Newspaper Page Text
Q?mno.i?i.iua, ?le., ?lus <?.icuin?,. : "I?.sn (?i.i r_e?l- ' . M ? '?nl.-r. ir. aial Miv l> as ?-o. lUirr. . Faaej Om D wa **r-. ilcrs?.. iP.i J-l n lr-n.-Iii?. vi i' ? ni?? : " Qea? ??? rtmlan? ' I M. rtW BBS D H. I \\ -..i i ? . !it?n." Mi?? li.ig.-r?. UOArl IMS lia?. IMjr ??M.???mr. .,hii '\ Il m '. 1 I ion o? T8. tb. ? ic oran x - '-.-??? r. l'U II 1 I I " lV c -,.? , :: . taro: '" l ''?ll f ' Mr. a, ? ', ? in. Btoi . ? - _ 1U'' RT. s . - \ M MM. Dl ' ( r - f... Thobo'd rob'?? I'll.? of h?lf? ' 1 . Ml Al .?i,., i et.r ?wir. srol' ?bl. o I' . ? jjl*_ -w.To-k Ci:r. _? ire?t . I I.? 1 WAY - HA.? I -', (..tits', ?u'd l'.'.y - i Du. BTFb?-I- l'4'.'i.-,i-l'.U(Mit Arm? ?nul I K..1 1 TERMS OF I HI. ? Pah \ i mumm. \Ye_:__y Ti . pe? annum. ?r line. ?in-. \. i.i m ? i AccorUiiiii: I m the paper. TflOBO, fa is sis :h'?;i; i Art?llese. Tnv i i.ii t nk. New-York. l'lil -H'F.MIVI. ( AMI'AKJN, 181% Campaign Ti.x rs on iiif. Pkf.siint Issues a ,,l be published nt hiking iiiK Canvau. Tin- fiiliir.. v. in pampbli t form: Nn. 1. Pao kL Ri rtwrc-??? Coavi t i I, Jiav 1, 'J, ?su i :i, i :., with : ? ? par i opj ; il copio, tor a am Mu. i. ?.s Titr. QUESTYOXS or am "f Gen. I n r i.']-? ; ti tO per 100; ??? i>> lUHil. 4 i? ul? pir copy; it for u do. m in tie United Btatei - |.(?r copy; ? t I .'?" ? Ol 11 -tut by uuii!. 4 seats ix-i copy; ? lorhii Ko. ?.,. ?"s Mabtbrlt 8t_aca at St. Louis, |.ri;t,,i m tii?. ?..riu.sii Lunfa ? Ka 2. N". 4. I'iii nit, Famchk; A Kp.vh'w e?v i-iu?r. ?ina-Ion?A i.nef, pithy, unit i Ictment ind it.? blonder?. By Tb Price, leen ?Il pe? 100; flO tier l.?ix. It sent by niai!. 2 lent? per copy ; 1(0 tot tl 86. N... |i yviiay I Kkow or Boas i Gaaturr. By Olive? (in, ceveral years un Edil r of lite Independent. Nn. r, PAaaaa e.F Obaptaqda fio-rosraa?Coots 7. page*- .r Campaiom - impelan i <?<! with a ? at of Horace , uiniiiHtod Oorer. No. ?. Tna ri.ATioRM Asr> nn (asiiihatf, in laafiel fern ? , the full exl of Hie- Cincinnati Pc rtUnd Speeeb. Those ? monad inn! answer loo, 1 ?eut |i i ' nts |? r 100, ?u l.OcO for $?'.. l.y mail : 1 copy 2 Ot iit?.. o_ cent? per ioo. 17 ixi 1.000. 'I'tiwiV. A':' I -?t in IX A ClIBArER FOB* (?jiiar . im i lient :, Blade ci'py, TSeeaM |icr ioo. ft per L00a If ay HMH, l ropv, s tents; s copie? i?ir I renn, UO copias 'or |i, copies fur 110: ' ,. OB <?s:\Nr IV III: BaXATB, Ma? ']. Veril..' WI XOk 5. Tit? fiAiT?^',,E, C'iN'.i..ntii)X.-.\ ?tilI ?vpori of the K'al-1 ( aiiipaiei, M -tes. >. l'eut s n. bz's bti vr St. I/hi?-. Iwe is- ;', - m., i..i-i-....... i ?:-,, | ' .??entioii. ._--** Mr. si.tiMi:-? Larrea oa Gbsblsi iji_>0_--jrr:8ella lartns'r. l.'-!t? r K.-,- Mit; '"TheColoredRare,'' Mart? A'1 - '? - P "'? M-'-v i Letter ol Withdrawal; mul tli- "' ?) l>" B* N... T?. Tnt Ani'it:ma or chaki.f.? ?UM-iaa t.. hi* Boston Coa nrsV\ : m. .'l-mi;i MF -l'un rtrHheet). rtie ?1,,. t XlV.liiiiil XV tb Ann ti'l i'?--i >-'tii'VV'u-r.l.?':;''-'?. ???j ? - ' . lueUM uuin in?- "i BBnlzaiitiii of opt OoveraB-ent, tacether with " K?--t-eiu ,-ill,,ti. -i lilil? Mr. (... tteC by (.' 11. liubodeii," tVc * *. . "" Nu. 11. Mb i, - Wl -in.? Ii n In :i I i-i.ii?lrl.ii-u un [Tullir si; Ji?// Sheet], i'rii ?? 2 evats p? i 'i'I'v, Ii 60 per bouon ?i, tu r?-r thouxaud. If l?v min S s optes, 12 ; 1,000 . l-n. n 'et form, price I orate per copy ? fi per im. _rybnstu,0rcnti peretrpgri IfiferfiL hHMtt?C-M [aTA-U?fib! ?nil THr. oiti.ih. Ad'lrew lui Ticiiisr., New-York. nto FUIDAV, OCTOBBB ?5. 18? A prominent ('urniiiurilkt ha? he-en aSMteaeod t?. ?lentU in Kraiic-e. b___i a l'ari? aewspapce uu. Mr. Vaah i.uriiehasaeeaefifeaedaeeefila the Amerteaa obinet. _=____ l>laa?trou9 in.m.lut mur iiavr tahea ptaee ea the hauks of the Po, In Italy, ?--.----i The f anadian MinlKtry i? to he RfifififaalM <i. F'iiiiher tl.rtatN and pron.iM - made to the Kiowas. Apaahas, and ( maun-m-r iiy ?'ommisKuiner Walker. - I),uiii?.iiil clircov. i ne in < ol..rudo are re l??>rt?d ~ \k he nt etiilirtn - s.'inw tlnst the irup in the United iStaK-M i? 5 per cent betj,er ihn y? ar thuu last. Diputy Ciiitn,:ii r 8torT? and btejihen J. Lynee te?utl-d at the opening of Mayor Hull'a Masad trial, torn ('ntniiii??i?iu? r Uaveurort held a partial ex? amination m the case o! <ie<irae A lieinieuh, chari*?-d with interf?rence with a Federal Deputy Misr-lia! Important evidence was airen lu the trial of Chlef-of Pollce McWilliams of J? rwey City, s----^? Federal ofli<?r? Jre charg d ifWh endeavornijr te ?hx-ld ("u'toui-hou-'e fhleve? by in prisonhiif a Baltimore bur.lar. __?__? <i?ild, ill. 112{. ll*i Thermometer, 4??. 6/>. 4T . Wheat ' lop reports, as sumnied up b.y the Departiiiiut of AKriculture, arc, on the whole, favorable and indicative of a Rood average yield. 1 lie State? west of the H_M--_ppi ?how tlie lar?e?t iucnane over previous crops, and th? central line of production wb* nev?