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B<__a*__ xW* ^Ss NEW-YORK RATURDAV. NOVEMBER 2, lHTii.-TRIFLE SI1KET. PRICE FOLR CE.NTS, X01" XXXII.N?-9,N>4. THE STATE CANVASS. APPUI-SS OF T1U-" UUY.UKL I.IT.'HLICAN CXBU-jriKB. tiik btatk-a CALl MM PHMk-JaTIOABB PATKH'TIC ACTIOB. |iim,|-ul' i- BaW-YOBBPTATBMBBBALT ? i:nii'ti. 4N ('..-. > bt.Kicao?ahotbl, Oet M, ma.) T bsbai Bi i TiiKANs: The day aitproacbes when vo,:r ballota m.111 rieride whether bouealy abiill br-aaricr BBB B MB M vrri,u,..if. or wlictli. r it aball bc bwr.lah.-d uttcrly. Diaappointuieiit m tbo OctoB Boaa baa given aay lo a |uat confltlcnc* ln our aecer talnert MUMgM A rarr ful canvaaa of every ecbool die ., tbe Btate dlscloBoe an cfficleut aud r_olutc bodv of UU-ral BapMiMM-a, more than IMM alrotu. eiiual, mMMtt . . to aay poaMbB bbb*. l^r M ti- opponenta. Thia a? ?r Me MaM aBMeM MMmbm tt, Bea-Tcra and KinirN whkh, vre asanro you, B_ falrly Utereaae aml bv uo fraud cau t>c BBBM to latgaB tue honeat iiui.n.nty of tlie country for tlie I-beral (Hiratlur. I aa done Us work. The BBMBMBtlM ou fBH our MveaaaBM?paaaaf Im imb Majae-tg MbroMn. aud you it,H4 ' IM Ottf uf Bew-Yort will givo atlraat BBB ni,;ori;> f.r (,r, t Uy ui.,1 l.iowti and f?r KaraaBBMdliepi.wliiVi.veii.lier. Our fn.-nda iu (.1.1", Iodiana.aad raaaiM ttdl-gaol co-uflMaM u> th. ,r bb< cef, an.i n iy tha;. MM Bea-ToM. aay oue of their SMtea will make tlie aollil Kouthern Or.-clcy TOM ?Ba. BatU alao 1? our delibemii " _,'r BM BBMa, M diatrese. are reaorttng to every varlefy of frautl for tho uieana of atlfllBg youi votea iho eaBB-ferfelta and forgeriee ot OeMb ; e.-.'.ri. I for tbe work of dcailBB our baUMBaTea wltb Bpurlou nreai -of f-'oiruiitlugiroia fiuwti eity.Kiin.M B_-aa?ara,and( hunae befa are frct-K aa_aa. B-M tbo BdM inour r.vr. nsaebcap metbod of Bbakin^ gOOl aaa. ? ifufinr? illltlrtB omith i p"ft"8H ? ' 4.1 IV ? would laa coiuniuti dlkgrat TLefnteofpopnlnrpPvernruent BBoauilnp daya. Tl,,. .wlucb i-laba " ai_ I , tfy your BUollg BBd WlUlUg Hv tirili-r of the Btate Committee. ?? orticroi iut aaa. v ^^ __<___?, Chairtuan. Ai tio r> Wit.Ki- 'J j___ is. Swaab, A_ii tary. LITTl.i .TuIIN D-8POBB8 OF MUBFIIT. IQI | THK rx-roi.iF.fTOH ruo ' Tbe foltowiBg letlei ia addreaaed lo The Ctmmtrrttt AaftortimBn ., papt > , f Uw Mtb inst. you M ___> a BBM a* I New-York. RavBuc been d. bv ita Bfon. ??a adint-daAaaeBHUy Dle trlft.l -e, lui tolioticolt. #._1,-*i V, 110 uuklDd feeli-g Mr. Mn-.-pliy. I atill bavo f, lt lt my duty ln tbia 11 . lustratititraclasaof led . ai rt lii tlu- li-l.l of quiili itiuii is i.> ?.-tOB. ' iew-^ ol. ln ?' P?JJ J ? I , bim In tbia connectlon. with Mi Uurphy'a deleoae of bimaelf l have nothing to do. j bia record, im luudc ujj Ij. I oi laraebgar Bon, and bave no deaire to retal - Itnproperly or corrupfly ln . tbf r ti..i.-..' ' i, I prout.uiii. ititiiu Al u li III l., tbe f-iiijiiiiiuif.v, witii Mai , 11 _ ('..., UIJ'l fi y, ik, Mr. Twei i tiid aubacnoe tl.e i-ouairucti, n ol tlu iic apa-it tbaii ..una. too wel. iin dei-a ? ? ' y. III thr 111 nl KovrnimoDt, an i ln a manner ' ? ? , ? ? _ i.-.s whlcb C . i- li.iei-i .nn i other ivatein n,- di l Ind - In I ...oVo Valiapaltl by Ibcluuj vij.h ' .rtonr, duriiiiT manv y< ?UllC UieU ill'.'i ti" Uflr, ; ._*_ , iii.tit, but Mve Iht-reof to do biddln ere found ei I h ioi buld-ug plaaea ol . ? , of tbe amrBltlea _f |t)(. , tbe pui.iif, iiftHot kui'i ?eaatu ituu ... ? Ibatln whi, ilin .f I oriod 4thcu bc stooa greatly iu U'klv. Murphy'g charse tliat I am a "fraltor tomy priu cipi. -....'it- ,fn'" ",","!' who v, ' ?"-'?- :1"' ' 1,1,1.4 . '" a"(1 di-r,ii'i tb, i.. I'U'.i., .nt partv, aud wbo m a tuomont ol Ull tuppurted ' ' n " ii.. ? 'l,'>' ''<* ttl. I, .. fcliuilar, iy aop port 4-ltht-r uuil uiamtaiu lua counisU-ni-y und integrit] the candldatea for IM t ? reen tbe prtoeiplea of th,- aaa . i. I oi, . itamancanlK-a "traltfir t .1 p ii'iv aud ull IU 1 Ml n. il. il tn tlie unpiiurt f.r hi, i - by aucb ? Mr. Muriaiiv uutl lua liuuu-diatf- aaaoclatea. D. OL LllTLWOlLN. PLEA ln[{ IT.ACK, A.u oii. i.KVirii raOM mt. okkk.i.i.v to riirsi Pl si l .|\i -..LN?WHO AKt IN l.WOlt Oi Kfc _/_t ;. !. t I. :?' i.i line'n.p ii. Um Methodiii Bbarchal Datae, Braoaae Ooaaty, aa Oet M,B wanl !?'? J". '? "Ai laUiireai!, iu tht iour_4; M wlu; li be BBM : I liol.l in uiy l'.uifl an f-tr.u r t ut from The Fltnira AtV BMfiMr nf laal tttit- lt laa letter rromUor_oi Oreeley tA, i-, edJulj 7. wi. aad it is iu-iok hjii ot Mr. Oretlt-y to Um Preaide-iey lt laasioilowa: KamToBi, Julr7,1WJ4. I ,*ataretor*TolLilTonth?tiinrtlo*f!iri?,baiikrop:.alui<?itdtiB| tonBlry _ , - at Ibt |iro*pf-' t ul to , . ? aad ot aew rirtri of huiaao l.|..o4i , aad I ?>.'! Iti proaiseal tap : r |*.ie, .ul do aot iaprure pruferifi) op J^y,,.. him, low, tk etc l''i aot, I a-i.r.i i '' faa tti ,,) ?f u. a . ? .ua! prrpareU to k-raui liberal u-naa. kl. rn.. I- ii'. I t'.r >.iu u<. i.ut ir.i... , I?-dralre aat pa.'? I..MAU.-UI ?':iij Iht aatiu-al lotrifiliy aud bon, r. aud b'.w ..*) wvald k-ki JU tc-icTe-it-l tBd ble-i il* aatl.orh Voari ,n't ' HullAtl CiKttLll. WaahiB|too, D. ('. ,., bo aaa Maaa ou IM 7th <inv of July, 18M, wbo _?i,.. , teel Witb li .4UII, om man 1 ,i,i>, i the Uht buttie before tbal data l You k our boy waa la that buttie. How aautiooaly , \4>. Tuelnriitiiliitr was U>i-rilotv. You could uol 4toik. You U..real uut |fo bouir, for tlu- Mram haa. eacar. deapatriag erea tbat aaked aueMt Maa npa Brtleulate, "have you bf-anl fnun our l.fty 1" would eompletely urimau you. You did ln ar at luM, aM fruiij tin- .ti,,! k oi that uew* you Mvi aevf i reeovered. IMduotyou at lhat lluu-1 Will you no to tbe polls bb tbf, 6th or Novuuiut-r aud vote aauii.-t liuiace Ureeley becauae be aek.d for au liorior.iii'.t; peace oa tbe 7th day of July, IMM l Tbat ? ? r vour sidi?u? abe your wlf.