OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 04, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-10-04/ed-1/seq-1/

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Vo?" XXXII.IN?-9,821).
lUnui-itiR<;, Oct. 8.?The Hon. W. P. Sclt<
the I_it.it Hi rot m ( -tulld.ite for tlmi'iiii'i. lias doclli
la f_vin of Bu< La!? w.
? HOU E__nrotl__Hri? iiicI-Tion? an f.i.
Q__\l -111(11 riiou ?ui.. Mil lit I
1 ItAL I'l AT I.'KM.
IB? TU. CilUI'H TO TI1K n___H_U
Lkwisih!BO| Oct. '?.?Ex-Gov. Cuitin nevi
re?oit ed a more cor il_l i<-c?*t?ti?*n in 1'iiluu Conn
* ix-ti, ut, tin candidato o? the great Republican party
Its pui*c?l (la_> ?, bo came Loro to illocusx tbo Importa
l*?u? s of tbo war, than was accorded bitu liy tU?: peor
af LcwLburg ou lu? un Ival bcrc this morning. A ftt
DumlK-r uf ibe leading citizens of tbo couuty, maie
carriages it ii .1 tomo on hortchack, gathered at I lu- r.i
rom! ?tatli.n, and wbcu Mr. Curt?a apixan
an tbe platf.irtu of tbo cars bo "ras ncchi
-?lib an I'ti'biiti.i'-tic muni of applause. IIo v.
at one? taken in n curiago, und escorted by tbo cav?
fade of cltizenA, beaded by a band, to tbo laaMMM
llM lion. Liy t-..in, where bo ruiialutil in quiet darit
Ui<* whole ?lay, except that be rce-cived a great luui
e.ill* from Mends wlio desired to testify to blin the
loi.t nue 1 k a|K'. t and admiration. Tin- meeting In tl
?vcnlug. at Music Hall, was ouo of Hit- uiosi m mai kali
tb.it bas taken place anywhere in tbe Rate during tli
nt mu.p..iiiii. Mi*, .lifer, however any af tl.c pa
l ? vl Paaaa. iTaala iu_y have formerly dirt, red mU
l.lin on luu'ur* of political policy, bus alwuj
been looked uj xiu by tuen of all parties as or.
af tbe tuo.t conscientiously honest and uprigh
men who have ever been la public lifo in tb
fct.uc. lie Is u man who bos never acted hastily i
without weighing can-fully all cousequeuce? of bl
course, and when ll Mat announced that bo woul
to-ut_bl Ui*-. u*- ibe gicat questions *_ i.lcb are ugitutin
tb? nation, and that liov. Curtiu Mould also ha pti -?-til
au audience collet ltd such as is rarely seen ul a Pallt-M
mat-Hue. ll h.id more tbe character of a lyccuni und
euoe gathered to ktt?Oktot the MM papBaBtBtPai
i orators. Nearly half ibe Hull was filled Wit
h.:. <?*, and tbe renulnibrof the .e who crowded ever;
available spot in the large room were of the nioet iutell
j.'tit voter.. When (?nv, Curt in and Col. Blifo r cam.
ii,u lb? II-ill tue whole auilienee ros? and Kave then
piolougod applause.
* onoRtS to ord'r at about-| o'clock
and Col. XI. ii. Staaai a Libeial 1.-pubin _u oi 1/?|.
buig, and one ol its most li.fl lentlal and respected i ni
tens, was una: lniously cbomn Chairman. Col. Town,
at ouic Introduced Col. Sliicr wltii a few ix-riiueut re
marks. Mr. is.iicr said that he was before tin? audieu??
as much through the malignity ot his ruiu.i. - u
tii!iMi?b tin aelteltaltaa of frlaala lie had heart i
report? d mat be liad been brmtglit to death's door b?
n ? diu-it .'.?N *i?<>-itionat Prorttaaeaaa a paaiahawai
f.'i hin sins. lie then, turning to Guv. Curtiu, rimiiidi?
1 ii of the dr.itb of two Lubie nie in liera of bis persona!
?lull during the war, \? bo di??i ___? the elKclsof over
(i i... . I I the Ui.lou. Nor ?? ro tiny ulont
Hi their Babia martyrdom. The war Uiuniui'i af Mis
MafeaWtta and of M chiguu fell victims Ic
tue ?ame devotion, and if Uov. Cuitin and
- f meta rt.iliy dying from the panes of a guilty
ic.Kicuce they bad this to comfort tlic?n?tbe little men
_tbo aero traducing ibeia had nut couscieueea to be
ade. ted. (Greut applause.| lie then referred briefly
and very leclluely to the attempt uow makiug to ?lie
cjM n the graves of the noble ?Q Who died tor the
<a_.i_.utry. It was aa though, aftor atMWiaf those graves
ailh flowers id tbo Spring time, they should m tbe Au?
tumn, like glmu?, te.ir iliem aaaa again und scatter tbe
in I in.-a o!7b(.-! nlni.id nvci' the bauen earib. Passing
tn.'L) to t.ie t aaaaalM of the great pollilcal questions
now !.. fore tin* people, ho begnu by calling attention to
tm f.et lli.it liixity and tbo rights of the people
gat n t ...w.ivs in aaata taaaat in the midst of great rev
o'utions than wliii tl? apatia_B advances by .low ami
?ilten by unnoti nl steps. L. xikltg abroad over the
? mitr.v, '?!:. oultat said that there could bo no doubt
tliut tue tendency now is to aggregate power in the
h.iiids of a few. and thai It has even reached the Govern?
ment Itself. IIo then reviewed at length tbo history of
the countrv, MiomIii? that extremo States Rights doc
ti aie? and tbe centi .I'izalion of power were equally dan
- to tlie nation. Th>i apeakir tin n railed
attention to ouo or two Instance? af ??? n
t / ?tion which he hid looked tuxm with
i i? tit at was tbe pa? king of the Supreme Court
I, aud another *,v.i* th. '
. ? the Adi'iiiii.-tratiou
. than was a? ( ..rd( ?I to I.oui.*? Nap?<li "a by the
law under which he it?lfcto_ bimi-clf. l?o tinu ih.-.
(UMiitly on the derpotl.iu of tbe IU
|Hilili' i. h Mould il...-e tl.c iii'.nitli of crlil
on.. ii" ?ii.itu-r l.o.v
J.-ii' .. the principles of the ll? imbliean party
i be, who darel to I? un?? pend? lit, i laatafl tin- pmi
'i with the am_uaa__aa ; "if this ha trf.ue n,
tin n I a in a truitor."
Mr. tint n s til t.ie eir' tu ap>
i i ?. ?hat eahafia_alaa> ?be
Changea of th?- pmB f?-w .Mars are iiiatke.]. Tint.
I>ollt.( nid denunciation. Four yea.'s htm a
ui.iu could vote without being denounced as a scoundrel
ami a traitor. Thank God, said Mr. Cttrtin, I have cii:
? 'o know what is ri^lit, and I will
doit. I . lio""0 to make thi? ?lepai turc do tiot
d to h ad otliers. Others may cboo*-. faa tlnni
-. Jlut thus?1 who pataaa in?lep?*tnient action aro
a?ll entitled to tbe respect of their fellow-men. There m
a way known to pollilcal parties In thl-t country of
Bi.iking nominations. It used to lie fair, but at Hani?
l. .ig a political ring put lu nomination a
w! .<*U w.n i-iiiip:;?* Hiked Into t)i:t\t,
I'?i:iv. ution. No oilier duty did that bod.v per
fi'.i.i. 0 ?'? |faal Stag in this Statt lath, i
The T rea Mirer anil tbo Audttor-Ocneral arc also
.-sinners of the M. liking Fninl, aad If tit | .
': 1 tlit* m hole flii.iini.il miiiia.-i i:,-nf at
BWCaitB. Tlii'lending of ?lie d? jic-iis of tbe
g F.iiol or aalaf tin m ti prellt is a |k iiiiloireii'-.'.
y. t Uieaa dapoalta and tin- balaaeea af tiic
Xrt-___.ni v are l-i.iued to punk, wliiili arc niem
bers of tbe Treasury King. in an evil
hoir pait ..f tin? money was nut into the handset ?
t-ii.ker in l'liii,i(l( Ipnl.i. It i- alb ged that Ilartixnft bad
ao eoniicitioii with Terhea, or with tbe dapoaltala bla
t ilciiied tli.it tin* Ainlitoi-lji neral had
wltb \itiiix niiioiiuting in one year to
nil b?* eorreaponded with Tarkaa, and
ti.at lie iln-W Upon Welkes for taOut v, y.iy
!.. w -.i'' 1 in.il.i- it r'.nlit wnen aa
aa? Mu?. v Tin- < lin ago tire burst tbe ImliMi .
V? ike? i.i i .i waar.'iiwitciaf erlaaa aad aaal to prlaba.
nl- p. in I. m lulled until insinuations wire
ciren tor?, when Mr. Swopenaa*
??_?? d fie sliiir, and a lull li.iur's closeted coin.
\.:tti?ir. Yeckaala hi. c-.ii reeoited la hi* iiix-ratum,
aud (t (UK, without iieiiviug tbe
looks or denying the eontapondenee,
aa] I tin* atlidavit lie li..i| made was a mistake. Tlnie rs
a taiul luui riii? ll of tin* Penitentiary ui>out the ivlmlc
tiansii' ?ion. Ilut tin* fr? ? men of Pennsylvania i ?es. nt
a . d. U(i__' foi wlio .o ebai.tctar it Is not
- i y to go to the Penitentiary to get a
c< run. aie Hui'. lurtlu ?aid that it Waa
not right to make a national do lion deix-nd upon a
hti?!o eont? _t. The State shi'tild !?? allowed to jiurify it?
own (ion iiniii nt without being told that a national i un*
fiet d.iuuid- otherwiae. Time was when Paaaajrl
vanla would tiuvc MMataal ?neb a .uggex
tn.n. i ?? . t'.- p. i.pi. of the Ooeimoewealth
l.a*.. a ( li.(!i.. tu ii,i. tor a man whom we all know well.
