Newspaper Page Text
Itii. a___ ^JWJWa. voi.. ?_ w 11 rvo. ?i w.i 1 REVv-_ORK< TtJESDAY, OCTOBttfi 2i), 187~). PRICE FOUIl Ci-.VIK 4 A .\ . - I.4J _Sb STATK oampaign. v i LRGE MQ-TOW- AT KWG-TON. I_ra hox. pai .i-fs the |_BUU--II M..MV-M Mlll- ALIVE. I K,s. - f_, Oct. 11.?Tha Hon. Patrick ameettaaal WaaBr las> R!>(?, , aad tbc apoakerwaa Hataaadto art BttoB an:! 0 . ii.:.i ? K ? laci't.. " v't luldm t !,;r-l city, aii.UI" t8 rtill l.l.Sc ..111 (.11 UBERAL ri.o-iv.rrs IN WEflTI iiil.K, i;i! i | _OIKG RKrORMl RS W MOKBOB 001 , \i k 111 LPKD BT ADMlKISIRATlOM Al'.l.-1-l. THK XXVTII DI8TBICT < ' THE LIBEH 1. .lll.M, ' _ ?rrmrwl irroM iHKMu:. roPTnaTBi -. ?ti Ba! tor l.ii... ? :tt,. Uberal Eapab I i-i, ..ud u. iu "" ???? t i-.:;,: Ubm BMda ti a -*> . I liait li'.inlof. antl iini.' waaa . (bat w.nil- lnduoe m tlu :u, tiH.iif.-ii ii i.iio 1..1 iiiitir i'. ta aponei f the ln* in it Ibe nport of a Now I pnmd of!-'. Bel len : tbej bad inoro taaa Bl.c-i ,(\,.l..l!.i::i t ? 'Ul ' v.i'li mt bla M l' ioii and .rpoaitionsdf ba ii."i >??-" a aaa of ,j., N< w-York to defeod ,_,. m be bad dona aa a*> a Deawcrat, anii ib ' ( ppcmlta '' ?iiii'l uf _...'.:t;.~. 1 iii.t, alt.-r all. in-n N'ly (ovp'tmii eotapaaloa for C_Btoiit_M Bi :; publleaa af tho- (ouuty i xiaaaa Baiaea, Btata Iraaa I ,..i. v. .';i u ba raealwed u Utxtm 8ola ndl?itc oa the state tickct. Qraal il blm Hti lia.ii -t, iipi'-lit iiiiin, ?.nnd v.nrtl.y al tlicir eonfld. t.c , "i f>> ivoic uot li.-iii al tlu :iim rtaa ln votmt. far blm. EHiatu -'i? iii'-.s t Oaaaiaa abalnna, tha D Alluiaoj "I IhlanaaiBlj. aad Joaapb A. BtiaU, who lor itici> in i.i t ?<?, "iu aati i.iss.vtb '? ai. ily, aml I i'i tlrC rounti. Koliii'lv t vi-r lotii-tcil 11.- d ontU tl.i-y uiiiiouincl tlicir ititcition to vote for (un-of the tatln-r. of the Ke fui.!.. .ui inrti. II..i.i..- (Jrc.-W-y, aml tliat was trea^ou lu .- n. ii. vi.i .i tii- ro aaeh oM nni wiii known BayaMlraaa aa Oaoatn M. De___8i rwa of Th* Stektttir bb), Mituii ba, iii'v.-.-m-i, ao i t; iiiiiui, wbon tbo Qraal uw n Burtog tlu : erla one bf tlitir <-li.i.v, mul wbo in H|>ok. ti ol a i . atatlre m ? ? - Hal Bo_ .it to ( uK-ic-rl tWO y.-.ire ig0 ti. paaed to _ Mur.iliy mlelB Ibe pai rj ,.ii. u l.o t-.-t to Waahlafttoa ; J" tbera wbo ii.i.-iit In -.. v ? ' - : o;, i i laaUat- tho atroaa la wbtefc 18a tdaataiatratloulsta bave uuini. aba uart in eaottf-l to (Icdarc for tlie I'liiciiiiisitl iiioM I ? In.ill , Cirailt i.-sT, bot tbeii -.i-.u ! ;ii n tb:,t lin it.- is .io ssas t-> rout iti' . i.iiiv ln tli*- f.uMi be 8?da, ba it ii, m tt. p naeeuti bim. I imt .i - ? I ? l' C'.ioll, ; ? ! I.llil I ,1 ll- i'llLlK .llir- ill in.t u traTelioB oier ll ii'iv fawi beaa i bave boob UMBB und taM.t'l mtli t'i'-iii. uw', t xJtuiltii d Um> llala on _rh?8?baTbarc rare-C- IheaBBStraB. InBluto ?ounty tlit-y cltlicr feol their prrfoct abllity to BiicctMtd, ?r at liBRt to greatly out down Orant'sia?Jorlty,but tliry ?re afrgd f,.>u)cl>ody elf-s won'l doaswell. TaRf? th*. IITlb OlHiaioaa l'i-til'-t, for iuBtanoo, Mlicrc tlu- ( ai. AMataa ure wm, M. wiiitc, Llbatal BepatbUoaB, atui Wra, II. LatniKirt, Adtiiiu.stratlou. Tlie BapabUeailfl aay that tlita eaa~b_ 9bOW9 tlo-ir htr. i.j-'th to be GOO ln Outario County, tlu- BB-BM m Vatcf, nml WO in Livtn>{ tioll_ | . n that if th. i). ii oarata IK.11 bb large a vote as they did two yeara tdjt, Whtta i aa ted, 1hi.ii?4!i th" cmta-t viill b imt what ?re they doiiif.' in tbe WcxU-rn Oaast?a I ' "SVlint ln |ha ii |- "ilosv will Niu-Voik I'itycot" "' catry the BtataI" Baaa M'ci.a thc that a:i_iotisly put to me at < iin All that ia n< > il'd is a ltttle cncourai.-' in m, n?b as the BB there on Friday pavo them, or such aa f avor able from othtr parts of tlin Btata willbalaf, The eame l? true here in Iiocucstcr. Thero are cnougn i :.-toKWi-.-_i the county, and roll np a majority 1 ira;o enotigh to earry the l oiitfreiis Dia trut ai;ai'i-t Ciarke.lf an averui_e iHiinocratlc vote i? Baaarad. I8a laeal nouilnatlons, bb far aa made, are all a-ood, iii.'i the li.-iniiiiicaiiB coinu out in iricat nombera to berever tn.-y co. Tbe eaill for the Llberal ratlflcatlon meetlng here last Baamei by 880 BepubUeaai ln tbla (Mottroe) tOtmnty and Ib OrloanB. Wobody doabta that the LdberaJ Beaab lii ui rtrcuis'th ii at l.:i-t twitt that. aiut tbe COBclosloB to which these fl|f'ireB point Is'that tho LiiK-ral- here ha\.- thc r.-suit iu tbell I flnd that defaat ln I ? has a ingcffect uiKin the Reform party bere than I irt city and ln Pblladelphia and Waa_ TheOraot men bava ?ery llttle to aay abont lt A i. \. ol thi ir iih ' maaai. _iMv. ittlo Ib tba way of rejoieinir oti raiiftv ( l. ction. I haseuot ht-ard that a irun ha? bct-r. Urc_ (.i a in.-ctinK hei'l ii. WeaterB Kaw-Yorb Ib boaor i f Iba ni-wK (itl..-r from IVnnrt or 6 The tiuth ie tho maj'.rlty ? tbo ?oyatose 8 ate ?.in too . bb tbe most Bra bellever lo tba poiity aml honcrty of tba AdmlBlatl-tloB party. lt h;i~ raanad ti.o eyt-e of sonio of theiu, aud I doubt If it has MifTened tho batk of a Blngle R( publican votcr. The bbhio i? true ca BBatb ua. Ihe - 11.1111B all through llne Bectiou w?-it- tarrlbljr bitter aijainnt Moaei aad a.l inn crew last Bammer, when it was aui.j.o.-r-i! tbal tbtw would jom tbe Llberal ,'?rty, and an-, tberafora, foree_ to aay aa llttle aa poaalble about lt now that M..m-h baa l??eu eleetod i.> tl -ii. at leaat, ol <i.