Newspaper Page Text
Vot"XXXl..N?? .1,881. [.RW-YORK. VVJ:I)M:SI)AY. DECBMBEf. 4, 1872. PRICK FOLH C__aVF8 HOBAOH Ol.KEl.l.Y. t.ytn.; ! AT THB ri IY HAI.l.. cr.Movvi. t)i' Tlir RBBAIBfl IO nn ? i:\.m;' ?00- PHB Hl l>.? .. i | m - AM> IN' 1DI H ? Tiitrr !;:i< i . v. i lu-tti. wit.un the monmry of nio.i BflW ii\ .iii.', a itioifta.iicliiiii:, n nion ___] r*?1\<? . Di_(oi pflBBklar fried[ and affeotioa thanthat v i.i, _ . 1. tk \<--l4-i(l:iy roiiK4'4Tii(((l :li<-tn-at , flfl iu tlu' flflflflfljfldflfl 4if bflfl? dflfflflflfli 4-iti/cn. nbB?MBH__f fX Mr l?BCfl?_, it irt tnic, wasli.ld 111 llu- ii iilttt nf more . [iictitlid tlt-moi. .tration.. Rpsido tha* a-oflln of thn iiiiir.lerod PnaMfl-1 BtOod milit_ry - rii-.l Bflflflfl fl| flflfltc ; niartial ttflpplogl _lit . '?..>.', umi fltraittfl uf ui.'l flflflholj BfllflgM Witb lli.'Iiaini) of tlu'inulti tnU', aa lha aoardod aro?ad Um i?aityi. ? flfl n.-ii!., : offil |.:ii.i.l, BM tbfl oatcilalion nf a fltata f*~?*--- Tba bodya lloraco i.. .i, iitiinir. pUlflothropiat, flflifl, bflBflflfl ni./. ii, liii-ntl f_Cflflflll. wa_ Iflflaaat ffltflttj in Um fl??f in.'ii HfM Ib (he City aud ttu-re all ilay nnd far nitrht. tli.a ri. li BBfli tli.' piHir, tho old aad thfl ywtng, EbUmm witb tboir litti | I BOJ?kflfl .11 tlllli'li.-, ti, li, i:it.-. j ntn tatita. i . -L-ir*, flflfloa Ifl t;i_< ______ at hia k_ I- _? aot ao Baaoh tbc iltitad. whieb aaa?a thla dem tion im] ? ipleodoi ia tha <^ flkflnr_ri.ehBCflalaUi(i fu.i.'i-.ilI deaoiB?ooflj bnt it -*_a t!i ? pai. raotefof the I DOiy, uud tlu- ? , BOITOW irhic'' laoasfl. tbo t'.i t.'it., aad - in ind I'li.-s. If : > bfl iiiiictcd aronnd the bii r.c. . ll ? L'.i\-.? ap lus hi; tu iiu- tf I Hall ;it:.n aarl] unlof, and Um i?nora] wai mada . Mi. W.....1. th. b rton of Dr. thfl bfl?BM to Mr. vi i ln \v. ifl r..! ty-ftb-flt. i>\ ? o I in a f ta the piiMB BBfl biuToonded hy ,-i who B?eatlj looki d on - :ii:d rapidlj drive' ' BBBibfli ad it to tha City HalL Thfltfl, a. m., it v .1 1)\* Um Mr, RflOflM, Um Im pn *ai and ? . ? t>. ? or*fl Room, wIhto tha | Um ? nl d.'.ii - i.f tlu bailding. many pai ap l>y Mr. Roomfl bai Ln work m n ba l b ion _? _ bai had I , .: -n i t. i E 1 H.i-r the ? mtiag liiui r thfl li:il. "iiy. hi-avily . " Wi- t. ;n.?iiilie. ' | 4 tl. tlie ?i .1 tboald bi . .rrii-d tlir,. . ?l _'.ii. _ .iy. - Tlu-1 . .... .i iii bfl Bflflo ? - ? ...i iu tli afl . tntiyiii.-ti : bow inr.ti.v illiiHti. ,k fi-..iu tiu> portraita whieb : [que Coi-J rt Un ehaav thfl broad i :. ::d it ifl i . p.w ofS_dli . t lar the] : : ., - dagtoa i.nd I I 1 ''"4 ofl t tboftifltCon-l | BBM?H I twy tormal I a!(. i liiui..!, idi.l Bobt ri _?oia. I aaarn to apeak f rui .'ri-.ticl . - ? f thfl i ll . I JT.-ik. . : ,,f tl)' r.K.n. ? . '."?' tt',' ?aseir li . lai-ati.m, ,,, the Bfla - 'I tlliIal ' ' ? - ? ? ? -ui.iu'b ?aabaad, whea Iie aodHoraee Qteeloj wmb tatui Mew-TorfcpoUUea. ia iat.ll iu tha I | .. .1 _.14 __B| iilniut it two -,,..,. thi !_. Witfl i luii'.ii. :u.d I-foflfi aai fatflfl. flud MflflflJi of TbBBJ???i kiiiiaal) in ?_? day a-. " 'Iie li.ftt,. i Bflf td VY.-ti li'. t.-t,' atvtl,, ? Bfl-UflB ??? '?U waa pa_-_sd in iui:!, ? ? Btatfl of Bflw* Yi.ri;; nf i;,.ii, .. DBflflO-i-a flflfl?Mflllflfl wlUl theEiie Can:,i; of? - VTrighi; "f Martin Vaa hmtm ; and oftli-lit ? i, ,v.i:.'.r=. who an-_till livii.j?, and ti wh'.iti ' ?IBBg tlie tt-N-f y-st.-id.iy. ]i ,. t ..,:. thfl ;. .::i..:lH"f hi-toricMayorta.-DiiHne arbo r.< ? .'? ?-d W.i-l.iin.t<.n wb.n he, entart-d SflW* Yoik u. bfl BBBafavatfld l-f-flafl.flflt*i th. r u.-d 6ut_._; Van.k; l.iiinfraton; AVillett; Baafl] Har per. ll't.-ai.- I'k- .d.-uts, and (??nerals, and di?t fov.-rt-rr; Oai?BbflflBfldHfldflflB, ^Va^lJin_rt<ln and BtoulM-n; JflM .Iflfl. -NJ-ti.'"'. nnd livior; lalajfltt-. aai Muf-Mih aai Bflotti P?_y mm\ Daial?i< BbH ?ii,i M, J)..:. o .ii. H ifl > BflMfl ooafaay. aai ia th. n,ir|M Mfltad, aal tha Iflflfll "? th. illti_tfioii-la--_*-iiilil_K'-. Thfl fiiii<i-.l drapenea were apf -mu..> an(. mpi. ti t.iiou-. Tbfl U.K k i.d - iiit.iiii*, bdfli and VOTO, W< M dlBB B B?Nflfl thfl ? mi iw? JJliu 1. IBBflfld tttm tl.e flflB??1 wiikIow. Bfldiutartwined with the flalifl-fll Uhk ahflfll the pnii. Ipal door. At .-ilhr-r i-u<t ?f th.- rtMitn th.- dflabtfl BJBflflWfljrfl Iii.'li.'.K mto the aaljoinitiK aparlin.-iit*. ?. itli UflflB- I" ../ Bflfl pairtrnil of ?...a . I.' w i- flflfl ;i |flfl__fli iflfllgfl BBfli bj paaata-aj I aapp aaa ? ihlnld irl '?'?'- mrgt ktm> mg B OlflBlt laBBIB-BBfill ai flflflfl "I wl"-'t. wilh the _fljflBfl>**Il kbOTfl, flfli flfl Bfl Umi t flflfl ,. u,, Bflflfl I"' lollovv luit iiii-ui.iiiiil reiflfla: Work: wbl I "ti Hi.) pati _ _??lfl_fi _..ik I arhlii 'tlu da-. >\ I_t)B|_.||.l laot. IllOO, II il.a-'i UM ?')?> I' ?a a-BIil la i_ Ii. I...I ... ... TfUat _).< I. tli. (l-"k.\ Mi.ll.i_-. nll !)'(-' /!.?> (.ii-.-.ii. tbi -'in: TlldUk'Il liat/'fl ', U . .,,|. ,| Ull t.i < Ll-t lt Ih- 'Inii* Work! ofella dm ikih Bti tfej patfl fl tM-.fl.la__, Hui ii.j: k.i v 'i'l: >"?_.( j,r..a< . iiJ..'.aiil"H.. an.l OUT i'l.'- flf-_iaal__lfl I- . tbflt'fl '.'I'l: But ?:li4-n-li at_l vi lf n a Kr.'1" ? UfloUi B .A /. -' l.,i - l.uf mxtlilv l.iriliri_lii la ta_ vaii.l <..iui....t . i,i.. foi.l ba Work! -fhUfl tflfflbl iflj lljrhl "" ."> iv-il' '- Bfl? I t . : ? _ n, Work! whilf fln ? '"ati.nK. I'.. v* iu 1/ia- ( l'(t-4l. : Work wiii, tin liiui.l, and H.v ma'.y l_Bafci .,-.'i .iij; Thy tfar.i-flol-1 Iii-, ?tr-||i!i(-(l ii- ".- ?'. De??o?i Ui'- _ffco_* I 111-4-'Nl D'Allia.lB 'll I.IA I.UKjM. TU*) d?y!i|.lit wa* not Biiiotfir-n-tl, but ouly aofl flw-t IhabflichtflBa Btiaa?aad n..).i?fi. tbe b.if >_t4_-Bl-_wiiid-t*?. ih__i_- ttBwwi d_i_il> iii /he JL??t.____| tbree c_a__r3l?-ra QTaibcad. Tb-ta araa t_at lhat1 aobdoed rt'liginus attnosplioro vvtiicli diapoNOB the itiiiiii ln roveromo, I'ct n.'t ~8 ****** ; BB- 888 I'ul.-, ni, < nui i.ui .I f-Bttii-B of Um iicini aan I'l.iinly dk??___$bable, Tbe <"Uiu in <i iiln.-k cloth , u4*-n-ii caaket, ria_lj imt nol Btabai-lei. -Baa. i4iih il\.T hamlioi. aml BiaVCB laBBBj Jintl line.l \t itli wlut. Fftiin. Mr. (rri'cl.'v i4;i-< i'r?*ascd in a full snit of 1'I.n I.. Hi| rkht liiui.l rt--t"l on )ii-i BcaBBt! | BsB l'-fl artn __aflJ_tendodbjrh-$8l-8i Th_ witliered _n_*?n. Umi i im-l.i-il fiaihiisja. ti $ _BBa_i8-l imuth, ho diii.r 4-nt from vhat 44.? ri iii'Hil" -r af him la life. t < > 1,1 tn.Tt-1or. iWj(haa worda ooalil t.-ll ii tbe ttmra <f l*_BBBfl-riagB, liir. nr.,riaBBB, aml lua i:i!'