Newspaper Page Text
^f_H_yj^ V'aWVll s\<M?S.7. NEW-YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBEB 25. 1872. PRICK IOIR CBNTa AT!. OAMPAIGH TH TB1CT, T!> S , ?! i.i; l_ Tiir TWi ? .TtoHon. i-ot* . ? i - r ? . tVl'l ?S I! i It r-, ? iiiimr. i ia fu i M \ ll-nre". Tli i ?? i 'iiiy. -. . I - ? MI-.MI [BY TKI.BOE.ii_ 1 Buu '.4.?Tin' Liociiil gathari i f . ' t ? 'n. . i. i ? ? . -:i ii ? fiin . Of t: ? ?ill- 111 ?a? A 1\-Au:i an ? ?!! CAKT1 .roncho i 1 Wt'll ? I JUIlllipsi I lull. W ? ? ? i to? m %. S. < ?X AN'I> V.M. li. AI BI ?TALO ? t-MAJ \m TO THE TK11 Butta-O, Oct 24.?AlthsO bad be lit ti< tc)-ni/lit. h .'?elioii' ' - BOBI . .nil v ... r I !.!l . II t. . I . . ? t . :. : ? I LEE. .; i lOA_ ? MAT _?_l' ST OF THE , ? tiou ?... . : iiat Mi i I? ? 'l t.. him, auiluji til' 1 ?jt eii-c t ?'Sl.ll.lfc to til , first Bomlai OS body el that kiti? I sif in members, m.s ?vs, ami bal stsk vote Lxbiiij ? J, and mu i'. ? ? ssary t< ? r to b. Bol tomo of tlie ".-.,?,? i- Oraje1 him (i-e vu, i . -nt be ul ? wai tlicii uil.ul.ttsd to u wa_ ii()iiilii,iteel by tl. . out tust he was a < I - , ? - * ii. liut tlie a' ?.-,. ;..,.k" ou Lim if he ?tat .,1 coo. An i , - ; . - ? - _..f r... : I .ind Uity still i blata? , l?la be did by < ? i ? 1 ? ?' * ??/, M lii_u Witt ?"?-' -? ?? ta? ?m ?M \. .irr in? |.ritit .1 In t'i?> ?>a.' ner-table, Fingier mentioned ii.i- ilrcemeta wltah t__ reporter " wrote up" an bis retara. !,i'.n i? h oblige ? xplain, and be ?'i? l this in ibc letter 16 I printed. Moat po?iple here sreoftbe orrtnloa iisit i-si? vviiicb he spe?ka la bli l.-n? r mo? of comparatively recent date, foi Plagier old n?>i ; hen Mr. (?reel v v. ' si.? f'.r tin- H ilicTrtblp, t., give him bis active support, overed, In 1-69, thai red tu aas ? -i, kiiuiMiig what In- lays did, tu soppoil Mr. (.K-clfv. L-TOfO-TOM CO?BT1 UBEBAL8 ABOU81 A LABOB OATHBBIBG AT DAX8TTX-~---_l Al ? rom (.?.v. i ;i:Y 1_.lttB_~fl To TH1 rilUilM-'.l V IVSYD LB, Oct. M.?An iniiK i M i. t here to-day to hear got. ;;. ?riii.m em ?f Um oampal - i i- npat, f.tii -? . :? r (1. ? ts'lvi-iir neat* sard in? eloslag remark! eUtfy srary Democral wherea_a_i ut and rallad to vote Qrsetoy thnetr/N tin"., cl r . i \ c-ry DeSBOCTatk pa elple, in i-, f ?-_ - ti '? to tiic? ;.- vu.i -i. i pa Um satt ... (I Hint crsnt had ?"''y paid whnt ? extravagance eo dd nol sqti indt r. Bs ph-.i i raid i.nt borros money al n loi rate of li we w??re aoi al pe an.oui-. ? ." tiic aposl I.' f lor si i.'!!-;r'.V"riiinctit, .-?tul I ' ,. .i tv fur the H of the e is Qot. Dofftnans] ike of Mr. Kataa ttn l oaesl m il pare Baa, veil oaahfledto* lu ti..r nml ti.tin'ii r- ,'snil ? i ;.i bear ? i ? ? I : . i Pottle ci' ( i h ikaei of i.i\. .i f.iii the lalae r i ] - " form. II a Lib? r:ii m si form? i B pi lit- -ii nu id thai M?