Newspaper Page Text
1- ', ; ,' I. kC-v ? ' 'rr -Tiio Hedet Btr.' ? " '?'' ' -' lUaWaaABMBsMl Aouor t,'V ' MPygiBB-km and Qatatoa. Bi?* Bllk.r ur Ri<erm. _ aa -vi Caill OB tv Viv-n:r>.s. ,tt I tvul tit 8 ut N Brmmlwai ! at 8: BM rr._ rt, ? M * _feM__l I Oi i BA HO ' ,lll<* ", M: \ar.rl_ B |(ic Beiiam aad Toij I't,:-;. ____________ Cuoinros Xoiiifs A Li i.r trlaa-?-'. !.*?' . ? ...ta ?'"?"?' "U a1^;., ."p-id. a. o. Tm. Baw-TaBCttT. AKlrr?' - ' For Throat 1 >ni ?r tllt; alrai, ? _?..-> .-uiii-a" I.r ut taluc. Fur (MaM . ol Ua* Tkr?..t oa?JM-4 br ?_, oi L'atuoal Ktiitio* .1 tht riK-al tOBM' -'?? "ftklaa ia ambllc. or B b_ib?, ther pro-BC* b*Br?al r- ''?_ ? s ).; i r.ANi Haib ! uray htir aalkrrp:."-' a-a i ??-.a r_. j . - i l.iul jC.iil lltiV. _- ? al ia tho - ! ! Bi aud i ??'? ''? _ ol TBE TBIBUNE 1U11Y I .i'.i-.i IB, Mail Sul.?-ci Jtifiper nmv'.-i. m m, \ rkbi.yTi ni wb. Mail i ubBcribera. |4peran. .uiuum. AaertiaiBg K' a t ea. liA? -, De., 40c. 50c- 71 e., and $1 P'-r line. Une, :"''.u ? ding to poeiuoa ln the paper< Te: ilk.iiicr. Ail, M-.. New-.oik. lii ul it. <1 n.lvcrtiRciii'iits aad adv^ieWinente OtlM-rs" Intt il laane ii.lMi (Nov. :.), mul licrtccivcil by _ jfr- AIlaUBSrHrimt ?m? ? BATURDAT, NOYEMBEB 2. UW T iti l> L_ SH EET. A BUMkCI ot IM r..t lieal party Mfl Maa ? paalM Oeagreee. --_- a CBatereaae ?( j,u. iiirdat Maaaala IM 11 l.iudtaghi,s|'.,e,l. bbbbi l>i,>ibnl IBtoMfcaa ...ii, report to M Malel Mat M bbbB IM Pre-i tlcu, y oi 1 Tlie UB rai I pnktk M MaM CMaaalttoa kew Beaad an mMOttO | -il LlM Wi Kcpnl'l H, N BtaU] 'ti- 44iicd at P irien. Conti. The iur> m tbe Bal caae dlar.?rieed nnd were ,1N , a I Uwreaee, IM Haa. Patrii h Curhett. und inary otbcra BM ? -, aad IM Hon. WM 0. l-.arretl |M l!> nry Cllnton ut tl ? ApelM Ilill tal!;,'. Ull UL Tbcrmulni'l'T, 47 ,B , I '? Tkl W-Bdl of OTtrien spol I WBTM MOtdl la aii l'.ivni. al tVuir daata-g rally. laM -fifht, uud Tiik TbIBOBB, whieh Ml llwijl ? aea_ ptper, giTM tlici'i I lair kttBI-Bg MM] ? B_#_ aadteaee. An ooftiiiiTaal eerreepoadeal of Tm Tbib ahoM letteri aro printed berewith, bItm B fair M-CB of tho gaaaial aaaMB-MMM of i,t,- CaafTMB of 15iiti?h PhikMophen :?,,.!, t!i iiiid wh;if then Mid and did. i ii, v Made very long Bpeeekea, and aanaag othet tkfa-B-, diaeaaead aaaae topica of BBMBeatOBB interest tfi Qreat Hritain in _u tl BtaM. WhetlMr mueh prae tical wisd- in will cver come of it all, wo afll not taatare to aaeirtea. In liM OagBI Island Navy Taid, ncar Pkilade-pkia, tkefi are two or Uum reaerable li.ilkn wkiek lerra as exeaaei for enplej-Bg Cr.uit jx.lii ?.-!. as. Though tlie CQUBtr. peaoe, aearlj -,000 men are kept at aeri on tiu-Ku aaalm -ommb, ut ? cost of over |MXMKal lur Ike ciiui]iiiiRn. These men are not {M-d I.t wt.ikiuK'; Ikay nre hirtd to vote for the (irant ciindidatcB, and will 1* set adrift au aaaa m tke deetkw barer. TWa ia tke Oranl of Civil Service Keform, and the letter BB . t foiiith |Mfl f'lHy elui'idatcs tke whole probleM ns olBtived nt Ix-agMie Island. The Hon. Henry \V. llilliard, who BM ll* vbji beea ? rratdnat of the South, aad rap Aiabiiina. in four iBIBIMlri Con rciabae Tiik Tkiimnk with ? eleai aud explicit aaeMBt of the late politifiil BBB? BI Qeorgia. He knows trkemof be a_i-aa. and his tn.ittiieut of tho hilly eliargt; of intim iiLution at tlie polls is as Ktmimaiy as it is BBBBBMiva. The faet is, the gr?>4it Liberal victory iu OlMTgla was a Southern protetst ugainst the tittempt to reojien the (iiiestious r. itled l.v the war. It is uselens for Adminls tratioiiisl.i to attempt to make unythiug thio ot it. _ The rem.iikahlo trial of the Jerney City Cliief oi PoUee, takea with _a retent con vietion of tlu rulice C(mmisriioners of that municiiialily, seivcs to f-how howcormpt loeal ]Kiliti<)4 gre <? eOBM. The brief resumt4 of this d-MBBMjtakli Itt1-"?. printed on tle third pBfl <.f Tm; T-t-BV-OI to-day, leSTBI the iin pggaaBM that the j,(.litieul fahric of a part of New-JerKiy is as complttely hone.xoiuhed v.ith fiai.d and corniption as this city was in tbe 4? ? i .!,' B-Ufi GrantiMii ll Bell t .vi iiiplilied in Ikll PMMMB of thei-e faitlilt-.s.-* oflicialrt, who aix- all uoted for their "loyally" to the iii.rty. _ Py tkk time, pnibably. the ii.rli.-cn-^-t jkt luilua who liiive ?uflf-;ivi,inl to httcb the qticfi tion ul BBBBM Millriit-e like a bek t'> tlu i.ul of the 'iiant party kite have Heen tluir folly. Aa ls iu atly -hown by a concspoiulent, BkOM Jetlr-i i.-? jnibliehed on the third JBfl of TllE Tkiiu ?? tlieie i? B)BMiklng ho incfjii tfiuouH in the juxtiipoisilion of ideas in the luixture of Graiitirsui and any Jiiich monil pur j)osp, thut only harm coiiM COBM to the lutter. "Wbatevci may ka Mid of the abatrad JagtiM tr,f the BBBM of UMH ???*? WIMBB, it il I pity || -huiild have been foinpioiuisi d hj it.