Newspaper Page Text
~V?--. x\vi! if^Of__8. ' NEW-YORK THURSDAY. OCTOBBH ?, 1872. _MUCB FOUB OBSTO? CAHPi ? . INT " I ' ? i um in :niiiw, Moi. OB I im, ii, ? l.A , ;.--. 01 NI FUL I'LAN T<> i-,,IM IN I I . AN 1 N.? ; ,111.1;. ?IS < 3, '..".in to tur __~r_~rs.i Ivi'i IB *?' . lb- I >.;? ,-i'V??8 M ?in-, ?berall n tarn tin ? at ?the extent t ? nptth ft ft I ??.i,-' tin,' Morton pi opls t<? si ; ? N-< . '._i |? ?ii;.. ai .'? m? Isa A**, : b*3f> v...' , | III - - . ?wK'iialiav n ? ?v. ? ? tx? ranted, sad tiio a??? Maty Dhrtrh ? ?,f ehas Im.-, tbe Liberals are 1 . lwa*T : un 1 ; to i)ii> tli? ? ? ir opp - I! - I _nti its fro tli?? Bra ardor of II.,- pet p| , ? -. ' . 11?min? 1 r iii.iti whoa in- .?.,? "iii i t?a? BKrreaM * sad ? nu;-,: lona h-', tor all I :?? l >nppoi -. it? al afea ea s, ta IBs ?>; :? las boos of Ihsasai PBH ,;. imtiil ti.i f.'iii? mill ii.l ju.i?'?-?l ike int.: ??. at in- n?ralt of farte, hoi ?? to 111(1, irailty of Uir f_ i of U : ? vr-ii - | ami ? ? : ' , deas hi Miada? a. in fartim I ' li 1- Il ;i'.l wh *re i . r?0_t in ...i IfBOMs pui ?,>_*. IV ?' ? :u,?ts at pal ??? 1 attempt to si the rot? ?>"? ? ?tn_- I i I? v, hOSS :i ' ? i Hu. fr ' : IT lo iCi, i? ?ot **. 11 ram i " B -la , . I ill U? tilt? i I i- i.? 1 i .'arc eltl* Bl ? ?r?I m ?. h_B i?.:nl dei.-nov . ?. fur sac that itf v?. I '???il Liovi mi nt nhk ti . .i. i ,-i.t Is -, ..<? no i :T . r a* .. , acalai rtnn ilorlmia Tin nsmlnstfaiB s <?'iiI-: ? : UtiOD Of 1 :r.i, ) U : I.:;it ,11 loa?, Blarattoa has w t in fruit I-.? n: of ?ne saaatyla k staek] will give ? t.'irei'ly fair idea ?>f tli?? tin i*. Wti b a perfect atampede bascosas apea theool mu? ni man? l?:iit-i?f thS ?.?im;y tin- f n m lhat I y are off i? d nul "ob?r do ?.'ir," m?I .' ?,"??? IhSBS l-i no way to t-top he ?i? lu !cdi ? are froo to eoaas and go. ttom rtftlinstfd at - : . t ?, : ?...?- WOBld , s to tarry tin? itHic. a- : roa s J< ? ? 'ountj, Im] ? ; ? is Liberal ?,,i<- ? a i nfli? ;. It..?. Bp the German d 3,?h mni', ?, law i>>- parttaaatlakais , und then Ii re Ay bo lelil?.. .inn? l.y ti \n.?Ih?-r ll>ri?: itftv.i moou-il on tin- Iiuli.irn Mil?; and 1. .r si the , Ontiffl ' us polls lion-? ihata a* ? : i.i i. dtclare quite brinkl** ? ? \?i!l vote as < ft! n SB . i ,,f wander loir r ? I H ' i of eouutn?*., I ? ? : util \g Ih< ?? rTitli i?.\?K oa ii i,?t?iiMi?ly haattod for ' f the border tawaatotl Into* the __?*!?_. **n***,b_rel selr tini men, m <i in s tsBStsl ?.: this i-<,it in Jeaatogs ;ouiit? - tumid out wbere there uexr had I at a kat wa to be ave* Una. The ? The Illinois. ? bit unlit .iitn r< ,,niMtion to h-auu, ? ? lal major: Muu ? ?. , i.? : toh BTlMSdBJ". I.i.: ill? ?1-? ?'f the Grant SB the bordes i-oHr. The pal (.mut ii.anaiif*" at Jt?. rr-ouwlle, one Ewili?.-, is on i? ? that tiic da3- had rone liv ?? ?? MtatO, iiidt!. . uky to ilia-. :i??ni no Bebela ahoald ?TiT. ,..' ..f tl.l Mit.- T',e V,<*M llOKTO ratee, . could and would t,i swelled to ?s.ono uni' 1.. ? _ d. II?; Iiutiui tiiat thSTS ?ran in t BSSBM ?.urjini* the ?ibr-me into pr_( t 1 ? the Psawerals van haeftiaca ;1om .. .1.1.v t-, j.r?:\?-tit imy uuui ier ?if 1?.-. ..1 ii.i-n 1: S the ?lay la tlie obAoure ?ajuii:: 1?, -:iu t.j?. tli?- '.?.nit jwoiil??, under ?.t Id? rton, m-a;i i>> laaport all the i i__t .. the? often; to orcaliiz? Uni.o: -iii ? ?!:? n: WfeSSS Un? lit-, to etui . to \Ti?rk t'. lernen! vi-ii, - -ten for Hen ___*to _-_ileli : ? n.-t; und, WhSSS Bll . .ration 1 talnl oeaeep ?ion ?.f ib? - at this ?tage of tli.' ; .ally \. liai ?i?, mid Ibe l.i ."ii- SJ ??vt-rwin lioin?.' miiuitt-r? Miel jK-pu!.. as to l't _M fioui ? toA liii-iver. i-ntiin?' i;, o. V_a_i_n i* i??*_?b?? la thewai : a? a'.l tin- ? adai Ulli ?Uli 1. ? . I ? Va.,. I' I tod IB iiuntM. ?. ? I "ii-i A - I 11 ? Ml -..II. ? N't ?\ AD IKWTRATIOB ' rHB KBW I1...N LAW AlX'l'IM?. ...1. 11 rO TBS iliim.M. 1 iMif, s?i ?;?. Oi-t. '?.?lu livery cotinty in Iu i'YOlin '? I 1 al ?lili,.)!,.?! tti ta. da> tlte r.4??.rt* a- .1 > athaataaa. ?mi .. ii, ?ruir. Brown w,ii Oeerea W. ?!__?_ ,,.,, an sxtsjapen jBhOes was M,?- m?,?-t ?? MOftttae II. .?id. i? k ? witli Mr. J. B. i inii.i??t tli? ?-i.tir ? i?.?!? - . I ling **7."lKon loads of I. -and 1 - liov. I ?nd ?] aha ?*i ti.? aft?m ? Ian t?> mdlmlaBiia ?I Bin?!- I ?ud,, 1 I oetaei ?>f i Ur> v, {he lt. M -!> iHirii 1 ? an 1 ?-.,.?': . : tli?- i.,l.. . tmwu 1','ii.t i?),,i? ,1 1 ? I..?,' 1 outil 1. aud ,?'i,i, of the woi ' ' ?: ... 1..? UlltU ,- bl .i?',|ii.nlfl- ll',l:?'.i'" Hint liol ? I in 111?' \u;.,,u- o, In H-?' , n|-,. ,-, ,l.-i, . Hi,'I ".?> ?aati Lxt-I? r? l.ilKiul aadlciicee lot tUc aix-c-lma ot a|>? BhoBS termed " . - ? ??tor I. igan a '? ? ? pronounced t. i? -. : nil p? n| . ? ! i t,. a 1 ?*<t -teliliii .ir i li udj Icks. iflfel Ing row arde for I irt to aid tba ? ar? a R thnta If ?'I' | m In the Senate a III! .'..Ill ''-. V, lli ?ill''. (i III 111'- - ? I- ( '.-,:, I I II,. I ?u, but i! it : nt i,i. . jHitiotf '.i have i lie election law frxnied i New York put Iu force baa been granted n> ? i 1 liaty uf soon in the ('. ? mil of fi ? v. te . At !",i-t 'hu ?ill a. ri ? :!-i m ni.? tin? Btufflug system proctioed i l will Icmvci i . . f.,-. ia alten i ??_ ' the imported "patriot*'" from Kiutm-Ly it :. re. the r.\Mi.\'.?-. in oma PTOATIOB IN ?LOBAI* (?,,1'VTT? roi ill M'l.'l 1? I IBBB 1LCI II ni .u I ii-?- rsuni ?!'ii 'in res it:iu. i T'iTt.'n.Onio, o. - l',_ti?. Liberals of Lan ! ? 1.1?, i. ci :. n: u,i ettng mit the .O tdy IBta 1 | ,.:! ..f i ? I very detrimentoL Yetthoaghthee then, there ?a? <\t, te M | ' and . i?? Tba Be B._ai .'i sad i ? L ii'i I. wiuis of Bew-Terh were fi:?* prtaeipal apcakti is the stras tten apal in ti \V">tern i: terre, bel we bar? Il m Ubsr I ted upon. All '? oil lie BOBM) of Tin ro a only two Dem?crata la the eounty who reface is ??" for ?in e!cy. '! - .: Dnaoen QBOKOB ii. iiM'iiicN \r < im inx \TI-r-Tll ir : *:?.? i',i! si --.? ,i \i ?,? u i. Bl Q ?IM HV 11 - B?O Lib? ral I'- pal ..( r nf ?! > largi au . | the I. iiin\ _t in that ui?