- i ii irtj i Lincoln, bul u el m i i i . ; i ? m ! ? m i In? i In i< padbtti Thla ?.-?s lh?" '. ever held In LlTlng-ton, The .i.-miv i? iboroucl Brom vote a III I ? a-York i_ i i '. i ill. THIKTIETH I - DISTRICT. ? ? ' ?BH I EM H1AGA1 .i CANDID I ? ' ?-.M- 1 01 '.'?:.? Bl ELI 'i KD? n ? .. IB Til ,'IIC BABi lOHT. [FM . ! Ill I HI :. H -Notfall It I ; i an in the pen Hi I ? - ti. i-. V i ha' beard tii ? ? t that 1 bat ti looks over the U I Comnaltteea wlU i party la m ? is, one? ris ? - . i tin?* m t ? Um iJi-uio;-:-.?'-! of i nt lei 1 io 1 .ays held in Us ? i wlthoal ." eemmlttees In every eounty complain tb Ion u i - ?'?. fr .m ? ?? ? ? In mi. ' bis tiwn cl-1 ' : ? than ! , i, .-. Win. t sitti '. i lie Pili ?' I , many ??*" tb ? i retarles Kieii an I Belknap, 11' live lv fin tl ,H admit, (i . I that when < 1 .: i. *?'. "I. fmitliworti and I imber i i. i ? i," bi i and lb An Ac I eral 1 renal ?' 400. ! ? :. I be County wool i 100 or MO ;.s i ' id i' ? ' T.l l!'. Illlr 1 hope ii ? ai hoase on i ? ? ?li In thl . ? lesiet 100 Id" lOW, I. to. The '? R k it? w of no ? - boa i many I do not know, . - Mr. Un el? ? h il as tb ? r? stood tb< ? . I.ill f tiili-'i \.j:- r- nut. I il, and mi ? l ma to-day thai tbeiv would : rut? m tin- e. unt) -??'. kuort, elwaye clone, b m i?, r.ii, ral thii nnd the eonnty can only be lost bjr a ncKlcct tii I ir. I tbli p ii iv il. m in, ? prese nt n ' . < .h ai t District-* er? nf tin- Republican pnrl liila county, and li a man of . I of niiliii- Cl .ml il |t ill tin ". It ?S |l-.r - 1 ? i ..ii-.; \ ? ' t n lb |. ??, f-n nf tii ? .. they bave poslpon -J t ? r : I I II ll.i e .mi ... ' i I ? ' 1 ? Sliiiihnl. Bj i..-.( ??ni i. ?i ;. M, Chas. Ci ni. Alabama f>-nt?*r, Ort. M, Chas. Ora yens find M. n. Maet Ttr-tlinny, 04tt 30. Clin?. Craven? .mil James O. Btai l'iir.l. l'ivllllon, Oct. 31, R. Balhird of I? I:oy, and Jame? O. Bbt*part). l-ine Hill. NOT. 1, nui?. (" ni?-, n? ntid M. II. I'erV. 1,0 Rar, Ot f. 29. .latiiea M. lliinin.uev ulnl A. P. Lah tling, liotbof Buffalo. ol 111 KT, ''hnlrnian Dom. Co. Coin. UBBM?L Dl-.MOVs'I'li'ATMV AT NYACK TWO MI.I.TIN?S 111 LI>- I.AI.Ci: ATTLNDANCI'.? fl'l-'KCili- BT PBOMllIBBT UBBB *.!.>?if aC_ l.ANi) OO?BTT ?TOB OBI BUT and BBOWVi [HT TIl.EliltAITI TO TB1 Ti'tH'.I'.M ] ?S?ack, H? V.. Oat 21.?A cold, rainy itoy nnil nnnlilv streets ?Aerr- atMDI Of tin- ritM?-niir;i?'inte eirv vv.tti wliiiii tlm JAIie'.il ?tciin.iKr.inA ?uni Domo rau Bai le Maitaad ye-tei-itn in can Ibb o jiiiiltieiii del t O i al ill tli? ?urrounilinic t hau? had mfttai to Join In the. (leiiidli-tnil ?mi, ami tlie tiillitt-r.