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MUSIC AND THH DRAMA. MI'.-IC. Tin. i;'? i Mr. i.'.i.i InimvM back hw< raaDarkabli i bit ti'Ltit.iindn poml itullci tojtrret ibeni, ^plaudi-R/tbe chief performer? v.lth ?Ten mort- that? the termer enthusiasm, and ra?luiK them bat* ixr?piviti',l|y art, :.-..-i.v ,?;.????. Ib BBBBkMJBaBC? if tbe llnxasof Mlle. Onu tn . whose absence Hur l',iMn aaatri explained in irn i r.nub-ble English, the .MB? s/raaiai i waa au?ewbal ?-Bai _?d, the follow lun being th? IUI ?V pit.-??> plived: 1 I'm!.! -h chr.u.? i'uiue .Hach isteln. a. | bright runt fair".Handel la, it. $. Chiwonno for ? toiin.Bach II i Wn uiawskl. ? ?. o. - , rda.M"n1cl?s(vliri 0 . .f?c!niiii:i))t) .'.".*...."...*...'.".. ?LexibuL? . ft.".Ll--1 ll.-rr Ihitiliifttein. ?. Kr - Baatbovea I: Wieulawakl. C. 8on_?, a. "'? ' b. "Jxi.ik. nick".Kncken Mile. Liehhart. f.vel.l . ? ,',.Cb0I,in i.liltl'a-telll. , un? ?ve iiiiist confess that It M t It vuiiil.l lie r Mich un sMtaatiabM pne ' mtn man? and seemed BBBBBl I? a*n.trn- -. -li iln tertnliinieiit ; if thev had %, , , ?i..v i :? einet rt without one ?Mk?r ?(million; 'lirteniitiihei? il. In'toiliiiiiie- Hie ictift with s-?i?0 Rrtj?rt ? ::.:?li',''i'Hl.-itai 1'. nml IBflBBBiBB, BaCMwaaa I ? ? ? tbo?r__t to pat Rantlel'i inn atr lutween lite tuocoutjxislti in? e Tin- riu-nii::itn- T'.mtasi:? Tva? suj?iT,l> ; -?.itit which it liceds, and with I with which Rubiu alwevs Hj'i raarbta the works of tn? ? ?.users. Herr I ?ir of tin- ehaoonne was a -.i . i ???! the audience in a most t-tani.i' -.- ir. Liebbart, Ibftrgb h>r ?foVre ? " kam Is ever bnirlit - on mu? true MM after the ... i of HIM. ornittiy. It would bo 'i ?he tutirlit he always sick laatrtoaa a aabattiaia i bal Mwrfl ' I to kl"ixv tl'.it, tlin"l-.s to lur . I ? - gtr/BB na. In the tlr?t la one of hi? bbbbI poatleal ? MpatbBtte titnnl the piano - indie? Boothed the a 1 when ho parsed ? ? t introduitie:) to The "Erl ?v.iy from Back i . ??, i ? ? m thai M I i.. Milla has mude ?ofarnll _tro oxv-erj By two others In n much ? analto, an tbl Kreutzer ? ?. . ? ?he pianist rind the vi.'lin 1 ir company so lotur ?lv .and tliey - al und tluent lntitjht ? ? M BBd l.tirlily it:t. ?'tn! Jiet'tl'ovcn b_ ? ksi. ii of Ills tboagbl than i ?vti technical profii-itm-v. An 1 ? i i have ma?: '. ?ill | iisMli'e foire of at .-e.ieosof touch. B i ptaT-Bg this 1 main, si? ins ..? never In ? Ike It. ? ? r, (?tid Kubinsieln will play the ' VOTES. haa made a lirt?-oo at JJrus ? has heel ???tnist, is to give n fc lid J'oX, ?rd ftf St. Loirs ! ? i !'. H il!, . uh_i-il, li IT H. WatTmam "-"1 tun a te and fi Weimar. The Abiute a i t Hen I'.. u ? ' ' ')j- the . P, !.. Ritte* lian completed Lis ! ' wnttcn fur Mr. I . . : Bistorj ? Qter, andthe i. I-Ko tht? lirat - . ?uiuii ? Annum llie stars oJ ? ? ?..,..,, l i. t ? . in the course of bercn ? ' '- '? I ' * !? to w 1 ? ? tbe title or " La- .no." lili: UKA.MA. ?t! rxil'l.' THK4II !.. " lit n v i?