Newspaper Page Text
? \??- XXXU.N? .J.S80 NEW-YORK. TtJESDAY. DECBMBER .*. 1M7-2. -WITII BOPPLEMENT PRICE POt/B CBOTV 1I0UACK J.t.Kia..Y. BOaOM ro ms MgH tiik. bodi ro in-- iv ttAtk ti wi tari bau l ,>a.\ r-B-TA?ATIOBa BOB TUl riMKvi. 1.WI propiktiitiona for t!it> fiincnil o_ Mi. tii.-.l. \ ?ho- how hifltltvtthl laa-BctfldaUi TliiOfl?mn i.tiniiioi l_*??Kj paaaaiflaea-a-flaa ei.l, j w _**.. anal reaolved to attend Ihe Bfl?M Ti..- Oaiflfl-flr. Resai in tha Ctty Hall araa *r Irrt.-al (B tl hfl^Jr '" 1:r l.",t.ll.' triu _ :ik wcrp flaaflctadaa Ihe guai- al tluuiif. ;'.i_? niU'iaal: ti.i. J9I -1 .\. i'iv. ii Haa f -i \\ .<.?l. ii.;v_, \\ . Wm. liul.-i l'.-. can. \ | - ? ,rt. _?Baaaaa K. l?flraate-- W? -! 1. Wu.. Caltaa E-ty-flt, ?< mr* N - ?? C.aan--r. Wflfla 1V fkflBflfl. .:. st. .vmt. Hflrat-fl Ifi KeoB, s..mti.l TiMea, Bbeppai-. . Joha r. Hi.flm*n. flaaOakaj Hatt >?? - Qriai w.. _ l '. 1 il* drane ).. I *b* ? "i l..r p her paapks BO- I -*? ,5:-u *: pflBSaflflfl flhkh ar* tbc *otk of I f|p wau(1 BBB B??I hfl ?-Bglfli *i.._. I ata* I ..,- I.' flflB-al l.y llla _tr__ lici ros trtim. l! i.? flttint, th-ra-fnrr-. that they'Viild have BB :i..;> to jra/? OB that b_?it-iiatit BBflB-htlf ? __*.__.. ord, thfl ooIon .1 n ? ilh'tl, i'll-. it '1 ?.'-'! -f I hi'Mi'leoniMtd tiV boaattfl-lty of onr iawi?1 tl.. . -. iol ?t ln- ? "f ?*J .1 l.iud who tribute U p whu!, I 1 ? ! - : . t-. J 1 f..r ... , . . - tha Kayon UIl.l . ? ' IBeeffl fli tlie Couiitv cf Ni w-York. I thrOovmior'* | Coiu: hfl thfl Oty Hall. at V a. BB. flfl vi D b.- rcnis-cd !ry thfl , . D-Chap?t*i I mi haa te. ? ..nint ?.ill prot.ablJP- Bttflol tlu Com .? (..:i-itl Cj-iiiiuliof, thfl Taranmny Hall Onia-ral Cm-iittee. the Lincohi Clul'. 1 _*J,thflLotOfl C''. th di.ui Cluh, Ihe Iie uid t'lnb, the Lit-t-ial Club, tbe -rypographkal 8odety. tho BtodKholdflfla aod al :nr. TniiitNE. aml m;my G-taociflr tion. fl-MBBl Thfl Ma-fOflfl BBd Oaaaaa, Ihooklyn. _ 1 -bave BBB< iiit.iition t" ha i'T Wm Clara Louiae KcHo_-ff aud Bcv.-ral athflf 1^?agiflflhflTfl flflTomil thnlreMTliifa ? a c'. j. . 1'a Chfl-H?1 oa tha occaaieP of tha fanaral. Manj ? ? (1 _hflO tioin all par? of the o>un :uit ? v.ith tiie (i'ie..H?il. Ii.tvo au uoimc D of jiaiuiug iu tlu- la>t tu-iks i.f re?p?t to bia __hmory. IN CONG!-' !__ ,'. j; rf BflyflBflfl-ta?Yflfl, yaatav?ifi Mr. DBm - flBii I- -1 jakf.h: lialitvin? that. ull will t iu the proprk-ty of a publio re-ognitiflfll of m ao impreasive awd aowitbotit BavalW Bfl tha bi-tory fll th_4 t.ov.-ninii nt tbi.t' have rccmtly ttariap'ira'.L. 1 il-'*-iu it pi"i? r to otk-r m* foi: rc?'>liitioii: " I&ohed, By tha. B actilativt^, ifl flBB of the 1 1 of Horace Gn-a-lty. for whom at tha late e! i.-tban I fr-fPltfl] . be matle on th. joiirnals of Congresaof flfflBC?BtOB f,,r thfl ea aal B?naflfl and pa-rsor:a". 1 '.rity an.l w?ath of ?a .1" aaaad, aad al U ..jllowina; a r- .. ? Mr. C01'.: Mn. - 1P,(,_ Miaa al 1 ?''> fly-apathjF offoi >1 by my fii.iii.l fr. . M 1 the houor ta __? . City '-f N'-av.\,,ik. aafl atofll hy Mr, Qraal ot th liaa beard wiili profouud aorrow of tlie ti of one'.f it_ most illustrinus citizeun, B Qnah .-reate* a Told -tn^O?ilble t-> Bi 11 iii ' ' I I lil*"- ,,,s r.-m.rkBUfl ?IlllBfl were UluBtr.tted bv pradiml (___fl_-la_. eulanred be:i.- ? flBBB ". flflfBBfll ihoiifht, and inil.-i.tmmflflt flB|Bfl??M. Ifl thfl varinua quali tiriaaaf innid and charucter be iu an e-.ample of and Iui e.utiv, ta. tluit sturdy rV-lf-r-iaiice uud unreetinif rnt-rpri-^- flfhlflh diatin_-iiiih Araeriran marihoo? Tlu ri for. it ln ewinently juMt, K.-ntli-, And wiee, tbat at the aad t.miination of hifl loug and uaefnl career ?weaboiihl riukf1 public ri-cfcrmtiou of tbut event. Tbe ratv.liiti.m \t_a _?___flflfll| ad.aalaa. _lii: fMMUEMT 10 ATTENDTIIF. tVKBMAL. Wiiyoi I i ___ 1 -nl fljl Suiiday tbe fol'.ott iug t. 1 to tbe I I ?Bl Navy: \j W-V..KK (irv, IW. 1, im, " Serretary Rlbv-^n, ttatkington : Havini* tlio of ji.-t * aifial BflajaalaBBBflfl. I t.legraph you to aay tlu- civic authoritie_ will join tlie private .Beietiefl and ed.1?Bfl in a public funi-ral am WediK-eday, f.'tam the City Hall, to the lat.-Mr CJrvaelfty, and the i.b-a is nniven?1 tluit Hhould the Praaideiit att?id, and tha authoritiiaa herehy rt> ape.tlully invit4> him, hia attendance would popu laxly be r*_arded the uioat _ua?nanimoiu, p_M?d1 m.nd _i_trtioij-a_-au?Kin_' ev.-nt of the country. ?'A. Oakey Haij_ Mayor of N.-w-Voik." 8?eretary Koh?a#ou aeut, yeaterday, the lalflflflBI "^^ y ' ? Wa*fi!n..toi?, r>ef. .. BU " TU Eon. A. Oakiv B-UU Uat/orofAeu-1 ork ( tty: Ya.ur ta-le?_raui vt a? rw e 11 wl lant niifbt. The Proei ti. nt l.iol .l.t4-niiin.-d an early an laat Saturd ty to ?ttend Mr. Orvaelay. funeral. if the day fixed ahould ta* ou*- on vi ln. b be could property be abaent from tbeCapiu.) ilr i? talill of the e-me niiual, and will Bttflflul 011 Va.-I:ua-._-la.vif hia publio duUea. jrrowiii|{ out of tbe _fc--111_.1i!, ot Coiigreaa, will permit. " (JjIO. M HoBKJftS." ACTIOM OV COBK-iaL OTlVKRBITir. JtT* Ik* Aililj, af The Irtbunt. ?m\r>iK A ai.*-. i?l i.h.-1ii,? of tbe Truiitt??ii of OflBB?I t iiivar-ty ia rallcal aa lthaca for Th-rttda.V, l>ec..'., ?t 4 o'cloek p. bb., Ut t__e auituhlo aoiian in ref?_r ?ucat to th* Bc-ktb of flotac. iire*-\ey, a tnemtH-r ot tbe Baard. Bbbj _J4J__ielu Cliairman. ttkmtm. I>ec. 1, im. MINKHAI. HONOR-. IBAIOB BAl.i '- B_HBM___-_BOA-1-? i-> TBP. COB MO? COl'-*CJl_. MAlO- ? OttU >., NkwYohk. Ilar. 1, 1871. J* tbe l'4ea\smum t oanrii: Horai-e Oreeley, _ citizen tpt hew-Yoik. who during a <iwaiiey,t u centary hae retiownaa-Uy i__atr?t?d tta -oeial, bturaiy, rb?ntable. |4jurt?liatic. aud poluica! liiu?try, aud whoaei n____e taa Itteniite tt buiaehold vrord Ihroughoiit tlie l.'niuad UtaUa, will be hurted on Wedoeaday, tbe 4th inat. The May w xeape.lfullB /aeoB-aaoda that tha Com inon ConncU n_ipropri.-i<i ly oxpiena tho irtirf with va. lt t*. ti aii aect.i aml partsflfl haaa i. .<n'd Ifcfl B*Ba_. . ! . rj tti-tfjB, ,,,,1 tlinf it mit.iMv . innt.iriii.'titf tln .1. i?ut ir<? t.. aiioiii.-i iM.tiii oi aa a_aiaa_-_-aa- a '?? rnftlic <-.'niiii.'tu.ltT. nn.l 8_0 St-B a8B8B?r?ej bo ardi i.i a patriol aad bbb-b-i ra ? p_i-MB$b~BBaB_ v ... , 4 ll.ii. Miivor. ARRAMil.MKMS _T fHI I I -I "M I Tln-J, mt Comtaittac of t_B?CoB$moBCoancn, apiHiti.lel wsl.-ldar. tm-t BBBM BB IDr- aa. und un i ii ti.i. T.i sdaj. pi i i. Tlir rcmalrtB of the daci aaaa wlll ha laid ia slaia La tBa .iti.i io |i. i,i. raa im ? s. Ie. r..i umi. , (, ,i I,, t _ |? ii l nl honi i ilur Ih. ( llj Ilall : i ' ? ? r. TinitloT Wrr |, 44 . \ .1 .: ... 44 lillllt-r llilll.iln. A T. Klownrf. I J li; |ip i. 14 I..I..III ( nl |._ H P I <" 'I" r, 44 III i.n K As K. Htewart. Horatta t*eymo_r, Jotn MeXeoo, ? , t.i K * app. .loliii I Mntluii.ti. A. i i.ik. . H ill. Mi ?"? 