OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 12, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-10-12/ed-1/seq-1/

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V01" XA XII.N?-?,8.%?
Tndianad'I is, Oit. lt.?Additional official
irtdiiis p?si\?'d t(i-il:iy do not unit? rt.illy chu:.p* the
IT??.It yr.ni last ; !.:! t. Ilcm!: 1. '.. | will l?o
gapps ' ' ,i, ,iit v., publicans (!(?( t llicir
Stst< ? ''? ? Con^rt'?"^^ at Kir^'p, with the
?m, ,,.l..t< fi r (?(iMTtiur uml jm luajis their
oatii ' bUs Works.
flit ("Nll.-I I'IMMV 1M . 1!'' !? -II! \t)TiICKS,3
i i i Ki.i??iii?: i.i \t.\i\?.i i
Tin: il. Kl i UM DECIDED?Till i;i..-i l.T IN
hn>i Oei lie?Ratania har? baca
**?? ? :-.(? Muattos at tii.- Btate, sad s
sel/ a i*rti.!! ?if tlii'in aiecflk.al IBs result ?an lie
r-rri ? . 1: n.i-li .mJ (lining tt.( >! ?>'
Uiii . .... 1 tounl mi to
SB) 1. :.l in..":.iv in tlio ri-t ?.f the
TUis tnspicloa hung over tho Litu-i ils
?i iy und tin? mo.it gtaoatj an!!. Ipath ui? wars
. . CBwds besieged bota newspaper
ut to no purpose, as tic
given. The civil tectlOBS were w.iiiiii ? it.-, v bowling dis?
tance, nnd for the paM thr? o nights liavi- kSSB SBSsrlna
trout Rata ta ttsss. Thi? traalac
Uunt-ver, the Html yell of triumiih vent- hi? '" front of
i.i (Ism tad desperate aatare
at tl.. I tlio narrow sscaps treat it
,. Ail f.a t thai !!?. .
out IN ii. ( '?. (> ?.is not fully appreciated. There It DO
Coi A', that lii.ito of tUctu staid BWBf '; ? .
ana ssads tho other* [aal ?*?ga1* slssosl
rrci .* balanced. Moreover? tho i. ugh or
i ot irady fo(
? antuK
ou!.*-: ... l.y the Administration pattj
,1 committed.
... :00 to 700; llopk.ns,
ri..-..ruclioi .
:. .to ?ii.-.jvi?.
? ? , .
?II;. '..y nluiut : .. Adiii.,
) .*. ?bout
tkkl, DUBter, A.ui... lu tho Yllh, ly 703; Ylilh,
i . I ., liy a!>out C0>; T:inr.cr, A
nil "?' .' Lib?
' l,''k';
i the XII ? 100. The
? ' ?
kour. .
lion. The Morton
. . ?lo tllu UI.10 and
. .
. li.?Th? . t are
-liy official,
:. V .
... 4,0
A .
( . IS
? r.
J i.
rotm.'i-i. Tot Ut i?1 -w
??I. 100
Carbon. 60
. t ;
. i.i ?')
. TO
?Cumberland. t i
? . .
? .
? i.
. i
? .
)? . i ? .
\v j omln*. S88
. S
f .......
Tl??*i. 3.1.IO
I,. loo
i, Oct. 11.- -" iCTy County
R ' (.. Oct 11.
Pi Oct 11.?"What ni.
i ???:..
ovi r t ' ' I tiki ves. whose
'.An ot e.\-(.ov. Curtln, "mak" Tun
anything ' -Yoik,
lays ?Let: T.imintiny WM
?uni I
: ; In li* tl ' .
ti. in- an ail liound together In .i p?celo]
league to !.. sad to ki ep
: er. J
luted to protael erlmtii
: mi u for po
I l? \( ? s?*( ut th" BOSl (.f t> r ii.i.'iitiir In TiiaVif
n whom I :
!?.?; .
?l ' SlSknowledge, tin- count
at hie dl! ut that the
llle>ihi roll
tiiiiii; h? ?\(i diciiiiKd of Im mir J 1>- y;t\il gtttgt
ot r?'|ieatert( tutne to tii?* polls ai I | 1 SSSa
Witli Utiouj bt v.:in llitiliiati-h I ?itf ll,c
a?-?oi.il I1..11T * iiKiiil.-r ..f une ol th?s? Kanirs, a TtBBht
roiiKli. ?.O? i- (1 la vote on ttir name of Caepur-. TI.e
United htati o luapeetor < liallenired him on Identity,
Tin 1 ?u. tl . k t:.' i, w.tliiiut bcKt.iti.iii. 'm'
Inepectoi linn pioU-atod aitajust Uie SBSSfttSB Ut tho
buu?'h vote ; he ku? w Caspar-; lit* was au old man of
10 years. Mind, and imalle to leave his hous?'. Th? Judee
of t. ?(lion at one?; ?lei hU-U that, as Uie mun had taken
Um- oath, lie imiMii voie. The Inspectai I lau ordered the
- Ix;puty Marshal to arreht the rrp?>att*r, hut
that official paid no attention to the demand, ?ueh
?eene?. as this o? nned m jx-atediy during the day, until,
?bout I o'clock p in., when the Inspector ehallsnged
u man for att? mptlns to vote on a naturalization certlf
leau that ?as arid? ntlj fraudulent; it was a miuor's
eertl?ratc ti.?y a 1? w j ? ors old? tint presented by s roan
Between 45 and w | MSS 9? BSJS. Tlio msn refused to take
the preser1'.?(i oath, hut his vote wss received. The ln|
speetor attempted to retain the psper as evidence. At
??ls point u li,it?d Hutes Deputy Marshal rushedup
and arrested tho Inspnetor, and drsBfied hlin off before a
"*^B? ?Renkt Gajuals|kma^ pUQ a| saca tL*
_ ligad lim, Ajng in tlio BMMa tho memoi
of fraiiiiini-iit \,it?H _iiirh tiio IsapsaSas hat
nil d.iy sbsIbbI or gmwagaS* Tin? expartaaaa o
Democratic Unit4?d ?taUvs Inspectors vim tho
throughout tho city. The Judf. g of Election Invnr
nvin'.ilcrt thdr eba?cnp ., ollen allowinR thonp
tS swear to a niune ablet the JadBSB thum.
