C_.mBacmr._Q, rtc, (.hi: (.netting.
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Ml.e. I?.
Mr. ami
Br- !> ? . . 1*0
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' -ii.-il Exhib?
R in. Mb. . ?I of
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UCG3 Sfottcct
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K B-MOTBI ( aw .-?-.
go, 1.
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No. 3.
"F A11
\ I - 1 ? s '
per loo;
>r by mail. 4 ? M for a
fur a ?i
Kb? n..
r Spei ii at St -
I same aa So. 2.
Bo. 4.
.:?>.! IIHa I'tll ri:i: ; A RkTTCW or I.ium'?
l \ brief, iiltb3, and ctment
i>l i Mo Administrai
111 ton i-. . i , m per r- ; ll i per 1,000, li seal
i'? i i ll 30.
Wiut I Kkow or I'" ? Orbei.f.t, '
i dlkut of _/.<
>t of < ?> ? ? lining
' illllllii.'!!
!-i iTuiiiM APT) rut. ( ?vi'ii'tTt-, in leaflet form
? B III?* . ?1! '.
i .i?,.,i. , and Mi ? . - i? ?ii mil Bp
two In ? ' ? - round and i
all 1'i'p ' at !"?> oopj. i loo, <>r
r *.. it?, mal i i opj . ata pel loo, $7
mer i
(,|-.iitrlcr 'Ti m for 1 ??< n* n - :i. i, Off, ?
j? r l'f,,<*:?.? i i 1 '.? uiiii , 1 copv,-j c, ni i; 3 ci'i'itt.
t?ir SB
, . n ?.HAN? n Ml Ivy 31.
ll 111 I'lll.
Ho. ..
Hai riMOur Coxvextiok.?A full r'.'ori of th?
pro i i.i ten and i ? Usa.
N .. 7.
? - v Loot*.
?I ll..- i,...,.ni.i i .n Ul III I : UJ.
N., 8.
- ?.vi, f.i.WT: Bell i
? : ? , Colon i
i'.,ii?(lik,i'i,?i.'. May
_ i ti-drawal;
N... 10.
i ?w - ???.' - ? ? ,i - ib Cob
STiii i ? i ur?iE nunrtei -In-?-:). The
the XIII
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.1-1 ol I : : \ . li, -
?il,'/ With " I?? ' "11
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He. ii.
Mr. ' I : ii : <-. i' ?
Tin-- 1 ,.? (I linn m / , l'rii ???
? , ':.,,ii-.nii|. If
top. 'I 01 ?.
.'? rt-nti i-ir copy | H i??-'-loo. lly
|| !. I ?_.
? \\ v. iTH TBS Oui, ii.
A'l- IBS TBIBSVB. N???*[?-Yort.
m*? ?
,. (X rOBEB 7. 1872.
An nniii--tmSI.v V li.iv. BM B
!:? -- . ? IBs i :?"? I respect . -
. .- ti I. ____=? Two '.
tin? treasure mi ?
n-, ,?mi,-;. . ). ? .',. ai rdi I l?j tb< <t m-v.iTii
I'.inal will lie j>,i; ! in f.,re "i of twelve
i ?. (., ' r.'in m i?i? s aSfcnrtas ssssoB at Philadelphia
ajcaiu-.t Ibe ?
111. lit 111 \, .
le ti so.
Tin.? *? '"?)' CSB
Teutii'-.- ? ?! altar appoli tiaa < ??
BBMSSB 11,11. l'i--.!l ! hv M"i,iri-l.
i*t at IBs j? til?n. Parti tan
CMsi ft I ' ? ?
,mk ri'lili.-' ,
tiiinuii.i Ystsssad oti.? i -. mads ipewhea at tl
I ?
have l?-ft tlii- ? ity for I'i.iia.l- IpBla.
lB_BM I. ^ .__ Ool.l,
114J, lllj. 114. l'?et?: ..Wii-tlT. 1,1 ,SS . '???'-? ''---, '-J'',?9?.
To-moiKiw I .-iiii-_? 1 v.iiiiii is to decide whether
tb? Penitentiary indorsement of Hsrtrnafl i?.
to outwi dgh c'urtin'.i hdorseacal ot Book
alew. _
Action dssignoi i it possible, s
combination la behalf o? a pars judi?
ciary, 1ms been taken by tun political
bodies in thin city. A ftfrssBiittfifi ol confer?
ence on a ticket lor ju?lici?il o___UI was ap- j
pointed, Sat unlay, \>y t!u? J. !M?.al Kcpul-licau
fiutl Tittiiiiutuy Hall OSgaaisatisS-S. The noini
natioiiH an- not yet detcrniin?<l u?>on.
If SenMoi .lolin A. Logan il tfMptsd to B?y
?nythinn BSSffS about tin? RspubttSBaism <>i'
any Liberal, we hope lie will read his recoid
ns made up by QOT. 1 .ilin.r of Illinois, and
think t'.ico bsiOtS he ?-pi-aki?. The Governor,
in a speech at CblSBfO, on Saturday, showed
l.y tacts and (tab's that Mr. LogBO WBS BO i'
ceut a convert from a j,. ? I that
i-vcii hi*? )>e-.t frieiiils could not In
- ii__".l iu the twite*.
A |tn_Hl i-'ory appear.?? in Ta? IaohIu'
to the <'tb?t thiit tlie Russian <??
jrciit has withdrawn __ iior?-<?i esfrstiilation
aaai to ht* Thlors on his soa?nsatioa in hin
, and has expressed it-? dissstisfsfitioa
? . !i the BMIOMhrenSM <d PM?sh radicalism.
