Newspaper Page Text
nut V?'XXX_I.W^ 9,820. NEW-YORK TUESDAY, orTOBKR I. 1872. PRICE FOUR CENTS. ?HE _ l.':ivI_S_INFAMY. COL. M. (..I.... ANAI.Y/.I.S THE I A (OX!ii!T_ ?xi'o.ti:.: Of TUB n:\ -M'aui ?AK4.AIN?i'lUHIl.. VI UAKH.lM t*8 QUILT i'm? ni. i ,1?. ? ipt. ?;<?.--. .,1. A. K. MeCa aS_ttC4H_l a lai.? int.t.ii).' at ill' An-ii ll?*4* I. ii tin ??*- lliiil, Hi ; Ihm ?.<>, tbi-CM 'U.'.i-. SB- .u ?aour. <? ??f I . - iij : ? i w consider Mr. Yerbea? lie ha? *- .1? - , ., I ntt par-nil - I ? ' di Mined tt? i i rsttll Of .it'.ini ?r.'iiriiinoiis, (inc. unirte >'(!' l m - .i i..? acnalne let ten ? Hartranfl aud bj c.plcaof a_?ouuts fn.uitbe boon "*?(:'' ? ?thing in tin* ir'i'ilrv t)| ti?- tat*) tiiai Mr. Yarksa has i_<eu a ooS-__ rtraail ami l.i_ friends ...uio Mt_"_a u -.Inn tli. \ thus ( xi ained ; davlte, m deny m g tinlr genuin i*>aeaa. keif t.t.1 ll'.il be a.nt I(. without m. rai turpitude of actual ti - tad ? '' wroni u t.ii. I - , ? "ir he linn iaa> bS ? 1 > Batumi lim ul l?xiiv ?mil ?li?* ?1?. I'tii? tt* POWCI I Lt ..I . . l I Ul -(? far a- It affi tbr puli'ie be4-annot I u requlreda XV?i "?t.t-Ur" to woiB up ??h?' CSSS und perltet lit riiinltl ticits, Mu? .,ne k?? nt band m ti??- shape a Federal ?ni c huldi r. Ho txx-iu.) pr.x tirer to liter n.r i. 1 broker td the : ? u.i.tiitcs i,t tn?. Km?., ti. na, I expai nue nt ?I convict!? as to the to tyol inankinJ, umi hit win 1? did r therefore, oeadt? t with any of tli?' natural laettaets ?if hoaeat man, A o, In a poMto apeeeb, al 1 ?' 1: . I I'll* COUIKS tO U' ?;>, but Insulted th?? InMllgei Of hit mi ???('?? l?y an BSSBflWd Btltliutitiitivn au ment timi Yarkee fpe-ou?ted lur tin* . fliers without tin ir know ledge, paid ll aben 1 the l nu : - ir about 11 t-.1i. n Ibev were anpi Ofaouraei red h__i, but X waa the bes! i i that .(.nil then be -i\,i. At the ?_?_ie tlrr i.'n>.?t ratiftillv guard? d "1 lr.iii n li?tt iv implied t l-rKerj uf tbe Yerkas affidavits. Now Hi that no I | ,d tLi- _?id_\ arc proai an? rd !..' I do Mit as uni? in explain the motive of Dr. rain :? .n..u m .m tue lottera aad affidavits r> i Hta ,-( ('.us > 'I lit. I'.IItl tl. . - V.r. .-'iitenc UUUl 111. lu -ir date . ? un. ., . ? ?. . ? ? ? . ? a- iijr *' \i., to pro? me n pardon, sad it m - pardon would 11 read* tiUie lo bale hito from ^oil g u? pi kSOD .ti all. 11 OOSS or l_a_-M*| i?__j. ry. I affirm ! ; tille uf the pre In any court of Jut? tier, that Mr. Ycrk?x? is the author r Hutlu.r in di? and unn.auly war. If ho did imt I ? tin in. he abstained from ?lolnir so tn plead fore?! sud fraud to sai tbelr purpose?vis: to?oinprl the accoi ' ? a. That be dictated the contents of tl uftirt. red th?. rtatein? ids to bo tru I m, ..f ,- ?ill,, et of others, and f4?r four mont] . Ol !,.' Il are facts which e s ? .(un deal*, li to be do* ? ..t.-... lu.ved in- pardon foi uiontha, und I all iii. leivnisof the fact that be continued i ? 1 " affidavits, ?.fl.'ii !?? i i prit n ire. The un m -lio finally bai t r hi? pardon then _? di m r*J him ier umkni flldiilil?, mid bad;! .' bj ?"llcndlllg III Si u! 't Mi tbe ?Si e.ral ?i , of pronoun Ing th ? .. ? , | .1 need t-ity t<. r ..- _. ia i,u demand lor the n r, and to attempt the vlndii.. Hartranft fruou the ae? Inet hin I aiitrin, ai-", taut Mr. Yerna Mas eeaalsaa. * the fut thai the friends or partners of Mi . f?o-, i? to eafoi "n nl ol Mr ; M a part Ol the con ? ? d, ail uf wliii-l - I at tbi , . '-. -d, Dr. i au n <_Ub ?.I the t unnias and eir ? i hrewd mu? unaernpuloua ai the return to anginal lett? i, returned l? would m forged or ?rau'lulent. why Ui_ uot be say Ml An? to 1 id? Would s t man, mm!, i l-K bj ' : for hito, th d lu con "Tin .. - ? ? ? ?? 'i tu re n . i tours?; ul io..i baaWSB." ?71*1 QTJILT. ' - l I *._.->. I ? i i ata? .I ?r 'l?_k . a.N rr. t on Salai.'?, as. Kite )u. i. ' i J. ? II. ? ?'_ the, - I ! ? * of t .'...* ' ? . ?:. ?j1.1i . -t tribunal ; sad ts i " : , thai the slat? menta of ipeeu] - ill hi. aili'iavit I... il to ue tiue. , il'I. I \! ? . MIL Al. : T!.' ? beat of polite ul d*. a-riou, fas I bave i n rstlun aud ein?, and If they mat? ri_". re-i ? ' I . d . i. ? ..n (,f the wreMS i ha? i . -p. . hilly to .Mr. YeikSS. It <S1_ i '...huni courts oii'i i .'icli'hi-, or have aiiy mi-ans uf fetjr if I offei.,1 against the luwa. I bis ri?_-t:t-? ii- . . liy declailtiff aa .?, other in the honest relations of in?', t been Impaired bi ose thai ?g p.*rhap? i i common m his profession and does nol IbtoItsIbs ?in?', if, therefore, I now wrong him, h? m , .al f(X)tui_ v? -th ai.y oth. I . :t,_? H lu \ ludliiilt lilui ..f rciiiitaylvanls will trfar me ?antoe** that . tbe political ? ? .... i ?-.., i.. lew ?Auuid i" to crime, -i if ami protra? t it? power. ir tiiir mad attaiupl t.? flsuut Hi ih. ia?. s of the people I'M ? ill JHilltK ill ? ailtitll piiidiiiii? ni tin- Bzeeatlve ma but articles .t . iiiniiuri <? t.. . pur*?,??'- of unacrupu* ?hall full t ? aruuri the Philadelphia in the election of State afloera re ieproai ii oi approach, tbeu must ever. ? in .oi from the ? he power <>f eurcitj aadState. i'.n 0 the priM.u dour* bl one ?ho lt the r.iie, t?ud i.? n.?t tiara i??. twocon ? ubert "t tin liin^ fmu-iiiit?,. Lips are . a? to whether the pardons luir been Is? of not, uiitii in?- prlaaaar is tatar-iewed la MIS lea Sl] ('1 tor haif an haur, |o piuitiie in? . bard eoadltloas SMDos?d. It wa* in?, m-, , ana fMUiiij pleading on tin oaa hat.,1. with iiic i. up? truth, lind maahood on r, a ? niel ?Moire, ami Ion. without rt-uiizin?' the sad tiuti thai . ? aunoi ' omp? nuit?: foi the j lou. : tbe m Htm of our m i u ia indorslna tbi H_n| i al? .,f ? ? tlii-i? of that during tl?