|>y 18 Tho eoAa lil \4 M tliroiiti bB?_ iU''U its iiiii-is. J. _i\ i,i_* tiie arbata al tta$ badj i\i>.lt.ivii-.,v, a ii:irro44 da__parbaps8Iboi aad a ball lii(-li, f'i\crc(l niili liluck ilrii|'<*r.v, neeived the ,:i ki-f. IbatB 44.'ic no li-hH at'otit it, Btj or t*;t im nt-of any Kiml. 80 B?81?8 bal tlf I'uli. -, \i ln jiati.-ntly. ((iiiitcou-U, aml taiihfull. ilid dat] all daj long, lt $1 ' 'tl i'i th" eaater, loagtba Iaa ol Ihe rot'iu. umi tablca at tba baad aad fooi rattea al tbal Oo_wt-naj of <i-lity jtmta aga held tha beaa?1?1 g_of ii iweiawbieh laTaranaVflJ aad aiVn tion ale ba_?Ib hepi hrtaiiBB fruiB Binrnlnf HII thn daj aaa fai toeaX. The ConanjOD Coancil (rep-ea-nted in tbia iiiiutcf bj Aaatstanl \liii un.tu I'.Hiiioi. ? nil two tii.-iiri nu i-tit atnictar?itrJ flowera; one, pla. ad nt tii.- fint cf tln-cDiiin, a has ? dlakol nrhita BBd itf* -en. ou \4 li'Ii B_$ I'C| *'.--'? ut(?l. iii imi !'!-? I'M-i ? . tii ? ??') it .I rt 11 Citj "' Hi b Fork. witli tiii-* legaad Bxaand it: "The Bityana?raa it* otlier, at Um baad, \4.m ? aad triiMii. ri s: in.ur an a wide pottiBBeai ahieb ?i \l,"l kin'.v m\ l.i-.l. ?. -i.i.*r liv.-th." Beblnd -hia, dr.i.ied ivith era'io. I I perial photojrrapb ol Hr, Gre* lej : Bad li hi-dand abo\ye tbe pbotogr.ipb towert .1 b rioh eroaa Bod -raara, Ihe -ittof M.i\ t Ha'.l. l.r.ii'.fiil B?11 - "i flBd-B-, 1 wi 1 Ij tobe-ItaBBB t\\i:iil aboal th ? B?_8B of ui a (1 rrr'.t hy Ui?- hody, ati'l the ?i lobsnl cf Bwes?j pei-?bm? aad brigbt 4vit!i pon and b ?a1 Ifnl U a I f ln th daj i-aui" ii. ' ringl fi'oni many other BO?roca Tln-_iil> .; Bebaol Ro. 0 aaat a larga B__ehot of Iaa i- bit_ ih in >it ., ' r.i:ii.iM-iii|.?-i virai Mis. ______ r and Iba. Benjamiii l ? Kanlan ? ?sdI in I, in mlaa iii ap|ao_wl_tc fot?_*? IBB Mi i I. r $ befota Um bIinpta prepai_tio_a a_i_ oeaa ? '?;? ' r?'.?. il ln tl).- l'..7k had BWOlU?1 to i .lor.iioiis !:..'i-. Capi I.'.uyoi tln- Twenty-alxtb I'n ctni t. a il.i iii of 10 I ini'ii from TB-iOBfl paitB "f the di tba bi ranfi m_atB, and ander Oll tllO Illtnt J.I'lii-i t old I BBB IHiill taim-ii. Tha peep?B a-re fonnad fti ttaa, two Btbi4aastl fror.i th.-fi'oiit gatasal tha EU-UaeraBBthe ,?!??. 44.-'4\ini to Broadaraj and thenea ap t.wn. Oflk r- nl vation- jioiiita al-m- tln- li ?. . raa ttnf and kapi tbe Q_eae ? i-i front of the II II i itoTB, and I" f"ti- long it beeame nes au_*j to eleax awiii p . pni np i l nt ;!n- patbwao t, Hlne i m m the boai __ed Bpon fat the : * ii.- crpened; botthe BBaltitadeinoreaBed ao rai'-'lly tliat lOarM minntca b-fare tbal time tbe ; op-9 paaaed np ti,. ,n.lin . ..i doable line "i" pe :.' rapidlj aroaad tha i effla, aad b _i ool I'.v tbe araBtern do ir, down ibanairowal C5ba_abarof IhaB urd fh tbe has, "iniit, an'l bb oni .rn tbe Broadarajr Bide, Wo <. waa BUearad t" loit.-r; nnd - ind i _pe_itJo__ly a u I .,,-_.,. ,,, __i tbat I ? bj aotnal eonnl I roagfa the i.??> I ? ir. \ - nl of honor ln ' ' ' lOl ?' to wr-rrrii ti while t!i" people ean ta I aa j; eofBpri I G I LD "? ? Haa. \v. Varian, yVm '' ! ? ? ^";k ! W ?'? B , ?. '?? Bryaat, Henry Nl ' ? W bb. B. i _ yiii'.iir,.l'.'i i lf< ' s.uiHi. 1 TiM i 1 Kii.ii'i>. JobnT.Ho u ,1 CrilllH-ll. I I ' OI'-'IHT, . \s ,u. _L B-ari l I*. I);.!>'. iii'l Wilii.uti ('. l'rinie : an'l to tf,.-. Breti $ 11,. Qn eiey, Ifr. John ,i .i Hr. i Iwatd ?'? I . .hv. earlj In tba moraif-g, were Oea. Joha L Dil t I M 8ch 11. AU thro-gfa I ineiabecfl ai tl - Baaid "i bonat. rettaTi-i aaeb ntli'T. i '? ab ? i' the r ?" a, C-ntaiitteea froni tln ? i and Aaa-Bi mi Ald nai d, and depii-ka -1 >d oi bou 'i ofth I aieal L-ion . *ii t.uiilv praa ni T I ? ? -afl '|H on 'lut.v. nl raprefl ?tativi i oi the editoi lal Btafl al i io kaep departed (iii l [d i.'.-i thaa an hour trom the time of o_m ning thi throngb Ihe City !,I, tln-1'aiK. autl lonr b-MBBBP B-Oad Aml tvliit a Hitiltitii'l'- Uaraal lio baawa ull l.-n'w of th'- iMpii! ii t-n!.-. in f"f Horaee Gtaeler, tinicii a.n 4v- t tha damoi-itrationao_ -_*_. nu ..era-im us that "f \i-.t'-i(l.iy, 88 Itafa BOi P*8 (.uf-'l for ttdfl iiiiini-ns.- t.utp,miin_r ni tii-- paofde. Forit 44 BB, ia tlio trm-Ht setme of tln* a*Ofd, th? paopla 44 ho orowd-d y.-nterday tilxmt tho Im-r of tl.i-ir tliami'iou. Tha millioiiairo walkad sitle hy ddawtth tlm BioBBlnt Bwaapet, la-Boaa bwyata hapt Biaf aith BBgfad baathaai tha. l_-dlas la tUk an.1 fur carao bohiml Ihe sliopxirl iu ln-r fad.Ml A.n-i' Ii eaaaothaaal l that aar/aaa eha_ ;.'(iLuniiiatcil iu tl.i-n cxtraonliuary mullitii'lo, BB* I ho thal tho W8_a-Bg Baaple aaaaj more niimcrous lhaii ihe well-to-do and U_B a-J-Bt, But all elaasai tttn mtttt, -ad all BBaaaad Ib t*'>'\ th.-aorrow ofthe day. Au old laily B__88_-h8d th. (dtliii, gave one quii k glanco at -88f88B. 4va-*t.-d raaa, thaara-Btd hf*r haml to li'-r cyos aml liuiri.-d BVBJi witb tfars B_M?B_-| down hi-r 8-88-81 ?h? could not tniHt hentflf to linit'T iv. n f"t 88 htalBBt Aa old gwntllBBBB Icaned over the cofliu and platad hi? hand r ver.-ntly upon tho mtmm lnai.'s hrow. Many BtOOP-d to kina. S* k ral ..ivc way to .-ilrav Kgaal outhiimtaol' (trief. M'-ti hrotiKiit their little ehildrin, anllifted Ihi-m np lhat thoy mittlit look at the K""d H0-80t (no. Lv. and then liiiriiicd awuy. bUnded i'.v their teat.n. Btalararl pottaaaafn, not on duty, fi-11 into tta8.8B_ 88881 out fiom tho 18881 vfithiiiointoyeBandquivoriiiK lipn. 0-88 81 twice luii.l < tieaof aorrow were li.-ard, and soine of t-8B8 rnimt (te.-i'lj atlcctod could hardly 1~> imlue.-.l to pam,,n und havo the way for oth.-is. 1 ln ro waa l.tlJi-uf the ralfBB curioMty, or tho rude insfuaihil ,t, to .iiintioit. whi. h aimoat alwaya BBtBB tho iin |u. ?draaaaa of pajbBe funeral dmplaya. If it waa anl] tbafaaj whapBad a*>a_8-a8BB8B_a_88-B|$_BBl tribnta al t'-.ira, if BBB ut loant ha B-td of tha many tliiil tli'-.v OBBM with rovorent stop and mirrowful MB_rta_k-t$8B. IWBBilBj tho Hol.-mi.ity of tho otre niuiiy with no light ehattflB or uime.mly haeteor BBgB$-i-$. Blld B-088d hj ovoiy uiotion that tbi-y nliiuod in th-univorHBl inouininii:. If Horace Oree l. \ (ouid ha*.'' ahasaa how ba -baajU ho. bm$b-8B-i h. wotihi have askod for juat ?u< h a toatiuionial of ti?ifSpBlBI B_a-_8BB| ho would ha\e htBBti tbut d-__aBBd888888888-181 Ihe pomii oi b_|s8b8BI and r.-ualia ahould br kopt awiiy. and that the veo |.l,- for whom he had 88BB-d BB B-Baltahlj aU hia lil.-, nlioiildfoinoaroiiml hin BBBB- with IlieanUmeh iiiif' l..-voanda|.