Newspaper Page Text
-t. ?l? -????? B sn. ri u>L.'?t NEW-YORK. FRIDAY. DECEMBER (i. 101% PRICE FOUR CB?IT8 V""" ??,r?o.>. WASHINGTON. THE CKF.PIT MOIHLIKR lyYI'STIGATION. VObet MKK.TINC. OK THK (OMMIITKI- Tli-PAV DI LI UK THAT T11K INOlTttT WILL HI A kailuiu:?r?n\rs i.ihi.n TO in. i.srAiii.i.-in D 11? A KAIR I XAHINATION. [BT TBI.Ff?OAi'H TO Tllrt TRI til v W?B?niB?t)TOai. Daa> s.?Tlic bal __aalfag of the Mutulla iBfaatl?BiiaoiOaoBaBMOoa wM aa aali to-morrow, if Oca Rank.? return-? Ii time. Person* who kuow mon" atsitit the farts of this alleged bribery bust ai-s.-? than b.v? yet been mad? p-Mle express the Isnllsf that tin? iii<|tiiiy will iinioiint to nothing. They ?:iy that Col MiOiiih, ffli'ils in poss-inion of thi? fatii'i is Irtti-r? writien by Oake. Ames, has no interest lti reforming tlio inor.ils of Contre*?, Hr in either aiding or lujurio- any politual partT. He want? to get tho money whleb ho ?_> s A utcs on es tura. Tue liou. Jerry HI ick, ht* attor _??), ha? raid ?if lato Mut as a lawyer be was hound to 4yui?.uli Uta interest? of hit client, .lud that to do this his oo-rso might bo very different from thut vtii-lt he would like to Likf as a p-'lith l.m. Ku'iii this it la suriin-eil tha' B H Ulemcul ai tin? ?litTiT eaee tntwetti MeC.imti kud Anie? Is not liuiiroh.ilil.'. snti that if mu h B Mitir i.? nt sh.'ii 1 lir ac M d upon tbe letters whicn are tbe basis of tn-? Ml at* ?.?iuiit Abim Bstgbt not rm forUM-omlti-, Ci.-rtiitti rrlfiidnof Mr. Arne?, who profess to have some takatroaiao of his intention?, $*,} ihal if Mel'iiuili imnltieos tin- laHsfBkm j?Matm? trill twoar that the stoek ?a as off.<rod to members of Congress as a lui-iu.'-i's traa-victimi, without any burpiin or undt-r atAri,:iijff thai they were u> vot<- in to?- lataaaal "f the Union Pat-Be l?iileoori. and that in all eases they were Ki'.itto aadarataa*- that they iuaslpa* tor it. and in Cash, If t be v look il. Wh. tin r lit- v. .11 thitt uny dial aeeept the off? r ts eoiisttlered ver > QSOaOJaBBkMa. If the Credit Mobilier hutlnpssis thoroughly ventilated by t!te Committee there is good reuMin lor believing thut th* f.iets will l.e fonnd to be nhout as fallows: Itera at ?akaa Aine? un r-emune, and that Ur tras mycuK ?i In plaiting iba CM?-l m ibiller stock atuot - ilic nuil,i?i.- uf Conj{i?-SS, a? ho ?laied iu th?.M let*' Stcmd: T'irit the prnrlWl Itatof names on fh?" bnck cl one of tli letter? totnrrisod a list of tl t?. i?, be intend? ?t t?. <._u the eioek, not of tboso ?ho l..n! ,i,rii;.i: 7Vrt'r_ : Thit he dl l ?Xcr the stoek to many,if not all, of ti.r men who figure on his list and toa nun <'o 11 ?--re .-us im ll, aud thai 6ouie BOOOP cd l; attb s i-fose t. ?"tirlli : the offer ?raa made In ?neh nn intrenloos . ' llll'llllM 1> ii lUtO t'a llCVItl- il t" lu J I? t K- iir ol bu?- ? ii.'i .? rr, knowing that It Is not twaaaal foi 1 be lit imii a sjood thing in Stoek a. t ?if frleni m imlj. bat that then i-iT'' Minn'?Ah" tue-t. bo were ? ?, all qui atiuiii? ot kiajtsiaUaa in vl. :. till ?',. .1 Thai In all eases wbert the stock wai ncn.iiiy rred, the uotnlnal p i.lej. imt n.. - the ri-ial vn.i'.i a.f tin- stuck? und that the pu Uiuii n UBtHirw I by thai ? uu. DSAWDfta THE I- vi: i > i im - HAMM, if im . 04OI1 1 LUI BAL KBPfTBUl tag K.Miltrii?vu;. 0CHUB1 011 ?N A I I.O.I BI HU DElfOCB? 1??Mit. ?IMV.I' .1 0> A' 'I'M 1. 1 1.1 al.ll. IB? TttB' HAI II It' TBB IHI Wasiiinutox, D. c. 5.?In BO " < witli an old ? neiiiin m tiie Baaaoe, the lo-|"ii'ii<mi iu.nust?ni y, thai iu tJie iiew aim K' ui'Hi oJ 1 ? cios had tiet-n left, and that thty _B9N BBl bad to nuDi lnat'" aaadMoatO to till tbein. The Democrat? at ome a>-e4.'iiii.iiid ,11 tai.! u?, una their'?'i'utiijuh continiied d?nn-- tin- tTifat? r iiuit of tDe day. A re.ry delieate qur-stion af one? .'i"?r. _*_?j A'tiiiiiiisrratKni rarrj- in the) Beiialc li_*I ent.i-ly IbbIHIhI la? 1 mUml ?-SpBBttl IBB In mu!., ii:.' up tht eounriil "?-, ttei'itii" tin 11 an they hail If 0H l*'aioorats went ou und filled tti? 1.1 BBBBM froui th'lr own liuini")), slei-irs. 84'huri, Mini" i > 1 aa i ii- 11 1 ol '? ?a, ???"?r.d b.' left off from Ci'ii.iiiitU'es tUtoitA-tln.-r. Mi tied all ?. rctrarj to l _OjT, -jBO-fBB to be cx< toad from serving on any Ontniiilttee. The lhaaaa ?BOasBaaUlaaaaB irhlofe the i-in-rui it? I'uiiin ?1 ? m n Bapaaaaatad a Relations, Fimmel-, aud Judiciary. Of th! B?hurz aud caaa8tlj> weaa ?aahaaai of the a Rti\.ird: at'l ?f th?- tliir-l. M. It utnnull aud'l'ha? these thaAta-aloJi U'Htion (.'oniiiiitUvO hud left hut I , t> - rratle caocus iit-i ? 1 Ift-Btimir. - ?11 it Wat tlnally voted that Mt. ('.-??etiy Should have tiif'diepaisiiioii o? the? plat? uixin if. II? at -un i-? '. .-? iiurr, wbo. on lx;in?! eon sultad. 11 lutci t<-a??> jit thty fisco if it Wa* to BO . bim -t the ??!pi use of the XXiuocratio repre>?entation upon the Commltt? " r'y, however, lnsl-O-d,und Aii Si tuirz Is u-.drrstood to have yielded. Il n thus penerous, the I emocTats. who have twice as many itptr-aaatatlT-a totttt I nate oe the Liberal Rcpuhlkuns, took the other two desirable positions themselves, so that Mi F. Btoa v. ill ?To off from tbe Finance ("?iintnittec, leaTiti- Mr. Ratard to remain, and Mr. Trumbull will re? tire from the juuHlajy Coiiiiiiittee, laaalkaff Mr. Tbur m.m. Tue other linportunt eh mares to be made In tbe ( ta? s aro as follows: Mr. Loi?an lx promoted from the fifth to the fit r-t I'la'-e "n the Cuti'tultt?*; on M il! tory affair?, so that when Mr. Wilson, the Cbnlrman, assumes tbe Vicc-Presidenry, Mr. Lorttn will. In the usual coarte of events, become Chairman. Mr. Kauiundt will be Chairman of the J-iiu-iary Committee- Mr. Thurman will be Chairman of the Committee on Private Land Claims, In the p!a?s of ?jarrett Davis, deoeasod. This Is a cbuiritiantbip always (riven to the Dcmoerat?, lu order that they mor have m their ?sontrol one commit tee room which they can make as a sort ot he.idquart.'rs. Mr. Pratt will be Chairman of the Committee ?-n I?, rice E linunds. Mr. Uamlui will become (.Ti-irmaa of Mines and Mining. An inu resting ipiestlna hae arisen a* to the status ot the Liberal Reputilicaus Ui tht Heuute. Tbe Aumimstra UonBonator? have, by tne v?ordiu? of the call for tbe ?caucus and in Ignoring- them in the arrunirement of tbe Commltteea, formally r> ad th" Liberal Republicans out of their party, as they did In gubstanc? last Spring, and tbe question bas arisen whether tbey will compromise thsiBCiTr? or 00m? under ?or obliK.iUoun to the Demo ?tratU? party 11 thai ue?x;ij; Comuiiit?? paeitious on tbe StoiuiiiaAiuu ot the iatur. Sov.trsl Uberal Be pub Una us, who Save utou eonaiiiu-d un the sut?J?< t are tuo-t em rbatic iu ai-H 'i-tiiiK tliiir Ind?i|?biideuo?. Tkey any that h* Adwiuisiraiiou c-ucu? miKbt bare left no plates for them aad tin- irr-mo? rats on the eommitteet, had tbey desii? d, aud the l>?in<i< rats iii turu iulr-hi have tasen ad tu,- poaiLon* loft, vacant. Wh-vtaver poalUun? BBe Liberal KepiiblleaUM tuxept, they take as ludepond anl ?X'liator?. bound by the eaucu-es uf aeiiher party, ?ut-roe to settvoi'iirdiug to their b? ?ijudmuent on every anea*um that com?? bef?te, C^iugtess. In tb?. words of a Liberal R? pub.a? au ouoe b?)fore quoted ; "If th?-> thluk ?we are ?oiu_ Lato the Di-unx-i-tii; party tbey are Kreatly ?uleUikeu." It 1* understood that the Liberal Ripub alt an?, of the aeuats wiil bold a .caucus so ?0011 aa thuy all arriTe lu >Va^hin?tou. (TRRKNT J0PIC8 AT THF. CiPITAL. A M.YV ?YMU'.AIK LOAN TRKBATENEU BY 8K.C BBTABY BOOTWKLL?IHK NAVAL INI'KKAmK BILL PAS?KD ? KX-OOV. OBB APPOINTKU MlN?iTliK TO Rt.ri-IA?TIIK L18/ OK Bi IIKK.U ABMT 0IVICBK9 TO likl 1NVE?TK?ATED? MILiTAKY AID KOB ABBAN8AS? AI'l'KOI'RU TION9 KlIK TUB WASHINGTON K.OAKI) 4IK PUBLIC WOKKS?NO ALTEBATIOHS IN THT. BLVk-BlE LAW I'KoBAHl.K. IS?1SI SI1BAPH IU Thr TBIBl'fB | WtBHIKOToa, Tbursdsy, Dee. 0,1BT-. Beeratary Bout wall aatoolahttd tbe < Xi?mil tee of Ways and Means this mornini; by taUtntt them that he Intended to revire hl? Syndicate and ?Jrtepose of .mother install aaentof the new loan, unless Congruas took some action in tbe promise?. He said thai he regarded the action of the House last aeaaion, wbea his funding operation? Wese Investlgat-a, as an lndorseinent of his eourse, and that be felt warrant'id in pn*5e?._ln_ to negot/at? tbe entire remainder of tie loan ?