-n. Orant. Tbe obIv claM of voteiH on tilumi IIh-m- elicilons have miiih effect eompnBea ~bat are known aa tlie " Boalera" ?un i _-laD<e to party la uot very atrun., and wi.o al-aya mm to ba oa thc wiumuK 8?Ie. Tba Admla latric t!,,it thc Oeio - I tbe Pi aud tl.Ua Bl oi.AM.i; oouan UBEKAl. A LAK/,K MKETINO AT MuNKuK. go th* Editor of Th* Tribune. Snt: Thc libaral Kcpnblicans and Demo $ craU of thia placa-t'ld larue aml enlliuelaetk- u.ectin#:a on Saturday afOruoou and oveninir. Tbe towu waa I allve with aialtore from tbe aurroundinB country, and, aithouifh thc weathcr waa threateumif, a lonjf proc. jiion of men on foot and ladiea In earrfagea waa formed aud tuanhed ta Tiii_tr'e Ptalioa, alxiut twomileadla tant, to rt-celve tht apeakera of the day. When the pro . coaaion returued. Ihe crowd Katheied opjioaite Bertholf'a i Hall, wbora a plalfortu bud been erex-ted aud evcrythiiiK ? made ready foi the tueetiu*. On luotkm of Anniaa IluUe, \ CharleB A. LaoioBt waa choscn Chairuiau, and onaakiuit |_laa**t waa recelred wlth paaaaajai applauae. Aaasoou ?a oi_er va. 89888984 the CkBBI?88 iiudr inarka, diuiun which he czprocaed hii ei.rjuiae at txv4vK * eo many Iiiberala preaeut, after all uf theiu had bem. l~-rM>d ouly tho DiBbt l^fore by a (irant orator at' Turiier'* Stntiou. Thc other 049-018 of tba BoetiBI wero thi-u ctuMM-n, and the Iion. H. H. Cci, thc flr?t ajH-aker, Intfoduit-d. Mr. lox'a ariruuieiita ncre ro p.nntcd and .rouviucioc that a Methodlat Mluiatei of Monroe, a lead ltig (irant mau, lutiiil 4tod that a few tuore aurh aj^echcH would cauae bim to l'ornake Orant. The next apoabor waa (.'4)1. Baulaoiln A. VVillia, who was followed \<y tlie U'ju <;. U. winiteld. U4?th of thestt ^utleinen tuade ?ale a?d iubtttt**-_ ?*^t%B^ ?0 V*" Jea.>*j.t_? -a ?. iii ! aitjr.rtni to mCCI BI TtS-in iwruiwii w - . ?? rVcalled ao loudlt t ? i ?e f. naoter. t on-doratorof Ne- iaJn_awwaa tn Introduce - m, who epolte Hlt '"_? ''" uioiiienl ...fiu which t.-m.w.I i ih|mt.-4-i1. At T?0 oe liall waaxlilU-il vttli l.t-ll.-rtitiitl i:?-l.ll.;iai?-ri.i4ii?l I ' n MOtlOg -Mopem .1 l.v Mr. linni.'i'. who i? Id tbe attontloo of the aud.:... a. me tlme by bia earnfal woi.ik atid BtBtementof undentable facta gotnguletww tho nma ri.v.if a cbaarjo In out Oovernmcnt. Bttalg it ..u 1* > - wbohnard bia ?ieceh wrrr ao p oated ,v '."',r' t!,-\ would . ial ti, irTOtea Foi t!i<- Wboraltloact ii. _i month. Tbe nexl apeaJi rwaa the Bou. Martin Larkof VVlaconalo. wboae dLact??on ot tba rjr*6n" ,," re loudlyand froqufntlyapplaodt-. !!?? BtMU nitb.the m. ? I -,U( ?' K.....I (or tl..' i.'.Hi.l I'.utff v.iiM.luiii' liy tl.e Bin-keii. M<ms^,Orma*Oo.,Jt. >.. <?.t. _i. i? v_. Oaaai BEFOKM KAl.l.ns. U] h:\i.i 51 in n ui- . 01 To the W4iff "f Tk* Tribune. ? Tl.e Lilxral iinttin-: haM lant iiight waa rt gtead aaeeaaa*aJaheagfe ii"* wcathcrwaH vcry Moiuiy. 1_M Oaart?OOOa wufl cruwilril, nnd Uie andl h appareat aat__aettaa it<? <;eo. W. . who ajM he for ncurly thrre lionrB. Ihe ifoplc ... ?,,f ia tha aareeed i.y raaooa of tha resultaof tin Octobor etectlona, wliicb aeem ratbei to ladetbem niorc earoest and dotert-lae- ln their . i. 9, tb the .i 11 ' l'-'.'I : . irii( .t InlKir we cii't clc< t citi w?n i . wbo ih _ ?.. ? prouounc-d > ..i; m.n. vbiitBi-u.iiiii'kriiK.kluat liitu. Liumial. X?_r,,.V. .V. 1.. Oet li, I TH . ONKIDA Oil'NTT LIIUXAL.. To the __8for of The TriOuue. Buti ii(iui) tliat Mr. Grabrga W. __laaar_B aiiiioiini'i'ii to apeah at liheral aaautlaaa la Laa aal ri.tiikim CiuinticH .'uiiiiK tlie eeaatagweoh, aadaa i arin prore ol aa aaaeh eerrke lo lha eaaaa thaaa, aa ba 11 la thia i-??a_) an.l othai eaaaUaa ttelaa tiK? caaapa ko. Be aa to epeel al fletl Leydea, aa lat nrday, . tn 181*8 appointment at Boonville In tbe aiternoon, Im Miofzalek nnd ana .itti ml tin-liintiiil,'. 'J'ln ? (. a ._i.t ln. li :il-(i 1.' at the aame tlme. addreaacd by the Hoir. ElUa ll. Bob erte of Urtca, and tboae wbo rlaited both moetl aert tbat tbat of the Libernla waa tbe largeal and eathualaatio. Mr. I and waa followed by Jobn Beymour (tbe Govi brother), .'Jr. Bisiey ol l um, and Jndao Beartlali _ ( iiiitinui'd nntil ali.r il.uli, und thc audlcui'O M . in..! lotb lodlarx rae otoo at that late hour. w. L*mV9ilU, A\ )., Oet .1.1BT2. UIE UBI???8 OF BTAFFUK-BB- rw.U. To the Editor of The Tr%ouue. Sik: The Libexala oi tlda town and viiin'ty lu-id u graaa aaaaa ta** Uaa in uoring Ball <?n Batantay, in eayapartooa aith v.iii ii the Qraat meottad al week befon laat waa aa taelgaMxaaal aihtr. Thc haOi af toMtaa aheal iaa petaot_*waa aaei>w-octa U~ liii.'d, aad aa oetBoee aaeea?a atteaded bjal leaat i..'.w peopto, aaa wiaalaiBl At 7:30 in tha afealagi four _Wfa WBgQBB. f*f*ttr<'tf-rT - *alaga*.na from l'uii-h . arriM'd, aad wera grool d altha dloptay of tiro tad tbe Brlog of eannoa. Tbe meetloata the , .t t.. oraer by J.>tm DnboU, who nonjlnatod Eilaa Brown aa Ubainoan. Mr. Brown, efter maklaa a lea reuiarka, Introdnoe- tbe Hon. .1. O. Whltehotuo, oor Mr. Whitebooae ??i",'i" for . two liiiiirn, deliveTing nn ableapeeeh, wblcb re cejvi d the i - and bearty appl-nae ol Iiih Budienre. The outdoor meetlng waa i_iueaaed by tbe Jamea A. Boward of FougbkeepBie. Atter tbe portion cf f!ti> au Hiliuanii-il io the < lub room, wbere b hiiihi.hii iu rep .-t ... Thia im efiug brougbl out ni arly tire i.ii.ii.ii Btrength of tbia \>. and tbera i? nofearbui wbatD laatywMI glve a LlberaJ ^ in N..v. ruiier. o a. w. WappUtger't i ?'????. ?"?? T.,Oet 14,191*. FOMM1GN NBWB. QBEAT HKIIAIN. At-. iciat at a (tacPB -itanta i>r-APTr.ns? ,-. .i! BI < H'lKHTlY IM I HIIN i iii: UKiTBD BTAT-- UKD ( ANADA DIBOI BBI B. l.dMK.s-, Mniidiiy, Oet. -1, tai Tlie f.'iil:ciy of n I'irciiM at Slirllicl'l frave way iwtii.r aaaa wita _aniiioiaaa,aaa aaaaaaeaaji ? ? ' ihatta .. t t.v lha aecadeat aad tatl aaaaa. Tl)0 . . tvl.tlo otT thnt pnrt. ran el aad tt m Oettt oberg. iad nink in ;i t( w laeoaaata aftt i taa ., uud etgbl of i.i i < i' a tMii- iin." ? Tbeatoa-oei Batarla, whlle aa reata hreaa_0-t_irell f.u tbe livci- liinii", caaM la eatHaaaa \\itii au aaltaowa m -. 1, and M'iin BOriTioiiMiy ln.inrcd thal lha aaoa B-tOI riu.ic. ai; cii beaid aen aan d exa pt taa peraoaax wbo ,.'.wi with tbe Bteaaaer. . | the righi -.' for tranarr'T-4"" abroad thn turh tae maUa ta Mr. Urad Uagb'aJ-??aL ?iUi | uol ti -? tm. i i .in Katlonal r< ard "f Tl-de t" prw ' !_?t-e wiiii C_aa_a*a* ??? _- ;i,c optawa that thaauacCiaaof tl.e 'i reaty ol Waahla^OB ti:tH \mi tfl VUq B1 Baa. Kl-ANCE. fWM TO KII.1 VArAHriES IN TIIF. NAllnWL A--I HBLTi I'aiiib, Mdtiday, Oet il. 1171. Tiir> rotnrriB from Aigdria aad thc eleetloaa, -eataadaa, to nn thc Mnaiiiy in tha Vatloaal Aaaa_Bhly are r*ty in rotnirictp. laaeethathaTeboea reeeltadahowthal M. cri'iiiicuT. is ahead el all a_hea i aadtaatea Xhe radical caiididatcr lias. !?