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\iiv-V(M!K PR1DAY. SKPTtiMBEft 13. I872.-TRIPLK SHBET. PRICK VOlli CEOT& V0'- XXXII.!\?-iv<ii. THK LIBEBAL BALLY. l i:\l.N BTTHU8118TIC MECTIWGS ROLDWG at 1111; IAME iimk. TJir hAROI I MCD ???? WTHCWARTIC MEETIXO IK WAR- I ' FOR A ' h; ? I ? ?' >*'?' ' MM?> ,'l:<'" ORMED TAMI1 UO OROAH H KECHBfl Of 1KVN' l? Kl BMA?i CHAUNCB1 M. M Pl W, *. L ? OX, R. Bb T. HUNTI : . KATUARUtL ?'. BAMKS, QOV. w AUUM OF VIRG1MIA, VK.KSA W .. .-.).. LR1 Of OUIO, A. .'. imjTII * UMMJB \, BAM1 ii. ? w Ml.l -, il. A. KUMII, AM? MANV ( . t iii Uatoa-aqaaii t? tba tiaw>. '1 pnblk neetiog thal ? Um coaltthm of < -?? '? Ti-iti h d Balttiaofa. 11 trollii ? Uwaghl of t,?. , | Ol 1, I'V.'.II AOd I- <??!! I ,inita ipoataaooaa < i-thu-isu-in. tha in.?ttii Ded tba ?Y,--!!urm.n.Mo latbering ol a, whoa tha i-<ci'l'"f N? Ined l? ., the waTeeoI tbe eea to t< ?. ,K.n waa wortb saviug, ,, ,, nrlbla expeaae ol war. Aad barf r, nmilM erowd, with amibu onitj poae, deebwed thero ? aadfctg Um ooce;,,:!l '"r" ' n all ita liarv 1TI ' n,.I ( ' ' dom.and la-t night d< ?,K ,, :.,. Over thal In . excited gathering oi 1861 th< wanii . ;.] preaided. J'.ut ?YOl , ommunioa <>f bmb ol peaco, l...-1 , tbedviliai the plaee. i .11 New-Yorl I'liirtn-sqiian- fU thl Tl,, . I unir?<> 11 '?< ,,,,' ? r< th.-y Hetened in | aUeno |y by appUaee. Bnl ? ?' ? thc naga, thc aroceaaiona, thc in A,.,, ..,?,...? . uata ol otatory. II araa ?. ii waa N" waa thaa . dana !y :-; d popalat i H ( norriious ?11?iiKMi.stiatioiis wbich :: t - wianing i roaot, Tba bioa nnkao tlicir :K. aad onkca theooea aios ,.. ? i i Dthnaiaea aod ta tbepowerfu] atimnlaat of Lope. It iawhca u thing if io i ? .t tha ma- ? l ?;>. and >?>? tiii-u cavii aatiwaiaaaa aooomplbdi vi.l-Tit fatuns of ttii1? astrMrittngfJ khecaa t eonfldenea andbnoj kllt, s ezbibited; and, taa populai demand foi peaoe aad teeoncfliatkak Tbla waa tLo rei faikd to bdnganafooae Cran .. Tbaia a v'u0 r0* i aud aaaaaoxias] aaanj vho eaufined themaoiTaa Io praaenting tha fanUaaodfol i,,. ,,; Um preaaad AabaaniaaratioB. Tacaa potata ? lativtiy laeatrad, aart tho loadaal aod kaartieal ebeen a rrodlortooaBBtoia wbo Btateo. fUrm* ? tradiog p 'i -u pnr r, tbera iliat kba maaara ai f tbis . . ?? i i*l.nd oo? ? aeod of tbo ? i la-tiy, any doobtiogoboanrorhad tbc opporl r ol oooTindog hfaooalf laot nlghtoftba ?v poaadarit] < i tba libaral tleki ta I . ? i of 1 ii,.,? . aad kmd m ti.,11- ???.??. ? : DtlOBOd, H 1 ????'' Dttoredtbe ty apptovaL .. ., b it H Laipoaaibk to ani Bari i: ? I ? -" ?' Com ??.,, . , ,.. aro Worid l-as do .1.- ita aaaJaatM wHI bi tba praaenl OflN Bbafte aill Um w iit <ui tl>*' riiflit akkv and tlio j r-will be graeedbyaa exempbuy majority Ln tbb imperlal dty in fararo! and reoonclliatioD, of :, i.m.i ? f KgJDCAg aud D&FkW, aaai ol Oaa 11 n and Baomr. .t: a>? ,%l,. , ? i . Lividoal?di play ot naaaikaUa ?d BdnMi ? is. Ii araa oot oady tha bugeat aOd l: ? I ? 1 i 111 forkintanyeaaorbaoio,Vat U waathomoat aad pabtta aaootiag abaoa Um arar. ,s of tOM kind dmiog tLia p-d with it, l.avc bOOB bM krnili.ant in ').irif, andhnltinL' in tha mnn rreaoodarthoold Klag manago ' ' BMoey , poworof organlza mi nf tha halla aad aaaada tn. noaie,tha Snworka, and all tha variow acccs irhkb itti.u t and cutertaiii ciowtN aaotolibar ?Dj and JndlcWoalj (nzniabod, tha apoahen ahlar, t.f M.. aaooohoa aaoroptoaaptly doMvatod. Ai .. .pmii Um wimtlag waa to paora eambaaoaaaa .. i. MaoOB of tbe magnitude on wbn h it wa? j.ianrn-d, ?.ut it was fotiud w hen the hoau loraaaaaahUBgoaaaathaJ tha erowda from all poreaal thoeity toadod,aatf by eeaeart, to Tanv ?,. cii.d to aoffocatioB lon?? bofora I it WOfl ftiat int.. Iivinit 11*11 (wbicb aaopty at b\ti aabwtaa ..f I, iraajaaaaaod ?darotaa alter thot hoaor), ajid thaa mto thi ., arbora thioa othoi ataaMnhadbooi acoridod. 8ohaifoaraa thoovoard aod aa agoat the daaaof at lhaaaaaay BaU aajoortorof au bour hatata 8 tbat UM pobea arata floaaptHtd to bar tha way to furthcr aaitiaBeB, and thc oarty eafaadaattoa af thc aaaatang WM faroaf hflfOM tb?-ai?i."inUdlioiir bad a'r\.d . tha erowd araa aot aaai ar afaaagoto Hav'Tofk Haraa laaaaahaaawataaplyta HtMufltadc Io tha BaOa deaaa bodlaool awa viiiv. ca?ci Uatcnriij aathaalaotk and faQjaant ta Umi paaaahaai aaaha laaiaiOi bmm aud araaaaa t<?>, laaa iilaaoljparirod. bad aof ahaaaailaai ai aaAoarnoat, p?rti<'ipaniH in gaa aaaraa Baaaaaaaa uj boadi arhtta on tlie i.nthknt- (.f tli<- gnat.-r cTowdM banag kaaer aaaaapi af hafl anaaj aad all aaaa, arhaaaaaa paitiy i?. naat a partly t?. aaa raa i and ahoaoaad aaffoaadV iiiK all, aa aatoaataa, and at arbaaaari lo?king from fTery fao?* of thc iinuifiiM Squaie, vurt- tlmuBaudH wlio aaaahoi aatfl addatahi tha aaat ahaagfag; utver aFaaryfcag paaaaaaaa af Bfa i?