Newspaper Page Text
v?--*. Y\\n .No-n.8:.o. NEW-YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER r>. 1872.-TRIPLE SHEET. PRICE FOLR^CElvVfi ' _ , 1. I - PENNSYLVANIA CANVAS A BTUW Of TUB Fin.p. BiONiFictNi i. of gt in it.'.. i?'ATi(.v?-f ?it- III! IAI.DK lil i'lUlM \1>T_?llOTll SI CLAIMING Till STATE. IBY TELKUKAI.I TO TBE T_l_._ . .1 Pnti.Ai'H iiiiA, (let. 4.?The v Schril, c 'crni candidate for tlir QevSI ahip. id favor ?if Huckalew, has caused more dineue in political circles her?*, to-day, than any previous e? Bin? ?? the a n of (int. Ciiri.u' 1. tier. The Li Ba fill IIKIO have, throughout tit- campai _n, ? It?, ir etn t.tilt Si __? apt, though no inn ?tltlicr if UM great parties has ?ver in corded tin in u ttan half that nniiil _>r of tot? ft. In a campaign < ducted on tioth sides, Botfe by tlie limg mid the tormina. tVilh M ini.ih t :?-i.r ?im moot 1 re-out, when friend- of liuckalew and llaitranft aro Loth Baal th ! It tl-? Mil ( t? ij M ?Ba le t ?u ry on active cnuvaaa at .?il, except in isolated let? doubtful if S4,hcli, had be ninaimd in the Held, ce t?te polled mon than MyM totts. Bappoalai that 1 dkttsaaafassat for liuckalew (and ttitli i tioiua a v?*ry much huger ptneiitagc I f tlitiiicu. ?ia*_ly Mtunill ?t will place hitn.tatheoi'iiiion ni liber, li? and Democrat?, beyond the possibility of deft Tin fr?? ado of Mr Um kalew and honest govcruun kave also becu greatly ?-ti? ?ur:ijrt tl by reporte from . ministration soun c. in regard to the Liberal Kepublli Btri'iiijili :n tin i.i.rlln-rn ti? r of eotititiiM in thin Btl A prominent candidate on the Grant ltcpubl.iaii .t ticket,who has becu in Philadelphia thi* week, lsrepor toUat? aeaarel tin Ocaatnlttei?as he freely tuid etbta that ttie fiiciids of Hartranft had greatly Badete mated Ika Kcptiblican defection in that part of t (ltiit<>. T? (? members of lioth parties are feeling t( cciitlii. it to-night, each claiming that ttiev will rai tee Blata By nt least 10,000. The Liberals generally se. to believe that Tlnrtranft will reiiuiro not h than IMM or 20.000 majority in Philadelphia overcome Huckalew's majority in tlie country, while t ? thai :! .; i .'it..! late ?H11 befen- reacall g Philadelphia? The entire .tat. thoroughly aroused within tbe past two week.-,aad very I arm %l '?" tr.ny be expected on Tuesday. QOV. ninin is CHESTER COUHT?. AM LMlll.JA.TIC OVATION?.l.YLN THOUSAl PEOPLE IN LINK. |BT TBLBQBAPB TO THE TKIBn.B.7 Downington, Oct. __.??Twt-nt} tl.mi_.m_ pc pie welcoiii? ?1 Oov. Curtin to this city, to-night. Cheat Caanty is one of tho strongholds of Republicani-in }'?nu. > It ?una, and ?luring the days of the war, tt hen man twice n candidate for Governor, gave him unusual lar-.*' . To-night his old friends grteted lmn 11( t\ eeraar? aad hit real ptHat vaatheBaaet ?leinousti tion ever BBBB in the county. A torchlight proces.ii of 7.(40 n.eii, iniiutiitg ;.?legations from rcmoU> tow ship?, eaeettad him triumphantly through the city. I Rpoke to an audiiuce tthat covered acres of grouni aaying he was heart and soul with the people iu thei efl.rU to purify thi? Got .ruinent of tho t?tat? in the rtgtit to select officials at their pleasure in their ind pendenec and manhood. There wa? speaking from &J Stands. Gen. Mi.'aadle.saof Philadelphia.Gen. Kilpatiitl Col. McClure, Leo Miller, and William Doraheiunr I New-York, Mr. Monaghan of Westehester, and C. V McKeehan of Philadelphia 6poke. It is thought thi the BSaaJ I_ publican maj.irity of 3,0CI0 in Chester will l reduce?! over out-half on ffBlliaaHi t Dtfc IMPORTATIONS OF ?fr.G ??O?S?, tXCITKMKNT IN I.A. (' .STKK ('Ol'NTT-A ?_3UMl dkivi.s out of ar_______QToa oodxtt?*_u_i A KATIoNS POM SCMMAKT DEIECUL?/? Q PKAl'I'l LENT TORJtSa IB? TKLKGRA-It TO THE TRI_ fX_ 1 PiTTS?CRGii, Oct. 4.?TL0 excit-emm. nbou colon -_;n_ negroes run* high here, and the Liberals can not find fitting words to express their indignation ove thts trick of a desperate ring to secure tlie BBate ta Hartranft next Tuesday. This colonizing business ha Been tri? d also in Washington County, which adjoin tlil_ one, but proved a sorry failure and will not be at tempt? d again. Seventeen negroes were shipi _-d, it i ?aid. by George Lawrence. Chairman of the Grant Ex eentive Committee of Washington County, in Carrol township, but here the Assessor ref uoed to register then as th o citl.ciis got wind of the point-. The negroes o that place were incensed beyond measure, and VtettMI was only averted by the sudden departure of tin " colony" iiito BB ad.lii: ii:g township knowi aa Union. Upon their arrival there the eitizeni immediately made application for tho appointmem Df a >.ui>? rvlsor of elections and have no fear but what tiny ean thwart the movement moat eBectaally. of negroes ar- continually artiviug in thla city iron Alexandria. Washington, ?nul Itieliuioiid. They urc lahaean aad t*t.?K* thai they ??r. ? uaai <i to work in ttn iccnt to the ( it v. 1 in Llbeeala watch lln tr mov? m, ,:-with the gn i if these poor unten tt sueeeed In di poaittoa bal.ots their (loom la M tied. Tho eieit?>ni?iit over this 8taU ctlet-tiou run-, so high U1.1t it only r? (luire-i tami ->rui|_i *? itb the ballot-box? s to reader the polls a scene of riot end disorder. Tbe Lib?rala demand a fair, honeot dec thin? else ta? .tisfled with. NOK1I1KU . VlK.IMA ANI> MAUYI.AND BOOVKUI I BO ! OP! I. VIMS'. Ihe ii m /.'..?.i 1.1 a. 1 _/,!/__ Dmin>* tin- past ten days out conimunityliae V. .n ' > .1 to witiic-? an aiii'iiiiit ?. h . i.. 1 . it. : ? 1 itetbi deepest indignation. A_. ? ? . Irotii 1 '1 In our lunli-t eiiga.iiig " m? n osb woik upon ralh quarries, rnlliiig nulls. _.'.. but rea?y for the pur ( f voting for Die Grant enndidari-s in tlie approaching .'ate election on the t>'.-'i ol tbe j,r?*s eal : ' it; thi-j ft.iiniiii?nt baateeee lias tKcn earned on. One hoadrad and Bit] ?n trocs Imteiieen ttchaSad from the I' nans inon-Itr >m H.uper's Kerry and from u t and other pointa In tbe Vallar, in i-iiii-t. t: thernbcraer of Virginia and the iitigtiou.-i to Pennsylvania have been acourod b) one agent* ol Simon C'mui ?tcti for i.( _to men In aid in di ? !!'. ils ol the honiast \( '.? r-of l'i h?*" !t ,iir:t ti. lid tin tu* .-I', cs of the |)li_iuileret*> ?Im have gutteu poeoeseion of the govern? ment of that ?tale. _ THE KINGS LAST MOVE. THE LAST CAKU OK TIIK 1)KSPKKATK CAMP1RON KIN(.?A laTUia MUM lllAT IHK DKMO t_B__TS AM? _n;tKAi_3 AK_ BTStma nun NA . L UAL1ZATION l'AP_l_.? af/em TU World of to-day, Piui.AOKU'HiA, Oct. 4.?'Ihe last ? aid o_ tlio iUdu al ii ad' 1 -a a- 111 tin- city ami scut to 7A? Mete-York Amr? and other .Republican paj-eii-, charging tlie diiaeovery of a plot for issuing thousands of naturiii lfcatiou pap?-re, at a aeel to Nett-Vork of|40,_j(). Mr. Hauiut-I J. Kaitdail, Chairman of the Democratic fffetS OuiouiitK (>, ?mil OoL A. K. Mc(,'lure, Chairman ad the Liberal Iteiiutili?-an ('oiiitjnttec, aiitliorl??' un emphatic denial of the above charge. It is known to be false by the peraoiis signing the ?aim*. CAMKKON .TKANSFEKKING HIS SEPEA 11.I?S. TIIK KiM. ilA?ii IBIBBBII IB??!! BIMBIIBIS i I.K1TKU IliOM COB OK TIIK HAl.l.OT-HOX STI K is 111K ilAM?.s Of ITBgBllfl SI 11\ 1 Mi.A-l III- IDI'HI.VKM 1'HA?tt?MBOIO OOL - /.\ ll"\. 1BKOM TBB BTBCUI rO??K.-IMMil.VT Of TUB 'II rini.ADKi.i'iiiA, Ott. 4.?The Caiucron J?iiur in this HtaU; is becoming more and more ?le-j-ersi?* et? it Oay. Having planned tbe most gigantic frauds to be |M)rpetrat4__ in this ? ity. and finding itself likely to be cbockmated by the Liberal llepubllcan* and Democrats who are on their track, ready to pounce upon the ballot* box stuflers and repeaters on Tuesday next, it is, at tbe la. 1 moment, making an attempt to transfer its scene of ?u-iiiti and Its attack upon fairness and honesty in elee tloiis from Philadelphia to smaller towns at a distance, wher?