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TIIE HASSLEl^EXPKDITIOy. nHAI LABOEl AND TOTAL RF.sui/rs. I-Y BOLLOW?TOK SCKNKRY IN TBI IU1 Of M'AP! l..'..-.;.M)l? FOKTl'NK AT *AN DIMOO?TH1 F.NTIKK BXPBDITlM A ? IfMOMAM (MXUMOXlb OOMKMM IMBMMf Of TBM TMBWMB.] S,N f .. CpJ., Bept 2.-The etoiuner - iiulav evonini:. Augltst*. MM IMllll I MMM Tiiefl-lierinenof tbepla.evve:, ? I OM own MMMtti party were not M MMMMMl II I PMMM , v Ilollow ; lta qulet : b) b.-iutiful MMatolM! ,t8 0I1, , ,1 wi h a pMMMM of tall MMM palma; Ibe MVMeMMM I: >m ihe town to tV fort. half a MlM fMMM, MMMi ' ' l l),<1 ,,m*, <r''',,: MMMM MMU < ',n'"1' ?"**! only thr.-e or four MMM M tho port. If it b Ml Ml MM for tbe heat. weidiotiM Ii IMM iMMjMMMMM ?>i, a"d I MiOMM MMllMwawlUlMMriMjMlM ,,-?. of IMM UMM I , .-Terwa^pre s : : "I!e tboofbl a vlslt to Bi WMfli I r '? ' ' ' " ;'"' - h . I ? :? .,,,,?,, . ?! MttMPMl MMM , le of M iy, I inust 11 - UMl MWMblMMlf MM of ha- I !U"' ,M' "'" ... ! The (,,?,!! Ml BafUab ??"??" ... and eMMMI .! UwiOf humanlty, aud ' - Ml M BMSMJO. : 7. Tbe MMMI M we weut ont of Um '? botwOM M mm! the ,n:,|,i ' , : MCTgf MM tho MMM . me ..f palwUagl vvhleh I havo MM UM hill of UM Mu-eiim. Wl l,aT,.'l. m MMMM MM (iitni MoUfuL TM IM Mi MMMMJIMMM 1 ju-1 nortliof H of tM)bra ? ? bf thr.,or MMMM' i. om rMwal >wati UMaottk were Mrrel] I '" '"' WM 11 :.i ru'purple, a lomt MMaoi boaoi; MMM that 1 '.ehitid MMM a MM of p.irpio I11II-; e-till further MM bluo mountaln*. an.l thet! >Terall? MriMOf 0MmM of varvinjr | CMtM M?Mua,off< in t ln-rainy aeatxm , aext Moniag wi ..!:,, aud pMMMM ; and MMMI I ? M MM1 MMM "' rala.00 UM MWMMJ of UM mh. By . we bad a MMM baai-wMM whi. h ? At MOriM ?n IM UM we ? UMMMhMk fol'iu the ouu.r . tlaii MMffMMMl haibjr. B*l found Mm? I ffathenugon-liill.i.ii lichen |N (naai MM. l.'i- j.i.nt only growa iu abrwly, MldMiraaiof 1 aa wiiich laii UoMi growi mo 04- bat ?'" *?*! Oid ? ? IJ .ul, leat.I.g, lilld owMboun IN Ol l: <)? I l "I M '.T *T I.A8T. iti?,, bvlabro UMl M MM th ? OU Suudav. u h-re 1 ?a befo: : ; 1 I I . .ti 1 hmM aad mmmI lor a ..ii ;:'.M-r. The .rohiiig 11.>t ftXlat, tiio MMltlfk ? DMifO. II *??* a foi IM naUtraUaU an 1 for us all. It ? :ad we I who at MMM made u feel at and fishers) .'- M UM pi Ma, if we ex -. pl a f.-w lndiau.4 in 1- '..inin,' ti-UK All n.-w town?MMMiMM indii 1 . or BpaaMb, 1, a 1 ? I???deetion - fr.un ? MM MM of hills ruuning Bouth y M the wc-t, an.l tvw) ; witheachot ? '..? east, by a ? irrow Mrip of sea MMll. ,., i;... -nr are MMMM MMM iof Wbleb, OM Ma DMfO and BeW MM ,-tanee. Ia the new town :-? p-iblinlied, and a t-t-uiuer leive .ii'ih for Sati PnMMMM. ' WklM W0WM1 UM t MM WM MMMiMyMMMi over tho arrival of pi, MMM aad ?>!'- 1 Mi rM I BMMOMa, to MaM arraugo <,n UM >'-'1111.1 -ii'.eni-iit of vvoik on UM MM1 . u., Ha'!. Th" town haa ?,u bn:.. in . i.'.i that a ranway eoiniiiuni. ation wilh : kual at no dfataal daj bi Ofaaai with thm. MMMpaltOf (.'alifoinia. But : h id MffOa to uiako tho heart ?l.k. Thoao BMnaaaof UrMffhai MgMMMMM the ,xp( a - lo MM BMM M - ..ti. aud UManraagMMal MMMbj MM With thec.lizon.-ol UMMWa have putev, -iy . - BMbl(hMiriU,aa4tM7Mokforward aably.M the raind giowth of tbt-.r !*ATfKAI. AMflMTAMM OF 8AS MECO. 1 is exeellent. It neoda aome care to . l; v.-r from tilliuR lt wlth ?10111 breakln-; the, beaih hat' MMMOM the is'and, aud thiii obviate the ir'Mnthe main MMMM] and to preveut wharf and MMf " MMMMM " M tlie diHt^it future .j.',,,,.. t.i.'f. The rtituationof tho town rttMa hard fuundallon for tmildlM 1 moMmM M ? MiMfollyMaabM, ltMraUMt r, 1, u wtadadlli an oMMl H?o dMoeUMi of the form that tbe wlndmlll nced only bo aet for . anl with a windmlll to lrrlijate one can MM Mf 1 rop. Mauy BMMM, oj oUtMj IMj grapeB, 4c., ,llly ? | for a liuie and thtn MMUt N ., h p<i- nnia! moUture. Froatt couie only ,r? and are theii exceedlngly s^ , -atbered from buahes that bad k in tbe year for Uiree VM 'I an exoellence Burpaaa Mj aayttlM I otM MfMi. The city la weii ., d ?'.'. aud the uncletts of cltizona alroady ? ts of MMMMJ quality. The Horton 11,,,,-- MtM ffttdpal hotd.ll admlraWy kept ,ntbe neat- - ' .ouifortai'ie ttyM, with I . wat.r andolh.-i i es.audagood tabie. < me . .,? ,,'., at home tbere aa weU a> iu auy <lty ol mauy peraona ln prli - Doetaatapmeoftbe bMlfrolta h anl HpauiBb eiviliratiou d nne. la zoo.ogj oiir naturallBt foand a ,1. F.fiv-three d:rf, r.nt upeclea o lWh, and W or ? ?tbi-I anlinair. were added to tlieir eollee iLut th? eingof very rare and vul wTrefo.wal ..,,..<-' c,,U'd Takr juataa mauj " '" oboM. ai many,tMtla,M be tUo..giit ue c. uld uiakt MOMl at boiue. IMK MtbtLlS OF Tllt HIMHIOT OuAiw. 28 we paiicd w.tU real regret from our now MMMMMMMImMMI aud Ml^lflllll ffcMMM at .-aii . lavou-.l Mf the vialfeM MUMOMMMOaMMtM il-t at MMMO. an? JropiM | Ml an, aoi m the ha.lbor of Sau Frauciaco al 9 u'L-iotk TM txpedltlon BMfM h.-ie MMl but Prof. AgaMi. a.lbl^M. .b.i-?hi.'?, vvj.l UUia.u M M^MI what H.ey i-an H thm haibor MfOM Wl Th.-ir meeeM duriM '!"' "?'hole vojage iu coi le.t.n, ' ?pOOlMOM of flsb aud clher vnnuaia bav. be>u truly wouderful; uew and uiikuowu ipi apparently bMB cv.rywhore awalMac tMbr arrival to rereal UmmmItm; rare and valuab'e flaliea ...uie freely aml ln uutul^erB to gtfc MMM .v> - up, anU ihe uiuiu ..r-l.naiy IPMMl MM c^ui.) into their Hti iu auperabundaJ I M w" bave Uirown ba.k nviuc luto the aea very fre-|iientl> niore tban Mlf of wbat tlie aeiue oroiiKfr. up. The. whole uumberof flah brought b'.me liotn the \oyagr wUJ piobai Ij exoMd 30,oio. and tho oiher anl maU of all d aill piubably Bweil the niimber of Biieeiiuentt liro i^ht hoiue to ovar 10U2JU0. It ii, how ever, ibe qiiality aml klude that irlve valoe to their < o IfOtlaa MH,. r taaa the mere uuubert; and the llai>li i BxpedlttOB Wfll have pi'.miii. ut pbtce iu tiiH bluloi y .f il/ui0. ' the uuiuber of n. w ipoi 1.1 dMaai ered, aa well aa for tbe valuable oollectiou of matcna ? on w'hn.b onginal auaton i. al iuveatixalioue uia.v barc after Ik' niadi.. Ir, UM hut.iry of phyaica ibe ex|iediUon will alao be RMOMMmA, uot lor the MlM dredgin** wbicbcireumi -atrolof tbeome^ra of Uio vevM I }, .v.i.t.-d lt from uiakiiiK, bnt for the val naiile ifeolo. made for the brat ttme. in iljtj ?outh lemperaUB lone bv an obaerrer tbon.turiiiy couferaantwith the MUoaOf glaoler* aud the- gbMUl nurth of IM eouatox; tue obetrver wb<> tunt deux.ted the marka, now appareut M every <ye, whirh deiiionBtraW the exuteuoa of ?la<'iai iMi it tajlora the t.irtn of me preeent giaA-i. ra, i their inoal eit, i. ' U tlM n.ue UioUIIm, Ihe little coiupany bavMi.celv.-d the courteout attautton of UieohTcer?of Ihellajilei.aud tuWyed tbi raie prlvi legea whuh the .- i-n riutendeut of ity Coaal hurvey and KocrcUiry of the IMMMJ bad granted ; ulne luoulhs of LoiiUnaoua and variod enjoyiiieut, The liaaater mnw fuundii. La Vvawvoi UoJ'auuc uvaei ul vuo ? Manaa, bai ?** ???* Torag* haa not beon Idle. It baab^nouipoyail Imudr-i.Ullv m a winner not teaa v iluabl thau U* wurk to whieh ahe reoanl la apmaflMi y d voi? T*" realeraof Taa TatOOBB would ba anplr r-,,.,11 .'.rr.wi.Uastho letMM here brotuut to a Miae, , . 1.1t ev f.