-. I 111 .at trate le hat i lakaa rtiaiiii.t slnu of from ",'sO.l t.i ,'. i -i i.,. :i. Tin' visitors who vvnnl'l BlM h.ive n'le.n.i'il ,-nldeil to then? vvi ulil Luve ciiii-l,' t kn.-l I"./??) |e. njile. Ike ii'.ipri'iit ii.ns weither Bad the BBCBT? ta?i.t.V uh to wlietln r nr Bai ?B I kW 1" !.. Id, i.-in , tnpaati to Iba potltl i ? let s uf Dan - wko daiad lu-.iv ? tl.e innil ?nul i .'in. T i.f tli -t lin Btlatt, ' ?in t'l llaV'' B ??' I III Ci'' BgN "?'. ''!', B I t ll'l'l ill'. ' ll aoalaa BaU, wklel. v.-..- Bile i to : ataaoal eapadtr. At ??, Jllllll W. l'YItlT. ( Il 1IIIIII1I1 Of tin? I'CIII" c.iiat ( Hum tttate, ' ! ? ! the in i tta i m m,il Jlltlt-'e All'', ' ? BOB II (Tiiiirinati. ?Tadae Snfferia took tin ekaii Baud great ea IkiielBBM. ?-mi bbmV ?i r-in rt apeachi refer rtu 'priai ?pally to the loeni eeateet The loi ..?: vi.e-i'.c i!. nt v.'i.,. a BhtTppard of Oi t'.t-, M. M. in.'-"'i of Clarkatowo, Wn QrajrofB M> Bps? Wor?tr), Vv'l. . (a.\,,Il of 1 I if I! I'.t 1 -e .i\l ; | ?a! tki Btilj?ainlng township?; tl" Hob, : b I I'.'ttcr, ?'oiiin.i ,'i re \,iii. Vie:!;-, (.m. BbbibBI 1? Crooli, A. A. 1' ? i ni.itiy, C iii l'.iialnie Willi 111! Voorhl?, : . ? i ' 1 In i-- ia a ? ? ' itltntkra. i; ? 11 mi. n '.if oaa ?'. mo I ?.. M l.l I.,,,. ? : ni ??? to B It-'al-, Will? en,: bt ItaoTi ID , " , I II) .1-1, Wlal 1 .;'. a ? II C'|llll!l.V IllMve I |n,' ; ?.t ta ,t | i i :?,.!, )!i ml ti kj side, BabtlBg tin- ,. n;. I ; i iv :, i h ? the Sutes of il ? i.-lit of si'K-jiovornim lit. 1I>- eicnli a a, d I lie- BBBI the A'liiiliii-'i.iti"ii, Ly il n I' m,eve I i.e. n lotiia atiated m :? f ? M the i t :|. ' . Re i1' . t t. ?Ho an Itninuft. n tlnit ?i 11 ?' '???'? of.'. I a tliiiitit lui crisis, M IBM ng t kclurers iiniiitry, n? v fil ns to ?'? n.i ?it tion of II. ? tattoo I" '!lt:il!lin?r Stilt''- I SM, VVOtlll d ati.i.e t.. ti.- vieil i tin? faint] at I M the int. lit. : , ita;. i vi TV rent Of tin lr l '..iilnl'li woiiiti ekaB_a tki aaoiBalatea i i U on TOW )lll>. t their inltii ii-le?. and i n u I C,iti-"i v it ve i :.lte?. . ?un r m, t? ? . ? .' Itr. I ? ' t ...i honi i ?? Willie! tint I. '.. lie Im.I ml -,-?'? .'. ill bad done t.. l. on ' i ?tl .lit t In , ' I! I- S Ml. 1 'I ' ' . i ? ? tier, / . . . I e a up ilut ? . bad m ? - i - bOX I - ! ' I i ouvenllou , the i l in ii- , : ? dr.!iz Til?! j. . ? . . was ? -il to ?u-I i ? ti.etii. I . ? I wit Ii . it not : lie -i ? i ? ? Kltlllt _ I i ?in! (Jen. i i . , i ,,. ? i- i f ? I o .. . ' - i v : m --. : i ' . . At 7 tt'i. h.- -i to the I ' ? iX. Pot? ? inl'Ii-i ?.?a:, he. I. ? Ih? intu? with tl e.iVt.1 ',:,'.'! ...I i niiiity. 'i'ho 1, ' H'lV 1 bwraaMi d ? ?? I of till' Bad Its ri t .?t ; in -'i Inquire i I ? . eaaa l toi t., power 0 lin ni II..?'ht ;.iiiii-htii.