OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, November 01, 1872, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-11-01/ed-1/seq-1/

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1,1 ..w-vmiK PRIDAT. NOVEMBKH I. 1872.
V0' WXII.N?-9,tSii.
4BB-B1 "I AN AI'MlMM'iMI.'N 10-011 IN
KBtTtXI '. "" my i"it i" "?lN(' vinr->
nTillii v'TiM IOOM 1" roi.i.ow?OON
Ki.mikv. Oei.IL A gaadaaaarj raaaan aara Mm
afloat f, r m \, ..:! ,!a\s all lliiou.-li this part. ef tho
Btate UhBl lau''' BBBM ed in.,ney have t,e, n BBSTl _4M
by UM Ailininistratiorj fiom New-York atnl Wai-h
tnifton for the BBXBI M ?-f I Miytag eertnin UUBBtiM
forCiaiit. r. '1 af flef'-atinit tlie Liberal coutlulntc
JM ClaMgfBM m ttda diatrict; but tlit4 difficulty of
BBtahilng fuaitlTT peoafaf aaehoaaraailaa aaa pro
?fi-iititl ;i fi itifii from being made. At
lartt evilfiui- lias MM ol.tained in Sihuyler County
tbat ilisiM-lsull doiilit on tbia tmbjcet. A warrant
waa iiwtml on 1 tienday l>.v JaeBM WM. House for
i JohaB WBedarard,who la iDifedM
Ik? in the .mi ioytneiit ff Umbbm C. ri.i'.t. QibbI
aa?MeafarOaagraM-a tlu- xxvinh Maat-et ior
an attenipt t" l'ii" eleetOTB M T?M MB l'latt. 'ihe
warraur. BtrippiBg it of BMM of ita laf-1 BMBhll
aa folo
Itaaa haeaaaade to apprarto '''?\J'"!,,1cVh.ftt,0Tii^
?v:er.al divorae plaeeaiIb.rein,one
John H. Wootirortl, reei.iingfn Ibe town of< iiiidor ln tlie
County ol Tio-a. did off r and idd, lo f icl corruptly pay
, ounty autna ,.r ni, nay ln an
atten.ptti brlbe und lt . tornof aald
' a?,??_ 44h...i. 44 - Ntlaon Kiiaco Hnd othera, to
roraaid meraoer of Om.
ramst tu,- aaid Mllo Goodneb, antl to ror
ii iv um- tbe aald money ao pald ln an
aitcmpt i> iifiu'.iee IM votea ot otber lUctora
r,., i nke .iirupt parpoae, ataet u.?n IBaaa
t? 44i??n aald money wm pald bv laa aaM
tliat it fnrtber uppoara tliat tne
dkl, ;.t the t.i-if and ?a?
tltvera peraona, lu u corrupt an U"
. ; for the payment by Waa or a
nuouiitofni ',':'*
I-I'.l- V UldlM-fUl-f "."'
?>?"?*' ' '?'"if r, nir,' n_
Bforeaaid. whicb u ' '"' -*ed for eoiTuptnig
and md euclug tb<- votea or eleetora ol aald Iowa ta
' "fC?n'k'r.-a
"ln, ti. ull of wbi. ?
i ) aie agali ?1 andron
?-_,,.. ,. ;. - ol tbia Btate .ii resp.it to tbe
punty of electioun, and ne.i ,-t t io peace auddlgnity of
Ihe people ol tb. B ? s York.
\Yu.Hlwarii was ytetcrilay arie*tod and gave bail
ln _M BBM of $1,000 to aiiBwor. Thu ariist hM
cau-s. tl gn at ts. iteiiit'iit MBOBI the Gra.it men, not
only in Ul.uyki County, but tbroii-liout t!io t-ntiro
dietnct BBd ttda whole MCtkB ff tlu- Stato. It is
.tl tliat i-vi.leiiif has alreatly been uljtaiiicil
aga-MM Mreral olhM Ghraal aaaa, and tbat tbtro is
,. at tiepidation in tbe- Administra
tiou can.,'. _
llty TB I ? .. 4Ui T0 TiiH TBIIOiai
Fnif.i Ki.i:i'.-ii., N. Y., Oet ?H.-Tlntf was B
-rry i.. al tM Opara Baaaa to-algbl toheai
i is K< riiaii ipeak. Br. Kernaa aa
dii.edby Jud^-f WMatoa, aa! ap I rlytwo
Man. ' y iiittriuptcil i>
BMBtlai 44ar atae i.
feelag made by Bo. -1141 DaaMt Oarraaey. A
aaa a-gaalaaa, a_d at
AN j Vil'.lI.V. AT rALMYKA.
Paubtba. Oct ll*?.Edgai K. Apgai
i 111-ht to s M8 '?? am 'i.tiu-i - . IM
lartdlag Mr. Aj.w: ai- ip
vlaa, aad IB
ed apoa to largely
I 0F 1 SIV1 1. ai v>;!
lau Hall waa largely
I l a/MWoaf, fl
I 441th
I ni.li, ,,n -nU-flurii
:, ^ ouiti bave
: 1.1 inutual
lf Ibe latt
. bfl the only
D for 44h.it 11
; to n ; tbiy >a 1, 1
Bol it.
1 04VU politlcalrlgMawoaMtMve
, . , ai ? 1 ? ? 1 im.! _ki i
p_i'i for th reooverj
ailUagly .f iMtw
f |M 4tar. Tbe Kepul.iitan party tli-l
1 ..... .,..? 1 | : ? . .1 ? . ,'ei
? .:. I . '
? ? >']. 'II
- :.n,! Iiutred
I mt. It ,oillU not
,1 Eg b( Maaa
4vbit-h thf-v bad
r-iir ; bul
- '
;?,;,,1 11*. ]
.bt them 1tjr.ul.iJi . : MB
dly boatUity I " whitb
Ol ' l| -..j I
, ol tli i.- . liad Mr.
jvr.il 11 men of
mr.Boutb ii..'
11.'- iiiti lliireii ? ai
? li iii
llfl f Ull t!,, 4
1 lo [ii.iii. ii r, otteii.br,
: t-iadeavoi lo
I , ,- it. 1 tb .,1 1 ,n N.. , , not n-.n-b
i rt-cotisifii, ?
1 11 K III 4 j
I ., 11,1 t '
t."OvUil , tttk)} attl'lifi, 1'fC mil Of !"t l'*'p - rTu^a-err, j
whohivo pliindrrfd. unpf.ver >hed. and hiinkiupt. d OM
HnllltlfTII Ntati _ .-.
We MHiit t.. ni.l.Htifiti' ft tlberfll for apro*. Ttptlve po ?
icv. Tlie prlnerpi. tBat it ta nerer IM lato to *****
Wfl wmit carrled oul B/( wHi.tioi.ury Ihfl h,'',r,r'_"r,ni;
Bd tlu. ri-wiittii'iii fll tlif pa*t nnT'lir J"'* r*"''y
for tbfl q-f-tkmi ol tbfl fumre. We cancot BflV iot
.i.-t, Hflcfl-DOl punlflfl f.'i'vi. !_??? f "'_',",'
lt la lii_litini.tli.-it IMfl people, Northa* well at Boinii.
cotiM.i. ied tt iivi-r. _,?_? I,,..
Ut oi flofll Ihfl oM rhapter and turn a new leaf. i* >?
Republie Uke oturswe caiinot afiord to ??_P ?I ??*_*
tr.ii. Iii'.-d ( " < -malt U to numlier* it Bfl) Bfl.
Vi,-, .I,,,,.! (roTern Un Bouthai KiiKi-la trov. ni* 1 ?'?"'?
We catJDOt proapei wlthfl Onloa "' forc, lf we do not
? m.iki' It a t nionof liiartt ^^_
Thfl rontlnoanffl ol ? -ta-tflncblifld claac l? irieorni...ti
Mt with tli.' IplTltof ("ii liir-titntidiiK. and wlthuut , due
rtttardto the dletat-iol wlie and enllibtened *_atei
i.. our late eticintea bave < rn-J und f-lnm ''.'""
tliev have ?nflerrd for it. BBd it l? not our inurrtt t int
tii.y ..lmulil iiitr.r foitver. Tliere muct bc MMMMBM
ercryt-lna:. ... __
Wfl waiu to llve totri Ilicr ahfellow (-itiwntanrl .rlcn.t".
Lut w. rflOOOtdo M t'V tcarlniropcn tho old Bfl
kcpiii-f tbe old w.iuiiiIh blrcilinir. Youeannot iua?e a
un n iuvi' um l.y kli kiiiK him. Y.ni oaimot ninko u iiiiui
li.Mil to thfl I'nioti bv IflhtBI BWflJ BM n_ht to *"te aml
bold (.tllif, uud thus mmVmj hini an outx-ait aud a
BflH-h. ._ v, .K
Yi.ti cnniii.t reffltflbHflh ffood ff-elln'.between thr Norffi
Md-OUtbhy kflflp-ll up thfl cM wur-orv nf "ll.l'.'l,
H Tniitot," and " Oopparhflfld." You aro vlctor*. and tlid
vi. ti.rn i an afford U) lie nia(m:iniiii.itie. Tlie Kmith bat
unnedin tbe Bnl pi..cr; the Hortb bai ilnnedln tbe
m.oi.i place, i'i- .li p.'irtititr fruui true republican prtnet
plea, and faatenini themlfl fll flflrpflt-bflgafln oaBMP
.iR-i whiob eouVd not :iavc PflMMflBflk
ii(.? ma \(.tii?vii'.wn OP A RO-DHHHT
ohant rOLi'iK ian?IOXOHAM. I or THE
BOMJtl ii tn ti i r- Oct *???1 Hliall imlnU'i Im
no pn.pbi His ln-re'-ard to nert Tnc*la.v't"mt
Wflfltflfl Htl -Yi.rk. in.'htof tliocountieaof-fhlcb 1 ba"'
now vimted, l.ut ttiiiil IflfliTfl lt to Ailiiilin-tratidi.