(?? B atoeted in Ihe dciaili-. Btaef Cal vudos and IndrtMst-Lolrc. -? POBTl OAL, MOT____rra of the amntioaa rua t. Lnaoa, Moadaj, Oet -i, lara. The Aimiicaii llc<i sailtd lo-ilay for (adiz. Thc Kin? and Queen vialted the Bool oa Batardef and lunched ou board tha Bat-ilp. (>n Baaday Admirai Aldeii and tho Captains of tlie BfaadroB dlaed at the pahMO, and were niott (..idially cutcrtaincd by the Klng und aieeahen of thc royal faaally. SPAIN. noi'T in ran nrai boi btb. BUBBIB, Moiiday, Ort. .1, 1872. The insiiipiiits who BBI-tpad from FerJTol ltod ln all dlrcotioua. They wero pnranrd l>y tlie troops aad atiuiit ?.00 were cai.tnrcd tiltliont tlu* theddlngO. Idood, .tr they off. red no furtlicr rieictuucc. Tlio ietualnder have Ulsappeared in the inonntalnc ruiu-urr Of BIVKB lUUT-B. Aliont 1 a. m., ytrtttnlay, tlie canal hont Ii. ;inau, lying at the foot of Nurtii B^hthot., isrook lyn, e. i)., waa boexded i^y itfaf xa_rfaa*who foroetf ojii u tha forwurd hafcli nnd etole t-00 worth of new rope' ir.itn tlie hold. Janicu MiCouib, t'at.tuni. who was rleep lug ln thc inl.iii, was uMakcucd by tho aataa made by the thleves, aud aaw two nien rowlng away towaai HewYorh in a Binall boat. IIe luimediatcly aaaaaa 1 the rJveron a Hoti8ton-?t. fcrry lioat and Informed the po llce alotie; the water front. A bearily-laden boat with twaaaaa.waa cikhi aaaa apiiroachinif the d..c_ nt tbe foot i.f ltiviiifc-int,et. tm reaehlag tbe dock, the two iiuii (iiilfkly truunf' ROd thc ' argn from their boat to the canal boat John t luik tttrtiii. The ulilcerT>, on ntteuuDt ing To board tha aaaal b .it, arerc aieeoTered by tbe tlncvcH, who rowtd rapidly away, bnt were flred nt fonr tiiiica by the oflBcera. The abota am bellered to have lf! i tlve, one ol tbe fiiatitivon baT-ngotied onl tbat hc waa r-hot. Pobeefrnritl], theidentlcai miM. atolen waa found ou the laat uame.i i B?al-boat, tagetbei altl miie and a haui, aupiKircd aUo to liate I.t. n atolOO by the BBine incii. Elijah K. Wiclta, gipuin of the boat, waa arrtbted on auapicioii of eaaopBl ity With tho tblevea. O'BltlKN'S nitlTAL rUOTEUE BAILED. A fourth mcdical consultation waa held, yea terday noon, aa to tbe coudltlon of Lottie IHtaiit..n, ao bruUlly asBaulted.'on the nlnht of Oet. 10, by Joaeph IicmjiM-y, the polltie_,l protege of Hcnatur Jamea O'llneti, and t_ < l.rk of the lioard of AaaUtiiiit Alder u>en. At the clnse of the oouaoltation, I'ruf. Wood, Polii* Bttrireon Btoelc, and I>r. Wynkoop, the atl. n.llng pli>ri<lau,aia;ued thc f-llowliig t-autlously wordid oer^ ttBaatat "We the nrnif-raignr-il, tibjalrtana, havlne aeeii Miaa I?ttie Htnnton, from tlmo t/i Uiue.Blnee the neetptaf her lnjuriea. have noI, untll now, dooraed itpiiideatto wrtifV tliat ihe waa not ln danirer 0f loaing her lllefrom aaid fnJuriM. We are Rovenird entlrely by the a> mp toiua of our patlent, and, to-tlay. feel warrantcd ln granV lng a certlflcato, tbat, unles* aouie unforeatH-u cirriun atani-fm alioiild arlKc, ulic la iu uo danger of loaLiig htr Uie Iroui thc injui i.'i rccelved." Dr. Marsh, Iieputy Corouer, concurred ln th* opinion. lJie certiflcate waa lmuudlately predciited to Coroner Youux, who had poaltlvely refuaed to aduiit i>c_upaey to tiaif untll phyaUlana abould declare hla vlctlin beyoad dauiref of death from her liijuriea. On reteivlng tbe aertirleato the Coroner dlreettvl 1'olioe Capt. Ilyraea to l#he Utwp**y trvw (he * f/tt-oth |>re?iact ItaUea te thc i"(irrnirr-' <l1ir~,nt the City Hall, wbere tbO prlaone. whb mliniite.i to ball In$8,000,David J. I>aly of 1 are. ai tt Thlrty tbirri-at., aod Bryan McKmncy "f ao.' ? Park-Te. beeominji boadaraen. Tne aomaa,lj i ?ni uot (iniy Broaaeate bla ei?iteally. viill entcr a clsil ault aaatast bim for dsmairea, i lalu u a in.-.- miiii. J'.hn Joaea, iba fugltlve eompaBioo ol oy, is atin ut larm.aad ao elao la I? araaaa about.. bcciiiR to have liccti UBOfJ I MOBB BDiQ INDICTME&TS. JOBM l?. PALOOBBB To BB PM ENTBD BOH 1 0BO1 'il -I.i .si-.U.s OI 'I ni- PBJ ?E>? i ?' 08 M'KION, OO-CA-T, AM> I\ .1 i.-oli.?11" .11 KY Tl) AI'.K'lliS IO-1'AV. I_e Graad Jaiy of tha Ojtat and Ti rdbIbi r wiii coine mto r.uirt thl.s nion.liiy. 1" fore Jadga I wlth a frrrh hati li of lndictincute, aud will then, ln all prohahiiity,he dta ii:ui,"i. Ika Qaaaral Beaetopa Gras l Jury wm adjouriie 1 i.m I ui.til m nu rriiw, as lt roi.l'1 i Bl takeactionon matlers whldi had BOl B88B8988981011 hcfiin- a I'clii 9 inapur.iie w. lill. the Oyi r und Terndner Jury was alttlriK. It was uuder.tood yeaterdly tk8l niany iiiifliil-.hcil BaSBB mtkkft tho, over and Tenn'm r Ciraud Jury will Imj taken up hy tho Kesalous Jury and Licu^lit toacliise. AinoiiK thew are the ccvcral indi. t un nt? Bgataal Ika _?a a_aai wim i eaattaed ikeeltyte pay for Oariaj-woako?tkali patfala kaaaaa 01 theao tiuetita I'.v'iin in ti.i- c.vcr umi XBralaar rt laaaM IBal .mly two were, tmtttm tl?Ik989 B8a__ Cninaii and | I in.-:? iiacr i.laatcrln(tdone nnd fiiniiturc mpplfcd to the of $18,noo, whlch ka kaa aaid 18b Btata tka Haa waa bcakaa ap, but . the ( ty had also paid for. Tlu- nUBCf that tWO ii.illi tinciitf. had I"cii c n.I'!' tc waa vcry liidelliutc, and i i not ftilly croditid. lt ecitaiuly could uot Ul cM.-bo rated i.v twiu nk laperteea. In fact, lt waa not poattlt-ly aaflBtlalaafl that moro tiiun one lniiirtuii nt bad baaa loead Baaa Ikaaa bbb* mltii .1 i-Raitiet It'ill and Tweed lt la ayraln-t J"lm IX rahmicr, farftargar?, aad k I aaad an tka foUowlai pflnaai FB-eoaei traaaaagaataad aaal <-f lafeiaaU, and on one ocraHion, th. laiti 1 was irn-atly m no d of inoney, hc i(,]itlr. d FalcuT to make 881 B faise h.l! for $20,(M). It was for work lirvirdonc, nnd in the BBBM , nc ,\, iicath. Xk_saaawaea& ta-tanata frtend of lafanall, und tka -Bttet 1811 Ikal etrea If tka CabM UU Fhniiid escr ka> paktta. hia Mead waaM aaf aothlag aboat i*. rairamr Ikirnrfitri BBkiaHBllBBlr did laaaraall. blridlac bhmh aal the l.iii in Ub own haadWlttlBg. fM the, fr.uu sV.its.m, wrote Bajcaaa k. Baatk'a i - ir. ,lr,'w tke BBoaoj und ?*vn Ittal Irkta tke aaeaaata weropabliabed Beatk aaa hia aaaaa pataatraf?'tke am mt uaitied, exatulned tiio warrant, and, ou balaa ?at_u__oaed baforatkafaaaaaaaa9l__a Jll,.v ''?' '?? *i hiviin-that it maa lerpiy. HaaiaaoltkaBkaaw-rka had forpd the 88888, B_ BBkOOqaOBtly 1( artilni. tho fin ta, be laak ateps la ptaaai ata Ika a-fcaaar. logereo byaraty bmbbb la bla powe* aaaajkt lakeapHeatk o'liict, and hist weck a f.i! e tMktm _ fraud 8-1 B98-9 a; niiiM B< atk, it i? mM at -Bganoll. aagip i?aa, and ka WM iiiK-ted ln otd' i tO k. .p lili.i :.t\..