knew t4) l?o falso ; ihe poliro ami Unlto.l 8
iti'imty Msiafcala isfsaN to ?ir? ? t rtfastan
matter hBW BtSBBg thB evidence otfalust tin m, tat
ln.-I? et ors tliin.h.lvo., if they VSSB too pend? tent,
il anil loilai.,1 up. Ko returns by eh itio? t
. ,o been made i?ui,lic, ami il la IhSfSteS imp
,\ -n i.at tin y wo ni, i show. | m tais l? da*
n fri.in one pf UM
tho Kim t?. mil Ward. Un? al kla pal Mm nnjt
ictumed for I?attiaiift was more than COP?ce.?ter
tat t-itv.rc it -t t, ici rata al tii" ii..i?.,,ii, sbleb M
(?t!\ DBBBSantJe, Tho fraudulent vote iu thU ward
m.i i- s.? iii.,,, .,ma
It WQl !>?? ?. ? I tli ,t thor. ?van no i*, ay la stop repon
i r, i i( cliin <lay ; liic only 1?.o*k? of lli.? I.Um-i.iI.? ?a.i?
vletot7 wblrli old give tbaa i U th?t
and sa SxeeaUva abe weaM ?? v? ? ?i? ?- ti.?
Blas aas .in.?; ibaj aswtbat defeat-aeaat aal oSd
lo.?? of political y,-m ;, 1 u! mro pealaba? nt for 1
traaagtseaeaaa. "l'ut,".ai.i Ita?naal il,, i. t ,!
: ti.,' I?iir 1>.' all???
pit,m by _sefee__sf1 letheratobe so ?beck pots
Unir fraii,l?r*
" I Saal l?n?iw how It 1? to 1k? dono," was tho roply.
"But ('?.I. MoClsra ? > eaatul eaateel
your," I Int.-H'oM .1 ; " wh> can't It ba ?Inn?? aifaln 1"
"-into wan oily two wage lawtortfOaUHtO
c-oul.I jio- ?ilily pel at tho cvnli mo of frai.?!?tbrou?
.uiiiitt.o in tliiouth uciwl nut-nuil
.,..(? Coiniuitteo BISBl I.o fa\.iia, le t.. an in-..
?.'.it Um, oi lit' Ilii eoiiti.-t would haw f..i.C(l. Hot
lutli n irm-h; he flr.?t nird rorta!:i protiiincnt city
. , to il(| i,\ ?? l,.i;i of Bl
. iininj?' nominal (Intimi, ???. If the Coiimiittci
t I. tU 1 I' !i. In- v, ?.
i..., p . i.itiii. .nit, obtained tho appointment a
Court ( ? i. taken Uta t waid .'
;. the oil!/, m. to ti ?i .
?.?1 T ho f
.. Now, m ill,or or tin. ? in, thod? of invi
ir.iti.u ess ba used to abow np c I the fr.n
perpetran.: laat Taeeday, it w
BC-uinir.ls lor that wo
?o miu of money, which c
not ho rala d ; ami tl i- new he.
!'\ lllll.
' I . ' ? ? ,'
Ami ti-cii ?.? l,ut'.. the u-r t If v.o pilad up t
? iiioiintain i. riet a nan
' .'. ,-raiiy kiml i f election fiends ? or if,
ild be at
lad ,..? i
. tbe Boat conrlii .
? . : ;. mail ; the i
.,:..- 1. : ? ?
M ClUl .','.'.
1 o.ltlv, ,:,l\ of tl
tl went ?? to t
?nun- iiiun m hum be did
i then th. f found m> la lictment. To
?,., '..
At m ' ol tben
Tno Oii,l'-!! it I ' , ranter
Some Of tin-in policemen ?i,, in 1 11!. .
sen I tho ] ' ? months, A :
,-. upon it, ini'i |,i
in , n iniilotedj i oo'.i'i . . m lias lost bl
?? \,i i -:iv thai Ibe men wbo I I re In bl
!l .
Hi? I.i
. ;o be Kuill i* of lead
will be
ill in ?u..1 ? ?
, in ni).i r ?
Itltutcd /tic Houle lickets lor t.,.
in Ui-o . _
.i bar?
__;v. . r-OUTB.
AN , 1 ? ' '.--.. .'.
. ii.?'1 In- . -, Straight
m muni mel Is iblscitj t?> dsj.
W. ... M. -relit li was eloi ti d Chairman, anil Wilier 1*.
-??? r.lary. Tho toUowuig Khct?.ial ticket was
seloc'..- '. :
; n al large?8?mo?' J. B.'.nl, U'? M 1 I
/ ,, . in r> 1C Tboap?oD,
.. lu,, L. 51 Si
adopti ?i esltt-M apea all boocal Deas?
oirnto to i-npp(,rt "tlioao exulted state-inieu." <?
, , lam?, an the only tun- Dbomm IB
I QBE88 nomi.v. riON.-*,
E r. Joaara. M<>.. tut. 11.?Th? Btsals-tii-Oin
ii. ,,'i.?t? ot tba ITlbPlatflntj yiislnidajr. mrwustrl
1*. II. ialliot for C,,:,
IiiiicA, N. V., Oi t. tl.?T.C. PUtt of Ow-i?o
iniiiiit.'l iiiiaiiiiioii?l> I?,-day for Coii|*risH l?y the
? m .?.ii.
TKItl'llil.V. ACiIIir.NT IN I1.IIHVIII1I Ml r_.li
lONI hll.l.hl? bl IHK PAIX O? A III Il.lJlN...
Lot 1-.VU.?.1:, Ost 11.?-V tcriililo aci ?(lout 00
cuirnl thin (-veiling, tnvohliiK' the d(;i?tU of six persons
A m S himno hakbg MS8BB4 on Market-it., be".
tw.-in Uilid and Fourth _t->., funr sloth..
biab, foil about 7 o'clock, crushiux In tbe n-.ur
part of the two houses adjoining, otio occupied by J. (?.
