OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 01, 1872, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-10-01/ed-1/seq-2/

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M\ri:?>\, ?UMiKl'll, AM? A MU.sk?
"'?IMl.'.'IOMll- I'l.ll.llMlMli I*0 I.IN.V
i hi: iN-ri n i n?v
Thi invi'stipition i_i?titulctl into Um rm
Mon of the Kraiirrnut Insane Am him, by tbe Watt
Kliilirratioii < ,r-, w.i- eoiililiiied venter
- Hit, Wullaih, filial. I.yiiih, and
reet were p?o?? nt.
M Wells, th? **? ? !. :-, n\ i - i ? ?Mailed BBd I
Windows m th? a the doctor states to l
been i<?<iiii.\ ... ?<i apwere so Ized more (ban
. u?, oteuges bave been 11111,1? reoently;
1 ? ' - possible ; there I
under th? bou-??, and the accumulation ol tilth for y
in.iv bars taken pace underneath; fumigation? *?'?'
gtMHatly nade.
Mr- Catherine Benlly, Matron of the I-mitri
luryhim, t. stifled : I net r acted In tin? capacity In
1. Me aim to keep the pal?ente ?11
poMibl? ; \?> allow them to go OS
", in the 1 I they havi the range ol tbe j
1 war-d-r?Mm dunae the day; 1 follow the .'..?.1
na the dispensing ol the medicine? ?
method adopted lot l. ?Iiaiii.i.- Violenl patient- i
put ii,,.?. \? I, Id Into the strong ci
they tM'ei.iii.? ijt.iet, or until the;? pmini-e (?i be ol.e.la
do i mi lie un; ic 1 sob are, bowe
wltbout a proiui-i- 01 reqaeet; I -a??
ni-': .??-,; lira. Catlaai
?lapped a patient who kicked at her;
m th;e t.. bave boon ezouaable m a gr
u.? a the only treatment wl
I ti 1 '1 e.iai 1 ,? ? ? it : the doe
lias .ni? : ?, ti im? in-tniela?'- t,. ti. at the p?tit
kin i.i patient? struck by t be helper*,
?? , not Mlliu lolt 10 li,?11 ii!?
und? r my ?-.-u? ; I
'j pan. nt.? are n tbe calla with two att? ?danta lucha
??i in, m ; ao one la specially on rtutj lathe ward dur
-:..,,1,1 be K.pt sitting np
tbey aleepia tbi and can hear any nuns
->? : u a patient la ill a mine or a in Iper is always
1 - absent al tbe linn
ii treatment of t1? " ? .?. Inangl
I i-i,ii?uler the doctor my supei
? tbe I'litieiit'
un- '
ter e
- rved 1?'??-?it ?. ". and ?
? red in 1
,'iil? ?le. ).; we i-i?? 1
for .?Inn, r ?np, meat,
? <i v ; ihn ? .??? t>, i?? fed
- etlre ,.t any t?
. ?
- ; ? hen pu
1 du ii,'i 1.1 I hav< ever to*
? ie;?.rt mu :.
I? Mr, thai l have autboj
? "? 15 minutes ? i?h day; the u-oaaaawbov
i?-i.? dd in tbe ward waa never examined
. , . i told 1,1111 thai I
? he .'," tor did not think
6 ye ol her delivery? the ehiht v
moiber was la gt>od condition wbt
.. and so did the mother-. 1
-Hotline In any ?,? to the treatment duri
?.r\ -, \? in ii 1 suggest tu the doctor that ,? pal I?
.1,'ilie, the ?1 ; ? .:,, -; !,,? ,l,? - Dot J?
I !,.?.[ ),r, ?. r'l.e on 1
>wn 1 :,i\ w?
i',, Mr. 1 is among I
? Ulli ? , ?el,..
? ?? ,!i llu w.ii.l ?n which the doctor "*
at the book vas without s
t,,r whon
ded I- in-t to be found 111 a
To Mr. Bowdoeatbi B*K*tbe_u*f know f
i? '!: a. 1 t at ? no reeo
?-howlegthls; 1 only know that tbe n:?-?ii i:ie comes
m? labeled with tbe name of the patient for whom II
baa been an Improvement In tiie tm
Dr. Ford's departan,
to Mr. Freer?Pal keanpto pacify then
i..- ..i the nature of treatment or
pun luotor vlaita mj ward ueualiy only od<
rt to him, so that be cannot kne
? la going on only while be la in the built]
leu, m deputy, m?:i- tbe building three or feu; tiro,
un for an? thing it
Ana Cat inaugh [cams here a.? n patient
? ut for five ii.on'i , ; I was then m id
nui ? ?1.11,1 ; m i.,, case of the ooatlnemei
i. member to bavi pul all th, ;
? 11 voman referred t.? ft
... 111. put'..:,.' ?n, in all otil ; 1 ,li
.'a ami hail no lllUlltluU o? llljlll
that tbe room should t
1 any woman vit hoi
:r,,in one to four hours ;
aid ? i .?m now employed In tli
m kept burning all night
I?' I - t. ?iiti?,i: Regarding th
to few p
-.? K pattern
I m
ul the patients to any ol the doctors
any Injurious
- ill tin ? xei?:
' er Pre? bensky ???
over all these luatlti
,'...i a marriageotn
? allai) to in? oi,l,in and 111 (I
? ' .-!., ? : ),, ]?? || ; led a f,
' ?,? name I do not kn?? ; the
^t,i ii. in? Aayliua; I am informed rii.it th
a bim.lar iip-moiiy in
?im- ?notii? i rge.and that the cam cam
up m ? ouri ami waa ,'iriil : this patient'
min , on.? up in court and the ohlldren i?.
, -poll-in.
r tin ?though1 the ceremony was performed ii
i i to ni) will; I intended that the womai
?ii.ml,i Im- . ? .n, but 1 bad not granted Be
I ?in1 not ?If*. Hi it ?-ate for h?T to enter tn
, :> lapes ; my ??i ,i?
itod n.? the person m eharge ; <>n my vlall on th
morning, the matron Informed me that u marriag
. i bad granted the woman's dl
r- ; I knew that ehe \?a- mum-?1 ; I give this as i
lurt:?. ? of authority ezhtttni here
.-tht-t l'r? -ebeii-K?. ? b ip lIU, t>-?t,.. I: I have I.
? ,,ei lour ;,? cardingl ol th,?-,
?hi ,:?,i t,a. I m i- inform.-,1 that they lia.
long i-e.-n engatr? ?l ; that the woman bad eosae over at itt
man; Iperft-rmed tbe oeremooj
Mea,. I
entitled to I I elved this Infot mattoi
the matron; loot i them to deport ?
any other u ?? than a? man and wife.
i?i. i. L, and test ifled : I <-.-ir
imlnatlons :
that moot of the bodies nr?- claimed by relativos; th?
?1 have a light to object to the
; , ' not Institute them anlest
1 am - ' rise.
er.orderly In the iii-tana ward, testified : 1
was ei< ployed live rears ii* wurden in a jail m Ireland
_aj -. i :,'-,,: stated thai thi
I forbidden the Mrrytog out of any orden
,,fti,, i an ftcrrnlahed on tbe benches li
- no pioMnion for a Uitiiiiit-rooiii; tin
-, touflued together In the yard, and are not
allowed tn without th,- permlaalon of tin
:; I do not keep a book givlDR the ltl-tory of the
uploy Halber bniideu?ft and M rapt, for ic
kept on miiil the violence
..,-?: n tn. ? become t.K. violent, tue pa?
p?! in th.- sells: I bare alwayi
told the iieijiera that thay most not strike patients;
I ' ..
.it,, the bo pital; I bave charge of M lunatics;
th? ?loet.i \ : Its luv ??alii ilailv; be Investigati
it to bis notice ; l have known thodootorto
, turn at niKlit tuiiie since i ?aim ; th? -, ' aaei
were on th? occasicmol patients beim dangeroualy ill ;
when ver i sent :?>r the doctor be came; tue pn
are furnished the sain, a? In the feimUe-ward ; the bread
waa bad foi ??? <?e?-k? sgo; thli i
re since l va- appointed; I was on
tbe lalaud at the tune ol mj appointment.
The i ?. alienation waa u?li?.ui ned until Saturday next,
when Dr. tot? ami mm nil ?ill. .'olaiit- WlB Le in M?
THI UAi'l-.M < CM BT-H0U8E J I?a i Mi
? ..MM I I II t .
Tin? Sen.it<- ( i.iiiMii.*'at Ot liivc>tiiriiti?-?n into
fh,. ? BlXthS :at Coiiri-boiise, held
libtra-rj in the cty BaB
ttoroooa. ftt. Hfll ot ?tuaoti tur Um Qmb
? ? I thai .TiiHiie.? Porter and MoQBBtfe '"?
-, il from att.iidi?n<e until Wednendiiy or Friday
Jo-a-pb Bptan was tbe rlr.-t WltBOM
?ailed. Mr. (??net olji-eted t?, 1h?- . .xamliiatloii of the
? -? m the at.-? MB "f lii'lire Waterbury, but the wit.
OMB was allow, d t<> pi '?. ? ?I,:
I am a ?ii.ii-nn t.? trade, ?,ml h..\e Lien Un four or five
ina?l? an ? -t?mate _ few w<. k? a?;.. "1 '
Of the lnaa-on w?,rk on tl.e Han? m Court-bonae? [de
own the witness.] ThUlstb? eatinuite
? ,i:l N ; Ihe ??tatemeiil i- in Hie
writiii?. of M?. '1 .t.p.ii.
Mr. (.tiiei H bo i? Mi- Taiman f
Wit BOOS ft man ol itood < naiai t<T.
Mr. Genet That's non than you are if yon ?wear to
thai eaatllliat?'.
ine allai?i nontlnnM Main air-f** "Wlnistn of the
work Luat year, and eatlmated n*. ? ulue it about ?M5,(>00;
juna- - il an examination as tb* it??t one ; was
before the Uraad .lur? on thisanbjeot,and have
liunle attlilaMl to !? ' i" pi tin laet ?>iia:.
JieU'e Vtat? il.iil>, cui?-el loi Hie I 'oii.mnnloiiet?, who
ba?l ? nt? l. d l be loom .IiirniK tbe ixaiuitia?,,,:,
?j?'?**?, t.iil'J? ? l? '1 htm to a set? i?- MM i in.ln.iti,,n :
I mad? ? ?*nk etiinau- ia*i Fall atibe rOOMSl of the
'l ?aelftb Vtaiii Taxpayi i-' A-??*?. Lation ; don i n memlx r
tb?- exa? t time, l?ul am wire thai it was before election ;
on? vt H h in?-, arid urn not ?lire that an,' petraoi
wa-? pn--? nt ; u?a?ie the SMOOd ? *? iinlmitloii i? i i
bad been lolU by Mr. Adam-, thai I aboul.i l.e ? on,;.
make at*l-la\lt, and wlahod to bt ton certain ; ha\e vi?
Itfd the building tlv? time,?', but made, no lucaaurt-iueiila
,.t on the two oi<_taiouk nasaod.
Tbouuu? VfllMiii nexi t?-?i i),<i An a carpenter and
bellder; bu?.<- walk? <1 at that bMtliasa In >'???* -York for
M year? ; baxemaile an e?"riiin?t* ot tbe value of the
i arpenter work ou i be liai bin < <>ui t-lioiox , and of tbe
uiiu-tc.i material ; made the estimai (_eur<
went; It amounts to ?_,*0?, ofwhlch ?ins li? for lila.k
t,mltb'a tools ; *?"** no bia? k walnut luinlier either need
in tbe bulldn.n oi ?? nil' fi' tbe rround; made an ex?
amination of th? t.uiidi: ?/ laat Fall, Including everythlag
i.t tbe mut? lia) ill til? III.?, k.-lilllh'-. t-l???l? Mil?, th? ' '?
ir'ni-bop; examined tbe latter last week |?leiail?'d
:rii i? witness sworn to Meorre? ?, and put
wrote Ihn pata t Una niornluB Horn
u? ?, ? ,,r in,-. ?annumlona.