Ifllflilflfllfl nnd tpeaker* to do the boattiii): BBd to IflaTflflM
Hl.ruad their (Htiinnten by roiiiitl*'8 aml Aflflfl-A
I llUflllllll HIJ?lt WMM cayliiKth.it I ln-'
tonic of tbe Aduiiiiiftr.itlou Mlhlflfl, aud aui pflfllMvflt-flt.
Klvirirtbc-i tbe advuiitatre of all douht*.thev nrr rount
lrjt onania.lorlty in tlu- touutifa -(olol I'lun BltflBfll
16,000 or 20,000 jtreator thun tlu y villl jret. Tbla oplmoii
is baeod ou au eetliuato cunfiiiiy mtml -Tflfll BflCMl I ;"'
m MflBfl < i"' -. tfom Iflflfl* Ubflral Ki-publicnu nnd
Dfl-tomUfl flflt-Bfllflfl ln othcrn (and tbei,. 1 BflTfl-fll
Tailcd in anv parjo to ri'dmc l.y from 10 tfl Bfl pfll
and. ln tLe lew countiea vtbiob I bave not l-Mtfldflf
h. ird trcin dlnctly, I BflTfl tflk-l Ihfl (iriint Hciur-i- Tlie
A-mlnlfltnUoi tablfli to whfeh i r. li reoMflMc Hi
and Klnj.'* (.'ountirs toonchy aui BrflWfl B]
nud clalui thi'State for (Jraut by froui 20,000 to mMm
vv.i.it la tho alfltfl of th' iiflflfi tethfl i?tfltnhflnf <M
thflBtatflTO*-Bflflf bflttflJ iiian f, uml I ii Bflfl it toyou
au,! ii iMi.iM t.. Jadffl whi'hcr. tak
Itig Into aiiouiit thfl fflfltl I h.'ivi -im i.i. um (l. it i
the pn!iti(..l i'0--ili!itn.- tliiit Ihfl Uitc of tbis Stl>!
bc la^t foi (ir.mt.
\.iii.iiii-t:.,tion prcfn and tbe Orant MMl
ra Ni'vv Yofk aro eveiyiihn' BMertlna Uul Bl
lcai-t tbreo Dfl-MCntflVUlTOtfl lor QrflBtVhl N OM BBUI
whfl ho-i beeu all' piii.ii.an viiii ?flflflXflrMr.OrB-krj if
thlRwero eo, OiaiitV m:ij"iity m WflflBU- Hi
oiif.-bt to bfl rn'R-h l.in-i t than it waa ln 1?6h. Hut it la
uot. true, or, if any lnw per eeat-ffl of thfl DeflMOrfl-7
m i i'-t in it.eir opjios't n to Ihfl LihCB-l Uflkflt. "
'..I mIQ-eflflllim tli' ir n. titmicirr.tii.iii thflfll
witb vliniii tlK-y buvc laKiy Bfltfld. Tiiite one i-otn.ry,
for PZBBiple, lt. irTLicli an aitual eflSTflfll BM BM I mmU ;
I omit the uMiiic. i ula do not OflTC to MflTfl
tbt-ir CZflfltfltnagth revealcil tfl thiir oppO-OBtfly or to
iiivlto a ipflflMri effoit nnd Ihfl^cjttraordinary
. i.y tl.e Ailii)iiii!>tratloiiuii]0!iirtlic(u. I-flflflatTBM
TvtiRin.Kl'- t.y di-t 11.1 -. aii'l' \riv vtcr tll B
notpubllely eoininltled hlmaell Tbe ttott-iM nVflWfld
?. HflpaMlflB-Mtfl I IMWB, v. li.- h,
muMfflmd to tha Pi'MKKr.itic (-idc, ?h?>ip-b tt M.
Aa aa-t-ga aa* ahfl-l M~fl DflMflMllfl Ifl a town will n
?i. in nt Ik.ii.c or vote for O'Conor, and. an uvri.i.i uf
ni l.ccnoiw 111,1)0, boiii'lit t-'i'.
Or.itit. Xhll -MMM Um' libflHd Party Nl Itlfl-Mfll Ifl each
towui f tlKMotiiii.i thflfl thfl I). MMf Bll WBld hfl fll?>,fl?(1
| j.iv.- tlu ui u llflll MlUllJ 1" tbe iDiiiiiy. Tha
Ailliiini-ti..lioii Uhlflfl l-'ivo tno I'lUility I'tnicd to to
?ut '.'Ouor 1/(0 tnajority, Iu ?] 01
ia -_M_ I hik-fl i. f' '"??! ui-om , I bflflfl ;
. .it IM. Wb.it i- tr.ic ln ti.i . MM .- li M
ticij v.li. n. Tue lnmccratic defecUon, aa far an it cou
bo disoov. red, is very emall.
ii m:--i.'S uk A lUM-m OB-B1 IMUW U
1 I,. it : ? tl- ?.. Ol . IB.I
ii liu n ll.ui !'":.. .."Ki
,i party tbere, bul thfl - d 'hfll HMP
; Btale,
alnoflt ? ???!' thut i
(,, ti.,. - i of the
liourlion Dfll
I . , nn 'l Ibe partj bj
: ln piii.lic
of party : ?' tbere ll a mi
rould li-t.
tltutlonal Bl ( i.di. i nl?
?r iu !( : ?
rbo, dnrtnr thi
? , ihat atUM-hed Tmb Tnat m
nl V.il.1 11 - . - l'\ IL'I" Oi I'UI r-'it. iii.-l 1 will aho
ll ln!?- in lli-- li.'.
I lllcll 111 tll
? Uberfllfl, m tbnl Bfl
... n in the D
i , ,, ,,i,it i .hi pro-fl th.it tn. Mm
Im i ii tbe l'Oii- of ( oiim .-ion .ii tliir- Cflmp-lgai uti'l that
MMl* I li.it ?)'. I'.'iuo
III i 4. ;n - "i un i Bl m
-,i , r.'ini
, r the n.-'i ("in "i
? I n,i>< n.K thi .
in ..;. '
ual votir in ? n "' ' 1' '1*3 ' ?* " ???
? try tn ]mt mom . w i Ihi tot uflfld )"i
, . . : ? ? ' ?
Uflfld ii i'j;uiiil,
.1,- ,.?i,.i 1.. ii" aadtai
lnui . \ ii. r. Ihll-MilTiT lli IklnOt I IflMflM
i C-B
eii.ii MpplU (1 i>"^ I.ni'l- 10 I"- in -iti DBBtfl Ui' !'?? 1 have
oul.. iii-'iitiovcl Un- < Ifl natfltfl
iiHiiiiiy v,tn ihei tin re ..le ai'j i i
ni thi" BMMM. I BflTfl not heiud ol mBJ, bul I
thliih it Mhflen - ho ???
di jw intiiifc' ti any BM IBUIfJ upon thfl Tflt< . ni' u wli" ;in
la thfl iMt fluapi t'.i"' belui p-nh-MMa tohi ?
aliit. 1 uavi lii.iid well .iiillieiitu i.t
. |. ,-. i l.i !l I lit ,liln H
'S. | .1 !ll 1-l.lllltiCh, hlit I
., ?n- weli iiifmuied fll Ihfl tmttit, and will, I
? iiei.-nt nnv Iflflfl flf mt'? fioin ll.t iiiiiic II, iv
,ihi| tO Mr. BeflMelda i"ii\'t- tion, I W'III .old
itbflonlj Orflol i-an i hflTfl a>flt ln the Nortb
.? litioii -le ? il any
itiou tbat tbe DeflMen iBBbfl_4oned
!_, old (i ."i aud i '? '"I .-Hini
?ii. II.
gtfl I llut Mi (.
.?it he *?? pleflid ai thfl
aili.ni. I l.i' fll ' ?''?' l,jrl> l""1 '? I
, ,t un ii c . | Aln-..' tli.t tlu ir
- Ifl UTJ thl -I lil ? B-*l( lei
,? Ihe a.ii.i-ti_ii-.ii BUM Uflkflt.
.troflflei thu i i ii"''
, 0fit. J li..
. iwn i.iuoti. KfllHiti
gg* ,.).?. Ibl. w.ll ,.?,..
.|lO<*l IM-.V f.|tl 1 "' VOU- t.'l Dll
i... ..no.*.d ih.ii I...- aiwB/i ?'??"',' *__y-H__ ".'""'
