Newspaper Page Text
. Slmneftnfnia. elr.,-Ttilei^nrmnj._ KnrTii B\a_aira mMT-K.-"W___ad_ Mi*~ Faaar Dimacrl aad M-_ Clara Mefrta. Orand Of_aa Hotis_-"Le Roi Carott*." Mrs. ^rtTc^^aT^tta.aatyi: "OneWifo." To^iTK,m,b-?A_ni-? Hiaa U~ kt-aal aa-Miai I'lr-a. MoMaanV. ^.r^K'rt TiiF?T?t.-"Won.B Miaa I*C_a Tbiil-ia aad Ut?'/ B?keU. ______ Amkiih-kn lsvnTi_TK.-Farty-fin4tAnntial Exhihl ti?. Dai aal Breainf. OuZtmOk Mlfflfflf al N,. M Broadway OMTI-U. Paaa (..KOKN.-Sururnor NigbtB Con ?**_ T_e--r>r? Th*-.**. , _-.____ ?laawna-.Cia-aj-. nt Mi-Uana aaa. and i__f ?^^""i^-Conccrt. MHe. Carlotta 1-tti h Jamk.s TB-U-nav-iaa P-M-ih" Ma-atrala. VoNY I'AS.OI.'s Ol-KKA ll'.I'M-- - Val Ifl i.'4. CnoiucoB Xotucs. _ __s__ira_____-______--&--_ r, BB.,..,.; .!? V .T-:" 'tHu.tT.-i >l- H.i'i, -Miri-1-.'..n-tV. TEEMR OM TBE TRIEUBB, iuiiv Iwiiff Mail Baaaarikata, aWpa. mmwta, WbmLT'liiii-i aa. Mriil*JiHii_u........ rariiaiaf ? at ea. V",Wii'.v'liiii'-i-- ,.,-..n.e. A.-4-..niuik' to po-Son iu tl.e papar. laaaa. aaaa taadvaaea v , Addbnam T_a T-Ea-oaa. Haa wk. TFf Wkkki.y _______ Bt.- bi rffulT tliis ?a-falag al . o*< lo__, in araapan ior t-.tailitig. fttea 6 r> i-.U._ WEDNEgDAY, BEFTEMB--. ih. 1*72. llu- Laaaaa Tory Journala contieinn the tvtlon of the JUMllfllfl-B Okaitea ?aaaaa- wlll leavo Ijondoi- ln a ,:.?? fur P____ -_-a- Ktlmonil About ha* heeii ,. ,i bf taa Oi-nnana. =__-- A l.tta-r from It. Liv e iii* '...-.ii nv -.vl ..t -fMM-flfl- ? -- A circular ?aa Oui>ra--ar_l Hira.iMt ?iii.i,. na itaaalBT l-raaa- ?aatatfltf ha_ ro ii-n. i;ur::-:.i- BB*. etflMBB BMBlfl *aeeflfeafl at the GrBTit _. Sikllurs' rjcataa-BB ut lMttr4l.tir_.-li. a lui-iii ii.iH.r.-r, aaaa Oalaaiaaa,O-lt-. Maiaara-i lla aa Lllllll- ?>f tha f.irtii.tlin.iiKh jealotny. aml Ih-u auaaapaai la kfll M. awa aHe. liur.itIB inm.xt-c. who rerenlly ,?.,.,,. | ;it _wWat-_ iHl.uid Lu_111l.eA-.vl.1111, aai rli.Ml from Mi ii.lurliM*. -aa The Apollo Hall Dfl> :i y laaMfl tli- lniloii-. im-ntof the UN-r,il M .NlltlOllill iii.iiiiiiutlon- in iil>- v.n i-iv - ?? (>.>l'i. 11 ?_? l"i 1M_. Tlinriuuiui-t'T. r,!'-', '??'? . B ?_ Wo nn- iiifomiiil l>y a aaUf lulagraff __a_ II, tr vi.ii Tliilo, tiu: rritHsi.iii Ministt-r of Kor t-Lga Afi.iiis hai _____a_a-i lii?^ "ft"'* in r"" M-qiimico ni ii diaacnaaMa- witb Prinoe Bia iniink. Tha bl tat Ims thaa loat i faaat -aaahla ullit-t-r, whti r4-iitlirt-il Iiim thmtmmm BiaiaBB in iiiiiny n uying citit-rgfiity. Tln- ft.llnwin._- lf fB ulia-irk in Um Grant orpan ol this tity 08 .l"lm W. Fornc.y, tlie ftlitor of Ihe Thilodelphtu Ptttt, aud ou lliorte who act a ith him : ? laa,bfl it laflflflflaflflfla-. Hiirtr.tifI wa.4,_liero~Iien hla ti,u. Ba toat Atiii.mui lintlKO whlle iflflalWl-l Iiim flrata aliiviirii-K ln , , . i.-i iraattlaaa, aaaaapaaaaia i mi ii..ii,.r,i'iii? haaaM ttJa, aadttlea i.-..paaaa i a all ta ri ha aaa .u>no for his aaaallj i?. rl.iiii.l ? Urgi-t uf uciuiiiln-U vibi. iiii ln l I..!.itt.?'.., iiii 1 .oi>!>.d lhat they nii6'-it ruln 11 aaaa mmt hattat _i-i. laaa II Ni.lnidy will lx; fuipi'-fad hy ttM bratal aml iii-it-4. laaa ol the Eagtiah Tory journals whieh roaBBM-K "ii tha reoali <>.' <!io G-tMTaAi_i_ra ti.iii. '1'iny |.i.ift>s tu raaaii it ai f aa_o_a] liuiniii.-iii'.ii nmi ;t aew eaaae ln batiad t<> nmiiiI thf l'iiiti-il Btataa. These are our old till(m.Of. and tliiy havi- thfl old grutlge of thoae who harfl haea a_aa_*p_-aa)odhythap-_a jii-iiiy of thoae arhfl-B t!ny hata. W? hava fahMd iMthiag araiih ai?rtf-im by the j\i i.niatioii; ara eeHaialj haaa aot gaiaad any Tory -rif?idahip. _ I'tuin this tini'- uiitil the id"-* ti NoTaffhaf tbe St-it<- fampaiKii W.J1 bfl fiilivt'iietl and flfli i.iti-iti bj apeoohee iroin thc stump by laad U_g Ubaral BpiahaTe. To-day arfl pahUah ? long proK'rainnio, j,'ivmg the appointment.-. madf tn aameioaf proaunant fjentteaM-i up lo thc last ot Oetober. Tho Hon. Fiaiios K.riian, BeaatOf Featoa, thf Hon. Chaunct-y M. DaBpaw, J.? prt'sintative S. S. Cox, aad O-bflf will kiiown aud apjirovid spi-akiOf ar. in thfl Uft Jiulili.-hcil, and we know tliif thflf i nu-r the eaaTaaa to eoaxlaet it to a proripcr ofla and ff_-Bflaa_aJ elofa. Capt Ki-nntdy of thfl hU-th Pollflfl Pn-fit'.-t lias h.-ritot..r.- had tbe ri-putation ot bedag an oaVflf who kr.vw jofl ? nmi^h to do his dnty. V.I1..1, thi-nfoif, hf maki-.s thf niistakf, at .ItiilK'i- Dowliag I ol lalK.riiii.'. 011 dnty nnd ofl', fgahaal tht- tatacaoM ol hia pacty, and tn f-iiiiy ..nt thfl i'nd win thi- 1.4-ts of DowliDK and his gaag th;it tbi- Sixth Waid, in which thcrc an- i.iii tWO hundrfcd and tiftv Qraat Rapabbcaaa, will ko for Grant, be jirovcn hiinsili untit for thfl impartiiil ?1 ot hin plaee, uud irarthj to bf tof-ffaaad or hrokcn. -? It can hiii.llv bfl nuppoBi-d that the ofBcial waniiiiK fffiaft ciiii*.raut8 which the Gernian li.ivi-riiiiK'in is said to have givi-n can apply iiidiacrimmatily tO all fligiaB-f. To tit-at as Oat-MTf DflnOBf who DfOpOflfl to eniinTatfc to t ? Daated Btatflf wonld be aa aat unfricndly, I'titi naat-fg _aa_a of thc anciont paliey ol .1 tpu.11 ti utK Grenaaay. Thflia wtm, ?Offlf B-ffl*', a warning piven to Baftoai iiiU'iidmi. fff-giaslOB to Krazil, when- lii-r inaurj wcu- aat a__ ttaaUdj i>nt a*e thiah tiiat no cii.iilar thn-at- nifiK -_B-____tf to thirt ooaatiy aaa atoi baaa iaaaed. Auother dismal chapUrol tln. witinprfl to the liirtauc. w puhliahcd in 'I'iik Triiji ni: tO^f-ty. The Ward'ft Irdand Anylnin hM ba_f thfl MflaM of niauy horior>, doiil.tlisr., i.i wliiih thfl wuiid will never ln ar ; hnt hfltf is I jilain 1,1-1 "1 iiialtrcatiiiiiit, .10111 tln- fflhetl of mhich f jia luiit, arhaaf ainiKi- was nii-iitioiiiil in theae (.liiiniih thc otlur tlay, has just tlied. Thc l.ritUl kccjMi has bflflfl discljai^. d ; hnt isthii ta Ih- tln- 4 nd of thc shame ? Aitnlhi-r illns fiatiou of thfl eaae with which ___<. men can lre sworn in'ti a lunatic fl_rytfl__ is nltown _\\ tha c,i*ve of Mr. Jacd), ffhoffl trialH ought to ilitiw inr-t uit attiiitiuii to thc mauagement of thc puhlic a.