-ii ? ' I vvlth m, : inl ih ? ? "i \. itti ' ti in population and i ? j ., ? , ? . ? ? i ii ? I . t of 1 I ? tbit result Billy al " t ' ! , lw ?i e ,',, rnnii nt, but v. re a n 'ai ' ?? at I - ' ' : I ! 1 ? ' ?: ' I f , . i LOCAL POLITICS. Tnr. MniniY-onuiKN BABOAII. Mi:, ?mandi.ek's UMUWOBI WU1 t?ie eoTOM IIOI >K 0OMPAO1 WAS 1-.KOKI1N. The Hon. Win. E. Cliiimller, Secretary of the Orant W-jmbllran Natli.i;;ii Coriiinittce, expressed till rtewa, la.t irealag? In re?-,eri| to tin? relative merit* of tin- viirn M ? utieliliittft fur the Mayoralty. urnl i'sjieii.illy lu rcpard to tin? reasons which rendered tbo A.lniliilrti.iti'.ii Daaagan unable to control the Re? publican vote? fur o'llrien. In reply to tbo li? as to whet-Mf it watt true tint the? Administration man ttttt lierc had tnii'l. a ? ..i i net v, lth O'Hricn torfvn hlui 140,000 CO SOOtl tin 11?- ri.?.ill'i _AVS la'-cd toll p.illtli'iil as ?ise-iatioii banner-,i :,. tiii.i-r had beea raised.theMHBacre? lai ?aadealytMr' '??..iffiTOcl to O'l?ri ."i. M ?lid that so fir a? he kaaw there waa ao if any suchi>rom i i-, 11 ; . ssatestal hi ii> had hM n mule. t?i oiirii-ii, it must hare M ? ? by Ihaana Murphy "I Isnil," nail] Mr. (-handler, "n v?-ry loiijc Interview with Mr. O'lirlen 111111111,' the early part of tin- MMMBaigB, but I tiii.cli-no frrtii-t with him. I illcl tint know enough of Una Tail poHlhii lo illeiant In i toealBepab lis.ils %<st?-." Mi-, ( l'.-.ii'1'er tlieiis:! f thai Mr. 0_tl-n WM ??n able ni ?uni mi honest man, snd thai nothing bad t.<- n provi 'i ii;-;uiiri iiiiii. lie liad Ix is? ved from the out el oi 1 lu ari t Democrat) ??' with O'Brien. This meaaure would bars h< ped the Hi pni in- nu in this state- mu? city, lit? belli red In keep? ing faith with O'Brien. Winic be knew nothing ?>t 1 in ii-i m? ? itipport O'Brien, there a tedly a tm it undemanding, snd tlir- Admli tu..i leaders 1 - - lou - to eai r out the ? im nt. 'I'll' nomination ni ll.ivi me )?.r, 1. . .hill. ult. LIBESAI Is'AJ.l.Ii.^. Ml M.-'ll-AI. BBFOBM AilOMI (.F.KMW-. An entfaaaiagtk meeting ln-hl last iriglit baPi 11.te. No. ttt A'.? in. A.ini'ier theai Of the liiilc-pc-liilc tit li ilnsiii A- ' rl.itl.ili of the XlVtll iy Dtotrlet the sad ;> aaasbeiad ahaal ? of wocMagSMB. Dating -tin- tun o?r ?nt :. .-.ii-in i'is.1 t-ninl humor prevailed, 1 - ' iha ereali 1 aers - liv M'rn. Khs'ir. Chat <?'. ('?UTirll wns isoiuliiatod f'>. 1? i.u'li 1 f 1 In- IIV . : ? IntsTodnced, I wt'h applanaa. Ba-aid that ha fell grata* toi ii.r ii.? ?r i..iei ic-.-e ; i?. h, iii- had thai tiiiiiiH-i.t essae fi, m , n lanaeaae meeting.held :-i sadst^ "f th.-1 ity, to large iii.c?. ii?