-. EveryeBbri to make tl meeting s sagesse wsa i" : forth by the suu th? ir ??..i I .. t .. i trgi -atla ring ( ?.. i .u I -, i th? li. i.. 0? c H . anda l'. ? Ward addressed the meeting. Extract !roin ."?'.. 1 .lulu |..:i'(a s" ''a ate .i? i n In OS : !.. rSSHBOBI "I llll. (ni A M ; ... T have r- id the Bpeoebee of Horace I n West? t.: ? i ? irday. Ha ? mea of tl?? i. p i napa t?-. ihej were broarht her tO lollO"I " ? in r of 111 ?I: !t, ill. '.ill and ?'oiitrni-t, the tome ol ! t ? i al met ufli? en - highest : , timation Ibe hlgheet In the i ol tbedr part*, ?en hi re. Mr. Ik la o, Lei , llatler, ?0V. II jait torwar. to .? beat aban the beat phase oi th i die? ol the B*pai<llean partj and tta effects on ti?> country. Ihci bad a doable a o! perpi ring office to perform. They moat al ones time land the popularity and power ai lan<__ so l'a partj to win your sj i. i?.*.;.? and admiration, an : hat u bad failed in Its work, I 11 ? i it. promiaea, and must be i In i In ordert? I.I'll- ll It. M t, .... and what arc t i telina tin Republican party haa bad the e?itire confidence of th? ni m . ; . ha be? n lo i owor i - i .. ... of war I i .i u? in 11 ? ! !? it! . with the B? he - ' tbi | lb ; It Ii . ? I sd :>!'.-" lat? paw? m tba Federa1 and in the State i ? ?t lias bad two-thirds majority; In the l*r< -i deli, y It ' had 11 ( ti.i . .;ln tilt' .It. loiiiul or u ? the .liiii-("-. - ???. 11. ? be war. S vi n i ? ar? id i?* : rears ol : ' itaworkl Pel on has been accomplished 1 Vtluit claim l< ; v. t title to loncei li..?.! ti.. - further: We promiaed d i?. see, tnit there i? no i? a? e. We promiaed ? on eea .(.*?:, nut there la no ci ? We promised yon a inure pcricct Union, but tl ri ? no hearty Union. We prom Uc i .? i.?' in . dorn throughout the 1 uid, i.ut tin-re can be no m t (I'm. ; then mu there muai rebellions ; the habeas corpus mnai be suspended; ti. ??.. ' ?uperviai i : ibe re? onsti net? d . ? i ; the ?? bib s are di -in? al ..n.t i-iii.-t i.< mi' t"( t. d; l ? rid must i" put ovei i ui PI i- their own testimony, Y i, gentlemen, after twelve reata <.i power, after aerea . t lie n, to a -.i ni i?.? r. And -lit. This li claim?their only claim, 'i lej stab U propetlj and lolly. Til). II kTTOBM, I am no alarm -t -1 .?" ??? Ibe evil to i ? i would no ,! :n api ..khi. tn j ..u, but oui of this seething maaa of rorrapttoa, deawralii trading la ol se, s? s ? ri of duty, p? t.-:.u.ii govejurn nt, rn.i BBS, BbadOWJ Bad ?. Igt portentona ('f a dire i aiamlty. I orrapttou, .un? ol Its dangers, which startled ti.' bi rl and i usclenre ol Ibe ??copie, i ! rtae to the Cincinnati Convention, it la I eotrvtetloa wbh*b has dwarfed antagonlam, and and husl i d the even of pi - tl ? ft try's peril. li mrlcUon which underlies tl i wonderful com btnation of men ??1 man) mlndi and differlnx ct.'- in ipreme stri ggle :> : ti on? iliatn n and ; invention met at Cincinnati. I?.??. . essen nal to the pn ti c i?. ? | m i ie. that ttiei-e . in* impartial Buffrage and Universal Amnest* - "f. m people, leal government, I ?n Executive power, the anpremacy oi the Constitution ovei martial bw and militan power, it declared that the latino ol ail " .i- ;" iple, purity of purpose la pul 1er reforms, and are our snpreme necessity, aud waiving all othet Ilona, it invited all who agreed on tuche to a h< an? and ? ? . .i attire 1 the li?*?rt ..f t ? Demo a tn party. Polit. Nl, tbongbtful a ,,'u doubted, i" id men hesitated, dmM men were , ? tbi i" f "? ral atinet with patriotism, anawered the ap eal, and ..i Baltimore declared thai lb' bl?hest luteresUi oountry, the best bopeeof our (toverament, the snee of liberty, required this cooperation; that t lie. Bepnblic must be maintained ami pre* served before ?t roald be administer**?!, ?-.<! that ns f? r ltseif und tt- adh?rents, it would .nil former diflneneea, lay naide all party j n In? dices, f" rg< : an pa-t bitterness, and unite with au who would restore peace to oui people and our Government. Gentlemen, humanity has been ennobled n ii. i.i- of m?. ii. iiiai und self-devotion, Bea dared an Idled tor tl.? ir country and their God. Tin-it ; u.?cut in the ii_.-? the advance ol our race t.. s batter and aobk r being. Hut nev? r, in all hi-.toi y, ha- there t.. en an act of mor.- unselfish devotion, ol purer magnanimity, than tin- ?>! oar pan ? ? WHAT ?'.U-1 rOIXOW <.KI ? I I I '.** III.' _N_g. Qoultewf. ths stoatlrssm ti Ihla -dghty movement ?i na ham been teteVtasoacfltattoa and parlBeattea? It is tlii-, and it la uiore. It 1??we linve bSSS tol?l-a pure Administration of ?-on. titutioiial leglslattoa. It is tin-, and it 18 more. Its hi, lieM IIfatft BBSS, it- Bhtofi J! ?Hin. la, that beneath the strtugtoe af partj. and ?ant? mutiii?; them, i?. >, there la in the Anierii au heart a I? re ntry.a spirit of patriotism, which risse ta the .. nf the country's p'Tii, mu? speaki to - every aspiration for it- safety. iplrittla abroad now ; thai spirit cal ? i ; it appeals to you all, Demo tud Kepublicana alike. v?!,?ie it appeals to your ? promises safety to your material Interests ; imerce, protectiou abroad snd freedom from op u lit borne; to maaufacturas, stability In ! lion; tn agriculture, exemption from the weight oi na? il taxation; to capul!, ii..-.a from govern? mental Interference, an. euhjection i?> Ibe la??- of tia.( -, to labor, the froe enioymonta of the reaulta ol Its Induatrj and to ail laborera, merchants. .1 man) the ruh toward! to be gathered in the Balds ol iiniiun f throoghoul a ri united and peaoefal i ouutry.4 Thai -i'i?t wni kuow no weariness and seek an repose except in triumpt Itwlll move on steadily to a greai ami liem tin ^ vi. im ?. ** Whoooarar shall lat? on this atone shall ha brok? n, bul ?m wboiaaoe*n Itahall tell II will iriiinl linn to powder." Kepublicaua. what more could you ask than t be I itform an. Horace Greelcyl la then any Dameeral who halte and doubts aatoblaeoum I lather? auj who feara for his consist? ency, 't doal!n the dui ?' oi l'aiii 'ti-iii / i love pai i ba< w it? eoarsge. i know it. parity; I believe ia it- ptlnelplee; i i? \.?c it- w__k__i; win u u peaks I wlB obey. " \n m.a ?m wiser tii.m one wan." When it- wisdom rity shah point out the i raa and tend tba way, what Democrat shall say be < tinot tread that itb with houoi . uicyl ??!.. ' patriotism shallettun* anal Uemocral ?hail -... ibat ha t-? i??