Newspaper Page Text
m, mJ n * m.-,, t\ o.I"* NEW-YORK Wi:n\T?KI)AY, OCTOBi?fl 2. 1872. PRICE FOUR CENTS. _"*"*" A A Al I.I>'",t,n.i. a?-?? - ??-? '? ? PENNSYLVANIA POLITICS. IB! HON. 1 Ul'.D. HASS Ml IK AT ____. __ KNTIIl'MASTK? .tHT.ITI?>N - MM? OKI 11 I ?1 10 Tun Hain Qvasnoa?a ___itbd nom to m s v roa un ?*. ii.Kw. |! , Till EI.HAIH TO III TKH" Erif, Ovt. ..-Th.' Hon. Fr??l. llssaauysli al Ihr . ?? -H?'.l lin- (i. IIIUi'l? l f V I" ', t.' ' tin (;,ii,,:,i lassas ss. Bava i ith much aa IhiiMii'tt , soi .?L.?? two hi'Ui-t) on Un? U-ui?iu ?folv-sl m the | i,Mi,t ,,'iilial. After liutitiiiig tlio sharps al v-aaaltt"" apataa-l Ma m afaaohrtaij without fo.iuilatioti, Mini ii.'.li Ottostl t i) ??< k put H y <>f tin* \ilitil" thttuiiuii iiiHuair? r?, wlui k?i>- lluy il. , ' i.iil tlir ? f"i't'" briiN- ___, i.?' n ,i tha? i!??? peisas-Uti M Ornai se -_***?*_* was al r_rj sittwr t?psrtana?. ta eomtanrUnm ?Uli IfeS principle at i-Uike, and be meta*? tin re for.? treat ma.nlv . f il.? att? H? , , . .?il? .'?-d r? < ouciliallon WtOBt RYftfS, i?l'?l < tc.l v.?ti"ll tbat ?m m tu,:n Hic recent hit?(<"..f <?' Baropc i?> ?-how IM thag <? rii.tiuii. -un' mi? stica,,- fruti.Iit mtth Sltl* mil that true r? ,-? -ni ?S_S__I l"MOn__S_?OS Cto lie t,r?>n?;ht i?',?tut only by |u?ti,,' mil {-?.'in.-: uns) un tli. pu I sf Hi?' ?atrii- ii? ni?. Ut ti'.i'i'il tli'- qii.cUa.n v. ry ail?, ainl ??au warmly spplsadsi tlirou**hout. Bs ??|.,i-.f .,f t),c rtmt?.hi 1? ti.i- state, efhon tii?y sis vanrtng on tits Ci,?_?>! ??m i ni.iimi iii.u ?lib:i.?Il?it?. Bad |? ml Hit- fol et* lag th ?mc tribute :?> tin I 'xt-.i' ?? m i?tnl"f?ir gar, li fur tlic benefit of lili?*' i-? iii? -. ?-ill i.,)i m_e_Naad Qesaaau inir.t ?: i ? . ? , i .1 h h MluM rBeaadeul tx? i*ti aaa ib**_ looked ?aua it* ? ?? ft of ti i A.luiinl? i tna i. '?; ?il?. re the leva* of tii?* l louant* m. |,r, ill-, ?.-?- "i vhi'1,1 I lit?! ??otu. t'i nriiova, ami mry ti.i r?- an? in? ?a/u;?? rw i it i.l. ? ?i t,i" :t ii'i'i' to pi-i'i? ire -,,r h.' Il t? ok linn m oi two week*?. ?< : i? ,.!. "i hlaj? u-1'- ?. <li id ? 'ir I bud ' of Ih <? mili.: a?'f|ii iii?'?-.! muh htm. W t, et her trerr Oaj. I thtaki r and ? hotter* i? ,i all - a mi atad]. li? ?? ??- ,i ?. it. ,i n. i _?'<>i.?,m?, and the mi, i..? ol hut tn.i.uii?. II.' ?.it, lall ?if ?llfte? and I i..! o. ly i lit? v.- I I 1 ,iii, (il-.,ni t., ?, Mi,,? I-. ' I m htm, l '.t?? ut .in? lai..:i ai t. t.,.; , tu lui ol 11. 1','* H.'. It. Il.l ft H .Hi 'inil a phtlt'l Ualikrr, I ?A.??. atrae**" with the tint ii ., ?Mjiivei ??iii.iii, Iii? Uotn'Sty, lila 11?_-r? ?? ".i?,i -.?, and hi? ?null,,', of Our reLn lona did ii?.i ton iii I., u.,, ?,:. The were maintained !>? eorreapu ara sfi rwant. i k u .?-?i to ? it? m Im and 1 um i'i.,,..i i?? loch , i'.Hi um _ ni?uil. Buch ,i ., . (Ult ? f y 'mV In i 1? ? i eut ?if the ,> rouDtry like ?_i.?dor, wl ?. , - \i?.? .i.iix'i?. ,if> ?'..r..ii.,' r volutltKM, ui.ii ??. ii ? n m i> i.c 1, it I ai i mi i? ,,.,.?,i i? i m aitoul i? i. inllea n?.in ; ' ?? ? i?, ..ii.i ? m i, i tua als caravan diaupprar If IllOlllllallU? I ]>l .ll.I.ll lO I MU thai n.a,i aoald m-ikc a ssssi Is |,, ?... ii li'u if in- ii'it i,., .i,,, ri i.i i, ,.r ),,[-,,t awaj ?? "h ' - I ata llea ti i, guti r 11, i_iitn'.i ;i ?-... My pirilii'ti.,11 ha? h li?- ban >) <<-? H'|.r.ti'?i, ii hla rut- In t , ,,', .i-,; ? > i . in ? il i,,,i 1...1,., ui now, ? ? -, . .. ? ' ... omit? ,i m in? | . UM 11?, 11. Ci,.ir,ct. U I.,, I il, " t., rl.At - ni.ii!, i_e sad Us U-tiikrr, Um hone?, i i s ,,, ,? patriotic ?? i ?. , ? ?i ' , i " ??t i'< ..H.-.? i -,.,, i, ,ii i?, ti. t.? ?u?i h,.it< i ii.iii m.\.. lt X .ni,? a .a.-?tu ol i ?, no uiultt-r ou Muai lu ?t i l - I > < heer* were -riven for OfSeh f, Am. Vi, a;?i llaaa_.luri _. . GOV. CTRTIN'S VIEWS ON TOE CASTASS. IHS *tV\lt*rt HKCFITrOV AT TiF.JAFFCKTT?OFPETtS mam. ion bu mfron wb__i in __* .>D?uri*<'i.-in to iiAiiiUA.Mr PfeOM thk FIHST?Hl . KAl.hW".-, (lIVNfKS Of BLXC-IOM ?thk iii.Mii in i ?-i. off B_J__a___-_ ,-t . 'i - ? WIir.N BI WILL M'LAK ?N' i'ULal dkntiai. Qoaanoaa |rsoM tu?. ?____ OOtm*\aWOWne?Wl Oh tub tribit*f.] Bkli.kio.Ni1, .-? j.t. _?.?Ei.-( OT? L'iu-tiii1? re? turn to Htllc?oii to lis hcen oneol fie most notai.le ?tenu, of the I'iuub} lvuuia ? aiuj.iiiiru, and the grc? iiuj he ha? r?<< ivtil fri.ui BM old friend? and neighbor?, lno ap?-. t.\c of party, ha? Ssas BOSft as any man ml-*lit well be piouil ?.f aft. r a lifetime of honorabk-pnbllo sen-.ce. I d>. nut now refer mo nine It to the public demonstration i**t i,ii*iii,'ii ;. Barrarme atmtty x*?-'oi>io iu 11? 11? luiit? before at an tteull)** meeting; liny ?.line from their hillside farms S_i valley hornets, from the fur ? and out of the lun.??* for tahin.? mi, ? arountl, on two days'notice?not men who VSn ' ? teO? to SSI ry t.?r? tie?, lik<- many whom the (iraiit-Cum? ron Con.iui'.t? t oriUr fn m one town |to nil?.'. - to p.ifiriputo in the ' ?i.i iislratioiia, bul tii< lim., .?t yninaiiry of the h : -, v.?i, ],ri u,l of the opportunity to .ivcand respect for Mr. C_r__?area at SSOM ? lifli?-. Ill? how tin- poUtieal ; an Is KUs j-.irt of lbs tatrtf approval Mr. Curtin'? pollticul ? SM iu,!; but the nuinliir of bin frieiids and ?eigblior* who have throng, d h.? psi lor?, at tin- hot.-l to iiil.ile him ou lu? ,-aife r.ii.i n and OS hi? p.r.tinl m 'tie liu'i i "-teem in wliieli he mint* be it bes? kaowa. Ani yet Ibers ure, i ,n DeliefantsBi ;? tow Bei ??<> Hi. ?! ou. :,,? nu,, i 11,?-1 -on 11.,: ,'f th.- ( : , i ?? n Ring, and no mil' - at the Governor'?, la..- i< tt? r, that, Hi.?;, an In great measure ln?letit?d to him for what they an- Is flaj. and are eonneeted with him hy ., ? t t'iMiiia? und family ties, they d.-l not ,.i 1. t ,i, upon him, ir.,'i ? ' ? irtoszbsasi t-t-i h M.?? Administration vo,_bulary ol sbasi again?t him. Foriunute.y ior thcmtelvei-, their laui.-bei is not l_t?.'?. Ar.AINST HARTRANFT ntOal THE FIRBT. I called upon Mi < .nt.n to-,lay, anl fouiul liitn none th? ??iMliir his? ffoit latt iiii;ht, thougii he 1.? i-till far frein beiinr ?ah? Ily lei-tored toli?;,i:b. slbBOSt hlsffrsl remai k wab that it SSSBSSl .range to him to me? Slain r?"eeptiiiii from the Democrat? of ('??nt'-r und the adjoimiig ?ountie*, while some of his old political a*xoci at<- and t?ut laiely warinet-t friends in the Stateiwero holding tin in?' hei. aloof .?lid lna-ing wry lac? h at him. II. . I wiiitdi ? . .,;..'.-., vi i, after tin m -t <_?reful reflection and with the eonvu .ici that he would I* annslndfalof hla duty aaaettiaraol PeBnttrlraala, aud iilij-'iateftil fur the li.ninth he. 'had ie...\, i m tlie haiul-. Ol the people of Ibt Mate, dkl be tail to make tin? lu eut,-t Hi? ?-oliuptioii and ilihlioiiebtv of the ?arrlatsiirs Rime. "? baa anticipated Ute aboae und i_i?i. pie?? nt.ttleu?li?- had dincouitted ii beforehand. He bad acted r i ?.i m principle aim not from policy, and i li only hows ?lui to bee honett government reatored to hia aaii\? .?-i.iie. | ? ., i.iiM'd. I ?aid. that he had l,?eii H|,proa? bed l.v tie , ... ? t,,., and tbat great Indu? ein? m* had been lie!,i out to in tu t?. mu,port tli" King ti? kci. " ?m, ?<?'," ?m ii'. reply; "youknos ??.th liow much . uniiati"ii for ?VngreHi? Wai Upon ?lie. Ol Ci.Uiti? I aliall not at pl> m lit SO Milu tl,, but I ulli Bay lliat 1 hud hardly net toot ou t i?? - toi of Bagland before Um preanana be?a. Ko km know?, tioiA' a-ttoiig ?t ?H?, but I told tii.'ui irom the fir-l that I should not rapport Bartranft H they would have nominated -?oiiie one el??, Hie east might ha-, ?? bee.J dift i, m." 1 t???l him that SSSSS WbS WSW formerly hi? fri'-tid? bare ehUaed to hareaaaaraaeea tbat lie would at i?.?-t Kl?>- toBartrwifl hi* rapport? *<> far a* aecepttna the uoii.iiiari'ii t?.r < ongit -. .. WM eonceiue.l, wi N it nol that toi? 111 health pt> vented. 