-i f? far to the vs?itward us now. "iHthe War Kuded V .Such ib to In ?ubjict of Misss Anna E. Dickinson'H lectiin in Cooiki Institute this eveuinj/, and snch ta> take it is to be tiie ?subject of popular decision, within le*n than a .??mits-hl, at the national -l??tiou. Mii?s Dickinrjons fiddfMfi '.sill ?oni mand a exowdad bouw', ati?l yv?I l>? WOfthj me aaitti ? atina ot all wlio fo? Colora?! ?tl <l'<- dii.mond fever, .tiul pspotafififi to have d?COV? I ?il o? the ?Jin? which rivals the < ??? Diumond Valley ? . ?udbad Ihc ?Nii-or. '!!? which tue sent ?ut from Denvec are *o circumstantial that they will ml! nue Utt <xi il'MK'it on Hie Niilsjcct of di.iiiu?:?! discoveries w!.i)h ?ttttlh lading. Bui it will pay to wait fun her devcl ita befon Joining i-i lW> m>>' fifii"lnf . I') tfaC Wi ?I. _ Mr. Theodore Tflton li to leetoi niv of Maate >? -trooklj n i ( toning on "The President!..! Qnea ;<m." fiddivfifi hfii i Uoitrd ffeal p ai ?? in nil tho v contented parti i f Ihe political field during ii"- oampaijro now ;? . its ?ic mi ni' I Mr. Tilto-Pa friend and m tr?? douhtit Bfi b?- gla ! t - bear him ti ..n a subject wbercon ho haa bad r11"'1 ..ul. Fill i ?J I'T'ii"1 n were m I '"' '<"?,?> - m the trial of M Hall, ? Enough of the lino of the elii. u-?- w;?? developed to ?hoi? thai the Major Loteado t?. dicpate the genuinenem of the rig ,, bed te the fraudulent vouchers and billa Hia attempt to prove thai auditing 0 more thoroughly performed now than daring the rule of tbe Riaa came to naagnt, lin?', Hi,- gi u ?..1 (i:.. '1 air.mi ! hint. _ There is ooniethiog so monetroua In the con? duct of ('? rDavenporl in the Hein? bai the Administration may thank bin .or the ali?nation of more rote? than bia emplojen eaa manufacture, 'riil.i pereoni ?it ting a* ? m-.- fifi rote, oeemi to consider him -, ii tbe n ,.? ntative of aal ?eratic power, he bnlliefi the outra ed defendant, awaggen like n profeeaktnal rough, aad declare? that be will .ic the trial jad a? be pl< ?? and unpopular; bal Mr. Davenport, inflated beyond enduraaee bj -, Log clothed in a little brief authority, is , . . . , i ,i-i i.iiiui.r ?in 1-iisi i?i-il * '? ic can. In ttii.s be refleeta the views of tho in!?--or-miii i n -, --.ho are determined to ran this Aiiniinistiiktion "for all it is worth" to them. _ Hugh Mara shot Revenue Inapectot Brook?, in Philadelphia, In i of the Whiaky Ring. Pardoned lor thk l.y Got. deary, ho ?hot Alderman McMullen. He belosttgi to the lViiiisvlvauia Ring, just us llaggerty, the Voucher Thi.f, i>?l<>:i^? to the New-York Ring. We s;,id, before the October elec? tion, that the story of Pennsylvania pardon? would be inc anplete without tin par don of Mara, the political assai in, Bal Mr, swiff, 1'i-u :(.'-tV.t,ii!?v,v and oervapl o| \bx King, did lii i i ; he 1 ? i ATI __- J ? ? Mara into (<n.,l, and, by ?? Mii(,s of :i(iii>it iiicl-.s with the law, sent forth this man, who bean the blood ol two licit murders on his hands, n in-tiiiiiti uno a ciii/en. Y(ik(s hi pardoned, Mara Ifi cli'iicl of crime, and llnrtmnfi livofi ?a proape-oua geatleai d. Is there any each thiag as law or justice left in Pena?yl vaaial Why ?hoi ! i ire a-k ? Bimon Cameron is ;iu honored citizen and a Senator of the United State? i _ Now Regifitor 1 To?day and to-morrow aro the only remaining opportunitiefl in Now York;?to-morrow i.s the only one in Brooklyn. I If you were not permitted to voie, you would light ft? tin right, undergo all privation? fur it, face death for it. You have it now at tho ..i minut?e' time t<> be ?pent in aeek ing your place of registration, and having your name entered. And yet?on election day, leaa than a fertnijrhl henee, Ihnaaand? of you arc likely to lose your vote? beeaaa? yon bare not thought it worth while to give the five minute?. To-d.iy and to-morrow are your ?inly opportnnitiee. Register now I QUESTIONS FOB USTENEES. A thoaaaad orator? ere fipcakiag from day to day In advocacy of Gen. Grant, reelection. Will you who listen to them fijk .oui (he, iln at qneetiou? ? 1. Doe? not the, drift, the f-jnit of theee us, tend to rekiadle and keep alive the hatred? Inaeparahle from the existence of a gnat civil win , 2. l>o they iiot haply thai a tan - portion of tbe American People are ui.i.t to exercise politi? cal power, ind ought now to be dief ranebiaed, if they aie not ? 8. Ilo they evince Httiafaction OT (?issutisfac ftion with the fact that no party longer reaiata Impartial Suffrage ? ?1. Would not the orators evidently be filad ii the Ku-Kl'ix Kliin were still embodied and committing nightly outrageai 5. Does not each ?penfcer dwell on earli re? ported iiflmy between Whitea and Bind i as though Jit' WJfihed there were more ;iiul bloodier I . -_> * _. ?. Are not Union soldi? is exhorted to " vote " us thiy frlnit," an if the *w?_ wf'ie Mm i_ progress, hut only transferred to a fkofih arenal 7. Supposing such war to exist, do those r| ? eches tend t?i close it T 8. Shall we ko on fon-ver sighting Rebel? When there no long?!!- ate Rebel?, and uphold? bag Impartial Baftage when no one persista m opp/ihlug it T 9. If this is ever to end, why not BOW. 10. Does not the inccsrant fimdgUM nt of the <_-Coufcdeiat?H a* ?till disloyal tend to niak?. them no . 11. Suppose the North weic to hold out hoi h haiidh to the South, saying "Let " ua forget that we have l-ecn ?n?mies and '? n solve to ho friend? evermore !" do go? be? lieve that proffer would be fruitlee? of re? sponsive good will T li. If we w? re to-monow thn-ahned with a gr-eat foreign war, would not the North do just that. Then why not nowt 13. Suppose Universal Amnesty bad been proclaimed tour year.