*. ' in, iwtb? advice 1 When it? ly aplril ?_ m pride, wi la I ? i : peel Mr. Un ley, il ? l'Ai ll_i.ll ........ .,,..1.1 roui i i" ' ? i.,- w . Ii ii" Il a.' i iiHl aff? i lion lo . ? , that Le %- pui l? ai il I..;.. ttj in .'.il MUM we ( an obtain no more, RHODE ISLAND POUT? I ?.HAST 1.1.1.(!''!. ti, AM? CONOHJtSS HI. ( ?II. I (?It A 1 111! .U.U. Kl.l'i 111 I? AN ? 'SM.N 11 " S . ii i: ? Oft. ?I.?11 ' 1.1..m Bapablicaa C. C. - ' Baa iM.rt, li i ? i ;., it . i i lict.i ? Bawsrd "f ? '.? ( a u v. ami .1. : n if. : -? it late, w? i?- Bomlaali .i f,,, pn tttat Th? Qiaal l;. pi bib as Ooa \. i.i.e.. 1.1 ah Bastera DBatriet rsaasBaatsd Bsatessis T. Kin ? ? fur OSBgNSa nncl th.' *>?____*? _? the Wittern 1 i, Domin?t- ?l Jam, ? M. h udli tua fui CunartM?, 'ii., i.,,?;i,i? were entirelyhanaoaMwa, nmlnattona Itrios ntianlmoua. 'I'ii.' LIN rai Ri pabllraa Blata < ommtttee baa laaaad a .-.iii '?.r a si,.i<? t ? > 11 v ?-1111. ? 11 to iii.-.-t ai the BUte Banes )ii tina ?iiyO?t. 8, to nominate Electoral ami t->u?;_.?B? Ucketa. ANOTIin* UBIR1L TICKKT IN AUL-UAIs. AN ATTliMIT Il? C1SATTON TO Ht KV F. NT INKVITA l'.I.K I?! Pi M. |flT TKI.I i.IMIII To TIIK TRIBI'NF.I LlTTU ROCS, Oit. 2.?Tlie tiikrt wliifti mm lut lu the H? l?l li. n- ycKt? rd,.y, under the fait-?- tit!? of S Mnew liberal B*_bI___b** Us?m, is ?imply u more of Cla*~*toa"sts tarai and. statsBMrvMsMssV t st, Then sn ao Liberal BepubMasas la Um atora tuent, t .,r ;i ?,*, , .1 __J oM lu' h fi ? l:<,nrl?on Demoerats ??in.n: ci.i/tan bas scgaa ndtates rosaadtSra an,i fur Hinhadwith rmiiiH. "Dtspal ?. n _ .. iv??i tn thi* < ity in i!.,\ nom pcosrtasal bm*s la ail parts of the state, rapadlattna ihs bogaa t?k,-t. Pas psajartispsslSittj saderatood t y the p_ - - sa sap? portan ISTS that? ".?iirrbasrd by (iran? < ?ayton m?.m y Ali tin? member? of Mi.? tieke* v. Al deelliic, except tbOHt? ??*? ii" l .t B ? I '? I t?. ti .ale IBS run for money. Till. FOUI K Al. HITl ATI???.. To the Cd il or of The Tribune. Bn: .In?. Liberal and Da____rat_> **______? Heao to ArBaaaas da not al otthoMUeaal Uehet? Ail i - ila and Befonaen seres Bponths tame Bl? ???ni C '.'??? ? Dlauiel tleheta. IBs tarn matamtbi i? the - d la a cat looae fruin tbe aelhsh plane oi ?-, ,-?? i to ileel biiuaell i,? the Benale, \?. ?:. Doodbi i i . ir.. _?i. omette. \. i 'lAMi.i.a, cm r'y Lib, IDial* ? "in Little U .d!, Arli ,? I'oi.i?cai, NOTES. Tbe Hon. ?Cad Sclnn-z, baring beea sailed |0 \V.?-?iIti _...ri. It will !'?? lapos :!,!?? for liini t?i Oil the appointment la ? peak al _r.ij to Tbe Liberals and Deatoorats of tbe la? Con I ? ? " rate Conreati .. i>,uia, resuma**, IBs lanast aaaatoalad Leali Qottschalk, and teat a eommltteetotbc latter, who, while concedi?? the candidate i" the Liberals, objected to (?, i. .'k. wbe ?upon the Liberale tidjoun***-. Uli Oct. ? i ?.?rats " ?I io n,,' ?.. Hive tbe Liberad an opportvaltj to preeeat aama other candidats ii Us v <i> sin ->> la d.i. A dis'iiiti'li from ro:i(-:]ilc('i']i.?ir, l:iht ni'-'lif, OB* Ot ti..? I ai-?.?? .?t SOd ni"'l i'!itl,ii.?:i?lli? iNillll r .1 jr.iidi rtngl i ur In 1,1 la this ? ity BSBSSBhlSd Bl IBS ii ? i en igte - i le ss sddnsi froai tin- Hun. S. .?'. ('..?, ,i lio in.i I, ., oh. BSWSS i,, i ???a ,?i i,-, ti,, ii,,,i. .i,,ii,i o. irait? b< n -, oandldate ter - -, .1 !.. ( n ;? iili-r ol i , .1.1,1 ( _\ i ii? M . i i,' ill, a.'ii I :i . i'.iiniiiii: . and a m loi :? Forma whole Urform ticket uiaj beea : ? I uoui Uutche?? County/, including Wlulebouae lor ? a0-,ili,i- K, ' OBITUAEI. i ' . ii: UN i? i:. Fratirif, lieber? I.I, I)., E-ofeaaoi of <'o*.?ti tiinoiiai Hi?ii ry and fBl!Uca] Beb nee Id Columbia Law .. iio.,1, and one al the moot dletlaa*? bed Aiaerieaa Wl-iti-.> mi t?,.v. raillent and r.vil law, ,11, ,1 of heart din ease at In? i, -id, in ?-, No. II Bast Tiiirt? fourth ,, ,on, si t| uvi ?'k. ii" had basa . poeed lot a fan du?.*, sad aras ap ami ai, nt t. . ?>. ii i?* death i? tin .i nH.ilrii pad SSTCfS MOW to his family, and Hs an? nouncement wl',1 lie read With ???now by iniiltitild, ? of pcholars sa both eoattosats to win.m ss wan en? deared. The, avangesseata f??r the faaeral hars not ft t i,? so a? rr,. -, ,i. ? ? ,,,n. in-. I.irl,. r was bom at l,.-i .1:1. M ,i, li 1-, 1 I,and WSS urejnUii'.'ly in 111? ';i?l year. BS ? nt. r.-.l IBS PfeassBM BTS ? at 15 a? a volunteer. Hin re.'.i.a lit WSS Sta?OBSd aear the frontier, ui??i hs took pert Io tin ? oanti tee? nid Wal? rloo, ami was severely wouml, 1 at the asasnll of Nauii.r. ii? tui iiim: to Barita, ho was tat ot -. taraje mum er of y.iun; lu i man? who re-m-ted the n.iry tendencies of the Qorsraaaat, aii.l was arreat? d a? a Liberal. Ilavi",? psosurad li i n, hs w. si "-i s ;tii Hi-? itadlsa nt IBs i nlrer It) sf Jena, 'i ,.?? Go*rss_ann_ placad ah , i..,'., ? me:,I, ?,n,l, at IhS BBS "' '-!. hS |,|,? , ' .1 to (?;,.,(? |S SSSf v-iiii ?,:-..,, hSSOMldtO Is la fin??.-, i.- for ni.ii'iM n,i, n,-. Batrav? eled on fo?,t thro_**h Bwltserlaad i" Bareelllss. After ?.?teat prlvalloM be rataraed to Ital/, umi was ss fortaaate un to bo received into ttm funiiy of the blatortoa Ulebahr, whs was Ihn Bobas la.iilor inn: I .i t,, ei.uii'.iy. II. ?lent the peats 1--'^ sad ISSS, and bli remlaleeeaaee of this period afterward pobll bed are a Mad sf jm n-an,i ink j?. ? -, i tartas that that be -.-. ;, . in: iii.i', .-, Will- !i w ? i ulili.-lii'il ut LdfpsISi ??ml n.u..-..tie,I iiuo, r laiisaes? Bacooraawd Ig proml n ot iatet*f?hs r. tnrm.l to (,, nu.m?. bul - :.:.,.?. He fl.ent Hie petted of 1.? iin|,i,- ,:ni ? nt m ?in,ly, ami in ? ' ?.? m-?, wineii, throaah in? iiitiii n," sf Ni- i.iiiu, ware i-, ,.:--,? i si B_rtta aaderthe n.line of Ainol'l. Ai,i,".i..i b] OOatteBSd i,er??-eu ti,,-, , i .n'li m ?ineil lut Hia.i? t,i a,,ate, ho wi-LltoKu tiaiai in ity?, tai sappurted blnwalf darlas s -? Loadoa bj prtrsts teaching sad h] coatribattog t?. ?,,rin,iii pariodioala. la 101 i?' easts t?