11, Fii.d Hint bo never gave any such anciiranre*. A? had ttetoie u-eii pabUabed. hi* public letter had bees nhangeil; hi- ?1 i not know I,y whom, and he blamed DO ou? ???r it. In any private I? ii?'r? he might have wntt?'ii I,- i no d?n?rent poalttoo. It might have been better,..,...i behave declared hnuM If earlier, but hi* ?Sskiseaaprevented that. Hi? only refre? ?a? that tit? bad li.-i a mouth during which he might have done much work. I UK ?l_a_MO KIR? NEAR IT? KM?. In ?.ja-aVini* of the Cameron ling, Mr. Curtin ?aid that he a, vei gave it any support and never r???ivt?l Bap ?iid tnWiIt? TheTrea*ury King wa* formed about alx psaiS ago, ??.oil after (ieurv b?-?ame Governor. One Sf tba tatet aafebOt thi I>gi .ature was to pa** a fund? ing bill ; that fwalShsA IbS opportunity for the forma? tion of a King which made a good deal of moil?}', though the i-utc vasaa bsttsrOR sftss tba IsM wa? funded than it wa? Itefore. rrevioii? lo thi? time the ilnaucca of . Kiat?'werti honeiatiy inanai-ed ; there wa? nt?t. dun,-,g th?-war, any great ?urplui- in th* treasury, as? til? in - > ?.?it.. f ? , il,. ?- ate ?liMilhi d the luiiiiev H* filial aa i: raine in. Darts* tba last isas of Curt m'a Aiimiu latraUou, the tas on real ?-etate w.i? Hi?oli?b<-?l ; it wa? thought tliat national taxation wa? *o In-1\ v that in people wiigni l?. ix- relieved at lew-', ta) Ihi* extent. Hinco m ni Adininlairatiou cauic into [tower, the Treaa lart bat besa i un ou * ?urplua of %?,ot*3,i*H) or |3,0U*,u_i. I, -a long, I a?>ked him, could the ixiug hupe to lonctul tta i,|m ra'.ioua. ".*.,i rerj ?ong," wa* the reply. "If Iiuckalew i* e^> ted Um expo-rare mu*t mine next Winter, and when the ?hob-truth If known it will man? Tweed ?nd flu Tan.many lung in New York reepectable. Many men Will, 1 h? In \?, i?a.? Ihi -3U1.1. And even if Ilartranft la elected Uw whole thlog will bar? to oeass out nul fo/ I i ( ouMllUtloInil ?'oliveutuiu will im (?>ii?po?e<l of Uu boat m? i. m Hi? Ma:,, and turougii IU inliuini?- the truth will be kuowu. The nouunattona thai hare been a?a?i? ),y both partiea for thinOaaveaUon an- excellent 1 , -1 ut t?, be there, and it will t><- a itotly that any man am,.ut t>e proud to be ?e memner o?." Alt l uriin i? much ph?t_d at ih? lunauer iu which a__ iinininaUofl ?a? i*utjei?_l to ___ and *-arUcui*i*?/ nf the notion of ;r,r Dein.', r.itl ' *?>n un i f t. ??** and ft Bigler. It Hi.* Committee iimi ???' t.?? m. ???.liiliuriili?.? I,- llllle ;,o. to Illlike H pluot) f?ir til Moni i lu, \,. i? en un pi ?tit?- ?v ?I'.n? nit limiter; bu Ger. Bigler. U_ baal Man ?a Um? ti<-ciis teure, v i'iiiniiliini-iit whtcli baa tnuibi .1 Our. <-irllii'- !i??_t-t. 1 owed It im whet tu? IliiiiU'lit of ItnokuU* _'- ??i-i? Of ?uccos. lie i| lei Hun lie knew very ilt'.lo ? Ciiiivnm? m the Mate, Ir tin? _*_n>_-__?t_a_ irre Dkgbtwaa ?m nil? x ol iii<? feeling m other eeet i . ? _ could ii?ii h? defeated. 'Hi?? reporta ae beard ve.* rrry encvaragt ag. When he (Curti?) .i, i.'ili'il-i'i I m iiiHioril.v Wii? lu,... , and t? mal?? t ? i ? ?.o bad u m. i'.ii.v of in.n o lu A..<Kii'iiy ?'? .inty i in uhcii i of in? ticket in (\.ry eoiiiitv cxecpl tVW Philadelphia Mewaa 5 .nut) atroBSsr tkaa the rema! ? I Um Rep? linn .?n'.. N?w, if tli. niajuni Ali. .ne m io not atore tbaa MOB, as i lie I_Ui_is < i ..i it all? i.?? ? ?. .aii.i i_ii.i,, County redact luiii'iriti to -..MO, be sire tlmt Hie Kiiik <*ouli ?u.U. u in Puiiadclpaia t?. ____ ii.iiiiunii. it l 1. Holy, 111.- proapool is vei V | mini. m_. 1)1 ill?) pi -t Digs!, tin ie wer,- lis I. lierai Repot k m* I lilil'.'lil oiiuiy ; t.'u? (Icli v'nli.n finio Kl.ur Cotiul.? , ,lio .1 M persone? ?'.is ( ii in I? lli'i'ir li.-.u, ' ti, .ii weic inun liicnl Literal I?, iiiilil.i ?liciirtUliI i.nil ?'culi i < o.uiiion. "Oil!" BOM tie, ' mm mu i.., me praatdeutial ateetieo ll.uuun?t v i ? tbe ?oral ? i* reatad eundkiate over pal ap." Uli. Ci;_Tl_ _. _XA?_)N tut?. NOT t>_?_.A_t_<) -*OB ?I OK _!(__!.BY. " What would h- tt.o tfRaat on til? Grant licpulil purtvof r<iiii?ylviiniii It Iliutraiift flnnil?! bs ? 1?'<_ 1 unket!. * It would to the iH.t victory the Republican r would fr?sala is till-? Stats," ?vu?? tin- reply. ? .,,.;.( ?f I'i niisj iviiiiiu ut?- not as patient us tlioi S i ?A-'V . ik. llnre woiilil lie ? iicli _n iiprixiiiK SB u??ier Li i n mu?, Kveri _u:tn _li??ti__ the lOIOfOOl ti .<? K'I'?'Mk?iii patty ?t i>' ut . ii. uiii oats -galas, i n.' t l.iio? Mi. Ui.cli.ii.w toloun hsasst i_un, lie ?'11,'tit I.? lie ein ted." I Htkdl Mi < uitiu |T lie Intended BBSS tnnliln:.' a o\ ration o i, is i o i ir u m n ga ni to Mb .il pobUra. r> pilad io. i ?i ?oi.s.di red Ut? ip.? attona noa .it i aa He Blot? a. "f p.i .?m,o 'lit m,p. nain,, ?n i in-t.,m lui election for I'i. (.Kinn, mid i,o ( l( ? Don n, otl.. l M Ite, oi;_lil In ii,,\e mi) iiitlni i,( e U| .n lUe A loo of tbe people opou them, U? bad au* t'.ni. eicepi ti.nt cont?Oi,i ?i , i. inn recent letter aaa li ? ,h "i i, i.. -1. eight, and should tunke nun? uutilaflei ? ? nu -i ?...s d?*t*ided,and Ibeai loplttkinawi Im ?'oiiic ki ?iv.u. Nol Und IM lie-lien t?. m??? lu,? Ulis te?i ?.. lorlioi nny i o, . oui ,iii,,ii oi uo aalt, i m in.nun' be i > Uovod, aa !.. . tiii., . i.. ... u,.. ,j, nus tiMtoougtt twata?d aa l serlta 11' though! t? i* i lu?a.- o? eunir, yea, nu- i . ?..? i. <.i i l'afrteude,Inabutinglikepicltpoc? t_t?_M in ( iai'> m u reluetd io euppurt ( ii .nr.iiiit, aaa vcrj Buafaw; ti a>oaM drive awa. n ?n tu. support oi urseley aba wouni oiharel i sm. November. to iotbo panian ol Vertes,ths Oovonior BsMtti aOOldnti In 1,. Uo* Ulli" ill II.( 1( H.t. An.MI.iii_ bl I J .. ill l.e ice, i\e?l :is Hie of lia puri'mi w til Im u In.liy uillioul < fleet. bine? ii.\ arrival bere, l liave learned from oojt Bournes tomttbiog oi in?- pieeaure a blab be 1 h?a Ilion,; lio I.-.:'' Upon Ml. I lilil?!, I ? Ml ?.lli'.l .?ce rlu i nir.Vi.1 lu e. unir'. . to . t . i.i i lu-. Bort Tb? ' i n ml i n. \ Btate bonor m tbe gin ol i. aooul . it bil? ?i, ? nui im,:,.! no bavi been bad be cove! ? ? i oe an u i tbe TeAt ml ?.' ?< i i ,w needed only i,, uw b__m_ i - ?. -?: .?i. iB| no.? ?u iioiiin? o 11 ?i " i. .m. i " au. II real a lib ererj kit. I of jioiltn - aucbl baveb ' ti mor, !.. ii II li UioU ?' I... I ? . Nova i*t_i ol lb? RJub i-i' U mi tl'.-t .' _u i n influ? i 1 nis 1 Kln.w nui. II to m mi inc. ..,,e ti.iiiill.i I" m? il i bare la en Blniot In. tbe ntb? t and bar? ,n bot ii m . .. . u m., \. \-, .i,in. \? , e. ,n,| i i,, ???' i ? >? o " i".i -. .m - ol !.., u . . . o buvi n u ' n ... u i iiiin.uioii to vote loi i liM-i adUuttletter,and imv?.? not _o_o-_l?_l i_. i. ,?...: tity vais uifl?iciif?'?l iiy it. *?^s5v?_. - ?**?? COLOXIZIXO THE STATE WITH RIOSOI SEVERAL TH?.r.ANI)S ALREADY THANM'iUIl tnon ma_;?_.a_tD am? tue uibi?iI.i ? COLUMBIA. Ibr TELEfiRAPH TO TUB TR!Rr..E.| Wa.-ijIsgtuk, Uct. 1.?A week <?r two ago ~an t?tat? ?1 that the maiiaKTS of the I-?iik in Penusyl? n?a viere cl gated iu import ln_negroet from thlsliitirl and Maryland for the purpo'ei* of colonization. At ill tlil. was doubl? ?l,?\( u by the irieiids o? a in (? it?nl U ballot. Of coure? it wait strenuously denied Uy t in? of tbe RUir; but the evidence it now romple that a regularly organized importation of negroes, et* dally from ti.e northern counties of Maryland, ha? jroing on for ,-ome time. Conductors on the l'hlladelnlil Wilmington and Iinltitnrre ltallroad ?tato that ?ever thousand ne_Toea Lavo paBOSi ever thai road with the last few we? k._ Tliin, however, is uot tl only evidence of the contemplated at.d partially a eonipiished fraud. There are pSBSSM h? io wli??*,e n un are within id for !he pn.( nt, who state tliat tfeS BgSS of the lime-, min .?.nt out )iy .?mini Camenn w.Ai !1 OOt? BSttta parp?os Of ***tt*t***l railroad hiuidt, liai sen! hiiiidredn of BSgNSS iut<? l'etiiiryhiii.ia. A _eiitl man who met a car-load of them inquired win ie tn? were ircii.c. ?'in.' "f then rei'lied: "To work for Maoi ? .m.eren and vote for Maoos OrsBl m Pennaylvanla la inert (?i*?'.