I it. 'I Spi ' Kam i'l U
\l i?*i?Ol?Aj jUtf__0l 1} ?K-V-^S liiUll-J BQomnatk, [
however, that mich n note, which is almost
i'? ! to :i (let -Is, i -at ion of war, .otilil have been
Guv. MeCook of Colocado hasmad?-b speech
En i.;.i.,- '? [eh i- thought t?> Im worth ipe-*
cial circulation at tin? hand.-, o? tin? Grant Cen?
tra] a-'oniinin-r. Thi Governor, who likes .lay?
ing outside oC bia Territory bettet ilnm re?
maining ??? It, :iv?-r*? that In- li '?ml Mr. Greeley,
?it tin? presence of Sen,?lord ClininlliT nn?l
Wade, Insfal thai tbi toldien abonld have
theii p t re In i d tb i be (Mr. 0.) eould be
able to bofld bis ' ? ' Tli.it Uc li toe e *k
in tin.? legs t?) ir.itt'? very ?bt?
I'll?- Apollo ll.U De_BO0nej ol thi Mllth
let ?m Saiiiid.i.t aight, adopted
ntioni indor ing tbe Liben, ticket. The
bt, \ ?I, i. i. . T \ lilil? District OfgBBJBBtioai
??f iln? Ktim- ji.iity bare alieedj dom the
sain??, ?mil tin rest will foflow after tb? Pena
flvauia vK-i.iiy la complete. Meantime James
.?'?;?i.!)( (be pretended leader o? Apollo Ball,
,".,;>,-i i : t trunk Ella party baa already
driven bimtothe aupportof Kernen. Wt
that li?- wdl ii?' _ attempt i?) Boeak int?> the
I j ranks. _
.ill ?if tli nil ?? nil
equaled in brilliancy and effective
iK--? i't-iiiiv. Curtin'a ipeech at Philadelphia,
. . adiotmenl i ift Bad
. terrible and conclusive ; nml
tboee who .- My parried the bl itiona
the Cameron-Hartranft Ring
? r, wit li the .i ? rtioB tli il
t bad made n<> ipeeia] mention of tleir
Crimea, wfO find in the report which we print
lo-dat mattei snongh f"i lolemn refli
speech ia not only a sompsel argument
r.'r tin? jiitisc. ii,ion, b ?t it Ls a glowing and
. ,.:-...! ; ? the honest citiaeni of the
Keystone State <<> stand by their Treasury and
tho integrity <>r thi ir lawa? We ?it? bo. believe
this ringing Mast will fall on anbeeding ean.
Pi Dnsylranial it is Cnrtin who
Ihua ? Bone I Governmeht !
Before any anil everything else, tho friend,
of Beform in the October Btal i bar? one
oount, bnperative daty for nexl To ilaj
Bight? Force a j ist, and obbobboibiibI
of the pott !
There li? le rem timing chance of the
enemy. Gire them time t<> bear in Philadel
what rote is needed from them, to eoun
[I f with which Bnekalew
eomei into the city, and tin ir porehased elec?
tion officers itaad ready ta imni-.li It? Oa a
imaller wale, they have prepared for the same
gaase in Ohio ami Indiana. Block it by keep?
ing Umso nnder watch, ami insisting that
then shall be no needless delay 1
l_v.*vb>dy knows that the registnttioo in
Philadelphia i-< enormonsly in excesi of the.
ntiniher of huit' .dually there? Wi'h
vigilance ai we have a right to e_
i there is lit 11 _? chance now left for the aetnal
I deposit of frautliilent ballots on lli.it tcgiatra
ton. Mr, O'Brien's repeateii are too well
known. Wa looik for five or six thoasand
fraudulent votes, but that nnniher we can
easily overcome. What we iln.nl, what WO
appeal to the vigilant frieada of Beform to
prevent- is the false retara of as aaaay
Totes nndex thi.. fraudulent registration
as the dispatcher from the b-tcfior may show
to be needfaL Give them time enough to fiad
out what they need, ami they haw a n
tiou enonaoni enough, and el? t lion offl?
eers ansernpnloni enongb to fill the d -
maud. Watch them, therefore?, from the
moment the polls close till tho last
ballot is counted, the result announced, and
the vote inataatly ami oarefaOy noted by
iru.tworthy BMO, for comparison with any
1 future and conflicting announoementi that
j may be attempted. Insist that BO frivolotll
?es be suffered to delay this count and
announcement. Under no firfwmttanfiM toler?
ate an effort to put it over till Wednesday, or
unreasonably late, Tuesday night.
'1 here, we repi at, lies the greatest of the
ining dangen. Get the reetdl in l'hiia
delphia, in tho Reserve, and in the Indiana
strongholds, hef-ire the tirant men know how
much they need !
On the 18th of May, 1897, Gerrit fhnith and
Horace Greeley were i? Bichmond, Va., oa
purpOBB to sign the hail bond Whioh would
release Jefferson l'avis from his ntnflnomwit
in Fot tres.- Monroe. Neither of them had been
Solicited to take this Step by the Other, nor
ii I they conferred or oommnnicatod upon the
BUhject? Neither did or could expect any per
Bonal advantage from it, while ono of them
exposed thereby the journal of which he WBI
editor to certain and gnat pecuniary damage.
Neither of them felt or professed any
persona] interest in or affection for the
individual to be liberated by their act. Tliat
act was plainly an overture to the Southern
people lately in bibbs against tin? authority
and integrity of the Union. The .pec? bl -
made by each at the African Church on that
((.ii Ion wen- intended and calculated to show
that the Republican., of the North, at least ho
far as they sympathised with Mesen. Smith
and Greeley, cherished no resentful feeling
against their late antagonists, but were anxious
for a restoration Of harmony and kindly feel?
ing between the North and tho Booth, the
?laves und their lata mantewy apon the brand,
Mil'stantiiil baril of Equal Right- far All?