|.ro.utmn, lh.ii iad tmtm\ (br-xhaabed raiaee, uutt tiBBtba-af t?*\ and rev eionlnil att-p. i nlv in tha niorni"~ 'I'" workinjf-iM-opIn wfre in the iiuijorily. i'mfor-ional BBBB, meiehants. tn.r a_88-Br .lorka, and 8-_-8a, IBB-BB-BJ B _r?al BBBBJ lailiea. wi-i.- miiiKlod wifh Ita-BI Im.' -Bfl 8881 wero BJ f:n th.-tnoat nuiuoiom.. kati I-I B-BBJ "t 1*881 cvuJU UJ afliml Ihe timti dtvotrd ft Uj? i-*t flJurk ol rrjrard. Wwwflflflflflflifliifl Iflfl??Bf Um Hall tindl Ifefl-* liiui hNkxI an or two lionr_ in BBB. Tltoii . aiiils, flflflfl lonir walting, w.ra* nhligrd to iitmmloii iin- nitatiiiit, and _?(> dl?ppaiatfli ta wm I.. V. t from a quarfar bflfoffl 0 iii thfl timitiitii. iiniii I'l o'clii) _ :it nii_!it, tbfM Bflfl BO IbIBUBBUoB in ihfl ?v.-r-iim\ it,_. . ti'iim. Inlil ih at BYOB?M tlu- cn.l of ttM i|iit'in- Bflfl r^fi11 iu tlu- nciu'lilii'iiioodof DflflBfl .'._ and in tim meaiitiitio a .ccond liiu. . xdti. itd.v tor woiik it ;i ml iii.ii csciii tin^' tli.'iii. had been found on tiio c.-t . ido of Un. Hall, rraching BflNflfl tlir eaplaofldoaafl***r t.. Printinc^boflflfl Bqflflra, l-ook inn diun tlu-o im.).' liflflfl tlu- pcflfloa?Braaefl of woik:ii_r-|ii-o|.!i'. mail and woim n, wu . fll IJ jtrttfll>. atid i( flflfl oftflfl tim milijt-i I of roniarks amot.i: tl.e niiiitiiuti - -11 Biiai _ fl gmmi all j ?*g-**_ll,Ttft_i alwayi fcliiiLili i\|.r.:.. '1. Thero wa.. onw hard-tianded BBBflf toil. fl_flBfl aOflBflMBtfl on tlii" cin iiiii-fiiiii ( attnnt'd a iflfl] of attifif um for Ik few liuiim-lil. . "Ytk\m flflM li'-. " we .-uo workinir ti hflffl. and if il doc. flflflt iih fll littlo Uflflflf It in littlo r-riooirli to loflfl ? dav for Bflfl?M (itciliy, who .p.-nt many a dav I.t uie f<?r um. '1 "liat Bflfl flflfl (I..IK- moro to betp winkiiiirtii.'ii tli. ii at.y ott?I ?BB-riflM w lio i'\ci li\ ...1, an.l bfl'fl du in- it'l.y lund lal.-.r. li>". Bfl ?poat fartyyoan workiafto atoratotho___dition ol laboflog tn. n. Mi. wuh glTfla a nii'.it ipportrraity to ralae op ooe ffleoof woi-dngm ni imt waa an aoetiooJ ot a |H'.\ idi'iu.-. Qreele] 1,1-4 Ii.-l|ii-d all BMB lt V bflfl-. BBI?flflfl lnbOf, flfld if ln-did i-n't-i -Iui,dflg Bfl Mr.'i di't I.>i thfl I'l o k-, it . ju-at flfl ri-:il, I'vi-ty" 'I ?B w.i. >:iid in liiok.ii " and rud. l.nifli.h; hut tbu spi-aki-r_ a niii.-.-tii.?., li ih .?oiniuon hoiiho, nnd t ,r _____ \mH im wirphaaifl irea Btoaad him a rowdof Uat?Bflflfl. wii.n Im bai fa?ahed i. ? '??-\ liDflod Kinliliiily into . ilcii-v, flfli Ifefl fljflfl in li"- I?M -ra .,, | ___*. olo ed up. Tov. ni niidd:i\ tli ? ? uitiKrh.-m raQroadfl brooghl ifi flflflfl ciowds of .'ouittt_ pooplfl. I iirina is i :iiii.,olt. ii with lli<-irritiin- fatnili fl. BBi k'l/.'d witii Ov?tOB. upon tbfl niUM Wh?B for thfl -pi. .- of a full HflniiraUon tlii-.v bai leeB aoeaatoioodto roTerenoo Bflthewiaca. aml moii prpetkalof gflidi -. WflU* , 11, __.-. 1 , iti/ ti . tii.w lu_ _?flfl ni..r.- iiiiiii.r.iii", und tbo(...i.-riioi _ li'.ioin t.i* aoon Uuoafod ariUi oa_ . ,,| kealc-l.-liiai (?-. Thfl renorflble Tbarlow Weodfltood beaidfl tbooofflo >.f ono of bia tamoafl itea, aad loofcoi ?dlj BpoaUM inaci par tt.iit oi Um othor ? ho breatbed Iti- laefl only ? fow wool? Bfl > i'i lobara Ifithblmwofo Baanel J. Tilden and OflB. E. A. M.-nri i H I Qreeley. -firan_afllir_i ou hbi Boathan_ taai a faat Tbfl bmoUbi ot thflofl three ropraaantatiTe politlciaafl ol Um Ub m potttMfll m !l . .i,..:itl. :iir,-t-,.-d hy Um flfli im whieb bai eallad t.i.m togetber, waa r??rhod witii no littlo lotoraat. Aoga tafl Beboll fltood bo ide Qoa. Jaha A. D__. Thomafl ('. flketoa, Chlofof tboAaa-Tj Offleoaad iZ-Pnaidoal "f tI.o Board af Poliee,. on rflfi .1 wiUi JaehaoB B. Scbolta aad Oaa. .loiiti OoehiflBO. Bx-PoBee Boperiateadoat K*fl_* m-ih l-l! Biasiefl Bfld I. '-'?'? t'"- I-' "' ? BBBB WBO fi.t iiiit-iy jetn had bean bhi im nd. The Boa. Abca* !,.i ii I,". I. . -. ii m i . I?..i k CO?IBliflfll BMflfl -gaoa tni Kane, Oon. M irtin I, _t< llflhon, Roeoinf "f 1 c.'ti. Willi.-ini Am-ii'I >.f ' ii-.iilty __?Bfl] QflB. Jfloob Bhflrp, Qoa. Praai Bigi i. Um Boa. Thoaaa 1' s ? b art, %? Isoa .) W.:t x l.ii.y, Ifayof B-dl.Cobub?aioiM r Vun li pniy ('..niioii.-i Btona Waltflfl lt. Dbb r.-ui. PoliOfl I'oti.mi--io: ' r- li ?? v. >rtli. M t-iii-ri.-, aod ____>, .lti-ti.'-- Ledwitlt, II"-m'i. aad Koeh, Charlaa i rCooor.John BeKeoti, aai Jadfa_Vaa Vaoflal bi r i _Buaig Um fifll Ahimt o ii'rl.rtk tim quooe _arow peraeptiblji : i, .t tn ,i Little -Iui.. whi d p- ",,!.? u. ici-cl iroiii a Ir.-ili iu*li I'.-iri t. tlu- lu.. I,.,,,. . , .. i i... |.t. p .nl i i.i- ?.f tho . iy ?.!_-_*-Biflaiw -aa-Hin? mj mm k. d. C.lora-d people, who bad not l- i. vry numeroua durinir lln- d i.. ii iw i 11111' iu l.iru"- hoil..-s. Tha 'liiinl .iv.-. ! , , let-fl BM in frout <>f tbfl H .11, and ? -.i-i.l'. -tiaaa Borod down Broaiwajr. ,,.,ii c ,iii,cii rofl .1 I.. k.-.-p th. r.n.ui aaaa Bntil niiiluiuht il iic(r-_ary. Bnt, thaokfl to tha oaoaUoal anasg bbb ata ol tta p.,lii-i- nnd ilr- .'."-. -oi-iiii-. (.mi''. Oi tbfl \ :-ii '-. tk. 1.,-pt awviac - > rupidij llm bj ... I . |; lt. W 1.4 p ? ih.. k'.-i;,-,. i.n.! fljiflfl ?.'.- r thfl l-flfliiflfl tt the ? . tlu t< nd. i ; i.n.ill. to iii tin i.i foi i"i.i d. is.f'-'i'' Um "'Hi'. wa -'"'i down the wholfl broflof poUoaoa duty al Um Citj :..l_lowly iu li.) it of it. TbflBthoioorflWflflfl i,?'k.,l uui :.- - WH M tbfl of the ? i ????wl li iii ___? p, i-i ii. tbobodj araa carriod onoe moro to tbe fa i ;iti,l r.'iiow (I lo Mi. Sii,.1:iii'.-. Mi. Btnarfl aod Mr. I _!?(? Dti | ; flfltehed i U throogb ihi- niulii. ThflflflU-Bfl-flfl of ,l"' numl"-rof BflOfllo whotflflh ,,.,i; in Um ti..i-tr.iiion of jraateriai raiy ur. aUy, Mfl-Cl ..1 uav ido. [Ii.-ioiij.cliii.-ol iin -1_i!l*-.i obi i-i - ?'" l?.at _3?U '-% ''''v -PMil Uanji [?laced tbefi-rorofl tabicbaa 130,0-0. lt _? _**_aoi-_-] .i d thai tho erawd exeoaioithal at tbo Lineoln obaeqaiea la tha a_afl plaea. Oloaa oflflatflod tli people wbo eoiored the QoTorflot'fl Boom m rarioflfl btOOiaof tlitday'nini 10 to 7". a ininiil.-.tli. --, Bfld beinfooti iderablyiraatflt toward Braaiog thao in ll,.. , uli, rp.irf oltli-d.i.v. A f.iir BTCOffl would .l'liii.ti. hs b< uiiout H :i ttiiiiui.-, or MMM Bfl l.r. Afl thfl ?_-_? Iflwci vitiioni bb bMtaat- latflnabambb f.,r BBBM tltttll lliiit'-.-n li"UM, Bfl flB-rfl U_t.-4l ..! aljoiil IO,lXkJ. If we re m.-iiihir lao f;.i ;is . ui br jnli' d I'l'Uii iipp'ii.iin. ?-<, a flflt] -mail pi" jMjrtii.n ol Ilir-M- thoii.aiid-t flflflBM U-BBfB Wa ??