- sxtravstaal wstjss lacis bsss praalsi tassa delndet creatnrts, bat tts saderatandlns bi.i all of tin m scciiicd to be the Jet was not to la long. Tbey are to be Hcattcrcd tkNBaiMBl ti?' Mit but their f-trength will bo thrown into Pklladelpbll nttS-OKt-, and ttS la tirer tOWMS. when II i? nppooi they will imt bs i!e?( cled. Of eours ?*, tiny nre estfarc. il-1,er..lit nf Hie < huract? r of the bunnies,- f,,r wlm h tim ata waiit.-.i, und also of the penaltj wbleb tic laws i 1'? tiiih?, Ivatila SBStBS OOt to pSBSSaS conviited of 11100 voting. A u< titlernari who arriv. ?1 here from New York Ifl-ta: eta. 'h tliat It la pretty well ktn.wli iLeie Unit ,ilio, I l.i? routlis, repeal, r-, .iinl l.all'.t-lex _ tuffi n? arc under ( oi ti.-.t: iretbal dtytbe l.uii r part of tbe week f riiiiaii? ipiii.i. 'Un y sis un?!? r its SBBaatemaat of Bl ft .?ni Jimmy O'Brien, and -IB ft >i in part of tli l'j.OOO or 15,010 m.JiTits wliichthe. R_B| BM n pi? ?Ik t f< Uartranft in Philadelphia, that I-, provided they ?if n, ?nil-l.t in.d dealt with ;,t eiildinir to law. Itiriluitjua to tap i.''!?- tlmt Iks Bsest si Paktle Worin of tkle Db trn t kao had imlliiiii; to do wi'li t ta*- . mi. iiitnii of It Mfia i sssis to i' trena, masa c.iin< ion's agi m iclieafii Un m el any lalii.i a or ic.-poii-iiiilii;, Ifl tiii diri'Uou. IkS re tri i> I rat mn )i?to . bow? a falling off o m \i-ral tfeSB-Saft iiOi-To Vetan Isince last year. A WlllMMi lltOM MAUVI.*.M'. To the Editor of The Tribune. s 11 : : Large nnasbert of <?il?ir??l roten han left tl-i*. ( ouiity, within a month or two i?;_-t, t?i aw .. 01 variout? public works in P< mi. ylvunia ; m>t_- r? tun en ly few? dayt?, lind, ai!? r gatkOliat Up other?, ?i? par BgaJafsetas issns si tfestt Iskots. Many have gam from Cecil County, M?L, alto, and In vtSi ot the fact that .ueh mi exodus hau ihm OOSSSrot before, and of tin* mar apiuoaih o the Pennsylvanie sleetton, I abdi to eel] the etteatlei of tin part]. and of ail beneat men In Pennarrraale, ti ti,.- probable purpose of ttii. emigration. Tbeco-ore? men tbetoaelTea, atete tbat tbeir work alll be erst in i abort time?oar m ? -soots or two, ttken tbejr will al come home, lna.i token no oopeclel peina to aa irtaii tin exact number?-that Imn BOne trmn tin- Slut. , Out ll tin v bave been taken In equal number? from ?'Un r part? of ike State, It ia probable thai at-veral tbonaanda kam gone. Ike eolored rotere cannot, from tbeir impertecl e.iiie.'ition and their inadeeuete apprecleUon of tbe da ind reel.albilltv (,f clileenablp, be m m h blamed 1! I let,.led tO n'a? them ill BWOUlng tin Kepulnli .?1 \ ot? in !?? i.iis.i i\ niil.i. t.ut it la the Bob mn dut) ot ever* good oltlies to see kli bed eCorta to maintain the pur.ty of the bellot, an_ to thl*. end I trii-t foil will lose no time in pu01010nhlOtlBB to our (rteada the importenoe ot thorough or. anizatiou and th.* moat de? termined Tigtlaiioe in fn? Of the (:k t ?li.ell 1 have atated. Oonaldennc tbe importance of the Peone/ivaula ? ?ei t.oii to the party 1b power, tti?? feels whlos I have stated, am! that Hie aged i-i iitli'inaii win? in th- leader of tlie iUuiiblh-n party Cher? unce had a ?leciillar confer? ence wflh a poseo? named Iioier, I thiuk a suspicion ol loui intention., may bejuatlr entertalaed. t. a. n. JHtrlinyfin, llarford Co., Aid., Kept. 30, lr_2. CHARGES OF FALSE REGISTRATION. TlTl svii.i.., Oct. 1.?The Daily livening Press of tli)?? eity announces that there is fraudulent ta0ttt*y tion in Titusvllle of nearly 1,000 names, and The I'rtst lntltuatos that this is part of the system of colonization which has*l_-en extensively pra<-tired throughout the oil reglou. The. Tress is an Independent paper and ?iocs not charge tbe pro??.-?ling ut?on either party. II I tlon Is nearly double that of last year. A BOSSSt-Bf in* eestttettes will be Lad at eses? PARDONING PENNSYLVANIA JJJL-BDBM. tOUn RIOTERS IIB'IMOBD Tu one ?i vi;'- im I'll|a(iSM_.VT l"AHI?ONKI? IIY THK 1M1.I KKO <?r THE GRA_T-fAMKUON-HAinKA.NI' KINO, TO nCOn TUE tOXM OF A LABOR ORGAN? IZATION. To the Editor of Tht Tribune. Sir: Sojourning here for a few ?._jrR, my att?ntloti tSSkSSS called !o a recent act of liov.i.?siy of Ihir Hint? whicii ?s intied alike by tin? best mi n of both parlt -? It fully illiistniU*s the de?pt;rail?.ii ..f th* tarn? nm Sttone, BBS the extreme measurM? to whb h I be. are ready !?. resort t?. mako votes for the K?uk ?ainllilates. Last July nearly ail of the l..l.o?. r? employed by the lumlxr dealers ?>f this i n> rti u k for diminished hours of labor ami Increase of pay. This demand was refused, and all the mill* were , in?, d 1 tut ekvai three veeke, atea asttpy ut the ?-?a aigiUfled their aUBafaSSB to return to their work, and rom?, of tlie mill? man StSftS?i Thladld not ?mit thpis ? r* of lbs ?trlke, and th?y Incited th?lr follower* to fotei Me ln t,rf?ien,e w th the men whom U_?y railed d< ???? lb S_ 1 Ss rt-xult wai a terrlblo riot. Much Inpiry wa? Infll, ted ti|M,ti th?' tiiititorii* inter?-??-, of the cltv, and a lor_ ? num? ber of p. it?.n? *crloiiFly ltijiin?il. Tho mllllary w? re ralle?! ?nit, and the riot wa? final It ?tip?ire*?-*ed. About JO of the leader? ?ere arreated, tried and .?iivlctotl "f uggmrated riot. All hut four of th>i?e wcro let ?iff v/ith light SSatSasSS?a few day* in Jail ?i d a nominal fine. Ilut tin? four who were proved to have l?_*m the rtusleadent, the teatluiony phow ing that Ihey wen? mit worklngtnnn at all, ?nil liad on'y act?-d nioinliu nil?, with SStPSp Sad ulterior dcalgns? tlieatttour weie BSBbWSS] t.. pay the. c._ta? of P_MMU' tiou, anil to nerve ?.ne year at hunt lut m In the ?tnte, Penitentiary, Judge ?iamiiio in pronouncing Uil* *a?n laaee ?-uni : ?* it i* ?titneuit to eoneeire of eucaraataaces ir,'le aggravating widen could exift in a *rnm tint" . . " l''ruin tlie evldcuce in lbs rise alone, tbS OOnrt wnnhl U? un.? 1.1?. to g,ve a sstlsftu tory r-aton for ihe mod? i nie aenteaoe it i? about to piuaoutf ** The?c tour men, Hiiiiilngliiiiii, Qreer* , Wiiltu.n, und Blake, were Um? *?'ti t? licit on the 14th of ltd? month. They re? manded to th. Ja I In Hits tin, but never ?aw the Inatile oi th; penitentiary to *Uu they wets seatsafad. <.?,?. ?;??;iiy iiiul u?en appoulod to by certain ?'?inernn I??,.u,i um-, even ii mo in? convi? tint ol th? *" dotera, lo Interfere lu their u half ; tor it wa? *n li snderati ???t that Uiev eouiu not saeaps raawtsttas und Mateare, lbs ?lovetiioi, a? Koou BS iheir atjiilinco m made kaowa, tale-mphed Barer ntarkw_?thcr of ibta city i? tome to Hiriiiaiiiirg for ?'ouhultatton.anit he went ; Bad The liuilp li'lUibtiit ut thi* city, a Grant ami Hamann paner, ta? * lu- r?. eive.i me aa,?ntani_ fruni the (jovtriioi UUM ' in |,i, ni, n vs tiiild be planted the lour karten," " ander bocteoaaaataaaea ara?M t*??* (forer*-?-*** interfere Wit- tlu ir ven li.lit ?.uta iic.-K." Y??t in le*? than ?M honra after thia Interview, Got. Geary had decided upon tfceli pardos and ti,?-c,, rh o Um < ,.:it wa* laatraeted by 1?,, n,pli or mail not lo make out their c. ininitiiieln. In cotiiuiciitiug ii|H>ti thi? action of <>ov. lioary, The li tioneiti i. nun K? : li i? ik* 1? ihn* ?o?|.i?tntal with th? Onts-IB?' l? ?at, thai the, txl ?ol p ? lu? ??*Qini*e* ??rtli inare th.a am e.t at-WsJ tLa tuu?-i *?a,." aSow ??hy wuf the ?entlmeut of Ibbl cotnnianify out ingi'd liy tuen an un ,\a. r.itiliilii.' iulirti i. nee wltu tin eouiwe of juatleeI tba mamna panasd by the??? laar etiuvlcta Mti?. their lalaaae, Battus la eonjatieiiou with . i null, diFi', pul.ihi?? (aim um men. reun?? I In? BBSWei plain. 'i'lii'J were c? nv < l< d a net MUlili? ? ?t on tl.e it'll ?t hi?.nili, |,.ii-,i?ni ?l re ?um d on ti??' K,;,,, saa >,u in?' or?alas* ?>r Um latSei ?l ,y Ihtme at tba at. ?it,, M ?t. ?, *_-UUiUJ**t*_in, W Litten, and < inovy, together with The.ul?, if 11,1, Cleft of il,* Court; l'eu r ll.i.l.c, yarol ii if ?n ?, ami a. j. iii.unk, SMaaasf ?i uttttt and llttltttin {I'ai.eiua orgai ), autl il.i.lie'n m.?n Pltday- aii Qiaula auieiui,-Haiti ?mi ?