Newspaper Page Text
yo- ? wxil.Np- 9,812. M:\V-YOKK, 8ATURDAY. SEPTEMBEfi 14. 1H7t?. PEICE FOUR CENT81 0AMPAIG1- [NTELUGKNOE LTBERAL T'I.osit.CTS TN OTTIO. A KBOWa ITBENOTB 01 ItMoE UBiaUl BB 1-1 i-.i i. \\--- 111; ORAK1 BABAOBB8 ABODS i\,, ii, nn WO-K?4 om li'i.NT BOrU Of i iu UBEBALS. lai iB?bobai- to tiik raauaBi < .v Bept ia?Mtaae aaaal by all ,? MlBlaiaiaalt nV Braal peepa mt thej1 th.- aasaM ra thal v . B, m i,.,,. w .. . ? . laaahaate. 11 attei i."i" ' i. crout etToita vire I'i" f?i ii, tn ttirn irir aaaaa. Baar, haaeaeii the? ia a aaaaaa, r< nHiv.' aii.t raaaara ad Ma~aaaean% aai ?rn- tlic ceaaaeelan of tho party. WhetaerB m iwheaaciihed Mthe reearl af tho wiao 1. I., r il'io rs who work lu ,? nt aplrll wttk taa Deeaoente, m Um reBaa of ti. ' I Bj B i tor I aa ererjr haai thal Befern wreaatr lhaa Bare Iha CrneiraatB Baa. Tiii. B aai b taaaa a '"r:i ' ,1 ,1.1111' up t<> Sllpl'l'lt it. a ka tBe roOowtaa; aeearaaa aad* vathaUH Maaa of Bm atreafth of iha i .- eaaattM in.t stx-i i" ?W -tu. T"tr-t ' ? two aletrtet* bbm! Hara araaaeRepn ! I ? ? i :"0. WarreB soa, F.y- ?? ? . l.",,.: iu tha VI' ' I.< Ci.tmly, 5(1,: OttBWB. UBj BraiT, ' l l-toa, I HBaaMaMe; Wood,_aei tol I !l - . _.:'.<?.; Xll'ti (fol'iuil. : ,; OMhoen ? i I , s ti.-i.1 ricMir (Ui-.vii tn th , .- ' rnsijonty i.i. ' oiiut> . :ili BTCT-.e couiity iu the Btate, la i ?t ti,. i. ? t 'i_ on theae Bjturea aa. i tBe Ba ! : i ii .]..? aai iiiuiiv aaaa. :? -- clri aaai ??- taa , aad tho p, r I.. t.???? rer dld beXons. AlthoaBti I other froaad tfeaa tho reaalta ol , ti?- Uir la atled wl i. . li.ciiiMlvna Into l-Ioi :ir ri.'ti ovcr w I t -? IHE ni!.' i;\n BPHUTOF I.TOKEAURM. I x-i-iii IBl m B vii in (i OBIO ''io -lin.sil \l. OONTES1 I BOB A ( UBJ HAJ M..KAI. 1'i.lN i Of vii w. Cn- ?? 1-;.?Ex-l'n-.Milt-ut Hai , t a i. un- aa rampa audo.' a/ Tha .t'liuirv, aad oiktr etmduekmof lhe rrli<jiou> , Bbbtbuumi l" roaraerreaaad many of your t rtraace thal aajraatf and ao ?aajathera Mi.ililiiiu, then the i i. aad tin.iUv tha Bapao i\i-1. fi thf part? i.i-t ii tiucii aad (eiaei tha co.ii.ii..1. oi whleh Mi rhrthlareare a.iitiitivi-. w.-ie li aaaaaattMa wBh Iha ; I , vhleh ;? B eaadaeted to iiiK-rt ii.iiuiii..i!y poUtteal artielea, 1 BheaM aol I prea to (xir.Ba .to tlu , mi f?r tho ciurao which i. ncr do I now hitond to referbut to ^aMi Trnaona nt lnvo.Ro thc csFotitla! prln. IptM of n,or _i,t- n. i_e rraaad whfc '? aa aaaaaM ia thia: ? ,i erowed pelley ad tha lean party taad to Bmm eoaaB un tha iiu'ni.ity of tha aattrai la ea ,,, ? .r.hof I'liriit ; toaicf.iiiiali/c iiruiii Deniij '" _> aaaah au aadr?? and ,.,?.-, aad to "aaTafataa" theepartte-the iUvad aa towardeaih athar. v. tliiii.iir'.vodat iimoat eventtul period In the n aatlaaal aa*deaee. au wlaa i , , -will aud muat take from thia aartj , M-utiiuciit, aai parpaae; ali wl* Ita Bxed ami tin I'l-.ii.'ii.i' nt al thia nt, aa t parpeee lato the I . ?. ,i piuid-irili and i. i,,,,!.?? rhood. ii thia aad Bhafl ka m aaaapl aa n (liviii.d paeple. U, _? thc geed hear, oi.i aatred, prejod M,,rt. ol .".i .-ti"' a iirt_r poattf coa-lcl ol ,;1 ue ouo<? lnort nvivod aud ta* . r.itioiiaiiy aopa taheeeaaeaaalted peopli l TBe part/waeae aadrM and poiicy teud to badaee t_u hiahei 'ii. '?? "i baartaaadhaadi ia aaeel ManlfaattyIha ,,.l?u ? i the hear. The partr.aB t* -i.'iiit ..f aoUer leada le paareal tbeeaa niii.miii'ii.'f th I UajBertb-dty and'oiu ita place l i aad M:iiti_i4-nt, rtands iBTealed aa ,?.t aad] Iha partp Ol thc dcad paat and not o, thc UrtaK I m i:, ilcilly autaKoui?u- to thc inoat \it_l aimi; a BUFrOBIUM mh. GliriLKT. Vy ehh rt ia to preeaal ti.ia aahjeel from iha m..r.ii aad ? il of view. i tbc hour havocome -hon tl.c eharek aud __,.?,,.. aadMhaw Baraaa ta r#hH aad uy of Iha pci.pi,? la_errtaffoa l . | :, .,::> gad-ha aad ChrlaUaa, i c? aritk '? i.tididito for t,,, p-e, . ? y I _-ofor bim. Oa thc 1...1..1. tinic ia aathtaa reallr aadtrully fad . .,r Cltnatiaa la ihapabey of tho Grant | party. Tno pc.plo of tho aulj.ct ,,i Ical -. I n peaa, are beforo ua at I , t,. tho aaaaaaal BathualMea, and , iceat la all tho laauea seuled by the war ud whteh foriu.-rly dividcdii-, and -witnthc hand of equalitr. and brotuerhood cxui?i*d toward u? ov.-r i'i..' I'loo'li .'hiiaui. "W, prot. .-t aiTitln-t fTMP S_c th. i, ii.ii thuHcxtcnded to ua?' lataeaidtedreaponiie oftiic i aad Ble ot thia pa?T. r of auch a aplrlt and poUcrl >oth . thectiurchat..! o t-er, foi example, hi?fhly mluli.tai for the VM-*-l're?l.l.'ti(V ou tbo Uraut Bepublicaa tick.-t I have rcad with t_#. (1,, raction of hia ci.naiatciit Chrietlan de Dorfiioiil in Wh-hmiiton; bnt 'rh.-ri I read ln b i ? rcU-reiiccn, not t<. the dcmauda of th*. t.i.-Miil >.tati- of d f iititi.cut, ,'uuvi. tiona, and J.,, .,',., it, r,?a.'lt" aU Uauea *-ttl.-.l by tl.c war a.,.1 ti,... p ,iicj ot amueaty, peaee, B.-#?'" ;""' fr,a^rDlt> n.iuaii.ii'.i bj un. aatloaal umtv ..f m latuai at. but to leu,., our t?taew aud brothera f'"!";"^ '. ri-.t on thc Woody Belda of the Bouth. of Ander ,na iciuciiibraiicea which tcud ,?? , , (M-rpettute ali tho r.lttor and reafe ful aeutUneBU (teoerated whil.- th,- war craUuned i iddreaa biui ln-forc thc natloii: " Mi ? W ? I**??' ? All mi. 1. -'i'i ? B-PtB to rcvivc thc apiiit uf hai. aud n reoaa for remembered wruu??, .md all protoat*. MK., ii-t <-laapina* a< n.aa thc hloody chaaui uiade bv tl.c "_r' tend bul to um liimtiamze yotiracif, M. baumb Itoui the t-hurch what of CBrM aad ol Oad "aaalaai Ib ?t ni,,I to demoraBaa aud hcatbcmre the hcart of tha ii_t|.,u " If tt-ap_rttof tbladraut K.publuan poln y ?hall piovail and b?:coiue pcrauaaive throua;ti tbe iuatioT, bardly *i!l thc milk of human MadaeM riuiani i.uioiiK aa. Baek are the coualdcratioua -rhi.h have liuluoi'd tue to a eBaafB of il4>teruiinatiou a* to ni.llviduala; bftweeu thoac as rcprcacutiu_ diatiui t and oui>"-!tc im.1Ii.c-; between Mr. (irccloy aa npr. aeutm_ thc au_cl uf aii.n.aty, peaee. and Batlonal tirutiicrhood, and Oen. Orant aa mreaeanna the jtrtrU ol veiiattfui r? uilniactnoe, old hoatile tbou?_t, aad aeo taoual diviaiou, aud of tbe war of iacc-a m tbe uaUoual ^^ 1MMOBAL imrKCE Or TIIK OKABT PABTT. Peruiit u_e uow to call apecUl atteution to the moral and rcli-ioiu bwluKB of anotlurr aap*ct of the Grant Bepublican pollcy ln tonductinK thia poUtieal campalgn. Wc are ali aware of thc fact that whencver a funda nienUlly falae nioral principle ia lutroduced into any one aplwrcof tboufbt and ac-Uon, tbe poUtieal for example, andreoeivealCliBlatlan and publio wnctlon, tbere tbe rcault U a diapluiemcnt of morality lUelf from Cbrlatlan and public rejiard. In the li*nt of tbla aelf^-vident principle. let ua ex.ntemplat* a a n_l^ raae. lu formcr uolitu al aaltationa, aome 10.*. ^ * ycara ajro. Mr. Greeley aaid aome bard thiUK" of tn. liemor ratlc party. Theae titU-raneea were then r*K?rded andapproved by tBe Wtila aud Bepublican P_?*ft___ iru. aud dtmand.,d by the circun_Un<te# theu ?}?"?_ th.M MBM utt.iancca are to-day unanluioualy approvod aa kaviaa ovtu at t_? U_u? -?"