OCR Interpretation

New-York tribune. [volume] (New York [N.Y.]) 1866-1924, December 05, 1872, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030214/1872-12-05/ed-1/seq-4/

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MF1*- --?-*
\ acrnt-nls, at.., Cbta C-cmr.r..
t . ,,,; i ? ... it." Hbb
Brii-.rauo J. 44. 44 *_? 1.
Futii Avfm-i Tiiikrif. "Merry^iveaofWint
?. - IM*. l.?.eu,?.t ..ad __8_84.88__ ? t ?>"*""?
G__jk_pOi-_uHoD?*t R iii'd-ek. Mra.
Ni8-0*8 Q-B1 lt. " I- ' ' "::'! l-8-*.
Oltmi-C ' ' '"'V(1::l
T a bbm .. i Bsfi) Baal t
i SI,.s - "Ai'iira. B-BB
BCt-arl aafl 0.1 ... I.
B.A. Botiiio. __
Hn;* I
?r?r ?r,-J*4.
J_jfES'? ' .. ....: ._ i I
ba ?-? n
>n nnr*. _L_u I B. la-tta aad 1 ? K
B_BMIB_ fl
Br.J _-bbTb__*x_b. Baa l-aaeiaea Mm-n l- g
imctB -\'cii:r?
I.i" tCB.
Th* m a a ? ' ? ? "'
_rr___ ...
, ? r?t. we 8M f>""?i la M. 1*1-1 B_ r^ BBBB rate. u. H
tbe Taatrir. ? 1 ri anu BOMBBBt I ? 4-:. * OaaUWBt nf Part- I
M ,,. . |8M BMB ??r-'. ttntotbrl. I
tb.B o-n-'of tb. ' aa mmn bmmmy fl
tmmmttt q_t?Mr?o)8.|?_h.. I-BBBB BM a-M BBB Bl |
_nh u~-u kroiarj eioo ?f tiabn.t/. laaal l?r. *r ihtn I
1 " * I
, ? i rttet ial oBccrttlo .: .j
? itb b n.aooal.i. 1
, , . , - ,, io ke tb.- r_?.. IBB il tSV mtf ?i ?t BM I
| _| Ikna 8_- B m -. ?4l. Ita prfrainu.. I.ate fl
BflM-BB ralite ta.el.," aaditi I
ii e4.aii t -_a
" To Inm ~oh .?We are aelling aal par moI
jiLtiid tockMf-l isTr- I Ba IBJBfl S.-ttn g
????] Co. Specitl alU-D
H,, _, . s tr UuB.ll rrtt, iu
? M tbe K.td, ltl ejuip
_*__,,. - tl.ut f*ri..ld hatere
p aaBB Tbe _rar.t arert. e? a'ojul .1.000 aores per milt
Jat CoeBB lt Oa.
"" t , .: >, \.!ni BM sufTt r
|r_ fr0r .4, lloar-araa, Ku.-e Th-oil. _c. tbould tr.
IIah *n" Hai.f Man.
? flria, boae. or
... at _l.\l__M?
VITA1 i'"'i: llOVf Wi-imi ar-D HOW
I >.. t \i itn
- g .: . Sc* 4. ,,
' M .] -, i- ;\ : I "M-s, Syni; I ?
. ? r-nta, Addrsa,
|>r. B. I . , i . _
Ut.;, ;, ., , < t iu the world.
~ ?? It...-.-' i.?.!.-'"?a W.tt,: >],...-. foi Geotle
" Di:. ;?*. i ' iteal Awu aud
I.B?4 . 13 U.--J*. at , Ba
I'?n -. '. ?
? 4 '
\ _. ... ..i __b_u i
AtlrertiBinc Rat 08.
jiAn * " Ha*.
i. ?, 4., i) i . Tm . t?-i liae.
Vk>.t.4. ,?..,-.?:. n. . , pt-1 i.ii..
Tenas. BBB. iu aii._-.ice.
Addraaa 'l bb Tbi
__n w> ?-.-, Tanstnra v.iii be readi
i . . . i. fur BIBllillg 1
* ] iaa ar' ni fla-kaei
oo rkci-iiui t ut tba B?-Me. tbaa?-taaa B**t_e_-a warka.
a.r _ An. tl.* r iimuila-wu <?! ' l'O la upprr
juii.i. Left iu lha I
u_h>o a ilisso.uti .u of ih iti.
Tlie I.lhorril e't
Jud_e Curtls ls ln pto_re?s at Wit.-hmgfon.
Tbe rem.iin.n .f II r a.-;?) tatW-T-d ln
(irpemtoiHi ufter tutbjt*ta Dr. ' bajria'aCBai?
S'he Ualoa Leaa-fl i ad ? roeep?oa to 11
j. ii \4 ikbaraa, - Osild, i_i. I_B_ n-J- l- :
l_Ol_tt( I, ...
Presidriit Gr.mt did :i praicfiil thinjr. la<t
niK'lit. i" deeli ling to attaad ai-Q-ajlioa' ?yea
ln houor of bia 1"--; liirml? afu-r thfl inourn
fal litoa oi Ih* da/. AJtex tka fiiifi.il pro*
f'.vniiiii, ha ? h tha ereaiaB tttin bac-k ta
Tban arere tboaaaada of peraoaal frienda of
Ilr. Giaelej wba, aftct ull thfl B-oat f*
4-Xprtions of thfl ilimcli iiml other commit: tf -.
\?t-r?- uiiablf, ti-.*. rd.iy, to g.un adiuisnjon ta
lha funtTiil Bflttleaa. Ii the flharoh had h?-*-ii
ti*n tiaaeaaa I bobj H aroald not hawe hold them
all. The ti-.kcts were Kimjily aahaaatad hofore
a tithc c' -.4h(iit- daiaaa eTaiyhodj
? . i could be reacbod; nnd aa-O?Bthoai
thus exaloded thara aifiaj BoeeaaarQj bm bj
caaaa oi prffaliar harfahip.
Pohapa tha C-W-okefl Indhuw bat- bobm
qiiaiut idi-a ol tereagfl in tlicir projiosition to
liaui-h all %v.. i r?? BBOB fiom llnir nation. It
\T<*iil(l l>c iitraiii,'<., indced, it tlnn should be B'
c-ivili/4.1 [adiaa tribaa rot-jra Ioi wron^s and
opprciaaion t_a_fl lo tbeai in their daya ol
B-ldBOaa. 13iit the Bteaa-W is a violrnt one;
it doBB not BBBfla 1" Bfl d? niatidi-d by the cir
t-iiin?iaiit-<-s ; and tlie b.st thing thal BBB hap
? Kilil ba tor tl.<- _____ to v. to il. Ilan
hbairnl of aaj race or eolof i.H out of taahiou
in this Kejitiblii'. _
The BoauM af Bc^f-flentalirefl made, jaatei**
day, a food be.-innni'. iriththaaUegad eitmv
8.ance of lha Diatrict of Columbia gov
*t-rniu< nt. Mr. liooat vt.lt _ re_olutiou of
ItKiuiiy is einiply directed to th
fi.iiiit whetber the Board af Works hata
. dad tho powan graated them by the or
ajaflue at i. Tha eraaloo thal offldal raporta
a ..44 the dfl-BfB of thfl BflflB- did nol, fortu
i ttrly Bt-flj BBM know bitu-r thaa thfl riicui
?.M-rs t/ifit otln ial l-J~ rtl are not alwajl COU
daaiTfl fvo'.t ii. c
E-tttaBaaaa aeeai to i>e panlnil by the nomi
iiBtiou of Jiidf-'o Ward Uiint to lil) the va? ant-j
BHBifl by tlie ietireimnt af Mr. Jusii.e Nfl-fOB
froni the .Siijiieme Iknth. Mr, Jlunt i_ only
knosfii ai* a Bb-B-bfli of the C'oniniisson of Aji
]>i*al? iu t!:iis Btate Thal ha ll an hon-tf t iti
rtu may be taken for prrunted ; but that he
ahould be Bfllaatad la - -11 ko hlfl aml difBisafxi
a placr; tm a *seat on the Supreme BflBeh miiy
?weH Rurji; i Mian politiciaxis, who iiu\4,
for the fiiat tiim-, heur hie name. Iit i.n, a
towusuiau, hosvuvtr, af Se:iator Coaklin^'.