- < la BBM tn_l My'l uiottifrl OM ahe rver loritft l n BLj/,1. boftbat day, 'T44ua bf-r firet Mra?taaa ber laMCblld; . li Ili- ti -i, froui that liifiint tbat dierl in ber aruji- M nn MroiiK ujbu abeaa dtiiiK pillow waa suaooti.iii ', iu i MMa ell. all retx-.ived a BMMer'a ti-uil'i? ii' breatb. All imw Kleep uuii'tly ix-biiiii tiii i'buii'ii. Erery aeaBOB. MoaiMng nuwii. ?buwr how titidf r ly ?!,e rnueinU rs tlii-ui. I'.ut t l,.,t ulbei liif wlf Ijojj. or bti flt, jiuiUK yeara? be flitfl ln battit No ,,uaitli ni aii^i l attii.obtarHl bi? Urow. Baaaa ln tbe uiitai.ii- 'i'.e Iiai.-ii buM. t )nf rred bla uiauly linaat. li< t- 1 bal wi'.h one \w.rd on bla llpa-motbei ! You lai.t ird you lu-.ii'l that nuii of deapalr. l.v. t. uo44, al audii.-n wakiui; in 4oui dreaaia, y?.i brur tbat b*iy ery ?nifitbt-r! You will alway* l,r_r it. Wlll you ailviae tbat l?k>'s f.ilbrr to BO lo IM ikjIIb and votf airaliiHt lior-4. Oreetoj beeaow be aaatM au bouorai.le peac? tau |M 7th fial of July, 1864 I Buw, m?*f>4: Bouit- roi-iu r'a widow (and tbey numbi-r au iiundrt-d tbouaami) haara uu aaa ; but wen- my retoa sa Uuil a. ti.uiji'i,oi aiy Wordi a? eleetrlcalaaMgbtr laluf. tbf-y tould noi drowa the riinrmbtaBfa "f ilial _ii*|ijif witii tkbli b abi f Iut. i.i .1 to b. r lio-oiu tboae ebil iiM-o ttueu ibr hall ndiLifa raarMd ber tb-t tley aere lallaifl. aa and abe a wulew. Blll -ln um btr ilitlueme maa laal Urr- et_._e*- lu: u, alied au honoran.t' peace ou tbe 7tb d.y of July, 1>?64 t Aud now I -tldrea* uavaelf U) IM aoltHera, and aak th- in lf Uiere waa a alugie oue tbat did uol aeairt; pea_ f Wbo *ma Uitit Ut*t did p*'l dralre praial lt waa Uae anu/ J -Matrafltoni tt wnttho pold npoculatora; lt waa tbofle VI 1.0 fallAtlK'll lli UlUIlUll l.llMiil I ADMINISTHAT10N LOGIC. (il N. MFOONOU) AT TUE 1IUOOKLYN MOAftBHT. Tl.e (.raiit PlfllMifaM <'f IliooUyn lii'M tli. ir last cmnd rally ot tl.<> caiiijiikiKU ?t ?*? Arikdnuy of Miimc l.i-t ulKbt. Tho Aciilnu.v was w.ll -BflM, and ii.niv j,!..ii,in.-nt BBBfaiBMI df tll- Al(H.i!lt-tllltiOUO<." latymt tlio ji'atforrt). J. fl. T. BtlflflflB? pflflBB-l *\ and a larar. i.iitiiUi' ol TTIll TfUlMMl u"d s< MBBMM-MI *<*? appblnted. J..1.I. A.Taylor.tho flrnt- Bpfl l.-r-r, brlefly i.rfe.ulo.H'.o Adoilntttration, nnd, nilociziiiK 0?n. Otaat, apr* yountrrnen to rally to the aupport of tbe Bepu candidiitc h. who truly rcprerjcntcd tho party of IMMarMI aud procn M. Btai ui t I.. vVoodford cald, amotiR other tiilnca, MBM BB w.-iiflad that peUMflflJ flflflMflfll ?bmi MiaaMw I" B lt bai tu-. n Ktilli.-d with pflt-Oafl-Mtfll in wliich Un didi.ot li.ton.l toiudulire; mM MaWflMM ?Mflll?!??-"* tho lx.llUralflold. Aftor B-fltflhi-B thfl nso and hlstory ?flpah-Maa party from tlu -time ti tho lapflfl Mlrwouri('oiiipr()n)iso,l)C'h.ild l.o woi.llfiiiiiUb tbal U thero i- i.o-iv at.v bad .wntr. in* ?? ,,'!o,tt!" r-vint.o. any flnflOolal mUma' ipoaMblefoflt; butif rebelHunbaa d.f" it. tn jtivenl IIB forelirn rolajions honoruWc footiiof; or If tlu now looka ti, tbla t ouutrv au tl. - kl 01 i-rvgrcaa and clTUltation. the BcouUUxan Pa*Ur _? i-iii-iliy r. ? . : -i ii na* t,i>v. Woodford ...liulftod thut th. ro are ln um cItII I iflea, bnl atiid ttat ire the i low Browtb of many year*. nnd tne n ? . . .nip that tlirn__b Oi a. ..-un nt pild had 113. 1! or tbe ALiimni ' rt dited Gen. Oran lie.'iriv tubm rillof thej* opleitihlrial rnentoftheH t.-ii-i prlni Ip ibouldha-e two terms, a i oor l't "bb nt . ??" Ion altable , andidute do tenu ol ? ? tai ? tu be cUklmed tbat Mr. t . . dlreet eonfllcl wiih ibe principltH ol ll >-, but alao Mllh tho C Utitted 81 ite*, P. ? w Ihe tlali .I bi :> 1 ot th'-" , a w. lHiiiiv wai introduced, and enturPd Into a fl( . i tbal in t tJa -ll atake, .in.l oi i. ll - lid Mr. Oreeli v, iu hi*. apoech at l' ttsluuirh. udvi lu'iiu or Jefli D-Jt ap ).iiiu.i... ..laiv iod. _ THB coysTrn'Ti' ! l. A eonatitationa] amendment, extendinf the to.TO of olllcr of the (TflfliMllflUlllllH of Ap; jcars, la to be votod on ntxt flTflflh- The B-dfll to voto lor it. Tli- ii' w (Joiirt of Ajipoiilti wai - C thaa wne con tiiiiplatcd by the Coiistitutl'.iiuil ConvenUon, with a lioavy nfllnaflit atarraaia, Tho ndoi-tion of this i-iiiciiiliiK ut wiii, i; I ... Ihat ( i urt to keep ahfflflfll with thfl ci.rit._l . . . UUM pi'tu :.: ou_ dalaj o of j't. :.???-. (?.ivs. O'Conor. ITrtJiiiVNiroiT. Wm. ' .' ?'?>? rStoaao*. j.i.'iiia m. VabCott. Jbo.m\PaairiMi J-MI-..S ('. (Al. 11.11. Jv'ncXvik, (At. ?0,lbl2. *m IXCIDENTS f?F IHE CAHYA? ' The Independeat Deaioeratic on of ,1a the b'-i'iifi ttt.-r.', at Twentj I Bnanl ito lor XIII'li 1'. | Tba Gonaa Qxaal I Com I'l-l.l ft lIU'Oll ilutiona, Inai tho j: pbblii ? eandidate Asactnbly iu Ihfl IM D "i:i;y, L. I , 1, I i.. publivana of <?' C.ii.nlv will iiil I a B-M ni" I A*rrtealt_rfll Iii ii. Gi't). V? tu. t'ui I:-, A. V.. 'i_:iv. 1, Uiid 11,my J. K Uililer. Com - c' XYItb A - t ? ? I ? Anothex n m ni etiog of flie L pu'.iic.i:' i.i.'i i'.-i.i-. i. yol BrooUjra a*IH ba Mi I Mbii.y nf M ii adfl for tho oLctitlon ?( -l bv thfl . ? I ' o. Pi rrln, Ibe Ii- u. I*. C. I . tbo iion. O. f-kliu b< llou. W. W. G T UI. 1 . To th* Kditor ot The Trrbune. Bui For our final report I wonld aiy tbat there Bai bflflfl ri<> d'-icti'u la thfl Llheral rai < 1 . Di-iunor.itri v.iio v. i ? im.'.... .1 toalaratbomfllhavfl beea rlalted i- ol thclr :ttv, i.i..! io far us ir- known . lo their dutv iioxi lue-'i v. A trucr of ol im-.. t.'i .ii'> ..' 1 K ji.ii'. baa !>('( ii -n - - r *?"ll '':i'' lainio eyery ?ebool diHtnci on an avci four oi i.'.c weeka (?-- i Hoa Miio : I nnd vi-i \ jij.j.k . atlvel-udlence al Unkra. Tbe kletUu dlat (iiiit'ii waa flllfld t.rer_owln*& aud Bhmj i.llllr. to Ki I ......Ib. k. BingkamUm, V. I ,0 I.H, IBI_ JtEW-JBB im. ooxoxaaa di_t_jctb. Owinp to tho ehaagaa by the new ajipor tiiiiiim-iit tlio (.'(iii-rrcrH i li,lttO-1 i;i Ni ? J' i J .wa. wiii bfl af tinu?-iiiii latnaal aad aac* rtaiaty. tbi ' AMii i m raun 11 ikict. In tlu- dir-tiiit, wliiili is the only 8DC W__dl roi.iiiiur. ui.i liaiiKeii, tltoie lt a,rBtrong lbtpublican tun Joiity, IlatTflton, who ln up for reFlettii'H, ni i h inK '-\74u majority. ThflL?M t.dtti? BflT.OflflM A. <-'lute, au able. and liiKbly re*i>eitod _(iitle-uiii, bul thcrt MflflBI to Bfl littU- hi.pi of hm i-lertlou. ihi sK< oM) namoT. Althoupli thiadSBtrid wai aairM bj-aarael C. I.i k. i, DoiiiDiiut, ut ' Jority. the ItiMIIUl of MflB-M-uth I I'tiiity ta the Illil Ms trlet rriid.r* lt doubtful .n.und, with chnti. '-n in f;i\. r of thl Adi.iliil.