-yluiiiH lor thi- iusaue. M('44r;rK. Baah lifi'l Kit/pTdJd, tln Picsiihiitrt of the two Boai-I of thfl Ciiiciiinati Couucil iiicii, caiuc Kaht a week agi', bearisg their iiii-kiiiinoi-- iuvitatiou to 1'iiAidcut ( aml Mr. (,::liy, to visft thfl fTOat Expositioii now in protrt-eKH there, ;iav tln : the city. J'ti-Htdi-nt Gremt di-.lini-.l. Mr. Greelej, haTbig :.i. old ciiKaK?ii_4_:it to 4liiiver 1111 ffJfif_Ha_g_l -ddican iu WiMWru !'____> Ivauut ou '___r_uay tho MBBiiHltir of tho tnp. and ^ptod- Ho atarte thi* morn.DR i? a BBB*) traiB. r*oom paniod by thcso MWB^fM of ripivl aothoritiM of tho Qooob City I BBd. after tldivering his addraaa on Tliura.ay at Indiaiia City, Pcnn., Will yrmiMsd with tbe-ii dircct to Oincinnati. _ 0mh|1 "Convcntioii of Boldiore.," an thoy call tha aflair at Httabaigh, ?raa not att? Mtfclf htumonioiiB, yeaterday. BOBM of tho ?poakon o-Ml too fur in their bbimb. aflbrti to Wl tlio approvnl of tlio ft-BMwiB nnd roach tho objeetive point of tlio convoca ii,m. Oo", (.oaiy'a pba for holp for Hart ranft did not mect with a cheerful n rcption, ami (Ion. Hnwlcy dosorvod tho bkaea which hc reccived when ho likonod Mr. t.i.flcy to Huchanan, and uttercd tlic thiondbare an.l fiilly lUl-W thnt bt UM BB .-li-iiial Scccasionist. Wtth truali und vciiom as this only prove niore conoluaivcly than ovor that a soidior.-. icunion nin as ? political machino ia an fnntd and u botrayal of om of ihti -UarfBt laiaataataot tho Rftfnblie. Nobody haa .ln.ui.lit of connoctiiif. tho prcseiit. BU-taffBOMBtOftha Union Pacitic Itail lOBd With tho bribrry of OoBgNMRMP and (itlnr fraoda alleffed to havo beM oo-Bmittod with tha -BOwladgB of ita oflicera, wbeu tho Ciedit Mobilier waa in power and Gon. Dix ?M Prcsident. Hut ia tho BtOBBBt muna-te innit aoattOBt to ignore tho right of ita .?!.?< k holdcr. to dcmiind k-stittition of tho monoya thai squanihTod M CoOgEt h-uuen and Othcnl Dld Mr. Oakea Amoa in any way, or indireetly, BM their funds <?r tha fondf ol the Cr*_dit Mobilier, aa indicated in his letter to Ooi, McComb, now a part of th? aworn cvi dcnce in a trial still pcndiii.. in tho OBBTMM OOBlt of lVnnsylvania for tho Eaatern Oia trictt Mr. Horace F, Clark ia iho, Pl-ddi-t of tho Union Paeific liailroad. What, do? Mr. Olarh aay for hia ("ompuny on thia Bubjot 11 Thc puhlic would liko to hear. Tho Grant inanagora in tliis Btate, who will leave, no stone untitrned to carry tho national tieket, even to tho aucrifioe of tho BtBta ?nd eotinty tickcta, havo ltoastod of their pnipOM to carry Now-York City. 01 eourse evcry sane man know.s they OBB do it only by intimidation, which is imposaible ; dcception. which ia poaaible; or fraud, which i* Hon ia one of tho mothods of doocption daeidod npon. Of eourse thc national litk.ta will hear the nanios of ncither of tho candidatos, Grant or Greeley, but of thc eiectors. By tho law tho saino tieket a ninst contain tho Btata nnd rounry tickcta; nnd it il the purposc of tho Grant Ropublicaua to iniploy Demooxati to na la their bttotcat, iu tha hopa thal a few thevaaad Daaaoerata may thus bc ileliidcd mto votin.. thc GlBBt clect oral tickot. Wc want to know thc BMM ol every Democrut who hirea for thia sei vicc. -? Ono of tho most exciting incidonts of thc early days of th? Franco-Prussian w;ir waa tha di.Hi].|M>/trunce aud Mppooad cy.ture or doath of Mr. Eduiond About, JJut after aome dajl of Buspcnso tho brilliant writor came huk to Paris with storioa of hairbrcadth ?scape.s which compensatcd for .'ill hi.s atiflcr inps. Ho haa ajrain come into promi nencc, but whether his iuipriaoninent by tha Prussiiin auth>.riUes iu BtcaaBOVf ia to l>o couBidcrcd ono ot tlio alooiog acta of thc lato war or ouo of tho MBaea of tlic ncxt war tho BBQBBl wID show. At all (ve:ita it can scarctly bo cousideicd pood pol? icy to shut him up iu prison. Hia wit, BBd c.o.]ueneo would not ba haif as ct.ei tivc in keepiag tha spirit of French lojaltj alive in Alsace, if ho wero freo lo comc and po aa tliey wi!1 bc when they have th" addod MBO tiori and of a inartyrdom for thc aakc of hia conntry and hia raco. It is now hinted that the lato aoggeatton l.y n tam Ward Cluba of tho nanie of Senator Jiiiiua O'l.pien Bl ? caixiidato fop Mayor WM t.iioiisly intended. Aud it is claimed by hia frieada that tho BepBbliea?a, t_. radproeata foi his support of Ocn. Dix tho Hon. liiincia Kernan, wfll aooretlj -iij.jioit hiia whilc noniiiiating and pwtandiBg to run aome* bodj alaa. And faxther, it ia claimed thal The Xcw-Vork Time*, which is at ooea t!n orgM of Mtnphy and tha ally of O'JJiicii, will iudorse the latter opcnly. Wo do not credit it ; v.e do not want t>. beliBTa that there. ean ba any trnth in bo ridiculoiia a story. Miike ()'Hricn Mayor! It would ba innkm.. trnth of thc fable of Jioi Vmotto barieaqoiBg thc biiilesquc! Our Reform nce.l BOl Btoop to dig ralen froia tha rnira of polities. Thaaietrop olis, dagnded as the Rin0' haa made it, is not qtiito ao low as to i-.nteinpl.'ite tho dc^iatla tion of O'iiiicn aa ita Mayor. Gon. I-anks has very pithily aaid that tho lato Administration CBBipaifll iu Maiuo was a conspiracv afaiaat pablio opiaion. How mo ueaaful waa that conspiracy thc world now knowa. A correftpondeiit of Tni*. TsiBUHB, whoM lattci is alaawhere pobliahed, girM us soinc inaight into tha naaMI and modes of thc scheme by whith Maine waa carried for the Grant ti.kct. Tha delails aru not iinnicr OM; they may be .umrned up in the *word? money. Ot eourse, tln-rc wa_s ^tcrroiism aud other rnefn? to utrencthen tha plot apainst populur (ipii.iou; but BJluloaalc brilx-ry WM the moat trusud aagtee. Tlio story is one oi iaap ttagnM aad ahaaaa. Wa wyplo ment it with a more ahoatfBl IV-NUBd of tha tield aa it now appeais to a thOflghtfol Lib? eral. He presents a plauaiblc case wlnth may bc put tlius: All of thc Giedey lni-.'i duLjiot vote for Kimhall; tho fofIW,HII who liOiiKhf votes for theniK-lves in BoptOBlbei will not b-.iy them a^ain for Giant in Novcmb. i. Thal is the whole CBaa, and if our Meada in Maino will head the advico given, they may provo in N'oveniber thu ;wx;uracy of the di.i^ nosis. And tho wholc aaofaigB haa ita j, liiiii (1 laaaoa lor othaa Ktatoa. Mr. J. R. Jones, Minister to Cclgiuin, hM wiittena lettur, whith we j.riiit tlij? ypunbmg, ? , i-.