Wohl? as a iirintiiiK thmmt, and the otln-r by llinry .\,,tt?.?
as a merchant taUorinff csUbU_ini< nt. !.____. family ,
couslstlnft of himself, wife and live ('till,11.n, and a
Journeyman, Lewis Johns, wen. at lupper, and were
burled in tbe ruins. The lire alarm was . minded, uml
the polli-4) and flrcnien were promptly on tho irround.
TmtJ soon reeoveriad the bodies of thro? children? boys,
uge about four, eliiht, and twelve? who w.-ro badly
bruised sud cut; hut apparently none of tlnlr BSSSa
wuro broken, and the doctors thought they wore not
dsiiK? lourly hurt. After severnl hours of labor tin- hoill.-s
of UM reinan,der of the family were recovered, roiislstlng
? Hi ftV^Wm mJiti, bg^jf ?g iuvulleA Oglt k lii** gUl *U
?rnrs, and the Journeyman. All wrm dead. On? boy
nil afterward, erMenUy fren lairraal injonee. Ho
causo Ix known for the accident, but it la reported tho
Hails wcru put up Is? (|iil( KI v.
Tin: rnrsr.vr commissionkp. op ixpian af
rain to mm?ihiatob camekom1! hk
iM DunoM oi cm., fomr?rai rxmiL
\a.nia i:in<;.
im raiiBeasfi to ttir lanaa&i
Wasiiim.toN, Friday, Oct. 11,1872.
Gen. Francis A. talker, OssaStlSB\-tier of Indian
a?TuIih, has ?KKpted iIk- Fraflssssrshtf of History und
l'l.)f,c..i l.i i ; ;:i] li> in i: . BcfeOO] (?f Vale Ost>
ISSJSeSad it lu ? xi" et? d lie will at SSM n tire from his
Jin m nt ( Ilice. It It mid that Mr. Jam ph Dwyer of Ohio,
f' in (i!y I fa| ( i\.-. : of li, ti u. u | K( vi nue. and wktBt
the busiffi m... u .o -i i... lui s^iiki ri at Been :.iry Delano,
la as applleaat for the tacas ssloa, w.ih fair chances sf
el'faitillit: tl.c C. ii.il,if-K i.i i.-l i;i. '!''.?? ulil Indian IliliR,
Which was m v.. || -. : -, i o dm p b I t. in? of oflUe by
(..ii. 1.1/ i'..t r, |..nnrr!y of (.. n. (?rant's slaff, Is
warmly iiltai I i .. 1. ?,._-, a..d be is ?Iso aartnly i:i
dcrsid by Sen. ti rs Iluilar. and Cameron. JaigS
DwySB ?ms tliiiri far in tho canvass mulo
linn-? If vi ry useful In the mntttr of lalatag funds
in i in- Di partiiici.ts tat iiu* Oraa! Oswailttsss and
has thus eam d .'or himself additional rt cognition ttUM
ieeretam vm. m%n i.m?. ?f u10 bureau.
D wjtt dur ui.; tBs past tarn Bays Bat ssads himself very
otaazlaM to thesserks latas i' I Met Dspartaaat.
To-day he called on tin so eUiks and ojieiily deiinni'l. -d
liiuiiey, tii.l 11 i-'iiiitnri s a.-, foriiidlv, to bo usi d, hS SSM|
by the Union lieptibllr ui CoagTOM Cuiiiinl ttei) for print?
ing documents pajlag for campaign sji. ihSS *, and other
political porpoess. Ami lasasssvhsss bewassefassd
m.iiu y he del.iicd h" would MOTH di.-iui.*.s:il. Hecretary
Delaao hau n I iraed fKini Ohio, an I his health is so nir
IsaprOTSd thai hS h-ft lor N.-.v >YSSh tonight, to con
i la IBTss of mtslnlsf hlsssnlf la sssVwi
Y* nali.i t .um ri ii ariiviil here la-*! Bight, und has I" SB
? I liuriiiK the day iu i !!Mtt to b jOTt ('ni. i"(.r:i( y,
;?, ho m\H, in- i.-, ii. i.-rn.iii. .1 t.. Basa. I-'
had .?i' in t* i \ i .-. with tii" i';. -..!.?? it today
. 1!'. ( : i.iat .
il..' lil. l, . conten? und h,id BhOVB his
.1 ri'ey kuA only shown In*)
weakaeta Qssssnavaatad the adstlslslisUoa to no
longer ti i ogalst Um i dltoi of the 1'nss, bat to hi Ip hla
?.' >Dj todiivi I'( .my out of I'm: party, as Sunnier,
nbnll and Febtoa bad been diirea oat. Iks
nil.;, iii'thiu weat ta tha Tarioaa Depart
u nom The Press, but wilh w I is Uot
? learn If << I. poi
: 'I
be taken fr. nt him, A Itovotber the s
ii. b t .in. .i lui* ?Ulli tat
? r-?i. i
Ort! of the terletof Brat
? .- tin parposs "
: in tho Tras
; : : it. 1:1
' i
BatlOBt ar :
ui.'i f.i.i to bs uj>
uii those "f tho ( i..?:.d itss la 1
- ? iiu* .in\ iM'Mif the whole aaasber of vast
v pteatheb i B 'liii: ("A.-T?Taun.vTr.Ni.D
Dl-1 nil! \\( is : n* tut LAND.
Id m oa, I ...:ay, u.t. 11. 1 Tl
The rtnaox of tha Antamn session oi r.ir
The weather as-day on the
Brltlah ? .; daauge to
pine I* reported. A ? ? balai f
1 .:i anti
. ? town?
Isd to
D ? '
. vil Wllii III.. UMTED
i-A o t ii,im.
Icon and tl '
? i -i i'i\i d noti. .? to ?
? ? . f the Oof :
int by re!
Tho '! . . . ?
rs Commun
?- ;
1 with
tl have
of 1 pt It Is
: ? !
. .?ufa.
i. i of path
i\ i Oct. 11?Midnight.
Idcd ton,
. ?
i. 1*72.