! JJ.-i.iii.:...u Ciiriy, --iiiiiu would ffi eouie >otei flolu
men who aupporf (irant. Thia year it B BMMBM M Mar
? .,-. "Ob. Tm iroiliB to TOte the atr.tlcht ltepuli.
li. .ui rt> k. r , i BhaH aol vote for nnvbody wbo lf not our
rt'Biilar noiniiiei? aud on tiur titket." I thiuk that Kar
uan tniiy run a little abead of tbe Natlonal tlcket ll
of theae eoanBea: he will bci tbe votea "f a '.-44- Bom
baaa wM will not vote for Mr. Oreeley; bor. aa I have
ahawa, IM bbmMb of tbcae wiii aal aa largBi
mbobabm ANti BMBaraaaaBXAnoBi
I am aurpriied to flntl n?w fewof tbe (itinit TV-puMl
C-ana h.-t4, any liiformation in re.ard M the real lnsues
i.r tin- raaapalgB 1 aaa raBs M Ba mafe and me of the
party and not. of courac, t<> tbe politlcal leadera. They
havo been ovcrwhoirocd wltb the BBBM preiHisterous Al
BtoMtratMa luMMaata.BMiTirlr-~1 Mtweaa BaMeeaj
7/1/ WemJ-Tork timet, BBd inuleratati'l nothing at an "?
tiieifniat aueetloaa to be lettled aextTueeday. An_??
i.. liiii.nt waa trted ta thia lomn a *ht,rt UBMBgowhltb
atiikitiRly llluairateB this itrnorai,".. A gentleman wob
hl? aluiiil on ihe rtre.t and tiuinlr.il of avrry -rantiM
publlean who paaaed lf Mhadreadtbe Cincinnati PUt
!orn.. Tbi tliat 2.1 Bere fnrmeri.mechaali n. ufni hual
Deaaaaenof taMlUgeaee. Tbr.e of tbom bad read tbat
plutfonn ainl 17 bail nof. ___,_*, - - -*
1 t in.iioi.or conrae, lollow up every Ilo thtit the Adtnln.
bitraUon ia aeeretl) cirrulatiag among the pf_*Pie, i,ui
WlU eall iitu-titlon ifn ue of tb,- moat ubatird, whicti1 ia, at
ih< -4.!iiif t., i-ai,-iiiated to ii.f'iv maa. it lato the
efl.-1 that Mr Uraetoj isa Know Nothing. CM story la
toldaithvarUtlo-atoaaitdiffetenl i" r one. Mmebodj
haa been verv !niliiNtiloiisly lirculatini; thls r.-lKirt ln
Balamauca witlnn a w. ck. II 1-. tol.l tipenl) wb.-ie
,t bbb i.e .?oiitradiet. it. imt ahUpeiad in tbe <-ar ofojon
IrWuiiaii 01 Ueru.au nr Bweda, 1 bave BOt be ird that ll
haa i.een trledhrre, Ml it. haa ta lt- . 1 apprt,
buffalo, Dunkiik. aad other 1 '_*?T_T_
bere are unanlmooa for tM entlre Uberal ?-?_??? Al *
i?. eiiuif "f the Father Matbew'a Total .U-iinoneo
Bocieiyof tbia village, last eveniwr. if" mcnfTiere were
incM-iit. an.l it was voted unanlmoualy that that oriratu
zutioli Uae Itf inliiieiife t? mhip- Uie ea etmu or lr
. Every memher or tbe fcoclcty will be at tbe
polla on olecUou day. _
Bl pri'.iif as- AM. DBB00BATB?TBB B*OB
ni k .-I BOI BBOXI dimimmiim; ? HOW tiik
IF-OM TBI ITBI l'l. '''?: 1 "I' TIIK TKii.rsi. 1
Co lisist.. Oet :$i.-Sobm in w B-rpriM ktt
,-,\4 unii bm aferary town ahtoh 1 *tm rtaiMd B IhM
ra tlerof eaaattoa 1 have mm praaaal at bM
i.ir ?uMlaga. aad bat,- nor. KhueBwa, baM
decetvad b| IM aatfBaataaaa Mai alaaga aaarM
Maga popuiar gatMaMga, e4.11 \4i?n IM ttda B
aiivirre. Imt I have found e\.:i ynh.ro IMI per
aaaal fciatlOB to IM Uhacal aaaaa IMI daaa aal
. i.eit laaaaatlBg,batgaealight dawataeachta
,th..iiiai rotar,aadBMkkMaara tbut MtBllp.udai uadi
tfi,i.t his t?to ?_ bmm ahleMvaa aay ll la aaa*.
Fiiend.it. IM BBftMBB and ft-ntial WCtMMi <>f tho
htate.au- looMag mtiXh graat aaUeltaM lo tM "BoatMra
tl.r," feittliiK t'nat fioin its pBWS-Mttjr l' I'. BM I lvaniii
tin- LtMrala aoald b 1 aaa tt ? bbbbb <i aai glva up tM
[aaaaay MtBeee aMMva Bxpeeawl IhM aatt
eifule that U 1 tn y do ar ael at MaM as IM UM-BM ?f
itlu m tn 1 " BM letag, tbey -BBd havo no fcari
of,!, riat 111 UM B '
I wm sn-arivfiuiiurtai-e.' whlle paadng thronghIM
ao-Bt-MlBBBraaeMdh, IMXai Yor;? fJentral Bailroad
aml itHliraiidKC; BB BBT BBBBB in th" XXXII-l und
XXYHIih COBgreM Dl-tr;r t- an- not toritent Bjlth Baa
dlagpabile-aeettafa aal aaeadlag tbe atraeta
Bllh tarraaa IMm an- in areap eeaaldaralB M~a
Uberal BepehBeaaa Bad Daaaaeratt vtio lue Blvtag
their ,-utiie tiiu. trtlooklng np BBBBIlBl BMB, BrgBtag
44,11, lU-ui.anilfiitreatiuK tli, 111 M tio their duty at the
TlBlBBMIldtaal tlieie are more I.tbernl Rl puhlh-ana
|? tblaCongreai Dietrtcl than ta any otber 11. ihe ?- .i.--.
a i, ,,,,1 KepubUtan Convention heid lu ti.,
tbecampaign, waac impoaed ' ,\H
-.? meuwbo foryeara bave bt '"J!
workeri lo tl no leaa thau ico del, it - U? k
nurl ... . . 1 . oftbese men MaU 1
,l? raltbhe tbtn prof, aed, aud n, I ono
the leaal 1.1 db 1 B rti to eoeaafal
ill 1,1. inu. e.lillte tiek'bbi.l.L_??__,__
Tn,. lufliiem ? abicb theae m n bkT 1
, ontend bave bf 1 n tromendoua. Iu tbe 1.1.. 1
Ui,,,. 1 .t.iiiaiie, peralateut . 1 "it topr, veni
therkrculatiouol Taa 11:11.1 m: andto placa //,'? Ke*
ror* TU tt ni tbe baadaoi averj 4 ? . r- w ;
wbo Mve i,. r.tofoie aet. ? a ILefonnattou ,.r
Tbibubb i-lubi Mve, nnder Ihe Inati uctlon of tnet 1 od
Krcaauiaii or ol tl"' Immacula ? ' ? ' ? '! ''
r,,, ir -. ii. ,s to The Titott, '? . , ? I- -'f
mt .i.mi'ii-Ti r.m??bav? beea ramlahod btbIM m ?
T?H waa only eeTaaaday MM lhalaaopyot IhM -
wai ul
ir.11.Wcd 11 .? i-lainp.fl. aut I
. that tbe |
re have converu from eitl 1 ILoLib
1 Deiiioi 1 nn rauka beeu made Ln ibis
tio.i-I; . tue Kcpu .
,,?.,,.. prcpticl ou tlie
li 1, t clcctioui bi
11,- imji 011 Ui 1- Inatilled Into Ibt ir tal
, lybeen
ua; in
i , 1 like loioiumen 1
_ui.11 . ' , though
, ,,,. 11., , it foi ni- 1-Aii.r
iKini sk, after bnvlug nad II ;'; " '"
suu,, 1, , . iwirj .Ma. tbey baaa MMdaahB
Tbe iK-mot-rata bave done more ?IT . tn.l eotnpaiga
440IK .
;?.,,?, ,?.. I euthumlaaUc of tl i'lll U
rcat, ulay, ihai LLej bad 1.
_,',_,,, ,,?!.. r- ..I 1
. ,-v .loiil.ir.il n.au baa l" .11 1
, 1 oruil I .u IM 10H of
u ii4> ". day.
Demoirallc i '" ' '" thla
A.:. _ , tbe Dt-uiocratlc parti
tbault baa beeu befor, 101
, j aa waacaat 01
1 _avi 1. ?? . iutpi ?od.too.al tbe
j that 1 overywi 1 i" Und ? t. . ?< '? "
ilii-uiiannd I'.n ix-rata. Tucre
ii?ue ?if those bu kcrlnta und that peraonwl dle-wil
Uouovern.inallonatMt aw aMBiatiBTariablj mum
, . diatrlct 44111 .,- n.iiH.
rappoaedby ihoao at 1
III,.,11 811 Ull, ll.f |-le ? :?! mellil
I i,,? Ward, 4\ 1- ? ... 1 .1 144.' 41 .,1 . a'.,
',v in .. ty. He l iii tni.i-1
ttjlv rn ?"?? '"'" '"
U0|f,|i , bllU Mtpla il I. 1I..4I,.. 1.... ? I
pubUi au "f great i^pu
n m an.l pai
,.,?_!.,. , .,,,,, W||| . . . largeb bf hiud bla tlcket, ik 1 ou y
,H ??., ti.ia cou ty, bui in .Mi.--.tn..' aud 1 bi 1
1 baiiil. i luki ? ; ".'41 f.ni i" ? ?.li ? pd .' t. tbe
MtBmith'afi.Jaexprcl MBivabtM
11 the) \tUi bo tllaappoiutcd 111
,i,i,t unii are coanting on the eleetlon of Inno
oiitiiliii.i. A-emiil.iuien ,u ibu? LoogreeeV
_,,. ,,.,,-t I,,. 111 do la to get t\4.- ff tin-lueuiljera. aud
. . 1
ou. nt. .I nol .