>r a? much of It as could bo -ia faaaed of. The*? are not. sf cour??, the etaet words of the Beersturr, but cher ?jipt?-?? m brief th*, notifteatlim Be gave the Coatmitt?*. It will be r-taetoberad that h? way ?rocused a yejtr ago ot violating tbe law In bin in.r g_iu With the. B.v ode ate In Inu ii-?ire?-r?; flrnt, m Uimiw, rarily increasifi?; tbe boudbd d. tu, and neeon?!, tu i>ayiuK a much larger au m tmt plaeing the lo_a than 1 he law ape. ilied. The Wtaya and htea~* (omiuiui-^ in,estt_-t>-<l tue mattsr, and Mr. Dawes niatte what the Diiiiix-mia denonuced aa a whii?>wa?blng report. It ?jrtaiiilv kKihad like a very l?>_-e att?iupt to ?kum ?e Becretary, but U was ini-oraeid by a partisan vote, many B-p-blloaiia voting fur it. on thr Ofi'ouud that the tuischief wit? duue aad it would do uo good to declare that the law had beta vioial? d, while auch a declaraU-i? mw?o bltha UoiiAn might ,_jur*i the 4*re?_rt ?f th? eonafty. The-S aptnUanaaa now learn fitii ao reliib that them Is likely to be a aew Byndbate, or that tb? ?Id una Is to -4ie?1vs-ou a grander ?.-ate. The Bays ash Meaita fa-Baaittsa took a? actiaa ??k? ?he ?abJit-t tosiay. m aa? her of the member?, if not a inn'orb i, are ?*-f the oplnl-m that Con,*tva? should ?ti ?tttMt/1 Hi?" ?MMS h.** tills Winicr an to rt'inovfi all doubts.os 10 it? prop ' ' "' ?Brnctlon lit?! prevent tar renewal of the contrat t with t te Bj '?.-MB, Tin? bill torcc'tiforeo the tmvv vic-it thmuirli the llmiK to-day, but In a form very much chanced from Hint In which it was reported from the Cnimniiter. The original tilll ant Inn Izotl Hie Secret try of Hie Nivv to r.iimtrnct ten Ktciini Ho"p? of war to carry not leas than ten nit-? | ,?.|,. .,,?1 appropriated MrwWyMI for Hie pur |m?m\ 11 left I lie S?cr?tai v vv.tli full imwiT tu ?l-t.-niiiiie I he ?lie of Hu vc-s. |a, aud did nei mm i ifv tbeii . u t, to tint In-w:i? .it iiln rty tu "i> far In,--ml the BS,(HO.i ?? p prtiprlitfeit. and cotm? to Oontttm tot t -defWee? ?. I | bill \t a? nl unret lur uio ragua aavd tao seeeral, aed too lull?- guarded in lta term? m etauiltlK- Bra of a critical di- >n?alon. It w.o nut. "tally . liaos ?I by amendment? i tti-PHl bv Mc??r?. Hull?, ?.?rtieid. and K tiniitll. ??? that In tat taaM in a bien M pitar d it provides for un vi- -tin. otilv tin??' t?> In? DtUll it tin N.iv v Yards, ami tliici? liy nlii|i lull ilili?: firm?, nli.i are tt? Inllnvv pl.tin ?ktiif ?iHii-itlc.itI-m? mad?* bv n I'".ml of MM inivai <ii*i? r?. No uMiicv is a|i,ntii' let- l aed the -Baerettar) It farWditea M ateta ?aal ii*OBiracl? ??rue any uri-i for the (iiiisirui ti?iii of iln- viss.iri iniiil Hi? pl .in?? and ??ptM'itlcatiiiii? have irceii mbinltted to Contri tjM, torgt-thtr wiiii aatln ?kteeel Uta cost of ?-aoh vessel, ?tad tnul -Cos groM .hall hBTfi faatVi at tninipriatea in Hit? ?hai-e. le i ,1 |- UJIO I i li.ilellill. ? \. epl 'o 1 llO'l- t any ?u-anuir foi Un batidlos of net ship*. The .it win pi to weure nil tUo wink cu tin- new ->lo??|i for private tard-* *?iii> tit foiled chiefly by I lie ai,-iiin. m? ,i? .Mes?r?. (sfofi id an?' An lur. Thefonii?) ? I now ..? liait it would ht to I tin i nt 'III ?even llitv v vain?. ,,t ?jo-.i' Bett?With uli tin? tu.i? hi lier J and in,it'? ll ml-fur sueli, an I Hii'ti win-it UM (,UV( hi i,eut lili? ( '(?nein,1< -I t.i i ??.-tt'ili't to let llu-.lo'it" I r.inti.i. I -a . and tlie l.ittor showed Hihi til?Te w i? nit Mtatted llvc i'.ii? --iioiiiii nut-aide ot (be ii.iw viiid-'-i balld uneiiair ifii-i????? ?h. Hie wiiiiii?rriet? of iiieiniiei'ft to teal tite?)?i?M lion III llie relative i In a pin s ? a el ?on I? e.lliilit v nl ve i oil-, and l?i e.i( iv klTT lietwoeu tlie 1*0. liad a atad deal to ?to In ???(?III I III.' for Hi- 1-llVitlC COII.M I le l??l - llll.i ul I, ? ' Of lllllli. Tiie lion j. i.. Or nf Soutti OtfeBaa wm to dey total natecl by thi ' to hi ?Mini ter t<> R.i--ii. In tlie pl u'c of i-i (?.iv. em 'la. rt'.?i, . i II?- kppol I? look, d upon It Wastiiti.-tiin n? lndlcatlnc th-- -Free! dent's Intention to I Mori f r?< nd!y i?iln-y tow ? r-1 the Soutli than lia? iiiiiii .1 hit .,iiiiini?ti:i tlon tliua far. Mr. o?r was, tictorc the wur, a prominent I? liiocratic member of Cotigri ?i?, and t'ie i>-iii'iii.tti. -Speaker ?in? trai eleeted te ov-r Hi?' il.?-. .- |irr-<e.iittii (ieii. -Baaha. Win i Hie? I,-..?- I'ti.-i 1.1?.|?o Mtt Be wit? anni-n-nt uliu ? at* ol N"i'r-liili, and in ? npicd a ?eat in till ( i-uf d- rate ?? dm m?; tin mini? w.u. .lui.- i?n ?raa one ?f the tir?i tuen in tin- "-.?tuti to ?i.pi in.- aitnatloa afte i Mlileti-l.-r, llll I was appoliiled l-.v \ikIu-w JidiliMii? I'r. vimuuiI Governor oi Houtu Laiuuui. Tall position In? belli until the Blet? was n ? ?nisiru.-ted. He hut, ?Bare Hie -war. acied with tue l?-p.ndi -an tartf. bal (waatnutlf opvoaed tlie rearupBoTi . ?v. i ii me-if. aud Wan one of I lie m, l?t piiiiill neuf i-t tin nun who Joined -Senator Sawyer in iii-i -hull -? tut- eiiri-ii|?;ieiii?i? i t?t Bumteer. Mr. On ba? ?.'?? ii ?. . ,r... < o? p a-t mu' ot un- ( ireini JiMlee oi ?South ?CBroUut. and un? aorthrol retaari that there !.. v-r was anv K'iKlUT in Inn dl.trict, all lioiiirn Huh WblCh llUini-dl.l'i-IV aii'Mli-il Win Uittre n -? |. tayothera. Tola appolntuircni was bumm hj I?? dent w tln-'it ill" -aTJJOWleiisi "l H un, ho'uot baviu,. ' (in. TUE Tena m lias mine Hem once called rift' tit on to tin iiijiist,,?- of tbo provision? of the of liOC, pro . for tue 11|||lea*trf otllcers of the i (-trillar aiinj. ' irt> t-ectuiil n-(tian of that :i.t prnv'niis that otllcihof the rt ?rular army entitled to In ictired on ?ic eiiiit.t nt i!t,-itii|ny ori anot.ed b'* MOtUldl rcieivd In baffle, ma} In- retired opon the fall nek of teeHttad bola by them, tliitiiir In tbo repular or volunteer t?rvlee at the ttnte itieh wetiad. wert rr* Irea. tad un uh mu? ?iflli-oih, of tin rank tc Liiiiteu.nn aud Bpward - ? -i pi.K eii on the r.'tir. I ii t, with nak uni - biL'li'-l III,ni tl ii.?- lin", wen ,1,1,lie,I to vi hi lo ni actual ? ,-t. iti* have I.iir<lneil ??'?, Ma loi ?, and H rl .'ml i-t-? .i-u.i a I?, and ( olon. If a?. Mi .'a. . ? of tl lank ami w.i ... i in tin ri.uim battle? receive but a ?mail penr-non. Mi Bcoti introduced a reiolotlon la tte ? i in- nuil mu'.', n?i.,ior tit?' s .'-tetar? ot War far ail itifiirtnaii.iii ?ii Jin iKi-M>-mii t-iuiiilti'.* tt?e nuinlier. <S?"., o are now -neclvlii** nktrepaj for on in?: nothltis tnnn when tbeywero in actual tervlee, a w-ril ?? tl?? iiuinO-r uf iittl Vriiinw la ?II? r-'iviie ?lin at?.- Iihi'lv ,ii Inline Hin? u> be rotirol. Tn?-, w m -ii it is in in toped will be promptly teal to Un .i- u ate, will ru- im iiite-es'ini- document to all Mt?f*i*Mted in treatinc all the -aaeawhe mi veil tbo cou.itry bnuoraidy wifli e?|iii?J jo Mr. Itiit- aft- nipt? d lo Ml t?efi'ie the Sennte, thi? MtS '"?.'. Ml resiliiion | il li tur iiimii the 1'reM li lit in re ,-ii-i fe ti?-?i-? ctit H|i|e i-aiion tor troop? to tettal to Ai k.oisar?. Mr. Li IiuuiiiIh, whi ?ihjitctcil to it when It was ftiat iiitroTiic I, d'-i'-il i MB H Be ??ver nut!1 the ? oriifnitt-'c? vu r-- m i.e'.-d, m order thai it mlshl -he rt i?rr. ?i -hefore a voti aw I ?