'I Griunell, Lliarlca O'Oonor, l.u.ii i all, 8 illlatn M- Evarta, i barlas " [i i'\. \\ iliiaru r. I'lline. ? nf lioncr rnrnlsbcd by tbe TyporraphK?I rr] ? Ilall at 9s m. on Tb. sdaj . when tho drtatl wul be mado. Ml prraoio his ol Yte/wltig the body will be admltled Uirouata iln ?"itrai"-c J. tbe Clrjr H.ill, pas?Ins tt ron?n U*a iiiii. rtn rV Koom from (.'-l tO v . ?', li 1 i.tintiK ''.4 ctl..r i : i Btranrea. T'.p tulrltsrv and rt? I K'nt< i loraSed ni thia ntnl iir*1onitii . cit..'.; tlir-(.tllci :s nf ttic -t.i t ot Ni'tv Y.ak iiikI otbei ' ...iv llic M.i- r ..ui! tBa nu iiii'.'ts of II" Couiuiou CouU'-ll ol _ila titj and tBa beatli ot tn rtmei la of tho Miu.irii al Oovrrnmont: tha Mayoi ainl in^nihors of t iiiiiiih.ii (., "U..-.U of ntiH'kl. n. J.-rnov City, Nowark. nnd i - i.i tbe l_ ol >'? \t Yi i I tonirel .i rernor'aand Onminoli Onnnoil looros In tha llrj .. i-ailiiy. De*. i. al Ba. ?>., Bbora tbejr i r. ,-i ived bj Um Oommltl ? preparatorj* lo aroce. diii? t" in. i i as?a't i hiirch, c-roaa* of Prirty fiffh-ot. Bad Fifiii .141.. ui',1 partteipattua in tbe fBoeral eraeiaoi lur i tln -Iiimi apaea of U?? allowed tin ; rai umitt. e to make tbe I e.?taary arrany?tneut* wblle In -i i iirrnti-in.' foi tha obaetjnlea, m ext. nd.ti- pei *-, n | ons nlii'M tiilly intili *8?lid kn tilM.vr, without tlio fiTtiiaiit, af a B8-B-BIBl n"'i ' ?'??? BBAKB, kICB, DABII I I*. i '!*?'!) I B, atOHB i Batttat ulVait, tABl ooai .1, | ll I Iit .1 1. JOHN (..11.4 14, | J. I Ir i ouiailttee Board of A*sl?tnnt _ d< .n.'-n. _?___ ? -ii af .Mi. ii' i bm. tba b Ior, Iba'e Itooin at the Cttj.ll profii-t-lv""l ln inou.. '. lOOB Of WBt$8 ,i..l li'mk i lr?tli .l(ii*.'!iditij.'froui tho ooilinp. Tlio exto . i-r ttic auiin porafe of tho 8Hj Ban has Biao l^>on drai^.1, nnd a lift-alzod i>orlrull of Mr. ii',iy*-ii ovit tba e?Braaaa. Tba ea~ I f tba City llali i. I DtO _?__#? -* BZRT1CE8 IN IHE ( BU1CH. A Baaatfaiff ol um ('oiiiuiitt.v appointad oa . ,f Dr. Cbaafa'a i i. laal ni..'!it in tbo 8a ' a tba aar* r lnnkiuii arranriono'iita bat the arrotnmodi.ticm ,*f th*- pniillo hodlee who dcalro to be Bflaaaat al tl.( ifunora! tonicei cf Mr. Greoley. ? Tho nioctinK '"ft procldoJ B*~tfl B. T. i. B .rnutii, and D. ii. j. Miir-tiiiii aaaal ua Beet-tarr. ti * ni-t kai | waa tho reading of a oomioiini.-i.i BBi hy a coruinlttee of tho ladios of tlio con_r.-_..ti8a8l$B . to the proposed dtctratii'n of the chuxch* Chalnnun Baid tbal Piai leal Ql I PnruiiT aud Sthutr, aud sinno of Iho nm-t dlstliiKiii-:"d mon of tln> eouutry would he prcaent ftt the fum-ral _ Tlio Coaaaaca Caaaell of this rity, J* i h_ City, , nniild utti'iid. ?:nt it i.ii* 4(. . tha eb_I-B 008?I not ft?' uioro thau l.COO pcraoua. Onmotior 'leo ron'ls' | ' i wlio WO-I- uli- id, und Ihcy laaucd tic /ollowlu/1 uotlcc: Tothe rvblie : A!l pnl'. k*D*r1 in tho funoml aaaylatia ol tbelate II oy will roii'iiitinirato witb the apeclal oomnilt?W i,|i , - ...i autborlty and ao',,- eoatrol aa t,> tba _U_k**-_ob _uJ arraafaaaeata for Mr. Greeloy's hna-iul. ' oiumltUic wlll bo in aossion to rrrolre api ttoaa for-e-tr al Ha $_$ Broadwaj, to_ar, (i" n 18 a. m. ti, S p. ui., aud ln tho t v. uiug, al ~.:M. in tiie b_a.-_.oiit of D; < bapln - churcb, at Fiftn-ave, and Forty _ftb it Bo ... tted to tbe cburch wiiboiit a ti k bk-utd by tbe Cbairm?U of the CoiuwiUeo. I The BB)T. L?r. Cfe-plu aniionrioefl that ho _ nl rooatV-d a rornmunlcatlon from tho BBrT, IL my "%**"i?i <i Ba BBB s_kj_-B th it ha 4T(..iid aa Bfoaaafl al ut i ta-o nrrr part to VbtaH ue was ua.lirn.-d. T*ie i-bureh cctTAtil'* will be draped ln tttmM ntnl faa-tt-BOd a1_$ lvy vines. lu the li-tci ior, tba pilliirs uiat ???) will alao bo drapod in bhtck and IBBt00B08 tviti ayvBl- A r'llldllowf-riirchVllI tnctrcle tbopulpir, ni.'l ovor ft themottoi "ItaBW _8l my RadaOBBer att.?." ainl in front of thr puliilt tho ?<;iitom-o, " It I-i dono." The ' tho drceastM wlll he draped in dotp n.oiirniiip. Tbe fjii-eral 8BB*T*f__l__t 1"- BB-S8 tbe dirt-dion of Ur. 87, B-tajC, oriTiiiiat of Pt. Tranols Xavi.r'i. I Ban n. n t.y it full cbotr, au on? 8*Pl8l BTfl MlB8 BBBQbTj iiBdMiaa F. Wt-rneker. Tl .1 be aa loliowa: runen.1 Marrh- -fhopln. iir li-fan-ia?Cbant, ItBff of Bcrfp turoa. ? I kii'jw that nu- Ht-dooTti.r 1 v. ???? hyMU | Hi ni | 44 .!?' !?' ? i tBlaep*. (_ii?i i.'t. Aildrcsk by Dr. Chapiu. ?? Aui-oii (-4-or Bilitht and Falr," bj Ml . tlou. WUat lal.lffc ?"-0bant. i.OM'F.R <>|' l l m.i. \l. n.iu E8-10N. roi.n i -ri'i.nis'iiNin nt'8 umKCiioNe. NmvYurk, Mvm.lay, IX-c. J, 187S. The na^MH-gaMbi lms baa- requt'stcd l>y the frlonds of the lato Mr. li).?* ?? ij , aml by the Joiut Com uiitu.' of Iho Coiuiuon to auperylae tbe _88flfla kii.wil arranaein. nta of tbe fuucral, on 'Wedneadaj moralaar luatant. Tlie romains will be If reujoved froui the t'ity II ill. ou WI dnc-rday, to tbo bouae cf 1 Binclalr, ?__?. *-d "-ill tbenoe be privately re iiiovi-tl by friends and 1888881 staff and eiuploy6s to the Cburch of tho I)l4-lnc Patonilty (Dr. Chap'.n'si, on Fifth ave., cornor of Forty-flfth-at. The 888*81888 will o. aafl BJ the ibur< h at 11 o'clock, and tbe body of lt will be reaervo.1 for the Iidiiii diala ffiemla of tbe deceaacd and for tboae connected with The Tribvkb oataldlah uont, and abto thr invited irueata. -*rl~ate tot ioUea and citlaena _euei_llr -ho expect to take part ln tbe pro 8888-8 (whloh will moye as soon as the 8818?88 oon . lud.?). will pleaae statlon tlioinBelvea in Fiftb-ave., north of KortyHftb-at. >'o niiixie will be allowod- T1k- router of tue BB*aaaaaaafl a_1 i>? throuch Kiftti-avt-. ta l-ar> t. .-ntli at., Fourt?*iitl,-gt. t.i Iiioailway, Broadway to _Ua___aa ?maj. Jam_s J. Kk_so, bupt. of ttttPt, TIIE NEW-YORK COMMON (OI MII., ACTION OF THE BOARD OV AI.DKRMEN. S_x(iiil niettinfrs tt both branciM-H of tho (iiuiuiou (ouncll were beld yeaterday to takoanion lu rolatlonto tbe dealh ofl Mr. Greeley. In tbe Board of AUlertoen Aldorman Vance wa.. apvointed Chainnan pro tein. Uen. Coobrane raid ln part: Mr. PreMdout, I under .tiiii'l tbat the Board haa l*eu nrgamzed ln 4 icw of tbe arent whlcB baa sbronded tbe city witb kIooiii. u uwdi uo olal'orattj spetx-b to deaiirnate tbe occaalon properly. Tbe di-atb of Horace Greeley Inclines rather ~* silence tbao to spaeeh. l_i)Ku-?c la feeble to nicaaure tba exteot of our U>aa, aud eertainly if raferable to all tbat be baa doue, aud lo wbat, If llvlnc, be atill luigbt do, would better be*left unattempted. Ue was our fellow inneo, Hare waa bls cboaan home, aad bere w.-re bis Oala/ walks. While bere be waa beloved; il waa elaewbere tbat ruspect and admlratlon attended upon Inui. But lieloverl hy ua who autew him, and bouured aod ..teeiiiod'hy all wbo bad board of bitu, he baa _*vcrt_el.-a ___e froia aniona na, laavtag a naior at?I ranowia*?. I ba*. tbo bonor to tutrod-oa tbe lat lowloa roaolutlo-e: 1111 KI-OI 1 1M?N?. Hetu'.reil, Tbat we rtuplore tba*_ea|b of Horace ,. j. The puliilt. in the mUir,iil,aiiivt; it* ui_-x|?