-x?.- de l.iiibaiit " tjrai li-'^-'.-t l"i t tin? Olyuipli Theater hn-t ihkL-1. N. w at d ?ood BMBBij rbtsj tt a ?wrltrir setting than it ?raervea, and _i , ?. i , . Mile. Boiu-lli, Mile. Roland, Mc6?re. Oatxl, Du. !,?"... Jii" au Ed elver, and others, united In giving ?t a rompi-tent iutcrpietaiHin. The cotoio due*, wat, as ,, iiiie-i, tun)ultuoiialy epplaudedj and th? . at, plaintive, ??????onate strain of nael* ? .'unid pleasure. It ui.v not be ' , ?? i, iL'urk t/iat the .(uuic duct baslonir ?incebeen a. in hare hy rcptttltloD, and that a tingle n? ?eriiij.' of it, _a Um 'io evening, is ae much M |h r-tin? rroaseseing the avcruge amount of human ao* j CnraD-e .nullt to he ( i|Nittd to Ik-hi.,v>?itbref(raaoe to the serenade, tti.u la tin gem of the opera, and almost ? '.ore whl( 1) retteeius it from the otter d**?gra Rat on of wanton, ohtrueive naatin. e?. Po far as subject , unit, "(,1'iievleve de Brabant" wallows in tbe a ne. Wi ii'c-vl nut. however, seek the gratituile of the ? .?and of that huent uiomli.-t, the at In- Vivo?hy dwelUng upon thla jpoiiif A wnnl at welcome may be fitly ?pokeu for the .: the- IntfTMtlBR and euRnestive MRlatp aliiit: iei. vis so Maafe S4a>'"seive (oaiM-ncaa. The ?Uiiat'i wai ctowdiii. "Genevi?ve de Brabar_Wnaa ..rr> to ?ay, will be T%peat??l. ?? 1? t_BBBtl l i? ssstigaaeil for batnrday afternoon. bAt. 'W. jt I' t Ban_BB_ in open his ? ? kl from next Men Bay. Kin h r. - .-. The (irvue, BBMM 1 M ' -ml the lie ex ' ' . BBd uiiu il la .'?nient. 1 . t/lltv'Thci ? .1 the '*' ' |.iu i'y. ' ? ao i be c. :, .,, L-rtteii iu this ? llfl 11 for iho o . .n,ft M ? MBit, toga*?* i S ' H national re.illt.ktinn B iny Mtilttta ar? t),' : I: a ki - ? 1 In. ki? ln, in, itlr. ? ?J ? vitta.l cuta? J. , N) auvent?'?! by ??'tin? of tito 1???h( ? ?pie-otrian? and ryn). ni??* thai could SB foun-l In tin- MsrefSSS < Bfttgfe. Mr. ll-ruuin lu.? silns h-fSltSg B )i"r-' ri llnir ?, from i ii is bs s-bs sS-bis u oral HiiiM.niM' lu lip- :, i iNi'l-it- l!mu '"? lllilfttrlSU? -j? w inela '--i Is Mr. l?ariiii I "l ?-In.- rtmB m Uli- rliu phanlii,ca_iel?\ iml I.hIiaiis nr?-In n-vi" ur; nor, S be fut-?, ttmt sitivtlilnir ii-.Nfl be WiVitltiir Hint ltirlnstrloti? Bsa_ehesaB?stwTsrsrBHBsg/saa po_s_sss, Mr. ___*? t.tirti. in gsstlaa m. i'a- n?-?? -Bow, las presided sp?s:? tirni li???l> of SI ?i"1i?"i S?SWSl cl.o, und ho will not fSII d hit tl.. popular fain g ? No ?nun lirtt.-r ftBSWI _BS epi.t Lin?, mir! ilie-i?s-uli irlfic-s of Me? _vii?-rf.ti??n. iin ? 1 sntlicirntly SSB__-MW, vro thin?, Stt 9? re-iicniri.t and tast>: if lm ?lid, then- would bo no more lii'le-'.ti)? or BUSBgNBS liiiinan beings la his ? hi ? r-t t-iinly gOM c-iiii-i 1er Hip l.ul'li?' I for plsssan? nnel lin,?t\ Ic-clfrt? tkWmwt?, iiinl lie '? nO\ BB Mindful of the SSSBS 1*1 t. i?,.i.-,!? Utv IS IBS monil | - r*M H-idk-tioe- ho ivd.lrss-ps I? the vrls )lo gsspin at si, in tin., i. i-t:-,.p --i?, tin' rasposM t?