-H n tlielr peraakl a emall fraetlm. of tbe l.ieturelhavelolt lu recallmg my dellgUttul oip. - TEM SKYf U9BT AT THK FAIR. -? Tlio MaaBapM of tho Amorican IuatituVo Jastopenedin the Rmk Buildlng, on Tbird-avo., have lali aiaMd laataaa f?i T ?ydrieligbl.Bat alB bbmbmmbi n-e it ihiTJig the Aiiuual Fair. Thia wlll give our cittzena a prartioal U?at ol its ralue and a?a!lawlity for BJBMral usc. Tiis light haa been cxhiblted for aome tlme pvt to Bm pahBa aMaacb tbe goo.i af Um DapaiMaaaB of Pablto Vark-, al thn lnterseotmn of Twenty-fourth-it, a itu liroadway and Fiftb-ave. Crowds of eurloua paapta ^htlyaaaemblod in frontof tbuFiftb Avenue Hot'l aml along tho lino of Matison-squaro to enjoy the Bptoaaaaraf tbaOJaataattoa btadaood by UtfMafUMM lights,two *>' whieh ahinc M UM aldowalk and one ta UM Bpaea, aiaflBd vbkb at thia point tne aaraag of trafllo whlrla and eddies nlmoit a* Bjgarty by night as by day. Nothlng t ould be more aatiafacu.ry IbaaUM bnlllancyof thii soene, unlwo are very suro that none of our readere bavo overduring tho paat throo vaaaa laaad ibaMaaliM aaawBafaaa from ttaaadMaaa diuk and gloom of wBM nround without a feelmg of regret that lt ahoal.l be so r privalo aaMaptlMM make a ahow of the com im.ii Btiaat at BM patatj andaobard for the publlc ser vloo to make lUu aireet llaelf ave.n doc-ntiy tMMa at all patata, As axalMMal at the HafllMB auaara apaa> Ing. there ia | :rU:niy i.? comp.u.v.:i batWMa the af li. iemv of the new ligbt aud that of UM obl. But wilh .1 p.oplf rnaulU are not, and from the n iturt. of M eannot be, 'be only thlns to bo MM laaaaaataaagtba aaattaatllay of a now taapawreaaaat We all know t.'ntltia po.v-ll le on ct rtain af the bost -,1 best BppOtBtod Fngllsh ruilwavs M MBbe B ip e.l wttb expraM tralns af a niilo a miniito. Of VtJ ibanH all liko to tiiakt. aa good a apoed on our own BM taagaaattaaM aaUay aad bMaaae MMpaM H M tonleul ouraelvea wuh a lower rate of locoimition, ; in the peaaaat aaadttMa of our AaMrtran raii ai, l in Uka maaaae whUa wa al) of ia ra a the bMnfj aad flMlranlnariM ii Baaktag our atraal iW uao make* ibo tu-i-bborlioo.l of M.nli-on BOjaaN , .? brigbt bv algM aa tttory aro by day, M'u aro obllRed to aak alao BfbattMB tbta ba daM without grratly Inereasing tho , oal of BM llluminaliou. II this now oxy-hydrle light, taa tixaaapti. i- faaad to rcquire an aattay, aav, of 25 or rent over the existing gas, it tnay still jm-r!i ? desirablo to tuo lt ln o ir thorouirhfarcs and pBbtte ., bal it v,.n ba etoarty taapraetloabta te lutrodueo nirelv intoour houiea and plaees of amusement. taUMMMOf theelty, as every serio.H UMMMa in the ja.wer af Illnmination by algbl bltaga with it a c.rrela :,v taetaaM ln the ooat of Insptetlng and prott:fting tbe otty, it mii:h: M faaad aba ipM ta the aad to aaa the i prooaaa. Batla the mm of aar/ghraa prrraM , an addition of MorMPM aaal M I btUa uiuht more than aoaalarbalaaM aapadfaataga ho would deriro from the more effectlvo light bjg of bia h.mse. And ao ln the caao of eaa paaeea af pahtta amusement, aaal a gUauaan adgbl iraw t.>o Imm ly "" ,lj0 line of pr""1-'* ta m.ik.. it worttwbfla to tacartaa ajraaaat expentv. BaaM and oUarf pra. UOBl couMderatniua iu tkodebjt.- batwOM UM , ;!n: new eould not well be aetlled by tba nm-t LforgaMB fltaplaj iu the publio BgaaiM Tho araof Um Palrof Um AaMrieaa Iaatttata bara vi ii. th. n. in aaakfag Bitangeaaeata M aaable m M deeddeUM bmMmM awtotoara aad fattty dartag taatr paaaaal BMaaaa. Thoy havo introdueed the Oxy-IIydrii) batotba i:ink baliding. and lt will tboro ho BBa> d tOthaMM not only of vision but of aupervi-ion. 1. - ball M ai.le to make up our minda aa to rho eomiiar ni.Mtaof the old BjeaaaM and tho new in r.-i" t not. only of illumlnatlng jniwer, but of manage ibleuoas. of wbatoeoaBaaaaa, aad M expaaaa. it is aaa ttdag to be ? .I th it a jiartieiilar kind of Ucht can bo safely and adiaatataoMlj uaed out af daara, aml aaataM to t.a aat MBad Btoo that it can be safely and adwintugeon-ly used within four walla. Wheu fbe ordiuary carbuntcl hydrOgM gas was flr*t Introdueed into use propba m a WOW U nle that it would be fouud impoasible lt u-" it in ?waOtagBaaaaa, byreasonoflta noxious ipon UM atatoaphera. These prophesles have not bpea ontiifily fnllllrl; bat thay bare aM haea aaUraly unfiillllle.l either. It has not been foimd lniposalble for to Ii\. in th.- nii.rn-> ta whieh this BM Ii habitui.lly e..nsnmetl, but lt baa been and It dally Is found uutle alrable, aad iu bmm eaaM peaBaraly daabjaaaaa, for tbaaa to tlo so. In many MaBM of the better sort thn ear hureted bydrog.jn gaa la rlgidly eiclutled from BM ?? livlng rootna," ataapaag ap.?rtm> uta. aad UM BbB. UM larbun Md nj droge.. gM i= BbM laaad ln pBM BaM to be a v.iv light for thoao who bave mutb rtudiug or arrttlagtada, <Jcculiita earuoatly dlscourago IU uae by BaaB j?eraone. That the promotera of the uae In thla country of tho OXy-fcj drlo ligbt havo no foara of ita belni; found leaa dt siraMe aud availablo than thn common gas is plaiuly abewa by thelr willingness to let ua teat lt, as tho Uian BgMaafttM AmMMMI Instituto BaM pr..po?ethat wo h.ill. |They tiaBB for thelr proceas, ln faet, that the llght lt snpplies ls not only relativeiy but absolutely cheaper than the ligbt of tho eurbureted hydrogen gas ; that it is ao far irom behag inlurious ta heallh aa ta be po.-itively atlvarl..-?<?..u-to h.-.iliii. and that lt M safi r uiid moro . ontroBabta taaMatn than the ordinary gas. W* e.ill rprOMM. Thiaiinot stnclly aeeuraU;. Mmy year.-i afo tbe prmciple on whieh it resta, beiug tho in troduetion of oxygen at the point of eonibuMiou wiiii tomiuon gaa, waa appliod to tho produe Uaa of a light kuowu aa the "limo light." Tliia linht waa greatly admlred for its' alaaaaaaa, and arhromatio brilliamy. But it was fouud too eoatly t," pnnluetlon, and thn combuatlou w.ial found to be not alwaya bocurcly coiitrollabhj. It so.iii, therefor.-, paas.,1 into tb>- . atecory of apleudid cu rMattMB, andeeaaed to bo u.>t:d exeei?tiug for feativala and rare oecasloua, aud oecaaionally to jiro.luc e seeuie effecU iu theatera. But tho proccsa now exhibited to us may lu a meaaure be falriy cailed new, laa>much as it avaaeaaBM tJie abyaaUOM raiaed to tbe apphcatlou of tbe pnm iple la the uae af the "llmo light." lt waa iuveiiud by a Freneh chemiat, M. Tesaie du Mouy. M. oVu Motay founded hia luvontion upou two chemieal facta. All uietallic oxitleaor aoitla wln.-h will for ? with potasaa, soda, aud baryU binary oombiDatlona eapable of auper oxidlaation, poaaosa tne propcrty of yielding thelr oxygen at certaln temperaturea when they are aubinitted to the aetion of a curront of eteatn. After l.elng tbus deoxidiaed,.theae botlies possesa also the propt-rty of being reoxidized wheu they are expoaed to the aotlon of a eurreut of alr. Having theae faeta to go upon, M. Teasle du Motay simply effocta a diroct production of oxygen by mcans of atmospheric gas. One of the binary Jcompounda above alludod to, ho it per uianganate of potaaaa, ferrato of aoda, ebromate of banta, or what you will, is phMad ln aretortatthe minimum or at tho lnaxnuitiu of oxydation. If at the iiilnimiim, It la auperoxldUed by a current of the atmos phere; lf at the niaxitnum, it ia dcoxidlzrd by a current ofateam. The oxygen and the BMBM isaulng from tho rabMl naaa tog.ther luto a coudenser; the ateam la con denscd ibore, aud tho oxygen paaaea on'and la colloeted iu a gaaholder. When the steatn haa Oone Its work, and dlsengaged all tho utllliable oxygon of the binary com pound, a current of alr ls Introdueed to auperoxldite tho eoiupound agaln, and so on alternately us long aa rnay bo ueceaaary. Under thli system the mauufa<turo of OSygM haa becomc aofacllitated and eheapened that the ?? llme llght" becomes comuierelally avallable as well as i ?