Newspaper Page Text
" THE LIBBRAI RALLY. WW1CEBB Of TIIK VABIOD8 IWETWG8 ?TH ILLU8TRATED. AT TAOT \>-y " ?'' -?.^wirt. II.? ? ftamarl B. O.rrln, Rth.B .'. I 1 olly. A. I -?TiJ*r, rii. n W i r. u\x*. ?u?F. Kequar, i i II T.iwm.enJ, . aaidr, , J K. I. ?' - 1 -I ? 11/, V 1 at iBvnra baix. biuea, ita, ??? >ll, ii. Warraa. Wu w.?. i D M W 11 ... II. <? ; l:. - \ H?*?, Tlio?. W. R ? )? V. w W in. I!. I ra?era, llefaa, Tho*. A L.-d? tb, J.'lia A. . I ? . > '? ? ,. \ 1 ?I <e?. ] AT Tlll v ? i H II I ; I II, r. r. n rt, ? '1 :i"Ui?* I A. M. to-Jn. AT rii STAKD. >i a. a MrTia, , 1 ' ?' ? ? ' 'V?T, : ?ttr, I :, UuBf, I . \\ ailer, i . .. J.U. ? ' un>, AT TUi: QEBMAH BTAND Prtttat . -'! '? '? ?BNaaxaa. VI. i Prr. ? . miBJ .'. Dr. B Hiu-ii"". ' ? ? ?"?. ;,.|ia vs itrmnit, Vll?pf, : ? v Tr?ni Ott, Tboma, I . *i.wi.. I l. ? 1-r. llr.l. .Mik J 11. , ' M il V I ? j t Imrlf. I.. W.wll, Jl.lil. HaoacT, ?? riLaE, Hrarj ?? i .-.n, 'Wtky, la. a ? l>r J. J ' aaa*a*fc ? ?rl W Atc. J. im .tucruian. ? V r- , .^ira J,.l.a II. W.-'ah, b I. M < ..I A H . ...ea, Jr., ) i y aat j,*.. I - ?? i ? it...^ i ra'.rx-a H , i?n llart, Juba A. i TfcM J. H W L I. Jaoub P.tnijtfU, D. Burat. ?aaaa, A II I! i ( . ( . J. J. l?. U I l\ i.r..?u. I .AI'il.H. I I - , , ;>m?n, M iirmuaa, t. (irant, J. Wa.jiiumtr, ll.U'.a laraai, I ? aat faV, J. C. 0 AT tTAXD N<?. 5. JraktrKt? Ma atMlAX Au ?? . Mrad, ab?rg Jaibr. 1 ?. l-l ? H . Mobva I AMMt M >!?' kftM, J 1>B WblU, MUiibc kaut, l i J w, ?Lcf, I U?a?r, 1 Aal?* 1'. I t i . J. ?. M J.a. L I.. A 1 D I,. II. Oainer, tokm i iiu. 0e? II,...i Sc-tt, I Jckn CkaiiilMriaia, I fiaar I. Ma,ta?ut, 'Ibaa. R CsaDa?a, Oau. p. 11. (I^o. II , ', 1.VO..I. I BraSOS OF ALGEBKON S. BULL1YAN. /? /^k'l? Al TaMintny HoiL At tbfc couiitry* eaU Nev.-Yoikinovc-b^TaiKlly to thefiout iu the <.,. i-<- of 1;< tonu. Couutlt?? iu nuui hen, and unbounded lutnthusiaeui, her titlz.-im, froiu every wulk ln life, mt aaaeiuidcd to aguiuat ?tn.'ial aud party corrtiptlon, agaiuet thc turaldow of jmrtlAan eba^-kle", ugalnet goyerniueut by the caj.rloe of ofnee-holders, ac?iu?i a polu-y of aootional bato, the aat.atitution of Ft-dcral nillltary ovtr the Btate clvll autborlty, a?alu?t boldmg office t-j be a pereonal propcrty taataad uf a aacred aaaaa truat, aKaluat a rcmorsclcaa pluud?*rtng of deeUtate aud bcipicaa pcopie, aga***^ bajoaata at our . i polla, BKuluat all atteuipu to anuy raoe BaaaaM raao, agalUMt cbaugthg the charaoter of our AmerlcaD people 4hto two clflMea, opprcsaurt au 1 opprtsatd, aud , aialain Uji; fua-faiut of our peopla aa the Kuaioiaua auaUehamytoM of tiiual and exoc-l Justice to all BMB, H'edtxaUe and prouiitfc bctter tblujra. M'- puriiy ?'' pui.. ,ui:liia,iioa betwMB aae L.<jiit i \>o piouiue to .11 mon- wo aaajaaal kCOl wU povr-rnmoni ; S ,"m.o tba rc-iava! 1 au Waa^agtoa aaaga we aawaaa ueBCtllBlttBil ??*"????*; -aaprowdae kM Uatoa Patae i;..iii-..ada. v? .? ? free praaa, frea ballota, rree .lll.-l,r.1ni,...ur..,n, oaUMkborofUMPWtotwai .,7, T", ,ritlull areaapktaaw ? dttoaoftbaboar; mpreaotoal a tylotbe Padcral a; kaora . ,. , g eyaad ,,.. on behaU of tbe Oomr, Miobly laaefjaaJkaToi I s! 1 ;,. n 01 CB IBLl 8 A. l'ANA. amaay HalU r. i witb tba?uc?UoBofUfeordeatk Tbe atkarpl I u Kreal roBMBl of tba acopto I i | nbnca bata aad iredi I enablekpi ? , rrapUoa baa bUkd tbem j aad bai beea cbaaged tadeepotuai. The l>f tac i baTO k flcdde \ ?n laaa k be orcrUirowa, or wbetber tbej h to r-nt tbe ; Prd 07, aad tba i I tbaa rdaadered. are bow batlaot .. Tbe prcacal AdailntotratioB aad rty In power aaipaaa bB pren toai nuMBptoe la tba depravitj ol tbelroerropUoa ai "''?' ?'?"