Universal Amnesty with Impartial .Suffrage.
Hat Mr. Bfl-ith, iu his address on that occa?
sion, aasmned te be moi?- thoroughly Imbued
with magnanimity or more free to evince a
generous spirit than Mr. Greeley. He inti
BBated that Mr. Greeley im too ?auch of a
Republican politician to condemn unfair and
aageneroui eonduet on the pan of the North
which he (Mr. Eknith) felt ct perfect liberty to
denounce and reprobate,
The Dceaoeratic National Convention which
sasembled the nexl year la this City iras
Brged to nonrinata Chiaf-Jaatiee Chase foi
lent, iiiitl thai practically evinced Its
adhoalpn to tli?- pi itt mn <>t " Universa] Am
I -li!]j).!itia! ? nil i ag?-," on which the
Jostioe wai known to stau?!. Botb Mr.
Smith and Mr, Greeley ardently deeired thai
this ihonld i_ dime, Mr. Smith went further
than Mi. Qrei lay ?tu <li?l In pnhlb ly iViiilailiig
that, it Mr, Chaea had been nomlaatod, in
(Smith) would bave supported hiaa. 'j_i.it
?"ich of t'. .... : tbat
_|UW_i U_ iUiAUoli?. ?, wUcUiU 4UtC.-_itU or u. t, |
would have been mont aunpicioiiR to the ptMS
.?nid w? 11 -beiu/i ol' ??'n whole country, no ou?
hail 100000 to ?loub?.
At length th<? Deiiiocrati?* party has done
whn! McssrH. Smith und l.rcib-y desired that
it should do in _M_ It hat planted itself
?qtUktol. WpAM the plalforin of " Dii___ Aiu
li'ini'Ml ,?Mil_a?_.e," find has united
ui lii,? -uppoit of cuiiliil.ites both for P_B_.
?leill anil Yiec-l'n?.-iih nt who have Hood on
thai platform tot .<:>*?. Had not that party
a moral light t" expect Mr. Smith's emphatic
approval ot thin slip, if not his Bosloni BO
operation in making it effectual snd flooll
I of lin-, Mr. Smith per. .??ti m I.v abttSSS
tbe Democrats mors vehemently in their new
attitude than he ever did while they . ap
bolding snd justifying Blavery. Having
takes the step which lie mged thorn
lo take, In- now rail?, at tin m there?
for as in n,i iic, dishonest ?nul bypocrit
ical. lb? t ?iiiit-i then wiih their past devotion
io >l iverv and hostility to Negra Enfranchise?
ment, as thongha party hid no right to grow
wiser or hiiinaii'i?l.e insisted that then is no
need of BeconsQistion except a Beeoneilistion
of the late Rebels to their compicrors. il this
be so, then why did Mr. . initii go to Rich?
mond 1 Can be hare foreseen that lu* wonld
therefor bo praised snd glorified, while Mr.
Greeley would be p?o srlbed aad execrated 1
Mr. Smith says be docs not mean i<> impend?
tin- sincerity of Mr. Greel y, "but. simply to
??. press say sense of the sbsarditj ot putting
" a d.,? ??-iii-the-wool Bepnblieaa ut tin? head
"of the D?mocratie psrty.11 But why is this
'???'iii.l in 1878 than it. Wtt mi t - ', when
yon heartily favored it 1 Do yos insisl th.it
who wow ones wrong most
Cor .vit T
Mr. Smith dwells on the pu- "C of
the ih 'io< rats to enfranchising tbe Bli ?
though they alone bad ? ? ? 1 i t i epug
'I ni? i- une iiidid and ? j ? 1111 ?. _ - i on
[dor these Ei otsi
So kmgsgoss 1846, W ? thi
with many others, worked nd rated to en?
franchise tin- Blaekaof thisState. Fhe Whig?
carried New Ifort st that ?lection, yet Impar
ifflraga wai . ?'? id So i d '?> m i
wheh rity.
lu 18 ". thej di? ?I it again, and, I
Republicans then carried the State ?>?.
ni.ijoril-.', yet Impartial Boffl I - -
voted down bj 150,010 iu.ij.,1 il,,
In L86S) Connecticut went Bepublii in b
Stats eic.'iion by 11,000 msjority. impart?a]
Suffrage wss ? nbmitted i?> a pop ilai rote io tbe
ensuing Oc! iber, and voted do ab]
in Tm?u at a later day ; m in n
i'.v. n Bodies] Kansas, with ha overwhelming
i ?: lic.ui DM-Jority, voted down Negro Buf
t -n submitted to a popular vole live
<>r ,i*_ years ago. There i? hardly ;m instance
OB it old of B While cens! it iieney, no matter
of wh tp . ? ,;i -?i-in,- ??u a direct popular
v.? g to admit Blacks to^ra eq Ip ition
with themselves in tbe electora] privileges <?!
Of coarse, the Deenoernts have ususllj voted
nearly solid on what we regard M the
.?.ido of this question? But the Repnblieans
who voted with them did so knowing that
ths Blaeks, if eofr-iachised, would vote with
them, while the Democrats wen e inslly aware
that at least nine-tenths of the Blockst ii on?
fraochised, would vote onnfasl them. Oonaid
eriog what human Datan is, ought not a lib
tral aUowanoe ?<? be made Cm this fact .