- it hopes to escape detection. Tlie desperate pro* j?. 1 will utt? iiy fa!), lor it is already knowa in all its outrageous details, and those engaged in it, unless they brua the warning that will be given them before election day. will surely get th< unites into BBBSaS trouble. One part of tbe scheme nli 1 red lo is to send out to connue* where they will !.?? least suspe? ted some of tbe repeaters and ballot box stutter? who aie too BN_B known in Una city to make 11 sale for tbem to oj.tar-ate here. To Illustrate how this is to lie done, it Is only a? ? ?Bsary to relate the eircumetaucee of a siagl?' ?a**, which will have been attended to before this ap. imita au'liiY,lniuvsk.,o*> that the pui.uaiion of 11 will iKil liman the . uds of justice. Jam?.. McMulliii Is one. of the most notorious ballot-box ?tuflcia oi Ihe he. ..mi Ward of Philadelphia. Assisted by another ?le.peiat? chaiaeter. ki.own a? " H|??s,'' but a ho_?- re_l BBB I I unable to ascertain, he has stuUi-d bailo; ton-, und ' dotUiftel " relu? ne for the Cameron King so ollen that to altem01 it at heme thla year would lead to mir -lptcc?in.- Bal tha Baa AmaM aal afford lose tin? Mtfteee of such valuable ii.i-n, ?ml so, hav ?Jetnil?;-tl iMvid Koach, another follow ol ttu k.iiiic sor ? sust tlirm, sent tlKvi up ta Beaver Fall*, I??-.? , ('.unity, 3? here Ihey llave manai-cd to get appoint?-,i Bll ction <,I1i*t:<. l?i-avrr County is on tbe ? Hume weal boundary of iba Btate. n:i.i tha particular object taking tluse u,. u tl,?rr was to el? ot I.Utah, (lie " Bti <? fin ihaitata ieaate.Ble ?urces? having i? ??lidaiig. nd by tli?; iu,iiiin.iti?,u of a strtuig II* fi candidate and by ]?>? al < ames. Tin*?- m? n lu L? ?n working ander It,? ?lu? ?tu,n of yuaj, < ?>f Um taaaaaari of 11?<- Tuaauij King, i Miilliu wat, a ?lay or I?,o n:,,, .-... wry ???i,?id ol auceeea that be had beebaw ten careleea. aad a Id ?'hi. n in- vvt" to in- ? n,ii:?.?it-, fell lute tin- ii'ii'.i? the liberate, in tina letter be talented them the lilt!?-ti.\mi ol lln,\,i Palla ibera ?irr at ii.i.-f Repul Ucani win? would ?,,!?? for Ruckal? w, bul thai ii?.|?-ii t?i be ?ii?;.' to neutralist tbeee bi means w known to th?' Kiiiia*. ?>f ?-?,111 w tbe win?.?' BeteBM a non i. abandoni ,1 Lo Beavi i < puuty, aad it v.iu be v. tor otbera who .lar ti iudi tbroui out tii. Btate to remember tiiat 'i.e. ar? watebedaatk m \? i ?rere t>? fore, and that il a ill be next to Unpoaail i?,i- tiikiu to eacape Ho- Penitential, U they undertake ? little. I - ol tin ii,..vement >.f large bodies of ncgrr from M.-iy,iii:il ;i i:i1 Virginia Into ceituih ??.unlit? oi tl , <i ben , and tbe lull lui? I? n at onea forwarded t., tbe i.t? Indicated la tin- repoi a f. w ?,f iBeee bm nag saeeeed In rating, boi tin ?tambar will prob My l><- s.. hiii?1I tliat it will not ?erioui? affect tb? i. iltl.i State. Xbeee r?tend men ara a little t?> iilaii:,- tor tbe us? is t.. be made ot them canu'roii aad bli Meada. Any one wBe in?? ben In t Soul h .?nil la .. li .my |. . ins to -t::ily llu- DCSTO . liai... t know 3 that i.l it out? l t* i, Ol t!.. m aie M ignorant II,at would be nearly impossible to make them anderatand tt. it is a crime l.,r I! ? in t?. Vote wtien? tiny ilo not icm, Boose ol tin m bava doae jt tecali/ asaaj tin_?-s, aad ii,< lawsol IboaeofVbaBoutbern stateswblcb allowi Dien to go to tin rouatjr town to Tote, if they prefer, doing bo to M,iiiiK ut tin n )u_,i predncta. it.-id. inaiiy oi tbeee in?>r aegroeeara deluded with the prw )3.' >.f gn at waaea, notningVeiug k.h.1 to tbem about ti election until tin li entrai in in Btate. While the to* ?f nearly ail uf m? in will be Bocoeaafully challenge?!, is ta be boped that --<.n,? ,,f thea 33111 ri., tt-Mn-ioi win. h \?,11 luhvict tlio*? who atli iiii.t to i.t-e tbeui. < a .l.i.os. POWER Tin: HEC___ 01 iu> <?)ntkoi. 0VK.1: imp ITATI?'? Mi-M.Y DOKI H AI.I.?WHY TIIK U.M. Mi AM) _11.IIC1IANT_ MlT.iKl IIAK1UAM1 A.N < HI, i.l l'l I(l.?3. , PioM rai ipicut coaas i'?,m,ent of thi tbibi n IIahi;i._;i i;?,, (lit. 4.?"1'iay till in?," ..litl to a gout,? man ol tins ? it.?, y? i-t? r?l..y, " what la the ? ? n t of M_aea CBaaeroa'i Immne lafai n< ? la n.i? ^tat aad partbmlarlf ban 11? Batrlahva. ?abac? It hariB ?aaaw aa though aajthady, If w? excep. a toa libera alid lu nun rat.?, timen to ilunk of ha soul hb Int. ovsi, J...iy fniiuenter of Washington Viu,*\h that la ,'ilor ('unieron does not tut lunch ?f a h, uro ; there. Ho Is rareiy iu hin Mat, an when Lo is, takes little i?art in tbo pat ii.ilniKt. of the S< nate links.? aOBM peal . .poraii?, comes to Osailtaa a-.kin<* fur land?, bonds, or I eat Bth? fa\ur. Since lie _MaaaB__ Miiimir M tha BBa of the Coiuuiittee on l'on Ign g? iat?on.-, lie ha? beea ttttl more tluui a yuyyt t mo\? >1 l>y Morton. Why, he h:ir,ll BM-baa a _eetlea t?. peaaei ?11,> tha aaaaMaaatan al Bia. utiv?' bBBBMMB without Morton'" hi l|?, (a mero n has th rijiutution in Waeliinjrton of beinj; a gieat POWOB 1 reunsylvanln, aud to this rei.utation he OWaa I.ih i><>wi there. Ho is 'greut' on iiatroua^:?? ; if Senator (an cron set. bis heart on having a man turn? ,1 out 1 another put into oflic?, he peuenuly make? ?.raut ' torn down.' Now, how do?.. he do it 1" "Money !" was the terse reply. " Oh, j_s," said I, " know all about that ; I know that heon?.? \?<ut !" th Senate by purchasing the \?.t.?.? of three iiieinbeis of th Itcglslature, and I have heard a romantic ttotj al?ou ouo of those men becoming a second lilcnu? rliae_??tt liimsi If and family ?.ftrai ?zed and hhiiniieil bf tli??i* Who had baas their form? r associ?t??; how one BiatBI tune followed another until he went down lothajaava l'avin? a brokenheart?<l wife und a ?li.-honoriM daughur. 1 think that munt have be? n in ilnl,.?t BM ? ration ; as Dundreary would say, 'A man would n' make such an a?s of himself ' nowadays, esp?ciaily i the fee was Ian.-?-. And tin 11 I know, too, ail alx.ut hi defeat in !_.:!, I think it was, win n In polled the Legislature aud found that he onlj needed- ono veto to ?lect liim; )n)W h? bought BO a J'i'UH'erat, but, the eleetioi, tool place, th?? eanatttaaata "f the roan heard of lt.t and weni to Ilarrisburg en macse, :?ud threat?ii?'d to kill him if iu sold out. Cameron wanted Cov. fnrtln to call ?mi lb? troops, and declare martial law ; but that was batan the tiiiii? ti military rule, and ?iov. t'urtin could lin.I nt legal authority for such action, and so refuaed. I ?-:i,.w th;?t be buys vot?TS and ? lection oflicer? like i-lic? p it; the market, or al leant his Iricuds do for him, _ad thai he never wants for a < orruption fund ; but ail thai ?l'i.'t explain the coure-of In? iKiwer. Men bought and paM for, to-day, lnu-t t.e 1,1 Bfhl again to-morn.w ; the milu em ?: thus gain ed ia enlv t? my. K n.itor ?atiaioli ? k. lia\e a p? rniineiit bald BfBfl th?- paafbl ol t?iii Matfl that (?aniiot i"- 1 I pl.iiat u 111 that way." "That'880," said my f 1 leu,I, " lint it '-- money nil tha iamc. Pinion I'auierou and hi? fncnd.3 own or ?, :,ii?i the banks not only of ll.?rii-.l.uig, but, in variou have U)any of thopo throughout tha Hate under tie ir thumbs. Now let me ?xplain it to joua little, and 111 first illin-trate by an example of win, hi am jx r cognizant. T*M ft II ftan bgb four |l nth a? D ? ? ...i int? -i i.i! town of tins Slat, -l.iitiila p.,vate bank. There was then ao iri-iilnti.'ii of the kind then-, and its 1 .-tabll.