OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, October 23, 1872, Image 3

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-10-23/ed-1/seq-3/

What is OCR?

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EJrn Coo?*?.
l/iRD A, TATLO* bavin? replenished their Upho]8tery Departmont with one of the finest
Uilll) ?. lAlLtiK luvinK rri i)?n ()f. tlhir , an,\ the public
a^rtment? tn the city ?J-^^^S aa*>rt?,ent of OtrUin.-.. in Its* dainank,
jreriexaUy to their ?^k wluch cornpri*? a con.P ^ u fc^ IIolUnd,
Itrocaielle, Ac. plain and fancy repm """"? ""
?' Mirmrs. with connecting conticea. mantel mirrors, at*, ft? TW- is a .pecialty with
thia howae. ,
aaaA ? LSI ,, rfta. includine the Eider IKiwn Quilt, from $15 to $.10. Alt?, white ?nd
A!. -0. Ueddm*. Qu.lt*. ^f??^^ &c., fc^ in ^ vam*y and low prices. Every
colored cotmterpaiics, nliinkcttt. corn tot"? ?
Uad of bed oiL.intly on hand in large or ?nail I.Mil.
ALSO. Carpels .lni^cK ******* ?* cloths, atair crash, &c, Ac
1 - ? KN lsLABIi.
Sobad ? :sis.
94 Doiee-tt, lear Umntlany. )
- hi.)
Ic* an PR01RLY5.
? r. ?artete of Ladia?* ?nd Cen
. ?DOW
n -..?ur tttotl taperior astaer.
* t-m ?re ear o- ' oSVca.
3 on bunion
A. Msswiw. aicBoeeor.
BY BAN 13, M . ? ?-. Broadway, cor.
i-i, kc.
? a 4 p. m.
I uaonf others
? hi ?-.-? jVc
ANIEL A. MATHEWS, Auctioneer.
!l oade-ac.
Hi. ;. N w York.
The th. ? ?' .en Job
-? n pirt nimmt for he Vt i leu? k l.iuoe
? a. m.
CLT?TT ?St Co., tl- ?
I Hall. Atter pure I
-... aid ail
a I.ITIU..I Pa it ?arc
?Ei.V SDA? ASI) THt ?tSf?AT '
iw-s u. ?nnnn- emmen?e th'ir
?cae-m ?I Art :????? at ?hoce w -J, be enlk
Owe?.! hcMr CV'a. ? H?*riiine. tl Ka?t Ku inee-t-b-.? , N-wTork.
The eau?o-.ni- ? ,-? thee 1? pointas? m.l
.. ... atnoor ether? hr I
?un. tu?
ai ?
i ?tilear. Pi?
liegawt, L, ta>. Vertu, fat
SaBOoaii ano ?aiiroaos.
*? WTain? tod THO t k.1
I ..illM.-UlV?
. 'it? cueeke? u, ?.i jk,.,. ? ?...
I - '.road?.
p ' - : 1 Al,
" world,
ir. ei-ery
a ' ? .1 id liar
UTT Til of conn.-et
p m.
. ..ace
? ?
talA IMF0R?7
-o, froa
Kot S im trvn?
eler, ?kl
.. , I the rfl P er 40.
"^ LPT?NE LINE >.. \Mti.S Daily lot
? .
- erante?
' ?
e ?.je, Oa- !
? ii. It . at
md :?. it IL for
a . * -h Beaa
:.. ?mi w. a. K.
l?anos and
?i-k. Mediae?.
_? in. All?!
. a t'at?raon ?id
? . ( .?; Dorer ?ith
?? -. R. a.
? . Cheater B.)?.,
B 00 o., t:?, 3:40, 4 ?. I
KlS, Ulla and 11. 00 a. BL.2 t*
< i. m.
I If). ?*4fl. It:l0.
la, ..*. ?:jo. :.:4?, .its), :.u*,.
tM t?? ?MO. ?ISrlO ir 41,
-8:'<l, ?.JO. II: li. and U.'JO a. au.
- eet-r.
lr?,. . ud N ? T.MR, at Tita,
8:1s? p. a.
A ktnAsoNtli. Soper.mridelt
JEK>! Y I'IVIbIOB.?Paattafor tV|wU la New-Turk, foal of
I ??4 Deaerwa^-a-.U Pre tkt ?.-eeic-^ it Pier J!K?, North
*". Lie out, Jcr>c. ?
. irn.
J-.20 a, ra. - \t a? -..-? r :r>rce"d:?te ctat ???
a a. m ? Eau re?? un roils, ?et iitenorcaii?
lia . on a.
. i - -? ?? train *ur Bi,wwalafl'aie an4 ietenoed ?te ?tattoos,
i p. a * ^-.rteutv?a an! la.ernied.aie ,-.,,,???
r?c ira.o lor M.? ...u,wn nd ..Wi?"li.r ?uiioos
? ?? 11;" a? tr?o i.r Hvkcna??. Paierooa, Worteotdrkc,
. tilt
"--oMiate ?tlBMe,
? ?leraeai?!* ?latinea.
?ti-TUt >:Ntj-!>??? ? ? ??? J-'*) n. at. arrice is B>w
Yort. Il' tu , a.. ?-M P. Ot. I eace Li *rtc Pal? t:S6a.oi.. ood 3
a. nv am?e ? - m- i-??" tauld.etowo
al S a a iiiiTae, ?Mini l:SS B. Ai irnct ia New 1 ork, lu:??
a m. lit ' ? ta. Uie.liiJ ItiJiti.
Wl K Supi New Jeraer Dniaiea.
tstaaaaaa. _ __^__^___
-i??l;K. NEW-HAVEN, and HART
^S >. K-CJ1 and after Mi ).H
? n !ur lluaion ?
cealT-arvcatb-??. ?nd Ponrth-?re.. Newj-Yort C.t? it
i a ? itead ? I > ben ufort, ?to-^
r.a. Kre, SlsaratS, Soelh Borwalk,
?tup ?t l*ew.
K M. BBI D ??tu I sap t
I n,? or ci
I - iIBKR [-1SIKII l oh PhNN. Treuil
-xeept Sondai). Arrice Sonhwrc ?.S0;
? - m. . I remeten.
? ?1 Irrioet .n a
? t levhenc rtirer H. H. for the Oil Befio? ; al Ene
w.ik L.k nliore tt K. lor ?11 yoiaie '??
| ? Ait i'HII.Al'K?.PIflA T" BB1E.
? ?p.?. hr '"* ' ?TJ '' W Ihatlapert *
i orn, ti Kne,
->mi al Inue-L ind C .rrc win Cil C rej-? au. A,le
likb Lake Shore K. R. ior
W. A. BALiiVM.N Qoatial Saaartak
J W. tiUlE. Cen. Put. Aftnt
VOR bc<st?,w ?, 5KWPORT t>fi 'AI.I RIVER
.r.da-? ejoepteili at titsi p. et .
?roa Aa.-ra? ?..
The world renowned ?tt-amtr?
Tb. i" " Teutea. MiculMnoa PIcsMtk. B<
, u? clr Mruth Skat.
. Froeiintnan
SJ -
? i - Sprint,
I liJHlWll,
i ' oert at B.-ovil?? ? ?l iae ?S ? oc ?
a SAC?N mhct ?leaeeet
K?>; M? N M.l.V ?. ( ,, s l.'AMW \i
HE AND niNl) b.KI? f,??, tk
Sana?I wl ruade. Il ?oto fiera Ihr oopeUlloa, fi.il d.aai pi.ou, k. , ol
??"? t.. ? - tk? f s. ?ti ?'?ui.ii Por .-. ?
kiasuai. P ba ?s- 'CM.
hJM! I ||- l'A I iH'.'N RAZA IB, *>. v4
17 Prusdwai ???r Twrnt.-i . -i.? BtsfutBt sniml? of PARTS aiat
UKKLIN HTTLB)*. Btinv del'| htfttl ".t?!titl in iLtt 1 ? |-?a''?' r
e filtern. .I item no? re?.n ( I o ? Il M'kDBLS ?ithjeach MUert,
Haii^-iis. a* SMITHt ILLOBTI ? ?t. OM.T cNK
'..LARS wsi'tii of pattern? ??en
to etch ??b-cr.ier. NOW it ronr lune.
?tfarat?r,atd ana flailroa??.
