBaa a.n.a tbflflfl f.u-t.i aaa Im- proved bv
in.-iiiy i Iti/i ih of bmii p rt''-*. Af'i-r Hn-kerHon aworo
tO thfl BtfltBflBflBBj Dod -":i BttOfl-Pflafl to a?.a,_4Kliiati- him.
Bal waa prevented by the poliee. The Uovernor, with?
out waltiug to iBIflflaicati thfl LTBtl flf thflBfl BtflflflflBBBfla,
lus.ieg hl.a (ird( r, ,-ivin>. QflB. t'pham power, iu Ma Ba*
(ii-imii, , c.ill tmt ttu- eutlrc mlllfia uf the fiaU- to
enalile I)od-on to BBBbfl arreat.*, whereby the (iovonior
piitn the entire militia under tbe coutrol of Dialaon, au
adiultted miirder. r of pri-*onera, to en.ibl" hnu to arreat
men who b. lieve. no doubt eorrei tly, that bfl would
aaa-aaliiate th.-m .m -oou aa he got them iu euatody.
Pbovidknck, Scpt. 7.?Tbe Mflt-B iBTBfltigB
tion was reeumed at the Cuatoin-hoiiso thia morntng.
Rkhard Davis a panaeii_er, taot-BBd tliat he w.i? a tt**
ldence dry goodn nien haut -, had an impreaaion that the
collislon waa on the BtarbaeN aidc ; hia atat>-roora waa
near where, by moat an-ouut*, tho BClmoner atruek, and
ho represented the flCBflb aa aevere ; juat after the B0->
llelon he Baw a aehooner near the atcrn of BBfl Metln wlth
her how toward the itflflBMB ; BflflVfl no volce , the wlnd
was unfaiorable to hflflBBBg one; owinu to ]>oor pa rliiK
one boat was lost, but aft.-rward rei overcd | naw llf. ?
preservers lyln_ about wiih stiaptj broken off an if de
fectlve; the purtcr fl_400-00OthO-fl could not f-et Ifla
preaerverB ; the eapt.un tliiui_ht of laBBBJ a Iroat and
fjolng aahore for help, but thla plan was abandored aa 11
the wreek had broken up at eea, ho would tx- Bflfl
di-mned ; lt waa propoaed to re-erve a Bflal for ladlea,
but this was not taaa hfl BMB 'li' re would U- a ru*h ol
mc-n to It; he ohould ?ay that there wero ^to pflflBBBflBBa
cm board ; tbere were 12 or 11 cbildren who would |,rn.,
ably ko witdout paylng fare ; there weroaiiiiinber.il
temporary beds on the aaloon fluor ; the BfeMflafa a|?art
ment atruek bim as a diflleult plaee to cs.ape from iu
case of areident; Ihe steanier lay ta about Uve miu
utea after tho collislon ; Capt. IIull aml Cflfi llurtoa
seemed to do ull lu their jnn? r to save life.
Tbe Btatement of Edward l imt-r of I'rovidenee, alao
a parscna'er, waa next tak.-n. Il* moat iiiii>ortaut irt.inJa
were that, BBVlag a afate-room ou the Btarlxiardalde, a
trifle aft, he waa uot BWBBOaofl by tho eolllalon, and waa
tieither iuformed nor baaH any one else lafoiBBOfl "1
.bfld-jlf-r. lie U one of IbflM Wbfl believe *I,i_ukI?
iii tt tba afl-oara af tba bUtia aren laelB-taal i'lna p>nni
wafl not drawn out bv tba qucatioBa. Mr. liavia waa
washed off the wr* ek win-n it waa near tlie ahoie, and
the waves carried him to the l>each. Mr.Tiirnereai.ie
nnhore on a baio of lottou. lioth were __*tttt Bfl
Capt. Oiarlea L. nurt.in waSBAXl nwnrii. Iin wia 4'
yeara old, aad h.nl followed boatlag alim- bfl w.i* ie h ifl
beeu a nmaler aud pllot of *t. .ou n-at-N BOTM .',?