> I flSCgtBg ?l'lrit of ? M. rjarisS t?IH be n* '" Bltf -?tid liberal now ani^'-t t SJM i" di Hinca. DBA! H-h l'rof. Vanrk, the ma-icinn, will piv?*? another ...nint st ti i:?t ?H-At Ewaday. Mr. Soilicni's first appearance Bl Wallne.;'? n (lie nth o: ial ..n and Qalut? i," iu thai ? i Imt IP a ,-..ii>. qufni e .? the ?Hidden an ? ? I?and ):.i\ et I V.lli ml' !l:s:?-:.l PUT] ?-u.'-ii?i.i- Mr. Edmund >l. Holland. There is a Circus ami Menagerie at the foot of Thirty-fourth- t.. ou the ? . t side of the town, wbteli well repaya the attentl n of persona who take an Inter? est in tais style of ontortainuient. Itiaealled t? trill J'nr-i Menagerie und ivn Bloni tlom are- given ? ? animals are nuuier im an T FM I Hi ill Al COOPER ?N8TI1 V1CTOHIA AS QTTF.N AM? MoTIIKIl. Mi?* Finily Faith-ta-l's lecture, lael nM-ht, on mi and womanl. ? ; tl -,.i..' ,li , ,1- .Hill llr\illlrtl-S l'f l.ll'.?- Ill'I.V win has the ill-fortmi??i*ball one a.ivt?of h Over SIS tl IS- pomp and clrcnn ? herein the Downing monaasb ertbeyoathfal , i t apea a veritable throne, determinedly grasping s . i?, soeptc r, so. looking wretchedly B-eomfta 'v 1 :ttli m f.?r MOSed to lied?.- . i. it SI tnor.a.ies It II lin- ii"-!' I t-, tin m si IMS and WS-BSB r;trlior llian ns rnl.-i.-?. itvmsofi: bnppr in her happy young love, of the good n coiirfktitioim lisistlii-r, Misss Mltbf?01 ta'ki Inn 1 a simple and a_gn_M ? ?ho lh.?til.I sis itl'.r t'nrin i<nint a ro? turo in roso vriit n"t tu in- ceji.-.l. d ?-v?n i-.f Um ; .' tog?ah woincn, iind i try iesp i t nts ou Mas __?thl?Tl i'?ilotto. IK-t Uiyaliy, (?isle iitlv in most kindly sanest, pisas? d s? i Asm rti i a Mdie-cet . 'l ? ',e IJlll-lfl, II? the old Tory or port wine sort, nor of 1 ? 'I. m... itloiib ; nor van it Unit i .i Intmpt-oasasst. it \? loyaltj ColuputiMo ?t i!h the 1 I Beat w-dsli t.un t" tti?? Qtiron - n t* v- ? ? ?ratli i -,! llf 80D10 jioU'iicai psity. A-Hfig its- - _ BssSsi wllfc whlcB tin ! >. -loratkiii ' ? and comnisT'i:: ling her? h-4 BOBS tli'-lr : ? y Pali little that ri uv ?\ I and i it already rextllsod; bnl the el of tho roysl B ??iiiial wi'h so agreeable and woLianiy an sAdtess. thsl it ? ; i'lio stroo?. - ii. or ?urii ? ilthfnll ? , I l.d i-iiolt iitss ?-j ?-issil-j mil quiet a ti ,i the the Kinjcham nnibr.Ua, the ? ?. 111 ? I i v I D? vor 1 lona. It v. m in tho eyeaof in-r ap il ?ir,- \i given to t: f wo I ? '.' I- tl III l.l .-?' bl I . i tie ; Kuud r-_a.ii -ortho kindUneM of her loyal is _ SINGTON THK . -v. vi; m - PAB1 HI M EX1 (EY 1 WASBIXOTOS, Tl.:. Ite f'-rtherrtniln;. antiiiiil report of Ott Bnpi ? . ? i.ips, bat it will call tin mmen?atioi ???j that por? tion of - report \vh;i a_ei? of SSSBi I ? ' : the I. \i nur. tnuii?nf- are overcrowded an : i ami \utu tho laefcaaa of bnsini lofth I o. mneh longer bs a-?f d, S : -trid only i lO-ll'K-l. | BhOl?d 1)3 !?(?