V> Pamamgu ssal h ?-Tort hot al Lb-rttit. Lns
n-clst. Somrrtlle w.t., .seulh ilnnrk R. kl : at Haaputa Ja?.". ? ? I
Lie Ih-,iii.r ?.tcatwufeim and Beaisn Bai.r.?>:. at i'mllipiharg with
the L? high aad fniNiaehuuiti li ?Bsaaa ind at Esetrrn wi h lbs
us. forming s a. reel iae t. P II
'l? ??? w tboui ,-: -.-ge -ti cari; alio to C,ntrs! P'ntsyiraaia aaJ
N ta kork attrf-.
- t WMfckl AU t. AS? KMhNT.
( emmem _t.es. ? > -w fart) U
h:4??.rr> Way Trail hi ?a?ullkU? i.i Flemm^t.is.
? ' '? -m, ..sill. Msui-.h ( :,uak. Wiikethaes?
Pit; toa. X aannr Citt. lit. I ?nue!, il jJlla?, Tunksansue?. TasSBSaBs,
??eerl; ., . . Del.. Lac?, a Won, R K.
??.a- -MOIO. left??? Bnadsra), h-r F.artea
?? ii,rri...uesr. ?cd th? We?: f*?????? al Nimertilkr f?r
ritsmtarton . at Bassam \,r a.nrn tTnra*. ?r??^??.?,. arrantou, ft ?
nr Smarrr de.
j m.? Way I ,
1 p. sl?Far P n Manch Chunk, M?'.not
fit?. Haiti i-re. 8,-ran.on, Rrsdiag. Colstnuta. Laatar. i.
F.par? I, . , ? Ac.
- m. ? r or Sum.
. ia. ? Kur Pis,
4 ?. m. - i
n.-K-.rha-u.n, AMetteini. and kfaarb Chunk. Connectait
Jun ton wi'S Dd.. Lac. t
S. f. m -l'ut Mo;..?rr:i|c ja.l 1 ?
5:30 p. m ?For so m-en fie.
kp ?? XP!iR8H,.Uilr. W Burton. Bethlehem, Alies
tow? it-- g, I'uutoi^j, Cu.ttg?, a? cat
7 p m.?F.,r I OS ?
9 aid 11: O p. ?t ?Fttr P -
For Bin.in-: 1 si i
4> I ?vi. /-.?I
n a.
aasd ai Ce ?Ice ?f the Central Ball
rssdif?? Ni w- lurt, ?uu at tb, p,.ae.pai
huicli sad ta ?it unless to Nsw-Xsrl
B, K. RtCKKU, Saner, ?tendeut,
II. P. Bc.nwi.v Qansssl Ptisac.g?r Agi ?U
ERIE RAJi.'? aY.?.- immer Ait\anffetBent ?f
f BU, From l u.mneri it Drp.
T*en'r toin:-?.. set r
9 a. m.-t ?. :.i rsttv iips.nrFicm
I ' .at N inn Pall?, and ?
11 u.wi.- Banal? snd N ??ra Fills.
5:31? a il y ?
7:00 p. ai- ''
in- '.a. Nlagarn Falls, and
to i aCigj.
Ft-rp . Let m ?Ihlt a a.. ?. -? fcSB, ?nd ?Trat
?" asi Bald ? > ? ?? IbM, tat *U:tf a ta,
a. m. t n n. m.
I p Tl
I ?
e :
' m.
m p. ut
0 10
; ' ?' I ? ' hi ?, ::.., sad 'U
lor n ' a. m., buo, <
? m. t.%
.. m. ! "S. 4 (
..', ait. 4:tS. r.;tl, 6.J0.
tn.i -7:1 p m. r
19, 4:15. S-.3f), ?M, asd
?V Cpnsf T ? ? m .1:30, 4:!5, 4:4a, 5:30, 6:30
tasl 17.4.', p. ox. ? ,,?'.
' a. m., snd 11 V, 4.1.''. \j:1).
I ..- larkfht
N. II. - - 1ST 1 ?:( hoir? vir?
il. 11
n. m, : ... h?-.. .', u s:. -,
- It fi .a .1 ..' - mi cioar
ing | usenea car, ? .st, ri uir lue caeckme aavii irasint ,a
, . ,
-?rT,t Jersey City ; at ths C a.
a?'i?'' . ? ? -e.a.
tK'i-* oalr.
s aj. aVBBOTr, (eu . Pisfi tt t
l i
. Ali: t.\(,l
PsSSfSCWBtaUM ? ....:.. . f?
on Trc-atr ssrwslwsrg.
Fer Newt!??- i -, . ? i t .
' . D. c.
' 11. kl a. tn. : ??: '.' (El 1. Iah
< .m.
1:30, si
part, sad We.ipori, ". J. ii;dJ a. ?.; s
ttorwslk. 1 1.11:30?, m.; 11:15 (Hx.), 3 (Ba.), kil,
B ?ml *:X -. m.
la B:1 1.
1 i ?. m., ?tu, pu?, ?t B
M aaroaeek and It I
.-enarca mu inlerrreti. ??- Matine, 7, J 10, tt i?. *
Handai Mail t - N-w-ion. al 7 . a
art, ano al tl pu
p. I n
(ON -i' I
F"r Bo.;c.n. r? Ppringtel . p, .. a. , .1 s ..: ? p. in.
Fut ? ?
i ltd 1 p. m.
? a. m.
?liras j- t p. a, tu CreesteU. 3
? ? n. m.
t- Kai.wat. ai ?. .. .- IS Bi r* t? ?n.. Pian
j. t,. > - ssm p.t
hur - - a a.. 3 ?. a . t? North
f i -?- -.own intl Willimiat.e Uavilrnai (A.r lui,
8 s. m. ?u. .1 p m.
-1 ? a. ra. ist 3 p a
ni. i a. a? , .p. m . i 4 Ip an. to Wil
t a. m.. Il tb auur
4 - p
?. -nry ?svl Xurws'k S. R-, I a. a.
?. m.
?jd ?:T0 p. a.
o H sua 'J p. a tnun ?ad il se
.e ntswisg-rosa car? aiiactrd :,t U>a
1 a. m I :? ksd I p ??. train?
Pstaeiiger- ... ? *s iny point resched ?VSI t?i? real ?i
? ! ?tu
t.-terelth ?t. sa. Cuan ?ne. ?Is-, at 'be , C.-e? m? u
T ans'ci .'o [OuaU'j v ?, ' Brt.silwir a.-^l '?
Brooklyn ?ad hr .esring Mtlahki sones, rat bar? iheir aaggafw called
Jnll.S ?tn hlil smart B T. k N B D ?.
i.1 UNB.-CHANUB OF TIMK.?vis an 1 after ? ?. I L atSssyj
e at San tr II,,,,? w tn ira n- f..r Lo-ig Brmne? ?ml all
-lai railn.a. s -
Hirer Waretowo. B?r?, jat. Turk'rtou. Pkindeipbii. V neis id, Br.dge
tuu i-iar Side, ?t ?r. ? i Marrjr il u fu. ?.
, ia. - I hmugb to V laeiasst ?ml b- lawsr
4 OS p. a?,?To Tola's R ?er Waretown I ne|. r'm. inu i'rai ?
'. s ' nrlK
S;?Jaa.?From Peiaueru.n. Taekertoa, Wa-etowi, limi'i R.rtr,
1:3? s.a.?From Vtn-laod. I'hilatVtiphi*. Tackerton, Tom ? Birer,
??I p. a.?Froa Tom's Ri?er le.
Tbe abu?e traiu slop st wa.stat.ons.
PHILADELPHIA freight taken tip to S ?Mor? p. a ai '??-1 rstes
LXI, i,es, Msaager, Uki Bioadwar.
F. P Ptwrn, A- _
11 K1V1K BAli KOAIi.
Commeoc ni M'lNDtV -.,,-t^i.r 16, ??TZ. Thrmgi In ? t
taste tlraau Central Dr
loi a a.. Chictso aad Munt-ea! Ft rats. ? - a rire
iBaTSSSl IS Wateilown to. ass er. slid Mm
10.90 a. st, Special Chara.-u KxpreM. wt'h drawiag-raoni .are to Bsfaio
and Niatar? Fa la
li O* a St. Northern snd W-stera Fxtr'ss.
3:40 p. a . Specul Biprea fur Alhsnr snd Trn?.
.4:U8t*?. at, Muuireal Bipres?. with sieep.sg cars frrrm New-Tack to It
l:B? p. a., Sipresi. dailr ?nth leepiag ear? for Waiertuwn, o-dtt?.
bun su i Csnisdissi
1:00 p. a.. Facile stiure??, w.ih ?leep'ig ear? for Rurbestar Bataj?
tad Niagara Fuis. a.-u at I .. . agn ria bulb L. a. and M. C.
ha hrtaSs. This tram rtu ?a hssttar?
