Newspaper Page Text
Vo'? X.WII.N?-&8&5. ? NEW-YORK, FKIDAY. OOTOBKB H, W>. PRICE FOUR CB.TT8L Till: ?OTOggR KLBOTI?i nu; [HDIANA ucioky. TRIUMPH Of ilt'M?':: : wi> i;? Dea) aflbrta ot uta Morton Kin. ?h, ,it ih?' I.ili'ial.-i ?mi oC th? ir lunust lory, Efoadriafc| h ifcwbtkiaa alaciad by ?i .c'ntz fin?! 100 to 1,000. Tha rcu liiivc 'ot?n h? id bach in ili?' aaoal d?a leas miiiiitr. imt th?- Lib?rala bava 1 ( vigilas! ta paaaU Um fraud? which Giaal peopla hopai lo atfirappHah in 'lite renniii.dcr o? tlic Slut?' ti? i?- lu- easoadad to Um Administr?t 1st?, the ? ...imt il liv ! TU- ' I OIT) IM.M'UH M MA.IUKI .1. ii:y TtiBBBira to m tbibcbb.1 in. O? t. 1 "?11 p. in.? Hcndricl: i i with the ? ' . that . ? ituiiity. 'I '? ?!?<?; Coi m the 1-t, II?l,a'i?l Hl?l Dlstrl i i any ol ?M r? ui, Ineladtnf probi 1 ., . i tir l.inii-liitiir?' in v clo-'t- ?ml tin otic can >( t any in WBMM favnr if ! i ',? ii'ii both Beaeea Thtfiiel 1 ? -, 'ii * ? ,1.1 ;l | . I'dil'lllll f: la to etker all day ai 'i be Moi ? mittM tiv ? 800 majority. i . - M-..K am vi'.'ui BOO?an Aines s, l?i m i;)-M 'en l>?TBS .REMAINDER Ol l ? Ki r PROBAB1 I aPMimSTRTIOM |CtM" VI I'l Hi l'1-i'A'K li.l ? as,t let. 10. ? iflk ka] returns I r< .il. il ini.jiiiitii s fi'oiii nine (inintu .-.. .?ritnx in Ihn c count t? a not be ?,?l?it Headricka for QoTerocvbj !>? . . f the State ti. V.? t ia proba A?lii:ii:i'ti:itii'ti. Mr. llci.d: i( ks tana ah? a?l of \ ? tity. The Graal Bepul cam- bar? ? ? f f'Hit in the & oate Mid -1| ?:. tin' 11?.;..-. "1 I', pn -' Dl..iivi-c? r:ion. with a pr pi ? t of tan iii.'iinnl.v in the lewd hdiM*. Later reporta twm n?' Dtth Caaajveaa Dintr ft, , ? ui!) five ?M (?rannte Del ira in o! tv?*. (--nun, and n t paaepeeti iidtli OoajtreaaoMa at Tin* ?(?lintiea nu! heard irmu arc Dulnii.*., P< i IbanL At ii o'? i"? k the Republicana eonoede the el? ti til ?!( : (?m'..- liv 800 majority, lint chiini ihc C< pn*.- rnor, and t leaaainder of tha Stale ticket bj >080 n |oa ' ? i i kVtiiaJKtiiv in tin-If-t Can^n. ? (.?oi ;tv uvir \ t't'i!,' ea tlif Ylth Dmtrict la 80S. The (?rant RepabliN ( . I Senator? to S3 ] Qranl Kepi ! ea to 46 Lib?rala la the Hoaee, firing tinm t. . 'iitv i 1 1 ion joint liallot. \(iiF. itv oovmrifca. ? 1N6H.?(luaaaia ?t??>'?_ /??-m. fkm ?'. . 3,?l MIS. 2.-71? '. ?10 ii.titdi). m in. i . . ii 1 : 3,141. . . git ?Tint, u. .... i. . _ ii. Kail. . DO ivlawar?. 'i.'ni u. .... ii? i . in . '?.(AC l.H'7. tat _ _ ., '1. 1 : M UM. " ?* til. I'M _ - . .I.TIT U. 'A. ?sa 1 ... I *..'?' _ ' fi fcSH. Iri'J _ . l.'.'lt i, N. 4'.7 . 10 _ aifiy. '. 11? ii. . .... l .....1,791 1,343. 1(0 .1 . LAt? _ , ... '..:. 1?."1V. 700 ". ca ?. m hi. i - . ... _ 10 _ .. m inttt. lull..:. ym oi. M i ;. .7. 500 _ i .:? M . I ?? . 1,-1 _ . Ml . 1 ' . 190 . i.-'.o . 1.017 Ifibt. ? . i i MM. ' Tut..!....M43j tt) I 1 '? ?? The returns abore givea ara froa ooaatiei t .-i iaii\ itraof. Thai fa ? I c.ti ne Ired fiom ti a, nil,. ttla iiioio (han out* half th ba : ' '? '1 I)?*?-?'Oiiiit.' a BepabHeaa lunjuritv oi thftB*, ltd*? haabeean :',iif 07A. if the libera : ill holds ita awn ia the otbee eoantiea, Bead rkki U ?"?? taaspered with, weald read . Mitt. 1 ? ii . M II I(\-? ITIK LIIir.RAI. IXC T1IRIR IK'Ni.y. .'.M) "I I ?AUKft. TRIBI NF.J i -ii.-,o i. ii.?7 ji. ut.? Such i?-t urna ax ar? at Randd ? :.dly ait?*i theeatimatoat thi: nun m, A'. ... irnnT ftati ami j'.ntifiil ?*xiHi'tiitiiiii. Tka aartmi sin i-?, i raaaarefiH sad the Imhliiin baekofxa ?iiiitK-i ( xcittt- the mow #tiXi". le ?m ill? imit o? tin hihcraU. Tin Ckakaaaa ??' Ike Ptiwou'atie (' maaittee, Mr. Alford id. ti* ?liai tke I.ilx-ral rru.jorit.v is too : uii, ami lu kaalakeatbepeaeaa ail ;ii?' eoaatj iaspeetoait ih? Aaal (ii'lnciy. Twoeaaa ti?n that aaa pmaallj largdfr Mortnnlaed i/ tliis <1isiri(t . and a? ? , are held back aitl on! any ?atkiaa . 'i. Mutton iias given <>i;t all day ?.'ut t- tii(iir..v )> "?n amal? show & ea lid not poaafldy N ui- in tu th?-rt-tunifc, for, notwithiiiindiiii? Um ':!' t tha Liberal fatal gxAhmt* ddiMve, ind v:i?'i.'t]!y BUkB B ol 2,50(1 vetles on the hapin of v* .- ( .ni.. *..ii? and t x< iU.ui?'it WOti I . . . i'iaDi.1 irom :. la of ti?? State, and ?Jioiti all parta ? ' ' -..i Bta?aa aia paarlas la iaeaaaaatiy/ ?.'iak:*. hlnqaiiyaitatkereaBhV Ihelateal "it*? (iinii ta, rhidi u? ? laTored Maitaw,and vent M it froi^-rbl thing, writ' t ba people f.iti-rinjj his i plot of ti** (Va baa i ai n t>'i<t it h-'ih. ] . , is 'hat the r, and on tix ? ?? : tbea throw t ? ? ?? . ' et m?-Grant ' .|.|.' ?. .1 I., fntf, Xu Bal the liben hi i ? a i- m ?i ? lad dt' ?.':!> in ?h? Blata h? for? aeiUiactheir jxixt. aad the aeaadaleoa exhibition .util hat m (J.i.v. Of ill have mad?) tin* i- jKiris of fiJ.-??' ? eaati and aatn im' practiced apaa rotaiBy eaaae in ?tom all I pasta <>f thaStata 'Or ut it nenma llj ka tin iiiii nal o? a h gybtti I.? tniHU-d, ihc end wan ' J '? t.n con? tding the lA.'Kihlatiire, a? is 't'ltot, ?u ojili', the mein hern holding ov?i will r.Ahri im Hu?- t?i turn Ihc majority in favor of tka I.ii'iiuli., ?uni, at any rate, defeat Morton by ?oiur l???r u< uijjtiou? Itepublican. A lit iut?i uuauountalilv siieuo? pre vail? in regard U) Y(>(>rli? (?., Hut it ???-,'niH pretty elenr that ho i??le lealcd. . 0BUTM, in thin district, WH8 only saved by Um moat bUoSn^xg debsadUsg si Un loosl ballot box. Jt H |uovc(l timi gmtPra* ***] I. ?tils?i as nil votes each, and V(i(?h1 ni all tli?* |BMil_U_ m town. Some attoyg tanaghi i? Uta a? t. but pet nt lil-crtv liy psrUtSS poli, ?men and Myi-;.n BBSSSSSfS. Two nuit u win !.?? gagna tig ?* Iocs! rawtastsBSsfaf i.ilt-4?. ??T?ijH iiaoniucnt t?n the part of UbenJs a bs s < re imp. d.d at thy palm nuA denied ths rlgbt to Toto. When the full invosti-'utioii It b-VSghl ubout urn- oi lii?? uife-, rcnii-it episodes in American politice wiD beooghl to Um nJJto attas_Uop-**s souugt-sw n?* l.i? i ? ess only temi uto bg a oss-plsts rstsns] m? tho :it uu tluds. _ TBE TBJUMPH OF FRAUD IN r?; ...*-_ _.VA__A. HAltTKANIT*. MAJOKIT. KAIS11) lo N..A1.1Y . CO. T'ir vote- of riiiliuli Ipkls lias ;it Issl been counted, und tlie A.t.xiuti ?1 PlSfS ?li I'litihe . wlii.-li im Wsdoadsj aniioiiiii?? ?1 B 0 -r.