% H.-m tka OHUBd Jury loci-.. But hcappeaitd. und, wnh llvc . awaai thut thc ?If-'1"- aaa Raraea, aad aatabllaki d, hy one T.ho k-WW the (in miirt::i;i-.-s of the fori.'.-rv, that i alaai er vaa Hm _9_ aka aad aaaaBilltad Ika erlaaa. Raikiaf eoald i* deflaltery laaraad eoaaaralag Ika rniDcrr of thc aHaraoofl Bawapapara, Ikal Vortaa and VTalak iad baaa la_ate& ntjarafcaUaradtaka aa true. The ran.. Ishaid of tka nnimr r- :.i o'llilen. Xfca 1 - M.t r'.oswi for M iiionnw. li . :, BUIkarra. aa Bata*day,kalll_i net psobabla that ka will t vi'car for tiial. WCliaui M. Twead haa imt yet made his u\,\i irai . .ni.d lt i~ ii"t at B_ ptObabk ba v. ill i.i'irn. Tl.i !'? i-ti"'iU'i-tii'll that JudK"", I'.arr. tt, and LoOBBf-WOald r. fu-c t.. ti.k.- I.ail, nnd Imwuvr wlllinir, Ii'!il'i WOald t.ot scturo to ehow bim bo liiuih fa\i.r. Ko if Taraai rataraa ..ow ll w ni ba eni.v to i;.. to pdaoa-i und Lo aaald aataralti c" firtopiaj the ti.K' tkaa to paaa aWlatar aad Baaa nier iii th'. T.n.h-, h.r 11 will takl L?lj that time ta tiv ladaa Biaap aiiaaaafBd, raatardajr, ta tka Over and Termtnrr, that cii Weda. -h.y BBOtaiag h" Wcdll ' tbeJariadktioB ol tke Coarl la ny tke __ataaaal I. und , ...rt wm. m. Tw" .1. Tke c. un tkaa BBtU IkM niornintf. Olilll l/.i. *? TT.i: i::.v. jr\v i mi i:i r. h'ai iuone. Tbc i;<v. J.-iii Jinii Iferle D'AuinciH', tlie ..!.: i,i> paaterday ba Oaaaa^ II. was imru iu Ikal city Anj{. 10,1791, ?*nd ? !< d Irotu it fuiiilly who were drtveu fiom 1 ran. I II i: of th- iMi-t of Baak -? Be aae i da ? :c.e Inwii, iitid after hia t-o!le_-iatc I tt;, re b t" attoad tbi la. taa - af '-? I. I. .1 tke ' raaat 111 Bl ii.lni-tiy, and waa for rof a i .? in i. ekaiak at Baai_e-_r, a\..|,le ' oillt (.1. BClkOC ef t-M of'.. In I ? ?? B tafBM d to t. _nd wln ii tho I.tatir-Ii.-al Boolaty of that <ity fouiuh d tbelr tkaotoajleal aekoal ka waaapaoJatod ta> the (iu,. il.. ? i toiy. Be arate tkete bla aaak, tka " Blatoap <?' Ika Bofoaaaatloa of tka rjix tccnth Cciitiirs-," of which lhrec (iliti'.us have I... _., i , lL , ,. i ?_.-? bm ? - j-.- laaaedoftki Banttak traaa lattoB. Bawaa alootba aatbor al aavaaala9karaBBika> ,.? indluB ' i;.. ? :;.ciions of a Bwlaa -_lBla9arw aad aa tOf Cioinss. U'r I'rott teia'c In hl-i l.tat lieit to i he was prc.-.-r'.??! with the frccdoui of thc ' Cttinburis'h. M. M. t D'Aul.iKiie waa u man of eaUargad aad llkaial rlowa, aad ettaead la bla arttta#i a ? uiic -a wiih a atraai adkaraaea toth. i'iotaaaal taitk. Ba-aaada ktatodeal rea vriiji^i I .\ in; iicvutc i ini'i.itkaa?' t_. 11, j : ? ./ tke Rafai ?tBtloa alaai. JOHN P. B?AI 1 . johu P i'.r.'icc, om joi tha oldcal aad ,...,,,, oi t i.iiii. . -t.i.ut, d.c.l in I.:lclill. ld ..ii the isih llc was Hist 1888881 "f t-M I A;-a.!. - i ' * Ml'lili. ld. v. lu. ka leadmir I dm atmi. il in-tilutloii fot loiini; I - Bac_ad, ii "'? r ,:''' wpaiiataadaaae af tka Miaacs : ].. becaaae PHai . ,.,, r_j ; ,,;,- BaailaaiTi arlilok, aaaai I ,y c. d Iu tlie??: twu , kMtjma Mi B i aaaaj ftmag ladlaa wka kaa. since Iihibbbu leafllBB waaina la aanlBtr rkmlttitT tt Utea ?.,.. ihe laad i a_aaa theai _ra. EL I . i Bri, Cyrae W. Ptold, Mrs | k, Mra, ini ea of Brook ' infcaO 0. B.'- Blfl B Van LOBIM p Ol II 'I'lfofl. tka ai '; -,. , f tka i ? w ? reaary af tke ,:i, and n-.iii. roui otki n a h" bai u ?? bi bai Ib Um Oalti d Btal ii.ti.ii nti.ii at. i lnt' '.i ;? tu | (iicntiy tu ii. Br. Piaea ai b w d l toriai prof. -??< ?'. aad aai rae i aaaak i af | Barel I c. iraai .'?. tlfartoaa, Btaad thol' n.-hiy ln t-M ? ? md eoald h ',y one witb boiior. n fc,,i i.. :? in biatorj i ' B-IbbI ?? Ia tjt kl had i ? .1 cl I and Ma ratuaMe ? ,. i_- ripb.... ra and . ie ..... aii i-lai . hta -T?ai .. I. ni bi i ? ? re lu tbe . ? L'llkllvW.I, lllll III"-! Uicllll, li' .ll (.1 !? Ibe i .k ,! e-iiir l.lll ': '4 d, 'I .,.,, ,,, r \i. ? ii - of i...- ?ll.p ?? Innar. , ? , whu i;i , ^ .| ? tbe t' .. i. i." I!- tl n W> I al - "1-"' ?- '?? '? > i i ? ? ? . Stape li-ft' 1.4-Liud u ai vtci-c Vs.'l. " ','",' ',,. ' -tllll.l "I ? AirjiiKAi. (ocna s'-c. Bir T. ./. <c. lir.nic, A'liHiial oi tba l I. ? Ba BBBB u hoii d Ika . .fhth B irl of I?audoii:ild, aud w?i t"?ru ln PR__IIDB_rr ORANT IH THIB CITT. rrcsiilcnt Orant, Iba. Orant, and -BMtatat JJenry WUaoo arrlvad lu l?? ai-ft yeatirday. andal.ahttd at tbe Ftftb Araaaa Ho?el. Tbe Prealdent aad Mra. Oraat hare cemt to reeolw*) tbelr daacbtar, wbuao ar rival from Rnflaod ia Ue Cnuard ateauar Botla w honrly eipectad. The Pr??deat and Bnuator Wllaou lioth vlalted the (irant beadQiiartera duruiB Bbe d..v, und receired at t_e JUotcl a large uumbtr of oflica. boldt ra and 09881 BNGLAND'8 IHISII BTJBJEOTS. Jami:s am liow n:oi'i)F;sTiiii,r) i.r.cni;.:. ki.miw <'i' CnOMWBIX- ntij-ii POUCX AlTi'it ran ki l'.ri.i.K.N op i(!4i?i iik aionific-xcn n raai dom op i i'^1 ibbcb ta an A(.r. op RiLiaioua WA-ta?apiBiT <'i'' ran p-_bal lawbj avd ran <?nbbqirnacna oi ranin I.M OKCK.MI.NT. Ifr. Fidtidc, tlie EagUab MatoriaB, deliverrd lha Ihird leetare af hi" aoa-W aa "Tha Bahttaaa it Bagl iad aad Irelaad " al Aaaa lattea Hall, Btteattre aadleaee. Ihe greeter i ai t ..f bia io_bbi_i aU ba toaad below: Laan c an.. tn ru Haa i M ? ? dwttb .1,; ..i tha i_e, u<- aaaa iaei , aad lha eol i the iricai Lrtaa i;. tn r.i.m of i.;ii. it aoaaaa bo a Witb iu. >ai re, and It cndcd in riiln. f-t BB_ ycare tlio lri-h iiaden beld lhadaatlatfaal tiuir aeaattp la ihi .r awahaada Iheee wero peane* aaarohp aadarataal .? i. a t -tii<>f lha jii?i'iii.itiuu pertahed la lha i/,,.,i |. '.in haevfeet xtaahrlag feUaaaa ,'iy, thi-ir airaaaadllttlaoaaa Had abeea aaBataed by an houcst daaarauaa tloa t.i i-e fr e, had the tt_B aatlea been par-j lag lha li Inthal ftir.ia..'cf cal.niiity, whcii the eloinlfl cleared olT badthaae beea eeea a Bhatatai peofle ataadlagenel iii'.ld UM IWhM ?f BM_ Imin."-, thc i.ine would not haaa aaaa teeaahaB txYthe^eaaa-?aa of ono aaaaa ftrea eeaaaaaaaaxahaaaaag ,!