-iow. Exccpt iu the two HalK and tbe utreet* in their iiumediate IrouUt, thtie VM at uo time an untomfort taaa aaaaaaao, or aaaay ami aarady araarda Ytt it at ttiaaa aaaaeah ta aaaa aaara way alaag thr hiiit- ut tti? lajaaaa laoaag Paaafaoaaavai, aud tha aaaai aaaadi vbila daara aaaadaaa iac taajaada llaflaaaataVoi aad ap aadafy to ahadaaaatl tbe th?noii(tiifnr. v i. i. rru< t-.taiikc to aiafaaaaiai pedeMnaijh b i?' >? ?"'l''- lat aaai aooaHai I ,,< .1,, , . fadai, thoaghtfal alr oi i ladroda of 1 ?? L-iotiph whirh graoodthc oat? ahata,?h>a gaotleaBaai aud aaaaa, aaaj ?witt. eblldron aod aaaaolaattai babaa, waa bad waaaaaad ?uu> tin^ vaat aaawd aitb a aaaaaaaaa ftGOjelbiuK KiauK< t?? NcW-York?rH af tha old and VHskitt Bfgfgaai 'ihia coutidcnva ktviued boiu whcro paiM Ml thc ohlofoal aajiratiOB. Ai BO timr araa therc ;iiiy dcaaeatttratiaa laooaipatible wltb ti nhich araa breatk nil rifa aad abootod fiom < veiy platfona. RCEKE IH TAkUIAHY HA1 I dofl "! 'I .unmiriy Hall ? a to appeo^bctgan ? deacriptlon, it wm ?( "i" ? m 11i('i< roaa aad exdting. Avaatcrowd ofpcople pnahod each etboi agnind Um ddca ti thc ballwaya. Bwore fi i<> natnwdjy, U iking eaa bo donc ajood^atnronly, aa they badrward by atroagoi aboaflbwa, n langhed trhunpaaaUy u theydbowod thdrway to bettei podtiooa. .At thedoorof tha aaala ball tbc ?raafa foi tbc Sni few aa ? "; threah ned t.. i>r bn1 tbe <vil ooi .: tb HaD ln filhd . H"1"". ? ,;i .<>< tbC !.:?!!, and b , of liiirc iiin! fourwatcbed tbc gn ?? paaaiag i tacea, brighl v.ith eager aaticlpatk -. and ai inwvmn buitb Thc in Btic* oi h?U waa gorgeoudy and y< t ta:-i< inl'y <!. i M e> icd. Twdre LaimenM streamera <t red, whlta,and blae, depended froni tbc oentcx "f * 1 * * - cdliaa. todif i. n in in ? i qoi-diatanl tbc bal< onj rail ititr. whilc beneath, i brillianl boidei of rieb red, faiaged arithfgoldi raa aronnd tb dlcry. :i, witb atUl fortbex d and ac-? mpanii dby ' pictun in graceiului u and I Ni w-York dmi pw dinj . \ qoalifli l ii ntptlj at ? ??'? Um k, badeed ? '? m aainul foretbc bonr, tbc bapati nce oi tbc erowdeean pelled thc organizal "ii cii I- ii,. i itrng, iaad tbc 11?- ? i - on B. Snlllran atepped d nominatad iA. 1 ? I ditca ol i! ' ft "? for Pxcddenl (f ibc incrtin-. in tbc briti and lapeecb priated on tbc fint eolamn of tbc ?eoond ; IHefoL ted nt Tam Ball, ?od read ?t Irrins Hall aad ?t tbc nui tiit: rksolutiovs. /. htd, Tbat, a.s m aii wiii.T piogrecclTcCoi ttooaJ Qorenunanu, it ii tbc datjr of Anwriean citi ?csu ton L'iin! tbc pcrUi ind ezigi ??? L< - of tbc bonr, andtbatatapcriodwbonalli tional j:\.ruti\i' Powcrarc attemptcd;tobebtokco down, und a Pmideotia] U i",|i. a:nl irbcn, ondartbe protection of tho i mjit tadftoUcai ofBdau ar? oTenrbclminf BUtcc witb bop l Mdi bi, aod impeadini n padiation, it i.s ciiniinal ai;<l pocrOc in dUsana, whocomprehondtbc daaffer.tofailtOn w ooonl offormcrpartydlfll n tounito ou rMcoiog thcu i m ln ooo* .- imnatloo* SmolvtH. niatwehafl tho nomination of Horacc Cn (li-y aad 13. Gratt Brown foi tbc two leading offi ccsof this counlrv bjtho Conrenttoni beld al Cin cinnati and Bahiioore aa an pii iooj oi ? . andiii lation in (' . Tt funiishcshopc to tli? wlUaiaonf partteaandaeotioos wbei.i tbc | tuity of oiw faoatitatloni dependa. 'linir eko* tion sccurcsallthat WM faln( d bj tho var, ;ib %\iil i tbc ABMadmcotc u< ti i I motcc ail diaal n of a nbellioa aaabcd agren ycars npo. 1 i uacnt nnil UniTcnaJ Amncatj, tbc ki y-not< of tl ?? Clndn iiaiinnd Bahlmoi :' :' ky tbc I , 11 Ci;y as oi ?oob momentooi Importam ) r pledgc to thi ir rlndii ation tbc dooere ai dcvoti'ju of tbc American v.u ik.j ; . enic Bcfonn bn gorcniBCJitt b i d bJma ill to thftiriendaof jnatioe andhoni baswoo an cnviaiiU) tiiK'to t!n'1"-. tudeof tha wbole countiy,aadwahi Hon thaactionof tbeByraeaac ConTentiona ln nomlnatlng bin i cbief ataodaid'bcarcs of tbc I polltlcal oootort Hla emloenee aa a Joti ' ? mao, bli frank and tlon to pxindpla, maka bim cminantlj di ?opport of all bonos pew, our hiilliant eandidatc toi Lli il oant-C in I, a v-iiiliiy l. pi I ?'?' Oi boac talent andlntagrlty mn tcam tor rork of Befoim i b . and ln tbc oiiicr lacnilmrc ai tbc Btatc tl ket woi I bj aaaw latcc of Kernon and Di: ' ?a\ Tbat tbc n Ni w fotk i npon tbla metropolla, tbat ? uulnal autboia, aa tac bailot will condemn tbem. Wc in thc f.'d tha Convcaitlona aaadaalltbc amanda poa Iblo by tha aalaetten of a eitisra of Kew-Tcak, bmg dlatingnlahcd t"i- brillianl ? :r aationa] oonn< ;:, ? Aad, That Hic prinerpleaof tbe Cincinn it Baltfanorepl ':i>:i :?. brief oodeof political whlob abonld f"rm thc ba la of ch tl ad oinii ? and Icffialation, ooi onrj ln Fcdexalbntin Jairai and ara bareby pledgo tooaehothot ooi i?