-iitip? majority M i n lui t ull tu 20.487. In the anthra? cite oosl in 'nui if i oantii i (in- OsBsroa King bsi also msdslsi ?[ i m,;e.. We sra.tbess.otSi obliged t<> !S!_. oui eetiaiste af Hsi___f_i majority ? I , '? m I.IOW ill. _.S..I. Firm the Willi I >i . i ict, ?lohn ('(.?-.-,. l.iant Re? publican, ia elected io CougTess, ssd frises Um XYIIt'i, R. UtttOO Spc.r, l.ll?. l.ll, the la.1er hy HO '. ii '.?I, .': I': ;,,', ?its i:? retin.\l \ ?ma ih ;ul> i!,i not pon? i.'n r. fail of th(ir duty to si i,d iu, el?-? tion inicllii-' DCS. , TAiti.i; Of HAJOBnTO. fOB (?oviT!\.. Al'V.>?I. TIMTION 18.9?. lUilttAI.. Coo?iie>. Fur linn??, ft OfomH t. Pot HorkaW. Alli'i-'li. i'V. i . AruMtroDg.... . 7,n i . Mm . Butler. ?, , ( mem . 4j . ter..... . 2.W4I <I.IV,.oll'. ',,?1 l> .1 ? i? i?i 11. .I,POO I ? . le,, m. MO . llUlltiUKt4)D_ Indians. Lancaster . ? n< i . ly 1..1KIU. A .?.in?. m . ...1. U*i 1 !... ' ? . MO ria. ( i.-'i,. 60 ' . I'M . . Ii,-' i . ,,i,;,i. i,w o I . 7(H) _ l.S SI c , bei lend.. M i . m? i cit.. i 0 ? I I. .on (iuene. l.M.I KMl .ll.11,1.1.1. 4111 I I.. 1 l-'l . Hai ? Lnseme. i. .-" "..'ii'l . IK?I I I.m.'I.iiii;.,, Miillin. y M.. 1.1-,,.-. Mont|tui ii ; \ N,,iti.,.', i, rland .. i"4i i .. i y. 1*1 lludelplill.20.4.-7 ? . .0.1 r. ">.i .. . ? . .,1", . -U. (.Ill Worrell. TM Motitoui. ico lanipton. MOO i . i,oto * rilll.l ll.lll. MO Kolllvan. ii?? WsHblugtou. i>ii \....? ne. i.tms i irelan?. 1,000 \V\ inning. '.iM York. i.M4i Votai. Total.tmAMV M;,.),,nty for Harttaaft, by aliove e. Itm it iliiu MADS I-ifAl l> P08SIBIJ un: Wi.Al.TH_ l.i-i.s..? MKN iaii .'(is. .iii.i. ?AV.iy iiii.v M ?I aI a i? 1 ill' . (Ml ??.IN KIM;. : ? SB TBI1 0JT_] Philadelphia,Oct. io.?Now iimt ths mota i-i !',,? i..t,l. ,- ht'.rr v,.- bests tS realizo the full et ? - lui-, oi th. i-i du,i mi wrons peipetrat? i by tin- Osneron pos tin people "i ri nu..) ivi.ii'.i. Itieperbapoe loUOl . Iln)>lli:l v ou OUI i .,11 to .iy Unit ?.ve did ,iu o' ii?? i?osai ilityol the m. ???-??ni execution .a ikegtgaatie?-.-iii-iii?' ot fraud whtah we kaewtbey n,ni ?t ? .t- ?i. we wen tally aware of thoto doopetaUon. Wehaewtbal tiny von,i go t.? saj leagtli ta Beep the ai counts oi ti,- Hint 11 ty tram the m sttay <>f how . Nt i Hi. .-ai?- ; l, ,t they I,.ol ?vil? tliin/- ut ?tak? lu the : ; thai tiny won beta ead shrewd and ihii with the i?iuti.i?-r ?>f tin- pooph ; we believed thai they oould cheat us to the extent ol SI i?-i?--t MyMI votes in phlaj we wen- sppetocd oi tbetr wholeeale bar,1.. oi Maijrlaad ead Vtnoata aesroeej ??<? n.i?.? m. n repeaters con,?? fros. Hi .. ^ ik by Ihs eartasd. .*t!ii, we hoped thai the rlsilaace of beseel ettlaeni Moulii SVSlI o I. ? ? o tl.? t down wltliin null limita thai m? rould heal theea. Vfe sow see thai ui Um (iioitv,. did B-Ske wss aaaTailtag, aad that If w*e had made toa I tm ? a? ?aafe ?t ?oniii not have ebsap .i tii<* preanaased isesM. L?-t u? Issslis why iti???. Doastrous lrimi- ?-, r>- poselhla, What Is 11. i.? m the c-,minion oi politics in Peaasy] enabled s haadfal ol bad an t.. Maaatae lareaaj -__le Uytfcej pieess ter their eaadldstae I The Bscaaae the] i.-oi h?' approval sad sap? port of a burgs body of wealthy sad n ipeetabM pi epto, who bruke the wave of ladlsssst pShttC Sftaloa that woatd otherwlee have aaalhllatiHl tinm. hssUsMrt .;. -, bankers, editors, railroad swassere. and ?iiunufiii tur? i.? <i. ii-, i.?;, iv shielded the sesiapUoaMM from tho ..?.Mu that threateaei t" everabelai thess. Bohln I Uii fro i,(ii-, shelU r.,: ssstoi m rt ipeetah-Uty Um wi i'. enabled t?, eoospass the rum of an rip iteeos .. , IMS BTI v a|,?.? .?.i .1 to the ? ul!''en of A pOOfta. lint n.i? ? ??_ lam .net. <i eeaet setftao? Aaothet aase - un im. v.( r. Why Old lli(?<- w.-rlhy ami M u,. n ISM lonui\e at fraud I Why did they ex a ,i im t,.ii?tioi, ? on'liKr-diiy instil at tbe Union J., ai-'ue with fellow, wlio they knew had Just conn- (nun mnaaislng repeoAe-aaadtelstfylBs return? l Why gkt tin y f-ive hune y ot tin n inciiid duilni* the taavantt ? i.i i oiiiinittai of these oottasej pesathtol Ibetr iiioiiv. . were \an,,it., .'-li-iiilei.^t lylBfJ at the lnutotn of theui all.?A lew, like C l.ihu, Waal t, and Lorie W( re . 1 friends of (?lanl. iiuu were no uuxioua for his saeeeei that tbej thai Ibesreyai t-. Bartraattfli Moetd und i liaiatler, and cousent. (1 to the (iii|,ioyuieut of any i.i.-.ii,. inal OOald Ok i -i h',ii. A lintel niiinber had Meads ui ofi.-e, or had bastases tataeeata, for Bm a-_n??s of which tlicy tliou^-ht the extdn-ion of ?raiit** Ailiiiini?iratior. OOBOattaL A btill larii?-r nuuilier had had deallacs with tho State Qoearaaeal whichssa?s them waal iihi-vtaa for lbs paal and seeaitty for the fmure. ? laug if powt ifui eersotattsM Ihatbsve _BSMed ague? wraith, and the way in which they obtained and hav k. i't tbetl i>u-, i-r to| ppeOSS the people would not boor mvesttxatlofl. Ibeg Issiad -ayohaasatatboeM i K "I'd Thtg the .?-lute (Jov ( ri mint. T.. IbeSS WOTS mid. d a da.? mii.h less re speetahti?She so veralas pobtletaas ?f l'iui.i.iiijihiH, wir. hoM < ?1. e l,y Miine of th?lr o^4n fraud . ami n.n idBstaletratloa mid pecalettoai a ?ifunn State Govertifiint woi?d l.llliu to lii_-it. ,\'e t( uld have foiiKht and eon,,m i id |I?,. CS-BSMS ltinif and IboCUy BlSt COSlStaadbsd they tel bSM -bo tuiticd by the lntlueiKe and iiioi?(-.?-Ii?i?;m or the ( luimi.t i? (?!',( taliiiity ol Ph-todolphia uditl the wealthy and koI Ish ooipmaiBsM hii ovi r Um htate. Hut tat tins sssyeet th? ir baadS uynu the ballot would ha*,e had i Hunt. An if was they wi-ie ov?-rwheliumx and u|'i>.?llui>-. The llbUltl for SheOS fraadl 1_ m?,!? Ihe_e re.l?cctahle pt i , ? UMOC ?cii'Jiy iiu-ii^ hSSjMHb mid in.uwi f,?;tiirer. who aH6??ul?-d lo them. W'he.u ibey come to tbo liberal leodesa, a-s they will W-fore a year pH-sea, and ?tep thetn to mWtg piOtOOl their j,r.,|i?:i> irom the theshavs j?.?t la power. t_-_ir eawdaet Is tain oa__palsa -??i n??t in? Israottaa. tunee witting ths above, i have beea laJoreMd i>y a i H,].ul,.a an wl,,> \, ?<d i',i Hin llutt hi wii , l 44lUi 111* own even the ?i>*_iallon of for?Higa n. .jui.iy iu lui own election divUdtai. One of Hie .