-?: ago in this spirit, do yon think tin re would have since been any Ku-Klux ontrageal 14. Js then not some rational limit to tho duration of the wrath and hate provoked by wart and fihoodd not that limit bo within eii-bt years? 15. How diall measures of Civil Sf-rvice lb-form or any Reform whatever obtain con? sideration if we are to continue lij.hting t>v? I tbe battle? of ?mr late war! ic. if you had been engaged la a rohcillien and beaten, would you consid? i Jronraelf ie stored to ?itizen.sliii) while your leaden w?ie still under pcofiCfiiption ? i 17. Would you not love your country hetur and I? ei t.. M3V6 her if all wen- ainnes tiedl IK. Siil.pose v? ?Me at last to he one people, as though we liad OeVCf fOOgbt, (loo not the hdl, formal assent ol the Democrats to Impar? tial Buahaanj indicate thai the bom has sinnk !m deelnring Ualvonal Amneetvl 111. Who would not. ratlin liv?- in a coiintiy where all were free and eOJUal than in one when i par! arere dUfrancbued, and, then forc, discontented T 20. Who Weald he pioicr, or weaker, or worse if the litat wound of our Civil War we licalcil and do Americ-fui longer ?tigniatizi nn ?i Rabal t _ WHO SEE THE TMUM EHPOBLTCANBt The freal 0Wra\ which the Hi-piili|?e;in par set before ttaall in Iho fust yours of it? ciis ( nee baa baaa accomplished, slavery is i , ?!. lainalit.v of nil men before the hi n i t-e'itly e. lithli-heil. The right- of su i- ban hocn i ??;(( tilled to ?ill classes. Tl "' (??-union has leen removed forcvi loll the piinciph-s vvliich ?miniated Kopubl , In their long ?tnd s?vi re einift t to.ron tin-so retraite are principles of geiMtal applk tl ID, no! ih -signed only for ft p.iil icuhii inn v. hut applicable to the whole com a 1'iiliiic allairs. I!, is tho duty ol honest Kepu lie in-?, therefore, in dMBMBBg liieir slainl '^^ tag Hie present canvass, to iinpiiro which the contending putties represents the in" truly ttiose doctrines of c(|ii:ility, of ju-t..-,-, popalIttr su ..'?age, which in.-iucd the l!i-|nil> can ti'ittnipli in tba war, tiinl which IBBSl pi vail iti cMisiiliihitiiii' and utilizing ihe .?'?ill which the war has ?ii'coin]ilishe(l. Mr. (?ici h-y, during :i Umg and busy lil has lii'iii one of the BMMtt eouHiiicnous n hereiitsto the Republican cieeil. Be wae oi of the founders of the party. Ha has Ktoi by it, in prosperity nnd in dietster. For 1 devotion to it be has sometimos lieeii botlOl und sonn times been hootid ?it. anil mohbt The most distinguish; d of the older K; :.nh cans, 1 iik<s Siinui; t. ?ind Tninihnll, and Chai ?ne among hi i stauchest siippm t.ei-s. And what is niiii-h more important,?Iho purposes his party me ideiilical wilh those which t troast Republicans have always piiistinl. T Liberal party contends fot equal rights, f the white limn as well ns for the hlach. eontaadl lor impartial stiflrage, without BCC i? .i.,....?:..- ,i?..r...i:r,?.i?,mo ii ? tends for n true union of the States, not be top-ether hy bayonets, hut. cemenleil 1 hrolheily feeling. It contends for hour cleclionI ?is the very basis of popular l?ovcr nient and the host pti-Mivativo ;i ?.'.linst ce tiali/.ation. It contends for fn-o -pi-.-ch evi for ollit i-hohlern. Con. ( i rant, on the other hand, m-vei was Republican. Ile was a good soldier lioni ?it hition ?.nd professional instinct ; hut he h: no sympathy with the aims of Hie Kepu lieaa party dariag the arar? and he has then no sympathy arith them ?since. The policy his adlici?uts tends to the destruction of B piil'liitiiiisin. It is at. variance, with eve point <>i' the Republican creed. It is tho "oi "man'' policy, vvliich seeks to perpetua power hy the foicihlo control of nnwillii coiiii.-iiiiiiiie?, hy proscription, hy fraud, I Betting brother n.Lruiiist brother, and proloiij tag the raffertaga and BDitaoaitiea < a mil wai. ' That is hut a swii (Ring iiuitation of Republicanism vvhii 20,000 men in n single Suit takes convieis out of the penitentiary M Hi: it may llie hitter loteo tin ir ?n-ennip?i a tint the governorship, sends a multitude of COBTI and overbearing deputy marshals to nial' domiaUIiiy visits hy ni^lit. to quiet citizens i order that it may sccuro hy violence a ml which it can gat in no other vv;-.y, tuiekhs t tlu? gnat Potaran of Baropc and insults th little five Slates of (he, West Indies, on Bpraada ?ill over (ho count i y ?i ftightfBl jes!i lenca of corruption. And (his is a piclun-, c the ?ulinini.-lraiion of l'ii soient (Iran!?an ad ministration which has not liioiely betragt republican institutions into dLiarepoto nt I o o and ?ilnoad, hut has exposed them to a ilango only u little lighter than that ol civ.l war. s/w 11 OK CONEJUNO o.V HIE STUMP. Daily in tho canvass, Senator Conklnii epoke at lengtb in our city, and v.,- reportai his r-pcech in full, extiiicls and ??11, thlMlgl this eompellcd bi to leeae a supplement, w have pince reported more hi icily muho of hi variations on that r-pi-coh, di.vvn lo his efi'or at Clyde, in our hist. We nov provpoee to oonaklei some of the allegations o that speech. 