Newspaper Page Text
Nuw-vniik. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBKR 10. 1872. PRICE FOUB CBHTS, \^- XXXII.IV-9,808._ THB MAINK KLBCTION. BAmMOME twMlT r.ATNS. IBBIIAU'S lKur.VHLK MAJOUITY SlXTT.r.N TllOl' SXM.~MO.NKV VK1-HV PfED? T1IK l'KOII ll'.I noKMTfl sii'imkt vi kiiam, hk?:akiu kss <>f RAT10MA1 iraUW?MAJOMTf Of WH Bl i.i . EDOII I 4.<M). < \ni>ii>vi< - ,., k<t-i,. *T-n. ?^rm,r . . ?ttdae* H.u, 1, I V Ki?^j ,%mv " t .wuHuhb P. Frr* Alon*> CMweioa. i ? lunno li. Main?'. ThotiiHK K I_?iMf J ESZlT.Uermr. M_i-?-??>? ?W 6. *Kl?0M H ? Ki.d.rn.. A. I .kt. ?HMP aaai ?*i?iN ]|. CaOowi I t_l.l.-Biv?-?th???oiiiiW-at!v.< votonl n^ )f. , ? and town*. o? eaattaaaaa *-?? (b_i foi Oorwnea ta Srpteanber, 19* wbw t,l(' !),.?? | .-!.,.ng t'lT-rt to .arryth.M'l. mnty m Hdfltl <>t that WM Chamberlain'a majmity waa bari ? . ,.ii lafanMpabHaaad iii 7A, y At (orlSOBiraa laaaed MM tnwnand '.'7 HmU jdanta :,.?] do4 baea haaid f""" Th(' UfW-tow. waJcbaVm nct ii.. ct aatil thr icatWudaaalq ? - Um watai and decteraa Um re mlt. whlcfa doea not rrwb ns in ttBM for th.Al I '??? \ r.ft in V.vrnitv r was nimh MM thaii th*t tbroara Iwa aaaatha bafote, Um tot?blMani laJiiri- <!i |ti UmmbvmI ni aaa DoMcntt Beejr ;hi.nBainl. ?,.? ? eitkM in tt.c tabM batoW oast Ixtbof tiiov..(cof tbeSUto. 11m ratM <t Libetal gataa ?i 't"'m w,n ?^ *? I,,..:! th?- Stato, as Uw large gala lorMi Kinil.all m I'ortlaiid. his liomc. it Ittgelj ?? Tbe m.ijonty |fof I ?.villj.rol.jhh i<.n h H., HM. v. hi.h woiild ,,,| *itl> C'haiiif'.-ilriiu's All the AdminiMi .tiontamlidai-s I t<(l. - is?s.-(;..f aaawak- l *r_. v >eO?. ' i . ? m. K.nil i!L Auburn . SK? m... M :..-. 1,9*1 I .403 '27^ M..J.1K4 .... . 4M 440.... 4M 442 ... ta ??.... ??? Jg .(1. 1T7 -JdO.... HC J_;i i ... lfiS T9 .. V27 71 ... m . m im Un. 4?? 333.... 397 M -n. 170 M8.... 1?3 |M M 6*)....1.40 a? I .. II. 2M !-????? g" H! . XI Mf.... g MJ 301 ... M 1;' .. 2M 196 ... 3W '213 . 215 146 ??? 17* J" . 445 237.... 439 M . Ml 273.... 305 207 1 2.379... .2.KW3 2.727 ?J?.... 892 .">8? Kuioford .. 10S n? ??? I** 1U 371.... 7M ttt .M... 4.'2 m W:... '-'?*?' ?'?' JUOIU . -.1 .'..... 207 Hl . . ? ??.... IN 3?2 WMtlTOOll. 74. IM.... .142 2H4 . 3f.4 24.'..... 312 323 . 1W *8.... 171 _69 .1MN njm i*.T'_ ii.frifi M , i. rol i hiiinlMTlain ni 1k?h. 4,876; mi]..nty for fi,_. I toas, 1j9Mi A EEVIEW of THS C05TEST. I ? i ; | i i IOBIBI* PFOBT I?i.Wl\M? vi N IX Dl ??> , . . |,. - . rl IV IV I in CONGRl M ' an -TH1 '.KAMM1N (I.AIM l'-'.OOO MA .l.'UI! V. IHV i:.i.i l BAPB TO i"l. TMWW-.I li i.i i an ... >>]?[. l ii i>. in? '1 iie returna 'i<? m4 icirit in witli m> niii< h iik thixt a- onlinaiily. tbt <ai being tbe priadpal phwiwAw m Adntiiiistratkai*aii -? Bidd* ford,8?oo1 Kiti.i.v, and (.iie or tw(. (itlur tcwus m Vnik Coaatj sh?.\v Ail I IjailU. and an- Mltlu u-lit U< iiiKinv tliat rountjtotlM ?;i iiit itJtdidtott (<>r CaagNM 1" ( (,i:i.t\. ih.- nili.rhalf <?f Um l>i-lri(t, rimilai prtiai i ? Hip?ted ta Hwiigi Wmthnuk, ,..| im!i.-..!i!v).i1'_. I'lat. tliat derided Libcnl rataa. tad ietatal al Mm . . ., iiiak.- imwt laowiagi Um . eleeting th.-ir repreaentetire .. majotit] lias l.'.n froni 6U0 11>< ii eaa be n<. daaM "t Mwetaetl.i , , th. \ih iiiMu.i. i.ut u \m!1 be tvvd daji ., ,-t:in.,i.- ad Um *aU eaa ?>?? ma.1.-. i erningaD ???? otacfl dtatricti aaraabavabeca i... daabai axaiaaaal. 8a fai m eaa aajadfedal oui th?- aggreg-ta votc ?i!i b? abori Um and Um uMjaritjr f<>r Paraaai bmj ?? .! iiili. t. in.? li.i.- BBMOg , v, li.tli.r UM votr should lu- eOB> IMti ..r \Mtii last jraar. Ii whb Um i"i i,,,., ,; ,i rietoi] : uia?n?tafi. i( laaaanU ?.. two t.. tin"' UiouBand, and .-.. put? forth ita elalm, appeahogto it> par | | .1..1 PaaM Iktc i> i!iakin_ up aii rate ccanpariam ol UMT(itewWifi>rmer7ean odoubl will ix- tiusf.voiihyiii Um main. bc ri.iicidcd to be ktion bopeti l>ut it 11-< uiiiw th.- exp< Qt? <>i it. Um vi. iory, <^ ?-ii wmA .... d to be, wooid aeem a barrea oaa. rfo applianoe baa bew uagJ^Mdi *W~ bandn . , . aa be jnovi-d lo lia\.' stni.k ? I'.K.n.y anong tin- Be pabli . Tlu Ubtfal BepQbbcani. aofaraatbii aseai t.. aavc ^t(>(Mi wall ni? to th'- \v?.ik agriirri Um areaaan taaaajbi t?. i?..i apoa ih. in. uuil aw tull ?.i ploek, UMtogb diaap paaatad ta Um DMjotity againal Umm ta Um aanntiy I ii viit toi.i. inaiiv dayaago.UmebMaoi i \ incn wbo tx-li.tiK tt> Um t.ld Wbig PMaSoil aebool \<>t<d aknoat taTariabli faf J't-rhani. <>i)lv a TttJ Hm Bliztag Bp >tat?-with iMarm Tkia elaaso! OtaeMj BMnaatbag t<> Um l't ihaiu etrlpe eJ Tea?pe_anoe Bi lanaaia, and i,lv .-t.l i.y ihtu caadldata. ii bai baan . .i iiiM.ii. antt wdl be-atfll aigad, ihat all Um .liKattt. tt-d BapablicajM beloagad mj UMKbaaall paitj. ?"?l t'"'1 inaiiy <-h-? i'-y aappataaw a-aaU aal tn-fti Um aUniificaiMa <d ? rota Ih lackaaa. '1 In f.Kt jh that Kiinl-all, no dmil.t, rect-iM-il niHiiy aVpabHeaa raaai ta ?<>nie Um plaeal on _4<miiit ..i taaal iaaaaai tarf Um diaeipUaa vaa uk. ttroog to aih.w tnis io ba Aaata ta aarj g-?^)pral wa.v. antt m. I ani iaiaaglbuaiH.1 in in.v ti.iin.T lM-Jiff that tin-t.r> > l.y m.u- fn-ni Um RapablMana willbetaueb targai ta Novaaabei UmbUm KtanbaU aata aaar. Aaaaagtaa Maaj irarkanlo kaap Uaaral Mapablltani tnm atppotitag Ktadwll ?aa Qaa. 1>..\\, who iuadt- iBWOtial Bppaakfot I't'ihaii. and ttMJUaapafacMa IfgWatfr'n ***^ wbatantlally aaaMaaaJai aaffoft aa" Ofaalaj a? Hjrainht (irant. Maaaraaag that t<? \.>t<- lat Um tat gai wi*h _ Kvem iiuM. Bia i*w ai LV ?wilJ t?e aiada plataaa b> and l>y. A-tothc CoUKretfHmrn'H inajorilieH. BOtbiag hut a rougb i>tnuat<* uu ba matit. t<?-iiiKlit. Tbe gaioa wiil ??*? abaaflj in tb?- lld and jv ib DlaaTMga, vhara tht- Ut im'. ratu lmininatioug ut-it- tl.t- PJaaatj m ?uriUK dultat iiudt i any all jK?vihlf tn ?uiiiMtantt*<*. At th.-H< i>iit.lnaii Ht-aiii|uarteraiaaM,antl tlit-v tlaim that tin: niaimity arOl aurdy bafMM H~ Mimiiimir up of iht- clertion to-day ih jd iftinnal t< rnm Nucb att will make ih> hovrniber conteal an open qaaafetaa, as || ,, ( vi.l. nt tbe Kepnl.litans taniiot allord anotb?-r aatb aflarl mh thia, ainl whib-tlu-y liave i/ainwl a tt-rtam kiml nf i?4lvaui?_?- thi-y i-Miiitot at *il rt*t ni?.ii it. 'lo-moi row we nbal! all aal Mg? clfaily the j.roj.oni'.iiK aml Uit teodeucy of th<- vot?* to-dav. rOVT WTVEBMO&B. IBt TliLhOK-fH TO THK iUIBt H I AvavtTA, Mit. ??? !>? ni.