? ?Ld otvott. aud ihua fin.rov.-d tiv Um aattre Oraal Bepobtleaa aarry. v.-t tlm ptaca ot thia partj and tbe apfeeboa ol ita aratora an- floo.i.-.l witb tbeari uttiniu>-c_ an.i witb bearecblna ippeata to tbelr l> m crinr. fin-lula im, tu v.ito for Mr. Ilrr*. kr-v on a. .-oni.l uf **_?_ ? ? ri tm-iii'.'i r, Wblch tln - ??' '?' ? iKi-vir bave- :i ilii iii.-.l. n'nl BOW alliri.'. I? '"V tbr tinMv true and mm r. Wbal bavowa ??> t> bat a und i vr-r ivn and even aatanh* pniiri ,,i, ,.i mol i i' i' il l:>u.-i ??:?? ?f tbr- preaaoratora . -i I rank bi d 11 le .i thia party t.. their ix-uioj-ralie frlonda la tbia: "Br. Onvtley m 'Old L_nR tv"0 did K.-t fortb nol a f.-w '??'-'? utU.-r_Jiooa in ,,-??.,, tu raa? uUoraneaa whieh wc **?*? un.i raa ougbt to rewlve aa trn.'. wnoieaome aad proper. Per Una reaaoa w? __na that ,,ui,i make tbta wbtaa wo aiiirm tu ,. ti a truihtul man, your etern >' enemy, and tnia ta vv bat vv. a.iv iae and u,,;,- you todo." lu ottu-i woriia, ..ui Dorality w Un? : tbat every man ibould u- r?-_.u.t.-.i aad tMBta-daa am nemj wbo tella aa tbo liutb. or wnat tre iKimlt ibat be reaurda aa true. Tbta -tbe ne_ed in..,al liriii.11.1.- vvbl. ll tbi- l-alt.v leM l....vnl L.r Itaell. aad i* arglBR npon tbo iu.ti..n. M i. or < Hi.isiivv- in raa ' faOrraar. Bow aa t__flr_Bt_a aaa Baaaald ?.? raaard aaaa prtH etplel tfC (iiniiot apt'ii'vc aud -aii.tion it willmut aanrrtlearngthc aa trrJ ??' *?* word* of Ohrtoli "Mr II .,.-. aaae i baat-fy oi Lt that Um mbbb taccaafarc ?? Ba thal hab th r iproof," ac n a i. " M braUeh." llnwa? Cbrisii ins _M_U WB rp.aid a party whono main in to tho Bplrit und im n.l-i of (__ liatinnt \S'o n-u-<t rfprobnt tho Btorala af Utta aaurty, or beeana BBorctUf brotlab otir.-iiv.a. Oae or thc bbobI bealthfal B-gaaof th,- iiima, ui.i- ot tl..- anre Indiratlona tbat enr natlonal t\ baa not becoana bratallaed la tbefact tbattbla hrutiah morality uraad npon tbem leaounlvi raa Iy repu by tbe l>>'. rratM party. concludea by ealllns atlcntion to tbe . ttreme moderatlon ol aaeh <?.' tbe n urIoh pn - tatiooal ba e aad i im or, and r-.mmrute witb Berorlty on tbe roaree adoptod by Chl latiana tovvaid Mr. Siiiim.-r and blmaell be iMiiM-ih,y i li -..-,- from tbe InaUnct of daty to auppurt tbe eaaae of i.. oni lilattou aad r? 1N1HANA l'Ol.niCS. u,i oRAira pabtt <-i mm MOO bajouti in 04 rOBl B THI I.I 1.1 KM. .-IKKNl.Ill TBOUGBT ... be 5,700. [Bl -in ' . BAI- TO TIIK T?IBUBI .: Ix:.i.\\.m-(ii.!-, Si-i>t. 18.?Tba Grant Btatc bad Ita eaRTBRB af thi.- Stulc. and tln r4ra Umm MCa Baajcctty far Ebrawae aga_?I i lOowlag torlagci Ubi ia! B-pah -begtata. Tbto catoatatkia to aal accarata, ac -.. eanbeoaaaed taTtag that aamhor af ___? I BbUeaaa, aad thc towaat eaUiaaM af Ihe aaaihat in ilii- B at,- li A BIOH-TOHED QRAUT OBATOB. luv nLBUBi-PH TO THB (.i:i:i:m iki.d, Bept. tl.?Qen. Jinui--* B. 11:1.11 of Maiaa baa anired ta Utta Btate aad < aaae haaa to_ay b iiuiti to Baaha a apeeeb bb Um '.ut. real of Qraat. itharlag aad a i>:." IPi out iu, t .jUitr, ai ? Um I.ii'tral .liuioiu-tratioiiheld -i iiH'iitb. The taVeaaral apaha for taa to an, (im- t,r ,,i- Btataaaaatc aaa th tl Haraca Ora Icy was an ooaoad bi-i.ui.cir.-i; unothi-i'waa Uavl OartBclan v...- au lniidii, aa Bthe_at,aa axMcaad a Datehiaaa, allaaloaa to lehara bavi- aaraared tha law i.i rinan-h.-lO, atnl bta B?BOOI -.-ar.v BBBMC of Mr. (in-. l.-y ,-.:..v.- away frtaa tha aa Uag aaaay na_>*!otable pec>plo. ,,,. , [C_ IN ILL-NOI8. I RILt BE tO t-tTD WH'? -i.M TBI LBDLU LET I_t_a nv TXI-COSAPB. mv Ti.i-i.iiUAra ro nu . Cjucaoo, Sept IJ*?r.rioiv Um QrandJuij ..'. .-|iiin?,'liil,l tmlay, Jadga John A. M.i i.-iti.uid <-oiup.-iii-d Mr. k, tabaar, ?araaaaaaral t!?- MtCRasaaaaaaa, t.. Raawortae gtveattloa i vboaearl M Thc chirago THbune tin di-patoiieeatatatagaacptaaaa af lattan BaV-aaaad ? pb Ladlto: Mr. Ketehacc ?vim taahai la nay waa BCtaallj mbi Um talegraaB, bat gava bb upiuion a* la Um rtttag. tha aaaac waa not __adc kaawa. it U B-tdaratoad that Um GraadJary taltod to la thc Uaefl apoa any oaa, aad that the pieoecdtaai aball aaaaa on tuimlllluii thal thc bb-bb-BI lettara bc rataraad. CAMP-UQM N0TE8. A liiw si, I'ht I tUyion, L__ bOOB ., A'a., iu tbg lut. nat "I UM laib_rai A " Dfli-.-'iiti-" writea that the Wonan Bnf , .it'.iim ,.f M..--'. haaattB L b rowa oal by an oTetrvbetail-ig majority," ; b d,., I" porti d. On thi- M iit-t. ii call foi a Qraeley aml Urawnmrifitlagwaaarirnlatrrd la Ilaldw-BaTlUa, >'. v, und in oTip I ciTod tbe Bigaatnrea af eyee aona. l_e Eb publn an tnajuritj In tbal to i,.?,-, toiori bi -ii ..I" i i .'".', i"it :- i'"-v i on . - tban io per cent of tbe Repabucaaa bavi oo-Dii.,i;i ,i tbei-taolvoa to thi Liberal tlehat. The Cui'innnti VoUoMaU, ;i ji.iiriml of lod? peadaai poUtlee, ariated ta the Oeiaaaa aaaaaaga, aayai ?? j|,., . ,,i, atly i", a i. aroai bad aith beiai : , ;t -?..,. '.,|? - u- ta that, iuiniediati-lj nfit-r ibe terniiuation ..! tbe war. j,i,,:i-,-. 'In.i nd i nivereal luanllke idej wi.kii appearedinreRavrd totha ra? o-atiwettoa l'lobli-iur' Tlie fo-lowing Btate lArt-mive Cotninittoe aaa baaa Bapatntil by tha Ubaral BopaWleaaa M Mow j. i-.-.v : ,i. ii.... I. v. Baeaa ( aaaty,Chataaaaa ? um. U piBttr. I'tiion Ooaaty. - f ,;- Pya. htoreor Cunuty, 'li. ar-ui.-t ; Caleb W. Bwayxo, Waxren County, lh , jm ,,:, \, . itleU C'llli'v. A,l ?,-l.,u,111,1,., . ,t f,,i the C uld !"? directed to l ii , . muii at., New-Yorb < Ity. Uu '1 iiiii.Mlny evening thc dtisena <.f I'liila ! iiui ,|. iBaal lOfH ? M t m C.iu-i-rt II,.11, and 1..-L-n.-d t. r-i..-. . in n by UM BcR_ _UK.Piico.Oeoi ? i Bnzby, Becretary of the Board al liain-, i..-..._.- K. i ii,.-, tX?L Jaatee Page, and otbera. Kcaoiutiona were adoptfd calllag ui?.n all dtleena, ol ..I party, tu anito in aupport of the nomluationa ul tb. Miini'U'.il 1.' AaouciBtlOO, aad aattlng lortb in,- rcaaoai dotaaadlBg neb aetloa. CoL .Ji'liii W. I'l'in'v baa aritten a letter fiuin Oaaha ta Tkt 0tUmdtlpkm tttm, la uhi.-ii bo nu iitionn u? two , onvn i.'.ii- whtoli gtra hha atpedal inhifni'i tin- n? ..-iiioi. of Uraal aad thaarattlnrawal Ute Ctunerou RIur. He denlea that the defeat ol Bart rimft wlll .nd !,_-??! Oranfa chancee lnNovembar,aad a,i^ tin- '?Minpnihii - ot tiu- RepubllcBa purty of tae foaat audol the abole Weal m.- witb tiu Inde .,.'.,,,, , -,,t ,,m StaUi in tbi ir Bpowert?al haadoai boBaehtodaaraOeaa." The Ohmiertom (8. ('?) Chwrier puhUahea a ,,ii. -i.oii.ii m .- berween Ihe lypoaraphleaJ Boetety or the elty aad Mr. Owcacy. ByaaaaBaaaaa rata ?,f taa BfMtatj arcaalattna waairaaari ahMttag l?r.Oraelay t<. uu BOBOBBry i"' BrtMrahlpi aad pb dgtag aaeb Haahai t,. a haartj i-m* i-?rt <?i tha Ubaral tk k.-t. Thia aetlca waa r-,?l?,<in-d in thc l.'tl.r to wliub Mr. '..i" ?y laBjaaiOl aa tallawi i <;i mi i viin : I thaah you for tbe Rem rona opin On ol nn-.-iniHiii.-d in vi,i.i-,.-it.i ol tbe Mbalt.,aadfor tbe ?iH.qu. i.t language In wbu-b it la i tpn _ rruatiug tbal I uu.v beol aome aemcaInreatorinRa betterander Btandina between om poople. Hortb and Boutb. and tbal rou Baaj i-i"i" ln tbe ??.