-' ezaotiona to an ti B Eoraa aoaac tl.iuK aaora than ? nv ary partj aratekv word. As boob m Um Damca oi thc Tleo-Prcoldenta, whiehan pnbliabad on tho aacond pago,hadheoa adoptod by tha nnaniniona rot.I thc meeting, calls fxoaa arcey ptti oi tlic bonoacaaac foc "ivi nanl" "KctnanP and Hr. Dana accaented tbc pcoplo'a eandidatc fur OOTCtnOX to Lis N.iwTci I: Kadienco, who abontod and ehoctod v.ildly, and daeaxedy arillingto laatialn thcit nolay arel* eoaaoorentohoarhfan apoak. Hr.Kctnan'ai juintcd iu tho adjoinin^ c(duinn-) v.n dOTOtad (hicilyto Natkaoal laanoa, and, thona^llatoncd t.. withthc paToat attentkn, araa froqnonUy lntoa> rnptod by lood and oontinnooa applanaa. Ifr. kXacnan waa foUowcd by tha Hon. B. bt T. Hnntcr, whoao abteapeecb. dchretcd ba a tona aao tewtoroaeb tha atttaaanoat parta oi tha ball and thereby lont an many of thow^ Bvaacart, U priatod m tho aacond and thinfl eolnmna oi tho aacond poja. Whea ba aatarod thc hall and appaarad npon tho HtaKc Mr. Hnntoi nict nith a rceoptioo whkb aanat havr aaoprloi d thodJgninad Firginiaai whodoobtlcaa iiinnv'ht tha oov-fiioiiy of ptoaaafatiow ncoaaaary to aoqnatnta hTow-York aadionoc with ln^ Caea and Bctaon. In opHc ai Iha (aat that bc oonldnotbc hi arii in aO aaila <>f tha hall thc graatari rcapcot waa j,ai<l Mr. Hnntrr dunug thc WBOOO dcliviiy of his apaai h. ? Thc lounptlon aocord< d Oen. Baaka arai -tiil aaeen eathnaiaatie. In rariana parta oftbahall oaJhj for bim bad oeeaohmallj latorrnptad proriona apaakara. Wbanatlaat thc orall-known loraa ttood beforc ti..iu ii aaoaaod aa If thi ii *??' b oma eonhJ nol ba too awaaa/i i in aao too aveaonflodu Qon. rhjauWo ru uiHikn. ikalla^nkdtod by a porfoi t fracdoaa fiom thc \ ItnporattTaanarlt. whaak ko donounoodaadlagradng tin appaabaf pnray, aad by >? aaaantnl aarlawai tho nnancial coudition of thc ftmith, ajo printcd ncaily in full in othcr ioIudjiik. fhoHon. W. U. Kauudt-ra ?ncc(;?drd. Hin epeech dmpnaiant ntth irtlli atta(kn naon thc ariohooi tho Adini/iistmtion, and tjd Wttt 0 cordial rrc?-p tion friiin ?!:(? cninc aodlOOCO H ''ilf Mr. Mannrlern ? m aaoaaini 'h<- Hoa. (Aaaaooy at Boaow, thoaaa dldata foi Lloalaaaal Qwwaoiahla, aad tho Hon. s. s. (;ox. Ooafraoaaacm-at>I^rajOi aaaao npun fha i'i.tti..iin. Of aoasaa thoto appaaranee prodaooi anotliir hiiHtle of m itt m< nt and antii ipution, and POtblaf wonhl unt bad a hpeecii fjaoa Mr. DnpoWi Ba aaaVdaad tl.iin iciidily, and d.r the n.-it 15 minutc? roatad aaaiktrr aaaatai aaa aaanaaafd eaiii'-n ni"?u tho " Oubcruatohal uiue-pm,'' whith Uiv AdiuiiuaUativu taptobal Coa iaaasb ? IhTorite la tb eitj that ble i| whicb eaaa lasl oa tba Uat, i? talaed thc laa i adeat kikck -. Taeo eam i Um I . bleeraablngefpeoptoanxkaato gat hrto t,.. air.aad aoon aftarwaid Taauaaay Ilalivuaoucu again aah t. BOENE ai IBVINO HALL, Tlir orerflowtng tidc rwaaTaaananj HaTlforeed Ita way at :m aarly bom kk Inrini "ali. whkb by BoVIochwaa Ulod witb an andienoc repreaoating ererj ln1 rea4 k thc eommnaity, and reryi ;.,,! f a tl n i -'at tbe door. Aatl i - ra i n d Inanl ai d wt U knowa Re publican and Damocratk leaderc Biade thatrap : ea aa the platfi na tl ?ith prokagcd aaplaaao. Aa* I abo wert,, : in thia particnbw were tbe Hon, ( ; aoi.. y M. I>. pew, Gen. WaUtei i I v-: Hon. 1 ? (.. 11. Jobn ' Gen. i. ? ; (''?''"? :i1mI . JameaC.f i Ii kthea A re were preaent oo tbe pktform Aldennan D. D.Con .! Hon. Tbomaa l.. Bto? ert, Jndge Foaler, Qeo. 1". Howe, Jamea M. Boyd Amooi Um i ' ':"; -'? the i. Mte-baired I and i ' ,i, platfom aad B< i na. a Ai. r< tbe pktform wi ? ' ? - ? ' ' ,I'" ^?aal ,.[ bei i ith tbe fOBowingaiottoeo! ? w illi publit- <.id. i." ,. faitb Tim ;.;..! II.. Dai ? ? ''?" ?| be ganerii - w< rc taatefaUj trimi ed ? tl andon i i ? ahJ I ? ' Aftertheband : II.,ii. iln mae E. Btowi ? rward and ? n. ordi i in a brb I ipat ? b, ta wbi ih.iiii: ' ' ? Bpi BCCt M ii"' PB> i .; pencei mel a 'I' creci ptien v.h, b in. l< ?'? d Uk admlTAbk hnmor in wbnh tbo erowd bad aalhered and theii to h ka to a ipeech fi ? bb ??. BU brkfly aad BraoefaDy deeliatog to in (i. fereoeo, ? i be BiodeoUy aald, k'abL i ba read the icaotatb n | tod al Um bubd uici tintr, and tli'ii Introdoccd the Hoa. Fernanfo , Ufe-keg !?? ? ?' "? Bad oae whoai thtj b?d i ften i ? Mr. v..- d araogreeted wlh deafei whkb eoaUnned toi acreral nd? theebei ringbad rabaided, Mr. Wood proeeeded k ettbobrki i eh we pobUah k full In Um Mih eol tmn of tl i ? ad : - , and tbe I t the Adi . i/i-.i sMt'i I i i roknged M }-.:.? aoi a*r. ( danan Introdneed Um Bon.Cbi '1 I didatool the Libexala f n Li< ai appearanee i aal foi i baral of ani ontrol ? Bt Uk el whkhfhn li prj of the ? ; ? ?? Hl i . the aotxvptkn whicb pn i ? ?? ia Uw !, and uning np ..f thc pnblk Ufe aad offic ? held bj (.,.-.. Qilbi it < . dwitheht v. biU Gov. Wt 01 ?; ? >'?'? ? ? ''"' Bon. dttce ankred tbe h*ll, eeeorl Hon.Fi mdi I ' ? Uiey oo tbe pl dfona, Mr. i; r, Bni i hba wltti ronnd afb ? InoUtM e g? nUeman who waaiatrodneed tatb< ai < QoTornot "f the Baie ol Bew-I v'... ? " Hr a r-.. brii: . ;ici>. and prombuag whenel i Btakand mnnkipal < orrnpl At Irring Ball tbpre alao pi I Kflpat arboro, aod Ckn. 8. F. Caryd Ohk,whoae aj.>h, , ,1 chii dy k Um arcrking i ba j.iint. .1. 'l be i ?>?? tlag Bnall] cheen foi * . -r, ? i pOE tATJf 81 ???!' Btao ' v o. l waa altnatod ii i nion b bead i ?mi that Uw I I""' >" t..i long,and3ftloel deop,aa| aeeaicd tohaaaea banated all tbe r< awn i - oi Um destgaarand Ute ar iIm.i.ii.