T_ero are atormy timeg ihflB- for Fraiu
and M. Thit-ii*. A majority of the Cominittee
of Thirty, aj-poiiittd to dratt mmtttittt of law
_BJP--a-_f the relatioMH of Kxeoutive and
Legislat ure, aro MflBBIs-iaata. To be eure, then
are _ome of thfl MflW Bha B'Jpport the
rrenident, but tht tmmttttot ure that the Com
_iitt.e of Thiriy will BOl ph-a.se M. Thiern.
Certajnly they will imi jl . thfl Asm-mbly;
?ml theie ia wiro to Ik- ,i |tf-dif~W|B tBawll
liver their report. A pc wolawn of
the A.sBOlubly looma up BOW a? an BVajaal
qtite-tiou. The Kight inri.<t on the i
<?f the As?ef'ib!y. wh!!<? tho Lefi
?..ii.id that it ab -0 bi i n'vid tod
? .'_ wdcitil. \V__t-VU uiuy hi> I-.
r-1-,.* .*-_!- --__!.__- I ? i.i.--- _,
modiata laaoll or Ih* dispr.te ba la tln*!
IVt-midcntV rel.'.tions to the Ai.v.-tiib'.y, ___aT
otlier qaeetioa of dissolulion is likely BOM t<?
baeoaaa p.-.ii.nuMinl..
A Btrikfl of wor'iineu in the Londoii fBfl
4ioiks B-OWB how roniiib-tely many gTflat Ib
, , a ircal city are Qolte nl Uie mei.-y
Of n ninch* br.tni'h of bib,.r. Lmidtm Bl Bl
t\..v].v. ? no far. probablyiBfl it mriybcjj
4 illaminatod by baattty ImjnoTi-ed '
meana. Wbao wc rcmfliabai the
i in wbich a Bflflfckn <>f tkifl city fonnd
Mniler Kimilar circumstanc. s last Chnsl
BMfl. ive ran gBflfll at th'* disiuay. iip;nvhi n
sioti, inconvi'iiicnc:', and lo s whicli BOCh BJ
..ui impliee. The ntiikers may be "a|
blfl folk." BBi Ihcy have amply l_l-M~d
,ty ilieir Eaaoied flTonga.
Qoitod Stat-fl s.-ii.i!i', thnii-.:h in tbeorj
orratire and diffaifled body, has Boverl
Bhoim ihe Piiciosity ud -nu-racai oi tba|
in,ue utenpered Houafl. So w? Bflflw not bfl
jed that the BapnbBeaa oaaeoa
Holly dct.-nnincd aa t<> rflorgaai-fl the
Standiag Comraitl tea thai Liban~ Bepablieana
will be dispk-ccd bf thoflfl who havo a mota
orthodo- raoord i? the eaaeaa rBoaaa. Thfl
*hde proceodiog. aad esprcially Um naaaer
4vill rii.-appoint many who have c\p<-cled
:i l.io.i'ler vicw of thfl Celd of h-i:l-iiv duty
nnd l.spoii-'ibiliiy than the Bcoate haa _eoa Hi
i.e. Bat tboae d-Btppointed arill be
found so'.ly oiit.-iilc tlie BflMtC. not BB-OBf
Itfl mea _
i r -talefl whieh gave ptBjahS m rjoritiefl
for the l.ibiral caadidatca fox Presidentand
\ice-rn-s:di-nt havo. reported their elctoial
voti . The rcailt will 6carccly fuinish
any precedent, though it came from Bl l n
tially rtpublican i)ioi'ccdin,_H. Georgia, for
?c, divided its clcvcn TOtflfl foi PtttU
dent BtttOOg thiefl nainci, aud its TOtfl for
\ iie-lVsidcnt in like maniier. Maiyliml and
Tcmi'ss.-e thrc.w all their TOflflfl for the Hon.
Thomai A. Hendtieka foi Pnaident aad the
Hon. B. Giati E-town fflf VktrFtttl
dent In Arl-fl-t-a thero is an un
. contflfll* The Govcinor dichrcs at
,i late hour tliat the Sl.Uo has flhOBBB
Granl dectora, nnd ho lasnea his eommiaaionfl
Boi the Ltiberal eleeton elafaa aa
on by tbo people. aad have aaat and aaal
foi B. Graia Brown ior Piecideal
? (I God. Banka .'or Vico_-*eaidflo_. Probablj,
intend to laake their app-flranefl before
Uon oi Congreaa whieb eoa-tta
", t I v in IM.i'i'.ary. There ia no nnity Of
? ln- vo.iut. of the foiir Btatofl nai.1;
: aa foi coii-ailt ''ii'n oould bave bt ea
, o . i ?,. i: niiy of actiofl ii.., il bave
Y. * '. >.'.-tn y aay wHhon* byperbole.
_fi rk araa in BKmraing. Yoa
' |o I I i'\. te cili/'-n those
? [itiea have been BCflBfl
.1 loit.uu forffl-aonfl alalfaaM-tdyiag
i;i oll ? ? ? npoa whone hi. ra werc
' 4- ou i.'i greal and dcri
. however bfoad
and bnprc-aivc, oaa niaiple enoagh to be b_
t. kctpiiig wuh tbe ebataetef of him
who-fl depaiiure bad eroked it. Ib*
4\;i8 I man ol pcaec, aml no B-lvo
Iof iiit.i!ny th-ndercd hii re^nieta?no
. _ iu iii.il elegy bewailed hin
; n (t thfl liroade.nt and inont
m-.m1i r hunianiiy. and thfl memory oi his uni
reraal beocrolence tauaed abaoei eoantl-ea
bearta to poiae 4 ith oue ae?joi_an1 beal af
aorrow and of graUt-de. lle iraaa man trhprn
life a_a chleflj deroted to the diaeaaaioB. of
pubiic iiil.iiis, aod rTroaident nml Chief-.ius
Beeretarj, Benator and Retrieoentative,
i tbe lon-- traia wbich foBowed hin to
tbe tomb. Tba Qimneaa of Jiis hold
niiou thfl popalax raspad and :,fT. 41 ;<>:i
have b .11 b. I010 eonjectiircd; lt
araa damonatratcd only wlnu praiaa aud
llaitie vs'ie aliko to him iiiaudiUe. l.nt
gteol diiaen had for his B-oaiaen the
. be bnl b.ved so well; nnd for 14hon.