1, .,,.,,.. , bm 1 .,!.. ion.,! oed tnal b.i.- aaela
11,? 10 be diaapp? Inted.
A 1 \l.-i; BEFOBI Ci.KKl.CU.l'.
A report aaaiag baaa 1 ut la elreolation
: h ,,1 beea la aed trom IM haaggafli
,lR, __ atot-BI tii.tt all i-inploi. s
,,, ,? .. IM for l)ix nii'l Oi
,1 ih,- Wiuiti, Qaa
addreaaeda letter o-l-_alryUi tM PraM
Ibe 1.1 "*s''' i'1' :
I.I 11. 1I4II 44 lil.-l AS . . )
l'ui -11,1 ST'fl < u 1 I. : . iM 44 ...
1 ,,1 u i" -.'4, in 1
ti, ,1 1 b ive 1 - Ithei bIvqb uor 11 ordi r, 01 m
,u foi ai.y party
ui. u any m, . alalMB ll M
ipuria __
l ( ompaoy ara in
m, ? ,1 ouid, re .-1 and n aenl any
ni frotu ato qiuu r to dli late lo tin ai he
II ?.'. 1 .'Ilt.
|| lu.i, HlMaDKN O.N THK M ' l -11 Y OF
? .i.i...1.1., tl 1.1...1 l lUN.
will mi 11 BUC WBLPABB ltiv_? 1 11:1 - |_|
01 iii) 1 in.i.M. 1!' i.i i.
liu- loiloviiiiL- iB BB txlr.icl Irom ;? 1'iiY.iif
leltf r re. BlfBd "? UkM ' ItJ
DBABBtBI.* * T!" I"',1'
, ni-. opinion. ri |. 1 ? - Ue .T.iti.iii ol .vi 1.
ui) ?4ith i.r.-. lo an Improved Aduiio
, I,,..- nn douht
1 '
., but al-u lo arreat, n
by tb.- l're-i... ut ol
maae al bia command t" em 1 1
, : ? . :,i. am?, towevt r. ,!o ii- '
.i.l the B.ipi
aitle mual be fiuortit by thoi
., ?nd 11 " ? ii" n"4 than I M '
mifortuiiat. ly wi ibould fall ln thla ronteat, 1 ahuii ax
,,.,,, ibi r.iui.- 1,11/uiiii nta
upon lu 11 ?< t now, inaii ui
,: , f tb, ii.ui.ti.i r.
tbe , oiitluiu ,11 ?? of II" J-atne Adiuliii.trallon foi
term Bl 11 I B "
Hotl.rt),, . 0 ' 0, 1 -V
.. .Franciaa-o LaniM'a. Captain iii \ oliintecra, for
, of Uw I 11,-aa. aal
,..i..,,,' o.r I Itra 1 lui, l.ai irrlrnl la Haraae. It la r*|j<irt?sl k?
Lii.eii baa .a.,1 Ijli, latitaia lirurral a^l tke aViena, aiki ?kil
rrat Lariv?a kti rc-auil?114. rsair laa rlana!
<i| lill. l.lilhKAI. MoVKMrNT -- TIIK Dt'TT
The Hi>n. Honitio Seymour aidiaaaai B -tffl
meetliiir. ou IfflMMfl-MPi -'t- Clinton, Ouclda Ckiunty,
.V Y . ln itul.-t MM M followi:
PtULMWOBBBMI In thl* elertlon tbe tbirp dlteuiv
moinSkbout eanilidiitea havtVturncd away tbe ptibllo
tnuid fri'in IhMMMI lmrortunt queillont invoived ln IU
retnltt. Coinp.ired witb these tbe eandidates are tncre
lncidi nt- of UM tlHtlH. U lnvolvei the forrnatlon of a
m_| p.ttty, wbleh lt hcnaftcr to direct tbo affalraof
our eountry. Tbo flr*t gTfat woib to be done la to lay
HllMaad-tM-B. ln this more progreM ha? heen inado
tban wi bad I riKht to cxpcrt. Tbo dlfferencea of opin
lotii with rc_aid lo tho past, which extat anioog tbo
MPP-tlMI of tbo LOM Ul eandlilatea for the I'rerildeney
at the outs. t, made ?ome confuaion. But tboae who
beretofore acted with tbe Republlcan party, but who-te
Wtfl-MhanhflflB di.P'K'ard.'l ln IU eouna.lt, and who
bave been MMl kcd by Ml policy. found tbemtelvea a
MfMlflM inlnoiity B Ml MB--. They *aw tbat the Demo
riatlc party were willlng to meet tbem upon fair
irro.mdi witb a vlew of aaving our eountry from tbe
evilaof mii-ovi rtiinei.t. When tbese two climaea catne
top tb' i they mado themaelvcs the controlllng powcr in
towua and llflflllfll ihlfl beretofore tbey bad Mfl*
witboiit vright or Influence. Already ln bundreds of
t(.wimtlu1&ucr.)i.BC0!i_tieB, aud ln many BMM* tbo
IfllflBlllflB hM heen wroiight out. The young. tbe aetive,
aml Un. viKorom men who have herctofore been k.pt
bai k BM BMl P?t m tbe front rank*. and aro anlmated
l.i Ihfl MMM nce tlny belong to an orgaiii/.athm wbleh
Mfll MMM IflMlBIBl Thi* falth BflM not ?prin_ alouo
from the WTflflfl. Whlflh BhflWI thflfll ftaWWttB uu.n
bcra. but alao from tbe fact that tbe eondltlon
of our eountry MflflB-flfl- a politnal change.
Tbey kur.w Ihat the W'.rk miuit ki on until the M
UM tflhlCh rtrtt"! ll have MM ni.-f. IMfl great work of
l.n.iiL-ut.ioa.l.ruire b??is of fumre powcr harlof MM
il. ne, ti"- aext tbtng Ib ordi r M ta gaia tbt- coutroi of tho
S i'. - .it?*l N.itioti.'il Lej-lUkturfl. _ _.__ .
|'i,.-i.' nti.,1 power will and oturht to fo'low ln rho
tr .j,, , ? of progri ifl, and m*t gn before them.
Tbe work baa not .niv been dooa ln thfl rlghl wfljr, but
alaofor ibe kl-. Therflforfl, we flflfl tbat a
ibardlytlx montha fllocfl, haa ain-atiy
Inld lt* found.a*, broad and atrong. lt hflfl uotoniy
cnlned tovrutend eounUeaand Btate*, but it -tr k.n
l nl llv and hi-ix-fitllv lor -.u. h jiowiT in the halla of Coti
uii r.i tbe Kxecutl-e Manalon a* wtll
check tbo?? evUi aad ab-Mfl wi.icb uow au n
;,.-.. |h? VfltfflN of our (i.i.i'try. Thfll Wfl law
L-.iined much, we know. it bow m?Im tit Ml W wi
(-.-.ii: un.,. all at tba Oral trial ol our ?_-_??, or if taa
couipli ii- .-nd dniii rlctory ?_*- io tflmporartly delayi a.
i , ,.' i, i- toforecaal thi future, it i? only neceaiary to
I ..k llito 1 he e-W ? of tbla vigoi-oui iUipulRC of tbe pub
lie iniiid.
nn Mtil tr.F m *~?*" mwa-BMnr.
The p-iwi r of tbil BlBflBllfltlnfl iloen ( ot nierr-ly grow
out of tbe i.uionof th"?e opiwaed to fhe BOitarj of thfl
Adiiilm-rati'ii, thtiH glvuik, it nunierhal atreogth; it
? Matttf wln. b ipiMfl **MB dMpM and morcen
.luriutr cau r?c Ihfl romlltion of our eountry makes lt a
??? it || tbla Wbleh bM fortfld im n to glvfl up
tl,. ir p i--.toi.-i aiifl prijtnlicci afld to oolta IM Bdtion. It
..ii. i ablchwill cuntlntte to dtaw t.i us ranki gn.it
um mi.! wbo bow bealtate, but wli.. will iooa im
tbal daty denukadi th.it they slmuM ald la aa eHort
wii.cii looka not alone to ? nolitlcal ohanie, bol it alao
-... i, ? t.. ovi roome tbe u oral e-ili which aow -BUet our
We ii" not " ? * to break dowo tbe Bi publican
i ,. Dor tbe i" tnoi utic p?rtT, out w.* do * ek to un
thi iu up apoo a bigberi Lane ot Bioralflflnd ol pairloti*ni
in t:,.ir polltlcal Mtion. lf Ihfl mov.iu.nt wbi.n
ln -..ii at Cincinnatl Bud was foniliuuil Bt Baltl
more waa merely a itrate-rle one, u woald be un
aorthy. It would aot ia t.n paint vf rlew |_it?_y inea
agi"_'Ui'i,anoniwbum tbere exltted*ucbalf
trirenee ul opinion upoui Uut if tbelnter
,- dciiiiiiui ii lacriflce ?.' partyprlae,
. . ., ..... p trlotlc i" BUkke thi lacriUce.