- (li.un Ijiouehip t;f any eandidale. Mr. 1). C. Littlejohn very Kiimmuiil.v .!is paaM of the gvm Aann w_di iiMiubMl/ lias made over Ihe M^MMstM of Mr. UmbMB Murphy. There BM a ti-ne when WlB. jM. Twced'n Htibrt.'iiptif)n to railroad elock hail no a_B_rabn hojtMmi that of attktf mu Mr. l.iMl.i'jhii gBBI IkBl he, with H. ll. Cl.'Hiii, U. 0, ?rui ot!:er", kaMBBI ' - 'hc !? _____ it bl ?*>? -Ot bhcIi n< , bMHMM Murphy to or.v "wolf" now. Am .... (.. Mi. l-itllijoli:r.iiioto Ur. M'troliy hrad any sonsibility v i 1,? irould blMMl nt lmving nakcil kody Lo wrlta ?l 4>ut for liim. .:, ('ti..iiiii! luMjnst boen the mom al ? ..''.il itraggle. tlut OOBteot irt likcly to Iki rciicvvt' l iiiid repcalod, as tbi Grant, ?MMMMMBM nre ufr.inl they ciuinot t-B-t the ThM ]>(>i>r whites nnd thu. BK bImTOB aro >>f Um North BtaftB, wftB, <w ifco-*-i l.y our coi'Mupondlnt ni WMBMngtoa County, N. C- l"'*-** UbM -MlM Ol their p.Iitioal sonti liii'iits fioin eveiythinK but rcurttiii. l.ut theao two 0-BMMI m.ike up a laigO proportion of tho VOting population. In ronsidorini,' tlio nitiia tion in No?tli Carolina, tlicrcfoic, tho traits portiaycd in our (?.onespiiiiilciice nitist be kept in 11.111.1. Jly mni by, theso poople wiii ho cni r.i.'i Kito.d froi.i QM (iiiiiiiiifr rulo of ft rinj* Ol l.i.l.'.'-lloliiclri. _ Heopk aro bptri'.ininj,' to ask, ".Who will try ?' Tweed V Murphy's Oustom-h >use Bfag wnnt thejob; and tliry liavo nominatcd Hon.jamiii K. l'iiil.trt, bndher <>f tho Giistoin-hoiiKe law ofloei, iMi.lbiy l'helps, with (ho Tweed ?MM Bpeoiallj in viiw. Murphy ii anibilious; ho wants to contiol tho (?iiHtom-houso thronc-tiliLs ,1 viM,.?Mr. ('."llcctor Arthur. the IT. S. District Alloiiity's offioo tbrOMgh DeOOJ Wiss, jr., aad su.h oeeee an that of the Tweed Aag bf elect hk liViijaniiii K. E-Mlpi Distiict-Attnr licy. ^(vo thut fBT-feeeb-Bg tuheinc! Hy just BOeh conspiracies Ml thli tho old fOtTUpt Tainnvmy kept it* bold MB tho city for yoars. Tlie Ciistoni-house Btog reach out for every thin_ iu si^lit. _ lf there in subhiue eonfidenoo anywhero in tho cortainty of a Liberal trininph it is in tho W*st. TIk ro ia no restinir froin Inbor in Illi BoU, bat the I.iheral BMUMgC-l in that Btate cx]>i'(ca Bbeelate feith Im tlio vietorriooi leeoll Ol tlicir kng nnd BfdaOBI campnifiii. The gel l-ttl Koemer i.i the hcro of too many flghtl tO bl easilv dooeived, and he authorizos tlie. 'crt thtl he laOOO-d *nt of victory. The ua Libenli B-eqaiteaaeoBBooatj nnd in OhiO we may Ihke the frantic nppcals of the Graatoigaaa tOBieaa thal then i* ? deepacate apprcheiL-aon of defeal iu tlicir nniip. So . "doob-e-taMfed" abrieke for betp wen n.-vtr fioMg oai by B party 0.001 OB tho MTO of h meoBBifal eogagemeot Let no one be deeehred by tho ofletal ao ?imiii.caiciil that " tho dooreasc in tlie poblk ?? ,i, i.t laal noath" wai m***B\41* 32. A eon i.inv.n of tho piesenl and tho last inonthly ?tatemeot ihowi that tbo Rix per cent boodi ontataxulinga_? bow ,io,08i,ioo teai thaa oa the -Bt of Oil.'ber. Thia should bc tho artual lvdiiction ol UM <b*bt, but Mr. Uoutwtll bai aeted liko a mcrchant 1. avily in debt, whe ifl soine eictlitors, but at the MMMM timo .. cr. tly coiitraets moro dcbta, in deliam? ol Bxpi-Mi aad laipUed praaiieei that ho woald not do bo. He boaght ap and eaaeeled ^ix pei ci'iit boade, but al the MB-M time he secii-ily iaoaed 14,586,664 in Gieea-adra, and thei iaefeaeed tl.e debt to thal an.ount. The Departmcnt of State al WMMhlMgtOM en dcftTora to convey tho hapweeioM that the PmaeiaM Covennncnt i? not eodeaforiog t<> reotrir*] emigraUoa to Aioeriea. lt haaeMMeed i diepateh to hc ml to the AaBooteted Ptt m ;i,;ii "tbe itateeaeMt pobUahed ia fariooi MnewapMp-ta in Udalcoaatay lm JmIm m*& ii denieil bj the (Jeiimin (ioveriiiiient. This licniitl Jia.i BO relerciii'.o whatovir to our ro Buurki oo this sui.ji et, whieh wate laadeaboot M fortMighl Mg?. The eiicuhir-rerieii].t of the Pn-Mria- Mi-istC-l Ol War and of tho InUrior, npon wl.icli our OOB-MieDtl wero based, wns dated ou tho 8th ol Aogoat, and eoold not huvo been pMbUehod tii-io Ixfoic tho Middle of BeptooBber. The. Btate Depart-eeot has beea Knilty of an iirtiiice whfch ia laid bare by thia Bbn^e eooipMiieoa of datea. WJIAT WM WANT W DO. The Liberal nnd Pciiiocnitio, paifies pi;r poee by tho election of Mr. Greeley to ee *..iiil?li--.}i ceiiaiii distinct reforuis in the ..>! iiiiiiirti'atioii of national nfl'aiis, and to ehech ceitain diagWOOJ tendeneies of the Fedei-J pOWOC which tlhy beHerre tO bo oonstanllv glOWiag moro leriOOl under the rule of I're.M dent Grant. Keecnt cvdits have gtrOO alann hlg proraiuencit to the evils of which wc 009 l rlain, and no houcut nnd conipiU-nt observcr . -i doubt that a tfoothmaaoo la the eonrai v.hifh the Gofl nim'iit BOW pm." liuu^'ht with tbe -lavcst pcril. 