-- ? iii?ui it. Hr.Biei ei ? : that lie had two oii|e? t? only in iBtrodiieuu' the i- - .Ultimi. The Bret waa to gel ?ii?? InBirm.tlon called tor o? whlefa be lateoded to haM iiiiotiier rawlattoa, tad ?rr that the -jtBople islsM hart the Mtneaaan ?ly had tiotn tlie l't? ?lip nt, t l ' truopae.oil I will only be tor the uu I. nt tramt unit'/ ttn- law. If i nv one old. .-t' ?I '?. t | -. 11 i OU.aBl l?i'f li to im olij? ttlot ' iiuicnditn nt. Mr. tliyt-m, MpreMUUtM Gov. Hauu-v. d d not want the re oltttton t?- pi-?, and did not tblnl i tel tu.? rV-nat?, by a ttrlctlj paitv vole, arr??ed itrtth hitn. There i? no ?loitit tint n-o.-p? a.-< o ?to AiKuwi? to he preMtt in UiUe it??, wkea tin- in vv (, iiernor in to he inaugurated. i oi-Le, tad the o.liitr uieiubcr. of tho Loerl | Public WorkH of the LH.?trlct of Colutntila, vn-nt before the Uou?e eoinmltL'.-c of Appropnati in , Hiilav, Viflas an ?pprtiyriati ai to n-itii'mr.-e Hn l?i.ird for the aiii'iuut etj^tided upon -?treet iuipoivetm if? in front of -.iinan? ri ?irvation*, aud buildln?;? owtie-l bv tin (inTfrrninonl Tbe amouut tli y wpreaeul to Ik due I? ti.'.-ndi. win -n ll to p iv the entire jinlnlitj of tin- (,nvi riiiin-'it, ?o no further rlaim ?ball be uia-b upon it, iin?l till? MM, th'y hay. la ii?? ?rreattir than would have to be uitnuati Iv imu! b.v private eitireiiB if they had owned Hie properl t, but tbe tjulii ii Btatea li aikcU to pjy tbo whole amo a m Btonee,lBBteadof ihm citneitt?.. It U uiiici-tonii ttiai the ? I'liiinittie? are eatletl ?1 Hut the cluiiii ?if ill?- Bo ? r 1 iipnii the Uov'crinnciit in uu cqiiit iliie one, and that liicy vHi report legislation lo pay it lunntdlatiiy. Tliero la uu piubiibinty that any linportaiil altcratloo? v.ill be luade in tiie llev-nue laaa thi? MMMa b? yuud MBatBBBaMBl the bill to ?lmplify tbe ?y?tem of c-i!. lection by abolit hing the urtii-o of A-sea-nr. Tbo ?ubjet t of tUA?Hun and the rate? ltaposod are liltely lo retualn'. ?I. Liiotifi will be maOe, howoiei, to ?ecure the ripe.?! uf the tax ou match?.*, and the at imp tax on baux check? and draft.. It la amo protmblo that ?oiue it. ?eine will be brought to betr upon tbo Way? and M ?a u? 0/0 mm it tee tu favor of tbe ro?nactment of tbe immun- tax a> aaubctltuta tor the tax on beer. Iti? reported that aeveial Biemlx-r? who reprownt (li?fi I- u eoiiLaiiilBta* a lartre Oernian populat1<in pionn-cd their uornttituutit?. In tn? late oauvaa? to make uu effort to ?h the tait retnov-ad from beer. The Qeriuuu? r?'fii?e> to r?-?r.iv?t till? nt an article of luxury, ab?l complain that It 1h uiijmi toiax abe*.eraife wuicn la ?litily used by thotuaud? of poor people, chim eially now tea and coffee hale btitya Mate ??alafaar nee of taxation. Tbe reveuue from the tax on beor and other malt liquor? i? ?o Important au item la the receipt? of tbe Tu n?iiry that there t? no llkeiioood that the ariruiaiente for lta repeal will be liatoned to with iuucli favor tbt? te- ?ion. It repealed, it WOllld be Iieecs-al > to ?ll'istlMti- 4? > III ft 111 II If III IU plac. , and It would be hard to Hud aay way of lettuiK ? I" aau-e amount uf revenue tout would be lea? unpopular than the beer lax. A ?rood deal of the hae and cry raised against the Utr? era Cbairro? n of Couimitteea in the House orlriuatea with tlie lobby. Tbe object it to t,et lid of the (Ihalnnan of the Claim. Committee, who hae ?teadfastir opposed the allowance of hundreds of dead and doubtful claim?. He 1* known to bo perfectly Incorruptible, and he Is to determined in hi. redKtanc? to the mnltitude of ingeni? ous and ?windllug scheme? to itet money from tbe Treas? ury with whloh his Committee la beselireU, that tbe persona eonooru?kd id these Job. have a special ??tiuUo a*r?iu*t him, and Mpe to gratify their desir-a lor revenger aa well a. advance tueir Juter<??u by brinirlnR ?Ihhu hi? dlspiacemeut. 1 be Claim? O-inrilUtee never had a more ?tgllant and upright Chairuiau than ?iiov. Blair, and there are many etrun?;i. Administration mea In tbe Hium Who w oiild vote iinuiiiat accepting bt? resignation If he aboutit ?aSar It, and who have urged him to retain hi. pomuon, Mr. liawei- rsportetl from hie Committee to-day a bill for the relief oi Jlottoii, identical with the Chicago Be lie! bill of last aeattoo, uve In one particular? loniii?r not being rxcepted from the building material? that can be imported free of duty. The bill waa paaaed without opposition, and will uut|ue?tlouaiily be passed by tlie Bet ate before tbe holiday Roesti. In the course nf the dointe upon It, Mr. Lynch aaid that the real estate own err In tbe burned district had ?uttered little los?, the value of tbe land added to tbe luiuiance equaling in moHt (.at-ea tbe value of the biitldln?.? burned. He said that tlie lumber merchant, of Kangor alone had lost more by the ore than ail the real ettate owner, la Bos ton. ?he House wanted to adiourn over to Monday, bat Mr. Liuwe. secured a aesalon to-morrow to pa?, a bill suspending to much of tbo Revenue law of laat session a. requires the Commiaalouer to consolidate the ?ikstri? ta I.eJitie. tlie 1st of Jltliiliiiy. TUH pn?sllnllly of the pa? fta??o of a bill uholUlnng tbe ofilcc of ?a-?-' ??or renders tbe carrying out of this provision unneceaautry. HI Tl HN OS THE PHfcMIHKNT?NOMINATIONS RT THfc FBfcoIORNT?A NEMT TKMPKRANUK LAW. |Oh?KKAL rSKIS blSfAI'tU I The President aud party returned to Washingten tins morning. A lartre number cf visitor? called at the White Uoum during the dar, the majority of whom (a'-rlrt-.d to pay their respecta. Ihe President to-day ?sent to the Senate the following nomination?: Ward Hunt of Bew-Tork to be Auueiate Jkirilloe of the Supreme Court of the United Btatea, to ??j?a?4N*d Ju?tii?? NeUou, realgued; J. L.Orr of South Oar ouua to ba Kuvuy ktiraordluary and Mlultfer plenlim MttBary te Betati Akaalaga ttate? tl atiauoatianr of vnrlotis civil snd mint irv oftlvTs appointed iorttlg th?'reee--, ?if whl h the foll?n In.; BI. the in '-..I Impor? tant.' B, V. I'liillips to lie fnli.'ltoi (J., viro luis tow; <;. %Y< Fiiimui, Pitstinaat-r of rhllssM iii.i.i, vl?e Bliurham; Lorien U-wley, Bupervlsoi of Internal Rereiiue, fui Mea York : Urig.-Gon. Irwin Mt> Irom-u. to iw Miil'it <.i tu tal ; II. Koowlea, to b J of the siipnmi' ?uiiit of Montana iViniorv. Cuito?! M.itrr. it,-tint Att.ii neyi a. .1. Tt mph r, fur tlie West**?! I)..trial of Arkansiis ; N. Tanslcr, for lueWeatam In tli,tel Indiana ; Wit, 1'itr.ik, foi I he Cut.-rii DUtllitl of Mlssuitrl ; 11. II. Wclh?, lr.. for E i Iteru Vii.n.ii ; W.u. Pound, for Dakota Territory. U t? IBiul - " ?T. aTb. Bulton, for Western Arkanaas; l.\ lt. H fur South? -in Florida; I. II. Imrdi. k.tor Da_ot.iTin Hoi). Tueblll iutioduu'l in tli? S.-Il.llr by Mr. l'ou?t I day, tBI-BB*BBOB toa mnivimnt fortin' BBPPfBBIBS- of the Ihpior truffle In tin- Ultrit of Columbia Baal tea Triiteiii*, inaugurate I by tha National 'D BBSS rune t-trwuti. Ofwlmh tb- lion. Win. 1 Ii . I-- o? Nets Y.irl? IS l're-iihnf. and indorsed h. "th r t? inp'tame orgatt ?Xatlons In vjrl"ii?i part- of the country pro fide?, Ftr-t, that do (aarsoa shall aa ? lowed to tii.ii nfsertm?, Import, anil, eie-anaa. i.ut't, i-'iV', or ib ("i?? Ot any lotoileatl-g Il<I-Oi i" h ?i-, .1 as a berersrge in tin- Territories ol tue i litad nr in the Dlstrl f of Columbra, s tha i t ni.ii.iiiv lleanaad drustBlsti mav sell liquor tat bm m mal und -rii-niiii?' atarpoa a anal the m .-hnn.? arts oulj . p d vldcd taev labal and asai- Hi?- article containing i>e liquor dlstlnetl" BB athat poison? and medicines are marked, and keep a book of Bpglstrr ?botriiig lit" n.i me of tBe p? isoii to wh'iii de I i vi-rod, titf qaautlt)*, ' sale, and on whose ordei ot prcaci i mn lav ?ale w i?1 made, and nieli registry to be ?nbn itterf, as i-? ipitreil, to tin? ItiHpietb.n of the 11.mid of poll.