*in--pallen in 1,1 a ... i. l i '..a ling ,,t 11,.- It. i.lie Ho if?', ami then and ii. i.? At ci ici to pubbab i? ?tala reaotutlaaa a* II pasead >. .m orsaulxatlaabaawalatbia ?it? a? i. i or Materai Union s,,, iu. Iheaereaaiatieae eu*w_sad (tar. Ueari toi I hi paiiiou Of tlM i t .It'iF, and ?Hire duly p_hin<iif<l. Now II la un admitted tut 11,.,1 Be BMOtUM ? 1 l_.bur Mo. in ?,i< railed ami eeae t.. at, sabeesut-at, n, w. v. i. t.. ibe |,iii,iii..ti.'ii. ami after lac tread uud baca a, ,!?? baawa, the " Uatea " wan ladaood t ? m Mme tu???e tt??iliiU.,iiF. Too unolt> game i* BppaiBlll ?IS?OS u,, u ?%? n- , .,r?i,,i,?;?i after a eerrapt bargjna bad brea bmmm h 1?-. >'., ile m a.,.i II iiiic, i>,. tin k a Co?, ta the ?a ?i " rotes <>i labst Uuion No. IS, said the ?tru.? i?, ..'i,'i a.'i, -iioiiiii m? tbrowa lor tin, i auf t, mid inc. .....Im ?...Ulli M 11".Il al" 111" l,. I lilllVI' ill that diriction, i... w n atuve ?.i Uda ourtapt band .,f p,, .,1 1.111 I I l I,.? .? to arllFl (_llll ion.? ('.? fur < ..iii?i, ?? i > n? ion,.?ting .? Labes ttciono euudiuatau u.if ui-iii, i t?, ma? , it ratea iroiu tin i. o i.n |( i,,i> Bud Hi hi .?.i.i. Bo'uiiLee. Thi buindaidm Una ?.- ? v --i ? pel intently impure? ; " ?. *.t.i th? li n . tailiai I'uion aafr r 'bereite lie* lob? llXil e a? I?) h ? , I. ? , n . I l| ? ? ' ?l p**** tj- tu?-,i ?i, at > uitw-B ? 11 - ?. .g ,.tF -.,,. i m ?,, o.! 11, -. ? . , ...,.,,,, a u ujaii, u* -.. H ?>.._?.?r as***tt aba* am . ? i.i i? i .. i. ii.piirtca I can t-ulcly imurt that th?ta an il r? ?. ?n? ,?ai Many oi war atwlueul 1? publican .noi - ,,, brans bare baetaaS M .. i?.. . ? i , . ? i uiFii' o by ?o.?. Qeai. Ul .. l' ?ton, h... t. .-y alii v,,., ?...i...?i all t., i .m, rt*n . .;.. lllhl - ate 11, l?et. *. b oiiatnspo, I, r... p p:. ii, mtO. UERKIMER COVSTY ASD THE LAFLINS. -_--* .-a"-**'* -'* ?' - To **!? Relatar of the Tribune. Slit : The <:i)iiiiutitii?'nti?..i Tnim "A R.pnbli tnn" of II? ikiuier, ?letailiu?.' the operalion? of AddUou H. and H iron I ?flin, publl*bed iu Thk 'l of Haturtlny, created a profound tetifatlon throughout the county where the LdttaS had btin ?u luuv and *o unfavorably known. Thn ?tuteiueiit? mad?? therein were no new? to the ? ltlM'ii?, wbo were familiar with the varloti* pbSSSS of their curi'Ci', and who had SSBM IS VSpssi them a? min no I,,Hirer to be tiuatetl. i'ople? of TUB Tltllit NK were In demand, but In Home ?ertlun* of the county the -fr??at?.-at dlfll.-ulty prevailed in obtaining them. In the riDaps of Bobawb, .? psv*alasBl psatlsrassi ssstt M?f_s BstOfday <?'") ?Iny the conimunnation SppSSTSd), not one of the ? on?, rvutive SS&MlfbStS to or piuchahers of The Tkiiil>? received tbelr copie?, but In lien tli.r. of rieplvcd copie* of The Herald or Times, the iic.vsil.-ai? r (who is a Crantlte) tmir;?. th, in lliait Tin. lliini M. had not atiivcl ?lay. i-x.tiu? lew p??,p!e who hail spi-oial facilitie? sabSMs ft th" v-i 1 - lape, or Wart l:-?t Mlppof-d to be tainted with Liberal _, a?, l< n v, ,1 Ih'-liB and kciit Ihi In , arefullv SSMSSab d. From 15 to 50 cents per copy wa? offeted, with but few islsa Bu| iWlallbSlSSflllH lbs ?dTnrt? of the Crant jieople, lbs ??,ni mu?'leal n.n wa? 1 he them' of l'?-ii< rul dl?cti??i,,n, the nj, im, ,11 l? lap Uta! ?I Wa? a i ul ?flit and ooliM !, litioil? narrsUre. Indeed,oasot lbs bank oiii.iai*, udvssttap to that poitiuu of ti.e ttsrjrralaMap is thn Laflia'sls fiinoim eooneettOB ?a 1th the Bobawb Valley Hank, said t:,.,t " it ?vi'.?- not ball Ftroiu.' ." ?me iliiiiK .?? n ma. real si ura.1 oaf, and tbat ls,tbs polltleal liitlinine of I..iliu in thi* county has tOUO. aerer to return, and wa anos hope t?, rid our art vea of ? i.oui be bai toadotb< Inatrumeutaof blspuri and elect sa our cnuut) u.i.ih men who wlliaa?latlu tin \t,.;k ,.f punf ytiig ! our Government that will be Inausuraiaduadet ihe new sdmlaisoattsa of Ureeley and Brown. LlBKitAl. Uohauli, Jlerliimcr Co., .V. T., Oct. 1, Pi,2. AiiKANrasa rounca. I.rrn.i \i<n k, iii't. U?The I_bs?**pJ btapaUi can Siaie ?oui i al Com mil I ?c, i>, ... | ..,,,; i.,, lol.ow iiiK new ti< ket in the tHlil : IPS Ooremor - Audr?IW Hunter. Liruliuiiitt Hurt rnor?J. ' . lappan. Ptan lai y of State?J. M. JiihiiMou. .iiofif'.r W. I'. Mtlion. Irrumrer? llioiim? Hole?. .4(i<i/-)i. i? a. n. rat? 1' W. < onipton. iSupreinr Judyi??J. J. ? I? lull inn and J. D. WalK" r. Superintendent of Hducaium LI), faynea, ,sii),mnicntlritt ut Ihr l'i nttriiltury?It. (?. Jeiinin-?a. ( ongretsntun tit l.urgi?S. tt. l'on,.i,,v. M.F-r--. Johnson? BoMe, Jennlnga, an?! Pataeroy are H> piiuiiean? and the h?lame ol th. tuket ia l),in,? rali.. COHGBEM NOMINATIONS. I.?.WF.i.i.? (l?t. 1.--The (iianl lit |nilili?an8 of lb? in ?wy i,'ii.?ii-.a', d \ llui BsSiaebasettS lii-:n,t,in Convention hir? I ,1 ay. iiomluat' ?I I.'. H lion of ? on i out tor i. iii? Jodps Hoar neelred uu the ni>t ballot .r.a vol. - ? : Dr, Iyer of LoweU. Loa i.i.i, ?'? i. i.-.vt lbs Graal Bppabli si t___rsa_oa of the Vlllh Mu? ?ichu.-ett? IH.-trict to-day, ?CC K?ty ,,f'tiii ireeslred lbs sssBaattsa fur th? sass? lui. d |. jui I, ' oapNSS of Mr. lit ?j? .?.-. I'ii 11. ai,k 11 n*. ???i. l.-'ih.- lilrtrsl RspabUssa *?on f.. of ? h? 'ter and Del??? an- < oui. tu IS have ?I Dr. Fiank T?ylor for ? oin-r? ?*. A BOIIXl IXPI.o -ON AT PHILADELPHIA. 1 ' 1111, a i ? i.i-i'ii i a , Oct. 1.?Almut noon to-ilay i i,, foot ?\ Hadar i><?ii<-1 to paitos ?v <'?..'* rolliaiMBUI, M,,iri?,owi,, exploded with tembl? fon ??, i-i ?II. run.' de?truitl..ti around and .t-rii.univ. if not fatally, wound tof a saatoSS of tuen. Away from the mill al*iut lui f?et an m-v.-i ni frame I ous-e?, and into one of the.3e .ibuut 'JD tost of tlie exploded holler wa? driven, but> !? the eeeapsBta were on tin? pereh ul ll,>? nui,-, and i ?raie1 li'.tnrr. Another portion of the bod? r ? a? thrown in an opnoelte direction, upon the roof of Albertaoo'i Glaaa w,,tk*, knoeblnp down a larps brieb atsak, bat not aenouaiy injuiiui* the mu. Tue iieFtructlon at tue llollliitr Mill wu? terril.le. K.?r tiinat? ly, at till- lime none of the iu,u were at lue roil* near where the gr?aient ?leatrue.tlou oct-urred. The Brtap frapraeiita wonnded the tollowlap peneaa, m??*t of ?? I,?un were , Ilililo? Il ol Ihe null : AlUtt K n?-ltr ?r.ljt.l lut i,,.t Uil?; Julia K-IIt, ?el tciiomlf ; ?Vm. M.l.Klf lairt u tlie ?ru, , J -> ?I, Mi,, ?t u.t ?n lb? li.iel. Ili.a>h Oaaa) tatartUI ,.?, ('?'.ml K?li,, inn j?d kt.ll? ?a-il?i??ii i?? <? ,,.!.?_? Jie. Win. I ul.i, ikr t*.i?r.r, ??* ?c??_aj awl i,lbtr?i?? IDjUlwJ, Yell il llllll?. ?iiuW, Till: ?-TATK PAIE Klmiua, Oct. 1.?The Sut? Fair was very lui ?.?,-.> al tended !.. .lay. A rain atoriu ivet In about 4 o'clock thi? iiftiiiio.'i,, but the many bii.i,!liii?-i are *o larKe and c..minodl.iu? that there ?aa not much dnvora lori. The entrle? and eihilui.oii of boraea and caitle are very Iii).-, the imultry exhibition la good, and ihe awSSp and ?win?' fuily up to ti??? avcra-re. The floral hall, man sfacturere'bau. sad tonnera* baU an n??t lurte euuu?.'h , enip , t,|y to a, coiii.'uoilate eihliiltor?. Tue ofllcera of the ..?Uly .t|r-?n Hi umelter* well autlaUi'd a lth the pruKl. ?a of alia,I?. PRSeStBtAL HV TIIaKfiKAPH. _'Ihe Hon. Jtfl I'. A*-?? r, ei-meml_. o? Con ?rata f,"i* Mlaasin, ?i ?1 it , l,.:..,< ??aicraar, ?I .i?,.. of Ut? ?rt _The Hon. Jamen Knox ef Knox ville 111., haa ?,,?? ?J?, it? w UaaOtaa Ca?an les ik* ?aaaa-aaal ul .* liall ?f bsbmBmPi A CALL ?OTHKGEKMA SPKKCII Off KKNATOl. ?HCFIUEZ AT CCK INH'ifTUTK. J-.STIH "lA-Tlc RK'KITION OK THE BKNAT ?I TRI ? _K?IANH ?Of I'll. ?'I'i'Y?r.'ARi'i'.'i oovnawktart in ?ran mora onnoo AM) t'lVIL ?KKVK'K nniDntl ADVOCAT. Th?i rntluiHJiWtic and hearty ntlttntt v cr? .'ted Senator Kchui-, l.ii-1 night,at the largo hall i '.?..per U.ii. n, and the spirit of uff.