-i'. Ihil.c.H'k, oue ot tha I'lTHidciit's See ? -, to aaj ihat it was not thc Bwediah (dloiiy laad which ha eonviyed to the l'r.-i ilelit, but u traet of aOBM 11 __B-M BBM CUMgOy v. hieh Mr. .Jonea had bOBfhl ol Ut. Hhennan. He BBji alao that GOB. (irant paid him thc puiehuse money for this land, BlBOBBt?Ig to | littlc ov.-r 111,0-0, lle doaa not BBJ, lioucver, whethei th. r. i. any trnth in tba atBBMMM oi lhe Imoago Whmt that ba re.ol.1 a por tiun of Oui. Orant's land foi the ful! :tino:iiit of tha origiiial pnrebaaa biobbj, and _ent the PreMiiltiit tiiat stim a hhort time bafeM he waa appointcd .Mnu-t.r to Ileljfiiiui. If thi.i in nt Ifl tiuc, ,'i.(l ,'.. Iii',1 DO i to doubl that The ChiCQQO TrfbuM* CBB hu l? Kiniitia-c it, tlic only .11. cl ol Ut. JoBl ' l.lici _b tl.c i_iri-i__tiori of BB nriirnport.inl. irror, which docei uot Lofol the e.'iiii.d poiui of tue c__>c-_he iiaiUn ir.lili) of tho Pro?id-_t und J,?,- I .?- ? *? Mr. Jone* ln a upecnlation vrblrh Mr. JoncB raado bighly prolitablo to Gon. Grant, and reoolvod aa bia reward then. for tho Ilelgian miasio:i. Wo havo said a do_en time* beforo that wo bopo to aeo tho Pnviident clearod from ttiia impuUtiou. Hut, eo fur, thia haa aot booii donc. TO Mll. LYMAN TUEMA1N. Tho Uepiihlioan candidate for .N.ngreiwman it Large in this Btata ia announeod to ape.ik this evming in our city. Tho Grant, oratora have expeiidotl most of their ohnpicnee so far on the rcal or flo titious rceord of their op P0--Mt-| and na thoy have not, yet been toiised to the iflftgM of lhat amnscment, we purposc piitting n few inquirios to Mr. Lyinan Tre main in cosc ho ahould yiold to the prcvailiBg leinptation. Our queationa relatc tirst to Mr. Tnniain'a own record, nnd next to what Mr. Tremain haa aaid about tho reconl of I'roai dent Grant. And wc want it to ba utidcrstood that we ahall insist upon straightfoi ward an awcra. ln tho oarly daya of the KeMlion, was or waa not Mr. Lyiniin Tremain, like Gen. Dix and aomo other late but luaty patriota, what his irieiiils are now calling a pronounced See4'Kaioniat*f Did or did not Mr. Lyman Tremain. in the Do.mocratio Sl-ati- Convention of Mtt, <''*rrv such Kditiineiita to siirh ? leiigth that tho Convention rofnaed to follow Umi Dld or did not Mr. Lyman Tremain. on tho lat of Febtuary, 1861, uttcr tlio IW-OWiBg h.n gnaga in a puhlic apooahl "I wish t? say " that, traitoroua though it may I*', 1 MMl "beroto oppose tho policy of war with the "gOttth, now, heitafUT, and for.vci ! lhat "varioa war tfB-Mt our brelhren, a war " 11111111 vo..rr....ntrymoi., tliose "nnitedwi.h you l.y all thc ties of ...11*111 " guinity, by all the wcmo.iiH nnd tMdiOOBa ? of tho paat, byev.rything that can tondto " atreagtbao aud aeaaatt and bind thc people "of tho North to tho South. . . . . Hia " that now I am prepared lo take the " responaibility of aaying I atn resolved to " resiat it ban and to icajat it cveiywhcre. " ' And il that ba treaaon, make the aaoat n lt. "If aft4:r all negotiations, we lind wc have "rca.hcd that point WO of the North ean no " longer aay to our bi.thren of tho South, nor "thc south to tha Kottb. in tha laagaage ol " Kuth ti. Xaonii, 'Whifher thou go.-st I will '"ro, and whcrc taoti lodgaat I will loilgt? '"thy people .hall he my people, and tby God "?my God}1 if, I, tve havoXfBehod that "point in MI ln.-tory, evcii then 1 WOOld say, " ' S'.an. tha b-ood <>f my brathiM i ht bi part "'inpeace; poa****hh} baPOPrnPi this Ctrnfidcrtu-y? " and no part of thc rcsponsihility ahall rcat " on us." WM orwas not Mr. Lyman Treniam one Of thOM whom Oaa. Dix denounces, yet. nf whom QOB. Dix was one himself, who believed in tm and UU that peaccable Kipaiation was bcttcr than war! Havinp answered the-e rptcstions, nnd shown how from a Boeeaeiofl Daaaoent M beeaaaa a Hlraight I.cpublican, Mr. Lyniin Ticinain la raqoaatad topoMon to hia expetieBoee 11 ? Liberal Kt-publican. From the origiu of thc rcform movement, iusidc the party uutil a very few weeka ago Mr. Lyman TreataiB was one of the sevcrest criiicsof tlic iiialalniini-t.atioi. of Prcsident Grant. He dOBOBBBBd in very bitter laagvage tha policy bj which tha Pr.a dent haa shattcr.d tha Ucpublic-in pariy iind alienated its mo.-t distingui.-hed and .li-intci citcd aqpporten. Ro Repablieaa, exeepl per haps Chaiiea Sumner and I'.nl S.-tiuiz, hascen ntred tlic eourse of the lteptiMican antho.itics at Wasliington wilh nioio fkoodon tliiin Mr. I.yinan Tremain. DttM ha r-till bold tha BBBM opinion Of (itant that he hcld a bw moutlis agol Mr. Lyinan Tremain in l renut poblic speech severcly rel.iiked Prcsident Uraut lor his invidioas, tinjii<l, and inipolitic distinc tions belwc.n llie two \vin_rs of tha Hepubli ean partv in this Slatc, und liis failure " to "liarrnonize contlictin:-,' intensts.'' Fs he still Of opinion the l'r:-i>l.nt " .hoiild not " have niiiile war witli OM 1" giatify tha " other"f Mr. Lyiniin Ti BUtifl in the BBBM IpOOeh d> clared that the "aiipointiucnt of sucli a man " M Tom Murpliy to the ('. llcetorship of NV.v " y.irk" was a reftroac- '?? the Adadaiatration which nppointed him. What dOM Mr. I.wnaii Trcnlain OK] to tiiat ap[.o:ntmcnt nowt Mr. Lyiniin Tictnaia ihcland that Mafter "the invesligalion nlativc to tlic Custoin "hooaa torealed tba rattoBBaaa ezlatiog _ Iha " B__agi nn nt of its tttbin* the Preeidenl "ccrtainly oii'.ht to have ivniovcd'' Mr. Tlioinaa Mtiruhy " at onee, and that without "giving liiiii liiich a j.ul.lic indo..