< rtain of totubuation, and of inarveloua purlty and olear ntsa. Carefulexi>erlmonU glve lt aa a re>ult that 2.000 fttof oxy-bydrlc gtu, produclng a light equal to that afforded by 10,000 feet of ordinary gaa, can be aupplled at au exiH:ii?11 io"re than 60 pat eajBt lower than -t of tl.e 10,000 feet of ordinary gaa. Wheu thls astoulsldug reault waa tlrat attalned la Ft.cland and Franco, aome flTc years was thought aaeaaaary to uae dupheate malns, nietera, and flttlncs ft all sorts, In ant h wlse aa nearly or qnlfe t.. neiiirallre the unnliiution in therost of the illumlnatlng ic ia itaeif. The new proeeaa, llierefore, did nut Uud com ulete favor. Thia difh. ulty, the proiuotera of the new SaaeaM toll ua. baa flually been overcomt. The uew gaa la aiready lu uae, eoouomically and avai.ablv, on tbe laiinevardBof 1'aria; aud we are aaanred that a abort experienea of ua e?ploymeut at the Kink wdl satiafy ua Uut it may be ^ applied with a.miuirly ativautagDinis resnlta ln Vew-York. In the flty of Buffalo the promotera of the ?ewaeM bave pro\ed tlielr faitb by thelr workn. The.n buildiiiga there occupy a api.e ,.f i.,a feet front by ? in depth, and they have undertaken to aupply e..iiaiin,ets, in aetordanrn with a e.ui lition nres. rii.ed By the antboritiwa t?f Buft.Jo. with tbe uew and enurnioualy fniprowt llght, at an eeonomj Bftt P"r MBt up<m tbe . in ordinary ?aa. No cbange otlhe aen'it t-'plpe^ wlll be roqulred, aud the people of Bufflilo will ebortly bai. ^t lanr tointuaud. at iheao reduoed ratea, a 34 tandle ligbt ln plaoe of the 11 or 13-windie light, whkb, aa our aad experietiee ttlla ua, ia tbe beat wo .can tapoot from the ordinarj gaa. If thla euii N- ilotw- iu Buffalo it can certalnly be done in NVw York. And if we tlo.l that the exy-aydrli BM eao U-?iip.Hie.l to tho luauagera \>t tho Ameiican In-I tuteforlht) illumiuatioii uf th? Uiuk at a cheaper nate than tbe old gaa; that Ityleldaa btigbiej-, ?..ftvr, purt r ll.umlnation there than the old gaa ; that ft parlfle. nml leaveo rltal the Btmocphere of the buildlng, Instea.t of oppreaaing and e.xhau-Ung It, It la nut Mkely tkntwo aiia I b ng aubiuitt. Ueiiiff aMV?ti ln our puaile inJldoea, i iiera, our eharrbaa, aml tmt homca wttbutiiu' fexiur articlc al a tughct rate of cost. rOLlTIOAL MISOELLANY. BLANTON DUNCAN8 FIZZLE. WIIAT 13 THOP.'.lir OF IT IN VIKCINIA AND BOBTfl (AUOI.INA. IFrom tiik nnnM oorrksponprht or ttir tribchk.I Nobkoi-k, V.v., 8.-NVw< fWM tl.r.o davaold by the UM it reaoboa MM polnta ln K.iMern Hlllb CMMMM. aalft-?? nnUl H.u onlay that ?a heard at Plvm MM tho rwtult of the I. MM v BM "rdraii-ht oiit " Oinveiilioti. Of < ourac lt WM UM 1" adlnu MfM of DMVMMttM, thoittrh I ?f?w no one MMM Ml or M the waytoNorfolk who woiTld that M had cvor liad any ?yrop?thy with BMbMM Tiunean'B MMM*. A few NortliiCMMMMM MMM I MM M t MMMTMi IM Mr of MM MMMM with whhh the naroe of fMrtM O'Oonor and one or two other MM> able and IMfMtli MM MMMi ?llh It by IU pro tooMM, and I have aeen in every aectlon of tho Btato MM and then- a DMMMM who aullenly atmoiinccd hl? detorinlnation uot to vote for the liMfl MMM. None ,.f BmM MWW either aid or cotnfort lo Duncan'a (Vmvcntli.n. They genorally sald that thev MMfMi the fa. t that the DMMMMM p.irty had been sold otit, and UMl MMM they MMi 'Jrant MM than Urr.lcy, tney w.mld not, uiider any MMMMMMMj vote for either ?'t-they would uot M deliv.-r.d." 8oino of the?o nien harl alreadv MMMM MMM I left, about two WMM ueo, ni MMM MM MMMM to i\? bo aa ooon aa I/iulaville MMMM M heard frotn. Il Mt, 1 d'-ubt lf IMH Wlfl MMMI "SinUlit-onu" in the MM t? "iako an tbkot of; two BOMMMMM who voted for raldweP, I um told, had to M MSi ? ordor to fona a (lflogationof three to Bend to LmMtHM BM M Vlrirlnla, I learn that MM BMMMM element m N MMMVMl MMonser, thonth no4 Mifflelently bo to en MM? MMMMMl Uckel, Alinost every InteUlgeat CoMxillMlTO MMM I have rnet speakB re qMOtfalr/of IMMM IdMMbMM BafB be haa no politlcal :nii mm. mnrn mmowM mm apMWMiaflM motmmI toa UMl BtaM. ta IMM, and waa, ap to IM MMMM ol the LoalerjUo ConTontlcm, feara been throwingcoldwateropon the gre. '?,'?"".,''',: The muerable falluroof tbli dod ?? of tbe Adm tlon will. how-ver, brin [ ??""? ""'i' x" ."'"' aeaaea. Two of the M prMMMM of th.-m MMM irJ'lcannot the ccneral foellng |>f tho pApleofVlnrlnlaaiid Mortti CaroUnaMttertMn oy re peatiugwhat I beard an old farmoraayon the cani, >?.a .-r.l .v At Ii -i-i adoien men were llatenlng and not on; diCiited: "Now my oplnlon." lald be."Utbatthat Oonventlon was pnt np bv two elaaaeaof t.!?-. "'.? Urantmenwbo bopedtoilvldaUM '.re.-iey ?... f.-w DemocraUof oo iccounl wbo desired to <??*tiienv nto aellout tothe p.rtyih.i wouk paymoat. l? 0*Conorwo?ld have atood, tbei wmii. have badBOBMmarfcet \aiue. but an lt MUM) nwn t tln?. eUhel pai ty WtUiM 1" pTI th. ui a eeut." urm rxoa a caboidatm roa m pbisi DfJMTI Al liu. l.oU.svTLI.K OOMVMMTJOM. Jnsepli K. EdfMlMMB i?i Iiidiuii;'. the f-'-'iitle man whom BMMft luanairera were anxious to havt MMMMMl by the Loulsvillo aido-show wltl tho hope of tbua MfllMMJ MM Lllienl tlrkc; in IMMM* ha8 MMMM a MMM WMM. MMM little Bympalhy with tho MMMM Imprnctleablea ?tter <-m ? .no' MM 'ariie-t d'dire for MMM lliatlot and )im BMMM .!? MMM Demorratlc princlplcs, ln i MIMf that (irant i? a man ?'withntit mora. elevation. and without tru- fMaMMfl <> MMI Md M a MMMM l.Hpartv, anl in. MabMofrMMl MaayMOM MMMblgh ooBooptfaaM ius ofMi than he 1b UM Oovernmeiit." In MMMMM he MfM PMMMllr>MiM aDOMOMOt, I would pref. r other men to (Jreelei aud Brown tor Pnaidoat and VieernM dent, Moal Demacrata oould bave cboaen other men froM aatong tM candUUtea hefore Um CinelnnaU Con veution wbo wonld Mve aulted tMm b.-it..r. * * ? ? Bul liu- paople did aol a lo?< Umm. WoaponUpeouiand nnlted roloe ol th, parti i i Ibe p op.? 1 for them. The Cincuiuatl Conventlon, led bi the burbeat lutein ranoi and abiiiiy of tho Bepobllcan party, fUd not il,. in. ThoBaltlniore Conventlon,Um reeognUed repn .of the l" raw ratk party aa a natlonal or ?? inliate n, dld uot cho. M ?hi ui. What theii iMJl I 00 I shall I, from mero prtde of oplnJon oi bocaoao of per -onai pi. 1.1. ii , ??. >,r ii'.iii any baaei n loUve, faJJ Mm op, ,,t wiihibegreat maaaofmen of mj owa p-.ny and i-i.ii. Iplea tor- nd i ?d rovernnMut^to ,MV , ounti. i BbaD 1 rola for Oraat, or taU lo voi.- foi tireeley, and tbua (rive atrengtb and eucoeai to a i.aitv iiiid to uieii who, ...1 I hoiiestly laslievo, will not Svethe eountry peaoa and good gov< rnmenl l For one. aaacltUan and ? Democrat. taltbful to tbe prlm Ipb i of tM party, aa I undoraund tnem, I Mti fr-.m UM tir-t announcement of tbe CintdnnaU aomlnaUon and plat toiia i-' lievi -I it io bfl wiae and patrlotM for Um DMm> oraUc party to aupport Groeley aud Brown. ? ? ' * i',,,-m,.im are nol party, norare | ?; md it i were Ii ??? ol ? Demo* iat than I am, I would ni to i,,ai:ita.n tbe bolwarki of Democracj bj yieldinj por* to tbe malrontentf of tM Lonbrvlllo Conventlon, wbodo not, m l b. h- v.