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?xr-t.r,cmfi.lo. ftc, Cbis gfMttntf._ AxMBggfTi I Vi ' it :i,i,s." J.W Waltook. ,,,,., x. u.;.- -DmuumiN. HtoB , .UJ M.aa Oan Bawilav -I.e Roi ("arol. . Iba apaij x g*d raaATaa. ?? 1 .... i TaoBr** -? AMX1M taf I i: I 1 ('"U" e>rt TV Vorf Thaaaa. RCU8, at Ma l.ta aa. '; finsmcss Wottteg IAIX 1! ? .... a. aant-aati aatawa - - ?' h,?,Ter "*''*? ?""' .-, pi,J, o? rawlft ot aaa ta aa T aaataaa ____^______ . , ,, , - , ,,?. , ,,.,", voii wish Hoots nnd oa*w?g~ ,e-~ nColic, i - i.-iiiV. i rMB9. fnaia*!.... " rrjLatd or nw tubuhb, . |>10par aaaaaa, ?a, .<-{-. peran. ra. *2 IHJl' aiaiium. A il vcr t 10 m g K ntea PaiiyTi i ?? *>'<' *1 PfThne. l ta i?or luie. nx, 93, #8, and $6 per Une, A. cording to poiw?iou .u thc Tcrtna. cash in advam-e. , AddreaaTl tNew-Torx. 7" feta^ktkJO^aWbxtnf; nanw. bepti mheh is, i T It I PLE SHEET. d Matee bUatater t.. i. , eii.pti.-ii. ? :-i?adO Ol : dfiotn bto Tbat tatbaOaatb. Thera'mirw.-nth. J ' for ih< ? -t. Johae ? ir.J ?aevy M. Depew, c.en v. P bertCWattei . ...i i i, coaventloa to laaPi terauUrema | tod. a? Uold I: i. ngfa ll?S tliern.QTii.t. i. :6 . *>< ? Tn?. Aj, ? nicn roentioned oa Um bacl o Mr. i ? S'".>ki v> LU i t Mr. WU - >ni?il"ii:-'? Wfl] : .r ran , thiy Man It |g reeportod thal Um Caioln... li ivo ui.iti-tl ? tha Ropnblicai I;"'?? oi l!:t' ' aad Brerwa taeket That ka rioiflcaal B0Te> np-ni, bi Mr. Moaeek aaoal Likolyto bt Qoaornt i. aad Um eoinhination will be A YCffJ uj .1,1. it, ',. >tato. -? our 1,-ttM haa a iltatah of tlio Errazn Ineidmt, of i aal Frcael kanjngjkja, am; bopefaJ dedjaJk ol Uw rteodj and surt aaaajapraaa <>f tl.c Reraablid towaid ? pennaneni lUkaaaont Tho aatarcaaioa ed Um Lef! r.-in.-r to tln- raaka ai Um laaaoaable Bepub Ueaaa u oom ol taoat eteerinf Ldgng of tiu linii-H. In bjg adiln-> to Um farmeri ol Vermont. HalagdBj, Mr. OrcjoJcf/ Lalked biaiaTaotioaJ . nl.oiit tl.i- ii:i]?r(?v? ni.iitJ wliifli aaHTC bOOB in.v.h-. ati.i ara anak ag ln I imiaff. Tba ad? duaa. tti ?*ad oa tln- Utird page ol TaTg 1'niin M . ti-.iay, is OXM wbicl will iOg> aaaw n. ap] i ? iul liii'ls to a^riiculttiri.-io t-viiy W?a : A . inint is tiiaf made l.ythc ilyiii.,' Depoty Bberiff of Popa Connty, wko v.ih hia lu-t luiatii iltelaicd Jthdt tlic J aTCaaaiaawcN wkoUj tdbWg-OBaaa to tho ofli n.iU. Wiiliam- I al Uassillvill.', an.l vliilc caxrriag Ot I Um in-i'ruetions of Um Biajf. He kaow UuttUtoj wereftNtWaaflaefor tln- ajagiraj akdcli Uiej chaxgt ou iuofl'eubive liti/aii-. _ One Siuiadz rWjbeV ra, I .T ijani sc fo^'y, has ajiUlgaj a lttttr to Um Mikado, ,>r<.' ; ulicy of the Empire. ].'.- agjl t!i..i tl..- fortuni - "1 tbe country an . ingj tlm' I UnOi vlii.-h oiifc'lit to Bataror, is in etatfer ?f iilling into tag vici- ecdled BepabMeaniani, and Utal ?will lu-t-oiiii- n d. ix-iidincy of Um W< itorn bca> | man otight to have beea in thi- Lata l-.-u..-?>.'.;- ConTontion. We liope The S'ra-Yvil Tkmm does not tbink (lova Jewill aaal t-xjilaincil tlie Gnutt* Joues land 1-u.siiiess. If tliat ll all it bad to gae/, and waated to "jmt na" baa taWaaaabd <io'llaiM.n r -l.i.i.l-l btbTC I K?-'>''(.:>>1* Bp fiointed, 1- - taace <>n riototu tjotUng I- aaoodg able to pjuak for tln Pa - ilcnt of the Ub -1 Bh u - wiUMart <i. l.;tn daaapeg bj Um ol Umoc diagi chartfe.-. T _ Haa the aveiAKo ii-atln il.-.- biped BBj aethM of tlie anaaaTcaang aaataraaaj food and bad T In JVnn^-ylvania, for iistuiii', 01 one gbjbj are 4'tirtiu uud J!n< kalew, and on tlie otin-r Cafaaaaaa ami Hartranit Vit tttore are re aportahle and peDtleineii WBO ?Joubt betwfcn tlu.':i. Tln-y LBOgtlj '!>? J\orth American, howevt l ;?wliicli numeiiiitl atatemeiit eoimoles ue. It a^peg gjajgrMCB that Un-n- i- u't thi t-!:/hi.-t dnrii-er of tln re Leing taaaaadi of Umbi t<> aawa Um bcale. EaaU-rn IwaaaaTB, WBO hau- .'tilinirinplv Ibl lowed the eothuaiaatic redtaaUoai evoked l.y ?fhn Bgaarpgag ot Senator luil Bctafl tlif.iti^i. Oliio and Indiann, will lu- adgal to have at Land the EoUowiag Ltaaoaat?aeBMa1 of ln- m fraKciiieiita for l'enupylvania, ^hicb is ju>t jnade pulilic l.y t'ol. Aieoaadog K. M.-Clnre, Chainnan of the Lilx-rai Itepublp un CoaBmittoe of tliat Baak i nttabargb . Mondap, Sept, SA J'lilltt.leipj.i.i . I u.-silay. S-pf l. lacaetaf.Wed Krn-.Betnrda) im raoton.Frida; 1'utUiiIIe.iliuiwliiy, Bept. 2C. a Are^nling to tlie lottOI Wtbicb we jutlili^Ii fo-daty fiom our c< rn aaajapdaaal at ToiaalO, tliere ia very ^i-ueral diaaatihfaction thrtuiKli aapa t'auada with tl.e jn.