-cincnt M hc "did altcr he was tinally icinovcd." Does Mr. Trcniain still admit the rottenness of the Guatom-hotise, and ia he still .iu.lignaiit at the Proaident's i.ul.lic comiilcinlation of tho dcliu quent CollectorT After exhausting his reconl M a Lib.-rai. Mr. Lyman Ticin.iiii is lcnuc^tid to enli^hten us on tho cireumstaneea of his rcconvcrsion. Why did hc givc his synipathy to the LfbetB. eaoae l.ntil tha ava oi thc Bepoblieaa Btata Convention . Was hc insinccrc. two inonths ago, or i.-- hc in. inccie now . Shall w.- follow thc Ticiiiiin of .liily or thc Tr. inam of Bep tcinber t One of tho two miist bc a humluig. Which is it . Now, Mr. Tiemain, tlierc lias been shuflling iiinl falsc pretciis:- (ii'iu^h in thia eaiupaigti, and we inteinl to hold you to a httict accoiitit. \>iO have a gOOd many thJBgBtoOiplaJB away l.cforc you can dcccntly attack other people, and tho lgh the job will be a DfBttj ln iv\ one wt iiiiiiu thai you ahall BBdecl ike it. TWEED dE A GBAXT "EEPOEMEEJ* l.a-t l'.il!, Mr. .f .mi s O'l'iiii-n, hstiag hiena day late in inaking his ariBllgBBMBta with Auditor Watsoii, l.ut hitving ;:i rBBged ji.cuniary inailcis uiih Mr. W"i 11 i:am M. Twccd, boit. upou ua as ? full-blo\.n " Keloiiiict,''?gieatly to the a-loiii-.'niieiit of akcptical old fogics like ouischcs, \\ho had sniall faith in tha < lops ol giap. s ginerally picked Iroin tIii^t 1 ?*:-. We piiipose lo ahoU that Mr. Wiii. M. TwOOd If I-.s.t.ving llie BBBM BBoeaaafBl i"l.-. Bul iir>t \tc baaten to priul thi- lettec fioin tha coaoaal loi bia proaecn* tiou | To ihr HdtUr nf The Trtbunt. BfVl I in.tli-1. lu your |..i|Hr nf tlil. a niii.iu.-iit timt Att.uli.'. ... i? i.i Bariow haa praaaaBBl tn try '1 _<?<?.1 an.l ..ilii-m m i, u_d M luiiiiuitMii Bl >iiitii,l ruuiurs lliut tlic li lal w.m il. fi. i..| h, , aaaaaaof aaaaa -BtaaBiar^gNaaBaal batwaaatha Rlag* a..,| .J.-n. Msfl |.?l|t|, ?l f, 1,.,,,^. J' me t"*:.v tlmt I kui.wtl.c rutuury,,,, tliu. ...? nti.u, tn bBBttaril Kitlimii f.i.iii.latlot.. flen. Ilnrlow p$m0 i . -..!?.., lui.lduiia l.ol i...w].ropoae U. U._*._iny |M-rH.,?M pari ... IkflM Uitlt ... li, tbo i.rui.a.utu.n of the,,, Iii. i.tiirr j.iii.iir iiui),.| aaajroaa bia .att. Dtton. II. haa .iiiitl, tha rnanaKeim-nt of BBBBfO ru>*.lf """ ' : *nh iii.',uii(l hc lm, ii,,,, ,?,. ? " aa i.i* luo.t .nrir.'iit aaalra lhal tha i ? ? .ixi witii nt taa < aiiii.t poaaibla I I. i yi.u iiiual hfl iti.aUki ii iu aaym^ t^.t ho iitnii,li.-.. ... iry il.e i___um h, h. iHinl^r. It "A>?a _-..ii BiUeii.-'J V> Uy t_.u> m b_,unaiH)tt bnt, at tha Oyr-r snil Trrmlnrr In Ortorver. _Tum*n1y apeBklnf., ymirwr-lTPa mui tho piibllt. may rr ly upon tbeir ln liif t ll. II 11 i.-.l. I know Oen. Itnrlow well; I know that ho _ moateani rvt uml detenvintMl in hia t-fi'ort to brliig U-e*- itwii to Jitstloe, nnd 1 know thnt he la afniply Inr.ip.-ihli. of bf ing & party U> any atiri. bargain aa that Intlmated in the rninnrB to which your articln of thi- moniint; refrrs. Ykuw trnly, _L ffOOU-. Hew-York, Vn. M Wall lt., rVpt. 17, lUT-. Wt are to havo Mr. Tweed tried tbflfl in O.IoImt, not Bflfljtoflflbflf. hut aro to havo the trial without fail. Wfl __H_D ffft Qflfl* B_B> low iinds a warm defendor in Mr. l'cckhim, aa is nat.ural aml ri^lit, Hut thia Rentleman iiinst know thlt tien. llarlow's poliUeal ._-.ocia.C8 have heen takintf stranso Hba_> tiias witli his namo; and that tho baaflflf fl the Grant peopie for tho paaa two woeks that thoy were fotag to carry Now-York City havo beea dircctly connectod with their conlidonce in thfl active ..olitical coopcration of Twecd nnd (Viirit-n-l.lona hoth, who, if law had rciilly rc.sumed her sway in New-York, would ho flecinR from tho peniten tiary instc.d of manajriiif? a l'rcsi licntiul raiiv;u*M. IVrhaps it is too lato to brinj? Mi. O'Brien into tho prisoner's dock. It is not laa Into for Mr. Tweed, and wo promiso to watch tho caae. Mcantirao wo call tho atten lion of thc conntry to this man's attitudc. 1. Thicf thoaffh hf i_. iindtT indictint-nt for -Olfflflf] villainy, he finds tiine for politioal inanipulations. 2. He pnhlitly honors us hy BfhTJfl disap jiroval of Tiik T__-__T_t_ pohtical conrse. 3. He annoiineos lhat tho aaflflttfla of whflffl "his iullueucc" is to >.o in this fffapjiga is to ho flflttiad hy "thc way he is __ffl,tod.<l 4. Havinjr.a.- he thinks, found ot.t.he ____U__f> waj bejiniis to work for Grant. Just heforo tho latfl fjiaat Oiaeley in Unioi.-squarn Bfl vin.ti tfl many of his personal and political fricalda. BlgiBg thflffl tu take BO paft ifl thfl mflctbuj. and ta Itaap their -rtaadf _rom at tflndtflff it, and _J.pfflflf.Bg the hoffl that it would provu a failuro. AflMflaf lo whoni ho addressed such letters ifl ineutionetl the. namo of Jtistiee Coulter. 5. That all thfl BflffOflf whom Mr. Tweed can iiiflin iici', haapOj now a Hinall nuniher, are, to-day decideilly and aetively for tho rc ilt'i-tioii ot C"ii. (.raut, if estahlishi-il hy in eontestalile evidi-nei-. ?In short, Mr. Twflfld thinks so well of thc Hort of iifiinii Mr. O'l.rien bflgafl last Winter, that hf hai molvad oa the _______ roie. Wfl mvite espceial attention to the oll'.irts ho made to aiil Mr. ______ Murphy and his otbflf bllfiaflff and politifal fffOrrlatflfl liy tryintf to l.i-4-p Pi-inorrat-. away from f Grecley meet ititf. For onco wc havo occasioii to tendcr bia our heaity tlnii ks. rREBBRICBBBURO WIT1WUT A FftllJT. Wfl lind thfl iaC-Oafd in The Seie-York Times ol JtawllllfJ. deacriptive of thc psoudo-heroic Convi'iitiiips at PtttfbaffJB: "t;.-M. B?raaafa wa-. aaaaaaaal at tha Kaaaaaaaala IIi.tiH.', to nlKht, by tl.r- (iu Worit Club of Wmliiii-ton, ui.l ,.l ;i lat.-r liour bf tht . I._i.._i:.iu-w-tt I iii-l.'Kiitliili, atnl Mllll liti-r l.y ft liK-.