-. '*mh In. i?. tors (Ui.birat.iy cfeeeedeat Um setas] fbsttag tt _ho rota sad added ovsi into tbe Bartiaafl (, mauu. Um gss? tli inan 1-hliii-4-lf a illy oth. ul, and tees not tfvt bin minie ?.-i (oarh< ?? laee. ?aotherjeaUooMa liilornis loe Uiat In hi. divmiolj ?je um, IbtaS was 1 nie, and that he l?elle\."- ? I .1- ,, , : 1 " f,i,'?i|i>rtd of the ?,>. t. muta pcaettei ss'ol fraad in SMSI of the divifioii* ?lilhediy. It _a?;.ii?ler. d jicrr. i t!y eaay. hsssjib by-be eppelataMsl *? DerasnaUi hsapectan ?f men who?ei( Ml Deiuoi lit*, oi by OCTrOpUaS SSOl .iimn-t < The ImBSOSSH were all ippeisted l.*r the lltiard of Al(l?.in.en-a body MS-POOed, with fciv :,-, of ni,-, rapulou K. j.n dit ,i. poiitii 'lUltri. .-I I'MAii. M.'..i(,i!lin> BBPOBTBD aitf.i. ?|l,K M'il.? W'.lil i ? ' Ml l>? IIAHTKAM l *t HAJoi.ilV itAl.-i l> IO SAVB IHK w A(.iUM ?.K IHK MBO ? ?iJI/.I.N- lllK.MH? 1,11 Ol ,111111 \?,; I - ST 1(1 I'l A I I I!*? I III'. l.'-VI II? - W?.M (..Mril.IKl. M1..V id V('IK fOB HAHl HANKI?ll(?W 11 WAM l?"M.. |FBOM ilil. I-IK I .. I "I I I: i? .'?I'l N. Ol III!' TI1H*.IM:| J'liu.AM I I'HIA, Oct 10.?'I'll?' i-r? atist OBt-j ruK'c '?" petrpetratod upoa the bsDot-boz, throwlag Into the shiide i v( n lh>- glgSSttS fraadl M ?hi? h TntO muiiy V'Ur fc'.i! 'y lu l-?','-, .?.i? i .,|i,?,?. I. ?1 lo.i.iy I,;, I." u.,-ciilli-d ofltl. ai ( un? um. of the Keturn Jud?-. ? of 1'hilu ?tipliid, -LUutia-ift'i MmJggRf/i alter basing PMMt re gurtet! at ??,000, and then reduced lo about 17,000 In Bfdat to nmkf tie cUcutiug a litllo less apparent, ban bi< B finally n:..'? ?? 5(5.437 to nave the tSBfsa oT ilfiuY I ' ?ho Rlnir. who had inado beta that the Penitential j caiidldittc vioidil run iilicail of hi? ticket, atal that ?"' Weald have MBB than 20,000 majority In tni* ? ity. To lay Ihat thin remit han lu en honed!;.' obtained would Ik) le in?*n.t tin* ? t iiiinoii *cn*e of eveiy one g lio know? Biiy tliniK al t ut Philadelphia pol?tica; and tho won-t of It all a tkatnapaeesMa men, aaM m? reliant? aaibeafc era of the (Junker (iry, to w bom the people b'"k a a ( x* atuplc? uf lioiior and lut? rrity, not only know liotv tl.o win of tho people has i aaa rta?, bal tasto aaaaa <\? political morality hun loin nu t.Ii.t.ted that mev bai I connived ut It?(.ub?ciiied tluir inniu y to hi lp I pliih it. Nobody in tl? In city pretend? that the election on Tnei ?liiv w u boneatly or fairly conducted, or that the ballot? were il-htly counted. Tin- (valence of fraud 1b found in the vctv return* thotnarlvca. If there waa a weak man on the (rmit < 'aim run ticket. It WM lie vvtioHc name ? M at ?th hi ml, while a anal part of the itrcnpth of UM < ral Ik l.el wuf plvdi to it by lit niiii.i u' Urn I. .lew. I thiiii? it aaada no argument to provo that hone.t I" u .in in! -, whatever they mlirht think of tlio aetiea of tka BaMkaapi OsaaaatleBi and how (\(i tin y lniKht latead te sals in Baaaaa lx r, ( uiiiil baas i," Mettre fer d.wrtlii? ll'ii kale? ami votinp for IIartruiift. It In a UB\ ,' ibatebeebs OM eaaaaaea soasa if iba case i_....t baaa tciciHi!, iiiid Unikale?'h ?haracter had licen proved to lie llh liad ui 11.111 run! I-, i if tt lin.i lir.n iiuuanrr 1. puriloii a I'ct Itcntlaiv iip.v :ct in cider to tret a witm-M to piuve lil? liniiinty, inn! if ?ven that BttaMI hud re fui-cd to aereas to tho atataaaeai tewktob he put ins inline, while hti ?ipp.iiici.t bad kepi hitn.-ulf pure through leaa reara af imiiiio Baevlee, and earned Ike reputallon of being an honeit mini ami a Miiteimaii, vvc iiiitlit lime BBpaatad to BM Ids po? li I leal IrniiilH d( k ilici' tiiii I ml Betagte (In- utlier Mile. Bal il, ?i t.. in ft did not have Hie entire nii? p'Tt ' B ' " "f bis own pally. IbSM im nudalilo Otg ii. laatl o BS tkal tara herriefen Bated with ike Bepabltoaa party re. fuocd to vote for him- the liberal BapabUaaaaj led iiy cd. MeOlarei tba heaeel Qtaal v.' inn led iiy Coi. I'oriiiv lind nie Mui.Kipii Beferai As-(K iatKiti. Tin .-e ull fiippoi :? (! litiekalcvv, and two of ii.i tu i v i tt d ?tu ir ?i.ii'.Htii ?? foi tin- election at Mercar to iic Bapaeata Oaert ?wipe, ami yatttaepMeef taen taeta, Dartraafl if- repesad aa raantagas td si tka n ?minder of tke ticket?akead eteo af Mercer, wka has the i ? --pi . I iitul ( ?il.ti.h nee of Bll lidl? ?t Uuli.ucli- of hin party. .Nit ti i td! you how tiii?. aasdeael Iks wbols ncfa Heos plan aas spread befase Ike eeaatrj Sajt before Um election, and lettere ftaai tkia ettj already printed have liv? n wsac of tka particulars, in tka tir-t plane, repeattaa >?"d ballot-baa stuffing vea aeres ??> boldly and opcnlt carried on befBntevwe Inthbi etty. (..-mu-*, of repeaters from New-York and othei Maton, ami from i en.un m rila m ihii city, aere rea*. iini.v organised, and \.. i t from poll to poll, votloc during the da] froai lOteSS time- ; tin y were prote? ti .1 I.:, the police and United i1 paly Mar??ala, ami sometimes led bi tbe foraier le citlaen's die-. Tney rotedearlj In tui d h ling on Ihe namci of well known citisena, who later In the da; wire huatied awn' lean tbe polla and t reatened van arreal for repeating If they in-lMcd ?ill their licht tu vote. 1 ir.iini d, to ilai , of . in I be Nineteenth Ward. An old merchant, pcraonaily known i" every one of the election uiiiiir-, and a Republican who intended to n i ;,, b il. 11 ran ft'? i ame from hla ticket, !? uud that hi? i ci n t( '?il mi i,_\ b repeater; be Insisted on In? rlu-Mt to Vi ', , ,lli(! V ' lit to'lll.- ?,'ltv lllll lo got til?' Ol'llll.U tbe Mate Dietncl Attorney and ?it oueol tin* Judges. Armed with these, which wi re faTorable to hli cl dm, be k turned te Uie poll, aad fouad thai dm in? hla al ien? ? a M.olnl Ic.e.itiT Iitul Vol?' I oil I.e. i.Uin'. 'filer?) wai not In th whole city, probably, a single piccinct In which tblafake peraonatton waanot? i on to a neater or leas extent, end m we Werde tbe fri'iidiileiit vole? Hun. c?! iiini.uni. d to tl.on-uini.