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SOCIAL BOIRKOB ABUOAD. THK OOHOB-BH II ri.'i HOUTH, kn*;>. ABrF.CTS OK PI.YMiM Tll -VAKK TWA1N lNVtn-P ?MOCMMTIUC PHILOSOPIIMRB?LOMO PAPEIM ?PRKSIOKNIIAL AHHUKSSKS?WAS I" Of A nKKlNirmv (FBOM AS 04 i'it.l.).vu. 0 !|U_MrO--MMTOrTn TRIBU5BI P-.WOUT-L. S(>j)f. I'i.-Tho Niii('-woni(Ml Ab eoe-laUou. wit.'i no avall .h'.e d.-r.nltlon Mt lta objecta. bat Juat eoiieliided Us Mth annual Con_reaaat i'i) month, Devoaport. aud *Mon?eoiiso. These three towna clu.ter inthellayof Piymout h. and a car llne of a mile un I a hair in lena-th rm?s _MMMH> ibr whole of them. l>ev ?n port ta famoua for lta tflfll-vard?. and Plyinuulh for lta porta. and tbe ai-side iu >uud on which Drake was playtng at bowls when naws otnio of the desceut of the Bpanisb Arinada ls uow a dalnty pl.tce i>f reeort. The Rlvivr Tsiumr aa well aa tho Plym debouoh Into tho bay. aad the town aff.rdi spieu.lii views of the sotiiid, of tbe great breakwatcr, me MMyflflflBH I.itththouse, Mount Kdirciimiie, aud the magnifloent eoeuery of Comwall. I. ,?l.ini b.ta no aoaport ao abouud ing ln phMaiaeejaa aad famous ecenes; but Plymouth being 8*0 mllea froui Loadou?a niode rato distanoe for America, but consldorable in Knglaud?ll cauaed onb' a aoanty atteiidanee of MMM perii?ateUc pullosophcrs who havo more aeal than lebjure or means. The M nBflW and aaeocUtea eulisttsl ln Ply? mouth coul.l MHtaatj raach TOO, while ln Locda, or Livcr p?Kil, or Maucbestcr, U.oy w.ll uumlKtr 2,000 ormore; yet as there aro 1'.0.000 |?er(ioua in thl* nclghborhood, lt ls clear that BM-M ladflMM ls not BMMM uuderstood or greater support would havo been aocorded to tbo aaao ciatlon. The Bl itish Attoc-atlon carrice with it greater means of poptiLtr uliurcm,ut than the SocUl | floclety. 11 liiks inarine luarvela aomctimes to ehow, geo loglcal diM'oven. s io 1 i>.>it; tho unthiopologlsta aomo tlmea dig upau ante.l l.ivi.ia m n ; tho ohomlsU make brilliaut fl|j|M-HIIBtl| IhoaatrouomersdUplay the latest diaooveries iu tbo suu uud moon; aud uow and then the geographers prodnofl aomo travcling hou?Speke, or I_v tugfltoue, or nun, Boclal aolou?~\ thouch moro Iramodiatcly nseful and vitally importaut, ls altogolbor of a tamcr ordor. Thl most curious laatan it bad m present to the publio was Hir JohnCV,'ild-c, WBflflM perpendicular attitude iiiiKbt Justify MM in deiuiniiii: bim us tho giraffo of Uie Bar. and who ls Ju>t now fuiuotu. as the groaUst tolklng machineof the day, be B-Ttag mado a 31 days1 apeech agalnatthe cbu ,,an: io tbo Tuhborne oatotea. I dir patchod au li.vitu.on to Mr. " Mark Twata." Uiuler staudlng thut be waa dot-lrous of aeelnir. Kn^ilsh rurai uCr.i.ngtboflueit examplea oflt, 1 spoke to s:r J kha Bofl rtaf upou the auriject, as ho was preatdlag over tl.e MotlOfl M Trado aud Ecoootny at Plvmouth. He ut flflWfl very klndly authoriiod me to tay that if that (HfltlnfflliBnl haaaw-M would pay him a vl?it ut t'inu-imiiit, l.o -u.ild have groat ple_suro in puttiug tl.e huuii.rlst in the way of aoctug rural life ln l.n_'un 1. Mr. Tvv aiu would havo foun 1 amoiiK sotne of the oharttctors of tho So. lal S.ienoo Congresa matiTial for mauy au amiuiun akeU-h. This Plymoutu uuoilug haa nct been at all a ronrvrl ous, but it lt au txcciuiio ono. Thero are philoeophcrs whom thu aul.'i" idfl BM u.idcrsiiiiid. aud philosoplu -rs whodo not uuiieistaiid IhfMMlTMl, Tuere aro persons who were boru with crotchots. and othera who havo aciuired croUhets?mou with oue ldea, and men with no ldea*. Still othera tbere aro lufestod, aa lt were, with revolving intnds, wbnae uuderstandlugs turn upon aomo fanatloil pivi-t, aud they mu lu a etiolo all their duys. Yet this ii botter thau sUitnatiou.Just as aca.nt herbage Isliettor tban no berba.o at all. Anl theso persons ureumusiu_,au l tl.ou-.i nat wiity IhflflMfllYMtMfl oometimes Ihfl causo oi wit lu others. Nov, i ls a propondorauoo of eo'.ld, thlukiii-, pra? pivpa jrandista of aocial liuprovoraeut. 8a?iikl scionco Is uot much oultivated Ml -MM pa.ti, ar thfl f.uil.tlesof MMfl Asaoclatton for thedisplay ol aocial ardors are not iiiuIt fltood. At L(>.^is. HaachaatMi LaaMea* Glaagewi tha Bectious abound witb oocoutric IhlakMB, Souic of them bave views of BUeh a ejtaallfl IflStHM th it they bid fair tooverthrow the machluo of OflMfMM II they are ome under lta whflflta, It n iiulros st.'iuii; mindsof ibe weiitht of steam rollers ut the hcaJ of I ba, to mac ad amito thtm. There uro other crotciicty pfllflflfla of a llghtor aud alrier order, who fly about the S.-ctious aud flomettmes clog tho whoels of buainess for hours. Mr. Jenkins bad a pape.r, able aa nll his prodtietlou* are, ou Colouiul Policy, aud as loiig as his Mory at Glni'allaby. Other MMMtMM WBW of jiroiils'ious lennih, aad the moro compl.cutcd tho nubj-ct the more pro Mraetfll waa tbe treatmeiit of it. I'or iustanee, iu the Trado and Ecouomy Bm t. ,n, OapM CHalfle MMl a paper ou I>ocal Tuxatlon. It occupud p i_l.t columns of oloaely prlnted, fool*cap. It took the Bfl-MMl <-'ap taln ezactly Ma ml latM to rc.vl a column. Tho under aiondlug ls thata p.iper shall uot occupy more time than aomluutoe, whereaa the oralor ou L .eal Taxation oocu pled au hour and 20 mluutes, altbougb bo read ao fait that no penon could tell MBMflBtryfll| what tho paper was about. Nt xt ? -llflB?lflHllfl- pluoo upon lt, which, quito irro-rtilarlv, lasted all day, cxcludlng entirely two papcra which wero dowii. Tho author of one paper had comealongjouruey iiioid-i to bo prosent; tho author of tha othor paper, Bll KaraHaafly Uon Arturo de Mar fld at V'.i uioiith IlotWIthStalldiliK eu Ka_oiiients. that he mlrbt tuoct the deuiand of the sec t,.,ii, whkfe demand the caairman nevcr made. Tlie bu*ln(r* put dovvt. njM.n Ihe pro-raumie, lik? aay otber baslneaa, ouirbt to i>e Balfl-fld aud debate llmlted, toensblo lo !>?? done. Mi M"t t'..M. 1'.. took In hsnd tlie coiului t ..t il." see/lou ultimat-ly, and sat till 6 o'clock the promise of ime ?hoiild be rompleted; tbe honoratiiflmember loowlagafl through ' the moetii._ an iuexuauttlbii) putlcui- and luterest in tll. plO. -4 l lllIl_->. The loatiiit oi a wori-iiiiirnien'-i Moctiiie to this ted upon in P'yiii.uitb, whi-u it up i that tbe artlMna di.i take lutereM ln aocial John i oli-ndge addrt-naed tbe meetiujc. and ? ;i ploasaul tiiit.i; to bcar that accurute, eu-y ?peakiuavo i,> ither load noritrong, ?il qulckly ult over the flapaotooa Albeti Hall. Ihiie vvt p J.CO I'l'iMiio pre.-eiit. h.r John liowrmg aud other i ui7io at wero among tho speaktrs. All the leadinjf uewr-pajsrs and Journals which omment uiKin tbe proecediuirs ol this Aaaoclailoa faaten uim.ii its va-neiieaaof obl it. lt I* di.api?.iutiUK ihut uo Presi deut attempt* a lo_i(-al defluitlou of Us provinoo. Per h hm only tn- n Uke Milt, or rM"-ucer, or HuMey, or Tyn dall miciit au a_e_afltfl oaa lt ls iiiiu, aowevflr, tbat o-ie waa devised. T-.o obloctol thla AaaoclaUon is U> applv Hebncc to M'C.d lilfl' bul u slnut Um of dfl mai(?.itl. n rcuutre.* fo be ilravvn liinitini,' the uf t.rrry . thsl the Prealdeiit at lea-t inii'ht, if themcmiAis did uol, al way* oi.servo wbtte the latid marks lay. It it eanuot i>ioduce ouo, tho AsaociaUoa ou_ht to advert-tJ tM a 'lelliiitioii. CL06E OK THE PLTMOTJTH (XI9GBE88. LOUD M-J-BJl'l MANNER?