-Tiie Stat<- h..H niidout.tfcdly <tout BxpuMltaii l.v aix.ut ir.000 ioaj<?Tiiy. aiiaiy OaaMwai Daabaal k aaaTUHMaaaadavav] eaaaa>. Yet la tbe *ggrtK*t* vot* tberf Im m largo Llberal italu avt/ mt. bioiAUir iJtoo i? UM bta>t?. wi?ea all U*e n? tiun* m ?f MM e> miOor.ty li abo-.t 5.300. acoording to M*Mt NtVML Tlie <ry fro... all tlie, .ItatrtcU I" wonry. MMkv, MM|I IM ^,^?>t,?,1 ??*"? Trca*ury bai> MMMi MMM witbmit doobt. IHB KKTl'KNS. .-MAI.I. 1.IHKKAI. (lAINM Illl:'.| (IHOITTIIKPTATK. ? n TUMUn t<? thi: Ttntm.1 Ar?r?T\. Bcf*. !?.- Latekt W&mM hIm'W I>i? ml g*tM tbro?ffc?Wl tke stat,:, bnt not heavy. From ev.ry qiinrfcT MM the ery : " Mnn. y nm-rt to i?u> vntcs." nelibanftolMtfktacdMl ?? ??"?*"?? ' tXAdainkttH?<tMi i?i?iw'? m?J?rlty >?m? ??, ,., ,Al,.,i ??.:*?. PeitaM* majorlty about 1*.000. HM |M ..,,??, bMMB MT. CUM ix bratenby about xjm Ptw iaa.Mni.I isdMMi fcj a'""1 ??.>?>? DUPATCBEfl FROM Al... I'AIiTS oK THK >TATE A QKAin virniliV, lirr i.ihkk.u. 0AIK8. u.U, PUM DMTAT< HKvj Bahqqi Bfpt?. BMJMi .**?? *?*?? t?|1W 1.997 vo..-; kin.Ull 0MMVN0. U?i K< imbli, a>. ma 1 U9 Reirobll, ..i. >??'"?">?:;'"; '?"an.b.riatn ? ??*??* ,? ,.,?? . ?. . , i:.? i.i.uunivi.f HMWJ (K.' ,.???,, ?l,.,i. POftaMl IttMMl ???*?? 1'oktiam., Bep" BoekUadfflvwFvftttiM ?^F UnplMtMlMl \...r. Mr. Hale, the MaftMl ht ????* of IM p <>? ?1 tfeket Kih.x c..mty will iiii'lonbte.lly *? MWOtt*? BeHMI **ives T< rliam IH ??JWlM apainHt H '''"' I HffllT'. ?*!?* ? gm i'oiiiity glret ? Bep?bUe?n ii,...onty f.T ii..? 'h-t linw iii ton jt?mv. [Kf? *'*??"y garetttMsJorlrj tartkeOraal BtaeMwl itoM m ise?. the vnte Mlafc <.runt.2,7t.2: Me> uiour, MM.?Ml, MJ I I .im tlM NO? ""? ?,f ???? ''' rh"" ?J IM? inajomy, tlM the ehation of IM ir live (oii Poitlan.l |lf<? l' UB, Kiinball, 2.727. aealnat M y?ur. IMlKii... Utti KhMl.,.11. l.l'M. II MI tl"' Wj ?toedi CkaaberUla Otafk). MT1; PttktaBr.tW* Tlie rotofcrBesMMBtottrctt 0???"?! ??????* CBep.)i < liir?.(l. .'.C'.U. Mnf ? U'.i.i"ri>i- "f l??. "K.Hn?t a mitettJ for l.vmh (BarJ m ls7?of "* 1'or"1"^ " Ki.utuilVr, an.l it wiD*????? li.-runa Hhrtrt of Uic CMUCItM tiokrt. T.n MffH glf? PW?Mi 7.<?M; Kiin |,,il. MH(| in.Ooriiy of 4'^, agaiuut laat 11mX, PW hiiui. f,.'U7; Kiinball. MHi ? Kepublirai) m?Jonty ;,[ IM, ixit.p a Dflt l0? of ML TktM MWM ?n 1*>8 fi?ve f,.r (lov.ini.i : TMc KriMibli. an (aii.liilatc, 7,906; tbo l>. iiKH-ratlr, 6.0C:(, Mag ? nii.jonty of 1,842 Ikea XalBM 4...UOW. BMtfOrl cn.s iv.huniUfi; Kiinl.all. 1H4; Half, for CM I ? M*?i J7*1- I',k(" ???*?? "' K'"-tl,<"'' Tlie vot. ..f Om L.llowliiK WVM H UMifiW* witli IM vote ot ltni: Toicn?. Perhtm. Honth Bciwi, k. W (Jurliaiii.IW Uap? Klliabctti.460 K.ilinouth. 17? !><<iinK.379 s, .irl.oro . 452 CutnlM rl.iiiil. 14?> 152. ??> Wtmhrook. ?** M.^ BiOdwia. i4.r> 25. ? llli.uo. 1^5 "?.1J Windbaui.312 !W2. ?? B Bridg<>toii. lHunaj.?? ** NortS Barwlek. iw HJ. " Liiiioli.. Pg 1^. J rahoadnnikiav. o0 30. ii Houltou. 361 VJS. ? urcwcr. 44 m.m Veazic. M ?.M ?: r?i>.? g." Norway.W ??. ? Harn-oi..m l*". ?? 3 BuckU.ld. 158 'f".37 ?? Oiford. ig ?2. C Minot. 157. H Poiand.. MS 2"7. - wo?Ki?UH-k.m ??.f? ?? Ausui.. Ig ?.JJ 15 UniKbani. 94 ?.a - C.ii.aao. }?? ??. * i ..rnvilK-. U* ?*. BBMM. *4 90. .. 1? .siiiniicr.K.o 1U..J., N .14 hiiilU.lii. ?"7 270. 20 Ma<ii**oii. Ih'J 166. 12 Mc.ricr. Ho 67. *J Mowow. 46 U. .NoKi-1' J\,w-J'(.rllau.l. 164 181. Nurriilic?-wurk. 1'7 178. l*i Bolou. 105 W3. 27 UauiliuK. tf 5. Miitou PUnrtonon. 16 M. Kamford . IM H4. \M Hkuwhi'pau. t.Jl -17.64 Atben*. 1*1 155. ?- ? Auburu. Wl **." LewtatOD .MW ??.-1' K.l^I l.ivi.iiiiorc. MI ". * :, . M3 ?*{.? ?' l:,;o'fb-',l . U1 l?. < Mouul Wmoii. ???" Vi, niifi ... . w.'* wiutbrop.m ):??.f^; Mon.iMo.tb. 7U 1. ;;? Leeda. i ?' '?. J UalM. 5J C". >u gaiU. >Jt,.iiill-l,.?' ? T11:. 1. 6 1. ??" U;?J. 43 Baugor.IfiVI M* . 25 porl .?? .7b.44 OrUml. W4 U?.J5 OldToWD . 441 M. 101 Mallawukeair. 19 41 . 3 OroDO. 2H8 179. 35 Winn. m *1.21 Uaufoitli. 16 46. 17 BMaiMfe ltv.'k M in?jonty, a RcpaMMMl uain of 5. AlfieU (flTM lVrbaui Co Uijjonty, a |Kt'jtut.litau of 4V. ?MftwdglTei r<ih.,ii, .42, Kimiiai! :?.:>? n i:.'i?u!,:....n |0M of II; Bnrl.igb (Btp.). MrOM|MHiMI; CiitTor.l, 2-V.i. BtayMlAsHM i'"iiai" im. Kmii.'ii: ii:, i BtpoMtoM MJnMM; Buklgk?Uii IUfoc4, IH BwtWB pvrs l'.rbaiii 315, Kiinball 345, a Rt'jmblicait Umict I. Bartol?i IM, < UMmAML l',.u:L-i':-l'>aUaiJJ, l.'.M.' i KlUibiUJ, 1,035, u BtfUblMtl r , ii of 25. Bncksport I'rrbani, W; Kiniball, 2>. Mf, mai. 44. orlaiol ?1'< rliaiu 22.1. Kiinball IM ; Halc forC I 232, l'iki' l-"1, l:, inil.liian ?am of M. Old Town?Borliaiu 441, KiuibaJl Jli, BfipaNMMMM of 101. MaUMOWkNf-PMbMi !?'. Kiujl?ill 41. K^j-iiblican gam, 3. V.,ii.?i.Miu 1'fihain 37,Kun'.all 7; Ilair, for Contrrcii*, 36, Bikt- ?. I' .ii. pte. 12. I). imy-vi!!.?I'prhaiu M. Kiuiball 17; Halc Mj Plkt- M. Kcpiiblliaii irailt. 9. Manoi, I'. llialii 20, Kiinball IIj BlM W, fMM B( piiblnan ttain, 7. I^waikM No. 14-Peibain 11, Knnt>all 19; Hale 19, i'ikc 19. BtyvbttMl gain, 3. HMSMM- r-'iban, M, Kimbali 21; Hale 55, 1'iki- 21. Repablteu cnM. I M iMliiin, IM' Kiinball, 107; llalc, IM; PU?, 106. Rt'inibluan Kam. 12. ( r.rliaui. "iKS; Kiinball, IT? I^imbliran Iobh.35. Winii-Firliaui.W. Kiinball, 47. Ilrpubliran gain, 21. 1 J.ufn lli? 1". iImih, II; Kiml.all, 45. Kvnublban lOM, 17. Portlaiitl IQwmiMi) l*MM)M. 2.8IT2; Kiuibal.. BepnbllMa n ? l*riii< ?'i..i. 1'. rliau,, 149 ; Kiuiball, 91 ; Hale, 144 ; 1'ik.-, 92. 1I.mIl:,i,.r,- i'erttatn, li<5 ; Kiuiball, 60. Luillo? I'. liiaiii, :12 Kiuili.,11,20. I.if tleton- P<1 liain. M6 ; Kuoball. 24. Montir> iio -I'itIuhu, 6? ; Kiinball. 30. fltpMl l'Mliam, 346; Kluilwll, 186; Hale, 348; Pike, 16?. Perry?Perham'* majority, M : Kimbali, nonf; Hale, 4S majoiity I/ii^M Ciliain, 179; Kimbali. 1?2: Hale. 166; Pike, 194. IVmtiroke- 1'erhaiu, Mfl KuiiOall, 141; Hale, Mti Vikr, l?-.?. ?Ml m.i. i..M -J'rrhain.IU; Klmball,l95; Hale, 213, Pike. 193. < ami> 1? u IVibau), 353, KinitMtll. 3DT. Winter-Kiit 1'eibaui, 19o, Kiinball, 163. li.-lfant-Pfcibani.612; Kiinball, 443. Cauid'Ti? PiMMMa 485; Kitnball, 442. J{.k kl.?nU-P< iliaiu, ?*'2 ; Kiuiball, 689. ^..nth TboinaMoii?Perbain, 193 , Kimbali, IM. Thomantoii -P. rbam, 2"7 ; Klmbull.Ml. Ht (ie<y*f. Pciliaiu. M| Kaiilmll, ?44 I.i^M.n?Pertiani. W, Kiinball, 105. Mlnot-Peibaui, 22V ; Knulmll. 168. rulaiMl-Peibalu, Ml ; Kiinball, 307. TOTMI Pcrbaio, 2V9; K.inl.ail. 2?2 tiAi i i MMtn > ? FifUim MWM n Halt'l diHtrltt giv,- Htl? ?0over tbe I{. l.ublican majoruy nf 1868. ?? ? THI LATBSI NKWH. lOKNKH/kl. Kkk.HH HIM'A'K H | PoKTLANK. Sfpt. 14?11 p. Ul.