-ct_d aijiioUiK-.-uiour. haa ?v idcuced a luat **_?o of th. u,a_ul tnde of tbe loa* to it" If aud lo tln- ...iUaauI world. Hu waa tht) wiMloui t?.t linked *__m?-4- to daily pur.ulta, tl,c ohiloKophv tb-t eliibra.--- tbo rac* within cou,_lMiaurat*) bo-evolaucc, tbe reJi^-in tbat excluded ao_e from iU aracioua fold. Iu tb* tjueat of truth bn aaa uuwiaru-, in Ibt- prac-tt ?f tirtue buu.lile, bot alciii in diaiau.alni.' Its iu.-aoi_bl' aws. Witli aeuyhill Uot as u udt-r aa t*yiac of a ablld, yrt btapuiity of bernt Inatalied biai tba OBBBor of ever* liumau vir?, He w_? tbe moral Uaebar of the aj^e Tn aB-ira a phli-kopbt-r m .inlJlka i stBlltliiBB. "A iu elbKa a aa_r, ba wr-tifbt tfirin -11 prnrtli-ully Uito tha- grtatrat Jouriiitliat ..f our tiiur l!n,ilre,l, That wa do nnf for/cf In tlie flrnrral ?loom the polgnaucr of prtvati rrlef,.i we be-* leadM ta. tlir mn vlvitiar fanitlv our tn ll . <>tiii.n?ri .itloii. Freolred, Tliiit ll.u:.. i< llml, r luiilng giowu 'n our rlta ln |,i-lln-iiniii ln- Mi?a, |,,. ,i|,_r,|ii,, a ibotlld l>" flO relrhmteil ihHl the people whom l.r- lov.-d may ir.-nrr ally ..artl.'lpiiti' llicrt-in. We Ihrpfoir dlreej tluit tbe fiovarnor . Room m tbe riiv Hall be prevand vrh.-u lila t...(tv bIihM tn in atate At ..ul.iu- vlrvr .'orattay tbe m inatant, betwera the boura of t?a. m aadlflp.n. Ketfilred, Tluit it la hrreliv recomtneiided lo ourflttl araa to etoae tholr leepeetlve plaoea of btulueaeaafl n fmtn from nnv eeeular rmptnvinnit on thr day ?-t aaarl foi aoirmnlalofl Ibe funeralrlleeaod rereroorrteoj tbal tlie ii'i-inlii r. ..f tlir Common ('..uli. II wlll Bttead llir il it. * i.-.iv, witb tbelr atavi.f ofdee, ??d draped ln niuiiriiiiiif, ntiil \aiil ia, ir .1 I'ti'.' of monrulna for a I..-H...1 of ... laya; tlmt tbeflag-or. thi Cltj llaJI ?od Ihe other publle b-Udhut* Iie dlaplayed ,.t balr-roaal from ?tineet, aod tbe owaaraafl maeteraof viM.iia tn tin- barhor and thr nwneraor orcupantiiiif hullallnfl. ln thtarlt. bo reqoeatetl t<> dl-aplay tlia-ir flair-a it luiif ni.-t mi tbal day . and tln.i ? lolul Oorntnlttee of I.. metn-en of i aeb t raoeb ?f Ibe ? ominon Oonnell t>e ?ipt.olnte.l t>. pertrct tbe above. and, after oot?nItatton with tlu- Murora-1- beadaof Departaeata of the Banl i Ipal Ooveriimi'til, ntnke ?ue_i oth.rmid furthi r arrunirr. nu-iitH n? to tlictn rooy appear b-Aler ealcnlated more elearly -nn Inrpree-lvely lo mantfaal bottow for Bm ?l.-.ith umi ni. n i,i-. (or the i,iriiii,r> ..f lln ilei-t-um-d. Tio- raaotatlflaa wttt tflflflflalai bl AMa?aaa faa ubalck uud ?-i i<? iiiiauiiu.iualv uuopte.l. Tbe I'rraltb-nl appotatBd iii.- faOawtag bbBB?BBflflaal I?i VaaB Oflai lll.-a, nilli-ii lor by The reeoluilotifl : Al.lermi-u Coch ?Bflfl. Vitii |?MBafc) i ?lio\?''. l-'ilcoticr. und t'oinan. i-(,\(ii niM'i di i ur AeenTABT aibsbbkb. Tlu- Board p_ Aaaistattl Aldernien arafl ea-led ln lanlai bj ihn rufllilmil Tin- reaolatla?i idoptad -p th. itmii'ii of Ai.l.'iuMi wttt praaaafcAaad lafltetaa AMer?aa Oaaaioc awra. ?> tta* tntw i witb the Board >f Alilrrincn, -ajinp, iucfl. ft, a* t. yotiti. BBB latfll] flahartcod on tin- ?i.i afl BflBBaal i.f'-. Bfl ("i.i'i iiniii | bt ?X|?it.-<l lo tl tni wuralH Ollcqtl.lle to tlu- iri'.i-iiili. Ilr ii'frrn il to Ihe fll 0_ (\:ini..lo fnriiislu d t" tlu- yflflflfl PJ Mi. i,i. . . . utiil uia'iil nll fOODfl nii n to Miaa blH lumpli li. tbe <|. tenulned itinum r lu whlch h? inlhcred to hi- priin p Mr. ('oi.i . i imI.1 fl lta Mi (,r. .-I.-.v'h .-jTurtfl ln bfl?aB afl t he . asatad ra.r, mn lur ttad bfl BbeiaJ M aafl latopn . lallaa thflBrw pt_?lpatflf ihe nr-ciara tion of lii.lii.cii.leiice, tliat all man aaue t.oru fr. < .md aajaaL BB daa?i waaa aad aalHeBohtw_deh____al aM ,,.-(. -nt-,1 i?.iiiir.i'. iiiitti fi lt. in- aaaaa arauM |o down to poaterlt.V an au bnnored, ba-la.vetl Amerli-aii, whoae vaorliH would Bffl Till flflfltfl-y paflflfld flWBJ _ai?laal IMflntaa Plai kaay la neeailai the moti, ?tra.-aai tu aabflaaBafl Hia' Br. Baaflt .,tt:ll..-p.l.-.| llitl,*elf to tlu- 1\..llil Bfl ta Int'. >.' BM II Bhflflfl i.i-i afl?atfl \.i ie iin-.. ;??.! f?r thr'.-io nt or ti>o pi.i. Baaat, BV ?:ir tha . ii_ui|.inii afl tha Bb?kag alaflflafli thfl?IflBd "I tlie lalatr, auiuiat ln tin- r.-foriitiitu.n of iii.u-i-s aml in lh? reiraflfl ol araae, af aaf?j b_ .md of a_uaa Bfl vaiiiii.iit rflfraa B. Tio- Piwaadaot, "ti.iT. Etall, ?__. _B*t*_tl: feaaaal it-t I?B aaaaartaa?f Pflfli taiiii.uit p il aa my wirrow nt !hU Uitapciliation of Uivii.. Tii.m.I i I il.) i..t pn*-_BB by ny tteak worda la Bdd Ifl thfl M uti uieuu flBaady fl> aaly fiTpfaaaid hy ?] BBllflflgafliBB i dPNlre IflBBfBflflfl my ajitipaDiv WBh U.? r<lallve?of tlie i ,i in t1 ta tio b'flii al I.. -i; i'ii'11" BBaanra witii ho ilti and v,itii the ii.itiiiu tlu- laal ?f " in of 'I' ? ?tiflBflof iiioiii-ni iiuK*. ii.'t..'.' i.t.-.:..'. ladeadi Bflfl tiie cat.-.n flwarfl-. Bai wmuj faatfl *fc bafalaflln upon hitn as n gflflflt paBttafll Wtmti v.i:o ha? Vtarfecd BBflflflflflfl?y for the t.-(? (1 f BM 1" ? !?!'? i""l bflfl dono BBBB iti tlie foimation of poUtkfl. 'p..rtlefl and ln thaplflB Anu-riean pfltBtflfl tliati uny n.-m of the aa-e. Ht) vraa a frion.l St tlie oii ! ; a. v.r ii, fldffll of tt..- \'.Uit_ of Hfl I Aii advaaaia t\ baflh??y( flflaaaaflyi Iflflvaflaoaa, im, au'! i. ' a-ion. BBd a Bv?B 1-BBBfB <'f tlu '. i! .t hta ral ??.- bflflflfld ln deatb. Bfl _??0 uo leBflflai ?effl BaMOkfl Bfl. lik'l'' the biinlt n of t!n- 'van umi BtvtBf f.nt'i mul bflflata the dl- ' ?'? ,!?'? Baaat priiu-t|ii<? ad paaaaaal aad aallaaa? paaaBavtfjr. Althoupti I i-ourl no- a i|,p "tt Inm lu thfl 1 ">' I'^ii. itiiiot imt in- iii"!iv.-? waaa all *tx* itrtaBc. aafl hi< ?la patt_aal Baraaiaflfli int< 10I4? f,,r _!,,. -,r tha Bnhah ? aaafli t 1' ? I ariaa to ui-u-iu aay witu thaaaad bB b?ally aad aared oue?, I dfsint art?I them M look liraoml iii.- BflB n prave. .. tu. -ifi t.a-1 Hr. (..( 1. >'? dytaeaaadai "i tm*m _?tflflj ?fldeomer livotli." I.-t ua ronsl.ler tlie un. 01 ?Bfl* o f li'ltiiim III.'. pn rflflflB Bfl lifu-i liinii!..iinll> 'i. oa-r, m tta kaflflflflga flt tbfl aaa t. ?? i_>-.veaharfl tii.-ir tiuif tofi . An.l Bow. r-. to witlii 1 nt tba B An.l fllal. i" Mt, bul all TM,. . ? IM?i far tl..' ?j-.?. Board ,..i.. iin-.l ni Ibe renoirttiou^ Aaataflaal Al Q iivm, o.-i?. Baaly, aad Miaafcwmit atedai '.',_ OpiamlUaa la ta ta?I of thr An itaaaal Al h raaa, aad-Bfl E?aid ihaet aaaia mkbjm THE lil.'iKiKIVN (.ii.MMdN COU_rtH_ Tlu- r.riH.l.lyn ('ciiiiti'.ii CFiuncil itn-t at ^ p. 1 ., 1. Barfi 1 iu tha I'Lair. aflfl raB hrad fl. tu Mui'U-I'.iwa l; ' a BflflBBBfl-?tat?? I To the ri'iii'irobir the Common Ctmneil?(ir-nrvit: Tbe deatb of ? baa mteltod ;a deep aod wldetpread lympatby tbrouajboul tbe land fouod expreuioo tbronirb the <-..1 asmn?