-int (.overnuieut of the lionjinioii. Although tl.e .Mini-jU-rial party i lamiH a lar^e nnjority of the-, members just electad to the Houae of Coattnoag, there k aaaod reaaoa u> believe tbat tl.i m? partiea an ;,!?..i gqnaQj fHtioanl With an ompeet tioa iiitcnt npon attaining to tho oontrol ?.f the Dorninion, thc Qoweawent la alaaeat ear taia u, i?. freqaeaOj in tho miaodtj ifl aad next am doa of r.iili;'niont. One ol thc enaaj Boetoaiaai who adminie (..r thc Goreramentof theHawftUftfl Kingdota hu |tm| madc i declaion in a treejarf <'????" which ' M nv.liTiicichitDHiUi.l forwardere. bV a?a cf Uie Hoaolulu Imp raieed the point whether gooda bnported to ! ,1,1 from New-York, by Haa wnj cf tha Pacific Ballwaj and Baa Prandaco, ibould have thc c" 1 cf tt.m-i'citatii)!) Inchldi ?! iu thc ..,, fyhlch dntiea ahould he lerit I Hiniater Smitfa decidea the rmporter may ebooaa hi.-* own mode ?i, iiti-l thc ilnly ir. tc bfl Ihid - i t ?f tii" gooda, The rdance with eontn The lad of Um wriei cf letten tn ca>rreepondenl at thi "" ?'", Doboqne will be feaad to eontela mncb of fxmeeTniBg tbat city and the aorjret - od it- pi ? ' r*a of what nnti<iu;)tc.l aaetk >?!> of mining nnd lodming h'.t.l ciiijiloNC'l i" the vi. and rurions iMtaaeOO rro dted <>l gnddea weaHb n.-onh*! by roeky minors. Moetplaoee v+icrc cavea Sboaad can beeet of baving or .: bad a hermlti but Dabaqne koerni t.> beea eepedaflj f.n-,>iv.l in thia rei tho tadiridna] wbo kmdertooh thia r61e for that lo.-tlity BnYing poeeeaood thc nniisnal qmjifj . i .r trogtodytk Ufe of being at a rniner, a roiaer, and ;? mnrderer. Affaira in AJaaha are not in a verj i.ati^rao tcry ooaditJon, ii we nmy beliere the n which wo rcccivo Utenee. There ii no eem blanee of law or govenmn?4 eoteept in thc lniTiicdiato vicinity of Sitha. Th? Indian*. who ara thc real lord.s of the oofl (what there biof it), make thinga rerj nneomfortable to thc whtte adveiitiucis, and lately went 00 far 113 to take poaeearion of a ateaaiei and bold it as boatage for thi mnrdei <>f aome ol theii Miiiihir by the aarriaon at Sitha. To erown all, thc l'(-t fnra an boeghl np by the Hud . Companj, and Aaieriena dealen ha\c tu pn! ni) witl. what Ii hii. \Mi;ii baa beOOBII cf th" wonilerful orops of regetabka, the gtntwberriea nnd tlio othei richnem whicli the Btate Departmenl promieed thal we ahoold liud in onr new parcheae at thu North 1 The letter WO poblilb in anoiher cdtitnn iu. kee known a atate of thinga in Egypt which ia i.ulier more diagraoefnlthaa haa gen' erally been rappoeed. Tiie only Proteatanl IliaaiOfl in that countiy is that cf the Dnited Preebyteri o Chnreh of the United Statea. Poi ii! iny yean ,i hai been engaged in Ita laii.iiilile uboro, foeling aafo and leeneeted uiid, r thc proteetioa of tho Anieriean Get> erameat, nntil tho Adniiniatntlion of Gen, Grant begnn. The eoatailai repreaentatiyi whom be aenl there not only rafneed protec tion tO the 1.11--1011 uios hut I'lclivcly ].c!M , .it. .1 them. Thia Wgg madc known to Gen. I ln reapectful pethaoaa. Ha tooh nc areg to redreai th? ir wroaga. At laat, finding no prooped of redreai from tbeir own rameat, thej fell eompeHed to tnkeatepi to bo placid ni.der the protectioo of the llt.l ish Crown. No one ao ?? Granl of boatUitp to the lliaaioab He.ainiplp exhibiti in thia aa ba other nintten a gtoiid diaiegard of the dutios of liis podtion, which ih pai |] Ifrrionnea and p.ntly iadifteence, 15m IU eoneeqneneea are no leaa diacreditable than il they liinie ti.iin podtire deinavity. >fr. Chas. iiViiiinrliiifi rnially nnd di liniiivcly declined the Loniavflle nominntion in a arrit ten addreaa which wai deliyered, lenled, U the t id..y. Tbii doctunent b eleganl ln on, and is a model ol l.n gliah compodtion. lt beanjeahi tiie aeholai thinher, and ;t.x aomewhat foreed applica' limi to ihe gnhjeel reaHy !>. forc bim ia'joat whal wemigbtezpeet from an tdealid Uhe the writi r. Mi. nionor dwelli in a iphereao remote froa that which ii agitated l>y tiie bopei md feaxi of to-dny that it il impotadhaa f.?r him to adapt bimaelf to preeent ezigendei nnd de mandi ef aoeaetj as now conatitnted, [f it were not so?if he were not ao rinpractica] iu liis vit-we?hl liev.r Wo.ild have BOpOd ci ezpected anrthing from the forlorn Conyen ut LgmiiyiDe. Ai It ba, we mnat teapeel bii gienl talenti nnd admire hii pnritj oi inotives whilo \sc regtel that bia cliaracter gnd Midowiucnts are not politically availahh' to tliis %t iiciiition of iiui). That the M8traigbt '? Onte*1 will continno to support Mr. O'Conor, :is thej BYer they wiii, ami to bo axpected. Tbeir pnrtof the progTamme is to ereatea Ion; to votc foi the iliii't reniial enlcnlni i- gg p,od for them as tho ino.-.t gygilftbll eandidate. .^_?