-(?ril' liiinrlrHl aiid?i/.tv live Wiwik Kive IVrliam 41,041 ; Kiinball, aa^M2 ; Kvpubbtaii niajonly, 10,199. Tbe wu.r lo?.u? Uet yeax *t*f> PtrhM* M.864 : Ktnrwll IMOO, Mun a J(t>BUbd<M majorlty of 7,*M; 80 tlie net Pepubllean trnin HM yearla 2.034. Thfcsctowimcovcral'ttli) rnore twin half of tb Htate, and Indleate 16,'WO majority. THE NF.WS AT BBADQUASTBHt. At tli*< (Jnint ltfpublkan rccrm?,inthe Piftl Avi-nue llnt.l. the fullowlnfc" ww teh>Tii|died by th. 11,11,. J. (1. Hlalne, froui Alipifta. Me.. nl?.u! 5 p, m.: All retnn.H II.iih far |,,.li, ate a .wee,..,,K ^piibl^'; vuu.rv ii. u.i- ?.iy. M> uiamnty U uiorc tliau doiibie that n-ei iv. ,1 kt laal ele. tn.ii. _._, At?p. n. thefollowmg m .?..liMjileuously poated on the mirror In the maln rooni: LtwMMb, Aiiburn. IAMJMM, ? milowell, Hoekland, an,l Bath HA ?fiun over liiat year. Thl* NaMMMftl witb ureut applaiiH-, and iMi MMM vve:, iiiaile by MOM MMMMMl l'eluuii.-tratloliH of tho ?HM Mrt were made ?u the reeeint of the followinK I Pn>t puii for Man.e. Weather tiiagninYent. Yery h. ,.\ v vot. ibeing pollad allover>. 1',""jH'7* v.-ry hrn.hl! Al i o',?!... k Pwtam'i mojority *M (?"? thlee-liflh V..te pulk d) 1 l.l' Ii 1- a k'.iin OTOI la.-d, J MJ WMl 1M& iMMti wiU do Mttcr oa bei UM ?oto than ouar dtioa. At 12 o'cloek voto In portland <..n.? third 1'"'u,1> ibowotf llTahi nl whkb iudieatOH a Muall Kamov.i um ^Baiicor MMOMI iiu.ioriiy, ? aajl <>f H MW jMt/?M. Harver'i majonty foi Uoafiawi la larger. ww?? Kivea 141 muioiil | give? 310 majority, a fWa of 281. Hale. lor t'onirr. v, i" OfMSMHM. m ? fa.-t ghrea IM majority, ? aato of14* , ? Nodoubtof wlid UvMO naJoritf for MM, xuox Countyglvea i:.pui>ii. hk majouty f,.r nr>t tiine in teu Aii riiiijuimmi r%rr?* Pmmm Dofn TMMM IH dug. A dlnpateb wa.? recelved at 9 p. m. frotn Auguida, -lyned by J. O. Bl lin. , M MMMI : Kz-luriiH MM far n-e.-ived mMify the b, 1,. f fhat wc hav.eairiedtl.e Mate by I laNalV ln". ?".I n?.|...,t> ov.-i U<t v.-ar. \>- Maveeair-d all tbe CuDtfTeMJntr tri, Vt Im>oii.I doilbl, and 1 ti.niK .v.ij ..mmynilUe butewiu rhow a dceided majority. A rer, Ived at niidnlk'ht wa? a* One huii.tred and P.ft.v eitl.t MWMfiM ffMntt rott of 70.2M, oo wbJi h Repnblli in majority of 11,8^0, againat 7.M7 iMt year, an lOCMMO ?f M*? , Betorni froin 17M towat ?.')><? a Kepnbiienn majority oi 11.193, h- IB2JJ a ; an of 3,691 over MM >ear. PlMMWH iua JoritJi UMK0. TIIK 1 Iliri:Af. 00HJU11B1 The saiue ex, iteunnt ".i? iuamfent at the I.iberal He.i,biuartei? The MMM WOM MMWiMl MM IM early jiart of the evening. The HMMMM MTtM n.elpt of MVI from Maiue w< re \<ry imj-ei I. ct. the only fMMMfe beiiijz the followmtr froin (.'. P. Kiinball: We niake large cains in Portland Iioiu la?t year. Moot (if the nther lalK'' townn |M0. It M>fcl liow that the Repnblieam wlllcarnr tho BtaU by ISMa (iiant car ned it in 1868 by 28,000. The latfiflt information recciv<d at the head.iuarttrs waH the fullowinc dispateh: Ivetnrnn coverin* one-thtrd of the vote of the Ptate clTC Perhain 1,900 inaiority aniMf MM laal year. The Vth Dlttrid eooatdered tbe only doubtfnl one men. liaie, Bepnblican, lar^e majority over Pike, Libtrai, for OoagTeao. At the Headquartero of the National Dcuioeratit 1A eeutlve t'oinmittee there wi re f, w MMM ?lui iti*f the . vening. It was undcrotood that Malue woiild go Re publican by a lonciderablo ujajouty, and few MMM4 anxiouH to know the dttailn. The followiug MjMM were reeelved by the Hon. AMgMlM Sohell; Kepiibliraii-. cairy Portland, Ui inajontv Vfffala 146 froin laKt year ; 846 froui 1868. i'. 1' Kimhai l. K.tuinH tiinn about M laMB tOWOI mdi.ale tbi t ??'?' foi P.ihain ; about Um?> ,;r i.1,000, a?iu4M l.'.OAJ in I8w>. ItAi.ublKan OoBjpreaainea n>. ilout.t.-,. tu-.i. 4'. ]'. KlMliAIX. IXDUS1MIAL EIH12ITI0N& i THK NKW-kn<;i.AM) fair? a RMXlMflUt BBOW ? IKiW TO KAISK ANU CVBI IIAV?TilL PKIN t 1IA1. PKK.Mll M~. LowsiXi xpt- m?Thii irt the las- daj <?f tlie VtW FMjMM Fa.r, -aIiii Ii Ml MMk MMMi K -I". t the iiiont M000MMI ever held by the MMMJt PMMMl ?CMtttf ij alwayi a ir at cou?lderation, and it wai nevcr MMi favoia..:e tli.m it ha- be ? HtH weck. The itMMM Ml MM faVfM tuan la-t unr, POOflM MTtef MM ],r> ??, nt froin al purUi of WOW HHflltlI the nuu.l er of eninis wai IMM r than Md year or any MMMMJ y^t, an.l tln? show lia- proved a veiy pr.itlt.ibbi,0M t<, the Ml M ly. The four days'expene:, I n,.l . MMMMMl lia* MMMi ti.iie MMMMMl Ml IMfMMBi MMM rai?erc, jvud uieilmni.- ef N. w?Fnulaud ? doalri to bn,,i2 hitbar the lK?t farm pr.?.ltictr, tlue?t I BttlO, ta. .r etoik hor-en and BtMJMy, and l^?t evi.b ; uiethamcal .-kill whitli lliej have to IMW. Ouly one MlMM*1 MMttMJ Ml fcMl li<l.l. itnd the tni ,,? lor MlaoMOtoa n IMI ot mmm *a-, ?? \\ | u M t ..,? MM ini-tlnxl of raMMJ and l irint.' !ny I* I?r. L-iring, llit Pie.-i.l. ul. o|..ned the dl.-ilWi-iii, a: 1 >ai.i t;..l aiiioi,*: tli< plant.- Mat adiided to h< iiiiKinir of hav KCfO MrdftgTMO, redtop. and ,1..\.I. II,' hol Im-.ii ciii ii laedattUi icreal v.tiu- ta IhcfuMer of Uun/jcariaii ^i.i-->, aad Md fo'-ind it t,i Im ','? in Ml raluable r,.r hoine eonaompUon. it f.h,u!.l \*- mwi hj tl?- \uiiii lnoulh>, .,- ?Ma it *i" MWI ..;i!> in Ibc BfUlM il dld nol vs. 11, and b> eauie tuixed iritli wn I*. Two or three luna to tbe aen I i crop. If tc ta r- d to botrat i In taa Atttomn ir wttl n atoic tnemtrom bad eondltlon. 11mm fraaoea an taal . ,i-.,.n witb b.ui.-yi.. tbe Sprtng. Wetlanda, M tbougbl, abould i?- teeded down n Aagnal with lui '1 n.i? aad le.i-top,aad Um amoiiMof mauun reqolred ,, iblawayu very uucbleMtbanki i'i< Hprlng. \vuh i<? gard to, uitnik' uj, ihere wMBoan iraicbconld M laid douiiaat*? wii. n il wouid bo iu Um Ueat eondltlon to ?MWlM tbi Clova* .-lniild Meut wh.-u Itla m niii bi'Miin. ii. irii not in fuvoiuf entting bayil the in, iiiinif, and puttlntt it mto Ii..- barii t,>o -mju. Iu nidiii.iiy tlmei ii takea two dajp t-, make bay, wbien dbuttid I" ? ??> k.-l up ,v i r iilcht liiluc old way. If doue utberwlae thtrc wa? a rreat n-k. Mi. Brownof Hampton,K. il , tmneht land e?nerlnllv adapted t,> the jmipo-.- ibould u idected, and Mld niaoj laniM i- fouod n bettai ta bi ik ap land and OMd il dOWaMSIMM lhau to ralM ?.'.ral i iop? ou It, and th, a *>. ,i it. He toongbl graat fbauM bacttl Mriy. M U i ,1,\ f.,i- Mtp i>< i..i. Juiy i mi ibjofiot tinu li i Ml aftai that Ue bebered M oanlri im- i al .u,.i i-itredtbeaam M]r,bytMnMof IM mowlaa macblne aud ba] teddar. It m ?