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?4 1 11/ \71 il) la _< irriDiuv BttPTMMRI-.ll M IH72.?TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOUR CBOT& Vo*- X\Xll?.;.,N0'9,t_w.*l. HR. QREEL-tTS MOVEMENTB. I C'OXT.NT'A.ION Of TIM". Tl.II' TBBOUOB It NN.'?YI,YANlA. ?00m AT DAVVIIir, KI?.?.M?l',I'!;?.l!. ETI-ta"!? l. \. AM. ft KVMi'N-l'l'l'l LAI 1 Mill Ua-OI Al 4M i*oi~* re. WlU'ii: ll\4is. Stpt. -.?.?Siik. l.uviiii* Suti bui. al ?-? ti.i" ii.i'ininK, .Mi i? ? fcaaaad no -reatfm* gpaaa?aa. iiv?-r.? ft.ii.iii, ii.-?vi 4, i mi.a.,, has had in i | : m, t rt.ttiiiM rath i alen, and awfjtm, at laica in? -. itat?i?-, tin? party eoaldgrtl ?-.?..if?*?t?, * ..">? t. ataa, the twoar?i ? oataati . themaervea with ahoatlog tin n atauBeata ai ?miliuatv nn-i wet ?oii,r..i:,i til?- d?part?uj ti?in. pli?mi ? hea aal a ?u,i.?- li.iin Mr. (il? t lag as In- Min.-l ?,n Hit- tOO? '?l.ttl'mi. 1 . - :,il ?Ah.lli li.14i In n (!i Mvt I'd ulon? i, i i ii?-, BleeaMhaKglv, aad Ktaaataa* won d?4?t'?l mainly to UttSot apoa lb* bean-rp tin' iiaal cuutiio' ot eeiafal ami ? _".-? Un arcaalaa t.on, i atatlgM Ilka u-< preaeat*whoa Um li.uii.? aanij Departmeat ami tifli.? 1.0..1- .s ??? mi pitted aqaan aaataai thea?. Iha iw.?i, waatalj u? U?i laadaaaiatal laefclataa? i i,.,, ? i._ h. t. rpel ,t, ?i i "i. a ?i tmmroraX a\t Dun ville tu nail tin- fcillowiUK spi'f? li: M'l.Kl! A I PAN VI U.E. Fu i o" iiii/i.Ns: Toa are avant te h?,ni ta electloB, ainl II 'iiaiiy ,iu looking la ??1 ,1 .1...t ? '.,, l,..a \4i!h earn? st aollcltuda I n?'"-'?! nut, l u it.,1.,1.?, sli.iil not, attiui-.t to ..?i? si- yon as to in, i* i i.,,?, tor ?Aii?,m 4(in are to vote: bal i <?m give ,:,??? i of 111?: ill tin? ?xiuntiy, i.,,u uii.n than li??u m, u 4?.i,i. in.ii.? government .i sonne ui privat? paiui alio pasa acts turuogli I n or defeat tin m vritli i, i? u n, e t?> m u? 4 bj their pal tinu ', il 1er "f what part]. B-omIiI not l.t- t?(l<'d. (-iTiiiut l?>'ii?l.itiou is ti.?- it n..m,i.,, .i.i.,?.-.: of our lastitailona. The fart that oun niiu. ? is men buy an?! sell legislation a.i'i I !, tlit-n, tlicre should ,, i i,.-, h el lia?.?. ?u, , . ii i.i.i public iiiuiii -\ m pr?vale specala t ",i .. ., , ... . i ;,? i . ., jrotU 4..te, Ii?. in iltii part] Uiej t- .- i If thon nn men who Line be ?i.ii,, ii, ti iy corrnpl legislation yen sli"ni'l u??t aui>|,?ii l s ,, li nuil. li?. n?.l i.e I?.i'l thai tlie ei.aiitl.v is in liaU|| : . .1. Tile eouuii.i i? ? . corruptlou lu legislative tain ir. u ?i, ion, auy ot tier souri? whatever. ".?,4? ibeo, ti.if ? , each u,en are lu ?n.i pal"tyorln .another party, we will n?,t \..t. i, i mu ii u ? n. Von kii,i?a, I s: nui before you u. ii.?? ?.?ii.*i?.iit?- ?m behalf ol NationalKeowustruotioiii I ?au mit si?, UK ut that ; you kaow what n *neaaa. \. ? l?r? i?. . ? > be the party ol Reform. Jiniirr usaot byour i'l"' ...- live?. li ?ai- ??,, ? "i un tin' Cincinnati ant' Batt'tuora plutlom have been ciornipt legiaUtors, tri ., 11 i,. i,? d oi rselvei iou, ?in ii,,i one Wl - ? .1, l,lit line .4 ?'iir 4,,1? - La bun men, m< i? \? bo in v? r wer? i? . -*-ia>li in? u ' r to prefer ai Judge, fellow ,.,i,i iiiuu. bearcb i?>r truUl, and fol? low Il (tari aa ?. In ?o doing you Ih?i tur -, ?mi 4? bole countxr, ami ?in i..? the hearts o? patriota aud lovera of houeat Kovernment every where. hi.. . I li ?,..;-, v.,11, Ut ULy UlOrc V? ?Jills, 1 V..I? OiU }HI s,'?i?l bye. | ' i. ? Al 1, M'l 1 i 11 Al 1.1.i,"-.!. I'.i ll'ill. FTr.1 Lou m/1 .*.- : l have i at a : ??,,,,. stlbjou, aud tin?-?- in ii?r i?- gives to prat leal raiiiet t .in, nial ooiiaiden ' ? ., iiin?t give t?a- i u.? i ti.iM. >,,.? l aave bi ii, : a ell as 3 our?, 1 ru e?? t-j uiu r?', eciillJ? m? ? ? ? 1 ? 4.... 1 , ,;?! III ill" o.a.. . , . .11,1.1. Orgauu all >u ??,, tai in m?- 11...1 an .ii ...i,i to hi,m?, in.,! ever] hauest, legal voter, tavetfahle to mir inter.-t will come IO III" )'>'!- I'll I III? ><l'l .,f III \! Ill ? 11? ?I. 1,Ul i] ?u ?ut?,, car? ml 01. .is ?? 111 ? 1 gn at .11 ? ,',1 Irnv? in.,,!? 1 |, your 1 1 bow ?? bal ? ou m. . ?i,:.? , mined to ?t?. iiiiu , 1 thing ; , DOW ,',l tn.11 woi 1. d ake your resolve? Lfeciual ? is tlie remalndei <?i t. be? tolttiial tin its 1 t'orrtet, iii'iitiii, ?, odouiIo bot? .it Wasuluihon and Uarriaburg, ti?.n? 1 iv? m, ul au? ' ? ?-?i-. ?>?? hope lual ? 1 .. *... ' will lu "lui,,u to io?,t trou ..m National hm?i [rum public ??Hi . .-> that,corrup . ptiluie. You kuow thai 1 it 1. . ?a lai i? ople, 1 n ,11? are tu? - jtMt.,1 ... i.i.Bt corruption I ,- eorrupted. liten ..., , ..", :, 1 pal 1 MltidlBK i.Hilii.ui- an?! l??r ol in 1 purposes, ?_.1 m tin 111 arum 1 gel uotbiuj . only be done 1 _i .. , kwh at tala peril the peril thai whea the el? ut?! >,,,i\. 11. iii.ii t a.. 1 ?. ?im- ?ii .??,,u voten '.u, lured ta? a..1y.1t ni,?in ?,I 4?,i !?? too ... m.? nl I II,?.,,. .1 III l,,l Je lU ?4.11 0? Hi? litt? ?l. At :. dd 1 ? 11 41 Kl*- .?!? I fun,. . . II.un?, .un: . Uiy ? ? ? 1 1 ? tii.ii 1. : . UK and tu? M in- ?. . tttiii fti'ent-iiii u d 0.4 tue apirii evinced ou all al?? 111.1,1 ' loe Olil?n m?. ami ?I? nui, i.itiuii vi i., , iiiiiii im \\ !? ? , ??nit. ronfldeni 1 Dot to govern this ?,,iii,ii ?. l i-?-! 11,,?i we have taei ghttodiiter. Icbrx-r - .1 ? ultl.lU I?, ill it ?'44 1, i 00 M .1 1.? , . 11 ; tin ) ai' ?il.'.l tu u.j i> ??I pubili v i.i, . e, 1 tau ] 1 h m . tint tn"4 eandiffei 1.1 bmmwid? tue, and 11- ? BUI. "? let ur .?.m., lud ail, native and naturaliaod? those WI , nm ji.iity, ami di?er, aud ? i?. , 1 :. '? - ?" ia], anil nul 1? i?? t ?>' lain Im < ., . U.l.? llei? I At i'lll?! " 1 ' In 11 tliat i A ? II i-a-k l!. Writ'lit, Hi?.'i-ial ciitidnl it? .e?l Hi j>..i t] and ? ? . 1 I :?? 1. aad, after tn? usual . .1 i> aching Hi,.: ' 1 1 I bj u due baud,aiarched with the enrwd ta?oui.iiK House. Mi,?.m,, \ s remarks fnun the i._i <?,!,? , 1 r: ? 1 l.-ii Bi ,1 to b] . latt? rlngeal ?? ,i b_ 1 pe? i?:?- 1. 1 .,1V. ?Is, m kiln,its. 0?I tliiin,- is Vi ry m.,1.. ? :.,', u.. t;in..? ?uni Brown ml?! ; lei ? -..? < 11?.?i. ii.iitt 1 f tn? ..?.. ?? ? ol Haiti.,nit. Mr.??u?i?--, waalatrodo <-,i I . ,in! .-....! . -I 1 1 ' H A i M H \Si',\. Maaoi PaaaaTiaVauna: *roa will ma ???>..,. ?_?? t,, mili..- you in in.iii.i aords, for 1 have been tra and -. ? the beel worth *?_? lua ami in?i-t y i tu.? it t" the <?> ? a?l>,ii bsi ? ? aad reported, -?? thai if \.,ii choos? t,, listen to me, to cl?-!. 1 in m? 4??ir?J??, )'*t ?ill h???*? 