A fl??! * of fl ?
i ? ? *i ths v.'. -t
1 H. : . . Orleans and
''Mi '" ? WttR TIIK
abgextdu uKi'i'?i.K.
l.lMio.N, Friday, Oct. 11.1"73.
The mail steamer from Bio Janeiro, S-pt.
Pt, line arrived. IhS OtagSSSS elections III the northern
province-? of Brasil wssa atteadad wMB iM sadBloaA
shed. ThS negotiations between (?en. Mitre, tho Argen?
tin. Knvoy, and the Bnalttsa do'.! iiinn nt v.i-ro still
No result had BSSB reached, and the reports
at tu tilt A ultlliiat.' laeiaSS were eonflh'tltlg.
WatBRTOWVi N. V.,'Oct. 11.?On Tlitir.-day
moi Blag the boiler In t!i" H am saw null BOIoagtagSa
|i. II Ii.l.iiii Of l'ulaski explolid Wltli tcrr.ll. (oiie,
retnli rin>r th'- i tit in l.iilnliiiL- | m.i-Hof rums. The ?___>
Kin- ? '. ? i? ,: Oiasaa.'. aasthrawa IhraaghthahaUd
lagiatathi BalssoaBlver,sad foaad load sssss rods
below. BIS li'i'ly WiiH Mux kitiily muna'led. Bevcrul
other emploies were siso inj.in-a.
_Tim hmili?? h ?it Milwaukee. Wim., havo struck
foi *? a .1?.'. au I legm '??? ?til' anul Ibe.r l'ioi are MH.rnl...l.
_Tin public refit??) ti take tin- notesof the Hank
offp.ii . iiiinlier ef ruenterfeil? in rtreulaUoe, aad the
Ibarra oi the l.?uk bare fa 11. a ."? |>et eeat lalr.iuae'iaeooa.
_The Ailjiilaiit-deiii ralcf OhiotOOk BOaSSSSlOB
.. 1..0..I t.. lha (i.l.irf.i iialnia L.tiaUi.., .,: ( m
..?ne . f ?l.irb wem ?eel In the n..t SS Moo4ij ni<_.l l??l. 11^
had Item botad tu) pitead in rharg* ol lb? |-.'k?.
_Mutttc Howe, who was indicted, nt 1'oiU'h
l.?l.i?, tii ?..ra? I lb. Ira utgttt, '
*.** '.?umi gailtr uf ??"!"'' the leunh dljlla, ?"e:?nla7, lad eei.
Uk?1 t.. one ytoYt impriinunenl in lb? Alheaf Hetitaauar?.
?Tiionev. buildingt*t ths Ualvtniti ofPena
iili.ci, la 'Are? i an tatunBy paamni t'.mi*, ant, ,m
I ?i-ll.iVVu f?l|?r. ???! l*iu(.
?-i i ? pnn e.t, i ml I'm! Lolie. A lir|e aad.race ul ciliaeua aud
?it. gem ItBSBBSt
_'Jlio funeral ?:f tin- late ('.?pt. Daveanorl ?if the
I'niir.l Main Ni?. Un.i f,iat? ?i IT ask isgt is ; nil liar, km gat, tit.
Nr?ii..a roii'lortlai tte ?rrli.. un Methrkjtit ?li.ir, h
i ?,r uii..m. sws ?aaiijiiS la Hal llin Caaiilaij saisi ii,. w..n ?i .
baiuiiua ul Htl.uea. A -?uiuL.i ot Bary utn.eii atUiwiai, iaa.ieiiL| ta.
A i.inriiAf. _SW_F_J__ oma hlown t*p
(?.vi(i'KT-iiA(i(;i-:i:s? Tin; l'i nai.ty voit i
|BT TKI.Kl?Ul'll T_ TIIK Till Hl NK. |
..4I.I.K.II, Oct. _L?'LSSt _rff__i 'dt 1_H o'clock,
office of The Senliiiet, tins lending I ?lierai paper
this State, wan blown up liy a SSg of powder pla
in its pre. 8-ruoni. Tito press was blown to pie,
the biuldinsr thrown down, and tin? roof of attot
bossa lora off Tho iype was broken, U.
? t .'lid iiiueii other dsmsge dons. Tbe ootrssa v
beyond (-tie. tim, tho woiU of ?M QlSBt party,
tlio j'iii-otlic? a paper containing tbreo or f,
poonde of powder with s baniiLg tsM war? Coo
Than wss also svwdes among tha ruin?. Ibsi
tor, the II. m. Jooish I'm lor, jr., lias done umr. in
last throe yeans Is azpsaa the V-Usinisa otssrp
-N-fgata niid Administration thieves t linn all i
othaf pspen in the Btste pal together, ll" has b?
nun h Dting, and is hated l?v tlio King BOSt heart i
They tried to lake hi? lifo by ______
in hla ofiiro. Bight of then sttsehod h
be tbe day time, aad his life wss saved only by I
(lllll till. .?*-? '- I.'*-? '?;"* ?-?? PWtWB rrl.i
he draw? They hart twisa _mt at his wife. I
press wa.' hfofrss only two or tl.r, a inoiitli. B_0 1.
c.rpct-bapKcr at niuht, and cost .Wo for repai
'Jin y have prono into MsoAoOBl Bight and OTi
tun,. .1 ewT.\ thing; ;ilid SOW tin y li.Tie lilov. n up 1
cliii'o. His plus.- one of lloe'a .tcim J.nWiT?(i
Tho wliolo Iking i.s a poiit?eal outrai
Only tin? (lav before In. hrtd referred lo the eorrn
tion ..f iiJndi-o, who is ehsrged with bsi '
po.-v-s loaRSfiOo in North Csrolins bonda, and ul
lo snother officer wl . Tbobt
men of th" city BIS _? >' LndigSSnl ; d 'Uirciati,,
load snd deep are heard on ei i ., ? Admi
i people un? lying tremendoaaly, and doela
lag that Taraat did lt?jast m tiny avow* that 1
hhot at himself and hi? wif.?; but evei. l?,i|y und.?
i-, i hoy wfab t<> btash Iba totea of i he bio.