11:0? p. m., Ktpresa, will, st-epiag car. lui Trt.r aad Afaay.
t H Kt.l?iKlt A </-?er?i Pa^nger Af-eat.
KAILROAtiaOK N. J. DIVISION?Prom foot of bES+RoSMJ*.
?T. ?od from lie-tuf CnRTLANDT-ST -For Wfes? PlilLlnhLFmlA.
?t l:S0 ?sd ? Je a. m . 11 V. 4:00, flBB, I 10*. 1:30' ?. a.. It
night For Ft. .a.alnhia r a l.atuden. ' a. m. aad 1 p. a. For slAl.Ti
MjKB and W.tjHI SnTOI aad THB W?ST, ?ia Baltim.r
?. m- I sud?lo- p. a. For he ?Oi Til. J:Hd ?. a. and ? au- p. ?>
as'i Paiaeeurs to Bait,mure and Wurangtiin duly n? ?:Br* :> m. train.
Without casag?. Fur the tV L-i T ?t? Puusi.raes Kailroad?J.J4 a. a.,
aid 6 U0' asi C: JO* p. n , na," itti-'d'?;.?
sr,. ?ad niu tbruagh fruoi Nee-Tort Vi Pittatturf?, t'hicag?, ?cd Loui*
<uga. Pa!lm?nPil*ce car??reatlach?dtothe6:00' a av
d?.l' ?nd ras through lo Pittsburgh ( mi?i?U, Luuianlle. aau ??
Lout- ?ilbssl ch?ni?e. I'u.msu Pilsrc c.ia ?re .itacbeu to ?- fcjew ,_
-on throufh from New York *, Fnmliurffe, Fort Wayne, and
t tnaul cnaa?.. T.carta lor ?ale at loot ?f ?eaOrt.saia at. W
. an i '-44 groan... cbaie t TsatS?ghft Jsb !
A.J.tAS-til Bos') Massayer. F W Hi K,M).s. o ?a I ta;
?aJiil'ril SIDE R. R. Of L. I.
WIl'.L LhAVh BOOhe.yF.i.r A.Vn . . L?U Aa
Fol. LOW.s
??.-Msil f Pstrhuga?, 'ia^ia,e to Fu, Pitee.
?.?Aeeommi.ial.uii I? B ibtloo ?rail fi
.is tamsct ?t
? u--es4
d.?.. ??ih risla-uStat
I dA.'t >.p. riBieodoal
Hit ?)'<?!< i< K A. at,
SALE? kKt'M 10 Jo lt>S *??*? . _ ..
lot? wist D.Tet si lonarir.. a* .urn i.StXo.??? Botta
ott?. Hi ?.Hfa .1. 4 ????- Baitruao.. m
tos.si? i isa.lui iaa.?1
w . ?'? 3nu. loi i ?.-. "J
1?d.si(. ir,.tai aa.?1
ill aa.
il|| ISO.
*'i i*'..
?iilt 70o.
i n.
. llAii
_ .ist
tr? Ceateo Ce..la}
-00 N t - 1 HU?
IOS ?Vtatrial.
Jt>> yuirktilcer
S? Lele shore.
n- .
f. .
1 ?1?.
soi Hon Ine Rsilwty.
a. ci its.
I.tm U. Psrifc.
M I ?O?.
?i HO.
?til Ma.
t/|| 3W.
si!, an.
?i| it?.
; aa
I, -ssi.
I SC?t.
UtlToL A Wib.
?2 :.?i
Wit-bit Back 1
Bailt?-. .
%.:::::::. ?\\
1 HB....
400 Batalla BBr.
2M St I'aol.
ie.?UM.lk S PISIP' ?
lOSS Ob,e|haas
? I
iiie e. c sic,
Riilreed. ?
a?*.???? ?*J
WO. *l
300. SfJ
3.*lsl. _ _
natST BOARD, ?OCT. 22, l?7ai.
tViiet %f Statt ?im.U-/f<ti(rooJ lUmd*? Mat aaa i"lt?Uf*?si^abra*a?
&aata. e*e
I.MflXY SUte "?.if? 5 Shoe k Leat B. ISO
) 'i i ?un ee.
l.iss) so it a
Jsa k Jntv .
'.ti 3 Aar Kx. Bank. 114
100 Dei. k Hod.
2CJ Cml.1?
3.CSS). 21.J Jtxjl onxilui lui.
. mai tfiaMi m o? . lu
1.01? IJrvok ti? W'r
Loin .S3
s lurk Cat
... 93
USS Mich. Kni?u
S F.1S31
S.--00 C?e? k i oled
new hienda.. S5
l,isa? t/wat P.icile
21 .?A) tlaioo Pai-iDC
lat a.soj;
?IS)S . W i li'O
l.ouu D Pa In?
coen?. S0{
l,ti?i Alton k T. r.
Iliut* iat u . .ICI
7,-aaJ Toi. k Was.
2.000 Maniilial k
-? la. %'
k RI k
l'i. .
I of Mo.
Id Park Beul.I*
Iihi Canton Co... I'*
1,000 Chle k N W
Biilroid.? " i
?pu.b. c. 1?4
- ??
lin .b elud?' ?s?. 3??
ftioci ymckalcer M. | Il.74
1 C.. 47V I 109. 1H
l"*. ?il ?'?. 1$
101?.Mt call.. 47, 44?. -Jl
. ?I 7.-S.;S?
M P.. Ir Mali.. I 1?'. ' *
!'?. H
100. 7..4
?? .'M
J.B. Ml
""I ??.1*
ioi|| a*.*H
? mili
. I"l
- in i a
-1 cri? k ha
U?,;r ai ;-? ....105 I ?I.
Us? Morn? t. ES I H'.
Soilmad l ru... > ?
- i 70t'.
. no a Mia loti.
l?9Ki Mil A ?'.Pioi.
_ S3 i ?>?)...
lo.is? i ? ?Si.
lalaort.33 lui. .
lud. ( sa B im . ri
?rt T3
i.,e lia A t.r
tt. .
... -'U
- , i,?*o.
loal 3uu. ~1
II.? . T\
\<?V ?i.?
. "*4
Cha a N w
l.'l t Pi.h c ?I
Uni itti c hic ?t B II
:. Ra.ued... .ttcHSl
le. .Ill
...Isa] .ou.?ii*H
. fan.il?!
. ??
M l k St. Paol
Bai.read.h. e. M',
, IJSS . -'1
. MB... btj
...irtif ,
?tu a bl l'eoi
Pref.. :?l
l??i.b.c. 7S?
It?. "ti
VU). 'i,
?i 4'?l.
,.?' AUaiaa ht. '.'??> Sou IokMo R
. k Wettere..h. e. 7H
? .1 : ? v ,l , lu?.. 7I|
K. Il ?? "'t
?mi. ii) m l>l.. L. k W.
? ?d. 31
lit!. N
? ."H
lou M?r Pref
aii Ii?i f.nn Keiiwac
.... 74)
? ..? A P.ltt
<???', Ontr Boiu.
. ?J;
tk Mirh S
.id Mua.
Seiireed .
.'UV ..
,ou ....
. t -t Jo..
;??).... . "*4 Jtw I .i.iiu l'anse
n, hm B. ?t st .1?.
'J-? Pr. :.h. -. M
? - lap k
a 111
' k InJ
Cewtrel.S.?. 3M
UAJ.. 1?
-?? P S, 5. ISS, Re
I ' 1 '"Lin !? I". M
' 1 l.
Ilaii. >eal. Ttl H
I..I . *i
? " IS) Ohio S JCae..
Rallroi. ??-.
i'?i .
.. Wa
k Heater? H il
? roui.
Telet .
. *H
. * i
- lu
Q .-..r'n'f.
?c ion M '. .'; s- Psal "J_ _
. : Blibotl. ?- a,
not '
Mi r,"\Kl>?i r. a.
?AMQi SIMU rfoeae?.-- . . ? I sai ? s n!ro?4? fxpr.?,
? a
lia? Pe. i . I Cawea Pn.lt lis) C aie. a S. .1
. ..I1C?
e se ea. wl 1..1?,.
^^^^^^m inu
. noj
a itnr ib.4'i> a Pi
H..... t. ?I lot a i. .*. Pisi
k >t Pinl 7
700.. . | .b.c. T7?
al ?t. Tli
I". Imi.iiPvSe ios. 71}
Bail.-..- .711
? S . 71)
Cea. ....l-'-i
; It, 'e i J
lu? Del. Lara k. IV luu uh, ? k M m.
...b.c. i.
Ml M f
jmu t;uKt..i?.f tas^^_^^^^
100 ?e,- Ra lma.1
.b.c. t., isst'a k\?.b c ::.,
1.1?... .