-hmt.nt v,-.?s fSfWBhly n < ? i\ ? .1 l-y the, people? Tin : ? In '.ai io im tni?!Ut ?t.. and liiey left tha niaiiage.uii'iit ?if the Institution to Die fniith partner. The State had at thai time BOBM BBI P_H ___tl aad tha Treaavae i? paadted la Ihla bank t-.ixxi, aad kept at leapt that iiiii??uiit than '"? km rr?l y.a;>. (if,.111?.? as he WB8 drawing ujKin it froin tim? to time ami B___H tu B depo-ait? the amount \ari??l, but, as tbe baikeis m id? fiiti-Hle iirranii Tiients lo/.et inotiey, sbnuld they lie su.ldenlv e.?l!? I upon to . Bab an ItUURtUllj targe 'lt.ift, lhaf eonld oaetbe most of thla BMOO la diacounling :,, ;. ?. In short, although tbe banket? llu m-< l\, n< v, i put any 11.on? V into the CODMTB, it liad, m a few year", : n eaah capital ol HOB.OCO. When the N itional Banklnf act waa paaaed, thli bank sol a circulation in tin- way |,rovidul !,y la?A ; it hougllt binnl?, deposited them with the Controller, and received not?-*,. Buppoae these men bad .luat let out lln-lr notes at the custoninry rale of interest, they might have ?ion? no other beatneai and reBllzed at least 10 1 .r ?<:nt on ?lit lB_MtB__rt tiny'. lint they still continued to ha\e sum?- of the Htiit? funds on dejiosit, an.l, being thnft? busmen men, have made anniial .livul'ti'l?. Laat .??ai'swaf ysj jsr cent, and thia \ ell^'^ Wtt M get ????lit. Now, as I told you liefere, ? aiueron, hie relative? and friends ?,wn or 1 ?iiitrol man v ?>f t lie bankaof tbe State. Th, ie baa been daring the p?t?t six year.? from * ? laBM_V0Nla theBtaieTreaaarp, Tills laandcpoail In Oameron'i banks aad tbeae ol his tnenda. Buppoae a inercbaiit In Harrisburg desires t?i g?'t a note discounted, don't you see tliat Cameron can say 'Yes' or 'Kof Or suppose >ou propoae t-, opea a bank laaopaaaall town where there is none, ?ton't 3011 BM that Cauieroii, if you have offende?! him, inn send von ? rlvul, ile|K?slt wilh him t-5.000 of the Btate tunds, aad ?Irive urn, who liave not that advantage, out I Then, the I.ulk of tbe fun,is being deposit??! la Hi?' ?ameron banks, don't j ,,u H?-e how he ralw-s a corruption tiind t Ko it'n a 'matliT o' intu?? v,' ?s well us ? matt, r of political e?introl with ?'.line!on la the present tight, if Buckalew is elected, ?he (aun ron bank? ?aiU have to suffer, am! the < oirui, ti.,ns <?f tha King a ?n be 1 xp??s. ?1. Peihapi you ?,. now whv certain bankers support liartrauft in tghhtot the of Ir.s dlshoiiestj. ' 1 toigan t?. ?????- it and?-?? imiieistati?! better tt,:,n before how it in tliat QBBeVOn is able to make so stroii-: a fi^-ht list so wmk a caui-e. _ TBE I.A.'.oi. BEfORMEBI POM BUCXALBW ill!. ? ANDIDATKS YOU OOTBUMM AM) AIDITDK ?ir.M-.I.AI, WIIIIIHIAWX? TIIK H??N. V\ . _, bchux iii?.i?- am. i.Ai.oK B-Oroamai m ^<lti. lull liltKAI.I.W AM? lil-H-KJl. Early io S? pt??uil)?r Um Hou. William I'. Behalt, Kabor Id-form candi?late lor Uoveruor of l'euu sylvania, wrote to the Htate Central Committee of lhat party augg? sting a withdrawal of the hut? tliket, con? demning the pi? vailiug corruption, and deciariug his di ti.Tiiiyiatioii Dot to lei the Labor Kefonn party pcrinh ratbir than It should commit similar upon the puuty of the ballot. lu aioiil anee with this suggestion, the ('ttimi.ii t,-. wet, ut tlie (tirard lloiue lu l'hiladeiphia, on fburmlsy, ?nd passe?! r? Boiutioiih witbdia?Mi.g then cimduUl?: for l.o\ ??rnor, Mi. hcheli, and tor Auditoi-iini? i,n, the linn. Iran, Il Ml: Adam?-, and urging all Labor Keforuiei? to unit?- upon tha Hon. Jam. s llu;np?-oii foi Judge of the .?- ,i i? i,,? < ??ii, ?nu < barlaa B, Aituigni, Jam? a 11. ii?.p knit, 1.ii? 1 Hcndiiek 11. Wright, tor OMMMBBBBB?t l_?rge. This .Ktiou ?a? (?.mmuiiicnli ?1 to Misai?,. HcUeil and M? Ailams, and Mpini? wen i...iv?d a?<iUltsclog 11, the re? ouiiii? inlutioii. Mr. Schi ._baa a-sur.1 the loi.owing a?iilres?< lo lin. en ?tituent-i: ! Tolhe hulHir Urform Plcil?rs of Penntvltanttl For the s iflk n Dt 1. .?-, u? iianilo- ?',1 , > the Mule < .Hilii.ttei of 1,11, organ,r..ilion, in 1 la? ir r?. .ntloiis adopted on the I-t ii... mv aaasela withdrawn ii?.u, tin eanv_j?s ?s 1? ? .,1, d.ii.n. t,,i (?1,??-in. i. 11 ?.i.? m iu.i? m 11.1 .?. non oi the ? on,n.lit? ?. v? ti.. I,, iiliuil II,? . 111, >?_>, n, my judgment, aril advised ?nd Umciy ; but 1 ?.?i-wol 11 in? , from th. position of ? candidate wittxnit ?thanking yon, a I now do moat aincerely, for the high leetlmonial of your ? and* friendship in the nomination gitcn me at |\Villiam?)M rt, ttliiih I have yielded only upon Strong ?onto I khi., of tli,. dut) I owe lo you, to our (om liiu'i ( taaaa. Y..u ?_ ii i new, aa alaetoiaol IheBta. t( (ItllCll to I 111' eM I.iUmii, t||, ( 1II li I (I il 11 S f I II ( ', O Ve I who reman? lu the Held, ami, m making Ili?t Chotee. ) a ? will be nveraed by those conditions of teW-teepeei and ofpnbiu daty which ohoald rightially eeatrol year ex* ii? i-i of tlie right of sul!rage under a flee ( oii.-Iilulioii. Bat I have ta expeeaa to ton the at?cete opinion that ihe internet of Labor Befoi ? and of good government lu the State will be promoted by electing Mr. Huckalew. I have known h'in long, and at ono tune served with him in the Senate "f :iu. State. I consider him to !?? not a mete politician, ii it in, and be is known to be in? en n 111'b!.- and wholl* Independent of thi Influence of corporal ions. And In bio itt] ;?? it ol the Eight-Hour law m Congreaa, of a limitation of the been of labor in- m manufacturing eatabllab meato in this Stab, in hi? oppOaiUOS on notable occi? sa, n? t.. rorporate encroacbmeata on the nglit.-i oi the people, .uni m in*? support af laeaaurea for tiie protection ol labor, be has given ae e.-jitililr gitiiiiiiirei'H Of ffUtnre official eondtlct. A* UM limn, -t in vote at tli?- \l illiamsport ('(invention (where aupport waa giren blm without aollcitatton), he baa claim? to the ri peel and support of laboring mea. i shall rota lor tbe Reform candidat? s for Governor and tuililoi -g? m ml, Mi, Backalew and Mr. Hartley, on 'in. s.i it in ti, in ibe linn hein f thai the parlfli ation of Ihe state Qovern meat require? and that the interest of labor will be promoted by iheir election. llinti.o.ltoi,. Oat, 11, I?.'.. \"a II LIAM r. I CBS-la A (.KAM .Nil UNA I.'_ OPINION <JF TI1K AC'_--1<)_. CossflMDtiaff apoa this new ac.e_siuu to the Liban] ranks, ?A? ? B ?laililj' Ma I'ren eayn : Ml. Sein II, who isaii table, hein -t gentleman, deserve? the tii a ni.- of the people of iba State for hu aauelflab aad patrlotle action. Were ins election paaeista, ?a aro 111 nui tua! tue trust ol goternineut would bo safo in his ?i.iiids. In the gri'.'it bait le for n form there limit be no division of the hr", and but two I oinbatant . All the opponeata of thi preeaal Skgraeefai rale M the Ooaa monwealth, of the oorruptiona of the Iteaaary Ring, and of tho orgauiz. (I pOWOf of erifne, must II gilt in oin army aiat uudcr ono leader. The withdrawal of Meante. Schell and McAdams is tho finishing blow to th?. Hing, it desairee it of its lust Bapa bat one, its power to nullify tlie popular will by Ii.iud. In tba preeOBMM-d the awakening i m lign?t ion of the nuaoeOa the stein resolve of the Keform Association to detect and punish every oHender against tin; purity of tue ballot, und tin? u rtalaiy of defeat, tbeee men, deaaaeete ?ts tbey BTC and lighting tor their lives, will halt before they tako ?i step winch will lead them to the penlteatiary. Their bold upoa the pardoning power baa already 1m*? i, cued, and m a lew shmt mouths will !