-i-tion and adml tnauifested by the Herman* of the city, iinixt have ? xi'tediiiely fliitteiinii to Uielr illustrious follow-coi man ?it'd a_s.ui tug lo the ?icrtnaii Liberals thron tin country. Tim andiente Ix-gaii to gather at 7 mid at MB p. m. tl.e. hall was nearly til c.l. Crowd I eg ,.ti to pieu, forward, and at a p, in. tho sea aisles wen- occupt. d by an aii<iien<_) I tuif* in 11 1.1?.?es. Those present fr?_|uei)tiy iiuuiifesl???! tho patlciKc by applause and ?alls for BeuaUir S< Inn r? uu,heneo was composed of the most re. poctabli) Ucl in this city, and throughout tho speech tin y in mu tin ir iippriv liit?iti of tho . la-si. il allusions and laiiiliiiiiity with the subjects bo discusaed. Ttiu clans, who playod airs eaily lutlieev? VSfS unable to satiffy tho audience, who, in lui ti m e to oat? h a Kltiiipre ?uni to hoar tin? voice o fc. nator, interrupted the iuti-ic tn<|UCUtly by loud fur the s|ieakcr. As be caaie upon tho stage, the ? iiiiduiKo rose lo Its feet as if by u prccouc? it? ?1 ta.? only evidence to tho contrary lie in a- the onUiui uttcinllui* its action.* wri. waved und tSMf thouiXi ui??l h.tic. IsttSISi tliclr handkerchiefs i parts of tho house, und tho audience, fur nearly minutos, fBVS vent to tl:?* wildcat eutbualuaui. larga saa_h_* of TkMhFsssMsats ami lavttst tasan occupied tl.fl pl.itti.riii anih" fioni IfeStff ?hall* UM n mi at took i.i? Mut, and when he st? pp??d to tho ??t the form the b;?_?l played " lOS, tfcS com'u ti' to e.unes," and the audience again cheered and the air wifJi " bt-avoM." Fully flv?) minutes elapse? fore tin* ?j.uator, .tatidiug and bowing beforo tho row ?!e?!r, v, ?ye permitted . ) ?nhii.'SHiiie ainlic.u?. ?. Attut l_;iialui h. bin- bad proSCS-Si _ fow tutr with his rriu.uka, a few disord r!y persons SSSf I tin- se '. ?? ikSMSBt out,", peak in Knglish." H? tiaio vun.His" to?i:.i-d tho.?' who had Intel t nptcd mbt, Is BstUShl " 1 VSI invited by a CouimiUce of man- lo iiii.iress tl Is BBSSttSg ll1 "'u Ccrniau ami belli viuK tLat tin? largo majority of my Sat? an (?ci inaiir, and so desire, i . U.ili abita by the ami uietilr." A p< rf? ? t wlililwind of applause peefoi reply , and he was p< rni.t. U lo continu.? In < r( mark CI-tin bed. IhS _B____Srk statement that " Dutch " pel-bagger* wer?) no BSUSS than Yankee carpet bail 11,1? received v? nil laugh, r, ami several tin. s his | i -his, untranslatable In'.In.I sarcastic power.? iiuiiiii? r ami shssSs?. Partag tho settle apsask kl inarss wile 0_M___t 1 i ? u< ? I every two or IkftS m. r, ?uni in-?Mitu i? pUu i mat II OV.ltlOIl. The ov? t lea las newt wklah area sasfcls lesttali luiesion lo tin- II.ol .ol.. ' led around tbe stand eie. t. trout cf Un 1,1-lilut. ?, ?tut at _?0 p. in. be? oi coin out-.'. i '.i.i.l was IlliiinloaSot i I lamoi n?, mi' |( mied in various purl IkS ?t.iiui .ion? ?(" Bl ? ii.i li wire, tatrt Mu d In in i., I!, i.i it peitS SfCfct .Conn. Flag* Bmtt -MtOV-Ol i.,i lieu >-.,.. s ol the ? id, and a I i.instate was li teoeWaea A;.out 9:30 p. m., sever..! <? naas I mate. ?.I up witb banner? a.el Irauspareucies, and v H tfl i? I ?beers. a...? nu otlaf was ?'...1!?"! to order ahm' . :"1 p. m ? >tto I (itsrs-Sf-s ami -t lot ipeecuea were .biiv? |q i rod. I'.tttuiiuu, J.""'i an i Meter J. Breaeie? ! ? pli.a, sml \V i . I'.'K. iitlial of licodltig, |>._ ??ii.Bwers ippleadet ttsaaftsat, Bantfcs stats wasemba-'' '??c. Me m while the meeting wit lu n tho Hall bad been cal to order by Prof. Olmt bensklee. who nominated Dr. Krac ko witter for Chairman. Approacbinc the front tbe stand, ho delivered Introductory remarks, aft which ho read the list of Vice-Pr?sident* and Becrete. The following were then adopted: The resolute coudiict of tke ?lennansof Missouri tro flat tbe ii-iii). l id?* of the Rebellion as if struck again i.e.. y wail; ami with s_itisl,iction and honest prlis* ? eau look I'.uk up..ii ttie brave deeds am, ?iatriotle UM tice? of our compatriota daring 'lie time of tbe fo years' war. Tuen wtieti the hard-earned victory and t passion,-? ruiNcit by ttie war of (auatielnui uia.ii* ?i tool et (iliatioi. Uapoeeible, ami iu many ttateo prodoood m u bearable situation of uffalrs, then again we Moiled mana of Missouri iu the foremost rents, where It m in did, by throning et ami discarding alosa pert, tl to found _ la (lug p? a? > , and stop all this iew_____ uud ?(irruption, not only in Mission!, Iiut also all ov the Union, In tan Francisco, In Cnicago, and in ( incl nati, as well aa lu our own misgoverned metropolis. \ arc ?ill determined on brooking the rule nf corrupt liu?. end en effecting tbe reform of tli. present corrupt ata of notional nod municipal affair*. Have the Oaraae shown tbeir old onesty, and that their _u?y atend? i.i.?or than part* letervetal The tinaiii,efew montuaafo, HUaoori sounded the bug! call t.. iKuiiiiiic effOrta to a dual com entr?t movement of reconciliation and reform] then tins _ found a joyful leoponao among all the citizens of O? m ?n descent. irreapeeUvs ?>f pert. sfflUstloBS. La ti spirit, and in the conaciouaueaa that me nnreaentl opinion of the gteel plurehtj of oui ootnpatnt t1-. mt .1 .i ire is this in.i.-s meeting ot the United Qenssaa of tl ? III of N'.'W Yoi_; i. \\i recognlee In tke pletforauof the National Co rentlons of Cincinnati and Baltimore a d?x Independence from anclen! prejuilleea and the found tl. '11 Ol B true le, '.inn' itloO Upon llli('()tnllUoii . .nul a tin ?rou _ u i. ;. n i . I lie (.uveiiiiiieiil aa be Bd BU" the refoiuiali'iii Ol our national athtl -? II. we si ? lu H..m, c ?ireelcy of New-York ths Ind fiiiiiiaiiic champion ol the principio ol tfniTeta a mn. -ly ?uidoi Universal Buffraf-e, alioae honeaty at loourrnptlbiiit" ?ire proverbie!. Likewise the Hon. i (irat/. I'.roii u of Mis oari, Un? plotieer ol reconi and n form ni In? .tat?*, i? tlioroiijjUly trustwuitliy ai. repr? Hau th? M principles. III. \\. Lad :?-?? the re aotuttOBS of the .t?te Convent!? at .-?', r inn-' tor reforming the exisUng condition i political atura m tela atete, aad bare i mi.? eoattdeo? m i n.?.' Mn , bave i..en i'oioiii.iii i im- toe blghool Btel offices, tbu i! "in i ? r. : i. i - Cbaunce? M. Depot Jniiu 1'. H " ' noaC lti-i (il;-,.iud .s.itnu? i .*-. i o and wc liave fut? . oi.ii'teiiee that they jsisiae?'? sulln i. i power,capability, aud oucrgy to exeoeta iho ucede retorm? IV. ii BBttag t?' the sound roninioii sense'of the i?cop|i , convinced of the victoiy of tli? rcfort iiio.etiient In the National and Stale ? lectliils, and v. lioid ouraelveo pledged to c_UI upon tim-te of our res pall lots tato Oat Of p.r.soiial or party prejudices kee ..i .. to unite ?ah iisfoi' the honor oi tho <.. rtnen nam? .-o t.ial we shall uol icuuuii behind nur Wettete blotiieri ?rnnoH tv tnxtion to_n_n__ ?eaatst tokw.- ?iinif (Sr-rart, _?_, aft. r the appiaus sat stibsidi ?!, bogsa Ms ifsseh, of which aa abetne only is presented below, liy relerrtnif to the l8_BM__B d( liiountialloli ?Itlilil and Without the hall. il? sau that it was patriotism and not party feeling ami pal tl-aiislnp which liad calle.i tll.iii toi,'.'! lier. AfteT re mai kiiiK* that IkS tSOSttsa was wln-llnr ?.r.-t ley e ??rant slioiild BS < 1? it? d, and tliat tin* tyrants wishe. '? to ht v. cil i n m .li aloiii ?," he eon I l__M .1 : [ haie jit-! returned from a political tour iu I'i nii-y vaiiia, and every honest man in tliat State proU - agalasl tii Blastlsa sf Bartaaafl ami ta in favor of tin de.triK Lion of tin.- rumcron ring ; and I n )ou c tos., that la re, as elsewhere, my feeble efforts In the cause ol lleforu. ha\o met with the approbation of|ui} Mlow coiiutiy iinti. All gauA BttlSOSS rijoice Unit ttie ?rreal civil war H'? lu the pa?t. Two classes of tSSSa? BJBMSa ( iide.iM'l to dlviile liu? countiy by i_>rulclout (oii.'isels. Oin class consist-? of those persons of fallniu memory who have not yet discovered tliat there ha? ' a _r? ut war In the coin.try, amJ tliat certain old insulations and astnseSS in the riruoture of our ?otern meiit have t__in swept out of sight. Tbe of lier class con rl.