No doubt, it ii were this day s question
whether Blacks should <? should not be en?
franchised, a ?,'oih! many would vole, _'n ; ; D !
thej would not be D?mocrate either. But the
Blacks are eofianchise??their right to vote is
firmly imbedded in the Pederal Constitution,
whenes it- can nevei be expunged? LegsBy
there is nothing more to be dono; what i.?*
still Deeded i^ a cheerful, heart ? > ? ??? b bubs
on ?di hands in the new order of things, and
a ei'ii-,-i|?i.'i,i In. ?on ?>i While? with Ulacks III
diffl ;?- it uml Bntagonised political psrtics. Bo
i - ili" Blscks beUove that the Whites ol
their respective states ?ire, intent on diafran
chisiog snd degrading them, thej oiU remain
banded and mssssd to resist so ?i rradation;
so long a* they me thn-i banded und thereby
bound to the party which porpetnatss Wime
dl.-I'lincliirai nient, they will be regarded and
tieatod by m my Whites an oppressors and
enemies. From this vicious circle ol mutusl
reprosches and criminations, suspicions und
inculpations, it wonld eeem ths plaia duly of
snch men ss Mr. Smith to labor ami plead for
ths extrication of ?ill 80001 rued ; but he
chooses to aggravate insidious mlsnuderstsad
iiii** and ?T?llame calamitous hailed.. It in
voy deplorable] but ths People eaa uni \ill
le ?'.
We bave a word of sciions though gratui?
tous adviee Cot our Girant friends la Wall
Stli-t. They have bell gOttg Up Uttd down
that thoroughfare for Home weeks pant, at
tending mora i<> poBt?cs than to their bust
DCOS, talking for G<n. Grant mil il they are
really beginning to think they boBove in him,
and deelariog that if the October ehiifions ko
favorably BO th? Liberal candidates there will
be a grant financial panic. They givs no MO
BOM for this. They ?-imply ray that G___
Grant's election is necessary to keep things as
they are; that Greehy is unsafe; that it lhe
Liberale carry the election! they will leave, the
Street; and that, in short, the Adversary will
be to pay if they cannot have then Way.
'I'liis is not simply fslse and boyish. It is
excessively dsngetoosno well. Of coons Brass
fOlTO-Ottfl croakers mean DOthiogof what they
say. They will not leave the Street il Qfoeley
is elected ; Ihcro is 00 OVeh food link. I hey
do not expect a panic. They know of no rea
Ron for it. But, unconsciously to themselves,
they are doing their best to pp-paie it. Their
silly vaporing* hove booa board and woBeon
i by the desperate puneoten who peri?
odically attack the Sired. They are at this
nioiri-nt prep,uin? another attack which they
will make before the Week ends if the condi?
tions mein favorable? if then? should be a
panic, afta the good news of Weilh.
rooming, the gentlemen to whom this aduioin
tion is addressed may thank themselves lor it.
There _B*noth__g in the proopoot of a Lib?
eral triumph which ihonlf not please any
honoMt business mau. In i'eiin.ylv.iiiiu on.? of
the for, ino.it men of the State in ability and
chai a? ter, rapporte! hy a dWnlaraetod eom
lunation of cili/eiis, is Bitted Bg__Ml ? man ol
proved di.-hniiesty, the associate rind instru
iii? lit of the ni'ist eOlrUpt politico] cabal in
the country. The most eminent state-man of
Indiana is moling Igltnl an ob-cun t-ml ,,|
iiie most reckless and lawless of living dema
fognes. in both BtntM the Bofbrn tWuti
r? i\ apon honest voting^ and tho Bnpportsn of
ll.niiiiiili ami M?iitoii aie openly boosting
that they will carry tho elections by
money and fraud. -an any man of
,"<-,'? ? i. ?..I uuns
_ i a mcal-aut M __4_uur. nav hu bv-iuve* his
interest? will tie safer if Hartrunft and Morion
have power than if Biick'ali w and llendricks
?re charged with the execution of tho laws T
To ask this question is to BBSWBf ?. Wo do
not ask the votes or the money of the. men
for whom this word is written. We huvo
votes ? nniigh without, them, and we do not
rely on money tu SStTJ ?mt our purpOOOB? But
in lin h own inien _i-, tve Miggt -t to tin in that
He t WOUld do well to make up Ihtir minds.
aiti i to-morrow, to pnpan to prove that they
?lid not in? in | WOtd Of ill they -aid _Ut
week, _
Ji is mi longer Impossible to deny that thfi
Administration part] bal di irij readived not
to allow the \till of the tOOj ";\ in decide
this election. Besides deluging all cont !
districts with money, filling all Government
places with anneeesoaiy employai whom only
duty .- to \?'l'', ii has gone further than ?my
pnceding organisation, and has deliberately
resorted to erime to aeeomplisb its plans.
When '??? ? in* tat mowed a majority against it
in Indiana and Pennsylvania, instead of rc
-iii log thai d?dsioB oi the popular wiil, it
at ??Minie; i. ting H by aimmal < xpedl
? nt-a. In Pi ' beiden of the
Administration have made a bnudulenl ngis->
iry of many thousand r ? ?< _> If Is absurd ta
in that
in v. ?o peraonate the imaginary penoni
h um' on ;' ? i. latry, they are Importing re
pi atei i froi I oak and aegroi i from M ?
ryland and Virginia, These columns have
announced the arriva] of l?verai bandied.
In I dJ ii the ? a " i - 111 eli arer. Over
,io:n Ki ntucky, on Than lay,
i_ ?; iiici.i'ici of the Liberal Committee
for til?n consignee, and announced their errand
in perfect Ignorance ot the i Involved.