*- ot tbe i.r.->-B. irr. M?..t,\,-,'..d or party, aod lo view ol I i ,-. to I.u country dorlng a long pobllc career. I thtnb 1 igtiiv proper thal your bonorable liody ?bould | 1 -iiiflHUi ii ti Ibute i" hta naemorj aa lua _n-at eharat lai di maoda. it '?i"' tfull) .-nibiuitt.-tl, .- .- l'niv 1 11, Mayor. a .1. naaa rtogga tbaa off. reii tbe IflUawlaa 1 hmUe-'t. II. I . I .'iiiii-lt.. of tl\r baaaBalflflfld tixlraw nii.t ifilr reaolut-OD* "i eondolenoe f>.r tbe dtaalb ol tba raterau toBrnaL-tt, Boraea Ureeley. and tbal tbia it<- <r.i do iillriiil tti-- Illli. ral 111 .1 liodj , UUd thal the Co?IUHIimi ba ui'l" ?tl i v-itii pow?r. I'K-vious to thu utlopti.ii) nf the ri kolulioD, Al.l. riuan Bbbbm flflBaflflad ih<- )if>' aad afl?raeflerefl Br.On and aftld that tha lesion lr_i ii'-d hy lua deatb ifl tbfl world Ia iK-tt. r 'or bi. liavHig livc.l, aud that men wlll l.ut auswtir tlie pflfyflflfl God bad when ll.-_.ivrth.-iu i.irth lf they flBitfl i" -flaalalfl h"- Haaa taai iif>- aud iua love for bi* MIBfl ? Alili-ntitai. Taylt.r naid, In part, that il naflflfll v.ry approprlate that a pnl.liI .luu,1,1 paflflB ln ita oidi narj routiur of bflfl?BM| umi lake pahlB BatflB "f th> fact tbat one of tbe |tn-at4-et of Anien.aii JflflflflflBfllB and cti.IcMin n ended hi-. life. Th? liiuud flhflflM B lta IiIkIi flpprtH'latiou of blfl difltiiiKiiuahed ..iialit . - ol mlnd uDil hrart, for eertaiuly there ?m 110 Aiurncaii cltizen that had not learnt-d to look bflfl?M tlie few etieDtricItie* of Bflflflflfl lireel.y and to flod hla gt-niua uud gfeat loorulity. There waa uo cau . of publle t-harlty whieb had nut IflflfltTfld ?flflflBn IJ mpatby -nd the ald uf bls Kreat taleulfl. Thrie U -oiuetlnug ln tbc beart of tbia gr.-at natlou which reaponda to th.- aa.l 'brr.-avciu'-ut whlch haa fallen iiik.ii hla>. Mr ataudlng al.out the grave of tha. Jouruallat ahould learu to eherUh tbe prlnclplea wblch hc bioiigbt out ln ui? life and flflflM with hia dcath. All11111.n1 lJawfla.n alfo made a _t*fl i.ppro|.rlate re roarkfl, aud ^ald that (.od would,.- t.r.-ele., for hlM fljflflfll IflflflB, aud hia pountryinen would Iflfliiciuber li 1 an aa, a dr\o|. .1 fileiul aud The Cbaniuaii, Alderuian Ber_-en.e_prea.ed hla brarty appreclatloD of the giealuea* of Mr. t.i.-rl. v, aud only rcfraii.til froui uiakiug furthei u-uiaik* bflflflflflfl ot a aevere Indlapoaition. Aldertaan Itichardaon aald, ln p?rt: Onre more ,ire opeued the galea of oui beautlful " . i'v of ttu deiid " for the eutrame of auother vreary pilgrlui who, after life'* toilaome atiuggle aud weanaoiue Journt-y, aeeka foi rtflt lu Ita qulet retreatfl. Thla tuue tboae k?'<^ are opened ta re.-eive, aa one of tbe Inhabltaut* of that eity, a mai aa dlatlnauiahrd at any of thoee wbo bave arrived before blui; aa durlng bi* Ufe, uou. tn eiu-ai blm, either ln io Ilueiice, u_4-fulnoM, or faiue. The name of Horaa e (1 real.--' waa not nirrrly " farulllar to ua aa a hoaaflBaH word," Uut it waa, It ln, aud wlll be a " hnunehold word" one end pf thla co-i-iueat ta tb? other. Wbrrevcr civilitation ha* mara?klod lta forotua, edneatinu baaereeted lta atandard, rellglon hMpoated ber ?entlntU, 01 a. louce ba* advauced ber ouliuu-l pickel, there baa reachad tbe uatue aod f.uiu- of blui uli.,... (l.-ath we lmmiit and wb.aae inemory we bonor lo da> . No better llluatratlon of tbe viUl teroa of repui.liian lu, aud or tbe opportuultlea and euioitragemeul wiiKhtl.ry furulab for ludlvldual diveiop? rui, can be found rhan lutliai eventa whieb preoe_ed and atteu_had the .ucaie-x ..rHoraoe Oreeley. Of him mlabt l.<- aald lu trutb tboae worda -0 often uuaapulled, - Hr waa a ae. iiia-lr uian." Horu aud reareiliu poverty, ongaluly lo tlruM-.witii n? advantaitea of per_ou, vol.t., <>r manner 1. ald blm, from tbo ag- of t_n yaara Iie waa eritl?Iv aell auptior-ug, whlle for tunny of Ibe ??rlv jeara of hla life he wa_ ulterly nrglei-iful ?f hlmaa lf an.l hia own j.reitalng wauta for tbe purpaiee "? relleving me necea.! t.ra uf 111. pal. I.t". Aa a daieiulrr ol biiuian rliibta and aa a philaiitbropiai llorace (ITeeley bad few ..juala aud i.o BtflMrtora 11. r>-< oalillr.l lu ua ff, man a hrolbi i, l hr ci? allou of th. aaiue altulghly. taueflceiit Kather, eutltled to Uu mtmc ri.bUaud tbi-riiijoyu?ut of tbe aa uaa privllegeia aabitu - aelf. lt waa thia tbat uiade hlui an agg.e__.ive aim Bbivery uiau. Uis aaw tbal freetloiu waa ihe aoruial oon ditiou of every bucoan brlug. A_-ain?t all forina of boud age. exorpt aa a punlabuiout for peraonal i-rime, be cai ru_ ou ao aiUta aud eaTtctite warlai.. heLWvji.g tbal ??ihepi'ii || ttil.litlrr thiin tba awiinl," and ?f rlifhl n.n_ht lo bt' ao, he I.M.I BO oi.ixirftlntty of advncallnd and ? leinuii.iiiiir peaee iiiii.-?in_ Ibatb-laaapsraBaa ta per wiii.,1. uaUveuu nt. aml llnti " tcinperauoe ln all UiIii-h ihoiild be tba rule nflifo, aa lt I* Ibe *af. fy *.f pyerj iiiii.i, l.e jirni 1. inpi tiioie lilii.arlf. iind tirifod lt aa tba haM n.ur*.' f-r ..tli. ?>?. Htrona; and l< IB oi nime man a? llorit. ??' V t.lway* waa, bB Bayai iiivo.i d tba foriniilloii or tln> cxlstoucn of pulltlrul pur taaa ior tba proat-ttoa ol eitbet Bul I love to tbliiK of Ibitt cloalnj. aeene. Whore, af Umt_kdbl dtilkflit' I* tbe iVptb Ol 4ib.ce ?inii Umi non.' i in, tiii- nii.-iiitiide nl wiioa<> laaabobbaaa ?v preclatc. witli a fow atfemlnnt fiirnd-, Or.'. ley BBBM to tba i loaa 81 hla "l.tlBy life." What biid I.D bfl ?* tbi-acb tbadajraaf bl* ai.-ki.e*aaad _ppa ii nt -looiii aa may kaow. bat II la permtttad U Batowltaaaa Iba i~aal_ " l ktmw tbat my Bwleemei Uve?i ii i- iiinii" tbat waa all; but lu tboae law word* ara sptb Bila. <l aii tb. Goapal ol Cbrta_ aod all tba taltfe of tbe Cbrtetlaa. Ha arbo Baa aald, " l am tba Beaorree ll.ti nnd tln l.lfe ; Ikfl Uu.l ImIicviIIi Iii M-. t-Onftb ln were Ba?d, vi I nblill Im llio : und WBOSO. wr i.Wh md l.<-Iievotli ltl Mo rli.ill never ill,-,*' Waa tl.e ., tba ? teaiplar, aml tlie aanaolatloa of tln itj Iaa man, nnd m ihal aiiiillu.c fttllh, with IiIh band ln thal of Bta Ih ? deeiuer bepatscd oter Ihe Jordiu, lnto tln- prorol ? ??! Umi. Wiiereur auBerliiB linuiaiiliy atrolebefl fortb lier baods luiplnrlngli for rellcf wli* river tln, llbcrated klavn lifta lua I?arfal ajraa with t-anftfulneat lo Ood for bia deltvar* Baaa; laaverj aaaal L-etltatlon ia wbleb pbllantbropy baa .itniiioiaii d tln woe of tba piitou.r hjy tba abollab ? nl of iiuuoce?tary puniahment ; waaravaf m*mm*j* ,i i iean apprt i late arduo?a. __ea_t_b t.iii for tba baa. .ttt nf ib.< raoe ; on tba _?__?Ippi ita on tbe H-daon, o* Un- h.inksalikelof the TBaBMB aaat tbe Belne. aod oi tln rtlllne; outh.iiioiiiit.iini of Hwllr.orlaii.1, lu Ihevnllrta ? Pladmeflt, and on tbe plaiaa of Hall - tbroiurliout tho wbole riviii/.cil iioiiil -.ball ba moiirn.d Iba ior?, ba ahar i.r | tbe f um', and tni'iiiili d tlio vlrtuea, _*-ulU;nuaa, I. l*or*t and f.illhfillloeaB of BOa?BB (iioelcy. Tho Cotniiiltt.e :ip|ioliiti'l to BBBflB iirraiiKetiients for IBB rui.eriil 11.. i? nl.