'lo Judge .',..? ...In,n ol la l
-??a ludblb IU latUi pan ol BoptsMBbM . did i.ol lutiadu
the iron beams, l.tit did ini-itde all other iron-w*
sheds, ?tor?, house, oOiee, Ac; did not find ho \
frames nor any other completed earpeutera' *s
in.lude?! in the estimate ; made the r lamination
T.(pi-al of the Taxpayer-' Association <?f th? '
it. K. Valrchlld was called, !?ut ?Senator lieiicd
that he win .ile.eni, iittiiuimq a funeral, luit
appear at Ihe next aosxlnn. Mr. Bishop of com
B-sBsaats Osssteittss propssodtsssO Mr.Oeen
testad to !iy .ludir? Waleilnii v, on the _ro>iml t
Oosnmtaatenerashould be examined tu ?t. Benate
man announced the deeiNion of the ('omiiiitt
li. w. Oeael should be ezaaslned ; but tbe utu
eiiiptorilv declined to m? sworo until be should be
suited with tlie ?'oinmlKsloiieiK lie _i. read.- to
he knew at Die proper time, but be did m( i""l
_ive erMeare i" be aaad m the ol-_ eoarM ? thsr
Other Suits peadlur, and bO ?lid Sol ?'??ri? <0 prove
testal to be used la them. Altei .. in?? .*oiili? r util
between Mr. Genet, Judas Watorbm*. Mr. Kite?
tlie ?'.?11111111?. ???, the prooeedtaj-a metaatuounrod til
Beeday.atl p. m., m tin* room ?'f "" Board of
un n. Before leavtag the raesw Mr- Bltchel aet
anbpeaa ?on Mr. Genet, to appear as Mltnea.i \?
PRB in i 4i ion tta* OOMMISglOBBB l'WiM'
] ,. |s_iMK!;i'KI'.TATl?>N 01 Till le,
BFl COK <?l'.,Ii (TIO.N-l.
Aflir tlie opadoB, vcstcnliiy, of (lie 1'
.tiles (in ii! Court, under tlie National BtTOOOS
May al, 1H70, aa am? tided Feb. _s, nil, Judge Wo
tat act under which Iho Court ia new opened i?r<
that the ( lu. f Supervisor of lue ch.tiou diitti
which he tuny be. shall icceivc a).].lb at ions for ap
mititi of Sapervtson tdBleetloM ?n thai dtotrte
thai lie rliall present MU h BppBOSttoMO to tin' ('mil
furnish Mich insinuation an muy eualile It to
proper ;>ei-on-lor .iu li Sui?e,rvinor.. Toot ('unit ia
opes f?t tin-1 pi'ointmiiit ??i Baporrtoon of Blaett
Ihe Miullierii Oi.stri' t of New-Y"r?.
Ooismisetoner Darenport, Mho, with Qoorge
npriKiiii d th?? Ki'iiuiniii.iiiiiiist-, Mid t ii.it In h
- ior tbe appointment of Baper
di-niel from ?ir.mi Repablican
Hall Oi'Iikk I.u . , in.d 11,e '1 ..n.li,al, ? II ill i
?ai n .i be bad also bad ? low appUeatloas
? Woodraff?II the Hal at Basses has aol
'i must now l" read, a" th if if ?here ar,
lo lie Dames onthal 11 -i tbey may be he
i lomtnia**1oi I ' nid i he :
t on m tbe l
District,and ex-Judge Bpencer, who ??ith Bamtu
Tilden represented tbe liberal Republicans and D
. ia!., said ih.it SO far us In- knew Hi- ! ???ni'.?-r.-at . h,n
pervtsorsol Election nun from their
election ?ii-im i-,.nnd m _eo<_r_anee ?iiti ? bal b?' da
i" 1 i -oiiiiil I., w; ttiat he Obfeetod t?. any one'.. I
made ?? Super* laor of Ele? ?ion who did not reside ii
election dlotrrct for which he *?? appointed; timt
Ditnoi rat? had followed that rule, mid that lie Wil
the oilier or.'a'i" itiona to follow It,
Commlsslonei Darenport? who has been studrlni
Natioi ;.i Election law with Mayor Ball, said ?nal i
lim-sup, niseis ot r.u'ciiiui i,, naide ta tin
u id- for which they are appointed.
Ex-Judg<e Bpencer-Mr. niden and myself bare,
rally examined that law,and ??<? are eontinced
both it*? letter and 11r* spirit r. qalre thai Bnpyi \ l-.u
1.1. ctl"Ii inll.t leslile in the (ilhtrict loi ?hall tl.ey
Commissioner Davenport The majority of tbe i
oatiom ?nu ttoiii prisons residing In the district
<- l,i h Un y dt -m- to in- appointed ; but the law doe?
i. quire thut the* should reside ibere,
?fudge W<H_.ruff-i| im not dealra? al present, to I
any ,. lierai Oli.iecl inns to tlie law ; i-lich Obb*_t.ons
be heard at another time ; if, however, any one baa
objection to any of tbe mime, read, l ?rill Mar it.
Mr. luden?Th?re uro two questions embraced In
as as to its construction ta regard to tbe pai
to be -"presented. Now, we understand that tbe
ties to be represented in the appointments of au
rtaora are i ne two area! l'?il ' lee, and?
Judge WeodiiiU?i Uuiik you hav misunderstood
Court; 1 called for spec?c objections to name-, and
? imI objecttous :?? the law.
Ilr. lildt ii?1 um ln.l inn lo argue for orsgalBsti
Commissioner Davenport oonttaned the reading Of
list,and,aaaaohdistrict wan flatshwl, JuAge woodi
aaked U then ??ninny oojection to any of tbeaaa
DilMiu' the ic.niiiii*; it HI linnouii, id that a Special
?a had 1? ( :i sent di by Justice OOZ SS 8 mem
ol theTeniman* Hail Oommlttee; and ex-.i,.
i a r denied mat Justice ?'?>-? WHS a member of that ( i
mlttee. i.\-.-\ - eiiibii man Mitchell replied thai Jusi
Cox waa still connected with Tammany Hall, and ti
lu h ui i. i < ... ,1 Ids iioiuinatioii Irani It.
i 1-8 nator Morton Icanaaaure roa that Justice <
is not a member of aii> Tammany Hall ( o?tUUltt? ' , I
what is m ?re, Juath t Con la a Oranl man.
lore Man said thai he objected tooomeofi
read by Oommtaoianer Bar?part, aad Ja?
Woodruff .aid that be hud concluded Unit II WOUM
bettol to hear null objection-? ult.r the it ading ol '
aamea war- Bntsbed.
Commlaaloner Uarsaport hereaanonneed that, an
morning, he bad receired an additional liai ot nan
? 11 ?till lb piiiiiicaii A.M. in mliiili ol I he XXlii.
.-einldy J ?isl ne i ; mat one list Came limn tlie m ci.i ,i ,
int.on, ?nid tbe other trou member?.
Judge Wo (Iruil?(),i<- list la authorised bj the Bee
tary, and the other la a list sigaed by ladirldaal me
III I - ?
Cun.-r___on.ir Dareaporl Yes; I found that
one wee paying much atteattoa to matters m thai ?l
trict, and i requested some ol Iho naeaabera of the a.s
elation these to fur?ah ma with o Liai of names for Hup
?IndueWoodruff?1 would suggest, thea, thai a? far
opportunity exists yon turuisi? aoch lnlormatton in
yaid to both lirait, i*? will enablo the ('oui I to uni
prop? r selections.
? oiniiiiHriloiier Davenport then llmahed Kadlag t
list, aud the Court atlpnii n.-d (Hi 11 a? in. to-day, wli
ex-Jud?e Speaeer will otaba that Um Supervisorsp
aented by the Dessoerstlc party, sad sustained by i
Liberal Bepnblloan party, ai?: the SupervisorsIntend
by tbe Court, as repreaeutins one of tbe great piduii
partie?; and that m? Intel 'mediate Ol iran?/ ili.ui ..f I
ottj .id county, elalmlns t?' be a pobttealparty,o
bare Supervisors appointed ander thu
injHICIPlL All'A I lis.
Mayor Jlall tga____itted i<? the Board <>i A
deiiiiiii, -reocarday, bis rots ??f a reeotnttoa recent
??? that body aathodataa the Corporation Ooo
sol to taha local steps saatasl tin* owners of the Wit
iviiits House of ladastry. Oorporattos Osaasel <?'<;?
Baa, In a loMg opinion an to the legal ri.ht of Ihe Bight
ave. Bsflssad t<> shsrga Brs ? sata i ?tra tan _m i
frers rni.nir above Tiftv-lir?! r?t., stales tlial liy section
of the iieae. in. nt BMteasi latS BSBWSSM tl
EiBhtli-nve. Railroad OOSBpaay ami tlie Maja
It 1? provided thai tlie rate, of SaSSSfSof thS OStefSS
Nhall not cm (( d IrS outs lor the entiri: li 111,-tli of t!
road. . uti.-eipieiitly, liowcvcr, tlie load wn? eZtOMdl
to ils ]iiim nt termination, and 111 the resolution of tl.
t iiiiUion Council, daled Decciiiln r, l-i>_, iintlnu iziiiK t!
exteastoa. it was provided thai when the OoeapaB
shall liaie liiitde -in h e,\teii-i'iii it Shall l'<- at liberty I
charge ererj pssacnger who may ride any distanceupc
imy part of tbe road below Fifty flrst-a_,flvecenteexti
laic In ( urn ludliii,' In*? opinion Ml. < 11 i.irin in s,,i.
?? it si ?ins to me chin thai it a as the Intenl of this ia
ter resolution to grant to tbe railroad company an m
rantage ta addition to that wbleb It had derlred froi
tbe iiri'i'i'im nt of September, 1_M, In conalderatlon i
tbe in.ii.in_- by tbe Company ot tbe proposed extension.'
a large number of resolution?: respecting the parlan i
in sections of the city with Belgian pavaamat, wm
told over.
City Cliiiinberlaiii l'.ilnici s ?book! show tint
aesoants paysble from the City sad Ooonty1_aaav
have been ovenlrawn BS fellows, and Ilia!, upon oolitic;
turn, the ?'oiilroller has thus far failed to make Ihm
Kood :
?w County ?'uiirt house, iTivi,.',.*.' 07 : Infant AsylUR
? 7; cleanfnc and auppiitw for Count) offlces, tel. ii
s-iitei improvement i und, t_ju,uoo: tatersel oa sasssi
BISMM. ??'?i.uou.
Tlie Cb?MbOriS?S lian MSfgSd pS|-Bg OhSekSOMl
ihoro aoooaatS, under nsMoa M, (Impur .7i, luw?o
1871, which nay? that the Chi mi" 1 lain shall pay as M_l
rants "mi a?count "! any appropiiattonnft? r tbe amoun
authorised to be raised by on ior that speclBc purpoa
shall hare beea expearted ;" ami nades aa ordlaance o
1 he ( 0111U11.il ( ?nun li whi( li -a\.s liial " 111 in. case shal
the Chamberlain pay say wan ant drawn oa him wlthon
liai in?.' u siillli. lent suTn to tin, ( redit of sud
appropriation as the warrant dSSlgBSteS.'
?Controller (irecn any? that these accounts' bad been
largely orerdrawn when be assumed tin- ?lull?*? of tin
? iiiitroiiei'- offloe ; thai he ti i-, from Ume to time, as tin
public interest required, den ?sited money toward niakiii?.
mod lueh niirdiails, and that he li as reduoed tbe "vu
draft on the Mtreel [?prareaoenl Bund account from
11,000,000 to bur.'.tvo, aad tbe overdraft on the luiareet on
\--.. ssmenl a? couul from t!M?,000 to bfA.ooo. rin? Control
1er ai??? saj s that h? does imi ?leein It Bdriaable al proa
int to borrow money or to looas boMds far the porpoM
of Iii.iklli?r (.'nod tin- ovcrdla t.-.