> r*v rlea, Xto I . nMa aaasoaraged by tba ?p> dlwebavererorra, rcal i torm, tboi DtiTbtotowl dceldedktbli eomlagelecdoa. II ,.lirty,. eedtai k ItoiaeBeeaUordtaary . to ftod taoneel nwsn of all , ? ? . BBdcnt dlffei Un/ >:..!.! tobADdaad aboald i ?> ? prlaelpariandlnatll I 4 of it; oet ,i,.,;,!, Makc idTeproof of ? ? Narei ber.1 ittili I l ta tbeaattoa,Um kaand . Biayi ad Bi rwa. [Appki B, M. T. RUBTEB. .- //..II. if aayaMaabad toldaM Uu-ocaioatba urotbal I ? baaen k-daj toaddreaaa poblie BMoUna on i i ... iia bavc repl ed tbal wbatoyei i .. tliat ot propbeey a w ool ().,.,?. tetybaTelwKbdrawafi aaaoyacUre parttclpatloatap " dta aad tarmoll raery r.;?-ii a>etaaiyretlreinent,nn lartatbe aaacbtoeryof ? l To otbera yoaanei i tabrlai i p no "' ""' prejud by fonner ? tthatglaeea ,wblel bai ? Bcdfromme, I hav, tbooRbt n baa M Mbtb tbe aetWe ooadnal ol po Into tbelr baadal froelj reaga wbal .iiinu. Bai ? ? uon.ii ? ibtbaattrlbakdtoaata. oBBtry.vatoblaaivery farfromfeartog. On Um eoattary. ' eerelj to reaaUe oar ottkaoa k eympatby and all aithoutwbti bmo boad.i i ??*? ;' mvAxui ? -nlr, , . to tbrifa.aad aaaaol loai ? ,,??]..,itv ifmet t.v i:.:;i- ct and bytbootb. r. l bad | one in a bettei atnatlon m, wltbool roapkl ii:il, ,, j. ufjled by tbe ConatlkUon rrom boldh I reUred froi , 1 ,i ii,. ronntryand caniaoTOiaa. ily lataroata araoaty WttbtbeeVndldatei whoee eaaae I aapport I baya aa mrgon . n< ?>? 1 never ? i inewitbeltberol tuero In mv in.-. I I '' ?" divided parttea iu tbelr pohti calact mderetaud U, tl n leudex , 1:. | iican.andla Democi tt, neitbertaaY ... And y< '"'"",' itandl ? v,'1"t blm in tbe lead. in tbe k* tDC importaut I iuo between popalar gpyernuiont IW Ol ,,., tbe popalar Bupreraacy. tot the ? be vi.i c. rt; in th. ir aai-red namea 1 wlll fo tbfully.aad bi.* Bde Ity to bi? siieii uo uian li...-. v. i douute i. i or },,,. ,,; iryall coualdeiatlou ol I ,...on ?. ? '.1 i th( ta* io i ii,,i,i to .f tranaceadant Importance. - i i-ould ii.. it. t poa tlai m bii ovp u? ut u .,, ,,?. ,,s i. la, bul 1 will not forbear lo do tne . . QOI i-i.l ii i; .IJ.iil i,..,l, i iioim aud peoi 1. ? the rapl I profrre i ol tl tioaof Bll power I i ral QoTernn r de?potiBin, and we wlll h>oa avlter ? th] of R1T1, Qaeal oa ot taaaeo, of earrooay, of <?? d, but k laiportaaee laey wbkb eoBMora Iba Ufa tkclf. To tafaaa aoeial Byafpatblei I bJ] Um i ttoaa ? I ry taak] aad tba aaaa wl ? leeeeda ta It wlB deaerre Um Picetdoaey for tbis, jf for . And \-1, I - ? ? . . r can be aald or dona to ba p nu th thia paxtj uudi ? the I u,t,\ ti <? niajority, aa la ing Ibe bi .?: ui.-tiu . | , ....... ., : y, to,., tney ttudImpunltj croach menta upon tbe Couatltution, arblch irepardo . d ,.f tbelr u i- npon tne Nortu, ?u?pu lou of the feohuKs aud pui poaea of tbe d torepi ? i ru nd iupp >rt ii .,,.),- for tbelr Kn-H ? I for iii. r nii>i"'it ol tbe oarpot-baa UoveruiueaM iu all tbeir ,, .? \. i i. . yi ara oi w ?n . and yetif * rer. ai tbe v. n i.. t m aaion ol M ii.: .-Iiaui. l to aak I . i Boutb, aud tLiu iu effi toi uable hlnit ? ? ropn.power Ln tbal l -... to exerclBe rapri me powi i uud?r that pretexi, for 1 believa wllb tbe Lntta ol *'el i thal io i stal liab martial law li I ? i,, [ai, bul to li bvc the comuiandi i ol the uillitan wltboutrh rb or reKubatloa, If tbu ??? li ol i.'