|" aaaaa- af the aarid. The rrartalaroaaoaafaf daawaal aaaa-ata. Iialaad, with lUehJeta aad 11* ata-ea, Ma patrlaMo hataea and it? i vote. i. laj ii _raa al Ihe icet af ufewtii '; i'liritaria. Wiitt was to be dot.e with ltl I BO juii, gaa?eeaaa, altb aa aapi rteaae el taa eeaaartee of prograaa nnd aaUghtt i bbobI to gaide eaew, what wi aid y.iu bara aaiCfeeeawell -oi Willroe aapthatheahoald bara piaolahaad a aatvai al aa_aeatjraad kaTebiddea tba in h apea thaa ewa daadayl Tbep aeald bara rotedbj *_enaoaeBBBjei_iee ior Ikeetdeetathey hadaoa-htaad lailed i.. Bata by anaa. Ibepweald utiii Beoteh eoaaatata t<. bara - away aud lo bave left 1. le bei oa a p* ple. a paaaoe of rei.ioious w-aa, XbeSagtkb. roaaaayeay,hadao baataaaa there. it ?waa ton i; tc ta i ataa aaaaaaaa of timt htad. iialaad had tenaed partef tha deaalaleaa of Bagland. i wiii not v. u aad .. me aheat lagtead UO peBi- befora bai ehebea <ff the 1-pal aathorttp. Tho Popea had lened war apea lha_ dereted aabjec?, aa lhar/ were I ia i .ai aii I'l'.itcrtniit Btatea Ihey h:.d aaed the II Dfdl of BP-ta and An-lria to fcrrc tltetii btu'k ilitonib. B, uiiil tha icck of Hlniii;ht< r.d itien had pnue up lu.tii baadiedaal battw-u-ida. it had plaaaad Iialaad ln thu war to talio tho Itaiian t-idc. Hhe had made 1k r BiOTtaeaa for teal-IIM tho theater of l:i-uir.'. ti"ii. Had i-he miicccdcd iu estab UahlDg bei ii.dip., Hhe tM.iilil have nt lll been a thora m Baa_-d*a Bie. Had EMaabotb laat bertober n ir, it aa* Id havc bei a bal for the itaaaeb aaa Bpea laitl4 tu n.ii.eiii; nnd cIom d aroutid with hoatllc anaa, and with bOBtlhl iKitmns on cithcr Mde of her, Kugl.ui.l, ni.d tba eaaae for whirh BaaJaad was jgbtlaa,waald have corr.e to an iuirlorl.nts i nd. It. miM not be, aud . lolatk ii on"' fomed tliat Irelaad, ahetbei abe Wi nltl M n.'t. fuu.-t k inain atl.u Iii il tu Bogl-ad, and lha i tatteaedaaeatetaaaeeatty. tfeaaartleokal . as uicti, nnd not as dieaiiici- BBdaata?> What W?a fi'-mwill t<> del I will f-ll yon what he Bdpeaehall yadgefba yoaraell ahafherhedklxxl. ema-ded ttberlp_? eaaaataaee. MIa_ii_ w,ti, aa i . i.ii.c," tha i^m Pioteetor aaaaeieii "bal if you m.aii byhbertyol eoaa . to ha\.' ihe Tni.rM. that wiii not boaalbaad ahate ,,.i.i,. ut of Baglaad baa pewae," " Heaa-reaal" jou may bity. W* B. Kcutl. incn, I aui>pose lt will I Inraaeaa attai nmno commonplaeeB on the beantlcH of ? of conacienec. jpaablaa baw in thiaplaee, he* tore the freeet paapla la tho worid, and siic-kinjrof u aahjeel aa whteb tha Ba a are aaereaaaattlTa thKi) perhepa aa aay othot xa_jeet,al lhlat_aa i ultt.r ra 1 deaoaaee i man iikc (ruuiwc'.i i rntiBt bo aaa yi.u or i aeald bave aaaai aiora , .,r j.-. mnaiBl v mid. r lh. ? lattie i ir. ttiti -: ;.n. e-. ?ji,,.'. iii.w it.tstuc aeated rtteeCaa whith Ib one (.f mai y BaadOO, and one ..f thc i_V -t, nd iu aaaaa reepoeta lha aaaal beaattfal uwies, af eraa> ablptag our eeoaaaea Mahar. it baa borraaod aaa |,n. lou-!? w 1 fi'i'i "" eotonet of its adveraary, for it baa l'-nruci to reepeot tjn. righta al eeaaeteaee la a*_era, im.l in lcariiing that it han patted altb th - i,...i,t wiii.:h i:.adc u aa ahjael pf draadteether* Ia Itaalfthe OataaUa ataed bal aaa .... m thahelletel Ol tho nobleal :ncu who havo doue honor to hu crto\, ?. , : '- i OU i "i ti.'ml BattMala aettha aaaad ableh Crvaaaal] refaeedta tultrala Tue Baaaa, aa ba kaew it, aaa a lyaten wbteh, wii.i'N.r it had pewer, aaa al thal aao-aenl pa-tahlag hy awoed nnd i.y Ite arerp de-latlea beaa iti -a ii tadiuaaoea U bad aaada Oet?auare ebatael hotibe; iiciudit bad ptaaaed lat.latterahlowe. IwQIaol nronounco wl i tuwell did linht or ,n -i Bnow, tbat if weor our fatbera bad been atniK Blina In a deatb wreatle for a centorj altb au< i. a aplrti, we abould nol ) eairate, if the chanoe waa in our pow< r, to atop thefountatafrom which tboae wateraof txitter , re Itowiug [Applauae.] Had Cromweli'i ,[ ireland i.n P iraovered In aa a a bole, i beli ve i abould nol be bere addreaalng yon on any o.ue itiii.ri-i.i-- between _na_?d atid Ireland. we bad luiiiinl .i deaigu for tbe paclfleatlou of tbat t-ountry which would hu ?? made foture trouble there Impoaaible, Tbe Olater aettlcni wbo bad beea drtren out on tlu flral rtalng, and all other Engliab aud LriAb i anera whe badatood by tbe Enirllab Patliament throuen war "-r. replaeadtn theireatatea, All the otber IrLah I, dhcldera had been enguged In tbo war agalnat i-.u and the la__e ot theae were deelared cuuttacated, Ibebonesl p. a-.mtiv who poancseed any roal right in Lheir farma by narlng perfornxed boneat la i.,,r .itMiiiy were wtotected, aubjocl only t.. tn. ,,,.'ii,,ii to i?e obedlent t? Ihe aew goveru Irnt noble Lorda and Banttemea whoa v..- fl.hiu.L-. wbo had called theniBelvea Lordi of tbeaoil, aodaa aocb had malntalned tbeuiselvea by ikkii'- iii-iii trv v.r.., by one baae aweep, I'hej were not drlvi d oul of Ireland altcf ? ii without ii.-..i.-.if siijiiMi.t if they eboae to i ,.,tt)ici_ e ? ? four di>iri.'t- ol Ireland, oni -aaatilJ to be ibeira Thc areat prorlnee ?.f Connaugbl . . ,,irv na i \r!.i-iv. ly their pwu. k* the Saxon i ontiiuaroi. i t Euglaud drove th.- Brltoui Into Wales, ao Cromwell pushed the Bghting Irlahiueu liltii ( iiiiiiaiiirbi. in tin- real ni Ireland ha planted the i__i who bad . oaaeered n. , , Boawi ii. ___._-_>- aaei ntu bs. ]; . . .i aia UM lo hi:.i. ii be i , ,, t ji. baaaa bi I t? auoUit-r Baall wbo aeald ba ready to taha it. Maay Piateetaat taa-r .... i tha laad to i vaaawa ladaetrp ..?r..itii.'_ rehataa waa aaada a leailtp. .1 Qogai u.u-, all aaed, and all ; iii orlngalth thetn their iradea aud i cedlug botUera e.i uuuiu 10 Ii. laud, an.l th. \ L- .1 i U?I Bbtpa and I'.-un I., i ? ! t.iK.n th. i ?? .1. rautuatlc, i.n : ? ' .ii Iu-h iii.l.. ig '!-' pockitta ,, | : . | ., luuuufacturera. ue ^a? i.f Ireland abould ,i partm i lu . l*J ii"- ih tion n,ti ti -i and aeparate patlon a ity oagni t.?te i<> bo end. Ue abellabed ,1,, ' i,i-n r.iii:iu..iii. itii.ind waa locorp luto Eajatid, and made part ol it, and bej lowi .. rt pn ? Wi -iiniii ter. Tbua ol mia. bli t N?,'..t .un "' I ?a new ..ii i v. ii..'. itotb oi eiiergeti- TtuU .,1 lutcd i. i.. i" ?"?'