___________ TIIi: FOICM OF NMW- YORK. Tn that great fcaeeting of 1861, wlnii thia Metiopolia Polomrdy rJedged itself to pnsiive the Union through war, CoL Bahor, thc lit-t OratOI cf tiie otnasion and one of thc liiartyrs oi lhe roining OOntegt, said: "1 have b whal Ni w-York caa do whea bei blood "isv.p." We MW it agitin btd nipht. Tliis people may he aoanewliat aopbiataeated and iiidiihieiit in ordinaty tiincs, hut when the OO cftdon is wortb the eflort, the Ifetropobj can expreea beraelf with energy and with aa mv r.ii-tahal.le Toke. The niccting last nigfal hft no for drjajhting thc inttntioii.s of New Torh in thia (-lc? tion. lt aheajred that thbj city is sure to c<> by a phi gornerja] ntiijority for Greelej asd Browa, attd for Kernna aad Depew. In every fcafiire of lhe hnatfajac (h-iiioiistnitioii niiy falteUigl Bl cl-,iv,r e.Hild aee thc erideaei of that tangnhtai y?t reaaoB' i whicli La theanre precaraoref \ icioiy. We grta ii fall reneti of n 11 the proe**Mlingi (.f tiii* eiliaoidliiaij maai meetfag, Kaeh cf the aeyea utandu araa weB BTorided with ipeah* cr^. All the ipajechei arere aaraeat aad to the point, and rnany of them v.eic itroag and ,t. Uiit the spirit and sL'niti.aiue of the cecii-ien weie pcrliiip-' h. -t enilicdied in two adaJtofnane, taaoag of Mr. Ketaaa gadofMr, Raater. Eot i\n~c rwa leatleaata, m a more aaanrhed degieti than any ethen, repreaented the two greal tdeai npon which the, L0> cral inovi inent in hased, lii foim and Ihiini.ii, Ke one hiiH a hetter ri^'lif than .\lr. Kerana to daad farward at thii* thae m tha ailvocate of rigid inUgiity und oconoiiiy bg the ailinini.itratimi of afl'aits, He baa Ixen au energetie and aeaalgteal ji.tiiy loi.'l. i for in.iny ycars, hut he hu nevci Hiiliordinated hia eon-iitiKc to mip poaad patty noofabyltlre, aad haa ptaferred tho ih icat ot bk partj to yjctorieo which would have baaa iho Waaaah of frawad. Be j^ a rrian of tintaintcd reiord and clcaii h.iini . Uo gave the iirst tathanmatafi and coidial sup? port, which Sniimcl .). Tihlon reeefyerl, to ihe naovement in (Ire Deruocrallc party for fjhe overthrnw of the rorrnpt T.m.many Ub* Bai for Mr. Keinun. Mr. Tilden eonld nol l.ivi- made tbat n,..v. niint. a aaaMXB, and the B form atraggli laat rail ta Wow-Toc* wonld h.ive i-ndi-d in Nnu tlioMl.e lii.d foi t.-fuiin La aaoaa to be "Hdec, aad Um i ,,,,-nt bai ooaae to eeabtaoe tM itoand M .wii pj mfcnaal aJWra, Mr. Koraaa bai nobrj gaiaod Um right to be laatoBta, to gad No taow bapoftant u MrttwritaJ l,,, beea m nm doriag thk oaa am tttan Um eaabotatogad tbongbtfoJ dJaooeraeof Um Hoa. I!. M. T.!' Virginbv ThiaigtiMToloe of Um Boath. Mr. Hnntei Li oae of Um "bb ,t?.t Rebela"of wbon we bcar aomuch in Ailiiir.ii-'lralion p-ipi-ra. He ll OBd Of Um attH diafraachieed BoataMTBCjra, wbo are ln i - p ,: in pnblk affaira bj tboTigflanl tareof UMOraal pa We bape no on.- of onr roadera will 01 , v(-.y word of bii ioag aad ma h. Tl.ey tbea deoide wh< Uemcn of thia obaraetcr are likely to be more , tbe 1 - Btaioi eaW ,,:..: Carpenl n wbo tai excluding them li nna, Ue le 1 mau IncapaWe of au >?> or I d-eccption. To liic, be woald a ?' 1 ' ' ''-; !l "r MJI ?l! u is wbal he aayi of them: ?? ! 1 : v "eoaqnered who, aftor o, .;. .j tbeir condition with a moi "appreciationoi >-or wJtha more .daeere Intont to "boaeatb all U "?,-,,??, them" He ?ek forth, ln eingularij moderate and uiimpaaaloned lan tbinga of whicb the Boath bai Um nght to complaln, witb esjnaawionB more gnarded than ,ofanyiod< rarnal lathecoi - tbkrabject Thepeoplooi tbeSouUi . ,,,-liif froMiilifirdMi.ineai ofrraaeaora by Ihelr own Totee and by ibe iyo paUieUe action of an AjlmiiUBtration and a Co b will coroc ,...'? id Browa. Tbey have no onlawfnl or fank Uc b ?, elaiing i? relaUon to Um new A.LininktratJon, -Of Donrge," be 1 tya, "if they are eleeted, tbe "peopie of tbe Bontb will expecl from them a "p-ii.- GrOTcrnment, aome 1 torm ln thi Ciril "Scrvic-, aad a better regolatton oi the faat "pokonaga of tbe General <,ov<-rnn.ent." Certaialy do oae eaa objeet to eUinaa ao wo> aonable for parnoaee m laudable, Thal no pre tenae to miaoaderBtaBdiag may rangin, Mr. ilunler'.s ttll 109 OBI why JM .?.,- tae Boathera peopie aapporl Um LibeiaJ candi.iatn. 1-t. Ul ofl and cordial rennioa botween the North and Bontb; 2d, to bring abont a feeling of eonil deeee beiween Um wbJte aad blaek whicb have beea kepl too Ioag aporl i conaterad tbe preaenl thrcatening tondei centraluation of powerj 4th, to plnce an boa eat man ln tbe I n ? abo wifl nol naebia pggt poweg and i: :. for M-lii.