Newspaper Page Text
; *^L\W^ *f?f \\ WA r.*? f Y*?? XXXH.v-. *>..?:. NEW-YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER f. 1872. PKl?T. MHK ( J.,- a NV ? ? ' 0KIS] : l i ... a * , ? l : 11 - 1 \ hi:. ins?; . - , . ? i ?? ? i , . '- ?*? I ' i j n,i lie , ? ?ml tU? , ? : , ? i. ? i I !.' . . - -, l ? ? . iiy om i I lint In? d i . ' ; ? '.'',.., ? t i ; ???' lucre . .1 < ?j.n m i i ' ir lio Ba? il il v, i ni?! li.'.v.' 6,001 mar ' i ta ii.-.." "Will, i i man. " We .'? Tiu ? ? .nut iiii I i ? ' ? il ' ? ' ! n r um i , these ore : 1 i t. tin ml. tin , i : .< rriiil'i-\vl, ? , , * tli?'??- no] ?i . ' ; ; , i I t j ... t ; 11,,111 .-,.|<- I.I?' .l-lJUllU. a. I . ?I, i .' . li ,,t l,?-|lll?T I . , KING FBA1 D. ? AGAIXST OOL, MS. I'm i ?s?. PBOOI _ ri:?n>i ' i i' ? ,\i. i SOU in-in (', in RED M im ___ ?...?i-.pu to rai ________ l'nii Ai.i.i.i'iiiA, Oct. 7.?Tin' live offlee-hold , a i...iiiii'.i?-ti'i?'i it ?Mel A <: m,!,..: . >[, elm . ?,, , ? buoII '. .' ?' ittsetioa n.irclii-iliii- ? i ?'iin t ?-il;?' : imttt". _fT DieMt-Atiorue., :;, ? :,.-y. A < m i"UK ttOWU t\ ? ?? tl.i y v.inil.l *.r- ,iuc. the ?.,, bare, and ?taoto? the es* l ,-. They did n.'?hintc of the km?!. * .,1 i ,, , ,,,;?:,? .- t?? BAMUT, ?tiA t!i- only oi'ie? I ?,. ?? Uaorn ft ? ? ?? ? wa ful?i ],., y que.ti.i met the Vemmij Mar-halo to _? |e rote r.j-i.ii the fiiiiidui.-nt ii:?iuiali-ii ? ??l;i?'.l| Hi? V JH??t4'Ildcil !? - I ll.'fcU ? ?-' I I tht iH I Of ' , tlearly i!? t?ne(i tin- tV.UUt ot the MarohalO. and that the? i.ty toin?fu'(t tli'lii, Whei'-iijM.ii the ,1 out. und ! ><l. BssAsIl pshheheii ? unis today? .-? i; .itht a i'ur<; and deliheiat* | ? l.irci Ml iiit'iitU'ii after Ola. i petratua of tb. fraud t?> i?_ai_i i FOB REPEATING m PHIL? ADELPHIA. It-One 1 I : ? i M M-W-YilRK ? HI'N'l.l.'I I)-? 1T1 U ALREADY IS TIIK CITV?THF. I.I, i.l.Y I'lil PAW D K'K TII1.M-? t a i.ivii.i ?i.i. n run is 1-1 i ..s \?.iis... ?.,' II Id THF. TRIBL'NK.l ma. <ht. ?.? I Ik re i-? no (loiilt .. .: i"- i ile ten peel <m , v, i trail j-.,-'i Hew? . ? ' v ? : ; i.i. ? ar?< ,|ii_irtcred Id .. i-i ?'? m to bi -, work as lut:: ? '? iu thin outra??'*? an? '1 ueodore ' - | ,i^r QfmmiOUr'a i>ar Th" ii, ?' 'i, ,n Cue I'.urth. I . ? ? ? ' w nty-flf-t g ? m all -?MPI ? ?ML The < "I"'? 'I I 'An ill ?' f ; .-ni Ke*l . i, and F?nr ; ? i . ' , Hoi.t. ' 1 tag ?m, in. ?l ii?- torn i .. or the loa Arlaktas ? ?iii.. ?o?i :. - ? "i?i iii ' till .V.lii,,i,i-:iali?.,i I. ail- i .. in . ? il- ni ? " i . , .i?,.? i 11 , i. >!, h "f ki j. ii.- ii.uiiuiii?'. ? tara ??? thra ihwaeasel ?-f II * * i war?. 1 ? ?rill i.c n, nlfee. In imaiow. all ttIHen a ,2 to ? it thcdr ach ? their ai r ipt te Teta, and In perfecting aa ,! Ill- rn .it, j .i..i in liui-t opon - ? i i . ? .1 i tin* law I ? n i : . !i t. -ill!. Un* i-.':. Mona to-night a i that the oleetloawi 0 ? tO il.ft , ,- 11:1,1. ? ? . , ? m aa 1 " .1111 lit* - . : tii* ra i. i ? 'I 11 ?'lu Ni ? '. i i- . iv.'.i u > .iiiii.iiucln_ that ] . I ? 'mi-' fr.itiiiuii ut oata-atl mu? iiil.i ln| laritj . ? , ' ' LOOK i.\ " i ; '?: NY COI NTY. i IM?' .im-. i , I'" . i . , - | ! ? mur - , . _, ii. .i ?.Ki i i '..Ui ? td tlie i ig i-. dit ti rij deli'.llli' ! ('II ( \( : i ral an . ] i : ? art at owing BO I the rot? ??' ? ,. t ?! it. i. orron t! ?? li i*. ?c I ever 1?ni.v. ? party is brimming (iv.-r ?? . i ? . v.i. i u haa !" 'ii ? Hartranf t'a election, ; there win be eon : i tlty in gate a law ii?im:'t .- ni; saloon lo i ? iln-eii tO-BORO** v, ill 1 '.ii", ii _v M'\(ir ! .?tckitiore. i | in. tit ?- 1.1 iRb thai .*t riol bum* of thi \ i Hi ti ill till* I1ICIT, . | ?? -. complete retorna from a Coua . ? . - yj : ICHUSETI& I /?'.*?. A ULAN, !. A I .III ! ''': Ml ' t?T1IK TUBES DOUBT] I I I ? BTATK III Ail AM' i . ,. i ?