V??"XXX1I.N?-9.816. .... NEW-YORK, THURSDAY. BKPTEMBEfi 19. 1?73 PRICE FOUR CENTS. GENKRAL POLITICAL NEWS TUN UHKKAl. OOTLOOl IN VIRGINIA. tu? bODwiixi oMmnmotf wmoui Boom URS ? OAKPKT-WAGUINU KXTKAORIMN AKY ? nomon ?n thk oomwum districts. fPKUM AN (HX'.ASU>N\l, COKKBSrt>NI>K!?TOPT?KTHl I0M1 1 RtotvoNn, V.?.. BaMh lu?M til*- promoters attsl patrvns of Blauton Duncan's Convention, at I.s>uis Ytl'c, ?-?er MMMMMf .inv hopes of securing any votes in Virginia *-.r th? ir candidat? s, tho<*> hopes were ine trtevably sacrificed wlwn th ir Convention ? lotted Jan.f.- Lyon? permanent President, K tor no other rea avn than tbi?, Virginia will refuse to help what might ba?c MM tlu- l>< urUm movement. Mr. I.vons has no more following in Kictituoiid than lilantoti iHinoau has in L? k much. People here laugh at UM tirant papers dubbing him " Judge," and wonder when or where he wore the ermine. He certainly in -ver wore :t ture, hut tu? brother, now MeMMd, WM ene. of tlio brightest ornaments of the Virginia bench, and wm altogether a different sort of man. JMMI eould not 1 ?? Ml City Council by ? r* ?miar vote. As to the other Yi'ginia MMMM* to the l>'u..-% .1 i i onTI ntion, notKMly lu i. i nf tin m In-fore. Mi they an not likely to he heard of again. Y;r leiina Lai no MMM i \.? pt Lyons aud Parker, and thev represented only tboinsclves. The campaign In tni? oute ha? now opened in earnest, and ?o* ?ounty will be elrre with mass meetings and barbecues. ?JrecJey Hube are forming everywhere In Richmond they have, already enrolled a membership of nearly two thouaaud. A Btatc Centra'. Com mitt? composed of five drleg ktM 11 otti I :nli ,'ut'ln the State has been orcnnlr-od, ?with Oca. Bradley T. Juhneon as FimMmI and T. W. Mahood ami Qm C WU I MMj ami although tiily a woe? or two old, has shovu itself a powerful auxili? ary of the regular *Utt>- Kxeeutive Committee In working fir Qr? ?ey ami QM CoinmiMee bat? already put ral c.auip:\lgn documents Mpcclallj adapted to circulation at the South. Tiic moat eflixtiveof these Is (?en. IiiiIhxIcii's letter setl lug forth Mr. Oreelov's record as an advocate of reconcilia? tion and reunion in tin i \ : ting days of 1965, when the efforts to insure his ? le? t.mi. Tic it. ef whom have the cnuti ! the i>e. pie, an ali.-.i.:\ M the stump doinir goinl service, aiid the candidate? for Con cm ??will all be in the tic Id before UM IKk oi - nit i ama*? is tuf. ' ? men The murest felt in tin: DOM ia.il nothing else, would scemv a full vote in November, lutte M lMstrirt, the Conservatives have DOB : Ivliott M. HraM.in, iniw a nn mix r of the 11 lives?a man, young, popular, ami | I JHMtnt is |J . m.mi ?MM oui v ici imim iida rIM nomination WM his fraternization witli the - s if the population and his cir. lie ? ftOtM Ailrnin-'ration. BraZtOV*! otoetMl over ?uehikcoiupiiiitoi iscm ?< a a. 1 ei i,< ve, i \ i ha MMMMMM h iff > M MM made in tlie Hd ? ? Iiu the charn-e? tin-re ar.' m law>r of the return of Jas. II. l'latt, ? cariH't-tugger who ha* amassed wealtti in "Vinrinia while a memU-r of OMOMtj and who holds the Norfolk Navy Y.u.l and (?? MM in Ins pickets. The 11 Id is a clos?' ?ii.-trict. amlastl..- MM ln?3es of Ik.th partie? are younc. aitiv?, and BOpilaJ I IimI. i >X|X(l?i!. The Coliserxatlves bave ? i:.'l t... (.rant Repabll cans John Amliler - m? in ptUtk - a power m the stiiu!]!, and hi- popularity with b( Ui ;? II hWi In M ? ? iwealth Attorney of the ? r.icbmond, and MMatl ? ?UM H l'id in his support. But there is no doubt o? U?-e - el.. lern. Tfie ivth DMrli t, wh?r< the Badtea] Republicans have u . . iCiNm, i- tin- scene of n In ?? tight amonir the Grant men. Stowell, the pMMBl guiar iioiiiinaiiun of the party. Hut l'i ? ol??r ftom Richmond, despairing of Mooais in hi- own CUM NaM<1 to Mowoll'l I himself nominated by a OonTention ol ; Porter and BtoweU booanM so hot tin wiliest of the Administra? tion ni ?um tin Hid to I Kiftrn t and ;? 'i indi pendent li ? pun nan candidat?'. Things now hecame so Uilxed tlmt ?ad yesu-nlav W. H Btep ; a4d?d his name to the list of candidate?. Tboa, Lnadia trict v, o? tiie >.? re now working for the whit? vote. The raaWH may be thai the Conaervati^ final!', make a Dominai ! I'1. a If. Darla, ?oBaerratlve, and c. v. Thomai ? ? in tb< Vth Distrii *. in<\ li ii an . Thomas's worst fault it tion to l tnpany. Tho dlatrict may be carried iiv ti? Conservatives, bul tu ?to so work is neeeaaary. In the YItli 1>1-' . ?rietory so easily that th? opi hardly have the Mart to plat* a eamll'Un in lin- luid. i -on. in the VI1 tii iMsfrict. which bss not tiei'ti fully ma?le up : hut Jadee J?i(m T. Harris, now a mi mber of Com. ? .ninal t inlatration?and thai . T. O'Kerrall, nondaacrlpl lade pendent. The Yllth is thought to Ik- sure for the I.ib rraia, and the ne said in brief of the VTIItb 1).strut, when i worthy and poptv lor farm, i ami a , obaolj defeat Col. Robert W. Jl.itlo -. who is the 1. Domin?e and <;r.-. Ti.?- Liberal proapects in Virginia are most encouraging to the frieiidsnf KeooDCiiiatlon ami Reform. I Men- i~ per feet harmony between the Liix-mi Bepnblieani and I ? ? aU, and no loi al difference? of opinion ha? No man ol influence has dei lared for ??rani, a;;d O*0Mor, If he ware a candidate, would !>s?duiely without adh?rents. ? irramr.ation is anletty gotnc OH, and will com.'? ''? ' ' Ol ?.rant's money mid ? ? iv?t c?iiiii?ieiiee may defeat theOouaaivatlve , hoata, hut it li not probaMe tliat anything else will pre? vail against them. MR, HAflaUUBEK'8 SPEECH. MJMJOI un UHOUt M'?vi mi:m?Tin: ? IN CINNATI KJI-?