-h ot arbitrary eada. We anbmil tbal <!,,-(? gre reajoaa eaoogh to .h-ii.'y tbe port or Mr. I '"' ? who? lii.e Mr. Hn itor, hi ld ntdically differenl I flnanee and goTerameat. We are anre Ur, ii i ? . bcyed a true and wi i? 1, tolriag to bring to thc North Ud and loyal ; ;li" Boath. Hii re ception l 1 mat h.ive coarineod him that there u no hatred orjeetooay left Ln Um beark of tbe peopk of rithet bboUob. The dectJoaa of Novembet will breah doaa Um laat barrii 1 bt taaea them aad oa I Utt forevcr. . an. adjmWB bobbe wibbi tbouobt. It li a coaa iliag reftoction that no man le quiio oapabk ut Beetroying tbe offecl of a good aeUoa. Whon Marb Antoay wai oa Um itnmp in Rome be th >ugbi 'mota of lenaation tban of exad trottt, or be woal 1 nerex hare uid tbat Um good m m do la Inton id with tbeir boaoa. Mr. John Qoincy Adama i - di Ing hia beai .1 -.- , al to ando all b tln-. laat two yeara, bot be aiB Bad it difflcolt. The moremenl which hi an I otl n foot goei alone v.-iy weH witboal binvbnl hia work in tbe eanae will not be taadil I t,-n. II.- waa nol q ? ' aiUt I u Inationi th U were made al Cincini] hapa it wonld be more LMeorate to aay, be wonld have been better Mtiafied witb Lboae whieh were not made. He baa, therefbre, taken toi 1 wbal be eame ont to Weaa, aad bai pettkhly tiiini-d his bach on Um LiberaJ moremenl and gone to ooqnetting witb Um extrente reao tfonary aad pro-Slareiy faction of Um Democraey whieh he in? Imon fighting and denooaoing f<>r yeara, aad finallj Mici-i-i-deil in utti ilv defeating of tbe party. Thereanll achiered on Wodnea day at Wora ab t muat baTi | bn .1 Um 1 iniiiKliiiK Of (.nitilie.ilii.ii LUld Ll DTOgch. Por monthi he bai been Laboring t.? bring ahoal thJi preciae reanlt, !!.?<? emancdpatioii of the Democratk party from Um Utralldom of re artionary trailitun, and a sini--ie and elOM eoaliUon witb Um Ubetal BepnbUcaai to Um juiij.osc ol reecning Ute Qorernment from tbe baadi of th ? dttU Oarorpation a' prndu ally deenoralixing Um DoUtieal oonacienee oi tln- eooatry. la bii own Btato, he bai leen this rt mlt oompletoly and anperbly acbieri 1. The two parttei have nut in rjerfed banaony aml agreed npon a toinl campaign. TJa v hare joined In aeceptiag and annonndng 1 platform oi 1?1 nuiplee uiii-M-ejitioiiabli to Ute political aebool to whieh Mr. Adama baloiaga, and in pioaoiillin ai a randidate f..r QoTernot thi pon -t, ai.!. al i.nd iiii-r inoatriona iiii.:en of Maaaacbnaetta. Yet tbii bour, which oogbl to ha\e Deen Um nin-t liiiuii]i] of Mr. Ad.un l'l liie, aeei him repudiattng hi-i own arork, iiiK his baek oa liin own loiid profl LniOBOj and plotUng, with the gboobi of Um dead Boar* lioiii.ini ht- belpod l<> aaaTi the de.striietinn of the groat prafabaatre party he helped to fonnd. We do ned piiti-nd to il. 11 y tliat Uw hhoiild have gftiatlj priiforrod t<? .-. e Mr. Adams with ns 111 thir* /.'"at lijrht for r.-nnion and refurin. If tlie noiiiiriation he deeired and exfui-ted 0000 LBBdM at ('iininiititi and, bl wonld havo bet n DtwaleBay aaJtod for oaoa in ln* life. r.vety word oftbe plail.tini ol prineipli-s tluin adi.|,ied wonld have nut bii full approval. lie li ul iu -forehanil d.ilared i:i f.i vor of Um preeke politica] nrograaaae adi.j.teil l.y the l.ilu-rals and I). iu .. i.i'-?. Tlie. liiiidi.lal.--. ffg l'l. Mih-nt nnd Vkaj PwaafaaBt repnaagai tho piinci]ile.i for whith Mr. Adum h h ag fla^ajaajajj ron tendeil, and their |g the only [itiii-tiei l.h- way of piitling UbatB |iriin-iplt-n bj piaiti.e. They gre Baaa of un-.nlli.-il ihai,,.i.t, .it oaaj. nent pnldic Kirvirin, of di-tiiik'uirth, d aad BB iiuestioni-il ul.ilitie-i. Ili.t theit noniiniitiiin a/aa not Ihc one deohfod l?.v Mr. AvauBBO, ,ni>l ih.-i. iore he tl.iew hiiii.i ll into tho arnm ot tliit uuutu-rahly ahggrd ruob of iBaaBaaagry t'o|) peiheads ut L.iiisvilli., who were Uboiblg, l?y i Uabobeat prvtedae of r?ftigaapdatag aaa> old pro-Slavrry Peniocraej, bj ia the r. eiection of (Si'ii. Grant Mr, Adaaai, of all mea in tiie world, Bndi htaaaelf m aympathy with Um agjhbering ghoeta of the btte reheDion. Ile proffera them the o e of bia aaaae to aid the ni aa whom Uei than ? yenf ago be cilleil "aa Igaobh iaeabae," ;,.,,! .,,' . | leetion be drmonaeed ai " ? "i,.iii',ii:d e.iliiiii'y," bet tOM bil Ailministra tion w.n" m eharaeter, lordid la 'one, Mignoraat, eorrapt, and arbitrary." He Mid of that Adminiati itioa, thd it aaa "d - aaon t" perm ia itly dian lite the Btateo ?? c, ni the '? '" uneat of Jeffan m Dayii ; i!.,i." Be i Ided, iu a. ' !|i,?'' L ia ?'