1im?i un opportunity to .1.. ?. already, hat me -?ut tbaa?es brleny aa 1 mav, ?Miu.i : v? points a tileb -? > m to use to demand your at latation, iou know I have mad? promlneni durlnitniy Beveral ott?-ranees the queottouol national i? tmn ul,?I real.aeaulne peace betweea aeetton aud -?? trun, bei 4At-.ii naaa and en all p irtiona ol nn a .1,, lean people. How,lf]**M ehooau to say to ma thai tills, is im! ti.?- moat,.at topic ol II,? tiine, I tuirtier ghat aasePtoples defer to stand behind it, are orowded bark I - it.? for? those i,,n? ol iriUir, ?111? silous ?a tax laii..11, >|ti> - ' '? questions or ?-?l.i.-.iti.n, all ai? Important, d ill ai*a am ? tl'in M ,.?ii nl?,tin. l!,il Whea inns of tllese la jirtaeiit??! h ?lile issu,. 1? nia?!?' iit-on u? ? gverridea and dwarfi M \v, ?_? thai eertalo ?candid ? ? I , 4 1 1 v ,;.,i 1 . ?? bal Mien u,i . iiiuiii' ,,- 1 ?, ? ahould uni hat a 1 to l eon upi i?'?,.r..i linn or 'i?',iit Mobili?re, whereb) the publie aaoney la ii?. 1 !?-,i into private j-weketa, a upon tin- y-n pit ' I the nation and the State. 1 iwer 1 ran ? at u ftiniti,, 1 . ." .,11 m ?,:ii r, le,aad that the _>,du 1 .. it, and -?, ttgbl down u? mpb* ??1? frteudi o; im Beb? 1 lell jrou, friends, ti...t uat? " ? u.l s,- ?, ' k 01 ; ,.? willlag t,< *?,..w 1,11 An .u .hi- * fa.r and e.iiiui ralea il, l ?, l> li,.UK lliul > INK .1 li- liiI m oui country, ?? cannof a.. falrl] -., . al all 1 ? '? ' !? 1 an for?lltpoaiua of tins, iiU'tiii?.' ?ml ?.t .1... .,,1 thaeoatroveray couct-ruliia n or siavea, or aegroee, ,1 anything like this, or tit' ? t,?aa_ ti*?M[t el man, and iiaviug HnisiivU tins ?? ?ill n lait? u), other r r i ? r s- ? i.' s I i1t?)i.,??' nf th. 'u il..-- te. [Applause.] il i I will five you then a fcxi l ? r .sx tirai II lui s Ifl Civil Ht T x,.. K.?,,, m, ?,i,,i i , u, ,? oui u Iven ira s i, ?i n-, ?? way, we ara for Civil Service Before?. Deal rou - |>l.itf.?iiii ! " Y. s, I ta*! i Me it. M'tiat U tiit r. ?Il niilit. Lut wliat | mi do is quitf Oppo|ed t.. it. Ibeia is u?iw a Kttai ?Ik'icii i" n I rai la Pennsylvanie, .mil wbal ?I?? ai ?eel Tin ?-'. i.'tMi'. (.( tin' Traaaarjrl? lecturing tin- peuple\ the i- ii.'aivnf the Interior, Umb P?_?_aa?ter-*_-Beral, and t,.. A?ici in ,x ? u i a i ni, me ml mit ?m Un' ?.tamil. A'l Ml trying to drag on ibe people Into an ? doreeinenl ? i ? ,, . and their ? ondnel I proteal that ih in ?Jlrect defiance ol i ihleconeept ouoj Civil Servi?*? Btsform. I Insist tli,it i:ii,il (.(tii?*rr* xx li?. an- ?Ir.ixv lag their sa i.i ry I ron yetu pocket? and mine, and who Me )' taitlitill' utt< nli. :i tOtbe business of tlir people?I insist tli it tiny ?hall altead to that business, and not be traversing State alter State, and Irving to twin! the people nit" mbeervtency t.? tin ir policy .uni their rtteatloain ofllee. (Applause.) This i? not Ctvll Bervtci Kci.irin. Well, then t.iKc tli? u< xi ?uixiritiMit? officer!? We cannot expect them to <io better than Um example let then by ta_lr etrperiora. Hen tbera ?r??. revenar officers, puslmalter?, aei-ret ?erviee oaiiai?, depul,. ? niai ?satetanta io tin at great m eratarica, ra? ink rrom State to State?, fron ?it \ t.? etty, from county to county, telitag tbav atMT and trying to naki yea l?e lii'Xi- ( US win? tl fTt r them ?u?- ?ilcn lutrly Itebels or the friend* ol l;?i>. !-. aad therefore to be fought down. I protest that tin? i* in violation <>t th?' first (on??lition .if l',xil BervlM Reform. Takf now, fw iiirt.iiiii?, my Irii ml Oea. Ilariiiiiaii, xvl.o i? low har rviDit your State m he lut? banted others. l!<- in a M i al .,i title- Government wboea dutte? ?bould eonflnc him at tli?1 port of Boxfii, whore his salary tr???s n i?aytilurly ami ho goat off Jnft us icifularly. in r. i.riirtiy. if in.i m j.iiiii.uv alao, in? waa nthhijiIiik tin Btati ol New-Bampeblre. InMareh i met htm la < ?.i.n? ? t 'ni. when in- bad a little respite, and rary toon ait? i ?c beat el him In July ?tumping South Carolina; la Auguat atumplog the State ol Maim, ami lo Bcntem bei !.. I? traversin?; the State of Pennsylvania, trying te . c ;. mi i a.,? en rj 11.n . I? lovely, and that ii und blnaolf .,ii?--iii to be again lu ofH( e. If tiny shooUl be, the) should do tbe duties ol offioc, and earn th? - ? .. riot- of (in.?-. But the fact that the) are In Penwryiva in.i and other i-t itea proire? that they arc asm? thai tin y cannot be faithfully earning the maaey they aro receiving fron the Treaoury. [Applauee.] New, Hun, l demand a n-l Civil Service Berorm, I demand II |nil aathe people In the mighty aprlslug of 1-411 Insisted thai there ?bould be no ree'leellonof President, ana thai office-holder? should ?miiim iin-m ?etvei '.. their dutiea ami let the people tali 11, i liona These wi w the watch-win-? thai oarrted th? ??iniiiti.i m iMi'. '?(.o away with your ? jii.. holder?. and lei the peonle| repudiate i.tloo, and vou attend i.i mu? r iitri..-,' watTtbeci. thai ?wept over Hew York, !..m..?, anil Un? i l.iirt i.? oi tbe Btate? Ilk? a whirlwind, i ery, and the p?eeple kiT? not yet forgotten It? echoe? nil. UQB? "1 TK I"!:.' IV OCTOnr.R. W? D ni w, one word mere ? itii regard to a in' i h it? ?ten and felt ol popular -prlslag wlthla tbe laat eight ortendaya. it waa reported,! do aotaa) bowtnily, u i?,i- Joylullj t, I? .?,..., i bach tnal I lett New? s' ? lespoudlng and sad. I .sie if that wen al i had scarce.) am ??'! tbe Delaware intu Peunaylvaaia .al lili-, i -ill, la all., |.c |n ,1 III all appn ben?lon? weredlspell I i tli ?m p ,n e to I'laee. At Lai -: , li di isimrir niul Alioooa, t., ii mlgbtj upi? ?.ie m PUUtmi b, I wa? lint II.' I wu? gloriously uphi I irengthenetl. Tbeuuowa through the __?< nl Btate ol Ohio. [Cbi r opio of l'en ?is.\ ii an la, ?on.? ol you have ulstrutic?. Ohio. 1 i ni .khi distrital bi i tio longer 1 have looked Into iin- lact - ui in i intelligi nt, man!) p< opli. it... ?re di I di by Ha made apon tbeui by Custom? house ofl.ctr. and tlie TroriMiry. So Butter how many post-office agenta ru!?? the State and forth; no matter bow many In p? id.. um! Supervisors of Bevenoe then in'? he hurrying tin. i, I to end, I tell roa that the people nava ? plu use j Prom thai Btate l peu Into Indiana. B il talk i,i Indiana I Her prairie? and her plain? ai with (oiitiiii'iiit. VVltb cheerful, hearty taitb t_ ? in.i ei. your oral m< ? of in? i m.ii.<.:i rail.? ; v.e tun ? int in ion . Bring to m OU, im i boa many." The) bave made up tbolr minds; tin \ bave beard, oou?ldered, and decided, and I ?ball be ?a. It) i"i li? Dili i um . t iuit State, and tie whole B< fonn tick? t, be bead?, is not told by Ogurea aearei ityon .than iaubx [Applaus? .j well, feli.'w-dti'ori?, they lia?