\il.i\-. ? H'iston, Oct. 5.?-The eamp firea of the Re? ,t Lu ' tt* m.* i m i. .- brl i. ; ?,-i,?n i in - to tin -???ii'' lot Oa] * i: we i... ti. ui.. I'm that the! nt majoril i it i, I ,.,-., ,,i |. , tetua mono . ? ? t . the ' 1,.1-t pi excellent om-, wi il calculated to iilu_ out tlie full , ? i *.,.*?-. party, lint I th.uli thai I ?? 111 '.().'?, utm imt ui' aeed thai a quart? i - : i nr< three ?latrk U i ; ? ? form candid tlld, .*? . V'ii. 'Un* Qraatitea have nom! inn! (.(?"( u i . ? ' . v. all ? 14, - .i ? ? -,. Mania <?i popahu | looted bltn became they had bo at! inaoi Mr. Y."i I tin g reeidea .if the 111 hia wttfe the Hob. w m. Gaaton, Major of ??'Kt..n, wh peeled to be the Reform rend Hia t*. Erei*fhod* hew Mr. I i ? the moat i"">. r.t Majrot Boa toe ?mi ha4, baring been choeen the i eoBdtlmt bj aa nu -H'lt-i-il tniiiui .iy iivi r tin' li.t. -t available iiii'ii lli? iji ' ?i ?-otiiii place m tin ii' ML B, ton 1- ii"t I ji.'.t i*.m. Tkt .... a i<? I'ui'i.imi; im! be la u* ' -(?r\( .t n?? h Vu ( -I'k (.dent nt tli( Kent R .farm d Btratloa at Faoenll BaU. Thi i tfc i lull already -, u neu iuit- .1 h tin* Befara fate,ha ?win give Mr. Whitiag i eloeewn. Shore are prominent Unmut?**- who bare mM that Mr.Wl cHinK't iii f(at Mr.Gaetoa. Iheaifm lotroag i'ii.imi':.'y ?if .?? ?'?niin caadlfata being dieted fro? tlie 111' i . gp t Mr. ii....)" i ka* agala i.? en n. Peraooallj he la unpopnlar with v- i people. ii. get -,,, -yiMMti.r fin- iu( i. win. ban to work hard for a ttrlac. Tin? DtatrM i?* emphatically one In irbleb nun,? - haa to "< n ui t" loonroi ??( .? \ ,.. nadei any ewanmetaneee. it ?_..*- ?o two yean Hooper heat Mi. Mince- Btaaa the sewapport! thi- <. nut i m ri v of t hia Diatriel haa tedh-pram i., .? o! t!.i ( itv of ? . , . i be. BMahaa barato-ota rendered thi ra parti Bntltlenetaenow. The Dialricl - of Waida One, Two, Three, torn, Pire, M I .. Barere, aad Wlnthro*. 'i bi Imi ? tlnn vote 9t W'urtl Two? the fttionghold of the Dei at Poetan, hatag 1b Ihr proportion offonrtmnfa to three handred Brant?wfflhe aa___dea_ tool attfc Poopaft^Tftta iu Chalaaaaad hi tarera] of tba Qtanl y?,ii,is, ?? tnic two of the other wards are deeid? form. SUa dhrtttot la laawdad aa a donhtfal one, and U la expected thai Ho-ij-t Einet be btodnnma IfnUj la order to ?.in.v it. Xhe Befarapartj are_a**al an I ?rhothaywOl ptoee tathefield. Tin-l.i.. ? pnbUcaai aoatlaated Mr. I i>. Jordan, an aaalaeat mm * chant, but be ?-.mi lie would aol aeeopl ?t Oongieoa _oa> in.itu'ii from iiiiy imrtv under anv ? irrir.n ttnui*. 'In. t < (.?mull?, c have the*ol. la elmrpe. If there la a fair rote,with Uta right kind of .? ama la _p**-_ ?Mien to Hooper, the Balm aa part** ?IU aland ? , banaa of eaai-rlng n??* dtotrlet, v. in. h aaa*. therofore? be aet down aa danhtlal IfhethH I Hoop? r. , ed. Boaton wlB he rerjr weahly i preaeal dinthenaxi Oongn ?AH-Unai. .. nt-.k-?. The iioiiiiiiation nf ??en. Bankl l> tie V'th Dtetl nut une? l?'( '' ?? :""1 Un- Ui mata '? Il ; t.i the Bafaaaa party. Mr. Geoeh, the Grant can . i- weak, imt tat paaty eonM not dad a i"-it' r man with out going ?'-!.'? the Uatrlet. Iha groai eaaannitj ?.. u : r the final reanlt. I _ i rada In the ahfteteaa ? t. ?LI1..- Mr. . | , P.O. i ..* I.l ,i . . . i ? work I , an i I ?l'tiiut h i-?? i ti. .!? * . ni i? i ' ' . ? I i ? . ? (.?, ?*.?:. ' ' m m . I in tie* V'th ' - turn oi v: i . f tiv v.. tuna a.. i . " ', ;..!.. I.I ?' ? * "*?. I 0 ??*'"' ' ?******** , ? to '. I . . x . ? ? novor ?-I tl ? 1: form in* oo? i, i , a ? ..i . I ? | ? lb? < irupi .. ", ?,, | , ? ( .,1. 11,1 ,.; ? forma me t_iat i ? ? rlei i? :, . , aim i t , uill li not I,m- IIBlj : , . ? , o,I !.. rot? i , ? i ? ?. tirnni , working bard, and will < if. ill 00 VERA dl \ i 'g G01 ? BAU S, I I ,1 ? ! IS V M I -ST.?1 US < "I li-r ' i ?