1. Wo purposo socuriiiR tho vital aeod ol the liour, gieatet purity in tho legieletlTi Bad oioontive branches of tho National (.ov.m mnit. Wc finiily believo the rule at Waah inkrton to bo na much worno than tho lnte. rule of Tnininany in city as its Bcope is witb r. Much of its cormption wo havo ahown;?far more we have boen unablo to oxhibit in bD its startlinK projiortions, only because we eoold not command legal evidence on poiatl wheieof Wi WOM morally convinccd. Givc Bl tho power to compel witnesses in tho OBOOI of but three ndboad qaearioai lately befoioCeo irrerts, and wc will make it as impoBsiblc for a dozen Grant Coni-re^smen to return to Wash inj-ton as it was, last Wintcr, for Tweed t>. return to Albany. 2. Wo paipoee to put an cnd to tho orpan ixed robbery of tho South which has retarded Southeni dovelopnifsnt, dcjirived us of n piow wr Southorn markot for Northern inaiiufac t,ues, rcdiieed most of the Soul'iern Htales to the verpe of bankrnptey and reimdiation, anil beea sustained thnuifrhout by the activofiioi of tlie Adiiiinisiratiou accordod to tho robbera. 8. We purposo brcakini? np, h. the OHO-terBI principlo nnd a fOBO-Be civil neniee n fonn, tho Viist Kystem of jiationage wliicli, ?it li the iiiultipliiatioii ai Ofleei nnd the OfgMOi-Mtion of otlicial dnvipliiie, has prown to bo a vinia blc and mo^f nlarmin'.' despotism. 4. We pBipOOB to cluck lirihery nt el.ttions, when by tho Aduiinihtiiition was d, three WOO-J $E*t viltually to roi) PeBBq Iva nia of tho wftagO, nnd to btiy tlu GoTC-BOr 8hip, the other State ofleOB, and HBdlJ COB li. h- districts, us one mi/_l't huy a faim m ? city lot. 6. We purposo putliiif? n stop to PeoV t Bl Ih? (eifereiiic with local nfl'airs, und cspecially with the frecdom of elections. The Ft.ite of North ("aiolina wai aacried for the BepobHeaa ciiiiilidatc in Au^ust by tho violent proti cd in*.'8 of Federul maishals. Thl IQgJBtfBtklB in l'( niis.v Iviiitiii was hME-OMMad Ixyond all d-OBBCJ itntl the lOglllnlhlB in New-York wn- cm IMOpOOd-Bgtj eut doi.n, Im iMBM in the one eaee ih< Pedeeal annagtrtT vaated b I vote nnd in the other tl..v j.ieli-r r sniull oik*. ii. \\ <? paipoata abolialiiug forever offlcora ; * he egeoti of the to i t (.1 l. ta< t ' b< ' i liberty. Wo p^^^oBf, tnat tM,'ro ***** ,>p no more domiriliary visit* by im|M>r?ineiit deputy iinirrth.'iln, no moio urliilrary arresta, uo more Megal llfaalag of bail or examimilion, no more pei pinK tltroiipli koylioles and t<nifyiiiK women. 7. Wo parpoae pett-af aa end to ofBei BgokatBgB, We puipiBM) tmninir out ot the While llouso Ihe piiii)|MH d biothcrx-in law whu Htand nt Iho ante-room deors and take money. We jitirpom'. turniiitf dinhoneid men out of the Ciibiiiet nnd the Capitol. We pnr poso parifj-Bf our diph iiuitir MgriM (>f llutlsoiut, and Krnmeri, aud l?iitlcrn, uud our ilomeHtic ndii)ini>trulion of s ;ind C aieyfl. All those Urfagl we tihnll do if Mr. Croeb v be elteU-d Pn__dlBt. Bil il Ihl prtscnt Ad iniiiistratioii be coiiiiinit <1 in power tke :ibu>c-? of whieh we Kj)<:ik will becomo so lirmly roofed that wl-.-n they aro l;n.illy extiiputcd (Bl they MBM be if this Cnvemnieiit ia to luit) tke whole oountiy will bo distiactcd ly the ikaek. ________ TO DEMOCRATS. It biifl not been the eintom of TBITUMJII to addrcss iiii.ny adnionitif.ns to Demoerat* on the eve of an eleetion. Bat we have u word for them now, and it is of moro BBBBM- to them tban to ns. You ebbee, geatlemea, throagh your Nattoaal Coiiveiition, nnd wilh all tlie timr-houerefi s.iiict.ion of Ihe. twe-thiids vote, lo select the Liberal BepakUeaa BOfaiaaei for tke I'resi fleiiey nnd Vire-Pn -sideney, nnd to Bdapl M your own Ihe ptalleiM on whieh they Htood. You lrivo tho. pBWCB to eleet tho tieket vnii c.hose ; and your failnre to BM It will hurt jroaraelrM quite. m MBeb ii uiybody daa. You nre in danner of that faihire ! There il no lack of votes. The Liberal IiYpuMicans have given far more thnn the aid they prom laed, or -on expeeted. Vour own leaden ad mit, nay, pnnlaiin this. We nhoiihl have eir lied Ohio If you bad TOted. We ikoald havo iwept tlu- Beld ta ladiaaa, taMead of eanytag bnt tke heail and one kuj-poit'T on tke Btate tici.ct, and leaviaf Ifbitoa tn daatk by tbe ilow torlare af tt legialatire oaaeai af profeaaad friaada. Btbb in Ivnn-il vaiiiii, it. BM nol M niiich Iho coaiser forms Bf fiaiid.?leprutinp, bn!i"t-l.''x--;tiiHiur. Mm ro'iutiiii,'.?thal. defrated ut, M defiettoa in your raaka. -Too eaa bUD help tbe rietoiy iii IN'ew-Yoik, in New-.Iersey, ifl Connei-tirut ? throiifrhoitt tkfl Niition-iiext Tuesday. Vour gatM will t-ffiiii- lt, Otirs are Hiire to he there. Will yonrei be T Wbere ill vour leaden are you Know. Oeo. H. Peiuiletou'.i ipleadid eall aaeranf thraflgh f.ut the Wo t tliat BM "> bO-BMld him. Iluralio Styiuoiir has lallied tbOM boitt lf followen in ihe Efflplre Btate aitb akoa ke lias so loag beea a faYorite. To-day i;.,v. Jod Parker ipeakl IhlBBgh our eoh-MBI (MB eighth ]ii"<) t'> the D( tiioeraey of tbe Nation, a-, laal Tharaday, be ipoke ta hii eoaetit aeati <it flarkmaar-ri He gpeabi n aae wbo baa for thirty-thrco jtMtt roted tki regalu tieket af tke Deooeral-e party, aad arkea be telbi tlvin that in