OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 05, 1872, Image 2

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-12-05/ed-1/seq-2/

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TnK P-OF-I MOUBfl BEGAU8E Nli.v l ovr.D
Fnrm Thel Om.O, .
Tha obaeotiioa <>f HoiflCfl (.r.i'.i .v, wliicli by
llll Ol)". I '" ,; ? .? ,?lll|??.,.i, ?.-,.. 1!,.- II,..st
t"'" ",..'- a| "iM V ""?''" t"'"' '
? ;,. :V,:V-:;I Inwhfctalhevhavo .-,
n:, ,_Vk_i.lc iH-_,d. i .' ni .ci i. inle i ue apon
?'.itv..inc.rl.v._ml '.te,.-.l; of sorrow r..r hlto and ol
ivmiaatliv for blfl ebil.lra a ara i '?;-?. and. lo
ale"d uiiivcr-ai. Kv.-ry one of th, - ..I iH.'it. - i*v?-lnetl
witb'h ta?r..u..h ra-ap.a t hii.I a.lmlratiou Ioi lha man,
an.l wlth a i ? nvletlon tbut tbe go .1 lu blm waa irre.t.-i
than in aim.ast am olher pcr_ou who m__iil
oalle.lav.ay. Tao*eofuswho Bnew Mr. Oreeiej liviiu.
?ndwboknew blm well. can fln.1 in t"- deuic
tlona li'ier ntid more irratifylm. meanlna than rasuat
cx.mmciitator_. or -ven t.i.m tin*.-who forui B parl.01
tbe arcal oftlcl.l and popular paoanl Ibul na
follow.d bia bodj to tbe irrave. To_..n.e the,i
...,? ,? , M .. .-.-i.-.'.-.l. partm v. lUmit U
autt to a conalderaUon ol ihe tr??rt- ev.ni v.in.i. ti -
ee.l.-(la.i.i.l,.it... utl.- .Ht. To oUjere I ? pi """' "> ;
?taaaaaa wlll i>e nttniMit.-.i to tbe a
verj buav H?.l beneflcent life. Yctothi i III
ac.-i.es iv.iii.i bii eoflln onlj the man
mlx.uit.oJ i.i..,.i'..tresiM.t and
fi-cl wl.en prooablj the moefl talked-i
inu* Baa Aaa miea na
nmuv.* _u?llaaflliaae iti tbe
Ucllwtcin.ai.doi otbera wno.
Inm l
tbem. .-a. b >'" th,
SiSalnesaol tli. deatb. nol tl tlie Uboraofl
Mr 4in.?'.>., noi tbe I.
aroimd tb.' 'i.t ol , ?'?'-.
eare.r ex it.-d, are pnpflfl ?
Tbe i-'au-e* lle deeper and real on raore funlni
fa t* l.-t the read? md dl-trmil
ai.alv?.. liii. own aroaa 1 0 (1 tn' n ,"'
aaUona of tbo iu - ....iii.i. loved lloi
Thev ku.- hlmtobe tcndci
B_.ur.-4i oi hl* ab-lltlea.audfi_rt_.irty
or aa the platfisrm, er witl luted volume,
liiiim n_e in lu^
try 1 nd litf< Ib
But luankiud are m t. Tuey 1*11 -
the burra wbleb lncfoM-d I ?'?'?"'
Mlofl ? Rbrulu. 'ln.' bia
? llkinit , . tb '.. :
*.11,.|) ? ? -1 lI:;io.lll. ? - '
ofl _rn -
?ii(i sl
dlacouuted bll poi
.11.-1 ou ..;. '. ??? l"'l".
?li...... wli i did -.,!-? i ?. ? ?
a.ai.i.l i.;,.- i.u i-_ ....
? i thal ih. ?
i.nii atiit Umi piled up I
, wbicb va.
Umi tbat aba
tn.it ii i-i.;
th. * in ol tbe Summer ui
teiir- p i?ple l.ilio.d U.e r. ,.i Horat-i
. Lall clowu, ball i-nuilnal, wnt m tney wi
:,. i,.'.i,-\c waa 1,. extsll BO lo.._? r, ? I
. 11 . .A 1?
hod now tl
Ihe (itv of UM fllc.'l I-* ?
i. . tu pruporUou li i
, . iii. laat word ol praia. aud l.lau i
apokcn. Tha period put t<> in- . i
_U4___.li aa a wbole. ln tbal Jadflmeul, will b
. barltv aud JuaUoe lb___ livi ?
altw.it li.-lelt tue ui.- i.i ?? ol ?
t; in i: ? t
in. Hu waa li ?''' '
h. a. .1 in ib. i.-. ;>..-? li- '? i.levi Iin
civeo to l.iui io ... Un ri_.ii-. Ue fi -. v ']
mdlvldual.; aud be waa tb i. ui ot
hi* party t.. kaow that l. - won,
aml tl.i.i ua' ii'.t tfelufl t> _
of b:_ ciii-my. " l'i ?"' tbe '' !
?.f inm. ' tbe ooaquentof hlalti u
to Uli- -?l -
he .iui moat io ii> Uvi ? maiii Ib
lUfl a*
ibe Nortli be lu.tructed,
im-ii u.ii....i,c-i I" n.kluti, tii -
f.u.t (, , ..nd wi,.. .i ,.l ui. la-t i-.iiu. to nn .. i
.iii.l t,.,-ir .
. : an ,t on l..r inii-_ii!i.
wridi in . tboronjthly
lor ii.anhi
. iti -I Dg Wl
tbe Uli ?? ii.iii , auil I.u i
?ey. _^
lYvm The ttti ? . /* . 4.
Heliloiii Iuih Sew-York wi
whlcb I". tlrec dajl I
aml flulel liioM'liii ut. II
..ur iu. -i .n.in. i.t eltl
la exbiblttoi ? foi tlie il - i : but
;.ll I .:
i l.v iiiiiiTiavior an l Uncoln -
U wlth il the mllttan
t. t._i ,i ti.
? . i
i - of bia l'ti-v life \v. i-. i<..--. I, mi i bere Mr. G
has er.-.'t.-il tbe imperi
ml flt'tire w> ie laiiii iai. Bl
M inalaad >>r eoudemui I
|M.t_t of vi.-w, often aharply and n diclo
wiiiioiit a reeoflail an of tli
ture wbicb comaaeud blm ->
frtenilh. I'or, ?* we b.( 11
actualiy 00 -
.rr..mr. wbea we state tbntn ti ie barsh or c ondemnx
tory word li.i* bean attered i.:...-: hia I
hi* mortal can i r cloaed. <
tr.-.-it, U aa Uli ii.- r<- t. nd. r i ?
wi id cu.im..' >.f a ?
pniu>. li.-tore Uwtopen prai
ti(v, aaperitles, ul .-.'? droi.p. rt bule
ful. M i Op
eame %u Mand before k.m.-, aad n
pen vfeaM p flaatial lal ?
nwav Tii.aII that i .' BU llu," i 11.
uaa.-- farg ifl kti io v ? it:
laolatcd flron
.:,-. ll.- wai i waj i I ?
.!.- ..f well t
oppro-. od la all 1am , Ko popular tipi__uu_. lu b
??? -I -tn (-r . tr.uid t j i- ?_-! a -_.- everfi
his ardent aupport. it K Hlaliu
, -1 ivon .1 the r fht. ;i
ot nati
ti peraonal ,ii.ni?: foi l.iu
iluii j.i.... ja-i'iu la-i. the di pl
? I IO 1.0
laud, tlu* ,
i.t Kin-_ to his i.r,n., bls
? r:il li..ruii.ii.v ol fei d?. UOb
_____ as not tdtea ocoarred la our bu
From Th- Sr Tt". 4.
Ak ne ajfl to prMflthe gn ui citj m etna, aa if tq
roiuliioii .'..n-.-i.t, 10 1. iv. Iui ui
reiu.i.' ? ? i Bom i.i- eh y lothtir flnal restliiR
All uioiia; tbe
rnrte..- > bai >? M I.
etiiiidini; f<>r bour-. aml to Iheae addltl
mi-iit.iniv ii ? Mth ?t. :?. the liatterjt tbia
imt- ,.f bumanlty extand*, In solid 11 lamu ui brc ?
tlio in.i'ie slveueaa of "? II M*emi to us, la
int. u.-ii, il rather tban i< Koed bi tbeab nceof tbe
iiniit.ii v display c?itomaryon . i i
uulveraal fceline aeem.* tobs .n.,i, rtfell
m.rrow, aml tbal li-_aads BO tlu '
?abe .n.-apiay to flflvaltfrei andappi
A man uf tne peop
r tia-ir looa, liiiv
ls toa real for pomp and pageanti ,t
witb wblch tbe world ehooaea to caimuul toearl
"tv" .,f ii- irr.- a t, . trapplnira >.f
woe lu.lee.l, to l.e-.iii ht iilin-.r-- i\e,\ .1.) J i ut Itova
leei.iy do Ifltaaesymbolliethe realaorrow wliichaeama
to U. il. j.i. led on IhO eouiita iiauie. of aii ?______?? U..u
ooBfllUons ol iiu-u!
The last time we saw Horaee Oreeley, allve, waa from
the wiiuloa of Thr Kxprtm otll.c. He hart juw I ou:e out
t>f the Antor llo,.-e, prepariloiy to ln> .le|,:.rt
ure tor bii . i.u j.- fla lour oai I oanded
by aa eairer and eutbnalaatic multltude, m). ? cbeered
hima?"i?ui aaxt lYoflldflut." '? Vaaltyof ranltlaa: ull
ia Viii.it v 1" ll.-riice ?.ice;.y i* a_:.... j.ii>miii: Uie AatOI
llouw- i.nt it i? w.ly ln* lifefcaa remalua; tbeirraal
?niwtl i- there alao, bul uui aud aal du l nol ezultant -
SUd tbe old fl.ik,' "vel ll. a?l !?- Iloatli,/ .1 hu'l lu.i-t a_ lf to
__ako tbe tiai.B.lioU and the eoi_U..-t eoU'plele.
From Tht .V.^- > - - I <-. . yiml.
Tlii- lionora sliown lua rciuaiii?, tbia are hon?
or* doiie to hl* proleaalon ; t.ut they mr alao an evidence
..f th. r..i,*l.lerat:oli in va Iii'b he WU BlBtaelf beld
prove that wbat?ver opiiiious wa may bave Indlvldu
ally formed of tbe laMUectual or peraonal merlM ol
the aubjecl of tbatn, tbe K.e_t body ol tlie aeople
(liM'ov.-i.-d la buu ktoobIs for admlrattoo, altacnmenl
and irratltude. They *?w in hi* _?brta I enllflblflfl ..iui
Ifulde tl.e in-iitliueiiU of bm feiioian. aomethlUfl
thau a paltry pur^iiit of v.e;iltb, or a -.au nmbfuoB "t
|aaawer and fauie. Tlu v saw I'.'lhi ui l -if li.
do trood, to help forward lha i.etter mu reata ol tba o u
muuiiy, aud to maiutain tbut fcpint of Juht.i.- anlfn-i
dom wbicb iiiourbot and r.-ckles* antarpriaefl we are
apt to foraret, but wblch conatltuia-6 tbe v.-iy Ix.nd aml
cement, a* It ('... ? tl.. llfl and fllory, of i 'vinzi-il men I]
Witb Mr. Oreeley'* politloaJ aml pailooupbloal i
tbiiiit* we were uot ln entlre aeooiti, hii maaaar of ],r<
aeutina hla oouvlctloiia did not alwayn nieet our ap
provali bul for aouie oiijecta, and tbeao auiou^
tbe most uio_i_euti.il* tbat ever dlvided tho Ba
tion, we lalaurtd louj. ln ei.mmoii, aud we can
bear witneaa to tbe teal, the fcarla?bi_e_?. and tlie
vi_{or with wbicb be tattl.-l foi tbe nicbt. Ifllfeeslow
but lnteuae aud blttcr iniitroteray tflltilial Maveiy,
wbk b Um* flllled our butory lor nearly &o j mra, we fouuii
bim alwa/n a powenul coadjutor, and we loul.t wuetlu r
auy sioale luairuuieut uaed agaiust tba _ft_mvUa wronfl
was more effecllve iu tba work uf lt* ^railual
overlhrow than the presa which be ma
witb ao mueh courai_e and deterinliiatkiu. Ho f_n u* tlu
biatory of tbat cuiiUict baa beeu wrltteu, ainl _o fur M
tt i* yet to be writteu, oue ot the mo_t promlneul piai ? ?
tuuat l__ jrlven to the Hturdy, uiiniuclnug, aud ),..- -
aasauiuof Tua Thibi ut aewapapa*-. Th.- bu ,, .