-o one raaonne yel left : tin y ' more money than w? b tie, and . a.n ..i di nli aalet than ??< i un, ?... ?ford to ?ell tiiem, iiuir lmm their office?, Hllllle ?? I) Way? Of lnaKlIi. moiity III tin* ?'Olllili V, ale lavishI) taxed tu nil then party treasury, au?J . tl. ws i trcamaol con iptlon. i !.. inn.? tin: Stale Ul IU buy n, ami im > i if.? "t ?.. rj "nt- ol uni? -.s Hi. i , ..i, .i ten by moue). I? i i?x of "Tue) i aiii do It," and i-beei-s.J 1 toll you, mj iricuds, thai u ?dur tiaii?." r, and l tail upon tu.i U?i a iin??i vig? orous i . ma i'? elbow touch ?? nearest neighbor, Lei aera ?-'?. frmn vote? to ear ,.a,??t u.e whole Miiie ?othat aoaaaaia bought. i.. Lacjri aim.-, and i n j kn" bribe nieasurea througb ? . , '1 ... . i a ever) man i n, mi ibal inn watch It and see what it hau done, i i yon net in ii.i a bal oth* i men are tellioa you to do, M n .. tin ,i ii.iiii? , .uni then ? ote . ; ihein. rial way. I'. i.'t i"ii li tin Ir uiooei. It v. , . i ii \ .ai t,,!;,- it, ? (,, t ..lei n,., .-scan, moat be youi raplj to etery lna.i ?? bo < ?'. i - lo I ? purchase yi from tbe pi ?Is. Bl ind up lo youi m . du", pul in .i youi i" ' ki i foi i .a. s they : ie U..I ,(e,.iiu m lazea and in oUier way a. [Ap> ,. Bo?, Irlanda of| Beform In Pen iji.? *.- you to ? thai .?".n brethren In otnci Btutcs, who are to . ? ?ir verdict on tbe side ul I your own, [Appiauae.J They bav? r? oived that wbat ! ! .1' III on ! ! ' ati u and repaid bi the > > w? nu n turu. ? resolute purpose that you d victory and want It, and the sbont? ol an emani couuti-] shall drown your \ Ictory in tbe i bi i r? ol iu.(?"u, (??O Ul li' At tbeelooeol tlteipeeeh thre? eheera wen Riven. A? ri.dii as Mr. Oreeley hadcoueladed in- ?peeel^hc nner, and al 2 o'clock went to the wigwaaa, ai tbough tin- m? ? tuii.' had ja-t ban lanoanead le k -ni ?it 8, Oil arrival at Hie wi.'i? un he I(.i" 1 building, aisle? and a ata, ' ' a il upon ? ha!? '? ? ? ..ii ? around the bullilinc, and ?welled the Or?ele] ?? ., followed hy a niiiMTM?! ?-ii..ut m yi n, n i, ?huh tlmi.. il? K il the l.ilil.liiii.', im,] liiiiiiL-lil ,1,,,| suii .s f,, tin nuis of fell many ixiiitiii.* iiieini-. Beta tht lapa llene? o? peopl? iwald net brook an instant'? delay, aad Mr. (.Min wai compelled to nak? hi? tpceeh in ad> BOW II Bdbj an an,li? li:;. .11 ai I "III ?Alt ' . |ii.iii(,iniici may i"' m i.? baiglned,aad en erlllll^' llie i . . . ' taking, that the gaod proa ?" ill (1. ali ,1 i i .. ., ,( ,1, . - ; innl at the ? 00( li-.e, ..I hi? . ?ponded te by three tlaue tluee aad a til i i powii. I-* foUowlni . ? ? ' ii: AN'Hiil i: -ni ?i! \r i RAlafTON. (,l .li I?. N : il.i i. i- . "' (I I . . i, and India i I ? mi n , upon all -i.ii -, ?? w s >?i New Y?.rh do m thla ? ont? ?tl Me nt Wl at will ? Ou ??? til? I; .a will the) !.. i .. ntk-men, th York the Liberal Republiran movemeni Is eertali u ? : I ?? i . . n, and ti. lylni .tat! ??f i cannot de feat the Liberal and Democratic partie? without . ..i. ."leu. ted it' Btateol New "i ? .1 k l?etw?-en iia 1 * .. ?.-f .1 |,.ii tli ?, OB a 1.1 1 ? .i", iseveulj : \ chantre ol about 10 MM tok - ?. will throw the ? over t" the one sidi or the other. 1,. iia\ the Drill... lane party ?.i lb? Slat? ?>1 New-York 1-im.'. .1 : 11 win poll un lull Vole. a*i 1 .?? not less 1,(100, beyond tb? shadow ol .> iloabt, of Liberal Be |.i:lili. an-. But I do not tlinil tlu ?i- il efaforU tbe OoTerumeul I .,111 n ofliee-holder?, postmasters, collector? ol nue aad tta other vast reaouroe??I d.1 tblnk, under the circumstance?, that 1 ?an ?afelj -.. tbat we shall have a f*raal deal ovef taata Lt?eral majority; bat II Hi. State? nf 1'? hum lvatiia, ami lii,|i,u,a. and Ohio, all win un.- a majority for in? Liberal c-u<_dat?_,New York win give more, rathei Hun i, -- than 100,000 major? ity . idie.ii applaaae | Oea. _llpeirkik followed aim laa? a -Uha-MrM-V httiagapeeafeaa. '!_?? ?aeata ii.r ?.o\. Walke? Ibeake t-.iii nil?! - t.ik? n am in ever.? Mttaa <'f Hi. ; ? .'.t tu tie in (,..v. Walk- I ( MM f"i laid i'?. I MbM : ?."i. w_t___a'i M'i 1 11. I 1 I Kiu , 111/1 v.; '1|,.ie i? ? Mine for war tut I ttBM for 1. ?I'l.iiu- Those word? wore utterad by the next Pre?tdent of the United Btatea. There n... fellos 1 in/on-, in k, ,, intion , , , .,..., u which we in th.- South n : mora acutaly, |Uieal applauaa.] Bevea yean ?..'" tin* war WliK'h XXHH I.llral'd I.V ..lie ..'.(Kin (,f file e. .11 lit I \ . |i l|. 11, iiiii.w (in/am?, we ni in Un smith have n..i ?m finiiei j.? ace. I ?atead ?J reunion aud the bit follow from tbe restoration of elvil ?overamenl m ih.? B utb, wa have had constant turmoil, eoafuslon, wroag and oppression, [crtea of "that'? -.,??, ?i,.-. i. | n. m .t w? did nui surrender lu <ro?"i laltl . thai v?, ,,i, not ? m mu appeali for raooaciiiation, bat IU f? llo?-il1U( li-, that It ?I tie- ??tl? nl mi? Of ilisiimmi I- OTCt raiN.-'i an .m, if .?a? i. tffaa taatt n. froal nli Allitlliali hull, it Will not he n 11.e mu nv ? I In. Booth, tint lather frmn Hi'. ?line till!? of N.?W Ij.'alnl. [Applause.] Win u p, kl? i i Ibal the -.u ?I..J...I i" i,i iin .... i.,,ii ni Mi i.ieii.? what n failed i?. acoumplaih hj war, I tell yoa the an promulgallua ? i..i-. in..,.i,,,i,,"t th.v kmiM It lo he fair, win ii liny ?tale II I lie bonlli m.: ??mi praj lag f??r (i.i- time of peace \ic I..11, tarOWB ih.axn Hi. W'i.,|H.I,s ..I ??il, .mil We 'lie 1, i I .uni ?.ml !..i (Haie .n,, I, , uni iliiilioii, emliiriug up* -?isaik i-aa?. la- ".V- 1 1> |( |\ I"*., | tlll'ftl, ?II, PENNSYLVANIA CAMPAIGN i.r/.ri.'M: OQUKT- ?\ron-rr>. T' iii?ii>aM) nOFU G-JUB IMATOl m mit/. Wim l'Kimi'Mii.p gK*nir?i?__i- * MOMTBR pi MONI ni a no* - x iii ri'U'ii-' __OU9ED As m:\i.h r.Mol'i.. [!!Y TKl.t.l.KAI'll TO T?? TUUH.J Si ItAMiiN, ."-'?pt. 2?.-Ill teW Mat.?ills (if t tt i ?-? Htate ha-, the I.iiieral naiveiiiciit talca ?ntiriu n root In t: ?? hear? of Um beat < 'ms* al Ri **abHcnaeaa in tin* ?-"ai i. .- ,i s, .,iiil m f? 4T ?mii,ti? | hag it Meiliad ,-o ninny mal Ki tlrr-irtllc ??niierlH u.- lui ?? m ri e,and lin ? ai?-f ?tj "t tanatea?, H* I had ?aabtaithaeteilaglapait! i lia?1, in uni tram I?ta pa?t al Um Blatas tu- Meat ait* ne?-!u.<l liere to-riuy, ami tin- reception ni v >.u to Senator "-i? tiiirr. tilia evi'iiliifr, vrnulil have n.nvincertnie that the eoaMaaaa of the UbenU *>_*pab*taaaa ata Deaaxtata a-aN not vltlunit |Mi f?