>?? Forerer therefore we say to oar friends ilirouglioitt the state, Be of peed eh>'er; the battle Is already won. With means t..r knowing whereof me sjieak, wo assert that the i( suit oi .Tuesday's election will show a raajorit. oi man) thousand? against Hal lianft and Ala u. .TKLNGTII Of Till'. LA HOU l'AlUT. Ptma The nsaaMWfl Tom The .trennth of tin- Labor E."form pnrty in Pennarlranla is to a largo rilaatf a matter ol conjecture, as until tin? year it nerer bad a Bl ? i ? la let. Tba l?ai>or 1. ?lormei - Ili'in-ilve.i estimate that they would Bart polled '.i.iioi) totes for Mr. Schell had that gentleman re? mained a candidate for Governor. Otate estimates place the probable tote at from8^000to iu.? ._>. it is cer? tain, bo we Ter, thai the Labor Bi tomei ? are numeroua, especial!" In _ cimyikiii, Lmerae, Lyeomlng, Carton, an.i other Hi nwcraUe counties. The withdrawal oi the Laboi State ticket fram the eaaraea. ?ud the m I Mr. 1.1 Ills tuend*, urging llietll to vote Tor Mr? Backalew, la, therefore, en important event m tho eanraaa. What? rei out ugth tbe Labor Heiormers bare win now be giv? ti to Hr.Backalew, who receired the next hlgbeot rate to Mr. Behell al tbe Wllliamapori 81 ite ( oiiveiiiion. Two-ihn ils of tin- party an- probably Dein i" i.u.'-, ami tlie remaindercannui be rery eathuaiaaUc ,ns i r would never bavelefl the Bepublicaa i a!iK>. A? oepttug tbe low eatlmate and making the total Labor rote Moo, mio wouiii gira m Baehalaa g.oou, wmiii a cu ni be a. i .n ( aaaloa of go at value. BDCKiXBW Jllll UKLK LABGHl.NG MAN'a CANDI? DATS. Fran-. The Horruburg Patriot, The linn. William P. Sclicll, the Labor I_ forin ( aiKMiHte im i.oteiiioi, baa resigned, as ttili i_* si i ti else a bare. While the derotlon or .tir. Behell to the .?m-' ofLaboi Bcform cannot be doubted, be oouldnot at the aaanc ttme permit bis name to be naedtodiride tin* Meada of Bsfann In tin state eoreiunoaat. Hlo n - era ilion bring, ills supporter.-* into lllio with the IX'luo ind Ut_ ral Republicans. This settles tba issue? of tba campaign. Mr. Buekalew was the choice of a large portion oi tin l.i bac Belorm Con vi m um at Willismsport, and thisactmn uf Mr. behell will hw.-ii nt? ...?j-n?. i.y many tliousiBnte. Mr. Hut kal<-vt's record in Uie in glsla ture proves him a tt ?te ?ion unfliiii liu.g ? Ol the best interests of the woi klngiuen of Pennsylvania. i I AIM KAM TS SKM'K aOOOUET. run noum TatOb* vr.iiKi.? ?> itiioKs. J. V. liAl.TliAM i, in aixoiiut with im. ? I Vi KKi.s,Jr., & Co. July 31. To balance ?is per account render.*.I . ! . on iiuiii, w?i r. inn! k. la, aeooBt. Louis water t on.Is, ..?I Shane Uli . k. Aug. O, To .ash to W. I!. Hart. ... 30 Aug. __ To nu<o B.Bealh (atolliias, 711} and nun. 7,37" 00 Aue. ?.?( To i.i-li. J. F. II. i,i_xi uo Aug. it. To MM n. South Carolina,, 73 and coin. I.Cif.1 H Sept. .:. To30SHeading, 18?)and com. %,%*% oo " n. .-oiith ( aiolllia-, (,-(; and ? .'in. 10.313 50 Oes. .' t.'ash, j t ii . tataa Nov. I?, lo ('.i-ti. J. f. 11. I75COO . com . r. Nov. is. To wa Lehlgb, si and com. -,_)? ou 1-71. Jan. i?. To too Reading, M inoaad com. n, .:. 73 Jan. II. To 5?o Keailm. , If, Iff, and l OUI Jan. 3o. ?o ilileieat. 1.7?3 9? Ja n. M, T.. lia ?a m??? dosvti. tnrt.iyn 44 Jan. :?o. Tu .?(?1 Union r..i,i?., 2i| coin. .,.'??.- so J in. ! tt? BOO Oil I.Oal (?'., '.'I?! at 4i t.. 2 1. o. h\ lo ..-i ml Creek, n $ . I ? . in. lo UO I', un-) : ' I id. "<i ?" March 'J It? 1,0001 1* . at V|, ?ou ..... .?i,.B Mann ? . lo l.u?. Union I'.o lln- K? d - ; aae at pbt, tee at s_|. __ ,57. 00 ll.iii ii 10. 'I" ' ?no al 1... '.'i?" ..I . t.. " 0 :.l ' -. .'I.I. NI . ! Ajuii ia I" -i.?' 1: .innig April 1?, in April MO- ?-4. 1 ? Air. .'.? I 0 1 h. A1-111 w. To 1,000 Lake Bbore I09| . UN Slay 1. To 100Heading?a*|. .'/.". oe ?far 3. To aoo 1. ,_lm_-.i?i at M_, Suo at Hi.? (? May ?. 3i May ?'. T?. cash . MS 00 ti 1 ,'. io i.-n Keading?S6J. 1 ' , ? ? ht ti Carolinas c.'j . 4,1 Juua i. To tun Heading. tip.20000 Juno 1 Reading . 11 Alt 19 a To MOB South Carolinas??53 . WTI 1.1 1 r. ii..?o.'.'?)i.mgii . if^-tste June u. losisiiiuis i*i mistit.iitu? alletaaaal sti( k siibbcribed lor at par. 4,l_i<i (A) Juno IS. To cash. lm ml Aug. is. To fash. _._. I 00 Aug. 31. To soo Oil (reck. 4<i lo inn rest to Nov. 1, 14-71. 4,704 *.'_ Haialnc.... .i.' li Total.S8?1.2JO 64 la'.u. i a. July 12. By MS Heading, Ml. |HU4H ',?7 juii. i Byeonponaoff t.uooP.and K. To ... Ml 00 (l.t. in. Hv iliiideiitl oa 300 Oil Crees. MS OS ii,l. IB. ilv .lit iileiol t.n-?(?i o.I Cn-ek. MBM (M. 31. By dividend on MM Oil creek. US M D.c. ML Hv deposit. 1,-JU U0 1-7!. Jan. 5. Hy coupons nir I". ami K. 7s. 315 no .l.iii. 6. Hv iliMil.inl._Ai ?ni (reek. bit uo Jan. 7. H.v _ ? __lngb,3l. 16,_ 15 DO Jan. 13. Hyeoui ?on oil South CaroBaa, tjoo gold. 994 60 Jau, 14. iiy 30,uoo now .-ouili CnoHiii?? al ttp, ', at mi. 1,000 ,.i o j. i -it.i 4H Jan. 1C. Hy coupon ml ..;. Houia water iiomi.. tbi 70 By balauce down. ?5?,??4 44 Oa haad, u?tb P. aad B ls,BJM Ht. I. nus watei hoiiils, .'s?i siiau-s Uli 1 n 1 k, 1,UW ?hale.- Heading. I..tal . .11..'.(.''I .it II I March 1 Bj MO Union l'a. ill. . M . 7,7?.l II March 1. By aoo Keading, M . M,1MN March m. By Loao KcMMtiua te>\. 00,741 ?1 April ii- By Met Ualea l'iuutt?wu inn, 1110 1Mb ni. :u.ft2i w April 19. Hv 1.01-1 l mon I'.ieitli ll| . 31,C_l M April 6. Ity iliviil.'iid, l,'_ ?ion ircrk. I,. M M M..y 1. Kv M l-alie Minn* -lin. .'.i,(,.' (?i Maf ?.. Hv M?) l-ik?- hlKire-ll')). 66,1s-. ?) May 17. Hy _io IjU? shorts?ni|. 64,1?. ou May il. Ht* l.'.-DOtl ( r?H*k l.iooat.63, ISS at 6i| . (M,?9J 75 June 3. By KO K??adlng-6oo 3d, JoO S?J- IS.MS M Juuo 16. Hy BM L. high. 19,1. ) im June its. By dividend, 5oo I'??nu ?. ... l,_yi i?' Juuo .X). i'.v l'oiii'oiis ..ITS. ( aroilna?. MIT M JulV l. Hv coujHHiHOtt I*, and K Ts. SUM Jiilv If. By dividend on 1,U. Heading. .._?) uo July- u Hy ?oupoiisolf St. 1-ouis waU'i iKitids 3S9 00 Aug. 31. Ill MOUOlICreek. *0.i_5 ?al m-pl. t. By i,?***)Beading itj. ?7,11737 (ni. 1?. Hy tJ0,()(*l4<_ith ( aroiins-.,?! Oat o?, 36.lo0st?6i. 13,??3 63 Oct. .0. B) '.im i's. H.II1IOIIU IV | . n . l'a. Hailroad 67 ? ,,?,? M lui l'a. K.?lll?._d-67lf. ?"?"? W 104 l'a. Hailroad- M| i. Oct. 17. By l'j.i'Kj l'iiilaileiptiln o?od ?? to, tB. I.tfie, li OSt. ?! Hr s,i??) St. liouia aaterbouUs, 97,'/t* 11 A Liberal KcpuKliciiu ami Democratic mass mee.iiug was In Id at RSMfSSSj 1'erry Couuty, I'enn., on tlie ?. Inst, ei ?eecbes being made by (bar?es A. Barn? tt o? BleeeaBaJi, (ML a. k. MeCBara? Judge Kmbry of K-i.In. kv, J. M. Me(.lure ol Harrlsliurg iiiid utilera. In Ibe ?.toiling .1 l?ir< blight profession l"ok place, psrtlci neUi u? i?y the Oreeley and Huckalew Club of llarrle bi_g and Ihe llopo l_ruut Corpa. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE THE QEOBOIA KLBCTIOV. B__HTY-_CT__ ?orvriKS civf: a 1.1111 iui. J??RITT Ol* 40,000. Atlanta, 0? t. 4.?Ki*?. ity-_?ven counti?-H 1 .0mii'i 10.000 majority. The returns show Hut the J> ? rats voted solid for Hmlth. Tb?; Liberal K?-put.l.< both v? tut?? and colored, voted for tbe Democratic I u>?;. Hence the large majority. UBERAL PROSPECTS IN OHIO. ?;v ?,| ka?,is?. BSPOBTI _BOM ___ -,'t aiitki A KILL fOTB I SU'.A l.ll'KKAL 1 Dim CERTAIN'. IB? lt.Lt.nU-H TO TUB TRIBl HI.| ('.?liMiti .. Oat 4.?'llie Deiinxniti?'nml I . rai K> i.'il.l? an Htate Kxecutive Comiiili tee? cont t"i,,.ne the Baal rlui?rlngand encouraging a?l\ from all parti of the l?tate. It 1? now conee? ?led ?ir.nitmeii that tliey will lie beaten, next '1,i<--?l.i; Ohio if t m entire I)i mocratie vote shall be caat. Liberal Republican vote added to a full I>? moer vote will defeat tbe ?rant Btate ticket by a hand* ina).rlty. The Grant manager? have been hoping along that tbe full D?mocratie Tot?' in strong Da Hatte com,tie? would not he at the im,Ils; but tbe w that the two Ubo-tal mitt*, and local ?w.iiiuiitUi-a doing will, it U now believed, insur?? a full Pemocr and Liberal vote in all the cunt?.'