/ tin,i Bppesced >- ; in a half abet
bold and d?liant. _
11 p?ti n i
J.41'1 .ii. .?-t. IL? l'Iti Daily Newt ot this monaii
? .
i. . ibeat i o'till
mor.', lg : a ;. !,?, ? ,.;, ? m, thtth ibOOl t.eari
Llag m 'h<- eit v. HooUlli!) al.inn of tin? v.?
tAeet - saed tbal Iba ?olas pi i
fr.'ii. , th Sentinel. 1 ?
i -j--.il,
the eii.rm,-i- i - i , ?i iiuiii,iti,,'i of tlie pr,
it asa i, m mi iu nu i-, tin? r,.of i if tbe boat
, rerj dii t ?-. Hon. Iba paw
BO B hleli lie Sentinel _ a?, ?.nnteil was completely detno
. tbe t\ o.- in tl.e e__.poelBS>fOOO_l arfutnlni; vras n
: pled? aad ? I
. . aaatled hull.lin;*, and tlio In
. ? il th it tome ti n. 1 in human form tin
. up lite sentinel p u* powder ander ii
' ?va? fully eonflnni i by inboegaenl
a of the rabia. AamaUJobpra
paper of powder a ir it with a tiow autch
'.te.i bal bad rone out.
it la - dd lb ??. abool teil m *.r. ut- ? befen tbe BspleaJos i
colored boy? wboIItobaeat Iba oflee,aan two ladirldaal
raanlag trow the ?.put la ihe dlraetlen af tbe depot aM
hau in t?o ir banda We leave abad aba adtoa i
in ;? n :, .'.:>? Insm ?d, but 11 n
-l. Tho out:
tire dally paper edited -lyjusuh Tuner, Jr., aproad
m at po un .?u.
-, ..f Uf. Bal ';. SciVr.,1 ofl
rs. or their at lu,led ,.
i i'urner. jr., of Tkt SnUnet, tt oat
? i i ? - ith-\. eet, though Boelallj
he || l
i n-.i:i. sud long i
. . ll and ro
wero f.,, l .1 op.
_Ula the ring i?* i
i . ter a little Information ?,f what waa
He pul
lines SDd the _BOSl 8Stt_Bg ?-?lit?>ri tl 00__a_Bt_k II?
followed this sp atth other seooaations, I
uns deaper
itened bis life. To break tbi I
- '.? :?l 1 tii - -. blican
t il bim to tl
? I .!.'!?? lit the ti.?luis
. no man in tlio
1 r, jr., or deserred it 1 r
man oi gn old ii"? be
? f the
; ly they
.. ;
l.lli>.. ol ll..)
?US 1' 1.
thoticl? Hi.? blind placad the
[ind d
I ;
:i!il<i\V. Tv.
I ._ -, . , 1 :!i,' 1,ail paaaed within a few
. .
the tin fta of Um
'. a,.,. ' :i ?.i them, li 1 byJooeph 11
a. ti i,f th,? Qararaes sad Speaker af tha Lowst
Hooae of the Legislature, met bin si thi depot for
1 in? purpose oi paaiahing him. They followed him a
aqnsre or two, whoa ba tamed spoa them, drew s
***___._ r, a::d nul'IN 1 IhoSI lo halt, at Um sann' timo
-opon tha polios t> proteet bim. The polies
an..?led Tumor and took hiiu b.foio tin? Mayor,
who bound liiui o\i-r, bat rafnssd to tak.? oognisssss
of tin- a,t of lu.i a?.?ailant_ He has never been able
t?> get a t tt.il, B-fbOOg-1 JBO bSB fOIWIStOdlj (leinanded
it. in i???", tlio Kirk-iiui.ieii w,u oeeansd.
Tho Qo I* eiaot declared martial law in
tlio counties of Alamanco and Caswell,
but not in Oiantre, wh.10 Turner lOSidod
Norartheka. a Boarpsoj of the nilitis went to
Tames In.n1?.-, an..?led Lim uithout warra'it, and
t<."k biin away t" OSSWSU C >iinl\, maktn_r him
deep aa the hare troaad several nigbta la a heavy
rain st,,nil vv.lhont ?lu lter. an.l liioilly plaolag him
?11 :i loathe ease eau, full af venu in, without furniture,
and in company with I BSfM MOt-BMSd to bo
hsnfwli Aitei'BOkUag him a prisoner for 10 or 1.1
day h, they took hun to Salisbury and ?SShSTfad
lii m. Howssaoraa bUhS-Md why ho wan arrested.
The f.nt.s in this ea.se an. all Ml forth 111 the sworn
testimony taken l.y the State Senate, _?ttiii?* a.? a
EDghOoOft for the impeachment of llold.-ii. Nu
evidence has atat bun edined to arorothal .Mr.
'I'tini'-r e\et was 1 .inii'-oted \?illi I In? Kii-Kliix, and
tin? petM ciitioii? am wholly bec-ius.? lie has daicd Lo
B the rascalities of tlie BSipSt?_B0_b_.
a un m' i mi nsum sam\ls am> nun
Tlie fullowiiiK' il <?'?? article ullinled to in our
Upe. lal .tl?.p_t. II. which uw put,li.?hed ,11 Phi ?iiiitinst
on Thin -.Liy J.i?t :
There bSB l-ei'ti more work for the (Iran,I Jury of W.ikc
under the beneficent act? of rroonitnicUon than for that
of any loiiiity in the HUle. F,.i tlie ?iimller 1 ffonae*. Ihn
(?run, I Juror? h:i\e not heen hlou to until?] pi.,?, ntlli, ut.?.
A ?ton,mi fur ?teulliiK ?? towel mid pit. In 1 1? 111 Ihn |?ciil
li nil u 1, tort tha mi aaesptred lerai of lae 11 m
'liso yu-j ?nd kuiiouica tur ulandcriug tho oUU) of
tlfl.OOoooo were all enncoeted and mostly executed In th!?