> ths I ?.mi delirei I I '? :.??> sii - poulie? r. loe lar?.'? r . it i? ??? of tie- . unit'.?. 1..1- ' , l, bent toward physical training whi bhiaOermaollfS bad ?n.eii him, in f.,, n i,d i BWlaimlag ichool al Bootoa, l?l>i.n tin- BjrSti la ui '" ?'?? Pfahl, l?ll|,:l !.. h.i.l l,e, li st Barita. While maiding at Boetoa ha editad IBs "i;., ? " Con I (I ? ?! I , ? I, i I, llalu ,; : Bi abtu Uraa? lateda French worh on the tevolatlonol July, II i rlmcb'a life of Kaapar Bauaer, |i" Beanmonl a ad i?e r_ qnet lile'?o rkon the r .?\ ?? -:? in.? of the I . .ate?, lie i inn- it.'d in t.i.? eily lu IS39, ttddiUS an Introduction aDd note?. H? w,?a next requeeted :,? tbo iiu-t',? of iiii.ii.i Colics? to dm? apa plan of la? ?traction fur that luatitotlon. It waa nubllabed in i t. and in theaame*reorappeared In? "Letter? toageutle men in oerman*r, written after a trip frooo Pbll idelpbia lo Miagara," which wee made a eetitog for a acete? <.i anecdote? and philosophical dtseaaaloai Mtcasatod bp tlie J.airii.-y. Hi* NU bahr remlnl?? em ??- ?v\y ,ri (' '' ' **.!,T1'" *" tlie .-.une year Be wa? called ir,,m Philadelphia, wbere be i,ir?i i? ?-li ?I, to nil the chairo! UUaton and Pollll al I.,-.noy m i-nntli CaroliUH Col ? v?? al < ??lui ii.i.i. m thai Htate. Ho Dili .1 ihla poeulon till I86S, when li?- rotnoTed to Hu? city, and war. aim? _ ttn ? dtotely ? ?Ik ?l to 1 ?imi lar chair In Columbia < ..|. ??.??. wuiob poaition b? tilled at the time of hi? death. D H blareaidi tot InBonth a in- publiabeda large aamhei oflmportani w?,rkf, 1111.oui; which were the loliowtogi "AM mnal of Poll tl 1. |, ail .,,!,-,! .1- a t. ? t i.,?,i. 1,1 11,11 ?,: I, and commended bj K?_1 and - " Leasl and l*olitli al Hermen? utloa. 01 Prtoeiple? t?- pretatioaaad Conntructlon lu La? a. Pi *' , ???.iwri of Property: Eaaayi on Prop y aud La OSbm. New-Torh, i-ad; "Civil Libert*" . 1 ,-.'ii ..,,\?.riiiii,'i,i." M ?i.:?., limo., I'ii 11. o li i 1,1.,n, he? uf 11 vil polit) occupied lu* attention, portlcnlarlj ,|,, t of |,i nui i- -"i-i.i'i-ui, on wnieii be wrote " K?.?a?r 011 Subject? of 1'eiml Law and the I', hi?, . System," ?an?li?if.I bj tbe Pbliadclphit? Pi line (society; "Abtue ?,f the Penlteaientiary Power, publlsbed By the L?gislature ol K??w-*korh? "Bemarha 01 Hi 1. Fry i Vu ?. ? ol aolltai) _ aflnement," publiai 1 1 In EukIbuu; "Letter on the Pardoning Byatsem," pnb ,i?iieii iy the i?, trulatnre ol i-oatb < aro laa kaud s B a n,,,,. iio',?. 1.1-,,,ii.?i pepenare: "Laltaron A:.,.i oan ami Uallic m Liben 1 ? mi o C na y ? .ml by tbe \ litt? 1 maier, who alao ?nperlntondcd a tranalation ??f " ' ,\ 1, 1 a Mpel ,?11 tbe TO Luna Hi ?if ,11:1, the blind deal mute, ecaip.iro? Hi. , 1. in, in- ol pbuni tl ige. 1 ab lu : " bmltbsonUn ( ontributioai to Km.w i. .1. ? political artlelea ,a Tuinum? Mtnlhl, ,,n ?? >> 11 )??,i m sad Utah?" and aam rou? annltenuir] aud ui ,1 , , ?. Aiii'.ii?: hi" ? tillable writing?, -..n? aaeamtog hi,-,. . lua < '0II1 .??. an b - luanaral .,-. entitled " ladlrldualiam 1 .1 Bocl amor* luiauutui," m wL.rli i? manila,':? i,. thai ?'?? ? ??o wbieii in1i11.11 ufe iiuiKC?, and thai tin on. hit m 1.- to exelude ai liber, but to ??- ?.1 tin Ir tun limita: and bta dlacoarae introductor] toaoourae ul l,< t, ,, ? ,.1, in, -, .1, In tbe Cob ooia i-*a_** Aucieul aud tbe Wodt ra li > i..-'*-t l'oiil H was appototod Arbitrator ol the htoaioan ? lie < in, liiendsbip ..i tu? li i.-.i-i. 1? ?,t tbougbl a? kinnt, . , . - Hi- ?? '?? and u ton, ()?- al Kwmerj, aaeimnenl -? ?? utist, 3U1 ? las in?. ? 11 1 1 am 11.1 ?' "fr -Mini. \V ill linn I'ii?? nit .**. until ni liailtiinori'iii? ?I ii a ? barn then- in irt.i. .??ni i ,, i> 'i .1 1 -,mm,m ashoolodaoatlsa 11 ,1 |,lineal Uf, as a \?iln< ami w.,? an Bftflsa? -ii?> sarta ?f Mi tarts. Ian ? -. . oil Hie li I ?un. ..Ill Olli.. Ka.Il>,ill. ami Wa* I forth 1 ?.n m 1 i.d with 1! and nulio.d inter? ?I? ?,<-i. aiding tbe i" -i ion of 1 ??i? r of urn 1 ,. Uon on in, Baltimore and tun?, Railroad; ami I_ .n? di.? iii thai ??i ?" ??? i ?i Mana* 1 ?.f Um ei, Net?-Yol Ington. Mi Smith I, Id tin- 1,m.1 ?.. i. ??-i.f In?-n,.?i Be ven m f,,r .1 r period la IMS, and In l_n flailed Europa, id ? . u a? ,.iiiy >,..i? i,- lb? peeae,andeTlneeda viarm I Uli rainr? and a I,. . 1 ,.[ 1,1.11 11. I all ii,,ii, .?11 I I'l'tUilei-tlua. ui,,l bad 11,111. i ? ii.iiii-1,:...1 fu ?..1.ineclsd wuti 11. ... a,it throughonl ti??. ?000113. IpBKySYLYAyiA POLITIOB. DODKW of im OBAHT-CAHZBOI ROW. THF. BBAflOB POS YMIIKK.'S BBIIiilB QWtTB? BCKBTI iv in-? POM ___io.? PABBOB Bf B10TBB8, AND UBBBTf OWBBBD to othkk OONVKTS Pllil POUTICAIi HUlVlCKS- AT T? MIT-? TO I'ltKVKYi HI ?KAI KW Ml_N UtoM VOTINO. IFBOB TUB bTY.CUl, COR_I..pO- OKXT OP TUB T_lB-_ _.| I .III.ADKI.PIIIA.Det. ..?Till' Jlitnlofiof Y?'l .''8, wlirli h _k ?o ?ho? V? ?1 t lir* moral sense of nil honest i?eo pli -, i,ot only In PSBBBJ Ivaiil.i, Imt throughout IfeS ' SBB? try, w-aa I.uf a single eian'ple lllii-tratlnn a practice of tin*CssbssobBtagiths full extent of whleb win j raha lilvnei.r be wl (illy knot? n. It is a n? rcsMty nf tho very axlatea?B Ut lh__ Blag thai It <?hal! hold the keys of the Penitentiary In order to (H-*r. IBS mouthsOf SSM atid clo-o the lips of other?, or make p? -tippnrt the price of pardon. I>.?iking at l'. fi. in :> i out-ldc point of view, (lie pardon of TariMa laetai ii, ? t.ii.c i.ii.i pe m,!, cation of in- statement waaagrava political blunder.and Is wo eonaldi thinking men of all patitos, EUs atatemonl la so lame, :"..' hi i k -n lightly on tin* graver chargea that bave basa ina.?galas! llartraiift, und denying others that wen i ever n adi, that ?t did not require the n p i? i r an ' Alex. K. B? CI u ? an I Th* RMJ ? .?i i in. o? a i pose it h treakaeaat aad it na- aroused many bones) men in Ibe Oran! part] who bad before paid little or no attention to tin si lion? ma,n- atsatasa tli_ Itinr. The whole ?Onir ?w.iH ii confession of weakness, such a? Cameron and hi- friends bave ne vet There to a point of vtow, bow* trom which tb? ?erk? businesa appeara in a ?I _'? r ? m :i rht, 'Ihi eon re. to i>? the p gra?, r aecrete si ? t??? Bing than any thai ?BVS yet 1? ' n BBsda public, and liirt pardon m i.. ? : , have i i.