_ I -.1 l'A II I. AMD ' - ? ? * *? i BANKI ..- - ..i :- : i I.. I lie J . . - ' df | ?,|.i 00 G ? ! ruin '? ' ?. ? i i ?, r i ? ? ? i ' lewe .. ' , ' ? ? I,? " ?". -, i,, i :,, ? B ! m 'i .'? attempt ?? ?Hi? h fury ?rere opt i ?? IlllIIRV. ! li. ,1- tlillt .1 id ?I, ? , ml, J 10 a ? ? , . I M ?''.'?? Meen I . ' f-Mllll, ..!.- i ml lit ? . i I. I'.,,;. ? . ? . . ? lilil? I ? . an",, lizin - worth ?,' Doil Iblj a itfa tbe i ? ., ? ? . i ; ? ? ' - ? i.??. - - i. i,' , ? : , , ? , . ? . i. i.i di i ? ? ? i - -l.... ' ? ' -i wen , ' III III,' . V i il, I ??.it , ? I . DI ?, '? ? ? : ? ' 111 I-, 11 bond? were S ? , l. ? >?? ? I i i ? l? . i : ? ?'.. lied in ' i , ' ? would be ?i? put!t . e i . ,, ? I - : -. u thai riitbt tou Tti inporarj ,i ii\ . ri .? , . ? '?, f*fl .? , : i?pia ' ? Ill? .-?? !"?.,, mi lii ? m. ni in in? or of I be ill a? an ? . and ?. A lev.- ' r tin leadlos baoki i ? appear? d t<> think that, act ?M.ifM ?I.. I ' ? reib \i-'t . I I ,on a ? '.'l i I m il -.? ' . Hi . ?.. bile i? Ib i m? thai the genei ,-i ? li- ?? would "?? i" bought tbat l liera aaa a ,i - . ,,, I'.in.- m i urn m?> b) ,?,, j? ,n :,i,'-i i:,-ir.i''ii'i?, i?'li.'? It. U? also thought thai tb< h ,.? -.i. i.oii bod . ? -i I ? i ? ??? i ?..'? - t-l NES IL Pu 1.11 le al SEWS WYOMING TEBBITORT. v',?iiiii.i; Ammusrainox de_iat. 11,( I. Jiit-.i-a- o. Wyoming, hitherto Bepob* lman. aii.i now i> pi t- ? i '? ?i in ( ougreM bj :? gap ? ral ?>- in? ? ? to ?< )nur?. - r.niiih. ne tee ....1.471 1,74.1 ' - 18. ?- - J . '? ' '? '.?.!,. Ill? . ., ? __ , ...i ?, ..ou. i ONQBE88 R ? ; ST. Loll >. 'let. 7.?The folloaring I - ritlit BepabUi aa O were ? , '?? ...i... i. utAsoe, B D i:-.. ' ".. M. A. l,i ??-? :i . 111.., M i . 'h" i Ulltos. Ths [ibero! Bspablicaoi snd Dcmocrsts ,?:i.m.;, .i li. M. De Witt i m the XIV'I. N. Y. D.-?ii. t. a?, i Vu., r .. ..Ill II.- \ 1 Vil,) ? , ' '!?'. \--i.Mi;LY KOMINATIONa _____my? Oct. 7??Ths Grant Repabttenns o? lin I-r \- ..hi .1. 1,.- ' ]? ,,, aiahar. the D aerati ?? ii! i A -, n ; ; mi, .., ti,,ii baa iioininat. ii i . . -i ?'.? 't.i. i j,?!.', w. Vas v Ki: i,-,?,-?. Oet :. -i. ? ; ? D ; the lli'l I'l- ? ' '? ?'?' ' W. i ox a ( ?>.\l. Mi*-:. I.Ml CM 105. Jjimiiin, Oet 8?1 ?i. ni.-Au ? cplosion took pi,, m a ?-".ii ebb I i I M ?? ? luiiu'i? ???? r, .ii v..o i ? f i'.,? m n en i.i' -?n 11 ? ? , il?, n. IghtMthOOd. ??in .'.irw _T;,. eolot ?1 cadel entered the Kevel A< i > ? , -.'. ,\,,r Ai . . ' 11 - -, . liehe? ii ? . .George Ken ? . ?> ? .. .'i i M ? - i l i.. . r of tbe i i" he >? ? , ? ? ?i ?? ? ? 1 , ? i ill , M ? t'-r in , .... i i?- , ? ? .. -? . ? , ... [THE OOTOBKR EliKOTIOK A I.II.;,l,'\I. . LCTORT a I ' i..,i. ?,\IN4 Al l. OYSI 'im. ITATl -PAS WATT AWAY?A i ;. ?. i. . ICTOKI V. ncvi:mi.i:i:. fSI 11 U '.li'.ri! Td 'i I I TUlm Hi 11 ?.Il>. Oct. V.- I lie foDoWtnf i ?:.,,. r The! ta] party-1 . ?..n-, ij in the l il town 1 leetioae in (.'< .t, (?.-day. V. <? i :-in'-' 1 i i .M? ,i?l, n ; we ?.n , y I'V ????"?'I, b ' bh '.? n hy %\ 11 l,y 16,1,,'t Spring ... pubUi .m ' old hiiui'li Republican town of Brool far ths Greet y lie !.. t by U ; i ' .1 I? | !li?- i '.' ; Mi,!?1 tews '.y 800] W.ii.-iiiiirv hy MO] Anderer s gal r Locks, Ridgeflcld, M Liberal, end cM Bnffleld by W. Towns i . i i?. -i Bepnhlii as tat nearly twenty y : ? i!.. (.,i ? 1. s lii kit. lu cil. one?bal_ 'J Isns '.> UhetsL En Gibraltar of Badi? oj \ ? ?tara, t I '. ; i.?l Venu int !'? pu lii. n mejoril | i ? ? i;t il?.an to _ I, and U itot, I Bartfoid, Mr. BUllmsn, ii islaricd ei .1 managing town officer, wse en be tu l.i i-, ss woto eloo several ether important ( ?. .. ?I, and ?i ii -i i ? .,:._ : . ..? i qtxgl n.i 111 I Of Sot"--. in .