-r-in I If ' r. or before unv ?'mirt In a Mai at law) ami, third, that nnv lleetn-til draggtata or ut-rr p rao?BYt_ tiling tin- I>r iVIelllll"? ot the i!t?t ?liall 1., r- 11 i -? t t. a ti.ti? nt not bBM ?Baa e-'-oo, sad t<' liuprisouui'-ut forth. months: sad, In d-fauli ol pu nu ni "f tin to?, to thrOe mouths' ii'iiiiiioi,,., m,)>i'iMiniiii-iit. aud be also ii ?' sil dam?tes ??-tulas; fro? the -.?i.- or other llle?-l die posltiun of Intoskaatin? ?kqaors sa a bereragy*. _*_?blll I- I.--K sttinc il lint partly th.- r.tli-rpan ?? l-,i. m.'? m f .r. i" rcl atlvi ti. Intozieatlaa Inptor? l-i tin 1. ii itoi i.?.?, Inn i? appiii'.il'le only |o tin-train? ?nliili ?li-in?._ 0EN1 HAL POUTIt AL HEWS THl la-iBAJ-A I I '.!M.\1l\'l. Tl?OIT.I.r.??A roM Miiii.i \imi- nn: i'i;i Mio.Ni?nn i.'." EBNMBB1 IH.II.I.M1SI.II Mil' ro'i.iiL. \V \-iiim.!"V, Dio. /i.?The Ctiiiniiittct-s ?ire in tin- i ii> troui i in? t\i o I. --i-, il un-i l.iituinu' I I in tlahsiBB. for tli?- parpaaa ot raafoaeatJaa to tie Itteaal tha O-aaral Oarareakaal thotr raapaatlvai ua. to ii- taTsaml Boa H smlttoa app by tiov. Lawta, ron-fin- uf Maaan. w. ii. Baalthi B. at I 1!. W, N'ii'i'i?, ta lay befot'i? the PlOSldeBI mil ?'"' .-ii.-- a nn taoriala I Haustoaaalattos,add a note to tin- ?'iaa i .. . ta Uy. apoa tha BBbfeel of bbIbObhK- with hi?. The Prasldaal replied that he pi' '.i tbey should iir-t oouft t with m Ait >rner< si, and lu cous? pieuci the? will to-motTow have a in.- Curamlttee titing the < ipltol i will ? ?'? a ?tat? no til of Un ir ?aso mi Saturday. Walk the Attoruev-C neral will gira full attcutlou to mstter prt -?nt.-.l nv these Cummlttses, h. ?rill not ren? der any opinion or take an* other m'.on tb roou, and the Hat o determln ilion "i tbe UoTerumem I? noi to m lerfero In the condition ol p??lltli .1 all Ira In Al ba?as 1 something should arise under tb?* Const) utioti ?I 111.' I Ui " 1 -t 'I-'? ?III. Il r-llall 1'Ul'I' li.'t-i --.ill III' 111 1.1 reuDon ol r rh ral authoi 111 , QOT. WAKM??Ili ?H loll-UW l'l l.l.l-ll :- III! 111 I I UN.-. J Ni u-Oiti r\\-t, Deo, IV?1To the QoMCfttOl'o .-,; ,;i,,i, f'm. i'\,'-n-i: .iiiioiitii'itiu' till" NOBM of th' ile.ti'in, 11 ro Hni'eti'b-d full I a. * tton r? tnrtu, ?'1 '-Alii, th? vote fon .nh U-pn-'-nCilivr rind ??emitor lin-veiy par Ishtathl - ii'. 1-?? Mill"! l'y 1I10 lt?-tiirntii_ Hoard .ml S.-i-r.-t.iry of State. It bavin- been a?- rti-d that from uj 100 la BM0J paoaoaa aaaa ?1. n.? ?1 ragMi ?non, tbo foi iiiwiii?; 1 "inp.ari-"ii B m-'b b. tW'U the Vote of thi . year au?l that of tin? y.-ai ' 1KJO. IS7-. Issbb-b llean \oie.... - . CO_U- . I> .1,..nn?.41.010 OOilOO . Tot^!' \j- ??<? BMBB Comparative >" ? ? trtra. ?Sl-i. C' ?addo_. ? 1 N it? hitoa.hrs. l.rnai !>???. BapMBO. :;.".>i 0400 s. Th< new p-iri.b ? of tli' R ?1 It. . ?-r ami Vernun wire In part, ?tone 10TB, '.-.i.? n frota Natchltoebea, wBleh will ,1 tor 1 be decrease In thai p . ? _. I 1- .-- rted lu Mr. K iloaV? lull ili.:l 1,0011 vuli 1- mr? r.-filM-.l n _i-l.a Mon lu Kip,ii."? Paran, uni BOO In ? .nido. As-HIBe -? > i, 1. : tin- ailiove table tbe?e p.iliahe- an BM < \i!|i ?lilla- 1S70. Mi.-souui tCAT-tOU 11KK i 1.1 rCTOtU? vorr. St. Loits, Dae. ?.?lin To-iiliiitiiil Klnior tiMi). a ballot St B Ht-t hour l.i?? ti i j_rl 11., with tin lotloBtBg I'-ult: Fer l'ii'?nient H. Grata BsVWtttt1 thosaaa *.. -, David li.i' Is, 1. Por Vlei it. litlen B Brown. 6; Qeorge W. Julian, S; John M. I'ahiirr. ? ?. 1. /'/ Ulis Of S WIGATIOJi 1 vki: ni-*.-i 1 it?. Dl mniT, Dea, o.? 'lhe '?rdmne lias .1 S|rcrial from Mar?pi. tt - m lii.t, r?-p.iit, t.H ntitru to that port of t?o -'. in,? r china with too turu (raasttoBaaltat, M um I BO OBI -is Jupitir aii'l BatBTB and tin- a bou M ' 1 H*. 0 lirown und c. C ?.ri-noid Baal lost aa Lake Bupersyr with probably all on boaril. Tin* a h 1 M 1 MltfdtoaOB VaalOOai but the 1 1? \v nui ?avid. Tin- .- ml' I. closed and many pt-fk Mor- nml 1 ??seta ni? beBBB iu. Tin; i-ii \mi:i: iu;ivroi_ London, Dae, ?.?Tha otraiiBahip Main, which arrive?] at Dbbi?bbunibi pi -t<at-nr, n-ixnt? hartaa spoken, Nov. so, tha ataaaaahly Qtj of pat talas, troto Nin-Vorlt, .'.11. .1. fat I.iv, rpi'ol. The ( ill" of lirl-tol ?raa iinu-to at tha tissa, without ettnt??sbm bpm a so sski'd if she roipured any ausist ask '?, au-uiri'l '? No." IHK STKAMEK OllKY BAOLI SINK ONTHKOII1C Cincinnati, Deo. ?.?Tin? iteaaMtt I.rey Kui;!?" of the Louisville and Ilend'T-nn Mail Line suuk at l.', o'clock this morning, at James I.,,mliiir-. whi re sh<- Bafa lies In 10 feet of water. M?o had a barge loaded with roril in tow, ?trink a itump loo vflrd? froni Iba iB-tato hb.m , lui-1 ink In 00 minute-. Tne Teasel will pi pro it a total losa Baa was viimd al 100*000, ami Lasarad for t4",'t00, niu-fl i" in Loulsvlll.- otllMB, ANtUHKK UAILKOAD HLAUCHiKK. Mirn.iN, Peiui., Dec. 8.?A terrible rnilroutl sceident ix-eurrtMl on th? P?>nn?i h .ml,? ('?-ntrul K.illrosd, about 60 miles west of Ilarrialmrg, tht? evening. Th?< second section of the Cluelnnstl erpross, I?.I east, ran Into tbe rear of the first aeetton aud tebseoped two Pullman cars. -Tve Ylctlm? have Ticen removed from the ruin?, the names of whom Hr." a? IbPbWBI Matthow Knowle? sud J. W. Ka? on, both of Chicago ; and W. W. Hants, wife. and child of ureen Lake, VlBaMBB-B. Fue person.-? w?-r? Injured, none seriously. Kicry pcieon on the second train esca(>ed uninjured. THE MOI?OC MA83ACKES. 8ab Fbancisco, De?. 5.?Eleven men have been killed by the Modoc Indians thus tor. Their names are William Bratherton, N. K. Bruthcrton, Kufus Bratherton, William Itaddi, William Baddy, Jr., Rlrhanl Baddy, ?. Erasmus, Robert Ah tan.1er, John ?S?iper Col Has, and lienry Miller. This list does aot iurlude tho?? killed In battle. Mr?, liratbortnn defended h.-i bous?' for three hours. The Imlim? fled, ami aim was tt - mi? th? next day by the soldiers. The troop? an? on tholr way to exterminate tbe eavag-en. A M1NI?TER BIWENDED FOR MARRYINO. Cincinnati, Dee. 6.?The Reformed Church National Hynod, to-duy, suspended from the minl?tr> and from the Church tbe Rev. Henry Knepper of Illinois, on tho -round that be msrrlsd lifter obtaining a dlvnree, whn h, though legal, waa nut procured on scriptural -rounds. TELE?JRAPHIC NOTM. _Nearly all of the newly-appoiiife.l peers in Proa-la teok tbeir teat! It tbe Upper Heaae ef tbe LaLi.f <eeter,l*i. ... lio- st?? kin.bit is ?it the Texas ami California Rrllmal oelai a aaeetiof il l'tila?lelpkia, jest?nia.?, bat tuthiBf ?f !? pt-taaea ?a* doa?, ....Edward Ktaiiforii. the station u-t-nt at Hnrri ?o? -ia?rr, Buataai, ?a* raa uiri ami lulaal ?/??ter-?; auiroiaf ?j tka 1'a/U.OUlk till?. ?The dedieiitory exercise.? of Hie new* City BaiMiafj at Lrwi.n.? Mr., I.?,? pitas ?r.teelK. '' If I oiliil.?;? ?r? adraarablr adaiitral to tb? tart'??!?, lar ?ibich tka; bare beca ei?? t?-. Tbeir Mil,u| M'.ijoii. ....It is report-Vi that, on Tuesday niglit, at Wi] nimituaa, tiruii OTBSSy, lr., ?lea. I.??l.? I'?..?ik, lh<?4 Ihrmiet, Ike tarial ai,J kill?- a d??p?raa- ?*>><- ii??.<(? sUmll. bat ??4 k?l?re b. a*_ (?? a -jiiu- ball la bit ??a tkigb. ? A jury WM obtained at Memphis, ye-feniay, in lb? ?it? of Or? J. VV. g BrntTBt. claira-lal ?ilk k'lliai Oati Tbei/lur. a__S*Si lait rtprtaf, for tie aaa(kt?<. T-a eaaa ?ih urvLat.l, aim-,) lb? at iLe week. ? ili-n. O. C. Maxwell shot himself in ltii leBBI at tbe fbilliua II???., ilk'.. r?-uer,l?r. ?riof laalaallr. He ?t. ??. at MM |?fl??l oBrrr? from UM?, dorint tb? *ar -u I ara? -.>*???? lie tinea. I.r ? Utr-r k? ?ti li.llltnl aim? elector II tt. Tkirii li?ttn.iBj ?At a meeting of the Western Iron Aaaocintion, b.'? la ritubarsfc, We-laaatkii. tb. \,t ?? ef irua ??? rrt-re.1 S) II i er I.a, in? tka pri?e ?i ?alb, ?h-k at bu? bae t*m ili.i.nof 1st?? Btarkel, ?as rotaeo? ?0 aeat_ ?m, %,t Tke tsoeal ileclkal is Ikr trir?? ef bm ateul .-?ami? f.r tke rW.cti*? XL?11? COM 11. i:SS?.,l> SE88105. ?BBfATI WlBBIMHIH Dec. .1, t?7?. rVir. I'iimiihiv (B?*p.i I?itn.i prr-wiitcd -?