_IIt JOIIN COLLKIDG-'s MODE OK ADUKK8-?KIVAI.KY UK TOWNa? AUC1I1TECTUBAL F-ATLKK. VX PLYMOLIll? ConiLLE. | rttOM AB OCCAS105AL COBRESPOITDK.VT OP TITE TRIBCNB.l Plymoltii, Sept 20.?The Tiesideiit of tho 8oc_kl Bolenoe Cougrcas, Lord Napier aud littrick, la a very emim-nt diploiuatist of an eleiiant aud graccful turn of mind. Wo had the dellght of bearing him *d dreaa _?, witb dalnty graoe aud ln dukct toucs; ai.d IflM Euirliahmen, who nevcr move, abould bo Incited to change ln a hurry, progreae waa admiutstered to ua la homoupttthic gradations and descrlbed ln _elat)uo ?on teucoa. It waaa Lotus-land oration. Lord Napior has a flne preaonce, and his effulgent Indolencc of spcech qu.te becalmed the aaeeuibly. All the turbulence of uu uo pollutu acUvity waa hushed wilhla ua. Clearly thla orator did not belong to the clasa of tbe flcry Naplers of Bilnde and Madgala. Of iour?c, Lord Hflff-M told ua who he was, and Bir Btaf ford Northcote did tbe aame, but did lt with oourteoua addreas. Bir 8taffi)rd mlght hive told us more thau he did had he b<eu tommunlcatlve or hud he tho rio,uhcd kt-owledge. I BflUflTB Lord Napier and Bir John Trc lawney were fellow-students at Curabrldge when Lord yapler was rocarded as u person of dlstlngulshed prom? ise and the beat speakcr amid a throng of brilliaut rn.-n. Long habits of dlplomaoy, which lnvolve a manner that conceals aenalblllty. haa bo doubt imparted to his Lord ehlp that paaalouloss mauner which givoa you tbo lm preeaiou that he haa lived in a laud lu wulob tmotion le uuknown. Tue plaolilty of bll dollvery exhauitecl all the reaouroea of local Journallsm to pralae lt while bo trayloK lo thclr readers that they knew better than ap piaud lt. His Lordsbip'fl address bad tnaby happ/ pai flagea and aeuteuc** of grace worthy tho pen of a maater. On tbe morning when the Sectlons opened and the aub-presldenU took the 11 I.l, the Attorncy-Oeneral waa tbe flmt wbo spoke, and ovideutly with a view to umend the poalflon of the QvlllBBM-l as to law reform, to which tbey have been aaid to Uo cold. Lord Naplcr ln trodaoed Bir John Colerldge, wbo has a charuiina; votre fora bcctlom Clear, aureeablc, lmpreaaive, MMMI loud andnever low, lt exactly meeta tbe rt^uiretuenU of philoaopblcal dlscuaslou. Utiog an eye-gUas, whloh be bcid lu his haurls, be read withsUvlah watchfulnc-i of hia i,.j-r, Whlflh guve huua meehaulcal muuner; uothlug Out bla melodloua voiee maib lt poaaU-fl to lmtou. After ? time he gave up tliis awkardneaa and vvlsclyputou glaaaefl, wbleh left his handfl frce and his BiaDner fresh. Hedlactiaaed, and made cb-ar as he dtMBflflfld, the dlsiltic ?M adlgeatand Bfladfl. A BlgeM he - rrodocod ibe errora aa well aa tbe wmI.-id. *. codfl aelects UM tone pnnciple. uud express.:a tt iu -.uguagoBlniplo uud l. i kIv u tb-ugat to U*Z _ulje, t. I.o b.l a l-i-n u! . _.ud. aud ho wa. ubx U> ^ak with authariiy. T)r. ITaatlnga apoke on Kflueatlon; 8lr Robert Turrnns on Land Tranafor, and apoke brlefly. Hlr John It "wtIiib matle a wontlorrtil addreaa for one of hla great u?e, b .Ui lu oiier-y of theuKbl aml dellvery. H,r John wa* tho loaat afrald Of progreaa of all tho Preal dentt, Dr. Aoland, who tioars an bonorod name ln Devon, deJlvered an nddreaa of Immense loogth In vlndl taiioiitif the Governmeat auuitary imaaurea. Dr. Ac laud haa pret-ltron of apeech and a pleaaant, honeat la toua'lou of volce, but ho ovl.loutlr did not tblnk BMM of aoclul reforuiera unlraB thoy were tbrologioal. It la a very hard M-M for the Proaldenta M koep clear of tbls anbjcot. Aa, however, tho Aaaoclatlon aunouneed H aermona to be dollvere.,1 on Bunday, there waa nn great nootl for the Prealdcuta Ut ro luto thls depsrtment. Lurd Napler detendod tho Ohurehmon, who had got the beat part of the Kducatlon oontroveniy, and advlaed ad veraarlea to Ijo illent, and to aci-ept tho congratulutlona of their aMMaeaM M MfMg got nothing for thcmaolvoe. Mr. ILiBtluga. the foniider of tho Aasoclatiou. wasno loaa cuntentlfitia toward tho Beeulariata, who liave m.-reiv aaked f,,r Mtap o aad aeparata uoati u, tiou ln lellalea i? llou of the mu.i lln an i mixtu ? nt IMotaay anl eaaBaee. There bomg a rlvalry hctwocu tbo ttvo towns f.r Devoa porl and Piymoutb, tbo meetlng of tho Anaocmtmu *u? cut luto two parta. H.iifthe Ur.ii aeek ,? mi t lu I'ly niouth . half tbe aecond wock It inot lu Devonport, uew re eeptlon imobm, aea aactlon rooma. new- Praafdenrtal H.-U belng provitlcd. Wo all had boilily to cmlgriiU) to tin new town. The Mayor of Devonporl covered the front of ttu> Town Hall willi cunvaaa and llluiuln.itotl it wltb u flne larrre, whlch Made brlght all ih? stroot, uud tkaa tke phtleaophen aara boaacwa. Wo, MaeveT, all Mttled dowo lo tbe ol il towaaad pr?porM>d-taying there. Tho moat obvluiia urchucctiual fuaturo of Fiy moulh ls ll.e lownias of tho liuuet-e, fow b. lng more thm two siorios hlirh, and a lurge proixiriiou ouly one. Kvt.u the netv Gulblball, tn courao ef cr.-ctbui. whieh will be large rnough 10 entertaiu nny entire C?ugro*a ln future. and whlch Is a fluelv deslgm"I bulldlug, oouatructod ,,f alate-colured stono and Devoiihhlro aaud-tonc, la as low us thoiigli orect; d for uu uaacmblago of tuiiall men Wheth.-r tht-l.'W strnciurela owlng to tho ohoupneas of land, or tho soliil toates of tlie liu.ablUuta, or four thnt the blast-4 IMM Cormvnll mlgkt bloiv tho third etory fdf, tr whetber aiiooeaalve cenerataona of architecta Me under eudcuucit tlmidity of alti'iiuY, I could not learn; but certaln it u thut |M town lr, evurywhere exteuded. as Mr. DiaraeU aald the fninchl-c sbould be, l_t,r.illy, gl*_g thu low atoue towns <rf whlch Piymoutb furma tM ohMf u aeUl, eudur ii,j2 a-poct. lt may bo tho ptoaBfBlneia of atouo iu Devon and Cornwall whlch iaoUae iho renidcuts ia sui> atautial stTiictures. Ljr.l Napler, tbe Prcaideut of the Congress, hjmuiioly auggesred tbat ?70.uuo,0vjO st, iiiuk siiould be expciuit',1 lu rcbulldlng the luiorior oottugea of Great Urttulu. If a typo wero wnnting, lt migbt Ijc fiuiiid ut Tttlawno, rho teiritory of Bir John Baluabury Trelawuey. occup. liu tbe moat ptctureagae pait of ('ornwall, beiriuuing ai tbe old acaporl of Looe. I uevtir h.itr sei'ii sucii cottuges as the now ouea on the Trelaw? uey estnto. iloaido ihuiik pleaiaut lo tbo oye and con veulenl to the lnbabitant, tlny wiii ccrtainly last for centiiries. Luly 'lTcUwin-y, huving lu view to t.-etifr her reapect tor a deeeaaed ralattve, iias built sumo "mtv moriiii ootlagaa" u, Mr kaaor. This isu new kiu.i uf re membrance, of a far hlgher order t,r liuiuanity than that ot iuserttng mouiorl-1 tvindowa ln churohca, graocful aa la tliat act. There wero many quostluns of moment agltatcd nt the Oongreaa wbleb wotud iiu good uud probabiy help ta ah.-.pc logisUulon. Tuo qneitiou of industiial pitrtner eupird both attonllou aud ilebate. Liw R-Ionn, Land ie. n.e, Publlo llcal h, tvoro uudoubU'dly ud raBoedtntbe pabllconderaUndiug. Tkerewere plaeea ofunuauallnt roal adjacout D^-von and Corutvall oprn to tbe vi.-iti - Qoveruiueut p i M tMaerv' h-e of tbe tui m i.-rn, aud uli BBa _<_faiOUI wero cosllcas. i im- tnp up ibe lainar to Cothclc, wIito the Dowuger i ronteM >>f Mmiut Bdgoumbe :n,w reatdae, iaay ue taken - i - unple ot ihe .1,11 lelit botl.tCBol thr dlnirict. Oltal latereel attacbea to Cothele, wbere nol only IM lmiidiug reiiiains ari it atOOd ta ibe tlino of Ilcury Vll., but ull the room: retJtu ihrir uiicirut luinilui,, aad ino latost ia not inoro luodcin ilian tiio rol-'u of BUaaMtk, Wbat B fbll-bt, layaalooal chroniclc, for tbe autiquary, aml i.ot leaa m to i rm r one poaaeaalng tM allgbtoat louguu. for an nuuttht into the anciclit iu.iur.ioii ul an old at.iiKl.ah knlicbtl?lo s-e blm in ni? banqur.tiugh_.ll, lu bi? piivato i ha,,i :. in bi.s taiinly upartmenir?; lo acc tue annor flrern by hitu and bi? ret?nera, tho board ai whieh bo Iciati'd, tuo ehatra ou WOlOh ho the hed on 44'iui li he Iay, the tain-stry oovonug hia walla. aud even tue, most mlnuie fli-lails 01 kB doiucBtlt' litr. HlaBxoellency Duu Anuro da Bareeartu, a aolentiM ird, read a notaWe paaar, ta ono -ectk>a,ontM i'.iriiuiueiit of Natloaa. li oonoluded wlti, tiua cioqucut i , whieb may be inkeu ha au llluavtration t,r tho bb coutemplated by thrt?,) CoiiKrrc?