< im s? i.: >. ?r. due -_. _?aj?j i. t_v Lu-i'i ui ?Trade iuui-aiv devise _4-a.yit* to prevent capital from driven fro'ii out city by i,, .\ti.rtii.ini of BIBB government, \n.,tini - In 1I??T|1? liall tu ?l.tiiiiiiil it?' Ptt-rthmw of Um ltiliK" of ?'in ?U.V. Tl.?> T liara] m II. >"d :t f> ?? ei ? lili'.';? ae*o t?i iii'.i.v liH'a-iuiM tu i' a ,i,i' Bina . auil jiiiri'iii'l; il aafclj hi Bowel itif IntOC ycai't inore. t______8Ti en? rai notas (.??.VI AM) II \r;1l!AVFT ?DO-iD Bl ninowi? (.VHKI'.OAKl) III..I T f I Kit. I.? Dm Pest, i . ? lar .- ?. . /., tomtay. 'i'bf libcratioii ni tht? ndudlen Mareer and "? ' ? ft? m Hi?' I ? M,- ? Ivai'tii Plate I'ciiir? ;,i,,m i? .. i'I M regard In win, li Henni,, t jiurpfttV? Of Hi lirnie-l man t?. k? ?p ?i i ? iI.kmI cool ll tilla ??ait? ?_ i,f par tii_, U pLmd mi a tnul whirl.!-? ton to bear ? * * lu our voataloa i in? people will r?':?i?.ii -?, f.'lnws: ",'r> CtUUeroi I nul MO' ??tut? nf the meal complete ind deeparate raacala butnotaaeet}; Kir.?.'ii'.'iij n,n?t h:,,,.?- Hun Ihia ?cheme tnprov?? ti? lr (?? Ddltlo_, i,ui tiiii-i In Jtir?'it. Tiifii.for?'. H thof tonhe up thott mtnde to I hi?, iti?t, most i?r aomoUiing rlae In reeerve. The trieod* al toe convicta muai hare threaten, ?i -.till prctti? r rcveia I e_ tin' band t.? grant the pardon which waa m danct-roua t?> them. Xlm ?v faal of tbc tn'tiuiKlul- at tin' ? ?and h? the in?' atoada, bot tory probably .'.?.Tiil l<, tave Un m..? ua K iiv tLin. punluu f 1 Olli Kolli? ?.realer OVil." Till'('aincrtin rinjil?', hy till* it? T of dl -i-'iatiuii, ha? clearly riven np ?'??im?'Ivuiua. Uni H in tn be hoped that I'eiiiifvlvaliii? I ill not atol uji. MS, at leiiKt, h? nu attempt t? -*on<*t*rnod t?i bring tboaa I'.i-.'i,- who liberated Yerkea and in tin. placea of Y,ik<_ an,i Mai ??i. \v?' have ledeed ?????u m tbe Caar-eroa Hartranftaaod Macka-syaotHew-York, tiou d-fl ?nit it i t,, i?i m,! Km ii tntotbr r. nr? ii.i.n , : hut lien atl, at l' in?'I le nulle. !, , - ?lui we ahonM Bol ogtj *k,paii .,i them bntw. the whole American ??'?.[?tt i? Peunaylvania, ou the ctlii.f October, "??i. Son not ittrlke *vat tatet i d?ni? live bio? uK.'iiii-t Hi,' um' ahag u Hew York ?ial egataal M '1 . , ,l Rj i . ,,,, thi? 7lli nf November, um. The Republican party there .*. i?l l???.?? u.r lli?' te- a la .,f lia ir iiiin.ti ??nli the ruiner.hi K:l K. lie tl.. linn.,, I,.i.- lin, lu hear Hie r, Milite ol il - il Hi,,,,, trittl til? i, ,,,| I loi I ?' IM?! . of party view* and part?? pn-jndlc? ? I be people have be ? i.:,?n fil i he bungling uf 'in Prearaential election, mi rim* It t?u innre _ ill they txi iiiiiiucl eventually t,? lonn their opinlona of parte. Mil . :'n; tu general Impreaaiuna, bul accordim. tu i... .: , i.iiui'eii by the conduct ol I? n.'iiei . i.r leaden of tut? When the people of lYiiuej ., , ?lm h exlal l??r tl., Ituna) and 81 , i itioni ..f ; B li di ?a ? from thi ot ill?-, i., u r i'..u? in lb uil.v UilXt?! 1U Hun li.a,., i.t. i ;? ? i lot [rjudg n,, ,1 .,, lilaitl'.ii'ii a liuli, tin n i HI llllitl.t. , .? .1. ?I .". ? !>? tuaiij' tnrotc (?rant no,i I ,.' together, u vi'Tit \vit"s DOO-1 Bt ?li n. This it tbe _wt deiperate attempt t?i ?te un ?'Da, ii ma!? f? ,'iti'iii (run lia- publie contempt ami :,..,,'.. ?i i ,?-,,,.,'. i,, ??-. it la Ia*?*rerl UU'at and moot daring ????nle-.ii.?ir" ope*rmt_m. if n la in.? i ?? i ti,. ' , ,i,,',, for il. u ' an i u?ali- ?11111 ?II, 1 la t I 1,1 liai. WOB! Ill i SSBl ?> ?'1 ii I'M W EH Mi'MKN'i. VA.-I(,\ft AM> AMII?-. .OX>? .\ HA? THK 1 ' ,I'I\?. t.itA.VT l'Al'l I. (,l Till ?lil.NKS ABOUT II. 'Jin? foUowiag mi.' '? ??mu The Pkilad Prtmbtanntn bBtheiooal cIbbi ami com I incut of the ?ui-t ?i?otaron A?ore ut Itooorrapl ? Ciii.eii'ti Bis. in I that YotheefbiIbIbbbbBI***iii_tn*_ll_>enlof i bargain, am! cliarl*. Betf foil h tin- ? t.,-.,, a a?. : kBCompleto CtUU uiter of the vbole iraiii-neliou : If an imcfl hud -.(im-, (lotit) trovt II?aven i,n rii*?,*-i to ii-tii.v :n tovoi oi din. Uartranft, hia adherra a could . ?!, y ?,i i". u Saturday Mr. "i. il?. . Yet Mi. Yi rkea i- n, t d bo did not come Iron Heaven, bal t., m r,,? penitentiary. (Jnqneatlonably, however, hf I ? i mltted to ooi for the < tpn -? pnrpoae , t *rl*nD?j i.i- teattmonv in behalf of two prouitneat uem !tha*freaa_r*rKing, ii in apparenttBaAthepai dohin)" ?.f thla Ban and the rum;,* out of lu- ready-prepared atatement Immediately uft? r wa**d, ?van the fulfillment of a diMimt bargain? >'o one acquainted with all 1 Tj?? fa?'U and . d'Uii.t? he exist finch a In. Inde? .1. tie , ?? ie ' e, tlie natal.- ot Uli), li \?, ..t, ? ' f DOW to exj- that an agreement of thia kind ., twei n the King and tbi r l I '. ?". nut o?\ big to a ?vrtani ditbeulty th? n fi ,1 throogb. Now u h i i >?..?;, d, and, in conarquence, the virl ? . to valu highly, and, to judge by ihelr elation, ap? parontlrIntBglM tbai a uciuiou? ?. lielieve un).a J..oif ?UT Uli BTATBTatZXT '^v.t^ IBB 11.UK til' HIS It vi"; i.-? ?iotire.l ?).a' l|i ?t temen! hear?? i . . " i wish t. wrongoonstraetloo i?> plaoedon bj it tbli - ? ? tfrom, arot one; urithout at,/ inducement? held out In me, aiiil v.'.:hont I I ? bave need the worda we hi ed it i -? had Iteea writing after the promlaed pardon had i rn given him, ud th? ; tul paitnen at i. . Ui ei!n).i\ .-??in, Boppoalng, ol eonrae, the lame dlareaard ? IthoQt ? Utoogb undct uo obllgatl n to Gen, Ha? . , he bad ii vei ha? bon *n -? i ni and Mackey for making Mm thi ? ' ; f. t ii t?) be ' . i] ' : ? f in.