this mail ke keUe~ai it li bettei Horace Qn elef ikoald ke el Preeideflt tkaa iay man who has berarofare been li 1 Iiiiiihi ,1, bil v.'jid-, MBBt hitvc Weigbt riith tbe few af hia old party aaaaeiatea, if uny IM,,, liiiiniii, who hesil.ito M to tluir fluty, M think ?f aot votiag. Jb- teOi yt.u thal Ihe greal aaeatioBof theeaaraM b iteef.neiliation, bo( of r-. gloa", bat of raeea, aad tbal Horace Oreeley I; '":''' li,(''' '" ? aoMpli h tbia bcncflccnl aorli tli ia aay Dcmocrat, bow arei able and patriotla Addreaaiag Bepab licaaa, Qot. Parker ihowi tbal AbraJuua Lia eota mm Um firat Uberal ta tbe Bepablieaa party, aad be reealli to tbeii recailaettoa tke faet thal tke laal ipeoek af tke BMttyred Tn [dent, aiade two dayi before bil deatb, V4H.S aa earaeal plea forraeoaeiliatiofl betweaa tbe North and Boatk. lt Liaeota were alin bow, the (ii'Vriuoi fluc.s uut iiuiiht tbat Ba would be a aapporter of the Uberal Moremeat, gganalMOat ill of bil ionner intimati) and i-oiiiideiiiiiil frieada. ?Will yoa beai PcadfletoB and Beymaax gnd Parkerl Tht Uberal BepabMoaaa, u wo r.n.ilv belieye, wlll briag to tke polla, aext Tucaday, tar aiore tkaa their qoota. NN'ill yoa briag yowal_ TBM BTATE AND TUE 8TATM TICK1 l >\'I bebeve oor friaadi ia the eoaotiy may 111,.i ii,n litv. Tbe iiioveiueiit.1 of tba laal aeek lecarefoi Ihe Btate aad Kattoaal ticketi a larger itiujoiity Ih.m the Tiiiuuiiuiy DeBMtt raf-v ever c.;-t. We bi ii( n anr hii n b ?? t' Ais m j tn I :be ifjimtiy. The c.iii'.o 4 hai b-ighteaed \4,ii derliilly aithta a fortaighi The Ubergl RepBhUeam aro full af eMargy aml hapa. bare bi rd ahat our triaadi in ohio aad iii'ii'.na ue doiafi aml they in raaal-ed iu uny MBM to do (be duty lhat lies nearest Ihem, and eair.v X. w-Yoik. BBythb-g like I full D.ti'oei.ilic gote B_0 Mlkl the restill ovirwbebiiin^ly | BIB. We have a taudidiite fbf Covernor ggBMBi vvhoiu, in all Ihi.s btattil eBBTBBBj but oue ohjei tion hiis bren rglgCld. MgiOBI BBOBgh to Htifk. J?y t (uiM-it nlifjtis eonvit'ion he wt>r r-hips Qod aeeegdiBg ta the Cathetk faitk. Thal hc is able, and imre, and exjieriemf d ; that biaprivate life is as stainless as his publij llfe is ?-oii-ijirtioiisly huiioiiibli-; 'lhat be ii fiec in all pnblic nlations from t!ie 1 I tiitiih nf ri tlaii.'iii bias; that be is the luiii friend aiul pilion of uur lalMMQB sehool sys tein?all thirt has pa sed nbHolutely without ibnial or QBMtioB. Tbe one objeC-OO IglfaMl him is, he woishipri Qbd mafd-Bg tt) tho faith of hia fathere. Wi do aat beHera ___ will kit-ji New-York freM efcooelag one af her owa aaaa, othenrkw egcaptloBiHy Borthy, ;?? lur (iuveiiiur. Wi h.i\e I (.'ii'i'.iil.ite for Lii.uteniiit-fiov eni',1' aj'aii'^t wln,in barely one MMTgg bil heen sinuu^l.v lai-i d. He, tof), i? a native of the Btate, loag eoBBpieaoai and heBeged. Ba i> aae al the aUnl and most popalar aratan of th(4 Btate, He ii Um most mm_t* Batie n|.i of yaaag N't-w-i'mk. AKiiin.-t his pablie or private lif( tli. N ll ii..t a wiii.-|?i r. Bat, in a htwyer, in the h'Kiti in.ite liuisiiit of his b . i.n s, for hirt elielits, he BOUgbt at Albiiny to protret them from hostilo li iu laiitui ! Aml tbat ohjeetioii comei from a paity that profemea to see no faiilt in tin Attorney*_aaeral who aaafaaaai to hariag i . ,i inoiiey to Ihe Bpeakat of the EtoaM la tha iateieat of mea thea leekiag bf-riat-Mi at bii haadal We, have a ruulidate for ConpTe^amai.-it Uorge who haft baaa MMMg the lirst nnd t'u s! to wi-b'fiiue the i).tlviiu>e of tiin paity to the Hoiid graaad f-daed l.y thi war;?one Of the inoht. t xjierieiic.'d lltid BMMB-fa] de bgtMl in CongB l, one ef the most iiuliis tiniuH of li -l-liiois, and one of tlie iuo-t lai of oi.iii ?Of l!io Otkin wo have 1,-ft our, 1. no l< BB <" e| i'lll?. I'iliL lt IB its ellulig ii lirki-Luh 1 ti) tho peuplu of tho Stiite; and we bolievo it will bu as atroiiRly Biipported. ___________________ CLOS1SO THE KH'AL CONTEST. An inhpiritiiiK and gfSpd llnale wns gtfOB last niKht, flt Ooopef I'nion, to il;o BOI-M of locnl Liberal mo<tiiii*s in Ihil city. It is idle to spiak of Mwheeoi al who eowlderowd into the vast hall wue there; nnd nll who coiild prortR into fhe radius of the l ?Jl BMOting bravod Hm Iii I COU 11 i Noveinbei-thli M WI <'f hopomid ptroiD-M to nll well-wiihen of the Bepoblie. Bol then wiih somethiiii, more than stirfaoo cnthiisiiiftin ; un taincnt eonvieiion that tho Lil.enil MMBMB in this city WM just, in moiiv with Iho publio dei land, and lxomd to Hiiccced, nnimated the BMM tinjr. (Vrtai.ily thfl ni.n who havo i.illicd to theee peigfl gatberiBfi to diaeaae eitj elfoiia have aaboaadod BOB-deaoa aad opaeet pride in their Htauilar.l-benier. 