*co: " Iu tbo Urst ibii'.l of toa cciuiiry, Bu-atn aald to tho Earth, ' i'bero .ue im m ,i" ijjoiiiHiiiiJs,' and peoples i*epiiiairii i.y mouuttui, rangaa kara baeoaaa Batagtad. lu Me i third, Bievtrii Ity aald to im- Batera, ' TMre are i,OUJ(,, . d tlie beuiiNpheri's have Juiiu-d I. i tpoak to Man and aay ta Me Huai Uud of tbe oeatory,' Tucre are ui? araM arara.'" mtEXICO. PROfSRE's OF TIIE WORK OF FACTPIOAT.OV? PBQBABLI BOBBIggJOl 01 DIAZ?l'ULl'.UtA i [OM K??K THE BLBCnOW. jTP.OM TIIK ItBOULAK IWMMbPMBMIT OF TUKTItinUNP. | Mi xico, Oct. 1.?Tho work of pacilic.ittaa nnd MMMaBM of conatitutional ortler throtighout tbLs couutiy ts advanclug. Ou the 13th l'ir-..dcut laaaM a lactae for tho roopeniog of tho fron tier ('_mta.Jui-bou.vs of Mier, Ruiuosa, Camargo, Ouerrero, aud M juUt ,y Laredo. Anotlier tlecroo waa 1-sued on tho lith raising tho stitc of slejre tn tho Btatea of Tlax fla i, QaakalB. Biiuiloa. Duraugn, and Nuevo Iaeoii, ib livcriug thoso Btatcs to ihoir roapoctlto aiithoiities. In thls niaiitu r tlie Lx?.cutive Me solvod B tlira^reeable BMklBM tvhit-h bad ansen In Coubuil.i, BkeCB tbe (iovc.ruor aad miliLary coiiiiuander, Oen. Dmi VletorMM l d"'('?., 'i '?' 'lecllnod to acknowlotlgc hla sub ordinatlou to t;.-;i. Don B.istcues Rochu, who commautls iu chlef on the froutlcr, und who, In cousequence, iaa> inaiUy deposed _-i>0flauiid naiuod Qea. DBB .Mguel I'.i l.cio ta oi t upy his pl aaa, WBfe tho MBMMMMB of mar Ual law, (icu. _.-)Jf:Ua agaln ftccupb-s his po.sltiou aa Con stitutional QuaaiBM of tbe Btate of Coahulla. The revo tatteaMM la llaakM mpiuhit to havo united sudtb-nly and uuexpt-cttallv uutlcr tho command of Dirotco \atOtt\ BBd, ai-gtuented nppareutly by men from the dlstrict of Tcpic. they formed a body of 800 to men. and en tered Maaata-B on the 13th ult., talTlBg priaoner tho greata partaf tbe garrisou aud tho commandcr. Gcn. Dou TIMIllBBB FiortA who waa d.ingeroualy ill of frver, uf ier his i-BCape from the niarauden who, a short timo pillflBIIOlT. ha'l BBBgM ?nd cartiod htm off from tbe ou virons of M.f.atlan. Wo havo no autbeutic details as to how the fort lell luto tho haudsof ItOfM, but uppurontly U was taken by surprlae. When tho (lovernmont reoelvod thls news, lt waa nl?f, inforuiod by Oen. F. Carrillo, the commandcr in Du runtfo, that Dou I) >nnto Uuorra bad agroed to evaeuato tbo town uud Biate of Chlhuahua, receiving t-5,000 from the authoritlert of that Btate, and that la eonscquence Guerra was about to entcr tho Btate of Duraugo. Car? rillo aaked for lnatructious, and tuo Govcrnmeut repllod that lf Guerra aud Porflrlo Dlai, who hatl Jolnod Guerra, did not submit to the amneaty, they must be beatcn by torce of armi. Ordora tverc lmmedlatolj isaned for (ien. t'arbo to proceed irom Z toatecaa tfi roenforce Carrillo lu Durango; Gon. Celmllos was orJered to proceed with a divislou agalast M tiatlan; and Gou. Rocha rcccived or ders on the .4th ult. to move from Montctcy agalust Dlai and Guerra. But on the w. h ult. the Guvernment re cdved a comronnlcatlon from Don Porflrlo Dlaz, datod ou the 2.d on the road from Chlhuahua to Durango, In whlch he Indicates to the Minlstcr of War hla belief that now wlll be metBaMfl tho submlssiou of tbe Inaurroc tlon gcnerally without further bloodahcd, and tbat M ls proceeillng to Durango wltb thb deelre. Ho rcqucate the Mlrilater to eoud to Gen. Carrillo tho neooaaary ordera to pret ent an attack oo his persou, aud he alao BUitos tbat aa a prcllmtnary mcaauro he has rccst.ibllahod tho Conatitutional Goveruor of chlhuahua, aud has clrcu latetl ordcrs to suapend tho recrultlug aud orgamzation of forcos, or the luitlation of hostilltlea. Gou. Carrillo, iu forwardlng the procedlnv oommuulcsitlou, aild? that lu tho proclamittlou aud clrcularof Dou l'oiflrlo Diua appear tbe followlm. ideaa aa oonditloua for hia Bubmls aiou: Jirit.' That tho law of uuiuoaty ougbt to be rc formed lu such a ni tuner aa nol tu leaaen ihe fllgmty of themilltaryotBcerslutheiusuxrcciIoii. Stond. That tht, Government ehall inltlaU? Ui tho General Cougn?aB a Con altutioual reform problbltlng the retJUectloa of Preal leat. Third; That tbe Ubcrtv of auitritiro muat I>e eeearfld. Tho MUiiatcr of War eeul hia rrply by teleMraiu to Durango on the 59th ult, lnformlng Don l'otflilo ibat if be uud blt forvea wlah to auinutt uutler the terms of the amue.sty tbey wlll ba u.lniltleil nut wltliatiiiidiiig tbat tbe tlnn, bad I'lapaeU.aud thut bo may arrangr wilb Oen. Ciirrllio lor tl i retlremcnt uf his foroes aud tbe d.llvt-ry of tuo anua aud material of war; but that the Ooverniuent caunot gu beyoud the coudltiona ot the aumi-aty. Tbe probubil itlo.a art'that Diaz and Guorra will make thelr HUbnus sion lu Durango, and thut Doruteu Lojhiz will abainlou Maiatlau ou tlie approach of Ceballon, rcilrlng t.? rbups Uj tbe dUtiiot of Tcpic. Hut the ai:iiil-liiilejM>ii,leittw of Lfjxada ln Tepio la becomlng lutolerable aa u centa-r uf rt f iiire i.f revoiuUunUU, aud it la uot uiiiiki ly that, ufter Uie aubiuisaion of Du? and Guerra, ihe foicea of (ieua. Rocha, Corona, Celmllos, Carbo. Carrillo, and otbera wlil be uaed to occupy tbo CauloU of Xcpio, und reaturo there ciiiu-tilttioiiul order. A ltticr haa beea publiebed from LlceneUdn Don [_Mfl 0'iziuali, in Whlch this geiilltiuaii UecUlit-B to be a didute for tbe Prealdeney, and leolarea tbat ir Mr. Ix-rdo ooutlnivaaa bc h_? Ijoirun, aml fullilia the progrummr he baa pulilished, ho ounht to bo aupporuid by ail fraotioua of tho Liberal pariy. Tue elcctora wiU be choai-u by tbe vote of the lah lust., uud they ou tho -7th wiii ,1. ct tlu) Proaldent of tbe Rt-pabllo. Up to this dato Don H?i,a?tUiu ly-rtlo dc T> jafla Is the only caudldale, aud hli liianriaiu. '.tu. lioBecraua la agltatlng for the adopllon of bif coloisitl raiiway |iro|rcta lu thi. ; but probabiy nuin thelr very luiiioiltiule tbelr louaiibr.k ib.u wlU bo delayed uutll tbe iitxl jjerlod fif (.'outcreaa In the HprlDft ol 1ST3, afUr tbo Oovcriuueul bal bec-u dctl uitely rtKjrgauiZf.l. A oarp killed tho other day at Clian til.y by a hugu plko. bbu was the oldest earu ln the wm bl, iH-ing 47,1 ioarsof agc Mie tvue hatched at the t/iiiuteiieComM.'s, iu tbe time of BraaaM I. ; bLm bul |Hk_cd tbloii.ti \..rioua r,,ri,.i,es, b.ivlUK batl uo lent ue 44 ,., aud she iu,?_ 10)1 llafbem iu',1,,1 :in,l M| iiclie* ln l.viirlii. I Wlli-l ll I'li-'b I. ili'erreil thal sllo I, ..ud buuiutd to we..r COl.e'l*. NAVY-YAKD MAN AGKMENT. ORANT*- CIVII* HF.BVICE' BEFORH IIiLUS TltATKD. TIIK PIIII.ADKLPIIIA NAVr-TAUD LKAUUK I.M.ANI) UTATION Kl'Jf IK TIIK INTKUMT OF TIIR Al> MINI.irilATION AS A MKIIK POUfM-X MA ( 1I1NK. To the Kdttor of Tk* Tribune. Sm: I bikvo read tho comuiiinicatioiifl which have appearivd lu Tua Tiitni'NB from the K.lterr and ilrooklyu Navy-Yard*, and with my kuowledgn of tho present manaeomerit of the Plilladolphla Navy-Yard aud I/eague Islat.d Htat>on, I havo every reason to place lin pllcll re.liance ln tb? statements of yuur oorresponilcnU. 1 am a ablp-carpont. r of eipeiionco extending over more than 1. yeara In private and Oovernmenl shtp yanls. I am ut preeeut an employe In the Navy-Yard, but aa I aeorn tbo servlllty with which many of my f.llow merhaidna aubmlt to the hap-tt-M-l illetalloii of politieal trlckhti rs, I shall lell what I know about this yard under lta present mauagem.-nt. mi .11 anow or wokk, uut litt-k ho.ik. Iluvln. tli irt I'-tter lu vlow lor some time, I have made It a rule, wnen gol..g upou l.tislnoas froin ono part of the Yard to another, to pass throttgh tlio fhoj>s, lu ordcr to observo tho men at their work. I im. eonvlucod tbat nowhero ln tho Unilod States are the worknion thein *elveaso utterly reckloas aa to the aiiioiitit of work ac conipllsbed or ncgloetod as ln tbe Pblladelphia Yard. In ull olher p.tbllo worka whlcb I have ?con thero Is at leaat a aemblanoo of lalnir ou tho purt of thi amployea, but la IhflM Bhflffl I bave soen 100 meu staudlng lltorally iill,.. Thtdr tools lie utiused upon tbe lathos and w?rk beiiehoa. Tlie uiaoliluery ls luvarlably kept ia tho llve llest motion, aml visltors passlng uu the outsldo of tha shops aro ladfran the aafot-iiaf aotofltabaliavfl that tn? lnstitution lserowded to Its ntmost capaclty. Withln, none aro busy oxrejit th? tlreman und eugiuoer. 