. altb a lull aud fi i-veri iienttli wblcb En?c!and iioB-eBM-d. lioiuwcll bude ln ,.i .i tuui u ireah n.ii lo bartraglcal hlatorj aadent. r . aud proai>erlty, it. , all i , j., lui ot % iow. We niual <? i. um ned i.y wordi tu tbree nwvlnc4_i wblcb were iiuia Ireated bad . a ?.i.i. a. Boga ... re .it..-; du. iling ; i up j flelila * .ir aad pi. i" rtj w i re nt :..i tbi [] h ,..: (..nn. i tUe>.t Ibe i i.uuv i.\,. iide I i alde, eacb addiug t" tbe olher*a v.. i.i,i,u. i ui ( roixii ? ibman, h i ioi n m . ,.h tue ^:i ud tbe ilier tii.t i.ur ra. . baa produi ?-.!. \\-\ , ? i biui t<. ii i\ ? i tUBl li mi ic ., . II, Lui ??? . nd i..iit',1*. ii ? i. ii.-ii. i nt waa ... i i i tin; t id tu . .1 to tbi ir ? . I lllll. V. 1 l n iua u..- iub. b-uietblna ovei one-t-U-tloI tbe Ijiuin waa reatoied. Tue L-unauirhl plan l li lihiucli wme ......... .1 lo r. tut n lo ih. ir l.otii. .. iwo-thirda of tue land waahfi with tbe i iiutiM... i oiil rlvala wei ouce niore li : ll . |.. u, .1 ii llii.ur indfold . ll.. ll -ll J'i.,11 -it ll ip ii.ui li.,. , Ui i .i roti at uui. aaa m . ->..' ' riosi Al ii i: un. iu ROfl kTtoa, The Aacbblahopa aud I diooeaea. To couiitei heleafe tlu iu the Cnti lowed ? i a hi. tar.liy. 'ihe (utl.ulio 1'rl mate waarecelved iu auite at l?ulliii. Eor tue l'rcu.4 tant nv0-43fc?'f-r-_-8l*>. lucuarhiii, thuro a__i uo uieny. iher were Baaaaird to be RepnbllOBDI Init tbon, ware looked apoo Mvenomoua reptlloa. 1 'i jiorthern Preebyti i " Cromw-IUaM w- r, i,.)?c aad alnew of tbe Proteatani kotereat Tboj w '? i?. . ,? i loldlera, ibe beat farax rs, the beatarti a -i nienof bnataeas. Iu a.; mattera, aoculat and ,i they h;id tbe st'-ni reaotation wtalc iii'ahrd Calvanlaro; yet it waa thoagbt wi*- to lot tbo b ibopa peraecute them men. Tbelr cbapels aad achoola wi rc eloaed, their mlnlil ? njolned. mul lt waa a t.irnini: point In tbo hletoiv of tbe oeintrv Thc prcodeataud braveal of thePnrltanoolonlaUaold aii.itu.eiita aod l.adc la land a itern farowoll. Tbey bad Klvcu then-l,|(HHl ill Vlllfl. and ).rh-'sh:.d.(?..m l.ark Bgntu, and with kifir/s and pri. r-U they were tobare ooabldiog place. They turntd ihe tothc.-cnii,--s.iii.and tbe deacendaiita ol tlie , ,.n picr oraof IrelaBd are bow oitli naof tkaUoltadBtaiafai Aiiurici,, [Applanae.] . I was onoe pr.-r.-nt. a f?W y* f-rs a i-, a. a \.-rv extraordlnary ao*_e. it bappeBOd that tnere was aome uu.crtainty a? to where J.m '?? thc rixtn wu* buriol in WestBltnster Abber. TO* DOBB or Werjuiintter, wbo ls mv frtend, bad a om... from tbe Beorotaiy of Htato to scui.h aaaoaa ""? t.'-nis aud dl-cover when- Jaaea'a COflla lav. lt w.ih not thoagbt prudent to conduct eurti un m -eetlgatiae hy davliKiit. It waa done at, and he askcd uie?pcrliaps 000 er two other Kentleue B t" D?a -. We wcni; and tiien , -T flartng torobeo, BmoBB old. dark arcbes. we were probing atnong tb. ot tba greal We looked upon all tbatreui of hlngs aud prloeaaaad warrrora aad itateamea aou prelatee. Wo Mt almost pintv for tho liberty wi takin^ m iiistiirlniiK' their auguat rcpoae. At i i ainc lo ii lotnb where et. lueotly aome great peraon baa ouce l.nii. ai Orat we kaea nol wbal u wa.. or wbo u waa, u wnsthe toiui. of OUtoi Crwawell, l~rd _?_*> teotor Of Ktiglulid. Tlu v had liiiuniiliiiiiil'H li.inli. Tl.ev l.i.d banircd* l.ia bodj OB tlie B^0WSa9 TybnrB.aBd bad poatedbla bead ob tho aphe sterHHll Thev had fliituf our Thu Cromwclilaa-. I he> bad OunaOBt Cmmwell, und tbete was a-ful met'j.iial of wbal hiHK.ns It K-ve iw t-uiigh.a .d better aoiaa attaa d. PA.TIONB (1AIN TUK ABCUUBBBOTi Walt, geatlain. n, ti.e CroeBwalliaaa iu in-landwere Otkor Bakl?kaaaa eaaaa ta Ikolrplaoa ainaay : ?,l,!;,-i.a,:inilsi.e.-ilator8. Tue) I tha i'i"t- ataata aaaofcecke laftarltaiiat BBoeeaMadtke .-ttieiin al eaatlaaad t.. pgaapar. Ba9_? i - Ollt coloulcs in thc Boath rco i.ed t..eli 800*8 I. "W. Thc Catkollca orerepread tkaaaai akaorkad tkaa. ti. ? IXiOBlwept hack bke a reti'.n.lutf tide. J , and followed < harlea,aad Janiea, nlmaeixu c.tib oltc, lent th.- luflui noe of the ( rowu t? me rcactlon. ln i.oiii ct.uutriea be bbi bimaelf to undo the refonnaaou. [o Ii-cl.iini be w. nt to work witlnmt disguise. no ' athoUca in thc blgb. Uo appoloted Cathollc Judgea, a Cutbollo Cjmiicellor. und i ..iin ... nutglstrataa, made tba armj t Btbolie, aaa . ipelled the r_uu.-t.tant othcers. ii.? d-aarmea tne Pioteitant ?i otry.aad, naally, heappolatadthe orotber of tbe Caiholle Arcbblabop, tlreroy. Tbe aext|Bti | to bave been tke rever-al or tke land aottlemeou and the uulveraal roaioratleB ot tke < ktboUe proprletore lt wa- to bave beeo ma-t-?od luletly by fonn al law, but tlu i.uKl.shrovoiuiioti eame lu the way. Jaiues iibdl catodaud weutto Prance, ?ud Wiiiiam of Oraaaa be , ,i,?- KuiKoi EOBlaad. How wanail this to allot Ir. laniH Aecording tO Enfilab, uo act of the Irlab ParUameat waa san.l wkick had pot paaaea uiuler the RTeal -ea! of EuKland. Tue Blag "f EofflaBd, whoever bo waa, was l.eM to bc Kinir <>l li.l.tiil b!-o. The Insh iBtarpreted tho Coij-iiruil'-n (1,11.1'i-nii). Tncy Inaiated tbat, tboagb Ja -i ibe Engflib crown, bowaaatill?lucol In 'llicy lic. itcd J.iin.-s to ConiO tu tb'iii. and he Th.y InTitod Loale XIV. to help them, and be aant, 5.000 men, aud houio of his u.-st offlc-ra. ibe . fromwell bad overtbrowa were oueo moro ib ii,,? i. ...-.--i.iti of the Insh Oovcrtmiciit. lt rcuialned for th. n. io a. I'.moii-ii at OB. < - bat taeir grandfatni i s had falled I" do, and mot upeenelu-ivi-iy and I the di teata 1 i'l'ot. st.uit Mtilemeota. Xheyoalled a m e , I'.iiii.iiut ni, und ln ii.citctsor ityou will aoo an iuevitaule teudencj of tbe EBgllab towarda " iu.e." were perfecl ? Batural aetn. umiorone lon, tbej were perfeoUy righ-fioua ajsta; mit tu-ir .,,? on the ii. 1-: ol batfle iboold equal tbi Ir , in tne M-iiate booae. fbey di iti ,i it un .1 ou tlu .a aoU a.. oeiplek k] ^ taai them-clvte L-ad i"-> u. tiik unuori? BOYBB. Youmaypay this wafl rli;ht, that Kn-land M - ,d. leayttwaarlfkawrtkoaaproi ? tbal Ir. land was ptaparod to t.aek up words with 80888. Vrkate theie 18 the questlou of thc (_-u.euibcruiei_t of an a-aptta tka paoila** wkick aaatoaa to a eapaia9a ,-t atiaaa? to taha it. BagUad would have ? ,vcn aad iba i onaeatad to a Baaaia9loa ut her ,,vi,, fi.c wiii wbkbwoald be a d.