1. Premising untruly that "In the South al j "OBJOy the right to vote," hi? added that Mr j (?reeley had called attentioH to tlte, disfiair chiscnient of at hast Twenty Thousand o: the cilizms of Aikansis, which (said Mr Conkling) "was not on account of any Fed "eral law, lint iva* the oatglVB?I ol State. " Rights." Im this sot No: it is Ihe trrjisp of power by the (?runt-Clayton pally that keeps those men dii-fiaiH Ihm d. That party in convention lately n-olved that no one of these shall Ik registered or voll-, because, being disfian ahiaad hy Federal authority when their pros cut Slate Constitution was named, they wt?i, tli.sltaiio^.M'd by thai" Tiistiunii nt ; and? now that Congress has remov? d the law, the (?n.nt (layton party insist that this is invalid till the State Constitution hIiiiII he changed; and tiny tviii notiet it i..- cn??;;;;. S?;.: s it is not the doctrine of States Rigfata- it is the iiiteiist and power of a fuction?that perpe? trates for its own advantage this proscription. And it will always bo thus till the l'eople re mlve and vote that we have Universal Aiu ne-ty. 2. Mr. Conkttag say? that ut the late elrc tion in "(iioi-ria men, While and Black, wcro "not allowed to vot??that winio of them were " luiinli n ?I for Opinion's Mike." In exactly one place in (JeorKia (Columbus) was any one killed at the lato election; nnd hero tho vic? tims wen- not all of one parly or color. Bal h parly blames the other as tho bagfaUMfl of tint fray: but assume, that tho Whites wero the 01B, tiL'etressorK. Is not lure a fresh rc?i ?Oa fur efforts to Heeure National Keconeiliii tion? Whites and I,lacks constitute antago? nistic parties at the South, arrayiiiK themselves in rival lines at the. polls. Crowding or push? ing occurs? perhaps accidentally?soon hun? dreds are shooting and shooting wildly, and three or four aro mortally wounded. Shall this continue foiever? The I.Um ruis say, " No ; let us unit-e in decre? iiif_r litivcrsal Am "ncKty aa the eomiileineiit of Impartial Suf "fr;ie.e, and thenc4tforth divide not as White "and Black, but as fellow-4-itizens tiolding di " veis, views on (juostions of Finance, Ciir "iency, iNixatioD, _c, _c." TImv Lilntral Ko publicans frame this plalform; the. Democrat;? accept Bad ratify il, and there is no longer an anti-Negro party. Why should no! every sin ? -ere 1?\ publican iejoico at all this T No dotilit we can haag up the fotid concern? ing Back Sufrragi', keep the two m.-om dis tnistiiiK' and hating each other, and so have afl'rays httwecn Whites and Blacks at the poll.-.; hut to what endt It seems to us a etriking appeal for the National lleconciliation wi w-ik. ?nfraiiihise all; convince tba Blacks that tln-ii rights are the same M ours, ami ni mod by tho saine guarantees, and no one will ilicain ol Bghtiag, White again-1 Black lit tba polls. It is the count)?, n uiatoi tiini that any such ail'ray reiloumh to tliu ?uhau of Mr. Conkling and his fiieods. y. Mr. Conkling blllB|l h?- ItflBt thai \?oS IVmorratic party no IsugtB opposes Ipi*.artial Bniltaft He deeaifi that the death of mat Democratic party ; wo recan? il as its nVw hirth. Tiaie will ihOW which is correct. 4. The lab? ral Rl-publican niovenicnt Mr. C. ?hnoiim-es us a "rhainclcss revolt," with " Ii. form ? as its peat? .\t. Let M see : The Liberal platform is very plain. It de? mands a genuine Civil BerviM lit form, whereof the corner-stone ifi declared to lie the kaeligibUity ol fi Pn sideiit. to inli. ion while ill o?icc. Ifi not thai fiOl Consider how this country -M for the la-t y? ar been travi i.-cd and harangued by Federal ollice-hohtcrs, from Cabinet Minis ti i | down, all i nt i nt on reiioiiiinatmj' and ic electing their chief?Of course, with an aye to their 0WB r?l' BOOB in place. Kote how Wash? ington ii bow being emptied of clerks, mes ?engerfi, &<-., aent home to vote in distant Btatefl while thawing fall nayfkom the 1 mi. Ni.te how every aflkeholder i? eased ami Moeaaed to rarxy donhtfnl Btatea at tin? election. SI nil than be ne end of thisl Ii not, when is Civil Service Reform ? .>. Mr. Conkling intfaaatofi thai the liberal Republicana are largely eompeeed of men tamed out of ofBee foe "fiteaHng at tneompe " lency.'' The l-.cst Important removal of his nwa appointee? at this port mndo i?y (?in. Grant w< n- ibon of Moan H. QrinneO, C'ol lector, Bdwia A. M?niit, /.aval OfBeer, Qeo. \V. PaliiKi, Appiuiscr. Were there removed for oiealing 01 ineompetency 1 b it not no? torious thai they were nmoved because while tliey weie Mppoiten of Qen. (?rant they were not devote? s of ROOOOC Conkliiifr t (>. The fairmss of Mr. Conhling'a penoaal attacha an Mr. Oreeley may be Judged i.y his afiwttion that, in bii ipecch at Portland, Mr. Oreeley premised office to ?ill who would sup? port him. Mr. (J. in thai speech promiaed ollice to no one, said that if he weie cho BB rnsKieiu. be would regard und treat, fifi brethrea all who stood with bim on the Cii - einii.iti-lhillinioic Platform, but he has nOVCI yet promiaed offiw to any one. 7. Mr. Conkling regard? with abhomiM? tbe reentry of Confederate chieftains like Davis Into Congreea, yet be myi the diaabllitin of ?.ich will be nmoved if he will hut uk for it. Mr. C. here reduces the difference between himself and the Liberals to ? fine point. Jeff Davis, he says, should be hung] yd ho may in- relieved of every disability and rendered eligible to every ofltoe at bia own good ? Ule ! In no speech of Mi. Conkling do ire find any hint of a <1< -ire on his pari thai thoei who fon ?h( each other In our late Civil War should now and evermore he lii? nils. On the eosittiiiy, he rakes open the ashes of by-Kolie hostiliii s in search of whatever juay servo to rekindle the hate, the wrath, the bitterness, nt ten vins ago. The BMgnanimitj of the victor who retorna hi? vanqadshod enemy'a BWOrd makes no echo in his heart. Not, "Let "as have peace/1 but "Loi us have eternal "war," ia the key-note of his daily harangue, VFe fought the Confederates; wo conquered llii'in; WO compelled them to admit*_?