>im?liitton. h? t?nt?r .-?. litii/ ?? not arrive In time to parti? Ipate in th ? aftrrtoon demon t'ration, lait tli? (riaitet Mr. (?rt ?'ley atitl the crectini* i-,-.-<? u Lim, an w? 11 u? llus Lilieriil ataton 44 <> ad_ l ? ?I tlM 11.1 t'.stri ma?? n?< etini-'s, mill, I am t??l?. tu? Unie re im min le?! m B? i.iiiion ai Ma al tin-cr??t ?vents of Us history. A.commit tee, aeaaMIag ?r tara 0oemaoAaarteaaa and one iiativ? ??tiren, met !-i nator S, hwri ,t I'uttsville to earort hiin M lh_ -.hire. Al ?cveitil i?ol*ta iiIoiik Hio route lu? commi* 4MIK known, ami <to?a<Ih ?f a.lmi'irs, bu-frly Owenaa. iialmud UM .arto fay Ihn if?>ii?-? i? tu li1111 ntiil ilia!?' linn l,y tha boat, As ol*?n an the train m und or moved from a Hat ?m. lie v? honni'il 44ith l,?'.,tU ih.i 1.?. AI I ? :' -'i"'" ?'' " ? u on stay, Browa aad Baakalew (Sah, 1,ami,tin?,' nboal 100 met?, hearing baaaeai aad Uaaajai. aah a ad a?-> <>m l.anled by a fino Ininil, Jolmd the i>artv as ni escort of lioiMir, ami m? ?m; atiii'.l It to H< 1:111t ? ,11. Ah the train 1.1 .i: 1 ?i tins riiy its ?rnproach 4?a? aaaaaaai by tha fliini* of cannon, win? h hrouj-ht t?> tin-dep?*; at lcnst UtJW? bot pie, 44 ho (row ili d ni,out the Bt natt'tUi siiih a mann, t M t" make It alinoat larpeeaible fut lii' tn r? I h hia 1.?u laaa. Then m ta al tha i boit Mr. .-?inn/, in tha w.ioiniii?. 11.,n.?,, the memhai of tuo ?'?Miiily und < ily I.,l,'' nml Pi tn??ei ata '"Hi umI |n?, (.1 un.U: ? '1 oliti 1,ili iui.? of this lily, the riia?>iiii'ua Ur.ivestiul the Wuod iii.'i'i'.r-, each a_?baria-* ahoal IN MWnn nut. fiain, ht-_*lo| lawhll I '"led l'.v aliand.a im-a? veeaa aacocatoJ vitu fla,?-i aad ir,in?, ami earrytoc ;t,; "faaaa; bMUea ?reaaad ?_ v?eaai 1.11? ?? bUi g tii?' But? 1, i" ',ifl" ttom tin-?.?verni ward rloha The can ige provittei?or the ?-, aat01 and 1 lie Re? 1 ?1 .,,11 Couit ' .1", ,, 1,u.,1 ??.nil Haus and drawn by eixboi ? white and brown. The proeeaalon at once mov? to tbe WyomingHouse The sU-eeta loi the ??.h,,.,- daance, about ball .? ml ?, were io ibronici ?1 as lo Is alifai Im .;..'. and al every block, aa the great tiertau re? 1 , ? 1,., aized, h< tras greeted ,,.iiitiat? d, aa tin re ?- i? 1 1 oast ml di p .? "i tir.? ro? i?-. Iiiiiin, y aftei supper the Beaator waa ?liTen to th? ?.?.. i.-y ?in?, Brown Farm Hooae where a meting had itlr?-a<ly been organised. The bulMlB?T,which waa ' ntn-el* mil .1, and 1, mu, ,u more aathered ahoal 11 ??? ,?,,1, dowi where thet could 1 iteb the Mae ol 1 . -. ? ? . tbouab they 1 uuld noi >?? I rrowds In the streets >n 1 noi teeoi m the leaatdimtn 'ih.- sut. walks ihrourbout the rlti lutelj Impaaaable, even after the tii*- 1,nt d??,i- Hands. B>snatoi Behuri ipefce ahul an in?! a half, ?i ml nollti .a tin' ( ,11? t1. , lent ol the Houtb. and showing boa the UraiU \i is reapoosl le for them, Inaamueh as it has alvai them Its support, ii' ii. n ? v. ? in 111,11 the Adainistatlon tt? I i> their . ii.l .,! ,a?\. In 1 1,'-.i,,-, 1., reierral totte .??,:. s ? aiiproai hing ? '.. 1 lion In tbl t be ]" ople t bal Ihe 1 ouul kinjron v. ith the greateat Inter*?? to -???? whetaa r ttu- p<??? le .1 Penn 1 take tii.ii h'iii?! , 1 ii, lid. of .,,i would continue to sustain tbe tenant Uaav \\ aat were In pn toreblUfbt |proces?ti?)n was parading im atiesta Mai,?, ^-n 1,,1 1 \,-i? i,?,? k 4?),, re 11 pasad ??n. lUunil nated t?,ti. tant? 1 na or > olora I a I cbopperi and 11 - l*bappaqna lui.?) tuaitliedal the hea 1 "i Ils ? .? 1 lo . ib 11 ? ,,, 1 i'.; ill . and other etaiolulng lowua, who|tnrntjd 0 imen. 'Illl-ll flllll.Wt ?l II"- WHCUn With lili Vl.llli '.I I, ,,i,,1 tin ward club ., ?. Many of thi 1 u!' r 1 ontlned the mo 'i a? : '? : I lam,, If t.. Midi? 1.-." " !? 1 . 'ii, ,li " " I',', ..: . \4lll |H and ,1 ii.ili iu length, ,n,tl h] . . .??, r.iiii.n,. After the meeUng at the Farm n 1 lehnt*. ' III scvi ; .il clot at thi' U ? il ' 4?fe <-,tli? red in tbe sii, ? 1-, not mon than b til >>f Wbol could hear 1 word. ? ,.?t?? r spoke briefly, and waiwurml] applauded Li ii,, ,,. a.' ... throD . ? ild :? dcuvol Ltin rn? ? -.,', III ,t Dl thing Ilk, the li' ? 11 this even 1,. > -, 1,n! thai it 1- bul a fair Indei of il eninusl 1 m ? people In tbe cao.fB*rform, Thi ?Alii make a report lor themselves In ?ctonei thai ?1 astonish the I 1. ronlan corrnptlonlsts, and friends of bonesl .ml ?Ml! ri ,1 at 11 in -V. iul.i'1-, HAITI RANFT8 MODE OF E.ECTIONE1 l:i' 0, in -ii si - 111- TIME in I'll: BAItOOXB? ?t'B M-lli - I IQ1 "It AM? V 1T> >M lui 1 I Ml \ AM. la.l-?All IDATITfl "Ml BNING >..; \? 1 I 1 I. PR01-U81 11..s- . ? l-.M?. , 11 . ,. -.11* ,11 ,,: ?'1 ; i.-iii U..11, Sept. 27.?TI doing! ?.f c.-n. iiartiai.ii, i;, 1 u 11?,u in nominee fa?Oovernor during the lata gnat pahtb eeeaeleaol tin *hUen* ?Ooa**_-_Um, la tha 11?? 11,?* i,f much dlaciualon ,4?-, r.\%:.,_? t,? recenl development! thai while here be-?e maa wboaaks tha la u nf Penna*rivanla la 'i imii la.iiii- m a i? ersalot*m,nd thai be 1 oat? 1 , ,1 .f ?Mtii the >..iui". '., 1 |,'i tankai m ;? lia-i in? lit liar iiiiiii. Tha its ilC h.-ionii nil ?I?, , iilati,,ti, aad !,,i,l?lilii? :.t. While m that ell] in- iia*ladaaaM?Maalaaaa,alaoaat>aj 1,n Um i."iHi ??'. aad -? U bmi m Um i., .11 ) ii' 1. lag kepi i-.,, m, ,u-, ii,? 11 -a ,1 hit peraoaal Influence ? U h lb? ? ?pi latoi 44 ii,in 1,1 ? hani, ?! i,, na -1 iii ? ? ?v ?m ; 11,.t be ta?,, 1 totean I >. <?? a. u ranfl buttoB men r bi ?iiii ? bold? r 1 than even Ward ? .". n a (atllag u s a,,- man tu' a ' nl,lili, thi- statt liant of 11 f.,r li. ? "I ? ' ? .1 , 1 "i - ? Ciij 1 ,, 1. di an ?I 'I A. Mlalll >.f Ibil Cltjf, l<> the ?: ,?l til?) Mil Ji'l 11" rt lu 11 saloon In Bt. flu Mirmiacb, kepi ii\ r. Mi- thai ("ii. ii,iiir.init .1. di 4? Uli I . . U In, V?, I, 1 i-, liai 1. ? n..?.rt him tilartranft). 1 ? .,1 ,.,1. ? .s ?, 1 ,,,, , , [, 1 ? i u ted. 1 1 ,,ii,,i ha?, ?mu?,,u 1 m. power.and unid pardon ?? To this Feld replied that if he was ted and convicted nf ? rii ?m.I., noi t,, be iriloni d. To to 4?l,ai straits hi. part"1 Is driven, ami tim nn ana Uartrai it 4?,,u?,i , _j the affidavits ol William Mi. aud Andrew 11.. i,? bul it .?? ai - "i ant, av n.' mention? d, were made bt Ion Bob? 11 I.. M A di 1 m m "? Bouth I ait-!,111 nh, fount of All? klii'ir ti., deponents say tbat cm tbe isibavol this month, th? ?, al ? "i,, ,'ni,.i Uarden, .1 pis , ?.?),, i,,. \4 n.?