'Ihat Mr. Lawivnee is the nMest nnd bOOt man BOMBOd for tbfl Mayondty, none daic gainsay; that he haa not been udopiid by the riilo-or-ruiti cli.pu' ll diie to his nol bfl-Bg Ol tho Ciant-Dix OOB-bi mition?to his indepnidener Ml ***** ?'' **" oli.jties nnd rinps. He oannot bo aaedl he will not he inislcd. A Bog party can BBtfl BO ?tfhlintions with siteli B londor. Uut Ihoaaeet-BglMot oighfahowed that there h a hage deaaaal Ib thhi < ity lhoroaghl|r ln OaiBOMt in the alteinpt to etl'ect mnnieipnl re? fonn. The specdi.s of Mr. A. B. I.awreno" nnd the Hon. B. 1. llhieB, eapeeb--j, wttn the oatepokea aad wiee Ihoogh-i Ol wn who havo Btadied tho prt bleins of civic govern ment; of men who kfiOW wberfl th' oomplic.i tioiH aad wea_aeeaea <>f our ayatea. awhe thievory and corntpiion pOBBJhle and ? The ri'spousive JMBBflTlt who listeiK d were not idle, Bnlate-OBted heareri; they, too, have been Htiidyiiig our local disordeis; they are r.ady to lcnd a hai.d to oure them. rfo man can road or hear theso dispassioiiate ipeeeBOB withool EeeUag Ihat the eoadag ol such men to the front ie the bMihtegef <>f n bfighte day for our misrovorni 1 (ity. 1-Yllov'-fitizens! elOM up the BBBBOl Wt havo had our days of B-MBI lOBU HOW ia the timo to briag in the ifragg.r-1, itifltBlate the'. and gflkle tbe i-rrutic. The (neiiiy have iifemi't.d tO -MM-k with corrapt prom :,1 alann with false rrios. Th 'ir sopliis tn.-.-i will not d.coivo BBd th. Ir ipodoOl PTO textl w.ll n d avail. This is a uniou of all mi ii of all |>ailies f??r the purposo of BOeaj-Bg that of polilioal blflM-JOgB, M ptuc ;;ov ornmoiit. Wo uiiii-'t succeod ! ABOTHHM Firii if. ETAAIOK. It bai como out, at last, that th" T. iVpurtiiii nt has tiio<l its hand at e-PMOllOB ol UM eiirrency-in I snmll v.a.v. A MSBi I -iateniont is inadc in the Assooiated I'ress dbpatehes to thfl tll. ot that $4,000,000 or (5,000,000 Of tbO so-called "I'soivo" of |__>* 000^00 hare boen laaoedj only ?4,000,000 or 1,000,thl Dep.iitinont says. pbailin^'ly; and il || addod that "tlnit- ll BOt tho leOMt ?'pi.ihaliility'' ihat tho intl;i!;on will be eon tiini.d. "li is MKhalittle H-Bg," eald the poot Kagdakn, eonfiroBted with the yoong evidonoe ot ln r gflfll ; " BOl gofltj and I WOBr*! "do it agaiB," eajn iBOthet bard-p-eeeed eol pi it. Siispioion tliat this intlation of the .inu 'xv hed beea leeretlj _eeottpHahedhaae-_sted_o IOBM time; but the IBMllilMI thal it had hoon WMM stontly deiiied bv thOOfl who MMBBBM to r-ped. for the Adiuini.-li..ti(>n. A.->i.-t int Stei.iaiy B-ebaidaoa threw oul ? foelee when he latoly deefaured thal the t4i000y000 ol re dooined greeobofliqi was b reeerre which eoold be re-amed at the pkaaare ol the Beeretaijof (!." 'I'na-iiiy. Tlu B thno WMI I lond call Iffl ooiiain doobtfol qoMiten thMt he proeeed to theflfl /,'icoiiliacks; now Mr. i'ichaiil.on nyi that tbere is ao offleiaJ eoneeobniMit ol the faot that ?.-1,000,000 or |t,),(XX),0O0?ho i.t not ?are v.hi.h?wero ianed ob the Tth Oetober. So the uiischiel' is out, and, whetlier tho Si rio t i\ bold to his pioi.ii-e not to do so Bgaia or BOt, he has loldly takon the rospoiisilulity aad niiiinUiiiod Iiis light to do it when he likes. 'I bl i ii e> rtai-l. mm ? I nniag itatfl <>f a-G-bra. Lol us state the co e OOOfl moro. When the cont-aetioo of tl.e eBcieaeywaa begaa, MTeial tflUtagO, - j bicn issuod ; aftor :;,(xKj,.KX> had beea Withdiawa and c;inceled, COBgieM inteiposed and BtOpped tho contrac tion, leariag |BI0,>0l)0.00l) slill in circitlalion, leM loss by the deetraetkn ol notcs by o?d_ I. iv oaeaaltiee. Now ii ia aaeefted that thie taiioeled eiirrency is only | reserve, and may ... atloat aga-B Bl any tine. The Secrotaiy -tai-M that ho may o.paad tho volunie of Kegal-toadeai by .<?. l,"00.o )D wheoewei he thiuke il e-pedioat; aad that he may roeall that ttinoiint ver be h;u oiico leiOMMOi it. 11 this nion.-tioii power haa been lodged in tha hands of the Secielary of tlio Treasury, hc haa moro thau magical poti utiality. Ho wavos histpiilliiiid v.ilin? swoll, iu forin at least, from thoiisands into iiiillions ; he wavos aKuiu and they shrink aud shrivel. In uot this cx tnioidinaiy ussiimpiiou a fair illusliation ot tho BO-O-Uod linaiiiLd policy of the Govciu uieut T ___________________ the coaruct ;n pbubbu. The orisi.s in I'ruasia has followt-d very rnp idly on tho promouitory s\ inptoms. The Dppei llouso of tho Laudtai,', iu doggod 0B I)osilion to every etTort to reform tho pioviu cial ndininislration, bai jiromplly aud deci sively rojecttd the bill wliich was B-OBed hy tho rhamber of PfiBBtJOl and favoicd by tho (ioveiniiK nt. This aofion of the Consena t.vis M M'on after thr aflbfta of the Ktn*>oior to coerce them into adoptinjc the measure lian evoiy upjiearaiK i' of ib tiaiice. That riio (iov frniiH nt lOgaadad it in thli lij-ht, and WM npehred to bmo! it with eojaal aaargy, may bo co,.i*!ud( d fioin iht' (h iiiiiiinaliou, which has b. ( ii atlopled, to appoal to the eountry. The Laadtag was dissolvcd yesfoi'day aud new ih i tions oldered. The pi.