-af Aldenueu Bo___B, mt*tl . ( hiucy, lllili.irdvoi. and Waltor. THE J.IHKKAI. l.Kl'l?IILH AN GI.NT.KAI. COM _m iii; I iiit-i tin/,' al II"' l.iliiral I_?i> Q_BsbT_1 ( omii.lttce ?if held laat . yciiibi. nt tba Baa8Bfflfla8Bf8j Ba.8?1 Broadwajr. Iba Ba8a_BaaBaa U* Btaaaai b_*> BBatoa. G" ti." ? ? I'oaclmioit and Wicks W. l.'ulver acllug; .m Sccretarloa. Tlio.-o wat u very full tit.iond.inco. The riiaii-inai) Btatad brk?j tbaobj-ataf Iba aaaailBBaaal i.itnmittco aud tbo ii.'iUoii al l.u,- " ??! '" tuii'd 111 th'dcitli "f Mr. !'.. 0*8 ra-fl A ? . :1* H .1 tba ttlitIW1BI n-roluilons: THB BflaOBIIIIOBB Wherea*. It haa pl. .-l Dlvtn-IT.ivldene* toremoye i bta eynrlaatlna reato-T tioiov.-d ii nnl andbooored ieader, Uoraee Greeh v . tlu-re*.no *M**m**\ Tliat. while onr ln-irt? nre welgyied down witb niilii tvni ttoiii beevyloaa, weare craieful to tbe -iitin-ii.i? I'.ni-r of ' t*-iitH tuat ?>nr rrii i rad for ... iini_ aur.ini aa. fttlneaa, ind tbal tha adVane. i ici ? of tba areat iBt-i-Bta of bnmanlty, elyll brotberbood aroona all men, for wblob be aa loaa :'' ? f.itiifiiiiv itii.l iQatatei-ata-ly laborvd, will imt bv blndered or delayed um i>> bta daatb. Brmfss4, Ibal tba biatorj or hir life, to-. wdl known to ,ic,,i rerlt-1 bera, i? tiu* bnulit. onataJ aod reeord of an exlatenct) deroted lo tbi p'od i f oth. ra. owin- t otblng . leotnl advanta*rea, bavlna from hla eblldl.I to pon bls own aual sid a_ert1o_s Ior id? iivIdk. his lon mi.1 opportunltlea for pnhlie uanfninesa, he paaa bjt tba larea "f __tlys Ba-loa, aulded by pnre pm ..,'...1 -ttcn-tl..ii,-il l*y tlio halnU of IfldU !ivo ..iiui.l iu e ii iv raatb and di i.r relB-i d nntfl tba aojrer of ~aa*_ laaabad hnn, froai aoyerty to wbal woald bay* beon a eoatdltlon ol B-luenee but Ior ln? tinti_iiiir .-iii-. from obaeurlty tofai i* 111 ' w tb. Bi ?' Ib bh eboa>>b profeaa m, aprofoaal n wbleb ba ladooemore tli.iti _nv oili'-r Mti'i i t'Klcvat-to tln [i .1 l ' _bla poaltloo II now l ? ,;'"- ib wbleh bo made foi bitna<*if a naana, aad baea-io a foree i.i ln-. unrlval'-'l |iiiwcr to exjn?M in II'11ii_? iBOfri J Kroat aml talnaii;.- thoiurhta?bal reeofnlsed, honoi-d, BBd W'lihy ol bOBOC now tbal his umk i* doin-, tDont or .,ii, lu aad tx' laaa "f ibas, tbal ba a - the frnnd, tbe adyoeata, atnl the cbamplon af the i'lor. tlie wcitk, SUd tlie oppn i, tbe great h baya taken plaee ifl tm oiintrv I.i- lif' fine. ? ablcb raaoltad ln tbe ramoy?I of tboenaw aad .Iihiih Of r. ivorv, nnd tl.brvadon tO tba riKbtaof in.tiil:.i ,.p ,,i ., bmit-oppi-Baad raoe, tbe - ;,.?i Hi.Mii -tn.f Horace Greelej were preorainont. Hia dlaiutereatedneaa, pnr ti, and statoasDansblp were dem -..I wl. ai the cloae of tho loaa:,bloody,aad ?ii c i-outct wbrab dlatraeted |the nation, be who of all in.-ii bad baraa moat ot>loojuy. lixmrred moal Natrod in ni ti e iiii. iitcl party, waa tbe Ural i ; partj the i.i l and rree rualoratlou to all ? lt 11 and poiltiral ila-fit.1. aml lo advoeata tln* ireaubliab-te-l ,,f ino I.UIOII iu tbe -tiint nf irm-riiai afflactlori Alwa. k iu itdvaio, oi' hi.-> y -?_.--. ? t.< cnat-reol bo party, Adtoeatlna trutba for nooth.-i oment than thal theJ wera Iratha, he, eyen while ln- waa yet wiib aa, atw aOai s all the prlnolplea for the ayowal of wbleh be waaat Bral ro^b?t, a_opt__ byiIba . andeu-cto.1 Into lawa, aad 8000 tin-\. 1. ,1... triii-1 wlinh be I.iri aiiwr'.it. d wlll, byadoptioo, bta ome ra. i-i.e.i of a united tafioii, and In tha n-uitim u _ ,,, . ,, . . , .,111, ttlj 1 nti'il..nii d and f. r tbe reall?tlluli ,,; y,i l 1 ? xlv l iborad tbal Iba erroi ? niiarrela, aad tba bltteraeai of tba paat ahonldb. for a. iften, and tbeaapple o. hu native latid.-ni aaplritof ? 1 kiudm aa, pn 1 ed lo aork mit the gn aj,*~rei 1 Ml.ich .bojh-u tO thcui. we Wlll Umi * Hk* bla , .io]* irture. Beaafar-, Tbat a- porltk .1 supporters .I issiaiatet of our 1..1111 uicil rt.. mi. >?'? 8?b in u dua al?to fooan to bia memory, and to a -eolai-osxi iontlnued faltb luund adbealon t? tbe prln -. i,.i-,l in,.1 liiaititalncil iiv him IB the late canyasa ; but wemabothis ttaelaralloa ln bo tplrtl of partaaanatiljf. aud iu ii,.' bop -.iii uellel tbal tba Um. la near .ii baa 1 wticii tboae ? uo h tye b. en'oppoand ben t.ifor.Iy opon h Wlll.ll IlllVe ' ' Wlll be .llllo to Illilt lll.t ? 1 ii (retb. r wltbi l" '"? pabllo aood. .I,./, Tbat ? :'.ii) imBt-aaod bj tba aolvenal uauifaataUo-sol tbe aorrow feil by aii oan t, klow?itiaeaa al ota aommoo loaa, und fladly ra. ??. iu tln- iceueraj expn prool tbat no dif pii.iuu n.ii iihseured tbo luator of oor doad Tbo b ara thal Bow upon I.ii on 1 1 -onie from limwal iH-.nir.. _dd o-et hi _i ,ve uicil of all ra.ind Oi all BB-tlea Wlll 0-Ut tbe in nt trlbute 10 lu* iiicuior.t whoa tbet. uuite lu oh iii_ ...iHtililfn-cii"" aud ur. i..- i..?.iii<T I., .uli ob t__a< in. tt l__~ra for tbe pubUo_*a_d, (or wbatb ho luci 1,1 f.n wiih h be nu (I. hy~.i/rrif, lhat wo lend.-r to tho ebildren of tba do -i luputby f'ii tbe Im parable li abicb tbere caa bo do -onaohUton nr a_aqaata roj i.ini. Col. 8illism.ulea UM BfCaab ln eu],)_v of Mr. Gree Ity.auti allii'l"! Ifl BataBB $88*888 l" hia puhli,' 888*1888 I'haa. T. Polhamn.-. Mr. l-'raiikeiiholiner, _*__ Jolm 1 aa_aa, aai iba Baa. ?_at*tofbm !_?__? t^' iu sboi-t aud :?' Baa BB-iaaaaa, Mr. |>a naaa aai 1 ha hi*i>ed that whrn tlie tote waa ou the Kaoiulnin-i it would Ih- Baaa -il'-ntly, tlnI uieinbcrs rlslnir. This was done. the retoiution hclnu adupled unan jmou.ilv. Ha 1 oiiiuiittee will moet at the bead.iUiirters, at 10 a. ui. to uiomiw, and attend the funeral 1 . a body. Tbe rnniii aud the fnml al UM huldin. ?il; he a-.nt ali.v drapad. aad BBi imiu_; had_i-s wil. be worn al tbe loueial. ? 1HK TA.MMANV BOOIB-T. A iiiii tuiK i'i la_ la__aa__f Society or the ( oluinlilitii Oider waa beld, laat evciilUB, at the Wi_-waui iu l'iiiirtceiilli-8t Aiimii*; llm.-e pie-out Wttt Jotm F.n, Wiu, 0. 1'oiiih 1, Mllet) U. Andiewa, E. L. l>oniielly, J. W. (/'banler. Jud?ea I^onard and and many .tbiit. Aii-iiiin-"ihe'.l prealiled at the a_B8_?9 Tlm followin. doclaration ol tbe aonUineuta of the Sorlety, ofTered hy Ala-ornon 8. iSulllvan, and aecondod bj tln Hon. John keil.v, was adopted : Thn SaMielvof Tammany, or tbe Columblan Order. was or .aniie.l tn k.-ep alito the patriot daiue 111 the lirca*t*of all Ainerivall cllizena, and the Mocietr hi.11 iilwiiis Ixen pr, mi't to bouor tbe muiie aud famo of tboae ?Im w n einiiHin ln thelr eharaeter aud aervicca 111 the Hlate. A Jnil triliute to the HvIuk aud unfadiuif I lorelt to ibe bouored rtead baa evor la-eu n udiaVid lu 4beae hallt, ?ud uow, wheu the death of Horace Greeley haa heen auuoiiuci-d. wo upproacb bl* tomb and rever ently lay Uu reou our ehaplet. Iii tbe hnat and broadoat aense of tba word be waa a i.biUuibroi.i.t; hii vety patrioMam waa an ejiprea?011 of ,1 deaire to promote the happlueaa of bla fellaw mon. Hc lorod lii-iu e, aud th.