(?T.I.I - lky> nn i-r -:mi-v\\ mi am ?sarf iincouu?r.v.si itcent results of OKI I rillON. IBT TELKOEAP1I TO TnK TRIBl*XE.| i. The MMMMM1 was very M4MM ?vnd frcdly. Mauley Matthews, and MMial atkera m4 mm tta orlglnatoTa. Is rafaWMC to ?ir;iiiiti Couti nt on la- (aid: Juil^'c ilojid >, Muni? y Matthews, and several others ?if my associ?t, r, it tie original " N? w Ix-partun .'' v? -re ?ipiKii?!?i laOaa. ?. before the I I.all Cotiv? nt,on ; th? > were oafWMi bv the spirit and lira? tn ? s ot the men who had obtained ?ontrol of the Republican party, before the Cincinnati Convention favor of continuing for four i \stem win h they then so ably and eneigeti ? ally opposed. What has i all ?a '1 this change 1 Ha\? th?' i'a-pubin un Director?relented t Harethej < "imeuted to iiirtiw ovtrboard Protection, and to reform ?M Kimi? I Hav? th? < um) ion ., anil the ilartlimfts, and ? ? -s ii to In- what tiny ???!?? last April and May 1 Have c AOM l" u ?oee and become paragons of TlrtOi l II ?ve the angels ot dark: i med Into the sukcIs of light t Nottnin.- of the kind. The Hi -pul. .n an inauacf-meiit still ?on tin net? m the same o'i i-< tionable shHpe lu wbleb *< left ii la?: May Our coi be moat important oolit teal and econ?mica idlatedbyUie .'an patty. Tbingaon that aide are unchanged. 4 ? I ben comes the ih.ng?- bj the minds of my ?neMi Mamey Matth? ws und Ju?lge lioadlyt An??? r: Jl?xause tlicy w? i<- ?ilsappoUit? d in the result of the < m ?itiJiatl Convention, t-o was 1. f*o were hundreds and tiionsauds of tdose who now support Hora?;e tireeley. i Applause. | THE 1'l.AIFOkM ASh THE f AKDIDAT?. In what particulsi were taay t elaiiition of fn deiM-udei.ee. Judge Matthews was satisfied with it. It coiiUms ? declaration ?if principles winch are right from beginning to end. and srbJcb, witk but one exception, or omiMiyu. lath, i, v .ii harmony with our Wew Departure declaration of ib7j. it ?s not the platform, hut the candidate, m which ??"/ ?ere diaappoiuted. in this reaped i ?*? *n>9fWM wit* ?y ftlM4a Judge RvaAiy 1 andJ?nUf. Ma?!ii(.y Matthew-, l Mfcfct seefeM nrrti IIihi Mr. (?me ley was not iay Urst mid nul m ?.nd.hok?. 1 iludir, add that bo wan uot iny ?''"IK-.'. I Illillllt CVCU UV that ? MM mv etmlre at all. Hut what should 1 nml when should I ct i? miiiiiimlK.il waited tint il it w;m too Lite; aud it i IM* now, as I have Binad] M?O, to IT ?JOB over might ii:.v< tm n Then, an but two c indi flol i laJon I ?listn I .if t o?r. ? i ? i <- ui n \ OWB riOSrS when I found my decision would differ from thai ?>t my fi *. with -whom I had egnrd for n<> t nan : for wc need to t* Free-aottera and RepnW ten? ibi-i m the da] ? of old whan tbc own abo but ; months ago danoui tes and tralto the Republican party, aunmd tberoeelrea eith a* Hepublieaa processions [epplausi and throwing or dead cits on the stands at Republican hum Henee, when I found that inv Idtm in?ui>; had led me to a rasall different from tha Jodge H" drj had ?rived, l thought i t:nni. l la order to asoenaln whether lo i l'.iit ni n.\ n i.i not made a mistake ? si j iini go over the whole ground again. bat I casal? arrive it a eoncluslon differing from the one win shall now submit tu inv neighbors and feUow-eltiaea tub altei.nat.vi: Of an WWF?? i.iiiki?W.. Tliie e.ct tiuu u* uot tutUy u ie-ust for our tasl;-i. uioxc or U -s u choice bi twc? :i evils. It It what (lor; Am.titl i - Ball ? feast of hobnails, winch it Is bar ?wallow, and harder still to dlpist. Hut to I ma i ukc my,eil. helped to [sTIIMH. signed aud advocate? document which I read to you in the bOgtS of my rcaaatfea, but this aUensatln Is pnaai From Use STMirnss of which side of lane m c aapeot mot? for the finIheianoe ol principles contained In ?>ur original declare! By those principles I stand. I have stood them for yean, and I md by thotn 1 after, l know that ancl rlewt ee?noj he rita ??ut ai anee, Ail t ??!<. i in an necessarily of i gtowth. Borne was not hallt in a day. in the mm development ol republics then Is do cutting of the ?lian knot. It must be slowly and trtadiiallv unt H> net if I cannot get a whole leaf, 1 tune bal loaf. If I cannot get half u loaf, I tafea n terj and eren a crnmb la better tun no bread at Prom which stA. then, may ws hope more for the motion of th? principles In th r irnctneta and jusii. which we (I mean the original New Departurists) Hi believed. To? programme of ihti, Which I rend to yon. eearti four j.oint... Let ii? begin with the ftrtt, the qucstioi MM <1M II.IAMllV. It h not exactly Ainu? >t.v MM Iba removal of ?'isa ttea alone which wc wimt. It I? r?concili?t : t to liiuii^iiratc u new era of lag, We want to buiy ti.e aalwraUrft i.-ei.tment- ot IM i>Mr.t. ffMh Me shall fore hold la L-ratiiui re?wmbranea the noble , and the riel reaerova, We are ail Matter? of sum? Country, and have to live together un. one Government Whj then doI live together in li ?iemy and good fellowship '. Let us . v.. eannol et rry on the war forever, \.' ?., ever keep allvi tcbea ami rasentmen It yon wanted to baue oi ? loul i hi ? mmediately after 1 Wow it la toa la The war l- on r, as Jodge Hoadly aaM iu his speeeh i; tnnion an i l:. fo ryhody to feel ti the war Is over. Lei as shake han dt and tx It, and let ae tender onr whole band, and uoi ni than anota.m, m a mi!k.. and unwilling mann We want the Sooth u> proaper aad to rerlre VTewi tuo wuiiudd ol tha war to heal. Oui 1, now our fellow-citizens again, ht I inisbed cBongh, not n aaneh bj the i< of their slaves and tbedeeti lotlou oi iin-ir property, Wbicb \. ;ir- \\. l -. I !i Mm viai. AndespecmUy here m Cincinnati we want t Ol I Ullel . i i in m nude. We an t ?