_? Ofllty. WflflhflO uiid.-i-tan.l tli.- trtm -ik'tnli.-aii.c of tlu- iiiijiit.. to ffaflxwfliflalay'abbbb_tt Uli: PDBBBAL ____JfOEI_an? OMtWtAL I'll?.(;i{AMMr:i.rTIIK(')MMON(.?IN.'II.. The Military aml C'ivio Ott-flfl flf tlu U-dtai Stata-H, lociiti-d in tliin and adiuninn: flli?? | i'li>) O.'lli- r? of Um (Jovcriitiii-tit of thfl Btfltfl ol Nc.w-Yoik.aiidof otln r imw in kbifll lt| I Thfl Mayor and tho MflMblfl. ti lha CoBUBfla Cuiiiiiil of t ii ii. eity, aml Um baaiaflf Um florflffll D.-partiiioiitH of tli.' Muuicipal (hjvoiinm nt ; Tlu-M _J**BBflBi of tim Ci.iiiiii ui Coun cils of llrouklvn. Jflfflflf City, Laag Ifl-?i dtjTa N,, aml olh'-i'BCagbbflriag flIUflBI lli" H.-M-ral otlio.-is of tin- C.univ '.f H w-York, tim Jaiflflfl tt tli.- Siipr.-uic,, Marino, C0-flB0B l'l.-a-, and Ilinliirt Civiland PoliOfl OflBBBI?M hfltaflrj rflflJBflfll i |fl -flfli t in tlu- (i.v.-rn.ii's and OoaflntOB CoBOcU'fl Ki_.iii^, iu tho City Hall, on WffliBflflfl.ay, l> B. t, a' I f/fllooh a. in., wlu-ro tli'-y will !)?? MOfltTfli ?>>' I?I Oflal.iiill.'-, i.r.'paraL.r.v to pfltflflfl?rflg toDr.Cliapin'M ohiirch, OOBBOI of Forty-tiftli-_t. aud l'ifth-aw., and "p.irti, ip:itin_r in tlio fiin.T.-.l it.-r.-iii .in.--.. Iu <-<>t. qiicuca'df ihc_lioit npa( '-of time allow.-d tlie .pflfllfll ComiiiitUM'. to inaki- thfl n.-.-.iry arruiiK.'in. ntn f ?r vii'Winn tlmhiKly of tlmd'-i ra-Ht-il wliil" in Htatfl in tlu-li.ivi riior's ? -oin, and ariiin?ifiK for thfl ohsii quifl., tli-y aro prwlud.d from ext.n.iui* pcmonal iuMtation taifho pcnaoint, corporatioiiH, aml t__Mall aUovo nicntiom-'l, and tlmy ar.' h.-roh.y rctpectivuly invil.-d lo utl.-nd williuut tlu- foiinality of a fm> atinal invituti'in. Beinff the day ..-i apurl fnraoli>mnir.ii)g thfl funet-1 riteitaiiil cer-m-tii?_, it la recotomeadfld l>y Um Ofl?l* manCoiiiiiil Ihal, our citiflflflfl -flflflfl tli i "'*:? flflUflfl plac-flaof hiiBinetit, aiiflt r. fiuin fnun at.v *-? ular I tu ploytm-nt; rli_t tlio owi..i_ or ma4t_ittof vt_?> 1" "' tha- hut Inir, and llm ow _M flfJaflflBpfl-tflflf dwcllitiB" in Um city I)'' -flQJflflflfli to ikI'lay tlu ir IflflJI ut li_lf unihi Iroin BiiiiiiHo unlil MUiuai't. Tho Ofl-tmuttt 'I1 rc-l tliat tlu- riair- on tim fl.ity Hall aml all oUMI piililic hiiihliiikpt lioal?4i(li-|il:.v<'l at lialf maa*! Tfefl oHI.-r-. of thfl Corporation will be clo-.d It iBjiartit-ularly Iflfljflflflt .1 hy Ifefl Oflflflflfllt?a " llt tin..,- .a in. i.a*.-..- flfeaipt fll tha ahawfe aal i-'h"""" ??rt-aC-. -H_lt)iu tho.ity wiii ct??* tbuni tv h? toDad from I n'l I.n k |i. ni. natil tln- i.lo.o of the pro (?1'is.iioii, ahoiit .'! p. tn. Ii is ila > r.? (ii ??!" I thal ih" boneea B-8-f tha imito may baanii My draped in m nu b_i i bb>b~8BB_ 1'boHtrni'ts thriitigh whieh tho proceasion will paaa Uie 1 ,'? n I II 'Ul f.lll'l) t'l I'lllll f .if | ba I'lllleial ("1 teaja, tiu :iiii'..ii?- afthe ehorch, tlm ?ii.-ni4 4\ill inti r iii tln- a iu'i, und Ij ? ilir. rl *<l by Aldorm.'in l-'.il. BBBf aml _ldei_?MI Q*m aud Conn. r. Att* r ih ? s ?! vi. e i in olitiroh, ll.oy will 1888888 iheir t-oiitn in t'l- ' UT?MpBB in tha BBIM ord ?]? m th>_ ariivo.l. and in ive iu proec+sioii, Biilijoot (;> tho order of tho (,'liiof of 1'oliio. ,l(Hi\ ('oi BBA88, f'haiinian, I Knii:i I). Cosuvi ii, .li smns Van Bct-t-OB. JoltN VhU "M u, I llnMA-n C.lll IV, npooial Committt'fl linurd ol Ald nimn. Nu BO?Al _n COB?'OB, Mk BABL Hi ui, I'lUMIS .1. OlOS, JOBBf- !'? BlaUw?Kj .IdllN (llll IN. Rpeei ii C .-., ..11' i B ' .nl a BBataal Abita bi at, I'i; tvcis.l. TWOMI >. 6 ?< retary. Hy i- laeat of tha Mayoa aad J -inl C_n__ltl.I ilm CiMi-noii Conaeil, Baperiottsodenl of Police J.iinen .1. ?also 4vill Bapervi a the pro -uioaal ar r.nilt-miii ii11_ irbohaa pt irid I aalbll ?a/ai Tbe letnii.'H 8?1 be pmat-ly rt?aojred trom the City Ilall ou W. r|:n-.| iv ta t-B 8888$ "f S.mii-I sinci-iif.. .-(|, and aii) then a ba priratelj raalored bf f. i -mls aml Teiiusi. 8??I aml BBBBa-jda I Cbareh cf tha Dirine E_lea-lty (Dr. Chapia_./aa I'lfih-av.. aaraai of P-fty?d_that, lha t-aatal BBBTiaeawill oaearjathaehareh at 11 oelook,and tho hody of it will Im ros.Tved for Ilm immoiliate fiiond", of ilni .I.- '-i--'l, and fur thoso eonneetad with 'Imi-. Titnu'M: ???.tahlisliui'int, and alao theln* tite.i (naata, Priaata Bwiiiiilioi and eitiie-a ga_-$> aliy irha expaat to taka partlin iiu* proeaaaioB (whieh b_J ui iv.- aa bbooIbbthaBsrf-oaaBoaehida wiiipi m thnmaolToain ffflih ai i^nortb ol l'liitvtif h nt. N.i miinii- \4iii ba aiiow'-'i. Tha imiii i.r i'i i proeeaaktn \vi!i be thiwurh Piftb _-_? tn l-'ottrtre-itii -'.. I',iiirt.-,-iil h-l. to II. BB _B_J , l!.".t'l mt. i" Hamilton P< rryi Tbeffneataol theeitj aatbo Itiea a__ aaa ?__$ at tbe City li 111 nt ii.i ni., iviii I.-.14.1 al Ifl b, bb. pereaapt?i Uy? ll.aii- of?i v ic bodfa b, 'i'. II taaatiaaai iaa, aad ?__? Itai \ o ii?- aa a__ praa-ptly an theU' aniTal apply ta r. .1. Twi.'ii . ? it_T llkaC'Biiinllloo. al Itoatn n.i. __ City H .ii. "'h iof tboClerhol lha Cobbbbbb ('i.ii.ii il. fit lieket- f ir .eat | iit tlm rhnieli, |0 tlm ninnliel' alln-A il bf th.' Bp ial Commilteo. I... '. Iiulil r i.i ali.kil f.'ia BBBl iu elmroh will th. n h. fiii'iinin-d \\ it!- . I : bf the - taty, ie. applii ai i"ii. u . i.'.inni mui Bdaraid fan -aaal ^ i11 _a> |.i Muii li.I M ilint; I.'"- I.U.--I.! 1.1 tha i i.n tn n, i aill p-oeeed ia tha leUawiag erdat fiom tho City Ball: M.iwir aad Oo-BBioa Coom II ol HV m Yorl . Il,___ ... I) tartniento, Judgea, _od other tiam Vmk City "ih' ibIs. lli ,,i and Commnn Connril ol tbe City of Brook U-1, ,i. i-..', div, Newark, _*._g biand City, aod ni ii.ii adjoiuioB cil iea* Milil.u v .-.inl . ivk? "Hi. '-i ) "i th ? I'iiii. 'I fttatea, .-ln.,! | ie (tllV- lll'll'il! i'f the >l.lle, lUld off l.lllrl M i[ >H I .\l Itl I !l. i If, . Ill Ollie,in,,| Ilm C 'li111 V "f N.'V. V(ir!t. TbOl ltl/ ii- k. uelall.i are n affjM N I 1.111 \ illiite.l to | joiti in tin- iii ui i..i iT'ii i BBioa, aftet the line ol _$an I. i.,i..,, ip ii.. ii ibe ilidn b, aii. i tha atri b <?? THR i |v.\l. PK-PARAT-05& Siipoiiiit. nihiii Kelao, aho aitl aai aaGraad !__*? slial of the line '.'I 1""' aion, a_--?oned the Police Captain- I-' I'oli ? lli'.ni(|ilui'ti ra, BBBl aTBB-BB. BBd Uave oi'liia in ri"--,'.