8aws, ?JBMlBf BMthlBM. liithes, and drllls are kept fully manued, and lt ta an admltted tafll that tho Injury to tho machlnery Is far prreater than In servlee. Tho maohino shops, gun-carriage sho)>*, oonsiruetloi) und inodol shops, rigglng and sull loft*. the fouu.b ms, tho ollloes und tho shlps out of comi_ir_.iou uro all full of nipn, yet nobody apixars to have any work to do. This wastafulnesa of tlu.o ls roali.ed when tho Yard ls vislted by coal bonta owned by prlvuto oontractora, which are MMMMMl brjn iu.ploy6s who are BflflflBtflflBfld to work hnskly for their money. Then ls seen the contrast botwecu publlo and private eniployment. TIIK CI.AR8 OF MEB OM TIIK I"AT BOIA. On July li thero were only m* ma* einploved ln the 1'hlladolphia Yard. After drawlng the now appmpria tion they began gradtially to lnorease their force until thero are at preaont 1,500 im n ou the rulls. Not less than 600 meu have boeu takon Into the Yard ln tho last slx Wflflfca Tneatrongost adherenUof the Admlnlstratlon admit thiit ihero un. no Deuiocrats or Liberal Itvpubli c.iuson tho force, but they boblly deciaro that only the wiuniiig party uro entliled to share the bounty of the Ooverumont. Tlu-y ussert that "outslders" are uuwor thy of employment howsoever romp'tetit; and this stands its the rccngnlzcd rule of tho Yard, In dcflauco of the Oovernmenl reirulatlons. The-ve l.soo mon, of whom I um one, do not lncludo a BMMMMJM l>ody of picked bul lies, tup.MM, i-.ttifoRKcrs, nnd election flfl-OflM to bo spoken of below. The l:ir?e forco M princlpally witbout work, nnd tl.o-te who are engaged mlght aa well be Idln. Wo know tliat the work is a secondiry objoct, und that tho flhlef guaraiitoe of favor ls to Ik) obtaiuud by votiug for Hartraiifl nnd Grant. Tho most glarlug fact, however, ihowlug the eitravagance aud strategy of the present Ad>:. ls tho ( employment of fully J0J men who do uot pretond tu work. Tlio majority of theso are present each inorning at niuster call, to meet th" r> qulrements of the law, and they all Nffltt with gioat regulariiy on tbo 25th day of every month for their pay. Theso men aro wlthout ex.eptlon (rr_nt politli-laii-., aml mauy Mt them have other flflflaaaM >n4 outilde the Yard. I aui pcrsonally aciualuted with MTMal ainoug whom I tn ar p.irtlcularlzc : McOcelsa well to do salooii-keepcr iu Locust--... Philadelplila. III. saloon is a roudo.vuus for .ut adhcrent* from tho sluuis in the noighbor liim t. A ansanrltig to the nauio of Alexand-r Siullh, who resldca lu tho .Ninut.-onlh Warl, conios en ioss the clty every moriiing to auswer at roll e.ill, af or which he dlsappeurs for the day. One H bury, a Hflar-eyed man, whom one needs to are only once U> reincmber a lifetime, Is a banger-on ra this Yanl. He profcascs to get a livlng by his wits, and is reuiark.i lilo for bla cxpertuess lu dftafea Iin livos lu Fllbort st., with bls brother, lioth of whom reo ive nuuu y from the pavmaster of tho Yard. II-- i. i fair sample of the class, aud is thfl > li.iruet.-r who cau control a eortaln nunilier of drunk.-n votera. FlVli TIME44 AS MAWT IN MM-MMH A4 IS WAR TIMES. Tlitts 1,900 orrli-ers, clerks, worknion, iml outsido i-b-c tlonecrers are drawlng lurg" pMf from (Joven.inont, for which lt ls their boast that they do not ttitent to give equivalent, exc.ept by castlug their vote* for ti.o tiraut tickot. Is any berter ovldoneu wuutod of the rotkuuesa uf Ibe Admiulatr.ition party in Philadolphla I The extxaordluary prodlgaliiy lu this Yard shown iii the crcatlon of utinecorisary work for tho appircnt employ? ment of eloctloiioorlng mat.-rial detnamls iimm-illate ln vcsllgatlon by tho people. I have watehed the attaeks of Tiik Tbiuubk Bfffla tho abusea cxintlng iu varlous rjepartments of tho (iovoriiin.-ut, and [ atu couviuci-d that there is uoi>i of many sliuiiar uewspap r eiposures to refonn the Clvd BfltTIflfl. There has been a revolutiou lu tho B^tafltaMBl >>f tho buil nesa of this Yurd stuco the lua.igurution of Presldeut Grant. Prior to that tliue?even durlng the vv ar Ihfl wholo bu.iiness of Ihfl iimtltutlon was under ouehead. One act of oAoan, itore-eepera, elflrka, aad mesaen_ers was sufflcient to perfonn tlie roiitliui of duty, aud thfl ^jr(1 ?* -aawa ta ha?M feaaa BMaaaal with BlTlct ocouomy. Tlicro aro to-luy Bfl bas tuan seveu distinct Bervlc-ior departmflata, eaeb reqau-ia the sanie nuiubcr of BflperBBinerarlefl m the aagta one of biuter days, Now wo bavo ihe lliiteaus of C'outtructlon, Equlpmeat, Nuvigation, bte.itu Kugiiicering, Oiduamo, ProvuiO_l and Clothing, at.d Modu-lne aud Hurgery. iholasttao ore compuratively sinall. BflcB of tl." re maiuiug flvo bas Ils ullotuilent of uaval orbcers, beskle a clilef olork aud store aml iiuiat. r clerks, ahosa aaiarlvi me higlier now than they wero iliitlng the War. Thus, thero are now Iflfl tlmes as in.iny Ml, at hlith.-r pav, ln OharaaM oue lcgitiuialO departmeul whieh ia uow al inosl ldle, us thflTfl weie ilui ,ng tlie rush ol war tlme-i. The departuiciit whieh then eost ouly fO.OUO i>or auiiuin to maiiitaln uow re(|ulroa 160,000. 1 only mentioti this as a imr spoclmeu of thu flflUPfl iii.iii.iK'-iii.-iit of tho Yard uuder thla "mo?t ecunoinual Ailinlulstratiou." TIIK COST Ot THK LsKI.LiS. The old frigat-o Autiutam servos as the means through which a lafJM nuuiberof u <-i. -.- ? mplo) i s uie rot.n.icd lu tho Yard. Bhe rrmaiuod uutouchod for many inonths, uiitil lato In July, when ahe waa attacked by a largo forco of meu, who iuuster as mechanlca, but mauy of whom have never served at any other trado than elec tioueeriug. Tho Autletiiiuihas lald on the sioiks nearly elght yeara. Hhe waa bullt at great expenac, bm was never launched, aud tho uiecbutilcs uuvioipate the oom ln'g of the dry rot with evnleut pl>;asuio. i'.ieu she will ticiMTSsarlly have to be mbtillt. Tlio (|-ta_flhaagl ll tfl be built auew, and the work.uen uro uow cuipiovd ou tlie hull. 'lue old mouiu.r AJax, however, hoias out ibe richest promlse for tho meu who deilght lu drawiug Ouv ernmeiit money for dolng notblng, as tho or.tliuut?d C.iet olt-her repalr* It placed ut llOO.OoO. Tiie uverago nalarr of tUc 1,WJ omploi6i ei.uiiieiattHi al)ove ts tioper woek each. Wlthln tbe 14 weeka?fro.u July 15 to .Nov. 18. the pruiiabio day of BMebarre?eaeh employl reeelveaMM, g.viug a to al of |r>:i'l,0i)0 paui by tbo Aduuul-itratiou p.iriy out ot tho publ.u Troaaury for votoa Ui Uie Puila delpul- Savy-Yard ulutio 1 1'UDl.IC W'OBK. AHl) rillVATK E.NTKBl'BUB. Tbave excclleut opporluultu-s lu my tonuectiou with this Yard to Viilt tho Naval stalioii ou L.aguo Island, at tbo Junotlon Of the Dclawaro aud Bchuvlkill ilw-n. iibmit hre intlf-t from this clty. It la roached by a Oov orriuient tug whlcu makes regular tiipfl holwoeu tlie S,.vy-Var(i uml the lsiand. Tnoro aro two separato foroescuiploicd at Lmiguo Islaiid?10* mon by tbo i.uv ernmtut aud 1* un ii t>.) > privulo coi iKiratlou? both eu guged ln dndi.'iiig tn>- Watfll Ironl uiidillliiig uptiiolow portlon. of tbo l.tuil. X_fl flOMpaay'l .uc. ure employod iu ilrodgiug the ao-ualled liUc.a i liauuol (or paipflflflfl of i?ivlgatlou yrouuil tl.e n-ur of tlio l.._u,i. Any stoi ug tl.e I). Iikt und w ol ,-lu ililiko luu.iii.'i ln w iileli lliit work ii douo cauiiot avoid uoiu iug Ike cflutiaM t>' i Wflflfl tho adhtioB.y of tuiae taan at.M Uie lncapacity of ti.oso rmpluyed near tix-ui umier Uvrcva meniul Inpervl-on. Tbe dtedglag company*! men aro ueverulio, Suiutnor or Wn.ier, and ure eapabla ol woikliig tbe mii?l-.-iiKiues, dilnps, and powder pile drivers u> th.-.r utuumt oapaoity. T.nte eouiiaetois ure lfaping a fortuno out of ibe (j iverniuflut pay at li ceuts per cuuii) yard. In plalu vlew, however, of this busy rnuue, au equal ot elieilom-ering fsvorttx? of tho Uiuui purty aro iouuglug aaout or li__ ing froin the wharvo-i. It ll u aiultel k?f BTSIJ d?