-tai.ii-binuit <>f a perleot l'?i?_b,-tv,,i.l,u,,lr.,u.,.nol,i]-.n(|;U;|ij|v Tho prcpofitr-n-iiH tliar-J-is 0. h_B_ iwindllng aaaaataaa watofe rlc Wwalaaat. taa_alhi n,,.,i, agaiaat ?aflBBVaraahaai haaa aaltod facthaa ladlgaaal -aaaaaa ,,f ihaBfiaatiTfTrT thc rakaatAaal af thal alty. Itaca ? . it. v.-jy Au.- ii- an erUaaa baa ? rlghl M htoawa polltlcal rtowa alibaal batiag bto gaad brbm drawa iiii-migi. tha aaaa, und aayi U h. nator Behnra wero gallty ol the allegod robbcrj ll would have iM-a-n haowa loiiat ak'o. It UiluU bad tbe Beaator aappnrted Oraal tbe rbarge wuuld n.-vi-r bave t*e?a u.ud.. bul ih almply an endoavur tn oaatrallM tbe power ol an i..ti,u ntlal politli uu.. ??tNMtdea " lt adda, - :t ta rery ataanlai Ibat, UtaB far, i-?t one of tb,*.. rai.l lo bav.- boea awlndled haa eom t.lain.-d of any l'l" v.iii.-.- " lln- d.-f.n-i- bdr M.l.litionwl loi.eli-oiu tLefu.t li,,t it- wiit/i, Ki.d. wbo ln our-of ,tUi- BBOat elOOOOBt li.-linan ..IHt.'Ir and -,< .-..uiplishid li.uiinilirt- iu the W.--L, ba? beiu re?ardi-d b> bbbm aa Um nvai of laaalac m. bara The Hon. Jolm P. H_aU ?>f Ni-w-Hanipshiri' haa writU-n a lettir Rivinit at ku_tb bia reaaoua for not BaaaMBt-Bg Mr. Oaaaaay. He aaya tbat Mr. Owaaay opcaly adrcaatatl laaaaaMB, aalla aatattaat lauiagat Itv, untll be found that Um BB-BarlatilBB Ihg of TIIK Tribikb waa falling off, WBafl b<- audd.-nlv chanaT'-tl and Batfaaaaac. au >*aaaaaa__aia_B and BMeatMaa proaei-u tiou of the war." Ut. Ha'e ihinka Mr. Oreol.y ta "iu pnnclplc a BaMCaatoa_M today," and tbat ? hla BX-eiaalou falth ia thP baaia of bia whole rl.arart. r." He tblnka. lf ele-U-d. Mr. Oreetay would attanpl '<> i-av the K.-Ik dVbt penelona, and oomp?>n?ation for alavea.and waa M reii-. r lt noi-Maarj tu ?'r.-.all Uraut aud tbe arniy to n'lt dow.i aiiothrr luaurrortion." Iu r.ft-reuce U> _bM> SorBOliiu.-aMr.UBle deuiea tbat be waa _MRl-ha flrUeat autVMlavary, but i-onfeaaea that be wa? aft. rward B-MBg the BBOel earueat aud of ttn -i, ,.u of fr.-o.ioin. -l eaa raadlly uuderatand, ? ,' V >Mhat Mr. .Huuin.-r Blabrt C betrayi-d B] bta wouiid. d vurli v und r Into a temporurv wiriXn.1 nt 'But thal be .-ould. nnderthe ini.,..-...-.- <-f n rio-a r" laliona, be ao bllnd or ao dl_hc?M__aa to de f ,. rM. Iv a. I ... raiatently eounael tbe .ol-red MOB af Ibe uae tbelr n.-wly a.i.ulr.d rlarbt of Huff.aafe lo n-luauto their life -Oaj . li; Bai. a "f__f_______C_ t-ontrol of tbe Oovi riiii.ent, l? tu ue tbe atra_ip!?l> plie nunjcia-u of tbeae iatter dara." SOUTHKRK roL.Tlcs. TlJr. CAMIMIGN Di MAl.YI.AMV iBSTBATlOa at i'.m.i-iMd'ir.-AN lla?_NBE OOHI OU8-B OF 1*1 '1'' ' <'!' ' I'Y t'X-(.(?V. BWABB, ii D ? ??!, BBBSaB _B BITCUI1 , AKTJ OTHBBB. |HY TKI.Kdli.U II TB IHK TBIBI RI I liM/riMoitK, Bept m.-I'dliapH iKvii- befoa ta the feaeorr ef BaltlaaoaT kaattaDeaaMi I iu _rca.i. i? i.iitnb.; - t. BlgM '" BeaaaMat aaaare Thc ,,:,,(,. i- ? 'uii.i iu D .iiiuii re. il-re, fot gai. ...ii... -, aaea Ua aaafta beld thelr Baeettaaa; han bare Iha laaaad [tenaoeraUe aratora ol i.. paal ti.i.i forth. itut aatar, ta ao tha miiiiirabic aalhanagi ad taa p_d aaa B_bm beaa i iinpii hcartfcrt brtaraal than that exUtnted le Thcrnpt att.uU.i- paid bv thc. a M BBUed thaMBM ll 1" Inhaaad ttic aoaaatoaMMM al tha llateaeri ?.t tha MMaaailaaa bbbbm la b<- deddai he iha weator woe uf ihi-couiitrv iu Nnvciiiiicr Kt-u..\. Bwaaa prettdel b|theaaaaBaa. laaaalaheraa revftaw rd theeaaraa .iii.i puiicy oi tha Oraal hd?dntattntlea, ae ihowed n? ii. Beathlag taaaM Ua ahorteeMlaaai "? '? ? aatrotiH tatatga pulicv, Ua rathleM traM pUaj ,i,v.ii i,f tha ii_.-tit.-a of tha I'.'.'pi.-. Ua peMlaMal aBtaata te beep allie awilbnnal anliaa Uy, Bad tin- <i<-t.-r iiiiliatioii i.f Gen. Gratit tO I" i I'.'tu.itc h,i own power, ,v, n thoajrh, likc Bapob -'ti, it arreek tha HberttM al taa peopta of Ua .iiii.ii.'.. Beeaaraaarih-iahMMa behaj iutiic lumcsty of Boraca Qraeley, aad hte eeaadeaee that ui.,i, t ; j B?rira "f Iha ooaatr. aill ba : ii:, ,i iu tha iati maa "f Iha i bok i ?<?? pbx, Bad lmt fm- tha Mla i" ii, Bl a .i mllltarj rlag. Juil-c M.'oic ol aaid thc aaaaa wMah all Kaod tui-n had now at l.cart, VM BOl Iha I BBBB ti H<?? B (.re, I.-y ?r ot (icii. Grant, but lheBBaM af a diMineted coiinti-y tmahliaa aa tha rery rersfl al aaarahr aad ?ii Mtiui-ti,"i Bebadaavet beea aa_l___f hataDeaaa . r;it, aai bi _c?i ted m Baworthj 11 tha aettaa ti aa B iciii_cnt ir aa tha attcmpt of thto A__alal trattoa to Wde Uaewadai u btaearrapUoalo eoadacUaci ,,u ,,i,i ,i,". ? ohah - (>'( 'oti'-r, aa : ? i? tlu- tran.-n mlei.t abiiily uf J1 > -1 .a< < - lii'.-el.-y. B bettevad in Ua booeaty, .md boeoold eaaeelTO ol i." raaaaawhyaa heaaal Deaaacral Bhoald boI roh f"r lii.i.i.'.- (it-cci. y t.. aara tha ee urtoy troat Bjeiag te rala naderOraat Ba ii.ii.ii.d tha in.'itoof Oraaf le ba, "gqaal rlfhte te aaaa, aad tin- bbm! aaiaatrleled patr? ili _r to lu\ Ilili_r tn Hi al BB im.' h M _ hla iiuia rlagBj tha Baard <.r PahUa Weahaef Wi tuii, had Btfllt ;i Ji."- "UO from thc p-'..l>'..- of ti. taa-ahetha?atraala -npaaaaUa. Ba aaaaaMated in a hBBMiaaa Btata aa the ixmiavtii.. Ooaw aaaa, and aaid B woui.i taha Btaaa rBeeBflsseaGraall Jiidp- Moor. loii-luihil in a stlmnjt BcaMlpttea proapeilty aad bapptw m whlel aiD eaaM lotha eeaatry iiinicr the haadgB ruie of Gxeeky. "whal eara i." aaid hc, "that Gn-.-lry and I ouco dl?Biedl IhB nltht, with all my heart, I da?p U??I with tiui aiiaaa tha hhinilj rtiaam ** [Bathala -'? f ,_aiu and agala.] Thc 11.m. John ll.t.-hic. BBBMhee Bf CBagMM frota Mniyl.ind, c!...iii.iitlv j.i fltaiaMd thal tho praBBBtWM no tlmoior (..litiiii, nt.,! BhatraeBe?li now ia thehoarel Iha .oiiniiy's 1" rll. Ni. houc-t Ili'.um, no patnof, r-t.ouid analiali a hat to Aa. Baraea Greeley ataadi npon a plattorni of !:\> laHMB. Thc Giaat l""1-',1'" ? ""t mjtoti um i'. ni'" rai j lo appi rt Um, but Iha ptata duty af Iha Doaiori tj\ lodoezaettrwaal thaOraat partr ? t wuTit it I,?.],.. [OraaSapptaaae.] Bebaaona_l , te araeta Ua M_Baalttaa la thi- ti.-i.t. i nt te i-iionac aapraeBealaaaa _etweeaOrealaj aad -trewa aa Ba-d?M (.n.nt, Ilutlcr .- i iimpatiy. In. lliilnf Vir_li,ia, au c\-C..t.f( ilcrntc, ma.lf a ft-w raaMrina, baeattdag Iha *pirit of raeaaeOtaUM and 1.,-. Ba protuNcI i.i'?< 1- ? .'','100 niiijoriii ln Virplnla. Othei apeaharafaUawad, hh.i IheaMeUafi atlapl ap tili i?i,ii.i_iit. Thc eathaM?bm BMatfaatad ah?wrar tbe naiiic ad i.r.cicv waa aaaatfaaed ahewa tbal Barjrlaai ciin ba dapaaded aa for aa aid faahtaM .1 BMjorBj ta the im. raal of paaaa aad reeeaatltatlea. -? THI sniAiioN IN OEOBOIA. TBB IJBBB-IB cn a 1 UKU _U? ji.RiTV?riM.ii.Aiii.i. VCOCKAt i'r mi. nt-BB OOXOBBH ? AM.U'AII.?'HU. l,:\i l-l LKM' ll" >M.S. fPBOB ABOO A_T( BAtOOl ;-,.'! im: TUinrsF.l Ati.anta, Ga_, Bept-.?The pottiealeaa~aai la Oaerala becaa earij ta Iha preaaalBaeath, direetly aftai tl"' 1?. 1, ... i..ti.' BMUa ('..iiv.'ii'i, ii."': thc p:irt of tha Uberal-Ocaineratta party. whfla Mttaag baa rai tn ? n deaa by tha _tdaal_--draBea_aa aaat te aaaal c.inii.i:.,t.' foi Ooreraar aad M-Beet _ Oot. j.iiuca m. B_Bh, tic peeeaarl haaeB aad harlaM Oef> eraar,itaoadaatad ap _a Dea_ecn__,hM daeovered dariagmkxadarialatrattoa asaeh of fMneealtar |,f Ua jii.