(..: ore i: Is tin lato. Ihe Bnpervl \ - ? - ? . iu-*?'?? i liuildinif now 04 tiriiiiii sr for their isfet] mfli the seeon i'i riri'.i to ?' Mi-liis?- I! us ?iiel tl.u ?i or J'nii.isii s-i.i i. will 'neu?- bave : ? ??rl? i will Uj.iKt no retc'iuuic,.nal ion iu the , iniiiitd c?; meut lor tins nsgtfli il ? ? ,s-OfsrsthssBoportol ihe. lio; iiivi-. ?i,_ i.:s\y i ? t'l fstlonsl ' eiinlnrti-i-. . _. 1 nur.11 ? BOP, a in : .' "i _-_0,OCfO,G i .m.u : \ ? - - - ol tho t ?'f J. II. iJ.Ml.l-, rlntiSli f Agi-ealtare, I ?ii oi whi ..e condition ol th? SSSB on tbe 1st ol Octol.-r. The lconl ?'f tin- that of i during th'- , ii- . '.-?have 1-lUilC ' . ?? ' n 0 .. i. 'u ll,l\V : Wim. r ?.i.. ,.i i m,.I i had f ? ? whir? divides centrally the Mate? of 'Wisconsin and Illimit?. _ ._... _____ _., .. ( i 11 I m tile, ITS ; (ireiroii. 1" .. In Bl tii.p was short last year, aa Kan tnckj and Texaa,the pcreeutaae of Incri In ( a ifoi-in.i u la inaiiilj due to uu luinu.-f of area Ml ,.- of 1 leill. v, :? //,;/ |Jf?B??a ACCOMPLICES, ?t'A v m a c isvicrrii B?BOLAB A?. TIIK sTBBBKT OTT (litt t Of 1' U' i:?IN "?* (Utl-TNAitV DI?! If ^ 1(J II!). rib I BATIOK-k- TANK BOBBBBT. The announci ??k ut thai Chief of PoUm Mo ;- ami li. t.c!;?i? lio} h? nf J I- . 1 i- tin'?-,- In the IIn tf.tii <lr. nit ('"Hit .'it' . : awl to the eoni;-o um, which waa ? a t.- ton i .bar* ? ' f''1' 'in I .1 t ki ns mtct: ?< I::1' fin, trial. Ji.iI?c In , JudRC :i. occni'i. d the '.en' ?. Tin: Mai Bl ile was lie .el of jui :? BBaiaalR .-ii-iiietu-' -? jumii? wan die 1 l.y the Court tiiit.l KM 'lin- proMciitiiiii whs rniuluctni hy A'ti ma v-Gcneral rial and Dlatrlct-Attoii.? | G j.? ci.ati . i:. ( liai!'?, li. V, Inn. Id, and iho II,,it. A'."in. T. II' i.'i.-in I ' motion of ei mis, 1 the? Court, ci.a I'd t'ait t. 1 la- . m lu... | H,un tl.e MB daring tint c\ai.,!ii!itl.i;i of n etnulo witti? 4. It was -'lei! tbal Mr. Wicflelil, MM Of tbl ( , bad Leen nil'i't . Tin-Dlhtiict-Attoiney opCBBd '" of tito Alai the ?iiitictnii'iit .-'. i J,linns mu? Doyla with aooaot lie | .id ti, .? to p three I,III?;:.Us VliIlM 1 ??? . . ? loot lij Mi Wiiiian it BBd D ;? ;? ; MoH n and had fn i|nei,ti.. met him ta a -headway ? , . .. -t. n t., |i ?Baa thai ll VVOllld he Cll-V to loll the I vvnteliinaii, BBd IB0BM con!-! Bvtjaaaal to Iba Lank ; f,..iii Ibi t.. n,, Bank, An ufcT ? ? " ] atll.'t: ': ; ttle ll MM i,,.un . to pay bla pari at tie axpaaaMfac hn> . tools, ?m. a m, ' wi.ii ti M i civ n ngnal la brm of . M l"r eiilraiK-e tn li.e Bl watt lin.m BBd to ilioli t.t ."?! \ chief was in Philadelphia wl of lite plan by ? ? IL< II,st xv i... li ; .1:1 have ! nown 'i' \ et 1.1.ii lu Mi hi i- ;.. in -, i In le? vin, I ? ml I tuf ., -. t bei lu i. w m?ame s >i,i , be i hired, und le could lut r i met HcWiniama in .. ? loou ; Doj ,? I ? i tliat .Vr\v cuy in relation f?i t I ? I a . Vv . Iievi 0CCU1 beat : 1 t i.'i.i' i I i ,:iiu. - : i ! ? i i ' i'" pot ?? ? thirl mil to gi I tn? pluie Doyle ami Ils i. Id ihi m m 11. . ? . M. \v ni.a, . . ,, , ' tided after thai lo mil v tu,. al .. , un.I ?ein baca for i night ol th U ? inn tell i going to I : ? the l rest. .1 pen In greenbacks and tbe remainder ?w were to divide; notiii.i ' the .n.. be th'Uik'lil Ha at in ? ? ? r ii turn ; I .1 .