-ts of those whose contitiua'ly uduioultory memory pr?'vents their discovering that the war is over. Certain ?Kwallr?! Hourton Democrats, happily few lu ntinilier, constitute the llrst party, ?md many BMBnkSBS of the old nStakUeoa [i.trtv aSMMOSS tlie latter, list tbe lb-pub boas par.y, then, arisen to the puni of patriotism and K"?" 1 sense exist in_ betweeu thes?I two classes, and (iocs it Utga that the war is ov. r, that its legit?mate nioelia bibbs he ?alolalonrt. aet thai Iks i?eopie of the i oniitry lit? ly divided must be icuuited iu th?: bonds of aatlonal reeoaelbatloaI If the party has done it then we simili.! riuppoii it. but if nut, then patriotism, duty, lore ? f our feini?* would urge u* to too froui it. At tin le aie no 'lafics lo tight we c-tli ill.-|M'iiue with a fa? mous Uentyel for Preaiaent, With linn in the ihair gnu. danger to the public welfare is imminent, boeaiise of the ( oiitiiiucd enmity which is encouraged !.'tween the t> ?tions of tiio country tlmt were engaged Is war? fare, because of increasing demoralization in pehllc and pi i vale affairs; Is-cause of party despotism, .eutrailla tioli, and the tyrtnulcal conduct ot tin- dominant party, and lastly la-caus?-of the fearlul effect upon the moritls of tbe put.lie resulting from the corruption of members of Congr? as aud other legislator-, __i.?!I>__tia_ tii.-Ki i.Aim or LAW. I have given you the state of affairs at tbe south. Are maitirt any bettor at tin North I Iu th? bouth we have ? hat? ful dcs|Mitlsm. In the North, by the t. ndeuey to ward centrall-Ution, w? up: approin lilug tt. In times of old. at Koine during a war there was a diet-tor aj? pointed In ?Tiler tliat tb?) repulido "might tuffer no tans." The Chief Executive of this country in a some? what similar way received an accession of power durlu tbc days of civil strife. Hut this additional power, to 1 uacfui in time of wer. le _-oeed__fiy ?tMtgcroae to the Ilt.rtl-'s of a republic intimes of is ace. Tlie a\ then revert?. I. In seal hing tonn-, .1 the Preside. tino m regaid to hsnto Domingo,thawing lUaueooottie* tloimllty ?.ml Hi?? tnallao WbN h'.' ? .1 it* OZacal too. Continuing, he said: Hcehowth.? l?r?? idciit h 1 , act".I B regard to the r locution of 1 ha? law*, a law of th?* United .tuiea foibl s the employment of any oltii cr ol th?. army | aiio'U the executive inaiisioii. Yet the President I.aa ? 1'IIV ?is I,in naietiiry .lie WbO liotd* ?i Iinlliarv *__B___. alo_?eod who remittee a aoJary m rvteo Merai l* an ?.sill' not so much to any one p*-ieon or to the i?< o liie as .1 the majesty of the law of 'he, K> pa Bite. The i're-ii!?'!;*. having thus ?how n his disregard of Ike OS tiiouiyof the lev, what, thee, sea we espool from tbe aiideriings? Tko apoeker taea .liu.?.) to the ir ach Anns,da?. _q<| denounced It, not from anv tiational |ir<*)u?ll?*c, but ?n ?1, eiiiiut of the viol, tli m of the law In \0lve.1 tint-in. The I'f -nient, said tin' apoaker, ask il h? tlioiigli tue country ulghl gtmyttam wiUi it* law, if It only earned money Tho ITesidetit als? takes upon bltnorlf to a?*?_Oe how meek of tue i.iw he snail ouey. The result of sum? iictiou nauot be either oo'pott_w ; or anarchy. Blioull this __no of tt.tnge cuutmue for four year lui.?, rf Tue speaker tin 11 re?., rted to tin* tiff!? M Bf tkS Adinln Istratiou at th? Sooth,where eieanttoaaen heldevof the iMsjplo to k? c|. 1 .nui ir. .11 Hi? ,11 |o .11.ik. \ote fur (iraut. Amid tuiiiuitiioiis BpWausotheapeetrr 1 do neaneod thane tactl-e, ea well ea m? asieeareeal ike ??rant party in l'eii.i-y!v.mi 1, win n? ?bey had presse?! lue parttouiiig power luto nTvl. e, and fo___l th. letitiary lo battio lor tin in in their corrupt couac. Tuero IB u?' ? oiiiitrv ou earth, ho said, where these things could , prevail. We, lu America, trcouieii ami Bttlseaa of tho | gi. meat lepnella Uui world has evcrstxn, havo lo enduru 1 what 11? ver would liuvo been eiulun.i, even in ?Ik? mitt corrupt ami moot t? ninute of 1 tie ? ffcU) ?l?*?iS((isuiN of Iks Old . .rid. if there is a BSMhUaeS prt*??eut win? c.i.i ueiiy I have st,it.-?i, let nkp corns t<> this p tforui and do iu llllsses, <lr<iwn?*d Iu a stiirni of appiau 1 .) I 1.111 gl.Ml (0 hoar thai llic*m am Republicans present; I love to talk to iny oui fneu Is. |l.-.uiftil.-1.| Tlie spoaker tlicu r.-vcrt. ?.I to ..n ?? ff.ir_> of the Ornnt Bl tin*>!i. an press to lila??ken Ins Otererler. T.n *e ncw-a | ?1 pel.s pr-iacu him till ne exposed lue coi rapt ion ol tu.? ?usloiu-.ioi._e oi New Y lt. Tuen tli?*y b. ..m abus,1.g liiin. Ag.iin, winn Mr. ?in? b > w.ts noui.ii it?-?i. lue , tu,et llegan to praise ttie speaker, ?ml to * y ho wou.d DOl give Ins support to the ? tUOi 10 .11 BOSBlOOOB. When li?', however, ?poke in 111 ir favor, the ?..'.?..t lews pap?is, and 11 lUitily 7'Ae '/l,nes, 1 ?igM aga.n lo BttOOS him. l*_e tptaBor taea racupMidetot urn aherena ha n...! made the on, ami ahoweU that the rasait would i>e to maks tun ( l?guons a r.irco? i__o the pluiithclte of Napoleon. IMS kt_U. JNH Ki)U Hl.l'l*i),iTIN?i t______t< I havo BBSS a R?'publican, he coutluue.l, not to nmk?? Grant another beata Nii|_?l?'?>ii, SSI to BSfeS SOT I SSttSSS a mere (arc?', but iu order every 11 on sliou.d havo Lisrif-.titH, that the people should rule iu this land. It h.?s 1,1 .u said Iliat BotBSS Gncley was not my tint choice. 'Iliac i* true. Iiut now there is uo choleo. The ls-u" i.? istwceu (jrant tuid Ureeler, and could I, as aa honest cm/, 'ti, give my aid to ??rant I I am pi actual in politbs. If I ?co e causer or [?-sti'iing BISS IB IkS hotly politic, I cut It out, not heeding tho iiistrutnent wita ???Is I cut. The Administration 'if ??rant I* a '?listant nun.m- to 0MT lil.rties. It s tli?- 000____B_BOO Of Ml ll'.)| n-SrlOU ; It denotes lile p.'1'p.'ll illoU O? party ?h oiinui. Uo you, frlendr, w isb 10 giro tkrOO O lin?v 1.MM ?-? of pOWO?'1 ?OneO ot " No, I.?..' I lloiii.e ?,.eeley el.'cii.n the ai'oi.t.ou of th?? ahueca of t_is Administration. It un ans rceoi. Clliation, peace, ana goodwill. It tneaiin I10U1 sly ami true OtvllteiTMre Retoma, [freetendomapp___a*.J CanwedealM whom toskuesel Ike va not?es! uifih?: e.i.okia'B ol one old pally to lose uu tilosa ot another. No. The linn has ?oui.! lor the lor.uatiouo! ne.?'partie?, alive t., tue i/arui ? o? lue pieaonl, ami dead to the oateeda ot tin* pasti in such a Bart* l take my rtanJ, boeeotly, eari.esuy, and unswervingly. X_0 \ii?er? wat. under the guiri; of fciivcrnuii ut?, an sinking ihn'.' blood n| 111_ hoillh, tun-)'? la? innovad, .-_ ?1. t,.iy _klU.W0_.l0 Nortti ' ,.n 1.. , protected against "-leaping banda ,i(',t'(..-s ti.e In. ... J CU.IMIII." He wants BtkSS ?Ual Has tin- - . 1,0; given enough 1 Ha* llhot-uowu n* ?oo<i la n I J- " ry demand oi aura lia* Beee granted by in. 111. ?.all WO asa more I 1'eillaps tin S. 11L.1 shin 1 kkuW Maguod faith by voting f'?r <?? a. lorhlm who hi:*, by hi? ? irj* t .?i . government*, BUBIgkl It 10 th?i brink of ratal AdmlaiotnaUeo orator* ??>' Bot like tee ?? b.oody ??:.iisiu." Wo sin li III! it up by es mg into it b.igg-'r* ami aeusawegeol the Bou th. aad the ?(irrupt oili.iais ut tlie kortk (1-tughiei.J Bros on t..ii_ii.iii.ii?'!- u.'