?? neatni nd reritj of chanet irba I ???? i? ?. Qraat "can aoaeeire of bo ? aai of loraraaai nl bat mflil try fbree, aad bo ?? motire ol pnblie action bal ptifaJ i:, ,!, mwiy warnt l na i raia I l.i.ii reai - mora ri "'-' thal '' wonld p liii.ini iiily blnat tho roadhlllUwa of popnhtt liberty. All theae thinga Mr. Ad uaa aaid la tiie ad. mirable lettet wMch wa repriat la aaothet It, waa on iged and i lla which aibere I i i the Liberal more neat lt doei nol adrocata oae prindple, it ,... mj red on i | rrpoee, whicli k not ? n, the p ibH - e mfo i Ion of B ' n of tb l . The high i ia lard ?: up baa nd beea lowered la the I ,: . , .. riio AdminUtration ao terribly ar i by Mr. A i imi h no al ,, . ... rcform ttio_ On the coBtntry, , ,i i,i i ? bi ???? oif ii io i ? the maay thai went befota, bi Ita ihamel ofall the raronreea of the Gorerinaeat to . or corrnpi the p ipnlar will. yTe doabl ? i B.,, , ?, .. i Ur, Adams'a lettcrand withhold liis rote from the Liberal . Of coui t Mr. ! lami bim mIi, i.,r be knowi bow nnd wlty it wai written. Bal we oommend it to om rt ? of the ni";' nn miwerable Indietm \ liniiii itration and yindicationa oJ the Liba ral moye ? dch the pri ;..,, baagiyen riae, li Ur. Adanu bow repudiab i Lt, be ii not wiee, He wonld be ,i, ? | i ray, rteher than all bia trihe, and we ire aware I i expwiaion. _________________ 7,7/; BMOKMN PSOMMM. rVhere bi the millenninm which we ,'.-' promiaed by Um ipoealyptk writen of the Ifepnblicaa nartr, "I"'". with the DnionaaTed, peace reetored, BIbti ry gboliabed, tbe people pacified, tbe Bti tea t ? ? nitrncted, the Gor ,.,, ,,.. _t wdnvenated, the Com titntioa eom pleted, lil.eiiy enlarged aad harmony eatab i..:, |, the golden are wai to eome bo and all be peaea, proaperity and bappraeeal Why bj it, now war li ever, the peo? ple retaraed to tbeli allegiance, the , ? ? tiee which eoaflid gem i pai ing an iy, indnrtry reaewed, aad , Q ol tbe Goyi rnmenl eonflrmed, lhe pe] ,.i !,..(,. |g ? Dl preacbed, and by tbe parl ? ' ? tbe in' Dec wai procfatbaed I j. ii the mod perdateai t ffi i .,, reviye the i Id aaimodtii i aad I i t,i,,i i .. t.i t,. all who, uiider the aew oondi Itfa - ??? foi ' ? :; i !?? I aad bo i , with n.'W feelinga, I i. ; bipa, an.l aUaneeel [a thig wai to beeternall Are we dedined ,-i ,.,,;, retnrobug PreabJential eleetioatoflght d the i ? iflict which do d i . | i- iii. North to be i" i ;,l,y | tb foi it-* dido: ?ad is evciy coajnactioa betweea bTorthern ,:;,,! Bontbera mi n for ? poUtieal pnrpi i I ? be bta id< .1 a -eaaonable oa the part of the former, for all time'to eomef Is the period n.'vcr to approacfa aa end whea a party m the itate will aet np Iti to powei npon tbe groond that, for tl ol the Bnion, nore impedtaaenta, beqnalities, and diaqnalificntioni mnd ba bapoeed npon the Bouthcrn people, or thal ezbtting impedi lueiits, im qnalil . ? I di i '?? l< ationa mnd mtinned ? 1- thi tbe i oliticaJ enti i iu whicb tbe p< ople ol tbe BBih .1 Otatei ai,. iii\it,il; tO ti.ivol, wi!h inill-Jici-e nio notony, ia the atae eircle, repeatrng the litany of malerolaice, aad trcaanriag, with the ob inanation, the mbm recol lectiooi i lf there waa [ in the Ri pablican platform of 1893 bi th wai eapecmlly i ;,i,],.i to tbe peoph of the Baited Btatea?the loyal people?il raa tbe promiae held oat in thal iiisiiiiiintit of a day whea the eflbeai ol the pad oonflictwonld be pneticnUy obliter ated; whea tha whohi people of the Baited Btntei wcnld he oae la poUtieal tighl iij they were one in 'interest ninl in ecn tinicnt. Probkbly nothing la the Ute . . Mr. Greelef bai eUeatly woa ao i npon the peoph ai thc faet that be bai beea the nn-weivinr ndlieretit to the wi>( and hil inane policyofcondlbUton to which that p!at fi.riii eommittej the Bepablicaa party. li ia not the aoaabtaata of tha war?il la not U_t maag of the phofde fraai whom thoae eiiin'-at anti wire tab-ii?wbo btbor to mahe tbe htet of tho grmiid tho oeeadon of eteraa] (iiinity. They havo no trraeored reeeat in, t.t.s to Brforee at Bm banot-boxj no fcilings o{ r, reage aader the mflneace of which tliy iacliae to be enliited aad marched t.> tae poUa, bi they were enliated aad tnarched to the haltle-liclds. The a-pii Ing beroei of this inppleBienta] war, thii m pererogatory gdratioa of the Baioa, tlns ea pont J'avlo ftcefgr/ralion of our lihertiii, are tiie non-cuniii.iiiiiis; iii.u who etnyed atfely at hoine whOe th' armiei were ln lhe Beldj who ilept comfortably in theb bedi whilebBttlei were ragingtwho demooatrated tlnir patriot i-l,i bf'.I.ite llietolic iitid bittef dc iiiiniiiiticns of trititors and coppnhcad-., and \i.:i!io!ivv nianil't-ted tln ir de\otioa to tho Hacied cataeof theti eaaasry by their na! tu eeara fal eaattaatai and taarattye afleea to tlicmhClveg How iiiuch ofi the hatn d ;tnd gpiril of rorehge witl which they an ao aed liioiia to iaopaa the people they fW, and bow naeh they siieuli'e, it bj aol aeeeegary t.? in ipiirc. Probebly the] an ai deeply la faraed ijuw m th.