iity and hapP-B-BB, Ior WBOflfl cultuiv
and .'I'lvaiiceiimit in all u.stiiil aml honorflble
!ways, there botoi wuh a B-oment bf all bia
life 44h(ti be waa aot B-Biog to apaad aml la
bfl r-pi-nt. liis had been ?nly manly arls; ho
Ihad ataadfaatlj rocoajniaed every fdhrv t-fflt
m a bioih.-i, bal hia aoal had BTOI ab
Ihorred evuy low paad-ea oi thfl de_-_gogoe;
be bad earlj detflraainod to apaah tbe tbioga
whieh were troe r.iihcr than thfl tUagfl whiab
WCfB palatablc; bfl had kept no tiuce witli
popolai tleea. nnd had denoiuicetl WTOBg
doiog alihe in higb B-BOBI nnd in
hiw; he had C-Bt-Tod without rc-tntints
of langoag-i the unthrift reckleaaneaa wbich
kaopa povcity poor, aol leaa than tln^ torerof
.it aml acilflabBsraa af poafleflaioai whiab
make riobefl a cuise; there was no pubiic or
piivatc eiior in the city of Ufladop_*onwhiob
I'rom oooaideial-OBi of prodenoa bfl bad foBod
;o rebuke. Hut ye-terday than WM no iriita
tinsr memory of thfl pi verity wuh wliich he
had nBaimlaiifl u\m oaMioofohip to w-deh 1'iovi
il.-nce had called him. The men with whom
hispoli:io:il foitunes had been cast were al.out
him; but there too, proflei i'lj. cqual tokeiM of
n-ptct, wen tho men who had MNBOtiniefl
been the ohjflfl-l of liis mo:st BBBpariBg rc
bakfla Never in our time has any
oue, af.er Jndging ho B___P a J-dg
meiit, received Irom thoBO upon whom
that jadgaaeBl has fiillcu, ftiich an implied pro
rcaainn of perfect falth in his pure and sttady
iy. Thfl laaBBB Of yesterday in one whicli
all who have to do witli hocicty, and eapodaDy
with its enors and mi.ntiike.n. may Wfll] take lo
heart. No doubt tbfl plandits of a ilattcred
, ur.-iitin ney Blfl IWOfll; no doubt thfl i-inolu
Btentfl of Iho mishaibr of the DflOplfl are
?an -bn?fl ___gn-_oantj but lha doatb whieh
h..n riaited aa has prored thal weallb ladroaa,
thal bOBOfl are bflal eiii|iline.ss, ci.iiipaicd witb
| tra .raiit nieiiiory. Thero could have beeu
no potttioal tiiiiiii|/h for Ibmue (.n-eley Uring
like tbia soi-ial tiiiim]ih of Iloracc GrefllflJ dead.
What a concauriso was that whi h prcsentid
itn. II in tl.i templfl iu whieh bfl was accus
tOBafld to WOCabip. BBd in whicli, yesterday,
Hunounded by tla.- Kweele-t aml BBOOt tBBflhJBg
( mli!eiiis of moilality, bia inaiiimatc frame.WBI
I.iul! llad bfl Bflfl- PlflflidflBl or h;ul he beeu
Kiog. whit DOblfll Inn ral thrOBf eOOld have
K.ii in d iib .iit 1 im V T.iir.' were the digaitj
aud thfl ability ol _U_ R j?:i.?:ic ; liu-ie WflN thr
I'nni lt-:it of thfl IJiiti-d S!ate<( thfl Viee-I'n-ni
di-nf, and the \"u" T'l. idoBl electj thfl Chiflf
JaaUofli vemr..iile alOce ior jrear% te in
tegritj, aml i'or loarniagi tha 1 preaoota
of the Senattt and tbfl i* ,k -'-iit;t
of the Jloise. 'I ii ,.? wero tb me
41I10 had foiKot'ti-n tha pol
lil> i-B-fl Bthlfl bj 1 '
who had bflflB b_l U-O-lon { fl ? l
tbfl cv.i and tha good report whl b f1 > 1 ?<?
.. , .1 Ui
thoso of ii moro privato dflBTI tM. Wmt kttti
liiui, tmi woro ???a tho Iflfll li>v"il bf liiui
Timo woro aafl bgbH |t Hu palpil ;'"?l *i
bar? aai-Bi-tglat. aritb then tban who han
1,-nt lionor aad dif-'nity ta tbe paraail
4-oiniiK rcc Theia trtn bii ? !? ,!l
datiea, iin- laboi . :-?>'' tl "'
the ji.mriiil Which li ' u"''"'
gian ful aa l caltared i i i te who ?>
bo had itaod bi a i b .> ?' pa-1
tara il, i ban tileata he
helped tn briag ta thi ? - lei rec ruitioa of I
t-n 1'i.iiiy oiin ia. "' w - ?? thoae u''? "
him oiiiv bj l.i- i v .. v . . ? _i ? .
.],.. hi l i. ?' '. i <!l >
l,,vr of ii highet earthlj aiia. the Blren_tth
to Bttflrfa il. whflc cv.t.v hiarl grew itaddor
with taader urmp thiflfl al '
yooag and daably orphxocd daii rh
wIkiid io ifa nl a i riad ol i. ac 'i'l' broeght
m'kIi nnn-ti.'! BOI
Why bc ?<! we ipeoli t\ tbi ?l ia
oatiidi the walh. al tbe cbawbf?ol Um
Uironga ot e-bwai who erawdod to ;?? ? apoa
the proct'-.-ifi, witb i i I ? '?''"''
whieh liis aerer boea larp I upoa floeh aa
?nn in thii aityl II a i I
Dotbiag of thi eaaaa ol all thli gn
ci-ii ,- i. ,! - ?! ttu p >; ? m ol th i < Itj
gatherad eloselj (igathei i
if im had ni urkod tbe tocg proci Aoa weadlng
Itiilow w.iy dowa our ihl I thoroughfaro! if
he had obaei . 'i opaa ita rj Ida tbe tok n ol
? geneta] griel. Ll ho had a o tbiag
like a g. Beral ?tupifliiofl ol I n Ibi \ i Bd
if ho had ih ii baaa told tbat all th ???? won
taaeral bonon i>..i-i t.) oae wbo bad Bttial)
bara a teaehec and f-dde ot the ;>. >p.e, be
miffhl well bare Imagloed ai to bo aol whoHy
in.i.n. ible to tbi piivcst virt.io iad thi b
lx ik volono" ; ii'id ho WOBld BOl BBTI been
BTOBg. Whatever nny hi- OBX Bocifl] E-t-Ul
and foiblo., whatever may 1)0 onr lafideUtj ta
Iho stundard of pablil duty, BBI ideal of that
duty ia 5.1 ill a bjgfa ono. Thi e-praisioa al
jioimlar beliag whieh wai jreaterdaj to be
obaerrad, prorei Ibii thi beart ol tbe aVmeri*
eaa people ii ia tbaxigbl plaee, aad thal ll
! bflfl :i iiifc-r I'owi r of di.-ciiiiini liiu;.' _B
preteaataa aad n-eci_-7( betwaea the ti i
cliaraite. and tbi falsc, tii.in nrfgfat flOtOfltiaiefl
_ iii tbc viris-ittidcrtof pabltoaflairabe mp
Aml ao tbi ii.oun.ful i- fl. :"-! hi over. It
r.-i laiaa for ai t.> tbaah i oae more ill wbo
i, ;vr u i-lulerlallj aaited to pay their bai an
to aair departad Mead aad leader, iad bew
j ji-.ihii.-Iy to roeogahte all tbi liadoeafl and
IflBgiataaea whieh havo tempered thia i
leboly oa i loa. lt i. naiai foi >; . ?''? ' to
Iretnta to oar redoabled Labo i aad re p
Ibtli-iefl. etill ehi erfallj hopiag thal tbe
[example whieh baa beea o,:r priyili
. 1-t Iji oi in datiea wbieh th ? deatl I -
Igri iit'r, we n ij aay m d
i ,1.