\ v U'Mi?'i-, RATIOS i 0 -- ? i'- "i SH>1 S. HIT 111 '.'.HA' Il 1.1 TU '. I lui M I ' , . ;. i be ??? -i os Registra ? \,i;-?-,whichieeeneeded by both psrtlee t<> b< / | . i for Le 4 . Grsal Bepnblh i MO fus In..?m A. fi I; A_faniniotntk ..'?.. i 9, S 1 ' ? i 01 -ir., e 1.4-L Ai-iil. Tl i.i I ' i ?-. !<, iinii'i on the Grant i?' .?? ! 1 ti' krt Ott. Tbe ?."i ? ?it ?i town eli?tion. V ' I I. ANTl-I.UAM-. u ,i :.. ros rsis___i Mobwai ' ?iwalk baa elected a Liben ll?.ai?l ?,f i a O? ta by smojoi itj ol 79. I nf.. a',mil _ e i ?ii: U I QABKl ii; Bl : i:-u>. .'.I'll M i It K Tlili.lME.I l'uni nil i?, n t, ?.-l.iii.i.ii Bepnbliessa an? Demi i . n ofiir? n? liiivc been elected be by t% iii.j":ity. BABTPOKD A\n m:\v-iiavia?thi. cni/.i .' Il? ui.i , ?in-i.-. '?,? Thi: LATTES CITT. i ______._&! II \i'T!??i;i?, Oet. 7.?At ths townelectiona ir tiit-? ??i? ?, t' day, a ii bt vote wee polled, oui?- 4.71'-, ?,f tin ".,,:.! .. rfr. red barias rated. Ihe u ;?? Toan Otett Oordwn Bohiaa, i?, elected i,y I 1,'iifv trtet it \i Woedboaoe, Democrat, who _?;, fOe H.-viiiil > ??.,??-. T! ' i 1 ;?.? e m ij'>iftp in tii?. i.- ni e ? ??., li. wt ,. 1.1II1 the Town ( '.? I k, BtO .ilioii.lo A|-|H .'1 III BMttl - ' I,' i-ll lllull of i-l. I'lnll, J wo ,, ,?lie of tin tkb? "A' If ?'1 \ : the i-' : nbll in < too tabk 1 ire ? looted 1?.in? of tin- -.\ Qiaad .1 "TOCO I , lidata im- 1 . , ira 1 d. Ol the A ? mu U01 . ii.-i,,?, ral on both ti. : T publican on ihn i??.,, .. t, Bn I. 'i'i. prluelpal inten-t va* in tin? v. ?, f??r Town Clerk aad I' i, ?-tineo. Ihe BepaMioaa tin- f',nil? r I?'. 11 haadOOBM nnjorltv, anil luv.? I i" .- . : 101 1. N ? eon pa laon 1 an ? . eli ? ? The rote le a .?n? enter largely into the raava?a. The ehlel importance lulo the election ol Selectmen and T,\.n , , ? i,?-' n beard r?.,m the Q iblicaoi btvi . ,-'? ??' - m to'ir town* II,a! -... 1,- I1-111 , ?Libera han , lined in nix i:< publi? .n la -1 re ?r. , . . . , : the Retratar '* oh* r iti,- and ' I >? a? ? li?t. ,1 i.y a plaralll ? T.I? r, ii.,' Rej iilarGraul lican. ana Jam? Gall aber, the Independent] ber ? ill?-? ? ?m led 1 ? !.<?.' n ".?1 re ele? 1.--I ovoi : 1 ilicana ?-.??i i iwii iiui'ii? of tbe Common Co I ?; Ove out of K-vi'ii aarda. m 1 eel 1_ rown Ciera. [u tl >i?i m?m iii.'jun;,!'.-, yi?.? giren In the following oniv : Republican?Meriden, 111 ; Ea_ Uaddam. 121 ; Kill LOO; Norfolk, 86; Torr?i. too, loo ; P m '.-, 30 : \\, -i Hartford,60; Hco land,?; Oriewokl, M; Mew-London, 20; Watcr?nnl, 17 ; l*utna_t, it?', MwatrUk, lue. ; _rn> . . I ; _ rwkti, Liberal?Midd'.i 0 a, _:?"? ITaddiun, 10; Watci-mrr, 85?i; Toi.mi,I. II: ( aiiiniii. W; Ncw-Milford, 96; - 7..; i'i-, ' , ' -, i.i" .. - b, 1?; AndoreT) n. 8IGN8 OF nOTOET IN INDIANA. ?'.., >?'- mcii'i OOLOXT 1:1 i.i:\-i.i> ?.s AO ,"l?,l >,| \ I IWV IN Till; AllTli.VIT ?,i TIIEIB \i:i;i-r-mi: LDBBAU OOMVIDKXT (.1 M. tOKI ? nil- BIMO'l B-FOBTO TO PBS \i\l A I- AIIC \(?'H'. ? lII'.MUtl. KS l..-l'i.( rs lO.OOO MAJOBtTT. [SI TBIMSAra TO T?l 1: i.'iiii xi:.| b-OIAXAFOUS) ?ht. 7.?The iui|ioiicil MftOSS ??in,, on their .?n \oi,inti?ry n?liiii-?ioii, , am?- o\?r,60 in li'iinii.-r, n? \ot.- in ??n aorta of ffeaaahdaatfeeawfee Beaatee Meetaale ti? k??t. aara bees Sleeha_aai by the ? thai leefc eesalsanee of their eelaee? sol booaaee that trim.- was ii"' clearl. proved; not he cm.??, there vsess] m'-iiiaiiti m t!.,' peeooatettoa at pel 1.nt beeaaea the eMdarltenwhlah the at arrelsaed wae (hatty. It wee trlae-phaatty proel 1 by th. Mori n people beferehasd thai the iinu??' ?M.niii Men o.,i, mu? 11m,? aafreea weald i?e an l.y ehclion ?lav, Whate_MP may have 1,.,-n tin. aaai.I Ihe releaai the icaadalleed eoanraattr ?,. 1 1 it-, if i. it at iii?' mot*-v ?,f ? band ?