-'r tn Iiu- piaBB_a__al tua ____, roda tbebr nnnaiand aioaft-aiaata. __s_Obb? aerafthe Niu.ti.inii E?e_-_ctwaa p-t-ad iai m?ad "i HO paliee trom the nppei preeiiteta, arho will anHiiulile .ii.'iiiiil I?r. ChapLfl 'nChiiro!i. bi Fofty* :.fili ni. aml lifili .. ? Cap-Bardea "f the -W-Bty-aiath P-aefaa-t, aad Capfc vTiUia-naoi Um l aredty-ib -i, trara oxderedta cuaid i'iiii. .rn . i" -fa-liiaaa_iia_8 1 roai MadlBoa iqoare i" Konrieenth-B?, the taate aaa Biren in ehal-e ol Cil'l. >ai"li M "I tlie *-|\Ieilitll I'i 1 0 i Il.t. aml C.i'.i. ('anii'.n of lln* BIztaBBth PWCittCt tfl I'liui I.-. I.I li-nl. aml I l.-i|ii:ue. C_pt, - Baa- of the gi y< 'ii- ? Dth i" ? " ? i "ill gaaid tha p-oei I i ..inl.- niii nt.. 1.. tha Citj Hall, Diaada_j t.iiilio luu (l with the iM'-n . f Capt. Bj rm i * t thi iu.iii ii.. ii. i. Capt M' < aDaajfa at tha Bi_htb I'r.-oiiM 1.1 .pi Cttaeh- <?i the Poarteenth Plai la i. Capt I'eiiy of Ho- Fllth ri.-oin.-t, aad Capt. Ka n.-.iy of iiu- B_tth I'i" laat. \t tl"' Citj BaH. Capt l.eas.v I'f the i weiiij-M tiu E-eelnel mll BBTa ' hai-e. Boi u the Citj Hall i" the Battery '-4111 !"? ranged iiu-im 11 "i Capt tk iiiiaiii-on oi ti"- ihii't E-eeinct, Capt Caft-J "f the s....mi P_ 1 laet, Capt Ward "t 1 ho T i\ en l>--14 iiilh, aml Capt \ati llnsoii i.f theFiial Pi-eiBet Al tha Battery then arill ba _H 111.11 iiiidt 1 tba iiiiuiiiaiiil of Cr-pt C.i|ielaii(l, 44 ho tvill -uard llief.iiy. Capt. Uliiian _f tho l-oiirih I'lvi imi wiii. axai tha [iioioaBion. aad Capt. 9J ilaaa of the Miiiinn (I I'liiite tha Boarda al A-lat-BBB. ,\ BpaaU at-BB 44.1s haaad laat nikrlu by kba Pira C0fl-B-kBS-O-M 1 . (letailin- 8t_-tj -( U'ht mui to BBi BB a fiim-ral ohi-.iii to Bacaea Qraalay. lha bjbb aro ot.l.r.d to re|.iiit al '.i.i'ehx k this BBOB-dag at Kite tiiHli'a Hall, in full uiiif'Tin and \\hito kIowh. 'ihe men $$_U_or$B iu ooinpaiiii8 BB8?8 tho 8888888id of Foroiiion K'uiK, Nan OtdaB, Wah?. and (iiillltha, aml'oiouit-ii Murry, Caahman, Bi-BBBB. and IVili^row, tho eiitit*-Imttalion 080-8 tln- 00B8> maml "f An-istam-l'i.-iiieer 0-hay, 4vill pro.. BJ to tha ciiiinh.aadbaata taka tftaat plaea ia thBUaa, Tho Ciiinini-MiiinBB BBira IBBO-t-d U alttnd tln funeral iu a ImmIv. A laffB tiuinhor of ot-ani/alioiis will jmii il.. line .11, i iiu BBBl k BB in Ihc Chiiroli. _a____a_a m \nvi-: i_oiT_-a--t-. In ol)i di.-tii-e lo llio rtii-^.-Hfions of tho Ciiiiiiimu ( many plaoea of hiisinoas. 4vill he, elaBS- t" day. and llaiia 4vill ho at half-niasf in the oily and haibor. Many ol Iho Iiouwh aloiiK tho route ol tln |,l,n, n,i<,n 14 iii he dfapt'd III HlonrilillK. Ihe OOB-tB adjoiirtied y.-hienla. B8t_tOBMIB_UW| and no huai iies- still ho Iraimaoio.l in tho varitiua .lepifimonta of tlie City C'lVelllliiellt. Aiiiiiiij. tlm |ii"iiiiiieiit piil.lic ifiienfM who tyill hf r,.,ii\eil at the Olt_ Hall will he lln- PNBadl nl and Vire-rreniih nl "f ll"- Init.-.i Siat* a, tlm (iovoruor of N'ew-V.ilk. tho (iiit.rm.r of Notv J**M >. and ihe (iii4i-nior "f ConiH-etieiil, vs itli IlltMllbt;!- of the ntatl of eaeh. A (lmpitili trm* Wiisliinirtiui atitfoa that-)0 Donio cratio itioHilioraof Caa$TJ8B8 lell that eily laat BlgM to att.'iid tln- funoial. Seiiaima rVntoii, Ti|)ton, Bbs-bVB aml TniBibull 4% ill be prom-nt, w itli Preaidenl (iiani, Vi..-1'iesi.loiit Colfax, Setialor Wila.m and S.-i utaiv Houl 44oll. 1'reni.lint (iiant nill ariisc at tho Fifth Aviinii-llolol this iiiorniiiK 4 - i I' ? BBI IB" tary Hoiitwell. Churh-n Siimii'-r leleil'iui'lis: " I htmi-nt llmf im Baalth will not peiinii tin- Btflhl rtantam t<> sfafr Yoik, hut in hoiiI 1 nhall ho at tho fiin.-ial." Ainonu tho ilistiti-iiinin d joiirnalist? _B88 ahroad mhaaiiiaadIaat ni.iii for bbbpetyaaaaf B-teadlaB Ml. (al.elev V Imi. ial. it.le Sutiniel BaBr-8 "I 1*8 _|$r-a__88B- ftpaaa-aa, Can. laha W. Ftttaf tt TU tWaMffiit Prrrt. 1?.k<* W. t*___-Sa* Tkr Fhrn*. itim\tm fia.iT TT TT nanUBf-r* LC__rka l>atia ..! Ih, Philodrlplua l,?,uir,r,? |_B$_B numher of .-.1 itora from Coniio. ti.iii, Iho oiilir- dirootory B_ BM Piaaa iBaiiilBllnr laalB-a-f tapB-BaaBB* H-BI liom Mtmloii, riiiludolphiu, und, J. M. Kt-ittniK nl //.< BtsaaBsaa Avptol. aml BBBBJ BthaBB. AmoiiK tl.., ..iKMt.i/atii.iHlliiit v* ill l>* r.-piiHt-iilod in tbe vkurcli BllU time ** tbe ae rvi.w aie Ibe Liiu ral I?- pablkaa Oflawl Oi?altlii. Hm Rbpab Bflflfl QflflOffll Coinmitta-o. flhfl Taniinntiy Hall OflB* oiBlCaaualllflfli Um ifflUfl Hall Daaflaeraey, Um cini.. I'nioii LaaaaaOlahj lbi v*t%m Clab. tlio Aicadiati Club, TU Ile.rald Cluh, ffea UbBIfll ('Iui), tho Typoirraplimul Sax i.-ty, tho fltflohboldfltfl. Htullaml (oi.i|i.isitoisof Tiik Ti:iur\K, thfl _?_______. (Iui., tl"- Utir.-il Cluh, Ifea As.-aociiitod Plflflfl, tlie Aiiii Ppmm tfefl Amcrii an Itmtiluto, T. np.r an c Clahfli aml many other.. .\t BflMflUafof Um stock Bxehflngo, roBtatifl-f, thfl followillkt Bflflfl apIM.iut. .1 a Collltilitt..' to ;.: i.-nd (Ik- ftni- ral: S. V. Whif.?, <;.... H. BflO-bfl ol. Chfl-fli Gl iliii'u, GflflKf. W. Mcl.oim, Itt'votly Kohinsuii, jr., Bobort c.Hiy, IMT. MflflNjBB.Bafaaa Thoaflpaoa, Mlti.t Colvill.-, II. II. Milh-r. Tho Qflli Exfbanflfl appoiiitid a t'omntlittoo of :. I iuflflBbfltl to affi-nd iho .ih-i-(|iiio., and n-solved Ifl adjoiirn at 1 p. ni., ia a iuai k flf tflflpflOt for tho nioiimry of tin- __Mflflflflfl Tfee pvflflkUataaad ..m.-orsof UmQflt-aaOanlay ind Biown Claba, ttoiflleajataaflf th>- OoatralCoflfl* ?ittflfl and tli- EzflflflUvfl Committoia will me. t ju_t ll oi l,.ik in Fifth-avi'.. bfltWflM l'orty-third aud r..rty-foiirtli-_ts., Ifljoifl tim PBOflflfl-flflBi THB nation.u. DBMOCBATK. co.mmi. i.:.:. I'l.o Nal ion il llitnooratio Ofl?_>M0fl have iflflflfli tlu (ollowi?f circtilar : Hl.Atl.l AIllKKHOtTtfE NATIOVAI. I'l ( OHMfl Iflfl, M-.w -Yi.KK, I''- <? Ml*. ) Tim NaUaaal i? ___-_.?. ____rffl_lioB iii in July, ith a uiianiuiity iiiipi_ri.Ii-_i.t_. m the htfltflflJ of tho party, rioiniiiato as their cumlulato for tho ,,'ii, g of I'n'-iih-nt of Um I'niti-d .Stafe-a Horace Qlflfl* i, , ,,i \- . Vnik. Bii stata-. i-:t.-t tbeiraleetoral vote for him al thfl latfl fllfl tion, and inillioiisof mon in, i Btfltea wbore w. tni- .1 efflaeoaflali .titiedtl_.iiI appn-.-iiitioti of blfl n>l>Io t:!::ii.ui r aml tlu-nu'iit .??rv loa ba baifaaiflnilhflflflfl?ttf hy flflttag oai fllflOtaflfl) tiik.-t. i!;it Hoia aOlflfllflJ is 'lead, and tho flplflflioTfld tfea politieal rietofj. aehioTfld hy his oppoaaata ta DOW tliininislicd hy thflflOnDW which this __. 1 flTOBt iui it ti,. ui tlio pt-oplo irfcO?_ fefl loved, and w io regacied a_n aioaaof the bflflt, traaat. aai braTaat of BMB. '1 bfl ?flflOfll of blfl P?M and b?flB?flflfl life will loog t-.