-.,,. I bai k i ' 1, rt r until in.! iii-.t i. iv, ?,- he h ii e|. m .. house ( f . i,i,i,;,, . ? .. ,| lila lullt kl'VH !<l t, f the 1 n- i. ii hi v. drive i . ape ; we were to i to in.: McYYTIIlams. i J' ? ..a ; i I mi ; ii , latin r left i [ i I wet to Texas ; my liusin ; ard|m mM ; h ive i : I past lite yi ?I to I ill' *: ' i"i: l'ion ut i the ..I tl.e : I ' ! left It in J nlx, i ... ... ! P i ' ?? I that I should i I listen toi c- ?? ? - -. I returned, went up Liiis, ? ? ; - I'i if ' . ?\n Win. ,i? , o..; i 1.1 -i-, i i, ,, , i . .i u ..a.. , ,,. . t., ii. ? I, aud If al ?? would . i .- - ? t ' : Will lam i bad to ,." t" ? i on I Uial Li did n t feai ,.. t ., dli i Ion ?? , - t te i qaallj ** ? l ? waa any t. powator being bn i. tit in a:, t Doyla : about n.e Us?la ? i ? BBd wi , i. 1? ' t ' ?.! ?lt.v% n ? I bat ; aba wi ni du u ; I lull Did -i..- wem sail I fitey wi nt ' ! ; I v,i 1.1 l.l ? i .Mel".' o a.ll WMI .ll.lll? of BajMftaa ' I ? I-i i-'. H ? ' , <->??'. '-"? - ! In- BB1 1 i . ' bled m - , ? ? ? HOME NEWS. THFUMOMI ; I I..VI STRRDAY, ATDKKIN .HOW. 9? ? II ' , rr '. I.<7? i :'_si.;?:.?t aBrivaia /,/?,? '?.-.luilir,. ?:li??ir?l?.f Ibal'. frene i r... : Ii e Ht?, i I II. .,! \.-.i-ni, Jml.? A. sie II. Itci.hrtiif Jie?-C Irleels? Ik? m .1- ? .Sineerf? at, Dr \V t l|..??rli.f llnllin "re aL.1 J to , . el lie I,-,. I n-tlff? //..'??' Ai.'.n It..'. O-', -n.(?lltey . ..-, I . . of U. Ar?,., ?r?l J ?_. jr. .if N?? I.?er.... M. ? ?i. lien. K. P. ?' VI "? l1"' s, ? ,, t -.' ? lekokat //o?e??Oe?. J.lir K mtr.'it'i.e'.f M. Le? ?..l.rr.e. at. Heo?el of Be??J? .- Die Ii i. Il H Hein-. ??! : ,,1,, ,,,??..1,1.. - e >i ..-,....New- York Hotel- .' .m..../??lor Hoat-O.ta. J. B. 8l? ot All.iy , It.iri ...?In? _~J '? 11,..?.-.< -. '""?I, W. il. Vi K-t'1* ' "' ,?;/ut.i?The Ho?. J. (J. _?)-is?-f Al-?--'-, K. 1. t_ M'W-YOI.K. CITY, ('..tmUif-il fs.u?i.iiiil eiiiT?-ii?-y ig nt'i?ii in ?ivp c-ii- Biatlon. Manila- B. J.niweli, Uwyar, ??f No. i? Cito ton nine?'. .li"1 ?idili-iily in hi. office, No. tW Wall-?.., jTsal I)r. Edward EL .Tim"* wag appointe.! CItj I , I ef ||. ... : Um dm!?? for six the d - ?.ion hilliird rlnyor, : John In ? iv to play a ? *I no ?miiio is to be atajedBSV. ? Daring t!'<- pae( two or three weekatbe ettgr saasasl h?i?Itf ttttt hstsoM mIsms und ?Mi,!,,. . '1 le c..ri.i-i 1 ?, WhO ! "'-1 I' ' - .. r i?. ?nil nie. have had no ; for n f( rtnlght or more. udiaa>honai I - i eomplataiiif of . tavogoe, a gsatesl rsnng sentis? m_n. . L ti nd< rsbli " 9*1' I |) irai .1 III IsllN.liee,. -l.l. for his baggagv, hut in i- n -i ,ii. ii i.f oth? i ' The Superfiaogg ol Beeaasbeat. have insti . naai ef las " ???? st naV ..:i thi? ll ., m I.:,, i I;. ,; I , .I'sJ'Hi. 