>f pelltloal ieape 1 uitii ne teeosfee Ml theee et the handsel th, ? OSfte Thi-? ,ni"U? iii.-re of, in! lOrtfOrrtOiaolH very ?, rloaely Uaiei 1 the win el tn< j.- epla la Ihle Maae. aad 1 in- inul"tity ?? (-.. ?iv?'rwlielniin^lv 1:1 tl.,'Can-??' "f 11? f'lini tuu? the, luir?. Unir lontl ,1..,. >? m a ?v.? iinu?-mi. a>-? 1 ??-iin.ri - v.. Pi,bina to* prerest raes m se II sen stsode. Ihe i>?,ii made of th? i,:, Bipleted laetwees by Merloa'e leniialilee m ole a ihowtas of only .00 mateetty for the (?raut ti.k't. H an? liii-iK *<?t loitli 1 ?.??i, l.nt the :nutl??r I? on . 1 bow. Liberal polio, ? lu? h ha-. 11,? aa < nafa] aad , ihaai Uro, ban pei mated en eaeb oeeeatoa moee than 1 l.i.-h a.-? _c.(A>i) niajoiity. It li ealeu letedb] n,,-,:,?-.-' Isaraelathe Stale thai Boadrtehe will 1 ??..? 1H.I4K) to i.*,,,.?'. Ihe Mortes ring? bare been rarj easertofel the certlSed poBe from the Uberala, and bar? t nperedrerp treely wtth the auUle throoshthetaeti ?' ?in b?a,i of the Indian 11?, :-,,*ii,','. a 1 other la-law el Morton, vhodoee rtjwprhwith ejasjalai eaetlea. A-aeasothei in lertereneea,th_4largi inin i?d min badcaaeedthe ?ni < of Til. TSmSSS ?oii-nli; .'.niiovuucc by tramptas apterolene ?-r.-t.-xt-. tor heMtss the Keel. j..,, k... ? i.i the raalte of the poetoCI ??, de? ll n 1.. e Meshes? inni.ii.-, end . ... tU it-'- - 11 lad lit ti.. '1, (,it m. t , be practiced for the perpetaation of the laanloal faanthal ha* rldd loa de ? ?. 111 ; : ', ?? lai -, loa 1 B-ornlng ol el? i tlon and eel retara entil the ,, -, it nenM 1 low Me ? i" the Lib? i a:, ?n n n??' with them.aa tbe n-tnt. manager* on tbe other aide well haaw. 11?>? ?n> mlghl thai beemptlod ,,r fi.-ii. i.-?i ;?. -ia-?? ?..??? 1.. if th. railroad poos?? "ii the n.?'in,,1? project ifaioal t:,, 1 ? r tin Morton Oawlllee baa been drawn apaa bj theeappeetereef ti,? Otnisb -oatneeel priai tlrhota mtih Ihe laaate of hmdlag Bep iiotniiiee-i inaeri ?i. In abort, rioter) aith Uheralkei la imi,..i,., la awn raw wlB ta si barM] venae It wttl I ?? an.iiij'iiii ui" 1 ?i??i-i??. im aUbntLei - ... t-t. ? I the fi anda of i: _n a* A ? I a sen. 1 Of M tion of the co ? ??? i ? I election ol ? i;-. 11 dai it n i"! ? thi la. aalt] i autehlei . plotti r*a Br? rytbtagjosl fi?"- '? ?? ? ID tie .ui. ' bttherto gtrea, and the i at Trim.!..ill. Bend I I . J f -tue.*? ri'Ui: ne .1 B ' ... all 'o and '-," I Wtaa li t an be motwltb .... ; .. ? ? I ? i mu i f.'i. ?, i i..11 ..ii-? ara l i (BVM of Hew * !i fi m or ao taken, tor ht the in al papen, bal then scents to he* been no ? peep, bold ... y lui i i'i'-iit ti.-tiir.i raw. 1 i tarasfl "in i v .. ti until tl bad threw ?n ? ooa__ rotea fur Baker to ? 1 , . '.t. MB! u--; * ? r Tin. ( \",'.\!(.\ -an (? v. IIKI ''ii\i; ii i i . i ins !? | : Bl - DRI?KS?MOBTOa . I > I >. : I - * i - A SL1 M '(.ii. IGE. VBA) ?i M) TBR " i . I let, 7.?Sen ttor II. odrii lea ? ?i'''.r.'l!? t Id f own people at ".u-li-j ville mu? hi*? present town people at Indianapolis? AI fonaar tlie deaauBatiatl s ama laod by Mr. Bandrl u* nu one "f the ateal ; .' eu -lull ;. i (..'.'.i-ldu and ... . i. . |.*...ii .. i. ' led to hi r -itlicr impromptu than ?iii>Hi . plj t?. eel the ?*' i ??? ; ' i ? "? on of !!?? greatest meetlngi (f ths ?aiu |. i *.i. Fully K?.801 ]?? ,pio eimv'.eit thS tat? I!" I K-ilali . f 1 !.i' VV. l.i l mit 111 Uli.* it t.i. ' rokeel ? u nut) of iho moo! k -. fui Icdirtdaal eearasa la t'.i" i na ? "f i uiiiiiii .int and althoagh tba train deiaj d tor Heodrleks, other speakaaa watt ealltd out aiul wer.; listened !" wltb good bnmor,attention eunsl '? rabie i Fha ' r ? 'i aas on on bis arriral Mr. Beadrleks foand d flhmlt] la roa? Min . i. Bal ei ..- m ii gri d i it? ai the '?