-r.-fore, of coiirar). loved Uherty aud enualit.) for every uiaii. He waa uever a alave of i.artv hut a man wboae consclanoo gavo hlui lndividti ality aud liideianilence. Tiie t-outrolliiiK charaoterlatlca tt hla Ufe were rectltilde and actlve effort Ior progreaa aml tM-lieiolence. For all tbla, and for his coura?eoiu. tender-taearted an M-kbl to bls couiiirynien to upmot Hm aplrlt of dlaeord and to brinu hack the feellun of brotherhoa.1 lu our be lovod eouutry, we, to ul_bt. Busciilie hla na?ie lu hrltrbt letter* 011 the acroh of Auierioa'a moat llluatrloua aud patriotlc dead._ .THK Rr.FIBI.KJAN GFNKKAI. COMkiriTKK. At a uiiitiiiK *rl a_8 Exi'iutivt- Cominittee of tbe Kepubllcan Goueral Coonty (.'oiiiiuitb-, held, laat evenrna. at Broadway and'Tweuty-tblrd-st., It was re aolvt-d tbal t.e Geaeral Comiuittee bo recouiaiouded to moet at ibe l radijuarierr. to-morrow foreuoon, an.l ln a body attend the funeral of Mr. Greeley. It waa furtber leeommaoded tbat tba ('halrmati be autbortaed to maka tbe necoaaarjr arr_u_;emauta and paoytae aaitaMe ruoiirtiiu. h-d|raa. Tbe Committee on Ileaolutlooa waa dlreotod to prepaie approprtate rMolu tlona. tobe preaaotad at tba next-leeUngo! ibeCon, milteo. TllK I'MOA1 l.KAGI K CLUB. A aprvisl nKr~tin?r ot th? Union l-oitBrtiA Club *aabi lual tbr 1 lub lmu-e in M...ll.?n ave. la-i evioiin.. H H. Walea pri-*nled. Adilreaaa. miio_iitic of tho vlr tue* of tbelr late aaitnelale were delivared hy Jud?.< Fanebcr, tbe Hou. Cbaumay M. Depow. toe ltev. o 11 FruthiiiBham. the Hou. Stowart L. ?/oodford, tbe Hon. w liiiain Ortou, Kamael J. Glaaaey, and JBinea H. Hlua. A Gommttlee of n*e, coualatina or tbe Hon. Wllllam Orton. Jaobaoofl bobolla. biuklair Tvuar), Heur; (leaa. nn.l j M. liiindy, BM flflaa-atad t-> pro-rara i reaolutloiiH. Tlu- cemmltlea iireaifliei BB following vhtfll aara iiiiaajlwaflij aiayMi Th.- BBeaaaaaa ->r tta Dfldaa Laaeaa ' lab -i""1 lli.-irtn.1 iiffli. tiot. wh'rb ba? lliem ?B IBa ? of oiu-of tbelr oldeat aml moet dlatlnirvlabi aoelatee, iloraca Oreeley, An early and pi >muieiii Miei.itMT of ibla (lab, and one of tbe moat ? raleaof tbe gr> at prlaelpli ? Ifl tl"- floppa rl of wbl. li wi have all laiairt-d, bia deatb recalla to ua tu.t'iitaiuk whieb luaao hirgeiy uideil fo ae-ompt?b ifl tbeenfrei ( bla-aiaent aml elevattaa of aa < uaiavod ran- aud in ib .-uiigi.ieiiiiia ut ..f publla oi'iiiloa. Among the peat poa ill, tHof tlu >,., t ?> .,- laii'.u. and In tbu kiipport ?f all r. forn.atory meaanrra, w? reeoflnla - nov*, ? i ..lwavH bave raaog-laed, tba tratta al ai od aad i. :. t vt I.I, Ii bave iiui'In our il< _>i<rl ur iu tha land; hla rnergy, and iitispott.-d ebaraeter j blm paor aad appraaaad, bii fearteai advnaaa-a ol all aod d< .ii,ui to whatever i< -mi.-.i lo enl ao uro i" i it v ni i i" eoud ."? lo ibe gi ni ral el( ratmn and intelleetual progreaa of bia eouatry. In thi | liu i whe Imwig aftllctlon wbl. I. bna eOOM Btpon Ba, va < furg.-t all rneui poiitlcul ov< nu aud dtaeuaelone,aad n uu mi,, r only tbe great aervlcea of oui deperti I a lal.- to thfl ...tiutry and to manklml, and eaia *i. t.ndir our wi.rm.-Bt Hyiiipatltlea lo ihe doul ' Imreaved clildrcn of a great and repr.-n ni itlvi t u. run. Retolred, Tbut thr be reqneab i to apjiolnl a c.iiumlil.. of twenty iiiriuli. r? of tbr i I m to attaad th<: inm -.-.ii of the daeeaaefl Ayfflfldfld aro thfl uaiocii of thI OflflBBflBlflfl BPP BBBfll l.y tlie 0?Bf__Bfl JflflBflflB H. rtehultx, ?flflfl tkcr_an, [BBfl?fll C. Moore, K. - Kam, John & Vau Alen, Oflflrfl. W. Illutit, Hlndalr SflBB y, R. M. Btrola-Jgh, O. V. Muiin. J. M. Hi.iuly, PfldBfl Coopor, Charlefl Watroua, icniotr. <-. Oawdaa, CBaaaaay m. i>i>ew, thai? c,, w. ir. fmjtg, John a. a -rflfi Ufli a. DrBBy, DflflflBflfl 11. Bfltaa, D. F. Api'l. BBB, H. II. Wai. TBI LnrCOLH CLUB. A aporial toeettBg of tli I.iniolii Clob BM tu id Ifl t fjv.-i.ii.i. at tin- Qah-taau -, Bo. B Bbb Ttnaaty flntir, Ald-ririan I). I). CBflflffll pr.-ridcl, uud A-lur li.irii.-tt flfltfld aaSeflflfltary, Qflfl. r_li_er moved that a eomniltteo bfl appolatod to preparo RBMlaBflafl (__?** flrflot the Bfl?a#if|tha?aaahaaaof tha Olab la ifllallaa ith of Mr. Ofl Tiio O-Bdnaaa appidBlai a? taab OtaHBBBWk Oaa. Fal* in. r, ei-Jiidg.? I-'ilhi ui. ('. . ithfl Bflfl. ?Bflfl?fll Bi HflBflfla. and Qflflk Jolui OflflBTflflfl. The Mflfllag lta .liitlon* Bflflfl olfcred : BmMmmi, 'II. a ln thfl iflfltaaa of onr late fellow i _oraco Ureetey, th<> uea-bara afl tha ?tnooln Ctul?ara , upou to laui.-nt aud deploie tbo lom >>f un and friand ir. whoie bon r I torriiy they over pUcod the moat imuUeu I andwhuoapereoaal ralatloaa a? aaamber ol lbi ,i.r that iu,, t havpy ebaraeter whieh mado bia molal praaaaee at. theiif roaun- ov.-r balled wtth tba -igu.-at -n.ut.-ue of aot-rr.ciatiou aud plt?flflfl by Bfl HJ.-Ul l >? ktttUfi. Thal to the memory of Horare Oreeley, purftj of life, nol.ifwy of rhar... t.-r, md ltiiegnt. ? f |.ur poao, wera flwuded tbo wanueat ami moat _ pulaea of lniuianify. we owo uud aocord our trlb i.t. .,: . ri. .-tn aud reepect. Bi tolttd,That the actlon of the Lincolu Club li. extend li.K io Mr. tbe aafl of Ita r.i? aa bia home dur? ing tlie rea-itnt pollti.alcanvaae, and hta aeceptunoe of tb- boepitallt-ea ol tha Oiuu aa lt a hoooiad aaaal, r<n.< !_.:>. red aod eberlflbed by Ita un mbi th.- brl-_teflt aveal cbroni.led upon tbo pagea of ito liirtory. Retolred, Th.t, with tlio bereav id menjli"? of nV faiull) fl ? i. nitioii, we iiniie ln exproaaltpi ol tluoere regrel and il ,-mpatbyln tholr and our-outmonl "/, Tbat, aa an hamble ackuovv!edgeu.eut of onr I,.**. aud a fliting trlbute of r.-apect to the memory of >.ur tii.r ai.d frl.-iid, the ro.,mi i.f tl. < lub be draped In mouriilng, aud that Ibe mcuiUcrB atuud iu a i.o'l) hia .__.__ Itetotred, Tbat thewa naOlatlOBfl ^e ent.-rfld mii.iit. r, and be pryuerly engnxwod an.l frame .. jf the Llncoln Club iu maaaorl?_, Uen. falflflflri uui ex-jiidge litiii.m uialo Bflfl?B aiotifltothe meuiory of tlie decea-*ed, re> ouuttng the malu fcturea of bB life, aud the uiauy publio acta witb v.hi.hho had BBMI MflBfl?fl? Tho reeoluiloufl were ii.l..p'._l flflfl?Buo-1-.iy. XhOBBaaahflBfl of the Club will i tha fuaaraJ la t body, Baaiiad flaBaita flaoaffltta ii-iilat-i. Thr iju.iuliera of tha I?MflflJ Bafa ? I.. (.mnmtteo waaa havttad la paaBetflata alib tha .lul'lubin tbi* duty. Sultaabl.- II,aa will be preeeuted to the futnlly of the deceaeed. Wm II Da Oflflflf tiiuved that a C'ouiinlttrr ,,f | n.i|?,iiit..'.I lo .Ir.iiw- tlu- bulldtac and thfl MtflW-BB ?