.??! tiai'ttd I y I ? \ \ ildent would .od ull the i-..uii.iin < ? una, With be bad only i>> thn aten th. n attb lha applleatlon of tba Mu-Klax tow t<> tbelr raaaaaao by votiaafor biaparty. That aaeb an ed law in the Pi - been ? .1 ii. Nortb ' witb bow aracb tratb I kaow aot j bai tbepoeubi . ,i applicatiuu of thia powi i u> obrkua to all wbole courae of tbia party k tbe Boutb baa ptored Ibe bitterneaa of tbi-ir biatil . >np Inreterak op poaltkMi betweea tbe Iwo raoea, aud to BUbJoet tbe whlte maaten to Uieir foraier abtTai aithpuaaloua exoil thoae whoae duty II wai to have promoted peace and . ni oui In the administi ativn ol tbe p tbe Uovei utuaut, * emi io h.i> ? been tti<- eapeeiavl object BUrpoUcy. Btate foruexly diatiuKuJahod loi ornj nndei tatlr wbite ruierv hare n. . Into a - . ? ? t ol eoi rapl ? baggera aud iguoranl negro rulen. Tbo aaaM ol Juetice ha-..- beea H raaco aud cbaraokr foi sut-t j . oxpertenced tba 1 ?l 1'i.v . iij.i tiii-t.ii by the peopae won lor a loaj Ua*e ta a aaaat extoBt diaqaautl I. and b eatabliabed iword, n>e reault of all thlB li furt wbal mlcM have been expeeted frutn prevloua exp riencc. UurrupUaa, ,n.i oppit Mioa oo tbe pai tbe oouXi aai a l If 1 bC tbiugn iiitv are aeeuaed of dlaioyaJty aad la doagee ot baiag UTauuiported truai tbaa auaay aoaaa to braak aioue iu eouie Vortbern priaoa, iiik DMuan oi <nu. MriMMairf, i t- oa, oi all tra ? ba i emml btuuan be ogs,tbatofQoretnaa tyaaooawdto ujo t" \m tha tughi it aad n j l. baa b.-.-u ral BantuaeBl o: i eaUad tba Tleogereau of God baoaaao of tbe aaerad aa ? UmOtaaaa,aadMbaaaj d thc blKbt??: i i"' of good i aaMBg tbe ; I ' the Orsl tiaie, 1 b lieve iu tbe buaory oi Ibi wwrid, aadaow u Iba lu-ht ol Cbi iii.jii, Um woril aleuieuti ol no letj )ut> f..r a ]?? a io aitii.t rij.-ui waa ii.ui govara; berately topiace .i.t.-i ,.ii' nt .. de and deatoi letbeoi. You nay aearob btataryta ?ata for a i.i<??. .j. Lit i' i i llahi ii a uic.'i the} orerthr. m, aud otaer baruai ?.- natioaa Bava aaaa i. ii ,i aa aaa i al, aud u wboui tl. bdneo by n t theu b id govi luiucjit. i ? . asfewsit?w^3a^ . s, ,rv t.. infl iroe the n. d a e "ro 11. ? S? i,.,t torae dlaordere abouid li of country, and !, ,l,.,.i 1.,???! ma Soiith. h tuite tmni unoii ss ave'ryi v, 11 ..? I ? Batt lotbinethe pn bc ntad ; lld M | weah.aad by axci ' ' ? tbom. Ifthi v, itf. t? i..,p. papi ;?" ? ? ? ? :.;.'. leferae tlr.ui a ..? >n i I,.- i, 11 bitu r irusu ltiai . , tbla t in">? v ,.. ? ? i i . t ?'?;;,' *!::.": a3 ! ...?-i ii.i.' ; uciVcd tho idoa ot a I 1 I rcprew ulali I ? ^"> cliine aud i i,"? oid v... i"' ?? ?'??" - lllllllOVOl I npontho i,f fn ... ii..- --?'! tii ; ? u '' he ... t i" i ' -' i" uin !":'"'' iLet loiue I I ? m d rm : tu k. Doa ii i . ? tiv . , wl I Deraoeratlc-B formof aoTi ramei a 1 : Thal in, .i bia <l lihi ratc pari i.v any areal i'..m In tl ta country to'< ni ,, io in Inip i lal foi iu ol l ... rnn ? nt l ? i; ,i i doa ?? .1 tbal tbe aj <toi i ol .a ui ,,! uolic puri ii -I J ? nin-d ,i;i' ? lon thtroiano 1... .- ","1 " n ,. toimi i ? ? I late ww mr . ? . wucb i... ? .? th* i tbej do. i .. .? ,i . . . ... I.. p lip :: I ita forui nf govi ? ?.., , tbc . ti . ? I ind if ' ?< ?"'? '??' luiiieer capabb fn l( rina. to -... b ol i r, ry to th . i, ., ......... , o rnot, 1 rnmeut wil .... roverni enl ? rill. Thia diflic ilty baa ? ? ... , . e and i ..iim i, iiiiim.' y ? ' thelr I , |,. d peopl i ? ti. ? ".' n . ; to i ? , : | l , an I .... . trrtmoiai.i a. , I i...i.v wall . >d ln the way d the aecoBipUahment efaoj fara ol thal party. Ihe naad and i bj ol PederaJ Joriadiettoa do aot aatiaty theaa. I liiipr.iYrnirlit, i , iiml rauroad .> ? U ?, all aaa i an V ? n.iii, aadaoneof them are actnallj plaeedundei thelr i'ii? i r i be power i latned t.. ba bj ii i . nt a ;.' ndiiH ..!- i . tbe l.'on- UtUlpJU, tii ?) ci'i...:.^ iiniii.-.i. J naoicnOn; that ovei tbe. Ptvperiv tud .1.".- .fiiir poople ibey Ing to a grca't citcut iu |he hn.itii, tbrougn tkelr beakroptlawa,the ?uperrl I b and i eetlouain thoBtalea,they i niuK ..ii.i to i-. M,i exteul alreadj poi m aa. dubjei ta w hii n ueod i" be cona di red entireli uudei the oonti ol ol tbe .