> bad prjftice ||Ml|fM laiidH alter the gru---* bad beeu . ut. Mi. PerlunaOT Becket. Maaa., favci-,1 rurinc hav in ., , uipaidlive -iiude, OI rath. i not inth,- aUO. Fain,<l'? -Ipiiii.I Im-kiii hayniK MMMMl than thei u,- ,u , u.-toin. -I U>. 11,- iM-nt tliuu to ujiUiui, land ?:ib iu U j-'ull. Tne lloii Mom - iiillnphl.V ol I oiieoi.l fav ..|. d ( uUuij; the >.i.i? iu tlie mornln| and boualujc II tM Hauc da>, as .iid a^o loioe oth<i ipeaker*. TIIK ritfMlfM*. ?|h.- pMBim weie gtB6t*llj kinun, to-day, b| the exhiniloi-., tbe louiunttei- MTlag Ma-lled iheli wolk laatoveAlng. TMleadlai protuluiulwi Uevoni were j?ward.:d lo Ward Paiker Of M.rnuia.l, |f. 11.. Ilaiv.v lio.i/e ol Mittoi,, IUM.,Wm. MatloOBMBpciwcMid, Wm. i. uneaof Won-.^i.-r.aiid Jno. B.Baabeaj ol Ba?l Concord, > ii.: for workii.g on in, to Dr. A. Ihunltoii ol Wortb An,io\e ?. Ma.--., aud IMorge ?.Mbonai w.itervilb , Me.; t..i iiiaii- aud natlre, I ? *?? tjrlerof Valtbam.aMoMr. i...:,,. - ? f Won ? itai . i"i BwUaaatUe ., n. m. < uriu of ib iinoiit ; fni> -'." k to JoMplL, Pratt of Kead iuk; tor lU-nionl-. lo H. C Burlettftuf Faiitl.-bl, Mc.; Al lUiir CloUgll of *< alitell.ur.v, .N. 11.. ukI tieo. E hhoreo of Waterville, Me.; foi HoisU-nif. to W. If. iii.neiv ol Belmoul and Wm. A. B-uwell ol N,>mi Audovir; tor ealvea,to Mr.Cbeoer/, ?r.BMrea, I) a, pratt ,.f Hrat t.el.oio, Vt.. Ward Paik.-iof M. rrumtk, N. H., and.Mi. Jjod^;. , foi tbvtl bunut, toAu^. WhiUiauoi PltcbbttTf, a. M. uiiialow of I'litiuy, Vt.; ('haiiii Panoni, |r., ol toiiuav.N ii; Bteveoi m Ba/vatd u pialnfleld, and JoliU >! kui. IV ol Wallii.K'ord, V(.; t.f Ji-roe>>, to J. Cartar Brown ol Eaat Urfceuwlch, R. I4 L J. .^ae.ld of Lowi 11. J- A. Danrood of Litti. ton, Ammji Xefunth ot TewkilMirry, Mi,#*H JoIiiimouoI V\na.-, >. H; aud Wiu. Malilinik' Ol ? 111 lin-fold , lor eattle, ?' K. BUOW of W.;l-.e-ler; for Dut, h eattle. to. !?. F. whititiL- of < oneord ; tor Aynbkrea, to th,- Ma--a uliuaetti Aitneultural CoUiBge, J. l?. V. Fretah.B. F. and N. a. 11.11 nnalun ot Won ,-1.1, F. II Applatou of weat l'euiio<l> . MM) J- li- ktl.dali i ( o. ol WuilUl P | foi -b- 0p. I..J.J Piitne), Vt.; Joiin B Kauboiu of l-a.1t Uoueord, .n.ii.. K. <;. Uiil <>i K.i., \i. ; Jerome Holden of Weatuilaatar. Vt., and a. k kuii.t ot Pom fret, Vt.; forawlOC, l<> A. B. KmgtXol Wi-H Boyl-<t?B, J. I) W. Fniieh of Xonh Aii,<,v,-t, J. T. Hoyt or F.i.-t Conourd, K. H.; for watcbed borae*, to Kdwanl iiariing" of Lowi II. and <., 0, w. ffifket ..f Lowetl; tor ponie? aud ?addle-hor?e*. to (i.-o. II. i aftfMOf i"""1 M.iuiugtou. and ihoiiias Kiltredge?l Nortb Andover; foi atalllona for gewraJ aaa, to t ?i. 11. t. BtMMUtoi Feuruaueht, Ut, aud Jnliti B. i'oor lor, 2,1, and (,, u M. Pat. heii, jr, Jd; foi tWO >< Bj old -iiiiliono, l>avld Nevlna. |l , of B<'Uth FiniuinKbaiu ; fnr Feariiaugut Bo> . j 1, Woo.Mof We?t Miillniry, audl? li. p, iaiu? of >ew ?mMV'TK ??_______?_______ TIIK IMPKA' MMKM OP ?)V. DAVI9. To (he Kdilor of Tht Tritunt. Sik : Tbe LilM-'ial cleinent will larg^ly prtdotumate iu the neit L*kslature, and ainioit |M MMI ?tep will be the liupoMohmeit of that polilical ahaui and petty tyraoit. F. J. I>avl?, vho itylea bimcelf the (ioveiuoi ot Tcxaa. He bolda his ueat by fraud MjMMl llainii'.ou, tht fpJMfMl IMOMMr. ?ho avowa ma int.ntiou to po t.cfoie lh.- uext LmMMMM aud aaaert hiH iifl.t ui the p.i.Mtion. LiaviaaJid Uaiulllou luade tbe ra. c for (.iovcrnor befon? Texas wm recvnutrocted, aud th,- evidence !<? uow on tlie ln the War rUipgjMMMI ?t W liibiagtoutiiy whleh will ?hew Hamllton elecled by u ikhj iua)oritv. Whi-u the couteil l? made aud the facta lu'lly da?elop?di lnore aatoundtng rrauda will be expoaed than now i>how ln tbe (Bd.linfM.laTk conte?t. Thla iixuilM-r UaviH, reeelv.-d th.: lerildeate of elaction from in. nulltary auib?nU?Mi ln tho Taee of i|,ww majority -ttfaiurt blui, aud ln . followln* lult, gave Vl%lk tbi ?^r titt. ?te of eli-ietiou. knowiug that iikMmffa bad fatriy au<1 Iwneatly rec^ived ?x*o ma|orlty. Aa an boor?t ContrreKN iguontd (lark'a certiOoate aud u?r?- uiddlua* bn ?, at mi aii honeat Legl?lature, freah from tbe peoplr, *.. 1. uio>e Davuand inntall lUuiilUiu u tbe (lo?eruor eleet ?? ?? * 1 ulnri, Tmsat, Aaa. M. WX CAMPAIGN INTELLIGENCE. THL "KKIGN OF TERROK-' IN NOKTII CARO I-INA. WnAT IT WA8 AI.L AROlJT?A VKRMINAI. QUAR ?aX? "tkrrok" of an intkknai. kkvk.nlrg < OLI.KI"f" >K. IFBllM TIIE BFKC1AL CnHRP.SPt>lft>E.ST OF THK TR1IUNI l I'l.vM.nTii, Washinjrton Co., N. ('., St-iit. 5.? The fitur-York Ttinet ba? v. ry Uttle tireulation ln any partof thls Hute. aualeaa tn tho eastern couutiea than claewhcre, aml It la not, therefore, sti ango tliat not until yeaterday, whlle waitmg m tbeotticeof a Federal oflklal, did I ehanoe to see a enpy of that Journal, moro than a wceh old, eontninlng a dlspatch froui Woshlugton, D. C, repreaentiug that a relgn of terror exiatcd iu 8ali-i>ury in thls State. It la|abanliitely follow np tvtry '? aabaaga" in the boutti, aapaeaad t>y tne A.imiina tratlon pi'-r--, ainl to hiiow that Iu a uiajonty of caaoa there bcen a moat ?aillful aml uialh ious Bkaapai ? B> tatiou; l.iit wlii.n a eall ls uiatln upou tin- Umted Sialoa (ioverninent for-'uldlors to paaNRfl ortl.-r, tin matter becntues one of tbe grentest linportanie. If it ls true tliat tin t ivil aiillioritlr. ot t'.lr* Btate are iinal.l.' or un \siiiiui:toprt-.-.rvf n.(1-taml pjateM tin- eUMeae,tbea It sbould be kuowu; but it l.iw Ih to Im Maatttal* ed for tivil law iu (juict, peaceable cutuuiuinttt-s, .1. turl.ft! oli.y by the Uwleaadteda of Federal IV tyranuy and usurpatiou no frte people can be ?ag aspaetad M aaaaaM to. " Wiii.iv uiiiv" iicii.iL-r-.oii lataa united state* inter a 1 Retaaaa OaBa t"r, or Asaeaaor, p thiuk it ls the Vrin. r) hrtba laUeaary DMtriel Bla Maaai, Uka thatof )...-? ot tin- a\ iand aaaabria la ebu Maatj am aal i? artaa sJom ixaiuination, but to ha\e a ruputation di<-hoi. ptrdeM aal aaapjattlp aaMa for raapaaatMa >>tii. 1*1 toattlon in taai M ii<-, im.ier Oeaafa adiuiui.-iratinn, and atJaigaaaaal beUaf,aad laaaadatMaai paUttTepfeef, bat Henderson onco atole a rnule ?it< m. to kia BjHttoaladraaoaaaaal a-. i nave b>-..rd taaatear.aa la ataaap aal ala wbarai the aada wm tvaad in 'Windy Billy'a" p"?*0?-tloo, and w.h itlt-ntitl???! by ifh cwn.r, Mr, D.irr. Il.-udei aaa WM indli ted, liut the BMrgewaa tbaaMeed trial aa aaaaaatal xome lahakaliawM nalaga] araeaedaag* Mr. n. ii. DabjM'i ?Xtaaral lef*MMaa,aaaaabaaa weekiy Mwapaaw iu ._hsbury. ealled The TriOuiu. Two or tliroe weeks ago le prmlt-.l m ono of his iiumbera a cartoou nprecniiiig ii adanaa leadtag awap a nmie araaaad " Dan " aa UM t?nk. In tin- h( w? columna of the *ame issu.