I bave, ?aid Mr. Cuitin, known Cbaa. It. Buekalew per
tmetiy tar Bb yeera. I need not spe.k to the people of
I'? uu?) liania ?ui tin* in.uk he ban made on your legisla?
tion, and the i liai,.'. ? !.. im made in your Constitution.
There was no change of !iii|x>rt?nce during his time In
the lu gi-iatini thai did not emanate Irum him. It is
no? aid that di.: u..'ti.i tin.?* of t be conn'I j'i ?truggle
for Ufa ha waa a traitor. IkaewMr. Iiuckalew all the
time of tin* war. 1 saw hiui every time he patted
tin?.ugh Hariisiiurg,
i had rep? a?, .i laterviewi with bltn, and I RA not af?
?nate v.itii iia?ois (titling that war. I know he is uu
L.._. m iiixii, und, a-lu??- I deny that he ever waa ? traitor
to liiseaun'iy, 1 burl u deti.al in tbe teeth of any man
who dare? to ?ay t__t I would support a traitor.
If elevated to the o.lii'e of Governor Mr. Buekalew
will unit?- with tbe ? onveutlon wlilcb tbe jx-oplc of I'enu*
avlvaalu hare called. They will make ?ucb chana?? in
the organic law of the State that such plunder
a? ha? occurred will be stopped foievcr,
and surh ?Afegiiard? aud protection will Im put on tbe
vault? of the Tieasiiry that the people of Pennsylvania
will it?rer ?gain l?e ?ailed upon to ei?-rt mcu to the
highest plat-* ?ho have been ?educed by ibe hope of
fain. ^
<(> TliK FKUiENT I__l.'K8.
PiTTSBL'Kiiii, Oct. 3.?Theodore Tilton ad
erMwedtbe I-berai JU panucan meeting b? Id In tbe
Academy of Mu?'.e to nighl. Notwithstanding there
were la? other Liberal-IHiloc. _*_. a?eet_-a? held Ui va
r?ou- purl? of tbe city, the twnso ??to*? fl.li.1 to overflow
me% Mr. T.lton wan BM8___ from the hotel lv ,?tv?>ut
1,000 im iiiin-r* of ward clubs bearing torehoa n 1 headed
by n band. Tin? crowd was so largo outside tlip utldlng
Uiat It uro. ?orno tiuk? itoforo sufficient qh t MM
1)0 secured to allow the speaker to l?i. In Ml
uliri ?.?. Mr. Tiltou referred to the audacious r, Milutlun
,)f Ilit*? rii?.iilt'liiliLt iiliuhtiii declaring ?galim liiml
?.?mute when It was an Indisputable fact (lint this Admin
latruUun lui'l given away 100,000,000 acres of land, un
?um unt cmbraclm* an MBB equal to that of the New
rii_l.uid B__M together with New-York and
Ohio. ITo also touched on the resolution of that
________* dci'arlng against abuse of the franking
privilege, __BB__Bg that the mall? in our post office?? at
this hour aro fill??! with multitudinous document?, bear?
ing the frank of Republican Representan vos. aud w.tb
UN ftlf mmtattaat? on which la the prilled N_*h__M
(tecl.irlui* ?hat toe ahottahaienl of thi?, privilege Is nccos
Pury. Alter iccountlnit many transgression* of tin, A.l
iiiiiiisirail.nl tbo speaker naked what eeaieeeaaeal au
tille,I it to leniency, Mr liiicw tlier?? wusialli iiiiihi-Hfiict
??.orner? of Grant's having paid the national ?I? ht, when
no ?nie lu tin- land ?vith mure liiMiruiiieiit il In l,ml.lu,k it
up to It* present in..!.'iiitii,le iluiii lie, nul that iho m?"
? 'luinlfs puni off us inucli uf II ns unv < las*. Then Ills
?aiil bo r,'?1,,ici il,? tuxes, when It was OoagiaM that
liii.d? the reduction ? that lu? pacified the Initiai,?-, v. ben
uows eoines now fr? iu Washington that Inn policy
Is about to be ? han ire, I. It is it fact
??ell known ?ih.if freak outrage* MM Bay aller ?lay
i itiong il,e Indiana, ?il-aii! wit led flu? Al iliiiui.? ? 1 illiiM,
It I? aatil, hut we accepted |i.v"?M>,**_ after asking f.,r
liOo.OOO.noo. II. Bm liitrinoiihi-il Ike South, sav the (?rant
? iiiiuiN, >??( the South cuix-s him, Lot 1* < au??' be i??n
?liler.d tli m In WAT. bal I.? MBA? l,e Import i -?elit-tl them
In tlini' of ncacc. Tin- ipeekrr then ??poke of the manner
lu ?\liU-li Ilit-t'lit.riiiuiis tlebiH had been fur? ed upon tho
I-? opie of Hi? Botttb, and ?leo n \ 1? w? .1 tl e ?ippolnlnKi.ts
ina.le by Um ri-eel?l?iit. Mr. Tllloo eloaed bit? ipaerb I,?
pointing OOt tin? dull of hi? iii'dM-tn-e in th!? hattl? for
Justice und rieht iu which the "?copie of F__U.I*_U_a
ate now ? linage.I.
THOftOl ?.ili.v AK??i Ii???i?i.i. in.? BI i. ?).
IIMilN, __?___*.<*_* \AIX. QOY. BHADPOBD,
AMI ??lilil??.
|?T TBUMBAPa T> Tim TRim Ni.,1
TiTrfaVii.LE, Oct. 3.?'lin? Jailieial an?. DeiBO
cratlc rail, find mass meeting lu re, this day und evening,
VUkl fui'the largest political tieuinufct ration Unit Im ?
that tur taken Bkbn In tli? ?.?I regi.,11?.. II, f, ie BOOS, the
city was full of strang?rs from tile surrounding country,
and an aftcruoou meeting wi,? held in r.n..,-,ii
Oi?era House, at which a short address
wag made by tho lion. E. O. l'errln of New-York.
The gruud deinonsiratlon, however, -teas
reserved for tho evening. At 8 p. m. special balai
ni n\e?l from 25 miles in MM h din? tioti. luluging _000en
i- uei. i ?in- votoe* WRM tttfhat MM? hands of uun-i?', ?hilo
n "in I Le eountry towns they canie by hundred*, oa
I oi -ii.ii. k aad in ?agvna. a torchlight ppoca salon, ?\ Itb
?ui LMO men in lino and s.veial ban. I -, ?\as formed,
anil aiitr paru?iiii? the principal ttreeta, marched to tho
lion.??', whole aaetitiiueiustlc meeting win? held,
aud for Uio neiotiiiuoilaii.i) of tboea ?, bo eoold not
a a admittance, an out-door meeting wan Mganlaod.
1 he prim Iplo feature? ol Hi.' pro. i ??Ion w? n- l he t,n , ley
aad Ill-own Club ol this ill?, ovei 1,000 in uiiiuhii, ami ??
i .ii, of im Unwille? earryluga bannerInaeribed wiik
Qraat'i <?i?ler aad the motU?, ''We raoaot vote for
?ii.tut," a iiiount? d troop of fioo men, and the traiiiapiiren
i ,-, iieaiiv all of whicb contained local aaplagaapplied
t?. tin? ciaadldatea, both Pn sideutl il and Uu wni?l_ ,1.
a liuinbi r ?>f hmiM ? along the mut? wore Illuminated.
it'id the pK-ocbblou met w.lh a iKifecl ovation at all
'T?a- evening meetings tvere addrcned by tho Hon.
B, ?>. Pa_rta,ea Mayoi Vaux,Pbiladelobla; ?3uv.Brad
lord, Maryland, anil olh? r_ Tu.? Liberal tl,l?' la a
i',,.'i bore,and the loweat etttmata pkMaa tke nujorlt)
n tii- ?h? at MB with a eorrwpoBdlog lm
tlirouthoiit Craw fold ?.ailinty.
riIII.\I?IT.I*llIA TilK INK\"?iWN QI'\MITV ?
K-1 IM A I 1 1? I.I Uli" 11. MAJOIUiy OK 10,000
??( TsiDK of rim *-i?i i vma.
?I loa TO IFBC_U, OOai ! : ''*??' ' ?T OF THE TPlfii Rl I
Philadelphia Oct. 8.?mHo? is the Btat?
gateg I" Is the question that I I IT? l'ard ask??d at least
a kaodradtt_aeaalaoa retaralag to t_f? city, on IBaaiay
? ??Ling, and it Isa qaaatloa tnat I have Baafd no one at?
tempt to answerexe? jit lu part. Philadelphia Is the great
unknown quantity that must inter Into all ca!< ulatiot: .
and ?hii h I have fourni nul-ody on ? iilnr ?aitl?' able or
willing to ?Mlliiute. ?Hi tie one hand, the I.il.? ral-and
Democrat* do not know how mu? h the Itiug will Sinti. ?1
In cheating. Tiny firmly believe that on a f?ir von. till*
elty tvould give lluckalew a majority. This b.
l.ef Is founded on several well-e-tabllsh? d
f... t?. Tlietae nre, fir.t, the kii"*t n atremrtli of the I.li'i
ral itrpubluau ?-leiii? lit In the eilv; secondly, the kii"??ti
d MilTdtion lathe Ciiint party; ?im!, thirtl, the uiiViio?? n
bat undoubtedly ]., - te thai i? alaMM Man to
be eatat foi Bnekalew, Tbeae, ?m'Ii the ?oil?' i>can ? ???i?
role, ? i.i'-b i _ 11 on?- bell? \? ? ??u. tins rear be > ?u?t ?m
ii. ,-,,:,? of Reform and h.,n, ?r Oovernatent. will m??ie
than balan.??? an] bone?! majority that th? Republh-aui
>?.r had in PoUadclpbiaIn an October el??ct.?
i,eralt. believe nl.?u ih.it, ?mui ail theiriwpeatlu*
hui falae rouatlng, the liinif rannot return man than
1,1**3 lu tins city, li.e i l,ai,_ ? in tli?? Regiatn I ?w,
to which i ?ailed atteuttoa in h formel letier.
e - all m fuvtii ?,f un hoiui-t election, ao.i ?lu
tie? perpetration ol traod mon til?n, ,,t
than It h.iH been in ptarlOTI ?ears. It Is har.lly
ci-.diblo that, With a u inorily of the election
..ih,an in each il,.i.?i.>n ui i".mi' ?l i.? the oppoaltiou.