- were it- lecoratkoa Aroaad Um bodj i.t Um ataad ware aoaad tl"- aad.I 11\. i tb< - waa arrani U ? drap rj al rb h ,, ni.-t eloth, beatfly triaanodwifb gold ftioga. . the looi "t Um pkttoil n h.-ii.- af aaudl pUbua arooa, aapportiog horbnatal bara, along whicb were arrat ea vkh piajeettag Jata, ?ii?- Raaaee >>f whkb wore protocad froni 'l" bti i n i.\ laow-whifc? l- 1.i ? :??<''? m, Th)froa< al UMplat t.iiiu waaaagalai al tttatop, brflknt barnen raa> niiig freen tha apoxi aad iwBjetalaiBUBg Um baarip" tion, "Ora ky aad Browa." At the axtreoiW : iad baaeaih waea Uavaa ?ii patnUaia af Boraa Orceaoy aad B. Ciratz IWn. At tb.-w.---t ead ..-f Um ataad waj aa buMripthn aa u>>' ?? Wi- rccogaae tbe Eqoalltv of all m.i; before tb? i.:iu :'? aaOai tbe eaat entf, "Kottw parlj of Aaatia?B| lon, niri Bdeaoa." ()., r tha ataad waved aaaay IhJoa Unp^. agraagad ..ii tb. ii itadh in thc bana <>t Bkagaida> At aa eartj hon aa Imantntr aaaaabtagc eoajregatod aroaad it. awattUBg Um aaai araax >? <t Um .-, eahi ra annonm ed. Affaa baad aattTaaed UMwaifjag byaaaybai aa tkaal and othet appronriak ain BaaiaolJ. TUdoa, who eaUod ua aaeatlai k ordet iu a i.w werda, ptaaoated Daakl i>. WUlbaaaaa aa Cbairaaaa ad ttMaaaotiagal Uda ataad. Hf? ^bTIf l;ain.M.u tliank.d tln-a-.iiiblaL-.' lm- tln- boiior uf tb. bt aploofkn. aad Mat>-<1 tbat tlay bad Baaceabkd to ratify tln- unit.-d BOOUaaakai al Cim innati and BalUnKwool BotaoaOreokyaad, B. firat/. Browa. GoergaW. Yaa Beaal waataaaa/eaoatad and raad tha li-t <>f Vi.-.-l'i..-i.i.nt-, aad BauetArke. Tha loBoalng aawtkaaoa addaaaad Um BMaUngi aad wi-n- aaah aaadTod in a toidmi and freapeeadty eaUtaaMaUc BBaaaori 8 8 t'ox, whaae apoeeb wili be lound oa Ute twatfthpagai Oal F. a. BaaacBt J- Da^apHI Baal ot .Vw-Jcim-y, M. P. <>'<.?ii..r ot Boetb Oarolka, Lon, CSoL Hardoa afFlerida, D. 0. Birdaal, JJanadaff Sul llaaa, Qoorga K. WBaaa, Oai OaaM of Baargh> Ihaaaaa Diaabej. laaaaa MeTlollaad, /aaaaa<FDea> nill, J. 1.. Power of, aud t'ol. Jamea Deyha Thi aaatlag at tbie staud aeaUnaod aatfl H o'clock, nnd a? a.aaaaaaaaagl inany of tbe si>ow:hea are ftfaaj oul>' rarj>. BCEII AT THE CUBA| BTAMD. 1 n?- stan.l at tb. IdaMaal stutu.', Liu.wu ma Su. 2, wa? Barrooaded at an early bour by a lar?e uncj-iiiblaK.- "f attctitive listeaMBBj wlio inaiiil'- BB I iiiiiisnal mt?rr-t in tbe addr^Hwo ruad.- by tb* *ev aralapaahafai Affeal Butaj bkTka,agaa|njainiodby gentlcnn-n, ?t-r> j.r. -- nt. Thf whk-ha K'.>od baad aaa Itationod, ^ll<'nt? witb cab?inm lwbta nnd Cbin.K.- lani.-in-., and a ina*? of IwajTaaf l1-'*-'1* aadhaaUag. Tha aaattai "Tha DbMj af tln ih> pulilir hii.I Bajaal KikIHn t>> all," ?aa dr-jibm-d. Thiaatand, iodkaaad to tha Meada ..t> aa? crty, waa k bave bt-cu prutidod wur b> Um Uvu. tt. i " Barkrv, bni bodacaa k lootci thedty, bki phtea ?.?* aendraaly hiicd by Qea> Pna ?. B. Bpfnola. Tha LMm r.ii \>> bmm ratic Clab <>f (frbaai aad d thdrhallatNo. 41 bUztaVato. d I tfeloek. bV I i LadaXigaoa, Preddoat, aad Podro Pablo Borroto, Beeret . Two hnadred Cobaaa a ' ' a readntloB i I Inrttlng dl I i wing tl i Ub rd dmi amenl to p n i ictpatc ba ? f tbe erening, and ptedgingtheaffortaof Ou dnb t<> tha aleetion d Qraelej and Bj i ra. Thc .Iiea formed and aiarched dowa Mvth-avi-.. toNtntb-et, throoghHintb at to I bto., op FoarthHtve, to 1 oarb i atb d i" thla atand, on arhieb aren tbe foUowing prominent Cnbana: Vioeata Otaao, liaond Martinae, Baiaal Xignea, Pedro Pablo Borroto, aotonio Lopee, Pablo agw roa, aad Anl 4 Bo ? ? b M:;\ Hoai - introdoi i i: forn bioti wbl< h wi ?. ,_ on r tbe < i nntry, iiiul?laimcd i great reeultafrotn ita bad been achlered ia Now-York. BJ renon l ia .... i i. r,. i,.. apeech will ba fonad in tbe aixth coloaui "f l to tha zaa who decliued to go to tbc Philadelpliia I andwbo beartiljr anpportcd Uoraoi Orcel CoL Oriapof liiaaonrl el ? peechon tho aeeond ooi unin of thc ftftb | ent dl Dembered eondittoa oi tho Sooth '? d ;. otad onl thi grcai need oi ;i nnioaoftbo whoh people, Korth aad Bonth. Qen. Bai uj n a thi I . .i Aiiiiiiiii.-tiainni. Daring bia ipeecb ii.' Hon. FraociaKornanriaited tha atand ln coaa panj withtbe Hon. Algarnou B. BoillTaa. Hewaa ii 111\ ? (i w ith tamaltaoaa eheera, aad aaidthathc deaired for a BMaaeat to anitewitb bia fellow-dti ui earncd arord ln faror of rcatoiingtbe conntry to tbc tmc .'< Bi adard of Deaaoc . Barnnm waa followcd by Meaara. Duke, \\i li, Baki r, Knowloa, Dnganne, kvn. . I D ? ?. 0*Doyle, Nntley, :ind en-Coroner Oover, niiiic of ahoac peecbealcould poadbl] be giren after tbc l.iti bonr (11 o'clocl kt abich thc nioetii j, axned. _ A'l THE OEBJCAM BTAND. Alargji erowd begaa to gather ba tbe tidaity of i.i. \. i..i i ipari i"i thc Genaana, abonl "? ?11'' k aad aa hoai later betwi i ma bad congregated in tho doia* ity. Thc Btund \mi^ taM< lnllj rlccnratcd With Cbiaoaa fcenterao, aad a draaimond light illn minated tho part oi tho aqnarc whero tho meeting araa beld. Amerieaa and Gcnaaa ?aga irapad thc fraol aad iWt a, aad an laaertptioa ear lala with the falkr. noa froaaoaeef Mr. Orea ley*etottorai "ihoi kl i ba ferteaatoeaonghtobeealled tbC Aiih lir.m ]? i.