Thi j fa id i> o m ai on by tl
..i Lonia. Die, aa I wcrei I to
ol a Di i D | du I. l hi
ponan won paid, and their be Inns waa to
rota ii.?? Grunt tiokei Hw eUef of the
oflbred ta go back and bring
a Bundled more, if nc.iry. '?';i"*'
red i lent to pi iaon Em trial? Of
i'1'ni.f, then an amny hundreds who have
not !>? n ? - tlm
River al every ferry, and coming
the line from Michigan. Many will be
.d and punished. But _"hsl punishment
would In- sufficient [or thi
planned ?'.::'l carried out this
triple crime agaiaal the law, against tho igno?
rant frcedmen th?'y an di
: |tie i??! v life *>? republii u
iiiini .'
This should be
ci ii,;i i i jain i the i iffi ige are nol political.
Then can be no political life when the very
fount) i I ." pnlar i latitati >bi an pedaoned.
Ii i. .-ct.. ! ni Bhamelesa poBntiona of the
soft .. .!, then will be no law, The
rule?/ Elartranft or of Mortonl Browne, if
they should be counted la l>y fraud, would bo
anarchy. In tin face <f neb an attempt, no
one bas the right to think of his party. A
gang oi bandits an pi paring the asssssi___
tioii ni republi in government, and it i- 0m
duty of every eitisen to I ike them \t? the
PEDE? IX WPRBVISOR& "?? .' ' ! ? TION,
amendment ta the Soi dry Civil Appro
pi i ,Dii hill of 1H',2, t
net election law to nil part, ol the I
, is Ronietvli.it obscure] but B caro?
tid study of ii- language and biatory aatisfln
us tii.it it limita the poweraof rapervison eves
mon < los. ly than we pointed ont the other
day. Undertbeacts of ib?o and 1871, supervi?
sera v.ii" ta be appointed la cities having
twenty thou ?"<<' t^"??atants, wun power tu ecru
iiiii/.e the registration and vote, to count the
ballots, and to call ii) on deputy mBSal : Is to
iiial.e an Bta. .' I the elOM Of l! e I '
Senator KeDo -, in violation <>f s rule of the
Benat-i, inl i imI .? ed an amendmenl to an Appro
priatioa bill, < ? ending this law to every vot?
ing precinct In ?m United Bl itee. The pre?
siding oiiict i, Mr. Anthony, declared the amend?
ment in older, and after a desperate light
and a twenty bom } oontinuous sitting, ii was
foiced t'liioiigh tbe Semite and lent to the
House? Then it encountered m much oppo?
sition that it became evident the Appropriation
bill eould not pen with .itch B riiler, and a
Conference Committal finaDj agreed opon the
present law as a compromise, Thi most bn
portant change is eontained in the following
pioviso, iaaartod at the htstawrm of Mr. Kerr:
" I'rtivl'li ?1 furtlicr, Tliat Hie miji. i1r|aBBI ln-n-i? *__>>
Viiliil Im hlnill 1 :,iti- lin jiotvci di uiitiiiirity to BM-ka m
ii-.i.i.i Id Jiii ftilln oilier tllltic-t lliiin t(? In? la tin) 1 in in?*.
'ilute paaaaaea oi tim otn? cr-, BsMum tBe b_m Um? and ta
..nil tin ii linn ei ?itii__r-?, im liedlas the coiiutiug of
the. t ote- HM! llie iii:i_iiiR ?I n return tlii'icof."
It is also provided that there shall lie no
deputy marshsls appointed In addition to thon
previously aulhoii/cd by law ; no C(iii,j)riisatioii
paid to Hiipcrvisoi-, except in eilies or towns
oi utility thousand st mon inhabitants] and
no snpei visors appointed v. ho ale not. ?jiialilied
rotan la the county, pariah, district) or pro?
cinct in which their duties are to be per?
Now it is apparent that these provisions
apply not meicly in the additional -,up? 11 ?sors
aiilhoiized hy the law of 1 ST'i (as wo ?it first
supposed), hut to those in the huge cities ei
well. In other words, the law-, of 1 .70 Ulltl
is~i .ne praetieally npeneded, ratine than
t\.ended, by the aineiidiueut of IMS, Kottt
oi the Bapctfleon can now make or order
iiurats, or inteifiio ttith the counting of
ballots, or authenticate returns. Their duties
and powers are merely those of private citi?
zens, Stationed Whin they MB see all that is
done, and qualify them, elves as v iinesses in
case fraud should be afterward alleged. That
is to say, " the sup: i vi_ors hen-in provided for"
an not merely the adrftfloaal Supervisors but
all BBpervieon whatever, the word "In nur'
applying not u ly to the amendment, but to
the act as ame.Kleil.
1 hat tins tt? i the mderstanding of Congim
is evident from liie proceed ii:g-? ai the timo
of the ponteg ? . the bill. Wh? a the report
of tho Conference Committee was read in the
.Senate, Mr. Mort?ni called attention to the
previn wi haw (noted and asked whether
it "simply made the ..up?-rvisors silent _pec
" tator_ without, even UM power to challenge
''a vota?" Mr. Etliuuiids, ouc ot the Com
lililtee, replied :
? Tur-y hut. BS p.?tit to ,?l,al_. :itf- _ v.u.* ,?-,-, p| ??, ,t
whlfli Ix-longs to _ till.ti, uiiilor ttiu BK_K_BS lews.