-t..i i,arei laa attbta tbelr | uI ... ,lon, ?nd :i then bc any iiusltaUon t.' theii power, n la nol to ba i m.'i either Ia laelr theory or practice. Whoreall o rnd, .i ii"! ? '?a iii. i io d bj the people, li la not dillic hi iu m-.i. If the whole people attetupi to maaaga : ua nt thia greal eounti f, It I i feal | Uupoe ibie tor.tiu m to do 1 iu ihe i. leouttve aud bi Eiecutlve Ou inn .1 ^ it ii iin addltlonal . tbe ln . JiirUdictiou oi tbe i ? ?? ?< iai Uon nuneal ooufera, .. ihe* tbe UuiitaUon upou bia uo i :. li already Uvlrt.iallj cooteaaodthal tne clTllaervl i ol tl. ... .... ..... ... ., . ,. i ..*- .... .. I" .111. I I'.J l.'.ji. -..-*.... ll.v ?,??. r. i . , ? >i ,i, Ug la i" funilab the Fnrtorlan aoai i of bia power la mattera of alection aad oal a. ttiai th . beloug to bim ,-iei iiiiai corpa Beuiand I yaroopculy ii i .. ?! foi bl ? r. 11.. Uou, comioent. They are organixed for bia reelection, aud v,iin ii...i iml'..../.(? mi arewortaaaBoohfortaatpar< pii?o uh doabM uh aan uou. Xhe beada d Uepartuieuta theuiaelvea wa;idcr ebonl the oonntrj aa i lake tbe atump ta faroi ol I ( h i iion of their eblef ainn^i \* Ithoai r. imk., aad i pea ly |.umno a courae of eledloucering ehkhevenluay ii iij ui.e iu. . ..i.-.'- ?.i jiiiinirH i re a lU be h i ii' u ? -, and in.i.. ?! it i- doubtfal .f ioot ..;!? ...ij .i. .. \,., !i thi ta kM ti .ii la Bnould tbii . oncoutration ba aeeompltahed, popnutr bjot bm Uapuaalbb), an l tut- aupin u m i \ itable. I ) tha ll.ilul.l 1 ol Ii.i: Ottl ui* tii rlo<e of t?ie latr dlnnarrona ronf<>at, kwgoa to attrlbntfl ilieirf.illnrc to ilieir eyatom of concentrattaa all ix.wer ln tiie. (lovernni'iit. The Bngllah ara elearly throwiai npon thelr roloniea tii" woiit "f aelf-aorernment, and ImvI'iio,.pl.duoftholnahlllcyof Partiameni to dt? u tted to thelr care wl ftent , in,. uia<Utone litaurtry d... ? been h,-,i withnut preaalng tbeir lueaeuree with tho otd promptltwlo, and tbe] - bj rel r rlnaTtotba n Uuro of the liouae of ? unininna and the ? i,, Uea. The l. iKhah already ln otirConjrr ti rouRh, and aa thelr - ind thn i ? i, ti., ui- Mity for ?' I thi b? atta i '?>' "l"" I ,? on. or t'v i. rabmi i"d !? ? -," '<? aiiiofai ' telnter. ' . . ? ' l i i i nelthcra labpael arlll ? ? ?n. uMi.ATH'.v ... i ialoofaaanaaa. p. i :' bta ? ; ? I.'i- fo i' .....-i,.-. ..f dotag .i.i-t! - b ? ,1 II1C . : ; ..nilat. I,. ,?? ,,[ r?n/ tti.o would have vci I I.HI in llio ...>.. ir ? ineviUble. I an - .,., ;i i-.,? i ? i itlo Korernmenl ? a i ?i ? other. I ..,. in Ihe . !? '? ibllcan t, Wltb I'li'l" . ? "' '"(T :. ii i Daanan ?;. a and a . ln luv oplulou, la ? | ? ? in tliol ite warl I well i ? ? -,, ne ..I ai ti m, from W II dld ? it dld me, thal i .,? iino t.? tl. ? "' '' ' II biineelf to be a . , . ind In ' KutUuiaybo ? tl ui ut an in.p. rl i. ? ol li e I ? :,-. t to tki n iv n!i. It ni .v ,,,,?, of < ? . '""??? With i laall, mei t. \... . bj at B itwceu a . upou ' , i |. I ., to I ledca | ; bnuio Kfurou if. 1] ? ?? ,?, foi . '. .'! I"' UllUg ' : . .i ti rujta ? i,' [,.ii,i .i.i i ipirll of ourxov I . ,i littli tohi I i othcr ii ' iniry. UUJ | . , i iiui i ihe bclb f ror a longttav ... .. ui. li i I. iOll "I i and i rnmi at, nol ui n i in huni iu |i i iu. i.i, to i.-a" the great w th aud bapplucaa in tho I ' toi ?.?. a .-ii l bad noped ?? ? i at, and to Eoa li ? 1 nop . . kttal d ? I mitrui t" tbi I" Hjlvea upou tbe ,-., ,t i ? ,.[ tntadlrect thi ui ed to ii'ilin " if ?iri. ? ? I .;-.:???. ln It. Canuny ... ? . .. i .? i : ,. . ? tn ln - ? il i ? '????"; I tOOT lll'U.'d. of lillll. nuj ?ora ??' ntt aootat The] , ? thal lf th . 