-. Men ?i-i'' bought ai ti' y never were before. There arc,in ?very p,,rt.v, iiu-ii of can DM I - Blways bi the '? mu? for Bale. The DasBoeratle orgaalaa imii in i he campa, na nou oloaed an lela compucl than it baa mnerallj In eu, and tbooaauda id l> mi i rate, ?eelag ti,at they eould hope i?u* nothttw In Ihidrntrn p.uii, ?? unid <iut." t .mu ron nml CtaUavpmnry liud tlio .ney and were read] to payaaj prie? Ou the other hand, tin- l!in^- bad ?nine of the Demo?jata who hare alwari been tasout aettre in election! entirely In their power, i nave bmatold i.lytkai Leach, tbe Chainuan i Ihi Uemocratio City Commit ice, wat. a member of the Whliky King, and that ihe Ki.ticnietit which Mara baa aiade tontaina aerioui chargea iiL-ain-t him? Tuia atatement wai eaed te terca Mai lo Iba ?mpuit ol Huitr?n t. tbe ?iicri.ativo being a prcee ( ilion m wliicli he VToiil t net have I .) Btaiei Dlatnct-Attorney hv,*..|?' to defend hita. Uiher t. .ulinu' Dem?crata, alio Implicated, arre ordered tu "keep (pint,'' and Ihelr Heuten nti bought over to tke Mippoi i of Hit- Ii nit- ?itatit men ?iiu'iu ?ik ,t i y tin? ^a. ni ni M. ra'a were protected bi the l nitedBtatea < ,,,v*. ruinent through il- icpi ? ?? -? i uJi v ??, Bwope, ? liu <i. len.i- Mu.i ni return lor tue affidavit 'inn- Qrani'a Admnlatiwtioo lako a enmlual audeztorti from him a itatemcal implieaiinaIcadiuc lieinlii'i- of I m Ii ?,.il,c- FOT thai p,i'tl i lie lilil? (1 Mali - 11 -m t At: ,,,.- f i en, Plitabnrgh to Itilla ?n ,?,iii i lu tii 'ii'iid tliu ( i i in iiiil. linhi? It in I, riore m over the in ai- "f Hi? i m,iiat- wbeaa nanita aro un it, threatening pi etutkon if tbe/ dan to oppoa? I be lung and threat ?an liara with tbe Pi oltentlar) if he allowa a word about the Uratil Republieani who aided and ni i ; n .1 n nu m i ion i, ami who a? re ? andtdatea lur cm. i. m ' ? cap? i i- lip-, A more iliaiiietul lilatory wm aeres wrtttea. Finally there wai falae counttug such 11^ Wrth lii\ ( I kl(UW Ii lie fute. The e l I ilillt'e ol Uli? l?al?o Threeaepaiate in.ijoi.ti, s wore retarned after tbe voit ? iiini in ( u counted, the Bina b? lue unable Ui ll?, termiae at what Bann td place it, w hat ?- tobe done ,i t liiat ipn-lion c.ui only be anawered after the BtUoktiOl Hit llatl.c lii- inoli In ..III in.iliil ,i\sil>. siiMvt.ii m.AIM'S CAEk nu l'uni i:\n.vvAy ciimici -- .\\ rx'iir.\ tOBl LKTTKIt ll'.c.M i.l'V, BWIBO. ('(ill vip,i s, Oct. 10.?Til Oltio State JoBTBAXl la^aerrew morning win publish coi reepondence betwe? a j.linen?;. Bia|aa aad Thomas?wlag.Jr^la rafenaee t" Ikawpsa reaeatiy atada by the Xbw>Tobb Tbmbx sa la N#Hvaaa ta an IDeaad ? ? tit i net aiadawltb Bpeaktr lilainc Iiy deli, livvmg and ( o). I'. 0. Btuni: for ncaily |S,i IK ,000 of (.lock lu the 140 TBB BW IB. riuvtnc, und Went? i n ?ailruad ("ompaiij*, aft? t waid incited Into tlie I'lilon Pa<itl( I'.allwity, BaattIB riivlbinii. (icn. ICwliifr'a letter in IWply IB Speaker Illalne Is very full .nid explicit ?m tin- m.i.|i .*t. Be nail' The sharaa of corruption in i ffl, ? mads acalaal Mr. I'.iiiine la iu?piuveii by puiiilc record?, eeeeaelble tu all, vi lilt Ii rliow Hint Mi. BtalBC did not eat? r Coii^reia for aearly a year and a half aftei um law lafasiea to waa paaaed. ' * Myi ?neral knowledge of tbe boalneaa of the (.'?uiipaio'i aim aapeetally my latimaey wltb yon, lniiki it i i i tain (ha! i on ri.iil.'l nut in?) c hud ?mi ?-..iiini? i With tlio Compaii.v witlioiit in> kiiuvMiiK the fact, and 1 unbeaitattogly declare thai you ?? re "not in any mall?n i nor at any time directly or Indirectly employed by tl.o Coiupany or in any way mil ni.t <1 in It or it? iiilalr?. oa stockholder, or oHn-rwiMi, la any capacity whatever. Your brother, .1 I.. Illume, al thai Hun OwTkof ?M I1-trh t Court at LeaVenWOrtb, ?Hid one of the e.tily ?ettlcriof Kan?a^, waa own?*i ol lio,non of stock In the Lea? enworta. i'.i? m??? ami W? Mem Ha?mad Oempenv, which, Indeed, waa luid very generally uuioni? Infli'tntlal men of all parliaa along tbe line of tic road in Kaaaaai but thatwuHiu i*'i or IMS, and a eonlderable period befen yea wen ?V? n uomiaated for your tir?i tem? m Oaagnaa Be. road -that t.'icr?) never wa?, at any tiiii?*,' tbe remoteet inter??! in tint Cumpauv bold lo mu member el year fa mi v. Tha eatrj of Immumi of itnrii eppoatte Um aawM af Blalwa vm?, therefore, .tii, | a action et blunder, aad Uie uravc Imputan,,m Ou your character and mi that of tue olHcera and agents of the Company atu uit?*rly aneadleea and without a shadow of lustlaeetion, l am Infonrcd that 0? n 8h i s Ja now in Europe, He Will tloiibt!?'?* lake ocea.lnn, when he V am- ot these charcee, to ?peak fur btmeelf about Uf m. Ho tai ?m m> aae?rledga at ike aitair? oi tii? Compon* Kile?, i deliberately easert that it never, by any of itaomeera, aaeata or attoraaya, mud? any contract tin* prooeeds ot waiefe then waa n-??><iu to befaerc wen. to i"* u, nii.v manner ii&riicipiucU lu hyany duiniiei of Cui?ifli?-H ill* (lit*! pillule ollici r. THE M0MKUI OOHFBBKlfCa. fhi-i LkU Cuy, Oct.?.?.?Th?' Moiiiioii Con Isaaaea i? mu w icaaiun ai.iiiie aaaaadaanlalasBa BHBMaas yaaaa R** ajaikt tin? marataa apamit tito MaiuU following the fachloui of the day, and deprecated the Knowing had habita of the yuutitf mro, which, ho ieli.waald NeaMla their tearing the cBurch. AiK?tio Hniiiii u?iiile an addrces eppeevlni of "ceteetlal nmr iinis'c.'' Hiii/iiaiii Vouna vma r.eieeted Prophet,Beer, A ., uiianluiuiilly. 'Hie eta? t .-Itiecr? of tbe , linn Ji vveic iieiiciuiiy ici (ft?-?!, '1 lui I i*?*ii m i?nii .tin i ii"? acre ap 1" iiit'd for Burope. nriKii?"? Yoiinu araed the aecea ? ;t\ ,'f the paymeal ol Utbea.declaring Hint th? Ixird ??.'nid rhaatea tba people if Hey failed In thai duty l-_*n lias (itt.iiii. 10.?The Mojinon ?i mi .ninual m i him Hiijoiii m d until April, A, I87:t. 'Iiu ai temUoi' ? throughout waa lam, lneaeeeaaity of pny ii,?,' nth uu was th? i.iiitiin ol the iim.-iim??. i t r i __.? i ... ?_?i I .?iiioiiift?*. that he will 11-1.ill lab a clti ae? ordlug nierof BBeebfM Ihe satata wilt aalyehrjhha wltbout i|u??ii?)u._ _ <ll'.:i-. ASI? ( Ail'AI.III.e llY TI. I.I.I. HAPU. HUladale'a papes adll ??t IFertkiaatan, Iowa, a.? u..Ui.)<il I,t Irr, fSMMSef. '""? *? ... 1,'ltnutnl Scott and ./ami? Galena, employed nt . ? 111 da. W !.. ?II. lU?iM'iUil ll. fl'lllij lulo ? (II M ?r. Cbrlatapkei Hau in. a minei waaakotdead, | K'ldmxl.i nii-'l.l. I? a n.i.'.i ;. ,., i, ,." ..i i I . I i,r a>. < i,ii(i?.ai?ii la aiaiai UOOblaa ami nun |t..l fiiiiru-ml il Ui? a.i|L kial OBITUARY. WILLIAM IL PKWAItn. Wo hnvo U? aiinoiinro tho d.