'I In- ? OStl i?'t i., i ogive ou? pUoti un -_i_soi tuiiit.', ; i . , Vand. rpool, Health officer of tin? Port, was . Blag __ Ha - . ? ? i . 1 ? h :i,n- kin.! - Ol lui? I'm e)e Tj of i soy. BBOQKLTM. . : i-i week, 179.] Tii- .ilion or iho Fifth Brigade ., . f i?moon. the Ii.l District Court wa .i- ii. M.,\. ... and ... n ?u'!.tied i ?' tils the i A crowd i I to iii?\i .i | . i ? i;nlL'e\viii..l. I) I ii l'i - The b-tilcth-g pninhseiicl by-the Bustnees . ?', ilionirhbj l ?.?< nlng. Tin . , ' . ; ? i.i.iiUS | tl'llB I I,, r. ... le. Ju ,?i Broach, it. >'-. IVliaon, .;. ll. . . -, W . ..- m. a. i . il In excess or -abilities. LOHG J v. well'dri c ?Hi t ind '?ii I, paying .of a wsek In ad after ? . ?? , r llio u ... und ? C Uli . Iinlge 1 "lim?Hi?' Clr i - i. ? iei : -. A i tin . , '. ? ? r..i_.!, i lleit ?1 mii:-. Warn Plaui .?On v. i, the i.-.i ?i.i firs, i . ind ..i ? I . - NEW . v.lsi.'li ., : I ? irlSg the pa t tWS '1 ? i ? I . r Passai? 1 - .'llc-U i ? sod v.u. ill, I ? ? ' Idn i the ] i '1 beodore rl ih i tara ut du , to aioiiow i renlng, ou " li.c l'i__i. ? on." ' ' ' ? >ii of tho 6th .V; v, .. illet I (''. i;y A oi the ? ? 'i I.'- [ment, X. <;. s. V, V., \\:!1 (,'i?.i It? grit .... -. :iy Froade will d?lirer the letton Hull. Bubjeet: "The Rebellionq1 'ge, The t nh ? _,,,, . from the lii-tlt llioB, I ? ? iilu? 1 ?* i ni n | | ?sas-i . . S'il ? .-.1 With r !? f".lll ' . s i, t. J., in a I -, ?fcLly i ! ' . . ,'? r 11. i ? ... t 1 ?T, Ne* Jef,f?. . . . ...m lei tr.?l. John llalp'sti ?s'' ' I J hirtv-^ ?. 1?" miilsl, -. . ?rr. ,irl an.i : atiault. ? \\ 'iI. ?. "in' ' t ths nvotioi ' N in the? . i I call, w?t It, !|.e ? ? . I ' ?CiJ ICUl . 1 -.M-lrv I - I ... : ids,v? ram? ??i: \ sad ua.i? I , i lli I . Till; J lim Browa ? - i . i.. mem > ?? i ? r was : . ivliliiiec. Asan oTamriP? of the-??luo of ?oro iiv. In? merit!, lie,| lie. .00 of 11 nuni triel before , murder.? ?bort Umm ago, The man waa acquit O'l.eeut 111 til"' I.Ill,.lile A-yllltll, I I ill '. - ' I "Il li V. I I f llf Wa Dow in tins . ( 's old , , tiitiiisei to i.nir uni ( mil h r III lus ai. lene,- any , m n aaggaattoa. COl.'iKAliO DIAMONDS. [OBBBBAI s-BH IBB-1? B>| ln.wiiK. Col., Oct. -4.?'I'licro 11 no longer M'y doubl as to the dHcovcrv of dluiuoinl fields In BMBsB? Western Colorado und AkltBBBB, tWVtBBl park ?ttiiitM Lave passed throiiirh Donvir, and, after reaohlng Hun F runt ?m-c, have li. I 11 pro? til to MB?la dianionds of the first water, tou? tlnr wiih other precious atones. A company of loo men is Mya_BBtB?? hire, and already BJRMban over so, who will ?tart In a few day?, armed, 1 falppad, and piovieioned for a six moiilhs' (itjieditton. An orguiil.iiilon was erected and BBaBBB el? cted last oviuliiif. Another diamond district has been found In Colorad?', nearly weot of Denver, on the prop, sed ex? tension of the Atchi?