-:.tb-M..w to b.-r own iii.-i v. [AppUuae.l Worwaa Irelaad beraalf wltbont ,!,, ? ;...? Btrlke b i.i'.w for EnBUab protecUon aud lor tbelr owBheartha and homea. I'ae now Kirn; eame Ib i.. is.ii to had ika aa oaoaaaal .md tho \,i.rk of the oooqneat had to bo uam over Thoiimeaaad ehanged iu Eogland, aad not for tiit- i^tt.-r. ? i< "? b ')?"('' > compomid of Iniicii, EugLUb, Germana, at.d Freucta Uug Uttle dlaclpllned aml diaaolata. ihe Ireh, on th? ?W_ liad n.-vir been ln boltef conditton. lny had dnlled by Fieueh oUlcere. aml wero wi i aud equipped. Tbej were, beaidoa, oa th.-.r own .?u., UgbtluK ior everyiklng tbey held moat d. reauli was in bo way d_'ereat rroiu ~h.t it baaalwaya I'd'ti uaderslmllarclrouiustances. At thc batileof tne Kovuotbe Inehdld not <??< mucb aamakeacrei . bui were beaten bj tbelr owu negllgence, bolng from a I'.'-nieii wJib a tbe moat moden U ... Th.y fougbt aud woll, but tbey atood ouiy untll tho Preath General had been killed by acannon Dall: then tu.-y biouc il.o un irretnevable roato, ond aoverrallledagaia. WLUiam waa nnwllllng to follow them. He wn anl llc kiiew- Inilo of Insh lit.-tory, aud und. i -t....d Itttle or uotuJng of tha Irlab poople. Be aaa uotblng but a bigh-aplrlted and unfortonaft race wbo u.i.1 been long iiiiagoverned and opprt?ACd. Ue waa auxlona to .ia,.! ii. land on any Ui ma, aad the eaaier tbe b rma he . ,i ii.,- loouerbe lliowthl tbe workwould be ... c. m plinhed CTomwell gave the IrlBb no lubmiflslon until tbej ha.l Mii.iiiiitc.i; WtlllamInaiated npon] rerestilllna eoadltlon to itlpulato. ruo wat : bul it only eadod ln tbo famooa m ticlea of , ,i k aud Oalway, aad peproaekee mr btokoa _tt_ ruoTiisrAsr BOLB-UXMB IMPIiaBIBIB Iaivi tbtfT. why waa the lakaJUoB iu Ireliiml unsue | ) I have already lndicated the answa r, bat I agala ropoaftt. Baeaaoa thc koarte of thc massea .,-. tha poople b_ib aal la Ika Baataer. Bkaae kadUli ao w) u m uiuii i tka retga af Cro_wo_ No Bda__B latratlOB viil paoopaa whlch robs tho poor and leaves li .- rn-li trec to straln IkalaWB firihelr own plea.siirc. An Brtatocracjr whlchexiated only tobe a drala upon tba n aoarcei ol tbe '-o_utry waallttle better a d BBd a eane. At that time the HiiKuenots were looklag to lrelaiid lor a bome. Thc uiabCatkolica w. r.- passiuiiatclv attached tO Iiance, uml were golu* im-k to Fiiui.c in icn_ of thonaanda, und Itoaaaotbul Buggeat itaolf bow bappy h waald bave baaa for all at lliiil time II tli.-r.? co.ii.1 l.a.e been ln. eueh pi.pulitfloti. Witb oare and wMdoin Bl Mieli u time lt Btlfbt have l,o n with tne o n-c'it of uil pai tlea ooni. rm d. Impoa alblel I bolb roatateaaieBn_dall B-eaaarea lmpoaalbli bxcept thoae tbal wUI eome abonl by tiicmaclvcaaud ffltboul anv eare frt m tbi n. [Applaaaa.] Orant tbal ttuewaa Impoaaibla th.nat this junetnre. 1 liiltik Ika tu ie had o.liie that there should hise Iion an . inl nf law, I un make BlaOWanOO f.'i tbOBB wbo li.wUI diii.-ieutly, for jn relleetlug uiotncuts I oii.-ii tbink .ni'. i.i.tiy iiiyecif. Idara sa> after tbo roy uliitioii 1 Bliould hasc i.iiiclii.lod that It was UnuOBBible for the two rellidona to ataj aafe-f BUie by aide. im'.iuh uiie tbere waa no tokvatlon for Proteatanta -j iic i.iimaii iiaiuic a- it la, tbnr*. la ao gtaat wunder ordloary PiotaataBta ebouid have beaa iu ibiiol to li'.'.'- iel tbe 8TB-Bptai hut ail <\ tieiieuii' hud tliat panal lawa caH not j , , i? cii eoforeod lo I'rotcauuif ooaatrloo, They i tbe genloa of free Instltutions. Peual michtsuitHpauor Italy whaaa thayfoll lawlth tbe oalniona of ul. the poople. 1 say expexleoce had dhowo tbat tbey conld aol have be*B oarrled out la Ire? laad 'i ie- r. -. ulutmn had leit tbe ( atbolloa tor tbe \mtt cnt ii.'iiri-.i .1 of powor to htnt, and oppreaalv. provedonly Bmoekoryaad an m-uit. VeligtoBatumld b,,\c beeo declarcd free. Tbelr law abould bave been I'lntc-i.'U'in leturn ; for aotwltbBtaadlng the blahous' l i-i-e.i'.,.ii.':s there ware Theloyalty Of the l' ? lU.lVcd III tbO lellc.llOII. ProtestaBti "t all perBuaaloua abould liare beea ai lowed to aettle tbere. aod tbe dlaabilltica oi the Hon coBformlstfl ougbt to bave bcou forever abandoned. fApplauae.] Wlth a broad platform wbl h cu meaiberaol all reformed ounuauuioaa,avlgon Uu of achool tewotalog, ao loflux of b1 >,aud tbee-ln i liou ol iii |iolltlcal .iis.iili ctiou, bow i would bave beaa tke fate ol [relaad I | | ,.: i B i B8 un. ' i I Tu,. ?. maaafkatartsa hu.i already beea cftabUahod, ami wore thrlTtafftkero, ZhaUaaawaiu f.u iai. ,n tl.i >? rth waa 1 loti-.r.n.!. ? - | jin .ulitii; OM-r Un- coimtry?cvery eai.iii kad Ita iptaaeta111 *tX aad - \- pj rfflaaj la tha eaaatrj Its hiilul-loolllB. Illrll V.C.lell tUts tl.c '. ( r>' Uv t III t llc i, imil thc watat .. ra was mi t> lllug wbal i., n tbe extooalon hiin:. h >>r ludustry, Mecbunies, ;<:., i.n-r.i-o. ami . aud i uloiiieo .>f ih for polltli al i|.l:.t to > . 1 : ' ? r tl t thc taort'l . ?. (iijiat.'n aud comini.'i lUising labvr. Tue r.-b. had stideued tbi bre >? b la we - tbe : "'l'" I. ippllt th. ii...'ie i lu wbu - lt . i ?? WOUUd in. .11 llile. Tbe > feiieie ,,r tbelr i itutea, aud ? i >" ??' rn|i|.o-i .1 1" have i, : ?' th.-l l.t.illie.:. lie l. I ' ... n in I ... I 1 - t * I... li.-v Ie f..i. I tbe i. uiaiui ? au i ? tiouul i c Bpplled i" pay tha bill. ll td thl.-i- .1". i ? ?' has.>?'? oi Ih- . X. ,i.- r U 1.1. ll W( e alt. IHil'l '? ll- l .11. Illlll. Illl.l II.. , I . . .lia t**Jtm GI-XJ-KAL rOLITlCAL NKW& MI88 DiCKOnni nrnu n_z <;ampak;n VBI il AT TMK OthJPMI INSTITI'Tf.. Nkw-Yohk, lx;t. 18, 1871. Km Ansa T. Dll KtssoM? l>r<tr MtuLime. You will <(.iif< r a i'ukI favet aa n.iriy who aytnpathlzt with the Liberal movf iriciif, and who Lr-Lrve klndlii i cnd fraternnl ficMiixra betfir tlmn and p.-( lally for those who linve beea eetranged aud n?v (1. rirc to livc ln paaaa <nnl ntiiifv with all i.'ilrf. : t, if your bn nd, kit.dly, VI tmXA\ BentlraentB, yon will couaent to n.u-e ji.-.r . Yorkou Lelialf of the Rood riuiae, r<> tl..t <?' t peopk may be ahl ere.l ouward ln lha paad work <f pru iflc-ttAB and the d( thronenient of poll.lcal id.K Plcane Infonc u? if y.ii aaa ajM ?u baea, an<i aa what <i.