The <(iiic>'i<iii<li neu lu tuci ii tin* ( oiiiiiii. .--??iii
m of l'utilie Charities and ? "lie.?turn ami th? ( 'oiilroller
ainl the Ti-iilli National Diiiik 11.i n lat.iui Is t-S tM-MHS
of inmiev In loii).'l Bf !" I'"' Coliilni.-sldli' 1-, ha- li in made
pu rident Ibll Informed the I 'oiitralier of Ihe
soltura i,.? o.' baas M MlW? -' M ss ipeeaJ sopeotl is the
credit of tin- ?leparon? nt. and ragMOStad lit 111 t?> obtain a
s? ttlciii'iit. ?oiitioller (?re? n says In n -i.lv :
The ?e;-'Jie SJ that lunik of money paid bl MS to fOB,
nuil iiv j ?m deposited in thai baas, was, It appears, a
violation of an elplcss akii'iiiniil Wllh ,011, anda- I
think, an act tt.ui t iiini"i be lastslaed bj an.? legal
authority. This aooaej was ralead to meat tbe expeu?!.
tureaol ?om dSfseSmsatBar Saepttale, sariama, fti ,
for tht, ye.ii in. 2, and oiiiiht iiut to be ami cn'inol be
dlrertea from tltai object. You will readily perceive
that It would l,e improper In in? to make provlsii.ii for
tlieover<l>_floflH71.an aulli-.n/ed !>v tlie Ix-^isl.illiic.
wlille Ibe b.i-li holdh Una liione>. li muy I?? weUeuoaxh
lo ?tale, thill When I l?'Ok the (?flic?' of ?'ontloller the
Tenth National Hunk, which ?was Ihe depeoltor. at auum .?i
of tin ? a . depai t?senla, aad bsvinr amona its directors
sareral cltj oitici.iis, saowed beary orordrafai of tbe
folowlliif aeci.nnls: Depaitiiu lit of Publie l'alk?,
btV,,Vn U', I?, p.iiluieiit of l'uiiiu ?IiiiiIIich nuil ?loir.'itloii,
tr:i ,vxi f, : ii.iiiiiy ??iurilioun?', tit'i.tvj 'U. AuiounUaif
111 uli tot'.i ..1; 14
?The (ii.iii.iti ol the Pari Department, of whta_ Mr.
Hilton waa th nTn pud by me, and while
in 1 om iii..1 th overdraft oi j oat lb
|.?i no. it .ne 1 ..1 in?t , 1 11,, ? ummisalooi 1? of Um
County Court-houae,tbebaahabftned tmu? n.? ?o..rt
an order to show eautie why a mandamus should not
isnue to compel their payment?. Mr counsel la at proa
out aiment froto tlie city, but I understand that the Court
ili,I not l?-ane lb? iiiamlamiiM, but ordered the matter of
the overdraft of the CoiiiiniM-nmeri or tbo Court-house
to a referee, who baa not ) it detel mined the cane. The
appropriation for the Hiipport of the InKtltutloti under
,,,nr )>. pnrtn,fiit in ample, and bail la-en re--ularlv
j,.n,I i,ver to yim. it ?ni (jive me great
pleasure t? tak?? aurb action in in?- matter aa I ean to
obviate any ? iiiliarr.iHMniotit In your operations that tmiy
ari->e from IbBMlzureof >our money. Th.- exprecaed
determination of poor department to keeplinet|i?iiill
tOTM within Its appropriation-? for the year lu*TJ In one
that will, I trust, lie i on. nrred In by oller tb-partinc ut?
a? reyots their tararBl expeo_lt?t*ee. it l? not only in
aocordanre with the law, but, m this department deems,
u i- e-M'iitiiil to th.-. ?tai.ii-hineiit of the finance of tilt?
t'ity upon a Miuml ami ?ati.??faetory bum?.
AW A 111) ?iK CtiNTItACTR.
Coniiiiissioiii r Van Nort ?iwanlcd yrstrnliiy
eoiiiracl? for paving >?trc??t- wilti lielgiau puieiueiit M
Ta Ml third It, from Tnln"-aTe. to th? Fist Riter, T. I.. Untier.
?'1. Thrt-nrirts,.. from Ytmr.b In '??|flh?re., C C *.<-_.
a>HUlO; UniTrmt? iiliee. from .Vitrrlrt plire to Kightb-st., ('. ?'. Heed.
B3,SI07?; Kift; ttlb.A . I tun liras.'.-,? to Se?e,,?li ?,e.. 1>. Mrl'rall,
? I,?,'?-..*?; Tarntr-Crtli st.. from ihirJire to tbe Kilt Kiter. I?. t'u*
iiii-i,s_. +i',.ni; Patty trat ?t., fr.?m Kitbih la Taatt, aa*,, P. Ms
i ! fr inTliin-at?. to Armee II. I I, . H'itler,
, Kmt-iT?., fr-ita Kuuitcotli to Ihirtt-sittb-iL, T. b. ilull-i,
Till-' III ?AIM? Off Ml I UYl-.il.-.
'Hie Hoard of Supervisor-i net iviil, yrsti r
iliy.a eoiiimuiii? ittion Ir,,in Hi,'(',,niri.il. r statin?* tliut
the appropriation for cleaning and ?mnpllca for county
Ornate? ami 1 ? tt s 1 ti i n ?_-_? ,>M.l?o '.';) in ex'jaunted, ami that
ii.ldltlona! claim.? t?, the extent of tl5,ia?0 are unprovidetl
for. The Controller alH m at?.1 that the monthly pay?
ment?, for cleaning the county oflices bave very matert
aiiy increased muh un, and an now at tin rate of
t7s,0?0 i?er pear for personal Bervteee. The eommunlsca
ti,,ii was Baal baob with it request for luriher Infor
DBCI8IOI8--flBR. 30.
i^aprr-m?* Court- Chamber*?Uv Jmli-e Lconnnl?
i ?o fir it t<? i*rnat th?
imwrl aiil hire a t,:tl of tli? ?
- r.'l 1" t!,e I.il WlllliU 111 J, '
' I? ?gree.l i:|,... ? ? . ur. <u e?s>' 111? rau.i'it ???????-,
la i" ?i | ' ..,,???? I.t- ? ?
in.,ii"t?', the 'adg_**t, i ? ? arts
ai I m , ? - I r ia it liltritj to .renew
' ? .1. kr.
Superior Court?Special l, ? By Jodn Curt?a.?
f.r rer.ir. r g: ? HSl ? ?I Bsak
r part?.
> -.r Paper
? r ? rireitrr rraoU 1.
?agt Martr. i.li. - (Sea i ??'.. Baulk
>n*tfn*tei. BaJlk agi s an >t *l ?Order granted.
CAI BBPlH Tail On.
Darras s*-?T?t Dtsr -, - is Aaanuun
m..K?iif ?ft. Piiij baai Mi,-.- i II..CI, ,i p? *irt ttfuakssM ?
liwrti lTt.JAewdnttfAM.aai 1'nas
2l..Aara?ohsrt. Srhoorer Cre?\e Ce ?ft. Propeller
. Tat lor.
|-*S..Mis*e??? tot, ftaaatn i :,
173..Irwin at-t- Me?n.-;ui? V, . i ?t. Srh. J. M. M*
IT? .Ha-? ?IT? bam*, I |JJ..Tbt I'nitt-r] HUtes Ift. a lot
K.an lar!. Ileraarhi r, Jr. of lamber.
. ?aa* fit ,-'. : . t ift Sttia-tug
W-a. MeCauJIaaa. I ??.-_
IM..Bshssskala_sgt PtseaUsr I B..Bra-ra igt I
I e. :,? I )?:...N k ,- ;, ,i ?!. tfY Steam
|] . I 'ixnliiereisl StCunlalt I | lu.' 1
igL F.rrvU.t Aue. et 1I?0.. Vt ban?, eft Yrrtj bo?tSuns
' lalilsllsg', Brl| ?'? W.r?.
i? lli.iKii-iri.?HBMaSaawy Costa.
M?-..PIsfSsa Sgl J?:?- ..-?I., mou taVsLsgl Kinanael
?..'. II,,i, kkias aft i ok**, ?i, i lao.
.Mailer Mai ... (_a_la*-a, ' ?-'. Betraca trt i!. sgl *Baa_-s?T.
:',l.i..l m m,ih ?.? i__i..\Va:ielsl airt. Wtiurr i?J
? a '..Me t .??i r na,
36tJ..Poijt ?t al. s(i. Ro-L.r ami 3?.CI..KM.a et al. igt, Dcrricltsoa
?no. ?i. i i: o.
3847. .Balsa rial. agt. (?o'cer *..' '!?'..i't < t et al. at;*- Ittrgan and
? no.
el a!, ?nt. It. '.r
' : ait tt tl. a.u gt o ue ami
t_ll..Caasalstsl ???'. M :- sk,
56?B. .l.iil? ?|-1? be Winlflia.
a ?Kt. VaDl'ierr II. I
|" I.. M ,r ?on art ?.itlin<1 tno.
?rJ ??:. i b, ,
in, nt in! In.lmtriil Ok, "t
??'???tint ?ni Dwaiiag Beat-task.
~*rfr llatlasaa aft Mur, i:,l?r,o. a.T.'..li.,i?m et il. i^t. Fli-minii in)
Scraaaa Cockt?C__na_t- I.F".n ?h>,, J ???[ans at 10 a. _.?Cal
. near ?,.1..I at 1 ' in.
0_*_*-ll te% Ol-aalllt, I 13I..IIrr?-nlr? Mntail 1AM A??nr
44..The IVo|,k, kr, Mi.uwin ?;..? Korietj ot L. IS. igt.
??*t (ireenr, Itr. Mann he, in.
l?.-Tln- People, Ilc, Yoanr a?-t , l.rr..Ilrsnds *tb ?mlth.
Same. I i:r....llr?-tn el ?_ a*L WMB? St si
T?.. Leiter lart I'nl?n meagt, <'?>. l48..Bn*ksal tl tat. Whs* et ?I.
7?..?elerh?n?eB ?gt Mil, u 111..I.: the tmlter of Fbjfe, to
l-lslll It. II. ('". ?|,'?te sMeainiFbt.
7,..S?iue ?.t. f-sine. I 113..I I'- ,i all, r ?f lleafb, to ?a
*, 11.Mate ??I. llama- eat* IHfUfpe V
bO. K'M-bl.r agt. Matinheiia. | lit. Kea, h ant. l>eek.r et al.
1 . ..Lit? '.entiern a*_L t, !?'n?trin.
Minus Corn**?Oit??r??i. Taaa?tnaa Ck J ?<i?o?? *_ unit
lev... J.J , SfSBS it H ?- ?*?
Sun? ralendir as jrilrrlti.
M-iilsfor Pit SO PlliSS, ?ii.nt.tr.. ? I M ' Il ? ?
Pi t, , l ?e ?t i |, o, m, ,??i ? ? re . Braaklta.
Iiillai aaslais at si lbs Xf i al laSlaa, ? i" ,t ?he., gala?* ?raet, mil
be in ea-iit* Uir ktlfiwiire. I'iper? 4 r. aast bs attiafAi.
tfBDBBBBAl Osa i
Mtlit tor Eoro->* Via tl fta aMemtat,
Wise**?**, stem m i-'M. a Ha pk. tr Hau as Pias Um St*.
lt.. 'S elo*il It I'd y. m Sleamskl? u,!a si S p. _.