-s. nt oontliot __OWI iho noeossity of an ofgaala ihaagfl la the eonadtotion ol tha I ppee llouso of the I.atidtatr, und the plan edopted by tha GroreraMiaBt mobm to bidleate thal it is aiv.iro ot | ity and ia BOt BBW-Uiag to piopaii- tho way lor alteiinx tho systoiu of n pieseiitation. Tho Ilericnhatis, ia it is ealled, is a si litnio of doubtful constitutionality, coiieoivdl by the lato King Prederieh Willien IV. ia imitation of tho l.iitinh Boaaa al Latda. All the aigBBMsti which may l>o ttrged uiruinst the latter nre cipially app'.iiablo totho li.iinor. The Ilorren hatia, however, is cntiiely ddiiient iu the preHtijro of tho llouso of Lords. lt is coiu poeed of iioreditaiy mi-uibim beloaghig to tho highf- noliility, of iikiiiImi-i itppointed for litf l.y the Kiagj and of nieuibi is a|>p,.iniod by tho Kini? on the roi-oniiiieinlatioii of ceilaiu empoiathwia and aaooaiotleoM*. 0fd_aaiil* lta delibexatloaa aroattarii wiihout iBta-oet tothe Iflneril pobUe. The only htdkarioBa that it givee of a dispoMtioii to (Xiit an inlliit iuo ou h ilalatioB uio diaplajod ou oM-ahNM m*m*\ n is thought it puipoae to eiit-roao- upou the au thority of the paity ean l*) deteotwl. The (ioveniiin-nt, in choorting the poliey of an appeal to tiio eoiiutry, in prefereiiee to ap peiBtiBg memhers to oiilniimbii the ConHorva tive opposiliun, JM-rf. 4 lly I o.npiflu nded ihe injiiry tf, Ihe prMOgBBrTM of the Ib rrenhiiiw ithiih w.,s likely to raaalt Ba paaakM beea the iieec-osily for reform in the proviiioi.d nd luinistr.itiun, whieli bM siifT. ied iimlei' tbe IB prtaaing ___aaaea of t lui CoBBenatire bnd* hobli r.i, thlt the popuhitioni will bl hkhly tocenaedal the refuaal of the Herreahaua to eomply with tluir dewaadi A aaw atoetiea will uot tail tf) seiitl u very lUBBg biheral m.v juiily to the < 'h.tmher of Deputu'*,, wliieh will l,e eni'finri'.-ffl M uiub-i take BgglBM-VI MMB' uii-s agaitM tho ri'-ht.iof the other Ifou B. If liu- pL.ii Bf liu Coveininoiit i.i siinply to adopl |bil as a couliuiiiiiKi- o!' Iht- poliey of eoereioii, a ehange in the organi/atioii of tlie IlciToiihaiisoan hardly bl exp.eted al BRBIBt Kveii under those cireiimstaiiees, tlu- iitl.ieks whieli will havo been nuule BpOB it will go far toward deatroyiag what Uttla power it now poHMSses; und if ibe Uovei nineiit. shouhl still eatertain tke kope af hariBg, ta eaaeof i elty, a rTtTpporl agaiaal tha Llberali, it would fiml itiSA-If reattagOB adaaaaged reed. TUE TRIAL OF TUE MAYOR. In niori- than MM MMM the Mayor af N<>w York prOB-lBM tf) bo, if he is n..t alreatly, the BBMl tried man 00 Manhattan Islaod. An? other atuuipt to toii\icthiin OB au indictmont about Ihe Btag frauds has bn-kcii down, not thia time throagh kukafteal b-aaderi of the proKooution, or tho death of a juror, but the BcflaMe disagreement of the jury. It n toported that they itood, from the onlset a ITI n for oonvictiou and live for ncquittal. The Mayor uiight well ipaak of thil rcsult of the triil akieh he bo Irankly we-COBM* > and st) or.-.litabiy BOiiKbt to Bipedito, ?is "ihe greateat disappointinent of his Un. l',,r while it involvert BB legal ccnstire, and in tleed holdl out little prospect of any, it OB not be deaied that the inoial olliet i.i IglMM No proof bu beea prodaeed that he ac (.liiiliy Bhared in the plunder of the RiagJ Mr Til.len an<l Mr. O'Conor, in faet, bave btNB quoted as layiag that no stealmiM eoald be tnuftl tf>; ?ind it has even been f< nnd inipossil.le to convict him of eriniinal ucgli BfAato. 1'iiii MMI, too, li.ay well be exeused lor reeatltag the Immiib-T BBMba of bills ho had to audit, aml the ],hy.sical iinpossibility of p, ilonning the work m per.-:on. but he knew v.ell the ehai.if ter of Ihe 11.11 with whom he was dealtBgi he must h. v<- knt.wn tho enor BOBg pay.nents to and hy them whieh hi.i BBBM BBI leedtO IBBCttOB; and when those 1 aM.ients are found inoustioiisly fraudiileiit, s. veii BteO oul of tuilve, after patient hear Ing, adjadge Mm reapo-MtWe, tkraagk cnnn 11, oli^'ence, for the frauds. Jadge Brady bai added to the Mgfa eateaM in whieh be i.i beld, by aM edaiirahki bea_Bg thioBghoat this tnal. Wlnn, nt its, I. ,1,-iivt ntl his eharga to tho Jury, it reeetred a eoMplimeat raialy pakl in a mm ol aaeh ,,1.,-iiitiide, io hotly eonleuded, in the aet 1011 ,,i 00?iad on both aidee, Britkdrawtag their ?ts to eharec on gpeeial poiata. A just Judge is a luxury we all now know how to appi.-eiate. Jadge brady is leaiind aml olear Bighted M well as BP-ight UMg may he .-iiluiii the 1> 'iii'h ! im, NJCE FOM P0UJTC8, * lidiooi pecaoai who <h> not Uke tf> be diaturbed by the boatle and battle oi' a br-.-si deiitial ei'i.ivaign, :iad neutial m Bipaperi whieli eitber bare ao aptaioaa of their own, or are without the eOOIBge to evpress thein, an- eoogratab-t-Bg tbi. mm lwa upon our aniral ut tba beg-BBiogaf the ead. Deraiiaaaditor up the rirgr who is glad tbat ara ara aeaiiy through what he ia pleaaed to ceaaklar *_ " feiofioiis campaign.'1 It secros to be the tipinion of this BOll lhat Presidenls ean be eleetod withuui 11,u-e eaoagh to tli.