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Voia. v Y Y II .NO. O ?8_. __BB_BBB-___ NEW-YORK. TllUllSDAY, DECEMBER 5. l?7i. PRICE FOUR C&ttTM HORACE GREELEY. tfit. CLOsiNC, ci-.i-i-Moxir*. Yoiterday tho lust aet in tlie prolonged obso qmes of Horace Gm-loy was perforniod in tlie piaaaaaaj one might lay, of tlio wbak paopfca of tlio I'niti-d Mataa. Ia Ni\\-York .imi Brooklyn businepa oame to a Ktniiiil. Tho forsook luu l I r. tho lawytr abaadonad hia bookfl; thfl labo-flf dropped his _b4| tho peat firi laid Bflfllfl her nt-iiilc ; aml all BtOfld n-vi-ieiiily bj t!i?* way alde while " tkfl goofll pray baad flfbieb ?* all bbbb knaw" araa bflBM scm.wfiilly to its flnnl rcnf. Tho vrhole oouiil-v syini'n' with BB. Proaa ana aai bI tho land to tito other flagi drottpi il at h.ili-niast, BBd moumiii- dlt>pat7 imtii. befoca tho doaad aV-ota. Tb-a-fl ba-? beaa liohfli pageanta -baa t!.';-: bal -h boen BO BBcb tua^nifici nt, IB-fa to'.iehii.g dfl-_ onsiiatioii of pi.pular fflflllng THB rr.ori.r,. If iba ao-nna dariaa tlie l_.iii_^l_-__ata <*f Mr- tk**, -at the City Ilall 44.I-- imi* i.n-;.4t- aud aorrowful, what uliall we say ui tba still BBOBB _ab_B _a__a_a_atkma ai y.-.-c iduy, wbaa. tliiciicli ? BBBBO-lM -ity. liisbt'ily was l.onn* lo its laat bomoT Tho whole po_* po_-fld fcntb to .. iho aakaaa I -"-*? t-fci . ,.ii, in :l.. mtil tha l-Bfl i"" I.y the entiie lin*-of inartli, b-B Partj fifth-_t. to Q-MOWOOd 1 -1 witli llatB. lt was ild nuii-Iv an BBBeiDbl aialil aaatai it was a |aU_ala_ al t_-np_-bl.-n_ .. As on Tniflaj. sad faflea BB- bmbb. ajaa . looked o_l _T08B tba __*-_. An on j aatoaj aaaai aad trom-- and hambler I l tat uiiiB and bbobI Jeaa?_B_a-iTa in tbeii aoi ? I It bad baaa Bflttoad oaT-to-aj tbal amoag ttn-l ***_utO-B t*. tln- Q< 4. n.i.r's Bl :n, at tba Citj! Ilall. j were great nunibers of l little I aiianliafa of Bociety wara p-e____l along thefi the'.r slr. ill ? l i88 g v,,..,. i, piritaweraqnietod. Hotaeal i , ooa "i tlia.ii f.iv.niii-heroea. I Th.-y i ? bim Sami-arlyla tba Btaroe-. B aud many cf thflflt, donbtlflBB, o-tfoiabfldtht- ? | -1 tka of fettiag to ba editon at_ae day tbeaaa I Tbo (i k BBBMBTOBa, aad I many of them Bei-im-d .1. > *.?'? ' ?!. l'ltrm-rn [ were oft.-n s?cii _B80B| atnidy conntrMiian, toB BMBsbfll >'f THB 1 ? au.ii. in front of ilr. Sindair's bO-flB. .I, " l bare eoana abn aaOca to ba at i'e funeral of Horaca Greoloji can 't yon | ? I we in to bBTOOSM lookal him T" Th" daan bad tban bflflB eloafld j bat ii 1 iiiinnent lal ' eanie out aritb flaabfld f ioa and tr. nblnifl Hp, ; _ .-.u i. t-iod away. B I . Fiitb ati'i B .I bj b greal mohitai ? while tliej ; ... ...d bekrw tl - ? - il.i.-, ltniir htfore the hour _|BJO_ltod lcr tbal t PPOfllta tho chuicb is a ro\v of un- H futi-h.-a dw.-ilin.'- li loaaa. Iboaairo-a oeonpladbf I a rered f ? |0 |ha l?.ii-.-s:.l .rn- I1"- I ati'inic, aritl '?',f''1 I jj sjr_-_o4_a and __-oo_i-a aaaaa ft H I batola, _1ub> .. a:ul I'-.ii'lic bafld__fB _ta_ k-idfl ?MkOi liinnaii baoea, BfOODfl 00?Id mi-i.iiilci-tand aiiiLK of kicIi a gathciii i.-ai-r Iriludo ?whicli W-lflflflBBl tlio ',-Duke Alc-is. or waldi.d th.; fn o.-ral of Al.rabain l.rn olu. It has ha-1 Bfl panili Mr.. Yt: ? i"t\li..(ly blMW that an a a_0OBBflla tb8 f liit-ral would ha\i- Itttlfl tfl Int. -ti'st tln- meie tOC. Tliere w.-ic no i.(l ururR, BOB-gB, no enililiinn I ...; witb '. H wfli aba I ,1 cf | I'l.iin BMBltd- othfll ? -.I nii.'li longi r. '1 lu peopk came to lnok on be-B?fla tln-m:i:i wl ? 'iii-ir tiiendi boea iaa, as Mr, ?? leel f'.r ti.. Und, a I ho bad BOnfl to syinpatlii/e aitb ? said a ^ray-li.iired f;" rowd oo Btoadway. " baTa 1 aaea BBob a nintfof ti" i iiu iaai.-.-.-m J l'l'.iii tl -?? and Im - bui!iiin_ 44i'!i fifliiaflflaial Llaik and wbtte. _0B_ to| the bflfgai wbo Btood flraepiua i>y tba eof wara i - ,;I -"d A i itailed toT':)**" al.'iir? the i I tl.<'.-sicii a ball ntta oi iBore ia adi am b of the : i?r. C?apto- Cbatflb to M Bqaare 11 JibbI a aafla, tlie aren-a waa ueatlybtoebadad. <>n the outt-r edga af Ou aralk _to arowd waaa haMHIad tv4-o and tbroi On the walk 44itbin tliere was liarely room to pass. Tbe day won'.d bBTT worn a holiday asjiei-t bat f?r tln ([uii-t and Bubdued di ine.tnor of tlie ixyiple, and tho aaflflakaaal exluhitiins of sorxow. About MadiBon-Bquare. |aad on the space before the rifth Avenue Hotel. the conrourse -waa etill greater. All alotifj llroadway from Fotirtoenth-at.,t)iroUkTh whieh the procession inoved, to Haniiltou Kerry, tl.ere was a denae masa of peo_>le. About tbe Bowling Grecn, the Battery, and the feny-house the crowd atill Btood jatiently waitiug. On the Brooklyn aidi the ?anie BtA-iiee Wfltfl re_eat?d. Along Union-gt to the. r'ourth _ve., and down the avenne to the Caaaaflarj atietched tbe wonderful dnuble linea of wattherg. At Greeuwood was aMill niore BurprisiiiR- bight. Ileto au enomiouB con course had gatliered. atandini; about tbe entrauce Kat< a. and fringing tho wmding roads, and concen trating about tho flffl? grave so that the uioumtn. wbeu the corteji- arrivod, had tht- gn-ateat d___ nlly lt. following tbe hea_BB THE POI.KR. The a-BBbrabb aAatoaflj. good temper, and g(*od -iacipliDe of the police, whieh we have hod occaaion to praiae ao h.-hh before, were inore than ever con kpicuous in tbe _rranceraent- for this eitraordmary turn-iiitt, and tbu control of the euonnoua crowd thioiigb whieh the procession waatopaea. .Sinifr intiiKlciit Krlao had, tlie ni|(ht before, given the nr(*aa_ry onl.ra to the police raptaina. and waa on tl*.- Kfournl a._rl-, in tbe morning to take personal ditactiou of atiairs at the elnii-h. The atreeta aroiuid the chur.-h were intrusted to thn eare of Capl. O.iniier ol tbe Niiifioenth Preeiii't, who held eumroaodovri 350 mea ; the companiea were le<l by Capt. Williaui* of the Twetity-nrat Preciuct ; Capt. B. ni.ett Bi the Twelftb; Capt Killaleof tbeTwenty ajjaai d , Capt. Allaire of ibe Btoadway poliee; Capt. MeDi.iiiiell of tba Tbblj liatj Capt. Daviaof the TLlMietO. Fioui lbflflbai-b to Hamilton Kerry, a tliatanre of tht?;e uiilea, rb? strei t waa liuet] wiib polne aaeii. Aa the |B-flflBa~aa adranced Ihe police on gtiar.i gatheied into line iu ita re?r aa a protection agarnat carriagea, aod were relievrd by othera at -rarioua pouita, thtia enahling tbe farea grB'lual'y to returnto their reapeetive piet lucta. Along tbe liue ot marcb, from Rorty hfth-gt. to Mailiaun-aiiuare, were atatiom _ men under thn eom n.'Binl of Capt McKlwain of Ihe Tweutietb Precinct aod Capt. Cameront of _ t*ie Kighteeuth 1'recinct. riat>n-af|.iar.