- repraat nl altMr tbe Demo. ratio party oi IU prlnciplisa, but are, poaaibl; wltl uniliifi to inbreri both. lt would reqpire more than tbe creai prof4Matoaal rapatatlon of ir. I barlaa O'Oanor, .,r Um famlly namaof ftfr. John (Julney tdaaaa, evaa if : iro gentlemi n bad a< -1 pu d tbe dul lotu Mnor ,?' v.nir iioiiiinalioii. to re.leein > ..ur Conventlon from the i-ont, mpr ilin- to i fr?al railiin iu all that cau fttfMlif ? i.o.i'i. al iiiove'ie n . ,-1,'i-pt a poaaible power ?? f dolng barm to IL icauseil profi ued M bon r ai l U L R ipeotfally, foan, Jobf.i-h K. MMM I KXFKH8E8 OF OBAVTI ADMlM>i BATION. vviiAT OBB. LOOAM AM> fJOBOMMMaWAB DAWfJ - \n? ABOOT IT. Tho IIon. Wbi. IL BpfiOfMI of Tllinoi* in n recent ipoocb tbai M0WI ?ut of UM MMMM M Q4M> I>> pan Mi Mf. DaWM the UtarlMMM of th. drant atew ard.-hip : Then- MM MM an aMfMMf MMMM 'n publlc expend ItwM und< r Orant'i Admlnlatratkm. John a. Lagin. - i a inaioh in t! a Bmm ol BepraaentaUTM two yt-am aco, axpoaed the frlgbtful extravafance ln tM Wm Depart Dd clted th.- faot Ibal tt.irtv--. vrn recimenta eoct the enormeua Btun of MT.OOO.OM p<-r annum. H eharged that mu, h of tfeli greal expendltara, amouiiting to H.oio a fi-r e.i. ii .ii th.- aerVMO, waa Bijuau dered nrxm naeleaa itaff ofllcera tn om eaM MMM i?r annnm waa pald for rent of ofBeM for head.iiiarUTH for MM deiaehiue.iit of Mf UOOM ni Maw-Yorfc. John waa playlng honeat then, und oiddini.-hi>;h fornaeat ln tho unfted BtatM Benate. Bi nai raacnod hi-* priM. but now defendB the aani. Adinlnlstratlon, ihe extravii ifance of wi.nh M b:ia s > oft.-u Maonaoui. He was abnoat paranaded to M a LiberaL For tho la.-^t year of Andrew Jnbnaon'i adminUtraU<m M eatUaaMd tbe auioiint aaCN --;,i) i" ? -urrv M the (Jovernment at 1:103,dou,UW, aud OoagHM cut Uila etitnuato down f20,ooo,ouo. Tho eatimaurfoi Orant'i admlulBtratlou for t'.e fearlBTl, waal B1^WT,0M, or |<l,l MkOWmora than the approprlattoM for tM iiist- year of Andrew Jobnaou'a ailiiiiiii-tiate.u. 'IhVfa.iwaa stated iu tho Houae of Kepre?< ntativen by Mr. Dawe.4 of MaBBailihpottN, a year ago l.iit Wlntar. Hen wi ban tMadmlaatonof (irant's friendaandebbrfaoppartMi. that hin MMIMMMMmM extraviik'aiit, and lhat lt o<iata tho eountry uearly |f.o.ooO,oo.J luore than waa allowtd ?i re^uired under An? drew Johnaou. TH?: NORTII CAKOLINA KUECBKM. OIIICIAIi YOTK fOB OOMOJttfJMAB? fXBfX PI3 TB1CT. 1RT1. 1W. 1W2. ^C'n!?TE.TnO!?.^ ?floTiaJtllB.-, ? CmIIHM,-, i:rp. 2vm. Ain. l.\>>. Adm. Lib. Covntitt. Agi.u-t. K-r CiHMlBatdawa OaMi. C?o?r. Beaufort.C?M UM....1M1 1M1....MM l.'2?8 Bertie .1,443 M04....1,614 W'J....1,612 M4 ( aind. n. 638 640.... 6-* 66J.... 662 661) Chowan. 722 Mt.... 742 676.... 75? 672 Currltuck. 400 on ... J49 Trj_ ?rt3 782 Dare. *?? 11M ... 270 MJ.... 177 213 (iliteB. 420 Ml..., 612 754.... 614 738 Hertford. 855 771.... W 874.... WO Hii Hvde. 642 MM.... 610 816.... <V* 700 Martln.1.J43 l.Oil....1,048 12MM...JMI 1,031 Paliilieo.New Counly... MM 44?.M 428 PaaqaoUnk.1,061 6.'i?....i,053 e57....i,oi8 662 P.ri|Uliiiau8_ 866 644_ '.dd ?42_ ?'j6 64(3 Pltl.1,778 1,724. ...1,775 1.7H2.... 1,775 1,768 Tvrr.ll. S?7 ML.... 34T 8'Jl_356 389 ?Aarlinifclou.... -.15 46a.... ?1T 4VJ.... 911 486 Total.U.-:>1 10,978 13.507 MUM 13,523 1*1.101 Majority forCllntou U Cobb, 1,411 ; majority for Cald WnHj 1,305 ; inajority againft Conventlon, 1,713. ABOOT TWEKD. /Vom TlM 7'Mi.i.lWj.Ui }rtu Twerd is saiil to have MbMriMd $75,000 for the (irteley canvaaa. New-Y'ork U Btlll a DlMMMtM .-lty, aad M Tammany 1b naturally a ataurh Bupporter of the lienioeratle eaudidate, while oiir Harrlni.urK Hiug aalli under th. colori. Warmotb m Louia lana and War.ier lu Alabama with H.-publie?nB while tbat waa the wiunintf aido iu BMM Mtate*. but both are goo.l OfMMfttM now. Boltgoaa, Your ^euiUne p.iliti ral Mtftaa, iMMh dafd) ? >u riug?, alwayaattach ^hcmaelvOB to the uiajonty party. llndccd ! Had n't the MfMMMB editor of Th* Prt$$ bet ter read the paperi a little I A good many roiruei bave rome lo the Oreeley alde, becatiBO that klnd of gentry are qutck to diBeern tho wlnnlng Blde ; but Mr. Tweed waa not aiuciig tbeiu. BMM ln that, Mr. 1 w.-. .1 haa had bard luck of late. Koad hla di?ap|>roval of Tlie, aud revlae yourcalculatlont -t'<l.] CAMPAION OLKANINOH. WHAT IS TIIuUOHT <>K WUMVB't KNOW-NOTn ING DKNIAL. r rfti Miiior o/ ra? frllaaa HBI I havo m-eii a lettor over HM aignatureof Vitrj WiUob drnrlBf ILtt k? rttt mu | Koow !4otli?f; ?Ul!c| lh?t ?? th* roLtriry b( ilnri rtttxni fcirantf to l|bt mul \U 4?trl onUI |>rln?|ilefiif tbi Ordti huiaiUU(inDiii(, both I.t worJ ??1 *? Uua, ind opoD trtrj ?wmKd. Kuw, it to MMMM MMI?M?fMjM tt? < ,l; et W??bliifft?? anrlbj tbt Koow 5otblnf tlrlu-aml. icJ *??*> ?lw?l l<M> ?l*<tlaa *f Mr. WiIm* ..f Muuctwua ?o lb* DtUad 8UIM MMM br l't Kauw gi.lhmj ..tftaluaui., ? 1 MM Mr WiI*ud i/TITtJ ln ar Clr of W?iLnitr.? to ttl* Lli MM M > Kcbilor, I *?? iBVttnl ti t Ut. KUfi, ?bo taMltb?! tb? Know-^uUiloc pap?r m MM tiif. U t? aM !?'? fe>BiUr WiUon mti? ? Kouw-S?uJe| ipwrk. I wtsl ? ik Mr. EIIU ?4 kMid Beaiwr Wiltaa aukt Mt ?p?" h Ii tk? Kao* Naka>| bt? 1q??rt?r?. ?;. 1 | hi.t % 4Uu?ei rr?tlleciiaa of ?.??/ nar<? !.? m,J IU io.'UfJ |.?liti'*l 4Ul.i!.,i,l>a U ill itt I drrltrrj ipon I. i bor.urlii * Bti Uitb* auilJ not btri ?n) ilaof tu in. ?|Oj .41* ?u; Ibiji* or f,.n?. Hi ?l?n wrnt <k>nu|k th? .?? ?Ur i<rrri,trrt'llki?| Inrtfu-ttu i.r-y.m ?ul CiU?|l? ftMiallr, ,rju? rUiU- ..f M4-4?.bli?U4 for 075 M h>??H |b? r-.n-r.'. t!..? itt nt Wutilt*t<r? annt??Tit hj ?k* g??-lf?Uti?f Bt|[?9tiitfok kui U Mi. Utur H'.l?jh ?( HMMU-urttt. ?U u unw rtaa?( Wi Pliiriaaajlaf *? n?l?aa BbMl S^SiAJttSlaSmm he.e ,ef*,Te.. be ed.erU.rd .Iraa. f U U>ap~.plo.f^^Wl 5.^*^ a ?oaaao* bar. I taiab If T? ?"' *??? ?*? lM?'w? u *V ,.!. wu? wr?#4o^ ;W- "f K-b^.rr, IW, .bont aea dap aftar <)<*. WJI"? KilT^.Tu,:^. roi MBl1.4 ? ?M7 -*i. .. -Mb kkat be bekme-e.1 tn ike Kn*w Botaiafe. ?? '? ?? .SprfcyAeU, Uki?, Sept. 4, le7i. A OERMAN GRANT MEETINO IN 8AN FRANOHOO. To the Kditor of The Tribune. fegl Tho " great Gonnan Grant inoeting" of Aug. 16 ber waa th* aMM bMbf. Tk. Caatoa-keaea neopl. *1 fof ,.rk ataae aMatoaa, a*d .on taa .geata of ?* f**^***J27 Ib. Bttr-?a ?Jn'???'?W ^'l",1^.,.)^' ,?, M. ,r,lle kr?U> e"rl n.mea. Al tb* Oeriitm tirr.-l.-r ro.-etinr ta ^am^ M oSlB-B Tk. BMMB MM <'-???'* '^ t.. ?-. m , Ihen mhenre w.tb AavticaB oratora. Aad U... la bul an , . ? -. .- ,.,t Z af "or ra thia Mak WMJT ??*?* ra .,11 r.M wtik kua (or tba labwal oM^daiaa. .?us trmtUre. Aa?. .'i. i H2. _ Ji/# couuis. a inmnnsva piju overruled. ftTPJPJ UKMAKl'KI> TO TII1". UJNATIO AflTI.OX. Tho ra^f of Jamrs HurriH, the murdcrer, aannnounee.l in yeaP iday'aTniniNX, was before ludge Luaarl aa a writ af babaM aaapaa for rei.-a*e Baa BbB BBaa lainatlo Aaylum, whither ho waaeent Im ik. .ii.ii. iv afer bta aaaaaabd aa the ground of taaaaity, waa dtCldrl raaaatdap hg eMdejB I/eonard, who hehl that l.e r.mld not l?e dlsehar-i-d on the wrlt. Judge Leonard .-.I V | : The nrisoner waa arqnltted of murder In the flrst de^ cree on an m'liefment and tnal tberofoe ln the ( ourt of ( Heaatona, ln July lnat, on the gronml of lnaanlty. Sueh appeara to bBTe breaUM rerdlctof thejury. That nourt tnereupen ordered the prtooiMr to be detain.