A l'iin-llI < 'l'.?t-J ?I .,1 ia ?eut li, lle
|AII 1, tiers iirpuMleu m ,?>,.; ,,.,.'?-?.1 o ' Ma,,? mn?t be prepaid with
?W,l* iwui'l
M ,1? for Havana br tbr **eainst,ip flaaaatra, r?.?t? it 1 p. m.
? ni. al .1 p. m, f? m P > r H? ' :,. u
Al'niiiin Close,) M?ii 1, aatf ?enl l,t '!,? Wil'iiral , Uni,,? tii'l
lauuii Line .St-ima?.ps.
TlllIKSIiAi. 0? r. 3
Mill? f?rKnr-,->? ris Ht n ,it!,. t'i.er',, ,r?, ? , I lls,i.?..ir*. p?r sleini
?h-.p l'hnri gis rloae il II a. in. A 8a|,p eueuttrt Mill t I l'ier l??l ?f
3 i ?nl ?t., Ilui.olen. u rl,,?*,l ?l 1 i, in. Meaininip i*il* ?l 1 p. n.., Irom
lu?.t ?f Ti.iri ?t. Hsbafese.
|AI1 leitari ?a . ' , I r. M.i'? ih'mI t,e | reptlj witb
leal i,-1',?lire. I
M al? iorlltrani?! 1 th' West Ir lie?, l.r ?lesiiis!, r. Morro Ca?tle rl.,?e
il f ),. m. A , Piit .??I.V. IL, l?cl.iseil ?l ':?J
l>. in Meims'.ip ?ii? at S p. m.
|AII Idlers u'p.iai'.i-u ,n llauplMtulSI* Mtiii rna?t be pr?t.i?l allh
douNle p,'?t , a 1
A 3,1.,, '.,r liai fil N. M. ia el?i?- I ?t ll.e S. , ?,rl I'.Hoftttr?
11air?l?r ?t I ,,',,?li, ;n .--.? .. hlf ?a.? Iroin Ponlul, Ma., oa
Knil?r, at 6 p. ia. _
POP. SAN IRISH C l 'n ataaaaaa*** limimj stir. Rept. no ?ft.
K. Walker. I>. ?? ??rsii.r?. fmn ? Ml?? Maggie Blair, i, L.
M, a A. Y Sear?,
Tbaatas F flibsesi ful i ? ? ? ta mi d*o?-hter. A.
" ti'l ??le, M. , B. Fiera" i
Hemri k Mernliui, A W?,gh . Mi?, M?r, 11.
l'ree Mi? r.r..l n- U ? ? Br? (?t I Liai.? ? t, I-ia. liittl
' ?ni vile .la? M I' ,i ?.-.?. ii ti Y.ttentert?
M,a A. Y Been ? lone?. Il,? ??.,, r. S.
? ,,,|ier. i C. M. I t A a,,.rai Btaad
li,an. Ilr K K. I e , ,t l'a, ii_-.:ta .?. J I . J. W.
li.i,. I ?,U J. Il Cp-la: Mr?. K. U. CuJ
*-1a_Ona-_7 Wi ,
MiMATiUh lient ?? ??
San n,*. SiS6 t BBS ?eu. 5 43 1 M?oc nie*.. 4:40
t aa WtT?K THl? O*?? t M
Hanit IJue.a.... ?:-..' I ?,?? ? l ?l.iei ... 7 17 , ,1 ?I, 'iale Frrrr... ?V06
hi'-h ??T?a iMi? u*T-r a
Sa_it? llitaa. ... t 53 t i. ? ? , 1 F, i Hell title Yen... 9:_>
I'ORT ??F M..'-V(lKK .Harr. 3e.
, I.I.AIiMl
Si,in,?l,lp ItinntSt-r I ? waJL ftsAtt Mtfl fBssml
Si ?b,p Nngirt. Iloiii??, ltir .luon I, .N?i.,, >. Si.,1 lit. Pat l "
,. Strsin?l,i|i r,i
btesiiisha, >arsii Juaaa, nil?Mp_a, Wat Kirkpitrirk.
b-, -bu. K. I'. Uni:. M ? ? ?Via, |'. Cl. leitCo.
, Pal !??,.! I. Y. Ane?,
liait Paal (Oi ?
I ., (. a,. iiie,ie iNiii.) '?i? I?..n, I. :? n, a. Tela-n, V Uo, kinaun.
Ilur? ?U m., |l:a. |, ',,,. er,, ( or? fat ?ruera. A. P, Agre.u S. ? ??
11?: i. lit lie (liu?.?, I 'oiiiii r, I- ? Yttat h. Ktlre Si t n.
liriet hi. Il, nus.,, , Si eu. Ml?. K. Il Winrhealer k fo.
H, 1 I- ? ?a, Wi ? r, Pat -n ,',n, J. II. ti h ?ii' ; r v i
Ilr ? -tli:ia> | lii ). I nlliill, Amii'Bi fur ,,r,l, r?, Miller k l|,,ugl,ton.
Hue Willi r Mniili, Su,,n,, la,, n.,? ATMS, 1. N ?rton, jr. it Sons. ?
brig Mart 11. (i.nnert. Or-stsar. Ca.1.1 si. I Set,lie, s. ('. Uiml _ Co.
S?l,r. W.Mc??at i?. >? r.m. Ia_aa*taa, Me. i ?ndi-e i rreaiej.
Bshl Ann? I,,,rlau I, V,Hirli,a, 11 ri> ?01.1. \ s. Via rlniut V Bro.
Sehr (i ? At?SB, M, il, Siamfotl. Siainfor.l Minafirtnring l'o.
S'.a.J ?Vil u.U., M-rr'ii .-Umfer.l, -l?iut,,r 1 Mainii,, ier ,,; < .,.
laela. VV ,1. i,,n- H. . ??? li , l.oiier, H???nn?b, K?un?. Hall k 1 ...
J. P. ? h?u,ller. I*. m?. ??,n!.?r .s. .- , H. B. he Watth Os
Sel .1- ,. - Il VViiliaina. I'lLirl' -l,,n, lient., . ?1..I- r V ? o.
Ml.r llsrri't f. Il,- ?'" ,, l . !.. ?V , ?bl k Uro.
btht, Ltubi*?*, M?;ci?, Jaalaa
Al, III ?. I I?
St-'t 'tliio t*itr of Austin. M?-?'i ri , Oalrtslss Sept II, ria Ker
West a b. ?rlis nui m ? ? 1?? ? h? CL 11 Hallar] k ?...
M'iiuahip Kllui x 1er,. Sal.eir, ,Sr?i?ra, ?. C, ?nh t?,,l
t!, e?? le . to Murrst PatTatBC
-letii.iiiiii Q_tr___, beiTt, l.?*rle?toa ?ith mil*?. *n,l piii. tu
Heurt II. Morgan .V ? .?
Mas 'li,|, luir il? Il lihkria n li lnn.,11 '?. City l'i.int. an?! Norfolk,
wit', liai?*, ?nu p*a* to il il t.,1.1111,1 ai SU-?u,??,p , u.
sia_i__iip -an Praatasaa, Ucnutos. l.enuuUi 3 dar?, in ballast, ?ith
pa*?. t? M ? II. Vieilli.
I.ar? Jaaaa (<i, ?./, Btlil 1er, Ilrernen 43 !*ts with Birls*.
Bart fritt, iBer.).OMaa, M.? J a, .t.. ,Ju'.. !?? ,,? lliiaploa Konli 3
ni?? ?rill, eo?i-e.
hark l'rii?lee_ Aleitn lrt|(litn ), Verio?, Areceibo. 1*. II., 10 ,l?tt,
win, sssaa
HrigHr. (N li 1 lili,?,,,,.' ,1 52 ,l,t?, ?ill, hl'les.
Ilr,g Maaliu? |ol Baaaaa), Bl , ,l<, saga? I'l ?ii.,1, ?,'a sugsi ?1,1 nio?
I, .g I.sJr M?r; (Ilr ), lit-ror, St. J?bn?. ?. ?., U di-i, with oil *nd
Ilrig Ittji'l (,,f St K I'l) Al.rt o., Si,, H!?s V.Jsts ?ilk r?r,i,n.u.
Srnr. I'. M*. Osrt (?f Tr?melo?!.), I ro^, hurtn?-* .Idi.i, ?th
Ma I. A. Heeler, bunt-.1, Hit ItltaJ. 12 dart, with frolt.
.m, 1 lie , ieje, a.in luiiiUr.
-?m. i-uipiau |Bs.] UaSaaa BsvaalBs H di,., ?,_ in:*., n.r? m,i
?,'II,?,>???? KI?KH ??11 i,il?T?l?R.
Clan, '" " 0. Aletandria.
,i|. r, ? ir.in.t. 1 II" ? ,-, ii. c
I .I,.,. , . . ? a , !? I . ,,
J M ,kT. II? l-lbel All"lt... II.I. ,,
S J I1.1.1,, ?irgiai?. J il. le?-??,*?,! Ing.mi.
BSSSSa Hepi. 3" ? Air,?..) ? r i,,,?',,p. M.li? froi* Lirrrpoul ; Wr?.
latvias ? '?"in Htlm.i'i.e, Baaaaa sad ?'-eimpoir, i-.,,n Tbii?delpl,i?,
Ulaaaaa baa s. ? 1...?. sate Hart Baasrttaa. baai Baraaaal - ra
?um,a A. Hlgftaa ir.,,, ' , lloiuie?, iroi* Partas 1
Treaeoll lili eaae lr? .. J i ??on.ll c
l'n 1 i.atKK 1 a ?n. Saat .ti. Air.,',1 steaiaabip Vu m, fron Sea Ot
lasas a u llavass
i.awR*. l?l. Sept 3?.?Arriieal. hirk Oneiti, Ir an lireetltnli hark
tnl.n, l'ail,,,*, , au I' i'i.?u?, l.a.iaa bail ,-jl?,u?', fiuui lUrta-.a*.
l.rigS.i? r Sir. ?n. fea ., 1 ...,
Sa* ?Ihl.??-? S, 11 Ji Arrni-d steisiakia Hurtan fruta N.wVftrk.
du t?a?ii.> sepu i,.?Amteu, ?ir.iu.n,., Matraa-sli*, M__r__
fru?a .Ni? loil.
I "III H.N l'OI-Ts.
iiiaj? from S, ? 1
lnV?? Lote llBamablp ? II? ni .Se? li.rl. J,e?, (ru,a Ne? fwS Saat,
I .. ?n 1 ll,l Vt lilil??? k liuln? Llae sWliaablp I lab,,, Ytir, lr,,,u S. .
kaak Baal MX Saak ter laaataaal, aattiad i,?i- ma?,, laafcra??ral
!i:.?J |.. 1?. an,l II,' Utirr ?I 4 p. m I br I ,11 an! lu ,.,,,., p l ?I,,,
llattlt, feetS S.? I,,r? Sepi. 18, tul L.leiuwail, ?rii.tnl bit* *| 7
'alaak ??? SalarJ?, ?
pLSaseVS s?pt S l?e Hawbari t?.ri.tn I.inr ,telm*liii ?Vr.i
?bslia, laaWMasa, ?r..? New lark s.pt l'i, t?r ll.rab.rg. irn,?. ,
aaV ola? ?'??
M .1 u i t. ,-.| i f I i ? I . , \,
... fjuia
amkmeaed M",li??i iirlti
l*?ar Lute?! .sAip .-irir? ?er Util, ./???, i
. Sept S - Hie M nu* star I me itea-iahlp H?ltir Ke?
lurk Sept. Il, !_? I.;.e,p?.,l ,,r,,..l |lrre la,-,.
HJrtj (5oobe.
?.KA51V8T., B. T.
riHST Pl,(>?)_ :
Oorown importation SII.K IlO?tNKT an.l MABTILI.A ? KI.VTfTH.
BLACK sad ?OLOKKD VKLVRTI H VS. f<v.,rv . ?. I upwt.l.