-, ?tat' lailil t, or t'y ton ' ? him, in ] : ' I '. I i.r... \. ; It Of I.rlrjoli li, II. Hui l"'i " ,. aev, Who Mil? ? hi ? ? be i?io.iiic.'ii t;.. ? need any furtl \,n li mi i?! roi? i- ?? ? But a? to the atotement Itaelf, II it ratlu r Ingei i ? I Blntan i b< ore bli tlon, to b,j u-" i in a poastbie car , equally ? rtarted In a ? : I . ? ? ' : . . i t tlnt.i I ! and Altl.-r -I '1 IlH II t" m?? to future dental, ?f ii ihoald he loimii ?'. na? h?'?' craftily varied hi* i i ' . ?,, be v.-ii "ii)i to anatL" j, oiled ?''lin facti ::s th?- testimony of Alderman :,? ny that he knortj i reniemben |a?l ? - .a-, n. We never beaidoi un?,' ?Hiii.iMi- un tome three tnoui which* , i,? ..i-, i May wen axaonted and a Inn?.: wbll?? alter wo bad l,<-?u roiivini?'?! by an abun? dan e <.f other evidence tii_t Oea. Uartranft waa too la , i ; j ?t I?? v,, 11 Inly till tho olli, ??? .?t (,,'?. ii >wever,we_ave never dtmMed for a aomenl tbttr auiheatu it ? atnoa belnB informed of the factacoa cermog them, and ai.oie all which la the re.ill? Impart ant Batter- bat ?? corroborative i .iilcnic aa to n.?- uiaiu ? i.., u they iiitain. TUB Main i lliliiii: BTAMD. Theae main fact?, to winch the a?H,lavlt? teatifv. let It be eapeclatij noted,Mr. Yerkeadoeonot bow deny. H. great pain? t.? clear hlaaaeUfron the lmputatloo of hatnng kept Uw acieoante with Maekej and Hartrenft m a cabal?itic manner, ami prodncea ? letter from J.Iki B, n,,;,i? u*, Mi. v.rkea'i own bookkeeper tbe lame man who did set know any thing noi remember ninihin?* ui all to tbe prejudice of tbe Btng, when .examined by aa Inveatigatuif committee laet Bpiing?eaylng thai they ?AMI. lint kept la a 111} lliilllllll, llllt lllldel .I i.'tter-boading. It li uld Ual Mr. Yerkea kepi Of bu? ?iiure (?mtlili titlal aecoiints blin-ielf, and manlfeaUj he kept tin-m im too niy.-KTlom a tnaniier for th< couiprebenuou or t:,, \ir\ innocent or eUeven in? iii.n ,,,,e Hopkini?it matten not which. But while Mr. Yerkea t.,kee an thla palm i?? dlaprove u i?<??ni ol bo |,ai'!? illar iliipoltatiee, uud ilelilen g?i,il,iii\ thai llalt ranft orMackey evet n-acnlated v.iti*i Hat?- moneya, be craftly evadea tbe Bab chargea, Por taataaee, abont thai double poxchaae of ixateioan? forth?? HnklngFund, one uf ttit? m?..-i raaoally iiuiu?ai noua vit bronght oal ui-alu.-t tbe Tr?. a? ury oUliiale, uinl one whlfth la im liient.iiiy corruborat? .1 by Uu. teatlmon) of Mi K'lwin M. Ixi-tbi before tin- Evani it?'c, be i" BigntAenatly ?Hem. Aftain la- t_*n ?rnardadly: "Mr. Mm i.< j tterei cue am aa ordei to boy un> Mock for hia oi m.> ?,ih?.i account;" but makeano regaidlng Hartnuift. Thi? i? eanlvak-nt to adnilttiiii* that Uartranft ba-Kiveii liim aucb oriUTi?, aa Uiiliieil kla IWMiki of aofBHlBla and tbe Auditor-tieii.Tul'? i bed i. n, i? eatabllah. It l? a iitaxim of the la?*, that exjeressio unius cxelusio alterius.'llmtiulift, Bot Maokey, l? th?- rantltAr-H wh*> i? on trial betiee u?.- peo? ple, i ? i at aa to th?? latter*! part ?>i the itoek-jobblag m?t*ra i lona u h .? ?oui?' oui through ot?ai ?uni, 11 thai Yei Ai ? pad a aoii Of carle blanche fr?,in lilm, alid I ought auil ?oui tor him without parti? h'ht ordere. Mllllilll l.e-M -? Ol 1111. ll>TI_0!.r. Tin: "?enentl d?niai Uiut iiuruanfi ??a-apan? t.. atlona withtbi Rtate moneyi ii to be d?a? i?. ni??-1, ?i m initiiiiiieiit of a bargain, and rtrt__l*" under ?lui?-?- aln? l?era an eiher Indlrtmenla ?tin ham,, the Klaa can puak to a trial al twi-iiuii. il.. Ueiiuivu-- ol tbia wliui-M, uadtr Uicat i ( leiinittanec'. 11 not ("ily utterly naWfMtbyof rred S I.ut 1? dtansove 1 by id-' u?o iKH.k.? of m ..iiinla. lr. \ ?-i 11 >i ? ft. in which have baten publish?.! nn?l areiiot ?le m m xerke?; also, b? Oen. Ilartranft't letter to Yerk inf.,111,11. . linn thai In* bad ?liswii on li for |B"SS m Inch ),e owed tu Cathoun, and la si Matee liiiil lie WOUld I'.'iv. Ma. !.. y mala B dcp? covering the amount. Bren this letter di unsupported, hut In acknowledged bj Hartranft in teadmou* before the Evans Oommlttee. Moreo? Y? 11,. -- books -how thai Harttaafl was tarn n,; bobi H.isxi.itm in fiincv stocks without nu?, margin of 1 owa saoaey ?.???????ii awntioolag. Thla alona i? pu rnoagb that there was an nndcrstandlng betwi M.u l,.y and Iliirtraoft tbal a portion of the Treaa. depoail ?-hiiill.l he al tlieciiiiiuiaiul id the All lllor ?if i ral. Bal notwlthstaadlai all tin- raaBlaa "i Y? iw? ?< gad II i. g lawyer wboext-ited this statemenl (reu h aaa condition ?,f hit ?iinriy. the deeameat ttaaM e< lar mal m, e, in alii in-* to Df. fa ? i l... hsterei mav be laid of t o:,' ins in- UM-,i, seems I re than a mni !<?? these oonsplratora at their own sharp practic Yerkea ?peaks ol htm us une "who, as mj finsn : ii.i.i'm were ondei the .<.i of Mr Joseph Mas. : ia Daiikj ;?, U If. ui thai an order to examine my bo? k* and papers, repreaetiii bimsell (u i?- coons? I im Mi, M. _. 1 nggntt i?f Latin 1er County. It waa ander tbl* dlarntee thai be visit? my nfllce and anrrei titionsly obi ilm 11.11 i and meni iiiruiiiiiira of eeooeals." II. re WS I. aw mi iidinlssiori r Ici t I tie lettStS Sad tnc "i.iiuiii ,.( account* in the poaseaalon of Paine, m which have been pabUahed fai and wide, an genuine. Till: gTAI BM8B1 BOl IB "its I" Hi ally, il,,s -:.t.iniiit h a rcuiarbithlc pcadaetlli Batlti mor? remarkabl? foi its admission* andei nuns, and fur what i: doe* not deny, than for what n, III,illy ilnen ?I? lit', Yel ?lint it dec? (idly 1? 