-.l in Mfecuatody,andeenl to the Btata I.nnatli- Aayiutu nt IMirt and it waa furtber dlr.eted that UM prl-oimr i?. there .1. tained iu safeeuatody untlldiax-nargad Imgtolaw. ItlsallegtwJ that he l,n* now beeomo aane aml the pris..ner applies for bia dtacharge from rnstodY upon a writ of habeaa eotpna. The qaeottoa of Ity i- not ralsed, etther in behalf of the people or the rtuie ilntt-mieiit of tne Aaylum, tho )udgment and nroeeaaororderof the c.urt being the only groumi on whieh the rlaht of detentwa to etataMd. The queevttoo h r.ew. ,.n.l mii-t ha dupoerd of prinelpally by a reft-r ,.,,,,. !,. tbe aUtntea, Tbe AaytaBi waa oraanlaedtaad the au'liority to WCelTe aud tlelaln eriminaia w.m giveu, ,ctol tbe LefUlatnre paaaed iu UM. It ia pro vided (aecUon 31) that when a peraon ta aoanttted ofa , limmil ebarw, u|m,ii a trial, on tbe gn-und of lnsanlty, nVeCourl sbafl aacortaln II bla taaanity coattaM In any decTee and n it doea,ahall order inm u> u. aent to the Asvluiii Hee'on M eont.iiiia provialons for twudlnit t?. tiio Aayluiu oiii.T peraoaa ondor rndlotmenl or sentem-o on i. I'iminai eharga,atak,meoasaUMad for wantof ball, ,., llt i?i ke.pniK the poaee oiapiNaruigaaa wilnt>a, !.r!!na.i:nim.iry <: ?nW.t.oi:. Ae. Thla BMUoti al-o I OaV .nrovlal ini for tbe dtoebarge of peraoaa Imprtooned uuder thla aecUon. By eecUon 10 tba powan of the cbancellororertba peraoa aml propartyof taa wm ,..!,, Lued ooi to haTe been abrfdaod by the laid act ?, BectioDtl tba powar af taa Maaagars of tba Aayluni ? ?',i.,, h.uge paUonuontheeertiflcaM of taa Soperto L7ndenl o' a eomptoM reMTety ta Hvaa; bat th-easeof H;,r,. detalned umler a eniuinal t har^e, or Uable U) he re'iiamled to (irlaon, ia cxiiroaaly exoopttsl. i',. diacb irge of paUenta of tbeerlmlnal elaaa (to whieh Burna belonga) la by aeeetlon <?.*, autborlaed by oroar of a ,,1-lieoof tbe.Siipleliif lourt, " lt Uiioll due lnvee.tlgation I aliall BPDeuaafe, lcgal, aud rlgbttomakeaucboi.b-i. -i,..-of the wril of habeaa corpus ls for tba purpoM rf iii.iuiiing InM tbe eauso ot Um detenUoa of auy per ?on and.lfll appeara to ba IflegaL al gtaattag a dia . '. ,. ordinariiy the regularlty of tbeprooeaaof eom mitment Mrtnlnatea all ftinheriiiqulry, aml the prtoMM r n, l0 Im- remanded lato enatodp. Tho Court eannot, on n iht a^ corpua, laoalre lato tba Jaattoa ot the aeuiouco or ludciueuL That haa b.:.u pronoamod by uuother trihunal wlneh eaa bo reTtowed uiily in aomo aUMI i, inn i by a higber court, but uut upon habeaa corpua. It to entlrely olear that theyudgttrenl and proosM ta tba eaaa ol Boraa are regntor aml aofllcleDt. Tne geaeral tmbeaa eorpua aet provtdea that a priaoner eontlned on ini iL'ineut or seutcme of a courl ot BOaipMBM .1 nl-idi. - Uon ir. nol. nUtled to that writ. Tiio priaoner muat abow i,r. limlnarily that be ta not m conflm d when ho appllea mrthewrit. ProtntbtoexaataattoaIthrnh lt appeara that Burna waa not entllied to the writ, aud that when it w u itated ln thepetiUon for Iht; wm lathll caau that ho waa nutconltoed upon 'he judgment of a eomp.-teiit , ,,>irt the petitloner ut leaat was mliUken. It la prob al a th it tbe e.|iiit.ible ja.wers of tho Hiiprcmo Court, wbere the Jurtadtctioa beimiging to taa Chaneellor at tho tn,,,. the -latiite in umation waa ptvwed, lu 1H42, now re . d. - md la veate.i, mlgbt, ta prepar eaao, iw taaaaod by ,,-im..a. Tlieae powera ai ? rMerrad by aae 1 ,o40 The ja.wer may also be exeretaetl by aJii-tieeof tn ? h ipn me t ourt onaoi aeeUon 43. Tblaabonld badoM ' ,. uftiii.i 11 and not by ibe *rit of . irpoa ilirltyof the ludgaaMt aml eonunltmenl I ao?w< tbe i dm t? a diseUarge nnder tbe Puwer BTanted b. Tiri ..] tbal praaaaa, Thowntmuat be diackaraed aud (bt n.i.-i.i." r leu.auded to tho aaylum whenco ho BM _ _ fRIMINAL mitRTP. Tnsti, I Cnnlter. iTk tlie Ynrkville l'oliee Tonrt. rM> rd |>ur MelJugkliBforaaaaiilnn* Chn.ioph.r I.Blao >.. 0..7 r1Moaa>,aM aahMaj bun of h,a watea, oo .-juadj/ \ ' r t1. v, ehargat] with ummtotog the mato af ib, 4iaenean Teaael. A. W. BUtaOa, -u BakJ, ia - , ,:,,,, .? h-llio ?.'.0?Ot,aiL Tn the f'ourt ol fiemral BeaaiefM, vesfeni.av, Judge ,,M:.!in< t hai es tJra-.l wa. ooartetad >f .t<-A.iD/ a*,-'"1 worta 5^.toi. '"*"'"> m- ><>"" k '''? *l ** m """"?"? f1"10; 7|....ln tbe ra- .,f Bd-ara B.tW .al la-1 -? ri. k .!,.'.. 1 with .i.a ,nt . afaawaad pin worth *3al from t 11. I, .',?,i.. -._, ...^;i..?iwi^diewUechaige, and iu* pruooer. wera BatMigadi FrineisFeatherstone, atJefforaon aurket vester da? wa. fommitlaa hl :.a.,ar. ?o S.lord?. nirht, wilh aaother BWa. at , i aaSaj b/r thawi aaa h.t. ?.l.e avi ..Jata C.Ual io u w... .,..-t..n-.t.eUnt?l.Hl,,al to rtab Offleer Maber .'.(ih. twii? ..<'?:? rwataelwia .?iu.inil....J.,?MM?m., jJaa. b./ktu 2b Thamaa ?.re M ' ?aaf 0 II..I-j r.aoflbr r?- ' Ml I'nnnot. inaealooa ia Tentl. .?'... .Ktward 1 ed. ?ko??l<hl,n<,nS???Bib.Te.,on BoaJi; arrnn^, ... hr-J for car ,. L " 1...1 i ,. .o!?? .nJ a dirk koif.....Marfarai Wfcoa avaVa a ..Vh fr. ... of Bo. J.-8 Wwi Pomeib-ea., ia O.e hou? >o lu or.oJ il, aui ?^' io?ed up (or tnab DECI8IONS?Hr.PT. ?. Suvrtmt rourt-Lhambni-hv Jfadge Leonarrl. Iorci.u iBai ? W rt ruust b.-d wh.rre.1 and th' itI*'""' },,Ur.'. . ra* he'a. iH^-a braacM Vrr Ia ra tharl.a Moort. -Appliraiion la deoltd aad Uie pria..n.r rrmaad.-d. Bi f .-1 tion acu papera. Maffait a|L the Cer. Kirh.Dje Inaoraace Compaoy.-Order graatad. BAI WPABS?thu n?T. gcrsiaa Q,r?T-CB*?imt?a-i,.<>n?rd J -(?r-?. at MJ a. m.i-Calen darealled at 11 ra. . K,* an. rr rt, aa, m. M. 84, as, ?o. ?a. loo, tcj, iu, 119, BB, IB, \t' IU IU UB, eall 1^- . _ ? zv . BUBX?a ULi-Taai. Tbb?Paar I.-flaaa J.-Op?ni and t..t<lilaoaa?V C.rhca. M..(olb> ??t. 92..We? agt. Be?k 16-.'..Hrcht ajrt. Hullrr, aj. lHO..Durro .?> V.u 1,1 ... ll-3..Ulrhar.!?.,n ait. l)i?l*.: Ilfj -r^mimmm iu, 1 nlwB >lra?.r eailad at 10 a _Holak act. TrxbVnbenr. 1^0..Wood Broa aa^. Mnrrar. BM..MM aft. M,rbrli 181 Tiaawaai fiu-rr?. liai.KoeBler a(t OaalaOa l?a..K??Te aiti Bakrr. 2ul. .HotTt). act liaaca. )??.. lowera ikt. t obea. lB6..Cobeu aKL Kne?nJ?rf. r*?T II -JOii-aia-w. .I._OKn.iaiiraleBaareaIWatlOa.w. lin..Hncbaretagt Ban.a, I l9J..l!urlmi:a?t h.r e. ,,,,?,, n i ?)?:.. bordajrt. ViewrheuBer. IM.'.Ir?io? Bat. Ui a|i TV.r l?..Ho?**i.Pt.r.r. N. Y. foBparat.iu BbM ?I..Moellef a(tu Bork. Maiof ('?? I 1?-J..l,art?.gt. Sebaaiarkar. l?..W.I|inrlon afl Ven??r. | JOS. .Hilfkt ?at Na?lor. IM..Wo?l Broa actStorra. i?. .Haarrd... agt. Mrl^e*. iai..aagea?t. Jarboa *j?..MiUer a<i. Uoo?b. l?J..Beidradorf a#t. Lawa..n. I . w Uajiaaita.Miua^U^lf..rd, J.-Jotwpb Tkoaipaoa, Coraelin. Mc Ooira,, Kieh.M Maaoa, rohln-r;; WilUam llowtrt Patntk, ilae-h Krllw. UaacKplraim, Uwl.Jeeoba. bargUrrt Pb.hp Bbaiidan. TboiaaaMrOarrtf. Mhrnlr PafTBBt. Ilrnrr >ler.>ae,0.orfe MarraT. John Praat,., J.mea Boardaan, Kiebard RraJinr, Riehard hhaf, lboa^ Me I> :. Hearr Katl?, Miehael Uoainaa, frtai lareeof; Jrti li. O-bowd, petit'lareanf; Bllao Wilaoa, laic?a; lro? the peraoa j W iliarn ajaaey, at la?cea?. _ DEFAUnUiC UF WOMMIQH hlMLS. TI'BSPAT. Hbft 10 .__ Malla for Panaraa. Aivlow.ll the tVntral AtwrfMn and Rotith Pa tl?e Porta, ele.. r*r itamuhip llenr? fbaunoey, eloae at 10 a. m. Bteau ablp 13 at.. fiam Pi*r No. 42 N. B. APmaataa CUvsl Hul U aalf aaal br Iba Willlaiaa ? Ooloo aad lan.ta L.oe BVaitihia. .. _ . _ , nm A Mail tor llal faa.N. S.. ia eloaed at tba Se.Tork Po.t 0*ra a.erf Thnredar at 6 o'clwa p. co. Bleasubip aa.U Iroia PorU.od, Ma., oo Knda?, at b p. ra. Letter poiuje ?o al tba Weat Indiee, eirept wn?