-,'a ))f M?rt\-\UT ?f those dlfttpfSt-fasd iiicn *?sg?g Uvch und labora uro indelibly iu.ei?hcd in tlioliiHtory of tboBepoUic - of one without ttio frequent mention of whose name It would ho impos. iblu to lender complete Hie annals of sever.,', mo. t tap. riant piiiods. M__. Wm. IL#ewurd, who dn I at his residence in Auburn, ycstei<l:ty nftemoon, wan boni in, Orange (.'iniiify, May Id. ii*d. Ilia saeeetors wpoa the paternal ??do Wtt? Welsh: his mother (born Jennings) WSS0? Iiish cxtnw tioti?a fac. of which Mr. ?.ward ie, said to ha\e In en proud. Tlis pater iiiil g. am! I at I er, .John Se ward, wi_ an officer daring the l.e.olntioiii.ry War, BSSSlOBS pSlUsSB with the rank uf Colonel, and frc.jueiitly mmgmgT*tm activo sirviee. S.iinii. I S. BoVSld, the father, removing from BbSMS -'o.. Va., to Florida, N. V? combined the piaeUeeol tbo tat dual profession with eommen i.? I pajas)ta? HisSda W1?1__b.o_ whom u is reeorded UlSfl upon one occasion ho rev. |BS_ the usual iitder of tliin^N, by running away to .chool, OVinoed SB BBBMSl ta Ie for buol.M at eaily nge. At bins y (ins of niTf, i.e v, ,:h sent tu Psnusis* Hall Aeubtny, at flnshen. where ho was dit. Uagal-.In ,1 art a de? hum, r, debat? r, and e?fc._i?-?. a?, in i? , ukuii union College, BehsBSO tady, when- hi.? la\orito ?Indies ule said to have 1 i ihetoiie, nond philosophy, and tho classic?. Daring his senior year young Seward left college MS about 4 \i :n, pSsUag six BMBUM of tbsttSWSSS liai lu r ?n < ?i oriria, witeie hS WSI poi'tilar, untl was kindly treated -a iiluissiotsuosirbkibinn sllndod to against him diirin'-T the wann OOntlOVOlrieO upon tin-anli SI in, r-, ,(!!,?-tioii. He ?(-'lulled to hi-, o d loge in is.'ii, v, i.i re h,? graduated A.II. 1890 S itfa boo? MS? In his (l.,.._ wees tbe Bon* William Kent, tbe Bev, i>i Biekok) ami Piof>Ts_ lsi Loa is. Tbo friend' ship cootracleii during Ihm ? ??iirr.? with Tie. nient N.,11 was c< .nl ?lined hia l.i',?. After na? tion Mi. st'iiiied law lint with .lohn Atitlnm. ggg?, in this iii>. and a I forward with John I ?it<r and Ogdea lloiliuiui, e.i|s., in Qoebea, belog called bo tbe Bsi in MB He coiniueiii ed his? career as a l.iwver iii Aubiiui. in copartnership with tbe Bon. I.itjah Miller, whose daughter, Mi -? Pranci i Ad. line. he ii.uniod in UM, l'nuii the beginning ?Mr. Bswsid took high rank as an advocate, ??ml speedily ac? quit, d IB unusual p:a? ti?-e and popularity. Oncol his biiurtiiph, in Kays: " lint inn the whole ( OS bis practice he has never been known to a.-t tot S man Bfrainal ? woman; and be was necer but orne engaged Is ? eaaee btnhnt Um accused, and that WSS an in: ?aiiee of otreine outra?.',- by a man upon a yoiiii;. woman." Mr. BsWSld naturally betook hiiil.cli nl an esrlj period tO polities, his father, who was of tin- Ji ll*i isnuian sctnnil, being warmly en gssjod in th'-tii. Daring tho wann eootrovei Isa which pieceili.l the. aiimis?hii of Missouri to the I iiio.,, Mr. S< ward is ?-aid lirsl Io have e.\pntM d his SOBVieUODI upon the subject of Slavery. InOctO? wrote the sBdisoo Ot Um Brpnbliesa Convention of Gsyngs County So Um people. This is remembered as a str< .it?' and elhetive Bttaob tijKin tho Alba.i.v " l.i?goncy. a body of politii iai ? ?toSBgly and .uccc. ?fully dovoted to tho in teresta "f Mr. Van ..un n. In an arstton do? Uvered Julv i. IBB, at Ankara, be took itioDg Anti Blaverj ground; in 1SS7. be opok? to bis townonea iu ia.or ot rsadering HolotaBCB to the Qiseki strug? gling for liberty; in UHB he favored the reelection ol JohB Qafa. ? AdaiiiH to the I'resiibncy ; and then it was. allei the triumph of (icn. Jackson, that the National I?, publican paiiy disa| pcai.d from the po? litics] li.ld. Tbe Anti Mu. otiic paily bad liseil into temporary and local importan.e. Wiih Uilopsity. his biographer states, "?Mr. Seward and Lia friends iiatuially unite?), aa it allordi d the be-1 pOOtUSB .<>r a bu. <?< uAtiol leotetsaoe of Um National end State A<1 lniiiiatratiotis. Tho Antt-MsSOBS, in iSMs, sent Mr. S. waid to Um State Senato from the VILh Ih-ttict, ho being eh clod over the Jsekoon candidate by | majority si MOO?an entire rovolutios in the poli? tic? of the district. This was Mr. Sew.'ird's first election to a ?? i\ il ofli.??. Ho had not yet coui pleted his '?'.ith year, but he easily took a foremost position and kept it. lie found son pait.v strong and coiitidcnf, .us'aim d by the patronage both of the State and National (.owm liient, and he was opposed to the Albany I'i'golicy ? P< ihiips tin- naia-i powerful clii|tie which r\er.on t lull. ?1 the politic? (if New-York or took SOBM-SSN of the legislate .-authority. Mr. Seward fell natu? ral! V into the posil um of h.nici of the OppOStUoB. M?? diotiagaiebed _d_aoeU ai the psososicroi atae law s ami m <?< ? ?at v reform? ; and of no period of his life At W? his publie s. i \ ici s more honorable OS BOS? ful. Long afterwaid, win n h?- had made some mis? take? and experienced not a f. w disappointment-, he inti.-t li.iM- l,,ok. d back with pude and ph-a.sure to bin career in the. Senate of New-York when lie was the champion of many bcnelici tit BMBOBSM ft t he abolition ?d impi lMoninent im debt, of the e?tab Jishtiiciit of tho common mhool ?ystcin, of tho amelioration of pris,m disciplino, of a bettor penitentiary system for fcmalo eonvief?. and of several iutenial bBP-BTOBMBtB At this lime, bosdvoOStSd economy in public i xjundi tures and sustained the piSSOBsl liability of ?toek liolders. He sustained (?.