Alaoiitn-UUU were wuuietlliiMapl U*. riiu-ne to.- la-cuiu.r
Uaetbods of lta warfata, imt noi..-, we th_u_, wlll at iui*
day deny the efllcleui j of lt* _ei l
11 i* a wouderful cbaiifle lbat lias come over t be .
/uiud since tbose servluea were rendi ie.1. w i_. u tfe sw
lournaU in lbi* city lbat daled 10 itneerl tbi trutb ln re
aard to our ii . ful natioual _ln l? Kan tbeli work It wua a
Sork of dang.-r, of Iom, aud of oi.loquy. Tbe pr. judlca _ nt
*ne publio miud were _o Qrrct li.al ll wa* aa inu ifl aa on
J.fo Wa* woltb to ?peak even tiiiildiy afc-_.lt,?l Ih'; hoiri
?1 .? wronir. Tbe mo_t iceutle I.itit, the *oft?-'at WblaSJ* i ..f
Qiairsuaalou, waa likely to piovoae u mo!., or, lf noi lln
p.uali, a viou-ui-a ot deuuui biliou au.l feaitred that was
?*-*/>___."_? |.ai BSRCabk lo tim ai.__-_.?. Mul u-w i_. g
tvhole eitv motirti. the lons of one of tl.e.c BBrlj defend
rra ot tneaom at.d rla_t A ahort i.mnih aaa .
m.,,11), wbleb waa parliculnrlv cone.rne.I ln I j
ov)l and Ml the BMal lncenaed nnd uc_rle4.1l
hv the ln.nt ilty to lt, ndnpted blm BB Itt
|*re_.le_tUI eandtdate. Va.m miiltitndes ot
,,,,, tl. .1 . nce apoke bla naine 44,1!i eieeration and srorti
,,,?,_,|?. chiiml"-r where hla dead bofJjr UeOjM
, I ,nt Klm.spae of hl* faee. and to drop tho last Uiar
?! t.ml, . inei.iorv hcni.le bls oollin.
ln 1 nol auotbor liroof that the reitl foreenof the world
.,,,, ??. ?,.,.,. t4 ? l.-h a, ii'iii'c . hie.ly del._l.tn to celebrate,
l.nt. those other luwardsplrituul forcen. aaeb aa 10.lt
.,. innivn.JiistlccandTn.lli. -Idch lle l.el.ind -M DOTC
;.n, . ivlng them all tbe ?al i?w_r th.i
,i? .v ,.,.- .'aa, ti .1 guidin* them. aot bUndly, but lutel
ligently, ;<? 1 atmiKkl and Maaflooal euda I
From Tht .fHmgteU Keptblieam.
The eouutry beiioldn, to-day, a Bpcrtaole im
. ,1 |n n/l.l-t.iry. The gr-iileat J?nninliatio ? "
lurnallam paaasa bb to his raward; a Preaia" '?
ul lu rielection. BiUta^-?iyBlnB,nailonbt4MUj
. , b, the r. i.mlnn of his rlv.,1 for tfotaUB tttM.
The co.uniy I. ti.ii.he.l iu .1 L~??Uflr g**"* ' .
Im,. ut of personal Journallam, Mr. Urce.ej
hold on the bearts of tndm.tn.-.i men. aucb aa ean
!,.. Kain-d oaly bv *featta* t-ona dallyor areeUy ror
rears tbrougha powerfol oewapaper. rhe reoent
_ up <>f old parti-n. tiea, und prejndlcee, the
polltloal marrt-ge of a party und BBBawBo were once
-..toi'ti foea, tboae elra-auM-oea put tl.ouutrj ib a
1, wbento mourn tho loaa of a graai
, reet, prond prlvileire.
.Ir. iiiecl-Vs ..l.-ei.'ilen to-day will D8 rondurtnl 1>4
twoof the m'oatrloquenl aml ropreaontattre preaobera
ln the country, boUi hla llfe-lon. rrteuda. Bealdaa tbe
, . 10 memberaol tbe CaWnet, the old nnd
new Vin lu-ideiitn umi the'hii IJimtl.e "1 tlie niitl.ui,
Mr. 1.1. .?? ? 'a ol 1 in* nda will ba preaeni la areat num
l.er. aa iii'l'.v.iliiiii.n, aa ttl'.ow jouriialints and pnnl'i-,
p ilitieal aaaoi . _, .
'lne .?'..! polll . ai or___la_t_ma, wboae nlms and attain
. ,ii, an.l the new i.in-, wboae aupport be
. . id wl. purpoaei bad been eni.- to
matcb his own, wlll aaaentble Innnltyand kindobltvlon
?t ,111: , 1, . (iii.tij.n win gatber tbere wboae blogra
latoryof Iba eouutry for <4 year-. Ol
11 -, nt, Il.ilie will inolltll .1 1" M 1 BO IIU.. fl
. 1. ... 44,11.1 umi Qreal ?> now faet the
ra of tbe antt-alarorj crnaade are nr
...... t_uu-_-i uniiiig ilialh? llieuctfjrtii BH
Deatb haa receatiy robbed tbia eommnnity
.onntrj of a man whom, desplte au
? ,. .1 in ,: : ? i-.or anv apota 01 1
11 loaderablp majr iiave left ui >n ijim,
uuco a ui ble and good 1 Itlzen. Hlfl (1. u
Iy one ol di 4.. lon 1 * trutb.auty,
n - c mie up under tbe ure tesl dla "
, .,.1 ou rn tbu rougbi 1 soll, aud bi vlrtou al 1 ?
tinraa of bla aim,
ot iiborand Ut love of boneel Indept n ?
.1 io in.' confl lence umi reep etot 1
. luto popularlty and power.an I
, ol ne 1:.V..I-- adTancemi ui or p u
prollt >__?: t.>i i'i.- pioii oi bla co'.mtiy an.l tm tt
Ibere . - I to 1.4 iflai rate hla talenta, 440111..
loneral bla del 1 ta, ( ta m \ u
? bonorable plaee ln tbe< leem ol 1
Aui. ? Be did _?1 apare tbe lanlta ol 1 -
;...- Ii r ...i44iT nnd Ior plaoe, and he 114.
1 . lle did UOt UlSg
. pn tcnd to be morally wna b 1
jlinkae* hla own falllneja. aad ila- ronntry knew thero,
Uul . levorvli .1 tu? 1 i.ii.ii ba bad apoo the n itl 1 -
ouoof tne rn.-t aanait,dBTOt-dtaafl dtt
? . pr pubiic men,
M.i, 1; nl y '??? uaanore eltltenflwitb hin *rlrtaeB8
.inii 1..11 1- bi bli ii th..
It li pi 1.1.ip
. Mr. ureeler could receire ?
v.,, , ; tbougbta "f i ifll BundaT "4'
? 1- . ilj 1 ?
. tbe great p ??
11111111 n.l,t.n wbo bi
, ilir buiial lt in m
-,r. t i.n a uiuu'a 1 .1 ira. U r and iu
, 1 hia 1.cy and all eon
. Bcrvleea ui m_?dtea, aud to ta 1
.iisof 11 . imi coanllT Upofl 44h,it liialila-i ?
,! , too, .'un 44 is a . il Il.i'
aiii.i-.ii'.' v itn tbe aplrli and praceptnof oui 1
. . .,1 ^y.-ll lil 1
, 14 iuen i.i n it 1 on. eai 01
1 111| lallty in lt. .\ ?
t. ,1 taltn, a ih
, prt-ai ..i'i, be was arila t<> r<
n,. arneai aod Inh
? tii- ciiii-t. 1 . :i ?? ?.
,. ue oouib .1 ai are ?
aad imaii'iiaiiiy.
/ 1 .
"Tt is I>"M.:"?Tiu*-. ii is saiil, wei
rli in
. Jo 1; 1
I IU IU'-. " ?
.1 i4.i- .1 - aud
: 0
......1..-. lln ,.ll\.. I
.1 wbal a n.i ?
..^t 1 .an of all n 11 ?
.-, Burrounded bv devotcd
tollpwi I '" tbe ii.!"-- il -ralHl'in
,,f 1. . . ; loylna tbi afli 1 t. in of a
? :
. 4\h..-C IIIII dj a
. id; an l uow li ? nol only U?a tn
of death bu
- ..1-1 ni her grari ? I thal dul ful
- ? l I.y I
1 bli tolluwi 1 -, I ?'...' :i bj
; . ... itb Krtef, Bl ... 1 UBcovn il
PrulT a 1. tha ?
. DR OUt 'i Ifll. '.*>.',
...i-enlil. 11.) ...!'? I
44 ;li n-,41- in ' ? Ol tl.
(I.-. !.,.?, 1 I.i
; ? .. istate,
, aud la) 11 wi -??? b .1 44:. i( 1
r tl ,:i li ifclOB lo I'"
Ifl lii)l:l Ol II . i"
? W.lhin I
tual Ihi 1
Ull.11 lllllj k
? ii, lot ll h< 1 ?-.. .
.!?? lln
011 ? ll. ? loull
luied to 1
? ? j...'..- caaki t.. mp ). uai
luuip ol elaj ! li doea Inde. d
-.. i; -ri-n. ?*? aitei i.i wben a ?tn_l icnolai
1 a
ol it- piled up troaaurei?and wben oaa al
tuea. lui.- tbe i:.n la ifreoU r t.i.m ttaa fiiii "f a all..
],,!_ . of tiiini-!ii. -.'.blob
0 fi'i luto il un..in'4411 .leidlia ; >et. 44.-.I iiiuy \.<
_ ,r , 1 --i.ii.-y life," inla itoiioflupof
thia iiei'iiij.' oi io-.v worldi ol thought,
- -1 N.i; it i annol be tbal aucb
: .-1. !
. .
when, 441th bls lual breatb, be m.i.