(?KOS UBAIB BIHBo. Sst IV . ate. inrt lie
_.'<'AK1<)<>NN KBATHkB.. a,! PL?. _K_M.
? I ! I ; AI * sll.K KftI.N4.hs.
l..,t..f LAOIK. ' NKCKTIR- ttlSrU. tnd 45 eta -r.?'fpr|r?.
li? BTBBT Sll.AMKB PBOM Kill'd?.:.
SY.V7 P?hOT .001)8,
At ii rts., at -i rt_ th* I'sir.
TWii HI-TTOBS it Hot., at ?I. asii 01 25 per pair.
I.)..'. I.- Kll'.s at SI t'l el 5?), warrant?-.
n()N'NET.-_-KTrrrtiiint See.
M t il.KIAI.s_.Straw. VrlT.t., Plnsh. Tur-inoise.
Jlr.a' "il ?(?vi if l-.Ni.l 1.1 KOIMi II Ms
Oat I BIMMBD HAT DBPABTMBBT will ra-pir esr-ful ?lamination.
I.trarr.t and ( hrai-it St.M-k is Un? ?'its t.. srl-ct frum.
( UlLhitl.N -|S ILoAKS, HATS, CAM, kc.
TIIIKD PLli-Oll?Jobbing eic__?Telr.
KOl'BTH FLOOR?Jolitiin? and aunnfartorr.
PIKTII r_.<_)B-T?r mil Crirl.nl?? D?i>srt_?-t.
Will (.t?*n wkdnksdat. CMMbat ktSIS. with ?n M-MBtt ?????* M
RWI-I? MASKKl's. l?I? ?__???<>__, TOiS, UOLU?. AND 1AM ?
i.i.,,,'-. ' ABIBI I Ui'liK. '.
All, id u OWS lUroi.i AI.o.N, AND CBBAP.
11 111' OBAB. ST :
. I - ill KB si\, *? y .
?s??? H.lUliW.l?,
ABB "Hi BBS aursiai?H ia
Spanish LACES, EMB'D hands,
A I'll:.?' TIVK PBICB8.
B, Il.?S- ? M hl MAIL _
V0\'NTAIN'- IMUA STORE has a richer
JL a,, I ,-r,l. r ?an.lT tbsu rrrr at tl
Coii?on -V?uertiecmeiue.
Battit fJaaail. il (irrst Briltil . ? tl,- 1Mb ?f J'il?. 1MB?, an I ar
nred at r. I'ri,..-!., N-? i..r?, W Mtptcmhrr, V'.i'l, an.l was sou?
tflrrwar i i? ta. ht lu. i
T!.r cMUUM of th* ?aid llnrfi)*. Jeikin? sr* rrititlr.l \o nn*-ninth ihire
of thr rittt* of John Mitchell, tbnr .rsnd?stbet. ?ate of lleihill. in the
?si.l Csaatt ?I mumi, ?rotnaii. which tii-v m?? re. tita on ai.pl'.'ition
to Mr. Herr Kr.,.-, ?f Batkfll afcrtasll ..- M Wil um l?srkmin
Toon* of Hiuk Biii'tinr*, llastiDfrt, ?irrst lir.taiu. solo .loi ; I. nut M
wliom iLsr srr requested t.. suplr us?clistel/.
listel IM I, .Sr|,fn,!. r i ;j_
?* p?_MARKA??LE, very Remarkable," ar?
11 (Mr rS_-ts of LsmpMbfh't I'rretic Bsliaa in nr-asinTint; snd
enrin. Mtnail-pi.t. Krtrr?, snl skin ii.ra.r?. ? l_| in 1
Larigoratiag. BaM by all CbaaBaM, aad Mt ?I??.-.-. IU II,>ii>on_hill,
rp? SURGEONS.-A-M. 5. C. B. Y. g___? C
A R ?'. P. Bd., ?l.<, In? in?? rrliaqatahad tb? paatofbaeH -..
O provincial hoapital la l.n.l 11..I, ? ill im 11. MoDirral al.out Oct. I", ami
, 1.1 ?. t_,| 1 an ragt*-?teat a? ?_aist.nl to a sstrs-aoi ai a?
arr 14. la-t r?(? irsnnioiuala. Addrsa* ?4. W. _., < turf Pott-U flke,
Montrral. 1 o __ r_l,_l fur.
NohailT ibould tie witliont 1 bottle of
ainr? anamnpotapnaat more than C inn hat pmrel firm to he BY
TAB tkt BBjrl ? , ...? KFUl Ai 1(11 ?4 Hunarh I), u-rr, ... ?. ll .1?
aatrr agnaaMaaari rlaaaaai eardiil lir?r?re of e0BI,trrfrit?, mJ bur
oalr of retpet-Ubla boa tea. L. FL'N'KH. ?r .*-.,;. A?rn?.
I'. (I. II..t i.i)."). tx, l,if,ert,ai. New-York.
BRUSHES of every tleacr?pt?on at 235 Pearl
?l, ilsrtKr'i Uuildinx- ??" srtnlr? at lbs lowrat f?. ?err , ,. , ,.
UMPAIGN coons sold ?if the bwes, caab
tl St ?ti'irl aoOatk - 111 SB'! eil'll(Ui)
K._-KI.I.KY _ Ce.
J ?'?Il ht ''? It? re,; ,,., . ttk* . ? 1'' "I I. :.; I III St SOI'Ill e.r (...lll.rrl,
lut k.irr. ktmtua ?>M A- r?-.11
IM temi ?' . S, V.. ,.;, stairs
ACCO0BT IU ? )K* mtJs to ssr paitara. ?)_l?r? s?..i-iut 1.
WM. EY?RD?LL-* SONS, 104 Fulton-st.
II TH, x.KAI'Hi? , H1AAM .oll l'KiS|_,lS ist I._l>_
C?c??inq ffaros. \t.
AT WM. KYKiniKfil/" SONS, No. mi Ful
los-.l. ?WKlitllNti l.'AHUS si.. KINK M.?ll(.a,r:_r. ih.lao
li?li.1 111-.,
tegul Xoticcs.
I J -teul Cirrait, r.?hu?s IV?Of, l-Oi__._-AMI.l t. BBBLI8A ts.
..ill/lit J. Hi VI.IM, v.nsis ( !i \/l Vl.no AIH'l; t.
i>'A/.KVI m> liMIIHi. C. t.AZKVBDO I'llll.? O-OBl?, CUBA
( iil.S, il I,M l'ni N. .n,I HA III? 11?. M I- I Hi ?. , ! . ?
ifflJaTitof II J. ll.t.r.ef Iht fu.. ?I 1. M. i II J llit.r, i.lsiutu.i
attorner?, that K'??t ami a.ffl'irra |___ ! ,.f a.'ti.in ri -' ?
- a of r??l estate lirrru...
I,,r la it.- '
An 1 that lb* i, ten last* ?I ..re mentioned nrlth'r of Ibrm art r.ai Irnti
,,f tl.r Mat, ?1 Herili ; ,'e ? u isil Blisi II' ill** i.? list '', Parrto Pit ?,
? . list* Clara Btalita, I.t-arsr J. Ilruhsa,
Kit it* r Baatiaa, Maaat C. IPAatvaSa. Ahrr ?. tVAaarada (i
SatbalO. fAi-t. i'. ..(,- .-i,,. ClaraCaaa aad JaUaCaaa rttidia.
? ? .i ii.iiie?, sin] dattada ?? >uiu
?MM an I flit of Nrw-Vork, 1'iiu.
it i? o. 1er?, that tlir delrnditiU? al??r ntt-et! ip|,esr ami answer tne
eotnplaint ..( >a 11,11.1 B ta lita, tl.r plsintiff In tliil a.t on, wlnrli _
tue ofllrr of the .lerk ..f this n.urt at Kntrrprtse, Vo.usia Cas?t?, Fieri,la,
far pattlllH (.f Iht (..lloaainr. ilr.?.-rilM-,1 real e-lste, Ijil 4 snd I..-, .
isfollotrt U? wit: Lota I, Saad 3, ni.s., a t U ..
i..:.tsiiar.< 111 _ |M arre? m _irii.ii ?'..lint.. I.,: |
, r. .'?..'?liiira, n j.'-i'si tarta. Ml tr. I af a ?*. J,
tai Lata I, I si.l .1 ?:. ?tr M,t 13. ?. r. ?4 s, aaataiab? m JJ-luO
, loBUt? 1 Ir.t No. 4 1U laa.9 - I .alili'.n
I ? r. ." r . 1,. : ||ls| 1.4 I 1 ?untr;
lui No. 1 im >.?!? M si. I lets... 1 in -..,-. i'i lli,n utaiuin?*
tppodta Valaala, >_ 1 ktosrt it ?
I,-1. ^rant lain; in t. Ii and Hi, 1 of r. tl an I
I, 1 ar, 1 Sard tkt P. \ at I ?. I
*? Irf-lis) lirri, n. w. J .sec. Ill, ?? I.',. . ,
i I?" i. r. ?. I."t. a 11 I ' Ret ?, li 1. I.'.,
a. r -le. r.nuii, .._ ? .', I1.1 a.-r.s in Mar..,11 lount.-. LoU
I r_M 4 ni Baa, U. t. lu, s. r .4 ?
91 ierra, Lot 4 tad u. ( of t. w. ?J, Upe. 12, i m, a. t. U
I 1 ?. r. ? a:, i ?. r. . ?i. ; ? ? ?f , ?,. J anl n. r |
lit. .11. a. r. -'? e. ?-iiiit-.niD* -III art.-? in Su ? iitcr Caaalr, lots llsnd
laa. 1?, t. IS. ?. r. . - ,..; Ii, M >???'.
V4, 1 U ?. r. H e , esatafala* MS TT-Mt arre?. A .rant kaows
a? ?Le M. B I. Tj ?rr-.',t ..'i tbr Mil:?? Crrrl in OtUfe ?'outiv,,
Hiux 111 t. 1 ' tut 1'. .. .1 r. :W r, taMalalaa 7 MM lent iad in lia i\ .
R |y?? ?rrsnt "n lilsr? l'r. ,k 1 l?r, Irseu..n?i |
ia t 5. i. r. m t. ,.._u.iiii._ 4.' acrr, an.l fraclional *_?_ . ), L 5. ? r M
r, ronuiuinj Ml . I,..?. r*r ?n tal.l hertiun
_) s ?trip ol lim! li'int aloiif t!.r n.'ttbrrn ?Mi.iti.lsrT of iai.1 arrta.n
Biissuri?r .(I arres, al.oui 4 rh_n? wide arid . 1 cb.iua lutis; malin, in
?'I .al i,-r. ?,..!. er '? 1er. t: . ?eurili d. ? ..( N'.v.i?'.r. A. I) UT!, tni
an Mlan tu .1.. .,, tl. |,lai,i.ifl ? II empty t.. U_ r.eirt |..r tbt rehel de
inaniril ,n thr roiui'laist. Il is furtl.rr or.lr.il that a 1 .,|a 1.1 ;..
?i.isl li li?. Butert llrrald an o_rial 1 1
nr. uit. arid slao | : Th.- Nr? Vora Tnhnne. a u*w?pa|?'r i-ul.lish. ?t m tt.e
1 u. ol H*--York, lies ? *-> ? ,..1 -., alitais ,?n?? un.ntlu. J.\o. w.
l'UIi B, J '?-i. ? Hav-atfe Ju.lui.l tmiuiU J. M. a li. J. ilAKHK Al
tona? 1 for Petitioner. Aug..6 law?intu
?JUPRE.M? COURT.?Id the matter ?l th.