- waated the people te MahtaaaaAte know -' at that they aheald ees had kaew ... f.T m ? that! \. M-. Be head heaa brought forward te ifBew i . ii i, in- tbo-ghi he c-.uiii fia tin- paapla 1 |y do hi ? i.? il tn administer ? ihciy : bis pi itforu I hon imy, i-i 'I i;M city ibonld be ?11 1 I . Ici . 0 Binent. II o 11, . supp?t ii 'I tbe National ' ! ? \ ? . | i DOIS A. K< 1 ; 1 ii.-, human ? uun. . mi 11- roa '..iiiiKiM.Mi v. Tli?.' XI?th As-siiilily liistiict (ucchy and ? nth held a mm meet?yr? la - al No. ? u<: -. Ti i- mu it in the m i' ?in rbood ted t ? ri.iy "f tin.?11 idseuedwlthb atlagsahaadof , ii-i tie in!(u-rt ihroaghoat v.-a? r. ' 1 ? ? !. ti 1 Boa . ? te attend aGermaaneettag-a I ? il,. 1. .1 11 : *v uiinri Ihn t, i,.1, ry to reject ? their 1 :. 111 1-11, cl m fblladel) 1 in at about the .- ? .... ... 1 \. U, 1 , oval of ? 1 ? ? ed, wlthi orb, which were received i r. Bi 1 ton \. 11 m -.t Introduced. .:. in mi int. 1 THE CAMPAIGN BEADQ1 '.'.' Encouraging letten u_ i - - ? ? < : tere frota au parts ol Ib Unios?. The : ' ...... . V,'i- in ope to hlillli ?lrcciiiriil uilt all h- ht." \' ? ? r sen? away. ? > ? 1 r .|i'i. mu ci the Qennaaa or Ohio \. ?? 1 flead , luth, wiiii tin' .1 I ? . ? a !'. \, ol_ \. Il d< ii'.?-r cu kddreM A 1 '.? Id 1 1 1. in at Il ni, and I. Iwi . -. 1 ' uta Ei DieldB n a l pi ,?k ni ?: to the qiu i.i-i - I iiicctinr.-, fit . ' - . .'_? il. limiter (col .'?I ?... ?? li. Jl. 1. -Ve tk lias 1 ... i dnring vice? 1 1 1 . <? Dili. .1 ? ? !_, ; 1 . . ?11 . 1 1 to, Liberal ; ? i- ir niii 1? 1? tbe ... 011 cand A large and \ Id try 1 ? Browa Mclitti :i .11. 1. lian v. ,- Wie ta .'. loeiation met last M tsaembly ? i ? ; 1 O'Brien ii oo( he only on . . ? blieaus have .1 vent toi S't.. .' I it, I ' in the _1 bly District Denio-i for . . I ! . I ? . s ? r_i_u ' ? , . .1 1 1 ? 1 . 1 1 ... ' athm wa? aniot'T the flr .t In tie elty to Indorse fire Ii y ?.tul Broa n, ,. ? moera. The Urooklvn Itoforiu Conmiitlic of One Iliiinliid ia-lil a se? et BBBBM lu the directors' room .?f the Ai-itdi n-y at Maate, laM ntealaa, fce Mjb fan tii'inliiathir: an ?l I m'-ilv. d'y. and ntni.ty ticket ' ?nffratros "f 111- people. Franklin Woodniff of the I 1:'I'liiiiin i. (?. ni-riii cointn'.tt' ' d there were presen I Pi im Commissioner Kauffman, ? ktrrCoMmla ?toner Writing, Deniaa Barnes, Bamuel McLean, an-1 B. UOi the (?rant (iMiernl C'li'iliiitlee, :?lnl ?1 -, the majority torna; i'ron.iiicat inui.atfi.-rs of the tiiant party In tlm enmity. I wo htiiii'iiil und forty-six Ocrman ilelo r-.itc?. from 24 Stiite?, met ye?ti i day' !" MM H ala Rbbbbs, fee tin- MjnMM el oririuizinu a dot Li hi National i onvci.tii n. The Convention was cttllt-d to ord.r tij Dr fi ITkBITBilMg. I ' Hie (irrmnti Ann1 Lou's Bio ( itltnr of JAs Deb " I action on . till . .' tl . I'.. |i:l,,a- ,11 Ml ' ' . I : iii vi n ii.v Mi. M. ;. ii, Pi ksident (.r the (Ji lean United Assu latton. Iu the evening a sent? d pledging the mi'vort of tke ( tiiiveiitioii to (,r.iut unit Wil:ou. LOCAL NOMINATI' Tlie Vllltli I .?strict T.iniiii:tiiy-?