-.ii -. --oi. (,.,\. liiiii...!., nnd haa '-t.'iii Ual n-friiiu. a fi..i 1:'. eeatal ttekd.eaaapeead ad tha l iu, 11 in r ". 11 pUeed ln tho ii. :?!. iiiui ???-. .-r.ti Ln.-'' ii.'.-tii,'.-" I,;..- biiuhi'iii, whea ,i,,,,i iiieeilre anrarhna were adirered, Parhapa aaaa ta_haratJal and laOhg apaeehM are i,y Gea. J. B. Getdea, who waa eonfldantlj ? 1 ;,n appoead la tha fheral raaraaMBa. Ball a di./.cti of tlu."atraiffbl " d. l.(..ic- t? Iha Louia v,;i,- CaaiicuttaB bbbm oat pabltelf deellalaa tha ap potataeat, aad BxpraaataCi thelr da nalaatioa ta rota forOrealeyaad Brawa. AaMafthai IaowraeellOoi a. 11. ciiiipp. li ..f BaaaofM Ooaatj, ladga J. J. Flojrd ,,f Hewtaa Oeaaty, J. C Era U itajrdCana-Ti umi OB. ol M.i.l,-"!.- UM ' .... - v. i.l Ba iu"---l vi_oioi^iy paahed ta Oaa_rta bp tha Uhaea?? nnd o*> furc aext N"V. lnl" i- ll" wholc State alll he u uiiiM* BMrtlBfi I'"' A.iu.ii.i-ti;.ti"ti party aaalBatad Jadfi Dawaoa A. Balher ot wintfi. Id Oaaaf/, oae ef Oraafa imi Berrtee Bafam ('<a_Bd?leaoBa fa Govt-rnor. Mr. Balhee ia a atronw man for bia pi.rj - j.robably tho iliuaaiad la tha Btala?halUaparty hfau dadadhaa. ib. whtta 111.111i.e1> of it, with tha nteaaoa of Ihdaaal olllci -tmldci", liavi jiiincd tha I.ibcial iiuwiuent, and it la not ploliil'lo that iiuiic than oiu-lutf of mc tolorid ?seMbara wffl peraaU la betavj haadedtaoppaflU-aala thelr i.'-t ntlereata. Qer. Joaaph 1: Brawa, Chief Jiiatircof thc Siiprcino (')Ult dariag Btloch'BBdMlnla trattoa, laada tha BepahBeaa Blaaaantel tha Ubaral u...\i uieiit, wiih ni. 1, bmb aa DaltedBtatea ^-.-u.itor loahaa BUt, a?-Pie~la_aiBl Qaararaat laaMB ./? ;.ii-,.u, Iha Hon- Thoiuaa 1". Bhdbld, I "l 1.. 11,i.i.eit, 11 Opaahar <>t Iha Heaaa of Bapaaaaauuieai B la Mi U lmrttr, and Btaaa ?A natora J iiil_ci- KiWIuutrr, drif tiu. Jonlan iiriiton bbBBg <>i tl,.- I^ii,laturc of ls'o, umi al tha LadhdatarajaM aa_ea_ae? Cj aftteaa aaaa \?ry iiifliu-i.tlal ln MBBllBB BM IBJM wut,. v?t,.M which Mirc caHt for Belleel ta IBM, aad whJ. b,tader iha || a.l. r.-hip, will doahtteM be Oktt foi t i ;,l caiidi dateaaexl Beraaiher. (;"\. Jaa. B. Ba?a to aaid ta ba | ,i?l ba -ii.coo \otc himaelf. Oreateara wiii be tahea la aeadaae, fraaa tha baB iiniiii.tii. Btaaa, Braai Breeley aad Irawa Oaaareaa i', ami it Ia not a liumrdoua faOOt Ut aay IhBI iha whoic binc liberal i aadtdalM nav.-,, _,?M| rhituoea lor (leiti.m by h.m.l-'*BM nuiiotitn - Bd th, \ loul.i dc k,,,., ,,, ii. lui liosc i- .i ptoiin.iint .aint.l.ii,- for i. . ..-. - tii.ii in tl.c Vlllth I'.-tr.. t. und. i Iha ,. w am.ortlon iu. nt. forni.iiv ti,,- vth. Baa. Vo,ii,_ i.nMIi4aaadtdafo fm r.-eii i tiou la tha vnth Dharlaa, bad ...i. johnaon of Ul.itlt.-l.l r.iimty will _lve hlu, i 1. ai .1 ri, f.,, ? th.. i,,uii laatlra Ba B atoa appaaad bi tha Bea. Dealap laeB al < oiiiitv. TI." Hon B*. 1*. I'n. '? "I|,kiii < o.mty. now rt-pr. -. ntinn tlu- Vlth Dihtrkt, will prohnhlv b. r< iiouiinatcliii tlu- IXth Diatrict, undi r thc ncw uppor tii.iiiiieiit. Thc Hon. Thoa. J. fpeer, Ropolill, an nu-mU'r Ireatba in.i Dtaaah '. raaaaUi iaaeaaad ?Mfeehaldy Im- Micccedcd, to tilj the vacancy in thc padaaaB Conirrca.. bj -tjt. Beaator T. J. Bimmona, ( hairmai of tbe rtcent Umid ( oiiiiulttec. Iu thc (_pltal Ba-hM. now tbc Vilth, uft. r thu CoBirrcKa thc Vth, thert* are aevaral ,-n.ilidatea for thc notninatlon. Prominent amouK them aieftate Iscnator A. D. Nunnelly of Grlflu, Btute Beua tor M. A. lan.llcrof I?c Kail. Count), OBi l W. Avery, cdiior ,.f The ABaada flMaBaaBaa, OBL I n.,k'e aud OaL _? J. Gionu, t*olh alao of Atlautu. im.. iKAint i.i.nt Bosna. Thc uillliona of currcucy Imuda and iad.>r_ed rallroail houda llbirally laaned were aluioat unan|iiituia]yul?clared fratidulent by tbc Lctfialature faal ailK>drned, and the Trcanurer problbitcd froiu r*coifuiilnn theiu. In thc caeoof lhe (. and V. ~. Kalfroad, two ?ntlre neta of lionda wero laauod aod ne?;otlet*d. In thc c*?e of the lliuiiiiwi. - a'"1 AlbHuy Kallroiad, tHrada wtre laaued for iu mv n.ore liillc. than wen- liuilt- tn tlic ouae of the llainbrida'r and (titiihert Kallroa-I, Bhou.iaioof honda were laaued and not a) ard of tbc tron v.aa Um u,.l,l IhiuiU werc'iaaue.l, and with thoau teruporary r.rrcncy hond? were lakcn up and reaold wlthout a abaduw uf author liy Iu thia way it waaauiurbt by lhe HlI1.ii k ouauaar nient t? defraud tbe xtate ol pi.ixw.ooti iu rarraaaf honda ami |4 418 (KM) ln ludoracd railruad honda l>> \i..,,itn._ thelr oaihato aupuort tha ('onatltutn.u. g??. riuuitb'a and tha l_>?rlBlalur? i.f la7l j had aB . ourae undcr thelr oalha but to probluil t.'.e pav.... nt of Uitcr-al aud unucloal ol theae bouda. Wht-ro tbey caiuld ftalaywaala tha Qjaalltatiaa w aaaetminrta r,, inKiifv ii,.- ii. ?< _ii.ii.ii ot anv of liuii... n? laimiM, thar aa ree ,_,i,/..,i 11,,-in aud bold ti;.'in kafallforea. la tbta way non,oonof ntiarterty gold boada laaoed bj Bulloc an I. iu b n,.it 1,,,-a ,ii, . n|ii.iii h r.-.l, vv. re r? . niri-l/.-d. . i, . i.iui.-ll ?u??i :,.- lll> K'Hy iu tl"' handa of II. , -i . < .,i.,' -,:i,.i lae .m.l m.l ;-'.at...i, are nMBlfeated by tbe lun-at tbi i.,,-. alaienienta Inex-tior. nnilocb'a 'ai. i.ti.i tu Th* KtM-Tmrk Timm. Ol aoaaae the loiter I . - u,,r iii i;,-i,iL, i; i.ut iu otiur Bt?tra, -,i d , ?, .-n, BtaU r. n i- fi in d that tba aaiootti, aiil . . .-i,i, ., nt, ind appareal Ingenuoua auu n.. lu wblch Bta aaadeting ex-oieeileaey utabea atate bdi ii ii- t.. tbu peopie maj tm-i. a.i and I'..!,.-, wbo bave ao opportuuit j "i aeeluR urbaoataRQl tha aworn tawtlraonr uf baudn-daui v-.,, ?... ?.. i .mi w|ta ibe .'a.-t.-c >.t bi-. Daaladuil lloo aud v\ hi.a o_ic rubbery "i tbta aln ady Impuverl n. >i Baatak MOBMOB MUMDBMMBS. TIIK Vdl'MAIN MKAIK.W BABBAI IU ? AN 1.X r.i-iit.i-'.- i ON1-I..-.-H.S. S\'r ______ CirY, Sipt. IU.?The Hiilijoiiu-il atii.i.ivit in lu.i.nv aaa ?.f the taaal iBlttfaaaaag tn<- partta i.taii t- iu Um B-__r, aaaa lacMelaarcaly tb..' Um u in.i.-n.i, re u a,. tiu'ai't ot tln MonUOO aatl ?, i ?? - ii vv in be reaa. aabi rad thal a Large eaaapaaj afoMlgraBta on their way M CB?fecalaaraItaawata ii.iv,' luiii aii laiii. ,1. witb tiu- aaaapttoaaf thayaaag ihililiin. Whca tlair uiasr.ii-ie Man ilisiuv.-i, d tiu i Manaoaa id aftaal tha ahary tbat they imd partobad by Ule haii.i-1 r ihe iiiih.,1,-, i ri bn ? t_ac to Ubm tdreaaa itantia] ertdeaee baa appeared ludteatlng thal Umj were tnnrdt red la rold b:,,..i by tbi Monnona lo refpnae t.u pri-Tlotu uutTBRoa npon the buter perpetraledin ' iri. A i-i H.;' now aaj a i.i. 1.1 oatb lhat tbe Kormon mllitia att?oked tbe eml arauta, and, aiti r a Bghl al MYaral duv., aiUionl re mlt, bsoi a ul nu,,- i ib-rr,i: themproteotion 11 woald laj down their araaa Tbe tacaia beiua eotnpllrd witb, ihi entin party vviw butcbered by tbelr captuca Tb.- affldavil ii ua roOowsi l| l/Uatab, Bl r.lBini.lll ?;:.arr<i tr,r',.re ? , f . ,,,!,? ,.1 : tl?