I ? api lirai tat ..f dir Drpiituirnt of Publie I'ark? tad tlie |)e|,ar!nirut
MPabbC M..rk?, lor.nat in l.rhilf ,.I Ihr Ma?..r Al.lrnurr. and ?'..ra?
ina,nalit o? tl.r la? of N'rw York, relaliic lo ?_,|_ri_, 1.11e for the u* of
tir l'ul'ii' lo a I the lai.'l? rennireil ht
DM. l ,
BorthwaH from tlie lootherl.r lis* sf Ose hiindra-i-and-fift? ?jfil, _., in
u r 1 |t? ..i Bov-Tark. t.. Ma int?;?.s-'....ii ..f lbs Kiags-rid-i Rat
street, knosn sni deai.nst.l ,.u tbr mai, .,' ib,. lT||itn___l ..f Publie
i'srks a? Inw?nd-itrstt. s* laid out b, ?es..lotion of lb? ? ...i.uii.-i.iarn
of ihr ( taltal l'a?k.
Pur.,1,ut ?,, tbr ?tain!?? in ?neh esa* made and HsvMad, the Depart
mest el Pub,n- I'srks 1 ml tbr l'r; artinrnl of I'u'ai,' IS urn. juintlt sud
llf of It -M ,..-. Ala ru.. :. .,:, ! ( .Hit* of
? ? ' r af Bra-tart, I . ,t uottet tint tbr, iaMad M atttjr M
Ihr ??upreror t'o'irt lu ill? i-'.rat Ju'.i.ial Dialrtet ol tbr .sta'.r ?f Nrw
?i..rk a? s t|H-rul ?ens therroi, lo be bill in ibr ?'?urt-lloute a? tbs
,?'itj Hall, In tb* Citr ol BtW-IStt. on Mond.?, tb? I4tb ,!?? of ?),to
brr. In ._. at ibr ,.|?-ninr of ti.r ?,,urt os that dar, or is Bonn thereafter
?? ? temtti I at ' ...?.loi.rrs
of Fstimste snd Asseursent in Ihr at-or. enmleil ma'ter.
That ibe rature aiil rilri.t ,f thr iiupr??rin.?t b r.
I ? ? H..S.I ?r Psiilir lirnr, in tUtCtty at Btas-Tsrl
u r.h.
?i"i |lb? ?Ii ar B .. i?.ni
of tbt Kius-t.rwlgr Boad with a street, taowa at Is?
dr.i,*ns|. I on tbr rasp of the _rpafM__t ol Psl.li,- Parka, tied in tbt
tbs Brtrliler al lbs City sad Coaat; afB*a 1 1....... I In.ad
II .1. ??? .a. ! out ''. rSSolnQOtl ol : . .laollb*
( Vnirsl I'srk adspttd Uafaabai 11 laM, iu laid ?a. ufTa.w lork.?
Balad, Bta in. HrMaals .- 1
_ Itll'IUKIi O'dORMA. , Conn.el to the f,,rp.,ratios.
cri'Ki'.Mi: lOUirr-ciTY ?__ county of
OmWDlKK. IMM'ia M KsiiAi./ ,., | KKIIX OOVTB Y
11 M" pisiiatifi. ??i?.? raraaHsasAiaaad otb.r?. .isie.i?--.
la aetaaaata af aja-s*__al ,.f i,,-. I..-,,r- . ! u). mntit .u ibr ?t.n
?nutlrd srtiun. lieini.? dala Iba atatb dar at Sr: I tpaom
drt?i|,ie.l n-feres ?astral is ssi.l Judsmral w,,| ?. II at liiilinc aunlou.
;.._?! I, Metlaii? Au...-r util. Mr, , 1
.?., ,u it,- r 17 i.rN.s Vark 0 , n. lb a 1 ., ..f
"''?'" l.i.l. ai.J prrsi >? . iu sal 1 jal?*'
Uri.l -?u'.i.r.ii.l SI..I drsrrll _lSS foll.lWI, to W.l
.4,1 Ihll .rrtain In? ,.r ; , ..-n', War! ..f
tb- < ,1, ,,l Nrw r^rl, baaatli I aad .?.utauunara* ' . 1 '
"t|".. Iha aattbarlr _di si Dslsaes/itrssl dittaal t?.
fr.l wrstrrli frosi the ?r.t?rlr In,, of Pitt tl,. . . ' thssKS
aarthwtoaadatraBal ail> KMslroslaataaty-lra laa? ibr... ?
,'-1 with Del?..,-?, a? est ?wsoti In 1 .1. ihisri nstkiclr tad
?rsllel will, PUt ?iir.t ?eiruir ? ir l-ri 1,, li.-launrr ?tr. ?I : ikru,-? r??i
il? ?,"i.r li.is?.*? sirrri istaair-dr* n-i la tl.r plies si bas-iasiafi
irii'j Ibe ??lue W'al?? roi.tiiM t.. I'rtrr ?v-hilll,? H.nr, ll at ml
h.rriT lllllh.l?erl?0.h*ml,l.?4r*dl>?.?r(ri?il?le?b*la.da, at ll
?" t.,i r-.orted II il.Sat ..? lb? I?.. .1., ,1 ibi Uli tad
?*..-,. I
JollS Ii., , \
7 v, 11, ., m., ?u, lui l'ia?u-Oa. U Baaaaa-al,. g, 1
SOI). Ill
I.fi. 71*
?too id. i;. fcio.
R*ilro*il. _(.
10* O'CLOCK a.m.
Hiles of tit* eminent l?rn,U
SflOt). hi. lttHi laia.IIUil.OUU II. 8. .'?-H'oo. '64.1141
I.nrai v. s. ?.? f0_ I _?_.. 11? (.'1 .??0 f. m. _-2?' < ?nip ?*_ a... UM
I?t?.lUi is** u a. *->.<_?? 't>i.!?-?>
SAI.K.1 fWOW 10 TO lof A. M.
2 *?*?*> We*t.,L'aion ?,00 ( la. k ? W. .Jmi Korthweatern
Teleajrapfc. 63J K.i.'.ri.?l pr,| ... _ ?t UulroiJ.. *l|
If?.?9 It? Ro?-k lilind linn. 71'
eot). 694 rUilroi.1.1 l'>l 10". m
?o?.t?\ too.im, 4?a.3i,
3U0.?_4 100.I|i>{ ?.?J. 7iJ
I soo. 69 ?Hi Parile Mill. 74 B?.
:??i. I'.J *n?. . 741
UW.. 691 luO.741
300. 6.a? Mir. 74
\ioou.bol _tH?.is\
MB. 6!'{ M. 74
91)0.69| 3i*1. 74
ram. tiiii I '?ti. I'll
son. ... Ill? I ?-?J. .4?; a?'?'..
I,no.b9J 1.4'?>. Ill Mb..
21? R Y.(\ ill 1 "'l. TlJ 300..
K. K.93J t.toe. Il} 7H) l'?ion Parile
M Oh.o k Mi?? **<-?*.. TM lUilr??il. "-*"
?Ksilrou. 421 1 ?_?. 731 I'll. -I
100. 4_| 9n0. 7.-?" l"0. 3S|
100 Lake Shore It , 4-?l. 71, I'?' . M
Mich. Nnitnem , :?<i. 73*, l?w.?"j
K. K.. IM 3U?. 74 , <-?i . -I
KIKM lloAKI), .SKIT. .'?),\>i7?.
Heilet o! matt limds?Hailroad lived??nan* ama llailrond?Krpress
V.kA. ,!?
II.ClOO T*i,?tie. o. V.\ ion ?. Y. <IB Ilu.1 llDO Cnloa Pin?e
tajtse. lit ?..n.b. e, 93t| ??Hiilroi'.b r, >*',
N PO lenu m n.. 7.'? 2.IM).? 94 i ion. 381
1,000 New-T'.rk S. I (M . H Ml. **M
1; Ho'intT Loin Hit I._?-?. '?'*, V*. . 38)
2,0?? Helton Kiter l'?l ??.rie K.ilws?. t7|' lf?i. ?I
2.1, ti. ?.II/! 2,?I I'?n?ra?R. K.. '?.", . *?l
I.CMH'ainn l__S BS-SSM.142 H?l." 9
Ut laort?-i??) ... b7| l'a? PaaDe Mail. , imi ? bie. fc N. W .1
lata Otaaa l*?-i? ,(_, e. Bl t'ti.i-i <??,_ ,1}
7?. li'il Qi l'?l?.. 80 , 1**1. 7lj, ?UtO. 7 I
5.000 flinkst. J. 200. 72, 4<*0. ?1
l?r?l?. h?n,ls.. b8 ' i<?J. 74 | 2O0. ?'
! "?. luIVWtb l'?>. 73J i<f>. 71
Kq-iip. lioad?.... 8? 1??0. ?M 1,314). ?
1 ISS dus. k Alto? ' Sun. 7-U; WO."I
FUiIroaJ. lat?a. .U? MM. 7.? M. ?1
lo.w-? Boaloo. II.. ! MB. ~s\ lio.?.:??-.'?
?i Krie i,... 3-1 , 14BB....?. ?>! ?'?"> Cam k ? W
1,000 Obi Kalla k | 1 HSi. ?I PC.
Minn., I is. 81 l'-i. "? -f 1?). *j
L'adaiBsp.k l'ti.7iJ m.. ?t
l.tmort.. 911 400. Il, IfXlN. .1 l? i, rai
Clef I Pitt? WO .
i .'' .
Keg. b',i,J? t?..IC-*l _?..
2,0-o Mil. i ,-lBuu. ."-jo. *. aailraad ,...l
1st i..?r'??..'.... '"-?? Il?. 7_ ?00.'_?
41 pl,?..,,i:ii.k..l,jl) 1 . JJO. 1 .1*".
I-, (irm.a'i Ini-r MM. " i -"".,l"i
Kai,k '? > ' ?*?"'
h e. .... lan. :
.Till I'?.
M. '.'{ 7<?. ;?!?! k M. l'iui
M. 7i, pref. "??
.n* mu.7i] i??.-'? ?ii
. . i KM ?ib.o k Mis*.
1 i). i a?k ?. W h. Il.b.c. 421
ut?.M , Kiiir-m I e*i.
I?0. BBI t??n.b, i-j loe. i'l
ISS.., B. a M s. 2i?. _S
Ktnrmui.... b. r. ft*' MB Mis-oun. Ksn
300. . M .'??i. 'A te? k T??a? Ka.l
??,aj. I.*l| ?,?,. N] roa.l.b. r. 411
M . ... N.-i ?K. 4_?l Cil?,
M. ("s* 4,?'. ?~i ? en. R..b. c. 31,
300 Uatrmmt i . . t ?'??. 341
...t. 13 i M. BT1 2<?. l'A
HO'VuiriiilverMi?. ' U?. b. I'?1. 'M
.,,. ?'il :.? . H,| H*i. 3?l
M*.'. r ?jj m. r>i|_aa i...o,?tiii? k
ISSI .f? k 1?UU *i?.?t,?,lle R. B... ?il
llulUpUl?. B l<. ?.?,.
Aj'a? ?' liuit'art. ,1 /?iitl'l*
31.00)1' s. k-lBCaa. ni u. il."?. I ? .- ???'?'t ."i '6".mi
j, e'elaea.il. I,?'??.Il ;1
T...... ? ."?i.'i o o.k.m i
14 ? ?? .1134 loo.i-a.'.? .
l.'?_ L. B ??. i? l ?,ut.n.liojl
4'?? w?,. ,,i, i,-. .,:(, un PaetsV Mul... T? a?. ?:. c. _ 1 i
7??D. .. M. 'il K?ilro?d. M
l.?. ',, SOS. 7I| 2,1). J4l
, 2,?,. Tl) 2>? ?'niiin P?, me
liai. ? . .l?g). 7'? Kailroad. 3 .
ion. i.,, HS. 7'J il mai.
? , i llifl I k4??i.71? 7??. ?