-. wblaky, and other liquors 1 retailed, dranl wine paid f? 1 bj .1 aho were there, liquor tieinat-laceoa a table for the Us.' nf ??In l'4? I .'i-li??llt; Ml alili !?'. Hall: (Irani '? ? 1 <,,. ? Uot ol Pennsj I 4.11,1a, ahook banda with them aad ?n, Mlhaow ?>>n aan't do aii'tii.iik' else for me, bul oa eaa do a Uttie balloolna." Aflktavlta are also madeh-r Ilenry Beevei 1i1.1t (i,.n. Bartranfl tool three drinks ?-wiit-k? ,.t the 1.1 of J ibt " ?? ? waU r, .m r> i", -t . a : bj JobnB. Tim. i?"i,y tbi Uvueraldrank rebate?- .u' tut- aaloou ot U..ii.?li ?iul'il- ?th, t'ai In..f.,"Till ?t. iin? worn ii ?tniiiiii.4 ibowsthe iha^tir ?if ths mae non holl?n,? tin responalblc positionoiAiniitoi ?, <.f thi- Blah . and ? 1 an lidate for the b-b offioe ol uni i ri.or , nml > I. n OU local Itlln'lun-? pisa, 4? In, b ma?. ? It a raw to earbew everrthl_a iM-riHinia. to pol?tica, li moved to express Itself forclblj apoitbe conduct of this Unberuaiorlal candidate ?.iui.- 1 the ?it--. Tha Preehyterian Baniur.aB obi, pare 10? aad mil , ?1 ? 1 l.uiil) ,(.eii. llirtianfi hail 11 In av iiioi?kIi l"ii?l in tin ? --tunalmil of t?e Ixn'ile of I'll t.tiii ?rli to earn, v.iiii.i.ii . Idln-ttoltlhe Improprietv u \l-iilii'* Usxei 111. IU ?'1,1' I t" r, , III,' l ill. J], III, ,|, ,||l,f , di] a. i.: , ti., , ami ihei> hi ili-,.-,!-'. dnot ui I] i o a ?? i illy. For a eandldate i,,i the blab office of Oovernoof tbi .?i,,,.o t,, this meant ol lecnrlns fa ? di ^iii,in,?, i" Ulm? il i'iii ii i? ai?., bad polk? m tha ? u,, , ,'ii,n,iii,ii ?." ihe Meaning Lte?tr [lad.), in u? laaatM tina avaaiac, m.? ? ; 11 .ai ?t iilift iptN a?s t > think that a t>af-.?tii i. t! ?pin i, of a statesman; thai thi tblt ...H? -t puhtlciana are habitu?? ol aie bouses, aa thai tin m? t i ri dllaob routa i>, the l ai ''i o thoi ouahfan -,' lis h) 4*..?.?. -, e.nd ihreahuanaireweai Uli.l ? lai kl rt il H? ; ?. Not lio? s bit ?<'ll-i - |'t , i|.| |r I l i',,|| *u<- lu n, I?, It] ,1 ? of . I. , HOW < H.., IhoUhtOI m,, ili.? to In- the mil' l,"li"lal,"' ami n r|,e, tal,., ?, a ,1111,,||K- , __ ? s foi blah office 'i i.? - i?, tun h.?, tin platform, ami the stulup 111 e >,,a,> 1 il out ll.sliliil .?.- 1 ,11. ?i,, u, uatia at -nlvUiijvatv aud iviaiici] art unwi Ui] maVei tal te operate, apon, whfl*|hoy?of 17 year? of age, m hoiaa '. n ihey i annol ?, te, ?n |ual the thing ?au it t?> il? thai a candidate ??-pable ..f fault? ?aeb win charged agatnat will reoilv? tin ladenaawal ? f the veten of Panaij Ivanlaf t.antasti:r and BESKS. iin. i.ii'.i.ii.ii. MovKMisftntoaa ??tb?cbbai Ki.i'i lii.K an BTBOKGBOLD?? A OONSIDBBABLE i'i rCCTIOM ! BOM mi iTARTAa hand Of (?t i? seas_?i.uiAi i mi? i ?u ci'inis'* LETTER. IT! ell Till n I ( I U. ? ('ITi'M'dM'IlNTfil "! II!. Tr.tnt'XI | RcAotao, Pena., Sept. 28.?Th? t i ? ?* kai ?uiiiy tinned ?gainai tin Cameron Blag,net oalj in Lamas!, i cmiiii?, i m nt the cradle? ft AboBtlonteei, mee ihc holm of Thaddens ?-(??ven.-, anil ?till proud of 111 m memory, bat ITU MBOBg tile I'? nil?-?, Iv.i'ii i Date! ol old Berks, xrliieh ?va.i mvir known to give a Itcp.ib'.n 10 ?\. The " i lull" v I.i. Ti slu nil the Btate frini : i' 'I'l.i.i to ?Pittsburgh, teo weel ?riven I'lan to a fe\i r that will not subside until ;t f f ? i tie (J. tol" r 11.11.,!,, tad, UBk ta t.' d t'y vh lery t lu i>. v..l! ?tait roceen in Hovembei cuy, Bemethiog of tfte ? ao atrlkingl] _uallM ta dal te the Isflaeaei "i CX-Gov. Ciiiliii'.s letter, tin? effe? t of whi. !i is Just licj-ln nlti? to !)?? ?ecu in Ihc two tnuntirH named, tuit tnoic t?' a ?lett unliiatlnn on the part of all feed ?iti/en?, Wit-? out respect lo past party tic?, to rebuke the dishonest Rlnif that, lef.iro now, would have mil id a teM ; f?llet.t Hint, -a ?I? termination that is growing am** every ?lay a? the campaign prOgTfWI. Laiie.ister (', the fiirdcii ?pel of I'.i.n i i, ami our of the gnat strom-holds of |{i?piiblicn, ' . ?. at" .1 the baleful li :! tenee ef ( inti Iti r. in ??? HI ils local iitf ill's. Home of 11n EKatC film!? are said to lie ,i, poet* d in one of the l.;i ii lest at the county Nat, and the ofliccr- I f that _Mttt__**a, the ( drtarof die Admtnlatrattea newspaper fa ho i? rewariad With the po Ittoaef .Naval (illieer lit I'lilla?!? I;.!i \ ...ill nothing to do but look after ('.nncron'.i tut. rests and diaW Ml salary of |7,i?K) a yrar and pfiqellHiH). with a few- others, f,rm w )? known as tin? " Canu-mii Clique,1* unpopular among ihc boacal perttoi of th? lit puiiiuaii patty, init geaa dry able, i>>- Un* tu e mi of money at the piitnari ele. lions, to keep eotitrol of llu? (eiii.ty. \?.,:h a BepubliCM iniijni.ty of from 5,0<Ot<> 8,000 tliey have Leen able, by ?i ligerea? ci.iekiiig of the party whip, to serme a pretty general lap port of tiaur Ml ilnlafi s ?,', lien oute in tin? fl. 11. I.tlt vx h,l( tl.t ie wore lnaiy bOBcll It>pul lirans Who inwardly graaaed every tim thi Owaieii yeta ?a? put apt n !!.( tr i,? t li-, lie v lav? in'.it, until ttVilMIH eppottaatt] to throw II ol vltboat going o?rei to th?i !>? n, m lalle party, wall h, before Mi.- ('. ne: n i.a'i and Bal? tliiiore Com cillions, was, In their estimation, leaping fioin the (rytaf paa into the tire. Tho Liberal ateva im nt was, n.i i ? :'i joj by tha I abo helped to lay the foundation of tbi Bepobiieaa party la thi eeaaty iad in tkeState, Ibd ?abo hat' ?virglvei tin ir hearty ?uppoit to the gnat principle? mi which It wur? fiiiiiiil? tl. They did not :,n iimiiice their Intention t o vote for Mr. (Jreeloy with tlio f a trumpet ; their name? I iv? not been paraded in tbe i'iiiiiie prints; bal I waaaaauredal Lancaster, ? ?, u.i it required no effort i" prepare a list or let influ? ence at least ten ?ote?. These a lime win reduce tbe eus lomar* Bepublican majority in tha oounty 3,000. eaatei ta il ?, M TtB know, th? bom? <>f r Billingfelt, tin? man win?, aexl to . (ml le ?f tbe tirant party l i uneron liiiisr. i m't ti.:- gentleman ?:.,- morning on tb< l I. il,' aslel .liai till- ( If- . Ill 1- 11 man of minis ine n, ?vim would not Itnpreaaa?trange-i u . . In,Me? ,1,1 ,( , of hi? pOWl i. 11 ' i ? . I,'..a .si a id : Be has tbown do ??? :i the - luul let before the 'freasurj tUng In hi? maateii) ?peceh ?m Moliila? es.'lilnw la-t, ?ilei ?UU (1 s u ad.v to light It out oil tiiat line II an] dare piel it up. Th? Influence ol tins man iu Lam-aatei Count* and all lh< ? ? untrj an wi : di rful. The ?" ,'!?!(? look upon him >?? it h ?dmli and lie v. in i.. \ ote- over i In bis own county, tbe lowest estimate that I heard oi tbe number ol liranl Bepubliiaos who will nol i ? .f the*? a 111 voie loi J?,., ,;,.