iJC-____-r:'-_-_____i_---r^~ _a'-M"*r_i
The itcanisbip Ifiiaoari, boaad from Now
_orl. lo ilav.tna, WM hiiniod off AbflCO, 0 .
|S8. 1878. '1... re were oa board the
| eigbty-ninc peraoaa. >f wbom Boveaty-tbree
Iperiabed miserably. la tba -rfld aenual
l,. <?, each ladividoal abaply abeyed tbe llrat
i W ol DaCOXfl. M il il Bflllfld? solf-j.rcsirv.itioii.
Then waa do diaeipliae, aoorgaai-atioa, nor aay
.mi oi combioed effon to mi ? Uio. A b
I wafl riii,iilag al iho time ol the diaaatcr; be
Iboata, lowered in diaorder, were ipael or
,(.,:; iii t.i ii , i?on aad li ?nt? which
ii Uowad, only BiTtann peraoaa "i tbal gaeal
>? ooaapaay \\>:.- -.'l. Thii ifl Lhe brief,
l l..il:l itory al oin; <> tbi btb ,;
.,t ki-.i so l'i.U of Btyitfl :_V,
!?;,,.,! Borraw, rhat ll diUcn Erom ctber atorl i
.., (.iin r wrecl - iad b?raiagi on tb -? i ia la
?ome partka] it* is troe; bal
jtiio Kiiino aad old ri-i-ii.il ol caieleia prep*
liratioa, thoagbtbui owaen, aadindpliaed
lenwii imperleat appliaaeel lor lif*'--u\i!:.-.
aad bcv.il.li nii. jiaiiio-. trii-lv.-a pa&ieagera.
lli ro und there aa iaataace ol iadiridiial
heroiia may ataad aal Croai tha BtraggliaK
cinifiision; bal tla<- dai a tT|tgedy clOBM <
81't-nei, oin'ii repeated, Bareri ?
] gianiag.
Wiib tbe bnmaa wi
iraata. Baatehiag ita own eh__ace ol I I
idflflfa diaregard ol a'.l otbel%. wi bare aoth
bbj bow tu (lo. Bat oiii'ial iaveitigatiofl
briagi lato t ti * * aertiia light ill [oi the
t?ct3 whieh made diaaaterpoaaible, _utd haflteood
the dreadful tate bt thoae wbo w< .<? eagnlfed
in ibo isi-a. A Cnirt of Iininiiy h Id aad -r
Britiah law, at Hinia, lind* tin
1. 'J'ho reaad w;w4 haniad|y pa i tb
oat any trial al aaw raaehiaery.
2. Tha _ia odgiaated Iron Lmpei aad
newly leltad boQen.
8. Tho baplm TIBlel WM BO (^'i tipped that
itn fow boats eoald aot be flalely low roda
4. OB tho nl.iiin of tiio all BU
laaabardiaatioa, and diflocd?r.
Thi.. voifllict ii oadoabtfldly juati it ii libi
baadndi al other renlieti*. it iicoaati tor ull
that bappeaod. Wo have beard befora of
veSHols l.iiiin-d at _ea; of ofheors aml OTOWI
dciiiorali/od aad bopcb-wly narad; al t-hijii.
with iitiich ri. h npbolataay nnd lew lii'<
sivins iiiiuliini'S, and of lloatin_- Brn ia*
wciiroly gaarded la the woodea _.ln-ll whieh
canioR thoin. Slndl the worhl lnir this
dreadHa] story lorararl Firo will be ? p.nil
and u torror a!way_, o_i)oi'ially ou tlie M t,
where UoUted pai wegen gan h.-ljii-ssly on
the llanio-i which diTO?i tbe Bolid plaah ba*
naath tin ir fott. leariag them u> pluc
oi Iffflga, Bat it 13 incrodibh th it
no huinan plt-raiition, no dovico ol" scionro
can laitigntf theee borron. or make tbe anaafld
Hacrilice of lifo lo tfl co.tly. lL-ic was ;? l
(itti-d for BM in a bt?ry. BIW boilen
und macliinciy had b'en put in, bat tbi o\.n
tn were ifl Hut li mtatt tn tpm] her on Uio lino
agaii) tliat ?ho wa.. sont off without ( ".'":i N
iiiiich us a tii.il of tho n>-.\v _ipp.ii.itit-. on
board, 'lio lait toaebei w ri pai ou
M tho itflBMII IWBBg froiu li-r gioar*
lagi; aa <i labt tho Bonaal of ba_Bmen
dodag op Hiaiurt aml joints n .ouii'lcd in
the hold a* hIio pas.std out to HB, Tbi Wt?
_Bg which inelo.o-. thi hoiler and roufiri'^ iii
heat was difootivo, but it WM ttM lato to
icinody tho di -foot; from tM__.__._yi tlua IBldiol
of the Court of liKjniiy, MBM tho liio that
iyod tlio Bhin. lb-io v, 11 thi- bflfljfBB-Bg
ol tho wholo dioadfiil b?_Bfl ss. A liro in one
p;irt of tho Khij) could not bo thero OBBl
tlioro wara m M?qpaiB_BaBBi la whiab th.
llaiin 1 OOald bo hhut up nnd llooib-d hy lln
Hlj no liro-proof iiiirtitionn, BOthi-g but
tinder-!i_.o iilaiilv, tiiuber ;uid ft-'illgl t
Thoic wi r<- -it baata. tln-y MJ, n;nM. of
C'trryin^ Iwonty-fivn panom BBch BB 'lo for
tho i-oiii])any of lighftj-B-M on lioard if they
woro S'Himl and projx-tly hindli-d. Bwl 0MM
weca not i?aaajh. and, in th<- m ul raab of tbi
hoiir, four of tb???I -Hl iaw.iinp.-d, biol.ii., oi
luiinod. Twolvt) pmoa? wi io BBTed in ono
h);it and laar li wotb i , ill I mt wara ai
no aci-iiiiiit in thi reaeae <.f iba diawaiaa^
?' i/.u^lo. li' '.h'-U _4.il u_a,u _.
?ean iiroment by the_rihip's crew, there miitht
Im to bBBB ttt-ta or BO lons of life.
Imt. Ih" bflflfl- W-N nnnkilll'iill.. haudle.l
,. ,1 danglfld in m'd-air, poiiriiiar their
ugera into thfl aaa, <?r wata ahaalaflfld
ogaioai Hn' aide of the aUp. rbr? or *t\ bflata
were not enoagh for a paaaenger otoaaiahlp
. thfl Mi BO-fi and lhou_.li II !? 'nio thai ?
__??? is.ii 11:imi.i_r .it tlm tlnn-, it Ifl a
to ienoa and dTilbBB-flfli I?? aay thal
, |po I.I-- io lo\4i-r BBfoljr :i tnat under
sii.-h cii.-imilaneBf. Orgao-otlion aad diaci
| i ban doBfl wooden io thi - pa
!.:!?. (.ci thoogh Un boata wero InBBffleieal.