??) int. ?root, it io to tko eeUere ?if Urn (Oiuitry that trade be lestoied at tin. txwlu. Au i BBS ibis bo d .no under SOIpot bet ruiel After an .?artiest Bjppoal lo ins audl'oi., In winch ho iiigr d the 111 lor liio sake of all they held t__Ht 10 do tli? r tiny lu to? coining contest for lilieit.v, the sp< ..lier COU 1 lude?! amid d. .iir.iiiiig and ioug-oouuui_;U appUuse. TBE INDIANA CAM PA ION. A CONSII?F.KAUI.R COLORED VOTR Wl'NTF.D Ott B? THE LIBERALS?RENEWED CoNIIDENCtt OK CARRYING 1UE I TAI E? LNEgt ALfcD EN 1 HI s|ASM?? <)I? OROSVENOR DEI-END*. MR. ?REELEY'S CONSISTENCr. IBT TBLKCiBAPH TO TUE TBIBCNK.1 Indianapolis, Oct. 1.?Contrary to the gen? eral belief, there is good reason now for counting a tol? erably tair showing of the negro voters resident iu tho city with the Liberals. The r??cent Convention iu Louis? ville not ouly ??really eucoura^od tho colored peoplo in Kentucky to speak out, 1 it also gave the movement an lmpetua in Indiana which will probably tell strongly next Tuesday. Tbe or? ganization in this section of the Liberals is going on well, and the effort to colonizo colored votera m ay, to a ?ertain extent, bo chec.?d by these Liberal allies. Tbe work and turmoil 01 the can vasa begin, to intensify. Reports are, of course, coining in constantly, aud as the lines narrow down, allowing tho very widest margin for frauds, there is eery reason to trust Im? plicitly the favorable poll completed last week Still no work is left undone, uo chanco ls_t unturned and no ntm-dy BSBjiSStSt us a pr?-ciitative of possible fraud. What Mllh tlio stirring stkstB of Mr. 1.1 (?ley's spec. lui?, and tho UlUgUltlCelit. results of the outpouring here, sentiment has for the last ten day s llaSS rapidly in favor of t he Liberal candidates, and tin- wi . al action Of IkS -oliiuilttte has engendered and _Bft BglOT tkSt fSSlhlg Oil pollti .ans assert that In? diana BOTOt witnessed euch irrepressiblo enthusiasm am! downright latSSSSl before. QOT? Ilcndricks tes filles that the uprisings are a continual marvel, and i?iv, ?jratz BroWB to-day expressed his amazement at tho sustained spirit und ardor of tho people. This Is IkO testimony of all the ( ?iinpaigncrs. No matter how many nine? demonstration- an gott'iu up at the different towns, ami probably then; is not a town iu tho State win re both sides of the (luestlou have not been illus? trated Ly favorite champions ut least half a dozen times, cm h time the assemblage Is as largo and enthusiastic aa the first. The f. n n.n.-t Lila call In tho West have been speaking ?lay and night situe ?-uturday. To-day, Truin bull, l'aimer, Doolittl", Ko? rncr, Ju"jii, an! Grosvernor bawl', eu at work. Iu one of the best aud most care? ful ellort? of the campaign, Col. ?Irosvernor touched the (luestion of Mr. QfOS_****S consistency, now so bitterly attacked, and said, among other things, these notable wonl?: Lut no other nil-representation Of the contest S8SSH to id.' so meen eo tko attempt to show that in tin Mr. Oreeley a us In fe? or of Becesalon, und the! his teachings then, if now praetleelij applied by bim aa Preaident, wi ul i bind l'un not to restai any new attempt to secede. I naaet IBal Ume editing a Republican paper near tew* YorB, Ktid differed sharply from Mr. Hi.ey In opinion, bnt I criticised bia conrea rloool* and eaadldly enough to expose ),(-!!> tue -ii 1 me mi tnurepreaentathra sow at f.-iiipie'l. It is true that in neither of his recent speeches ha.- ke stated tlie case as fully or colicltlsn cly ??s he did in ISO. In 111" i'ltlsliiii.t? apoeet ha say? that if the people of any state or Btetea, after full dieeaaatoo and fair expieasioo. deatred to so out of the Deten, lie ibouid have been diapooed to grant ttieir rcque.-r. in lit- Cincinnatiapeechke aaya .?is?> thai he ims alwaya dented tke right of any one'or ?my several states to secede. Hi? opponents, ?nth intlinte tuenuness, present these statements ea conti?dK lory ?ind ?lcslgne.l 10 de oeire. Bat mark iiow alapta a statement of Mr. C.reelcy's actual position In 1*51 shall reconcile the pretended con_rn<tloUon and show the conaitteney of ins .ourse. Mr, Ore?lo**, in n_aay , iiiorials in iMI.drewa aharp rUatin? Hon botan?* Ike utt'nipt to aoeedo by ferae,or without Iks ooneeniof othei' sitau-s, aud tlie eiideavor to separate from tbe Union by peaceable Hn?l ( otistltutiouai methods. He said in sub-tain c : If the p.-ople of BMJ- OSO STSSTSSSl Mat? s, after fair discussion, ?le? lare their wish to be s?p? ante! from the L'nlon by jx'uceful and con? stitutional means, I for one shall tie tu favor of greeting their rtMjneat* l to not iielleve iu a gov? ernment not I.'Uudrd ou the .misent of the gov? erned; I do not want auy Intiiii in which one pai ty la pinned to the other by bayonets, but there are two parti, s to the compact, and it ??an lie ??iiiiullcl by OOaaOM of both only; I,utterly deny the right of "lie or s?veriii .tutes to teperete nom the Ua__a n force or by dcmoustratloiis of violent purix.s? without tho con? sent of other Hiatos; any _11.I1 attempt to dissolve this Linon without regard for the *_ ill ol the non-seceding Matee, iba Qeaera] Uoremsaeot must resist, ami if \ntn tilde defeat; but un expressed wish of tbe peoplo of auy .late or .tat??* b_*eil upon a lull iili?cii..alou and a fan vote to separate from the 1'nioii t?y consi itutiinal ukiiu? and u|?on fair tenus, I, lor one, sboulit l?c ?1is|Mm?? .1 to meet with assent. I need not say that I then dis? sent. .i from this opinion ot Mr Orooley'o? BOB need I now M*i*at tbe reasons for that dissent. It is enough to show what his BeoMoo really was m I understood it, for thus it BOOOSBOO Clear that his htm-e<-ii?<_ at l'ittslnirgh au?l ut < 'liicininiti are not lurousisteut bul perfsetly in oeeord wit) each other,and with the position he originally held. Secession without tbe consent of other States he alwaya denied. Heparatton deliberately asked by peaceable aud constitu louai means, he held that the other s thoelt tike legal ami const notional means to grant, but uiainlultird tliat Ike will of the Unite?! .tatet should lie binding OfMSB each of tin* members of the t'uioii. Dis sent fr.un 1 his ?. lew as yi.u may ami aa 1 did, you still mu-l admit that II I? cus?s.-nt, reasonable, and a. cold? with the fundamental Idea that our i.osernment should be baaed upon the conseut of the governed, wblie It ?lint? the |MTfect consistency of tbe ulU'ran??*? at PltU burgb and at Clurlnnati with each other, and with the po^Uuu held by bun lu lat?. BPEAKER BLAlKCT CASI?. MOSE AJOUT BU M,.a.,.;?iATioN?I tu:. PMBHn PkmOOt _P in? PBABM in BSBOtl I'A< IPIC RIOt K. _Vv S?t_v If" PPPI rtinn were on'r ?\\ _*?t>\ priM.f. h..w awiinniin.'ly r*e A**??/0 ??ar^" SetrYnrk Time* mon A i*i-l i> A ^_ ?,u 1 lint tin- He || tn r? ?__-_ ?' ' t"l t?. ?aielil nialun will a? i! not* tsasibll. It at P t 0 t?iu[itnl to mes-t the airotis _ K ? ?leu.? ma <?f Thk Tain ~- im:, aiiowinsT that Speaker NB'tilne Sad ree.lve.1 ?1.600 ?hare* ?if I/-arc n Worth, <?*?v I'awuee ?ml Weatero K-ni w.iy ?tuck, worth _.?_.'*>. for iliFtni.utinn anioiiK meinitera of QM0SSBa by B-MlUra ?I?.latalli.ii-? that Ut? ? of Till. lKiltiKS waa V. a for--, ry. V?N| In to anderatand ^" the Blatter,It ta n?-?e*#arj the mlatlnal Miitcinent ?. aadebatreael Tiik Tkiiunb mT be i,,1,1.- ill lta- lull fon? und e iiiiii,II. ai.c.i . l'be lat-arib ___** ? w.,iti., i.i.,ii,?,, sad w. ?t >>>?. ?S eriiitHiiwav <? tupi iv mit* P** ** pra??lrt_;y the orWtnal ?if J i,., luiou Pacifie, Bastera _,' I/i ]-,,ii. lt mit wiui ?u?h A < 11'?? -M'.n m i ?m(ir. ?.?that, rS,\ bi .. iiuliUtatrii u i;liait?-r A t?. i ,i.;,l the roatl, the t \N p,i) berna*?? a n,n?i __>_? t* I nipt by Um <li*inu ,tiou of ""? - ? k ano iand? iot.'tui...????? t*. NtV** ? Bien, u<'.i->i>ap?-."-ia,i<'i >?ti?-i?, ^"?V^ ^N. ami lilil?? lor thelr f\t ptirad li.t'iiieliit-, 'lli?> la?-...1 ?? ??. oi the ? oiiKM-F? lu aft, ih? *nt t.) i um who i ,.UK ?ty ?? .m,mi,tof stoebferdG -J *\ tiiiiutioii aassap bto watos Js-J J\ ssatasj w.t* in. Pistas et *k\ ? >!_...?, and t.i*t limn ?-?N\ t* whlrh Tan TbJBuss tjaraad XV* t ? ? ,i.. ?i, in in?- taras i Si srapay, Iba (?.??i,? ? N , . ,., ui eio. g a-Stltb V v\ iii.n: L_ -T_ h ?, e ?t Mua*. :i'_,*,im ?s ^-**??^. I \ maride ai.???-, *},,.?.,.-,?_i?l ^ t\ % bii.? af M? a*. .*?.<_)? ?en *-\ Sa ...... p?.iiJ.uUJ *. sa JS V i ne tir?t an.otin* wa* for <L dl-al id?,, Hun ; 11.?' pa , .aal ?a, .ta e?] y... l?i.i la'a owe ? of t 11, nu? i. in oi.i, r 'tut G theft ma? lie in? BUSIaSS M j |?J Uata ?? il?. W' I'.O'l.l,.. larrea lib .?/,-?* ?i,,..'., I he, in li? aliKlirtl <*< 1? BBS of li m nu , u,-. .. ti i UM liai,.' M win., .i ma ? Blair, .in-i II pi i? ..?i? . **v i ... toen wa* muh m, \v *_. O oi ?i.ih.uiit ?I.H..UII- la sC^ '.