- be printed 8Ja aawa iteiu ? rcport, wiih-b I am aaaaiad w.tutiuo. Uat Ilt-n.ltr-.oii had :>een lucked out uf ou..- hot4fe1 la kUaaarjr(aad rafaaei aeaaaaaaadatMa la taa ecaarlaa1 ia\ ni>: opaalf aapl la laa lirst, wim-h waa a raapaaaaMa tou.'f, a ni'Kro w. iu,in a.-. Ins mi.-ti .????< wiien Baadaeaaa caw tuuse papartaj ha laaagat be ni?;bt to wlnp Mr. Heiper, as aa kuew tbat a dt-iual Toultl ba aaiaMBj and wt-nt to The Tribtiue t.nY e (or hal avawai paapaaa Bal ttaa ft-ar or waaa ataae Haai ha abaagai Ma aUad wfeaafea naahad tht-re, an.i .ifter a i>]fa*.tnt cliat with tho edifor, subsrribed for the paperaad waal aw.iv. Bat bmm*I Ma aaity hrienda penuaded bim thut it would m-v.-r do to aliow (be ?o . lnl .:i tbal a iv, and .iik- aftt-ruooii, flve bjtter, be waited beaiad a eoraef untd Mr. Helpei aaaie ajmur, aiidthtn begaa U'aHiift hini wlth a eaoe. Belper, "f . onrte, retorned tbe blows, and Beadenon would h.iv. got th<- wor?t of lt had not the bT-etaoden iBterfered. Then the'Ti-lguof tfrror" began m the i.r.-a.-t >-f H.-n deraon. He got a aamber el roaxb feliowa Iroai iredell .iii.l adjoiaiag eoaatMato go to BalUbory and preMcl hini, tboiigh iioiHi.iy by word or deed tbreateoed him. [aeae dmb renulaed la town -everal aafa, drinkinr and caroaalag.aad miaiiy.aa tntir departara, w.-nt n aa iiiuifl bodjr to tne depot,u tbougu fearlngan attack, altiioiiKh tbe town waa o.ulet bat for taea^ and pobodj ittemptedto Interfere witb tbem. Itwaa attma time uiat Ueuderaoa lir.-.i iii* aMtol laM tbe air. Belper la a centlenian of excellenl repuutlon?a Union man throu -iii.iit tbe, and unaule to remaln iu norta Csa* olina ? li< nervetl with t;r.-.lit in the Federal anny. and waa, duriii- the early pBli af th.-prt-.ent AdinliuMia uoa .'ii oiiit-f noi.i. i nnderOraat Iwaatoldla Balia burytiiat be waa remo\rd on aecount of bis Llber.d ?enttmeata. _ I.ihki;al PBOOBE88 D .OOHRECTICOT. . II! I UlNti bfJOttl KItt.M ALL Vl'AKTKRS OF lili: ITATaV?ci.l'I'.s POBMXD 0 DAHUX80JI VM.I.I, UKIlli.MDKl, MAMtOKH, ANU 0T11KR I'l.A. PJ| [PHUMA KK.UAKVdI'.KKMuM.tNTOKTHETRllll'SI.I HAitrFoiti), Scni. ?.?liniiHiial BjgajgnM has be. n ma.lf in the tirt-t-hy and Urown aaafaM durlng the pa?t ^eek.nuuierou.t flonri.-hmg ababa haviug tnii !,,iin..ini rarMaapartaal ibagtata. wladbaaiCaaatp U tbe twiasted htroughuld of Orantism ln tm-.St.ito. Oaaat tbataaiaa lawatab gaaal BMattoaraleeaadaai n iii. oraatlttih IMalabaatflBa,aadjratlatbat towa !iici. is a large iiniubt-r ot Kepubli.aus WbO are afpaati totbe i'iii'....iiipiii.i tii-ki?!,;?.ni ttda vaal ibey have ?jTea nrgaattrt abapa ta taafi apiaMaa. Oa Xaasaaaj evi nteg a aptrttad aaaatiag M W waa baM, aada Oraa Ity aad llrowu Qab w?^ I'lMiiL-d, with \i'in. U. Choliari ai.?.lin? and lnlla.-ntial lt. publuan, wha ha* rept-at t .liy laptaaaatai BM town ln tbf (.. n.-ral .V.-seuibly, for Pieatdeati Ktrrtaaaajaaaaaatraei aaafla bg Mfaralgaa ti.-intii, the gaaaaaaai baaag taap apanaaai taaaga aa allaaapl Taa Maaatlj aaada M gal apa QtaataadWb> Ma aaaMaattattaa Ibara, altb <<ov. Baekiagaaa as the l.alniK tar.l, Vbb b WM I MBbbl airair. Tbe gatbartag wu< Maapoaad awajei/al abaaaal BepaaaaaMtt tin tt.wn. w.iniluin, in the aame county. is ibenagblf aiivt- fo im- Beaana aaMaaMBt. Bba aaafclr Maartaga of the(fiaeMf*aad BaaaaiCaib anaaaaaraaaty aabaaaad, aml air \. ri . ntlin-:..-t... Th..- offlcers, wbo are all Rc ajaattaaaaj an alajapa ti taaii i^ft of dnty, and at aaati im ettag Kepnbll.aiirt froui other bfWM ar.- paaMBI, and bttageaai rtna aceoaataof the pragroMof taaMaraaMat laaaraMj patiaal the aaaaty. AhMdtag a^pabOaaa from OkapMa at the hMtaMaCMg nia.h- a raost eueour aglag rapart, aadoaa trtai BeoUaad rapartad alarga li*t ot deeerlera frouiiiraut. Aiuon>jotber.HiK;akfr.i WM thtpjftBi K. B. Sunuier, tho BapaUMBB Htate H.-nator fr.mi that <li-tri.t lait \ ear, wlm matle B poWl rfui ad Iraaa. Ba mM laal Mr. Cnaaaey'a aeoaptaaMoi tbe aaadaattaa apaa the aaatana aaMaapJa ?a? aaaaVMai .?.im. -t that hi? adu.inistratlon would be one wbi. h would Kive the country peaee and proa pcnty. " It la uaed is an argument," aatd he. " why Bapabbaaaa sbould not nuj.port Mr. (ir.-ehy, that iu i-aac be la fli-etod bt-will imite r.-bcia laM bM Cabinet. I am WBttag M truat Mr. Oreeley'a large km.wledgeof ,?,.[,, ins pajraanMBi and proveibial hum-fty , but if he Bboald eall into hia Cabinet a reb.l, h<- willdo no inore tban tiiant Wbaa he made an Attorn.-y-tieneral of that tlfth-iate lawyer, the ex-rtlwd Akermau of Otorgla." a aaaraapoadMl vtaaagBMM ITbaaaaMaapai "There B n-.t a BaflHrr*" who early gaTC hla adheslon to Mr. Qraekrj whu falUTa or hesiiatea iu hia aupport ; there la not aaaaaakaBaar aaeeaa th.m, wbiie uaiiy abaraaae tboae w||o...uie..\. i from tirant to (Jre.-l.-y. All j?r. I ?ure bumi realatod,and UMiali M lagaiagof mu-reat oi leal m Uih aood caaae." Th<> gr.-at mtmimg la Brtdae nortroeenUf abowed tbe atreagtb af th. BafonaaiOTa raeul n tbHi .itr. Ihi- wffk a tir-Hey aud Rrown <!ub i, ia baea eraaanaed. rin' aaualiaa waa a v.-ry largt: one aad ?ua preauled ovtr by OaL Lmight Murna, who WM t'oloml ot tbe I4tu lk-giuii-ut froui Uui state tlnring 'he war, aud WM a gallaut aoldler. Viicriiiamnl organizatlon waa effeeted by the eholee of tbe lloii A. A lV-ttumlll. forinerly etlitor The CtotMord, a uewvpaper, for Vrealdout. The Vi. I ITe-u denu were made ap troi botb partMa. Jo.ig.- I.o.-k u?,mI . t tbe (ity ?Vurt, a ltfe-long Repiililitun, an ,. iraeM apaeaa, autl vm followetl by Jlr. o. H. Hlake. a Iit-iiiiMTat. One of the moat linposlng mettinga b.-l.i diirui*.'the wi-?-k took plaee ln Htaiuford. Tb.rewaaan linuieua.! crowtl ln atun.laine. aud tbe enthuaUaiu waa Mr. W. K. rte.-ley. wbo heltl a Jcderul offltv. and realgned )t ln ordei tbat be inlght be enUrely im truuiim l.-.l iu iiu tipiKiattiua to tiraut, made a very etfec tne apeecli. It waa a ealm review of th.! -ituation. and exert.-d an excelleut innuenee. lhe liou QideoD B. Uolllater, fonnerly Minlater U> Havli aiul tbe weU-kuown biatorlau of Couneotieul. ^*.ia the otmr prlutipal apeaker. He auid ht fmin .1 lu ibOUjd Hre to add to bla hlatory tbe. elerU.ral vote ot (' cut inni7i, aa belng taat for Horaco ?ir.*ley, wbo* tnuu?l>a?ui tlectiou aud inaugurutiuu be ruuflilcutly ei .... u-tl Ho revl.-wed the peraonal g.