-n fa\<\t dlreet, wlll be ld cuu tbebalfuaar' I'ip'n 4 .enta r.rb wh:.:b BBM be prepaid. WBPMK8PAY. Saer. II Maiia (ot Bnrop*. ti. guresaUwa aad I.irarpool. ra-r ataamil .p Wyominf floae at tfa. m. A BaTipleraaotarT ol Iter Jto. 46 H. B. la rl.Med at lt a. a Slsaaeahip aalla at M M. |4II lettera o.po^led ln bapalaiaaaUir M?UJ raait ba prepaid witb doul.le DoaUa-e > A l'raa#iea i .oa?d Mdl Ii aeat br thia lice. kti.U for tbe benata iitaiea d.rr.:, ?ia Bremen, per itaajeakit Braraea, eloaa al 11 a. at .... A Plrert Orrraan M.l la aent hr thla lioe. Stearaahlp lalli at 1 p. ra., from Pier fool <.f Tbird *., Ilobokrn. f>r tr tbe au.m.hlp rieopatra, rloae at i p. m. Stciiaabip aa.1. al 3 p, a., froal Pwr No. 1 N. hL THL'?.SI)A1. Man. lt Mallf forBaropatlariiniiiuU.C'brrtHiarf, aad Hamhwr*. n?r atmra Ihp Pnaia uoat at 1 a. ol A Buppl.iaenUr. ou Pirr foot vt 1 bird ?.. Ilobokeo. ii d,?ni al 1 p. ou Bleamabip aalla at 2 p ac, froia fu.,1 ,.f! ?t., Ilubolaa. |AB l'ltera .i.poeited la ItapplemaaUrr Malla raait be prepaid ?iu> dobble puitare.1 Malla for HaTina?e4theWe?t Indlea, h? ite.niahlp Morro Tutle. elnaa atip.H. A NipplrawnUry Mail oo Pler Ma. 4 N. B., lacluaad al ;:Vj p. m. Bteaananii. aal.i it J p. ra. (All BBM a.poaiutia Bapplaaeitarr Maib) rnojt ba prepaid with dooble poalafa. 1_ WAmKNGMMB ARRIVRD. FROM f.|VKItr.>tU-i? tirimihw ]U\o. H'pt. ?.? Mr aad Ml.i M'M ll.i. Df. K I>. H.daon H.Jae? I)rik?. F..Iwanl Koorka, klre. X A. Koarke B. U.aukr ir ai.d la.1?, kl ?? 1~ K.uula, Miu Uiamr li.urke. J i. i ..,' lt?..i Arthar V?. Jarlx*. Dr. J P. Ilill, Dr baakrlaa, B. Hunl Mr. Ilaol, t.iB. Blaek. Mra. lllaeJi. J. Mrtlialor*. W. Niblo. 9. I' l.ou.ldaoi, Mr. tad Mra. Walltoo an.l J cbllJrea, Miaa Wallu-e. Mr. Papt^r, Miaa Het'b, C K Martoa, Mra. MoHur, Mr. aad Mra. Joaea Mra KMaafbaa Miaar. Ali.e aad lleule Kermaftaa, Nalbaa Nri.Url Mra. Sl,.;h.M. '',. T. J.n^?. M- Wllllama, Mlai J R. Hur flrll MU?K. Karle? Joks Varlar. J. Y. B"nd, K Coben. t^>l. Uo?, Mra lloe Miaaea .Man Kaaur. and Anaia lloa. Mr and Mr?. U. W. Bood Uot R.-I..I.'' Mr? Orwratr, W. P. Ha.olln Mr. Haralln Pr. B Ilill, Mi.. Mr. aad Mra C. Iliil, B. 0. llaf eitr, Mra. Uagartf, F. k. W.oer. _* hihuttkk aiaraaao BannM*.I:?|aaaaau. BlTIMMoaeU.10:19 n'?a waraa rai? ?*? . m Baad. Ilauk.... tJiiiOor'a liUnd... I..U i llall Uala Ferrf. ?? IM ?,.,a??T?IT?IIO??-r. ? Baad; Uaak.BM I Oefi laiaad..... 1 M 1 HaB Qata Parrr.. in SH1PP1N0 1NTKLLWRNCE. fOBT Ot BkW-IOBB.aarr. 1 < f.XARKI). Bteamakl* Black Ptaraawl. Mrre.llth. Pklavlclphia, A. Af*W4 auaatbtp Aaa r ],ia. Biabard?. Pkila-tolpbia Wia. 1*. CltOa ?.< rUraiaek n A tl. w.ikrr. Bu.rna, I'k ladsipaia. Blaaaokip kraa'o..u. il?>M. I'orllaiJ, i. V. Aatae. atiu Pou.ou* (.Jlr ), Ilrv.ce, Ut.rp.a.1. H.ndai.oa llrn. |l u Ij. .t f.ntrr <*r). I'lla. latadoa. K B Monjai a Moai. B.rl Arjrnti,,. tiilkr?, Aulwerp. H. ?' boul J. I'o b.ik tl.trllr, Btark, Birb.doaa,?. TiiaaaHgai Oawa. Hui Aaaaalwa t*i.l. CaU. I'art Maia, lUlWa. w ?'r??? k 0*. nu\ Oir?T, Mard*n. rto?ai>a A/ree. PI Ravcr _. B*rk TW iSor.). CuMoJi*. t?Bi?Bli)wa or Filmaa*. TbBbbib * MeataMaa B?rt A?ih (TU1), Um. MartHIVw, A. P. Afwwta. Ilri?(iu*ilrai? (It-ai.). Trapam. Olo-K-aater. Ra?., A I". Atrr-ai*. Hni 8?bbu>um (llr.i. Al?iaa'". <V>rk ?r Filrrnavk, A 8. ArriaBJ. lirif 1211/ (Ur.), 1-awr.i.M, Oibraiuu for ?rlr.i. J K. Whiur-f k- < ?? Rn/IiOiJ* (Ilil), Battiaa, C?fk or PalBoatk f.r onfc.B. A. r. AaraMa Behr. Wu. On/. Allri. fjnriarlll?. AKKfVKD. SVaraalnp I<4?ho fBr.). Pm?. Litwrponl Aa, ?, t *-jwaagatowa **b. MM in.ti.iin m Williimii k fioion a. ,.f LaaeM (Ur .). Mir-hoBBBI.Wwpool Anf. 29, aod O.i'onilowr. Tfi.h. with mdan and ptaa. ta Jno l> Ma . _ . _^. BtaaUMhtp B?n PnndBCO. bV/Bolda, B?r?.da ? aan, la baileai, with rSMaM^&r. Jonr*. Wllml.ttoa, BCU wlUaavalitorai. to^LMMMa7M%M?a. rfMMMi OMf PoUt, aad mmMB, with nvlar- in.i piiu toO',1 ll.imm,->n 8t? ? II.rk Klba. P-fraon. Ha???a ?? da?B, witb BOfir aad taalttm. II.rk Mruiitor, KaW.n, IliTini 17 'li)??"*h1*a<'11 .? , , . A i;, [MM li.f Wloda.,r, S. ?.), MoBrllr. Harani 19'!??-. w I ^SmITmM (of CMtoe), HUch, Deoenr. 24 MM with "RoLrta A- Ho?rt l-f W.a-laor, N. 8.). Meaaacger. 'Kt. Jubaa, P. C. M7 Vnw >,,d -a llin-kter. Poaer. P. R. 1? d?TB with ioftr l!nj 1 II. 'i"i'4'e Wf Pa/abBro, N. 8.), Urowa, Old H.rbor, Jaflt, NBMf%MMnMlf MMMai AMmMMIM?JM aMM M.-I.r. Luc/ (of Kajtport), MiMinan. WinJjur, N. 8., U daji. w.ui P rWkr.' ?T?f. Bahb. Charlnrton WM wlih /ellnw pibb. S Krwat k Mxnc (Ua/Uen). tWl*???V Aquia N da/a. with lo* BM IMM, MbM* Ba 0 aaM M fW 41 oa/a. with hiM wuuL 8?-hr. Linrrtti. <'nrti.?, Vlrrlnia. Schi. J. i. Mrrntt C'urtl, Viripnla. DOMB0TIC rOItTS. Borron B,pt9.-AmT*,p.W,n. fW. fmm P. Rnmin fr.-n. PblUd?lphi?l ff?f*OM fmm M?*-f?fk| baikib.. 'MwaTlM '-t-lfC^rrlv, L ft K-k fr?- Ar^N, M orf-r. PM^MMMMaTtM^^ mi B?"'"ti'= ?S4ul0'> ? "tawOaMM, n-pk a. AiiImA MmmMj.81 l*au, bea ???? York. (UileJ 7lh, ivoaunhip OMM for Nrw-lforL fOBSIOB POKT3. u M OriMfirrowv 8>pt 9-Tb? Williaroi l Uu.oa Mbb ftaaraiWp Maa bJ^yZTfror^-Vork A??. 28 MU*MMja iMMI MOJg tetdafBlasM rMIaaaaUaa au-arn.b.0 i it? of BreuMi, Broou, ftnai Sfw-Tork An?. 11, arriT~l her? ?t J) o'cl..,k thia Uraaw" ?*? S-T*. Allao Lia. avaiartltyi BtnaaUa aad 8t AaUrew, from QtWwM and Mnntreil. arriT-d ktMM?M. \tor UMM f**P -X^* *<? -^V'A ia^*^)_ I ?ccan Slfamcrs. OIv ST. THOMAS nrnl HUA/Tl.. , IKITKI) 8TAIK8 M BI'.A/.IL 81'KAMMIIP COMPAKf. Brmlir Mul Sltaiaera lailiar oi ?ha i'M of e??-T mo?tb s.iKrH AMKKII7A Oipt. O. 8l<xram. 8?p4e?3?fM. MKUUIJIA.A. l?Dl. Or,..,?r:.. hulTH AMKKICA. Caot. Tnklepaafh KoBrmrn-r tr Tb?a^ apl. iteurn aall on tehadui* Oraa. aa? ?11 at ,ft Thowaa. Para. Pariarril.Br.., Mbia, an-l M 4U )s."-iro, KOiaJ aad rikiflnni. i-or eo?m?rarnt of frwrht or piaaajr-, applr U H" AVAN'A. PKOGRESO aud VERA CRUZ. irtw^oia\BM?lucM iiAii. Ubtibi Piw :l. North Uii?r. al J ?: ra. .areet for Ha?ana: ' iUuI-aIkV. P,. !.?. | ?J>jJ"^*^? lH? CITl Of M-rllin. l'i,nm?rm?B.THI.H^l>AT, fJcpi. U. ,1TT M HAfAMA. (ll.ran.0B.rl...*"???**{? ^f\A, (llafaoa oai/).wbwbMIIiM ?? >., Mghl o, M-Bf^wp^" gx , NnRB k^w1_M^r??iw.!^ U8. maTl to Savana. ? ATLANT1C MAIL 81 K.VMSHIP CO. - Sallnj rajBlarl/ KVEKT TIlhUaUAT, at i o'clock b. m. MMMfi MM P'?r -"<?? 4. ' MOMM fASTI.1. Clapt T. n. Mort4)?.....S?>pt?ralKr B CKKS.'KNi CrTT.CMt i ACanu, (rUHa*M)8?puah<ril 001 1 MBIA. t'ant M. 14. Oraao*.>^\emitt M T? txmgti or paaaa^e apply w A. W. *"*0(-^b,"^^, A M.'IIOii I.iNK S1KAMKKS __ aiilcTf-r/ WBI'.fE.iDtr ani ,*A I'L'RUAT t* ni from Glilfow, Luerpool Londonlfrrr. and gwriUwn. n^,.,. ra*J*W|rM kaaMl?? and fr?? aa/ railwa/ aUtl.B ig OrtBt Bnttig Irrliad Ranrai SwWta, lianmaxl, Gtiauaj, gfaMMB. BaUjiuia. aad th. Lmtl MM^ LOWRST uvmn? ^x^ Prafra on tb* 014 <i?atrT lor anr BMkMM. j?QB I.IYEKl'OUl., I <) (VIAyOFBVSTOWIO. CABBT1NO THE D M BftgjM TUK irVERrPOL AND ilKKAT WfSTKUK 8TPAJ1 COMPAN'T Mf, MMM OM of MM Crat-clata. M powar. Irou ?crew ataaaahipa PMM lOM No- 46, N. H., hlVatttX WIOiNKIDAT, aa folkrws: WTuMINO, Cipt WanimaaT.rVptoighar II, at MlM aj. IDAlli), Capt. Paica.Br'pti'Bibfr 11 at 1:90 p, m. MXNME80TA. CiHt MoR'iia.8<-pim.b-r .'j, at IIak W15C08SIN, 0M? T W. KK??MAjc..O.:tob< J:dO?.ra. MlMBATRUIj 'apl. Jia. Paica.Ooioi^r J at MMf*M KTVAI'A. ( thi MOWia.Octobw !?. at J * p. m Cabia paaaura, *W. Bold. flt?eraf? paaaa/a (OIca, Mo. N Broadwir), $?). corraaa/. hot fraifbt oi aabia, p*jaa#a. s- : 'r t4 WIU.1AM8 k 0010H ?? ?JWi'lit._ |NM\N LINK7- I'ur t^UEENSTOWlN ami 1 I ITBBPOOl -Roral Mail .SKaner? arr app-.,at?l to ai.1 U ' ,-lir up BHUTOl.I Llt.lp.Bi. riT? OP LONDOS.BAT1 ? '<. ?p. m. t'lTT ()K NKW-YoitK .I III RlbAT. Vpi 19, " : m. i ; TY 01 aWJOCLYN.SATUBIIAT. s*pt. 21. ? a. ?. CTTT OP BALTIMORB...... ...THCRaDAl. S?pt.jM ' p. m. I UT iiK M.lNJKKAl.84 I ' '" ,. And earh ?acetvhut MTURDAI a,,: 1 ULiCliAl from M?. 43 ^ RATP.S OP PA8SA0R. PATi*i.a ta ooi.e. riYAB'a ?? m??' FIESTIAHI5.