., of the .?-t?te. 'J will insure a lWorin triumph. Thin In a notable we el the Oblo canipuigu. Henry Wilson is devoting iuosI it to tills', and he draws lielter than any man ?iratit i>?!ople have sent out; but the Liberals are b? __g them every tune v? it li (ii ii. N. 1*. Hants, (i Walker, and others. Senator Thurmau'a meetings ??!? i n. i lie, veste i ?lay, and at K, nt?,ii, to-day. were b mounter d?monstration?, The Libera,? will close tl BBBfBM next Monday night. THF. INDIANA CAMPAIGW. ONK OF MORTON'S BXQBO < "l.<'NIKS IN TROT*,! ?AN ATTKMIT T?> PIT Off LMAI taVtgA ?; \tion ? iNTi.iu n im; rail OfOKY ? Ol BI II.Mt AS A B__H_>-_______> IB? T___?iR_l?H T?) TIIK TKIBI'.K. I Killanai'oi.i*-, Oct. 4.?Evidently fright on by the act ft the L.I,erais in entrapping the aegfe g a j este tday. the ??rant <*omn,ittee In id einincil last nig und this morning put forward a lawyer to impede by llie arguments of delay the gaol disposition ot I matt? r until next Wedn? mtof, the day after tho elect!, 1 ht i ghtt has not been sin ccssful, however, for the CI is toc?me to trial to-morrow. The tei> fimony alrca taken proves beyond all tpu-stion not only the purp? of tbeee Bonaptlttoaa canaa, bat expeeea tha manner tha intend?-?! operation, and the result will probably a bar ni-atiis? from MM '" MM Dtegal etc Tb.- tXt mon elicited tU deeteratteo troa ?me of the witness William H. Baya : The leader of the negroes, Hippo lag he *va?i in c< v, jI.ihi with a I?rum. man, in an.?wit lo the questi. "Hewauaj are there ai yonconi?tt from Lotua_?la m.,,!.- ii.aa?, i ; "a great many." Be wa.-- i_m a?t when tiiev _,.t together In Louisville, and aaawen "At tilt? ?ii.-tom-hou?? " I th.-n sat ?l?.wn by one th. m ami ra.iiti ; "Buppoae we need mora ?ut?? thaa bort men bere?II Bammed to be a Grant man]?b? win roa iiii,na_- that I Caarl you rote aaaae tb ?" ??nil, ye?," be Miid, " we liavo ?:ot two nam, 1 can rate twice." "Bappoaa they swear yout" wasi nextqaeetiou, "That makes no dUbiaaaei I .?wears i .ii) thing 1 tell"." Another one of the darkles near IDOke up aad .?aid : " Wc's all been well Meted alsi llu?; I can 3,,',- ;.? BM&J tune.? a? yo.i've got vuli pteaea la tha my." [than aatdi "Tiny nttettf ye n.?me wh? u yaa voie; luppoae aoaaebodf kaowa y<> name at one poll, ami ? iialli'iii?-, ?. ?uu at the ne\r, tli. what will yoadal" Beauawena: "IglTwaaaawaai every time." Itbeaaatd: "We have i?-ot lots of K??pu beans to ? -lent ; w ho ar.? von going to vote for t" " W? hnun nrrtrirni in ToTn inr lion lirait aai -*-i> aa? *??*?* lilt? lt. liillill?'.**????." Charl? s M . Tyler was sworn and te. tilled : I am b ratary al the Democratic couu beadquartera. Wbea they tirst eama up the Caste made up a list or hi? men with regular military tule* Captain, Lieutenant, Bergeant, Ac. Thai olalmed toi from Bvanavlll?, but afterward admitted tint they w?' Beat troiu tin- i.oi.l.?? ill?- ?u.?;ouj house ; llrit they tl tewed ?>. n. Battei fitwa 11.. r?- t,, Mitchell, lud., ai there they were banded Ucketafor s?ymour, uud the they received UM t.. pay fares to this city. '11 Captain said he was ti short on Uli.? transportation, ai that tiny ha?! bun ha.iiy treated, barloe to d???i, an,und, li, out in llu? woods, unit go without food. T Captain ahn wanted Jo rotura Immedtotflj focaaetb gang, and said he could bring up a buiuLicd m?,u baaaaaar/? Rear* Ingenuity ft tho law wa? put in practice by t] volunteer counsel sent by tbe '?rant management t?. g them out of the BMB| ??, hut w ithout avail, and th?; who gang, on their own conies-ion, stand criminated on I.I, hti.l'y oil, !!??'. A ITI..M ITS TO IMPORT VUTKRS FROM Mil Illi-.V |nv TBIiBBBirn to rnu TBU___L1 I'i riai'ii, Oct. i.?Iiil.iiniiititm bai boon n I in tin-? II> of a s< lit ine on root lo export tOtt from the south? rn < BBBttea of M? hi.-an Into Ibfl i Indiana t?. in? n a-e the Ailinliii-tiuiion vot?1 at tlio tie ti .ii next Tot ?'!;?;,. The ?am--plan has b??eu set on fix M tha count',.- of Baatera llllaoia? \. Moi ton mid the i.ianl King lui\<: be, n at Work lu var towns In Michigan ? oiiticuoii? to the Indiana lm ti.Mlig tO Induce m, n under \ai.ou? p:, I. vt.? to go t town?) 111 the latter Mate where the ??rant me bava the maiorit v al*sl control the Ihapectoffl of Lb, ton). -l!i? I. :,. ral Bi ,'!:','.:, ,-i U l D H HM i lit Towm-ln aud ( ountv ( oiimnih , 3 in the ?-oiitluiii Mlah-gM tii Ol coiiiitii'3 have oc? n infoiin, ,1 of tii' ini.i.dcd fraud tad m, boon ta!?? i, i,, pi. real it. LIBERAL CLUBS AND MKF.TIN... . Tha 11? ?ii. l?. ? . Calyia ni 11?i?. ?-iiy mhlrcs.-???. a, Liberal meeting at New Ixungh, V? v.. teal evaataa. The Libara) R?pobUeaaa ?m?! Daiuaccati " Jam' M.,v. :,, .N. Y., lubt a large BtB Meat-Bf vi ?ten) i\ and were adilre? bv the lion. Kruiels Kermin, Ih Bon.? Dcpew, ami Beuator Upton o? Ne braalra. Benator FPnton presided al Un principa The auilitiiee n . > i\o.l i larg?? lui rea??- troin the sur r?.uniting lowaa, ami the raoahara wen reealTedwltl frequi m applause. A lorculiabl prvoeaalon waafonaa? te tha evening, presi-nfing ?lulte ,.n attractive appear anee. A Cin'ol.y an?! l.iovrn Chili hits bom organ ?zed ?t Mechaiiicsvill?), Hiiruluga Count?, Pa., with th? foilowliig oflic?Ts. among whom are some of the timst in tlliential RepuMicans of the towns of r ami Ilalfmoiin: President, John T. Ilaker; Vtel Tttttkeot* Wm. Tlbbitta, it. l>. Aui.-s, Lyuiiu Dwight,John Elmer John W. .Smith, Oeo. Kogers, Win. A. T. Cassuty, John .1 Bmltb, James Flraa, Ettcbard tf. Oorallne, Jaaapl iloiini s, .i,,im C. Holwea, laaaa Cary, Meaaa Clemauts Jamas i?. Hail, and Michael Short, ?.??ritan.?, A. It ?arr and W. li. lYIlow?; Treaauni, Lewis Ilaker. H??w CITIZEMS ai;i; disFUanciiiskd IN ARKANSAS. Tin: nth?M or 187(1?th<m -ami- <h \\mi.? ..?TIKTIY sTKHMiN Fllo.l _BB BKOUTBT UBI!?H-|000 UlTUBBBI DKMKi) TIIK. BALLOT. To the Kd i lor of Th? Trilmne. Sun Our ?itt??ntiiiti baa just i)???n gallad ta aa arttote aapted fraM The SoeaTmrh Times, luwhuhit is stated that "no man Is now prevent? d from voting any* here In th? l'nlted State-on account of huvintf taki'ii part In the Kebelllon." In d? nylng this statemeiit, TllK TKlBl'NK ha? not statetl the case a.? strongly ;i? t ht? facts wariant. We iMl that the paBflaof the irrt-at "North are not infornie?! ns they should tie (and both tho above statement and it- BSSBtel woulil ?4?eni to indicate this) in renard to this most Interesting scrap of Amerl ran bUtory. Permit th?? under-lgned, of all political parties, to call your attention to the following facts : Tbe late ceusus ot the Unlt??l States shows that there are m Ark.?unis (round nnnil-er?; males over tin? ?ge of ?l year?. Tbe Se?rei?ry of State, reports that In registering these iu U7U, 31,000 were excluded, while only MkgM were pcrmittod to vote. The whole number ?lls fruiichlse?! was, therefore, |.,,i>ui), nearly on?- half of the \ollnir imi]iillation. That \,>u inaj und, r.-taud how this was done, pteaea Beta tin- following extract? fron, tbe Keglstrntion law of 1?__. whicti is still the law of A rkalis?* : 8i< . 9. Ktrb Bfitlrir thill htrr na?-T to nan:?,?, un,t. r o?th, tr,? *tr?M? apiil/lk? fur rrji?ir.Moo u Iu ___, ,|?il,tc_l,aa> ?? ? rnUr ; tad It ?I.?II, h?f.,rr e .i-riuf II,? i.ainf ?.f ?ut perena -u die rt^itir? ,,f i|u?lH?J fuura. BBysal?. In.pirt ai.l ??.??rtt'ii !l:?l br hu u?i uf II? ?-!? tner'br 1 || On ? ?-n-'' III?, o.i ?? r?o_i ?f ,!.?ioi*-?lratl,? | i auS il. Iruin Ui.-r,?:, ?u-,w,r.;,. ui ".:> nr.- I.ruu^bt i*lur. iu???. Uwt shall or aalistMl thai an? |>. rwin aMking rrglrtrtliu- it ,Ht?