-iti ttoe.fron Hi? rlfli-tai of Res tot* feri inhibitory lli|ttor law applicable to Lta DH tuet of Columbia and t'fh-r i'i le*. v ?-i?. CiiNM.IM, (B p ,B. Y.i. SCOTT iltep.,Pcnn.). and 81 mm.i: (lai.. ?Sep., Bate.) ereeeate-al tttntlar pett tl.l'l-, Mr liCWIS (I! ii., Ya.) letltSeieB a bill to amend the baukrunt law Hr. WRIGHT (Rep., Tt.i ?titmdinid u bin to rztend Hi-'lime t, i- tin. c(.n-iriii Hin of the milioud from Mi (,K?;(-r lo tita west ci,,| of (? l.rn n 1 ouiity. Mr. IT.KHY (It- p., Mich.) lUtioduccit a lull for I he. cnti *truction "f .1 coin t lieuse and pust-nltice tt (?I old It .puls. Men Mr rmtU'iiY (Sep., lt?tro Im cd u bill to prohibit Un in.m II ,i .ine. 1111,1111.1111.1, -I sal?: of 111 toxli i ting I'i.? m tin Hi.stri, t of Columbia and the oi in i l'en im : -?. Mi. m nil tit p., I'i nu.) i.l'rri! a nsolutloii. which Wit? ii.ii e,| (,,, rei,uc itlug t.?' Seen l.n v of War to cuin mtrolcato to (bo rvni.te i l.-t of tbe officer* of the f urinv who bare been retire I utid'T tin- pin Vision? oi tue int id lawe, n:id it tMMMtai of ' be ucliinl i.,ni. in id lo them m ii? regular ?nay .mi m the volunteer army, end of tin? rank held hj them whan vvoiii-deil, ami ttio rank and pay on winch tliev have been retired; ?aed alta a liai ?if tltaa. who have apple ?1 to be d nu.h r the ..i l ol I, a b thi h rauh and ,uy. Mr. MORTON (Hep, Ind.) irtTbred a resolution r In.' I lie I'li'snlen' to ??? ,ie.-a '? to tue S-iiat?' ;??i> n. ft-i luatliiii in- ma., Iiav ? lu r ?' U*d !?? the eu-'cii. ? of tbe -I ? ? ' i le ni"? i the c? .. ?frica, and the i itloo, If nn. taken by the itr 11 bU rverum ntfortu Mtpprt ??lot. i?.-i ? | to. ?in r r au i iMMIIttl ?TOO ISSIBSM. Mi !?!' i. (H p.. Ark ) iniivi ?1 to MbM up the iCMililtlon : by linn on Monday rei|i|e?lln?r the I'i?? d-li' to coin mu?iente tin- mound* upon which United BMtM tin?.;?? ?ire t,i l-e ?en- i.> Vrliioi?a?, it they are to lie ?. nt. Mr. LMiMcvn? <i:?p , vi.i htajei rim baMMa*. would oof MSM the r-s-ludon now. It wa? Import mt In It* pur i?ise and vi iv e-ttriki-rdliiurv In It? farm, .md It oiii'ht to I" ref i red to rt committee ltd carefully considered l-e e.ufe it |uii) tint t ne BeneM tboukl take the us* p; ? -..'- nt- i -ti p o- i'i. s.ib ni to account fur the exercise nl r.l? fun? tlons M o-iu iiistidi r m -lii.-r -ii the ariiiv. Mr. Kit b denied tl -i Um r???olution w is infeiulcl le ' u|hiii tbe President in any way. Hi had twuov ? ??: . , tira, to get Infortnatl n on which to ?i m i -reeolatlon; and -ecund, to let the peopi-of i uu ler-i'Kinl Hint if fro-i|is vv-re eOt tt It?, tuoy ill -- ai> fitl lite I -i ,--??? of iiiaiiitaiuiiu tlie. i.iw. H f t nt! ring thi --I w uh the Bt, -no ,i??itrei| It lin Huit it troop? sliou Id be -nf. i'i| l-e lor |iilliis-. alone, bill It? Wl i-1 ?- I ii .m ? i -a 'li u .ii? p? ojole of Hin nd if. m i i.avion (Bep., Ari-.i ?ni,! tit ?re ?waa a large . a . .1 -line i . IU Aj i- IBI ? ?a ii '-1 nil! i lru-i|?s, Bod,therefore,Il waanol it all likely thai I wo-i.ii b ? ?Mupratad or tla*ratod U tfwopa -trate aaad -tarait IIUV. . MB? si mm it i:i.iii,-i - i i ..?( . MBIfflSI - :.>ICE. Mi. H'MM'U I,ib. li--p.. Ma?*.i -aid a* tint s n He Wat nl?.nit to r? oi. - ? -iiiuilti-ea In ina.-ti a*.? lu ob' dl e-ifi III till 1,,-, I III II.ill.- of 111? pill Hill.Ill III 'li- I . ..H- oiiaiiv vniiiiiiiii'-i?. il. niailc tee i wuh gn kl regret. Mr. l iMl.ltuS (K-?|... !'? i,a) ?rave n..t i? ? .v.nid c.iii up the ??ni IS i-Titiijti to tbo i alms 'i MOKHILL (H ' lied i?i? tke WO t ? proti le (??i tat ftirtterradoa ni and support of college, ter the lien? tit of agrienlto ? and tbo mechanic art -, a tel t he ?nd practical edtti atronof the Industrial cLksaes, A - . He rettd a loll;.' ..?ldr -? in rapport of tin? I'll , I.i wlii'Ti he arL'iu-d thai ROWnce and Hie art? Otukl to talto pr-? ?? Iiiiei-..f tin--la--ie, in tb. -'<l-l"ii;i'.|i 'i \iu vou li. .o?-I thai tin liberal eiidovvjuent of the? col t? um1?! i?- one or the ii!"-t powerfel neta, ol i.?Hog' and virtueamoi [all the people?and derei ? ? ptng tbe reasnir ??? m the whole ce m try. I 'si'-it Ol hi - add'?-??, tin- tutti thm of the 1,1 n.I fur ? week, 81 then, on ii?.ii..n of Mr. BOM! ttDB (Bap., Vt.?. the B mi- ad louriicd. ' l:i?FBI Sa-OTATTTES. Pill* w. r? iiitr.'iliic. ?I -triil rcietri'il nt fol? low s !.. M- v -ii i | i.i: ,|- p., N. Y.) -At rennes?,f.i liicnr I'ot-i' a i-i',iii_- a-social!,m, with a capital of 4" ""?'. ni,. He -t>i. ..? ??Uu- (. -vcri.or ?alia M.iuagcrs of i.. I . . pier of Ibi rjultt?! ?in: ? -if ktnei li a. ' It.? Mr. I?. MY':l:- (ll-'p.. I'.-'tti.) Civltiiith?: w? low of ?ii-ii. Me.aie a pi ii-nui ei Ij.inw a rear. liv Mi. 11AKI.1- iliiiii.. V.?.I -in ain.-lid tke Tal'ff Mt U |? Ulli tallll-'l* .'ai pl liter- In -ell i. al I I iji 00 witiioui o frictions,and to m ?tiry Hi law,in,; a la i mi o t ..i >li ulur. m leaf I ?li koco, in Mr. TAPFE (Rep.. Ben.) I?- ??it .vrialii public I.ii.-if. in ib? l* pablkoau V ii--v- BaUroad < uupaaj ? kill l'Oit MO? ION. Mr. DAWaH (Hep., ,Mi?i.). fnun fn- CBMMlttM on Waj , and ?Ie i.i .. lepiu :. d a bill for the relief uf tuti ?r CTr by lire in Huston, allivvin.' a ?Iravvb i?k on all rials Impi'tled into tin-port and d's:r:et ot I!.mon and Cbaraeatewa laka I ? ?i and a? tu.niy u*.d lattoeoa? nl ,. mil. ctiiiii of building, erected on tbe ',I1L- lie,; | I'M d m tile lilt Ol till '.'ill an-1 mth if Nov. m!,, t lit; -'uh drawback to be also allow t -1 tin ii.|.or-e,l k??Mlt In wa:. teatN on Hm -lav tliuf the act .? Into .H.i-i; tlie ?cito l-e in (-iteration fo? one v- ir. efl.V ? v|".utiiil ?tad ad vue.ited tlie lull, hi a till?; I hat ii -,. b tin? in,.- bul for din,uro. ; ? . In it it did not, it- that bill did, ex-'-pt liituli r Mi i'i i: Us(K.|i., Me.) remarked Iba althougb tbe ; ie reiiri seated would suffer bv the adml. lontf i 'a or ilntv, aid itiiboiii'ii tbe Cite ef Bet In-di ?lu.i.luei, tlirouifh iu ?iisiiriini.? com pa ni.-?, i la proportion than B??ttea il.?i, he would nut inako any opposlt "m in tbe bnl. Mi. i ' '?t'.i i; iKi-p , hfleh.) ?al i laat.foliewtagttve Ie ?d af tke iri'ii.i'-uiaii from Maim- <i*.-r. i?). ha woeld net antavgoulai tbo bill in tbe Interest ol toe lamtei pi - during B ai? r- moi, he ilu-iu'h:, a Ith tke ??im?' nropi letj mu li ii I i- i. i. 'I . i.i I-, such .i- ai i pli- lu -it ni rf.ftarht ?4-lt ?, lu,.-1:1 be .?lilliltl.-it Ircc ol dnl | III Miehl.'ail. M 11 vu i- i niicd thai in?- iv. o cas, ?* w? r? -vert* dif? ferent in pl IllCipIl . 'I IM dill 1? IU e li) 111 tile lUIrtlurlUlM) which iusiiUiii -vita lull. i e flltmatiTrn aaa farther eonfinm-d by Me*?!?*. LYNCH i!..(i.. Me ?. M t Y .N Alii) ilt. p.. Ton i, K\1:n? -WOKT? ii. Lu-, I...?, n ?d BIBLACK (Hem., lud.), lind III? bill Was Un II oie?. .1 lluallllimlMy. Mr. SAlti.l.M ile-i... t a i. latrod.I a bill tu ntnend BV -lui 'u... l?. v.inic Lea*, by providing for ?tarn p. for IhliT?, b nl Mi ci.Ali Ht..p., Va.) introduced it bill to nmetid th.)' Baakrnptcj a... in. , i iMBB ras navt. Tlie If-'tiic then, at I o'e'i-ek, r.-suiued the coni?lilera ti.ui ot tin- bill poo uh Ig for lu iloops of wur. Mr. I'O'I 1'Lk (li.ui., V. Y.? ?"onNn.Ied that It wa? not pr.i? tl< ii'H. -tor ?m ail \. kMbef from 600 to CtO tun* to carry lo K'Ui? ff Lugo i.ilibcr. Ho thcreioro assumed rhat the ilH.criptlMii ??t ? c?-u|? a?, riven by th?? Chairman of tea Naval < .??onmia?. (BeoSeid) area trot correct, bat thai tin ?i it"iueiii of Mi lull ?U-?p., Va.) thai ?liey w-i re to bu from 1,.VXI tofJMM tuns burilen was neater the nun k, Ml. ( ? 'X ?I ??-in., N. Yl aiirii' -I thatthe gentlemen from Maine ?Mr Urn. I.?ml fli-lu l'eiili?> IV .llllu I Mr. Bcotb'lli) hid Mntt-attd tiial the plan eeoh opno?ed for building kSstptwaa vicious; one dlstriuted prirate cuntrnets as lull,, tin ?duel the it.. \ vi aril? at und wa-icful. Both plan? bad, which sliuli w.? choo-tfl I Bott gentle men hiivi not laid -tic- ciiiuiirlt on the nn?