,.,,,i ..le. t,,) \?i;h eapetHal reference t" fl e .1. leetkm ol
?, tbe cheating ean he it exieaatva ?? ?be? the
King appointed them all and ???!??? t?-?i obIj iaehiM?H
?i.i.ii act aa tlieir aabarnicoi Uwla. Aiiotlier around
tho tin- bell? i that tin n,,;,,] :??? for Hartman m ihn- ? It)
trTil not ix'larger u, that'ti,e Blog i? watebod tm- y? i
aattaerei ?uabefo**e. it ?oold not be pradeut for nie
i?. t;,, inte detalla reapecting i!.<- m? aaurei i tai I av? i? n
taken to prevent Illegal roiiag and iai?<- eonotiug, i?nl I
?M] ?.,?, i loin the k-Mi?ledgi 1 bare, that It ?ill iak? i
? ,,?? n?. nu,, h tiiort to return a given nan
traadaleot Totei tbla year aa it did laat, aad that tboae
I In the hiulneaa ?-"i aland a pretty good ch?nca?
lo gel into tbe penitentiary?will be aim,, t -un la ga
tin n- if Baal ?tw isclti-iid.
fkaidi i ? *>t BMMtBAIlOB is run ?mi ihm
Iu reply teall this, the Btagpaial totlieenorinou
toattea ??f thu yeai ap?aid ft MMM*__ava< Ifthla
?.?a a .? fair resist rat Ion It ?ould not unan that all of the
ratera aa? lagtateredfoi iha in -t IBM an gotea te ?"'<?
foi ll.iitiai.ft. Rut nobody I?. Ii??% <?- thai It i? lau . Tli"
1 trgl ??' tBte <vi r cai-t m l'l.ilnd? Ifhla w.t?. thai pallad In
tin I'll -1 leal, 1 ?'.?" ll'Ul of Uu', i- about UgNB New
fork? at Ihe *au,e ? li i tic li, will) the whole n.a, ?.il;, i ? of
Tammany in p?rf?.t order for turning on* fraudulent
.u | i,y ten-, of thousands, gave only UtAtt, and
Bl m York had ^?u.uon more inhabitants In lt__ than Phil?
adelphia hu?, to-day. ?bin b< a.led men think that
UMuo?ratea ?111 ha ail that oaa poaalhly ha ntaraad,
aud that of ilio??e Bnekalew ougnt te gal the lai_er M i
eentaga ol the laoraaaa oret tho vote of laat year, l if
teeooralzteenthouaand B*a"atttf l*. ?hat the Kini* has
persistently boaeted thai it will be able to poll In thla
i i\. loma with whom I haTC talked ?luiiiii* my present
rlalt to Philadelphia have beea man ?odaat, aaa have
placed their ma)orlty at ti.ooo. 1 h?ai ol no i>. tiingou
UM n. i.|,,iii> In ti.is? city.
If of Philadelphia there 1- le?? of uiirertainty.
n.i? h -? i, en pretty aaek ail over the Mate, ?t is my ltu
, thai lluckalew will make very great gum? Iu
?vry count?, of the (Viniuoiiweiilth, with very low ex?
ceptions, and in that?, A anv Ion? oi curs, It will be slight
and ?'Hing wholly to local causes. Any one who has
studied the politics of l'<-i.n-ji 1\ ?mla Is aware that all
important elections here are decided by the vou- of a
few count'K.8 which roll up large majorities cither for
one candidate or the oth<-r. The count leu out of which
the Rcpubllcaus have always *BJk tho maturities that
have enableii them to control the State are Alleeh? nv,
l radford,Cheater, Delaware, Kiie, Indiana, Laneaat? i,
Laanaaea, Lebaaea, l'iniadeiphia, h..nu-1-set, ?aaqno'
l-aiia, iioga, aLd one or two ?,lli<ii-, euch of vtiiuli
in the licht tote ia->t latt jtar guvc ilum
from 10,000 to n.000 majority ou ihe BtaM
ti.k.'t. 'Io jatMiaily neutralise tbe heavy ma|ori
ti??s in tl o aeaattaa uamed, the Democrats have
always been very mrong in lieiks. c'earlleld, Columbia,
Oreeoe, laeblgh, Luzern??, Monroe, Northampton, Helm? l
kiii. Weataiorelaad, and York. Otvea .? fuir eniimaUi of
tlie majoi ule-, in the ?5 ?'..uiitics eiiiiui? rated, aud aluiont
ai,.v Puiladelpbla politician can tell very m aily ?hat
tue result in the State will _.. I bar* vl-ited tea ma|or
ii.? of the hlr.uig Republican c,,i.nlles, ami met Intelli?
gent gi-ullemtu trum the ottiera, and I hase laa-iiliaiics
l i,it almost none of them uni give llartrauft tho
full atrength of the Republican vote. In some of
them it will be reduced bo per aaat or more ; In others lb,
aud in others 30. Take I?anca*tcr County, for iostan?'?-.
It has generally been depended ou tor from 6,000 to 7.0UO
lii'p.iiilicau uiajorlty, ?ccinllni* to Die luiuort-inee of
the election. This county Is tho home of Senator Rll
liugfelt. a pialo man, but one whom even bodf
will admit Is honest, If there are any honest
men in public life. Th<? Republicans of Lan
caster have been accustomed to place tho most
Implicit confidence la ?hat tins mansa-.*. Ills baroa*
?, -i turn is as g?, d us the nathti of a bundled olh? i in-ii.
He has ?aid publicly " lieu, ilartraiitt la nut an honest
man," aud tuat simple do? laralion la eiioiiKh fur thou?
sands of hoiit-et men in his county. They may not pro?
claim It ii)toii tea house to?,.* that tb?y will vote f.,i
fcu.kalew; t?ev inav l?"t eitle to hring U)m.u theiu tLe
abuse of the Iting agents, and the nuiio?, une?- to ?kick
they would surely Le subjected were tlieir Intention*
known; but the*' will Ih- heard from on ?-lection d?y.
Lancaater will not gi?c mote ih.iu ii.ft-W major it?, and it
would not be str?ng? if It fell to l.'/u. Other ranaca are
operating v?,tli *imilur < IT.. i Iu oilier stroug Republican
eouutles. Iu most of the Democratic e?,untie?, on ibe
other baud, there is everv reaaon to cxpact lucraaaed ,
mnjorlfl-.. Almost the only exception I hire hrturt
oi is Bebu.lklli, and there limy ha M very great
!".? then- ? if i in re ?hoiild be. It ? ill lx< im r<- than maile
up In Laaaraa. What np|-< mcd (o ten like a verv fuir es?
timate of tlie result m Ui. Htiitf. outside of Philadel?
phia, was shown mo bv a leading Democrat of a ?-elitrsl
county, lust week. It made Hue ka lew's mnjnrlfr 1?1,<00.
and to obtain tl.ls tin ?no*t inooeratc estimate? were
in nie of mi jotltn s in the nver.1 cnnnllcs. A uuijorlty
like that raaaal be ueitirnlleed in Philadelphia- Ho great
I? tbe conte?.! bet ?fen Km kalew and Hart t in ft that Iho
rcualnd? r of the ticket is a__MM lost sight <>f. Tlio
?mil. niloti-a now ure ili.it. although Hartranft will be a
few tboueniid? weaker than tbe leminiuler of the (irant
fameron ticket, the lattCt ?HI !?<? ?lefcated. Judge
Tbumpson, tl.e ?Libaral and Demoeratlc enudidate fur
.liisticc of ibe Supreme Court, is now on Ibe lieneh, mid
is veil popular vit li ImMi pin th m. Juitgn Mereur. Who
now k pi? ?cut-, tin- Xliith District In ?'?ingress, is Ins
Opponent, and a inau again-! whom 1 have never lient.I
a? old of i-pitni? n, cillior hero or in Washington. He
??ill piohat'lv aacalva a I rgi r vote than Hurtranfl,
11...Ulli he will he likely to Km behind (In i aiululalea lor
( on. icxiiieu ul Largo.
i.inF.KAi. nr.i'i'iiLicAN address.
To th? People of Pentmiilvttnin : The linca in
Ihe _Te_t ?ttiieinc for tin* irgeucration < f Pennsylvania
from desiMitic an.I <-. rtupt political power arc distinctly
drawn, und tb?- Issue has ctnse-d t?i lie ?loulitful. Neither
uaaaaj, uee patiaaaae, nor fraud, nor nil combined, ? ?a
avert the decisivo defeal tliiit.iwuitflihoCaiiier.il King
f-tatn i 'iiudid.ttex on Tuesday next. The honest .vote ot
tlie ."late will elect ('hue. il. i?itckalew our next ?im
enuu by the lar,.e-at in,.jot tly ever given unv ht.it?< ? iiu
diii.itc niin o w... F..r a time tue Meada aftha King
tick? t hope. I to rallv Hie ranks of a oil'?' honored parti ,
?'id Hins save tln-n favorites. Hut now tin i have sur
rendered every hope of success lliut is not based upon
i? ii i ?.i x? d fraud.