-aiy I ("her ?o i lee i - tileaee than t>. obi In from i .. ?he worthless lettei which be U reported to bave -i. ed. This la Un onij reaaenabb ex] auatlon I beard ?r ibe matter, tor no ore believes Simon Cbmi ron tnd ble political friends to be foola .'?'"l "" sae not devoid of comiaoe eaaee i i I bar? totted la bars 1 I: . Hi : OTB! i i.. I Bald that thie waa bat aa .?ample. Already reporta arc received ?mm d! ?tant par?s of the Ht..te that other .ire about lo i.-.) frc?* on eondltli n either thai thoy .import II.nlraii't .r I'll ? Bndef?OBIOPBOSlBg niiu. Letten teeelred barethli aaoratagtallyoonflrm all of ths BtetemoBti sisda in s e? onlrom WQUasaepert, printed to Tin: Tsmnnsfti inic ti. pardea ut Botara Tbera ii so tooger any i douMlag tin? co' dltteas ob wbleb thsto mi n ?'.(!.? ari si liberty, "i : " Bester, s sotortoas criminal from BcburlkM County,now in i'. P tian foi i ' n a n has bt en too? ? ''in.,! n n. He i- fil'!'.?-< .1 to havegi altu ibemfa thixed with Inui ( ?a r itoco hia conviction. On Muni, y la-t u ?a- dteeevctad t?i.t a pa Ion ? inen p? -n,v. iy promised to him Imm?diate!) after the election, provided bo woald na nee for II mt...iff. and to make ia der for hlaa to perform bis part of the contract, fc. baa been promised to . ?. r? Democratic mioer who ca to ble vote lor the Bing late. The entire plot n ?mw koowa, lncludio?. many p which I have not ; ren, aad there le im doubl it win i.e part i .ted. It m feared, however, thai many .ot.. i. beeu Um .ni, ami that the Dente ratio majority to Hchuylklll mil . i.e gfoai '. .? n ni' ? .i : t? ? it it ii? . that ition.ii ieadlna Liberals and Democrats In the county have expected t.. >*i?. .,, iorityof from i.soo ?'.''. ? . "i tii? result In ? ?? which I Bare seen la tb? bands ot the leaders of the pai i i? '? ?' accorded it to Uartranft by a tu ..i"ii ?. a uian boo*n M i'. i/(i " ih auotbei <ouv_ i m th? P? nlU ; fu Bev? n y i m-. i> i? lag bean guilty of aaaaull and battery with intent to ktIL li receutly vialtedIn prison and promiaed pardon i?tii... - diatelj altei Ibe election, provided be would u Influence again tScnatoi Recker'a rnHectlon. Hut the mau'a sense i r i onor, ???? n I bough be la a ? ont l< t, a? aa too high to i' Ml he soul lor ;. d ?tor i> ? _. r Hint sssured him that be would rot in bis oeli before be would ai. ? pi a p ii'lnii o." mi li eondll I .?-Altor. S11SJUU to i-ri ? 1 si a Pan F.l.i.CTIO!?. Tie i iciiiii-taiiceM under ? Bora ?'? BeaaaBlf in.i.l.'i.e.i ir? somewhat t millar to the re_?l( r-i of TllK Tullirse II? now SWaitS Btol for KB .itt? nipt 10 murder the Serosas A;- '?*. Brooke , aad the lia, t.?. n aeatpoacd until after tho oleettoa? B.Baohsi BWOpe,* * I Matea I'..-ti u t-A tl,.i n. y f.,r the Weetrra Dlatriet of Pennes raala? Sefeade him, aad it if po-itivciv saaerted that Kara bas placed in lwsps*a i ._d*> s Btateasal ?on lfli****a IBS Basase <.f aaambars of the Wlii-k'. b< ,.i ??. ? the beada ?A certaln men ahoee Bam? to be upon it. an ?l who, toft to themselves.I i -, id vote for Bocb* uiew, wiii M ...i la promiaed i .. uittj from puuisb* un m It In- will but keep secret tb? names of the Ors n t in men ?ho are also on the list. The cases 1 bars named an? oaly thsae where the Blag, while tamper? ing with , . ? aud the ] ' !. i list? ipa desperate cause and bkle Its own r? ? -? baa been nnal conceal It? work. Uowmani in perdona bava bota Bold within the past moi i, now ay raen have been* they hi to guilty -((tel- and vote ?or li DO DBS MB till. .1 trieb o' ?-li -. u..i.i? - of politi? cal opponents from Iba vttina let.? wi.h..ut dm. ootice hi- been carried on tu this citi by tbe King election ofllcera B i meter extent than caer i. I- re. ?low \ of l.- WiU (1. clion day, tn.i? tin .. : .! i. ..i-!, red, bo ".? -an tell, in making half a dosen es i -, ti:t-> m? i ait any al tempt or ??m:..ti ol Boding .mi to now ?_. at aa extoal tnu , bad !... n ait. m).i< .1, i learned id ihre ? caeee. Oae ? of a well known law, er. a Bo I? i ? . m, imt in!.!.,i? to ? a. t' ? [he :?.!'. '? w,m ?eiii to In? Imita: winn be w.n , o be aba nt ou . . . ? iimi ?nt i? promineul ral Bepub aenl to 11- bona? wh? ?. n h.ia known be would not ri - turn niitil lai.- . r..i(ii!iiiiely It:.- ?vi!V Ii.rwiii'ileil U?i notice to blm.and tho court peri uptorlly r? itorod hie i.ame. The 11 ?! ?...-1. .n of a brother In-law of an a? live , llvlnx in tba letter's bouae, bdt em ?Boyad m au uilioimuK town. H? ii mie baa not ?et a. n i. -* re?! i ..-1 iw allows a atan to vote even if Im id imt registered, pimidci he tir.ivcr. n ? rlgbtattbe .t n le nt com te h. ped t.? the election a Il neglect to gruduoe proper pi ...i aud?o .. M_L .<?l.o\J7.jx.; TllK BTATE WITH ITEGROl B. A M BBBB ?SBWI PBOB viu?;ima. To the Kilitor of The Tribune. Silt. I have let-en Mijonniiiiir ?it \\ in? ln-i? r, Fred? rteb ?'oniity, Tlrgtala? sad there lean? ?u-r foi .w tag tocto, wbieh ??-..i he roashsd .'?. by thatoOawlag^ ?amed gcaltos_ea, whs an- ?bcBobb thai aeeae a? - i taken if the affair i:i ?our journal, viz.: BobaSI J. K:ii'/, ( -,\., I>. potj taetiB, and James 1'. 11.h y. (???*., Couuly ci? rk. both "f the abare to? ainy. The ui aad part? bava tu en for .line tnue rBBBtag n? ?ioi I li cm the State ..f Virginia te t_?? Mats of Peaaaylvaala, far ths purpose of icoariag Iheto rotee ta thai Mats tor fliaal. aad s tor? ntiiiit" r of them !..???? been already ^?nt. i,j~t Friday a wb h mai i ; i >i ?' BBmith, baliingfreeB Armstrong County, Pona., gathered a number oflhem, and would bare taken all ol then ?in on thai p.m. train, but the el meter of tba exodu ivered througb i lose qo? rt.. oing ai rt watching, -?'