-i-i a Southern railroad ..t I millions and more, and for srbatl Not to get to a pr trate, ruined and i euerat?d ii(?, a restri?a Smith, whoi tan, whose business will be ? igrli i.iiui.ii ti . Ill eontribau <>> our i | Applause^ In order to do Ihiathi war spirit most 'lh? re mu?! be ? ? ? men w? nd our enemies ; they moat and will he our i low -i Itiaenti our liicuuh, auu* our cuutoinefe. [On at. paaaMs, M rnrgOaUi aMpaaa I have BO ptsTaOMsl war to inakt on (i< n. (?rant. I not int? nd to diapaiaga kit anal ai rrleea at a ??>i?iier his ebaraeteras a eit.zen. I regflM that in tin heat thO CoIlUVi lie 1. ih l'.-i a lolliie the .-U'.jtrt ol much 1 merited abuse. I do not batten in jioixuial vitujieratl. I am ii"t a aotefei a.i ; I h.;\i not aaked for an offi equeatly I have not ipointod. [hare , not jo,u ?n the i which, iu nay opmlon, then has bean t much on both slues. [Applause.] I merely believe tk ? iran? would, a now stand, keep up ami nourish tin - ami i bet we ih( two sectloni ?u the oonntry, the electiou if ,\ dd be tin extension of the b uad ol feUowtt to those whom we iir.> conquered In arms, ai ?lu.-uti.. tbi hualconclusionoi peace the Inaugnratie - BUChas this country witness. uuder President Monru . ootlmedurli our hist irj wi ueeded more than now. Mutual t. iodgood will andkindneaa .-boulU at last i? low i ..u through which ? ha\i | IWS aller the i.o ht, hoi ? ' r ioiiL' It may have iddlng Bpi ?i rt after the 1er guau of Winter, and aoohng Antmnn after the parching heal ofBnmmer so peace, not a a?ilen, toread, and retenti , with the ami i Of lurid hate ready i.i fanned lato a n.-w conflagration, bul real pea? based ud reconciliation aud tin- restoration <>r baiaru noud feUowahip, should follow after the borrara an ; war, and after the sofCartnga oi an Interm iiiiui of urnoranee and eorrnptkni su 'i aawehav? see under the rule of those wbo overran tea South tod i nur, like the locusts of Egypt, Out not to rebuild, to n atore, and to regenerate. [Ureal applause.] My fight it not with Qen tirant, but with the wlekt and aahealthj apiril thai bat ol late obtained In tin ? pubitoaa patty, und rulad Uioitsown deatraotion, Thos wbo shape the course ol the Republican party are di termin?e to ignore the ?jneatlona of the present. The em on ataring on auch qui il lona ?^ Tai .i?' and ? h t Beform, wiucji they oonaider iit?biy Ineoi renient and unsuitable to men purposes. In erdet I succeed in this they try to tiKht over the battles ol th jiusi. They arc the ?ourboun on the RaponJicaa skfc aud un?ortiinatcly they lia\? the i.uitioi of th I;, luiiiiieau i>?rtv. To them the war It Dol oral yet. Th rj oft opperbead" li itill their watehword the ki Klux ontrage ?* their j?oiiticai nourishment. [Applause. polluclant are opistsed to rooonciUaiiou. Thej J? It and denounce It, because U might endauge. their power and dispense aith their occupation. Po tu,s reas? a the] fan the old flame of hatred audi lor that nasoii they fo-ter and notarial .i.nuositiL'o aud naaatUMBta or ?he pasl They hare ne principles i i suow andhei c? they a ant to feed on a sentim? nt which, uo >l< and xn-at as it was, has fuiUlled Iu mb lion, and shoul? now give way to taie eqaaily great and noble seutimeu of recohciilatiou aud cumuiou brotberhoou [Applaus?. Hooeiilored abuse In the atsMfMlfB, Msi had no dm fcoual war to BMSSl M OtHS. Grant, He i bis reelection would keep up und MstXttsl unlmositics in the Houth, while the electloi of Mr. Grethy w.mld ha the agtoaaloi of the band of talfenrafelp to tfeaaa who har? fsaaqaerM in arms, aud, eons? ?nuutiy, the tin.il eoiiclu.-loii of petsM and liittUK'ifatioi, ot an trhOfgOOd saallag, MMtl ae ui no time in our hisioiy art aeeilad mon than new. THE HENHSTLVANIi canvass. Col. AU-x. K. McClur?' will ftddlWMjtl Ubcnd meethiif in Haii.-tmts'. PMta., next i-Yidav ? \tnini:. A iarK<- an?t ?'iithuHiustic meeting ui ti'? Oneley anil Brown ( luti of iitusviili. I'enn., on Man* day Diitht. was addressed by ex-Hcuator Iiuollttle. lln- i.it?? nil BcijnWifaing :uul J>? iij?m rats of hijhrala, LaMMOtt ( ouut>, i't i.n., inently OrgaatM ?1 a OroalCJ Ul.'l liiowii ( lub, 41 is I-M.ns sailing the roll the first nU'ht Ilii- I- B gOad show rng for a town whloh has II..1 moi? than ( <> OT 7U rotor*, aiel thai, too, in one of (lie Graal stronghoide ol Panasylvauuv-Tanoaster Uouaty. Mr.Albert Bowmau.au oil Win? andBepublkan, .?l dnssed the Club a) thetr oi^anlxatlon, and the most of the abuoe mdulic-d lu by the diant nun falls upon httu. Th.- LlbfaTlti ?! ???t Hiriningliuiii, Alle Khanj Coiiut> , I'? ?in., held a lar^'i; mt. tinit ou Monday algtlt TM Hon. J. K.. MotJtfeOMl was Hie first sjs-uker, and near the ?lose of bin remark? in.- von?- wus droWM d In the applause of the vast uuiiieiice al the ap|M-arauic ol an imposing torchlight moicsMoii from Pitteburgu. When linn t ?v..? reatond,the Hon. John P. Paraaworth Was mt'iodu.. ?1 and s!.?ske tor SOBM t.un lu. ?..u.-ral m. t v. .'(h u Hall? nui; i?-'?I>t. and In K.-tiirn inadc.au autuia?tlni aad eftettra p The f Ikh> ,: f.ilcation in tin fjgliTlMMIJ of this city have MM r m OfBetal cm les. Yesterday morning tiie riimoi MM generally know n through the uii-dlum of ? di mate? fr Washington to tin- following eifert : Information baa been received here that In examliil Hi?' honks and counting the iiiotiev in the Bub-Ttea? at New-York another extensive defalcation of (love ment?.is lias been ?lis? over?'