> ,// Oan**r_at trw ta** mata to ?T J N )_ti_> a cnpauy atablas >> a . nail, r lo ?.i?.' lu m tu?? V? la., '.-? oi in? ?|i? il?. *-v ? '?? 'i- trais <>f the Matter Is .? ;?, **? thai no .... _? N **? t ** ?t? l*1 ul -??"au sur. i V\ >? ' h.??i>i?i.t)d, ana il? Y !.. , i, eu,.ins lo ?? . if tuai - , ipuej ' 1: ,., whl.u IOS '1 ?-K , l,'.I , i. un endtop te ?. a\ ii?, j fS, V. . i? ? tot ?. , ? ?4 (?lie? llulli al,,.'In I 1,-1 "? * lu. ?. colilla? l* ill w .... I e? SaiaS >,. lilall- aj i?e... . I ti uiir?,ii.-i< ? ureu i ha . .?u liinis's<opy of inn? .,. kl.l u. .Ulueni u ti. Um ?-aii,, a? that obtain .1 I > J in,. ? Marian pi, - . ? spoetoat i ?iii in ? ?oBfrrea, but rappeea ? -i ?t*\ "W Wm.u n.? Bias ?Nciilnr) of f. ' tit-* Interior, ans i?ow umii l..t. ?1 i,v the Tm.i . .a i h,,in??, the limes fill n r riaiBM tara tn, uu.ou it ai ln.'.ilitl lo l.i.iin. , oi U SU Sail al.eifta, WSS lbs i?-ot tosT up c.c*h ? as, whenii* H u m lbs n - Mis af tlte paan. and ?i,?* . ...f tu any way upm-are?. ...o loot luiC of anv ? oiuinn. The fae simile, a? ?orea, la rupio ilu, .-.I f.? iu tin middle of tin. aueet u|h,u anMS tan w??rd? ara written, and the dotuin? tu rom w_?.?u w? copy I? ?-ertiP.?-?-| u? a? uy too lawyer* eu?;i*_ui lu its* lasa? MR. BLAINE'8 DEFENSE tlE PHONOrNCES THE CUAKCF. WHOM Y **bl*__ ? A WMOLK?ALK llKNTAI.?oNl.V $11,000 IPtUPT ON THE MAINE ELECTK'N?Mit. t.UEt.Ll.y A SLANDERER. Cleveland, 0., Oct. 1^-Speaker Itl.-tin?* m;i<l<? a speech at the public ?xjtiare M Blsh*. lo ItM tafltw >.f which he alluded in the following wurda to the p, ritual chari*o? made ai*'iin.?t him : In THR New-York Tniiit**-- of Pb___B** I ,?f. andnloo of ye*terday, I am ehar?*i'd, not only a* a Bepresento Uve In Conf-reaa, but a* bjx ?k?-r of the Hoo ?-?, ? ith haT inir received ft,930,o?O of tbeatock of the i: Men I ion of the Peels?* Hallroad Company for my lufluenee in procnrlna the paeta?-e ?,f the ? rl-dnal Par de Railroad bill of UM1 Tai litinfM. givi ? t!..- data of in?? act in tb?' sume article in which ?t maki i the charj-i, not ?eeuilui* to notice in it? blind deaire t<? aaaall me thai I waa bimply convlctinf it*elf of falsehood and at Pair, Now, fteutlemen, pleitee observe in lo.', when tula act waa pus_-d, I hud not taken my ?>, at in Conitre?*; I had not beeo|eleeted to Oongrt I had not b?-en even nominated for ?"oni?T???. "A h. u ?. <? act to which Tue Tribim; rcf' r? be I w.i? member of the Mame Leptalaton and Speaker of Um Lower notice. I bad no more to ?to with Coil| le_ii-lutiou thau the flah-wardent and Ude-WBlten OU the Kcnucbec River, and rat Tin. Ntw-YniiK TuaosP SSSeitS and repeal* thai !?'T n?? Ml \ I? M and ii dunce In Coiik-r?*? at the tune I was member of the M laet*i*latiire 1 received nearly _i,i?Jt).000 | in ?to? It of a great railroad corporation. And no?'-. nBUessea, if ? wen to ?top here, after *tomonat_itlnp the utnr ah> aunliiy of this . hat. -, un; l'Hun >k would n_ae sal coolly and aay that ir-ix-akei Hiaiun had not i.-ni. dit. Let me, tiien, deny it m the presence of tola' ?ml deUYlt In UM moi-teii.pli ticttniMi r. N? nli.r in i_>a nor in any rabaetiaenl year ?lid 1 even t. SStrs or own, dir?-ctly <>r Indirectly, a -.Ingle dollar of ?stock In the Saetera DirWoa of lbs I'tlloti PselflO Railroad ('.uuprinj-, oi SS? Other dlv.-ion of the PaolflC lUllro.ul .pm\. Nor did I ever receivo a dollar directly ur ladlnctt] tram the M_B of uuy *t?_'k of thai Cooapany. lu abort, Keutleiaoa, I etamp tno whol?-?tory a* not only falM ealta tac?; but absurd and ridiculou*. lint I So Bot . ii? 11 to make it denial that will *ati.-fv Tin. IniitiM-.. A f.ww,?k since, when the ?tory wa? fI.iii??I that Secretary Bout well, Vice-l'n'aiileut .'.,n i\. Senator VUaoa, Mr I Held, Mr. Daaas, and :iiy??'ir, and othera, bad bribed by pre*ent* of i.u*k In " < r.-.ilt Moiulit i," I publlshcd a ?aril on the ere ol tue Maine ele? lion in," I had never ownid dircelly or indu.. Ilv, U:r. ui'l; myself or throuah another, a ?lni?'l? dollar ..! ??f<?'k in UM Cr?dit Mobilier. Tut HsW-TtNUI Tiiim ?). prOBO I i this denial evasive and un*_ti.?f*? loiy, and ?aid I ?lid not deny that I had re. ?Im-I iliM'l.nd? ,,r profita ' from. Any candid man, I think, eoald era ihat tap eut? nu* intended to h?? exh-nituiv.- ,.u?l t?. ei??lu?i>? ail aappo slttoii? of owuer-tliip. Ia-1 in? asty now , howewi, t nat no: only did I never own a ?_ in In the ?redit Momner, but 1 never received, dir?'.-tlv or indirectly, s sniifle penny IheiefioM Is say Bsaai r or i-iiaiH- ?.?ban ?, i But thi? mania for heartap fslae wttaras apstosl lieit-lilmt-ha* ?.l/?-d Mr. ?,i. el. v ?,? i- n ,.,? a? well as thk nkw-Vokk Tkiih ni, f?.i I obeerre that ta a n ?pe.-i ii m Peiiii-yltani.? bS ?tai? I UUM mor?- BUS MS bad been expended by the kepubltcaaa In Maine in the purchara?? of ?oie? at the r? ?. nt eles-ttoa. Now in tin*. i,rv nature of thlni"i: It would i?- hnposallde tor Mr. tir? el? v to know liait Ibll IH true, hut 1 k,,,,w u Is alt ? iiutrii.'. I am ? lialruiali ??r the Male <'?.in in. : i ?-t?, and on my SffiSC ?-?eiy ?l,,liar of ihu ftintla of that ?'omtiiiltee was (llabursed. and fron tir-t to Met w? .lui not have m ?II control of but little mor.? than ItJ.OoO; and 1 further 'tsm sert that every dollar of lb_ amount wa? iSpiJMtoj either in paytaent of ipaakers, dUtribuUon of doeu meiiirt and papera, or the bninriiu* liotn?' of ahu'Ut rotes?. These account* of th?' >tai?' ?oiiiuiti. a are ?ept with rl-rld exactness, ami Um eiitire < oinnuti.?' of ??? teen men wul ti'stlfy lo ill? irulli of what I ?tat. Iai rai_u Mr. ??r.. lev. therefore, -i? a itaadarar of Uk pablicaii? of Maine, a part? of M ?"a,laut and tin, .... a us ever cast an un pure lut*??? I ?ud uupur? ibBMMtl ?ote. TEI.EdRAl'Hlc MOt_l _Tbe new Academy nf Mask :it N.whville was op*D??l l_i uia-bt, til? t?c*,puL?.?a atari; pi.uuV. _I wo eobaadl irraii?! jurors were impaneled for IQf trtl urn? .? ti?? Luitaail Mal?? ( ?tort al lit?ilii?.l. fas* *:?,. _Twoof the four Anii'ii?au nuii-oi war whnli h??? l_ra In?? 1? di? turbar of Htul for aarcni _,??. t?.l*?i l?r I a?o? y??t?-__? aMralaf. ... K, RsllMSBaara, ths hanker, pars .t dinner iu I'si3? ?FSterii., it ?ble? Mimatrr ?A ?aliliumr. .3?L?'.er Una???, ?ed Mwr. h tin? ?nil Wbila w*r? pr???-i*. _It is announced that (Jov. Scott of South Caro lin? k?. b?-ajuu ? ?nit for hi,?: **?.u.i _U PaW-IeM l_MWa?SM ?tu?> (ial?i?i.a-J m il* i**ut< of _an, f Dr. J. Brintoti Smith, principal of the 8t. A??3a>nBf ?oli.reil BVh.H.I ol Kalciar). X ?'. J:?.t ?a,M?al II? b?,i ? alian naw? befor? Oouk a ?aklbu autrui, tau i? I* taaasjkt ka waa it.'.?.'???l. _Tlie Sieretarv ..f the Freaeury has orderetl the nali:?* m of uni- b?iHi?i- .??r*?* ,?' ?tin, natntlt a? _?? i.u ?, ?r?,i u_a ? il-'. i?4.yn,aa4 ?l??,?J->0 ni_a___ trou 4,Tat) W t,'.?. Us iaia?*_oa ?hi-! ?".11 ce?** Mot. ?. Mit. ...The United 8tiit? s Marshal baa ?sailed a war raat I? bankn-pta-r aaalaat tb? Mr5??l ( ?_ ?ai In.? (??auai?t ot l*?il ?.l?lDbi? Th?.? li?billO?*?J? .et. lu?,t. Auto?? lias., i.aJIlt??? ?r? Will?, ?..?lar k ?ae* ot W???Y?r?, a?*> ?!' . '?"**? etomstd u a U UtHntuir ??4J <>. Koltiaaoa, #li?a.*lF.i il? l?-_.- Vsll*. K_.r*.J ?.?omi,?iit, ?11J??.. U* Psilt.1* .*_ ?*?a KaaJias Coal ?_?J .Na?i??u??a ? ..u.,-.... S??, ou, K. .1. IVlat.f .N??-ai?-??., a_.iJ?Ai. I- nial l?a?t.l.-,l.,-.*H?t?l ?I,'?>),."_? _The Southern Claims Commiaaion has Joet (aolla^-w' fro? tb? a*Ul ?-?_?_ ? tf-tl I..I ?>l U?-*?- i? Vinrtl? ?>>? ?ol-lf?Mb. onl-ua?? mtmtoetmmtt la ?tt... l?*Jl. ?A _?? U* ?U,????? .rtHii _?ir rlaiwa la Ik* latar? iLe i_u?, of t???ltr ota be ptetlf ?o.,? ?eumaiffd br ??usula?U.raaat? itoll-lislaasl ?.*-?__??*"? oft_?du??li??lh?il?l?i??ti uta.? i? kaki. T*l* *"? ?PP'T *SM''7 St.i??.'tW ?aaa at thaaa .h. a.? ken tl*,m* IM Heat* tie* 0a__a? .?<_. H.?arW? Us? ?items, beea info**, molt OalenMl asfta? atta t_?tt??lM I? UM ????_?