<r. appo?itedi Baa ft Bfl 0a-*flh ->r. Martm Tt, pBrii.i : Iflflfl Ihorue, and llua-h BBdiltt, tk* l*B ? djaal w.ia ad.!. J to i A. b eoinniitteo. It waa r> ttaflaaaahaaflaf tta Otflh bmo! afl l- - . ? .-u.i.ii. t'1 Baaka ... t.n nBf tba funeral. ___ A TBIBl TK mWOU BOBfl_?__S. riu- .t Dg-fOd-l hdd their niuiirhly . , . Il ?M?tV fl .- . . -? Md tlie BZI ? - flf?d uud apirited. Th- followiug |flfl**B?flifl flan UDanl ??aaly afl-pflad by tha fXahj Ba?flail Ta day tha aatloa caoania tba loaa ol ? grr-.n and i.ih?i oaa, v. t... devott l hla .imt lnt< lle. aml arhoao thaart waa alwaya 1'Ih.u to tho u. ,)f th. ii.iii. i-ceil; Resolrett, That wi nild to the ?.nae of irenrm deep peraonal aorrnw at the Provldi * baado prtved Blaa Ida lin-i-lcy and her .utc-i of a loTtafl ..tiii-t a-. u.-n a-. a '?i.d'-r ?other. Retolred, Thut tliough wor.ii BM InsilffiVlent tl rn'" i :"re ritber tbetr loaa or the d.-.-p aympatby that wafeelfor tbem lu tbelr attli.tion, m -u. b areal rrlef the D band wbleb aaaltaa can alooe aamladafer eonaol Hoplug tbat tbej may bave eomforl voucbaafed them Mii-'n ,i the world eannot frtve, are i-vaure them tba: ..ui . ttow uu ui flympathetlo teudt-rueaa (Or tho -, -on-:> itnehea. ? ? IN TIIE TKIIU.NK OITTCK. A riMBlTE FUOM TIIE E-fPl.OYl.i. A iiiei-tiiiff of tho pn-st aml pn - ur otn . , r Tar. New-Yukk Tkiiicm:, includiua: u.. .a of tbe CoiuiKjiing BBflfl-j Prerti Rooui, atil Mailiag De iniiinicnt, waa h.-ld lu the OflflBfQflbBf BflflflBj yester ,iay, it 3 o'cloek p. ui., to take aetlon on tho drath of Uua.-.) Grccl.-y. WaehlngUm A. Dodfre was ihiMten to pre-ule, aud A. Vanderwerker wae flflfflflfllfld Secretary. W. \V. Taeko offcred the foliowiuj? prc aruhle uud rcsoluiloufl, which were adopted uuaui uiously i Whereat, De.ith haa taken from ns In the mldat of hi a_a_f?aaaa, Harhee Qrealayi ttwtPaoadafl audLditorof* Tiik Ikmi'.m., aud fniniiiiy yeara our trieu.l; Rttoleed, Th.H we deplore _tl_ loaa aa on.) affcctlng the wbole world which haa been made Dettor by bia manly a.u oaaey of ?4K-lal reforuia, bls nairetl of buuiau Blavery, aud hl? oppoalttou to evlla known before bi* d iv, but siiu-r :ilH)flfihed by hin Influeuce; and we niouru him aa un au.u'hcd, aJuuteuiployiT, and a true aud faltb ftil . ouiiselor. Retolred, That we tender to the meml>er>< of hii famlly aml to the ooodaetora of tbts paper our syiupathy under the blow tbcv havejuat neatve? Retolred, That thia body aitcud the fuueral, afl a mark of r-flpect. Mr. Paako then addreaaed the meeting aa followa i We aeareely tbougbt, aa we attended the fnu.-ral of Wllliaiu ?'. Keers, tbat the next death out of tboae who ara, intiuiately aaaoelated iu tha comli? t of thla Jourual would be tbat of lta _Teat founder, Horace Oreeley. We have ?o long been aocuatomed to l.x.klug up to blm aa a l.-ader aud teua her, tbat Iitaloaa will be moro decply fclt l.y ua than that of any other niaa oonneotod with tin iu-i.-i during our lifetluie, TluTo aro a tboi?aud thluga that we niigbt flay of hlin, all re itoiiinllng t? hla credlt, but to tta hU chief merlt wa* that his huuuinity waa never auok ln tho poiitlciau or tbe edl tor HU beart waa uobio, bia band free, bia oouuael* ?a ailuble to all who knew hliu, aml he tver took a wartu ltir.r.aT ln every plan to rollove atitTertng or dlmiulah tlie aoi-rovvi of Iif.*. We <an, of eourae, eniur Into no eatluiate of Mr. (ira-a-Ufy'fl chara?ter at tbia bour. We bave loat a frii-ud, aiidaai* ui no iuoo-I to welgh blfl iDerltfl and de meiiu. -4iut I think wo ahould be remiaa.ln duty lf wo d.d nut at leaat allude to bia oppo-Uiou tu i.uman alnvery aud bia efforta (o iuprovo the condltiou of woikiug?en. At a tlme wheu ibe oooaclonca of tbe laaa-ffl uf puruefl waa dead, aod onlv Joha (.uiii.y V.lauiH, of meu wboao voice* were lnriuetitlal m tbe counclU of tlie aalioo, off.-red a remoustrauoe againat the evili that tbe exiatene. of the Uovcru uieut, Horaae Urooloy waa kuowu aa a uian oppoeed lo Hlavcry, atul waa dlallkod accoralinglr.. Tbat -hame la now uin glorv, and I tbluk that he would eateaam aa hla gruaUat. am. ou the Judgutenl of poeterlty tho faot that he never gave aay a-ounteflaflflflfl to tt") " aiuu of tuiiiiaii villaul.a?' He oppoaed ft aa be did tbe oppreaalou of tbe claeaee wbo labor by IBelt hands, be kii.-w uo diffi-fe'ic-' betweuu wbite and black, ilib aud pea.r. All uaeu wero uf Valuo lu huu. Not only did be theoi.-lta-ally adbero to tbia ruie, but he gavo proof of bia Uelief lu lt by hla in a. ti.e. The prveeut eua.UUou ul prliiter* ln N.-w York, tbeir freeduui'from alavlsh ouatoui*, ia lar^a-ly owUig to the man whoae doatb we havo uiet to deploK. Almoat tbe laat art of hU Ufe lu relalioti to the art pre a.-rvaUve waa to taecure to lue iiu-u lu lua eatabliahuent jn_) f-a-alaiulJUK tltae. We bave uaal our dlffereuooa aiitli blm, but I tbluk I expreaa tbe feellog* of tboM wbo were th.-u moat aetive aflnlnat blm when I aay that we r.'-i iunv tbat tfle blauio wai uot-utlrely ou oue aMe. Y?ii, Mr. Chalrman, wero aa>|tiaiulcd witb Mr. Uree ley wbeu he eame bero a poor anit Irlendleaa lad, and you have watobe.l hla eotiiM ever fllitoa. It haa baaon htieb ? ou?, aa tu rerli-ct cn-alit u|-ui huu ui evrry way. lle waa uiM.t; Iie du-.l wilb a rumpeleoee, aud iiilghi lu. rn Ii-ft iii iii ii more bad not bia b._rt beeu ao geiN-i oua. Ho waa uubaowii; bul i.u ma-i la lliaae latter daya bad nu r-tru.-uv.? u f,.uan. aalued with? out offia-e or oih.-r piopa tbat anoak iiu-u itea-d. He bad then u?; but thaaae who board tha of ln.-. .Ic.illi aailtl grief flM iiniiiiMirrd by thoaaaada, Tiicv ara- fouud thruiigboul the wlaole bainlable glota . II, haa la-eu roiupai.'d l? FrauKlfli, bul vvallc thi Ifl flflfl flaflflfl Urin Bm Kifib I'm. THB PRB8IDKN-T8 MKSSAOK. I onmOB Of TBE (XBJWTBJ Krvn.wi D OVB POBBMB nt.i.ATioK-v?tiik. CQVBIBT COB OBATI I.AIKU OB lllr. HK-li.r OF tub ll\f l"\4 VVIIII ',1'FAf lU-ITAIM-fllK vn s?,a KXCO'iri'iN mi XKX>?TBI CVkAH ..-'.'. -'.i III ABKBft A AM' IhFAS nn. UNASa-fr- iMXAMI'l.n. BBOUCTIOB OB TBI Pi nr.K DIBT fl IBCOBBIBBATWil AOAfflHT BBIWBTATIBt- miviii A? A rrAll' ABD TOO ?t'. r ft i:i.i' tuittfttot FBO .r l ni> -mm; PIBBtBT fVi.Fts POLMV W I'.l. | Altl.lrl. '/l i --< i? tl. I8BTB .. ii*- H?k_. 'I'. iiif. llBITI a.-... II . '..' l: "-'?* Bfl traiiflinittiFiK to yon Ibiamy fwurth annual Mea ?m with tliaitfcfal (,iv<-i of all lr"-l . ? fl i itir.ri, w<- ?BTfl bflflfl MflflflBfll f ?! I?t ia-t year witii [M-arwat hoitM atid abroayl ..nd n ireneral BNflflfl - f 11 v ?? ? 1 ?.if"l f/i l.ut few pea| !?:. With tho r.f tho BBflflflfl. dflBBBB?Iflg l.r. wl.ia-.iI. awepl from th.- e.irth, a bflflfltB ivi lt. Bflflfl. millioriH of a. < aaafllatfld wi-aith in tin- Okkjti Bflflt-MaflM h.m Bflflfl no (.vcrahadowinK calamity withm the y?_r to r-c.r.l. It is gTaftf)in_f *-> '?