__ our ?oiinti'.vm? n ; wherefore let us taunt, ;??? eiise, (?irlniST, ilrliouiice, and detest them for? ever. And why not since, if wi? fiOted other? wise, what chance would there he for a (Jonk Jiiir,' tO secure ;i reelection T PO MB. BAELAN. The Rev. Bonator Hallan, in one of his n - e?iil replies lo the notorious case of staling soldiers' Widows for the henetit of President. (?i nit, had the amasing effrontery to say: "The Republican Congreefiional and Reaidenl " Conunitten have not addnased eoanmnaiea " lions to anybody boldiog a small ollice, inale "or female. On the fiubjed Of tinance." We stated at the time that Mr. Efariaa was aoi telling the timh. \v?- had seen a aamber of aneh eemmnnicationa bear lag hi? rigantnn; WO had printed several of them? Ren ifi an? other, fiddreeeed to ? eolleetoi of internal leveiiiie in ;i f-niall interior town. The paper anon which it is written hears at the top the mimes of the " Kxcctilive Conue it lee, Hun. /. " Chandler, Chaiimau," and the "Puion Ke " publican Resident Committee, lion. James " Harlan, Chairman.'' Union Hki i m H III iCoaOBB-SIOSA- RXW i tivk I ( ciMiiniiK, U i-itiM.ii.N, I- ( .o i ri, Ian, i Hut : Beppastafi fea %tt re o tttsai of tho Pi? Moat und u i .-.i In.? n im . linn, tin ? OoSMBtttSO took tilt? lilwrty lo li,, ittn ti. ) m, |. \ i unk.-. .- : l si ? -. B iniiili-cl c-csiiy uf tl.cir .in itliir letter inviting t-im t r. lui ' n?im m aiil in de ttaylaa aaptesea lacawafi la yilallaa aafi fitatttbatias i iS-palfi- dm iiiiii-iiM hihI otlicr iii-i-i-.rnary <? x|h-m-..-i, anrl ?aaaaattafi tin? if you f?-u has tu forward forty ioo* iii.iiar?. thatsaaaaafiwaaM as tuau-iuiiy laeotve?aa?' pruiu|itly rirkiiiiwli-iliri-cl. Ilnviii?r n i i-i\i-?l im ri ply, it in iitfsrre-il tlint tin? nuii liillli'f iillull 'lui D"t iiiiili Jim; w?? IhSBBjOn incluse liiiiilln r. ? llis> urgency csf !he? runs?, and tin? ttlOBOOO of tin? renewed ? -.ill, ?n !>(??? I? OSflfOSl O jni>iii|>t reply, that wo muy Uiii.w jun! ??luit n? fispeafi spaa. v?-ry MsaassfaUj, Jan B-Jtt-ur?ChalnBaBi -, ?.?,-,., CM. Int. Rev..-, N. Y. The Oiant iimniigeis show very plainly what ' they think of their own proceedings by the nersiste,"''*' v''tu w'lic''' ,,n-v lil' lllM,,lt th'-m. DUMBS AM) tVODEClMOki It. does not seem especially surprisini/ to Pfi informed, as we are, that the (?raiirt I>i_ko of Basa Weimar is about to anh?lt in binmon fil a punt-fiber. It Ifi not likely that that ac? complished sovereign will attend in person to the duties of his nt w pursuit, hut that ho will merely lend his naiin' and capital to some fifi? tabttahasCttt already in existence and pocket his share of the piotit.s. The name which he inherit! is alino-t as conspicuously associated with literature, as Unit of Ait__.tus or Pope Leo. And a?ibis ancestors have spent, a Rood deal in fostering ami encouraging it, there is no reason why the present fiOVOTOign should not turn an honest i>enny by it. This adoption of a useful pursuit seems Iho more praiseworthy from the fact that the tjinnd Duke is not impelled to it by necessity. He is not a sovereign out of business like tho Emperor Napoleon 111., or Queen Isabella, or his ox Majesty of Naples. No square foot of his fievetel furlongs of territory has been taken from him, and his revenues jio not especiiilly impaired. Hut he appears to recognize the sound and valid principle that even staling IiriiiciMs. may Mgngfi in trade if they like, and invest their money as they see lit without any infraction of their prin.-ely (lignity. This is a whoh souie example, anil wo look to see it widely followed. There is no earthly reason why the (?land Turk should not Ko into Ixi.riness as a confectioner of Ig-pasfifi or milliner of tuihaus; or why the Czar, in imitation of the old DogM of (ieiioa and Venioe, should not embark in coiniueici-, ami blazon th?! Imperial nuns over bazaars of fuis, or warehouses of tallow. Nay.whj! (hey not even Imiy their old ?ealotlsies and ani? mosities, and ^'o into partnership together. They could ?Diner the niaiket in Aniic ils wi-u us Oriental _mnaoditiefi. and divide enor? i.en pro?ta. It would lie the bmo( aeaj ibl ? scttlctiieiit ol the, " Kart "in '? ion'' whi'h (?mid bo de vised. Tho Crand Duke, of Save WeinuM baa not tbgm a nholeaoaal . uaiploi and if remains to ho seen whether they arc rafficleotljeagaatoo? and itategenanMhi to fol? low it. ____________________ BAWLET AND THE HAETPOED DISTRICT. Cin. Jcacph R. Hawhy is running tor Con ia Connor!?cut on an entirely wrong chronology. He is just tea vein-, oui. in Me reckoning. HcB?fca tO he elected pun ly upon hts war reeoid, which is BB excellent one But the question to It asked by the electors in the Halt ford I'istiiitt is not what are Mr. 