-ttii!) a sick and .sliiiiibeiing infant?that tho. C.overniiiont in n perpetual solf-motor, whieh never really needrt wii.d.'ng up-lhat in politics Un re are no such things M piinciphs or polieies?that iiiditliite diriti.lh m.t bMB another oan didate in honor or in gbuy-tliat elcetinns Ml ??? rely serainl.les for the -poils, and that both v.ind aml ink aie VBBted in diMMBaMJ the i.-lalive li.eiils uf pailies nnd their plaiforins. WhCB we Bad a man prosiugafter this fBakiOB aftepid intlillVn me we are always sui-e that ho intends to vott> for Grant. It is tme that he may uot do it. There is an exeelh-nt ehanee that ho mny uot vote at all. There is a istill better ehmce that he may be eaBaged at th. t-l.-vt nth kei ;? by MMM ( aergetk tiinviLi.ser and miid.' to TOte Ig-doM weiilil be his pnn (ipi. . it hi- hatl any. All poUttei look imvitibly to BBBBB-BM and men. I' whieli g_TB their miml.1 stdely tfi liieasiiros, with no re^ard to men, do not know what an ehrtion MMUM, :ind have no to vote BBtfl tbiy have better in UBMed IhlMMldTIB Kleetion ligltJH ehttict, and | ehoiee of eandidateu. It is not strange, tkerafore, tkat _? the boat td i pfdiiieal bm> vass wo should fco oftrn liud ourselves dis oussing tho perjoniil ehaiaeter of eandidateH. People wonder that we should charge thi.i leader with ouuplitiii M the other w_iih rifling a trea.mry eomniitted to his eare. Well, is it best that a bnbe-taker or a tbi.f shdiild tt tt ive the coulideuee or the vot-?sS of the eit _T.ens? It is not thOBght by some to be in good taate <<> t-ay aaytkiag ahaai tha Pieei* deiit'ri pnblic eare of his own private finiily; but his dt'ing so slniws tsoniething woiso, 001 tiiiiily, thau bad _ltl ii it a |B0d thing to do T ls it | good thing, ar:iin, ftir the I t 1 anl piTvautu to aegleet the dat-M af tluir placea, for tha perfofiaaaee ef whieh the peo? ple aui|)ly pay them, and tt) IBB uhtnit the country eleotioiit ei in;r for their muster T Is it a good thing for Meinbers of Coflgn aell their votes to riiilwiiy eorpoiatiunsT Is it 11 good thing for thl loeust Kwann of car pet-baggeia to takajioeaeagioBof the Soatkara but4-s, aal oat tkeii iBkateaoa, and graw bat U],on publie bi iikiiii.tcyT If we say anvihing itbf.ut linitters, BBBkg siinply l.ingu.lge appropriate tt) the aeeM_aa? wkM p. o plo Blg lii. ir luads 111 doiiht, aml woiiiler why Tn Tkhunk ahould be M PbmbiT All the Qimal argaai howl aml bka, gruiit and groan, bellow and bite at us; wliih the M.iwworms of tlie weekly pres.-, liter.ry aud religious, BM woiuh rfully trouhled gboat our waut ol the _g_d_BI peUtlMBM M whuh tlny Iay elaini. To be snie, we h.ive not at any time found them lel.ieiani to eall 11.1111. s, to tadalgl -I peru.ual iiiticisin, aml to 8] wiih su.h iharpaeM m ihiy could muMi %t thtii oppoaeaia; bat thei thej m of tl of the eaith, mid ciiaiteietl to ilo isueh thiaga. This lilielous B -wnpaper is pioun, and tluieloie has a rij.;lit lo tail la good BM tnius; thut paaqainadtag Btagaaiac is bti-rary, aad <? ,|l;.,, ; t ..t mell'.s M tiiar.i. ''"' : ?'' ' Bt uo aud at oi.i cndiualo; 60 all Uwki I 4W.lf-r.oiiipl_.oont ktri.tlemen ! tbor under thl impreamon that they iinidl much roorc aweetlv tban their neixhbora, and that. tloir I'iliingii l*ate ia at leoot of an Attic sort. Conaidi ni.g what a piiitul dolti..ioi. it n?, it in astonishing how much they enjoy it! rrertidential campaiKiirt, "i"? stirh tliiiifji were, havo never bOBB lenniikal,].. for their alegMaoei aad wo vcnturo. ihe paadietiaa thoi they nevcr will I**. We I,,-ve not fonrd ihat in otlni I'liniitiioH?Ifl I'l.i'l "nd, in wln.n l.oo- tho in;..->.4 ol D-OB bBTfl roted with Uii'll 1*1(1 VOH on. Wo slioi.Id l>o ,o;l_ to h,vo our gVOOt (jtiadronnial conteat d< jroiicruting into a Hfeleaa forni. A cornipt Admiiii-tr.t tion la BKogother too likely to bc theroaghlj eaaiaoiod of pcece and quietncsn. The f'r.i ti aml Boatwella and vTIlMaa ond Plahea ar* sui'o tu lind tho noiao and confoaion al i* l ?> - paigB BOt un rely unpleasiint but BBBbMM-MBMrMg, Tlie I'n sid.nt, who e.**p> oted to nl tin h_4 prodtaMa aeat aithoat a tueetioa fkoai aoy* lxxly, is latOBiohod and griOVOd and BBgfjr tliat such QpeOthMl Hhoiild bo rairiod. AU tho Colleclor* uud I'osijn.i.stors, and T.u gathefen, all the Aunis aad U*mmt Staat all tho BOBMtO-tel and B ii.i-ui bersof th.* DotaOObold Gtfl-fd, |H the Bdlton wheUier Beligjoaa or i . ..i tue GheetM-oldiaa EoMjieta,all the .M> a who thiak that, they aro nicer tlian Otho. MMB* cry out that it is hl.isplioiiiy an.l di.-d.... p r MBal impurity tO ffTtfTlff I <? ll ?.'d eonsoiontioi:.; flbolco ol e.indidatos. Aod woiso it in il Ubecal and I I men ieo fit to tfivc their 1000000) Why, tl.o-e poepla in their hoart of haaita ni'ist tlii..!. that I ^ true way B_t to doclaru ( PlOOidl nt for auothcr torm '>y Act of CoagfOOJ I The Sir Fopling Fluttcra who thinh al'n-i dcntial Election tolio a nuisancc, BO do ibt eoaeider Da-Boeraaj, PabUe Ubect7?a__l Good Goveniincnt to bo a aaieeaao also, j m( m> >-> as tliey requiro any ell'oit for thoir peOOOlTO* tion. Tho honcrtt citi-en wbo mik. it 0 matter of oouacionce always to, aad to do what ho cau to pcrsuodo othera tO voto With him, is worth usooioof phtlOOOphfll put OB cleau shirU and bfOOOde d gOWOe in which to WlitO e-MM-OOl ?