?!. Tin? search, Whlek, rondnoted by ofUciais sent Iroin the Treasi D?pannent tare. has i>e?'n going aUuit two weeks, and it is said to the tlrst thorough examin?t mu and OOUOl th t has M made since Oen, Bntterfleld eeaaed to be Trea orei Uew-Yerk. it ?pocen from tM eeeownt? rec< Ived t) l lie defalcation was discover?1?! some ten da\ I ago or tint the tact b;is been kept a elo?e teeret, periWM ID i hope that by ?upptr-ealng the information from the pub the fnillds eon. I lie uioii i-ompletelv found out. As j but few a? unis bare boon obtained, u is ?aid, bower ttiat the .?-lib I leasunr ?s ?-?igni/.aut of the fact that a I fah-atlon in li ? department ha? occurred ? '" l! '"' '' ' heve?! to be |s rsoiiallv innocent of fraud or dislioiies but is, of course, responsibU) for the acts und pecnlatio ?if llis siitn inimit?s ; that during the past t? days lie has n p?-.itediy calli'd Ins bomismeii to hi" pi enoe, and the matter has been discussed privat? ly them, .lust how great the defalcation in dm boi j leaked out, bul tt u Mid t<> is- bn ge. Helther tli?' nan dot the positions occupied by the alleged guilty part have yet d?finit ly been aacertalned, altbougk mimes are mentioned. iiaily yesterda.N morning uTiitr.i n reporter call?-?l tin Mih-Treusiiiy in Wallst, for the purpose of mci (ien. Hillhome, the Assistant Treasurer, and asc? rta, nig the exact faits. The tlrst MMM eiicoiiulircd w Mr. l.iepobl, the chief < f tin- Kxumiiiing IMHMMN fn Washington, who was hlTMtlfallllM UM a? I ?.units, a balauces of inoisv. securities, .te. lo lum the repon ampliad for inform?t ion, and was told that on far the coi.imiiMon li.nl gone they ha 1 ili-'nunil deficit of 111, which liisignitlcaut sum w probably due to clerical errors. ThDJ h i xnmlned ?::5,r,ob.0C0 out of * gold, wl'h t ahwi ' reeuli ? This, howi rara \.a? m criterion that ? 11 tiling \va? right, as it WM not iihtil the MMMMOl t Bwn-Treaeurj wereoompnredwith thus?' or tin i> -?i : ment at U i.-hihgton that they could ??rllfy the actunl correctness of everything. Mr. I.iipold w then .'tski d whether he had any mformition or imrire sion, dctinile or mil? Unit'', ri'gai ding the allege,! non. but he replied that lie had M know leu. ?lici?n Of aliv such d. fah atlon. Mill tmsatislied. Hie riportt T niuglit (?en. ililllioii? who was closeted with Hi-tiry Clew??. AhuMiei attcin| was made liter m the ?lay, but lieu. HHlhMM w.i n gaged witli ex-l'oliee Commis-.oner Thorn.is C. Acini Detent!?a Mapaea, ami a third perami, lait n ?lint of pan. nt waiting, the reporter Wl at last admitted. Uuon ?tetina hia i -- he WM at ?mee referred ta Mr. Beofl? Id, but, di i Hi lng to trouble Hint gi ml,m,in again, was Infoi mad tha (?en. Hillhoiirs Inn! no tiitoimatuui to imi'itl, aid v. ?., very much pressed wiih bu.-iue-. The reparM i whether it was the mi ntioo b in n. Iliillioiiso to publish a lormal denial of tie rhargl and w.i? bjJwrnted by htm thai ha wwald Ml . Hi.- will pro d cannot ? rtali I until the ? boohs, now in progresa, ii completed. Ti. - Tun ury Department hen- are informed that ?loha m a confused i miiltl?.it I .-?ni.i time a ill m oeasariry i lapse is ,? i ? th?- iru, :?. i m I fully known. Tbe department regarded Johnson aa I verj (II?. eeadd gtw my intoiination as to bis win reabouts, Mr. Whit?-, the cashier, would not give any information nforring the rVporhK to (MB. linl hou?? . Anileitoi't wa? made to find the stauri (tenait m? nt win rein Johnson was said to have been i tiiploycd, hut no one i unid In- fourni t,u i. Tliusat every step -,m i,- the i II Uts of |h,. inMihr thwaiHil in hi? ..eareh for the fa.-t - At tkate Imur 1 i?t evening l! wa.? tmally dlMOTeMd that MMM I. Jol.u-oi,. m charge ot the Intern il Ri-Mtiiie Maap l>eparfuinit KM t" i wa mentwax i b the Ifaahtnftoa dhmateh), had, i * ? aii old, inc. wnh the ii-ual custom ol th oil tamed leave ot absence for two wuk-. be? ginning on Sttunlav, Aug. 1?. (,n Monda v M WM si .h m New-York, and m iMadny was m> I'oi ted to hase h ft the i lt.\ foi M.,n:e |. nis va? atlon in tlslilng ami shooting. Krom thin tune nothing has barn Maid from him. Hi? continued ab eene? exalted euaplckm, and dUpatcbe* wore forwarded t?i Washington requesting the I>u l' i r tin. nt to sitnl on i opi? -s of hlr :ieeoiliit? tl the Bub-Treaanrj In order that they migbt becompared wit,i in.? hook- and tin balance ot (he -tamp? Tbe stamp? an hand war.spared wnh in? hook?, and it li guardedly intimated that then- )? % deficiency amonnt ing to over lino.'i ni. The actual fact? relating to tbe defamation, it la stated, cannot be ascertained until h.? oii. Joim-oii i? i, preMDted s> ? man rei \ nun i, reapeeb d brail who know iiiiu. It I? alleged thai II is is guilty of the ?lime, the MM V Will pi !,.,. found to have been frittered awaj in margine in etoek iroker?'office?. It i- not known whether tbe property w-a.? abstracted In the shape of stamps or money. If 1b ?tamp?, he must ban bad a confederate, one i oii.it dtapaei of th ?tamp? ?in HlspiClOU. _____?_______ TBE WKA1HMM. War DH4OTMMV, i nrrirk or tiik ( iuks Btoaai (nri \s ?jaiKOTon. '? ( . Mepu if is;??i a. m ) Synaptii for tht min fMaMe '""' Menu An MM of low li;ir?)iin ti i lui? ativnnnd eastward to the Urwef Lake iigion. aecoiiipnnn d ? ii, sh m brisk andoceasional high wioda. Cloodj wMther. with area? ui raia?li now prevailing from Eaatern Ohio to northern New Y,,ik ami aortk ward, with southern to woeterli wind?; otherwisegra trally clear weather at the stutioii? ?a.