-.l (Irant Clnli. Ha uppciri-il flfll tlin |.,ili-..tiv, I.i i T ilit iitn'.l tn Bpaall furttior tliau ta thunk thfl Clata tat thalf aaaaattMaala io buu. Oaa. Bartraart ami achan aaaa aaDai aal aai aaaha karh lf. Oaa. uumaiiip baa baaa tath l tauktamlj t<> Buaaa aa bu?ut?a, anii will leave hero to-ino-Tow at tnlilnlght." .i.v E1ABPLR TOR BEBET CLEWB TO TOLLOW, Somehow a jrn-at many knaves ff| nn thf Grant RepabUeaa Btato Caatral Coia tnittoefl. W? it-daai find fajthiag to oom nn mi ia tln ir eoiidiirl, but we are frflfl tO tfj thal Iliiny P. Panowtthfl pfaaaat Unitatl Btotofl liisiiiit-AHoint-y for thfl Btato of QflOlfi-i and (hiiiriii.'in of thfl _tffa__U_-fB Sl.ite C.-niral (Dnimiltee, hai set nn eaaiaplfl whieh de Iflnrai tfl bfl < M.-nsively followed. Mr. I'.iiniw, harlai beefl ladietod oi two lapaiata ehaiiea ul fi-luiiy aml " withhnldiii:' flMafflJ bfllOBflBfJ ?* to tha Etato of (_feocgia,M baa aetaaDj paid into thfl Tr.-.i.-iiry of aajd Btata thfl siim of tlinr hunilird dullarg, whieh tho Trea.siirer nnd roiiliollei-t.eiitial neeipt bf as " l.istiliition "money.'' Wfl have a notion that, with tln ai,l of proper pi-Caadiagf i" thfl conrts, Heiiry ciews oi th.- Oraal Btata Bxecat.?. Comnut tt-e, aud lisial a.-ri-nt of the Qflitod Btatofl Ofl~ erameat in Loadon, rloe Baiiag __othflff dis plaOCd, l.r.)lial>ly, ff -M-Bf Iflflf patnotie ffld reaponaible, nm'ht bf pfltaV-adfl- to i.-llow Hr. TarrowV examph . Mi. t'lvu.s, it will 1).- riineml.eieil, was liiiiiiiiial ageot of tho Btato ??f GkaorgU. Hf iin.l the ali.-.ondeil i:tipt't-b.t^'^tr, Gov. IJul loeJr, aml l.iilloek's other jiartni-r in crime, llannihal .1. Kimhall, Wflffl intervstt d in " d. vi-lopiiik'" thfl liiilroad sysli-m of GrOOrgh Tlny had f.'imd an old railroad, fiom whiefa tho inm bad beea iemnved d-Qtiflf tln war, antl DOM of them Wflffl slow to ?Of thfl posisilnlities ol thfl Hitnation. Tlny s:tw that hy flpprapriata lfl_i-_-t-aonl hy " itdditioii,, aml ___?m,e," tO OOOto thfl expii'Hr-ive WOrdf af the Chairmaii ol Ciant's rennsylvaiiiii Committee, aml hy hohl and Btroag Btealing at thfl end, _m __-_fw_di ffld Aliiany Bailroad a_ight bfl flaadfl of ff _f__h intiliey valin- to tltrin lis the New (,oiirt-hmi.--e hflf heen tO Twflfld nnd his ^aii^r. The Bflflflfl M_7 1. -ri.-lali.ii w.ts prepared in N*i\v-. mk itml paahad thro-ghthaflflgro at-dflflf-wwag i.e^i lilnii- hy bribflqr, The MUB of |-MWa mile ?raa rotod oal of thf Btato Txmtmtj to do WOfk whieh shiuld not have 00ft ^-0,000, even had it bflflfl thoroiiu'lily tlone. Hut it was nol thoiou-hly ihnie. The railroad WM uot Mft ior a trnin to paflf OTflt whafj thfl raa t-ally contrai-i.tts h-lt it. Hi-nry ( l.-ws had heen promised a sharo iii thf ron.r.i.-f..i -' profltf, ao hf lid BOthii-ff. Ho. only this, hut just hefore thfl thiet, Jiiill'jck, alueutided it was fouud that thflffl hfld bflflf. an fTflf>i__NM ..I bOttdfl, aiiit.unliiiK to ijl/JCO.OOO, represonteil hy itirthiat ia Um ihapfl of nflfoad. Whara DpOfl Ihilloik and Kimli.tll lailfoadfld theiii aajfflfl out of thfl roiinlry. t'lev.s n ni.tined to pcotoi t tln- baaiaefla Laten Wfl bag thfl nadff to -fld-rftaad thal wa art- iml fl__dflg raiiilom chargfla. Thifl uhiilt niiiUi-r of the BnUMwick and Alhany rohhery h;is heen thoTooghlj tflYflfltigattd hy f Com mitteeiif Um Qaargia Lef^alatnrfl. Ii iffhowi hy thfl HWi.rn ttsiimoiiy of seveial witnesses, aml hy a lattflf writtiu hy Mi. ClflWI linn.-i-li, thal he knt-w, iiiuii tho aaa of tha Btato I ii i-iiitT, and trflflfl othi-14 eqoally trustwor ;!iv, lhat the Ixunls he was ?elliiik? were Iraudii 1. i.i ; ffld il if i'laiii IV.iiii ln- ..wil lifl-piflg atli das iis that hf kinw bfl waa deaUoa; \\ ith BCOUn driis whaa bfl ffoflarlftcwl hmi-.-li with Bal l.ii-I. nnd Kimliall. II.| kn.-w lli it thfl lawa wiiirii wflfa pal through t!i" Qeorgia !.. "-i-l itiire hy hriheiy, .-iml as it is fmrln-r ehaigad fl Clowt_ i_Mtif-t-MBi wfltadflviaod to fat ililate iiilihi-ry. Thfl Ifl-OIld af thflffl aotf depfired thfl Btata I-flM-Btflf of i ti_al whieh rightfiilly bfliO-gfld to him, l.eeaii-.- he w:ts an h.inest ui.iii atnl WOald BOt hi^tii boadfl for miles of railroiul which exlsteil only in Ihi ima(.iiiatioBfl of QlaWf- di-liuleil rii.ii.nieis. vVbara is his iiiiViisoT What little bfl baa to r.iy in mttiK-tion of tbe aentohoe whieh u ^uiy o( AtuoritMu cituous uiay buhjoct hiui lo, J ho may Ivo ronorvitig for u?e at that time. Wc refrain from following Uiw mitiU'X furlher <? who knows that Mr. Clows may not be de sigmMl, in caao Grant hucximmIh in graaping that se-ond term, to MMBOd Mr. Hnutvrcll aa custotlian of tho eighty millions of .money aaid to bo OM tai ued by tho U. S. Treasuryt At preaent he i. ouly cuatodian of tho Adminia tration Campaign fund at home, and of tho (lovemincnt bBJBBOaa and credit abroad. FACE THE IIEC01W. Mr. Oakefl Atw-n di nics. Nothing is raoro naUiral. Tho man accused of bribery always plcads uot guilty; aud, whenever ho is haif a gradeu abovo an idiot, he ia sure, if guilty, to have covercd hia tracks ho well that nothing is harder than to provo him so. Hut thia is ?<>t a caee for nc w spapcr doniala; but for sworn tostimony, under rigid cross exam ination. Tbo charge. aro not thoso Of a nev.ii papcr. They are transeripts of legal peillll ings, document. proved in oourt, and sworn testiniony, . ifted by opposing lawyers. rl hey are not lairly met Ly tho inevitable plea ot ".Not Guilty ;n they can only bo mct by rebut ting U-atiuiony of equal woight. ?llore for iuatauce is ono of Mr. Oakea Ames's lcttexs. It waa produccd in Court, in his own handwriting, scnitinized by opposing lawyers, swoin to and admitted as evidenec : Wabhinotok, JhII. Vi, l*"*. n. 8. M-CWB, IBf. ITaarfflri Yonrs of tbo 23 1 isat haaa, lu MliicU you tay S^nator-i liay.ird aud Fowlor have written you ln relation to tbeir stock. I have ?pskaa lo Fowler, but not to Hayard. I have, Ot tPOt b.