> ln quiry tliat ihe*e meu aro not empioie'i at the dredglflg. Tbey aie P^ld more luouey tiiau lue eotiipauy's work.uen, uml lt tlu-y are uol oapabii) otUers iul_hl be oblaiuu.1 w Uu uie. Tuere ts uo reas-in wny a piivuto eorpuraUoB uboulil t.ceive lr.illiolifl n. nually lor Uie wotk which i.of. luui'tit wmk.ueu ?rt- p?|d to |wMMB A large corps of euglut on i* iu ihe pubiic atl I uu, upou whose educiilion tlie publlo iii'iiey han bflflB expflnilod J vettbcy.for tl.e greater p*rt, aro si.iK-ruu.i.i-i-rioi,. Any cau sce (Ual tl.e btooiura uuder Ua- luprrv islou of piop. r .-niriiieHiS couldiuau tho inathtutry aud t-xocuto ihocoiitracr. TIIB nACX l'AT IlHSI?4rSS-ASR-BSMB!4TS. When the Elght-bour law went luto . ff.-. t, Aprll 1, 1869, lt was oonstruod to ineaii tbat tbe of all en.plojivs should I* (leeroafled ln a ratio with tbe jo per cent redactloii ln time. This po'.l y WM u.. oidlngiy pursiied nntil M.y 19 followlug, wlun it w.,t ib rldfld kl the mennlngof tho stittite tbat In. r> .liiclimi of wngoa .M'coi.ling to Uu. deeision thfl Oovern. lii.ul bail, ai.ln.i tuoho two ilal. -, iu.I iwlully ?,l lii,ei,l '.0i? r'inl ol thi) wagaa owmg t.I ti.o day liUoici* ..,,....y.-d ni ev. ry navf-yard ln tne Uuited 8 aioa?ur nu aver.iif of Hl >?>?"? >''' muatl euce ot ibe . . .1. .ul iu p.^iug Ua workiufl- .* m.cU Ihat |io 0lllD_? la the yalUa aud aK?-J-.a U10 i_?U,U uovultld by all employed (elsewhere. The workmen regartled thia reduetlon of wa_aa with eonatornailon. and hallod the ahortoulng of tho boura with Joy. They italled to IMi'oelvo tbat thia money waa odIv wltliheifl for tbe purpoae ot romking Totea on a far fu ture eloctiou. Only a few daya ago, Juat M t'leeveof an eleetlon, an order waa laaned from head quartaira anuouncing tluit tneme baok duea are to be p-ld at oiice. The offlrcre, fon-tiien, and clertta are all blatanl with the niikgnauimlty uf the greHt Onint Admlnlatra tion. Two plana are pursund for ublaliilng forci-d 0011 trlbutlona. The flrst, thioiiKh terrorlain lualile the yard, tli.. by a diroct iiBBttaamenl of a lM-roontago from the wagt-a or eaeh crnployc, to Im pmbl Into ihe Ti-eaaury of thn olub. One youna man?whoae name I would men Uon.werelt aot tbat IU publloallon in Tiik 1 hiiu -.k would ooml him hia poaitlon?an* ircl me thut bo had already pjl'l mtii-fs tbun 111 nutof a Vf-rr ainiill wtlnry toward tliu < -inpalgu exponaoa. Hla U but oue tuat-uco lu lln 1,900 mua I'lnplo) e.i Bere. thb r.rrKOT or bavt-taro bulb. The eflVot of Uio preaent aystem of Iriekery and morsl tlegraalatlou of oinploy fla ln the Navy-Yard Is pereep tfl.Io amoug the pt opi* uf tlu- eutlre nelghburhood. The feoling of men tal and rooral aubaervlency to politlcal Hiipremucy cxtenda from the Navy-Yard itate wi-.l tvurd Ikieagk the oiiliro length of Ke.loial-tit., nnd nortbward Bad H.jutbwiir.l itloriK- Moyatnonslng road, In all ln, Ind li>B a dcmtely |ii.|iuli,t?-il nmlghlaorhiiofl, DBMberlag ut leaa.1 M).ooo lnhanlUiiW. Absurdaa tbo exp-tuMtuia of |6jvi,ooo may have appeared at baatMefi-Ctof eoatrolllBg fuliy s.ooovutes; uuil .ilthough thesoiu.ty Ijo eharged to Mm Aduuutatrjilou bnbery fubd at the tuto or BBteaok, l belleva tbem to M tM obaapeet bundle of A'lmiuMiratlou ballot*) yet obtalned In thr Btate "' l'-uu aylvanla. Hiiir-CaKraa itr.n,. I'htlailrlphia, Penn., Oot. M, 1B73. CUBA. CON8IMRACT IN A IPAjrMR RKOTMENT?MURDER OK A PROMINKNT CUBAN. Accortling to accountfl rectived from Cuban ( ln thla city on tho nigbt of tho 18th ult. a coii aplraoy was disrovorod umong MMBBf tho membera of the Bpanlsh cavulry rcgiment La Keina, ln Cuba. 8ev , orporals and sergeanta wero conoerue,!, and ib" ring leuder waa a by tho BaBM tt Catiipillo. The parfaae was to mako a demoustratlou an behalf of Repubbcan IdeBe. Tho movement ls nacnbeil to taiii'x r Ing by Cuban emlssurloH, who. by tho alluremcuta of gold and prutulies of other rowards, Inauccl the troopsto entertaln the Idea. Great aecrecy has beeu obaerved by Govcrnment. A connril of war was quletly summoned, and ten men were tried. Three wcrescnteuced to death ?tho lleuU-uant, a acrgoaut, snd a corporal. The BBB* tence waa earrlut out tn I-'orl rrlnelpo, one of the fortlfl ratioiis on an emluenoe in tho south eideof Havana, that brlug tho only place avallable so aa not to attract atten tlon. Befior Mlguel Canto,' afwealtliy planter of the Vuelta AbaJo dlstrlct, waa arrested in limM, wlll, his son and .4* other gentlomen. They were aent to Fcrnando Pa t" sunYr llngerlu- tormenta ln that ilcivlly locality. After hardshipa untold, thoy wero liberated and taken to Hpain, and aftorward amneslled by decreo of Bcrrano. Iu an evll mouicut IrtfcM Cunto thought to return to hli hoinestead at Consolacion, but waa tlrlven out hy tbe* agalnst bil llte proffercd by tbe reMdent Bpan lards. Iu despalr ho sold out what ho could flnd of his onco prlucely fortune, and left to scttln In the County of Bt. June, noHr Guines, travolluir on bor*eb;if'k. He was, aa it hi-.eiii-, asaaulti-fl uud murden-d on thr publie road, hia tfjrpsi- BMBg f-unil on tbe 19lh of September last, aloncsule that of his Imrse, at a place oailod Arroyo. Kvitl- ntly tbe deed was not done by roDbora, boenuse on his jhhhoii waa found vulu.iblea to tho aniount ol |3,000. The local authontles took tho itfTalr with uueouceru. FOBEIOB QOBBIf. A privati) IctUT Bcnt from Mexico, Bt_to? tnat thi) nxiitnlnallon of cn,'in->i-M d-moustratoa the entire practtcablllty af a railway lln - from that city to tho r.tciili'. aud the prob.blllty that tlnro will be sutll, lent tratll ? M BBata-B tho lln*. lr. it laM there is little or rn, loubt that tM Deeeaaary laalalattoa will ba promptly Made, in ivluch e.-iso tli? w.,rk wlll l,, rapnlly cxee.u.-d. Tke aillM aililei "T.iara Ma Maa a giaal Bdvaooa lu-ro la opiuiou-) rcapnrtlug railitaya : th,; gaa er.ll pil'illo is allvo to tho ii , u.ute li.-.-.; -aaity of r.lilw.tys i.r ti,.- pe too, prnsporitv. aml pragreaa <>f tMcoaatrr. .M.ih) nt- ii n.iy it ii a conditiou of natioual exlttence." At Cliicheater, Eaglaad, HUhop 0tMf*g Me morial Coil.jto, origuialiy'leslguotl us u tr_inlng scbool for achfjolmastera, but as such for somo time dlaOBBd, has been r. flttc.l for the roerptiou of lady stutleuta who aro anxlfjua to obtaln tha atlvuntagca both of sohool Halulug aeil nf IbMibiiHiib tatMart ef eekaal gavara iiiimU. Itil hopeil tbat many woinoii uf tho iimlfilc aml npper IMM wiii nrall theuwelvea of thls bomiruUle ji.iih to us. lui M.lf iniliuoiiaiico. A villago schu?>lu,ls t'.-i-, witn bei huiise-r.-nt free and it suiary of YL'a) tu i4.i,n apoMaafaa ta a peelftoa praferabla, foc many reamouH, t<, tbat of?a prlvatr g.,vrrurs* M compiinlon. St.inley WM (?titerf.iineil, souic timo ago, at tlitui'-r by tbo BavaKo Club lu Londou. Mr. Uand mnnn. the actor, preslded. gaaaag tboso preaent wero Mr IMfl Otenror.l, Mr. Joseph Hattm, Mr. An drcw Halliday. Mr. (lordoii Tlionison, Mr K. C. BBMBB, Mr. IIarwoo.1. Mr. Honry S l,-d.'h, Mr. Mat-diill. Mi. I.i.iijt-I iiriiii.h. Mr. BtepbeB 1-Ysa, Dr. L.-nnoX llr.wiio, Mr. J. C. ('owp.r, Mi. H. BevUle, Mr. 1-J. P. Ad di-oii. Mr M ui ure Couw.iy, Mr. B. BerridgB. Mr. John Kiiowles, Mr. Ayusley Cook, Mr. Tiiom is Tiioni", Mr. David Jamea, Mr. Arthur Maitbiaon, Mr. J. Wilfor.l Borgaa, uud Br. T. P 0 f> nmeii. Mr. Itaoley was praa aat, "ii the luvltatlou of Or. l/"Utiox lliown. Bfl made a ?peei b, nml waa suvago ou tM Qeogragkleal Bouicty. Aii Ait-.-sciiool bm baaa Mliatiihad iu tho provinee of S.ikit.ima, Japan, by tho Proviucial Court, and already It is attouded by a g ju-1 many TTio J.ipuio-o (;?verii;iieiit havo u somjwhat BBBMM 4vny of glvtog rrwut-iU to people wh? praaaaM pakUa B?M aa, kar laataaas, a farmcr aM peaaaleea to gtve 100 rloa toward tbia aokool b.ks raoMrM a amal rewaird; and by Governmenl proclamatloo ib tM aame aumMi ol tin- .