11lot . , deayiDg M an interested wttuei , wtts?aa whose erediblHt. ia aertoaaly ii p ired iiy the ia. t Ibal ii ? IsstttM um virtual dnreas. Furthermore, the statemen is no! evi sworn to Were it la the farm of an affidavit i'- mou be worthlrsa for tin ,. ?_a .1 Map unworn statement it has no weitrl r. We ha' V)/no m??_os exhausted this prolifl* ubj ? ; but this ? , ..iit\ a |i ii, duced in suppo c, i pari ol ? la ? |, i-.ti a * ii.ii; of one of the ball d? .?? n i .nuil go in make up the tin?in1' Indietm? u d who i* nnfortunatalj tl candidate i i ihe Rejmbllean party t"i Uotreraer. (.m* *u. y -;.ii:i more, and it la a most Important on? [f the fil?m - ui ?: h Uartranfl were really anxtoos h rue .ti ii.,' trutii cena i ung -m h ?i th.- matter* ?fl,. log In? , , ? , il in 'lu. iin-v would prodn ?? Mr Yerkes'i ii"(,:,s ol ? i. ii in.- aboie (nil, ni. i ? mon than in . ..'.... gut i - liii.i-i if before b i d an! ii ,i Irani, la to ms?.. el tb? in bat . ?na _i : shoe the be POLITICAL INTELLI01 w LrSHlNOTON QOSOP. LAMB nCPOHTAYlOMS 01 RBOBOBI im<? PKB1 SI i.vama ? i:i;i?(?i:t*4 ? on? i km*.?, iiii. -ii ! | : IOS IV Al. M- kMA AB l-IIJ ?? ?'.S Hill ?..iVl.HVMI.NT < I I Uli s. i i . i . ?? .M a m HU i : OM '? i U'a.-111-M.?on, Bapd -M).?J-.v ?il?*ii?-4* ?-oiitinti? (?? ac.'iiiiiiilate Huit tin- ( iiiiii'ii.n Uiu? are luit? ri in aagroat lato Psaasylrsi ?? tat tat fini,<>-.' it sods tlirtn ut tin- OstSbSV eh ctinii. A11 alouglIicM ? i v. ? t i",i ,i( i thecountr* oewspapera notloe the moTesMati * larga bodies of n? croes, who an osl naibly empl work on Maryland ral___Ms. it i* stated that afea! arc iii.ii.iii?r coBtracts ?iiii negroes slwayst? worn s Mu-s? railroads, >? lth a reck! sary physical quallflcattona i?. makeabto-hodlsdlabel ers. _Mb was dSMS several Masks ago, whsa theta wi nu ?liinaiid iu this branch of the Ka liny are talon, the only <tnialitic?11<>n n-iptind hem Unit liu ] Shall b - ?' or over. \i fron Slab aba i? ?or fu\ I'la.ue to the liberal cause. She i ogk Dei paper lhal n IBM 'i to ?uppuit (ii.'c.c.v m that .-? now ?ou?e oui for tue Liberal ticket, tad win fl-ht to th ?ad "t lbs canvass 1er the can.I Beconclllatloi A!?l?aiulans in thui city, who aro lu coiistiint cuiuiiiiinl ration -Uli i_>ll*lciaiir? at home. lay tiny no dont, that tiie liberals Mill earn tim -i.ttc by a hi iiiai'iiiiy. Jadas Martin, the Sixth Aaditot at ? _ laary, hatfag tailed at aassilas?sa to Cos y of doing .cut t--_f . ret;n n i,i-1 iiii -, n "?1 says thai k I is besa isaeb the people, sad tiuit Great wfll _o nut ?ii the ??tate b' 111,000 lu.ijority. Another ai essment upon the Dcnartnuntclerkaha hecii made, and au ait? nt ?>i Preabrov, I .*.?.>? r ? I tulalilir* Hi?; list 1" I tUm $1(1 and ti, note th?- n?. , ..?,. Tin - ' t.f ?A. ... urn [| t the Bureaus 1 ? l.teniiiv sas ? re pease i., man* t, that a ml I ? ? .?n Im procuri ? ? .-i - . , i :i._ Of " . : TnOUSAKD. ? ?ran , I'm i. I , : lo i'toupcr a?1 t. i aes cut meet? i In M . , i ?i ribs for The fiat tat bs utat ta. -Ml ?.'(?llillllU. ' ? 1'uul i'rtss and the .'. ??.< mil '.:. The lalll r a .1 1.1 III | in 11*. I lbS( (, ll.llf 1 mita fall ?da. 1 ? ? i. ? 'I fa rr, . them < The] : ? . , este the circa list of n n. a -;? i" r k i ? rat? prop? rty, sad i ? i, and that It wi lie t. /( ?..'.'. 3 \ \ ' ? IMfii.'lAIION To A ?11 III?'.?1 OB CI" ..II .... ..i i " ? ? , r oi ?? ' i * ' - .-., Mondai, ? : ?. I 1872. A in. i lit'-' ?>f r.iilway senrBllts WM li? 1<1 in Ii-,,'? ?, to take m?o euiisi.i. ia i 1,1, i, .... m. ni wiiii h bal . .'.m f..? Um es Ifi.n ?.t 1.1 s sas freaewaewi der Ckanrty, daring ti?? bsaty .:."> Ihs i.?'t r part of last sraSk,M44|pOn board were drowaod. Many reperta at ether dlesste-s, ... .. -, hare la-i n received. Die l.'lidon Time* Il a- moi: the n ?'"ti of the resignation of the Lord < hauce 1.1 aUd bj ?A)1(1 11.?! .-? FKANCK. ?fKAti d roa rw __s_-_b_-? M.dAMi'.i.n a*- .-.i'l.i.i BESCOND1 mm.i. Bl I 111: ?,o\i i:\mim? A T-BK-SB A'.iM OB li.,. WAV IU AlIl.ilK A. psbob ?Bead ty,* pi ta, mts. Victor Jlnpi Im** lu < u ni.iniiiiiti d l.\ tin l.'i pu!,in .ii..-, Oi Algfc is lui im Ulla i ...' t), . ? MSSSbl*;? Tin- (iiiv? mini nt condemns M. t iaiu l.?-tt.*'_ . oui ?e id a?l di? sdag tin- pi <)[?;? in the i'l.'i ?n. i? - Hi-* npt?eclies are eotisldercd India? reel Bin! ill-linn d, and as i tlealslsd to -ly ?if-ilute th SSaatlJ. Ml a a n. ed- i' I ?Certll? It.? has gi ine.l lar. r i ? ? m ( on. t.iutlnople, on hla way to Jkmerica. H. ..? over the com U,)-,s|i II apjaul.t? d t" I? ?? .1.? III!' '! mili? old.'led 111 111. Uuited ?Hatea fes lb? Turkmh uruiy. MAIN. < I.aims AOAIBn mi. i Mil i? .-ta ii--lil.-i'.s \ TIOB "i 'i'*- I ITABTBBO? M nuil., Monday, Sept. 30, 1871. It li KjKiitiii ill it tin? ?Spanish Qo?yaiBiBaBl hau resolved to submit lo the oih.r lliiupe.iu PawSCI the question of the |u?tue->sof it* cluiiun atfaln.-t the OOTSSMSMMI of the l'nite?l 8t.itet for ?lauiaK?* snstalnad thruti. h lllltiii.ntei'iug expedition*! from Auieilcan porta for cu?n?. Oes Bapartsro ii?* reelgaed hi* posit um of 111, of Ihe - Ji.llllsll . ell ale ? HAI... Ill ( II! *IK.S'a Ol I III I'll'K. I...ail, Mol, IST, ISft 30, 1171. The P_f-i to-day, went ?int Ixyon?! tli?- pn Clncta of the Vatlean for the Brat time tiuo?' the <_?< ilpa tion of Uome li?. tlie Italian (?o-.eniii,i nl. lie prooeeded to the 1'vrU deli? Xtjvoa au?l walked iu the garucna. REFORM IN PENNSYLVANIA i;X I.OV. (I I.I IN - i...