How far fraud muv he successful cannot now be de?
termined. The n . ielr.iii.in in Philadelphia of over
H If. out? voter??Is lug litrgel' t ban tbe registration of New ?
Voik nil li MMM more Inhabitant?*-!? au onoii nml
reliant coiif? sen u of Inlendcd fraud. This organised
ii ami lias us aatpoat* in ciic-ii'i, West Cha? tor, leading,
l-tii?us:.i, Han i-luiig, < (iliiiuliii, Chainl). i-iinrg, Al
looiiii, I'ltt-luirgb, Wiili.iiiispurt, Kne, Tilusvllle. und
??Hier points where tbe pollution of tlie Imllot-lxi- h.i?
Ixx'ii u? It'icixti ?v pliinni"! l?y fun imp?.i tai ion (f Illegal
?otes. Negroea Iroia Virginia luv.- bean ihlppod m
droves to llarrlsburg, oiul then ?llstilluited over the
Mata aad located alien Hing ii?-i ubii?-aus control the
election txuiri!*. Many have already Is'cn detected and
compelled t?? retara, hat it la expeatad i.y the klag
inanagi is that lliey will inte not |. ss than 4,000 of im?
ported Virginia iteeoincii. Hut In tlie face ol the Boaa.
ble fraud of ln.u?? lu favor of Hu? Hing ticket in l'ii 1 i
di Iphl.i, and of .''.n.'?! more lu other i_iit|0its of the Statt,
I feel fully iv.u i .iiile.l in Hiiiioiinelng to the l?< otile if
Pennsylvania that the succ?s, fill "MrpatmttOfl of ?loilble
the n ni'l- BOW n.'- i. le v.ould fail to elect Ilal'tralift
and hin Klug iis-ociaUs.
The piiisiituilou of public Justice to the exncii.ins of
despotic poiln.ii leaders luis aroused the people, with?
out distinction of patty, as they bave never baca
itiotiscd t.ef.iie, The proffer of Kxecutlvu pardon?
through reinless King masters, on condition that belp
li ? ? OBI lets shall fulsclv (crllly to the n putal l"ii of
King ciiiiilldatcs ; the proffer of hitara pardons minie to
convict* in tin-- i III , und ni nt least one other section of
the State a I'bla the laat week, and the eealed atataneai
n! a la!? p.iid.incd convict 1 no Is now awaiting trial,
held bj Hi'' satin '-.peculators in tinuiiiiitty to (linn- all
Of which has In in iloue to shield political trien?!? Of tO
Itiilmiiiiile political foes?present u iiiensure of debauch?
ery and desperation unexampled ju Ibe bWtoiy of nl]
p.?! partisan eomueta, To douiit that such efforts
lnii-t M C'liiiinim il by tbe ovi rw helming Vote of the
p. ((pie of our city and etuto i- to abaadoa all hope af
?.-..i. i linn m and law. People of Pennsylvania, jour
\ i.'.ory Ciinnf.t bow l.c wre-ti d from you ; but it tduuilil
be u ti niuipli of no ( ('..iiiioii ? Induct? r. It si (.uni lie and
( ..ii In*-n ..\ i i w helming Dial Hing rule Will at ?nice ill ?
sohe and pcin-Ii Ikiiii our Bridal by the mora. |xiwer of
tha vardiet of the people. X'.uwaidi Inoada wfhaaeal
government ami reloiin. 'I ne lim? ?it Hit- enemy aro
lui ken, and their COMCI Iptcd rcs( rves of ci une have but
ib aponed and a ideaed ilnir deiaoi altaattoe. PaMM in
li 'gi ill in official?, liiuicstv in the t iiactuii nf of our laws,
and fidelity In the administration of Justice are tin rich
fruits to ne gathered ii> Ihe p. opke mi Taoadai next.
A. K. Me C_l__, Chuiruian.
rittititieijthia, Oat a, vrt-i.
(.1 S. --I.fii I'M AT I'llII.AHlli-IMIIA?THF. I.F.TTFUS
?Kill S IIV QoVA, RAIIKAI ? UtOM lATHlN full
lllll BUM..!. Off A TbVtt IQLPIB ._*>.
Pnn.AHEi.riiiA, Oct. .-.?Gen. II. \V. MOCU
of lirook!in addressed a large I/ilx-ral meeting in this
? ity Ibis ?*\ ciiin;', ami In the course of his remarks said :
flu- history of ?ill the achlcienuiits of our soldiers dur?
ing tn. I.it. war is, or slioiiId be? lulind in the ofliciai
records ol the War Itt'purttiif uf, whli b records thoald Bo
pn-ei ved u ith i ie in..-t Minpulonx cure. As a rule, I
believe they hare baea ea preserved. Varl*.Uaa ta |x-r
milli d aCCOM to tlictn. Km B the i?*prcs?ntatiies of imr
Stair (?overniin ui-, -(eking t'. eomplele for then rope. -
live Matte the biatory ol tiieir troops, have Beret beea
?llOW? d to n tiioae BO] of tlu.se pre? lolls ibx urn? ills fi'olii
th.* nies. How diiicri ni has iieeu the ni-!', however,
\( in n uu ollli ?T, writing in the inter? st ol ffNaldoal
?ll. I'll, IMS Sellout . o ' ''-as lO I 111 111 I >' I it III 11 V III! I - t ll?)
ilours i., i o ibiown n|x'ii, but documeuls By tin* hundred
have i.e? n itctlv? i?'d t" linn, nu?i ultlmiitelv lost, llnit I
do not ??iigc? rute, pereall aae to ?ineie in.m the ?wore
evidence ol the Adjutant <;< ncralol the army, given dur?
ing tin-1 ?-t leeoloB "t Onaaieaa :
il. H,. fan loon ot ?nf ttcit rel_iii. tu tk? . .?? i.I ..ii,?r t'ltxr? 'n ll.
W?i ll?*.?/iu. ,.i I A teu. Mir, 1 il... 1 kuu. u.?i . I iv lien. liaUea.
!? Oft Wl o 11..11?.??I... i? in.? in i.ltcrr on Hw _ ?n I
llll-l IX-ii. It i? l iili-nl lirliHl! il I.,., rj ?-. i , l.t I?, Li.Itri-r. I?n?
upon ill.-n to 1 -' I , ? s. m,., ?i ?ii il!. n,.. 1.1 win. Ii I
?l?*?k. si I'll ?? I ?>?. , ... i-i ?, r|,?ll? l.i the brtfitrt
i.I \? ?. ?>? .. I.'?? ? '??> t" I... n 0__ lia... an i"ii_ r?* |hiiU tad . nr>
? ? n,,in (?.,!(?.. Wel?m. Dis. 11,.. _ r - I " ? -
- ii. r?. li. .?- 1. ru un inSt I lia??* a l.t (if tli.lB, .Uli lt.il
dal |M ?1, i h lli t wi r. lu.ru'ti.l te I... (?re. ...mi- lim* aulw t, e ' a
- . |.I|!'I..I..(.._I U.iiUJi.lllaJ ,',
? -in? |.?|'< r- ???alii, ?nil I In.I t ?taub mad. tat lie a. I _*?
? .? i.,. rrr..,.| ..f Hi* .r lining
i.e.iir.(ur ? III . o.|i|.?ll. h .J .l.in.ra.i tl,<,n tu lob. !.:? ? ?,
III., I. -alii.
|i . i, r:,..l|(f of ? |.l?L(il o! Un J. t.. I uf ill?
? matt I <?k"! Ii.ni fi.r inl..r"'.'u.n tonetrnth*
..ni. Hi ?tu Ils) INN uni return.. al in- ti_t- ll.r u.Ij-t?
?. . II. a.ij lUt ?II tin- pip n r.tarE-1 tehiiBmrr Imiuttlikifl;
III i l.i ttir ' ?r->, ?le. Ii?.l Hi. .(.(iMpi Hi* l.?r,r ?t . ,i b m ?- ..f tl.. ,u.
Aiu-rwtnl 1 _ i,i iii.ii._.i a-1. ? ?. i.!... ??! ihn ukatloaoofata le ?vari
I Wh.) ha.l -i.i ?a it tn I . . off, ?).
. ? .",*i . !_? ni?.P ; - ?II r. ?
me* '.I Us- |.?[?r?, I L.ir ttuut
IM_le ttiruuuua cfluit?. I.ut hoWt etm , \#,u .Ule U. tlIKi _,rm.
(.(It. Mix um lead .1 H?! "I tlie Iui-*iu_ letti I's AS , i\cn
In the Adjutant (ieneraJ's r? port, and coulinui (1 :
Id r?- lea 11 ? ? of several hundred Important letter?
taken i>> a aratleaiaa aara apoa Oaa? OraaPa ataffwhe
ls new ( oiiMil to 1.1 vet |.I, lui! w In ,c name In viol,it "ti
ot our laws is still hot ne iipoii the mils of our mini.