-t of tMitooky Mnuiiiaiii. - pnbnbUittti. For New-Kiig!nml, souiu eisl, i i\ and south westerly Winds, increasing e],,ii'!:i - -, and nrobabl) aiWM "f rain. Toi the Middle M..I?-. souther!) tu wcsteily t wlmis, veering to westerly and north wc?ieU). Cloud] weatheraadareM of rain, exoeptiDg. proba? bly orer the southern portion? but followed by ?learinK weather ovar iha weeMra partMa, daring tM meraiag. Dndovei tliueasu-rn purtiou during the afternoon and Pol i he Honthern Htsies cast of the Misms?lrp' , ?rally clear weather: north of the Ohp Vallej eriy t<> weatarly wind* and ctMI WMther, with imn aa lug iir?'.?suic. _^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ PEI?iONAL-IiY TEl.J.dHAITI. 'I he Hon. AngustiiH B. l'oiter died ?it Niagara Pam, im.,?sj a i.?'.in. jttt. Count .Sclopia uui l'eie ilyaciuUie wer? in ! bra?Kw >i?i?'iX/. Mit. GREELEY'S MOVEMENTS A HUH Of Sl'KKCHKS. THE TKII' 4QMss1 NKW-.JK10KV. Ai.toona, ram. Sept. 1H.? The tirHt speed mad.? hy Mr. ?ireeluy ?in his trip to Cincinnati waa d? liv? ted at New Brunswick, N. J. II? had not purpose asaktae one, but a large number of people had asseu bbd and, with the usual pertinacity of crowd, demanded a sjweeh as well us shake of the hand. (?ov, Kamlolph. wbo get a the tram M feawaeh, mtn inml Mr. Cr?elo who explained that the long fatiguing !J .innpy he wa about to make would prevent hin making thorn aapecc until his ntiun. and he thanked tin m for lb r ? I rilin expressions ot Wl< mU. At Trenton a crowd wa found waiting for the train, ai. I the ear Mr. ??re( ley M ??tipled was at once surrounded, and clameront sail wore made for hlui; he. was iiilrcduied by (lov. liai dolph. lie saJii ('itizi.sk ok Nkw-Jkhsk.v : in so far as your romln, ncrejndlcatet a js-r?onal Interest in me, I thank yoi froirtltii heart. If It ?l-o Indloates in interest in th gnat Liberal Movement, of wbteb I am to soma eaten an exponent, ami w|,n h, I trust. Is destin? .1 to our people In bonds of genuine sympathy, to build ui toe waste placea resulting from the tar, and to tun a loe and < fface the : iu. r n morti - of . i. rears back i than!? um mil more heartily. That it ail i ?icurut ta] now. |('he?Ts.) The usual bustle of band shaking Hiiccccdod, and i number of prominent g? iirl.-uien int. red the car an? convernd with Mr. i,Tei-l( y. K\ QoT, Bigler, the Hon H L Little, cx-Mu.vor Mills, the Hon. H. C. Kelsey, MM lb. John I.. Tayl. r p ?named with Mr. (In ele; nntil Bristol, r.rm., was readied. Here th, booming of cannon as the train approach?.? the Htatnui made it evideii!, that tin ainval of Mr. Creelov wax . xnectcd. At th?. depot, M iiniiii use crowd, cenlalnlng many ladle-, and a band o mu le, niado the usual d? inonstiatb in of web cine ? 'beer after ducr was gtv? n fur Mr. Qnetoj who, emorted by Col. Cuinon and a large dele gatitui from Burlington across the rh<-r, niaib his wuj tferaogh the erwwd M n snttntMJ fgatrway. BO wm then introduced by Col. Cannou, Who said that th? di legates from the lid Con.-rrcss Didrict, who w? re tliet In Convention in Burlington, alsmt to nominate a candi dale fer Congre-;-,, had adjourned and com. MBM tfel river into I'eiinsylvaiiia for the purpose of extending a graotttag Mrrtodly, bath as mi., rala aas] DeaaoMWht Mr Crcclcy after the i he. is aud applause had ?uh.-iih-il MOde the following .-hurt address: I-AMK.s. Ct.vii.i.Mi g, PwysjitTAsTIAMJi ami Jki:?i:y >tiv: I greet ymir eaaemblege on this oeeaslon as h happy omenol union and energy in the contest infer? us. I tr.'-i this mingling of people frota either side ol your gre.it river m one common sasembutge BS a type ol the g itli.-i log of men from one pails and from the other m -ii honest effort to Improv? the operations ol theiJ Government, and to make the American people more united in heart and In sympathy, not tneielv under one Sag, bal united as t people who have differed, v. bo ban lo.ight. wbo bave settled their controveny, and who an i to live m peaee and baraaoay. (Ap plan ,J l greet this gatberingof such vast numrs ; on ii as a Joyful omen of what is to be in the election before o I hold It at a alga that New-Jersey ?m one hand and l'eu,, fivanla on the other will rain tin r voices and lv? their rotea for the treat work of reform und r?conciliation on which wa have. ataras!. The conclusion of the tpwch was hailed with three cheer-, th; Land struck up a patriotic air, and Mr. at tlMOat OMTstWl th;,nigh the muss, each in? di'.;, in .1 ..i v. un ?i aaaanee fleterMiaed t?> -.bake lua band. At < oil- \ il.e Mr. Qneley -poke, after an iiitroduc-tlon by Col. M.-ciiir?'. as follow-. : Pm ha amiss, I'hii.M?- I ?.-reel you, and trust thatinthe future at in tbi naat ?om efforts like nuuc will be, according to our beat light, devoted to building ii|. this m.igniile. ut counlry of ours, now so firmly founded, on the l.asis of I li lolb/ei.ee and Impartial Mis .. n? that '? ato oui ehildn n a nobler . rom oui i.ii i tii.it faith and hope, friends, I bid you good to ? [tJM i is.] At I'.iil.? -bin ? hi POM hru ll> . after he had I" en re !? d li] on. " I hope, gentlemen," sai 1 he, "loll Will liml that Whit 1- b t III the enedof the Bepubllcant and -.. : In the faith ?Ii-h-ih-it ; I lent lind Hum anxious to a-k when.er Its principles ..re sound oi not. They prefer rather to go buck into antu.uiiy, ami try to prove that somebody tppoaod ionic body else, or somebodv was mistaken about something that incurred I? or M years ago. I daoM that aaprotlfabla Letaa eoaatarahend if wo any tin dun.