> were danag the war; aad the depth of tiiat earaeetaem auty ba aafely c;il ealgted apea the baak <?f what they boped ka reiilize tipi.n it ;is eapitiil. A^ido troaa the feaoral ebarge of profndon, corruption, guagoyernment, and iii.ilailiiiiiii tr.itioii igaiad the Ptealdaal and his party, there is thu apaefakl ehaigO Of fiiiud ileliln i ntely pcfpetr.ited apOO the jieople, in the f:ilr.i cation of thc pledges niade ia the platform, and afteiwunl by the I'r.M.h lit. '1 he pattv enjoyed all tho adyaatage of itn peafeaakai la the < the hadeirt nt titne felt that thoso adviint.igcs wero not, bf any itieatH, unncecMaarv?and the people had a rigtrl to axped ahal pvaaalaaa m iiatiaetly Iiiiidc wotihl he ?,i Have they been fullllled! No sooner Inid CongreHH reu.-.Heiiibled alier tlio cliKiioii than tlio leader.a oi tiie li'ii.ul.iu nn oiiiiv ut iLut bodv lcaiiilied IhlWInhaa to ?!ie work of Inflamhlg thc inind of tho peoplo of tho North aguiimt UmOB of Um Souih, and of eoBrlaofag Um totaeg that the latt'T eould uot l>o aarfbly trnsted with tb.-ir politkal Ubaataaai iawaatiag that, in thc pbtee gf gbOn frenlom, Ihero nmst I.e more restraint, and Inatead of aniaeaty and fj ahip, hiiimii.ilLoa aad pflaiahmea*. If is oaly ny to allnde to tho lOBtlttPBBa man of alaadon aad exaggeratieai pil.d up l?j i peca Coauaitteea, draaa from tbe rileat lottraeg ninl l>y tho Btoat culpalnV Laeani, , .>.', h 1 t0 the wBrld M hi.stury ; nil minaHag i" itotBtoi of tho ageet oppf .??! bbi pj ! fdUU ? ' r.andprovi.sions iiil.-ml-d io plac ? t'i ? eti':r.> election m Mhinery of the , ui the laa di of tha Pitaatlt-m. 1 Um way in which tho plodgOl of the party girea to peraaade thc peoplo to aappoti Iti eandidata wura Ladeamed. The Entooement luil, tha Kn-BUni act, Um d - ? ol ? deaigned to reatore aad to ooaoiliato, all go to ehow that the leadera of taa party Ltwtar la timh-d t . LBoet tl. ir eatgagoanenta, and tbat i rad whieh they have otnamlttod wai premeditatod* At tln- li.ii.' Iln-re is no nmro talk of am aeoty aad eoneiliaUon. The leadera of the i to h iv.- togoiton that Uieta uaa eret a tttae when they eron profeeaed i for I rJgbk of men -1 ta Um re to of bartaony in ."<? Btato. The goapol of eternal bate ;:i"l perpeAual rraniahmeat : ? , i. The eflbrta of tho oratora and orgaai of the party are derotod to re ig a id mteaaifyiag the old eamttiee. rhe peopie aaa rirtaally told tliat, ai they vuii... their own Uberttea, they maat aaaple tiient UM war of arni; with a war of f.u tnd troad nader foot tboae who, oaly ? powerleaa, an- not riaiag in armed rebellion. lt ii eonatod freaaon t.. !.- willing to v..!.- ta a Preddeatial eaa li who li aceeptoble to tho Sonthen peopie ; aad, no raattor how pure be may bo, Um man who teh eandidato i- oaly aared from beiag annihilated l.y tln- aboae, deannciaUor, i.. i ribaldry tbat i.i ponred npon him by the :,,i thal ah :?, denuueiation, aml libaldiy do not annibilato. More li a coaat ln Uw iBdletmeal the Preaident aad hia party from which there : i -I,, . raajon. <i n. Qrant eame into i brare prafeeaioaa of lihentlity toward tho Bontb. There waa nothing in bii ry, eharactor, or neta which did ,, lenre to Mnd tlie peopie to him u, Foi a kmg time tbey atood to him in tln' atoad of perform . v, uile the party leadi 11 irero pfling np otoantaina of nboraed renom againat , ii: waa held np t" tlie peopie miracleof magn mimity-4he peetUbti reati i.nive of all tbal la lara^ntinded, generooa, and bnmane. He la m vie to Utink i.i bia m - whethi t it may nol be I me to eoaaider abont the n-moval of diaahilities, Hia aiaei rlty Ln thia re ped may be eatimatedby tbe faot tbal tbe Foi e bill and Ita diar re the e of whieh the entire Lnflnenjce of the ,, raoade and to oon emploj There la no denying that the P aid nl an 1 tbe leadera of bia i tj are well mab d, and ...n policy, they i, re been agraeda The one la m> more La tawo! of . . ?!. -a the otber; nnd Um iv ta a ohaage of baadi la thi Gor , ,. [a nu gi rator Ln thi ca - oi thi Prea than lt i-i In the oaae of tboae by whom !,,. bai beea wrrouaded, Lnatrnctod, and ad N;? i. i .?? it nd whieh haa beea perpo trataci .....ii the peopie is a eammoii i,.. ?i; and if it is a worthy aat ou the part of a fr. >? i h .t deliberate deeepUon whieh baa boi d practiced npon tbem by tbeir rnlera?if il i ,. npon tboae who ? ak to h<- well piv.-rmd to depoi i the I to elevate trne?jnatiee aad Lnb naad ,.y ihonld all go i ther. Thia La, tberefore, no war againat tbe P d.-nt merelyi Lt la a wai againU Qen. I and OTery oae of hia nidera aad abettora. TJic eontitiy eoald better afford to ooatinne Qen. Granl Ln the Praaidency thaa tocontiane them in ti promptora, and ? ,,;- That this La Um eentiin nl ? bich pi rva I - the maaaea of the li, all the phi aom< na of tbe eaaraai tbni far bear teaUmoay. There are i.i d i ona agenl i than Qrant clothed with anthority and inllm 000 in tlm Btato, tbongh, in hoada, there coald m>t well be a more daager otii LmplemeBt lt La not to depoae him alone tln peopie are called npon to riae, and are .