*75 8TBKKAOH .0? ?I..I-,.,,. i'.r.i. * PiaatuT" ??*? ?~'wan?Bl lo Iwrr?. Ilittbc/^, Bwecag, Sorwa/, and Diamark. at rttuetd rabw. , .. 'IVkjtitaa ba boighl barw. at mo-laMt* nWsa. ?? para-mi MMMJ to MThr?Bfh MM ??* IMM lri'? o? ab.pjaanu ? gur>ia to Harra aaB Aatwrip. Prafta :iBB?4 it ln"*" rat'i. Kor furtkrr luf.nail'.B appl/at th# Compaar'a 0!B<?. rofn"" j iHlfO. Af.m. {<.. ItaiaaMaap. W. T. VOKTli GrERMAN LLrOYD BTEAMSH1P fav COMPANY _ POR IOOTHAMPTO" AND BRIMhW _??? Taa atoiBibip KBBMUT. UkM W. I-W-vf. wuaaii ea "^?>^ PAT, Mfrt II, il i B. m.. frou. Urau.a P,e/. foot tb..?-at.. Ujjuken. RA1L8 ut PAA8AUI TO UlfDOff. IIAVRK a.Mi BIIEMEN, (i-ATABLg i.i oold, o? ira (MTaTHaM ? CcaaBiOT.i fint <*i>.a.?'* Bxua-I rab.u. j. fMMMw ? p^;-' mM/m.otLuiais M CJSSIL NLY DIRECT I.INK T<> PRANCE. >r TM? aiHBBAl. r::vNWH,A.NTIC COhtPANri Majl BTKAUBHIITi 1.I1WK8M StW Toa?. A.SU UAVKk, MUUM AT BBK** l The tllrilr* raaaela ?n t: i firorie ro-'j for tha CoaUaaat will aaii frun P rr N.. V .Nirtb Bi??r atfo'lBwi. WA<|ilMHO>.B**BBBI.SATCRDAT.SaotBBibBrli. BT I Al'lth'T .Umar-r.?ATf'Kl)AT Oetobar > VvA-Yk .Ubbiw.SA'rXKIiaV. OctnVr I' VUl'k l.?'i'*klV .. ? ? .S inawat.BA 1L kaJA 1. ?o??b.b?? i. PhUCB OP PTtSSAliE I* OoLU iiBnadiaf winai TO BHB'T OR HAVRR: Pirat <"?!"a.* : ;o | !wa.iLo ( ai,,a.|7V KX( UUSIOM TI.'RK'.S Al KhULCkD BA1K8. Thaa?it<iRi?rado??tearTT i1?ra#a oiaaawawra. Aaiarraa IrBTTlara coia<( to.? rrioraiBt; fr,>Bt iha t-aatinaat ol Barop*. ?j ukiai*a itaagian rfr-T'? ??^^a' ******" '!"??"'' * *?' aaa ib? d.ifomtorta of trr-aiai *a Coian*. baaida iarinA ??*. ttoakla, aodaioaaM. QaO.TUCKKJntia. Apal .Su ii lirc*i.a>. NPHE NAT10NAL LiNE OF BTEAaMSHlPS. 1 WKKkl.T i\> (1UIOI8TOWI A8D I.1VERPOOL. fOHl"siiilin.T TO AMI) FKOM LOIDOM UlRBCT. Proat P,ifa44??i47, Norih Riaar. TO QCEKSSTOWN ASD LIVIRPX)Ot.: OREErE. Aiidrewi,.8ATIKHW >rt,v. 7. it J:JB a. ? lUlfl biuu.hATlikl'Ai ?BBt. 14 al l:04?. B. I1AI.1 Taompaw*.BATPKPAT Sapi 31. at S:9o a. a. To LO.MIK.M iiiamrr IRIV I iwi.a.WkliSKsliAl Sapt. 11 allo.J0a.Bt. l.BSaiARR. Snmn?r.WIl)SI91?AT B^pi ?4 aill:Wa.? ribiaraaaMB.M* ??* ???? ??i?bb/. Sutmb. ?M. owrraBB-. Pr*o*id 8t?rri|a uekeU fom Urarpwol vi?faa?W?i. LoBaoalBrtT MMMM, or LoaloB. BM, a?moa? k.r taxUanaforuiauoa .pp.; it Ul Comyajf jM^laM rtTnTrTiTlSTATESr~N"EVV-Z KAI.AN1). an.1 U AU8TRALIAN MAIL 8TFAM8hlP 1,181 - Ikr airarthina ?t tbii riai ira iipuiat*! la aa.. fraa. >in hrutua* lar MSW /.JUi.A>0 ud Ali'SlKALlA. ruUiu.i.u. apoa MAT n, 8PPT. II. JUNB l?. <" I ? I. jpi.r u. v,r. h Al .1 14, P?0. 4. itK?a? P?r Ira.ibt tal paatap. ipB>/ '? * W h WKBB 54 Kirk.Bi^al.-* Vaw-Tark WHITi: STAK LINL. NKVf >,)Kk COU AN'' 1 IVKKPO.,1 NEVV AMi PI 1.1. IMVVIKKll Bl'kAMSIIll'v THE LAUUESr IN I'UK WoRLIV i OCEAXIC, fALTlC, ULKMAMIC, AnUlAIIC aai-LBLio. ckLtic. BRTfajnilC, ailaXTIo. I.KW iobi barlaa?.11><0 b B aaeh. SalliBf hoB Naw Tvrk o.i SA 11 KDAY8. fraai LirTrpoai oa tUL'Ka PATS. a?d ( urk li?ra*ir lh? 1??'?? ? ? AI'KIAIII. 8AITRP41 B.ilrraVr 14 it 1 k) p nv BAI.ri. BAI'I RHAY, .?fpt?aib?rll al B hl a ? AU.4NI I. HAII ltl'\T S-atamhei H, at .'. ?' p BV P.Diu Uia Wbua hiai l?o<-a ParoLia fam. Jbtbbt r,tt Pumfu ireetaai^tat'ogB (for ill rlaaaaa| BantBla^ a?ai?au| ?APk'TT. BPkEP. All) t'OMPORf. Palooaa, llaU r^.oii lai-'iiuj roooi ?u-i titb ioobm in gkidabip $** iioa. wbar? Iraat mMMMMM MoJMM Bid aiiwari<M*i a.?o.a,>iwr ihaaa it^ajaiafi. KA1 K??aal.iB. 0*. Ifo'4. EUHwar" ?"?. ewrr?B?r Tka?a w-ih la| to aaad tur nrhBa kt BBMa tka OU i oaavr/ BM uow jlima awara^a. pr-pai4 MMM 0U, c?niacr. I'.iMiipii hauk.%1 to or froa all pirti of Arorriea. I avu. Uwkarj, Horwar, BwwWa, ladia. Auuika. i'.,a. kc UraKa froai A"l apwim Ker iBiparusa of plaoi ag.1 othar laforatatroB. ipp.r al tka Cwaaaaf i !????. N*. 1? ?r*a?ar. NrwYotk. d. II SI'AOkS. AaeM ftliciciuufons. UOKKJi'" BITTERS! BOKER^ BITTEBSI I* Nuuvdi ikuold La w,lLj?i 1 l?l.:? ^1 ?' BOKKR'8 I1ITTKKS ? *\nr* in iiprr,^r. of Bora tban 4^ rrail hii MB?M tb?B t? ba BT >'AR UM hVm aad BMI EPflCACtOI I SUBaach Blttan, aa wrll aa 1 ?rrr ?? aad pl.uant eordiil Bawira of r.Hinl.ffrtla. asd bo/ p 0 Boi ' i?'l_ fttNGERa OF PLATIVKM ELEVATOiW I /.iitv UTID. H * nadfnlrnM talt Blt?i,?n to a aaw ?PPBtatu* h. .., , b PUiforr. Kl.vB.-,r. o? all ki.da aia. be .??!? P?rf* ? , i "f b,.Ut.aj rop. or apriuja. >< acta ou., w!.?a ibr MTBtonlt/ fieBBdVa (WMM riu. fcalWpBtfB. h wbjm Bf IM aa. t', i. ,. P>M> MMMMM-rfO Imi I MlM .^ "fff" ,.ih? .... . ,,f IM grirfigrff Po. furtbrr parucalm ai^lr to TA1 IIAU J. UKiiliiKKt. al B??k?.an ?!_._ _, T r-Mban, .^.lo.aitherrda.fL^ I.I..4 kBMlM OMIIbI eutUu.r. AJdia- _ p . '?? ' /'/?;, ?tlrt, llULlllfAl/(l(>513s;K. VIHKVVORE8. KLAlih, UNrRRXS T)KtllK8. UAutJKa. UKlPOItMl .i.isr.i'U B. PURDY. J'4 AMl> 34 MA . ? I - M1W>T0MC PsTABI.ISnBl) W41 t>'>l.iri('.M. !?A!)(1K FACTOKY ? Tb./ki'M. at Maw l..rk.--l.-ia..ft?.l bad<m ti i' l> . ailBiaaU ?Miad, iampM cAiit. I' It/.if. awtUal. *4 W. BM>| B^oUei a?. ?U UM ViuiJa^ KBAL ESTATfi. Nftw-Yoaa. Monday, Hept a. tan Thero wa? a fair laaaBanaMi Bt tba Ex? rliange, thla inornlng, tho pilutipal tranaaettons lrmi{ tho salea made by legal order thrmigh aaftpMBM r Fair chlld, aeting uiider the directlon of Oeorg* Putaaoa Miiiiih, referee, of tive loU of land looated on tbe m.rUa slde of One-hundred and tweniy-atxth at, tomme.n.-ine; 160 fwt woatof Slxth ave. The Ilrst BJBMB pM ud> waa tho two lota neareat u> the .Slath-tve , .-a< h fg faat fronl by 77 foet on tho eaaterly aml W.1I on the w.-aterly llne. BTBMt wero BOld to WBJtaM M. BIBbIbW for Xl.77'. Ttie ae< ? >!,.] BaM waa the two lota lioxt it.lp.lni .g ?>? rj.,M tu th. -,!;,?? pBI i ^ i ..l U,*a) aaeb. Theuextlo' wlji.lnlng M Ihe we*t,aame siaa, Waaalso pui. ha-. .">V Mr. BlirHow. ?..r Jo**ph MeaJolre aold, by legal order und. r .lireetion of D.tviil .McA.I im r< f.-r..-. Um thBM aftf aml BMeiMBl bnek ilwi-iliug and lof, 213x60x94, louetOd OB tba nortB alde of I i ineh i >-? of Avoaae C. for ai0,300t? Win. F. Mitvmlorf. J unor. M Mlllt r adjot I until the LJih lnat, tii? legal eato, nadar n,? dlrertiea of tTm. M. Howland referee, ol tho property kiearrd oa tbaeaM alda of Firet-ave., hotwea-n Oake-n,indr*?a-?.?a twontieth and One-bnodred-and twentpal1r?l ita. K?v ?.-..idlllg the leiral aal. alil.'ll ?'??, l.oP ii,ty, by E A. i .... ,f pi rtj ii I'n tve. ba> ;%s'.en Oiieiiumir.-d ind- weiii.t!. ttml One humli.-d aiui-twenty-Iirat ata. notblng waa ><.?id, am'. ?' fM aa wt? ...or, 00 u.ti.e oi any auiid waa takea .,f the matb i. . .__ Wo would eall attentlnn t.n an ndverti^me-it nnder ? Aaattoabmmb,"baadad "Btflka Baw,"af a aaM u? i?a> maflV ou VYadneaday, the latu iuat., on the proroisea near iitmburg. V. J., on the Mldlaud Railroad, belngof i?l Maaa <>t SmM daetraata tan I, ra toole altaor for r.truiina purnoaea, orowlugtothe f... t that. of ila lyhig direcUy uu what ta kaowa aa " ttond Pon I," a ? ?.-.? itlful la) erlng about M acrea, fed n> nuu> ?*? enlireiy auitablo for villa ? ? 1 uut from thia < Ity. aeeeaaible by oumeroua routea. marlv 1,500 feet above the i-vei .,r in 'ho inldatof ono of the uioil iniire-ttn.g tuli.l'.g i,. ighia?r? hoodaoearthtoolty, an i, , ?' ?"