, lallke oi Mr.
. i i i ni t not Iel mj per?piial
, Ktatuodlull i belngmadflaB?IBI !_?
rinciug aboni r* lurina.
i i tbal tbii uioy-uient wm a neeflMlty. i-rom
wlienceduffclttpiini(1 ln part from caam
n. -t i.i.iil-.iu. Ulstorr teikcheii ua *Bat la .very eountry
, ,,1, Bever been followedby aoelal demoralltatlon.
kauptbe Bood order oi ?... n iy; n call.-mr tbo
? nj arbll ary power, lt makflfl t*Mt, haity, aad
i.,i.'i.i..t. .1 evi .-i.iliiur.-a of uiomy; 11 B-kflflTMlflnt
,.h ,? ... ie of all formi of propcrty; lt leatla to
wildaudentl itloafl. Iu ml trefl aud rtpre
Mi.iu'i'. covornuienti .i bM alwayi been tumi.i
,?- i,,r tbe publie coo.1 to ehanpa the
, . ?, ,,...,.-, Who liiii *. t.<-.m
, .,?-,,,'. iii oral tiuKi-flui ucea. -Now hbf
ti.iv tc.i.i it- ol 1") war whk-h haa been *w ttroui-iv
U i,j ; ,. >oll_aitbat I [i)t)d> couti itfroni wlUeh
.un c. ? ?'? "'?'?'? ''
,1, i, ?,,,;. . ?)?-'. ii iu aii d( rn i
, uortuon*. Oui iiin
.. rapldly fell to tu
d i.i roae to lti I'le*. nt
. . t? ri'limd all
:,, fcanii in, nran a* Uoi
v.. bave .H - - ?bt "1 ""'-e aiaxluiaoi
. , ? , , i . I - houi i, v. i.i. ii a"
. , u jTa.it ??? Wfl .i..i.c.i.!i.i,.y oi i
i... ..;-) ? I ?' * ? ,' ?'
?aiual the e i ol tli ludiiairj ?
i.i om ii . . ' ? - " I1",11
i . tboul ."? u- ? ? ';' ,tb'' '"'l"
.? d ibo oper
atoratotui | . wbtro thfly tboulu be.
Ihe pn vailinnrev lolthe uee I. tam l ? Iofllvlal
, V,-,- Lil ? i oi Ibe . ..oi. ( 'i"
re, -I' b, '.
, , n. ion i...- i. 'ui., wi i-.'i-i > ? -.1 iu
Il? uu | . not bi*v*i I'.-cn coiiiiiiiii.-.t
lu a ...iiiii.i.i.i y wiitii. li alive loauu* ?'"-'? uf otheiai
ituty ii.i pui'il ?? ? i " ?? "
l..i e l.i 1, li.*" i ilie l.tl dul' Hilil'iilS, lO lCepi.l.l.. ..n
h (1. i ,,. t, would nev4? barfl mm touk
tniited ii iur pc. all we ? ablautfld bl ti l
Olill'lfl ltl.lt l't. ' ... " ?"ll1' "? ' wl '' " l'
n.iiiiy \i.ii' n,". e" ?' coui? v. iy fai ibort
. ti, a duty wuo taiuB ihat it iu enoitxb
tho (.ulliyi . i , .. ? . . . '.. fore
iLe teiupiathiuflol tbe i mi -. flud wbo have aot boen
i.i.t iu tbep.itbwa>i ot rw Itude by a uealcby, hiKb
Uni* i.'. 'lu in lUaafl ooulu aot u ive
_'c|, | ijp a tMllidl-K ill.oll
Uroadwaj. la the (My ol Mew-York. one of tb. BT-fllj
- ol tbe v\. nd, 111 )..;? t ii li ? -ti reuceof
lUlly. .N..y, lil ..'? .....1
,,,? .... M ' .si.,li_llo.i4 gl.W i.iil llolii
rraud aud piuudel1 luojf ??M ns4_Uved ln
, ,,.,,; ti;. y \>n<i ' tubraoed b/ u,.
..', nt N. w Voibj mado their
.1,11,11 bad i". ki a
u ni ii, .-iu wuli ' j "?' ' '"'ouii i.-ii
i- hai ui t beoo the i* inu who I i
. n| pu ii ? n.. r ?? , it bai been tbOKreud for
_.ld i "ii i:??? i1'"1 "! ?? ?
* thi ni to ui Kl* cta i pabllc Uuty, ..
ii, dUicuu-ui ol t.i) >ii4iu| an.l aeUvo wlta t_i? iooa
,?.t w laiiu, bowev.r gaiumi, broUKbt bouor auU ui
tr uui.h have t*ecu the Inllmne.-a iipon the pnbllc
- utri.u tb. couuollflof fllUM flflM tM lrfl-?i-t.?*na ol
htattii. how huait imiii with our tiatlonal eapttai, whire
t. riii.ii .ni- havo been i.ti-tobl *fT?aier, and wher* o>
iiortuilillei bav( l"cn -i liuinlicd tlmea luul I i
?, ,,,. | n. ii. iu a . -" ii"
u m ur and tbat tt leee Hihm ibe *>>' rage durlng tlu j>a~t
,r- anl lliioiiliik' out Sutiday aud ho
nvea ;-"0 dai^ lor the ye.ir, aud iu
_W J,., tll" t|-illl-.ll-'l"ll- "I lu
aa Ind Itl daily retH 11. aw ab mt U
iniirt! tbanlioo.ooo eaeh hoitr, ub tu lt,?w a mlnute.or
Kiouaeeond. I reduoe tbeae bUUia to th *mtimt?pfl
1-,,,.1-i'f li*...-. iie.'.iu? *? tb* Iiiliil cauuoj ?.. : a ' I'
,,i tbevatt ainoiiut i.t *i -...--....--. i ? ? wi*k
*] tbrougb tne iiiillloiia ol Ou_ei of t , ? ! wbj um
intx v. ii" w* r- emplnyod
l,i (joverument lu ? r our c< uuti.. .i- tuw
li'uli. -. :' "''? '"i'UK
?,, ,?(,, i,,.| ..un.-. ?ii'u it reaebe* tbi an
,i, naj |,:.*...-. tu. whole mom
, lU .1 ll W 11 I "f uit
in.ir.- the lortunea of mdlvida iIb. I
heuvily Bpo? tbfl in?u?try "f tue eonntn
.1 tli- D( Id* Ol OUI L.ii.l,
liftlug un or <? ii '!"' l"
bii.oi Even thou-btful man mu*t we thal our offlolala
iptati it* uii
PBiiiMi Ied in 'ihe bl l"iv irt guvfenOM UU. N"W I UO liot
m-. itutt tbe*e teniptationa have lert them attray n eauae
iti.-v Mm i.i ruiii i. .ii.-, but i"- ui-'- Ihey were men
1. ,hi ? tn . n. IM power, the wi i.i'n i tn- Dlueed wiibin
, ,,?].. h.i- xi. i"(i th. u- policy, ba* engeail
., i, haa made .* -'i' ? >l for tolrt, u.
thi-lll lilllid lo tbe I" -l pl :? .. *."\.-1111111 III. Il
may be asktd lf other men would i"; better uudei like
, n,-.,,,,..,,... i auswi r No, bul we teek to rbanpt Um
iu, ll BOd l "' ' >r' BMltflll ? ? aliaK .
tt vtitii i AMB M oMiiir i --: mial.
The llir-t neeei'sU) of our (mi t-iniin nl M lo -d Inu k tfl
..ii,tn i?ap_(iiy, and ta .i fuii * n-? ot ? vbMm of
,. ,)iil* Wtm ljtiued lli luor^ of Ihfl "..I OBBflttMUflM
.f ibflflflBtfltMi'thal pu?i i. tiiiiitary ot ii\ii, ahflaldal
,m , -1..-a. m lo ?> i.'.niiiiatiiiii to lawaaai tothe judt
iini to the r-.i ? i .1 iiL-tit- flf men * honMi and per
Bona. Itut ii will be a-kt-ii, li wi ara battllng with a pr
vailiuv del_or__I ? - iiiciiv t lt ii
\M .-i. we lay baie truud, rorrupttou, uml violenee, we do
lint U.II...I *ti(> -,- ' P-Ul*h gUiltj ilieii; we
no ii.iii ii ni"'' i'.'" ii'. "'? arooie th' i mil ?