'.ici a!
. -
11?. _
?-. A*.*?>!
pt ?m t Testa Kilt
* i ?ta,
k lad.
, ^'. R.
Sirnew Pref.
-, - ?'?nie Mail lui
lu? Mer pass a.a
'il. kSi. _J"
? > an:.?- Mail .
net-csal. ? '
B. Prel'4.. he. S34
b. c |ilt|
74, 3S B. f. C. k U.
<i"i I.fw.K P. M.
1 ion W??t Cs Tet 73JI300 Pu iSo btetl..H?S| If? Tel
h.c' rj
^^^^^ .... *,
?S atC?aOU
' ?i
4'"' .
2uu .
. 11
. ?i av..
-'? .la, .ill..
?' J.hPlj. .
Weh. k
.too; .'no B..I..1 ii
I .101 l.,.e S . ?t
.lOu, 1,1 * l uiuu Perils. ?H
7*1 ist .lai . I..WS. m
.l.sl n?o. x??
.i?i i isa. *f
78. tun. its,.' jie. ai
M .7....HOI ?as. *.*
7?j! 3W.^..;s?t! I.7JS. ?<
/ , .10u| ??. sel
r?|i j.rnn.liais! wa.. *?
_e<i. -1 l.OUl. ?|
Ht?.7?,' It?.Wt| MO. 3St
><1. 7'?, 10? J. ?.C.kU. |lf*.
u I .
Mai .
S ? Rei'reea.
?6?1 lu
? | ISO.tai 100 St. Piat.
TH1 ?i..ejaaBBaaoaaai
?^i 3??i.._.... tH
luo. '.St jou
Ml . -\ lia ' In? Btthtty
?ui.??ti ios.
" .' ' tLack ItllBd. llll
1,1*0...7S| 109._IIS
i aa ."s,! wo.i,a|
m CuapjlOfJt 30S.
lcitQeieaalrerJaia- Mo.
as Ce. 47J ??xi.
? ?i t?I?p'f. *Sl? loti .
htsi Ou u k Mm. iou Late Short
b a.. 4 .
lOu .... . 4<| J?l .
ion Mi, k "*L i'ial
9M ka _
?St St? North-Wa?
si .' ?"
>, J?l
I o
. W
ou" .
?e? k
Ra 'r*?l
ISO. '4|
Sil Z:r?:::= 8
100 c hie. a North
W?Ur? sr. ?J
lus. as?
?Il m tuLC k lad.
?.{ le?. Railroad., ?t
It?.. *1
WSWeluPlf t?.. ?7|
T. LSUAt. (Kl. /.'-p ni.
The trvtiatc ?jii ?ie att^k E.djaiig? to-tlay
proved te be \rtm inf^p^tinx aril Important than nrj
pre?lon? days of tb* great upward ?periiUtinn. which
liebl full ?wa/ of th? market until tba? murnlug. The
vslnme, of bitainen showed a material decrease. tbon?r,h
?till larjte In semai of th? trpeeialtles, wbJe the ?uotua
tmtiitoirrft ??wrnai, m,?., in,? ihm oa tha ?fawn.
ward aide. Th? market tt tne present tla? is so com?
pletely controlled by th? led in? ryperatore o? th? Street
that no fair criterion ran hs form?? from th? Movement*
of on? day as fa tb*?*,, 0f thssiirwdinr'one. ??.tongaalt
I? in the power of the?? gentlemen rtj make mrm?*? activo
or easy at their pleasure, the stock peculation ruist of
necessity b? lrr?gnlar. rn new, however, of the hwvy
earninira of the rallrua?ip d'lrtng the passage of th? cro?>?,
and tn? Treasary tnfloer-c? in favor of PMy ntou?T. It 4
llkelv th? market win. be bulhah for the prtwent. "fti
what ratent speculaqou is llkaly to tea influenced Hy the
mtfavnrable and unaettled eoaditlort of afhMrs ??broad
remalDB to be seen. Th? temporary flarry tn
money to-day, how?ver, caused a yielding
tn pri?es, but made no very important
Impression on the market Pacifie Mall opened at lot,
th? highest price yet attained on the present advance,
but fi.ll off to loci before the first board. This was fol?
lowed br a recovery to linj, ? dcelin? to 1004, ?nd a rally
to 1011 before 1 o'clock. In the afternoon the market for
this ?tock was dull, and fhe prie? fluctuated between 10*14
and 101?. Western Union deoiloed from til to T?t. though
the intermediate flnctoatlona wen wide and frequent
Korth West cotnmou roe? to 70, and later tumbled to T4|*
revealing the nuger of the great Methodist Kdormer ia
Its various change?. In tbe remainder of the list tbe
cours? of prices vm lireimlar, and our tables
below give very ?mod iTifnrmatlon In regrard ts
the changes. Atlantic Mail ha? Toeen dull and
heavy, (giitrksilver advanced to 4? for the Common and
69 for the Preferred, but fell off 1 per cent afterward.
Cacton continue? atroDg at an ad vane? to 105}- Express
shares were quiet. Among th? Investments we note a
deelme In Delaware, Lack? wanna and Western from M
to 97. Panama selling at 14?,, and New-Jervy central it
103. We hear of sales by brokers of Central Coal at fit
The Governor? of the Stock Exchange are to reicelTC the
r. paet of the Stock List Committee to-tla/. winch 1?, we
understand, nnanlmoualy in favor of tnittmg this sfoek
upon the Exchange. The ota-ninr, highest, In west and
closing prices of active stocks sold to-rtuy were aa follow?:
Oar? B Mlgneat Lowed CmsSag?
it T Central t f?mlson ron?u''d. g i M ?5 ?i
LsseSnor?. ?t? ?14 91| 9l|
Hoc? Inas*. Ill lili 110 1.0?
W?b??n. Tit Til 70S TI
(aslaeUallo. IM I'.. I l. 1'
SSM I'met, r?le?rrapk. It li 7.1, 7?
NorUi-W??t?rn. 75| 7b 74? 74
Bi.rth Weetorn Preferrea. Wt M( ?I, s?
Mawsm.-e k st Pari. O? 174 5k| St
M Iwaukee k St Pskl rrrferrni. "? T\ Tt 7* ?
Facile Mail. lOat 1 I", lo0*
I'-? . 5n, SU Mi} >]
- M istaaino?. ?1 4K,
Bastoi. lla.Uuru A F.nr. 8, B, o, H
L'aies Finie . t? ?? T?{ 19?
( i . A lad. Central.. Jil A I 13
.1 md St. Josepu. 39 30 I4{ 34(
Im I'rrterre?. .. M M ?J,
V'i c?i, ?er. 47J 4H ?7
Uu>c?s>l??r Preferred. ? ? ?
W...lain Ward (] untes stock pri'-ileu?'? sa Mlling furl
|u r lent, (a?h tn.nus, en jo dai>' time, and 14 to 1? pur
ei nt '.onus on tB) day?, at the ?Mowing y art. ?t, nus from
the market price of U.e securities named :
Pat?. (?Us
Centn) isd Hudsos. 1 tot] below. 1 toil i r
- ? in ! helo? l| to I1 ?>*.??,
Nt.rt' Steril..-loi beaow. i u, 1? ? .,??.
: M s?li?ippi.. | -h w i) r,. '
K... . Island.I to It 'e'li, I u.
i'a. 3.'.l|toi ':,' i
VI at jab. t t.. a, beu,w.
W.aterri 1'uio? Telewtaub... ,ll to ! bwbiw
? | fur ?i 'sr. St :i-a I Wl) hatte?? I u> 11 ?'
lu? alase ra?as nil aapiy arsis,ss? cajort.
The iroid inaii-tt prn, . tttt partloalarly'
nntitfaiiie ? lernte at LU
-, borrower? wen compelled tn pay u>
rani h as- percent jst ilieui f.,r HMaBesi ?fnlit. Ota'
of tue < anadian asuiks i< credited ts.'li li.iv .!)?: BB?Bd in
it of -Did ln.it,s. Wbil li || a-ile
, .
. . . liieir eu lea
? -? ! nth'-r ratos
paid fur tlie use nffiiiil wet- im. .-i?. Ms, i.
of mie j? r t ctit. Tha i>re-p.?yui? BtS < " h i n i ailrr ...
to-tlay aminicteil I -,
1 lie A--: t., r-,7,l?itj.
at titt; Cold E
r .Hii ? ?tad, t ' tances. V>??'<%?
swing weaa
tin quotations:
.113 :2:'?i.
..11. ..J. I
lima. .i,j : i:us.