N'..w li t in. exiiiiiiie us to tin- legislation of the Ibpu!)
i,i .m petty, n mi sec a better thai baa been in the inter
eel oi the great mass ot ?air toldk r-, oi abetbai it baa
not In en nuil'?- Wltll a View of llivolli.g u ?In I fewut
tin* ? xiMii-e ol H.' mas-. In lsCi, an act relative la tha
retirement ol uflh ere was po??ed it] Coaari --, so pecallav
in its phraeaoloR] vt le permit a favored f?-w to be
placid upon tb? retired list with a rank much higher
t u a u Hi.. I i. eld hi tiif in in tin regular nl in i, ami giving
i.n m. lu man*, ii.-i.ii.c ?, more than double the jny for
doing no dati ii.iiu> would bare reoeived bad ihey
remained on active daty la tbe ll. id. A i>iii was Ial rus
?in, ? ? l ?? pealing Una uujusi law. Itaaare up im ili.aiuii
sn li I!, tl.e lloiin nl Hi pliS( litalllc*. on lite Mil cl Mai
1 U. Of tl.e . I .u :nt(l or tin* law -.ought to |... r? peul? d
1 a 111 my iioli.ing, nut a ni ?jnuit- a lea words from the
remark? of ou tn two of the leudlug Republican, in tue
Qouae. Mr. Co^urn. Chali.not the I ommltiae on Mll
lliiiy Allan ?. .1. .Mle.l th.! "a U.ole liiiin-l I n.i
pi?o* of li.Jui-iii'? has Bever been embodied lu the shaixi
oi a law in ibis aoaatn :"
"If u.n talk ai-ut i-.uiui* a_a__i to onr lol'uira. go lurk in. ?mit np
tb? ?inn roll uf w..a?.d_i ?ud .nialilrj lulootrrr ott-rr?, who In trrr*
pari al un? had if tua Skiai ""t ? IN? ?ut-iiil-i.e. lahoni't fur tl.rir
..?il. hn-.i ii, tic thee) Ihr tirld ur Ibr uAc? Su.ii > u. ? r?i. I. fosal
!.. the b.ndr.-d oui h. tl.r t!.i.a??i?i ? i?i?( fui^rt ur pau U -m bt lud
pick nut tvnii. ott.rrf. lion] or ptfl Sf am.? ?l.1 nun tlinn cp n tbe
pay of ibt ?. rt biub.i. rank thai ibrr retv srn.rnt.hi bat- h. iu in lb?
t..'liiu!_fr temet. 1 lay tbi? U sn ?ntriifrnu pti-re uf mju'ir*. 1 ?i-*-*
inr? uhkLI !.. b? (?nl ?? f..r Uio ?K>?itiuu u.?.i LllJ ?btii Ibsj ?ere r. ?
l,re I frum Ibe srui.. '
(i.u. Butler of Muss .vhusetts said :
' I bi(e lon-f ?eeii tkn in.iastirt of the |rr?-i;t leite-r. nt pt- for rrtlraad
nflerrs, Mr. hprsl.tr, ?nl the worat p*rt of It i? tbai u i? -till ?ou* un
ill ru nut uu bi ibr i're?i.lent ur Serrrisrr of Wir sn.l b? prnontl
loii. lUDob or tbn.uili tbrir Iriendt p? me sppoint'iebtt in tl.e r'.i.lar
maemt . li.rn a? ?..(.ii .i? ibe app .ibtaebl i? ol.isise.1 the. ??.??? tbit liier
h?rr Iweu ilit?.lr.l in l!.e ?..lunirrr srril.*?, and "ft theinselifw ret real
witkin t.u ur three nuiiibi ii)-..n llie liiglo at tank that il., r held is the
mluiit-er tertiee. 1 In re l.a? Urn laie i??e uf a ?e-.ii.'l I r..le"?nt wbo
I belle?., ?li retired aa r..,.u.c. witii.n Oil days alter be wss appo a ti
in tbe rrynlsr tun , ?ul that tern, witl.is lb? last rear. .Now let _, ?_?
bow tbit lluin u)?r?trs. I ?ill ?ne mo in n.?l?nre f-..? tne Army
hrifi.trr ul ?n, Iber- afmeam in that K??i?lei ?o (be r?t.rei lut aa
offx-rr I? b.x-e uane i ran ute it si.il_-.li desiras It) wbo st Ibe ante of
bis retirement. Ann. lb, ?_.", wss s eaptsla la lbs srui*. He ??? a
t.nisJier-aeneril uunn-j lb? war, ml waa retired a? ?ajor/eieial II?
suw re* m a>?'..'?". ; r ?i.r.ittn. wbereu st i_s ilste uf bis relireiacnl
b ti1?* w. th? scute litt ?i. uni; a I 20i a jesr."
Tne bill for Hie repeal o? luis odious law was passed by
the House with hut few dissenting vote?. It went to tbe
Beaate aad waa referred t<< tb?* Committee oa Military
AH..u?,of which Beaatoi \Vtl?on, the Radical candidate
lor the Vue I'resuleiicy, was rhalriniu. He could not
deny the injustice of tbe law, but would not consent to
Its absolute repeal, for that would rest?te the favon-d
few wbo hail taken udvuntuge of its piuvlslons to an
(*(|U_lny with their brother soldiers. Through bis influ?
ence Ibe House bill wus so auieuded us l>. prevent such
fuvcritistu m the future; but It left undisturtied ilm-'*
now on tbe list. Can any rlexrer proof be giveu of tbe
fact that ~t nal"! Wilson, while prating aiiout tne poor
soldier, stands ready to legislate fui the few who aara
alrrady received the lion's ?bare, rather than In the in
leic-it of tli.* gnat mas? of deserving mrii who, In the
language Of (?eu. Coburn, are now eking out a bur? ?ut>- I
sist? u. ?? lu every purl of the laud.
From The TUeirtUi Petit [led I
The ?nililic were NMfful sUrtlc?! laat even?
ing at the uunouiic? nniii made In the third edition of
The Daily Etening l"rett. nt a probably fraudulent regis?
tration in tin.? ( it.i of iie.iil) 1Mb name?. Hura is the
coin para tin* ?tat? innnt :
INT.. 1N_1. 1S7 3. 1N71.
First Ward.?-' 4? | V. u.U. \\ ?rJ. HO tut
SrtimdVtiri. ???ll 411 , - ?
IbudWsrd. til MA I TsUI.2MI 1.710
I la.rwasa ala.w IIII. l.et? t?iia
We believe there h?v? lx-eu fiom . ?i to sou fraudulent
ngtstrutlons 111 this r! t> . Wnnh p.ut, i- ie?p..ii?i!.le
toi tiic preoeedlnf, or an both of them aaaaeraad in it t
What ticket do tbete SOU lllegul electors iulcud to vote I
These ure |h rtiueut ijue.tloiis. It I? ?I? urly luipoMibln
tbut the voting population of the 'I hud Ward could ha v.
been legitimately Inrreiiiied ?im .* I.i-l i ?. lolx-i ln.ni ??'??
to Pli ; that the l'uni tb Ward could have lui r_?t_ed from
in to Ml, und tliui (lie eity at I.n ge should hat a gained
jam votera duriua Hi? iaat 13 ?__.ha
ItF.Tl'KN:) FIlOM Fimr-K?VK < or. TIE???nEAVT
Tlie following table contains the reporte?l mnjor
ltiee for Gov. ?Smith lu ? conntlcu. nfi reeeived by "S
I>? r Asisociftte?! Prc_s ?lispritelies from Atlanta. Wo
contrtvt tlicm Tvlth tlio vote for Congrcwuncn ir
1S70, wliith is (lie largest hitherto cant in ?h? State
_ne*< reeoiiBtructioi). Tlio total vote *.v__ thon
ISkfltl, and tlio Democratic majority _>,4.*?1. Tlio
compariwin __U0BBM u majority for ?Smitli of 3."?,U_l
to K>,<>_> in tho ?State, but allowing for o\ or-est ?mates,
ami (lu- uncertainty il? to the \,,t?-?,f tlie connue?
not y?'t Iicanl from, wo prefer to make no catioiato
of the preciso majority. Enough that it is over
?helmlngfy largo :
I MO. tSTi.
.-ClMOKU* -. a-' ..VIM.3..K. .
Coenttes. K?-,. I>?m. Adm. lah.
Taliafeir.?. atri tut..,, - :i09
Vtilk.s. 'dn'i UM.... - 1,<,71
Mil??.,gee. 1,1H7 a,104_ - TOO
11 _!,,???_. a 794_ - lit?.
I'lilosMl. ?19 l.OWfl... ? no
Richmond. -1,551 j.nn..., - '.to
Wlntefl.-ld. tat '?'_... - 870
liougheriy. a,a_? _?.... ?? 3-_>i
De Kalb. _>? l.ois... ? ?oh
Morgan. l.u.l Hl.... - 17J
Wllkinaou. 899 801.... - _*0
l.'hley. 4->7 44.1.... - _U
MeDuille. 4 _-_ ?? ?*?
Butnter. 1,_I8 1,1173_ -? _?)
Tniilp. UM 1. "-74_- MM
Oaveta.UM i,i?vj_ >? aro
IliOoks. ?1) H13_ - 216
Itei doipi. MO l.uij ... ? M
Quitiuan. j.t 4ia.... ? i-'7
< ampia II. 448 il?.... ?- 8>?0
Mwoii. X.'.i.n H7_... - 8_)
Baldwin.1,147 60.... ? ooo
Ilutte. 4H Ml.... ? *-?'i
llillko. KI4 1.415... - fti?
l-'ioyd. 64?! 1.118... - .-I
?lows. VJJ 765.... - l"J
Clarke. Mg...? - 812
Nowtea. _u i,3si ... ? v.d
Conlon. ill 7*1.... ??? vnO
Mitebell. 'dis tan.... ? i?i
Ten.ll. l*:?l 846.... - b.tl
Talliot. l.Oia I,?*!).... - 8.14
?Muir.tv. 4 tn'i..., - _?_
Clayton. S57 313....- _M
l'.iltuu. 2,MO 3,114.... - 1,-CO
Cohb. 187 7_L... - Mi
llouslou. 3,01? K7J... - IM
iiibb.No ratera .... ? l.s?*?
I?ee. 1,?J 413.... - 175
Wairen. 461 8.VJ.... ? _s)
Molil<_). l.ilUM l,_il_ - 7i?)