- M U i ?:" ami (atthfttllj ?iisi hargo them. \T LAN? As I l.lt. [sAJKUaTI Kit. I'? mi., Sept. IS.?Oft Mr. (?ice ley*i arriral beta aa knaanaaM assemblage gathered la ami atoaad tin- depot The train n^opped hot 11 Min? imi frOM tfel :...iouyof the Cuhlwcll Hou-i he pofel M follows : i ..w-citi/i ga: You see before ] : i, nbj? ct of much i i- proclaimed that I have been Heeesslonlst, lor, and even negro-trader. Whatever a I l.in, c prejudice s ? ely uttered, without en) regard to truth. I have bisen repu loin i-k?sl t<> refuti '-ut have thought II beet 11 r t., r ii nipt to do >, .ni. h aa any I would fall to ?Hence the tongue of slander. I m wbo believe political parties ought aoi be too long ? . ?' ? I rvi .1 the e .'. i. i da mu believe Hiat this country would continue toflonri under th- exclusive domination of any political ] uingaudcoi lana are aure to aelaa upon the organiaatlon ol political parties; the] toon laara to "run the machine, as they say, and the.' take good te mu II bo that all the i 0 drop Into th? ir pockets. [trust that we shall se? frequeut changes of partie-m mntrr. Wb it we mosl n< i d |osl now la thai lude niit spirit which leads men in their lovi of countr) t.. rase superior to all prejudices ut political .lion and all ties id party. I am ;.,, to oonfeea and in no way ashamed to admit that any pertj asew latlona are not the -ame now that they were tome yean ago, Tbi dangers which threatened our i ountrj In the p We struggled and snftored together to pr?t Union of Ktate? and noi In the next hundred years wl i anj attempl to divide II be made. What Is needed iiow i- such giivernuieiit at will enabk parta ef the country t? reap the fruits of victory. We want genuine peace and the complete r- [oration of fraternal relations It la time lor us 10 for -?|uired, II aeemed, to givt ome ,',.,!,.iy i happen now to be a candidate, very anex neetedly to ravoelf. mostly beeauaecH theac early utt.-r ?uvea l think i bey, more than anything else, created for me an iiiilu, n..- which made me a candidate l,,r your suffrages. I u-. ? tfeaaa words now hacaaaa, f.-llow-?iti/eti?, you may sometimet be required tosprafe unpopular irutns, and I u Isfe Jim to le, i what t > it til tod..! r.U, tO-morrOW or next day \. ill web ..in.-. I ?tanill I.??f.ue my friends the ean dldale ol lie. I fongbl the Puttie ot impartial Suffrage until the victory Is ,i pox I del ! in- National ?un? it that <\.r) man no? disfranchised be relieved i,, perfect amnesty. | Applause.) W? had a clear prom? ue of that '.:,. - v m ib.- platform of the Republlcan |..ou of i??*?-. Thai promise ha> not y.t been ixi },,rmi'i l -tiiei b?n to demand that it ?liaii i?-. [Oreat applause.] I I cooM assure sneeese of amnesty bettei byceasina to u- a candidate, I would ?ladlydoso. I nesin onlj that oar disfranchised, pro ?. rltied felloe \ n id i the fold-, of the national Baa, w tue h lu an m.w is.- hour they ieaartadi th.ii He \ ihall be welcomed bu k. notas] int lento, hut aa fellow-citiiens who have s.-, i Jm error of I be li aayi and havi n ..- sed th ? ? In faith to the c.iutiiry. On that platform and with that purposi i stand befar? yon. and, fellow-eltltena, be cheered b> the iiutu that vlctorj belongs to us. National hatred, bitter thoughts of rebellion, and all these thine? must i.aril v die away, and dylaa make sehen te?d>ier ami feebler l'lie day cannot be far dis?mil win n vie shall rej?n.- iu i reaton?I nationality, aoanlvenal,so pert? ? f, that then- shall In no loan under the Mug of the Auierlcnn natlou who h not is-ile? tly protected beueu?i Its folds. I la that phaeo, in that ?wait, 1 bid yuu, txiemto and ici- ( low-eirisems, s Vimllr.itfTVctionat? farewell. [Vociferous app.an. e .tint prolonged eheeri | Mr. Oreeiey then took MfMf at the Pennsylvania Ihn I read Depot Instaurant, and left at 6:30 p. m. amid Uio wiiiUst cu?iusiasm. FURElUN NEfVU. GREAT BRITAIN. DISOTtORR AT A Mi:?-;n\ ages, and In whose rase? commutation of sentence was 1, WDM that this morning at .-v.tiiry. JElght huuiircd and tsO (.'omuiuuists, condemn tiausportation, ? luuarked ut llrcst to-day for New-Cal.i ?lonia. It is reported that Kduiond About hi to be tu, ?! b] a (icri'.iau court-man ul at Strasbourg on the 25thinst. (apt. W? Ils of the United States HteanishlpHlienaiidoah dined with President Thiers at Havre, yesterday. Tlie French Covcrtiiui ut ha? Issued stringent regulations to ,: the introduction and spread of the rinderpest. SPAIN'. AHRANOEMKNTS FOU A NF.W CAKI.IST lmiNd? DIVII ItHAM'KS ON TIIK ftaJUAOtsBh AND BABCBLOMA RAILWAY. M MiKiii, Weilnesday, Sept. IS, 1872. The Impartial (newspaper) says Gens Cat?n linean und Tlmlal will soon meet at Tiayonne Irani e, to DeffM t arrangera? tits fora fresh Carlist rising in Spain. DM Kanmn CfehMM) the well-known Carlist, h i invited to (oin m the movement, but refuses tod" o (.en. Timl.il ?erred under Maximilian in Mexico. S, ?or Pignor?la, the ministerial MMMMbi ha? MM : lee tad PtMMMI 'if the Senate. The vice-presidents and secretaries ahMM are also members of the Mlniste ri ii patty. Si viral trams on the railway between Saragossa and Bareeaoaa Mwe MMybaonflrei upon ayCartlata. Bo hoi i 1. pendOM hecomc that th?' drivers, m fear of their lives, have refiHi'd to work, ami the