Vu.l?r tlio nMJag I? .'. In l'Un-? ni" t'.Miitt tin.. :i. mil iu
lril.it iiiU or inorf, tliu power of ttio 8ii|n*rvl ..ir? i.? tu l.o
I'tiii l.iiiy passant afean mai m i"> la tka la-aaritilata
preaeDO* of the nfflcer. buying citaran of th? elaetlea
?iii'i t.. aBaem tue rotiug mut to vltasM tas enanas si
Un? Mit?*i? un.! Um BMUaa l'l> of 111. return., ho tluit llici
?leill ki,..m pesetea!. -?..it th.* truth I*. Uinler aUaUAj*
v ii?v.r had tas Bii_,!iii-t |ii',ii'i-t.i m.ike amata
Bt to iiitiifiii* vttfe tu?* saaaaa si Bta paeaelan m aay
WBf. Tho Hou.? itinthlcd ii|ion liav!n< tlil-i _>,?.-,].,,,,,
I ?ii t. in nn _ iiiDniM iif coinpottuit tlii-lr ?!lfleieiii??i m iii.; I
??tliiT lnt?ly, to whl-h wo wnif t..i.ci| tu i..i,i ,1,1, , j
?.UN is fatllai u, _u .na. ' .
In rito liouavi Mr, _i__ibicl oxpUmcil tbo |
effect, of the same proviso to be that "the sii
" pcrvisors authorized by this got? [not by this
amendment] "stand by and witness the pr?>
"C(( dings of tin? cliff ion, and hav> the oflicial
" right tO Hand by, ho that if frauds ai. being
" jierpi trat"d tho Government oi tin [Jolted
" States may have- as witm-. i n. i?
"the Democratic parly and on?' of the Bepub
" KOSH party to flu? fads in the case." Ami
thai Ih. ir dotiCB. Il?it i-* the du?;, s ?if all Ped
erol supervisors of ele? rions, wbetbei Inot
twenty thousand iii'.abitants or in other plo? OS,
me henceforth strictly limited to In?. ?UUO
. '.?.a-i manifest in the course of tin? ( n iiing
debote. Mr. BhoBabarger raked whether tbe
proviso did no! "deprive these O-Been oi the
" power to ehoDeago, and also of thopowet
" to make {lu-, et rtificnte which thej non make
"ondes ths existing lav,.'" Mr. Gar?eld, of
tin? Conference Committee,replied, "Thai may
" be true; but ?ven if it be tine, the prest DCS
"ot kheoe oAcen appointed bj :- j"?'*.' ???
'' a moral chall??nge."
T!,e Adniii'i-tiation, it is understood, in?
tends to disregord the radico] ebongs to the
law in u'e by this em ondoient ??i last Janet
and to cany out the origino] enforcement
provisioos to their fullest extent. Our tri ads
will doubtl mensures to oppooc this
BOB ?Mue,ion ,-, ' W M
pervisoi s i.? their proper fane ion -, m mi ra
witnesses, und be on ?In? watch to repel and
punish by all logo! amono every s
tbe part of )!?? ? > to th. m
In Penosylvania especially we commend this !
motter to tlie attentioo of tin? Liberal i ad
n, 'n ? . Tbi re i >"? I I e do
disorder a' ,:<- poil-; but 'i-, ce ui
.li'.ii ? ii!i r.
nu i ;;c; /. BISTOR V RSPR IT/i-i 0 /1
wonder tbe Grant Bopoblieani are s.?
anxioti ko keep Dp the ?vor agitation of the
i : ii 111 i i war odidate ; thi y cannot
succeed with aoy other. With Btotesmoo
i.i.,11 they would have neither political capi?
tal Dor poBtical hope. Qrant was elected to
00 B war wave, UlOB -h ?' WSS a i
one, and his followers expert to e!.c out the
wsi _ _ 11 ! _ -1 ,. ira ?.: thit y. ?i- through tins
campaign. All thinkiog men sgree that this
constant burning of ?,*iiih?4>u?I. mdiog
WSr-crieS is out of season. But the (?rant
main.? i-, blou and fume still ut the beBows,
praying that tho old furor may only loot
through ?November. They are endeavoring to
? hi.,tory I ?;?? ii i ?? If. "? ? '-i -'
at the close of ? s? ?' dril
war?why not now .
liii'-uv ;, c ; i itiog itself. In 1848* ?9en.
Taylor wai t '? ted P? i lent ?it the end oi
Successful war With Mexico. Tin? RepubBc
bad r ouuded with war cries, from one end
of it to tin? other i the public sppetito for
Dears ond excitements had been fed on war
bulletins. Bo it was comparatively easy for
Taylor to defeat Cara, with the pulse of the
nation just BUbsidiog nom it*? feVOT licit.
This movement was i ? i fui, thi e
ment was repeated at the rery next Presi :?
i lei (?on; and Qen? . ?? - ?onotbi i- hero of tho
M' -ticm war?was Dominated by the party in
er. It would not do. Tho country
liad had enough of war in tho "Bough
?'ami Beady" campaign of 1841. snd the
rivttian candidate, Franklin l'ienc, was sleeted.
Hut tin n, as now-, the worshipers of military
liihs ami power thought their candidate .nul
policy impregnable ami Heaveo-in ipired. Then,
as now, the friends of the military candidate
thought they had DUTSed the military spirit Of
the ii.iti'.n long enough to last through a
second campaign; it was a 1..?/.aidons experi?
ment, but then, us now, the managers were
.',,-..:... ?-a __..?:.?. .... .,. ?i,.. x ,., v |.1S{ rjogri c.
Theo, as now, tbey h;nl been sure
oi an October victory, op t<? the very
hour of defeat They thought that the Hero
of ciiippewa and Cbapoltepee would n
leave s State to bis civiB in competitor to
No Everybody now knows how cruel
wss the disappointment j everybody now bom
how fatal tlie srrar in nominating a moo
v.li e chief recommendation wss his miBtary
fai e and achievement...