\,/-i i Shinjitii, it appeara tbat thr, a V>-1? aaer cbauta Mvfl noeu fiacll prescntnl WlM B silver goblet ? oueforgiNiiuf iiioiu-y to the by a oartata Irt. ii sei-uiidfor Mvtag aaaM a noatriMtlon of rfee to ou,: ot tin- huspitiils, and IM IkBI rm- giving a sum of money for tin- iciief of bis pour aalgkMaa, The Piirirt Xlli omioti MaBM that tho Em presa Carlt.ltB, wldow of tha uufortunato M ixiiuillaii, BtlU rcmalua at the chatoau of Torvuron. ller BBB-BBM baa degencratnl Into a klud of chil IB-BBMB, uiiai-eoint.a nled by vloleuce. The only porson with whom sho will convorse, and to blm abo ap|,-,ais attii'lu-d. laberdoc tor. Bho attoiids upou her* ir, aud dluea always alono and atuuillng. No affrctlon f,,r any of her f.itnlly ap iK-.ara to reiu.tln, aml hUo wul no, aafl them. Berpliysl c U h.-nlth li us gootl aa evor lt waa??haa lu fnot attaagM aaad dariag IM i-^t two yaaca? au hope or curo M J.-IVIH up, bnt tuo doctora say tici hcalth U such aa piom iM-et a loug lifr Mr. Waltcr, M. P., propriotor of The London Timet, ajK-akiug beforo hia BBBatttaaBB on Oct. 1, aald he thoucht lt lmpossiblo to rate too hlghly the benetlt wblch both Ore.t Rntaln aml tbo United Blataa mustdorlve fn.m tbe amlcablo settlemout of th,- Alabama questlon. It waa not, bo thought, becauso Rrttlsh mlltrary or naval preparatlous were inadesiuato to the euienrency that the c<mr?e taken was adopted ; nor did ne think, had those preparatlona boen moro udequate, a difforent courie Would have beeu pumui'd by tne Oovernmi.nt. He ahould reirret exceedingly if ll could bo flBBBaaad that the iwllcy of Great liriiain on thnt must momentoui qnostlou waa dletated bv iinythlng el-to than that lnuate lovu of Joatice antl fair deallng whlcb he hehev d to be not ouly the uujst uoblo feeUnK that could b.i eiit.-rtalitcil by atat. * im 'ii, but wblch iay ut tho very root of aeeiecr. Uo tlu.nglit, in splto of tho ?-iimplieatl .in and difflcultles of luteriiatiuual law, E igland dil Otvo soiuo to Aiiiorica tor thr ItMani whh'h had booti sustaincd by tbe ilrpi-iliitlous of the Abib.ui:a, and he bcllevi-d that waa Uie aolo iiiotivi? whlch iiitlileiicrd tho Govcruinellt l.l iminetloiiliig Ma treaiy, tvhleh ho laclievod coutalnod uotblug but tvhot was iionuiaiilo to thl* oouutry. QEXERAL XOTES. Tho City Council ff Naehua, N. H., hiivo voted to Iay iiside from the moury recoivod froui tbi? MaMM reliniiiiireiiionl of war trxijenditurea the sum of ll'J.ODO, for th? paipaaa araetiag a aoMlera' monument. it u lifobiible that thla Snui will Ijo largely Im ir,i.-r,t by prl? vate contrliiiitious and that Nashua wlll croct a mouu nu ut na.couil t? .ion'' in the Btate. Tlu- curn-nt obituary coutaim tho namea of tbe Rev. W. IL flncs, ? promluent iOpiscopal clergymun in I'. nnsylvania ; Mra. Ile-tcr rcthorlck of Urlato), Knglaud, nged more than 100 yeara; Mr. J. J. Bwlft of Itoston, an BBBBMM railroad man, for many ycurs Presl dentof tbo Pltchburg Rallioad ; Mra. Kerguson of Colum buv Oliio. a alati-r of tho late " Kanny Pern;" Marahall b. Bldwall, ttMMufly apeaker of IM Lower ?aaaa of BM ( in.iiii.iu ParUameati Kllaklin Johnaou, for uaiiy leurs caabler >,f tbe Wuu?toofc (Vi.) Bauk, aif.i Mi Oeor?:e lalwaitl Masaey, a uiotulier ur an old Irlah fainily, wlio louiuiittod Btiicid.i at Aileiaidr, Auairalla; OeorKe Paekhaaj, aged mj, tbo wi-ll-auowo and very woaliiiy mill-owner, rometuiken-fl aa tba filond or Ixiua Pbdllpei Mr. Hickin, tne EogUak Liberal, forioi-rU .~i r. t iry of IM Auti-Coru Liw Leugm-; aud Auu Cuiijpbcll, a Cumi'Uau tlalry iiiani, uged Ul yeara. Tho Httflalo Courier, eam-BBB^Bi ou tho ap proacblug ei,-iiralluu of thu BBataaalal of Amer Icau ludepemlince, asks mauuer of m.ui la to prealdo over thls Juhlleet And eun 11 u, 1?- -.: "OM Orunt bus M pluo tliere. II,- h,n adilcl nothing to the prrxluctive powar of his conntry, or to Ita ludunlriitllriumpha. BiXM?rlilesa on nearly every oei aaiuii, be cau bave nothing to aay uhotit thoae Inter ilts wbleb aio ItitaTWoveti witU Iba uallun's ororpirity. It were a shama that bo. a uiun ot war. ahuuld st.uid bc lur-tlui worlfl on tliat d?? a* lha rt-i.rvHoiit.Kivo of a peacoiul peoplo. To iho thi-ughtrul m.tu. BB IM otber bainl. lloiate Greclcy atauda out ue tbo tlltant tapre seutii'tive ot our preaent en ot Inditatrtea and our fumio of pi-ace. A man ot tha |^,.ple, irrown up into emlnence tliruiikih bia own iiiilirmg evertlona, tboivinghly u. tiuaintifl vs it li -very buaiu M ln -Tt ll. h? would ttnuidly impreaeut ibe ,.aiio? ut Im Bpproaohiag w-tManMI, world would acki. .".i, lg-- lua U-urau by u:,i\.,i ,1111 Hr could ? io III. in au , lo U. ll, 111 14 t.trly Worda of ihat whi > i-i">i o< < i?' ? liOi.'n, aud hi* Wo._ W-aid tjUJ.uaul Ula. tuk-ecU" TIIE STATK CANVASS. LIDKHAL, RKlTIil 1('AN AM) DKMfXrRATIC MKKTIN'.s. llBio-riFTr-. B. Y. MaBB?fl B?VT-.ticm Itrttfl > Coaa.TTBr. II.m.ii* 3U9 *?d M. .vr. Mu II(-*_ J Jltl./g. -ITBK* IllBlM >'T?TS ( OBM.TTBa, 1 KoOBI 1(1 *SD II. .ST. ,H). UOL?I Ili/TBU > *__?_??, N*- 2. _mb?.Maa. PKANCH XPRMaW. - ( Ho*. 1 lll>MA? (i AbVORI). l-M-laifBA..>l{lm ,,y,n.(,H K.U.V_?. B~~klT? "?". }(.,( K U. LA.M?IB(I. Pei*Y*l.II .r. IIIOHA- 9\ Jlta. THDMAB Y. UOOiiKl II,,*. SMirii M. v* | ii ( ..I JdiiN K. I P.i.bOW*. C_~-n*Tl*.KDWrVBI) r ft-r. ^?'1:a~ Ur". }) D. (iAKKIKM) Kal*-.II,.-. . HABLBJ IIi Ull'l k___ Baa I I "? l.vhKK Htxlr III'I I*1' KU ' " a**i/ "I I. )M P. GBOI n.M- l"- w u*wu B.U Hoantali. |Jl;U ,._ _HKB__t,-, H<t,en.?__?.II,*. D. 4J.CA1VIB. Ku,,.l?a.Ib.n. 4'IIAUBCKV 14 DKPB1T... TrlWl Ilill. jJ/^" I'nt?-rito?I.II. ? (! It.un. ttiirno.,*.bTBPMBB 3 vikaNTT. iSII Kllrobargk. tvtaliff.> II n. -III I 11 VI Wi 10 ( tDiVAHU KKB?) b*tqMit. .Hm W. II. H-.V I.t. SJullN I. KJUBAN. (ila.Ki.H iv. AbAM'. i.. i. i'i.kkii;. K.wYork Uiik, - ,?_?, lAB.lAHAil K- I.tWB-BCB. Mw Tork, UU* *t. tn- ?th tt*. j ?on ,.A rKM K , ,, N*w Tork, M-b-*l. *r..l il-tw., ( AHBAHAM lt. I.AIVlll.'N K. (?!_? Hall.I IL.n. I'ATRICK ( OiUil.l T. Mila*.Uol. A. A. TWI M .i.ri .... .J. PKW IIT MII.LKIL CaBtsJaiflUB.IU*. (ilOUOK KAINKfl. _ _, _ i II-.. JOHN J. AriM.ilif'NO. BpnagltW. JJollN PLK-IMJ. !l!.,n. II. II. Bl Ilon. J A.B__F0HT>. . Bl l.KO.VX. (WIIXIAM V. POil I BI T**r*Bi. }(i lV M.D.VK...-. _ I K. VV IH HlilKH. t-trtea. ',, w. P-OWBRB. 9m*m\ .vwi ii i'li.v.M i r. .a*.(:?'. k. a JANM r (Ilon t-tlKK I'.A.N.sET. M.riner,'SUUoa. <JOII> H 1 /.i.Y.KALl). ( i ? Y. ilr.ll vab. Wrtd.torl..ll"i> '' A. I11MMO-D. Pot-ii-.HIK-M P. ( UiJ/.lY.K. Poi.lri.l_e. U** I LABB-Oa B. POTTi-1 i-.blB* .WM. IV. VAN i-Hot'KI IN. l'uri??'_ W. S. MCilUDl.M.T. _ " _, (ll... JUlI.N U. ru K. NewBrlf-to*. j ??, AM>KKW J. HL'LL. Souia 0*?..Ul N. VV. bAVLl. (lt. U QABDBB C?ll*_?r.. f K... Mr. IMIIItkRD. TutU-ril-.OL J- w !,'1AliP-.?_. _. Slb.rj. KOI). Kl ( Ot l(BA!ia Hon. CBAOHCBT 8HAPTKM . .pi jotthPUiA KBhUAl i Ilon. U. II KANI'Obl'll. (owlfirl.le. ' M.jor JolIN MOKKI.-. NoitliteU.U "?? t'llAKI.I_? W. L.ATT0B. (OKOBOKO. !____. U?tt?r*r. f s_ ,? _kb_B*). l A. .N A( KLklT. CiyBts. { W. L. NO.'K'f.. _ _ . iJ. D.dAKPIKLD. Ea.t Pr*eto?r,. j ? ? _KhLKK S.TTill..JOHBB KI LLX __. . (Mij..r KIXiAK. Kim;. (K |_WB. , ..?? ibr. JOIIN H. DtWITT. PiitUrk.ll Co.t. JHo* Ji.s:.K P. ...XdC-TAVM. ri*ea*auk*ill-.-.Haa. rUOMAB UoOAJf. u* ..I8AAC II. BbHTBK. ' ((ia,. (iU )K0K W. I'ALMEB. p0_di_.<<'?? K A. MKIil ITP. VHIKAM Y C.t ZIKH. IM-I'T HAOOKBTT. _.,,?. ?, -- . ?_ IC1IAHLK4 I'. MIAVV. XUItk IimbV; D.s'r.ct.S II n J IVltSOB UBKE5. [llou. II. N. IWollbLr. .If- iiv .Vor. 4. AiMon.H'?. I1IOMAS EITCU. K.rth t'rb.n..Major b. I-ENM i 1'. A. ?m Stitle.uent.Hon A. A. 4 W.*..*. Aibmr . .J. IifcWliT MILbfcK. CiaiBiitiiu.Hob. JOSBi It -4 II Ul 1 ( liu- H. II. kANDOI.l'H. I'.r; (enter. (Mii.r JoU.S ?.>l;Bi_. J.milr..H ... K O.PEBBIN AtMbli K..rki.BTBPHBBJ. klKA.NET. ll.lawu_.ille .K. "? UVK.i.NKU. Pfkikill.M?j"f KLKJAB. (I.r.(iI-:0k0K W. PALMKR i? now nlliifl i >(-r,r. of .rro'n'rrfn-i lnL-.i...iL U--ure.ini Prsattiai Htw. WAAC U WlhBT la , u iml ( lUtrsog ?;? <'"- Ub> Kl A. UA^. M'U ?il. flll.iipiinlmeal. ip i>*. "ti'l '">? Bov. 1. (.. II. hKIK.WICK. ik... ?