-uaiiQr<l ua-lrr I aa? iirtiTiiinni ?I Ihr I otiaiitatiun, Ihrv .'nil n-.t ri ?.. r l..i nauu- uu the l.ti ?I qutlitsd ?oler?, lb-urli br mar hart takrn ?n 1 tubacrlhril MStS la II,?? Ik? >?lk tfurrtasl Bark or all ?if Ihn K.(i?traraah all ha??, poets ?.latialaur oalb? I? ail |*r?nni i,-,-?mi| Httn tarn, t,,t tegitttetioa or aa ? ill'ttta TWIttiilr.N ibtll itaa? a ffrlifJeat?- lo , ?rr? petvu wl.u I? l.aa.1 t.. It? a qaah-t?! iMsew, ?hntru g ?hat ??hi rl' la auliilftl lo ft*S ?Bill hla rtrelrala ,? r?Ttilt I hr tb?- Ki-tel of?ciid? IBS I" Tlw li.<i?'.f?r ?I, ,11 -u'tr, ,a tl,r rt|i?l?r ,.f ,|ua!ifitj ?,,i?ra, Ihc _!?? of rtsrt (rr?.-*, w?!', ??i I ti'i.|t L.m that lb. ,,l, i,,a riiiilW |0 tu. h ntfitlrtltea al ?be lin? h - ar>->li? ' tberrfur, l,t will brcui_t t., m. ot lirtura ?Im? .1_i?- ?t O* mit t_toi,.,- tl~rUoo. %Ser. 11. Thal a? prr-tnti ?ball U ir,'?li-ra,I ?ho, dnnan th? tat? rfbel k?a t? _, tb? ?alh ,1 alltuiaor? i,, tbr l'i.,|?J SU?,? ut tas* Haiti Wtalttr nr fnr iao?I l?rta?i?f nilraa b? ?ni! ?_"? t,t ?at.afa, Uir? ru dru-? tha? k* ,.?? ??rr krpt tbit taiJ oalb ,,r hub?] laViolalr ai k? ha* ?v?ai? t?I?tK*-l??a ,,r tot?<l for lb? m.-oatrur il ?ta tn.-?tui., ..f t ..? grtm?, or ?,'i?-.l I? r tbr C?(alitatiuu al tbr ?-?Il |m>IU il ihr r?u._luli,.aal ?ki-iK??,tissa. aae. U. inui?, \A* *t ****3*i ?lam at?t pi__ti-f ta* usik Ssj bs fer? etch ?fr.?r?l ?l.cb.ia. th. PrM_.ui ?tid tltgittnn r,f th. P'tM of ! s.-,?tr?tion ?bail m.?t at th? ('oar(-haaee ..I i-?eh soaot; ?? a Bas?t sf H.?.?-?, awl task nil.. r of r.| on ikail h??r * tote. ??"! a taaj. r I' i.f ?a. I K?fi?tr?r, mar decide ?n? r*.ie?tioi-.. and ?!*all rontitot? a n'io nun to il? la-ii..?_ Tba ?aid Board of Kerww iball [??? upan <b? claim? ok all p?r?ou? ?bo have beta aaable to app??r I.?'. ?? tli? R*i[:?Tr?r? of r?,t?'ti?c p.?. n't? illrtrri?, or watts, spaa ??,,e . ,.I I , r*.,* s ?h, coo?id?r ?b?t li-loaiT. b?a t/.-? inte lb.IE I v I! - K?ru?r?r r> liiaiDf to itcord tb.*? a? ?ultra, aad alao ?or ebjaee i.. tau.a.i? to i-?r*o!ii r*fUlTKl it ?oten If ttirh Hondo! R*'i?** ?ball b*Miiat?l that as? pertou ippl.iaf ta be placed oo tbe lilt "f t.'.r, ?. ui.'i "t L?"* ?!';? ?t"l Mute lb? K.junar lobiipr?. ?? tnrt. or ami .about treat ?D?on??ni?i)f?, tb?r ?Itall en vitre ha aa-i?, il ?aiiixt U) te nguiertd aa a MOST, on tbe l._ ol tbe ?leenoa i or ward id wbicb be rr_u?_ II tbe Iiuari ?(?II I* loilv oatmtni Iran t. ?tinotte b.iafht helor? them, tbat tar penen baa I?, n i?|.it_l t., ih? lli-iii-tra. wr-D?fiill-r aad wuboot nteleot caaae, the/ ?l.all piaf? tbe earn* of n.(h p?r?ou oo _.? hat of (Oler? of tba ?le* tion >racim I, dutii. t, o? ward la wbw h be reside?, and laane bin a ear ? Ike \ac. ; or, il it .aluUrloul? app?ara lo tbe Board 'retti tlieir . *n 11 "?IfU?. or toiirooaj t.r . htm, ttiat ao.i [? been pl?_wl on (be lut of an- elr. Baa pr?'i(.'t dutni-t. or want tt ?aid ,niy of aajr ?f l!i? acu miwi) in I'.e ?'oattitu?oa aadi-Kjualifiin? a penon lo tie a Toter, tte? ?ti?ll ?Ink. flora tbe Lit of ??ten tba ?air.? of ?arb Any perMfl feelmf ?ff rie-u-d npoa tbe dKiaioo of ae board, ca?. apon tt.? u*?ii.i..kii ?iplnsj loth? ????an ' tt.e deeUloe tber?on. cettited to lb? Sup run? Caart of the SLit? o,.o__i to? tune term? end condi.ooaaa appealafiom tlie ( ir-oil Coort. That yon may better appreciate the worklwtaof thi-? i, we will simply call vonr attention to tbe fact tliat m tin - eoiintv out of '.'.TOO (roiiud numbers) I ealy UM wese permitted to rote, ih?? Board e. Berhrw, provided for in the above section, having in thin stricken off several hundre names whom they hint per? mitted to register, and without notice, until election day. Tin -( " se: .itched " voters, oa coming to the polls to Vi te, tore told, for the tiuie, Unit they were stricken oil the list. Thus it wan tbat only 71,000 were registered in the ?tuto ont of l__ooo, and only 56,ooo were ?H-rmitted to vote. So one estimate? the number really _ncbi_.-d by the Constitution ?it more than 16,000? mo* t of whom did not apply to regmter?tho other MLOOO wan " M rat? h? d," or arbitrarily refus.?!, as pnivided in the la?*-- above quoted. Ton will unterstand, from tbe above Sgmee, why it waa that the 8cnato Committee who intestlgated iht: " Ci.i.v ton fraud.) " sat with c?o*, d dooraaad hate ootyetfarniahed lha public with the leett mony taken lieforo them. What have the people of Arkansas to hope from un Administration whichaustalni such aa ou'i.i.e uiion the deareet at _________> rifhta I Very r? spcctlully, ?te, M. -V. FlHIIBACK, J NO. II. ROfiERS, M H. samii Ki-, John lti.Ah.fci., 4. J. It. siAKKS, J.BUBBBTT, JOII.N (,'A_N_LL, W. K. ill AKKMOltE, JM). W, WULKLER, H. I*. liA(._._TT, Tito?. Marccm. Fort Smith, Ark., Sept. 23,1 _!._ VOICE OF TOE PEOPLE. BUTLEtt ON ?RAJS'T? CONCERNING EXCHANGE OK l'KISONEES. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: Will you |la_M Gen. Benjamin F. Rutler whether he remembers, in tlie years MM and '?5, paying, and repeating with strong emphasis wherever lie had ?i group of admirer, to talk to, that Gen. ( i rant was really responsible for the later horrors of Ander souviiie l" That he, (leu. liutb-r, a? Commissioner for the exchange of pnsonera, bad proponed a fair plan tor exchangiug prisoners, which (ieii. (irant refu-ed U) ?p prove; that Grant had given (as Butler expressed it) tlie brutal reason that by exchanging prisoners wo would got sick nad etnaoiaiod men in exchange for healthy cm s Beat n "it id And doea Oea. B. remember saying to his frtenda, " Wo w r oa aee tbe difference but asm Gen. (?rant anil myself; ho was not willing to tru.-t the Barth for supplying the placea ol these returning In valid prison era; Iwan, lie bad no filil? Hi the I>?'o|)l)?; I had." If tho (.im ral does not remember saving these things, there ?ire many who do remember hearing him saying them. Chicago, . ept. 30, 1872. We TIIK DENIAL. UK TIIK CT.LDIT MOBILLLli NUBS-IT. To the Editor of The Tribune. Sir: 'Ihe denial of Messrs. Colfax, Blaine, ek Co. that th?y ha?l ever rece?ve?l any thares of the (redit Mobilier stoek from Oake.? Batee may SB true to a certain extent. In transaction-! of this kind, uctual de? liveries of stock are not usual. Tho CrOlit Mobilier was a mere transient affair, got up for a special purpose?the con.struction of the I'acillu Railroad?and its stock was worthless when thai object whs completed. Tho ?reg ulsr" process would be to " ptaae" the names of the cor? rupt (o?gressincn for a certain amount of stock, and then credit them for the enormous dividends that were famed It is well known tliat the Credit Mobilier stoek ?_ uii*t_i_ial und ll.titiiius, wbila tli? i)i(.iiu wero very substantial and out of all proportion to tlie nominal amount ot capital. Tin* amount ol stock held by tbe bribed Oongteastnen?or rather placed to their credit was therefore actually >t!?i_iiiikani inoonpartaoa w.tu the dividends accruing on it. A. i. ?. ?Yru-.'.r/i-, Oct. 1, lb72. CIVIL SHKVI.JE BXrOBIf I>i Tni? WAR DEPART MXHT. To the Editor of The Tribune. Siu: The clerks in the War Depaitment at Washlagtoa. hut week, taaeliad a seaaebaa invitation m " i i ?.Uit'liti " nioiioy to Ik ?p the ?iraut parl.v .n di. ing " correct political inforii atlon," as the poor tool who ciiuie around with the paper expressed it. Secretary ltelknap _ave |l o ; his Chief Clerk gave t*0 ; another cl? rk, tii ; still another, 115, and so om The Secretary alwajs, I balk to. giv? s liberally wheu Itenging papers are presented?not only for jx.litical purposes, but for Other objecta? How run he do so with Iin small ?alary ! Tiic fellow Who ci mala ted the pap?r iast week said that th.