-n, .Jackson in __sdS_B_N of the Ctiioii 0gOJIISt Nullification, but vehemently opposed Um removal of the (b-jx, .its. It 1H remem? bered that ho w???i an early friend of the New -York and Brio Hailway ; and he may lie considered one of the chief promoter? of our prewont efficient militia r\ stein. In respect to national pol?tica lio generally affiliated with t hone who very BSOSJ wore consoli? dated in the fanion? Whiff party. In i__!, he ____ for Wirt electors, it bring undei stood that they were to sapper? Sfc Clay in the College, if such support should be found of any value. In 1Y.VA, Mr. BsWSld Visited Europe, and published on his return niierie.?? of letters iu I he Albany Evening Journal, dssoribisg ths00BUtries which ho had visited. Tho career of Mr. Seward in tho Assembly concluded with an ad (lresfl of tho minority to the people, in dsSBBM of the Whig poMlion. He delivered, on thoK-thof July, SB oration on the lifo and character of Lafay? ette beforo the citizens of Aubuni, which was n?n dered intere*.ting by containing an nccoiiDt of his recent pcrMiual interview with the great Trench statesman. In MM. M Um Whig (findidate for QoVJIBSf of Ne,,-Yoik, Mr. Seward WBO defeated, altLiougli ho led hi? ti< k? t. Ile w nf ba? k to the law, and to the privste sdvoeo y of BbsislBMSSBisss-Sln-bnMh sp.akiiitr at Auburn in 181 ion Education and later nal IinpniM in, iiis. Iu 1820 tho Anti-Kent troubles brought him pioiniiicntly forwaid, and ho estab? lished at Went Held M agent of the Holland Land Company. A ?pee. h delivered by him in WIT, i:i tho Whig Convenu? n ti Ca.viiga County, Lo still rciiieni b?sad as an mm. .:?dly able production. Iiiuing tho BSaVSS- of this y i ar bOQgokl oil. n. at. J the revolution in State politic!? which ih? n SSI umd.and which a_ sunie?l from the circumstances a national importance, WSt largely attributed t,, bis ev. i lions. In lH3y he ran airain lor QOwsBor, beating (,u\. Muie.v by 10,000 majority, sad taking hi? seat ottfeossjsefH u* the lir?t \\ big GkOWBOf of the La.piie BtstS. Ho had, it w ill l?- 1.1:.. nib (sd. -MOB BBSUastod for tho ?aine ?.flic? at the age of 3_, and he was freipiently ?poken of aiie.-tioiiat. ly by in? poHHssI friesdom? "1 he Bop OovetB? " (if hi? can ?r in this in portant ?line u ??mees. ?ais that we ?liould sp? kbrtaUy. It will be reiu.iii lien-il that bSSSBMiato ;n< B at ?l kIooihv peri oil of eoiuinen Is! IWVnlriSBS, Fortho hist tune the Whigs were in pow r, and iiiuc'i was <_|i? ? tt-. I of l,y th. Mill, ring commercial ami producing rInnere. I lu? juissuie ni candidat?, tat oflii'4? ?a? naturally ;',,.it . and a strong sltboogb defestod paitvHtond ready t" lake ad\ anl?ge of any mistake which the >ou-i|_ (_o\cri,or might commit. Inder these cix cfttiistancc?, it will he admitted that nfliciul course WB8 in the maia L?Q-iJ*?J He Iitul not, with th? ncctes of effets} ??ismitj BOMeoklaald love of right und hm o]?i aymi with tlio ?tiflVring. Hi found time, amid pat promiiro, to adv?cate aad BStakHak fl lnnatic a? upon it humane plan. II" brought forward re! in tho pcuit?'utiary eyr?ltm, and especiall- n forms of punishment, which were BBbMQU adoptad. Governor of ?i gieat prodaalag Bta (lid not forget agi ?cultural intercut?. Tho n? w hool? and M'hool libraries were lastaBsd by tin agb ho f.uind tlietti partially eaBakUakod took liberal gmtind in behalf of Catholic p win? li brought him into BBBM trouble with Protoataata. Maaakool controversy was aMi fhlBBgb hm whole administration, but th ?" loBt rotoa by his eoaaa? it ia to bo to l?a honor that ho BBret wav or tiiminid upon tliia point. We niii-t rapidly over his seasons of jmlicial rcfonn, an it i (iinmcndiii.tiii, wlii? h was acted upon, to i.ilo apiK'intii'.iut of tuii'civ iaen troai tka (?nubs and it to ihe people. Daiiag Ua ada?aiatratioa geological ?in vey of t:io Stale was compli teil : banking law vviu? revi-cd and improved; and prtaomaeat 1er debt was abolished. He haSBBBed by t!:e Anti-Kent trouble, which it bun tur, i ,iiiii)os( d. Tbe Canadian difflcnltlee, in tbe all'.ircf the Caroline and tin- tri Mi Lend in IM', \.iie aii'iilc r BQBBM ,f pcipl'" I lu- acquittai of Mela (?d. how ever, a'.i f'cling, itiul vindicated tin- good BSaBS and saga of liuv. Sevvaid. Not|i'( able iu tlio htotHlJ al ailiiiinittriitii'ii wai hk general opposition to reudiiion of fugitive slava- ( xcept nader the at: eat legal muilhiaa BeSeetad in imh. Ik* ? annoum? ?1 his intention of reliring from offiet the end of ilia t?i lu. He then resumed the plat of fin-law. On the death of Join Qniricy Atk ho delivered, by invita!,mi of tin- lag turc, a eulogy upon the ?haunter ?oi v k M ?'!' 'bat ?l'H'.iii: i;i In d man, vvhi? h vv;ih ai ward c'llarged into a popular biography, publi in IM'.', Il |a uu iitinned that of this wank n than ?.iKK) c< ;ii(a were -old. In UMSOOT. ItoWBld ill. sed the I'hi Beta Kappa .Soi ief.V of riinui (-'oil upon "Tho Elements of Empire in America." -i\ j ears In* mainly derated himself to the bnsit of bin pillfltalllll. being frequently engaged, h (?-.i r, in ciiiM's of public interest. Among tin aa t bementioaed tba eaaaaf .lamen Peaiinon Cot agt. Qreeley St HeKlnth, f?r libel la Tin: Tumi in which he appear? d for tho defendants. He leaded,ia 1817, JokaYaaZaadt, ekaifedia Wt ingtnii with aiding '?'s'i'ivo alav?s. The casi William 1* re? lu?n, indicted for the mutdcr of \.m Neat fauiily, in which Mr. Si nr?l appealed for tlio ?h fense, reta cd in a verdict of insanity. He 1 pnvioualy defended, npaa the samo grounds, Hei W'yatt, ladictod id 'the murder of a fellow-corn in the Auburn PrioOB. Tbe excitement ocrasi,,i by the crime of l-'re?man wan int(-nt-e, but the 1 mane idbttl of Go?. BeWBld wcro tkough Freeasaa afterward justified tka plea in bcli.ili by dying nitcrly idiotic in prison after a n total had bcii. panted bun. Mr. 8awaid'a tlef?i of Abel P. f'iUh ami forty-nine other? for I-(inspira to ?!..?(? ? tho p'.'ixrty of the Michigan Coal Radioed Company iaaktoaotakle la judicial am.a Mr. BeWBld bad not approved of the Whig noil nation of Mr. Clay in 1**H, but he took an ad i part in tin- canvas?. To the annexation of Texas lctiuiiiied an uncompromising opponent to the bin end. During the war with Mexico, however, vvhi resulted from the i onstitnuiatioii of that tin a-n biaeoane ?iw patriotic, and ho constantly nao mandad a vigorous conduct of hostilities. wartuly suppoitcd the ?lection of Gen. Tuvlcr M48,and act'd tiiini pfc tba eaaraaawiikaaaai energy. It was now. though not for the lirst tu that he aniiciiiii?? d his Idea, since so well kno, and ho often diasaaaed, of "the antagonist!? elements of society iu America, l'n ciiiuii a slavery." Tins waa Hh '.Highly developed in 1 great apank at Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Bewaid a alaetedto tha Ban ata of the Halted statt* ia I place of Mr. Dix, in isio, then- being aa Berioaai poMtion to him. Uo want to the X.WI.t ( with thirty-three other Whig members, and wi one Democrat. He wan tho friend oi (?en. Ta.vb ami that l'icsideiit extended to him full eonlideiii He Slipportod ihc invitation to organi/c State Go eiumciits extended bp Ike Plaaideal toCaBfon BBd New-Mexico. It was in a spc?