[f there ia ao tackle or ather i _ae_i_"_ry by
whieb n boit caa bfl ^"i tsam lock to
tb? b i alongaide withoal irreck or u impia :,
ia bamanitj- aame lel li ?? i . ?
? .i !.. I. ?*.!? aa ?
tr oi aay ai l
n;, ?, ,1 Ol' Ull 4 li' ? 'll'' .11''.' - OSttfl ' ? flf -I''
n.-..-\ i faga.
ABthiflil inst.ta Iy -t " by Ihe ownet- of
ed . 'i thi ie Iifl ? "" l?o-i iX
ftoal yoa?aappofle that lha *??? ~ of our ihip
ia enoagh lo gaarantea oui bcal preeaotiona
i .md all on board ' v-" -hip aww ?
ron their Tflflaelfl to Btakfl Bioney, takiag all
. (Tbaa ii in a qnefltiofl ot takiag a bow
;?. (inrnt and loaa of property aw ooa
?idered, bat eonaide-Btioo of tlm preciooa
.?..-ht oi' iife fOOa ov.-iboird. It iiwbke.
| t!i_t, the WOrth of ihipe and flBlfO. in
. i-.it I't'tif of luiiine lommi-i vc, m.iy Bl
put n-raiiis. thfl l?fll "'" niimaii life wiucli gOflfl
therowith. So wa mxam bare law. to ofl-apel
uicil to take eare of 'hc livee oi their p__
n !, - ea; they will taka ('an- of thai- pcopertyl
Thfl Itmt ate d.fi.iiiit or they flTfl not en
Eorced. BTow that we baaa one oiiu-ial rflrdiet
,.t' loqBiry into the eaaaeaof tlm wreeh ot ihe
M.- oui, lel aa lifltea t'> this roioa froaa the
aaa, ... bare bflard lt bafbre; we -hall heai
it aciin. lt Wani Bfl lhat Bfllfiflb, can-b.-ss, in
differeal men, flaleea watehed aml eoa-peBed
, Deedi-I preCBBtaOOB, will rfflk Uie hvcs
.?!i tlie ragne hopa -baJ aO
3 will ? ?? 'h' igh &? I i iorka m
TBB ///:; BUB1 IL
'? [t ia (l tte.n Earth to _rt_ uhea I
daal to dust,. To thfl dead thore
n -t. :;:id to the lifilBg the bunlcii ol
i:.... Into the banda ot hn earrani God gtitt
-great poasriMlltin Ib- look baek to God
;k !ii. veineiii.n. I( did not BOfld tboproea
:, ni throag of yc-i ?: btyj tha mate __o____ng
. ,-,n :i ood WOfl-OB ol all a^'es, aml conlitiiinn,
l.iii.l aV'ic.it;o-;i, uul idigiO-fl laiths; tht; sotn
"., r atate oi the fonend Iraia whereifl the
' tbe aatlOB leire. their parl
nol leaa thaa the b__-bl?flt etf-eaflj tln* greal
ada of people who waited for bonra|
under tln- wintry aky only t<> bow thaii beada
i i br friend waa bornfl pasl tbam to bia
Ibaiial;?il <:." aol aaad all thoao toahow the
I ,,. ,-.. 1,- sigai- .-*? '? )i Hora ? Groeley
Thi. ??.?:,. nt'otw tbal ni; i -liaa -n bfan ifl tiu
ih ii h.- tiiiciv tonebed to ao _ne|
. ... n. ?;?;, _ ; i ara ago I "? ? la m - of yonn.
mea awaited him. Tiu- firat waa Bwdfl ap o
Caraen. bu i bank t, artiaanaj iBdaetrioaa and
thrifty fcllown, atrong, boaeet, nnd oapablBi
bai coarse. n.irrow, and uneiiii and. To them
T ii T'.M'.i B_ came Bfl the l'-velation of a life
andieamed of. A life of boolu. aad art. aml
dailj i.iy. A life of noble tfainking. aad
largo antion* They baaw laboc te be their I
Uioritabie portion. Thoy flaw how it, aaighl
heome th'ir bigheflt dignity. Into prairie
(,.i)in, and frontiei bnt, and aettler'a inw-miB.
?nd artiaan'a tenomoot a al i rfd
thoii'-'his of :i new thinkcr. _____ kindloda ria
tLua ...ii. nt and i better eadoatoc,
The Bflooad eUaa waa made uji of dflottaate
;i:nl dclinile. >oulh. Th.-y did not like thfl
BmeU ii'?r the Btannen of ih<* oamntonalty.
doiibtcd, aftot ull, whethefl a patflmal
.nvi inun nt WBI m.i bflfll for thfl BBMSflfl.
Cnlturo araa their ibibbolcth. I^i t<?. at beflkj
. und a littlfl bol.hed to them. They were
?us of tha im?nt ciiitivated dlataatfli Te
i |< rn came this BMBfl Tniiu Bfl Ukfl thfl soiind
of a ttiKupi t, like the biaat of tha Bortfa uind.
ii waa inil of a rndfl health aad rnfltk boaoaty.
i' ihook thaa ofl theii Bflrrow podflfltali aad
? then tln* broad earth to ataad on. lt
bt them thal tha rfl-Bfl of eallara wm Ui
eei ricfl to bnmanity.
l'loin tbflflfl two ranka of atoa eflaae tha bral
ta of tlnit great araiy afhieh Horaci
i.iii ii-y, BBOTfl than any ollur one inan, raised
ap f<T liberty and tha righta af aO men tttt*
arborfl. The Ubm is eoflUag when Vapoleoi
aud WellingtOB Wfll no lonpjer Iflflfli heroic
Bfl in a peoplfl- Oyflfl. bflflfl?-fl Ihfl I'ie.ii
they typ-fl ' ? ID be BB B tO have been b.'ise am
i. And iu that day tho dead joiirnali-it
dofamed aad mia_nderatood and ridbnded
.wbflfJ he li-.tti, will OflBM to taidy moiiuuien
t.:l hoaota :ih tbfl real hero, the human BBBO
ii.nt af -bfl divine idflB of love.
It. is eoaunOB to call him "onr latrr l_B0k
"Im." Hut that il to bclittle him. There I
a lik.nens in the good-natured ?hrew.lness, Ih
prictical wladaaB_.tha pithy speech, thfl wiflh to
bt-nclit im u i.i Iidiiii ly \v;iy.s. litit tlie iinu.il
in.:ino of tha pupil was intiiiitrly broader aml
BWflflflfll tlian that of tho in:nter;and while
the aphoiinin.s of thfl oltler BBgB have a nli|.ht
tiiMte of copper, B ceitain t'.vo-penny ha'-penny
uior.ility aml cxacttii-s*, tho fru^ality and ab
sti'iiiioi'-ornn wliii'h the youngcr practiced only
gava him thfl burgfli B-aaBfl of eharity, while
BBTing for the eake of iBriag Beeaiod to hin
only BBM Ignoblo tlnn Kpt-mliug tor the -ak
ol Miiendiiif..