- An.l it* neighborhood weie under charg* of < _pt. iiuideu of the Tweuty-ninth f-?ci_et. r'roin Mudiaou-8_uare to Fourteeoth-at. weraraugtMl tbe toen of Cajit. Hauderaof the rtiiteenth Preciitet, (_pt Wiiibuine of tbe Ninth Preciuct, aafl Caut. Heddeu of ibe J aetitr-e _utb Prtiiutt. Ur.ion S.iu...c___JI .iiirtcrnth-_.. ktti ru.-.r.loil bv Capt. W ttUli nl tho Scvciit.ciitli rrcciiict. Fn.m Fomteenth-st. <o Um City EhDi Ihofliaaj arai -flfld with tlie men <>f CaptfijS-BflOl tl)-) lilU-'nlli I'le cint, Capt. -flOflUaaa of the Blghlh Pwe-Mt, Capt Clin-'bvof tho Foiirt..iith PlflfliBflt. Capt. Pottj ? f MM Fifth Frc.-iuct, and Capt. Kenni-dy of thr. Blxth Pndaet At tho City Hall, Capt l.carv. of iho Tw.ittv .ixih Predaoi, had Charcro. BfllflW tho City Hall ^ mm^kmmmtjmm fljtiotit-HiirinmInrt -r- ol tfcflatoa t bf Oa mmat Oapt Wllllfll-BM of tho Tliir.l Frocinrl, Capt. Caili.-y al l-fl BflflOad l'lciimt, Capt. W.inl flf thfl 1 va-i-iiy-Ha-v.-iith Frecinct, aml Capt. VflBI Dflflflfl flf tlM? Fir.-t I'rccinct. At the llalfcry thfltfl W?re_B0 flflflfll uiui.-r tlu- flflflRBBflflfll ?'t Capt. Cogt lun_? wiio il the fi rry. Capt. I'luian of <ho Fotirth PlW-Mtlaeortldtbfl inrrcssi..'.. aml Capt. \Yi.s_n fll thi MflBBtad PoUflfl BflflWfltfld .La l.Diirdc (if Alddiiicri. PUBLIC MOURHIHO hBmflhri] it flaflflflodflfl ii abnoflt trtty bflfld. dflB-ffll balf-BBiai On the av. uur, :iiiil in ik-id tliriwibonl tbfl _it_,, tblaiaaib ofrfltpecl totbo memorj oft_ dndwit all bal aaiT?n__I_ aad io a |Iflflfl n.any flflflfll tbfl -Utfl wi ri .liap.'ii wilh M.iI h Ou tho avoiuio a aflflflbfll <?f privato bflflflflfl fl?flfl b?D| m flBBflraiag. l lio iw-kaifl ti Mr. J*. T. Bar ??_?.Na.IM RIUmn* flflflfl Iflflflaoaed flith l.i-uk iiml wi'iic iim.lin, flflfll di.pla.'TtA thfl__BflflBlp_i__B, " It iIdflflfl." Mr. Then>n B. BflUflT, Nfl. 48 Filtli ,'i\..; Joaepfc Weat \<>. 4_B_ A. W. Qriawold, bT< :i.'., an.l .luiiu Ma.k, No. M_B.bOB| flfli .imilar I _ i.f Iflflpflct 1?fl Ho_, JflBfl-fl Brooka, at N.v had a ____g bouml with ciapo. Mr.. 1'. IJ. Tryoii. Hfl. W litth-avo., H_BB?JTflfll a poitt.iit af Mr. (..<(!<>?, drnped in iiioiiiiiiiij.. Tli*' tn cini. nt Nfl. !?-?'. Md tho ilaflbatfaa cinb. were I'xMiMvly flflfl MBfll flfli **-- i: li i-ii;iilar aoiuhcr trapphit's. Brflwatat'fl eaufaga aaiflBflaaa oa tbfl flOTOflf of Filtli-a\ c aad FYflirtefl?th fltn 'BB flfltflb* t?bnMol la wbicb Mr, Sraalflf *as kaowa t.iimv. taki'ii I p:uti. ul '-i ? int. Iflfll 08 B8I0BBI of jl.s p.!.|> tion oi tl.e oflgparfltiTfl iyst.iti?wu cinaiaadia mourains.'. On 1'.road way bfltb fll A. T. Bt* a art'a ifllabllflbfliflflilo awo eloaedj ai a n also tho ehop. aud ottflfljfl of (.'. BoblUBflli rt, Boffmaa i- Co.; tlio Wbflelcc - Wflaoa I Miirlitn.- C')inpany ; Hall. Black it Co.: D., Applituii aV Co.; tho Mrriilin Butaiinia. Co.; ll.'iv's >(urii if Maob-M 0a_j 0.0. QaatkaB aV. ('<>.? B-ioa,| l'.ia.lhy a. C<'.; Wm. 11. l.yott & Co.; I .h tn me, IfflLeai v. Ci: Catlin. lirnndn-lf & Co.: Tdl.. Cn woldflti KaBogfi LAbbmb Ai Co.; ILJ.Bheppafdi Iliik*. Han- A- Co.; Paton .*_ C<>.; Eldridfe. Daa ban A Cu.; Hl mpliill .. Tlainlin ; The Am rfflflB Ag rUi; tba Now-York Loaa nnd Indnnalty Oom I Knozi t-MQoodjear SoUmc Co.; and tho G-fl-aaa \11.1 eflii M.itnai Wani?oaabig aml BaearU_jr Ca Thflao aatflbUffbia-att, all ou Bnadtar. tan te inally chisiil: bnt BBfll-fllfl. in.!(..d, for fl great part ,of thfl dav flflCflBadtfl ba ctn'rally 0?_? ,1. Wiadowa were g_Tflaaptoladiefl.aad t.t'jir bflflflflfl tho dcrks forpfnik thtir aaaaten i.,. ii xng apoa tbe fltepfl imi bilaoai-a. Um Nortb _kf-_-_flC_afl_--d__-flj--flyada--Ba ut hall BBBflt. Tba plioto.rrnplicrs RockwOfld, i-ai.niy, Etmmf, QmTtmJ, __c__.r_Bl.fli oll exhibited aottraiti flreaflfld aritb etspfl, aritl c.iivas Bflfltflflllfl Wflflfl 8ti_poii(lid from b.niio of tbo boaflaa. 'Iho BMararng diaparioo afl al..nir tbfl _tr.-.t Bflflfl UM Imauy to be dt-soiibt-d bflflfl 11. full. iliriif.inodi-j.l.'ivoil fl Iflrgfl placird, hoaring tlio in-c; iption : " Tbfl Ufi Iflflfl < hnuipion ..1 a nnivr. al ih.iiIk rboai baa baea ?_BoaaoM te boy?aiPrafl-* d.'neiCHor loa.lcrshij'-., for h'-:irt.-4 bs?fl bflflB g-Tflfl him biTc-r tbaa vote., and I lioly cnsliiitii flBM ut irrander tban national honors." Lo Monlt, No. 7 i:iii()ii-*)|ii:r.e, 1j;mI ba thfl .sindow I uhMmtJ mmai ')f Mr. Gir.-lf.v.'-riiwiicd witii olivo lflflTflfl, tfllbflflhladj in un,?, and OTflflhflflf v\ it li Biflflfl. Ihl nintto: "Hfll iflflkoi ad ii"t th.-j'.i-t flrhUal aaghtfeiahMBl,Or-alI tO bfl 'dflOfl <>r mit-'lity to bfl gflfaMd." Waal (li.t.laycd. E. H. Carlwriirht, No. 'M Bflflfl Fo'ii-J tflflDtb-ata diapod .tho front of liis Hflffl, At I l.iiiinliv.-iy titi'lj Foiir1('f'iith-.*t.. tho mjttOM, "It i* | r-flradtaplayad. Wra. Dibblfl, Na.-W Broti . .'mi.'ii thflfraat "f hiabafldiag. Maaa, D ? \. -s Idiapcd B-tb fl bltfl ?t-M aml lii.ick flflka. Oabiifl-flOBt Na. Bl| Dr. .I'nij.'hM. ;, No. sn, diaplared thfl badgfl <>f Batmrn* lag. Tha Libt-raI Bflpnblk?fl 0?iurai C?b?_it?a?> j hflTiflg IflOflBfl at N'>. Ul. had BBfl-tfllfld v. ith (i;i|,.- .1 portrall of Ifr.Qiflflkaribflariogtha iaflerip*! Ti.ii."We Imniir thfl Iflflfl cf f.'ur l.iid. r." Tbfl St l'.>r.t- Hotfll d-flplajafll ? Bagal ha-tf-flaaat. (ivcr Mi-rnl'i Diaiag Hall, in NmHi.-t. MBI :': .|...y, and tho Hiw*Y<a_k Datel la I waar, &'-* wttt tjiag afl haMmttt At .n.. i.ik il i.'tissi 1, wttt thi aocda, "We raoara th.-lossof .. 11 Lflfl-flr." .^.-inimitis, BOmttll _7_?B /?k?H. EattJ, aml Chatflbfld?i'l pfaotographta Btfl* dio.No.-_a_] dzapad iii<ir baildiaga beavflj. Thi Bool i(-ni,CraiidCi-iiti'il,C()!, Mfltrofolil?, flndSt Nleholaa Hotela. thflfiflran und Braadiatb li.iii-.-s, Wbitli.lil, PflWflU iV Co.. No. 4V1, L.inl 1. Taylir. aml DflT-fl <_. Ofl-, at Qt-fld st., 8?iho-T, A.niRtraflflj - Co., Ho, 064, EMaroag 4- Boaa. H. M. BU ?1. NO, r>"l, Ki-tfim- r, Smith & Co., and J.;.!<] Caual-st., all disiayid BBfl or inm. -BBfl lt hr.'.f mBfli Tho front of tbo gtoro of Alircd P. ?_Bjrnolafl.Xo.