(ity. Vet no on Kontinent of tlio evil dm rt Ins ever
Inch made, when the Oraad Jury did aneenttbe chief,
(ien. I.ittli field, for bribing und corruptltm tlie Legl-lu
ture, Judge Watts ailiolinied the Court m less than flvo
inlnuu-s after tin.) pn senment. and beforo the Kollrltor
ooiili! draw it bill. When we Informed the foreman of
tbe i rand Jaty win re be could timl evidence that Lite -
Held had bribed Qen. Lafllo. a aMmber of the I<eicisla
tun\ .ludgo Watts charged the (.rand .lury that some?
body liad lieen t.unpi ring with them. Judge Vnitln wo
think Indictable for having In ins poesesslon ?-.ooo of
Hiebt bonds. Timothy Lee, tin Sheriff, came wrongfully
Into t he poeseui.I m.itn Is Blats banda The ?tat?
wat tabbed ol 11:3.000 ami m> maa Indicted (or it.
Andrew Jackson Juin?, it is trae, was Indicted and
eonricted. The - 1 lenee upon Jones for easing tbe state
of li.iKio.o'io was twelve nonthe' Imprteonment la the
l"in ? nil .ry- |OS| hair of the paaiSblBCBl U| n tin:
1 tor M'.ii.ng a pitcher \\..en teo
I. we expressed the opinion that Jones would not
be punished, nor has babeen. He appealed to the H??
nreme Court, ami tnat tribunal granted him a new trial.
rell for Jones that he did not, like Kirk and Hol
(l(|i, "exhaiisl tlio Judlclar}." We im.iu lin reflec?
tion upon tho BapresM Judiciary, for wo
thlah It likelrthat Jones was entitled to a ni w trial.
a tel of blundering solicitors to draw bilis, and Ignor?
ant circuit (".ni j.allies, such i?s Watts,Cannon.and
. , to pass upon them, and th" ab?nete aro (bata
rial wonld be granted three Lraetootaf Bra. BTs
baTe not Inquired Into the poli deal oomplezlon of tho
OrandJury. Iflttotbt oldCalria Branch Grand Jury
then is Doehanee to indnt any Badlcaloffenderfos
f the State. James Marris, Parson Sinclair, aud
some or the Cuuiuiitt? t who located the penitentiary on
Deep lover, ran be indicted before any other tbaa tho
Co?vluBranchQrand Jury. Hmitii bat sworn 11 bean
I abont the 11.i-c lie would liV
bAD>rt.it liable in criminal Indictment, ?toe Blatt loot
"'"?>.? '. fu?.v um li'-ild tO ftlXOlUllU-''
it the parues ar? Indictable.
fgl TBUnaSPB T() TIIK TKint'SR )
Mi HPHtS, Oct. 11.?TLo ptcainer CaUflta lia?
11. Ark., and her oflleeri report that
In goi:. : dp t: . y ui ? lii d u: ( n from Edr*.:
Ik I. w 0 '?' ola, bv ?1 1 -irty of whites on guard, one ball
1-house, and another str: . .
spur. XbeShottWl Bred by :r !('.:'.*<?, ths p:r*v tap
potlag Id r to he i-l'i'.i', bringing up recruits for
ntspatrick't party. Bhs then passsd Ossssss without
.1 Ighl mile? alie.-e, whSSS
iad a aamberof IBasUIss from tho nelghhorhood
? il on ttie rlvst bunk, 'around a lariro tire, having
fled .'rom the negroc, who wero reported as having
. la use SBd outrage ever;, .
V'uln.Ki in tlio vicinity. TktrJ w? ic i *otei t(:d by a b V
: m 11 ; and, !? I over
to tho Tennessee sido for assistance, but got none,
and, on going back to Occc. I.i, found it lu tho posses?
sion of tho whites, and ISBIBSd thai 0:1 tho lay
in a fight had ooennod betwaen fltspattlck's
party, nnmberlng 1Mb and about 40 whites, in whi.-h 30
or i'i >hots were flrcd l.y oach party, two aSgNSS
kllh d god ten ral wounded, and two whito men
bnlly wonaded. Ono of tho latter catno to
Crown Point, an ths Celeste, aud reports tho IgM as a
hoi one, bat that Fits] itrlck and his band were driven
to (hu v, od .a:. I 1
. ero ling to the T I hi ?
ti a negro, dosel
tra?na I I summary 1 f they
1 la the attempted arr"-t
of .1 d.' : potaa T.':e
red to iurri
1 hey refnted to do, at ths Bring at nepote,
.' rre.
H,. -ONE KILLED AND Tilt ullll..
MUTEE m v.
III 'vpurs, Oct. 11.?A wriooj trmi'ule bat WMB
Ml ,t : :
In t" on the Arkansas shore, has been brewing for s?v?
irai days, win -ii talmlnated on \ ? reaing In a
light, in wlileh 0110 negro was killed and several
lido ?.ruinated in the killing of Mur
riiv.t!. Bx weeks y'i:i:t; by Fltz;'
. 1 ' . ?
atiremeetlog last wick,ad reported ai tho lime. 1
tea tried
to arms . i th'< towa, whoa the whites la turn
' ? IBM and
. m prevailed
ti.i rt ul last m i m nits.
J CAE ?ai ttS VORI i VEET.
(' mi:?', 111., Oft. 11.?Tl: ' ? ar 0:1 .1:1
IJub] I tha h k last night; eight miles from Fado*
I down as
bottomapward. it eontataed shoal -. nearly
all of shorn s : kffl '.
0uttig.1t?a little |trl, Ueorgia Jotd.in of Ciar
Teiin., and M . ; -I. S tabs ftt tho Italian
i...... latter wt ifonnd
1 r, dead. Ths msaaA I
V. S '
" ' "
..- I
II. C..!.b ol
? Il la r Of I1OU.3
I'.?). K)-.
wheel M that It was closely cut off of M r
.".'d bt r 'les * d. ll'-r uht] ! tn Irr
aptly en ii. - 1.
? .K3 Ol
Baltimore, Oct 11.?Two ihootiog
. ..*i was
.somotroi:'' on tho sido
1. 11.1t, aha vsssspestsb rin
ahdoiiu 11. I! * !oriU' f!v a"
.. lately ssa
pioyod in tho U. H. AppralM '- BtOt J.