(T.ITI()N HOME, AN __r.HUflASTIC (VATIOS ?A .TRON?. I'l'IH ?.1 I.IIII.llAI. KUMT I.K \NH KOI.I.OWS Til OBBAT WAlt OOVBBBOB?BBMAIBDEB 01 H ii neu Binmiiff o. re_ui ovnc_A_ vi.iiKis'.s stAXB-DtBI 11?k ruici; ok ii l RBBDOK. l?Y TEIICniPIl TO TtlR TBIB. . H.| Hi i i.i i osTii, Si ? ?. :. I. -K.\ (!i v. ('iirtiirs r turn to I.? lit fonte, ... Si three und on half yc?i , and Ma leecplion bj the ft*..j.]?- iiropeftl' of ??asi pi i ay differences, ?a m tosa '"' ism?mb J ss sas !!(? lims? Ti..t:il.|e Incident? Of tin? most, tierce i ai i ,'i I'eiiiiivi?'aiii.i. BeQefoste is _ __ara__ lit?;h vil I'.-e of '?/(ti iiih: l I I : . half ludd, an..: |g I.: -, with lure a?.'! than ?? bon ?traggllaa up Ihcilr ateop ahba sail togMard ihe aaaeea t.. (ad Iowa. ?? eeeaatea ma have t><-n un eTtraoniiiu-.ry one thut would brli t'-'etnerat BtgM and from th. BPtuXoPf 80 miles uroui MSSor t?tt thaasaad people as barely two days not i? BO Hli'h gaihertag WaS ever (.?en her?' icfr?r<* on ftt ?>< e.i'.ii.n, nor were thus? who thronged il nirit'.t and rtnod for more than an hour In the chll all all or mostly !>( nun nit-, who MOMS M Wl ????n .?* mi iiliu.? t lio^iti ri a Tint to the 1.11., nil rank Many ?,f tin in Wei? ll'iuit It'ltnx, who bntl n before had eourags to maki ? tonnai prates! sgsls a corrnpi part* dm il i ,;i.,n. if any one tblaka the ii r. do Liberal Bepubbcaas In this and adjoining coa la a, h, rlioillil read and ponder the I'.itnc ?_) ISS aO or prominent men from ?'enter, Clinton, Clem !n d, el Blair ?'o.Mili- , win ? 'a-a' sers ss Satardi iiit-'iit and nited nt Tiee-presblenta and be rstsrtoi tt Iks stosttag, or ss ikasM r? do* the inn of the proci-Srlnii, and ?re if he could Hud ai I?, nicer itu* i flleer* ryecpt the Chief Mirnhall, ami th? of tin? rank and tile Ik? would ha? found Tat BapMbBeaas tram ITHslea county. 35 ? 10 from Birds Couiitv; the ? ntlre ?1? !' ir.ita alai a It-|,c,'le li'e.n'aei froi.. ( ".< ai lh Id and Cclilr 1 wa.? unbounded?? Bssrl - along ti of the pro? ? d, an .reworks In profs ion. The onl ii ? ? who did not Wen a few Cameron politicians who faiui'd tin tiny lulled (iuv. ?iiilm politically, and IhOMgl tint Dm Bgk fliey tnluht not tie able to lirliit' lim I SilpIMiit the TAag M' Let. ! I b?: able to | DM I linn fimii slrtag ?nd as comfort t?? lbs Bds ?>f reform. ( eoaras tbey are sorely disappointed, .orne of the*? me bars baas ?"? lciiR sad so kattsaatel-t esaas? led wlthOw ' ri, In,til aoili?,!v and m lui-im-? . that th?-y i?h"ii] kaowa htm better ? i il tbetr scowls aad mumm of in i tu gaaeralrejoldag. T ? paiad a derided em BSI ?. Al I? ?i"! l.ffO iiu-n wer?* lu Une t asssrt Mr? Cai_a 11 UM i tas I, aad .i mure atti atlas ai entbu ? enee o aid not Ss d i I ex-dt.v. (in ta.u Wiil up? ak at tOTlSbSH. in Unlo ? at, when M of Pennsylvania dur?g the ? .know ? win also (niake u Speech defining his y.._itn?u. it i i that Mr. .1,1. r will tic(!,,r i Bartraafl, m.d tin ?.arearlaghaaalreadyb< iruti to abuse him a-s a traitor, a man wholly without in i devoid at ebaiaoter. i _ m a (???n. d h t ? tehee today frota nearly hall th ,,i.nt i, s of the Btate, nrgtag him tesMks*si t points, aad ai r___g tdtn that he can chaag IH te no rotes If b? epl tbe IbtU lion.-, ii?- \.iii i..'t ia able I Bess than gbos Uni' ? The feUewlSM 1< the c?o .-i i lonofey-Oo? Curtln' .pee. li on .aturda? ? The ctini'.ltioTi of many of tin Maten of the Stititl Iboul . of P( nn.-i I', alia, .iiii i i will ??m, and . i> ' ....u to I*. thai the* sum*! (1er the tins I : ? banda. It the sontrol of tb< - ? ? ,- n ... ,10 s? luiillu in d b? '.. n s , , part of which nan not been u-.. If Hot I r Is UOtVi -.?!' \ In:, al. in I. i . ..i,-., u ama are used t< .a..> o tilcta n ??; a" m .el cotana ? ?! politician . a ? .,f tic p ople, and tbi i ?. tiv on von lllegiam '? tn ;. i?-, and th? d I . , siiov.n anus. -, I will not s.iy anything i i, war. B i ? ,t place fairlj. m d \ nimm any aSniatiou a comhln itlon whleb ? ont m lied ibe las! ? ?nient mu. Hn mor. he M uiifortuiiiiK? In hi i ' ' ' .... .. n '-id . ?\, i, in. d i .si Bay? I ?.- , i\l\' i?r III tin 1 fhl ... IU the I'al.ll.i in? lotion of I. k i sad the ex] u el II ? oee than ii i to? ontinue him li . n ' i eil. 1 ? h is o whicl Ind? penden! a i ,.l.t to i oiui lain. I thai v i ' . the bn i ? r, a ho bad tn? . I ' to be of any a n le , and i i ' - ( ."..a ia pi cured, a.I .s :,,,. y, ,\ ? ' in money. ' the time Auditor-General, ? : da, who di.i i, ., ii untiring ? ? . era not m period bra, and tien- .i,' claims ..i to i' ? , ,? lent? d. ?. .u- after i : _i< nt ? ? 1 . the . . i. Ui ? of the ltd, and v.i . . i ? sum ' way disapi . la. aiid did Collect I nil Ibe mom If ise ? u todlant of the publia aiasai .- . .... ?aSS BhBOOt cili-iual ; and li mn of ti.? Icaow, ti i I payment when the . till!) WH* SXpO? ?'. I - .: - ' .' Ill'll ill pel I elll ?li ,., I !l,l\e li.'lln' , . ?. ? ?. :. ?. 11 _- i" i.s itateineot and the evidence of his i . thai in prepared aad pat ih,- silt.-in every ?ranetj of mlUtar* us ???rial. BHkkiBg it i" nuisll items, and In the aggregate amonntlUS "i ol moUS, in lesa limn ..n. monCi. i bare as. aottoedwho bo had at tVaahlnrton tat him. H?* i,;?i'l iMSMof iiioti.i, aa be Met idee, an i it i- not Sealed ?hat be leaned men?* to in n. li.itiaii.'t. it i- nt''' rtttnate th I i.... ii ia,,? made, a: d unpl the mener n,,s r,:,.ni",i an? i the explosion of the enterpriae. it M pah-f al te speak al eh tssoeiaUons, but it is Sorely n,,: m thai there la a heavj ituiospber< ?nr rounding the ftcaanry, and ihui it thould be ?