* .secretary thought ?tt Hist im would take the paper round to th.* clerks blmaelf, but tlnally roucluded Sa would not. He headed it With a subscription fortl-O, howerer. and di abtieso thoutrbt that Bgura would i_* a oufflcient bint to the clerka. The man with the paper said In* tuny asked " voluntary tout i ltinrioiis"?" i rei olerko choose ro cite" and need other stereotjped phrases, hut the dei ks seemed to coii-trin? it as . de Ati? 1 ti|Hiii them, ?nid accordingly they did, most of them, 1 think, "stand and deliver," and gave much larger a than they could well afford. (?ris. .\c_-l'or_ City, Oel 4, 1872. THE TROCHEES IS THE OH. BSOIOVS. PiTT;?CR(iii, Oct. 4.?Ami?! the cxciteinent of the canta.-.?, the wonderful movement of ? ;1 BBSMa of tin.? State in NepfSBfaH pro? duction until the price of oil shall rise to liviug rateshas II .t .Uti.icU d the attention it would nthervt ISC have ll.ot. -i industrial strike efi r known to occur, strikes of particular trades and of limited locali? ties hare prevailed in many countries aud mail times nbor baa been well enough organized to co anil etc. lit. Ilici'i ; but B Otrike of B Whole cotiiiiiiilill}', ?mi a large and widely extended eommunltj w. ill baa m-, ci men before. Large ne ? tings of pro? ducers hare been held dally at I'arkcr't?Landing, Erank l.ii, '1 itu.-. lile, Oil City, and other plat es In tins region, and unions bare been organiaed with a parpoae ef ea* operation, thai tl"j may aoleiy andabawatelyooau-ol tin ir own product. The cessation of labor throughout IbeoUregfan is general, ami as a result, what a week a i; i ? wa- a busy, bustling country, is now dismally silent in lis Mien? M, This (tirions movement is watched with great inter.-! ami i.itiier i-loomv forebodings. Till! ANDES INSCRAKtE COMr_l.'Y. Cincinnati, Oet. 4.?A meeting uf the Di? re? tors and stockholders of the Andes Insurance Com? pany was held today, In which the stock to the amount ot four-fifths was represent?-d. The Directors regarded tiic action of Superintendent Church, in suspending the function!? Of the Company early la-t month, as without warrant of law, bat decided not to take action to realst ii . order befare the naaaal meeting next January The Directora reported a deffclt of fatLSSO m excess of tbe liabilities over the ass. t-, and tl.c stock all gout?. They resolved to postpone further ttss??ssments until tho January meeting, and to make every elfbrt to avoid abiindoninir the Company. The belief Is confidently expressed that the company could be upheld if the stockholders cooperate. TELEGRAPHIC NOTES. _OaaOedsastaaaa, s tdttaenof Paris, T_as Basa ?aiii. u.*i-?l in iti.-u'j lur I' da;? fur cghtiu*; a ilarl. _Auiliortty is givern for the contradiction o? a ?Spart dial liic et Kuii_i?jr Najiukou laK-ada to vi?il Ireland. .John II. Hariison.a colored man, SfS?M was imtaiitlr killed oo tbe haatero Uailroad at I.ihd do T.ur__,| u.fbt _Tin- freight train OB the Haverill Branch Kail road Ma ui tba track ?ca?anla' aear Uao.geioaa, Han., tul tarto eut ?rr. ?r.ek.'l. _At .1 public mile y?'_te.<la.. A. F. Campbell of N.?- l?rk porch????! tbe oil Aniercau 1 beat, r, id Waluul-?t., FhilaSal (.Ina. 1er BMJt* _The f.'iti/en..' Suffrage A**_<><i;tti).ii of Pliiladel pkia Baa appolal-d a -iiutnitt?. to wcluiuie Miaa Kiail; Kaitbfiii to tbat mBy. oe bar arrival n. Bew-1'i.rk. ^ ft_(?en. tun Sfliwt-lmt/. tin- QesaiBB Aiuha__a?l?ir at Viriioa. waa taarn-ad. yaattriat, lo tt _ Jar, lb?dau|b_!r cf Mr. Juba lit, tbe .tm.ncin Miuntsr to Aiutrll. _lu the c_?e of Kohert Shepard, on trial at Bos loa ib Uie l'altad Suiaa ?'?art for __ittlui( tbe bark Praaria a> Ha, tba jury relumed -re?tenla? a tenllct of ipjilt-t. ttrolenae la (_*(?*___. _The exteiisire work? in the weatern part of WaabiLfiua (it, juat pat into operali.n hy KllbeH, Tailor k Bnaarll lor treatin* *?o?-d fur ..aitiurot, wer? dcltrvid br ire eailj reaterda., loaa ?Je,??'. ? The steamer Islnntl Home, from Nantueket, r*p..r(? ?(.-akin?- tl,. uBis.tii-r S. P. t'liaae ...' ?aeararsirt. lamber ladea, at aaele.r uear lot Umk Miue sboal. Sue bad i oat bar fin ??HI la a ?laal! un tbe prrriaa? in.njo.xi She would proeeeo bj Ik? Ant wind W t iu? (art liairu Un a ura loaat ? There Is SB epidemic SSBBBBj the lioraea at To r.'Bt.. .if a . ?larrlnl all th? koraaa beto_jia( la tbe ?ireet-e?r rraa^aaia? ?a!' ?labi?? aro tftete?. il ia calculated that ?m 11* Luv? ,rr m.? . ? _ I In-IxhI.v of the man who committed suicide at Muo.i? Bali. Aliiaav, a law dar? H?, baa beam iinU0?d as that af Or. L.a:_,n r_.-entlr frnoi San PraUtkam II? bad m hi? p__a??luD a large aai.mot "f diajwoa-l Jeatairy, and tt a tbaafbt tba? ibe laaiaf of it b" robbery bad uubalmre-t bia talud. _The (iovcruiueiit has received information of aiiemire ?iBu*r(l,nr <d tt.r (lull toaat. fr.._i K., Wut I?. Sen Dik-aoa. Tlir taaanrr i.r -_>rt_>tiatin( tba fVsai!? >, "r rur.nliif tbe food? lha t?_lf ahora ?ad tbeoe? lato Ule iiUiw to railroad p?tala. Mcur.a ba?. be. s tal**!, l. u;.;.!,? ihr eu-utgnug ami to arrea? lha ?Bradera. _Tlie (?uitii'll. ruf the 1'iirrcticv lnwcalletl upon the .?i?'i?'.,?: Baaki bf a ?t.o-o- n i.f evodlilu? at Ike rlua? at t.u_u??a as I'liurad?, m I Tli. I -ntii Her pan. Cu lar I. r_|??_a p___M r.iun. . ? the ?uiemaat? ui ibe t. ,Dk? are to b* prtaled la bta aiiiiu! i I ,..?., laaiMsl wild lha ?all far a I'lwllJi.' . all rl,_ta ii n.^i'l ? a ai'l? I. i,,o be lepvlUd It ' ??all lieu..-, rtmi a?l uud?? lha beau ol tp*t* n utPtrt,y. FOREIGN NEWtS. GREAT M.ITAIV. ChTISB op Tnv. r.ATK ?: vu way i.isAsrr.rt?aora hian vKii.K.-ajf _?qr__B___a or hove bulb FOR IRELAND. I/>?-_t-)*t, Friday. Oet. 4, 1S71. At an invontijration into th<- ??us?? of tho railway collision on Wednesday last, sufficient evl#cne?*, was produced to warrant the is-IWf that the ??tattoo master at Kirbh- Iliidge was rc?i>onslble lu a larre de? gree for the lamentable disaster, and he, has l>c?n com initted to prison to await furl lier proceedings. Violine, is nf?'m llie ?0111,1 \ Mayo, Ireland, f andhaldari in the rldaltjt of Itearaaat Bava bai n shot at ami other outragea have been coninnttid, but In all the ye-T\u trat?irs have escaped ?1? tcctlon. Dr. I aa? Uu??. the well known ' Home Rule" men.!?. of Parliament for Limerick, dellv? red a brtnre last alffM in tli?- theater of that city, He advocated ? fed ?ral union, but was mod?r?t?? !n his d? m?; ?Is f,.r !_?? land. Hercfernd to the public declarations of Lords llartington, Russell, and Montarru as favorable to the cause of tl.e il.uit) Rule. He ??Iviseil the return of Home Dult? member? to Parliament, aad < lot.-.i with Urn de? laration that 11 tl.e.r ?It uiauu.? were njicted, th? y would act, but al prcscut their plan? conlil not be da? clo_c?L SI'APV. THE LATK OOOTIAOB AI ION IN TUT __HHHHI 1 1'AIITK ri.AIt-? OK TIIK I I 1- . MaIiRII,, Frni.iv, ????I. 4, MU Information roachcil M.ulriil at | 1 :?f_t- luiur last night that the flic in the Es? irla, had men extin? guished. Two of tli?1 towers, anil a part of the roof h?v?> been destrove?!. The amount of the damage is estim?te?l at t-75,000. All th<> valuable olject? which it WM thought would be ?h-.-troyeil by the Are, are reported to be safe. Tho Government has determined to send 14,000 men to recnforcc the army in Cuba. BaAM tafBBlB and oilier members of forun r ? ieaaervative Cabine la b< Id a < nnfer ence yesterday, to <<?i:.?,i?, r the pelt? y ef al iioin active participation in politnal . JAPAV. SELECTION- OP I NKW UI_____TAfITI AT W .-IIISdloN. San Fr .n.i .d, Oct. i.? 'lhe Jggym Herald says Iwakura complained formally that he was unable to ai*ion.