Kailroul.llo) 4.?. T3?l I'?. ?-il
Mil ?. .--. l'un ISt. Ht _BB ?i-vll k
ltnli-,.1'. 54 M .l'I K. K. M,
2.? Mil _ S P.ulpr 7?i 1.100 B-tftk-WaSt'B 71| I0O CSi? H> Vie
KM Lue .-ber- . 71 :
M. |IH .v J. O i
-i.?'nvii i:o\i:d?I p, M.
adlet oi SuiuttuitOt?iiailruoA BtaMS?aBSOSSM MUroaO?Arprtts
iflttl Tern. 6?. N. 7-'! 20? NY. C. i II. IM < ble k .N W
1??.? Mi_oun tu.. 1i\. ri? llsjitoid.be ?r?| If, roi*. ...be. Il
4.0O0. '".-. li?l. ."'a
Il 1C*i P?, ilie Mail... lit ton.
K. K.ltt m. B71 MS. ,:? 1MB? Je. I'entrsl
: "o B. J.t'.i,tral l 4'fi.b.c. 7.'t K_ir.,ai-b. C.102J
1st aew.?O.'I 10?. '-'i ?*? ri?e Hallway.
loo MariUna' Co*. :f-.i?. 7J? be], ml. 47*.
Ctmssar... 1? iPM. 71) loo. 471
10) West. Da.Tab. UM. ? . 4T)
b*te?Jl. M I 10". 7:l| etc,. 47?
MB.... " M 4??. it IM. 47 J
MM). ' . 7 . I'? < I??', ?i Koek
.,. , |>ll i. - I I .1. s. uaaat Isllriss II ?1
RailroiO.. 88 I'M.
4?o. .I?.e. ttl|MS?Tats-Sa, IS?,,.
MS. bl .f". I*l| k Weatern.69
10O Ame Men nur? tot Iniou Panic 64 DaL L.I?.
. r.?t
2". , ' ' ?. !".
IM Well? Par I i 100. M ?S-rn? k Kiwi
pre-. i I 'Ik lt.ilr.,1,1. !,
1" ri?r k Pit?. ErieBallroa?* ... 2'?' Cat ?.'. k Inl
?Uilr.iart unir... il l,r.....i. i Caairsl.be. Ml
-\i.i- PBOM '2j T?> CVOBM "V III-lN?.->, i
?.'?!.?.' K Pa W.
':?? Mi.l S lu? We* D 1 ' M I 100 Pre U.iV,?. 17}
- ? .,. *} MB. Mint Li.? -
7'0. 7i, S??l. 69 im?. 87,
1,700. 71 1.1??. ?'?> IM (Mas P??:dc.. M
i.i. 7? ; I .''?). MI ISO P m bisk. ?7)
l.?i. 7t 1 ..,i?i. ' >t M Banh-rast pt., I
l.??'. 74) MS.' '?, 200 Koek 1.,Isji'..1I0|
Ml. 7i! :??, Ch.ltB.W.... 7t\ 1?_ T.'ieo... Wsk.
4.?. 74| n??l. 71 k Vi eiteta H.. ' I
. 7?t list. 71 1im. 1,6
MB. 71 li?i. 7"', .'i?". be.\
I ' ?. 71 2'??. 70, 4'?. Ohio k >l ??.
4"?, . "I* lafSS. 71 Ittilrotl. ?2)
1.1*1. 74 I?*i. 11 ilikl. I'l
1MB. Y. i . l li .CsataaCa. 94 too...?",. _)
K'.ilroad. 91 j ?' ? . i.i
1'. ? , , Ce .tral ItanroaJ 3i\
? o
MoM-AY, M'pt. IB 9. M.
Tbc wirk opened upon ? ?lull ?__ iphitkei
?Im '?'illation on the Htork KmI?iiii:?', .? ? onilition of ?-fans
mtith muy pe? hate be toalhinoal uniii tin? parlo?
ill.[Ill, -l,ali la? Bb4e t?> ...!'..' la | li, Illl'ill.ltionf. IIU'I
pat n?'-*- forcofl tant qrateaM m?o twtamttoo f"t 111?? pat*
po.f ?in i- k m:tt in-,-1-.,, li other. Pend?a** tkls eeaaalloa
of lio.-tiiit,i\-, Hi?- railroad slot ks are veqrdall,aad the
cnlin- M'luii.i'ot la.?in, .?? ,'t to-.lay will form MBit < ly it
tltho of tlm lleallB|l ?'f any ?luv last waolC TlH're
Lus te*u un apesta" eotuaa t.. Um aawt
liidii'atiiik' ?m> fiitaii' luiiMiiii nt nf ? -itliiT Intll or l'i'ar,
aadtkoaa iwoIMwbsI net, t?-_:**? ii? r v?ith tboataaaeo
of Mr. ll.,,a!v. I'ii"i,!.nl ofUir W.ili.?.-li Road, Mr. Daim 1
Drew, anil llioir MME ami loi!..?mi- m'ir.'-t? il in
Walia-li Bl Tolialo wliore, on Wi.lniailav, th?' MBOtlB** for
tin-1 ii, non ot ? m w r,,,,ir,i of Diroeton takai phMO, m
eiilli, a nt to i?-:\, tin? ina?kat a oiiiot BpfOBtaaOO? Tue
tuarkit at tir?' start ?vus sti-iuly, tint ai-Uv.? nain, v BBBMd
a koa**** fi-? ?iiiK .-iioitiy after, aad the eettre ii-t 11
l'.u i!i?- Mail BBtag o?l lioin M|t* _af S WoatOBB l'iiion
l'ili'','r:i),!i from (''.'J to ?;-? ; ami N. rtli-W.-tirii Common
slot k from TlJ t?. 7i,?. I'm?? \\ as B?BOOl liri?*l?'i t? ?I at 47ja
it), tin'r?m.m,,i,i of du? ii.-t Mariai Bfcoat within a
tBB|a of b nBBilin in lime ulilili Tbe aMTOMwal mat
M'iiii'i-ly woitl.y ?,f liniitloii in th?' other .?liar?--,, J'.in
un.i \va? i|iilrt at 112. 1" ;.?\v. iro. La. kaw.iiiiia ami Wiot
?iii f-??lil at ',.;?; .N.'W-JiT-i'V ?entrai, MB| I l't-jj ; anil
I.olli.-Milr ami ,\.i?h.:ia? llalli, ;ol ..I | ?. Tl..' I'llirk-il
M M Won ?t nut at M* lot i'oiniuoli, .Maryland ( ?.al m?!1
itiir at tiiii ; l'ait, d i-tal? .- Iv?. I'tr--. 7-: ami Annili'ali, ft,
Tin- opoolaa, i.i*-iii-ht, i,,*Ai'-t,aiiii fltwrlBaj pi i.'..-? of ,-t,? k
V0BB M lollows:
Opea'r. llif "?In?.
t T fsSBsl k alt-SIBrtSSSl*! "It l?t r*-')
1 r . . 4? 43 It] 47,
LiLefilioie. IW HH tli i
Walmh. ... n >i , , ,
.Nortli'Me.tern. 7I? 71) 7l( l"
I?.. Preferred. CH H?,{ Kti nal
Km'! l-iiii.l. HI III II,,) 1U.)
Milwaukee S St. I'tnl. 541 .M? M M
Mil. and ."?t. Paul Preferred. 74l 74, 74i 7?|
linio ?V Miam_li>t,i. 421 4-1 t.J ?.|
i;,.?ii.i, llirtlor I i hm-. 7 7 17
Ne?|.r,, leniral. l??_i l"2i I'*r_-* jnj)
Calas I'a.-.bi- . S| _J sit] .
C. C. J. ln.1. feutrai.I. ?I '4) 34)
P.nan?. 142 N? I?.' IU
We.tetn tlmoaTelei-riph. *>'<?, ?'?J '.?I ?.
I ? Mail. 7?) ||] 7 | 74
(-to, k-lra.. Hi ?. ?i +-'11
Amer. Mer. I mon Ktureai. M| but **
i i..tej atalas BsssSBi. 7? 7.1 7:4
< oli'iiiaii It.'litj.lli-t'M I'losing 1'UotilBollt aBBB :
,,'r,-. BsBSS ?i?-?t*.i A?tM
OaaaaMaMsa Oaal...? 41 - tlsrle-a.Ill
w*,trn. I'u.i.n Tel.... .'?t ?'I UlaBaata* V. a,
CfaaakaUvat. 4.1 ? 1 I'.iuinnrn.
gu.rlsilter I'rtf.. ? ", ti ? jerte) t?-uir?.l'*2| llOj
__?? Kipitat. ? .J ??mini. ?as.. il 111
Hei... Pargo li. ' ? S rtk \?i- I "i
Am. Me,. II,. tii! fill, Kurl I.llS?!.U"l U"J
D.B Btpraaa. 76 711 ?t. Piu). *-? mi
Paette __U. 74 7? m. P?.l Pref :. 74? 71.
I'nion lS?_t. ??<? ??I lole* k W.r,_b.Sat. e.l|
f . f. k 1. f. 34| 14) Por? waras. -
I {.C. mull . 11*21 ill ??taokMli*.. 42*. 4.-*
Kri. H| 47a
Tin? Tntafnfy pfBgnnatM ??,,r ' >?-i<>t>?'r. n-inti\ a t.. bead
pan ha-?-- ami -u. - tttgpuXant Ihn? ottdalli traUetiaod
at tin' lS:ii?-Tr?'a.-iiry to ?J?) :
pik? ai??? o? Ms as sitas eue
? in. im i... - Urt 1.s>! 1 '
W?a.*!.'.. <>
??,.: ?.??? ..
WsMsaSSJ.OsI ?" Tbu.-al.t. ?in il.. . 1
r .1.1 .N 1 T?t_.gap,
l.n., ; ,.f lii.'.t?' Mall ?rollt -..doe. m . ..mi?'? ti.in with
III.' Ilail. Il,|,'IM that a lia,? rlli,-III lo 1,1,1k.' K"l,I tiltil? lilt
waa kmftt 1? i-*' IgtMMg MMt? th?'-li?'. 1, na??? th.? (.r?'
lo 1 inn a nil i/U,.' ton?', .iii.l ill?? in >"' ?ul.atu .?1 fioiu II l| to
nil, iliouftli Im-iliirnt? waj? ??u n r.'.-uirt.'.l arule. Other
VtaB?-4 marki't wa? ft ?itnit l.'-n. Tli?- irolil loan rat?'?
wen- 1 ?.', 1 ?el, i',. 7. 1,1. 1 1.',, 1 u, .'??<,1, .in.l Hat, all f?>t ti..r
nmliiir. Tim A.-.i.-t ni 1'1-,'iisiii? 110, til?n,', I li.ix? in
inll.il lio mIn, an,I (in,I out BWAMt In beta int.r.'-l ,,n th.?
i.ni.'ii- iiii.t. -n..? dayl iii-'!!.'-*? at th,, Oatd ' ??
??han?.',' Hank wa? M toMoWBI (i.'l.l t l.-.nt?l. "MI^MjMIl
-olil t'.il.imi'H, I.','?',.'? .1 i-iur. n.\ l.ulatio'S HVMMW,
The fulloa m' aere ih. g?hot ? 11 ?
mm.1 a - ? 111 ? .in ' ?.in
,1 I' . 'I ?
I. I lilt
Hit.. IM I
IHTt-r?,. ??Be?
lli 11:4
1 t%
The ?lay'a hu-ines* at the U. _ Bub Tret-urr waa :
Osld retntpta. ait2lin It IUtr*nej po'maata. UI I??? *~T t?
?..?_ tsr-rau. Tt.ia 14l(_rr*ser ksisse?... 1713.,?ST
?iolrl Ultr.c?. il.ti.ai-iij-u. ?__,l_4) '4
?Isrreoef reeeinls .. '_(. _H ;i
Foreign Ki.___?_e hit* !?<_>_ null and iie_lc?'t/_l almoat,
i'!i).?in_ upDii tin; l.u-n "f Iks following iiuuiiiial quot-a
tliilia :
if* ,
I'ns.? t??k?e_ st*rt1*t bills n? Losdoa.