B .in.. li. r aal i'l-iiei 441.1 d. 44 ui- I iraa bi-Jdeo
. ..:., and aU tbal aaa n doubl boouaa a
001 lainty,
. K 1 ' . j
rims in liis In.-nt fomli lieri Horace Oreeley
, pn - . more t.**
ing tban hla _i_p<-nauio; none co.ild i* - 1
soaianj oiomoriea, roua whuamiu
1 - i.r tbe profoaaloa he baa su adornad aafl io
win, ii be lum li nt aucb a mlrbty preatige, bla loaa aomea
aa a bereavement t- >. had gt-W_ uparouud
most aa bla el lldren, rejololng lo bli itn 1 1 n*. aad
Klory'ingin blagreatneaa. lt imaaatbougb eat-boaeol
on had l*i iu -ln d a laui-J l*-at from Iim . Iui]..i I, waaiiBB II
V, e 44'..Ii 0:11-1 I', en. AlODg 44 111)
Kayroond, gone before blm, he bad mad.
iniiilern (iiiiiiiitllMii xvlnii it !.*,. nnd II.. y IbrflM beld lel
| .-i-iit. of Us (.lory aml Us graudeur. And until
bobm oew world uf new.- umi uewspapi rdom la lound to
cuiiijiiiT, Un v thiee mual ntaiid at the 1..- ul, aml to tbem
aii \siii? eom.. ait, r nnint _ay tlm rajraltjr of taaa. ln
\CIItol 'r, I'I. llt.
Antong bia mournenfltben will be none aaddertbaii
the people of tiu Bouth. i b. y bad found Ib him a aturdy
fi?md -.tlien th. ir ined waa ***** aml 44,'ieu tiu ir bope
44.1- le.mt aud lu>4.;i.t. Iln citlne 10 Unni an nilreoT III tl..
wa-te v, i.eii all Is k-.4iti u_iita bopeleasnesi and dlaaolo
tiun llnwmii ili.rry voice of miiguttiiimitt aml good
44iii cryniK ootla tao ntroiiK center of tba canqoeror'
* ..nui i.n inerey umi forbearaaea taward tba rannuUhed,
_,U(j Ufl 111.h* >? I. I 01 DDOl nl. 'I Iu n .11.
few Houtbern heada tbat wlll oot be uneorered, fea
. 1 n bearts that 44111 nol ba aad, and few Jkiuthern
ial wlll be inun .i-ioni 1 i? slde tbe grara of Bor
aoe Oreeloy, ti iwl li tlie-OBt?ron-Utt-nal.8av4__a_t,
aad B-oal hated foe.
I_.l tht-old lnan hleep. Hin haa been a lon.- and tin
lUk'K-m*' lili-44ork, und Bfl Ifl ttred aml totl-wara. A.il
jii-i aa tbe abadca of bla laat, long nlgbl bad bagan to
d. i-jien the twlllgbt of bla life, dlaaater and aorrow had
1 (iine 44heu he noeded raihei re?t umi Joy 10 aiaoaib bli
piiiliwuv down to tin-riti-r. And so l.e iln-il (imt aa th.
daj 4i-tii'iav 4-.-.-. it.iiu- aud nii-iit borend witb 11,1
tbal tt'iilied for his Hfe und soul to come out *.o
them anu ttr away.
Uud uieoB the old uiiiii'rt iiieinfiry.
T Thr //i?rru''-r_i I'ttrxot.
Tba plaoe ol Horaea Oreeley ia the joiirnul
iam und |.ii.iii'n t.f tbla eouutry Wlll BOteoou befllled.
ut tln- (uiiiiii men i.f tbe Uul ted Btatea tbere ia not.
wboae loaa wlll l>e ao deeply f* it Durliur bla wbola
careei, bla Inflm DOB ou pUOUfl OpiUlOfl lias 0-8? mtroiik;
und (!? cideii. iim vlewi oii ull i.ubin queiUonab re
beeueagei * i aght, and thoiiaanrfa of tboae wbo raubed
im Imtderi 44. reeareful nol to mort uutii Horace 1 ?. ?
an li-lli.'i*. t. * 11' .1. 1 1.1. *i"t t.i in.,.. uutii .. '. 1. - . ..*.. n .
hud BBOB-U 111 J'HI liilln BB. Ia hin 1 ari.eitt devotlon to
.i.iotu. i*o leatstd many tbeork?*, bul
. d to siu U oidy .t!- bia vlgorouaju Igucnt appro .. I,
win n hin ataad waa oaoc taken, ne waa obatlnai
llitti kilile. NO man |. nv ah.1 111 B BlOflBr flSflMB __4al
Ih. 1 i ? Iicli pi r.iM l!..' . 0 uuici-' "f bm ei.i.4 Utlli.i.-.
Iii juiiiiiiiiiiin he uul tad u> an !ii.iu-t!_ tbal 1
fluKK*'). -..iii raray wbjcbfewoaredtooBeouu"
lel, UIlll M III i-tef.l (d " lilire Kllk'llih uu.l. illed " tbal 44 Bfl
IHi* |ilai*.1. II Iim n.01,10.' .1,1 1 li.lny 44 an t? 11 il.i. , lu
v... . 1-1,, y a.-ati-d i*y Biudnoaa Ul* phllanthrupy aaa
Botarga aa to embraoaall raeea of men and all creeda.
He was a tr_a aad exallad puirmi. Hh eattra I1f.-44.1n
ik i uuii-ii ii. hcbeuir*. for the niia-lloiulloii or t.v
llilloll Ol llin felluB 11. en Ull 1 iOI' tm ptOgl?M nf ln.1 Cii.u
ti v Hut ih- buaj nt im ia at real Ib. .-i.it b-Bi I > i
Jloraco Oioeiay u_s oeaaod to beat. 1U'ju_ii a almple I
reiiiilillcan eltlien. . urrniuido d bv non? of tbe pomp and
traim Iin of power, l.e wlll bo bfltflfl I" IBfl wave
,, ni ib.- _n .... I .iu. iitatloii* of n peoplo of wbom ?>??
waa one of tho beat aud uobleat tffflfl.
From The Chnrtetttm (.V. C.) _.'_?_.
Ho ninst linvo ft brenst, of nilamant who i*
i?,i ni..veiiirn.l ? .i.l.i. '.'? i bl thfl t..iniK* tbal Horaee
(,.... ,.a, worn .l.ivtii liypul.lle ( aro aad prlvate flM
l,.i. passed avray forever fniui tbe BflflflBB m WBflflfl ue
wa. ao eoiispleuou* an actor. , lw
Now tbal lu- ll fone, l.-t u* remember onlv Wa brcadtn
ofmiad, hUalmpUcliyofobaraotar, BB maallneoa and
trutb, nnd lat aa bope that ha eajori that Pooeo wtncii
un* hl* WBtofeWOrd iii lln- fiivy. aud which hfl lai.ored ao
IihcI tosooure, beyond p( radvcnture, to tbo Amerlcau
'"'i'/iVjrood ba baa ______ wll Ihr* nffcr him. When th
rounti-v Isaa?n one m tii.ui_.-ut und iu fei-iiii* it wiii m
i?. forifott.-ii that ib Iaal ilaya ol Mr. Oreeley ? Ufe wer
_p.nl ln the elort to relorm imhlle abuaes. to aimiiMi
uro crlptlve lewialatlon. and i?> knlttbe Nortfe and Boutb
i,,_-,.-,i,.i inboudsol frtendahlpand mntaafl Iruat. TBea
the Maed whlch be haaaown wril baarlta frult.and.ln toe
memory ol poaterliy, thadaad lloiac- Oros-J will bave
kls reward.
iiii: ri.ir.M) Of iitmamty.
, |__ /"!-< I I'nixn.
Whaterar alae may '>?? aikl of Horaei Gree
lev's < ireer, whatever opinion poeterlty ln tba luhi ot
ki'i..\vi. i. -nif- may f. rmol bls Ju-cment, tbe..unlveraal
teatnnon. ofl tboae wbo bave known blm ln nr>- wiu ra
that ne was an bonesl man. To aay thal ba bad bB
weakn. sae* li to lai tbal be wai ? li ilte ' ln*. To aai
ii.it be bad faulta la to aay thal bo waa baman. But wj
veuture t.. aa. tbat whan tho inmal fela ebaraeter M
:i, ,iii- uo || vii'i be f..-.it..l thal few men d< - rvo .. greatei
meed o. praiae for all Um rlrtaes thal adorn human life.
or c di-'- ibelr memorv to be embalmi d in tbe t_ ui- m
ih.'ir fellow man. Probablj. ao manof nio.ie.-u Ubmm
i.a* devoted loore eiier_ty, aad eertalnli no an* bai
d< voted more i ilent, t.. tbe alaarle objeel ol anielloratlnj
tbe oondiUon of the buman i wu, tt nitnur up tho lowlj
..: ,i ,!.i rodden, Uian Horaee Ureeley. Hia loa|
Uis i,,.,, i,? , ,. i I-, h.ive baaa larafl -i M thal
.iii.l tu a iiiiuie, Whatever appanai dlvaratooa bave ta t
,..,,!,. ii iluated lo the one grand nuaalou o
bia life. Hla deatb will be sttriboted bj lotue, no doubl
lo dlsappolntment al t...t IiuvIuk reit.-b.-d tbe in.-lie-i ob
lect ol lHiUtieal ambition. We da oofl belleve lu wha
li , i i,,,; ii... i,-. (,;? -i-h v i.r tli it iioui.tfnl iioiu.r I wonl i
.. i.tit.bave,.dl '.i o;," laun 1
i., ln- t.i,.w, ar Incruas .i lua aln ...ly wotld-wide fauie
ft'hul bouoi nadded to the eaalo who aoare to ibe hlirl
. t tuouniaiu tope, when it la kuown that the crawllufl
r j,!,,,-1, i been thi.I.nini l Tne name ol ll tracc
i,r..-i -v wiii i" green lu tbe memorj of poalerltj wbi u
. .i un.litiui. i.t of itoue ibalfl have crumbled, and
.,: un of tboae who are now con?l l r d m ire Ioi
;, ui i,i ? tiii be torjrotten. Tbe poor aad tbe
,,,. ,1,-, i i opprem ? i and the down troddi u, will cberl.tn
ii,.* iu. ti.i. . .au.l in tbeir i.' irta eroet a monument tbat
.i i bl
... over. He baa nobl. fuiniled hia
. pi.,!-,- Wl) i ui lie-low
. . ..... that u.e world i. better fur ui. iiauu. Uvfl i.
A QBEA1 LOfli 10 jnn.NAI.IsM.
trom Th B ll,..n 7..n ??.
Iii Mr. Oraeley'fl BU-lden aad Lamentable de
. moatpro ? ut ln ll
produel and dcvial ?-. Newspapera wlll never
ii np ao eutlrel. witb ludividoal foroe und
.;- 'im-. ii.ihim; in- been; aud ao Mr. Oreeley
iwavastu. last or almoat tbe last representatlve
Wbicb ln* BB??fll flfli rJU bad thor
moderuli tl.
e i;, ,. ... ma Journallat. rather aa edvoeate tbaa the
,, ., i.i i.i .,. . lUitn iiiaior. He did ool i J?B
. ni bia ( lidowinelif- Bl B publl,'
ui.i i. Current evenl ln reated hla mm I ? defl., aa
? up 1. quei ii ?!. ..v.i- them, and ni once ta?e a
. .. i , , . ., .,? -? .i, ontrovi. -...ii-t. Even
attempted |>erfecl i andor be luaen _ dj n i -? i
, .,|. .u ;!..? do_mal ?-. Hi ? mi utnl i il.
int, an i it vaa.. unqu lUonabbly thal
:,,.?. li ? li ni .; purpoafl iu
>i;,. \ , sleep, wbleb wai > uli tmM
..-,,. i. : iperate and slmple in bls
,,, li i.i ..np'ii i- i.ivvi i- p.l.il.l ,- lilin on to
, ould "i..'i :. ni: |. ;?' ...nl li s ?? Aini rlcau
c .nii..?;," wiiii.-ti ln tu- Interralaof ihecrowded iab..t*
, uis ,ri . ii luriofl inouumi nl oi bia
, . . . _ ... , , ... bl ? otnuipr
,. akiUKi wlll be uilsiod from amoufl nn u
..,:, tlie, t-iiii ni.-ti.ii-i>- comprebeud. ih ra wlll
no | iblio tjueatlou come .ii> i r s lonj. Ume tbal vvill not
nn ..f il ?. tirrt ley.