l.i a MBM "1 mi< b flfl-fl. Wfl rt.irn thfl JoUtlg
i.nd ai tm ihut dlagraei evoi overt-ki ithotewho
thi pathaof rectltude and booor. ItUbviueb
hiu.-i- tbal we iift ui' tbe publie uioral*?tbal we aave
tu, pul.ln w.it.ii.. Wbiii corruut Judgea w.n
ri .,ii. thu t.i -n, ii, we did i.ot iinii'ii ?'tiulot bad
nflliiilr., but Uie whole li k'.il piofeiattiu, tbe whole
l.id.Ti.irv oi i.ur land wai tu...i. awre pare audhonor
,...|. It war, iii.t thfl ni'ii' '? ?" "f puuUhmeul tbat
wrougbl tbla ehaage, bul peeauw tbeii ibui- were
..ito a ?eu?e of tbe foulueefl of corruptlon thal
?er? uw.ikiiud to tbu Mwldieoa tenptatloDi
Whlflh draw iiicn BflflMr/, aud tli'V *el un foi
iit- uieli.- ui their own liiiudr. kigher and noliler
i-l iii.iiiiil,. ln i.-Kiil-'tc tl.? ir i.'Udu. t tn'He. Bfl. too, haa
il i... c ?!iii ii,. expoeureeol munlclpfll ai?i le-lalaiive
fiauU*. Tbe _i(*U?t KuAMi we gaiuf.l ? i* uot tbe puk
iahmentlto IM nillty, hnt the fralntag_ofh ?h
pill.lie 111 belfi ai.d uobier i.leas of 44|i.kl men o*? ''
Kemarlveeandto tMii oonntry. We bbm aa-dajpaal
Progreaa ta reform I.reitlee and u -ur Bt^.aadBO*
wo eome to oai WatloaaJ ag-lra, when-. aa I *?? d N tan,
,T.,,,-'H,U? ....'I <v.l ...Un.-.,.-. - have MBB MB tlmea BB
atrong aa they brntt baaa aluwhaai,
We aeek at thia aMatMa t" make hiu I, politlcal BfcBBfM
that there aballboa t-BMBgh aatallag or MBMBBBe?
tiona. We want toHi-c the BaaM and tbe rarnrda, not
for anv pnrpos,.f |.o-itleal r-vciigt- or to irratlfy pertl
BM pride. blll that IM MPB8MBB t wrong-ilulnamay
.,, oul t? work ihe BBBM retoTBM _***J__f? ?**__j
eljiCWhere iu t!,e (,,,? k of BUCb ii.V'-k IK 11""8. Mi? 4Vaut
tol.aveth.r-, booM loo.ail over ti,.11.c>*h arota
telestedlnll.lflltiKOilt all tM J^,____*._?? .'??
ilone, and not by perked aml partlaa ? ?*UI ? '?
wbo have every nmiivo lo /" *_:lh___2___
aiaattaa-pthaa been n. a by aome leadiug haaiimaa
,n,.?t,.,il?m. Un- paldle altM tbe Mm that poaUeM
chaagea woold dMiwh be Bu bcuU wbdlt ? ' '??
e.juntry. wi.at la there blu awu) whlcb t .eeeiuenl'ir
to have brou.l.t to Uffbl ; or ,a it their COWardlf '? *>!..
ono has wiiiily aaldUiat no maa 4411a ao t.u.idaa aa
wM haa a uilllioii of doUatfl BnlBM II >? aaa man wl 0 baa
two How theae men may riu.i aamethlng to tbetf ati
vaatagfl ta IM frlghtrul ueury wbi.-n money ffini
iiiitinlrV. Ii. tho rpeciilatne ni,,v. ti.cuu. wkirt ira
golng ou, enrlebtag tM few, Mt aii th.ae tl
eurae and blight the boneat induatry of tbe u... 1.
men km.w that if wn galn all we aeek, the cleenoa
or tM Liberal randldaM foi IM Preeldaaey, tu.it it wiii
uiakoiio violcnf. changeln politlcal power. " wiii M
only Hiirlra uiij.llil atlon of that powti aa the fflteMBla
uf the country and labor-call for. The Repnbllcao paity
wlllbold tbe rst-nata-of tlie Uulted Btatea; tho S-upreine
court of our nation baa been iMped to nieet tMBieaee
Ol IU tliiai.tial alllea. Ua BMBBBn a lu rcitaid to tlu- t. n
nre ..f ofltoe are aaeh um tbe poaitive aomrer ?r tbe
Prealdent la imt vi n sinail, but be will be able to eneca
ikbtiairi Iii fut,ne unwi-n leaialatlon. llut abovo au,
elected ta tbe tatereata of reform, ho ean iay bare tue
reeonisof ibe pcet.and nuw glve new ntality to the
patrlotUm of tho Am, rl? an people by ab?winm tnero tm.
,vils whieh an- tnaldlo-aly eiefping luto tbe dlflereut
departmeuU ol goveromt at. 1 appeal to our Kepub
lleltn fiieii.Is If thej an well as 44,- an- not Ititereste, 1.
theae expoaure. In order i>y theae meana tocbeek pnnuo
erlM, we ?f tlu- I). ,,,<" ratle party have made sacrill <-i<>r
our pride aiiuof our pusoiial teellBga fur tbo coiutuon
*,??!. wm raa ?ot aaaat na a part of
tbo wity I Will you not help put lu ofli.o
a man wbotu yon bave aeted wiih lor 40 yeara, aud wheu
all wa aeek la a lalr expoaitlon of tbd condoct of tne
bttalneMand money tranaactlona ol oor (Bv.rnui. nt 1
Aa l aaitl at the O-teet, every tht iL'hfful man must ? e
Uiat tbe movemi nt oi tbe Beform party aaa one wkicii
aprtaga from IM publlo neceeatty. Eveiy man of fore
caai mtial teel thM u la t<>Ku on, guiuinK atrength in tue
ruture aa lt baa ta the paet. And every patriotlc man
wlU MdIIgod-apeed ln itaefforta t? ihiiik bat-k to oor
country tM prtnctplea aud imln-y whlcb uiarkudthe bet
terdayaof tncBepubllc. u baagalned maeh of power
ta towoe. la eooncea, and ta Btatea Iu IM end lt wm
toutroi taaeondaet ,,f nal-onal ??n ir-.
Ki.y <*??_-, Fla., Oct. 31.?The followinp par
t:,,.iar-...r IM bara-agM IB MaaaMblpM-Maarlaaaa
baaa nblalail Baaa ti"- aaivivara vtbo arrtvM bere:
BBM the BBflMlM Miit.l l. rt tlie burningeblp
oncboatwaa accu with Ita kftl upward. and with two
luenuponit. Tbe ichu..1 b.at Iay for two hours by a
aaaMgal MM iiaBtetalag bbm bmm, Mdaalag Bmbm
gtaaara, flremen, aud t>bip^ l.aib. r. A bu, ket was given
tothe lnuiutcaof tl.e BMIMpM boat to bail with, there
belnil two 111 tbe BBB M <l m Bt As tl.i ic wet,.- nt, aeaiiieu
in the hwanipt I 1 oai IMj Bl N BBBbB to properly mau
aireit, aud 111 ttla coudition tBajBMa Bft. It la not
lik, ly that any of Ihem were eaved. No salla had been
m ii tor iwo t.ajr. aravMaa M tM Ma. On that day the
M.Hf-ourl waa in cinpaiiy " i ? h a rhlp from Pi a. 111. to
3p. m., whtnaliewiiali'hi fl?lit of. For 40 bBbBMB after
tt.e r.atucfl Itft tLe BMBBBTl they BBM *MfaBMBaBBI
aud cr?w who rnuaiued ou board irowded 011 the aft<-r
part of IM raaaai
lt Ib aaid the tne w:in flrat dlaeovered on the floor of
tin-1... k.r in the I- atry, iii .1 ;i-' 11, >.r (ii.-4411H at aaea
glvcn. V.. . carietJ? 44. ii-lu u.< liiati I) l uttaa tbe lln by
the 1 aiiti.yu tn BM BtB i-."i"' IM BMWUdaNBBBMdM
thl IBBMBglira lhat"* Ma Waa out. The alarm wau
glrea ahM the paaaaagi h bb n at I reaktast. butonre
edrMglMatawacB-iepO-tlMt tbo flre had been ex
tiBgnlahrl. tb,- bfeakfaM waa leaaaMd aad tl.e feara of
IM paaaaafen galaaaa, Blthta twa BMaaaB,_Mwaaaa,
Kviral reMea aaaaaaeg bre from the ataike-boio. al
WMtMfl tfiufunon. Within 2uuiinutfHtl.no boats were
laiiiitbf fl. ln iM-11-1 md Ifiat 4411I1 thu excepUon of a
le\v piei BB f'l 'i nr aaaa ibrrc waa neltber foofl nor
44 at? r. ai.d 01.ly two Miiall fiarr. and a lariro oue ; utitln-r
were ll,, rt mi v salln t r i,ti)tl-lng to i-uke them of. It
waafMaal o'tlotW iu tbe BBaaalag M the IM uutil 3
o'lN.tk in the aftaaaoaa M IM wd MfaMaaaBlaaM
4va.s ooiaint.d. At lhat tinu) tl.e Ml.ooni r Hpy was
ilghted, aml tho r, acaad part* pallad viguraMli t" bar.
Tl.e Bp] io. w IM t-urviM n to 11. pi Maa, aa Bnaa Key.
afcara ihey arrtred about 7 p. m. on M Md. Oa Om 24th
a aeMoaaf waa r-.nt laaaM IM baralag Mlp.aUh
ebartaaad Ml dtoaatkaa aharaM Bad her, aM attb
laatiaattaaa M lo.'k tor uie iBip. MaMaalaklrltM
IM aulnoBfir retaraad aMM BiMalght aa IM
.itli.and rt-iHut.-ii Maiag aaaa aethlag al tha B
||BBMB|MB IM BM waa then Ml BB-Bg lieavily M Ho'
reefs. IM party laft BopataaaM Ma'alaakMaMIMh,
nnd arrrvM nt Baaaaa al tMp. M.ea tM 2aib. it i- _ald
thal tbi donki > pumpa Of IMSMMMM MBM iieverstarte,l(
,,,?. oi t.e 1 wartlag that M had halBaf tM
BBM Hoine time. and tliat no 4v..t. r BBB foreed tliiuu^ii
ltou IM li.iun.s tii'in IM MaMy. Tivodeek paaaaa vstre
woiked u lew uiiuiitea only.