-tr.itii :. piuty. Mr. Pof-flt Bflfl *Aft I ffkMM aatlifactioi. to hinci'iihtituoiit", und tlu- U-flralflfltfl iii'ik Idk t-trenuoun ctTorts to ti,,,t _Ua ii - ? .1.M ify l lerfl'wai 447. Ti.o La-eral MMyablleaa elt-MBl I ry Hnn ,: ln M. i(, r Ci'linti, nnd li.,i.v p- MMWjrh !? lii'ure a virtcry. Mr. KotkerV OpfMafl-l Ml inin-1 0. Dobbliii, a flfllT I'H" < tiililo f-oiitli-IDIlI), Intf .11.t it 1.1..11 wbo would uiake Bflflh "f I -fan M a b gMdalflr, THK llilltl) DIBTSIi T. This eoarpriaei tha eoaatiei of lfoDa_oath? Mlddlowx, Mtid Uiiioii, aud ',:;:. t 1* IhaMfht, mM Mj ihflf ilmalfl I-flflfTMflaag naaalaliaw Juhn 11. I_lU-r?vii (I.ib ), and Atuos Clark; Jr. (Ad.u.) IHL lOLiail DltolUK 1. Tliir. ir, ltTfMM_tj'iral, the couiitics which flaflBfflfll lt- Hon.i-iMl. liui.tordon, Wari) n, and Htiaaex? - iu nf,t .Ivi-ti an ?MMMf-Bl DH-MBMUI umioilty MiM i'otli i'.ii)didat?-s-Itoi.. it Ha-iilt.ii. (Llb.J, uud Wnm rlak a. IMM* aro aav tnen. nn 111 r 11 manuoti i.s a vtry doubtful (lintrict, ^()mpri^inp Miii i. |*BaBlMl. aatl B< rm m, wlmb Hflfl BM HfureKate majoiily 111 lM68of ?7 Kop.. aud lu 1871 of 61J DflB. Tho fiiiull l.iten Bfl Abraiii II. WoodrutT (Llb ), aud Wllllaui Waltfll afBafcjfl (Adtn.)-bolli Kool tiiili. THK MXTII DISTRICT. The aaotaat iu thia diatrict, which rompriaea Eaaei l^iunty, bai bflflfl u vi-ry waiu. ono uml Ihfl MflMM ia Ttry ddubt/ul, deptiidintr larroly uptiu the (i.-ruian vote of Ntwaik. Tlu- Libt rulx have and vijtoii.uiiJy tuiitalriod ibe ll.m. John M. Kand-ll. and tho Aduiliiitlratloiiiit* havo nouiiuatod rttiov. Mariiu I* Waid In IKA the (i.iilily fBfl a !'.(-piiblu . ii niHjority of l.UCi, aud 111 l?7l Uie In-iuiicrata iairrie<i lt by lil. tiik b_vi;nth DIMUKT. lludaou Couuty couipoBca tlu* dutxict aud i* ovrrwhelminaly Liberal. It waa cnrrl.-tl by tbe Pemo crata lu IMM by I.1D8 miijority, and ln 1971 by J.0M raajor Ity. Tbe lalberala bave tnailo a tborough eanvaaa with >utth L). Taylor m Uiolr taudllate. and tbe Grant paity Md BM '? B titrouc i-fTurt to aerure the eleetlon of I?aac V,. l-iutlder. Mr. Tajlui'i? clittion *. cuia a_ur_d. -?. BM DMKDnOB U JF.iuey iTITT. Tliero wiib a large liberal lii-piililiz-vn rally BMaMBdag in OMMBa MaBBBBi ln Tblrd-M., Jer^-y At uueurly the hall waa paik.d tolla utinoot e .pioitv, a BBBM ]H,rtlon ot the audlotice conelatlng of biiti.-H, attrat t< <1 tlilthcr uot onlj Bf the geni-ril iuU-r? st tbey vrire *upposed to feel ln the I.tb'-ral caune, b-it by tbe fume of tbo elfKjiifnt defeuilcr of womnn'a BgftB ar.d btiman llgMl of all kiuda, Qeeegl CBBBBM Bl halrman, and oix-ucd the BMettag trith a MM! addrcaa, ln whu-b M ?rave hla taaaoM BepabU, m f-r eboealag the party of rjuiuiu-r aiiaT;iiiiil.ullr..tlit-r tluin of Treuiain aad Putier. Maay bad Moagh! H aBaaga tbat ho ahould k.ii ond mnintuiued a gaMiiBB opi*' ed by ao ni'iuy of 1,1' "Id frleinls und BBBM of bla rel.iiivea: but be Md aoaeMlfcifl Mai if ncn aBibMt Baal Mad Maal| . ! ;t .-.,. i-.i be bM fiufy to fur j, , ? | ... of ii4.ii, bii "i'i party ol boiieoty and pnritv ln govt rui... nr. II,, tl - Miaa E. Dirklnapn,'whoae advantv 'I'/'l ,JL,r,lX i ,., wbicb tbe band a ru, lt ui. tho ".-ttr .-',.,'. - .' I ."?" >v"'" ' 1,. l i , .., ,. ilch Wiistrl4, ;,in Oooper.Iuati tut.' l.'i n.. u w l* , (bO HlUllenee fj'f :: Into iuiiiiiltu..ii. . ii .au e. Aj m wbicbabowa Mion i p.or?,h. -,.,i, "put ' in ont, |?ul blmout." Ko. k.-'r lu-iBxtuy," 1 j - ""''"l' | "' Mil; ana n,r : Hir.-.i upon : . - ' ti,,-., ,. - a* Meeamgaiga. POl di nt < ? ??!? ?" Ctty, >'? ,? oul i r ? pi,,\ .1 to in-. I... .li lu-'l)>' aBMB llIg III .. 1 aiae buadn l and thirty , . i : 6fl "ver laal yar; ti ? re - ? Ul'.nl _i '' '? Th. Noah l?. . "-' C** ?**D* lYih J !'"^'u tranaii.irf-nry at tlu- bl ?" Oundcrmn:rn'i . 1 I- : - in New-Jerat i were add.I, Mai olgbt, i . : At Camdi lOacai i . t al Kewtou, ? ; ,"?; nt, i ? ' ob Harrie; al l "i.Kit Ilill (Qerman tncctiu ). by tiuatave Rn-lucr; nt ? ' j ,. i.ii BaUrt-ad, ... Antii- ? ' .ruiiugton, by l-f-u BlUM BM JobnT. Birda _________________ IE1QN BEWB, (iF.I.MANY. TIIK rtOMUl l.ANDi'Ai. PBOBOOOID. V.,V. 1, lc72. Gon. vnn Booa, MiflJatet of War, ta-day iM Me Laa* ___!?_ \NT IIIS o PAliif. Frlday, Vov. 1, UT*. | ! . "Iriil'' Bt HUalre, ta reptj t lor lifo I AIN. ? Mai : of the ] ... , . I i :.i-'., 1111 I ? SW1 .! ... H '_*]>,. i ' rlved to tl, I ' BTB, v..v. l. i:a. ' ?; i: ..nn un ln i ? for ful. Ing en tttasse to _____________________ MRS. YIM im ' OLTXI DIOWHED. Dahbh, (.'ini., Nor. ? ??M":- rTnceal Col" ' .. r Ma . R um road le tne lateai aB re May ra waa retorBlBg aleaa, BfBt l,_vln_ .":i '"* NS l) t.', vlall the Ki.\4i. liitliun delej I Ude betug uiiuauaiiy biKii, U m lappoead aM utm I M i aay. Tlll: (iLKMAS QOVERKMBST Ol KBI0_UT1 ABEBICA. ?\\a' Nov. 1.?lijfiiiiiiaiifii 1 ,t p_ M ,-.;?:rrair. UM I ' ' | to prertBt *n.i.rat, ,u lo t> Luitrd Sttie-, anl bad ;..l"ri?'liO.'--<-Bt n,ei.t*rea fi.r that purpoae, il rleoled h? th.t ,,?,, rui . ..:;,:? latarful k aulry. -mo pboduobb A'.KM v in Tiii. oii. neio Tnr-\ ii 11. Har. i.-.m tbareejaeel al BjeadaeeH the Uaskiri. tti;*oil rriiuBt har* heid l?o meetlB,-? | ? . jr-'irrrsa- I Ihk lK:iiii?aoot_ie Lllh ull., aud lt Ibr Lat air I ? . II . ,1 ta ,le.1 I.r a una-iBuua tote. The reaolotioo /-,-//., |ld a- , /' ' i-i in ofl I, loertata ? aaagtimai Bmaaamly. I bo pro j BML Lnul* on bti dt vi mtct in thi. baba ean. rniMM i.i'iiiA. Nuv. l.-'ihi -jury in ibo case of Jtoiri, ka ? ' ri- i mtOttt Jan.r. li'ii.rriy. ruuipao.ot of llafb M.m rrn.l'r-41 * rrr: rt ol fu'lt ef mn..iiu*-r;'rr. Tha um* rerdiet -.ri BtMcaaaefl I ?-.-.? 