<>n, iBBaBB, and Santo F6 KiUroad. An MMjtBMR ?' 0 nty, under W. II l'ngli. Chief BRgtBRBI of Um At. tit- 11, Tt>peka, and Santa F? Itiltroad. left Paibtt on Itpi 8, following the Arkansas River and I k to the lirtid-watore of the Plney River, down Um I'iney, fjriin.l, VVt.ite, ami T'iii'.ih rlvir?. and : -,iit I, ike City Oct. is. While paeslng over tfitit , "f UM route indicated l.y the IV.i I ami i . t.,' tu ?-, i,, ittraatad by Ihi bal Haoty of tbo stones found in this region, und, without a ?m-plcion of their lit In.' illuinou?!j, ?1 BOmbeT were 17.?? In red at? ?peel mena Altar arriving ai *.?n Lake City, and iie??r IUK m m" Aruona diamonds, their aptn um ns ?ere pt-> . t, and proveo to he aennino diamonds. Tim belli 11 ? rapidly growing that tbe wealth <>f tbe Col diamond Re?da will vastly eclipso her wealth in Kilvei and ?.oui. V ri')I'"-r.D NATIONAL I'MTAl'.IAN OHDBCB. rOV, Oct. M?? Tlie sul.utt of ? National Chili! li lu Wa- iiiii'.toii wa . it to day's M Naiiumil lunarian Coiiference, the ?MB-tt heilig the ??.loptliiu of the foUovvTiig resolution: ? n .pBTOPlltlltm, aot -p.'-t ,m ' ut ?nj- ?orr w neb mat T? rolaal ??- I if rear ?luv? +. ...... ,, r ,|,(. ?.,, ,.?f, reata I tint fuui.'ul and osaersliip af Au amendment wm sbw adopted provldina- tbattht , 1 the church be open to all, without d . Tbe resolution ib d ^y t:0 H. lull, and otinis. ? mm, A PBOPOeXD Oil. Ar.'SOCTATI"N. PlTTSBt 1:011, Oct. 24.?Att . .1 MMb ??ilion is ha (?'i'iiil of $1,0110,000. Eta abj if vrillbe ? of tbatr Noptai (U ut bat ral. Prod to i? c niz?- thi ' tin production ol anida oil la far Lu excej?? of the di manda |Annottmreraenr_.| BUBBBI -" Ti-Wt'iiiNo ExTKACrs.?The best. Witikiit DisrocNT.?Baj your huts at K-tix'i. 212 rtrnei'Tsa-. He Sells tie bmdionaxt Fall it; le nf bit Intro -? eilte tie fart. Hcnct his p ,;? F.VT.t. Eh Yf,! I Of 01 BT ?' n P. BBBBSWBUt, M , a.-ii",,r.r. 141 Rl , truce Bolla, I'.ii'iiis, Bread, &c?, with | Ltt'? Yi n -?, a. y. P - ?I v r, go lll-at, TH" ILLUSTRATED PHBENOLOGICAL I JO! ?RA? "1. I) at? ' ? les of bainia cliirse'.er ?-. ? I ?r? - ? . I'bt ? 1 , , .. are treat ibbrd wuh ill pal-lica?uat at rsdeeed rLtes. ?. 1 5 lln-1, It*? ?cJ e-' -I, thr Autliur; Mtt'li? VV tr -son : RtBflrrat i?. ataia tad iii-t.Bct, elc Ou'tJ 3-,, ur 3 u.e_:ht ua _ RET] I.? I - ? S. B u*a e ,e I ?1 U-. J. Bor' '? Ulk; l'li'e'.t .1 .?>,.. I'. II... tern? drbiliti ; ?!;,?'cliuit Ltj _ rPJ In v- Kork i.i buy r< , ?x HOUSEHOLD WORD.- B . _H BABd 8?K ; lire,?'.-?ut Orasaa. ii1? A Diut-U, :?! ? ?ill DURE PAL* m mu? cii|.(i?:>.-;o:?' 4 ..:?.?. CJ ?N?-HANli 8?1_ ?Tol tO ,i V x SGMyler,Harll8y&(irali8JD, ao ?Ulli sa, ? t ?ei? large tad mmmtt aitortiL RICH FANCY GOODS fron ?' i- I Vietiai, irr! iperitll?; laitible u Wedding Presents. ..'?'. i't.'-.: IAOR, ri..r.ii DBBRRna CAtM, LAMES. Ae., lie , We'll KAN.s, i_,| 1 r.rf larr? r.uek of OPERA ??ASSES. fttK,on<i?HtutStMlueHM,0U,H,OOi>i>0O?