???? *"' -""? fewof thenumeroai lnducen>t>nta whlcn tMjkropertp oflers P) tnoae ln aeareh of a aiibarban home. * un par ticularaeau ho obtaiued upon rcfen :..<? to the advertlao menu For to-toorrow aeveratl intereai aro uotuod to take plaee, aa per Itot apponded: alao, tna auburhau salc by Jere Johuaon, jr.. al Bayaide, I* I.. o* whlcb we bare bereUitop e. __ At priv it-- aale it ia report. d to ua that v> m. II. IUvnac haasoll uve lota. weat aide Boulevard.tbetwaroitMaa bnndred-and-twanty-aecond and One bundred m.i tweav tr-third ng M :,,<'1 "' d" '""? :,"' ^"?t*''; . . The saleaof BurutiKlou aml Mi^.an kai,i..aal ln Augaat. 1*79. were : 31 aa,.-a m Iowa, 1 -. arer tll 75.7-ri,04l,W7.7r5 ; IM . h ., J.l.jrj.t* a. res, aveiago *5 4J.J-|" , ?? ? - U ? a. i.i aer.a. furfi,. ... TBe Compauy bave ye? f,.r MM! la Iowa. auoul IbO.500 aorea; m >:i.iitoaia, labout 1.3i5,ou0 BaWaa. _ Balea to uke placc at the Excbaage (ot as noted): Tu'tday. .'*?;(. 1*. Br J?me.M. Mi'ler, lejal aale, un lb? diraeaoa o' It-'iart (' n?.o)i?a, r.ier.'-, uoowi.uj la. UaiJB*. locatod on iu? i. ,rib atde af nij'.^-^'hlb ?t.. 171 f--el*?.t.fFo.rtb?..-. U. l-ufllo. kU, :eg.l aal*, anuer ib I ,ha M. Olorer. aafaroe. Ibe laax lou. I0t,x.W.O. loc?l.d on tbe Loiu..rl| a.0e al Fiftr-erT. ? I ntb-.v-. Ur lleai I" PaireBiW, l??al rtle, undar tbe direetlon of \V illiara T. Pari .?, r -t e, tuo aa UaaaBB fwartk ra ? ? ? l?cai*l aa taa oartk auk of Forir<i?ktk-at, aad ? . ..Jc af alreet. .u iirt|uitr p.ol. 75 t??t froct. diauiat Uo lu l wr.Wlf ra JaaaaaB, Jr., oa tb? prem(.<e.. at Bejaide. L I, l.MB k* af aroand. _ OFFKTAL IBAVeTEBB OV BBAXi BBBA1B wr.wroRK citt. Htbrt, aa. lOOfteofll'l.-a?- 75iSB.?.a J ? l?!tu-K,ne ?7Jftaaf?ia-ar*. -nloo. (. .od U. *<* ;i -b .i ? -? ' '.;? ? lUth-at<- "ara, UaiMja.t n,o< l.'du,B., -'..ItaorfTd-a^e, IhxIW.U.> l,ja-at,ta, lwifleofStb-aTe,-l/'ll.. ,' 4th.^..,:.ftEUin;tbH?,i4.iir9a\.......... '??' SrUiara ?j,b7.linB.i?tb-.t, a.oxio.) b .od 1. IM JM uuu aUMaaMaV HoJao-i-ar Ko, 147. IM, lu ?<- < t, if?. No Jti. ?jears, p?-r | ? .r l.aae A Citn ftcal (f etate fcr 6ole. rri fok uii. new ? ] OU ' ilb- VKViil I. Bl U BIV1B v r TilF UPTOwTI 0rr.,Cr. -,-. Ii. : . /a, Wrat l.e.t/.Uura it oi tn * p ? .* r.f i'ar o!V-e ute^_ t F-VKK-WK. 1 Story UJeh-Stoop iho KM.I.LiNU'iu Ibeiaoat aeb-e; i ' '?* ? ? ? .,?;ebr r.K. BTBVKS ? - T"oTS on t'hVi:i:\mi I'.ori.i vMM) aud on 1J UOHTU I ?V+ r*:ca-aouia-barzajn*." ? k- "' ? ^' V~KTsTi:vj v N y * ?f , :rnooaea, Lota, i ? faleable MksBBMMM .no 11 : WdFIFTBAVI. t?~|"iTVwil i I'"i: 1 -:??!>' browii, 20x55x100, qp -lU.WUO aafBa aMBtoM Mtn i ?JO,oo<) for 4-atur.r, tlaMaini MaahaB, * B\MB f.,r a rerj ata g.nt Hturj atoue. 2ixT5ilue. Ptttf BbjMh M . "??' Fflb-ere., Fortf niathat., b*t Sixtb and aataaaaVaaai atO.OOO for 4-itor. hrowa?t M - aV MM and Sixtb a.ea.; ?70,0O0. * BM I v, -.-.. .. kl .; J m-aie.. i'.i:j?l9B. oaiahed in bard wood all tbroofh. We offer tbe ab*.* UoU.n1>. t? aetber with ot^era, to th,*- wbo waat a (aad bouae ia a ?? i.on aoJ.- niMtttrto buyei haoaeaanrh kigber 1 bo^ .Bo Jiul their ejea to Uua fact wul aeaM plBUU, -1U..B t.a jaara. ^ ^^ ^ fc , ^^ Urooklnn Cotate tor Salt*. * DVERT1SEM ENT8 POB Tni MW A YuBK I'klBi BB W ll.I. Bl BKCXirXD Al tUt DPTUWB OFFlckfl Ba a.,?cMB WMT>aaar^M> at.apuS p. m., al ree;olir offi ? ?? ?_ DB09PE01 PARK PHOPEKTY, UROOK; LIN-Aa e.e?..t tUaalDBMCI aad t LOT8 af t.iaHtSB FOR BALR. A l.?<e - ", "?**?. boote, wllb abont 4d l.'i of Uad. Tbe Uooaa u ?* M frwt ?Uk a ua. aad laai am i ?. :" i-"?. iwa ?wtri ri.MTn.v rw. - - iii^le.-a iuiproTeu,?eU i . < I*. lunl roora k::-rel m hwd woo.1. Tbe p- ? '? 'orcmaading a Bne ????: :h- ?ar. Suteu I...L.1; ia .lUii-. ?. tbe rnaia aattaaca aa BV Pi? ptct Park: iliadulr ,ncr?.?ia?.n r.iae and :? ? aaaj eatat< ?* ' ' m.e* ^ra, Hor-e .-.ra all Uie f-rr.oa jjm Ue prerajwe. baiiiee JJ ai? ?,-sL Aj.p.?to KULLKB Wil.KlNa k <o . 7 P-.ce.t.. or :o P d. ? >-l-a?. Cong Jeldnb Ucai Grotatc tor Sulc. H,ie iww, ? v- A ? A r*l ^.1,1 fl Fl ?, ?J koan. barr ? '??aapi aa 4 - ? CUcolilifstrr ifoontn firal dotJtr tor GdU Q1 ,UIC1 TRAS<1T. WKSTflll'STI-r. t. .U NVY l.AN'l^. m.At'icwn.i. .? *'v. m ?'T^ ' '' a Xi-iD-Jcrscn fical Coldtf tor Odlf. \ nvF.nnsF.Mi:NTs for nn: nkw J\ T,?!ill ralBDWI wn.i Bl RS. klVID A! :IK ITl-rtWB OFFn'li.S, Baa.144 Weai r .? ?r ; at,. at Mi Waal r.ral/laataV (1 , ia h< I p. aa., at rea;.'.*.' o% t ra-ae,_ VR0lT"Sl . 10 rooma, with imp -. ona aerr in aarlea, ib Boaad Ur t I *" Jerwap. rO* xtLK. Bl t-AM- a, * llll'I.NU. ? Heeknaaa^a._ EV)R 8AI.E? Al P. uii Araboy, N.J., EAGLEd I wooorABk ?i> i ?>'?'**** r?l.!r rwaaiirvl rr.>a-di ea'*ueuel .teae with *ldiuo.,a. oat i. al-airah . .^. ? *???* Pn.tt7ekantaM? i.tUtali n orJor lu pr*?aatB. . >,,n,a ? .-IWia ier'..>!.; ruebaiwinj ia aol*lf .-t?trart?d o. akaasB I InftM kufaa ..ier a,d .waa. leabng aNwataa ib., aaM.araaaaall fnll,'laid ...i la eiteaarr. l-n. and ahadad waL. Thare I, a MaV l.n iw oa th. pUr* For Ini, oartu-alar. .pp.j. kaBAMLBt. aVTV Van"n." k N J oi a. II LL1)!.. - I ?? r?BMI >.?...;?.I >t_ 1X)K SALE?Adjoinmg tln? pleaaant villft? 1 J.. la ni :oa ? a fantral aUilroaJ. a .-B..C. PkUkP BBTT af O aeraaafhigb roliiaBlaad. Ir^aj oa b ?'? . ?a,?l ?w.-.ior? ?o.lern UUUkk.*", * raonaa. laandrr aal-ra. a ..ra. !a..n?Hofpuf?"ater, go..l?am aad alln ?<'.'' ,oodoM r. ,,f ftaik A !.:<'p-ouon ol il.e pb? M etjahU ior twiiil a/ i lota, *lu?-h w II eooo .oiaiaauI ?-od pr.cea A.dreea WIL UAM DAV18. Tnbaaa Oftea N Y_ OR\N'i;K an.i vu'inity a apecialtT, in. Uitling VI -...vr t .-.I M i",o.lSUl,..B.. Moantaiaaile 1. -?e- >:. I -rk|4V araklai apatUaa jor aada aal rrat Haaulkoa a W., ... , s.~?*i.t. OKANi.E, N. .).. and Vici ti T^'XaT PLaa Taaiatr prapartr ?k aala, raat >r ^i|V>' . ? ? or.KXi. ..,rr f..l.-rt? Or.?r? ???""? ort'-'f a ... le,^_ dblO fUall I'(>H 29 ACRES ia?I mmmJ W |.),?MM'n.ilM . s .?'.??-,teo a. aat.a fnar fVpaB. ,l?..:ael, Ne. Jrraej. Tuar. .a awae, .? taia. laBBB. aWMB* oa in* -t Countrn llcal (Eotatc tor Galc. 4 DVFIM'IsrMF.NTS FOR THE HKW .\ v.HB ralW (4B Wll.L UK kblt alVnb ?T IHK l lTO*H orUt k." > ? aa| Waat ratrtj BHial-at,, a* J* w.ei r.eui? ifcmi aa,.Bt?talp '? ?!/'? ?'" "*" ""? _._ VCOTTAttE HOl'SE, ? roomaj iu'k.mmI or jeri ne. aiatne, en-ii^ut ..i'r. eleni? ol tratkl ?a-..thia ?*aa , . ,-?, ,with oowoi 1.0 a.Jeeol i.nd. 1 C. >K MAN, l?? Uroa.l.f.T. _, nHARLE8 C1TY LAND POK SALK-N.-ai V> Jaaaw Kirar, Va.- 1 oder IrOK .HALB ?; LASLl :.n< ia*a t'.nnlr of Cbarlea Catr. V. ' ' pabl e l.ndloc ?a Ja?.a K ??r' Th. ab..?r Parw oonUina h? .arter *'7 aafta. ..rdaod ia a 400.I ,taia of eoliifai.-a .tbe ubI.p . ia it"4 "jB It ia tkoajkt bf eeaapaBaart >.'r? ',>?, rrow 1 ?>? u> ? aaaj ? pue*e?iB?.T barui. la.riaB a l?a?i , .irpaBBB. ..!.....! ?er? Jr. . - aaa, . -?"??"* w'tbia t.o raiara .f tbe I'oart-noaxv. Pbe ab.T. ..laaik, a.t?te c-aa ba iHit.aae*l 1-1 aiaa tbouaaad dolUr. lavaaii-ai.tka) ?^. ?? balaaaa 00 um Paferred re?iamu aecure-J hr :ie? onipr..pert?. AddrraaPit. WM J M BUAJB. Wllkoi Wbarf P. o t ' . T.?R SAI.'E?A iao-mu.iv U0i;.^E; lar-w lot; v.***** *':,' ^afeW^^ * . l. w ntb.o- ! " n a?7aiaiaaaaa isaaait aiaiw 8TKV?u??SrATI .?n!i?".-?>m.k<tisu aOB ll.l.etv.n ? _ B.rr.-- ? i'oe. l-.ea.daol toa.ri'^a BioUaiwr H.ah n. " .1 a. Maaw., Vo. V So?U ?? J?? ??? A T, vs. YaB Vaaktaa. M TuaMa.