__n. bflflfl thfl im>itu, tawbttfllaUan onblaok groaad, "Thotiph l"--t t<_ .ik'ht to mttrntj dear." Ilajllett, Uerry. Bflfld t% Co., Nfl. ">>.. and J, Meyer & Co. and 8<dd & Uroa., bfltb fll No. K_., drapoaj tbeir cntiro baiMiflgfl. i h> pbicos of hfl___B_HB of the Anioriian National Bflflft. li. J. Botierts &. Co., Noa. 542 aud M4 ; L. Zcchnl, No. o3l: Kugler &. Hyrnoa; B. Travis & Cu., Nn 605; B. Meybcrg _t Co., No. 503 ; Kt-llogg, Htibbard &Co.,No. 499; Robbins, Htona & Hyde, No. 47_; Iforaco Wati-rs, No. 4S1; Myorson & Tlant, No. 47?; II. C.Kolger, No. 469; K. Kicbarda, No. 42.5; Wm. Browning & Co., J. Honnann &. Son. tho Kcal Eatateliust Company, Thomaa M. Argall, No. 313; the North.Westcrn National Ina'irauce Company; N. A. Knapp & Co.; Butler, I'itkin &. Co.: David Vabntiue -k Co.,; Cobcn, Bfl?Iflfll d_ Co.; 8. P Kobinaon ___ Co.; Digfta, Cuijniiigbain _. Co., and many otbora were more or l.-sa drapod. Among other siiruiflcarit mottoea dmplayod were, " In mo moria otorna ivit justufl" and "Hi. Iloneaty and Clmrity Htill Live." _ THE CHURCH. The Chureb of the Di vine I _ternity (Dr. Cbapin'a), iu wbicb tbe funeral ceremonie_ wero held, containa only 1,500 people, and seemed ou that accouut per hajm ill auited for an occaaion liko tbia. But if it bad held 15.000, it would not have bflflB large enough for the multitudc who wantapAl to be prtment. It ia the church which Mr. Oreeley attended. It in the church from which a month ago the remaina of hia wsfe were carried to tbe grave. The tick eU of fldmiseion were rttVtribut.-d by u committoe of tbe pew-holdera; and thongh more __*em to have been imned tbaa tbe aize of the church would bave juatitled, there wai good order within tho bnilding and no more crowding tban waa ta-i be eipecte 1 at auch a corcmony. Uuder the dlroav tion of a tornmhtco of hidiea of tbe cfingregation, flllflifltlflt of Mra. Gabriel Kent, Mra. E. H. Chapin. Mn. W. II. Morgan, Mra. Geo. Hoffman, Mra. A. J. Janiie-on, Mr?, Wm. 11. Daly, Mr?. N. L. Cort, Mia. Oeorge Kelloch, MrB. C. L. Stick ney, Mra. T. F. McDowell, snd Mra. J. O. Rhinea, tba bnilding liad been appropriat?ly decorated. Over the door in front hung a flag, l<Jbped up with black. In the reatibule waa u portrait of Mr. Groeley, with crape around tbe frame Tbe aftreftn bebind tbe pulpit waa covered with black cloth, banging in graceful folda and rt-liftved by feat .khib, while ftoin tbe top of it dependtd graceful atringa of ?m.lax. In the Middlt of tbia aomb*-r batki'ronnd weri- the abjcld aenf fn.n. (MiMj.p-Uina. with it* wicatb ot wbeat Hu?__a ai.d cio**vo ai __? I*en, anl the floral repreaentation of the anns ofthe City "f New-Y'.rk, prcsented hy tba C-BBflBflB ('(.iiii'il. Tho ptilpit itcelf and tlio rail in tiont WflBfl lnll.v (lraped. Dt-_N ry BBB arotinil ihe front of the Ba_a_-~88. fniiii ln.i<ket. to b-acki I B_08-fl tbfl miIc \\ illn. LoBgtha of BflrjBJ droop. <1 from the ei-n lat of t lu- OBU?ag to Uu- BP-iflfl of eaeh aivh, ttviued about th" eclniuti", .ind liuiif. frniii tlie jiiiina. l.a of tln (iii'.m. Iba < Ik k.ftoji'K-ii at ti ti athtataa l? tota M.\-iti, the hour ot Mr. OBBelflJ- death, WBI snr rciitiih '1 Witb blaek, aml abOTfl it, in a g-flflfl wr. ..lli. waa a wblta erma td Bewem. Tl'-' pew wbleb Ilr. Qreelcj aaed tooecwpy.abaal iniiii4iiy <>f tlm i.iiitu tu-c, aaal ihe wa**, Baa draped witb erai.e. The li^ure, in flowers, of a lyre with hruLrii r-l i iii^i-K, BtaflBHtod by Misn I.i/zio Slei )\uy. hiiiisr at the lieinl. I bB **'.il Br_8tb~B_lj BtfflWl 44 itli 4\ tute B-Tfirta.faiaallaa befaig alaoad ia Iba spot .. 11 h Mr. On?'-ley bbflaalf aaad to flaflapy. Thh pow will ba Icrfl eaai tv foa tbirtj daya. The bmnB naaarfcabbj daeoratkaBiol Iba ebai-b !..,.-,. 11 rr weta tba flowe*? i ll k li iiw BBB, IfOTt_*ypefaoowbobaadroppadal a_ al ta?_oatb of our Rieut ( hief, \tho haa moiiruad fat bbB With B ? iad hoarffijlt atBjTow, ha.i been BHowed to bbbmI to tba ebmeb 44 bcre 4t 1 looh l. btboI bfaa etflB * ? 11 | !c iiis.'-liutl tO ba laid, a t.-ntlc: token, li'M'l' Iiim l.n-r, there WOflM have lnM nno lonin thfltfl for tln thflOBBflf iiK.iiriiitit' awgle. As it in. ln- ( BB n-arrely lini! s-.4ri J*t or more ubiin.laiit M.*-.sums iu the I....1I _etet__] _____sar, wbitbaa ba haa _o_e, tbibi boi roaadedyeflteadajaO wflbadlofl "f blaa aaaartl_ Tho ehuril., wttb a!l ita thual daeae_4_-_e_ irn 8 (.tniiiL'tly hiautiliil si;ht. AbO-t aml wilhiu Iba nhaBiml wara eoUoeted Iba lataj?I aai tm I inl of tboaa l(i\c)y glfta wbleb latoreal banda had br_-_ht ibaaa to aababj tln ir it ? -i-'ii'-ns roniiil the body wboae booI ba_ Bad \1.. (iicilt-y had bBBB a BBBB who, eh ar lliitil~-r, I a nf tt, aml Bjraal aditaraa bewaa, bai ,1.1 time tu krta aO tba fair aod pa-aaanl , ffat?t-l to care lewOBfl. aad b?tf. BBd JTBTlBf .'lain; aud tiuBB WBI B h'-r.l.'.il BPfBOf-?" i aad peia mal algnlfleanoa in m-my nf tho flflrleea wbleb Barroanded his bler. A Biaiaiflnenl areb of wblta Bowen. Bfaa I.y tho bat- B "1 I>r. Chapiu's a-Mpega ii..n, afflnnnd ihe pul_.;t, eref tb* flffli beadi On tta wbita groo_mj 4. ia wroojhf tn emnaon 1 tba legead. "i l.i'i\4- 1h.1t in.- i:*-li-iii. 1 lirotb." ladeed tbeaa wflfde, aad "lt to done," weiaiwpflatodiBBaia and igala la thodeeoiatloBa, tn tQ mti oi -; rieaa, Ar tha ilfbi of tba polpil jtofld 1 ciff fciaa tba Cobubob Oobbc-I 1 bu-go BtoadtOl wbleb tba wbala top waa aaaape (l of tba cbidooal leweB-j raae-btaia, _adeaa_el__ea_dtabe ro.nea.Hiimiounfed by a croWB W-OBfbj botfl the saiuc lovely Moaeoaaa A ataa___ ata d aad erowa wa- tba Ifift of Mayoi Ilall, an.l B-Wt-OT tlBIOIl ftO-Btbfl U*r eefa Ctab, The Latoa. tboUaJoo LBflf-e,aad Tht EartU etaba wata 1 ? by ayit-aprlato tdforlnp, l-'ioiii tba Qerniaa Ot-eley and Bfeowa Clabea-aaaa Innnnnaii qaJU. BToafbl bi tba 1 h Bo 44. nt On? "f tha niost i?_B_r_ab~i of lha tribntea waa a pkiWi eoaBpaaad "f eai >' Uaa aad __ila veaaa wuh a aronndwork of rbdeta and other nodi .1 bl ? ?adfl i'.v QacdflB B-flihefa. Tbla beantt-Bl leaUfl W8B tl"' ftfl ?>f tlie .?in;.l..yc. "f Tm' I-BBI BBBOBBl ing-ro.un. AflBoag the mont aoaapieBOBa oflW-Bfl waflaa_af-_-fleirl Botal table_*.fael wide. ataad* Ing a'noiit r.i_ feet fiom tba Boer, aad p-aaaatt-_ th* uf a ptotma Buppoited bjr etdatna. of wblehtha _taa_e ooaatotedel rioleta and tearaee i.iid.n. T-QgiBBBd-f tba tobtot 4. af tba BbaB ' al wbita Ba__B_ Iwaaftbad at tba top with Iba words, "lt todflBfl :'' m tba i-iii'T, "Ikuow that i,i\ _ .'."' 