- m,!( i,f Ri. - ?-?a Boutb. wbo, betag a?yaworaoa 11- - a: i'buip K ,- ii --..-',. I rai !? la Iba ' loteal !-.,?< .,!,r ('ne, id . , i ki.IV . ? .. r ..t .,.!> ot 1 -ab 1 ka 1 I r.rl Ih.t a MO> lytroa 8aH L*kr Ctty, boaad for Coh ti.nna. .-a ?! anapoa- arriTrit alCoaar tUy, tarrl ? aad ? Uiil.tia waa cal. ' i ..ri,,,, -i ,_.<?. ol I tii. in Bai- cal waa a rtfalar auliuury cail Baai tbo aaporior of tCedai -.,._? |',rt uf thr milijtia of iboTorril I Ul,. l.-.n.i.Ilrcl tl,.' ,..??? ir vl tbo n-tfiiii-ut. I ?... at tlia, tmr t:.. , Ijeoai i tariit ol LattrrOayBal-Wal I. ar l.'.y. I-.jc C, H_l|bt a.i IY sulrnt ovrr aii-1 l burch at Cuy ii.i tha a, aettai aaal m hM Tarrltery. M. t of raid prrc, li nt IV lf., Ib _, I lioii ' li , VV. 11. i. ii,. oaa I r .,?! rr^,?,rut. BaM Iiuar OL ii . t - . . - ktai ual J ,liii 1> l. a al IUr niooj, in aaid lr,.u I'c.antr, waa u,, r, i i . ,,. ,- .- , 1 r>,rii_e;,t kii ,, :,,..; I..,. .?-. i, ara,,-. a-1,1 . ?|_i| pod, a. the Uw-UrOC-L i . it l a' , ,,,. ,...,.... did 1 aurcb ailU aaiJ reiriiutiit uu tbe ri ind -oatpaay'i 4 . .r iara afler aa ,' p'irtl,.U ..f a.1 lil rCCbae -t tbril ' r Citjr, lu..k up , kftar lai.l rnniijaiiy biJ I .1.1 I , ii. . , Ml uicl cuuipai.. tatjaanuilfl i>> aaaa ao tBaar amy ta yaaea 1 aRoiaiiaVi be tol- ue I lil all of .aii r. 1 a. 1 'io -ut kaoa ?_.:;,., aall brad ? r. at I'arowa- of Uw brmi Ltk.Cltr, . I.a.1 |..t lolroi, C' lb-.ul 20 m'l-a frora . .- ..._.._. oarf?BJ woul.1 paia. for thr porpce of im la .ipaa) t" |ii". on tb- ir ?_. in 1. I k.arl ... . ..,,,0 "I ...-, VV klM '0 |0 witb ll,m Bl?l l.iu ? . .v kiti iad myicrlf ifit iboot ? r.-,,i 1'nlar 1'itr, wa aat HajovMa 0 Lao, who ? ? ? I .I'l.of Ibr ruiit'riot-. taw rti'licl, ' 1 bate a>,-i?tbiog lo aay ai,oot tbat, r Lrr wa. at lhat tirtf ?n bii way to P,r.wvn thr hr..l niartrr. ?'?' 1 |, h ?? anl I w. ??.,' t-. I" ? .-? '? r ? ? ! tl ? r.f -ii 1 romp.By ot 1 . ' ? ? ? 1 ' .- a.,.1 aO?Baaf tO . u." Afier thr l_bt kad boca lotaa oa for throa m n.ur iiay. .-rr ti-iiia Raj"f leaibrl 1 ?oar tlty. wl.o atan.l I tchi ha. 1. ? b LiesL-l oL li? k rr-1 ??t . mrifiirrr-Mrnl. At tlm im- I wa? onlrrr.1 oart by CaaO. B I!..-'. * to?,?.!.r ' ?r,i? 1 aad I ;u:|'p?d aa _? law .'.:??'?.' Ii ?.? a 1.1,'rr of ?r dr?, I., BR t-, iii-i-i. r or 1,1,1. aal 1 liiui-.. rrd w,!b t:,r aatal r. iu|( troopa. It waa at thia tiBie that 1 l-art.M that .ii 1 . BtTcaofa-U aawyaay wara to ho kitt-i Bald ot rctar_ril from 1 MiHiary 1 1 ! a?1 at Parowaa artvioaa t-- Ifeai al w___w?n 1 ,? ? t I I.I. I. (. m.l Maji.r J.iln. B. baa. Tbe rasult . rouaril w.a IM caliaif oul of iai.1 rr|rli_r^t for Ibe pur I.... ?lri a.1. kt-vtrJ. Tha il'?rr.?ii a.i ra,r. 1,,-d to ibe -juaiit-la arotVia. irdth.r. f..r?..-.l a ja-ctioo with Iba auia body _ baa Bmrrl all iba troaaa .t j ipn,..-. aal inaCr 11 .. ., ; lhal >u> onlrr. from " kcalqaaiVr. w?r? V. Rll tlie rL rr c.iiii ,_', .. r.i,;.-|.i tbr .ui.,lci,,l,lr n ' 1 aaa rot ia tbe raiki al B , ut ,.'u onr ?. la, la!_lB| to a m ? 1 aa M n it l.tir ac-.-u a ,,,|ri ,,, il,,., 1 v la, ,.f tru.-r lalo :..<? riii./raat eanip, ..tfrru/ ? I ll ' ll UfatJ b.) aoatl tJiru inu? ; r, : rl Ibrin.1' Tbn arconliB|ll Ui 1 li.iari tlinr ir?n. caiue lLal .-au.i-. aad dottri ap lo aai.1 Loa, Tbe r ..I iai.1 I.rr, ar; ar.i: v;.r .aiil ?____! - La'i n.,le t. w.i 1 > -1 >r . Iy, tbr ..mrr ? i? K..ra to .,.? _t_ I.-.4. -Vl liiuc- r-i?l laat aaa at tha b, a,t ? I ibr r,,l-im?. -ii., r_a_|laa-Baaaa_>a?_aa taa MaaaB ? 1 aa ll aaa paaaad doan tbe ruluum. Tbc .,,,! t .. r. ,:.,,t lova, riri-;,t arTru ? ri 1 nuraoliatrlv took Into m. rl ar^r. I a. I did not ili.p to ' ,;rai. 1 imiii?liair,. , .1 Iha 1" < - l< - -. ai.ii t.Kik tbein to Iiim,,.'. Kamb, aod tron : tl,r;? b'.U,l-? tln- peoplo. J.'l. .-. . m . likl-l lUroa. <?'. ib' , ol VV. II. Danie-all I.-I HimliB'a. wher- I bad the aai,l ea ! !r?,.. ind Mi lato ? T.eofwblrh?ii.l Halgbl to I Col D mr tbat ifhe wai; ,. | .. - , . . - ' ?? nll u,.t h:.t. . d.u.e." I do 1,,! kn,,w whaa ,-r ah. re ?ai.l tr..opa arre IkCataaVf- V i?,, ?r'k. ifi- I k B.|l(iU.; Lr C. mir.v.i.r .,. 1 I. . f. I Oa* aot BfOaOBl Bl , ,,,, ?f I,, . - ... aor Bt any roan all ron.ert. 1 BBB the if-r.-aaid albUry oprntioiii. or w,tb uid eotop..... I r<a? B0 ffJ. ra n.r,t Uoae cou arned with ll ?? bbtIbi of ihe el IMrea aad tboaa Httrr thr ? ,-.,, rr | , i i. klahop. a?.l boi li ? , ., ilir l r.t n I,.. I iiix-i.....?: ??? i -" I ,li,i U'.i brr ?iirrw..iJ. i.a-;, .--..lal .?,,.. .t?r,i,-.. aofolro-. _r.t Ur- wa- d.-lirerrd I at onr? Bt. alx.iit ?B.i?g tbr rh l.r. l. , nthcr np th'- ril'dnn hefara the dnujr had j litt(. , | ,.rr thr aU.rc- tBUlie. i ,?irt f.-r tbo ria-.-n thal 1 beBere that I arooM bt uoaanBlted abi i.i i-,ak.- tln aaa a -*_ora an. rn?rt io thr Trrntorr of I'tab. Af-. r ?,. : La>t rrturnr.l h.'in Kall l-ik.- Clty, iiilorriaid, ta_ told m t Mkl ka '... r??,?i..::#, r tbo -a-bt at Boaataia Meiduwi. and the lillinr of aai.l aak.fraaU I __ 1.( tu .1 tbit tin.r tbr r,.,iiaa,.,l.rm-.'lii. f of Iba ui.liUB ot tbr Tt-Tilorj oi l lah. A.d t-r h< r dcooaaal ??? tl I'aiur Ki.iv.i.i-. Sb:tii SabsfribrJ aod iworn to before me thi? lPib da? of Apnl. A. _L ItrTa. I>. B. Biixaa, r. ibi? Clork. Tln- Butbentletty af Hii-1 afl-dat u ia tuiiy ,,ii,n,-,i to by Chlpf-Jnatica McKeaa and I.late Juatioe Btrtealand af tha Buptreaie Court ol Ptab larrltory. \UT SAT1SFIFI) WITH I'OUTICO-COU MBBCIAl MELIOIOB. To the Kdttor of The Trxbune. But Fot -BOICJ tlmn it qiiartcr of :i rrnttiry I bave. lagularly peruaed Tiik Nf.w-Vokk Tkibi'.nk. DartBR in ailv balf that li.riod I have i-iu ?!. vv.-.-k iea.1 up Thr tftt+TtW* Independrnt. I atudy tho aewaaaRMBB to aat LufiauiatlnB und 1?aaa, laota aad Brawaaeata. they BIR B_y diril'.nury of t-urreiit hiatory. tlie,.?:??,- [waal tb. iu ta BaMMRH Bik?By BBRl liit'ari ity. TBU Tuiih nk BMaca Utta waal m' ? haaa hh life aarh Craci IIM !ii-f..r,- in.? a? evi'l.-iu'-. The lndrpendtnt Ifl uble but tmt tioin-ht, and I have B_R_tta i-videii,.' aa tWM bcad alaa, arMia tha praa nt r_n fa_i aafli Laaati t-walopad the fa.t latha wo.i.i. Tb.-r< tnia a perlod alnc-e tbe il.<ti.,ii of U.-n. Ol?Bl to the l-i, -i.iini y vvber.-iii The Jtultjxndent ezpreaaed lioneat BptaMRB af Iil? ueta and Adinlni-t i itlmi. .k__Bg loudly f.,r rofCRHM aaal taapco^-CBaaaM, Btaaa Mr Dowaa'a MMt t,, WoahlnRtun and the White llousi- nothliiK but thr uioat f,il?.,iiie laildatioiia of li.-n. lirant aud bw taluii.t, ,,,,-, tln r w,tn viruiiiit abuae of poilltaaI appoaoata. tlnd ul.tce therrin. " A an-at reliirl.'ii- poper'1 o.iKbt t.. I.e tion.-il. Th, /i,.fr-/>r-ii,/rrif haa loel thut character. auil Mr. llowen la tbi- uii-diutu ..f itn lap-. fr.'.in viriu.-. 'ln day 11 aiauda ua ime of tho uioat uu ?orup luna partlaBB aboeU la thia aoaalry. a. Klgtrt, III., Hept. '}. 1H7J. yOaUCPfl J-t-T-U-BO-TI ketii-E.mi:nt PSOM tiie 8TAUK Haltijiokf, Scpt. i:i.?VuiToiiM ist_.t<-iiii-titr. ha\iiiK baCB piil'Ii-bi .1 ln n>'aid to thi lunditlou of thi of Jederaou, the eoiuediaii, aud the canra-lliia; ,,f bta ? -i _ag<-imaaa in LVoa-Baalaad, aaBtlawaa, m tbi- BaotatUR, aaya: " I'leaa.