>"<<' >'''" lik.- f. llow-f-itizerw of the City fld Cl - BB?t> Bflflfl?i _MBaaaB?ieaa? )f\ ti m\t\ ' ?flflfl fll BflfltBB ar.-rn!ljiii? ufi'l'T their ?llafnfl III Bflfl aml tho proHpcet tbat tlu ir BM?0 ar.d V ' BBflaflJBflfl will OTflfflflflM all 0?Bai id. aad aliow tho _iiue proa paiitf thry woB?I Bava flflfoyad ??I Ba bbBmBB ?b f.iiini Lli'i.'i. Othorv.i-4) -Ao have h-on fi<?- frorn peatil.-nce, war, and calanlitiefl whieh tAflB overtake uation*, aml, aa far _a human Jids-rnent flflfl pene* tha futiir.t, bbeaaBfl >flflflaata< aten our peflflflfl| ; ? tiif: tueatv v.tifi *?_?I niuiii When CotiKTeHH a.lj(i"nj.<l in Juni . flUflfl fj.i.i bflflB miaai hyG a, aod waa I p.-mliii-', wh;irh fflfl a tiine *--riou.sly lmperil*_ tbfl tt. ttl.irj.-ut by fri. ndiy BlUtHB?BB of th'- ariave dif fereneca between tim Govi at of Bflfl Hrit?ii.iu M..j< flBjr, whi> h, hy th. .,.,t \V._-hinifton, had bflflBlflB?Bfli MbflBfllfll Aibitrrfli.jti wl)lebkatflflfltatl BBBB. Ihe AfTjitratont, 1. tapMMl?_! t'.. ?.vhii-h had Jaafflfldad tha flrbolee- tha i Bj -.-,'1 ? ead to B-YO-r. rtlationa towanl BBMB , Bt??y aatBB?at?ry t?? i Oevflfl?? . >l i-i aacordance with tim rifl***tei __B , bad 'lii>- t-ikflB?l at?I inOeiicMt iu DflBM?bl i BMB lid.-d ir? l.-ita<af u>ua -4-_i ii tha lith day "f Iflft-BbM ? B?Ba kuy, havinir BV?Bad Mflfl? "f the fl_I powtr _rivt-n tu it hy tl- Ir-i'y to flWflld groes, it made itr (!.(.-i. ti, v.lien-l.y it awflldfld tbfl BB?I fif fl.r).500,it?, in ci ],1, ;,., thfl I aid l.y Great Iiritai ij to tiie 1'iiit.d M.i.r for tho Miti.ifaction of all the clainiBref-r-fd to ,rat;.ni. ThlfldacifliflB baafflf .1. , tm ing difl. IflBCfl 1" "-v" :> :l"' tw" OflflflfBflfl . t ,:, m flflBBflfltkB an.itl.-r a I _. by the (.ennan bflpfltfli u:..!> r .. i.f. r ?flflfl to. liim hy tl.e BfBM li'-.t'- i - .\itlimit a __?flfl Bflflfl Mm frieodly iflla?o_fl"wbk_i nisuiy i BflllU?fl a-ajually un. !omflflfl. Hfl i> i??rtr ? f thaflfljaotflol tbal aitfld Stflflaa aflatatad aa al th.-(ietic-va Tllliuliiil. U4-I cii lalilcl hy IhaBBBBflflflBl of the puMBBiHan nf thfl _iMUalara, _m BrgBi of Uie 4-a.iiii.-. 1 of 1>. ti. Govi rnui. i iho Tiiburial, and __M Of-dflB fhfflfl b] tl' ? al AthitntflflBb h trim^ ' ?a_- I have aaaaad le pba ?*??____i?_at?d t.. ti-. Le.i.l4 of the ll.r.-e frieiuliy I'" jpaip-ad with tl.e .i.dnt i-Bjaaal aa bbbbb ui..!. i tbaTnaty, Iba d ? Oofl-raflBBrt f-.r tbfl al ix.iiitiiient of Artiiiruton* _*fl_ BJ tbaflflffl rpt. ti\.-ly, and alao my tliank unani i_r a?jniiv'eana_neil l-y th.-i, and my -flBflflflaeiflB <>f -M ? , patienoe, toupairtiality, mw\ graal i utti. w iii..h they i iiieir Bfldflflflfl ? i I i-h flUlCtiotlS. UlT _ilj.-t\'- (i.'\eril!llent lia.* ...i.-iu.u ni.-at.-d t<> me it- appreciatton bv Hei Majott of tl e ability >ad iiiafHaticai.l" iailaaBj dtaphyid hy Mr. Adflflflfl, tho ArVitrator rtamed BM tho BBll "f Ib- O'V-niDieiit, dmitig tho protracicd Inqabj-fl aud difl "e T-iboaal. I ...rdi.illy unit.-?ith lUi Ha apprci i.ttii.'i. It'la daa to tbfl aejeat cd th I .-,,t,, bflt?n tba l'lii'imal to raeafli nt.v hi^-li flfBJflfl , . ? ? ? kflkad al.ility. flflfl at, d the pr.ialem ? Iflkd di.-cr.tion vriJh a lm 1. I I :? an.l iluin t ofl___Mad le bflfl. aa it B bbm Iba '" UM Bafl-ad aud . Ia?1 tbfl l? mi tho parl of I1( '" ?*?. my tflflBM of the ( IfllflflUB . dotu wfikflh th.-y bflflflfl?I bfl bflflB Ifl ?I ? atiaiim.-- I tt thn r.-Milt sohappily ri.uli. d. lt a-fll Ix' _B of Confiresa to pruvide Baa tba HflBlbflliai _aaafl_g thoae who may be ent ith d to it of th.-ir iwflfl-*t_.fl -har.-.t of the tuoney Ifl l?' 1-aid. Altii.'ii-h ibt -uui awarded is not payablo nntil a year from thfl-Bflfl uf th.- award, tt _ iflflflBBi fldf-?blfl B_B< Bfl BBBfl I u loet in makintra proper exarninatioii "f the a. : which may be dne. I ? ot - tly r.-cinm.-nd tba cr...t-.>r. tk B Baflfldfli C'liuiilivsiunei- for the puri?"* '? Tin. IflB 10?fl ARBITBAlBOB. Hy theo4th Arttiie of IbflTBflflBI flf W a-lniKiou, $M respc.-tivef.l.iiiii.4(of tho I'nit.-.l B_BB*B-ilel i.r.-at Hiitaiu in their conatruction of tlu IKaty ol Ibe 18?I June,184fi, defining the la.Min.lary lm?> r_*. tween tht-ir reupeclivo t?-hflflt % Bflflfl flflBBfldMfli to the|arbitration and awar.l of His MNflfltl the Emperor of t_reriuany, to decido which of th.-e claiiiii is moat in BMBB-MMfl arlfll -M true inten?ret-tion of the Treaty of m%% Wm M.ij4-ia the Kraperor of Oennany, h.ivitin bflflfl B-flflBfll to undertabe the arbitration, bflfl Baa?BI_MBB thanW-t ,if this (ioveniment an.l of the pa-opl. of ihe I'mtetl Stuta. for the lalwr, pains, atial care who h he haa derotedto the 'considet-tion of this l..n; p-naliiii* diflference. 1 have cauaed an expr.i4>i..ii a.f inv thauki to bo couimuiiii-ateal to lli* Maj.Mt. Mr Hanoroft, tho repreeentative ?I thi* ti..\i-ni ment at Berlin, eonducted the raee aiid pie panMl the fltatement on the part of the P_Hfli t*t*tt40 wlth tho ability that hw paet arrvice jttBtitle-l. the public iu eipoctiBg at hia _BflB__ A? a tneiuber of the Cabiuet at the date of tbe treaty which haa given rise to the di.-a'Uiwioiv betttea'ii the twoOovernmente. aa a Miniater to (Irvat I'.ntain when the conatruction now proiioiini-a-.l uafooaded waa lin?t advanced, and aa the ageut and BBJB??BBB> tive of the Government to pret*eut |the i-**.. aud to receive the award, he haa been aaaoctal^ti with the qneetion in all of ita pha-ttNt, aud iu every eta?e haa tnauifa'ated a patriotic real and ?woe?tue_.* in maia teuaoce of the claiut of the l uit-J MflflBfl He ia .ntitled to much cretlit for the flflBflflflfl a_B| haa attendetl Uw aubniiaaion. After a patient iiiaeattfl-_a tion of tho eaae and of the etatcment*. of flflflb i?-rty. His Madeaty the Empt-or, ou the aiat __?y of Deiaa ber laat, tigutA hla award ln writing, dtx-reri--; tbat the claim of tho Government of the PflilBi litalaa lhat tho bonndao' line betweeu the territoriee of Her lkiUtiuie Maieety aud the I'uited SUtea *h.nUl b. ilfawii through the Haru C-MBMli ba moat iu accord auce with tho tru-a iut?jrpra.Uti?_ uf IheTrvaty coucludetl on the 15th of Juna, 1W6, b-nweea the Oovort?uenta of Her Britautiic Maieety aud of tbe Inited 8tat?a. Copiaa oi the eaae preeeuted oa l?half of eaeh Qovarnment, aad of tho aui. uieut ia .. ply of each. and a tranalatton oi tbo award, aro tronamitted berewith. Thla award eontiruu tha l uiti-d 8tate- iu their claim tu the liuport?nt ara-ht _}?.'l.ii;o.>l ialauala lying iM-tv.-.-a-n the and Vancouvai- l4land, whieh, for more than JB yeara? ?r BBM8 tho mtiticat.on of tho Treoiy--Great Hnt.iiii haa tyinteitttd, and leavea ua, fur tlu- iii>t time iu the h!st??ry of t_t> I'nitrtl Mfllflfl. BBB BBBBB without a ajiu.tion ul diaputcd haiundaiy betweaan our tenitory aud thr poanraaiuua aot Ur?at -luiaui uu Uua Cvuuuvul. 1. ie at> ftatflal