< lib fs that r?i|,iire refm m. As this bill wa* not iraiin don a general plan, as it aaa an immstiire makeshift; andas Mae? tiling ought to lie done, he favored reducing the number of sloops to ?lx, and t-. ?? vpei iiucuf with a less ?urn until more uifuruinluiii aud a l-co-i plan is given. Mr k l.uil (lien... Ind.? ??iiu.-au-d the postponement of lite bill ou Ma ?.round that tb-' RoeM wa? t,.,t In po?. session of sueh information a? would enable It to act In tolligrnfl) ou.the sublet t. Thed-bat-- wa? furtiier i.oiitjiiiied by Mr. CO(iHI.?.N (Rep., Cay again?! tin amendiru-iif. lo have halt the v--s m-l? bii'ii in pi.vale ?Jiip yard?, aud by Mr. K-VMiAIJ, (lleui., renn.) m ?upl?ort of it. Tb. pi? . mu - qu?'?u?.-ii wa? then seeouBed, after which Mr. m (?ClI.I.I? (lb p., Petn.) win? repolle?! the bill, was notified m .m hour to eio-ic um -aaaete? Ho yielded a portion ->f tin time to several in- iub?t?, Mr. Al.fill.It (Innii., Ml.), a luemlier of the Naval Couiuuttei , a?lv in .i'?--i t he l-uis as ? matter ot necessity, Hi- Navy of the United r?tate? being now in a rotan and notion- eomlitloii. He admitted thut tb re was nothing Ilk ie m d fnun tin: gr^at Powers,, but tbe poople whom It wasdesin ?I lo Imprest with the **rtaattaa of tills country were the ?emi civillicd uatioii-tof the world. It wasfnr iimt oiije-1 mure tnau any otuer that these vesoel? were n-qaW'-iI. Tue di?? ussloii wa* further contiuued by Mesar?. L. ?NYKI'St'lcp., Penn.). LYNCH (K.p., Ms), ami HALL lib p., Me ), lb-' lat?? i defending the Navy liepaii iiu-iu from Hi?- a?i??r?iuu- MM upuu it. lilt. tfUK a?B*r WAV .Til III 11.1? T1IH VESSKUI. Mr. Si'< '"?XH, ctniirniau uf the Naval (jo-aiunttee, r!on.?dt!i' ?t!?cti??nin. He advocated the bill ami op|>os?Hl tbe ami iitl<ii!i?it ra?t<Oriug li?lf tbe vessel? to Ite built In private ?hlji-yards. He stat?'il that eight of those ve? m:l? i ?iitbi be put t? iiiurmtry in cunt,. ol construction in the Navy Ya?d?, four of wotsl and fonr of Iron? all of ??tea i-unid l-s i-?uitMi|e|ed in the Nat i "i ard- ???"tier than Is? | could I.? in pkivafi- y?r?lr. Tin Navy Yarda bad BtiW ate? lawtaaaMtaaaMry, a ?a! the officer?, Ihe foremen, tbe iuim'I rtit. iHlmit?, tnd a portion M 'hi lalsir.-rs, who were be,itg naid ail the time, so that in pointed fat* ihe ?MMldlagef tkne v?tatela at the Nnw-Yard? would ta??' Bat money.ol kin* Tre.taury ttuwi if tbey were built. It. B? i .?,<? v ?id?. Mr. StMilaBY (Hep., ivnti.) remarks?! that. If one of these ve?-?t|a wa? te be imilt al the Ieagtiii Ulaml Navy Yard.'lhe youngs??*- iia-mnTr or the H<>u?e would never **<? It completad, Ik ??ti-e no njipioprulioiis had ever been iiiadr it. ?Mieplv the Yard with muchliM-ry. Mi st? (ktlKl,,- Ate-i with ?ueh advocate* as my cor leagu?, tuet ?iiilt he mil bit. children will Is? buried before I? a-mi I ?-I..I N.iv ?? Yfitd will lie- completed, Il h.? com?-? r?*M ?ml sot? Ihat'a Saw Yard is altsolutcly necraaarv.uiid.-oiiH*? in Hie neit year and aaya "It let very good thing tw have, but you must go to a privat. )ard If yiMi w.iui to ha*?* a ?hlk? built " |l?aiigh|er.| Mi. i. tkl tl.l H , I ???,... ?<-.?) Here?! BB ?in*ii4iuent, I"..? uiii.e tiial lui eoiilracl or order for the euii.trucHot of Uteae rtfith ?bail be uiade kiutii full S*)?B?jatl est?** mare? tire, submitted to Contres?, nnd appropriations In.i'le therefor. . _.__,.,_ Mr. BARGENT (Rep., Oil.) opposed Mr. OirBeld s ami'iidiiiriat . k rtostuonlug the nutter lor ,itiotii<-i i< tr, und aiiiioi ?ted th- i-taHUge of the hill as reported Mr. (!_?>'., Ohio) favored th?.n'll ol I.?Mil? r_IIVIII, lees twill ill i'lH'?. " 0 ' ?I, mi the anthiiiify m the s cratarj <>t Ibe Tren ui !. tint there bad not beea durrag Ibis Aomlolstratloii a tlnrle ci??- wbare a naral rae?el had i" en i.t -II effective In eufori ing the neotralltv lawa, bm that In every sn?_ in?iiiiii" r' had to be hud t" vess, ?? "? "ie I rutter ? ii.?.-; .uni be fearoo the House was about to couiiuir the. mi take of aUtburiSiDg I lion of t?MI l.ll TTIK mil PA-BJ I' Th,? Baaao UM peoeoai 'i 10 ralo on Ho bin and smenduients. Mr. BAUM imendttir-nt. rer;uirin- half th?' number la he built in pin.ito hliip-yurlrt. Wi.i ?t^i.e?' ;.>?Y?\te, 77; f?.i ( ?, 5.1. An ?iiuuiidment oBeredby Mr. BANKS, to modify the pruvl loo in i.-.i?llo gi.m ?Mi ;i>? to uia?o it r? aJ, " not ex?'i'din_ in .nn ," was sgreetl to. Ml. OARJ'S itnti: laallil?-!' t. triililill' pllliS BOll nal li?a t i>a to ."? i? poiti-u to fjoagrc ?-, an appropi In linn mudo beforo the wurk is eouiuiencol, was also aaraad to, Mr. coX'S iiun-mliucnt, rcdiii in,- the numb? r of ras? sele to be roastructed froai 10 to c, w * Balsa B?ia0- tsi . ' i,M; N.i l ?. C7. iin o, 11 _-. '. iiu? ituindni whs then paaaao. A tno.iou to adjourn to _Ioiiiu> ?an iu:t?le and SB> f,'..i,al. Xli?; Ho,use tin n, :it :?::n p. in., Ba])0BI B i. judge oubtis'r trial. MAt?INK Co CUT C<lNTItOVKh>H> - I Ml"' iltTANT TliliMONY OF JLT'Gi: BafBJ AM) OIII1.?-. AUUBTi Dec. Bw?Ia the of Jtiti^'o Cnr ti? befon- i ii' -i this moruinx AI.-xaiider ?paldin_ t'-stlfli-ai : Jud?e Shea was tietln- us Chlef-Justir??. on one aaas -im, ami Curtis ?aid to BBS the ttattS lor ?t.ititi MB poiitlon Im I arrived; In- coiittuued : " This Irish - -, in rendering dcei-lons sayi ' I.' instead of ' wc;' " ami thi-n In? nail BO wool I make war ou ?itu ; I told Cur tit in-had better ki'ip quiet; that no good could arise ?iom ?my rpurrrlliiK union.,- the Jo l.-i??, and that so far u? tin- opliiious ot Jitdi."', Shea ui.ii: cuiieciucd hu VaB hilu a. If n-?pom?lli!i'for ihitn, ex ept when wo Joined Mlth Llm ; w>: hud another caso up tin; next ?lay, iiml It \i.;a o.'?nn ii proper to h Ijoara tin- court m aoalat la amid an unseemly ???'??tli' Indure tbo bar on tlio putt of Judge Curtis. i | r liK'd by Mr. Smith?I told J nl_e Slu-a what I uppn'hi-udC'l, in I Insir-ted upon an uillmi nnii-.:t of the court; tlil?i Was my own private upprcbeiiMioii, ?ml was told to r-li.'U, not In ?hu hem in;; ui Cm in; on tlio forniT ori'a.-i'ii, ?baa Judge Cm tt* told counsel he iv.intcd the whole mutt? r vctitihiu-d; I u?k.:d Jinlgu cjh'U to adjourn tlio courr, but bo dl.i not comply. Jud^'e htn ,? t-ifill.d: Ju Igo CuitM told me hi-took a personal inter. Nt In tlio case of Cody BgalBOt filllHlliaa und wanted to uso it us a vehieio to e.piso Judge Joachinisoii, one of our assoclaOOB? a? beiug i-oiitiii'tcd with one of tbo partie? la the suit; ii.W party was a sun of tbo Judge; during tin? ttiul the cuin-el eh.irui terized tlio cuso as sinellin.? uf corruption ; I told tbo couus 1 ho bad better go ou aud preseut hi? case, and leave tho ur-umeiit la to BO mud'- In BI altar. Judtro Curtis, limn i-of.-rrlng to Judge Jouchiuihi'ti, a.Id, "I nil! put m> kuiii-i,.to ills pork," nii.anlu-', I ?uppn-ie, his luteic-M. The aaaaaal II, eoastaotly rci'.i-ctin? upoo tin1 i natai U rot Judge Joaihiiuseii; 1 checked li.ui; and tliially Ju-lifo Cartia eut.nine.1: " Cu un. Sir, go ot,; I uin beta u-t Ju'lgo ii. ti..? aaaa,*1 Jn loa BpaUiag laaaad over ami req me lo u'ljoiirn tho court, as the cou'lm-t of J.uljio l.utti.s iiia'y ml- irOUB I hit, 1 di-.-'iUa d, iioplti- tuat Judge Onrtti woaid baeaaao quiet, la tha casa afDat* mar against ?Stelii't.trt, J idge Iieimar did not pirtn ijiut?', 'i in- was in 'h?- i onrt-rootii; finally he cam?1 upon Iba h neb, aad I retired; ho said som -tbln_ to Judge spaldiug which I ?lit not hear; suosi'iiueutlv my u--,o ctatea uilj?urii<-d tho cour*, as they f?-It that tustaco could not bo doecntly administered ou ao?-"Uiu uf tue i'otiduet of Juilffr Curtis. Cross-?-i.tmineit by Mr. Smith?Tho onmn of tnis trial was the publication of a eat- purp iriing to como from jn las Cur'i-', ehargbiB hi prop <t torn ta a in ths ?