Hartow. 675 1,536_ - 1,008
Clay. 4x9 493.... - 60
? halliuui. 3,4.4 3, _*<>.... - 2,940
l'pM.ll. WO WO.... - 618
Henry. 4.',.) UM.... <- IM
Tavior. ?G.-I MI...? - l"?i
I'l..e. 419 800.... - ?US
y avart.l.-ntl 841.... ? eso
TT..TI.".. tat 67i.... - W4
MI,ton. 5.1 21-.... ?- MI
I_?u,leH. 740 ?'?_!_ -. MI
lt.. k?lab-. N.W county, - i??i4
Ogietborpe. ??; i'.-'J.... -
Catoo?a. M 64...... - 314
Total.4J.11? 63,7h'l.!? - 1K?,'J.3
Deiiiocialic uia|urity in ?5 counties in UN, 11,40.1;
r< ported lna|,irlty lor ?lamed M. builtii m ?aitie OUliUlS
lu l ?... 30,073.
Atlanta, Oct. _--Tlio people of Geortm am
tiud of (?rant's "peaee," aud aro determined to be
fr.cd from his and liulloek'a rule. Heneo the larg? ma
i>,lilies ull over the State. The ?hites und many blacks
support the Liberal movement, and will carry Georgia
for ?irerley by 60,000. The election was peaceable, ex?
cept in Ma, ?in, where an armed tu,,b atfacki-d tbe polls.
Tbe gains tbruuKtiu.it tin? Piafo are uniformly large In
Itoth the m hi!?' and Ma? k coniitu a.
W. A. Hi'.Ml'illl.L, Proprietor of Conttitttlinn.
? M V.KHtirr NOT !___? TRAM tSftQO.
S wANSAii, Oct. 8.?The Administration ia
p,,rt?..f MR_rt_B at the polls are utteily false. The
??lectlims trtro fairly condiutcd, and thero was no
trouble here. Tin? conflict at Macon was ntfOtkOUtg by
an attempt ?if tl.i? MglBM to take p,,--< s-lou of tho
poll-, and even after this they ??to protected liy tho
Mayor, and allowed to vole. V0 dill',? ))lly octMlfBi clac
?here. Tlie liberal ttajttttj In tho state la not lesa than
So,o_t, aud perhaps moie.
LATtilt __P__n F.ioM ACill'-TA.
Augusta, Oct. 8.?Batana r?n iv? ?1 fr??m CO
OOBBttM In every p,,rll ?n of tin- t*t.?U? ?rive the l)?-.iio
cruis over _>,000 ni ?J? riiv. T!:o 70 CBBBdM yet to hear
fioiu will im rciiHu the majority to 40,000. The foil trtag
louiitle? Klve the De_MM_*aM MM ii.ul.iitv: ?__?/,
ii.tn.ioii.h, iJnoks, ('uiiiiii'i, Jeaaa, Kawtea, Mari?
aaaihar. Dpaaa, Nt. Taiiafen.., xaytar, Itewart.
Worth, l'ulaakl, Houston, Webster. Wilkiu-oii, l'uluuu,,
Wiislnui-'toii, Iliu-ke, un?l Coiun.bla. T?l?,'j-4 Couuty
fl_Ma_a_-MlMa majority of __ and QBBMM ?'ouuty,
111. Out of C?>, i.ui'ti' I h. iir.l Ir.uii, onli four have goat
lb'piiolicaii. Luthu?iu.-tl? La luu? lats claim the bt-.tc by
?o.oou majority.
?DMiiiATi LATIOM ?'Vr.ii Tin; RHOLT.
Than ama aaiay ea__c . yratftrtay, at the
in- ,,i,|u irters of tli?? Nitiou.ii iieuiocr aii.? BzeaaUra
< "iiiinlllee. Tho eleitioti In <ie,,i.'Li, with the very
lark'e miOorily f??r the Lil eral "audidatcs. was tho oi, ,i
slon of lunch rejoicini". It was asnerted that it was only
tin- teatealag tt Ih? MwtrtateaAwatak u io salateate
In the elei'tloii of <?i_'b y and Un.wn. A meeting will
beheld on Ha! uni.iv ev.nliif" In Tamniany Hall, and
coiiciatnliifory 8i?eech<s 3?Hi be uri,le by prominent Lib?
eral Kej,ni,lu-an BO? D.aiocr.itic leader?.
The njoi.-ln? at the h? a,l?|ii irteri of tlu? Li'.cral Itr
-jnblb-an LxeeuUve t omtnltteo was fully equal to that
at tho Denuvratie Heudnuurt. rs. Bev? rtl r??prei?euta
tiv?:e from Boutin rn States called dunn,- the day, and
d? ? luie'l tbut us tho efl'cet of tho victory In Geor?*l;i
every Southern Slate, except South Carolina, would bo
earrb'.l for the I,literal caiilhlatet. Col. LiIihu Allen will
ha\e a saluto of linlKiiiin in? ?1 to-?ighl in houol' ol the
vi?-loty. The foliovsiiii-- dUptit? h ?s,,? received :
l_ Uaiaaa?Be, Ott i '*> ?h l,??D??-?in*t ?*,?<? ?rrtonrfoBntT
t>7 I l>?. iD-jnnt^i ?am? lor lin-.-.e?. R. 1). .Si>aUN ?-'..
Ai the in u.l.pi.irii rs of the Administration Republicana
mu ,..??u, ss was inaiiifested, ??!tli. lull au effort was Uiaalo
to laui*h off llic n-tu I of the election.
A S?jUAt> ?Jl' WOWtOhT? HBOaOn FR?"?! KF.N
im nuMoun n thr maonai
Indianapoli*?, Oct. 3.?A dwtrcssiiii*? and dis
a^reeable thlnfi hapiiened to Stiino of Mr. Morton's im?
portation? t,,-?la?. It was telegraphed to the Liberal
Heiidi|uarters this luornm? that a irreat crowd of nc
frroe.t from Kentucky -were connm, northward on tho
aft? inooii tral.i. There wero bet wee u 60 and 73 lu the
franK, and throuKh some oversight they were pennltted
to .-ome lint-arded to a station some distance below In?
dianapolis, where a scplad detached ?from 11, ad.'uai t.i?
hero \?.ii ?.?ut to find out If they were
really the metal deluded on by Morton
to carry tho day next Tuesday. The result cllnchee the
laat doubt of Morton's moth..?I-, Uno of the men sent
down walked boldly among the unsuspecting negroes,
and u-liiH'at a veutiirs tho name of a no'.orton? Grant
intriguer ??ho has be? u running colored people over
from Kentucky, caught the gang in the very acknowl?
edgment of their mis .on. Tlu y were informed that
they could lie about until eb-etion day, aud that quar
ter? would l?e provided them. The negroes, think?
ing themselves with th?dr friendly eon?|iira
tor*, talked without n-. r\e and divultred lufonuutlon
ttat will be of signal -arviee to tho Liberal Committee
I. tweeu this aud Tuesday. Arrhlug in this city, 18 of
lue negroes were taken ttc'or?- u JuiIk??, aud afUdavlta
drawn which Implicates ouc Will David, an AMtstant U.
b. Marshal, In tbe bualncM. He It was who pilot? d them
over ; and be It la who U to carry them through the oper?
ation of votlug. The affair causes great excitement
hen-, and may poesibly i ?u?e this branch of Morton's
plan's to be abandoned, aa the fury of tbe people may
turn upon all the colored people under the conviction
that they are to bo made the Instruments of fraud aud
corruptiou. No disturbance ran take place, however, as
all the requisite precautions are to lie adopted by tho
l.ii,? r,?l? to prevent even a pretext tor tbe bayoueta that
aeimior Morton holds at bis control.
Iu in*, wny of campaigning, the same tumultuous a?
?flu hi age* came tt?g<*iher in all par's of tbe Stute, to .Lu ,
,iii,l l iiiinbiill, l'ltlmiT, Keener. Austin, Hlalr, Oree
M-iior. Henilricks, Vooi tiers, and lioollttle are fairly
i "!,i,k- <>u the ? r??l of ?me vast wave of popular emoiluu.
NolhiiiK known In tbe West parallels this wonderful el
hltnli.'ii The n-.ull of Ih? (icoigta ?-leelloii add? ?1 to the
laU-rnl ardor, aud t?. ?lav the ?tty, which Is crow del
wltb tbliors lo tbe sun- Kalr, hat been lu a liluxr of ???
I'lii-iiieiii and K""d iiaiur?-.
The Uraut people, tppalled by tbe prodigious out
ponr!-? here for Mr. Grer-ter, dc'ermln.d wifh erent
luct tu lake advantage of Hic lair und Iba Wcaaap?
imluted this afternoon nml evening for a great _B_I 'lay.
Tlie Bloat c?)iis|i|ctiotis men now in the Weit were puf on
the i.Ills, including Ilouf well, Untier. Jewell, Hawlcy,
and other*, and all the (?runt supixirters wer.' tn-or
ouslv aw? s? i-d for Icotitrll'iillon. The aft? moon hura?a I
(?lie A very great dlsappolutuu tit. (?en. butler BB?.e In
the wigwiiin tn but half a house full, and the street
d? inoustratlon failed utterly. This can, of c?>nr?e, 1 _
n ami ?.'an o.uit.-d for. The crowd? were ail at the fair
mid the races. Tlie evening di liioiisfralliii, howcier,
ani|_y redeemed the fnllnre of the duv. Tlie enormous
masse? that have ue. n for three days tilling all tbe hoi?-ls
and private nc( ouiiiumUiIoii? in town, witn nothing to
n??, of course turned out en masse, and
it Is aaving all ?hat is required iu mlraeae
to say. thai the night wits a lilting afterpiece
to the great Qpaamy deatoaatntlua ?f list
month. The iiiimlXT was ?iiiite as great, bal there was
Homing tn make tip ior the genial spirit of that nf"iir.