More thau to aioai Bteo it ^;n girea to inn
to eai af the UaTail ot Imh >nm\ umi bfl riiti.-i
1,< tl. Ye! the niklioii in flOflrfag to underataml
that no nOOflll Of his was ao triiniiphai.t aa
thal whieh, ou the li 11li of Novi-iuher, WA nil
cullod a dcleat. To have educjttcd a people
lato meh i atflra aad IvUth lora of Khflrty,
that, when it latieieil, however blindly, hm
feet to be toroing intoatraagapfltha, llahonld
ehooai to follow hia gnat coiui-els rathcr
thaa bifl.great Iflflderahlp. la noh glory as a
man mi^ht well apend hiaaaalf to win. Then*
may be au imi now of tlm cniel taunt tliat
hia \auiiy p( raaaded bfaa t.? ba a flflafl-data,
umi that ba eoaatod <>n a love aad ooafldeaflfl
trom the people whieh hahadaofflBpaflaaaiflfll
Tha ?aiTfliaal griaf dflelana that boI bia bio i
BB-^t-Bfl frieiids, not hc, li im *-cl f, _____Md
of ihfl real afl-ctioa tliat weal out la
him. HflTflf ablo goitfl lo keep paflfl
with hiiu, Ihfl pfloplfl li.ui paiufiilly Btrugi_ltd
up to a pflflit-BB liom whieh, with largBf vision,
bfl had Btepped to a hiKhcr. \\ licn they
iHcemed to deny him, th.-y WflBfl his tiucst dis
eiphs. Qod Jiermils u-* tlm hi_.li ends wo Het
ouiolver, but oftOB BhaagM the ineatis to bet?
ter. Our leader, am! tibflflfl of us who followi d
him, belicvid lh;it his ttttttm and his WOf-l
ssuiild eonvitice tbfl PflOplfl that mai_nittiiiiiily
bflgatl imiKnanimity ; ioi -iviness, rrjK-iit.niri
aml flVtBOB im et for rept ntance ; und lovt tln
acts of'lovc. Wfl Bflfl uow lhat only his death
_c-iikl bu th__ cIj i-.Lhl. UtiiJu k'?-VcJ, uicii
aro touchod with charity. They are -wift Io
offor rojiaralion to tbe dniul for injustiee BBM
Iho living. And tho day i . not far _?t-Bt
when Horaee f.recloy'ii last tiet, the .-.tndidacv
that ii-Hiiltod from hi? paanionuto dosire to UA
up tlie beantifiil nnd prostiatti Soulh, and to
_oo tho (Jb-OB raaaltad and reapleadeat, aill
si-eui tho whilost and bravest of u IflHlg lifo&BI
ln.ive iflfl?I,
lf wi had a Vfeatarfaatef Abbey, onr ___b*ad|
wo.ild y.- It-nlay havo boon ! aid 'in.ein. And J
yet ho won I-I BOt h:vo i! fino) I !
iMdatioD. l'oi be beliered thal Biore iad|
inoro, H Iho yoar. |0 on, -M m'lit.imont of 10
"i.'ioii would refiiso to be i litonibed ill
drali and to eeroieciite bare and tban i bnild
iag. To bia ifl plact i m re ncrid whorcin ;i
bamaaily bad followed ifter tbc High*
, t. Aml hi would have chooea tbe efljaal M-y
For bii eanopy nnd the geaeroBi earth _b? hii
iied, baeaoae thi umareil ladaheltet arafrea
to all the l.ice. Wi BBB ifl "I io loavo him
in hi. ueiiiaiked prave. Tiail nnd I.e.Hn.
thoae icmdly couiiHcli'is ban tuidertakea hii
vinilieation who in life WOtdd iieve.
riadicite birnw lf, aad ' i th-an i ? :" '?'
ti ii B hi| f.-iiin
Fur Iiniii n.i'v BWflflffl .m---.tr 1 Wl ' >??"*
I' r fl
Oa ?.,. im.ti.... . ...if li.-. in I ? : -a "'??
li itoN,
Aml tli" BBfl
Itogat-M ap tha _i.ai!ii'.'.i aflbflfl lalo H i
BBfl, __________?_?????
Tho pilflPBi il an ora LflM disliii^uisiicd for
noi eby in deiiga tbaa lor ttttmu ta the ae
e.(.i,ijilishmonr of greal enj-inoerin., lindertak
[agl, Tho Alp.-i Tiinnil and the Suez (anal
hiive been tbe droain, if imt the piojief, of
oininont iiiimlt. over niiiee lailways and Mcim
ships were coiistrueted; now that tblM BBBl
fiiii-hod. it is felt that we are only nt tho be-[
giaaiag of thii ehtta of eaterprtie .. Heaee we
look Eorwird with caaMami to an later
oceaaie eanal batwaea tbe Atlantio and Pa
eilio; but. while Diih await.s tho slow dot.rmi
n.iiioiiH laeeaaarily preladiag a wort ro eaor
liH.iis, wo may with prolil eoaaidii what there
i. of tbii aart to badoan at aiaabli-i expaaac
n.-.irei home. We havo flll.-ady exiiio-oil onr
av.r.sion to tlie idoa of BBdartaHag B gigBB-C
- v-loin of National impiovoiuents under the
,i,i,Tii,mi i.t Coagraw; bal tbi sub.oet to whieh
the l'n-ident bll jnst (liioetod <'ongn ssional ^
iit.iioo may tbai porbapi pdn widei ea__der
ation among Ihooo whom if mora eepeeially
The great ptablam <>f tbe Vfttt is how tol
g t Lta prodoeti te the AUaatic i aboard, :
cip.tllv with a view to Nfl iiipnieiit lo lanopt-. fi
lt is lou^hly and ]?erhaps inaceurately sta!< d ['
by w.'stein prodoean thal they gat but aaa*
toniHi of what eon-umers pay for iTerytbiag
raiflfld in the Mi.-.U.ippi V.illoy ; tbe othei
three-foartbi ga ta latbajwi and midflDeiBaa.
Tbe feaUag upon thii labjod li rery
nt the West; it toaehai the poeket-ae-wa. In
tlie rraridanfi Meeaage rarioai maaaarea aral
dwell tii'.'in u poiaiblo raoiodiea, and in. I
.-ition ii r.c )nitii('ol d. Among tboae i> i.
pl.m to eoiiiie.i If ObiO and TOBBM Bfl
Kivera with the Biiviaaah aad Oemnlflree, by
?lflikaalaa aawigatioa,tbe roace lor whieh has
in on suiv.yed in I n ; nrted (>n- Tbea there
is it tlightly novel p!u o ol tho rery old pro
j. rt of thi Kai J nei Birot <
, , .--inneot. with ihe l h- I ipcalao ai.d O-ifl
Catiiil. Tha Pre-iith ;.i aiflfl allad?. ?awhal
ladefiaitely, i<> a mneh be-der prafaat. al
whieh tba ralae li ut laasl mon qaectio
?i lyfltem of lia l-lockad Barigatioa from
Maino to the fliull' Ol . L xico.
Thefl i-* a simpler |.lan than iinv of theae,
th.- hcrviot'abloiiis . or whi.h ii nmre (I'luoi
stinb'.o. lt ii old, betag ono al thoso iag*
gCltioWl which natiirallv ooein to a tboagbtful
inaii With ii map of tlii^ country bflflfl him.
Again aad agaia, eetbaataa ol what it would |J
save to the eoiintiy, cvm woro there no greal
rbaagefl ta tho direetiooi ol trade to reaalt
from it, b;i\o been laid bt foie. tho public.