'law-ley's views of the war. The war wassiid to be over some time ago. 'I he more MB por? tent (?tie ?ion j?t -1. al pn of is, What BM Mr.'s views about boncat govertii.t'iit. .nut tin? necessity of iihicing nej in ollii-e 7 lb- has lefl us no room t ) douht, his posi? tion in this Butters He raacntly itaaiped Un Slab- ol l'i piis.vlvania in favor of II. rtrnnff ?gainai Backalett, la favor of a notoiiomiy ,. t oti.c ? a man of uit.otHied ehar??4?ter, in favor of a tool of Simon Cam? eron against, otic ol the leading Ih -formel a of the COttntry, in favor of the candidate of the IVnitti'tiaiy Bgainetthe candidate of Rol'orno. Mr. Hawl-y is in favor of the carpet-bag rule vvliich plunders and keeps ia turmoil half the Slates of the. South. Ho believes in retain? ing in plac?e of power ami traat the eeaa who have liLide trahie of their ( ?OT the last four yens. If lie wer-- electi d. he must then be the, oppomat. of Triiuiluil, Schurz, and ?DI i litey ih m tUldcd the puni liment of Adm nisi r ilion"-, anil the tl form of Administration swindling' . the | -.oci, I.? and a-,-i | ?it of t_M I whom he h s pained the Bobibici In def od Iwg- Tbe rotera of Uta Hartford ?Unei, ii 11 iv i t ig for ?k genuino reform, can nut afford to risk aoy voies apon Ocb. Haw? hy. lb? did good sirvice in war, Imp In- has uoi'tiiy taken the ttroag entuse to do good ICn ice 111 time Of peace. Deal Um roadw ballere la diaaaMf M"-t meo Bad vviiiiieii il... ttmn h lew admit tin ir iTi'diu?y. A ? rv is tnhl in ?t foreigii ui-vvqi;i'M'r of a ? ie boy ai Shanghti, who told bleeehoolo thai be had dreaaa ?) thai bit tte/p-moiha had mur ? 1 ? red bun and bidden him ?a i jar Badet the 8oac of lui I (.use. Boon aficr tho hoy no longer t*a_tsc to sein ni, ?nul the motte] i ailed at hi.s hnil.-e to impure An uii.-.iti.-f.ictoiy n i ly wa ? L'lvt-n, v, iiieli eXciti (1 the BUtpIl inlis Of I ' ('.?? '.iliiie, vv ho took t '.e io. i.y ,f tearing op the iloor of tbe ritniii, and be? hold ( tb re was ili". uiifi rfiin it?- lad, nicely d?eectod and ?j ?the Jar I Ihe ihiikIitc?' hat beea dalyaxeeated,and theu the 8banghaioin d-aaine has batea prodlgioDi in bedandrtrengthened. Tin-, of oo__ae,li with i.iit the I, a ? iv.- on. If tho hoy had cause to t his .stop-ini-tliir's intentions, be naturally di'i-amcilof the act which hi) IBPPOBOd t li?t alte was t . lileun lalillg. It i. salg.esti (1 Ill-SO that ill CililLB the hiding of a corpse-in ?i Largepotdelo-ntape whit -h would prevea! the eaeape ol the odon of ttt i OmpO ? ?Hid its concealment under UM tl-i'T lniiv be o ('"I'uiion praettoe in e_w s of morder. A-iothi'i Aini-iii an family entitled toa greit estafo in Ii .'.?a. a l.u-iily called by the t o;n!nistil:l.? .i-.-" 1...I n--..,. i A,? I..- ?U???!!, _-':!-, ?' and I''.'.n itt-gieat giai dehiltlreti Lit I Bt May iitiwer Hail (ni?e, appropriate place), in BoePOB?OB l'iiesiiay last, to orgaaiaOk oidar oethtno to he hi, raiae funds to earry them ? ti, and go ?lirougii the nioti'iiis cotiiiii'ia toall such occasion.?, il ap|) thai. A. I?. MSB, li, i.j.unin l?uinham du il in Co, dun, leaving hy v, ill a citain iinuiuiit of n al property, ritaatod in leootlom, Bniyrna, and e_ee wbere, to thrae btothata, ?the are to have eoBM t" this eoBBtry end tc have lettled in Epen i' b, " I'rotii tlit-se three Burii'iatns enough have deoeeaded toeaaneol agraend nendegiallon. The pnipi-ity, vvliich is firtlmalod to he worth fnuu '."((', or even SX?J0K Dot | ?viiiai be irreeedlnglj BnUoate to th Itiriihatna, and, indi id, to anybody |_M who i mild got hnldol'ii. A laiiiiinittce . t -.?il I ?in ii li.iius baa beea appointed to drive mattete? and ball gel the propia ty wa traol thai thej will (.iv n ne i .iily i.iftiiiii.itiiui uf their luck. Vaunt;, have always Ik eti the expedients of tle Hpaiiing lover?, and long is the catalogue of ap? proved philters, charms. :;Ilil Oilier ___0_OtJ| ilanoiiniH; hut who ev er heard before of amploying an t Li ?tii al-iiKi_iietii:il lattery to mollify un ob dnrato fait oik-T IthitdJdaait?iagatraiaia Aik.-m tt !mr day, under tho ?ulvin- of ?? fortune? teller. Watching ins effportanity, be eotneetcd liis battoir with Um seat of the maiden*o eheir, hy bee a! ihiit time occupied. At the lirst access of the thud, she was thrown to a great bight,Bod upon mining ih,-,vn, instead nf being in a soft ?nul sigh? ing and yielding slate, she so the youth that when lie left In? was both bald and blind, B hile the i !??> ?tii-al apparatus w.,. t.-i 11 i?iv out of repair. The insurance principie has been ap died to rather a ih lii ate matter in Ausfiia, f,,r we an-told that a Company has been oig;iiii/ed in Vienna to insure people against gi -.tting married, i. e., to insure those who BIB cxpooed to such catastrophes against tbe eile, tl of theii own imprudence. Thnt is, whenever one of the assured mairicd he received ti eerlain sum from the underwriters. Iho business went on <\viin inittgly. ?nul ?i great ?any pul ici es were issued, when, unfoitiinati ly, all tho oilicers of the company took it into their bead] to get maiiied Miiiult.ineou.sly, which so absorbed tho assets that otitMilers wen| ??