( S/rimir, wil. kil ? . -tin ?l ari-ointfli'flU ll la-..., eor_menii.|( at Ptta V.n, oa lu-vi*/ t-? 224 Mfli. tii raLt.oi tlir ,ri.ti one *r?i*k. . The ei,?.(te_*BU of Gen. BANKS in Wr^irh-Kt- i-mkot. ren.'.er it impo.Mbte ior h.i* to ??dr.*a hn (riflaai il Bfl*) 1 M*. (,'*-,. TUOMAfl K BOt RKh w.lilb UtrUBB. ^,Io,-t_e-t* hi Clls tou t'ou.ti, coni-enciu* oi lb? i'J.b it K......).'. HlKAll P. CUO_ltE *)l> Si! Iffllllft-ll iur t-1* w.ik il iit. _iW ,TKPHF..N J. MEA.TBT will, f?r th* remti-ler ot th* e*t* wizt, II! rnti ur.I. .11 ('llii'nn I ,, in' ' J,,MS i ? ( Mi'ANK.(' Lirvral P*pn)>UcanS_..*roi?*_ AL.LK.N C. UtACH, C_ui_?B l)?-_o-*Uc kieeuUre ??-_.l'.*_ Moiutay. Sor 4. \V*t rturr, Codb.Hou. B. D. CCLVEB. -?. Nol' POB (iKANT. A FEW GREEI.KY MF.N VVIIO IIAVK BBOI CI.AIMP.D ur tiik t;i7.v\r PMJ To th* Bditor of Th* Tr*bun*. Siu: Tho Uiaiit pnpi r.4 aro so uiiwillirjg to correct their n U HtatflflBflaM with Mganl tfl BBI politbal ?taadl-M of ccriulii MtflflM that hfl wbo lulormfl them nf thclr error iniit do ?,> with little hopo of seeinif any .?orreetiiiii. T-. MMM you these lom'iial.t ar^ " couut niir wlthout their host," so far ai BMM* jrentlemen tl thln vlciuity are concerned, I fflve you some facts rela live toa fow cltirtt.a of Outuriu Oaaatf whom oius of the Ncw-York paix-ri ha^ heraide 1 as " able, cxperl euced, and lullii'iitial IJ tuooratn, ? ho ure on the sttimp or in the iliibl c'.'.nietitly ii'lvo.'.itiu/r. il <ir;int tmi WiUoti as a_aiu*t QMflM| :" Wm. II. Burroll; thero ls no persoti of the name in tho county, but we havo uu earuest (iue'ey DflflBBMBl Bf the naiue of Wm. II. Btir raii. Caiviti MTatflflai prflhaM* BMaal PMCBLfMIrM W.ilker, an enthn.-iiaHtle (ireetey iK-n.nerat. QflflVBM B\ Conovcr; Mr. Cmiover publlely doclares, over his own Hi^nature, thut ho can swadow timjaMt utul Idapwithn beitorfacn than he can take (irant. Then, there are Johu I.. Dox, llniiiias MflBlalB, lta (.. Thompsou, Wui. 1) ivil, E. .1. iltin.ill, and tlio UOB. !'?? W. N.cholas. my fel ovv-townrim.-n, plaoed in tho ciitecoiy <,f u.en "elo i]ocntly iulvoiiiiiii. the alertloBOf Orant," not one of whom wlll vote f.'i him. Of auch lliinsy stulT do the Ad inltii.-.tratioiiiatfleudeikvor to hoodwiuk aml deccive tho pur.lic. 8. II. TAUKEH. -eiifMi, N. T. Oct. 3*>, ur:.. vtiiat ont-Jr. tiiisks of Muurnr. To the Edilor of The Tribune. Bntl A Grant Kopublicau frieud o? raiue U'ltibta that (irant evcr ?eut Thomas Murphy a letter that eoiild be coustrued Into an iuduP-nmont of his aets whilo Coiloctor of tho (;(istoin-lious? of New-Vork. rieaae publish tho lettor, so that he cau Judgu for htt_ ttit D B. Miu._h. C'-rlAatTe, 9. T., Oot. 31. vrn. Nodoubt lf it were bot for tho ('uftom-houae compU ealions and other things of u simlhir -o. t it would bo a groiA doal easier for the (irant Iti-publlcaustoelect tludr (andldate. Wo should thlnk it soein luerediblo to u consclentlous supportcr of Grant tliat he wroto such a lettor. But here tt is : Kxkcutivb Maxsiox, WaHMHIITOX, D. C, \ s .v Mf, l^i. J 17on. Tnoa as Mhbpiit, Colleelor of the i'ort ofA'euj- Tork: DBAMBlMi V.nir lettor of tlrj laiii lunt., toudtriiw f our r-Mlifn.ktlou Of tbfl ofllco flf Collector of the l'ortof Nuw-York, wtth reanons ttierofor, ls MMflflflM, It idvna n.o Kioat plo.inuru to i>ear tor.tnuouy to the erhVtcucy, lioiiort'.y, aud -oai wtth which you havo aduilulsterod tho ofllce aolotikftkrilt ltns been Inttrusted to your fcoepluir. Your own peai-e ofmlnd nodoubl wlll be oiihanc.-d bv le.ivii.K tlu; olltoo of C, but I dotibt wuekhor aucB b courso will iu miy souso bo a, beuotlt to Lhe *ci vlce. Uuder vour admit. istr.ition tho revonuci Iroui tho Jfew-York OMflMM hoiise hav? iw-en hi.'Kely Inire.Mi'.l, aud tho flflfll of eolieelion li. proporLlon to tho ainouut flflllflfBKl hae bo.-u irreuily dltiili.L-lied. Tlit.-* is shovvu by tho records el tlie.Treaa ury l). p.irtuieut. You hiivo had my uiuiuulitted eutitt dence ever slnee you enterod the otli, o of Collector. Yojl had thut coufldeuoo bofoio, or that appulutment would uot havo boen tcudei'ed vou. Ihat ooiilldonoo is -lill uinhaken, und lu acecptitirf your i-tutuatlon I ileeiro to you thefulle^t Maaranoe ot thi*fict. Wbotb.r \ua icinaiu iu or out ot ollloo timo will cuvlure a jasl publio of your entlre liimic-neo uf thfl ohargflfl brouKht aiptiust you. With ktrcat le-pect, your obedieut a.>i v _ U. ii. -BABT. A SIUXAL OF PWTRESS?TIIE LAST C.VLI.. To Tht Ed itor of Tho Iributu: Sik: Ceitaiu K^'iit^nioii ctilliiifr theinsclvca tho hti.tinesi meu of Nevv-York Illako uu apptvil to t..oir lellow-iltl-eus, whom thfl* deoiu btaa wi?e them atlve.i, to voto for tho two-torm cundllate fur l'retlflent. This aelf-cotiritltuii'd comtulttoa in thclr preumblo tflll th>- people that this otimlldute ls Oi-n. Ulyssaia 8. Orant? u fuet of coiirsii that the poople wero IgaflflaaI of uutll ir!. .-> il by tho niiiiuiiiio... They th.n 1..11 thclr fe lb.w (llir.i ui that (}ou. (iiaut'-S fint tertn oouitneuced on tho 4th of Marvb, 1H09. This will bestartlluK newa for whieh the bjruorant publio ure lndebied to tho comtnittoc. It ik truo that the Itiform.'itlou mlght have Ikm-u obtttlned by im iiK.uiry nt the publio scI.ik.1s. The people are then told "a curtiful cuusideriiliou ludueo.. tho uudor hi-iiod tu oxpro* tbo cmitt iK'll'.f that tbr> crueral well ire uf tue eniiutry, the lulotettof Us i ouitiu tco tul t.iiil', aiiil tlio ciiu-M'i'iUoiit st.ibillly of il? publie am-uii n.n, would be bi>l piuu.iitetl br tue clccdon ol (,,ii. ( lt) olll u i.l l'ltwi.ii Ul of (bl) tlilUMt Blutea." Tlii.i ren. irkatile docuiuout ls ai^iiKl bv .1 wt-*fl iii.-u lu their own onuuMtiou. Aluuag the uuinuer ure to io rouud niDkci*. b.uik'1'-, lavyerfl. aud mou al bnihma cii.H.-iy euuueetca wub tbo L"n. UkUve .iu.I with tbe K_ toutlve huliic i>r l..o iiuuiIm-.- bave lakcii uu .i.l i\ u part ln c-vtliuK up BU_aorlpUoua tur pre*uiiUi to I l.i. I. iiiliuk m.u ol tbo n.iiio.i. o.b.-in lt il n I, u..i e ii'U'iti.i lui.n i...i:iiiu iu v> baa I theai to apoculate bn tl.s Icuounoo of ihor lesa f.ivu.cil teliuWHMii..'..* lu thflfll 0Wfl Ki' udvuuiaice. An,I il ls Jual aud prvpt- th.n D p i.pie lu W_fihiiiKi".i r. li thcr lnct.'U ln Ne* VoiU v.b. ti t.i buy upU sdl nobl, ih?t tlu-. frieud* iu Ni w-Vi.ik ?Uo.iUl lu rvturu toll tntit li lloVV-CItlZDIU Uot B0 W'm; M ll, ?,-. Ur, hulV l . \ uie. Kll.l t., . U>' IU. ... i lel t vi \. . ?.- ui '? lau .,, ; .,1.. ,.f I, i.-ii-i, U..1.I0 lo lm l?l__UtlU_ b> Uu -.r.( IU a UiW.k iUlDUvlcUk UttOlUPUu-. In wli|i_ >*',M, iu'' Independent voters of the United Bt*Vf*a wlll reeeo* l>>1' 'nault to their lutelllgouce. a. b. o. A-trim TtrBf ?ct' ?? xm% jr>, "IDLr-W ANXIKTT. To tht F.dilor of .Th* TriOun*. iSir: PlMMM kHv *%%* fMM oiiiiiion M to tho Stateof .New Vork in tbe coiflOf elertiuii-ali ta, r j,u tblnk It wiU go tor Oreekr, I nth "" 'ba eve of .p . a la'lngln regard to New York auU-.v'"1 ' do uot aaal tm truat to uii'ilde repnrta. II. w. Yprilanli, Mieh., Oet. 28, 1*71. (It la well known that Thb TbiBttbb lsatet">' eppoeed, aa a muitrr of prlnolple, to koUlar. Ilill It ffa*'* ui plo.taiiia to aeaiiro our rorroapuniient tbat wo ki.ow* no reamoii for floi.biln- tha- thla HMte wlll gtyn a larga k_ (oi.ty for the Liberal KepuUicaB Uokof.?Mi.\ 9MMMMMI iHHATtCAL ISTELUOi: oino. LAROK I.I.'.F.HAI. GAIXB?tiU-IILff MMM i:0...'I* UKNT. To Thr F.rtitor of The Tribune. Sm: Tbi lulviitH reeelrea nt tke llaatogfBUa OMaaalttoeraaaaa up totiatcuio Mgkr/ai we fn i am-.. i.r rarnraa TM Daawcrata are bbm well, aud if tl.oy do lutif wbat ibi-y pxiiu.e Ohio wlll be ours Mil inoiilb. Ti.e Libt-r.ila wiiigala al I oentoa IMlr Oetohet i tMGraatparty ?f? < ?>? t>e able to pull tne voto li, N,.,i,,t,... Udifj bt tl.e laal elcfiti'JlJ. Cafpre.lally ll . , ,?? dflV, Ii , o WO BOU 0 c.iy tLueiato lor UlM My f l"l * OT 20,000. W tt. a. Ctlurnbmt, Oet. 19, 1*7-. tiik oi io i.H'iiRW.