}< i of bis story, and after exposing some \.t. u lea of nial tlc.itni, . i bal. in bis ?h i . tin* wu*k nf ..* morrow would in* ( row ne-l Willi a i-iir-in-dug -iiiei-e-ji ? k that ail tlie eootemplated rogneryoonU aol pooslbly obi ? . da out at r i., aehelly ftaaahlaaaa of jeUiten? tion Waa t '" . o:i among a feeble following of Gtaal people, wl i bad ? il the trig a un t.? bear '.r. Morton? gentleman in not orer hepefnl of the resnll to-aaorrowj thougb Itlsglrea out that he i- tali grnphl i ; the aa dlspati bes to Marphy and ' oakl eg In Vow-Totft aad the military ' Carles of the Preaid ur at Washle to . Bowersr, tbeoonfidenee m ti:. ated, i whei i will, '? i 'i? deapeadaal Qrantil To-night then arc rim. of tron?le tor tba atom's Dei p ishcmea. It la aseertaiuwd, an hroodtng tor r ii-? pn - reatioa ?.f a fair vote, and, *f nsesmary, a proteadod riot will f lha aegroea In order to delay ami >: ?' i.ii'crui i?, i. ir .i rr. m nach i| the paOa le ?ui-1sm ? i* Many m' '.. . I. ral roten are active and bombte worfcln man, nd n a plot li bom tea Ignoble for ti.- U-aa B d i m who hare the Brant lateraata ?n heaping la i Male? Dm air la henry with ranon of posslbls and impe iMofmnda rhetoa Otaal man, haa ?? ? :, i dataili d ' , ror the am vtmaa m bntk puni- a, Wtm !________??_____ _,tvo cov ( i d the city wi'ii pi.ii i'-. i* lag anward of |ao for the deteatlon of illegal raters, and u tolerably atten? dee cyo ?ui bo kept ou tho *aone_OBla of aeenderlag m tram, wii?, BaahM Inward tlie Kentnehy bordar, aaal a vet'- in the hope at . The captan and axpoeonof tho I.....1-'.!!.? gang haa had it military iiit'.u enco on tho Oolotad people, and iu all dine* Uons ara ii-:ar _f fr.nitie heanwai ihound i iiui_ ded '?y lha Indignant Onntitea. Tito moagaa drippings of political new I finio Oh.o and Penn?yl\ anla liave lmii mi Inspiriting ..let, aaA to-ni__t tiuie are f ni! v ' roten eonddently ronattag oa a thoroegb -.?n ?. threegh lha oosu-ttos?>f Indiana to-aaei mCAL WOT IN CINCINNATI. ABMBD BBGBOBI _ IKK OV A UBBBAX PBO ?!.--; m ?i-.\ RBAL MKS' BKBIOUgLT wor. di.i? ?KXCITBMBirf IN Till rn V. HIT TEUHRAFfl TO T1IK TBiatllBI (.'incinnati, Oit. 7.?A .?nioiH riot oceiuted ben this oroaiag. a*- two Onalay _Vur?i Ciubs were lg uti Broadway, throii-h that part of the eity known on Bnshlewo, the procession n I'.rt list., ami was met by a gang uf m groaa arased with Baashnia ami bay.met*?, nho (?(iiiitiieiucd tho work of s! militer. Tho Otoelay in. n. iahen by surprise, at one? broke rank? and seat t,iii'i:i.e . !.. ( j., mai.', of t'" ui Bread a ay aa i :.... to the boosoa as they eoald pet, to eeeape the bul i.t-t.r tie Macha, who eeattaaed theirlagfea aeaaedle? lanet? The alarm bell., were ftatnafad !o bring the puliio ta tho ?cene, and largo crowds from all part? of tho eity ru-hed to lha battle? ground, prompted either by euri.-ity or bent on n.i-eiiief. The blaeha kepi la elan sad? r, andnfnaod la rarnadsr their arms to the poBee, although they mat* laaUy tndaeodto eatar their araerp, when they now ure. Th?y will allow no Ma "__> M te them. It Is linpu.* I . get an aeenrats u*t of the aa .-.uaitie*. tonight Bo deaths are ;.it reported, bat &*<? aten, all vhtto^aia llii'.ed, Otte ijllil.' -,l, in the thigh, another la tli<> knee, anethl I iu the arm, one in the band, Otewda af exalted people w?-ro gathered In the iKigh'i.'i'ii mil until it late hour, tlir?>.'.tiiMii?: \. n gaaaea apea lha banda af the parpotratses af this bmM nawarraataHfi outrage. Bad blood i? clrenlatlag to ni.'tit, am! tioiilde may foll'iw* tMMItWi -my THE GEORGIA ELECTION, l.ii.i ha?. MAJOBITT PBOBABL- Vi.O't!. Savannah, Oct. 7.?Kipoit-i from ?oiintie, ('' t.i in. r. BBS IhO IIciik? tatie BBaJOttUoSb BhiOh from proaeal indlealtnna win nnah Atlanta, Oet. T.?Ono hiiii?lr?.il an<! eleven i'ounli'H have iii-eii baardbeta, .evenof them have girea Braat Bepnbllean nmj'riti.