11 greaada cm b . .. >r afrald to rdaathia ta I . ii le . -t ..f the atate of ihave ?il tbe Bouth, ebeolutclj ..... i . ? thelr alll, and atfll aon for tli-'in t , jro enothi r. Pelloi (Itiz na, the Bouth (,i..i.y aud liotwn upou the leauealha .. d, they will ? , |inif Uovei in...-?',.iiui e reform iu the Ci vice, and a better reguhtioi ol thi raal pat i . \p. ri nablngof whlch Ierer beard. , . aai kaow thi Ir op : or exceiional goo I, bol of iui n tn u ?>f till) ,. iiii. and tbe I ..i all other ?ubje< tinuraatbtij niaygecui ili.-m. They will nol n Utinable for thu luattaiu . .,.-, bare aitian thi ;r . tof i n a li i i. n ii'i'.i i ? .. ? - h, aad parUonlarly io mj n ttlre ? re nol pnv tieal. .a- aiadomta thu rcaard. A morc pi.n ii. ai, aad in eoiua n -,"?. ta iwl? r im ?ple tbau i ii" uiii.i-o: the Bouth yni will hardly iind ln thta i :,?.... i It k iu re tban two rt ara alnce the people of uy own atafc), ttnding that they niuai ? ?,,.? ap the rlghl otaell Kovenuneal or adopl ?nop|.1 iu kianj reapeeta to thelr taU .. toii u aud aplrt, a and pl ii i'i ita Bdunuktratlon ln the handa of a natlre "f vour owo State. ?xp9rienea ha- ahowataal they were li..,, , ., i,i. a the di bta and othi i . ,i|i. t bag gorernment, and . . ooi i>iil.\ to theira, but alao toeaV.igationa ta the' Oenerai '-v"''?'-'-' .-- .-w' tacritloed uiucd Ln tha ? ,v oi Uiti reet, - rnethiug, too, iu the way ol feeilng.but we kare aared bjotb than *re in'. i in.i; aad aow if by electing Oreeley and Brown we , ta oure the peaoe p{ tbe oountrj and local eelf-gor eruuieut, ... >i< ??..!. ? '1 by the Conatltntlon, we wlllcer aid ta dotaf it. a/e v. di iiut mi I'lii. ? i ertaln Koods i.ii.iii-.- \-. oanuot an on di we deaire. it an wlahoa to aacertain >..: niotivea for profen t.. Qraut bere the) an: aad obrtooa eaough. Tnere la ao cut in ti.. im .1 too?|o reeen ed p urpoee eoni ealed from tho world, t in any aian lanoliar aitk the bta Vn-'iaia, or with thooplnlonaand teoper ol ia-i people, enereahe vmiii.i atand ln m queetfcon uf] ?overelgnty aud tbe righta oi ielf-?ovoruuaeul In tbe I, ople. I'.'ui iaiin akere yon will thal oger to tbi -?? ^i^llt.?^ aud you will "hud ber pt'uplo rulijwi,; io tbo laaone. tiie FofTtt tauaaTM roa ooaroniAnoa. i,.-i it ke kaowa tut thare bj a aja agJaa betareoa ? Ba* pobUi aad m anagtet, taa rtght d fcka ? aay at taa fow ara,aadyeawdi gadthereki tktaiatheeld kaad >.t; outhat pulltlial l.attli Ihdd you will hcir hor oid ?l..v'un, "?"'le ioaiad Ivraiinia," ai ahe BtaBOa With har beel upUfted t" al uap out the life oi deapotuun aud ba r a;iu thrown bai k toatrlkefor the caoae or popular aore relgnty, Tn.- Boott bae neitber OMMfht . t.ikeuauy . theae queatloua. ti lathe UUeral Kepubllcana im d .im -", and, inii.Mii>,- thum to be n?nt to thu exti nt, wi: folloa tkem. a/e will aid teelecl thelr eandl iate, ami if he be tim to hia ptedge ba *m falnTI bia ob ? i,i li> ii ?. \\. will i i.ilui u.illili.*.' fi.'in hiiu to wi.i.ii be la n-.t pli la;ed, or whksh doea not Bow IokIU aa a to . from theae pledgew, uor will we deuiaodany rtotaguaol kia gwod falth or eonalatency. Attbe MMaetuna ge wlahtttohe nudoral.Ithat we ?baadon ao optakiaa paerelj becaaeewa (all to aaahe la Mn.-, upoa thiriM aaa whenti wauld beraia lodaeo, We deaire an honeat Pi tld ut, au honeat Oorarnment, aadan koneal people, aad ln m> optolon nothii iniiii eobacrre iheaaouda thaa trath aadtatrileallng .i.t I.. thia i !?. iino .iiKt aii other matti i-. i te atnB aa all that I hare heoo aaylaa, aii.l ui.' >oo ui> ruiuona f..r Kuptioriiuu; (Ireeiey Iu a li m arorda, i .n in tbe drat pi.o ??: i n it I de . mpatby ami affeclion among all i i.i i'< opie, thal tha Ite of oltlaenahip may bea i i.iiiiniiu I...H.1 ami oiutual aupuort to all ii-< uieuiliera. i ,! among otbei reaaoua I rote for Horaee Orei ley, mIm ?