*cb in the Sena: Mitch 11, lSMi, that he 'used the phrase "High Law," which has since baaoBMM famous. His o posit ion to tha C wprosain Measure? aad hi? aappo of Bi MtadpatioB in tba District of Columbia, am the general tenor of his course upon the BbO ttffHiag ?iiu'stinii of tho dar. Ho ardent supported tho "1'rcmh Spoliation" bill. 1 aaa prompt in submitting a resolution tho Senate oflcrrog a cordial welcome I Kossuth, then about to visit this country. In spei-eh on Mr. Toutes resolution, he express? <1 h sympathy wiih the exiled Irish patriots, atid 1. speech on "lTeidom in Europe,'' containing ama. terly review of the Hungarian revoluti?';, haaltoe much uckuired. Ha found time for ?peaking to h fallow flltliaiiaOlltalda the walls of tka Capitol, an we lind him delivering an addlBM before tho Agi cultural ?Society of tho State of Vermont, m 18B On this occasion he extended his tour to Moalies and QgabaBj and at tho latter place was tn-atcd wit! distinguished consideration by Lord Elgin, th (im ?mor-General, ami the other authorities. Presi ?lent Taylor died in 18.50. Mr. Be ward had he.utip opposed tho Compromise Measures up to that time and he continued his opposition, though hii associates proved less faithful. The main f.-.i tana tt the bill became law icriattm, am this was iiic?uisi<b lately thought to be t Unal solution of tho problem. Mr. beward ?li?J not think so, and refused to say so; ami tkl Slavery (itieslioii, in itsdiilcretit a-pc? ts, Im aim the vital iioint in the election uf 16.VJ. We ore ap? proaching times within tho memory of most of our readers. The Whigs had become greatly divided upou tho legislative nic-astiree allecting Slavviy. (jen. Scott was supposed to be in some sense tho representative of the anti-Slavery Whlgk and he re adrad vac uomination of the Whig Convention at ihiltimoro on the 17th of Juno. Wo need not repeat the ataty ef tkat eaavaaa and of the defeat of Qttt, Scott. The Whig party wiw terribly beaten, and uol?ody r?joice?l more than certain yfoXisp) in that defeat. Mi. So ward went back to his sat in th. Senate, and dev atad himself to public business as u-ual. In 1n')3 he delivered an address at tho dedi? cation of tin* Capital I 'tii versify, at Cotombas, Oh in, and in October following he addXeBBSd tha Ann licau Institute iu this city-a prndiictioii eontalaing sarasa] toaehing iiersmiai n Bdalaaaaaaa? Thedaysol tka gnat debate?, upon the Nabn bill were approaching. Ot thatgieat sin . <;. all its tren.clitl.'U.-i (.on*. i|: nces, itisuun ? aatoapeakia detail llr.Bai ??man adopted tin , oi Mr. Douglas, while Mr.ejowaid staal eta ipfeaaaa among (he matiy able Senators who rallied t( ' position. Tin- eaataal a aa alanal hopeless ft, ?u the j beginning, but it was ; .illantly IBBJatahtod to the ?lid. Ills tint,.table tkat alter the ?i, tttktt b 'ill of ' Mi. Clay aiid Mr. W.l.-f. i, among the eulogies which the event Sailed forth, those spoken by Mr. Beward wan ooaaal amis. His alogaaal daiaaasid the tlncc tlioiiMiiid and fifty New-Kngland cbrgy i n who iM-titioiied against tho Nebraska bill, ?x cited at the time much notice and approbation. We notice also Mr. .S-ward'a i'hi Hita Kappa oiatimiat New Haven, niwn which occasion he received tho In -notary d-grec of I.I.. D. ( "ii-i tiitis hjinkeii of as a candiilate foi th?? l'r?'s idciicv. we ti ii? 1 Mi. BaWBfd m UM vvaiinlv ?upi?u: ??? ? Fifth Pagto FOREIGN NEWS. CREAT LRU AIN. MINI. THR ____BO- TO VI-lT ITAI.V-TIII. I.OS IiON' PRKM ON TUB AMKRICAB tLeUJtTOAte TIIK I'Kil'i. .1 OOVtBBMBXT CSN8UBBD. Lobbos, 1 hands], Oei 10, wx T?. C. Sclicnek, tho American Mitii.L-r, 11 about tS leavi BSglOl '1 M ?'? m-it to Italy. II? yesterday Present? d Mi. l;< ii|uinlu Moran, Ihn ?ecictiiry o? tho l.t. alien, OSO is to ?i< t us 11 (iref d' Affaires ?urUie lut shssaio, ta i--.ii Oraaila., MtaaHOf ko gwp t-"" Afr_ti.. Mr. SsBoaeg wBl ho aeeeapoatoi by h.s Ssagbtar.sni expects to lie ?way two month*. lbs boaaas journal? Sise?os is t i results of the Btate ?lection? In th? United State,., un Tncmlay, the r el. OttSB of l'r.hi.l.nt (.rant In Noven w r. Tlie BSSSM eoiiiin? nt .,t ceassiesahti longtb on the thottaM ?nd their ? ffect on the Presidential cou. . t. The Tinuttny?: " We cannot r-;. el the r?unit." 3 he. AViin ??>?;" Mr. '.r?. I. y's (,iu?e |? now ? HOk ru bop?. at,u v III certainly f.i?." The j'ott sbaiaoterloco the Uboiol BosahBeaa movement as a (S?tale l,.-;.??ii?l n dcuiptloii. TAt Trier t,i '??Ai al'iidcg to the 11, ct 00 M the cup de grace ;o Mr. Greelej 's pros] a ti Em the Pn M< i bay. Mr. Ucntiiick, If. P , in u pin Ui ajMOOh, Ian iitehf. pro? nounced tl.. .eftiein? lit of th" Al-llillllU i|ll"'sllnn a (IW hoiior to Engbistli it was ohs I'd thai ?? rals ohoald ta mndt and held to Mad Bnglsad t-? lespoasthtllty tar aa. art eoosBsltted loag helare the rale had oarerioti liiiKi.iii.l .les. I veil the mi,in if th.? whole v.uiit, am? wonhl ease I i sssot i the sail i?. a ti,. ? of C, i.-, i \atl\? s at CSstlS HedlBfl 1 bv Mr. Ib-nry Jr.,-, .M.I'., and oih'*, who Mverely eensurcdthe OoveiBMsal i.r it? touduct of segeUstiSBO ? ; : Um Delft .1 _ M'AI. . im CUBA* viii.i'NTi 1 H W - ? nil i IOS I OB TUB SBOUTIOM I t * . Maiu.ii.. Tl ui? In the St mi.?, lo-(li!>, Bcftot D?BI uud?: a severe attach ra the vetsateeri io Caho far tin Ii orillna'luii ferocity. The Mlalotafof Uta0-_N I the \oitn,t. < re. He A slered thai t:??-ir services la OM?atalalag oui r m Efavsaa uo? tovrus bees IsTslaohlu. Ti.< v hod, ai-,?, h foriiiinir larrloea Saty in the 1? ????ierts. ;r,.d of tro.