. .
The slay'e Bat - btth-Tiaasuij warn
. . iirr-net isdsnt-e... ::i .
.--.,. . lu.sio ?)
Fore-icn KvithHinre sBaaml at the followtig nominal
? ui.' 11 Balea aera reperte?! i.. . below :
en? Dan raras osrs.
Prune e?n??r? <ter:rn? Mil* ?s London, in? a ? let? -
finati naater.- tin. . !? ?d ItSij M,? 111)
i la.- IM, 4 im* -
Fans tbasism. t
?rtv ..........
.. 5.B?w?.l: I S.Wirr \a
? am.?t. ,
Hataasr?. .
..r;. ?i. ? i i??
. Il ? 4
Mm.. . trough Un : mi n
.at i. g an I action?
mneli agitation in
tibtn .is ti
Alt. bnulUell t.ai?f -u -, units it ,t,-|
iu riea uf
. ' at t p. ui.
Il?,--- I.,
IWSII ts. ' ? - t
. tar.'.ttl lit
..m. Soi.:;;-!
1141 IMl
?Miadaweni raeatve,hal 'lie..
fata ht t. .i.e. 1 i-nnessces kasp ill? t" *?>? I
? tt laathi ?? las ary ann
July :-.-i.'-, 'M-re BUMla at -d. ;
?? tha I'IiIj- :
OWsTM t.i-' OBilsal ?.??,;
Tenneate? ts, ?Id. , I . ?? ' ? ;7t i*
{? ,,??? ' ,, -e? bdh...
. .
I . - , .
. "? t ? Losas aus Is, 111 ... .
'ic-iiTi 7s. oe? ' ? t '?
? - - i.. . n. - o
. K. Co. ?' i i ? .??? -
N Oafol H P. A. UB . ?i U m. 1 Kg. ttoun, !..??. . '4, lot?
? I .'-j ( tiai L't?n.'74..na ?
Su far, i? ?oast, r?S 11| ' . h. V. B. i ?nal l..'?n'7". - 101
. - .i ?u I
aV Cal . as. M
i ? .i. t:..r?-s wire -tiaily mi s,-ii,-s wt bhta ?U't
e!-atl50. Bank uf (niii.ii. ni-,i- ltd, l . i
it Ul The fMtowlac were the bals :
iifsei. ltl?l. ofer-a Atkeri.
se, . ,|. .. ? ( Biswas.B -
Manhattan.13" - p?. ; - .
. .o, . ? ill asrecer,'. _ HP
a .?'.''? IS Ks?' l!,r?r.t|S
Aawnca.I?T - ?Uriel...Ilu
. tto - Basais. -11?. 1'?
Pa?,, i.ill - -shoe ?nd Leather.- I
HM t or? Kichtuge . .
Hatcher- and '??..,erV. .** I awl! a rate. . e ?3
'., -, - :. . ?? ,i
...- a .Mal?e. ?
'-.. a ,. ,7 lia) i uuiiuou?. > i B
... s.? . a? . 11" ? Atlantic . Uli
Comm?re?.II:? lit Importer, aud 1 rat 1 er?.. 13D -
Biaisa?. ? ?"? il'a?h
.? II I"
ur?-? l tlerc.l'S
? B. V. ??tkaThaavg? ... 17
. , ?icbsnre . It? - Cer.tT.t tltioasl. - B
avt Jr4 Foartt. .S.tioua. ? 111
g..... ...110 110
Bank of the Renahlkr... - 11*4 : leit? National,. *>
Hank of Norm Amera?. 14 - Orhnla ...IT?
H.??er.. ....... tt KB 'Sklii'iun.Itl
.i? - tiermat Aim .- cau. ... lui ,-?
BetrepoilUn.,....? I3B
Therr w as a pretty lasTBB aad veil itNtn noted >. a
In nsllioad bonds. Tbe tlrmness of tlu inarkrl
mamiaiDt il. the ilemand aboving au UBprovem?ui over
late sales. The bids won' as atnirxi il :
OnViad Aaksat I Atkad.
B. V i ?ai-.l n-s I ...??T, a* 'T.le.1? A Win. Isl M Ki ?* s
N. l'.nlrslf 'i 1 k W. 1st M ?i.?. On ?a? JtJ
g. T lertrsli.'iK'l R?1?. ? - |T?I. Il ?Tsh. M M- M
X. 1. (eu n al h s Sah? . i k ?Val?., kniup. Ibis . v
N T Cutral :i U'T*,. .100 lui Tsl ? Wsb. l'un? ' ?t ?
F.n?. 1st M., Bitrmlod..-Kilj - IU. a Nsiikn? 1st M. . m ?
RrelstM.. l?d.'? 100 (,, W 1st Mort. IHM. 14
Hn?3d M.. Ts.'"'J. AI ? ?tat IV at Bora,UBI.. *< "
F.ti? Jd Mort. 7s, ,C . '^-bj 34 (?al.'k i l...'Sf.. KiiaMidet.lot)
Krwi4*h ?tsrt.7?. A... ti 11 tiaL k ( LicagoZdM.irt.. IS
Brie Kk Miirt.. 7?, ?i!.. - 3S ii'kii. fl. I. k /?.-tic.
U( M rasa . - H IMnfrt, k Bi?n i?i Mig.aiM l<?.
Bat, B.I.hsL MB.17 M - lUorrf. k tanWJ, U H
II B. Ti. V, M l'T in? _ 'N J tea 1 ?t W N-w V~. KM
H?r>m Is- Mur a, '?? - ?i i. ?a. lat M. .?. 7S 41(
Atrmar k -a. 3d ro?li. ?4
im. m a? ?taaiis
Chic, b kg. ?p.c. i.i B.n*
y : peralrl M... ?* ltS4
Mi'H.00 kN.LS.F. 7 pcls-i lut
Clete. k Tel. S. P
Cleie. fcTut New Isoaeu? UO 01
? ii.-t Lob h -
I lore, jrnllek A.New h. ai? ata
B?S) aiiilT IhI
Balais aad Brkf. B?t?B. B.1 ?
l.aa? Il 1- tl.r HOU.'I 11 l?)
I.. S. Cm. 1 ..?p IVusd?.. - I '?
L a 1 os. B*g llondi. in lui
Psnfr R:? gnir. b? M?. ?Tl ?
t ?UU P?ei|. (r?ld Afala. 1 ?? lies
-it In II ?)
l?. r sene L. liraau 11.. 77 17)
I s i'i, .?1 liras? 10?. h0| j??
Bal. kl 1 1. a ut M 's - M
ay. ai. in m t -,
?va c. ai M.
at-., fi. tr. a eux. la
k t.. ?P? IB. ?
1 .??e. k Plta.1 ..u le f 17 SI
? 'er? k Pita W M'g W LU
t lera k PHts. J.1 M. ?s* -
-r? k l'I'i It:. M.. r?; at
Bat k Altos S. T., . (*-? l'Hi
htcsgo k Ar. .<i B..I
lato, k An?n 1 ?estar... SS4 ?
has k Vt as 1 s? s K ?8 ai
thiok Mis?, m ?? M
?Ihi* k Mltatld ' 1 I,
" L k Imn Moan FstM ??) B
til. k St P. lai M ?a. Us.
?Til 1 ?I P lat B '
m. a k>t. Pial 7? II.? . ?71 B
?I L.A ?? Paul la M.' 'A <l
Mil. k sa. Prstl .'d Mer.. HS tl
Aiioa k 1 U .si h.'W U'1 ,Lhaa?sa k M.I lM M?rt. ?V, Xt
OtVred. A.led OShr-f Aeke-t.
AftV? A T II. Id B Pref S? li? Jatletiail rtiK, I? M...1S -
? hie k s. a s Pees... as - Cat.Cfcbat f<aa...<T?| r?
? it* k N W. |,t. H4t.lt? l?H fal..C. k Ivf 2d M. 73 73?
I hie. k N. W Co?. K-la. - SI?. N l ?s a. u. U -
?Aie. k ?I. W I t Moct. at - Til, Poe.fcWer..W.D.. - SS
???o. k.St Je. (..id OU. It? -TeL.Pee.aWer.MB.il H
Ilia, k m. j? laacert.. SSI - i natta?. II. k I lit M... li) 43
0,l lack. A W. l.ia. SttA -i|Reeto? H k R l.eertd.. '?i ?A
gat Urt. k W 's M . ?JO ST led. Salit k Mioa.i?t M. 1 g)
"?t tat?, a ?a? Tt O?, tas -ir?j?"art>t?rBaB t?7. f-si? is,
Tb? Bf-rr<-<fatA- amoaatof siporta i.-irluaivs of -peca)
from ibe port of New-York U> foteicn ports for tim wak
ending Or*, aa, 1975, waa ?5,3111,124.