_?ft to hv preyed upon by Baadaocao atenea witboo^ any liopo of pecuniary consolation. A missiuif jnini-ter of the Gospel is wanted iti Hov.'tv.iod, Scotland- A'>?>ut two months ago tfie b_. cunlb'-ut of the Kstalilislud Church there, the Rev. Ifr? Kay, left his charge to enjoy a holiday trip in America, bal bOO imt returned. In of his absence, the bving has been declared vacant. Ih. ie ia it report that tho Rev. Mr. Kay has settled in ADiorina. having, to render bis settlement the more coinl'oi table, murried a young lady who disap I?eared _n_ the village of Howwood at the date of ii? th -part ?re. It look? like it? that is a fact ! Soivantaga_?O bas (levelojted a murderously melaticlioly idiase in Dublin. Mrs. Kinneity, miri tiess, gara -buy BaoaeBaa, BBaeadeerraBti notice to have, whereupon she remonstrated with Mrs. K. by pulling her down stairs to the kitchen by tho hair, striking her ou the head with the frying-pan, break? ing bet arm and leaving her in an uncouaeious state. The poor old lady has lieeu domIb completely EBB- by this a-s.nil;. and the ferocious Mary Batim?n ton BaJBOd tO uve feOBO peaal servitude. (hit ago baa sotH>l)ly recovered from her disaataT that tlio clergymen nf that city feel juitilied in pi caching sermons BpOfl its present and prOhable grcitiu ss. Recently the Kev. Dr. Fowler Luid forth upon this flietne from the appropriate test | V<ito xxi, ;l?l, " I am | citizen uf no mean city.'' The M-tnion was mainly historical, but there were some stirring Plissages lu-tir the end. ?-ailing upon the Chieagucse lobe good and ?tirtaaaa, unless they wished to bo biinii-d again. _ A woman o? notoriety in RuiherfnrdUm. S.V., has been lined by tb'' Mayor of that ilk, for the dri i.ltul offfJBBI of calling the Marshal " Old PewtBB Battoaa." it was felt tiuu. if such e__-aajMa? f"r tUgnltariee ?toa pcimitttd, tbe lihertns, peeepeetty, ?Hill |i solily __g Veiy .M tell.-e of the ! nitt-il >!.i|. ? (pe ' died) wooEA he aerioaely ttaaataaad? Bo the iiuti-.iis ot Ihe s. c. Botahle aero avi ngad, nul that pi'.Ui niai put oi the c nmtr.l . ?it lea Tlu? WllHam J. Fl.ileltt '? UK litt' lied as one of the biinilr.tiii-u of Mr. i iioiii.irt r. 1 ?.li! s i (not WilliamJ. I liiieiii .? t li? i-.ouiediau. It is sea ?he explanation, hut lie similarity of the u.not--, might h-ad to luisUK. . vvlileh this I ?vouU- ot all OUI Mu it--ratitna v.uulU had t noli a ?nil. OPt?TT?AUy. TH_50_-_U_I (lACTlHR. The greatest ?if Viilor HnnVs licott-nirgis n< tli? lit? i si y i? \?>lntinn ?,f IfcSO baa pifioedad lisShMA sa the way to death, thtoamrvelon coeatsah^Baa ?f ?m n ot sanias who fsotj pesia aga ne u. rahfilllias sgaaesl elaatto tyranny, iesi??in?/ Uaatanonebyaa?^ Laamrtine?(Saints Beave, ai tandis I Lasa Goslan ha~e taoaatl] paasod swaj. i pieeoded tbaoa by l?sale psses. Tho ?.T?;if._?t of thl ru all. ?he Hi): . ; !,, i;-?,-?,,, limy disante the\ bfaa, otiil Tra?as, ??s, ? i. u ondasnUd un,id ? i ?11? ua.i?forti ms sad aaeessiag battles, besag- tl with v.l. m ha bagan the gallsat ?,; ?lies ??f I? ' death ui ? i. ii,. . l resdy ti.i iiTrod rsal mici in] iri tte8outb of Fr I s? bael H-isn-Hi r.-.'v Ian? i . >u to ,. -.- hi? h li ) dio of IM'itilt rosallea, be ?ever, m nothiufi m.,n- tl'iiu m ail un', I? i in aa u^iui? lata m? i? s-lnii. in?. ? f painting ahieh was i fterward i. . \lillie lu h I 111 IU h-0 Li ill ill ?it ?Hie? I Urs il ? MU isf ?o t ; I'll' III r-l lie i i :!..' 'I "1 . i I ??? !.. .,, :i n..,' bad m o ba can'be ? good ?riti?? Yoaag i ?n'"i-h.;?- little lisas in laaV -.nt hi- i hi .i ?i.i.:..-i. llo threw down his palatal anil t?. .k ni? liiep 'lit i'j \ . i ? ..f :ij_r?-, mill itchIih .-el :s s.l. iiicsol posas which asettedbosmattntion la UW; ?a tho very y?*ar when tho boa iia elsosla sad isaasatio ss> ? lin-ir ?inn. l i-l ii of the Tb .'.'ii..:. ob the o< aatoa ol tho i>ro dnetioa of "HoraaaL" I owsaowtk ;? iv-.'int. Tbelawoftbi ouitieo bacana a d ?d h ttei in dram -ti" ;?: t. \ e-i wbieb belonged ti? bini, in?' ?lthoagh?h_ ? u ? ft? n i.- li-ii, it has never been ?i i< 111 ? baki i), :? " llcinai.i," l.;ii.i-l;.-?I fi.j.i th" itaao 1 a twenty years bj the eowaidly i stlea <.t Kapoieoa tho Uttla, sainad for its au? thor a new triumph anal Iho cilii.whiii it ana permitted ts, t lia the Jubileo year of 1867, wbea i!:?-J.' perorin igLnedbe en..Id is'liinl to In- ij.-itgiiaiiimoii?. AaiOllg lii?- youth? ful .telliele-n?s of Hie en at | oil wl.n SfMat tl.?:? ,rl >vea and their t'. id?in Iba tragedy, t?W_a wao no one nn I. ii. i. 0 ami DOWeC-Oll shoiihii n ?'t nn sthleso sad tl li Ba had the taste <f an ;.?;irt sad :? i i i knew a got d thing \. i. d ;.?? ma ii ; m ih. t !.. _sa__s -! \.:iuabli- and ptactii al . Uv In iiiia.iiii ?l. Under tho lia?? uf romanti? i-mi. now 0SO1 with victory, *'.i: elf went Into the leid and won no inconiiderable triumphs. I:. let it be rt-uieiiiix i only -.'i yeaned stgo? ?i r!lf?l Ma i.i-aiitii'id ?mil the m?) ? de] ?vi .1 of all hi., writing* i is-s in the Frene] .i-ii .!?? in styl", s?? neb In a laviah sad rieten wealth of poetry sad fancy, and none in which such enoimon powoa? tad lo ? study .--. nn I' in,".?. I' U tS I 10 it without 11??? r- taraatioM of lasHaa. l'ou oaonot help sdauring It? iaeooaperabls boaaty, w Isieli only im n-, - im.h which its hopeless and horrible pen _ ._',?