>|?an to thegaseol lbs p?sate, IbateaaaosbeaeeoropUsbedIf m a um? liiihai^, e( i - vaults are kepi ?',? elevated to atltl higher positions. I do n't like this bor rowing. [Laughter. It will do well enough to i.? that lian...'. [Lauj-hter.] it it wai l, ?(.u _i,m? ; luit .t ?a- Erangi : hat II red I om Evaae (applaaae), aad then ibal n was m i n . i, u !,'? -..un Hum alter the people km m thai I i.. liad I) ?'I U..lll.ll_ the 11.111,1?' lai.llll I). ailllied l.i ( lie Mate. [Cheers and about*.] Von will nnderataad that ..n.. thai thai Conv? otlon al Harri not so bad. i .i?.? old one thing thai i am ***** well aatladed with. Ibey made a very Bxmd ticket for ?tele gatea to the Constitutional ?".i\, lit. Igt-tU i.iie ros tuai the] Domiuated Mr. McAllister, your di . ?.( hese in) aii> ami lategi It? are _n?iuestlone?l iiuiii'.i -om? o? i ol unexceptionable ? na i.?. ;< i. to) aland. a?,.... ? . ?. and imbued wuu hope tbatth.-.inn' laa m Pennaylranla ??ni be changed .nal iiineli.lcd, iilid "inii ?.if? L'iianlH pal around Hie II. ..?in.? an Will pl'-leiit Un- corillplloii of In.- ?nun. 1,1111 l,| our ht.It-' ?--?S'i.AI. Ill-A?-"*--? I'.iK J'lIMN?. I'll. ?11.11. II?. I have tolil voll, mj r?-ll.'W I ill/.-n-, U.,.1 I leiei ha.l th.-?uppoit of that run-, BOVSS ?*.p..i to have it. [Ap ptoase.] ????rtnlnly it would bS I me--I'd,'t'. I,a., ii ny ti.. , "1.1- I Uli taWllll. IIOW. 1 '?'? I ell late la nil haart todaj uol an luiklud feeliug t.wai.i a a man, ?ou,.in. or child in Centre County, ami I Bate (a-LignU-l thai m all my Koiuir MSN und r.iuinnu to this town, I r. ecu (I 11?'.-TIltHl.ltlillll of all the lieople of thla plaee and vietaliy, Ttalj i taeasS aal attraol is i the 11111111? and nialeoletlon? ol b*j k,m"I. kind. ., .i u.? mis t.. - .?u..- i hare d?lib?r? made ap my mind Uiat, with tho gratitude 1 owe to the pitopio of Paaaailtaala fer their extended f?\?.r. an?l with bobm ? knowleslge f,f tue affaira of Um mate, I will ad myaelf to the elevatkea to power again at mea Who have been pilfering the public treasury. Tiny Klivild have no ?pile at me. [ ?.pniante.] You know the) -an do It if tn? y ple-aee, btn let < very man r? oom ? '?? bieaiSion with hia own eenerteaee. Yooeaaal! d.? *.n i Im)** :?? you pl?'?inc, but n,y iinprenaton I? very i-tron?* that I "will .?i-rree with the majority oi people of Pennsylvania next Tuei-day week. [Oveat eheerin-;.) aai? ?t-BBlflea. they nii-*ht not to e.impbiln of me for afflltating with Dt-nnxrut-, I havtn?* never quarreled wltbthem. Bat??toeeleettonol a Prealdenl m. one could pi'-f-iid that th la tiekei will lie raeeeeaful it would be beaten ii? 76,*?0,andll la anjuat that an Uon ontalde of the ?Kite, either ("tata-i <?r national. control the people Ol v, i,i,.\ I vunlit when thev pUMMC to pi:rifv ti? ii own Qovera-neat And lait rl?*ht that uiii, Join m auch unefloat should b< denouni id.oalled trattora, or anv other p.'t n?-n? ? ,,- thai kt?? ?* known to the polltleal Uteratureof tbatttayl Pereoaally 1 desire to hare pleaaanl rclatii at, with everybody n my native eountry. I ?lid tho act afer full deliberation, ?ml thou mt rikllt li- a lill/.ell of tl,, .-late, -a/tUl a ko? I Mge enbe manipulation of th. nonventi*sn and tbe in Ineaeea that pi.d the ticket hefore ib< p***?ple. i I ?hi'.i be do ?ha? waa right aad 10 return aoma measure of Ratitude for the ! conflden? <? the ft ople ? Pena syivaata had -riven me. M?. eearletlooa al ?lu*\ wer?- i, ami 1, lli.ei.e, ,1 by al we moot to-night Fortunately the Dem?crata put in iiouiloailon an upi'irbt and pin?? man. I know I ii I know it well. CkarltM K. Bockalew i?. aa hone, man. (i.n-at applause.) I believe he will labor With the O veatloa to make reforms in the ConUltutlon. He wl put the leglalatlve power beyond the reach of eornp Lon, In liarinonv ?? it'i tue Will .>' thai l'onveir.on. IS II tTtCM TO THK i .,[ ?,1' i:\, i . Tl" Afrl. an BB I - I I 10 - (?iih'T?; and the experta Btol aven freedom Ira hlBB m tn.'w.rt laiiie, i,,Bi ho regarded la a uri*?-ie.. failure. It waa reeervod andttwaa ocAend iv Prov*. ' donee for Ifele graal people *o five to tbe nea hen the i free rlgbi of oittseneblp. Allgiiod and traa ton look i with |ust for the rocceoa of the ? *?p m complete thel all manhood. Tti f now, aad tor the i'i ?i Urn?. v,,t. ir ii.- Nut 1 the nea*ro t?i u ?? inn , to leach him that be aa 11 ?? only to .1 deaignlng lag In thi.teat ia mor? lob? **eg**ettod by alltrlendt of the . ? ?i ? ,, ' than that 11 i b< a ? aaed m tii- ? -lection without regard to 1,1-* .-.? ? richte, We bear <?f nea-roee iinnim* Im Blair ?County, Clinton County, Columbia County, an.l Lye? County. It waa a brave, grand t of the Ami lallty with the r" -t ' to plat. them ?? ben bood a ml ill :. .i . . .lil'. ; but in JU ?CI to lia .i . . pity of tin in, >lo not 1. -< tin 'i as ' . ,i,.-, iplim I allies mm. -, ? ?ot" when tn.'i have no citiaeu .',.i? Leave U_i poor aegroto I swell. Teach btoitob? luftpendent. to Uf af'i't but u anhoml ; let liliu ko tot ' there deposit hia voto aocmtllBg to tho iluto tea of in* owu ci,?i i.-'., e, and watli tl.o Kii" which I, i' ?-,-..; but don't drive him from the District of i.'oltiniiua and from Maryland to control the election of a fice and Independent people. !.. ! tin ha?, a fan el. .lion i.'i the tUtfal . I da] ? EsOl men go t,, the poll? and vote according t<> the de utoa of their e? || i.i.i., .1 applaase.] A GRAM MKI.IINltCAI Tl IBRD BY I.IHl'.I.'AI.S. G_____Y, 1 *-1 * KAl.i.'.V, CDKTOI, am? ? LIU 1.11 M, CUXKBXD IN A. Ctiiwr KM.I.V. iBT nuntAra to the .??iibi'*?