?eral nat?a nu n repreaented te the negroea tire aaagei iii>-v in liy tbua violating the law, an.! In rousequenoe beb namber sensibly dimlnuibed, unt.l whea the tra?a ? t .??is. :iw ware bold enoogh to accompany orant'a i ul\ a tin. names <-t four of the Uve n< si i es ??!... accompanied the agent. Ihey were all from the eltj and count sforeaatd. Barnes of aegroea: K. Franklin, i y, Edward WlUon, John RowarS. I: (id. i.l-Vj. D. e f ,v iii;i.??.i.Ji_s-r <.. POBTT-TWO PAflSI I BB?UGB M kBY___BD. i.lfif.) .Mai.1. I ( . ?two it tin? Damber ol ?on' i__?tall__en1 Bl ffiii \' i-':i. la l" 1 ? in. I ? m .. .1 t li. .. . I ?!. III. ?...?el'llUI? III .111'! the l.d'.el 'III (lit . '! In.? und. ilini.'. ti. m' ti Ih? e ?1 Virginia negro voter? passed thro -ii i town ?m Wednesday morning la i Thejnbn sap II and their expenses paid oal if bltran -lind.'' ai ?i inc. ii.juii. 1? ?, seul t.. ' .?'- iu i ? u .Mia tn ?ote airiii: i i;i..-k lew, lacbargt?af t_ wblie men who im?, been appointed aeomiul tee te . fi .m Vu-,- i. . mi" Pennsylvania aad to ? . i i. ,ii : Tin"- wiii m. u Im- teal back to tii.-t. Vir glala bomea, dainjured, with aa extra dollai oi itrmn , of ru m. They m rived on Wedaea ('in III"! ink* I ? tin* - ' '? '" H" i . Ill'-' liai., "t UM Wll.h II lOU< i:.,l> l.lll ..?l l.I Were ? ,. 'l II II 11 V ,'(?Il ? e I . .1 by the white man who .'?...I them la eharaaap the back tree!, under th? drj i?t i--? from the B ? .|t|?.? t'. I!' ?'ntlii. I . lid Valie? depot, ahet- ihey q tbe cars "f iba! r. Ilroad for ".n i .i destinai. whether It he Greaaaaatte, ?.l.aliiiM-i -' il,.', il, i i -I .it!.,:., an H'. iRTATION is' I ?M ?-i i i: ? "I Ml. /..?_ Tkt Cat I.,-! weak n?- referred to tin* fa?t sir a n i.-? coii'i-'i .iitown, aad woald pro .e m.-i o? vote We ?'. ? tint know whethei thej ,n. : ? ? *, on know thai aa< api was n..... t ? rag) ' ?' UerewUb maj be foaad tii. Him. ? O? i ? n|...i t.n 'ol.- : Ira .! liiw?. r i an iwii-, i.i.'ai ??i.-iiii._i. n. j.,-. Barb? u i 1?..'i.i Ualues. Ai. \. I'.irkei Harris Uordon, .i .nil. Lewis Berne* hi..: Albert Klchai - are all from Baryiand. Bom? *. -. ?.. i ? i at _ei . ?-i -uii'.'i m.n'.i,. ?mu i? work m burn kii i'.- .?u,-ti. tn.?, board on Umoa -t Preserve this i i .mi paitara Ulve every aaaa a vote who to entl lied to II, bat ??a the other hand n.i.i m the bitlei ?dl attempts t.. p.. i an liles U out I Ml. \ II sna BXPOBI I ION \v ?-iiiv.n.N. (??t. la?la ths ??'Hi*.? of a lot.- bsbvsssbBsb pasterda) alth a gaattoa ia a l to , .ii.ii.. li.r.,1. i.-, referred t?. the eoiaiuB L'iu ilBspgSlttoa at Vienna ne-tf tf.iv. and hn*w?rt that ,,1 n [,|i-i'i,t 11it n of An,?rl?'i?ii art ,? || i?e fiiiiml in cof-ipcttti'i-1 wttli (lie DTodW ? I. .i-opean ?kill, even if no Gov?-i nni-nt all hashaoa ! ?, a? In other countrie?. He ? , ,r. .i ? ??. I oten t Ion of a .'.In lna forthcmnlng Me? tage t?, Congre??, for a ?u li? lent appropriation i a delegation of Aim-ruin werhlngmeo lo Vi'-nna, under Hi. diiect.on of the United Btatea Commlaaloner, tien. T. B. Van Boren of Hew T? rh, tor the purpoee of i?-*port init upi'U ths- progrea? of the Industrial art? In I a* rev? iled bjr tiie BxBMltlon, Hi?) delegates to be ??<? le? ted by til?) ?iiiioi:? biaii? I,??* of imti.-trv to be repre? sented aud BOBBaat" I t-? Um (i..vetliment for approval. It lll.!t.\ .sins. (BEAT M?TAIW RAILWAY COI.LIi-l')N?I. -KVKN PBBBOBl Kill ?ED ?BMIOBATIOM 10 A. dMI'I.i. 110B <'i IHK _V._f___.__B OVBBLABB TKI.u.K vni Uni:. I.DMai?.', ?Vcdneaday, Oct. _ 11*71. A terril?.?* ae_k___t happened thin noraipg t.. s psassagas trata Bras* ti a eitr loi Bdtobargh. 1 raaia.i ? at B very rapid ajK ?d it ? ?une in c Kiike l!iid?.-e, with a fn Ighl Haiti, SSBSlBg the insta, t death of nine psiBSBS, M _Q Btk- r? ate _jBH??' Is (bared ?. raral ?f Ihsm ? III < u.e ai ei.ii m to the Lead ssad Edinburgh paaasasat train have como ta bund. All the t Bgras m _*_lag ti si the Irala wu* hshlad time, ?. runnlUK at a furii ii.? rat.-t? iniikc It np. Tl.e SSSSM tt tin sttSSStl r Is n. ' hi ii< m CsrWslf. _M capital of ruin i.? * Li nal c'omitv, aud a trata asi bssa Mai tram that towatobrtogtoths ('.e.ui umi waaadsd, ? ,iatrh frniii Csrllale ?ay? that elcrea p isoas trars kBtod ; t Hi.? raflwai i ? **_?_ u ihlt *sTi*s1fff Ihs sasahi r ? j r, d SI iH't -tat?,I. Dartog tl.e paat thr??e month* 61,000 cmlt-ranf? Btftod f ?m Lncli.1 fur Ane ni a. Tht SlSS???VOtBBBOfgBBi ti.?i pioneer BSSSal of tie. new Has bStWSSB ?"aidiff and Bi ?.-York, made a mi. sBSSfBl Mal _**? y? -tenia.. A dlepatch from Melbourne, Sept. n, saps MM Over ... i 'i. i.,.:., h in.t? has i" sa . ? Uli, tad. ???PAIN'. l'AiriM. m -?TircrrioN Of tiik monastkry and PALACB Of rill-: BBCUBIAL BI ____ Maiiiuii, Veda? ? . URS. A ?__***a_*h __>? tho town i,I V ., M Brtlss fi ?.m this cit.-, alumine..-, thai ths cslsbrstad memi. tery of the Eue rial was Mm? k by Ughtatogthll ? ranlag, Tlie baOdh* : war? ??ill? kly on lire, nnd ?<> rapid wan the progresi of iIm ... raanagi loa* i.t thai Um dssas ami tower ef the BmAgtii*!e?-lit ? d.ilce bave air? ,??\ la,;, B. The Boyal 1'.lu? e, with Itl ??,', ?:(!?d library of boohs and ratatlngta and rare ami sostl] maanierlpts laaawla Ham??-, and Bl tl.o date of thin dlspatst tniie i? ?i liar eiitly UttlS in ?put of WYtBg linin deMriielion tlie min.sah uni i.o well a? the Haniiner res-id. ni I of the BpaakhKlaga ? brtgsds si sag_?srs, tally eaalpasd with -n .? hi m? :.? i ? .-? .-. I.?i.Ma.lnd f<T the I',.? ?.. ?. l-'HAMK. iv? OBATIOK PBOBI ____CI AND LOBBAJBB. Iaki. Wein sedafi Oct. ?-*, 1SI_ T_a departan froai _1bbi*b Bad LorraiiM tt ahahttaata whodseitos to bbwum Ganosa eiti-en ihlp are apea aa tarawaae seals, it hi sstlmatod thai '-., ?i, nigrattas llsatiaas will taha ap tht m Nancy alone, win!?' lai ? ? will go t,, r ( lit? en! perseas left M f. rtnlghl la .?.?i. Imbms asilar Lrreael |url .< Hon. The populiition oi thai ?H> *M B BBS _ i- ? i . :?.'? o i-? MEXICO. ASSAULT li? mUBOBBTS OB OABBI80B PUT To PLIGIIT AND l fir. ? <>M CARDBBD??COBPITIOB OF ZACA Tl.l \?. SAN' P__B__a_0| 0?t. 2.?The itTBBlffr Mon? tana I ai arrived lire from Cjintyin?-., With news from Mazatlaii to *-.]?(. 12. On the !:i'h ultimo, LfSS pro? MM. temgOt ili-iiu.i,.l, d IhS ?nrreiabr of tffint'flB (ieii. PlSStS r.'iiiHid und r> iiolved to liefeinl tin- post. BS ?tutu,ned .'