-; it k to expel a borde of which be la Um nominal ohief, whooa membera are more ttutahii e-qoala In profligacy aad andaaityj it latocbaage tbe entire ayateaa of a^rornmental practke from that whieh bai obtoined twdei their anapieea. It is u -implt rjneaUon: La it righl or wrong ta the peopie of the United Btatea to deaire tbe n'storation of peraonal eqnality and abciaJ haiinony lu-tween the inhabitants of diffen-iit States and M-etions / Did the leaih-rs of the K'lpnt.iit-.iii party reilrrt Um prerailing aeaU meiit wheii tk-y stihst.intially proinis.-d a claeping <>t' haadaaarooi the ehaam opened 1>\ the war; OT h tve tli.-V velleeted it since in LaboTing, by ,i"' Ils'' "' diahoneal niearus, to niake that eh.ism wid, r aad moie in-iir inoiintahlet In 1*'^, th-y w.-nt befon the pi-opleplaeinfthecl.tiins ol'iheii oandldate npon Um i>.i-i- of their ptamhBB; bow they gobefore tha ]ienple with bo better ehtim than their hiokenpiomi-tx.aiid lalae preteuaoa more wicked than their fallhliaaiaflOl tO ju-lity their perfldy. Here is Um laaaa whieh tbey have eaade bet aaea them-elves and the 000008 3 and tinle-? it 1- to he as.siitned that the peopie havi- retroei di-d from th.-ir own po-ition-, have QeBBld t" lofB ].i aee, have l..-.otne Idoodlhirsty. batofttl, and iiitnlerniit, aad are aapiriagfoi freah eonmcta, there w i i l be no btflnra In tbe retribution. WEA1 TEM PREBIDKXI TEINKS ABOVI QMXBVJ. l.\ei\ aagarahag an ollirial eoinnmiiiiiitioii to the Wa.-diiliK'ton a^ent of llie A--.ui:ii <l Preaa Laformi maiikiml that the Preaident is well With the Itote Of alVaii- nl liiiiiva; that WI BBTO gOt all we a-ked froin Uw Coaat of AjbtaraUoai that aa Laaaaear rii-d onr point 1>V BjaajBlBg an ollu ial dei-:-i.'ii that the elgbaa npon whieh aa iBaiatod to aa mai'.y yearn tind with BO mmh eoiaeatn ia wBN enlinl.N ii.adnii--\hlf, and that \m- BTOto tref Blaaod i.'iind Hiini of niolu\, and lelile from the eontest in trinmpii. 'i'liis iloe.H imprt.-s aaybodj who baa Hludied thi proeeetliiiK-s at ?i. m\ i, and nmh r Btaaaaa What it is that WI di-iiianded and whal it in that WO have i.lil.iined. l'.iil it nias ili - ogfta the BBBrarji aad ao prepaie their minda for the hnrraliiiiK uml apphiiiilinv with whioh the Ailiiiini-liaMt.n wi-hi to In-rald the ti-fcnll. ja/g mav M well uniler>*ta!iil thal there is nothing in tha leaae oi the arbitration npon whioh wg hav? roaaon to plauie ouraelvae. We ratued our own fttae and httmiliatcd oiiradVoa hy the propoaUrous incapacity of our Stato Dopnrt nient, iind no amoiint of BkOaey JaBBagBB 'or the dhreet brjariai af tho Alahaaaa and L?r con.aoit* \\j)\ i vci iiiiike a.'ixinl.s lor our lima of iintional rcpiituiion nnd ?lignily. hTee i? it certain yet that wa ahall baaa any larga sura of money. The Britiah cldmi igaiaaf M ar? pet to lt. .'(ijii.-icd. perhape wa ifaall not i>a allowed to kaow what they aaaaaaft ta aatal the rdoction; bnt they aill doebtlaaa i.) d ?? . ou i Mt-off againd tha Geaova award. ____________ ;,"." B ?:?/. IV l.v/i TBE WtDOWE. Benator Barian'i newepeper, Iha Wnsiti<njitm Chroni<i; i-i aJtftfktd at the " tocAhbiC in< an . r Thb Naar-Yoaa Taaroaa" la aa hig aaeal ol ? aoldii r'-i widow, po tmi tre i of a i auUI ol _ tbe ama of $40 for tba oae of Ihe Grant ; ;i Ckaaiaittee. T%? CaVaaaaa roaadly i thal the lattef which tn qnoaed ona Mr. Harlati's nignatine, * .. tl by tha "Bcpublic ? ? c, waa aol nddiea I te " the nami I ""'?i [Thb "Trinrsi.] pretendi to rommJ erate, a< "any other widow, 1,-1 ? i tha Ineambi at " of any 'stnall oiihe' _ I l '"" "l a To wliich we repty thai Thi fJliaafffi bi lying. Tho lettat waa addnaaed yaat aa wa baye aaid, and we pabliobed the wholeofat . v". p< the namea of the onVe aad the lacma !,.,.i. \v;..v, aaka Mr. Barlaa'a pa] , doea raratiaa keep bach thi n I Beea n we V, ry well that tho p< ' be tarned oat of ber plnee for eearmnatftating ber wronga to a% If tha AdmiaiatratkM hnow who ihe v Bnt the boaorable and feveread Benatert , goea furtlicr, and d.nies that po liii.-al aaataamnnti bare beea mado apoa any i,i, iy. hfoaeytobe anreiaeoUeeted,and< holderi an "aol exclnded" from baa peirUege of eontribnting] aad If the einalar namee lhe ui which e.'ich ftiiiCtionary I vc, that is megely to paeyeal thefar giying too mu<lt : " !.,r the pupOM of BTI fl nf ?* iag tbe eoBeetioB of aa aaaaet oaai Mfrom <>vi'I'-liiieni trleado, lika I waa ? ?ally ?? found in I ttgjtbe partiea addri - i bare frometimi i beea aotifled of the " aaamj which they were d. ind Io niae aad " forwardM Oh, Jaaaeal Moreorer it ia par Ceotly righl to bjyy politteaJ aaaeeameata i poa widowka and "ao bonof_bte, high-ml i ?' womaxV wonld objeet to it. Te aa npi I. No rach letterwai writtea. 