Is ,' -l il.Ilte.1 to look il>... u OVOI im earih y
revlew, ll c mnul but furn ib blm tu.
-..ii?i'.ntii.ii to know tii.il hla Iaal < 11.
i , ....... | effort t" beal tbe aa
muti | inflD and reuulie iu . bldlag
? pie ol .oag-sflaflered ?_. Uaa__
Bi0i kmows man of his um,
| ? MSS t'ir t
Ii i- iMniii that t !? ili-aii ot oai iiniii eomofl
| _| ??il 1.111.1.- !
oi Hiitaoe Greeley. TB facl tbat be bss occupicd ...
, porilou ,.t Ibe publio attentlon slnee last May
i.i thia lo part, bul aalde from t.-i.it facl be
,.1 in, Uiil i :i e i> ii bj baodredi ol tboa
. w tii.-ti ever Blfl k'i,i_:.. CondUCtlOB IOT
. joui uai wbleb he iu ..ie one "f the li n liute n> wa
t.,it ofl tlie V...II :.
ifuslufl _omu. ii il hl i" raonalll
of thal jo.iiiiai ou .ii pablle
. .. . i: a p i -... .1 ? Ifl ui, iu
., , ?? ..m.-, ^,l ' that wm n li -1' >i--> lu
i . ounu ? ..i larfl n . u li ta il ai
.,: ol bi_ |..-t- .....I oplnlon*.
,,r ). ..,..-, in i ? ... i. mr. r, tooB
. i ii .,- - ii ii Hloue, aud lu< refore loe ani i
e deatb ui tlu* wldeJi kaowu aad la*
. ,iii-i would bave rreaieu b profoood i n
. ifiven hu., itul i
1 . ni li h.ive. ??? v. it. ia known
and few d.i t? baTi leas tola nt their personaibts
Wfjn i, ibe .-_.' iti-.ii--.ii.* oi tfl ca ... u.ii
, wBeu the luatonr ?.t tbe
iron ,.,in,,;i im,ii?, betwi eu
?;,,, ii ... .-. \?a> _.., .nn.l aa bctweea tbe appei
nnd ii ii,. i ii..i - ...in. -.I...H i?- iii..r? _re-i.-i.ili. known,
... ;,,!-, ,!: , .. Ibe iu,,i il ol bll - 00
i therewllU, iad with it adorn Ihe t.a. bu Ilte.
i , ni Uut de ..I reai ia thal peace wbleb Ilfi
.,, , and iu nu- "ui. if? ii i"- "i.a i..'i'1'V
Uou." _
< , r,, nv.
Ifr. tii..l.-y Int- |..t- 'I miii liistory. liis
. ika "t domeatlc nrlel la
wblennebad tbe armpatnyoi t. wbole country, on
... ui a- dlstrOM it eau-eil doubl
? the i vi-ut uou ?.i il.-.-piy deplored.
Ibal tbal majeatie hri.ni iia-i
il . M-.'Il* ? f
-. ... ru bul tni pn iu.. .it..rn ui tbe .1.--..,.,ii.ui iu
IWlni,'. ll.l.l lt Im. , oi ...TV. !?< . lle.ltll ...l
|,k ,, , Infl i ii in. Uisto ne !,..|. .i ilnat I. laafl
. .1.1 .111,1 1 OII-, 1 .ll-. I ?.- Ill tll, 1, I '
Wbl .1 W, Ut VV llll III!,I Iu 1,1- I.,11111, Ilier.t
. t eartbli mattcia wbicb could brlaa
, tne ,-i,;.tli ? ii,,ia li, ii.nl |T
lona '.pi" - I were Bl pAcewltb him, umi deaptteo
. tbe eiitiio pe.ii.ie >.f tle- . ouiitrv b.
,.ii.i.i i.ii nii, were prepared io recelvo bls record
i.i itemperol Imparilnl ju ttoe. Tbat record aaad aal
now t. illscnaaed witb treatimu. Ue wtoacM pawaa
i Its lu wbicb be was o coi . Icuooa nu
i, ,i ln I.u miii. ur. il. ..ii.-ther Ib.-ir
..r ll! will iMltWctflb, tl.e fiinire cau
i- i biftb <i ut <.f ii. i int, t ? ?-??
lut, ,. I bor i.iiin bj
. ?ue i* :i commendauli model t.. the
? iiii'i v; inu!, bi .. phllueopber,
and i- ....... r, deserves a noi.le nlcba ta thfl aaathflea oi
ti,e _"n ii obaraeters .,i Anaertc i.
an iNsriiJKD WOROB.
/ I . BBapflfl -ip;-"ii.
It Irt Yalioily iif.i 1. ms to Uiilc iinv etUofiOIB
.,.??',. I i mi.Til 1: ? uual lln- |ue__ aini ora
lorsol Amei ra iveli eudi notedtodiaqulsltlouslBVolv
. . . , i wa foi (he iiii;iii'-i ha
1 li. .'?? l.i nol B lii'-ntal, UI..I..I, or p.TMin.il
peculiarlt_r <?< tbe man wbleb i.u* not been oloaelit
Koauned. in tbe world'sayes feoaraw urealor aa hfl waa
more tlur..ii .hiy well known. IIi- speecbea ..t tni* feoau
nr ??? di ? i" .1 more wonderful produetions tban tfeooo
wrltten ezpoalilooa ol 1.ileeli couom) wblob adorned
the paaei ..i Taa Taiai bb. L'uiike Uoids-sdth, n.
.. i,. wrole ,i?.' au anflel; iike
one in ;,ir. d. i'uo eiiurm of bl* .liuple locli
ma* I..' more re-i.-.iie. * tban bia melllan
mi. sentences wara of marvelous elegaaee and
I,, itehleaa foree. Moal oafliaoelul aad anattraetlve w.i-.
the nn un. r oi - in man whea be itood apoo Um roetrflai;
bat oo llatener ever lorned oway fela face when tfefl oia
i.i.i , .-:,...inui, iu bls ...'ui.er uiiiiiotoiie, drnwled mu
K.-iii neesasfallol poetryaoafl iMtedinaahke wledeoa.
l ,i. rribe Ureeley a peraon would be aa vatn ofl Bfll
a luslon to hla parttaaa history, Bverj ? bere, la almeel
iv.i. huu-. in..il iu ll.e l.uiil, Uie Iniin an.l IflflS of
Horace Ureeley are rrcocnlscd in pi ureeol evei. d
IW of . iiell. IK e. Bad lli.-e Wlll . ie II lii-eonie re.-ollee
tii.i,* ;is ..f ibe ..i.i.-ii uiu-, taveated vvaitu naaai latleai ..*
,..,.-in_; as tii...-. that ...mi) befure us wMaiaaaM
old faiulllar aspeci, aome rolei wboee aeeeata wa lovad
tu .1\.< il ii, on, ri-t ?> up in tbe illeuin-laitd of Im-lui rj .
iui: CHIEF 0* joi'i.nai.i.>ts.
/ , . ' I'r-u.
We da aot propoac lo irritc u yiuiDiyric af
li.,:.,. ? uraeler, for it would i?. u* leas. ll.. deeda
,,.. ,.k li.r thetna.lv.H. aml ur>- fiiniilinr to aln.oHl ev.rv
i,,,. i.i llll??? I'.llt. ?! -t.it(-.-. Of i.il the l.njillt lllll.lliiirle*
V4h:.li Atiieiie.in J,,u: n.i.l-lii Iui* |ii-,.iluee.l, Horaee lirc. -
ley rlai.il* at tlie he.i.l. lu vl||i.rolla expr.-HxIoli t,,.lie
eoold aurpaaa. If aay eoull af aa uuytal l.nn. TbeterflH
wbleb be uaed were often bu-h, bul they va-.-r. ulwaj,*
rzpreaalYe, aad if hii. opttBatfl wero fleeaekMnaUjt noi iin
i,,,,-l Bofllte, lt WaS OWlaif aWMl to hl* luil.ul*ive mitiire
tii.iii tii iinv real i.uk ul cotirti-Hv. Poliey was m.t a
. ..mpdiu nt part of Horaee Gre.le.'* 11 nt ur.- Ilal he
1.,-ell llioli ? pulllle, be v.u,|l,| fef_TO lie'll ll.ore Hlll <-4-**f ill
BB B politli i.tn, Hut lf Iie ilul imt peeoeoa t>. a inurkaad
,1,?_? i, . tli,,_e art* h>- wbleti nieu are very ofl.-n Buabled
I., im into pltteu uud power, he vta* rirou^ wlth the
people, It waa to tbem Uut Be appeaiedj Ifl vt..* aaaa
iheiii tbal be r.iu-,1, iiini iiii grreat a__eeeaa m tfee maaaflT
tn iat ut Tlia Taiui mt _howe.d lha, bl* triiht wa_ aell
f ull.'li d
ai.ways in kai.not
hriirn Thr Irentnn fru. ._m.rl.-_ii
Mr. Qrac-Oj'fl peraonal aad poUtieal raraei
areapartofl ihe eountrr's hlstorf-, 11 ls to uo parpoaa
new to anti'i->? favoraal] >.r anfavorablv eith.-r. lt
tinl-l l.e *:., I of 1.1.ll, ln.iaev.-r, th.tt, III Sll III* eoiiMi
t,,in_, he wai alwayaaa earnaal ,i< ne w..* ilamaus lu
t.',. it aiiui. noy. l'i ..imin-i.ti v i.ii i_jti.ii .1 in theiliacuaaiou,
und iii a UiK' ili'k'ree la the id t.-riniiiatiuii or the l.-adiiiK
queaUona that afllMMd the ceuutr] fur over tlilrty
,...!-, It ta no oxaxaeratlan to *.tv that h_ UnuiKiit f..r
inlllloiiK. Tlia.u_.Ii lu- va,.* *t|..iiK Iii moat Ofl IllHIIUIMi
tiolia evi II ti. faliutl.'1*10, thoaflfe fee Waa pa-cuttar Iii hl*
SVentO i. -ntll.lt>-, aud tllouKbblaopllili.liti.il
tai.tn.) ijiie*iioiiH were t.? m,tiiy mlaefeloToao aud afebor
i-ei,i, bls liiu vta* luoli.ei i.*|i-, !-. . i.-iu|.lary and bon
llsgood lesson Belf-tauflbi and ?.-if-ii..i-i-, fea owad nll
be achlevcd aud all be possosaed tu bard itudj, bard work |
nji.l ltitelll_-nt enterprls-. It was a ?tran-e *M rra of
ITovldeure that tho mind wbleh bad beon ao aetlire nnd
vlgoroua ahould bave beeu wreelo-d ao long before death.
A noiilk virriM ha.s uf.ev sacuiikjkd.
rrtm the B_B8BB? ? "?' .