-> i M. i ... i - j ., ii.ii i...u aMveaaant neaoaaily, t deaire to cattivaU uaruiouy, Ju?t foellurf, and ad .i intia ia gtatea, la" an-> iu. / are oaMuUal to tbe pruapouty uud uapp;uoa* ol uw wboliv?? mnttTln whicb w? In tbe ffmith havo a BMaCfj deeper than r iu exlat ela-iwhere, for our aaoeoae and1 tupptaeea in n rery gT. at moamiro depaad upoa li. K?r thia reaaon I aapport Horaeo Oreeley. b oaoi i be ii re tbal be wlll do ba caa to pruduee thto taar inouyofl ellug, and nolaaabtoeflbrta to aeparak and alleuate tbene raoaa frora eaeb otber and go| np blttec !? Ilnga between t em nadac Ibe bope tbal ?y tbal divUdon ba m t.y aeoure of I i.r UM otber.a lug, rule them. Tblrdly, i dealre to -entration of all power in Ibe handa of tbe 1 (lorernment, Boaata praraat Ibe abange fi ? l to pre ? i re the ;,.. .. of ?. y a . i ? . i ,.ic i. r Ilor 0 .- <??? ? ? . ; - i. ?ii b.- ni.y noi >;.. n_i far, pcrbupe, n* 1 woald ,lo in Utia n.a' Ul Inutiiuto a i rlgbt dln i 1 aui wl i,, tr Irnertran people for ibe I bo boui oi Pr. tl . ..', an i on. wl ii-.- bla powera oti r tbe ?i BBdeatbolle purp. ? ,, luaeue a>. ording : : . ? . i am iu f..v,ir oi li, r H u Oreeley, i.'i- thoae who kuow blm beer, aa ; ? v, i,i i that ba to an buaeat maa, and ba bi u?e oi bia i. Aud now I wlab I co ild add to ? . , , | ,.? rea ina foon i -I ui on Hu nu lal an l commerclal q i tlng hia i Io. tion, I . i ,ti. i 1 nlil inake in- ? not f.iul, ira.i- by tbaeleoUoaitaelt. Aad | ?.. addn >a tbe poopb .iy of df i i i. .? Trada. I>| lying IIu.. .' ' -? onl tha p . i i.,.., bl :.?', Io ikl ; ? rafl c db d l*rot< cl I . I) .ng' jrouri ? ? II Bnd k. epyo ir n.r. Ign oom . witb mr noorai Uili tbink I could damage it b Utl .?. Witb mv jrmp ' yoar ooaditioa iu Uua rcepeet, it i- v* : c,i:, i a on bj , aud bow th ..-...' 0U I ' ' andn-guiar ouanuele, mucb ou the .-v ?U>rn of .. .1 b] cai riei plgeon ^ from r n rcd w Ith tbe :? i ... ,-.iv tbalI can make nu i-.^o bara upoa tins n I I !t, uit. ? i ? ? , and in I audl ttrmly bi li -vo i utl I ? . ol Ihlei ny or tbe eountry. B it, ; , given lor . ? coiutnaudray bearty Bupportvaadl ... _ :.CH OF FEBHABDO WOOD. In fvl's-.f ? Mr. v, i - ? i i. i .'?! ad II ea I ? , , : "'.'i be i agatao auaypoUtl -? '?'? tb. ... tba pea of tba party t.?r a | ?boald . I i blm in tbo aaaaa ttaa oi daly. To tbeaa,! . bawoald aay . bto Jadgo art Ibe to bo ? t ,.t botb ii?? o ? raental docti airl o| . ? a havo a!. : that niaii la capable ol ? i iroVi i um I oi ibe p -opb poa i aud adial ? ? waeut .. ve In aa . c nouiical and hon. ol pub ... ? | ? ? if of - atea, boiuid aaity. ,,, ,,? birth or roii ? . exereUe ol oi Inlou, n ird r aud tb u au i proj ' iLoadeupth ""??' doptioaof t . i 1 ?'? '""" tbo aiiatoi-ratic, ab j ? ii . ? i power thoa array.-d -? . Uit nlf . ? I....IH ut. i UUderl ? ' -l that ??? 6t k ! i d. fe ? Douioci i rata . araa. i ithlag, prtaelpka oom i ? laaga wll I tbaii ? MC Of tae ; '? ) m.iiu . at all baau II la ta ? blgbeat i ' ' ' ? . i,l forgel peraonal boa ? I Uluai. r.!'?-? '? ' lacideawln . Vm Buren and Co irreh-d Ihe Oppo .. (A'nen l luau ... la.i nuarn-l. I I wanaed lu ,nal .u It* li II ' ? \v..r And calawib ,,.,?!? i at the l . il ? ? tooy I r..iioi..,i party n I ">'? bilu i -,,? divuion uother IAI i ? ?-, tben lota, to tba ' ? Nv-"'? a hon gad ba wboa i bava aokag kagat, rallb. It i-. :' wbli b w.- > - nten L '?? :,,,! .ii by aacy? tb ii..