* . The in soaatiea gira a Densa? < la.'ij'irity of ->,.v_J. The 10 coutiin;? t<> be heard Irom will linn a-te Imlth'S majority. . \KtiK 01 ICT-MlOATOra Voiiii _ svvwnah, Oet? ?.?Two aegtoee hare made lie thai ( BepnhUeeas aren pnrented ___? rotlag al ths lata rleottoa, aad narraais bars boon i -(irtie irreal "f ana aaagiocrnta and em in.i.1er, ander tin Bi rcea am aet, WHOUDBALB _J_B__m in BOBXB OABOUUtfA. Qgldsboko'i Oet 7??Fifty dt?aena af Pitt i . -N. (.., iu i l.alr.-e i.f I.'uil.'.l St ii, s I?)_u*t i -Mar i brooght befan United ataras C m. ;.. i BoMaaaa la ib'* ? ii . lo rtey.o a lha ? bai ao ft no et i ui i nig C i i Boaeh la lha i ot.11 ,i ni pet. m in- din,-, the cam a wi i. all .1 ?lui ! Id ('?muni? oui i l; OBIMBR IVD ? III Min- rv TELEORAPH. I on ui J. W. Pri-Lii ol Detroit ?a? .! ?? I ? i - ? ?'.?Uli!, .?-lmii, charged with bruPflary, broke Jail at It. ?. I b ? drag mills Noe. ?"?, ?;. and *, on Ban u .? * ? .... While Ramo I Carl?] af DeKalh County, <?,.. ?a? in. la pi ?'?? alii.? I? _l.ut iu-a Vi. Cram, an insurance agent, ami Oeo. ? . ? ? ? T l0l l.Or.l',. I UNO..10 ! I ? _ . I ?...,. .... ? .. . - y, .. ?i ? - . IS in i.i i a i ate? ui. i ? i Rette* - FOREIGN v i kl BITBJ . r a . '.In* T transi I ? ? tbi * ? ? prat? ''" 11 i ' appo |. ? i ? . - ? i I, AIM! I I l"N ?'1 || ? ' . t . IHO i Of lilt- reply I, I ' I I ? . . Till I HABT OP TI CAB A'D I ? . I ' II ? ; i . ? "i KM i I ? HI! l?l.l I-i".a-. ?he /../?' i ? C ? ? ' i - . the _ _ . i bar, bow, ??? t, the * occupies Maneges, l .. i..-..i. . lag Uu tat !? <t fuu? ? i Shot Liv. 11 ? ? i .1 i?*. Dglnforaatti .. tbelr sj i -. 11 i*y tp -' ' a . ' ? rument ti r relj lag on wi ? pi ata y :.a i ths - i. .'i 1.1 aa to douM yah ? Mr. Adam- poea on to argue that a i ?mi ihowa i ? ' Orate, and ra not 1 without au m!. i,ii .ie n 11 ?.?*. .i tu aluda U e of theBrl lab fton ment inptereathigthe ? af Itaporto? resseliadlj wanted by the taaatgeai Amera i: v. iii (li lii(* in i ni i...-. t tie lr '?"'"'l Hineilt. the cnn> ft li..* Ai<il.;it...i Mi. M Na U traut the tir-t ib. n was s readl i rtl poalts u oo pa?t of the Bngtlah l ? ? ?? i1 ? ? au abut-c of m. titrant.., but lu u I cxlai aateag the Gorernoa at employ?? tLl Mr. Adam-, us !.. IhO (.miL-i., .1 t li?t, iu the 1 - laratved li !.? n c. y0.111 tii? :?? was 1 " k _-??? et or fallan of 1 part af Kaglead, irhila a? ta ber subsequent adman*! lato Blmon's Bay, w ban i.i real and re*? i-.?*'! rai plisa, he if on arriving ai an Bi - lab poi fui bu regular commission sa a v< ... ici belli?. Bot, iiei M ._)? - ? '- ?. ? ument det? < n./. bar In that ebaracter, bowerei mach I any reg? It, le itiiitit call in ?i"' fction Uer 1 reaptinsibilitj in* a -. rei 1 I sbonld not cons? nt to oaae do ru 11 led bj tit?* 1 n 1 a? to tlie Bhaaeadoah Br. Ads I spoa IMe tor her from thettaM af hai departan in. Melbourne, li i' :i : turnt tho frai ? d lui (Lu Cont.deraiotui . , nig awa .it u!ght, by mouecrorttt f"i-?'i<i <fi_,r men ,,.. ,,.. pitalitj ' : 'i jr. Mr. A< into the question of what ( lutes "du ei ? tons length? Bli a. ( ? ' ki'iiii In hie l it.u r Aibitnti . . th ? wbole qu? .1 ; H wit li uu ex JH. H? u il IBgNl that the Wh-i n.atur of the gr< ai couteiat?111 lu., as well n iu im t?had not been >tt t.t lha iiMtialesi "te ba 'i< 1 itii d aeeoedteg 10 tin ?11. prlndptea and ralee 1 la aatloeatlaWaIn totea atu- h*M^tlia aux lea and oi'ii. iu m al u. time when these allegad eaases i ? anoaldt bate aritu." As, l,i.v,.\.i, tW, I _? ?.?t l-e. in tagnta ibat the fnaBatasd the Xfteatr hn?i aa. bai able to defae arate predaaly tha Btaaakagol "dua ?i?.. p 1...