| . I w,a i,., r a party, btri of thc wholc people." [mmeaaei niltpial?in jjn ralli d,aad thi applaaah 4. . d uonad tha ttaad, ib i t thi i ?f ttii-? ? ? m the pinffiTiii aad te the vhrtatty at \V;i bli rtofl Moi bbm at ; tra ? Bclee, ?paa wh* ii aari rd i drair< troaa Mr. Ori rtV ??'? ipeeel.aa laaeribed, aad nettoca eaeh aa thefol lowlnir: MXho PreekMal ihevld bc thc i inan Ia tbC na'i.'ii;" " Bl ;U uul" Ict ?;" " U t tha ptowal an ? bc turacd to praaug booto;M ?h thc WholC UnC ?'f t!ie Waid tad Acaeaahty Diatrle! proccaatoaa aaarehed pad tha aal Qenaaa < li hi ?artbtng Ia tha 11 parated and ? itbc ?taad.wherc theyrewuoed bbUI tha cioec i.f ii ' a ? l r" thc ? I thc Lthi rul i andlda Ai'i.nt i ii'dnik Prot QlaabaaiWec (wheaa apoeeh wiii ba foand at tha elxth eohnaa d the t h aaaa) opeaed tac iimdlin. enrt tl Vm it. ideah) oera eleetcd,pcoanV :n'iit aiiiuiiu' v.i h tha foUewl igi who were on tho B \Vi.!iitm,i-i, Dr. I. w.ii raaaa, J. P. ? .; . tgaathu W i. ..ii. r Mleran, D. LoemiBa, end uaay oth* ra. ;?! Btl i 4aa ? ttoaal, ? ? i -, weat npon iad nade a lea n j reo ircd. 4bmmb .- i' i at thm ?taadwaeea laoaehaaara pahllehcd, were t?r. Brackman (?eeoad eelaau, attli pe# \, Baaiaal otern diiir i aohuaa, tliiii p M Chariai Kiakeli aad a : ? arc i i.i.m.i ir i it. bmm tratton ,...,, ,;,, people tapport the eaadldatei Oreeler aad K ,,, MJ. i!,. ezpeeted the people t" pn i I eorrapttoa, u they dld ai been dfo ?ppoiatcd. (mr appoaeati patat to the lata repeat Tweed'a aaeittea, trepoagdaa todoabod III" bT< akdl laforai themea .ind their Ln iMiimty and ateltdttg wOl ba atferi [ai tiii- patat the i ii oi aerd ai d ? ad ti i v.i.h h \.- ?. li ii" ? leraath ead aeTaa : i lniK, thc Matiaaa Baeaaaa aaMctatteat aad aaaaj atai > i uaataXeraaa, caadWIaaa taa Qoforaar, taaa aoaaa Bg g tiH 4aad and Mtd I \\k oaraaaa Maaoe i anowtaal Iheyarc prorcrbl dolua cood, ai.n wltii thetr a--i Uinoi will revtve iii>' <.id I'ii.v wero Un.riMi,;i. tbocauM- of Natlonel Ueform.oa tbe) tbowedtnem ?..?ivck hct Ni'viii'mt ln ti."i "' munlcipalreform. I b?v. i'.-. n -i".'i'"|r-- contlderablj tble evi aiug and trut ?,,,ii mll exou?e rn> Urevity, whl eu uj uo du ,,!,? in .in.ti to addn -.- roq el length, bul ilniulj beeauee i iiin anaale to aa bo. i dd yoa a ai a4 uikui. nanateaeora f^r Oraatoraad aao an, aad tarec bmm forPraaete Wt taaa aeretheaglroa. n"' Qemaa aaMdattaaa, wim n-'^ paaatai artth treaaparaaeiee aad Bnaae, taaa ipparaaed troaa n.' iiin "f iii" areei anoa aai aarroaadad taa Oaraaaa itaad, whcra they reaaaiaad nntd tha ?eatlag broaa ui'. ^ ? BOEHI AT BTAUD Ro. t. Starnl Nuuilicr Four Btood 00 thc noitli-wiapj aaraard aaieatacath at aad Bafoa Mjaara. H vaa are> taad] dr.ii ed v, ith laaarlnan Irlaa, froaoa, aad Cahaa ?aaa It w?s adlhaatlp BTaaataalad with CMaaae laateraa aad adaaaa agata. it iM.n- tha aaaaaaae iinogataa tha eojeaaty d an Baaa ba? foro tho law," aai " Laed aalf govaraaMat, iiatadliathia" Xaa Baataad PaaaeeraUe Beadgaartera, alraetly appeette thc Maa4 on Braadwejr, vera alaa acfltanatty naaahaaaali a:ui a prefaafoa of aanatlaa aaatod Broaa Ihdt atajawa, 4oeaaa ajaHaaei Miir.-im.l.d the ftand, and repc;?tedly agBOtOd tbe araakaea ?ith loud and aaraaal aheera. Af.rHf.-? aetdaad atia hj Orafalaa ~ttt Bagtaaaal iiitmi. wn. iiu J. (iibfon. the feeeetaay. reai th.- resotu tionn, waioh aaara raa raal arata ajraal aaattaaaa. OCO. A. Karin.v, th<' Chalrinan, lutrodaced R. ft Tliarm of (harlcbtcn. P.uith < Hrolfna, WBCea epcech ia gi\t n in tha ihir.l ii iuiini ?f IhC flfth p.'iK*'. TUe IoHowiok cp'-iiW't? ?urcc?'.1ed Mr. Mjrin : Col. II. a wiiiu, Hon. i. t. a/uHaaaa, J. w. sboop, j. j. Ro?^rs, F. II. Huid'-r, ana M. H. ?i^ir-on. VhOaO aBOOOl llvered at a late hoiir, were uot reported. Daniag Mr. Wt!liani?'? i-iieerh, FYancl* Kernan ?m nn eiperti <lly introdiiccd. Aft< r taepTelaagad rli'oriiife' with whirh bc waa peOOOd had aaliciitid, hc rwdil: MTfrwnd*, I heve not eonw toinake aapeeeh, for I aMalraadj hearaawtthapeakiac. I wiii mj thlaBach, i.tiwevcr, Qreat'a OerermaM nt aiaat !?? dedroyed,or i; wtndaatro) thecoaatry. Weatuel aare a eoreruuwnt reaoaraiauia toaa witiiout regaid tu aatmtj oreoior, an.i nn' a a goTeraaaeat aa propace to kaaagoratej artth Uvreec Oreelay a? Preddi nt. Mr. Kojrera waa aUo inttTrnpted In hl^ ape*eta Iiy the uiiiuokiilfoi appeaiaaoO "f Oea. lianki.. Ile waa re I. ,\i ii with laafl aad aoohaalaaaia apptaaaai ?t tha aaa> cluaion of whirb b? amd : Aa I am woary from aiaktng one U'liK apeerh to-oiarbt, I aliall imt niake unother uow ; hd I oiai to aav that if )ou l.enrt e\ery eiierjry to tho vork) (irant> aaapataaa wiii aa ararthrawa, and you wilibavc ainh a at aa tbc t oi.-utul.uii lu tcuda you atiall bave. MaaBre. bharp, Itruoka, Hnydi r. and HiKer?ou bricfly PtflBWed tirmifa Aduilnmtratioii, elaliulOK tbat it vend* tv?