-verniuent of Orant, and aanl he Urtuly brllev^d that If we wnre gaaaaad to foiir yeara niore ot auch a rule, the country uuder tbe prea.iitroDatltiitlon would ceuae to eil?t. A k-lowiug tnbut?- waa paltt to the honeaty and patrlotlani dt Mr Ort-eley. wblcb waa voeiferoualy applaiided. There haa Ik*o no moeUnj? held tn the tkate more algnlfl iaut iu lUrbaraeter. _ . ,? A eall la out for tbe formatton of a Oreeley and Brown flub iu Derby, aud la alfued bjr 54 Republitana and about tbe aauie number ot l>emoerata. Amoug the Re ilablleaa alguera are aueb leadiug meii aa fbarlea I>u ' ?utl, tbeKev. Burtou Beacb, Aiubruae Beardatey, aud j ii r'. bniitn. ln all dircctloua tbe aigna axe cbevrlux, and n may uuly be aaid that " tbe work goea biatrely Mf" -* DAIUNO JEFF. DAVI9. WUAT 0ERR1T >MirH AM> gKMATOR WLLSON : II'.1 ...II ABOIT IT. Frvm Thi i hiuuiv TriMuu. The momb?i8 of tbe Philadelphia Convcn tlon ure bually engagod tn denounring liuraee Oreeler for bla " traitoroM" oooduet ln ilgniug IMTia'a ball i?.ind Tbe I'mladnlphu t.'ouvautmu gave tlorrit Uuilth a moat enthualaaltc weJcoaie. No otber maa bad aueb au o?atlon aa be. Tat be elgued that ball bvud, and wrote, loug neforc, ttda letter: Ptriaauao, K. T , Aag. 14. la?a. I'tinuBJT Jaaaav?Bo%tH mr: i lui. ifcia ^?r ?u?nUeJ ? itafawMaflaMaatfafiaftaaa Daiia, IkaraeMtM wMfc rif?* "tti.firtios. for f decm thli rarr lonfi ror"ne*ieM m adBM w t out a Ui?l it. ii.wlt ?" Ha- K?bUi. a irtj de?p laJaaMa ?o uib?*u. a?.i ? d<i leta dr?p ilub"iiur u. U?r rnrui-ot aad IU>- cooni/j. I trart th.t Mr. H?t1< ma? .Ither h?Yf> a *V**i trtal of t* *?? f^1 ? Ktil. T*errai?rn?u?i?ieii w>toh?e r.o tjmi \lh? w.lh 'a> M"K*' fkam ud wbo opiawed .Sla.rtf u itrcc?.>uif ?a b. up?>? Ul it, inat ..-rr!r bf.fra. II. ta.1. I am t.n. 0/ tbern T"ur oa?a? ,.,..?: tisRRiT Mltm Moreover, in May, 1W.7, It'iirv W.lhon, nominabad 'or Vlce-Prealdent i>> the ineo wbo now aenounce Oreoioy for hU m.'iniy aad baauma lauiM m aigning Dajtra btmd, introdueed lutt> Uio Heti.itt aresoluliou d.-niantUng tUe ipoedy ii'-.l "t tin Uonfederate Preaident, 01 bia re? !,,.-. 00 ball, ..rtv.non hl- owa p t o?'tnzancc. M BENATOB WILPON AND TIT.F JEWfc PVnn Th' Irrat'xlt. If ik atrnngo that S? nntor Wilaon, in his speeches, never to bia thnplaai Inil, withwln. u hegraced the atatute.-. of the Umtad Htatoe at the out break of tbe war. tn hia plety and patriottoni th?? *-n i torthen nn.posetl a ptwaaed It tbroogbCourraaa inahurry.ln whieh ItWM oaaeMd tbMthe reomenta ahoiiid U: glvt d Chrlatlan cbaplalna, and that ali J elergynien sbould tv ? telndedfrom thoae appolntmerita. Manv of oiir ra rnuai reeoltoet the Indlfniatlon whielithar bUI pr.iduced, and what trouble itaavi to JcwUh auluiers to bare It repeal d,and givctfiem tne be.Kiitof aclergyman ln the n>!dor boapitaL Benafor Wflaon, then int.s't lik.iv lgnoraat of IM extoMnee ot J?wi tn ihia toiiutr., propoat-d tbe unjuat and uucowtl tuUonal law: but knowmi: now Uiat there areapme Xewi aomewbere, it la ra inre thal he rn-. not explatnefl ht.w and wby hc eame to mak. blnnder, to oxpoae lua iiitoleraiiee aml ln- dlaregard ol OOnatlttttloL H rights iu a.. blutit and nndisg iLn d a nianuer. rJoiuetiotti in.-,'iit askhim the .pieatiiiii. I< a rentlt man ht to iwiVio1 1 ruat daot of the ualted 81 t'ei who <io. i aMeare for tne cou lUtutioaal nglua ot biUbomI CAMFAK.N MISCLII.MW. TItK I'MIKUKSKKATK l>rMM'l;AT8. To the K<t ?tor of The Tribune. Srrt: If Mr. Gr.rhy cnn ?dit llie DcBWBtMic partpi very w.ii; it aaada edtttag baflg, but B waaW tint look waD at all for tin- DB BOaratM p..rty lot.lii hlaa, i Bpaak,af MaraatOf Um auiegaueraM DaaaaetatM parti Wht u lliey pg todrtnk niilk, to BM a II ivtian provei I.. UMraoataafataaM iraa eoaart yt>ur oalrea P< witb ti.eui meaii^ baaineaa, and of a himl that Br. ??? i?? leyi iu nave im (i.ii-t iu. Tbey wrraaniioaaalwaya for Clvil servne Reform. bat of tbe ku.?i whleb thander woik- in aWMI uulk. Th. ir hotir aml im- BOWaf ol darkueaa I amet to paaaad, aad 1 dool thiuk tbe i.i'i> wbo hank.r f..r th< u roatoraUoa jro eiiber aaaassaaa aa ovet patrlotle. n. .\, ? r?rbi AagaM 21, i<72. BAKPBX'l WKiKi.v .makinc TOTU rORGBJ.tLZT. To the Edi tor o ( The Tribune. SiR : Tliis momiiig, wlnle eagagad 111 my buaiuBM Jotit., 1 nrw.lH.r eali-THi n,.l u.c M U"' ? IMfl "' ""H"' * " "klV- ' li.i* b?o .fni'touied to bu? it ?ud l.imb tl i'? ^olilifal c^rl. uii?. A. niu.l, 1 look up the |.?per .l.I mt .t ibr lion':-|..f< r 1 r?u..| Lanllj cumprel.cL.1 it? iri'.n'Di, jnd lui ? m.iiutol rrg.r ?? i laa aitk .n litiaBaluaa l-<.k. r?n it he po.s.i.v I IbaaeM, Ho.jf! 'ir?U? i.bakmr h.udu wilh llllllll I Hi? ??r. BfMl J*..' tt> I k.t- nad k . \itt ?fd kn.iwlh.nt Irut atkai Iwn. I Iraa |.?ln?l. ?ial I.M t..o?l.t fur .^i.n-t raBaaUa. witl | ??? ,?<.,( i, 1U'i?.l in?-k laa p.|*r to Htrflbrim "?<? > '?""'? I '"?."'' ' "J.i ro<. n.eul Im Ibf "* -.rr. ? .1..u. lu.'.l lu.i 11 ?mttmj .1.1; ... Mppait k? f.,rn. Tf?t?rd?T I woold kara ?.-t"l l ?' <-?oi. u..? m? v.,x .I..II ... tor Mr. Oawlay. Br >ar> aaak la taat ifarair*! aaaUi a%ataar?Bia . .ipou iUaf ii. r??.'.?r?. A Wrr.a. ,- I, I8T2. TUE yAl'ILiS MUUDKU. W11.LIAM iYMtBBBOn OM BBJ WAY T01HIBCITY. Wa-iiim.K'V, BeBti '????'I'his iihuiiiiik' Datcc nve I'liiup F.iiey of ibafaalial Beaaattrt Oaaea ta Baa - York, arrtved in the fl: 10 o'clo. k train, aml prm e.-dftl t.. paBM headquarters, whrre l.e aaptaaaad .lotii.ta a^ to th.i ariaal of f/aa. lanaatari aal vhaa Mbaa M tba aaN he reeoguizetl the pHMW I M Bal Bataoa *antfd. II was at lirat tliought it would b<: unsafe to take Foneaterto NiM-Yirk, as bia fiiemla BMjbl attt-uipt bla rt a cue; but afterwards an uiraugt-ment waa ef fected \Tith the eompany, by whieh an apartment ear waa obtamed, and at 10 u'.l.ii k this moniinc. the paMMBf was plaeed atK)ar.l the train, beartlj Iroued hoth hantl aud foot, aud (hi.t t iar voe witn Dete. tivea K. Elfln ib of tbia elty.and Partoy of Sew-York, atarted him f?>r N.w-Y?>rk. Deteetlrfl Parl??T* <1 wbM a^ked whrtt l oimeetioii ForresttT ha.l with tbe Nathan murdex, that be wouldnot gJ?e taree eenui forhlanechlt he got to Bew-Yart. nndlng hnnaelf to -f ..rt <?!. the rernrii to Mew-Yorh F'oi reatoi od rathrr dcaptiadaal. aa if aaaatty tMbMBaai to take taajoana | ? .-I'Kt.l LATP'N roM'KHMSi; lt.KRl>TKR IN THIS < IIV ? 