Thfl WO-Ba fcars wliich are wore iHifoilniiatHy
ol.llged to cipreaa to onr r.-.td'-rs li iv.- only t;<;.'!'.' '>
found their aald ronllrtni.tloii. Horace Oireele) >o-t r
,i,.y ?neeumbed to bia bodly and spintuul auBer
t.i-8. Tbia la moorurul totalttge-oa, wbUb. althougb
no' ut.exp?ct~d. wlll eull forlh int-re-t and eoncera
not only . vervwhere In Amerl.a, but far b.-yond tlm
DOundarteA ofthla eooatry. Ji is no ??mraon aptrlt,*no
ordiiiary beart wbleh have been broken lu tho atrnggla
atrtlnnt an oveniowering fatej It 14 not a band tBatoao
eaally I e n-plaeed. und that haa now writlen llt laa? llaes
no every-day life und labOf termliiuied un t-oayaaol
iiorin-o Oreeley elooed fOroYer. What ihis
man wits to "bls people. and what ho n'onn
lould be to them. an linpartlal ponlcrttv WOUlO
bare ac-nowl-dged under every clreuniatance, Bow,
ln the slght of hl- liler even bla c otrmpornrics mav have
found it greal aui aoble aptnt, a pore, bumanfl beat i ia
lioiinr. Tt has much erred?the beart of tbe old philoao
ph.-r; Imt it lias BlOO loved m.i. h, aml hcflee muelt
uiu.-t be foririvi'ii him. it B poaslbla tbal inn i.mt error,
10 have oouaidered liliimeif tbe mo-t aoltahle candJ
flata for the I'rcsldet.ev, was iilm hn itreatct.
Bat aaa ha aat aoTerely enough i xpiat.-u tbla
.nor. If aueh lt 44. tt, iu.l ibOOM BOI thoso ln
i.iiii do penanee, penanee In ueki loth and aabea, wboee
polaonou* darta. tboogb the. majr bava only ___?_?"
t ended io tear bla nkiu. Berertbeleaa peaetrated Into bia
ai d Into um lumoal rltah I II la Ibe fau i of tne
Aiiicrieaii |?-op C If t..-(l;iv H" "? Btand abaabed, abaahed
"before t_em_rlvea aad before forelgu natlona, ba-auaa
tbi 4 boond to death tbe beal ritiw >? witb
frl-oloaa leritr, tiK'v allowed an electlon campalgu t"
* xteml to a fleroe oonteat for propertr. life. and bonor.
ai.Ie TletJm has beea aaenlloed. wlll tboae wbo re
eently waged uu unro-ernable party eonfllet against
,-.,,., other ? \i< ii i thelr haBda ln meonelllatlon oyertne
., ! tie would gladly hopo lt, bo]
icarcolydaretobope. The Hon baa taated b.otjd.aud
Ibeeaaj ricton wbleb,i-TeralBg u well-kuowu B-puo
lloan phra e. tbe iword haa bere gatued ovet toa i ?
will 44.1.11 aaaa aa ertl a_~ n. It '??* poaalble thal we rtc
eelre ouhoItos, und tbat tbe meiancholj hentlmetita
wbleb bare been lnsplred by aaoh a mlaaion ol rteatb
t,. I..*.!,- more darhlj thaa naual iu tba future.
Beli ao. Bal to-day,aafl ai this aaavatwa h.140 oni.
p.un .m.i Mflaaaa, _
i m rv l*ar_aa- (Bi | .4>_,?.
Wliat ,-i leasoa haa the \*><>: 1.1 in tbifl nau
* 4. ni. of tin iiuit oiiiity of buman afl-lns umi wbal a
th. uu-for tboughtful rontemplatlon, ln the carrwr a*a
iiave imeilv ki,eii?he.l-'he poor i inn boy, tho (ourney
maa ptinter, tbe atruggling journalist, buoci
long and patlent toll, tbe greal edltor. polltleul ..
aml honors, untll the hlghi il pl.wltbln the glfl of bla
, ountrymen -' ? thln bia-raap. Am
the grand aaplratlona aud expectatloua of u pcaeefui anu
nnl t Ungerlng in tbe rlper yeara, to conteinplate
??nu ?,? tiu- fruliBof hla toii. -i it_ire iiu a rew shon
Ba It were, and all tbat la eartbly ol tbe rreat mau les
enl.i and Inanlmate. Bat bl. noble m ul has u ceiideil lo
.iu of God, io Imil tbal genth' apliil whlch ahired
rrowaaudJoyBaolotMb aud waa but so reeeallf
| 4lll 'I .144,14 . ,
Imimti.iii hiatory wlll wrlte Hon.Oret lay as pna ot
tbo kr.-.tt and good men "t tbe tlmaa In w_i_b be l. ? I
one ?? whoae faulU leaned to Tirtue'a slde," ind oaa to
wuoui tha aratda ?l the poel ean be Btlr appliad:
sp ? I ')
Tn ill __ "urli, 11^ 44*11 t 1BIB."
t- i /".- T.t-v ?" [9* m.) Ot a_-,
Ilistniv will vindiciic Ilr. Grec'ley'a political
* on K conatruc l n, and a*a 4-. Ill nol no
t.i,,,. ? iien tho whole uatlonmourns hladepnrturt from
the seea i of eartb, dlaenaa them. luthUe lemn hour
let putv ? '.n.t -iitiiui iiuii itrlfe ceaae. Lel allunlte,ol
wbatevi r party or ereed, m pi. iu, tbelr reap icta to thal
greal andg.t maa, who bai be n called by Ood from
Um m ... - i f earUi t.i iiiat ahadowy, mratertona land
wbich we oolrace by the eye uf falth _. great, a good
mau m g. one 44 hoee bi itory f.*r the la-*i quai ter of n
eeaturj aim n; comprlsea ti,.- hiatory of aui aountry
ior thal poii.d. Erory Amerlean citiaen baa
raaaoo to mourn tha daatfe of Boraoe i.n.
l,v; tlie lialive-boll) WililO Ulltl, I l)i catl-te I.i
44a-ar proaentai reol tbe men who cau groa npandei
republlcau lustitutious; the forelgn-born cltiiea, tn
cauae bia lymuathles alwari weal oat to thooe aholB
tm- eoiiniii 1 of tlie old world maa up agaluai anelent
44IU11L' and oppreaalon. tba ootored man, becaaao to
Horaee Qreeley, more thau la anv otbt. man ander
t..nl, li ? 0441 n li'ln fre.-iloiii; iu- it 44.;-, 44:10 -li.i.'l. Ue- |
i..| 1.1 . blowa at tbe inatttu i i o
human slavery. Of tho eventa of tbo lato campa
will not apeak. They bara paaaed lato blatory, aad wa
i,.i4e no teara of tbe Tcrdlct ol Impartial blatory oa all
tn- polltl4_l aetaof the Uloatrloaaaubjeetol tmfl brlef
umi impet fi > 1 ihi '? -
uie slw-Yoek TBIBUNB.
People who think thal Thi New-Yobb
Tnii.i sa wlll die wlth Ita fo indet forgi I ol li >*
.-!. tu.-iitn the life or n greal |ournal ls m.1.1 - up
rm Tbibokk, in tha heal ind Mttern?w of tha late eam
palgn, loal for a im.'', al h aat, manj ihou and frlcndsla
wellknosrn. Hut m.t erery.hr reflcts that Ibeaup
iiort whieh a lournal loaea for meh a oau ?? aa i al lurb a
time in _. 11. i.uiv t.i.it whlch lu the long run lt can beat
afford to lo ?". the Oesh aad me the i" ne 1 nd - lne* w *.f Iti
!?.,,. Mr. i,i ...i.i- iled TllK l Ki iti BB, imi umh r bli
wlae man.i. diih ut hlfl 1 blld tn 44 1.itron . 1 tb in Itfl
father; strong in thfl irmpatblefl andcotipei-Mon of
tnouaauds of the itrongi nt and ableat men and women -.f
tbla country, stroug la Ita arorld-wldo repul ulou aa the
Amerlean uiornln. 1 ui 1 al ? 1 aud
(.eililim-ili.iaiti .- Delillid tt. I.u. I il ill.'.lltv ull.l ? llter
ptiaa bare perhapa beaa abown in the couduct of our
other greal mornlua dalllea, bul 111 no one of tban ban
44*. . ver li.eli Bbla tO liimt an ln i Itl. Tuiltr-.K. ll BBfl B
i iiai. 11 t... whlch 1- more than we can boueatly aar of itn
.oinpetlti.r-. Aml u ls |ust oee m-e it baa eii irai ter tbal
,4i- it u,i! -ui 4 14.? all Itadiaaatera. mlatal -
i\iia4a-iei"-. aud coiiiiiuie lo repreaent moro truly
tbanan] otberJouraal tha boot pabtie a-allaaeat af UU*
eolllltl). ____________________
XI.Ill> 1 oMUiF.ss?TIURI) ?B8SI0M,
tBMAJB. ...Wa?aaoioBi Dao.4,1
On BtO-ka. <>!' Mr. 1Ia.mi.is 4 li.-p.. Ila.), Mr.
Alilholiy iK'-o.. H. I.) w.meU-ele.1 I'le-ideul of tht S.nate
ata !? m ; Ihea. mi inoiioi. of Mr. CAMDOM (-Bf.
reiiuj, taa Baa .i" a (Jouraod.
um n Of BSPBl -vsi \n\!'-.
Mt. BOOflEVELT (I'ein.. N. V.i '.tf. I'd a n-o'iitl -i in
Hfrtli tin- li 1 ?'? iiiii.iltee 1 11 UM Dbb-TM of ('?'!::
iin.eitaln uiul tepi.it tlie ***** Bl 8-8H "f the Din.
B_MlBif gii llaMlttln 11 ...i.i.i i.y ihe Beapfl at Pabtte
Woikn, und wh.it muii will l.e 1. i|uired to ____*. the OBBt
iiiuieirtafciai hy lha Beat?? Ia theoo-na-ata-lbbmbBmi
ou Uo* 8uh> 1 rt, .mi. BOOBBV_??! doelarad bla aaarala
inm tbal n.e warb aadartato a woald nol ba completed
f,.r leaa than 100^1081810. The reaolutlon wa* adoptad,
Mi. OOZ (Di 11... B. V.) oileieii 11 reaolatton U-rtructlng
the (..iiiinrt *? uu cotiiiiieri e tooxamtao ut oaea lato tbe
,,., _ns srb) nnkon wreeha ln tbe rbaaae] 4ta4 . it
M111.14 iIoob ii'iiiaiu to Uapodeaad ii_i*i 1 aarlgation.
Min. ki i__r_oua nuxa*
llilln win- Intrudu. 1 d and TtttTti i 88 followa:
Bj Mi. IIAKKIS (I)iii).. Vit.i ?Antli.iri.iiik. the Wa-li
iiiL-toii, ('im 1111,atl and Bt. Loulfl Kailroad Coiiipany ta
1 vt.'iui in road Into lha Dlotrlcl oi Columbla.
By Mr DON'MAB (Rep., Iowa.r?T_ provlfle fbr tha
-1 >.-.?< 1 v 1 onntiiii ti.m of a nhi|> aaaal of large capaeltj
arouiul the Falla of Blagara, oa Um Am. rtc iu ilde,
By M>. ARCHEB (l>em., Md.i -To Bmend tbe ati of
M., IT, 18TB, fUC Ihe aliatiiniiil .nd H'iia.4 mi nt of taxe
oi dlatilli 'l 1. 1 ta in iioiiil de-tiin 1 d i.v , ,1-11 .it 4.
Itv Mi. kkkk iiiem., imi.)--To Butboruetbe eunatruo
tioiiof a bridge aeaoaa tBa Ohio J;i4er batwaaa Vaw
AHiuiy and Lnulsvllle.