__, ?"'" initsell tho mi..-it fiudactoaa enauean to criticism; bul notaati fted \.i.h tiii.-, the yeaag poet threw down, la h. - foirtraaoo t<> thu critics, in win? h swamdthat hunon i>:__sa_e wln-le is? ?oIliiuK-l theu) to the li guardian "f the l?an-m, earsed foeorot with atorilitvaad oavy. The ?tona a? provoked camo promptly. Ii nade hi? book a mondoloao s;.. hut Hleit ocan apoa his ehsraetoi who h years eoald inn i ill < ? . In i.i!. I ..' .ils, whl ? hi . ft mus and his Industry had gained him a world-wide renown, Lus iiiii'iii niiint?. n.s_ t? r, ii ? c- et' youthful sii.o-icity Itlnnallj in his way. Ho tii.el Ogata ;i:.?l ? ?tona tin- Acid -iiiy by the am fore? of bis'genios and hi? lame, bat the desocan Im BSO-tala I'i'ly phiaggfid their slmulile-rs and Mid "Tool I know. The fiathSf of Mile. si < Miiupiii," | .uni the piiiiii.e \,;_? pssssd over, la favor of soase dsesai smdioerity, who had inn wit ciiuiigh to I..-improper. The expiation was clin-i, but eoald not bo asid t'< he safast? A man gifted like Th?ophile Qaatiet h et im ?ii-iittonMiuoo the world lo the alternatif" e it..iei cif ??i-H??g or uot reading Meat 'Inn m it ; th || , ? i -s ?nak ingp opieehs > whether they should nod the nato? lici?n hook ever wiiten hy a man of ?vuiiis, or fail to read the most brilliant aaval eves written under the ?lii. it iaspiratioa of tho l>-\ d. Bo wit? a writer of enormous liui-ncy and roadl n. >. In his youth he atttaeii?! t;. n , nm of Relaae, who fidssired bim greatly and tried to form hita ?if 11M hi? own itiiavre. He >_fged h?id liist to seasswritlag bydsysad t.? du Biswetfc,nBalsn ?lid, between inidniKht anil BSMt?ins. lint sounir Qaatiorwoald usually fall u.slee?) in the fins half? boar of his rigU. He trie?! tei writ?- skrwty, as thi a.attar bads him. bat as in? asiaoeil i > his work he would ?n gallopiag over tho paper LshisOWBaaf fsahloB,ptodaetas more npyinaaaytiMa ?ialza? in a week. The lir.-ut Ittttfineei fihtt B Id him tlmt a monastic ahirtiiii-nt e from the OOCSStj uf women was indispensai.lo i?> a writer, 'l'his was an oopssially liait! loosaa for Meet. rThdophila to ban. Ho sakad at last for the privilsfin S? corresponci.-riC". " t/./i,'' said Bahfitt, thoughtfully, ?*Gfi/brfitt ttoSyto." Ho s'-oti l.roke the fiM-iidlv restraint und? r whi li tlio author of La Comedie Humaine wuiih! h ve ki|.i lum, and went forward in bis own way. bal always pre 00?VOd ? wann at.i ctioii and rc-.inl f i BS-BM , who had very f.-w devoted friends, ami when "tho French Bhfihfifip are," as he was fifiaseahnaa ?ailed, died, with his pipintic tiv-k half liuishod. th'_ most natural mid touching trihuti to him was the brochure in n_iehGantier embalmed th?? inetn ory of th? ir friendship. His more lttpn?*h?H works weie In Ctmi del? A/iir?. a poem of Btriking originalit.v ; the n.i.iauc?? Lea Jeune frunce, l'ne Larme du 1liable, fiad Ma ni???* itujKiiiaiit novel. le Capilaine JhMBOW, BBOT v.hich bfi was oagfigfid al ii:t?i\.ii. fin M venir, amjf which formed his last WOTfcof consequeUcc. It his? l.ei-n siipe-rhly illustiat.-d by M. Gustave Dw?, Ofitt of t?au tier's most iiilimutv trie nJ.s. His plavs were nut very sncceMful ; !??? bad betur luck in ballet-. Hi? b?>o.-ii of travel are ?listiiigui.-hed rather f?.r th?*ir pistafi? eafijaanfin and charm than for their tnithftilacns. IS waa asa journalist, however, that he pfiBfid bis uiotjt genuiiu? laurels. He bfign witba BStka ?f re ataffcaals aaaats is Lt ft?sea ?LMNbesavoa tin? ?o call? ?1 "gr?>t( vin?'?" ?d the tim* o? I.? ais XII!. II? was afterward ??ne ol the sdt?SSS ?>f ib? Iigaro, of thei-cnir de Fatrlt, the Fre**e, tbo Revo* de% Ihm Mondm, and Inter in hie took chargo ot the ftniille tfltl l?f til* .1/oiMf???T. It was scarcely to lie expect???! that the i??*t and romancer who ba?l <h> gh-efu11v ?1? lir-d the OBfilfian of th? world in his lirr*t iui|s?rtant etl?>n. shouW under circumstau? .s of strong it*mptatt?>u a?y ejipet ial strengtli of vriin iple. He **_* of e.i.uir.- u vigorous Repaldit-an ia the Bsvaa_Haa ?f 1--?S. b?tt his zejtl for th?? Kepu?lic did not snrv eve its f_.lL, aa* he soon heOBBM M active and loyal adlutront at the Bonaparte?. His adhtwinn. all tin?moro pticiouo for it? rarity ai-iotig i?en of genius, ?!id not go un? rewarded. The Naipol??oi-? were cltvvr ?Jiough t?? appreciate the advantage of owniug a l>?>?t, esi>wi allyoiieel thfi slfitt rank, nd they paid Th?ophile, t?atiti.r hfittfi-fiBBSlp f?-1? 1"<* Saso?al warbllugs. In Mihesaorivedaaoo-Bsaa, and m tts?i he was ?v pstasai UhsttB?a t?> Iho rniK,??--i____tbilde. Hewaa a man of the ttaol di Hghtful iH'p??-nal wldreM. Hia taU form sad hie strikia ly asanaka haadi Buwhad with asesitiii'riideiii-iiiii-tioii.nuulebmiauotrorvalila ttgure m even m ? iu?-lo wbieb was able i?? r.nir. him. Bis frisado wfll aaaamlfi-ta_-?-a_alya bat it ii aaubtfullf greatly f?-el in? laae. Ha ieai asi belangte Ihnthaadaf lighting geaiasefi, ?Baoai Bnwalni ?ailed ih?? "tluvairv ol Qad." ll whs his delight 1l Ih? called a Qfififih and ? ?aaan. B? alwayanargat that it w_ not a? ? awash ind a pagan I bat be was to be jui'.ged. He wao a man of tu? sann? apooh with MfiM and TfcUfi Hugo. Wlifh gifts in some respects equal to either. ll?h^dI\ot the literary touocieftiMi ol tbe |M uor