- > :? at bodi ol Um p irtj battle. If yi . ,, wb) aboold m wh.-n i ?"? lu cml n 1 and pui oi biaowu party, whj al i.ii- ii ip am iu whol? ? ? thlng thatu ?> oui ..v.-. : I,. ararni I la tiiue. A I I 'I" r and r, a.., (jraul li party, aud ? tbe uuiB] ,.i,!.. t th< counti ?. U tax itae ?? nu idtiiuled aud the olfli lal corruptlu i exiatlug i ,,,.,,,,,,- i,. ui and Bud iclou . Tbe Sonth. i be r. maudi d to a coudiil in of abj el aervlti. i-nt uuon ii. ' ? wlll be urrated ..t Waahiugton, audevery 8tato, corporate, and privaUi rlghta madi iu bliupli. .i ? >?! i' p iblb ai. inatltutl ra, wlll i><- repbieediby tbe powpaud regaluiol Imperial aaaumptloa. Tbe royallaiuilj thua butlonol emoluiaeata and bonora nmoug tbeu ? fullj laatlfled i.v tbe appareat popularapprotral, r..< i.ulli. ..!? and eorriipl leglalatiou whicu h '? ' "T n.-'' ' ' ? ?? - >''il1 ??' '!-'''" '*" '? ?""> [fmVOTon - ? ibUoPluadei aa ha? been tbo generalci ?"??' wllluaveuotouli au exl ,i oonUnuation ol tbe aaaie 11 itioual . wlll deprcaa iuduatri. ? itroy valui ?? undermlm publlc il ei r.obl >iui and rtebia, aubvert our InatltuUoua, and au. li a i bauge lu the ? i ,;,t,?,, civil revolution, and mllttarj s ruent, accordlug to tbe Mexloan and Boutb Wm uraactii i ' are auy LH-niocrata who ur>-rt-ady , ue thc roaponaibllltj ?f aiding In the produ. tlou of ra. b reaoita b-t them do bo, i eeona >iu. . rvatuoi onl) apou tbeir owa beada, but upuu U ,,, , i . ii inyaelf, l ?lu?ll d >i do ". . the DeawcraUo baaaer, tboagb upaald b) H m BPEECB OF A. J. BEQUIEB. In lurt?AI lnt*t ki i i..v. i'iii/i aai yiiK-o tha laaaal fiiiure of tho : ;>, u baa b aaa a adfaat tbal tba Bf aa ry vot.-r lu our (-..uut-.y bl nanow.-.l dOWB dtoraattrc bi Q toy and Oraatb ta tina vi.-a- n beaaaaa blto M al ? padtaaay or taax< padkaay af wbal laa Dalllaaaa (toavaaaka bta l aa ttlMMaoaafli it aaaadaaad a>. ? aaaa tha beaai of tuo CaaabBBad atataarbai aud tu.. aadj gaaattaa arhkb 9% arai aUaa^apaabaaalwi la wbaibaa tba aaadtde aaaaaatktokaot woctblaaadoai aaatagoi thaa 0 a, Oaaah ihcro aaa laraa reeaoni way, la BMblag ti"-' eeaaaaitaaa aaaadleood, i arakr Mr. Qiaalay. iu tbe rtr-st Blaoe, l prefei Uia po i ? ? > ' regtaterad lu tbe platfonu bi- baa piedgeil bttuaell to aup port, t ii.b r ..riinaiy oircumalauoea and lu a i ...n.iiti..u ot tbe oouutry, ib.- pi lucip ? ? wouid bare tbe flatneaa and Inalpidit) ol mere i tratoma?axioau eoueaded by all partiea aud di i by iiut wbea wa ?. o that, plaln w tbe truiba tb.-relu anuounced are, aad Indlapenaablj eaaen tbe praaarraUoa aud perpetuaUou of repubUoan n.-u UHl.Mia un Ibry iiio-l be aUUUltted 10 >"'. Ul*) BTe, . |u diroi-.t autagoularu aad eontrast witb erery f. itor.- Mii.t iieuni oi 1.1- adalabMraUaa of (< a Uraol lol M.0 Ijui l?v?l joaia, U?o la. i. bjoulU.)4 uiiaal'oul tbe vnry alphab^t of onr tlmory and praotlea of ropub 1 iiui (fuvi'iiiiiMiMtr- ihe thlujra wlthoui winrl. It 11111*1 iu ? viiai.i 11; u<.'. to be?hafe been ao viol 'ii 1/<-n aod rlgoroualy aaaaliediroB thatenartei tkmt a paMle aud ?ofeiun di-.'i.ii ii.i.n of tiaeaa, laatead d ketag a in?re platttode, ta an utteranee ao arave a-i io ii.i tuomlodet iv'ir) ganalne petriot aith profoond anxlel p .a i alana. Iknow of no bitteror tblux woicii oao be aald of <ina. n.t blatory mual ?.r, it of hlm. tban fiila: M ??? rani 'i tbe !?:. tbe 1 ai wl ii tba p ,.,... il i imld itforfouryeara; aad. at ? ?u >>t that Uwm, . ..I bia fellow ??..!/. ai ? I *x7 ? i aii pa?t polliical diit . ia i . i of repreaeu itive aroveruiueiit aod .1 li- IB? HI All, tt :. . ii ir oalj | an n-awer (n n. Oi toproteat ln o ? i" ? . i / , ii .