-8078 BP?B <"..v. riimeut. If a P >pular eloi tiOM b I '>-id thiiiK, then Congits, und tho I'le.-i.le.ioy ..nd all tho machinory ol tho QofOfBBMBt BJ ? HMBOa and mu.ldlo ofmi-Uakc. Bbafl wc inviU the incuiuheut of tbeExeoative ataal t<> bonoi it. by liitiVfrg to it for blo! Who tUaha th it ho would B_f "Nol" Whi.h wiii an 1 nnd intolliRcnt citi/on pn-ier?tho hurly-bu iy of a eoBteotedeloet-OB, or Bia M Y . Kl a Ulys-sea tho Fiisr, with MieceBsion to litllo aaioa of tho llouso of lliram? qtierition may scoin to bo fiivnlons aad <? butit ll ono which, mutalo mmmm\ BJI j have to deflidft. il peft-M that gOt into | uro to lie allowod ? reoted inteieat, w. Huch ficrcc lij-ht aa beotl ujo.u thfl I llouso, aad aaofa ahatp woeb aa auut alwaja niark uu. I' BOMipolgMe. Why aro tlu* B-gKoh jtBIBMll <>f a BM exln nicly ifkBdj to proDioi ' Ihe London ImMM BMMMl Mr. Ql " :in IgBOCMBti pCfflaMB-PtOBBB, B-d aiiibitnuis | - letflflf," aini many of l-M to.-nly fldltOfl tottow in thfl samo just aud auiiat'l -stuiia. BrMlMtl* tbOO tli'i.i.'ii havi. aprMMMOMMMMt that Mr. (Ji ti,.n would be aa Mld of aii palav.liMg Ml about'.iin.k .J.ikiiis and all Bt-MB dafa-Mj tliat lut would not !)>? 1:1. Iy to a;i'(.int aad l..'|> irt pliicK . . el Btttfl afti r tii" 1 1*111 thu ilOHMt ll 1*111 (M-rfltt-MMMflMMl plflOM wlthout waitiag Bm thi m^mmm >?' Jimct. Tnoie ia a BMBaMMgH ia Boataa, bd ealled and known ai 7he 1>W devoted in ita Hniall WMf tl thfl OfMMt lal whiih islii/hlydcli'-litc'l t>> t;n>l it- li 1> M h I ui' hy I'litisb oianion. It is M-MIMMd !'? Iad i I MiththaFaallahnim apm. itla w4herBMrtify irjg to lind any __afl__MB thus __porti-i MM polltica; bataa raflh nn d-bdm Moatc i.ot i-.-ioaishod at tho najJium thfOOgh "in, ., coiue. _ Wo luive not thou_ht it worth whflfl ta (.tiiiii"fl tlu. Batkmal Tbaakagii ing Pmm hiMiMttoB, !>? I ?" f iii?vvs|)a|>.-rr*, \v>' MMMWfl. dfl "<>t sih-< oilly fldaMlfl it. Tit BflMBarf l-faaa.) Ca:cttr, f..r bMtMaea, daaai why tlio i>( >1>1'' sli(jii!.l ln iiivit.d ' to , lii-.aiis. Hl QllffMIIMMMlt il th. i. Cicatii:., wh ? -BO CiA.-innii'iit is IMgMgl4 iu .-I, etioMMbj t! i di' (orag mmm ol i boxstutlin-, and I BiMBpajw m w hal apeaial mmm Im bi - i.H"whcn tha oxortitioii of thfl IMB I ehan-ed with criniinal idT-MIM is MM*-fl ' ii|?,n pMBO-BM aotion at tbapolla." Qod for MM" tolBt-flTMataCff pOMMMMl MMM f a Licntiiiiint-Uciierul. A per>on niirrtod O-ear BMatBBOBd, ? proteiidiov, tO wt.i'k f ,r l! o Ltbetal l-BM Ib Carolina, haa MlW-Aed I -' ifl 00 r '<? I mtj, MBBOMMolMi that for tb.. nt-i ll thl I tMOM-gM hunieaus lo tranafi-r hia valtiahlo M-Til tl ?h? Can^t-BiiaParty. He aiis his inoialiiy la fiH-tly tniliinite4lextcnt. Ha has nu oi.j.cii. n \ liiit MMMtt to Mr. MmMmVJ, but only to hia IMapWtBfl; anl he d.xva not Bfoin to aoo hy Um llMtMMMMl of Lit paaMtaa ha bmm_mi aa laal iMa bm <>f I?? II u?* have adv iccs fr-iii North Caiett-M ' jvcrson owiis to bciiiR uold out t" fUBOO, Hi is a had bargaln, aad Itr.Qi '?<** one disrcputalile aupitortei th We have alr?ady ?aBO-MMd the BM ti OflMMB Adair. CalMMhBI tdlBT BMd Maitiii I - i ..n.l. oun victodin HOMdanaBOMHBt/, N-f.. ti U ? tho Westou faiinly. ih.- Ldain hoTa 1.o haug. biunard, who waa to have BMBM iieeated inst., apaa tha v.ry BMBaiag af thal ii , Ihl llllllhM of biawifr. who hn.l I pBH the nt-rl.t with him. This aa I eKeMMM-tiat-M Belga^arhaed, BMdthi I viapor taoohjaa la tha lallMWlBt i wt i ?? 1 li,. rn-ttiooatsof ikw,>m:iti inov.'d nncliti r thaM the HM-M-Btaa of tlov law; thfl BB-b *?( trmi - nv ?tmated him o ftudnM ha-iMd bi | hy tho liill.xibli' will o! Anotherphase.hcrcis.of f' f>'l ' ?'"? irliind. Mr.IVa*..kIM,klv I I **" ?,?,, _MtMIMlhMMMU*aMfTM / '" MMMaMgMMat-lBa-adiMg.eotohi-?. "J; ai,d.r.,,',ially,.ioeU. Uie laal "*" ntos. n...r...,>(Hl.and).'t Ih" ??* and.i.imtof those in BaghMM-, I MMtobafl-Btlyfl-atarfldia B ,?ith'-.rnii','r.,li, ? .. borpoor.eaii bflbatttn ? M,.,,ieth;k.i>tcvv..,!.'i'ls. Tl. ..fp.uiilvv.i'.,'.'.,,.i?.' iHyin n ,?..,!. i.rv-. aaiaari.I I o.ii p. tonch. and broatn. Alaa!.IohnI)..rTi.n*to... w ?Ml I in.inv ii.,l>I.'liih-s, hi^lroon ;.. Derbrflhins B-glaad. tmt mm i d I,. i>o. M.A.ri. i). i ? ""f; iUwMM-aaht ealleetlaf iMbacriptio_i 6m ?trickaa btf%h bj \torartJ aud i i" P"> f,'.Hs,,it..i>o Ma-terof Btpla] i bm lt Iui aad anl thal Bi ? 11 -ttl.l.'I.t-. Iho l.illlkJ.Vtl.|.i." l?.,nii'..islhoi>aialvsi-Mht. m*el -f this M. An-. D.-.t.>. .>;' Philonphj. Fello (jcolo-ical and AnUquarian N ? '"?ft' tnt piii-sai:i? hia ritttiiiis tn atiict rinlii-ion. ' ...nt r.t.t. paita <? ta* ? li tbe .lir ' ? ' 'n ||r| ,,,i,.l with BMB-BI ? '? ??lli ,lr"W [ i>. kwiu uivtt;