1US AKRlVAl. BBBJL CBptaia lrvini/, of Um CbbITbI Otiw LaaaaBa* ivt -For-e. r. ? Ivetl a teiecra'ii from Defetive Farlev. taataaaafi aaaaaawaai that ba waaai arabaMy rctum at BBM Wltb PearaaMf t<> thM rity. The paBM were mjiatlaaaljfi Beaaay.M ragaadto Pbanaaar'aerMM. aml hnited that the prool ol BM eouutx tion with the Batbaaaaaraat ?aa paraly BaaaaaaMarttoLaadlBaatl oaaMagataM hun raarattght ii ta aaaagai BaMfar i. ib r aBarad ayearaao to aurrender him-?:If and ataud tnalfor BM Naihan tnur.ler if BMpatMBaaabatBMB M thtoelty wanM aaaaaa MMlMaaaaatyfBMi Naatral to the priaou at Jollet, III., froui whieh he .-. e.ine.l. bavitij.' luye.ira to >uve. Thi-. emil.l ouly I). done BBMajfe a aaataa from th.- Qamaw af Dbaaata, for wab h aaparba t.-mieiit Kaaaa <iid aMaaMfeBaaMMpatBaaa. Bara ?aMtttoa for Fornater'.. aurn-iider to the .N.-w-York aattaa haa baaa aataaaad fmai 8aw. BoBMaa, aad UM a<< a-.-d will be unwilllllg to eoine to llila ilt.i. doubth M, before tbia la done, aa h.- la too well reraed ln tbe eriml nai eode t?. rclinqutob any of aia leital rights. 1,ATKK.-A. ?loinpanietl by t wo <bt.e!i\.-. I'.-rre-t. r arrivetlln J-r-.y (ity laat evenltu', aml wa-> niet by Capt. Jbaaraimaf af Um Baw-Teal DabiaUva teeaa. The.-nnre party WOR thfn rapitllv ilnven. \:a ib. BM> braaa - ai Parry, t.? Paltoe Baadoaaaa i - k Malbaiiy st., where tbey arrlve.l M MBM p. Ba. The BfMMMf waa tbaekled baad aad f'"1', aBd UM abaakMa were et.nneeted by padMfhel rhaim. He was hiirriedly plated in B eell, at the .|o,,r of WBMb M aBMM MM BBMMaai to prevent the ia.s?ibilitv of earepe, wbUaaa Iraa-graMd aaaa ba abaautnaaraf the eell- prevented all iutruaiou. t'upt. Irving aaaV tjvety rafaaM M panatt any ?aaaatta aftbe ateaata eourtrMWftb th?- Bvuaaar, who waa, however, baaN to remark, JaM hefota tnter:ng BM tfH, tliat ?? he waa tlad ba was bere, ai?l eotihl easlly prore that he was a tliousand miles aw.ty ulian the Dttrdet was .?.vmmitted." Ba la 37 years of age, and 6 f...-t m rnehea hi bbrat He wns uonrh..iantiv aaaabJag a cigarVben he aliifbted from tbe ean-tage. il.eatoiv of hi?axrt-t, aa told by Chlef CUivie. to, bueilv. aatollowa: K.uU laal waek.twoBMB, who were atopplnc at a la?rer-beer a.iloon kepf by Tw.-llthat.. C aud 1> atreete, Wanh iuiftou, attraelod th.: atu-ntiou of ihe p., Uoe of that oity, wbo watcbed th. n- m..v. - m. nta At io a. m. laat Pnday, DotecttvM MeKilri.-h and .lobn W Comba urreated tne luenlia th< kuI.'OU. The prlaoner* gavea tbe uamt-a, " Louia k.-ni..' hii.1 "\v M. Jeu-. ii." aml atated that they wereprtntera, looktng tor eninlovtneiit. Prom a photogranh and da oeripUre liat whieb ba.l beeu publiahe.l witli ntlera of re ward and Wldeay en.ulat.d, iln- OJW atylUlg hlmaclf Kerna wai recogulMdM Porreater. He -a.i that he ha.l tlien lre. n ln WaahiiiKlo'l righl <\n\ ?". Ti.e UMO were IkiIIi a.iber wli.n arn-att-.l, aml, it B -ai.l, I rre-l.-i m-v.-i drlnka mtoxicaUng uqaarat JaaaM ta lUll m oaatodj at w*Mblngton. ^______^._____??.? Tin: BODOBB CAtB. Wa5iiixc;tox, Bepi 9.?stioug eflbrta kib aiade bara to aaeaxa tba pardoa al Bnjot Bodaaa. the aafaaUtag payaMbtat, waoaa deaVienej wmI aml it l- uudtratood biimui Caui.-i. who has vi-ited tbia eity Miatal Umm lavtadj. i.aa tataraatad him Mli iu ata behalf ou aeeount of lii-s faaaU)'.wbaart jproiuiimut paapbl in I'euiir-ylvauia. BbdgM ha.-*, It ta loid, been lnf.'iiued that Fi'M.bnt <iraut unglit !?? in dnoed to i.ardon him at the expiration of bM h rin. Hut ho doM uot waal ta wait tiii then. aa bia he..ith tn- baaa afl'. . le.l by .?oiitlneuietit, althoiigh he ha- L.-.u aud la uuw allowed all the privileges ol the prlson. .?? A RAILROAD COLI.ISION St. Lons. St-pt. 9.?Tho LMfht and CBttle traiua ou the Miaaoun Faelttc Kailroad eame in eolliaion about M milea froui here at fl o'elock tki? inornmg. Both englnea were ue?rly rulued. 8ix eattie^ara were brnken up. and al>out 40 of the rattle were kliled. Two cara ladeii with g?'iieral inerchan.lia* w?re amaahed up ; eatlmated loaa, |oo,ooo. The aechleut waaeauaed l.y mia readiue* tbe uuio-card by tbe oonductor of tbe atock train. _ LOtWF^ BY THE MEMrHIS FIRE. Memi'HIM, 8ept. 9.?In addition to tho loaaea by the Im rr?Urd*T awrilm, ?? slreadf reporttd, ?ra tU followi| Wktalcr PWltatkCo., w?od ?ad willow wirt, \<m a*.0W, ao lon i.ace, R. t. UrlaUUf'a baiMI??. loai 020,0110, iuarasrc ai'VOW. be ?ulc * larn i??b? ef l?wT?r?'. derK.n' ??d otkar oOom. Tkr .(jrr ,,1, luwee wiU ie*r?j #jau.i?). ol mbick *<M,m u r??.red Ii/ >in ruec Tbe Umim inareaea co?p??ir. ?re U* MiMoopm Wlh. ?f Mcn.pkia BiO.tWl., Altae ?aJ I'UaiUii ..f Hanfurd, Reeuru; <ud Prtnk I o .il Pbili^alpkla, f a."*0 r?eb; Pbenu tad Coatiaeattl of B.w-Virk ? l*ii- Qoreu of Lrervool, BlU."*. TVa otber loeiee ?r? di?al?J herwwn dte Hem.oeo tke Propl*'., ?lJ Um Meatpkw lafo aad Oeaerel laaaraaoa <>oip?ai?a af MaapeVt. TELEOKAPHIC NOTE8. ....An unaoce^eafnl attannpt waa made yeaterday, ?I Bea Prmatieto, i* IwdomI . )er. Ik tk? U?rm Pur iu*. ....Mr. and Mra. Boaeirault were paaaengera on ke rteamjhip feuiie whieh MlUd ftstaid*; lor New Turk. _(Irdem have been wsucd by the French (jov eraseei l.r tatoppiH Mt aa IM aiiitart acKaaaa aear Um Moat FOBBION NBWS; TKi.A'iY OT WASfNN' Jir.KTIN'i; Of ARBITBATOM TO ' ?'? iinai. POBH Of nu: vkkdb.t-DIMNEB l<> flit AJUirnUTOPJ. (.rvr.vA, >fotd..y, It i-' '1 m iiiiiotint <>f itntT-jr" iiw.u.i I thi Uuitcd sut.-rt by tne Uoard ,.r ArMtraUan wl oaly by a fo* MMMMl pMMM. IM MMM '? " ? Boarl rtfff VM bffcf, MMMMMJMi MM I | p. in. A f< IMttM of ibrailon.y IMMalti MM M. Tho rltrtnirrrPT** IM Bmwt, on MMMMJ ? *?? ? pilblie. The IfNaMfM IMM I ' ' ' Will M presoiit.iiin] la-li, - 1 ?. :' '"' Tne MMMMMl and MMM OOMMMoi Wlttl ' will leave (?? neva il 11 <?'' MM MM MTOW I ? I -|.e, ial train for Benie, wlu-re iMrf are to : of theSvvl-.- (iov.-iuna n' Tuep.tit;. -a. I.r. . . InUr tooMa 01. Itandaj ?anlM. Mi MM MU* Uu I ,|. ni and PMV Ml I MMll "? "* Ui0 1 veulag. At th<-dini. r (fiven to the Arb.trab r- Mi W idght M. CMrMn I propoM-,1 the t nationa r.-prMMMi al (MMmV ThU MMMMMl (.i.. l.-d vvtth iou.i .-.... t.iik, the 1 pM/Ml '? ,ur-of UMMdtoM 1. pies.-iK.-.t. Mi Aiuerieaneniia.-.?!, M ? Ml ' buii-,1 I- t.. ii,,-. 1 t., ..,, .,:um, The Arbi:r.. bj P.ei[,e,v?li.-re IM] will MM nd ? MMOdMM I M ? - Mj vv.a M IM gMMM "f me P' ? iral Couiaii. BofOM retuihiliK M QMOTI IMJf ?'" inake an . M-ur^.oii to the v UMMI Of II ? t""Ul ?Ml N ?: i 11. the Cuitiei of 11. n.e. >.-./? ;,.- MtaMa/tadaji OBSl.v A. M.,i,.l .? . ??? vt. 0, 1873. Th* .-'n'.-iii. i.t liiit onlv ? MMM awardod MMM MM bp th. Q id ?I A, i.itra'or- Ml M n olb- ' Ul) d.