(?ood bonkers' do. .
Pn_* rom. stet list do.
Pim (binktrai. 5.3? rrS 36? ? ? ,
astwsn?. -,?t '..-/
Swim. ??.*:.._,?.*.'?# UM
a?T?? I?sr?.
I'-l* lu-s
I' -1 ?/!?_,
Th.?. 11.?i.
tn-.ter .???.
Print for i.
Praaaua ttsler?.
40 d?
7lt _?
? i '
.'_?! _H*
7if, 7i _?
MUaaBf 0|?iied pretty aharplr, au?l i>orrowi?ra were
early In teat market t? i ??ft aecoinm.-'i ?itnm?, r.itti? r than
to trust to the aft?-rui.'.ii Htr??t mai let. In run*. ?lUKM-e,
early rotes wer?? ??t full ?giires, and not Ix-tt-r than T
rt-ld to 7 aSatrsaajf and n tlilin-^SSSSMi on rail, and
late? _nm*) hl_her commissions wer?? paid, tin? closing
ratea viuir; 7 to 7 ifold. Of cour-?. weinuatexia'Ct active
money I*, the very condition of things, hut it ?Mi-ma not
iiiiprol.ahl?, the ( li(]ii<> are at woik (o Mglneir hi.-i. it
flgure*. To-?,,-the Inten*, t on another ti,:. ?f.ooo turee
l'.r.iiit SSfWcMMs SSSSSd, ?f which I790.0OO were re?
deemed. The 8uv T. ?atury Issu d gWO.OOO l?i-:*l-t-n_.T
ecrtlflcatea for Cl?>.rlng house une Discount? are tho
aitiiiO ?a laat ?juot. *<l.
?lovernment bond* ???-?re barely steady in I?ondon but
strong and high her?-, n_i,.r tin- ImauBtPbf Ml tinner ?old.
The business ha* notboco v*ry lar?., l.ut ?acII ?Il.ttrlr?nt? I
throuirh the varloua laauea. F..?k <_ Hatch report aa fol?
low* at 4 p. m. :
Off? ... A.ttd Offer??! Ask*.
1124 t\ .I-tsord_.l-oo.Jvi
I , 114
' '...._. laly .114 ll?|
I'. S. Corre??? St
'1. Ke/Hterez-IM
S. S. .... 11?!, Cospon...!)*>)
V. ?? ?_?, I?-I, ..?(Wn - ? ..'", O".,,' ?a - .-', '_..._, ?SI, .11. I 1?|
(J. M. *-?~ltef.,M?yaKo?ll4i 11 ?j t. i-, tt-m it*?..ait t
?. S. ?._ I. '-.'.?'OOP. ."?OT.I14? 1.1(1.- . . _
U. ?. - ?.'?M.?'oui?..N..t 111) ?14? I . .-. _?o( 1 H r,,:t re.it 10. Hi
1 .?..',-. .'l-.i'oui,. No?.H". 11-. I.'..- . ? . I
-o 1.7 Keg..J.fcJ'l,.IUl 10)
The Ht ate ?.mil mark? t j.r? -< n?. .1 no new feature <f
ft, The i nlv'.iiir<iri:?iit triii ucri,um wn- ,:
-, \.'!i,i h s,],! il f_| jet xi? - n mal ml'', of I
was dull ami m.uiii.il. J.
O?ered. a_a__ "' ret A'k'1
Tennessee |
a l?it... 71
Vlr-lnli hi. deferred t_- l!>l
a. TO
Nor'b l_m_lat ?-. oil.. 1?
N ?'. t.. S. ( R- It ? .... 4
N ('.,.,hn.i K. A.
S. ?irolina K. A . im,... ?
North Car. new l.o.l?. .. l'J
s. Car.,.*. Ja.,, tad Jui. M
i ?r., April aa :
_ ? -
- ?
?I -
-....* B
I -
, ?
s I 1
.1 v I
?W- Is'.'i ?. ?
Z4J N. V . ? ? .1 'i ?
2. M. Y. m'snsll...-.'. )..!'. _
. ? 'n. . ?? ? ?
V2\ U. Y. ??.< snsi ir.?i.
p. t *r., .*i| r. ai .
s.o.tb <?ruhus7sofi_*8.
The following were the bill? for <;ity liauk shares :
Olter__ Aake-1.
New York.
id?, ns*is'.i?
Baltbtit' and Prortr. . ? ?
?.allai.n Nation?'.Ill
MrrrLaiita' _ tratara..? 'M
>:t>ti Nrw-lon .Ul
? oiunirrr?. ?
ID! i
OStrsd. A?k_i.
??roeer?'. - 110
N.a-a- ..
Can li
? ?..
? ,,u.n,"i ?>?
II?, niera .
Maaafartsrsii _ M.
N. Y. Sat'l I
? 1* I'entral N?'
I?3 ? Kir.l N?Uo |
113 Pourth National.H'l
H R . loail. -
K nal.
: ?
Auirrican Kxtban.?..
Lank ?"1.- Itr;
liant of North Ar_
II u.ov.r. '?I
Mrtr,,|i.,iiliii.1 4
i i m. t ?. I ?') ? |
K_ilro.nl i.iuiiis are ?i- ?iy. a fair ?'
he-lug noted iur tota
? Biuker?' _ Brokers' As. ?
136 (Jennsn A
1 1
To!, k .'?b. 1-t M. Is.. ? i
T, _ IN. I? M -M. I' ?. ';
. -I
i?: _ li?b. ? -i ?.? i?. I ?
Han. _ Nspln la; V
ill ??
? Gil '. ' H rt
-. _ K-?ri -?: B
? N. J .?. UtSLai
102,1*4 J
t. Kr. VI. i. t .
.'. U. -
11. P., txw.t r
? ?'irTr. il Pf-a. .' .....
? ( .licito it,d All. I
? ji'hic. k A!'oi Inr,>i.v.... ?
? k Ml-?. < 'or.. _
I'll* 1.'. II. < el.?' . ?
. -'. u. ?
Il ; M I. .?? M P l-t .
I , Ma. i..M. P. 1 -*. M. -
M ,?. '. I' i
Mil - M I
?lirietw I? C n. Is? M... -
? Me. a M : Il S
, .
IM... ?
.?..,- i ... -
I'oL. Peo. it?. _*..-. I... ?
.. 1 Bit. ?
? S. \ _k sad N. Hit,
^.ii ?. y i
87 ?BotWn. II. _ y , .utr . ?
_ i .
- I)!ur.<'?darR. _M.l.tti?j ?
S. Y. Central .1 '.3. _l
g, I, ( c?a- ' ?
.n. i i mil ?_. i -'-. I ?
S. T. ? ei tr_l 6'? Snb u.. Ml
N. Y. Ca-MalTi .??.I'sij
Krle l?tM.. Ind. M
I Mart . 7s, '13 ... ?
Krielth Mort.. 7?. ou,.. _?|
Lont 1 lock Bon'ls. '...
.. ?'
U.K. 7?, M -M I P.
II. K. Ta, -i M . 1175.10?
ilarlrtn 1. ?I *_
AiUnT _ S?. M i
M_b, (en. 1st M. Hs. "?t.\lb\
? bir . I!. _ V.8.. IM... _?
M.I., -a. 7 Ml I .'.; M... '?"
Mra-h.s,. i.N.1.:>.fr.7 pc.I"l|
?lere. _ ToL . . P .101
Clerr. It T..L New ?ondi _?
l.e-e..P-?le_ A. .New _ . .,
I _'|..l. lida. m
L*ie-alior. I.it. l'un',.. 'Jti
i.. s. ?en. ?'oui.. Saale*. ?
? ?
?ri.trai l'a tetioU B'da. _?1
luion I'scit.? 1st M. Bis. Hl
t r.. P?n1c I. ?iraui? Il
l'n. Pscille Inrnm* l'>*
Il ? --i.fi 7 ;.. c . I : '...1 i
A.ten _ T. II. lu M. ... Ut?
Alt-.n ?tT. H.-IM. pre?. ?
CM_,_>B. W. Hab'a il, XA
?'bie. _ S. ?A lut, il :
Clue, tt N. W. l?l M..
H?n. _ ?t. Jo Cor..88
DtL. Lack. kW. lttM..lM|
De!..Lack. . W MM.- "')
lieL.L. _ W. "- ..i.-. ? MB |
The hank statcmi-iit compares in ISOOMS with funin'r
? e
? !
? i
1,71. Drpe- la
t. 7. .'?
t. II. ..'l'.l -' I.
4...'' ?
11...'14 1 V ?>l
25. .J!'. :
_.... !.51?..-n?0
"..222 tU. H"
lti.._" 1 T.?* 41 :?>i
_l..l_) t?o 71?!
_ I....'
'7;jsl. ?... '
Je, I I...1?.-!? II.)
J..H. M
... i
o, t.
l: .:.?
17..il ,
'...?!'' '
1- ..
r? t..
y- .
Marrb i
Msrrb 16... S ? . '
Marrb 11 .
A[-nl '
April 1
Au. .
4...Il '
11..211 .
.. .'-??) '
... ill.771 >?!
i.I..I ?'
31..11 ?
7..J1 . ?
..??t. -
I. ?n?.
.. ii.o o
ri -jhj.i-a)
214. L'A ? .
' *>?
27 111.'..
2'.ri 428 _?0
Cireolitioo. _??. Tea.
: -
il 4"7 a^
? i
4!.'17.1 4?
i. t ,*T
? :-. 0
11 .
Taiii k of ihr ?eermpt a >n.,u,:i ..? /..,..?
tion,lnpoKit*,uiiilLiiiilLti,il,, ,,, (/,, ,
? itp ofSeir-?ork for the week emlioj Sa
?it. Ml
l.osnt sn 1 Di*. .-|*r.e. Le^.'I -.Vatios
t!?._4. 0
Rank of S ? ....11 171 SO
Mmbattan. I
Mi-rebin-s '...
Me. bain.?.
Dank of Amenes.
J...M MO
1.T? .?I
3.1 7i, ?i?)
?iatUllt .Nstinnal. .
iluta lier? ?. I . .
(i inm.'-h ...
Le.u rr M.nufar'i. 2,a4..'??i
7tb VS ard N.Ii.,1,?
Hank State S. ?. 1 '.', ? MO
A)sen.-an Ktebasire '
11.7. i
iir.patent. 7 rs.noi
Merra?ui?. 3.. ?$. -?i
Nortb Atueri.'an.. 3.M? ? 0
Man .?er. .
IrTin?. .'.i
ClU*r_l'. 1,421 UM
? .
44-' . ?I
UU .ton
a *
? 9 711 ntl
_-?_.l s)
l? lia,
? 1 ! ?I
J.-' ??
Il '??I
I l'.l
171 ??>
' .
J1D, ?<l
I J- 1 '??I
t ?aiiiainwral'.:.
4. al
Minne. I.e.
liitnue. 174
i ira-Tri -
i .-.?i
Nu.1_ t(i?rr . 12. IJM
Saal Sitar., ?jiutj
( . irai N ?
I , ?? N
I i.iral .N ?
N V. Il
I mil. Nalioii?..
lt..?Mir? N.uuii?
N a Yoik ?O.
i: .??(
. .? ttS
I .?4
- I - ?
I *
?i I S ?.*?
.I.l_). ?1
Ccrin.u Atiirnc?..
?TJ (l,...|.
I...-I,- ?sit.: Trsder*
i.l I tisiisslH
l.tMi.MI '.UNI ??)
321.*?) II.
_tj.*uo l.s-i.a?
: i
>?? _'V
.u - ? ??*
Tin- tiati-aa, Ina-- al II ?"'"*?' f,'r tne paai
w?-. r. lut lie. latawttfe Kaaatss _BaHa__ luK?tta

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