11 tb. aaaM ?.r ftmMt A. mmJmM, Sil.. .1. r. br.thrr \4 i.luu wai jumlly iadlclod with iilio but bat -td. mt TI.I.Kiil'.AI'IIlC MiTES. _Oov. Noye? of OMohafl i.s.siictl a proclamatiou tpimiauai No?. U a day o( tbaak-K nu<. ....TM Mbaltoa bark Heka Boow of Kew-Badiord btaarriiisl akt-iB riai.e.r? ttom the Arcnc l? -ta, fJrt. 1, oadtr ttt uf oBctr J. I'erry. bhe rtitiu* la tuud cudiuvu, wilb Urty Lairela ef uii. ....In tlie cuar- of tlie Knirna Mining Company ari.e.t ll.* Illlaoll I BBBtl 1 umptt? ia tl.e Ul,'. |i',l;,r-. f-4iurl ol I t-h, . ? jur, ... paruallr iBiaunled. It la tipcried thal Ika taaa wiii laii'a luua: (?'- TU "a* larolte* pieperly ul uaseaM ?alut. ...IntliP oaM at Sult Lake City of Page agt. the t'eBlnl 1*1 ).' Kulr .1 r-r *hfJ.?i? dan.a|ra fur IP'S tk* ?a*rrr.l aad werr dlaebarfrd. J?ljr McKraa t-arird .: t uapaay bad a r akl u> ar.l l.a* UrkcU aad cafurcm ta* aaaaa t ....An nnoatate and Mar-kalifling Mormon organi uti.iu h.k lr.. r.rui.d ,1 Hill Lak* Ulf, aud ia caU-1 Ihe luk Laueral >un Uaf's. II I. t.nif a itri,t,|bjl, na thtpropleaad l.iprraliaa rauillr. It. rl?rt. ar. dirrrtrd _|tiatl Ub BuBW *l U* priatlkaM *r U. Burau* ILm.k 'am. CRIME*) AVn rAPlTAI.TIBrt-nY TEI.EORAPH .. 'Ibe iniiaif. Iiall iu Oxfonl, Kiit-laiitl, waade rtrayod by lr* lui alfkL ...Six I.UBineria hottaea in rialtaburg. CliatOB (mealy. kl. . utr. UtaaiOM U. Lo-t, aa-.utaJ, laaaraac*. aiJ."?. ....J. II. Snook, wliil?. iiiaune, eumiuittod a'li'i'de Tk.rmlay aiikl by jaa.piaf ibi* tk* BuLaai Bartr at Tnb* i M.", ***r KobIb, B 1. ... In the caae of Jaeob Tome againai tbe Parkera bart Hailrool t iiapany ror awacy *lraaoBl oa Um fraa_Bl?at W-<-* ??' r.rtilcr. ol aaucl ot la* **ap*.y ky iu Uoatarar, mk,?B ka* t**a *a l/iil M.nal waaat lt lat hap?noi laart tt Baluaoia. tM 'arr r-Ui-am-, |t.l?nlar. * rtrdMl t? ik* ......vl lor IM 1*11 flBBflM ei".*** CLOSING TIIE CAMrAIGN. FINAL LIB-OL4L AN1) DEMOC'KATIC IIALLY AT THK OOOF-B IN8TITUTE. AK TVMF.Nr-E HEMONRTRATION? 6PKKCIIF.S Or JOIIN KKIl-Y, AHUA1IAM lt. i.AWKKNC'B, I'ATRICK Oa COKBKTT, AND OTIIkl'H. __? acriPB af maiw and rntiflcntion Tnpt*,t.mfra wbleh haa kvo elimally marfced tlie unlon of tbe Liberal Reptiblloan and fhe Dotnorrntle pttrttca waa anreeBufullr bron-rht to a f lorfi laat eTeulu-, at the Coopor Inatltnte, iiiiini tho Kri'atoHt enthntlatm. Hpontaneous ln every n-tiifvet, it wan tbe flltln_ termlnatlon of an eanieat and Hj.Mted BBHMJ-BJH. In no caiupalfm haa thero ever been more Interett arouwd, or a moro tboucbtful attentlon given to the qiiiKtlona wlilth bavo afrttated the coru nitii.lfy, and latt rvenlnK'a demonatration fonned no exceptlori to tho ironoral r.ile of tho I.lhoral oainpaikro. Tiioutandt of citlreus. eonntitutln*; the bruiu. bone, and Hluew ot tho uictropolia, KuUiercd ?lu frout of tho euir-iice to tho bul! of tho Cooper TJnlon, and, pattently walUnn untll tbe doora wero opened, BVflffl into the -att ehamber, till*d It frem theroritrnin to the outor wails, aud tuani | bv tii.,1 iy their iippreclutlnn of tho polnted pantaires and hxriial deductiona of the variou* ?pcakers. Refonn In the N.itional, IMMMi and mnnlelpal ?jovernmonts, and the protection of all claaaea of cltl . ut of all their iii;ht?, appc-i'td to ho tii* wotohw,,nU ol th.; nicclinj,'. Tlu; tl...u-.nid.4 who coiil'l not obt.'iin admlailon to the hali i-atliored around u hoaiiiifully decoruted sUiid that bad bflflfl ecflMfld m front af tho *j-"***-f Hy the timo the a-poiiker* bail iirrlvwl at tho itand the rflfll ?i?aoo waa UM. OBBMaai Mahtaatd-htflot polati ra-dorad Uua inou* tue liitalliarnt, faebi that wero turuod toward tho A hflffl bonflro ln front of tbo Hlblo Ilotiso did tt Mivic) iu Hlfirlaa tho BW_ wiad tluit . .1 throur-h tho Mjiiarc. Tho stand tUelf waa rtehlj .linr..-l with tho t.iitioni'.l oolorn. Krom tho uppor lnterus, louiliug to tbo m In.l.- ii i.ictui. -,|i'- n|'|? -iirati' o iitly at 8 o'cl.,.:- AafMMM-I Sehell iteppud for .ml, ( all,iik the vuAt .i!,<.lublast) to orler, aald: i-'i:i.i..ii. ' trusaa: IharatM boaor la aaaMMMMi a? ym.i ,4 .. ? : I t<UM wholil V')U MflBBli'" aa U ftood dtiz'ti, a Rt( iliug Uctuoma.', aud an honcat Ii ,[i. Jiihu Ki'llv. '.?, ; ...?(-ived v. Ith Bl-ftl iippbttite bv Um paople. who i-nnml iinft' popala. towMfl-MM for , M ho MMM for ward. Alr. Kelly, ttc knoaiod i.rt Ihfl eoflBpU-M ut, riil: M'il.i II Of JOIIN" ItKLLT. ,i\ tTDMMMBI I coiiirratuUto you upon rniclu'? fo e tl.i.4 evenlag, aud l BMMOI you alao that thi ti., tin.- I have altc-ud.-d fur tbe laat weck or t, ii dfl; Bl -MMl Bl the ono I now aco beforo im-. [.\[ii>i:itiae.l Thln lu an evldoncc to my iiiiii'l.fiH it miist bo t?) your*, that tbo people undi.T-.taud this quea tiiitt of the Mayoralty, and aro detcrmlncd to electthat bflaaat maa ut rlaflaaai latfllleflB, Ahraham it. Laa raai a r Ippbrahe.] Tho Refonn party of tiiln cify is doelroue, as lts Bflfl-befl *iy, of haviiiff au man in the Mavor'aili.iir. Now. If it waa honest in Itl pre.toiisioria when tbin ttontlouian wai noiulnated by o polltt ?tioi, alth -ii'.-h not lielng a BMl ef Ihfl or/iioUiition, tho party would havo ftiillilnl un itifoutiDii.s or pr. ? , haaatfllaa o,ir aeailaaa. ru ufrnld ihat Mr. LaaiflBflfl- pollfieal opinion didaotfla-flfl viUi a i.Kij,.i'ity of that Ci>uinilltoe; ln otl.. i vvi.i., Lo was not fcupp.irtiui,' (ion. Oraut for tho uor mu-1 bfl DlM as Gov .i Aml BOW, WttMoat ai: itii.'tOBity onewor . . BB-uti.f WiiiUiuF. Il.ive I.., rer, ;l's BMMtyol that Mi. Ha-flflM-rer, whiio no douht an ? thatpflrifld of life when ?i azpaetcd twm hln lo brtaa ta that ehalr ,. ? ? .. i' t.'-r im --il. ( or j'li brlng in tbit ehalr any i,.,.re ln"). -ty of pu;: Al ahan R. Utwreaee. I ipplHuae.l I knowtlii.r tbe people of Now-York foi-1 uaroTaltr. that i -'? al i bav; a .,i u.-ii ; I LU Of i who perbapa Imowkimorool . . um. i.i, iii.-iu any oMt.-r nian ln Uiia r-ity, t of nn Ufo. [An .. tew lawyi n or etvlllann who Htudied il..- munl. I| s.-w Vctit u Abrahatn B. ... Ai.d now, rello- tittaeni, ron dealre, , roudo, topre-ent people from aetilBKinto '?ti'tl'i I i jm viiiti.l nol ? ptabj*. 