-elar. ,1 M M MIW t. The MMMMMl in. t I" .; form of Ihe verd I t. BO ??> -hal.d Aim 1,. ..a anenls I, exelll.I, d floni IM MMtiMJ IM v . I I i-del tattelp acnUMl Kuftiand for waut of MtMMNMl irood t.tith. I.iil MM BjMJ M MMtl M 1 M iu -1 k "" ? the Albltialors ,.i.- 11..1 ai o.' tlie MM* opi'iMW M M v-r-.l pMota, and will iollwr papera .\.- ol Iheii m vi.-'.. ?. MM)M MMM MMM BMjMMMMM* 1h<- tull MMll of HM pi-.MMfJ ?f tlie ('aiirt will uot be ?MM pnblie toi MM Um" yet 111 MMM M IM MMM of the BritUk 'low.i.u.eiit. I...M...V M MMMJTi MM. 9- 1872. Tbe in'-. rtatety a- to tM aaaaMM of UM awanti or tho Ooaara. TribWMl raaraa apilMf m tbe bmMM for An,. 1 1 aa -?-. anth -. and Iu - a depiua#ing infliieuce. TIIK MiXHi CLAOM OOMM USION ? iiiavt AWAMUfl 10 Ul- MAbK tO I'.Uirill < I.AIM .\.\ 1-. (111 TIUKUtAffl TOTMMTM0H H 1 WASHiMiroN. S?|it. 'J.?It IpffMHtfl to bo pietty Keiierally boMeVM bv UMM IMiMMM M the MB> i- -i ? tkal Um Mi\.-d <iaini> OMuMMM will maM b.avy awaMM fo ii' iti^li elaini iiitx lor MM MMMi dui ing tbe \?ar. A tfeiii!. iirm WM Ml ample faellMi, ? foi aaccr taininc the t ..t> 1-oi opimon that th- awaid- 111 fa^or ol IMM MMM .'ii- will |0 fai lowai.l MaJMMg M MMM to tbeawaMill Eotm ol Um UMMi UMM MMM by tho Arbitrators at liei.ev.i. Ou.-tinn iu N<-w-York, tt Maaid,Mi aboof M etataM MMiMMJ) UMiMl au.ut |B ,MI MIlM. all of Whi.-Il luu-t Im- vot.d Valid | and |MM I maiiy MOM on n.e MM f.^ting, MMd of MMM - .;re largi r la mmmmm, OEEAT I5i:il\iv. Tl!i; fACRT IAPPH0 ABHOKE?OIWP.MAI, (XWMCtt 0P TIIK IM 1 RNA 1 luNAl. BOCIMTT. L0IWW, Moii-Iiy. s.|,t. 9. 1872. The A:ii(iii':iu fMCMl BMppM) '?'"! MMMW .,_ non u M I ??! Ji ?"!. MJ MMMMl MM Ml UM mjt. BMroi .-ed Mf alicM ImJmi -? IM <;en< ral Coojk U of Um I t h:,r b.-.-n reiiiovid to Novv-Yoik. and h. MMMI vv 11 Ml M that . ity. IM OoaoellMMMMl of Kavaiiauh, 8t. (Talr, l*?nr? ', ISertrant, Kail, Ia-v.-ille, Uavid, Tuniiaiwiere, Ward. BpajMi Daw ??? aud fimrribtn t<> MMMMi by the Ameriran F.-d.MM. Mai x will MMM M MM Ml MM Uuited.-i..-..-. UM Mfi UM I iu i 'i'ty oftMMMMMM to the Int.iiiatioiia! CMlTIM MMfMfMttJ MiwtMMM MMMMf of Um OmmmJ OMMi Ml MMM aud II..* foiui.aiou of ? nevv A.-.-o, latiou M |?fM |ffl M (.'KHMANY. MfOBDIM H ii:i;i.iN?a r.iti.Hj:i:v wi.ij ::i:l BV A M.'ll. 1;ikij\, MMMPi ? :I ''? MW 'l'lic <liM)iil"ily i>;ut ol UM pMMlMtMM of Berlin. MM 001 Moa, MMfMMMi MMMMMl llMMj la?t,to eieate inalii dl.-t.ub | H OM Mftf "f IMMM MMM Mf*, MMMbi ?" n" a.l'.nnem ih.-pii.4 MM Mj H-.p: A '''.. inad.- M MMM MMM th.-lrbreweiy and eomp.ei.-ly wr.-eked 11. T,. ptMMM MMOMMfMHi to MMMtMj IM uowdwitli MMM IWMil. Mi< it WM not dlaporaed until ruauy pcr^ona vv.-re woimded aud a Ml MMMI MMMM arr.sted. Sl'AIN. tAILBOAD LO ii-km'-many PAMHESOCMI BII IB> MAI.rH'. ItlMM/.tl ii 9, 1871 'I'h. DMlgvl t"'M' MbMltMd to UM MMM CMf tes will MMW a ,!? titit ol 2,600,000,000 r.-a'.H. A new loan la.ontemplated lo me. t the waiilsof the Tre.i?ury. An |-|-tiam 011 tbe lureelonaand Yal.-n.;.? Ballway waa throwu froui th<- trtuk MMMM ? MMMMM an.l Tor tona by a laiidnilip. The eara were ovei turu. .1 aml d. inoliahed. fUMMJ HM <?ead are | OMMMl and a ne?!) eleetfld MMM 0M- Audia, wbo MM M th.- tram, .?? eaiwd uuhurt. Further detalla of IMIMmMMM uot coiue to halid 111 cou?equeUce of th.- MMMMJ MMM of the teUgraph liuei. _ tEM WMATBMM. War DEPARTMEMT. > oniri ot tho (niEF en.NAi orrutn.S W'A-HI.NOTOM. I). C. Hi-|>t. 10. 1872?1 il. Ul ) MbMaMf for tfl4 valt MMftMMrMMl An aria of lii^'h buronutir li;i> ezteadeq aouth-earlviard froin (anada ov.i N. w Lii^lan.l. t loudy weather 11 imw pfeTalUnj iroiu ttUUMMf Im lowfr Muhican, and eaatward over tbe MMMM bt.ltea with ure.1- of lam. Partlv elnudy weather over New-Kng.and. (..nerally claar weatbet ovei tbe s.mtli Atlantir and Qnlf 8ui?, and from Mlaaoarl 10 WlaeoBatta and Mumeaota. Tbe teinperatiirc haa fallen ov.-r the .N.v, Euglaud and Middle slat.^. wlier,- aaab 1 iy wiudi ar, n,?w pnvailiug. The barometer 18 loweat ov.-r Nebraaka. PrataMiftM, South MOMfty toaontb-wMierly wlnd8, rloudy weatbet an.l iain for Um tlew-Kngland and MlddieBtataa, tta I a-inda over Um lattcr gradnallr reerlng ui aiutberi) aad voatarly, wltb claarins weaUMl tnm \'.rgnna t?. UMM Erie dunng IM dajr. houtheily towoat4 ilv windu,andportlyclondy weather for the South AUaattC BUtaa, pOMtM] an-ae ..1 raiu ov.-r the Caioliuaa. .. Oanerally olear weather from Loubnana t? AmMmm, aud tiietne nortbward to ) dMinncaoM; eaat arl) 11 -outh.-iiy wladi fM Um Boftk-WoM YKJTKKD.U'S IIIM AM? -TOHM. TMMM vvlio tor 11 Mfcdl pfM liiiYi bfMM <l?v t.viiiR MMJMHMM MMMtai IMM ft"in MM MM MMM HM) the heated term bad j.umm-.:. have i>- .-n doonied to hitter ' dlAapiMDiutmeiit. On hunday |H-oi>le tami.-.l that tho | heat wae ouly for a dar, but jeaU-rdaj nbowed tho fallacy of thf ir ei,uelui>lon?, and gave httle proiniae ol auy lmuiediato iiiiprovetnent. Tlioae wbt ieft tho MMMMMl Mi MMMMM MMM MM MMMi tlieiiim-lvfa back agalu, and aluioet every one MMfMMtUflrd witb tho eotidltuiu* of the atmoapbere. Th. <h. ... 1 i.t i p. n, wa^ tbe MMMMbJ featurv ol the day, rendering tb?* late aftertioou aud eveulug agMftral) MttgMlfM. At i a. ui., yeaterday, the thermometer tiidn at. .177v; at 9 a. m., Mr*l at 12 m., 86? ; at 3 p. m.. ?i?, aud al I p 111., TS?? the average for the day lielujj t-^i . Tbree eaaea of ?unstroke were n poit.d. (Jeorav) Youmntert. agc 24. of Hudaon Clty, wae proatnOed at Uey aud Canal-su.. aud MMM hotne aft< r tuatment. Jolm H,,pkiu?, age 27, of No. 162 Wa?liiUKtoti ?t? waa pnmtrated 111 WeM ?t, aud taken to the Park Juliua HefUer, tmrtljjtt No. tov Eleveutb-ave., waa pi.? trated at Madiaou-ave. aud Furty-flith-at., aud Ukeu bouie. Dunng tbe tliund.-r nhower ot tbe a/ternoon tbe acboouer Wil.latu Fleiulut;. ul Poit Jldintoii, v??* aUu.k by llitbtulug. aud luu maiu aud iiiaiulopiiiiiata wrrn autverrd TUe acbootinr Jauir* B. J..fin?ou of P.irt K> puolii. N. J.. from Pui t Jobuaou, for Kkbuioiid, Va., waa i-.k*b> auunt . .-Uleu Islaud. Hci foremaat aud fuielopuiait. aiao atrucltrby ligbtuiug ? hile 1>iuk at m, h?r vS yuax were badl.v damaged. t'atherlne Aiutolo, agt> 7, of No. 207 Weat Tweuty fourtb-at.. wax luatantly killed by a blow on the bead fiotuaabutler, wbich fell froui the tlOlntutj of tbeaamn bunaiu*-, durlDK lUe *iorui, yealerday afleruoou. A Frentli nobU'tnau,?nuiue uot friveo,?|MJ takeu aucb a fauey for the neat workmauKhtp of tbe auilloiine that he followa tbe publle exeeatiouer on all tba bualsMa eauediUoua mado bv taai tuuctiouafv.