\ I |m , . la ? kl/orl ..' > "? ii??? ????? Qreel y ^ad u. (jiau Browa. i .i -n.i.sriAt. i di biBioaa. in tha aaaa of theeorapaayhi keaga 01 tha ataay demagngaee tbia eountryhaa paadaeeal, tha aaaal laaarlaaa - I ? ? I t!nin .'II, Willl ouo e.Vi'. ;? l >a, - tttf i:i ?] Iv.inl i. If ' !i a BOOa, a;i i ... ? I UI L The li ft bj Uka .mi.) it, and i i ., i i. l.. a. in a-.. i' i;..i'k <.f <? d roe> .-, ...j ; . Bctire ? ?aori -. . '..?.. - 111,1.1' ?!. .!?; fri.'ll ture aa i- ? ? ' ' ?*?'? 1 undcr hu bauuer, aad oi port, _ . i [ prefer I It . la t.l-t. i. of vi I ! ? ? ? , Willl il al ? ii|iia!ly to tl" - ??' I ?' of i inatltotl I I . B OFJTHE HOhT. S. f. CABY. ii ' ? jhig iiin. ' tiion io the beart of d the d the faet th ? annjh Lnigei i l w rthc people ^ Ui d ? hte wh l l LacdcaaJ. i . bllai mcat of i inpri b .i ? <?! aaaa anae tho ?', ty . f the tion of t ? ? ' I , ih an.l tha I ? I me dol ?a ? liaiU .. i. rmcr ?a ,, : ta I ?? thi la taa, Ittatha " ? ' "i theOraal porty taa ? at ita etrcagth la in tha BMglatrata ln Um ii.>y I, tha ? ' at roag that thi | aia lurde iivcia:. . . | 01 v. : ??"?N' Tbe i ? .. - i ' B ami ; ? ? paa> doaed ? tttoa. i . ? i i ohoa ? loyalty. 11 iofpriaotple hata ? ti..- Badtcd laaha, aai ? a . i. uahleaaee hata hi ena : :" . ., p - ,i. uttary ew ? by tba I BJ "f | Of whati rer rlrtoi i tbi I i rtheaa, Tba keatn ' ? :n to ? BUU appaal t? aaretp aaawa tee; we woeid a :? I wewoaldtataketheatd d dl haaed aadfaia> i im n to deaaaai for that atriekea p agla tho Wttheal "l Ida wiii n aaain m . ? ( maunfai ton ?< d the i and wh-a', . tbafaraitng bfaanfr ttoch frooa all II i put i:, ly tba kea i i ? WiH i, : with ' i- ap aottoa; kef Io nu ? ? ? ? t ? i , ...-?- .". ? ?? ?? ? Jy . ed. \ .li ' ' ' l loroo t ... . tion aud our cottou "?'?" I oped. aud I ao.IU .:it. We b ' ? 'r 4B ... ii . . .;, tba r tbrobbtng i i.. tter ? ? nipori'ira of ceromerek ..ln, I WOUl ?'. ?. - i . >our . and niake I M ui la deiuan ??'?- b.u i eadercd aniaioaitlra to perpytwaao i artj i'. SrEECTI OF COla )T)W.\f;i? B. I.AVINiJ. Wc aa : a at i kare a goin rnaMBi d'thc aa ple, derir n:g.t- - Breai aheoMi i gd tbc BWraraaa) kat a gataraaaaat oi theeaa aao nuaaaatay .,..... hai gi i ? i' ? -i^'rate 0trugi?ie to 1.1. in peaaaaataa ?! pea i ud ei .-p??iuij aaalaBttaa d i aaa I dowa taa thaoated an Ma4Bbag paeph . I ? i>?*> diettoa i XaJa aaaaa p< agla atlt, aa t. ?*> u n ,,.... ? out of t:.? la BBoatl ?? i ?*? ary record al Bea. Uraat, ba! 11 an i?ii hai tfiaoaihar thal ba waa ' ' ??'< .. aa d tha aatloa aad bj th aad UillUona of lojal h^all^. Ilnn.i.'la oi BOldleri ?? at . be aad kaadreda ?' li,,? eralearc to-dayhftin*up thatrvoioea woaav power aad iu taroroi EIoi ? ; .iiui 1>. iiiai/. urowu. . . We itand d - i people to- I In ihe cveaof ,d. A Preaidi al atoopa .i" u I u and. [,? :i... purpue. ax urina bia owu i ir. llou aud raetea Inghlniacli foranother four yi ira on an unwllitUj; ua ti.iii, euiptiea tho cupitul of tue oounuy ?>i iti i Dcpartun uta, und with i B oda a a ngle Btate n nh loud-nn hlood-moucy takeu irom thc uwuiba the i'" uuitcr ?,lj?', be uia> aaiu the poor preatUe oi Uaviuii ...m... o, ? i inajoilli uo laolalcd swto oi aLaae. .1 ..! , ...f ti, uf Monn ? ? ' ? "?'' ,n' '"' "'''?""??? ,,i. Uov. .nin.i.l ol Houoal A....... .... 1 i. i uiake ua l ?' "f ?'?'"li,'^? at tha ^^ hlt? i! oi>v. jtwi.i i '. .003 vT-.u . avni aaa I ia aiil nkadaa ibaTT - *? I M'1'1 aao laagaaaa aakaatatajahfodaaaaal gQeauGreat,ar?4heaal w.-ii to <aii aMeaBaa to aaa ortwodhteedata. A iligbtdiaerepeaeyoeaaaahata aa ??? ' ?waetagaal aadpeafaatadneaai i ? ac,uo of the uoble KomII '?? *? i ?" il.audh. dbla ...1 - ? ? ' ^"'lor braatneal bia 1..-1. Oot Jewe?.u>e uthariaaa ?*?? aioa ' ???