-en lattsMati to liayard. but will see liim __aa_ "Vou My I muat not put too inuch in ono locality. I havo aa (?iKiniil ao far aa I have tfven to-four frotn Mawachu. aatttn; aaa from N'o-H itiii.nlilirc; one, Delaware; one. XMaaaaee. ibiaalf Trf?ti twa, NaaaytfaalBi aaa,Ia diana; one, Maine; atid I liavo three to pla.c wl.irh I . imii put wh, _0 thajr wiii d.i aaael paoi t? .... i um haaa oa tha Kpot. "ii'd c_u bctterpatKO wliero tbey sbould go. 1 think alter tlii.i dividend U paid wo chould make our rapl'.al 14,000,000, nnd dlstribute tho new stock where lt will protect us. Let them have tbe stock at par and pru'ltn ninde tn tho future. The 60 per cent lncroaae on tbe old stook I want for dl.trtbution here> aud -oon. Alley la opposed to the (tivlHlonl of tho Imnrts, aay.i we will need, &>*., Ac I sbould think that we ouRht to be -blo ta BBlia them witb Alley aud (Jinco ou the Finauce Cotn mittoe. Wa BBBl '-o bo thia to btOOW whon we bad no tmiilt aM llaarla fllBBlBgJ weare now out of debt, and n sood crcdit. What say you about the bond div.deud t A part of the purcbiw-ers boro are poor, and waut their Ll.I. tl llll ll pnt" -*"- -" "aat tholr paywent on the stock in tha C M. I have tol.l tbem what they would prtaa UllUlBBB, and they expect I tblnk-wlieii tho boiidB the part..-. naal-M aa the H-) pere-nt dtvldctid, wo better kivo them tha bOB?_. It will not amoiint to any tiiiu.wiii. iik. aa?aoftha laaaa OaUatowtUaaAaaot wli.llici- tlu-) MfB tbo boiidsorartiflcatea, or they will i.ii.i than beaaa to tha Oaaapaajr.a* l,u'>' uav" ***** *** i.,r.?, ..r laa_ Hi-tn money. QuiKley ha* be n OatO, -M wo have got that one-.. nth tbat wa* Uuderwo..?!'.*. I b ive B?aa a lialf, Qi:i_lcy a Tiaitci-, uu.. you a quarter. jadge CartarwBBlaa partatth. hl aaaaa-Btaiaaay we are to gurrender a part to bim. TOBH truly, Uakks AB-8. Ar.d hero is another: W_snu4c.ToH, Jan. 30, isc"i. ir. s. MoOjaJB IBai Bi TeawellMMBIiatMBg, iii.-loniu>.copy ?f l< ttcr fioui or r.itli.r to Mr. Kin?. I Oaart taaa aay In-aatMallaa haaa, ajaal of i)u'a fnuud-4 n:.i> do iu New Y..rk . an't be totilited on wltb any ccuinty. You do not underntand by your 1. tter I have Joi.o aud uui to do witb iny *.ii,H of ntock. You say uioro to N.:w-York. I havo |.i.,i,l aome witb N-.w-York, or ba\e aK.ueUto. You iiitiMt nuii-iiilH r iliiit it .mi m-iirly all placed an you aaw .ni the ?rt ii. Baa Terk, aud thaea was uut 6 or. m for !.,.? io phBMa I aaaM uot ?lvn uli tbey waiite.l or they D-tfCht want out of tbat. You would not want BM to offcr laaalhaa oue IBM_bM IM) t'> any one. Wo allowed DafBBl U> P?ea 161,000 to BaaM tbrco or four of his friends, or k.op it blm.aelf. I bave used th.? whero it will produi.' ttaOt t*a* 18 ti-, I tl'itik. I:, m'v of Kiiu.'.i 1 "tt.T aud W_.libiirn'4 tn rtt 0010, I K? in fir mukiiiet ?uo hlM dividend in fuli. Wt IBB BB it Mitb pcrfect nafciy. I und'Tritand tlio affaatBOB to it aaaaaaftaa aii. y. Balaaatha Haaaaa(Xfaaltfa^ aM .au rS?B liioii'-.v 8BBJ il we. BhSTl, VBBB, 1 "I" Bl iii, aud if wedo woriia loau our BBBB. MI tli.'C.iiip.iiy "ilo.ti tl.em tbe t:i.ii'*y we icet for tho ,. ? ealla M Iha aifMaB, ami ! . Wii.'ii -tii-.i. I .-?? v.iii iu Wa.-:iiii_'"n I Your-. tnl|y> OAKE8 .'.MM. 'J lie following is in peneil on the Ami-s letter : Oakaa hmatft l.nt ol uauie.*, a-Hbown to-day to nio for Cr.-llt Miili.liii, i?; BBIaaa-Bilaa. JOM Klu.t lIuuekaaBBa.3<m patutuaatHta-Hamfai ,.,,. M*.-__?'i_atiu. I.BBI Wllaoa. U._a...'l.-ai-4ta. ?. -'."??' ro.l.i. ie.:ae__>e. Al?*' PaiBtardk-i.). lorUa<l*r... ' ?:.??. b'u.'ti... .Uau*_OarU*.J,U..r*. -,-UU Kcui.t.1 ?i_l K.o.lcy. l'*? ca.ii 2,?*)| lutiarial: Oibbi Annt Jaa. 30, IM8. A penerul uewspaper dciiial docs not wipo out tbia reconl. When Mr. Am.s is put on tha st.intl, ii will then bo for him to IWOBX tO an liiierpretalion of it contrary to thal to Whiefa t'ol. McLonib has alroady sworn. POTNT8 FOB TBE DIX AND TEEBAlh OEATOES, Ggg, nix's mtmrrnoi ot a o___-Mdati who i AN.v.T I'.K BUPPOBTBO. fnim rv-.. ;>.>?, taBar -.b8bB Wwmm MaaBa, oaa* J?i. -". aBt "If you had been familiar with tlio eoOBM of iny puhlic Uie, and euually so with Mr. Giceley'., you ,'oul.l not have .iiippo.-oil ?.o capable of mlvoiaitiK bl.4 ? to tlio otlico of I'rusiiiout of th.'Uiiitcd MahM imputiiiK t? ni'' BB Bttae abaii.IBBBMBI ?f all Po Lti. al prmtlple. I atu oppoao.l lo Mr. .jrmley [? ? ? ? ",-,. Baaaaaa _a_M_ar_aathaarel thaaaaahry'apartl, when a traitoiou* couiblnatiou bad boen forme.l to ovor ttnow Iha i.ov.-rntni'iit. he ope.ily couniele 1 tbe cow uniiv ii.i.irv al Boa-raaUtaaca. aaia aa aoauleaaaaea la tbe >ii--..i H...U of tba I'lii.i. when tUo Cottou Butaa ?hould tnaka u;> then- mta lt t>) ei '?" WHY CA-ii.ll.ATfc* DIX CANNOT BE Sll'I'ORTED. a. Utf. IB M '. When the painful initli sliall h.tvc Corood Baalt aa IM eaavtettea tiiat our aaaaaaB biaiaaraaod . u i.f m i ii._> r ui iintiiiu.'.i in tha iniittiiit BonBdaaaa la whleh Ua whal rBlaaoaaatau laawari, when raaanclll all,,:, |Ball 1.tin- li..p''l.'*.4,au.l it .ball be iiiini>st(wliich may (iod fortudl) that our future patha tuu*t Ha WBla apart, let u* do aii tbal baaOBBM laaaaaahla BBBl ta break the fuivi- of so iraal a ealaauty b\ depar_n? ln paaoa. ! M'tii.'iul'.'i tbat wc iiaVi'piil.ll.'obllKiIloii-iiit home aud abioa.l, 0 lii, li. for oiu- ...o.t uaii.e. iuu*t not i.o tl, . i.ouote l?tbat wa BBtragreBt lBtaraata wtthla nnd wtth out-on tha ".-. un, la out cttiea aa I tawaa, iu obi widely exteoded lntcrnal improveo_-Bta, in our ti_iil* an.l at .un aiaalilna abitib tnunt not ba iBaoaataarataly bbO ilj -. iili.-eiil. If, .iiiil.-rv.iliniiK Iha .:!>?.' '..'.iii of our pr.'.-p. litt, we can nolongeroonaent toeBjoytttn comui. n, I.'t u-i un i.i'; wh u wa j ' ?'"? "'"' b ind and wiiat wadi ? '? ?,!"' K'.' the in.i.i.-t taa world haa aaaa Ii .? th.? l.orroraot clvil war ami Iha dagmdBttoa of laaantal iUenaU," frum Otl. l)t_-1 Speerk .