Wi-luii llfti-eu BBtBBtM after tlie alarm of flre waa
gtreatMU aanlieaawaw MtM Mafcj aad iMIaaaM
aara eea-tag IMM the rtafca-MIe iu a ralaaM, Tho
Bhip'a courae waa uevtr altared, BBd tiaaMqMBtlp the
ii.iim-a aara ean-ad Bt-raartahlpa, baralag maaah-B
l.o,t 011 Ibe MB altle, aud inaklUK tt too Imt to ir. t tho
etberaaaT. Oaly thrae baatt aaaa Baaefead, two of
wt.ifii 4M m aaaMpni it ia aaid tii/tt aavaa aaaaaa aad
aavea ehildiea v. tt. ahoaad IM Blaaaaat, bbm tt whom
a.,,t laM ii.e MaM Tbe aeaaa BtaaaaMd ?.1- Mattaaaa.
iBg, NotoM-r twenty iniiiiitesfiaj' .il BftM IM flre was
I'lM.jMHii 1,1 ti n-th" ihraabaaM 4411,, laaaahad. IM
..r. i BgM I were BMBfed, IM M r BB-M BBBM Mil
apread, aad a apaM ?.r f?ur aaaM vta.s Matalataad
wi,. n i.ust seen, c.iiit. OM a waa workliiK tiitn Paraar
in iiipsti-iiii auti aoaaa M the areaitaTtagMBMeaTtM
ne l,o.U, MilT'oundiil With-suioke uiul Uaine. i.leveii of
tbe Mi.Mvora iay IMI tM boat waa M ver BflflwBBd, Ml
the tweiith, Capt. Calaiar,aara U aaa laaaehadlBUM
JM-'OpIe, bUt thal lt 44.1B lll.llii iilata ly SAallllied.
11 Mi.,M-nt)i n omsoii-Ti
1 KEV Wi.m. F.a., (?. t- B.?IM only BBBIBM Ineiirred
- port bj IM UttM Bncliab. ateamer Auiiu, belong
iiil' t" Ue .\tlant.e Ball HtlMBB-dp 1 iii.pauv, whlcb
breaghl to rhM port th^mafviToaaM IM HMMad sti-am
-lui Mlaaourj f .ni Kaaaaa. waa tareed upon baa by the
L'nl .'-r-;,ir*i urtouin oflU'era, wi.., eveu eharged In.r
iiltTTiuiiua-, 1.1..S lor ii montha ta advaaar. Erery
BM one taitti whom tbe Anua bad biiBluema woit"--'
WiUliigiy aiUl .r-.tlUtoualtr.-r
il. follow .nn ia a coinplcte li?t of tl.e oinc.
t Ull . .' 4 :
... ; 1 latt i.- .!- -_r
1 j. 11
1 ; liiuin 1- M. -.11. II- Ull -TBgBm
.rt, Wu. J.
, Jubn Drew, ri. Nclne. Mlchacl (rom
111. 1 : John I . ?' -???"? ? '''.""'kM,
Fulton, tant enginecr; David A. N, rth, tblrd
, : Chnrlea itrlck DnlTlu,
? Atitltopv. oll . J ibu Md l? '- i.i- i'i*rl;k
,, . , 1 - Adiona. Blchard mith,
t hurl, .f.,..',:i4, flr.-in -ii ; Juii'-a < 'aik. Wm. .
. Ul.l . tl I'rt ('"1144
. aaa faake.aieward ;l .R Wilson,
. , uiul '???..',.'; Oerailla Bllllama, htewardoaa;
? Milt ; I'.ttii.-k fahlli, "eeoud ea
...i;;I?. il. Ili.rtl'tt, thlrtl aal.jou e 00k; UeoTge
11 partryciak; William Hamill, butchcr ; Miebacl
n pi.t-t.-r l.0,11s Iluiitue, pantryman ; lttehard Hur
i,uy m-cond pantryman; Wm Sti-rt, barlM-r; Jn . 11.. ,U?_-.
,.|h.'1-' iiiessu.an; lleiny Lawrence, Mlcbael dhea, Joha
U i' trlek .-. Klmpaon or Cttuntughaiu, Kn-tierlck
mii-i'ii.' aud I'atlick M.ii..4ir?, 4vatiers; J tuie? DooMy,
No addtti.nui iut.?:..,?'n. <? haa Maa bbbbIvM at ibe
nfiu-c of IM Oaapaay regardtag tM burningof ih-, III
BMM rtm? r, thou.ii many aniiotn fin-uda vl-it.,1 tbo
,t Nn. ;, Bawllag-greea yeaariday t.. Man M
Mtemttidtaga of H ?>??* MMr. Tii, proM
l.il.ti thal anv of the paaaengera have been picked
-uiail. for tbe storui proMbl) urova
.ul reaaelaout "t Ibe naual oonrae.
Mra. MctJovern, realdlng in Urooklyn, rccened BM
following dlapati b yeaterday morning from *"?_"? aia
ti.,v. 1 n an.l W iliutr Tuatiel-, oue a a,.ilor uud Ihe othflr a
aalter on tM Mlaaearli ?. ^_ ,_., ... .__.
.s la-Atr, 4 ; . Kl ? WEBT.OCl il. H2
Our v.mmI waa burne.1 to the water* edire. fwejje
Of ua irol ofl 11. ,1 boat. It waa a fearful t'nie. W e fiid
iu,i, ii?tt toreii.h Ibe ihore. The otbei U.aU toiUd
??? bemanarea. Me Mve eaeugh aaaaej_to eoaaaBB.
tiot bere laM to UIKht. _? M" ,'*)4,'kN,
VSlUBl lt ll .N.NUa.
Tiatiii, ,n\ waatakei) iu I'tn'a'leli.l.ia. >w_r
fl.r ialh..-..*..fJ.?0"?l? ?asl fi.nla Oonlui li-iaai J s,nltb af
^i.iilai.a *a, rt.Biuni II' paiaaaaaM >li? ?i.t.aterca mntirm wj
_,-!,_( ?? it.ut* ul l.onll.liu, urm.
Tk* titaiutt;** *l ta* w.tartew.a r-otu,...) ar?i) 1 .al* keai.
rLooM iv roon
?BMM, Thur?day, Oct 31. IflT
Dispfifchpa from Turin report no abiktrmenl
of f he iflflfl- MMMi b.V 'he ovrfiow of tbe Klver N
More tban 4,000 men are M work day and nl.ht erectlng
MMMM to arrott furtlu r ptM_MM of tbe water The
diiiniige to properfy und Mflpfl in the pMfBMM tt M_rv
tu:i nnd Ker'-.ira ii irnn.oi.ic. I" P-hMHM alona to.onq
peroona are hMMMMk A-M-tanre1? rapldly fnrwardlni
from all jroiut* to tbe aufferlng people.
I'tRid.Thurr.ilaT.O(t. si, MPA
The water* of the Btver Rhoue are ri*ing. Tne dykefl
ai...' | ihe town of Arlc* BM MnMm ln many l?MMfl_ and
the exteurlve plalns of tne OMMMMM are inuudatvd
Iai'.ih. Tbnrsday, Oct 31,1179.
Gon. Dnorot _M iaaaal ik proclainution to
tho troopa uuder bla coiiimand, l-xhortlng MMl to r<
memberthat never Wflffl thclr 4-HM MMM lii.pcrloi.i
and MMC4 An anny, diHelplined, clm MMi. Mi jMMBT
ful in nuini.en, M Mflifli to MM i k tlu- pMBMM ? I MMMMMl
eneuiiet, while proteetiug tbe . ..uutry froui BBHMjM '"*'*?
Tlie (ieneral Mfl tae timo in.iy come wbeu tb* BflBBMM
will regret renditig hearta at.d hoinea. m.U tuarini. froui
1-rr.u. ?? liCl Oeilli-Hl flhlldlfl?.
Tbe ("oii-'tvi.t,..-? gavfl ,v baniuet at BfltdflflMBM.
nlithf. BpeflCbea ttrongly favorlng re?torufi"i. of tba
luonarehy were B-ifl, and .be bopo wa* l_fMMMl thal
the day would coipe wln n toatt* to the ln-itltti of 'n?i
Klng anrt Uie l-_MM of tbo Royal faiuily i-ould ba
The Count dn flueydon, O.'vernor-Oeneral of Atgeri*,
ln a reix.rt to t; .Ir.-,'l-nt. ctaten tbat _M nmuber ot
imtnlgrantu to tbe colony dunng tbe Uutt tbree luouthe
wa* 1.000, aud of these 600 were. from Ala-c. and Un
m ?
jt iu,-?11 in oa two nifiTa
Ioniov, Thur?day, Oct. 31.1*79.
The Hon. Sir Samu.l Mirtin, I'uiMie Harnn
cf the ( imrt of Kxeiicipicr, will probably aueeeed the
Right Don. Ixrd fMMMMMM a* Judge of tbe (.'ourt of
l'i"liate aud Divor e.