1 Blag, white ths procession was pasting
throagh AlKpilth-sr., trouble iicmn SSSSBBSd with a
party of BBlSSsd im ri. when nnoilur pi-toi shot was
iii-.'d, strikingoeorce?. Ban tt?aeolored boy, age 15,
in the twishead. The boy dl? d thi5 morning.
SKan.sAS ClTIi Mo., Oct. 11.?At tin; EDflktaOU
Mills, In this ?jounty, yesterday, William and
Ilam.-ou Toung, tons of Solomon Young,
a wealthy farmer, quarreled about a pro?
posed inarrlngo of their tistor to a man
nain, d Clemen-, which William favored and Ilarrl-son
opposed. Weapons were drawn, but the two wero sepa?
rated Ly friends. Harrison rode borne, procured a shot?
gun, und, returning, met liU brother riding
with Clement aud another man, where
iipon he shot him. Inflicting a fatal wound, snd killing
his hof-e. (Icniehs turned and rode iff, wuen Harrison
llicl again, seven Iv wniinding him It t! | bask. The
l__4SX3flln llieu Il.il, li.it w.is arrested at lndi|K'uUeuoe.
BaVOOE, Oet 11?11:'J5 p. m.?Si'Iiwftrtz's
blink 011 West Markct-sii'iiare, occupied by the owner us
a hardware stoic, and by the National lusuranco Com?
pany und other offices, Is on lire. Tho flamea havo entire
possession of the block, which is past being saved. The
efforts of the flremeti are now being directed to pre
renting the spread of the tiro to tlio adjoining blm-k
in vt north, In wtileh Is the olllee of lint We^toru Union
Telegraph Compitnv. It Is in luiuuuout danger, and will
probably be destroyed.
...Alexander Dillon shot Us father. David ItDil
Ino. iriieole.. al S(T.aael), liiree liu-i, .ud.ri.af oo.y leak ?eauiila.
lir (lieu kidml iina-nt
_The. aaliiKiner Diton, which went adrift 10
mile, norihcait..( i-.er.iBiaar Uir wu boart?! hr ?ep? AU)eewu?/l_he
t.ng One??, eed dw 4 into Samurmde. I'rioc. kd.ard lalaiuL
....The Uiurontir'a Jury in tin? caso of John
tfhri.t ah? eiTul ii..U.*riaaa loulrl M.(?n.i ?te et PailaiVlphia os
W (_. u.al?. e.r..!___,, tclaraad a r.i?icl U..1 U>* 1L1.1Hi.__1 mm inu* ta
.lohn Tiglo, wife and infant, and two other
men ?il ? I?.y kttlUnnaaU III.. ea lb. l.l?!u ?li! VV atia?h IU..I...1.
..i. ? b.i.: i?r, Il.erWer nru.ii?, tar lUtii hoiura. The; ?annulai?
b; a ISSSSSSBS Une aid Ti|.i-. ?,1a aad tbahi mete kil.ed.
_I'hurliy II. lost.r, al BoaBBBj a curbstone
bru.r. b?. f?'-.i%rTr.tr.l ,u Uuatiett rlur|..l ?riUi. DOalBic l.r|?e ?ama
. rtth 1 ' k-?al sat 1. r I. ? irr'dfl.ou to BtaaaiA*
atoa ukttn*. a-utt Uk uuuilitkuu Uhu, lias Una made,
1.I.A?. AMI THF. I.Ol'BY.
The following let'rifi and (.oc?m-enta illustrat?. a?
curious i ptaoda i;i OOO. Si,!.!?.'. M-gpsfcp againO
the Erie King, and m?9?tS a few SSSSllSBS wln.'I?
Attorney... i neral BsriSW at.'I the Un. Henry
Smith, Speaker of the Anscnibly, W_D p< rliape fiini.
it 11 ii\cnicrit to an.?.?,< r :
AUorury-Cn, : :! RatTttW If Om D. /*. ?
uni? r. OS lin. ...loi m I <.i m ha;_ I
Ai.I.a.ny, J.?n. i, 1.72. _
Tlon. I)A*_ri. F.. Fin.it??Pear Sir: I have receive _,
}i ur ii iti r of In.. .,, i ,i, m wl.uli jou ?tule that SSI
lieliilfof Meaara.Bl(rh(,ff?bfloner and _old?cbnildl ft
-, und otbtra wii.tn tiny raprraeot, you aro
anx.ous to bare pi toss la thssss-OSfl ?
People lo pascara to? <i tea M aeetflSi office? in tb<?
line Baiiwar Ctaspsn) ? '-11 ! ? ? '?>? ibt ? is as aasaosa
fortl.e ok. in y Bal paopartj o? Iba io.d ?hli h they has ?I
fraudulently misapplied.
Yim also d-?.rc me to rtfutn retir?.1 on Iwibalf Bf lbs
i aimai jealepiieiiiil. and jeaaaaw tabaastba
BCOPSr espen.e? of 1 -?i-.A pn ??< ( ?'..l^b, mcludiiii; the pn?
.iii' ment o.' om ?.
Toa proposa to pisca in my kaaos ten th .umu. dot?
lars (Uo.COO) for the rmri?08i? named, of wl.i? ii .?.mon ,i
?_gfel thuuFand llvo Luudici', dollar? ||MM| 1? ha
and of which I have.[on, _
In BaSWSB to your ci n.iUntilc .tioti I will my that I pro.
poee to bagfa st aa earl j t t,, Beeaaa?
pn.h tin oij, ct. aalebyaa aeae. Saab aa a? llaa *? ? i
tuto? with bti ibepoaea oa?Tlgat vMeft l< ?
You know my view! In rernrd to i! --.?hiili
the BBSeeSl 1 ? ? 'i tl 'i
rig) ?- ? i
Win!.; the Wbole Blata ha? an Interert In removing t!? i
public scandal v. In, !, ? nun b.ive
.i pi -
\ ,-ife , i ? ?
fore it 1? entire! proper Ibat the c?[Ht <? ef tub B
lltltatlon slut : i , y UM IttX ?
ivetboagbl - l
illch proie?,lier i . -: cptSpOBtSC ppllcatlOD of ?'
holder i ? ho ate pn a r. d to icir Iba ?up? ?