1 it aaa writtaa foi fear the widow would gfrra too ataeh. .'5. Poktioal ??innaiiinli an all right 4. PoUtieal .oti aio all wroag aad wa don't make any. ?>? Bha bt ao lady, oi ahe would not eoaa? i.i.iiii. S. "The anntterable maaaaataa aad " falM-hearteilness of the anthor of the fOfO "going TniBtnta artaete onght t.? maho tba "writeraa objeet of bavthtagte hhaedf, aa ?? well ai t > all Wr-miaded i _" And thd wo tiiiiik onght to settlo lhe if ri.V Jtl.X SUPPOBI 8ECI83I0NIST99 Poor Gea. Bixl Caaaot he eontrrta to pta> ean oertifleatei froea loaae neeeaamodatiBg phyaician, aad ii warrant from Poliea Jnetiei Cox, aad got bia editorial defeaden aafi lati . oat of the way of mak? b_g any incio i.rti.len in his i-.vorl ll, n. bj Th* Eomino l'?*t ruhaing iu balf-doaen , naetaelea otot ooi ?i iota ii,,i! from Gea. Bt_*a deelaratioa of Beoeeaioa ulei in 186a, and iiioaiiiug that, tboagh be nttered them thea, be meaat them to epply ?, Weii, whal of it! That aaa whaa Mr. Greeley waa n-id to have mtertaiaedatan ii,ir . uiiiii. ni-. i!(vo is what Gea, Dii taaa _ghorrorof Mr.Giaalaya yiewaialetli ? aapart h'ni. "hecaiiwiii tba garta al aaaa ot ,,.... bad !?.,.?,, hi'i.w Um; t.iiv. rii'iniit, ln> uixviilv . ..,,.1 whea .. ; ouBtauaaboald aaaha apthaferaaiadalaBa. Ami ? what Gea. lv.v aabi bia owu yiewi waa i "if th" Bouthern f ta\m delln#>ratloa,aacl af the otbi ra, aud altu . ? .' ; .IM.', p "? "' ?">' ut '? hatt preft rred a /? n ' Ai.d here is what Gen. ni^'s aaaociaaa, Lymaa Treaaaia, aaidi . ii || may be, I a nppma forcver. lt after all nei m hml are h.iva ? wc oi tue Morth . iu uo luumr threa "f the -< ith, i.'.r tha :,, tbc North. iu ti ? ol ButB d wh, re luoa ? -!, .'i !?? my i" "i'i". i.ii'l Imi ,;,.,!:? ir, i r., we haye rca< od r.eveu tbeul tn nld aay, ?..-,? i Ina ' ii ; let ut partim peae* i pteueaM* (f-iteonfi ieracy;' au.l uo iurt of Uie raapeaar reaton ns." i i prcved thea thal Gea. Dix faaaot nip port Caadidate I>ix and CaadMan Tma__tj becaan eeeh ii ihowa oal of his own moath tohaTobeen wonethaa Boraee Greeley, arheaa nomination ihached Gea. l>ix oat af bia aeaaa .. [g The Pod enabb d,dimIy,to pereaiTal PVTTINQ DOWN THE TMJBUME, ll is (Uie gf tl'C dgTiOM Of tha A.lministra tion autaagen ta itaka an of aD the powai of the t'ivil Bearke to rtpi P * Taa Taiaoaa, and mbetitata for it 'lhe ycu--Vork Timcs. We bare meatioBed befon Iha afaami bf pai dry poataaaaten to ^ tha eapin af otir paper taal to mail robeeribera,aBd m place ? I t io pei _theboxeaJtmkbufoCaaagWaae,ef waneh i.niu. ;i te baadlea (_aakad) are alwaya on hiiiid. Hen a a wnaatnaifaUoa from ? New Hampohin poataiaal Tn lhe ggilar ?f lhe Tnhune. Bnt: i Bua .'av racdrad fin,'> thc anaaabttraa (oi Oraat) Btata (aaaadtload l_a M ita a _ra_ar aahlag tbannmberofaobaerlbeira, with aaaaaa, lakc Thb N V I'uiih m: al thlaoffioe; thflr rcnaon waa. ao thal thi v . "illil .-'ii't The V. 1. /i')i<-.H. ti.,1', imi>v ull tftl r tiie rlectkin, totbem. Here laCt?ll etenrma Ibafonu ; imt ll i almpl) wiit.- ii.i- - ? ? ?ct< tiia inanii-r iii whloh tha (;r.u>i folka aro eonductlnatbc CUlllIW . ".. of the ? ?ll- :nl l* l arlth ?ood :. 'i hiraure aa ttia .i.itii.ii day cometb, thia htaM >?ai aaat atavaaaaaa i,i,, i. \ aaa Broa u. Lf the Graat Ceauaitteeo eoold only eany out thia pi.m. aad da ?o witheal tamperiag with the niails or atealhagaabaeripalen uaka, it mighl be i good thiag we them. Paopla who Bothing bal lae Ihaca wUI aewer ^now anything te lhe a_ana_ of the a\dmiaiatn tion.?if badeed they erer kaow anything at all; whOeif they tooh ;v BewBpapet the cn^o ? be \- rj d 1. reat Bnt all Bm oaaea boldera _ the Bnited Btatn eaald ad pat Ihe Ihaei lato the peeitioB oceupied by Taa l'liliit M ? A jounial is BOl BMlde hy patroaage; ll atakea ttaalfi it aaa aaly bo deetroyed by ttaalfi aad whea tha Ben >mina* tiou iiiiiiiiiitiirs laaae their oieaaa thal Taa Tarai aa ritaO i>e pul dawa they aaay play ihe porl of atra, Phrtiagtaa nghttagthe Atl.ui tic OceaB with ? breoea._ y !jj mle,ai aaaaaraaa lohk n teadraal bp ua ? a, w?r? aaxioaa t.> kaowwhether Dr.Oreal , i it',.1 bia arUlmgnen t? aake ai la tha aatetaj If tbo OoiQaaamnt aheald "?'', lai SiV' iii.t.i ?? tu ptocaaaa tba tladgao d Iho khdltl aalaaa. Aii\i(.ua t? fiu-iiiali inti>im.,!.'.ti BBOh M OBI '? "i"''* duj reonira, wagare,apaa Iho aataaarlty af Tto Baaddpl |M<>-! Ottlaaa, Iha tttno i>"d Mm r' tbta BtaaranaB. waoiaapaa ?s pnkUahed. oe B it u,,. aeonfatatloa Irrenrag^hla, a araatyaM iaa*ar wriakotbvlti K. bV. VVaahbittae in WE, ABokaB