running of trains between the two cities has Inen siisiiended. -? GERMANY. I in: OONTBR BBTWfUM OBUBCB AMD ITATB? OORBBaTOnDBMOB WITH Tin; iiisnoi' OF Kit Ml. LAND. Ili.iii.iH, Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1872. The correspondenco bctwirn the l-.inpcror \V i 1111111, Pi Inte I'l-tnank, and the BaMOpOf BrMahMd. on tlie sui'leet i'f Kxcominunlcation, is piit>llslie?l. ThaBlahOp tahra (!??? Had ground against the inter ferciii 11 of secular authority in matters of religion. The tone o! th?' communication? M both sides is sharp ami un i unpromising. IN IH A S A FE Al US. ?F.CRETAUY Df.LANO AND IHK ^IOt'X?WHAT TIIK BBD MAS WANTS, WinaiNOTON, Sent. 1&?Tbe|Grand t?ve? S ,.tar? ni tin- h atured is full unit? eoatuuie. After tome urgii.K Two bear? asac.tnl that tit hid Du Il antthin?; wrong ?nil that marl, . ? '.' . ??r | ? ro'ilil not firm a? i i . lMf*f?| L, ,Unr aasjh] lie hum fun.a.?- in ? ?l.ort IM?, Ile aleo allude.! in the. usual In lian ?train to tl.e takit g of Ids Ul.1i br ?MM Two Bears was Mkwjei by (irami, who hail man? eomplainti to nu'.i- o. not ??t?!by the white*, lie ?s:?! H, .- tuu rua.1* at I non o f Iba whites, the c?a?'a had t e.-n jmmkwi $?Mt earh. On* lad irreal -tnr? ?BM tin- l.im;.m ama t ? lur ru bin. a:. 1 -..I : :.edid not want to ?tic roor. Ile ?poke with n.neh e?n.estni ?*. and comri ?in"ltl it 1 ?nits erhirh w? re proferir his *? I s. men . ? . - ? ' . I Aotrli.o?-, a I r.f is.v.rful chief, who .rsii- rere f.i.* anil in I I ?? . . II. ,.nt not wnnt an? Wi.iiss ? . rear?, h? #?p[in?Hl if lb- ? ,1- M ?ho ?i:, h...,,. Um sli,it.M gi I a p ,;,er frum the Ore*! jl ?;tu a siuuIuuknau a-rtiutufap [irnTal fr ? In re; ? that the (Irett VV e?l r.nl . and a? i ?ej-t tt-T oe?e?' and ?? I ':ketbe wb.te?. I ?.in,e Imin w (jrexl r'aiber , . . . rr/thioji thev were , ;,'i !??!-ii n. .?"? tli i, '?? ? He sjMMtfbt ?: ? was i? insu ?'? , , i He eivlamtil thai '? ?,.,.i i ..i- || . ai , .? -i iawia(aat?il iuuvuik lo it .. Jo so. The i ? with Beerrtar] l ?rho. alter aneurini; th'ia of the fricnilsliin ?t tin- UoTenutient. anj I r-.'ii.ein ' .?n-'ill hdTe an laiaifiaw t?,"'! tbelt dr*it rather, wi ? th.in tint If ?tor ? ?i (Or, at K.-.llii r'- tr . j.l.t.'ii, ilnl Lut live at peact with IM sii?i i i ui m* In a ual alaadfTwd -,.il ma.1?' war, the U.-eai halber n-,?u.J have to ?end soldiers to punish them. M> bail ?.*? ?? awfsai that ?Bwl hi ?aw ihe Orea- : i a great s^are of grunud (or hia l.i i.iw !:vi-? ?' , esntr) Il ??n ?mall, and lie intend?-'! to ask th? Great I ? r foi ?i. t!i;mn; euumentin?; amotn; other lalafi tmt ?acfcl af Cut.r at a tin. , ? ?: yaj l?sM(aM?l I ubbmi ttavi 1 ?? i. The white mm lov.il mi ,-? Ua ? Al I be rat] ? t:ie , itat] r,;, r aakeat . four, ?ugar and r,i.1ee. toreturr wnli hMN ever tan- i??t April, when - Hi ar auenti d i.<* would talk aboat fn-t.t!. t linn.gli.-u 'lueab raliro A.-, at Mtnmon? al lh'.? point informe.: ? ft.-oiiiiil reierr^-l t., wa?'?ni nui?'? in lenvC: o. . -'? ?" y la. lllaeh Cjid?! .'i| r> .?< I MsMalf ?? feelmv ?erv raueh at ea?. w:ln 're ?lie. ci- ? I. I!. '. ' i? if part of tai? buiiar (the Inte-., - :?? il lo hia la a rpiril if fraakaeas he wa? t-,.inir , ? ? .-v .- .I.il .1.1 i_ . th'ouih ?ml leithnr in o ? ? : t., th.ir ui.iii.t . an oppi.ru., ? t e iiri.it i laer, rapreaaia? ?uine laaatlaae? la -, ? way for ihett. aad decretar} Deuoo i "?-.d i *~*?r?at Tt? -artsaT that ihar lrsaM aisi ? ? l-aiier? wtaaaa aast din?,.na II- ?.ml,'. n,,w ?? haaajtav ?Id ai sa t . r^Rjmr h- de?- | fa ?i. t lean.ii,, t , La'. ? , 1 .i.arrlm. l th.- white people tajoT. aaast dav. He (.?.ii,'ar Dalaaa) :.,>jr 'b?m to think ?bail i ?' I ther iii! te.? latTid-... f.ir. e them t. fa fttm th? I inleae ihi .- were ?MbWJ i,i H". ?ad ?v?ia ? ?a> .?:??! :, eaa i, at if the? turne.! tneir lio??? ?J.I arrows ,t,-ali.?t a? the (hej; Pathat waahi ?.-?d iu.Mi.rs iw jiauitb Uiea> herreiar.' MaM to, n ?boos baa u BM 1 r mad, ^n? ;? r ..?t..?red iue inli - WTIAT Ulli INii?!;?K\II SI Of HA!; IK AN IT WIU ? . -1. ?'-- ?? r> patn ? i-' < ? ''??'?? tOaai > The Prtm he? hIhuvi? hm?i? that Gun. Hart rmifi was u brave ?oldii r, and ,i? a blUTe mldlai I , ? i. a-..n wii\ the ?-oidier?,' ami Bailor?'Convaatton at, PtiUburgh aaaembletl ?IwaldMot udorai aim; bat If the ?oldTeri ?nd ?ailoie ?ho eaeaMM ?hat C?jti v? i.tinii iiidor.??! ?artranfl*? aominatlan for Oavernor of Pannu Ivaaia, kaowlng, .e< IMy rnaal know. tMi ..? la ? o? lUjiIflilli' i If. and thai lie I? the Hol at a ''II lint liiiiK- "' polltl? Ian?, iin-y will hrui?.- ninm themeelvo? diV Kia??',ami ?newtaameelvee to t?7- mreetly oppoaed to tiic tu -i?i i ut.-1 ?'M? of tiii' SUHvbM tni-v ?o bravely defended tin-oiiab four long raan of billM ? ,r. We know not, we 1,?i?' lio!, II.at tbll liidoreein? lit ?.?till be ?riven, anit mir wonli? tien tie vol ,< of loaiise. and wanlag, bal if they do t ilify their oa n reciird, ttieir aeUOB lammt i-.i\r l.n'n nein ?lcfeai. HartraafVi fat? - - dett? and if theae arav? ami io\ ?i h a h aaaoalate bit n une ?itu the ot orant ami Wilmn, m their ratitteatlon of the Kepnl iic.in iniiiiiiiatiniiH, ine erection or it.?- National ticket ?a iii !>?? iiii|h r.ied, mid the Convention, matead ?if aeeom plinlunK a BMI himhI, will ouly rtdull lu accomn?slilug a great and ut-nuaueut eviL CAMPAIGN INTELIJG ENGE. wHiTK Boon (tarornoef. Till: TtMCKM 811>- fsnaYI T. Pent, vvh?i is a IsMlIwi?t mVnifil of at tiller in MM n imlnt ucny. fend I lnother of Mr?, tirant gad who M b< IM upon the official directory gf Btd rrtary to the President. It i well known |0 Hies who li.ive fre?ni.nteil the White House, anil to th? utt ntivo r< :ul< is et mrWgpaJM rs. tl.ut (>'? n. D.