1 ' ii.'th." Oa Um i-retae weia tha . " 11. (!.,";iud tho niotto. " ln momoriain.'' I he in-n-.; |onS WOflB iu re 1 BoWfltB. Th<* columiis wero e(i4eiid with Kinii.ix-. b-tonpflBB-i with Tbia taiiii-t, Bealfnisdby a la'v, 44is preeented by "The Tribw-M Aa* bo iatioii." lt was ateeated hy Bfaaara. __and_f a\ !., ? . *,. i m ? Bo-i-ta wbo tornlabed thodflcota .. i\v blrtbday f. tii,.! al Mr. Gre l<. la Feb jearv l.i-i. aad iviio _reelf b -? ??? d tbelrarllatle p ita pce_avaBh_g al tnbata to tba BBaaaaey af the defaarted. Iiut the *!ii i.ik.i- ?.f al! tba kifis whtoh loTiOfl I.e.lIH llll'l Hl-Ilt 44(.lllll i.e Ioo hin. a !l -I. I'l-'iill "lle .tu onehcr. _?80 ono B 01?BB, tmio niiother a B-__tb, and?onfl ot the moel exejaft tta "f tba derteeo--fh*_i htill anotht-r, a broken i baft. 44 _ii h Btood ai aa tha pnlpit Ahnul th.ifl-B il all WflBfl aiiaii-.-d thfl gbCtaof lha ti ?-t jrwt-wii1 frienda. A::i.m_ tin m, .n.i- af lha Bjoat baaoB-?I w._4 a wiaath af Itj atat-fldwrtbTkdeta. Theanrwaaf-U of tho iweat im aih of tbaaa Boweia a biah, ttHmtt9*Mt, would ba Bfldeadaaoai dead toadar. Thoy wera tbieh aad ? Ihe feet wbleb troil ao 1*01 eni.t Iy. as they boifl him away] they__~~iet_-yBTaflahla ipaea--th tbeir lieauty- _ heaut.v Whkh havinj. IflTod BBOB, bfl mnat lotfl to_?71 far p lt'-ly he toa araa thera, aaelai. aritb eyaa tbal had 4,r"\vn deaa la thoaewaaoiB>l-g'a Uflbt, tbo grief arlth wbleh wi m nriicd, tha k t"i 44 itri wln fa -.,? !*. .? n.l iiim. THB l'l'M.RAL. Iii leii n'l tooh iln- frtoada aad aaaai lal nof aui _ dopartod ehtof aeajaa tof*rtbtnrtoti_toB*_--a-B-l tbe i-BadflBoaaf Mr. HaaBnal Biaatoir, ia w?->t l-'ony lilth-'-l., 44)11 re the remaiiir. had NMtod B-Bflfl their n moval fiom the Oltjf Ilall. Tho ("llin Bflfl still open. lt was jilaeed 111 tho f_ mt piuloi. nud ull alxint it waa the irreateat'profuaion of rara nnd tofla* tifui B-waaa_ m%B_a_a ttatt baa toreoTod ehiidren, from fbaflda and admin-rs, front the dilien nt di - partaBBBta af I?? Tiiuh'm:. and from vai ioii.n eluhs and aocietie*. It is not too uflueh to BBJ lhat tho bflBM BflaU hardly conlain tho multitiidi af Bowaa __d wara baa_fbt to it- _a-8_*iBTitod gueate arrived, they paasi-d thiouuh the nami, Iflflbfld for a inoment on the dflfld man's f-Oflj aud wentoutby anothitr ioBt, A _WfB b-Bflflf |)"lice k'_.t order in the Htr.-.t, and a full platoon! drawu up in line, rendy t(. BBBVfl at the hea.l of the pBoeoaatoB. I-BflflBfbqrflBflf Ifa TBiftuiB foinici in double litie on tho aidowalk. It was a f(Mv miu uti'Biifter elcven when tbe liall-hearera, twenty in ntuuher, laBafld frotn the house, and tlie proee?aion prepared to tuove. The 4 enerahle Chief Juatiee Chaae, with the Hon. William M. Tvarte. Ied the way. Senators Truruhull and iBBtoB f?d lowfld. Mr. Tbaitow Weed, who haa ajtvaa Mpaatod m.iiks of his esteem for lln* meinory of his old friend, walke<l with Mr. Jobn K. Williama. Mr. Ivory Chamberlin and Mr. Krastus Ilrooka, the Kev. Dr. Hright arid Mr. Rinclair Tonaey, Mr. Wa Orton and Mr. K. M. Bflfl. Mr. D, W. BrBflB aud Mr. P, 0. lhiker, Mr. Koheit Hotiner and Mr. J. (i. Li?btbody, Mr. Dudley S. (ire-ory and Mr. Charl.-a t\ Stotrs, Mr. A. J. Johnson aud Mr. Jobn K. Stuart, lom pleteil the list. Then came the ooflln, borne on the ahouhlera of aii men; and when the liearera had taken their plaeea, and the fiiinily aud partieular frienda, to the number of about a hundred, had follow.-d, the newa paper fraternity bronglit up the line. The em ployea of Thb Trihin- BBBI-bfld m the follotring order: JAe Edittrial Ueparlntent. WliKelaw K 1.1. i,..iki Rl. ir. . .luu. It. 0, llasaarfl. I aaa. T. CiiiiicioB, Oliver Johiiaon, J.*hn Har, Nnati HrtMika, .-it M.nui. Mra. H. II. Hni?, Mlaa lliitrliiUkon, Mis. I.. (1. C. Kutialt). Mlaa Kate I-lrlil, Mrs. ti. tt. ti. IIull. Mrs. Laut- Lyuiau, W. C. a/jrkotr. B. K. Mlt<l_*. /. I. While, II. J. lUiimih 'I. rti liaoi VViiitn, 1 c. Hteituiaii. J - r.k.. A. H. Craii.lrli. W. M Uliwjn, ll. Nt.-li.ilsnii, I . H. Iliint, J. H. Blslni.'. .1 I. Il.i* H. H. Mt. rfair. I' 1. (.iiinu. Wm. ri Trafton, Clarkaoa Wtmtt, Ih fxly Sttff. Wm P. <?. Brianks. I. It. TorA. Ua* W. IVtnt ileo. B. Milt 1\ I*. Hulllvau. II II. M-jmki. J J li.Uil.lrt. t J. fclLlliA. K. II. T.4l>'-r. X. F. i4l__laV.cll. A. H. I/- t. .-. 0, < iil.IV.Cll. .1. II. Maaon. li nt \ i ii i.iwi.-k. I). .1. lulllvaa. Tlll. Ml W.t,...|a. Hmmwm Dn_ ?. / h PabHtwikm f _fj ? hafflt (The l'i!icr lil-.-i-.i WM witii th? r,mll-.' KonnMCB.) I). N. Bflflflfl.. Wm. A. li.irrl.. J. A. Cilvlu. s. J. Dedi ru k. A. I'. la.-.. J.K.. U Wclnlicitue.. i rltu , .'?? . Wiu. Mi.Ca.i-ry. t . ? lei \. Tra > fl : i.uii li.nkcr, (i.-oiv. Kinc. K. 'I. W -' 1 . II. J tni... ' ll.'.Via, N Yllt'l''. i.. c Paltaer, M. Kitiir, ?ii Ii. ar, l". .'. \V.ii.|i-ii. r, V. A. Wiu. i.-i. ?'. A. D T. L. Mi I i I) \i! ..'?lUliM. J.niic| \V. (irifTUh, .li.ini Mackle, P. II. !?'. II. '!*, P. M.' D id. rrnli-tian, iv ,.ii Blrath, Diivni Bhoadi f, C. o'li. Brjaant, Capt .1 M- i''."..'. j.iim MeCne, .1 iii.i Mjumlngi j. ii. DBBlaoa. a. Plnel..1r.Jr. Jmvlil A. ('.)? itj*. I'.itiiii Kiadrord. Wiilmui M. N.-wiiian. M.iiK.i. M.-r> ilitli. Vv. A. I),,.|_rc F. 4). Finoil. I. li. Nnli.,-... A. Vanderw ti '.'?r. _.. H. li .i.i.iii B. tutrnVurtuakUt, .Iiiliti .Muri'iiv. H.ililll.'l I A. A. IM*li .luiiu luiilii, Tbonaa Wilev. Oor_-.' Hluui J H. AI.AII-.I.T. (i. 11. Aa... rtn.iu. l-'i.-ink K.-rrts. t'linrlaa Kiilaint, *r. W'lili.iin Dnaeull. Wltli i ,i II li .i.ii.e. : ? ... H irron. BtuwB, jiibn i tu i i.i,.a, Wm. CI arj. ?ImIki ?_e_i-lan, B. Bai au.i.mi. A. Mi rt.i.i.ieii, .ll.*. Ntilfa, M. *Jl a.rtau, .1. j,.*. Bnflhea. K. Omkiin, I. .-' >il,.-V, j. Mm:ar, i . - Bi Int. n*. 1_. Kit-_.ii_ii.ii., M. K.-.itlcy, .1. Ilin-i, . , l one, T. Mi.ran, C KiH.-y. 1. Ba, hi. B___l.v_>__, M Doaohafl, I'nlllp (. Hui i'.i., J. M< K J__|DI . j. McCart/, j. Maoor, J. Qalllfl-r. tji'finii mnI Pfttf BflOflta l N. !?.<? I. ftanuel Wiiu-i. .). ( '. IIMUlI. |i. h. Hookataver. 1. I. Vuli UO?____ A. J. I,. BflflB. J. Ii. Hri.tnt-il. 1'. flfrtl li! .?f.i-il. .1 i-. v. id..,. rtan r. ,11 i i .11 .li:|>:> I ? aa.l. lil'llll. ?j ,iii>.. llm kc. An l.i M. M ? ti',., ( liur'c, I! l'i' .i ? ? B t.i.i r.-:y. _?;. i liaaol l. .I..I111 K. I'. - '1. .1. Huurn-U. . .,- T. ILivvraril. I . ! ' V ,1 : llfl Ol !.>.!. V.. __. Un.-.'. The /'..?_ IflflM. A. i , -..itrtflk, j'. CKourki. I N.ti'i, John I'.iiWerr. I. -n .111.1 lil.all, Ui. - 111 .laii, V, Iii ii..-licri>, .1 iiuea Mllaa, 'llll.lll 14 llillllll. wm Melatjrre, K.lit. I'.iiiin .1,1,ii-. PttsalDMmi i aaa, Qilau-tia, j in ? 