*JJ llrtll't" dcaiKltKlu. aud lb*l liinim ? wbole r*cord eriown tl.i.f if 1? U al Bkd I ' ' wtltn tionai ub< ity wiii u- raacaacd, Tl.. bv etli I M U, witb three cbr.-r* for th^ I EfE AT BTAHD WO. 5 Tln fifth ataad waa plaged la honl ol Tam !....i. al na ? audn i atn I - ay tbe < . ? .? roii^ti i laa tba tower . an ai a .1 aad obik at i rlgbf r. .1 > i old laee, a.' ? ? r partlea ol > ,,... . ? ? <i arltb ? .-i -: " Tln- !'? BHX bW PO Bew-l -ik." i)i. ead ?f tbe ataad Ibi n ii. b ? i ,[?:,. m: " Pot Qorenw " ;,r.l ly Of'. I ii MUM } M !li<- In ::t Ol t!?? " ? ?*>'' m wbleb ?< atad itll v 11 i ia bm tndktkg waa aa tooner BUed ta i.<i beforc Um i i. ???. ii''. aat.' t. \ . . tba BMoUag a portka .?f tbe ? womld depai t,aad tbelc pti i ..',.?'. .,??.. aran ii. in iba bmi ii . dkd to ordi t al I ? iiiiiii ii o'eloek, wbea II dl oei m A 1 \ ry ), BBd tl ' ? ? ' T1 ? ? | . i ? ii.;,,!. . mer. AOi aad nuui latcr i -iic- II.?ii. w*. W*. BUea ..f Wi Mcfc tci ? ? approi of 'ii ? 11 tj ?.f eertala Deaw ?? I ? ivn. Mr. RUaa i'i' i tog aboal aa aud tbal ii-- eroald I.. Uen Dfftcn "f ?.. ii. Qraat Mr. Vltoe araa ? BOBBMaMad M n i i abaatra toagaogoi aad aboakd ao laadlr Mr. MIm i v..i. eomi i I'.... .-i.i.tifin <?, wbobad ibltberto malakioed a reepcefr fni n\i iat. n.'\v ...i .1 apoa tbe pottoeau raaaove iba aaAdatotrattoa inaii. 'iin poll bawai regaaatacbaad tarrtod ta Qraai bmb tbroaab a erowd of tboaeenda, aot eaa ol abao ? Ac tba leaet Mtu af Bateetkg biav iii thp iiiid.iic ..f tin- ?eeakv laa BCo. Praau I ? k< rnan mhI.i.i.ij appaarad aa tba Maad,aadi .- I trodacedto tbe aadieaee bytbe Hoa. Algataaa B. HatllTaa. Eaaa rartanl evefybatwaa reawred, aad ebeerawareglTea witli n bJMIIJ IBOi nlll Al:<r tln- Bpplaui-c ha.t >-ul> Mi. k. i ?.? -11 "? tbaaki for tbe ?toaaeaeef laa reeeptka givafl bua,and laft Um .; ,i,i taaialtw oa Bbeeca. Mr. t-iiuiii. 1 .1. lil.l. n, a BMNBM iBBtO aaeed by Mr. BbUItbb, aad aal ?? ? aa eoaailj reccptioa. xac d ' toronor Goraaa V. ii. na an, wi.o aaaalaaa ?( for ? baimaa, cbaric? ii. BaaweUi Mr. MarwaU, on aaaaadag th#. ebalr, tbanbad Um aadtoaee for tba boi ? aara tbea ? .y.iiir.m )'. ' roati rOtftbi dai ia, tftl page) ot tfi a v. ik, Wiiiuiin r. Miimiuif x??j"i-?-y (Rftbeotaam M. Hiu.ti r..r, A'.. !XBI &AI II a, t;.u. Bdward P. loaae a, \v. B. Bewlttof Raw-Yorb (Af tb eoltuna, fiflb i. '...'. .. IfBB of Broaktya. i* THE PARAD ? tni I'.i:i.\nan ABPCM IATI09. Tln Matthew T. Breaaaa AaaodatioR ba4 beaa laaiaaaawll ta aaaaaabta al Ioaiplrtna<Qaakc, at balf paat 7, bat owkgk tii?> aborl Botke wl etrea, nwae falr/aa aoar taki bcforc iba anfareal w.,r.t argaaicatkoa bagaa k arrlTC. II bad beeaeap i?. ,,i, U-. u Um Apa la B !1,-ht ooawooid ? ' ataad 'ii.i.i. bataadlng tbebrlaf UaaafOf aotkaaadprepara i.,,n, betwei a iftOt ??? '?'? laaaad M aaaa Beaa, ai d U i - tliau that ""'?"'"r ?.[.? in lmo. gaoroaaaatwarlaayaatiathMn.aaabiao niK nore tliau 15..I01I Baaaaarai aaaor taa eaatrol af tae COBBral Ac oaiahoai ItbadbceaproaoacAtoronataa Ai ollue aod Butn n tbroaah aam ral atr? ??? m parl '>t tii.'.uy liaiaapi tceadkg ?Ua BaUtbatoatagtotaa aoai ?.f armai, eaeb arvaaao aa aeaaaototaa Bqaan aaaar*rcaed dlrectl/ap??aaaa kf tealbaa., .., aad Uaoegb it n. Poartei atb rt, Iba aaaocilatloii aaa i ? M aal daa hoBi aad al ataraa baar* laa agaiacaat laa rlpcli na, Baaaag whkb an n i " ifon i iv \,i-u.^ Brlbetyi Mo Praaaata." "Oae Sana." 1-..1 Aaacatg." " Jadhaal Parlty." MCaaaai boaae IaAaaaee to Pkyad ?"it..ttteley UM*Bepra Refona.H "Oreeley, Browa,aad?totary." . aad u.'f.inii." tet, Tbe Oraad Mur-!mi ..t th<> Aaaa toitoa aaa v.'iiiam ii. Borni, i m ? Md bj Um foUoa Ibi bMi i Jaaa ?> B Joba M. Traey, Jaeob Btebaeber, Oooi ?? raoa. i. . ?:, WUhaai ii. curoi, Praaoto Mer* .. Akxaadet Vfard, Cbartoc Lbata* ?aaa, Bk bard i .? ?' - ? rk, Patrtok Otbaay, P. .1. Baabarg, Vt U Bryaat, : ..aad ffaa. inbalaad Bhta acra aaoaab A A larca erowd waa aaaeatbted at loaapblaa aajo ii.. u- aaabHaf af tu.- aaaactoikaa, aad botb tberc aad a" tbej prooaaaai Uureaab aaa atraata i<>-...u i ifaaro tbaj aaa ajaakd w;th baarty ebeera taa baada aecaaBaoaaM^taaa u tLtir aaa of ?? pkyuui aaatki aad aaariaae aaa tmi: KK.ini i sni A-i MBLT CLCB. At bajf-paal aeTea baaaanae erowdi of eMi ttm i? K-.,i, i. ii.i.i. bj Um ???' lal >?>?: Poarla-B?a.aad Tiari\nr-t--t. to allaiM UM ?ardbaltagof tba Qraakf aad Browa toreee af tha .wiin.. Aaaeaaaly Datrki Uw elabaof titodtotrkl toraaadoa Xalrty-Bratae, witb ta n?ii! i<-iiiikon Koiuiiiiiv.-. laa alab raaaaaaliai Bicbard < rokei Aatirffe**?i eaaaadaa aatoh tbe i?,,,i al tbe bad waa haaadi wore brttU* .,,,;, liiuiiiiuatf'd. and tbo bun.ln.-d8 of OaaaBBl toateraji laaprndcd aatag t**T fc~"^*^>* <>f fio trcf-sin tl,, torecroaad, tbrowkg Umb* wavkg lik'in iu audout Bawai tbf cniBifM, napaatadta tba wbok aaaae ?<* aaoal aad ii. iuriK.|u. Bfpearaaea. Ban^toadaaaaaaaaf iir. vorJu ware atoo afaeaad from ibe ?atue bmi in-.