_i Sckamun, Ekrpt. CO.?The Gi.nit K? ? ? . about a;,u??a tun-ties iu ptooiHlon, ami bad Bt ttu "J eolur Very Iain?; elief? hee, euli-'eiiii?* of ? -." - ,11 1! ad Issues ami vlli? abuse. Daring the fbUgof ofagtoeelnb on tbo ?taue, the astounding fact was brooghl oui I but the lariri? an,Jieiicc waa altuo.-t entirely for <j reel j. Ilrown, und lineen lew. ?--1 ?. 1 ?,,* one cried out, " Greel. y men nit ilown in froat," wlien downdl the v.i-t .uni., uni as one maun, leavuii* baldly a cor poraPsgaard ttandlac, afterwhk? eheeraweal up for t.r.. ley, Bock?i m, Oartta, Rockwell, mi,i ,,t;?, r Ubi ri 1 Keptll.lli'ail anil lli'iuoeriilie _____ i BE II EU. WAR DurARTMEKT, Oir?a of nu? t mi i BioNAi O? 1 \v?.?-iiiM,r?.N, i?. C?, Tuesday, Oct 1-1 A.m. Sunoostl for ike tutti tu-enuifvur Anu?s Tlit- low baroTiii n-r which, ou miih1.iv night, ?rtli of the lowi * ,.', i!\, and the windi ,,vir leihet Ontario. Erle, an.l M'iron dlniitii-hid to 11/,'lit ami Croah westorly to noil lo -rly. Cloudy weather continuel over tfew-Xnglaad ; partly ? ,1 I',! iioti of North Carobaa. Ana.-, <.t ram bave prevailed ov r 1111 lower lake ragion ;???i along the South .\t,.u,tic Tin? hi.-in ?t buometertacentralovei va-vailiui-, Probtibiit 1 es. I',. ? - ? touth Atlantte m a.? ., northorl) and Dortb-weeterli triads and ole ir \?, at her. 1 ? , ?tea, east ol the Ml ? Mlppl, m 11 winds? veering eaaterlv. and clear weather) fron. " to Lake Erie and the B| . ro -Munin rly v,nui.-. ?in ITOBM OX THK I.-.KHS?VT*ME**nr<* CaiaU A I.'i I is?I TILRI OF I .. UGNAJ non, Si'jif. 'W.?Tin? gala uliich sot in .1 ?if an ? arty hour Una u. ? ,? ? I ith .1 nun,le r i f rt-dwhenU? . Batcher Dcbor and 1 Annie Yam-lit, the funo of the collision buratiughi|the ? f fhc 1, irte. Bha ink the erew art te tat ed. The "I I D troit t || lato the .ii? leek. Ttt Lac 1 ? . .... Cleveland to I 1 flvo ? ?, a-? the Lai e s of Lake Brie, 'i I 'It. ' 1 b| running ' I 1 . . ., ? f,-?v v, .-? 1- that bi - lui oi ,1 top . 1 trout of th, ' ? .,,. ji 1. Wahi ? another proof ?>i the atUJ u? ? ? :, ,,t thai dab , '? Haven, Milwaukee, Toledo, u : Soebeater hain't o> fore the stonn 1, m bed either of the s pis ? i v !ii..ii:.\r ix Tin: OIL BEOIOVd 'I'm -vu 1 k. Penn., So*?*. ML?Tito "il MgioOB t a fever heat 1 nfywfeon Late Bee feeling I.r.vail-ov? r the imiv. ni.-nt to ?u.-pi nd th- pn>diietiou of oil. in p..i, !.. from th.'.l..-:rl,t-i k?:i.-rally ahow Hie in..'. ?> Hunt I?, and then? are probahly not BTer ?"? wells pradaelng to-night Prom team laeallttoa portad that rlolenas bad been resorted to in ?'.u rylni out the aieasnrc BTell hk- have been burned and ? 1.,1 - ,1- ?;.?>,.1 i.y -le,!k' iiaiiii,,. 1?, and the oil lank* tai.p.ii. Bk-me are still strongly holding out against it. bat il is thought thej will rleldand further v_?leBoe*be at'uided, riu et .1 of this Baovanmal Is almai parent la an a.i? am ?? ?i ptk ea and a more a? live, market. .1.1 JSGi:\111i' REMB. liai ik 11 ill. ti"- boj i?, ?nil', (-ttil.tiiil in a stoto tu ?.?-? ."a.D.? faaai iiilia?r, ?._, Siiulaj u fl.t ,it .Vl'iiei 1 ai, M?-..| a teaman "ii 1 t'r,,iL tue maitLeiS _ Plat U'Uce. testeil?., auJ ?111 IQ?l-_'.l,, , .Vine lu.ike nut 111 Nieker-.iu'.i luinb? i fBI_ I ?,r,.|.?r.?. Toe bsBIA ait*"? traiaa-tt aa tn. Ibr iigbi ?a. ?e-u la .Ne? _??<_, lJ anitsiwir, ?. , I r??lk. _Four men. while, ret?ruing to Eafetpoti in a t ? ' ? Kr'itt' llfkl men u-?*et sad prohibit "?.t his aaM lumiJ, hut in, in d r? Lin- nut ? too at tlie Dieu wen , une a aoa ?if ' 'tir ottiae a ?on of ?A illlarn Muhiata. I'll.- workmeti, in eleartng awav the ruin? vof the luuin- iitlurn it Iteabnr?;, Ol.'o, n? Snn.Ur. A,nn.| tbe b?alip? ?t M .. Walter, He:,j?inn Rnrma, *nd an lroa-pa?Idl?r of Neabors* ?bo ha? baSB >i note? am,* the Ire. Twu ,itl,?r penon* ?re ?till mUsio?. .??Vtrral wani? in the ?Ina? uf Ike haiiJiuf leaat la.jraj bar? o?-?a pel la attm tot ?h..ut llsj taiitut? aarcuiain>l*t_t. A ?li- pat. li from Cairo, II, MJ| that at Tunnel t "Mart a*aa t ?b? labortsrs em* 1 the rallnnd tann?l. Tbree a?rn wer? ?tatelas?!, (?no d *., s?? r I? " ?III prolnhl? di* ' asmes ne uakao?.u. Alter _? atfrir in l'teoiu? ?i? mide M blow up the rt.lleiiee ut a ?al.tuii leapar > < aaet, non lia.1 lararrt-l Ih. Ill ?ni ?ai Ihe _,,wd, bu; tu? bu?, , ?td*aT. Mi. ('hail? . Lj__] the Eagttlk fiirii'iitiiriHt of I ,1111'/ loti. 1, i- liai ilia? II a 1 artooii lui IbO UO_t UUlU Imt of The iijlh Aicntt* Jttumal. SENATOR BUMVBRa TOE NOMINATION VOR GOVKI.NO.. M. ("I.INKD. BB I*? WITH ma MA-Vtrilf sKTTH i.i____f. MdVl.l?.NT. IU 1 CANNOT BB A CANDIDAT. ?Mit. T. \V. BIRD Ulf, l'UOI? Altl.K. BO??BB? |HV TKI.KOKAPII TO TUB TKIHl NK.| Boston, Sept. ?,".?\ T? ttor lias \n tu r< .riv?*?. from 8? nator .?miner. In which he -nys he mast po*i tlv.-r?? decline to Ix* a fand ida ta for Governor of Mita-i ? , not because of any lack of z?-_l In, and Inter? ?t for the Ciitia.e, but" bin acceptance woul<l mat? ii ally Interfere with plan* which bebas laid out for the tature, n. tcu-lirs Ml heartiest wishes f?r ?ucees?, aud unie- thst 1, ? SSSB much improve.I. Ihe two . tees trill now be calle?! upon to select? "tie to iiii tbs rseaasy? if Mr. f. w. liird willaliow Ibe I is name, be wili|undonbtedly glad by Um ? as their eandldste for Governor. -4P-. MB. -i sa-fKBtt AM'iVAi? is Bl i ? hi;. , u -:. OB in- JO?BBBT?OM QBI ?i i"' -Til A* TIOB? Of Hi* RO-UBATIOB BOB oov KRKOK OK M ?StJACItl -Kl I -. M'K.-T Oi? TUP. TKi Loa_OM, ?. jit. Di.?Mr. SV?UMS iiirive?l iii I."Ii?i(.i| oil Moiul IT, 11 i i who doubl i of hi* aildib n ?I. part tire fro** Am? I I ?SMbtSd B __BJ had .'