1 oilmainu, .1. ('.- ?___?, r ( .. i.i-, .1 - ( ,.1111,14, II. Kil.'V. J.iim I. rry, M. 1. J.ii',.:. II. rry, .'!. (i,ii,iii-[|, ? I. ?__?> I, The Mail Dtjtujtmttt rn 11 ei l-'u/i...:. . ?, .1 .... - \V> llll.-, j. '.i, 0 intt, . ?, liut,:, y, v. Ral ?, lt. Co 1.. UidJle. Bepvt entatiToa of tha Hflw-Torh ! I Pn w, tho AiiiLncitn l're_ _flWflfl??OB, utnl tin- \ailoflfl Joaraala ol thia n-id other aitlefl, bnragbl ap tha rear. - ( iily B w.dkof balf a block to tho cliiu* li, an.l tbi n nioviil BollBBalf ?Oot tfefOOgfa ,ic As the 4-4iIlin wa.. ,airicd flp tho fll Ifl md ,;, ;?.-.: d 1:1 baat ol the polp-t. aaokflaa voli.n tarv iuai''i lti'in the orir.iii, flfld tbfl Pflflfllfl. 11 ?ii, 11 an liour liaal _____ Iflfl v 11,. Ji o. IflfljM ,seopt I ? 1 -i-ivi.l BflWfl iu tho iinfir of tlu- akunh, Iflflfl rc. cn-iiily to tlnir Eflfli Iu iii.. pnIpil, bi mmtt l'r. Chapl'i, BTOI tin 1,'cv. Bawy Wflfd Bflae-Mr, l>r. Edwatd Bofli ber, lha Ber. J, lt h-taaaa <>f thfl Thiity-iiiii-hi. v. i - ('i-t t'hiiri h, und l'rof. BOBWflll 1>. Hitchcoct of tha Daion Theologkfll Bo_daarjr, Tha tnatanai pcv. . (.11 thfl flflfl tli -uie "f Ihl church .vcrc IflflflTTfld f.u 11. ? 111. -t important of tha Ifl?__I gBBBB. Plflfll* dent Orantaal tbato, imiiflaatfflai _aaal. tlu. objeet of many BBtJOOfl tjtk, aml ti many t,T.itcftil hfllllip for lln1'. .-iititii. nl which pnfllftod his BBtflfl_fl_BOI. \ ii, I'n -idciitlCclf.'H, th.'lli.n. Il.iny \\ il.-nn, Viee PlflflMflBl il'ct, and Qflfl. Ilclktiit!). _>ccn-fary of \V:ir. wiii -utt hi-iiivrlit. OOT. Il'illiii.iu aml hi_ stati" wttt oa tha left. Tim Uaitad Btataa Mfa?flaat to I'taii. <-. Mr. \S'.i-bhiirne, B_I thflffl aNo. BflBltor Cookliag i-nt iiciily Bpflflflitfl. alinoHt fiico to fuct vaitli hi_ 00?flflgflfli Bfl?Btot Fenfoii, fl iio. fl| one of tbfl p iH-l.cir. r.i, oi-.-iipii il a pflfl iu tbfl unddlflfl?Ifl, I j,, i,,,,. n.1.1. "f -Ncw-.I. it-, v flfld Cuini'i tinit went 1 tiicir Httilca. (i.-ii. Malicock wasinaf tendanofl <<n tho PMaaiflat, Beaatoi Bcbnrsia la ? ol tlu- fnnt BflWfl wiih Mr. ?_???Q .Maildc Mayor li..11 pmbimbWj Mwarriaal mtmjot thflpo loa Bflflllg DMBtfla Thi Mayor-. fll many other cni..; tho Cuiiiiiioii Co?Bfl- of N.'v-_.iilv vulh tin ir oflii ia! Ha 1 . imi ba?gflfli taa 4-4-*_r-*l< 1 fhaa t?riaafl el tba ai.d tha Uag aroaeoaioa of aditon 1-. i-i. rfcr. ooaBfoaU ira, preaaiaaa, and other petaona from Tiik Tuibijnk establinhmi-nt; The llrrald ( lul); tha IflfUfl Iflflfl 0< Vfll-OBfl .ity jonniula iiud tba Jo_-_oa__B_B-IroM otbat pifloafl. aaai bboh _______ anoogfa to fill all tba romaiaing aw?1 aad to erowd _he*___B_OB> Il Hflfl about 11:1.1 avbflfl flU WWtt fllflflfd. and Bflfl Mrrieaa bagaa flfith Um perfon?ima of Chopin'a | ur..ul Man h by Dr. William Ba rga, andflt trhoflt dir.-.-ti-.n thfl Mflfltfl *_f ttfldflj WaagiTflB, TbflB the |flarttt chi.ii- of tlu' Cluiii h ol St. iFraneis Xavier clii'ii. .1 tlu- " I?c 1'H'ftinil;-," ati>l Dr. I'liapin .-ad a -.1, .ti. 11 fr.'in tlu- iJoly Beriptarofl. Hmn waa a Bflaafl fi a nt" rn. nt bfllflffl tha orgaawaa beaid iicai'i, and a awo-tand rin_;i!i|_ BOioa lin.ko out in thatgrand aaag al ?dth, and landrrai-B. aaa. ati* nniph, " I know that tnv Red. ainer Liveth." It waa lliflfl K. Uoggi who paid this Iflfll tttflfhlflg tiihutc lo nn.. t hoin flhalhad _flfl_g_t_flowBflfl a iflfll paaaaaal fnend. Oal| thoso who w.-ro -flflfll intiuiiito witb .Mr. <_ reeley kimvv iu hiw many Bflfl?pflfltfld direc tinii*. b? .;. inpathie_ ettcudcd. " Man of war"' iw he wu-.. ,c hml coiiccivcd a ctroin-'rctraid for thiB0.ti Iflhb Ifldj : bfl i-poke of ln 1 dI len ni wai tn tcrniH of prai.ic; and diirinu his hicl-ne.*., only a little whilc ln f,,rc h< died, talkiiiK ti nuiarkahlo wonu-n wIkuii bo had known, he uientioiK dc. m-cially tv\oof wIkuii hiijopiiiii.ii v._vn vi ry bighfl khflflfl were _.larg;m-t Fulbi and Clara L_BB_flfl KflDflgg. It waa no mere artiiatie _'eiitinient,,,itherefore wlni h ;aMi*? Kflflogg tbr.-w into the divineffaoni.] which ?ho j.ourixl ii|M.n tbe eara of that irrent audien<-e fyenterday. Thero wa. i_tief. we are laiire, ut ber beart, for there w.-re tears m her ffliflfl, When abe ceaaed a sense of ineiprcsnible teuderneea ?? emed difl'tisi'd overtbe vrholo hotmc. Mr. Beecher'a addreba waa in full ax: e.iid w ilh tbe emotiona of his hean-ra. It wa_ ireutle alike 111 aud seutiineut. It wuh iiii.iiriil'ul, us l bfl fljflflflh of a man who bore a haavy __?____ n at hia heai-f. lt waa patbotic, u* if haiinted by tho trairedv of that BBraaga aflflBb, aaaai -_-_B-fl-_B_fla_flflA mo airiict iriK; but it bieathed aweif eon .olation. and tatiKht nn important leason. Of tbe eloapience foi which he is so popttlarly eateomed, Mr. BflM?flrgBTI in thia bnef ten minutes' apcech no gicat di-play. He had not come there to 1_. eh_iiirnt ; hut to throw bia tributc at tbo feet <>f hia doparted frii-nd umi give voice to the h.ilf-fonued th(.ujtbts which the preaeuee of ao mauy once bitter adv.nuii.-a aruiiud that eotlin luu.-at bave suhkc. t.-d to iih all. Ho n.1.1 fl..-.I upou tbe itn11110-.1i H-.. uow foiirotten. the nvaltl.* huiihed, tha- caliililtil.-.-. i.-|h-ii(.-.| ?l hut he ilid it with uraee and taof. " Oh !?men." he orie<l, " i_ there notliinn for you U> do?you whfl ?dflfl tf lifteil bands a few almrt week.. affo were doiiijf _ueh lattlet Think of thoae (onllietn iu whu h you fot trot eharity, kindlineiae, iroiMliieBa.! What do you think of tbem now!" If thero were anv Bl that chur.h vaho iberiHhedHtill the hafretla flf tfefl i am paiifii. Whfl wnited only f4.r tho puhln flflflflfl-l toaub ?Mflthal th.y miia'ht Hy oneo uior..' at BBM another'a IhriMtl. thev imiKt have n-ibleiicd witb abanie at the teiitle tvord* which, ii. :t low ?nd w.lemn voi.e, Mr. Bflfllbfll 11H....I 111 Ifea concliidihH jM-rtiou of bii. aal dreas. Afty anotber ehaiit, " iSleep tbv last Sleep," by Mr. _a.-r(t..'a ehoir iMiaa T. WflTflflttfl, Mia. M W.i utkt, ?ud Mi Troflt), Vt. Chuvio dcliveied a dis e.ouree upon the eharaeter of Mr. (Ireeley, tho pre c.'.'N ol hia life, and BMlflflBflBflf G-fl-jH-B f-ith aud hopo tanght by his cloninK houre. He, too, aDadfld \4 ith deep feeliin| to tbfl warfaro whieh hafl jtiat ended; aadwbflB he ref.Bffld to tlie prcsoneo < f Qflflu Orant ;i* a aignof kinder and juster sentiinenls h. rcaft. r. tlu-ro w.