.i i..minted in. n and t?io ||SSSS ft MS yards m oiivanee. The i?lm,.i,d??r of the j-arn-ou i.? ipied the powder magasin ? and bameka. At n ,-, i k thaprsaaasfadosattael laaddian lhadstead? cru m all ?iir eiiuiiH. Gea, iped ?if Us hocae and ran toward tl ? -, but BS beat Mag at hau.l ho wee captured. A Col tel and a number of the? - were auo captured. - the Government i )"?" " ete in!'..-..', "torea waaa the Cuatom-hon? under s rtroag gnard, and together wltb the Colon? . ir. .11>> court-martial for -ta-??.t ln_ nine on I iat laat. The (tor? i m,,r of BlnalOii ? - tit k?-n prisoner from the booee of the United btatea I irisai Biaaon, when bs -??.13 bid. Mam a. t.? ?t i..,. .1.- ha? ? been committed bwthe ?toce il,? ???itry. The whole State ol Biulloa la a total wreek. M< Uan and the moot important pocti i, ,n,.i the ?o ,.ih p,?, ted away. Leas than a ?loi n u roantlb hot? a have, -within one? rear,loatorerStSO, lOwli itromtlw?nunder tin ai ?i ?? ", i"., -. , >e mine? have all ?topped working ex?, pt u fawwkich wen taken poeaeeaionof bj the viet?,ru. Tiie country li flooded ?miii eoppei money,a dollar belog wv rib u??t more tban ten seaia. Brer*) Iwny who wi-i.?- c ? n.i.n,?, ao penalty boina enforced, AprlTatS letter fr,,m Zacateca? ?t?te? that 1,000Gor rrnmenttroop? ar? moTtogon Daraago* tbat Ptaoeda Veca ?1th io-j meu fruui Tapie 1? advancio-r on tionora : Porfirio Dial and i,?..?. MarQUci, Palacldv, aad other? are at cuiiiuabiw. _ THK LOSS OF TIIK AMF.I.TPA. i \ki rC01___i i)i" tiik di-a- n? !:?< ?it ?ir OP IN yi IBT? CALsK OP Tin: ?< B1___BA__)B? San 1?"ham IfOOa Oet. 2.?Tin? ,-ti amor China, which aiilred at so*eloah Ihli laoratog, left n, ag k. : i-, Aag?lT?aad Ta_afeBSM*SapC?T. AaMaghsr paea BM990f the tflkWIS ander, w of li.e burnedStSaaMhlp Am. in a. Kariv ?m Batorday i? onavh Auir. 2?, the Araerles ar riM ?1 ?it Y i kol,ama, an?l dm in?-the (lay latel? ?I aii ; eagles and ear-ro for that p.,rt aid transfer?? ?I to tho Bhaaghal braaeh MaaaMi ohai wun for Berth Chlaa. T' re i,mau ed on bOaN the ? Mi . r?. and crow, two Ur>t i HagsrSi IBs saUls toa) ht Cfe in? s?', dssSBMM for ?I" - K..IIJ-. Af 11 o'elo? 1? Bl i, ,*tit the _SMSlSB was di? .i !.. In- on lire. Sim burmd uutil tlie afternoon of foi,,-, v, when ihs ass towed oat ef ths ?.?vof the I ? ,. r ' .m? and ? I, bedde a number of Japanese. Tun??? humir. ,i tbouaaud ?, ?.' .i i,, t..., ur?* and a light trelabt remalaad on bo.,ni in, \, --, i oben horaed. The i hip bad inen -??"finag ail day. At 10o'clock at niel.i nil ?mim reported ?aie, traen 'ii<> ofloera retired? A ; i fore u tii" - uell ?omctblug bui n aad maoke waa tlUcorercd rletaa from tin? ireiabti i,, n,u ihok_l.ee1 t?i-i(?ou. The ah?rm >? ?- Immediately Koui'Ieii : Capt, Dooue ??a.tpii.- ,,i3t man in tbe aaloou I hi 1. " i . ieii v i3 iliivi li !, by the .?In'.lic. Wltll rnarthi flame?btmrt forth,deciding ih. toteottheeblp. abc taiohe B_***??mtedfloodiagthe in.ik'ii?iw? and attention waa turned to aatrlng ih , t ligera, Thi Chtai.a crowded the ladder, which gars way, precipita ? s t?cm Into the water? BeToral m.? cegMiil alt? Bipf? u? i? mad'- to alnk the t.imiliii* ahlp by ',, m,,i ?? -, in ihn barbor, ? Ct/urtoi iii.|uir) a.?>?:, .c aaai Bhepard prealdli ?,--.? : ,.-.i bj Minister De Lona, Capt?. Shirley ?ml i*, i, i. lit. r bearing the i rlden? ??. ti..? lonnd that tin-i.t?-ai'i'iiai i- i? m good working orator, bot that tin- Mi,.- ttoiewhi helapeed before a atraaa? oi watat tea? atail d denote? a want of prccantlon _ ?.-n-at tar-b II,- i.n_"i' -i ? '' in. i.i. ?' iteao to the amount if .:o ponadabad boon on tiie donkry-lxitlar at the tima the alarm waa ??,?, ?a. and the Bras topevpas mi.ilr.on, -.' .i.i proper expedition la worktop tue Urs bave ', in extingiilabed and tbe ?hiji 3a\. i. i . la ui.-tl; due to tin o.'in. i.? ami crew torjbelrgal i ntn and i-, i , ., : ? i .i.? iB i.i, m, ??.i? n , i, -,.,t,,. ,,.," ., ut. ut. The iniiiii-i'iiii-nt ?nay bev been antlpoth - tatsfattl the ?.team ri |. ? ..inI'itii.v ",i <iiin? i -, ,,i- the '.i,i ?nal thaCalasas ra were ?upplleu with larci iuma of Bs-vney. AN Al'PKAI. POB A III TO ? r-otTM! UN < BUBCfl*. I In \.-:r> - u ,m?i u.iiil. ii.?of ( :.i??t flniicli, Chsrli Ion, B. .'., ? -. all i... bsb* i - of tin? PrOtaataal i, ? ; al Chan h ta '"ii- ooaatry to balp It in IU vi n,.. : ? to regain tb?, active and ? lb ctlve poalUoa it held at in- be?,, n. i'. g ; t!,,- ?..eitWar. Iff l? without t .. ?Irm,- i,,, ? ?.?,: . k, a lea Iti ? iobcIvi a t?< perfora u ? m 'b- fi eadaol thaChurch will pui til. in Hi a ioi.?l.. on to do oo. A BCHOOBBB LOBT 01 LAU *:i;r i-:. TOLBOOi Ott? _? I.n-.?, tin? only snr )?),t"! Il.e ' I <? i% Sf ' l/l.f 1"! ..!.? of Il.e tell,?oiler it-ipui. w.,? broaghl la this ?it> l# daj bj tu.? oru- f m ?on. l'ii? Rapid capetaed to a gale on Prlday aighl aa I.??., i.. , Low n.oi i,,, i Sour?when ? ! lip. rBB_OB_J Bl RRU ..l:\rn. -I>1\ Tlioliiar? I i.ili'.a. an ?-. ? ? . in. ?1 |?!i? ? :, ,a?i of balBf ll,r..?ri i ,i??- tin? \i i.?!: ., .- the - - . . : l. .1? ?ir. ili-t If II ? Lt 11 ? ?l| ,.1.1-1 'I In? llliiuii? (it nul I..?.?i?. i H ?day - ' . .-?, tier Urs*_l ?\aiaaa. GEORGIA BTiEOnOK. I:ST1MATKD DEM HAT?C AM) U_HH____ MUOKIIY O? 4" - : BIJOU DfB at ait,!--.?-a gai m or soc IN ii: ? : ? n y. l'.T T K!. .<.'1AI\1 T<> TUE TaiB.__.l Af'Of'T.v, ?>ef. '_.?Wt iiivf ftSamki a i*!f)rionj victory, l'art lai returns from sil BSSttSBS ?t tie But? I _n.t I? mo ratio majority of 4O,0i_k This city y.\i ? .-'mlth BBOat __:) majority, a gS-SOfSB) SB last election. There i- . ; "1 In.* amollie oui people, lioi.tlte-, ... our principal s?rcela, aud the utuiost entiiu.ia-ui prevails In liber .I et relea. A. I'_ WUKiliB !<?__..?.:. I i:kti.:n. i.-.'?! tiiii- <-?t-_ri_? _BWB DKM? ? . I, Ol DU IN BACB ? ail ? BAJ ".t., i IMATBO AT BiFir IIIHl -AM?. BATAS ?ii, OtL 2.?Tit? Horning BttM will puli!t-h to-ntiiTow r> t m .nil???, all of whteh, I B oeratle majorities. The majority In Chai am < intyla IBS fallowing rn nafme. wbl ssraBeaad wMaS now trlve 8,i?i i majority tat Baalth, (-*????<', in UB i nior'Ti etecttea of USB, a eombtead ouOority ?f _ou f?.i ate? Warren, . ?'