The Empcror of Uerniany baaeonferred ot. Mr. flep
wortb Dixou the detoration of Knlght of tbe (ioideti
A letter fn.m on bflflfli the Brltlah iloop-of-war Hhenr
water reporta tbat Licut. Moore and QOMMB Mahon.y of
that Mflfll 1, on the 2Cih luit., perfornied the feat .f
twimuiing acroM the llelletpont froui Abydoa Ui Seato*.
iiiiboi mi
Bbrlin, Thiirf.Jay, Oct 31, \r"1
Tbe UpfOf BaMMB of tli?i PnMB-MB [_Mdt_f
has finally wjMMd tlu (uuntiy Reform bill iiy -i vote ..f
145 to 18. This was done iu BBM of a thnat from thfl
Mlnlster of the llBMlM UMM if the MMMM wa* m>
f. atcl the Oovernineut would diasolvo tbe L-iidUg, and
convoke a now one.
Tbe J'runtian Kreuz 7'itung eay? tbe Gorernment haa
made good tbe threat ti. api>eal to tho ei.untry on the
Ki f.nn MB. Tlie present seesion of tbe IbM-MM f 111 be
clom-d at 3 o'cloclt to-Ui'.rrow afternoon. when a BMMM
will be read tlMMllllj the MMf. and? orde.rlug eleeUona
for a new Dict, which le callcd to meet on the 13th ol
Novetiiber uext. _
Madhiu. Thurtday, Oct. 31, i?79.
Th? impoiu'Iimi-nt triul of tho in?.|lll)?'IH Of
1'ie 8ag_st_ Mii.istry iir..misea *ome curlouB dixelosurea.
.iiuounced hl? iutentiou of defeuding
b uiaelf at the trl.il.
A privato company has made a propoMtlon to the
BpflBiflfe OlllMIMMl to (-..u.-truct and uiutn'ain at lta
own IZpflflM linei of telegr.iph tliroiiKhottt the rouutry.
Tbe dflhfltfl in the Ixiwcr House of the Ortoi ou mlii
tary afl-lrs baa terniiuated in a vote aereelug to tho
i uutluKcnt of 4(1,000 men for Ihfl anny.
Tlie Badffll I'.'imittee of tb" LMM_MB haa ap
proved all tbo bills propoi-ed by the Mnilct. i of Ul ?
romaoi nom
The rupture botweeu Iiustiia aml Khiv.t
Heeiuf Ktii.ti ti deaeriliod a* a young ut.tn
,.f IwflBtp-MMMfflBMi MMmVimI mlliUiy MB_M_M Mi
.,,? ..Hiiii loti, .iad h" opetily proclaims ln. il.-t.-r
mluatlou not to teflfl a MM of grouud to tbo forelgn ln
vadeis lu Centrai _J__ il I MMl time BflM Mfl ha* been
?eeartni bIIIm fl-fllnH HaaMa, und mtm th d the war baa
nroken out be baa aenl eu t t''r"*
torvof Maiigine'i.ik<'k fo ttlr up an Imiirreetloa amo; *?
the Ktr-lii/. Tbl'-e K'f"-l in e. Iiiiimn li,vo lieeti a nl
igainal tbe Khan, but tt I* expet tod that their l**k wUl
bl a mo*t diiii.uit one. for thi Khlvaai bm Mavfl Mi
. DterprtfliBA aad bfltfl B M-Vfl army.
1 hi tliirtl of tlie rMric-4 of I.oudoii Aiiin.il
Ukmt wtli 1".' op. iicl at South K. I
. : t m OflMhi I
Kxhibltlon wUl take place lu tho Bflfl_MMMl MMUIap?
l lor th* porpoflfl, aa_alalB| tha Bopal Bo
tut il (ianl-nt. ll WlUflflaaMfll thr.ll\l-loni : I. flM
11. Muitifaetiire.*; UL BflflMI S i, n' 'l I is. :.
- ..f Bll Kli.. - . 'i M
ntled. Alt ludi.tu.i'l ?
fur i xhil.itioii niii-t M ii'-w. Witb tin
Inotrailflf thi iilaiathiBflltiIm of tho E\
iMiom .??- ? .1. wi-' ?vm :
. ror coiicctioiiM of .ui'ieiit worki ln tbi
..,. Nort-nt will beehargeil for ipace
n, rn ?l.l provldc glaat ea?e*. ttandt. an.l tt Uuga,
ateuiii and watirpower, aud general _b?mu? [** ol
.oattotbe exbioltora. It mav ho worth ment
tli-.t tmerlcaexcelain aorne of tbebrancheaoi maaa
facturea whichwlUform thfl ladoatrlal porUonol
ExhiblUon, uoUbly ln fiaul prodiietiona, aml lu
th.-iii'l'licatiouof iiiaculucry to tbe luakiug ol c
H-flfln- _
Na?hville, Oct. 31.?Ju-t liifcrc il,iyliglif
oti taeaday, Um- ilcu, d: - lli tbe MMM of ?
iHgro mtiued Crawl BB Hott-M-if andTi.U
otl the Ni-ln le aud ChfltMUMflM Ra.lroaiL
Crawfonl refuaed to admll ii.ct.i.iwh.T. upon they MMfl
**mm bia door Hfl then ihot ai d kllled one of them aml
Zt"..'."r reVn?:.I. ';?! 'i.uie baek and mtttVktmItJUki
toMBHivfl their dea.1. .mpanlou. wUo proved M? m>a
y_un_ man nauied ? arr, reaidu g uear >"t'uau *?'''>
; a,, [ed bl* remaini bt ue, mt i nt uot Mflhfl MMMM Iveu
knoun. __a_ _,
, iivi-:.
IT-aaiMOTOM.Oet -i.-A Nkpaai waa iii-titl
h,rr MH-Mk fMBS**-Vork.gl..B?tf*port pM-Ml *>*t* \o<mj,
,,...,.., biJinu-ie.- ?- M ? iu.I of irr*.l)-;.t 14
cti b* .Ul?l tli irutl), *b"?' "b'rn Ul"r " .?"??*'?l MBaMBMB l**?
?4|000,.iD or ?5,00'<.l?JU *t Mfl '**"** ot ?14,.M M t-- u*m *f
? t.'?li ?a Tr-**arj Dajtrtarat rasiid*.-* ia laft to tb* rjt.r-i oa of tii*
gacrturv. atisnleB** ?f ?I"B th* AaLUat Ti<-?.or*r it .1*w Tort
wu iBit-acitd l" b*f b<"'d* ?'", "" I0"' *e* ? '">? ibr <-??l B-B-MJ
BiwriBm*. Tbi. ??? ?? 'k* 7tb of Ortobar. nvr* tfc?a 4hr?? wt*H
aro fiiar- lti?l n0"" "O Mah* im.'-nt ot th* r?a*r** haa rrrr* tmi, an?
ll Urr- lt>? l't"' proliabilit* tliat II w.ll aftii looa U* ilrawu tpou Tk*
t|_...- u w?<b rtitrroc* i* m*A* wa* u. _t*t tt MMflM?Ia*~ au*
?M4f***f- -
CKlMBrt AND CA^rAUT-fl-HY nil-EiiRAri!
_John Dohertv.'einploye.l by the BmMM and
Low*;i Hailfoad ComfMj, ??? nu *t*i tal k.:.?J rr*i?rl*.. ?l *?_?
nll*. Mil*. -
_I'he fouriiliTV of Deiiliis I ong A 0M?.MJ-tM-M
till*, ?*? p.l... kmt*)** lo tire .,.',. r.l*.?. IV k?n *)?l p-**nb'f ?*
?tad fll."..' vn , ._i.i*:.i? ijjbt.
... Tlioiu.ia Huilev waa lOMBd !?_<_____?__??_.
it?. ..ftb*mnnl*iolJ..' ? ? '? K'l'WB&tf ???. ?*
??*'tarau V. Mrjn?uBB*B4 ;o th* I'.aiir^u*!.. f- H ;*ar*.
... A tire at Orand K.ipi-la. Mi,ni.vw,,Ml,",_?T
?urht dr.ir.."?t ibf* MMkl io N-rl m* I tatl *ia. lba baj.. fl?X'
JX_u.i , .-.-.ri.J Iy UMfSB-t At B..I BM'"" *i**>i'!*> '*"?'
l_Bba, o.-i-1 b, l.Xm* 4. .... -M btr.?l 4B* ***** lifbl.
.. (l.i.rgeW ,1,-nkinH ie.?l..r.d)wae hanged yefl
Uf*k.. b*l.r*. II .id 1 ."'". ib Ut. i.ii ??."!. M * *-*???? ?'*'__
BlM?r uf lil -UVt* M*. I"! ?? _??"-< l- ' *
E-MrVltlMftt -Inir ib* .lrpl ?'"> b.l t.o lufaal r_-r?i, aad Wf?
Mti.li tft*l bt htii ia? cieJ ?po. tr, Md, tia* tt tt* WrflbU aa-tda
Charlca A LvirT. A w'orVman employed m fli
WalBraJ., .fl.!.*'.. *__U* M?( .*_*! k* _*__;,.l,'_* &Lm .k *_
zVm&-T2* ^a..--^t,^%^.,t:d,7:u--*u.u,

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