-w a faint attempt Bl ai'|, whieh, however, w.trf itmtautly suppr._?ed. We bbBJoIb a tuii BBBflrt af both .iddreaBee. ADDBF.3S O? HI.M'.Y WAMD BKKCIIF.R. Tbaea B aoeaa that dics whoso death la aat Bttaaaot* (nis, if 4vo Imt lielmld it as Qflflr* :m.;elH do; and ft ?viieii tm a bar* inied iiu- beaat-oll wUb tbati aaa BBd aetlotr hm been mado a beneflrUry by thelr kind aaaaaB and byttaW-Jaaawit deart beeaaaaa stiii ?aaa iiHiiiH-tifii.i-i. L,-.-ry day huiidi.di aad _?_?s-da ure iniriie throutfli your atreeta nnd Bflfl away to sleep ln youder Oreaanroafl, laaflBf lichlnd them aorrow and K'.irn, and many revi rcnt Ihoiifflita; aud yet of all that have paaBBfl t-BBBBB Bfl B-BB B-f lo tii ir loni. bount, no at*), I tblnk, has ajeaa, or for a toM tlme will go, bcarlnc with hlui ao many ayinpatluea, so murh ___?__, 88 many tender reeollectlon i, so mneh tliat ahould be in nti iu tive, ,-is iu.- a_e Baa aara before us. Wm i. tiu. id..ti. hi'iiniix uiii'ii Iii (ii all the civlc hunor* that tho land eotil.1|_i\e1 Who ia tlila man 1 One'tho.. -vciilth BB8 BBBflfl li'"' B prlnre ln -rii.-voleuccl Hn w.m imt rich m llviiiff, nor in djrlafl Who ta thia man! -aaaaaaa fB~~I ~1_saU__**a_-_a of h.-art and sin .uiar taetOf -__-_l8__dea that ahould make erery oue hin ,vho i iinu iiearhiuil Hut ho waa a mau of war. ?Aii*. foroO faaca Baa lUad KbelaBdwitb Has r_ck<-t of i_rtaaa eea-wr*-eaaaa_ uu.l fat ta flajr, wtaBaaN att**, BltBaat tille, Wtt?O?I plaee evejit tliat of tho humhlcnt i ln/,1 ii, tBa -ovrrnuient it-iolf atanda still, and Ihe hon ygat repreni'iitaHvc and Ch.ef M___8___BOf thia _rcat aaoplola Ie re t.i t.'i'.v hin head Bl ?-?-B-Od aymp.itby. Ilore are hooda alno of DaaB_?-OflfBj and men of every etylo af IBSOflBtl heni are men who Bflrffl scarcHy yet laid ilnwn the bow from whlch the last ar rovr ha.s been shot?all gatbeaofl to-d.iy hy one loipu'a* the buslneaa of tho atreet almost stopp-d; prlvatcdwel llnirs sIiovmiix tho fltoB-BBBBfl tokeus of thelr sorrow?all -iiiliired ln aaBB-t-fl ayinpathv aroimd about this man who can spoak no more, walk tn our preocnce no more, bnt haa jrone BOI f"om us forever. ls lt that;dcath|haa mado us forjret all our -lfferenecs 1 Wo have not forRotten them. Is lt tliat straiued cour ?esy that lays 888-8 criflelsm ln the presenco of deatii 88 BeflBat?btBtaaaaajflBaf-faaaa to tntio with! But. we iliffor to-day as much In theory, aa much in plnlosophy, ln tlio beat methods of poliey, aa we did a niontU oko. A tnenth a>ro tho wholo land was full of elamor. A little while apo men wero ln flcree ba*?O, There has been no BfeOBJBI la It; and yet he 4vlio wai tho . hi.-f mark on imo n'.ile h.m before you ; and you j BBM arotiud blm ln tei.r* to-day todo hltn 108888888. It Is hecause tho man ls ?080 tbaa a prof-BaBflfld m.m; not theeaiididitt.-, not tho editor. Tho man that l?y uud-r them all, ls honored ?afl houorahle. And when tha cotifliots of hfe .'or a niomer.r, aud you can take oll yourharne^ look lato that whloh belon irs to your MBWBMBl BBBB-OOB. j .ni do ret'ere him and lovo hiin. And unco the clrcura Naaeaa of hia colna* were so wonderfully dramatle, slnco after stroko resounded thronch the laud to make .ih one whlch in every feature ls calcularfld mont deip'.v toalTeetali, youaro brotih'lit totrethor toexpreas i.ei'i- vour iionor aud your rev renco for Horace Grcley. It la inven to t.ut v.-vy few rnen, the Urt?M raaaoaarate Plata. aoto think that ihnr tliou.lits (,--) on as liidiltutioim. worklnu' dowu ^ tlii'iu-h the uencrit'loiis. S.i.'h men are tho ma.-t nu ii aud tlie BBBSBBBflflf mit.da. and they are Imt foiv. Mu.nt inrti aro ?Teat by th( if 8ll----B__~M-, and BBB it bf thcexiT'.uii of puwers whieh havo an applic.itlon by i.f _?_Ba_la?-BBBBB?MaBj thero are othera who are irreit 1*ecau.i-e they have fertlle lives. and lr ts paa u.ilte.l tbaa toui. : .lethe.rh. m wuh thol.ves of othi>rs. This iMien done by him who can writo no n>oro aad spaoh i " aaaaa, iaa M Ttaa* ba baa bolltlafl for b no outward monutnent, no lon? lino of llti-rary efforts no BBaaaBaa. aa aa-MB; bal fur :;j ftaaa tbat ln-art that rn* ant well by every human betmr|haa beembeatln_, beatlne. and i?i4 Utg souie driips of ita Oliaxl to t-ountlcsa muiiitudea, until to d.iy, lietwcen tho t4vo oi_aiis, there la hardly au lutclliKeut man orchihl that doe-t not in-l the Inlluenceof the life of Horace (ireeley. Ho ia 1<?I ln h;s Individtiallity, hut, Bla wurk Is as as the ehar-1 aci r aad tbe eotreota aad t_-i ta__e_c?oof __a .;reat people. And ni)4ir io.itfers lt, ln present thonght. that in pi naaalaa raaay ba waa eoeoaata. an.i _raa| were ou tho other; that ni tho party .114 miuus ol li/.s he WM on onr sidi- and 4.m WBBB BB t-8 Bt_8r1 That whieh I at tbla boar beaaeoBj you, and that whieh is toafleard ance wiih every BBBB- iBOttBg to-day, ls tlila: Horace , QraO?TBBTI tho strecsth of his life to ediieation, to | boacal miii-fy, to b_aa__-'l aapaoUBr tuwani th 1' aud tln- uui'nend"!J. He waa feel* f.*r i ho lunr; ba 4s:t 'mik'ue Iaa tbfl durub; he was an ?vo for the hliud, und bad !? hi art for those who hatl noiio to aympaihizi. with tlieni. His nattiro longcd for more lo\'o than it had, nnd more riytuiiathy thm 44 us ever .uliiiliiUtered to jj ir. ihe 1*. aiI ararBUflj tbroaab Ut* BbO at laat, He I bM |>"BBB- T.I-* lilo out for tl; r:y y-ars into the life of 1,, tu??, ii baa baaa Ih _us?toeaoe. 18b lndustry, (ar an hoin nier life and a uoOler mauhood; and, thuit_h he may uot tie rein: uibcred by thoao metnorials wliich aarry a bar aaaa_ aaaaaa i iwa, his ieada wiu ba tuown and tttt tO Hi" laflSBt kToiu-ratlotis ia our land. I ln? his andjlt is _____t_, bad taoa-rawaaaa baab aaata la the paaofl. ood tba chulf. It malters not how BBBBbflB hotv littlo alii.tb _aiU'-r.-il. i:ven that BBB?-BB S. nn of afflbBtBfltai _.i.ii aad lnto tka noood; more of lt becomea the __?MB Iiilu-4-!f. Ilit h.tlds the plow with hl. hand; he w _atii.-1, iti aaa_a aflhaa barfoala with his i_?li ho be iiiies tuo mau. lt is 110 lon_er wheat; It ls the man. Ihe harvest has 8880 |, aml It rcappcuis ln the m hooii'oy, th.* ptaoear aodlBa la Iba a_fla_l **_M_ in the younif, thrivi'iK ni-n of our cities and t04vns. T-> theae men Btet?M 0800107*8 hfe baa fBM out. He has been a uatiouai henefactor, ?nd to day wo t*ear testitnony to tlll-ne tllld.T Mrtilt.'S 4VIIICh llllldit ill. llfo ( OIlNpicUOUS. Wo weroottroafladao aaoab to Iba peUttaa ot me time that we -rvp uo notlce to those uohler under qnalitlca of true mauhood m hltu ; but to-.lay 44*? thluk bett.