- iiiiiitlon tbat mv ayr-a ,ne < nuiplelelv I', but I It prudi Ut tu re tire tioiu the otage tul ntxt aeaaon." -^tm Ti.l.KfiKArilK NOTF3. _qkf Balttmort Etentntj Journai wiu sold at ait, tioc. iratrr-.T, fcr 4l,i$><. A palaaBi BBfaBBaay la baaai af thc l.vt<- I'resi dml Ja.rn Urok plarr al baB |___-BR -b BB-M oiajbt. _Tln- cfa>oT_ad l'l-iinaylvatiiii pnuliK-. rs to ile rniar tbr pr.rfl'.rt-.ri ..f wi wlll lt :> reported pro.r a failurr, Ibe iLUreit in ar r-Urpnao bariaf poirall. died oBt. _The Norwe-iiiitn bark Byfogirt Chriatianann from ruaaaak-fii far Ut* Balnr Laa a..,.rd"al _u?B_|rr, Norwa.. dia abletl aearly aii ber rraw karlar dird oa Ibr Tnrafe. Th. raaao of tbo p.ortahtj l. uot etpl.iard ib Uw l.n.t d,i|*leb which aauou.r., ber ar nrai. _Tho BeriuiiH BHitation in tlie Ciuriiinati Cliam h?t ,t Ca-uaareo iBnctrai tn lao Inal ol B. I. - % B, Jo-b-moi. rhar(_ witk BnawreaaUla r.adaet, waa lerauBBled jrilarO.j bj tk? 1 _a_.b?l de-lariaf ia k.or of Iba aBipraaiou of tbe kna frv-i uiro. br/BBip _A _BBBB_ orrlrr of the War Departmotif pm Ticlri tbit Ihr obi.I of aur ior?eTiB( or eiploriB|t ripodltloa iutl.. r jr.l ,., I'...|rraa naat bo pai.l for oul ..f Ibe I'oBffreoa,ir,it...b aD.i lhal Bo pruprrl. of U,? War 1 >r-,.?i-u.ecl ran br uard lif Ib* rlpeilialuu oilbwot tbr aipraaa aa-etioB of Ib* a*crclar< of War. _Charlea Wiili,u_tiiiv. a ronvirt in thu Stute Al.lura lt Aaturn N T . roaimlttecl nlcle ..ilrrdi. ,,. t aiia' r,| r. uiarlf ?.,b a r..j_r Iroai al.iria uf 1... t-r.l Hr wai ron .ii-t.l i.r hlfbwiT rol.bor, ,l lara 1 i.rk abaM a ?rar imi-r aad wa. <en Irarwd to Nlr,. Nia| for tb ..ara. He waa tiaa.frrrn! I., Aubirn lu Jal. laat. IU Ui.J aoaai of bi* l.iiow thal b? B-oaM ml kuaaeil FORBIGN NEW8. THI TBE-TT OF washingtoN. EttTBBTAIBBBBT of TiI!?: ABBITB-TOM at BBBB AM> IBTBBLABBB?THB M--M.V oK TBB BO?BD t*>DA1 not Ki BB ht.i i<\ liiKN. Fii.lay. H.-pt. IB, MIB Xaeterdaj, ahartlr aft' r tha reeeptfoa af _m aa "ifi<tiieii loiiti.ind v.mi iha fleaew Mhaaal bytha I'lr.-i.i. ut a:..i i.i.'iiih-r- ..f thc radaralCbaaeU.l |...rtv, a.? by BBfaBBl BB u.Ik ra of thc 1.1 ...inatii Oarpa ta Bara,B?tadtoa?lra, -ae Koodrr, the Oaraaaa ttlateb r, loah a railway traM f?r Ba bewa .f I1..111. tlu v iii.burkid on a ?teamboat and ? intelako of that BaBM to the villaa-o of Int.r i.ih, u. Artor rlawiuK tha aafreta or latareatt at that I l'icc. they IntiilKil at Hi- Victorla llotcl, nnd rctiimcd la Bara la the altaraeoa. TheweettMB oatata Iha da> Wf aplendul. BBTB nnd iiit.fl.iU.-n, aa well aa lntcr in. ?iu.'.' ptaaea thraaaa ahlal Iha party paeaadaweee prefaaeiy deeoratad altaaaaa la aeaar af tt,e dtatto IBtohad vlaiton.. Tin c_iiiir.ioi.Ma iiiimb. red ubout t!i rtv. At ibb diaai i ta Ihl 11 y, i Md i n bp tha Padaral Oaaaell ta aaaaa of lhe hiblUadarB, M paraoM aaat pn at au Iha BBgB_hajaBBe_aaeea in tad artth tha eaari aaaa Bbaaat, aaa aad I_aM ___??? .len. The rtaaldBBl of thc Fe.leral Council madethc pi irtpal apeeeh of thc evcnitiK. BB B-preaaed tha pteaaara by tha OeTaiaaMal al the aalaet-aa ad e tov.ii in Bwttaertaad tot tha meettacof theTribaaaL c.unf Belopta, tha ftaahhinl nl tha Oaart, repttcdL Ba rai iraa I Umaka oa babatt of bln m if aad < oOeaajBea for th. hi.-i'Haiitica th.-y had teeUredfraaa theBwtoaOe~' criiineuf and peopta. ci-M.vt. mday I ,' il i-"-' Tlic contlcmcu ot tho Court of Arlutraiioti n-tiirni'd to Gcucwt to-day. They SXpBBM themxclves lifichly grafi _Bd Bl rccption lu BMB and Intcrlakcn. The illiiiu-r _iv,n lu thelr honor by thc BWlM Gen rr.tnent. taet niL'iit, ?aaattaaded by tha Preatdeatel UM Bapah lic, the lui-uilicra of tho F.-dctnl Coiiin:il, and thc I diploiuaiii' boily of I'.ein. Iu thc spceelua BXehMHMd ou lhe iic. a-mii tluro waa a marked t.'tie of Biitiafactioii at the happy coiiolualon of tho work of arhlfratlou and tho ,o hiivi nn nt of a rcault whf.-h the ajieakera aaid waa beaad t<> have aaai u rowerfuiiiitiutucoforgood,not only on tho two coimtnca moro iii.un dlataty eonccracd, but on all clvllized natlona. Tlila foelina; waa uioro frcely and deflnitcly exprcsscd than at tho diuner in Geaeva on Buturday atfht, wheu uneertalnty may havo atlllexiitodaa to tho fortnof the deciidon and the una uiinlty of thc Oaart on thc main pointa at laaue. It waa cvldent la?t nl?bt that all uncertainty had been dlsal pated. Ooatrary tO prcvlous aunotiuconienta, it haa bi?en de , Id 'I not to throw tho doora open to tho puhlic at tho tlu il sittina of tho Board to-morrow. With tbo exeep t:.m ..f a few ladlei aud diitlugul abod gentleuieu who have beea lnvlted to bo prescnt, nono but tbo Arbltra tora, BfBBBB, eeaaaal, and othera entitled to adinlaaion at tha paaaaal aesoioua will be permltted to ontcr thc coun? cil rootn. tiik bizbd ootn___o_?a bbbtibg and ABOTB?B AiMclIBBB-BBT, WAMiiN.iroN, Bept 115.?Int'orrualionhasbeen rc i\..l fr.iin Ncwport, K. I., aaylna; that the CommU ttoaoaUM Hritlah and American Clainia met pursuant to tho aejaaraaaaad on Wcdneaday, aud, without trans aettaffaoj battaeaa, aiijoitmed to aaaad iu waa_in?rton ou tlic . l uf <)'toli, r. 1 li., C'oiniiii.ihioiicra wiii conault top th. r at .n. w-pott pnvatcly, but nothlua; will bo put on rocord. The couuacl lor neither Govcrnuient waa paaaaat. QKEAT 15RITAIN. ji.INT BCI-OB Df THI BHPBBOBI IV RKOAKDTO 1 ili .ll.Mir.-,?FAULiAMtNTAKY Kl.KCTION AT PBE8TOV. T.OKDOV, Fri.1:iy, Bept 13, 1*7-. A special ilispatch to The Vaily _V__r? from Baaaa aapa the __faaaea of Gcrmany, Auatria, and Kuaala, at thelr conft renco in Bcrlln, resolved to advtse tlu i'.ipi' to ahaaaaa tbe Jcauita, and a?Tced to uso thelr paed otlloea with the Itallan Oovernment for tho pro tectlon of forclffti roligioua corporaiions tn Italy. il,,- I'lrilaiiit-utary eloctlon la ln projrreaa to-day Bt PNatea, aad B BttoaBad with CTeatexciteuient. Aa the i iiuilidatee rode to tho y "11a to-day thelr aupportera de taehodtha hursca from tho carriaues and drew'th. ui tbrrmgh the Bllliaaa The conteet ia vcry eloae, and both -ii. - ,-lalm aaaaaaa. Under the new hallot act tbo pfo ccsa or votliiK and of countiajt the ballota la slow and the reault ia not yet known. Frof. John Tyndall, tbe Mtabrated naturallat, will vlslt tho Uulted Statca in October. -M FRANCE. I1.I.NI>S OF BBBBI KOCUEFORT. 1'aris. Friday, 8cpt. 13,187.. M. Henri Roehafarti aba haa beea eifted to ti. I-lamlof Ncw Calcdouiu, la daii_crou_ly ili, auditL. taared ba aaaael raaarM. Itlarcporte.l that thc trial of M.irbhal Bazalne haa broiiRbt to ll_lit facta nt BVBBt irravity. IIKLGH'M. AC( IDENT IN A COAI.-I'IT? TWENTY-FIVE LIVES I.OST. BaaaBB-Bi Friday, 8ept. 13,1878. A coal-pit nrar Ileristul, on tho Meuse, waa ? ,ndeataUf looded to-day wblle the ruen were at work. Iha liiiiudatiou waa eoaudden that i_5_-cn were drowned iu the bottoui of tho plt. HHAZIL. II HTH'X RK.TS?A MEETIXO DUaTBBIBD BY TIIE l'ul |, K-A 1IGATT TO BE SIGNED BY GEN. IX)!4DO??, Friday, H. pt. 13, 1R7-. Tlu- Bia Be Jiinciro papeni are lilled with de M -rlptiona of the riotoiia ?.