-," .in.! had alaoaetforth tha tuttaerp-hMlp. international luw Lot nu ? ii-;.-?. i.* m Uli tl ? rali - I. . to which refi ri n.. was arada by the Tnatp. ai? j..? ed? to consider the auhfeel <?t neutral obi. in time of war, and deduce neutrality aa "thai a country relatively to two otht r* wlin h BBS at mas wit' ene another, while tt rerantea at ponaa ntth bei give-- u*.e!*-tuiice to neit'.ier.'' fc'ir A. Cockbuin ask* i' It 1- de-ii 1 le to lntrodu?? i?( w . and to eneta ahaaaetoi la tha todasaryaaaltaadi ? 1.utu if. Be pateta out thai? whtfa Ha __hrta_aahthi ret] d. astrous to neutral nattons, th? onlj ruatA ba that a aatloamahlngaaattaei would prwliatoaui Mtiuiieiiiil.i.- ?i. lim?- of peace, whBa anotheraeantr* plunged Into waren a Mid?? II weulu !'? Ulli.M I in. ? or tin invadtr. l?ut hethdnha the? sas w ) y i.mi.i a Bahlp equipped alul niuied is imt .? n: ?mt M ???? tah 1 to th?-port ot tin* ha__g_r_Bt purchaser, baa i" ??m m -. 1 fee tha parpeaea af lanftedlata uaatoin. 'thm ba thiuk-? plainly it -.mlntten at, and H 11 h? eiuiii* If a *. (atl 1 and her armiiii i.t and tuum are B 1.: out separately, and theea lattet aei afftsinnrd pal on board. He think* that ttout Haaaa ftheaM ba a guln ?!. ntth B_ their cuinpl;? ittion?? ol organisation ami inn-mm nt 1 mhBRaasj w iats la aattoe, a Mather dsgrt? of diligence and n?cete* then M law i.ii?! aftpaa exacted beaa b-ftrldaa-l-. Bcxl an tahaa _? tat t barges aaada agalaal Great h: tain. ; ii.*? lug ?m ?nimu? hoettti tu th? 1 nil' - - dean who gnat length. Auto thoehargi arade that th.* En _ii-1 municipal law WM iBSUfBclettt, II 1- BBSaBftad that It M heard aa t'1? Aaaatl? Btewefiarai bad H I atroiiger. fhaatatement admit? at the ran? tl ? th?- wetktegt "f lha _ pil ? lalalratlsnbyan glstrtct-attocaeya M hallar than But et Otea. i_it_.i. A iniuiiii'to' otlor um.irk? m tin A-BettaanOaaa an tahaa up and exposed a( grael btotaep af Aunria an neutrallti* ilrtlt ?rl 1 .? 1 f tosB_MI that It M marked, BOt m'y by Mating ?galaal nations witli whom the D ,-u pease, hat ??'?*> by a aaitaa of bostfis exii . curried aat in the an M deasi Alien one. Oatheg B*ralabatana ot aafrlaad Hue? i a ?'m i ' ' ?-' -iite? 1 'i 1.1 .'st ti.i 1 a_d l?-pai.: .? i'.'ni nu..-n mi il"* l'? un England's law.history,s_Moea_en,_ad ail t" . (IU)' '1 t" lOOl ?.-'I t. -r Alexander ('oekliuni n? tt pr .*? *?_ lei ?!. ei fcaif each vessel separately, I'm F.ortdu 1 ti. .. ? n. and the evid? 1 length. The oonclustva arrlr? at Is: 1 ?ol this resool not aiuoui i 4 to . ti .n?. 1.ut . imply ii a 1 1 f th? Eo .1 u 1 m a. *. tie (lorernm .. bad ?.*? 1 i' 1.1 the mere ?\ 1 . Croa u, er by vu rue I ie* 1 .1 . ? soasa. Whoa ? ? - 1 ; , ic( tion t ' ' . it bee .me tin ihitv ? it m on. e t. din rt ti bui m- .1 i.y ?eh ,. e a n, 1 ii t?a - ' . ? i . ..? . .. .- ni....' y 1. ,r.. i. a- 1 " - rwbirhFnglaad is hi dlis ? e ut the clrtt of 1 .1 w at \ ' - . ? .: 1 ' ' n.r.' :'m lent I j vigi thai the <;???.? 1 Il v ?? w. 1 .t 1 f In *.. I ol .1 . Al.e . 1. ?a to in-id under tli ,?, t.. ran * 1 b? n ? ai poli? 1 W? r?* i rita ni aa ?le ?> might bat . ? m.d. r I;.\ I 1 .'I II., il .1 k" . - - II" Il t. .'- ' ? a . .1 t.) I 'lUtte their vigila ne?*, a nation ie U) '?? 1 ? l.i liable Cor dama g?? 1I.111 In'a \e--el t.. tl.. 1 M. ut nf a Claim ?if liialr. ' . . J unwarranted i. ?1,11 \. unid ?'? ? ??? ' r ? ? ? ??"? ' tin Tri m,.u m reaped In tas ei< - ?d tha wogld. a . tmi.-.m.ige . mi- Alsxander Coektmrn tluaha that the total ? I111111 fu Individual l..-_ ? fo^ui not to be .1 i,t mon ta..u ?>,uou,oi?i, me1 ander no ? t'iilli-lJlli'4-it el.ulllil It ?X.ii.l _ii.mi.i??i. He alio? iiuiblug (or Interest, but 11 it ?* graoted.thlubs tl.e l..w.-nt rate j'ievakut lit the L'iiii?*U.*-iut' ?lh? utoin r ? laudar?!.