-ni iin luipii?nd apootbo aflM bii wbiohhfl lired. I'.'.i ty of hi.-4Kr.-at li-art was Ifl oyiupathy wi li liuiiiaiiitv iu its btflfldflfl- f'.rm; hfl IflVfld tfefl Gflf*> ,,,,;,, ,.:; bfl bia fflUow-bmb,aad tbelabota ,,f Ua wholfl hf-) waia to dfl-fl-fl Um coodiUoaof itiiiukiad. No fltncglfl f' r lili-rty. i ivil oi IflUffioUB, aaa ofl rmadeon tho a-rfaea of Um oarth b-Bo? bia toanbooi bflfia with wbleb ba iii aal aflbcttna* ati-iy aympoth?__ aml to wbicfa ba faUfld to niffl f.iit' and piiwerful aid. ..very day of 1 abooo?fli with aetsof -??aaaa, of ebaiity.of f_r giTooei ?, .'imi "t' Ioto. Not hta attiehan b_ail] _b__e.bata?t--el__B peo? ple MBTOW for a IfltB wholly iiis.er_t.ible and B?BOflt i.iipai.iilil-d. UM Il.-iiio. ratie C n h.-haJf of the poafl pflrty ?rb i achioToi bongc bf th.-ir faith* .,ii t,, ,-i,.. t blm t'. tfefl lii-t i?''. ?? la ii. (rii'iu-iit. \ i!l ifl all in tl?"'r PflWflT to bflflflfl blfl BflBM au,l mciiiory. k\ ? -'; - -B_-, C___n_an National Ddnociatic CoBU-U 'li.'llUTF.s OF -EflPECT, Tlll. AMKKKAN _______ UIBa A Bpccfe- BMB-Bf Ol tfefl A:iit ii.'iii In-titnto oaa hol i, yc-t.irii.iy, ut __? OaopM Ualoa, M tafei aefl aa ? i tn Mi ? fleath of Mr. (in .1. y. Iti lata ri r . i'. Baraard, tae rre..i.mi of the in-i.tu..-, aeeo. pli l UM efeaIr.aad in epenlai tfefl ptoeae??? un n >.1 Mr.Oifla__y*fl aoaflTaelaf Iflfl Tuiiu-sb, wfeteb flfl flfld made a BflW**. ifl tfefl Iflfld fef felfl Cuii-'i.'iitio.i. tt. -? flfld al.llity. XaaTB?HO?I Bfld Bl -tpacod b irom Ij.agtaalflflj to flflfl. II C)iit_,iu4d nutliiiij'tliat waa ln-.-. Mi. iln-.'li-v, as fl J .urnali-f, tat.xi.l pnfl_a_MBl Uollka many ..tlii-rs, ho wroto ou flOtlflflfl flfelBfl ho ihil uui __iiler_taud. T.ii. was because tliero tvaa hur y anytblna; wiitrli ln* d!.1 n-it tm.rr.?tnn _. Hla aaal Ut acqaMnf mfonnitiou . m iflfllBllflB-fl I>r. S.uti:.-I Jiii,r-.iti - BM BfOoU??Itk t.i.if. tli.-r BM BOtfeflflfl kl i.of flfl?ffl. CH Hefflflfl Ureelcy it lU-i.t be -:iii tfeat thr.; wafl flothlaa ba aawwalah hfl ,-. II,t w.ii pfellBBt-flfOP?i yl tburo wau a ?_.l j.rii, Ipifl uiiil.r',> laf hla i.liiliitttiir.ipy, anl tin: OU tin-: " i wiii .io ull la _ay power to fealp a bbbbM ii,iii-,!i." BoflUfllaa ap all hla t_BaUth -. " Bfl aaa a man, MkBB fOfl all iu all, flffl ue'.r ifcflll Vt M BBBfl Hfl -Utt Bflfl??" i MlflWbm r, w. ro tfeflfl BJ I. I> Til'ni ni, am! idoptfld : ,,;?. me Dlflpoaerof erentfl, wkoM warfl are nol our irayi aatl flba.* Ifeoni?ita .... aol __i n,,-i..,ia, in*, lu hia loacrutab i wlaUoui, aaen tli io a diovc fi.'Ui auiouit us ui d.-.iiu ?iiratiu..i. i.t fello_ ii,,ra, -. .;i-i:v ri'i^i'it.-n; tilthla liutli iiii.ii mi. .-.- prraoual liutorj baa for the iu . tu _-?** I,.-. a nii.ii. .i. iv n.i.iwoatu wlth Hi" blatory '.r the .. i, depurt?ent dI polltli al au I , iiraucboi i> uevvieni cfl rt, aud u pn i, i,-i.u DieaflUM louklug l. luduoli'iaU IflaproTfl-fl-?tj kmuirei, Tluit wo, ns tDf-mbers of on oriranuatlon ac iilUui"'. rn cberlahaud Improve tiio arta oi _lt1 Botl to cneortrage tbe adTMUcemeut ofuractl ni.j. cta to wm. a .Mi. Um u | waa dceplv di vol .1. dealre ,,, recortl oor profouu- Kuaa of tu.t ln.ivi cuLuultr >i iu, ii -ii. iii v lia* sittii red iu uis Iosm?a ralam..-' wliit-ii , .,,.,.. ,i r.-it in tin.- Lntereala wfalobourloaUtu? III- alld of Wlll. b bB W..-4 tll?' ('?: im -!. _"al' 'U-, ? otl i-1-.ta-iit. :iii<i ptraev-T?fl adrooafla timju_i__,ut uis t>u_> aml ll.- IUI 111-. Resileeil, Tbat the pmrnlncnt tralta ln tue enaraetr-r of Hr. (,i, ... i, iai flmplii it>. bia bIlu erliy, Ui_ kiudn -- ul in.iri, ii ir> 1111111 -.ty of j.i.i-|.o.?f, Ui* a.-voiiou to ther-flbt u lu- iiii.l.-r.-t.i?'i ii, -I* p.i-.-ioiiaio lov. of liLt-riy, and ii.tti-'i of i.p|iii.i-i"ii, ui- feneruua t iiumpioni-hip of tfee eanae of the-teUpleaa aud uppreaaed, to_*elber vrttfe tlu iiniiv -trikiiij,' IttOta att.-udin . lii? cirly . t lf tniinm_t aud .mii-u'ipii-ut i-markanle eareer. _w eajrei eravt-urlor kimwi.-ilp' and pattence iu n? ai-qui_itioii, his rosoluio au-iiiiift ilittli-iilti.--, his tuuuly _4-lf-r.-llau.?-, lii -tiitiii -clf-.l.-niil, I.1-. unttrliiK luiliisiry, and hl* uucou' peraeverance, eotubina t<> uia_o hl* axample propei t.. be u.-td up t? tho >outliof all eotnlufl U-uo. U w.ll wortliy to Ik) stinlifd for protlI In ull tuiutf., aud ln inortt tlium* fijj-aJiuirallouuil.l ltulfat on. Ke.'ticeil, liIBI iu tho lull of Mr. (.reeley there haa l.een i-\tiii_-iil.-bi'il B power for K"od sueh a* ha. uever i?t.n tin: l,i t.iry of the couutry. or porhapsof tfec w.,ii.|, i).eu wi.-iiied byatdaide indlvldual laprlvate -tatiiui ; a power which mado-Itfirlf dtfltlnctly lelt und i, .. ui/.il iu eveiy baiaiel wltuiu our _id. natioual diiuiailu, aml iv.-ii reaefeod, du-ictiy or ludmctiy,Ua roninii-.-t . uiillii.-s of tlio civiiii-.'d wuild. tmjomtd, Taatwe Rapeetfuil. tendta to the survivhiK un-uiixura of the lamih- ot ?ur dfl|_-__fli feUow-cltlaeo aml fiicii'l, tbe expr.-B-ion ufl ?u: niucer_ eondoleaee aud protound -> npatfey uu.i.-r tne itioei aalffl aareaa bflflaav. in. ui. ln wh?h tliey hav.- he.-ii vUitt'd, aud of whu-D tbe pieaeat U tfefl iruwnlujj trial j huplii/, aud trn_tiug tliat flOBM *li?:ht alleviatlon of tho uitteiuenfl of their MNTOfl ui.iV I"' fouud ln tlie l'.'tlei'tl.JU tl.iit a iiutlou Ih iiKjiiriiint. v. ilti tli.-in ; und t.rvei.t y pnianu that he who i. a latlnr to the lalherleaa aud tbe ouly (?___ fltay uf the alHii-ted, uiay eomiN?BloB?h ly pour out upou th. tu a m.ire adeqaate autleadt-rlug .-onsoUiinn?a i-ui_?olati.>u w..i4-li tlio wor.d cuu neifhi-r give uor taltu ?*.ay. Rrsolriit, That, a* a iribut. of tflepecf und honor to the iiii-iiioia of oaa waa waa ao Ioob a BBBflflflf flf our ktty, wm. waia ror u tlu.e our pn-aitliUK otMc-vr, aud wa* ul.ove aii ... |M-ii4oiially worihy, the lueinUeiia of tbe Iuatltut. I.ere pi.-iitii will attend of Mr. Uraeli-y to morrow, at the ihiiich of tlu- D.auie I'Btenilty, aud wlll -rear i ha oaaaJ badfli of mouruluK ou tuu U-ti ?rui for the period nf tiiitiy davs. Reto/rrd, 1 tint a aiiltttbly euuro_ied Bnd duljr att. _tt-d vopy of i ii.'.-n- ir.i..iiUi..n- he tr.iiifl.i.liie.l i.y Ihe Secrulary to tne Hiirvlvluit uieuiUt-i.-i of Mr. Ureeli-y'_ f.niiily. Dr. Ilorutlo Hhcppnrd, who bad !__*>n a peraonal frlend of Mr. (Ireel.-v fot fortjr yeartt, flave lnteri*tin_ tflBBfl?* ,,!,,.-.. Ilr. J. W. Hlcharda, II. I_ Btuart, and oihera alto ii.|.ln---.-.l tli<- iii.-'-iniK' A couiinitteo coualeting of the I'l-.