-. m-a which .Mcurrcl durlng tbe raeeat atoettaaa tor BBaaahaaa of Con_-ix-a?. An eiectorui iiic.tlii. in one of the churchea waa hrokeu up by the po. lu-i- who charircd upon the aaaeniblai?o with their awords aad dlaperaedi it. Thc rraaadaai ot iheaBaattMaadaaT* iralotlnr citi/.-na w.ic wounded. The conduct of tho lathto aad other aaaaa toMveraty condenmed by .;,, praM Ki'.i Baaaad irrcat laBajaaBaa in tbo city. (,. n. Mitre, tl..- Arcetitino envoy. waa preparin*: the ba^la f?r a Ireaty for thc -ettlenient of all dittli ultiea t>o tweaa Urazil aud tbc Coufedcratnn. (?HLNA. |1 i,-( atfalOB TO TIIE IBBBCB IOAN?EARTII qi _____?? (taaa ov BflbBAmao, Smanchai, Aup. 11, viit Sw, Pa_-Kaaf3oBept uv-dBeeahal baa aatoaaiaei ?,-no,oo.) franca to tiie French loan. Thc riudcrimat atill prcvalla umona; the u.itivi ratt'.c. Th.- Kinj; of C'ainliodia la vialtlue; Cantou. Ai, BB-thdjaaBa waa fdt at Ching Klang a few ilm-i ,ik'o. A C.11.C of ki.lii.ippiUK a ( hiiicao Chlef ,?i,irrcd at Ticn-lam on the American ateamer Hhniinl. Thc ctilprtt, ? Ttcn-Taln man, waa dellverM to tbe American ('..tiaul, and by lum to the ( tnn.-?c autbor .. i,o at once beheaded bua. Thc Frciu-h Blnlater haa at I'.-KIuk. H< avy rnlna urc prcvailiiiK 1" tlic North. Tlurty (,'hlneae puplla tn thc ateatu.-r ,,, at Kepubltc to the Unlted Staiea lo be edaeated. Thu ,,.iino ami rtaa eropa aaaaaaa to oe .-o..:. OBBk. OKJMT OE THE !4THIKE ?>F (.OVERNMENT CLBBBI?(JANE t'ROP. Havana, S?pt. Vi.?Iri a coiuiiiiiniofttion to the Itwrio thc Governnieut clcrka lndi?a~utly dcuy tbat th. uniou they have fonned for tbe lmproviment <>f thelr eotidltlou relatea to politlca, or la iutendod to dia turh tbe i>eace. On the eoutrary, tbey afflrm the utmoat lovalty toBpaiu, but t^ralat lu detnandlnu a chunae iu tlu prescnt ayati'tu of latxir. The cane croo throuichout tbe laland proiuiaca au abundant yield. The Iron-tlad Arapileaand tbe fri?at? Iaabel have arrlved at Oiuui taiiaiuo, from which piaco they wiii BBeaaed lo N.?w York, wbcre the Arapl>a will be rcpalred. Tb* widow of lialta, thc late Freatdent ot Fern, who waa aaaaa aiuated, aaiLnd frout Aapii.wall on tbe ateamer Oeean yuetu. for New-York. ou the Mh luat. j BOJLEM EXPlOEiOB At I IMISSATI. THREE PERSONS KILLED ANU NINE INJVRED. C'incinnati, 8<'pt. 18.?At 10 o'clock thia aaaadag a new baaler lu the foundery of Rolwrt Jouea, at Fcarl aud Ludlow-at*., wUilo b-inj( teatod exploded with jfrrat for.*, blowiiiK efl the roof of the builduiR, carryli,? ptaaaa of tbe tioller aeveral aouarea, inauntly kllllua three pi-raona aud iniurlnn nine ofliara. Tha killed are BaBaal Jouea, proprtetor of tho foundery, and F.vatm II I,i.,vd and taaal maaah?Bi workmen. Uber_hla?'i body waa rearfully uian_led, thc hlpa boing cruabed|an(t bowela foroed out. U.yd waa btowa lato a atabie ad t'unlnfr. and hta l>ody waa torn In p|e.<a. He laarea a wifo and <hiid. ii.nry Kaaaj i? badir li. rt hv fallin*- tlrnber, and haa the femporal urferr aevered, bal m.-.v ll.e. Thoanaa D. Dorla aad Edward Kobrrta are Vi.Mli liurf Jerry Mul , I. haa a le_- hroki-n aud la cut on tbe beeut, and wl.i .lu. Fr.,?k liarrluavr ii PUoaajan, aaa 17, ia W n w,.>< baa aa ana t.t?kcu aad ? eal ov.t tl.c ev<-. ii.,,i aaddea ha? a teabrokeaaad iiavtd Oaiaa ia aiijcbtiy ln i,,i 0 ? p ? '? of t.H- ronf i,.- ended lo tbeair. and coinlna iiowi, er?ibed thro__rb tii<- brtrk wall of .? neurb bortaa hou-e. A pieee <r lhe boitor found a afnppin?r i tbe m K.I..I aturv o* a frame atraetara aeaaara Tin re w- ia only aixty pouuda uf atoaui on wlfi-u the ejpii riioti ttaik ptace. MJEIME DEUETEEE TIIE BBTU INVESTIGATKiN ? DTTBBB-TBM fBB* IUIOBT. PbotibbbcBi Bept. ih.?in tha Me?_ __bnIw itiv.HiK'.itlTin t.iilav, N. .M.l.'an, thc ateward, fcutl.d lhat be aaw that all thc atatc-rooina were un laehrd aad Bm paaaaaiaaa6M aat] there were _, ?ood tn.inv laily paeMBaaiaaa baardl he aaalated m.iny of tlu tn to adjnat lif< |>pm rv. r- ; thoro were pnnted noiiccn iu i-viry rocui .lircctli.K aaaaaaa n wberc to Ond llfe-pieacrvi ra; witneaa wcigha 367 pouuda; he waa Mvad ou aiork tuattrcaa. \S i. IiauiM. l'ctrick, tlrrinan, wna on duty when tho colliaion occurrcd ; aftcrwutd waa r. lieved and .etlrcd to my berth iu thc foreruatle ii.iow thc inaln dnek ; aftiT I K"t iuto my bcrth tbc accond uiate canie down, held a lantiin iiin:. r my lurth, toefef -.1 '.n.audreiMirtcd uo water roiniiiir in ; foon afterward all tno deck handa wcro called to cnic and hclp trlm alnp; when thc aallora went out, the *bip waa "Balaafeaea on u,c port eide; the ncxt tliitiar the water VMaotning in the il.-.i.l lltfhta ou the port >i.l<\ aiioiit B BaU Bl ove my bcrth,which waa an uppcr bcrth; I trie.l to atop tho water ao that I could lleeai bal found I could not atop if, aa it waa coralna; tn toonat; ao I atach my head eal m tha bcrth and aaw w;,ti r on the rorecaatle floor; pui my ihoea oa aad aaat aad reported to tbe bow wat hmaii; wa? wcllai'iualnted with ni ry hole and .ler "f tha chip ; thi re la a . i.ulkhead forward o.' thc botleri Bbrra ia laat room enoosh to icrt by tt.< re: the plaaha run duiKonaiiy; tbe buikhcad exteada clear to Iha aaala eeeaj than were no doora or hatchea ln lt: invcr kti? w nf any hotM betBg tiiaiin in lt; the Ibrward bnlkhead waa beUI tbe ibbm aa tha after one; tlic for.-cnlie floor aM BtMMtt Mt f.-.-t 'romtl.o de.k; thcrc waa a hatch in the fOTeoaatto fl n.r; I know becauae I havo been down lt; there waa a hole lu tho buikhcad below thc forecaatle tl K>r tato tho frcl^ht bold oatheatarboard ahte; it looked m if it ?im luoken or chopped throiiKh; it waa larue enotiirh for BM to K,p throiiKb, and I havo been throuab; tbe aoeood nab not ko down thcro at all; tiit- !i iu tlu -for. i iioor aaajnal forward ol taa Bampeon poM ; Iba aai mate reiuaiued iu the fori i i iiroe miuute* ; be wa.i not thcrc any leoeer, for liej.ini. weut down, put hia lauip ln, aud weut out; tho ahip went down aat half au hour after I aaw wat. r on thc forecaatle tii.or; lhe aecond uiate did not ko Into ihis iu u- la tlu* bulkbead at all; hu only weut to tho forwurd port atde oi u.e fore eaaue aad looked uodei tti., apperoerth; be dld aatao within taa fect ef the eeottle uitbe toreeaatle aoori ba did not corne down aKaiti; no other penon came down into that toreeaatle uuul l waa drtreo aat by Iha wat.-r; when I weut out of the fort-.-anilr tho watii waa aboue haif a foot deep ou thu forecaatle floor. Frank Joaepu, a deck watdiinan, tenfifled that there were 16 deck pasociitfcr.^; arbeathe ihlp beaaateeatBi he took them all a:i and npon th. aaloou dai k. Bridjret O'iirten teMitleii that ahe waa iu thc ?' cabln, and beard no wuruiaic tfiven in that , il.iu. Caat. UaviJ Bitohtooftae reveaue eatter Boeeaara aaid ue waa ln btouiuRtou barbor ou tlic uoih al , a a. m.; a boat came Bloagatda tron theeteaauhip Barra ican-ctt with tha flrat otticer of tha BarrafaaMn on board; he iuforuicd nc that a boatfroM tha aBaaaaablp Mctla had bobm to h m and reported that th.