'il-!.' '1':. , --ei Linenr. Toa iboald wuten ti.i* timiK ?. r deal ol eouidderaU) iu \., i of >"" "-?? atl ? ,?". | irrenee ih i you tbat ;, i 1 I, i\,-,.". -I ln ? ?* l bave flpoken toyoui ? nt" ii'-i-'M have bad aa i mu..11 i - . Lawxaoee, , . Mflj .,r..l .s.-w-Voi'k. I n_aBCB m 'in. i.wvHi m MtL, cmatm ' tow Ctrw ni 'ii'" laaiaifci ?,ilu.h j ...u, t. nicht.wUl pfltaitaflUfl-y ln maplfllpal matten. I havo boen. ut perhapa I r?a Bwaware.fla-flfled ta ipiaahlaf affl?thliflflaa*T, for r tv... wflflka, t.'iny loliowi itla Bflflf Um diii' raai haaaaiMi dlatrtoHaad i BaaraaBBiBiliBa*raa,la?lg_t, ',-,,1 in ? ta_?r >i ramaHlaa aMflattaa* la imb, nd I ib. n.-c, that 1 inu ioc(iv((l witli the HMM K'ucromty. tl?- HMM (".<!,'. M I BMfl Icii rMcivi.-d With ? ? . [Appta-fla.1 My .,' u u ii i" t I-:' ta rally flflaaflMai that iflmaaajinl i>f iii" Ottj l,f Maw-TflB* bm not w... ": "'"">' ;'iv f"r ? ' ?i now balaa aMMBMed by thi pflaela, ou" of tho paat a? which, I BMJ MT, ll BBlM tM be ecttlod by thi-. 11.ction, la oa tovvhctlier that vvant of lutrui >uy, that watit of utilori, which istonii'laii.o'l flf, HM '?' r.uiodicl, u;k1 tho ? :' un.-! Bl n- BB-MU tlioi'tyhas ?uffi.rL-d, mm be lattarai. WibII? rarlflw eaaaM aro aaMaaad Im thlawaataf hanaaay. Baahaiaa haahii uwii tli.civ in r._.iril to lt, at..l o.o h man hMWaowa remody; but I, in mv bumble way, belleve [bai HM ? tll. ii,ty in ii, tlio oompllcatlon <>f our sy?tei... aad to rou, I beltflVk. thfl graat troubio with tbe t itv ol Nc.v Tork i" thal ihfl poweraol ourofflolalaare i i iiown tn tbe law M they ooaht lo i?'. T-flffl bn mi'... IflWI iiud niiiiiei'ot-i atiieiKlun nt-i, aml it Mi Unpoaalblfl lor onfl, OBloM rflnsu iu ul) tbeae matten, to ascertala what the powenofany nili. i..i-.,i.. Myidea, g nth nea, la thla : that w? ahonld we floek to relMive thla renii Iy ihi? evil, Inalm upon one harmonloui, *) mnietri i ha.t.-r, whlcb fh tii polul >'Ut. aad eoataui in Itaelf ln detail aa ono hannonloafl wbole, thfl Bflwflrflflfflaek i tllror i : tbe citj L'.v.i iitai'iit, k?> tha' eaflb iu.ui i_-_ ,i i ri-.i'i it ai.d uudcroUml it for hiuiaelf. [O-Mfl .,i iit...: il.'.ii '?] A Ib-OORBICAI rilAKTEB WANTI7D. While I aui ou thm potnt, my ft lt-ndr-, iierinit mo to saj iu. iiino iico, la-t | our or la-t Wint. r, u iliartor lOJOIll lt Ihfl Lflflfllatarfl al Albony wbleh did not, iu my opinion. praMBl thM "j mmoiry uml haniiony; il wan a oharter which tiiailo iiimh moro lOMpUflaMd und ii.ui h iiiuio mv olvi d thfl powcrs of (ity otllcors than they nn- evea an-MtMe areaeatflyfltem, Now.itentle iii.-ii vm- havo had muu.i flh-Ttfln. 1 ho City ol MeW Y.ik bad IU pf_vln4__lchart4?rB, charterarroni tbe old Uritiab Crown, ehaxteri cr Montaouery, ebarten of l , i , i rr. and laat of all tlu-i ebartar of ioto. ii, rcaara M> thfl eharhsri whlflh wan graatad bj the Brlu.u i rown, it tn only bi ceaaary i? aay that theyoon ti u tho proprletary rlgbu i f the eorporatloo ol ti.odty of n. In f lard to the o_art_ni whieh bave Ih'.ii piif.-H-'d at dlfl l.ut tunes in thfl liflglllaMrfl, 1 weold _iy, that while each had it? peenliar faatorea, t, ei did not oont-ln ihin pi-im-iple wtiu-ii I thlnk hhoui.i aulmato them all "tbfl pniielple of oxpr.aainff lu tho (li.irt.-r IiMlf, pietlaely what is the DOWflC aud what i* the duty ot aaah oOeer. (Applau?.-.| Bow, aentle uii ii. tho present eharter has in it many aduilrable fea tarcfl. Wlili aoine aniendnieuta it miKht be made to present iM* buiuioi.y ai.d tinity of iihioh 1 siieuk. But wh-ther that be *o or, my Idea, a* 1 said Dflfoffl, uiid I rolterate It, i* that tbe Cnarter of tho City of New York abould bo a baru.ouio^ whole. aud abould couiuin i.l itaelf a I'laiu dfl-Bltloa of tho duty und power flf flfll h offlc-ki in i.riof, , uiii'l-e, and yot oniiiprehentlve lan najtfl [AM-MMMV] Ti.ero it, treuUeuieu, however. duo iu oiii- Bnaaal bvbU-ui, ln our ui.aent ilnrter (aud I tpnak of lt becauae I an. appeali-K to you te_JaBI fur jour BBBkflflJflfl for the ofli. e of Mnvor flf tbin i it ?), and that It th?t that churler doe* not eniifer uih.u the ihief Kzfleutly* at tho (ity Ihfl BflWfll whiob he oua'bt to P**a teafl. (AppfauM'.) Tlio Major of the city of New York ii.ouki have nioh |>ower deif fratod to hnn that tne people Ooald bold him reapOOfllbla tor any olili'ial under iiiin ahflMflflfl wrouK. lApplauiie.] Tbo Muyor of tbe ( :ty of Maa Yo.k.uii.lei the eharter of 1870, baa uot ?nirii power a* would juitlfy you ln boldlUK hnn respou ?iole for aeveral other offli luls tno are nouiinally bud i.rd.uate to biui. [AppUuw | 1 wuuld, if you will ixruilt me, iii.ike this reeommenrtaUou moat atr.iUKly. Ihat in nny rharter herrafler to lm paiwed the Mayor of the City ol" New York thould be Klltod wltti iK.wer* wbkb will ruahle him lo axat uu> falthtuily tho lawi of tbe clty. Herutliiia*) faiUifully tbo dolum M other offl.mli, aud If Ihey do wrouit theu vou would have the rtftht to bold hlui reHK)u*lbie. (Applauae.j I'tBUC IMrBOVBMBllTB BMIIULU KOT Bk 9*X)TTK1>. But tuy frleuda aa I bate to ?o U> tbe otber end of tbe city I uiuat travrl ou ln what I bave toaay to you. Now, gc-tieawa. then* la oue araat ou*)B???n wfci** '? irntota the people, and partlertlarly tbe BBBBM BBMIaaMJlM u|'i..-r wiinla of our city, and thal ?.,^?1^u_*t^0'^'l? Ue taipruvemrata. Wo all know _^lif_?2?I2!_E Bive pablte lmprove.nenta have ?>een 'YViV ,^l,.,n_ miilln iirogrrea for aome time paaf.anil IM gBOBMOBO iu,w aaked la whut will you M 44 itb tbeao uuprove uetita 1 Hhall tbey bo carrted f.jrward or ehall tury he atopped! I think, nnd I aay lt toyi ?? ln Bil eandor aud alnoerlty, that they ahould ne carried on end eomploled aa aoon aa Poaaioie. fAupIauao.l Vot ouly, gentleiuen, becatiae it la neccs Jairy for tlu? RT0wf.l1 im,l cxpniialnn uf tbia cifv, not onir aaeaaaeB ia neceHuary for tho hcaitbaud enjnyinent or people, but alao tn-cauae theao Improvemi ota givo employiiMBt to a largo claaa of oor population. wbo t-i nili-r in returu valuable aid and work for ua. (Ap iiIiiiimc.) 