Anotl.er \>- ? entit r?, U -vh, tn
fan r-1 rearar, safa a] -, bum ?
. .<? i.,.tin li/nl .;,(? In in.i.n .??,_
Acting fat i -i", h I" i ? of ft"' U oMi t ? I ii.ive ,itr??aitr
cf a pioper 1 ,1. Of c. urs?. I .?hall AM BRSl BSd dir, et t. ,i
eondnctef (be prtc edin^s and the coulis? I attl t... .i
ti. ir, reel sa en
Tern .-p. .ti. of itt- i??? r BM pera i '
n.iliy. 1 \
erly aec, r re'.iiiK ri f r.i.i pttl ".. "f
this kind. _'; ,,u!d I .:, t'. i: ; " tbal I a
60. I will adv...'yen,?be' ; ,
pereoaal atteatton ti l ittbeetberi i
of my ofllco will *>
I |M_ IB tl?cnomenf r," : ?
tbe Hon. 1 ' t
I of S : I
lie tin th? " C
_nd It, not '
Of eoniee lia i
compensation I ITtlj b<: I-?i*:e, tbOBgbaol ftp
I havo a.no retslaed atber eossaal spaa fand, ?n.
nlnlii d l.y the other body of itockliolderi '.t
h,.\r nb ' truly
I'l. .?., I- ?
By tbel ? >
p. iHwi.} Conpenj, it m 111 I ?
coi'ipu r, d 1,1? Kind .
... . ? -.:,?nt. to trie ii
|fl(eir -
of the road, i
3. o- a. t., u?e h. ah
?.,..-.., ,i ?ipwaaaa.
?. r -
' ? is?. ?:
? -_>t.
- ? >.
|i_ !.
.- ;?:_.'
1 ' ' ? .dorso?
imi.t. the wo.d? in i ,,h - mi
tor I '?,
M'Mtill <?/... ' i
Erle T. v to
. ' ' S '!
. <
1. ? H i.-. 6., ,
1.1), . ' .. (J
' .
The eerriceeof i . - *
i . i: r-,
. .
.i oca
i. . ? ?
: '
The cuti'.re of Mr. I! '1
from tia? following letter and receipt, i
th_t tbere l? do ?? i loo to I of uny
kind, tLe oln. . tl-'l
i tetare -,'' indi t
had int :. Ib itltati -i. ? ? i '.' i ef lbs
ltiu?noao ..ie aootemplated. Um
dattSSea _0 oust Jay Gould *\Ld h|g i_rty ?as UM r. icaj
ol the I la -, '?? IjIII :
' MA-T_-.W UALt TO OT.S. U. B. SrSISB.
Ai i .?? i ! ' l*n.
My posa Oas_sa_! Teenrneural ifeetttbie tuHt r_.
eelrcd IbedUmigai ander ell ttiecir. ..u,-t..i., ( ? iin,i ?%
f.-eof ten tli,,iiaul.ddo...?i ? , *,.iu,|
not be > n Mlve for me to ebene? lu con.?. goenreofMr.,
Trenial . ? wi, kn.iw and hti mbeeqiMBl divi ihion om
Mnyor llail'i trlel, and P_ ?>' un? ?u km --, i | are hail
nt of the battle, an you are aware, ami (?Kr__aj'a
uonecceaarHy, tboogb 1 tbonibi it mlxbt i?' Importent!
tooba rery uncomfortable Jonraey to Btfrllogtoa anJ
?crow Lake * hampiam on tbe Ice to K ind ,,t
?in. baa ui-iie it neelaaary to .t>-< Ban or aastoel ?
frond ?tael of other bmlneee. However, yon uudersta_>4
iml l.'iw tho iiiatUir stunUs, and If t,,u tin: U it., ,?, t
iiieiitloned t. ?J much- say m frankly and 1 will u_ __.t.?
tl.?d ?Mtli .niy'liint- .vu tiiink rlsbt
I ti.i..> re.? i..'l tliioiicli tin- Attorney Oenerul gi.V'flL
You liave ?fid mo for di-Uurn. uieni |.,5e-'..,; wbl I
bare actual..' paid out about tl.OOO, but bavi In? . I
?ome obliKation? wlileli will p??r__?ps r?-.|i'ire |soo nioie.
I tiiink ii..mi . oui.l be a peeper aawaal to tart?* __n
buraemeuu. I irud n-ceipt, tberefore, for n t'r. ?er?
vi, ? ?, m ?i -Babero?meata for tn.^ii wbleb u %6,sao more
than I liave rec?'lv.-d. and ?Irn'U laat amount you caa
?'ml un-If ..<>ii think prop-*r.
If tue v.iinii.'r i. not lu theform you want, or tf, tut
MUt-jf_ ?teil ahOOO, you tlnuk tbe amount ?liould be
clun_:e,l, pluaoo returu 11 and I will umdity set yott
fuiUKt .?on-rratulate yon on the aplendnl nncceeit o|
your ({rueralablpin the matter. It ban b*ru oue of ll.?
ui.iKt compli'te triumph? I ever knew. TA.il ainendineni
?_? UM only u ? fort a ii a t.? ttiiim about It. ?ud tiiat we dl?i
our boat to prevent, and to gel oui after tt waa In.
ThaukliiK you (or Boat oouru-ay U-r->u?fboui thla mat?
ter, 1 em very truly youra, bUrrutw iui.a.
Ill.snO. Reeelred of ?}. lierai Daniel E. Sleklea ten tboo.
aaud dollara for retiUaer counsel and a??rvlcea ou behall
of ?toe k holder? of th?? Erie lUllway foin pan? and flfk^n
liuiulred dollar? for dlaburaeuieut? mail? and incurred >>?
tbe aame tiebalf, lu and alMiut matten rrlati-B to ... J
t'olupauy Infon. the New-YorB Leni.latiir.'. aud beiUK na
full for lucb retainer, aervle.a, oouiiael, an?l Ul*bur?e>
nienta-thli voucher including tl.toO p???*eiv.-d t?roo?a
AtUiruey-Otui.al ilajtiow. Datad Mardi IB, INI
J-UUlta elkldk

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