The American Cxi hangs National Bank hits clecUml
a seml-anntui dlvi<irn<1 of 4 par c?snt, free of all taxra,
pavablo un aaa after November I.
Colfiuan IatitaHttcV, cuitan a; quotations at 4 p. va. were :
Ottered. A?k?l.
Caaberlead._ 70 ' Ire . ?"I udj
Coeaohualioe ?eel.... ?a _ | Herta?.11*4 H4
Western ?axra T?J.... 7t{ 19 Uba Sbatt b BV B... Ml ?ll
tfiickancer. - rCPIirtnarfa. Su? ??!
ynirk?ilcer Pref.. ? M , Vw Jenec 1 ?sirs;....l "'l "?a
A.teae ??pre?.tat, **,, lorie W?a. 14| 74|
Well?, Perm K?. - ?U .?act*. Wool Pref..? ,?H
4a. Mer. ft. 71 TO ItVeet I .lead. H"l H'!)
U.S. Kiprea..W at [Si. PtoL.. *?l *??
Ptelir Min. J??! InoA'St. Pa.l Pref. 7t| 77
Lno. PieiSc,. *?* M ToL 4 W.baeh.71 Tl*
C I AlC.... ? ?JPortWetae. <Ok ?
S Y caadla..?I oSkOhiakaaaUtap,!.... ta ??t
Tb? Philadelphia atteck market la flm ; Pennsylvania
SA, 107 - PuUadelphia and Krto Ballroart, ?, ; KnndiDiC
Railroad, 5-| ; l'cninylvanta Kallmad. 59 ; O?U, n t.
To tho?/ who have fnnds to invent in Ian??? or
small amonnts, or who wish to increase their infime.
from means already inveat.tl in other leas pTofltaldo
st-eoritiei?, we recommen?l, after fall ?nveatnratinn,
the ?Seven-Thirty Cold Bonds of the Northern Pacific
Railroad Company. Bearing ?ven and three-tenth?
per cent gold interest (equal now to 8, currency),
and sold at par, they yi?:ld an income considerably
more than one-third greater than V. B. ??-'JO a. They
are Conpon and Registered, the lowest d?nomina?
tion being $100, the highest. $10,000.
Nearly one-third of the Main Line of the Road will
be completed and in operation with a large bnsinesH
the present season. All tho property and ritrhta of
the Company, including a most valuable Land '?runt,
averaging aliont'??.u?? ?veres per mile of road, are
p?adajad an security for the tint mortgage bonds now
offered. - ?*?
All marketaMe etoeka and bonds ikre reeeivetl in
exchange at current priced. Descriptive pamphlet?
and mapa, showing Route of Road, Connections,
Trihutary Country, ?&c? will be furnished on apph
catioo. Jay Ooaati & Co.,
New-York. Philadelphia ami Washington,
Financial ActBatB ST. P, K. Ii.
Fis* ?& Hatch,
No. ? Nassac-rt., New-York.
Deposits ?motivai, on which we allow interest at
the rat?; of four per cnit per annum. ?tfaaaal ar?
rangements mada with .Savings Lauta and others
depositing lance amounts.
We liMiie CKKTTKICATE.S ?>f DaWOSR available in
all part.? of the country, ainl hearing iuten-at in case
i*l deposit.
Wa niiike fiii.i.p.cTiovs for meri?h?nts and othew
in all parts ?>f tl..' eoeattry.
Onten for iwrftTMrNT St?>?-ks ard Bovn?
executed ar the Sf?K-k F\':ha-igf. on ??omii.ission, tor
We deal in (IhVek.vm?-m' Bovds, and make a
uiy of a 1'i'w nit-i-4 ut.-.-iwp.fiTMENT Scctiri
t?is. whu.li tvet.ui re? iiiuuiend "*ithfirntTfT*"**. viz.:
Clill.vU'KAlvK A-S'l) (Jill?) L'i.Si'-. I) Pitt Caat <iuitL
? isii.ti. !'ai une Lt'M's, ?? Pi r Caol (/??lii.
H : -n:its l'A. ici?; Rdm?-. 0 Pel Cent (J<'ld.
Thfl - kKS ami OaQO Bonds eta now lie
pnrrha | ?rW( b readat fli? ni ? v.-rv i!i -ir
able teseataieat g^A adinit "f a ron.-iilerablc ad
? in price ltrstu the ermipletiirn of the Road.
The Road II -?i nearly completed that trai
Hilt,? run over the whol?? line in Dseaaiber,
afi'T whie.h the sec- .-,fu> vt .11 iV intnuiu? ed at tha
-Mm k L\c ii.-Hii-e.s. \t lien tin-v .-hoiiltl aaoa take rank
vtitii C?;ntral l'asilictaud ataat iitsf-. I.i?s liondttou
?1 Loiiils.
The: Cl.MUAl. PaCOTII . ?lUoit'il at all the
principal Stock Lxibanircs <i I lie wo: Id, and an?
Leid U tha favori:;- American Security in the Eu
i-.iti.-iin markets, where a larwre proieortion of the i-n
? bed. They are now conipar
satvaly aam La this market.
The VWsrrTKN Pu :kic? lVo\i>t, fnirtuent of which
i- .s^iinii?! Iiy theCt-iitral l'a? i tic K.tilrntvl Company,
Hy constilitiarion, and which ar- thete?tro equal in
intrinsic valua for iuvestBi'-Di to Lie above, aa M
iiiually furnish at something let? than the ?'urreut
IIialn.l-1 [lilt '
W,- liny iiiitl sell ??tlii-i ni' th* fort-goin-i at curn-ut
Full iiil.iruiarion inrui-lied upon applicafi?)n at
m.f ?inn-c, ut pt-r.son u? it\ in.ul. i u.
lfi?eTsl!? I uerted "nr Tea -co'sncal
Tl iaai i Or* ?
A-l - i i .eiuaad
. 1' -in.- art dill tr,<l nurn nal.
i.??; ?t
. ..r l.nn p. Oiher aeaeriptitris are
- IWftaiaM. ?t gnuur:
??I'll. ?TUB-IT.
M. ?.?'di- rteoraiaie <)> bui ....# ? 4B1 10
N R.H. ?? M. l?os.
? Ma '? ?i ? ?Binon, i? LI.. ? ?S 131
? ? . k bel .
I'kiladc.ukuP ?m'a. S) OOitA' Ou' Latke Baua-rn ; M .. ?,? t so
H l,S. PLA.-1KR PAS1S.
C?f > ww Nn?h.- * m ?teci aevitii. w.. ??)* tua.? S *>?" on
-UaO. ~U >??>?...11. . y '10. I Otl.Iu a)
IStM 5"
HUttOH CORN AND UftiuM^-Ueii i e limned Bin.re
and pn. te Hurl P th at 7,/ i-.'i
?. -en u 3..:,-, ... brtxiina axe joiel, ..o;
jiii? ?er, dull in1 nrieea hace s duws
? ? "U.aern.
??'I'll.- ' ih. -i.-i h > I.-. i ?mir liai-.-d,
tnd Un- aafkel .a c-u, nut ?m lut er. . BoSoo.
tro? >e?..>r?e?a Tl??.
Ord'ter,.St .?^ It; IT?
ta.wi ')-: -art . !" 1'?, ,
Lea Mm iuj. 194 Is} J?)
Nuidlniir. 1'. X'i
...m-l M .idi M -'' . . -'Il
- ?1er*, rar.? 114 lu ^aSllUl set
. . ? i..w tbt mas iinii'.nL
mat t .k i-sass-'T ,?1 u.skt.
? ? f TnlaL
tacperv. H? J.S Vi?
un. i?
. 4 74 7J
r.itil *? ? l.nTT
Iu? lodnl ii lue okavo irr Uli kliri ?a ?une?
Pur'iiU/e lei ' ? euneea-loBof
Herse, luilirw. ?il m be?., of boa 14 ladings:
- .. a- -,
IS II lue.. Dee. 3011 it U,.-. Ian . .A? tl Uta, Marek. lOU
kpril, . . tha. Salta *>
?a*aas aas? sa ?t t?-. .-i?. a i? II bl? . ??ai ?c i*-.
Ortolier. IS? al V.. NuCnj. . .; -,e
?uher, *iift?t 18 11!? . I ' ? "tnl?r. SfSJ al
IH),-., liai al WS-lk.'.. i*l ?t litar.. IU? at IS S-lSe..