Tie lliiiiulii.ilion gotten up ?it _rcat expon-u* did tmt tell
nearly aa effectively, and, all la aii.it is tbe conviction
that nothing baa been gained bv the show at 11 j I *. lute
date. Mr. lioiitwc'l, x|x-uking troiu an oix-u platform
n? ,ir the -.vigwbiii, did not seetn to gain the mime hearty
n -spouse? that m re ue< orded at the Gr??dcv meeting,
ti"i ?lid the ti.-ry liratles of the warlike Hut 1er acorn to
lire the Hoo-i. r heart.
As to the State at large the Congres? Districts are lx*
g.iniing to make excellent n ports, ami there is a strong
probability of currying nine of the district? win ro ?toi*
Kien have beaa hoped for. Of these the 1st, Hd. lll?l,
IVih. Vltb, VIIili, and IXtb are sute, and tbe VUHii
ami Xth almost certain. This with tbo electiou of Ihe
two congre-? men at Larca, Kerr an I William?, will give
the Literals 11 mcmlx-i-? lu Die Hull taa ?'on re-? I?. ? . , .
iiou. (it the Legislature, on which the main il .ht i? con*
( eainli d ami With u skill and Inttcrnc*-? mu-r befare
experienced, it is almost ltiiposs.blo to calculate
on for a rrrtulnty. The hodf mnsl-.ti of
100 Representatives and CO Senators, half of wbo na hold
I'li'tfiiiiu li-rtn tu t?'riu. 'ibero Is, however, a vacain y
tli ? vcar, w Inen leuae-i 16 to be elected. Ou these .8
Morton Mauds Ills lae? resource. Of the U at present
holding nur, li arc l.i in tuls and sonic doubtful. L'puu
these and the new tin uiliers ri sts Mm ton's furtli? r hopo
of power? A. thing? st.?!ul, tbo balauco fall? against
tin Hing.
Skvmoi r, Oct. 3.?Forty-four nf'i*roo_, wlio
left I_iul ville, testerday, reached here thi? uorulug
Coming by way of New-Albany and Mitchell, a round
I about course evidently to escape attention. In reply to
?in stlous some of tbetn stated that they were from Ken?
tucky, other? said from Cairo, while some refused to tell
nti.v'hine hat ?aid they knew their business. Mod of
them said they were going beyond Indianapolis lo vole
lor Giant, lin y left l.efore noon for Indianapolis.
U a?-iiinct<>n WITH Ettt own Government.
Ib? Tl.I.Ll .tUi'U T) TIIK iKIBl'- E.|
Washington, Oct. 3.?-Tlio recent reports
from J..puu, coiitulneil In a private letter received from
there by u person In this city, arc supposed to be untrue
by oUlclals ben , who would have been informed 11 such
a state of thltifs c\i<ud there as Is reported. Minl.-tc,
Mori doubt? the authenticity of the report? and has in?
form itton eriDiig? to deny some of the etatcmeuta con?
tained ?u that letter. In January last, Mr. Mori ?ent hi?
resignation to Japan, but it was not accepted. Upon ro?
ed iing the non-acceptance bo returned his commission
coupled with a request that it lie accepted. The Emporor
of Japan had, as yet, not nn.werrd bis communication.
Therefore all report? about hla being recalled aro at
leant premature. He denies that there ia any crisis In
bis country as reported, and ?ay? tho spirit of progresa
In tbe Empire w ill continuo and not return to tbe ?low
policy which ha? heretofore been adopt' d there. Horneo
Capron and Dr. Autliell, formerly of tho Agricultural
Department of this city, arc still In Japan, and are likely
to continuo there ?? tbo last report? from them were to
the effect that evciytblng was m.iklue satisfactory pro?
gresa. Mr. Tcshlno Hoiltb, formerly of the State Depart?
ment, who Is reported to bavo b? <-u removed, has recent?
ly been appointed International Counselor to the Um
ixror, a position which he ha? put UPBUt, Minister Mori
expects lu a few weeks to receive official advice? from
Japan, which, ho thinks, will be sufficient to remove all
doubt? of any trouble there. Mr. Mort Is known in Japan
to be tho champion of tbo free thought and worship
polby and is opposed to the present Church of Slate
existing in tho Empire ; and en that account ho thinks
be can ha of more use to hi? country as a private citizen
tii.d. _?!?? IU representative in this country.
VIEW? OF A (ONHlltVAriVF. M_-.|. rt? op Pin
CIDE OF A J!______
L?>xt>o_, Thnrsdny, Oct. 3, 1?_1.
Tho I?i^lit Hon. Sir Cliarle. Add.rly (Con?
servative), M.'mls r of Parliament for North Stuff, ml
shin , and Und' i Secretary of the Colon,es under the lato
D I all Government, adilre-s??! a largo meeting of his
constituents at Burslem last Blatt? Iu tli_ course of i.n
remarks he alluded to the work of th?; Geneva Tribunal
and Ihe settlement, of the disputes tx-tween England and
An.i i IBB, and said tlie prosperity of fio world depen.ted
upon a cordial understanding between tbe two nations.
England had u.ado great sacriilce? to terminate the
?tale of semiallenailon and relieve tho anxiety of Can?
ada. In conclusion, he said tlie settlement of the dlffi
ealtfoa arising out of tho depredation?of the Confederate
privateer? had been dearly purchased by England, and
maintained that the parties who fitted out those vc-- li
ami niade fortunes at th?' risk of tho honor of tho couu
try ought to bear the burden of the award of the Geneva
'ihe Right Hon. Plr Jam?'. umPM Wille., ono of the
Judges of the Court of Coin mon Pie..?,committed sub ldo
this morning. Hir James was suffering from a ?evero
attack af the gout, which reached the lirnln anil caused
Insanity, In one of |llie paroxysms of which the fatal act
was committed.
S t'A IN.
Tin: PBS in Tin: monastery and palac:: Off
madhii?. Kharafafi Oct. 3, wit,
TIM Are brigade seut from this city h.i. ar
ri\ed at the Ba uii.il. T.irougli its exertions tho lltitn s
liiivo been checked, and, although still burning, are
contlned to that part of the pala im; In which the library
Is placed. A great quantity of books and manuscripts
ha? been removed, ai.d there are hope? of ?a\ ing the en?
tire library, but in a damaged condition.
Parib, Thursday, Oct. 3,1373.
It is rumored that President Tbier. iutends,
at tbe next session of tho Assembly, to urge the Con?
servative Deputies to support a proposition for the de?
finitive establishment, by proclamation, of a permanent
Republic, baaed on strictly conservative principles. It is
also said that M. Casslmlr I'?rler iu now using hi? Influ?
ence with the Right Centre of the Assembly to bring It
to accept the l'li-Bident's views.
Paris, Thursday, Oct. 1,1_T3.
The Stratsburger Zeitung gays 500 Alsatians
are now serving as soldier? lu the German garrison?, of
whom 123 are volunteers. The latter will be liable to
military service lor only one y.ar.
Rome. Thursilay, Oct.*., IST..
The Pope, replying to a deputation which
vlulled him on the anniversary of the taking) of the ple
bUcltum in Rome, da-dared that tha triumph of the
Church would assuredly come, If not In hi? lifetime, In
that of bis succeeaora.
1'ksTi?. Thnraday, Oet. I, I ?Tl.
Th? Austrian Delegation has finally voted
the budget of the Ministry of Foreign Affair?, Including
the appropriation for secret service, without amend?
Havana, Oct. 2.?Two gtia-boata and the
steamer Manuela left Santiago de Cuba on Monday, to
crni-e after a steamer seen off the coast, which I? con
?ulerixl ot a ?uspli-tou* character. The new line of
nilliurv defense? (?eglns at Nuevita? Hay ou th? north
aad ???d? ?_. Jiiuabo ou ihe ?outil llJe ef taa ialaud.
a FAvoiiK.o onraaia aim wmiiiiihii
FOB ORK?INAL MEAM'KKi -??<> As To l?l-< KIM
1NATE A?iAIN?3r Vol.l'NTKIM???1 UK AKB?
iiR'-M a? _*t>_mw*_b *****Baa_r____**T _** na hmri
WASliivorov, Sept. 2?.?Tli?' Hon. Henry
wOmb plum, s himself upon tl,, ;, t? n mW. d
to tlie T.ilnnteer ?.Idlers of the eonntry In In? eapaa If y
of Cbalrmitu 0f tho Military Comruiltee of tho Beaate.
II? tries !.. _??(,. .,,? soldiers believe that they owe to
hlnialltho ge*t*roii* l<Kl?latlou of Congre., greotiu-r
them increased pay and Large hoiiiitic? during ihe *,.ir.
nud addition il bounties Hn-1 sped.?! pu,I!?,??_ upon the
public iaml* sine?- the return of peace. These pr-if. _.|..n?
of the aspliant for the Vi.. l?r? ?1,1,-ney ?re a? hypoerili
ealaamauy others the Seuator ha? made. They hav?
i_l_. d upon unit of both parties, however, heeause u<?
MM familiar with the BhM ??f his ? areer in Congress ha*
ta!.?n th<> pains to pn.k tbl? buhl,le of reputation who h
he hit* so Ht.?iduo'i?l\ blown for himself. Mr. TOMB has
nlwaj's eiuleavorrd to arrogate v> himself tl.? , ..lit of
the military legislation of Congress.
i ?,.n; i-iii-.,, i.i.i i r?TioN o? OTiiru BBB*! ?..nas.