|.lish at Washington his own tri-aty ?|, slirns, on a? ??.unt of the eppeeltMB of Men, the J.,],.uii ,?? ?naig? d'Affaires, and Uyeuo han liecn app,,?nt< ?1 the successor of Mori. STATEMENT OF THF. ___?_?_ BKI'Iit -KM A TI VK AT WASHINGTON?Till. AMt.l'K AS (?HI? IAU-. Washington, Oct. 4.?Mr. Mori. Mnusi?r of Japan, has ju-t r?.ci?c<l a telegram, from __a Fran . .viili the ?at? st ad? 1. M from Japan, uaun ly, to tho 7th _tfef__Bb_*i stating that the oounlry ?a?- %B_M and govcrnnieotal affairs making fauirai l<? progress. Mr. Mori authoriz? s a d?nial of the truth of tin? siatiinent? reccntlyltelcgraphe?! heme and widely publ?3h??d, Inelnrt ing that of alleged anti progress movern? nt? 111 Japan, Bad aays that ?eu. Capron and E. l'eshtnc Smith have not been discharged. These gentl? tuen went to Japan under contract for a llx-d number of years, ami at stip? ulated salaires, anil tiicy can therefore r?iinaiu, if they choose, to tho euil of the term. Will? regard to Mr. Northrop, uo ei.gag? meut was made with Inui to estab ll.-h a Departan at of Education in Japan. Ho wa? merely asked bj Mr. Mori whether be would accept a position f?ir that pur:.?!?.?' If it were tendered him. Mr. Northrop gavo an illiimative rc-1-onse. Mr. Morimado the Inquiry unofficially in order that he miKht recommend that gentleman to the iapaaaaa ?.ovcrnnaeut. Thi-re is no further Information ui?>ii tha subject, Mr. Mori Instead of 1? tlaa ram -red aa ?'Burgo fl' affaires voluntarily offered his resig? nation last Winier for purely private r??a_,h-,. During la-t ?*?iimuicr be was oftciallj iiiiorim-?! by his Government tliat Ins duties bad beea satisfactorily performed, at)d as auevidenc?) of itsapprc ?lation of Mr. Mori, hi-, rink was ral-id to tli-. t ol Mini ter Resident. While thanking hi? ?io\.>niu,ei:t for ti.H distinguished 1 ?uisnl? latioii, lie ;n.?i-led 1,11 Ins r> iiiUa rin? desire to be relieved will be reepe? t_i, but ho will remain here until further orders. ?______ TDK El.I. VriOV? WITH THE ARGENTI?.ht IKPf'l.? 110 _l_fi mitre's Mill IB IIIB UOBfBI 1 KO I*. I FROM A RKOl'LAR CORRESPONDEST OK THKTKintM I l.i?j DE Janeiro, Autt. (j.?Although Ocn. Mitre, the Argentine Envoy, ha? now been hen? a full mouth, still wo know nothing of the sue? ess or luilur?- ?>f his __._.?),m b, y,,n,l the two fa? is that he was promptly received by "the Emperor, and delivered a presentation spei 1 h full of protestations ft peace and friendship. Tlio-c \sh?. preiei.d t? ku?'W anything, <>i- ban KM ls>t opp??rtunity of kuowlng anything (uiit.i?!?' of ine Imp? i lal Cabtaat), better* that tha actual dispute m bead ? I _<?, 111 noa.e way or othiT, sittlcd; but that th?: vital IBBBtten will _*iualn open, to be settled in the futnn*. anil i-h.?i!i;y l?y ;i w.u. Ry the vital ipiesiion I unan, whether Brazil's whole cour??? toward Paraguay ?nie. ihn close of the war has been in conformity with the ?pirn of the alliance ; but. above all, whether it has lx?en. or, if allowed to continu- miche? ked, whether it is likely t.? lo f i\,r?i,le to th? de.-i-lopinent of republicanism m tho Kiv r I'lat'1, aad, i:?d'?<??l, ?11 South America. Of cour-??, her tier ' ,**pan_h nc:_hboi*s think not; and when not, oicupie.l with ?bhatcs alsiut their politics (a thing moro curious than tho fuuiucst Clnuise yui.ib 1, or urging ? 11 th? ir War Minister to rep? 1 tho thuvlag Indian*, tho ?ikes great pain, to ?how its coiiU-tnpt for the lii-i ziliun monarchy, BBM bra." mOtAt .'>I ?' the gr, ? preponderan? ?? of republicanLsiu in South Aiiuti-a,-n?>l invoke- th? -hade of th, illustriutii Kn.r r? gularly once a week. All this, of cours??, _ i>erfcctly harmless lu BmM Bead net titeadla vartf aaly aiudfialely it. dulgt'd In. The piople hero call such talk Kspunlt-tudne, and often laugh at It, except when by chaut??? they fall ujton the word Huz'timj'i, whlcti leaaM t,? hav, magi?: ????ver about II that the foreigner ??n hardly un tit rstand. At Its bare rni'nrjon by the Aiu*? titin.s. not ' long ago, the ptaaahere flamed out.? ferrit-l defiance for one whole week. We were treated with extracts from all the historians who had illustrated that ago?? ?f loath American blstorv when this celcbrat.'d battle was fought, and it was flearlv shown lliat 011 this re-owni-i fleht the liia/lliau -il-lniy covered lhea_nt_M with giorv, white tbe Argetitiiies (who won tha ug'i. ,??? the way) cover??! the ui Beim with di.?grK'?- aad lafaBy, ThaabothaMeaoppeee eaeb other wltb deBaoee aad bi,i,ji" . But tf ti,-' prcas of i,,itu eonutries tun? show their mutual follv it iiiu-i il that tile ?Inven, Btaata theaiaelvea act dl-krently. Tbe ArKcnum U eililiient seem* to hive fooli?lily yleldeit to 1 of tin- pr< -s. The Brasilien ???"v? rnim nt, tu w. v?r. ban maii.t.'iiued its digmt} throucboat, anil lu the pulili .1, i| notes thus taraaow? by coiaparlaoa a t- mp? rlorlty over its ?aalabbO-B. The eakmt ? rep this jreae is a mod?r?t? ly essai "te. It is now harv, ?tniK, il?..-Ku couiiine t?> Martat ?lowly, chiefly oa a???,unt of tbe lit ini'iii in handling the rolling 3t.M k ol tha D. Pxdro II Batlroad, wl,>? ii uius through the chief coffee k'i>.wing BaeB BM oi 1 .? ?.rov laee aad the Pro_taoe of Minaa Itetaee. 1 w _? i,,,?i i?y theSuisriiitcndcnt of tin 1 aloo endIadaatrf.a r???4 which connects with tha: ratlwajr at Entre i;,,- , thai their wagons had already nniught -o mue,1 eofl* ,- to that station tliat the warcbouaea wen? mil 1,, ,,-., Bewlac, ai.,1 ?hat the railroad eould sot take awaj UmooiSm 1*-?,! further shipment? froto ptenlaUoaa by Ui? wagoaa wen stopped for a w???'k m aaaaaaa? aai THE WOMB OS THE tHAST M'KYi.v. Washimiton, Oct. 4.?Pr?if. l.iii.uimui I'i. n ?>, r?up?Tii)U'l)il?mt of -h?' I '????- -ur\.>, -1 n.iiidlHs anuual report to the t_'cretary of the Treusury. Iu ail th? northern sections parties aie jet in'.he fl? Id, aad will so continue until the approach of Wiuki, wh< n transfers will be made for resuming opemtions in tbo southern sections of the cos_,t. Mirvevini.- parttea ?r?? now engaged either lu triangulation, eOMOgtoghg ? "r hydi?.?rr?phv on the ,?,?st of MaJne. .?.p.-? ml u-ir?)??m lc?l oboe rv ?lion? have been made at < ??uhr: I*,, Mas?., to ?le'eriinne tbe i>**ecUe reUtion in l.'iiKitu.l" be? tween points In tbe Unit?.! .??lates aud aeaats m Barapa. Special -Xaminauon hit? beea m??k- t<> verny the -wil? ing direction for tbe harbor oharta of tbe eoasi ?if New* England. The tides b?ve been i_*??r.l_l eonsUtnily dur? ing the year ?t North Haven, In l'enob?t-ot Hay, aud ?t the Ch?rle?town Navy-Yard. The Fbtne Table ?11? vey of the coast of Rhode Island U In progress, near Herr? ?ville, wesi of l'oint Judith, and also tho ?tetaiied suive? ,,r New-U?ven Harbor, hpr.-lal h\ ii,?,e?,rig? are 111 progress lu New York llaibor ?ml in roe a,ija? eul waters, ?nd ?tb?? tide? have been steedMy recorded at ? ?overt,,?r.? Islaml. h .eld parties ?rr complet iug tbe shore iiu??jsur v??y, ?t tbe south end of Lake Cham bl?in,?nd other??re sounding its northern branches. Prat. Pirrce reviews at some length the work done ?loug the coast, ?nd nuyn the inawnetic ele-nt?nts have been deter? mined In tb. vicinity nfl'tnl _ b-lph'.a ?nd ?I Washington. D. ('. ; lid?? have been regularly t_-ordr<l ?t Old Point Comfort, Va. ; a?f--??d?-tic reeonnoissauce is h? progresa near l-?rj?er's Perrv ; the detailed survey of Jsmea Ri??r, V_, ha? beeu extentlrd upward to Warwich River ; 10 new charts bave been published du. iug tbe year, ?nd nine other? which ?bow exteiulve adiiitVin? la romparlsou with their first Issue, ?nd tide tab!? ? fur the? ensuing year have ___ piep?*x_l, aitd will be published aa beratefue?.