-ni.-tii uud tbe ioIIiiwiiik waa uppolatt-d to repreieut Un- itintltute at tbe funeral K-rvlcea to-.lay : J. ?. Uavlt, ldward Wa?Bfl. J. 8. Backett, J. W. Cbanibera, 8. D. TilltiiBti, H. lt. Co-untoclt, II. A. Burr, J. W. UicharU*, Dr. II. D. H. R. Vflilfl. l>r. Q. R. K. t'olton, Dr. Ott, J. h. W'liitimy. IloU-rt Welr, 1'rof. R. J. ItflBBBML (JeorKe Tiiim.ii, K li l?u k.-r-ou, Jautcfl kulgul, Cbarlt ? Vt. II ull. aud Qflflflflfl 1'Kteu. THE FAIlMKItV CLUB. Tho Far_.?__' Club beld u regular mt't-liiiK', al ii-dall iu the t'oo|H-r luntliuu*, ytattflrday alleruoon. 0. Kly, wlio pflflflMfld. -uid in i_?rt: We iiir.t lier.- l>. d.iy with BorTowful bcartit. Horace Ci.-,!.?> Im . .."."? to rcap a fljlflno?l Ufe ln the hereufter ti - a riwtid for lu_ ul life liere. _e aball no more aafl ln ui or Uflflflfl to ln* wonln of wli. lom, but tUoiuh be I* di-iaal hlfl lufluence wlll Bflflflfl Hfl No iuan ui our laud t-v.-r ml'luBBflfld M many, and hU lutluenee wu* ever ei riteil for th>- (livntlou uf all iiniiiklud. Not ouly lu our lund, but Ibrouflhoat the world wlll hl? mnuoiy bt. ri-ini'il. What au eucour?__euient U plBcetl hefore tbe yoiitli of our land by hi* Mr. lin-.-Ie.v wa* one of tbe ear.leat meiuhers of thln Club and Ba*> iflurik Paav. VOIOE OF THE PKESS. THE NOBLEST AMESICAN. fr.m, Tk* IHfOlMti Pn'f'iirrr. TbtOOJk- all tho If-iijfili aml Inre.ulth of tha land tln- iiiti-lllKoiii ?? wMb our .olu.-uiis rontaln thia DHrrntBf srill rarry BOBTUW and teitrful rojrret. Iloraca IJki lej la i|. ml. Tm ii"i>'' that buactlre mind and muvularbody would a, y cotnbat Ibe oomMaed aitok of -laon*e ai,.1 irttTOW- itiiHi.'ii iinlnli-eil !>y all who km-w thal tbe Baaa 14i1.nn aU tba world n-p... ud waa in rairtmtt araa wltheal eyen B nhadow. f)f ai I tne rt* atlm tliitl liitve OOBM UBOB tho rountrr thia Is lnexnro-nllilv tlio ?adde?t. BoOfl of tbe rleme.'. whieh bejret BBlreraal aympathy aro laokinir. itiauot Wlthintbe power ci one man norihi llunta of uny on*. Iiiiinial io roi-onl wlthjuetice and exBCtltuda tbo ii.< r's ,,f tbe Bjreal nan who- Ufe wMyeaterdav ezilnirolabed. I-'..I ii. irly io >. .ii - im wan a purt ..f tba I-'pui.lla wbleb we booor to-day, aad to bla ybforoaa nilnd and aetjye *orda tbepeoph owe moro. tbaa tney will ever reeofrntae, boi ti vet* pay. a plebeiaD by blrt-, be 'iffod hlms. If tbroui/h hlsowu exerrioaa to a poattlon rreatet tlmn Ibal of Pp-nldenr, and ln hla indontrv, morality, pct_re_Bye Bp.rit and rompn-lionnivo n.?. be vt.i-. aitnnut doubt, tbe nobleat type oi an Aim ri. m . "liz. n. His lltB-Worfe Wlll _" iu poaterity.and in poe-Mtty'e keepinjt it wlHne booon L PoUtlealiy ae bara beaa al ranaaea -iiii Horace Oi-Bley ihi.iin.'iiiiiii th. (.-r.'.it. r pirti'.n of oar existea * u a imiiiK idiirti.ii, imt bls Beol?i we arei ivlmired. bla iBte_rity we ever indoraed, aod wo honnr him and hia uo tni'iy (or hin lniiii.initi. As a iiiurniiiint, iiiiiiii-i.plier, BtatasaaiBB, and pbllan t_ropiBt. he waa 4t',rthy of all booor aad reapect, and tlio f.ill wlileli In n,.f a|nlif III Ibe en illtiV* faliie for pi irtation ofthe naiiennf .I'-.erviaic mea will be all lln- lirltchter for lio a'Mition of tii.-*. Ba mai*' i 11 ti B man nf TBI I'd optnlona; his vr.ti ei v of oplntnna ma> bava bbsaaaed tbe niiapo and voiatu Iiyni v.iK'i.rlen; l,c ii i\ ii..\e iile many ii.iniakoa; 1ml lil- _ri it lieart WB8 alWBVI n?lif.and his l?-st efforta aere alwaya dlreetedto tbe B-y_aee_aaaI ar aaa Uon i.f tho hiiiiian rm ??. Bla life was xiieiit in titriimll nnd pott?eai strlfe, and lt in aorrow, to t Iii. lant yt;;,? wcru briifhio.-t. aud llin lant tuirkn li.tti r tl, iu _U _ it araa rmuaethleg to hare imlli a, ;. n t!.** m-in who waa tbe flrat of a ri , ? ... i '..tvn tbe I. in i r- "f h lle ? blrh v. rn of 1 iBed aod i*iri<-i neas bail i aia _ . wbo was tue _rai ? ? i _? fenil liis liitrl an.l He n.-t f" fl'ad foi - ol leenlielllatloll, 4M,4- . ? ' All amn i wltber, The people wlm bad nnce bated h ra ta ? ude, ai,.i tii.-i.n-ti ii.. i lairii'd to booor ...ii 1 lulB iii hin r\ ar*. II- nin-vivi'd tho l.i't.;- lii-itairloA of tl:" _reat ltl-**_fM wi.ieii i.c lid.-d -.1 tii.ii-ii to in.iii-'urate,aud,aa Id laat .im-wMo'i ln-|*. d liln duty, WltBall IBB sin reiiiy. Iioocetr, and earneatnen of Wa nature, ho iic voted hlaiaelf tn a t-Btoratloo of frato nal feel bb ainoug brethren wBo are decreed one Dattooaltty. Il Baa beea aata tbal Mr. Oaw?toy 4,..,n un .-imhitioua niaii, and thul be e.'iuiiviil tn BCCUI- for bloaaelf tb? ri, deocy. Without tliat true aud ennobllnK un wbleb in tne ii'iiniH t nr wottBf manhood h bave been Horace Greeley, oot tbat !.? Jt_lnod iho iioi'im.'itioii Of ttM I.I'. ral party thlou_li ailtent.tliius meaaa la ao oodoubted ilaodi r. II iitleodaaod admlrcrajaociired the lmnor for blm. T? hltn it e ia nii'-x; ei b d. il. ii ? ? 'titi-d tba tr tat aa .iiai wbo felt tbat bia caose wu f*ooa. aaa that ho daaffa-i .te.l nf tno IM-njil-. i. wbleb be madedotina bla Weateratoar conHltutAamonunient aaBrandaaa n ever wii, an i proa ler far than tboea wbicli axtal aar-BBB*. THK C1101IW-.LL Of BO -___ trom Tht PI ttrer. MHorace <;roil?-> died at BO Bibratai pB8l 1 ii'i'ln. K tiiisei. . i. _. II '? time, aud ng iu r waa peacefUI.'' ln tboae wordi the la-st nltrhr flashod oyor tln- eoaatry, orei the oeesa and tho trorld, tb. death ..f oao "f AiiiiTica'n fnr.'tn *t, mn-t bOOored, ' clllsen?tbe Croaiwell of ins tlm-, aarir'-d np l.i ..rim nf imi' Boble Demoeraey to laaa 4..nt rifiirm- iili'tiir tln- aayto lacoeea. to a__lte o-rt-at biowa Bcaloai jiiiin iu _a*rery, and, doI i.loa; a ba bbm>~ , u? i ltsdownfall; toaeet-Olaadll ? IBfar ffee lta aoi nr-..! Il f! ie ici I. waa tbe work thii Ua 'irotnr hatnln and bnvo be_rtandwlae brela were Brt tn do. aod thal -aatba um*. tbat, iind'-r a beaaBoaal Provldeuce, they accotn iL Dead, atsl.a-daa-ohlodnry as bsbb ayerdld, a. >\y . -i i,..r-'. .1. li duri'u-tin-? liie daya dlaappnlotm. aorrow BBd ptUit toucbed blm aorel Bultj im iev nl tinil lln y 4ii-r.- all s\v.-|it BB_U at tlio 8_-_ ai.d bls !? laaing away ?an full of pea. -. Tbere is tn* Am. rteaa loarnallat, nlnceroly lioiiortng tln- profeaaion of io_ro_u__, 44 ta wr.l aol Umi lu tho ___. iniiiii. eiiieiit ot tiu- iii-iir.-i.- nf Boraee Oroelej caoi i!ic i>r.