1 am In favor of cornlng them oul. ol i-ourae aa cconorolcally aa ean be, antl enrry Ing them out lu thelr epirit and iu tb' -ir Bfopo, in order thst New-York may bf wbat ahe ottght to bc, and what abe will iiecoiui-, ilio moat lofty and tbo moat beautiful city "ii e-irtb. (Au plaiiHe.) Th-rc la unoilu-r hiibifft Of wblch I wo.ill nreak. one wbirh eoaaea Mbm to _li of ua?to. aeb UH-au,l that bi tbo queatlooof traiuii by tbe northern antl aouthern portlona of the Islaud. I b.-licvo ttiat raptd tranall ia demanded, tbal Me comrncn-e of tbo tiublic demaad lt. tbat tbr lnt<.re?i*of the city dt-mantt lt. Vt h>, geatlemen. th? wani of rapbl Lraumt brtweeu the <lim.rrut parta ol ounalatid hon dnven from ttitt uy of Nt-w York a lurtte umounf <>f tM capttal wBlen.we would havo iitliied lo t,nr wealth and to tbo iuiprovemeiit and Ueatttifylflgof our c.ty, (Apphtuae.) Men valuable lotMcityu ii-aiilentH liave beeadrlveatootnerooun tiea of UM Htitir.or to olher Btatea. Iieiaiu-etbiirc w.ih not eoavaaleace ?r trauaportaiton between tMupper aml loworf-utlsnf tbe ,-ltv. (Cnee of " i''s .-o .') Aui I nol right l (Crlcsof ?? Ycs! yeal" atad "<Joou. ) orraM-BM oiubMb, Vow, frienda. wc here know n graM al our other laaattOBB, nml thal la tbe ,|ucntiou_ of reform. Evr> botly ivlio ls runtiin-T for an oftlee now la a rrfornier, ao cordlng to Ma own account. [LMagMM.] I cl.iiui M b.iv,-. been a rcformer lon? before tbo gentlemen .imnliig thls ri-fi nn rv?-r fhonjrht of rrform. Hut, are BB I 44 hat tne meanlng t,i tM wf,M ia. I 'l" uot think reioi iu inrans |iarnmony. I do not tumk lt uieatia uioai. think reform meaaa thls?that the peopic. ?f tbeClty 01 New-York wlab lo have their Juat aml and tlutt the dlaboneat el.ilma in tbe City Tr ahould uot Ijo pald. [Applaoae.] Now. geutleuieu, v.lrle I am upon thls Biilih-rt f.f ri-rorui, I Wf.unl culi \011r atteuttoa to tba rnct thal thete ia a louinvtu-', lu-io lu tho ritj l of "Ogen , 'of tho bigbeat n [LauBbter.J Tbey h.-i,l u ineeting. aa I underatond, t.i-iiat, ln wall-et.. to raUfy tbelr nomlnatlon for tbo oince of Mayoi ''' ?? x ber i.y tbe newep-pera, aod ipee? bea were made . , ,?i.? ? 1, after that addreM. I aotloed tbat 11 ? i't-,1 that IMm waa m> bm of your Bomiaee 1 eli * voteii tor, beeaoae be ba.. ao ebance; that ti?- raoo la De e, Mr. II ,4. in y, r, nml Mr. O Ilrlen. mlnee ofApolfoBalL [Oroanafor4-_W4_i?_l Bul 1 bIm BOUoed thal. afirr thu? uudrt-ito bad been reinl, an.l tbt'wj iiu-itliiiisiiail beon Uk_, tbat u gcntleman whom I know a apeecb wtiu ii, acoordlag to tbe report m thepapera?(1 iii-i n.,r bear lt, and, ttierefore. 1 de ne* know wbetberitoei orred; bat 1 pratame it did, beeaoae the rep irtere are al4vay_correct)-(Ia.'iiighter] -thls gen tlomauwbo addrraand tMmeetingeald thal IMgreat :, oi tbe day v,-.. liow io b?t tbo T__ui_y noui, ? er.] , , . Now I ki.ow whieh of theao otatements la corrrct. I tbluk tho latrer is Me traeona. I Mve beea arouaa i.LLOiiK the people, and 1 Uunk tbat tbo proapecUOf tb?' Taiuiuany nouilnee are quite rncoura-ging. [< 1 Uut thls irentleman hiild, further, that your BOtnlnee waa ii very laapaaMbla geatleman, out tbat n wou.d Lo tirtu-r f,,r bim to otok aome otMr poaition, auca aa tM offlce otDiatricl Atturuoy or Corpf>rution Counael.or Mitu' thtnp of that ktrul. We'l, now, even nasumintr tiuit your nouiinrr tlilKbt M 1111 Imrd to taUr. elth.-r ollh e, m .i-inil, _ as nouiJuatlou oi L)?_-k't Attornoy b.i made, aud luasmm h i? we have a Corporaflon < ouuaei, I do not n-obow 1 roiild quite t-fitnply. Tl.rr, forr I pn> )?,,? toruii lor Mayor, uud wo eliall BM ou lueoduy BBM 44 uai Iho rt-auit ln. [Iuiuicuao cbet-uug.J iiriaif. ibbb aho bb__k acntlemen, lu tbo conu-oi I havo u.jt asualkd and I do not iuteutl to aa.sail uny our. lt MlMrlgbtal auy gBBtM' bbm u> paaaaM Maeae-a for thr aaftafM al Ma toiiow citi-ouii, aml I clalm f,r myaolf tho wtmo right as is 1 rorothera; BBdeettogBBOOBWBiMct|M,Ie_keU : uutU tbe i Boveiuber. [Applauae.] Now, mj frienda, Jeating Ilill uut.:;ou ot 11:1011,1 11 '11" u?d li". joi'l ttoomucb. [ beiieve la aa boneat aad jaat iiiiiiiii.i.-ii.iiiouof ."ii tin 1 leva lu a lorm of aapervialon of all tim ailaira of onr Ouvernuirnf, IM i v, i >u to aay, aa lt occora io bm right ht-rc, ?;j;-"/xj? or tbo rcmark mado at thti to whlcb I Mve l.p re rernn.'. lu wblch tbe gentl 1 that youraomluee, would be lufluenced by eertala paopB aaoaa Be aa m iilj.-.l aa very bad lucu wbo 44cro aiounil bim, that 11 l ?? iv, 1 ,.; New-York, I propoae to be Mayor. [C'neeni.] Mi ? "f -v"*" lli,s ;! ,,-,. in r 4.l:i, li no lu.iu who rt ttecteara . Bue baa or-'.iii a-proeui tlugaud lo , -lio will jto on proepenng and to proaper, truo to theiu?4ol4t.'8. She has b, en iniilt up and advaneed by uu-n of overy 1 allty aud of every ellnie. lt i-j nol one at ael of men wbo havo built up tM city of x"ork all liiivr f-oiitiiluiUfl to ber iflory aad bml 1 their own waj andlntheii own proft aud if 4tr rriii iln true to ire not to 1 . "ni wltb by wlae nien who wtab to draw too many lawa and ordl will contlnu. I aud uroL-reaB uiml tbo whulo ?f M.iuliait.u laland. froni HpuyieuDiu ' ,_*,n :,i woikshopi "f a mlghtr penole [Cheera.] lf weare aueeessful |ln thla c _, 1 uave nodouw 4\.' nuiii be [Applauae], it wm ,1 of your atuud-fil b arerto prouiote, aa far aa in blm Ma, lali grandi ur and pr. iperity. l< IMera.] Thr Hon. llgwiMin B. s.tiiivan b< :e real u list of raaa* I'l.-ni w'.Lli a:i - BB foliO\4r: gpgixil Of A. s. BU1XITAB. 1 b.iv,- h.iif in ii \>i'.ii a gieal MM af awaaaaBB to Ma st an Wead, Br. Laaraaea, BawMMtoaaaf hBagaeeh bm oaa of a - laB 1 _MeBae,afb_, t_g lt broiiu'lu to i:iy miiiilu blstorlc ine, . ,.,?,? aUOB 4vitb his own BBBM, tbat I kuow wUl u- wtii bj 1 vriy gaaM bmm Mra Th.-iii-i BeeaeMiMBtotM aaiBgof Baw-Toataw arlM fl,,, , . ? mbm BirfBl ib" BOBB tgtMoMtaf l.i'oiidivav. in front of Tiitnty (liurri.. akare there laa I.,,-- iiioiiiiiiient atoaa t? 4Yiii,lt every Bew-YorMrla due time takei bla litlle My, u to tbe Mered a.tar for an Inanlration ol patrt Ue Ideaa. He BaM lmu BPMaMa tM legend tbere oo tM atoaa. Be aaaa aB aaar tt rurloua lioagea of imbbob ul.i awoM aud tho drapenr of tbe AiBfricaa flag. ""'' uiK"1 "' ? JM ____ of uommodore J mee Uwrenoee [applauaej, and the motto under it la tbe *.