* Chij-t Intrttuti in bWM. " If the Sjuthciu ".tates, nfter calm ddib .ratioii, an.l att.r carofully aaaatd_f_0| -t.\[ bt _c._.i. queBcaa. bad aaaafag, wtth tha bobbbbI ot taa othera, .i:i,i atiiU a full r_cognltl_n of tbeir reaponslbHItT to il.e I'uiv". t? withdran (Maceablr tron It. tbere aro inaur Of ii* BBOWOOld liive pi-f.-rrcl noparation to ih:I war." \\iiv rvM.ii.Arr. niKMAiv OAIKOt ui: s.f rouii.i). ft .n Mr. TrmtMni tyt.-A _l Afxuy, Fe.. 1 1WI. ? 1 wish to s.iv thai, UmitoroM tbOBgjtl il .-, I |UM I.i" to OBfBM lb.) pollry of w.irwi'.li tha s.iitii aaw, aaaaaOBB. an.l Mwwarl lhal war tt Baa_aal oat laalhraa i varaaalaat foafaaaattyaMM, a ? ii ..,'il.iit tlio*.- iiinteil wltb you bv ull tb. BB8 aCaa_r< *.iD^'.iinity, by all tba tui'tii >r..'i a:i l traditioni ?f tho t.i.t. i.v evi-ritliin.tiiat aaa tea I to atrenrtbea ?i nu:,.i tu. I.-..1.,.....'i...N >rthtotli.-i-...ntti. , tl,.- w.u rou ai-'l i > tnitut,' ander a cry 1..I..1 ... :m tbe w. . . ',N ' ?***' Infdown; tha CouatttaUoa muat ha ptaaatvaa aud tuo 11_ i aaal ba eaBBtaaeV ....... ?? |'.i?- k, utl. u.eti.l .li-airi'to-iytUat If tbe cifl.M ,.f oui i.. ,.v.l. .H.iitry ara w ivb aawk. >l ll oar ilournhlu. ...,.? .,,;,. iiil iraata '?'?? . ru d.d. n.i um. ? .,r m.i i.'-m are lo be ueroa iiii.n ibe BBalliaa, lerttle flelda i ..1 plan-atl.tu of Iba land Iftheaoilol ifala alortou* Bepunlic I. to lee .?riii.-.M... d wltb tbe blood ol Iboaa uiui.-l to m by ali tha n,? tbal bln.l nu n tofetbei !' the awa .1 uotci of i.i ? ami t..o t.ui-v b.iui >.r induau. muat ?l\.-. war to the ln. .1.0 loundaol war, to tba irroai.a of tbe wounued and dylna and tbe waallnu an. UmeutaUon ol wnlt.wa ami orpuaua. nuvde anch by tbe eraat havo. ... I.> war, I would have uo raapeuaibllit) ' ?' ihiaatatool t.m.. luit on mv ahou ?? i ia> u, i. n>- i..,i onlj no rcponBlblllty ... ti.t*, i>ut JEI V * ? , i ."?!!? ?.wlh' Hrtifi'd 1.1 M_>IU) ot ? nn .,;.;i.._i'i-i'i. ..ii-i ?? ' lual oui . u.. IV..1 <. "ln. ?Mi.>.i.iii li. ii now l .u. |* in.. I to tn eti- Ibi i ,i i|. i i.i i .. || le i , ..,, .i.i.i i . .1 i i iMiuic. ' Aud ll lhal bv U*ci__u, UUi.0 U.o uile.1 o( tl.' " MUSIC AND TUIS DHAMA. MUS1C. AN r.VKNIl.0 <>V WAOMF1I. Mr. Thcodoro Thomaa gave L_.t niffht at tba fVi.tial Pa>fl Ofl?flfl a B_Bf-8_?B-fl dn.'iUi'I l x. lualvclf ti) the woi ka of Kir.hard W_.ner. It wa* partly a Uitouia to a t omjioflcr of whom Mr. Thotnaa la tho Atncrloaa lutorpioti-r andone of tho BBflflt iatalllfl-al aad ippre-** ttve of Btudnnta, and partly tho prelude of thr- f-rtna-Uoa af a Wagtxtr Verem whlih wi-dI-o be colobrat-wl, Ular ln tno cvrn.nK, at a bamjuot ifivcn to Mr. ThoD-Bfl and MB compaa-ma by u few of bia |hs.iio__1 aud p_t>fi_8?a_a_ Maaa_ Tho onrort, however, not only fnlflllo _ ttirae ptirponr-a, but pnm:d tho or.;_.-<._. of a a.iuowtiflt ra raarkable mualral deniotuitratlon. An Imtncnefl coa roiirae of pfl-fl- I rowdod tho baU aud gardi-n. fontratr to the rSuinmer ttmtttt thoy canie carly. aml ?8t qmnUy ln their Bflatfl UU the ond. 'Tli,;J' **-** llUi' or uo l>co,? Thoy nnthi r flirti-d imr piomonad.d. IhBf ll_teiift_ faiti.fuiiy to tha ujur-ir. in-.- f, aawa tha taw wha trtefl to tulk, aaBBBaaaaai Uie r_.Uliiii.of "poona, and frowne upou taafleareratt1 a _m-ai aaaaaa. tl aaa baat rn*_? ili-nt artiate. and iieurly all our formnont crmno.Miiirfl, were prf-cnt. II waa auch an, ln nhort, >_? any inuMcian mlicht di-liirlit ln. Tln- pruKraninio ..onauttof of tho followiiij; aelo-tlon from WflfMI '* vroikx : I-4KT I. 1. Kalser Miraoh. 2. V'.mpii-I." Irohcngrin? _. Kiue Kaflat Ouvorturv. PART lt. 4. Vorsplol." Dl.) Mi-mtt'P-.'.inT von Niirnbrrtt ? ... V?.r4|iii'l uinl .-.? _-U_fl____.'-'Irintaii nnd I?M?b" 6. HiU dcrVValknreu."BM W__i_un_" l-AKT III. 7. OiaiMia."Tl111ih.l^irw?r,? h Halirl."l_i__J" 'J. IlllldlKalltla MiUH. ii. No praiae can well l>e too atronir, to deacribo thia c k traord.uary Wo have _-._1.v4 of tltn.-t re i-ordud our a.ltniration of tho tlinah. tln- fBJBfl. atid tbe magmin.ent broa-iUi of cxprc-W-on whlr h the Tlioinaa Orchcatra haa atuined ; bflfl li?tni_._Jt it niirpa__tv>d all our prcvioui expo.rieuco. DaftBf ti,.; tflflMMB ti. nn pruvi'iiiciit in tb.. baad haa boen wond'-rful. Tho viollna oripocJaliy havo attalnt-d a wtapmtt fttttK?aa ontin-ly without paruiioi iu Atuoricaii aaaawi laaaaa. pi_> iuk ?* if insplrc- by otio ?-ul aml pyuclit-d hy a niagio liaiul, yet with a truly __v-culluo flriune-_B aii'ifrt-oiiom. Uthtafaraaaaa BtaajraauBa taata wafl full opportuuity to the baM BaflflflBfa?Bu.-ii-e of 8trni?B, rt-ids, i.tiil l.nift.- allhBi Bfl ?eil M UM inmil-ahlo crenC4 iui. wliiili ilr. Tliouiaa hjn udvr UmuKUt U) auch a, laaaartaMa ____. The laat iiualitio.. of the orcheatrai man inoot tonsplcuoua l-vriiapd tu th. un-cicuUflo lintener lu tho Introtluction to ??I_ohi-n_.rt.->" tlvo "Faiu-t" Overture, aud tho supoib IiilroducUin aud Finalo from "Tristau uud laol.l. " tioX with tho WaUuren UxU came a Burpiiae Ux*k uliiouifil taa house. it ha.. novor baaa BtafflBj baM Iwfore. -ahaa Irom P?rt 8ocond of Wauner** great uuflnlshed Trilopy, lt depicts tlio ri.Ia of tha v;U kyri_wi through the air, uiaikiiiK W-h thoir ap.Hr-polnU Ihaharaaa aaa ata to fiii in battio. Tho wii.i. c-rcfl .pmt.jf tiicii-runin la_aai taa baaaajaaaa-aalMaaMfll tii,. BteaaaMt and f.-tst-inatiin. ruovi-mei.t-i ever aaaeaa. It? man ihrth-ataal Wagtmt tamaatmwg allows his lnusio lo ho, )-:t M ll fan._>tic aml w..y w.-rd iii thoii-t dfitree. At ita cloa. the poop'.. Iiu-r.ill> r<ma I., thoir fi-ot and _hout-_d. no BBM for dHi-tlii tfl UM miHic thau for B____-flfl at its cxtrivoi-Jiu-iry, and lt w,-8 repiMtod atntd BlmoBl i-quai aa_tl_aa-aa-- t-uch aaaahaUa Baaaaa-?bMMM aro raro in a flurainor OaaMft Oafflffl; hul laaaad i--t olg-t w-** a" a_aaaBaaaal oc-.