>t"iiii l' nt rocr'-': tbere la bo Ba-erleaa eltlaea lmni.rin- tbe llrea ol tlioae wbo have auule Q_j aoaotry itrooa aod ' wbo raa reinird tbe death of B-Hraea Qreeley with any fcelloa ln* parable fnun 1 >rrow. Bewaa IBe aead aad froal "f aiee.tallable.boaeaa um; be waa th. ttr.tof liylng Journallat-, Ha waa a state*-tan.a patriot. and a Buinanltaiia-L a -ritittnaii; graatln bawla-on-, iu hin BeaasBy,ta 1.1a devotlon to hia feil.iw nien. Al Uie U'f. all Ulinili-e* -.fill Pcsnlhly. I' lt WliO oan sav fhif I Tlio amntttftn nt hia laat ili.ya u_* houor blrn .m 11 w ia bonoi _bli lo bta 0011 1.. thal a inun wbo had foojrbt hla owo wai troaa at?J ol poyorty t.( IOI ll an_'ir.ltl.llln an llln ll.ld II. ill _l)tll il ll, __M 1> ? 1 liv it. ; T_ero waa oo dlahoBor In tiW l_illn_lori lObtbaRoal fur win.-ti 11.0 tri.ii. ll. made bia beat endeava., aad l.i.o that ln- emiid line w.iiii.i badbe aud nou li.-'ti. dead iim D_emory ean walt, for tbe wlae rntore todeckw wbethar iic tui rumioi i4i-oin; la u\g to be Pre Ident. we eaouol pralae meh a ? ta. \\' i*o i,an doae pote t, ibatne tbe weakneaa oi wbal 8e bbbj n.n. la nli ?? iti?.?iiiie.-ti.i-ia of a u.i-y i.ife " lu. nii.ii tbat be woald like. .iiti-r ho ?iii< Bone .iwaytohi' reat, to baya Ura im tn'i. i.-d beeatabliabod Tm; Truh sk. Tbat waa to tn ep his memory rreen amoBg bla ? ouatrj im o. iii mii'iif. also baye aakl tokeeplt aiwayslafraataa .... Like all ti.en whn do tii. ir v..' r_ well, no matter wbal their work may be, be Baaa that lu had ,i.tbla well, aad la bla wlaa BlaeerltyBe aakedtBal he mi.lit be i*..-t>r m raeoUectloB by it. _y> apprec?ite il all.we-muat reooBBlse the aet-yh ?? fo country aml to mank??I tliat tbe louiaal be fouudedni.l ilariUK tuo ,1 buaj yeaia m 4>l_ich bc mam- it.n pattBf aud oontrolled ita afl?Ira. Tbere nan do reform aninreated tha' lt aeemed 4vlae to hlm to fator that ba did imi fBTot in tbe eohunaa of Tna I_?B_BB| thoio was im imprnvemeiit pnije. ted for tba nie.'ii i nio il departaieni of a kT1 al nea ijM_a*r wbb a a u notitlven u ti-ml lo t?e me-baolcal t-iparU?eai of Tne Tk.hi m: ; there waa do pablte eoterpnae, bobc-obmoI euarlty nr Cbriatlantty planntsd ior ih.- aood of uiau kiud that was md befpeo byTBB Thiiuni:; Ibere *-._ do g lestloo of poitth a or Btatec-aft that lt did not ?di r aml iiifelliK'1 mtly dlKUaa, and, whilo it i. aJet ted no niinor iaanos ol tlio time UurluK all lha porlod of Ifs ell-ton.e. li fnu_ht BUTOrp **ith aueh power, skin aadbo-eaty, tbal Blarei ..niit-d, aml 1)V DO moaiin nnne UUI 1> lhaii by tlio iiiilmmant pro t- nt of inuni.iinty created ___l_at it by 1 ua Tbum bb KorSl ve irs bo was Tiie Thihi nk. Ho ataaaped np-ia tt iadebblj blaatronB Kraoaality ot tbnuxht aadfa* lnir. AsBWiitor he waa *t*1f-**oa_- lmid, and conytno Ui(r; not alwiiy poUabed, ret alwaya forclble. Iim i?dltonal iitl.-r.iii?Bfl DT_??d with tbniiKht aud faot, and, however ttuj inay tiavo erreil ln JudKineiit. thiy ntlli .niiiuianile.l atteiitlim hy rcaaou of their auihora ei.f.'il)!inl>o<l infi't.Tit> of parpnsi'. Uo was too pure a stato.-uian to Ih* a <jood piilltliian. too frank a man to eoaawand Ibe aympatbj oratippuri of partlaatia. He BlaOOd irroat rolianot- upou tho hon. tty nf othrri, and waa oftou doooivt-d hy tbouj. But unto tlie laat ho ke.if bla nltnpl.. faith iu the truth nf ui.tiikind. Itl llin death Joiirmillain has lnnt ifn ableOI Wpi??OtattT-, tiie eouutry an Boaaat* wtao patrtoC ini:i..ti,ii> ? true frlond. _ A (IKKAT-HKAIMKO M.V\. from Tht Syv-iite S:tt,ta,-d. Tha trr-'it.-st I'ditor Aim rua haB i.roiliiri'd ls dead. llnraoe Greol.y ls no more. -* fui waa bla t ud. aud profound will l>e tho ?rrlcf of hii oooatijaaea. Tho a.poritlea of tho rooont |K) 80?teet w u! ba NB> arottt'ti. and nien af all partios wlll hanten tu do bouia_o to the memory of tho illuntrious doparfi??!. r>iiit-e jmiruallsni haa been olovatod to tho dlgnlty of a profoasmu lt haa hu.t no wnrthter or moro nfalwart n*p ri'M-utativi, tban bo wbo for BBjret?_ oontrolled taa eas> unia of THB TniHt.s", and i daeated the uiaaaea into hahlts of corrtH-t thoiik'ht aml wls.' actlon. Tiior. have been, ludeed, umre v.-r*iitlle andt'-'t'orprl inu Journallsts tbaa Mr. iinolev; there na\o la-en aicu nf iimn' tl___c i-ulluro, aud, perbapa, of moro \arted in forination. ._?.?__ There ha\-e beon Nttor newspaper* thinTur Trib rsK; but there ha.n hoen ao Jntirnal whieh haa wlder influoiico than It, as tbere haa been no-dltor to eompare Wttb Mr. OB el'-y iii nlu,. nt_ of pBBIBBB aml s-888?BBB of oxpresalon. A Wt-Ba. orthat whloh he doomed to be a wmnx, he pur.t-'l IkruOfb itml thriiiiKh with weaponn of lojtic, iu vntlve. und rldii uie. fnTrtl itbeOBBBB a thlnfof ahroda and patcbea. Ho att o8fael in overythina he did. lle aaw the weak a*?ata in hla adtoraary s raac and eit?mtl tlu-iii, *alth nothiiiK of romorao, aud, perhaps, little of ilolleitey. He th'iroujA-hly Iwlleved ln hin tuiaalna a. tt tem her. ('li'Mr-ni-lit. il, aa^utltiua, euriioat, h. aaw and Httiti-k?-il ai> i'Mi liotniv tiie majorlty of tho .-ltltoua ba.l learaad tbal Ibere waa ati?tit ln it tave gaod. lle had i-onylctlona aud he nttered tb<*m as foario?*ly aa tonnlontloualy. Jotirnaltsni la ayt to deatroy convlc tlona, It never bad tbiieBK't ujion Mr.OreeJej/. Iu a certuln aonse he waa a oue-alded man, aa belicvin_ that bia elde Ta* the n*ht alde. Un iniiU'rehi-inled, m nrder that be mtKht the elearvr arirne all that oould t* urgo.l airalimt bis vtawa of publle poliey und puhlte iu*ttce; Imi thia compri-b. ti-nn nov r , t,ui(uored uliii; lt bu< nerved him to fortl/y bla oivn aaaa. He wreatod from nn enemy all hla fallaoUs, aud In tho coBta li>ii?uo?* of bm oa n Baaored ntron^'lh held thoni up to publle rldioiilo. H- Morebed th.-m wttb luvootive; ho tuem witb aatcafm; ho auiilbilat**. tUoiu aith facta. . A itreat edltor ln not alone a man of oon\.i-tioua, of oounixo, and of t.-nailii of wlll. He n.unt be alde to tmuiiolato fhnn.'itiniii ilnnn. to vladleate tbat voitra**-, t.. exeapllfy tbat touat -tj of 4.illthrou_b torae luithoda nt ??, 11* tuunt wl.l.l thr i--]i of th** roady wrltor. Thia Mr. (ireeley did. Be pni'-r _B___k tbau bia haa beea wrlttt-u: eplkTaiiiu.atio 4.heu ueofs-ary, reMiiuU* aa ia-1-.islnu reqnlntl, oftt-n elotjitent, alwaya \l_oroua, Ut rtnilH, i uil'l.tttle. When Mr. lirt-elry aald aii.thlng thn pooplt-know what he lueant. There wa. with hlui no Vwiallni ut uru teuees, im Imrviinf, nl ldeaa benonlh linwera of rhetoile, un iiroviirioalii.iia, no taiiiolnitie*, no douutful iHiuaUa. timi nf ttords. lii.i'it hi, Imt never flul.-tl. U'.uvsi lbvu__t lU-fiiBb buu tuuad bvaaat aaedaj *t