*. iiaui) at \vt)i:u -ri'.i.r BXPSXT OOOV gI_L_t| ll I ? To the F.d i tor ot Ihe Tribun* Sin: We are rapidl.v obtaiaiBf a Ull ll laM vn'ors ln f'Vcr; ? i-.ol dtaUh, t of t...? hi.iu . ? r?r ur,. ley or Oi liat ?>r dauMlm. .14 I I am i|ii.f-. -1 r- 44,: t.iu BBd 441,1 1, . tii.u 1.1 Ma (j.juI ii...j.i.:> tl-iij we ... 1 inouth.anil if tMSeaaacaau y aaaM h il pMl I th' lr st.iy-at-.'ioii.e . . - etato to Oreeley. Yitktotbe.laatfoa da/alMi aaeh anrot-r-grd i.ya?, 1, totmded i>f 1 ef tiiift ilcy a '?' you ucctl nut ' ? BUrprta - .' OkMa 'iJ.,I>r' givo Mr. Or, 11,-y a in-iority, aml ralMlke, .1? I IMak, the moMt rorrupt Aduiii.i.-tratlou ti..,t Ma 1 4 < r >' ?gr..-ed any country. Wo aro dt-tcimiiied to aaaM it a > ii.. ly '? r IM K- noijilnatlon party Mai Hn-y Bil a eliigle Tuta-r uut ,,f Ibfl Btate loi" u a. di : -ut p .rp_e ? If il.< v BhotiMatli'DiUt to fif, iinyiliior ?i Ibla sotl IL / are doae for ta tbia ata|*r. Lmua w?U u>) om B rauat not bj.-e N lt ae can ? m J Iudiaiia Oreeley 4?ui be Upringfieid, ohio, Oct. Jo, lHis. ? i B, t. WI.SCDN.SIN _______ HOI_FU_ A VMOBOM CAMPA1BB?BAIXI M5< r. liiiiOCTO l'.KK l.l.kf'H'i > . 7 o ihe r.ditor of The Tribune. Sir : Th,. irii-nds af tho liberal eaa e ben BMgathonnj- B-BBgM. IMglgaaM vanla uud I1.1l ai... b.i4c t.-ml.-.i r.itm r to wi.ikeu co. il dencelnthe i.lstr.itio-i than to .netig 1;-'. H, .u. 1 very MM Onint BBM PHBMBM M f-t Our nuuiljcrs in tius to4vn have I..-.-H | I ti.e flret raiiv.iss was ootnpl"ted B fcPB tliink il B 'bo sani" nll over Ma Ouunfy, tlu IMItatt liag At ui) timo ib tl. ? cauipalga h rra been aoatxonga bope of caxrylati WI tt r.-ui 101 ? aad Brown. o r ui ndi are J mi-.tii to 1 -uiuiiiu.? s,. 11 ti ' rloacd. T. L. U. Albton, lMne Coninly, I'. u., 0.1. M lo"L thj; WH-U. voir.. it B BBI a ''liNir" um cuvvr?c.iti-:: 1 ::r AN'D iiU'jw.n tiik iAV,?i:n 1.?. r? ike F.dilor of The Tribune. Sik: Tho Htnteincnt ao often wadc l.y thi Ai'.min. MaMaa Mai Ma BMM aaM BBI M -."" .- " ? 1 Bm tliiklMl laaiaTfiBkfiii Tfllaaa ia Maana ? Baa, lf true, wouid imt ' of the Weish paael 4 Mai they voted by filcl.tiuii, wbie i n B 4 I M I BM 1 t ll ll not true that tbey nr- a ?'unit"r>r firant and W.l i n. and, ln the plaln Kuu'ii-h of l-'i'li'-r H uk-. I ] r. - ita "thuiulerlng Ue," peniiod by Ktimo unaeru lM:r--)i,. wboao wi.-h must Ije MMM t'< bis BatiM The coluuinaof the _>-.,,., Mataadlag Betok peper Ifl tho Unlt'd.-i'-atcw, antl a iviwtrliil Ora .1 BvaraW, will bcar me wiiuCiiA. for b.ilf its poli'icul corif-ap-tuleuti? aud tbe altleit half, toc-ar. MMg |Md r, 14 ne ui ai.d fur tbo Liberal I'.-puilic.'.n c.uiBc. I i l craltty of th | Drych ia BBBeriag our ine; da le Ih tlu.jug'i its eatBBBBB. I MM e?". i '1 iu'' ? r\\,l ii , on,-liondenta, Who nre BkM 11 rn M anrl r*roraol tba Uberal candMate. Oaeal IMm wrllra! -i. la ,.nd do hurrub for IIoii'Si oiu Horaoe, aa well a sats: " Ye.s, Bir. I go lor IM maa wLo, fou-ht for -remont and Freedom. a.?l nml lor al vot.-d foi BucMnao, BLavery, au i ti t Ored >?" i 1) rl aloaa." Tnere are tii.-tin.ti4f / w, n oreela-j Rrown Ciubrt ui larlotis p.trr.s of tiet uatr I of oar clUaaaa ol tnat uad naliti bi-mia ? unii tor Or.uit. un ut-xt TiioarJay fnrn Ifrlii irf IM w.._ ,,?i>.i wlll caat tbelr votea for Or-olf-r aad Brewa. 4, u Hfjuykn Duijtil. W, f.,0 t. 29, BTI. M___l BLAIM-'S WK.kl.TII?CO.'ill.ICTING K_? l'l. \N.VT10X8.1 To the Kditnr of Ihe Trtbuti*. Siu: Mr. Bpeaker Ealaiaa not iiuite s:i(;.-?!it-il, it appoaia. by hu eajatiaa il Baatara aagMaatMa M t jd Cn_I Bobiller brlkeiyeraalBl.butm i aBfrl a<Ual w,rk " to hurl back tba flB alandcr," aktak IM rvrry now andthcn.tclU u.stv.ka '? o npi tl.vni. The Pithburgh Commereial _ya " Mr. BBI o o* .,.1 one of tho tiiiest proprrtita 01. Ma BaaaagaMI ." .i.i l tli'.uia tb_t as the sourco Baaa whieli \.r ,,< r.v.-.i i,i? liumonso w-altb. Now tbU cxpl.tiialbui Uvir. pl.tuai blc on the ftcc of lt, but it is not u.ujh i.? r- Maa Htj yc-rsainee Mr. Lliiiao himself oainii bt-fi i.- 1... 111 iic ia nletter, publishc.l in all tiio nowapipir.? at tli" ti,m\ ln whieh ho made tho mot-t soleuin ii_ev.-r.itlot_? thu. BBBM frorahl(!hoiiaelnWa_lugton,hoc4JUliJ u,-tg. tov.i ?.0,000 for all tho property ho owued lu U.o woil ; ai.d iwo yc.urs ago he also uiformed us tl at M WBB 8 . iiiio.r 1 tlvely i">or man. His flleudi ie.,n,' lhat be l? now al bay come furward aml iu BM bakaU tMIMMa rich man, but aay tliat bo ma le ail biat u ??:.!?> tu ui an? protiiicta of a coal uune. How pootig tl.c.-o 144??> oxidi nat lonshiinir together ! If Mr. Bkdne or bi* fib belore the publlo wilh any morr explaii.ul.iii/? . m t. B liialtcr tb.-y 44,11 bei-oino aat MBaMBBlg liiuittlnl u* WBB the Hon. Ileiiry Wllsou wheu bc vcoiiin-d u> d.-i > bu well-known c.mneetlon with tha K 1 n\ -Nuuuii; m.iv ? meiiL The beat thing Mr. Hlitine .-Hii 1.0 ia I.? kf?-, cruct aileuco iinui tlie wbolr luatter ir lute*tigati undoubtodly will aud bbuuid bc tuo on.ui .' n *? tltin of Contrross. B- r. Ilrookiun, Oot. 18, IBT). A PLEA POR Tn? CHII.I>RnM. To tht Bditor of Tht Tribune. Sib: A pale, delicate lirtlo girl, 8 yrari oM, of anorvoiw tempernmeur. verv aena.tivf, uul iu.,cuU oualn tbedlaeliartfo fif hor rtuties as a M-h..);.r. MM BMM botue from one of our publlo acho li BaM half an tt) an hour late for eeveral dave paaa, tBMBliliHiig i-iH-n day ,,f the headrtclw. Tlie eattse of ln r MMg k' l-t )". wltb all tho ret-t of ber cl_sa. waa MM "t'.n fl ? BM alt Jttll." Now, we all know whaf th?- weatber haa for aome days paat and how fllRI-ult lt BM Maa u> koe ppiiwos of kaalaaMMeaperly aappMed wi" wholoeoiue alr, and we canjn Ige wlui- u ptaMMyM in Sfirne of our prlmary eebooN. H >w. r ,el, tben. tbat ili-f poer Uttlo oblldren, partly iBBaraaM uiul ui.e i.y utalor the eireuiuBUilMya', Sbould be a- bj cted 10 BB nddilioual lmprtsonin. nt, \v dermlnlng tk? r fuatend, thoy ougnt to la, dtriu racl ,. 11 i _icll d .ya. Xae wii'-i lia-s bal tatl .,,.., ,1 ni i?? Man 20 yeara, and alwayi coaductcl .4? U-illi . * w-Bool M-Mai r.4B ,rt t<> tll* ni.-ti.?! ." ,, i.o UBUal i uullneuient uiul l \U:,u-tl" I i ' li,r scbool boui-.s, whlcb aro too louc ft.i ) u every telutite o detentloO la lo.ided 4? ? , UijiuUoe of tbo ut, tofJ, preya u;.o.j tiio ii.linl u I .mi oiicu bemta a hiUeaaiaa '<f Bmllua laa tt ... ln-r nml kcbool. liul I aiuiply dc?.iv to i . altantb-v ef l.-aclu ra to thls i: -j t i 11 .. t - m i itliii.tlllial BBd BO WMB gatog* l?", ,,1 rcBliihS, cvcij la _y i.nuwa ibr r.-aaou. .t m pWO a them. Mi.k.l elii i r -a iu s?.i.4iOl LO tl wilh low? ?u,<li'ii :.','< ? insideratioiil a. A#4t> 1ork, Oct. -J, 1?_ ROOKIt W1I.1.1AM- WDJO.lS l)K AltC-Mtt. tlilBK LliV TO BI.A.MI-. i't)il llil.ilt M it: M T o the Mdtior of Ihe Tribune. bnt: 1 havt> jutJt now n-ecivid tiie folJowing dlspatch, aud Basteu to aond lt to fOM I TlKaaarowB, B*rmar L'.aauVr., ' rt. .1. \tnj-T,J J J Tkt Ynt,t."<ia U'.;U natl bliUktrtt. . wai * 1 alaabint-eaUturtil, r!> rrl Bg aaa euail.-u ?e. "||,ii | >. lui i t'</aai<,i,,it. I'laf aaiar ?,p*r wnl 11* arn Or-wmi UJ tll'~11?*l' '- * " iia.iaJii't al ln , .1 iM buruliif ui Jat- "f Are l'l a e circoi.W. -ia_ FklaJIL'_B Aeif-lorA-, o, r. _B, 1B.1. a. j 4 Mr. Clork Davie, now of Seittlf, W.t.iliing tuii Temi.rv, w.i.s bara a Mriva oi i i.-iuol I.oir.ui C iiiiity, Ky , and. uinrr...i.c, La? au.l bia ftnuly bceame the prop.-rty of BaaaBee Divia of tha name county. In ltfa.. by iwrmtaium of bli ui.i.ter. Clurk Davia wont to Callforuia. *lu ?- whlcb tliuo Ua? -aa not icou la_s faiUiii. ilc h.ia aiiccoeded lu fludiiu bt w!to uud oU? Bon, "Ut turr?> o.i.oi ,?ii? uie uiia-u.g, aad be U very uuxiotin to Und liioiu. tlu baa a-c.-i t.'mt oue, Will am llanninal, ran away bs-hiro t ., aaay, and li.'hopt-s iu> i>, .y be loiu.d a tiie Nui-.U. M aa wa* ,i at.. .. iiuu Aa> O.UH oaa JOVU ^ i lt i r -t iii. ?o i.o ,. u ie> l ial.1 r. wb 4. li i*y any ,._,?__.? iu. ull?-l iu lL-.-i-? UlJ--. UtUa*P-tfeTBBM t.uUAMltod IV ei/.