1!> Mr. H)'.4'N.-KMl (Kep., PBBB.J?TO 1-paai the ti\
oa iiaiik ebaeBfl an 1 drafl - and ordei -.
By Mr. KINKKl.NKl'Ki; (Bep., M...I l'o imifiiil the
in t ofthe Bth of June. un, ior boldiag a Ublteu
Clreull court in tiu- w. -t. rn Dintnet of Mlaaaurl.
1 b8 Hi'lln.- 1* nilllieit tlie coISMili latloll Ol the bill to pro
rlde fi*r tbe conatru1 tlon of len ateani iloopaof war.
Ar-um.-ntn were rnade ba Ueaara, KKI.1.K Y and TOWTt
rtj.M) (Kepa., r.i.i In aupport ul the b?ll au.i amendaaal
r.qulrlug flve of tbe reaaelatobe bullt iu pnvato abip
yaiil- hv ioiitri.it; aml hv llt-?? FI.A1T (KBfl., Va .
M.(.i.i:V (li* |i., I"' BB.), and IAM II i-tap., Me.), lu ?U|h
port of tue blli aud agUiuat the amendmeni. At tin rt
pfrattou of tbo moruniifl hour thb bliI weut over ull to
Tbe Iloua.' tlren, at 1:20 p. m., w.-nt luto Committee of
the Whole, Mr. HUA'KNSoN illcp., Ohio) in the ohuir,
aml ilintrlluited the l'ie-ld. ut's annual locs.naKO UUlouK
th*- approprlate Couimltteea.
Ihe i.ilfktlon Of refatl-M tha aubjeet i.f the nostttl
talegraph proTohed aoowalae-aaton, Mr. WOOD (Ii<-in.,
N. Yi pt-Teirtag to bare il marrad to a speelal <-om
mitli'. aml M-nnm. DAWB8 (Kep., Muna.) and 1IK( lv
liiiii., JCy.) farormg Ita reference to the Committee on
AppropriattonB, ll Iiuviiik l*eeu before that OBBBBBlttOC
I?nt nl-nnlull.
Mr.MIU.ACK iDetn.. Ind), 11 nieiiiiier of the Appro
prlatlo- Committee, n-giuded Ihe poatal I* e-rapu uiai
i*r im ou,. of the Kravent i_u.-sti.uis bafoce Coagreaa. lt
bad alwaya beaa w him a BtartUaa pri>|M.aitiou. and ?i
thoiik'U be waa growtng Bceaatomeut^ lt, iu< waa atill
ili.ri 1 oii.iled to lt. aud demn d to l?- elaaaed aa au <i,._i 1
ii.nt io the uu BB8-B. Wluli- he favond li-uving lha iiut
ter wlth tbe Committee on Approprlatloni Iblaaeoaton,
he would ba preparod m-it fmgiaaa t * adrocata ita rn
elelu e . Ilh.l to u 88?8 ' I omiillttee, ..." to -Olne . tulldil g
Committee who woald have mot* tuuo ut its dlapaaal
Uiau tbe (oinailtlee ou Ap|iropriutloint.
Kimtllv ihe tnatter waa nf.-rr.-d to the Cotniultteeon
lne i rnteiiiiial eelebrn tlon waa, after dlscussioii, re
fell. .1 to il l-deut Colnmillie of ume.
Tii. ( ..ii.mlttoe rose, und the Jlowe, at 3 o'clock, ad
Jotirneil ___________________
At.iuNT, Dec. 4.?-Tho Si-nato mi't at 10 a.
tn., toiluy, aud euntiuu.-d the Invi stlgutlou of tlm
aBaiflaa mVmmt -flflaa Curtls. Several witneaaea tea
tifled to tbe aonneetlon of the aet-uaed wlth the tlnn of
I'lllman, (iardiuer .V (ioodlutrt, hla reeeivlug it stuuv . f
tbelr [irotlta, aud hla partiality lu ae.ulliig tbem refer
aaaaa MBi the 8-at_aaf haftaajaraaaalaai and isn
^uage, Trlstraio Nye tentllle I tbut Judge Curtls culled
hlui " a raarul" lu o|*4'ii court. After a reeesa, Juinen H.
Whltleilge t-orrolMiiitted Ny.'a llatOBMBt, and Kai ull
O'llowd. at. iiogrupln r, leatlfled that ho hud heard Judga
Curtls eall OOBUael Uars. und h.ul aeen lum eat ou tue
b. m h aud driiik al.'umi lrno-r tln re. Au atu-uipt wita
'maile to stiow tbat Jadga Caitla hitd treated * olon-il wit
?aaaaa Baaaaaarljr. aaal la tha afaalafl C. B. Rlriaayo
ti-.tlll* d thal lu- bad heard llir .I11I1.11 tav wlnu a < olon I
v. itn--- waaealleil, " Now. i.i .14 hiilU wl_lt .hl. I'_Ui;_tU
AmunOuieul haa gut to aa/."
TIIK MlflSO.-l-l DmmBXBm,
OFFiriAI. BSrOBCf OP" TIIK ('oriiT nr INQriRT?
l'l.iNK on BO?BB_<
Wa-iiivoton', Daa. 4.?Tlio Troasnry Depart
lm* r. (i iv. (1 the ollleial report of tbc Court. of In.piiry,
held at Kaaflaa. R, I*, under the Aet of M Vi( torla, Into
t'u| li ?I of ll.e Aini rlean .'..;.iner Missourl, whieh wa*
ImriK di.ff AI.hco, O-t. 28. Tho evi.lcnee m very volu
niliinii*. eflflfll. tlnc; of the tc.tlmnny of most of the crew
aml ..liiui il sav. ii. Tbo Cofllt Und*:
Firtt: Tfeat tha flflflBOlWflfl lmrriedly put to sea, and.
jilthi.u. h tlttad wlth iii-w bollera and newly-repalreo
iiiiK himry, no trlitl took plaee lor tlio PflflflflM ?'' tehtniK
I Mr'and: Thnt tbe feltlng for the boller wu* found ita
Iie .,:licrwaiitinir..r.ief"tivo on the day Bpi-Otnted for
salllng, and, as th.-n- oaa bo Itttle doubttbat tkaOra
origlnated fVom tbe feeatina of the boUer, tt can aearoely
be queetfleoed tfeat tha WflflSflf feltini? waa imp.-riecily
' *.'_.'.,.'.- Tbal the MUaourl was not provided wlth a suf
leleul u'uinber .-f buata, aad auefe boaM aa taa ha.i were
SO.ni 'I i.- t" Le found .lllllctl.t to he loweieil.
.?,.._? Tbat oa tfee alana of Ire all wu* oonraaion,
thnt there waa no dlaelpllnl, no or_tiiiii_afli.n, or eom
biued . n ,. i to aave iif- ; thal eacb mait neteil Indepcuu
i.ntiv to aave bls own Ufi ,and tbal aoattempt waaflnflflfl
to .-i'..- the Ufe of Ihe feniale paaaenft ro.
Tn.-re wi r.- oii board U Bflflflflflflj ui wuom 10 wi rosavtd
iin-1 7-i i'1-i ,.*hed.
BBAIa M.H.*.
W A_niN<_roH, WeducMiay. Dfl* ., ifl7_.
Tbi hmmMU. anifllat I bf llfl Haatfl a__a_ilB_ra.
tion . fl-MflOO ii, pl. -ti.il their lnboM tlll* .tvei-lnif. .-ui'l Wil
report tl,i-ii rcviiod IM of tfefl commUtee .1 tO Ifefl I
ta uiorrow. Tbey were Iu MflflMB untll B Iflflfl B0M BM
BifBt, ntid ?>:'.IBfl moat ot to-day Iii tha work. A* flM
i,reiii.'i.'.i. ih.-y Alaai Bm Utflflal Bepablloaa laaatan
with Ihe Deflflflflfl it*, and miko no pw.vi-Iflflfl for tii.-ui.
learflaa aaly tta flMflflMa_7 flflflfltflfl ot plaeM vaeaafl
tt BM lu <>f oio Ao-fl-aattflM lt th- DiBMflraMi
tolii;. Tn.-y llnn refiM- lor. flflflTfl-B tlu-?ifllatl Iflflfl ot a
,;,,,! ,,.?-?. |ntbeBaaato.and foroo M irabull,
-,.i?::.i.-.-.' in/J IK etolooB to th. Demo
r?i piaeo/iiD the Cominlttees or bave none at f?
Mr. E Iniuud. la given Mr. Trumbuiri JttdleiarT Ctu
inamauip, Mr.WludoratakesMi. touUm'i plaee at tbe
beadol Coni : tr- UpeucerU aubatl
t.....i Mi. - r-iii.tn of Mlnee and Hiuiuf.,
rrbile Mr. boliuri la left off tho Fon Ign B
('..iiitnit .-.-. Therei ingeainthe pinitiona or
tbe AdminlatraUon leoators. Mr. Flana* io take* Mr
Btowart's old plaee at the bead ol the Faoiflc Bailroad
i omiutrtee, and Mr. Pratl a>ta ibe leoond plaee ou tbe
JudJciary. ine report wlll nodouht be adopted by tue
raucus, i'o-iii >frow,and tbe ttouale wiu go through wa
foriii i.f eli .i.u.- the Oommltteoe, oa Tharsd iy. ?
tfefl QradH Mi.'.ilier OOOfl-t?4 will tni.-t tn-morrow,
aml Ifefl llt.t QflCfl?flfl llkatly to fllMt 1* whetin i Ih
liiYe.ti.at.oii i-liull be eon Iflfltfll Wttfe
IflflM or i?BBWB Bflflfl to to tlio public. l'berc
lakaoiraM Iui ? flliftri bm fll aalfl-flfliflioaflftta mma
tbeCommitteeon IMfl potafcflooao arguing tbal
uotlung but tbe fulluat pubil Uy wlll aatlsfi tue public
tbut tbe < ..n.'.iiT' - - la dotmrlta work falrlj and thor
ou_.hly__.nd otberi niaintalntng tbal it would beunjust
to l.i tin- uev_>p_iiers -it. .ul ibr iad i _ideu< eapu I
i:ni.ui.:iii: to I OonaTaai wfelefe lUBeoqfloai
te. liiiiuny may eootradlol or .-ipi.iiu.
Ih*axpeefl dat?i h apefl He is.aidof I'uiiiio Worta
of t:.,- D-stiiefl of Coiuimu.i flflafeosaa. la?Vi aj Mr.
BoasareltiB ?ol radareeolut-onM Ifee n..u...) Ilreet
lagthfl l eo-altteaoo (heDifltrlet lo Baffl-tala and report
tfee b-BoobI ... imi" .t"ii" M flfld IMMUt-flfl tio- Bflflfd fea i
II -ui;. ,1, uii i the mm tfeat wlll bfl rfldjalrfl-l ta eoflflplotfl
tin- work u taa ondertat ia. Mr. BooobtbH lald tfeat, ln
violatioii of tfefl oi..ihic aet creatinif tlie Difltriet
l.ovcriiiii. n?. whieb provided tliat thfl
,,? tba 1> Mofl -tmul.l fll flfl timo
jiD ooo.ooo. tfea Beard Bal laoarrel Ual
amouaUnfl ta mtjtbjttt. Kr? Btai?woatBar, Chalrman
ol ihe Ulatrlct i .liu.iii':. e, oppoaed toe reaolution wlill
the von wi ill arirumenl thal tbedebt could benscer
taiued ii. aui im :v iioiii offlctal reporta, whlle tbe oost ol
, uuiplcUnu tbe liuprovemoui i la .uu _. the Board
. .??, i. a-certained wltboni pnttlng tb ?
mittee to a ???:?? al deal ol trvpblf. He trled feard lo Bave
tn. rosoluti.U siuo'iicr.'.l by a M___MBM to feifl ( )l?
mittee, and (leclared that tbero waa notbltut to inveatl
ii. | , .- , -.. , .... tfee Ho .- ? wlth blm. Tm
i i, ,,-u, ,,:?, i illcd for by Mr. Booeovelt was so mauifestly
Kucn .i- ii. Uous ougbl to have, tbat Mr. 8ta
ti.ei',4 motl :. to refei wu ? ri ted down bj V> >?>, U . vr. -,
roll. Tne raaoluUon waa then adop ed.