?ata aft.-r tlie ? laM <.f the war he pripar??! a Ixsik, or
nithcr Ms clerk pr.-pareil I: for him, in which ho an gar?
bled, di-torti'd, ami alt?-r?d the r? e?.nl of Ihe proceed
lilCTof Congr. ?? a* to make hiiu?eif U-'iire M et* autbor
of mea-oins nf ?Inch be aerat wrote a lli,<?. Inftu?,
the book r?'pre*cnted him as tlie parent of ne.?rl> e?.r?
law liaised all-??line the nnnv from IBM to 1-? H. Tl..?
work ho staled " ili.itary I_gl_lation of tl?n War." I
have never seen a copy of it, but I well rt-memlxr tl?.
rag?? a distlng? ili?h? d m.-uii? r ?,f the House ?v.?? in ,*! -
ho found measure* apafl wl?l< h ho had spent weeks ui
hard work, ami th. ) -.._?? of ?Lhti had U? n du?
almost solely to hU own ?iirtioiis, eoollv appropriated
by the Massachusetts (Senatoi. and app?-iiriug in bis lKx>k
as "introduced by Mr. Wilsou." ?Some of the trick?
Wilson us?-?! to r??s?irt to In ord r to ?ft his name
upon a bill w??ro as ridiculous as they were
contemptible. Tiny wero so transtiannt that lb? ?
usually cave rise to more amusement than ang. r araon?*
tho men ?bos?? ?St?? he VTM in the lia'itt of steal!?;*, ami
whose carefully prepare I bills ho often til. lie.l bodlI>,
with the change of a few words ouiy. His custom wa?
to watch tho military bills iff red in the House, ami
whenever he found one that had (rood point.? ami va*
likely to pass that bod- , bo would chauj-o a lino or m
word here aud there, and perhaps add an uiiiin|_rtaiit
section, and would then offer it In the He u ,14! as an on?.
Inal bill of his own. If the IfaBM paBB d Us bill Hist.
Wilson woubl refuse to MMMm It In bis (?.iminlttco, and
would Insist np.in passing his own bill through the 8?-u
ate. The matter usually went lluu?y (?? a ? ?.iif.-reiu?*?
r.iiiimittce, and when the bill K?'t ml? the BMpi of law
Wilson never failed to have it uniitloiml in ll,?? pap?is
as ?'Wilson's bill," espe? l.iilv if it Baa a BMBMMB lik.ly
to lie popular with tho soldier?. In man? hMteSKB- ho
kept Important House bills lu Lis paatea^M foc weeks,
and, when press??! to p.i-s them, lu? setii (o the House,
not the bills amended, as is the custom ?a 1k u one House
makes ?liantes In lulls origtuatmg iu the ,?;lie,, i,tti new
hills of his own covering i.l.ntlc.il ground?in- paifaM
being to get the cretllt of orl^iua:lu? ih? in.
GKose BBBMIMB t<> v??ilaaBBBBB,
Every member of Couirri-ss who has rnr?.:-!..>?? t>,*
war, and who In at all familiar ?'. itli the Meter) of lie
legislation affecting tho arn)>* und the ?lis?-liara. ?I m.Iuu
teer soldiers, knows that Wilson's boast of having b_n
tho champion of tho Int.re?!? of the volunte??? U ataaar
hypocrisy. Ho ha* always lieen tlie mouth-piece of tbe
o!?l regular anny in the a.-ii it. , and when- au> eouflbt
arise between tho MBMMM I tho regul?is and lln?
volunteers, tbe former has invariably had his sopi?ort.
It long ago came to lie w.- ! i,t??l> r'totxl lu tt,e Military
Couimltte<>8 of both House ? thai to I UtaaaM gat Wilson'*
countenance until ho luol teiaa M ..?to the Adjutant
OaaaraPi ofBee, ami Maud wBetBtr it met with the
l:i?lor??'-iiient ofthat ant.| ui? .1, ai,*focr,?li.', rc<l-r_p<
loving lnsiitutioii. If it did not. he would WMttg? I
It, unless the pressure for Its paaaago iKcaau?
too streng to be resisted, In which <????? In
would have It so doctored up by the oft), ? r? M the \, r
Department Unit the soldiers would get but a small part
of i lie tieiii'ilt tliev cipectcd from it. The Homily ml,
passed In Ihe XX XlXth Congress Is an example of Wil?
son's pe? forman? IH In this direction. Tmie were, no
every soldier knows, grossly uiiju?t In? qualities iu tbi
amounts paid to volunteer? -is bounty m nicy. ..une men
MTTaAttfaapaaiaand got but llOO bounty, or none at
all, while others got l?Oi) fora few BbtOth? or \t.?ks or
?e:ii .. Tu.- 11,,ii-o paaMi a bill pn ?,.ir,?l tg ?t I
|_MMk M MjMdtat th?se bounti, s us .,[ .i? p,i...i ?,
miMB lubsl ituted lor It a m? a U.e wliieh only rout le red
the inequality worse than before. It gave licit?? sniil,.-,?
who hail received already $ino, but made no pr.i.tslon
for thoucamls of .1? ?. rviu?' ?o'..li rs who __n i r<-,. 13? ,1 ..
cent of bounty. This su'isiliuto was tt? k.d upon an pg
pr. piialion kill by W1U011 and the House tva? fore? ?I 1
uccpt If. Tlio House In subscqueut Cougi
many attempts to effect a fair eiputli/.ttioii of ttuuuiic?.
but they all failed by n.'ison of Wilson's eov??rt <.p|M?si
tlon in the fenate. Tin- bills f.,r this i?ur-,....?. ?In. h the
House ftmtaA aever got out of the plg??ou-lt,,ies of bu
committee room.
IIINK? ??II ??.??'s'ltr.sl'I.N inn HV.
Penitor Wilson, -sltli the p..\?. 1 ?..?in Inm by thf
chairmanship which he holds, has ??.ntr.,,1-d ell
military legislation iu too BaaaM for MB fOmtt
Acting always as tho or?,*.m ol the regular arm?,
or rather of that bppr?s?u?, thai arrogant bur? ?
ocra, y in tha regular service tli.it has grown up
in tho War Department, he bas s?cured th<< onssageof
mauy laws whl, h uiako utiju?t dl?. riuiiii.itious bgfmOtt
the volunte?-!*, against th.? regulars ?*ho ?lo tlie hard
field service of tho frontiers, in favor of MM "carp? t
knights" ? l.o earn " ic 1.1 -:?? MMdM -?IU nm MM ?
cu?ln Hei chairs iu tli?. W. r ?. .,ic?, and luave no p. n.
t,a\e that of kartea their cor.i.str..,! M m the- pi?-^?ial tho
fashionable receptions, where Iteg ?liu?: i< ?pi? ml in n.
untarnished buttons aud gold la?<?. Ii is owing lo th,,
legislation WHson In* got through that a staff o like 1 , ?.?.,
live at a fashionable lioiel iu Waninugl'iu ami <lriv<-hi?
own establiohmeut on the avenue, while a lu??'olllctr ol
the samo rank, flghtiug Indians in Ar:-<>ua, bar.ly
gi'ts pay enough to feed and clothe his family. He 1?
responsible, too, for gross abuses In the reiin meat of
officers. A long list of otile? rs are drawing th?' retinal
pay of major-generals and brigadier-generals who wert?
only eaptiiius, majori, or coloiieis wheu retired. I'uil.i
tho provisions of a law Wil.son ?lipw-d throm-li, oflleers
are receiving salaries of over %!? 000 a year for ?lo-ng ab
solutely nothing, who ?-?reglad to get |v,ouo or tl.!**)
wh??n iu active service. I propose M g? loto tlii? uiat*?-r
alltlloln detall, beca use the law Is re? o^niz?-.! by the
whole army as an outrageous piece of injustice, aud
because the share Henator Wii_.ii took In iu p_wag?
shows how hollow are his pretensions of aft. etlon for tho
volunteers. On tho 9th of July, 1_>. when the lull to re
organl.e the regular army was under coushh ration, th<>
following amendment was offered by Senator Howard :
That officers of the n-gular army entitled to be retir_l
on account of .lt*-t!.lllty _ easioued by wounds n-selve.l
In battle, may be retired upon the full rank of the OtOA*
mand b? 1<I by them, whether lu the regular or voluuiecr
service at the time the wounds were received.
Senator Wilson had undoubtedly got Howard to off? r
this, for he limn, ?Lately Jumped up h:u?_?U to? xpUiu 11.
The following colloi-uy ensued 1
Mr. Wllson-Tbst proposition, I take It, meaus simply
this: Blarcaaaaiaar <>f odleers of the rrguiar ?nuy
were niaale officers of volunteers. Home of these officers,
o? 1 hap* four or live of them, wore desperately wounded.
The pioposltlou 1? that they shall be nun?! on tn ?
rank they held when tlu-v n-celved their wuuuds, aud I
think it Is right that It should lie so. Where do_i tho
Boaster proi_??e to Insert the ameu>lm?tnt.
Mr. Uowai'd- At tho close of tho bul as an additional
Mr. Wilson-Put it In as se 1 ".
Mr. Howard- Very well. come Iu aa section tl
Tho aiiientiment was agre- .
Probably thore were not thr? ?: H nators wBo understood
what the amendment meant. Tue House bad previously
passed a bill to reorganise the army, but Wilson, la ae
cordanee with hi? habit, would not act on It, but Insist? _
on sending the House a bill of his own. Gen. (o_enck,
who was Chairman of the House Military Cu-uniUt?*?*.
would not touch the Heuate bill. The House bill had
made provision for giving the volunteers a large repre?
sentation In the new regular army w hlch Wilson's bill did
not Include. Finally, both bills went to a t'_if?reuc?
Committee. The Committee could not agree because
Wilson Insisted upou the amendment quoted above aad
other objectionable features he had put la his bill for the
benefit of favored officers la the regular army. A second
committee was appointed and also failed to agree. The
third committee harmonised aud Wilson's amendment
was left la. the Uouee members not Delongi-t to ' a

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