-?y ae may bavi |a I.i ai i i.ti. Moat r.apectfully, your aa_a> JllllN K. YYll.lIA-iB, -_UM IM ' ? i tn, ji.iim Boan ii, liepaa iiati ii. <*. a. naaaiar, tllAKILS *.. JCDBOa, Atld iitl.ciH Pan_a_uhii, Ooi -i, i?7x i;i;vTt.KMn_': It will jrive me xrct phMaM?'. >'?> <?'"> plaaaa with poaa kind ittvitatiot', to t\? ..k bi .'.wYuii apea Ihe baaaa laTOtaed tn tno pcndin? PreeMi aleetioa. Paaply laitaaeeaad tn lha atru^Vc, i aaaaa the eppectaatty thus iitforded for aelt nir f.irlti un vlewa. The tltle uf my leeture will lie, ?' la tlie Wai Eiiric.l t" nnd I mii. 1 ?.'??'.. aa th* tiine for it* (k'litery. Toarareapeotf diy, A^ t I . I i. . 10". Mcttri. J. i:. W-X-i-B-L Kt.-rrn Hantt. Qaea? ?__*_ ai"! ? Miaa Dlrliiio B*B laataaa wnl be dciiv.i.'.l in tha Oooper Eaatttat , on i\ kday en iUhi,*, at 8 o'< lo. k. THECi :;'AK;\ Lt RSW_UMF8__ A imiLLIAM" DM'l.l. AT MaS( IIIOT Klt?KIVB iiiui-AM. aaa in . iby TSU-O-U-Pfl ro tiik t_u ]-ANeiiK>n.i:, Oet. 21.?1 i aai of a theaaaad la B_aettp u ?r from all (i I Bab the clty ln ea- id upon hor. radaetthi 111_n . who i.ft lha Baada-d] r,l part in the deuiuiistration of to uitrhf. r-ji.. iu. I from Nashua, Coneord, Fratiktln, l_rW-BaaBa, B->tt ' . and other prouilnciit citlcs brought ln baada I , I dltplay taatahl wiii ba Iodk reaaaabered bi Bew___a thire. At 0 o'elook the torrhllttht Baa aaaaaa took iii> it i line of march lioin Dciio'-Mjir.tre. undi.r the cmimmid Bf C'ol. C. W. 1'iper. Tho -ld.-walka for ovor a Ba_ BBM pa.ked with p.-ople. Iu _H line there wer8 mxin aetu i' ouat orer9J999mrehee. Ihe aao-toee ui?.n t'u- traoa pareli. ,rs were vcry H| ThO OOOOOrd ? rboppers, orer aOO ia nutaber, bad two men dn aaed aa convicta, repreaentlaa Meaeer and Y. rhee, altb a tnu a paraoej b ?tiag tnc laeerxp?aa, "Paidaaed out to vu_i tot t.iaut." -? WAMlIN'f.TO.V POLITICAL GO UP grant roi.irn IABI fko.w ai.aiiama B-t-BDM IPOOI- ro HELP CABBT Tin: mati.?tiik cbbdr aoaiLiaa icabdal io bb Drraan GATi:i>?IHK CAUlM.TTuUOL.Nr IxBB .iTUMx' A(i.kl\. IBf TELBOBAPH TO THB TKIBfNK | W-t-Q-rVOVO-x. Oet. 21.?Tlio AdiiiiniHlntUoii af Al.ibatna are beooaiiiiir ifrt-atly alann. I nt tha -__aaaa_ih_ pat-faal li that Ktate. und aro trylng to deviae ineano to brcik tho tkaaaep ataeagBi Tll? Caa____aa of thc 0 stnte hiaaallia Caaaalttea hiui haaa in town for eral dav.4, ln cloae cou.ultnition With the ., Oaaaaaaaaa here, and haa had a long mtorvi' ? with tho l'r.Bldent. Two of S.nator t-^unrt etrikcrs aro also bere, and there la II fur Iclicvititt that they havo urged tbe l'i.-i dent BJ -end troops Into that fitato for the puri)o?? of lntlmi.latiatt the votera. Other btat(4 liavo dotio tha sanie thmif, but tbus far no troops have been neiif- Tha aiabaaaaaa are doing aii that m paaaaaa t.i aah?i _ it object, and hcualor rp.iiecr ur^'ca lt at.-oiife'ly, aud lil inllueuce is preat al?I It i* ntd that ou the flrst day of tho approaehlng ?e* alon of Congrcsattrosolutioti will Iv introduccil iu ? nrovidinif for theai.1..iii.:'ti.iit of |i J.iut C u. 0| Fivo to _fa_?BOBl the Cr.-dlt Moiiliu r innttrr, Klvlne; the Couimittee _U tha .ttit'.n.r.ty win. h ('..i.?nn aaaheetew. The resolution will cotitair. the iiiiih-b d -lio ?_??>-. ' aiiiMiiittiiciitoutofthr banda of thc paeeldluil offlcere of both bodica, who bai been chtugedas haviiiK liiiiirol?er biaa un thc _da Bl BM r. Tba holiC-st UicinUia of ( .n-li-B Will lnsist upon the inoit Itgld tniiulry imt m ii byaCoiumittecof Co'itrn imim tu. j B..y the ... .-!ou d< niandrtit. T... v ?! if HKf "iie n pBM V hc on^ld to bo ( aseUed, ttiat thoeeaaBrp may aaa who hm Maab ciici) .re \> tle ma'.t. r now aaada. IbO Innocent an> n.ltkelr tobe .-ii-i" --tcl aa theiruiity. At tbe tlnae tbe I'lu.-ifio road* were before Congreas for leg-latloa. ln i~j, the guaiiicloua ch-cuitistaticcrt ettending crtaiti m ittri uiovenienta ked tbe Hon. Jaeob H.lJyof N abire atpreaent Fiftb Audltoroftbi Treaaury,to ,, ,.,? ? r-r... iiti.m tt mandlnu an inveetltratton^forthwlta, knew the witnaaaea aml luui ?o much faitn m nta t eon be waated to be ehairmau of the ( omtalttee. Thu rcaolution, aitbough be camed lt wltb mim tot weeka, ho aever wa. pcruiitted to lutroduce lu tu ? Ifter the ahort rent whieh tl c< BMaaaaaaaaM have had they are againprepariuartoeiiter the cauvaaaiu uf their chlef and tuetrown lot. reaU. Attornej -(.. iu ral Williama will ?tart on lm tlnrd ai?>eehiiiaki..?' tour !?? niorrow. Uewlllspeak at Kicbmoud, al Charlcaiou, nl Bavaunah, and otber Bonthern ciUoa, reuiattilng i ..tiout a w.ek ..r more. Becretary Houtweii l. ttlao i v pacted to luake a t'W sp aebee la Bew-Yurt, aad aboold Mi Delano'abealtb perwit be willconiluue tlm.-a -i. .tk iu cxpUoatlon of t...- ( Uorixtulna mattei ? ? i and -lew-York, i oa t..? ht-UiU untll tbe t-icclloli. _f_a_MBL1 NnMINA'I !'?'>>. Ai.hany, Oat 21.?Thc (.rant Hcimlilicitis ol thc Ild jLBBIWblJ Diftr.ct K-<iuy iiuiini.a'. .1 t.i II llcnry K. I'lerbou, and tho>e of ihclli iiailn V. i:.u<ton. OaaaaO. Iad BI lt thc I.-f A??<'iiibly DtatrletOaa vention of the I.ltM'ialB and 1). ui.ici.itr, liel I iu U to day, the 1?. C I-ittlcJohu wjm U-tniiiati d MM HM __a inbly, aud haa a. <-i-pt< d. Hi BSOflk Oat -1? Ti.cdrnnt Ri piihllcatinof <\)luiii!>!i Ooaaty baaa iioaataatad for lha a** aabty la the ba Ma tncl llilloa Ma-v-B ; iu the IM. Ja?. T. __al ? hOO-X. .-aut 1{' pal.'ir ttiM h. Id their Aa*.iiibij Convea tii.tis. la.-t < \< iiiic, iu the various Dirjlil.t* th: . tha ? Ity, altb tbe t lagi an i A^riiL A*xrr_l)!r I).tl. tfwm ntuitm*. .1 1 il.i_a II. 4 XIII. ( , il . . .... Xt II. . iaa. Xklil. 1. Tue Vitlt Mi-trict ApaHa Hall Ab?i_;i.. ?-.i.\.i.ti,n, laat, aaa-?atad John c. Baae> i i i, iu 4'oiiv. titieii aaadaaaad eTaa.___eaaaBlei laa, bat t.iiiat in niinifid Tr ibe _ap iiibly iu lha W . !? . tau t eal i.'ii aoatt ?? I ? i :. aaaa?etloM for A taadB ? Xiaaa [at ? ' ' ITtb Dba a '? i?. . vi.b laaaaaj _ "n .'. \i ;.,.; , V. ,n., Oet. -1.- i ? 'i x-8> pu I.- ? ? LOO i Tlm Vllth Dlatrli ApoBo I Ooan i.ti.m aaaa aad aoaata ited ' i'.irt of ti.. ' ? I '_____ r.t eaaaal - ? ' . ' r_l > BiaB.r -.. 1-..-B. _*ra. *