'Ihis was i'i 1850. Hat h?.\v faithfuBy i!,"
events re repeated thus far in 18731 Here we
have ti, i Mu?e vain hero-worship, powder??
burning, oar-crying and tdrd-of-freedom bus;.
DOM OVOI BgOlB? We have again the nation
wiii'y of war; we have t!ie old war enthii
siasm run out ; and we have tie* same old
OVOr-eoofldeot military spirit ?siill abroad in
the land, Swinging its cap ?mil BWeoring that
it cennoi be booten. Theporollol is complete.
Bpeoker Blame is anxious to have his rail?
road compBcations kept before the publie? In
?i late speech at Cincinnati he is reported BS
SOyiog that ho would lake plsOSUM in adver?
tising th.- charges? We will take pleasure in
helping him.
Mr. Janus <'.. P.luine, formerly a school?
teacher in Pennsylvania) whsnoe he re?
moved to IfatOQ under circuin-.lances which
Mod not now be mentioned, became
an editor in tho State of his adop?
tion, and next a member in the State Leglsla
, turo. In no one of these vocations had he'
made much inore than a comfortable liveli?
hood when, in ?RES, he was elected to Con?
gress. The pay of that oflice was then, we be?
lieve, three thousand dollars per year. It has
since been increased, but there has been no
time when Mr. Maine's legitimate income was
likely to prove much more than fSIOUfh for
his style of living. Yet in 1802 he was a poor
man;?on his s.ilaiy as a Congressman he hoi
come, in 1.72, to be reckoned by his friends
and neighbors in Augusta a millionaire.
Mr. Oaken Ames, a Massachusetts millior.niie,
monnfaetnrar, railroad contractor, Congreso*1
man, and m? inbi r of the RoQrOOd Committee
of the HOOSS, has written three private letters
to a fellow member of the Cr?dit Mobilier,
Which have been published and an* admitted
to be genuine. In those letters, he explains
to his business MOOriOtM what he hits done an?!
is doing with a certain amount of the stock
of tin ir Company, lie sa) s b,. [g plaob-g it in
Washington, where it will do ui st good, mon
/_oiis tli.? states (including Delaware and
Maine) among whose representatives be is
dividing it, and alludes to Senator Bay
ard ?f Delaware as a gsntlsmaa for whom
stock had been res? rved, but whom
h" had not yet seen. Mi. Boyard
thereupon nublishes 0 lottos Written by dim ??j
the lime, in acknowledgflsent of tue oflsi sf
stock, ?.nd explaining that he BOOld not lake
it uniera bs poid for it, and wa.j ran ll
11 ? ot i - oras the lubje? t of \i gr.lottpn.
. tl of l?- loware was the bui
.. (?. ?'h.'in Mr. .'vines had written, lie
.?ear-, ili.*t Mr. Am S fOVI him viihally
i li?t (which be Imm?diat ly .??? ? ?l down on
im? book Ol on?- ?'1 ...l. ....?.._ htimiBj < i Un? i
?v'yiJ?ica?Uieu tuuoug ..out W_u ttiock Lad I
BOM placed; ,,nd Mr. Hayard's name ?? .
appear m it. Mr. Shrine's Beans ?.Jo.?-?.
in VHR, the Danen Fneifie k?iiro.utf i.t .u-rn
Dtvfriou, which wn thi nmnaaor of Em
Leav.-iiworlh, Panne,, and WttRatt Rail
road, sohl out iu fnaeUan for ,.
trilling sum. Been of the htiM'U.ohliM,
indignant at their losses, m. ! ?
plaints, and QUeHy brought nits. A
doitlu i thereiip'-n i,
tainfa. ; rmoos qua
?toek, ,.!,,?, w j, ... i
" do good." That !? , .,
thus it,
1 !? t
... I
WaaSan ?
w1M?I" *':" ' :.t ?: , . . K.
? " 'i. ci ; tant ?: . um* <
? oi -Sut?s i:n?.
J.M. Mi lidia tl I.
In thai ii-t we found, near the mit!
the >? cond i .-.., iwiag *-_?t.> :
. ..i .'?.m,, - ? , . ,
? ', ? ?
! i
An tl" se fact i to Im
d?claration from Mr. Halm that lie aever
, .
in Con;! m wtlOB t
answer. It was not ? ? nul i
Lite the ti'- iii M
ta his ?
Ames. Ami the other railroad
Congre? quito m aad
Congr? - :. Mr. 1
, ?
,f h h ?ne, l.i :
.mil seeond t!. t ??. i* U
Bloine? VVho I '
? We have DO
? ly and as t
or are Uwy not, 1 : n .'t ?n i.tt i '
good name and ai. ni -, u ,
. ht _
NOW NA', > I
Wcrkingmcn I i
Interested in t!?e Baanagementof the mechan!*
. ! - .m. ?its of tli?- Qovenmeot? ?
in soi ", -, jive bue and tone to tho
manag ? .
ropc-w..l'n, PiuilhieS, and the like. Why
should H i ? '_> -Va: 1
at Brool lyn, or the armorer at Id, be
n bn from oflleial sarveUlaaea In the die
? of bis ci lien1 ? duties m ?my
man? But ha b aotj and workingmen to
every town and t:iy in lii ? I
know, OT ought to ' I tb ?'?'
feUow-craftamen aro obliged to inr
render some past ol their Ind
y t ike work andei the Gov?
ernment. In th?j Navy-Yard at II re I
rear, thi n wen Mtfe or I
workmen who wen < I to vote tn_
Bepublican tic_-t or leave tbe Tard. Te mahn
rai ? of their voting that ticket the nasnn of
thi eandidatai wen printed ob I
oard which eould not
hacke?! by peculiar priming to pri rent ?
forfeiting; and, to shut'off thi In
slble chance for "scratching," even, tin :
printed run in golullf, in line type, Of
which ihn following la it fee-rii
li. pu blirnn .til. TIi_.i. Tee i
nor, I !'