-artas Court, and aa my part as Cliu-f-Ju-iiloc, especially; ou Iba appr-aranec of till-* nut I BBBt a r.i|ti?st lu Mtltiu to tin- A.??oelatiou lafTt-Bf that i> idy to ludtitu'e an invi'xti-'afl n of the affairs of the Marino Court; In BOJ sat-aa] hat tha aaSoaniits-a of judtro 8;>a!dlng and other BBSBBbera of tho Court; I am not nn enemy t<) Jude" CB-ttt | I deitii luni a v.Ty hllllBlllfWl person; I w.ii aal acting from any ill-will to Judge Curtis, and n-'ii" n.?\i ; I _?*___ of th?< C]uthet he ??ppllod to i?io onlr two or thrci? weeks BBJO ; Ju?t?e Curtt-. upproache?? me to enlist my favor In behalf of a man nuim-d Clark, who liu.l a ?nit In the court in the laifcr pnrt of 1870. Q. And ever since then, up to the time these charges were m ule :iL':iUi?t th" ? ourr hv J'ld.-e Curfl?, yon nevi r Nuld one trOttl ol till, on lui purl to ?oiiiipt ion i,, .u.v "ne t A Oh. yes; l_ad, 1 spoke, of it to O? lando M. BU w.irt o-ul others. Q. When I A. 1 don't know. i?. Win re I A. I Uoii't know. Q. D.dyoueur ?peak o? H to your asoOL'iaU) Justices t A. Yem. Q. When and where ! A. Why, ? often spoke of Judgo Curtls's BCtloo ami eomtaei t?> tbetn. i? 1 ?id j ou -pet k to J j ige Spaioiug of this Clark caso 1 A.l- ippase I did. (? And yet th?'y and all of you continued to act with JinlKii Curtis I A. \. t, Tbawltaasa was .nked a few ether Question?, and his examination, which Bad li<?'ti very rigid, l?<'.l. Ephraim A. Jaeoba teetifl d to ?Ttidge Curus'? Interferiug wben .lud-'; .?ina checked tbe ?counsel who ret?, -eu-d un Judge Joacblmsen'? character? aud Jobu lt. Fiauulgau teatrdod to tbe iat_e facta. Afp i a recess, .?-dg. Jo-tehimsenof the Marine Court Wu? ?worn, and related the lni.Hh'iit iu court already tc?tifled to tu- Judge? Biialdlng tnd Bbea. Cri.?-?'xutiiliied hv Mr. Sinltti?(J. You and yonr Asso? ciate JtnlgcH apiieured le-?ore the Committee of the Har AaaoclBta-fi in tue Investigation of Uiu charges agaiuat Judge Curtis 1 sTO-a Judge tirois ais.) of the Marine Court testified to the Botfoa of Judge Curtis lu the cue? of lfeum again?) Clark; wituee? had this caso biiu. aud ? um e.ituc to him and ?aid ho wanted hitu to do what nan rair, as be was interested In it; witness said aftor be had decided it Curtl?. sail to him, "Wuat have yuu uoiiel y.tu hikvo decided that cuto iuy filen.I; by tii it ueci-mui I am out of pocket about tticj, us I nave got to pay that num." Cr?i?s-eiaiuined by Mr. Smith?I went with the other Judge? tjeii.n- tin> liar AMsoeniiion Committee voluu taiily ; it was souie time niter JuJgu Curtis sp ike to uie .m.nit the Hni'iii and ?'tarit case tuat I In?..line convinced that lie uicanl noueihiug wrong, aud tliat he waut-d to bave me de? ule tho ease In favor of bis friend. Charles O. Ku?i testified that ne was counsel for plain tir. iu the ouso of beam uift. Claik, and detailed all i he prooeedlugx of the case, by which it app?.<ar.d, after tbe oaau bad been tried aud Judgmout rendered lu favor of the plaintiff. Curtis grubbed a now, ml ordered the Saun-lobe U'lid before him, sud da-uied to the piauitilT tbe trial of ?aid cam? oy Jury. Klijub T. <.'iark, defeud.tut in the csae of Beam against Clara, te-dfleil that be ?old to Judge Curtis two arts of furs ; Curt?? told him to send tue bul to his office, which ho did; tue tlrst set of furs was pah! for ; tho other set was never paid lor. Cru?? "xauiltied by Mr. Smith? When I mi ? sued by Bourn 1 weut t?i Judge Curtis aud a-ked h;? advice lu the matter, and he told me to cubage souimel ; after that Judge Curtis oraered another aoi uf fura tor his ?iaU-r, tua drst aei bulug furnia mother, from that time, >?-pt. 1871. till lOTi, 1 uovur knew tuat the bill aao not paid ; I tolu tbo bookM???-per tbe bill ought to have be?-!! sent with tue ?roods ; tbe whole transaction was similar iu every re?,-ret to all other?; tbe bill was lliiaiiy ti-auaivrred to the account of " profit and loss ;" Judge Curtis never made auy promise ui me pvr-ouaiiy or through any ouo else liiut tils ?ml should be U?, i i.?l Ut my favor, uor tuat ha would havo to draw his check tor the Judg?-? there never was a word betweea Judge Curtis aad iny v if, uor between him aud any uno for iu?, couoi-rutug tb?: u-w trial ; It ?-, proponeu oy tue otmusel ; our nu?l BjB-a at that time was about 0l.O0o.iXK) a year ; It Was wholesale, ami at the time such suu-U bills, if unsetthd, ??re charged to profit aud loss ; I settled the suit be? cause It bad been taken to Brooklyn, aud would baie Ukeu too much ot my time to atteud to it ; the tuet of lu belog takeu out of the Marine Court, away trutn Judge Curt?a, bad nothing to do with my settling it, to Mi. BoueUict?ibete never was an uuderslaiidliig bet-ceu my counsel aud myseii that this suit alio-id be tried b?"fore Judge Curiln. TV Mr. oiuey?1 did appear before the Har Asaodatlon ; Judge, Curus tbeu was i.itormc-t tuat this bill uad never Besa pato, and ?aid liul he would pay it Jual aa ituou as Uns case was duposed uf ; but hu could uut pay it at tune, hi it Woulai uut look well. The eou_a.?j thou aujourued tali lu a. m. to-morrow. CKIMK* A.vti CABUALTIEb-BT TaU?QBAPBT. _(i:iivnV?_ UowtVrB stable in Alhany st., llostou, ?II kaSBo- ,??.?ru*r, ?ail IJ bul??a i???!?.?- it, u.? S-u.? ....A OUtiyeuiie dispatch says that Kenutier, a half be??0 M'.ai, a__<i. lui of -m ,.r, ?u .saaieu??-, totwaee-ai, bi ciuat Jmrtice rHiaer, u? ?. b?o|ra Jas. _ _A ilaiing thief atole about ?15,000 worth of pro Ml, M Sui.? a llutri. la Ctiic??o, V\?l. r?da, a.fDi. fnio? Lue UuaS ?l S, AiatwB, t ?-*_ Uayurlei ?lb?. 1 lluul ?l., Sea lura. _The Bcboouei I1*"L. HiKlgee of lag Harbor, frraat aatBduel ?or Ka I Blfar, la aabere can -iocs lilaaal. Hu c_r|u i? partir ?Tickariaa. A *?>aW-rt k?i 14?? aa?-. u> ft b?* at. _The body of Mrs. C'oby, a_e 18, has ij?>4sn found ?a to? Marib ?a-ar ?JUaeiii?., iiu, SSe a laa/Su??- 10 Sa.? ban Jru??''l ''T Me IBC?ui.B? U-a -SU? ?tleatpiiPC W u_l V? tliaf latan-. _Keuiiuuta of two more lumuii bodies hare tuHn f._a_?l 11 Ue rula? ef V\ aitei'i err?.? f-ewrr, ?kick no? luiued ia um |re?i Bo.??- tr?. Tkl? otat?. au bo-i?. rccsT.reai froea Um aoaw MBBb ... At _ lueetiog of the Ht4*rkholderB of the Nora fteotla ir.r?r?|h i'?,?.*??, at tiaiilai. r?a,?r>U;, U? |>r?)rua?l ut the ??Uli l'alita I .id^-b) t? imirb-K t-cir ua?s ?aa " ifiltttttili tt THB B.BKNOH C..IS.S. its i'i'i>im fftkli m RI oi.f'.iv A HlJol.'IIY (?1 III! ' ?\IMili .1 cl l.Hol?Ol* ?BOBBBTB ot in?. ?;<>vi:kn H BT, ViiHSAti.ijr.s, Thursday, Hec I, llTX Tlip. A-s? in! l.v tliis ?ift.iTiooii ??I?'cUm1 the tn<-mb<-rs of ?in- ( hMMMMMt of Thirty whl-h wa? pr? P?.??. I In Mlni-f'-r I>iifa;iri . 1m- CawtkaaMMt a? form-d by the Assembly consist* of l'< d m the Bight, rcpreecntliig Kd von?, and 1) deputies from the Le ft. rcprcs? iitiug BB tttl *. Wh if course tin (,.?? rtiiiw-'il Will take und?'i tin circiim? une- i? at tins lune un known. m.i.iVMNi; or rot ?Tti-i*?Till ?BBMANT??M?TUB Pltl'MM M I-. .It I V'Ui ni ' "NI fHKNi'K? m. " i: \? BO ?'nu.i \Mi.iri(i\.' In the I'nruh V?tion;il A-?i'iil'l>. <?i ?Mai lsfli of Nun tub-r, wh. ii the lilglit it? ? i- ! to Mt vail on M, TTii? r? M d.-aiow the M"itinn til ? of M. Cam lutta, the President. In the rouree of ! i ?r????? ti. ?aid : I kaew Im I ? v -eiliui? would be any \-,i mblv and the man whom it ha? honored bylntrut -.i-n deuce for two te n- pasl I isisrfctlyd in ?i to - ? \ g whirl m ?proviihjc a roptnreof that union win. Ii I believed, ami still beiievi ry: bntwheil In ?och a ItaU of affair? I . .? brought hire Bud i.'.,iid ? It wen, at tbi ear, I ?ill ant to H. 'i/, i applauae from rt?