\.-^i tn.'ly Con . 77 .U.d II 1 "V t., i. ni In-' . ' .n_ai,jr., for A toi a. Maafl for Assistant A The l.ili? rul !.. ..iii.lleuna also ... tli. . ..^?ttiou of Fi.'il.iiik Giigi.l, Jr., for iily. XIV?i Dl-trli.t OrnntRi-l: "I 'if, ti Ce'ivr-Titionmet nt No. 17 Btai vi BBl t . BBd 0* ??.'??- dJohn J. Kootflioe for Aaoifetaiit Al'lei TheXVlTh Dletxtet Tanm.-tty ("onveiitlnn, at a meet Mi. i-t t.i-ht ;,t Ho, .. -, i.iiiiiiuat-d Gco. Kelly i Ail, ?man. 'i'ho Ml, Hi A - . .-t A?-i?tniit Alilcrrranle Ceiivctitioii, ABOll 'vii.ti^r, at No.-o. Elaktk ate. r. Tke Taaiaranj Am itanl sUttexiaanla CmveetlM of the same l'i.-trit t nomlm tad Wbl B. c or. tnibly Convention I The XVI'h District Atic'.'o Hall As?mWy Convention inei at No. 1 h Tiiiid-nve. und ntBllBBtli l'utn.? !__*___? tul- A.--I UBI Allia : The XVIIili Dtatrtt t Apollo B y Convention tiniiiin. : ' I ' ? The Ai olio lis Convention ottha ? ut nnani' onali i ? i lektey. led Andre- I : . ir ei Aseeyjijiy andCliarlea Feltaor ?.,i v mt Aideraioj. i Bei ?primaries wne .-.. .n toi Alder i ten m. . low ?: ' '..nactL .Al., -, , ?-?...eterno-B ? '.' .'sa. ? tteet?. B..AI_a ri.?' ?T. V. L. Ttli_*t. 7,t*?'.' t.. - . r-Diciel I Tui i ' djourui d n ? Boule iiiiLuted Ueuiy kt, ?ly. I t DAYS OF BZOISTET. To-il:iy ami to-nioii'ovv are Uta laat ?lays on vi,;, is lu-, ?ivin IsMd to l?, BBBB ? iu Mi w-Totk, ..tul only ti Tliiy nitts? kette a low Idea o; ike alfaltrol ." tip who vi,! tot r incut ral t?ko the troubla ncriMBiT to M?ate t-.?" ii:\ii-;.-o of i To 11 'i-1' a !,. a t" I- -t-'i 1 I !-?- *.n v, ami a i nt in ) :? tin ei'v ..f M days la ret) and loi "in i? ilyDle ____________________ RING J' 8TICE IN PEA i I VASI?. . Of THF. MAMA TitlAL?A I'. ?. DOT! U I .M rOBNBT Dl '. I'M- / ti . IB. tli t the (..-c of ih ..,. yt *> ; y wits nvi r." lie i- the n...n i- tvi uue In - t ., Mr. ? inael of -i i , i .m- m tu? . ? i tii m t,. somet? dy else. Mr. Mann, t, ao ,. t Of tl-' plot ?. ? .i of improving hli knoa i ilpi lath . ali i anxiety seen I " on , .in ! to "?. Mill far ?i? motive? i n'a ii n lues? *ee in ?d to i ?-? I ? , ? i ? IU It, _il[ in . ..a ?I entirely aul . Tu i'?t II pl? . ? ?i In colluali i .-la I'- 01 ? - D, VI . s'lli-11 i ? rant ..:.?: Ulli ?rmafioB tu the i l . - i. Yostcrdiij "i: na of their tiiuuiph, c. the. no lo , ' i ' ? " ' _____________ :.i'V. \v v .;?,., r, Oct _:.?A deli galioa n entlu ' ll ll| i II ;. : . wellt] . I arg .,...,. of n ti v Ina ;. i I .?.?:?. i -, ' ' lag an t -y, f.ivori.