?..!., f .'. ?'! )..:--. ,1, .1.1. ? tlUS tiie < -.llillill
to iiii|ui.-e wiu ? niiukeii wreek wae
bI1ow< .11.atrucl the c-iunueJ at landj Hootr, The inii
,,,,;:.,. tbecou ,i ih :i'.ii ol len iteam aloopa ol vi.u
up ,?-,,,ti and ... i ii;.. .1 tbe mornlna huu-. lat
,i,-i, it. \. udered away from Ihe maln question
,,; \ ... th , t..- v. ?-?I* ou..i. to be i inii "i- not,
:m | ?? is . nll ed lo Mr. Huio'a amendmi nl pr ??
ti ,u ttve Mi.i.i h e.iii-ti-iii-teii in prlrate yarda. Mr. ii.
,,, ,,, .. itlon of rn reiatlve obt ipaess and i a
,t wurkdonetn tue nary-yards audlu prl. iie
e.i;i lii~l..ii* lu favor of tbe I.il
u>t. ii ? ? ii-i ii"' u.i iu- _i ..t powera of Kurope,
l;,. ,u li...l tbelr la-st ahlps budl by private entcrpriae.
?I,,,,, i,.i uctlonnl i.-.e ,.i iin- propoeed reaaeli lo tha
LKiveiumtul rarda. aud of tho (otBerflve by promiueul
uldlng tiitti-, uudei the aupervlaion of n ral
., w utd.be tbougli , enable tne Uoverameul to
,i,.,. ,t. tin .ot .tion. Mr. Ki llej alao lavored Mr. n
iiie..l u.. a Ui. Hla . en, ,,lll.!_;.,,_,- t I..4 ..I, I p-l.llllil
liifindu.try. Mr. Beoleld, repreaentiuR ln (bls tbe news
ol tin- > .v> D parnuenr, preferred tu..t ..ll tba tea vee
, \m ...,,,,..",., ,,,i .: iii i.i. ii.iv. -y.u-.ii4. .-oui.- furtber de
mi.- followed. and tbe boor ezpired wltboul avota. It
ls rix.ii.i,'ilaaalmoet eertaln t?M tho biil wlll peas la
-,,ui,--imi -. Tueiuemben Uo haveconstitueutaluter
cstudlna i ' uldinirare ? well aattafled tbat It wiU go
torouflb ma: tfee) an taaklag greal r__orts to
_i_-. | r. Qale's fn- in. -i-i Incorporatad lu
it. Ti_e lotert l of tne Hoom tfl tfla
ect, tbough atlll mtber _au_u_d, lsevi4entlj Inoreaa ig
'iin-ilav'- leaaion clo idwith tbe Bdoptlonof tbecua
lomary rc_oluUun apportlonuifl tbe Pn nlden 'aM
amougtbe leveral t!.mltteea,and anewHeleei Com
.,i fleveawaeord red ajwa aomaehol themes.
. atestotbe centennuu c ebratton, Mr. M i\
.utlmeutal propueltion to uav.- tbe <_ommitta-e
. :-i lui.i 1-. of- If.ii.i eaeli of t lu'ol'i-'iuui 11
, ? , .;..,.-? . ... i- ? tol telegrapbi oame la foi
,., .. mHiute'sdlscusaloa iu < oooectloa wlth a n
suiiject ,o ii"- ApprupriaUons Comuyttee. Mr.
Mblack remarked that altuoUKb oppoaed ttftae poatal
i. le.rapb pruject he did not doubt tbal tb re waa .1
giowiug M-i.iiineiit iu favor of tue Uovernmanl lut.-r
terlug m aoniewflj w.ti. tin: teleaxaph oomp__ea.for
tm- benefll ol the p. apla,
Mr. Ilirrv I.oit, Whfl flflfl tho CflfltOM buu-"- ciitididate
tiBBi ln tfea TTtb DUtrlel of l_owta_aBa to uiia
vai-.imv wlii.li lius BlIMod for a year pa-t, feflfl arih.-.l
In tl.e eitv. and Hfl OIBllOBttall were pMOBfllBltfl tlu
ii.iii-e, to .im. if lu- im* aay vaiiii alalm M IBfl N B_ I
1, in aa ui.r.n?lii.ut.- ti\. HB i.itnpi-utor, Mr. Boramau,
gotada) tbeatart of Itnu.aad va.... yeaten?_) aworn ln
on u V. u.ii ie in (iiu- foiiu algned by i;..v.
v.iiru.i ii. im.....ir objactinur. -Mi Iflfll Mr. i.ott
i-,,!i ii-. i?.va i* to |fl i.i-r.i... tha (oin
nitttee on Electloua, and makfl a eonteat, i.nt the
.-...-.?,,.111 will, iu all i.ia.ia_iii: 11v, explre baftara tbe
Committee cau explorj tba teiiii.le muddle
i,t L ui. ..ii-i i'": ' - Ij1 tO - .'. fV t.i--in
?elvi - ea ,.? who 1 t.i.rly . iiiitie.1 t<> the sest. Mr. Lotfl
imnut aawell to home aud mve bimaell tba expeom
aud trouble of a coniest. ll ?? credentu?1 ar oi a terj
uuaatiafa tory ehuracter. Tbey coualst ofaeertll aie
ilguud by J.. J. ii.ii..11,leerctary of Itateb that hfl waa
iiuii cUcieil, aud a ii. .'.nu ml ngued bv Joim l_yneh,
I. J. Herron, Jamei Lonifatreet, aad jacob Hawiuaa,
vviio eompoae wbal la Buow aa tfee Coatom
Hci % Board. Cbese gentlemen cerUfy lhai
Lott'a niij.ii.i.v waa I, ?? . na eatimated from ofli.-i.il
hiat.-iiieiii-. 111..1I i uy r _>. bttpurvisora >>f I__ectionfl. and
from otber evldeuce on lle ia Um Clerh'e Offlos of the
D. I. Cireult Court. Tho meaben ol thia Betoroina
Board spiiear to poaaeaa a sarprlelu*. kna.-k ai Iguree lo
lo caUmaia a tuBjuritv wlth auch exactiu -. In
nal 1.,nal polltlOS Mr, Lotl 11.111 Ailuiui atrat lull UMfl. Bfll
Mr. i- t.tii.iii i_ a Llberal Bepublto >a, aml w.im supporied
by Um fa.-i.'ii ol aii i-.i'iii.iii. oppoood tu the Cuatom*
ll.1U.4e faetloll.
Tho uteaiuiioat hlll, wlmli BBfl liuujr up ln tho QflflB r
Aaoe Comiiilttt-e at tlie Ia.*t MBBtOa, will he __fl_Oflg thfl
earll.-at of thnt fllflM of IflflMflfllflfl to come ui> Bflfl Bfl I
ent Winti-r. It wi'.l not l.e r.aih.-il, however. until after
the holi.tav *. A d.-li'i_.ttiou of flfeMMMBflfll men (r.iiu tin
pl'imlp.il We. tern river a - i 11. ? -, ha* intolined l,eii. Ne_-lv,
who haa cbarge of tba luii. that they wiii
i.t- ou hare m a few tuyt te look attaa
thi* matter. Tin* delegaUou wa* appMuted
at tfee Iaal mcotlafl ol tfee Bteamlwai Aaaocl itlon lor the
parpoeo of urgina upon COagreoa tha neoeeelti <>f paea
III ____- tbe proeeutblll. Mueh of tfee oppoalUon tothB bill
will M vaiihilravvn in view of the facl that luanv of the
ct< iiiiiiiouil Ua. u have airta.lv li.eii |.ut to Ihe i-_.pcii.ae of
forecloatngtbe patent appllaneei lor whieh pi.-puration
vaa-. lu.i.le ttnrein. Tfea Trt-aaurv DlBal l_aeut. BoweVT.
wlll have many ameudmeats and -1- loua u> sabmlt
for the lmproveiueut of tbe btu before n .au bacflflw a
Becretary Houtwell, Coi;iml**!oner DflflflMfl, ex-4'.un
mtaaloner KoUina, und (.upervuaor I'ultou cf Huitliuore
vtere IflfflN tbe Way* und Mean* ('.uiiiuitlie, tfl Iflfl/, flfl*
nflalfliflfljtfefl BflII tf ohallflti UM oiiico of flMaeeooraf lu
ta-lUltl HB. 1 11 ie. thla inea'_Ulo lil.-et* Wltll hil.h tlllillll
iiniii* ii|.pi'..tHl tbat :t* < .1 .i-ttiieut Into law durlUK Uie
preaent aeaaiou may nu rt-Karded as uvuired.
The 1'rnNliUnt will, 011 Tburday.Seud to tho Henato the
uaiue of Jud_;o War.l Huutof l lua, N. Y., t? (tli tlu
vacaucy ou tbe MBJflflflM Heiicti caused by the r.-tiroment
of Judge |_.t-l_ott. This uppoLntueiit has ncrcly pus
xled I'oth the politlclaus and lawyer*. Tin
utronu reeoiuiiiu-iidatloii wblch It ws* UUd.T
?tood tho Altori.e) lieufral bad Klveu t..
Holnltor-Uenrral Urlntow led to the I .-In-r tbal
tbe plaee WOUld l.e oSBffld blm. tui'l iitnoliK tn,III)
other tiiiiin* meattoued ln ooaaei Uoa with tim
p.islllon Ju.Iki- lluul _ iu ver ItKilieil 1 ue Jillae eauii t
besaldttu poaetae a oaUoaal reputaUon, nnd thi* 1.*
probably tbe reason way hi* aoletUon eraatefl n.. mueh
siirprise. ll ls not alie__eil i.y any oue that be Is uot
enlliely iitiil.et.nt I,i llll the etlKe. ThO tuirent H
plenation of bia appolntmenl ta thal itwaaauda al tin
11 i|iu at of ...ii.tor 1 ..iikliiik, wliuw pcr.oual fileud ihe
Judgo ls .-.ud lo be.
Mr. I'amcrou k pented to-day bll perfonuauoe of yei
Iflflfl?/, und uiu.le Bflflflfl to a.lluurn tfefl Nflfltfl I .<f.>rc Ifefl
cierk ha 1 fairly fltiMied the tttJuUU, fll tlie Juirnil. Hy
thus -Uipemlag wlth a aculoa to day, he demoustrateii,
to everybody's satisfaetlon tha', when l.e prerenied Mr.
Fenten ttot* ..ffeilnu hl. niotion rraterday to a<M' nrt,
over untll Tburadar, he <iid no witb no purix.M- of f.n dl
tutlliB the traiiHaetuil of bOBlBBBB, I'Uf sol.-ljr to <1( lil.Ta
Mr. Militim r and Mr. Kmton of th* opnortanlty to - ?
few wordaaf tribute to the memory <*f Borau '.
whieh be knew tbey dosned lo ol.i uu.