-?,.-.?-., u;tr,-.-,ii,y bmi wlthh-idvinB breaM, iud wBUaMalaM towdtopael biuoii remaiaed ln bM beart-a aenteace abkh haa Mm-,- btKO-ietManlmatlngery totead our navy ..ut,. a thoua-ud vlotoriea. It WU MB, "DbbI givo up Me V.''i-l'l _?w?atJee blood roM ln tho Dcmocratlc ol Abraham R. Laarenoe to-Biglt. [die.-r-.] Commodore LairreBee wenl lato battleat the oommence meutofthebrtgbteat periodln tM hMtotyol A'n.ritH. Unpreparedaodtaken bv Burprla M^*?__t*M_ wo uul. itondlng gall urtlrto bi- gBoa, and while Mwaa l.i-ing t-arnetl down by the aurt'.on to a MM o afay his bleedl-g, IM - eyea Into il.-.ith, atlll looking nloft at the OOMri Whlob wero lloalii.r-'. M aaM:" ? butevc-r you do, doi. riVe up tbe abip:" Blaee IMI My ev.-ry Aiii.-rl.aii sol.Mei haa tak, u lt for bla inuxtui. and it haa gonr h? M Inapire the entlre Amerioan people. t? eucotirai:.: them torlae Bbove dlfflcultlea and to anrtaountobataelM_^a motto, too, whieh 1 trnatwill M tb, of the rlioi.iie.i. proirreH-ite, partfled Deaiaeraey, aae Maa aaeembb d baaa ta MaB majesty to-uigUL [Appiausci TIIK. ItK.sOLimONS. Mr Sullivan then read the reaolutlon* aa followa: Retoltrd, That the i.'lty of New-York has reat l.eti aucb vMHt uroi' lu buaineaa, wealth, and general devel. o n.-i, ii o ii.-f-d tbe moat coinurebt-nMyr aud er. brlitJ i.'d atlu.inl-tri.tloi, i.f Ita afTairs in order tb.t llfl __ltlon 11 tbe t-ivili-ed world mav M malutaiurd uud _dvV__oMl thaaTiM preaaal elaotle oonditioa ?.f i , l -iMlati..a alTocli.iK Us govcrnment eannot __Brt2T conttuued without laeting detrl .^t to Us reputattoa and ts proaperity. Th-t it rt-fiulit-s a charter ln wblch tbe dlatribiitlon of fuiiftloiisisas.-i-iirtl tO appropnitte Uepartui.-uta, and theilutirstif thr MVrral oftlolule clearly dt-nned; that the Mayor ahould be elotlied with lufflcleot power of at^ iiolntini nt, reiuovalaud aiipervialou U) aecure cupable enliritiiuates, aud tbat bo ahoiibl then bt) heid ati,ollv areotiutalile tor tbr due 0X04 utloll of the laws aud ordl nanoea wlttoat Interferenee from Me Oaaeral f.r ?uto t,,.4 ernmeata ljeyond tbnr leirttiuiafe provlmen. lUt'ilced, That iho praolioe of audltlug tho acc.mnta of city and county ln tM Btate legislatlon la vicloua. and jthoulil tie altogether abanduned beoauae vahd cialma eaa i* eoUeeted by due prtx-t_ of law, aml tho cuforced payincut of iut.tlitli ia no bcttcr thau rubbiug uu dt-i tio- color of the law. Kesolrtd, Tnat we have faith ln the abllity. legal tx perleuee. aud inUmate icfpmintitnco with the alfaira of be city poaeeiiBtxl by out t-au.ll.laU> for Mayor. AbraMm K I-twreuce-trJallflcatio.ia wbu-b will enable blm to make aultable auggeatloua for a cMitor adaptod to the wants of tho city. and that we Wileve he tan and wlll dlacbarge the executive duUea of Mayor. lf bt-1* gnuited the power, with auoh energy, Im part al? lty and larireneaa of eomprehenalon aa are demaudett by the wanta of the metropolla ot tM oountry. We tbereloie recomiucml hia eloctiou to our fellow-olUeeua aa tbe ouly pracUcable solutloti of the difflcult gtieetloua of ?lunlcipal rlitht. lu tbr proper aettloment of whlcb all tlaitJU-B are ao deeply luU>roat.?il. Hetotted That we are uualterabty oppoaed to tho ln trtMlui-liou of aectarian tiueatlona lulo poliuca, aud that wo beartlly denounce tho attempt whlcb haa be_ mailt? to ii.,.kr tht-reiuioua vlewaof any oaudidate a teat of hla litneam for oftlee. _ Hrtotrrd Tbat while we are atrentiona for tbe, prescr vaUon of the purity of the ballot-box. aud are wlllmg even at niuch peraoual tncouvaiiieiio to lubmlt to lnqulrlea tbat would he oiherwiae ntolerable, we \re oPpoM>d to all ?-?l^-??? Into famlly affalra, all iuvaalona of the MnrUty of tbe domm-tlc clrclc. anrl all arb.trary awta upoai tM mere siupieton of wruug tnteniiou. Tuat wo bereby c?Uortoiirftllow-iltl_i-iia, whetber uaOve or forelgn. to axerclae thelr rlRbt of .uffrago on BM day-of eloctiou witaout ti-ar of-iuiMafareaeew arr??at, aa tb? i>eiuu?-ratic party of thla city BMiflM iueif to provtd?? aouiiai-.l mad d. all w:reo_i who, bcing euUtlesl t?i viite. aball M i ither detiled thla lneatliuanle orivllege, or upou Whom aay intiuiidaUou what-ver aball be attumpted. tUaotaed Tklt we to ail ruterm. without regard Ui paxty, te eaat tueir ballota ln favor of ihe pro po^-d aiBeuduient to tbe UonaUtutloa io tbe tlxlU artl , Bmm TmrmlliB faam. GENERAL TOLITICAL *NEWS. ILL1NOIS im FOR OKIUI AND KOERNEB. TIIE I.lltFRAT.A CnNKIOENT OP VICTORT?CX)** STEItNATION IV TIIK ORANT CAMP. |BI TI-BUB-PH TO THK TRIBfMI.I CiiKKio, Nov. 1.?To-nifrht flniBh.** tha actIve work of the Commltteea, altboiiah upeaalna hy Trtttnbull, K'M'rner. Pfilmer. Llalr, Kehnrfl, and Iho l_b rral hn*t will contlnue until Monday nlBht. The aound. rtt men who make eatlmates baaed on ab*'ilut<' facta eon* firm the writfen rt-tiims of the Cominltteea. Oolnf oul of Cook County, whieh embraceg Chlca?o, with frotn 8,000 to 7,000, the Btate ia aecnre U> Ko*rner aml (irtmlry by from 11,000 to 15,eoo majority, allowiufr the utmoot for Domoeratlc dcfoetlon. Oov. Koerner deelaret hla nrnv,*.t r.-.nrVIme'! In tho result. and from the MM_HMMf of hl* 01 MMB fi.ll'>*"' eltltent, heretofore tho hnlwark nf tb* K "publloan or. ganieatlon, he ninkis no toruplo to eount the battle al e.rtalnln advance. (Jenator Trumbull -flvf" the aai_e teaflmony. Tho Omin-M nomlnaMor.a bave utren/rthened the Llixralsqulto as much a* the tolid UBflkTflJ -.oteof the Oermana. On the other hand, bitler eonteutcn prcvalla in tho Orant eamp flVflr thfl oa'irus aomlaatiofl >n aoveral of the eure dietrlct*. Barlbafl rami: _Mf ha* Ml the Orant party eaorMoaaly, and the | -nol t>o reruedied at thu lat. Iu Chh-ag-o then "ti.i be a I.lbernl jf-in flf Contrreasmin, and fmtn 13 to 15 memlM-rt ol the I lut.ue. Tne Orant orita i, and beai. draini ara i boiua peopie at.d otber ( Lflflaa .'r. i-i'r e.iiiiciil-.' bla doubt ? i.i, f orar.iti. 77ie Intn-t/eaii, U iOUJ /oh.ii,! to a ni What invstiflea the Admlri1?trntl(.nlat* ?Mv" all Uie Intrrpldil v and Ii:,i-m ?.. II wai ti Peonaylvan . u |> all (u.iiii/ itloii. bai - - i fe.