( St : the l'on... 1Mb I' In a?, it!) Bl In...a . i.. ister County waa a Utth U?K lu netting into line, now thoroughly aroused. Tin Lan i t,r 11 a.... a '. iperof great influence and l .,? |,('v(l Itartriiiitt from tin- ?tart, uinl doe? , aii.-e ni tteforui m the Btate i..n"ni meut. Tbe (.unan It publican newspaper, UU t. ?//.* '. opposed H forC til'' ( ollV.-lltloll, I'll' after be wa? nominate?! pu! ids name at tbe boad of its columna; a few da hauled it down aga n man) nl II m m i? ,n?. i -, Lancaster Couuty gat.?.. 11 j.'iii.i ; i w., ,,- uredmai liartrualtwould uot i,,t? than 3,600, and that il Buckatea i |oiity v.on.ii not ex? ei that. O. J. Iitokey, ih? la. sent nieinii, v of 4 mice - from Ih? District, waa nol reaomlnated in Adminis .en .? t] majority, but alll add ao ttraagth to tin ? III l.ia- . el XI I 1 i'i II. ? COU! ? lia ' al ?. > - 1" ' Il ale.'I* I Lein.. i.ii.? .. Laneaater baa been Bepublican, aad, Iheilgh I ha m mil sei n ?n main 81 Ufa in ? I of cut Inn-?asm hen In Beading a? I have foaad ia some othi r plai ?'s, it . i am Inform ,i. to tbe uademonatrativa ebataitei of tin- people u ti-1 i in ir faith m tue -n...-? or thai? i. ? ..?; Bepabl earn la the i ...i.oui,i a d tbemeelvi s et lach ta ?boat iisi, xxi.i. li, coiiMdci in?,'the wi'aiaiH-s of the Bepi puny in 11-, i? a rerj geed ?bowing, i haveaet been i, gri ,- igalMl Bartraaft i. a iin- (.: et pai ly. bat Judge ii i ? Pi ..u ii eut I.?!- here, Bcj think thai Buckalew'? ma|ortt? In Berks will be from ,,, ..i .| n a i" i l?e i UH of the i ote, < letter has sal ? great many Benublicans to thinking in lois county, and the propri? toi ol ? fui naos In an a?iJoin .i me in .lay that airead) three B , whom he employed bad been converted bj it. Id?.t t ',,| ti , aiming the Uerniun Bi publl? ana In , imi.ii Berk? a- weal a in tin ?a. itero pan i i man) "t tht m ?w no ?? m wake up, m.i tbe visit of Senator h. .. r) great ? od. -EX ?flOV. ? i ?8TIM AT HOME. A BBARTI '\iK'iMi: ,u iiai:i:i-I'.ilao? m: ??'il.!. ?i, _I ? i nil ii rOMTK i"-sn. ir. On Thmaday laa? ex-Qov. Cart?n Ktunicil to hin nut ix ? Mat' aftel an a!'-> :.?'?? Of (in.. >? li v hi ravei it u - known I i xviih it. nit. it ( ipn , f ).,. are i j frh i da and adi u warm gi Within an hour afta had been raeeti i . i I - bled a! ? ' ' urn htatboaw? Ibe trata waa d nlliio-t an hour, but the t low! patiently awaitl d rival, aad area ai lirfc, and i" rba] - larger, ?lien It il'a! \\'| . ; ,'pi'l ib thi if tile ..Tr mi a,. ,. j,., :,.|. enterad i. - ?ai u i ? .1 liim 10 He- |.'.,t:..| in. < ?ii in- iij. . vaigraetodwithabw loi heart, "beere, which in.,in Mi.? ?repeated. Ooariagforward, aad inpj in- weal fume i.. . Mr. ( m i in tpoke as follows, loud call? being mad? for a few word? ?.a. him: " M) rrlenda I am glad lobe it bomi With you again gls.bler than \,,u tan l.?> to meine. Having Jus! ratnrnedfrom a despul?? government I can apprecutta more than ever tto- country, win re tbe arc permitted to overn tl i I' |.iip.,se to do what I ran lo latlst ??.u in hunug the inen: ta? 1 li 11 li 1 .Ule,l In |nn ill ." Un belmr asked bi tomi on? uf the crowd, "How about f?m kalew I" (on. ? nt tin ref( lied the Inqutn ? to i.i. re . i . tier .?eel um.' for Burkatew. Beexeuaed blmaelf i rum ia i. ie i speaking on Ihe ground of in- em.-. , . ,i condition, bul waa onllaed to umtergo tbe ordeal of vig ..Lai. h mil ib iklni for s..iu. tiuii . ta a friand Mi I old remain In Harriaborg a fewdaya, - Hid (letlile 111- political pU?. that i ail,I to dm . -., I in .1 a x I li tiou laaspeeeh it l- lb fonte. KOTEfl 01H NIK I \nn SEE, Beaatorl irl Bchaxi aril1 addreai tha dt??.bi of III H . i'.llll . (hi* l telling. IL M. Qibton "t Pittaborgfa ?mil J. D. Dradin oi \i Mbtagtee, Pena.? nblreai d lha Beavar Falls (Peaa.) di. i lej and bio??? ( lufa on lb? Mil ?utt. Tha Hoa. Piad? Hauat-rek, editar ?>f Um ? ,,. taaafi TolktbiaiI, and Ibeodow TUtoaof tba elty, trill "' ml m.ciiiiK' m Pltteburgb oi I dm ru Hills' of in tl ?. . s. Tli?- Oiaalej iad Baekalaa nun af Conaho* bii'keii, iieai Nonistown, l'enii., i.ei.i a graad ralij aa tin? .'.'.?li iii-t . where speeches werernadi bj the limi. i: u A.i.i. Jame?Bo)it, Charles Hem tcker, and J. U. Gal s?.,:.-. A m? sting ??i Libenl Bepublicaoi aad othem in l,i\,.rof the elettioi'of the lion K. Jo) Morrl?, lie i iii/.iis' ladcpendeal eaadldate,aeCoegrenaaattamt ih.-,u,i l.miii, tot Peaaaylvanla, waa held In Philadel? phia ou Thui ;,speeches beingn_da bj Mi. si m-, John All. n, In. Robinson, ami othi u. Tbc ?bend Rapubtteaai aad DHaooata al the li lilli and Tl.iilc. nth \S al,U of I'll I .l,nr. li liehl and fiitiitlalav>tlc lu?'i-tuii; on the '.?th inst , John Bet'lung presiding Atne and e-isctlve tpaeeheaweri made by It M Uloaoaand the Hun. T. M Marahall A m. .un k wa. ne i.i in Ha ?i Birmingham the mm? avaalag, and a Uraal?) and Broa a Ciui, ?u wigsuitoU. PROOF OF BLAINF8 FBAUD8 OBI Mil.I.Ion six inMH.iEDTROI -\M) I * | His INFLUENCE. trOW Tltf PA?"!Fir RAILWAY. FA?T.-:*>N MTU-ION, \V4S ItANKItt IT 11Y HI.A? K M AII?A ?-TART I.IN?. SKiUV OK I414IIV?!. HtAlD-, AND THK OBOM?H ? MM irioN. Astounding as were flic ?li v? lormcntfl in tlie rast' of tlie CnMit Mobilier, th? y prove t<> ba ?mly a l.rn f and t-inglc chapter ft many in tin infam um history of onr nati? nal k*a*?latb n and admit.isti.-tt inn. Ad faits li.'ive ??Hile t.. Kl lit alai 1 )'4 ) a I d:,Inti? mi.- c4 iiicm? ? l briber] and canruptioii in the l.iiK.' ol l. n?-.?-*.*- ami the un n 44 ho hat?- l??-t t :i> ?.-?1 tln-ir 1?i?_li othi ial trusts and na? lilu? ?1 tln-ir p? hutinr lor plumier MM MtOWB in their tine ?hat a. - t?'iu ?in national J11 k 11 \n ?t > 111 ? ? 11 U"**J~*_| l?'H ami l'laekinail iipon n?: i.m.'il i nl? tpi im. II,'- nit ol " pltwiag Rtoek 44 1.1 r?- it 4voiilil ilo the tmist Mgg?,* tt va oa___Q*f I'tic t:e?(l l.yth" II?. n. < laket? Am?-? in li.'halfof tlaCtiiiit Nl.'l'ili. r, 4va.s n.,! a aOValt] With hiin or with th?' bonorablu Cougr? 8-iiiii'U 44ho th roll id' him found ho rich a ].lacer. When the tine history ?if tin- I'nioii I'a?ilic Hall? way coincs to h?-44ntt? 11, it 44ill staitl?- the nation with it." re?(?rd of Die blackest ???.iruption and the most villainous inaeliinatioiiH. 1 rom its inception to itn complet ion it has h?'?'ti a scheme of unparal? leled fraud. Few, e.\??-|.t those im.iieiliatel.v < **?_? cctncd, km 4V ihat 44)1111 tlie era ml pro:?