MAJTBBa BIOBTTb?BBATOB nt MM-.i. s !__?*
pOBBBB-t r^R'M DBsPflT-fl I
The rorurolKtloni r of lutcrnal R~venu?\ Mr. DeafltaflBi
wlth the ex-Comuilsslmier, Mr. Bolllaa, Baperrlai rt K il
toii, Totteu, and others, a|>_*eared thi. ????>-_ bafOOB
l_0.fl.a_.und B-BMB t'ouimlttee, wannly preaaBMJ Ba]
new bill of tho Commlaaloiier for the aoolitlon of tna
whole system of us.n.-ssors and u nlntin' * ??
lmponlnc the dutu " "t I,.
deputy rollectors. Ton Peeretary of l
lioiiiweii, waa alao preeen on ti,.- aai a
Indlcatloaa are that the bill In auliatanoewil ? '.
by iha Coas__ttae. aafl wlll ao paaa layl B
Attorney-llencral Wtili ?BB I. ? : d< ? ? M I. Ifl mi' 888 t?
t eoinniiiniratiou from thfl I'm'uu. .!? r-(,ei?-i.il. 1'iat
rofltO-? " b-bV ? lal.aai thi i' opi n . t
ti rn or otlier matter trati-mllt' d th...0
IBowgh fBay bmtt taatr thal tt*rf***tata al
ter. Ill' AttoriUV OBOI I
no B-ora aotbotity t.i oiiin un ?
lto tbemselvea, t....:i .-.tiy otber clttteai
liiited Btalt' s.
Henator buiiuii i
pf bBi eomplaliil, . B
lil(.ht. Ilm f:
truin aii ata Baoatorta labagfl, bat bt
day Bl f li*- OpB-d-fl of thfl flOBOlOOk
QflW. Caokfl aafl tBa aiaflahflfs ?f tfea Board of P
Worka of t_ta Dta??d a? H i aav
?BMaa on AppropnatWfl reforenee ta
b.-liig rcluiliur-ed for expenduuies ?
lha Bhr-ata atAat oal lo Qe? ttam " *
tne' ( oandttafl af lha Baaaa ? al a B
,.., i ? iwiiii.ii) natara ..i'i extaatal tha
Impron tm lata aaaata.
BottM haa been n-eeiv.d at tho [_f-BBfl088 B I
bo iu the Ofl veriiin.ni of tha Dofldalofl af I
BB-tght wblta Ughl a* ea;
Itaood oflOandyB aah Mal at th- ?
Baahaa. rteilaoaaf Qanhi
formeilv-.xliililte.l. Tm- wM ? lltrlit will B_fl_
ai.ove tm-1.'11.i.e irou. tii" iu . i "f i ba ahip
,11 Of J.-I feet i'i 111 ?
Wlae made u. ;
i),. ,. h of 0 ltB-08 Uil.
Then- are aeverai ca-.-n on tln- ealeii 1 ir of Ihe f
Comt of t.ii-i Dtatrtat,
tiio i.'.nta.irant law lu nfaal-fl t" ?
p. ople. BoflM cf tIj- rn -A.
rionserfuenee of the alchnfl
oaana. they were pu-i].-i aatll to ?arraflr.
i.i.i ( - | BO BAXKfl.
'nv rB-B-BAra ro raa raiai .??? |
I.iTn.K Boi k, Dee, 4.-J to G r, U>
4*8, i-Mied eoaaailaaBOBa to ttaa Oraot - a*ro~i
WM i"! ''.iii4.in-.ed i.util y.-Hterd.ty Bad I
Qraaht..;. i im-, _aa_-__ that t. bj badrt eetrafl a larga
muj. iit> of tha vre eaat, bm l I
tiov.-ri.or that they had knowled. ttttt lha |
,'inmuini'. inent of the r. n-ilt of f
I.y tiu- j-flflM and clerksof tho s. vral | ?
llu? ] nblie Hiiiioiincemint flf returniii- Bl
Boraaal eaaatJoaef tha tlata, mtdm tt tha ttata al
in* and caiiva->)nK Ihe nauu- ia t'j'ir n -:
. _] t.., v 44.T*-1: Btaal byotarflB m *b*Jt*t
*!* niaii'l'-d to know thflIBflBlttt thflflB?TBB8 ?Bfl- bf
the QoTeraoe. ta i r aald tha b
? tha afl lal retaiaa made to his Daa tt
ni. nt of t-.t.i i ie Uon, thfl Oraot aleoton wflra
elected, Bo me of tbfl opi
to gai rui4 itatemi otol tbe */ote eaat i tothe
6r-0fflce. Upon 4411 u tl
nlealitlea, whole t??wnshlpa aud counties bavi
thtownout wiure ti e ma hirgo for (
eleetora. Tne Ureeley <-le.-tors. ragarding the vt.'io.o
citnvaaa aa m ide by iheO ivern r fra iduh nt, :.?? I
?i i.i. ist tbe v.ito for Ilrown ior IT-Mdeut und _au_s for
AlYAFOUSj Dec. 4*?Thfl Klcet. r-.il Colleffl
met at .-iooii to-.!ay ui tba < .,.'*?'.. ?l.t__t
waa ahoaaa I ? ? ; ? aaajaaajfliaa- ai*
dford, one of th I
nominated Thomaa a. I - of ludia
Pn -i ..-i.i. aml be i ta "f the
Ati.anta, Dee. 4.?iiic Bieetacal v?.
Oaora ' ? ? ?
Pn ild iat, 11. Gi ... Browa, C; ii
i r V ? i
Browu " i . H. Colqalt of Oeorgla,8; (.<
liauks of Ma aaehBfl
N\-(iivii t ?, Daa. I. -. tta K! ctt al C
met, io d .\, aafl aaal thi retca af 1 i Haaa
o. n ks ol i.'.ii..... toa rre ldetii, aafl B. Bf tta Bbowb for
Vlce-Prt ui.'i.t.
Coi.cmim's Dee. L?Thfl Ohio P
i;.i e; ra bbb! al I o'< lo k ti i- m ;
Lea Pn i_taat aad thel lartl >? a
Committee oa KUaaflo aod < om\ R
44.in appolnt d, eoi ilstlng of 1
Slitnii k. r. m. --? Do
l i.i prepare the necesaar* i"-!i booka
. ii. tiroavi uoi wa-.- :? ,-t. d to rarry
the returna to tho Pn sld< nl oi the . '. n.
J.i-hu.i ll. Batea lo earryauotberI
Jud.e ;it Cli ?'" were
irani aad w
I -.1)1 4\ \.
ISM.W.U"! . . Dl '? . I. 1 !.( I
lon f ?? '- ?ud
M \V-II\Mrsi!.
C?)N(?iiuii, Dec. 4.?TflJfl BOBI- ti 1 ',i\
at tiu I ..'- baaaa ta-day aad tt
4..V tm Pn atdi nt a "i ITee-l - taal
lots. The raaotawaao aaaataaaaa ?afla Iat Hr* att
Wllaon. Af it pflBBOllBB tha 1*4 ????'. hy
law, Capt, Oao. *t Eatnl n oh
.'., :,krr to carry to B'aahington tha reault .-i tuo
BostoVi l>t'<'. 4*?'Thfl -loetoral Cettaga af
? :.i-.!.iv, i.n'i, . r tha aaa
i, e.mt a BBB??BOOa vote for
\v i, n. ..
Pi'.i.viDENCK, Dee. 4.?The PresideBtfal ale*>
torn ii et a! Bftatol Ihl8 Bftifl.B, B_d 1 -I ti 40to Of
ti.. n ita foi Orai I aad B_?w, parfloa w. Btofi
choaou piBflaeagBB.
? ??; * iici r.
IIaktfciio, I )(?<-. i?-Thfl I a_4 Prefll
iaittnl otooto-B nml beee taflajraadi
t,.t (ii.u.i ...i i Nftla .n. :.- -\- I_ok i
,.,. : a. .1 ,,.? aeiig ;? to court > a ?. rtifie I
utei to araaalagtoa.
Ai.iiwy, Dee. d-*?The Bleetora1 Colleffl ifl"
. Bi m , aai . ' ? . : -t - ..t
by hniiot, whea lt araafflBBfl flhat 1
ei-.eii all of th ? BJ v !? \4.:el.:\i. li _a_t-08
;ii, .in-i ii. :i! v am .ii
Tr. * 14 d Oll . -?' !'"> to
.oiiv... i IheCollece were then appolnt"
-ton, I':-. .1. i . of .MuiuiM. ; to tho l>ia
ti'it-t Jadjte ol BufCalo, B. ll. PbIbmb o.' st. Lawrem-..
m.u -.ii aai v.
Titi-.M.-N, Dee. _.?Taai I*VeaManl1>l elfletota
im t U> dai. aud iam BiM raB - tm l ? B Ol?M '"!' Pl-aa"
_Bat,a_d ataa ?oti i mt Hearj IHtaao fot Vtaa Preal loal
of tbeVnlttd Btatea, and appolnted \Tllliam < . aa
I. .. r to earry lha raaaM la Wtaamtgb
i-i BBBffl fa-BIA.
Piiii.ADKi.i'uiA. Dee. 4.?Thfl BeetaiBl CbI'
h-p. ef i*i -i-m\ iviiii't im ' al i'.ini-i.iir- to-da) aadcaat
ihe 29 vou.. oi lha Btatea tt r Uaaai and wiinou.
f UBBIBlAi ?
Kk iimomi, Il.i. 4.?Tin- l'loitjen'i .1 eltitoW
nu t lu tbe BBBB'I..IUU14 to ,lav, und Bli BBBB Bl
me fu.l .1.-itor.il vote of the SUto 44_a i a.t for t.'ratit
anil Wltaaa. Dr. w. u. i>oit_i_.s st. ?
t.. OOUTOJ the vote to B/aehiBglOO
Pnimrutioiie Ior tha PhllalBBBB PBBs-BBb
are rl/fl Ib laraitno.
Tlio Hanli.ii r.iinilv haaboea ff^f^ :,t the
Poltaa li. ix. i., Parla, at yl/m a uiunili.
Mra, Ct-Utfraa has apponrctl, wiih much suc
?i4, at the Callforulu I'lieuter, Hau .t-iielmoo.
Uf. T. A. H.alv. who h;ni Ih*i*ii BflflBtflBflBB
with tlm nta_( Ioi ... .. ar-, dled Un-l). lu LlverutKil.
Mi-w olivi* [aajaiVa pUjf ?>t " 8___" hl Bf he
produoodai Woofl'afhaatrr,< _wtaaadt, Ihtaev aiaf.
Mr. .1. .l.-O'SitUivaii. au Lriflh cotm-iliBfl ,)f
loeal lej'Uti'.dleil Ut.lv, iu Maliilu nter.Eu.Uud, B| ?
Mt. K. L, DaTeaport has rae-nHj^aotai
'. >r_-irii..?, -alth BOOoaaa, ?t the fheaiuut-at. Ti.e-i?r.
Maatflff Parej Roeelle lia_ roturuetl to Cre"
lii.Uin. aaa, a_w_raat|y, tan -ff ha__| ? youmnu
Mr. Map'tiiglo of Booth'* Theatar h_~ l>">
Bhaaafl hrom ttr. Wutt* PaliljM ihe rtitht. for Amn u ;? '^
L.t l.4/ _i_u.* BuUktad " *_iB_ ii_f"__* ^? - w "??"*
-orou--. or, TUroe Ph-saa ?I - I-f??

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