-r. To day we aro al! Bfaak-Bf kindly or hnn?sorrowfully. To fl_f we aro asiilu_: what thinxs thore may be said of blm, and wLji wo may adiljto pr.une|hiiu fairly and Justly. Oh I men, ls th. re _tfl__Bg for you to do?you who wlth ?pltftad liaudaa fowshort weeka aijowore dolai. aueh bat?Ot Look at what you wero then, aud what you are now. An- there uo lessons to t>e lcarurd, 110 eorrecfiona to be made I Ihmk of thoao coutticls, ln whlch you for Kot cliarlty, klndlineaa, (toodnessl Thlnk of tho*.- tiet_r battles, aliuost uato blood?m Juataucb you havC mhi Itled, out of Juat aueh you have come. What do you thlnk of th.m now I Look ln rt ut all that remalns of thla man. Did you not raairnlfy tho 8__Bb?Bflfla I DM jou not (rive youraelvea to your inallim P-aalona, OBfl too little to justlce and dlvlue oharitv ? Aa yon sUn.l to day lt Is uot enougfi lhat you ahould mourn with those that mourn. It la wiae that you ahould cany baek wlth you a tempered, and kinder and chastened feelin|r. At laat, Bl laat! he resU aa oaa tbat haa beea drlven throu.h a lon_ Toyaire by atonus that would not abat*. but reachea the ahore, aud atanda upon the flrrn earth ; aeea BJP-B the shady 1*888 and the itreeu Helda, aad the beauiimt suu. 80 he, tbrou.b a leafl aud uoi uuptnupestu oua voyaire. haa reache- the ahore and ia at reat. OBI Jiow aweet the way that Ieada to tho urave, when that grave m Oaat* Kolden gaUt to luimortality I How bleaaed are the dead that die lntheLordl (io.1 jrrant tbat, In the loleiuulty of thrso ttioughta tn whieh we hare _*tb..r-d toKet-er to-day. tt may b* ours ao to llve that whcuwadle an_ela ahaliopfn thr mttt aud reooivo ua luto the Joy and irlory of our Lord. AODKE-J^OF DR. K. H. rflU'lN. One ttouth ?ko. mauy of ui uow preaont uet m thia plaee toexpreas our aympathy wlth ono who rat with pallhl fiA*'* au.l ijii-.viTlnK nps, a heart-strlckan mourner for hla wif?. --tBiy, aa in tbe freaOueaa of hla |_raat aorrow hlm~lf wlalied, be ls 80 bo by her atde. The ahadow of deathfthroiwch whlch he wa. then paasinf haa anfoliled" luto utterlv. 8uch ia the Provldaaoe lhat chn k* all hiun.iti purposes and makes life a ooutlnual HMBBBal And now, aa I atand here to diachar_e no tuere . r-tfeaamiial fiiuctioti, to do thal whieb I feel la no uiom imperutlve for nw aa a aaator tban aa a peraonal frleud, I atill BBBB bet. I.ave to limlt inyaell (julte eloaely to tha ofltecs of the hour. I earmot attempt here aud now to tiiifi'ld the Hfe, or t-tuuute the worth of Horace Greeley. Suth uu attempt wuuld otione hand beprema BB Uie othtir h.tod l?e unaaeeaaary. l'mnia ture, iM-iati*. tb? tralta and leaaou* of a freat life ean l.,?i tw niiiiitoed up and flxed lu hlstory la oalmer moiotut*. whou ihe Itrat vihialioua of ?nof aud aiclta nieiil have BflaaaA Tbia work mi-lii U< ix< d.uie, aud I Umi wlll tav done iu tha aucraucee of publio memortal ?ervlca*, whlch wlll dcaerve and reeelve a mueh wld. * h. arlng than I cau claltn. Oa tbe other haa4, thla work. of ttppr.-cl.itlon la unpeceesary; lt baa already bea*r? fl_aaa_ There have i>enn bnt few Inafanca In our hlatory when the aallent polnt* of a man'a ebaraeter bavw been' so liiatiiictlviy apprebended; But very few Instanc** wli'-u the expre_*I(,n* of re_r#t and re^ard bava beeo to *]Hinta_i<-oii., ao wlde-_prcad, and ao simllar. Bm Mflflfld of Jtr. ?BBflflay'a life, Uke hia perain, waa known every where. These eulotfe* poor In m, tbl> K and f.i*t from every BJflflrtM of the Und are aot __?___. Bf wlth artifli lal rhetorlo. TUey are nenuine. TUcmm. BBBM aa Bflfltf flflfld to-day by country flreel.e, and im durant MflBMaaaaflart?I sbadowin__ drap.ry ofl the_*_ walla, are not conventioiial teari. Tb'-y are na e01. symbolsof motirntuf. that hanx aronnul Bfl) tbey rcpra ?entthe people'.* BMflflM. and aro twia ed a'-jui tbe poo* plo'.a beart. A enreer of bonest purpiee and ben. fl<-cel t.'ti.I.-ikiii-14 vlndi'-ate* ifaelf under all tr.inslfl.t)t aileaou ceptlon. Where to -day are our party BBflpi and polltt aal dlstiuctiona t Tn'-y coil to aaheal Where in the flflf* erent sadiieM of this tioiir are dlffereneea of vr*?A I Tliay ni.lf awnv ln tlie lironi liidit of CiiUtuu reco_rniUon that teatlflea to a true ___n'_ life, and arelies ov?r a irood Mflfl_fl_p__flflb Al! tfelflIBflo, I _ay, Indicate* an lu.trnc tivr appreciatlon of flfl.fllflfllflB that cuuld not be _oa<la ?flflflfl diatl.-ii-t l>v any lai.or. <l iana>> ci*. as mvvnot uivi: of nrwAvuv. And now, my frh-nd.*, aa one le.aon aalapted to thu place aud this liour, I a-k j flfl l_ Iflflfl tlie Iflflfl of t ;..v .U.. 1 to . i :-..l.-r for a moment or two wh it it waa to wnl- h tlii* a_T.-ctli.nate rcTui-tnl.ranco attactics, and uli. n dravr. thi_ gp.jiitaii.'.iu* reflai_d. It wa* not mer lOflflaal ttl.lli.y, larc- and und. nialile an lt Wa.* ln BM present liutaii.e. It, van not offk-Ial atatlon. ilr. Or. ' The will of tbe ,*. opt?-, rx flOBBMl throuirh Hfl?toflBnal OflD*a*-__flfl4as*!flflB>flflataafl !ie should hold no . uch statiou. To-day tbe of Bfl 1 fllflfltfl liiiu to a P?flfl from wblch all humau bonors look ?flfli aml diin. Ni, my ???Ifl, the attraetnn ln tbi* in*fance Is tbe ma itnetism of goodnutt, Iflflfli not eay that Mr. Greelcy'a bc trt waa aa largfl aa uxt braln?that love forhutnautty wus aa lawrot eiein. _t of hu nature. Thi* wa* so cotnpleto, ao hi-oad ln blm, tbat lt all ildes of humanltf,flfl Ifl lf ?k. I. v, a* manif. _t lu a kindn.1*.. an 1 IflflBflfl that 1. cp tli*_r .ilent rccord in many private hearts. lu a Ii .ud avar o\tau and ready to In lp ; iu one of tbo kiudoat f_a_*. flvi-r woru by man, tlie *fl_p_flflfllflfl uf whlcli was " A rnteU-K of (jtatU !:.!._. ?.__._! * ?____" The htin-lretliof poor tollworu m-i who yes'erdav passed tho cr.i.vd to tak.j a laat loflkflfl t'i..l ?flflfl flflflflBBB?Bflfl flflflfl moved by n<> ldl.. cortoaity. They went there BOIBflflflfllf to gnze at tin; f.-ee of ? Kreatjournali.-it and a fauioua po.i'.n l.m. Tbey wena drawu by tb.- OBBflflttflfl tli it. ha flflfl tho po^r flBBflffl frlend, the sympttlictioohauiplon of workliuui .n, w to had atruK^lcd throiiK'li thi ;r ? .... -.-r!.-: B B III -icverftr t'otten their clalms. Mr. Qflaatflf*!