-y bad left ber dtoabtod and belptoaa, with 150 p . aei.Kera on board. <>f wb. Baaa thej kaaw iioihiuK at all; Immediatel) onleredateam; at lBcttaol uuder w..\ ; at 10:41 a. m. atopped the i Dgioea "tt Wai. b liili, baviug found a boat lylngoutalde of tba aart loaded to the Kuuwale With people; ?f..t thc people Iuto tl... ateamer; I tben Btuud f.-r tha wreeked tlo .iiiik atuff: contlnued thcro uutu 3:i_ p.m., huwi.K pteked up n ilc.ul Iioilua, aud scciiia; uo mor.- I ata.'tc.i for .-touin_tton whero I univcd at , p. iu. with 4_ llflBA and 17de*d; thoso that wero Had all ha.i Itfe-preeerrera oa: the poaitiou of those i ww aaa baad aad f,et down aad baaa w.-u api Iha pj.aMr.ira warelttBoattaataaeaapataB rery watl aad ta paapei piacea ; I don't know why l aid bm pei nutm aaaaaa ; theamack that had thc partj hcio-K'i'K lo ihe *bip oa board paeaed ua near cuouKh to throw a buacuit ou board beforo wc went to hrcaki.iat withoiit .-...vIuk any? thing to uie ; I did not ?et Bottea ui.lil -:-0 _. ui., aa hour and twenty iniuutea w.-rc thin loat. Lieut. Iriah of tho r.-wt.ue cutter Boeeaatn tcntiflcd that ho lirht aaw the auiack that had thc .-icain.-r'a |M-i.piu ou board not far fiou. To'clock; tha atom wa* a_oo . atlhif; ahe paaaad u^. aboal?o'doek, ao ni-ar thal I aoald dtotiBfulah facea oa tward; I ttu-.k aayoaeeoald bav. madc hiujM-if beard on aay part ol win.wi if bshad La.!,! oa; ahe uiiK-t bavemade algnato ol dlatreM ao hour before abe paaaed oa, which probaUywoald bara baaa aaaa. aa wa ware watehlajt ber; it tin-> bad baaa mjili: 1 B-MMild u.ivo .ici.t a b_at to ii. r ImmedJately, aad lt could have Kot t.ack witbm au hour; we ahoui l theu ha\e savcl haif an hour oi tiine befaTC BhB puseed ; were at anchor in-i'te the br< akwaler; our aat ore were aat at I o'doek; i tbiak aay iwrsou raaaHtar with ve_B.l8 would bavo kuowu we wero a revcuuo cutter. C'apt. Jedediah Willianis featltlcd: I waa form.rly Bupcrint.-ndcnt <>f tbe Provldeoce aud Mew-Yerfc Ht.-am ahip Line; it waa a put ot nydutyto auperlBieaalthe rapatraafIBeoaboaMi aa altarad tbaMettobj puttii.a: new state-rooiua and talaa?i oa tbe appar aaeki tba Metia had tiin-e wat.-r-t _la-. on the l.uikl.i .ola when aho waabollt) iha faeward ooa waa B faat abafi theataM of the forecaatle luilklicad; thc u.-xt waa aooui V) fe.-t abaft thettret, aud thc tlili.l aaa about 40 fect tno eeoood.dlraotlyabaftthe eojcine; the twa taaaaaaaed bulkhcada lucloaed tbe t-UKine and l.uilcr; tbo Port oiio ?as cut tiirouKh for eaftaeera ami ollera to paM ihraaah. aad waa left opea. ao thal II aaa the bbbm Maabath head; I alao h_U occaamn to cut au oi* iiinK in ihe lui.i dlo buikhcad; lt waa donc for the poi now of putiniK m k.ilaoua wh.n wa put m aew bollera ; l think it waa two yeara aao laat F.hruary ; tho bolea cut ta that l.ulkh. ad were IJLttecu or s_.ta.-eu lachea bviwoor twa aad Ball WB aiao cut bolea Upa up. alnive tno lowerorfrcl_;t,t deck ; tbeae bolea were oat al tin tnui with tho othera ; I shoiild think ttuv were two feet by two and a baU or thri S f. "t ; they w.-rc cut to ?luft thc coal furwaid from the , oal huukera iuto the freiKlil bold; theao holea w.-re atopped l.y extra atanchioua beina; put on the outaide ana bolted to tbc ortaTinal atan chioua, and theu plauk.s put oa OUtalde. B] lu.preiwiou la lhat thc buikhcad orlacinully waa two thickueaaea of a two-iiich -plauk; .be plank put in epaalaaji *aa two thickneawa of niatchcl atuft*; I auiM-riiitrnded tho jobof cloaing tbeae bolea _yaeU| wh.u I left that work I conaidercd lt aa atronjf aa the oriKlual bulkhead ; the holea on top of the kcclaoua were atopped m B muillar nianucr ; Iucverhad o. caaiou to makeopcniuKa lu tho forward hulkheiide, and uever heard of auv l).-iu_- luad.-. THE M_T_S WELI. BQULmD WITH LU- HAVING AFFAO.ATU". To th* Editor of Th* Tribune. Sir: I have iiuticoil in inatiy of _H papan charifca to the effect that the Metia waa not pruperly aajarapad artth Bfa tanag Bfpaaataa. i i?-k Baaa la aay aaasluiple matter of J.tatlco that Capt. IIull or_ere.I from me eaily iu the Hprlnjr lari-e (BBBBBaa "f Ufe pn ,.-rv,-r^, draaa. afatafla, a->-., r..r ti.c fiawtdajaaa aud >i ,\ -Vi.i k line ,'f ateamera, ..f w blcb tha Metin fortued a part il? waa abaotatoly anu.uif the iir?.t Maeatpbla ateamen oadar tbe aew law. aaa al a Baaa arhaaB waa auppoi4-d tbat tho law wouid lt- n-pi-aled in a few da\ _, M, at of thc other linea dld uot c.mply with thc law until after CoagraM adjoaraed ta Jaty. atauy eu-amera m.w are uot haif aa well oiuippod aa waa thia line. I pro ,K?i- hhoit.v to k-ni ali.-t of tlu ui, a., that the pul.lic uiay kuow ttienak ti.i-v aaaonie. Bowevar, i think it toear t.nnly due to Capi Hull aud Ina ltue that I make thia atatetneiit at thia tlmc. A. M. J. .\eir-lvrk, 8epl. 13, Bfl. TIIE BARK KLIZA. MAKIA IUBI MY A OOLUBKNI. KOBVOUb, Si-pt. 13.?Capt. 1'allot, hia wifi", and thecrcw of tho bark Fliza Marla arrived BBBI thia uioruiuK, the veeeel, which waa al anchor lu llainptou Koada, haviuK beeu run iuto by tbe propcllcr J. W. Ever man, Capt. Moranin, of thc Norfolk an.l I'lilladrlphla Uae. Tue propeller atraek the burk forward of aaldaihlpa ontheporl fuie, aiukiuir ber iMaaedlaMly ta>M fatiumia of water. Tlu EIlM Marla wna fi,iu ^anton will. a carco of, oltee ooaatcoed to a New Yock houae. The aarga aad v.-i-aei are bellered to be a total loaa. The Bvarraaa'a bow aaa ilaara ta ab.uit thrae f.-ct abovc the watar iiue and hcr foretopuu_at ciurled aw.iy-. WKECK UE TIIE INHIAMAM. Sax Fbam iscc. Bept 13.?The ship Inilia li,au, from Meluouruo, Auatraliu, lu balluat for (allao, went ai-hor.- ou BtoelM B?BBBb, and ia a total Baa Tbe crew wen ......I, and thc venvl wa> lnnuied. i KI.ME-> AND CAUIALTIES?iiY TKIJ-It.KAril _J.ilit. Kultllc, who ia accuaiil of tlu- nmnlcr of Mirhs.l ('aiiabau at ( lii.-Bao, laat >uBila, ??. raptarwl ia a,l?aakr. paaBaaa _The Peoplr/a Bank ^t Byraeaaa aaa aacaaad paiioaut ln aaBaaejBMM <at ? t_f?? _aia run, ilariuf akiak 11 tiaal iMt aaaa *.??..,... _Tlie train fn?m Newlmrynort for IVadiiu rau ?T.r a lM4_( airl ai UeunicUiaa 4'nMala(, ;aa__nla;, ac.rrtag mti kaaj fruBi Iba B._T;. _The imriiiiikf of A Co.'a oil worka ;?i,.l 14 ?Ui.r l,,ii.,.,u_i. al Kaal I'aiai r.dfr Maaa., Tkan?, alvbi. r.aar. aiuaa.f abaai aaaaa __a_thajaakaa ?eeaBaaaBaai __? BaaafaaaeejUl aaaaMaaa.baaanwaai ,ia. m ,.;_,, ufu.a bal au aaa_a_e haa >rt \**u laBB ....Two iKiva. Im louariiiK t<> a Mra. Smith, one 13 ,_a tli? ..ihrr 11 wara ikOtttM ? * > rbuialai, abiir a-..iu_ iu Kbiwl. bf aa ao. I. rr.i,l.u| ta I'aawta. aa ll i, _aa|MM?l _Kcuipfa brewciv t DabjMBa, lowa, waa t.ur.rJ T. ii<ni.. Lum. a_-U>?. Thf Btai V4a_ua Cua.|wai'a al_,|4 al (Vlar Kalla lu.a, aar. ala.i ?... 1 ,o,Ur_a,i. Um,. Ol-.'alu, l. baaaaaaa, _MiitB have l?ea_n aatataal ba the I'mtiil St;Uca Diatfirl l ?_rt at Boatoa a|r-iaal WblU, llr.wur k lo, lui^iru-ra ?f kafliBh 0" (omla, ilulaf buaiaaa. al Ktaaklm aa.1 ll.?_i.:. lu. _r fiBiHliaf th? UiiT.raai.iit ul 1'aatiiBi daUaa to Um a?to_ul af BlaO, mm fkt aik?-l fraaA, atmb. uvai Aaaaaa, IM1, t? Bt?a?txr. IM