<;.?:- ... ?t?o!. he i? un!. Between Un i mmssbI im lii-t )'c:ir In W.iaiiin-in', and thS HT. hilinii? whom I ; .. v. . > painful ? (e _( I I no III.111. . set iu a mou cut estas!? I ? ? upon a -.raiii?' io p eonattlydi si riiied it an the se< i - r? .iiited from the Maws ol Praetea Breaks. AMtaMsryte tin apt and th? . ?of lymrM ? ? ? m to I ? rxrfestly uh .i? nu. , and which cal i ?*uu m thshtS i ij'iry. Iu lir. .-iiu.:. ?Is ih?* ' i i. < .irti.ii- e ... :. n.. ia.? i ?m pee i ab?t bal thai in. ami teaiporarll) dMakled blm, and threat?-neii the luo.-t -(ii,lu? it tidily'.' 1" I?. 1 : . I I , a . ? B Mi Buniuer said Huit in his <_|? n I I n?\?r MSB Mieh M?Serlng, and thst be eouh] eoaipan ll uj b? luit t!i. pain BMdaiSd 'ml' r the knlfs (if the - r;*( on in ittoas of the whom Mr. Burnt, r conanltcd i:: I menu,n. mil .in, . : , lion of werk of ?very kind. Iu hu.Ii a cas? thero is no ; a-t, and no alh . ilium MM absence of e..ia. lie nt. i I it I B ? ta fain, pe. MB. Sll?nl.i'l Kill . d fo lfd. Knl - : ? i. ans urg? st ?be ,? : m hi- purpose of entering ? for . ?peak and with app.lcji. ,i,iii, of sll sorts. Hi hadi -reedtosMst hM ? , i.t.s in 1 an. uil Hall, aad in.- o? i a.ilon w.m nt..ii?, ior he had to irivi! an BOQOOnl of a BOM deparliire In po.i ties. For the flm I irtarofa oca ury da mi,' which Mr. ?utnucr ini.i MfBHBBted MSSHSSt ? tli. United Stales ImSSSSj tl.e otate an i lnr BSBSSai III.''. Allion). liirt ( Iff, -, n.Il oter questioned Mr. burnt) p. it i. .il c(.iir.i_e. Bad :' ? as a riioiiieiit win n a man v.ith a saark e( either aaaet have been ssmm m sSaadSsae Is face With t!.u men WbSBS tPBtt SS hsWtj ami to render Ui?'tn an account of his itSWSnlahlp He was scarcely 1. ? aasas to isspsad (?> Um osB* liiitdo Upon linn fraiu Mine ?nid ?.??new! "re if there wae t? ?? " - .... i bave entered v. it_ Ms whole heart, this MSSSMS? If yea will (to over I to ine last a ... ul, K tie I tion Of Slavery mid the I" U '. if reconstru? mm u as o mean*? of Ite.con'i'iia MS-bS t*a divnl I ' key-in.' : il resell ef Mi xiiiiuer's effort.sad ap; I ? ' Hal on ?'?? -. of a ri ? ? put ?' i . lontr k BbSBdoalag ?_i?h a I a to whieb be Mao so i i n? toras i :i d if < ar to - art wall aa to IhO I ? of medical ?id?. To all he replied,'? I m l'an? nil Ili'l." n. physwisB n - II ? do it ai Ci Ute. " D i van t..' .. . ted Ml e.iuiaei, " iliat i s?mil tali tsMB d' ad "ti the platten, t" " n..." w-1- the ' ! Imt if jo,i n,.r_ -url. an . 11 .i; in jour pre -nt auf-. it will l?e followed ??y a r? action and prostration of Ihe n<r : neat oft j ,m n u -t -t"p bow. I* to your only ehaaso." Be toSttChWBI- I Ml - iier yield at' ; until at h is-TL-t tbe rep?, oi tbe heart, the In < dn, tbe loes, andthi ? a thai it was bopelet- ? ? :,. .\ ? ? '.- best adviser, s '. the phystetaae, si d i > ?? at no mist ih lard ?? menltteao. I i -? Idsd, ami . I . i ?duty, aud which he would hive f0 ' proved an i: Tberu ouirht t? In: SS OOOSSlSS for e_plaini>?_ all til? ': I la the hi ? -a', fy tbe prefer. i of Mr? Sasi . Tho voya.-e proved oi aome ben? flt to him. The-BOM . It i.- flic i. . ' , .... I !.. ?a.'t. ? ' . the other hand, insohi-at?I Is tot pr? ed t i mm r i. ira l frota that. . ,i . . . Inui in lh it i? i? MBVB0M man than MhSM he ?.(t Bastea. II. i-t .n time, anil If bit friends at bol?n . Iiiive let h'.m cro his wav ?n peace, I think he Bight arrived In London In good spirits, ?nid In SSSSJMH Urelygood physical condition. Bal M Lratrpssl in* MaS in.'t With t?a: MSWS of his mm.nation for i, ... iimr of Ma- ; sa) luat that nouilnation wai wholly un, .[m ?til alitl rtl.l l(*?t? desire.I. I do lot lli.,1 ..?land wliat -upyosed politi, ,il oalgeasy OSS have ?? -<i_? ?1 to Mr. laSMSr'S friend-, tojasttt) tliem in SsktSW Mfl to ac? cept such a sssslaadaa ta uaah ? ?MWMMstsMi e-, ? , oa bad he beeu Well. Bal Cn-y knew he had ..- I. rOfS (?' 1-t.ap.? the burden aud aii-iely ?lud respoBSlbl I ties of a liga,t0 MhlCh lii? bealth Madstod linn iine.|ual. and it was cru-1 t>> folluw him OCrOSI tin ?iicli a _ie*<?_se and to lav upon huu th.* ItTSOSe. MSh? mi; a new d?cision and of s-emiinf t<? with,.law I, afresh from th.- work In which lit- heart w,ir enll t. d. It -, .ins Ii an y!,'? ly eoold I . ?r. . tinnier to ?" >'?*pt the nomiiiatuin. Any local . .lied hy the me of hi ? . ooaatssbalBBSad ty IBs fsassal loes and injurj thai m.isi recuit from it. Mr. Buinner at once teleifrnpl. ?I . dine, and ho will not recede from t!i .t dct? It bat cunt Lun i .-'....l d'ui to... -huh iiisy, he f. eii, i ? uni ii.itable to his f, i me*, say to them that H the? SSSS to havo B back a-raln in lii4 old vi?or and atreii_th, tin ? n.i.,! |e| h i m alone for tie m \t three in. i.tu*. lia | ha riirht to axk such a saci iflee ftrotn him at the a. c.pi a , of taBI nomination would involve. Tbe SOWBOf i ti).* duty of refithlu? It, and the tim ? .;? of l_n;k.n_ a!?'?iit it threw Mr. Humiu'r far !?a.k a.- iu ' o war _i In? ou?,lition in which he iiuitt_*d America. Tin pasaM ?? i I pain returned, tbouirh not so sharply, aud tit? m -* retal nu!. Anytiodv who know? Mr. biiiuuer knowa what an effort It co?U him to abstain from hi* usual work, ills is one of those natures which flud th est pl.-asiiro lu SSasS-Bl tueiiul toil, an?! no . that it it necessary . > give that up, aud to seek men ;.n, ... and inactivity, his friends ouirht |o help and uot hm... i his recovery. I appeal t?? them ateiplyto i? t bist) . ami tu* wu-dcrful constitution aud self-coutrol w. i u. thcresU ?A M.S.