-' I 0? uiiilini* tin- l'a? UnlOOaal 4vi'li tin l'.a t hy a railway wh*< li \4 ?ni Id In nal n.nal 11. it.-? ? i. WM di, and tin- \?iy id? a of which thrill? ?I the lu-art -Aith i>att:iiti,? emotion, that a i*rotip ? inlui? inif nome of th?? MflM CongraMBaao 44 ho lignr??l in tiio C'i?:dit Mobilier opposed lia ptagNM at it? inception, and it was not until they wot? twaght lit? so naah ?_**? ? _____1 that ili?- proiiii' ??i tin? railway ta* ? ? i\. d the autl "ii/.Uioii ii? '.fs.-aiy to enable tin -in to proceed 44itb th? ir ?ut? ipn?e. < li t? f 111111.111, tho nun 4vho thus epytwd th?' r?.ad until he 4\ an " boiif-lit'' to support it, 44.1,-1 th?' IIou. S,?? aker Biaino of Maine, who wem into Congress a poorman, and is now credited 44 ith pat_MMi_l I tt.illiou dollars, j Th? '. iKuuibtauce-4 of tiic uiiiiUi an- in icily at fol? lows : In IS.?... --.Inn tIn Phi ilie I'ailio.i'l 4?a.? an oh the remote future, tin Tertitory of Kaaaaa, thni i?ll it- aaaiiibiy, .marpara?*I tin, Laavtawoffth, Paw?. tie?', and Vi?an Bailroad Coaapaajr, t<> run ft?.m Kansas l 1 ' to Iii'H4,;-, l' '1 nail?,, a ?iiMtai., ,? mileg, 'J he prolllot' !h of tlii.-i ell'erpll-?!.' WOT? neatly all l___t_ta of Kansas, 4? ho fiic-aw the : 11 y for additional railroad l'a? ihtn ??. I.attr, tlie piojcct of tho 1'acitio Baflwaj becamo moro ?cuorally niritated, anil tho ten, laalt?lag tho importance of th? if poaitioo, appealed to CaagiaM tot the n? eeaaery aid t>, !,, > "in, a lortionof that railroad. Faff a timo th? y wer?' anana eaaful, but they _na_y triumphed and M ? ?tired tho passage "? 44 hat isI k_0H_ M the l'a??iin BaUroad m i al le..'. trhk_ Mthoriaed them, under lh?: tit!?-of the I ii.ui _____fl l.'ailioad, L.i-t ( ru Division, to batid their roa?l to tho MOth meridian of loniritiidc, and th? 11 mtt rscct \vith the n.aiii inn- ot 1 in- Pacifia Railroad. I poa the pa ol this lull, the Company lepn ?. ated its propel ly and *"*_M*MM as follows: , ('?,nil',inv's Imli.m lam?? (?ililalneil tiy frenfie? tvllli Ilie in Iinvan: ami loltawalt,,. a ol ImliaiiH). BbJU Poaaiaaa laa?(caata*a^aaaaaea paa aula, ?t fj ?,i per aer,-. ? I . B, llX ft ,!Ii,|',',lt;,"?M|,. 1 | ? ?jinpjli>'s capital Bit.?-. I ? T"tal.|1h,'..ii,i ??1 The lands rt f. to 44. r? r. putrd t" be tin? tiiiest bottom land? in tin- ??.utitiy, and v.?,rib an imiii.-ii-?..' sain. Di -p. ?? li?-. la', "able < ?;, i.:i:-tain, .s the ol the Leaven worth, Pawnee and W I Uailroad, or, aalt bad bctsoaaa fcoowa, tii?; Union l'a? .in- Kadi?....!, 1...-I. niDiviaion, on -May 14 ? oii-iiitiiiiiati'd a barirain 44 iib Batntwl HaHett and othera, through Qen. Jamea <'. Btona of J. w hen by the l...i,i.u,! I . I of theix Moek, lilil?? Ills?.-, et?., 4,?-,il ,', I :.,|?-r laini ii.iii.ed ajentlemea, for g paltry ?um of bc tWi'CIi >-.'. ,. 00 ,1! '.. - Now tha ?luestion ariaaa why did ihrawd 1? men dkpote of this immense ]>rop?ity f.,r nu., h a bei't-'aily piltaiiccf Bimply In-causo tin ir t"it>r j.rin? had bei"iiie so in\ol 4 i-,i n\ tin 11 ha') lilt i? ? shape of pledaaa of Mkoel-, iMnda, <*,?., ta imnibera ??f ( oiii-'i, M and oth t?.l l'..r tinir fran . tiiaea and labsidiea, and other ueivi.-es, that it had ?lrpie? mil d in the ralae for whieh it had ? d When Ballett and othera ptuduwed than railroad they in isi.d upon having a itatement of iis liabilitii?. Gen? Hit down, lud with hia own hand wxota a lift headed MfbUowii "Tha 1.?a4?iiworth, E-waaa andWastaca Kailway8toeh ( outrai is. made for the Company by J. (.'. Stone and Thomas Ewia***, jr., ? ai?'? lit? of II.?' C'oiiipanv, to secure tin? ratiiieatii'ii < f the Delaware and Potta aatomie treatiea, and tha paaaaaje ?>f th?> Pacific Railway hi?a" J !iis waa a atatetaent, int.mi. <l azclo i', 1 ? I'm the dm <?f tha now ??44 m r.s of the road. Among the entile? made th. nia 44 ero tho f?a_owin_i K. .Miia-ain? \. K,. -.1 wpposed toba Cat --.''. roaiann flharna la Ideal t" aaeaaaaaaat, tAtt leauad? ? ma .-ui j, et, 1 \V. \?. t, , . .. ;?: , I sill.1 "i-t !" M ; abarca not aa J( at, ooaa. B. N. ? I t?. a, -N. V., lint lit?I ,. ived, BiosU] nl. a k-u.ail?-lau ?n subjeel to ajsc.?0iut nt, ?l lie ; . Jii'iui, it, 1..i..,:. 1.... i.. rnpi " ?'i i.? ba !?,- ii. t, J. i'. 1 oi. th, ..i 1 1:. \\. 1 boa .:, let amith aad Xhoaipsoa ?flharea *_l*0eet to asaesaaftat, noon * ihaaaanot anhy ? t, M^ooo laam _, 11? in) B? . IfMOlaaued, ?i;;,???. ; aba . Haaall Otoam tu ? t t., .?it, *<jO laeUcti, l-li,.??.. , 1*I5U??1, ?llllXJO. J. il. rin.uka for.l, Ky. (i._i.t) ? Hliaies sal.j. ? t to a??, ?-m, ,'.t. >'?j i?s,ue.l, ??>13,Oi*0 ; share!? not sut"Ject, nom?. Wm. Il,.h i 10?) iseueil, t?, 4?) ; lha(W Mt s?il,j,-, t, 1,011e. ?t. W, Cliase, lli 1?, ?ni.? .-liaren siil.j. , t ta a-'-.-a?iii.ut, ii? ?m-, aba rai aot -1 ? I * -. Raj iio!?i.- *rl^ht) ?area ml-jeel toaaaaa*aaaat*SM Isaslieil, $10. ?Si; hilares ml suli|l'> !, n,.| a, - 1.., sii?,p,.-.'.i t,. he tar C. Mitchell ol It (rlitlll/ ?...:?!, II",!.??! ; s,,,.n 100I in) set,a un . tha Boa. .1 1.. Rtee. m -- . **J - lahjtaol 1, |-?.?a?U0; ctialitj not ?11. J, ct, tioiu-. H*, H M tr-t-n (know notliln-r almut him)?-'hare? subject to aitsctt-iuieut, iioit.-, hIi.u'?'? not oiiliject, iou not IMuetl, Ita-O.UOU. LathfOf (know tiotliinir aiioiit him)?Phares i>tit.jt.,t to .??-. .?.uieiif, nom-? iharaaaot aabjaet,Mtlaaaai, t_A,(-oo. Klug (kuo4v uiMliiu?* al?.ut liim)?Hliares aahjaat to _* MMMtaats none 1 aharea aat) taajaat, soo Maaai, 115,000. i-iiiwu (miow uothln? u! ?nit tilun?SUan??? sul?p'?t to ?at, inn.' 1 ?h u, s not suiiji-et, ?.?uo not laaaai, I U. \4 I . ? t to as-i'ssmiut, 11,,lie 1 ?lian? not ?unj? ?? i, lit) not issued, -1 (kii'i.v aothlog ahoal aiai) naniea taajoal to ?lit, Lou? 1 ?Lai? - i.ot su,), ,t, luo u,it isaueil, t?".'??1 li um of M ,.nient I '? -ni.!?-? t. s,-n?. taaw A, ttOAioa. B*__aaa4 M_Maa)i****-?*i?-thaiaa laaiaalOaaaaaaaaBanl, n, in-. s,-,mai 1 -iii|?'?.t,3011 not laaaai,tt?tth TlioritiKtoii "to not kuowi-Kluir??? aunjeet to a?s>ca* uient, uiiiii-, iharaa nut ?uij?-ct, 1 vint laaaai, u,i?a.. j. M. Wiia-iieii nitiiiii ,-iiai,s .uiij?'?t m aaaaaanaMt, none , iliaiea not sutiji, t, luo not l?sue?t, |.'i.i??'. Daaray, H. Y. (Maahaaalll Maaaa taajaal M aaaaaa in? nt. soo ir.?u, .1, lie 101 ; sliar, s not rlUl.jV, t, lion,? Walket 1,1.1 not kirn??) .-liai.? st.i.j,, t to MaOMMtBat, lot) ivoieil, t..,i?ai, allana not ?tiliject, none. C A. Irww?naa?, ixtrtilt nl^Liii??___?*?