1 ei-tiiiin.! B >?-.!.
? '
For AMOmblr-iUt. M. _. V ?
This ticket bone-half the width .?ml twin
Tlie Ki.^ti. ._ ?I... -, |.,,!..; !,,,* in * t '? | ' t
style ol printing are a foe-simile from ene of
tho originals fat our ponnaion. Tbe out
m complete as bumaa ingenuity eould make it.
This was (.ran!, ?h pi.'.-.u in a '.. nit i ah*
lishmentj It will be repeated this yneri and
tho overseers will stand by, M tiny did hist
year, to see tout no workman dan offer ?my
other vote at the poll .. This is the way in
which u eentnlised, aatocratM government al?
ways works, it la a virtual daatructloa of <ha
right of suffirage. It is only Granti at,
Three men specially Involved in the Cr?dit
Mobilier: Henry Wilson, ttndidata for \ mc
President, Qleanl W. Bcod?ld, C1III?
date for foniieniimn al Tnige. at to-merrowt
election in l\ . asyivania, ami J.;. (,. BUlaUj
j'l-t fastened on Congr? ss for two year. SSOn?
anlen eonvieted and expelled.
The pecan whacsaisM ta be sir BegM Ohnki
Dou-hty Tichbeuniein the benBseey of Baglaad
baa adopted a novel way of pi hi- ?
We n :.d el ..i-* " sseoad sp| i ai u_ " st the Ampin
tiic.tir in l.ivcrp'Kii. tvlicn the pit an l sellary was.
tilled, ?ait not I lie !)(>_? s. Sat ('i lu t ,|,t liy
Mr. .^.iiniiel llti li.'.Mr. Guilford Oa low, M. 1'.. Prof.
And. i son, the Wizard ni the North, and the l
sat himself, t\ lio made a speech remarkable f?>t
nothing (n we an tamrssed) i reept for tbe ?
ency with Which this t lr Id of t!
hand to Ids ?ixknev promit!' i m?.m. se. _dag of the
" ssantag heir,*aslBg ''/,(>?.'* I r "eye," sad
lag " _earM?)in" fi?r Mea___lo_B?N trlkt f it.ni.--t of it
all was, that Mi'. OuiUocd <>n llOW toU thi .n'di*m ??
that if the claimant had only ben wall sdanted
be nsnM hsnhaoa ens of t. illlant on
toniathsHoaas afOsmsMaal [fee o i
meetings is to mean the C_B___tnl s bir trial ssoa
thepeading liaitletiismt. werappi ?
meetinss In the Liverpool Aniplii ,'. do
thi., wc hardly comprehend.
"Isit pomfUetoiadan"OnonOm "to fon _
few piafo question- "f f.n t I" Wa :i.l",'t :'-? .it. ni
Iotas, though It Is srtdnt that It had a. aaj rasy
slaar action sf she Bieaaiag ol the words, batead
"f pntaedtag to think ?mr Usl "f t sin Pacifia
lila.kiiiaih'r- a forgasy w'n'ii ii kmwa ; i It und
not l'iiK I'ltiiu.'N?-l;:i? falsified the record b* ehauaa.
lagMBbiae"to"Blair"n though then wn any
sinh man as the Litt, r iriti.lttil, r WOuM ?Id Im lier
to explain the connection of its I.ditor Wilson and
its Washington nrnapondent STta. !:?.Il with tim
?amo fraud. To permit Mali OOllBftluU Is |0 un?
noticed ami tiuexpluiin'd is to i-l'ir?' in tin? ?ill?'? o? ?.
Doe. it propose to staud . usi.. ??. ?1 ? f hi vim? ; r l
bj Its jaostltuttoa totheUaioa Paeifls l.ubbyf
(Ji'hen? was connteniation ti ; rtiay ?? '1 the itay
lief.ire SBBSaf the (?rant aolerod '. etci. . 1; ill fi?'W
out of astotossaat la Tna ram bb thai sbbsm *_*?**
r?'?|in.-:ti- ijualiii ai Ion of all roloffd vol- i- ? .i. ill.
].?)v-?-.v nm ol' u liv-htiiii ?if $'.'?I ot?*r all tleht?. < >f
unir.,' it tins an error, the cons??pi'ine of a ?pio
tuii.'ii from tin? >t:iti? CoBatituttoo, tvimli ?an UB
l?-n_. i be enfui. '.! - rriddeu by
tfee \l\ ?h Am. .i?. ? Cm:.i lu'ion of t!ie
Uaitod Btetaa? _
fir fhmr if?gtttttt is the nsiut irf - see Loadn
??I by tint i?.. i riel 'i* of
_l-__*iV\i. 7i ,o . a ? d i.unit devoted to the I
fiaottoufor Britishrndan et Amettaea m*2 ? ut
lit? ralur.. It thu.t folfill
stautiallv thi
En i ?/ Satar?ag, a__l I r ? Im ft
anil tei?, ti:iii(Uuiiii) am .a/an?', .ti.u. ___ . .
oiiti uiuuh.ia gt\a ?iuylo i?rviu_?u oi u?.uu_uo au.uMa