- darkg Bm iiiuc tb.- baa aaa bakg tataaaA Praaa ibt- booral ;, toa] o'ckek Um rtokay ofTbtrtj Biatat. amt Fourtii BTt.waa faaty aBra wttb tre. Tbroagboattba wbok aaaa, from aa ry patBl "f ttu- aeaapaaa, und from . rarj strcot au.i attej Uawe BMaaai top..ur bafhaeaaaaaaaa abraaai ot aadbaakotte etttoaaa, eagat to sweii tb? airoadyim ?Maai raaba a< Iibaralwai Erary eaaaaaay wa< ito rtdadwna Caaaaaa toataraa.aa watob aaaa BaarBMd Umaaaaaa,aadk aaaay kaaaaaaa Um lx.rtruiM of tbo Ubaral oaaaaaataa, waaa Um aattrc baa b.wi ootu tm BMd.aaaaa akadaa PaaaUiBca. aud ii*?i Um ayadawa Bral d ,tbaac aaaaaiaJagkioaaaaawtaaaMaae Uuaagaaf aarrtoflaaani aud a i*rfect ?ea of wa?iah' liK-iit.', Baablag aaaaaa, an.i laaaatoaled baaaaaa, iorm lagaaaaf UMgaaaeaol au.i aaaa] iunpiriuu aaaaaaaai tnat lii<- titizcus of BOW'Yee-k li..v.-tMT e.en. Tbt-rt) ?, r<- n. ?rl> 3,000 iutn m llue. and when it U reni?ml)?red tliat Baay wtro all providt-d witb laiiturus and aaaay aal baaaaaa, UHat aaeto ?j* Hweiiiun apaaaaaveei ffaaotka,that baaaaaa were Kaiiopin* to aud fro B ith ordt-:-n, aud tliat from that Immc-nso Uaaag aaaea atu-r ciie?r wa? eeaataaatty r.-udm* the ato laraaapoaaaaffaaaMaaaaai al <???* laaaral aarbr, ??uie hligi.t IdOB uiay ba foimedof the magnlhconce of the aaaakfito Haaae woafaraaed aadar dirt-.-tioa af tbe II,.ii. U-jiidcrBuck, Oraml anwabai Wha bad M dtpu tie?. At Bbeat H o'elotk tbo <-ntlre lmo was arapaiad to aano, and aa lt ?wun? out into r'.'.inb BTO. a BOrBMt BBBWOf of roikeU Bbat up n.iu UM vi. Itilty of tbe xpeakers' pl?K ronaa weiaawAag tboscof tha ZTHBh Aaaaaatv Dw ti 1.1 to the gn-m tfath^rlnK of the t-laun ln OaaBBdMBl aa, in, an. ?.t? mude up of u larae niiiuber of riuiw. aaaaaa] arbkb wore the RU hurd Croker An^M-iatioii, Beruard M.i.uin. Marabali Baapaaa a. i>oa?ia?* Oraa, Peter BaaaavMaraaali i*? aTM Oaaaaa Gtaavdoaab VaUa, Marabali Maeaal baakl Oaaa, Jaa. MaCaiiy,aaarabali BJaek Baeh laatal (aaa, Parrkb MaOafra, Marshai; Ovaa akaaaky Aaaaotoaaa, H"?tb laaaad, aaaaaali laba Daeaa AaaaaaakBtJaaMe aafJaaa^gkaehaliCtya tui AAaadatka, WBhaai J. aafbaaj, baaaaali j.iur-. K.-utiiiK am..< tation, aaaaaaaaaad br ?he gaaawalt> .n.iu- in uiilforin, Jaaai RbaaaV, MantUal; Wltliaiu aaaabk aaaaaaattoa, aaaaaa aaaaaa, baaaaal; Joun aa? Tweina r?a?. FOEEIGN NKW8. TIIK TSBATY 09 WABUXOTOB, uaafAL at vaam op nu bbbbto 4mnav TOfaf. I B88B.T1 | ?? ". I"""' Thej fOMftli I'icn coni.ii t<il with the AhdMaag raUoo Trtbea i ?? raaag , htii.ouby tka Freakei aiaadai a Ltrarp gt g ro n gwASDi p. .'., gept 12, iktj. 7/?c I'.dinhuvih flMfdaaa aajaj tha awwdj d '. iii-va Tnl>ut::ii io Ann in.a wiii l>c uiadi in lh? r< ini of a laaep eaaa tl BLABOBATI VtVKUM gf Mit AUOEA>MB ( OCXBVBM. (. i, Tburadny, gept, 11, 1871. ii. kbnrn, the Bfitiah aaooaboi .n, wiii <iitivrr an ohkhafaM ;? ti ? he <! aara treaa tbc de. riaa aao aow eagaga I ?* ' ? ni'iii. OBXAT I'.li'ITAIN. I. IN r.oNf'O.N OP fitl AMSBPCAM MIN? nrrca ro i.manta. I . m ..-., ] , ?. U, 1873. Ifr. Jagggg M. Turiap, Um Qntted Baaakal ItaaaarJ aad ky the laat ? ir.Mii tha wi ? \'ii. .i. bad aa haaawaaaj i ii IMiniin I llarninornl, l.'ndiT Hi r< tary of Mr. Tarner Ia on Icivc of ab? . go tu Aiiii-i.i'.i kateee to Moiv NH i. JAPAK. tu or rm btikado pmok ra vimt to m>ii:;?!?.;.'ii -i in .\ rtiiarifj jfjinni i n:: PRKSI '. i ? OP AI t aiiu. Bam FftAkJi i-cc. So|?t. 12.?Tho aU-antHhip (i,, ,i b i i '..I. pect, fcrtagfa ? taa aa> lewtnjr bowb 0 I ?. Jaeaaa, ap fo 4 taa Mlkade . m BMTtalttotbeaaaCk ,-n: pertfoa d taa Bnj. Be arrrred aaa xp<-<vuiy at .. | took the trata foc feda, laa aheoagragdl (.f ii.rt afajnal | aaa Been i kee, aad M eaapaca I ?i d hall a i ? ??-''? i the iVrntory ol Beaaaaaa, aad waa dotataed taaa aaa aaya, awhag M awalher, k leg drerhei Baaaarwatta ky kalk lahtaaa i a a vni at ' Bai (orta, i ? -? i"1 -'t d the EagU k, al i-. ? . . . - . aaaa of ahe ateaoi ky thaPJagthaaoa Kaaaalrana, haai " * '? tfea M k ..Id. in whtok hei > "' k* eaaaot ati kj a Aiiilallheaghneailni " thaMlkadei aaaaM adopt kh ? deead nneallahteaed rtewe, pec,aaeMagj thafta eeaTeateal oecaaton naay aerat affco aejahtj aa l liiinscif of theepaortuBitj to wrlte, apoteejtalaa fei aadaeity. MBat?" beceatiaaea, "thel yearB aaty, aadar l nae?dOe*aeaBBeB*,aaafaa> i tha ii'imtrj ara iatlyd > thi laapa iiuittae, V.I-,Hm taagird faiimo into tlio vice eklled rep I I ? ? i in n..r. th 'i ?) u-' i aHI l i h aepeadeaeyef tha Weatara kerhariaaa H .... aa i w- 'l ? IDWICH USLkXUL CAPTtnut op urDWAPPEaa?ooktPLAnrn oi im? POBTKBI IN KK'.AiiD rOTBBDVTl OltOOl ?rOLCAMC i.ul pnoM. Bam Fkamimc, Bept i:.?Tlio gdaiea aai ? p oiyniuu, ffecB Bendahii an aa grttkk kateh laa bad arrired at Boadala fraaa taa VaTiaatora1 lataada. Iha Uaitad atal ? aai at i:-;,< a ii II Apm.on jniy :, tarfftJL laa Bnatah eorratai Caaaa k bad eaptnred Mvetai p g in kiduapp.nR n.itivea oi PJa 1 ''? to in- M-nt from thera to Byd Tho ruattir af the knparkattoad from y. w-Toiw, arerlaad to aa Bonotaha, hadag aaaaed i . ?!??, wkod liin.'i tiiat tha aeat "f taaaaaroriaklaa bifMaPnutetaeaaheenAkeaeVled i-> tk ..?.nin . aaaeai d enttaa, tho Hon. j. Mett Baiito, ktba fciter cf flaaar fin fTeaaM. aaa rwadared the foBewaat dedateai [t appean to me, bowcvcr, thnt thc p i-lmj d*aoar. ... a- by law requlrod, aad aaaaaa n i in to ii" forwarded tbence i" Hou ilo, mey BUtiua tbe . I oioe of any i ; <?