-t aiiil !in| of I effected tioee Ihe advan' ? ti ?? l.i ei. i aud tlio (ir..ut i eople, ov. i pended their Liuulo aml tuiii' il iu, , fe Irfratlona, Thero I* little of t>"?t now, ai elrculara la load a liiliy iiiipl.ii iiik b :? . ?bof, aml - ludleathmi of tin i-'iiili... demond iti< ? . Adiuiulstiiiiiiiu i>< op . . tion to predict acomj day next. Tho eonfutlnr. qtieclen In t - of the liqm-r aml nn'i Uqu thfl l.i' people. aad tli y muat fl* il otrl I -? i Uae. lf the tbiuj" IniorM an Increiu d vote foi Koerufli indt THF. INDIANA UBEK-J D GOV. iirsi)i;i. K_ a , Ajrro mi i-:iiN(i?r.i:i'iii!.i'a I cao ai ana micn, |BT TBIa-aBlfH TO TIIK TBU Bireoira, Iad- Nov. l.?To-: I Iberal party of Jackson O aata fcald OBflol I] alttleal nmflan M-tt- ba_ cv.-r a ? M Lflfffl de]oRatioii3 flflflM into thl -_".,", ? .i:, .,-. ii .t'... b at.d Ma ' Croek townships, with lanncts ai.d BMflMfl, flfl Utlfllllll OBlBMflllMB | I- Tbo rr, inated to nunibcr 6,000 Bflnoaa Go?. H( pci aat, bb ' ' "" n'," drerjata of the ffl__?'f i;-iet.e,i to hy tho flflflraitilril n i ?? - ' BflpohUeaaa who haaai tt azpti ?nl that it v. Ifl tl ' :r ,'. ? Horace Greeley. __? 1 tl and L.I eaaaan full al ? m, iad we v lil tha iii'lority Ibr Ot I - aad with a dfltermiaal oatopo i full ? TBE OOB i i ??,.?? aro imim.'i san bli '? *f I II i LETOM- -.: M- ?' N COI KT1 AROI BEJ ? i''l ' ?' i'i i " ,.ii-b. ' Lirri.i ion, N'uv. 1.?Tho ci' i. i .. KuY.. - I . tli.-oi.lii.ii ? tb-bl. ( -ir.-1'.l, nnd ot' I t forefl ?? mi ball l:i tl .-j'l.ii-e. 'I appoiti.'-tl for ihr n MBfl.1 lotild 1 ' r uot ll The 1'"ii. J State (.? ntl ,1 ( preiide, with houu -u ollvr i Vi'-'' P U i'i ? 1,1 1, >? d .? ? ? . itl-ent, h I ti???? ' yoi (irutit Headq ' ; teli-_r.lp!i? '1 t, iii ? v.. ?>ure f - it day itt all t aere t New-Il rda. [Proloiiiced appl iu e, and ? i ii, odore T.i'' a uml ipoBe .'". ta il AdmlnUtratlon, the lu. , Ol the Wh: .. RuiiT, ete. . In every town and cottntv of : hard at vvorii. The Orant C'unniill w Poat-Offlce wiih p. in, i ..ut. tt Ii war-H r than ..t tbe - Marcb, wbi D tho I No* tbattl I aro workili- l...r,1 a lal lirowu it tiiOiigiit to lk- doahly aata, TIIK ri.N.V^YJAAMA PBA\ I rur. nuiiiKUY and OOBttl PTWa EKBNB CM'MY?lill- TRIAL POsTPOMMD? tiik i ..-.svK ii"N oi ma '?? nn ' i UM, iraoM a.n aoc-flaa-Loaaaaava-i n Wilf^-LJaiikk, Oct. 3i.-Miu'h ta I..- diaap polntmentol mM fttjm m UMl NflMi I ? "? t'ongr.i.-'ii-iu Laiurua D. Bhoeinaker, (,'ollettoi Aasiitaiit Assea>or (iaiues, aud O. > r> .?tni. i. Ufll lector of Clty Taxcs, have Bflflfl BflBBBfll Tbo attorney? for the piostciitiou have faaaMMl liupossiblo to aeture the atb ud.iiuo "f thaM vv.i for obvlous reaaout), aud are Bfl whetber they will pnfl-4 uto thi Blfafl-M i Aldermen, or fl to the' Court* witl. tla I v mMMAM ? ? uiron reeord. Ittoprohflblfl tbaf thfl !.'itterp!.(n will be adopted, B? H wlll tuore fltirely brnn< thfl aaaea i" a eauclaalaa I claimoilthai tbo teetinionv alroady _i bind the parties ovoi, aud it U iiu.fe eertaln lhal tt. eu.ts of Justlce wlll i."t bfl >l't( still qiuui a rnats of tcluiioiiy tiia. tl." proaflcutloi Clue 10 aud feels eolilideut of -wllliC an. lo brlBB I tlu- Court. When Messr*. Shoemakoi, ('jiik Mlilor are dlapoaad of atteuu?u wi.l to a co_?ideiuii"U <>f tho un.i.ii-r ln whu-h the natitralizatiiui c* "rt iu i Li eounty p formed lta duiieg. It is aUflflfld Mfll ? b"-" iiumiM-r uf iinfiirali/.ati..i. i>.i;> rs v,r.- i a-'t tho attorueys f.a tbe proa. CUUou 11> ih .1 tlu y _i? ci-rtaiuof obtaiiiintt souioof tli'-in. i riaula an<l ia-ialit) iu l.iiz. me Couuty are t? underifii a ino*l iO_rchlna lnveati?atlon, and tbe itulltj partii-a rut , t lu them oanuot h?p.. t<> > ? odium attn. h.'.i t<> tbi-lrerluiea. Au outia,ed p.u- i?.,inoll? sat_-fled with uuy hai. way laMflafM iu Ui* MlM. JiKMoCKATR' I.KADIH^ I'? l-D HKMO CHATIO livssi-s -rwn Tt* I". Y. Kxprrti. It ia s-ife to foilow whew boneat, patriotia, aud lut' ili-.-nt maa bad,it tssaie f..r aii trua U-aiiKrak* tofoilow iiii-n UBeBeyflwar >>f Kflw Voik (who wiii fivo a reaaon to-niK'it tor the faitb thut i* lu hiii.) . like Bucl abw and I _. *er, lu Penuaylvania; like I'.nkir an.l Kiudolphof.N'ow-Jeisey : lite l'euilieton of Ohlo, aud Hendrlc-iof Iodlaua. Wo know of uo irteat l>?ui", i*t. leader tn tbe rountrv who does uot now support t... t eral ticket wllb bolb au Ml-flflt ai.d latelllaaut d< ? The poliileal platfonu un whieb tho cant-J-tfl* Mflfld t* both Natioual aud llemoerativ. ll Bteaai Mlf-covcn meut and aelf-pre*t'rvutlou. It tneaua Aiur:i-?ly attd Peaee. It mcan* the purlilcatiou ol tho batlut, a.. huneat admlnlatratlou of publie aCalr*. lt uienua tb? reatoratlou of the Uniou aud of the Cuiiatltutiou, aud tho enforeement of orlmlnal lawajrainst all lVder*l. fital*. and local t?levei*. 11, uce the Ilall?uoro OwivuuUou look the pUtfonn aud tbo men piod|(v<l to earry oul iU pr.uci ple*. Honee we foilow the t\.\d ralned ?t nuc.noatl, car lied t.) Baltlmote, aml ujrfield by aii our old leader*. aml by uearly the whole of tbe rauk and flie. Wbeu wise lar-n thu* m.uihI the alarm, aud tbe oouuUy oail* to duty, let uo tuan faiur. PCBBONAL-BT lMLBORAPn. ....Senati.r Wilaon had a loug intervicw with tho Pn-Jrat r.*A?r\l?? ll* _.*??<* tb* ?<tj**-ia??l ?* 0~*4"-? *? **? lr*..i?J a.rr 15 i?? ailaa. *a4 m-U ??? ****** ?'.Ma ??*??' * **' IMCU w aik. tkr**'-*r* btfait ik* 4?> *f tk* rr*it-ta__ MMflMa Mr Froude coucluded hia eourflt- of biaO.neiil _*__?_ I* ik* CarnaU l'ui?_-if l**4 ??*_.*?? At io* ***** - ka ka *Z*u"**^*Zi?r H* ????*???. *** m*Ttk*i I* l*? k~ai .1 i^**^j>i*T*tXtZJH>?<?*<?L -?.?*"Twr_rt.,'B__i_ ml u_ ?<?_ ?V. ai? *"* *f 4k? l?aior 4 l?*a, U *k_fc Br 9t*t* r^M*l4?_3?**t*4B**_*l?*-*ltnl ******** io**** ***** U BiM-tya."