The outlet of our greatHl nver ii baned liuin
the oroan by tho isthinii-* of l-'lorida. The
annual ooininoroe which thteadl its deviotw
v.ay throii-h tho eoral roofs wliicli gnaid|
Plorida Paub li tariooaly eitfmitafll from
$:.-.!),(_. i.ox) to |i,'))o,ooo,oox A ddp eanal
thiaagh Florida, noar, tot HHt.ineo, Tamp.i
l.ay, would pBM throagfa I disiiic: but little
a'.i'Vi: |ea levol, to hatbtii.s of doop wa'.r o:i
oiliier |ide, and coald not be IXCec I
cosily. Ilobile and the water eoiiiiniinirit.n')
Ol Alabaina would be dirootly bonolit.-d Bl
once, and the trade of New-Uih ans would be
iinmensely inoroasod.
So long as the Bovth nlono was to bo ???
si.ted by thiI liiipioveniont, tlio pmpect oi'
its erecution ini^ht be indelinltoly delayed.
Without diaeaaaiBg tba reaaaatwa rapfiofle thi
faet Wfll bo admi'ti d, that woiks of tlu
uie tallaod of at the Soutb a very bm.. while
befoie tbey III beg-B. Hut if our W(
fiii-nds fairly tl?I the projoct into OOOaidora
tion, Ul clie.ipnoss nnd efliciency will ha in
its adoption. Then are already iiiumm '
taitanrii al HBMnfil __hip_BaBt_i by way ai {
tho mmtbUmtppl to I-'uropo. Woll-stowi_fl BJtflla
did not hciit ; well-pit'^ed meat did not ipoil.
An iron tkmMHt for this trade was built al
Dubnqtie last. Siinin I i. Bal BappOBB rior'nli
eut by a eanal, and the pn MOt wiihr-way by J
Lake I'oneharlrain made navi^ablo, so that |
Hteamers from the Uppec OUfl. H-ffritfipp. and
MidHouii HB pass throagfa to tho Atlantio
avoiiliim both tho IliBfl-flflippi bai aml tin
Floiiila K( ys?will atiyl.txly donbt as to tho
?peed and protit of Meh royagu to Enropel
Bailaray frci____iti ara ratimalfid ta eigfal tinie-.
as eostly as walor-eaIffiagl 1 MUBlf btBI kt
uiarpin enon^h. Wluit l'n nchnieii havo dono
in Afi'ica, Anierioans ean ei ifiinly du at hoino.
Wo are, porniittod to pnnt, tl is moraiag, tbe
bflowteg tOBfllhiag letler wiiilen by .John (..
Whiltier to the l.ev. Dr. Chnpin. 1( will bc
higfaly valuod by nll thfl Irionds of Mr. Un.
ley as a . pontanoous t. -tiniony to his woith,
coming from ono no _e_B diattagaifldlflMl Utt
tidelity* to the great rolorinatory movements
with which our dead Li ader Wiii idoiitili. 1
than for poolical eniinonce aud peiBBBB]
IBBBMBT, -'(1 Twfllftt Montli. 1 .;j.
Mt Drilt FBfBBB V. II. ( utl in ; Wen- it iu m> |..iur
I H i.'ilii l.e mn ., i.i ,?, u , I,imI oi-i . i,i -, uf loffl umi ro
_l?.rt fur iiu iii ii iiiitl iiiiilmil fiii-uil, llur.i..' (.i.i-liv.
IIy llenrt ln lull of _miii. .; i flfl . v. i -..! . n i. ,t |, r,,\i.l
Bfflfl uie, nll iJiltiK* wli.-riin wr flflrfl .ui.'.l toflfltBar, <>r
(lilirl .C 4. ll I. Il.l. (ill! I, Wllln.ul liulni.ii illlli ut nf tu..
Uvai or llflflflflfld of PflflflflflC All tli.it MflBfl I fcflffl
knowu kjiu ui tiio iiiiiiutor uf tiio aeaplfl la
lilicrlf, tciuji(!..ii('c, ii,!i,:ii[>, ri-.iiiiiiny, an.l hlitflflll. .
UlilluIUllv ta.kll Ig tlu- niila- (.f tlu- |.(Hir, a-i.i-!.i v.-.l, pfl - _tl
fciiuK of nvi-ry i-iilor umi intlm uli y. WI.rn 1 I.- I
llfl llcalll MMM 1iiIiii.1i (t wlth my ^iw.t u Ira-ltni. ul p
tuilc tliut I liiui ln .-ii,i>!i?_. i tl .1 ln'in B_J__Bfl a
II.I.. _!i flBltl 1411 Hfll ll (ll!!. ii mi' flf (i|Hlil.'i:. I
-..uiil ui 1,1 Mtti rm flfl to Blfl Iii. -tli.it I kti Bflflfl
l..|r li-Uiul-i- oa.r ilir fl??I f?.r mikmili.c. a t? tl,
, B|N fll tli" Ml?Hfl l.ui'.l.'ii* 0- l.iiin.iiii-)'.
I ii.uid out rrfr.i'u lioui tlu- lu*!.-i\,i _____ t>f my
_tl,il il.it Wlll.a Villo, UK.r.- Bflflfl '
.Bl B-W Bfll ll Ull _,..... i_ailul'.
No worda of pntls. a,r* utvyJi?: thr-y aronld ba loet la
tlia ?.enor?l oiiloiry. Wlth i-onmion ronaant ha wlll taka
hl* placo 1" thn ValhaHa of Amartrim worthlna, aa oaa
of tbo n-n-Jti'-t and B88I. 1 aot truly tln fri.ni],
.Ioiim U. WlJlT.IKB.
Thi maarkfl prlalad hy hfr.*loha _>aa__i ia
;i late li'iinbei- <>!' tho Wttt (Unrujrrn upou liti
rary itglfl. BBd upccially upon bb, own, havo
remimlcd an Eoglj ti u ,\ npaper thal BOl long
i ii Mr. ITotida aml .Mr. Lowe, "both illus
! ln in.it of l.tii
ahoot tlio
" ciiiiitiy sm-criir. ,tt cub'ir- tu gBBOIBa. BBd
. own iilmi miif, Oxfovd, ia part-Bilar."
M aothiag ig la thia. Pi-hab-y
. a litcii.iy,
il, or pi ifeaaional -areer, aad haa
iiciiii ved bonor oi diatioetion ia any of what,
.for tha lakeof eonvi d ? ?-. wa m.iy daatgaaaa
,m ihe hi" i 'I rallinga. e\n looka eaeb up.m
his colb'ue daya '-'-iili m i i i daaity. Ile
:ini despi i" his d' ir BtOthOT, b'lt '
be be ped intie, and peily Ifl all Ihb
. be <!? ea not i ' th i -peiB-oan
iilial pi'Ly. He nny be ready t.> i aii thal
ander < ml rt_a_ing i did h r
y h.m, bin bfl koOWB lhat his real ti.iiu
i v.li-ii, wiii dae eouitm ii'-ni'-nt
eeremoniea. be bad bctaken kimaolf rroa_ tha
B of tha acad vis. Any ool*
-? .tu preaappoeea atadenta willing
to wo;!., and this is just what a ma
joiily of yo'in._ atea aro not willing
lo do. The l-'ai itllies BTfl compellcd tO (bal
with clnafle* ia the aggregatOi aad ao to ar*
thfl ciiitii-iliim ii8 to flflflBia an BTBI-gB
t..-_.( . laiiiliiy of -iinly. Tfl BOCOBipliflb thil it
is erid-nt that the Mghi-I -taadard af sc:,ol
iir.-ihiii moat, ia tha aory begfaaaiag. ba abaa*
doiird. Thaa lt is that thfl iinest yoiitl.tul
minds in a eoUega are riwayi at ax i work
onlsnie theprefleribed eoorae. The aeeoad i\t-\
CO-B-B-ng of thOflfl who are usiiiiliy de-*i-natcd
aa Mdiga_N floetent thflflaaelTflfl with attataiaf
tho bighest ataadard of Bflfl-gfl a-holarahip.