. ? .il- is-is?., tila ?i 1;;,'., aw
11 ISieler.. its) it IS US-Ote., 7ia a? I ..-. ; K. dreary. :>t> el ll#?e. : IIS)
?J.. I'll at IS 5-:?e. ;
Henil. t?"i ?t I*i... ??' al IS 13 l?e.. Son at bbKi Aprti. a?) it
ualai. ill,?!? kl
P.O. S. ?S Ssvaoun ?ce. S Y Lu? Mid.. NoceiuleT.ciirsneBi.it
,-i iKVV" -"y-ere wi? in jetlc.. lernt?! fnr Rio. ?nil prie?? ?ti'iw 10 al
1,1 lira.h-1. Um unnawb ueeeriptiuo? hin mn
><ntlh Aoierwa. la ?ine uf rrt?-ante ?<>al jcetenU'', a .
nein at
Sk, We ijaea gin ,? f?i|??. o-ihnerc Cen/o.-. U- ? l>. ; riir
iuj.? -?m-1 i tue?, 1
,.? The-.teek <ii RI? a? eweifi.? Br Sfa. Brett
IS.u?. ? ? -as?. Bew-orleaii? .'.?el rain
r?<?: Balthnon T.JJSt bag?,
h- ?-YutS '?)..' i,?,K lulu, ??.?.I basa,
rod 1 n.-ea are as
tadkaafsSi AiUnwuiine i,uiikM a: li^atWr. ifur 10 oa), Dperui
? -., arel CSeiShw?? .?Se. I
I'KI 1,s ASH DYRS-Ofilum 1rm ?Hh 1 'air ?etumt. ?ale. *H ^.M,
|1 ?at .id. B'.rjkrar a Stbi hot ?.ct i(?i?!i. (uulelal
? ail ?. OmaI reijue?! a' It / ? . ,
Otf l'?iiBSnai it e..i,i .. , ai tin-.lea?:.?). Bttata
Uier i?j'-''iM, sad in? laarkcl cluan Ira : Part, in ua rea?, heal m
ai i-? irreir? ???.'*? Jrorrtotioa? iu Air ra?|??H tad dm
-? .ft . Uta v, imp.4?* brmd... ?s a
Araeui. V?l- ?""' * * I Mint?, urge lake.aI lu a -
Btvsaa 1 il il Maun? 0a.lak.4kt at *?
? -4 an iaiSe. No? '?U.l Leru. 11. ?e ?.... I *J ??:? ??>
eatlie . . 1 * lu<f 1', .-'al Soda.Btwe. told ? t . 10
Ceealierlo.-acu't. ?k4A , ?S 7u ?eaate H-.H ?J? .'o . 1 .' ? .S -
Ir. I arar jr., /nil A4 . , ,- J II
Pwwe-.ita ?Jt.r,. ! it .'I-Soda. Ash. <jklh.t.iM 1 ? t
...m\ allied. ^4.1 "17. .iMaarl/S. fl.U.iraal Id? It.)
CimAnhte tort?.-? ISI * - t*m.. Il|<f I|t
-liKVt ?MILS?Pur hulk Ue-erva? ?ott Poetar taere a a fair iu.|ej.-i
I.ut ur.ee? are itaadf. Other ,lever.plim? ire eery doll, ?ad pri?e?
nominelle uii.-hau/-ii. We
i.u?wo.?i. Henlo Duouiuyi.. . .%.!>' i??<; a-'- 01 ' -ur r
Lot?.a.l Jinteiee.. Is ?a.i 1* Su ?aid.
Siaiiie. Timun-o.. .-? ie to .-.ud.
Prratte.BicaatSa. .. /4 '?A ????(
l-?s..e. ilaaueltie- . 'U Utl?-<"U.
?tuto DutatBf.i. ??*?> ai a
I'aaaai 1. tausuta-?ut.
Barwp?!. ? ?it tl 0B |uJd.
Laataaal. '.r-.tc.aa. liana m isi?
-larse irr:. ai? sSM inta?. ,1,1? ailv e? fwea I icery?M.I er--.-?a? tb. ???
irwier . ? t art: lull saa une
Vandodrm triit le?. ?, l?e. t? rkeei.?? ?V? anriet l? ?e?l|iw
?adSB Ml ?e?** 1' -"? oat, Wen*'ie
S'-'-r a??.t? ??). ?it 1*1 Rrt . Atubec'.SiUiia
S...1.... 1 ?t?, A lu ?a? ?as tt.ee. B7 Hi* ?h M
a tit. ta?. S ??? S i-l
au-.? ilttt.? trindi... ? nuis ? 191 <loi? h> auc a??a ai
?ut? iPaar, jai.-... 1 t ?
''lMiiSi.,11? aft. S ?? ' 1.' noie. 1 1.1 cale Basa . 40? ? as
aisuetuie min? ' . asi'i
a,iet., t?^-c 7 ts^ ' s; 1 .?i-, ?s aed "dtet, ??s? ?an
taie te ,.u aai.erleuae Unaaa Sei:?*?, do... '? i~+ lu 01
? , -- '? I a>4 ?l SU
taaad in ii?m S-. nie I -?"? D?e*a Bit 1 I.? s jo
?a.ai ai ,?a .. ? / I t. aa*
iittuaee. Hilr? ?raeSa n x\m ? ej,
Sasibrrs Ivw iiduiliadkat'?. "*' '','1' >r ""' ?* M b] a?j ?a
last asd skippan bald hack. A' tk? ?lew *. market s k??T? s?4 ?Uf
Br the tow ,m rn?t??m |Tad? ; sale?, -Ja bola. W? saata:
I -t. ?ss ns-owaw? Mifa ? tsasw ktsjm ?34 ul? ?1 9?
its t. Me? . saMissmrtciows ..lira sss r?a)ir . 3 ?SB lias
k.chnviod (sssrur., ??tstrla?. * W? I tt
ul.teutr? titra. T *?? ? ?
De .?war.. 7 4?* I ??
l?a. asur- How?ju-a. hraada. If?) ? ??
Ilagrrstown aad nein.tr Ultra?. t **? IIS
Bra Hear .? ?emir aid fairly a?!??; sales, 4*1 obla W? ?aw? :
B?a Ftowr. W?a>ar?.?? ?Se??? *S
Br? Flour, Siata tad F?nn. -itst, a..' ? 9?*r s ?S
4 ,,r? Meal ?srbtar-d, Iks ?V?asd I git: stirs ?f W 0*1? We ?jioU:
C??s*a?ml.a?f*?rt,ad ?O ?B! A ...r? a??,, Sir....?.! 13 483 9?
Cnrt M?si.a-?trV JUS. . lo'? K. _ /? ? 71
BaHnrh'Sl Kawr B?rtr nrMrw it ?< '?.*?? .'-, wr IM lb. Th?
?arts? etames better. rales of Peonarlos?)?. ( ??.urn:? aad 4Jr*gu?
Biliar aal' t ?t *as?y ?. asie* tt IH k ?
Ft.stl T.eieha. ts-eim-a? . :.?n..rl .?s-ri for Dry Cal snd tha
st?rket,? ileaiiy, ?at? of I.?* d"?. fJ-?tid?srIe?orre'. Hs-ik st ?3 IJ
utii ?. New Mstlrerrl are is fairdeas St. sad the mari.i ,s lea. w?
?a.,,,: \ ?11*4.19 SO; No 1. Ill 3aWwU? Bo. 3 ?I
?7 15; No. IK' I ?" *>? ?sd Sa. 1, B7 W?
?ale? of I.Jtm cjtl?. Mm - l?sil tor ?-?dsd sad pftse? art
erua lo? ' > "?si Ira ?rtlb I
?Mas Ina? rr at lie. oil.' -t W?c|?<4e:
Oryi'?.?.:.t.?*'* ?at?
Picki?! ?cake, f UU. - * 3?
pvsudtod. . - B 4a?
Biaima.Bs.i|s? Ban . B>e?s?i?IB
Bsraerei. No. i. bar saw.- II '?'S I? >?
Mackerel. N? I. Mam., ?bare, .rw. II Nd U W
Maekere.. No. 3. Masa, .arge . -a? T?
Bsehcrvl. No. 3, Maaa, m-ttisrn. - ? til
Bavlmara. reliad. So. I... 34 ?ia? -
S-slasa. Plcklsd, 4P t-e. au?.? 30 ?
Hersag. He?.?*.?? tan. 2t? J?
Hsms? No. 1._ is? ?