-ii, leen. . I I the A * . ?uhabi . ? i I 1 ? ' > I'Ol?KHJN NEW?. FR A A e"?>'.nfrvi_T n , T<( n , vr, TTFn_ wiiiidi: \w\i ? ,.- , WAsiiiit -im; ro i ' : iv:; a POSIT.OX IX TUI AM.'.I.H \N ? 1I.IM.r, i'Aiiis., Oei -4, BUI R'iiisoel, who ? u f nuil ft and seateaeed :.> di Thee vacua - -.r; aad Upper Mane by the Oer nan n 'ILe /,'irri y ;/-,/,,- i ",? ?,,,. -,., , 1 ,,.,.,;.; ,' ! . laj male?? ..? ment thai !.. ii. W.'!. . i r ill r Mi? r . lb* eomplatata r ? | rta oners? of bad troatmeut by 11.? 1- .. ?.tTl t hilly rffsjt? 1. GSEAT M I i ADT>ni:cs of ti:;: I 11. UMB Sir J(.]in Duke < ? afOiaal Britala, ei? fin n i sill.II nf tl.l- ? .... of which he ?aid of the re salte! the Oex ra ?rbttr? tarn that " iis-J. pant w.ll a-at ..i _. u___ u_.i_m.v_,." ITALY. lNTM>ATIONS e.N IBB BAXKfi 09 EflB BIT1 il > BOMB, Ihawdfif, (. LB Al?inning report* of diaaetmna ian_datioM ea each haak of the Biver Po tsve i . Bo details of ?he ?laiini-.-H ? r In-? i.f :,'.-. If : ny, an c:\in. lue M.runter nf s'uliic YVor.H hat left this i-lty f?.r the scene of the fiocxl.i. DEHESABA. COOi.ii-; iv?r Kici.c n?.\. KivnsTOX, Jam., Or. 21.?A luliiflfil frcm Deuu-rarii taaoai esl that the < Mrten, aad thai a m r. -i? Melee ? li.?. aere eeaspelled t" ?were killed befor ! ' V.N.ON OF CAS? SATION Of TWO OK Til: ONTARIO?A N11VV ? TH.", IM'IANS AND TIIK I! CM gDAl I BOB. TOBOBTO, Or,t., Oct. Cl.-Mr. ! ' ' !' tnis-i of iheOataria Oevenuaaat? a , s-'i lilleuii B I.a?'- il? i.-i' 'I I?-It la n.riit. The Lie'..!? li lB1 (.01 ? ? bal -> ..i 1 I . to loiui a now G I ? 'at I . ? Man ?11 In- Ad-... Fort Paiiy . 1 . . I -.ii .-Tin-tit. it vu let ;.i i aaden irei i ii i- ndly or othei ? lac. s.u.i- i paring by the Red Laki Cblppewua uat ibe B ' by Am ?tX. -?. Cl i.A. MI.TMOT) TO COXVH TI!K VtTtCTl ' TIM ? '?? The- following li the text of the pnolntion ndopted by i - * Ike Mocee eft?e Island, to?tee t tb? d Hal i-i the tr aad protide i ? r i ? the vai : " in caafonatty a rd of -, M< n bant , l'ropi - ' 1 e?al. V Wl H I ' ?? ui - : ? i. of from 13 up to eo y ear? ol . _n, u. ?i ..l aa I???ii.-.ivunia In tnm-, ? ? tit-, ?-\?-l - ? ? - - le trade, in ? . t" in-1 btaln? d by the l '?.? in'- .m.m ? ? us?a prize? . ezu - of city i 'i i-nt. ?uni alii t us b fixed si M . i 5!h. Th.; war sub i ? ; i ? ?m tue i???? total of -?"> per eea , ; mereij n n in i Jan. I, 111 I'll! '. Botana, Q . iTBBfl p. ' ' ' -i Till: W-8BIB0 i Au Arrsrpahoe gnu anil powder and h ad, ? the An . ? ? ? i bunt. ; . i i.. : ? . - . il . I . .ni : i . ? .alista. ? m h. ? ? ?-. ..... - ? i ; l i - ? ' - . , I. . I r . , i ..ii. . . v B, !.. _. s . . . s ... . at a itteea a ?? __.? , ' i? at _ . ..... ? lllld.V - a_a **