_ aulileot to aa ?????men?, 1,400 lixsnrvl, tl?O.ntyi; ?hire? not s?ihJiH*t, non? J. Jii'lah, ( s Um i 11 f?K lid in* -iiojext to a? ?cssiiii nt, 1,000 iMRMd, 1*0,000; ?hares not subject, none. T. Ju<lab, California fneud (right)?-Shar??? subject to a? It, none ; shan s no: biiI.j? .;t, 200 iMied, |10,OCO Wii-ov, V. T. Timep (rfcht)?Shares ?nt>.? <:t to ssse** ?U i,t, 20" 1--U.,!, tm.oo.1; -bar,., not sub).? ?. none. M. J. I'arroft, Kansas (rich!)? flhare? tnLJe. t t/> vsetiv ment, non? ; ?share, not ?abject, vm Itsiierl, tl'n.iaa) ?;> n .1. Oaoper (rn/Mi?.?-liare? subject to a*ti?saoriei,f, bone ; shar? ? not niblerf, h?i l.taned. |4,(K)0. Simp-oil (Maife ? , - ? lo assessiii. It, none ; stun s not silhject. '.Kl Issued. 11-1.'??'. a W. .loiiison, Kai.rus (rigbtj -Shan? sni'iei t to s ?act? M( lit. 4,(? I not M?aa?da ?'-<" ."?I , shares not ?ubjl? t, OOTir J. P. I la: --i.ii,- -iii'ject to asricssinciit, i'),W)n i..t l--i'.i d, |.VO,IS?'; ?baie? tl"f - ll'l'Ct, nolle. ?'. Bibcock, K..I-?-. lappeeid '?> he for Wilkinson PI ire? riibjeit to assessment, l.ryin not Issued, |80 Of?' ' r. fi ?erre f. i the future :l share? not subject, n?.i.. V. P. Sfnnton. Kansas?8 h a res ?nl.Jert ??se?sin?>at. I??i i -u.I, tn,it*i; (no ?ibli'.iit.on In the past. Ixxok to th? futur?' ;) ?fe il' - ? "' ?1 lee*. 1. ma, ( heaver, aashington, ?upp?.?.?! t<? be t< i Himmoa? i I.?.Shalt? 8UbJ?'et to a.-s.--lia t ?, none: (til?' serx .. ? ? ; l.'tcd were not rendered lu full. Be? Jmlfo .. ,:.) shan ? not ?uujoct, 60U not la#ue?l, I it. W, Latham, -upi and (<> ha for Simmon?, R. I, me?. note on (beever) Share? -u'.i'ct to aaaeMBnteC, non.. lb II? BOtl ? 1, tl*,(1<?. I! I Beaaet - tijeettO assessment, !'<' is-ii..!, {" ?? - bjeet, non?. ?! r? n. ?'ii'...i.i (do. not knewn) *>" r.? -uto.?' ? ? ( ,'tr. ?.-in. 111. I Iba*! I not subject, ?xi i-sued, |iu,(?j0. Franchi tt, X. Y. (r ghtj Shan ? hi * I t?. Baa ?ii. I !.. " . M nol snl.ji ? :, i le - Finn'h-tf. N. Y. (right)- Shar s ?ahfWl toa?wt?*..etif, ? - i...t siil.jc. I, s?->fj not l-.-ii. d, 11.1,000. .1. N. Cintis (no srr\ le. ) -hu.? ?nhject I u d. tau*) ; a Tin Hon. J. B. l."ll;';?>. Ml?, (i.ght)- Phare?, subie, t la ee?ea?meiit, soo Issued. I'.."..???i ; -hare? not ?nOicf i I I'let? h?r _ II. ; !.. - ??,,,, ni'nt, 2,1's? Baaed, R-MM| siluros not ?, i. (Hold it over them in t< rr.'i). . .g Jo|:'i-ori, Kansas?fl .re? ?u!>f"0t to.? im '.t. m not iss.ui '1, I ? ? i, n .m C Adams, Kaiisa-, t,, ??. I. im . son in law in. Shares Mil".at to a-i -:in nl. : . ???!, tlO.OOO. \v. \v. lia. ki-. Le .v. nworth | ? m. n not Issued, ti.'f a' ? ,i. Koran, M a- . MM nl. '."< I * i. -'i'"!, *?-' ' Joslah Mil'., r, Kansas (right) ?aaeaMMal, ioo not laaaed, lo,?*?); ?hare? m.t Ml none. 1 . i; kid ' . i. .in '? trim d i . ? at, IM .'?: t Tbe above ie a _air Ulnatration of tbe m. tl.. ? dispoeingof tbeatock wbiebibonld have l?.t. piled to tha aa of Um road. The Bit ii betta-redta be bj no to ban ibared In the plunder. Bui Mflkieni tj tlnreiu ileviltipi tl to --ii >??. tin? i limpia it y ?.! ?Sffi l?] i;:i, , who Bllj l_ 'ie '1 :?" eonn? with the Cr?dit Mobilier frand, iad thai <f ? ?? P? iiiiny, Mr. BhaeheUunt,Caleb Bmitb, ttocn i slim, R, \v. i i,,.iiii?Mui, and ether iai___f i?k' the Adminiitratl.imp. Speaker Bl > I to ha of ?i...".??i shun s oi ... U. su! j! . t in ?is-es.Min i.t valu, (lilt ai,tta?.?,<M??> : :,',.? llimiS.Hnl Line nillitli. ?! . a ifa nos i.i. i. ali.'tt. d, I.nt ia Thi tTvn latter Iota, nol I to ?? 11 i it, in ?acarad hj Bleine, tor hi-tneli ; whili ?hei - uf sto? k, e for distribution among lu.- raj procure the pas-age of the i?ii!, and m-mqiuhI _____________________ WASHINGTON. -I'AT1-II< - Off TUT. I'AV I'll'ini?!! N'T-Cl si it aasoi ?t \m i ?? : i i: I li V I KM '.??K.ll'll TO llll. THIi?! SI I Wisiir.'iK'V, Sept. '??T.? Tin? Fourth Auditoi of ? ? " 1 t til" l.l?t ! t" I. * ?S .l?l '? ? -rilirriU i..r ',.? , ?mount?! : | -II.? r? iiert tr, bb ; lie i ion stiusi Ihsl thstl ?rr 1,1?8 atVf, ?ml 1,.".3 nt?y ?ni..?, sad srphsa tfrnnoBirs. Th? ?.?.??. ?n.i oa tecouBt ..I ' ? i ?f priss mon*' psi'i *?? -sill t.'T ThttasaM of tlakss asttM la tk. ? - T 111. UUBlitr Ol . .'.?-it. |.(. .?.J KB. Blj sad . -., _ K.ENr-'MI. l'KL-1 HlsTir? II t ?I a - I :t ?l!h a h rs?* p- ? . 1,.15."11. na.nlirr of ?rai. r vl"'- .,..,. | ? uf shorn l,til">,-. ? ? ? ... . i'i ?:.?_*? - ir*t.ri?l? 1 ?r?? - T , 1 . - . . , - - I : - lio??; ? - a M 11 fron Ma-tan.. I ' a '? .:. iM'i \\ \ ' i : ?St. Loci - it. Zt.?A ?I?'., cation <?f hit rlurf? ant r.r??-* SparLr?, Isfl Ala.111. In. its Tria . ? .... . . , . . , ? i .,- . tear Thi . ?n lo srrsnjr" I ? Tin: ?uroiin (???' a B-KMsIH RAtl Wiimim.!?>n, N. ('.. Sept. '.;. -It.r,.' (an? of ( I ?x ,1..? i, . i| r. ?? irsiu un tb* M na nti..s ts-l W? I.,a lU'is.? r?< tri.k ,r:wr?u ll??r?tinii:r tal Doilr.T last ai|li_ Th? _*... ?? ,l..|':,..?r ?rr. , bi ,.., .., .?.i,,.?'.' . ? ... . r . *-?.rri, hal M ta ?, . XV.lkrr ef M..St| ' a H 11 I la? of la, ... htTr !>? . L .?Sar.1 1,1 ? lilntrn r.,1. Uli: OHIO Ll NATIC A.-YI.L'M FIKK t' t-i.tsi?, Blfi -7. i?|*,Ms) (?..m s,?. bajg cuntir?a li* a: ?in..', as .-li il?i a.i M?_M ar? ? ?tin,? .? . ???lu- trr. I.?. Herren ?sa ?.. la..,.? tiuinnl iliat Ur j? i ,. ptpm Imara. - ilium xn.i W xi pa ? ? Nrwtmrf aja at.?.is* tat tkt la?p ?tsttrt^l? 1ri?lB til? Uly nt t ir iiiftlu :>a.1.1111?- U..??I ? . ? t , ?? , '??Sjrr?, a* tb? l?uk? Ml ?*ltb._1 a iretnriit , i.,,ii.r It 'a si I i_?h?. I ti ?i mil,? .il lb? 'I1U..ISS j-ri?B.,l :,sl > ?n? Biuabrr tit -is??.* ... -? t'.ui dunu^ tor Srr. TELKORAPHtC Not! | .. l'he riti?!?T|H-.?4t lias up|N*ared uiuonc th?? ralilt? in I a. .' ... ?The (teruiuti Itovemmeut tiM isaiit-tl an onl??r ?tO]l,.U? lilt . 111... lUl.'iilB ef (I,, ?The electio?i foi membenoi tbePanUb fhei ,.??s. in ii,? iTium of a ? rt?, ?<.. h u.. aira. A Bla ?to ? Tli?- niouiiiini? uf the l'rii.sauiit Coart babe ? *.rul..B^.a_BU. t.. mamvt at lha?saSh si H? I - .??? ll.itlr.Uilir, inr li?lf .ill. r ,.f ljuceu Vi.tona l-it Triar frtteaj uwtr_4l?-i its ?__rt_p?_ sort that K,?.?Bt??rt ?..W, I,..y lutrd . *_rl. Hrl._... ??-(??? ? b* will rryUt Uatoa ?on Ms.l.s ss I'ii???? "l"?"?-"" u. U.a. burg. ....Th.? t.all.Hxii earn in? M.v_i-' Kin?an?lll..i.l. n. a Ir,.,?... Bi.ri.a-u ....... ?I.T ,."?,_?? lu .'...-.?. n-.r tl? I.I s? l..'?;?v.^ Jim _ tea u?r. U? ?.IJ.m*M?-. ol Ueiue a.U I ?u?__ iin* SI. lll.t-11 I lonilltH?! t, Whlfll hrV? I" ?u ?i?'rt'-l', - I?-*?1'? " !"'" ' u * ? " "" *****.' ?> ? ?__??_ ,!w r.'iuiu.l?- -*>sU? b, us ?i.i-_? ?-?oaaas I r..B.ui?aai al tkm ??ta