>04)<)t?(>l)OO0000t>' 1 . - - V BBA?i'IF?L och, 00a 1!. 4/4 , liven Away, 0<H? ?; -11 ALL ?esssssa ? .'S) . 'i. ?,, 1 01 mi t year " Do,) Qiven Away n u) ? o TO ALL NOW ?oorsaoou't, . ! RrVBIBIRO TO oi)a)OtM,i?l)?>l)v?Klu<>i 0 ?Jal Hearth and Home m.'i.?)-.! M'i vn: i:.-/v itLUtTTBATSD, i mmi msm O.' .1 ?3 h'i 1 ..i 000D raivus, w u n rVOPOLrnciL BUP_umi i mil ? MINM i.\ run wKt.K.s vi 1 ..??..?.I ?oil. gg l'\)ll HALB <k>'?o.' ? I 0lHlO'JIWlKtx>?iJ'>O4iljH)(_K>?V4J BY a^IsL QOV?.'JSJ*JiM;\}JO*rV0W?>*?nO 0OO *">* ?ik> nWlPKaAUli, Em? It (M PabtbLen, iiUAM.i: Jl 1)1) fc< 0 . 2 ? Hro?d?iT, N. Y. I o Mt QQpa0)0MMHHpUa90,YtO4Oa9^^ 0<i^?V?0?ftt3sf?oii^^ I ? ?tMKiijH*? DUTY OFF TEAS. ?..'tl-AT RKnt ( T10N IN IMMi AT AIT, 001 ITOBBa Great American Tea Co. uhododendrons, Ud ? 60_?S, Fluilaajf, IT. Y. I J (n TM lJ.N?ON-?SQirAUi;. CHOICE BEONZES. REPBODUCTIONS OP ALL TliP. I.ATLST AND BBiiT WOftBS OP POF.MCn AHT. PARTI? THiiLV TliOSi: Os- \M ? saaoa, _?-_oaai aeea-a, osaaaas aauagp AIZELI.f. PKABfBB, ' : "IRVE, ToCIAPAI.TT, PM1LB ULHKRT, (XRBgn, rAMBOS, OtllLKlBIS, D.MAIUB, PAL ?.CIEBB, ?aliinom, fH_a_OT, VAi;n:iL.., kr.. a? fen AXTJ PBOM BARlls.IiirN.VB |gf BOBUUIMM FP.Oil Til? ANTIQUE. C. 6. GITHER'5 SOIS, 503-50 1 i i 1 to AD WAY -CZJL-", OPPBB P01? TUB -FARON TIiriR I_ItflF. .TOTR OS LADIES' FURS, At the l-owcftt I*oa?lble _?rl< <??. AN UN ..VT ASPOBTMBJIT OP SEAL SEIN F?R, I.V ALL TUB LBALiI.N', RlUg f? SACaUES AND TURBANS. 502-501 Broadway. N. T.-OL'R BOgD-M IN ALL ITS L-F.'ARTMKN'T)? WIluLP? IALB A.ND -LT_IL. I? OBIT AT 303 AM? ..0- BnVOADW A? BALI, BUCE _ CO, 565 and 567 Broadway. DIAMONDS, AT VERY LOW TRICES. ti BOUl STTBBTIOB MMtait. oat I MBmBsssS M . BMB STOXB*.. eompriti-.? 100 pairs of DIAMOND MILITAI-.- IBB filXGS, from S-WJ %a B 10,000 per r?'.r. ?soDIAM..NU nBoaa garas, free? gut.g?,?wt_e_. .1?. TlllO-1 PlJ-NI-t Pr.cet. At ?Mire tt. ck B . r> OVf dirill UK PBsW.IT YEAR, price? ?ill l,s BMl 10 LOA s.j W BBS B-M MsWB -M Bis laut poisib!. .'elt.r. ErT-M, ?fars, ?ri dpttt F?__b, Warte, i'. .-. i':. i.o.-tun, l*((j'jj. !..r_i_t 1'iiB? Mio? One Plino i.voiy .oi ,ii-? Hour. 'SI 11 Every 1*1 m?- i far I ?ve Years. a, 'ow t? is. ial taott ? ni-. . a?rale! CmtofStl, vit? I', lent on ipp!l_S> ' INWAY ? SONS' Warerooms, ?TBUVWAf I9.1I.I_, 109 __ 111 Easg I'?>iiri?? iuli-sl., ff, Y. TUL. 8CH?BERTH & CO., *J i i Sucre?-.. . , . FOREIGN AND/ AN MUSIC. no. asa o___ No Lo-.....- ta w.ete. a_f v....> v. r^v?? - ~r ? AT Till. nnOOKT.YN ItINK, i frein Pultun I PROM - __-gsva_ri_kj Tfcs B-tasat Bs. Mr, k__ ITBBIB I ?a Lift), . ? re .it."..... __A05H l PlrTI.tT. MA( ' ' l?~ Aiif AM. I ( M-l. . Ill - TIBS. AMP KOT ItmPASSED Bl ? WARS-ROOKS, 11 East PoubibbsiB >"- . Rw YoRK* 41,000 or Tassa Standard Instruments Mi T : end For Circular. SCHULTZ 4L W?RKE H Till H h? lit r> l?o. ??O Brea'.way, ?a tir tk? ir il 11? (?bt-alkili.-.. Glari Fount-ii. Only. I. IK. ?