A thiid .la-. ahamblefl along la a ahahhy w.y
;iud geta its dflgroflfl by the (spciiul gtaoa
aither of <?od or the Paealty. Afler aii, as
eollogflfl ara al prflaaal aoadBalad, arerylhiBg
dependa upon tbe man. Thfl ?ecrol of aarely
Btimnhtting atndenta in tbfl anua has aot . ?t
bi ea dineovcied, and ii _r.*l>ul)ly n. vef will bfl.
Bnt tbere ifl aaothor btaach of thfl au
whieh Mr. Baakin- ralhai aaraga e-it-BiaBa of
bU own early fltylfl baa broagbt btto Batiea*.
it) ifl diseovered that many cmiiient liti rary
DBoa hold their own onhr in eontompt thal
Ilr. Carlylfli _or lafltonco, "ia aerer tirad of
"holdlBg loi'l'u on tiie BacleflBBraa of tbfl lit
' ei-ary cloafl, and of the Inferi >rity ol Btea af
"worda to mt ii of doeda." Ba atr. Buakia
aaya thal when ha wrate "Modero Paia
. of Vttmlet," i< opla ?-??? i ? fooifl
ior adaiiriog him; "now," headda, "they is.y
"I ean't arrite at all, b-ca-flc. for
Minstance. if I th nk aaybodty. boaaa
" la oa flre, I only Hay, \Sir, your boflflfl Bl on
"'flre;' wbereaa ii.rmuly 1 aaad to *.ty,
"'the abode la whiflh you prabably paaaad tae
" 'delig-tfal daya of yajar youth ia in ? Btato
"'oi it.ilamm ii; ui ;' Bttd every indy aaad to
M bke the offert of the Iwo p".. ia 'probabty
"'paflfled' aad of tlm two d's ii) 'dolightfid
'"days."1 AU tbia is aanaiogi aml to a cer
taifl ixient it is j.tst, und may bj i.ifll nctiTA
ta yoing writera who aotd m be caotioBed
agaiaat rerboaity, bad
bnt it is atill pn ? ? i do thal
who desirea to bc n ad i i aotn ? ? J
to diaeard tba graeea of eompoaition, li Mr.
i: i in plcaaoa lo walk abonl B-Jced. is that
any raaaoa wby tha ttM of manlrind
. iflfl lo flfljfl l'..r flOBlfl and
pantaloo-fll When th i ??? ? ol I.ia
Ing, it is wdl enoagh to c Ila epade a apadai
our ivhen woare to axereia the htooy aa
b 11 um, why ahould aot the al
oi letbiag in it akin to t!i. . ol m
siihicct T Mr. Roak-B "I hi - hfe
ii. I iVfl with Tuincr's pifltBTflfl WObM he have
adnirbd them as mttth ?! ~hay had aU beaa
aketehea ia Maek aad al itol The writingaof
Jeraary Taylor bavi i itl -n o
many generationa Eascioated by their ornata
and -i:iii|itiioiis mplemloi?ivoulil Ml. 1.
bko thflfla bflttex ii they i.1 ?? aohjectod
to BtoM Ueacfaing , - . aad ..11 the
tboogbta redoced to i ?. '-.?? ri ?
___.edneas1 Aguio, ia H I
Mr. Carlylfl prea bin _ . iority
"oi ui.,-. ot worda I.aofdaod ." whea atr.
(arl.-.h ha.. been writing all bia life. ia etn]
eallya ma i oi arord-t aod aooiotiuioa < ? i
ordinary arorda, aud haa ai i ir to o ir knowl
edgo "dono" anytoing, In tha atxict aenae of
the vcrb 1 Aml ii' i. ...mfl to coj
speeially thfl Btfltai flf Ihfl li fiaiy fllaafl. it
really Aocs not aoeai .*? 11, wiu all ita fo
to be coutciuoi 'c l..t,e ..-, i?. eourafl. a
great doal of writing far the aake ol "'. .n_,
and there alway> will be. Whil. the BH
tiieiit of readiog ia la roguoj but, after aU, is
readiag aa aa aun~?.n_--l hj rcrj i
criisuriii? Cotapat-d w.lu m my oUtal 1
ti uis \.iuch \\i i;.:vc a.-ri. I to c ui-nici' '
;. __a_ i: aot digaitii d, n . i.i.. i i i - ii
elegaat poranit.
t>i aourae, 4\,- aro aot tallunr ? t tiu iii_.ie_t
kinl oi iiu-i.i. me, and neil i . bj?__b
Mr. Bu-k-U ob Ur. Cariyifl. l_e d-amad ior
booki exista as w.:i as for m: rarin _ and
ia".. -_^..;.i ra, aud il" ro mu i
lo anpply it. W.b-. J.i...t. 1 ..
with hiicli ubi..iy .i - I'h-...... (i
.1 I.) Clld(.44 i.i, III ,'. I .1 .. i 11. I .. . - . .
.;ii.iuti.il'.-. ol maiiuioctnml t.. .-, tuoai uf
wbiob, 44e ii-.. .i l uual
\. , il.i ... . .n.iy ibal tl
inun JtTj i- c. *?(. i...
ara aome to thi t, bo i
? ? :. I
w.iglata ol i ?
.,,- no: l.) i..- conuaipi io
i,i ... I.
caiidh- si..-. aiakor. Thia kiiid "* i
ratbet o rate ao ~ wi ? than
;. i ,: pi...i taioua aa aaal raced a ii
by ? inajo. i.y ai theh i .
lurger atob iy oi baantn a, i
liKiliOiic kiml, es|)eciai!y ln i
t.ii a"", il Bflflflflfl to U? lhat lii.i. ,
eiiher vtiy gOfld or Vciy bad ; .11..! il
,., ,i book or a uiafcM-ine ol im b. ..
that il it ciitcitains \\ih *m h.,i.u.
to flflflBfl cxlciil iavoi.itdv ,.i)< i , ,
thfl re.uh r, llieie ifl nol only i.o
hut may bfl a ceil iiu appreeil
must take the WB-M as we Iiml n. I
perlcit; and plobauly with all 001
.11.tl Cull*. Ill.-tiO.ln, WllCtli-1 4\ 4 44 1..I
do nol wnio tnein, ?o nhall nol u.o ? l
:t t?o. ____________________
Hun'itij. rnnaway oejjroea ?i
Ifl the laiesi rcliucim-iil ol barbai
Perhapa AmcricB ahoald _ot ihi ? n
ai i liia ajoaatfloaa iha-B-. Ba
it. i. ini ot what hiippcniil i.i ?? "~u
.-hn. . . ir. ago. Boi t'i'- i"
ii i.iis baa i I
.1 hoiiiiii-il tO i-4.ui ?.
... u 1.1iii iu Cubfla

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