-nt lia. ?large of tin nah m v.ait.in.-loom i th? it.'-Kit-ut. Tie sjettssjtal which Mtenvinifanh ?ni! trim a conversation I have ha?l with a gentle man whose itiimi-is ?,t preeerrt withheld, and it ii vouclie?! for By him M trustworthy in every n?p?-rf The geiitleiuan in question is ?i prominent r. of one of the BOntbOtn Sintis, v.ho liaa s< rv?-?I in the l?gislature, ami i- now engaged i:i the campaign, liming the Spring ni l*'C?-:i. I but. Accordingly, on the 18th <>1' Muv. MOT, he mUiMMI I that MsVmT, sivmg he hail a m.iter pending reanfriuj; the Pnrideat'a approral, and ha t'. wtntod Dent- ; ep, f.,r which be expressed, hiins. if gg trilling to i?a.v. ?>..it,it M alleged, Illlswend the letter, ,i;-|i?,i;ili:ig an view at the Eli I hum 8 j?. m. on th?- fol lowing ?lay. The in tie ot lb ut - W*M ifeOWl fe) two friends, ?..\-anny olinuis, MM ? t .h?--n M Id '"i MM r? - tir.d list, who i'.-c!"-ir./i-il DeanVl .signature by sa ing, " Ye.?, thai is old Porimtj naVnti !)?? the Irgtfjiod forthispo.it.' I he applicant fot ronMllif boaon th? r. upon re? turned to his hotel, obtained hi- pnpoca, and m> paired again to the WhfcM Hon.-.-. where the worn plated in Dent's hands. This Oahonr loahni them ...er i a.-ually, and went bato MM I'nHMk i.l's NMB with th.-papers iu hi- hands. WsMganpoa the g?n fieman lafl the luiildiiu'. This was alMiiif four ... I 1 -k,?d May B'. IgTL On th? Baornhscaf thogdth, before ?tailing nt the White Boaae, the gentleman 1. wiuii a note t.i Deal atyiag, thai wbenbn ihonld leav, the White Bonne ?m tant ?lay be (Dent) would lind tipo'.i his table andat thoblotfea a letter tohtenddgnaa Thenajnasonni atya fnrtbar, that im placed upon Dent's table a note in which was a g|o<> lull, with a tew words asking the otiieer'aasjoe.pt BBM ot that sum for hi> s?-r\ iaMJ thai far, The gentleman says? he xva.s xery contaient of stie tenawhen holefl the White Hongo thai snarntng. tin the -"?1. which was Itanda**, he ealMd Mjaht, wh.-n Dant Maaied him that all would Im- right, gad said: **Oh,Ifonndetmsnthingon ar/doah afteryaag lel'r on Saturday.'' The gentleman said, "Never Blind j that, is all right.-' BaanMfnnntly the BMHln man s?-nt his frit mis t?. MM State Depart? ment, where tiny loiiud that a man iiainnl. A. (r. Muder had been appointed, Ha again weal to the White Bonne, whan Dent informed biannfthe same thing, bai cotitr.-ulieted. SENATOR 8CBUKI TO HI.- OLD NLH?Ilioi?.* BU COKpIAL WKLOOMI DJ WI800HBIK ? HM BPKAJC8 IN' .l.VM.sVIBI.K AMD WATl'.uroWN? \ raw bi.MAiiKs <,s roLmot?nro mom uncECHEg r?>-i?Ar. ,iiy ii:i.K?.i;.U'ii t.itiif ti?iiu'nf..: W.uKKiows, AVis., Bepi. is.?(in iba twato :'u in knie auk.-e hoi,- today, to ?aattOM kMMdfrtaasta .?.'ois.m Ihnrnanj, on th?. political ritnatlon. Carl Sotara waa tha re?atp?oni of dtaMagoMfeed feanota. vt Janeai i?i<- he was met fey a eoaamtttaa and eaeorted to .letb -i -on, wiiire he i Ml -i l.'ied bis hearers that M \.ars ago he was pushed forward fej tona 111.Ui10v.il p. 1.son to make ins tlrst pellUeal addrom Bo fent ever been true to the grand principle that all men \i.-re created fue and equal, und v.a- now using his best egfertatnthe cnani of rneoaelnetlee featwooa the t\s?> laotloaa, After u few remarks he wa. taken In ehargr? trj 1 committee from YVatcrtown, und mi arrival ?u hM old home in- was welcomed by a Joyous ?u>*cuihl?K was met by a large procession beaded with a hand of music, while a salute was tired in honor of hHuriivu!. BC kpofea as follows: Hi Fi 1 i.iw-CinzK.Ns : I thank you uiost heart II v for the cordi.il greeting you have given me. N, tfetag would be uiore gratifying to my tMjlil ..- 1. M tfem to In ?*,?! corned by old fiiei.d- and fellow-townsmen, and t?i i -1. it M> fOTO tnei b.-caine B ?: eVlBWfinte tfeoy WOtO AlUCIicall clti/ell-, und it was tlui. il.it> to fei American patriot.-. Alltixton has also been santa to the great civil conflict which now lies behind us. AD gnndoitta |ot 1 that it dis s in- behmd u>. ph. re ??re two. knanaaf dcviagovucs who at present trv to .livid, the .oun tr] .igi.ui by pernicious (ounsels One tUM consists (.1 tfenM who do not know tat that then- has be. n a war, and that .vrtaio r?'-ult? luve hOOO irr-verslbiy , Mal ' lisi.e.l : the other consists of those w ho do not know yet that I he war is over. Between MjMH is rising up th? 1 ' -m and good ... use of the .ountrv. insist ti?- that ti.. wa.i-Indern omt; that ltsl.gitim.it, iMMltg MsUt '.talned, and that th?- peoulo uf thiv ?ouutry, lately divided, must be reunited lu th. Manta of reconciliation As one of the repreacutativra aud a spokesman of that id.-u, I gyan ar agatu m my oli home ihe principles 1 bs\e always profe-wrd I am still professing, with the miiue sfreugth ar.d ddelltv ?.f conviction, and In the reuntou of tu. whole |?eople under tht 1.inner of equal right., universal jusUee and free i.o.eruin? lit I see their filial consummation. But I will i..t no a go into ? ?.?..?.-?..ion of political topics. I ?ii m.- only to express once more my profound gi.itltiKle for Iheeurdial w? Iconic \ou have glveu me, and, ktofetng luto so luuny k.nd aud familiar fa?es, I aj u that I feel agnM ?luite at home among' you ..tor will tomorrow speak both 111 (?erniiiu ami Kaarnafe. and a?tlllathar of CssnatfaMJ wUi deliver a?, sddruss m the latter longue. <