-_4ion. n waa Bhowu thon that tho BflMhM of llagaa>_ atmamttm tu Now-York is uiorra-iug rap.dly, aml h._ uow baaMBfl formidahlc; aml lt was t^mwa -1__0 Mr. T'i<.ni-8 h? at laat educatod an auilh-noe to comprchend the moal BbatB-M forui- ef njU8icol cou.po.-.iliju, to rtilish what ? je:u- a_;o would l.ivn tKton th.)U<lit boyoinl tho ciptoity of any hut thfl -... lontiflc few, and to appr4-4.iatc Brhafl il really graml in conception aml in the atrlct ecnan of tha word u.tustic iu o.ocution. It wlll bo 8tran?e aft-^r thia lf, when ho r.-turns MB Wmtor for his mnnthlB Hytiiphoiiy.S.)ir6i;s, hedonotfluii tln _M-_-B V.-1--U aml the tuortt hnlliaiit ol listeuora. THK D11AMA. UMOJ. ttTBAMM THKATKK ?OrKNING NIGIIT? Al.NKS. Liiast ni-ht Wffl a clic. rful ono at thfl Ml camafly thaatw la TfMta na_rT Iaa aaaaa aaaaaaa fi.rtahly tlll.d if nol dcn.- ly UiaW__ ''. nn.: tha aiulil.-rj was one of uuii.iii.illy mtino-tiB| rharartor. In .Hnnt 0? . nn; and rcIlut-Lionr. K Ifl ovnl.nt tti-kt thf ItMB t.i __aeB_ new sUrt fl__M ffai auapuca and wiU aaaiaal asod a_L tthaajlathfl aaaaaa of tMicaaaael tranaition, baaa rclurinsl-.-.l aud a ratcd. The prtv iillni; coKrsati-wliip-, pink, and nol uml thfl air of tho pia4>o I8oh:.i?to and elocant. At pr? vii'iu tttaaa aa haaa un a_-MMfl. the detaiu aaaaai u-8 with the rL-orK'iiuization of tlna tlu-ater, l.oth in IU baaa aaaaaaMat aud it? fn__?11 aaaaaajri aud wi baaa aaflaaBaatIa> bbhmbbb-mI tha nature and dnft af iu rrollcy. It ainii, ln ono word, to I?ke ranl with tho k-diiig th?tters of the caji. Ul. Lar-t ni_rht it itave ns an earnt_i of auoceim. coinuioncinK with a olcvi-r, thmirh ruthca uiiupicvoof oaaaaifi Ba_aaM-aa_f sct, aud, iu aathaf paithmtttm,aetai wtthaa aaaattaaal aaraafluaaaaaa. ? ai-Btta _?_-- unu..u_,t iu rtin.ii-ir t-T.jrt-s o. MeaaM Taaaa "Ajrnes" is tho titio af laa p'?y ihai w-s pr.M-uted, aud Mi.8 Agnoa Ethol piraou.tU-l ita bero.uo; und it ia l<tu MMMl to 8?.to thal notli pUy aml playet _.:.-atly pic-_vd tho api-eiutura. Than waa rum-li appl.nix-, ,m I it w Ifl B ITl '--ly B*_a__l| nt umy U i.i tin', "1 laaaaaaa to ti.u ciiui.r.iou al tha popuUrj \j, tha i int.uii aaa Uftai after aaah af tho mb Batfl tn a__h tho ci.tnt'dy t8 couipri+ed. Pi-.;ple -M i'.k.-ily plearjcd?and that Un vorv lortuiiiit'- clrcuiuatancal for inorilof tlo toln.iupor_r>' urumatiaU. " Aku.-?" il not a pti._u.tion about Wtaah wo lucline tfl writo viry _4-ri.)U->l>. Indi-.d it H Itupontible M iiviml Ihfl ronviction tlionjrlit upmi tlio MBB r.iiiiu onloi af I >t'i?ty playa. that baa ?flatf ?prtinKr up, ll thouBht flRflaaafl. Tho tiiiproiue OflflBrl of tho Uiittoil f-tatt..taM IflanhaBa tamfha pflaaaaM- Mkaawaaaa tlnuir; aml tbo p!;n -___.?!iijt pul.'.ic is cntilled to a porti-ii, at laaati ot u aimilar toilll.-sy. __M Bfl li.ivi.8__ that younjt meii walk about, in thore playw, ta all the u_.uui-8 of pit.-tit !eatlu-r bc.?-~ untl i.i.ick Baaaaaai that gcuu-ei aafafhaaMfB ia ae-thiteil by youiiK la.ili.-a iu all tn mnei of wonderful and suportluoas flouncon and furb; and that tho g.-neral iiuptovilon conveyaf by th. tr b_> 1,1c Is that a ntttnber of ldlots aro hafwfilg MBM con tlnea of adulUty ; we h.k\o i-ptotni/c-.l all tho ___. " Agnea " is a tnuch better plete thau othf r* of tu kind hi!iau-4i it aaBBM frotu the peu of an author who knowi lioth how to constiuct aud bow to wri.i : but IU kmd is _____-_-_. U '~k-i the piiblw attontion to a set of Ctafl-flMtaaaM flr___ -otufl aaapfe BMf laat bMBaaaafra, baa which, t>.ouri.-mte, ,-n-i- uttia aaaaa thaa BaaafaaL _i.n? i^ a Krenchiidy, nnd Stephnx U hor husliaml. uttphen love* a baBaf il.iiit'.f, at tho opvra. aud MffatM to BBffl -tfl. Uer. iamtt. aacwitalflBf bmm la is, aaaalaai uicauneha _B_ i-... ..r.-oiatioii iu a PttTflta _o.i?o, an 1 tl.ui provoiiU hnn fruin loiuuiitttnir adult.iy. _BajBlaMaaa_ otit, hnwever, aud aoaaM h-im'. M-ffMhaM of .t-^w?, and ratii.r tamtamtamt M Ma MaMaaabBaa. BattaaBaaMaa ef -lim<*c_plaiu8 all. and tha ba_MB_ Bad wif,- a.v H> aattad M daaaaatta l-tlatty. W? kaaa aai whmkatmm ata tl era may bfl la tha Kn-n.-b ortajB_t Daaah laM than tae |",,," a? ai'pi'<,8tit,n af -taUaataal I t.'mt) cul.)i?lutu to that c_-u^io-tlloa. A^t _vy ratv, tha KnglUb r'ajnlia of -..'/nr-* itt fre? from talnt -ainl Bfla I tta bIimihii. taaa .'..i mut Oall _a_ i miaa ,v-?_nt lun'ioiiai.aity of ita irround work. Wu M _l I' bc-or Mm!.tat, if taaaa a__a af alataf ? Ui?a aflal mu doiity lu _M uiattivr. Thal a'rimr, hut. ly. h_- beffl I Bfl d tiliou t'uuti_;_. Cot.uiporaueou-i drutii.iti_.i-, BBa -? cr, vi ni ilrtuly porau-vdcl lhat, aduUury U tb I paJioti ifiiiBaqr. uud th-it thbf baa -aflat | bm *.'i-toi Q__iaat_aa M ai-MB-M aaawf aa bta baaafl af ammam im.iiy; au.l 1 ntiU-.thiT iiiin.l- ar,- BBliltteaedM tmttt r.-li. ve.l. wo pr.-_n.i- l-i.. inlll Baa wit?t ta BMUaafl. laf u. M tii.kni.fui ti.-n, lu " Afciu'n." tho oiuniiirraeut ihouie la li?_itly ba'.i.iioi. Hai '?' * ftahti taur-:' ???____? ?wr" i.i wiiuii ti"' aaaaa Baaafl ,?',, Mpaa aaaf iu raaitaf aad aaiMilitir Biaaad th? daaaar, lf ?1,,r aaaB> ud tbe Ut-aanej-do-aad tol.i.pilt BI lt?d VUWfl . ii.- flaadari baa. ta .-< aaaaa, m bm ii.iv?> io. ., tu. bctbi ?f vu-.' la -* a ? baa> i ijMaaaapl aaal lf. U talghi Deiir_..'<i,a-i __ta autkeotlaiq af MB aart aa a aaaM-ttf. MMl .,-.,fau cxn-ptloual .*".- i.f ii fiitif.tli-nU nut a piiiiiri. adavaa-fB ufoor BBaaaat_?flvaa la Kitnce. thfl hi-4-no is iai.1 ; auil H MlfM i-rll-i i.i- ut-tcii that th" aafftai -> ?aaflal ?*>? plo hiiKaro.sU'd hy Ihe atoty U wb^lly, and araa iMMMa__f m > t?,,t,?,k, bolu*: aatlfcly awan af baaw flfl-BaMaaa ami pHfi-Mfbllilr. wla-oui toafcMf apaa a attlf BitBiaa wha wmiu to i, ara b baaa UM aHa aai i "? aaaf a_h aaaaeat thm lutd |.nia in ht-r luoulb. Wc will nol iuatet, t'.-.iul;, ui'Ot thim Qfl .litli-.iti..tiK. I*- B '"' adlilitU'd, on tho loulrary, tl.nt out of tMaBatiad-hM aaaM-Bf B08UI it-liittwu Mr. li-kp-ou Um rnvught Mvcral