- i, ft.) The word, wi.icii It i* sought f" make me r? ?eat, ?howevei muitfi tiny may bo In accordance a th at reavleMiea, I will not s ,v tin in If you with It. I a of theeoontry. ["Oh!"] I do not n fi 1 (I- loan ! It. | ?ppTOVai 00 Ike L ft ; atei ruar* . Right. I lor my own uar , I -hull nivva.?? bt r- a?J pear before lb?; COUIitr.? , liolb III in} ' tad a? head tl tin do-, eminent, for the lb' rt 'h. I have been ?o. I, thercrore. have no liar..' fie i .?dgnn-iii of the couutrv, neither ?to I fear yoora. Btii ,,' -, ah ma'?? ?ni?.-ibsi 11 if ? :,. v. 1, ? a v. ? ?'t:l a;., ? ? .?-??. When you wisii that a (? ivi-iiitiicnt -'aould be at ron g a I ?in apparently dealre u now, it mnal b and it oiiirin tot tob, "I or piilty, to n.ak a profeaslon of falih. Wh never may be the form, win lb? r fii? idlt ?ir ? wi-e, hy w nil ii lam brought to tul* i again?no, I will not I will not reply bi ftlitil?li in :i'i do not < for let a. apeak t ? bon Bet ? ? ?. and ? I: - 01 TM" ll'li' !?' ? ii ?' I? another - i he It v. mat within ??? ' r opportunity o inrii* to roan j mind., *.v n b it i? ? ?? I und' ist nid, ?mil winch I rno.l ?av I lahMba di-i nuril In a - ilmer and more temp? i which ha. dutinguUbed the pi*eaeut? ? ritt to .? myself for tu tt ?lis. tlesion. I I. id wiatted to di-cus? nu- Bordeaux Pact Be I -ii -sot M he allowed to defer It. If i* aoi i with Hut great pro at. Bal a question ot confl i? i no tinn?. ["( lb !" ft "in i ' ??' Bight, and apptai?- ftroui lbs L -ft J I.? f II. H"l ilL.'.i.e Hie ( : mir, II . AI! of us hen* know ?lia' i- 1? ?s?? ?geatre, and what We think. -Let tta be sincere. Y'ui - in \ . (Ap pi m-'' fr ?in the I.. ft.J I have now borne for two Allow me to speak i i iu,,iri.-Ii.-, for I have a right to do. , andtb? countrj would n?rt onderataed if, titee wh it i ii ?v.- done, you did tot allow ta ?ospeak of luv -telf for u monte III. I It av. f ? ??1 tWO "ram under til!? crashing weight. There .o?: hooorable i"?uth-meii who wUI understand and believe -Toe. I reaaoin under that harden ?olely from d i from tin. I>t , and ?lltrht uinriiiiii? frein Hie la. I h the ,.. ?ho-' vvii i do ti" I have lived nmb-r tfii* cnMhing r>- -ponaiblllty f'?r two reara, aad I Save peraoaded aiyaeli thai i I apart frota an Impradent raaceptlbll coiiti'ry m n more ' I am doubted, ind I have a right ti ufeore iiiii-ni?e. Y?iu hare -given ote tl .nun. [Applauae from the I. ft.J I uewed appl wu - ] When v no -call I ir tin-nl i ?m iboutd be ?I? i i '?- -I \ r???i-. -i tu u?. You ci ? -? i i . inciit; to. m m L?? unitivo l,uv?:iumi i?l. t k ?. latOM H ;u Ute lioft-l If y-iii bfive n definitive ami not a Pro, O???? meut, produce it. U you know tl ntere tMtoleM a. u that ein.Id ktVI ' ? tl in '" I' 'V?j do:..: m.'-l-r <i isting eir-iiin-iai ' e- you can ten tu what it ore \,,i, would hare ?tone i" -reaptyri to the (.reten.?- nan.tuet and all tie event? whleb n.?v.- liapp. oed durln :tim -.??? I ... ;.- i/ i- : u? I j leid, voll nglv, oui ? on b b i'i ?f my eo'i'i'i v. I wo'ild cive pi.,?*.- willingly t,, tBttl who tritght be able to act -atore ?Iiididiy and adopt more ettn-niii mwmmart * timo we ha\>* Baat for lorn benefll "f thi- ? ? wklefa might i? prop? rl< i illedd I Frui'-e would rolong ?i ap ? u the Lcit.l In a - ? the aaBwWeeaBaSuii M. I added : Allow me fo fell you I I. - ?1 | | i . -v bar.' been mon - f pu die order i and II a tin to you,who b ivi- inn Hie - one r- a*. M H aa I have, tou would te i. 1 i.m not angry, but I am hut , and I ? to feel s.-. i after what I tare done during the ?--. even is, l venfur?- le - ij , at net a In rnitltude. ii now refe?'?.; the Farlitiu? ui i- ?, ?ii?. ? M. Oamhetta I? not the real olgeti of tfil? leferai I tlon, which Is aimed at u*. (Tu-? -MarejtKUl di \ "No ; it i? only deeired to know tba? ta M tel one at your frloiui?.") If three Bm bate no mis) ( ? No." Hum the Right.] Will, if Hiere i?e un diet .-?. t,? pleat com -.- will he to renew the expre*vi ?n of i our toa telen. ? mus I do uoi solicit II, for I Ii. ve no e<-iiiU? ambition. I did not go to n--rik*aux i? .-.i? i. jttwer. Li hnuvvbo? in rl-?- here ami s?y that I ?.?ught foe power. (Applause from the left.] 1 did not ?*? ' .-it tire burden w ti.eti I tart lau u?', and which I was ti?? MM. desirous t?i accept as titcio were laVUiCOl i. ?? BttMB of petal 'o tie signed. After that m? lancholy duty h.-nl been perforaM 1 fhere was an insurrection?the Boat loruial ild. evei UkOtTB to ?upprcs*. Noooe wa* ambition? itnu, atiu no one tea tar tkat I aollelted the powerwklehl t ,.?i *o cur cine. Shall I tell yon what'? un Pailiani nt iry I It la to seek to retain power a..* ?in-d tin- vv ill ?.i : l,c . ouuti v. De roa know what la Parliamentary I it i- la? obtam continued proofs of the coiiflite'iec of the oounrry, ami we are Justi.ieil m a-'<iug r?n tin m whi a wa ha? -? to con? tend with adveisa,ii?-s w imm I do not ?1 ?ii- to di ?? r.b. ? men wiioso aBaotlot I do n?*r repud?ete, tltheeg i I have nut had much evidence i)f II to-daj m tbi? tribune flan rliterj?but I have a right toftay ttiai 1 ?liouid uok be tailed upon to stand li?i ?? It -u? h a i- itltion. d ES EU AI FOBS I < - .v \ /: w.. QMEkT Hl'ir.lN. TUK STKAMI .: DaiUaUnaJI miii. Ml-MM,-TnF, TKOI KIT ?? IN Till. 1.0\l>.i\ OM WOBsaaV <, i? r \i i i.?i??\ IN MOSMoi ?THBHIBB. ?LBBataMs, Thuriday, I?? c. 5,1I7?. The ariuoiiiuviuoiit of the ai rival of the Mediterranean-tenmer Haluiuthm at Livei|H>ol, y-jater day, unfortunately proves tiu'me. Nothing has been heard of the steamer ?luco the original report ot herios?. The ?trike ot the stokers of the gas com panic. <*?n tinues, but the worst Is over. The inhabitants have sup? plied themaolve. with oil lamp? aud tamil.?*, aud are now able to meet the Incouvenienco occasinocd by the limited supply ot gas. ?Several of the theater, were lighted with oil last night, and the performance? wen? conducted as usual. The Strand last night was lighted With burulug ?Hue. The ga? work? of the town of Newport, V.inmonfb ahlre, exploded last night, w Ith terrible .tret. Several pet sou? were instantly killed, and a lars-c number in? jured, aome of them fatally. The .teamshlp Manhattan, which sailed from Liver? pool, ye.terday, for New-York, took X-i s riant? for whom situations have beau ee< ur.ii m Hu: Ittans Wint? ern States. Tbevae ptviple go out under the .?u .pices of tbe International Kmigration BM?Hf*. liana ehn-iiiiu Andersen, the well-kuowii Danish poet and not elm, i? seriously ill. He is now in bis?,lit yeur. ITALY. INT'NDATION OK mi I'd?n?'II(>(?I s KlU tN'HMSIt AMI Akli Itil'kNS Cl.ONtD B? IHK ?jiOVMH.N ?BaaaTB. Boat, Thursday. IsBk 5, ?Mat* The waters oi the River Po have airain overflowed the euiLatikiuent. and inundated the adja? cent oouiiiry. At last advtoea the flood was spreading. Sir Bartle Frere ha? arrived In tin? rlty. on la? way to Aden to Juin tho British expedition for tbe suppression of tbe ?lavetrade on tbe African Coast. He was rc-ived to-day by the King, who gave him a gold medal bearing the Royal etBgy, and aas??<d him to pre .-cut it to Dr. lit - lngttone a. a pledge of hi? esteem. to the Chamber of De put le??, to-day, the Uoviwnatent was asked to explain why four aehools for Kugtlah aad American chiltfren lu Hotue have Ijeeu rtv-ciitly tlijeed by the autboritiea Se?or Isinsa r?*-piled thai ?be ?,?ho?>i? were opened without the authorltatltin of the mauick. pallty, and sanitary regitation? had' nol i??'u sompiad wlthlutbeoi. ? A violent storm ?wept over Naples, la?t night, detug much damage to shipping In the harbor. A UTAH TBAUBOY. SALr l.AhK Cur, Dim?. 0.?Aa .?.?! Welah resident ot !he Territory named UrtAthe w?-nt, Itr-dwy, to the dwelling of his wife, who had ?-?iparaN-sj fr.**u him becuuse of brutal treatment, and aasauitoit her. A negro near by mtertereU, whsueupon ?iri-tltih? drew a ravolvar and, miasiug the negro at Ihe Bra tire, puramd his wife to the ?treeei and .hot her ta le?, intUeiuig mor? tal wounds*. He then .hot himself through tbe head and died in a tea ui.uut.s. Tbe ?aus? ultra Uiau?. affair, mi ftu* BB kiawa ?a. balvair.