>' ke laajr ieeflt;aadtbedutli r be levied upon the o ?.,; in., , led .-. the peraon in th l ? n ' ? ' *k ttio uiarket value at Kew-Yorh; fet teetaace, the UaMtha tauie were forwanl< ? | irgoa thereon. Ac. Wken an invoice, -ii certifl <?? ""' ? ' " ' '"r takeait,aecordIngto - I iMaMonwhaaa tuieTj daty. in Utia riow "f the bia il eaa ?ahe aa difleren i chooee to eniploy, foi the eeaealaraaaajaaaa L.iM i.. c"u alliirlii ii. Imwhatar ffiaana l gaaead aTea Badtetd taaaaaai atJarvta lalaadea tkaaraaaa weaa,wkthaM kaaaalgal oUaabeard. A reeadaadTedat Heaalala, haTkag da? Itedthewreakd theOenaaa adgWaFd Br.fxoaaffaa Praaetaee,ea i- ?? i:"f- laa raaad anafaaai aearty keaaaa ap ami ket kaata on tha takaati kal kaara wereaodgnaeftlfe. [aferaiatiBO laraaarred Bad tb<> roteaae Meaao i^>a. aa taa kaaad d Bawakl, u atfatu bj i rapttoa, aad taa ipeeaada h aaaatfaad aann?jf ( .ipi. Al.-Miiid. r Almv, V>~. ? '.mi r-uixTlutend i-nt d the AaMrleaa G BaOaaaiMay.waekaaad ou tbe 41L .,1 Ji.i) k] ?? B froiu a car ou Jor\ij Uiuud. AUaTtALIA MAII. CnVMIMi MI"N WT1II M.U' SOtTH WAI.P.S ?1111. (v>. 1.-11"N OP A BfJBglDP. San PBAMaaoOi CaL, Bapi. 12.-Ifea atriaag rraaa Bydaei ky Ba i ? nrl" M,!' j iij ia,faaaa ABcktaaat,Aaanal m. Ia kpakaay ?arrottag wji uocoiliuk rerj treaaaati B<-;.men ue loagtag io that i>ori an aaokrika for an attaaaa of ao ahilliogs a luouih. The Leftalative Awemhly of Ncw P.>ntb Walca bare reted to ald a liue of bbbU Bkaaaaaea aa aaa Paaaahaai ky voto of m to 2. aaaaaM laa aaaaatt aTohh aaa aaiaaaa aU fraaa Oongreaa that scrvice will \<c suhrlolicd. If notan Enattak lme ia raady to ind fur tha aaailui. The ajaJa e uf ateaai^aen u e iu< beeoaae a im < eaaitj ,and the icrowuigtradeia greatl] coaaaaated upoa. Tinity or forty abtpa hare aaUed froea the oetoalee1 parta ta taa L'nltedStateadurluK ibc paatCOdiiyc,twu-Uunlaof itwui belua Amertean Teaaeta. Tbe Stato TloawnT of Vielurla haa atatc-l 'nat lt would aeibeaaeeeaary, bj the t?rni? ?.f Uk ( a tfornia in.ui ooatraet, tor the OoTeraaKBl u, auiumt a reaolu tion to the Hoaae, refaatng to ratifythe ooatnetaaaio i.v tbe lato Oorerameut Mr. Duffy aare notice tuat bo wootd Introdaoe an Inqulry in tbe Boaae ac i.. um iut?-u Uon of tbe Qovernmenl in r.-n rence to Ui< mai aenrtee. A later commuulctiou baa been rccelved ii?m tbe Ueueral Ajreot, aUttof that tb^ Iuip.'nal <iov. ruuwnt appii'M '1 of th'- ( ilii'-ntla mail eoutract, and >\ouia (,'ianl a i-uLisidy ol JEJG.OOO. THE METIS l.\Vi.-H'iATION. Pkoyidem k, Stpt. 12.?Thc inyiKtiifiition of bhe M- u-> disaatcr waa oaattaaod to?lay. The ieatimony ui Kdward l). Doane, accoml eng.nea-r in etiar?te of tbe m. u- d tbe tiuie of th* aaaaBaaj aaowaataad tbepumt* were all in Kood workiiiK ordcr, hut ?inl?Mlt?.d no new gMiabaartagentheeaaaaaf taa cataj<trophe wmiaut Hwith Youna, tli<- eaptataaf tbe ot.aiurr Dm-ia, tuo , otupsBioa ?lii)> "I th* MfU.-, t?-*tifli-a Ihu! hn \r.-nt from Fi'uvldencd to New-York tiiat ulxbt; the woatiier waa ao liad tnat he, with tha uiaUJ and oue wheela wau, lemaiued tu ihe pilothouae unld iiit. r 1 o'lUx-k; eoaatdered it raihur a roujfti niyht to Wmm- two un-n only in tho pilut-nouw, and feit tl.ul ke better itay liinger : oue uiau oould nte*r ouo oi Uaaaa koala oall enouKb, but in aucii a uigiu w? want BMte bmb, iu arder that Hicy uiayjuupout ami put tbe win el ri^nt aroaad if we hara M aaaec out for a v?-??ei. (^. It you were going down the suuud with a pa*aeu*er -ti-.ioii i. w itb 150 peoplf i'U im.iiil, would you liavo fatt it incuaabeat upuu yoa ta kare aaed estra eaie and at?y in pour pOot-haaae I A. Y<-a. Hlr ; l sbouhl huve t-oaaul ercil 11 tu\ diliy tu do ?o. Tm toveettgattaa aaa thaa ad,i"iirne.i uu u> morrow. 4ff4IIW IN ALA"?KA. San FkasigjJOOb S* pt. l^J.?DiaivaUhea wceired from Vicdiria n port ttial uialtera iu AUska MtHu a rery uuaatiafactory conditlon. The ?tawer Koae waanelaeJ at ( r.>aa t*ound oy tlo iadiaua, aud Uie voaacl, paaaro Itera and i rew gnjOO to t?? hati a? hoata?ea for tha Bapaaaal of aaaaagea f?r tn? kiiunK of iudiana hy tb* gaxrtaou, at >?.??!? SooieUme a((o. the atenmer uiade her ea<ape, aud aariv.d at Bltka. Tha Uadaoa l*ay Oaatpaa] aaaaaa all the Bueat fura from AUkKa by lu?aii?of (heii Mltve a?-vuU, wboui tue Cou? pauy fumlab wtlh blaukeU, ctc For tluae uowda they get in retarn the ehotee of thc aiarkot The onty piaee Where tb<n> Ia aiothiuK hke Kovoruuient tn AUwka Ia ia tae iiniiinliatf vlelattj <'f WnLa. Klaewheio iile aud properti are at the nacrvj ol tbe Imliaua. The a?>ldiera mi Btui lalaod are to be rtiuoved to Yvrt TowuaotaO, Wa?biiiKtou Terriloi >.