Herring, t? bb:.?, 1 tt? IS?
liemiif. IFsbch. *> ka*. I ?la? I S3
PREKiHTS? Bertb room kx. h?e? ??Vred tnoe? freely, ami r?te? ?ta
eaaier, it the lei I.ne Ibcie su * fair dem?_4 from ill- '
ihe rhtetftsf hoe ?a onto t fa.r call far rsasslasaitoke :u U ?
sad Petrol, um trade. 1 be ?sgaa?e.-netti to-dsr were ? To Liieriaai hy
fteam, lll.'KKI bash, fi-a.n at ?ad M '?
Apohaat Is . hy r?il: ?-?.(tWi hri-k .1 era Srw.il at ?+l. snd 450 bki*.
Batata, by tail, sa pritiha trrsat. Te l??s4?s. I>4 htde. User, br/
?team, at 3?. 6d.. sn-l 5.?) hula. R ? .-rlraU strm?. To Aat
wery. KW te?. !.. ?nbarb,
swac* to Cork far orders, wttli 3,r?B .?ra. tir..i on ?rtenU tor??-, a 1w
w.f-an bark, no? at an orUpurt, ?r.? a- '?" f"?"
pkt? to the Cm.tii.eat ?t 4? 54 * B-rrsrewtin
Ined. ?ml In. for Cat
terrsneau ?nd - ? a i i e?JU e??a? do., bat ?
terrtn-aa oa pr I
CttyPoistor llichnton.'
Toiiiccu, tamp ?aa : and an Au- renn tbrsv-aaatsB ?ich. -
r-f - er. bebt? to L.Stton .?/ (.?uu ami ?aes. ?an a g. a*, a' . *>. i?J?f
r li CITS'-TV market 'at Ponera a?
on mo t -
kit ?is ' ?
btiotsot the-.1-? ?i e? .? i?t - . saat*.Sai0.,g?s I?a?er
at?..a? -.: ? . . ?
bhls. I'hsr,-ti ,,..n..s ?tl
dine? hare Va,, ven tar' J'ti"
Nsr ..uei si .lie, c-rr? e .
Moscatel lUi.iu? ?r- iranicd tt I
it e) ; i ,:.- -, ' a I No?
Pr. ATHF.lt.- :rm;t?e
rjitiite at 7 r i"j4 - I ted.
UBAf??The Wie?; .
?ail? new? frna UiarooaH an? literal amVta*aa?nV Miller? aw? o semsaaaj ta
?persto asare frv?ii m W mu r. .,
sn-l heitt :?r gu?
ra, lu- ?..let are'tj n. " ,i?h. It ? ; '. i '.:/
.Sur.ng, aau Ni.rtu w.-?ar- ?> ' t - ' - i
BI trij far AalB-r I sdlil
.Nptemuer tt B! ?i. ? i ?
lad one lusd o' '
??'art; lila? uf SOU uaah.
- M na?, ?uta are I ?
me. s
store st 47.-. . '.Vkite at ?
t ay? s bet'.-r imd a t .?: .. ? is
B tre.? t .' M
an.: '-.a..
? .-.
I .a-li. 4 tuawM B
latid os 1 ? rrm?.
-! t?i u-.-Un- .
i,{ >s,Ks_There .a ? toi?ie-.i
ve sana u 4, ?: ivy a
man-l. tu.'
?atu at Ha,
',1 w. -Pernrus c^aist tad aacbscfnl it 4 ?' '?
fur ' a ha.
Il t?-n,e market i- rtoad? ?
for l-.n?: it ,
. . ..
i ran ?> T,.
New-Tnrk? ".-"it I
:,,? t urn ...
B sk tas
i ...
HEUl'-kiMtihii -n'e.fi.a w . a ?
sale? 1.400 hs.'e? ?t lie. gt.id. Jst? Mrtdr ? t.i . . >.
I.VtMt.i)- (V BU ISI
ss.es ot iiaaii kit? uf Madr?? it.'
?'.S? Ingot Catan? t
li.-. -U 25 Late ?I ul?.'
. ?
h- rrv\ ?a
? K-:/' in Hi ? '? ? a
can at a
P g Lei. |?i.-. ,ot 'im ? -
t{e.. for -
, I ' per etnl lo Ihe ir ...
?re daJl ?nd rom ist ; o'-b-r lamtTipt u.i.sti ti.
A-aert.ctn tnrot.*> ?3 11 ?' ?. <? " tt -
. ? . - . ? ?? ?
.. .
owMetal.pa. :: m V*
h.ata. ei.,:w metal.... - or.fi
.? kt4B j i.No. seat), f ?
Pi?.-No. I A. V- r'i-l'ica ?is -' ,.^.?. ,c J,.-. * -
,' t ?>-. .,! ?" Il ?'! B L??D.
- . '
Band. \Y to?....-1 133 ?u liar?
Hook, a* toa.... It. ?ur i?
car:. - J
- fun l.al 'g).?. H i . -
utao.lis.1 ftrtU. ltd DU'? ll ?
S.'ll.l IK.
PUte?. Da. i>> ?.. Ije iuj l?-.:c? Fo..?y ?flf) To
,? r?
Biae?. rold 4??.
P'ste,. 1.1 i , .s/),?. ?it 5? *e:t TS ?
Panai. Lc. Cm? . Il M I- '
P:ate- Cats Ten?.?aa a II te !? u ./ i. ?
. i J. 11 e?
MdL ISNES?TI en *.
We .|0?'t : Puro Kie?
Slt t
?He t.. .
si ?i ?' ? -
ut'- au Urce '.
r t ?.'.. eltur.u. . .
i. caat?, 79 * Ht? R>14Vi , Wear.
t ^ _
Crude rieb, sperm,.et ?3 u? l j?? Ban?.
Manufj. Itiafca.
- .... n # 75 Pota fr* ? . i -
Msnul?. ti ? eetued t, e il . en. wta,
... i it a 19
Maoola.airt-. , ?Oi'tS
Pnsts W a
ter. ? '
Lard u- . sur" g ... 7" at m rotas
Pi Mi it '.J ?uj ?V'ja, . .
-, v l
on th- -,
muni ; ?att s of .'.) til, a. a: - ?
yies?. sn.l i-a lo. ai BU , r- ?
Ham are :.: ai in.i ini.- I
?sltsol la ?Hams a? ;4..-.4f-.. a
I ' ?
, i e
BruatertM. teal week; lsture u-.i r
' ' rhe market b*a eonJjl
forwird ?
i D
?li .;
. . . F- . l
pri?es or
. .
?Otsl ?i, L.
hds. al aje. tur Malt*?? s .
Cabs, ?au i 4 ?i h., ir? ?l
?f ? -w
? f
?reaased " .kl aail ui.ng ?.aire i-.?a t??J.
s7 I ? - rprla- iB'.ei
1 Ai.Lu?t u.:? t.rsati a. fair r .|u..i ?' i O ayi t a
Toa asir fraile? ?i l?tase?!., I
rasai are ,a .'?M ?ap. ? Jet. ai. v t i
i ir?-?
. -
i ?f the awarr a?r.et ?as i - . ??racaa.
N T. WIini.KNALE PRIChsiiKCfiLMto' 1
I t:ib WEEk : ?, ItrTl.
i Fiat-tan tor las N i. i sis.'nr ui ?or *??? ?.-a/ .
S?r.d ?n!? g?.s! ?rt.ciee. TSe freight s.. : -, -? ?ai ,ip ??as?
goOU?. l'Ut e?er t.i.n.' I*: '.?JaV
l??i?oa. aie? ?u?? ?????? ?at? w. - s dmw?a?>? -?-.-??>?
aaarsacr . ? ?...
Bntato chMtT? ?oral. I ?* ?K I
?ggs. Mark i>ls> ? < ,.,K u
.m the bot or
aun tuna- ?taiins wnst u >?u;. -, e mata, iiu* ?
asyra. Sa? lai ..a or ta? | ... , ulsg
^. thai tuui mars
R ce ?? M t,- - . ,
i a t sal .
?? aakuafia. ????iisfn U. B pea? .. .. a**?.
bsaua Mr-i. new ha |h?. i?. atr to *>?ml..ei *?? e
- I S?
I>a,s.-.l?,r i??,?t . > 3t | B
- t hawi. hsg. -?ta?
. ra
Barri?,? fW i h? ?net?. I', lit parkai?* 1 4Su Vadjikas kat we.t
' . ulinr It.? ir? ia
the heirt of aa a?'? teetahrr traaa? aad ? ?ery ?kCnrtusr ?so M Is Iks
jeai. pr km ?rr Ira at ihr^i.gb-r IgtUra Cossiry
baaru to ?rrk ?p rate? talker hifker ibes ibe liaato bos? ?Bar
>??c ?ctcatk Pa^?.

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