? , Bowl ?:.. a . ! Ibaapa, i? tasas boa .t?* -how lara-c gates o?st those ? ? ? nearly .'.??00 in I j.?i.ty. Til?- etecttea was ono of tho uiost QB_ I I Ai df.-TA, ?ii., f?< t. 2.-The returns nre cortilur In atewly. Partial raturai from ths t llowteg seaattes ?rive Smith (Dem.) ov?r Usttl majority : U.trtow, Itiii'., ita.'twni, (-..i.'., Ghtessa, ? .. ? i.t.n, ' 'ritham. Dougherty, Tloyfl, Pulton, (ii r.;.:?:, Henry, laa. Loa sites, Monroe, '. bo, Barrap, l'ar-e, I'. ...!? -, T rrel!, TSIbst. wiiii. m -, aad W .ir-n. Tlie otlicial count al Ob kthBSI glvas lb I DeSBSSBBBI 1.1*6 PoestarOaastJ B carried !>y the BBpBbBSSM UfPAX an 1 Tl.'.l: ai C" . '? - 'ill... Bertb ?.'. igte baa _? asaearatte, it will he lapaa sioie to give anything a ?re - it -'.. rv In light, bal then appears to b bo do M thai the basa tantea?boBteteb| ...?, x. a Ml ??.-? ^*a lrf-rn paBod in e?'ery cotmi?-. An..??.: ?.'ia., ?):'.. 1 . ? ?'. turnfl fnni VI rcir.? - - ?'/,?..' ? Co'ieti'u'ion, yetvtn B '.itii, the UI f..r Uararaar, isj If the Milne , | tie l'.C < O .UtieS to lit ? majority a Arci-T?, da.. <>( ?!. '.'.? . . ?.a-sed off nul.'tlv Kirhniouri County give? a Dem jorltpef BOO, baasa a stain upon the Owietcs vote of lfrroot over :s?u. The retiir-i8 cam . :a Bewly, and tiotini..: o.Iii l_l can tm gtvaa satll tomorrow, lb re in sodoaM teal tu? Deaaserati an i Ubesatesanp _hs ? by an over _!.. Imiag majority. i : i kICBfl. AT BKAX>QDABTBSS? Tho,- dispatches war? rewired laet eiaalsg by Cat. SthsB Altea al t_u Liberal Bapah ileadi|nart. r-: BAB, Oft., Oct. _. ?Tr Ideal Rn-ell of tlrecle?. iiinl Brown? A. Bi fcr. lAVABXASL '??? . Oet. 1 ' Dl BMSSatll ni ?oui tt. will be fully 3O,i?0U. A. .nil ?. . dlapalfhee Indaced .-? d? i Id? dip pit eaent feeiinj aaaoag those Is the baaaViaarta -. and th.? rie irj to -.e...,.? waa regarded as only tiie _.uiLtiin;,'of _ ?. ?? ? il triumphs. CORFUCTB ai TID VOMalM. AN AOViiAY BSTWB1 M TUB BI <;-:?'i - ?Mi BBIIBI ai BAOOB?Uli: lil.AMk. V.BOLL1 wiril TUB l'.)l_ll!.K. ib? tt unira to rn bbbbi M OB, Oct. 2.?A ii-'llt ?icci.mkI al 111?' polll . . m a .'n, to-day, .i v tog aw oi aaethas ait. mpl by Iba m-, roee to tabs farelbh poeoeeatoa af ths polla, a fossil whkh they bare inceeaBfuIly praetteod I ? BB three Ble? lion?. Very e.iily in tea uu.ii ...k tl ey musse?) at the City HaB aad starel -i laara to thapaBa^aSthi Coart-b ?i i- ths c liiiii.ind of tin n l?-ftslai sai HoBteaaate and -asBSBBBh (bass tiny tasad a smaller unmet, ptlaeiaaBy *r_fSaa?BBd bajsi erowdleg upon them .ml fSretag them away from th? POIIS? A f'W < ?.'ll i . ' I ' eil .11 the de UM mace, aad thea a atochara of briehbaM cbbbs from ti.? BCgnMB, f. Ih wed hy an order from tiulr leader, J?H Loas*te fir. up.m the whites? tathsaaasssaf ??few BSSOB?B BhOBl SI pi-t?'l BBS '???'< d!-< In. *| ??.I riom hotl ?ii'.i-, iiy ?.liiiti one', m n wa* kl :< ?1 and Haas .i??? or ?.is seejiasa waaadss. iwo ?.r ?h. ? BBSBaSS deud. The ntt;n 1; eSSBS from the nc, iocs, und tin- Bat ta bets gtesa ?us taastaattalsi bf bb_mnm at?daviir batess ti.e ?ei er ladgs ? ala Ml H B ' be __ ?ho WlM in tli?' Iinirt-boiiv, and lilm.? If a B_SB_BI fr.iu a ?Miniu?v tint the sagtaeebsgaa the s_h_j? lAarfti Ight? which teatad bal u r. \? irti?tali*. *hT *-*1h -f tbi aaepueelefl Is baste Slaeaaer, SeetesBaj thattiiey had n.?n driven from tbi i lis bj ?? I : ? ? sad i _i t bo dtenee to rot? i. I i> Ha'.!, ? . by the Ma'. tetinif them p?'rfeet pntOettoB ffotu a siron_ for.?- ct special police which had 1)' en _ ?v.rn In f?r the day, am; free BCOSS" to taut )n,\lt. Lut with lew < x, ?pilon- tii.j ?sCBssd la vote, aad ?aaphawe BSBahaaas. ttSBhsB nf till- llep!. inline all SB ?- Simply ttl<? retll.t of iili.lUn I attempt by the aagraas te earn thla peeelaelbf ? and a i. tn'; ixpos? i tbi ahnet loproveuta of the ( llti.ikC. All IS qui ' a. ? i ii' i.n* tun". A ROBBAL olli'i-i: ?LDKB ABBBfTBD i"" BIOTIBB. Savannah, Ga., Oei 2.?Tho slaetiaai throaghsal tba State an* prs0asrias bbdtojr? At i (.'. lock J. !.. Hllfailt, lieptitv ?.' ct.. r of tie port, at? tempted to ircitearnt at IBS PS__k <>a B l.iputy .beriiT araartag lnm off he r. i.i n au ! at., u.p:.d to draw a piatoi, hu? wan clntil.e 1 in. I .in; rlBOaad. DELAWARE LOCAL ELiA'TI'iSS. A 51! u.r. BBBOCBATIO majoritt?PATAL ak Hi?v Al IBB r >i i.-. Wrunvorox, I><1., (>?-t.'..?Coaspleta retaiBi porta oi the State af the riecttoaa, yeaterdsp, tor Aaoaoeoca sad other local ofl i D bmmbBi niaj.r:ty of U, !?elnir a P.. paMteaa gate SB tes ?"te ot tWO Ti SIS BBS fer BSBUbI 9BU Utt, At BBIahoro*,Bas?es Do Bty, Bohrri Down and Ren. bos ? ramti. id QBaitoted at the ele tton palto, bi ! Down Ihotsad n. .!..". ?- ' ' ...iittiM. l>.)\vu -?as ar* MOMO? __?____________________.__________________________ Ti.'i.iKii'.APni'' pon - _(leu. Francia A. Wn-k.-r. C??mm?Mtoner <?f ? i .-i-.: ?-_ i ro.._?>.r.3,|, u! ? ut.K .Vliuul el . ....Tbo Coroner's |nry In thaeaaeed the Raw? J. Pr men'i ?rl jl Hr : p ? , .?ettn al pu mil: nil ?>.. ___ rt ?i? : .. T?a? sanuslconcla :. ."???? wici. . ) '. . m . ?.??Ui:? ???th. _Fort.? thousand dol?an wen .stood, y? ?tel - Air (Ir r.,B ?teesflwai si _bt s?. i ....The Btoekhotdafa nf th? .' .:, b, aad ? . . . l.l - ? 'I l . . Kuot, il race K I ..... M i? IkM, Juki ? ? !'?'? ' O "SS, JuLa Y. i r?. ? K. - t . > J ??. 1 ' J M l'r-iii't?? .n-!. A?- ? ? . ? I s__Mt? '. . ???? . 1 ( l.l KB- AM? .?'A- l'Ai.111. ? UV Ti KoKAI'll. Jacob Spell heruer'?? alaughter*h?i ??. 111 t- > t ? ! i - Il ?" ? i?i ! BH '.f ?r?l. tWO ' ' ' enera ?Th? r?r?|_' 'r..:? _W Pu ? , . .. ..r. ? _( .I V _-?ll - tsst ct iht ?SunUsi U ta _A are in C ??nringfleld, M;i_-? yea , ? ?? U/?i Sii,*?1 ?u.a. ?I tlva? , to 0 0. Patricfa K': rl Km. 1er. who were 1-iOfr.l ' ? ? r- .? ?Il al .. - . ? re* o ? Mu .-u Maiyn -?! ! .a' PittetOB, M" . BBS killed ? Il atet* ' Un til sisa Ser lit?, abra ta? . I? ,u:.-i . ti ???? ?t .,.- ?L : i....... ? . ? nu*. 'I ture tu- m Mei.'r.'.l ?? t? rtiav ,?.l un ? ? ? ?a f?' .- . ? ? . .? l?. #. \ ? ,, . r ? ? nyi _.v, i.. Krru.l l'tiol ? - T--"-? ? ...-? s--.??*, .?(?inn ? . . meut *?;.__?