l.ia in.-iater'.-1.. ii.-.i- extendad orer laland watrra, ami
|n:,it . ln -ii-,- frum New-Ymi. tbltwch Ibfl tOtOt 'u ftii
Kiver, Proiiileiii-e, iin-,1 Boatoo, .uul down ?_?? Nor:n
Hiver aud New-York liav toauuli llu,'k, lie timk i-mu
iniiiid of tlie Mi-tia ABf-Bl '-*: ahe waa .inti.it Hflfflfll
limu'. Eridflnca aa to her eoaatrueUoB wii* tabea -'t
lenftb?tbe foiionniK belax tbe eblel potata: Bba had
tbrea *J*ater**Uahl (0111111101111014 maAt dlajronally ami
faltedj bfl tboucbt twawflre rarwardef Ibe bolMn the
liulir'a fi'iiMUil .-inl w.ia ut abmi; tbfl <-, nt- r of tbt
veaael; ahe .ani.-d four liie-lmata, il.rn- flf nu I.u uul one
of WaOda tWO iiUuit M feet nnd two .ili.'ilt 12 feet ttttt,
and a iiferaft made of metallie rilinders 111 a. 1 ti.u.-;
thla tould loal about rJO peraODB i her ln.iln flocfc Wfl.
planked Up; tbe atnte rooiiia ttOgtt iil.olit *C feet from the
bow alid eiitltd about 20 feet Il"ln the ?____)* Ilu re wur j
looiuy paflflaaa-waj betwe-a them aad (ba raUlas; th.r>
Wfllfl three alichor*. boat l.-iiiii.-liinif, uppai.itu*. BBd B
tlller and tatkl.s to be iiied if tba re_W-U st. .nii. mi
?a\o out; hi- Wafl up tlll aliuul ' i\ u'tloeB
ou tbe M_lit of the coliiaioii; .nd uot
deemitabadiiiKlit: waa awak.-ne.i by aooaaoaalaa wbleb
he auppoaed waa uiiidi* by a evlUaloaj weut lo pllot.
h'Hiae, foiiml ni uml pilot there, aad took hia placa;
fron the exnniiiiiiti.iii wbleb be eaflaiad Be lni.t not the
hli-liteat Idfla that tbfl atcan.er w.ia woauded bi'iow the
malu dui-k; fluiiiui; that *he waa aiukiuir. bfl BBTfl tbe
wbeel to the s-idiid pllot and went thJouKh tbfl aaloou
bhouiiiiK' that life-pr. .-ervi ra l mild be fuuud in tbe aUle
rooaM,aadaorkaaautoaaaa latho berth^; baroflaraed
aml Kave ordera.o bave the Boati K"t leadi to lauueb ;
the euglne was kept ruuniiuj Ull ateam Kave oul, and
aome oue waa at tba wueel tlll the flteamer atop|H-o
slt erinir. He ilefalled hia i-fforta to Bave the iinsnnuiert
tlll the wreek broiiifht them into tlie aurf, n lu-ii all he
could do waa to Klve liiiura-lf to tli* wavea. Ilia accouul
represeutfl blm aa very aeiive. ilia atatemeul euded al
2 ln tbe uflcriiiiou. aud tbe liuaid adjuiinieit U) lueet at
luo'clock ou Mouday, wht-n Capt. Uull'a teatimouy wii.
be ue.tiil.
If-OCP-Dfl, Scpt. 8.?-The iiiost dfrttmctivi* fira
whicb hiw occurred here ln ten yeara broke out at *:Sc
o'cioek thla luoriunK, at a ahoemakera'a ahop, No. a]
8ecoud-8t. OwrnK to the lonc drouth and tbe eombu*
tlble material of tbe Burroundlntc bulldiuira the flamea
Bpread ao rapidly before the englneawere falrly at work,
tbat lt waa thout-ht tbat the Chlcaico tln- would b.