-p- to Opereta la UM int.ri. r, aad hud, tliercl.y, mat. 1 ?inly si -?i ted la totoeatog the 1 ipeaa s <>f ihe war. Tim AhoHttoaSociety 0: M 1 p LUtaBtaUM loasta peaplsg tar tbo OMaaa_isstas si ihm 1 m Os?s ?lid I'orto Rico. The Pi-mite ii.m refi I reil (he pi to Um Kii "'? lUalotoro. H ?? UioMtai ri Mata tas pnasBsi un luv. sUgatioa into the theigs that Spa? _ U diera in Oahahad sttaehrd ferrlgase*. Sal teslorod tdo hi Uta that the only din their duty. I ..AM'.. TWO MORI*. COMMI M-is to BB EXBCUT-BD*? PEB8IDBB1 _RIBBS_i VISITS. TARI .Tniir lay, Oct. 1 . Mil I__> ;in<l l.yr.iml, two ('?iKiuiiuiist.. who have been oa triait bsvs boos ooarietad aad senti i : ta ta exe, otad. Tlie Permanent Commission of the A?.., to day, held an important SSSetlBg, at Shtsh PresidentThlers vaspeoeeat. Matter? aere al se eased <>n ?MoBthon a oo oeasMerolils eooStet ri optaloe. Oeahetta'spsbl cal tour ?tul spc, ?lies In the pro? lnci ., an ! the a. i> mita recentiy stade oa the pflsrtaao aho reaUaao t> loekta Loantes lo wltaess lbs ??rsele ot tbo Vtfgto aaro re? tarded by MOM ol" the na ml er? as Ida ly to lead to trou' Is. P| -iilerit Th!- '.'? expressed InfllgaSflOS ;it tht rageoes tn ottaeal ol ths pUgrttne, ? sieh he lagarSed at nn attack en tie Catholic tellgfc I and the oattaaal fort? of worship. Be v4 ai in :>* londeiBasi the cour*? ri m. Oarabetta, ?ho. he SOM. wu? try lag to divide the nation nnd render the pootttoa of tie Government abroad more dlfllctilt. M. Thlcis, who MOBM? to be in? clined to break with tbe **i.<ft," *un efcssg t<? tlie Republic, and hi? BotitlVO SootorstioSO In favor of that form of _nyen .nient VI n? ie,-, i veil with loagBMr hy th?' Moi-Mi hlStl of the <\ mml.-.-ion. The ri pert that Prlaee Vapoleoa 1st eaded ta retara M France ami ik? -!,|ence la Purls was al?) considered. The Presldeal loferaMd Ota < oamMMoa Mtat he had i x prt toed, hi- disapprove! of mrh bttem, wat 'm*\ t ifers lo provea! the Piiaeo from osnytSBhlo intention lato .u, et. a B0(.r?4 ooii' d'ktat. r.?i : ?. Ihareday, Oot. i'. isn?MMB-ghS, ? Tho Soir (nswspspei. poblisbod a sensitfiona. rciMirt tics the . it., t thai o Boas partis! m . ti loot und a ctAtp d chit weald ?? tempted la Par?s to-nlsht| hat apto tkts boar aothlas bus happened and tbe i Ity i- perfectly quant. TURKEY. a H?iiT i;i:t\vi;kn pngUHI and TtnUBb OoaoTASitsoru. Thaaoaapi Oei i". MSB There was a ti^ht, fSStBSBBf, at Statulxm), hetWOOO the Turk? and I'erMaim. Tho troop? vtttire cai'.ed out to OOaaatOO the not, and tire?! Into the Persian pu iv, killing three aud MoBBtftaS thirty. Tea of the hol.liers injured. The Persian colony im ?.really excited, and tbOM are toOM of a gSM ral in.utaosse. THE GE.NEVA AWARD. AN KN(.nOS3KI) OOPt BBOBITBD AT IfSMIM ton. W .?.suivi ton, Oct. 10.? Tito S( CTStSIJ of Stute. M-day, recened by n < i la] in? ??< n . i an oIT;? ;al . opy of the decision uii'l award of the QeSMVO Ailut.ation hand ?em, u- oagroosod as parobMOal und boa ad, \4iuiihe rdgaatarei of the ArMtrators. The docomeal vsota Closed in a in at . :?.-?<? hh'lilv polllhed. The 8eei*e tar] ol -:,itc pr.-M nted It to I'lcsiih nl (,laut Ills mon. Ing, sod it w.'. aft. rward ukeuto tbe lvpaitun-ut to b. depositad m the archiv?e. COBA. Havana iraiCS?AB IB -i SOI ni CUBS Kil.i.hii. Havana, vi.i Ksi Wt..-r, U? t. O.?Tii? strike of the ciKur uiiiker? 1? over. The coiuuiiU?-?.- of lioth UdBO bSVO Bg-BS? On B OSSlO of W-Kea. G harli n HriKht ha? laOOTMOd Ih.? PoSSSM cable, and Ml ! th-i shore end yeotarday. to Harbor n.-,.d, .i.iuiak.i. ii i.? MfortM Usri the Iuteudeute hM Min d a h.rp? -4 ?nil'.. of p? tioleutn belooslag to the Mere kjm iC_apuay. The m-uri-eiits attacked the vlllace ol J guna, a? a Puerto frlsclpe. 1'ii. k iri i?..n n piii-e.i the ..,?.'?--i-- Tie roiuaieers of the Vilella A'.aio Dl.Tli t all! pur? ,nnr 4'arlo? Hallll.? uni Ooosalo i ,-,..,, notad l'a-miteuts ttnj bandit.. The Intendente oderi t,, informen tus entire proceeds oi the sun-of n,en ban,use letwd for nasK(llug The tioop, ?..?i, killed the ii.-ur_.ut rhlef, Joan Antonio UoJjs, near Sanen 8|.uius. AN K\I:llH.r..KK MOQK IN lOfSA. Si..ix t.'?TV, Iowa, Oct. 10.?At Ml p. ni^ yestcrda... th.:- city und vi. mitv ?aus vit-lted by n .-une severe eastbaaaho shock, nn? people lashoi out of their house?, and cousiilerable < zettenient prevslMd for u briet portad. The ?ho? k only la?t?d als'Ut a minute und u haif. I i.t _-_rS_| that time MBS-SBf ?W? InsHiee wire llir.wn ilnuii and H.lliln<s were pretty well .haken up. UOOOriOSSSB-OSgOMBS ?AMt to pSSpSMgi however. U lo reportad that at PMI Randall. IlakoiM, tin- i-iiotk wsstiMMi ??v.r.-, an,! ihal there ?*a- groat ev? il;? m, nt. At . iiiiktoti. tin1 ?las k, altlioup'h faiat. ?a? il:?tin,-tiv felt. bOt BO ilaiii..?-.' Was .lone. KepOltS from other p..nions of Dahote ?1 "* taa! me ?iio?-k was reit, luoio or ie.?, at all | rlBlISOI P UUt ?. ?n.i.i:uKA?'iiic rrr.M.. ... It lo MtilBSted that a.uOu.iAXj lnhahiUntK have '.? ' fr :n to I :...-e ,- IVr.ia. .. .The talesispbic tollo on dlspatcbes fartassssd I'll, e,irC ei tie .ift- '??.?, IL.-Urjl ou ibr ?ul.lKI ?f ti.? 111?. ?VCt Cl?l?M -?a-lUl? (<> |.4<4>,,*IU. _fbeBomaa Catholic Temperaoeo Pocietieoof . '- .t...; \m at Kwton. ?' ....-.ui..?'r?.r at r?tk*l Watkew't LiriLa?? -????? dej, by a l?i ... _TheSeciatarv ?>f tbe [Yessaiy bao opstaaai It? rrpofl ?! Hi? C i-mi-? ..i, n ??..,??.?! n, . eei e ..(?? f?. iIm- ????? .'?-.. M. itir ..'.c .. bt:*Hi l.a. ImI ?m 6?_??.I-.U. ... T\rom? tnliers of the C_NBBB_Bl_| ta iti\M.ti ntt* tot ?WliMM U" M'i.r.o ttuet.tet Mntn *ad ?*.?gr, ? i ti '.'?.i \s*JHt lu -nett Mt? mmii la la? tvf pnwalauaa tu t ,-_|r.??. ? Ye.-tcrd.iy rit St. Louis WSt OboOTTOd .'??- t holi < Ill - ?, ,. ,?i . l? ?i.rii.i i_- fair al (h? ?tri. I,??'. M ?t. t il. oatott uO.os ??.r c1vm?1 **d ba.iiia?. ?u gt_. Hall. i?_rprLa??_ -Tht StitOO? Miner of il.?t. 1, in an extra i S] s : I.irul. Mai SkMOSaifVltb ? bnep , t il ?,?. ?(Ih.- Kiflh l', ?.t?t ta, ,. -M 4; et mm . tat** M m?I_ tr..,a , rrao.i? anU .kvt H, **** lY.e l,J:_n._r.t la il, ,r eem, ton aad eterna aroptny met. i, ,..i .1??,?. ibk dial id? la.lltu. ?..?., ?.??r? t .??! An* laUoiu frva Ua ttuip ue il? ??t.Oa lU-a.r?.la,u tu .-..?!. ?0. -Tbo Ut ?nid .'niiiniatid.rv, Kii?kIi'? Teuiplar. ? I (_, St?lr ut Saw V?ik rbuird IU e.,ur,t.,- al S ,,u., 5 fl'tnii t ? (ir.ii.l neo.?? man i,..i?., i n i. - ,.. : ? U.? RlfM Km nriil J?|,o ?V . Mui??. l'.,l lo.uj i cl ,.',r Mal v| Nca-Yurk. aad ih?- (,ra-?l ? ??aan.ltr? Un* ??IkHUMil U. lax I a, \aa targb, ?? Um W 1 eoedet ol Of*oei. leib