* Mllflfl I n.ctclby the aame lt:ipul.e. It wai tkM i.iotive p-iti r of liis entlrecfforta, bi_ fll_flflflt| BBBBflfll 'k for so ni any >ear8 aud iu so tn my Bfl| ?. It flflBflflflfl liiui ln IBfl -.ervli-e of every feflflflflflfl Bflflflfl. bTM only .Hii li tfl .-r>:ro his lIfeIon_r wlth qppiflfl?Bfl. flfld B-B Bfll m.anne .a of every sort?Lt made him ezea-pilmial ?? ?flflflflflflitolerant. Some miy think that be err.-l ifl the slde of mercv a?aln_t lustlce. Perhapfl to; but if womunterrat all, thal 14 a _._jj .-id. to err oa. A d.-p ..Ui-.ti 1.1 .v feflfll ea.-.-i aa a-rnr l'i . .olatiou, wiiile tlu ro L. a predaloa thal un fioitr aa lt >s aamnd. ler. lt l><? remeinlM-rcd th;it ofien mercy ls the lyuoi.. ? A H" tic.. Aii4itt.iT fl_?im attafldaal flpoaaaafe a .".? 1 mmo tok 1. .-<? lha a_i i. anl to ba-iiavt) tlu- I.. .'. llll ttu 4 Bflflflflfl ni';i!,t fll o.:* wblch, dlielpliue lt a4 wt? ttuy, will ctill fefl fall.hle. Ifl full art hkely tobo VV...) at tlu* aatBMM aaal tiie fltBflf. 1'r.iUi i.i better thau lletlon. 'II- il -;> BT* .?iiclii^eiailiuate of hiiiii,.ii!t;. is th.) true flflfl, BBBfl BatMM m better than faet. Tbe di_*trino of a trflfll Ifl m.tti, v.r ajaflHBfll i>v painf ii '? rpadaaaflfl. Ifl bwbbhb] iniplration to all noble elT.irt, an 1 f?. flol ut tiiiii.I, for tha Workiax Dtafll I for ev. i-y flt..-r of tbe Hoaial flflfljafllflflB. Dfl you tell ua th u Bmn '.* no subarauc. ln htiman vlr.a? !?riiat all iMflflflty la 'uar ketahlo, aud all lovoa _e.fl.*U BflflB '?- '?> li la ______ * 1 1 tin re flflfl?? lapfllMaaflflBlpfl. aa aap eflt-, flfl f.utliful ii-irN. flfl in.-.f.-.i ,:.'. ? 1 1,1 I all tfeat _ent.ii. ntal IH1-..I0111 Tb-n, I flag. Iflfl Iflfl B | that illu-.lon, alwaya sh-.itiuu- out nuoor tratfefl. aad I 11 Iftag u. Bfflfl to th-- irravi-. a IBBBflM 1".-tt 1 s IU. Wkflflflvai _flf BBVfl bflflfl tfefl rrin*? ot Utt v, ? ? * Iaal before flfl. there was no Ml I . 1 I ? .1 reutof that prtflfltptfl wliKh IflflfttOd klfl 1 UBMfl Bfld clur a<-:. I-:/..1 ln. I.T.-. Aud here, I rop-a nii. Ifl trylag fla do tfea w i ? agad hgiaataaaefl "f cooapleuoaa tt al 1 .- 1 ?jreatnessthatitxpr, - lln! ? -. . v Ir may wcni to us I eannot do creat thini: . w.; cau dfl OOt?.Ofl tUal wortb, and tbat it ai-ilt-.r* hrt;.< wfeafl v, ? ,'. .1 floal ?flM Ifl ri.-hcr t?Bfl BXfla?Mflfla Et?ItflflflBI IBI tfl ?.-il tiflfl auy Iflflfl?BOtaal i-l.-vatloii, and MflTaOVi r ir 1* u ?llilefor the Baflflfeflflflfl ttu. Imutrnttty tli... all IM . !:, it all rt-!l/:..:i tfl. 11 ' - BB Ifl Bl. I __? -BBfl li.iv.-,i-...ple warrant for fefllief tfeat all ifull \ M tbi* Bflfl word, "T.i..u-'i.ilt t_| nol lf." Tbe lOVl' nf <i .1. ll"'-. V r.lfl tfe '..I UadMfl aud aafl?_?aa tofa to tai.tu. itm ij. av 1- -. of <iod to oo lii.auii.-t" il I It lS to ___ Ull., 1 ?Cflflfl?_g to onr aliUiti.'S. wit'dti onr apli r.-, v? i,iflfli or nittrow, flfli BTflfljrifll 1 M I I _?I i"> 1_re.1t iieeetasary vv-.ik of tbe Is ?.? f.< ill] 1 ru-.l flfl b> uien 1:1 11 iirovv spaces and b> f. .'. *ul woinea ln flaflflW cin le*, true JM Ifefl lnipul*,. ut tlio dlvlne love Wltfeta tfe c | I (fll iflvorkfl ol r...).lU''. s. Aud HVe ..r - . when the gnaflflaafl whl.h Hfl v.irld ca.ufoi-*^* Iflfl - ^r'-.itiies-i of pasiflMflfli kut i',-"' ti:at, laUkfl n.ti leetaal power, ls aflflflBBBflfl?flfeM pflflfl. for tbo flafli?Mfl "f tfefl eointuuiiitv. Therefore. from tho ctij. of flflfl flflfllflafl here to-day wo may di-ink Inaplratlon for our ba.?t .n deavors, whlle we aro thankiul for the iw-hiev. mei.t that in this lii*faneo wits wi lar_re aud so effective. To men fll <lifl__retit flflflfll d;fl ?rent. kiid.4 of work are a.. U'licd. Hoiuo are dlscovervrs of trutb. some are vehlclea of m^piration, some aro luventors of Inairn nientu, souse are builders of HflflBBB Hut tnily ha. it be -ii said that tbe pli.lan .lir.>_>.*.t., Iu tbe in.'>- of their wiMioiu and tbeir purtty of iaal, are (ba iral fellow-wurkinBI fll tfefl Mo.t Hlzli." O'.i.-er afcxnfi '? plot* (lod'a worka and lln^trate thla trutb. Hut thia la of littlo value aave as lt diff Hia M???. *.-dne-.a and Iflflfl?BM his help. Tlierefore they wbo by earncst effort*t ful, by ludl_;n__nt rebuke uf v.rnn?, by steadlaat fllvocaey of trutL, Justtoe, an.l frt-O'lotn, work beucflcently for mau. m..-t truiy work lor Hod and work with Oai. How falthfully, how effectlvely be, for wbom we feoM thoae solemiiltle?|to-d.iv-, fliflflgM bii work to ttui*.. en.l* lt la superfliiomi for fin-a t.i sbow. He flB?flflfli in that ar from wbieh tiiere 1* no dlaehar_*. He oontvuded aKalnat what he feafeflffli to be wron/c?ln. pired uot baa by the .paodnesa of hi_ beart than by tho fltnag?I of hi* uiitid. He atruek for what he ,L__llev(ad to _.< rinht uutil mlnd and beart irave way, _______ marked b> _*-ars aud houurs, he lie?|alead upou tbe fleld. A IlKB or tWttmmm COODKKM. Permit me stlll furtber to aav?aa,unfoidin_r. alao, ln thia bour, lta practlcal leaaou for oursel..-_-that Mr. Ureeley'a worB in Ufe waa emineutly w..rk : hii uroodness waa no mere ncntlraent; for blm lt wai. an ortfanto foi__e. There are tho_e, also, who ra-_;ardi-U blm aa what they eall a "vlsiouary man." ttM my part. I am thankful for all siich vlstona aa rest n|>on *tu u soiid icround of uaef uluesa aud preelpltate sueU coucreto reaalu. No man, lt aeeuia to me, waa leaa glveo to mere iui** ?peculatloa by apeeeb or pen.' or uaed mor_ telli-ifl worda to (aafllble effecta. How bow manlfold waa the cliele ot Intrrvsts wblch ho toocbed I How rloaa to men'a houen aud bosoma tba onvle.tloua w Ua-h ba wroafbt 1 How BBBfl. mauy mluda haa ba lustruated wlth practlcal wlsaloiu 1 How nn-ov Uvea bad be attmalated to wbol?aaa.m? aaergy I Bow inany T"?n_- men flratelully arkuowla-.i.a Blm aa tbelr teacher and -*_i_? I What varuiua iuteresta of arts and labor, of educatlon aod temperauce, of dom.?* Uo purlty, and of freedotu miaa hlia, mourn for him to-day. Wleldlnn wlth ao much power the uughu<*?t enrrlne ot tbe Uioes? plaeed la tbe edltorlal chalr, wbicb in our day, whether for itood or evd, exen i_e? an influ ence greatar than any ofllclal aeat or tbrone un eartb? lt la oo Ilfbt tbiDK to aay that, however itirnuoual). and some may think aavcrel., be uaed it aa the inatrument aifl hla own tbouflhta aad purnoaea?ba never jflfl?fli lt aa a sUmulant of lmpurtty, or made It a vebicie uf a aiufta soelal wroor. Hia work waa wide and varloua?bow wideand how varlooa thia apeetaele bere to-day beara witoeaa l Le Baat-tk