repeated, aa withm half an bour after the flre waa dia
eovered, tbe entire blotk from Uulon to Mouroe-?t. wai
lu tl.imes, and tbe air waa fllled witb 8park^
wbich set flre to num.-r.iiiB plaeea, aome fuily
teu blockfl dlataut from tbe aceue. When tbe llre reaebed
the extenaive carnage worka of Hruee A Co. many of tbe
gueata ln tbe FeatxxJy Hotel.bellevinK that tbat bull.linji
would be burned, hastlly evacuated lt. The fltreeta wera
crowded witb people. wbo were renderln. aaaiaune.*! lu
removing gooda. Day waa breaking when Brur*'i
uiaii-factory fell, witb a leirlole craab, Ita buge well
and roof BDiotberlng tbe raglng t--?. lnalde.
This aoon enabled tbe firemen to control tbe flre at thu
polnt, but aoutbward tbe flamea had spreau to ltra. kett'i
llvery stable, Wallace A Utbaou'a earrlage worka, and
Forrta'a llvery fltable, aud. in fact, awept everythlng to
Luion-?t. For a long time lt waa feared that tbe Opera
Iluuae, witb tbe ]>o?t-olflce, court-roonu, Ae., would ba
burned. Tbe atreeta were fllled with the gooda and oe*
cupanta of the smull ahopa on Unlon-at., many of tbe ln
matea barelv eacaplng wlth their llvea. TV total loaa
will uot fail far ?'-i.rt of 1.10,000, about on? balf nf whlrb
la eovered by laaBurance, nearly aliof it lu loealeoiu
Chicaoo, .S?*pt. 7.?B4?nnett & Wil^'H flour
lng mlllB, at Ualva, 111., were burned, laat uight, to
gether wlth tbelr flflBBBBBj Tbe loaa la froui t-MUO to
f-JO.000, partly lnaured.
_Ge.Tge Flagg, a couductor on tlie Urand Jutie
tlaa RaiUifaa, waa liUaU lu (a-Drul,*, Miaa., KiliUj ai_.l. I; U._t
Uruwa aaitt * *_u-a. Uaia.
_Joaeph Brown, who murdered tht* Kreauner
faadtr at Polta?ill?, Paaa , laat Wialar. waa, BaUnlay, r.**i*t*_ al
?urtiai la Ib* trtX oVfriac. 1 _? pnaoa? 1. abaal II ;*_f? ef a~.
_Wilson, tlie man who killenl Boaewell TibbeU
alBai. Lll* City. a l*w day. ara baa baaa 4_ttAAtf*i k. U* r_u_laiB_
__fl?BflBa aa .ba (rau_l laat Ut* taai mu aoatatiUail ia aalf .ladaa*.
_E. Sneiilh-r, owner of a raiiche on the Yoormito
roata, aaa ak-l flaail, laa. J'.-.Jit, bf Bla broiaar U*a>rr waa n*ai w
BaiUtM aad lUTfl-ilarafl bu-aall Th* aaaaa af tka i_a_rn. .. aalaava.
....The buroioff of 8pinnejr dt CVs KiibtN-r
Watki la (-?l?>i Miaa., Ua. Babarfla. arum**.. ia.uli*a a baa *>( l?
(??*? aO'.OOO aai O"*t*J0. Iba ftaoanj maa minl rvi flij.wu.a
Oi* auw?laarr aad fl ..,?>*' aa ib* baiHiaf.
_(ietirge (.(Mat.ellow of Ouilderlau.l, waa killed
a. Ailaa. .aal Kn.iBi eraaia-. ak.l.' dil.t-n loort, 11. buia** ba.lag
U.*B trl|bt Br_rUu laruiaf aa. i,..lui i.j.iaj *t?i_f._>, ti baiag
Uuvwb trom ki. a_iua, Um baraa barlafl raa ??.r.
..T.L. B. Drew, a natlTeof New Mann^hfre, and
aa *ld raaidaal of Oatlforala, ilai aa BatBiaUi, trom Ib* ttatta af
tiacar pmdacad hj a fn*Bd'i plucbia* bl. ara U aaalha M* M* ba*
t.li-jltad U \kraa aamaULau wllivai a.fllL